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A27637 The principles of Protestant truth and peace in four treatises : viz. the true state of liberty of conscience, in freedom from penal laws and church-censures, the obligations to national true religion, the nature of scandal, paricularly as it relates to indifferent things, a Catholick catechism, shewing the true grounds upon which the Catholick religion is ascertained / by Tho. Beverley ... Beverley, Thomas. 1683 (1683) Wing B2188A; ESTC R12543 325,863 502

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Corruption They walk in the Light of their own Sparks and have only this at Gods hand to lie down in sorrow Besides that God in just displeasure sends down upon them the Revenges of an abused and injur'd Power and Godhead Now all this expresses the Heighth both of the Deception and Mischief of Scandal 4. The fourth great Principle of Truth is the absolute and indispensible Necessity of Holiness both in Heart and Life without which no Man shall see the Lord Against which Heb. 12. 24. there lies no such Scandal or cause of Offence as inward and inherent Lust and inordinate Appetite which is obstinately set to obtain its Satisfaction and is no way to be tam'd but by bein● cut off though it be the Right Hand or Right Foot or even the Right Eye The Love of God Mark 9. 43. and his Law is the best Security against this Scandal and daily Mortification and Crucifixion of the Old Man with Ephes 4. 22. its sinful Lusts and Affections Pretences from Reason or Doctrines of Religion there can be none in this Case to those who acknowledge either Christianity or Morality But Men are carried down the violent Stream of ungovern'd Passion and that falls into the wide Sea of general Corruption and Bad Example which looks most like an Authority There are the Palliations and Excuses of Sin which may serve in a time of Peace and Carnal Security but cannot so delude Conscience as to be in a strict sense Scandal The continual Practice of Sin hardens the Heart sears benumbs and stupifies all inward Sense and cancels the Awe of those ingraven Laws and revealed Commands of God for a time but cannot either deny their Just Power or challenge them of Unreasonableness So that if any where Men are forc'd to take Refuge at the Atheistick denial of Religion it self or to blind Conscience with Superstitious Acts which seem to commute and make satisfaction for Sin Or if Men are resolved to blind their Eyes and obstruct all Sense they may make the Profession of True Religion a Cover to Sin as they that cry Lord Lord and Mat. 7. 22. the Temple of the Lord are we that name the Name of Jer. 7. 4. 2 Tim. 2. 19. Christ with great ostentation and so may deceive their own Souls but to hold out against either the Challenges of Divine Truth or of their own Reflexions is impossible So that upon the whole matter Predominant Lust from within and Bad Example from the so abounding Iniquity of all sorts of Men the Falls of Good Men the Miscarriages of Hypocrites and insincere Professours of Religion are the greatest Scandals or Stumbling-blocks in the Ways of Holiness to those that are not insnared in the afore-named Scandals But although the necessity of Holiness is above the reach of strict and proper Scandal yet it is the very Center of all Scandal in the effect of it for then a Man is indeed scandalised when the Salt of Divine Truth when the Spirit of Truth can have no power nor efficacy upon him because of that Scandal to season the Heart nor govern the Life and Action in the Love Fear and Obedience of God and Jesus Christ But if it be possible for any Man to understand in his Heart and Life what he does not promise by Profession or if he seem to deny any Principle of Truth and does not understand in his Heart and Life the Extent and Force of his Denial but hath better Principles that are an Antidote and Counter-poyson to any Mistakes in the Doctrine of Religion he is not scandalised with the great Mischief of Scandal But that Man is scandalised that through False Principles or the denial of True ones wants their Power and Vertue upon his Affections and Actions For no Truth is for Notions sake but to make truly good the Heart and Practice the very Confession with the Mouth is to recoil back into the Soul and make that better and to move forward and ingage the Life along with it 5. It is a grand Pillar of the Truth of Religion That we love our Neighbour as our selves and that he that loves 1 John 4. 21. God should love his Brother also And there is not there cannot be any Law of Religion wherein the Equity the Love Favour and Compassion of the Lord our God and of Jesus Christ our Saviour towards Humane Nature does more evidently recommend it self It is the Justification of the Religion of the Scriptures to be the True Religion And as the Love of God to Man his Philanthropy does shine out more illustriously in the Gospel so does the Law and Doctrine of this Love of Christians to one another and not only to Christians but to all Men And in this as of greatest concernment th● Gospel is so abundant and its Discourses of so great weight that it is made another Hemisphere of Religion to the Love of God The one is the first and Mat. ●1 38 39. great Commandment and the second is like to it It is the Law and the Prophets it is the whole Law It is irreconcilable Rom. 13. 8 9. to the Love of God not to love our Brother It is 1 Joh. 3. 15. such a Degree of Murther that whoever is guilty of cannot have Eternal Life abiding in him It is the great Mark 1 Joh. 3. 14. We have passed from Death to Life because we love the Brethren So many are the Arguments and so strong the Obligations to this Duty that they cannot be recounted all may be summed up in that God is Love and he that dwelleth in Love is born of God dwelleth in God and God in him Now that this Love is fix'd in an Uniformity of Opinions or points of outward order in the Worship of God is most unreasonable to believe for besides the impossibility to reconcile all the innocent Varieties that are in Humane Nature though it be Christian humane Nature in their Sentiments and Elections in these things the things themselves are not of that amount as to be the proper rest of this Divine Love or that if it misses these Poles it should therefore cease to be the Axis upon which the Catholick Society of Christians and Christian unity turns for that in the very Nature of the thing must be substantial Christianity it self And this is indeed the Great Schism to be divided in Affection from Christians it is a wonder how it could be otherwise understood seeing smaller differences are frequently by the Apostle considered and allowed for without the least allowance for Christians not loving one another Christianity carries no Gall even towards utmost Strangers upon the account of its being the true Religion much less towards those that are truly Christians though not each uniform with one another in all things The great Scandals against this Love are private Men think it justifiable not to love those that have injured them but this Case hath been considered
are Infamous Malefactors Male-contents under the most wise and sage Government or Wits ill employed that Lampoon it 6. Let us continually look to Jesus who in himself subdued the whole power of Scandal keeping steady and uniform Obedience to the Divine Will and did always the things that were pleasing to it though Scandals of all sorts pressed in on every side Who being in the Form of Phil. 2. 6. God thought it not robbery to be equal with God yet made himself of no Reputation but took on him the Form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of Men and being found in fashion as a Man he humbled himself and became obedient to death even to the death of the Cross Hereby even by the Dignity of his Person and the Profound Humility of his Obedience he hath not only done that Honour given that Glory to the Divine Soveraignty and Righteousness the Glory of that Supreme Authority as hath made Recompence for all the Scandals of Angels and Men so far as that Soveraignty or Righteousness are absolutely concerned whether any should believe in him or not but hath also made Attonement perfect Attonement and Reconciliation for all that do believe in and obey him into a share of which I make no doubt the Holy Angelical Nature immediately entred according to their state even from the time he was declared the Lamb slain from the foundation of the World Through his Obedience and Meditaion ador'd and applyed to they have persever'd free from Scandal by which so great a part fell upon account of which when the First begotten came into the Heb. 1. 6. World all the Angels of God Worshipped him The virtue from himself as the Exemplar as the First-born among many Brethren Rom. 8. 29. to whose Image they are Predestinated to be conformed does by degrees extirpate all the very remains of Scandal in his Church and he presents it without blame spot wrinkle blemish or any such thing even by real and efficacious operation before the Eyes of Glory His Example alwaies stands before them as the most absolute and sublime Pattern to which they daily are exercised in fashioning themselves Thus our Lord does every way dissolve the Works of the Devil and deliver them who by reason of Scandal were all their lives time subject to bondage by destroying Scandal and him that hath the great Power of it the Devil 7. This should make Heaven desirable to us where no Scandal dwells nor any more since the Angels of Scandal were cast out of it can so much as once enter where there is perfect light without any variation or shaddow of turning The Holy ones there are vext with Scandal's Wiles no more with the Wiles of the God or Ministers of Scandal or those that by his Stratagems are made any way serviceable to it 8. It makes Hell more dreadful the seat and Center the Fund of Scandal where all the good Principles men have had or seem'd to have while they were in the World or the Church the best state of this World and their Temporary good Actions are all swallowed up and by the great power of Scandal turned all into it self wherein all the temporary partial Righteous men of this World whose being Scandalis'd as to the main the true love of God and his Children turned their best things now into a sort of Splendida peccata better complexioned sins have then all that they seemed to have taken from them And by reason of that great Stumbling Block the Eternal loss of God They turn from all their Righteousness and all that they have done is not remembred to them any more for ever They sink into that unpardonable Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit whch is an irreconcilable Enmity to what is known to be of God undeniably of him and that Enmity expressed in the proper language of Scandal Blasphemy and is never forgiven whether committed in this World or that which is to come Now what is there more dreadful to the mind that hath any thing remaining of an Ingenuous sense towards God that hath but so much Love and Reverence towards him though too faint for true saving Grace as will answer a profession of God and the Lord Jesus but will be horribly afraid at the supposition of such a hatred of God such a Blasphemy of him and so of Hell on this account that every sin boils up there into this Height of Scandal 9. We are dreadfully warned from being the Ministers of Scandal either through Design or through great Falls and Miscarriages in our Religious Course this we ought to take care of in Relation to the World in general but especially towards the Little ones that believe in Christ stronger Christians are most out of our danger who grieve or have a just Zeal against our Scandals but in the mean time themselves grow stronger and stronger as Trees that cast their Roots the deeper for being assailed with the Winds But the Little ones are in the Eye of Christ of the tenderest concern because they need it most While we are in the way of our Duty if any receive Scandal and are resolved to do so they create it to themselves we must let them alone but in all things wherein we can save a Soul from Scandal let us consider the Recompence we save a Soul from Death and hide a multitude of Sins a glorious Reward without any more And herein let us always remember we have an Eminent Seat of Doctrine not to Scandalise for the sake of Indifferent Things a Doctrine prepared on purpose for all Ages of the Church of Christ concerning Indifferents one of the Eminent Seats of Doctrine of the New Testament and more particularly in relation to Scandal and therefore by no means to be lightly regarded To Conclude all that we may neither give nor receive Scandal three things are most necessary to which I shall subjoin great Counsels of Scripture in each Case 1. That we have our Judgments well settled within our selves in all the substantials and necessary points of true Religion upon a Divine and not an Humane assurance only that in that part we may neither Offend nor receive Offence for which Solomon's Advice is our great Security Bow down Prov. 22. 7. thine Ear to the Words of the Wise and apply thy Heart to my Knowledge For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee they shall withal be fitted in thy Lips That thy Trust may be in the Lord I have made known to thee this day even to thee Have I not Written to thee excellent things in Counsels and Knowledge That I might make the know the certainty of the words of Truth that thou mightest answer the words of Truth to them that send unto thee Or those Admonitions of the Apostle Paul That we henceforth be no more as Children tossed to and fro and carried about with every Wind of Doctrine by the sleights of Men and cunning
and condescension to those that think disseringly from him I come therefore now to the main of the Discourse and to make good that the Nature Constitution and Rules of Christian Religion are most exactly prepared to ingenerate promote and establish love peace and quietness among men even Vniversal and Oecumenical peace but especially among Christians and that by the most compendious Authority viz. the word that is nigh to us in Scripture and true and undoubted reason without going up into Heaven or down into the deep or sending beyond the Sea or turning over voluminous Writings of Ancients Church-History Tradition which perplex things with endless intricacies for before any one can with due rational satisfaction receive them he must for himself search them and when he hath done compare and be able by sagacity to find out the true Genius of the Writer and distinguish what is sincere from things spurious and counterfeit But suppose a man well satisfied herein yet still how various are interpretations and what contrary senses do the same periods yeild to several Readers and when all is agreed that can be agreed it is incertain except things are brought to a higher test wherein the peccancy and lubricity the oversight and weakness of humane nature have had place or what hath been conducted by the Word and Spirit of God by true Wisdom according to the pure and chast Laws of Christianity So that though all knowledg and learning reading and acquaintance with the records of elder times be most valuable and to be desir'd in its due place yet as to the ascertaining our minds in what concerns us not only to everlasting Happiness but to present Peace God hath provided better for us and within a nearer compass wherein our search cannot be too curious or industrious but within lesser room for such a kind of acurate se●rch as is due to the Scripture which in short gives us the conclusion of all matters necessary to life and godliness in present would be more than the most of mankind have either leisure patience or skill for if extended upon the monuments of antiquity so variously insisted upon for the finding out what men very often have a mind to find out in them rather than fairly to take what is offered by them But the things I shall present as Christian foundations of universal Peace and Benignity and most especially among the Disciples of Christianity are such as are plainly found in the Word of God and attested by sound reason 1. The first Foundation of universal Peace and Love and Benificence in Religion given us by Christianity is The Vniversal Consent Vnity and even Vniformity in Natural Religion throughout the souls of men if they would shew themselves men and act as men every where presum'd upon and appeal'd to in the Gospel Under this Head I will endeavour these Three things 1. To take a brief view of Natural Religion observing the intimate union of Christian Religion with it as Scripture brings it to light at its full lustre and presents it at its full Dimensions 2. To shew the great agreeableness of Christian Religion with Natural and the testimony Christianity receives from it in what it reveals above and beyond natural Religion and the Reasons we have for our acceptance of it thereupon 3. To observe the grounds of Universal Peace and quietness in the world upon its consent in Natural Religion offer'd to us by Scripture and Reason For that there are such grounds herein I shall shew Christianity supposes and that it strongly intimates they are the measure and standard of such a Peace and quietness to mankind in general Before I enter upon these I must premise 1. That Natural Religion in many things doth not at first and immediately appear to us but upon strong and sedate motions thinking reasoning meditating as we recover natural science by study and labour in many points of knowledg which yet being found are most plain and evident 2. There may be strong prejudice against some Principles of Natural Religion and yet no more argument against the truth of them than that in former times there was a general confident disbelief of the Antipodes was a disproof of them in which cases yet Truth will by degrees prevail to victory 3. It is certain the true and lively characters of this Religion are so defac'd and blotted by the fall that they cannot be perfectly recovered but by Revelation Many Truths clear enough in themselves concerning God his Worship the intercourse of the souls of men with him and in relation to their eternal condition yea and in plainer things than these viz. concerning true Righteousness Mercy Humility Soberness Patience are not seen but in their darker rudiments till they are revealed by God but when they are so revealed they so notably fall in and unite with the remains of Natural Religion preserved in us that they assure the same original writing of all both what we find more immediately in our hearts by their own light and what we receive from the Word of God Yet so that Natural Religion is no where found in that brightness as in the Word of God though revelation being supernatural is an orb above natural yet so large that it comprehends this lower and less The notice● of Natural Religion by mans apostacy retir'd as plants into the earth in Winter Divine Revelation as the Sun returning at the Spring encourages them so that they sprout up afresh and grow being cherished by its warmer beams and so that we know these newer notices are of the primitive implantation by their being drawn out in a continuation from the elder roots Yea those things that in the state of innocency had no place viz. Faith in the pardoning-Mercy of God and repentance for there being no sin there was no need of these by way of supposition of mans sin and so great a goodness of God any way discovered to man flow as freely from the same fountain of Natural Religion as any other duties of it as is after to be shown 4. Notwithstanding all these former premisals that seem to abate from it I affirm Natural Religion is a Basis for the common peace and quietness of Mankind upon which they might easily so concenter as to preserve the world from blood and cruelty on religious accounts if they would as I have said shew themselves men I come therefore to take briefly the intended view of Natural Religion and to observe the intimate union of Christian Religion with it I. And first the acknowledgment of a supreme Being the Lord and Giver of all with all the Reverence Love Obedience Service due to him as the great Author Benefactor Lord and Judg of the whole world is the first most fundamental Principle of Natural Religion and so plain and evident that whoever denies it may without any brand of cruelty be dealt with as a Traytor to the Vniverse 1. For first he hath unhindg'd the order subordination
in strict combination one with nother this Peace is the close rest of the parts by which every one adheres with greatest kindness to each other and desire of self-preservation in the preservation of the whole and so all the parts seek the commodious situation each of other and abhor the disturbance the disease of any And because this Peace cannot procure or conserve it self seeing it is not a dull sluggish Rest but in the midst of Motion and Action Love is as I may call it the Divine Archeus that Divine Spirit of Nature the great Instrument of the Holy Spirit the supreme Author of this Love and Peace And Love runs every way pries into all the causes of Division and removes them sees into all the ways of conciliating and effectually pursues them This is that Love that edifies the body it takes off all the asperities and roughness of the parts those particular sharp angularities of Opinion reduces them to a square to a Figure fitted one to another and then cements and ties them one to another till they grow into a spiritual Temple What incomparable Virtues to this purpose does the Apostle at large and with greatest speciality express in that Divine Treatise of Love 1 Cor. 13. All knowledg without 1 Cor. 8. 1. this is nothing of what sort soever it be That only puffs up and swells men as if they themselves were All as if they could themselves be an Intire Temple a Spiritual Building alone the understanding all Mysteries it makes a man look to himself like the whole Body of Christ or at least as if he were to determine the posture and figure of the whole and all the other parts to obey and be contented with the room he leaves We know this is the general temper of Opinion the product of Knowledg without Love Knowledg therefore alone cannot build Airy Knowledg is big boisterous angry if it be not admir'd if it be not venerated so as to take up what space it pleases to order as it pleases Even the following of the Truth the earnest search after and Eph. 4. 15. pursuit of what is True a much more excellent thing than meer Knowledg yet if this be not in love there cannot be a growing up into the Head in all things even Christ Love then is that which takes care of all the members of all the lively stones how they may all most comply with and advance each other and rest in their peaceable conformity one with another and sweetest application one to another even while they are in a most intense Christian motion like the Heavenly bodies so harmonious so at peace in all their activity that there is in this true sense The sweet musick of the spheres so it should be so it is in true Christianity in all its motions govern'd by love how various soever in other respects yet they are all melodious because they are all in peace how different in lesser things soever Now this Love and Peace are spiritual and intellectual and they therefore are fix'd upon a complication of spiritual intellectual Centers if I may so express them all the Right True Lines from which and returns to which are in Love and Peace And these are those several points of union the Apostle hath laid together Ephes 4. 4 5 6. There is one Body and one Spirit even as ye are called in one hope of your calling one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of All who is above All and through All and in you All. 1. One Body Even the whole Society of Christians dispersed throughout all the world and united so as to make up this one Body and that by virtue of the second point of union that follows 2. One Spirit One Divine Spirit Author of the same Spirit of Holiness and Grace within Christians informing every Christian and making them All of the same Christianity as the soul in men makes them All of the same Rationality This is the one Spirit into which All are made to drink and so are this one body for without this they would be indeed but as so many single stones or scattered parts else too their union were no other than dull and stupid but now all the parts feel throughout in this Center of one Spirit 3. One Hope of our Calling The same Heaven and Eternal Happiness Mansions of this same House of our Father is the one hope of Christians unto which the Gospel alike calls them They then who are to meet together in the same Eternal Blessedness and to be one general Assembly and Church of the first born for ever with what unconcernedness in little trifles should they aspire to that Glory together with unexpressible indearedness of Love and Peace 4. One Lord even Jesus Christ instead of the Lords many is the One Lord to Christians by whom are all things Rom. 11. 18. and they by him they therefore who subsist and are borne upon the Root as branches of the one Vine must not boast 1 Cor. 8. 6. against the Branches for they bear not the Root but the Root them the worshipping of one True Supreme Lord how 1 Cor. 8. 6. much a stronger tye of Union than a precarious visible but visible Apostate head If one Earthly Prince be such a band of Union how much more one King of kings and Lord of lords they are to be forgiven every thing conceded every thing who sincerely worship this one Lord every thing that can possibly consist with their sincere acknowledgment of him 5. One Faith the Principles of Revealed Religion which they believe even the substantial Principles as I nam'd them in the last Head are one and the same and therefore a solid band of Agreement and it is the same Living and like Precious Saving Act of their Souls wherewith 2 Pet. 1. 1. they believe these alike Precious Principles Faith that worketh by Love Love to God and Love to all Christians Gal. 5. 6. Love is the very natural Breath of that life of Faith 6. One Baptism One open Profession and Confession of Faith Christians make to Salvation with one Mind and one Mouth from under one end of Heaven to the other generally seal'd with the same Sacramental Rites Baptism comprehending all the instituted Rites of Christianity a voice of Confession as the voice of Thunder so high as to still and quiet all the small murmurs and jars of Division Rites so solemn and great as to make void and vain all other Ceremonies as notes of Distinction 7. One God and Father of All who is above All through 1 Cor. 8. 6. All in you All To us Christians there is one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him This grand Uniting Principle of Natural Religion is more nearly condescended to us in Christianity and the Bounties of the Creator in and through the Redeemer flow with an Infinite Redundancy in and through and over All
greater Communities and that Patriarchate and Primogeniture lost it self in the numerousness of Mankind Reason advis'd to the orderly separating and dedicating some persons to the continual attendance upon Sacred Offices 3. That they might be the more Authoritative herein as persons of greatest sanctity wisdom attainments in knowledg were most recommended to such a choice so Education separation to Reading Meditation Study for attainment of knowledg must be the means under the eye of Natural Religion for enabling persons for the discharge of such Functions For there are but three ways whereby persons can be supposed authorized to presidency in Divine Things 1. By Parental Authority the same with Patriarchal 2. By Eminency of Parts and Gifts join'd with dedication of themselves and orderly approbation to publick office 3. By special and immediate appointment of God either by a standing Law as in the Levitical Priesthood or by Inspiration as in the Prophets The first two are of Natural Sanction the last of Supernatural Ordination And so far as appears by Sacred Records no one of them excludes from Discourses and Instructions of even a publick character those that have eminent gifts and inablements though not by immediate inspiration as Elihu having an excellent spirit equal'd himself with men of days and years as he himself speaks Job 32. 7 8. But Jeroboams making Priests of the meanest of the people 1 King 12. 3● ● was a transgression against the very Laws of Nature And it seems to me an error of too much a like enormity against innate reason to bring down Divine Offices to such prepar'd prescription as the most uneducated undevoted undedicated persons to knowledg study meditation might perform so that they have nothing to trust to but as it is call'd the indelible character of Ordination which will hardly bear them out in the Court of natural Conscience and therefore cannot easily attone them to the rules of Revealed Religion which never contradicts or so much as dispenses with natural On the other side to clog the higher dignified persons in this Ministry with so much of rule and business as hinders the performance of these Divine Offices with the utmost effects of that study and meditation before spoken of runs into the same ill consequence and exchanges a Religious service into a secular Grandeur Else no one hath reason to envy that they who are Princes in Righteousness Truth and Peace and Priests indeed of the most High God Gen. 14. 18. mediating continually betwixt God and men in Doctrine Prayer Blessing and Praises should be placed among the Princes of the people And so I have run through those things that more immediately concern the first and greatest commandment but like unto Mat. 22. 37 38. these are Righteousness Justice Mercy Truth Sobriety Temperance Charity Humility Modesty Patience general love peaceableness containing our selves within our own bounds order submission to Government with perfect subjection in all things that do not contradict obedience to God together with all those things that speak virtue goodness loveliness good report honour esteem in human conversation Phil. 4. 8. which so far as they can come under the observation of man and can be regulated by laws so far as they can come into palpable instances are worthy of rewards and encouragements and the contrary of punishments This is natural Religion and it stands upon this unmovable foundation Nothing is more truly Religion or reverence of the Divine Majesty than those things which do most perfect humane nature into a conformity with God And therefore the first and chiefest in the order or scale of Religious excellencies are the things that are most really good the more substantial rational solidly good any thing is the more it pleases God and must be approved of Rom. 14. 18. men if they shew themselves men Thus all the massy acts of Love to God and men Godliness Righteousness Soberness excel all the Honour pretended to be done to God by prayer praises discourses of him o● whatever of that sort seems most worthy to be preferred which without the other become a flattery of God only Next discourses of his word and will in order to learn obedience are of higher account than prayer for He that Prov. 28. 9. turns away his ear from hearing the law his prayer shall be an abomination yet Prayer and Praises are much more acceptable than sacrifices There may be now a solemn appeal made to all the world whether Christian Religion is defective in one single point of this true Natural Religion at the highest and fullest dimensions of it possible to be conceived here is the height and depth the breadth and length of Natural Knowledg concerning God concerning good and evil concerning rewards and punishments according to the most sober sedate judgment of Mankind the universal consent of the world the most ready accusations and defences all men make in points of good and evil in their treaties and debates one with another according to the discourses of the most Wise Learned and Virtuous of the Philosophers the best of Lawgivers If then there be the most Wise the most Good the most Virtuous that ever was in nature found in Christian Religion abating nothing but positive Laws topical Religion Rites and Customs what a foundation of peace quietness and happy state might a consent but in this Natural Religion as it is fairly extant in the Christian Religion be and what a conviction of the Christian verity would such an acceptance of Natural Undeniable Religion from it be when just as in the day of Pentecost those Acts 2. 8. several sorts of people heard the wonderful Works of God each in their own language so in Christianity every one finds what ever they can think excepting their own particular Rites most generally truly and valuably good and that upon deepest considerations strictest examination and even uncontroversable certainty And how benign and compassionate might mankind be to it self if summoning together these truly excellent notions and framing its Religious Laws according to them they exacted a severe conformity in all that is thus vertuous and good and allowed a benign freedom of offering and receiving the best accounts that can be given of further revelations from God forbearing injury violence and blood and then also it would soon appear what an indisputable title that only excellent Religion of our Saviour hath to be the truly Catholick Religion of the whole world and so far to set it at peace Now though there is little reason to expect this will come to pass till a spirit be poured out from on high and these rivers of truth break out in the wilderness till the great Prophecies of Scripture looking to a better state of the world come to be fulfilled Yet still according to the rule of right Reason it should be so nor doth it diminish the reasonableness or silence the offers of the Reasons that they are not likely
before God from the guilt and destruction of those that may be yet heinously guilty before God as Jonah's Mariners did from the Blood of that Prophet consigned over to the Sea by his own Sentence Oh Lord lay not this mans blood to our charge who have Jon. 1. 14 done all it pleased thee to command us When Soveraigns and Nations have considered the Wisdom Rationality and Heavenliness of Proposals in Religion and setled upon what they find of the highest Character as the Religion of their Nation by Law to be established to which they allow the encouragement of their publick Honours and Maintanance and taken care for the propagation of it by Instructions Arguments Reasons and good Examples they have done all that God expects from them to do and so have delivered their own souls That which was of their free judgment and arbitrement as proper to them as to families and persons to dispose of their own they have placed as they thought upon due consideration most to the glory of God and the good of the people but to deprive men of their native rights or to punish them in their Persons or Estates who are not Offenders against Natural Religion for the sentiments of their minds of which they have only a humane judgment is not a Power wherewith they think themselves invested of God and so forbear it This is indeed the Religion of a Nation of Men a Nation of Christians a Vertuous an Honourable Government and more hopeful to propagate true Christianity than that which writes its Laws in Blood And this is to Rule over men and not over Beasts bound up as men should be with the cords of a man in Natural Religion in what is beyond that as revealed from God with Bands of Love to serve the Publick Blessed are the people who are in such a case blessed is that people whose God is thus the Lord Jehovah Object 2. What Peace can there be in the world amongst private and particular persons while there are several opinions in Religion how many Disputes and Calumnies and Invectives are continually flying up and down by reason of differences in Religion and how much better are all compelled into Vnion Answer All these evils are but so many Arguments of depraved Nature which creates its own occasions out of every thing and if the mischiefs of Compulsion or the ill state even of those parts of th● world where the voice of Religion is all one la●●●●ge were cast up I doubt they would be found to ballance the worst that can be charged on differences in Religion But yet Natural Religion and most evidently Christian Religion is most severe and positive against all Strife Envy Railings evil Surmisings and bends men upon Peace Love Me●kness Quietness Charity towards all men and especially Christians as is after to be sh●wn and therefore undoubtedly those evil effects where they grow to excess may be restrained by Civil Magistracy as in any other case and the rather that True Religion so much disowning them they are more inexcusable in that cause than any other for though we find Scripture severe in its language in great cases as St. Paul against the Bigots of the Law yet we must also consider the Infallible Spirit that guided Sacred Writers who alone knows how to direct those sharp arrows and what effect they shall take Object 3. This clips off the Royalty and Prerogative of Princes if they have not the command of mens Sentiments or at least of their outward Actions and Practises in Religion Ans The unjust Enlargements of Earthly Power into the Divine Sanctuary hath been always fatal to Princes Vzziah's rude entrances into it were punished by God with infamous Leprosy Herods Letting that sacrilegious acclamation It is 1 Chron. 28. 18 19. Act. 12. 22 23 the voice of a God not of a man sink into him was presently reveng'd with a dreadful hand of Judgment Humane Power is safest keeping it self within the verge of Divine Institution beyond that though it may seem greater yet it becomes only like a swelling wall the bigger it is the more ready to fall or a tottering Fence expatiating to ruine Their Honour is great in being nursing-Fathers if God had intended Civil Magistracy to govern in any Religion but Natural they should have had as certain Rules to act by as they have in Natural Religion Besides what is the good of being great Masters in Religion except in that wherein God hath shewed every man what is good seeing the greater Judgment waits for such Thus the Apostle James James 3. 1. My brethren be not many masters imposers or prescribers in Religion that is do not affect it knowing we shall receive a greater Judgment Object 4. But it is impossible to govern with any security if Governours hold not the Reins of mens Consciences if they have not the Rule of that Helm that turns about so great Bodies of people which way soever they that have that Pylotry please with what vigor and courage are men animated while the Principles and Rewards of Religion are in their hearts and eyes If therefore the Prince rules not in these his Command is but Cypher Answer 1. Religion is too great and noble a thing to be but an Expedient of Government 2. The History of Christianity assures us no Princes have had more obedient Subjects a more valiant Souldiery than Heathen Princes of Christians True Religion knows its obligation to Government and pursues the Laws of it though that Government hath stood distinct from that True Religion And this is the standing-Rule of Christians Object 5. But what Tumults Factions Seditions have been rais'd under Religious pretences when Subjects have not yielded themselves to the Empire of Princes in Religion Answ These evils as they are falsely pretended by men of turbulency to be for the service of Religion so they are unjustly charg'd upon it There can be therefore no severity too great upon those that so abuse so excellent a thing But the s●m● care that secures against ambition sedition rebellion in one shape will do it in another without taking away lawful liberties Nor is there any remedy so specifick against the great Hypocrisie of covering Rebellion with Religion Faction with Faith as the severest Regiment of men according to the indisputable Laws of Natural Religion and allowance of the greatest Tolleration in what no way contradicts that For then is the artifice strongest when it is planted in the oppression of mens consciences so great an illegality against Natural Principles Take away severe Impositions and what have such Politicians to work upon Object 6. But what a Hydra a many-headed Monster of Opinions will Religion become by such a Toleration Answ 1. Severe Natural Religion enforc'd and strictly pursued will so rebate mens corruptions besides the hopes and expectations of Divine Bl●ssing accompanying so vertuous a Government that there will be a much greater retrenchment of Opinions than can be
Rome and the Reformed Churches Although I have a just value for all those renowned labours of the great lights God hath raised up in the Protestancy a very rational and Christian entertainment of the Writer and Reader Yet I must profess the unshaken Assurance I center upon in all those Controversies is a short Conclusion of the matter That Romish Religion not only is not but cannot be true it is impossible it should be of God if Scripture and our Faculties are true if Natural Religion or Christian Religion that we have in the Scriptures be true And this I take to be a ready and sure Antidote against Popery to all that are equally concern'd to know which is the True Religion Catholick Religion falsly so called Popish Religion or Protestant Religion though they have not opportunity to acquaint themselves with all the Learning so plentiful so valuable at this day in the world for the decision between them 2. That great Principle of Natural Religion Hear Oh Israel the Lord thy God is one Jehovah and Thou shalt love Deut. 6. 4 5. the Lord thy God with all thy soul with all thy mind with all thy might and strength And that great Principle of Christian Religion If any man love not the Lord Jesus let 1 Cor. 16. 22. him be Anathema Maranatha these two joyned together assure me beyond doubt Our Mediator upon whom our Love Trust Service is to rest and that at such a distance as is Heaven from Earth cannot be but the One God with the Father and so I am resolved in the Socinian Controversie And further if he be the Eternal Son of God and his offering up the Humanity united to him a sacrifice I know it must be of infinite value and not a martyrdom not an example only 3. By Natural and Christian Principles united I am convinc'd the great foundations on which the Controversies between the Arminian and Calvinist as we use to express them rest must have great truth on both sides but they being related to those judgments of God that are as a great depth it is impossible to find them out to perfection for how can Finite wade in Infinite without being swallowed by it We need not therefore stay till these two things can be reconcil'd in our Judgments the infinite soveraignty and dominion of the Almighty over every particular immortal spirit that he hath made so that it cannot be dispos'd of or dispose it self without the counsel and foreknowledg of God and yet that no one is prejudg'd by any determination of God in the true liberty of a rational creature much less determin'd to sin and misery upon it by any over-ruling power We may safely with respects to both sides be profoundly abased in the sense of Incomprehensible soveraignty over us in a self-condemnation wherein soever we find our selves degenerate and fallen into sin as knowing our destruction of our selves Nor need we stay till supreme grace and our own free-will are reconcil'd in dispute we may safely on both sides make our humblest and most lowly appeals to him that worketh in us both to will and to do We must do so and are under the same security and obligation in stirring up our utmost Phil. 2. 13. Ezek. 18. 32. powers in turning our selves that we may live in working out our salvation with fear and trembling And all beyond Phil. 2. 12. these two conclusions are but Speculation in which we may imploy and entertain our selves in considering infinite wisdom and glory and searching as near as we dare approve its holy and gracious ways but need not be angry we can't agree in things out of our depth so as to be certain 4. In all the Disputes concerning Forms of Church-Government Modes of Worship we have thus much of resolution from the consent of Christian with Natural Religion Whatever is most substantially good is fittest to be the center of Agreement and Vnion and other things doubtful allowed to particular reason and choice with mutual tolleration and charity As is further to be shewn us under the next Head of Discourse Having now spoken so much of Natural Religion I think it necessary before I quite leave it besides the survey I have taken of it to add these Characters concerning it that it may not possibly be mistaken 1. It is that which depends upon nothing particular but must be the same to all Nations and times it is all essence and hath no accidents or circumstances as it is natural To pray is Natural Religion that is to lift up Desires to God with humility and hope this is and must be the same without any variation to every man in the world Now whatever can be suppos'd to pertain to it if it be not the same every where is not Natural Religion There can be but one nation of a God to all the world there can be but one Justice Sobriety throughout there can be but one notion of sin or of the pardon of it of Judgment to come as they are natural Till you come to Essence you come not to Natural Religion 2. It is that which cannot be demurr'd to but with the failure of all sober reason nor indeed without a consciousness of it while denied I am fully assured no man can deny a God a distinction between good and evil a future state without a strong recoil of the Natural Faculties returning as by an Intellectual Moral Elastick force 3. It is that whereof if any of the Principles be taken away grand inconveniencies and absurdities will follow like taking away light air or water out of the natural world What an infinite necessity is there of God of Prayer to him of Praises of him of his pardoning-mercy since sin of Judgment to come Take away these and universal nature flys in pieces runs every way upon so great a vacuum as the want of any these Principles immediately makes This is Natural Religion and nothing else is Natural Religion but this Having discours'd what a foundation of Vniversal Peace Christian Religion hath laid in not only assuming to but uniting with it self Natural Religion I shall come now to present as in perspective Christian Religion it self and shew the admirable contrivances for unity peace and love it hath found out and most earnestly prest on all its Disciples so infinitely wise reasonable and good so efficaciously insinuated so strongly argued and enforc'd so awfully commanded so to the life the very Divine life of it even Hypostatiz'd in our Lord that it is indeed the inexpiable shame and guilt of the Christian world that it is so unlike the Divine Philosophy the Laws the grand Exemplar of it That I may pursue this Intention with greatest advantage I shall propose under several Heads how this design is laid by the infinite wisdom of our Saviour much different from what is ready on all occasions to offer it self to Humane Imagination that is Vnity in Vniformity without which as
Christianity have found it most to their advantage of Edification to unite with such a Congregation of Christians All these or any of these may create an obligation to such conjunctions But because the hottest disputes in relation to Christian Practise so as to conserve Peace and Order have risen in this very juncture of particular Societies of Christians I will endeavour to settle upon an indisputable state of things and leave out what is more intricate and controversal that we may see how far the Laws of Christ extend here to Love and Peace in these following Assertions 1. That Our Lord hath given Rules for such Holy Grave and Honourable Societies under the name of Churches as must needs invite all of the same excellent Christian Temper into their Communion according to the opportunities they have to joyn with them their Doctrine Worship and Practice so Pure and Heavenly so evidently for the good of mens souls so composed to all true Decency Prudence and a Discipline so Humble Natural Strict only to the truest benefit of those that are under it that it cannot look like a secular Dominion but for the service of Faith the help of Joy the safety of Souls and their eternal Interest This I am sure every one will yeild is the Frame and Constitution of a Christian Church let it be found whereever it can be found Let every Church see to it self whether it be so Tempered and Constituted or not How then does it seem possible that when there are such Societies Christians should not fly to them as the Doves to the windows seeing Christianity improves the sociableness of Humanity into the truest publickness of Spirit and desire to enjoy Good with more than in solitude 2. It is the express Command of Christ and his design in all his institutions that there should be such Assemblies of his people and servants for the Glory of his Father for his own Glory for the Salvation of his People for Divine worship for the discharge of the several Duties of Christians for the Communications of their Gifts and Graces so that the forsaking of the Assemblies of our selves together as Heb. 10. 25. the manner of some was is very little distant from Apostacy it self How can there then be but Churches where there are Christians seeing so much of the concerns of Christianity lye therein and who indeed possess'd with those concerns does not rejoice in them and bless God for his unspeakable Gift in the Constitution of them 3. Yet is there no Law of Christ that main force should be us'd upon men to bring them into any Assembly of Christians at all much less into one rather than another especially when the main Reasons or Motives of uniting with Assemblies according to the Laws of Christ present themselves to mens Apprehensions and Consciences more in some than others Indeed mens over-zealous Affectation of some and unworthy neglect of others as one for Paul another for Apollos another for Cephas another for 1 Cor. 1. 12. Christ as if these Ministers by whom they believed were to set up for themselves as Heads of Christianinty and to rival Christ himself as if but upon the same level with them was very justly and severely chastiz'd by the Apostle but a true value for all the Stewards of Divine Mysteries and 1 Cor. 4. 1. Churches and a particular value for those Pastors and Congregations wherein God hath vouchsafed especial Blessings for mens Souls or gives opportunity to receive such is very agreeable to the Gospel as the Apostle though he refus'd undue measures of Honour yet assumes that of being 1 Cor. 4. 15. 1 Cor. 9. 2. a Father as above thousands of Instructors Christianity and the Ministry of it being so Holy and Humble a state that no one acting according to it either Arrogates or Envies so he that hath much of the Honour of it hath nothing over or above the measure of a Steward and he that hath least should have nothing under that measure if he be found Faithful So the Congregations have the equal Glory of being of the Body of Christ and Churches to be little Representations of and imbodyed with his own Catholick Church in the grand Vnion of all Christians with the Head Here then is the ground of Christian Peace and Union in Churches 4. It is a Principle in Nature and much Confirm'd and Exalted by Christianity that the Worship of God and the Salvation of mens Souls should be made as Publick and Vniversal as may be Go Preach the Gospel to every creature and Baptize all Nations was the very Commission Christ gave to his Apostles and first Embassadors and is continued to all his Ministers to the end of the world not of Mat. 26. 19. the world of that Age only but to that end of the world which is till his second coming until which he hath promised his presence The Great Congregation is the most natural Receptacle of Divine Truth the state of Religion under the Gospel is rarely spoken of especially when declared Psal 100. 1. 117. 16. 1 c. in its Magnificence with a less Publick Character than All People All Nations All Lands the Round World in its whole Circle from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same All the Earth True Religion aspir'd to it even under the narrow Dispensation of the Law and in this very sense it is most true that the Apostle said in his time The whole Creation groaneth and travelleth in pain until Rom. 8. 19 c. now and the earnest expectation of it waiteth for the Adoption the Manifestation of the Sons of God to be gathered together under the whole Heaven Nor will some of every Nation satisfie the full intention of this Magnificence but that Nations as Nations imbodyed and Kingdoms as Kingdoms shall become the Lords and his Christs is the plenary sense of the Divine Spirit when even as of Israel an indisputably National Church God shall say of Heathen Nations as of Egypt and Assyria known to Israel so well and known so well as Rankly Heathen and therefore chosen as Representatives of the whole Heathen world Yet of these God shall say Blessed be Egypt my people and Assyria the work of my hands and Israel Isa 19. ult my inheritance for in that day Israel shall be but a third with Egypt and Assyria and there shall be a High-way through them All and they shall serve together there shall be a free passage of Truth through All. A High way of the Gospel throughout and an Vnion of Worship So then if we find so much for a National Religion in the Prophecies of the times of the Gospel in the Old Testament which grasp more than those passages in the New Testament which relate to the then matter of fact only if our Saviours Commission for making disciples and preaching the Gospel extend to all Nations if the Prophetick book of the New
Wisdom and Goodness yet it is spoken to us in the plainest Language as if God carryed it as Princes do in their magnificence whose Glory is in their great Courts in the multitude of their Attendants and People Spectators Admirers and Tributaries to their luster 2. I argue to the publickness of Religion from the good it does to the souls of men It is from hence the greatest wisdom to win souls and they that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars Now the offer of true Religion to them that had it not before the perswasion of it upon those that have not yet obeyed it tends to their Conversion Repentance to their love and fear of God They therefore that have the true sense of these things in their own souls use all means out of love to the Glory of God and to the souls of men to propagate them to others which is best done by all publick acts of Religion This is the original Law from the very beginning it was so Enoch the seventh from Adam prophecyed publickly The Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints Noah was a Preacher of Righteousness This was the great zeal of Christians in the first times Further It strengthens confirms and inflames Religion among those that are the joynt Professors Publick Religion is the great glory and security of Religion it self mutually warming and assisting it self in all its several parts and the Professors of it As Iron sharpens Iron so is the countenance of a man to his Friend herein How much more lively is Religion probable to be in a Religious than an Atheistick and Barbarous Country nor does God afford those divine heats to those that withdraw from Assemblies in Religion except in cases of necessity however he may supply in extraordinary exigences without which Wo to him that is alone in Religion if he fall he has not any to help him up and how can one be warm alone If one prevails against him he wants a Second to withstand together with him and the benefit of the threefold cord that is not easily broken Every thing in nature endeavours towards Community or universal Unity as its own strength and security Even the Devils retain so much of first Nature as to knit in a community and false Christianity imitates the true in a pretence to Vniversality though a most destructive one like that of the God of this World who aspires to Universal Monarchy but it is in sin and death But this does not disparage True Religion moving to an Universality of Truth Peace and Life for evermore 3. The blessing and acceptance that Religion receives from the Divine Majesty is much greater for the publickness of it even in this sence Two are better than one for they have a good reward for their labour In thss sence their complicated services are more forcible their threefold Cord is not easily broken Not that God is prevailed upon to any change in himself or his Government by the services of his Creatures though in a multitude but he is pleased to found the occasions and opportunities of his own most bountiful Recompences in the drawing near of their greater numbers For as when God was pleased to communicate himself more freely he did it to a multitude of Creatures so he delights in receiving back the glory of having thus communicated himself from a multitude also and as there is more of himself in more of his Creatures whether of several sorts or of the same so there is more of his blessing in their approaches to him He that does not only weigh the Mountains in scales but comprehends the dust of the earth in a measure takes notice of those prayers and desires of the poor of the people that make the crowd and throng in his worship and service He accepts the pair of Turtle Doves the two Mites when it is the All and is ready to reward it This was the policy of Nineveh's Natural Religion to unite their Force in Humiliation Fasting and Prayer and to take advantage of joyning the mute desires of the Beasts that have a voice in the ears of God Abraham's Servant made the Camels kneel down while he prayed to God Thus in Thanksgivings It was David's art to gather up all the praises even of the lowest of the Creatures that could so meanly give them and inspiring them with his own reason made them as it were to follow his Harp and unite in his own Hallelujahs Thus he served himself of them that making by them a greater present of glory to God he might receive the greater blessing from him The Apostle speaks of the good effect of Christian Charity in causing an abundance of thanksgivings to God David saying The congregation of the people would compass God about adds this prayer therefore for their sakes return thou on high Now all these expressions reporting to us a great force in the publickness of Religious Duties we know it is only from the agreeableness of this publickness with the Divine Will and Nature and his holy Ordination who loves his Saints and knows their approach to him is an approach to their life and happiness And because he loves all his Saints and Creatures the more of them in conjunction draw near to him the more of his tender mercies have the occasion to spread themselves for else all the Nations are to God but as the drop of the Bucket and the dust of the Ballance all their services are not sufficient to him for a sacrifice to burn before him He humbles himself to behold the things that are in Heaven as well as those on Earth He with great delight yet looks to one that is of a broken and contrite spirit and that trembles at his word As one day and a thousand years are both alike to the Infinity of God so are a thousand persons and but one as it is all one to him to save with many or few so it is to be intreated by them in prayer or accept their praise but according to the wisdom and holiness of the Divine Manifestation in his Love and Bounty so he is pleased to see his Servants draw near to him in an union of Love among themselves and every one having a claim to his favour who is all Goodness the united claim is stronger He hears even the Ravens that cry for they are his Creatures if any man therefore could intwist their cry with his own in a general scarcity he makes his own so much the stronger He then that joyns the prayers and desires of many with his own doubles still the strength as is manifest by the Apostles so often and earnestly desiring the help of prayers And this may answer what may seem to be an objection against good men joyning with publick and promiscuous Assemblies wherein are so many ignorant and bad men that by their sins ignorance and folly rather obstruct the effect and acceptance of good men joyning with them so that
it may seem better if holy and good men separated themselves and left the generality of a Nation out of their Religious Services But from what hath been said it is very plain that as the Ninevites and Abraham'● Steward served themselves of the Beasts in their prayers and David served himself of the very lowest of the Creatures in his praises so good men consecrating the publick Religion though resulting from a medley of worse men turn it to greater glory to God advantage to themselves and the advantages of those worser men also in sundry respects when it does not prevail to their conversion and eternal salvation as figures of value subordinating to themselves Cyphers increase Sums to very vast The services of men not truly Religious are not so acceptable to God alone but are ennobled by the union of truly good men for that they have such a vertue is plain even Job's Friends though good men themselves received good by his offering their sacrifices and that good men may subject the services of evil men to their own is as plain by the Apostles rejoycing that Christ was preached by those that preached him out of envy and contention for while his preaching Christ out of love over ruled theirs who preached the same Christ from worser respects all their preaching of Christ was so forcibly united with the Apostles that it became as if it was wholly his own turned to his Salvation the greater truer Light drinking up the less the less noble which followed in attendance upon it so much more the prayers of less worthy men are snatched up to Heaven with the prayers of Holy men and prevail for a full acceptance of them with God leaving only some lesser portions of Blessing to those whose Hearts do not ascend with their prayers Yet we must be careful of saying to any Stand off I am holier than thou Many a man being rejected under the Appearance of a Publican whose heart 's breaking within it self to God has greater acceptance from him than what seems rather to be preferr'd among men For the Honour therefore of the most publick Conjunction in Holy Services we may observe those men who are of the most Happy memory in Scripture Men of Renown for the Efficacy of their prayers as Noah Moses Samuel Job Daniel the Apostle Paul and many others were no Monkish sort of men No men of Separation from the publique upon choice but Personages as of the most Divine spreading Reason so of a publique Wisdom Grace and Spirit containing a publique Interest and Piety within their own Breasts yet joyning with as many as they could to better their services mutually and not scrupling union with them lest they should be made worse or their services less acceptable Men of no narrow and contracted Spirits Principles or Devotion but like our Saviours converse with Publicans and Sinners they were as Physicians to the sick Helps to the weak as well as the Comparions of all that fear God pulling sinners with violence out of the Fire converting them from the error of their way saving souls from Death and endeavouring to hide the multitude of sins and therefore were so prevalent in prayers for others though at sometimes God was so incens'd as to deny Audience even to such except for their own souls Thus clear it is on the side of Publique Religion in these great Examples they separated from the sins the superstitions that were at any time become publique but joyn'd with the Publique Religion and thereby rais'd it to much higher Excellency It is impossible to make bad Things good as False Worship or Corruptions of Practise if never so many Good men fell into them It would endanger them but cannot better that which is of it self bad But that which is in it self Good which would be much dispirited through Evil handling it by Bad men may be made better by Holy mens Predominancy and Ascendency in it and so turn to general Good in some Thirty in some Sixty in some an Hundredfold which shews the Nature of the both Communicativeness and Singularity of these Holy men Communicativeness in True Worship though with Bad men Singularity from Sin and False Worship I have now dispatched this first Head I proposed concerning the publickness of Religion in general I come now to the second Head That this publickness determines it self in National Religion neither staying short of it nor expatiating beyond it And to make good this I first consider how humane Society rises and what are the first bands of Union And it is very evident the first Associations of mankind must grow out of Families as I have observ'd the Law of Humane Society was first declar'd and promulg'd upon the Institution of Marriage This was the beginning of Families Families of all greater associations of men Here also must begin all Religious Society These are the most near and combin'd here therefore are the most frequent seasons of worshipping God of daily praises of him and prayers to him The examples of it we find in Abraham's Joshua's David's Cornelius's Families and the Churches in the Houses of some Christians at the first This Domestick Body is most close with it self and more easily call'd together therefore the first seat of Religious Society Families therefore for the closeness nearness and naturalness of that Government as being the smallest of Communities but the most primitive are particularly nam'd in this Prayer against the Heathen and made another expression together with Kingdoms of Irreligious Communities For as Kingdoms are greater Families united indeed as Families but greater So Families though lesser were yet the first Kingdoms Religion therefore being a most uncontestable duty and obligation in those less●r Kingdoms Families it argues to the same obligation and duty in those greater Families Kingdoms and the Religion or Irreligion of the one and the other run along one with the other Thus God first eminently himself founded Religion in Abraham's Family and so commenc'd both the Family and Religion into a Nation and Kingdom Religion therefore rises higher and settles here as upon the most advantageous Eminences as in the most full and free spread Communities call'd Nations for their greatness and numerousness Kingdoms for their Majestick government and union in it For a Nation or Kingdom is a part of Mankind canton'd indeed from the whole world and the wideness of that yet into a larger compass than Neighbourhoods Towns or Cities and is generally inclosed within some more remarkable bounds of place as Seas Rivers Mountains united by nearness of Manners Customs and Disposition arising from like Temperature of Air and Climate freedom of Conversation and Commerce having one and the same Language but especially as under the same Civil Interests Laws Government and Legislative Authority For these mutual Bonds are they which give Reason to National Religion as the most solemn instance of publick Religion and Worship of God because by vertue of these
one view is by St. Stephen as I observ'd call'd the Church and the Congregations after they were become a Nation though they could not all then meet together are call'd the Church also because they were all under one Law and Institution all partakers of the same Rights and Priviledges and so indeed all particular Churches of Christians are but the Catholick Church in lesser Associations as the circumference of Heaven is the same though in so many different Horizons As light is the same though variously modell'd by its several Receptions as the Ocean is one by how many several Denominations soever it be distinguish'd from the shores it washes or the channels or other scituations it rests in so this Church is often spoken of as one Church and as several Churches as the Sea is one and several Seas they being so much every way the same as to differ only in the Universality But whether a Nation united in Christianity may be call'd a National Church having many dissents of opinion appertaining to it and not possible to be decided by express Scripture there being no Christian Nation under Heaven in those days of the New Testament wherein it was written I shall leave wholly in the middle and only observe two Things concerning this Controversie 1. That there can no great matter accrue to either side of it by deciding for or against a National Church For allow a National Church or if you will a Congregational Church agreeing in any thing not agreeing with the Laws of Christ or if either of them wants any thing necessary to our Obedience to all the Laws of Christ In the first of these Cases Christians may and ought to retire from the Irregularities of any such Church either National or Congregational that they may be pure from Corruption In the second Case Christians must find out the ways and opportunities so far as is possible whereby they may perform all the Duties commanded by Christ though they separate from either of those Churches no further than to those ends But if there be a Corruption in the Main or a Defect in the Vitals of the Doctrine or Worship of Christ in either Notion or Churches that will not be upon due Remonstrances reform'd then if according to the Institution of Christ Christians gather into Assemblies though lesser though but of Two or Three they are assur'd of the Presence of Christ and no inconvenience of Rending the Body of Christ or making Divisions in his Church shall condemn them for the Society deserted is not his Church but the Society that does desert is his Church supposing it retires sincerely in obedience to the Laws of Christ On the other side Suppose a National Church not of the Ordination of Christ in the Gospel as under that Name or Notion yet if that stand good which I have endeavoured to demonstrate that every Nation to which the Gospel is preach'd is bound by the Laws of God establish'd in Nature and by the Laws of God and Christ in his Word to plant true Christian Religion upon its National Union It will be still every Christians duty to joyn in unite himself with encourage and promote all that True National Christian Religion and not to separate from it any further than the Laws of Christ oblige him that he may yield Obedience to all those Laws For it is the absolute Duty of every member of a Nation to seek the Eternal Salvation of his Nation in his sphere as the Apostle Paul did of the Jews in so high an Orb when he profess'd his great heaviness and sorrow of heart even to the wishing himself accurs'd from Christ and prayed with his hearts desire they might be sav'd On account of which in so many things he became to the Jews as a Jew and wrote that Excellent Epistle to the Hebrews It being for that very Reason to me most probable it was his that he might make good all those great professions of Love to them for though it was peculiarly directed to the Christian Hebrews yet it had an aspect upon the whole Religion and people of the Jews as the scope of Adjusting all the Mosaick and Jewish Law to the Gospel-Mediation makes plain and so was in it self most proper for the Conversion of that Nation as a Nation seeing their own'd and gloried in National Religion truly understood led to the Christian Religion justly now to have been their National Religion if they had yielded obedience to their own Laws rightly interpreted Now if National Religion be an undoubted obligation upon Nations and the members of Nations so far as it is true Those Laws those Officers that are though not ordain'd by Christ yet not contradictory to his Ordination but necessary according to Rules of Right Reason to the Establishing True Religion as National must be submitted to also upon the account and for the sake of that True Religion as National But if National Religion wander from Truth that Fundamental Liberty establish'd by Scripture and Laws of Nature must be always preserv'd that I before asserted as giving Right to retire from all Societies not united in Truth according to the Degrees of their defection from it But for the further justifying National True Religion I will in the next place observe from Scripture the Uses and great Ends of Churches and see how far National Religion may be accommodated to them For Churches are not therefore appointed that men may Arbitrarily and Fancifully chuse which or what sort they will be of but that the true Reasons and Purposes of them may be observed and complied with and they are these Three 1. That there may be a Generation of men in the world in the same Faith and Worship of God in Jesus Christ according to the Scripture however dispers'd at whatever distance soever remote yet united in the same Doctrine Prayer Preaching Praising God in the Sacraments and if opportunity allows and invites it in the same actual Worship and at all times closely compacted in a virtual and mystical Communion with one another the same spirit running through all uniting all to Christ and God and one with another joyned in the same love and sympathy of joy in the prosperity and of sorrow in the affl●ctions and sufferings one of another and with all readiness in yielding the fruits of mutual Charity Mercy and Compassion from one end of the earth to the other every true Christian being the compassionate Samaritan to every other Christian and not Jewishly distinguishing his mercy to his own Sect Party or Church and in cases of corruption and defection from the Laws and Word of Christ there is to Christians a mutual power of remonstrating against those corruptions and that defection by arguing expostulating censuring the evil of them yea and Authoritative denouncing the Judgment of God and Christ upon them for that Charter of Christs to the true Preachers of the Gospel to the true Churches stands good as to Ages so to
every Quarter with Mischiefs How much better then is it that indifferent things in Religion were taken away even while the World standeth than that they should be kept up as the Sconces of Scandal For Indifferent Things let not the Work of God be destroyed nor any for whom Christ dyed in danger to Perish the more we esteem our Church our Religion our Worship of God the better and purer they are the more it is pity any should be divided from it should be so far scandalised as to be Schismaticks from it either in our account or if it be that Sin in the real danger of it and of perishing in it The more excellent our Church is the more the Apostles Rules take hold of us Let not the good of our Church be evil spoken of as if it was Ceremonial Let us not lose any from our Church for Meat and Drink Increase not the Woe of Scandal any way for so mean Things as Indifferents Let us not indanger our selves into the Woe of him by whom Scandal comes for Elements But besides all these Considerations there is not so absolute a security in adding any thing under any Name whatever to the pure Worship of God any more than to his Word lest we be found Lyars to him mismatching with it what will not endure the Fire Greatest Peace have they that Prov. 30. 5 6. love thy Law O Lord and that only nothing shall offend them in nothing will they offend others Observing Rites that had been Divine was not so safe to the first Christians having to do with Rites that had been corrupted Idolatrously and Superstitiously proved very Fatal Ceremonies are but Shaddows Superstition easily pervades that little thin Essence they have They have not the Right of being Gods Creation to bring them off to lye lower than their Corruption and commend them There is no such Cause to be over-zealous of such things in regard of which a late * Father Simmons 's Critical History Romanist hath said The true Religion of the Church of England differs little from the Romish in outward appearance The Argument strikes all ways if our Constitution be so good and injur'd not at all by Ceremonies let us as Christ Seek and save that which is lost those we look upon as the least that believe in Christ let them not be lost for Ceremonies The Love and Compassion of a Saviour triumphs towards these least easily Offended narrow-soul'd morose suppose them Smoaking Flax bruised Reeds yet despise them not if Christians if Protestants Their Angels behold the Face of the Father of Christ in Heaven Let them not be Offended Scandalised from Union with our National Church for Ceremonies If on the other side our Ceremonies in Gods account should be blemishes of our Church and Imperfections or if they may be turned into such by an ignorant use of them or if they cause Divisions and Scandals if the Mischiefs of those Scandals fall upon Strangers to true Religion and keep them at distance All these considerations weigh heavy against a Zeal for them But if none of these can be laid to their Charge yet if Men doubt concerning them what must they do How shall they escape that of the Apostle He that doubteth is Damned if he Eats Whatever is not of Faith is Sin Why should this be hazzarded for Indifferents And when the Tyde of Advantages Preferments Publick Approbation are on one side Deprivation of all those Censures and Penalties on the other who dares answer for many Men that they do not offer Violence to their Principles much more venture over their Doubts And yet in those very Doubts has the Apostle laid his Doctrine Or Lastly Wo can reasonably suppose Men would stem this Tyde that is against them if they had not real Conscientious Doubts or higher than Doubts to contest with in prejudice of their Complyance Upon the whole then I cannot but conclude Imposing Indifferent Things in Religion by a violent Example much more by severe Ways is very contrary to the Apostles Doctrine in that Case and that upon Reasons that till I see them answered I must suppose unanswerable I have now thus far discoursed of Scandal in the more strict and particular Cases Scripture hath given us the notices of but in the remaining Heads to be treated of I shall consider it in that largest and most comprehensive Grasp of it Religion in general And there is nothing that requires greater Wisdom and the prepossessions of a more Religious Prudence than to sit and count the Charge of undertaking serious Piety as the Lord hath bidden us in relation to one Branch of Scandal Persecution so with respect to the whole Negotiation of Scandal in the World It is the great both Wisdom and Goodness of God in the Scripture that he hath given full and ample warning before hand of all the Disadvantages we are to encounter in our Faith Love and Obedience to him as when we are assured There shall be False Prophets There must be Heresies There shall be Persecution There shall be an Apostacy or general Defection from True Symmetral Christianity within Christianity it self And so in the present Case it must needs be that Scandals come For the Knowledge of these things is one greatest Defence against the Evil predicted as also against the staggering of our Minds concerning the Truth of Religion it self Let any man then enquire and search this thing out both in Scripture and close Reason and he will find Scandals must come though he may at first think Religion if it be so great and excellent as is given out of it should not be darkned and clouded with Scandal but stand clear from it and it be impossible it should be any way liable to it Now that it is in it self Just and Right even to Perfection it self is every where recorded and published of it Wisdom speaks excellent things and the opening its Lips are Prov. 8. 6. Right Things It speaketh Truth and Wickedness is an abomination to its Lips All its Words are in Righteousness and nothing froward or perverse in them They are all plain to him that understandeth and right to them that find Knowledge The Righteousness of thy Testimonies is everlasting give me Vnderstanding and I shall live Gods Precepts are right concerning All Things and secure from every False Way Psal 119. 104. c. His Law is the Truth By the Word of his Lips Men are kept from the Paths of the Destroyer Amidst all the scandalising Psal 17. 4. Hos 14. 11. and intangling Works of Men The Ways of the Lord are all right if Men have but right Feet right Intentions Affections and Motions And yet when all this is granted let any Man cast the thing in his severest Thoughts and he will find it impossible as things are Religion should be free from Scandal and that therefore as if any Man cannot deny himself he cannot be Christ's Disciple so if
Succession from the Apostles without cautioning for any thing of their true Spirit and which so hangs Salvation at the Girdle of those that would be their Successours as turns Christianity into a most Arbitrary and Tirannick Party But they that know the Scriptures know assuredly Christ hath founded no Rule Government or Authority in his Church whatever but whose whole display of it self is in Teaching Instructing according to his Word If that be not clear and evident the whole Authority and Power falls to the Ground This Word appearing in and with it self though by the Ministers of it hath the sole Power over Conscience They that would Rule without this as Rulers appointed by Christ in his Church are but Lay-Elders Lay-Bishops or indeed they leave the Word of God and serve Tables But in this Universal Rage of Scandal God hath not so forsaken the World but that his Spirit lifts up a Standard against it Evil is not Infinite but is at all times stopp'd by Evidences of God and true Goodness environing it on every side and bounding it that it cannot do what it has a mind to do and is therefore forced to leave it undone for it can go no farther than the Beings that carry it can go and God is always above them and hems them in on every side Scandal hath only a permission from God a Dispensation to manifest it self it is always subject to Truth as Night is to Day It is subject to be reduc'd and contracted as God pleases And thus have I finished the Third Head of Discourse concerning Scandal It must needs be that Scandals come I come to a brief Dispatch of the Fourth Head The Demonstration of the World's Woe because of Scandal 1. Let the Scandal be never so fair and plausible in its Pretence or Reasons of Seduction from God and our Duty there is so great a Force of Truth and Higher Reason against it that our Guilt and Condemnation is unavoidable in not resisting the Temptation Nothing can justifie a Plea against the Divine Law not an Angel from Heaven we must pronounce Anathema upon him if he undertakes it There are such Foundations of Truth laid by God that cannot be moved and they have such Evidence and Assurance to all sincere Minds that there is no excuse against the Guilt of being taken with Scandal 2. There is therefore always some most Guilty Cause of Scandal and its prevalency within every Man that is taken by it Some Lust and love of Evil that betrays him and on which he is condemned When Scandal rages most abroad and comes with lying Signs and Wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness it is because Men have pleasure in unrighteousness and receive not the Truth in the love of it 3. Scandal is it self Misery and Ruine A Man cannot fall and be snared he cannot be wounded and broken but he must be miserable Life Health Salvation are only in Obedience to God and Conformity to his holy Will Who hath Woe Who hath Wounds Who hath Grief But he that hath received Scandal against the Divine Truth This is a deep Ditch he only that is hated of God falleth into it as not to recover It is vain to pretend the Force the Power the unavoidableness of Scandal when it self is Death and Ruine How many are pleased with their Scandals and will by no means part with them Many excuse themselves they could not withstand their Deceipt and Violence and will not apprehend their Case The first closely embrace Death or as Solomon says love Death The latter can have no other Pity at the highest but that they are undone their Scandals are upon them and they pine away in them as they speak in Ezekiel and how then should Ezek. 33. 10. they live God hath no pleasure in their death yet still they dye except restor'd by Repentance 4. Were it not for Scandal were it not some unhappy and mischievous mis-representation of Divine Goodness and Truth were there not something that imposed upon the Understanding and seduced the Will with a false appearance of Truth and Good Rational Beings could not resist Truth nor fall out with Infinite Goodness or on the other side entertain Falshood or fall in love with Evil and so would be every way secure from Destruction Surely were it not for Scandal some most mischievous possession upon our Minds while there are any hopes of Mercy we could not refuse and reject it nor cleave so fast to sin and death which can have no desirableness but to the deceived Soul as Holiness and the Favour of God cannot be disgustful to any but the Scandalised Were it not for some indissolvable Scandal even the sin against the Holy Spirit might be repented of and forgiven some irreconcileable prejudice retains both the sin and so the punishment And in Hell there is that Eternal Scandal for ever holding fast the Damned That a Creature deprived of God justly hate and rebel against him Or it is best for it in that Circumstance so to do Were it possible to be loosed from this Snare of Death this Everlasting Chain of Darkness there might be an escape out of Hell it self Were there not an Eternal Discontent and Disgust to God Hell could not be Hell nor Devils Devils any longer so miserable a thing is Scandal The fifth Head in this Discourse is the accumulative Woe to him by whom Scandal cometh the Woe by way of Transcendency 1. The Designers of Scandal must be as so many Satans in the World of the just contrary Spirit and Action to God and Christ and the Holy Spirit in the World and therefore shall be for ever separated from that Blessed Presence into that Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels the God and the Angels of Scandal Some have in all Ages been brandedly infamous herein but none like him whose coming is after Satan with lying Signs and Wonders and all deceivableness of Vnrighteousness All those Atheistical Defamations of God and Religion and the Scurrilities of Prophane Wits are deeply dyed in this Guilt They are like the throwing of Firebrands Arrows and Death so is the Scandalising of Men in such sports of Wit to their Ruine They that offer themselves as Coppies and Patterns of Wickedness in defiance of Heaven dwell near to this insupportable Woe They whose Laws Armed with cruel Penalties are so many destructive Traps and Engins of Mischief against all that are Professors of true and sincere Religion shall be gathered out of Gods Kingdom their Scandals and themselves that work iniquity by them They that in Indifferent Things that they themselves acknowledge Indifferent use a violent Example that must be answered with Conformity though Men do with greatest Seriousness and Solemnity protest their Doubt in the Case and though Scandal be planted every where in their Indifferencies had need as our Saviour bids them take heed they offend not they despise not though they should be but the Little ones in
Craftiness whereby they lye in Eccles 4. 14. wait to deceive But following the Truth in Love we may grow up into him in all things who is the Head even Christ From the whole Body fitly joyned together and compacted by that which every Joint supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure of every part maketh increase of the Body to the edifying it self in Love Be not carried about Heb. 13 9. with divers and strange Doctrines For it is a good thing that the Heart be established with Grace not with Meats which have not profited them that have been exercised therein 2. That we have a true and sincere Love of the Divine Law and our Obedience to it the Blessedness of which and its great preservation from Scandal the Psalmist thus describes Blessed is the Man that walketh not in the Councel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of Sinners nor Psal 1. 1. sitteth in the Seat of the Scornful But his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in that Law doth he meditate Day and Night And he shall be like the Tree planted by the Rivers of Water that bringeth forth his Fruit in due season his Leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doth shall prosper 3. That we order all things of Indifferency in Religion aright both as to the Sense of our own minds and the Edification of others To which purpose the Apostles Directions should be always before us The Kingdom of God is not Meat nor Drink but Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost Let every Man be fully perswaded in his own Mind Rom. 14. 5 17. 1 Cor. 10. 22. Give no Offence neither to the Jews nor Gentiles nor to the Church of God even as I please all men in all things not seeking my own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved Whoever thus serveth Christ is acceptable to God and approved of Men. FINIS ERRATA Several mis-pointings and litteral mistakes the Candid Reader is desired to observe and pardon and what is most injurious to the Sense thus to Correct PAge 6. line 32. for an read all p. 13. l. 22. for they r. the. p. 17. l. 12. dele not p. 18. l. 11. for at r. with p. 25. l. 30. for he r any one p. 27. l. 30. for purity r. party p. 38. l. 4 for Righteous r. weak p. 44. l. 24. dele them p. 48. l. 17. for rule r. rate p. 55. l. 22. after are r. not p. 61. l. 9. for Sacrifice r. Sacraments p. 76. l. 29. for Party r. Polity p. 79. l. 11. after justly r. may Printed for Tho. Parkhurst THE whole Duty of a Nation or National True Religion Argued and Perswaded upon greatest Motives of Scripture and Reason Conciliated to all moderate Apprehensions though differing in smaller things and to the strictest Notion of Churches II Book Liberty of Conscience in its order to Universal Peace Impartially Stated and proved to be the just Right and genuine effect of True Natural and Christian Religion in Immunity from Penal-Laws Church Censures and private Animosities A CATHOLICK CATECHISM SHEWING THE IMPOSSIBILITY THE CATHOLICK RELIGION Should be varied to the Degree of a Thought from the Measures left Sealed by the Apostles WITHOUT THE LOSS of TRUTH And therefore The Impossibility POPERY or whatever else is not found in Scripture should be CATHOLICK Composed to the Capacity of the Meanest that will but Consider that they may know and be ready upon un-movable Reasons to give an Apologie or Defensive Answer for the Catholick Religion if they are indeed of it and be secured from Temptation in Times of Danger 2 Pet. I. 12 The Present Truth Prov. 22. 21. That I might make thee know the Certainty of the Words of Truth that thou mightest answer the Words of Truth to them that send unto thee LONDON Printed for Tho. Parkhurst and Will Miller at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside and the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard 1683. THE PREFACE TO THE READER I Call this A Catechism because I design it a Familiar Instruction in Fundamental Truths Resounding the same Thing from Question to Answer the easiest way of Conveying Truth and Imprinting it upon the Minds of those that are even of the meanest Capacity But especially because the Principles of it are to be daily so Meditated upon Pondered and Applyed to use as to be a perpetual sound in our Ears and so to be properly stiled Catechism For Things of such great weight as Principles are must have as the most Advantageous Adm●ssion as the most Deep and therefore Leisurely Insinuation as the most Resolved Adherence when found True and Right which is Buying the Truth and not Selling it so they must have the most Easy and Ready Application to all their Uses and Ends They must therefore be bound continually about our Neck that when we go they may lead us that when we sleep they may keep us that when we wake they may talk with us Prov. 6. 21 22. I know the Things I have written cannot be duely received without much Thinking and without that they will be in danger of a Censorious rejection from the most or of a superficial unintelligent Acceptance in the Kinder which is as bad as the other and therefore I present it as a Catechism to those that shall at all approve it that they may be throughly versed in it and the Sense of it grow Domestick to them I call it a Catholick Catechism only with Relation to the Great Subjects it Treats of the Catholick Religion and the Catholick Church in those things wherein they are Catholick or in which their Catholickness consist That is that they are of God and that the whole Society of Holy and Happy Spirits is by that Catholickness united and closely banded with it self Catholick as the Epistles called Catholick that is after some Doubt Asserted to be Divine of the Publick Spirit of God and giving that Publick Doctrine in which the General Assembly is one I have endeavoured to contrive the Questions and Answers so that the Answers may be an Apology or Defensive Answer of that Catholick Truth giving a Reason or a Rational Account to any Demand that can be made upon it And it is the Apology of that Truth it self the Apology it gives and furnishes us with for other can no Man give Truth can need no other than its Native Apology for it self no other will it accept To give this and to be always ready to give it to keep it within us and to have it fitted to our Lips is the proper Fruit of such a Catechetical Instruction and the Apostle assures us it is the great Duty of Christianity and the greatest Honour we can do to God First to Sanctifie him in our Hearts by a full acknowledgment of him in his Divine Truth by a Plerophory or full Assurance of Vnderstanding in the Mystery of God and of the Father and
of Christ For a Devotion to the True God without knowing him to be the True God cannot thus Sanctifie or Honour him There is nothing we should be more Rational in than in the True Religion the Account of which and of its whole Content ought to be so certain to us that nothing of a Diverse Spirit from it can be added to it nor any thing of its Integral or Essential Nature taken from it but we may plainly see it would change the Account and so we need not make a Traverse over all Falsehood to know Truth but by having a Right understanding in and Just Contemplation of Truth the most even thing in the whole World we come to know it self by it self and to be assured of it although there were no other False Religion in the World to compare it with and set it off by and withal to descry every false way offered to us and to hate it Yea we observe every thing that is but doubtfully Proposed and stay it its due time of Examination and so either accept or reject it or if we see full reason for neither still suspend It is not the Laws of our Country our Church our being Baptiz'd or Educated in it that will justifie our Religion to be the True It is not the High Reverence of it the Devotion we use in it our hating of those that speak Blasphemously of it will make good our Religion what Religion in the World may not be justified upon such Topicks It is not that we find many great Principles of Truth in a Religion that will justifie it There is no Religion that can be called R●ligion that does not espouse many True Principles And in Christian Religion Antichristianism vies with Christianity it self upon the Fundamental Creeds which it self Confesses with True Christanity but hath Built upon them New Creeds of its own and so Corrupted all For what is so pure and perfect as True Religion is must needs be Corrupted by any Addition All that is Pure and True is already its own who then can add to it and not be found a Lyar Nothing therefore as I have already intimated can be our security for True Religion but the Just Divine Measure the Common Faith the True Catholick Standard which in all things necessary to the main End is most evident and in entertaining nothing that is not so evident till it becomes so upon this Great Test this is our Security For it is very plain there is less danger when our Understandings are not yet extended to the breadth of Divine Truth if none of the Vital Principles are unknown to us unsensed by us which are so exceedingly plain that we cannot be except willfully ignorant of them for no Injury is done to Truth that we do not understand its whole Compass nor to our selves if we do not hate knowledge offering it self to our notices but in adding to Truth seeing we can have nothing to add but what is of no worth we must needs defile it in having only Truth though we have not all Truth we yet are under the Influence of Truth only but when we add we enslave our selves to Lying Vanities Now hereunto have I levelled the whole ensuing Catechism or Discourse against which I know many prejudices will lie except full Consideration be allowed I know too many things raise a Detestation at the first which being Examined and Weighed by their Reason gain not only the Discharge of these Angry Passions but much Acceptance and Assent And I must take the Confidence to say in relation to any such Doubt upon the ensuing Apology for Catholick Truth that it is settled upon such unmoveable Reason and Weigh'd out by such exact attendance to it that I may write upon it without Immodesty Loe this we have searched it so it is hear it and know thou it for thy good for good in the Quiet and most Peaceable Course of Christianity wherein to know the True Grounds upon which it rests alone makes the Soul both Wise and Good and determines it to the Square and Just Rules of that Holy Religion for Good in times of Temptation to a False Religion especially that which calls it self Catholick For the truly Instructed Christian in that which is indeed Catholick is even Impregnable against that Delusion of Catholick falsely so called Lastly for good in the midst of great Differences and Diversities of Opinion and Practice in relation to lesser things pertaining more Circumstantially or Doubtfully to True Religion wherein the Rational Christian carrying it as Inoffensively and Communicatively as he can with all centers in that which is Catholick as to his Faith Love Inward Esteem and Practice and unmoveably fixes there detesting all Animosity and much more rigour or severity towards others in Relation to such differences than which nothing can be more ungenerous more unchristian more irreligious more unworthy THE CONTENTS CAP. I. OF the Perfect and First State of Humane Nature with relation to Catholick or Publick Religion page 1 CAP. II. Of the Violation of this Catholick Order of Religion and the Means provided by God to restore it 7 CAP. III. Of the Vncontroversible Laws of Natural Religion 10 CAP. IV. Of Revelation and the Reasons of so great Miscarriages against both the Light of Nature and Revelation with the Means of Cure 14 CAP. V. Of the Publick or Divine Original of Sacred Writing or Scripture 23 CAP. VI. Of the Proof of Scripture That it is of God and that the Proof also is Publick and Divine 27 CAP. VII Of the Publick Interpretation of Scripture pag. 36 CAP. VIII Of Tradition and Antiquity ●● CAP. IX Of the Church Catholick 65 CAP. X. Of the Officers appointed by Christ in his Church 8● CAP. XI Of every Man's Obligation to be wise for himself to Salvation 89 CAP. XII Of Schism and Scandal 93 CAP. XIII Of the Anti-Church and its Opposition in every thing to the True Church 109 CAP. XIV Of the Power of Magistrates in Religion and of National Religion 128 A Catholick Catechism CAP. I. Of the Perfect and First State of Humane Nature with relation to Catholick or Publick Religion Quest WHAT is the most distinguishing Excellency and Perfection of Humane Nature Answ Catholick or truly Publick Religion for it is the All the Whole or Universal Man Whoever therefore hath vanquished the sense of that hath put off Man and degraded himself into worse than a Brute Quest What do you mean by Religion Answ By Religion I mean a close Binding or Uniting our selves to and with God the Supreme Being in the Worship of him according to his Excellent Nature and Attributes in keeping his Commandments and seeking his Grace and Favour according to all his Divine Manifestations of himself and in so doing we are joined and join our selves as far as we can with one another in the same Religious Services performed by all Quest Why do you call it Catholick or truly Publick Religion Answ
having not so immediate a Respect to him as Godliness or Religion are more under Humane Legislation in the particular adjustments to the General Ends. But both the inward Court of Religion or Divine Truth and Worship it self and the outward Court of Decency and Order are within such Limitations of the Word of God and the Laws of Nature that all indifferent things therein not prescrib'd by God are left to the freedom of every Man by God and no Power of Prescription ought to come there that a Man may not be either incumbered by unnecessary Observances or in danger to mistake them as having any influence into his Worship of God which ought not to have any and can indeed have none that is good Nor lastly be in doubt whether he do not displease God in adding to his Worship But if a Man can see his Freedom in all these it is serving out of Love and being made all things to all Men and going to the utmost he can in Obedience to Magistrates if a Man cannot see his Freedom but doubts of the lawfulness he is under as severe a prohibition of Compliance against his Doubt as in other Cases of Sin For the Sentence is Positive He that Doubteth is Condemned in doing the Indifferent thing he doubteth of and whatever is not of Faith or assurance it is pleasing to God or not displeasing to him is Sin Quest But this Doubt may extend to Civil Things and Indifferences there or to those Rights of Soveraignty and Grandeur of Supream Power God hath invested them with Answ When Obedience is enforc'd in such Things the Magistrate hath this to justifie him he is within his own Territories given him by God he requires the things that are Caesars upon Gods Donation But in Religious things ●e is within Gods Peculiar and so cannot be justified in that enforcement because the things are so peculiarly Gods Quest The great Question now remains what are Subjects to do when Authority stamps it self upon False Religion or enforces Indifferent things against the apprehensions of Conscience concerning their lawfulness so that they cannot Obey but with a doubting Conscience and the danger of that hath been already opened Answ There is one Rule in all these Cases even as it is impossible Laws of Injustice and Licentiousness when Soveraign Powers so Err in Government should change the True and Everlasting Notion of Righteousness or Soberness or those Eternal and Immutable Laws of them in themselves even so impossible it is the Laws of a False Religion should change those of True Natural or True Revealed Religion or the Laws imposing Indifferent things in Religion should take away the Liberty God hath given or the sinfulness of Obeying against Doubt of Conscience when a Man does not see that Liberty That therefore which is Eternal and Unchangeable must be adhered to and obeyed Quest How then is there a Subjection to Magistrates Answ The Subjection then is in this as in all other Errors of Magistracy in Cases of Justice or Soberness not to resist the Power vindicating its Commands by Sufferings and Penalties upon those that cannot actively Obey wherein Religion Justice or Soberness are contradicted which are Gods and must be rendred to him according to themselves who is able to make them recompense who suffer for Righteousness sake as he pleases in this World or most certainly in the Resurrection of the Just But if there were not such an absolute Legislative and Executive Power in every Community thus fixed and unmoveable and accountable only to God the Restless Love of Change would be always disturbing and calling to account Government and every Man take upon him to be a Lawgiver and a Justicier or indeed to be Licencious and Inordinate and as they could Consult and together Collect themselves into a Rebellion would enter into open Hostilities against it and so the ends of Government in the Peace and Order of Humane Societies be quite lost so that till any Principalities sitting on the Seats of Government are so bad as to retain less of the Uses and Ends of Government than they destroy and it can be made apparent endeavours of Change cannot introduce so great and general Mischiefs or that even Anarchy it self cannot introduce greater Mischiefs than that Government is the Author of which hath come to pass in few Instances till then I say we must fear the Lord and the King and not meddle with them who are given to Change For their Calamity shall rise suddenly and who knows the ruin of them both Quest But what are Christian Subjects to do when Titles of Soveraignty or Legislative or Executive Powers of Laws are Disputed either betwixt various Pretensions of Princes or where the bounds of Power and Rights of Soveraignty and the Liberties and Properties of People are in Controversie Answ I shall no more intermeddle in that than the Doctrine of Christianity does which leaves all those things to the Laws and Constitutions of Nature of Nations and of each Particular Country The Duty of Christians is to those Soveraign Powers whose Authority is Current whose Image and Superscription is upon all things Publick the Powers that are in being are to be Obey'd according to the Ends of Government already Discoursed that is for the Punishment of Offenders for the Executing Judgment betwixt Man and Man for the securing Common Peace in all Godliness and Honesty Our Lord and his Apostles intimate nothing either way to strengthen or weaken the Claim of the Powers then present but declare Obedience to them Prayers and Thanksgivings for them as they then were although they could not have the clearest of Titles Christianity as it is strictly the Religion of Jesus Christ doth not make it self a Divider over Men nor Decide such Controversies which are quite of another Cognisance yet it subverts no Rights it betrays no Liberties justly so called it reverses no Laws of Nature nor rescinds Constitutions and Compacts of Government but teaches Men to do all they can to preserve Common Good and Right determinable upon other Principles Only this the more clear ancient and indisputable the Titles of Princes are the more indisputable Boundaries betwixt Prince and People are kept the greater are the Obligations of Obedience of quiet and peaceable rest in that Obedience of the most vigorous Defence of the Power over us and the greater the Guilt of any of the Sins of Mutiny Faction Sedition Rebellion Quest The Discourse of the Power of Magistrates in Religion hath brought to my thoughts National Religion and a National Church wherein I desire your Instruction Answ I can but apply what I have said in general to this Particular Case which I shall endeavour to do to your satisfaction in these six Propositions Quest What is the first Proposition I am to be Instructed by Answ It is this That to join in True Religion with our Native Country or Nation is such a Law of Nature that cannot be reversed