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A17722 Thirteene sermons of Maister Iohn Caluine, entreating of the free election of God in Iacob, and of reprobation in Esau A treatise wherin euery Christian may see the excellent benefites of God towardes his children, and his maruelous iudgements towards the reprobate, firste published in the French toung, & now translated into English, by Iohn Fielde, for the comfort of all Christians.; Treze sermons de l'election gratuite de Dieu en Jacob et de la rejection en Esau. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1579 (1579) STC 4457; ESTC S107264 201,134 366

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not of those which we see with the eye but of spirituall enemies For the aire is full of deuils which lye in wayte for vs yea which are as roring Lyons besides their slights Alas what shall wee be able to doe It must needes be that we be in distresse vexation continually without ende that we be as poore people strickē thorow if we knew not that our Lorde hath our saluation in his owne hand and that hee will keepe it S. Peter sayth that it is well kept in hope and that faith is as it were a capcase but hee sendeth vs to God and our Lorde Iesus Christe hath yet declared this more plaine vnto vs when he saith that all that was giuen vnto him of his father shall not perish And why so The father who hath giuen you sayth he vnto me is stronger then all So then he sayth that wee may reioyce in this that God will haue pitie vpon vs vntill the end and that he wil keepe vs and although he suffer vs to stumble yea so as we fall yet we shall be recouered vpholden by his hand And how is it that we can trust in this Without election it is impossible ▪ but when wee knowe that the father hath committed vs into the keeping of his sonne we are certaine that we shall bee maintained by him vnto the ende For wee haue his promise whereby he hath bound himselfe vno vs to preserue vs farther he maketh it vntill the last day vntill the resurrection And forasmuch as the beginning and end of our saluation is in him see in whome we may reioyce our selues That is that in acknowledging our weaknesses bricklenesse and that we are nothing and that we want all things yet we may say the Lorde which hath called me vnto himselfe will finish his owne worke as is said in the 138. Psalme Lord thou wilte not leaue the worke of thine owne handes in the middest So then we must holde fast this doctrine that the one shal be more strong For our faith shall remaine victorious ouer all the world And how It behoueth vs I say to haue our foundation vppon the election of God that we may be so setled thereon that wee knowe that our Lorde beeing our Father will not suffer that we perishe seeing wee are his children Now Moyses addeth by and by that the elder shall serue the younger In this wee haue yet a more ample confirmation of that which I touched euen nowe that is that we must be so assured of our saluation although that we be weake that the world despise vs and we haue no greater shew of strength And why so God would that we should for a time be the lesser that is to say that we should be little and despised to the end that his glory might be the more knowen esteemed For if we had greatnesse and glory in our selues dignitie it is certaine that these should be as vailes to shadowe the meere and free bountie of God but when we are weake in our selues see wherein it is knowen that it is hee which doeth all it muste needes be that his hand be in such sort aduaunced that we come not to mingle our selues therin and that we throw not forth our cloudes to hinder that the praise of our saluatiō be wholly attributed to him Marke then that we haue heere to learne that is on the one side although that we be weake that we cease not to goe freely forward knowing that our strength consisteth in God and when he doth not fully shewe it it is to the end that our weaknes should be an occasion to humble vs See this for one principall point And in very deede we should be colde yea and quite negligent in calling vppon him if we knewe not our necessitie but when we see that we can do nothing then we must haue our refuge to him who can supply all our wantes and then wee shall render vnto him the sacrifice of praise which is due vnto him after that wee haue byn heard of him In the meane time also we haue to note that God doth not at the first dash shew to the viewe of the eye our saluation but it must bee hid in appearāce and that for a time we be as castawayes and that the wicked treade vs vnder their feete that they be in degree without comparison more high then we Notwithstanding let it suffice vs that we are as a precious treasure before god Behold also why our Lord Iesus Christ saith Feare not my little flock but reioyce and be not as a scattered and discomforted flocke And why so Because the father delighteth in thee Mark then from whence we must haue all our reioycing marke of whome we must bee armed to haue victory and to tryumph against all temptations When we see in these dayes the enemyes of the Gospel and the Deuils supporters to make their bragges and make no account of others in comparison of them selues and when in the meane time they despise vs and not only that but farther account vs as most desperate creatures as though we were vnworthy as men say to be eaten of Dogges When therefore wee shall see this at this day yea that the greatest number shal be as poore staruelings and that they shal haue no bread to eate that they shall not haue their ease nor their commoditie Let vs remember that that is heere spoken that the greater shall serue the lesser Now this seruice came not to passe at the first dashe For we shal see afterwards that Iacob came to crowch before his brother and called him his Lorde hee trembled as a poore Lamb before him and then gaue him all his goods as a pray And where was this subiection of Esau where was the superioritie of Iacob when hee submitted him selfe in such sort It seemeth that he giues vp all but hee knoweth that God would not accōplish this at the firste day Marke then why he did beare his pouertie so patiently because God would as if a man might say that he should creepe vppon the earth and yet this shall not hinder but that hee should alwayes attayne to that saluation wherunto he was called And why so For God dependeth not vppon all all these earthly things And which is more as I haue already sayd he will that we begin heere to humble our selues before him following that which I alleadged ere while from the mouth of our Lord Iesus Christ that so we knowe that our Heauenly Father bee well pleased with vs wee passe not for the reste or rather that wee bee not so shaken that this doe depraue vs and bring vs out of tast and so hinder vs from doing good but that wee doubte not that amiddest all the troubles and greefes that may happen vnto vs we haue alwayes wherein to reioyce For who shall seperate vs from the loue that God hath borne vs in Christ our Lorde seeing that
that wee shall not haue an earthly paradise to the ende to haue all our desires to be so satisfied that we shal lack nothing but that it shall oftētimes seeme that God hath forgotten vs that he hath taken the breade out of our hand and that we shal be in such case as if hee had condemned vs to perish When this shal come to passe let vs not thinke it straunge and likewise let vs not be as young Nouices but let euery one of vs thinke afore hand of that which may come vpon vs and bee prepared to suffer all things patiently The promise is well giuen vnto the faithful Although the Lyons oftentimes seek their pray and find it not that they rore out for hunger yet nothing shall be wanting to the Children of God. Marke then howe hee hath spoken thereof in the thirtie and foure Psalme And againe in an other place All they which feare God shal be satisfyed with all good things But this is not therfore spoken as though God woulde fat vp his owne and giue them whatsoeuer they shall desire but he nourisheth them after an other maner And when he speaketh of satisfying them this meaneth not that he will alwayes fill their bellyes with exquisite meates but wee must yet haue recourse to another place of the Psalme That the poore of the Church shall be nourished Marke heere a certaine kind of contraryetie when God sayth that he will fill those of his church with breade and notwithstanding calleth them poore and needy If they bee poore and needy where is this promise that God wil fill them with bread and with al good things But we must reconcile that which seemeth to disagree and in such sorte that we alwayes depende vpon the prouidence of God to bee as it were fed by him In the meane time if he shal suffer that we endure hunger and thirst that wee doe not therefore giue ouer to hope that he will bee our good father to nourish vs And this is the cause why we doe praye for our dayly bread Now this opposeth it selfe against all those prouisions wherin the children of the world doe put their trust for they are neuer stayed vnlesse their barnes cellers be full as it is said in another Psalme And besids when they are wel fraughted they despite God as though they were without all danger as they thinke But contrarywise howsoeuer the faithful haue wherewith to nourishe themselues yet must they euery day opē their mouth as if God shoulde put in breade by morsels and when they haue nothing yet alwayes they trust in him and in his goodnesse and hope that hee can sustaine them with one crumme of bread when it shall so please him or rather albeit they see no way how it should come yet neuerthelesse that God will finde a meane to maintaine them When therefore it is sayd that Isaack was driuen out through famine this is asmuch as if God would declare vnto vs that when we shall fall into pouertie and neede that we thinke not that we are therefore forsaken of him nor take it as a signe that he hateth vs or rather that wee imagine not that he thinketh no more of vs but that as our father Isaack endured hunger thirste constantly and in the end tryed that God alwayes had care of him so we also acknowledge the like Marke this for one speciall lesson And this is that also which is shewed vnto vs by S. Paule in the 8. chap. to the Romaines when he saith Shal hunger be able to separate vs from the loue that God beareth vs in Christ Iesus our Lord. Saint Paule fighteth there in the name of all the faithful shewing therein that if God shoulde cut of our morsels yea and that we should be depriued of all nourishment as if it seemed that hee would exclude vs from all the benefites that hee hath created in the worlde as though wee were not woorthy to be vppon the earth yet must wee ouercom this tentation there conclude though it be in the middest of famine that God will bee our father and we muste content our selues with this reioycing in our afflictions But in the meane while wee are also exhorted by the example of Isaack not to be so greeued and vexed with famine nor for other afflictions of what sorte soeuer they be to the end they make vs to forsake God or turn vs out of the path wherin he hath set vs For as we haue seene Iacob forsooke his meate to aspire to that spiritual inheritāce which had byn promised vnto him So now likewise we see that Isaack had no regarde to that which hee might suffer in that length of time He sawe Egypt which was a good refuge neuerthelesse he was turned from it And why so Because God had forbiden him to goe thither So then when we see that Isaack was not ouercome by famine that he obayed God forsook not to be guided by his hand by this we haue also to learne when our Lorde wil afflict vs with pouertie neede that we looke not to vnlawfull meanes to releeue our necessitie And aboue all if Sathan lay before vs his baites to intice vs that we rather chuse to dye of hunger if neede be then to withdraw our selues frō the conduction of God seeing that we cannot be nourished but by his blessings For whē we shall haue all the bread meats in the world it is certain that the wind shall aswel profite vs for our nourishment as these and wee shall think that we grow yet in the meane time we shall not be substantially fed For it is not bread as it is said in Moyses that nourisheth vs but euery worde that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Nowe by this worde hee doth not vnderstande the doctrine of saluation but that same vertue which God hath spred ouer al his creatures Mark thē what it is that nourisheth vs I say not only in respect of the soule but also in respect of this transitory life Which seeing it is so let vs take heede that we bee not fed by that which the deuil shall set before vs whē we are in necessitie and canst thou do this art thou able to winde out frō thence hast thou any such helpe yea if this bee contrary to the wil of God that we alwayes remaine stedfast that we wait til God shall shew himself pitiful towards vs as he that best knoweth the meane although it bee vnknowen vnto vs It is true that we shall haue no such reuelations as our father Isaack had God wil not appeare vnto vs from heauen but this ought to suffice vs that at this day the wil of God is certaine vnto vs for GOD hath supplied that which was wanting to our olde fathers when he appeared vnto them at this day wee haue the law which is an infalible rule vnto vs we haue the prophets which are expositors therof vnto vs
them as they thinke good and therefore they speake moste despightfully of it They call it a deade letter a nose of Waxe a Shipmans hose a Schoole mistresse of error darke harde insufficient of it selfe and I cannot tell what And yet as I saide if any thinge come from their Dunces they receiue it and neuer distrust it The name of a Catholique is inough to authorise vnto them any thing be it neuer so false absurde peeuish and contrary to the knowen and expresse trueth of god They cry the Church the Church no otherwise then craftie strumpets that wil moste scolde for their honestie when they neuer came where it grewe And then they brable with vs about the translation O it is corrupted it is not according to the Hebrew text to discredit that which maketh most against them besides that they forbidde the people the reading of it they beare the worlde in hande that they haue obserued so manye and so manye faultes when all men of learning and iudgement knowe that the time wherin their errors were most palpable rife all kind of good learning was worne out the knowledge of tongues decreased they whom they most spited were the lighters of their Candles before all the world For to themselues Hebrewe letters though as they say they were as bigge as Okes yet they were Pitchforkes and staples and as for Greeke they were so farre from vnderstanding of it that not one amongest a thousande coulde reade it I speake not of the latter times for now good learning beeing brought to light with the knowledge of the Gospel many of them haue tinded their Candles at our lights and many thankes be to God are conuerted and more should be had not God in his iustice for their wicked Rebellion made the meanes fruitlesse reseruing them to a farther iudgement But let vs see where they euer amended any thing they blamed Their common translation hath bin amended by vs to which yet so obstinate they are that all vppon payne of the blacke curse in their conspiracie of Trent must be bound onely to holde them selues when as in many places for their liues they are not able to make any cōstruction or sense of it But the obscurer it was the better liked of them and the more to their profite and therfore they kept it vnder forbad the reading of it lest the light thereof should discouer their faultes and filthy corruptions And this is the principall cause that Caluine and such notable men are so yll liked and with such violence condempned amongst them But what should good men looke for other of these blinde Balamites but such condemnation The other sort are those that hauing once tasted of the sweete doctrine of the Gospel are yet through an indisciplinate kinde of life beeing also deuoyde of true humilitie caryed away from the sinceritie of the trueth some slugging still in darke ignoraunce and foding them selues in their owne perswasions beleeuing nothing but that which they can compasse receiuing nothing but that which standeth to the lyking of their humors graueled consciences following like Swine their owne beastly and carnall appetites These men would be awakened And when the Lord shal open their eyes they shal see that the professiō of the gospel of God consisteth not in a bare cōfession they shall finde that the councell of God in parte reuealeth it selfe by our vocation which also is from him then they shall knowe them selues to be effectually called when they finde sanctification as a continuall companion in them which is approued and knowen by mortifying the olde Adam in vs and by quickening the inwarde man in that dayly reparation that maketh vs as deere Children too resemble our heauenly father Indeede we shall come shorte in the perfection therof but he that is perfect shall supply our wantes bothe strengthening vs to will and performe what soeuer is good also perfecting in himselfe that which is imperfect in vs These men would be warned not to abuse the Gospel of grace and the glad tydings of their euerlasting saluation too their owne perdition who whilst they speake of Christ should indeuour to knowe him as he is that his bare name deceaue them not too lull them a sleepe in sinne and whilst they seeke to comforte the oppressed should likewise take heede that they strengthen not the wicked to continue in their cursed securitie and fleshly libertie It is very true that in Christ we haue all things but Christ withall his riches onely belongs to his children and to them hee is applyed with all his benefites through a true and liuely faith and he hath sundrye offices to which his must submit themselues They muste acknowledge his kingdome to be ruled by his word and they must be subiect to his lawe who hath thorowly and continually prouided for their gouernment They must rest in that which he teacheth because he is their onely Prophet their onely Prieste in whose onely sacrifice the father is pacifyed and well pleased And Christe is the marke to whome the lawe leadeth the end and perfection thereof that they in him should walke in obedience The last sorte which are as ill as the worst I meane either open or else close and craftie Heretiques they can as ill brooke the sincere worde of God as any of the others bleating also againste his gouernment and discipline because it restrayneth correcteth and bridleth their hereticall opinions and manners They alledge ouermuch seueritie continually abusing his mercie and like fantasticall wretches because they would be left to them selues to spew out their heresyes they continually barke against this wholesome correction and holy obedience These fellowes pick many quarrels making it subiect to the inconstant willes of Popes and ignorant Princes as though it were a Shipmans hose to be altred and changed at their pleasure But alack they doe but catch the winde in a net For it must needes be that Christes scepter bruse them and it preuayle And specially they cannot abide such men as this good Caluine was because hee rubbed them on the gawle and brake euen the skull as I may say of their hereticall corruptions For some of them are Arians other some Anabaptists and Seruetians Dauidians and Syluanists Pelagians Freewil men Libertines and of the Familie of Loue ioyning with them infinite heresies and secretly in this securitie of the Church disperse their poyson which I feare me wil one day so breake foorth when we least thinke of it too the trouble of the whole Church of God that it will bee a long time or euer it be purged and appeased I would to God there were none in England I woulde to God they had fewer fauourers and wee more iudgement and zeale too defende the sincere trueth of our God then should they not giue such euident tokens of the venim that is within them in defending Seruetus that Dogge that hath renewed all the olde heresies of the Arrians that
somuch troubled the Church in time past neither would they them selues in their own fantasies with such impudencie condemne the deere seruants of God for procuring and calling vpon the magistrate for his lawful execution against Heretiques and empoysoners of the Church They would not make a mash hotchpotch of the ciuill and ecclesiasticall state and so iumble them togither They would not deny the power of the magistrates sword committed to his ministers not in vaine but to be vsed in cutting off the rotton members therof for the preseruation of the whole body They would not bark so like Dogges against the euerlasting predestination and election of God the most cōfortable doctrine that can be being the foundation of all the rest where it is wisely taught according to the worde and learned within that sober cōpasse that it is prescrybed ioyning and iumping so neere with Anabaptists the sprituall illuminate Pelagians and other merite mongers who howsoeuer they differ in some particular markes yet are birdes of one and the same fether This shall alwayes be found true that they followe the corruptest men of our age in all these matters But whatsoeuer they say Gods trueth is of sufficient power to ouercome all their hereticall blasphemies Moyses rod shall deuour their Sorcerers serpentes Dagon shall breake his neck where his trueth is receiued And this sunne arysing shall scatter all their darkenesse These excellent instrumentes shall liue when they shal be forgotten vnlesse it bee in immortall shame opprobry Let vs not therfore be discouraged but holde fast the trueth of our good God with feare and reuerence let vs seeke after those things he hath reuealed vnto vs There can be no daunger if we keepe our selues within the cōmpasse of the holy Scriptures For this doctrine of Gods eternall election and Predestination is moste comfortable O but say they with the olde Heretiques if I be elected and predestinated what neede I too auoyde euill woorkes they shall neither further nor hinder mee God is sure and what neede I torment and vexe my selfe to doe well to leade a straight and a godly life wee like not these pepered consciences Such heretiques there were long agoe that so wrote and taught that occasioned Saint Augustine too write that excellent worke of the Predestination of Gods Saintes confuting such caytifes as these Saint Augustine therefore annsweareth them that this doctrine is a moste comfortable doctrine necessary to be knowen too bee published and preached to the people in his due time and place For it is that same euerlasting and vnchangeable decree of GOD whereby hee hath vndoubtedly determined in the time that hee him selfe best knoweth to cal his elect to the knowledge of his trueth that his mercie and glory might bee declared in them And this hath the Scripture confirmed Rom. 8. verse 30. Whome he hath predestinate those hee hath called and whom he hath called those he hath iustified And againe in the first Chapter to the Ephesians wee are elected before the foundations of the worlde and in the 9. to the Romains speaking of Esau and Iacob of whome these Sermons especially intreate he saith that one was electted and the other reiected before they had doone either good or euil The foūdation heereof is only the purpose of his wil not forseeing as the Papists say any worthynes or vnworthines of man but for iust causes known to himself in himself not in vs in which without further inquirie we ought to rest acknowledging him to be only good wise ▪ most righteous who is shal be blessed and iustified for euer Now for them that are either reiected or elected we wade no farther to iudge of thē then may appeare by the effectes neither doe we iudge absolutely of them but with condition vnlesse vppon those peculiar loste ones of whō God himself in his word hath pronoūced Read Ephe. 1. 1. Pet. 1. Now if any Potshard wil reason with the potter which not resting in his will would wade further to know the secrete causes of this we say vnto him with the Apostle O wretched man who art thou that disputest with god Shal the thing formed say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus For further satisfaction in this question I referre al Christians to the Bookes that are written heereof namely to these excellent Sermons M. Knox hath learnedly answeared the obiections of the aduersaries in a Booke printed at Geneua Wee haue also home writers that haue delt fully and plainly therein as Veron of Predestination and M. Crowley in his booke againste Cerberus rightly so called for his barking blasphemyes againste this most comfortable and excellent doctrine others that are learned may further satisfie thēselues with those learned answeres of M. Beza against that impure Apostata Castalio And nowe to returne to your Honours I most humbly beseech you to acccept my poore labours which I offer vnder your Honours names to the whole Church of god And I beseech your honours as God hath called you to the knowledge of his glorious Gospel which is a token of your election so goe forwarde more and more in the grouth therof that the Gospel being truely rooted in your hearts it may bring forth sanctification the true seale of your adoptiō that you may feele his goodnes in the assurance of that euerlasting and blessed inheritance God hath called you to high honor not so much by your places calling amongst men which yet is somwhat because it is a great benefite of God but in that he hath made you his adopted children it is that you should shewe obedience in that hee hath made you heyres with his sonne and Citizens with his Saintes it is that you should looke vp to Heauen and haue your ioy there despysing this worlde and liuing to righteousnes and true holynesse And this will the Lorde in mercie bestowe vpon you thereby sealing your election if you seperate your selues from the corruption of the world I say not that you should go out of the worlde but that you should departe from euill and be followers of God as deare children walking in loue euen as he hath loued you Beware of these twoo Cankers that corrupte the whole worlde and is moste likely to assayle Nobilitie I meane Pride and Couetousnesse Let them not once bee named amongest you as becommeth Saintes A day wyll come when the Lorde will fulfill your hope in better thinges then all this worlde can geue you Stand fast in his trueth in these slipperie daies and aboue all thinges let his glory and the aduauncement of his woorde bee deare and precious vnto you In Gods matters let his will bee the rule thereof and not your owne wisedome and affections Examine your selues often by it and neglect not holy exercises Let other Gallantes of this worlde followe theyr foolish and fadyng pleasures delight you in his lawe and be good examples to others Care not for the
the euill that is in vs we delight in that which is good When then we haue this it is certaine that if wee be not harder then yron and steele wee ought to haue all rebellion shiuered and broken and that we bee inflamed with the loue of God haue our mouth open to blesse and prayse that so excellent magnificent grace which he hath shewed towards vs See then the marke that the scripture setteth before vs Now in the meane time these varletes will not sticke to say O shall God bee an accepter of persons Forsooth as if God regarded in his election rich or poore as if he regarded a noble man more then a poore man or a wise man more then an Idiot For marke what it is to accept persons This word Person in the holy scripture importeth Looke or countenaunce as also the Scripture vseth it But God chooseth vs not for our fayre eyes Who is it that discerned thee wee alleadged yesterday that of S. Paule When God therefore chooseth these whom it pleased him it is in his euerlasting councell and in him selfe that is to say he hath his secrets which we ought to reuerence without farther inquiry why seeing this is so it is certain that we cannot say that he accepteth persons And they which so speake are doltes besides the malice that is in them Now then they will say And how is it that the one shal be saued by faith and not the other if all depend vpon the election of God But yet heerein they shew to grosse beastlynesse For from whence proceedeth faith it selfe but from the election of God They say ô the promises of God are generall and God calleth all the world to saluation It followeth therefore that all the worlde shal be saued Yea he would that al the world shuld be saued but this is to make the reprobate inexcusable For the promises of God do vndoutedly cōtaine our saluation and wee shall not be deceiued leaning vpon them But what We must knowe from whēce the faith is which we haue For when the gospel is preached why is it that one sort profite therin receiue it with due reuerence humilitie of hart the other doe not but rather become worse by it This is forasmuch as they which were ordained to saluation saith S. Luke speaking of the preaching of S. Paule they saith he did beleeue Marke S. Paul who preached it is certain that if euer there were dexteritie in a faithful teacher it was S. Paule that had it and yet all were not good scholers there was but one parte that receued his doctrin Whence came this was it of their industrie was it because they were euill disposed It is very true that God disposeth But that this cōmeth not from them S. Luke sheweth preuenteth heere al mens dotages and saith that they which were ordained to saluation beleeued And mark also wherfore our Lord Iesus Christe saith That those that his heauenly father had giuen him shoul● not perishe but that he would keepe them to the ende Now when he saith they which are giuen mee of my father he calleth vs to that eternal election He sayeth also in an other place Thine they were thou gauest them vnto me And wherfore is it that the one belong vnto God not the other This is not in respect that they are mortall men For our nature is alike we are all created by one father but the one belongeth vnto God and the other are cast off from him because it so pleased him Hee acknowledgeth and accepteth the one for his owne the other although they be his creatures neuertheles they haue no acquaintāce with him he accepteth them not of his houshold in asmuch as he hath shut them out from his election We se then heere how faith is a speciall gifte of God which proceedeth not from our free wil not that we can of our selues goe forward and that some are more able to cōprehend then others but for that it hath pleased God to reueale his secrets to those whome he hath elected And therfore see also why it is said in Esaie Who is he that will beleeue our hearing For Esay had preached of the death and resurrection of our Lord Iesus Christ as if he had desplayed the banner to declare that euery one should come to bee reconcyled to God that poore sinners should be receiued to mercy that their satisfaction righteousnes is altogither redy that God desireth nothing but to bee mercifull to those that seeke him hath Esay preached so but he crieth out forthwith Who will beleeue our hearing And why so For he saw in spirit the presumptiō rebellion of vnbeleuers because they cānot yeeld thēselues to be ordred by God but are wild haue always their mouth opē to reply against God forthwith they haue a wādring fātasie they may not obay He sheweth that his doctrin shal not be receiued of the greatest nūber and addeth the reasō that the arme of god that is to say his strength power is not reueled to al he sheweth there that it is not in our selues that we haue ●either mouing ●or entrance nor preparatiō nor any thing whatsoeuer it be but that it must be God that must worke therein Nowe if it be so in generall it must followe then that faith commeth from this roote of the election of god Now touching the rest when wee shall haue knowne this there is no question that wee should bury all that instruction which our Lord hath giuen vs in the holy Scripture For after that he hath declared to vs his will he exhorteth vs he reprooueth vs hee threateneth vs If we were as these rennagate spirits which say To what purpose do you preach so much vnto vs If God haue elected and chosen vs vnto himselfe we cannot perish and if we be reprobate what shall all the doctrine that shall euer be heard auayle vs yea but all agreeth very well when we exceede not our bounds We haue already sayd that faith cōmeth from election Then like as God hath chosen vs so also he calleth vs in time as afterwards shal be handled more at large For the place wil serue there more fitly But howe soeuer it bee God is not contrary to himselfe and like as he testifieth vnto vs that it is by his free mercy that he enlighteneth vs by the faith of his Gospel and in the knowledge of our Lorde Iesus Christ so wil he that we walk in feare carefulnes that we be touched with his threatnings that we be gathered vnto him al this he willeth And in deed mark these two sentēces that men with their impudencie rashnes would weene to be contrary and neuertheles they agree very well one with the other Iesus Christ saith Come vnto me all you that labour and are heauy loaden I wil refresh you you shall finde rest to your soules See howe
wee are all bidden by the sonne of God not only two or three but all in generall For hee sayth Come all you that are heauy loaden and yet in another place hee saieth No man can come vnto mee except it be giuen him of my father None therefore can come vnto Iesus Christ vnlesse he be drawen by the heauenly father It seemeth that this is cōtrary yea he that would iudge thereof according to mans reason to say that Iesus Christ inuiteth vs all vnto him and further addeth that none can come vnto him vnlesse the father drawe him Very wel but as I haue already said when God generally setteth saluation before vs in Iesus Christe his onely sonne it is to make the reprobate so much the more inexcusable for their vnthankfulnes inasmuch as they haue despised so great a benefite in the meane season the elect are touched and God doth not onely speake outwardly to them but also inwardly And see why in another place our Lord Iesus Christ saith Whosoeuer hath beene taught of God my father the same shal come vnto me But as I haue sayd when the Gospel is preached in the name of God this is asmuch as if he himselfe did speake in his owne person and yet all come not to Iesus Christ Ther are a great many that go back the more whē they haue heard the Gospel for then the deuill kindleth them in such a rage that they are more outragious thē euer before this commeth to passe because there is a twofolde hearing the one is preaching For the voice of a man will not enter into the hearts of his hearers I speake but it behooueth that I heare my selfe beeing taught by the spirit of God For otherwise the word which procedeth from my mouth should profite me no more then it doth all others except it be giuen me from aboue and not out of mine owne head Therfore the voice of man is nothing but a sound that vanisheth in the ayre and notwithstanding it is the power of God to saluation to all beleeuers saith Saint Paule When then God speaketh vnto vs by the mouth of men then he adioyneth the inwarde grace of his holy spirit to the ende that the doctrine be not vnprofitable but that it may bring forth fruite See then howe wee heare the heauenly father that is to say when hee speaketh secretly vnto vs by his holy spirit then we come vnto our Lord Iesus Christ Mark then the summe of that we haue to learne that is when God declareth vnto vs his eternall election that he hath giuen vs such a testimonie that wee cannot dout therof when he hath shewed vs that this is our benefite saluation and so that we take not too much libertie to wrangle against him and to enter into crooked ouerthwart disputations that then the whole shall profite vs For it is certaine that this is the true reioycing of the faithfull to be instructed concerning this election of god Moreouer whē we see the wicked to cast foorth their cauels against God their slaunders to peruert all and to bringe this doctrine into hatred let vs not think it straunge for it must needs bee that they declare them selues to be reprobates I haue said that we must rest our selues in the euerlasting councel of God whereby hee hath chosen some cast off others If now the reprobate come to fight against the trueth of God it is no newe thing For they are appointed to this and it must needes be that they declare themselues to bee such as they are and wee must call to minde that sentence of Ose the which is put in the ende of his Booke The wayes of the Lorde are good right also The righteous will walke in them but the wicked shall fall therein Now he addeth also Who is wise that will vnderstand this And who is a prudent man that wil vnderstand these thinges The Prophet sheweth that when wee speake of the iudgements of God it behoueth that we haue a speciall wisedome to receaue them and shall this wisdome be found in al our braines that is farre off So then it behoueth that we haue a wisdome giuen vs by the meere mercie of God. Nowe that which followeth is to shewe vs that this is a rare and most excellent thinge when men shall be apte to bee taught and modest and that they shall yeelde to bee ledde by God and shall suffer them selues to bee gouerned by his woorde when they shall receaue full instruction which shall bee vnto them a good foode for their soules When this shall come to passe it must bee acknowledged to bee a rare and singular benefite of God and must assure vs that he hath blessed vs And therefore it behooueth that we be armed and prepared against all offences If wee see that the wicked shall come to pushe with their Hornes against GOD and to barke and shewe their teeth as Mastiues when they cannot byte then let vs practise this doctrine of the Prophet whē he saith that the wayes of God are righteous good yea and the righteous shall walk in them We shall alwayes finde this so that we haue not a malicious and frowarde spirit that may turne vs from God but let vs be quiet and let vs aske nothing but that our Lord shew vs the path that we ought to followe when we shall be such it is certaine that we shall alwayes finde euen grounde there shall be no question that wee shoulde walke and take our pleasure Beholde I say the ioy wee shall haue when wee shall walke in the Lordes wayes but contrariwise it is said that the wicked shall fall And where shal it be in hell Shall it bee in the Deuils way It is said that it shall bee in the very wayes of God that all that shall bee set forth vnto them of the iudgements of God of his eternall counsaile of his prouidence of his fatherly loue he beareth to his children in all these saith he the wicked shall fall So let vs be in such wise established that all the ruines and falles which we shall see before our eyes hynder vs not from marching alwayes forwards in that good way which our Lord doth set before vs But it behoueth vs oftentimes to remember that which is heere handled by Moyses And that is he sayth expressely That the one shal be stronger then the other and the elder shall serue the younger In speaking of the stronger it is to shewe vs that when Gods election is stedfast and vndoubted and that we are vpholden by his holy spirite we must no longer feare this is a very profitable poynt yea necessary For what is our condition There needes not but one puffe of wind to beate vs down there needes but a flye to dazel our eyes and yet wee are heere layde open to so many combates as nothing more Beholde our enemyes which are in number infinite and I speake
God hath chosen vs in our Lord Iesus Christ that he hath called vs to the faith of his Gospel hath imprinted in our harts the testimonie of his fatherly loue we wil alwaies defie our enemyes although we be poore and feeble yea though we be nothing in the common opinion of men yet we shall not cease to be grounded vppon this promise That the greater shall serue the lesse and younger And seeing it is so let vs not desire to bee great after the worlde for although that we be cōtemptible despised yet this hindreth vs not from beeing the heires of the world although we neither haue landes nor possessions yet doe all things belong vnto vs contrariwise the wicked haue an horrible and heauie accounte to make for that they in such sorte deuoure Gods benefites and reioyce so much concerning those riches which he hath giuen them and yet glorifie not God in them But they must pay full dearely for them and as for vs although we bee stripped of all riches that we be in opprobrie reproch to be short that there is nothing but pouertie in vs yet seeing we know that hee hath his hād stretched out to vpholde vs we may boast our selues against all our enemies And in the meane time let vs remember that which is saide in Esay that we are as a precious crowne in the hand of the Lord and as the ring of his finger and as his seale and that neither Egypt nor Assyria that is to say the greatest Monarchies of the world are so highly esteemed of him as we are not for any value that is in vs as I haue said alredy but because it hath pleased him to chose vs to reserue vs in the number of those whome he will haue to him selfe and wee knowe this forasmuch as we see through faith and hope that he hath drawen vs from those gulfes in which we were to the end he might bring vs to an euerlasting inheritance Now let vs fall downe before the face of our good God in acknowledging our offences praying him that he will in such sorte make vs to feele them that it may be to spoile vs of all wicked lusts and rebellions and that wee may be so renewed that we may ratifie our vocation in lyuing holyly confirming our selues wholly to his righteousnes and that he wil so supporte vs in our infirmities that he suffer vs not howsoeuer wee bee compassed about with so many enemyes that we neuer faile but that he wil supply all our weakenesses to the ende that his election may declare his power euen to the end that we may in such sort feele the frute thereof that we may haue wherein to glorifie him both in life and death And so let vs all say ô Almightie God heauenly Father wee acknowledge and confesse in our selues as the truth is that we are not worthy c. ❧ The fourth Sermon of Iacob and Esau Genesis 25. 24 Therefore when the dayes of her deliueraunce was come beholde twinnes were in her wombe 25 So hee that came out firste was redde hee was all ouer as a rough garmente and they called his name Esau 26 And afterwarde came his brother out and his hand held Esau by the heele therefore his name was called Iacob Nowe Isaack was threescore yeeres olde when Rebecca bare them 27 And the boyes grewe and Esau was a cunning hunter and was a man of labour but Iacob was a simple man and dwelled in tents 28 And Isaack loued Esaw for Venison was his meate but Rebecca loued Iacob BEcause the election of GOD is secret in it selfe it is necessary that it shewe it selfe with the time as God caused his workes to come to perfection For it sufficeth not that God haue once chosen vs and that he haue marked vs but he must also cōtinewe this to the ende and that he declare that his election is not in vain but that he hath his strength and power to conduct vs to saluation Now hee doth this after diuerse sortes For God is not bound to keepe alwayes one course he hath his meanes such as it pleaseth him to appoynt Sometime he sheweth his election very quickly sometime he deferreth it for a long space and they that thinke that there is a certaine seede in all those whome God hath elected so as men may discerne them from other because they are enclyned to good and haue some affectiō to serue God they fouly ouershoote themselues and are also conuinced by experience Iohn Baptist was sanctified from the wombe of his mother but it is farre otherwise in many others For God suffereth his electe sometimes to be as scattered sheepe and they seeme as though they were altogether lost and this is to the ende to giue the greater glory to his grace As wee see now some signe in Iacob that God had chosen him and reiected his brother Esau For Iacob held the heele of his brother as if he had fought against him And this came not to passe by chaunce neither was it doone by nature but God shewed as it were with the finger that Esau was the firste borne and yet was neuerthelesse put back and Iacob who was the inferiour in his birth should yet in time be preferred Mark then what we haue to learne vpon this place that is that God will approue that which he hath pronounced as we saw yesterday That the greater shall serue the lesser and And this hath already beene shewed in the birth of twoo infantes But of this example we haue to gather in generall that those whome God hath chosen he hath preuented by this meanes doth ratifie his counsell and decree when his execution appeareth And so though we can not enter so farre to knowe who they are that were elected before the foundation of the world notwithstanding our election shal be testified vnto vs so farre foorth as shall be necessary For if God as a man woulde say doe keepe the protocoll or originall draught thereof with him selfe it followeth not but that hee doth giue vs such testimonie thereof that we may be assured that he both is and will be a father vnto vs to the end that we should call vpon him in this affiance For it is not saide heere albeit there were a vocatiō as the holy scripture speaketh that is to say that he had declared vnto Iacob that he had elected him This wil com with the time ▪ but it is said simply that God had shewed it as it were to the eye that the answere which he had giuē to Rebecca was not in vain Why so the effect appeared in this that Iacob helde the heele of his brother But heere by the way God would shewe by this figure that his electe come not to their ende without many combates It is true that Iacob knewe not what this ment and his age also did not suffer it but this notwithstanding muste serue to teach vs and
that sense but it is said else where that the faithfull shal be blessed in god So it is saide nowe that they shall bee blessed in the seede of Abraham But we haue to search all our good and saluation in him alone who is the fountaine thereof as it is said in the 36. Psalme But because there is so great distance and that we cannot sore vp so high our Sauiour Christe hath approched neere vnto vs and wee haue the liuing waters in him there wantes nothing but that wee come to drinke as he sayth Come vnto me and whosoeuer thirsteth let him come vnto mee For I haue the liuing waters and whosoeuer shall drinke thereof hee shall not onely haue to quench his thirste but also liuing waters shall flowe out of his belly yea and fountaines of liuing waters that hee may giue thereof vnto others When therefore we see that God will familiarly communicate with vs all his benefites in the person of his onely begotten Sonne so much the lesse excuse is there if wee come not to receiue parte of this blessinge the which is propoūded vnto vs Moreouer it is not only said that all nations of the earth shal be blessed but it is said they are blessed not for that we can compasse or attain to this blessing of our selues or by our own power and diligence but it behoueth that euery one be blessed in Iesus Christ through faith For altogither like as he is presēted vnto vs by the gospel so likewise we must accept him and if we remaine vnbeleeuers this is because wee shut the doore as it were against all his graces Then seeing it is so that God hath prepared all so long time before that belongeth to our saluation and that in the fulnesse of time as Saint Paule calleth it Iesus Christ hath appeared and hath sufficiently witnessed that he was that blessed seede wherein wee must seeke all benefits Let vs likewise come with the like readynesse of faith and with such zeale that we be not shut out through our owne malice and vnbeleefe to the end God accomplish not that in vs which is heere pronounced that we goe not to him to haue the ratification of his promise let vs I say take heede that none hinder himselfe through his owne fault and vice Finally it is said That God will ratifie his othe with Isaack forasmuch as Abraham had obeyed the voyce of God and had kept his obseruations commaundements statutes lawes Heere the othe is yet reiterated for the greater and more sure confirmation of vs all For we can not giue any faith vnto God vnlesse wee haue stoutly fought against distrust to which wee are so naturally inclined and forasmuch as we are yet so tickle as is pittiful For this cause God sweareth so much the more to assure vs But it is true as hath beene shewed before that this is worthy of greate blame in vs that wee should constrayne God to sweare For we doe not honour a mortall man if wee content not our selues with the simple worde that he shall speake if wee count him not for an honest man contenting our selues in that he shall haue promised vs but when we say I will that you sweare vnto me heerein Beholde this is a greate signe of distrust and will not bee wel borne amongst men But if we shall notwithstanding doe that dishonour to God to require an othe of him besides his worde must it not needes be that we bee too too villanouse But if so be that God neuerthelesse doe in this behalfe take pittie vpon vs although it bee an intollerable vice that we would haue him sweare farther then he hath pronounced yet heerein hee doth apply him selfe vnto vs What can we demaund more And nowe what excuse shall there be when we would yet that his promises should be assured vnto vs by an othe This worde then of an othe ought to pearce vs to the very heart as often as it offereth it selfe before vs yea and when there is any question of certifying vs of the good will of GOD and of that singular loue which he beareth vnto vs But let vs come to that poynt where he sayth That this was for asmuch as Abraham obeyed the voyce of God. It shoulde seeme heere that GOD attributed the accomplishment of his promises to Abrahams vertue and to his merites but we haue declared already that this coulde not bee neither ought so to be vnderstoode as though the obedience which Abraham yeelded to God had beene the cause why God should be bounde vnto him to perfourme that he had spoken For wee haue shewed already that this was altogither free in god When Abraham was drawen out of the Idolatrie wherein hee was as it is declared by Iosua What was it that mooued him too doe it Afterwardes when hee kept Abraham to the ende this was not because hee obeyed him For contrarywise hee had sayde vnto him longe before I will blesse thee I will bee with thee I wil be thy large recompence Thy seede shal be multiplyed as the starres of heauen and in it all nations of the Earth shall bee blessed All this was spoken to Abraham before Isaack was borne and when Abraham woulde haue sacrificed his sonne Isaack it was sayde vnto him because thou hast not spared thy onely Sonne but wast ready to sactifize him for the loue of me beholde I wil blesse thee and this was spoken to him longe before wee see then that that whiche is free in God and that which hee giueth vs of his meere liberalttie hee attributeth to the seruice which wee doe vnto him not to minister vnto vs any matter of pride but this is onely so muche the more to prouoke stir vs vp with cheerfulnes and courage to serue him Marke then the purpose of God It is not to the ende to rob himself of the praise which is due vnto him to the ende men should vsurpe it but it is because hee knewe that they haue neede of spurres and must haue aydes and helpes to serue him for otherwise we should be colde and dull They therefore which seeke heere for merits would darken the meere praise of Gods goodnesse to exalte men as though they were the cause of their owne saluation it is certaine they would ouerthrowe all yea and ouerrurne the purpose of God as muche as lyeth in them Likewise let vs learne that when it is saide that God will establish his couenant with Isaack because Abraham had obayed his voyce that it was not to note the cause why but it was onely to shewe that the seruice which Abraham yeelded vnto him was acceptable to him to the ende that Isaack should followe him and conforme himself therevnto Heereby therefore we haue to stirre vp our selues as often as wee feele any slownesse in our selues and when wee shall not bee so disposed as were requisite to giue our selues fully to the obedience of God and that we thinke What It is said
too assure our selues or rather when our spirit is troubled and wee tossed with some wauering and vncertaintie wee must haue oure recourse thither That is too followe our father Abraham to conforme our selues too followe that rule which hee hath shewed vnto vs And why so For wee are certaine that GOD was manifested vnto him Loe then a good direction and which shall not turne vs out of the path of our saluation when wee shall be conformed and fashioned too our father Abraham who was adopted of GOD and who receyued the pledge of our saluation that is too saye all these promises wherevppon wee ought at this daye to be grounded And such accompt ought wee too make of all the rest of the faithfull For although they no whit appertayne vnto vs concerning the fleshe yet notwithstanding wee ceasse not too bee their children And therefore it is not without cause that the Apostle in the eleuenth Chapter too the Hebrues setteth before vs this thicke cloude of witnesses when as hee would shewe vs that wee are very vnkinde if we followe not those whome GOD hath set forth vnto vs for an example Loe sayeth hee a great and thicke cloude of witnesses who calles vs too GOD that would seeme as if a man would saye too stoppe vp our eyes We will be offended with a man when hee shall seduce vs wee will imagine too bee excused by saying O hee did therein asmuch as I wee neede no more but a small flie too make vs too turne awaye from the feare of God and his obedience and notwithstanding that GOD shall set before vs so many witnesses too prooue our fayth that wee ought therewith bee satisfied yet wee come not to him And if this profite vs nothing and wee bee not confirmed thereby what is the cause thereof but oure owne vnthankfulnes And so then so often as our faith shal be weake that wee shall haue ouerthwartings of ignorāce as it were stormes let vs think And what hath God begun but yesterday and to day to speake Spake he not vnto Abraham And was not his truth certaine frō that time forwarde and besides al the faithful which came afterwards al the holy kings prophets and others are they not so many witnesses whō God shewed vnto vs Let vs therefore ioyne them too this holy assembly nowe For howe often soeuer the Gospell hath bene preached vnto vs according as the Apostle hath entreated thereof it is not onely too gather vs togither with al the faythful which are liuing at this daye but also into the fellowship and companie of all the holy spirites whom GOD hath taken out of this worlde We are therefore at this daye ioyned in fellowship with all the holy Patriarkes and Prophetes as often as GOD speaketh vnto vs But wee shall be so much the more without excuse bycause we know not howe too make our profite of all this seeing that GOD hath yet reuealed it more cleerely vnto vs and in a more familiar sorte in the persone of his onely begotten Sonne For hee is not onely named at this day the GOD of Abraham but also the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe In asmuch therefore as wee haue the full and perfecte reuelation of whatsoeuer is profitable vnto vs for our saluation in this liuely image in whome GOD is set foorth it is certayne that wee haue no colour that wee can alledge why wee shoulde not haue such a certaintie of faith that wee should neuer straye hither and thither and when the worlde chaungeth it selfe an hundred thousande tymes yet neuerthelesse that we should remayne stedfast in that wee haue receyued of God knowing that his trueth is vnchaungeable This therefore shortly is that whiche wee haue too beare awaye concerning this texte And further let vs likewise note that woorde of the Lorde Iesus Christ when he saith I goe too my God and to your God to my Father and to your Father See the Sonne of God who is the euerlasting God neuerthelesse to the end to gather vs vnto himself to keepe vs sure there in such sorte that we shuld neuer be seduced from that foundation which hee hath giuen vnto vs of his trueth he sayth that we haue one God togither with him inasmuch as hee is man and in that he is our brother that we haue the same God who is his God and the same father who is his father When we heare these things is there any farther cause for vs to doubt or to be shaken As there are many who will saye at this day O I knowe not what to holde there are so many sundrie opinions that I am confounded likewise I can beleeue nothing I know not what to followe But it can not be chosen but that such people are possessed of the Deuil when they tread vnder their feete the trueth of God which is as a most vndoubted light to guide vs and to shewe vs the way of saluation So then seeing God hath shewed him selfe since Abraham and Noah and appointed Moyses too bee the conductour of his Church and that he hath knit vs altogither when in the ende he sent his onely begotten Sonne in whose persone he hath gathered vs all to him self let vs learn to kepe our selues in that vnitie of faith which he hath giuen vs and let vs not doubt but that he wil alwaies auow vs for his childrē Now we haue to note that which God saith That he wil blesse Isaac and wil multiplie his seede For this serueth to shewe that the fauour which god beareth to those whom he hath called to himselfe is not vaine nor idle but that it bringeth forth his fruite and effect in time It is therefore very certaine that when God shal be mercifull vnto vs hee will giue vs so many good things as he knoweth to be good for vs it is true that this shall not be according to our desire but howsoeuer it be prosperitie shal always be coupled with the fauour loue of god Now we knowe that he hath all in his hand he is no nigard that he will not giue to his children whatsoeuer he knoweth to be meete for them Let vs learne therfore to wayte for al prosperitie free fauour of our God when it shall please him to testifie vnto vs that he loueth vs and that he is with vs as I haue said already and in the meane while notwithstāding although that we haue many aduersities which trouble molest vs and that they be hard bitter vnto vs yet let vs neuer giue ouer to hold vs fast vnto his promise And when we receiue any grace frō the hand of God let vs applie the same alwaies to strēgthen our faith to haue this vndoubted perswasiō that we shal trie that to be true which is spokē here I wil be with thee and I wil blesse thee And certaine it is that if we would cōsider wel the benefits of God that we daily receiue from him
yet the euil shal be enrolled before God cry more loude before his maiestie then if all men were armed and set them selues against vs So then to the ende our faultes may be blotted out defaced before God that there be no cry that may hasten the Lord to iudgement against vs by reason of the offences that we haue committed let vs learne in such sort to appease al strifes quarrels that euery one may preuent it by humbling himself with an vpright pure cōfession This is that we haue to marke vpon this point Now on the otherside we see as I haue already touched that Isaack had not as a man would say an hart puffed vp neither that nourished any manner of rancour against such as had beene his enemyes for he pursued them not he had in deede speciall cause against Abimilech and his company For as Saint Paule sayth they which are not of the flock body of the church we cannot iudge them to the ende to bring them to repentance as we may those which make profession of Christianitie who ought out of hād as much as lyeth in them to receiue admonition of their faultes For this is the order which GOD hath sette amongest al those that are his that wee shoulde bee subiect to receaue admonition bothe from great and small So that there is as it were a mutuall iurisdiction without the sworde and without authoritie if we doe our duetie For euery one hauing the word of God in his mouth is as a Iudge to shew his neighbour the faultes which he hath cōmitted He shall be a iudge in one respect he shall suffer himself to be iudged in an other Mark then howe we iudge these that are of the housholde as S. Paule sayth that is to say such as are of our body and of the Religion of the faithful and of the children of god But those that are without although we condemne them yet can not we call them so familiarly to say Thou haste offended For they haue no such acquaintance with vs and there is no such mutuall right as there is amongst the members of the body of the church And this is the cause why Isaack dealeth not so earnestly with Abimelech and his people as if they had bin knit together in one faith worshipped the same God and had beene of one Church and had had one and the selfe same order established amongest them It is very like that Isaack would not haue passed this ouer to haue saide vnto him What Come you hither with your bragges making as though you were my good friends and had vsed nothing but courtesie towardes mee And what courtesie was that to denie me water yea and too damme vp the welles that I had digged by mine owne laboure and the sweat of those that were mine And this could bring you no losse or hinderance and yet through malice you haue gone about to put out mine eyes and in the ende you haue driuen me out and haue not suffered mee too dwell amongest you And what friendship was this Isaack therefore might haue stoode too haue mainteyned his cause if Abimelech had bene capable to haue receiued such reproofe but it was ynough for him freely to haue layde open his affection For seeing Abimelech would not be corrected neither had any such repentance as was requisite for him therevpon he leaueth him So thē when we shall haue laboured to bring those to repentance that haue offended if we see them obstinate we can no further presse or vrge them It is true that if they be members of the Church wee must followe them to the ende they continue not obstinate and if they will not endeuour too open them selues and that we see they will not bee displeased with their faultes that yet neuertheles we hold them as vanquished For marke howe it behooueth vs to handle them who are so wilde and harde hearted My friende nowe thou shewest thy impudencie before I wel perceiued that thou wast strayed out of the right path but nowe I see that thou art altogither desperate and without hope For thou doest manifestly despite god And what gettest thou either in this or in that For thine offence is well knowen And thus wee may very wel beate thē downe who imagine through toughnes stubbernes to winne their cause But if we haue to doo with those which haue no acquaintance with vs and are not our brethren let it suffise vs too haue shewed them the trueth in one word For this shal be dearely inough bought of them if they thinke not better vpon it to humble them selues And for our part when we shal be reprooued for any offence let vs not wayte for any long processe and such great enquestes too be conuinced as it vvere by fine force of many witnesses but let vs receiue correctiō patiently assoone as it shal be offred vs not be like to those that throvv vp an hādful of ashes to take away the cleare light let vs therfore cōfesse our faults for this is the only remedy except we wil resist god let vs know that whē any warning or admonitiō shall be giuē that then God would haue his grace felte of vs and that hee is carefull too drawe vs backe to the ende wee should not perishe that wee should not remaine obstinate and that Sathan should not take possession of vs Let vs knowe this too the ende wee may come to repentaunce and true lowlinesse Nowe Isaack sheweth yet better that hee keepeth no minde of reuengement or enmitie although they had offended him For hee prepareth a banquet and they eate and drinke togither Loe here a pointe which wee haue well too meditate vppon For this also sheweth howe that we must fight agaynst our passions all the tyme of our lyfe so that this is as it were the A b c of Christians not too requite euill for euill but contrariwise too render good for euill and to get the victorie in this matter the which can not enter into our fansie This I saye is as it were oure A B C and there is no such perfection in vs but that we should beginne here That so soone as wee desire and haue a will to serue God it behooueth that we be spoyled of all bitternes hatred rancour of all desire to reuenge not onely to forgiue our enimies without procuring of their hurt but also that wee bee readie too doo them good But nowe who is hee that dischargeth him selfe herein of the hundreth parte But we shall find albeit it seemeth that many are as they saye petie Angelles and haue nothing but a feruent desire to serue god to honor him yea there is nothing in thē but loue they are therin resolute setled yet assoone as they bee prouoked the poyson so breaketh forth and afterwardes dwelleth so long in them that they keepe the remembrance of some small offence in their heartes all the
in the meane time let vs haue this sobrietie and modestie therein too submitte our selues too the order which hee hath establyshed And thus much concerning this worde of blessing Nowe heere Moyses beginneth too rehearse howe Rebecca founde out a subtiltie and craft to robbe Esau of his blessing and too translate it too Iacob and after that we haue spoken of the vices of Isaack we see the like in his wife Rebecca and yet neuerthelesse they bothe beleeued in God notwithstanding that it was so darkened and bewrapped that it could hardly be discerned That Isaack had a true faith and that this proceeded from a true zeale it appeareth plainely For if he had not beene thorowly perswaded heereof in himselfe that the heritage should be giuen him which was promised to him and to his seede concerning this blessing What had this byn Surely but a craftie parte and a thing of nought Isaack therfore must needs be resolued howsoeuer hee saw himselfe as it were already in the graue his life to bee spente and to haue but a day too liue howsoeuer this were yet neuertheles he alwayes helde this sure which was said vnto him to wit that his familie shoulde be blessed and that GOD had chosen him and that this was not in vaine that albeit he sawe not the fulfilling of these promises in this world yet notwithstanding that god was in heauen and that neither he nor his shoulde be deceiued but yet they must waite for this Wherefore Isaack hauing fought al the tyme of his life against al the tentatiōs which might haue ouerthrowen him doeth yet in death perseuer in fayth and patience and doth this honor vnto God that he doth boldly trust in him For whosoeuer trusteth in God shal neuer be confounded Isaack had this this was a very excellent faith For see a poore wayfering man it is saide vnto him thou shalte bee the heire of this countrey and yet notwithstanding he had no water to drinke as we haue seene Nowe notwithstanding death doth threatē him yet knoweth he not when it shal be sauing that he is altogether readie for it And yet for all that he despiteth both Sathan and the worlde and remaineth stedfast in this that God wil not deceiue him that it is al one to him whether he dye or whether he molder in the groūd so that the truth of God may yet continue haue his ful vertue and power Lo Isaack the who seeketh not for the worlde but forsaketh al his senses and remaineth stedfast douteth not but that god had mercy on him on his stock Herein as I haue said we haue good cause to praise him yet in the meane time he was so blinded with the loue of his sonne that he fought against God though hee neuer once thought therof This was not a manifest rebellion nor of wilful malice but it was because hee was sluggishe and knewe not his office but in parte He knoweth very wel that God would aduaunce him to such a dignitie that he might bee the messenger and witnesse of this blessing Hee knoweth this and notwithstanding on the contrary parte hee is deceiued Hee had therefore in this case a particular Fayth he had a good zeale mingled with the affections of the fleshe But let vs come too Rebecca Rebecca behahaued her selfe heere with foolishe rashnesse for what an attempte was it for the blessing of God too be prophaned through crafte and lying yea I saye lying so foule as nothing colde be more The matter was heere of the saluation of the worlde the question was of hauing Iesus Christ whome GOD should send for a Redeemer But how proceedeth Rebecca theerein It is certaine that a thing of such importance ought too bee handled with all feare and lowelynesse what a thing is it then that she commeth foolishly too attempte that which seemeth good vnto her in so excellent a woorke of GOD and which surmounteth all others For Rebecca knowing wel that the blessing which shee sought for her sonne Iacob imported that hee should bee heade of the Church during his life and that of him shoulde come our Lorde Iesus Christe doth notwithstanding ouerthrowe it that shee careth not too lye to falsifie to peruert all and also it seemeth that she setteth out the grace of God but in a mockery and contempt For this was too make it too bee basely esteemed to say that it shoulde come bewrapped aboute the necke of her sonne and in the handes of skinnes coulouring that hee is hairie and seeming too robbe Esau of all his ornamentes and againe that she maketh her sonne to lye farther Iacob who went to seeke a Kid which shee causeth to be sodde and maketh him beleeue that it is Venison And after that he had the smell of the garmentes of Esau to bee shorte it might be saide that she would haue ouerthrowen the election of God. Loe therfore very foule faultes and yet all this proceedeth from an excellent faith if euer there were any This is very straunge But wee maye easily iudge it Whereto then had Rebecca regarde She looued her Sonne Iacob and what shoulde it auayle him to haue beene blessed thorowe deceite For this was neither to gette him riches nor profite in respecte of the worlde yea which is more she layeth him open to the wrathe and curse of his Father Againe shee knewe Esau who was ful of venom ful of fiercenesse spight and wrath and indeede wee shall see afterwardes that Iacob was in danger of his life Rebecca knewe all these thinges notwithstanding she setteth fire on her house where she might haue kept her darling with her to haue beene alwayes with him to haue administred that vnto him which he might haue needed in the worlde without putting him in any such daunger But what did shee she had printed this in her hearte that the birthright belonged vnto Iacob as GOD had promised her and so she woulde obey God and esteeme this birthright although it was nothing accounted off amongst men as wee shall afterwardes finde that Iacob called Esau his Lorde that hee humbled him selfe before him yea euen to the bowing of the knee Nowe although that this same birthright were worth nothing in respecte of the world yet doth Rebecca greatly esteeme it See then vndoubted and sure testimonies of a great and exquisite faith which was in her that shee would obey God in despite both of her husband and all that he had so that she mighte execute that which God had pronounced she passed not And that shee esteemed these spirituall blessinges more then any thinge which was in the worlde Loe then the vndoubted markes of her faith she had so greate zeale that she forgot her self and regarded not any whit whatsoeuer mischeife might come vpon it And why so For asmuch as shee conformed her selfe to the will of God and forsooke her eldest sonne cast of all motherly affection and knowing that he must be cut off
And that so it is Isaack addeth a little after That his sonne shoulde rule ouer his enemyes and that all nations shoulde bowe their knees before him And by what right giueth he him this Loe Isaack a poore straunger that must hier the lande where he setteth vp his pauilion and must liue as it were by the fauour of an other and yet neuerthelesse he maketh his sonne here a King of kings and all the worlde to come and doe him homage and that hee shall bring the whole earth into subiection We see then very well that hee troubleth not him selfe with earthly things but he ioyneth bothe togither to wit he taketh earthly blessings as pleadges to the end to bring his sonne further off and in the meanewhile he hath his path right that might leade him to the kingdome of heauen as was promised him Now we know that things are offred to vs in our Lorde Iesus Christe that may make vs forget both honours and all highnesses dignities and nobilities of the world This therefore is the thing we haue to marke vpon this place It is true that euen at this day it must needs be that those temporall blessinges which wee receiue from the hande of God should bee vnto vs as it were pledges of his goodnesse but they are somtimes more sometimes lesse For in respecte that the auncient fathers had not the like light as wee haue and were in shadowes and figures this is the cause why God woulde not so well testifie his fauour vnto them as he hath done vnto vs at this day For in the gospel we haue our lord Iesus Christ it is said that we must be fashioned after his image Now we knowe that hee had nothing in this world but all kinde of miseries confusions for we see how he was crucified so as it semed that he had bin vtterly forsakē of god his father he was in extreme distresses anguishes Thus then we must be fashioned to him after another fashion thē they were who were so led by figures Further more when we shal compare Iacob with Esau we shall yet better knowe as wee shall finde afterwarde that when Isaack blessed Esau that the blessing which he will vse will be a greate deale more large and rich then that which he vseth here towards Iacob his sonne and yet neuertheles this was not to blesse him to that heauenly life but he sayth vnto him My friend there be not twoo blessings seeing that is taken from mee it must stand and God hath blessed him whom I haue blessed forasmuch as hee hath appointed me the minister therof it must needes be that it euen so stand as it hath beene don I haue no more right in it I must holde my selfe contented to haue blessed once yet afterwards he blesseth Esau notwithstanding And how What is there any contradiction no not so but this is to shewe vs that there was not any other heauenly blessing to say that he whom he blessed should be the head of the church that Iesus Christ should come of his race this was no longer in the hand of Isaack as he confesseth But concerning the benefites of this worlde and that which might satisfie the creatures hee gaue him more abundauntly then he did to Iacob Now then we may easely see that Isaack speaking heere of the deawe of Heauen of the fatte of the earth and of great quantitie of corne and wine he meaneth not that his sonne shoulde trouble him selfe therein but he simply setteth these figures before him which were pledges as I haue sayd to draw him further of This therfore is the thing that we haue to marke And withall let vs note that when it is sayd that Isaack had declared The voyce is the voyce of my sonne Iacob but the hande is as the hand of Esau That God had yet purchased this for him It is true that all this was done through errour but yet besides this errour he had some certain knowledg and the Lorde did in such sorte aduertise him of it to the ende to shewe that the blessing belonged to Iacob as also in trueth it must bee rescrued for him although this had not come to passe that is to say albeit Rebecca had not vsed this il deceite yet God knewe full well howe too holde Isaacks mouth as also he held the mouth of Balaam Beholde Balaam who was a lyer who was hyred came also to curse the people of God if it had bin possible for him to the ende to get giftes of Balach But neuertheles God did so turne his tounge that whē he thought to cursse maugre his beard he blessed them But Isaack was not as Balaam For his purpose was not to resist GOD nor too abolishe his election but hee was blinded with a foolishe loue which hee bare vnto his Sonne as wee haue sayde and our Lorde coulde well enough gouerne his tounge when hee woulde to cause him to blesse Iacob but now when hee imagined too blesse his sonne Esau yet neuerthelesse doeth GOD drawe this from his mouth The voice is the voice of my sonne Iacob Now this was the principall and chiefe of the blessing euen the voyce For Isaack gaue nothing of his owne but he was a witnesse of the fauour of God and as it were an Harrault to publish it So then forasmuch as he found nothing of Esau but the apparell and the touching he must not rest himselfe therevpon forasmuch as he founde the voyce in Iacob By this we may see that God would euen now already allowe it although that Isaack knewe not what he did neuerthelesse the blessing must be turned to Iacob Thus much concerning this word Moreouer for the conclusion let vs marke well when it is said that all people shal be subiect to Iacob that this is not to the ende that hee should haue any earthly Empire or dominion in this world either he or his It is true that they ruled in the lande of Canaan but howsoeuer it was yet did not they bringe into subiection all nations In the time of Solomon it is true that God exalted his people far wide but this was in a figure for it must come vnto our Lord Iesus Christ who is the head both of men angels So then that which Moses here rehearseth of the soueraigne dominion it is certaine that it can not agree neither to Iacob nor to his Children nor to al their posteritie vntill that we come too our Lord Iesus Christ And this is the cause why it is expressely saide that he shoulde bee the heade of his Brethren and that his mothers sonnes shoulde bowe downe before him This was not in respect of Iacobs person hee had but one onely brother who bowed not him selfe before him but rather made him afraide as wee shall see after but we see the accomplishment of al in our Lord Iesus Christ this was not for him selfe but it was for our good and for our