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A16347 Incipit Speculum vite Cristi; Meditationes vitae Christi. English. Love, Nicholas, fl. 1410.; Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, ca. 1217-1274, attributed name. 1494 (1494) STC 3261; ESTC S111579 210,740 291

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our lorde Jhūs pryuely tolde hym as to hym that he loued more specyally and specifyed to him who was that traytour And John therof gretly astonyed and wōdred wyth grete sorowe to the herte ▪ nought wolde telle peter but torned hym to Jhū and softely layed downe his hede vpō his blessyd breste And as saynt augustyne sayth oure lorde Jhesu wolde not telle peter who was the traytoure For and he had Aug in omelia di●it Je sꝰ petro wyste it ▪ he wolde haue all to torne hym wyth his teeth And as saynt augustyn sayth by peter ben fygured and vnderstōde they that ben in actyff lyfe and by John they that ben in con templatyff ▪ wherfore we haue here doctryne and fygure that he that is cōtemplatyff medlith hym not wyth foreyne worldly dedes and also he y● sechith not vengaunce wythout forth of the offēses done to god ▪ but is sory wythin forth in his herte torneth hym on̄ly to god by deuout prayer And the more sadly tornynge hym and drawynge hym to god commyttith all thynge to his disposycōn and ordenaunce though it soo be that he that is cōtemplatyff sōtyme gooth out by zele of god and profyte of mannes soules as whan he is called therto Also in that y● John wolde not telle Peter that he badde hym aske of the traytour we maye vnderstonde that the comtem platyf shall not reuele the secrete of his lorde As it is wryten N. de scō frāc●s●o of saynt fransoys that preuy reuelacōns he reueled not with outforth but what tyme that nede made hym for hele of mānes soules or y● stirynge of god by reuelacōn meued him the● to Now forth in our processe beholde we the grete benygnyte of our lorde Jhū that soo homly suffred his der●ynge John enclyne reste vpon his blessed breste Lorde how tenderly truly they loued togyder This was a swete rest to John a profytable to all crysten soules in the whiche as clerkes sayen he ● dronke of that welle of euerlastynge wysdome the precyous drynke of his holy gospell wyth the whiche after he comfor ● ted al holy chirche and yaaf it as triacle ayenst y● venym of diuers heretikes Beholde ferdermore other discyples full sory of the forsayd worde of the bitrayenge of our lord Jhū not et●nge but lokynge eche on other as they that wyste not what counceyle or comforte they myght haue in this caas And thus moche at this tyme suffysith touchinge that fyrst artycle of that ● bodily supper and the etyng of paske lambe in fulfyllyng of the lawe endynge of the fygure that oure lorde Jhūs dyde it fore And as clerkes sayen we fynde not that our lorde ete flesshe in all his lyfe but oonly at this tyme in etyng of that lā be more for mystery than for bodily fode Towchynge the s●d● pedū abl● seconde poynte that is the wasshyng of the discyples fete we shall vnderstonde that after the forsayd processe our lord Jhūs rose vp fro the supper also his discyples anone wyth hym B vnwitynge what he wold doo ferdermore or whether he wolde goo And then̄e wente he wyth hem downe in to the nerer hous vnder the forsayd lofte as they sayen ▪ that haue seen that place and there he bad al y● disciples sytte a downe made water to be brought to him and then̄e he cast of his ouerclothes that were perauenture combrous and lettynge to that he thought doo and gyrde him wyth a lynnen cloth and put hymselfe water in to the bacyn that was of stone ▪ as men saye and bare it sette it before peters fete and kneled downe for to wasshe hem But Peter gretly abasshed astonyed of that dede as noo wonder was fyrst forsoke to haue that seruyce of his lorde as Inconuenyent to hym But after he herde his threte nynge that elles he sholde haue noo parte wyth him in blysse torned his wyll in to better mekely suffred him do his will Now yf we yeue here gode entent to the dedes of our lord Jesu and all that folowyth in this tyme sothly we maye with grete wonder be styred specyally to the loue drede of hym For what was that to see the kynge of blysse and hygh lorde of mageste knele downe and bowe hym to the fete of a poore fysshar and soo forth to all other that there seten and soo wyth the blessed hondes wysshe her foule fete and after tendly Notahumilitat● d●● wyped hem and more ouer deuoutly kyssed hem Soothly he that was souerayne maister of mekenes shewed vs in this dede taughte vs a perfyte lesson therof And yet morouer in that he dyde that same lowe seruyce to his traytour cōmeuded soueraynly his passynge mekenes But wo to that harde herte ye harder than the adamaunt or ony thynge hardest that melteth not or softeth not wyth the hete of soo grete fyre of charyte profoūde mekenesse And that dredeth not that lorde of mageste in that dede but ay●warde frowardly thynkyth procureth dethe destruccōn of hym that euer was soo In̄ocent soo true louynge wherfore it is bothe wonder and dredful the grete benygnyte and mekenesse of our lorde Jhū ▪ and the grete obstynacy and malyce of that traytoure Judas ayenwarde whan this wasshynge was done in mystery as it is sayd He wente agayne vp to the place of the forsayd supper whan he was sette wyth theym he tolde theym the cause of the forsayd dede And that was that they sholde folowe hym in mekenesse eche to other as he gaaf hem ensample that was theyr lorde maister And that they shold not wasshe others fete but also foryeue trespaces done to other and wyll doo good to other as it is vnderstonde by his wordes that folowen after whan he said to hem If ye knowen thise that I haue done to you ye shall be blessed yf ye fulfylle hem in dede Here also after the fyrste messe that was the paske lambe ▪ as it is sayde before whan they were wasshen and made clene he serued hē wyth the seconde messe of his precyons body that was deynte of all deyntes ▪ as men vsen in bodily fedyng and festes f●●ste to be serued wyth boystous homly metes and after with more delycate and deynteous wherof folowyth herafter to wchynge the thirde artycle as anenst the thyrde artycle of that hy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 est sacrament of Jhesus precyous body Lyfte we here our bertes soueraynly and bethynke we inwardly wondrynge of the moost worthy dygnacyon and vnspeable charyte thrugh the whiche he betoke hymselfe to vs. and lefte to vs in to me●e ● ghostly foode makynge and ordeynynge that precyous sacramente in this manere Whan he had wasshen his discyples fete and was goone vp agayne wyth hem there he before sate at the supper as it is sayd before as for an ende of the sa●●●fyces of the olde lawe and begynnynge of the newe
wyth curtesye thanking gode wyll And thēne it befelle that Mary Maudeleyne that parauentur of time before had herde hym preche thorugh touchyng of hys grace was gretly styred to compunction and to the feruent loue of hym though hit were yet preuely hydde in her herte whan she herde knew that he was at mete in the hous of the forsayd Simon she was feruētly touched with sorow of herte with inforth for her synnes also wyth the brennynge fyre of hys loue that she myght no lenger abyde but anone she wente to that forsayd hous where Jhesus sat at mete considryng that wythoute hym she myght not be sauf ne haue foryeuenes of hir syn̄es and so she went bodely in to the hous And as she had foryete hir self taking none regarde to the gestes that there were at the mete holding doune hir face hir eyen to the erth she letted not tyll she come to hym that she sought inwardly Nō 〈…〉 loued our lord Jhesu And anone then̄e she fell doune to the grounde prostrate at hys feet and wyth grete inward sorowe shame for hyr synnes spake in hyr herte to hym thynkynge as it were in thys manere My swete lord I wote well and truly knowleche that ye be my god and my lorde and that I haue offendyd your hyghe mageste in many grete offenses and trespaces in so mykel that I knowleche sothely that my synnes ben wythoute nombre as the grauell of the see But for as mykel as I belyue that your mercy passeth alle thynge Therfor I wretchyd synful come to you flee to your grete mercy forthynkynge inwardly of that I haue offendid askynge mercy foryeuenes And I behete with all my herte amēdement of my syn̄es And that I shall neuer to my power for sake youre obedyence Good lord put me not fro you forsake not my repentaūce for other refute I wote well I may none haue and also I wyll not haue For I loue you soueraynly aboue alle other wherfore gode lorde forsake ye not me but punysshe ye me at youre wille Neuertheles I aske algate mercy And here wyth wyth grete turste of hys mercy and inward affectyon of hys loue she kyssede hys feete otfe And sadly wepynge shedynge teres so thylke that shwesshe his feete wyth hem And so it semeth there by that our lord Jhesus went bare fote After whan she had wel wepte with grete drede of hyr vnworthynes that hyr here 's sholde touche hyr lordes fete she wiped hym with her here deuoutely For she borught no thing wyth hyr so precyous to wype him with And also she wyped hem wyth hyr heer in a mendement of that she had beofre trespaced with hyr heer that is to saye as she hadde before vsed it in the pryde and vanyte than she wold put hyt to the vse of mekenes deuocion And also for the feruēte loue deuocion that she had to hym she wolde not be letted therof bi the fetching of ony cloth to wipe hem with but so wypyng his feete with her here afterwarde de uoutly kissynge hem ofth sythes after she āoynted hem with a precious oynement that she brouȝt wyth hyr supposyng pe rauētur that oure lordes feete were hard of the weye also for inward deuocyon begynnynge wyth drede at hys feete as she dyd after with more boldenes of loue anoynted hys hede Lord god who so wold inwardly thinke take hede to this dede of this woman all the circumstaūce therof mykel ghostly fruyte sholde he fynde theryn sterynge to inward repentaūce of sin ne to true loue of Jhesu and grete deuocyon But now forth as to the processe take we hede also of the maner of oure lord Jhesu in thys tyme how benygnly and pacyently he suffreth hyr doo all hyr wylle For it lyked hym full welle knowynge the inward affection and the true loue of hyr herte And soo alle that tyme he seaced of etyng and also wyth hym all the ghestes wondryng of the woman and of that vnkouth dede and of the pacyence of oure lord Jhesu hys suffraūce of her And specially of the maister of the hous Simon demed him gretely in hys herte that he wolde suffre suche a comyn synful womā toche hym so homely And in that he thought that he was no prophete supposyng that he knew her not but our lord that passyng all other prophetes knewe the leest thought of man̄es herte answered openly to hys preuy thoughtes she wyng hym self therby a very prophete more than a prophete And by ensample of two doctours he concluded hym tusty fyeng the woman that he helde so synful preued that she loued hym more shewed more token of loue by her dede than he wyth all hys feste and soo shewynge that not only the perfection of all vertues But also the Justifyeng of the synfull stant pryncypally in true loue of god he sayd to Symon as for a conclusyon thus Many syn̄es ben foryeuen hyr for she loued myket And then̄e he tourned hym to mawdeleyne sayde to hir as for a full ende of that she asked Thy feyth hath saued the goo now in pees O lord Jhesu how swete and lykyng was thys word to hyr wyth how grete Joye that she wente a wey Sothely it was so lykyng that as I trowe hyt went neuer after oute of her mynde And so was she perfytely conuerted to Jhesu leuyng her syn̄e fully and lyuynge euer after in all honeste holyly and drawen algate to hym and to Nō hys moder withoute departyng perseueraūtly In the forsayd processe the sentence of hys gospel ben many grete notabytees to our edificacyon of the whyche we shalle touche som̄e in party Firste as to a soueraine conforte of alle sinful folke we haue here openly shewed in our lord Jhesu the habundaūce of hys endeles mercy that soo soone soo gladly foryafe soo many grete syn̄es trespaces of thys synful woman And so doth he to alle that truly desyren asken hys mercy but here behoueth charyte true loue that was so specyally commended Ca●i●as bo●●●●● of hym in thys woman the whcihe only pees bitwene god the synful man As the apostle sayth that charite couereth the multitude of synnes withoute the whyche it is Inpossyble to please god ¶ For as saynte Bernard saith the quātite of euery mans soule shal be taken estemed after the mesure of Bernard su● can ser ●●vii charyte that is therin that is to saye that soule that hath mykel of charite is grete And that hath lytyl is lytyl and that hath nought is nought as sayut Poule sayth after the rehersynge of many grete vertues concludynge thus If I haue not charyte soothely I am nought And therfor sayth our lord of thys woman that for she loueth mykyl therfore she hadde Nō mykel foryeuen as it was sayd befor Ferthermore also here haue we
soules that the fader hath made vnto his lyckenes maye be saued Thenne I wolde not deye and the soules ben not agayn boughte wherfore my faders wyll be fultylled And then̄e sayd the angel to hym be then̄e now of good comfort my lorde and werchyth māfully For it is semely to him that is in hygh degree to do grete thynges and worthy and to hym that is a manfull man to suffre harde thynges ▪ For tho thynges that ben harde and paynfull shall soone passe thoo thynges that ben Joyefull and gloryous shall come after the fader sayth that he is and shall be euer wyth you and that he shall kepe your dere moder and your discyples att your wyll And shall yelde hem sauf agayne to you And soo the goode meke lorde toke benygnely this manere of comfort and that of his creature considerynge hymself after the kynde of man lasse in worthinesse than angels for the time of dedely lyfe in this worlde and so he was soroufull as man And so he was comforted of the angels wordes as man and soo he toke hys leue of hym prayenge hym to recōmende hym to the fader all the court of heuen And then̄e this thyrde tyme he rose vp fro his prayer all his body blody whom thou mayst beholde wyth Inwarde cōpassion how he wypeth his body Or elles perauenture wasshith hym pryuely in the ryuer And soo gretely pyned in his body and that is reuerently to be had in soroufull cōpassion For wythout grete bytternesse of sorowe this myghte not befalle to hym Neuertheles doctours wyse clerkes sayen that our lorde Ihūs prayed the fader in this maner not on̄ly for drede of his passion but also for the grete pite mercy that he had of his fyrst peple the Jewes sorowyng that they sholde be lost by occasion of his deth For they shold not haue slayn hym namly sithen he was of her kyn̄e was also conteyned wryten in her lawe as cryst to come And ther wyth shewed hem so many grete benefyces wherfor̄ he prayed the fader to this entent thus My fader yf it maye be wyth the hele the sauacōn of Jewes that the multytude of other folke be torned to bileue I forfake the passion the deth But if it be nedefull that the Jewes be blynded in her malyce so that other folke maye haue syght in true bileue not my wyll but thyne be fulfylled done that is to saye after the fyrste maner of wyll in hym as it is sayd before After this he came to his disciples and said to hem Now slepeth resteth for they had slept a lityl before there Sothly he is a gode herde for he was full wakely and besy vpon the kepynge of that lytyll flocke his byloued discyples O true loue he loued hem in to the vtterest that in soo grete anguyssh soo bitter agonye was soo besy to procure her hele her reste Then̄e sawe our lorde after his aduersaryes comyng wyth torches armes and yet he wolde not wake his discyples tyll they came nygh hem And then̄e he sayd to hem it suffyseth now ye haue slepte ynough Loo he that shall bitraye me is nyghe at honde And therwith came that wycked iudas the fals tratour and worst marchaut before hem and bodily kyssed that In̄ocent lambe his lorde Ihūs For as it is writen in the maner of custome that oure lord vsed of his grete benygnyte was what tyme his discyples were sent forth at her comynge agayn for to receyne hē in louely kysse And therfore that traytour went before kyssed hym as who sayth I am not come with thise armed mē but in maner as here befor̄ I was wont at myn ayen cominge sayd Heyle mayster O very traytour take now good hede to our lorde Ihū how pacyētly benyngly he receyueth that fals feyned clyppynge traytours kysse of that vnlely dyscyple whose fete he wysshe a lytyll before of his souerayne me kenesse and fedde hym with that highe precious mete of his owne blessid body thrugh his vnspekable charytee And also beholde how pacyently he suffreth hymself to be taken bounden smytē and woodly lad forth as though he were a theyf or a wycked dooer and in all maner vnmyghty to helpe him self And also take hede how he hath in warde sorowe cōpa●sion of his disciples fleēge fro hym errynge And also th●● mayst see here grete sorowe of hē how ayenst her wyll br●●● elte of man̄es drede they gone fro hym makynge grete ●●●●nynge and wyth hyghe sighynge as faderles chyldern not ●itynge what to doo And yet was her sorowe moche more seeng her mayster lorde soo vilaynsly ferde wyth And the hell boundes drawyng him as a beest to sacrefyce and him as a meke lābe without resistence folowynge Now ferdermore beholde how he is ladde of thoos vylest wretches fro that ryuer vp towarde the cyte of Ihrlm And that hastely wyth grete py●ne hauynge his hondes bounden behynde hym as a theyf g●●de aboue his cote but not curyously And his mantel drawen fro hym and goyng bare hede and stoupinge for the grete haast and traueylle tha● they made hym to haue And whan be was broughte before the prynces of prestes the scrybes and the aldermen that were thenne gadred abydynge his comynge gladde were they then̄e examynynge hym apposyng sothly in many questions and procuryng fals wytnesse ayenst him and spittyng on his holy face and hydynge his eyen they buffeted hym scornyng sayēge Prophetise now telle vs who smote the laste And soo in many maners they vexed and tormented hym and he in all shewed hyghe pacyence wherfore here we owe to haue Inwarde cōpassōn of all that he suffred soo for vs At laste the grete maysters wenten her waye put tynge him in to a manere of prison there vnder a lofte there they boūden hym to a stonen pyler as men saye that haue seen it And also there they left wyth hym some armed men to kepe hym for more sykernesse the whiche all that nyght vexed hym in scornynges shrewde wordes abredginge hym reprouynge in thise maner wordes as we resonably maye suppose wenest thou to be better wyser than our prynces and maysters of the lawe what vn wytte foly was that in the to reprehende hem thou sholdest not haue ben so hardy ones for to haue opende thy mouth ayenst hem but now sheweth thy lewde wytte For now thou stondeste as it besemyth to suche as thou art without doubte Thou arte worthy the dethe and therfor̄ thou shalt haue it And so al that night now one now a nother by wordes dedes scorned hym reproued hym Take hede also on that other syde of our lorde Jhūs as shamfast pacyently in scylence holdynge his pees to all that they puttē vpon hym castynge downe towarde the erthe his chere as though he were gylty taken in blame and here haue we inwardly cōpassion O lorde ihū
ansuerde her att the begynnynge biddynge her that she sholde not touche him neuertheles I maye not trowe but that afterwarde he suffred her to touche hym and to kysse bothe hondes and fete or thei departed For we maye suppose and goodly trowe that sithē he wolde soo affectuously and specyally after his owne moder fyrste before all other vysite and appere to that he wolde not therby in ony manere distourble her or heuy her But rather in all poyntes comforte her and therfore the good lorde that is soo benygne and full of swetnesse namly to all those that truely louen hym spake not to her the forsayd wordes in straūge maner boystously in mystery shewyng her inperfyte affeccōn as it is sayd and willinge lyft vp her hert holy to god to heuēly thynges as sayth saynt bernarde Then̄e sayd our lorde that he wolde goo fro her vysite comfort other And maudleyne torned then̄e somwhat in sorowe for she wolde neuer haue ben departed fro hym sayde O good lorde I see well now that your conuersacōn wol not be wyth vs in maner as it hath here before but good master haue euer in minde of me And of the grete goodnes homelynesse and y● specyall loue that ye had to me And soo thynketh euer on me 〈◊〉 re lorde god And he ansuerde Drede not but be sted●aste and truste well that I shall euer be wyth the And soo she takyng deuoutly his blessynge and he vanysshynge awaye fro her She came to her felowes and tolde hem all the forsayd processe wherfore they were gladde as to wchynge his Resurrecyon But that they sawe hym not wyth her they were beuy and sory But the good lorde suffred not their sorowe longe laste But soone comforteth hem as it folowyth after ▪ ¶ How our lorde Jhūs apered to the thre maryes Mathei vi cesimo nono Caplm liii ●Erdermore as the thre maryes wenten towarde the cytee Our curteys lorde Jhūs metyng wyth hem by the way mekely greted hem sayenge Heylle to you And they soo Joyfull of his presence that it maye not be sayde felle downe att his fete And clippynge hem and kysseden hem wyth Joyful teeres And also speken wyth hym and he wyth hem homly wordes of ghostly comforte beholdynge therwyth his gloryous body wyth vnspekable Joye the whiche they behelde the thirde day befor wyth souerayne sorowe And then̄e our lord Jhesus sayd to hem Gooth and sayth to my bretherne that they goo in to galile for ther sothly they shal see me as I told hem before Loo how the maister of mekenes callyth his discyples brethern He lefte neuer this vertue the whiche he soue raynly louyth And who soo wol haue swete vnderstondyng ghostly comfort in the forsaid processe and also in that foloweth herafter hym behouyth to make hymselfe by deuoute medytacōn as he were bodily present in all places and dedes as I sayd here before ¶ How that our lorde apered to Joseph of armathie as tellith the gospel of nichodeme also to the lasse James as sainte Jerom witnessith I passe ouer for lityll fruyt of hem How our lorde Jhūs apered to peter Luce. xxviii Caplm liiii WHan maudleyne her felowes were come home tolden the discyples that oure lorde was vprysen Peter that was moost feruent in loue inwardly sorowyng that he saw not his lorde and not mowynge reste for his grete loue toke his waye alone towarde the sepulture For he wyst not where to seke hym elles And soone after our benygne lorde Jhūs hauynge cōpassion of his sorowe appered to hym in y● waye and greted hym sayeng Pees to the symonde And therwith peter smytynge hym sadly on the breste And fallynge doune to the grounde wyth sore wepynge teeres sayd Lorde I knoulege my grete trespace in that I cowardly forsoke the and ofte tymes denyed the And therwyth he kyssed his fete And oure lorde benygnely lyftyng hym vp kyssed hym and sayd Be in pees drede not ▪ for al thy syn̄es ben foryeuen the I knew thyne Infyrmyte better than thyself and therfore I tolde the before But now goo comforte and stable thy bretherne And byleue sadly that I haue ouercome al your enmyes and soo they stooden and speken homely togyder And Peter full besily beholdeth hym and takyth hede of all thynges and after his blessyng taken he went home ayen wyth grete Joy tellyng oure lady the discyples what he had seen and herde ¶ Ot this processe of thapperynge to peter is not expressed in the gospel but thꝰ by deuout ymagynacōn I haue set it her before other aperynges that folowen For so it semyth that holy chirche holde as it is conteyned more plainly in the legende of the Resurreccyon ¶ Of the comynge ayen of our lord Jhūs to the faders and of her Joyefull songe Caplm lv OUr lorde Jhūs after he departed fro peter ▪ willynge vis●te and comfort after his Resurreccōn the faders of the olde lawe and other ▪ the whiche he had anone after his dethe delyuerde out of the deuylles thraldom and sett in paradise of delyces he came to hem all gloryoꝰ in whyte shinyng clothes wyth a grete multytude of angels And they seeng hym a●er● comyng wyth so grete blysse with vnspeakable louyng Joy wyth songe of myrth they receyued hym ▪ sayenge ▪ Lo our kinge of blysse comyth to vs and mete we wyth our sauyoure For now the holy daye shyneth vpon vs. and therfor̄ com●● all honoure we as worthy is our lorde And then̄e alle they fallyng doune to the erthe deuoutly honoured hym after rysynge vp stondinge before hym reuerently merely songe the psalmes of dauid that specyally perteynen to his louyng in this tyme And whan it drewe somwhat towarde euenty de our lorde Jhūs sayd to hem I haue compassyon of my bretherne the whiche ben wonder sory for my dethe And for drede ben disparpled as shepe that arne wythoute gouernoure And sore they desyren to see me wherfore now I woll goo ▪ And shewe me to theim and comforte theym And soone after I shall come agayne to you And they all fallynge downe honouryng hym sayden lorde so be it at your wyll hou our lord apered to y● ii disciples going to warde y● castel of Emaus ca lvi THe selfe daye of resurreccōn as ii dysciples of Jhū yeden towarde the castel Emaus mornyng and in maner of despayr talkinge togyder by the waye of that befell the fridaye before oure lord Jhūs came in manere of a pilgrim felishiped with hē askyng hem questions and ansueryng tellin hem swete wordes of edifycacōn as the processe of the gospel of luke tellyth playnly at the last byden drawen cōstrained to entre to duelle wyth hem shewed hym to hem and was knowen in the brede brekyng Here may we vnderstonde see the grete goodnes the benygnyte of oure lorde Jhū in many maners Fyrste he shewed his godenes in
that there maye noo true angel teche the contrary of the bileue of holy chirche And therfor̄ he that soo dooth is an angell of sathanas and not of god As ben all the fals lollardes the whiche haue neyther true drede nor perfyte loue of oure lord Jhū And therfore they fele not the ghostly swetnes of this heuenly mete of his precyous body ne the likynge mynde of his merueylles shewed in that blessed sacramente ▪ But we that thorugh grace stonden in true byleue as holy chyrche hath taught vs in this souerayne holyest sacrament wyth goostly lykynge of sowle Haue we not oonly in mynde the grete merueylles and myghty myracles wryten and preched of that holy Sacrament in dyuerse maners shewed as it is beforsayd But also consider we how that our lorde Jhūs of his vnspeable goodnes shewed to mankynde he yeueth hym self to vs euery daye bodily in that precious sacrament as in a conclusion and moost specyall mynde of all his blessed lyf to souerayne comforte helpe of our wretchid lyfe the whyche is full of temptacōns and ouersette wyth many enmyes Wherfore it is spedfull to vs contynuelly to crye after helpe of the sonerayne vertue of this blessed sacrament by the wordes that holy chyrche syngeth in the ympne of this sacrament thus O thou helful oost that openest the door of heuē the bataylles of our enmyes oppressen ouerseten vs wherfore yeue vs strengthe of wythstondynge and brynge vs thy helpe to her ouercomyng Also to wythstondynge of temptacōns and ouercomyng of vices to getynge of vertues and encreace of feruent affeccōns of our lorde Jhū as for a full ende of all his blessed lyfe before wryten ¶ Enprynted by wynkin the worth ¶ Here folowyth a shorte deuoute prayer to Jhū cryst his body in the sacrament of the aulter the whiche oweth to be sayd in presence of that holy sacrament at the masse with inwarde deuocōn HEyle holyest body of our lorde Jhesu cryste that art now soothfastly conteyned here in this moost excellent sacrament I knowlege the my lorde god wyth my mouth I loue the wyth all my herte and I desyre the wyth all the Inwarde affeccyon of my soule I beseche the swete Jhū that thou vochesauf of thy souerayne goodnes this daye soo benygnely gracyously to vysite my sike soule desiryng to receyue the goostly our heelfull sacrifyce well of all grace soo that I may wyth gladnesse fynde medecyne heele in body soule by vertue of thy blessed presence Beholde not lorde Jhū to my wickydnesse manyfolde neclygences and my grete vnkyndnes but rather to thy souerayne mercy endles godenes Sothly thou arte that holy lambe wythout wēme of syn̄e that this day is offred to the euerlastinge fader of heuen for the redempcōn of al the worlde O thou swettest man̄a angels mete ▪ O thou moost likynge ghostly drynke brynge in to my Inwarde mouth that hony swete taast of thy helfull presence Byadie in me the feruour of thy charyte Quenche in me all maner vyces Shede in to me the plentee of vertues Encreace in me the yeftes of graces And yeue me heele of body soule to thy plesynge My god I biseche the that thou wolt soo gracyously bowe the and fro thy hye heuen now come doune to me y● I knytted Joyned to the be made one spiryte wyth the O y● worshypfull sacrament I byseche the that al myn enmyes be put awaye fro me by the strengthe of the and all my synnes foryeue and all wyckidnes be excluded by the blessid presence of the Good purpose lorde yeue thou me My maners thou correcte amende And al my werkes dedes thou dispose in thy wyll My wytte vnderstondyng by the swete Jhū be made here clere wyth a newe lyghte of grace Myne affeccōn be enflāmed wyth the fyre of thy loue and myne hope cōforted strengthed wyth this blessid sacrament soo that my lyf here profyte euer in amendynge to better And at last fro this wretchid worlde wyth a blessed departyng that I maye come wyth the to lyf euerlastyng Jhū lorde by vertue grace of thy lyfe blessed wythout endynge Amen amen Amen ¶ Jhū lorde thy blessid lyfe helpe comforte our wretchid lyfe AMEN ¶ Explicit Speclm vite xp̄i cū ▪ ●tili●●ime tractatu breue de sacramento corporis xp̄i oracōne eid●●● sacramenti Impressū westmonasterii Anno dn̄i M. C●●● ▪ ●xxxxiiii
¶ Incipit Speculum vite Cristi AT the begynnynge of the prohemy of the booke that is cleped the myroure of the blessyd lyf of Jesu Crist the fyrste parte for the monedaye ¶ A deuoute medytacyon of the grete counceyll in heuen for the restorynge o● man and hys sauacyon Capitulū primū ¶ Of the man●● of lyuyng of the blessyd vyrgyn marye Capitulū Secūdum ¶ Of the Incarnacyon of Jhesu and the feste of the Ann●cyacyon and of the gretyng Aue maria Capitulum Ter●●● ¶ How that oure lady wente to elysabeth and mekely greted her Capitulum Quartum ¶ How Joseph thoughte to leue pryuely oure lady saynte Marye ▪ Capitulum quintū ¶ Of the Natiuite of oure lorde Jhesu Cryste Capitulum Sextum ¶ Of the Circoucysyon of oure lorde Jhesu Capitulum septimū Of the Epiphanie that is open shewynge of oure lord Jhesu crist Capitulnū Octauum Of the puryfycacion of our lady saynt marye Capitulum nonum ¶ The seconde parte for the tewesdaye ¶ Of the fleynge of oure lord Jhesu in to Egypte Capilm decimum Of the tornynge ageyne of oure lord Jhesu fro Egypte Capitulum vndecimum How the chylde Jhesus was lefte allone in iherusalem Capitulum Duodecimum ▪ what maner of lyuynge our lord Jhesus had And what he dyde fro hys twelfth yere vnto the begynnynge of his xxx ▪ yere Capitulū xiii Of the baptysme of oure lorde And the waye therto Capitulum xiiii The thyrde parte for the wednesdaye ¶ Of the fastynge of oure lord Jhesu and hys tēptacyons in deserte Capitulum xv How our lord Jhesus beganne to teche gader discyples ▪ Capilum xvi Of the miracle done at the brydale of water tornyd in to wyne Capitulum xvii Of that excellent sermon of oure lorde Jhesu in the. hylle Capitulum xviii Of the seruaūt of Centurio and the sone of the lytyl kynge helyd of our lorde Jhesu Capi. xix Of the palatyke man lete doune in hys bedde by the hous hyllynge and hellyd of oure lorde Jhesu Capitulum xx How that Martha was helyd of her sekenes by touchyng of the hemme of oure lordes clothyng Capitulum xxi Of the conuersyon of mary Maudalene Capitulum xxii Of the spekynge of oure lord Jhesus wyth the woman Samaritane at the pytte of water Capitulum xxiii How the dyscyples of Jhesu pluckeden the ere 's of corne and e●en hit for hongre vpon the sabotte daye Capitulum xxiiii ¶ The fourth parte for the thursdaye ¶ Of the fedynge of the grete peple wyth brede multiplied Capitulum xxv Of the fleynge of oure lord Jhesus when the peple wold haue made hym her kynge Capitulum xxvi Of the prayer of oure lorde Jhesu Cryste in the hylle Capitulum xxvii How the Pharysees and other token accasion of sclaunder of the wordes and the dedes of Jhesu Ca. xxviii Of the specialle reward of oure lord Jhesu behoten tho alle to that forsaken the world for hys loue Capilm xxix Of the transfyguracyon of oure lord Jhesu in the hylle Capitulum xxx Of the seke men heled at the water in Jherusalem cleped probatica piscina Capitulum xxxi How oure lord Jhesu caste out of the Temple the byars and the sellers ageynste goddes ●awe Capitulum xxxii Of the receyuynge of oure lorde Jhesu by the two systers Martha mary and the two maner of lyuynge that ben actyue contē platyue in holy chyrche cap. xxxiii Of the reysynge of lazar other ii dede bodyes Cap xxxiiii How the Jewes token her counceyl and conspyred ageynst Jhesu in to hys deth Capitlm xxxv ¶ How our lorde Jhesus came ageyne to Betany the satyrday before plamsonday of the souper made to hem there Capitulum xxxvi ¶ How Jhesus came to Jherusalem vpon palmsonday Capitulum xxxvii ¶ what oure lord Jhesus dyde fro the palmsonday in to the thursday next sewyng Capitulum xxxviii ¶ Of that worthy souper that our lord Jhesus made the nyght before hys passyon and of the noble circumstances that be ●elle therwyth ¶ Capitulum xxxix ¶ The fyrste parte of the Frydaye Of the pa●yon of our lord Jhesu Cryste and fyrste of his prayer and takyng at matyn tyme. Capitulum xl Of the bryngynge of oure lorde Jhesu before Pylate at pryme Catulum xli How oure lorde Jhesus was dampned to the deth of the crosse aboute Tyerce of the daye ▪ Capitulum xlii Of the crucytyenge of oure lorde Jhesus at the Se●te houre Capitulum xliii How oure lorde Jhesus yelded vp the spyryte at none Capitulū xliiii Of th● thynges that befelle after the deth of oure lorde Jhesus and after the none Caplm xlv Of the takynge doune fro the crosse our lordes body Jhesu at euensonge Capitulum xlvi Of the buryenge of our lord Jhesu at complyntyme Caplm xlvii ¶ what was done of our lady and other after the buryeng of Jhesu Capitulum xlviii The Syxte parte for the satyradye what our lady and other wyth her dyden on the satyrdaye Capitulum xlix The Seueth parte for the sondaye Of the glorious resureccion of our lord Jhesu And of the fyrste apperynge of hym to hys blessyd moder as it maye be resonably trowed Capitulum l. How that Maudalene and other maries comen to the graue Capitulum li. ¶ How oure lord Jhesus apperyd to maudalene Capitulum lii How oure lord Jhesus apperyd to the thre Maries Capitulum liii ¶ How oure lorde Jhesus apperyd to Peter Capitulum liiii Of the comynge ageyn of our lord Jhesu to the faders And of her ioyeful songe Capitulum lv How our lord Jhesus apperyd to the two disciples goyng toward the castel of Emaus Capitulum lvi How oure lord Jhesus appered to hys apostles and dyscyples that were reclused for drede on the selfe daye of hys resureccion Capitulū lvii How our lord Jhesus apperyd the eyghte daye after to hys dyscyples Thomas present Capitulum lviii How our lord Jhesus apperyd to the dyscyples in Galilee Capitulum lix How oure lord Jhesus apperyd to the dyscyples at the see Ty●eryades Capitulum lx Of alle the apperynges of our lord Jhesus in general Capitulum lxi Of the assency on of oure lord Jhesus Capitulum lxii Of the sendynge doune and the comynge of the holy ghoost Capitulum lxiii Of that excellente and moost worthy sacrament of Crystes blessyd body Capitulum lxiiii ¶ Explicit Capitula ¶ Sequitur prohemium ¶ Prohemium ATtende lector huius libri prout sequitur in anglico scriptis quod vbicūque in margine ponitur l●a N. verba sūt translatoris siue cōpilatoris in anglicis preter illa que inseruntur i● libro scriptis secundū communē opinionem a venerabili doctore Bonauenture in latino de meditacione vite ihes● cristi Et quando peruenitur ad processum verba einsdem doctoris inseritur in marginue i●a B prout legenti siue intuēti istū librum speculi vite cristi lucide poterit apparere MEmorandum quod circa annū domini Millesimum qua dringentesimum decimū originalis copia huius libri scilicet speculi vite cristi in āglicis presentabatur Lōdon̄
withoute sorow or peyne thy sone Jhesu blessyd berynge Oure lorde is and was with the by true feyth at Jhesu Joyeful vprysynge Blessyd be thou soueraynly in wymmē by ladde hope seynge thy sone Jhesu to heuen myghtely ascendynge And blessyd by the fruyte of thy wombe Jhesus in euerlastyng blysse thorugh parfyte charyte the quene of heuen gloryously crownynge Be thou our helpe in oure nede and socoure at oure last endynge Amen Sythen than the processe of the blessyd Incarnacōn of Jhesu the begynnynge mynde of the Joyes of the blessyd moder Mary and the grounde of sauacion of mankynde is conteyned in thys Gospel Missus est as it is sayd And as thou hast herde before wyth grete deuocōn ghostly desyre owest thou and euery Crystē creature here thys gospel and worshippe therin Jhesu that so bicame man for our sake and his blessyd moder Mary To whoo 's worshipe and profite of thy soule and myne this short tretys be wryten Amen ¶ How oure lady wente to Elyzabeth and mekely grete hyr Capitulum quartum AFter the processe of the Incarnacion of Jhesu befor sayyd the blessid Mayden mary hauyng in mynde the wordes of the Aūgel touchyng hyr cosyn Elizabeth she purposed to vysyte her for to thanke god wyth hyr and also to mynystre and to serue hyr And so with hyr spouse Joseph she wente fro nazareth to hyr hous besyde Jherusalem that is the space of syxty myle fourtene or there aboute She taryed not letted not for the longe and diseasy weye but anone she wente with haste For she wolde not longe be sene in open amonge folke And so she was not heuyed nor charged by the cōceyuynge of hyr sone as comynly ben other wymmen For our 〈…〉 lord Jhesus was not chargeable to hys moder Now take hede how that blessyd lady quene of heuen and of erthe goth al one with hyr spouse and y● not vpon an horse but on ●oote She ledeth not with hyr many knyghtes and Barons ne y● grete cōpany of boure maydens and damoyseles but sothly ther goth with her a wel better company and that is Pouerte Mekenes and honeste shamefastues they the plente of al vertues And the beste of al that is our lord god is wyth hyr She hath a grete and a worshypful companye but not of y● vanite the pompe of the world And what tyme she come and entryd in to y● hous of zacharye she grete hys wyf Elyzabeth in thys maner All heyle my dere syster Elyzabeth And a none here with Elyzabeth gladde and Joyful and lyghtned thorugh the holy ghoost rose vp and clypped hyr worthyly tendyrly cryenge for Joye and sayeng thus Blessyd be thou amonge wymmen and blessid be the fruyte of thy wombe And wherfore or of what deeserte is thys befallen me that y● moder of my lorde shold come to me et ce ¶ And so forthe in the wordes of the gospel And so what tyme that our lady blessyd Elyzabeth Johan in hys moders wombe was fulfylled with the holy ghost and also his moder nouȝte fuste the moder to fore the sone but the sone fulfylled y● moder thoruȝ his deserte in as mykel as in hym was more fully the grace ●● iiii of the holy ghoost and fyrste he felte receyued grace for as he felte the comynge the presence of our lady soo he felte the comynge of oure lord And therfore he wythin forth Joyed she spake and prophecyed without forth Behold now take hede what and how mykel vertu is in the wordes of oure lady in that at one pronūcyng of hem is gyuen the holy ghost For she was so fully replenysshed with hym y● thoruȝ hir merytes desert y● same holy ghost also fylled other Thā to the wordes of Elyzabeth Mary ansuerd sayd My soule magnyfyed oure lord my spyryte is gladde and reyoyced in god my sauyour and so forth sayenge fulfyllyng that cantycle Magnificat of ghostly Joyenge louynge that is Magnificat as hit is conteyned in the gospel ¶ And whan she had done they wenten to sytte to gyder And oure lady of hyr souerayne me kenes sette hyr doune in the lower place at Elyzabeths feete but she anone rysynge vp suffred not but took hir vp and so they sytten doune to geder And then̄e asked oure lady of Elyzabeth the maner of hyr conceyuynge And she ageyne of the maner of hir cōceyuynge and soo they tolden eyther to other gladly the grete goodnes of our lord and loueden worshyppeden god of eyther concepcion and so in thankynge god ghostly myrthe they cōtynueden daye nyȝtes For oure lady dwellid there the space of thre monethes seruyng Elyzabeth Nota humilitatem marie in al that she myght mekely reuerētly deuoutly as a seruaūt foryetyng that she was gods moder quene of al the world O lorde what hous was that what chamber what bedde in the whiche dwelleden to gyder resteden so worthy moders with so noble sones that is to say Mary Elyzabeth Jhesus Jhon and also with hem dwellyng tho worshipful oldemē zacharie Joseph This was a blessid company of men and Nota bene wymen of chyldren In this forsayd processe of the visitacion of our lady we haue ensāple that it is leeful oft spedeful deuoute men and wymmen to vysite other for edyfycacion and ghostly recreacion namely the yonger to the elder so y● it be done in deue tyme and other leeful menes and also that the yeftes of grace may ben certyfyed to other for edyfycacion in tyme so it be not done for wayne glory but to goddes worship Also yf we take good entent to the wordes of Mary Elyzabeth al they were in louyng of hem self to worshippynge of god magnifyenge hym in al his werkes tellyng his grete mercy shewed to mankynde to styre man to y● loue the worshippe of god Ferthermore when the tyme of Elyzabeth was come she was lyȝtned bare hir childe y whiche B. D. 〈…〉 in token of hys grete holynes our lady lyfte vp fyrste tro the groūde after besely dyght tretyd as it longed to hym the childe ast vnderstōdyng what she was sette his eyen sadly vpō hir when she wold take hym to his moder he tornyd his hede his face to hyr as hauyng in hyr al only his lykynge she gladly played with hym louely clypped kyssed hym And here may we see the grete worthynes of this childe For there was neuer none other before that had soo worthy a berer After in the viii daye as the lawe wold the chyld was circūcised named John by myracle of god as y● gospel telleth the mouthe the tonge of y● fader zacharie before closed for vntrowynge was then openyd so he ꝓphecied sayēge Blessid 〈…〉 be our lord god of Israel for he hath visited thoruȝ grace made redēpcion of
hys peple so forth as it is conteyned in the gospel And so in that hous these two noble worthy cātycles that is to say Magnificat Bn̄dictꝰ were first spokē made And our lady standyng that tyme within some corteyne for she wold not be sene of hem that weren comē to y● circūcision of that child John lystened besely herde ententitly that cātycle Bn̄dictꝰ in y● which was made mynde of her blessid sone Jhus al she kept in hir herte as she that was most wyse ful of grace atte last whan alle thys was done she toke hir leue at Elyzabeth zacharye blessyd the childe Joh̄n Nota pau●tatē 〈…〉 and so wēt home ageyn to hyr owne housin nazareth Now here bithenke the and haue in mynde the grete pouerte of hir in this goyng ageyne to hir owne hous For ther she shal neyther fynde brede ne wyne ne other necessaryes therwith she had neyther possessions ne money And whan she had al tho thre monethes dwellyd with hem that were plentyuous and hauyng now she torneth ageyne to hyr owne pouerte bare hous where she behoueth to gete hir lyuelode with her owne handes and bodyly trauayle And herof mykel ought we to haue compassōn and be styred to the loue of vertuous pouerte by the ensample of her blessid mote she euer be Amen ¶ How Joseph thought to leue pryuely oure lady saynt Mary Capitulum v Ca. v. WHat tyme that oure lady Joseph hir spouse dwelledē to gyder and hir blessyd sone Jhesꝰ day by day encreaced bodyly in hys moder wombe At the last Joseph seynge hir grete with childe and beholdynge hir not ones but ofte sythes was sory and gretely dystourbled made hir heuy chere tornyd a wey his eyen oft sythes fro her And as in a ● perplexyte thought what he myght best do For on that one syde he sawe hir lyf so holy and no token of syn̄e in her neyther in contenaūce ne in worde ne in dede that he durst ne openly accuse hyr of auoultre And on that other syde he knewe not how that she myght cōceyue but by man wherfore he thouȝt B that he wold pryuely leue hir Sothly it may wel be sayde of hym that is wryten in the gospel to his praysyng that is to say that he was a ryghtwys man that shewed wel thys dede of grete vertu For sythen comynly auoultry of the womā is to the man occasōn of the moost shame moost sorow as a maner of wodenes Neuertheles he vertuously tempered him self and wold not accuse hir ne auenge hym self but paciently suffrynge that semynge wronge ouercomynge him self with pyte though that he wold priuely leue hir Thys is an open ensāple of reproue to ialouse men that bē so suspicioꝰ that at the last countenaunce of louely speche of her wyues with other men haue hem suspecte of auoultry Also yt we here take good entente we maye see both in Joseph also in Nota de tribulacious pac●n●●● susan 〈…〉 ● Nota humi ●●acem ma●● Mary a fructuous doctryne hou that we shall paciently suffre trybulacōn And hou that god suffreth his chosen soules to be diseased tempted for her best to her mede For wete we wel oure lady was not here without tribulacōn and grete dysease what tyme that she sawe hyr husbond soo dystour bled and neuertheles she suffrid helde hir pees mekely kepte pryue that grete yefte of god and chose rather to beholde as wicked vycioꝰ vnworthy than she wolde make open y● grete sacramente of god and to speke telle thynge that myghte seme to hyr praysynge boost or iactaūce But here with she prayed of god that he wolde sende remedy in thys caas that he wold as it were his wyll putte away fro hir husbōd this tribulacōn this dysease And so oure lord that suffred ordeyneth all thynge for the best to cōforte of bothe sende his angel the whyche appiered to Joseph in his slepe sayd that he shold not drede to take to hym Mary his spouse but trustly gladly dwelle with hyr For that that she had conceyued Nota was not by mā but by the wyrchyng of the holy ghoost and so after trybulacōn cometh grete Joye and comforte In the same maner hit shold falle with vs yf we coude welle kepe Nota de p 〈…〉 paciēce in tyme of aduersyte for our lord god after tempeste sendeth softe mercy weder and hit is no doubte that he suffreth no tēptacion fall to his chosē but for her profyte then after hys reuelacōn Joseph asked oure lady of thys wonderful conceyuynge and she gladly told hym the ordre the maner therof And so Joseph dwellyd stode Joyefull wyth hys blessyd spouse mary and wyth chaste trewe loue so feruently loued hir that it may not be told and besely in al thynges took hede to hir and oure lady ageynwarde trustely dwellyd with hym And so in her bothe pouerte they lyueden to gyder with grete ghostly myrthe ¶ Here with oure lord Jhesus Nota also as recluse and closed in his moder wombe the space of ix monethes in maner of other children paciētly benyngly suffreth a abydeth the due tyme of byrthe Lord god hou moch owen we to haue compassion that he wold for our sake en clyne to so profoūde mekenes Mykel owen we to desyre loue the vertue of mekenes yf we wold haue besely in minde Nata de humi●i●atem how that hyhe lord of so grete mageste so mykel lowed hym self sholde we neuer be lyfte vp to vayne pryde and reputacion of oure self For of thys one benefyce of soo longe reclusion for oure sake we maye neuer doo satisfaccōn worthely or recōpensacion to hym But neuertheles knowe we thys truly in herte and with alle oure affeccion deeuoutly thanke we hym specially we that ben religyoꝰ that he wolde take vs Nota pro 〈…〉 sis religiosis fro other and graciously departe vs fro the world So that in this though it lytel be somwhat we yelde him y● is to say that we stande perseuerantly in his seruyse For sthely this al only is his benefyce of grace and not oure deserte that a grete benefyce worshipful in that that we ben not recluse to peyne but to grete sykernes For we be sette as in a hyghe strong Toure of relygyon vnto the whych the venemous a N ●owes of thys wycked worlde the distourblynge tempestes of that bytter see may not atteyne or neyghe but in oure defaulte foly But for as mykel as bodyly enclosynge is lytell worth or noughte withoute ghostly enclosynge in soule ther fore thou y● art enclosed bodyly in celle or in cloystre yf thou wilt be with Jhesu vertuously enclosed in soule Fyrst thou must with him anents thy self in thine owne reputacōn become a child thoruȝ parfyghte mekenes
acounte For fythen in sothenesse all we done but as vnworthy sernauntes what tyme that we done the good that we owē to doo as god hym self witnessyth till the tyme that we come to this degre of abieccōn and parfyte repreef of our self we ben not sette sadly in trouth but rather in vanyte as the Apostle openly sheweth in these wordes who so holdeth hym self in his owne reputacion as ought worthy Qaise 〈◊〉 is●m●● all quid esse sythen in sothenesse he is as nought he begyleth deceyueth hym self And so as we saide before oure lord Jhesus lyued in this maner made hym self abiecte and as vnworthy to the world not for his owne nede but for to teche vs y● true way of perfeccōn wherfor yf we lerne it not we may not be ercused For it is an abhomynable thynce to see hym that is but a worme and wormes mete to come for to hye hym self by presumpcion and lyfte vp hym self as oughte whan that the hye lord of mageste so meked hym self by abieccion and lowed him self as nought and that dyde he nought by feyuyng but as he was sothely meke and mylde in herte Lo also with oute symulacion he lowed hym self in al maner of makenes and abieccion in the syght of other fulfyllyng firste in dede y● he taughte after by wordewhā he badde his disciples tolerne of hym for to be meke mylde in herte And in soo mykel he 〈…〉 mi 〈◊〉 sum lowed hym and auaūtised hym self that also after he began to preche to speke soo hye thynges of the godhede as the gospel telleth and to wyrche myracles and wonders yet the Jewes setten nought by hym but despysed and scorned hym sayeng what is he thys is not he the wryghtes sone of Joseph And also in the deuyls name he casteth oute deuils and many suche other despytes he suffred paciently and mekely making so there thorugh a swerde of mekenesse therwyth to slee the proude aduersary the deuylle of helle and yf we will see how myghtely he gyrde hym self with this swerde of mekenes after the byddyng of the ꝓphete lete vs take good hede to al his dedes and we shall see in them algate shewed grete mekenes as we maye see yf we haue in mynde in alle the processe that is said yet hyder to And also herafter shall be shewed more more in to his harde deth And moreouer after his resurreccōn and at his vpstyenge to heuen and yet here to more ouer atte last daye of dome whan he shall sytte in his mageste kynge domes man of all the world yet shall he shewe his souerayn mekenes to his creatures his brethern by these wordes ¶ As longe as ye dyden almesdedes to these my loued bretheren ye dydeu it to me And why hope we that he shewed so mykel loued pryncipally thys vertue of mekenes Sothly for he knewe wel that as the begyn̄ynge of al syn̄e is pryde soo the fundament of all good of sauacion is mekenes wythoute the whiche fūdament the byldynge of all other vertues is in vayne And therfore yf we trust of maydenhede of pouerte or of ony other vertue or dede withoute mekenes we ben deceyued And for as mykel as he taught shewed vs in what maner this vertue of mekenes shal be geten that is to saye by de spysynge and abieccōn of a man hym self in his owne syght and also in other men̄es syghte and by contynuel doynge of lowe abiecte dedes Therfore vs behoueth to loue and vse these meanes yf we wille perfytely come to that hye vertue as saint Bernard saith in dyuerse places God yeue vs grace Bernard in epistol●●d canoni cu● regula rem to gete it parfytely as it is said For sothely I that wryte this knowleche me ful ferre there fro And thus mykel at this tyme suffyseth spoken of thys souerayne vertue But now to goo ageyn to our pryncypal mater of the myrroure of the blessyd lyf of our lord Jhu beholde we there the maner of lyuynge Nota modū viuēdi dn̄i nostri Jhesu cū parentibus of that blessid cōpany in pouerte symplenes togyder and how that olde man Joseph wroughte as he myȝt in his crafte of carpentry oure lady also with the dystaf and nedel and ther with makyng her mete and other offyce doynge that lōgeth to houshold as we may thinke in dyuerse maners And how oure lorde Jhs mekely halpe hem bothe at her nede and also in leyeng of the borde makyng the beddes suche other besynes gladly and lowely mynystrynge and soo fulfyllynge in dede that he saith of him self in the gospel that man̄es sone came not to be serued but to serue Also we maye thynke how they thre eten togyder euery daye at one lytyl borde not precious delicate metes but symple sobre as was oonly nedeful to sustenaūce of the kynde And after mete how they speken to gyder And also parauēture other while in her mete not vayne wordes or dissolute but wordes of deuocōn and ful of wysdome and of the holy ghoost And soo as they we●en fedde in body they werē mykel better fedde in soule And then̄e after suche maner recreacion in comyn they wenten to prayer by theym self in theyr closettes For as we maye ymagyne they had noo grete hous but a lytyl in the whyche they had thre seuerynges as hit were thre smal chābres there specially to pra Nota 〈…〉 ye to slepe And so maye we thynke how our lord Jhs criste euery nyght after prayer gooth to his bedde lowely mekely shewynge in that all other nedes to mankynde that he was very man hydynge his godhede fro the fende O lord Jhesu wel mayste thou be cleped hydde god that woldest in all thys longe tyme thus trauaylle and putte to penaūce that moost Innocēt body for oure sake whan the trauaylle of one nyght had suffysed to redempcion of all the world But thy grete loue of man made the to doo grete dedes of penaūce for hym And so thou that art kynge of kynges almyghty god wyth oute ende that helpest all men in theyr ▪ nede and yeuest thy go odes to all other plentyuously as euery condycōn and state as Nota 〈◊〉 ●r● ca●na l●● ●ū dal●● keth ye chose reserued to youre owne persone soo grete pouerte abieccōn penaūce in wakyng in slepyng absteynynge etynge and all youre other dedes doynge and in that so longe tyme for oure loue Lord god where ben they now that louen soo mykel the lust the lykynge the ease of the flesshe that se then soo besely precious curious and dyuerse ornamentes vanytees of the worlde Sothely we that louen and desyren suche thynges we lerne not that in the scole of this mayster For he taughte vs bothe by worde and by dede mekenesse pouerte and penaunce ▪ and chastysynge of the body And sythen we ben not wyser than he yf we wylle not
erre lette vs folowe hym that souerayne mayster that wyll not begyle ▪ and that maye not be begyled And also after the doctryne of hys Apostle hauīge lyuelode and clothyng in these be we apayed and that in nede couenable and not in superfluyte And also in all other vertuous lyuynge and exercyses before sayd folowe to oure power oure lorde Jhesu that we maye after ▪ this wrechid lyf in penaunce come to his blysse and the lyf euerlastyng in Joye Amen ¶ Of the Baptisme of oure lorde Jhesu and waye therto Capitulum xiiii AFter that nyne and twenty yere were complete in the whiche oure lord Jhesus lyued in penaunce and in ab●eccion as it is sayd in the begyn̄ynge of his xxx yere he spake to thys moder and saide Dere moder hit is now tyme that I goo to gloryfye my fader and make hym knowen and also to shewe my self to the world to wyrke the sauacion of mānes sonle as my fader hath ordeyned sente in to this worlde for this ende wherfore good moder be of good cōforte For I shall soone come ageyne to the And therwith that souerayne maister of mekenes knelyng downe to his moder asked lowely her blessyng And she also knelynge clyppynge hym derworthly in hir armes with wepyng said thus My blessid sone as thou wolt goo now with thy faders blessyng myn And thynke on me and haue in minde soone to come ageyne And soo reuerētly takynge his leue at his moder and also at his supposed fader Joseph he took his way fro Nazareth to ward Jherusalem and soo forth tyl he came to the water of Jordan where iohn baptysed the peple at that tyme the whyche place is fro Jherusalem the space of eyghtē myle And so the lord of al the world gooth all that longe way bare foote allone For he had yet none disciples gadred wherfore we takynge good entente by inward cōpassion of hym in this iourney speke we to hym deuoutly in herte thynkynge in this ●edi 〈…〉 ●●uot 〈…〉 nota 〈…〉 maner O lord Jhu ye that ben kynge of all kynges whyder goo ye in this maner alone Good lord where ben your Dukes Erles knyghtes and Barons horses and harneys chari ottes and sōmers and all other seruauntes and mynystres that shold be aboute you to kepe you fro the comyn peple in maner of kynges and lordes where ben the trompes clario nes all other mynstralsye and herbegers and purueyours that shold goo before and al other worshippes and pompes of the world as we wretchyd wormes vse● ▪ Be not ye that hye lorde of whos Joye and blysse heuen and erthe is replenysshed why then̄e goo ye thus symply alone and on that bare erthe Sothely the cause is for ye be not a● thys tyme in your kyngdome the whiche is not of this worlde For here ye haue auauntysed youre self takynge the maner of a seruaūt not of a kynge and soo ye haue made youre self as one of vs a 〈…〉 na ● p●r●g 〈…〉 ●go sum si cut omn 〈…〉 ●ri● m 〈…〉 pylgryme and a stranger as al oure faders weren ye be come a seruaunte to make vs kynges ▪ and for we sholde sykerly come to youre Reame ye come youre self shewynge vs the true waye wherby we sholde mowe come vp there to But lorde god why leue we forsake we that waye why folowe we 〈…〉 ●●n ●r● b●●u● mund● d● l●●●ot●● not after the. why lowe we not and meke not oure self why loue we and holde we and coueyte we soo besely worshippes and pompes and vanytees of the worlde Sothely for oure Reame is of thy worlde and for we knowe not our self as pylgrymes and straūgers therfore we fallen in al these folyes and myscheues soo we vayne mens sones louen holden aldaye thynges that ben vayn and fals for tho that ben good true and tho that ben temporel euer fayllynge for tho that ben heuenly euerlastyng Truly gode lord yf we desyren with a sadde will to youre reame our cōforte were in heuenly thynges and also therwyth yf we inwardly thoughten knewen our self here as pilgrymes and strangers we shold soone and lyghtely folowe you and of all these erthely and tēporel goodes takynge oonly that were nedeful to our lyuynge we shold not be taryed to renne after yow but as wythouten byrthen we shold goo lyghtely fully despyse sette at nouȝt all these wordly Rycheses goodes But now speke we ferthermore of the baptysme of our lord Jhesu what tyme that he come to the water of Jordan there founde he Johan baptysynge synfull men and mykel peple that was come thyder for to here his predicacōn for they helden hym that tyme as Cryste And then̄e oure lorde Jhesus amonge other wente to Johan and prayd hym that he wolde baptyse hym with other And Johan beholdynge hym and knowynge hym in spiryte was adred with grete reuerēce said Lord I shold be baptysed of the thou comest to me ▪ and I●s answerd Suffre now For thus it falleth besemeth vs to fulfille all ryghtwysnesse As who saith Saye not thys now bewreye me not or make me not knowe for my tyme therof is not yet come but now doo as I bydde baptyse me ¶ ●ota tees g●●du● hu unlitati● for now is tyme of mekenes therfore I wyll now fulfille al maner mekenes Here saith the glose y● mekenes hath thre degrees the first degree is a man to be subget lowed to his souerayn not preferred or hyed hym self aboue hym that is euen with hym in astate the secōd is to be subget to his euen lyke in astate not to be hyed or preferred aboue his vnderlinge The thirde the souerayn degree of mekenes is to be subget lowed to his vnderlyng that is he that is lasse in astate thā he this degree kepte our lord ihs at this time whā he meked hym lowed hym to Johan and therfore so he fulfilled ryghtwysnes and all the perfeccion of mekenes And thenne whan Johan sawe our lordes will that must nedes be doo he dyde as he ba● and baptysed hym ● here Now take we here goode hede how that hye lord of mageste despoilleth hym ●●oth o● his clothes as another symple man of the peple And after he is plonged in that colde water in that colde tyme. as in wynter al for our loue for our hele ordeynyng the sacrament of baptisme wasshyng therwyth none of his owne syn̄es f●● he had none but oure fylthes oure syn̄es and so weddynge there ghostly to hym holy chirche generally all trewe soules specially For in the feith of oure baptisme we ●en wedded to oure lord Jhesu Crist wherfore this is a grete feste and a werke of grete profyte excellence for in this worthy werke al the hole Trinyte was openly shewed in a synguler 〈…〉 an●r ¶ whan the holy ghoost cam downe in
quarto vocacione habetur Jo. po. ca o luce quin to cap o to his knowleche but they folowed not him The seconde tyme he cleped them fro the shippe whan they werē aboute to take fysshe as luke telleth But then̄e though they herden his doctryne folowed hym Neuertheles they soughten at that tyme to torne ageyne to theyr propre goodes The third tyme as Mathewe telleth he cleped them fro the shippe when he Mathei quarto et Marc. pri o saide to them Cometh after me For I shall make you fysshers of men And then̄e leften they her nettes shyppe fader folowed hym Also in y● two last tymes he cleped James Johan as in y● same place is made mynde of hem with Peter Andrew Also specially he cleped John fro the brydale as saynte Jerome saith but that is not expressyd in the texte of the gospell ¶ Also specyally he cleped Philip also in another place Mathew the publicane But the manere of clepyng of the remenaūt is not expressely wryten sauf that luke maketh mynde of the twelue apostles chosen nameth hem all Now take we here good entent to the manere of hym in thys clepyng and gadryng of hys dicyples and of hys conuer sacion wyth hem how lowely he speketh to them and how homely he sheweth hym self to them drawynge them to hys loue wythinforth by grace and wythoute forth by dede famyliarly ledyng hem to hys moders hous also going wth hem ofte to her dwellynges techyng enformynge hem soo in alle manere beyng besy aboute hem wyth as grete cure as the moder hath of hyr owne sone In soo mykell that as is wryten saynt Peter tolde what tyme he slepte wyth hem in ony place it was hys custome to ryse vp in the nyght hem slepyng And yf he fonde ony of them vnhyled ▪ preuely softely hyled hym ageyne For he loued hem ful tenderly knowynge what he wold make of hem as though so were they were mē of rude boystous condicions and of symple lygnage Neuer theles he thoughte to make hem prynces of the worlde chy●etayns of all Crysten men in ghostly bathayll domesmen of other Here also lete vs take hede of what manere peple began the feythe the groūde of holy chyrche as of suche symple fysshers poure men and vnlerned For our lord wolde not chese her to grete Clerkes and wyse men or mighty men of the worlde leste the grete dedes that sholde after be done by hem myghte be aretted to her wordynesse But thys he reserued kepte for hym self as it was resō shewyng that only in hys owne goodnes myght wysedom he boughte vs and saued vs Blessyd be he Jhesus wythoute ende AMEN ¶ Of the myracle done atte brydal tornyd water in to wyne Capytulum xvii IT befelle that day twelue moneth that our lord Jhesus was baptysed as it is sayd there was made a brydale in the coūtre of Galylee in a place that was cleped y● chane of the whyche brydale there is doubte whos brydale it was But we at thys tyme shall suppose a●ter the comyn opynyon that it was John euangelyst as saint Jerome also telleth in the prologue of the gospel of iohn at the whyche brydale our lady Jhūs moder was as she that was the eldest and moste worthy of the thre systers And therfore she was not bydden nor cleped thyder as other straūgers weren but she was there in her sisters hous homely as in her owen hous ordeynyng mynistryng as maystres therof And that we may vndstande by thre euydences of the processe of y● gospel Fyrst by that the gospel sayth fyrst that the moder of Jhein was there after that Jhesus hys discyples weren cleped or bidden therto And so as we suppose it befell that what tyme oure ladyes sister Mary salome y● wyf of zebedee shapte to wedde her sone John she yede before to oure lady to Nazareth that was fro y● Chane aboute four myle saieng that she wolde make a brydale to her sone John And soo thenne oure lady wente wyth hir to ordeine therfore certayne dayes before Soo that when other ghestes were bede she was there all redy and homely be fore ¶ The Seconde euydence is that she knewe defaute of wyne wherfore it semeth that she satte not at that mete as other ghestes that were beden but that she yede aboute mynystrynge as one of them that delyuerden mete and drynke and other necessaryes wherfore she perceyued by tyme and sawe the defaulte of wyne And tolde preuely her sone therof for helpe and remedy and that myght she not haue do yf she hadde sette amonge other wymen but she had rysen fro the borde that is not semely to be also it is not to leue that she that was vertuously shamfaste sat by her so ne among men wherfore it foloweth that she satte not as a gheste but mynystred as it is sayd before ¶ The thyrde euydence herof is that she bad the seruaūtes for to goo to hyr so ne and that they sholde do what that he badde them do And so it semeth that he was ouer hem that the brydale was gouerned by hyr therfor she was besy that no default were there at wherfore we may take hede vnderstande the maner of thys brydale the processe of the myracle therat done thus Fyrste we shall beholde our lord Jhesu etynge there amonge hem as another comyn man that syttynge in the lowest place not amōg the grete most worshypful ghestes abouen as we may onderstande by thys processe For he shold after teche thys lesson of the gospel whanthow arte beden to the brydale or to the feste sytte take thy stede in the loweste place And for as mykel as he wold firste doo in dede that he sholde after teche by woord therfore he wolde not take the first the pryncipall sete in maner of prowde men but rather the lower amonge symple mē ¶ Here with also behold our lady his moder that al thynge were wel couenably done tellynge the seruaūtes the mynystres how they sholde serue wherof ¶ And soo after whan it drowe toward the ende of y● feste they comen to hyr saiden there is no more wine And she āswered abydeth a litil I shall gete you to haue more And she wente out of the chābre in to the hall to her sone Jhesus that satte atte bordes ende nyhe y● cahmbers dore rownyd hym in the ere saye My dere sone they haue noo more wyne she thys our syster is poure wherfore I ne wete where we shal haue more Jhesus āswered said what is y● to me to the woman Thys seme the an hard a bostous answere to hys moder But neuerthe lesse it was sayd in mystery for our ductryne and techynge as saint Bernarde sayth and as it shall be tolde after the processe But of this
thyse two vertues perfytly taughte vs by ensample bothe of hym his discyples it shall folow after more plainly in the nexte chapyter ¶ Hic p̄mittūtur plura capitula transit ad caplm xxxvii in Bonauentura pro eo qd materia huiꝰ capli videtur conueniencius sequi istud capitulū pretactum Sed postea sequntur de ipsis quinque capitula ꝑtinencia ad contemplacōnem pro die Jouis ¶ How the disciples of Jhesu pluckedē the ere 's of corne and eten it for honger on the sabotte daye Caplm xxiiii IN a sabotte daye as the discyples of our lorde Jhesu wēten by the feeldes wyth hym where ripe corne was growynge they were ahongred and pluckeden the ere 's and froteden hem bytwene her hondes and ete hem And the pharysees that euer aspyeden our lordes wordes and dedes for to take hym in defaulte agaynste theyr lawe reproued herfore bothe hym and his discyples And sayden that it was vnle●ffull on the sabotte daye But our lorde excused hem first by nede that is out take in the lawe As Dauyd and his men in nede eten Nota the prestes brede that was elles forboden And also by that reason that the prestes of the lawe on the sabotte daye cyrcumsiced and made sacrifyce the whyche were bodily werkes not so nedfull as that they diden And also his presence that was lorde and auctour of the lawe yaue hem leue But yf we take here Inwarde entente wyth deuoute compassyon of that nede of the disciples in the presence of their lord almyghty we owen resonably to be stired to the loue of pouerte bodily nede for his sake For wonderfull it is to thynke that they that were chosē so specyally to y● hye degree of apostles there thrugh made prynces domesmē of the worlde sholde be put in to so grete pouerte nede for to ete the rawe corne for hongre as they were vnresonable bestes and nāly in his presence that was maker of all mete drynke at his wyll lorde of all the worlde as though he myght not helpe hem at her nede But the good lorde that dyde all thyng for our sauacōn he suffreth this nede in hem for the beste as he toke in hymselfe all the nede of mankynde wythoute syn̄e And soo though he had copassōn of hem in asmoche as he loued hem tenderly Neuertheles it lyked hym that nede in hem the gode wyll of hē therwyth that gladly suffred that nede for his loue And soo it plesyd hym not on̄ly for her mede that he knewe moche therfore but also for ensāple for vs that sholde come after For Nota tria here haue we specyally that haue forsake the worlde for the loue of god ensāple stirynge to thre vertues namly that bē nedefull to vs That is to say pacyēce in bodily nede perfyte pouerte Primū ayenste gloteny vertuous abstynēce And as to the first sythen the discyples of Jhū that hadden lefte forsaken all that Corporalis necessi●●● they had for to folowe hym suffreden pacyently gladly soo grete nede of bodily honger in his presence whom they sawe myraculously fede other men helpe at her nede moche more we owen to be pacyent in bodily nede whan it falleth that bē not soo worthy ne soo perfytly louen god but rather haue deserued for our mysliuyng vnkyndnes ayenste our lorde god moche more penaūce dysease than he wylle suffre vs for to haue And perauēture we comē neuer to soo grete nede for to suffre for his sake As to the seconde that is perfyte pouertee Secundū Perfectap● upertas for goddes loue we shal vnderstonde that his pouerte passed in perfeccōn the hyest degree of wylful pouerte of other withoute cōparyson For other men̄es pouerte that haue forsakē for crystes loue all rychesses worshyppes of the worlde is in reputacōn of mē in asmoche as it is holde vertuous as it is But Nota de perfectissima paupertats Cristi his pouerte was in repreyf dispyte of men in asmoche as it was not knowē that he toke this pouerte wilfully but as of nede as it semyth in the forsayd processe of him his discyples whan they eten rawe corne for honger and he halpe hem not and in many other places of the gospel he shewed hym as poore nedy And for asmoche as that pouertee that comyth of nede not of wyll is in dispyte repreif and all that knewen hym sawe that he had nother hous nor possessions they hadden hym in the more contēpte For comynly suche nedeful poor men ben dispysed of al men sette a● nought But neuertheles they maye be full honorable in his syghte that thꝰ yaue ensāple therof wherfore it is full perylloꝰ for to dispyse ony poore man But yf we wyll wyte who is vertuously perfytly Nota poore we shall vnderstonde that not on̄ly he that made his professōn to pouerte hath left all worldly richesses as in hauour wythout forthe but he that therwyth hath that pouerte sette in his hert wythin forthe so that he wyll not more loue nor desire ony worldely godes or possessions but on̄ly that is nedefull to his liuyng For yf a man be in pouerte suffre nede without forth thrugh lacke of worldly godes and therwith he desyre wyth delyberacyon in herte wythin forth more than hym nedeth that man lyueth not in vertuous pouerte but in wretched nede wythout mede For the luste of the wyll within forth with full assente therto suffyseth to the fulfyllyng of syn̄e to the losse of mede wherfore he that wyll be perfyte pore Nota 〈…〉 he muste loke that neyther he haue nor desire more than is nedeful to his liuynge Of this vertuous pouerte spekyth saynt Bernarde sermone quarto de Aduētu in sermone quarto de Bernarde T●●●ta cō●●a g●l●● Natiuitate dn̄i Ferdermore towchyng the thyrde vertue that is abstynence wherof agaynst gloteny we haue ensample here in the discyples and also byfore in our lorde Jhesu we shal vnderstonde that gloteny is a vyce agaynste the whyche it behoueth vs while we lyuen in this flesshe for to haue contynuell batayll as holy faders that knowen the temptacōn therof by longe experiēce techen vs. specyally saynt Bernarde in dyuerse places telleth howe we shalle flee gloteny and nourysshe the body on̄ly as it nedeth to the he le therof and more shal we not seche o● desire to the body wherfore in all that we taken ouer that is to saye to fulfylle the luste the likinge that passeth the termes of kynde and disposeth to dethe bodily ghostly Nota contra plures bestiales gulosos And soo it falleth ofte that many men ben somoche ouer comen wyth the luste likynge of the flesshe that as vnresonable bestes they putten the lust before the hele takyng suche metes drynkes the whiche they knowē well
contrary to theyr he le And after the whiche they woten well that they shall fele grete passions sekenesses And soo not on̄ly in the bodi vndisposed to serue god to vertuous occupacōn But also the N soule is defoyled that he maye not see god wyth clen̄es of herte as he made hym to And sothly this is a foule vyce a peryllous And neuertheles moche peple ben blynded and deceyued in this poynte bothe ghostly worldely that excusen hem falsly by the loue of the flesshe the stirynge of the lust that cominly eschewyth that is moost holsome to the kynde yf it be not likynge to the sensualyte desyreth that is moost vnholsome yf it be delycate likynge therto wherfore amōge all the spices Nota of gloteny this semith moost reprouable in asmoche as it is not on̄ly contrary to the soule but also it destroyeth sleeth y● body And soo he that taketh mete or drynke wilfully knowynge that it is contrary to hym and vndisposing to bodily hele maye drede of his dome and repreif in goddys syghte as of a man sleer and that is worse sleer of hymselfe Other men that ben ouercome by the sensualyte the temptacyon of the flessh for to take of mete drynke that is holsome though it be likyng eyther in vntyme or more in quātyte than it nedeth or with grete luste gredynes ben more excusable for the co myn Infirmyte of the firste syn̄e of adam But for asmoche as this vyce of gloteny in all his spyces is reprouable therfore it is nedefull to vs for to eschewe it to our power And gete and kepe the vertue of dyscrete abstynence As oure lorde Jhesus his apostles and other sayntes hauen bothe taughte vs yeuen vs Ensample kepynge the body and fedynge as it is nedefull therto after that kynde therof the trauayle that longeth therto In maner as a horse oweth to be kepte for to doo his Journey so that he fayle not by defaulte by to mykell abstynēce on that one syde that he be not rebelle to the spirite proude by mykel pamprynge on that other syde but in a gode meane of abstinence that techeth the vertu of dyscression the D 〈…〉 whtche discression as saynt Bernard sayth is not only a vertu but also keper leder of all other vertues For yf that lacke that semeth vertu is vyce And as sanit gregory sayth Discression is moder and kepar of all vertues this discression touchynge abstynence fedynge of the body stant generally in this poynt as saynt augustyn sayth in his book of confessions y● a man take of mete drynke to sustenaūce of the body onely as he wolde take of medecyne for to hele his Infirmyte wherfore ryght as in takynge of medecyn man hath no reward to more or lesse or to the preciosite or boystnesse or swetnesse or bytternes but onely as it is moost conuenient profitable to hele the sore or the sekenesse so for as mykell as honger and thurst ben Infyrmyte of mankynde thuroghe the firste synne of man mete drynke that ben as medecyn to this Infirmite shold be take only as for he le therof as saynt augustyn seyth Thus mykell is specially spoken here of abstinēce glotony by occasion of the honger the symple fode ther ageynst of y● disciples of Jhesu as it it sayd for as mykell as here endeth y● thirde parte of this boke that stant in cōtēplacion of Cristes lyf for the wenesday vpon the whiche day to our ensample he began to fyght ageynst glotony specially by his fastynge in deserte as it is sayd before the whiche vyce of glotony he graūte vs of his grace to eschewe the vertu of discrete abstyneuce to kepe that is blessid wythouten ende Jhesus AMEN ¶ Explicit contemplacid pro die Mercuru et tercia pars ¶ Incipit Quarta pars ꝓ die Jouis ¶ Item Bernardus de abstinencia in Epistola ad fratres de monte dei quantū ad Religiosos Item in sermone iii. de circumcision edomini ¶ Of the fedinge of the grete people with brede multiplyed Capitulum xxv Two tymes the gospel telleth that oure lorde Jhūs multyplyed a fewe loues of brede and there with fedde many thousandes of men to the full In the whiche processe takyng hede to the wordes and the dedes of oure lorde Jhesu as the gospell openly telleth we may see to oure edyficacion ghostly many goode sterynges to loue hym thanke hym and worship hym soueraynly and specyally we may see in this processe that our lorde Jhesus was mercyfull and curteys and kynde and dyscrete and circumspecte Fyrst that he was mercyfull shewen Jhesꝰ mise ricors hys wordes he sayd thus I haue pyte and mercy vpon the people soo that mercy styred hym and drough hym to helpe hem and fede hem at her nede for as dauyd wytnesseth All the erth is full of his mercy Also he shewed hys grete curtesy and wonderfull kyndenesse in the cause that he assygned after sayenge thus For loo nowe these thre dayes they abyden Jhesꝰ curia lis and suffren and beren me fastynge and they haue not wherof to ete as though he were bounden to them for her benefice done to him in that they abyden soo wyth hym And neuertheles in sothenes it was for her owen goode profyte and not for his But that is his souerayne kyndenes curtesy endeles godenes that he hath likyng to dwel with vs onely for our profite and sauacion though there be there thorugh as to hym none encrees of his godenesse wherfore all tho that so lowen hym by gode lyuyng and gladly heren his doctrine and kepen his hestes he loueth hath likynge to dwell with hem ghostly and fayleth neuer to helpe hem at her nede Ferther more our lord Jhesus takynge hede ▪ that many of the people were come to hym fro ferre coūtrey seenge the perill of the peple in mykel fastyng by cause of the grete trauayll that they shold haue in her goynge ageyne saide thus If I suffre hem Jhesꝰ 〈…〉 goo home ageyne in to her owē houses fastyng they shal fayle and perisshe by the way where he shewed that he was discrete circumspecte seenge before her nede vnmyght therfore ordeynyng remedy helpe before by her bodily sustenaūce N that was nedeful to her trauaile to come after And so in this speche dede of Jhū is doctrine Ensample of discress you to prelates hem that hauen cure of other to take hede of her In tyrmyte of her trauaile therafter ordeyne to hem bodyly sustenaūce couenable and sufficient that they falle not by defaulte ● in the weye of this bodily liuynge in erthe Also in the forsayd processe we may vnderstonde ghostly the gracious gouernaūce of our lord Jhesus to vs lyuynge in this world eche Noc●●●●●s day For we haue not to ete bodily or
was the brede of lyfe that came fro heue● it behoueth to ete his fless● drynke his blood who so sholde be saaf haue euerlastyng l●fe they vnderstondynge his wodes flesshly not ghostly grutcheden agaynst hym and token occasion of grete sclaūder and many of his discyples thrugh that mys vnderstondynge flesshly forsoken hym But Peter in the name of twelue appostles answerde that they w●lde not leue him For he had the wordes of euerlastyng lyfe And soo that was sclaūder to the badde was vertue to the good ▪ ●n the forsayd wordes dedes of our lorde ●hesu we haue ensample that we sholde not lete to doo good werkes for occasion 〈…〉 of sclaūder vnskylfully taken of other or for en●re and euyll wyll of hem and specyally of that dede that is necessa●● to soules hele we sholde not cease for ony sclaūder wherfore 〈◊〉 saynt Gregory sayth that a man shall rather suffre sclaūder for to ryse than he shall leue the trouthe ●hat is to sa●e in thre maners after the comyn sentence of doctours ▪ Fyrste of y● p̄●●●̄●e ●●as ●●te good lyfe a man shall not ceace for sclaūder that is to say ●e shall not doo dedely syn̄e for puttynge awaye of ony sclaūder Also a doctour or a precher shal not teche or preche fals for ony sclaūder but in caas he maye holde his pees of a certayne 〈◊〉 ●e ●●as 〈◊〉 ●●●●e trouth As what tyme that he knoweth that the herers bē obstynat in errour and shold be the wors yf that trouth were sayd ●he thyrde is trouth of rightwysnes that shall not be let for sclaūder ●hat is to saye a do●esman shall not yeue fals ●er●●●●e 〈◊〉 ▪ dome nor a wytnes bere fals recorde for ony sclaūder ▪ But of other certayne dedes that maye be lefte wythout peryll of soule a man shal other while seace though they ben gode in hemself for to put awaye occasion of sclaūder as thapostle poul sayth That wolde rather neuer ete flessh than he wolde there thorugh yeue occasyon of sclaunder to his brother Also in the forsayd processe of our lord Jhesu we ben taughte for to charge more the clennesse of soule And that disposeth N cōtraplures specialit religios to vertues thanne bodily clennesse and honeste wythoute forthe that is noo vertue in Neuerthelesse honeste and bodily clennesse is good soo that it dyspose not to vayne glory or curyosyte or lechery or other synnes And soo ben good customes that ben grounded vpon reason for to be kepte But the biddynges of god and the good ordenaunce of souereyns in ▪ holy chirche ben moche more for to charge Wherfore in this poynt erren many crysten men and specyally religious that chargen more bodily obseruaunce and customes though they dispose to noo vertue And ofte ben agaynste reason than they done the byddynge of god and good doctryne of holy faders towchynge charyte mekenesse pacyence Deuocyon in prayer dyscrete abstynence and other vertues wherfore they maye drede the repreyf of our lorde Jhesu pry uely that he reproued the pharysees openly As it is sayde be fore ¶ Of the specyall rewarde of our lorde Jhesu behoten to all thoos that forsaken the worlde for his loue Caplm xxix WHat tyme our lorde Jhūs by occasyon of the ryche man that wolde not leue his temporell goodes for perfeccōn sayd that it was harde to a ryche man entree the kyngdom of heuen The appostle peter in the name of all his felowes the twelue appostles asked of hym what rewarde they sholde haue that had forsake and lefte al worldly thynges for his sake And thenne our lorde ansuerde not oonly behetynge to hem a De cētuplo promisso souereyne mede in the blysse of heuen but also to all other that forsaken fader moder and other kyn̄e and temporell goodes for his sake the hondred folde in this worlde and after lyfe euerlastynge in a nother worlde to come wherfore all tho that haue taken hem to ghostly lyuynge fully forsaken the worlde Notabil haue matere of grete ghostly Joye and specyall comforte in this byheste of Jhū not on̄ly for the euerlastynge lyfe in heuen that they trustly hopen to haue by his gracōus byhest but also for that hūdred folde rewarde that they shall fele in thys bodily lyfe yf they truly louen Jhū and fully forsaken y● worlde that is neyther golde ne syluer nor deynteous metes or precyous clothes but ghostly ryches of vertues comforte of the holy ghost the whiche alonly he knowyth that by experyence felyth it in hymself And that is amonge other clen̄esse of cōscyence reste in soule loue of pouerte chastyte pacyence and other vertues And what tyme that our ghostly spouse Jhesu is knowen of ghostly folke before said but it is hyd to flesshly N sp●ale donūgrē Quāmagna multitudo dulce dis tue dn̄e folke that haue set their herte her comforte in this worlde as the prophete dauyd felynge this yefte spekyth to our lorde god in this manere Lorde how grete is the multytude of thy swetnesse that thou haste hydde to hem thad dreden the Of this mater saynt bernarde makyth a dououte processe in a tretyse of hym that is called De colloquio simonis Jhū spekynge more plenarly of this ghostly mede of the whiche Jhesus graunte vs parte AMEN ¶ Of the Transfyguracyon of our lorde Jhesu in the hylle Eaplm xxx OVr lord Jhūs willynge to conferme strēg the his dyscyples in y● true byleue that he was bothe god mā He shewed hem that he was very man by that he suffred after the kynde the comyn Infyrmyte of man And also that he was god by the myracles that he wroughte aboue the comyn kynde and myghte of man And therwyth all so he enformed hem told hē before that he shold suffre paynfully the hard deth as man after aryse vp gloryously to lyf as god and to this ende what tyme as the gospel of mathewe marke luke tellen math vii marc 13. Luc. i● that he had tolde his discyples that he sholde suffre many reproues dispytes in Jhrlm and att the laste be slayne dede And after that he sholde ryse fro dethe to lyfe the thyrde daye Then̄e ferdermore he cōcluded sayd that there were some of hem that there stoden at that tyme. the whiche shold not taste bodily dethe tyll they seen man̄es sone ▪ that was hymselfe comynge in his kyngdom that is to saye aperynge in a wonder full Joyeful clernesse of his māhede as longyng to his kyngdome And that for to fulfyll this byhest aboute the viii daye after he toke wyth hym peter James John vp in to an hye hylle that was as clerkes sayen called Thabor And there he was transfygured in her syghte that is to saye torned out of the lowe lyknes of seruaūt in to the hyghe gloryous lyknes of his kyngdom For his face shone as
te c J●m̄ sup can● ser̄ lxxi ¶ How our lorde Jhūs caste out of the temple the byars the sellars ayenste goddis lawe Caplm xxxii TWo tymes as the gospel makith mynde our lorde Jhūs caste out of the temple the byers the sellars therin and that with a scourge made of cordes y● whiche dede amonge all the myracles y● he wrought semith wonderfull for what tyme that he wroughte other myracles in y● whiche he shewed the souerayn myght of his godhede the pharisees the scrybes other of the Jewes dispyseden reproueden hym but at this tyme whan they were in grete multytude gadred in the temple and in her grete solēpnytee they had noo power to wythstonde hym alone And the cause was for the ghostly fyre of hys zele bren̄ynge wythin forth for the vnworshippynge of hys fader specyally in that place where he owed moost to be worshipped shewed hym so dredfull in his face without forth y● they were wonderfully adradde discōfyted and hadden no power to wythstonde hym This processe after the exposicyon of saynt Gregory other doctours is full dredfull to all cristēmen but namly to prelates curates and other men of holy chirche and specyally we religyous that ben sett in goddis tēple for to serue hym contynuelly in deuoute prayer and other ghostly exercyses If we yeue vs to coueytyse vanytees and medle vs ouer nede with worldly occupacōns chaffaringes as they dyden we maye skylfully drede the Indygnacōn of Jesu and his castynge oute fro grace in this life and after departynge of his blysse euerlastyng wherfore thou that wol● not drede the Indygnacōn of Jhū loke that in noo manere y● putt the wylfully nor medle the to thy power wyth worldly occupacōn But for this matere is fully plenteuously treated in the exposicōn of this gospell in many places therfore we passen ouer thus shortly at this tyme ¶ Post istud capitulū s●qtur in bonauentura ●m̄o discipuli vellebant sp●cas c quod caplm supra translatum est parte tercia caplo xxxiiii ¶ Of the receyuynge of our lorde Jhes● by the two systers Martha Mary of those two maners of lyuynges that ben actyf and contemplatyf in holy chyrche Caplm xxxiii It befell vpō a tyme y● caplm 〈…〉 our lorde Jhūs wente with his disciples to bethani that was called the castell of marthe mary and came in to the hous of hem And they that loueden hym wyth all her hertes weren gladde and Joye full of his comynge And martha the elder syster that had the cure of the housholde anone besyed her and went faste about to ordeyne for the mete couenable to hym and to dyscyples But her syster mary foryetynge all bodily mete ▪ desuyng so ueraynly to be fedde ghostly of our lorde Jhū sette her downe on the groūde at his fete And castynge her eyen and her herte her eeres in to hym oonly wyth more Joye and lykynge than maye be spoken was fedde ghostly and comforted in the blessyd wordes of our lorde Jhū for he wolde not be ydle but as his comyn manere was occupied hym wyth spekynge of edyficacyon wordes of euerlastynge lyfe Martha that was soo besily occupyed aboute the mynystracōon the seruyse of our lorde Jhū his discyples seenge her syster Mary soo sittynge as it were in ydlenesse toke it heuely and complayned her to our lorde as he had take noo rewarde therto And prayed him that he wold bidde her syster ryse helpe her to serue and then̄e was Mary aferde leest she sholde haue be taken fro that swete reste ghostly lykynge that she was in And noughte she sayd but hanged downe her hede abidynge what our lorde wolde saye And thenne our lorde answerynge for her sayd to Martha that though she was besy and troubled aboute many thynges neuertheles one thinge was necessary that was the beste parte that mary chose whyche sholde neuer be take fro her And then̄e was mary gretly cōforted and satte more sykerly in her purpose And Martha wythout enuy helde her payd and seruyd forthe wyth good wyll In this processe of the gospell forsayd and tolde soo shortly touched after the letter we maye note vnderstonde many fayr thynges ghostly to our edifycacōn And fyrste the grete goodnes of our lord Jhū in his homely comynge to that poore house of the two systers martha mary takynge ofte tymes wyth good wyll and likynge suche symple refeccōn bodyly fode as they had For as it semyth well by that sayenge of martha that her syster lete her serue alone there was not multytude of seruaūtes and soo foloweth that there was not grete araye in dyuers messes or many delycate metes drynkes and yet came oure lorde ofter more customably to that place than he dyde to ony other to take his bodily fode and that specially as I trowe for the grete loue affeccōn y● he had to mary after her cōuersyon as he knewe well y● she loued hym seueraynly euer after as it is sayd before And so it semyth that our lorde Jhūs woll loue specyally and ofte visyte by grace dwelle ghostly wyth that soule that by true repentaūce penaūce forsakyth her syn̄e and perseueraūtly kepyth her in y● loue of hym Lorde how glad Joyful were thyse ii systers forsayd of y● comynge at that tyme of this blessyd gheste Jhūs to her spouse and prycipally mary For as it semyth after y● processe of the Nota gospel this was the fyrst tyme that he came to that hous and y● soone after the cōuersion of mary forsayd in somoche it was the more Joyfull to her For then̄e she had that she soueraynly loued on̄ly desired And therfor̄ her syster not knowynge how it stode wyth her wythin forth in her hert seēge her maners chaūged y● was wont befor̄ to be ocupyed in besynes of bodily mynistracōn wyth her now as takynge noo rewarde therto but sittyng tendyng on̄ly to y● swete contēplacion of Jhū as it is sayd befor̄ merueyled gretly therof And therfore cōplayned to our lorde as it is sayd not reprouynge her syster after the comyn condycōn of wym̄en in token ensāple that he that is occupyed vertuously in actyf lyfe shall not reproue hym that is in rest of contēplatyf lyfe though it seme to him that he be as ydle ¶ Of actyf lyfe and contemplatyf lyfe By thyse two sisters forsayd martha mary as holy men and doctours wryten ben vndstonden two maner lyues of crystenmen That is to saye actyf lyfe contēplatyf lyfe Of the whiche there ben many tretees grete processe made of dyuers doctours and specially the forsaid Bonauenture in this boke of crystes lyfe makyth a longe processe alledgynge mani auctoritees of saynt bernarde y● whiche processe though it so be y● it is ful gode fructuous as to many ghostly lyuers Neuertheles for it semyth
for to speke of the maner of liuyng in thise ii lyues actyf contēplatyf in specyal And namly of actyf that stant in soo many degrees as of seculers and relygyous and lered and lewde it were harde and wolde aske longe processe and also as it semyth it nedeth not For the generall exercyse of actyf lyfe as it lōgeth fyrst to a man hymself that is in fyghtynge agaynste vyces besy in getynge of vertues And also after as it longeth to his euēcrysten that is in fulfyllyng of y● dedes of mercy almes dedes doynge of hē y● haue habūdaunce of tēporell goodes In euery degree is wryten sufficyently as I hope and therfore I haue lefte to speke more of this mater at this tyme sauf to make an ende accordyng to the begyn̄ynge of the mater before sayd in y● gospel of thise ii systers martha mary by the whiche ben vnderstonde thise two liues actif contēplatyf as it is sayd Fyrste they that ben in actif life haue ensample in martha of that vertue that is souereynly ned ful to hem in all her dedes that is charyte And fyrste as to hē selfe that they ben wythout dedely syn̄e For elles Jhūs woll not dwelle in her hous●e accept her seruyce Also as to other S●dm ▪ that they deme not ne dispyse other the whiche perau●ture done not soo many vertuous dedes as to mannes syghte as they done For they maye not knowe the preuy domes of our lorde Jhū that accepted more plesyngly and preferred the preuy cōtēplacōn of mary that satte at his fete in scylence as she had be ydle before all the grete besy seruyce of martha that was for the feruent loue that she hadde in contemplacōn of hym And yet was the seruyce and the besines of martha full pleysynge to Jhū and medefull to her as actyf lyf is good but cōtemplatif beter And soo ferdermore it is to note that notwithstondyng Terciū the grete comm̄endacion of our lorde Jhū touchynge mary the preferrynge of hir parte Martha grutched not of hir parte but contynued forth in her maner liuynge seruinge customably to Jhū his discyples As John wytnessith after in his gospel in token that he that is called to god stant in the state of actyf lyf holde hym payed and grutche not though contēplatyf lyfe be cōmended before his astate For how soo euer it stant of thise two estates degrees liuyng god wote alonly who shall be before a nother in the blysse of heuen of tho persones in thise astates and thꝰ mykel be sayd as touchynge the parte of martha of actyf lyfe tokened by her Ferdermore touchynge contēplatyf lyfe he that is in that state hathe ensāple in mary of thre thynges that neden souereynly to that state ▪ that ben mekenes pacyence scilence First meknes Primū notabil is tokened in the lowe sittynge of mary att fete of our lorde Jhū And but this grounde be truely sette in the herte of hym that is in this degree of contemplacōn That is to saye that he presume not of his own̄ holynes but that he dispyse him self truely in his owne syghte as it is reherced tolde before in dyuers places what longeth to mekenes Sothly elles alle his bildyng of contēplacōn be it neuer soo hye woll not stonde stedfastly but soone at a lytill wynde of aduersyte falle to nought The seconde vertue accordynge herto is pacyence in suffryng fals demynges scornynges reprouynges of y● worlde S●dm Notabil that he shall suffre that fully forsakyth dispyseth y● worlde as it nedeth to the true contēplatyf com̄yttynge alwaye by pacyence in herte his cause to his aduocate jhesu wythoute ansuere reprouynge agayne as mary dyde whan the pharysee demed and reproued her Also her sister playned vpon her and the discyples had Indignacōn and grutched agaynst her But in all thise she kepte scylence That is the thirde vertue nedefull to the contēplatyf and soo ferforth she yaaf ensāple Terciū Notabil of scylence that we fynde not in all the gospel that she spake before the resurreccōn of our lorde Jhū sauf ones by a shorte worde at reysyng of her broder lazar notwythstondyng the grete loue of our lorde Jhū shewed to him and to the grete likinge that she had in the wordes the holy doctryne of hym that sholde styre her by reason the more boldly to speke And who soo coueyteth to knowe the fruyt of vertuous scylence yf he haue affeccōn and wyll to trow contemplatyf lyuynge with out doubte he shal be better taught by experyence than by wrytynge and techynge of man And neuertheles saynt bernarde and many other holy faders and doctours commenden highly vertuous scylence as it is worthy wherof and other vertuous exercyse that longen to contemplatyf lyuing And specyally to a recluse And also of medled life ▪ That is to saye some tyme actyf and some tyme contemplatyf as it longyth to dyuerse persones that in worldly astate haue grace of ghostly loue who soo woll more playnly be enfourmed and taughte in englysshe tonge Lete hym loke the tretees that the worthy clerke and holy lyuer mayster ●alter Hylton the chanon of Thurgarton wrote in englysshe by hyghe grace and dyscrecion And he shall fynde there as ● leue a suffycyente scole and a true of all thyse whoo 's soule reste in euerlastynge pees ▪ As I hope he be full hyghe in blysse Joyned and knytte wythout departynge to his spouse by perfyte vse of the beste parte that he chese here wyth mary Of the whiche parte he graunte vs felyshyp Jhesus our lord god A M E N ¶ Of the Reysynge of Lazar. and other two dede bodyes Caplm xxxiiii AMonge all the myracles that our lord Jhū cryste wroughte here in erthe the reysynge of lazar is pryncypally cōmended And souereynly is to be consydered not oonly for the souerayn myracle it self But also for many notable thynges that befell in that myracle and dyuerse mysteryes The whyche saynte Augustyn clergeally treatyth by lon longe processe vpon the same gospel Of the whiche somwhat I shall towche in party and more ouer as the grace of our lorde Jhū woll sende wytte perteynyng to the pourpose And for asmoche as the gospel makyth mynde of ui dede bodyes reysed by oure lorde Jhesu fro dethe to lyfe of the whiche two the fyrste is not spoken of specyally in this treatyse before Therfor̄ it semyth cōuenyent to this purpose sōwhat touche of hem in this place as the forsaid saynt austin dooth And fyrste we shall vndstonde haue in mynde that as the dedes of our lorde Jhū after his manhede ben ensample to vs for to folowe hym as in mekenes pouertee pacyence and other vertues soo in his myracles done bi vertue of the godhe de we shal not desyre to folow hym for to doo as he dyde but we shall worshyp hym as almyghty god and in that partye more ouer coueyte for
men is token of hele folowyng But Jhūs meaned of his deth ▪ And soo here we maye see the grete homelynes of our lorde wyth his discyples that as in maner of bourdyng spake wyth hē here ▪ But after declaring to hem openly that he spake fyrst mystly ▪ sayd Lazar is dede and I am gladde for you that therby your bileue maye be encreced strengthed knowyng that I was not the● in tyme of his dethe and soo the rather byleuynge that I am goddis sone Ferdermore leuynge many wordes of the gospell and takyng that semyth most notable to our edyficacōn aft whā our lorde Jhūs wyth his disciples torned agayn toward Bethanye and the two systers hadden worde of his comyng Martha an one wente agaynst him but mary satte styll at home tyll after she was called forth by the biddynge of Jhūs An soo it semyth by thise wordes specyally after y● letter tellynge how thyse ii systers martha maria dyuersly hadden hē as anenst Jhū That John theuangelist meaned ghostly here as he dooth in other places the dyuers condicōns that longen to hem that ben in thise ii astates that is to saye of actyf lyf contēplatyf lyf For it is no doubte but that mary loued Jhesus as moche as her sister martha or more And was as gladde of his comynge And as sory was for her broders dethe and as feruently desired his lyfe why then̄e went she not anone wyth her syster oute agaynst Ihū but in fygure for ensāple that they that ben in the state of contēplatyf lyfe shal not take vpon hem bodily exercyse of the dedes of mercy as for to goo oute to vysyte the seke or hem that ben in pryson Or to tede the hūgry or clothe the naked and soo forth of other Or els for to preche or teche or to mynister sacramentes of holy Nota chirche but it so be y● they ben called out therto bi the biddyng the auctoryte of holy chirche in Ihūs name ghostly as mary was bodily sittynge mary at home as it is sayd martha goyng out what tyme she mette with Ihū she felle down at his fete sayd Lorde yf thou haddest ben here my brother had not be dede Neuertheles now I wote well that what soo euer thou askest of god god wolle it yeue the She durste not saye vtterly that she desyred Inwardly sayeng as thus Now reyse my broder fro dethe to lyfe for she wist not whether it were expedient that her broder sholde be reysed or whether it were Ihesus wyll And therfor̄ she set her wordes discretly in this manere of meanyng Lorde I wote well thou mayst reyse hym therfore yf thou wylt it shall be done but whether thou wylt or not I cōmytte it to thy dome not to my presūpcōn Then̄e said Ihs to her that her broder sholde ryse fro deth to life so in general wordes that it might be taken in two maners for to proue her bileue of the fynall resurreccōn not specifyeng whether he wolde reyse hym at the tyme or none And therfore martha takyng that part y● she was syker of after the byleue sayd that she wyste well that he shold ryse in generall resurreccōn at laste daye of dome And ferdermore at askynge of our lorde whether she bileued that he sayd of himself that he was resurreccōn lyf and of euerlastyng lyf of all hē that byleueden sothfastly in hym she answerde fynally thus I byleue that thou art criste goddis sone y● art come in to this world for man̄es sauacōn And then̄e at byddynge of Ihūs she wente home ▪ and called mary her suster in scilence that is to saye in soft spekyng sayeng to her Our maister is comen and calleth the to hun and anone ●he rose vp and went to him Loo how expresly here also is tokened ghostly what longeth to the contemplatyf lyfe that is to saye fyrste in reste pees scylence softe speche And not low de cryenge or grete noys as the worlde vseth And ferdermore what tyme that our lorde Ihū calleth hym out by obedyence to cure and to gouernayle of other as in the offyce of prelacy that then̄e by ensample of mary anone he ryse by applyenge of his wyll to goddis wyll loue he neuer soo moche reste o● haue he neuer somoche in swete contemplacōn That is vnderstonde ▪ what tyme he is called soo vtterly that yf he wythstōde it he sholde syn̄e dedely by Inobedyence Ferdermore we may see by the processe of the gospel the specyall loue homlynes that our lorde Ihūs had soueraynly to mary in that he abode stylle there as martha mette fyrste wyth hym and wolde not doo as to the reysynge of lazar vnto the tyme that mary was comen And then̄e whan she was comen fallen downe atte Ihūs fete wyth sore wepynge teeres had sayd as she dide before that yf he had be there her broder had not be dede Our lorde Ihūs seenge her wepyng y● he loued soo specyally and also the Jewes wepyng the there were comen at that tyme to cōforte mary he wept also And that for iii. causes First for y● loue y● he had to mary specyally to her syster and to lazar Also to N●b● shewe the greuousyte of syn̄e in custome And of the ghostly dethe there thrugh ▪ that is tokened in lazar foure dayes dede beried And the thirde for the mysbileue of hem that there were the whiche byleued that he myght haue kept hym fro deth but not that he myghte then̄e reyse hym to lyfe agayne Who soo woll then̄e Inwardly take hede beholde how our lorde Ihūs wepith the sisters wepē the Jewes wepē ye as ●e Lacrime ason tellyth the discyples wepē skylfully he maye be stired to compassion wepynge at leest Inwardly in herte namly for synne in custome that is so harde to ouercome and to ryse out of as our lorde Ihūs shewed in ghostly vnderstondynge by the grete diffyculte that he made as in wepyng in maner of trowbling hymself And y● two tymes wroth grutching in spiryte before that he reysed lazar by whom is vnderstōde syn̄e in custome as it is oft sayd yeuynge ensāple as saynt austyn sayth Aug. that thou that arte ouerlayd wyth the heuy stone of dedely syn̄e be wroth grutche in spiryte and trouble thyself in this maner deminge thyself gilty And thynke how ofte thou hast sinned worthy euerlasting dethe and god of his endles mercy hathe spared the suffred the How ofte thou haste herde the gospell forbedynge syn̄e thou hast taken noo rewarde but art contynuelly cōtrary fals to thy fyrst baptysme And then̄e so thynkynge wyth cōpun●cōn for thy syn̄e ▪ as in maner askyng in thy hert what shall I doo whyder shall I goo In what maner shall I escape this grete syn̄e dredfull peryll of euerlastyng dethe whan thou sayst thus in thin herte then̄e cryst
grutchith in the for fayth grutcheth And yf fayth be in vs then̄e cryst is in vs so in this maner of grutching is hope of vprisyng For after this wepyng trowblyng as the processe of y● gospel I telleth our lord Ihūs asked where they had put lazar not for vnknowing but in spekyng in maner of man in token ghostly of a straūgnes of his grace to hem that ben ouerlayed wyth dedely syn̄e for the tyme Neuertheles he hath alwaye cōpassyon of the synful And his mercy is redy to all y● woll truly aske it For after he had asked where they had putt hym they sayden ayen Lorde come see then̄e he wept And y● Jewes y● there were sayden ▪ loo how he loued hym And so he shewed the affeccōn that he hath to the synfull as he sayth in y● gospel I came not to calle the rightwis but the syn̄ers to penaūce But now goo we to y● graue of lazar folowyng our lord Ihū wyth all that meyne that is to saye the two systers martha mary and the apostles Jewes many that were there that tyme to comforte the systers And as oure lorde wolde to see bere wytnesse of that solempne worthy myracle and so we maye see by deuoute ymagynacōn how our lorde Ihūs gooth before bytwene the ii sisters talking homly wyth hem they wyth hym shewyng to hym the grete dyscōfort sorow that they hadden of her broders deth And specially for asmoche as they durst not bydde hym come to helpe hem kepe him fro de the for drede of the malice of the Jewes that they knewe had cōspired in to his dethe and how they were hyely cōforted thēne of his presence But neuertheles therwyth they had grete drede of hym by cause of the Jewes And then̄e how our lord benyngly cōforted hem again and bad hem not drede of him for al sholde be for the best at the faders wyll And so talkinge togyder they camen to the graue that was couered wyth a grete stone aboue Then̄e bad our lorde Ihūs that they sholde take awaye the stone and they abasshed for the grete tender loue that they had to hym dredynge the horribylyte the styuke of carayne that it sholde ought of fēde hym sayden ▪ Lorde now he stynketh for he is iiii dayes dede shewynge therby that they had none hope of his liuynge ayen But our lorde ayenwarde cōforted her byleue and makyng the stone to be taken awaye Afterwarde liftynge vp his eyen to heuen sayd Fader I thanke the. for thou herdest me and sothly I wote well that thou herest me euer But I saye this for the peple that here stant y● they byleue that thou haste sente me And whan he had sayd thus he cryed wyth a grete voys Lazar come oute of thy graue O lorde Ihū what nede was the to crye Sothly as saynt austin sayth to shew in ghostly vnderstōding how harde it is to augusti ▪ hym for to reyse to lyfe a soule that is ouerlayed with the stone of dedely synne in custome How many ben there sayth saynt Austyn in this peple the whiche ben ouerlayed wyth this heuy burden of wycked custome Perauc̄ture some beren me that ben ouercome wyth lechery or gloteny that the appostle forbedeth hem where he sayth thus wyll ye not be dronken wyth wyne in the whiche is lechery And they sayenge again Nolite ī briari vi no we may not and soo forth of other grete mysdedes wyckydnes that god forbedeth holy chirche whan it is sayd to hem dooth none of thyse leest ye peryssh they ansuerynge sayeng we maye not leue our custome O lorde Jhū reyse thise folke as thou reysedest lazar for thou arte sothly as the resurreccōn or vprisyng lyfe How heuily this stone of wicked custome ouerlayeth men in all degrees not on̄ly lered lewde seculers but also religyous nyghe by in all astates who soo woll speke N ayenst her wycked customes he shall know sothly by experyence that there is noo remedye but on̄ly Jhū O lorde Jhū crye to all thise men with an hye voys that is to saye shewe thy myȝte teyse hem to lyfe of grace puttynge away that heuy stone of wycked custome as thou reysedest lazar For after thi crye and at thy biddyng he rose vp and wente out of his graue but yet boūden hondes fete tyll he was losed and vnboūden by thy discyples at thy byddynge This is a grete wonder as saynt augustyn sayth to many men how he myghte goo out of the graue wyth his fete boūden But it is moche more wonder how he rose fro dethe to lyfe that was foure dayes dede and beryed And wyth that body of a stynkynge careyne But what tokenyth all this sayth saynt Augustyn Sothly this it tokenith whan thou doost a grete syn̄e bi contēpt thou arte ghostly dede And yf thou contynuest customably therin then̄e arte thou dede beried And whan thou forthinkest within forth and shryuest the and knowlegest thy synne wythout fourth For thenne rysest thou and goost out of thy graue For it is nought elles to saye goo forth out but shewe and make knowen outwarde that is preuy wythin forth And this knowynge shewynge of syn̄e makyth on̄ly god cryenge wyth a grete voys that is to saye wyth his grete grace callynge But N yet though he that was dede be reysed and goone oute of his graue Neuertheles he dwelled boūden that is to say gylty in to the tyme that he be losed vnboūden by goddis mynystres to whom on̄ly he gaaf that power sayenge thus to hem Al that ye vnbynde in erth shal be vnboūden in heuen Al this N sayth saynt augustyn in sentence In the whiche we maye see openly a suffycient auctoryte agaynst hem that reprouen confession ordeyned by holy chyrche and also the assoylyng of curates sayenge falsly that it is ynough generally to euery man for to shryue hym on̄ly in his herte to god And that prestes curates of holy chirche haue nomore power to assoyle of sinnes than a nother man but that god allonly assoyleth none other in his name But now leuyng the fals opynyons go B ynge to the ende of our forsayd processe what tyme that Lazar was reysed to lif by our lord Jhūs as it is sayd and after vnboūden by his discyples he his systers wyth grete Joye lowely thanked Jhūs of that souereyn bienfete and laddē him home wyth hem to her hous makynge moche myrthe And then̄e the Jewes that there were wōdryng hyghly of that grete myracle some torned in byleue to Jhū and some yeden tolden y● pharisees that Jhūs had done and so was it publyshed opēly knowen in somoche that grete multytude of Jerlm the coūtree theraboute camen to sce lazar that was reysed And then̄e were the prynces of the Jewes the pharisees all confused and thoughten casten for to slee lazar
more shall none other that vseth thise forsayd vertues after discrecōn as dyuers causes asken But leuyng this mater whā our lorde Jhūs as it is sayd for to offre him to the passion in tyme ordeyned of him befor̄ the world cam̄ N agayn to bethany that is to saye the sabbot next before palm sonday the whiche place is nighe Jhrlm as aboute the space of two myle there they made hym a supper his true byloued frendes that were full gladde of his agayn comyng and that in the hous of Symond leprose that had that name for that he was somtyme before leprose but not at that tyme for he was heled of our lorde before And there at that supper were thise homely ghestes wyth Jhū that is to saye lazar martha mary hir syster And as John noteth specyally martha serued and lazar satte at borde wyth other that seten also wyth our lorde But mary full of brennynge loue to Jhū and taughte wythinforth of the holy ghost toke a full precious oynemente and shedde it vpon his hede and also enoyntynge his fete Of the whiche precyous oynement the swete sauoure fylled al the house Now lete vs abide here awhile and take hede in N wardly of the forsaid notable pointes And first how our lorde Jhūs wolde haue this supper specyally in that hous of the forsayd symond that was a pharisee as it is sayd before and in whos hous that self mary enoynted hym wyth precyous oynement and wyth Inwarde sorowe and bytter teres of cōtrycōn but now more perfitly wyth vnspekable Joy and ful swete teres of deuocōn and that knewe well our lorde before And for that one skylle he chose that place at that tyme specially for maries sake as we maye resonably suppose For no dowte that she loued specially that place in the whiche she foūde fyrste that grete grace of foryeuenes of her grete syn̄es as it is sayd and soo it was more likyng to her there to doo that excellent dede of deuocōn shewynge her feruent loue to Jhesu Also he wolde haue that souper in Symonds hous knowinge his charyte true affeccōn cōtynued to hym and to his dyscyples notwythstondynge the frendly reprehensyon befor̄ bycause of mary and also for the more open wytnesse of the tru reysynge of lazar that ete dranke as other dide in that hous of the pharysee openly and in presence of many Jewes that camē at that tyme to see not on̄ly hymself Jhū bnt also lazar as John specyally tellyth And so we maye see at that supper and in that hous thife foure persones dooyng to our lorde Jesu true seruyce in dyuers maners That is to say the mayster of the hous by charytable hospytalyte lazar by opē wytnesse of his true god bede Martha by besy mynystrynge as longeth to true actyf lyfe And mary by feruent loue deuoute worshyppyng as longeth to hye contēplatyf lyf But on that other syde we maye see in contrary maner other yeuynge occasyon of offence to our lorde Jhū by enuye fals couetyse wrōgful demynge as enuyous Judas that for to colour his fals couetyse grutchynge as of lesynge somoche money spēden in that precyous oynement pretended specyally the releuynge of poore men therby And sayd that it myghte better haue be solde for thre hūdred pens and yeuē to hem that neden And other also meued by his wordes but otherwyse in good entent as it se mith for the poore men grutched and were gretly styred agaynst mary as for soo grete a losse of that precyous oynemente But she kepyng scylēce our lorde ansuerde for her as he dyde two tymes before now reprehēdyng hem declaryng that good dede euer to be had in mynde as in enoyntynge befor̄ of his body into the beryenge that foloweth after O lorde Jhū how sorowfull and discōfortynge was this worde that soo openly declareth thy dethe to mary specyally and to all other true frendes that there were but soueraynly to thy blessid moder For as we maye sothly byleue that worde perced her hert more sharply than ony swerde And so then̄e was al y● myrthe of that feste torned in to sorowe and namly for asmoche as they knewen that the Jewes had vtterly conspyred in to his dethe But neuertheles that fals traytour Judas cōtynued in his enuyous indignacōn and herof he toke occasion to betraey hym and selle hym as he dyde the wenesdaye next after for N xxx pens wherof we shall speke herafter Here may we ferdermore note specially to our porpose that they are of iudas parte that reprehenden almesdedes offringes other deuocōns of the people done to holy chirche holdynge all suche yeftes of deuocyon but foly and sayenge that it were more nedfull better to be yeuen to poore men O Judas thou that pretendeste wyth thy mouth the releuynge of poore men there as sothly in the entent of thy herte that is groūded in enuy ayenst men of holy chirche it perteyneth not to the of poore men ▪ but rather thyne owne fals couetyse in excusacōn of thy nyhgonrre N. 〈…〉 that hast no deuocōn and nought woll yeue of thyn owne good For experyence openly techeth that comynly all suche Judas felowes ben as coueytous or more than ony other And that shall he fynde sothly in dede who soo hath to doo wyth hē in one maner or other We reden in the gospel of our lord Jesu in dyuers places and specially now herafter ayenst his passyon that he reprehēded sharply the scrybes the pharysees of te tymes namly of couetyse But we fynde not therfore that euer he bad the peple to wythdraw eyther dymes or offrynges or other yeftes of deuocōn done to hem but ayēwarde bad hē alwaye doo her dewte after the lawe and cōmended her free deuocōn in offrynges as it is opēly shewed in y● gospel of marke of luke whā our lord Jhūs behelde how riche mē put heryeftes or offrynges to y● tēple in to the arche y● was called tresory or a coufre hauinge a hole aboue in maner of stockes y● ben now vsed in chirches the whiche arche was called Ga●ophilaciū And amonge hem he sawe a poore wydowe offrynge two mynutes the fourth parte of a sycle and that was the substauuce of her lyuelode And then̄e our lorde not reprehendyng one or other but rather cōmendyng soueraynly praysed the poor wydowe for her grete deuocōn sayd y● her lityll yef te in goddis sighte passed all the grete yeftes of the ryche men Here maye we see yf we take gode hede to all the circustances y● bi this on̄ly processe sentēce of our lorde Jhūs iudas his felowes ben sufficyently reproued confoūded in her fals opynyon doctryne before sayd ayenste holy chirche But now leuyng this processe torne we ayen to bethanye ymaginynge how our lorde Jhūs after the forsayd supper in the hous of si monde went wyth lazar his systers to her hous the whyche
of his swete ghostly wordes Of the whiche he yeue vs taast sauour Jhūs cryste blessyd wythout ende Amen ¶ Of that worthy supper that our lorde Jhūs made the nyght before his passion and of the noble cyrcūstaunces that befell therwyth Caplm xxxix Whan the time came in the whiche our lord Jhūs had disposed of his endeles mercy for to suffre dethe for man and shede his precyous blode for our redempcōn it lyked him first to make a supper with his disciples as for a mynde euer lastynge of his grete loue to hem to all mankynde And for to fulfill the fygure of the olde lawe and begin the trouth of the newe and perfourme the mysteryes that were to come of his precyous passion This supper was souerayuly worthy and wonderfull grete and wonderfull thynges were done ther at wherfore yf we here take good entent with In warde deuo cōn therto and to the thynges that our lorde Jhūs dyde therat That curteyes lorde woll not suffre vs to goo fastynge therfro but he shall fede vs of his grace as we trustely hope wyth N iiii meditan da moche ghostly comfort therof We shall vnderstonde that foure thynges specyally befell at this souper of the whiche In warde medytacōn shal by reason styre our loue to our lorde Jhesu and kyndle the ghostly fyre of our deuocōn The fyrst is that bodily supper and the maner therof in fulfyllyng of the lawe The seconde is the wasshynge of the fete of the discyples by our lorde Jhesu The thirde is the ordynaunce and the consecracyon of that precyous sacrament of his blessed body And the fourth is that noble and fructuous sermon that he made to his discyples Of the whiche foure we shall speke Prim a medita cōdecena see by processe in order As to the fyrst that is bodily supper we shall haue in mynde that peter John at the biddynge of our lorde Jhū yeden in to the cyte of Jhrlm to a frende of hers that dwelled in that parte of the cyte that was called mount Syon where there was a large hous on lofte strewed and able for to make this supper in And soo after our lorde Jhūs cryste wyth that other disciples entred in to the cyte and cam̄ to that forsayd place or house on the thursdaye towarde euen Now take here good hede and beholde wyth all thy mynde that thou redeste or herest thise alle that folowen that ben tolde or spoken or done For they ben full lykynge and stiryng to grete deuocōn For in this processe is the moost strengthe ghostly fruyte of all the medytacōns that ben of the blessed lyfe of our lorde Jhesu pryncypally for the passynge tokens shewynges in dede of his loue to mākynde wherfore here we shall not abredge as we haue in other places But rather lengthe it in processe Now thenne beholde our lorde Jhesu after he was come to the forsayd place how he stant in some part by nethen ▪ spekynge wyth his discyples of edifycacyon and aby dyng tyll it was made redy for hem in the forsayd hous alofte And whan all thynges were redy Saynt John that was moost homly and famylyer wyth our lorde Jhū and that be sily went to and fro to see that all that neded were ordeyned done came to hym and sayd Syre ye may go to supper whāye woll For all thynges ben redy And thenne anone our lorde wyth the twelue apostles wente vppe But Johan algate nexte hym And by his syde wythoute departynge For there was none that soo truely and also famylierly drewe to hym and folowed hym as he dyde For whan he was taken he folowed hym whan other fledde and was presente at his crucifyenge at his deth And after he left hym not tyll N ▪ de Jo hāne euā gelista all was done he was beryed And soo at this supper he sate next hym though he was yonger than other what tyme that our lorde Jhūs wyth his xii apostles cam̄ vp to the borde where vpon they sholde ete fyrste stondyng therabout they deuoutly sayden graces And after he had blessid they seten down all N. de tabula in ●●n● aboute that borde but John next Jhū and that vpon the groūde as the maner was of olde men before But here we shall vnderstonde that y● boorde was square as men supposen made of dyuerse boordes Joyned togyder And as men sayen ▪ that hane seen it at Rome in the chyrche of Latranensis it conteyneth in euery parte of the foure square the space of two armes lengthe and somwhat more Soo that in euery syde of the square borde the dyscyples saten as men supposen though it were streyghtly And our lorde Jhūs in some angle soo that they all myghte reche in to the myddes and ete of one dysshe And therfore they vndstode hym not what tyme he sayd ▪ he y● wyth me puttith his honde in to the dysshe or dobler he shalle bitraye me Thus we may ymagyne suppose of the mane● of her sittynge at the borde Also we maye vndstonde in the etynge of the paske lambe that in that tyme they stoden aboute Agn ● pa schal●s the borde vpright holdinge staues in her hondes after y● bid dynge of moyses lawe that our lorde came to fulfylle Soo that though they stoden in that tyme neuertheles they seten also in other tyme as the gospell tellith in dyuers places elles myght not John haue layed his hede rested hym in manere of lyggynge vpon the breste of Jhū what tyme the paske lā be was broughte to the boorde rosted after the lawe our lord Agn ● pa sc●al●s Jhūs that was sothfast lambe of god wythout wem̄e of synne and that was in myddes of hem as he that seruith and minystreth toke the lambe in his blessyd hōdes and cutte it And departed and yaaf it to the discyples byddyng hem ete it glad ly and comfortyng hem wyth louely chere And though it so was that they eten as he badde neuertheles cōfort myght thei none haue for asmoche as they dradde alwaye leest there sholde falle ought ayenst her lorde in that nouelte And so as they eten he tolde hem the sorowfull dede more openly and sayd I haue desired for to ete wyth you this paske lābe before I suffre the deth For sothly one of you shal bytraye me This speche wente to her hertes as a sharpe swerde wherfore they ●essed of etynge loked eche on other and sayden to hym Lorde whether I be he Here yf we take good hede we owen to haue Inwarde cōpassion bothe of our lorde Jhū also of hem For it is noo doubte they were in full grete sorowe But the tray tour Judas lefte not of etynge for thise wordes of bitrayeng sholde not seme as perteynyng to hym Then̄e John at instaūce of peter asked of our lorde sayd Lorde who is he y● shall bytraye the And
testamēt makyng hymself our sacrefyce he toke brede in his holy hondes lyft vp his eyen to his fader almyghty god blessed the brede and sayd the wordes of the consecracōn therouer ▪ By vertue of the whiche wordes brede was torned in to his body thenne he yaaf it to his discyples and sayd Taketh eteth for sothly this is my body that shall be take yeue for you And after in the same manere takynge the chalyce wyth wyne sayd takith and drynkith alle herof ▪ For this is my blode that shall be out shedde for you many other in redempcyon of syn̄es after he yaaf hē power of the consecracōn and to all prestes in hem and sayd thus dooth ye as oft as ye take it in cōmemoracōn and mynde of me Take now gode here thou crysten man ▪ but specyally thou preste how deuoutly how dy ligently truely thy lorde Jhūs cryste made fyrste this precyoꝰ sacrament And after wyth his blessed hondes minystred it commyned that blessed his byloued meyne And on that other syde take hede wyth what deuoute wonder fyrste they sawe hym make that wonderfull and excellent sacrament And after with what drede reuerēce the y toke it ▪ and receyued it of hym Sothly at this tyme they lefte all her kyndly reason of man and on̄ly rested in true byleue to all that he sayd and dyde byleue wythoute ony doubte ▪ that he was god and myghte not erre And soo must thou doo that wolte fele and haue the vertu the ghostly swetnesse of this blissed sacrament This B is that swete precyous memoryale that soueraynly makith mans soule worthy and plesynge to god as ofte as it is duely receyued eyther by true deuoute meditacōn of his passion or elles and that more specyally in sacramentale etynge therof wherfore by reson this excellent yeft of loue shold kyndle man̄es soule and enflam̄e it all holy in to the yeuer therof oure lorde Jhūs cryste For there is noo thynge that he myght yeue and leue to vs more derworth more swete or more profy table than hymself For without ony doubte he that we receiuen in the sacrament of the aulter is he that self goddis sone Jhesus that toke flesshe and blode and was borne of the vyrgyn mary and that suffred deth on the crosse for vs. and rose the thirde daye fro dethe to lyfe and after styed vp in to heuen and sittyth on the faders ryght side and that shall come at the daye of dome and deme all mākynde In whoo 's power is bo the lyfe and dethe that made bothe heuen helle and that on̄li maye saue vs or dāpne vs euer wythout ende And soo he y● self god man is conteyned in that lityll oost that thou seest in forme of brede And eueri daye is offred vp to the fader of N heuē for our ghostly hele euerlastyng sauacōn This is the true bileue that holy chirche hath tauȝte vs of this blessid sacrament But yet more ouer lete vs sitte a lityll lōger at this worthy lordes boorde Jhūs and take we hede Inwardly of oure ghostly foode comforte more specyally of that precyous moost de●●teous mete that is there sette before vs. that is the blessed body of our lorde Jhūs in this holy sacramēt beforsayd And so by inwarde cōsideracōn taaste we the swetnesse of this heuenly fode hauynge fyrst in mynde the gracious resonable makyng ordenaūce of y● blessed sacramēt and after the grete worthines merueylous werkyng therof in chosen soules to cōforte strengthyng of our fayth And as anenst the firste poynt we shall vnderstonde that almyghty goddis sone the seconde persone in trinyte willynge of his souerayne charyte endles goodnes to make vs partyners of his godhede he toke our kynde and became man to make men as goddes ferdermore that he toke of our kynde that was flesshe blode a●●e he yaaf to vs for our hele our sauacōn For he offred to his fader of heuen vpon the aulter of the crosse his blessyd body for our reconcilynge and he shedde his precyous blood in to pryce for to bye vs out of our wretchid thraldom to was●● vs make vs clene of all synne And for asmoche as he wolde that the mynde of that hye grete benefyce sholde dwelle in vs euerlastyngly he yaaf to al cristen people his body in to mete and his blode in to drynke vnder the lyknesse of brede wyne in manere as it is sayd before in the fyrst makyng of this blessed sacrament But now here beholde we Inwardly take we hede what wondrynge it was to the appostles thenne to see oure lorde Jhūs very man as they were syttynge wyth hem bodily and therwith holdyng in his hondes that self body in that y● semyd to her bodi●y syghte noughte elles but brede affermynge thus sothly This is my body that shall be yeuen for you And also of that that in the chalyce semed oonly very wyne This is my bloode that shall be shedde for remyssion of your synnes And soo that self bodi that they sene wyth her bodily eyen before hem was sothly vnder the forme of brede And that self blode that was all hole in his bodi was there in the chalice in forme of wyne But thenne was not that brede as it semid as it was before the wordes of cōsecracōn nor wyne as it semid in self maner but on̄ly the liknes or the fourme of brede wyne conteynynge very crystes flesshe and blode as it is sayd But what man̄es wytte or reason myghte comprehende att this tyme Sothly none And therfore the true apostles at that tyme leften all her bodily reason wytte and rested on̄ly in true byleue to her lordes wor des as it is sayd befor̄ sauf Judas that was reproued for his falshede mysbyleue and therfore he receyued that blessed sa cōtra lol lardos crament to his dampnacōn And so done all tho that bē now of his parte the whiche falsly bileuen and sayen that the holi sacramente of the aulter is in his kynde brede or wyne as it was before the consecracōn by cause that it semyth soo to all her bodily felynge as in syght taast touchyng the whiche bē more reprouable as in that parte than Judas For they sene not Jhūs bodily beside that sacrament as he dyde and therfor̄ it is lyghter to hem for to byleue and more to her dampnacion yf they byleue not as god himself holy chirche hath taughte namly sythen that true techinge of this blessed sacramente hath be holden stedfastly soo many hūdred yeres and of so Fides sacramēti many holy men marters confessours other true cristen men the whiche in to her laste dayes stoden without doubte in this faythe and deyden therin The whiche is this in fewe wordes that the sacrament of the aulter duely made by vertue of crystes wordes is very
goddis body in forme of brede and his very blode in forme of wyne And though that forme of brede wyne seme as to alle the bodily wyttes of man brede wyne in his kynde as it was before Neuertheles it is not soo in so othnes but oonli goddis flesshe blode in substaunce so that the accydents of brede and wyne wonderfully and myraculously agaynst man̄es reason and the comyn order of kynde bē there in that holy sacrament wyth her kyndly subiect and very cristes body that suffred deth vpō the crosse is there in that sacrament bodily vnder the forme and lyknesse of brede and his very blood vnder lyknes of wyne substancyally and holy wythout ony feynyng or deceyte And not oonly in fygure as Not● the fals heretyke sayth Thise termes I touche here soo specially by cause of the lewde lollardes that medlen hem agaynst the fayth falsly And more ouer this before sayd fayth of holy chirche touchynge this excellent sacrament taughte by holy doctours and worthy clerkes ▪ is confermed by many maneres of myracles as we reden in many bokes and heren alday preche and taughte But here laugheth the lollarde and scorneth holy chirche in allegaunce of suche myracles holding hē but as madde tales and feyned Illusyons And by cause that he tasteth not the swetnesse of this precyous sacramente nor felyth the gracyous werchynge therof in hymself therfore he loueth not that ony other doth but here in cōfession of al fals lollardes in confort of all true louers worshyppers of this holy sacrament and princypally to the louynge honoure of the hye auctour and maker of our lorde Ihūs I shall sare more ouer somwhat in specyall that I knowe sothly of the gracyous werchynge in sensible felinge of this blessid sacramente the whiche merueylously werching felyngeaboue comin kynde of man shewyth proueth soueraynly the blessed bodies presence of Jhū in that sacrament There is one persone y● I know liuynge perauenture there ben many that I know not in the selfe degree or hygher the whiche persone of tymes whan our lord Jhesus vouchesauf to touche hym of his grace in tretynge of that blessed sacrament wyth the Inwarde siyght of his soule deuout meditacōn of his presious passion Sodeynly felyth also shedde in to the same body a Joye and likynge that passyth wythout comparyson the hyghest likynge that ony creature may haue or fele as by way of kynde in this lyfe thrugh the whiche Joye likynge all the membres of the bodi enflam̄ed of soo delectable and Joyefull hete that hym thynkyth sensibly alle the body as it were meltynge for Joye as waxe dooth anenst the hote fyre so ferforth that the body might not bere that excellent likyng but that it shold vtterly faylle nere the gracyous kepynge susteynyng of the towcher our lorde Jhū aboue kynde O lorde Jhū ▪ in what delectable paradise is he for the tyme that thus felith that blessid bodily presence of the in that precions sacrament ▪ thrugh the whiche he felyth hym sensybly wyth vnspeable Joye as he were Joyned body to body Sothly I trowe that there maye no man telle it or speke it And I am syker that there maye noo man fully sothfastly knowe it but he that in experyence felyth it For wythoute doubte this is specyally that hydde man̄a that is to saye the angels mete that no man knowyth but he that felyth it As saynt John witnessith in his apolipse And he that soothfastly felyth it maye well saye wyth dauyd the prophete soueraynly reioycynge body soule herte flesshe in god alyue O lorde Jhesu how moche is the multytude of thy swetnesse Quam magna multitu do dulce dinis that thou hast hydde to hem that in true loue dreden the Thus haue I vnderstonde of the forsayd gracyous wonderfull and myraculous worchinge of our lorde Jhū shewynge sensibly his blessyd delectable bodily presence in that moost excellēte sacrament of the awter in manere as the forsayd persone that felte it myght tell it soo in party and as I cowde shortly inperfectly wryte it The whiche myraculous worching to my vnderstondynge hauynge consideracyon to all cirstaūce ther of passeth many grete myracles that we redē shewed in this holy sacrament In asmoche as the witte of that bodily felinge passyth incertaynte the wytte of syghte and hathe lasse of straunge lyckenes and more of the self sothfastnesse For what tyme that our lorde Jhesus apered in that blessed sacrament to strēgthyng of byleue or to comfort of his chosen derlynges eyther in liknes of a lityll childe as he dyde to saynt edwarde kynge confessour or elles in quantyte of flessh al blody as it is wryten in the lyfe of saynt gregory other places Sooth it is that that bodily lyknes seen in that quantyte accordeth not wyth the very bodily quantyte shappe of oure lorde that henge on the crosse and that is sothly in that sacrament fro the bodily syghte But he that felyth that gracyous yefte before sayd hath noo straūge bodily syghte of ony lyknesse other than sacrament in true byleue but in his soule lightned thrugh specyall grace he seeth inwardly wyth souerayn Joye that blessed body of Jhū cryst ryght as he henge on the crosse wythoute ony deceyte therwyth in the body Also he felyth sensibly the bodily presence of our lorde Jhūs in manere as it is sayd before with soo grete Joye likynge that there can nootonge telle it fully nor hert vnderstonde it but on̄ly he that felyth it And as it semyth that Joyfull felyng in the body is lyke to y● that holy chirche syngeth of the apostles disciples at the feste of penthecoste whan the holy ghost was sent to hem sodenly in the lyknes of fire wythoutforth vnspekable Joy in her bodies wythin forth that is y● her bowels fylled wyth the holy ghoste Joyed soueraynly in god And soo maye he y● Imple ta gaudent viscera hath that forsayd gracyous yeft sothly say in that tyme with dauyd in specyall maner and hyghe gracyous felyng My herte and my flesshe reioyced hem soueraynly in to the presence of god alyue Jhesus That blessed be he euer and soueraynly for this hye feest of grace to man But now seace we bere awhyle of this delectable ghostly shewynge treatynge of this moost deynteous and precyous mete and take we hede ferde●r more to the noble lesson that our lorde Jhūs taughte his d●sciples therwyth after that worthy supper that is the fourth artycle beforsayd with purpose yet yf our lorde will sende grace to touche more of his precyous sacramente and that at laste ende of this boke as in conclusion of all the blessid lyfe here bodily of our lorde Jhū accordynge so wyth the gracious and resonable ordynaunce of holy chirche of the worthy solempne feste of this blessed sacrament as in a perfyte conclusyon af all the festes of our
lorde Jhūs whos name be blessed euer wythouten endynge Amen Ferdermore to wchynge the fourth article ▪ take hede thou crysten soule y● hast ony light wythin the of the fire of loue how this souerayne scole maister Jhūs made to his discyples a noble sermon ful of ghostly swetnesse and brennynge coles of loue charyte For whan he had yeuen that blessed sacramēt to his discyples and amōge other of his charyte to his enmie that wycked Judas ▪ he sayd to hym that thou purposest to do qd facis fac ciciꝰ doo it anone As who sayth ▪ I wo●e where abowte thou arte and therfor̄ delyuer y● by tyme. vnderstōdyng his bytrayeng but N there was none of his other discyples that wyste to what ende B Jhūs sayd tho wordes And anone this cursed traytour wēte forth to the prynces of prestes to whom he had solde him y● wenesdaye before as it is sayd and asked of hem companye to take hym And in y● meane tyme our lorde Jhūs made this forsayd longe worthy sermon to his discyples Of the whyche profitable sentence cōmendyng pees to his discyples we maye vnderstonde all the effecte cōprehended shortly that he enformed hem specyally taught to hem wyth pees thre pryncypall caritas mādatū nouū do vobis in hocco gnoscāt oēs qdm̄ Si diligitis me vertues That is to saye ▪ faythe hope and charyte Fyrste he taughte hem charyte ofte tymes and moost besily whan he sayd I yeue you a newe maundement and that is y● ye loue togyder And also in this one thyng soueraynly al mē shall knowe that ye ben my discyples yf ye haue loue eche to other And also after how they sholde truly kepe this charyte by worchynge in the loue of hym He sayd to hem thus If ye loue me kepeth my hestes And also after who soo louith me he shall kepe my worde and thenne shall my fader loue hym we shall come to hym dwelle wyth him And in other dyuerse places specyally he cōmēded to hē charyte pees as a princypall byquest in his testament at this tyme. the processe of the gospel tellith In faith also he enformed hē stabled hem Fides nō turbe ● cor ves more perfitly in byleue of his godhede sayeng in thise wordes Be not your herte trowbled drede it not ▪ for as ye byleue in god soo ye must byleue in me And after he taught hē in this byleue y● the fader he bē one god And though he be lesse thā the fader after the manhede netheles he is euer euen with y● fader after the godhede And therfor̄ he reprehēded phylip y● bad hym shewe hē the fader sayd that who that seeth hym seeth y● fader And after in conclusōn of this fayth he sayd to his di●ciples Leue quivid●● me vid●● ye not that I am in the fader the fader in me ▪ elles for tho werkes y● ye seen bileuith In hope also he cōforted hē in many maners fyrst touching theffect of prayer saieng to hē in thyse wordes If ye dwell in me my wordes dwell● or abiden stedfastly in you what so euer ye woll aske ▪ it shall be yeuen to you Also he cōforted her hope ayenst tribulacōs and hate of the worlde sayeng thꝰ If the worlde hate you wytyth well that it hateth me fyrste before you And soo forth as the texte tellith cōfortynge her hope in pacyence of persecucōn by ensāple of himself that was her lorde In the thirde maner he cōforted hem to hope wythout dispeyre by cause of the wyth drawyng fro hem his bodily presence tellynge hem before y● they shold haue grete sorow for thabsēce of hym thrugh his harde deth But afterwarde that sorowe sholde be torned into endles ▪ Joye by his glorious resurreccōn and ascencōn to y● fader ▪ and sendynge of the holy ghost to hem ▪ the whiche sholde soueraynly cōforte hem in all disease and teche hem all sothfastnesse And then̄e he concluded in thise wordes Al thise for sayd wordes I haue spokē to you vnto that ende y● ye haue pees in me In y● worlde ye shal haue sorow ang●iss● but trus teth wel by sad hope For I haue ouercome y● worlde as who sayth and soo shall ye And after this our lorde Jhūs tourned his spekynge to the fader lyftyng vp his louely eyen to heuen cōmendyng fyrst hymself after the manhede after prayenge tenderly for his discyples And ferdermore prayeng not on̄ly for hē but also for all hē that shold byleue on hym after thorugh her word And in to that ende at last y● al myght be oned togider in true loue charyte as the fader in the sone the sone in y● fader soo they al in one god fader sone holy ghost O lord Jhū how wonderfully perceden thise forsayd wordes the hertes of thi disciples For sothly they loueden the so feruētly y● thei myght not haue borne hem ne had ben the specyall preseruinge of thy grace And who soo hath grace Inwardly to bethinke ● dilygētly to discusse al the processe of this blessed worthy sermon skylfully he shall be styred in to the bren̄yng loue of Jhū and likyngly rest in the swetnesse of his blessed doctrine And on that other side who so takyth hede to his disciples how they stonden sorowfully hangyng down her hedes we pyng highly sighing resonably he may be styred to grete cōpassion ▪ and specially for John y● was famylier moost with Jhū and that toke good hede specyally before other to al that Jhūs spake as he was chosen by specyall grace on̄ly to wete sothly the forsayd swete wordes of Jhū to edifyenge of al holy chyrche and our highe comforte Ferdermore amonge other wordes of Jhū we reden that he sayd to his discyples Ryseth vp goo we hens O dere god what drede entred then̄e in to hem not knowing whither thei shold goo and gretly dredinge of his departinge fro hem Neuertheles he spake to hem after fulfyllyng the processe of his sermon goynge by the way they besily takinge hede to it Now beholde how y● disciples folowen him in maner of chikēs y● folowen the hen̄e put ten her hydwardere thyder warde for to come vnder his wynges soo they besiden hem now one now a nother to here and to be next hym and that he suffred lyked wel At last whā this sermon was done all the mysteryes fulfylled he went wyth hē in to a yerde or a gardine ouer the water of cedron ther̄ to abyde his traytour Judas other armed men ▪ wherof it shall folowe herafter in the processe of his passion Here may we haue in mynde that our lord Jhūs yaaf vs ensāple in this euē tyde nyght of v. grete vertues that is to say Fyrst of profoūde mekenesse as it is sayd in the wasshing of his discyples fete After of souerayn charyte in the
excellent sacrament of his blessed body and in that swete sermon full of bren̄yng coles of charyte And the thyrde of passynge pacyence in soo benygne suffrynge of his traytoure and all dispyte done to hym after The fourth of perfyte obedyence in takynge wylfully y● harde passyon bytter deth after the faders wyll And y● fy●th of deuoute prayer cōteyned thre tymes in longe feruent praienge and his precyous blode shedynge In the whiche v. vertues he graūt vs grace to folowe him Jhūs that blessed be euer pref●●● wythout ende AMEN ¶ Thus endeth the contēplacion for the thu ▪ sdaye and after foloweth the passion that longith specially to frydaye ¶ Of y● passion of our lord Jhū firste of his prayer takinge at ma●yn tyme Cap●m xl AT the begin̄ynge thou that desirest to haue sorouful cōpassion thrugh sentēce inwarde affeccōn of the painful passion of Jhū thou must in thy mynde departe in maner for the tyme the myght of the godhede fro the kyndly Infirmyte of the manhede though it soo be in sothnes that the godhede was neuer departed fro the manhede For ther ben many soo blynded ghostly by vnresonable ymagynacōn of the myghte of the godhede in Jhū that they trowe not that ony thing myight be paynfull or sorowfull to hym as to a nother comyn man y● hath on̄ly the kynde of man therfore haue they none cōpassion of y● paynes that he suffred supposyng that for as moche as he was god there myght noo thynge be ayenst his wyll or dere hym but therfor̄ herayēst for to haue true ymagynacōn Inwarde cōpassion of y● paynes the passion of our lord Ihū veri god man we shal vnderstōde y● as his wyl was to suffre the hardeste dethe sorowful paynes for redempcōn of mākinde soo by the same will he suspendeth in all his passion the vse the myght of the godhede fro the Infyrmyte of the māhede nomore takynge of for the tyme. than hath a nother tender delicate man on̄ly after the kynde of man wherfore thou shalt ymagyne inwardly thinke on him in his passyon as of a fayr yōge man of the age of xxxiii yere being y● fayrest the wysest the moost rihhtwis in liuyng moost goodly innocent that euer was or myght be in this worlde so falsly accused soo enuyously pursued soo wronfully demed soo dyspitously slayn as the processe of his passion after tellith and all for thy loue Also vnderstonde as clerkes sayen reason techith that in his bodily kinde of man he was of the clen̄est cōplexion that euer was man or myght be wherfore he was y● more tender in the bodi and soo folowith that the paynes in the body were the more sore bytter and the harder to suffre then̄e sythen he toke noo socour of the godhede but on̄ly sufffred after kynde of the manhede The leest payne that he had was more paynful to him thā it myght haue be to ony other mā wherfore hauyng this in mynde fyrst to styryng of y● more cōpassion Ferdermore after the processe of Bonauenture who so desireth wyth the apostle poul to be Joyeful in y● crosse of our lorde Ihū cryst in the blessed passion he must with besy meditacōn therin for the grete misteries al the processe therof yf they were Inwardly cōsidred wyth all the Inwarde mynde and beholdyng of man̄es soule as I fully trowe they sholde brynge that beholder in to a newe state of grace For to hym that wolde serche the passion of our lord wyth al his herte and all his Inwarde affeccyon there sholde come many deuoute felynges stirynges that he neuer supposed before Of the whiche he sholde fele a new cōpassyon a newe loue Haue now ghostly comfortes thrugh the whyche he shold perceyue hymself torned as it were in to a newe state of soule in the whiche astate the forsayd ghostly felynges shold seme to hym as a nernest and party of the blysse and Joye to come And for to gete this astate of the soule I trowe as he that is vncunnynge and blaberynge that it behoueth to sette thereto all the sharpnesse of mynde wyth wakynge eyen of herte put tynge awaye leuynge all other cures besynes for the ty●●● and makynge hymself as presente in all that befell aboute y● passyon crucifyxion affectuously besily auysedly perseuerantly and not passyng lightly or with tedious heuynes but wyth all the herte ghostly gladnes ▪ wherfore yf thou that redest or herest this boke hast here befor̄ besily taken hede to th● thynges that hauen be wryten spoken of the blessid ●y●● of our lorde Ihū cryste in to this tyme Moche more now y●●●●l te gader all thy mynde and all the strength of thy soule to tho thynges that folowen of his blessed passyon For here specyally is shewed his hye charyte the whiche resonably shold all hooly enflamme and brenne our hertes in his loue Goo we pro 〈…〉 pa 〈…〉 now then̄e to the procrsse of his passion takynge hede makynge vs in mynde as present to all that folowith And fyrst beholdinge how after the processe of the gospell of saynt Johan our lorde Ihūs after that worthy supper was done and that noble and fructuous sermon ended wherof it is spoken in the nexte chapyter before went wyth his discyples ouer y● water of cedron in to a gardine in to the whiche ●e was wō te ofte tyme to come wyth his discyples And there he badde hem abyde and praye And ferdermore takyng wyth him his thre specyall secretoryes That is to saye Peter James and Johan And tellynge hem that his herte was heuy and soroufull vnto the dethe Badde hem there abyde and wake wyth him in prayers And soo a lityll ferder fro hem as aboute y● space of a ●tone cast vpon a lityll hylle Mekely reuerently knelynge vpon his both knees made his prayer to the fader deuoutly in maner as it folowyth after But here abyde we a lityll whyle and take we hede wyth a deuoute mynde of this wonderfull dede of our lorde Ihū sothly worthy to be had in mynde in Inwarde sorowfull cōpassion For loo now he prayeth to the fader mekely and that for hymself as we rede that he hathe ott befor̄ prayed But then̄e for vs as for our aduocat wherefore we sholde skylfully be stired to Inwarde cōpassōn and wonder here gretly of the lowest mekenesse and of the moost perfyte obedyence of vnspekable charytee of god shewed to vs. And fyrste of his profoūde mekenesse considerynge hym N. ꝓfū dissiam būilit●tem that is very god euen wyth the fader almyghty ▪ and euerlastynge soo as it were foryetynge hymself as god and soo lowely prayenge as a nother comyn man of the peple Also take hede of his most perfite obedience For what is he that prayeth Sothly he prayeth the fader yf it be his wyll that he be not llayn ●● and put to that harde
Johan other frendes of grete compassiou to his wicked enemyes of grete reioicing gladnes For though it soo be that it may be vnderstonde that worde of Sicio or thyrst ghoostly to that entent that he thyrsted then̄e the hele of soules Neuertheles also in sothnes he thirsted bodily by cause of grete passing oute of blood where thrugh he was al drye withinforthe thyrsty And then̄e tho wycked deuils lym̄es that euer cast hou they myght moost noye him token eysell gall profered him vp to drinke O cursid wo denes of hem that ben neuer filled wyth malyce but in al tyme Se●tū Consūmatū est noyen as moche as they can or mowen The sexte word was when he sayd cōsūmatū est it is al ended as though he sayde thus Fader the obedience that thou hast yeuen me I ▪ haue par fytely fully done in dede And yet I am redy to doo what soo thou bydde me But all that is wryten now of me is fulfylled wherfore yf it be thy wyll call me now ageyn to the. And then̄e sayde the fader Come now my swete loued sone thou hast done well all thynges and I wyll not that thou be more tormented therfore come now for I shall clyppe the with Nota de modo moriedi myn armes take the tn to my bosome And after that tyme our lord began to fayle in syghte in maner of deynge men waxe all plae now stynkyng y● eyen now open̄yng bowed his hede now in to one syde now in to another side faylling Septi mnm verbū pater in manꝰ t. all the strengthes and all the veynes then̄e voyde And so atte last put to the seuenth worde wyth a stronge crye wepynge teres sayenge thus Fader I cōmende my spiryte in to thy hondes and therwith he yelded vp the spirite bowyng his hede vp on his brest towarde the fader as in maner of thankyng that he called him to hym yeuynge hym his spiryte At this crye then̄e was cōuerted centurio there beyng sayd Sothly this Vere filius de●tat ●ste man was goddis sone by cause that he sawe him soo cryeng deye For other men whan they deye maye not crye●● herfore he byleued in him Sothly this crye was so grete as holy ●he sayen that it was herde in to helle O lorde god in ● hat state was that tyme his moders soule whan she sawe hym so pa●● fully fayle wepe and deye Sothly I trowe that to●●●e mul tytude of anguysshes she was all oute of herself and vn●●iable made as half dede And that now moche more than what tyme she mette wyth hym beryng y● crosse as it is sayd what trowe we dyde then̄e mawdlayne the true loued discyplesse what John his owne derlynge other i●systers of our lady But what myghte they doo they were all ful of sorow byt ternesse and therfore they wepten sore wythout remedye Lo now hanged our lorde on this crosse dede all that grete multytude gooth awaye towarde the cyte and his soroufull moder wyth the iiii systers felawes sette her doune besyde the crosse and beholdeth pyteously her dere sone soo ferde wyth and abideth helpe fro god that she myght haue hym to her and bene hym Then̄e also yf thou beholde well thy lorde thou mayste haue here matere ynough of hyghe cōpassyon seenge hym so tormented y● fro the sole of the fote in to the highest parte of the hede there was in him noo hole place ne mēbre wythout passion This is a pyteous syght and a Joyeful syghte A pyteous sighte in hym for that harde passion that he suffred for our sauacōn But it is a likynge syghte to vs. for the matere and theffecte that we haue therby of our redempcōn Sothly this sighte of our lorde hangynge soo on the crosse by deuout ymagynacyon of soule is soo lykynge to somme creatures that after longe exercyse of sorowfull compassion they felen somtyme soo grete lykyng not on̄ly in the soule but also in the body y● they can not telle that maye noo man knowe but he alonly that by experyence felyth it And thenne may he Michi autē absit glori ari well saye wyth the appostle Betyde me neuer to be Joyefull but in the crosse of my lorde Jhū cryste AMEN ¶ Of tho thynges that befell after the deth of our lorde Jhū and after none Eplm xlv WHat time that this worshipful moder of our lord Jhesu Ca. xlv B N as it is sayd next before abode dwellyd besyde the Crosse wyth other true louers of hym before named beholdynge our lord Jhesu contynuelly so pytously hangynge dede on the crosse betwene two theues Lo then̄e come many armed men oute of the cyte toward hem the whyche were sente to breke the legges of hem that were crucyfyed and so to slee hem alle oute and burye hem by cause that her bodyes shold not abide hangynge on the crosse in the sabotte day then̄e rose vp our lady and alle other wyth hyr and besyly loked and sawe hem come but what to do they wote not wherfore they fallē in to grete sorowe and drede and namely our lady spekynge to hir sone in thys maner My dere sone what maye be cause that al these armed men comen agayene what wyl they doo more to the. Haue they not slayne the my dere sone I hadde hoped that they had ben fylled wyth that they haue done to the But as it semeth to me yet they pursuen the dede And I wote not what I maye doo For I maye helpe the no more than I myghte delyuer the fro the dethe But I shal abide and see and praye thy fader that he make hem softe and easy to the and ther wyth they alle fyue yeden and stoden byfore the crosse of oure lorde Then̄e come the forsayd armed men to hem with grete wodenes and noyse and seenge the theues yet lyuyng wyth grete Ire they hewen breken despytously her legges and so slewē hem and castē hem anone in to some diche there besyde And after torned hem agayne and camen towarde oure lorde Jhū wherfore our lady dredynge leest they wolde doo in the same maner to her sone and there thrugh smyten wyth sorowe of herte within forth she cowde nought elles but goo to her beste armure that is to saye her kyndly mekenesse and knelyng doune before hem spredyng her hōdes wyth an hygh voys wepyng chere she spake to hem in this maner Good bredern I beseche you for almyghty goddis loue that ye torment me nomore in my dere sone For sothly I am his most sorouful moder And as ye knowe wel brethern I neuer offended you nor dyde ony wronge to you But though it soo be that my sone semed contraryous to you ye haue slayne hym And I foryeue you all wronge offence ye and the dethe of my sone wherfore dooth me now that mercy that
sore wepynge accused reprehended hemself that they had soo lefte her lorde Thenne our lady comfortynge hem sayd ▪ Oure gode lorde mayster ▪ and our true herdman is goon fro vs. and we ben left now as faderles chyldern But I hope truely y● we shall soone hane hym agayn And ye knowe well that my sone is benygne and mercyful blessed may he be For he loued you well and therfore doubteth not but that he shall be well re●oucylied to you and gladly he shall foryeue all the trespasses all offences For sothly by suffraūce of the fader the malyce ayenst hym was so grete and the woodnes of his enmyes so stronge mighty that ye myght not haue socoured him though ye had abyde styll wyth hym and therfore dredeth not all shall be well Then̄e ansuerde peter and sayd sothly as ye saye soo it is For I that sawe but a lityll of the begynnyng was wyth soo grete drede smyten in the porche of Cayphas house that vnneth wende I for to haue scaped the deth And therfore I forsoke hym and had noo mynde att that tyme of the wordes that he had sayd to me before tyll he loked on me And mawdleyne asked what those wordes were and he said how he tolde hym before that he sholde forsake hym what tyme And soo forth he tolde all his wordes spoken to hem specyally y● he tolde before many thynges to hem of his passion in that supper tyme. that he made with hē the thursday at euen Then̄e our lady sayd that she wold gladly here of that processe that befell at that supper And Peter made sygne to John that he sholde tell that processe and John telleth al that was done and sayd And after to peter he tolde all the processe of his passion as he desyred And so what of thise thynges of other done by our lorde Jhū amonge hem they tellen to other now one and now another as it comyth to her mynde Durynge awaye all that daye in suche maner talkynges of our lord Jhū O lorde how attentifly besely mawdleine listned to those wordes but moche more our lady saienge oft tymes at the ende of a processe Blessyd be my sone Jhesus namely whan she mawdleyne herde of the makynge of the sacrament And how he yaaf hem in the forme of brede his owne body to ete and in the forme of wyne his blode to drynke Sothly I trow that wyth souerayn merueyle her hertes melted in to likynge sorowe and soroufull likynge brekyng out on wepynge and shedynge swete teres for that hye brennyng loue that he shewed to man soueraynly in that excellent passige dede of charyte But now passing ouer soo shortly of this ineditacōn at this tyme Morouer take hede and beholde hem this daye in grete sorowe drede and haue compassion of hē yf thou canst For what is it to see how that the lady of al the world and the pryncesse of holy chirche chyuetayns of goddis peple ben now soo in drede sorowe stoken hydde in y● lityll hous not knowinge what they maye doo not hauynge comforte but oonly in that comynge of the wordes dedes of her lorde Jhū Neuertheles our lady stode alwaye sadly in a restfull and peasyble herte For she had euer a certayne hope of the resurreccōn of her sone And therfo● holy chyrche makyth mynde specyall of her euery saterdaye by that in that dare stode on̄ly in her the fayth of our lorde Jhū that he was very god Neuertheles she myghte not haue fully Joye by cause of the mynde of his harde dethe his bytter passion whan the son̄e was gone downe and it was leifful to werche mary mawdleyne another mary with her yeden forth in to the cyte for to bye maters able for to make oynements of as thei had sō what done on the fridaye before in to the son̄e settelyng For by the law they were boūde to kepe the sabbot day fro y● son̄e reste of the daye before in to the sonne reste of the same daye Now take hede and behold hem how they goon with soroufull chere in maner of desolate wydoues to some apothecha ▪ ry or spycer the whiche they had knowlege of that he was a good deuoute man and that wolde gladly fulfylle her wylle and desyre in that party And whan they haue chosen the best oynements that they cowde fynde and payed therfo● they yeden home agayne werchynge hem in the beste manere that they cowde And so maist thou see how diligētly truely they werchen traueyle for her lord wyth wepynges and sighynges a monge And how our lady and thapastles stoden behelden and peraueuture helpen amonge And whan it was nyghte they seaceden yeden to rest suche as was And soo this maye be the meditacōn for the saterdaye touchyng our lady other wymmen and the apoostles BVt what dyde our lorde Jhūs that day Soothly anone as he was dede He wente in soule doune in to helle there as holy faders weren And thenne weren they in Joye and blysse by vertue of his blessed presence For the syghte of god ▪ is perfyte Joye And here may we see howe grete is his benygnytee in that he wolde hymself goo doune to helle How grete charyte mekenesse that was For he mighte haue sende an angell and hane delyuerde hem out of the deuylles bondes broughte hem to hym where he had lyste but his loue his mekenes wolde not haue suffred that and therfore he wente hymselfe doune in to helle vysited his chosen soules there that not as seruaūtes but frēdes of hym that was lorde of all And then̄e all the holy faders in his comyng fylled wyth Joye blysse and al sorowe myslikyng away passed stoden before hym in louynges songes of prophecyes and psalmes that were beforsaid And then̄e fulfilled as they ben writen in holy wrytt in to the tyme that he wold take his body ayen and ryse vp gloriously fro deth to lyf as it folouyth in processe herafter To the whiche lif for to rise at the last with him he graūt vs our lord Jhūs that for vs deyed on the crosse ¶ Of the gloryous Resurreccōn of our our lorde Jhesu and how he fyrste appered to his moder as it maye be resonably trowed Caplm l. AFter that the worthy est Prynce and myghtyest Conquerour Jhesus thrugh his bytter passyon and harde dethe had vaynquysshed and vtterly onecome that souerayne tyraunte mannes enm ye thys aduersary sathanas wyth all his wycked oost As so one as the soule was departed fro the body he wente doune to that tyraunts prison helle And right as in soth he was lorde of vertues kyage of blysse so by his souerayn myght rightwysnes he brake of that pryson and entred with vnspekeable Joye blysse to his chosen people that there had ben in distresse many thousandes yeres before And then̄e was that pryson torned in
gospell tellyth But they for as moche as they founde not y● body of her mayster there as they hopeden were soo dystour ▪ bled in her wittes and abasshed that they token no● rewarde to the angels wordes But wyth grete sorow and drede anone tourned agayne to the discyples And tolde theym that her lordes body was taken awaye And whyther they wyste not ▪ And thenne Peter and Johan rennen towarde the sepulture And wyth hem also the forsayd wymmen And alle they rennen for feruente loue to Jhesu sechynge her herte and her lyf ●u 〈…〉 ● ii viii But after the processe of the gospell Peter and Johan entrynge the graue and not fyndynge the body but oonly the clothes that he was wrapped in and the sudary of his hede wyth grete heuynesse they tourned home agayne ¶ And here we owen to haue Inwarde compassyon of hem For sothly att this tyme they were in full grete desolacōn ▪ and sorow whanne they soughte soo theyr lorde and founde hym not Nor wyste where they sholde seche hym more Also here we haue ensāple y● oft tymes before grete Joye ● comyth grete dyscomforte and sorowe the whyche is to be born pacyently for the tyme and euer Jhesu to be sought and called on by denoute prayer and feruent desire vnto the tyme that he be foūden as the processe after folowynge sheweth B For after the ii apostles were gone ayen as it is sayd in maner of despeyre The forsayd maryes abyden lokeden efte in lucexiiii the sepulcre and then̄e they sawe the ii angels sittyng in white clothes sayenge to hem what seke ye hym that lyueth wyth hem that ben dede But they yet token no rewarde to her wordes nor token ony cōforte to the syght of the angels for they soughten not the angels but the lord of angels And for they fonde hym not therfor̄ the ii felawes of mawdlayne al heuy discōforted withdrewe hem setten hem doune somwhere a lityll besyde makyng her mone to other But mary magdalayne I. ii viii wittyng not what she myght doo for wythout her mayster she coude not lyue And for she fonde hym not there nor wyste where she shold seche hym elles she stode styll there wythout the graue wepyng and eft she loked in For she hoped Tertus maria st abat ad monumentū Notabil euer to fynde hym there as she helped to berye hym And thēne sayden the angels to her woman why wepest thou whom sekest thou And she said they haue take awaye my lorde and I wote not where they haue put hym Beholde here the wonderfull werchynge of loue A lytyll before she herde of one angell that he was rysen and after of ii that he lyued And yet she had it not iu mynde but sayd I wote not alle that made loue For as orygene sayth her hert her mynde was not the● she was in body but it was there as her loue was that is to saye her mayster Jhūs therfore she coude not speke nor here but of hym And therfore befell that what tyme she wept so toke none rewarde to the angels by cause of the feruent loue that she had to Jhū that was lorde of angels her mercyful mayster myght noo leuger holde hym fro her but appered to her as it foloueth ¶ How our lorde Jhūs apered after his resurreccōn to mawdelayne Caplm lii OVre lorde Jhūs spekynge with his blessed moder at his fyrste apperynge to her ▪ as it was tolde and sayd before Amonge other louely comynynge tolde her of the grete besynes feruent felynge of mawdleyne and sayd that he wolde goo shewe hym bodily to her to comforte her And our lady gladde therof sayd My blessed sone gooth in pees and comforte her For she louyth you full moche and full truely and was full sory of your dethe But I praye you thynketh to come agayn to comforte me And soo she louely clyppyng and kissynge hym lete him goo ¶ And anone he was in the gardyne where mawdleyne was and sayd to her woman whō sechest thou And why wepest thou Oure lorde asked that he wyste well To that ende as saynt gregory sayth that by her ansuere in the namyng of hym the fyre of loue sholde be more feruently kyndled in her herte Neuertheles she not knoweynge hym but all dystracte and out of herself supposing that he had be a gardy●er sayd Sire yf thou hast take him away telle me where thou haste done hym that I maye take him to me And though our lorde was not a bodily gardyner neuertheles as the same clerke gregory sayth he was so in soth to her ghostly For he was that planted in her herte the plantes of vertues and true loues And then̄e our lorde Jhūs hauyng compassyon of her grete sorowe wepynge chere called her by her homely name and sayd mary the whiche worde sodenly heled all her sorowe And she then̄e knowynge hym wyth vnspekable Joye sayd O Rabony that is mayster ye be he y● I haue soo longe soughte and why haue ye hydde you so longe from me And anone she ranne to hym and fallyng downe to the erthe wolde haue kyssed his fete as she was wonte before by vnperfyte affeccōn to his manhede that was then̄e dedely but not soo now after his Resurreccōn wherfore oure lorde willynge to lyfte vp ghostly her herte and her affeccyon to heuen to the godhede ▪ and that she sholde nomore seke hym in erthe in manere as she dyde before that he was dede sayde Touche me not in that erthli maner for I haue not stied vp to my fader That is to say I am not yet lyfte vp in thy soule by true perfyte byleue that I am euen wyth the fader veri god And therfore touche me not in that manere Inperfytely But goo saye to my brethern I ascende vp to my fader and your fader to my god and your god And ferdermot̄ our lord homely comynyng wyth her spake to her in this maner woost thou not well doughter that I tolde the before my passion that I sholde ryse the thyrde daye from dethe to lyfe And why woldest thou thenne soo besily seke me in the sepulcre And she sayd Soothly mayster I saye you that my herte was fylled wyth so grete sorowe of the bitternesse of your harde passyon and deth that I foryate all other thynge and on̄ly thoughte of your bod● dede and beried and on the place that it was beryed in And therfor̄ I broughte now the oynement for to haue enoynted wyth your gloryous body Blessed be your almyghty godhede where thrugh ye wolde ryse fro deth and come agayne to vs And soo they two true louers stoden spaken togyder wyth grete likynge and Joye And she curyously beholdeth his glorious body and askith what her lykith and he in all thynge ansuerde plesyngly to her paye And ferdermore though our lorde soo strangly as it semyth
y● his feruent loue wold not suffre his beloued discyples longe erre and be sory Sothly he is a true frende a comfortable felawe a benygne lorde For loo he Joyneth feloweth hym to hem homely He askyth the cause of her sorow heuynesse goodly and he expowneth the scriptures to hem wysely and enflāmeth her hertes ghostly consumynge all the rust of mysbileue Thus he dooth wyth vs all daye ghostly For what tyme we ben in ony perplexite ouerlayed wyth heuynes or slouth and we speke comyn togyder of Jhū anone he comyth to vs cōfortyng vs lightnyng our hertes qm̄dul●i a facibꝰ Ignitū and enflāmyng to the loue of hym For the best medicyn agaynst suche ghostly sykenesse is for to speke of god as the prophete dauyd sayth Lorde how swete ben thy speches and thi wordes to my chekes ye passing hony to my mouth And in a nother place thy speche is gretly enflammed as fyre thorugh werchinge of the holy ghost and I thy seruaūte loued it Also to thynke on god the grete goodnesse of Jhū ▪ helpyth moche in temptacōn dysease as the self prophete sayth My herte verily heted wyth the fyre of crystis loue and in meditacōn of Jhesu shall bren̄e fyre of perfyte loue Also we may see here the goodnesse of our lord Jhū not oonly in loue as it is sayd but also in his profounde mekenesse As yf we take hede how lowely and mekely he gooth wyth hem that is to saye the hyghe lorde of lordes wyth his symple seruaūtes as one of hem kepinge now the mekenesse in his body glorifyed that he shewed before in his body dedely And yeuynge vs ensample to folowe hym in that vertue yet also here we maye vnderstonde the mekenes of our lorde Jhū in that he made him self so homely wyth those ii symple discyples the whiche were of lower degree thanne the apostles But this done not proude men for they woll not gladly goo speke and be conuersaūte but wyth hem that ben of grete fame of hyghe astate towarde the world And yet ferdermore here is shewed his mekenesse in the thyrde poynt ayenst pronde men For as we maye see they woll not gladly shewe her wysdome her curious wordes amonge fewe folke But our souerayne master of all wysdom hath none dysdayn of few for be shewyth his pryue wysdome highe mysteryes not oonly to two as now as this tyme ▪ but also to one as he dyde before wyth the woman Samarytane More ouer we maye consyder the grete godenes of our lorde Jhū in all the processe of the gospel for sayd that is to saye how he enformeth his disciples in maneres Also fedeth comforteth And specyally how he feynyth hym to goo ferder vnto that ende for to kyndle and encreace her desyre and affeccōn to hym and to be more feruently bydden and witholden of hem And ferdermore how beningnely he entreth and goth in with hem after takith brede blessith it and wyth his holy hondes brekyth and yeuyth it to hem then̄e shewyth hymself to hem Thus he dooth wyth vs euery day ghostly for he wolde be bydde of vs to dwell wyth vs and drawen wyth feruent desires deuoute prayers holy me dytacōns And therfor̄ as he hath taught vs. it behouyth euer to praye not fayle but that we take in mynde the werkes of pyte hospitalyte And how it suffyceth not to rede or here the wordes the biddynges of god but they ben performed in dede as we may here of more playnly be enformed in the omely of saynt gregory vpon this gospell At last our lorde Ihūs willynge also to wisyte comforte other dwelled not longe wyth thise discyples But assone as he had broken yeuen hem the brede he vanysshed awaye fro her eyen ¶ How our lorde Ihūs appered to his apostles discyples that were reclused for drede on the self daye of his resurreccōn Caplm lvii WHan the two forsaid dyscyples were thus comforted as it is sayde by the presence of oure lorde Anone for Joye they tourned agayne to Jherusalem And camen to the Appostles and other discyples there pryuely gadred But thomas absent And told hem the forsaid processe and herden agayn warde of theymthat soothly our lorde is rysen and hath appered to peter And there wyth sodeynly oure lorde Jhesus entryn ge into hem and the yates closed stode in middes of hem and sayd Pees to you And anone they fallynge doune to the erth cetera Lrnowlegynge her gylte in that y● they had soo lefte hym and forsaken Receyueden hym wyth grete Joye And thenne sayd he to hem Ryseth vp bretherne and be of goode cōforte For al your syn̄es ben foryeue you And soo stondeth Thūs amonge his discyples spekyng homely wyth hem and shewynge hem booth his honde his syde And openyth her wyttes to vnderstondynge cleerly holy scryptures and for to knowe sothfastly his resurreccōn He asketh whether they haue oughte that is to be eten And he etith homely before hem a part of a rosted fysshe of a hony combe to preue his very body present rysen After he bretheth on hem and yeuith h● the holy ghost Loo yf we take Juwardly hede all thise forsa●de thynges ben full swete full of ghostly lykynge ▪ For they thenne were the disciples Joyefull in the syghte of our lorde the whiche were before dredfull heuy Lorde god how gladly they yeuen hym that he askyth how truely they serued ● mynystred hym and how merily they stoden aboute hym ▪ But herwyth beholde we our lady his blessed moder that was there present in that tyme For to her were the discyples gad●ed How she takyth hede to al those thynges done of her swete sone wyth vnspekable Joye sittynge by hym homly and seruinge hym full gladly And our lorde takyth gladly her seruyce worshippeth her therwyth before the discyples ▪ And yet morouer foryete we not here mary maudleyne the byloued discyplesse of thapostles apostlesse ▪ how she after her olde manere sittyth at the fete of her mayster ▪ and besily hereth his wordes in all that she may gladly and with gode wyll minystreth O lorde Jhū how worthy is that lityll hous and how likyng gracyous it is to dwell therin Sothly who soo hath ony deuocōn and ghostly taast he maye see fele that here is now a grete paske But oure lorde Jhesus stoode but a lityll whyle Inwarde Joye of crystes Resurreccōn ▪ that is sothfastnesse en sample erneste of our Resurreccōn to come whan we shall ryse in body soule to lyfe euerlastynge And thꝰ moche be sayd at this tyme to wchynge this holy paske daye ¶ How our lorde Thūs apered the viii daye after to his discyples Thomas present Johis ii viii Eaplm lviii WHan the viii daye of his Resurreccyon was come Our lorde Thūs appered eft to his dyscyples in the forsayde place and the yates
closed where Thomas was then̄e presente wyth hem that was not soo the fyrste daye before sayde And a●ter his felowes hadden tolde hym how they had seen her lorde And he not byleuyng but yt he myghte touche hym as the processe of the gospell plainly tellyth Then̄e the gode herdman of his errynge shepe ▪ besy and hauinge compassion sodenly stondynge in myddes of hem ▪ and sayd Pees to you And therwyth tornyng hym specyally to thomas sayd Putt in thy fynger hyder and see touche my hondes and bryng fourth thyn honde and putt it in to my syde And be no more of mysbyleue but h●sforwarde truely byleuyng And then̄e reuerently Thomas knelyng downe wyth bothe Joye and drede touched his woūdes as he badde sayd My lord and my god He sawe hym man ▪ and byleued hym god And then̄e also he knouleged his gylte in that he had forsaken hym as other dyden also ▪ And our lorde goodly takynge hym vp sayd Drede not all thy synnes ben foryeue And this longe doubte and mysbyleue of thomas was of the grete godenes of our lorde in that manere suffred for our profyte to the more open pre yf and certaynte of his very resurreccyon And soo we maye see here the grete benygnytee mekenesse and feruent loue of oure lorde Jhesu in that y● he shewyth to Thomas and his other discyples soo openly his woūdes for to put away fro her hertes alle manere derkenesse of mysbyleue to bothe hers and ours grete profyte And specially our lord reserued in his gloryous body the steppes of his woundes for iii ▪ skylles that is to saye Fyrste to confermyng of the fayth of his resurreccōn N. bil to t 〈…〉 discyples And secondly for to shewe hem to the fader 〈…〉 woll praye for vs and make hym plesed to vs for 〈…〉 r specyall and souerayne aduocate in that party And th 〈…〉 de skylle is for to shewe hem at the daye of dome to y● reproued peple vnto her confusion ▪ And soo stondeth our lorde wyth his blessed moder and maudleyne his discyples as longe as hym lyste comynynge homely wyth hem in maner as it is sayd in the nexte chapyter to be had in contemplacōn And then̄e att laste he badde hem goo in to galile to the mounte Thabor as it is sayd For there he sayd he wolde speke more wyth hem And thenne yeuynge hem his blessynge he passed awaye fro hem ¶ How our lorde Jhesus appered to his dyscyples in galyle Caplm lix AFter the discyples were gone in to Galyle as our lorde badde there he appered efte to hem ● sayd There is yeuen to men alle the power in heuen in erthe Gooth now 〈…〉 teche all maner of peple baptisynge hem in the name of the fader the sone and the holy ghost ▪ and techynge hem to kepe all those thynges that I haue bydden you and be of gode comforte For loo I am wyth you all the dayes in to the worldes ende And they honoured him at his cominge and stonden after wyth hym full Joyeful and gladde ¶ Now take we good hede to the forsayd wordes for they ben full comfortable worthy Fyrst he shewyth to hem that he is lorde of all thyng After he yeuyth hem auctoryte maūdement to preche ▪ The thirde he yeuyth hem the fourme of baptisynge And att laste the strongest holde and comfort that they myght haue whan he sayth that he shall euer be wyth hem ●oo what Joye and comfort he yeueth hem And how many grete tokens of charytee he shewyth to hem And soo yeuynge hem his blessynge he passed awaye fro hem ¶ How our lorde Jhūs apered to the discyples at the see Tyberiadis Johis xxi Caplm lx Dwellynge yet the discyples in Galyle vpon a tyme vii of theym wenten to fysshe in the see of Tiberyadis as the gospel tellith in processe the whiche I passe ouer ¶ But yf we take hede Inwardly to all those thynges that were there spoken done we maye fynde moche ghostly mirthe comforte in hem and namly in that solempne feest that our lorde made there to hem In the whiche he homely etynge wyth hem and as his maner alwaye was mekely seruynge hē ful likyngly fedde hem not on̄ly bodily but moche more ghostly wherof he yeue vs part ghostly Jhūs for his mercy Amen ¶ After the forsayd feest complete our lorde asked of peter de petro whether he loued hym more than other and eft and the thyr de tyme askynge whether he loued hym At euery tyme he cōmēded to hym his peple y● he sholde after gouern̄ badde him fede his shepe wherin we may see the proper benignyte me kenes of our lorde Jhūs and specyally his hyghe charyte and de petro Jo●e the grete lone that he hath to our soules And after he tellith before to peter the deth that he sholde suffre for his loue And peter willynge to wite also of John that folowed with him in what maner he sholde deye was ansuerde thus of our lorde I woll that he dwelle soo tyll I come As who sayth I woll not that he folowe me as thou by the passyon suffrynge but y● in his full age contemplacōn he ende this lyfe in pees Neuertheles other discyples mys vndstode by that worde that he sholde not haue deyed and yet had not that ben a grete yeft sy then it is better to be bodily dede and dwelle euer wyth cryste as the appostle sayth ¶ After this our lorde Jhesus passed a waye fro theym and went again as he was wonte to the holy faders in paradyse Also our lorde Jhesus appered a nother tyme to moo than fyue hundred discyples and brethern gade Apparu 〈◊〉 Jhūs ●ngent ▪ fribus red togyder As the appostle poul wytnessyth But where or what tyme or how it is not wryten Neuertheles we may suppose that it was as he was wont wyth grete charyte meke nesse and goodnesse on his syde and wyth grete Joye comforte on her syde And soo haue we now touched of xii apperynges of our lorde Jhū after his resurreccōn wythout two y● folowen after in his ascencōn ¶ Of alle the Apperynges of oure lorde Jhesu in generalle Caplm lxi THough it soo be that our lorde Jhūs appered in druerse manere after his resurreccyon xiiii tymes as it is sayde Netheles the gospel specifyeth not but on̄ly of x. For how he apered to his moder it is not wryten in ony place but we resonably deuoutly trowe it as it is sayd before Also of other iii. apperynges that is to saye to Joseph to James mo than v. C. brethern is specyfied befor̄ where they ben wryten but not in the gospell Also we maye well suppose of many mo For it is lykly that he the moost benigne lorde ofte tymes visited bothe his moder his dyscyples and maudleyne his specyall beloued comfortynge and gladynge hem specyally that were in his
passyon moost dredfull sory And that semyth that saynt augustyn felt where he sayth thus Of our lordes body apperynge his Resurreccōn alle thynges ben not wryten For his conuersacōn wyth hem was oft tymes perauē ture also the holy faders namly abraham dauyd To whom was made of god the specyall byheste of the Incarnacyon of goddes sone comen ofte tymes wyth hym to see that mooste excellent vyrgyne her doughter and goddis moder The whiche for hem and all other founde soo grete grace and that bare her sauyour and all mankynde O lorde god how likyngely they behelde her How reuerently they enclyned to her And wyth all deuocyon that they cowde they blessed her and honoured her Though it soo were that they were not seen of her ¶ Also in alle thise we maye consider the grete benygnytee the hyghe charytee and the profounde mekenesse of our lorde Jhesu as we ben wonte Of the whyche ofte tymes we haue made mynde and the whiche shewen in alle his dedes And specyally he in that here wolde after his resurreccōn and gloryous vyctory not stye vp anone to his blysse But in manere of a pylgryme fourty dayes abyde here in erthe To conferme and strengthe his discyples and vs in hem And that not by his angels as he myghte lyghtly haue done but compellinge hym by his highe charytee He wolde oonly doo that in his owne persone and bodily be conuersaunt wyth hem aperynge to hem as it is sayd fourty dayes spekynge of the kyngdome of god ¶ And all this he dyde not oonly for hem but for vs And yet we can not se it He hath loued vs. and yet he loueth vs soo feruently and yet we loue not hym agayn warde And that is a grete reprouable vnkyndnesse in vs For at soo grete syre of loue we sholde not be made hote But by reason we shall fully brenne But now leuynge this Goo we to the gloryous Ascencōn ¶ Of the Ascencōn of our lorde Jhesu Caplm lxii TOuchynge the wonderfull Ascencyon of oure lorde Jhesu thou that herest or redest this yf thou wolt fele the swetnes therof I woll that thou be wakeli quicke in thi soule so ferforth that yf euer herby fore as it was byden the thou madest the by deuoute yma gynacōn as present to hys wordes dedes Now thou doo moche more wyth alle thy myght For this solempne nyte passeth all other as I shall clerly shewe the wyth in forth in processe namly this one thing shold stire herte thyn entencōn quyck thin affeccōn that thy lord is now in passyng away fro y● as by his bodily presēce the tyme of his pylgrymage here in erth with the fully cōplete ended wherfore his wordes dedes may be the more attētyfly besily to be cōsidred For sothly euery cristē soule shold hir spouse hir lord her god in his away passing most wakly besily take tent to And tho thinges that bē by him spokē done most inwardli set in mynde moost deuoutly mekely recōmende here to him vtterly withdraw al her mynde in this tyme fro al other thinges set it holy vpō her spouse For to go then̄e to y● processe of thascencōn of our lorde Jhū we shall haue in mynde y● on the xl day after his resurreccōn our lord Jhūs knowing y● his tyme was come for to passe fro this worlde to the fader takīge out of paradyse terrestre the holy faders alle the blessed soules blessinge enoch hely that there abidyng styll yet liuyng he came to his discyples the whiche were togyder that tyme in mount Syon in the place where he made that worthy supper the nyght before his passyon there beinge then̄e wyth his blessed moder other discyples And soo aperynge to hem he wolde ete wyth hem or he passed fro hem in a specyall token and a memoryall of loue Joye to hem wherfore all etynge togyder wyth grete Joye myrthe in this laste feest of our lorde Jhū Thenne sayd he to hem Tyme is come now that I torne agayne to hym that sent me But ye shal dwelle and a byde in the cyte tyll ye ben newe clothed ghostly thrugh vertu that shall come fro aboue For sothly wythin fewe dayes here after ye shall bee fulfylled with the holy ghost as I behighte you And after ye shall go preche my gospell thrugh all y● worlde baptisynge hem that woll byleue in me And soo ye shall be my wytnesse in to the vttreste ende of the erthe Also he reprehended hem or abreyde hem now specyally whan he byddeth hem preche of her mysbyleue in that that they trowed not to hem that saye hym be vprysē and that were the angels And though he sayd to them in this maner sentence to make hem vnderstonde Moche more ye sholde haue trowen byued to the angels or ye sawe me than the peple shall trow to your prechyng the whiche shall not see me ¶ Also he reproued and abreyde then̄e her mysbyleue for they shold knowe firste her owne defawte and therby be the more meke she wyng hym now in this departyng how moche it plesed hym mekenes And therfor̄ specyally he recōmende it at the last to hem Thenne they asked hym of those thynges that were to come after but he wolde not telle hem For it was not spedefull to hem to knowe the preuytees of god the whiche the fader had reserued and set in his owne power to fulfyll whan hym liked Thus stonden they togyder etynge and spekynge wyth grete Joye to hem of the blessed presence of her lorde But neuerthelesse wyth grete drede and trowblaunce of his awaye passynge And noo wonder For they loued hym soo tenderly that they myghte not wyth easy herte bere the wordes of his bodily departyng fro hem and namly our lady hys blessed moder that loued him passynge alle other We maye wel suppose that she touched styred soueraynly wych y● swetnes of moderly loue as she sate next hym at that mete layd doun her hede swetely rested vpō his blessed brest as saynt Johan dyde before in that forsayd moost worthy supper and so wyth swete teeres sighyng she spake to hym in this manere prayeng My dere sone yf thou wolt alwaye goo to thy fader I praye y● lede me wyth the And our lorde cōfortyng her sayd I praye the my dere moder take not heuily my goinge fro the for I goo to the fader for thy best it is spedful that thou dwelest here yet awhile to cōferme hem thall shal truly byleue in me And after I shall come take the with me in euerlastyng blisse And then̄e she sayd My swete sone thy wyll be d●ne for not on̄ly I am redy to abide at thy will but also to suffre deth for tho soules y● thou suffredest deth fore But euer I beseche the haue minde on me And then̄e our lord cōforted morouer her
and prophetes ▪ And all the holy soules that this daye entred fyrst in to that blessid cyte of heuenly Jhrlm her kynde herytage aboue wherfore sy then we maken solēpne the feest of one saynt that is passyd out of this world to heuen Moche more we owen to doo of soo many thousandes and yet passingly of hym that is saint Ascencio Fm̄ dn̄e of all sayntes Also this is specialli the fest of our lady for as moche as this daye she sawe her blessed sone Jhū very god man soo gloryously crowned as kynge steye vp to heuen ¶ yet this daye is properly our feest For this daye was first our kynde exalted lyft vp oboue the heuēs And also for but yf cryst had so styen vp y● worthy yeft of the holy ghost wherof we make solēpnyte we myghte not haue receyued to hys disciples ●t is spedful to you that I goo vp to the fader for but yf I goo fro you the holy ghost comforter shall not com̄ to you ▪ And therfore saith saynt bernarde in a sermon of this feest of thascencōn in the cōfermacōn of my forsayd sentence that this gloryous feest of thascencion of our lorde Jhū is an ende a fulfillyng of all other solempnytees festes and blessed conclusion of all the Journeye of our lorde Jhū his manhede ¶ Thus maye we openly see that this daye this feest is moche hygh solempne of all other and that soule that loued truely our lorde Jhū shold this day be more rauysshed to heuen and more ghostly Joye haue in herte than in ony daye of the yere For thus sayd our lorde Jhūs to his discyples yf ye loued me soothly ye sholde be gladde Joyefull for that I goo to the fader ▪ wherfor̄ I leue that I sayd truly before that was in heuen neuer a daye soo Joyefull and so solempne as this daye And soo this daye and this solempnyte lasted in to the daye of penthecoste wherof we maye deuoutly ymagyne and haue medytacōn in this maner The ascencōn of our lorde was at the serte hour For before he ete wyth his discyples at tyerce Then̄e may we thꝰ ymagyne y● those x-dayes fro y● hour that he ascended into the hour of the holy ghost sending the ix ▪ orders of angels wyth the holy faders and soules that he toke vp wyth hym made him x. festes he ayen warde reward ded hem specyally in some synguler comfort euery daye and soo though all that were then̄e in heuē generally were of his ascencōn Joyefull and made soo mery a feest that noo tonge can telle Neuertheles the fyrst daye fro the hour of his ascencōn in to the sexte of the next daye folowynge angels maden her feest Te seconde day in the self maner maden her feest ar chāgels the thirde day virtutes the fourth daye potestates the fyfth day pryncipatus the sexte day domynacōnes the seuēth day thrones the eyght daye cherubyn the ninthe day seraphin And soo thise nyne orders of angels cōtynued her festes in to the sexte hour of the vigyll of penthcost And fro thens in to tyerce of the daye folowyng ▪ that is the sondaye of penthcost the holy faders wyth her felyshyp made her feest to Jhūs blessed be he wythout ende Amen ¶ Of the sendyng doune of the holy ghost Caplm lxiii AFter that oure Lorde Jhesus was goone vpp̄ to his blysse And the angels had bydden the dyscyples to tourne agayn in to the cyte as it was sayde next before they wyth his blessed moder worshippinge him kissyng deuoutely the steppes of his fete wher̄ he last towched the erthe as the gospell of Luke tellyth they wente agayn in to Jherusalem with grete Joye there they abyden the comynge of y● holy ghost contynuelly in deuout prayers louynge god and blessinge our lorde And whan the tenth daye was come fro his Ascencōn then̄e was the fyfthy daye of his resurreccōn our lord Jhūs Joynynge the fygure of tholde testament with the new For asmoche as the tyme of grace was in that daye come he sayd to the fader thus My fader hauith now in mynde the byhest that I made to my brethern of the holy ghost And the fader ansuerd My dere sone I am wel apaid of that byhest and now it is tyme that it be fulfilled And morouer he sayd to y● holy ghost we pray the that thou goo doune to our discyples And that thou fylle hem of thy grace comforte hem strength hem teche hem and yeue hem habūdaunce of vertues Joye And anone the holy ghost came doune wyth a wonderfull noyse N in bren̄ynge tonges vpon an hūdred twenty discyples gadred that tyme togider and fyllid hem wyth all Joye vertues grace ▪ By vertue wherof the discypled strengthed taughte lyghted and enflāmed yeden after by all parties of the world and made it subget to hem in grete partye This is a worthi feest and amonge other a swete louely feest For this is the feest of hym that is loue properly as saynt Gregory sayth that the holy ghost is loue wherfore he that loueth god sholde in this feest specially be enflāmed with loue or at the leest with a brennynge desire to loue But this woll not be with flesshly or wordly loue medled as saynt bernard saith in a sermon bernarde of the ascencōn in this maner sentence He erryth gretly who soo he is that weneth for to medle togyder that heuenly Joye wyth thise bytter asshes of flesshly likynge Or that swete ghostly baume wyth this venym or those gracious yeftes of the holy ghost wyth thise lynkynge lustes And noo wonder For as the self bernarde sayth Thapostles for the tyme that they hadden his bodily presence wyth hem ▪ for the loue that they hadden to his body though it was holy good yet for that tyme they were vnable to receyue perfytly y● holy ghost as he sayd hymself But yf I goo fro you the holy ghost shall not Nisiego abiero come to you Moche more then̄e he that is knytte wyth loue to rotten mucke or to a stynkyng carrayn is in al maner vnable to that clen̄est swetest loue of the holy ghost For there is none accorde knyttynge togyder of sothfastnes vanyte of lighte and derkenes of the spiryte and the flesshe of fyre colde water But thou perauenture that felest not the swetnesse comforte of that ghostly likynge and loue sayst to me wyth out comforte of loue likynge I maye not be ▪ what shall I not doo then̄e whyle I fele not that ghostly loue Saynt bernarde ansuereth thus sayth to the Forsake fyrst fully truly all vayne worldes comforte and all flesshly loue lykynge abyde awhyle in deuoute prayers as the appostles dyden abydynge the holy ghost wherof they knewe noo certayne tyme And thou shalt fele wythin shorte tyme. that he shall come comforte the better than thou cowdest before knowe or thinke and in
grete comforte of hym that forsakyth worldly cōforte for god The same saint bernarde cōcluded in thise wordes The apostles in this bidyng seten perseueraūt wyth one No bn̄ wyll togyder in prayer wyth the woman mary Jhūs moder And in the selfe maner lerne thou to praye lerne thou to seke No bernardum to aske and knocke at the door tyll thou fynde tyll thou take and tyll it be opened to the Our lorde knoweth thy freeyll feble kynde and he is true and wol not suffre the to be tempted more than thou mayst bere And I truste in him that yf thou wolt abyde truely thou shalt not abide the tenth day but that he shall come before cōforte thy desolate soule And so prayenge in his blessynges of ghostly swetnesse soo that thou shalte haue soo grete likyng in his mynde and in those ghostly drinkes that he shal make the dronke oft in soule that thou shalt be Joyfull gladde that euer thou forsoke the fals comfortes of the worlde Loo by this forsaid sentence of saynt bernarde we maye see in party what behouyth to receyue the holy Ghost his loue wherfore that we maye be able to receyue here that grete yefte of the holy ghost his cōforte and after come to the blisse that our lord Jhūs is now steyen vp hath made our way before vs. leue we hate we al fals loue likyng of this wretched worlde And set we not our loue on the stynkyng flessh nourissh we it not in desires but desire we cōtynuelly for to be departed therfro Soo that thrugh the grace of the holy ghost helping vs we maye folowe somwhat the blessed lyf of our lorde in this worlde after goo vp to him to our kynde heritage of blysse in the gloryious cytee of heuenly Jhrlm where he souerain kyng wyth the fader the holy ghost one god in trinyte lyueth regneth wythout ende Amen ¶ Thus endeth the contemplacōn of the blessed lyfe of our lorde Jhū the whiche processe for asmoche as it is here thus wryten in englysshe tonge lenger in many partyes in other maner than is the laten of Bonauenture ▪ therfore it semyth not conuenient to folowe the processe therof bi the dayes of the weke after th entent of the forsayd Bonauenture For it were to tedious as me thynketh and also it sholde soo soone be fulsome and not in comfortable deyntees by cause of the freilte of mankynde that hath likynge to here and to knowe newe thynges and those that ben seldom herde ben oft in the more deyntee wherfor̄ it semyth to me best that euery deuoute creature that loueth to rede or here this boke take the parties therof as it semyth moost comfortable and stirynge to his deuocōn Somtyme one somtyme another and specyally in tymes of the yere and the festes ordeyned in holy chirche as the maters ben pertynent to hem And for asmoche as that blessed and worthy feest of the precyous sacrament of Jhūs body in the whiche he is euery daye bodily presente wyth vs to oure moost comforte that we maye haue in erthe is the ende and conclusyon of alle other Festes of hym gracyously and resonably ordeyned by holy chirche as it was sayd before Thefor̄ wyth the grace of the holy ghost of him of whom that feest is we shal speke somwhat more to cōforte of hem that truely bileuen and to confusion of all fals lollardes heretykes Amē ¶ Blessed be the name of our lorde Jhū his moder mary now euer wythout ende AMEN ¶ Explicit Sp●lm vite Cristi ¶ A shorte treatyce of the highest moost worthy sacrament of cristis blessid body and the merueyles therof MEmoriam fecit mirabiliū suorum misericors miserator dn̄s escā dedit timentibus se Thyse wordes of dauyd in the sa●●ter sayd in prophecye sōge tyme before thyncarnacōn of our lorde Jhū specyally of the worshipfull sacramente of his precyous bodi hauen sentēce vnder stondynge in englyssh tonge Our lorde mercyfull mercy yeuer hath maade a mynde of his merueyles that he hathe yeue mete to hem that dreden him This mete is that precyous ghostly mete of the blessed body of our lorde in the sacrament of th aulter that he of his souerayn mercy yeuyth euery day in forme of brede to all tho that truely dreden him as her lord god by the whiche drede they kepen hem from dedely synne and mekely standen in stedfaste byleue of holy chyrche ¶ And this ghostly mete he yeuyth and hath made therby a specyall mynde of his merueiles That is to saye as the prestes rehercen in the canon of the masse in mynde of his merueyles blessed passōn and of his merueylous Resurreccōn and of his gloryous Ascencōn And generally in minde of all the merueylous werkes dedes of hym in his blessed lyf here in this worlde the whiche is treated in all this boke before wryten For to begyn ●yrst at his merueyllous Incarnacōn soo how expresse mynde therof is this mete that he yeuyth to vs in the sacrament of the aulter For therin is he verily and in that self body that was so merueylously conceyued by the holy ghost aboue kynde And also soo merueylously borne of his blessed moder mary wythout sorowe or weme of synne And soo forth of all the merueyllous werkes and dedes of hym in to this ghostly mete we haue that specyall mynde that none maye be more and that we haue of none other For all other thynges passed that we haue mynde of we conceyue in spiryte and in hert soo that therby we haue not the bodily presence of hem But in this ghostly mete and sacramentale cōmemoracōn of our lord Jhesu he is verily bodily present wyth vs vnder another forme But sothly in his owne proper substaunce very god man For what tyme he sholde stye vp in to heuē he sayd to his discyples his folowers in thise wordes Lo I am wyth you all the dayes in to the worldes ende cōfortyng hem by this benigne promyse that he sholde dwell wyth hem not on̄ly by ghostly presence of his godhede but also by the bodyly presence of his manhede that he yeuyth to vs in this forsayd mete of his flessh blode in mynde of his merneyles generally as it is sayd but most specyall in mynde of that blessed passion that he suffred for vs. For what tyme he shold passe out of this world to the fader the nyght before his passōn at that worthy supper wyth his discyples as it is sayd before he made and ordeyned this souerayne moost worshypfull sacrament of his flessh blode yeuynge his body to mete and his blode in to drynke for a specyall mynde of his passion dethe For thus he sayde to his appostles in that fyrste makynge of this heelfull sacrament This dooth ye in my mynde Soo that the souerayne moost worthy
mynde of his passyon and passyng loue to vs sholde be euermore this hyghe worshipfull sacrament this is that precyous ghostly mete specyall mynde of our lord Jhū in the whiche is had al ghostly likynge the sauour taast of all swetnesse And also this is that swete memoryale where thrugh we ben wythdrawe kept fro wyckednesse and comforted strengthed in goodnes and protyten euery day in encreace of vertues of grace in sothfastnesse This is that hic yefte moost noble memoryale that oweth worthily to be prynted euer in our mynde and to be bestly kept in the inward affeccōn of the hert in contynuel mynde of hym that yeuith vs this swete memoryale precyous yeft For whos yett is ofttyme seen hins mynde is likyngly prynted in the hert Thus our lord Jhūs of his grete mercy hath made a likynge mynde of his merueyles yeuyng this mete specyally to he that dredē hym And here we shal vnderstonde that in ii maners men dreden god and therafter he yeuith this mete diuersly to hem For some dreden god as seruaūtes dreden her lorde leuyng eschewynge to syn̄e on̄ly for drede of payn and to thise maner of men yf they ben out of dedely syn̄e in grace our lorde yeuith this forsayd mete as to her ghostly sustenaūce soo that bi the vertue therof they ben susteyned in lyf of soule and kept fro euerlastyng dethe But other ben that dreden god as true chyldern dreden to offende their fader for the loue of him And to thise maner of men our lord god yeuith his precyous mete not on̄ly to her ghostly sustenaūce but also to her souerayn likynge wōderful comfort in soule And of this maner of dreding folke spekith of the same prophete dauid in thise wordes O lorde god how moche is the manyfolde plentee of thy swetnesse the whiche thou hast hidde to hem that dreden the But they that dreden not god haue neyther ghostly sustenaūce nor heelful likynge of this precyous noble mete but thrugh her owne wyckednesse vndisposyng in soule taken it and eten it to her ghostly dethe euerlastynge dampnacōn And that bē two maner of peple One is of hem that dreden not to receyue this holiest sacrament in dedely syn̄e or elles by defaulte of drede contynuen in her synne For as the wyse man sayth The drede of god casteth out syn̄e and therfore who soo contynueth in dedely syn̄e it is an open preyf that he dredeth not god And then̄e he is vnable to receyue and heelfully ete thys worthy sacrament Another maner of peple that lacken the drede of god ben heretikes the whiche in defawte of buxome drede to god holy chirche presūptuously leuynge vpon her bodily wyttes kyndly reison Leue not that holy doctours haue tauȝt holy chirche determyned ▪ of this blessed sacrament but falsly trowen obstynatly sayē that it is brede in his kynde as it was before the consecracōn So that the substance of brede is not torned in to y● substance of goddis body but abydeth styll brede as it was before by cause that it semyth so to all her bodily wyttes The whiche errour heresie al other of this holyest sacrament wythout doubt spryngē of ghostly pryde presūpcyon of kyndly wytt in defawte lacke of lowly drede For eyther suche men leuen that god may worche al those merueyles aboue the comin cours of kinde as holy chirche techyth in this holy sacrament or noughte And yf they leue not that he maye then̄e dreden they hym nought as god almyghty and so ben they wors men than iewes or sarrasynes For bothe byleue that god is almyghty And on that other side yf they sayen leuen that god for he is almyghty may werke those merueyles but they leue not that he dooth soo for as moche as her kynde by reason tellyth hem the contrary then̄e dreden they not for to ayensay the souerayne goodnes l●ne of god to mākinde as in y● party that holy chirche techith by leuyth of this holy sacrament and in that they preuen hēself grete foles For though it were so y● it were in doubt whether the techyng byleue y● holy chirche hath of this holy sacramēt were sooth or nought Or elles also sett caas that it were so the yet the syker pa●te were to byleue as holy chirche techyth with a buxome drede For in that we leuen our kindly reson ben obeysaūt to god holy chirche as hymself byddeth vs ▪ And also we wythdrawe not in our byleue of the myght of god nor of his loue souerayn goodnes to vs but rather maken it more yf it so were y● it were not soth as we byleuen that were lytyll peryl or rather none but mede in vs in al partes for our good wyll to god holy chirche And also in that byleue there is noo peryl of ydolatrye as the fals heretykes sayen that we honouren maken brede our god For we sayen bileuē that in that holy sacrament brede is torned in to goddis body by vertue of crystis wordes And soo we all honouren not brede but god and his blessed body in forme of brede That is to say in that lykenesse of brede that we seen by true byleue in soule wyth our ghostly eyen Thus we hauyng loue drede of god and stondynge stedfastly in the byleue y● holy chirche hath taughte vs specially of this holyest sacrament we shall consyder Inwardly beholde the kyndlynge nourisshyng of our loue to our lorde Jhū that yeuyth vs of his hye grace this precyous mete of his blessed body The merueyles that he makyth and worchyth therin specyally in two maneres That is to saye in one manere euery daye pryuely wher of we haue knowynge oonly by byleue wythin forth and also in a nother maner somtyme openly wherof we haue knowynge by true tellynge of myracles shewed wythout forth ▪ Towchyng the fyrste manere of merueyles it is a full grete merueyle that by vertue of crystis wordes brede is torned into goddis body and wyne in to his blode And to strength vs in bileue of this merueyle whe shal haue in mynde that he with the self myghte of his worde made all the worlde of nought and of the rybbe of adam made eue in flesshe blode and torned the wyfe of loth in to an ymage of salte and moyses yerde in to a serpent And welles waters of egypte torned in to blode wherfore sythen god almyghty wrought all thyse merueyles and many moo aboue the reason of man and the comyn cours of kynde why maye he not also by the self myght torne brede in to his body There is noo reason to preue the contrary But yf we wolde saye that god were not almyghty ▪ That god forbede ¶ Also it is a grete merueyle that the self body of our lorde Jhesu that sittyth in heuen vpon the faders
be hidde they publysshed it in the eeres of the peple openly And soo as the kynge wolde it was for the tyme hydde But after by the ordynaūce of god publysshed knowen to that ende that the kynges mekenesse therby as hidde shold be preued And netheles therwyth by open knowyng of y● grete myracle y● faith of true byleuinge men shold be cōfermed strēghthid to worship of our lorde Jhū that of his special grace werchith suche myracles and merueyles in that blessed sacrament of his precyous body in specyall comfortynge of true lyuers and more feruent stiringe to his loue AMEN ¶ Also accordynge to the selfe purpoos I fynde wrytynge in the longe lyfe of saynt Hughe bisshop of Lyncolne and firste monke of thorder of charterhous and pryour of wytham The whiche lyfe wrote a chappellayn of his and monke of the selfe order that herde and sawe that he wrote And amonge other in this manere sentence sayenge It befell vpon a satirdaye the forsayd bysshop saynt Hughe dwellynge at a maneer of his called Bukedene as he sange a masse of our lady after his comyn custome in that daye there herde his masse wyth other a deuoute clerke that was sent to hym by specyal reuelacōn of god wherof there is wryten a fayr processe touchyng another matere the whiche we passen ouer here And as to our purpoos what tyme it was com̄ to the sactynge as the bysshop helde vp goddys body in forme of biede there appered to the syghte of the forsayd clerke bitwyx the prestes holy hondes our lorde god bodily in lykenes of a passyng fayr lityll childe Of the whiche syghte he that sawe it Inwardly cōpuncte as noo wonder was hiely styred in to feruent deuocōn cōtynued all the tyme of y● masse in swete teres deuout prayers tyll it came to that place where thoost sholde be lyft vp aboue the chalyce be departed in thre at the whiche tyme he efte sawe the self lykenes the forsayd Jhū goddis sone of heuē of fryng hymself in sa crefise to the fader for man̄es hele saua cōn After the masse was full ended the selfe clerke spekynge wyth the holy bisshap in preuyte tolde hym fyrst the reuelacy on before named And after y● fayr vision of goddis bodi here declared therwyth at th●de wyth shedyng teres in this maner cōcludynge sayd thꝰ I sawe my holy fader with myn vn worthy eyen that blessed syght the whiche it is noo doubt but that ye seē it also moche more clerly for lenger nere mot̄ worthily And therwyth bothe the bysshop he wyth swete teeres comynyng ghostly a grete whyle togider after at the counseyle of the bysshop and biddyng for to kepe the forsayd vysion preuy the clerke became a religyoꝰ man and after holy liuynge here went to blysse euerlastynge Amen Touchynge the seconde cause of myracles merueyles shewed ii causa mitac●o rum in this blessed sacramēt of goddis body that is to saye for to cōuerte hem that ben of mysbileue in to y● true byleue Fuste we rede in the life of saynt gregory the pope worthy doctour in this maner sentence ¶ There was a matrone of Rome the whiche euery sondaye offred to saynt gregory certain loues of brede wherof was made goddis body And vpon a sondaye whan saynt gregory wolde haue comuned the forsayd woman wyth one of hem that was cōse●rate made god dis body sayeng after the comyn vse of holy chirche in thyse wordes The body of our lorde Jhū cryste kepe the in to euerlastyng lyf She brake out in to a dissolute laughter then̄e saynt gregory wythdrewe the sacrament fro her and kept it to the ende of the masse And after before the peple he asked the matrone why she lough And then̄e she said by cause that thou callest goddis body the brede that I haue made wyth my hondes And then̄e saynt gregory fell doune in to his prayers to god for the mysbyleue of the womā And after that he rose vp he fonde the sacrament torned in to lyknes of a finger in flesshe blode where thrugh the woman was fro her misbyleue torned in to the true And soo after with the self sacrament by prayer of saynt gregory torned in to the lykenes of brede as it was befor̄ she was comuned and more styfly set in true bileue of this blessed sacrament And also other thru● her to the worshipp̄ of the highe gracyous auctour wercher herof our lorde Jhesus cryste Amen To this self purpoos accordynge also I fynde wryten in the forsayd life of saynt hughe that vpon a tyme as saynt hughe goynge thrugh fraunce was Inned for the tyme in a towne that was called Joye there came to hym the parysshe preeste of the towne the whiche was an olde man a reuerent in syight and wonder lene for grete penaūce doynge for his synnes as it was supposed And wherof it folowith after in processe the whiche I take as in short wordes to our purpose and y● self preest tolde of hymself in this maner Whan I was yonge he sayd I was made preest but neyther yeres ne maners accordynge to that worthy degree thrugh temptacōn stirynge of the fende I felle in to a grete dedely syn̄e In the whiche sinne I contynued without contrycōn confessyon that is horrible to here Soo as I was pollute in body soule and ghostly blynde seke in the fayth I vsed boldly to synge my masse and dradde not to treate receyue that worthy sacrament of crystis precyous flesshe blood And vpon a daye as I was at my masse in tyme of the consecracōn felle to my myude y● grete horryble syn̄e the whyche I had solonge tyme contynued in And amonge other wretched thoughtes of my blynde herte I thought in this maner Lorde whether that precyous body in flesshe blode of my lorde Jhū that is called the bryghtnes of euerlastynge lyfe and ghostly myrrour of the godhe de wythout wēme is now made treated receyued verely of me soo foule and abhomynable syn̄er And so hauyng suche vnthrifty thoughtes whan it came to the tyme of the fraccy on and as the vse is I had broken thoost in two Anone fresshe blode ranne oute therof and that parte that I helde in my honde was torned in to flesshe and ouer al wete wyth the reed blode And therwyth I seenge this was al astonyed abasshed and well nyghe out of my wytt and soo as for loste the coūseyle of all reason All that I helde in my honde I lete fall doune in to the chalyce There was then̄e to see yet now is a wonderfull myracle that is to saye wyne torned openly to mannes syghte in to blode and brede in to flesshe declarynge expressely the forme the sothnes of that blessed sacrament Ferdermore he sayd whan I sawe this maner of lykenes abide styll wythout ony tornynge or chaūgynge I durst nomore touche