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A14352 Most godly prayers compiled out of Dauids Psalmes by D. Peter Martyr. Translated out of Latine into English by Charles Glemhan. G. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed; Preces sacrae ex psalmis Davidis desumptae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Glemhan, Charles.; Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576. 1569 (1569) STC 24671; ESTC S103274 186,941 520

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and miserable caytifes vnto thée who of thy owne accorde vsest to bee an helper to the poore and distressed Breake thou yet once at length the power of the vngodlye heare the prayers of the afflicted and finally deliuer the oppressed so that they being set free from so great terrours may giue due thanks vnto thée in thy sacred church for thy great mercye and compassion thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xj. Psalme IN thée O most good and mightye God repose wée our whole trust and confidence A prayer against the temptation of fayth therfore when our fleshe when humaine wisedome when also the vngodly do obiect and lay to our charge that our cause is turned vpside downe and quite ouerthrowne neyther any helpe at all left for the maintenance of the true doctrine and the most holy and sacred Gospell wée are not for all this perswaded to dispaire of thy mercy power ▪ who see in deede that the enimies of thy glorious name haue bent the bowe of their puyssaunce and made ready their arrowes to pearce and shoote vs thorow Moreouer wee also wey and consider that oure lyfe hath béene such as we deserue all maner of euill hap and miserie that may bée who haue not done after thy will as it became obedient children no but haue alwaies hitherto which now sore gréeueth vs rebelled agaynst thy holy commaundementes Yet nowe with all humilitie do we craue pardon for our sinnes and are very bolde to require this of thee through the confidence wée haue in thy excellent goodnesse and singuler clemencie that thou which hast thy exceding princely palace and most holy seate in the heauens from whence it is thy accustomed woont to looke downe and fixe thine eyes vpon all thinges that are done on the earth wilt at length diligently trie out the equitie of this cause and looke vpon the vngodlynesse and crueltie of our enimies But restraine thou and kéepe backe which hast very often vsed to cast fire brimstone and burning thunderboltes vpon the vngodlye at the least wise the cruell persecutors of thy blessed Churche to the intent all men maye knowe that thou beyng most righteous doest fauour the right cause and wilt bee our strong defence who haue taken vpon vs an earnest zeale and loue of thy most glorious name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same Psalme WHen we O most good and mightye God do put our whole trust and cōfidence in thee so much as in vs lyeth the desires of our owne fleshe the counsayles of the vngodly and the temptations of Sathan do not sléepe or cease wherewith wée are alured day and night to renounce and vtterly forsake all Godlinesse as thoughe we should be wholy oppressed and vanquished with the strength of bowe of arrowes and other force of our wicked enimies if we go on forwarde to leade such a life as becommeth thy seruauntes But we notwithstanding we be compassed about and ouerwhelmed with greauous sinnes and iniquitie yet neuerthelesse vpon the sure trust and confidence that we haue in thy rich mercy we humbly besech thee first to forgiue vs our heynous offences who do acknowledge and confesse the same vnto thy diuine Maiestie And that then thou wouldest out of thy celestiall and heauenly palace shewe forth thy louing countenaunce to be our most strong helper that at what tyme thou hast tryed and proued the case on both partes with an equall ballance then the enimies of godlinesse maye be iustly punished according to their owne desertes and on the contrary part thy beloued seruauntes trie by receyuing of saluation that thou art a defender of equitie and vpright dealing through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xij. Psalme ● praier a●ainst hu●aine false 〈◊〉 erronious ●octrine IN so great a want and scarsitie of good and godly men thou onely O most mercifull and mightie God remaynest to be our strong defēce Wherefore we drawe néere and approche vnto thée with these our dayly prayers beséeching thy diuine Maiestie to helpe at length our most troublesome and afflicted estate For vnlesse thou mightily defendest thy louing Church howe can it be in safety amongst such kinde of enimies who do not kéepe any maner of fidelitie and go alwayes aboute to deceyue plaine simple persons with vaine lyes and false flattering wordes neuer faythfullye thinking that in their hart which they vtter by word of mouth Deliuer vs not ouer O most mercifull father to be handled of them as our sinnes and wickednesse deserue but in this case haue an especiall regarde to the glory of thy puyssaunt name the mightye increasing of thy Gospell and the farre passing faythfulnesse of thy louing promises this do not for our sakes but for the causes here shewed and mencioned beare not with these men that séeke to augment and enlarge their owne power only which being straungers to Godlinesse haue no knowledge at all of thée Looke vpon the great affliction and groninges of thy blessed Church arise vp nowe and helpe vs according to thy mercifull promises For thy wordes are white and more pure then the most excellent and finest siluer Finally seing euery sort of wicked and vngodly persons did couitte with all the witte and industrie they can to bée moste mightie defende thou thy Church for thy infinite mercies sake from those mens extréeme iniuryes and cruell oppressions through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme FOrsomuch as O heauenly father during the time we liue in this transitory worlde amongst frayle mortall creatures of Godly true dealing and faythfull persons there is marueylous great want wheras contrariwise men may sée a wonderfull company of vngodly persons deceytfull men flatterers such as be great talkers and speake very prowde wordes we poure out our humble prayers before hande vnto thée who art our refuge beséeching thee that thou wouldest not so weigh and regard those things which wee haue frowardly committed against thée as to giue vs ouer vnto the lust and furye of wicked and lewde men according to our iust deserts But rather for thy great mercyes sake which is marueylous ample and excéeding large arise and with thy mightie power deliuer those that trust in thée from the snares deceipt and subtile wiles which the enimies of all godlines do practise and imagin continually against them that whilest thou art their defence mightie preseruer from the wicked and moste cursed generation all men may vnderstand thy promises and woordes to be both garnished with a singuler and vnspeakeable veritie and also most pure and vncorrupt from euery sporte of deceyuablenesse and vaine léesing through Iesus Christ oure Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the xiij Psalme WHilest that the Godly O most mightie God do sée themselues vexed with grieuous afflictions A praier that we dispayre not in trybulation and tossed with painefull miseries they greatly feare that
vertuous life bée thou therefore our assured strength and strong shield of defence agaynst them If we be thy blessed people and chosen heritage as thou hast promised as we faithfully beleue then preserue féede and be fauourable vnto vs and bring vs forth to the chiefe and highest blesse which we haue alwayes an especiall eye and principall regard vnto through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxix. Psalme A praier that we may be obedient to the word of god SO many of vs O heauenly father as are promoted throughe thy vnspeakeable mercy that we both be and also are named the children of God haue no light occasion or small regarde to celebrate thy diuine maiestie by the effect of those things which in the worke of nature we see to procéede frō thée which are so passing excellent and maruelous that they shewe forth themselues to those that behold them as most certaine and manifest tokens of thy vnspeakable glorie and dignitie Thou bringest forth so mightily when thy good pleasure is showers clowdes lightnings earthquakes and ouerflowings of waters that euen the hilles and trées although they be very high and all other liuing things doe both greatly and horribly quake We only O good God are blinde deafe and dull to conceyue these thy moste wonderous workes Wherefore for the loue thou bearest vnto vs hauing compassion vpon so great foolishnesse and vnskilfulnesse which procéedeth of nothing else then of sinne graunt that we being at length exempted from them maye both acknowledge thy excellencie in thy notable workes and sing also perpetuall prayses to thée for thy manifolde benefites extended towarde vs through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxx. Psalme WE ought O most mercifull god to celebrate and extoll thée with wonderfull and vnspeakeable prayses A praier tha● all our afflictions maye well depart from vs by Gods especiall grace bicause thou art so prone and readie to preserue those that with an vnfeyned heart call diligently vpon thy blessed name We doe plainely acknowledge and openly confesse our sinnes to be innumerable and most heynous for the which right worthy are we to be adiudged of eternal destruction and perpetual death But our earnest request is the thou wouldst shewe the like fauourable mercy towards vs as thou wert accustomed to doe vnto thy elect and chosen seruauntes although thou art woont to chastice them with a short kinde of wrath and such a one as indureth but the turning of a hande which forthwith thou alterest into an excéeding great good will and such a one as lasteth continually Preserue vs therefore from the present euils and iminent perils which hang ouer our heades that we beyng saued and deliuered out of all daunger may confesse thée and be both sure and experienced witnesses touching the truth of thy faythfull promises and also euery where and in all places shewe forth and publishe that thou onely and none other ought to be trusted in through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme THy blessed Churche O almightie GOD prayeth thee to relieue hir beeyng sore tossed and oppressed with these stormye tempestes neyther suffer thou the fierce enimyes of thy glorious name to reioyce and triumphe at hir destruction Thou art accustomed O good God both to heare and also to helpe without delay such as earnestly call vpon thée and it is in thy mightie hand power to bring backe againe from the graue and to quicken those which were nowe in a maner fallen into the pitte Wherefore to the intent thou mayest stirre vp an earnest desire feruent affection in our mindes to thy worthy prayse shewe thy selfe to haue bene angry with vs yet let it be but for a moment neyther shall that inestimable loue of thine towardes vs whereby wée liue and shall liue in thée be any thing the more in that respect deminished Bring spéedily to passe we humbly beseeche thée that our sorrowfull teares déepe sighes and piteous grones may shortly be chaunged into godly mirth and ioyful gladnesse Marke thou in no wise our desertes but what beséemeth thée best We truely are worthie of deadly hatred and extréeme punishmentes by reason of our manifolde sinnes who so long as all thinges happened luckely and as we woulde haue it vainely imagined that we could beare out all things of our owne strength power But nowe when thou hast a little turned thy louing countenaunce from vs and present calamities haue appeared we are so astonished and stricken with feare that we can scarcely abide or stande vpright Howbeit haue thou an especiall regard O good God what thy mercifull promises require namely that thou wilte not suffer those to perishe and come to ruine which crie heartily vnto thée For our aduersaries would doe nothing lesse then set forth thy worthie prayses At length therefore make an ende of our sorowfull mourning that the spirite of gladnesse beyng restored to vs againe we maye both nowe and in an other world also render euerlasting prayse and thanks vnto thée through Iesus christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxxj. Psalme SEing that thou O most mighty God art our assured rocke and strong defence A prayer in distresse and triall of faith it is nowe néedefull for thy names sake that thou shouldest saue and deliuer those which repose their whole trust in thée so that we may be nothing ashamed of the fayth that we haue firmely affixed in thée Thou séest howe they of whome thy sacred doctrine and holy Gospell is had in contempt haue priuily layde snares and nettes to trap vs. We therfore which sée that we can be preserued by none other meane do now commit our selues to be defended by thy onely handes and mightie power For we haue no affiaunce in curious and wicked artes but repose our selues O good God vpon thy goodnesse only and require thée to haue an especiall care and regarde to the afflictions we nowe are in neyther suffer thou vs to be shut vp into the handes of wicked persons We knowe for a certaintie that our sinnes wherewith we are so sore burthened shall make exceedingly agaynst vs in thy iust iudgement that of right we can not escape But beséeche thée of thy infinite goodnesse to haue mercy vpon vs neyther suffer thy blessed Church to be a by word and ieasting stock both to the neighbors and enimies thereof Shew forth thy chearefull countenaunce vpon hir let the wicked be put to vtter shame we humbly pray thee who mayest stop the mouthes of lyars when they most arrogantly imagine very horrible accusations agaynst hir And although as to the iudgement of the flesh we thinke our selues to be thrust downe hedlong and cast vtterly from the sight of thine eyes yet notwithstanding we stil hope in spirite that thou wilt giue attentiue eare vnto our hartie prayers Graunt therefore that the vertuous men which earnestly loue thée may
forgiue the heynous offences and excéeding wicked deedes wherewith we haue greatly offended thée so that thou doest not condemne vs for euer but cause vs to reape this singuler commoditie of these present mischiefes that considering and well waying the force and efficacie of thy heauie wrath and our brittle and most short lyfe we may with a greater earnestnesse stande more in feare of thee Vse thy olde accustomed maner O excellent father in shewing thy selfe as now well pleased with thy afflicted and persecuted children then shall we perfectly reioice and be right glad when thy working appéereth and is made manifest vnto vs. Let thy holy Ghost we humbly beséech thée direct vs in such wise as thy famous honour thy excellent glorie and thy cléere brightnesse may shine both in vs and in all our doings through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme IF we doe greatly reioyce in our owne behalfe O most mightie God that the plentiousnesse of thy louing fauour was so exceeding abundant towards vs that such as thou right well louest those didst thou elect before the foundation of the worlde was layde and didst predestinate to be partakers of thy eternall ioyes or euer the moūtaines were made or any part of the world brought in ripe shape our ioy doubtlesse shall be doubled if we thorowly way and consider how that of our owne selues both by infirmity of nature also through the wickednesse of our heynous sinnes we are otherwise nothing For we run hedlōg into perdition slide as water vanish away like a dreame and in the twinckling of an eye we wither like grasse Which discommodities at what tyme we call to remembraunce let them we humbly require thée styrre vp in vs an occasion of learning and wisedome so that we may vnderstand and right well perceyue howe vnworthie wee are in respect of our selues to inioy thy louing fauour and contrariwise how great thy benigne clemencie is towardes vs by the which we hartily beséech thée to turne thy fauourable countenaunce vpon vs in shewing that we are thy workemanship as we be in déede Let thy excellent brightnesse lighten our blind mindes in such sort that oure deedes neuer swarue from the marke of thy excéeding great glorie thorowe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcj. Psalme A prayer in temptation and perils for deliuerance preseruation WHosoeuer dependeth wholye vpon God so that he accompteth him to be his sure defence most strong holde he néedeth not to feare any calamitie no layings awayte nor finally to dread any distresse For God no lesse defendeth his seruauntes then the hennes do their chickens at what time they hide them vnder their winges or that the Souldiours defende and couer themselues in battaile with their shielde and target For can pestilence plague calamitie or wasting terrefie those which beleue faythfully in God Nothing truely shall make them afrayde For although Sathan and all the vngodly worke most greeuous and pernicious thinges agaynst him yet hath God committed his welfare to an innumerable company of Aungels through whose conduct and protection he is not onely defended but caried also on their handes and shoulders that he dashe not agaynst hurtfull things There is no power in the most cruell beastes but is troden vpon and beaten downe vnder his féete If we therefore stand nowe in much feare of the wicked it is a plaine token that we haue small confidence and little trust in thée by reason of which dull and weake fayth we are become so plyable to an innumerable sort of sinnes as by our backslydinges from thee we prouoke thy gréeuous wrath continually agaynst vs. Wherefore our hartie request is that according to thy accustomed goodnesse thou wouldest in such wise pardon whatsoeuer we haue verye lewdly cōmitted against thée and make vs hereafter most earnest louers of thy diuine Maiestie that we may in right perfect fayth haue thy glorious name and dignitie in wonderfull admiration and cause our prayer not to be vnfruitfull before thée wherevnto we humbly beséech thy infinit goodnesse that thou wouldest make aunswere according to our demaund And finally be present to the feruent peticions and troublesome matters of thy blessed Church thorowe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SVch as repose their whole trust and confidence in thée onely O almightie God haue put themselues vnder the shadowe of thy assuraunce and fortresse of thy moste strong defence where they may be in safety from all the assaultes of the enimies and preserued from euery pernicious thing that may annoy them When as wicked men being vndoubtedly members of the deuill and his Catchpolles shall practise any euil thing agaynst them they shall at no tyme be left destitute of Gods assured helpe and faythfull promise for he wil quickly defend them as a mighty strong shield And when most gréeuous temptations which happen dayly doe rage on euery side whereby an infinite number of mortal men fall downe hedlong into euerlasting damnation what soeuer they are which haue assured themselues in their heartes and prayed vnto the Lord thou art my God and thou art the thing I onelye trust in euill shall in no wise happen vnto these kinde of men but they shall remaine stedfast and without feare when others fal and come to naught He will not onely deliuer them from troublesome mishaps by the handes of blessed Aungels but also there shall be no beastes so venemous outragious that may hurt them any thing at all And therefore wée humbly require thée O excellent father to vouchsafe that we may not be secluded frō partaking of so great good things but that we maye in such wise loue thee and so repose our whole trust in thy diuine Maiesty as wée maye seeke none other refuge and piller to stande by but thée onely through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcij. Psalme WE are then slacke in celebrating thy glorious name O almighty God when as we forget thy wōderfull workes which A prayer agaynst the perswasion such as we haue iustification to pr●ceede of goo● workes so soone as we diligently consider and thinke more attentiuely of they shall by and by cheere vs excéedingly and consequently inforce a great strength and efficacie in vs touching the setting foorth of thy worthie prayses But such truely are very foolishe and dull fighted who eyther do not waye them or else are nothing moued therewith theyr eyes therefore are sore blinded bicause they see the matters of the vngodly to haue good successe and go long vnpunished But these maner of men ought to consider that for this purpose thou wouldest doe thus with the wicked bicause they might be the more sorowfull to sée their flourishing estate sodainly altered yea and that in a tyme vnlooked for who after they haue walked in the shadowe of felicitie maye runne into méere and assured
thou art forgetfull and takest thy grace and fauour vtterly away fro them Graunt that suche maner of thoughtes and suspicions be not graft and fixed in our minds for surely we deserue to be vtterly left and quite forsaken of thée by reason of our most heynous offences but suffer not O good God for thy most glorious names sake the stoute arrogant enimies of Godlinesse eyther to preuaile any thing at all or haue occasion to triumphe ouer thy faythfull seruauntes like victorious conquerors illuminate and lighten the eyes of our minde we humblie beséech thée with thy holy spirit that wée séeing and right well allowing those thinges which be most iust may neyther honor nor worship thée amisse nor yet become slouthfull towardes the amendment of our sinfull life for so shall all occasion of reioysing and vaunting be quite taken from our aduersaries and we haue great cause to render eternall thankes vnto thy diuine Maiestie as thou hast right well deserued through Iesus christ our lord Amē ¶ A prayer out of the .xiiij. Psalme A praier that we may perceuer in the nūber of true christians TAke away from thy déere children O most mightie God those notorious wicked Counsels and foolishe imaginations whereby we may surmise in our mindes that thou art no God at all and although thou knowest well ynoughe that we haue oftentymes erred gone astray from the true path of righteousnesse for which cause sake we haue very well deserued euen like bread and most delicious meate of them to be deuoured and vtterly consumed as are the most mischieuous and furious enimies of godlines We humblie besech thée that as thou hast promised to ayde and assist the generation of these men and all such as put their trust in thée so thou wouldest not forsake vs being thus extréeme miserable greauously afflicted Let thy help appeere and shew forth it selfe out of the heauenlye Sion that when thou hast deliuered vs from the bondage and corruption of sinne death and the Deuill thy beloued Church maye not onely be cheered and refreshed but also be excéeding ioyous through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xv. Psalme SEing that O most mighty god none can inhabite and dwell in perpetuall felicitie and thy heauenly kingdom but such as haue béene voyde of fault and vndefiled fro the filthie corruption of wickednesse who haue in suche wise yéelded and dedicated their heart tongue and outward workes to the honor of thy blessed name that they do omit or let slip by negligence or malice none of thy sacred cōmaundements Hereby we nowe perceyue and right well vnderstand that if we should be dealt withal as our owne deserts are and according to the worthinesse of our workes how farre of we be from thence so as we may in a maner dispayre and be altogither doubtfull of our saluation but trusting in thy excellent goodnesse we boldely demaunde this at thy mercifull handes that the merits of our déedes beyng layde apart thy faythfull promises maye according to our assured hope still remaine most firme and stable and vouchsafe to graunt vnto vs receyued againe into thy louing fauour that being henceforth adourned with the ornamentes of perfite righteousnesse sincere truth and pure loue wee maye neuer bée drawen away from the habitation of thy blessed felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xvj. Psalme FOrsomuch as we are so poore O most déere father of heauen and thou so exceding rich in al things A praier tha● we may not perishe by fayth but attayne vnto glory therby ▪ and thy workes most noble and plentiful surely nothing is giuen vnto vs nor any thing at all in our power whereby we may eyther merite or increase thy most blessed estate and felicitie but yet seing that our whole trust and affiaunce dependeth on thée onely we humbly present our selues and fall downe before thy deuine Maiestie beséeching thée to preserue vs from those euils which inuiron compasse vs about on euery side And our heynous sinnes wherewith thou well perceyuest vnto be ouerladen being pardoned graunt that as thou art become our rightful inheritaunce so we may whol● set our ioy and delight in thée aga●● and accompt it a most pleasant camely thing to set forth and commend thée onely and none else instruct thou vs counsaile thou vs be thou alwaies before our eies least we swarue at any tyme from the right way so that wee may with great ioy during this mortall life remaine and abide in thée and after the most and glorious resurrection be partakers of those euerlasting perfect pleasures which we beleue do consist onely in thy most mightie will and power through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xvij. Psalme ● praier that ●ur enimies may not get ●he victorie ●uer vs. THy blessed Churche prayeth thée O most mightie God and lifteth vp hir voice daily vnto thy throne beséeching thée to weigh and consider at one time or other hir most righteteous cause wherefore giue eare and haue regarde vnto the prayers which the faythfull sort poure out before thée with an vnfayned heart who knowe verie well that we are laden and burthened with other innumerable sinnes so as we are faine at all tymes humbly to craue pardon of thée for the same but as for those which oure aduersaries doe lay to our charge wée are nothing giltie in them wherefore if thou thy selfe who art a most righteous iudge be examined in this case we knowe nothing can be found that by thy holy worde may be condemned But our whole doing is onely for this ende and purpose that the renuing and setting vp againe of religion and true godlinesse may be aduaunced to the intent thy blessed commaundementes might be duly obserued and thy sacred law with more sinceritie obeyed And whereas this care and studie hath brought vpon vs most extreeme perils yea almost vtter destruction vnlesse thou remoue and turne the same away quite from vs we humbly beséech thée to hold vp and strengthen our goynges in thy pathes with a puyssaunt steadinesse which are otherwise of themselues very slipperie that we may neither stand in doubt nor be discouraged in these kinde of distresses Thou mayest hereby make thy excellent goodnesse O mercifull God to be much marueled and wondered at if thou wilt defende those that trust in thee at a tyme vnlooked for yea thou shalt not onely reuenge vs thy louing seruants by that meanes but thy selfe also forsomuch as they haue chiefly risen vp and bēt themselues against thee Hide vs therefore vnder the shadowe of thy winges and the more prosperous successe that they seeme to haue in their doyngs so that now they hang vpon our neckes like hungry Lions the more a great deale preuent thou their furye and spéedily deliuer and rescue the life of thy faithfull seruauntes out of theyr handes and vnto the same graunt that by acknowledging
may at length bée so knowen and manifested as we may alwayes shew foorth thy worthy prayses and passing wonderous workes through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxij. Psalme A prayer for Gods fauour in distresse THou couldest indure and suffer that our Lorde Iesus Christ thy Sonne O most mightie God should so be tormēted on the crosse for the sinnes of men that he did appeare to be vtterly forsaken of thée and left voide of all helpe Thou which wert woont to ayde and succour thy Saintes at what tyme they called vpon thee séemedst to contemne our Sauiours praiers as though he had béene a worme and no man the verye abiect of all mankinde and the outcast of the people and at length sufferedst him to die a very shamefull death by the hands of the furious raging Iewes who came and fell vpon him as they had béene mad dogs fierce bulles and roaring Lions Whom notwithstanding thou diddest rayse afterwarde from death in suche glorious wise that for the same cause his faythfull members doe alwayes laude and celebrate thy excellent name therefore we heartily pray and humbly beseche thée for that thy most abundant mercye wherewith thou wert moued in such wise to permit so many euils to happen vnto thy onely beloued son for our sakes not to suffer the cause of thy most afflictted Church to come into ruine and decay We acknowledge our sinnes to be passing horrible for the which not onely a temperall but also an immortall death is due yet looke thou not vpon vs O mightie God in respect of that we are our selues but because we be members of thy déere and onely begotten sonne effectually preseruing and mightily defending our cause in the Gospell being also thy case and which the aduersaries of the gospell iudge that thou hast left destitute and vtterly forsaken through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme FOrsomuch as thy sonne our lord Iesus Christ O most mightie God suffered in such wise for our redemption sake as he might séeme to be cast out of thy sight and vtterly forsaken of thée who being ouerwhelmed on the Crosse with the waues and sourges of a most bitter death at the last dyed and being made a most innocent sacrifice suffered the paynes and torments which we had iustly deserued Then being raysed from death after thrée dayes appeared to his disciples and manifestly shewed forth and published thy excellent name and glorie none otherwise then he accustomablye vsed a little before to doe while he liued among them Séeing that therefore we both acknowledge and also confesse our selues to haue béene abusers of such an vnspeakable mercie and infinite clemencie we humbly flée vnto thée hartily praying that whom thou hast graunted and ordeyned to be ingraffed and to spring a newe in so excellent a Mediator who is the authour and onely preseruer of our saluation thou wouldest graunt the same to be pricked forwarde and stirred vp somuch as in vs lyeth to séeke for all true godlynesse so that not onely the whole number of vs which be now liuing but all mortall men also that shall liue hereafter may be drawne to worship and serue thée alone holily and after a most chaste maner through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme THy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ O most good and mightie God suffered maruelous bitter punishmentes and extreeme painefull torments for the saluatiō of mankinde For when he had layde the sinnes of the worlde vpon himselfe it behoued him to be vexed so fiercely and outragiously as he might suffer the full punishment for them all Finallye being nayled vnto the Crosse he spent his moste swéete life for vs vnto whom he hath by that meanes purchased pardon forgiuenesse of sinnes thy louing friendship and eternall life if we shall faythfully beleue his sacred doctrine and blessed gospell But alas as we be very weake in fayth so are we lightly forgetful of such great and manifolde benefites yea we rather liue as men vnworthye of the redemption that was of so mightie a price vnto our moste innocent lord For which cause we bewail this calamitie in thy presence O heauenly father humbly praying and earnestly beseeching thée not to suffer vs to be vtterly destitute of the fruite of our Lord Iesus Christ his Crosse and death who liueth and reigneth with thée euermore worlde without ende Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxiij. Psalme A praier that God woulde both feede defende vs. AL such as haue thée O most mightie God for their shepherd do leade their life excéeding happily as those who haue alwayes foode abundantly ynough of thy heauenly doctrine and most fruitfull and plenteous watering of the holy Ghost whereby they may be renued and comforted so often as they shall be oppressed with the mishaps of this wretched world or wearied with the afflictions of the persecution thereof Although therefore we acknowledge and confesse our selues vnworthie of thy gouernaunce and shepherdlike care ouer vs who haue verie often dispised thée and thy sacred word and by reason of oure most greauous and innumerable transgressions deserue to bée thrust out of thy blessed shéepefoldes notwithstanding we hauing confidence in thy great mercie and goodnesse which is vnto thée proper and naturall humbly beseeche thy goodnesse that thou wouldest vouchsafe to gather vs home as lost sheepe vnto thy selfe and suffer vs not to wander and stray without thée through the wide desertes and outgrounds of this deceyuable world Thou seest vs nowe to be at deathes doore therefore be so present with vs as we may put away and cast off all feare who nowe stande in néede of thée to strengthen and comfort vs with the staffe and shéepehooke of thy authoritie Thou canst refreshe vs if it please thée with a most exquisite and well furnished banquet of thy sacred doctrine and blessed sacraments and make vs to drinke plentifully of the cup of thy holy spirite and grace the enimies and aduersaryes of thy glorious name beholding the same O let that thy mercy and clemencie alwayes so imbrace vs we humbly beséech thée which thou hast accustomed to bestow vpon thy faythfull seruauntes as in the sacred Church which is thy mansiō house we maye continue stedfastly in fayth and thy most glorious Gospell throughe the merits and loue of our Lord Iesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thée world● without ende Amen Another prayer out of the same Psalme THou vsest O most mighty God to preserue those thy children whom thou hast louingly adopted with no lesse care and diligence then if they were shéepe the same alwayes ledde of thée being their most louing shepheard toward their owne health and perfect commoditie who so long as they haue thée for their maister and gouernor they shall be destitute neyther of the meate nor drinke of thy moste wholsome doctrine Wherby it is manifest that if we pine
well vnderstande that thou mightily preseruest thy faithfull seruauntes and doest greatly strengthen such as honor and reuerence thee with an vnfeyned heart through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme LEt thy fauourable and louing countenaunce O most mightie God shine vpon vs from whence commeth all consolation ioy and gladnesse vnto thy beloued seruaunts and seing we craue for thy ready helpe bring vtterly to naught the subtile inuentions craftes deceptes and laiyngs awaite of the violent force of our enimies Surely most great most bewtifull and most ioyfull is the swéetenesse of thy inestimable goodnesse which thou hast layde vp for those that repose their whole trust in thée that the sinnes therfore which we haue lewdly committed seclude vs not from the same we hartily beséeche thée to clense and purifie vs with thy gracious fauour For if we once obteyne this there is no doubt but that we shall be both hidden and also defended from all imminent mischiefes vnder the tabernacle strong defence of thy mightie protection so as we boldely and stedfastly perseuering in thy blessed loue may at length be brought and conueyed vnto thée being the piller and chiefe stay of our saluation through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THe confidence O most mightie God which the Godly repose in thée hath this notable and singuler propertie that it maketh no man ashamed thereof nor defraudeth any person of his iust desire the same therefore doth greatly inforce vs to craue thy readie helpe that thou wouldest alwayes be our puyssaunt strength strong defence assured stay valiaunt Capitaine and most prouident nourisher Moreouer we know right well that by reason of our manifolde sinnes the malicious enimies of thy glorious name and our saluation haue euery where layde snares trappes and ambushes for vs. Therefore doe wée commit our whole spirite and lyfe to thy faythfull custodie and put them into thy hands to be strongly defended forsomuch as thou séest our innumerable infirmities and howe we are alwayes inuironed and compassed about with the violent force of our fierce enimies be mercifull therfore to our sorowfull estate and helpe vs presently without any delay And as thou hast both life and death in thy puyssant hands graunt that we thy faythfull seruants may liue and rest with thée for euer through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxxij. Psalme WEe are admonished by thée O most good and mercifull God that the felicitie of thy faythfull seruaunts consisteth herein A praier tha● our sinfull crimes may be pardoned that their sinnes are forgiuen couered and not imputed vnto them in thy iust iudgement which thing if euer we had néede to obteyne certainly we nowe séeme to lacke it most when as through present calamities our heynous sinnes are set before our eyes For we feele thy hande to waxe heauie ouer thy sacred Church wherefore we haue thought good not to hide our sinnes but publikely and openly to confesse them before thy d●uine Maiestie neyther doe we any thing at all mistrust the vnspeakable goodnesse thou art indued withall who incontinent doest quite pardon and vtterly forgiue vs our gréeuous offences Therfore we that be thy déere beloued seruants doe nowe earnestly require thée doubting not but thou art to be found not to permit thy faythfull people to be violently oppressed of their cruell enimies who be like vnto ouerflowing waters Be thou a denne and place of refuge for vs in these moste greeuous afflictions Informe and teache vs the right way of blessed saluation and whatsoeuer brutishe and beastlye lust remayneth as yet in vs kéepe thou it so vnder with the hard bit and bridle of thy holy spirite that wée bée not for the same cast downe hedlong into perpetual destruction and finally poure out lamentable sorowes and pitious calamities vpon the aduersaryes of thy most glorious name but let such as trust onely in thée be inclosed and fortified with thy singuler louing kindenesse as with a strong rampire that those which haue a feruent zeale to thy excellent name and be of an vpright heart maye chéerefully reioyce in thée and triumphe with a perfite gladnesse throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THey without doubt are right happie and blessed O most mightie God to whom thou of thy vnspeakable mercy hast forgiuen their gréeuous sinnes not imputing them but couering and remitting what wicked and naughtie thing soeuer they haue bene stayned and polluted with Wée doe most manifestly acknowledge that so great and notable a benefite coulde not haue happened vnto vs vnlesse oure sinnes verilye were openly knowen and disclosed to thée and that we poure into thy blessed bosome what sinnes so euer we haue lewdely and shamelessely committed agaynst thy sacred lawe Therefore we acknowledge and confesse vnto thée O heauenly father that our vnrighteousnesse is excéeding great and our soules miserably burthened with the waight of our impietie wherefore nowe ayde and helpe vs with thy fauourable mercye and we heartily beseeche thee to wipe away after a louing gentle maner what naughtinesse soeuer doth remain behind Deliuer vs frō the sorowful calamities and greeuous miseries that are hanging ouer our heades make vs to haue an vncorrupt minde and gouerne vs with thy prouident care least through our euill affections we do not degenerate into most foolishe brute beastes but being inuironed and compassed about with thy excellent goodnesse let vs be cheared vp with rightfull mirth and assured ioy before thée through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxxiij. Psalme A prayer for prayse and ●hankes gy●ing to God ●or his omni●otencie HOw many soeuer O most mighty God as haue attayned vnto righteousnesse throughe an vnfeyned fayth doe well vnderstande howe much prayse and glorie thou art worthy of by reason of thy maruelous works There is nothing in the world but it beareth witnes that thou art good The heauens stand fast and all the hostes of them were made by thy sacred worde neyther are the waters of the sea and great déepes conteyned within their boundes by any other power then through thy holy spirite and mightie force Therefore it is and hath béene oure dutie both to honour and feare thée onely euen as thou hast rightly deserued but we haue O sinfull wretches that we are done nothing lesse in all our whole lyfe And therefore haue well and iustly deserued the great troubles and daungerous perilles we now are in But séeing that thy infinite goodnesse cannot be drayned drie through mens naughtinesse and lewd behauior be they neuer so innumerable we craue pardon and forgiuenesse of all those thinges which we haue committed agaynst thy diuine Maiestie and heartily require thee according to thy woonted mercy to make voyde all the subtile counsayles and lewde deuices wherewith the fierce enimies of godlinesse pretend to subuert and ouerthrowe thy sacred
and outragious enimies through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxj. Psalme A prayer for constant ●●ith in christ ●esus OVr earnest and feruent desire is O most good and mercifull God that as thou art in déede a singuler good father and wonderfull mercifull vnto vs so thou wouldst heare the lamentable cries which we poure out before thée by reason of the excéeding heauinesse wee are oppressed withall and for the gréeuous temptations we indure suffer not thy beloued seruaunts miserably to perishe in whome the deuill goeth about to quenche and burie thy benigne grace and especiall good giftes Permit vs therefore to haue a fort and strong Tower with thée wherevnto bicause we are not able to clime vp of our owne power breath thou thy louing fauour downe vpon vs in such wise as we may bée lifted vp vnto the Tabernacle of thy glorious sight and vnder the couering of thy glistering winges so that by thys meanes we shall bée deliuered from the thresholde and iawes of death We truely haue transgressed thy holy lawe through our moste heynous sinnes haue defiled the sacred bodie of thy blessed Church How be it whilest wee acknowledge this and lamentably require thy fauourable mercie surely we féele verye great ease comfort neyther are we now afrayed of any bytter mishaps forsomuch as our whole confidēce dependeth vpon thy inestimable goodnesse but rather our heart is inflamed with an ardent loue both in celebrating thy glorious name and also in rendring moste abundant thankes for those thinges which by our profession we owe and thinke to be due vnto thée throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxij Psalme ● prayer for true fayth ●nd contempt ●f mutable ●hinges SEing that we are perswaded O most good and mercifull God that thou art our strong defence inuincible tower sure ayde mightie safegarde we kéepe a quiet and verye peaceable minde euen in the middest of our extréeme miseries and gréeuous calamities For we doubt not but that the deuill and his wicked members shal haue no successe at all in those thinges they enterprise to do agaynst our welfare and whosoeuer they be which thrust forwarde themselues contrary to thy blessed will are in no wise able to stand and abide but are at the ende disappoynted of that they looke for Wherefore we humblye require thee that our offences being done away which by reason of our infirmitie we denie not but are an infinite number thou wouldest still perseuer to be our Buckler and sure defence as thou hast hitherto beene accustomed Forsomuch as through thy especiall helpe wée shake of all worldly mens feare as whom we know to be altogither vaine yea and so foolishe that if they were weyed in a ballance they should be found altogither lighter then vanitie it selfe And as we dreade them nothing at al so likewise our earnest request is that we may haue no affiaunce in euill gotten goodes and flourishing ryches but alwayes well and diligently to set before our eyes that thou art iust mercifull of a wonderfull inuincible power through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxiij Psalme WEe doe in this wretched life O most good and mighty God with great feruencie sighe desire A prayer i● distresse for the comfor● of the gospe● and earnestly thirst for thee onelye when as all thinges are become troublesome horrible and cruell vnto vs. We are greatly desirous cléerely to beholde thy singuler vertue excellent honor for nothing can happē more blessed nothing more ioyful nothing more pleasāt to mortal creatures then the perfect knowledge thereof We may through thy readie helpe O heauēly father exalt thy glorious name continually when as we render due thanks for the excellent benefites thou hast bestowed vpon vs alwayes requiring of thée in our earnest peticions and most ardent prayers those things which may be both to thy glorie and our owne saluation These verily are the meere delites of the godly there is the minde fed with perfect and true gladnesse when as euen at midnight in the bed it is not forgetfull of thy goodnesse and clemencie But our heynous offences are a very great hinderance to this singuler benifite whereinto both our infirmitie and ignoraunce driueth vs which we humbly beséech thée for thy infinite mercies sake to wipe away be our ready helper as thou hast begunne hide vs vnder thy fauourable winges and cause our mindes to be linked alwayes vnto thee But as for such as resist thy glorye obstinately and with stubburnesse let them runne hedlong into the déepe gulfe of perdicion and make vs euermore reioyce and be glad in thy comfort and consolation through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxiiij Psalme IF we were not altogither drowsie minded and vtterly dulled O heauenly father we are dayly stirred vp to inuocate and call vpon thée with our feruent prayer For why A prayer agaynst the wicked enimies of the Godly Sathan and his wicked retinue make great haste both day and night to destroy vs and the filthinesse of the flesh striueth continually to driue vs hedlong into the disobedience of thy blessed commaundements Séeyng that therefore our minde is on sides assayled and the strength we haue become féeble and deminished through a false tongue deceiptfull wordes most pearcing stinges and deadly darts we flie vnto thée onely being the true hauen of safegarde and require that sith thou perceiuest vs to be sore and painefully troubled sundrie wayes for the sinnes and gréeuous offences we haue committed thou wouldest for thy tender mercies sake pardon and forgiue what spotte or giltinesse soeuer we are infected with ruling and gouerning vs in suche sort as wée maye laye all the burthens wherwith we are gréeuously oppressed on thée onely So shall we haue iust cause to be excéeding ioyous neyther shall it repent vs any thing at all but contrariwise wée will greatly glorie for that we haue betaken our selues wholy to thy protection and gouernment through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxv. Psalme ● prayer for ●stenaunce ●nd all kinde ●f Gods be●efites SO great and manifold are thy benefites O most good mercifull God towards mākind as al people in euery place ought greatly to land wonderfully to prayse highly to extol thy blessed name for what thing can be more pleasant to men then that thou doest easily heare them at what tyme they call vpon thée for such things as they stande in néede of In what other good thing ought we more to reioyce of then this for that thou yeeldest thy selfe appeased and fauourable to our iniquities Or why be we not right happie and blessed whome thou didst vouchsafe to annix vnto thy selfe in thy sacred cōgregatiō in féeding our hungry stomacks with spirituall good things heauenly dainties Thou dealest fauorably euen with all other creatures for thy elects
thing soeuer wée haue committed agaynst thée so that wée maye not decline anye more hereafter from the perfect waye of thy blessed commaundements then may we clayme vnto our selues the true substanciall delightes wherin our soules may liue yea and lead such a pleasant life as they may by al meanes indeuour to set forth thy most worthie prayses For séeing that we haue wandred hitherto like brute beastes therfore call thou vs away O excellent father who art our onely sauiour from the heynous errours and gréeuous sinnes we are infected withall so that euery one of vs may be wholy addicted to obey thy sacred will and holye commaundements through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen Schin Thau ALthough the malice and deceyptes of those which in the worlde are alwayes aduersaryes to thy glorye O almightie God be both mightie and of great force against our féeble courage yet notwithstanding on the contrarie part so great is the pleasure which thy sacred worde bringeth vnto vs that it is nowe déerer vnto the godly then anye spoyles bée they neuer so fatte or then any pray be it neuer so ritche for they pricke vs forward to render day by day wonderfull prayses vnto thée And this onely remayneth as a speciall comfort that thou wilt not suffer vs to be depriued of the saluation which we looke for at thy mercifull handes Our earnest request is that thou wouldest for this cause giue an attentiue and readie eare to our humble petitions that forsomuch as the righteousnesse of thy blessed law is in all pointes true and stedfast furnishe vs fully with this thy holy spirite that whatsoeuer we haue nowe chosen to kéepe through the grace thereof we may accomplishe so much as our feeble nature is able to do and where the weaknesse of the fleshe fayleth there let the inuincible power and notable strength of thy holy spirite supplie We haue wandred hitherto O Lorde God diuers wayes lyke foolish misled shéepe for vnlesse thou doest séeke vs out with a fatherly and shepherdlike prouidence we shall readily perishe in our naughtinesse and therefore suffer vs not who are in verye great daunger to walke any more in darknesse and amongst rauening Wolues through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxx. Psalme WEe being wearied and sore troubled O almightie GOD with most gréeuous and excéeding perillous mishappes A prayer agaynst the enimies of Gods diui● worde as thou right well knowest do dayly flie vnto thy gracious mercies seate humbly requiring thée to giue eare at length vnto the feruēt prayers which we alwayes make namely that thou wouldest deliuer thy blessed Church from the deceypts lyes and false ymaginations of Antichrist and his retinue For the blasphemies reproches slaunders wherewith they inuade and defame thy holy gospell may be compared to deadly sharpe arrowes and whot burning coles through which the heartes of the godly are striken wyth excéeding great sorrowe and their mindes bée inflamed with zeale and rightfull anger for the glorie of thy name We acknowledge our selues verily to haue wel deserued for to be troubled with such vncleane infection and outragious pestilence bicause we haue sinned moste heynously agaynst thée and thy diuine lawe But our earnest request is that of thy naturall and frée mercie wherewith thou art indued we who are so greatly desirous of perfect peace for the true honouring sincere celebrating and due setting out thy worthy prayse may at length attaine thereto through thy most gracious fauour sore agaynst their willes which are chiefest enimies to the peace and tranquillitie of thy faythful through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme WE know by experience O almightie God howe great the affliction and miserie of the Church is for the vices and lyes of corrupt opinions sakes which are brought into it Wherefore we humbly beséech thée to deliuer hir from this kinde of calamitie for we haue nowe at length begonne right well to vnderstande how deceyptfull and craftie the seducementes of Antichrist hath bene hitherto Cause henceforth the puyssaunt force and moste sharpe weapons of thy blessed worde to be present whereby all the subtiltie of Sathan maye be confounded and brought to nought Yea rather thurst thou in thy most mighty shaft which thou vsest diuers tymes to punishe vngodlinesse withall agaynst this pestilent plague so that all malicious snares may thereby be consumed as it were with moste whote burning coales whereas otherwise if thou doest not laye to thy moste strong and puissaunt hand our pilgrimage shall be continued in wofull miseryes and sinfull wickednesse without end For there is no hope of peace to be loked for where thy sacred truth is had in deadly contempt yea rather it séemeth dayly to be the further of from thy blessed Church the more loue and earnest desire she hath thereto Seing therfore that it behoueth vs to wage continuall warre agaynst spirituall wickednesse refuse not thou O excellent father redily to helpe such as vnfeynedly call vpon thée for the same through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxj. Psalme A prayer in necessitie for Gods diuine ●reseruation WE looke for thy assistant helpe O most mightie God with an excéeding heauinesse of minde in these our most troublesome mishaps eliuating our eyes to thee onelye through whose mightie power like as we knowe that heauen and earth was created so also our assured hope is that thou canst deliuer vs from these present mischiefes Verilye we acknowledge our sinnes to be such as they haue deserued to bée punished with these sore afflictions and greeuous chasticements For we haue not yéelded due honor and reuerence vnto thee when as thou didst call vs to the profession of thy sacred gospel but seeking our owne profite onely haue miserably neglected thy renowmed honour and famous glory Wey not therefore O good GOD this our ingratitude and wickednesse committed but for thy infinite mercies sake keepe our féete from falling by setling them so in thy holy lawe and sacred commaundementes as they swarue not at all therfro Moreouer séeme not to slumber or sleepe touching the defence and preseruation of thy blessed Church being so sore afflicted If it hath béene thy accustomable maner to defende thy faythfull seruaunts from the heate of the Sunne in the day tyme and from the colde of the Moone in the night dispise not vs that suffer so many and great tormentes through the furie and outragious woodnesse of Antichrist preserue not onely our soules and life from his subtile deuices but especially maintain thou thy pure religion which he doth most of all fight against For our earnest request is that thou wouldest so direct the begynnings and endings of our doinges in the true pathes of thy blessed cōmaundements as they may perpetually abyde in the perfect rule thereof through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SO long as wée O almightie
Iesu it behoueth vs to leade a life amongest our selues not like straungers but as brethren and sisters ought to do neither haue the godly a greater desire or more pleasure in anye thing then to be in perfect vnitie peaceable agreement in the house of God Wherefore it is no small griefe vnto vs that this brotherly affinitie is euery where rent and broken asunder which we ought warely to chéerishe and haue in great estimation But we acknowledge oure selues to haue giuen an apparaunt cause of this gréeuous vexation and sorowfull calamitie for how can it be then that we who are not knit vnto thee with our whole heart and be nothing in such wise obedient to thy sacred commaundements as thou requirest should be well ioyned togither or be in loue with our neighbours We humbly beseech thée therefore O good God to pardon whatsoeuer we haue heretofore lewdly committed agaynst thee béeing aduersaries to thy diuine lawe and sacred commaundementes and to couple vs one to another with an excéeding stedfast charitie into the sacred bodie of thy holye Church so that our louing consent faythfull agreement may spread it selfe abroade most largely as a swéete smell of mutuall loue and through the pleasaunt dew of thy heauenly blessing become euery day more fruitfull then other in good and godly workes leading of thy singuler good will not onely a quiet and peaceable life frée from the present euils in this wretched worlde but finally obteyne such a one as is blessed and euerlasting through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SEing thou hast of thy louing kindnesse O most good and mercifull God chosen all faythfull people to be thy déere children graunt that we who are brethren by a blessed generation may be fastned togither in mutuall loue long peace and perpetuall charitie so that during this lfie wée maye take perfect pleasure of such kinde of tranquilitie and also become an excéeding delectable odor towardes the perpetuall saluation of all others which be as yet straungers to thée Thy blessed Church may bee O heauenly father through this especiall example greatly wondered at of all men For certainly we know by experience that thou hast vsed to poure out a moste ample blessing vpon so many as lead an agréeable and friendly lyfe in thy healthfull doctrine and pure religion and therefore doe wée nowe requyre this earnestlye at thy mercifull handes béefore all ritches and other earthly commodities through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxiiij Psalme A prayer for fayth in our dayly peticions IT ought to be a most pleasant and ioyfull thing vnto vs O almighty God to celebrate thy high prayses perpetually and shewe forth thy marueylous workes without ceassing for the performance whereof godlinesse would require that we shoulde not onely doe the same on the day tyme but also in the night season But yet notwithstanding our most heinous sinnes and continual backslidings compell vs rather to brust out into sorowfull teares piteous sobbinges and déepe sighes wherethrough we may say alwayes before thée we verily haue sinned O good God excéeding gréeuously whose offences are more in number then the sande of the sea and Starres of the skie but nowe wée lift vp our handes vnto our holy sanctuary which is Iesus Christ thy dearely beloued Sonne so that whatsoeuer we cannot obteyne through our owne worthinesse and desertes we indeuour to atchieue the same by his onely meanes and gracious fauour We heartily require this at thy mercifull handes O most excellent father that thou wouldest at one tyme or other out of Sion that is to say out of the hid treasure of thy clemencie be fauourable vnto the people which flie to thee for succor by deliuering them from present mishaps whereby thou who diddest make heauen and earth hast vouchedsafe to call vs vnto the knowledge of thy blessed name so that we maye lawfully render abundant thankes and shewe forth thy worthy prayses with a moste free and ioyfull heart through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing thou hast bewtified all those with a notable promise O most mightie god which are knitte togither in the honouring of thy blessed name so that thou wilt not onely be present with them but also bestowest excellent benefites vpon these men whosoeuer they are that excell in sincere fayth and pure godlinesse and haue an exceeding desire to be in the blessed congregations insomuch as there is nothing which they more couet or desire then to appeare diuers tymes before thée in the sacred assemblies But bicause we see our selues greatly defiled with most heynous faultes ouerlading vs in such wise as we dare not celebrate and prayse thée as Christians ought to do our earnest request is therfore that thou wouldst of thy vnspeakable mercie infinite goodnesse and excellent clemencie deliuer vs from the Champions of Antichrist and his ministers who indeuour themselues so much as they can possible that thy faythfull seruaunts might no more assemble and meete togither for to honor thée sincerely and as they are willed to do Reserue those to thy selfe we humblye beseech thée who haue so great a desire to lift vp their handes vnto thée and to direct their prayers vnto thy mercies seate with a most holye intent shewe these men much pleasure from heauen cherishe them greatly and be their strong defence being a thing nothing impossible to thy wonderfull and inuincible power forsomuch as the whole worlde and all thinges conteyned therin were not only made by thy puissant might but also indure and bée preserued through thy omnipotencie by Iesus Christ our lord Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy vnspeakeable goodnesse is such O most merciful God as it ought alwaies to be greatly praised and highly magnified Wee will therefore lift vp pure handes in all places touching the publishing of thy glorious name render perpetuall thanks according to our bounden dutie for thy louing kindnesse extended towards vs. But seing that this ought to be done in the most sacred and holy assemblies our earnest desire is for to haue thée present there wyth vs to bestow thy plentifull blessing vpon thy beloued Israell through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxv. Psalme WHosoeuer they be that are moued by the holy ghost to assemble togither O almightie God for to celebrate thy glorious name A prayer against a 〈◊〉 and false confidence haue a wonderfull heape of benefites set out before them which thou hast most plentifully bestowed vpon vs. For looke what thinges thou hast by thy wonderfull wisdome created in heauen and earth all the same doest thou continuallye dispose according to the pleasure of thy good will causing the clowdes raine windes and other workes of nature to be in such wise obedient to thée as they serue excéeding commodiously for the vtilitie of mankinde But seeing that the
when as they shall perceyue the marueylous wisdome of thy deepe counsels and excellent deuices For though thou excellest all others in heigth yet doest thou not dispise such thinges as be humble and lowly but séemest to behold the prowde a farre of bicause thou alowest in no wise their doings We humbly require thée therefore to refreshe and quicken vs in the middest of our sorowfull tribulations and represse the violence and hatred of the outragious enimies of godlinesse so that whilest thou shalt nourishe and defende vs being the worke of thy puyssaunt handes thy infinite mercie maye be made right famous wyth eternall glorie through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxix Psalme A prayer for the knowledge of Gods diuine prouidence THy knowledge and wisdome O most mightie God is of such force as thou perfectly knowest all mens wordes déedes and thoughts who also vnderstandest the ymaginations of our mindes before we vtter them For no man is able to conceyue and euidently discerne the great wisdome thou shewest in making and fourming of our bodies if wée were comparable to the swift course of the Sunne or did excell the quickenesse of the Morning or might clime vp to heauen or go downe to hell there is no place but thou wouldst méete with vs who hast seene and moste euidently perceyued euen from the first creation the vnshapen masse of our bodies with all the members thereof when as yet there was none of them Forsomuch therefore as thou séemest to bée on all sides so wonderfull our earnest request is that thou wouldest for thy famous honors sake be at length highlye reuerenced and dulye worshipped in thy blessed Church Let the wicked and such as haue thy glorious name in great contempt depart thence but trie thy faythfull seruaunts we humbly beseech thée and search them thorowly out to the intent they may know themselues that if perhaps they swarue from the true right way as it often so happeneth by humaine infirmitie bring thou them againe of thy great goodnesse into the streight path of perpetuall felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxl. Psalme SEing that wée can looke for none other thing to procéede from wicked and vngodlye men O moste good and mercifull God then abhominable naughtinesse A prayer agaynst the venemous tongues of the vngodly for where there is a lewd heart a man can neuer sée an vprightnesse to be obserued neither in wordes nor déedes Therefore do we most earnestly call vpon thée so much as we ran possible to rid and deliuer vs from the violence and malicious enterprises of lewd persons But many are the coardes trappes and snares which the Deuill and his cursed members doe prepare agaynst the Church Bée thou thy selfe therefore hir mightie strength and puyssant preseruation by fortifying the same in such sort with thy stedfast defence at what time the battayles of temptations are fought as the lewde subtilties wherewith it is furiously assayled and vnluckely opprest maye fall and light vpon the Authors thereof Which thing if thou wilt thus doe thou shalt reteyne thy olde wont by vndershoring with thy diuine and celestiall helpe such as be vtterly destitute of mans ayde whereby the godly may continually set forth thy glorious name and inioy eternall felicitie by the fauour of thy bright and shining countenaunce through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxlj. Psalme A prayer agaynst hipocrisie WEe dayly craue for thy gracious helpe O almightie God and earnestly require this at thy mercifull hands that our feruent prayers maye be accepted with thee as a moste laudable sacrifice for séeing we perceyue it can not bée done vnlesse we refraine oure minds wholy from vice we desire thée therfore inespecially to remooue all our sinnes from vs wherewith we haue excéeding filthily defiled both our owne selues and thy glorious name also who do not kéepe this secret that we haue liued heretofore vnworthily and after a most wretched maner but acknowledge and make the same manifest before thee with a common and verye willing confession Our earnest desire is then that thou wouldst pardon thy poore suppliants by seuering our heartes in such sort hereafter from the contagion of filthie wickednesse as wée maye in no wise attaine thereto either by thought worde or deede vouchingsafe to fortifie godly mens minds with such a maner of puyssant force and renowmed godlynesse that they suffer not themselues to be deceyued with the subtile allurementes and craftie promises of the wicked but rather beate chastice and correct thou vs thy selfe O good God then permit vs to bee shaken or made tender with the subtile inticementes delectable pleasures and poysoned flatteries of mischieuous persons We be discouraged and slain as thou right well knowest and finall destruction hangeth ouer the Church notwithstanding we lift vp our eyes excéeding stedfastly towards thée and heartily require that thou wouldst deliuer vs from the subtile wiles and craftie layings awayte of execrable men But forsomuch as they are past all hope of recouerie better it is for them to be caught in their owne nettes and lewde engynes to the intent thy sacred Church may escape the mischieuous hands of those wicked and vngodly men through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme MAke hast to be present with vs O most mightie God according to thy accustomed goodnesse when we heartily inuocate and call vpon thée least we be inticed by any meanes from thy sacred worde and pure religion Let the vnfayned prayers which we poure forth ascende into thy sight like a pleasant perfume and a most acceptable sacrifice although our sinnes do not deserue the fame For we earnestly confesse euen from the heart roote that we haue verye often inclined to most hurtfull thinges and not obeyed thée hitherto in worde and wyth mouth but haue offended thée in that behalfe also and bene more readie and hastie then néedeth to committe deadly wickednesse which is the onelye cause why thou doest nowe thus gréeuouslye rebuke and chastice vs. But graunt this O good God for thy excéeding great goodnesse and infinit mercies sake that we may assuredly know these thy fauorable chasticements to be the m●ere benefites of thy most fatherly good affection towardes vs so that when as they procéede from thy diuine prouidence wee maye both accompt and also estéeme them more profitable then if we inioyed marueilous aboundantly the loue of the world and pleasure of vngodly persons for our assured affiance is such in thee as we knowe most certainly that it is thy accustomed vse to helpe them so that they craue the same at thy fauourable handes whose bones are both broken a sunder and also dispersed in such wise as though they should go downe out of hand into hell Forsake not therefore the Church according to thy woonted maner in these perillous dayes at what time she is