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A04924 The copie of a letter, sent to the ladye Mary dowagire, Regent of Scotland, by Iohn Knox in the yeare. 1556. Here is also a notable sermon, made by the sayde Iohn Knox, wherin is euydentlye proued that the masse is and alwayes hath ben abhominable before God and idolatrye Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1556 (1556) STC 15066; ESTC S106838 35,093 130

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I cōsidet y t your gr power is not so fre as a publik reformation perchance woulde requyre But if your grace shal consider the daunger and damnation perpetuall which ineurtably hāgeth vpon all mainteyners of a fals religion Then shall the greatest daunger easely deuoure swallow vp the smaller If your grace shall consiver that either ye must serue God to lyfe euerlasting or els serue the worlde to death and 〈…〉 Then albeit man and a●●gel 〈◊〉 diss●ade you ye will 〈◊〉 lyfe and refuse death And 〈◊〉 further ye shall consider th● the very lyfe cōsiste●h in the knowledge of the onelye trewe God and of his sonne Christ Iesus And that trewe knowledge hath ●●●●red with it goddes trew 〈…〉 and honor whiche requireth a testimony of his own will expressed by his worde that ●● he honor doeth please him If youre grace I say shall earnestly meditate these thigs afore sayde Then albeit sodenlye ye may not do all thinges y ● ye wold yet shall ye not cease to do what ye maye Your grace can not hasetely abolishe all superstition neither yet remoue from offices vnprofitable pastors whiche onely fede them selfs the which to publique reformation are requisite and necessary But yet if the zele of goddes glory be feruēt in your graces hart ▪ by wicked lawes ye will not mainteyn manifest Idolatrye neither yet will ye suffer y ● fury of bisshoppes to murther deuoure the poore membres of Christes body But withall cares full diligence ye will study how that the trewe worshippinge of God maye be promoted and the tyranny of vngodly men repressed within the boundes of youre dominiō to the vttermost of your power And if the contrary hereof either by ignorance or for pleasure of others ye do or permit to be dō then except your spedy repētāce shall ye your 〈◊〉 sodenly f●●ll the depressing hande of him who hath exalted you Ye shalbe compelled ▪ 〈…〉 wil ye to know that he is eternal against whome ye add●●sse your battel And that he is alone ▪ that ●●de●a●eth y e tymes and 〈…〉 kingdomes 〈◊〉 ●● is he that glorifieth them that glorifie him And y t he by his owne power poureth forth cōtēpt vpon all 〈◊〉 y t ●●bell against his graces ●●●er And therefore how dangerous soeuer it shal appeare to the fleshe and natural mā●o obey God in promoting his religion and to make warre against the deuill in ●emeuinge darknes pryde superstition Yet if youre grace loke to haue your self or yet youre sede after you to continue in a worldely honor and after to possesse the lyfe euerlasting submit youre self by time vnder the hande of hym that is omnipotēt embrace his will despise not hys testament refuse not hys graces offerre Nowe when he calleth you withdrawe not youre care be not led awaye with that vayn opiniō that youre churche and prelates can not e●re but laye the ●ooke of God before youre eyes and lette it bee iudge to their lyues doctrine and māners as also to that doctryne whyche by fyre and swearde moste cruelly they persecute I confesse that I desyre your grace to entre into a straunge greuous battel neuertheles yet assured I am by the promes of him by whome kynges do raygn that if with reuerence and feare ye obey his preceptes as did Iosias the admonitsons of the prophetes that then with doble benediction shall your bauell be rewarded that is wisedom ryches glory he ●or and longe lyfe shall accompany you in this your regiment temporal and unmortalitie w●●h ●oy inestimable shalbe your portion when the king of all kinges ▪ the Lord Iesus shal appere to iudgemente before whome ye shall make accompt of this youre regyment ▪ when the proude and disobedient shall cry mountaynes ●●ll vpon vs and hyde vs frome the face of the Lorde But then it shalbe too late because they desp●sed the voyce of him that lo●●ngly calleth GOd the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe by the power of his holy spirite so illumi●ate youre senses and vnderstanding that the things that rudely be here spoken by youre grace so may be accepted that they be not a testimony of youre iuste damnation in that greate daye of the Lorde Iesus to whose mighty protection I vnfaynedlye committe youre grace nowe and euer Amen ¶ The fourth of Aprill In the yeare 1550. was appointed to Ihon Knor to geue his confessiō why he affirmed the masse idolatrye which daye in presence of the counsell and congregation amōgest whome was also present the bisshop of Dureham hys doctors on this māner he begynneth THis day I doe appeare in your pres●ce honorable audience ●o geue a reason why so constantly I do affirme the masse to be and all tymes to haue ben Idolatry abominatiō before God And because men of greate erudition in youre audience affirmed the contrarye moste gladly wolde I that here th●● were present either in proper person or els by their learned mē to pōder and ●ey the causes mouing me therto For oneles I euydently proue myne entent by goddes scriptures I wil recant it as 〈◊〉 doctrine and confesse myself moste worthy of greuous punishment Howe difficillitis to pul forth of the haries of the people y ● thing wherein opinion of holynes stādeth declareth the greate tumult and ●pro●● moued against Paul by 〈◊〉 and his fellowes who by Idolatry ●●t great aduāta●●e ●● 〈◊〉 priestes haue done by the masse in times past The people I say hearing that the honor of their great goddes Diana stoode in i●o●ardy with furious ●●yces cried great is Diana of y ● ●phesians as they wolde saye ●e will not haue the magnificēce ●● our great goddes Diana whō not onely Asia but the hole world worshippeth called in doubt cūin question or cōtrauersy Away with all menne intendinge that impietie And hereunto were the● moued by longe custome and fals opinion I knowe that in the masse hath not onely ben estemed great holynes and honoringe of God but also the grounde and foundation of oure religion so that in opiniō of many the masse taken awaye there resteth no trew worshippīg nor honoring of God in y e earthe The deper hath it persed the hartes of men that it occupieth the place of the last and mistical supper of our Lorde Iesus But if I ●●all by play● and euident scriptures proue the masse in her most honest garment to haue ben Idolatrye before God and blasphemous to the death and passion of Christ cōtrary to the supper of Iesus Christ thē good hope haue I ▪ honorable audience beloued brethren that the feare loue and obediēce of God who in his scriptures hath spoken all veritie necessary for our saluatō shal moue you to 〈…〉 place vnto the same ¶ O Lorde eternall moue gouerne my tung to speake y e 〈◊〉 and the hartes of the people to vnderstande and to obey the same That ye maye the better perceyue and
was nothinge pre●udiciall too the libertie of Christians For with the time as the Iewes grew more strong were better instructed they wolde be nothinge offended for suche matters And therfore commaunded they the gentils too absteyn for a tyme. For that it was not a perpetuall precept declareth this day when no man holdeth eatinge of suche thinges synne But what precept had they so to do The last and new precept geuen by Iesus Christ to hys disciples that euery one loue other as he hathe loued vs. May not Christiā loue commaunde that none of vs do in the sight of other that which may offende or trouble the conscience of the infirme and weake So witnesseth Paule affirming that if a man eate with offence he synneth And by vertue of this same precepte the apostles forbid that the gentils shall eate thinges offerred vnto Idols c that bearig some parte with the infirmitie of the Iewes they might grow together in mutuall amitie Christiā loue And these are the traditions of the ▪ Seniours whiche Paule commaunded to be obserued I praye you what similitude haue oure papisticall lawes with thys precept of the apostles But greatly it is to be maruayled that men do not aduerte that the bo●e of the Lordes law that is of all his ordinaūces testamēt promyse and exhibition thereof was sealed and confirmed in the dayes of the apostles the effecte and contentes thereof promulgate and published so that moste extreme unpietie it is too make any alteration therein Yea and the wrath and fearfull maledictiō of God is denunced to fall vpon all them that dare attēpt to adde or diminishe any thynge in his religion confirmed and proclamed by his owne voyce O papistes where shall ye hyde you frome the presence of the Lorde ye haue peruerted his lawe ye haue taken away his ordinaunces ye haue placed vp iour own statutes in stead of his Wo and dānation abideth you Albeit that y e apostles had made Lawes other then the expresse worde commaunded what apper teyneth that to you haue ye the spirite of trueth and knowledge in aboundaunce as they hadde was the churche of Christe lefte vnperfyte after the Apostles dayes Bringe your selfes to mynde and be ashamed of youre vanitie For all men whose eyes Sathan hath not blynded may espye that neither wysedome nor authoritie of man may change or set vp any thinge in y ● religion of God without his owne expresse commandement and woorde And thus I thinke the first parte of my argument sufficiently proued whiche is that all worshipping honoring or seruice of God inuented by the brayne of man in the religion of God withoute his owne expresse commaundement is Idolatry But in vayn will some thinke that all this laboure haue I tak● for no man of hole iudgement any parte of this wolde haue denyed nor yet doeth it proue any thynge of m●ne entent For the masse is not the inuention of man but the very ordinance of God Then descende I to proue the masse to be the mere inuention of man setvp withoute all commaundement of God And first of this name Missa whiche we call the mas●e wold I aske at such as wolde defend that papisticall abomination of what spirite is it inuented That missa shall signifye a sacrifice for y ● synnes of the quicke and the dead Of the spirit of God or of y ● spirit of mā or of what originall is it descended Some will answer from the Hebrew dictiō Missah whiche after some doeth signifye an oblation or a gifte Lyke as tribute whiche the inferior offereth or payeth to the superiour In the Hebrue tunge I confesse my self ignorant but haue as God knoweth feruent thirst to haue some entrāce therin and so of the Hebrue dic●ion can not contend But men of great iudgemēt in the same ●ūge say y ● no where in scriptures Missah betokeneth an oblation But admitting that so it did what shal they be able to proue there by My questiō is if the spirite of god hath inuented pronounced thys dictiō Missa to signifie a sacrifice for the sinnes of the quicke and the dead which if they be not able to preue than must they nedes confesse that it is of mans inuencion and not of gods impositiō I cold geue vnto them a more apperante cause and der●●acion of that diction Missa but of y ● name I am not greatly sol●● Secondly I desire to be certified what they call their masse Whether the hole actyon wyth all ceremonyes vsed now of olde or a part thereof It wil not satisfie the hartes of all godly to say S. Iames and S. Peter celebrated the firste Masse in Ierusalem or Antioche If it so wer one of y ● two celebrated first and the other after but neither of ● two can be proued by scripture Great meruayl it is that so manifestly men shame not to lie Peter and Iames saye the papistes celebrated the firste masse But I shall proue that pope Sixtus was ●he first that did institute y ● Aulters ●elix the firste of that name did consecrate them and the temples bothe Bonifacius commaūded y e aulters to be couered with cleane clothes Gregorius Magnus commaunded the candels to be lighted at the Euangile dyd institute certeyn clothes Pontianus commaunded Cōfiteor to be sayde And wherefore shoulde I troble you myself both in reciting what euery Pope added ye may for two pēce haue the knowlege what euery pope added vntil at last was cōpact set vp the hole bodi of y ● blasphemous Idoland yete shame they not to say S. Peter sayed the firste masse although that many hundreth yeares after hym no suche abominable ceremonies were inuented But they say all thie ceremonies are not of the substance of y e masse but are added for good causes What commaundement haue thei receyued to adde any thing to the ordinance of God for any cause appearing to them But let them certifye me what is the masse The Canō wil they answer with the wordes of consecration Who is a 〈…〉 or of the Canon can they precysely tell Be well aduised before ye aunswer lest by neglecting yourself ye be proued lyars Will ye saye that y e apostles vsed your Canon ▪ so ye haue affirmed in tymes past I● the Canon descended from the apostles to y ● popes bolde maleparte impietie it had ben to haue added anye thynge thereto For a Canon is a full and sufficient rule which in all partes and pointes is perfyte But I will proue diuers Popes to haue added their portions too this holye Canon If they will deny aduyse what added Sergius what Leo and what added Leo and what added the two Alexanders for I 〈…〉 ay not abyde presently to recite all But if they doubte their owne lawe shall certefye them Secondly the remembraunce of the names of suche men who were not borne manye hundreth yeares after the dayes of y ● Apostles
●he masse to be in goddes presece that onles ye decline frō the same to lyfe can ye neuer atteyn And therfore brethren flye frō that Idolatry rather then frome the present death Here wolde I haue spoken of the diuersitie of sacrifice but neyther doeth tyme nor the wickednesse of myne owne flesh permit that so I do I will ye obserue y ● where I saye there resteth no sacrifice nor yet is there anye priestes that I meane that there resteth no sacrifice too be offred for synne nor yet is there any priests hauynge power to offre such oblations Otherwise I do knowe that all true Christiās are kynges and priestes and doe dayly offre vnto God a sacrifice moste acceptable the mortification of their affections as Paule commaunded the Romayns But here of may not I remayne too speake presently Suche doctrine as was taught in youre audience vpon Sonday before noon I wil proue as oportunitie shall permitte by goddes scriptures not only vnprofitable but also erroneous and deceyuable But firste accordinge too my promes I will seude vnto the teacher the extracte therof to adde or diminishe as by hys wysedome shalbe thought moste expediente ▪ For God knoweth my mynde is not capt●oush too tryppe men in wordes But my onely desyre beynge that ye my audience bee instructe in the veritie where frō dissenteth some doctrine taughte you if truelye I haue collected moueth me to speake againste al that maye haue appearaunce of lyes and superstition And praye with me brethren that the spirite maye be ministred vnto me in aboundance to speake at all times as becommeth a trew messenger And I will lykewyse praye that ye might heare vnderstande and obeye with all reuerēce the good wil of God declared vntoo the worlde by Iesus Christ whose omnipotente spirite remayn with you for euer ▪ Amen ¶ Here is briefly declared in a sumine accordynge to the holy scriptures what opinion we Christians haue of the Lordes supper called the Sacramente of the bodye and bloudde of oure sauyoure Iesus Christ FIrste we confesse that it is an holy action ordeyned of God in the whiche the Lorde Iesus by earthely and visible thinges sette before vs lifteth vs vp vnto heauenly and inuisible thinges And that whan he hadde prepared hys spirituall ban●●et he witnessed y e he hym self was the lyuely bread wherewith oure soules bee fedde vnto euerlastinge lyfe And therefore in settinge forthe breade and wyne to eate drynk he confirmeth and sealeth vp too vs hys promisse and communion that is that we shalbe partakers with hym in hys kyngedome and representeth vnto vs and maketh playne to oure senses his heauēly giftes and alsoo geueth vnto vs himself to be receiued with faith and not with mouthe nor yet by transfusion of substaunce but so throw the vertue of y e holy Ghost that we beynge fedde with hys fleshe refreshed with his bloud maye be renewed both vnto trew godlines and to immortalitie And also that here with the Lord Iesus gathereth vs into one visible body so that we be mēbres one of an other and make altogether one bodye where of Iesus Chrste is head And finally that by the same Sacrament the Lord calleth vs to remēbraunce of hys deathe and passion too styrre vp oure hartes to prayse his moste holy name Sarthermore we acknowledge that this Sacramēt oughte to become vnto reuerētly considering there is exhibited and geuen a te 〈…〉 of the wonderfull soc●●tie and ●uyttinge together of the lord Iesus and of the receyuers and also that there is included and conteyned in this sacrament that he will preserue his churche for herein we be commāded to shew the Lordes death vntill he come Also we beleue that it is a confession wherein we sheroe what kynd of doctrine we professe and what congregation we toyne our selfes vnto And lykewise that it is a bōde of mutuall loue amōgst vs. And finally we beleue that al the commers vnto thys holy supper muste bringe with them their conuersion vnto the LORD by vnfayned repentaunce in faythe and in thys Sacramente receyue thee seales and confirmation of their faythe and yet muste in nowise think that for this works sake their syns be forgeuen And as concerning these wordes Hoc est corpus meū this is my body on whiche the papistes depend so much sayeng that we must nedes beleue that the breade wyne bee transubstanciated intoo Christes body bloud We acknowledge y e it is no artikel of our fayth which cāsaue vs nor which we are boūd to beleue vpō payn of eternal dānation For if we should beleue y ● hys very naturall body both flesh and bloude were naturally in the bred wyne that should not saue vs seinge many beleue that yet receyue it to their damnation For it is not his presence in the bread that can saue vs but his presence in our hartes through fayth in his bloud which hath washed out our synnes and pacified the fathers wrath towardes vs. And agayne if we doe not beleue hys bodielye presence in the bread wyne that shall not damne vs but the absēce out of our hart thorow vnbelefe Now if they wolde here obiecte that though it be trueth that y e absence out of the breade coulde not damne vs yet are we bounde to beleue it because of gods worde saying thys is my bodye whiche who beleueth not as muche as in him lieth maketh God a lyar and therfore of an obstinat mynd not to beleue hys worde maye be our damnation To this we aunswere that we beleue gods worde confesse that it is trew būt not so too be vnderstande as the papistes grossely affirme form the Sacramēt we receiue Christ spiritually as dyd the fathers of the olde testament accordinge to S. Paules sayeng And if men wolde well wey how that Christ ordeyning this holy sacrament of hys bodye and bloud spoke these wordes sacramentally doubtles they wolde neuer so grossely foolishely vnderstand them contrary to all the scriptures and to the exposition of saynct Augustyn sayncte Hierome Fulgentius Digilius Origenes and many other godly writers Gene. ● Math. 10 ▪ Actes 1● ▪ 〈…〉 〈…〉 1● 〈…〉 ▪ 40. ●l 51. ●●90 ● ● Reg. 25. Iere. 52. Daniel 1. Esai ● Ephe. 2. Iosua 2. Math. 5. Math. 10. ●●● 20. Rom ▪ 1. ● Pet. 2. The state Apo. 14. 1● Psalm ● Acto 4. Luc. 16. O se 4 ▪ ● ▪ Math. 20. Math. ● ● Thes ● Deu. 4. 12. Math. 15. ●e 13. 1● Leut. 10. Math. 7 Ac. 1. 13. 14. 1. Cor. 11. Apoca. ● Nota. ● Re. 15. a. Pa. 17. 4. Re. 22 2. Pa. 29 ●9 ●● No parte of religion remaineth vncorrupt ▪ A peticion An obiection of the fleshe An answer Matth. 6. ●●● 6. ● ●●● 1● Iohn 17. Iohn 4. ●a●● 2. Iere. 〈◊〉 ● 〈◊〉 2. Coūsaill 3 Par. ●4 Matth. 24 O●● 10. ●●●● 9 ▪ 1. Reg. 1●● ● 〈…〉 1● Nota. Dem. 4. Leui. 10. Obiection Apoca. ● Obiection Preceptes were geuē The cause of the counsail at Ierusalem Cornelius Conclusiō of the con̄sayll Question Obiection Nota. Pape qu● missam instituerunt Euasion Impro●●tion of the Canon Nota. Esay 66. Amos. 5. Esai 66. Iere. 7. Esay 55. Esai 18. Ose 7. Iere. 2. Nota. Opinion holden of the masse Nota. Hebre. 10. Aunswere of papists Contra. Nota. Hebre. 7. Papistes Aunswere ▪ Heb. 9. Hebr. 10. Nota. Question Papistes aduerte Euasion Papistes Esai 27. Iere. 14. Esai 9. Iere. 31. Collos 1. Nota. Ioan. 6. ☞ ▪ Question ☞ ☜ Obiection Aunswer 1. Cor. 11.