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A04901 A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselues the Familie of Loue by I. Knewstub. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1579 (1579) STC 15040; ESTC S108097 192,800 286

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as a thing vnneedefull not once distincting vnto whom the seruice after the ordinaunce of Aaron is yet necessary nor yet with whom the same at the appoynted time ceaseth or leaueth of but haue al for the most parte cried Christ Christ and we are Christians and attributed to themselues much freedome ere euer the time of the appearing of Christ or the annointing of the holy Ghost was come to passe or fulfilled with them in the accomplishing of the olde Testament Oh that they yet nowe awaked and tooke heede in the woorde of the seruice of loue vnto this gratious time and gaue eare vnto the same that they might vnderstande their safemaking and so then bee rightly and according to the trueth brought to the true beyng that is vnto Christ You heare that hee complayneth greately of the Scripture learned that they haue altogether and generally leaste the Leuiticall Priesshoode and seruice after the ordinaunce of Aaron forbidding it vnto all without exception when as the time of the appearing of Christ is not yet come to passe with many because they haue not taken heede in the woorde of the seruice of loue vnto this gracious time and therefore hee wisheth in the tenth Section that they yet woulde nowe awake and take heede in the woorde of the seruice of loue vnto this gratious time that so they might rightly and acording to the trueth bee brought to the true beyng that is as he saieth vnto Christ for these be his owne woordes in this place And so then be rightly and according to the truth brought vnto the true beeing that is vnto Christ So that nowe you see clerely by receiuing effectually this his doctrine men are made that true light whereof he spake before in this chapter when as he saide And this same true light is the annoynted with the holy Ghost which is named in Hebrue Messias and in Greeke Christus In the sixth Section hee declareth when men may be saide to come to this true being and perfection which he calleth Christ To witte when the law and seruices doe chaunge with the beleeuers out of the letter and seruiceable woorde into the reuealing of the holie spirite of Christ For then as hee sayeth in that Section The honourable Priest is come vnto them who teacheth not after the maner of Aaron by requiring them yet to obserue the will or righteousnes of the law but after the maner of Melchisedech bringing with him the blessing the accōplishing of the law the saluation of life the annointing of the holy Ghost these be his words Where now thē the law the seruices do in such wise change by the beleeuers of the annointed to witte out of the figures into the true beeing and out of the letter and seruiceable worde into the reuealing of the holy spirite of Christ there is also then by these same the Priest his office chaunged for Christ the honourable Priest cōmeth vnto them from the right hand of God the Father out of the heauenly beeyng which hath or vseth not his seruice after the maner or ordināce of Aaron which is yet a teaching and requiring to obserue the will or the righteousnesse of the lawe of the Lorde but after the maner or ordinance of Melchisedech with bringeth with him the blessing the accomplishing of the lawe or of the Lorde his will the saluation of life and the annointing of the holy Ghost to a pleadge of the godly inheritance to an euerlasting treasure or riches of God and reigneth in the righteousnes of the same See the miserie of this mischiefe hee will haue Christ to bee an estate in man which leaueth the written woorde which hee calleth the letter and hearkeneth wholly to the reuelation of the spirit which banisheth Aaron that is that estate which is carefull to doe the will and commaundementes of God and resteth resolued that they haue already accomplished the lawe and sinne no more And this is that true seede of promise whereof wee heard before out of the eightienth chapter of this booke which is not as he sayeth conceiued of the fleshe but of the holy Ghost through the power of the most highest in the beleefe this seede out of the faith of Abraham also of the pure virgin Marie is as he saith in that place the true seede of the promise to the blessing of all generations of the earth And this seede he calleth the vpright children of the beliefe Albeit I haue set downe the wordes before yet it shall not be amisse to recite the place againe worde for worde as it lieth there Consider ye beloued howe that there is shewed vnto vs and geuen vs to vnderstand through the speches of the Angel Gabriel which he vsed with Mary that at the same time when the holy Ghost came through the power of the most highest vpon the Virgin Marie and procreated the true seede of promise the time of the procreating of the seede of Abraham according to the fleshe turned it selfe about to wit that the holy and true seede of Abraham should not from thenceforth be conceiued of the flesh but of the holy Ghost through the power of the most highest in the belief that the same should euē so be borne out of the true faith of Abrahā for the seed out of the faith of Abraham out of the pure virgin Mary is the true seed of promise to the blessing of all generations of the earth And thus from that time foorth the Genealogie of the seede of Abraham according to the fleshe ceassed with the Beleeuers for the vpright children of the belief which had their discent out of the seed of the faith of Abraham and of the pure Virgin Mary as also frō the holie Ghost were knowē to be the true seede of Abraham because the same seede was the seede of the promise of God the Father was likewise in his minde according to the spirite the likenes of God his father also spirit spirituall of the godly nature being according to the will of God wholly minded with God. It appeareth likewise plainely in that his booke which is intituled The Prophesie of the spirit of loue chapter xv v. Section that this state of perfection which is there called the seconde birth is Christ Iesus the Lord and sauiour These be his woordes O ye holy ones of God thou louely communaltie of loue feare not but be nowe of good cheere vpon the earth against all your enimies For beholde your GOD commeth to be auenged on all your enimies for to lay them that they may bee troden downe vnder the feete of your Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ and euen so in your second birth out of the holy spirite of the loue of Iesus Christ to transporte or yeeld ouer the iudgement and dominion vpon the earth vnto you and your Sauiour Iesus Christ to the ende that yee with him and he with you and your sauiour Iesus Christ and with his
in the same But to omit coniectures how euident soeuer they bee and to come to the matter iustified and warraunted by expresse writing howe is it that H. N. professeth that his holy Ghost becommeth poured foorth as he speaketh in the oldnesse of the time when men haue followed Christe in the death of his crosse vnto the newe life or seconde birth Can men make any beginning in Christianitie before the spirit of God bee geeuen vnto them Nay can they truely cōceine of that way before they be lightened with the spirite of God Doeth not the Apostle plainly affirme That no man knoweth the things of God but the spirite of God And therefore in the next verse confesseth That they had receiued the spirite of GOD whereby they myght knowe the thinges that were geuen them of GOD Haue the seruantes of GOD his spirite powred vppon them when they haue beene dead vnto sinne is it not by the power of the spirite of GOD that they die vnto sinne aswell as they that lyue vnto righteousnesse Doeth not the Apostle attribute the mortifiyng of the deedes of the body to the spirite in these woordes If yee mortifie the deedes of the body by the spirite yee shall liue Howe then dare H.N. vtter suche dangerous dreames as these bee of the holy Ghoste that hee shoulde not bee geuen vnto the seruauntes of GOD before they haue altogeather left sinne and become vtterly dead vnto the same For hee is of opinion that the holy ghost is not graunted vnto his familie before that time that Christe in the spirite as was spoken before appeare vnto them and they become partakers and possessed of that estate of perfection which hee dreameth of And therefore as was declared before he calleth the visible comming of the holy Ghost vpon the Apostles whereof mention is made in the second of the Actes the appearing of Christe in the spirite For that estate which his familie are partakers of before this perfection was called before the estate of the man in his youngnes and here it is called the dayes of the pacience of Christ in the obedience of the holy and gracious woorde and his seruice of loue and the keeping of the doctrine of his patience Now saith H.N. when those dayes of the pacience of Christ are fulfilled and when they haue kept the woorde of his pacience vnto the ende then becometh the holy Ghost powred foorth vpon suche from the right hande of GOD. By this doctrine in my iudgement H. N dealeth hardly with the man in his youngnesse For yf it shoulde please the Lorde to call any of his familie before they were come to this perfection which hee speaketh of they shoulde dye as reprobates out of the fauour of GOD the heires of euerlasting destruction For as saint Paule testifieth If any man haue not the spirite of Christ the same is not his and by this doctrine of H. N. they are not partakers thereof before those dayes of the pacience of Christe bee fully expired and this estate of perfection entred which hee calleth the second birth from the dead or the new life of the true beeyng of Christe H. N. Which vpright beleuers that folowe after Christ in death life become baptized or washed through Christ in the pure and liuing waters of the holy ghost those same shal also i become powred foorth ouer thē with ful clearenesse of God abūdantly for euen so through shedding foorth of the holy Ghoste ouer the vpright beleeuers in Christ vnder the obedience of the loue of the holy Ghost doeth Christ make manifest his holy church the cōmunialtie of his holy ones and establisheth on the same the promises of God his heauenly father and euen so plainely sheweth who are the right Christians in what maner of wise that they become baptized vnder the obedience of the beliefe of Iesu Christ in the name of the holy Ghost And that is the vpright christian baptisme in the name of the holy Ghost and it is the true seconde byrth out of the holy Ghost the ttue loue of GOD and Christ Answeare THese vpright beleeuers haue the waters of the holy Ghost as H. N. affirmeth powred foorth ouer them with full cleerenes of God abundantly and thus doth Christ make manifest his holy Churche vnder the obedience of the loue through the shedding foorth of the holy Ghost who is nothing els but the loue of God Christ with H.N. as appeareth in the lasse lyne of the last Section and this he calleth the baptisme in the name of the holy Ghost This doctrine hath bene confuted before there is nothing therefore remayning now but to geue you a sight of those absurde thinges which follow vppon it First of all by this doctrine H.N. his Christ in the spirite and his holie Ghost be all one Secondly the holie Ghost is not geuen but to them that are of this familie and subscribe to the doctrine and religion of H.N. Thirdly sinne is subdued before the holie Ghost bee graunted and geuen vnto them Fourthly Baptisme is no cutwarde seale and assurance of that good will the Lord beareth vnto vs but an inwarde perfect obedience that wee yeelde vnto him And last of al the holie Ghost is not that with begetteth in vs the loue of God Christ as it is written but it is the verie loue it self of God and Christ and nothing else These errours be so euident that if nothing had bene saide seuerally vnto them before being once brought out vnto the barre and arrayned a man woulde thinke they would at the first haue yeelded confessed and neuer for shame by pleading not guiltie haue made any further trouble vnto the countrie for their tryall H. N. Wee confesse that they all which become not grounded in this same vpright faith of Iesu Christ nor become euen so baptized as is before mencioned in the first article in the name of the Father vnder the obedience of the loue of the father and his lawe and as is before mencioned in the fourth article in the name of the Sonne vnder the obedience of the loue of the sonne and his beliefe and as is before mencioned in this 8. article in the name of the holie Ghost vnder the obedience of the loue of the holy Ghoste and his renuing of the life minde are no true Christians and that they also all that boast themselues to be Christians without this same vpright faith and baptisme are doubteles false christians Sectio 33. Therefore shall nowe in this same day of the loue the worde that the Lord Iesus hath spoken cōcerning the true be liefe and baptisme be a iudge also become fulfilled founde verie true and make knowen the beleeuers from the vnbeleeuers Section 34. For verilie who so beleeueth and becōmeth baptized after this maner like as we here confesse or acknowledge according to the word of Iesu Christ the vpright faith
A Confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies taught by H. N. and embraced of a number who call themselues the Familie of Loue. by I. Knewstub Ephe. 4.14.15 Henceforth let vs be no more children vvauering and caried about vvith euerie vvind of doctrine by the deceit of men and vvith craftinesse vvhereby they lay in vvaite to deceiue But let vs follovv the truth in loue and in all thinges grovv vp into him vvhich is the head that is Christ Seene and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties Iniunctions ¶ Imprinted in London at the three Cranes in the Vine-tree by Thomas Dawson for Richard Sergier 1579. To the right honorable his very good Lord and Maister Ambrose Earle of Warwick maister of her maiesties Ordinance Knight of the noble order of the Garter and one of her highnesse moste honorable priuie Councel Iohn Knewstub wisheth increase of all true happinesse and honour with the continuall comfort of a good conscience GReate haue beene those harmes right honorable and my very good Lord which the Church of God in euery age hath suffred at the hands of straungers open enemies vnto the trueth but yet nothing so grieuous as that hurte which she hath frō time to time had at home by some who haue long layen in her owne bosome and as Children beene serued from her owne table For as ciuill warre is alwayes more dangerous then foraine force So the enemyes within the church be they who of al other deale with greatest danger against the Church Against the force of an open enimy we haue the strength of a double wall the credite of a cause for Religion the concorde of our mindes But these walles are wanting when the Church dealeth against enimyes gone out from her which sometimes haue been of her For touching the cause of religion they wil be equall with vs touching the points wherin we differ they may be thought euen of some who are no sworne enemyes vnto Religion if matters be not very wisely with great iudgemēt examined to ouermatch vs For the continuance of friendship as they pretend vnto Religion seemeth to assure vs that their profiting in knowledge and iudgement and no other cause hath moued them aswell to be diuers from them selues as to departe from vs As for the professed enemie he is more hardened against our cause and better armed against our selues when he seeth the cause it selfe as it were parted by opinion and vs deuided from our selues in affection These enemyes of the Church do both strengthen the enemies arme abrode and also discourage the friendes at home yet hath the true Church alwayes beene subiect to this tryal euen when Doctrine was moste pure and pastors most painfull Was not Moses in his time troubled with Iannes and Iambres Paule in his time with Hymenaeus and Phyletus Iohn the Euangelist with a multitude of Antichristes and yet I thinke no man dare take exception either against the puritie of doctrine at those times or against the trauell paynes of those persons Neyther haue we onely examples to tell vs it hath bene so but doctrine left in the Church to tel vs that it must be so There were false Prophetes among the people sayeth Saint Peter euen as there shall bee false teachers among you which priuily shall bring in damnable Heresies denying the Lorde that hath bought them There muste bee heresies sayeth Saint Paule euen among you that they which are proued among you may be knowne The causes why it must be thus with the Church doe I finde in the scripture to be these that the good may bee tried and knowne the wicked foūd out punished The good are tried whether they loue the Lord aswel by their affection towarde the doctrine of Christe as by their fruits of conuersation For there is no man that loueth an other who is not studious of his disposition to knowe what is well liked of him and acceptable vnto him that he may serue his humour and be set a woorke to his good liking and pleasure So that hee who hath bestowed no study that way either is not otherwise setled in iudgement or moued with affection but that euery seducer may deceiue him doeth plainely declare therein that he beareth no loue towards him Punishment is executed against the wicked either by giuing them vp into heresies and erronious opinions for that hauinge the trueth in knowledge they made no conscience of it neither in affection did beare any loue towarde it either else because not submitting them selues to the simplicitie of the word they haue desired to be fed with curious questions matters of witte and subtile speculations Of both those offences we are not onely warned off by the doctrine of the woorde but also by the heauy iudgement of God which did fall vpon certaine offenders herein whereof there is expresse menciō made in the word Great is the grossenes thē of the Papists who therfore stūble at the true church because some proue heretiques that haue beene brought vp in the bosome therof as if they had neuer red this in the Scripture spoken in the person of the Church They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they woulde haue continued with vs but greater is the carelessenesse of many that would be accounted Christians who notwithstanding all these heauie examples and visible warnings of Gods wrath bee not touched for all that with care to ioyne conscience vnto knowledge and to let a good iudgement haue the honour of a louing affection alwayes waiting vpon it May professors of the trueth now possibly bee any longer satisfied with bare profession when the almightie hath alredy takē the reuengmēt therof into his own hands begun to driue such out of their dennes to hunt them out of their lurking holes and not to leaue them before hee haue brought their deserued iudgement of palpable blindenesse vpon them so that we se them before our eyes glory in their shame and put vpon them as a garment of honour the couering of confusion therefore the punishment of God fallen now visibly vpon this family is the iudgement of bare professors and carnal Gospellers In these persons they al are arrained found giltie iudged Now haue we learned by tryall experience that the Gospel disdaineth the sole attendance of our knowledge and looketh to bee receiued in like manner with a good heart and friendly affection And good cause and reason there is why it should be so for who is so meane amongst men that would be content with this entertainmēt amongst his friendes if at his comming to them they would vouchsafe to name him and take knowledge that they had seene him And is not this the best welcome that many in these dayes doe make the Gospel they are content to speake to it take knowledge of it but they are but a few that so friendly do entertaine
great and terrible day of the Lord of the righteous iudgemēt of God which shall burne in wrath or fire ouer all vngodly which haue dispised the loue in her seruice and requiring and refused the fatherly correction as a fire to their euerlasting condemnation in the fire of hell which is prepared for the deuill and his angels or ministers In which preseruation and extending of grace or Section 9 merciful fauour of our God sauiour God the father with the discipline of his lawe manneth himselfe according to the inward man with vs and we become like wise with the cleerenesse of his godly light wherwith all he with the law of his chastising is alwaies against vs in the sin godded or made conformable in a good willing spirit to the vpright righteousnesse with him to the end that wee through his owne beeing should beare or cary as men of God his holie name vnder the obedience of his lawe and liue and walke euen so according to the lawe or ordinaunce of his true beeing in all loue Answeare The Riddels darke speaches of H.N. I meane God willing to touch hereafter in a place proper peculiar to that matter the name of father that we may learne with Alphabetaryes first to spel and then to ioyne together signifieth his loue as appeareth by the last line of the former Section the line that went immediatly before this By plucked or plucking hee meaneth Baptising as appeareth out of the fourth Section and first line Sauiour is a preseruation in all godlinesse and noteth vnto vs an estate when men are voide and free from sinne and walke in all loue as is apparant in the 8. and 9. Section The very like being substance of his Godhead is nothing else but loue as appeareth by the last line of the 2. Section Now to ioyne these together this he affirmeth that we thorow the seruice of H.N. his holie gratious word our obedience thereunto are led of the father to the loue of Iesus Christ So that by his doctrine God the father bringeth vs no otherwise then by the hand of our owne obedience vnto the loue of Iesus Christ Our obediēce must necessarilie go before for we are to passe thorowe the seruice of the holie and gratious worde vnder the obedience of he lawe of the Lorde to the loue of his only sonne Iesus or sauiour These be his owne words And this is that which is contained in the 3. Section He describeth particularlie in the 4. Sections folowing How we becom thus preserued frō sin to walke in al loue which is our baptising in the fathers name affirming that the law of God cōmeth first with correction or discipline letting vs see sinne the deuil and the flesh their lying craftie and decietfull or false nature and God his indignation and wrath ouer the same and thereupon groweth griefe and sorrowe for sinne a minde wholly inclined to mortifie it and then they giue ouer them selues wholie to the coūsel of the holy worde and the elders in the seruice of the loue And thus are men become preuented and enformed as he saith in the 4 Section to an incorparating in the godlie righteousnesse which is this loue the walking therein These sundry Sections cannot in number compare with the errours therin contained For first in this his discourse vpon the Articles of our belief where hee was to intreate of faith he is wholie occupyed about loue and obedience vnto the law of god So that faith is nothing but deeds in his opinion Loue is beliefe beleeuing is working and louing or working is become beleeuing For he will haue our woorkes and obedience vnto the lawe to get and giue vnto vs the name of beleeuers that in so doing we may be accounted faithfull and that the same should not be a fruite of faith but faith it self So that by H N. his mystical doctrine a riddel darker then was that which Sampson propounded vnto the Philistines is put forth vnto vs to witte howe the sonne should beget the father afterwarde they two make but one man He saith that works beget faith they growe to be but one and the same thing The Scripture affirmeth faith to be the father and workes not to bee children lawfully begotten how faire soeuer they shall bee to the shewe vnlesse they proceede out of his loines So doe we reade in the Epistle to the Hebrewes where all the good woorkes of the godly fathers are fathered vppon Faith and it is said that thorow faith they wrought righteuosnesse Faith is swallowed vp of works by this doctrine For they are made all in all with H. N. he maketh no account of our perswasion of the goodnesse of our God thorowe the mercifull promises of his worde and therefore altogither leaueth that doctrine when he is euen haled vnto it by the matter which he hath in hand and falleth into the discourse of workes The Apostle Saint Iames keepeth a cleane contrary course for when he is forced by the matter he hath in hand to aduaunce woorkes to their highest degree yet doth he hide them vnder the couert of faith sauing of that principall worke of Abraham that this scripture was fulfilled in it Abraham beleeued that was reckoned vnto him for righteousnes so that it was his belief that set that price value vpon it The Apostle Paule likewise affirmeth that Abraham his beliefe was counted vnto him for righteousnes and addeth more that to him who trusteth not to his works but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is coūted for righteousnes One the same spirite cannot be Author of such diuersitie The Apostle so commendeth faith that hee affirmeth vs to be accounted righteous thorowe the same vtterly excluding woorkes for the procuring of our righteousnesse But H.N. contrarywise so aduanceth workes that he doth altogither banish faith and cause it as one that dare not shewe his face to creepe into the corner of workes and to lye couered with the garment thereof Neither is H.N. content with this spoyle of faith the chiefe treasure in our house but remembring that he left the house standing turneth backe againe to fire the same ouerthrowing the Sacramentes in like manner and wil haue our Baptisme to be no other thing then this walking in the obedience of his loue and therefore termeth it the plucking of the father or Baptising in the fathers name And that is not the least of his errours although I doe giue it the last place that hee deliuereth in the eight Section That in this communialtie of loue thorowe the seruice of the holie worde and of the fatherly correction which is the sight and misliking of sinne wee are led foorth vnto Iesus Christe to be made free from sinne preserued in godlinesse and to haue GOD manned with vs according to the inwarde man For it giueth vnto man the
preuenting of GOD his goodnesse the dignitie and desert of bringing him selfe vnto Christe by his hatred and mislyking of sinne wheras the mislyking of sinne as well as the loue of righteousnesse are fruites that followe our beeing in Christ not causes that goe before to procure the same as appeareth in the Epistle to the Romans Likewise thinke ye also saith the Apostle that ye are deade vnto sinne and liuing vnto God in Iesus Christ our Lorde He ioyneth with the Pelagians against the grace of God which renueth and regenerateth vs and inwardly draweth vs by his spirit to beleeue and doe the will of God and will haue the grace of GOD no further to stretch vnto vs then that we haue from the Lord a lawe and doctrine whereby wee may learne what to beleeue and what to doe but the power to performe this albeit they will not refuse to call it the grace of GOD yet they say it is our nature according as August reporteth Isti autem asserunt sicut a fratribus qui eorum libros legerunt cognouimus in eo dei gratiam deputandam quod talem hominis instituit creauitque naturam quae per propriam volumtatem legem dei possit implere siue naturaliter in corde conscriptam siue in literis datam eandem quoque legē ad dei gratiam pertinere quod illam Deus in adiutoriū hominibus dedit illam vero gratiā qua vt dictum est Christiani sumus cuius Apostolus Praedicator est dicens condelector legi dei secūdum interiorem hominem Video autem aliam legem in membris meis repugnantem legi mentis mei et captiuantem me in lege peccati miser homo quis me liberabit de corpore mortis huius gratia dei per Iesum Christum dominum nostrum nolunt omnino cognoscere nec apertè quidam oppugnare audent In their opinion as Augustine saieth the grace of God towards vs is this that we haue such a nature from him that by our owne wil and power we may satisfie fulfill the law of God and that this is also that other parte of the grace of God towardes vs that hee hath giuen a lawe for the helpe of man But as for that grace whereby wee are are Christians whereof the Apostle speatketh saying I am delighted with the lawe of God in the inner man but I see an other lawe in my members striuing against the lawe of my minde Miserable man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this body of sinne The grace of God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde that will not acknowledge that neither dare they openly impugne or speake against it This plucking thorowe the seruice of that gracious word which he affirmeth to haue the foregoing by vs in the administration of the holie woorde in the thirde and fourth Section is according to the Pelagians the other grace of GOD which is added to that of our good nature euen to haue a rule instruction from God to guide this nature which in their opinion is so franke and so free vnto good that if it may once see the way there is no stay with it or let to keepe it from going forwarde And therefore where it is written in the Gospell after Saint Iohn No man can come vnto mee except the father which hath sent mee drawe him H.N. calleth this drawing of the father a plucking that plucking to be the giuing of a lawe and worde to rule our liues by In opinion then he ioyneth iumpe with the Pelagians for denying originall sinne he is forced to confesse the grace of GOD to be in nature and againe we see the lawe which doth poynte out the right way vnto life is called the plucking of the father or baptising in the fathers name H.N. Section 10 And that this is the vpright Christian Baptisme or washing in the name of the father and is the true baptisme which hath the forgoing in the christian doctrine of the seruice of loue Section 11 We confesse likewise that all such as beleue not euen thus in God the father beleeue vnrightly and that also they all which become not euen so as is aboue saide baptized thorowe the seruice of the holie worde vnder the obedience of the law of the Lorde or of the doctrine of his word in Gods loue or true being beare or carry not Gods holy name nor the spirite of his true beeing nor are baptized in the name of the father and that in like manner it is not meete or conuenient that men should count such vnbeleeuers and vnbaptized ones for Christians neither yet also for men at whose handes one should any way suppose or trust to finde any woorde of Gods trueth or yet any workes of righteousnesse or good seruice that God regardeth or accepteth Answeare It appeareth by these wordes that H. N. reckoneth of all beside his owne secte For there are no people beside him selfe and his familie who thinke or beleeue so erroniously as this confession teacheth as of Heathen vnbeleeuers vnbaptized ones they be his owne words as also be these It is not meete that men should account such for christians Whē hee concludeth that wee may not think to finde any woorde of God his trueth or any workes of righteousnesse among them whosoeuer beleeueth otherwise he speaketh not only ignorantly for that some trueth may be founde where there is store of errour and a wicked lyfe may be founde where the groundes of religion are truely holden but also maliciously agaynst the true Churche of GOD as that no woorde of trueth or woorke of righteousnesse were among vs who abhorre his religion as Heretical deuilishe doctrine What benefite doe these men receiue by the ministerie of the worde being thus perswaded of the Church of God In what readinesse are they to ioyne with any enimie for the ouerthrowe of the Churche being perswaded of vs that neither woorke of righteousnesse nor woorde of trueth is among vs I trust the Lorde wil moue the heartes of those who haue the gouernment in their handes either to trauaile to plant in them a better opinion of the Church or if that will not bee to cut them of as rotten members before they shall woorke any greater woe vnto the same The opinion of H. N. touching the Churche of God as appeareth by this his speache is most pernicious neither thinketh he worsse of Turks and infidels then hee doeth of all Christians that receiue not his doctrine What effectes this opinion may woorke in the heartes of the simple people that be seduced by him I leaue it to their godlie care to whom it doth chiefly appertaine to refourme the same H. N. The seconde Article Section 13 Wee beleeue in Iesus Christe the onely sonne of God our Lorde We confesse that the same sonne of GOD Iesus Christ is the very like being of the liuing God his father through whom god the father hath
holy spirit shoulde from hencefoorth worlde without ende raigne with righteousnesse vpon the earth and iudge the same with equitie according to the promises When he hath affirmed that almighty God wil lay downe their enimies vnder the feete of their Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ foorthwith explaning that matter more he saith And euen so in your seconde birth yeelde ouer the dominion vpon the earth vnto you and your Sauiour Iesus Christ So that it appeareth playnely he taketh their second birth to be their Sauiour For when he hath mencioned their Lorde and Sauiour the next wordes that followe be these And euen so in your seconde birth c. Sometimes this name Christ in a degree of excellencie is geuen to the oldest Father in the familie of loue because he is possessed of this estate of perfection in the highest degree and greatest measure as in the 31. chapter of his Euangelie and 14. Section where speaking of the offices and functions that were in the Churche of Rome whereof he sheweth great liking as beyng figuratiue seruices of that trueth which H.N. hath newely started he saith of the parishe Priestes Therefore they were ioyned with others in the seruice of the holy worde because they let passe the childhood or the yongnes of the holy vnderstanding grew vp according to the requiring of the seruice of loue vnto the manly agednes of Christ that is vnto the true being of the oldest holiest father For these be his owne woordes in that place Where as yee heare he calleth the manly agednesse of Christ the true being of the oldest father And to confirme the same he hath these wordes in the sixteenth Section of this chapter Herevnto serue the parish Priests as to such procurators or helpers forward of the communialties for to beare a good care ouer them and to witnesse and to teach thē daily the holy vnderstāding of Christ the oldest father where as before Christe and the Eldest Father whiche is H. N. himselfe bee by apposition made one the same person Sometimes this doctrine of H.N. for that it teacheth this state of perfectiō which is Christ leadeth men thervnto is called Christ as in the two fourtie chapter of the Gospel after H.N. and 8. Section in these words Whosoeuer now thē forsaketh himself geueth ouer himselfe obediētly in Iesu Christ the gracious word of the Lord becommeth nowe admitted or receiued in Iesu Christ and in the obedience of his requiring And likewise in his first exhortation chapter seuenth the fyrst article Section 23. in these woordes Wee confesse that no man can become partaker with all the holy ones of God of the resurrection of Christ but suche as indeuour themselues in the beliefe vnder the obedience of the loue of Iesu to become implanted into Christ the gratious worde of the Lorde and euen so then to die with Christ in his like death c. Christ and the gratious worde of the Lorde which is H. N. his doctrine are heere vnited by him and made one and the same thing which thing not onely the sense will leade you vnto but also the manner of poynting which hath no litle mystery in it For after Christ ye shall finde in his booke a full perfect point albeit the sense be yet hanging aboue the head of it there is an other point reaching forward which is a priuie marke betweene him his disciples telling them that the woorde following doth open and expounde it After the gratious woorde of the Lorde Yee see an other full and perfect point and aboue the heade of it a point looking backewarde to insinuate vnto them that the woorde behinde doeth in like manner open and declare it There is not one iodde in H.N. his Gospell that goeth for nothing For euen this Childishe toy is made a mysterie nay a miracle with manie of them Nowe whensoeuer H.N. vseth this forme of speache by Iesu Christ Hee meaneth eyther this state of perfection or else this gratious woorde of his wherein the sence will direct vs whether of the interpretations wee are to admitte off The like is to bee sayde of this forme of woordes in Iesu Christe that is in the state of perfection which his illuminate Elders doe euioy or in the gratious doctrine which hee hath brought into the worlde Christ then is nothing else but annointed and as ye haue hearde by his allegoricall exposition is geuen to all that are come to that infection he calleth it Perfection which was spoken of before to wit whē they haue done with Aaron and the seruiceable word and haue met with their Melchisedech who doth all to berubbe their heades with reuelations and as for their conuersation telleth them whatsoeuer their doinges be they are no longer now to be said or accompted to haue any sinne in them Now to colour his doings he speaketh of al the vpright children of the beliefe that are thus annointed in the singular number as of one bodie that his young disciples should not smel out his heresie at the first but remaine still of this opinion that when he speaketh of Christ hee meaneth no other beside that same one person whereof the Scripture speaketh which is both God and man Whereas in truth he comprehendeth vnder that name all that multitude or number howe many soeuer who haue to diet from H.N. this roste meate of reuelations It appeareth by this whiche hathe beene sayde that H.N. his Christ is not GOD but an affection or disposition in man which if it were good were yet no more but godlinesse not GOD himselfe But wee haue hearde manifestly prooued vnto vs before that of necessitie the mediatour and redeemer of man must be GOD himselfe And therefore this miserable man pulleth vppe the doctrine of our saluation by the rootes His doctrine of Christ is declared yet more playnely if possibly that may be in that allegory which he maketh of Esau and Iacob in the nienth Chapter of his Euangelie Where he affirmeth that the righteousnesse of the Lawe with the great knowledge of the fleshe or of the earthly being which is borne out of the letter and hath to name Adam Esau or Edom must serue the little single minded simplicitie which is borne out of the spirite or heauenly being He affirmeth in the 8. Section of that chapter That those who liue vnder the obedience of loue that is his family doe openly perceiue these two birthes in themselues The first birth is when we vnderstande the worde according to the letter and are reaching or striuing to atteine to the perfection which his illuminated elders are possessed of And this birth hee calleth in this Section The right knowledge of man out of the fleshe or letter the seede that is borne according to the fleshe and hath no inheritance in the promises And in the tenth Section hee calleth it the minde of the fleshe which is named Adam Esau or Edō the knowledge
which not onely H.N. but all other Heretikes professe of hauing our sinnes answered by and in our selues either wholy or at least in some part that the verie figures shoulde haue light sufficient in them to driue awaye all darkenesse and doubting herein But what lighte can make him see that is blinde or open those eyes that in iust iudgement are closed vp by the Lorde H.N. And hath suffered in all obedience of the word of his heauenly father the death of the crosse in reproch blasphemie contempt and false defamation or accusation for our sinnes cause Answere The name of Christe as you haue hearde is giuen by H. N. vnto all his illuminate Elders as vnto those who haue atteyned vnto an estate of perfection by meanes of their obedience vnto his doctrine Whome howe manie soeuer hee comprehendeth vnder one name and speaketh of them as of one person It is giuen also as you haue hearde by speciall prerogatiue vnto the eldest Elder that is H. N. himselfe The suffering of this Christ his death of the crosse is set forth in this that he hath yelded all obedience to the worde of his heauenly father which is this doctrine of H.N. and gone vnder and borne reproch blasphemie contempt and false defamation or accusation for the same Thus hath H. N. his Christ suffered the death of the Crosse in that himselfe and his illuminate elders could neither by their owne affections nor yet by the reproch and contempt of others be brought from this doctrine and seruice of loue which thing is confirmed in the. 20. Chapter of this his first exhortation and third Section in these wordes Against these assaultings the man ought in his yongnesse to learne to take vp his crosse on him to follow after Christ his Sauiour in his like suffering or death of the crosse and to shewe forth pacience with Christ against all the assaultings vntil that al the enemies or aduersaries of the louely life through the death of Christ that is in maner of suffering be vtterly vanquished and that he euen so is growne vp thorow the death or togither suffering of Christ which is the dayly oblation in the holy to the olde age of the man Christ and entred thorow the secōd birth from the dead into the euerlasting life which passage or way to the euerlasting life we haue witnessed and figured forth distinctly and clearly in the figure of the true and spirituall tabernacle and in other moe places in the glasse of righteousnesse The yong scholler in this scoole of Loue whome hee calleth the man in his yongnesse is as you heare to follow Christ that is H.N. and those illuminate elders in his like suffering and death of the crosse So that Christ had no other suffering or death of the Crosse then the yongest scholler in H.N. his schoole must suffer go vnder and that is nothing else as he sayth in this place but to shewe foorth pacience against all assaultings vntill all the aduersaries of this louely life by this maner of suffering become vtterly vanquished and hee growne vp to the olde age of the man Christ that is a perfect and absolute elder And therefore in his two next sections hee exhorteth them that it shoulde not bee tedious vnto them to shewe foorth this pacience and to abide this death of the Crosse for a little time in bearing the assaultes of those enemies who woulde turne them from the good will they haue to this godly being vnder the obedience of the loue and doeth promise vnto them that after a little time of this their distresse affliction and anguish the Lorde will bring his Christ that is as he there sayth his best beloued and most holy being vnto them in power and glorie In the 26. and 27. Sections of this Chapter he doeth in plaine wordes declare that while a man is in this yongnesse and not fully setled in the doctrine and seruice of loue but subiect to anguishe and affliction with temptations and assaultes eyther with himselfe or from others that would drawe him from the same and with griefe for his stumbling or falling by meanes thereof then is he suffering with Christ vpon the Crosse for the redemption of his sinnes These bee his wordes in that place Wherfore when as now your stumbling and falling becommeth dayly figured very great and horrible before you and that yee for that cause beeing wofull of heart feele yet the pricking of the sinne the dartes of the death and the condemnation of the hell or beare the same with anguish in your hearts yet feare not nor be dismaied in your heartes but shewe foorth pacience and followe after Christ in his suffering for those are the dayes of affliction heauinesse and death wherein Christ hath gone before you in the holy for to prepare you through the same death of the crosse the euerlasting forgiuenesse and redemption of sinnes as there is before sayde Where you may painely see that H.N. his Christ in his yongnesse as hee calleth it was a sinner and was wofull in his heart for his stumbling and falling are woful in heart he sayeth Those are the dayes of affliction and heauinesse wherein Christ hath gone before you for to prepare you through the same death of the crosse the euerlasting forgiuenesse and redemption of sinnes And if yet some more specialtie touching the death of H.N. his Christ be asked after that shal be the sooner answered if we call to remembrance that which was vttered before out of the 9. Chap. of the Euangelie and tenth Section to witte that the knowledge after the letter and the obedience vnto the same is the first birth and the knowledge of Christ after the flesh which must bee crucified and put to death that the lawfull heire which is after the spirit spirituall and heauenly may take place comparing it with that which is written in the 21. Chapter of his Euangelie in these woordes Forasmuch nowe as that in times past the clearenesse of Christ through the holy ghost was yet vnknowne vnto the vpright and faythful disciples of Iesus Christ whilest that they knew him not otherwise but after the fleshe so was it therefore needefull that Christ should keepe the Pascha or Passeouer with them for that cause the Lord Iesus caused the same to be prepared him for to keepe the Passeouer with his Disciples in the true beeing and tolde them before of his suffering and Passeouer and that they must also doe the like if they woulde come to his clearenesse in the heauenly being with his father Therfore hee gaue them to vnderstande in what maner his Passeouer should be to wit that he namely Christ after the flesh should be slaine and euen so accomplish according to the true being the true God seruice with the gifte or offering of his fleshe in the holy namely on the true aultar of the holie offring which is his crosse whereon he died in the beleefe herewith Christ
shewed vnto his disciples howe or in what maner his flesh must be offered and giuen ouer to a life of men that they all euen so which in the beliefe of their safe making from their sinnes eate his flesh and followed after him euen vnto the second birth should haue the life in fulnesse in all godly clearnesse according to the spirit Behold this is the vpright Passeouer with Christ or the right supper which the vpright beleeuers disciples of Christ keepe with Christ to wit that they depart euen so with Christ out of the flesh into the spirit and out of the death or mortalitie into the eternall life of euerlasting immortalite wherethrough the sinne and all destruction becommeth vanquished This death of H.N. his Christ in the flesh is to renounce the knowledge of Christ after the letter to die vnto that and so to passe into that clearenesse of the spirite in knowledge and obedience whereto we are led by the doctrine of H.N. which he calleth that eternall life of euerlasting immortalitie wherby sinne and all destruction becommeth vanquished The maner of the death and suffering of H.N. his Christ what it is may well be conceyued by the Allegorie of Agar and Sara in the 8. Chapter of his Euangelie By Agar as hee sayeth in that place is signified the written woorde which hee calleth the seruiceable writing or letter of the beleefe By Sara a perfect estate according to H.N. his doctrine For he sayeth That so manie be her children as are borne out of the beleefe of the true being of Abraham and are growne vp in the holy and godly vnderstanding Now when the seede of Sara the free woman which before was called Christ after the spirite is borne then is Agar with her seede that is Christ after the flesh or the written word which he calleth the seruiceable writing or letter of the beleefe put away and discharged And therfore then is H.N. his Christ killed put to death whē any disciple of his hath so profited that he is now no longer led by the writtē word but altogither ruled by reuelatiō with estate as H.N. teacheth is altogither void of sin imperfection If it be required what benefite we reape from his passion and suffering because H.N. affirmeth in this place that hee hath suffered for our sinnes cause that is answered in the 20. Chap. of this first exhortation Sect. 17. For when in the 12. Section hee had exhorted his yong disciples that if they shoulde offend or as he speaketh ouerreach themselues in anie thing they shoulde not suffer themselues to bee iudged or condemned by their conscience but shoulde humble themselues to the elders or Ministers of the word in the seruice of the loue to bee instructed by them giuing the reason of his speach in the Section following hee hath these wordes For we haue in our communiaitie of the loue a true iudge Iesus Christ our Lord and King he is vnto vs in all our walking a fountaine of life and to a-making a liue of vs all against the death and the deadly venime of the sinne And continuing his speach of the same matter speaketh thus Wee haue also thorow him a dayly offering in the holiest his spiritual and true tabernacle into which holy he is gone before vs therein himself beareth our sinnes through his suffering and death of the crosse wherethrough hee sheweth or teacheth vs the vpright offering for our sinnes and prepareth for vs euen so a free entrance with him into the holy to an eternall and liuing way H.N. therefore and these illuminate elders or Ministers of the word in the seruice of Loue to whom he giueth the name of Christ and speaketh of them all as of one person are saide to suffer for our sinnes because they hauing gone before vs in the conflictes with these enemies of the louely being haue shewed vnto vs by their example the vpright offering for our sinnes And this is all the helpe wee haue from the passion death and suffering of H.N. his Christ that wee haue the way beaten before vs howe to suffer for our owne sinnes and to procure the remission of the same Which thing he testifieth likewise in the 19. Section of this chapter saying Through which daylie God seruice and offering in the holy in the taking vppe of our Crosse in the imitation of Christ in his death we obteine the remission of sinnes they be his owne woordes But I neede not to trauayle farre for proofe that this is his opinion of the benifite wee haue by Christ for euen in the woordes which do immediatly folow this place we haue in hand he affirmeth that Christ is gone before vs in the obedience of the word of his Father in reproche and contempt that we should in like maner folow after him vnder the obediēce of his loue in his death of the Crosse to the safemaking of vs from all our sinnes What blasphemie can be vttered agaynst Christ that doeth not followe this opinion of H.N. for by this docrrine H.N. by speciall prerogatiue and the illuminate elders in the seruice of loue after a seconde sort be Christ himselfe By this doctrine Christ when he was a young one had sinne and suffered the death of the Crosse for it By this doctrine we suffer the death of the Crosse for our own sinnes make the purchase thereof by our selues By this doctrine wee are released of our sinnes by imitation but not not by imputation And whether would not this heresie stretch if a man should thorowly searche the length deapth and breadth thereof seeyng that by this doctrine the historie of Christ his birth death and suffering had no trueth according to the naturall sense meaning of the letter but was only a figure of a spiritual kinde of birth death suffering which should be procured by obedience vnto this doctrine of H.N. not signifying a thing once done by one man according to the natural meaning of the woordes but a figure of a thing to bee often doone and by many according to an illegitimate and bastardely wringing of the woordes in vtterly denying the trueth of that doctrine which telleth vs that Christe hath come in the fleshe ouerthrowing both his person and office The Crosse then that H.N. his Christ died vppon was his doctrine which he calleth the beliefe and therefore as wee hearde before in the twētieth chapter he saith that he died in the beliefe And in trueth it is a doctrine that killeth the true Christ and all true Christianitie These thinges beyng considered it shal be no hard matter to discerne who is Iudas here and who be the Scribes and Pharisees that bring Christ to the death of the Crosse For who is the chiefe man to bring other to the beliefe which is the crosse whereon Christ dieth in fleshe but H N He therefore of necessitie must be Iudas And as for the illuminate elders by
of the Actes of the Apostles touching the holy ghost appearing in clouen tongues like fire was nothing else but the appearing of this his Christ after the spirit These are his wordes touching this matter His disciples therefore were mindfull of all this and what he had said vnto thē remained within Ierusalē waiting cōcordably with supplication praier for the promises of the father vntil that christ after the spirit appeared vnto them out of the heauenly being The subtiltie of that ancient enimie vnto mankind may here euidently be seene for albeit heauē be not further distant frō the earth then the meaning of H.N. is from the truth of the doctrine set forth in this cōmon Creede these articles of our belief yet to colour his craft withall he keepeth him to the same words which the church vseth professing the christ rose the third day frō the dead saue that he interlaceth some odde words which cannot wel be discerned but by thē that are well acquainted with his bookes vnder the which he conueyeth all his corrupt doctrine Here hee sayeth that the God of Abrahā hath raysed vp this his sonne Iesus hauing relation in these wordes this his sonne vnto that Christ which he describeth And likewise when he affirmeth that Christ rose euen so the thirde day from the dead by this speach euen so hee caryeth vs from the resurrection in the fleshe vnto the rising in the spirite according as himselfe hath imagined of the matter and yet is hee content to make mencion of the thirde day as if there were no ill meaning in the man when as indeede this rising the thirde day must bee euen so as hee meaneth that is nothing so as the truth is Where the scripture affirmeth that Christ appeared in the flesh after his resurrection vnto his disciples and shewed vnto them his handes and his side and that hee willed Thomas who had affirmed he woulde neuer beleeue his resurrection vnlesse hee shoulde put his finger into the print of the nayles and his hande into his side to put his finger where the nayles had beene and his hande into his side H.N. to mainteine his doctrine of the resurrection in the spirite affirmeth that he shewed vnto his disciples nothing else but the victorie ouer sinne death deuil and hell as if he had declared vnto them howe by his suffering passion he came by the victorie ouer sin death the deuil and hell to the ende they might follow him in the same footesteppes and so become partakers of the like victorie with him Which thing in plaine woordes hee professeth in the next Section Heere he setteth foorth the matter not altogither so plainely and yet clearely enough to him that is anie thing acquainted with his subtile writing and craftie manner of speaking These bee his woordes in this place Hee appeared or made manifest him selfe to his friendes which loued him shewing vnto them thorowe his suffering and death of the Crosse the victorie ouer the sinne death deuill hell the fleshe and the worlde What plainer proofe can be brought not onely that Christ did rise in the fleshe but also that he rose in the same flesh wherein he suffered then this euen now alledged out of the Gospel after saint Iohn for the Apostles see his handes and his side Thomas putteth his finger into the place where the nayles had beene and his hande into his side which thing H. N. shall neuer bee able to wipe away by any mystical interpretation whatsoeuer inasmuch as our Sauiour Christ reproouing the want of fayth in Thomas and that he was so hardly led to beleeue his resurrection before his senses were satisfied sayth vnto him Thomas because thou hast seene me thou beleeuest blessed are they that haue not seene and haue beleeued In the second of the Actes saint Peter proueth that Christ must be raised vp concerning the flesh and bee set vpon the throne of his father and that he should not bee left in the graue neither should his flesh see corruption and that Dauid long before as he was a prophet did both foresee foretel this therfore seeing he was a prophet knew that God had sworne with an othe to him that of the fruit of his loines he wold raise vp christ cōcerning the flesh to set him vpō his throne he knowing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soule should not be left in graue neither his flesh shuld see corruptiō This testimony of the apostle cannot agree with H. N. his Christ For his flesh must necessarily bee left in the graue and see corruption because when his Christ after the fleshe is dead hee neuer resumeth or taketh vnto him againe that estate but as hauing for euer done with it riseth vp in the spirite and continueth in the same being for euer after an illuminate elder who neither can erre in iudgement nor offend anie more in conuersation So that death or the graue do still keepe that possession or power which once they had of his flesh neither will he that they yeelde it vnto him anie more againe As for the true Christ it was impossible for death to keepe and continue that holde which once it had of him as appeareth in the Actes The Lord if it be his good will giue this Familie to see what a Christ H. N. hath brought vnto them that they refuse no longer the true Christ and onely comfort of all Christians for this miserable Christ whome the graue hath closed vp and holdeth all that euer it had of him For their Christ after the spirite was neuer in the graue and their Christ after the fleshe by H. N. his owne testimonie doeth neuer arise after that once he hath beene in the graue How shall these men bee euer able to gette out at the doores of death when their Christ and Captaine is yet groping and to this day hath not founde the gate that leadeth out of the graue H.N. Wee confesse that no man can become partaker with all the holie ones of God and beleeuers of Iesus Christ of the resurrection of Christ nor of the resurrection from the dead or yet rise vp with the holie ones of God and Christ but such as indeuour themselues in the beliefe vnder the obedience of the loue of Iesus Christ to become implanted into Christ the gracious worde of the Lorde and euen so then to die with Christ in his like death as also to lay away slay and burie through the death of his crosse the sinne in the flesh whereby they may euen so out of the second birth from the dead become renued in the spirit of their minde in Iesus Christ For therethrough wee all obteine and enioy in the vpright righteousnesse and holinesse which GOD esteemeth the making aliue from the dead namely with all the righteous and holie ones of God in the day of the
resurrection and inherite euerlasting life Answere All the comfort that H. N. doeth assure his familie of by the resurrection of their Christ is that such as shall become obedient vnto his doctrine which thing he expresseth in these woordes such as indeuour themselues in the beliefe vnder the obedience of the loue of Iesus Christ to become implanted into Christ the gracious woorde of the Lord for Christ as you haue heard before signifieth somtimes nothing else with H. N. but this worde and doctrine which he hath brought into the worlde shall by this their slaying and burying of sinne in the flesh become renued in the spirite of their minde obteyne and inioy the resurrection or as he speaketh the making aliue from the deade and inherite the euerlasting life But wee haue not thus learned Christ so manie as haue beene taught out of the woorde of God the truth of him and the true fruite of his resurrection For as Christ Iesus died in our sinnes and went downe into the graue in our iniquities inasmuch as it was our sinnes and no offence of his owne that drewe him vnto death so his resurrection was the perfect absolution and clearing of the faithfull from al their transgressions For had one sinne of his seruants bene vnsatisfied for neither woulde death haue resigned hir right who had arested him as suretie for sinne neither would the righteous Lord by raising him from the dead bringing him out of the danger that he lay vnder for our sinnes haue giuen sentence on his side so iustified vs in him Which thing the apostle cōfirmeth triumphing ouer condēnation not onely because we haue discharged it by his death but also because we haue our Quietus est acquittance to shew for the same euen his resurrectiō Who shal lay any thing to the charge of god his chose It is God that iustifieth who shal cōdēne it is Christ that is dead yea or rather which is risē againe And likewise the same apostle in his epistle to the Corin. affirmeth plainly that if Christ be not risen from the dead we haue nothing to shewe for our discharge against sinne but do remaine yet vnder the danger thereof And in the Epistle to the Romanes he declareth also that wee are by his resurrection cleared from our sinnes and they nowe no longer imputed vnto vs And therefore when he had before declared that not only Abraham his faith was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse but also that ours shal be imputed vnto vs hee telleth vs more particularly how this commeth to passe to wit because Christe who was deliuered to death for our sinnes is risen againe for our iustification For as God the father in deliuering Christ vnto death did cast all our sinnes vpon him and condemned our sinnes in him so in raysing him frō the dead he iustified and absolued him vs in him inasmuch as but for vs neither sinne nor death could haue any thing to doe with him from all our sinnes and trāsgressions whatsoeuer Now if the Lorde had let him make an escape who was in holde for our sinnes inasmuch as he had once taken vpon hym to satisfie for the same or wrougt his deliuerance and set him at libertie before a ful sufficient satisfaction had bene made then coulde not himselfe haue bene cleared of iniurye offred vnto vs nor his Iustice haue bene vnspotted euen before vs which if once wee suffer to enter but into our thoughtes it maketh vs giltye of high treason against our god This doctrine therefore of H. N. who will haue our dying vnto synne not onelie to preuent but also to procure our rising vnto righteousnesse not mencioning any other benefite that wee haue from Christ his resurrectiō beside the example that is set before vs for our imitation and following after him in the same is at defiance and vtter enmitie with the trueth which is taught in the word of god For Christ his resurrection which H. N. maketh so small an accounpt of not onelie is our iustification from the giltinesse and daunger of sinne but also the head and wel spring of al that righteousnes holinesse and newenes of life that is to be founde ni the conuersation of his seruāts And therfore the Apostle in the 2. to the Ephe. doth fetch our rising vnto righteousnesse frō Christ his resurrection and ioyning them togither speaketh thus God which is rich in mercie euen when we were deade by sinnes hath quickened vs togither in Christ and hath raysed vs vp togither And accordingly to the Collosians draweth his exhortation vnto newnesse of life from the resurrection of Christ as from the fountaine from the which floweth the reformation of our life If ye thē be risen with Christ saith the Apostle seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God set your affection on things that are aboue and not on thinges which are on the earth Which thing is also confirmed out of the Ephesians where we doe reade that the large and liberall distribution of his graces did followe his resurrection and ascention when that notable victorie and conquest ouer sinne death was fully accomplished The resurrection therfore of Christ according to the trueth of his worde is not onely our discharge against sinne but the fountaine and spring also of all that chaūge of life and conuersation which is to be seene in his seruants But according to this doctrine of H.N. it is neither our discharge against sinne nor yet the beginning of our good life therfore without mention either of iustification from sinne by it or viuification and quickening in the wayes of righteousnesse we are sent to make warre with our affections according to the rules of his doctrine that so wee may obteine the resurrection from the deade and the renewing of our spirit and minde So that we haue nothing in H.N. his Creed to be beleeued but many things in our conuersation to be practised nothing to leaue vnto that was once doone by him but al that we may trust to must proceede from our selfe Touching this poynt Whether our dying vnto sin doe both preuent and purchase the renewing of our minde it hath beene answeared in the article immediatly going before H. N. The sixt Article We beleeue that this same Iesus like as the Scripture mencioneth thereof is ascended into Heauen sitting at the right hand of God his almightie Father We confesse that he hath taken in the heauen and reigneth and ruleth essentially in the heauenly beeing with his father vntill that all his enemyes be layde vnder his fete and that he in like maner shall in euery behalfe take in the kingdome and all dominion and power and render it all ouer vnto his father that God may euen so be all in all according to the promises Answeare This confessor H. N. acknowledgeth and confesseth that this same Iesus of
challenged to himselfe in his title as you hearde before to iudge the compasse of the earth with righteousnesse and that the God of heauen hath nowe declared him selfe and his Christ to his elect with the fulnes of his garnishing and spiritual heauenly riches to an euerlasting house for God his dwelling the which as he saith is the true vndisturbable kingdome full of all godly power ioy and heauenly beautifulnesse wherin is the fulnesse of eternal life And in the 35. chapter of his Euangelie he confirmeth the same in these words Behold in this present day is this scripture fulfilled according to the testimony of the scripture the raising vp and the resurrection of the Lordes dead commeth also to passe presently in this same day through the appearing of the cōming of Christ in his maiestie Which resurrectiō of the dead seeing that the same is come vnto vs frō gods grace we do likewise in this presēt day to an Euangelie or ioyful message of the kingdōe of god christ publish in al the world vnder the obediēce of the loue In which resurrectiō of the dead God sheweth vnto vs that the time is now fulfilled that his dead or the dead which are fallē a sleepe in the lord rise vp in this day of his iudgement and appeare vnto vs in godly glory which shal also frō henceforth liue in vs euerlastingly with Christ raigne vpon the earth Wherin the scripture becōmeth fulfilled in this presēt day like as there standeth writtē therof He affirmeth here in plaine words ▪ that the dead w are fallen a stepe in the Lord rise vp in this day of his iudgemēt appeare vnto H.N. the illuminate elders of his familie in godly glory He affirmeth like wise that they shal frō hēceforth liue in him his felow elders euerlastingly thē the with what can be more erronious For by this doctrine the resurrectiō should be onely of thē that sleepe in the Lord that is of the good of which number he taketh thē to be alone who now receiue his doctrine euerlasting life which they rise vp to enioy should be onely to liue after that course of life which he his illuminat felow elders do keepe For he saith that they are to liue in him and in his fellow elders euerlastingly to reigne vppon the earth If their eies bee not altogeather closed vp who fauour the doctrine of H.N. they may well discerne that this resurrection is not that resurrection whiche the Scripture mencioneth neither is this chaunge of them that imbrace his doctrine that which the Apostle reporteth 1. Corinth 15.52 Which as he testifieth there is to be perfourmed in a moment in the twinckling of an eye at the last Trumpe Nowe I am wel assured experience wil tel thē beside the doctrine of H.N. which confirmeth the same that they are not by and by in a moment after they haue hearde the blaste of H.N. his doctrine partakers of the resurrection that is made elders and illuminate men In the 37. Chapter of of his Euangelie likewise this same matter is testified of him more cleerely yf possible that may be Yea happy is he which now respecteth wel the true light and assembleth him in this day vnto the mercy seate of the Maiestie of God and Christ to his saluation for after this day there shall no day of grace come vppon the earth because all the workes of God and his Prophecies bee come fulfilled according to the scripture in the same And for that the righteous iudgement of God to an euerlasting death and damnation of all vngodly and to an eternall life and saluation of all the holy ones and elect of God becommeth also executed therein This opinion of his is confuted before at large in my answere to that title which hee challengeth vnto him selfe This onely testimony I wyll adde to the former for the ouerthrowe of this opinion If to doe good and liue well be the resurrection of life howe is that true which S. Iohn testifieth that they which haue doone good shall come foorth of the Graues vnto the resurrection of life With what trueth or in what sence can it be said of a man that he commeth forth to that which already he hath in him selfe and is possessed of Nay if this bee the resurrection to arise vp to the imbrasing of H.N. his doctrine with what trueth can it be saide that they which alreadie haue doone good shal come forth vnto the resurrectiō of life whē he is of opinion that we are voide of al goodnes grace vntil we become seasoned with this seruice of the loue And howe can they which haue doone good come out of the graue when by his doctrine they haue come out of theyr graues before they haue done good For death burial vnto sinne are in order before the resurrection vnto righteousnes and newnesse of life What comfort can our faith finde in this article of our beliefe yf H.N. his doctrine be true If all were perfourmed which hee promiseth yet can wee come by no other comfort from him then this that yf wee shall imbrace his doctrine then shall wee lyue as hee doeth heere vppon earth This is all the benefite that our faith obteyneth by the resurrection of H.N. his Christ from the dead H.N. The eight Article Wee beleeue in the holy Ghost and that the same in the oldnesse of the tyme when the dayes of the patience of Christ in the obedience of the holy and gratious woorde ▪ and his seruice of loue are fulfilled becommeth powred foorth from the right hand of God through Iesus Christ namely ouer them all that haue followed Christ in his death of the crosse obediently and haue kept his doctrine with the word of his patience euen vnto the ende that is which are passed through or haue accomplished the Passeouer with Christ till vnto the seconde birth from the dead Or vnto the new life of the true being of Christ Answeare Wee doe heare nothing from H. N. to mooue vs too thinke that the holy Ghost is God which thing woulde not haue beene omitted if hee had been sounde therein seeing he openeth vnto his familie the principles of religiō whereof this is one of the chiefe and setteth downe beside the woordes of our Creede his owne exposition explication of the same seyng also that of all the churches which professe Christianitie throughout the whole worlde there is no one that hath vnto this day imbrased his doctrine or ioyned with him in religion and those which throughly know hym professe warre with him considering likewise that the scripture hath not left vs without sufficient light to prooue the holy Ghost not onely to be God in substaunce one with the father and the sonne but also distinct in person I say in these and suche like respectes his silence in so principal a thing bewrayeth him selfe not to be sounde
and baptism he shall become saued but who so beleeueth not hee shall according to the worde of Iesu Christ become cōdemned 35. For that cause let no mā boast him to be a christiā that hath not in the vpright faith receiued the true tokens of the Christianitie that is that beareth or carieth not the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost essentially and liuingly in him otherwise he shall assuredly in this same day of the loue of the righteous iudgement before al the holie ones of God which are comprehēded in the communialtie of the loue bee founde false and lying For the woorde that the Lorde Iesus Christ hath spoken shal iudge him in this same newest day Answeare H.N. proceedeth nowe to the sentence of euerlasting condemnation which hee thundreth out agaynst all howe many soeuer who shall not nowe in this present day of the loue beleeue this doctrine which he hath here published and professed What sentence hee himselfe lieth vnder I leaue it vnto the Lorde but if there be any place left vnto prayer for him I pray God hee may be so truely touched with repentaunce as that curse may be turned from him which wayteth for so many as by damnable doctrine shall leade blinde and simple soules out of the way In the meane time we stande assured from the mouth of the lorde that the curse which is causelesse shall not come The true Churche of Christ acknowledgeth the holy Ghost to be God equall with the Father and the Sonne because the Scripture geueth libertie and freedome vnto him in distributing of graces and giftes vnto the children of god According as we reade in the former Epistle to the Corinthes Al these thinges worketh one and the self same spirite distributing to euerie man seuerallie as he will because in like maner it ioyneth him with the father and the sonne makinge but one God of those three persons as it is written in the first Epistle of Saint Iohn There are three which beare recorde in heauen the Father the worde and the holy Ghost and these three are one Wee doe assuredly beleeue that the holie Ghost will bee our comforter vnto the ende as well in woorking the woorkes of sanctification in vs as in making strong and sealing vp vnto our spirite the assurance of saluation and euerlasting life bringing all that to passe in our weakenesse which the Lorde hath promised in his woorde For the which ende he is sent from the Father and the Sonne into the world Which effectes are many in number and merueilous for the great workemanshippe thereof in such frailtie as wee are forced to feele and confesse to be within our selues For what a wonderful worke is this in flesh and bloud to haue a wise and vnderstanding heart in the will and word of his God The Apostle setteth this sight of God his goodnesse towardes vs which is offered in the Gospel farre aboue the reach eyther of sense or reason attributing it onely to the holy Ghost The things which eye hath not seen neither eare heard neither came into mans heart hath God prepared for them that loue him but God hath reuealed them vnto vs by his spirit for what mā knoweth the thinges of a man saue the spirit of a mā euen so the things of God knoweth no mā but the spirit of god What a rare work is this in like manner to geue vnto men who are priuie to themselues of manifolde offences and great wretchednes the confidence and boldenesse to call God Father making a full reckoning of his fauour and good wil towards them which thing is notwithstanding wrought in the seruants of God by the spirit of God as the Apostle witnesseth because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirite of his sonne into your hartes which crieth Abba Father Of what difficultie likewise is that woorke to quicken this not dull but dead disposition within vs in the wayes of the Lorde his lawes and in the woorkes of his commaundementes yet doeth the spirite of God performe it in vs as wee reade in the Epistle to the Romanes If the spirite of him that raised vppe Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raysed vp Christe from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies by his spirite that dwelleth in you Moreouer that passeth the power of man in our afflictions to be guided vnto God and to haue beside the matter the acceptable maner also of mourning and groning ministred vnto vs which proceedeth from the spirite of God as it is written to the Romanes Likewise the spirite also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray as we ought but the spirite it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes which cannot be expressed but he that searcheth the heartes knoweth what is the meaning of the spirite for he maketh request for the faultes according to the will of God. And howe woonderfull is the Lorde by this woorke of his spirite in vs who are yet kept from our Countrey kingdome and oftentimes so euill intreated and so litle regarded that not onelie men but the Lorde himselfe seemeth to reckon of vs as vnwoorthie of any welfare here vppon earth to haue notwithstanding within vs a good earnest of our inheritance in heauē euē the spirit of God who hath also to name Comforter for these and like effectes of consolatiō after that ye beleued ye were sealed with the holy spirite of promise which is the earnest of our inheritaunce for the redēption of that libertie purchased to the praise of his glory As for H.N. his holie Ghost there are no suche thinges to bee had from him for concerning the earnest and assurance to be made for our inheritaunce what vse can there be thereof when once wee are entred vpon the same nowe by H.N. his doctrine euerlasting life is in this life and in this estate of perfection which he professeth therfore when possession is taken there is no longer place for anie pledge or earnest of assurance and therefore H.N. his holie Ghost cannot bee he which the Scripture setteth foorth and maketh knowen by the propertie of a pleadge or earnest Beside this when H.N. his holie Ghost is once come they are past praier for sinne they haue not to pray against it beyng no sinners and goodnesse they want not beyng perfect and therefore he is not that holie Ghost which the Scripture speaketh off that helpeth their infirmities who know not what to pray as they ought making request with sighes and grones that cannot be expressed H.N. The nienth Article Wee beleeue one holy Churche a communialtie of holie ones which is the conioyned bodie of Christ or incorporated through the loue to Christ and that the shedding forth of the holy Ghost commeth to passe vnder the obedience of the loue vppon the same For through the holie Ghost wherewith shee is in
excellencie of the priesthood of Christ Therefore not vnfitly is it here called perfection of Paule which perfection hee leaueth not at all to bee declared afterwardes muche lesse too Dauid George or any others but hee promiseth that hee wil doe it Heb. 6. a. 3. which he most happily performeth in the Chapters following vnto the eleuenth Now we haue proued that the doctrine of Christ is to remaine in the Church of God continually as a doctrine which is most perfect notwithstanding that which belongeth to the manner of reuealing and perfection of the same in the faithfull to be wrought in heauen where Christ our lord shal make al his enimies subiect vnto him and further more that to be more vain then vanitie it self with our aduersaries boast of the absolute perfection of theyr doctrine But if further they will yet continue to dispute that a more perfect doctrine then that of Christe is to bee looked for then I woulde haue them by euident tokens to prooue vnto me that their doctrine is it neyther any other againe to be looked for For Dauid George hath boasted that his was the most perfect doctrine now that preacher of the house of loue succeeding him reiecting that of Dauid attributeth the same to his doctrine and agayne another may also conceiue to him selfe the like dreame Therefore wee desire that they woulde with as plaine argumentes prooue their doctrine too bee the moste perfect as Christ our Lorde hath approued his If neuerthelesse they will still pretende that perfection which wee looke for at the comming of Christ then wee desire that they woulde in very deede performe al those things which with vndoubted faith we looke for of Christ Iesus at his comming To wit that their bodies may bee glorious like the body of Christ spiritual celestial not any longer subiect to the miseries of hunger thirst wearines sicknes age and death That their women may beare and bring forth their children without griefe of wombe that all vngodlines being taken away onely righteousnes may raigne that without the helpe of bookes admonitions and such like things which are dayly vsed they may obteine the full knowledge of heauenly thinges and finally that they woulde restore all thinges lost in Adam But as long as they performe not these suche like thinges as assuredly they cannot it plainly appeareth that it is a mere beewitching of the minde or rather an extreme madnes to beleeue such spirites FINIS T. D The iudgement of an other godly learned man touching the same matter MY very deere good freende I cannot answere you so fully as I would in the matter you demanded of me touching mine opiniō of that sort of men that name thēselues the Family of loue my tyme is abridged and my businesses are many yet I must say somthing because you did so friēdly request it How much I may know of the opinions of that sect some can witnes with me that haue been acquainted with my conference had with some of them and with the reading of a good part of their writings But how much soeuer it bee this may suffise to iustifie me before the godly men of vnderstanding for my dislyke of them their heresie that they diguyse themselues with a coūterfait tytle making profession of one thing in woord another thing in trueth deede They terme them selues the family of loue but their meaning is that they bee more thē the Familie euē the loue it self for though they agre not alwayes in al places with themselues sometyme they take this word loue as is stādeth for loue in deed yet in other places they take it after the woordes of Iohn where he saith God is loue so making themselues not the householde of God but god himselfe This they vouch in many places of their writings in saying that they are deified that is made and become gods God is hominified that is made man not meaning of the incarnacion of Christ but as they expresse in another place saying that Adam was al that God was God al that Adā was which woords besides that they contayne blasphemy in them selues so are they made couers to abuse the simple yet for al that this may not bee their name whereby they wil be called that is they wil not be called gods nor goddified nor loue but only the Family of loue Thinking by this meanes sooner to allure the simple whereas otherwise if they should in title themselues Gods desire to be so called they would cause al the worlde to abhorre and detest them as they iustly deserue This name is but a new coate shapen of some bodging workman that knew not how to take the true measure of their bodie their olde coate becommeth them better They are in truth the Libertines those ancient loose lyuers for they lyue as they lyst no law of God or man to controll them as men vnder no law for they are men in deede as they professe beleeue them if you wil that cannot sinne And therfore of the law they make none account the Gospel serueth them to as little purpose they take scorne to aske forgiuenes of sinnes at Gods hands yea they say that whosoeuer prayeth as Christ hath taught vs argueth himselfe of imperfection Christ gaue that precept to his disciples whē they wer yonglinges before they had receiued the holy Ghost after those abundant graces receiued and as they expounde it after that they were deified it is not to be foūd they euer prayed And as their opinion is for prayer so is the practise of their lyfe they hold they may doe all things yea the grossest sinnes that wee make account of and yet in doing cōmitting them they cannot sinne How we may accoūpt of them S. Iohn telleth vs He that saith he hath no sinne is a lyer if they went no further they were lyers but he that saith hee cannot sinne what rekoning shal we make of him This is their loue and their louely sect And while they stand thus affected for the second table is there any meruaile that they stand as euilly minded in the first They cary lyke minds towards al religions whatsoeuer the Turk the Iewe the Barbariā the Papist the Arriā the Pelagiā as wel welcome to them as the professors of the trueth of God they say we haue marred al with making these differences were it not for these diuersities of names whereby we maintaine dissentions their familie would be spred ouer the face of the whole earth And surely I beleeue it for if all men could be perswaded that sinne were no sinne if the iudgemēts of God were remoued from their eyes hearts if they coulde so basely esteeme of Christ and saluation wrought by him as these men doe if they could be perswaded that there were no neede of inuocation and exercise of godlynes I doubt not but the whole worlde woulde quickly become a louely familie I coulde
For mark their meating you shal perceiue that alwaies the one draweth vpō the other wil neuer leaue him before he haue either a leg or an arme of him And in asmuch as partly by his dark speaking partly by his allegorical expositiō he hath hatched a mōster of perfectiō which he calleth Christ I haue added to the end of this booke 3. seuerall short treatises of those 3. special matters concluding the booke with a Sermō which I made heretofore moued therunto by the iudgemēt of some not only for that the present occasiō did then force me to stād vpō that historie of Christ his death which H.N. would wholy and altogither transforme into an allegorie but also for that in so large a matter of doctrine to reforme our iudgemēt I wished there might be somwhat ioined to further our cōuersation I haue likewise set down the iudgemēt of some godly learned as wel of the Dutch church as of our owne touching these heresies of H.N. that thēselues may see I am not alone neither in my opiniō of thē neither in this necessarie cōtention by writing with thē These fruits of my labours my very good Lord I present vnto your honour as a publike testimonie of my humble duetie good will vnto your L. not only in respect of my selfe for your L. great good deseruings towarde me but also in regarde of many others who find a safe harborow vnder your honourable protection and haue such an easie accesse entrance vnto your honour in all their good occasions and lawfull requests as bindeth vs vnto all duetie and thankfulnesse vnto his maiestie and your honor as his instrument for the same Which hath made me bold at this time to cōmend vnto your honourable care the redresse of a dangerous enormity which of late hath broken out in this land I meane this Athisme brought in by H.N. that his household who will bee called the Familie of loue The seruice your honour may doe vnto God in it is great the hope to preuaile against them in like maner is good for as true Religion spreadeth and increaseth vnder the crosse so punishment and affliction is the bane of heresie and false religion With what care and conscience such matters are to bee dealt withall that which is read in Deut. 14. may sufficiently direct your honour Where it is plainly declared that if anie shall secretly intice vnto a strange religion either friend husband or brother the nearest bondes that nature or friendship hath they stand charged not only to reueale it but also that their handes shall be first vpon them to put them to death To bewray the secretes of a deare friend who is to a man as his owne soule seemeth to flesh and blood an heynous matter to deale so with a mans brother the sonne of his mother or with his daughter the bowels of his owne bodie the law of nature doeth crie out of it and yet for the glorie of our God we are not onely in such a case to reueale this against them but our selues to be the chiefe doers in the death execution of thē which telleth vs that with the true worship of God and religion neither friendship nor nature may enter anie comparison nay it telleth vs that at the bringing in of Idolatry a strange religion how secretly soeuer the seedes therof shal be sowen rather thē by the impunitie therof Gods glorie should be defaced and the daunger that is due for the neglect thereof should be susteined we are not onely to lay aside naturall affection but euē to breake into our owne bowels to bathe our selues in our owne blood The case so nearly touching the glorie of our God I am in good hope that this which hath bene said shall sufficiently perswade your honour to enter into some speedie care consideration how to suppresse so great grieuous a danger Your L. labour in this cause so directly and so daungerously dealing against the highest hee can neuer forget to recompence who hath promised to reward euē to a cup of cold water bestowed vpō the least of those little ones who doe beleeue in his name The God of all glorie make you partaker of that honour which is assured vnto all them who by these such like fruites of faith shall trauaile the ratifying of their owne election and the remouing of all such enormities or blemishes which either hurt the health or hinder the beautie of the Church Your Lordships most bounden to serue in the Lorde Iohn Knewstub To the Reader grace and peace THe holie Apostle speaking of the comming of the Romishe Antichrist sheweth that the Lorde woulde set vp that rennagate seat as it were an executioner or sergeant of his wrathfull iudgement against those which should not haue the loue of the trueth that they which would not effectually beleeue it receiuing sentence of the Lord himself to beleeue lies effectually shoulde be put to the execution thereof by the ministerie of that seat The truth wherof as in other places of Europe so in this our Countrey especially is euidently seene where the Lord sitting in his Assise not twise a yeare but all the whole yeare long reuengeth the shameful contempt and neglect of his truth by sending numbers to their stie or walter againe which beeing drawne into the fouldes of Christ by the preaching of the Gospell behaued themselues coldly and carelesly therein And albeit in long processe of time this only cāker of Poperie be able to eat vp the whole church yet the sinnes of our Countrey crie so loude that is to say are done so openly and so vncōtrolledly in the sight of the Lord that as if he woulde make a short hande of all he setteth vpon vs with diuerse engines at once to pull downe that which he hath so graciously builded and with diuerse axes layde euen to the roote vtterly to cutte vp that which his owne hand hath planted And to follow the former comparison as where there are great store of fellons the Iustices of Assise are faine to seuer and single themselues to make the speedier hande of them euen so through heapes of those which haue no loue of the truth in them the lord is as it were faine to erect vp other iudgement seates by the which hee may ease himselfe of them and to appoint other hangmen for their quicker dispatch to the place wherevnto they are adiudged And therefore contenteth not himself now with the heresie of the Papistes which haue beene a long time the principall sincke to receiue the outcastes of the Church nor with the heresie of the Arians and Anabaptists as it were other houses of office whereunto some of the filth of the Church hath beene discharged but stirreth vp other brandes of hell to set fire as it were in euerie corner of the Church Of this sort are the vnlouely companie of them that call themselues the Familie of loue Wherevpon it may
be vnderstanded howe vntruly the Gospel is charged as that which is in small fauour with God because in the time of the preaching thereof there rise such damnable sectes and that from them which haue borne the name of Gospellers Wherein the Gospel needeth so little to feare the confession hereof that the same tendeth euen to the iustifying of the great price and estimation that the Lorde hath it in For as the great estimation of the lawes of the lande is taken from the seuere punishment practised against the despisers of them so these fearefull iudgements executed vpon them which in their mouthes vaunting the Gospel in their workes denied the vertue of the same are preachers of the great ielousie which the Lord hath ouer the doctrine of the Gospel Which also because he woulde not haue slaundered with the filth of such sectes he so ordereth the matter that where our Church hath no strength to throw thē out they should willingly cast out thēselues therby to receiue their shame vpon their owne heades to cleare the Gospel with all reasonable men of that slaunder which some would gladly fasten vpon it For if holding their monstrous opinions they had notwithstanding remained in the bosome of the Church although falsly yet colourably it might haue bene said that the Gospel fauoureth such misshapen deformed things But when as the Lord in care to vphold the good report of the Gospel hath cast them out and they in a conscience of the hatred that the Gospelling Churches beare vnto such frensies haue sundered themselues from them it is maruaile that there can be anie so blind as not to see or so impudent as not to confesse that neither the gospel is the mother nor the Churches thereof the nourcerie of any such hellish opinions ▪ It is not therefore the loue of the Gospel professed of vs but the want of loue not the profession but the fruitlesse profession that is cause of these confusions Whereof there is yet more clearer proofe in that as the rout of these heretiks looked for the enmitie of our Churches so haue they felt their hand more sore vpon thē then the hand of any other cōpany in the world yea our Churches litle finger hath weyed heauier vpon thē then the loines of all other assemblies whatsoeuer The Papists pretēd great enmitie to the Anabaptists Swinkfeldians Arians other such detestable Antitrinitaries yet for twentie of our fields fought against thē they are not able to shew two for a hundreth strokes giuen by vs they are scarce able to shew one giuen by them that is to say they are scarce able to shew a line for a leafe or a leaf for a booke And euen in this Apostume of the familie of loue doubt you nothing but the Papists make shew of such a hatred as cannot be outmatched Howbeit it if you loke either to the cause or the effect of hatred you shall see their visard easily pulled of As touching the cause it shal plainly appere by the discourse of their opinions that the Papistes hauing moe thinges in common with them then wee haue haue lesse cause of hatred then we And for the effect let them shewe where anie of the Iustices leaning to Poperie haue so carefully and painefully dealt for the suppressing of them as haue the Iustices which fauour the Gospel Or let them shewe where anie of their Popishe Cleargie hath laboured for the ouerthrowe of their Heresies as haue the Ministers of the Gospel I meane not to charge their Cleargie for not speaking where their silence is so iust but yet for not writing howe can they deliuer themselues considering their leysure which they both haue a hundreth folde more then our Ministers and which they can vse against vs at their pleasure But as in this effect of our hatred against heresies we haue in Christ Iesus a godly triumph in respect of the Papistes so for the want of that care which should further be in vs aswel for the preuenting of such mischiefs before they fal as for the remouing of them when they are fallen we euē we all haue great cause to hang down our heads For albeit the lord in his most iust iudgemēt for reuenge of the contempt of the Gospel hath giuen vp these miserable men to their owne fantasies yet is it also ' certaine that our incircumspection hath had a mighty stroke to the bringing of it to passe For first the gates of the Citie of God with vs lie so wide open to all that will enter in as if wee might looke for that securitie here vppon earth that both doores and barres lockes and keyes shoulde bee needelesse For if anie will enter into our Churches who almoste is there to aske him from whence hee came to instruct him of the lawes of the Citie to require publike both confession of his former infidelitie and profession of a sounder fayth Secondly if being thus rashly admitted there were yet some wall or raile to holde them in vntill such time as they might bee better taught The carelesse receiuing of them might haue beene somewhat recompenced by a narrowe watche and warde that they shoulde not issue out againe But both the gates of our entring in and going out being thus vnkept there groweth vnto the Church an infamous slaunder whilest they are all iudged to haue beene of our Religion the greatest number whereof haue beene such babes therein as they knewe not the difference betwene their right and left hand So that the bare name of Gospellers excepted which they gat by treading now and then vpon the pauement of our assemblies they still remained in the same ignoraunce of the truth wherein they were at first Where againe it appeareth howe vniustly the Gospell is charged with these fallings away which it woulde haue stayed if it might haue had the full course as is to be seene in other places where the same Gospell being receiued such offences so thicke and threefold haue not ensued For this happinesse that no offences at all should bee happened not vnto the Churches gouerned by the Apostles themselues This then being a great peece of our fault for that we met not with these mischiefs aforehand another peece is that due care hath not bene taken for the abolishing of them after they were entred in vpon vs Wherevnto albeit as is aforesayd diuerse godly both Magistrates and Ministers haue put to their hand yet as in a house set on fire all runne to the quenching of it so it behoued that to the suppressing of this fire comming forth of the bottomlesse pit of hell all ioyntly shoulde haue giuen their attendance and euerie one haue drawne a bucket of those waters which the Israelites did in their calamitie For I meane not that they shoulde haue met to deale with the familie of loue but with the Lorde our god Who as in his iust wrath hee hath raised vp this cursed sect so vnlesse the same bee first appeased
in humbling our selues before him in prayer with weeping and fasting our eyes may faint in our heades with looking for remedie either of this euill or of any other that hang ouer vs. But I see well enough what the cause is why in so great an ouerplus of cares for other things there is yet so small care taken of this and it is because it is not esteemed perillous vnto the estate So by the way is the glorie of God troden vnder our feete which howsoeuer it be defaced yet so that it be imagined for truly it cannot be without hazard of the estate there is almost none that layeth it to his heart But yet tell mee I pray you howe come we to be so secure of the estate against this route of heretikes For let it not hurt the estate that it is the pestilentest heresie that euer was in the land that it leaueth neuer a peece of the knowledge of GOD whole and vnshaken that it is a masse or packe of Poperie Arianisme Anabaptisme and Libertisme I say let all this not once touch the foote of the estate which notwithstanding preaseth to the verie throate of it yet that it maketh no conscience of anie duetie to men their owne brood onely excepted that they may lie to all so they say true to themselues that they thinke euerie thing lawfull how filthie and howe disorderly soeuer that their fantasticall spirite telleth them doeth it not goe straitly and directly to the ouerthrowe of the cōmon wealth For if it shoulde but suddenly come into the giddie pate of one of their perfites that there ought to be no Magistrate or that none ought to bee better than other or possesse more then other it must bee by and by holden for so resolute a doctrine amongest them as if it had beene ripely debated and decreed by all the Vniuersities in Europe yea a horrible thing as if it hadde proceeded from the sacred mouth of god And who can tell whether these bee their thoughts alreadie which they smother vntill such time as they haue gotten an armie to execute them A number in this lande vppon a false alarme haue beene in a vaine iealousie and feare of Puritanisme Nowe the iustice of GOD hath payed vs For that which was spoken before in slaunder nowe may bee spoken in trueth and that which was beleeued when it was not is scarce suspected when it is For if you seeke after the Puritans these they bee Which although for their loosenesse of life they are from the toppe to the toe nothing but blottes yet bragge they of all perfection euen vnto a verie deifying of themselues what mischiefe therefore yee feare might come from the Puritans that looke for assuredly at their handes How beit the ouglinesse of this Heresie which shoulde driue to a feare doeth as it seemeth make men carelesse of it For they thinke that such a monstrous misshapen heresie shoulde finde louers either verie fewe or if anie number yet such sweepinges of the people as may at good leysure easily bee cast out For the first whereof they little knowe either what the corrupt nature of man is or what is the desert of the contempt of the Gospel amongest vs For there is no wickednesse so grosse the print whereof our waxie and pliable nature to all euill is not meete to receyue and it is the Lordes iust iudgement that they which haue despised the highest wisedome shoulde be throwne into the extremest follie And if anie hartning were taken in that they are of the rascall sort First it is not generally true these shamelesse dogges thrusting themselues for a fatter soppe into houses of great wealth Secondly their basenesse shoulde not free vs from the feare of them if we remember that the Iuie which is so despised and so lowe a shrub doth in climing by little and little kill the tallest and mightiest Oake in the forrest Take example first of Demetrius the Siluersmith who set the whole Citie in an vprore agaynst the Gospel and then of Alexander the Coppersmith of whom by the complaintes which Saint Paule maketh of him and imprecations against him it is apparaunt that he had by him receyued more hinderance in his ministerie then by anie other either Doctours of the Lawe or Princes of the common wealth And if they were so strengthlesse as they be supposed yet the swarmes of them shoulde cause men to bee waking vnlesse they haue forgotten that neither all the wisedome nor power of Egypt was able to resiste the armie of Lice which the Lorde sente againste them And it is to bee feared least this lousie cōpany of the familie of Loue be stirred vp not onely to beat vs but as it were to dry beate vs that like as the Gospell hath beene mocked amongst vs so the Lorde should chose him such rods wherwith he might as it were in great scorne and disdaine strike vs againe Such were the Hunnes Gothes Vandales which being raysed out of the dunghil and men of whome ther was no reckoning made yet had they such strength through the weake profession of the Gospel such greate successe through the smal successe therof such swiftnesse through the slacknesse in it that setting vpon the mightiest and moste warlike nation in the world they made in short time such a hād of them as if men had had to do with Mice or fire had met with Stubble such a woonderfull GOD is the Lorde who as he oftentimes in mercie deliuereth his by thinges of nothing so againe in wrath hee plageth them by thinges of like value But peraduenture as the verie name of the householde of loue is their great glory so it may breede in vs an opinon of their harmlesnesse For who can feare any euill from loue which doth good to all and hurteth none How beit adde only which the trueth it selfe doth prooue that it is the housholde of Selfeloue and then what mischiefe is there whiche wee may not make iust account of if their handes be as able to deliuer it as their heartes are frutefull to conceiue it For except a fewe faire speaches wherewith they would forsooth approue them selues to bee led with the spirit of Loue and which are rather a cloke to couer their hatred against vs then any wholesome fruite of vnfained loue their loue is so lame that it cannot steppe a foote out of their owne doores And as we haue nothing to trust to in this title so they in vaunting them selues of it doe but glorie in their owne shame For I can as well affoord it them to the discouerie of their owne fylth as the name of Iesuites vnto the Papistes which pride themselues therein For as they leauing the title of Christiās cōmended to vs in the holy scripture and coyning a new of their owne braine carrie the note of their intollerable arrogancie in their forehead red of all which vnderstand anie thing of Christian modestie euen so also is it in
this vermin For besides their pride whereby they haue sought them selues a title apart from others what an intollerable arrogancie is it to leaue the titles of the scripture for a liking they haue to those of their owne forge For if they would needes single themselues by a seuerall name why tooke they not the name of the householde of fayth mencioned in the Scripture rather then the name of the householde of Loue wherof there is no such mention The same or not vnlike iudgement of their strange phrases wherewith they apparell and set foorth their straūge opinions deuises that to those which haue their sences wel inured to discerne of doctrines it will be as easy thereby to discry their new learning as it is to know an outlandish man by his toung or speach For they are so swelling as if they had feared least they should not haue beene sufficiently knowen to bee of those deceiuers which the Apostles Saint Peter and S. Iude haue marked out vnlesse they had shewed vs this brande which the holie Apostles did set vpon their tounges Albeit to say the trueth in this manner of handeling there is not more pride then crafte and deceite For therefore no doubt doe they so farre passe and exceede the measure of the common speach that the ruder sorte not able to vnderstand them beeing astonied might be as it were hanged in an admiration of them Whereof if I should giue you a paterne I could not doe it more aptely then in sending you to the gibberish of our Rogues or of the counterfait sort of Egyptians which were woonte to haue a speciall chat wherewithall they amazed the simple men whilest they drewe them into their nettes Whatsoeuer it is it is most vnlike the language of the holie spirit of god For in steede that it doeth vtter graue and high matters in a lowe and familiar stile they set forth their trifling and halfepeny doctrines with loftie and high phrases of speech Nowe it remayneth that for the glory of God so shamefully defaced for the trueth so slaunderously reported for the Church so grieuously stricken for the common wealth presently wounded further hazarded that all those to whome the Lord hath giuen any meanes of stopping this gap where at his wrath hath thus broken in vpon vs make hast to the rescue of the trueth and resistance of the euill First of all therefore we must all humble our selues vnder the reuenging hand of GOD in prayer and fasting in sackcloth and ashes that if by standing before the Iudge and confessing our giltinesse of crime wee doe put the halter as it were aboute our owne necks hee may peraduenture haue compassion on vs and repente him bothe of this and other the euils which hee threateneth against vs The exercise whereof ought without all controuersie to bee publike to the end that the Church with all hir Children together lying prostrate before his Maiestie all their cryes complaints at once sent vp may so ring in his eares as that he may be the rather moued to pittie towardes her But if it be holden out from the publike assemblyes then the Lorde casteth this charge of sanctifying a fast vppon priuate and common houses And if the priuate houses bee sparred against it through their carelesse Maisters yet let euery faithfull person who trembleth and quaketh when the Lorde roareth take him to his Chamber for the humbling and submitting of himselfe before his GOD. Then her Maiestie is heere moste humbly to bee desired that that God which hath preserued her royall person vnto the crowne and in the crowne from all the treasons intended against her may haue her sword or rather his owne swoorde committed vnto her drawne vppon these horrible treasons which are in a high hand committed directly against his own person to the launchinge of such as are curable and to the quite cutting off of those that are desperate the Captaines especially Her moste honourable Councel is likewise most humbly to be desired that they would so croude vp other their weightie and graue consultations that this also which in weightinesse giueth place but vnto few may haue the rowme that it deserueth Namely how her Maiesties Swoorde may be most coningly and rightly handeled for the speediest and effectuallest riddaunce heereof Her worshipfull Iustices and other inferiour Magistrates that they would so diligently waite vppon the execution as that they remember that the greater hast they make against them the greater stay the Lorde will make in his iudgement against vs The carefull ministers of the land that they would not onely labour to kepe their flockes from the contagion of this pestilence but seek also to pull such out of the fire as through simple ignorance haue fallen into it The godly people that they would remember dayly so to commend the good successe of both the ministeries of the worde and of the sworde vnto the Lord that the prospering in the subduing of this detestable heresy it may by continuance of a godly peace go well with them and theirs after them So shall not onely the euill it selfe but also the slaunderous charges against the Gospel be cleane wiped away whilest the heresies which sprang without the fault of the Gospel shall be remooued by the power of the Gospel whilst the euils which rose through the sleepinesse of some of the professors shall be put downe through the watchfulnesse of them all whilest finally this heresie being of some confuted of other some punished prayed against of all the Gospell may haue a greater triumph in the conquest of this heresie then if it had neuer beene inuaded by it FINIS The iudgement of a godly learned man touching this matter sent mee in a Letter WHen I did first heare that you had taken in hand a confutation of the heresie or rather of the heape of heresies which some yeeres past comming out of Dutchland arriued in Englande and receiued in many places secret but dangerous and yet too too safe entertainment I did rather feare an euil then hope for a good issue of that your godly labour For considering first the dark and deceauing words the new phrases and blasphemous allegoryes wherwith the Family of Loue fill their bookes which speaches may be expounded thus if they will and otherwise if they liste chaunging with euery change of person in that family as he is more or lesse vrged or able to answere or as may most deceiue or auoyde a mischief Secondarily noting that they deny principles and groundes of Religion scorning the ground of all grounds the most holy Scriptures of God that in the most holy poyntes touching the person and offices of Christ Iesus our iustification and sanctification thirdly finding that they haue a double hart a chaungeable tounge renouncing and recanting before Magistrates and vpon their commaundement before the world that they maintained and are resolued notwithstanding to maintaine still in sworne obedience to H.N. according to
confirmed by places of the scripture after his accustomed maner And euen in this same chapter he hath these words Happy are they which haue nowe in this day entended or minded the loue and the peace for in this selfe same day shall now the good with all repentant ones which stand good willing towards the good become knowen and made manifest from the wicked and from all vnrepentant ones which haue a lust to the iniquitie to the wicked and corrupted world they shal seperate thē the one from the other The separation which shal be at the last day betweene the sheepe and the goates as it is euident in that place of Matthew which he alleadgeth is as he saith fulfilled nowe while some ioyne with his doctrine that his family other seperate themselues from it And a little after in this same chapter thus he speaketh againe of this same thing Behold in this present day the glorious cōming of our Lorde Iesu Christ with the many thousands of his saints becommeth manifested which hath set himself now vpon the seate of his maiestie for to iudge in this same day which the Lord hath ordained or appointed the whol world with equitie and with faithfulnes trueth according to his righteousnes The places quoted by him in the margent out of Matthew Iude the Actes are so plaine for the second comming of Christ to the iudgement both of quick dead and not for bringing any doctrine for their further instruction as that it can admit no interpretation to the contrary The Scripture is not more plaine in any point then that eternall life is a matter diuers and distinct from the fruites of regeneration whiche are practised of the godly heere in this life For thus saith the Apostle of him selfe I haue fought a good fight and haue finished my course I haue kept the faith from henceforth is laid vp for me the crowne of Righteousnes which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not vnto mee onely but vnto all them also that loue his appearing If eternall life bee the same with Christian conuersation then could not the Apostle who had kept the faith look for any other crowne then that which he had alreadie neither yet for any other appearing of Christ if that be his last comming when he worketh the reformation of our life Let vs brethrē learne of the Apostle to keep the faith that we may also with him bee assured to receiue the crowne of Righteousnesse at the appearing of Iesus Christ For the father of this familie togither with many of his householde because they haue not kept the faith but made shipwrack thereof not onely nowe themselues want the comfortable hope of that blessed inheritance which holdeth vs vp in the middest of all our distresses but also labour to take away from others the grounds of all hope heereafter to bee had Nowe if any bee so fauourable to this familie as to answeare for them that whatsoeuer their woordes bee it is not their meaning to imagine that the day of Iudgement is already come and that Christ is come againe to iudge the quick and the deade or that nowe wee are parted from the Goates and possessed of euerlasting life I woulde aske that man what hee would say if hee should by occasion happen to heare a man conspyring with others his fellowes aboute the breaking of his house and afterwarde him selfe should take the same partie when he had vndermined the strongest parte thereof whether hee could not bee brought for all this to thinke the man had any meaning to hurte or hinder him Nowe the woordes of H. N. are plaine that Christe is already come with thousandes of his Angels to iudge the worlde with righteousnesse and the strongest holdes of our hope for an other life and other ioyes in the worlde to come he hath attempted vtterly to ouerthrowe telling vs that those are already possessed of vs euen heere in this life H. N. The fifth Chapter of his Euangelie or ioyful message of the kingdome BEholde and consider ye dearely beloued how that God after the mans falling away hath alwaies shewed his loue on the man and promised him euē so to the destroying of the sinne to set enmitie betwixt the serpent whose head is the sinne and the woman which consented to the sinne and betwixt the serpents seede and the womans seede to the treading downe of the head of the serpent And how that the same promised enmitie against the sin and the sinful seede had her beginning by the single minded Abel Which Abel offered vp his willing gifte or offering out of a good hart vnto the God of Heauen and was slaine by the wicked nature of the sinne through the hands of his brother Caine And how that Seth after the death of Abel was placed by God to be an other seede in the place of Abel to the establishing of the foresaide promise of God As also how that Seth which is the seconde seede in the place of Abel and his seede is the right stocke or linage whereout the beleeuers and children of GOD namely all they that haue beene enemies vnto the sin are borne or brought forth to the establishing of the promises of God the father But all other people or generations which were borne vpon the earth without the stocke of Seth and all they that walked not in the forme of Abel according to the maner or ordinaunce of Seth were not of the right stocke of Seth but they were foraine braunches which turned them away there from and were neuer prudent nor vnderstanding in the godly wisdome but verie well in their owne felfe knowledge and good thinking wherewith they turned vnto them selues and forsooke euen so the vpright childishnesse and simplicitie and the willing oblation or god seruice of Abel Answere TOuching the fall of man this Authour speaketh darkely and daungerously in euery place GOD saith he after the mans falling away hath alwayes shewed his loue on the man and in the later ende of the fourth Chapter hee hath these woordes Wee will declare from the time foorth of the falling away or disobedience of the man the earnest loue which GOD hath alwaies till vnto this same day shewed towards the man through his elected Ministers to bring him agayne vnto the heritable beautie of the former kingdome From the which hee turned him away In the beginning likewise of that fourth Chapter hee saith to the like effect that from the former kingdome full of all righteousnesse loue peace and amiablenesse the man hath from the beginning turned away his hearte and fell away from or was disobedient vnto the worde of his God the vpright life of his true light Thus doth he set foorth the fall of man for he hath no place touching this doctrine plainer fuller then these be Wherin I beseche you mark the diuersitie of this doctrine from
he take something for their standing other benefit he hath none by them This true essence and being of God which H. N calleth his loue is not according to his doctrine any thing that the Almightie hath proper and peculiar vnto himselfe in that he is God but that which all the faythfull are possessed of and that not in some little measure but so as there dwel liue or rule no other thing in all there spirite thoughtes mind and soule but alone this true godhead with his louely being of the vpright loue For these are his owne words in his first exhortation Chap. 15. and Section 26. The true freedome verily is this that the mā through the ministratiō of the gracious word is wholy released purged or purified frō all wicked nature which hath raigned ouer him that there dwel liue nor rule any other thing in him namely in al his spirit thoughts mind soule but alone the true godhed with his louely being of the vpright loue yea to be so wholy replenished with all vertues of God that there flow nothing in him but the spirituall heauenly and liuing waters And because H.N. his doctrine tendeth to establish a kinde of loue which in his opinion is the true beeing diuinitie and deitie of God therefore he calleth also his counsell and instruction this true being For thus he speaketh in his first exhortation Chapiter 12. Section 54. If yee stand minded to feare the Lorde to bee obedient to his lawe that passeth foorth presently out of the true Sion his word that passeth forth presently out of the heauēly Ierusalem giue ouer your selues after my counsaile and instruction according to it al as the Lord hath reuealed the true being vnto me out of Sion and Ierusalem wholy and altogither so will I then in like maner euen out of the heartie loue stand seruiseable so much as I may in the Lorde vnto you dayly and at all times thervnto to the end you should feare the highest God and might learne to knowe his righteousnesse For his righteousnesse is the loue the true being and the euerlasting life Speaking as you heare of his doctrine and exhorting them to the imbracing thereof hee calleth it the true being when hee sayeth according as the Lorde hath reuealed the true being vnto mee And in the ende he concludeth that the righteousnesse which he teacheth is the loue the true beeing and the euerlasting life So that the Deitie and beeing which H. N. giueth vnto GOD is no other then that which mortall men attaine vnto For the righteousnesse which they perfourme by his doctrine is as he sayeth the loue the true being and euerlasting life And forasmuch as this true being is no other thing with him then that loue which by his doctrine manie are made partakers off therefore in the beginning of his Euangelie H.N. affirmeth himselfe to be godded with God in the spirite of his loue and likewise sayeth that he was the true light of the perfect being And in his first exhortation Chapter 17. Section 5. The Childe confesseth of the Father and eldest Elder that the moste highest hath reuealed the possession of his moste excellent Maiestie in him and that with the same being of the perfect Godhead he hath made a godly dwelling with him This doctrine doeth vtterly ouerthrow the true diuinitie deitie of God it robbeth him of his true essence and beeing and couereth him with no other essence nature or being then is found in man it setteth the creator among the creatures and it matcheth the the creature with the creator The Lord if it be his good wil open their eyes that they may see it giue them harts that may blush and be ashamed of such blasphemie that e●that they may receiued in true repentance or otherwise if they will still harden their hearts that wee may see them laid downe in their confusion and couered with their owne shame H.N. In which name of the father wee are plucked Section 3 thorowe the seruice of his holie and gratious word vnder the obedience of the law of the Lorde of the beliefe of Iesu Christ and of the loue of the holie ghost by the father to the loue of his onely sonne Iesu or Sauiour the very like beinge or substaunce of his Godhed and euen so baptised or washed in the same name of the father Which plucking of the father and baptising in Section 4 the fathers name hath the foregoing by vs in the administration of the holie word vnder the obedience of the loue with the Law or ordinaunce of the Lorde And with his correction or discipline wherewithall we euen so as in an enmitie against the sinne beecome preuented and infourmed to an incorporating in the godlie righteousnesse For euen so in the becomming baptised in the name Section 5 of the father doth the Lord chastise or nurtur with his lawe euery man which hee plucketh or receiueth vnto him where through it becommeth than all made manifest in the man whatsoeuer becommeth chastised by the light or through the light Section 6 Through which fatherlie discipline in the becomming manifest of the sinne we are in seeing perceiuing in the light all the horriblenes of the sinne togither with Deuils and the fleshes lying craftie deceitful or false nature and Gods indignation and wrath ouer the same ouer all such as are of one minde therwith Section 7 When we nowe finde our selues guiltie in al and become in such sorte chastised by Gods grace through his light of the fatherlie loue so beare wee at that time greife sorrowe and anguish or affliction for the sinnes cause and confessing the same sinnes with humble heartes in the seruice of the holie word vnder the obedience of the loue of the father wee become wholy inclined and goodwilling to hate to leaue and to lay away or to mortifie the sinnes and all what is vngodly and to that effect we doe as than wholly giue ouer our selues in the counsaile of the holie worde and of the elders in the seruice of the loue To the ende that God the fathers name according to the requiring of the seruice of his loue might become hallowed and magnified in vs. Section 8 And euen so in the familie or communalty of the Loue wee obtaine grace and fauour before God the father and his sonne Iesu Christ become through the seruice of the holy woorde and of the fatherlie correction kepte and led foorth euen vnto Iesus Christ the sonne of GOD the father For to become iustified released or made free through the name of the sonne vnto whom God the father hath giuen all power both in heauen earth from the sinne ▪ and from her kingdom of the death of the Deuill and of all wicked spirites namely to our preseruation in the godlinesse in the
of God whereof he had a merciful promise and graunt made vnto him Likewise when Dauid his sinnes were not imputed neither laid vnto his charge that was fauour in the Lord pardoning them and not imputing them vnto him Howe doeth this hang togeather with the doctrine of H. N. who saith that wee are to folowe Christ in the death of his crosse to the pardoning releasing of vs from our sinnes And howe will this folowing of Christ in his death of the crosse for the safe making of vs frō our sinnes stand with this not imputing of our sinnes vnto vs For if our righteousnes stande by imputation then is it not purchased by imitation and following of Christe in his like death and suffering If Christ his satisfaction for sinne stande beetweene the wrath of GOD and vs then doeth not our imitation of Christ in his death keepe of the daunger of our sinnes from vs The Brasen Serpent erected in the wildernesse at the commaundement of Almightie God which was a figure of Christ declareth that it is faith in him that did hang vppon the crosse and not the following after him in the death of the crosse that doeth iustifie vs and keepe the sting of our sinnes from beeing deadly vnto vs For those who are bitten with the liuing serpentes were promised if they shoulde looke vppon the dead Serpent to liue and recouer by that meanes but were not inioyned to haue them selues after death erected and set vppe vppon a Pole for their recouery from that daunger As appeareth in the booke of Numbers And the Lord saide vnto Moses Make thee a fiery Serpent and set it vppe for a signe that as many as are bitten may looke vppon it and liue So Moses made a Serpent of Brasse and set it vppe for a signe and when a Serpent had bitten a man then hee looked to the Serpent of Brasse and liued Nowe the sharpe and daungerous biting and stingyng of the liuyng Serpent did force them to leaue them selues and too looke after comfort where it was to bee founde And when sinne shal once sting the fauourers of this opinion of H. N. theyr consciences beyng awaked which nowe are in a deadly sleepe they shall then bee forced to feele and confesse that there is no medicine in them selues able to asswage the heate and anger thereof But as it seemed vnlikely to fleshe and blood that a Serpent of Brasse beyng but a dead thing coulde euer woorke a cure vppon them who were stoong with quicke liuing Serpentes and in daunger of present death especially by the looking and beholding of the same So doeth it vnto H. N. the eyes of whose vnderstanding are altogeather fleshly that Christe his obedience vppon the crosse beeyng but looked vppon with the eies of our faith and not imitated in the selfe same practise shoulde bee able to heale the sores of our soule Albeit our Sauiour Christ affirmeth in plaine speache That as Moses lifte vp the Serpent in the wildernesse so muste the Sonne of man bee lift vp that whosoeuer beleeueth in him shoulde not perishe but haue eternall life The opinion of H. N. that our folowing after Christe and obediennce in the imitation of him shoulde be able to discharge vs of our sinnes that before were committed declareth that hee is ignorant altogether of the righteousnesse of GOD reuealed in his woorde For obedience if it were perfect in vs and no transgression to bee founde against the lawe of God either in thought woorde or deede after that once wee haue begunne to feare him yet coulde not all this answere for the least sinne that went before For it is but a part of that is due vnto the Lorde from vs Who teacheth vs that when wee shall haue discharged the whole debt and haue doone euery thing commaunded yet are wee humblie to acknowledge that wee bee but vnprofitable seruauntes and haue doone no more then that which was our dutie to doe according as hee by our owne experience and practise doth plainely prooue vnto vs For which of you sayth our Sauiour Christ Hauing a seruaunt plowyng or other wyse labouryng all the day long wyll by and by after hee bee come home say vnto him Goe and sit downe at the Table wyll hee not rather be ready to enioyne him an other woorke within the house as to prepare thynges for his owne Supper and when that is doone laye the thirde labour vppon him as to wayte at the Table and see nothing to bee wantyng vntyll hymselfe haue supped yea and when all this is doone doeth hee so muche as once open his mouth to thanke that seruant because he did that which was commaunded vnto him I trowe not saith our Sauiour Christ And in very deede we do looke for such duetie from a seruant that yf he shall deny to doe any thing of that which his maister shall commaunde him foorthwith wee geue sentence that he is no man meete for seruice because we think that the seruant ought not as if hee weere a free man to haue any libertie or priuiledge but to reache in obedience vnto all that his maister by commaundement shal enioyne him And therfore accordingly when our seruant shal haue dispatched labour after labour and obeyed commaundedement after commaundement yet do we not once thanke him for all that because wee thinke it is all duetie that a seruant doeth howe muche so euer Herevpon came that Prouerbe That no man can serue two maisters because seruice is voide of all priuiledge and libertie of infinite duetie if maisters shall make no ende of commaunding for all is accompted duetie in a seruaunt which the maister shall commaunde him to do A man cannot therefore sufficiently woonder at the blindnesse of H. N. and others who acknowledgyng that they be seruauntes vnto the Lorde dare notwithstanding in the pride of their hart make such a reckoning of their seruice a fewe dayes or yeeres as that it shoulde make a sufficient satisfaction for those dayes and times wherein they were not only loyterers and did no duetie vnto him at all but also were retained of his aduersarie and spared not to wounde his glory Dare a seruant who hath loytered one whole weeke and done his maister no woorke or seruice at all for shame open his mouth the next weeke when hee hath trauelled for his maister as a good seruaunt ought alwaies to doe and say Sir I trust now your selfe being iudge I haue made a sufficient satisfactiō for my loitering al this last weeke I cannot thinke this Famelie eyther to bee so full of loue or so empty of vpright iudgement as to take this for sufficient seruice or as a reasonable answeare to bee put vp at the handes of any of their seruantes not excepting those to whom they shall geue the least wages This familie of loue and the Papistes they are the best husbandes that I haue euer hearde of and the moste can they make of that litle they haue ▪ for
Lorde had pardoned him his sinne therefore euery man that is godly shoulde bee emboldened likewise in their sinnes to flie vnto him wherevpon it followeth that euery man that is godly is subiect to sinne And if this offence of Dauid which had pardon from the Lorde had not beene ommitted after his calling and walking vnto the worde of God then could it not haue beene an argument of hope for the godly because it was committed before he began to liue in the feare of God and therfore their estate condition should be so diuerse that one coulde not yeelde the helpe of hope vnto an other Now if euery godly man should haue hope by it then is there no man so illuminate but he remaineth subiect to sinne and therefore must liue by faith and with the true Church of God beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes Nowe forgiuenesse of sinne if H.N. his doctrine may be beleeued is not to bee had or hoped for without this his familie of loue so that euery man not beeing of that his number is shut out of the Church and kingdome of Christ and liueth without all hope of mercy and forgiuenesse from the Lorde For these be his wordes in explaning this Article No man shall obteine grace nor forgiuenesse of sinnes at God his hands without thissame holy communialtie of Christ for thissame is the holy christianity the Familie of loue wherein God himselfe dwelleth liueth walketh c. H. N. The xi Article Wee beleeue the resurrection of the fleshe wee confesse that the dead which are deceased or fallen a sleepe in Christ rise vp with their bodyes and appeare with Christ in his glory where through the whole house of Israell becommeth erected or restored in the last day according to the promises Answeare That the resurrection of the body is wholy and altogither a spirituall matter according to the doctrine of H. N it plainely appeareth in all his bookes I in deede he vseth this worde body in this place but as his accustomed kind of dealing hath beene heeretofore that the simple may the sooner be deceiued thereby in not suspecting any straunge matter to be there where they heare no other beside the knowen accustomed wordes He calleth it the resurrection of the body be cause it is acccōplished while yet we are liuing in this body for so many as nowe imbrace the doctrine of H. N. and are growen to perfection in the same in his iudgement those are risen from the deade and that is with him the resurrectiō of the body in the last day whervnto he draweth all the scriptures which mention the day of iudgement the second comming of Christ when as wel good as bad shall rise againe in the fleshe and be adiudged either to ioy or paine euerlastingly That thus he thinketh of the resurrection it is plaine and euidently to be seene in his Euangelie Chapter 35.8 Beholde in this present day is this Scripture fulfilled and according to the testimonie of the scripture the raysing vp and resurrection of the Lordes dead commeth also to passe presently in thissame day through the appearing of the comming of Christ in his maiestie which resurrection of the dead seeing that the same is come vnto vs from Gods grace we doe likewise in this present day to an Euangelie or ioyfull message of the kingdome of God and christ publish in al the world vnder the obediēce of the loue In which resurrection of the dead God sheweth vnto vs that the time is now fulfilled that his dead or the dead that are fallen on sleepe in the Lord rise vp in this day of his iudgement appeare vnto vs in godly glory which shall also frō henceforth liue in vs euerlastingly with Christ and raigne vpon the earth wherein the scripture becommeth fulfilled in this present day like as there standeth written therof And in the seconde chapter of the Euangelie Section 3. For that cause awake now in the spirit ye louers of the trueth and throughly measure or try out the ground of this same spirit which to the making aliue of all the dead that are deceassed in the Lord is proceeded from God and meruaile not at any of thissame but search or examine the scripture whether that it make not mention of the same Likewise in the 4. Chapter Section 14. For this cause our hope standeth now in this day very little on many inhabitours of the worlde for of them there shall fewe come which shall stand minded or adioyne them vnto the loue and the requiring of her seruice with all their heart and yet many fewer which shall perseuer therin vnto the ende Therefore hope we with ioy much more on the appearing of the dead which dye in the Lorde or are dead in him to wit that they in their resurrectiō from the death shall liuingly come vnto or meete with vs For all the dead of the Lord or members of Christ shall now liue arise with their bodyes we shall assemble vs with them and they with vs to one body in Iesus Christ into one louely beeing of the loue and be altogither concordable in the loue and peace of Iesu Christ He that shall reade the booke of H.N. with iudgement shall soone see and perceiue that the knowledge of his doctrine and obedience thereunto is with him all in-all it is the cōming of Christ the sound of the last Trumpet the resurrection from the deade and euerlasting life of many I will giue you one place for proofe heereof it is in his Euangelie Chapter 38. Section 2 Wherefore awake now all lift vp your heades heare and see the wonderfull actes of God and haue regarde vnto the sounde of the laste Trumpet and consider the forefront of the true Tabernacle of God wherein the beginning of the true God seruice and of the vpright Christian life becōmeth erected the holie of the true tabernacle of God wherin the true God seruice and his requiring the obedience of the belief euen vnto the vpright christian life is accomplished the vaile remoued from the most holy the most holy of the true tabernacle of god wherein the perfection of the true Christian life and al that which God hath spoken from the beginning and promised thorow his Prophets is set vp the kingdome of the God of heauens full of al pure beautie and heauenly powers wherein all mindes of pure hartes doe liue with christian triumph free without feare the day of the righteous iudgement of God in which the compasse of the earth becommeth iudged with righteousnesse the iudgement seat of Christ before which all things must needes be manifested the perfect being of God and Christ in his abundant clearnesse of the godly light the true rest of al the children of God in their perfect louelinesse and vpright being the mysterie of the heauenly trueth wherein the right seruice of loue hath his ministration the declaring of the spirituall treasures or riches
hearts which hope on God and on his righteousnesse and beare the loue of God and Christ in their hearts to the end that they all which loue God and his Christ mought now liue louely and peaceably in the same rest with all the holy ones of God and Christ in all loue which most holy the most pure perfect beautie his vpright and gracious seruice of loue we haue receiued or atteined vnto now in this last time wherin we inherite the fulnesse of the life to an euerlasting ioy with God and his Christ And that same most holy his seruice of loue reacheth also no further but it is the perfection it selfe for that cause the seruice of loue which the Lord hath erected with vs little ones elected ones shal stand fast euerlastingly in his ministration and remaine for euer according to the Scripture This seruice of loue as H.N. doth here declare is the perfection it selfe which shall stande fast euerlastingly in his ministration and remain for euer according to the scripture and he that liueth obediently in this seruice of the loue is alreadie ouer head and eares in the ioyes of heauen H.N. his heauen that is builded here vpon earth hath beene ouerthrowne before in the confutation of his title I meane not therefore to haue any other dealing against it before I shall be fully certified that eyther it is builded higher or else that the foundation is made surer onely this I desire that the eyes of this family may be opened so to see the true happinesse laid vp in heauen for the faithfull as that they may growe into a true detestation of all those who teach no other ioyes to be there then such that are felt and perceyued in this life A confutation of H.N. his estate of perfection THat which in this doctrine of H.N. is all in all according to the trueth of God his worde is not at all to be founde among men I meane his estate of perfection which with him is Christ the holy Ghost the resurrection and the euerlasting life and what is it not Now he imagineth that his illuminate men haue profited so well in godlinesse that they sinne no more A doctrine which the whole course of the Scripture doth vtterly ouerthrow For the scope and drift of the worde of God is to leaue all flesh indebted vnto the goodnesse of God that he who will glorie may glorie in the Lorde And therefore it doeth in many places teach and declare that sinne and imperfection is in all men In manie thinges sayeth the Apostle Saint Iames we offende all The Apostle doth not exempt anie man no not himselfe from sinne and offence against God in this his doctrine Whervnto accordeth that saying of Saint Iohn If we say that we haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. When the Apostles and pillers of the Church of GOD acknowledge themselues to bee sinners hee cannot bee guided with that spirite which did speake in them who shall denie him selfe and others to offende at all They alledge for them that saying of Saint Iohn Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not and that likewise He that committeth sinne is of the Deuill To the which I answere according to that principle which is begonne and grounded vpon reason which also our vsuall speach and practise doeth continue that the whole doeth beare the name after that which is principall in the thing And therefore when men haue dealinges in diuerse trades they alwayes beare the name after that which is principall The Marchaunt who hath a house in the Countrey and some dealinges in husbandrie is notwithstanding called a Marchant and not an husbandman because it is the chiefe and principall thing which he trauaileth in and whereby his especiall maintenaunce doeth growe The wine which is mingled with water hath to name wine and not water because wine is the principall and chiefe part And that lumpe which hath great store of drosse is named notwithstanding of that golde which is in it howe little soeuer the quantitie thereof shall happen to bee because it is principall in value and accompt So that whether we shall compare quantitie with quantitie or qualitie with qualitie the principall shall alwayes beare away the name And therefore no maruaile if the Euangelist shall say that he is of the Deuill who committeth sinne because here hee disputeth not of one or some fewe actions that breake out of a man but of that which is principall in a man For hee draweth all men to these two heades either to bee borne of GOD or of the Deuill According to this doctrine doeth the Apostle exhort vs saying Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodies for if sinne bee principall beare rule and reigne in anie they giuing themselues as seruauntes thereunto wee may lawfully say of such with the Apostle that they are of the Deuill as contrariwise when anie shall humble themselues to those dueties which are sette downe to vs in the worde of GOD so as that course of life shall bee chiefe and principall in them though in manie particular actions they shall be found offenders yet may they all this notwithstanding be said to be borne of GOD and not to sinne because it is not in them as ruler and principall but as a slaue and vnderling and therefore not able to beare the name When the contention is as nowe for principalitie rule According to this distinction we do finde in the scriptures graces denied vnto sinners when sinne is in rule and gouernement which are not denied when it is in subiection and seruice In the Gospell after Saint Iohn it is thus written touching sinne when it is principal and gouerneth â–ª We know that God heareth not sinners And in the Epistle it is plainly set downe concerning sinne when yet it is in vs though not ruler ouer vs that if wee acknowledge our sinnes he is faithfull iust to forgiue vs our sinnes We doe find likewise in other places because of this diuersitie diuerse and distinct things vttered touching sinne For in the Epistle of Saint Iohn it is there said He that committeth sinne is of the Deuil And in the first Chapter of that Epistle the Apostle affirmeth plainly of himselfe and of all the seruants of God who liue here in this world that if we say we haue no sinne we do deceiue our selues and trueth is not in vs. So diuerse speaches vttered in the Scripture of sinne must of necessitie force vs according as the godly and learned of all times haue done before vs thus to distinguish the same For the further warrant of this doctrine which giueth the name of the whole vnto that which is not yet whole and perfect because of a speciall studie trauaile profiting therein and contending thervnto consider I pray you of that which is written by the Apostle who when he had before confessed that he had
there is no lewdenes nor frowardnesse in them they are al plaine to him that wil vnderstand streight to him that would finde knowlege Which thing also is confirmed in the last verse of the Prophet O sea wherevnto accordeth Augustine Diuinitus visum est vt sacra oracula simplici perspicuo exararentur dictionis genere ne praetendere quisquā possit nihil a se in illis intelligi It was thought good vnto almighty God that the Scriptures shoulde be penned in a simple and plaine kinde of speache least any man might pretende that hee coulde vnderstande nothing in them And in the same place hee speaketh yet more playnely vnto the same ende in these woordes Modus ipse dicendi quo sacra Scriptura contexitur ea quae aperta sunt quasi amicus Familiaris sine fuco ad cor loquitur indoctorum atque doctorum ea vero quae in mysteriis occultat nec ipse eloquio superbo eregit quo non audeat accedere mens tardiuscula inerudita quasi paupet ad diuitem sed inuitat omnes humili sermone quos non solum manifesta pascat sed etiam secreta exerceat veritate hoc in promptis quod in reconditis habens sed ne apertè fastiderentur eadem rursus operta desiderantur desiderata quodāmomodo renouantur renouata suauiter intimantur Augustine affirmeth in these woordes that the fourme of speaking with the Scripture vseth euen in the parables and darkest places thereof creepeth so lowe vppon the grounde that not onely an vnlearned man but euen a dull heade may reache vnto it And touching the matter conteyned in those parables and darke speaches hee affirmeth it to be no other then that which is in plaine wordes deliuered elsewhere in the Scripture neither hath the holie Ghost any other meaning in speaking that darkely and in parables which before was deliuered in plaine speache as hee saith but to keepe contempt from the woorde which through our corruption continuall plainnesse and familiaritie casteth vppon it and that we might so bring a newe and fresh desire and appetite vnto the same thing which in an other forme commeth as it were a newe and freshe vnto vs. Now as for H N. hee is farre from this lowe stile that creepeth in the most difficult matters vpon the grounde for when hee is the lowest most neere vnto vs he is at the least soaring in the middle region of the ayre and verie often a man shall not meete with him no not if hee were rapte into the thirde heauen so mysticall is his meaning Whereby we may easily see and perceiue that H.N. is not guided and conducted with that spirite who hath penned the Scriptures in so playne and simple a stile as inuiteth euen the simplest sort to resort thither As H.N. doth imitate ancient Heretiks in Allegories so doeth he likewise in his darke and straunge forme of spelaking Marcitae a kinde of Heretikes whō Augustine maketh mencion of in his booke of heresies who affirmed themselues to be perfect and wherein H. N. is a faithfull follower of them denied the resurrection of the bodie did with a darke and straunge stile so astonie the simple people that woondering at the matter because it was aboue their capacitie they yeelded vnto it as vnto an oracle lately come from heauen Touching the stile which the first Authour thereof one Marcus vsed thus I finde it written Obscurissime quibusdam verborum tanquā mysteriorum inuolucris vtens loquebatur de Deo vt stuperent audientes homines potius quam intelligerent Hebreae quoque linguae fuit peritus itaque vocabulis Hebraeis Graecis hominibus exoticis deliria sua tegebat He did speake darkely and vsed such a wrapping kinde of woordes that the hearers were rather astonied with the strangenes of the words then edified with any vnderstanding they had of the meaning therof and his heresies and doating dreames he couered with Hebrue Greeke words among thē who were ignorāt of of these tongues Who seeth not here the playne picture of H. N. both in the darkenesse of his writing and in the making of al his misteries w are coyned by a certain foolish doting deriuation of names from the Hebrues The Libertines likewise had a picked kinde of speache which one thing that worthie instrument in Christ his Church Master Caluine did so mislike of as being an infallible note of iugling and craftie conueying that hee willeth al men to cut them of here at the first eyther to haue them leaue their pedlars Frenche speaking playnely and simply as the Scripture doeth or else to let them talke vnto themselues as men not meete to haue any audience among those schollers who haue bene trayned vp in the playne and simple teaching of the Scriptures FINIS A Confutation of the doctrine of Dauid George and H. N. the father of the Familie of loue By M. Martyn Micronius Minister of the woorde in the Dutche Churche at London vnder Edward the vi of blessed memory King of England taken out of his booke concerning holy assemblies whiche hee wrote in Latine a litle before his death at Nord in East Freeslande which also afterwards M. Nicholas Carinaeus set foorth publiquely in printe certaine thinges being added vnto it translated woorde for woorde into Englishe IT is not fayth but a certaine faithlesse and arrogant falling awaye from GOD and a meere deceipt of the Deuil to faine that Idolatrie superstition and outwarde vices are free and pure vnto them which vnder the pretence of a certaine fayth and inwarde puritie boast that they knowe no sinne in the heart Into which gulfe of execrable errour are fallen not onely those which are commonly called Libertines and those that follow Dauid George who reiecting Iesus Christ foolishly fained vnto him selfe a certaine immortalitie in this earth which he hoped to purchase with the sword for those that were his but in vaine they beeing already dead buried but also those euyll Chickens which are hatched of that euyll egge who this daye deceiue the worlde vnder the amiable title of a certaine peace gloriyng that they haue founde the house and region of loue in which all differences of good euil being taken away al things besides loue are free Out of which house of peace they feine it lawfull for theirs to goe into the regions of the worlde and as they say safely to goe through them which is that they may colourably and dissemblingly applie thēselues to the manners wordes and deedes of al other men which yet belong not to that house of peace Heereof it commeth that they mocke in their minds and contemne all separation from the impure sacrifices and ceremonies of the Romish Churche and so consequently all waightie profession of any religion and outwardly ioyne them selues to all religious and wicked factes vnlesse they bee witheld from thence through the feare of daunger or some hope of commoditie But howe execrable this errour is
them then of the common sort euen such as a louing father doeth of his owne sonne Moreouer their sinnes are seldome or neuer in their sight I meane with this consideration that in iustice they doe deserue not onely the stopping of the course of his grace but euen to haue let in vppon them the floudes of his wrath Which thing if it were truely seene could not but sette a great price vpon those benefites that come in ouer such desertes The minde of the giuer commendeth not the gift with them for they see not so farre they ioyne them not as seales to his letters of free grace I meane to the free graunt of his grace notwithstanding wee bee forewarned of this deuiding of them and so straightly charged to vnite them Beware least thou saye in thine heart my power and the strength of mine owne hand prepared me this aboundance but remember the Lorde thy god For it is he which giueth the power to gette substance to establish his couenant which he sware vnto thy fathers as appeareth this day Is it not a great villanie to taste so liberally of his benefites and yet to perswade vs so sparingly of his good will to haue so friendly dealing with his giftes and so little liking of him self that when we haue deuoured so manie benefits we shoulde inquire of the Almightie who he is that wee shoulde serue him as if yet we had seene nothing to binde our seruice vnto him Can there be more vnkindenesse then in so manie benefits bestowed to gaine no good will so manie benefites to be let out and no good will to come in with them againe That wee may the more clearely see into his good will and free mercie through his benefits we must be brought back now then vnto our sinnes and the iust desertes thereof For then shall we recken them to be benefites in deede when we see what doings they haue succeeded and beene ioyned withall Thus allayeth Moses the pride of the people of Israel and getteth GOD his due honour among them in the ninth of Deut. Speake not thou in thy heart after the Lorde thy God hath cast them out before thee saying for my righteousnesse the Lorde hath brought mee in remember and forgette not howe thou prouokest the Lorde GOD to anger in the Wildernesse since the day thou diddest depart out of the lande of Egypt vntill yee came vnto this place ye haue rebelled against the Lord. He calleth to minde sundrie of their grieuous transgressions particularly reciting the time and the place By these rules let vs trie who in matters of any weight layd vpon them by the Lord are lyke to returne this answere Who is the Lord that I should serue him Euen so manie as doe finde no sweetnesse nor taste in him by his benefites as are no more confirmed by his blessings in his fatherly affection towardes them such as get thereby no strength of fayth such as doe not holde themselues the more bounde vnto him as are not the more delighted in him as are not the more desirous to walke worthie of him as finde not their heart the more ioyfull in him as finde them no better minded to his lawe to the which hee hath set ouer his owne loue euen those I saye that dwell in the benefites and so they haue their desire they holde that their heauen and their happinesse that looke no further then the benefite that stay vpon it and inquire no further whether God doe loue them and is become a father vnto them so as they may account vpon his benefites as giftes from a louing father those that thinke themselues then to vse his benefites best when God and all goodnesse is the furthest from their minde those that can finde no taste in these temporall blessings vnlesse the mention of him who giueth the taste and sauour vnto them be indented and conditioned withall to depart farre from them for that time which they haue to vse them those that will neuer set their sinnes in sight that they may further the account of the benefite and the good will of the benefactour Wee must denie this vngodlinesse that yet demaundeth Who is the Lord that we shoulde serue him after so long vse of his benefites Now would I know where we might haue a place for them that are lesse acquainted with him then they were manie yeares a goe who haue lesse comfort in his worde lesse Religion lesse obedience lesse good conuersation as for them that take his benefits and with them doe warre against him the place is taken vp alreadie in the nethermost pit if the Lord giue not great repentāce therfore brethren for Gods cause let vs hastē our better acquaintance with him who by benefits hath so lōg time cōmended him selfe vnto vs let it be our shame that he should thus long be a stranger vnto vs that of so long time hath had so louing dealing with vs Let vs ioy more in his delightes set our hartes more vpon that he commaundeth and commendeth vnto vs so shall wee come out of their rancke which in hart say Who is the Lord that we should serue him Which men by his benefites haue receiued no earnest of their saluation no pledge of any speciall goodwil no assurance of true safetie no delight in his loue no more familiaritie with him nor greater comfort of him who are no more drawen out of the worlde and her delightes to folow him who hath in so sundry giftes witnessed his good will called them vnto him pledged these as earnestes that his owne glory abideth for them Now would I see where we might set them if not in his ranck who haue so often been fetched vp from the loue of the world by so many messengers of Gods mercie and yet haue so litle ioy to be aboue and so hungerly pursue the pleasures and profites here belowe as yf they had neuer no not in meditation had the sight of any other delights The benefites then leade vs vnto the Lorde when in them we see him to be our father and make the more hast to come to him hauing an eye to the endlesse life he calleth vs vnto Comming more in desire from these things here belowe and getting more holde and more hope aboue shewing aswell in prosperitie as aduersitie that we are not wedded in our luste and desire vnto worldly goodes in wealth by not being letted by it to folowe the way that God doeth set before vs nor yet to deale mercifully with our neighbours and to walke humbly with them And in affliction by holding our selues well contented in so much as we want not him who is a plentifull portion and the best heritage The last note of vngodlinesse is this they say what profite shall we haue if we call vppon him These are no speaches of the tongue as I haue saide before but the sence of the hart No man so euill that maketh not some reckoning of his
if a man of no conscience had the custodie of all the Euidences of this lande hee might doe muche mischiefe by canceling crossing interliuing putting in and out at his pleasure hiding or shewing renting or reseruing as him lusteth And is not this performed while the lawe is made to speake that they knewe in trueth it did neuer meane and to burie that in scilence which it was appointed to giue testimonie and witnesse vnto and if all this were nothing what can be so miserable as when a man hath bene all the day abroade in the stormes and tempests at night when he commeth home hee shall finde his house in that case that it can neither holde out winde nor rayne And doe not manie who are forced by reason of Stormes and Tempestes abroade to take them to this their house and harborowe I meane the lawe finde the tempest often as grieuous there as before they did in the playne woulde to God there were none turned out of their owne doores in the middest of the storme without any hope at all of harborow from thence or if a man that had bene dogged to his own doores by theeues and hauing gotten his house vpon his heade beginneth to breath himselfe and reioyce for his good escape thinking all to be safe and suspecting no harme who coulde sufficiently bewayle him if in the middest of his Triumph they bee founde in his owne house that fall vpon him and murther him And is not the lawe the house of the troubled and vexed man Yea Westminster Hall is the poore mans house And therefore doeth hee pay taxe and subsidies that it might bee an house of defence vnto him able to keepe out winde and weather how tempestious soeuer If a man that is oppressed and wronged abroade in any parte of this lande shall bring his matter vnto hearing at VVestminster Hall looke that yee bee good vnto him in his owne house let him take no harme at home His griefe is greate enough abroade It hath alwayes euen by the lawes of man beene counted an haynous offence to vexe and annoy a man in his owne house What ye think of the matter I cannot tell this I am assured of it is his due to be well dealt withall there and ye are to aunswere the Lorde not only for deniyng but also for delaing and deferring of iudgement For why the man hath right and title in his good cause vnto as speedie a dispatch at your handes as possibly may had And therfore Iob professed that he had not weried the eies of the widow with wayting lōg for helpe before it came It is a true saing of that Heathen man Bis dat qui cito dat He doubleth his gift that geueth it speedily It was a griefe to Iethro Moses his father in lawe to see the people stande from morning to euening about Moses waiting for their dispatch How would he haue taken it if he had seene men which commonly hapneth here among vs to wayte from tearme to tearme nay from yeere to yeere Wee are all of vs seuerally to deale righteously with our brethren in all our conuersation with them and thereby declare the loue wee beare them And the Lorde hath appointed vs to shewe this loue not only vnto them but vnto the thinges that be deare vnto them as goodes and good name euen vnto these hath the Lorde bounde vs aswel as vnto there persons For wee must thus intermedle one with another and finde succour one from an other And their name and goodes by his appointment goe thorowe our handes and charge aswell as his person and muste finde succour there This is the charge from our GOD that when anie thing of theirs passeth thorow our handes it finde that affection towardes it which may geue testimony of our brotherly goodwill to them and witnesse our obedience vnto god And the same GOD that forbiddeth the murder of his body forbiddeth also the stealth of his goodes And the same GOD that hath bound ouer our loue and good affection to his bodie hath in like maner doone it towardes his goodes Hardly shall any man be perswaded that he is louing vnto him who is empairing him in any thing that is deare and precious vnto him alwayes gayning by his losse The poore man whose monie must passe through the handes of the Merchaunt the Farmer the Draper c. by that time that euery one ouerselling his commodities hath gotten a fleese bringeth the sweate of his browes that is his bloud which he hath plentifully powred out and made no spare of it thorow out the whole yeare into a narrowe rowme Neither can he giue a true report of anie loue hee found at their handes more then one might find at the hand of a Turke or Infidell In the 25. of Leuiticus the people of God are charged not to oppresse one another in buying and selling but as the yeare of Iubile was nigh or farre off so to sell dearer or better cheape Wherein the seller was bound to regard the profite of him that bought for longer then the yeare of Iubile he could not possesse it At which time by the lawe of God it must returne to the owner againe The yeare of Iubile is abolished but the lawe of conscience being the equitie of that lawe remaineth that a man should regarde not himselfe onely but also the state of another Whereby it is apparant it was not lawfull for a man to take whatsoeuer he could get without regarde what a bargaine his neighbour was like to haue at his handes We are exhorted by the Apostle to make conscience of such matters in the first to the Thessal 4. Let no man oppresse or defraude his brother in any thing for euen the Lord is a reuenger of such things Knowe you not sayth Saint Paule that the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdome of God And what right hath any man to another mans mony not giuing him the value or worth of it in wares or marchandise Be not deceiued saieth the holy ghost in the same place Neither theeues couetous persons nor extorcioners shall inherite the kingdome of god The want of equitie and conscience in this behalfe is notably taxed by Solomon Prouerb 20. It is naught it is naught sayeth the buier but when hee is gone apart he boasteth It toucheth this naturall corruption where euerie man would haue regard onely of him selfe euen without anie respect of another when not onely his owne thoughtes but euen his owne woordes do oftentimes condemne his dealing both of iniurie and dissimulation Our careful walking in the waies of righteousnesse haue plentifull promises of blessing from the Lord so that if his worde be of any credite with vs we may be well assured that by such dealings our gaines will grow to be the greatest He that walketh in his integritie sayth Salomon is iust and blessed shall his children be after him He that followeth after righteousnesse and mercie
expectation of the latter daye and the glory therof When Paul will set out the commendation of the Thessalonians and fame that was geuen out of them in all places he doth no otherwise cōmend thē then that they we are turned from idols to serue the lyuing god to waite for his sonne from heauen which should bestowe vpon them this benefite to delyuer them from the wrath to come And in the second to the Thessa. persuading them by that which was in most reuerence regard with them and likest to bringe them into the carnest consideration of his words he frameth his speach thus I beseech you brethrē by the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ our gathering together and vniting vnto him So that the loking the last daye semeth to hym to be in great reuerence regard and assured expectation amonge them when he maketh their reuerence vnto that the matter and grounde of this exhortation And when he laboureth to lift them of the earth comonly he reareth them vp with no other instrument than this the waitinge for the glory and hope of an other life In the 3. to the Colossians he reasoneth thus When Christ which is your life shall appeare then shall you appeare with him in glorie mortifie therfore your earthly members vncleanes couetousnesse which is Idolatrie And in the thirde to the Philippians openyng the meane of their staie from huntinge after the Earth with the false Apostles which minded earthly thinges Hee saieth thus But our conuersation is in Heauen from whence wee looke for a Sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus who shall chaunge our vile body that it may bee like his glorious bodye In the eleuenth to the Hebrewes the obedience of Abraham in leauinge his owne Countrey not knowinge where he should become is ascribed to this that hee waited for a Citie that had a foundation whose maker is GOD for all things in the worlde are subiecte to corruption The great thinges that are spoken of Moises in accountinge the rebuke of Christe to bee of more valewe then the treasures of Aegypte and his not fearing the furie of the Kinge is onely imputed to this that hee was as if he had seene him that is inuisible The comming of the glory of that great GOD was alwayes before his eyes The greatnesse of the thing and the excellencie of it is noted in these woordes The glorye of the greate God our Sauiour Christe It is the same glory the great GOD our Sauiour Christe inheriteth that wee waite for It is worth the wayting for there is cause why wee should bee mooued to sobrietie hauing so greate thinges in expectation Wee beseeche you saith Paule that ye would walke woorthy of GOD who calleth you to his owne kingdome and glory The glory of this worlde daseleth our eyes and therefore must we be drawne vp by meditation of greater things before wee shall be able to let these be of small reckoning with vs The greatnesse of that glory once thorowly digested would set these in a base and lowe place it would make them vanishe as Smoke from our presence The expectation of a transitorie kingdome when it is but once deuoured and digested by hope we see it maketh men neglect liues goodes landes friendes children and countrie to hazard all The Merchant that is in expectation of some great gaine wee see into what vnknowen Countryes into what daungers by the Seaes hee will commit himselfe The great regarde and care that is had euery where to thinges heere belowe the gredie following after them the carefull pursuing of pleasures profites and honours doe plainely speake that the hope of an other life is not yet setled in the heartes of a great number Let vs call to remembraunce howe that this is our day to waite it is our time to serue when Christe whiche is our life shall appeare then shall wee bee glorious and appeare with him in glory There is no pleasure which the Lorde hath not matched with some griefe and paine to take off if it might our delight and to fasten it in surer thinges If the glory of God cannot preuaile with vs if it cannot chaunge our taste how shal we looke for renewment If so great hyre as is his owne glorye cannot allure vs brutish sencelesse must our nature needes bee What a greater argument can we haue of our blockishnesse then that so greate thinges can get no more attendance The trueth is we are not perswaded of the excellencie of them and therefore in all those places alledged for the wayting of his comming there is the benefite set foorth with it and the greatnesse of it which poynteth at our darkenesse and vnbeliefe heerein and telleth vs that the glory of this world standeth as a cloude betweene it and our sight To conclude let vs inlarge our hope and by meditation and Prayer enter into some consideration of the length breadth and deapth of that glorye so shall we see such a portion in it as will comforte vs euen in our greatest afflictions counting it a great honour that wee are vouchsafed his seruice as the Apostles haue done Nowe wee are to consider of that which is the thirde thing in this our diuision to wit what was geuen to make vs good schollers in this his doctrine to become a people zelously geuen vnto good woorkes The gift is so great as himself for he gaue himselfe for vs He laide not downe his life at the pleasure of his aduersaries being otherwise vnwillinge but franckly and freely of his owne accord did yelde it vp for vs This is that which we esteme aboue the benefite often times the minde of the geuer Great gifts are darkned when they come from an vnwillinge mynde and leese their cōmendation but a willinge minde aduaunceth the lest gift that can be No man taketh my life from me saith our Sauiour Christ but I layd it downe of my selfe His willingnesse also appeareth in this that he went foorth to meete them askinge of them whom they sought and confessing him to be the man As his aduersaries did not compell him by violence to leaue his life no more did good deseruing on our part procure him thervnto And therfore S. Iohn doth herein note a speciall thinge that he beganne with vs and prouoked vs vnto loue and not wee hym This loue was voluntary and not forced It had likewise the preeminence of beginnyng and prouokinge and was neither borne nor begotten of any former benefite of ours to himward In this gift that was geuen we are to remember not onely that moment of his passion wherin he passed imediatly from life to death but also the whole course of his life while he had his aboade with vs here vpon earth For he serued vs with his life as wel as with his death performing in it all that obedience which the Lord requireth of man And this obedience vnto the lawe could not be vrged of