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A00778 A profitable exposition of the Lords prayer, by way of questions and answers for most playnnes together with many fruitfull applications to the life and soule, aswell for the terror of the dull and dead, as for the sweet comfort of the tender harted. By Geruase Babington. With a table of the principall matters conteyned in this booke. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1588 (1588) STC 1090; ESTC S101499 244,374 582

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the sting of death from the victorie of the graue and from the mainest might of al the kingdome of hell that can be raysed agaynst vs. For we are iustified yea fully iustified and who or what can nowe condemne vs wee are sonnes and who can make vs agayne seruants we are friends and who can agayne make vs foes it is nowe my Father and your Father my God and your God and what strength of hels ten thousande canne chaunge this course O worde of comfort then commaunded me by Christ to pray in the name of Father Deere God and swéet God let our soules feele it It is finished and why are wee feared Were our sinnes as Crimsin as Skarlet as bloud they are washed they are wiped they are gone Were my wants the wantes of the whole world they are pardoned they are forgiuē God is pleased and is now my Father O Sauiour sweete make my thankes many Let my tongue my voyce my heart my soule my whole man inward and outward resound thy lasting praise See see theyr sinne that deuise a dayly sacrifice for sinne eyther adding vnto this most perfecte redemption as if it wanted or else vainly doing by a worke of will what alreadie is fully done by prescript of God Be it that we payed a debt and yet are troubled for it diuerse times and wayes againe must we so often paie the debt agayne as we are troubled No we know it sufficeth well to recurre euer to the payment once made and making proofe thereof we still escape such vexing wrongfull action So it is in this The vertue power and efficacie of this sacrifice is perpetuall being once made and néedeth but by faith to be taken hold of and applied whensoeuer we are troubled The debt is paide make but the proofe and end this action For once hath he entered by his owne bloud vnto the holy place obtained eternall redemption for vs. And with one offering hath hee consecrated for euer them that are sanctified Why doe we say our Father and not my Father This worde againe hath his great reason and profite to vs in this preface For first it teacheth vs Charitie towardes our brethren in generall wheresoeuer whosoeuer they be and a care aswell of their good as of our own Which in this great corruption of our nature is hard to be had vnlesse we should by such admonitions as this be drawē vnto it We rather as borne for our selues liue and care for our selues in such a selfe loue as God and man abhorreth Wherefore the Lord Iesus heere commaundeth in this word of community that we should neuer thinke of our selues neuer pray for our selues but also together with our selues for all others euen the whole Church of God in Earth For it is the fulnesse of the body of Christ and therfore by that meanes déere vnto vs if he be déere It is that one body whereof we are all members And the bonde of members so strict that we should feele one an others griefes beare one an others burdens remember one an others bondes euen as though we were bounde with them and them that are in affliction as if wee were also afflicted in the bodie yea we are taught in this loue euery man as he hath receiued y e gift to minister the same one to another as good disposers of the manifolde graces of God and by name to praie one for another For loue neuer seeketh her owne things onely This wee forget too often and therefore wee fearefully pray without profite Our hearts are narrow straight onely looking at our selues our own our children and friends and the deere Saints of GOD members also with vs are not thought vpon Alas we iudge it folly to be tolde vs that we should thinke vpon them And sinke or swim as we say the Church of God we care not so we be well This is farre from Our Father that is this is far frō that affection that in this word we are taught to all men and therefore certainelie these prayers thus made of vs most vsually without remembraunce care and desire of good to all Gods Church as to our selues is no sweete meat before the Lord but euen a filthie smoake rather that he flyeth from Therefore let vs remember this vse of this word if we wish to praie aright and thinking of others in Christian loue as of our selues intreate the Lord for them as for our selues Beatus qui amat te et amicum in te et inimicum propter te Blessed is he that loueth thée his friend in thee his enimie for thee saith the Father That is blessed euer he or she y t reach out affection as they ought past thēselues to others For Dilectionis flammas Satan ferre non potest The flames of Christian loue charitie Satan the enimie of our blessednesse cannot abide But Dilectio donum Dei This loue is the gift of God that Lorde then graunt it to vs for euer Secondly this worde teacheth vs vnitie with our brethren consent agreement of minde in faith and doctrine and euerie good thing For how else can wee call him Our Father wee beeing diuided from the Church and members thereof by heresie or schisme The worde shall importe a communion with them in one father common to all and our wicked wayward separation of our selues from them shall denie y e same Therfore be reconciled euer first to thy brother saith the scripture before thou pray or els thy praier doth witnes against thy selfe And let not the Sunne go downe vpō thy wrath if thou mean to please god Thirdly humilitie is learned by it not to exalt our selues aboue our brethren past that which is meete forasmuch as we haue all one father and such an one as is no respecter of persons But tenderly minded to all his children He careth not for the puffes of this worlde birth beautie welth or wit nor for all the glorie wherewith commonly proud flesh swelleth but he careth for those that feare him and work righteousnes how meane soeuer they be And when the fading fashion of a transitorie condition is cut off by death the determiner of such pride then they as we with God accepted as honorable as wealthy as beautifull in heauen where this trash is trodden vnder foote yea euen more peraduenture honored as they that haue more honoured him in this life where wee with our pleasures played the wantons and vaynely boasted of a paynted sheath There is neither Iewe nor Grecian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female but we are al one in Christ Iesus It is Our Father to the comfort of all hearts that feare his maiestie Omnes Christiani fideles diuersas in terris habent patres alij nobiles alij ignobiles vnum vero patrem inuocant qui est in caelis Sub
spirit cōmended to vs in the world for euer to tell vs what ought to be See then euen at our beginning when we pray like Saincts and sonnes of God like duetifull children affected rightly to their father euen then when we fall before him with harts mindes nothing so carefull to gaine our owne good as to winne the glorie and honor of his name and the content of his holy blessed and most good will And therfore looke into our petitions earnestly how and which way they serue to that before we make them and then begge them specially for that end And euen then I say whē we do féele in the secret testimony of an inward cōscience such a flame of loue wrought by a gracious spirite beyond power of sinful nature to our God in vs as that if any preferment of ours benefite and good in the course of this world shoulde be found of vs to fight against his glory by by we find content nay not a content only but euen a restles posting hast and burning heat to renounce it to defie it and to spit at it yea were it such glory of vs in this world as euer Prince inioyed and not onely so againe but euen a most willing minde together with the want of that worldly glory or good whatsoeuer to wit also as hath beene shewed eternall glory and good in heauen so that our God and Father might thereby bee honoured But O where are we where are we in this affection Woe to our weakenes and alas our want Yet let vs see what shoulde bee let vs confesse what is not and God for his Christes sake graunt vs mercy Something is something and euer comfortable nothing is sinfull and euer damnable This loue to the Lorde and zeale to his glory it is his gift and where hee will hee giueth it Though we be weake hee is strong and there is no flesh but he can aide it neither anie heart but he can change it onely let vs see our want and seeke our good and certainly we shal finde y e same with him This world endeth and God knoweth how soone and euē this night before the next may my soule be taken from me and then all my care for the causes of this world where is it or whose is it it cannot goe with me it shall not followe after me but straungers perhappes shall enter vpon my labours and my cares shall make them mightie that will ioy in the lacke and losse of me If I haue followed then this and neglected the other woe is begun and it shall neuer end with me But if I haue cared but competently for this with the other and euer in the power of giuen grace more for the other thā for this be it vnto me an end when it pleaseth God his mercie shall driue my labours to the good of those that I heere loued and that my loue of him and zeale to his glory shall folow me remayne with me and weare the crowne of Gods mercy for euer more in heauen Thus is it a blessed thing to loue Gods glory and to seeke his kingdome with conscience of duetie and feeling of a future state and it is as cursed a thing only to seeke our selues and care for euer a kingdome in this world if it were we could get it much lesse for farre inferior preferments and so whereby with the loue of thē to be deuoured eaten vp as that all spéech and talke and thoughts of the other is very odious to vs and a mockery with vs. You see the world the daies and times and you knowe my meaning Remember the place of these three petitions before the other and remember God in Samuel They that honour me them wil I honor and they that despise me they shalbe despised I end with them Iesus Christ in the benefite of his bloud giue vs care and feeling The diuision then of them and number as also the order of these three before the other you thus obserue now for the matter and meaning of this first if you will Halowed be thy name This shall wee then vnderstande when wee knowe what is comprised and meant by the two wordes in it Name and Halowed And therefore concerning the first wee are to bee aduertised that although no one name wherewith the Lorde is called in the Scripture as Iehouah Eloim Shaddai or such like should either in mind bee conceyued and thought or in voyce with woordes expressed and spoken without most high reuerence as duetie is yet are none of those names in this place meant and much lesse any Iudaicall or Popish superstition in any of them confirmed The Iewes for their Iehouah this is no warraunt But the name of GOD signifieth here that maiestie of GOD power and infinite vertue that shyneth sheweth it selfe in euery thing so wonderfully Euen as it is vsually taken in the Scriptures and for the most parte signifieth In the Prophet when he saith From the rising of the Sunne vnto the going downe of the same my name is great amongst the Gentiles and in euerie place incense shall bee offered vnto my name and a pure offering for my name is great among the Heathen saith the Lord of hosts And Father glorifie thy name And Baptize in the name of the Father the sonne and the holie Ghost Whereas I saie the worde signifieth not any letters or sillables in this tongue or that but that power and vertue of God that shineth in all things So againe in the name of Christe the Apostles cast forth diuells that is in the power and strength and vertue of Christ for so Saint Peter expoundeth in the Actes when he sayth it was not theyr power and godlynesse that had made the man go but it was the name of that holy one and iust whom they had betraied that is his power and godlynesse his strength and vertue not theirs So at the name of Iesus shall euery knee bowe that is not when the word is pronounced wee shall make a curtesie but we shall all and euery creature bée subiect to his power authoritie and dominion for by name there of Iesus is meant Dominatio potestas dominion and power genuflectionis vocabulo exprimitur subiectio by bowing there is expressed and meant subiection to that dominion and power But perhaps with more plainnes it may be noted that the name of God heere respecteth three things chiefly to wit Himselfe His workes His word If we consider the Lord himselfe then we see in him euer maiestie and holynesse And this is his name If we consider his workes we see iustice mercie and power in them And this is his name And if wee consider his word there is euer truth wisdome and goodnesse in it and this also his name So that we may conclude this place euen as he that sayd it Nomen Dei dicitur omne id quod de illo praedicatur By
creatures in the worlde yea all the worldes workes and thoughts of men to serue to his glorie wisedome and will whatsoeuer is intended by man or anie meanes to the contrarie which the Heathens haue called destiny or ineuitable necessity This kingdome is not here meant when wee praie Thy kingdome come For the Lord neuer hath neyther euer will loose this kingdome y t is as I say this authoritie and power ouer al things to make them serue to his pleasure and to bring to passe what he wil haue whereby we should neede to praie for it that it may come Of this kingdome may it bee sayd that is in the Psalme Whatsoeuer pleased the Lord that did he in heauen in earth in the sea and in all deapths For it subiecteth as you see to the Lord al these al their works whatsoeuer And then what is exempted out of this kingdom of power if heauen earth sea and deeps be ruled by it Yet stayeth not the Prophet so but proueth by examples what hee hath sayd and affirmeth it of y e Lorde that he bringeth vp the Clowdes from the endes of the earth and maketh the Lightning with the raine that he draweth foorth the windes out of his treasures that he smiteth the first borne of Egipt both of man and beast that it is he that sendeth tokens and wonders c. Of this Kingdome may it bee meant that is sayd by the Apostle for of him and for him and through him are all things with a number such like places speaking of the prouidence of God And to this kingdome of God it may bee applyed that the wiseman sayth Non est consilium non est prudentia non est fortitudo aduersus Dominum There is no councell there is no wisdome there is no strength against y e Lord. For he hath ruled euer hee doth rule and will rule for euer al things let al the world conspire against it what they can Againe the Lord worketh al things after the counsell of his owne will He giueth raine vppon the earth and powreth water vpon the streates he setteth vp on high them that be lowe that the sorowfull may be exalted to saluation hee scattereth the deuises of the craftie so that their hāds cannot accomplish that which they doe enterprise He taketh the wise in their craftinesse and the counsell of the wicked is made foolish He remoueth the mountaines and they feele not when he ouerthroweth them in his wrath He remoueth the earth out of her place that the pillers thereof doe shake He commaundeth the Sunne and it riseth not he closeth vp the Starres as vnder a signet He himself alone spreadeth out the heauens and walketh vpon the height of the sea All these are sayd of this kingdome Reade Syrach the 17. to the 20. verse and see what a kingdome of power acknowledged ouer al the beastes foules men and matters whatsoeuer Notable is the 4. of Exodus vers 11. For those séeme casuall in the mothers bellie whereof they must needes be vnderstood man being not created so at the first The kingdome of grace shall much better bee vnderstoode if we consider how we were created how by sinne corrupted and how now in mercie daylie by grace renewed The creation of man you know is layd downe to haue bene according to the Image and likenesse of God himselfe For God created man saith the booke of wisedome without corruption at the first and made him after the Image of his owne likenes And he clothed them with strength sayth Sirach as they haue neede and made them according to his Image Which Image of God maketh not GOD like vnto men with legges armes hands a gray head and so forth as not onely other heretikes but euen our holy papists haue imagined and by so paynting him in their Churches windowes made y e ignorant beléeue it but it maketh man like vnto God in holynes righteousnes wisedome and so forth For so expoūdeth the Apostle these words to the Ephesians and there might all Papistes haue seene it if they would Putte on the new man sayeth he which after God that is after the Image of God is created vnto righteousnes and true holynes meaning by these two words all perfection as wisedome will to doe good truth innocency loue of God power and such like See what the Image of God is Now then being thus created and made who ruled in man or what kingdome was he subiect vnto The Lord you see ruled in him and to his Kingdome was he subiect But alas the time this happie estate was quickly lost The Serpent deceiued the woman the woman the man Sinne entred GOD was offended and a fearefull change from al weale to wo in a little time and brought to passe So that now looke on man agayne and his copie is changed Satan ruleth sinne is entred death foloweth and this blessed Kingdome of God in man and ouer man is lost gone and destroyed Yea to speake playner and not so generally familiaritie with GOD is turned into a fearefull flying off from God for they hide themselues from the presence of the Lorde among the trees of the garden Wisedome is turned into folly and they thinke with a fewe Figge leaues to couer their shame Yea such is our wisedome now as Rom. 8.7 Truth is turned into lyes and they deale not plainly with the Lord. The serpent deceiued me the woman deceiued mee and there is not plainly wee haue sinned O Lord forgiue vs. Now is it sayd of man that all the imaginatiōs of the thoughts of his hart is onely euill continually that we are all become as an vncleane thing and that all our righteousnesse is as filthie cloutes that wee all doe fade like a leafe and our iniquities like a winde doe take vs away Now is it sayd of vs that wee are carnall solde vnder sinne that we doe not the good which wee would but the euill which wee would not that doe wee that when we would doe good we are thus yoked that euill is present with vs that there is an other lawe in our members rebelling against the lawe of our minde and leading vs captiue vnto the lawe of sinne which is in our members That the naturall man perceiueth not the things of the Spirite for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he knowe them Now is it sayd of vs that by nature we are the childrē of wrath dead in trespasses and sinnes walking in them according to the course of this world and after the Prince that ruleth in the ayre euen the Spirite that worketh in vs the children of disobedience Now is it sayd of man that was so excellent Verely euery man liuing is altogether vanitie Now cryeth the Prophet of men that his soule is amongst Lyons that their teeth are speares and arrowes and their tongue
make vs wel content thankfull also euer to thee for it Remēbring well with our selues how thou caredst for these thy seruants and others many in their estate hast euen by this word bread taught vs to bee content with a little Thy mercies O Lord we beseech thee giue vs according to our charges thou knowest our number and our needes and thou feedest the very Rauens that call vpon thee The eyes of all things wayt vpon thee O God thou giuest them meate in due season Thou openest thy hande and fillest all things liuing with plenteousnesse To these fauours O Lord graunt peace and quietnesse priuate at home and publique abroade Let there bee no going out no leading into captiuitie nor any complayning in our streates Peace be within the walles of Hierusalem O Lord to thy good pleasure and plenteousnesse in her Palaces that is to thy Church mercie and fauour we beseech thee To this end giue vs O heauenly father the blessing of prudent and godly gouernours Confirme their harts in zeale and loue to thee and make them euer carefull of thy glorie Confirme our obedience and truth agayne to them in thee and both one and other make vs thankfull greatly for thy present mercy in this behalfe vpon vs. If euer people found fauour at thy maiesties hands O Lord our portion hath bene great must wee say and this daylie bread with a liberall hande aboue other nations now many yeeres giuen vnto vs. O deare father touch vs with the feeling of it and make vs thankfull and continue this mercie and louing kindnesse still vppon vs giuing vs still these cōforts of thine What wee haue neede of denie vs not and what wee haue with thy fauour O Lord and to our good let vs euer haue it not to our harme and iudgement So we that be thy people and sheepe of thy pasture shall giue thee thankes for euer Heare vs O Lord O God father gracious not for our sakes but for Iesus Christ his sake our onely Lord and Sauiour Amen The fifth petition And forgiue vs our trespasses c. Now are you come to a petition as our estate standeth most sweete comfortable most necessary and profitable wherefore I pray you euen as fully as you shall thinke conuenient speake of it and first of the order as you haue done in the former Touching the order of it Tertullian saith very well Quid alimenta proderunt si illis reputamur re vera quasi taurus ad victimam what will any nourishments in this life profit vs if with them we be accompted as Oxen to the slaughter Cyprian more playnely Post subsidium cibi petitur venia delicti vt qui a deo pascitur in deo viuat nec tantum praesenti et temporali vitae sed aeternae consulatur ad quam veniri potest si peccata dimittātur after the ayd of meat is begged pardon of offence that he which of God is fed in God may liue and care had aswell of eternall life as of temporall vnto which eternall life then is the way open when all sins be forgiuen Wherefore since in the former we haue craued of the Lorde what concerneth this life in these two latter we begge what concerneth that hereafter In the former desiring him to forgiue what is past in the latter to strengthen against what is to come Both which our requests haue grounde vpon his owne promise and are directed thereby For the Lorde in the couenaunt which it pleased him to make with his Church hath promised both saying their iniquitie will I forgiue and remember their sinnes no more which is the thing we now begge And I will put my lawe in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shalbe my people c. that is I will assist them with a newe power of Spirit confirme them with a further strength to stand hereafter which is the matter of our next question It might seeme to some by the order of the former petition and this that the remission of our sinnes were a matter lesse to be cared for than our dayly breade because it is set after in this prayer If it had not bene sayd before in the beginning of the former petition that this order is obserued of the Lord in regard of our rudenes that he might lead vs from a matter better known to a matter lesse known yet truely should they bee very rawe in religion that would thinke thinges onely respecting this life to bee preferred before things touching life eternall God forbid therefore but this order of these petitions notwithstanding euery Christian man and woman should make it their chiefe care to finde mercy with the Lorde for their transgressions rather then to inioye ten thousande worlds with all the glory that might be in them for what would al these worlds profite them when they had lost their owne soules in them all not able to finde what to giue for the recompence of the same again But without remission of sinne there can be no saluation God not so much as hearing sinners much lesse sauing them And therfore iustly our chiefe care to haue sinne pardoned that we may be saued If you would conclude any thing of the order of this petition following the other conclude this and that you may doe both truely and profitably namely that true religion is not the cause of want of daily bread but our sinnes And therefore presently after request to the Lord for that we adioyne the other as the true stoppe and let of the former if it be not taken away by his mercy as if wee shoulde say we request Lord the comforts of this life the fruites of the ground and the fruites of our Cattell butter of Kyne and milke of sheepe with fat of Lambes and Rammes fed in Bashan the blessing of wheate and the red licour of the grape but neither these nor any such may we looke for except in mercy thou take away our sinne the very stay of all thy goodnes from vs if thou deale in iustice And therefore Lord forgiue vs our trepasses Let no man then accuse religion for dearth and scarsetie for famine and hunger but consider his owne desertes and the desertes of thousandes more and remember euer both howe these petitions lye and what also for more playnnes the Lorde himselfe hath spoken by his Prophet Ieremy saying Your iniquities haue turned away these earthly blessings from you as rayne both earely and late in due season with a pleasant haruest such like yea your sinnes haue hindred good things from you Againe by Esay Behold the Lordes hād is not shortned that it cannot saue neither is his eare heauy that it cannot heare but your iniquities haue separated betwixt you and your God and your sinnes haue hid his face from you that he will not heare For your handes are defiled with
them not their committed euill and how earnestly hee prayed for that forgiuenesse Oh sayth he this people haue sinned a great sinne and haue made them Gods of gold Therefore now if thou pardon their sinne thy mercie shal appeare but if thou wilt not I pray thee rase me out of the booke which thou hast written Remember the words of the Apostle Paul to the like effect I say the truth in Christ I lye not my conscience bearing mee witnesse in the holy Ghost that I haue great heauinesse and continuall sorowe in my hart For I would wish my selfe to be separate from Christ for my brethrē that are my kinsmen according to the flesh See beloued and marke wherein the best loue of man to man consisteth and is shewed namely by wishing his spirituall good the good of his soule the forgiuenesse of his sinnes and as the Prophet Dauid sayth the lifting vp of y e light of the Lords countenance vpon him O patternes of loue in this behalfe to their brethren Moses and Paule inimitable of vs vnlesse the Lord assist For where is this heauinesse of hart and continuall sorrowe to see our brethren sinne and by sinne to indaunger themselues here and for euer Where are those flouds of teares which Dauid sayd gushed out of his eyes because men kept not Gods commaundements Alas how strange a tale is this to vs Well it should not be straunge Neither Moses nor Paule would haue wished themselues accursed of God to haue gayned to their brethren ten thousande worldes or any worldly good whatsoeuer but to gayne them spirituall good they did it and therefore much more are wee to care for the saluation of our brethren than for their glorie in this earth if we will imitate them Dauid would neuer haue gushed out teares to see them want wealth but to see them want grace he did Wherefore let vs learne how to loue our brethren wel let vs learne what most pleaseth and displeaseth God what most profiteth and hurteth our neighbours and more hartely pray for the remissiō of their sinnes than for any worldly good It is good loue to wish God his comforts to our frends and to bee greatly touched with their misdoings toward God It was for sinne and the effects of sinne that Ieremy saw in the people and readie to fall vpon them that made him wish his head full of water and his eyes a fountaine of teares and that he had a cottage in the wildernesse to sit and sorrowe in Therefore much doe wee seeke for our brethren when we seeke the pardon of their sinnes at Gods hande for them Now beloued if wee bee bound to beseech God to forgiue them their sinnes agaynst him iudge your selues if we bee not bound to forgiue them our selues their sinnes agaynst vs. And agayne what their case is that will euery day say this prayer with their tongues and desire God to forgiue both them and their brethren their sinnes and by and by both goe themselues with many flattring baytes earnest alluremēts euen almost violent constraynts pull the same their brethren to sinne agayne without remorse and feeling Can wee both bee mediators for pardon and tempters to mischiefe with God his good liking Fearefully therefore doe thousands offende and thinke not of it If we will pray for remission for our selues others we must keepe our selues and others as the Lorde will strengthen from such euill agayne when we are pardoned Away then with this good fellowship that tempteth vnto sinne and if any allure you my brethren if other denyals will not serue aske them whether they haue sayd any prayers that day or not if they haue not iudge if that be good companie to go withall or no if they haue aske them if they haue not therin besought God to pardon both their owne sinnes and other mens if they haue how may they then with one breath send foorth good and euill pray for good prouoke to euill aske pardon and doe the thing agayne So shall Satan flye from you The next word is Our what doth that note vnto vs. It sheweth vs what is the qualitie of our riches and wealth for wee haue playde the merchantes and transsigned with an outlandish rouer called the deuil and with him we haue dealt by exchaunge Our barke was fraighted with knowledge with loue with humilitie with ioy with peace with long suffering with gentlenesse with goodnes with faith with méeknesse with temperance and to go no further with all grace and innocencie So that wee might saie of these iewells that they were ours but now we haue vnladed the bark by subtill perswasion and freight it a newe with this rouers wares with ignoraunce with hatred with pride with sorrowes with adulterie with fornication with vncleannesse with wantonnes Idolatry witchcraft debate emulations wrath contentions seditions heresies enuie murther dronkennesse gluttonie and such like yea with all want of grace and impuritie So that nowe wee must saie the former were ours and these are ours This is our lading nowe and this haue wee profited by this rouer now Now we must saie Forgiue vs our trespasses then might we saie continue thy graces thē was grace our lading now are we freight til we sink again with sinnes and trespasses Alasse that this word Ours should be applied to these But thus are we fallen and of vs it is nowe sayde that all the imaginations of the thoughts of our hearts are onely euill continually that we are borne in iniquitie and conceiued in sinne and that wee are not able so much as to think a good thought of our selues Wherefore as I saie this word in our petition telleth vs the quality of our wealth and that our gardens haue growing too much rue in them and too litle hearbe of grace Trespasses bee ours nowe but no trespasses were ours once This thought Sainct Ambrose of when he sayd Diues eras ad imaginem et similitudinem Dei factus perdidisti quod habebas perdi disti pecuniam accepisti a diabolo debitum quod non erat necessarium c. What is our debt but sinne Thou wast rich and made to the image and similitude of God but thou hast lost what thou hadst thou hast lost thy money and taken of the deuill a debt that was not necessarie The best waie for vs is to vnlade agayne this bad merchaundise that we haue got of this rouing merchant by humble prayer to the Lord to forgiue vs our trespasses and to drowne them in the botome of the Sea that they neuer more may be seene aiding vs strengthening vs and confirming vs against our greate and grieuous weakenesse which the Lorde for his mercie sake doe If you will proceed in order the word Trespasses is next The Greeke wordes which the holie Ghost hath vsed in these places here noted are diuerse yet tending to the same matter that he will not giue
brokē from the tree which if it were it could not beare It is a meruaylous proofe to vs of this good and therefore marke it well The Apostle againe sayth There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Yea but who bee those See what followeth Which walke not after the flesh but after the spirite So then if I would know whether I bee in Christ Iesus or no I must looke how I walke that is still how I am sanctified And if I finde that the God of mercie by his perpetual spirit hath wrought in me a chaunge that whereas once I walked after the flesh that is was ruled guided and gouerned by my corrupt nature now it is not so but the holy Ghost leadeth me into a feruent loue of God and a true hatred of euill then is the conclusion inferred by the very spirit of truth himselfe I am in Christ Iesus and there is no condemnation to me nor for me So that Sanctification the lowest step leadeth mée surely to election the highest of the ladder Giue rather diligence sayth Saint Peter my brethren to make your calling and election sure Yea but how might they say shal we do it Peter telleth them If yee doo these things you shall neuer fall And what be those things Hee also sheweth them namely If you ioyne vertue with your faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance and with temperance patience with patience godlynesse with godlynesse brotherly kindnes and with brotherly kindnes loue c. Now what is al this but sanctification of life So that still our rule is proued that if wee woulde know whether we be elected to liue in heauen we must euer looke how we leade our liues in earth And if there the Lorde hath chaunged vs from carelesse to careful men and women to please him in holynesse and righteousnesse all the daies of our life then is this Sanctification a note of Iustification Iustification of Vocation Vocation of Election and so heauen is ours But now take heed that in this search for holynesse of life we bee not carryed away with outward shewes For such holynesse holdeth not either in promisses or conclusion of our former argument The Lorde abhorreth approching lippes and reproching hearts And Except your righteousnesse sayth hee exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharesies you shall neuer enter into the kingdome of GOD. That is except you haue more thā a painted visard which they had most glorious and a counterfait hypocriticall shew of holynesse your reckoning of heauen will bee without your host and you will fayle of it Write sayth the Lord to the Angell of the Church of Sardis I knowe thy workes for thou hast a name that thou liuest but thou art dead It is not then a name only y t wil serue the turne Hauing a shew sayth Paule of godlynesse but haue denyed the power thereof As if hée should saie vaine thrice vaine is the shew without the power and truth when this search of our election is in hand O beloued consider then of this earnestly and think with your selues if there be no comfort to be had in our heartes that we are the Lordes appointed to life and blisse in the worlde to come but onely by a true espiall of sanctification of life in our selues how carefull should we bee by hearing of the worde by praying by reading and by all appoynted good meanes to haue this change wrought in vs that our light shining forth may not onely make others glorifie our heauenlie Father for his graces in vs but euen vnto our selues as Saint Peter sayth Make our election and future state in the glorious kingdome of God sure Truly there should be no cares greater than this neyther anie diligence as the Apostle speaketh more faythfull whilest we liue And see with your selues in your secrete meditations often this difference of holynesse and vnholynes of sanctification and prophanenesse the one proueth vnto me my euerlasting ioy with GOD when this course is ended and the other my assured woe with the deuill and his Angels in the blacknesse of darknesse for euer O what are the pleasures of sinne then for a season when swéet meate shall haue so soure a sauce Could the Lord with a more pearcing argument pricke vs forwarde to holy life or with a sharper knife cut in sunder the cords of vanitie iniquitie and sinne wherewith thousandes of vs are so fettered and tempered than to teach vs that the one assureth vs of lasting life and the other of lasting death in the world to come Truly he could not And therefore euerie one laie his hand vppon his soule betimes Beleeue the Lorde and we shall not be confounded Had I wist sayth the olde Prouerbe commeth euer too late Nowe liue like a Christian amongst men and euer liue like a Saint among the Angels of heauen For the Lord hath spoken it But now soake in sin with the bit in thy teeth vnrestrainable and then rot in the reward of it an euerlasting curse from God and all his ioyes for the Lorde hath also sayd it And if this sanctification beloued may not be in shew onely as hath bene said but in truth and veritie how desperate how woful how wretched and miserable is the estate of that man and woman that hath not so much as a shew If there bee no comfort gotte by a glistering outward appearaunce what comfort may be in the soule if the Lord awake to thinke of it where euen this also vtterly wanteth and the contrarie to wit all libertie loosenesse and sinne aboundeth meruailouslie Shall we forget the curse of our Sauiour Christ in the Gospell vppon the figge trée that yet had goodly leaues fresh greene because also with y e leaues it had no fruit If so fearefull a curse light vpon that O curses of curses how many of them shalbe vpon those trees that haue not so much as leaues no not one greene leafe but are altogether withered twice dead and plucked vp by y e rootes Wherfore I pray you euen again as you loue your life w t god another day desire any assurāce of it to your soule in this worlde Giue your bodies dayly a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable seruing of God And fashion not your selues like vnto this world but be you chaunged by the renuing of your minde that you may proue what that good and acceptable and perfect will of GOD is And Whatsoeuer things are true whatsoeuer thinges are honest whatsoeuer things are iust whatsoeuer things are pure whatsoeuer thinges are worthie loue whatsoeuer things are of good report if there be anie vertue or if there be any praise thinke of these things For as you haue hearde and seene trulie proued these thinges shall assure vs that we are the Lordes cared for here and chosen else where to be with him for euer and
thing against our true sanctification Yea this is the true perfection of of them that are borne anewe to confesse with the Apostle that they are imperfect And to our great comfort let vs note it that this Apostle sanctified thus imperfectly groning vnder the griefe of sundry wants and weakenesses yet so assured himselfe of his election by so much as hee had that in the next chapter he is not afrayd to breake out thus I am perswaded that neither death nor life Angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. See then and neuer forget it that sanctification though but in part and with much want yet is accepted with God man and ought yeld that man and woman that hath it such a comfortable perswasion as this namely that nothing shall be able to separate them from their God So that they be not negligent in harty hungring still after more Which euer is to be searched for carefully in our selues For euen so did this Apostle if you marke it I delight sayth he in the lawe of God concerning the inner man And as long as he found some measure of grace and an heart that still wished more and sighed for more and delighted in good so long was hee cheerefull touching his estate with God albeit till his dying day he sawe another lawe in his members rebelling against the lawe of his minde and leading him captiue to the law of sinne which was in his members This example then is notable to this end and let vs not forget it Would God also the contrarie were more earnestly considered than it is namely that if some measure of holy conuersation together with a mind most feruently wishing more and euen grieued for want of more yeld mēs soules comfort that neyther lyfe nor death nor anie thing shall separate thē from the Lord what will neither any measure at all neyther any desire of any nor anie griefe for want of any or for huge flouds of vngodlynesse that ouerflowe vs both bodie and soule our words our works our thoughts or lookes and all things wee doe I saie what will this yeelde to the conscience one daie but euen a dreadfull blow that as the other neuer so we euer are appoynted and red to be separate from Christ Iesus O then take heede betimes and cutting off euery day by the swoorde of Gods giuen grace iniquitie and sinne lette vs hunger and thirst to serue GOD in holynesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our lyfe and by fruites of a true new birth to make as Saint Peter hath tolde vs our election sure Another proofe to your question that imperfections in our newe birth and sanctificatiō may not discourage vs is the same Apostle againe troubled in another place so grieuously with his owne concupiscence that pricked in the fleshe the messenger of Satan that he besought the Lorde thrice that it might departe from him The Lordes aunswere as we know was this that his grace was sufficient for him For through weaknesse his power was made perfect Playnly teaching vs graciously chéering vs that for our imperfections he will not reiect vs. It is one thing to haue sinne raigning in vs and an other thing to haue it dwelling in vs. The one we are forbidden the other we shall be subiect to whilest wee liue For I knowe that in mee that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing confessing with griefe that sinne dwelleth in him though to his comfort through grace it raigned not in him Full is the Scripture of strength agaynst this feare of imperfections but I trust this sufficeth O but the children of God are subiect many times to such a dulnesse and deadnesse in comparison of sweete rauishing motions that they haue felt that Satan catching and watching his opportunities is readie to perswade that surely nowe they are fallen away and GOD hath giuen them ouer Most true it is and yet all for the best For surely if we had not such alterations and chaunges we should thinke that grace were nature in vs wee should not estéeme of that sweete power of the spirite as wee doe when after a dulnesse it returneth agayne neyther any way bee thankfull as now we are But to be too much cast down with such tumblings to enter into such desperate feares truly the Lord woulde it not For what change thinke you felt Dauid when hee cryed O let mee feele the comfort of thy spirite agayne and when so often he cryeth O quicken me as thou wast wont quicken mee quicken me Yet was not Dauid cast awaie though for his sinne or tryall or Gods glorie or others example hee was thus many times troubled by a grieuous dulnesse many tempting feares Alasse it is the course we must euer account of for our better wakening and which Gods chosen haue euer tasted yet without reiection The mother after she hath felte her childe moue hopeth the best though euer it moue not and when weakly it stirreth shee cheerefully hopeth of greater strength in time so must wee This sweete spirite is not alwayes alike that difference may teach vs it is greate mercie to haue much and make vs thankfull The Sunne shining so fayre is often couered with mistie cloudes from vs yea and euerie daie setteth and as it were taketh his leaue But wee sée those cloudes vanish awaie in time and the cheerefull rising followeth after his heauie setting It is not euer Winter nor euer Summer but after a fayre daie commeth a foule and backe agayne The tree is not alwayes greene and flourishing with his cheerefull leaues Yet liueth it in the root when outward shew is gone And truly so doe wee let vs in comfort knowe it in our Christ rooted remayne aliue safe and sure when blustering stormes of shrewd temptations haue shaken off our leaues that is our cheerefull thoughtes wordes and countenaunces and for our better schooling the Lord a litle hath left vs to our selues The foundation of our hope standeth fast whō he loueth to the end he loueth them And I am perswaded that hee that hath begun this good worke in you will perfourme it vntil the daie of Iesus Christ For the giftes and calling of GOD are without repentaunce with a number of such So that though the sadnesse of soule come vpon vs and great disquietnesse bee within our breast yet must we lyke faythfull children as the Lorde shall inable saie Still trust in God my soule for I will yet giue him thankes c. O tarrie thou the Lordes leasure bee strong and hee shall comfort thy heart and put thou thy trust in the Lord. Many times reade that 77. Psalme see the downe falls of Gods children and how agayne they catch hold and scramble vp
❧ A profitable Exposition of the Lords Prayer by way of Questions and Answers for most playnnes Together with many fruitfull applications to the life and Soule aswell for the terror of the dull and dead as for the sweet comfort of the tender harted By Geruase Babington With a Table of the principall matters conteyned in this Booke PSALME 119. O how sweete are thy words vnto my throte yea sweeter than honie vnto my mouth AT LONDON Printed by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Charde 1588. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE HIS VERY singular good Lord Henry Earle of Penbrooke Lord Harbert of Cardiff Marnion and S. Quintine Lord President of Wales and the Marches thereof and of the most Honorable Order of the Garter Knight and to the Right Honorable and vertuous Ladie the Countesse his wife G.B. wisheth all mercie and comfort in Christ Iesus both here now and for euer COnsider the olde generatiōs of mē ye children sayd that wise Sonne of Sirach Right Honorable and my very singular good Lord in his tyme marke them well VVas there euer any confounded that put his trust in the Lord Or who hath continued in his feare and was forsaken Or whom did he euer despise that called vpon him Agreeably truely to all Scriptures and experiences euer if they were searched For such a thing is it to cleaue vnto the Lorde with a faithfull heart that the Bride may forget to trim her selfe the day she is maried and the mother her Jnfant she bare of her bodie and esteemeth full deere before the Lord of heauen can forget such The Lorde knoweth the daies of the vpright men their inheritance shalbe perpetual They shall not be confounded in the perillous tyme and in the daies of famine they shall haue enough Though he fall he shall not bee cast of for the Lord putteth vnder his hand The Lord shall exalt them as themselues shall see and their ende sayth the Prophet shall bee peace Thousands of comforts hath the word mo yet these are both many and great ones if we marke thē Gayne is not godlinesse saith the Apostle but godlinesse is great gayne and hath the promise both of this life that to come VVherfore Right Honorable more ioye in this than in all the earth if it might be your owne For the earth must perish and all the glistring glorie of it passe away as a tale that is tolde burnt and consumed melted with heate but the feare of the Lord shall set her seruants before the highest for euer euer Now did the Apostle say to King Agrippa before so many O King Agrippa J knowe thou beleeuest Surely I may say it before as many I knowe Right Honorable your L. beleeueth both Prophets and Apostles and whatsoeuer the childe of God is bound to beleeue vnto saluatiō I say I know it and yet know I it not alone but others with me aswell as J attending your L. both in like and other places And if we should all denye it yet would the world steppe in and say it knewe what we denied God haue the glorie to whō it is due of his free election manifested both to your self and others by a true calling vnto sanctification And it remaineth Right H. that with a spirit flaming with thankefull loue to so gracious a God you let your light shine further further to a greater glory to the Lord a fuller cōfort to your owne soule Performe your selfe therefore in all truth of hart before the iudging eyes of a mightie God still more more as you do alreadie an honorable maintainer and furtherer of his truth A shield and defence to all the godly in their griefes and distresses Carefull to haue both your selfe and your familie gouerned by the precious and holy word of God maintayning and countenancing to that end as most honorably you do both at home and abroade the Lords poore seruants appoynted to that ministerie Be a rare example stil both worthy honoring and following of carefull bestowing of those liuings whereof God hath made your Lordship Patrone Multiplie as the Lord shall assist those your Honors zealous prayers which some can witnesse for the peace of Hierusalem that her rightuousnes may breake forth as the light saluation as a burning lampe And stil say with the Prophet Dauid we wish you good lucke ye that be of the house of the Lord. Your Honorable seruices for a most gracious Soueraine as euer the earth had any and for your deere Countrey let them still as they are be most sweete and ioyful to you In your Honorable place and gouernment carie your zeale as your L. doth euen more more agaynst the incorrigible aduersaries of Judah and Beniamin to note their doings to obserue their drifts and to ouerthrowe their plots Cut off still with your sword of holy Iustice as with exceeding trauell your Lordship most honorably doth those contentions disorders and offences that corruption both breedeth and feedeth ouer much And finally as the Apostle sayth if there be any vertue if there be any praise to God or to Prince to Countrey or to any Right Ho. thinke of that For so shall your L. establish your selfe both in earth and in heauen both here and for euer Yea your self your seede as the former promises haue giuen assurance And so shall you to your God and your self as many as knowe your vertues stand approued euer whatsoeuer either ignorance or vnkindnesse may effect in some VVithout this course care in a measure as the Lord shall giue well may a worlde continue a while flattring fauning with many delights God being patient and forbearing long but the end is destruction death and confusion God being iust and paying at last Your self Madame still more and more as your Ladiship doth partake with your owne what your place permitteth in these Honorable actions make them also your owne Let it still be your honorable iust true praise that you feare the Lord that you loue his truth fauour his followers and abhorre his foes For there is no praise shall continue as this there is no wisedome that may bee compared to it The feare of God is the beginning of wisedome a good vnderstanding haue all they that do thereafter the praise of it indureth for euer Againe let this be your wisedome sayd the Lorde of heauen to that people once euen to heare my wordes and to worke my will with a carefull hart For then shall all Nations say you only are wise and you onely haue knowledge of the best course Let it be your Posie Right Honorable as pleasant as euer it was And now Lorde what is my hope truely my hope is euen in thee Though the Lorde should kill mee yet will I put my trust in him And let that plaine Prophet strengthen your Ladiship still by his words to King Asa all Judah The Lord is with you while ye be with him
and if you seeke him hee will bee found of you but if you forsake him he will forsake you The like hath dying Dauid to his deere sonne to be left behinde him And thou Salomon my sonne know the God of thy father and serue him with a perfit hart and a willing minde For the Lord searcheth all harts and vnderstandeth all the imaginations of thoughts Jf thou seeke him he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he wil cast thee away for euer But what spēd J speech where many giuen graces say spare thy speech J know it wel Then stay J so to you both Right H. J adde but this that as duetie bindeth and many great and honorable fauours both to me and mine require and charge me I rest before my God in praier that goeth out of vnfained lips that it may bee thus with your H. both thus stil I say and thus more thus more agayne and thus still and thus both still more continually during life That those wordes of endlesse comfort may reach vnto you in iudging day Come ye blessed of my father and possesse eternall ioy If this poore trauell of mine may auayle any thing to this effect it is your Honors own proceeded from your owne most deeply bound for euer to be your owne and therefore bold to present it in this sort because he is your owne It was begun in your Honors hearing being that part of the Catechisme that then fell to my course both the lawe and faith hauing bene expounded before the one by my selfe the other by my fellowe that followed because it could not at that time be gone forwarde withall J haue since as J could layd it downe in this sort if it please the Lord for the good of mo VVho all shall welcome it by thus much more as they did the other by how much it bringeth countenance from your Honors both vnto them and is a gift deriued euen from your selues vnto them The Christian Reader els whosoeuer I should wrong too much if I should not comfortably hope he will accept it well since alreadie he hath shewed his loue in the like respect Therefore most humbly beseeching you both Right Honorable to accept my dutie to weigh my hart and to pardon my boldnesse J beseech the Lord againe and againe to multiplie his mercies towardes you both giuing honor here and honor euer in his happie kingdome of eternal comfort VVilton the 11. of May. 1588. Your Honors most humble bounden to death Geruase Babington A PROFITABLE EXPOSITION of the Lords Prayer by way of Questions and Answers ¶ Of Prayer in generalitie MAny things are spoken by many men of Prayer in generalitie and gladly would I heare what you think conuenient of the same Yet would I not prescribe by any questions for feare my want of iudgement in asking might procure in you any needlesse answering Your care is very good yet spare not to speake if I omit any thing whereof you would willingly heare Trueth it is that much is spoken and much may bee spoken of this matter at large but a fewe things may suffice vs at this time hauing fuller discourses to goe to when we will First then let vs consider that Prayer hath a foundation euen in our nature as we are men and is so taught vs by the very instinct and testimonie of reason and conscience that looke what or whomsoeuer we acknowledge and thinke to bee God that and the same wee also willingly confesse ought to be prayed vnto For a perswasion of Godhead standeth not without a confession of Prayer done to the same So wee see in the 14. Psalme where with the deniall of God which the foole maketh in his hart is ioyned an vtter want of prayer and inuocation Contrariwise in the 139. Psal with the confession of God an earnest hartie and often calling vpon his name So that a necessarie consequence the Spirit of GOD maketh it vppon the confession of a God euen by the instinct of nature to vse prayer to the same And contrariwise if we should neuer pray then necessarily must we be euen in the number of those fooles which say in their harts there is no God Which if it were duely and effectually considered of vs it would rowze vs assuredly out of our dead and damnable negligence in this behalfe if there were any spirite of life and feeling in vs and cause vs to acquaint our soules more often and earnestly with this heauenly exercise Fearing euen with a great feare the vengeance of ingratitude towards God for innumerable benefites the plagues in hell due to Atheists and such as denie GOD and the same amongst men that of force must fall vppon vs when being men yet we abhorre from the very nature of man All which three greeuous conditions the want of Prayer forcibly prooueth vpon vs as now wee see Againe the Apostle Saint Paule in his Epistle to the Romanes teaching how the Gentils doing by nature the thinges contayned in the lawe shewe the effect of the lawe written in their harts is a witnesse in steade of many moe sufficient and strong that to pray to God being a thing comprised in the lawe was then is now and euer shall bee whilst man hath mans nature a thing ingrafted and planted of God in the same nature And many other reasons might be brought but these suffice Secondly let vs consider the necessitie of this Christian exercise of Prayer which wee shall euidently see if either we respect the Lord our selues or our brethren For vnto the Lord wee knowe is due euer and eternally here and in the worlde to come praise and thanksgiuing that is Prayer Praise the Lorde all ye people for it is a good thing to sing praises vnto our God O giue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracious O thanke the Lord of all Lordes c. Yea let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lorde And as long as I haue any being I wil sing praises vnto my God In the world to come see the Scriptures Holy holy Lord God almightie which was and which is and which is to come Thou art worthie O Lord to receiue glory and honor power for thou hast created al things and for thy will sake they are and haue bene created Beside many other places Vnto the Lorde is due worship and seruice of all them that looke for a place in his kingdom of which worship and seruice Prayer is a notable part and therefore necessary Vnto the Lorde is due obedience to his Commaundements if we bee the Lordes for they are holy and iust But this is one that we should pray vnto him and therfore in respect of God Prayer is necessary Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I wil heare thee thou shalt glorifie me saith the Lorde And in an other place
then must it needes be a daungerous thing to our faith that robbeth vs of all and euery tryall of our God Therefore let but euen reason speak in this cause and it will conclude vnto our consciences thus that forasmuch as petitions knowen of vs to bee made by vs to the Lorde and of him graunted to vs which is done when we vnderstande our prayers doe strengthen our faith in comfort euer to rest vpon the Lord and the contrarie which is when we pray in a strange tongue doth weaken the same and rob vs of that comfort that groweth by experience therefore it is profitable to pray in the one and most dangerous to praie in the other Againe is not the remembraunce of Caligulaes fact in this respect most fit and presseth anie honest mind in the world with sight of fruitlesse labour in such kindes of praiers Caligula the Emperour set golden leaues before his guestes and all other seruices in forme of meats of beaten gold bad them eate But their dainties were too hard for all y t glorious shew they rose an hungered And doth not this Romish practise in very like sort set before the people of God whose souls are déere to y e Lord that made them a glistering seruice of Hebrew Greeke Latine bid them feed But alas what should they feed vpon A goodly shew there is to stir vp wonder astonishment in the people but to receiue or tast of either to moue thē to repentāce or to cōfort quiet their conscience they haue nothing And how passing well speaketh Austen in like case Quid prodest clauis aurea si aperire quod volumus nō potest aut quid obest lignea si hoc potest quando nihil quarimus nisi patere quod clausū erat What auaileth a golden key if it cannot open y t we woulde haue opened Or what hurteth a woodden key if it be able to opē seeing we desire nothing but that y t thing that is shut may be opened The wrong is apparant to the church of God though I say no more but it passeth a frensie for men women in their priuate praiers to deale thus w t thēselues For I trust to refresh their hungrie bodies they would set no such hard meate as gold before thēselues and skilleth it not how it feedeth the soule that should feed it so it be glorious to the shew O consider it whosoeuer seeke to starue vs let vs not be guilty of our own spiritual death our selues Again if y e brute beasts or birds discouer this follie let vs not refuse them If they could speak as Democritus y e philosopher somtime thought as Lactantius a Christian writer semeth partly to say they do yet being birdes beastes voide of reason they wold not speak they know not what The very sense of nature therfore is against this folly But let their soūd be a sound without sense vnderstanding as Plinies rauē that could saie Aue Caesar Imperator All haile Emperor Caesar or the Cardinals Popiniay that could pronounce distinctlie all the Articles of the Créed yet knew not what they sayd shame we not to be like them Hauing the gift of reason giuen vs of God aboue all the creatures that he made to distinguish vs from them in the rule of all our actions Let the olde Father Saint Augustine speak both for the cause and for this reason Quid hoc sit quod precati sumus intelligere debemus vt humana ratione non quasiauium voce cantemus Nam et meruli et psitaci et corui et picae et huiusmodi volucres saepe ab hominibus docentur sonare quod nesciunt Scienter autem cantare naturae hominis diuina voluntate concessum est What this is that wee haue praied wee must vnderstande that wee may sing with reason agréeable to a man and not chatter with voice as birds doe For Owsels and Popiniayes and Rauens and Pies and such like birdes are often taught of men to pronounce that which they doe not vnderstand But to sing with knowledge is giuen by God to mans nature What testimonie plainer or reproofe more waightie may there be But I forget my selfe and purposing but to touch matters make too long abode in this thing Conclude we thē with an effectuall thought in our hearts as men women that are not sworne against the Lord and past all recouerie whether euer anie person in this world dared or wée our selues durst speake to an earthly man for a sute of waight belonging vnto this bodie in this world and know not what we saie O our care in the one and carelesnes in the other our feare in the one euen ouer tittles and sillables and our want o● féeling in the other in large speech what a witnesse will it beare against our soules before the Lord in that dreadfull daie if wee take not warning and leauing betimes the waie that God condemneth man misliketh reason reproueth and very nature abhorreth make choice of the other which in all these respects is commended and by no meanes can euer doe harme To day if we heare the truth let vs harden no heartes against it Saie not God is mercifull and I hope the best for as he hath mercie so commeth wrath from him when we are wilful Woe to the eare that will not heare sayth the Lord often Larger discourses may be liked of if neede be this serueth for a taste of truth in a short treatise Yea Sir but God vnderstandeth what soeuer we saie in what tongue so euer we speake and that is sufficient No indeede For can you affirme that praier was ordained for God alone or for vs to make our mone to God by also If it were so and is so then ought we as well to vnderstande our selues as the Lorde to vnderstande vs. And is there no matter what we speake or how we speake so that God vnderstand vs Could we so content our selues towarde a man Let the one teach vs in the other and let desperate conclusions haue deserued confusions before our eyes euer We may as well reason agaynst spéech of tongue because God knoweth our hearts as against vnderstanding of our praiers because God vnderstandeth them But inough is said Goe you then to the causes of our prayers which is next in order of our verse These haue in effecte also sufficientlie bene touched alreadie in this that hath ben spoken For wee haue hearde causes in respect of God in respect of our selues and in respect of our brethren Which you maye turne backe vnto again if you will and peruse all causes vrgent and weightie of our prayers that are God hath commaunded vs to pray God hath promised to heare vs if we pray threatens to punish vs if we doo not our faith is then confirmed by it our dangers preuented our wantes reléeued our loue to the Lorde increased our liues ordred to
isto Patre sunt dominus seruus imperator miles diues pauper All faithfull Christians here in earth sayth S. Austen haue diuers fathers some noble some vnnoble but they make their prayers but to one father in heauen and vnder this father is Master and seruant Emperour and Souldier rich and poore Trueth it is and sweete it is to vs poore wretches in this world vpon whom the magnificous of this earth looke so bigge as if wee neuer shoulde bee worthy to wipe their shooes much lesse accepted as their fellowes yea peraduēture before them in a place of greater honor than this sea of glasse here can euer bee Wherefore let vs ioy in it and remember it to schoole our selues in our places euery one to shew fauour fit due regarde to euery man in this present world the prince to the subiect the Master to seruant euery man womā one to another If I did contemne the iudgement of my seruant sayth holy Iob or of my mayde when they did contend with mee what then shall I doe when God standeth vp and when he shall visite me what shall I answer He that made me in the womb hath he not made him hath not hee alone fashioned vs in the womb And receiue him now sayth the Apostle Paul not as a seruant but aboue a seruant euen as a brother beloued so forth Thus we sée the christian humility towards al our brethren in this world y t is noted vnto vs as a thing fit for vs euer in this word Our father But it seemeth by this forme that we may not at any time say in our prayers My God or my father neither yet pray particularly either for our selues or any other But in common euer No you mistake it For as this communitie of affection is taught vs this prayer that extendeth the desire to the good of others so is the Scripture full of warrants also for both the particular application of God vnto a mans selfe by the terme of my God and Lord and Father and also for particular praier for our selues and others Our sauiour sayth my father the Apostle my God the Prophet Dauid in euery Psalme almost and the prayers of Gods children for themselues priuatly are extant Dauids Pauls Annaes with many moe But the matter is this we should not neither euer did any of these so particularly pray for themselues or any but that there was euer in them although not expressed an eye to commit by the fruit of their action that thing either tending to the inabling of thē better to serue in gods church which is a common good or els as willingly wished though not in words yet in truth of meaning to all to whome it may stande in like steed and for as much vse and good So are wee but spoyled of all filthy self-selfe-loue without care for others not forbidden to regard our selues with like wish to others Why say we next which art in heauen Two things in God our fayth ought euer to be assured of or els we pray not wel to wit will to helpe vs and power The one hath beene sufficiently declared in the word Father the other now in these is confirmed vnto vs. For by his being in heauen appeareth his maiestie might and power his rule dominion ouer all things whereby he is able to goe through with the purpose of his good will towardes vs that in nothing our hope of being hearde may bee hindered I haue sworne by my selfe the worde is gone out of my mouth in righteousnes and shall not returne that euery knee shall bow vnto mee and euery tongue shall sweare by mee This Lorde of ours reigneth let the people tremble hee sitteth betwixt the Cherubins let the earth bee moued This Lorde is great in Sion and he is high aboue al people Let the kinges of the earth band themselues and the Princes assemble together against this Lorde and against his anoynted Let them purpose to breake his bands asunder and to cast away his coards from them Hee that dwelleth in the heauens shall laugh them to scorne and this powrefull Lord of ours shall haue them in derision When hee purposed to doe his Church and children good who or what could euer resist y t will Blesse he or curse prosper or punish giue he or take whatsoeuer he will that doth he in heauen earth and none can let him His power is almightie and therefore able euer to performe his will This is one the doctrine deliuered vs in these words and the vse of it is great For many are the assultes of this life the troubles of the flesh and the griefes of our minds dangerous are the darts of Satan against vs often and wee haue no way to win reliefe but from the Lorde by prayer then steppeth in the greatnes of the matter the multitude of enemies against it the weakenes of our selues in faith in friendes in Counsell and meanes and in conclusion a very impossibilitie as it were in reason of the thing appeareth But oh feare auant fayth bee strong for what will wantes in a tender father or what power to him that dwelleth in the heauens And wee are purposely by Christ remembred of both those in this prayer that wee might neuer doubt of either he is our father and hee is in heauen that is he is most willing and euer able thē feare away This comforted Christ in the pride of power against him that euen then his father was able if it pleased him to giue him more then twelue legions of Angels to fight for him against them And this is written for vs whilest the world indureth to be our comfort God would deliuer Ioseph his innocent seruant and hee could doe it though the credit of false report in respect of the accuser were neuer so great God woulde defend his Daniel and he could doe it against all the spite of man and power of roaring beastes so great and terrible God would giue passage through the mayne sea on foote and hee could in the moment of time performe his will What should we say Many haue beene the troubles of the righteous and euer the Lorde able to deliuer them out of all Hee is the same yeasterday and to day and for euer And therefore whatsoeuer befalleth vs in this world pray in the comfort of this sweet conceit that hee is in heauen that is God and Lorde of all able as willing and willing as able euer both to do vs any good if we pray for feare not the deuill nor death nor hell nor man nor matter euer in this earth but looke to the power of thy God to defend thee to helpe and succour thee in all distresses and that power ioyned with the will of a Father whose bowelles melt vpon his childe O God and father sweete and strong increase our faith increase our feeling and
his compassion towardes vs then is he sayd to be farre of Thus is it meant in the Prophet Call vppon him while hee is neere that is I haue nowe shewed whilest his arme is stretched out to you and his mercie offered in such sorte as it is This also considered teacheth vs how God may bee sayd to bee more in one man than another and more in one place than in another namely still not in respect of essence which is equally in all places and wholy in all places but in respecte of more or lesse after the gifte of his grace to one person than another or to one place than another Of which it may bee true that Gregorie sayd Deus qui omnia tangit non aequaliter omnia tangit God that toucheth all things yet toucheth not all things alike By this may the third thing partly be vnderstood to wit how GOD is sayde in Scripture to come and goe awaie and yet no breach made of his vbiquitie namely because such speeches are neuer to bee meant of his essence or mutation of place for so departeth hee from none but of inward or outward effects of his holie spirit according to which giuen or taken awaie the Lord is said to come or to go from men and places as hee departed from Dauid when hee lefte him iustly for his grieuous sinnes destitute of the peace of his conscience of the chéerefulnesse of his minde the cleannesse of his heart the quietnesse of his affections and other giftes of his holy spirite which before Dauid had in great measure Wherevpon he was forced to crie O Lord create a cleane heart within mee and renue a right spirit O Lord giue me the comfort of thy spirite againe let the bones which thou hast broken reioyce On the other side hee is sayde to come when againe he beginneth to worke by his holy spirit and to stirre vp faith repentance loue hatred of sinne such like Thus meant our Sauiour when he sayde I and my Father will come vnto him dwell with him And this of inward graces Outwardly also the Lord is sayde to come ergo when either by outward crosses he so humbleth vs as though he had forsaken vs and departed in anger from vs so that we are constrained with Dauid to say My God why hast thou forsaken me or when hee so defendeth vs comforteth vs and blesseth vs that the world that seeth it is driuen to saie and see as Saul did of Dauid that the Lord is with vs. So his absence is the absence of his effects in vs and for vs and his presence or comming is the presence and gift of them either inward or outward Wherefore to goe no further I hope it is playne inough now that though we saie our Father is in heauen yet wee are farre from denying therein or therby his diuine vbiquitie and presence euerie wher But euen as the soule of man which is wholie in the whole and in euerie parte yet is sayde to be in the head or heart more than else where because there more than elswhere it exerciseth his power effects So God though by essence euery where in all places wholy yet by action operation communication of grace gifts not equally in all partes but in heauen more than in earth in the godly more than the wicked and in one of his childrē more than an other in the Saincts in heauen more than in the Saints in earth and in the humane nature of Christe more than in anie creature eyther in heauen or earth as in whome the fulnesse of grace spirite without measure was Howbeit yet in a more excellent maner God dwelt in Christ than by fulnesse of grace and giftes or by manifestation of his vertue and power as might be shewed if the place required it But thus much of this matter Now if you thinke good to the petitions themselues WIth a good will And herein for more plainnes of spéech let vs generally obserue the diuision or number of these petitiōs the order of them and the matter and meaning of them Touching the diuision of thē I will not curiously stand vpon it S. Austen and many after him by his example make 7. diuiding the last into two but their reasons are very insufficient as may bee seene And Austen himself contrary to him selfe confesseth that those words But deliuer vs from euill are an explication of the former Leade vs not into temptation And therfore by consequence vnfitly made a petition of it selfe for in so short a summe of so fewe petitions one to be confounded with an other to be all one is not probable Others make sixe and they rather are to be followed For the order of them this is to be obserued that 3. of them respecting immediatly and chiefly Gods glorie other 3. our necessities wants those that cōcerne the Lord are placed before the other euen as in the lawe of God those 4. commandements that containe mans dutie to God are set before the other 6. that containe his duetie to his neighbour Which being done of purpose in the depth of his vnsearchable wisedome that layd this forme downe for vs Christ Iesus contayneth in it a lesson of great regard to a minde possessed with the feare of God and care of bounden duetie Namely that the honor of God ought to be more deere vnto vs than either bodie or goods or any benefite of ours whatsoeuer in this world yea which is farre more then the very soules within vs the saluation of them in the world to come For so both the Lord God himself the composer of this Prayer and the giuer of bodie goods and soule and all teacheth in the sixt of Mathew And the power of his holy spirite in the practise of his seruants confirmeth and sheweth euidently For principally and aboue all sayth the Lord Iesus seeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof and all these other things shalbe cast vpon you Which wordes if a man would demaunde a reason of the order of these 3. petitions before the other of our Sauiour contayned as you see euen a full aunswer to wit Gods glorie is more chiefe therfore ought to be first but these 3. petitions immediatly respect that and therfore ought to be first The power then of Gods spirite in the practise of the godly wee see also in Moses the great seruant of almightie God and in Paule his elect vessell to beare his name vnto the Gentiles who both of them in the flaming heate of a burning zeale to the glorie of the name of God wished the same w t the rasing of them selues out of the booke of life curse of his wrath to y e wo eternal of their owne soules for euer in y e place of perditiō death as is laid doune vnto vs. A fruit in thē of a mightie working
of flesh And I wil put my spirit within you cause you to walke in my statutes you shall keepe my iudgements and do them So that then is the greate name of the Lord sanctified you see and hallowed when we doe not onely knowe but doe the things that redound vnto his praise For then they that see our good workes are thereby caused to glorifie God in the daie of the visitation And euen contrariwise agayne if we do not we pollute the name of the Lorde in causing it to sounde euill amongst the wicked and the sinne is grieuous Of which complayneth the Lord by his Prophet Esaie when he saith his name all the daie continuallie is blasphemed and by his Apostle to y e Romanes in diuers other places And the same Apostle charging seruaunts that are vnder the yoake to account their maisters worthy of all honor maketh this the reason why Least the name of God and his doctrine bee euill spoken of And therefore thirdly as wee seeke the one so wee desire to bee able to shun the other in this petition beseeching him in the sense of these wordes that all those things may be remoued ouerturned and taken awaie which prophane blemish or blot that glorie of his either in himselfe or in his workes or in his worde and doctrine Such as are these damnable Atheists of these latter dayes which with theyr ieasts scoffes and mockes deriding all goodnesse do not onely discouer the name of God but to their euerlasting woe in the flames of the burning bottomelesse pit affirming it flatlie in their hearts that there is no God at all Such are they that with their censures will correcte the workes of God and speake euill of them complayne of his prouidence murmure at his iudgmentes carpe and cauill at his worde allure vnto loosenesse and dayly worke disdaine of commaunded obedience which al if they be not reformed are prayed agaynst throughout the world by all the children of God dayly in this petition to the vnspeakable terrour of them if they had grace to thinke of it For how certayne is that vengeaunce which hee that sendeth it biddeth aske and how dreadfull must it needes be and euen importable when it commeth which is so often so earnestlie and by such a number as the whole Church of God on earth is in so many places asked begged and cried for O woe not once thought vpon and yet to be trembled at shall it not be remembred in deede Shall these painted dayes so poyson vs quite with the loue of this world and the fading follyes of a most vncertayne estate that all grace and goodnesse shall be contemned of vs. And whereas the Prophet of God sayde One daie in the courtes of the Lordes house is better than a thousand Wee saie the contrarie that but one houre there is too much though it be but once a weeke nay once in many weekes and one daie in the course of this worlde to the which yet the Apostle sayth Fashion not your selues is better and sweeter and more beseeming a man especiallie a greate man than a thousand in the other Is it likely that euer we wil wish our selues with that Prophet rather doore kéepers in this house of GOD than to dwel in great renowm in the tents of the vngodlie when wee either loure or laugh to be tolde we should come in Can it be hoped that eyther now we doe thinke God often punishing such great contempt with lasting blindnes that they are blessed that dwell in the house of the Lord beeing euer praising of God yea that the verie Swallowes and Sparows that are there are as it were happie and blessed O it is to be feared no. And therefore not Dauids prayer not Dauids spirite neither consequently that election to life whereof that spirit is a certaine pledge Which is terririble inough if God were in vs. Thinke of it and thinke of this agayne with it that al the Church of God through the worlde as I haue sayd praie against vs when wee are thus irreligious and prophane saying Halowed be thy name that is O Lord confound with speedie curse of death and woe eternal all those that not liuing in the laws of thy will cause thy name to heare euil and to be blasphemed in this world Let them perish O Lord let them perish in the lusts of their own hearts and giue thy name his glorie Which if hell haue not alreadie taken possession of vs will pearce vs and make vs think of reformatiō of our selues the Lord in mercy grant it Amen Amen And if it do not tyme passeth and tyme commeth the which two times shal differ as mercy iudgement differ fauour and fury loue and loathing And the worde of the Lorde shall not deceiue vs saying vengeaunce is myne and J wil repay but how soone that knowe not we But well we knowe the Lord is not slacke concerning his promise as some men count slackenes but he is patient toward vs and would haue all men come to repentance and one day is with the Lord as a thousand yeeres and a thousand yeres as one day and this day will come But now I pray you let me moue a doubt or two vnto you And first why the Church of God should pray that the Lords name may bee halowed which is already euer was and shalbe most holy pure and glorious Because we do not pray it in respect of him but of our selues and others such as we are for the Lord in deed is holy neither can any thing be added to that holines or glory of him to make it more but wee doe not know it so much as we should do neither speak of it and imitate it as we ought and therfore we pray that as he is in déede so more and more it may appeare and shine out to the world all lettes and hinderances being taken away that his due prayse may bee giuen vnto him of vs that is wee pray not in this petition that any holynes may bee added to his name that already it hath not but that as it is in it selfe in deede and euer so we may haue grace to see and confesse and more and more dayly may be reueiled and manifested to this worlde For the Lord is sayde to sanctifie vs either inwardly or outwardly Inwardly by his spirit outwardly by his word and this againe either by seperating vs from our sinnes quickning vs by his holy Spirit or continuance of them both An other doubt is why it shoulde be sayd in that place And he that is vniust let him be vniust still and he which is filthy let him be filthy still Seeing here we are taught to pray and all men that our liues may be holy and pure euer to the end his glorious name may haue prayse thereby That place you meane is not so
a sharpe sword That they are corrupt and become abhominable that there is none that doth good no not one And where ruleth all this euill that wee haue thus purchased to our woe O further griefe our bodies our soules our mindes our willes our harts our hands our feete and our whole man is corrupted sinne hath entered ouer all and by sinne Satan as Lord and King ruleth ouer all till this other kingdome come that here wee pray for For eratis tenebrae sayth the Apostle Ye were darknesse but now are ye light in the Lord. And more plainly before hauing their vnderstāding darkned being strāgers frō the life of God through that ignorāce that is in them c. Therefore you see the minde corrupted Of the hart and will it was sayd before that the imaginations of the thoughts thereof are onely euill continually And out of the hart now sayth our Sauiour proceede euill thoughts murders adulteries fornications theftes false witnesse sclaunders and this is stuffe that defileth the man With a thousand places moe crying out of the waywardnesse of mans hart and will the crookednesse stifnesse and stubbornnesse of it against the Lord all good Of the whole man sayth the Apostle Noui quod in me hoc est in carne mea non est bonum I know that in me that is in my flesh there is no good Our mouth our feete our throte our eyes and all are charged with their faultes in the worde of the Lord. That free will that was in man to doe good it is gone sayth Sainct Austen and homo malè vtens libero arbitrio se perdidit arbitrium Man abusing his free will lost both himselfe and it And now is it true that wee are not able to thinke a good thought as of our selues but both to will and to performe is of the Lord. Now is it true that our Sauiour sayd sine me nihil potestis facere without me you can doe nothing Non dixit sine me difficulter aliquid potestis aut sine me non potestis aliquid magni facere sed nihil potestis c. He did not say sayth S. Austen without me you can hardly doe any thing or you can not doe any great matter but simply and flatly you can doe nothing Meaning in spirituall matters for herein quid habes quod non accepisti what hast thou that thou hast not receiued Gratia dei sum quod sum By the grace of God I am that I am whatsoeuer it be if it be good And to goe no further in this sorte now must man and woman bee they neuer so righteous crie out vppon their vnrighteousnesse and hide their faces from the iudgement of the Lord if he should out of the comfort prouided for them seeke to iudge them Dauid the deere one of the Lord and a man according to his owne hart yet must confesse of himselfe with woe Beholde I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceiued mee Enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunts O Lord for in thy sight shall no flesh liuing bee iustified The great Prophet Esayas must say Woe is me for I am vndone because I am a man of polluted lippes Mary the virgin blessed amongst women must reioyce in her Sauiour and not in her selfe and so all others whatsoeuer For we are fallen Our lyfe that shoulde haue bene so pleasant beholde how bitter heauy and miserable Great trauell is created for all men an heauy yoke vpon the sonnes of Adam from the day that they go out of their mothers wombe till the day that they returne to the mother of all thinges Namely their thoughts feare of the heart and their imagination of the things they wayte for and the day of death from him that sitteth vppon the glorious throne vnto him that is beneath in the earth and ashes from him that is clothed in blewe silke and weareth a crowne euen to him that is clothed in simple linnen wrath and enuy trouble and vnquietnes and feare of death and rigour and strife in the tyme of rest the sleepe in the night vpon his bed change his knowledge A litle or nothing is his rest and afterwarde in sleeping he is as in a watch tower in the day he is troubled with the visions of his hart as one that runneth out of a battel c. Our daies that should haue ben without end now are few full of wo for life we haue got death for pleasure payne for good euill for heauen hell for endlesse ioye eternall woe O dreadfull fall Thus created then innocent God ruled but thus fallen from that innocencie Satan ruleth and wee are as hath bene sayd by nature the children of wrath walking after the Prince that ruleth in the ayre that is the Deuill But the Lord is gracious and his mercy indureth for euer there remaineth therefore hope by a restitution or regeneration which the Scripture teacheth vs thus much of namely That whereas Satan abuseth that corrupt nature of ours through the great power which hee hath ouer vs for our sinnes and driueth vs from the worde and all religion into all blindnesse ignorance and errors thrusteth vs into diuers miseries and calamities in the end into eternal death there being where he ruleth no true loue of God or any grace but sinning without sting touch or feeling the Lorde our God in a contrary course of loue where it pleaseth him beginneth with that corruption of nature wherby Satan before was strong and taketh it away by litle and litle begetting vs anew to a better life and restoring that Image of his in vs againe whereunto we were first created and which so fearfully we were fallen from Our minde hee illuminateth with some heauenly light whereby it beginneth to know aright God grace our will receiueth a new strength to imbrace the worde to rest in it and to incline it selfe to the testimonies of the Lord. Our heart is purged and loueth the Lorde and all the members of the body before the weapons of vnrighteousnesse vnto sinne becomme by measure the weapons of righteousnesse vnto God So sinne dyeth grace liueth and wee loue him feare him trust in him pray to him often and in all our wants with such like This is nowe the kingdome of grace this is that wee pray for here immediatly The kingdom of glory is that happy and eternall estate which followeth in heauen after this life which we also pray for here but mediatly as wee say that is when the kingdome of grace in this world is ended Thus much being sayd then for plainenes of these three kingdomes the kingdom of power of grace and of glory as also of which of them the petition is meant So now what we pray in plaine words namely thus much O Lord subdue vnto thy maiestie all power of
he speake from the Lord he must be heard And if he be the appointed meanes betwixt the Lorde and thee I meane thine owne Pastor and teacher thinke whilest it is to day of the strength in deede of thy exceptions to heare him and feare the iudgments shrinke at the wrath tremble at the vengeaunce most assured to thee without repentance if they bee to weake They haue not cast thee away but they haue cast me away said the Lord to his Prophet then and weigh it well whether the Lord truly may not say it of thee now to thy death refusing the meanes appoynted by him for thy life vpō such grounds as Satan hath suggested corruption nourisheth and the triumphant trueth of the Lorde will consume in iudging day to eternall wo. It was well sayde of that worthy instrument in Gods Church vpon like occasion Agnoscant Anabaptistae vbicunque minister ritè constitutus est ac fideliter munere suo fungitur vnumquemque qui pro Christiano haberi vult debere ei adhaerere cum reliquo grege ipsius ministerio frui c. Let the Anabaptistes confesse and acknowledge that wheresoeuer there is a minister duely placed and doth his duetie faithfully and carefully there euery one that will bee accompted a Christian must cleaue vnto him and with the rest of the flocke and congregation vse his ministerie But what do they as many of vs as will not follow their errors although wee neuer so purely preach the word of God yet do they take vs for rauening wolues and they so abhorre vs as that they thinke they should commit an offence worthy death if they should bee present but at one sermon of ours Then do they make suddenly ministers of their owne and they being so made in a moment then doe they drawe the people and make contrary congregations of their owne to the renting of the Church asunder that the name of God cannot be called vpon with that one consent and concord that it ought to bee Meditate many times ere the Lord strike thee what Saint Iames sayth My brethren haue not the faith of our glorious Lord Iesus Christ in respect of persons Faith in that place includeth the preached word which if thou thus regard remember the stripes that they shall haue that know their master his will and refuse to doe it remember whose head the blood is vpon when the watchmā hath warned If thy Pastors gifts bee not so great whom reprochest thou but the giuer of them May not he do with his owne as pleaseth him for thee Refusest thou to heare him for his litle to whome the Lord will say Euge serue bone and crowne him for his faithfulnesse ouer litle Beware I wish thee as a friend in Christ thy feete are sliding fearefully if thou stay not Stande not vpon his vniuersitie vpon his degrees vpon his age vpon his method least of all except O strange suggestion of a guileful serpent in these euill dayes against his writing for his memory as though because his note helpeth his memory therefore his lips keepe not knowledge thou wilt not heare him But stande vppon the message that is done remember whose it is stande vpon the messengers calling vnto them aboue all others in this world if hee bee thy Pastor what measure of grace soeuer the Lord hath vouchsafed him stand vpō the ordinance of the Lorde by preaching to erect his kingdome in the heartes of men and to saue them that beleeue stand vpon the abilitie of thy God to giue thee good by the ministerie of him that is thine owne how meane soeuer he seeme in the world to the curious almost I had sayd cursed creatures stand vppon the iudgement done to the despisers of Iesus Christ and remember it often Qui vos audit me audit c. he that heareth you heareth mee and hee that despiseth you despiseth mee For these with a number moe such are true groundes of that commaundement the breach whereof will be hellish woe for euer Obey them which haue the ouersight of you and submit your selues for they watch for your soules as they that must giue accompts that they may doe it with ioy and not with greef for y t is not profitable for you And if my speech may not finde a blessing vnto some because the Lord hath determined to destroy them yet say I to my brethren that am the meanest of them all let vs worke the worke of our calling faithfully throwe the seede of the Lord into his field according to the hande that hee hath giuen carefully giue attendance to reading paynfully though we neuer take degree in Vniuersitie passe with a worthie Apostle through good report and euill report and if any man wee thus doing refuse the Lords letters because wee bring them the Lords message because we deliuer it the Lordes golde because wee deale it let vs comfort our selues with the same Apostle that we are vnto God a swéet sauour of Christ in them that perish But my brethren if wee doe it not but giue our selues to ease and to the waies of this worlde fashioning our selues daylie more and more in an vnlawfull sort according to the same then remember that preaching being meanes yea y e chiefest meanes to erect this kingdome of the Lord in this world we neglecting it we neglect also the effect of it namely the kingdome of God ouer and in his people and so suffring as much as lyeth in vs the Lorde to lose his people and the people to lose their God wee fearefully purchase to our selues that dreadfull woe that is pronounced to all them that preach not the Gospell Aaron sounded wee know when he ministred by his golden belles in those daies and therefore he shall not dye sayth the Lord if wee sound not when we minister by the golden gifts giuen of the Lord shal not we dye And is then all that we aske concerning this matter namely that GOD would bestowe his worde vpon vs that we may reade it and heare it and haue it preached vnto vs to the building vp of this his kingdome in vs No in deede But forasmuch as neither our reading nor hearing is able to profite vs anie thing vnto saluation excepte the Lorde by his holie spirite make it fruitfull to vs and giue it a blessing therefore wee praie also mightilie these wordes for that heauenly power of his grace that what we reade or heare read or preached vnto vs out of his heauenly booke by the ministery of men may by him bee made a sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe vnto vs. For though Paule preach and Appollo water yet neyther Paule nor Apollo but onely the Lorde giueth increase Except the Lorde open Balams eyes hee seeth not the Angell of the Lorde in the way with his swoord drawen in his hand that is neyther anger nor loue perceiue we euer except the Lord work it in
vs. How came it to passe that the Iewish people so seeing dayly the wonderfull workes of God for them the proofes of his power mercie and goodnesse aboue all the nations of the world yet persisted vnfaithfull stubburne and wayward to so good a God O sayth Moses these things being done for you yet hath the Lorde giuen you an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this daie teaching vs playnly that such hart such eyes and eares are onely the Lords to giue and without such gift we profite nothing no not by the verie euident extraordinarie mercies of God In another place agayne The Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart the heart of thy seede that thou mayest loue the Lord thy GOD with all thine heart and with all thy soule that thou mayest liue As if hee shoulde saie neuer thinke of anie loue of GOD faythfull and true as possible to be within thee and consequently no obedience loue being the root of all excepte the Lorde circumcise thine heart that is purge all thy wicked affections giue hearing reading a blessing which thing is not in thine owne power to doe It is I sayth the Lord by the prophet Esaie that receiue the spirite of the humble and giue lyfe to them that are of a contrite heart If the Lorde worke in one he worketh in all the spirites of men are ruled and gouerned vnto good onelie by him If he touch vs we are touched if hee turne vs wee are turned and if hee reuiue not and giue life we sinke in all our sinnes as vnfeeling wretches and abide in death How playnly sayth it agayne the Prophet Ezekiel I wil giue you a newe heart and I will put a newe Spirit within you and will take away the stony heart out of your body giue you an heart of flesh And I will put my spirit within you and and cause you to walke in my statutes c. O see and marke howe all lets bee remooued and all grace giuen by the Lorde alone in mercy seeking our saluation And therefore knowe it true as the truth is true that neither hearing nor reading preaching or priuat speaking auaileth euer to doe vs good except the guiding grace of the Lorde direct vs to it by a blessing giuen to them all or any when they are vsed And therefore as for the word so for the blessing of it by the Spirit of God do we euer pray when we say these words Thy kingdom come Then opened he their vnderstanding sayth the Gospell of our Sauiour Christ that they might vnderstand the Scripture And Lydia attended to those thinges which Paul spake because the Lord opened her heart So that neither one nor other Lydia nor the disciples of Christ see heare or vnderstand except the Lorde giue the eye the eare and the heart It is the holy Spirit that teacheth teacheth into all trueth and without whome still still all meanes remaine vnprofitable There is an oyntment sayth Saint Iohn from him that is holy and that anoynting teacheth you all things that is the grace of the holy ghost Wherefore I cease not to make mencion of you in my prayers sayth the holy Apostle and to bowe my knees vnto the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ that he would giue vnto you the Spirit of wisedome and reuelation through the knowledge of him that the eyes of your vnderstanding may bee lightned that we may knowe what the hope of his calling and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is in the Saints c. And that yee may bee strengthened by his Spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your hearts by fayth and yee may bee able to comprehend with all Saynts what is the bredth and length and depth and height c. See Pauls refuge for profitte to his preaching for life and light for these Ephesians euen to the Lorde for his holy Spirite to soften and supple their stony heartes to illuminate and lighten their darke mindes and to make that sweete to them that is sower to many and fruitefull to them by his mightie power that is neuer so to any without the same Wherefore to goe no further knowe it for conclusion that wee praying for Gods kingdome to come vnto vs in this petition by the hearing and preaching of his worde the meanes appoynted of him to erect the same and seeing well by all this that hath bene said that neither one nor other of these meanes cā preuaile with vs any thing vnlesse the Lorde also with them giue the power of his Spirit and the blessing of his grace in our hearts by them therefore there is included herein also euen praier for this grace and the petition being vnderstoode of vs is thus much with the Lord as we should in playne termes say O Lord giue vs not onely thy worde to reade and heare but the heauenly grace of thy holy Spirit also to sanctifie blesse and make fruitefull to vs both our reading and hearing that so reading and so hearing thy kingdome may come vnto vs and thou ruling and wee ruled wee may liue for euer with thee according to thy promise See then still further matter of this petition And since the Lord hath taught vs thus to pray for the helpe of his hande and the blessing of his grace to all the meanes of good vnto vs and so guided the tongues of his children euer before this forme was layde downe vnto them though in other wordes Let vs brethren looke vpon this occasion into our corruption for truely the Lorde reueileth a secret vnto vs of our natures that thousands sée not when hee thus teacheth vs that without his Spirite no meanes profite vs. We trust to our witts to our skill to our yeres and youth and I know not what and wee thinke wee haue wings of nature aboue our fellowes many of vs to flye aloft and to sée the secretes of the Lord but truely it is not so we haue all sinned and sinne hath cut our wings that wee cannot flye aboue wee haue all in our first parentes transgressed and that transgression hath dazeled and darkened our eyes closed our eares and benummed our heartes that we can neither see heare nor feele except it bee giuen vs from aboue as wee haue now fully bene taught As naturall men we perceyue not the thinges that are of GOD we are not able to thinke a thought that is good but all our sufficiencie is of God and by his grace only we are what we are that good is if any trueth bee opened to vs the Lord hath done it and cōcerning life eternall flesh and blood reueileth nothing to vs but the father in heauen reade without this spirit and the booke is sealed to vs heare without this Spirite and it is a pleasant song that sinketh not but passeth with the time pray without this
Spirit and we pray wee knowe not what for it is the Spirit that helpeth our infirmities and that maketh request for vs with sighs which cannot bee expressed And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is y e meaning of the spirit for hee maketh request for the Saintes according to the will of God Haue not this spirit and be none of Christes for as many as are led by the Spirite of God they are the sonnes of God Want this Spirit feare againe the seuere threatning of the Lawe but haue it and cry in comfort Abba Father the same Spirite bearing witnesse with our Spirits that we are the children of God sealing our adoptiō in our minds and therefore opening our mouthes This blessed Spirite and sweete grace is that heauenly water that our sauiour speaketh of in his dialogue with the woman of Samaria when sitting vpon the wel with her hee sayde whosoeuer drinke of this water shall thirst againe but the water that I shal giue him shall bee in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life And O my brethren how differeth all earthly water from this if wee marke it let a man thirst for the honors titles pleasures places and dignities of this paynted world and if he inioy thē euen in great measure do they quench his thirst No truely but if this other water bee away I meane this moderating grace of Gods blessed Spirit whereof we speake they increase his thirst a thousand fold of a sound man before he inioyed such heapes hee is striken into a loathsome and deadly disease euen a spirituall dropsie that the more hee drinketh the more drye he is and neuer satisfied Playing dayly and hourely the parte of Achsah in seeking springs of water to her South countrey that is more to much and still something else to that that is had already But this water of Gods holy spirit springing not out of the veynes of the earth but from the highest heauens runneth about our hearts continually with a diuine vertue most comfortably cooling al our Spiritual heats refreshing vs against all burning temptations quenching the firy dartes of Satan and finally quickning vs to eternall life This water therefore let vs make accompt of pray for a true faith for he that beleeueth in me out of his belly shall flowe riuers of water of life sayth the Scripture Quench not this Spirit then neither grieue him by whome we are sealed vnto the day of redemption But remember the good that commeth by him to this wretched frame of our sinnefull harts the ground is hard if this dewe drop not and vtterly vnfruitefull if this grace blesse not Lende mee therefore not thy tongue and lips only but thy soule heart chiefly to pray with mee to the throne of mercy for our selues and all O Lorde O Lord create a cleane heart renew a right Spirit within vs euermore Cast vs not away from thy presence neither take thy holy Spirit from vs. Giue vs the comfort of thy helpe for euer and establish vs with thy free Spirit Amen What else is concluded in this prayer Another good meanes to further this kingdome is a godly zealous and carefull Magistrate and therefore we praie for him also and the blessing of his seruice This teacheth the Lord vs when hée biddeth vs praie for kings and all that are in authoritie that we may leade a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie They are the means the Lord giues the blessing The lyke doth the Apostle when he telleth vs that Princes are not to bee feared for good workes but for euill And therefore if we will bee without feare of the power that we must doe wel and so shall we haue praise of the same For hee is the minister of God for our wealth But if we do euill that then we must feare for he beareth not the sword for naught but is the minister of God to take vengeance on him that doth euill Charging vs as well for these good vses of him as also for the author of his office and authoritie which is the Lord for there is no power sayth he but of GOD and the powers y t are be ordained of God that euery soule of vs be subiect to the higher powers and that we resist not for if wee doe we resist the ordinance of God they that so resist receiue to themselues damnation This benefite of a magistrate to the increase of Gods kingdome appeared in Asa who tooke awaie the Sodomites out of the land and put away all the Idols his Father had made displaced his mother for her idolatrie and destroyed her idolls The like appeared in Ezekiah Iosiah and all the rest Read what they did sée what authoritie may do nay ought to doe Vertue flourisheth by iust incouragements vice flieth and dieth by iust punishmentes if the magistrate bee good and then ruleth God when this is so Blessed therefore wel may be said is the lande when the king is the sonne of Nobles and when the Princes eate in time for strength and not for dronkennesse That is when the higher and lower and all powers in a land are famous for vertue and wisedome and with the giftes of God And why so Surely because these being thus the Lord is king in such a place and his heauenly power is more and more dayly spread ouer and into the heartes of men by these meanes Contrariwise Woe to the land whē the king is a childe and the Princes eate in the morning that is when the chiefe of all wanteth wisedome and counsayle and the inferiors are giuen to their lusts and pleasures And why so agayne surely because then for want of so forcible a meanes as carefull magistracie is to represse it Vice floweth vertue flieth and God ruleth not Finally therefore doe we praie here in this petition and aske of the Lorde as a greate mercie that he would giue vs godly carefull and zealous Magistrates to the better setting vp of his blessed kingdome amōgst vs. And truly beloued would God the iust often consideration of these might worke in vs a faithful loue to thē for their pains and a flaming thankfulnesse to the Lorde for them when we haue them O that wee would meditate of it vpon our beddes and and thinke vppon it when wee are waking what Moses felt when he sayd How can I beare your comberance your charge and your strife alone Or what hee felte that sayde to his regall Crowne or Scepter that he which knew the carke and care the woes and griefes the toyles and labours and the infinit perils and feares that are incident to it would not take it vp if he found it in the streete Then woulde wee feele what it is to gouerne and to be alofte Then assuredly would wee honour Magistrates more loue them more obey them more and contend
soules but that thankfull to thy maiestie for the thing they may hate the persons in singular loue for their work sake obeying them and submitting themselues to them as their appointed ouerseers of them that they may giue their accountes with ioy and not with griefe If it fall out otherwise thy iust purpose being to slay those disobedient scorners O Lord O Lorde make strong thy seruants to indure this griefe and not fearing the face of anie whose harts feare nothing nor weighing the godlesse loue of them that loue not the cheerfulnesse to go on through all pikes of worldly vnthankfulnesse through good report and ill report and all snubbes knowing in a sweet feeling that they are vnto thee a sweete sauour of Christ in them that perish as well as in them that are saued And let it neuer be said of vs O heauenly Father as once it was of others that these things beeing done for vs and we professors of thy great mercyes yet thou hast not giuen vs an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this daie but giue vs heart eyes eares for thy mercie sake Circumcise our hearts and the harts of our seed that we may loue thee much our Lord and God and liue with thee for euer Reuiue the spirites of the humble and giue lyfe to them that are of a contrite hart Take awaie our stony harts out of our bodies giue vs harts of flesh Open our vnderstāding as thou didst thy disciples that wee may vnderstand both by reading and preaching to our cōfort Giue vs merciful father that heauēly spirit that leadeth into al truth that happy annointing that teacheth al things that spirit of wisdōe reuelatiō that the eies of our minds may be lightned that wee may know what y e hope of our calling is the riches of that glorious inheritāce prepared for thy Saints That wee may bee strengthened by thy Spirite in the inner man that Christ thy sonne may dwell in our hearts by fayth we able in some measure to comprehend thy louing kindnesse to all penitent weeping and wayling sinners For O Father we haue sinned and darknesse hath entred to rule both bodie and soule if thou helpe not Lord in that mercie that hath no measure looke vppon vs let not his malice destroy the workes that thy mercie hath made His kingdom is death thy kingdom is life ioy for euermore O heauenly God thē let thy kingdome come that wee ruled here by that sauing hand of thine may tast and feele inioy and haue for euer the reward that foloweth such subiectiō in thy glorious kingdome not for our sakes but for Iesus Christ his sake with thee and the holy spirite one maiestie mightie and glorious euer blessed and praised from generation to generation eternally Amen The third Petition Thy will be done c. why followeth this next THE order if we marke it is most fit and good for in the former we prayed that the Lord might rule in vs but that cannot he do if we euer remaine vnwilling stirring and wresting against him and his will inter inuitos enim reluctantes nemo commodè regnare potest therefore very rightly doe wee pray now in the next place that his will may be done And truely very duetie bindeth al children to frame their life according to the will of their fathers and not contrariwise the parents to conforme themselues to the will of their children In the volume of thy booke sayth Dauid it is written of me that I should doe thy will So is it of vs all for this is a matter that concerneth not Dauid only but euery man that hopeth and looketh for the place that Dauid now hath and therefore with Dauid we must all and euery one say most hartely O my God I am content to doe it yea thy law is within my hart that is not ordinarily or superficially thought vpon by me but it is euen my earnest and vehement meditation and desire continually I seeke not mine owne will sayth our Sauiour Christ but the will of the father who hath sent me And let vs thinke that if he did thus that was subiect to no sinne but had receiued all power of God and himselfe was Lord of all what excuse may we haue before his gloriouse face in that high Court of his at the latter day if called into the Kingdom of God and receiued into the adoption of the Sonnes of God we doe not as good children the will of our father but as rebellious wretches euery one his owne will Agayne I came downe from heauen not to doe mine owne will but his will which hath sent me Thus did he as a sonne to his father and thus must we doe if we be sonnes with him And therfore pray we euer and pray we hartely to our heauenly father as here wee are taught Thy will be done For not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my father which is in heauen Why pray wee that Gods will may bee done and not ours may be done Because our wickednesse is still great in the earth and all the imaginations of the thoughts of our harts by nature are onely euill continually And because the natural man as saith the Apostle perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God For they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can hee knowe them because they are spiritually discerned That is because in truth we are so fallen by our first sinne and our will so corrupted thereby that of our selues wee cannot will the thing that is good no not thinke it but both the will and deede if it be good yea and all our sufficiencie is of him But on the other side the Lords will is all holie and euer holie yea holinesse it selfe and the rule of right for euer Wherfore by good reason we pray as we do Thy will bee done And this being the true ground in deede of our doing let vs by the way consider whether euen this petition assureth not our consciences of their error that say it and of our truth that deny it that in vs or any is left by nature a free will to doe good For are wee not there taught to pray that his will may bee done and not ours We see it And may we contrary to this order pray that our will may bee done that is our owne proper and naturall will Who will say it But I will say it that if I were by nature and of my selfe able to will the thing that is good then might I lawfully and rightly pray that my will might be done Wherefore we see and the world may see how euen this prayer if there were no further proofe yet satisfieth the consciences of men as touching this losse in vs namely of freewill to do or wish good of our selues till the Lord
me and mine let him doe his pleasure for we are his See therfore this giuen grace when the Lorde wil though it be hard The lyke did Dauid in his great extremitie when Absolom was in field agaynst him and the Arke brought forth by the Prophets to bee carried with him Haue the Arke of God sayth he into the Citie againe if I shal finde fauour in the eyes of the Lord he will bring me againe and shew me both it and the tabernacle thereof But if he thus say I haue no delight in thee behold here am I let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eyes therfore not impossible we sée for the Lord to worke in whom he wil though to our vile corruptiō a hard matter in déed Our Sauiour Christ in our fleshe sayde it with a true content Yet not my will but thy wil be done O Father And in vs can he worke it by his painfull spirit if it please him Good meanes to help vs are the sundrie comfortable speeches in the word concerning the Lords care ouer vs euer and especially when we haue most need of him by reason of any woe that we are wrapped in Our times are in the hand of the Lord and he not man shall dispose of our daies Our haires are numbered and our teares are put in his bottell What are haires and teares to bodie and soule and other matters of ours more waightie He careth for the rauens lions and birds of the aire how much more for vs Are we not more worth than many sparrows O we of little faith If the Dragon would deuour vs hee is able in a moment to giue vs wings to flie into the wildernesse and to escape him If he wil not but a trial must be had of vs heare and marke you lift vp your harts and reioyce with me Fidelis est Dominus The Lord is faithfull and will not suffer vs to be tempted aboue that we are able but will euen giue the issue with the tentation that we may be able to beare it O sweete O more than sweete and the vnspeakable comfort of my fraile flesh and all such as I am For let me doe my duetie feare the Lord and make much of his lawes cutte a peeces dayly as he will inable mee the cord of sinne cleaue to that which is good and abhorre that which is euill with a single soule and heart that hath no holes if this life cause any worldly woe though Satan and his friendes enuie at it or if the Lorde please for anie cause to his maiestie knowen to make anie trial of me feare not muse not sigh not shrinke not my God hath giuen his word as he is faythfull which euer was and euer will bee there shall no more be layde vpon me than hee hee I saie that hath no measure of might will make mee able to beare Onelie doe the thing that I ought in my life nowe as neere as giuen grace inableth me and trust to him for that day Care awaie then my beloued for the crosse euer in the power of the Lord let vs saie and since we haue such a promise lette the remembrance of it as a mightie means serue to work this in vs in al aduersitie to submit our wils to his and with true content to saie Thy will be done O Lord for euer with vs. Full is the Scripture of other comforts to strengthen vs in this but else where I haue noted them and therfore I spare my selfe as you heare Remember then nowe that though it be a harder matter in woe then well to praie this prayer yet is it not so harde but the Lord hath giuen it and can giue it at his pleasure to his weaklinges and make his power knowen in our weaknesse to his glorie our good if wee aske O swéete God then we aske it and beseech thee for the red bloud of Iesus Christ that in youth and age health sicknesse prosperitie and aduersitie weale and woe thy wil may be ours and we contented euer Amen Amen What meane the next words Sicut in coelo as it is in heauen Are wee able to performe such seruice to God Heare you what Augustine sayth Fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo et in terra Quid hoc Vt quomodo tibi seruiunt Angeli in coelo et nos tibi seruiamus in terra Angeli ipsius sancti obediunt illi non illum offendunt faciūt iussa amando illum Haec ergo oramus vt et nos praeceptū Dei charitate faciamus Thy will bee done in earth as it is in heauen what is this Surely that as the Angells serue thee in heauen so we may serue thee in earth his holy Angelles obey him and offend him not but in loue do his commandements These things therefore doe we praie for that we also euen of loue may doe his will Heare you also what Sainct Hierome sayth Petimus vt imitetur Angelos humana fragilitas et voluntas Domini competatur in terra We desire of the Lord that mannes frailtie may imitate the Angels the will of y e Lord may be done in earth fullie And in deede so it is for wee doe not in this petition desire that some parte of his will may bee done For it becommeth vs to fulfil all righteousnesse Matth. 3.15 but that all euen fullie and wholy may be performed and a halfe righteousnesse or obedience is neither righteousnesse nor obedience as Saint Iames teacheth vs. Non sufficit Christiano si vnam partem iusticiae impleat cui vtraque praecipitur It sufficeth not sayth Saint Hierom that a Christian fulfill y e one part of righteousnesse when as both are inioyned him For Vera et plena fides vniuersa praecepta complectitur True and full faith comprehendeth all the commaundements sayth another Yea further we are not only by duetie bound to doe all but with all affection also with all our heart with all our soule and with all our strength For Nec leprosa obedientia nec canina patientia commendatur nam velint nolint nō modò homines sed etiam daemones et faciunt et patiūtur quod prouidentia summa disposuit Qui inscij nescientes Dei voluntatem faciunt eorum et leprosa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 obedientia Qui vero scientes eam sed reluctantes murmurantes faciunt eorū est canina patientia neutrum ergo in nobis probatur sed et scientes et volentes Neither a leprous obedience nor a doggish patience is commēded for wil they nil they not only men but also deuils both do suffer whatsoeuer the diuine prouidence hath appoynted Those that vnwittingly not knowing it doe the will of GOD theyr obedience is leprous Those y t doe Gods will knowing of it but yet striuing agaynst it murmuring such mens patiēce perforce is doggish Neither of these is alowed but
knowledge to vs are meanes to make vs able to performe this petition and to doe his will therefore wee pray also herein for these meanes and the woordes are with the Lord as if wee shoulde euen in playne tearmes say O Lorde giue vs the knowledge stil dayly more and more of thy will out of thy word and giue vs the grace of thy Spirite to that knowledge that we inabled by these meanes may woorke thy will in this life as we ought What else do we aske in it Againe as we pray for all these things so do we as I told you before and must stil tel you in euery petition pray against their contraries For if the one be confirmed the other must be ouerthrowne Now the contraries of these things may be sayd to be of two sorts to wit either such as doe vtterly and wholly and euer resist his holy will or such as are but certaine impedimentes whereby wee do it not so readyly as either we ought or happely would do if they were not Of the first sort is Satan Sinne and the effects of sinne whatsoeuer the flesh or the old man his concupisence the world and such like For no man can serue two masters especially contrary masters such as God and Satan are the Spirit of God and the flesh the new and the old man Of the second sort are ouermuch care for worldly matters feare of men and a number of things that like weightes or burdens vpon our backes presse vs or like fetters about our feete hinder vs that wee go not on altogether so readyly and so fully in this way of doing the will of God as wee in deede ought and would if these lets were not Whatsoeuer they bee then and of whether sort so euer they be forasmuch as they are against that obedience that we pray for in this petition therefore we desire of the Lorde that they may bee remembred and that no let or least impediment may be to hinder that in vs which both in respect of his goodnesse to vs and our duties to him ought with all perfection both of will and worke be perfourmed And thus might we end this petition sauing that some profitable collections or obseruations may bee made of the words as they are layd downe here by our Sauiour I pray you then adde those also The first may be this Wee may obserue and see here both the beginning of mans misery as also the way to draw nere againe to that olde and former innocency Mans misery sprang by disobedience to the will of God as we all knowe and the waie to returne to that good estate againe wherein we were is obedience to that wil as here we learne when wee are taught to praie Thy will be done For we pray for the restitutiō of those graces in some measure which in our first parents were most perfectly And looke then howe much wee performe to the Lord obedience so much drawe we neere to an happie estate again Wherefore the Lorde sayde it Not euerie one that sayth vnto me Lord Lord shal enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the wil of my father which is in heauen And agayne Whosoeuer shall do my Fathers will which is in heauen the same is my mother sister and brother Obedience then to his holie will is that which will sette vs in good place agayne And therefore trie beloued what measure of this is in you and so lyke or dislyke of your selues Trie with what loue you heare the word with what care you are filled to doe therafter what conscience you make of sinne what name so euer it haue what ioy you haue in the workes of righteousnesse what griefe if frayltie c●use a fall If you find these in some measure so much bee glad if in greate measure much more bee glad for trulie so much haue wee lefte the waie of death into which we are fallen all by our first parents and so farre haue profited in the waie of lyfe which is true obedience But if our consciences accuse vs in this trial that we haue no desire to know Gods will out of his word although it bee with many mercifull circumstances offered vnto vs no care to liue holily no conscience of sin but some little seruile feare for dread of punishment no spirituall ioy in well doing no inward sorrow for euill doing then tremble we and feare we before the Lorde of heauen and earth for as yet we are in the waie of disobedience which is the waie of death whereinto our first parents fell we are buried in our corruption and dead in sin not risen with Christ wee are heapers vp of wrath against our soules in the daie of wrath contemners of the word which in such sorte hath beene preached vnto vs for which cause that same worde shal iudge vs in the last day and we shal perish Trye then I say and so lyke or dislyke Secondly learning by these wordes As it is in heauen that our obedience ought not to be lame or maymed but euen such both for will and worke as that of the heauenly spirites we are notablie taught what colde comfort there is for vs in our selues and how farre it is off that we or anie liuing should be saued by theyr works For dare any of vs saie we obey the Lords will in earth as it is obeyed in heauen and that there is no imperfection in vs more heere than there If wee dare not if wee cannot then you see wee haue not done all that is commaunded and therefore farre from being iustified by that meanes when we haue not done our dutie Cleaue wee therefore fast vnto our true safetie Iesus Christ the righteous and awaie with such dreames Thirdly doe we not see that this prayer wholie called the Lordes prayer and this petition particularly is prescribed by the Lord vnto al Christians men and women of what degree estate and calling so euer they be and none exempted We see it playnly for to all it is sayde in the Disciples that haue bene are and shall be to the worlds end whē you pray pray thus We see it then by consequence agayne that all degrees estates and callings are bound to performe vnto the Lord such perfect obedience as heere is noted and not Monkes Friers Nunnes or some certaine sorte of this order or that onely which yet hath ben taught vs and that others taking some more libertie might find mercie with God for theyr prayers and strict obseruation in truth not of Gods will but of some ceremonies of theyr own deuising But it hath mightely ben shewed to the world and our eyes al that euery plant which the heauenly Father hath not planted shal be plucked vp and therefore let vs beleeue no such follies If we be the Lords we acknowledge our selues bound to performe as full obedience as is performed in heauen and that is
we not sée the guilty quitte and the halter put ouer the innocents head Shall we not see the wicked aduanced and the godly depressed wreaked and wronged and troad vppon Surely we shall see fooles bid speak and wise men bid peace Yea we shall see euery mans mouth ouer foule with loosenesse and fewe mens liues gouerned with vertue Alasse then againe what a place is this Shall the sinnes of himselfe make the Apostle crie Cupio dissolui I desire to bee loosed and to be with Christ And shall not all the sinnes of so sinfull a world together with our own make vs desire it What pleasure had the good prophet who for the very sinne that he sawe hee desired death Did not our Sauiour say it when time was Non rog● pro mundo I pray not for the world And shall wee ioy in the place so fearefully excepted in the prayer of Christ If wee thinke heauen to bee our home are we not so long from home as we are heere If to depart here hence be to go to lyfe is not to tarrie heere to abide in death If that life be freedome is not this bondage Finally if to bee with God bee our true felicitie to be absent from GOD is it not our sure miserie But whilest we are at home in the bodie we are absent from God sayth the Apostle and therfore think of it What may you now think you beloued to staie you from a true and Christian lothing of this wretched life in so vil● a world Truely I knowe not excepte you should vnwisely saie there be few that doe it and many that doe it not Which if you should saie then must I answere you as he did that said it Neque minor erit gloria tua si foelix eris cum paucis neque poena leuior si miser eris cum stultis Neither shal thy glory be lesse if thou be happie with fewe neyther thy punishment lighter if thou be miserable with many But I hope you are far from being holden in euill with so bad arguments and therfore I pray you let vs all remember what is sayde vnto vs Loue not this world neither any thing that is in the world For if wee loue the world the loue of the father is not in vs. And the Lord strengthen vs. Seuenthly we see heere by this petition and forme of praier the verie true nature of a childe of God namely to desire pray heartely that both in himselfe and others Gods wil may be knowen and done Yea so heartely and earnestly doth he wish this that to see the contrarie is a vexation to his soule very vehement and great And he deliuered iust lot sayth Sainct Peter vexed with the vncleanly conuersation of the wicked And I saw the transgressours sayth Dauid and was grieued because they kept not thy word yea mine eyes gush out with teares for this cause But of this some thing was sayde before The Lorde enter not into iudgement with vs euer for the want of this sorrow to see other men doe euill saying nothing of our selues our owne euill For how may we answer not our sorrowing but our laughing euen as wee were tickled to see dronkards to heare rimers and railers and idle counterfaiters tearing their tongues against theyr teeth to the dishonour of God the gauling or slaunder of others and the death of their owne soules for euer without repētance which in many of them God may worke but it is smally to bee hoped of as yet God that shall iudge vs knoweth it and telleth vs now whilst we haue time to leaue it that wee cannot answer it The Lord therefore chaunge vs and wee shall be chaunged and make the breach of his will to touch vs deepely both in our selues and others Lastly wee may note here if there were no other Scriptures to shewe vs what an acceptable thing to the Lord the readie and carefull doing of his wil is by this that our Sauiour placeth this petition amongst the first and chiefe desires of his children wee may see our dulnes that must be taught to pray for this obedience and wee may see Gods rich great goodnesse that wil giue vs strength to obey him and then crowne vs for so doing with an immortall crowne as if wee had done all of our selues The Lord giue vs feeling And let thus much suffice of this petition A Prayer O Sweete and gracious Father how deere both is ought to be to a good child the goodwill of his earthly Father And if so how much more deere to thy child the iust and euer holy will of thee his heauenly father In deede hee should pray with hart soule that it may be done And therefore feeling our onely sweete comfort this that wee are thy children wee againe and againe beseech thy maiestie that it may so be Concerning thy secret will reserued to thy selfe O Lord let vs neuer curiously bee searchers and seekers to knowe aboue that which is meete for vs to knowe Much lesse let vs giue our selues by spirites and deuilles and vile meanes to wring out as it were by force from thee the knowledge of tymes and seasons and matters reserued in thy power but let vs euer concerning this bee thus disposed by thy grace in our selues that whatsoeuer this hidden will of thine shal be concerning vs whether to liue or dye to bee poore or rich to be high or low in this world with the same and in the same wee rest and be contented saying in our harts as obedient children let my God and Father do with mee and dispose of mee at his pleasure And when it shall appeare and be reueiled to vs then euen more if more may bee to be contented giuing true and hartie thankes to thy maiestie as well for wo as well for little as much for lowe degree as high degree if so thy pleasure be taking well in worth as thy seruant Iob at thy hands euill things as good things sower as well as sweet and lowring nightes as well as Sunneshine mornings Deere GOD make vs euer blesse thy name with a single hart when we knowe thy will and till thou shewest it leaue it to thy selfe Concerning next thy reueiled will that is all that which in thy worde thou hast layd downe and declared to bee the duetie which thou wilt haue performed of vs toward thee O Lord of mercie wee beseech thee that whereas our mindes burning with lusts are commonly caried to desire and to doe those things that most displease thee thou of thy gracious goodnesse wouldest vouchsafe so to chaunge vs by the power of thy blessed Spirite that we may wil and wish nothing but what thy holy will alloweth Giue vs faith firme and stedfast in thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ And to this faith ioyne in mercie a pure and cleane life graunting vs grace to possesse these vessels in holinesse and honour and not in the lust
the earth and all the creatures in them both he offendeth neuer neither needeth that any should forgiue him and yet is he more fauourable to his very enemies than we are to our liked and loued friends For he spareth the woorst more than we the best and though they sinne often yet forgiueth he stil They aske and he graunteth they knocke and he openeth they cry hee spareth yea though they haue cryed it ten thousand times forgiue vs our trespasses and hee euer hath forgiuen very great and grieuous ones yet is he not weary when we cry agayne and casteth vs of but he is patient toward vs sayth Saint Peter and woulde haue no man perish but al to come to repentance and to be saued O deerest GOD what fauour is this what goodnes is this to so great offenders Yea marke it here howe we are commaunded whilest we liue and breath to pray this prayer forgiue vs Lord and therefore playnely taught that euen so long there is mercy with GOD without wearynes a gracious open eare to a sinfull suter and pardon for that sinne that frailtie hath fallen into and nowe seeketh in a better grace to haue done away This is great patience that indureth till death being so often prouoked to deny such fauour with rauished harts for the swéetnes of it may wee heare and learne it yet let vs not abuse it as some haue done but remember wel what the Apostle sayd when it was obiected shal wee sinne that grace may abound God forbid Howe shall wee which are deade to sinne liue yet therein and so forth as followeth there at large The riches of his bountifulnes patience and long sufferaunce leadeth to repentance sayth the same Apostle If to repentance then not to presumption if to amendment then not to continuance in the euill and therefore take heede Punit Deus serò quidem sed duriter Long doeth the Lord stay ere he smite but hee smiteth home when hee doth smite Conclude wee then with wise Syrach Say not I haue sinned and what euill hath come vnto mee For the almightie is a patient rewarder but hee will not leaue thee vnpunished Because thy sinne is forgiuen be not without feare to heape sinne vpon sinne And say not the mercy of God is great hee will forgiue me my manifold sinnes for mercy and wrath come from him and his indignation commeth downe vpon sinners Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lord and put not off from day to day For suddenly shal the wrath of the Lord break forth and in thy securitie thou shalt bee destroyed and thou shalt perish in time of vengeance That houre that the wicked hope for is often denyed and suddenly they perish without repentance Therefore presume not Thirdly what Thirdly wee learne by this first worde that the remission of our sinnes is of meere mercie and fauour not for any merite of ours For marke I pray you how wee are taught to say not as the debtor sayd in the Gospel Lord refrayne thine anger toward vs and wee will pay thee all but absolutely and plainly Lord forgiue that is quite rased out and pardon without any recompence or satisfaction from vs or by vs. So that euen this petition if there were no more Scripture assureth the truth of that doctrine to vs that by grace wee liue and are saued Mercie pardoneth mercie healeth and mercy doth whatsoeuer God doth for vs. Merite dare not péepe to speake vnto the Lord. Iust as the Apostle sayth We are iustified freely by his grace not of works nay if of grace therefore not of works els were grace no grace Againe wee haue the forgiuenesse of our sinnes according to his rich grace And againe By grace are ye saued through faith that not of your selues it is the gift of God with a number such like places Iust also as the Father sayd Meritum meum miseratio Domini My merite is the onely and free mercie of God and so long aboūd I with merits as he aboundeth with mercies but take the one from him and take the other from me For my merite I say is his meere mercie Wherfore most greeuously doth that doctrine of Poperie robbe the Lord of his true and due honour when it teacheth satisfaction by man to God for his sinne For who can satisfie GOD but his onely Sonne in whom only he is pleased And of whom flatly it is sayd that he is the propitiation that is the full whole perfite and all the satisfaction that GOD requireth or can like of in this sense Mary knewe no other the Publican knewe no other Peter knewe no other nor the olde father when he sayd of Peter Lachrimas lego satisfactionem non lego Peters teares I read of but of any satisfaction that hee made himself to purge his sinne to please God with I reade of none but of this also more in his proper place if God will Let vs see the truth stand in the truth thanke the God of heauen for it and detest these Popish blasphemies against the Lord and his deare Sonne In that precious bloud is the father pleased and satisfied for al our sinnes if wee lay holde of it and for our workes they carie greater corruption in their bones and bowels than that so pure a God should bee pleased with them or so vggly sinnes euer purged by them Why is it said forgiue vs and not forgiue me To teach vs that which wee are dull to learne namely not to bestowe our whole loue and care vpon our selues but to deuide it also to our brethren and euen as hartely and earnestly to beseech the Lorde to blot out all their offences as our owne and to be mercifull to thē as to our selues But alas beloued where is this affection amongst vs where is this care of the spirituall good of our neighbours Truely it is most rare yea much more rare than can stand with right and true profession of Iesus Christ If wee doe thinke of our brethren at any time wish them well surely that reacheth but to earthly blessings to riches to honors to fauour and friends in this sinfull worlde and so wee might see them magnified and exalted in this respect our desire were answered and wee fully contented The pardon of their sinnes and fauour with God by his beloued Sonne their future ioye in a place of ioye endlesse and eternall alas we thinke not of we care not for God knoweth we seldome if euer pray for Yet is this all in all for how sodenly fadeth all worldly pompe if it be obtayned and how often fayle we and neuer do obtayne it Wherefore euen in this and euery petition of this daylie prayer the Lord hath quickned our earthly mindes to loue in a better sorte our neighbours and brethren and I pray you let vs learne it Remember how vehemently Moses felt the miserie of the Iewes if God forgaue
ouer whilest hee hath to spend For this feeling heart of another mans harme this loue and lenity this tender compassion and care for them that haue not grace to care for themselues is precious before the Lord. And he often rewardeth losse in this respect sustayned with better measure than lawe woulde haue giuen either costs or damages Finallie forgette not also euen many times to reason with your selfe thus I see the fatherlesse widowe many times oppressed for want of helpe and weaknesse go to the wall for want of countenance yea I see sinne born out and vertue borne downe many times to the greate dishonour of GOD and offence of his Church and I am not touched thereat or at least I spend not a penie neither a dayes trauayle to helpe therein but now that my self am touched and my transitorie substaunce endangered I am ready to goe to lawe and to spende much surelie this may I do but that other should I not leaue vndone Yet howe am I more forward for riches than for vertue for euerie cause of mine owne than for anie of my neighbours Thus I saie to reason with your selfe is most profitable and wil greatly direct a good minde in this matter wee speake of namely how hee may vse lawe Nowe then I trust you see a bridle put in our mouthes from hasting to lawe as wee do for euerie occasion troubling our selues and whole Countries with the vnquietnesse of our natures and vngodlynesse of our hearts These conditions and such other obserued let vs knowe our libertie to vse the Lordes good ordinaunce for the maintenance of peace right and for the due punishment of oppugners of eyther of them or of them both But let vs not abuse to our owne reuenge what to those endes in Gods mercie to man is so graciously ordayned God make this coole the vnregenerate humours of a number and I thank you for it Now to proceed I pray you how may we bee sayd to forgiue to our brethren their trespasses seeing none forgiueth sinne but God onely You must consider that in sinne there be two things First the euill of the action secondly the detrimēt that ariseth to man The euill of the action is that impuritie and foulenesse wherewith the law of God agaynst which it is contrarie chargeth it And this concerneth the Lord because béeing by him prohibited the committing of it is also agaynst him This properlie is sinne and the remission of it onely is in the Lord himselfe No man is able to doe it But the seconde which is the detriment or hurt that ariseth by that trespasse to a mā either in fame or bodie or goods as it is agaynst man so man may remit and pardon it without anie impeachment of the Lords glorie Thus therefore doe wee forgiue trespasses when wee forgiue the harme that hath arisen to vs by them together with all conceiued anger swelling indignation wrath for the same The Lordes forgiuenesse is a rasing out of the sinne it selfe I meane a full remission of the transgression of his law by that trespasse whatsoeuer Let that man of sinne therefore looke about him and all his adherents wel consider it how their pardons may runne with remission both a poena et culpa from punishment and guilt They are in these daies of light when the Lords mercy hath made the Sunne of vnderstanding shine vpon his Church and the daie starre arise in his childrens harts compelled to excuse theyr Pope by affirming that hee remitteth but onely the punishment which by law is due to such offence and medleth not with the sinne as it concerneth God But let them looke if they saie true when his pardons be extāt in this forme that I haue named releasing for money both poenam the punishment and culpam the fault Iwis they wil sée it if y e Lord be so gracious to thē a pride prophecied as a note of Antichrist And neuer did the Iewes more wrongfully mislike our Sauiour beeing God as well as man than we may rightly abhorre this monster being onely man a most miserable man in many respects for y t he presumeth to forgiue sins which none cā forgiue but god alone For it is I it is I sayth the Lord that put away iniquitie and forgiue sinnes And the Lord hath done awaie thy sinne sayth Nathan to Dauid not I nor any man And this might wee learne euen by this forme of prayer if there were no other Scripture For vnto whome doth the Lorde teach vs to saie Forgiue vs our trespasses but onely to God Surely if any man or woman Sainct or Angell coulde forgiue vs then were it should be lawful for vs to pray to thē to forgiue vs so to chāge this prayer frō Pater to Mater or Frater frō our Father to our mother our brother to holy Peter holy Paul or such like But how spend I words in a playne matter it is inough Are all men and women to pray this prayer or but onely some Surely you remember me of that which is worthie noting as well as anie thing that hath bene sayd namely how our Sauiour Christ hath sayd vnto all the world that there is iust cause to acknowledge thē selues sinners and to pray for the pardon of their sinnes For whosoeuer haue néede to beg anie thing at God his handes thus he teacheth them to pray but the whole world standeth in neede to begge at Gods hande all therefore the whole worlde must praie thus Both Iewes and Gentiles sayth the Apostle are vnder sinne as it is written There is none righteous no not one There is none that vnderstandeth there is none that seeketh GOD. They haue al gone out of the waie they haue bene made altogether vnprofitable there is none that dooth good no not one Theyr throte is an open sepulchre they haue vsed their tongues to deceit the poisō of Aspes is vnder their lippes Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitternesse their feete are swifte to shed bloud Destruction and calamitie are in their wayes and the way of peace haue they not known the feare of God is not before theyr eyes Agayne in the same Chapter All haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God And to the Galathians The Scripture hath cōcluded all vnder sinne And if anie man saie he hath no sinne he deceiueth him selfe there is no truth in him With a number such lyke places Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord sayth the prophet Dauid for no flesh shal be iustified in thy sight Wherefore it is not for modestie that wee must praie to the Lord to forgiue vs our sinne as most wickedly the Pelagians affirmed but for conscience and truth and as Hierome sayth Ex humanae fragilitatis et nostrae miseriae conscientia Vppon true feeling and feare of mans frailtie and misery and the iudgements of God due to it For a prayer conceiued for modestie
although God tempt and leade into temptation yet neuer tempteth he any man to euill And why S. Iames giueth the reason for God can not be tempted with euill neither tēpteth he any man to witte vnto euill that is he desireth not euill and therefore he can not be the author of euill doing in vs. Non de exploratione sed de incitatione ad peccandum loquitur Jacobus S Sames speaketh not of the temptations of tryall but of stirrings vp vnto euill sayth an interpreter And it is apparant enough Nowe of the next worde if you will to wit temptation It is a woorde that will minister much matter profitable for the Lords children to bee stil better and better acquainted withall whilst they liue And I coulde happely wish to speake so of it as most of this company might most bee benefited and euery man at one time or an other in one thing or an other feele mee in his bosome But such grace is the Lordes to giue and not mine nor any mans to take and therefore with humble commending both my spéech and your profitte to his most mercifull direction let vs set vpon this treatise It is therefore sayd of the learned that tentatio est opus diaboli qua homines pios vel per instillationem cogitationum malarum aut per obiectorum occasionem vel per vitiosae naturae inclinationem affectus vel per res secundas aut aduersas solicitat impellit ad peccata calamitates deo permittente vt aut certo iudicio propter peccata puniantur aut explorata probata fide eorum constantia coronam vitae accipiant That is temptation is a worke of the deuil whereby he soliciteth and driueth men vnto sins and miseries either by infusion of vile thoughtes into them or by meanes of obiects layd before them or by inclination of their corrupt nature and affections GOD suffering him either that their sinnes by iust iudgements may haue their due punishments or else their fayth and constancie a due crowne of life after that it hath bene tried made manifest This distinction or description rather will fully by all his partes appeare either by the story of Iob of Dauid or by diuers others in this treatise if you marke it Agayne it is sayd of them also that temptations bee of two sorts generally Tentatio probationis tentatio perditionis The temptation of tryall and the temptation of perdition according to which diuision Cyprian may be thought to haue spoken when he sayd Potestas dupliciter Satanae aduersus nos datur vel ad poenam cùm delinquimus vel ad gloriam cum probamur Power is giuen to Satan against vs after two sorts to wit either for punishment when wee offend or for glory when wee are tryed But desiring altogether a very great playnnes in this matter for diuers causes I choose rather an other diuision obserued also of s●●ne to say that temptations are of three sortes to wit either of God of man or of Satan For all these are sayd to tempt And according to these seuerall authors as it were of temptations the word is diuersly and in seuerall significations taken When God in the Scripture is sayd to tempt then is the word taken and commonly translated in English to prooue or to trye because that the drift of the Lord is thereby not to hurt by leading to euill for so GOD tempteth not Iam. 1. but to make open knowne by tryall either to our selues or to the world or to both either our corruption and malice against him or else our faith and patience and many vertues Thus is it sayd of Abraham in Genesis After these things God did prooue Abraham c. What was this proouing or tempting of Abraham but a mercifull opening both to Abraham himselfe and to all other euen to vs at this day what a wonderfull measure of fayth loue and zeale to his God he had vouchsafed vnto Abraham So that both he sawe then and we see now what neith●r we nor happely he himselfe knew till after this tryal or temptation had had his place This reade we againe in the lawe Then sayd the Lorde to Moses Beholde I will cause breade to rayne from heauen to you and the people shal go out and gather that that is sufficiēt for euery day that I may proue them whether they will walke in my lawe or no. That is that it may appeare both to themselues and others whether receiuing but that which is sufficient only for one day at once they will patiently depend vpon my prouidence from day to day Probat enim Deus homines nō quasi ipse experimento indigeat sed quò magis seipsos norint posita omni arrogantia inani persuasione humiliter se in posterum Deo submittāt For God proueth not sayth one as though he had need of any tryall to knowe any of vs all but that men may themselues thereby knowe better what is in them and laying aside al arrogancie and vayne perswasion humbly submit themselues afterwarde to God Againe when at the giuing of the lawe the people sawe the thunders and lightnings the sounde of the trumpet the mountayne smoking and for feare thereof fled c. then Moses sayd to the people Feare not for God is come to proue you and that his feare may be before you that yee sinne not Again in Deutronomy Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God lead thee this fortie yeeres in the wildernes for to humble thee and to proue thee to know what was in thy heart whether thou wouldest keepe his commaundements or no. For in affliction either by patiently abyding or by vngodly grudging and repyning wee shewe what was in vs though hiddē before Most playnely agayne in the thirteenth chapter If there arise among you a Prophet a dreamer of dreams giue thee a signe or wonder and the signe or the wonder come to passe which he hath told thee saying let vs go after other Gods which thou hast not knowne and let vs serue them Thou shalt not hearken vnto the woordes of the Prophet or vnto that dreamer of dreames for the Lord your God proueth you to know whether ye loue the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soule Last of all in the booke of Iudges I will no more sayth the Lord cast out before them any of the nations which Ioshua left when he dyed and why it followeth in the next verse That through them I may proue Israel whether they will keepe the way of the Lorde to walke therein as their fathers kept it or not Thus doe we see then howe the Lord is sayd to tempt man namely when by such meanes as pleaseth him hee tryeth and prooueth man not to winne any knowledge to himselfe that hee had not before for how should he that made the heart bee ignorant of any thing
more pitie And yet doth the Lorde so in deede whensoeuer he powreth his mercies vpon man or woman in this world For as with a gager he gageth them by those blessings openeth and reueyleth what maner of stuffe they are within thankfull or vnthankfull kinde or vnkinde humble or proude carefull or carelesse to please the giuer finally whether good or bad he maketh it seene Wherfore a little to helpe vs in this tryall it is good to consider many times of these poyntes First how in truth I come by the blessings that I inioy secondly to what manner of persons the continuance of them is promised thirdly the true ende and right vse of them and lastly the fearefull examples of abuse These things will profite vs if wee knowe them well Concerning the first therfore it is too common with both great and small to sticke in second causes and to light short of the chiefe fountayne and well head in deed Why we haue health welth friendes mariages honor credit offices children and a thousand of Gods comfortable fauours in this life we can alleage many reasons that I wil not stand to repeat But the reason of reasons either wee alleage not euer or it pearceth no further within the teeth than the tip of the tongue is The Lorde hath giuen Whereas in deede the whole course of Scripture teacheth that this is the head and roote of all our ioyfull daies and dealings and euer was and onely is and can bée either for our good if we vse them well or for our plague if we do the contrary Ioseph a poore mans childe came to a great place in the lande of Aegipt if we marke it well when the King sayd to him onely in the Kings throne will I be aboue thee When he was ouer all the Kings Court and ouer all the land when the King commaunded al his people to bee armed at his worde tooke his owne ring of his owne finger and put it vpon his hand arayed him in garments then of the richest with a chayne of golde about his necke set him vpon the best Charret he had saue one and all the people cryed before him as he ridde for honor sake vppon their knees tender Father Ioseph was also wise and full of the spirit of God Yet least wee should prattle prophanely of Fortune and lucke or dote vndutifully vppon his gifts and so robbe the Lorde of his due honor it is expressely sayde that the Lorde was with Ioseph and made all that hee did to prosper in his hand The Lorde therefore author of all his prosperitie and aduauncement whatsoeuer Dauid the yongest brother that little ruddie cheeked Shepheard from his hooke and his cloake his Sling and Scrip came to the famous kingdome of Israel and therein ruled with great honor and princely maiestie for his time yet neither by wisedome nor pollicie of himself or his frends but the Lord tooke him from following the Ewes great with young and made him ruler of his people And Dauid prospered and grewe for the Lord God of Hostes was with him sayth the text So that God was the fountayne of all his good Which as a true childe and thankfull to his God the same Dauid afterwarde remēbred to his sonne Salomon when hee tolde him that hee should build a house for the Lord and should therfore prosper because the Lord should bee with him Salomon againe confessed it when he sayd that euerie man eateth and drinketh seeth the commoditie of his labor this is the gift of God Beholde I will sende you corne and wine and oyle and you shall be satisfied therewith and I will no more make you a reproche among the Heathen sayth the Lord. And againe by another Prophet The seede shal be prosperous the vine shall giue her fruit and the ground shall giue her increase and the heauens shall giue their dew and I will cause the remnant of this people to possesse all things So euer it is the note that the Scripture keepeth that all prosperitte and well doing in this world is the gift of God and cannot be attayned agaynst his will Which lykewise might be shewed in anie particular that can bee named if we wold take that course Al which we note not nowe so much to teach a thing vnknowen as to remember a thing not thought of or at the least not so duely and often and earnestly thought of as it should be I speake what I knowe and what hidden consciences must needes confesse to be too true For coulde it be if wee did thus thinke that there should bee so little care of such a GOD in many as there is whose backes be laden yea and euen pressed as it were downe to the ground with the hope of God his mercies Whose tables richly hee hath deckte in despight of their foes whose head with balme he hath refreshed whose cuppes doe ouerflow No no. But if our wretches hearts did feele it and that with a power as these motiōs vse to heaue in Gods Saincts O my sweete God and deere Father this is thy dooing for thy wretche and all these things that I inioye goe to particulars they are thy giftes who mightest haue sette mee at the doore with my pitcher to begge my foode and farre otherwise haue dealt with me if thou wouldest I tell you it would wring foorth other loue and fruits to such a God again than appeare in many And therefore assuredly wee thinke not of the fountaine and giuer of these things as we should Amend then what is amisse and giue the Lord his due It is he that hath lifted out of y e mire and set any with the Princes euen with the Princes of the people It is hee that blesseth the basket and the dow it is he that hath giuen whatsoeuer good thing wee inioy and cursed we if we denie it or carelesly neglect the sweete meditation of it euer But to what end now hath he done all these thinges Truely euen to proue mee and trye me what I wil do to him againe and that it may appeare to the world and to mine owne eyes what maner of man or woman I am within and in déede one that will bee puft vp and forget both God and my selfe in prosperitie or one that will euen weepe water of myne eyes in y e zeale of my soule to please such a father grieue that I cannot as I wish and most hartely would And if I bee the former that the Lordes iustice may bee warranted if hee change my copie if the later that my soule may feele comfort in so sweete a God not onely heaping his mercies vpon me greatly but giuing mee further a childes heart withall to loue my kind father so much the more which is aboue al. And which in déed is the very end of Gods mercies and blessings Let Dauid speake that man according to the Lordes owne heart What did Gods
euer And the want of this reformation preacheth nothing vnto vs but that as yet we knowe no interest we haue to those lasting ioyes and that heauenly father The Lord strengthen vs and the Lord change vs that we may be changed Amen You say this Sanctification must bee true and right or else it doth not proue vnto vs our election I praie you therefore how may this be knowen namely when it is true and right and when not To knowe this we must euer looke at the matter and manner of our actions whereby we worship God For if either of these be wrong then is it not that holines which the Lord alloweth Concerning the matter wee must looke that the thinges wherewith we serue God bee commanded of GOD and not inuented and deuised by our selues or any man else For in vaine sayth the Lorde Iesus doo you seeke to worshippe mee teaching for doctrines mens precepts Which one thing sticketh to the verie hart a thousand will worships in Poperie neuer commaunded of GOD but brought in of sinfull man for aduauntage sake as Masses Pilgrimages holie water holy bread censings creepings and such lyke Then though the matter bee good yet if the manner be euill wee fayle to please God And therefore euen those sacrifices and ceremonies that the Lorde himselfe ordayned hee often teacheth hee doth abhorre for want of a right maner of doing them What haue I to doo sayth hee with the multitude of your sacrifices Bring no mo oblations to mee in vaine Incense is an abhomination to me I cannot suffer your newe Moones nor your Sabboth dayes it is iniquitie my soule hateth them they are a burthen to me c. Agayne of prayer When you stretch out your handes I will hide mine eyes and though you make many prayers I will not heare An example we see in the Scribes and Pharesies almes and long prayers reiected Alasse Lorde and why so might the Iewes saie Surely would he answere because though you doe these things rightly in respect of matter because I commaunded them yet doe you not rightly in respect of maner that also I seeke of all men I pray you then what is the right manner that God alloweth This must wée learne by diligent hearing and reading of the word For therein hath the Lorde layde downe both what we shall doe and how we shall doe Generally thus much nowe consider and take with you that without faith it is impossible to please God and therefore concerning manner no action can please GOD though it were neuer so glorious except it proceed frō an hart purified by faith Cain and Abel offered both sacrifices the one pleased the other not And why But for this thing because Abel had true faith in his hart from whence that action flowed and Cain had none but onely did the outward worke for fashion sake and order So thousands mo then in those daies and now in ours that one day shall knowe with wo what it is to haue outward shew without inward faith Then is it required concerning maner that all our works be done in humilitie and lowlinesse of minde we euer confessing truly that we notwithstanding all our workes are vnprofitable seruants The want of this made the Pharesies actions abhorred which otherwise in respect of matter were well For who doth not acknowledge y t not to be an extortioner vniust an adulterer to fast to giue tithe truly of all we haue are good things but to doe these in pride and conceit with boasting and bragging and without humilitie alas the Lord abhorreth it and sendeth vs away like proud praters not like Christian praiers to his heauenly maiestie Thirdly it is required that we haue hope For although we ought to be humble yet not so throwen downe must we be but that still we rest assured of acceptāce with God for Christ although not for the worthynesse of our worke and in that hope offer cheerefullie our obedience to the Lord. Thus teacheth Peter when he sayth Yee also as liuely sons be made a spiritual house an holy Priesthod to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christe Marke these words acceptable to God by Iesus Christ vpon which words our hope is euer surely built which nowe I speake of Fourthly our actions must bee done in loue both to God and man For if we could speake with tongues of men and Angels if we haue no loue we are but as sounding brasse and tinckling Cymballes Yea though wee feede the poore with all our goods and giue our bodies to bee burned hauing no loue it shall profit vs nothing Lastly all our works words and thoughts should respect the Lords glory and not our owne For if wee do any thing to bee seene of men verely sayth our Sauiour they haue their reward And thus doe you see nowe which is true sanctification and holynes of life such as will truely moue to vs our election and future glorification with Father Sonne and holy Ghost in the kingdome of heauen Euen woordes deedes and secret thoughtes thus warranted both for matter and manner as hath bene shewed Thinke of these rules and examine your selues by them My heart consenteth to all these properties of a true Sanctification and right obedience but yet giue mee leaue to question for my most comfort What now if these things be in a man or a woman with great imperfection shall therefore their woorke be reiected and yeld no comfort cōcerning their election God forbid And therefore thus much take with you further y t exercising your self in things commanded doing thē in this maner as hath bene sayd so nere as y e Lord inableth you wrestling according to y e measure of your fayth euery day to bee lesse sinfull and more righteous though y t perfect righteousnes which y e law requireth be not found in you by reason of your weakenes yet are you counted in the sight of GOD Sanctified holy and acceptable in Christ Iesus and so Sealed vp to the day of redemption And that I may not say it to you but proue it consider I pray you the example of S. Paul himselfe who though hee were so sanctified and borne a newe as that thereupon hee might safely and surely conclude his election for euer to inherite heauen by Christ yet felt he and found hee very many imperfections in himselfe and sayth playnely I alow not that which I do For what I would that do I not but what I hate that doe I. Againe when I would do good I am thus yoked that euill is present with me Againe In my minde I serue the lawe of God but in my flesh the lawe of sinne O wretched man that I am therfore who shall deliuer me from the body of his death with sundry other speeches to the same ende in that place Whereby I say wee are playnely taught that humane imperfection is farre from prouing any
confessing it to bee their infirmitie as in deede it is And the Lord of comfort worke our comfort Will God then accept some obedience Yet again do you aske mee that Was it not proued euen now that sanctification with imperfection is neuerthelesse true sanctification and accepted But you shew a passion still following the godly minde that what it wisheth to haue it feareth to want and therefore neuer is wearie of proofe to haue what heart desireth Therfore euen agayne I aunswere you that hée doth And be iudge your self Whē the Father cried w t wéeping eyes Lord I beleue helpe my beleefe Did the Lord answer him roughly sirra I accept no imperfecte faith No no he most gratiously accepted his some faith and helped his childe Doe we not reade it to our great comfort what the Lorde badde the Prophet aunswere to Ieroboams wife that came disguised to aske concerning her sicke sonne namelie that he onely of Ieroboam should come to the graue because in him there was some goodnesse toward the Lorde of God of Israel Therefore euen some goodnesse some grace some faith some loue some obedience you see is not ouerlooked of our most mercifull father though it be but little For it is not the quantitie but the qualitie that is not how much but how true that the Lorde regardeth All those eies that looked vpon the brasen Serpent were not alyke great and yet the least eie receyued health by that looking So are not all mens faith alike For the Lorde giueth at his owne good pleasure in greate diuersitie and yet the least being true looketh vppon the true salue of our stings resembled by the brasen Serpent Christ Iesus to eeternall life as wel as y e greatest Though our father chidde them for their little faith yet did he neuer reiect them that had anie Euery poore beggars hand is not alike and yet the least serueth him to take a penie as well as the greatest So shall our hande of faith do I warrant you and therfore reach it out with cheere feare not And what if euen in that little obedience there be also some imperfection mingled Bee it neuer so little if it come from vs be you sure it will haue his dregs and impuritie For euen all our righteousnesse is lyke a stayned cloth But what then O sweete God What did he when the midwiues with a good action intermingled a lie Did hee refuse their good for their euill No no hee receiued their obedience though thus stayned and mercifully hee turned away his face from the other as a deere father that hath an Eagles eie to spy any thing well in his child and euen no eie to see what hee woulde not see beeing the frailties of his chosen children whereof they sigh to bee disburthened And it is a heaten truth and knowen to vs that if hee looked not awaie from imperfections and wrath yea euen winowed as it were his childrens actions keeping the grayne and blowing awaye the chaffe with a breath of mercie in Christ hee shoulde neuer accept any obedience in this world at anie mans hand Alasse then why should wee feare so often and much as we doo and faint since all things are thus comfortable to the Lords children O sir these feares and wreastlings and spirituall struglings that the godly are euer subiect vnto are as the Lordes plowe to breake vp the fallowe grounde of our heartes and to teare them that otherwise would bee whole lumpes vnfit to receyue seede into fine small earth softe and mellowe and fruitfull that no sooner the seede may be throwē in but it sinketh is couered and setteth it selfe to fructifie when otherwise it would not nor could not vpon whole ground but lying onely vppon the outwarde face and not sinking the foules would deuour it or at least it take no rooting And therefore thrice necessarie and profitable are these spirituall buffets nowe and then to worke in vs that broken and contrite heart which the Lorde shall neuer despise To take from vs our stonie hearts and to giue vs fleshie in their places Let them bee then as the Lorde pleaseth espeally when hee hath giuen vs so sweete a promise that hee will neuer lay more vpon vs than hee will make able to beare Lette him plowe vs and bruse vs and breake vs at his pleasure it is the Lord lette him doe what seemeth him best hee knoweth our mould and his mercie helpe vs in all our feares Amen And Amen saie I againe to this prayer leauing you now to your libertie to go forwards with other temptations as you will It is a spirituall tryall many tymes to Gods children to crie and pray and as they thinke not to be heard because their petitions are not by and by graunted But they forget then other deere ones of the Lord and the Lords often practise For Dauid in many Psalmes sayth I crye and thou hearest not Iob sayth When I cry vnto thee thou doest not heare mee neither regardest me when I stand vp The woman of Canaan cried hartely and receiued no comfort of long yet did hee heare her well enough but the ende made amendes and so shall it to vs all as may be our good which he best knoweth and not we It is a temptation to bee heauie harted and wee thinke O Lorde why should I bee thus Surely sorrowe consumeth the life and a cheerefull hart prolongeth our daies But yet we must knowe what befalleth the godly My soule is powred out vppon mee and the daies of affliction haue taken hold vpon me sayth Iob in his heauines Dauids soule was sad and it would not presently be lighted Yea from the endes of the earth sayth he will I call vnto thee when my heart is in heauines My heart is smitten down withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread with many such places Sometime for sinne sometime for worldly accidents sorrowe will assault the godly and being men and women we must bee content to indure the smarts incident to our nature Yet euer remembring to holde faith and a Christian measure in all our sadnesse And many times beating it into our mindes that a cheerefull heart pleaseth GOD and man Reioyce in hope sayth the Apostle reioyce in the Lorde reioyce in the Lorde alway againe I say reioyce and euermore reioyce What iterations and dublings are these And if the Lord must bee heard when hee speaketh single how will hee take our deafnes whē he speaketh dubble The fruit of the Spirite is ioye It causeth good health sayth Salomon and refuse it not then The greatnesse of sinne is an other of the vncomfortable meditations now and then of Gods deere ones they fearing and shaking to behold the same least the Lords iustice should breake out against it and consume them But good beloued let vs bee wise as the Lorde would haue vs
euer and therfore you shal continue if you continue to pray to beleeue to obey and to serue him Let all the feends in hell goe shake their eares Humblings are good for the Lords chosen and he knoweth what is best for euery sonne or daughter Welcome his schoolings when he sendeth them indure them patiently tary the Lordes leasure for your lightning Yet euer know his word what it assureth Hee that commeth vnto mee I neuer cast away the Lord support our weaknes Thus might I in this treatise of inward aduersities touches trials run a great course for the field is wonderful wide but I must content my selfe These may serue to shew that the worde is a salue for our grieuous sores and to lead such as shall be desirous of further Phisike into the greene pastures where is plentie of helpe Sée and gather apply and vse the Lord will blesse his holy ordinance euer as shalbe best Your order leadeth you next to particular aduersities outward And if I or any man shoulde speake of them as we might when or where should we find an end For howe many are the troubles of the righteous Yet the Lord deliuereth them out of all For myne owne part I haue found in two righteous men so much as iustly maketh me to thinke that the troubles of all Gods children bee in déed very many I meane Iob Dauid whose troubles and tryals if they be perused carefully obserued and often thought vppon they may strengthen and comfort most men euen in their particulars For what might it be that the Lord layeth vpon vs which he layed not vpon these his deere ones before and may be found in them besides numbers mo both in Scripture and other histories recorded to vs. Many will say O my life is vncomfortable and full of sorrow and heauines griefe and vexation one after an other When as others haue their pleasures and heartes ease and more ioy in a day than I haue in a yeere And what if it please God so doth hee deale any otherwise with you than he doth with those whome hee loueth truely and euen to the ende doeth not Iob complayne that his soule was euen powred out vpon him and the dayes of affliction had taken holde of him That sorowe pearced his very bones in the night and his sinewes tooke no rest that for the great vehemency his very garmēt was changed c. That his harpe was turned to mourning and his Organs into the voyce of them that wept Yet I hope you know God hated not his seruant Iob for all this I pray you also remember Dauid with heauy heart and mournfull voyce making his mone to his sweetest God in these words O Lord heare my prayer let my cry come vnto thee Hide not thy face from mee in the tyme of my trouble incline thine eares vnto mee when I cal make hast to heare me Why Dauid what is the matter or what doeth vrge this wofull crye O Lorde my dayes are consumed like smoke my bones are burnt like an hearth Myne heart is smitten and withereth like grasse because I forget to eate my bread for the voyce of my groning my bones doe cleaue to my skin Surely I haue eaten ashes as breade and haue mingled my drinke with weeping And so forth reade more of the Psalme your selfe And remēber euer Dauid was a man according to Gods own hart for al this humiliatiō layd vppon him at tymes Forget it not also when you sit and say litle what was answered to that pamperling of the worlde when he was in it Sonne remember that thou in thy life time receyuedst thy pleasures and likewise Lazarus paynes nowe therefore is hee comforted and thou art tormented It is not the best meat euer that hath so sowre a sawce commonly Neither that light affliction so greatly to be abhorred which being but for a moment in comparison causeth vnto vs farre most excellent and an eternal waight of glory Wo be to you that now laugh sayth our Sauiour Christ for yee shall wayle and weepe and blessed are yee that weepe nowe for you shall laugh what sweeter speech can my soule wish to bee my comfort if my life bee not so comfortable Had I rather nowe laugh hereafter weepe then nowe weepe hereafter laugh not for dayes or yeeres but for euer and euer I will let the Phisition of my body a sinfull man mingle my cup as best pleaseth him for my health and drink that sowre sup in hope of ease thereafter but my God and father my Christ and Sauiuiour the life of my soule shall not doe so for the good thereof but full wantonly I will make my choyse my selfe and sweete sweete all must bee or else I will weepe to drinke it Alas this is not well Be it vnto vs as he will And great is his fauour euer when wee drinke of no worse cup than his owne selfe hath begun of to vs. If you read the 21. of Iob you shall see y t this florishing estate in this world that so many wish and some in weakenes and ignorance wayle to want is not so comfortable to the conscience desiring hope of future good as that we should be so greedy of it And therefore if the Lord deale otherwise with vs rest vppon his wisedome vpon his loue testified by the greatest gift that euer was giuen the death of his onely and deare Sonne Christ Iesus vppon his practise with his children euer and be content Christ dipped the soppe that he gaue to Iudas and did loue him therefore God giue vs dry breade with his fauour rather then dipped and daintie soppes with his yre As many as hee loueth he rebuketh and chastiseth and loued Lazarus had neuer a sop at all but would haue bene glad of the crummes that fell from the rich mans table Some againe are disdayned contemned in their places where they liue dwell or serue and they cannot beare it Contempt is bitter and soking themselues in this sowre meditation they thinke O Lord why shoulde I be thus vsed more than others what do I or say I that ought not or might not receiue as fauorable face as other men find surely the Lord loueth me not c. But god forbid say I to this conclusion For it followeth not vpon the premisses and therefore the argument a subtill deuils and not a true Gods And I prooue it to my comfort by these two seruants of God agayne Iob and Dauid The first complayning that they that were yonger than hee mocked him yea they whose fathers he refused to set with the dogges of his flockes that is to bee his shepheardes or to keepe his dogges They abhorred him fled far from him and spared not to spit in his face Yea sayth he I am their byword and as it were a Tabret before them Surely a great contempt and greater I thinke
by this temptation that now we handle seeketh to perswade Therfore I pray you let vs all note it and thinke of it And as hee did not forbid others such communion so himself did not breake that felowship as already hath appeared and more may if wee marke his practise For hee sayth to the Philippians that he had no body like Timotheus but al did séeke their own and not that which is Iesus Christs Yet neuer do we find that he separated him selfe from their company for feare of partaking with their sinnes And diuers such other places there are What might be added of those famous Churches in the Reuelation Ephesus Pergamus Thyatira and others Doth not the Spirit of God lay downe their blemishes and sheweth what he had against them and those no litle things some of them and yet yeldeth them the names and titles of Churches and calleth their ministers angels What then if a man in those dayes shoulde haue taken offence at these wants of these Churches weakenesses of men and haue sayde they haue preaching but they are not reformed as they should be and therefore I will cut my selfe from them and communicate no longer with them would it haue bene alowed Consider the Lord Iesus his preaching with more holynes and power than euer any else could or shall Were all reformed that heard him nay were his owne disciples reformed wholy How then were they so often rebuked of the Lorde and that iustly Consider the Prophets that were hidden prophesie and did it carefully and yet were told that the people would not obey them Consider the Apostle that sayth we are a sweete sauour to God in some that perish Consider that hee which willeth Paul to plant and Apollo to water reserueth the gift of increase to himselfe and giueth it where when and so farre as he pleaseth So that if the Lords ministers in very great heauines and continuall sorow of heart would wish themselues euen separated from Christ for their brethrens winning yet shall no moe come to the father than Christ will drawe and this happy change must bee at his good pleasure not at their desire How then may we safely fall out with the preaching and preacher and with the Church and her children for want of that which onely GOD must giue and the best preachers haue fayled to obtaine though faithfully doing their dueties namely a full reformation as wee would Shall that holy worde not reforme me because it reformeth not others shall it not be a sauour to me of life to life because to others it is a sauour of death to death If hee offer mee a penny shall I bid him keepe it except hee will giue others as much at my direction May not the Lorde doe with his owne as it pleaseth him for mee or shall I grudge to the Spirite his blowing where he listeth O fearefull falling out with the Lord and his offred goodnes if it bee considered earnestly Wee should remember againe when wee looke so after the fruites of amendment in a Church and stumble so dangerously for wāt of what we wish that Pharisees make greater shewes to some mens eyes than poore Publicanes doe and yet the one iustified more than the other with a righteous God We should remember that Elias was deceyued when hee thought that there were no mo that were reformed but himselfe Our eyes cannot see all men neither can we euer know the worke of the worde preached Inward graces are often where we thought not and outwarde carie more then we know Some iudged lead proues fined golde and glistring gold that seemed to bee proues drossie lead A tender conscience sweete feeling an hope in Christ and his promises inward cryings by faythfull prayer holy thoughtes and meditations sweete prickes and melting motions remorse for sinne and spirituall fights humilitie of heart and peace of mind patience ioy and a number such they bee secret graces not alwayes knowne and discerned of euery man where in truth they are at least not in such measure as in deede they are And therefore since we cannot knowe all either people or graces wrought by the worde preached and there may bee a want aswell in our not seeing all with Elias as in mens misdoings greatly should we feare to condemne and iudge the Churches of GOD for not answering their teaching with any reformation It is an earnest charge and of a mightie God See that ye despise not one of these litle ones For I say vnto you that in heauen their Angels alwayes behold the face of my Father which is in heauen What greater contempt than to thinke that Publicane is not like me I am reformed I am sanctified I haue receyued the holy Ghost others haue not and these by name haue not so O take heede Iudge not thus rashly an other mans seruant All is not gold that glistereth neither all bowers of their knees to Baal that are yet so thought to be euen of a Prophet Lastly wee should lift vp our heads and open our eyes in a louing heart a little wider that we may see the profites of the worde and the gracious mercies of the Lorde to any Church euer and with as hungrie a heart delight to discerne the graces of men as the faults of men Yea much more And if wee see many superstitions banished many abuses amended many snared consciences and fettered soules inlarged true loue of diuers good things and true hatred of diuers euil things wrought Ougly and often othes in many decayed knowledge both in youth and age increased the hearing of the word with Prayers and Sacraments diligently frequented priuate regarde of families in the gouernours of them greatly amended diet and apparell tempred the poore reléeued Princes obeyed peace maintayned c. to confesse then to the due glorie of a gracious God that this is something and this measure some although not all Loue spieth any good wher it loueth loue couereth many things that are not well Surely it doth not for wants denie the good neither for some condemne all And thus if we would looke at Churches children of the Churches no doubt no doubt Satans combe would be cut touching this temptation If any man will say shewe me these reformed ones and good ones in a Church what answereth a learned father Quid hac re opus est Annon satis est eos in ecclesia esse Quāobrem cùm ipsa communionem habetote manete in ecclesia ad sacros coetus sacramenta quemadmodum oportet accedite Etiamsi enim multi impuri publici peccatores non mundati in ea sint tamen vos ab illis non polluemini non magis quam Apostolos Iudaei polluerunt Quin potiùs videte ne à vobis ipsis polluamini propterea quòd multum vobis tribuitis iudicatis omnes plurimum vobis placetis Itaque spiritualis superbia contemptus nimium vestris animis insidet
receyueth the Sacraments in their times administred hee must euer regard and cary his mind to the Lord himselfe and his institution and not to th● minister Which Lorde secretly worketh in the heartes of his chosen what man●er of men soeuer the ministers bee For who is Paul saith y e Apostle or who is Apollos but the ministers by whom ye beleeued and as the Lord gaue to euery man I haue planted Apollos watered but God gaue the increase So thē neither is he that plāteth any thing neither he that watereth but God that giueth the increase If the minister bee good it is best for himselfe and it is thus farre good to the people that they haue a good example who for their weakenes are very hardly drawen without it as Austen sayth but the Lordes ordinance receyueth no increase of goodnes from him if he be good neither yet decrease of holynes i● he be bad for it is true euen in this case also that the Apostle said What though some did not beleeue shall their vnbeliefe make the fayth of GOD of no effect God forbid Yea let God be true and euery man a lyar as it is written ●hat thou mightest bee iustified in thy ●ayings and cleere when thou art iud●ed The ministers badnes may not mak● the Lord vntrue in his promises neither ●ans corruption most holy things of none e●fect The Lordes is all honour vertue power grace and saluation the ministers is only the outwarde action and ministerie In which respect they are called the disposers of Gods mysteries If the disposer bee euil God is good that so vouchsafeth man is not worse that so receyueth They are the Lords messengers and the truth of the message neuer hangeth vpon the bearers qualitie Mens personages differ that cary messages and yet the message for al that is the same Our fathers before vs in this case considered the similitudes of waxe and water Of waxe that taketh his print as well of a leaden Seale as a golden of water that is the same whether the conduite pi●e be wood or copper And thereby they co●sidered that Gods holy mysteries much m●re are the same to the faithful by whom soeuer deliuered For it is possible y t liquor ma● bee chaunged by a vessell but neuer the●e thinges by a minister The Scribes and Pharises that sit in Moses seat sayth our Sauiour whatsoeuer they bid you do● doe But after their works doe not Fo● they say and do not Which wordes ou● Sauiour would neuer haue spoken if eit●er the minister might haue defiled the word or any man be alowed for the faultes of the minister to haue reiected and refused the Lords mysteries There raigned at this present amongst this order many grieuous iniquities as insatiable auarice turning al Religion to lucre and gayne intollerable ambition and pride shamelesse hypocrisie grosse interpretations of the word of God and what not They sayde and did not a most grieuous thing in a minister further than humane frayltie forceth whereof all are ful and the very greatest haue complained yet would not the Lorde haue the offence of all these to make vile his holy woorde that is euer precious or to hinder the hearing of it euen at their mouthes Let vs take heede then howe we stubbur●ly crosse the Lord Iesus He sayth recei●e their wordes refraine their deedes let not vs say wee will none of their wordes for their deedes Hee sayth you may receyue their words and bee cleere of their deedes let vs not say wee cannot receyue their wordes except we approue their euell and bee partakers of their sinnes This is not reuerence to God nor obedience to his trueth Were it not grosse madnes if traueling on the way and shewed by some that wee went the very right way to our iourneies ende yet we would go out of the same because he that shewed vs goeth not with vs but goeth an other way No earthly iourney may bee matched with our spirituall iourney to heauen For the places we go to the good we get if we keepe the way the daungers if we doe not doe all greatly differ And therfore if his example that hath truely told vs a way on earth to an earthly good shoulde not cary vs out of the same much lesse shoulde his that hath told vs the way to heauen an euerlasting good doe the same Let him goe his owne course at his owne perill if he haue truely to●d vs our right way wee shoulde take it constantly not only without company but euen against all example whatsoeuer to the contrary being priuate men The Magistrate hath a further authoritie in his hande euen sharply to punish such offence giuen by them that say and do not Againe were it not as grosse to reiect the foode of our bodies and to dye for hunger because he that setteth good meate before vs will eate none with vs himselfe To refuse good gold because the ground is bad wherhence it was digged Iudge then what madnesse for the wants of man to refuse farre greater matters than all these Remember furthermore what our Sauiour Christ sayth in the 6. of Iohn Haue not I chosen you twelue and one of you is a deuell And there are some among you that beleeue not And yet euen then whē Christ thus called him a deuill was Iudas an Apostle and preached and baptized as the rest did and neither worde nor Sacrament lost their dignitie to the true rece●uers for his great indignitie that deliuer●d them Malus seruus praedicabat sed Christis erat in fide An euell seruant preached sai●h Austen but Christ was in the fayth T●e Apostle to the Philippians we knowe a●●o hath this testimony Some preach Chr●st sayth he euen through enuy and strife some also of good will The one p●rt preacheth Christ of cōtention and ●ot purely that is not with pure minde for otherwise their doctrine was pure Supposing to add more afflictiō to my ban●s But the other of loue knowing th●t I am set for the defence of the Gosp●ll What then Yet Christ is preached all maner of wayes whether it be vnder a pretence or sincerely and I therein ioy and will ioy What playner proofe coulde wee haue if wee woulde wish one that for the faults of the minister the worde and ministerie may not be reiected It was Austens true iudgement many a yeere ago Omnia sacramenta cum obsint indignè tractantibus prosunt tamen per eos dignè sumentib●s sicut verbū testatur Quae dicunt facit● quae autem faciunt facere nolite All Sac●aments though they hurt them that han●●e them vnworthely yet profit they them ●hat by such receyue them worthely euen ●s the word proueth that sayth all thinges ●hey bid you do do but do not as thēselues ●o And a litle after that againe Although ●he Spirit of God be wanting to the salua●ion of the minister ministerium tamen e●●s non deserit quò
thy good liking it may be for our good since we are thy subiects whō it hath pleased thee to take care of euen since we hanged vpō our mothers breasts The second reason is drawne from his power which as it is infinite so is it able to giue vs whatsoeuer we want There is nothing too hard nothing to great which he cannot giue Thine is the power euen all power might and strength ioyned with goodnesse and therefore I faint not The third reason is taken from the end or final cause For thine is the glorie that is wee desire these things for thy glory Of thée alone the true God and soueraine King we desire and expect all good thinges and so we yeelde vnto thee this thy glory and this thine honour and professe thee to bee the honour and fountain of al good things And verily because this glory is due vnto thee therefore doe wee desire them of thee Heare vs therefore for thy glory and especially because thou wilt also for thy glory sake giue those thinges which we desire For what thinges serue for thy glory the same wilt thou performe and do but those things which we desire serue for thy glory therefore thou wilt giue them vs. Giue vs therefore these thinges that we desire and the glory shall returne and redounde vnto thee if thou deliuer vs. For so shall thy kingdome and power and glory be manifested See then beloued a sweete comfort If your request that you make to your God may be good for you to receiue aswell may the Lord loose his kingdome loose his power and loose his glorie as you fayle of your fruite and harts desire For so teacheth this conclusion as you see And if it bee not good for you to haue in the wisedome of a mightie God so knowne who can better tel than you your self what is fit for you would you haue it God forbid Strengthen your harts then in your prayers alwaies with this There is no King can bee like minded to his subiect as the Lord is to you there is no power like the Lords and his glorie euer was and euer shall be deare vnto him And therfore what may be his glorie to giue and your good to receiue his power can reach it his loue shall graunt it and you shall neuer want it For no good thing shal he withhold frō his Children sayth the Prophet Dauid Stockes and stones cannot do this Idols and Images cannot doe this no the Angels of heauen cannot doe this much lesse inferiour creatures therfore know what it is to leaue the right to take the wrong to dishonor your GOD and to hurt your selues by praying to these things The word Amen is added not as a part of the Prayer but as a particle noting our wish of hart to be heard and to obtayne As if we should say O Lord thus be it vnto me what my tongue or soule hath begged so be it Amen Amen so Lord so Lord and then euen in a sweete rest of hart and content of minde that I haue vttered my selfe to my God I rise vp and go my way leauing all to him And thus much of this heauenly Prayer the patterne of all Prayers according as the Lord hath inabled me Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time foorth for euermore Amen A Prayer O Most tender GOD and deere father looke vpon vs heare vs and hearken to vs in that mercie of thine that hath no measure when euer it shall please thyne owne selfe to trie vs by any temptation doe it in mercie according to our strength and for our good And suffer vs neuer to be tempted aboue our power but giue the issue with the temptation that we may be able to beare it Let it open vnto vs our want and weaknes to reforme vs but neuer cause feare aboue faith to ouercome vs. Come wel come woe either outwarde or inwarde make vs contented and strengthen our steps in both estates to thy blessed liking that prosperitie puffe not vp nor aduersitie plucke vs downe aboue that is fit for thy true children If men assault vs and tempt vs vnto euill O Lord giue wisedome to discerne them feare to followe them and zeale to defie them And let not the pleasures of sinne for a season preuayle aboue thy fauour and our eternall good That hellish feend so raging and roaring and euer so greedie to deuour vs deere father let him want his will and all his temptations come to naught Increase our knowledge to bewray his sleights and support our faith to quench his darts Let sinne appeare sinne and euer damnable let it neuer seeme good and very tollerable But plucke off those maskes O heauenly God that it often commeth disguised withall and let our eyes through thy mercie bewray both nature ende of such delicates as thy seruant Dauid prayed he might neuer taste of O blessed father helpe vs agaynst our owne corruption our owne concupiscence and sinne Our flesh our flesh O Lord let it not preuayle to the working of our woe and euerlasting fall The Spirit is willing but the flesh is frayle full of gaynsayings striuings and struglings against thy wil. And we know with thine Apostle that in vs that is in our flesh dwelleth no good thing So that vnlesse thou helpe most deere father it will rebell and wee shall dye Deliuer vs from euill euen from all euill eternall God as if we should name them one by one so farre as may stand with thy blessed pleasure and our obedience to thee And finally deere God though we bee vnworthie to goe vpon this ground because it is thy obedient creature more than wee much lesse to lift vp our eyes to heauen where thou dwellest and to receiue any comfort that wee aske yet for that red●bloud and hart●bloud of Iesus Christ that neuer sinned agaynst thee but obeyed thee fullie for vs and in whom thou art perfitly pleased haue mercie vpon vs haue mercie vpon vs pardon and deliuer vs from all our sins and so guide the course of this earthly pilgrimage here amongst men that we may spend it and end it in thy feare and in thy fauour afflicted howsoeuer according to thy will yet not in distresse in doubt if so thou wilt haue it yet not dispayring persecuted but not forsaken cast downe at thy pleasure but not perishing through good report and ill report with thy holy Apostle passing our daies and doing our dueties with singlenes and simplicitie of hart Those infinite temptations that abound in this life there being no calling so holy nor place so solitarie but that men shal finde both troubles to trie them and aduersitie to disquiet them so rule and gouerne so moderate and temper with thy hand of mercie that wee may euer conquer and neuer bee conquered to our finall hurt But as birds limed and yet not ouerlimed escape those twigges that would haue caught vs
Thess Hom. 4. Act. 3.1 Psal 42. Confess 19.13 2. Machab. 12.44 2. Machab. 2.29 2. Machab. 15.39 Machab. 9.18 An. 152. An. 188. 2. Maca. 1.10 1. Maca. 6.8 vers 16. Greg. in Iob. lib. 19. cap 16. A great goodnes of God to teach vs a forme of prayer What forme some heathēs vsed The Lords prayer hath three parts A father by Creation Redēption Sāctificatiō The vse of the word father to our Soules The second vse of the woord father Rom. 8.32 Math. 7.11 Esay 49.15 vers 16. Ambros lib 50. de Sacram. cap. 4. A third vse of the word father Malach. 1. Cypria 1. Peter 1.13 14. 15. 17. Ephes 4.1 Ihon 9.31 Psal 119. 94. 173. Note 1. Iohn 3.22 The fourth vse of the word father The perfection of the worke of Christ for vs prooued The wickednes of the Masse Hebre. 9.12 10.14 1. Charitie We must neuer pray for our selues with such a priuat hart but that wee wish the like mercy to all that haue the like neede Ephes 1 23 Ephes 4 4. Gal. 6.1 Hebr. 13.3 1. Peter 4.10 Iam. 5.16 1. Cor. 13.5 August Confess Chrysost in Cor. 2. Vnitie The great danger of schisme Math. 5.24 Math. 6.15 Ephes 4. 62. 3. Humilitie Act. 10. Note Galat. 3.28 Aug. Ser. 135. Iob. 31. 13. 14. 15. Math. 26. Philem. His being in Heauen what Spirituall vse it hath to our soules Esay 45.23 Psal 99.1 2. Note Math. 26. 53. What God euer would doe he euer could doe The second vse of our fathers being in Heauen Esay 55. 8. 6. The third vse Psal 50. Psal 60. 4. 8. 17. Psal 29.3 c. Exod. 34.8 A foule fault of many in the Church and elswhere Note A right coming before God to pray Marke it Ihon. 4. The vse of Churches not ouerthrown by libertie of place to praye in vnder the Gospel The name father agreeth to Sonne and holy ghost vers 6. 1. Cor. 8.6 The name father set downe because it is principium deitatis the beginning of the Deitie Vbiquitie Psal 103.19 Esay 66.1 Num. 14. 42. Iere· 23.24 Psal 19.2 Hose 2.24 Rom. 118. Esay 66.1 Num. 14. How God is sayd to be nere or farre of Esay 55. Esay 55. How God is sayd to be more in one man or place than in an other Tom. 2. In Ezek hom 8. pag. 130. How God is sayd to goe and come Psal 51. Psal 22.2 1. Sam. 18 28· Three things considered Enchiridion Chap. 116. The petitions concerning Gods glory first Math. 6.33 Exod. 32.32 Rom. 9.3 Gods glory more to be cared for than our owne saluation if they should come in comparison together Note Luke 1. Sam. 2. Malach. 1.11 Ihon. 12.28 Math. 28. Mar. 16.17 Act. 3.12 16. Philip. 2.10 vers 11. The name of God what it is Exod. 33. 19· Exod. 34.5 c. Of the greeke article Danaeus pag. 108. Ihon. 3.33 What halowing the name of God is Psal 148. vers 12. Psal 104. Rom. 1.20 Ezek. 36.23 vers 25. 26. 27 1. Peter 2.12 Math. 5.16 Esay 52. 5. Rom. 2.24 1. Timoth. 6.1 Thirdly what we praye against in this petition Psal 104. 35. Atheists Libertines Marke it and thinke of it Psal ●4 Rom. 12. Psal 84. vers 11. That the names of all fayned gods being vtterly abolyshed the onely diuine name and maiestie of God the heauenly father be had in honor and called vpon with pure mindes by men of all ages countries and parts of the world How Gods name is vnhalowed and polluted you may further see in the 2. Com. Rom. 12. 2. Pet. 3.9 vers 8. vers 10. He sanctifieth vs by making vs holy we him by confessing him holy c. Apoc. 22.11 Permissiue The order Regnum Potentiae Regnum Gratiae Regnum Gloriae Fatum Psal 135.6 Rom. 11.36 Ephes 11. Iob. 5.10 Iob· 9.5 vers 2. Exod. 4.11 Creation Syrac 17.3 Ephes 4. Corruption Rom. 5.12 Gen. 38. vers 7. vers 12. vers 13 Gen. 6.5 Esay 64. Rom. 7.14 19. 21. 23. 1. Cor. 2. Ephes 2. Psal 57. Psal 14. What is corrupted in vs by our fall Ephes 5. Gen. 6. Math. 15.16 Rom. 7.18 Rom. 3.13 c. 1. Cor. .4 1. Cor. 15. Psal 51. Esay 6. 5. Syrac 40.1 c. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Regeneration Rom. 6.13 The Kingdom of glorie The sense of the petition brefely Rom. 1.16 The meanes whereby this Kingdome of God ariseth in vs. The Apostles powrefull ministrie by the word Ruffin lib. 2. cap. 5. Marke this historie Rom. 1.16 Act. 17.6 De ciuit Dei 22. 2. Cor. 10.4 c. Iam. 1.18 Ihon. 17. 1. Cor. 4.15 Philemon 1● Galat. 4.19 Galat. 3.2 Peter 1.23 Luk. 16 31. Esay 55.1 Amos. 8. Ephes 4.13 The meanes prayed for aswell as the thing The word of God is either read or preached Two dangerous extremities to be auoyded of all men Deut. 31.9 Act. 13.15 Luc. 4. 16. Act. 15.21 Iere. 36.6 Bullingers iudgement of the ministers reading A faithfull minister Socr. histor Eccle. lib. 7. cap. 2. Theodoret. histor ecclesias lib. 4. cap. 5. Possidon in vita August cap. 5. Vrsinus catechis Defence against D. Br. pag 46. Appēdix to the answer of the obstr pag. 214. Calu. aduersus Anabaptistas artic 2. pag. 582. Apol. pro christianis The profite of the Scriptures read Papists call reading a spiritual dumbnes Ihon. 5. Psal 1. Psal 119. Act. 17. Coloss 3.16 Ephes 6.16 Augustine requireth reading of the word at home in our houses Chrysost Consider this well 2. Timoth ● 15 Math. 23. Irenaeus lib. 3. cap 5. Amos. 6.10 Confess lib. 8. cap. 12. Hylarie de vnitate Patris et filij Preaching aboue reading Ephes Math. 26.19.20 Math. 6. Luc. 4.18.19 Luc. 24.27 Act. 2. Act. 8. Act. 10. Act. 13. Similitudes expressing the profitte of preaching Fearfull exceptions against hearing the word preached Caluin aduersus Anabap. artic 5. pag. 583. Iam. 2.2 Calu. aduersus Anabap. artic 5. pag. 583. O good and faithfull seruant Yet degrees Gods blessings when worthily had Hebr. 13.17 1. Sam. 2.25 2. Cor. 2.15 Rom. 10. 1. Cor. 9.16 Exod. 28.35 Euery man in his measure 1. Cor. Num. 22.31 Deut. 29.4 Chap. 30.6 Esay 57. 15. Ezek. 36.26.27 Luc. 24.45 Act. 16.14 Ihon. 16.13 1. Ihon. 2.20.27 Ephes 1.16 Chap. 3.14.15 c. vers 20. Psal 119. Esay 49. Ezek. 33.32 Rom. 8.26.27 vers Ihon. 4. Iosua 15.19 Ioel. 2. 1. Thess 5. Ephes 4.30 Psal 51. The good Magistrate a great meanes to rayse vp gods Kingdome 1. Timoth. 2. 2. Rom. 13. 3. 4. 1. Kings 15.12 Ezek. 10.17 16. Loue due to Magistrates Deutro 1.21 All contrary things to gods Kingdome prayed against in this petitiō Amos. 8. Math. 13. Rom. 8.12 A fearefull thing if we thinke of it Ministers thinke of it Magistrates thinke of it Priuat persons thinke of it A Communion of good by prayer Psal 40.8 Ihon 5.30 Ihon 6 38. Math. 7.21 Gen. 6. ● 1. Cor. 2.14 The error of freewill is agaynst this petition Oculta reuela●● Deutr. 29.29 Psal 36.6 Rom.