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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29294 The Happy slave a novel in three parts compleat / translated from the French by a person of quality. Brémond, Gabriel de.; Person of quality. 1686 (1686) Wing B4349_VARIANT; ESTC R35379 121,054 312

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Country being all could be desired from a generous Rival And that if I were sensible of the pain and regret my absence would cost him I should find him punished beyond his desert My joy was not greater than the trouble of the Sultaness upon receiving this News which put her into an unspeakable affliction Her Nights and her Days were wholly spent in Tears she used all means possible to prevent the misfortune she apprehended from Alexander's return into Italy I gave her way choosing rather to renounce my Liberty than see her die for grief in the condition she was in But the Bassa the firmest of men in what he resolves on not perceiving the reason she had to oppose a design she had more reason than he to promote considering the Passion she knew he had for me which must needs trouble her was true to his Resolution and knowing there was in the Port a Christian Vessel ready to Sail for Italy he caused it to be staid for our Embarking therein What a trouble was it to the Sultaness to see the Bassa so obstinate and us on the point of departing Never was a Person so plunged in a Sea of despair never were sighs so lamentable as hers I was resolved to entreat the Bassa to put off our departure to another occasion that I might gain time to dispose her to grant me the favour but whether it were for the shame to see me or for fear that the sight of me might melt him into a tenderness that might alter the Resolution he had taken he appear'd not at the Seraglio The Morning we were to be gone the desolate Sultaness resolved to die or to follow us she had long studied to contrive a way how to do it I was her Bed-fellow but neither of us slept a wink Laura says she having considered well what she would do thou knowest the affection I ever had for thee that I have used thee more like a Sister than a Slave Thou knowest my heart and I need not tell thee I cannot live without Alexander I desire no acknowledgment of what I have done for thee added she kissing me with her face all bath'd in tears but for pity sake forsake me not in the most desperate condition that a Woman in Love as I am can be reduced to but do something to save my Life had she desired mine with such melting expressions I could not have denied it her which she might perceive by the tears I shed to accompany hers Then she told me of an intention she had thought of whereby get aboard with us and that she doubted not of the success if Alexander had the Passion he pretended to have for her and if he had not she would comfort herself and find pleasure in Rage for the absence of so ingrate a Person that without the knowledge of any one in the Seraglio she would be carried to his Lodging and thence aboard the Vessel we were to Embark in and that the Bassa sending for me to be gone we might all three get aboard before any Discovery could be made of her departure To give her content I approved of what she said but did really apprehend the sucess of this affair and presage I know not how that I should be the sufferer 'T is a dangerous business to yield ones self up to the conduct of Lovers in that which concerns the interest of their affections they are apt to flatter themselves to puff themselves up with hope and admit of no fear When the day began to appear in our Chamber we thought it high time to set about and take order for what we thought necessary for accomplishing our desires We got up and the Sultaness having put on a Suit of mine commanded me to call her one of the Eunuchs who was Purveyor for Alexander and ready to Sacrifice his Life for the Service of the Sultaness she sent him for the basket wherein he used to carry the Provision and placing her self in it wrapt up in my Barnus commanded him to carry her to Alexander's Lodging I saw her go away in this manner waiting with fear and impatience enough to hear the success of this contrivance of the Sultaness and expecting every moment Orders from the Bassa for my going away At last the time of Embarking being over and the Sultaness not returned I was desirous to be informed how matters past and understood with astonishment and displeasure enough that Alexander was gone and that the Bassa having brought him to the Port returned for Bardon Then it was Sir I felt the stroke of my ill Fortune in losing not only the hope of returning to my Country which might have given me some comfort but of ever seeing the Sultaness the Person of the World I had most kindness for and one who rendred my Captivity pleasing I could not doubt but her flight would be laid to my charge but the consideration of a Life so unhappy as mine had produced in me so clear resolutions for death that had you taken notice at your arrival you could not observe any trouble in my countenance And in good earnest the loss of my dear Sultaness afflicted me so that the appearance of death could not have done more They asked me oftentimes what was become of her the answer I made was that I knew not But having been long taken for her Confident I was shrewdly suspected As for the rest of her Servants you might have read in their countenances the trouble of their minds This is that Sir I had to say to you of the Sultaness and if you think this Story may be of use to the Bassa and conduce to the procuring peace between him and the Dey I should be very glad you would relate it to him though I may appear guilty of having committed a crime against the one and the other But they have prudence enough to be sensible of the condition of a poor Slave whose happiness consisted in her complaisance to a Mistress who loved her so well as to make her confident in affairs of this consequence The Turk made answer that the Bassa had so much kindness for her and so little for the Sultaness that he would easily pardon the Treason she was guilty of and as for the Dey he could not be much offended with her for having done his Daughter so eminent a service in assisting her in a piece of unfaithfulness to a Husband who the Dey knows had not any Love for her and that he would make use of the particulars of this Story to reconcile them that he would manage this business with some Friends of the Divan and particularly with the Aga the Deys favourite who had great influence over him and though a Renegade loved the Christians very well and might do her some service To these expressions he added a thousand assurances on his part and civilities enough to oblige her extreamly This done he withdrew to avoid the suspicion her Guard might have of
in my judgment no man that sees her but must be in Love with her These Marriages of Policy and State-interest to which the Daughters of great ones are subject to be Sacrificed seldom prove Happy The Bassa Espoused Alhie and perhaps loved her a Week but after that returned to his former Engagements and for ordinary beauties quitted the greatest of the Kingdom 'T is true it often happens thus in this Country where Men abhor loving by Duty and Obligation and commonly love Mistresses better than Wives but this Lady in my Opinion ought to have been excepted as wanting nothing requisite to satisfie the Passion of any reasonable Man but she is as unfortunate as others The Bassa though otherwise a Person of much Gallantry visits her scarce once in a Month yet he pays her all the Respect in the World and she hath no cause of complaint but of his Love but take love from Marriage what signifies the rest What a trouble it is to a Young Lady who knows her own merit to see her self slighted in that whereof she is most sensible A Lady who would think her self happy in being belov'd and thinks she deserves it you must be a Woman before you can comprehend the rigor of this usage and the greatness of her misfortune But to come to what concerns you the Sultaness hath ever had a great inclination for Christians and the greatest pleasure she takes is in stories she makes me tell of my Country which surprize her so especially when I speak of the freedom Men have there with Women that she hath a thousand times wished her Fortune had been as mine and that she had fallen into the hands of a Christian who would have carried her into that Country 'T is certain a Woman had better be a Slave with us than free among the Turks where their Life is nothing but a perpetual Slavery The Adventures of Love and Gallantry have pleased her so well in the relation that she longs for a sight of one of those I called Persons of Quality and Merit who were so Gallant and Handsom as I represented You were no sooner arrived but she came with great joy to tell me the Bassa had newly bought a Christian of whom they spoke Wonders I fell a laughing and ask'd if it were not such a one she had often wish'd for her Slave She blushed and turning about with a sigh answered who knows what may happen and whether Fortune hath not designed him for me She made me her Bedfellow that Night to entertain her on that subject On the morrow the Bassa having confirmed the Reports of you and commended your Person she and I for several days had no discourse but of you The kindness she hath for me makes me somewhat familiar with her nor do we very strictly observe here our distance towards great ones this made me sometimes take the Liberty to quarrel with her for the longing she exprest for a Man she had not seen I confess said she this were falling in Love a little too soon if we managed our Love as the Christians do theirs But the Bassa having made such a description of this Man there is not a Woman in the Kingdom who would not have had a greater Passion for him than I have exprest And you may believe he would not have spoken so much in his praise before the meanest of his Empresses but though he slight me so that he cares not what I think my affections are free You would esteem your self happy Madam said I to have such a Christian in Love with you More happy reply'd she than you can imagine And I will assure you I could willingly change the state I am in for the condition of a private Christian Lady What good does it me to abound thus with Riches to receive so much Honour to be the Daughter of a King and the Wife of a Bassa if I cannot be content nor do as I would nor love where love is due In a word if I am nothing less than I am taken to be but a Slave more unhappy than those under Chains Poor Laura said she embracing me tenderly how I pity thee who hast tasted the Pleasures and Liberty of thy Country and hast unhappily fallen into their hands who use so unworthily all sorts of Women With such discourses as these did we entertain our selves ever since they spoke of you at Tunis The Bassa came oftner to visit the Sultaness though we knew not the reason and almost every day brought us the News of you And as he loves you entirely took pleasure in relating every thing you did Perhaps had he known the favourable inclinations the Sultaness had for you he had been more sparing in his expressions of you for I cannot believe he designed to prejudice himself in speaking obligingly of you But it was an oversight and most unpardonable in him who so well knew the temper of Women of this Country Judge you whether so good a report from so good a hand could want its effect The Sultaness was affected with them so much to the purpose that what at first was a bare inclination grew up by degrees to a settled Passion Her humour was suddenly chang'd from Merry and Jocund into Sadness and Melancholy and I who alone knew her Distemper could not but pity her sighs and complaints and was extreamly afraid she might fall into a Disease which they call Fantasie and is a kind of Melancholy that proves Mortal to many Men and Women of this Country I did my endeavour to cure her of this Passion by representing to her all the obstacles in her way to the happiness she desired But my Remedies came too late I did but trouble her to no purpose having said to her self all that I could possibly say to divert her from the affection she had taken So that despairing of Remedy on that side I apply'd my thoughts another way and flattered her hopes of bringing that to pass which I could not discover the least possibility to effect But to prevent the growth and increase of her Distemper it was necessary to deceive her by flatteries and hopes At last I know not how it fell out that the Bassa having spoken of you to me two days ago as he frequently does when he finds me alone I told him I should be very glad to see you if it might be done without noise and soandal I was extreamly astonish'd how easily he promised it And you may believe I had not waited here for you but that I very well knew him a Man of his word The Count having hearken'd to all this discourse with marvellous attention and thanked Laura for all her good Offices and answer'd all her obliging expressions in behalf of the Sultaness discovered to her the Bassa 's design and the reason of his being brought thither Laura was ravished to hear his discourse and though she foresaw her concern in the Affair was like to be small yet she
wish she could have written to him but there are few trusty Messengers to be found in those places where there is cause to distrust every one you converse with and every Eye that sees you is a spy on your actions at least if not gained by Money or Kindness wherein after all possible care you may be deceived as she was in this trouble Laura received a Note from the Count brought her by an Eunuch and carried it forthwith to shew it the Sultaness being in these words Madam the Bassa every day more obliging than other is pleased to grant me the honour of walking with you this Evening in the Garden of the Seraglio I know not whether you can dispense with your self till then Let us take the hour you think most proper He will be there with one of his Mistresses Send me word if you please if I may expect this favour from you The Bassa would never have thought of this walk but out of the extream desire he had to know certainly how Laura and Alexander stood affected one to the other and that he might inform himself of what they should discourse The Garden was a place very fit for his design especially by Night where he could hear without being seen He had made the proposal to the Count in confidence he would receive it with a great deal of joy which in appearance he did but without hope of any great satisfaction from the Adventure it being scarce probable the Sultaness would permit Laura to come But that which really troubled him was the opinion he had the Bassa was certainly jealous of his Wife since he gave him so clear proof of his unwillingness that he should see Laura at her Lodgings any more The Question then was how to write to the Slave to dispose her for the walk But the Count having written the Billet the Bassa sent it by an Eunuch and stay'd for the Answer The Sultaness read the Billet and was of opinion with her Gallant that it was for Love of her the Bassa was unwilling he should come any more to see Laura in her Apartment It was long ere they came to a resolution in the point whether Laura should agree to the assignation Laura very wisely thought it better not to go but the Sultaness wholly led by her Passion and too deeply in Love to act any thing with reason that concerned her affection notwithstanding any thing Laura could say made her write him this Answer It were to act the part of a very ill Person to be all alone in the Garden while others are diverting themselves there I consent for pity to come and bear you company but on condition that you will be wise and that we be at some distance from the Bassa because I would not be known by her that he brings with him If you can promise me these two things I am for you after the fourth Prayer when the Sultaness is a Bed Adieu This Answer was beyond the expectation of the Count who rejoyced extreamly at the pleasure he promised himself with the Slave from the discourse of the Sultaness while they should continue in the Garden Night being come and the fourth Prayer over the Bassa told him he might go and bring Laura to the Garden while he went for one of his Mistresses who was lodged on the other side It is the custom of the Grandees of that Country among a multitude of Women they have in their Seraglio when they have not a particular inclination for any one to take this to day and another to morrow and having lost the tast of Love to search for Pleasure in change and variety It may be easily imagined that Alexander received this Commission with a great deal of joy and was in no small haste to go to the Sultanesses Lodgings She who was charmed at the sight of him could not express her joy without a thousand transports of Love and the most tender caresses a most passionate Lady could possibly make her dearest Lover Alexander did his part to admiration not only returning transport for transport and caress for caress but excelling his pattern Love working in him or he in the Sultaness such things as gave her very great satisfaction It may be admired peradventure that two Persons so little acquainted should in so few days become so very good Friends But we must know Love in these hot Countries makes far quicker progress than in the cold where the Winds and the Snow and the Rain spoil his Wings and hinder his flight Whereas on the contrary the Sun is there almost still at the height and Love being a tender Infant and going always naked thrives there the better where he finds Hearts very well disposed and ready to take fire The Count who could not stay long there was willing to bestow the small time he had to spend with the Sultaness in gentle reproaches for her permitting Laura to come and walk with him You have said he a very good opinion of my Affection Madam or else you love me with a great deal of indifference that this does not in the least trouble you at all The Sultaness answered she relied not so much on his Fidelity as on Laura's Discretion whom she knew too well to think she would betray her Look you to your self as for her I place a confidence in her and if you do your Duty I am perswaded she will not be wanting in hers Having thus spoken she would not detain him longer for fear of the Bassa but retired to the Chamber The happy Lover very well pleas'd with the lucky moment he had past with the Sultaness asked Laura if she were ready She made him answer he should not stay for her longer than while she fetched her Barnus which is a kind of Hood that covers them from Head to Foot The Count seeing her return mufled up in that Garment went his way before according to their custom there and she followed He said not a word to her while they were in the Seraglio for fear of being over-heard and discovered but being arrived in the Garden where they had liberty enough Who will believe Madam said he but we made an Amorous assignation being come to a place of Rendezvouz so fit for the purpose And the Bassa will not fail to think us the happiest Lovers in the World Laura made him no answer but kept on her way till they came to the Bower that was assigned them at a convenient distance from the Bassa's as Laura had desired The Count gave her his hand and knowing very well every turn in those Walks which he visited almost every day he made her sit on a seat of green Turf made for the purpose Then said he this Madam is to try a mans Fidelity with a Witness to expose him to pass part of the Night in such a place as this with a Lady so beautiful as you Surely the Sultaness will hence-forward rest assured of my Passion The
not very well The Bassa gave her his hand and would have led her into a private Chamber Laura perceiving it and that he was in good earnest Prayed him to let her go that her Lady was not well and he knew well enough she could not endure her being a moment out of her sight I I replied the Bassa the Sultaness is sick and cannot be a moment without you but 't is because 't is I desire to pass that moment with you had it been Alexander you could have staid a little longer The Bassa said this with so pleasant a tone she could not forbear laughing You know Sir replied she 't is another case when you are with the Sultaness Besides Sir added she smiling one would venture a little for a Sweet-heart Well well said he pressing her to go along with him 't is Love hath brought me hither I Sir answer'd she striving to get away from him and 't is Love obliges me to avoid the occasion of being found alone in your company for though I know you a most accomplished Person you will allow me to tell you you have not too much respect for our Sex and 't is very hard trusting you witness your assaults last night in the Garden the Bassa made her a thousand Oaths he would keep within the bounds of that respect and discretion she might expect from the severest vertue and protested he desired only one quarter of an hours discourse Laura who knew the violence and obstinacy of his humour when denyed any thing he held reasonable to be granted him disposed her self to entertain him that quarter of an hour He reproached her a thousand times for her hardness and cruelty against him and gave her withall the kindest words and the most tender and passionate expressions imaginable Laura to defend her self pleaded her Honour her Religion and her Duty to the Sultaness her Mistress three things she would not betray for the World Had you but a little Love for me said the Bassa with a sigh you would not find so many reasons for defence I have my Religion as you have yours and the Precepts of it perhaps as severe as yours but Love is stronger than all the Precepts the Laws the Religions of the World and those who serve him worship no other God As for the Sultaness how are you concerned that is my business not yours and it shall be your fault if ever she know it But what do you tell me of Honour Surely 't is more for your Honour to love a Man as I am than to love such a one as Alexander You mistake your self Sir answered Laura if you think that in the visits he hath made me there hath any thing pass'd contrary to my duty 'T is not with those of our Nation as with the People of this Country We may be together and no body by yet my Honour secure I swear to you Sir Alexander never received that favour from me which I could not afford the Person for whom I am the least concerned in the World The Bassa interrupted her what not in the Garden Neither in the Garden nor any where else replyed she had he ever any other advantage than a sight of me which with us is accounted for nothing Can you make me believe answered the Bassa what you say Laura told him there was nothing more true and he might rest assured of it But Sir said she for your better satisfaction bring him no more hither and you shall see whether I make my complaint for it 'T were pitty replyed the Bassa to destroy so fair a friendship and I do protest to you that were it in my power I would give you no trouble but I am not so much Master of my self to gain this point on my heart to be unconcerned in your Love But since you love Alexander with so much indifference that you can so easily resolve not to see him more I have no cause to afflict my self but rather to hope you may one day love me perhaps as much as you do him After these words the Bassa retired with a heart a little better at ease than when he came in but as deeply in Love as before He gave not an intire and firm credit to what Laura had told him of her indifference and small concernment for Alexander but did believe her passion for the Christian not so great as he had imagined or that their Love had been cooled by some quarrel for he had observed on the one side and the other more indifference than is usually consistent with that passion But then reflecting suddenly on himself may not this be said he resuming his jealousie and diffidence an effect of their policy may they not be agreed to deceive me and being already sufficiently assured of one anothers affections may they not pretend they have no Love for one another that they may Love one another with greater security No no adds he this cannot be there is no hiding of Love it will appear if not smothered to death She love not Alexander at all or loves him but indifferently thus he the more easily perswaded himself to be so in that he did most passionately desire it might be so and thence-forward his passion increased so fast it became greater than ever Hope being a passion that more than any other foments that of Love easily promises it self happy events and flatters it self with expectation of good fortune and success Laura gave the Sultaness an accompt of all the pleasant discourse and the Sultaness could have wished Laura had not been altogether so severe to the Bassa but a little more kind and complaisant without which she thought they could not see Alexander so often as she desired Laura on the contrary told her that to have been complaisant would have spoyl'd all for that the Bassa would then have entertained some hopes of favour from her and so become more amorous than before and consequently more jealous of his supposed Rival than ever What shall I do then said the poor Sultaness who can do nothing but fear and cannot expect any thing but crosses and misfortunes Laura told her things were not in so desperate a condition that she need trouble her self for it for the Bassa had promised to send Alexander on the morrow and that they would consider with him how to order their business The Count did not know that the Bassa had been with the Sultaness but having not heard from him that day he went on the morrow to wait on him at his rising He found him abed so dejected and melancholy that he might by his countenance easily discover the heaviness of his heart Yet he received him with that air of kindness and friendship might well assure the Count he was not displeased with him The Bassa was silent a while and then looking on the Count with an air of friendship and confidence Alexander said he I am the most unfortunate of men especially in Love Laura added
to deny him his request in such a conjuncture what cause soever she might have had of quarrel against him Besides he was particularly concerned to press her to shew her self for the last refuge he had was his hope that the Bassa's cenderness for her would perhaps at the moment of parting take fire afresh and make him change his resolution with these thoughts he went to her and gave her all the reasons he could invent to be reconciled to the Bassa and let him see her a moment but all to no purpose He had not one word of answer which angered him so that having taken her twice or thrice by the arm to make her rise he was just going to force up her Barnus and threatned to do it but the Bassa would not suffer it bidding him force her no further that she had cause enough to complain without doing her new violence for love of him But says he let us make use of the time and since she is brought hither to our hands and you have no more to do but embark let us finish what we have begun and perform what we have undertaken there never can be a fairer opportunity and I cannot think that Laura will be sorry to leave such a Country as this or part with us to go along with you The Sultaness in all probability is yet asleep let us not stay till she awake We must presently carry Laura as she is in the Basket into the Ship you shall bear her company and as soon as you arrive you shall hoise sail and away as for me I will pass the rest of the day at Bardou and give out such orders as may be necessary that in case the Sultaness miss Laura and find she is escaped you may not be staid Having said this he sent a Moor to the Port with order to have a Shallop in readiness to carry Laura and Alexander aboard the Christian Vessel riding at Gouletta This done he sent for the Captain of his Guards and bid him accompany the Count and commend the care of that Basket to the Moors who were to carry it along Having given these orders he had no more to do but bid his dear Alexander adieu and having embraced him with tears in his eyes he bore him company to the Shallop and from thence went to Bardou with a heart full of grief The poor Count was more to be pittied He was not much concerned to express how sorry he was to part with the Bassa but as for the Sultaness whom he could have wished to have seen once more at least his trouble to leave her was so great that he felt not the grief he should have shewed when he bid the Bassa adieu who had so highly obliged him When he saw he must part and no hopes of seeing her his heart was so full he could not speak a word the tears ran down his cheeks which much moved the good Bassa who thought they were shed for him and was not displeased to see himself outdone by a Man who was not ungrateful and cordially loved him At last he saw him embarked and bid him the last adieu The afflicted Count was so oppress'd with grief that from the Haven to Gouletta having given his heart a little more liberty than he durst have done in presence of the Bassa he let fall such lamentable expressions looking towards the Town that the Captain of the Guard and the rest that accompanied him were extreamly astonished and moved to compassion By good luck they understood not Italian but his gestures his tears his looks and the colour of his countenance expressed an unparallel'd trouble and affliction He no sooner got aboard the Ship but he threw himself on a Bed and was so much beside himself that he did not as much as think of his Basket but the Captain of the Guard had eased him of that care and caused it to be carried into his Cabbin after which he took leave of him and having commanded the Captain of the Vessel to hoise up his Sails he went into the Shallop and returned to Tunis then was it that Alexander finding himself alone in his Cabbin abandoned himself to the torment of his grief Ah Fate said he unjust Fate what have I done that you use me so cruelly that you force me away from a Person without whom I cannot live Ah my Sultaness dear Sultaness must I leave you must I absent my self from you for ever For ever said he again rising up Ah Heavens let me rather be set ashore I shall find pretence enough with the Bassa let me rather trust Love than Fortune she hath betray'd me Whatever happen I must die and I had rather die at her feet whom I love than at this cruel distance Having said this he went to see if they were still at Anchor but found they were already a great way from Land and sailing with a favourable wind had almost lost sight of Gouletta What despair was he in Ah my heart said he there is no remedy now I must perish Dear Sultaness added he taking his Sword in his hand see whether I am guilty of this absence and receive the Sacrifice I make you of my Life with that he drew his Sword and was going to thrust himself through when on a sudden the Person in the Basket who had thus far hearkened to all he had said threw her self upon him to prevent further mischief Let me alone to finish a Life which cannot but be unhappy at this distance from all that I love Ah dear Alexander answered the Lady embracing him with all tenderness her joy not permitting her to say any more The Count finding immediately notwithstanding the trouble and transport he was in some difference between this voice and Laura's looked behind him on the Lady who held him in her arms But what an astonishment what a charming surprize was it for a heart like his and in the condition he was in to see that it was the Sultaness her self THE HAPPY SLAVE The Second Part. OH Heavens Is it you Madam cry'd the Fortunate Lover Is it you says he again overwhelmed with a full Tide of Joy flowing so fast it had almost made him speechless may I believe that I see you the moment I thought I had utterly lost you Oh happiness unparallel'd and beyond expectation But Madam direct me I beseech you where to pay my Devotion am I obliged to Love or to Fortune Your thanks are due dear Alexander said the Sultaness for the Design to Love and to Fortune for the Success The Happy Lover extreamly amazed at so surprizing an Adventure found in himself so sudden an alteration from the depth of Grief to the height of Joy that to enjoy more fully the present pleasure of so blessed a change he thought his moments too precious to be employ'd in satisfying the curiosity of knowing by what means he was so unexpectedly arrived at so compleat a Felicity The Vessel under sail with a
favourable gale rendred them as secure as Mortals can be on an Element where the Winds are in a manner Master of our Lives as well as Resolutions The Happy Lovers lost not the advantage of the Season to enjoy one another with as much pleasure and satisfaction as prosperous Love is capable of The Captain of the Bassa's Guards being arrived at Tunis took Horse and soon got to Bardou where he found his Master walking alone in the Garden and gave him an account of the departure of Alexander The Bassa like a man dejected and disconsolate having lift up his Eyes and Hands to Heaven without saying a word withdrew into a Marble Bower in the midst of the Garden where he continued all that day having given his Guards express Orders not to permit any Person whatever to come near him hoping thus to free himself from the importunity he fear'd from the Sultaness on Laura's account His Servants and Guards were much surprized at these Orders not knowing what might be the cause of his displeasure unless it were that Alexander was gone In the Evening arrived at Bardou a Spahie who brought him a Letter and was followed by another and he by a third who all came to speak with him on business of extream haste and importance but being acquainted with the Orders he had given they durst pass no further but resolved to wait his coming out of the Bower The Turks observe exactly the Orders of their Masters but Aly the Captain of the Guard gathering from the number of Couriers the importance of their business thought it his Duty to step to the Town being but three Miles distant to learn what the matter was and getting presently on Horse-back went directly to the General of the Gallies being one of them who had dispatched the Spahies The General sent him instantly back with strict Order to speak with the Bassa and tell him that to oppose the designs his Enemies had against his Life his presence was absolutely necessary at Tunis Aly who apprehended the consequence of the affair made no scruple when returned to Bardou to present himself before his Master who extreamly enraged to see his Orders broke first by him would neither hear him nor receive the Letter he would have delivered him from the General of the Gallies But locking himself up past his time till the fourth Prayer when he took Horse to return to the Town By the way he received Letters from several but thinking they came from the Sultaness or some of her party he opened not one of them The General of the Gallies astonish'd not to see him come after News sent him what was Plotting against him resolved to go in Person to see what stay'd him at Bardou and by the way met him The Bassa seeing him come with a very large Train asked him smiling if he thought he had been Besieged that he came to meet him with so numerous a Party You are pleasant Sir answered the General but I wish we stand not in need of far greater Forces before we come to Tunis The Bassa observing him to speak in good earnest fixt his Eye upon him a while without speaking a word then askt him what need there could be of the Forces he mentioned and with Indignation what says he will they Assault me for love of the Sultaness Do not you think Sir replyed the General there is reason enough for 't Can you believe that a Prince like the Dey your Mortal Enemy but from the Teeth outwards can brook the injury you have done him who loves the Sultaness his Daughter better than his Life What injury said the Bassa What injury reply'd the General An injury than which in my Opinion a greater could not have been offered What answers the Bassa interrupting him will they dispute my Power to set two of my Slaves at liberty at my pleasure No Sir said the General no question is made of your Right or Power in the particular you mention but the Sultaness was not your Slave and unless you design'd to engage in a new Civil War not only the Rules of Honour Justice and Religion but the Maxims of good Polity should have prevail'd with you not to deliver her into the hands of a Christian than which a greater misfortune cannot befall a Woman of our Religion The Bassa thought this Discourse so extravagant that he burst out a laughing and gave him no other answer but that he had taken the Alarm too soon The General being moved reply'd with some heat you know me too well to think me concern'd at that you reproach me with but when you come to Tunis you shall judge if I had not cause to take the Alarm If the Dey answer'd the Bassa design a breach with me he will find a better pretence than you speak of True it is I have sent away Laura with Alexander the Christian without the consent of the Sultaness but there were reasons for it and such as the Sultaness of all Persons living had most cause to approve The General of the Gallies did verily believe the Bassa was seriously bent upon raillery and willing to keep that as a secret which all the World knew which he took in ill part and had not spoke a word more on that subject had not the Bassa continued the Discourse But Sir said the General interrupting him what pleasure can you take in endeavouring to conceal from me one of your best Servants and Friends a business so notorious to all Every body knows Laura is in your Seraglio and that the Sultaness is embarqued with Alexander Not to mince the matter I must tell you the general voice is that for Love of this Slave you have rid your hands of the Sultaness and Alexander and that you design to Marry Laura though a Christian But give me leave to tell you that besides the novelty of the thing the like having never happened in this Kingdom not only the Dey and Divan will oppose it but your Friends will to their power obstruct it and prevent it if they can and I dare undertake you will scarce find a Person of your side The Bassa hearing him speak in this manner thought him distracted and would have used him accordingly but restrained by the Friendship he had for him Laura says he whom I saw carried in a Basket whom I accompanied to the Port where they put her aboard a Shallop whom the Captain of my Guard conducted to the Vessel in which she was Embarked and he saw under sail this Laura is in my Seraglio and I am to Marry her Sir answered the General did I not know you very well and were fully perswaded of the good esteem you are pleased to Honour me withall I should not know what to think of your Discourse for it cannot be but you know the whole Affair better than any Man But to end the Dispute let us go to your Palace where you shall see whether it be Laura or the
her I did not desire it that she might do her pleasure but that I desired to be unconcerned And the truth is the pains I endured would I believe by degrees have made me insensible and cured me at last But on a day the Viceroy treated us in the Garden I quitted the Company and walking aside to muse in a dark and solitary place I met with the Marquess I thought it an effect of the Ladies care and that she had made use of this occasion to reconcile us I know not whether he took the haughtiness and seriousness of the Looks I entertain'd him with for an ill Omen or not but sure I am he trembled as he approached me and with a very settled tone told me it was very strange to see a person of my Humour finding out so solitary a Walk there being so much good company in the Garden it had been said he excusable in any other as an effect of some amorous thoughts but for you Madam for me replied I interrupting him and who hath told you but I may have been led hither by Love Ah Madam answered he we know you too well to entertain any such suspicion and I am sure if you can love any thing it must be only your self 'T is well replied I if it be true as you say that I love nothing at all but as for what you reproach me with 't is reported you are not altogether indifferent there is some ground for the report Madam indifference being a Quality I never stood much upon especially towards you of all the people in the World What not towards me replied I when you knew me insensible 'T is true Madam answered he I was told so but submitted however to the destiny of those many unfortunate Lovers you have made such in this Court. In matter of affection said I we are not to be led by example some have more merit or at least better Fortune than others we are sensible towards some when we are not so towards others One person shall please without knowing wherefore amongst an infinite of others who shall not have that advantage though equally handsom In a word every one hath his lucky moment you may believe I could not have said all this without blushing The Marquess having heard me with such attention as clearly discovered him surpriz'd at my discourse was just going to answer me when the Viceroys Lady who would never with her good will have us both out of her sight unhappily interrupted us and surprizing us on the sudden said I dare lay a good wager you were speaking of Love 't is true answered I smiling we were discoursing of a very pleasant question occasioned by being reproached by the Marquess for my insensibility He hath reason Madam replied the Lady to prevent an answer from the Marquess he who is so deeply in Love may justly reproach you if you know it not I can assure you of it and will in time tell you more I thought said I we had not been so great strangers but I might have known it from himself without being obliged to another for the News and if we two were alone I know how I would quarrel with him for it All this was spoken with an air of raillery which wrought very effectually on the inclinations of the Marquess which the Lady discoursed of I applied to my self imagining what she spoke of it was done for my honour and to engage me to an obliging answer which I gave She presently fell into other discourse and led us insensibly towards the company On the morrow the Marquess having mused all night on what I had said found me alone looking out at a window of the Palace and falling insensibly on the discourse of the day before asked me though I had no inclination to love whether I would be displeased at one who loved me with the greatest passion in the World I answered there were but few I would allow that liberty to and that in the whole Kingdom I knew but one I could permit to use that priviledge I believe he could not but understand I meant him and my looks did but too much confirm him in the opinion he though he observ'd it but would not take notice of it I know Madam says he it is extreamly imprudent to propose a person of a meaner rank than yours or one of small merit or not Master of Qualities worthy your esteem but the person I speak of is beyond all exception Finding him take a course so contrary to what I expected I had not patience to permit him to make an end having ground enough to believe it was not for himself he made this Declaration and interrupting him briskly A Lover said I blushing with anger and shame perhaps would not displease provided he were like the Marquess Hippolito any other may come too late I had scarce spoken these words but I repented me of them and unwilling to hear any more in the confusion the torrent of my Passion had put me in I withdrew Oh Heavens cry'd he running after to stay me How unfortunate am I Unfortunate said I turning toward him Is the esteem I have for you a means to make you unfortunate Yes Madam replied he with a sigh that precious and charming esteem I was made believe could never be gain'd which I would have purchased with all I have dear in the World He stopped there Well said I what of that esteem Ah Madam answered he they have made me renounce it I had no sooner heard these words but I went on my way having given him some looks full of indignation but seeing him follow me and not able for very grief to speak to him I made signs to him with my hand that he should come no further It is beyond imagination what a desperate condition I was in that night Rage shame spite fury repentance in a word all the Vexations of a Lover mock'd betrayed assaulted me by turns I fell so sick that for many days I kept my Bed however I resolved to speak to him once more to know who had caused him to renounce my esteem as he had told me I presently fancied it was Don Alphonso but was very desirous to learn how the matter had been managed and expected every day to see him with his Friend or with the Viceroys Lady and that I should find an opportunity to speak to him of it In the mean time he came not to my Chamber though all the Court did me that honour for the short time I continued indisposed this surprized me extreamly and hearing one day he was in my Anti-chamber I sent Clarice my Servant to desire him to come and see me having something to say to him He would have come instantly as the Maid brought me word but the Viceroys Lady with whom he was discoursing stay'd him at which I was not a little astonished but much more when soon after I saw him come in in the company of that Lady
expression or look but against her inclination forced her self to appear harsh and act the cruel against him Assen who thought one night at least necessary to be afforded Laura to dispose her self for an intire Reconciliation and that being upon the point of executing so hazardous a design care should be had to take their measures aright asked the Aga whether he thought it not fit to retire lest being seen to come from Laura so late he might give cause of suspition The Aga answered he need fear nothing the Dey having given him full power to stay as long as he pleased But Laura who had more reason to be of Assen's than of the Aga's opinion who was wholly led by his passion spoke to him though somewhat against her will to withdraw The Aga ready to obey this order begged the favour of her to give him hopes at least she would pardon him if he made it appear he was altogether innocent as to the matter of Alphonso and that her hatred of him should be at an end She made him no answer but her eyes betrayed her heart and spoke clearer in his favour than her voice could have done Beyran kissed one of her hands which she could not refuse him and left her full of that evenings adventures which found her entertainment The rest of that night not knowing what to think of Beyran's fortune whom she believed turned Turk for despair at the thought of this the tears trickled down her Cheeks and she perceived that if what he told her was true of her having been betrayed by her Maid and that he had not any hand in Alphonso's base action as in truth it was scarce credible he had she would love him more than ever and pardon his being found with the Vice-Queen though this was a tender point and not to be remembred without a volley of sighs Assen found the Aga's news true and not able to get out of the Castle went with him to his apartment where the pretended Renegado caused a Bed to be provided him but they spent the whole night in discourse Assen you may believe had an itching curiosity to hear the story of Marquess Hippolito having heard Laura's Assen as soon as they were private fell into that discourse The Aga who knew how much he wanted Assen's help to plead for him to Laura was ready to pleasure him with the relation and having understood Laura had told him part of what concern'd her he was willing to acquaint him with what came not to her knowledge and began thus When I arrived at Naples I found there the Vice-Roys Son whom I was acquainted with in my younger days and renew'd our friendship establish'd rather in the conformity of our age than of our Inclinations he brought me to Court and esteemed it necessary a new-comer should be a little instructed in the passages there he took the pains to tell me all the principal Intrigues and Affairs of Love and made me the Confident of his Passion for the fair Eleanor expecting from the fair friendship between us I would when acquainted with her do him the best service in my power I had a sight of her and by the first effects of that view could easily foresee there was no continuing Alphonso 's Friend without becoming his Rival I was troubled at it and reproached my self for my unfaithfulness but what signified that when there was love in the case There was no resisting Eleanors charms and I had instantly taken the resolution to love her had not the Vice-Queen used all possible arts to divert me she express'd no small complaisance for me which I attributed to the friendship between her Son and me But having found me one day in deep meditation she asked me whether I would freely acknowledge the cause of my melancholy if she could guess what it was and might serve me in the business I assur'd her I would she adds I was under the Fate of many other unfortunate Lovers who could not see Eleanor without being affected with the excellency of her Beauty I was strangely surpriz'd to find a passion scarce entertained in my Soul already known to the Vice-Queen and could not imagine how she came by the discovery of a secret I had resolved to keep close as long as possibly I could it was not in my power to deny it the trouble in my face and change of my colour having given her sufficient evidence how truly she had guessed I told her I found my self too weak to resist the Charms of that beautiful Maid and was sorry only Don Alphonso her Son and my Friend was concern'd she answered that a passion we cannot master was not to be complain'd of nor blam'd and that her Son could not be so unreasonable as not to pardon my falling into a distemper himself had been afflicted with But she believed I should prove as unfortunate as her Son but to keep her word with me she would let me see my concerns were more dear to her than the Interest of her Son but I must not blame her if her endeavours should prove ineffectual which she had too much cause to expect from the strange and unparallel'd insensibility of that fair Maid that she would speak for me that very day and see what hopes of a favourable reception and whether she defi'd Love out of a general aversion for Mankind or a particular disgust against some of that Sex The same time she assigned me Ten a Clock at night to meet her in the great Walk in the Garden to receive an account of her Negotiation I was there to wait for her and she kept her Assignation I saw her come with one of her Maids who was her Confident and having given her my hand to lead her into a Bower I went in with her trembling for fear of having ill News which I presently apprehended from her Countenance Poor Marquess says she you have no better fortune than others this Girls heart is proof to all Essays and did you but know that ill-favoured description and scurvy character she gave of you you would soon judge it to no purpose to apply your self to her but I would have you believe I say not this to discourage you but should be sorry to see a young Gentleman as you have qualities worthy the esteem of a fair Lady should imploy them where there is not any hopes to prevail I had certainly suspected this extraordinary condescension and goodness of the Vice-Queen had not what she said been agreeable to the report of the whole Court that the fair Eleanor was the most insensible person in the World I knew well enough 't was not any concern she had for the passion of her Son made her speak as she did she loved him very little and the complaisance she had express'd for me secured me on that side I might have been so sagacious and quick-sighted as to see she spoke for her self and advised me to quit the thoughts of Eleanor
all that Countrey could afford for the Pleasures of Life and could not imagine the cause of the grief but fancied at last that to compleat his Divertisements Alexander might want the conversation of a Woman The Bassa being a Person much given to Gallantry was the more easily inclined to believe he had found the true cause of his Melancholy And looked upon it as no incurable Disease but presently resolved to find out a Remedy by furnishing him with a Mistress which was a high strain of complaisance in a Person of his Character but there were no limits to the Love he had for his Alexander The Law of Mahomet is very severe in this Point against Persons of another Religion though very indulgent to those of his own Those who fall into the hands of the Turks and will make love to their Women are under the necessity of changing their Religion or Burning these Extremities are hard yet of the many Christians reduced to those straits I know not one who hath thought Martyrdom so charming as not to prefer Circumcision before Burning the Bassa though no zealous observer of the Law was willing however to avoid the Scandal that might follow if the Intrigue were discovered and therefore design'd to marry him to a Christian There was with the Sultaness his Wife an Italian Slave a young Maid of good quality lovely and witty it was not long since the Bassa had been in love with her but without any success whether it proceeded from the respect she bore to the Sultaness her Mistress who loved her intirely or from scruple of Conscience in point of Religion with which she excused her self certain it is his addresses were vain and after three Months eager persuit of his design being not accustom'd to so much resistance he quitted her and cast his eyes on other less difficult conquests he hoped that one Christian with another might have better success and that Alexander being very lovely and young needed only to shew himself for gaining the love of a Maid of his Country professing the same Religion with him he endeavour'd to dispose her for the purpose by raising in her an esteem for the Gallant he provided her he had often spoken of him in the Chamber of the Sultaness where Laura the Slave we are discoursing of did constantly attend And having formed the design he seldom entertained them with any thing else but Alexander did this or Alexander said that of which he gave them so pleasant Descriptions that he could not fail of making some impressions of love for him in a Woman though never so little susceptible The Count knew nothing of all these good Offices the Bassa smiling sometimes at his sadness would tell him he should shortly see him in a different humor One having disposed all things on Laura 's side who had told him she would not be displeas'd to see this Christian he took him into the Garden of the Seraglio to walk and after a turn or two asked him if he had ever been in love The question did very much surprize him apprehending that being among a People naturally suspicious the Bassa might perhaps have had some Jealousie of him though he could not imagine the cause But to disabuse him he held it necessary to affect great indifference in the business of Women and the truth is to that day he had not been in love And though it were ill courtship to the Bassa who was an admirer of Women to tell him he had never been in Love yet he chose rather to commit a solaecism in courtship than to give him the least cause of suspition The Bassa advised him to have a care of himself lest Love should one day be revenged of him and told him he despaired not of seeing him a Lover in Barbary You are said he handsom and witty and there are here as in Europe dangerous Ladies who perhaps may have designs on your liberty and you are not yet got out of Tunis This Discourse unexpected and spoken with such an Air so troubled the Count he knew not what answer to make The Bassa much pleased at the disorder he had put him to What said he doth Love appear so terrible to you that you dare not encounter it can a Man of your bravery be afraid of a Passion Recollect your self and think it not so dreadful here as in Italy you arm your Cupid with weapons of War we dress ours with Flowers nothing is less cruel than Love among the Turks our Women are kind and good natured and never are the cause of any mans death by coyness and disdain the sole difficulty is in getting a sight of them gain but that point and nothing can be more easie than the rest your Ladies are scrupulous and shy of shewing favour to their Lovers and ours make a conscience of seeing their Languish it is not so odious to be fond and coming with you as 't is to be cruel and insensible here We follow in the first place the Law of nature preferring it to Mahomets as being Men before we are Mussulmans We hold our selves obliged to pay kind regard and affectionate tenderness to Female Beauty and expect from it a return of complacency And those who approve not these Maxims we esteem unworthy to taste the pleasures of Love I know that in Europe you use this Passion an extraordinary way making that Martyrdom which should be a delight but I would fain know what the design of that Woman can be who sees a man every day on his knees at her feet sighing for that which she also desires and it may be more passionately Why then must he be tormented Why so many sighs why so many tears expected from him when the passion of both Sexes is equal if that of the Female may not pass for the greater The Count having in this time recollected himself answered I believe Sir that in Love as in other matters every one may have his particular fancy and different Maxims for conduct but if I who was never in Love may be allow'd to deliver my opinion of it I conceive that Men born under a Law are insensibly disposed to bear it with ease And I dare confidently affirm there is more sweetness and charming delight in the torments we endure in our way of Loving than in those easie pleasures that cost you nothing think not Sir those torments so cruel as our Lovers represent them they aggravate them only to affect their Mistresses the more and to make them more sensible It would certainly surprize you to hear them cry Increase O love Increase so sweet a pain their sufferings are pleasures The Bassa was so charmed with hearing him speak that he would not interrupt him so that he proceeded What satisfaction can you find in a Love that is fulsom and dull without any pique to make it poynant and season it for relish What divertisement to be expected from an innocent Cupid a Child without wit without
he should presently hear of her and brought him into a Chamber where her Lady was used to receive visits It was her custom to seat her self in a kind of Alcove the passage to which was through her Chamber made up with great Ballistres guilt and covered with a Curtain of very thin Silk through which she could see those whom she honoured only with a sight of her which is a piece of State used in that Country Laura told the Count that the Sultaness would see him from behind that Curtain And shall not I then said he have the honour to see her I know not said Laura but 't is a favour so great that 't is never granted but when they are willing to grant all that may be expected Ah Madam said the Count I beseech you to desire that favour for me tell her it will be of small consequence to give a stranger a sight of her and that I shall die with grief if she deny me that honour Laura promised him all the assistance in her power and leaving him for a moment went to advertise the Sultaness who questionless longed for news of the arrival of her dearly beloved Christian In the mean time the Count considered the Riches and Ornaments of the Chamber being the most magnificent of the Apartment it was set out with four Christal Glasses which had a pleasant effect on the Gold and the Jewels which glitter'd all about Scarce had the Sultaness seen Laura but she knew by her countenance the happy news she brought and without allowing her time to say any thing she past to the Alcove from whence she design'd to take a view of the Christian before he should know that she was there But she made too great a noise at her entrance and the Cavalier let her know he had perceiv'd her by saluting her as he did after the Turkish mode Laura arrived the same time from the other side and going to the Ballistre went to whisper the Sultaness who was not able sufficiently to express the pleasure she took in seeing this Christian and the Charms that appear'd in his Person As for him he was strangely perplext at a visit of this nature where he could neither see nor speak to the Party he visited He went he came he turn'd about as desired and at the end of the Shew went silently to the Ballistre and addressing himself to the Sultaness having seen a shadow of her through the Curtain he told her a thousand pretty Stories a thousand Gallantries to oblige her to afford him a view for she understood Italian and spoke it pretty well having learnt it of Laura She was very well pleas'd to hear the Count speak and heartily laught at it but answered not a word nor had the Curtain drawn The Count was impatient and accounting every moment lost he spent in that manner seem'd to fret and be angry and in a frank and free way told her he should die of the Phantasie as the People of that Country if she denied him this favour and that at last he would with his own hand draw that troublesom Curtain and he had certainly done it if Laura who fear'd the Sultaness might take it ill had not hindred him But Laura was mistaken and her Lady gave her not thanks for her pains 'T is a Maxim among the Women of that Country not to sin of themselves against the Rules of their duty but press them a little and offer them the least violence they will presently yield without any resistance their excuse is that nature is weak that men know it well enough and are very much to blame to press them so home that if there be harm done it must be laid to their score who cause them to do it and not to them who are ignorant of it and innocent in the business Laura not well verst in the use of this Maxim committed a fault when she thought she had been discharging her duty The amorous Sultaness would have been ravish'd with joy to have been seen by the Christian and the officious Slave spoil'd all by a piece of useless discretion But her Lady was willing to receive the miscarriage and satisfie in some measure the extream desire her dear Christian had to see her she gave him leave to ask what he pleased to make him amends for the rigour of the custom of that Country which made it undecent for her Sex to shew themselves to any but their Husband The Count presently desired she would at least do him the honour of shewing him one of her fair hands The Sultaness no sooner heard him but lifting up the Curtain a little she gave him her hand over the Ballistre The young Count was so charmed with this favour that transported with joy he laid his knee to the ground and kissed her hand with such passion that the Sultaness equally transported wrung his hand pressing it so hard to let him know she approved of what he did She was not over careful to keep her self unseen and having put forth her arm she could not choose but sometimes appear to him in part by one chance or other to which perhaps she contributed a little Her Gallant could have wish'd he had had a full sight of her but thinking he had enough for the first time he would not adventure to desire any more The pleasure the Sultaness took in the sight of him was so great and so charming that she could have willingly past that night with him But knowing that many eyes were upon her and that she lived where men are extreamly given to jealousie and especially of their Wives she had apprehensions of being Lampoon'd in her own Apartment for staying so long in the Alcove at a time so unseasonable for receiving a visit And Laura had told her 't was time to withdraw But how cruel a thing 't is to be forced to part from that which we love it cannot be done without pain and regret Still she found some little pretence or other to stay him a little longer at last she pretented him with a Gold Chain beset with Jewels and told him obligingly it was not fit a Slave like him should wear any other The happy Count better satisfy'd with this Chain than if she had given him the Crown of Tunis answered her Gallantry and the favour she did him with the most passionate and the most grateful expressions imaginable And seeing the necessity of parting he took his leave of the Sultaness and withdrew with Laura who accompanied him to the Gate of the Apartment Presents among the Turks are the first Evidences of affections and often pass for declarations of love Laura who knew it well enough made the Count sensible before parting what that meant which he had received from the Sultaness and that he was not to doubt having heard and seen so much of her but she passionately lov'd him Yet he was to take heed and believe he had need of abundance of
no man can see them without dying for love of them but now 't is too late to conceal them from me I have seen more than any heart is able to bear without yielding it self and it would be extream cruelty in you not to compleat what is so happily begun As the Count was speaking to her in this manner she look'd upon him with eyes so tender and piercing that she seemed willing to execute what he desired The crafty Count having seiz'd one of her hands to which as he look'd upon it he gave a thousand amorous kisses by little and little drew it out so far on his side with so feeble resistance from the Sultaness that she came at last to lean her head on the Ballistre just over against the head of the Count. Then it was he had full liberty to take a view at his leasure of those Beauties that put him to amazement and ravished him with such joy as he had never before been sensible of As ill luck would have it the Ballistres were so close that not any two of them stood half the head distance one from the other However the two Lovers meeting half way made a shift to slip through a great number of Kisses the most charming and sweet that Lovers e're tasted The Count being naturally bold made one Liberty but a step to another and seeing what he was permitted to do and the pleasure she took in it he press'd his amorous temerity so far that what he did may pass for half an enjoyment Till then their entertainment was made up of dumb engagements a thousand times more eloquent than the finest expressions in the World Their eyes their sighs their actions their toyes had spoken a Language intelligible enough to perswade both they loved one another intirely They had no need of other conversation yet Laura arriving they changed it a little but they spoke before her the most tender and most passionate things you can imagine The Sultaness who had that confidence in her as to conceal nothing from her was not troubled at her coming But the Count who took not so much pleasure in these discourses though very obliging as in those dumb entertainments made a sign to Laura to take the other turn at which the Saltaness seeming a little angry let down the Curtain and so fastned it behind that he could not take it up But this being in Jest and to provoke his Passion the more her rigour was short lived and Peace presently made more firm than ever The first favours give a priviledge for others and a kind of right not only to hope but demand them The Count to be reveng'd of his Mistress for the piece of spite she had done him thrust both his Arms between the Ballistres and embracing her on the sudden kissed her with that violence that he forced Blood out of her lips The Sultaness was so far from complaining of the rudeness of his Caresses that being charm'd with the pleasure of them she carefully saved all the Blood on her Handkerchief to preserve it as a Trophy to shew Laura as a most sensible mark of the extream Passion her dear Alexander had for her Let me acquaint you by the way with a rarity of those parts that for a Woman to have been beaten by a Man she loves is esteemed in that Country a great evidence of affection to the party beaten I confess such favours are somewhat rude but 't is the temper of the Country and such is their custom As for the Blood that came from the lips of the Amorous Sultaness we may believe it proceeded from a transport of Love With us one may be bitten but not beaten through extremity of this Passion but blows exceed the limits of Gallantry and that Woman must be an African that loves to be so Courted 'T is a fashion will never pass in Europe and though they use it sometimes yet never to oblige Women none of whom that I know of were ever pleased with a bastinade The rest of this visit having been spent in foolery and toys though sometimes of much moment in matters of Love I will not trouble you with the particulars Laura who was not far distant from the Lovers appeared at the least sign of their pleasure to have her attend The Count and the Sultaness bid each other adieu with the greatest kindness imaginable And Laura brought him to the Door of the Apartment so deep in Love he scarce knew where he was He went directly from thence to the Bassa who instantly observed the visible change of the Count 's former Sadness and Melancholy into a tender and languishing air at which the Bassa taking occasion to laugh said Well Alexander hath Love plaid his part well Is it your pain or your pleasure hath so charm'd you to day I confess Sir said he with a sigh it is the pleasure I have met with but pleasure I fear which may cost me much pain The Bassa believing that to be the Confident of the Count's Passion might be of some use took him by the hand and led him to the Garden to take a turn in the Walks He fell presently upon the subject of his good Fortune and prayed him to tell him truly how his Affairs stood The Count having his Heart and his Fancy all full of Love with very great ease gave him such a ravishing description of his tenderest affections and painted the pleasures he had taken that Evening so much to the life adding his sighs and exclamations with gestures and looks so eloquent and passionate that he awaked in the Soul of the Bassa the affection he had formerly for Laura and lately laid asleep What care soever is taken to cure one of this Passion still there remains enough in the Heart of a Lover to set it on fire by the least spark that falls on it The insensibility and resistance of Laura had not Ice enough in them to quench all the heat of the Bassa's affection She had only covered it with ashes to preserve it the better against another time Had the Count acted like a Politick Lover he had easily foreseen how ticklish and dangerous a business it is to make such representations before Persons who are Amorously inclined and especially before a Man whom he had reason to consider as a Rival and in whose Power it was to dispose of him as he pleased But the truth is that in speaking thus of Laura he thought he hazarded nothing of his own he had really no kindness for her but hoped to do his own business the better in making the Bassa believe that he lov'd her which is the reason he did not carry himself in this with so much caution as he would have done in another conjuncture The Bassa slept not that Night Laura appear'd a thousand times more handsom and charming in the description of the Count than ever she had done in his Eye at full sight He esteemed himself the most
Count made a pause expecting her answer but not receiving a word from her he proceeded telling her I thought we had not been so debarred the pleasures of an Assignation but we might have enjoy'd that of discourse but for ought I perceive you mean to follow the fashion of Turky since 't is a favour in this Country for a Woman to shew her self or speak to a Man you will deprive me of the one and the other But while we are together I pray let us live after the mode of our Country which is far better than the Turkish To do otherwise with me were altogether too rigorous and more I believe than you have promised the Sultaness or she expects at your hands Away I beseech you said he taking her by the Barnus with this ufeless Hood and do me the favour to tell me some News of the Sultaness or if you please of the Adventures brought you hither which from the day I first had the honour to see you I have had an extream longing to ask you This you will not deny me if you think I may be any way useful to you as I doubt not but I may being your Country-man and so well esteemed by the Bassa as to be able to do you some Service All this Discourse so obliging for Laura she heard without replying a word or quitting her Barnus as he had desired The Count seeing this pressed her no further but with more serious air said if you desire Madam to pass the Evening in this manner it will be very unfortunate for me but I must comply And removing a few paces from her he went and sat him down in a corner of the Bower where he continued a while without speaking a word The fair Lady fetched a sigh as if she had been displeased at his quitting her The Count laying hold on that occasion to be even with her took his turn of tormenting in not answering her sighs At last she came to him took him by the Arm and embraced him with many grimaces as if she would have turned all into ridicule The Count fell a laughing and said Madam I beseech you be satisfied with the Sacrifice I make to Love without trying my patience any further let us if you please have a little conversation but answer me when I speak for I do not love talking to my self But all would not do she laughed under her Hood and took pleasure in vexing him The Count at last growing impatient This is too much Madam said he and since you will needs laugh I 'le shew you a trick shall make you speak in spight of your Heart having said so he took her in his Arms and not being able to take off her Hood he used some Familiarities with her would have forced speech from a Maid of Laura's Discretion and Modesty But the Lady was still silent and so little concerned that she scarce made any resistance At which the Count was extreamly surpriz'd and after all the esteem he had for Laura apprehended there might be a design in the business and that he was abused Then it was he did all in his power to get sight of her through a little glimmering of light that came into the Bower Did the Sultaness know said he the liberty you allow me she would give you no thanks for your silence or your being shie of affording me a sight of you which it seems you do to give me occasion to attempt greater matters and deny me small favours to grant me the principal The fair Lady not able to defend her self longer quitted her Barnus and having escap'd out of his hands Ah little Traytor said she is this the Fidelity you have promised me Oh Heavens Madam said he is it you It was the Sultaness her self had taken Laura's place and you may imagine what a pleasant surprize this was to the Count who could not on the sudden otherwise express it than by his exclamations and running after her who fled not too fast he overtook her at the Door of the Bower and embracing her most tenderly My dear Sultaness said he the second time is it you Yes answered she suffering her self to be gently brought back into the Bower it is I who repent me already of what I have done for you who did not deserve it Did you think me so simple to expose into the hands of another that which I hold most dear in the World Do not I see how ill it is trusting of you Your Constancy was very tottering it was at least half overcome And had Laura the counterfeit Laura answered your offers where would you have been Never was Man more confounded than the Count at all these Reproaches He made a free Confession but excused himself by her carriage towards him alledging it impossible for any Man to have withstood the attaques she had made At last he carried the Cause all was accommodated an Agreement made and Love signed the Articles To come in search of a Gallant as the Sultaness had done into a Garden where she knew her Husband was present was an Adventure somewhat bold And doubtless there are many Women who will condemn her conduct as imprudent but of those who are in Love there are few who being in her place would not take the same course The Bassa though accompanied with a very Beautiful Person past away time somewhat worse than the Count Chabania his Mistress had besides Beauty an excellent Wit and a very taking carriage which made her pass for the most charming Person in the Seraglio The Bassa had formerly been deeply in Love with her but Love for convenience is not very durable Her Patron was not in an humour to Entertain her that Evening and had not brought her with him into the Garden but to serve for a pretence to colour other designs she apprehended as much as soon as she knew that Laura was in the Garden which the Bassa unluckily told her thinking he might satisfie her in that point by letting her know that Laura was deeply in Love with Alexander in whose company she was But Chabania was so far from believing it that she presently fancied Alexander to be no other than the Bassa's Confident in the affair and that he had not brought Laura into the Garden but for his Master she had been formerly jealous of him even to distraction and I know not how it came to pass the Bassa was so overseen as not to have made choice of some other of his Women who might have been more for his turn on this occasion She was at her wits end for the small countenance he gave her all the while he was with her she had scarcely fewer words from him and saw clearly his thoughts were wholly of Laura This was vexation enough for a Woman in Love who knows her self handsom and is high spirited withal But that which put her into absolute despair was that the Bassa not able to obtain any truce from
had been in and told him she took more pleasure to see Chabania's despair for whom she had ever a natural aversion than she had suffered of harm by her outrage and violence But she confessed the same time that she was in extream perplexity when she met the Bassa ranging over the Garden in search of that Woman and that it was the highest piece of good fortune imaginable that she had her Barnus with her to hide her self in She added that her dear Husband had said to her a thousand gallant things and had done also some things a little extraordinary but that it was her good fortune to be not far from the Bower and to make her escape she told him further that there remained no more doubt of the Bassa's being newly fallen in love with Laura and that she was very well assured of it by the kindness of his expressions and the transports she observed him in at this rencounter that this was the true cause of all their alarms and the reason why he brought him not into the Seraglio as formerly The Count was of the same judgment and both held it necessary to make good use of the occasion and that Laura who was to act the principal part should imploy her best address and complaisance in their favour The Bassa taking small pleasure in the Garden after the unhappy success of his amorous designs having done his endeavour to pacifie Chabania would bring her back to her Lodgings and pass'd by Alexander's Bower to let him understand it was time to with draw The Count followed him immediately being extreamly joyful to have come off so happily from a walk that had prov'd so full of adventures He bore his dear Sultaness company into her Apartment where he staid not long for fear of the Bassa but withdrew to his lodging He past the rest of the night very pleasantly though he slept not at all and the truth is he had reason enough to be well pleased though his Patron had not who was more labouring under mortal afflictions Laura whom he now was more deeply in Love with than ever put him in despair by her Rigours and Cruelties if no more pity from her then no more pleasure to be expected in his life His great affection for Alexander could not keep him from being his rival and wishing to share with him in the favours she did him His passion was arrived at a point which is the highest of sufferings that of not being loved and when he thought of the opportunity he had let slip the night before when he had Laura in his power he was so cruelly vext he could have found in his heart to be revenged of himself yet he had no great cause to blame his discretion for he had done enough and unless he would have driven his Gallantry to the last push of all he could not have done more He was not willing to declare himself to Alexander nor acquaint him with the thoughts he had newly entertained as well to prevent the displeasure he believed it would give him as for that he conceived the Count might be of use to him in the design and that the discovery might be to his prejudice In the Morning as soon as he was up he went as he sometimes was used to the Count's Chamber without any attendant and found him in Bed A Man said he must be as happy as Alexander in his Love before he can sleep as quietly as he If there be any answered the Count hath cause to commend his good fortune on that account it must without doubt be a Person of your comliness and Gallantry who to gain love need no more than say you are in love Yes replied the Bassa with a smile except it be to Laura who hath made me very sensible that I can sigh to no purpose and that the master of her person may not be the master of her heart It was necessary that Alexander should come from Europe to Africk to make that Conquest This Sir replyed the Count may be an instance of the Vagaries and Extravagancies of Love who often knows not where to fix but follows the effects of destiny or the Stars which are predominant over the affections And I believe Sir added he smiling as for the Love of Laura you are already very well satisfied and so little concerned where she bestows it that you never designed to make me in Love with her that you might be my Rival However said he observing the Bassa sigh I assure you should it so happen you cannot do me a greater favour than in letting me know it And you shall find that all the passion I can have for her shall not hinder any performance of the duty I owe you I will quit all my pretentions as I know you have the least design upon her that I may prevent all dispute with a Person to whom I am so deeply oblig'd that there can be nothing so dear to me but I will part with it for your sake Believe it Alexander answered the Bassa it is not so easie a matter to be disingaged from a passion like yours you may as well perswade me you cannot be in Love I am certainly in Love replied the Count and it may be as deeply as possible but having so many favours daily heaped on me from you there is nothing in the World I shall Love more than your repose and satisfaction And Sir if Laura appear now as amiable as formerly to you I must tell you again I love her no longer so easie a matter was it for the subtile Italian to be generous in parting with that in which he was so little concerned The Bassa asked him if he would say as much before Laura He answered he believed him too just and too gallant to desire him to make a declaration of that nature before one who had been his Mistress At last the Bassa proposed another walk in the Garden that very day and at the same time prayed him to write about it to Laura which the Count having not been able to avoid received this answer The burnt child dreads the fire we do not commonly expose our selves twice to the same danger The Bassa's usage of me last night gives me small encouragement to trust him the second time And you are an eye-witness how ill I was handled by her he had with him Let it satisfie you that if you come hither I will have the honour to see you But no more walking The Bassa much troubled at so unexpected an answer went out of the Counts Chamber without saying a word and pass'd in solitude the rest of the day But in the Evening he went to the Sultaness where he presently met Laura who inquiring of Alexander and why he had not brought him with him would it displease you said the Bassa if I supplied his place this Evening that were too great an honour for me replied Laura smiling but the Sultaness expects you and is
utmost in her power to resist him and knew though a little too late that she was abused and that this Man had neither the shape nor the stature nor face of her Alexander and that it must be the Bassa which some marks she knew about him soon put out of question she changed her method and stood upon her guard The resistance she made after the kindness she exprest at the first was observed by the Gallant and made him perceive that the cheat was discovered and no hopes of hiding himself So that without further dallying he made his last efforts and rendred those of the Sultaness so useless that he obtained his design This transported Lover was happy at least in conceit which sufficiently proves the power of imagination and that our greatest pleasures proceed from it I am sure there is no unfortunate Lover but may envy his mistake and that chance could not put a greater obligation on any Man than this on the Bassa His passion thus satisfied he withdrew without saying a word and the Lady made all the haste she could to her Chamber for fear the passionate Bassa should renew the assault Laura who had been much troubled at missing of her was no less amazed to see her come in the condition she was in which made her throw her self on the Bed where half weeping half laughing she told her the story of the adventure At which Laura did nothing but laugh expecting very pleasant conclusions from so comical beginnings The Count had been at the Bassa's in the Evening and not finding him within came on the Morrow to acquaint him with the resolution he had taken on the proposal As he entred the apartment he was told that the Bassa had been ill that night and had not slept at all and that he had forbidden any entrance into his Chamber but the Count having more priviledg than others they let him pass and he found him abed and writing with so sad a meen and so dejected a countenance that the Count presently concluded he had had a very ill night seeing Alexander on the sudden he coloured a little but the Count laying one knee to the ground I come Sir said he to beg one favour more of you You are the principal Author of all the Love I am engaged in it is my misfortune that you feel the same passion Accept I beseech you the sacrifice I make you Sir I will never love and if you will have it so I will never see Laura more Bless me cryed the Bassa what Lovers are these is it possible that two persons who began to love one another with so tender affection can part with such ease and that I who am not beloved cannot bring my self to this speak Alexander and tell me whether it proceeds from any distast you have taken or that you do it for my sake No Sir answered the Count Laura is this day as amiable in my eyes as the first day I saw her but rather than see you in the condition I find you in I will not spare the doing my self any violence I am capable of and for your quiet and my own I heartily wish I never had seen her This example is so rare replyed the Bassa that nothing less than the esteem I have for you can make it credible In the mean time this Billet will let you see that I have not staid for you to set me a President but that I know in my turn how to give Presidents for others to imitate but not to out-do It is written to Laura read it And there it will appear to you that if I have done you wrong I know how to punish my self for it I should be heartily sorry so virtuous and excellent a person as you should part from us with an ill opinion of me The Count extreamly surprized at this discourse not comprehending the reason of it after an answer full of respect and acknowledgment to his dear Patron took the Billet and there read these words If all the passion Man can have for a Woman is not capable to justifie the crime I committed against you you ought to pardon me at least having suffered in one night all the torments and afflictions of a cruel repentance which yet fills my soul with grief and confusion And if by giving you and your Lover your Liberty I may in some measure make amends for my faults you may make you ready for your voyage for to morrow morning you shall go both together Farewel and think of the violence I did my self in forcing from my bosom two persons whom of all I ever saw I loved most entirely and then you will find me not altogether unworthy of pardon The Count was so confounded at reading the Billet as never was Man and had much ado to hide the disorder it put him in he kneeled the second time as it were to give the Bassa thanks for this last favour which before his engagement in Love with the Sultaness had been the greatest he could have done him but now after his passion it was certainly the greatest misfortune could befal him He was willing by this action to hide from the Bassa the trouble he was in But the Bassa took him up and told him he could not see him in that posture for a business where he had more cause to complain of him than to thank him that he should know at leisure the whole matter from Laura and that in the mean time he had nothing to do but prepare for his voyage that he had given order to stay a Christian Vessel which should have gone off that very day for Italy and should land them at Legorn that the weather was fair and that without fail he should embark with Laura on the morrow for all which he gave him his word The Count having taken leave of the Bassa went out of the Chamber with a heart so full of trouble and affliction for the News he had received that he wanted a more proper place to comfort himself and to vent his thoughts of the resolution the Bassa had taken to give him his Liberty and to send Laura with him He knew not what might have obliged him to a resolution of this nature though upon reading the Billet he did imagine the Bassa had committed some outrage on Laura but this was not the thing troubled him it was the Sultaness from whom he must part and must bid her adieu for ever to part with a Woman one loved so tenderly to part with her for ever and to part with her in the height of his passion sounds very harsh and where is the Lover could take such a resolution for any reason what-ever Yet Liberty which to a Man who knows what 't is to be a Slave to a Man of Alexander's quality is a thing so attractive to return to his Countrey after eight or nine months absence the pleasure of Rome and the consideration that if he lost this opportunity
he might perhaps never have such another all this I say made such a Party that the most beautiful and most charming Lady in the World could not have hindred many excellent persons from quitting hers to take it But true Love which values nothing above its own satisfaction slights a liberty to be bought with too many tears yet in this conjuncture it was almost impossible for Alexander to refuse this cruel liberty being all he could in appearance desire and bestowed on him by the Bassa with a Mistress with whom he believed him passionately in love What reason could he find to refuse such a Present which had cost the Bassa so dear and ought to be the most acceptable to him He despaired to find any and saw clearly there was a necessity of parting unless Love favourable to Lovers in extremity would come to his aid and make the Bassa alter his resolution as they commonly do who take any against Love never did Slave pay more Vows to be delivered from his Chain than he did for the continuance of his Captivity choosing rather to be a Slave the rest of his Life than to be for ever removed to such a distance from that which he loved a thousand times more than his Liberty The Bassa having passed some hours after in his Bed to muse upon the resolution he had taken which he adhered to though it made his heart ake called for his Aga and gave him orders for the departure of the two Christians causing store of Provisions and very rich Presents to be carried on board the Vessel this done he sent his chief Eunuch to the Sultaness his Wife to intreat her to give Laura her Liberty whom he was minded to send home to her Country together with Alexander for reasons of importance to her as of necessity for him and for the ease and repose of one and the other Having given these orders and the same time sent the Letter he had written to Laura he took Horse for Bardou one of his Houses of Pleasure a mile from the Town and staid there till midnight having all that time walked alone in the Gardens to wean himself from the sight and company of Alexander and the pleasure he took in Laura's discourse That night the Bassa could not sleep and in the Morning his Aga being come to bring him an answer from the Sultaness as to his request for giving Laura her Liberty he went presently to carry it to Alexander whom he found in appearance ready to be gone but in truth never less disposed but hoping every moment some change of resolution in the Bassa Ah Alexander said he we must part but I know not how we shall for the Sultaness who loves Laura with the same affection I do you notwithstanding my representing to her how much she was concerned in interest to have us part and to desire it as much as I cannot resolve upon it but hath sent me word this Morning she will sooner loose her Life than her Laura You must go see Laura and tell her 't will be her fault if she be not free and go along with you for as for me what I have promised I will perform In the mean time I will give order that the Vessel be staid longer that it may not sail without you Sir answered Alexander there are frequent opportunities of Transportation and when you have given some longer time to satisfie the Sultaness and dispose her to grant Laura this favour our obligation then will not be less for our Liberty you are now pleased to grant us Alexander replied the Bassa resolutions like that I have now taken in your favour go so much against the grain of a heart affected as mine that delays may be dangerous and time may make them faulter make use of the good motions reason and equity have inspired into me I do not tell you my thoughts are unalterable The spite I have against my heart for its weakness the outrage I did Laura yesterday my shame to appear before her after it and the small hopes I have of gaining her Love are the true causes of your good fortune All this is yet fresh in my mind stay not till time deface these impressions there being nothing men are apt so soon to forget as the injuries they had done to others As they were discoursing together a huge Moor who served as Purveyor for the Count and brought him every Morning his Provision from the Seraglio came on the sudden into the Chamber with a great Basket on his head not thinking without doubt of the Bassa's being there The Moor started at the sight of him would have gone back but the Bassa with his hand made signs for him to stay he obeyed and laid the Basket on the ground which appeared very heavy and so he withdrew the Bassa of pure curiosity to see what they had sent Alexander to eat bid a Moor who waited in the Room take up the Basket lid which he did and found the Provision to be a Woman very pleasantly tucked up and mufled in her Barnus that she might not be known But being in the Habit of a Christian which the Bassa and Alexander had formerly seen Laura in they made no doubt but it was she The Bassa at first was very much surprized but then fell a laughing and said to the Count the Invention is rare and that she had far more wit than the Women of that Country but this is a product of Love the Father of Inventions However 't is certain nothing could have been done more proper for our design But shall not we see said he all your Provision Madam you are here between the two best Friends you have in the World and you have no reason to be shy of shewing your self having said this he drew near to the Lady and would have taken her by the arm to help her to rise but she refused and thrust him back I see Madam said he you have not yet granted me the pardon I begged of you I confess the offence was too great to be so quickly forgiven but you are taking your leave and it is not fit we should part without being friends for it would be a perpetual grief to me to see you leave this Country with hatred in your heart Deny not this favour added he reaching forth his hand to a man reduced to despair for having offended you and punishing himself so severely for the fault that there is no need of this extream curelty from you But all he spoke was in vain for she hid her self more closely and fortify'd her self in the Basket to prevent being seen The Bassa was unwilling to press her any further but addressing himself to Alexander told him it was his part to make peace and to prevail with Laura to let him see her once more being the last time The Count took it ill that she made so shy of shewing her self to a Person to whom she was too much obliged
seems to have raised up for my ruin It was the Marquess Hippolito of the House of Accelyn equally considerable for his good parts as his Birth a Youth whose outside was taking enough to charm at first sight but as traiterous and wicked within as he was outwardly handsom and well accomplished When you have heard out my story you will say I speak with too much moderation It is hard to hate what we have been once truly in Love with In spite of that unpardonable outrage he did me I find that if I saw him and had it in my power to take my revenge of him by death which he hath but too well deserved my resentment would give place to the inclination I had for him He was newly come from France and had got the Court-air so peculiar and natural to those of quality of that Nation I was extreamly pleased to see him and looked upon him with delight the first time he appeared at Court and was sensible of it though with shame and anger at my self From thenceforth he was constantly in my thoughts though very troublesome to me I was displeased with my self for it and would upon any terms have put him out of my mind but the more I endeavoured it the more I found him settled there I saw him several times after and to the end the War within me would fain have perswaded my self it was not for my honour to entertain such thoughts of that Gentleman but I found in the end my ingenuity deceived me That which contributed most to my ruin that both by his looks and his actions he seemed to prefer me before all the Ladies of the Court and though he did not declare so much yet I could observe he had more than an ordinary respect for me and would now and then say to my self some things I fancied he might and would have said to me At last I made my self of his Party and blaming my past coyness I thought it very allowable and just to have some esteem for a man who merited it from all the World Having once entertained this thought and convinced of it as reasonable my passion and Love finding my heart already more than half open press'd in and absolutely took it The Viceroy's Lady who often diverted her self in entertaining me with all the Intrigues of the Court having one day told me several Stories asked me if I knew the Marquess Hippolito's Mistress for that for some days past she observed him very solitary and out of humour which she took for an effect of some inclination Had she look'd upon me when she asked me the question she might read in my countenance how much I was concerned for I chang'd colour three or four times But being upon the Tarrass of the Palace on the Country side she was looking that way and took no notice of me so that having time to recover my self I answered with an affected coldness that he was a dull young fellow and I believed incapable of Love and thereupon out of Jealousie her question had raised in me I made a description of him as really unlike him as contrary to the thoughts I had of him The Viceroy's Lady fell a laughing and having looked upon me so as she believed would have put me out of countenance is it possible says she that you should think so of a man whom all the other Ladies esteem the handsomest of the Court If I were not very well perswaded of your indifference for all men I should believe of you quite contrary to what you say But look to your self for sooner or later you will be met with and your insensible heart shall have her turn as well as others As for me I confess were I as you that young Gentleman would please me and I would not have you slight him think of it he is a Person of merit and worth and wants nothing of what may justly deserve Love from a fair Lady as you are Who would not have believed but she spoke in good earnest Who could have mistrusted her after so many kindnesses and favours she daily laid out on me I know not whether I was to blame but must confess I yielded my self to be taken and was ready to unsay in her presence all that I had spoken against the Marquess Hippolito and to acknowledge I had prevented her in the thoughts she had been pleased to inspire into me of him but my modesty restrained me I thought my self concerned in honour to expect an Address from him before I would confess my self taken I could never discover perfectly this Ladies design but as far as I can guess by the consequence she question'd me of pure jealousie endeavouring to discover whether I had any affection for the Marquess She had often seen us talk together judging by her thoughts of him that it was hard enough for a Lady to be acquainted with a Gentleman of so many charming Qualities without loving him she had doubtless some apprehension I had on his account ceas'd to be insensible But finding by what I said that I continued indifferent her jealousie giving place to Love-policy she desired to settle some friendship between him and me to serve her for a pretence to see him as oft as she desired At least I am of opinion these were the reasons obliged her to speak of me as she did and to tell me if ever I meant to love I could not make a better choice I stood out stifly to the end telling her my Liberty was so precious that I would not part with it for any consideration in the World if the keeping depended wholly on me But because those of my condition were not born to enjoy it all their Life whatever I endured I would be guided by my Friends and absolutely obey their pleasure who had the right to dispose of me Hereupon she embraced me and said All the Maids of the World would be wise were they of my humour and followed my example In the mean time since I was resolved not to slight the Counsel of Friends it was her advice I should admit the Marquess Hippolito to see me sometimes But Madam said I interrupting her hath he desired leave to do it and is it at his request that you make the motion She answered saying that I need not trouble my self for that but might believe this overture came not altogether from her and that the Marquess had found me out as well as others You may imagine what a pleasure she did me in telling me this who desired nothing more than the love of that Gentleman This discourse being over we parted extreamly mistaken in our thoughts of one another She imagin'd I was still the same and altogether insensible of love and I thought she had spoken as a Friend and really desired to see me in love with the Marquess We began to have the young Lords company after the particular kindness between him and Don Alphonso Son to the Viceroy gave
to gain her self Advantage but I was so opprest with grief at the News that I was utterly incapable of making any reflection she was a Lady the most dexterous and insinuating on Earth and made so good use of the power she had over me that she not only shook the passion I was under but help'd me to take resolution to rid my self of it though with the loss of my life To bring this about I thought it necessary to find another Beauty to amuse my Affections but where-ever I cast my eyes in the Court or out of it I could discover nothing capable to make me forget one moment the Charms of the beautiful Eleanor The Vice-Queen having after that evening said nothing to me of it saw me one morning alone in her Chamber where her Son had newly left me she asked me smiling Whether I had taken her advice and followed her Counsels Madam answered I that cannot be done without my having equal command over my Affections as you have over yours or finding at least in another Lady those Excellencies I admire in the fair Eleanor This Discourse had not pleased her could she have thought her self of the number of those others I mentioned not comparable to Eleanor But the good opinion she had of her self and the respect due to her quality contributed to the good construction she made of my expressions so that my words gave no offence but on the contrary being extreamly glad no Beauty at Court but Eleanor's pleased me she told me smiling She would find me out a Person that wanted nothing of what might engage the affections of a gallant man and that she was very well assur'd I would not deny it I gave her a thousand thanks not doubting in the least of the good success of her choice but was very unwilling to abuse her great goodness that as to Eleanor she had done her pleasure but that the respect due to her would not permit me to give away she should be at the trouble to find me a Mistress She told me she took delight in 't that she was loth any ones Affections should be lost for want of being engag'd and that knowing my merit she would think it a pleasure to serve me and take care I wanted nothing in her Court All this she said with an air so free so full of goodness it charm'd me And I had almost answered She might without further search find in her self what she promised me elsewhere The truth is setting aside her Age she might have pass'd for one of the fairest and best humoured Women of the Kingdom but I was not willing to venture so far for fear of miscarriage and was content to wait for a sight of her she would provide for me I desired her not to make me languish being an impatient Lover and in a condition required present remedy She assur'd me I should hear from her that day and that I had no more to do but prepare my self to be deeply in Love At this we were interrupted by company coming in which oblig'd me to withdraw I spent the rest of the morning in musing of what pass'd between us guessing sometimes she meant one Lady sometimes another of those I knew most intimate with her and most proper for the design but could not fix my judgment on any This gave me some disquiet and trouble with an impatient desire to see the Vice-Queen again I made in the afternoon forty journeys to Court to see if she had any thing to say to me she laughed at my haste and at length told me my hour was not yet come nor the day gone that I should go home and have patience and when the time came she would send me news Night came but no news from the Vice-Queen which made me believe she fool'd me so that I could not forbear returning to the Palace where I heard she was gone to visit a Lady her Friend I was so ready to imagine it was the Lady she spoke of that I enquired her name and where she lived but could not learn either The caution she had used in that particular fully convinc'd me she was gone about my business and that she made the visit private that my love might be as secret and the Court kept ignorant how far her complaisance had carried her to serve me I return'd in all haste to my Lodging as assur'd of all this nor was I much mistaken for I was scarce got thither but I received from her a Billet brought me by a Lady attended with two Chairs and express'd as follows I have done what you desired and I think found out the person you wanted you will easily confess I am very much your friend the sole acknowledgment I expect is you would not make me a Lyar having promised the Lady that upon the bare description I made you of her you would bring her a heart full of love See you do it for it you deceive me in this I shall never pardon you the fault You have no more to do but follow her that brings you this Billet without noise or attendance for you are to come into a place of safety Had it come from any other I should not have gone without a Guard at distance but coming from the Vice-Queen I could not suspect danger All I thought of it was that being a jovial and pleasant Lady she had a frollick in her head and resolved to put on me some pleasant trick without more ado I made me ready to laugh with her in good earnest I went into one of the Chairs and followed her who brought the Billet and was got into the other They carried us a great way into a private part of the Town and there set down the Chairs which my Guide sent away and we marched a little further till we came to a house which made a fair shew I learnt afterwards it belong'd to a Lady of her Bed-Chamber her Confident who indeed was my Guide and having open'd the door made me go in without noise I saw neither lacquey nor light This surpriz'd me and made me the more confident some frollick intended I sald not a word but prepar'd in case things went not as I could wish to have my share of the mirth with them who came to laugh at my cost At last the Lady took me by the hand to lead me up a pair of stairs in the dark which brought us to a room no lighter then the stairs and thence into a Chamber where were two Flamboys lighted It appeared a good room but what pleased me most was the sight of a fair Lady who carelesly laid on a very rich bed seemed asleep with her hood over her face I began to repent my censure of the Vice-Queen whom I then thought to have written in good earnest I say nothing in this Lady but what pleased me extreamly and to speak the truth it was the sole moment I may be said to have forgot the fair
prevented not her being reduced to that extremity they gave her over as desperate so that finding her self at deaths door she sent for me to her Chamber and having desired to speak with me in private the rest of the company quitted the Room and she told me that Don Alphonso having gained her she did him all the Service she could against me with her Mistress and having over-heard part of my last discourse with Eleanor she instantly acquainted my Rival with it who transported with rage and despair against a design so fatal to his Affection resolved by any means to defeat it and if possible make advantage of it for himself That in order to this he made her write a Letter and carry it me as from her Mistress that Don Alphonso took his time and his measures accordingly having learnt from her the hour and the manner of my coming to Eleanor's Chamber that he got in without difficulty but what pass'd further she knew not only some hours after hearing the noise of Swords she ran in where she found her Mistress all in disorder packing away that she would have followed her but her Mistress begg'd of her to let her go alone At last finding the noise increase in the Vice-Queens Chamber she was frighted and went towards the Port where I found her with that the unhappy Girl with abundance of tears begged that now at her death I would pardon her a Crime had cost her her life She said no more but two hours after died I will not tell you the different motions of my heart during the dismal Relation this Wretch made me but the appearance of Death in her face made me pardon her As for Don Alphonso I heartily wish'd him alive again as not sufficiently punished by one Death for his Treason but the Traytors being both in another World I had no Subject to exercise my Revenge on unless my ill Fate against which I spent my time in fruitless Complaints To compleat my misery News came the Bark we expected was lost which was confirmed by Advice from several Parties Never man in such despair as I I will not tell you the extravagancies it made me run into it distracts me to think on 't there was no other remedy to bring me to my self but to perswade me the News from Sea were not so sure but that we had reason to expect further Confirmation and that Vessels reported cast away came frequently safe into Port that the Sea was a large Countrey and one Vessel might be easily mistaken for another and that many fell into the hands of the Turks which were supposed to have been wracked because they were not heard of This gave me but small comfort yet I thought I had some reason of hope undertaking a Voyage to visit all the Ports of the Levant till I should learn some certainty of the Felucca I was in search of The Aga having finished his Story Assen told him he was very glad for his sake that Matters pass'd otherwise than Eleanor believed that it would be no hard matter to make his peace when she understood the Treachery of her Chamber-maid that he was not to wonder at the Anger she express'd against him for that she knew not any of the Particulars he related to justifie himself but suspected him of Intelligence with Don Alphonso to betray her Heavens is it possible cries Hippolito she should do my Love the injury to entertain such a thought of me had I not loved her as I did could she fancy me capable of so much baseness Sir said Assen when there 's Evidence against us and no Plea in defence for our justification we are easily cast what could you expect a Lady dishonoured by the Son should have believed of you whom she found in the Arms of the Mother but that he sacrificed the one to you that you might leave him the other Ah! Assen replies the Aga with a sigh let 's talk no more of what 's past as innocent as I am of the one side I must acknowledge my self guilty of the other But let me entreat you to excuse and extenuate the fault as much as you can before her or rather never speak of it but endeavour only to disabuse her and alter the ill opinion she hath of me and assure your self what-ever Fortune befal me I will not be ungrateful for the Service you will do me I believe you have heard from her who I am and if the condition she is in or any other Reason hath oblig'd her to conceal her Birth and other things concerning her that might render her more worthy the zeal you have for her Service I will satisfie your curiosity in every particular Assen thanked him and fell a laughing and answered He had known her too long to want Instructions in those Particulars and could give a better account of her Birth and Family than any Person what-ever The Aga surpriz'd at it entreated him earnestly to let him understand how he being a Turk should so long and so particularly know her Assen told him the Story and part of what happen'd at Genes It was day by that time Assen had done which put them in mind of taking some resolution about the design in hand and the means to be made use of to get Laura out of the Castle without danger They thought of several ways but all appeared full of uncertainty and inconvenience yet they two could best do it of any the one having all the power over Laura's Guards and the other over the Garrison of the Castle But all things were so strictly examined by the vigilance of the inferior Officers whom the Dey a man as vigilant as fearful had strictly commanded to be always on Guard and not permit any to come in or go out without taking exact notice of them that it was absolutely necessary to take right measures and still fear the success Assen at length bethought himself of a Stratagem the less subject to discovery as covered under a cloak of Religion though in truth apt to startle a nice Girl as Laura There was a Souldier of the Castle dead the night afore to be buried that day he resolved to lock up the Corps in a Chamber and carry out Laura on the Bier as if she had been the Souldier to be buried in the Church-yard behind the Castle The Aga was of opinion there could be no danger in the expedient but doubted much whether Laura could be induc'd to make use of it yet after long consultation and discourse of other means they thought that not only the best but the only one they could promise themselves a good design from But to prevent the trouble Laura might have upon the apprehension of Death or other sad Accident they agreed not to tell her of the Bier but propose carrying her out in a Chair This being resolved on Assen who was to see her that morning undertook to perswade her to it and the Aga in the mean