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A18441 [A treatise against the Defense of the censure, giuen upon the bookes of W.Charke and Meredith Hanmer, by an unknowne popish traytor in maintenance of the seditious challenge of Edmond Campion ... Hereunto are adjoyned two treatises, written by D.Fulke ... ] Charke, William, d. 1617, attributed name.; Fulke, William, 1538-1589. 1586 (1586) STC 5009; ESTC S111939 659,527 941

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he quare venerit in carne Christus inueniemus qui eum negant in carne venisse Let vs inquire wherefore Christ came in the flesh and we shall finde who they are which denie him to haue come in the flesh For if you giue heede to their tongues you shall heare manie heretikes confessing that Christ came in the flesh but the trueth conuinceth them wherefore came Christ in the flesh was he not God was it not saide of him In the beginning was the worde and the worde was with God and the worde was God did he not feede the Angells and doth not he him-selfe feede the Angells did he not so come that he departed 〈◊〉 fromthence did he not so ascend that he did not forsake vs Then wherefore came he in the flesh Because the hope of resurrection ought to haue bene shewed vnto vs. He was God and he came in the flesh for God could not die the flesh could therefore he came in the flesh that he might die for vs. And how died he for vs No man hath greater loue then this to giue his life for his friendes therefore loue brought him to the flesh Whosoeuer therefore hath not loue denieth Christ to haue come in the flesh It is manifest now by this discourse of Augustine vppon some particuler causes of Christ comming in the flesh that his cheife and principall offices cannot be excluded in the right interpretation of this text and therefore Master Charke hath rightlie inferred that whoesoeuer denieth the offices of Christ or any parte of them is no lesse confounded by this scripture then they that denie his person or anie parte or essentiall propertie thereof and that by the consent of the auncient fathers exposition without the which also the text is euident of it selfe For the verie names of Iesus and Christ doe comprehende his offices which whoesoeuer denieth although in wordes he confesse his person and names doth make but an Idoll of Iesus Christe whoesoeuer therefore confesseth not Christ to be a Sauiour Prophet King and Priest is not of God but of Antichrist he whosoeuer confesseth not that he is a wholl and onelie Sauiour Prophet King and Priest is of the same spirite of Antichrist that denieth Iesus Christ being come in the flesh or as the vulgare translation hath that dissolueth Iesus For whoesoeuer setteth vp anie other Sauiour Prophet King or Priest in that sense that these offices pertaine vnto Iesus Christ dissolueth Iesus denieth Iesus Christ to haue come in the flesh whoe came to be our onelie Master-teacher according to the manifest texts of scripture which hath taught vs all thinges likewise our onelie spiritual King eternall and high priest whose office both kinglie and priestlie being confirmed to him by an othe passeth not from him vnto anie other in succession but remaineth alwaies the onelie mightie Prince King of Kinges and Lord of Lordes Whoesoeuer therefore derogateth from Christ anie parte of these dignities offices denieth Iesus Christ comming in the flesh and so doe the popish Catholikes or papistes by their doctrine of traditions Popes authoritie sacrifice of the Masse and such like Nay saith the answerer Martine Luther interpreteth this place to be vnderstoode of M. Charke and his fellowes saying That spirit is not of God but of Antichrist which dissolueth Christes flesh in the sacrament It cannot be denied but Martin Luther was in this case to rash and presumptuous in condemning other men for holding this contrarie to that wherein he erred him-selfe But this answerer is too impudent to faigne sayings wordes of his yea and to applie that which he saied further then Luther him selfe doth For first these wordes that are alleadged as Luthers saying are none of his but forged by the answerer Secondlie that which Luther saieth founding to such a matter can not be drawne against M. Charke and his fellowes who maintaine no such absurditie as Luther in that place oppugneth The very wordes of Luther in his booke intituled Defen verb Caenae Accipite c. are these Quare in superioribus dixi hunc spiritum non esse bonum neque per istos fanaticos homines quicquam boni machinari quanquam existimem hos concionatores contra quos haec scribuntur nondum mali quicquam in animo habere Sed bone Deus non sunt sui ipsorum compotes continentes à 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 captiui tenentur Quare eis nimium sidendum non ect Nam spiritus qui Christi carnem dissoluit non est à Deo inquit Ioannes idqque probam spirituum vult esse Hic spiritus verè dissoluit carnem Christi cùm cam inutilem pereuntem prorsus communem carnem affirmat qualis est bouis aut vituli Wherefore I saide before that this spirite is not good neither goeth about any good thing by these fantasticall men the rebellious boures although I suppose these preachers against whome these thinges are now written as yet to haue none euil thinge in their minde But good God they haue no power nor holde of them selues they are blinded and holden captiue by a spirite wherefore they must not be trusted too much For that spirite which dissolueth the flesh of Christ is not of God saith Saint Iohn and that he will haue to be the triall of spirites This spirite in deede dissolueth the flesh of Christ when it affirmeth that it is vnprofitable perishing and altogether common flesh such as is the flesh of an Oxe or a calfe This is Luthers saying now it is certein that M Charke and his fellowes doe neithet thinke nor speake so vnreuerentlie of the flesh of Christ animated with his spirite which they acknowledge to be verie true meate wherewith we are fed vnto eternall life They had some smacke of Nestorianisme therefore against whome Luther vttereth these wordes from which M. Charke and his fellowes God be thanked are free But now commeth our answerer after he hath forged a place of Luther and hammered it out against Master Charke to maruaile that these men can finde so many absurdities vpon one sentence of scripture and first he would aske whether Master Charke thinketh that the Papistes doe exclude Christ when they allowe Prophets to teach vnder him Kinges to raigne vnder him Priests to sanctifie vnder him or no. As though there were no waie for Papists to be guiltie of Antichristianisme except they did exclude Christ altogether whereas it hath bene prooued that whosoeuer doth not acknowledge the wholl and euerie part of his offices is of Antichrist As for Prophets Kinges and Priests to teach reigne and sanctifie vnder Christ is not the matter in question but to teach reigne sanctify beside Christ to claime like authotitie in teaching gouerning sanctifying with him as to be fellow Prophets fellow Kings fellow priestes with him to teach that Christ taught not to make articles of faith to dispense against Gods commaundements to make lawes to binde the
Apostle beginneth to speake of this place of Moses in these wordes The righteousnes which is of faith saith thus Say not in thy heart who shall go vp into heauen that is to bring downe Christ or who shall go downe into the deepe that is to cal Christ from the dead But what saith the scripture The word is neere in thy mouth and in thy heart this is the word of faith which we preach Here is the application of the text to the Gospell and not to the lawe But the text you saie is not so euident for Saint Ierome either the author or the corrector of this translation knew what the hebrew words importe and how they are applied by Saint Paul as well as William Charke Here is a vaine and an odious comparison without neede or cause For who will graunt vnto you that S. Ierome was either author or corrector of the vulgar translation that we now haue None surelie that fauoreth the credite of Saint Ierom who though he haue some in this age as well Papists as Protestantes better learned in the hebrew then he was yet was he farre better learned then that he would haue suffered either in translation or in corre ction such grosse faults as be in that vulgar translation which we now haue As for Saint Pauls application of that parte of the sentence which he toucheth you saie make eth wholy for yow as after shall be shewed Well when you shew it we shal shape you an answer But now to the very words of the text itselfe Niphleth which as you confesse that it fignifieth to be hidden so you affirme that it signifieth also to be maruelous to be hard and difficult as appeareth Psalm 13 9and 2. Sam. 1. which we do not deny so you vnderstande to be difficult and hard for want of knowledge and not for want of power For you are not hable to bring an example where this verb Phala which most properlie signifieth to be hidden or vnknowen is taken in that sense you would haue it here namelie to be harde or difficulte for lacke of strength That it signifieth to be meruelous it is because merueling is vpon causes that are hid or vnknowen The Chaldee and Greeke must either be answerable to the Hebrue or els they are to be reiected as vntrue or vnproper translations Although the Chaldee word signifieth the same that the hebrew whereunto if you ad the signification of separation yet it must be separation from knowledge and not from strength or els it answereth not vnto the originall As also the greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth as you saie exceeding immeasurable greate passing all meane c. must be vnderstood for exceeding measure in knowledge or els it is not right and so maie your latine suprate be vnderstood also as Saint Ierome translateth the same verb Ps. 139. where it is manifestlie taken for maruelous in respect of the want of knowledge And therfore none of these three wordes vsed in the three auncient tongues hauing a negation before them do expresse so much as you would gather by the vulgar translation the law is not aboue thy strength Wherefore you may take bayard whome to your owne stable that make such ignorant and impudent conclusions as an Arcadian beast that had learned but a while vnder Apuleius would not make for shame But if Saint Ierome will not satisfie vs you bid vs take Saint Austen who saie you handleth both the wordes alledged of Moses and also the application vsed by Saint Paul of parte of the sentence and prooueth out of both the very same conclusion that we do to witte that the law is not aboue our abilitie to keepe it and for confirmation thereof he addeth maenie other textes of scripture as my yoke is sweete and my burthen light also his commaundements are not heauie and the like concluding in these wordes we must beleeue most firmelie that God being iust and good could not commaund impossible thinges vnto man That you maie vnderstand how manie waies he mocketh vs with his dumme quotations and shameles collections I will sette downe the wholl Chapter which he quoteth De natura gratia c. 69. Valde autem bona sunt praecepta c. The commaundements are verie good if we vse them lawfullie Far euen by the same whereby it is moste firmelie beleeued that God being iust and good could not commaund thinges impossible hereof we are admonished both in easy things what to do and in hard things what to craue For all thinges are made easie to loue to which alone the burthen of Christ is light or that alone is the selfe same burthen which is light According to this it is said And his commaundements are not heauie that he to whome they are heauie maie consider that it could not haue beene said of God they are not heauie but because there maie be such an affection of the heart to which they are not heauie and may aske that which he lacketh that he maie fulfill that which is commaunded And that which is said vnto Israel in Deutronomie if it be Godlie if it be holylie if it be spirituallie vnderstood signifieth the selfe same thing for when the Apostle had rehearsed this testimonie The word is neare in thy mouth in thy heart which this man hath in thy hands for in the heart are spirituall hands this saith he is the word of faith whih we do preach Euerie one theresore being conuerted as there is commaunded vnto the Lord his God with all his heart and all his soule let him not accompt the commaundement of God to be heauie For how is it heauie when it is the commaundement of loue For euerie man either loueth not and therefore it is heauie or he loueth and then it can not be heauie He loueth if as Israel is there admonished he be conuerted to the lord his God with all his heart with all his soule I giue you saith he a new commaundement that you loue one another and he that loueth his neighbour hath fulfilled the law and loue is the fulfilling of the law according to this is that also spoken If they walked in good pathes they should haue found the pathes of righteousnes to be light How then is it said Because of the wordes of thy lippes I haue kept hard waies but because both is true They are hard to feare and liht to loue Therefore loue begonne is iustice be gonne loue proceeded is iustice proceeded great loue is great iustice perfect loue is perfect iustice loue I meane comming out of a pure heart a good conscience and out of faith not fained which then is greatest in this life when for it the life it selfe is contemned But I maruell if it haue not wherein to increase when it is departed out of this mortall life But where soeuer and whensoeuer it is so full that nothing can be added vnto it yet is it not spread in our hearts by
it was in the Apostles That the Church of God meaneth not to make all men partakers of the pardons which would seeme to be rel eued thereby but such onelie as be of sit disposition therefore and how they ought to be qualified that must be partakers thereof THE 10. CHAP. ALLEN IT is here necessarie therefore that we should aduertise al men that the Popes and Bishoppes of holie Church though they haue not onelie by Christes expresse worde but also by the warrant of the Apostles and practize of their predecessours authoritie to binde and loose yet cuerse of their Pardons or releasing of penance not alwaies to be beneficiali to euerie one that shall claime benefit thereby either in the world present or the next For the holy sacraments themselues doe not at all times attaine to that effect in man for which they were instituted by Christ through the vnworthines of the partie that should receiue them Therefore to make the Pardon 's beneficiall at there must be good consideration and respect in the giuer so the receiuer must by especiall loue zeale and deuotion be made fit and apt to be par taker of so singular a treasure The giuer of the Pardons because he is man may haue sinester respect to the parties person whome he seeketh to pleasure either for kindred for frindship for feare for ritches for honour and such like and they which required them maie for slouthfullnes because they lost not doe penance for their sinnes or for delicatenesse whiles they refuse to absteine from thinges that be pleasaunt for recompence of their pleasures past in these and such other cases some Popes may give by the abuse of their keies authoritie or by error proceeding on false suggestion a pardon as the penitent may also receiue in the face of man But let them assure them-selues that so be affected that God himselfe who cannot be deluded nor by sinester affection caried from iust iudgement will not here confirme the sentence of his seruant who was in this matter either himselfe to blame without cause to bestowe so pretious a pearle of Gods mercie or else the partie vnfit that required to be partaker of that grace whereof afore God he is prooued vnworthie Though the preheminence be neuer so great yet as 〈◊〉 the keie of order may erre through the fault of one partie in remitting sinnes in the sacrament as the keic of iurisdiction may erre in pardoning the inioyned penance out of the sac 〈◊〉 Therefore it is not good for 〈◊〉 man to leaue his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vndore or to omie such necessarie workes of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at whereby he shalrather be unworthie to be partaker of a 〈◊〉 FVLKE If the poopish Church haue another meaning then the Pope the heade in meaning is deuided from the body The Popes meaning is 〈◊〉 by his wordes which he vseth in his Pardons If the Pope also haue a contrary meaning to his words what is he then but an impupent dissembler which 〈◊〉 great thinges and deceiueth them that pay for them which suppose that their ware is as good as it seemeth to be But by your determination the matter is altogether mistaken Your first reason to prooue that pardons are not alwayes beneficiall to the receiuers is that the sacramentes haue not alwaies their effect thorough the vnworthines of the receiuers But if the receiuer be disposed according to the conditions expressed in the pardon he is capable of it by the iudgement of the canonists Your second reason is the sinister respect or error that may be in the giuer But it is not right that the receiuer being a capable person especiallie hauing paied for his ware should leese his benefit thorough the default of the giuer if he be such a one as hath autority to giue That slouthfulnes or delicatnes should exclude a man from the benefit of his pardon that is in state of grace as they terme it I suppose you are not able to prooue by any groundes of popery The glosse vppon the Bull of Iubileie first graunted by Pope Boniface 8. saith that the Pope declared consistorially that penances inioyned before are also taken away by commutation of the satisfactotic worke in this pardon prescribed and that vowes also except the vow of Ierusalem are taken away by this paidon not onely those vowes which were inioyned for commutation of penance as for satisfaction of sins but also those vowes that haue no such respect as if a man being in daunger of the sea or in siknes doe vow to goe to S. Ieames So that if a man wil performe such penance or vowes it is but a worke of supererogation But if the Pope may so easily erre in occupying of his key of iurisdiction as here you pretende no man can haue confidence in any pardon or dispensation of the Pope because he can not be assured whether the keie did erre in that pardon or iurisdiction likewise seeing the key of order may so easilie goe awrie what trust may a poore Papist haue that his sinnes be forgiuen him that must hang vppon the hitting or missing of tow so vncertaine keyes ALLEN Christ our Lord pardoned Mary Magdelen of manie sinnes and by all likelihood forgaue her all the paine due for her greeuaus offences both eternall and temporall Marie she was wonderfully well framed and apt to receiue such a singular benefit for shee loued exceeding much and therefore much was forgiuen her She washed Christes feet with her teares and with her heare of her head she wiped them againe She honoured Christes bodie with ointment of price towardes his buriall with other such expresse tokens of passing loue of our Lord which did winne her a pardon of so manie sinnes For of loue it is written Charitas operit multitudinem peccatorum Charitie couereth a number of faultes And yet after all this large remission if we beleeue histories of the Church shee ceased not all her life to doe passing pennance FVLKE It is certaine that Christ pardoned the sinnefull woman whereof Saint Luke speaketh as well of all paine as of all sinne And shee was wonderfully wel framed to receiue his pardon by the grace of God by which shee was endewed with faith as he himselfe acknowledgeth saying vnto her thy faith hath saued thee And this her faith was not idle but wrought thorough loue which shee acknowledged ought to be the greater as shee had receiued the greater mercie so gaue forth great tokens therof But her loue was not cause of her pardon or forgiuenes of her sinnes but because manie sinnes were forgiuen her therefore shee loued much as shee had greater cause for he to whome litle is forgiuen ioueth litle as it is manifest by the parable of the two debters Neither doth charitie couer manie sins by winning a pardon for them but as S. Peter citeth the prouerbe out of Salomon whoe declareth that it is the effect of loue to hide our neighbours faultes where hatred contrariwise
breedeth contention and exprobration of mens sinnes Of penance done by Marie Magdelen no auncient authenticall florie doth testifie and if it did it were hard to prooue that this sinnefull woman was Marie Magdelen ALLEN Indeed if we speake exactlie a Pardon doth not so much remit to the penitent anie good worke either freelie done or charged vnto vs by others appointmrnt as it doth release the bonde or debt of penance that where before I was of necessitie bounde to satisfaction for penance of my sinnes I maie now after the debt be remitted paie my penance freely that I maie not appeere vnworthie of other mens reliefe whiles I refuse not to worke also my selfe as a poore member in the wholl mysticall bodie of Christ in the knot whereof his mercie commeth vnto me And if it then so fall out that I by reason of sicknes or short life can not fulfill my penance I shall then departing hence be free by the grace of Christ graunted me in the Indulgence and so be whollie free of such debt as I els should haue supplied in purgatorie in my soule Let no man therefore doe lesse penance for anie pardons sake if his habilitie serue thereunto which is neuer giuen to hinder the fruites of good workes and repentance But where there is before God and our consciences iust cause whie we can not fulfill such necessarie and requisite satisfaction as is enioyned or deserued there we maie be in assured hope that God will confirme the sentence of his seruants Otherwise as Saint Cyprian saith if anie man not thus qualified seeke deceitfullie for a peace or pardon he deceiueth himselfe and Gods priest to who seeth the faces outwardlie of the penitents but the hearts of them God onelie beholdeth and accordieg to the behauiour of their mindes and meanings shall iudge them in the next worlde and amende in their punishment the sentence of his priests FVLKE If you spake exactlie before anie good worke that is inioyned as a penance and satisfaction for sinne is released by a pardon And the Popes declaration which I did latelie set downe out of the glosse affirmeth no lesse vpon his pardon But now to couer the shamefull abuse of the Popes pardons you extenuate the force and validity of them almoste as much as els where you magnified them Canonicall penance which you saide ought to be a rule of secret and shrift penance bindeth no man longer then his life For the Canons graunte a pardon of course at the houre of death euen to them that were excommunicated whereof it followeth that if the Popes pardon release not penance in this life it is good sor nothing As for cases of necessitie are dispensed with all by God himselfe without the Popes or anie mortall mans pardon For no inioyned penance can be of greater band then the rest of the sabbath which yet for necessitie maie be broken as our Sauiour sheweth by the example of Dauid eating the shewe bread which otherwise then in the case of necessitie had beene sacriledge for him to doe Saint Cyprian speaketh of hypocrites which counterfaiting repentance desired to be receiued into the Church from which they were iustlie excluded which if they deceiued the Church by fained repentance yet shoulde not they escape the iudgement of God He speaketh not of receiuing the Popes pardons Iubeleies dispensations absolutions and such like baggage ALLEN God Church though shee be much inclined to mercie yet shee crieth not with the flatterers and false preachers of the worlde peace where there is no peace And of our mother the Church it may well be verified that Saint Augustine spake of God himselfe in the like case Nemini dedit laxamentum peccandi saith he quamuis miserando deleat iam facta peccata si non satisfactio congrua negligatur She hath giuen no man a frreedome to sinne though by mercie she remitteth sinnes alreadie past if competent satisfaction be not neglected So that a Pardon can not well be beneficiall to anie man that neglecteth penance or without all cause omitteth his 〈◊〉 in fulfilling the same though it be exceeding commodious and profitable to him that lacketh time and space to satisfie where of good will and deuout intent he is readie thereunto Therefore I would aduertise all such as haue a Pardon or Indulgence vpon iust and true suggestion obteined for release of their inioyned penance or other deserued paine and thereupon omitte to doe their said satisfaction that they helpe the lack thereof otherwise where their habilitie is the better As if they can not through feebleres or other notorious perceiuing of harme thereby fast for satisfaction of their sinnes then let them supplie that by more liberall almes and charitable reliefe of such as be in necessitie For that kinde of charitie Christ 〈◊〉 charge to the Pharisies for the purging of their sinnes 〈◊〉 signifiesh the recompence of the residue of their paine and necessarie clensing of the remnants of their faults and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the remission of the same For almes will not purge deadlie sinne and the verie iniquitie thereof as Saint Augustine well noted in the place last out of him alledged Of the paine temporall then Christ saide giue almes and all is cleere with you But if you can not that waie for lack and insufficiencie then be earnest in praier and continuallie crie out in Pater noster forgiue vs our debtes dimitte nobis debitae nostra and by the Orison not onelie veniall sinnes but also the temporall debt that remaineth for deadlie crimes aster they be remitted and repented for be forgiuen In this case also it is verie good to helpe both by counsell trauell to turne the wicked sinners from their euill waies and to call Heretikes and Schismatikes home to Gods Church and Christes faith For of that worke it is written that it couereth a multitude of sinnes Againe to be daylie and deuoute at the blessed sacrifice of the Masse there with zeale and loue to embrace with Marie Magdalene the holie bodie of our sauiour and often to receiue the same with Zacheus into our house and temple of our bodie in the holie sacrament This moste excellent acte of religion doth wonderfullie diminish the deserued paine for sinne and make vs fitte to receiue fruitfullie the Pardon 's giuen by the Magistrates spirituall in the person of Christ. Or if this in these dismall daies may not be had yet learne at the least as well to lameut the lack of it as to be sorowfull and conirite for thy sinnes for earnest vnfained teares proceeding of loue and deuotion haue purchased many one a pardon Peter wept bitterlie and loued hartelie and therefore he was restored to grace and mercie and after Christ had punished as in way of penance his three denials with a triple demaund of his loue as though he had doubted of his heart towards him as Saint Hilarie Saint Cyrill and other doe inscrpret it he not onelie gaue him a
Ierusalem he thus mooueth himselfe to mercie Circuite vias Ierusalem a spicite considerate quaerite in plateis eius an inuenias virum facientem iudicium quaerentem fidem propitius ero ei Looke round about the citie and veiw the streets thereof and haue good consideration whether anie one maie be found there that doth instice and studeth after faithfullnes and I will haue mercie on the Citie In the fift of Ieremie Where you maie perceiue that God wil forgiue all for ones desertes and that the good workes of one maie by Gods iustice supplie the lacke of manie other not yet to deliuer anie man from euerlasting damnation that is impenitent and therefore in case and state of eternall death For the worke of the faithfull can not extend to do good to such as be for euer separated from their fellowship and therfore can be no members of the common bodie in the firme knot whereof onelie their is mutuall health and healpe among such as partlie lacke and partly do abound for release of the rodde of temporall correction that is often laied vpon the children and not of anie eternall punishment that onelie happeth to such as be separated and cut of effectuallie from Christes bodie which is the Church for euer FVLKE You continue still in Chrysostomes argument but you follow neither his wordes nor his meaning for he speaketh neither of meriting nor satisfying For his wordes are these immediatlie following that which I haue last rehearsed Haec nos Saepe facimus famulos qui peccauerunt dignos suppliciis nolentes punire neque à supplicij metu liberari anico iubemus vt illos è nostris eripiant manibiatque vt ita timor illorum in eis crescat nostra effugiant verbera Hoc Deus fecit Et quòd hoc sit verīs ex ipsis verb is manifestum est Dimitte me inquit irascar Etenim nullus remittit qui punire vult tuncenim irascimur Ipse autem dicit dimitte me irascar vt scias quodirain Deo non sit affectio sed pana in nos eo vocabulo nominetur Quando igitur audis Mosem dicentem siquidem dimittis pecceatum dimitte prae seruo Dominum obstupesee quod ipse fibi ipsi miserecordiae occasionem quaerit Non hîc autem solum hoc fecit sed ad Ieremiam ad Ezechielem idem hoc dicit circuite videte in viis Hierusalem num sit qui faciat iudicium insticiam miserieors ero cis Vidisti misericordiam Multietiam impij vnius virture simul fruuntur Multorum autem malitia quamuis vnus sit qui rectè agat in medio magni populi non 〈◊〉 Sed vnes quidem homo rectè viuens populum integrumeri pere potest ab ira Dei. Ciuitas autem integra per nersaque in suam poenam supplicium attrahere bene viuentem dietecre non potest Et hoc de Noe manifestum Pereuntibus enim omnibus solus seruatus est Et de Mose clarum est Solus enim potuit tanto populo impetrare veniam This doe we also oftentimes and being nether willing to punish our seruants worthie of punishment which haue offended nor to deliuer them from the feare of punishmēt we bid our friends that they should deliuer them out of our handes and that so their feare maie increafe in them and they maie auoide our stripes This did god also that this is true it is manifest out of the verie wordes Let me alone saith he and I will be angrie for no man relenteth that will punish for then we are angrie But he saith let me alone and I will be angrie that thou maiest know that anger in God is no affection but punishment toward vs is named by that terme Therefore when thou hearest Moses saying If thou doest forgiue this sin forgiue it wonder at the Lord in comparison of the seruant that he him selfe seeketh vnto him selfe occasions of mercie Neither did he this thing here onelie but also vnto Ieremie and Ezechtel he saith the same thing go round about and see in the waies of Ierusalem whether there be anie that doth iudgement and iustice and I will be mercifull vnto them Hast thou seene his mercie manie also vngodlie persons enioy the vertue of one man together And by the malice of manie although there be but one that doth well in the middest of a great people he doth not fall But one man truelie liuing well maie deliuer a whole people from the wrath of God but a wholl communaltie that is peruerse cannot draw into their paine and punishment him that liueth well nor cast him downe And this is manifest of Noe for when all perished he alone was preserued And of Moses it is cleere For he alone was able to obteine pardon for so great a people In all these wordes here is no mention or meaning of merit or satisfaction but onelie of mercie as appeereth in the example of men requiring their friendes to deliuer their seruants from punishment where not the worthines of the friendes can be the cause but the mercie of the Master Againe he speaketh of the auoiding of temporall plagues in this life whereof euen the vngodlie and they that perteine not to the communion of Saints often times are partakers which proceedeth of the loue of God towards his children and not of their merite which you confesse can not extend to them that be for euer separated from their fellowship ALLEN Neither doe the desertes onelie of the liuing helpe the necessitie of their fellow members being yet aliue but such as bedead also doe communicate in their workes with their brethren yet abiding in this world And God of his singular mercy is often contented to be answered by them for their poore fellow seruants that be indebted so far in the Church that they be not hable in their owne persons to dscharge their owne debt nor come out of the same whereof the said Saint Chrysostome doth excellentlie well consider in these wordes of his sermon de poenitentia mihi autem saieth he aliud maius est diuinae misericordiae iudicium quod dicam Cum enim non inuenis homines viuos fiducia praeditos qui possint intercedendo veniam obtinere confugit ad defunctos per illos inquit se remissurum peccata Ezechiae enim dicit protegam ciuitatem hanc propter me propter Dauid puerum meum Olim enim mortuus erat Dauid That is to saie I haue yet a plainer and greater token of Gods mercie which I will shew you For when he findeth none aliue that be of confidence which might by intercession procure pardon he turneth to the departed and saieth he will remit sins for their sakes For he spake to Ezechias thus I will defend this citie for my owne sake and my child Dauids sake and yet Dauid was dead long afore FVLKE This place of Chrysostome followeth immediately