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A12478 An exposition of the Creed: or, An explanation of the articles of our Christian faith. Delivered in many afternoone sermons, by that reverend and worthy divine, Master Iohn Smith, late preacher of the Word at Clavering in Essex, and sometime fellow of Saint Iohns Colledge in Oxford. Now published for the benefit and behoofe of all good Christians, together with an exact table of all the chiefest doctrines and vses throughout the whole booke Smith, John, 1563-1616.; Palmer, Anthony, fl. 1632. 1632 (1632) STC 22801; ESTC S117414 837,448 694

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new master therefore as every man should looke to his behaviour at other times so especially hee should when he comes to the crosse and in affliction Now the carriage of Christ on the crosse is seene in the seven last words of Christ which he uttered on the crosse The first is Father forgive them for they know not what they doe Here we may see the love of Christ that he prayeth for his enemies and for such kinde of enemies as were his sorest and greatest such as did not take away his garments onely but tooke away his life and that hee prayed at such a time when the blood ranne downe his hands and feete when his shoulders were rent and torne with whipping and his face was swelled with buffeting Now from these first words of Christ on the crosse we may observe these foure things 1. Whom it was he prayed for for his enemies his greatest and sorest enemies such as did not take away his garments onely but his life also 2. What he prayed for that their sinnes might be forgiven them and that they might not answer for them at the day of judgement 3. The time when he prayed at that instant when the action was a doing at that time when he did hang on the crosse when the blood ranne from his hands and feete when his shoulders were rent and torne with whipping when his face was swelled with buffeting 4. The reason why hee prayed that God would forgive them because they knew not what they did First whom it was that he prayed for it was for his enemies not such as did take away his garments onely but such who tooke away his life also in the greatest extremity that might bee Which teacheth us two things First to love our enemies and to pray for them that hate and persecute us such as doe not onely take away our garments but our lives in the greatest extremity that may be so we see 1 Pet. 2. 21. For even hereunto were yee called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that wee should follow his steepes and Col. 3. saith the Apostle forbearing one another and forgiving one another even as Christ forgave you so doe yee this is the first lesson that Christ taught us on the crosse for as Augustine saith Christ made a pulpit of the crosse and the lesson that he taught us was that we should love our enemies But in these daies of sinne and corruption we are so farre from loving our enemies that we can hardly love our friends whom we are bound to love both by the Law of nature and Religion therefore how farre are we from that example of Christ which shewes that every one is bound to love his enemies and pray for them I know a man shall have much adoe to bring his heart to doe this neither am I a Pope to give you a discharge if you doe it not but this I say that if you will take no more upon you than comes easily yee shall never bee true Christians nor truely religious a man must force and dresse himselfe against the haire as they say against his nature we see naturally water will runne downe the hill but to make it runne up wee must force and drive it up by violence so we must force our selves and goe against nature against the haire as it were if wee would come to heaven if a man come into a strange country where he can have nothing but wine to drinke if his stomacke will not beare it the custome is to allay it with a little water so seeing heere is in us a great heate of sinne that wee can hardly love our friends and our enemies wee must therefore labour to allay this heate in us that so we may not onely love our friends but our enemies also and that we may doe this there bee five considerations to helpe us and to further us First the commandement of Christ Math. 5. 44. But I say unto you Love yor enemies blesse them that curse you doe good to them that hate you and pray for them that persecute you I say unto you I that am your Lord I that am your Saviour love your enemies and although you cannot love them for your owne sake yet love them for the Lords sake as Luk. 5. 4. Our Saviour bids Peter cast downe his net into the sea saith Peter wee have travelled all night and caught nothing as if hee should say it is against the haire we are like to doe no good of it it is in the night time yet at thy commandement I will doe it So ought we to obey the command of Christ how unlikely soever the issue be God will reward it wee shall have an happie end and issue Secondly The example of God Matth. 5. 45. Hee maketh the Sunne to shine on the evill and on the good and the raine to fall on the just and on the unjust So because Gods generall goodnesse comes to all sorts men alike to good and to bad our goodnesse must extend it selfe to all sorts of men good and bad if we be the children of God we must be like him Balaam could say when he was sent for to curse the people of God How can I curse them whom God hath blessed So if God bid us blesse them we must not curse them unlesse wee will bee worse than Balaam Againe though they be our enemies yet they may be Gods friends and them which hee loveth as also it is a gift that God doth bestow upon his children to love their enemies Thirdly Because it is the greatest love to love that which is not capable of love It is nothing for a man to love his friends but it is a hard matter to love our enemies The Philosophers could say that which is the hottest fire burnes up that which is not capable to burne as we see in the Kings The fire that burned the sacrifices did licke up water and consumed that which was not capable to burne so that is the greatest love which workes upon an object where there is least matter of love as the love of God to us was Fourthly Because it is the best way to make our enemies love us as wee cannot quench fire with fire but must quench it with water so wee must overcome enemies with kindnesse as the Apostles counsell is Rom. 12. Be not overcome of evill but overcome evill with goodnesse Fifthly Because if it doe not bring a blessing upon them yet it will bring a blessing upon our selves as Matth. 10. our Saviour bids his Disciples when they come to an house they should say Peace be in this house and if it did not rest on the house yet it should returne to them againe so when we pray for our enemies and blesse them if it doe not rest on them it shall returne to us againe Secondly Seeing Christ loved his enemies and prayed
so as no life flowes from the head to it hee will rubb and chafe it to bring heate and Spirits into it againe so when wee see our selves hang by as dead members and that hardly any life of grace flowes unto us wee should never bee at rest but use all the meanes wee can to heare the word pray repent of our sinnes get faith in Christ never to bee at quiet till wee feele a derivation of the graces of Christ unto us The third consequent is that seeing Christ is the head of the Church and the Church his body Therefore hee will preserve all the members of it There is never a little toe finger or a bone in the body of Christ that shall perish but hee will preserve them all We see in nature that the head will labour to preserve the rest of the members that they doe not perish much more will Christ preserve his mysticall body Hence therefore is our comfort that wee stand not by our own power but by the power of Christ and the life that wee live in grace wee have not by the power of nature but by Christ therefore hee will preserve us and keepe us as Iohn 17. 12. saith Christ of those that thou hast given mee have I lost none Wee are all dead by Adam but we are made alive by Christ so Revel 2. 16. Christ is called the roote and the generation of David It is a Metaphor taken from herbes in a garden that although the stalke and the leafe die in the winter time yet they are preserved in the roote and when the spring time commeth they will put forth againe so though wee die in our selves yet wee are preserved in the roote which is Christ although the stalke and the leafe die yet wee are safe in the roote The use is Seeing that the Church is the body of Christ therefore all injuries and wrongs that are done unto the Church Christ takes as if they were done to himselfe not onely the injuries and wrongs that the world puts on them but also the disgraces and shames that Christians bring upon themselves therefore thou that art a Christian consider with thy selfe thou art a member of Christ looke what disgrace thou bringest on thy selfe thou bringest on Christ as 1 Cor. 6. 15. saith S. Paul Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot God forbid or shall wee abuse them to drunkennesse looke what disgrace we cast on our selves we bring on Christ because we bee Christs Members Therefore Chrysostome saith well O man by thy sinne thou dost not disgrace thy owne selfe but another and the shame doth not rest on thy owne body but it rests on another mans that is on the body of thy Lord and Master Iesus Christ So Augustine saith if thou have no care of thine owne selfe yet have care of Christ and if thou care not for defiling of thine owne body and disgracing of it yet take heede of defiling and disgracing of the body of Christ rest not on thy selfe but on Christ therefore how carefull should we be that we doe not defile our bodies SERMON LXIII EPHESIANS 5. 25. Husbands love your Wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himselfe for it THere bee five things wherein the dignitie of the Church consists 1. It is called the Citie of God or the House of of God because there is a speciall presence of Gods Spirit 2. It is called the Body of Christ 3. The Spouse of Christ or the Bride 4. It is the Pillar and ground of Truth 5. It is like unto Noah his Arke that there is no salvation without it Two of these wee haue intreated of already and now are come to speake of the third which is this That the Church is the Spouse and the Bride of Christ because it hath pleased Christ to bestow himselfe on the Church to marry and to adjoine himselfe to it in the most neerest bond that may be Man and Wife are not neerer tyed one to another by the bonde of marriage than Christ hath tied and bound himselfe to her by the bond of the Spirit therefore the Church may well bee tearmed the Spouse and the bride of Christ as Cantic 5. 1. I am come into my garden my Sister my Spouse so Iohn 3. 29. He that hath the bride is a bridegrome but the friend of the bridegome which standeth and heareth him rejoyceth because of the bridegroomes voyce So Revel 21. 9. saith he Come I will shew thee the Bride the Lambes wife What a great comfort is this that such silly people as we be should be advanced to this honour as 1 Sam 25. 41. when David sent to Abigall to take her to wife saith she Let thy handmaid be a servant to wash the feete of thy servants of my Lord so wee may say what Lord wilt thou make mee thy Spouse and they Bride it is honour and glory enough for me to be a poore servant to wash the feete of the meanest of thy servants Now as many lines come from one Center so there may be many points deducted out of this point First seeing the Church is the Spouse and the Bride of Christ therefore He loves the Church the love betweene man and wife is great but the greatest love is betweene Christ and his Church as it is Gen. 2. 24. Therefore shall a man leave father and mother and cleave to his wife the greatest bond in nature is betweene them and the greatest bond in grace is betweene Christ and the Church It is said Esay 43. 4. Since thou wast precious in my sight thou hast beene honourable and I have loved thee therefore will I give Man for thee and People for thy sake So Revel 3. 9. I will make them that they shall come and worship before thy feete and to know that I have loved thee In my Text we see Christ hath not onely loved the Church but hath made declaration of his love wee read Milac 1. 2. that the Lord saith to the people I have loved you and the people say to God Wherein hast thou loved us But thankes be to God wee need not say so for Christ hath not onely loved us but he hath made declaration of his Love that we may feele it and see it If Christ should have loved us and we should not have knowne it it had beene a great matter But the comfort is the greater that hee makes declaration of his Love to us Now in three things Christ makes declaration of his Love to the Church First in that Christ hath spared no paines nor labour nay hath given his owne life and blood to redeeme it greater love than this could no man shew than to give his life for his friend But Christ sets out his love towards us seeing whilst we were yet sinners He
8. it is said that Lots soule was vexed every day with the uncleane conversation of the Sodomites dwelling amongst them and yet they did not hurt with their hands If one man should set up a number of goodly lights and one should come and make a smoke in the roome it would dimme the lights so the Lord hath set up a number of Saints to shine as lights in this World and the Divell he thrusts in a number of vile and wicked men to make a smoke to dampe their light which although they cannot quite quench yet they much dimme this doth hinder and allay the sweete and comfortable communion that the Saints should have one with another Now in the Kingdome of Heaven there shall be no such matter as Matth. 13. 41. It is said that Christ will thrust out of his kingdome all things that offend so there shall not bee a wicked man left to hurt nor offend them so Esay 11. 9. it is said They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountaine and likewise Revel 21. 27. it is said And there shall enter into it no uncleane thing neither whosoever worketh abomination or telleth lies againe Revel 22. 15. saith he For without shall be dogges inchanters whoremongers murtherers Idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh lies So all the wicked shall be excluded and shut out of the kingdome of God there shall be no body to hurt the Saints nor to grieve and offend them O how comfortable will the communion of Saints bee in Heaven Secondly Imperfectio bonorum the imperfection of good men for they be not perfectly sanctified in this world they are regenerated but in part partly flesh and partly spirit so by reason hereof there bee many jarres and brangles that doe arise amongst them as Gregory saith out of Psal. 10. that many times friends have much adoe to agree for wee see Abraham and Lot were both sanctified and holy men and yet there was a jarre betweene them they were glad to be parted Gen. 13. 8. so Paul and Barnabas wee both good and holy men and yet they were so at oddes one with another that they parted company Acts 15. 39. Damascen observeth that as there is no rose since the fall of Man but hath his prickles so there is no man even the best that is but hath some thing or other in him that is distastefull but in Heaven all these infirmities shall be taken away and then there will bee infinite matter of comfort As Gen. 21. 10. yee see that there was a jarre betweene Abraham and Sarah about the bondwoman and her childe who when shee was cast out all was at peace so many times there is contention and strife betweene Christians all being about the bondwoman and her Childe that is the reliques and remainders of corruptions in the flesh but when they shall be taken from us then wee shall have sweet agreement therefore if the communion of Saints be comfortable here how much more comfortable will it be in Heaven Thirdly distantia locorum that they live in remote places one from another and yet there is a providence of God in it For the People of God are said to be the salt of the Earth Salt must not be laid all in one place but it is sprinkled and scattered in every place to make meat seasonable and savoury that is unto many so the Godly doe not live all in one Towne Countrie and Place but are scattered and sprinkled all the world over to season the hearts of their brethren and their soules to make them savoury unto God so because they be thus scattered and hindered one from another this doth hinder and allay the sweet and comfortable communion that they should have one of another It is said Iudges 5. 16. For the divisions of Reuben were great thoughts of heart for Reuben was placed on the other side of Iordan so that they could not get mutuall helpe from them because there was a River betweene them In like manner because there is a Iordan betweene the People of God in this World some living in one Countrie and some in another so that they cannot lend their mutuall helpe one to another this maketh great thoughts of heart and allayeth the comfort that they might have one of another but at the day of death they shall all goe into the kingdome of God and live in one place As Matth. 8. Christ shewes that they shall come from the East and from the West and shall sit downe with Abraham Isaak and Iaakob in the Kingdome of God Wee see how comfortable it is when a few Christians are met together to conferre pray and sing Psalmes who notwithstanding have their weaknesse and frailties and if it be so comfortable here what will it be when all the People of God shall meete together in Heaven If one see an infinite number of godly Diamonds shinning scattered here and there and they bee all brought into one roome what a light and lustre would there bee So the People of God are as a company of shinning Pearles or Diamonds that are seated here in this world but one day when all they are gathered together and brought into Heaven then what a wonderfull glory and shining will there be Fourthly Angustia amorum the narrownesse of their love for the People of God are bound to love as brethren and to tender the good one of another Now there is such a narrownesse in our love that we have much adoe to love our friends much lesse all the Saints for there be a number of Saints that we know not neither doe wee love all we know as we should doe but at the day of death when wee shall all meete together in Heaven then our love shall be inlarged and we shall love the whole Israel of God no brother loveth his brother so dearely as we shall love one another yea though we never saw them before nor heard of them then consider how great will our comfort be at that day when we shall part from this world and live together in Heaven Now besides all these there is a double communion wee have with the Saints 1. A communion with them in Grace 2. A communion with them in Glorie Therefore it must be every mans care to labour to appertaine to the communion of saints in grace that so they may come to have cōmunion with them in the kingdome of glory Indeed all men desire to appertain to the communion of saints in glory to go to the kingdome of Heaven like Balaam that desired to die the death of the righteous to be in glory and happinesse with the People of God but cared not to live godlily here But if ever wee expect to have communion with the Saints hereafter in the kingdome of Glory wee must bee sure to have communion with them here in the kingdome of Grace And therefore let us labour to repent us
and sustaine him The uses hereof be two First that seeing we must have a word and warrant from God for the doing of any thing whatsoever we doubt of wee must not doe for if we doubt we cannot doe it in Faith because Faith expelleth doubting So wee see Rom. 14. 23. For he that doubteth is damned if he eate because he eateth not of Faith For whatsoever is not of Faith is sinne And therefore if thy conscience be doubtfull for the doing of any thing doe it not till thy conscience be resolved for if thou doest thou doest sinne dost thou doubt whether thou maiest doe such a thing or such a thing on the Sabbath day doe it not untill thou be resolved so likewise art thou in doubt whether thou maiest borrow mony at interest doe it not untill thou be resolved and so likewise of any thing wee doubt of It is the boldnesse of many that although they doubt of the doing of a thing yet they will doe it because others doe it well let them remember that all we do must be in faith for if it be not it is sinne in us The second use is that seeing whatsoever we doe we should have a ground out of Gods word for it whatsoever wee cannot have a ground for we cannot doe it in faith and if we doe it not in faith it is sinne to us There be many things wee cannot doe in faith wee cannot put our mony to usury in faith because we have the word of God against it Psal 15. And so when men be sicke likewise to goe out for helpe to witches we cannot doe it in faith because wee have the word of God against it and so likewise if a man be in want or necessity to seeke to releeve himselfe by unlawfull meanes he hath no warrant for it and therefore hee must not doe it yea whatsoever a man cannot doe in faith he must not doe it there be thousands of this kinde that wee cannot doe in faith and if wee doe it not in faith wee cannot please God nor assure our selves that God is pleased with us and so we cannot die in faith because we have not lived in faith or will not live by it Thirdly wee must doe it out of a perswasion that God will blesse us and give us such successe as he in his wisedome seeth meete as his promise is Psal 1. 3. Whatsoever he doth it shall prosper and Rom. 8. 28. Also we know that all things worke together for the best unto them that love God even these accidents that seeme to worke cleane contrary by the secret hand of God they shall all turne to our good As wee see in a clocke there bee some wheeles that turne the cleane contrary way yet all serve to one end to make the clocke goe even so it is with them that love and feare God although there be some things that worke one way and some another yet by the secret hand of God they are turned to the best for them that love him This is a great comfort that wee have such a promise that a man may assure himselfe that even such things as may seeme to turne to his hurt by the wisedome of God and by a secret hand they are all turned to the best for his people and therefore when we have done any good duty or any thing that he hath commanded us although wee doe not see such successe to follow as wee desire yet wee should commit it to the Lord and perswade our selves that hee will give such a blessings as shall be fit for us There bee two cares that men trouble themselves with How they may doe a thing and when they have done it they take care how and what successe will follow it Now the first care that every one must take how to doe the duties of his calling is that which God requireth but the second care that wee must commit to God what successe he will give to it Wee see an hundred men in a ship they are all at the masters disposition some of them he appointeth to the maste some to bee at the sterne some to the fore-decke some to the anchor and all tends to the bringing home of the ship in safetie and to the good of them all even so the Lord hath the disposing of us and turnes all our labours to our good And therefore when we have done the first the second we must commit to the Lord. But oh we see men so farre from doing things in Faith that they doe it in no hope of a blessing for let a man give admonitions and exhortations and good counsell as I pray you heare and receive the Sacraments and such like wee are farre enough from doing it in Faith when wee doe it not in hope of a blessing therefore wee must doe the first and commit the blessing to God The next thing is how we should suffer in Faith of which there are two kindes 1. Spirituall Desertion 2. Worldly Crosses Spirituall Desertions are when he taketh away the comfortable feeling of his favour the power of grace or the measure of feeling of it this kind is the greatest and heaviest to feele God departed from a man more than worldly crosses losses or any affliction that wee feele outwardly Now in both these Faith must sustaine and uphold us the lust he must live by his Faith In spirituall Desertions Faith upholds us by three wayes First that although wee feele not the comfortable feeling of Gods favour yet we are all one with Christ because we stand not in our owne apprehension but Christ doth apprehend us as it is Phil. 3. 12. Not as though I had already attained to it either were already perfect but I follow if that I may apprehend that for whose sake also I am apprehended of Christ Iesus And therefore howsoever we let goe our hold through weakenesse and frailtie yet Christ doth not let goe his Even as a mother taketh a Child by the hand when howsoever the Child let goe his hold yet the mother doth not let goe hers so howsoever we may let goe our hold through weakenesse or frailtie yet Christ doth not let goe his and therefore wee see it is said in Peter we are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation Therefore it is the power of God that doth keepe us So Psal 94. 18. saieth he When I said my foote slipped thy mercy O Lord held me up Even so being one with Christ Gods mercy it is that upholdeth us Trees that seeme to be dead in Winter yet because there is life and sap in the roote in the spring they do recover Even so although a man may seeme to be dead in his owne feeling yet because there is life in the roote life in Christ we shall recover againe The second action that Faith doth sustaine us by in spirituall desertions is that although wee feele not the comfortable feeling of
died for us as Saint Paul saith Rom. 5. 8. It was love and a great love too that made Iaakob serve seven yeeres for a wife in Syria which hee thought nothing much more it was love and great love in Christ that hee would be contented to bee borne in a Stable to bee laid in a Manger to sweat blood and water in the garden to die that accursed death of the crosse and to bee laid in the ground for us all which Christ accounts as nothing so we may be saved and brought home to God Esay 53. 11. it is said He shall see the travell of his soule and shall be satisfied so we may be saved and brought home to God this will satisfie Christ he will thinke all his paines as nothing Secondly Christ hath made declaration of his Love in that he doth wash away our sins from day to day in his blood for whereas nothing in this world can wash away our sins but his blood it hath pleased him to dippe a handkerchiefe as it were in his blood to wipe away our sinnes this is another evidence that he loveth us as Revel 1. 5. it is said that he hath loved us and washed away our sins in his blood therefore whosoever doth not feele his soule and conscience to be cleansed and the blood of Christ to eate out the venome of his sinne Christ hath not declared his love unto him as yet in any comfortable manner Thirdly Christ declares his love to the Church in that hee sends love tokens unto her which are the gifts and graces of his Spirit A loving husband if hee bee in a farre Countrie will send love tokens to his wife there is never a messenger that comes but he will send some Iewell or peece of gold so Christ doth to his Church send love tokens from day to day as Ephes 4. 8. it is said When he ascended up on high he led captivitie captive and gave gifts unto men so when he came at the highest top of glory hee did not forget his poore Church but sent gifts to it as Acts 2. 35. it is said Since then that he by the right hand of God hath beene exalted and hath received of his Father the Holy Ghost hee hath shewed forth this which you now see and heare This is a plaine evidence that his heart is upon us and that he doth not onely love us but makes declaration of his love that we may see and feele it from day to day Hence we may inferre though Christians bee despised in the eyes of the world and not regarded yet they be deare in the eyes of Christ he regardeth and loveth them Wee see a good wife if her husband love her shee cares not who hates her so her husband bee pleased shee cares not who is displeased so it should bee with a Christian if Christ love him hee should not care though the world hate him so Christ be pleased hee need not care who be displeased with him Secondly seeing the Church is the Spouse and Body of Christ therefore he will richly indue the Church Wee see when a man marrieth with a woman the marriage deeds be made he gives her an interest in his lands and indowes her with his goods so Christ doth indue the Church with his righteousnesse holinesse with his merits Thus Phil. ● 9. Paul desireth that he might be found in Christ that is not having his owne righteousnesse which is of the law but that which is through faith in Christ So also 1 Cor. 1. 30. saith the Apostle But yee are of him in Christ Iesus who of God is made unto us wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption that according as it is written Hee that rejoyceth let him rejoyce in the Lord this is another comfort to a Christian that though he be poore in himselfe yet he shall be rich in Christ If a poore Maid marry with a rich Husband though her father left her nothing nor never a friend yet she thinkes her selfe well provided for so though we bee poore in our selves our father Adam having left us nothing but sinne yet if we● can marry with Christ hee will richly indow us with all his Graces Thirdly seeing the Church is the Spouse and the Bride of Christ therefore hee will adorne it with all his graces It is said Esai 61. 10. I will greatly rejoice in the Lord and my soule shall bee joyfull in my God for he hath cloathed mee with the garments of salvation and covered mee with the Robe of Righteousnesse hee hath decked me as a Bridegroome and as a Bride tireth her self with her Iewels And to the same effect wee read Revel 19. 8. unto her was granted that shee should bee arayed with pure fine linnen and shining for the fine linnen is the Righteousnesse of Saints so then the Lord will not leave the Church naked but will beautifie and adorne it with his graces therefore wee must labour to feele this and see it for if our conscience shall tell us that wee are naked not having one grace of his Spirit then wee doe not belong to him for without this golden garment of Christs righteousnesse wee shall not bee set at the right hand of Christ as it is Psal 45. 9. but as long as wee bee naked and have not this golden garment on wee doe not belong to Christ for if wee did hee would adorne and beautifie us with all his graces in some measure Fourthly seeing the Church is the bodie and spouse of Christ therefore hee will discharge the Churches duties A woman that is in debt when she is maried to a man all her debts are devolved unto her Husband she shall not answer the debt but her husband because shee is under his covert so the Church shall not answer for her debts but Christ shall as 1 Pet. 2. 24. it is said Who his own selfe bare our sinnes in his own bodie on the tree and Rom 8. 3. saith the Apostle for that which was unpossible to the law in as much as it was weake because of the flesh God sending his owne Sonne in the similitude of sinnefull flesh and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh Therefore seeing Christ hath discharged our debt and tooke it upon him it is a comfort to the Church that they shall not answere for it Hence wee may learne that when the Divell shall impleade us for our sinnes and debts wee must not deny the debt and say it is not so but answer him wee bee not the parties that are loiable to the Law but hee must goe to our he band Christ hee hath taken our debt upon him and will answere whatsoever can be required of us To make this plaine as wee reade 2 King 4. there was a poore Widow that was impleaded for her debt who comes to the Prophet and tels him of it Hee askes her what shee had
wee beleeve and this Faith is matter of Experience wrought in our hearts by the Spirit of God It is sufficient that that faith which wee doe beleeve is contained in the Scriptures Now whereas they object that we make it a thirteenth Article their fourteenth Apostle adds to these twelve many more articles of faith which he inforceth to be beleeved with the same necessity of faith as these twelve neither hath he onely entred upon Christs prerogative in minting new articles of faith but likewise they have usurped over all Christian Churches by adding Romane to the Catholike Church in the Creed A bold imposture But for speciall faith the maine office of the Holy Spirit is In opening generall Truths to reveale our particular interest in those Truths and to breed special Faith whereby we make them our owne because the Spirit of God reveales the minde of God to every particular Christian for as the things beleeved are truths above nature so the Grace of faith whereby we beleeve is a grace above Nature and created as a supernaturall eye in the Soule to see supernaturall truths Secondly Where sacred truths are truely apprehended there the Spirit workes an impression in the soule sutable to the things beleeved every Article hath a power in it which the Spirit doth imprint upon the Soule The Beleefe of God to be the Father Almighty breeds an impression of dependance reverence and comfort The Beleefe and knowledge of Christ crucified is a crucifying knowledge The true knowledge and faith in Christ rising is a raising knowledge the knowledge of the Abasement of Christ is an abasing knowledge because faith sees it selfe one with Christ in both states We cannot truly beleeve what Christ hath wrought for us but at the same time the Spirit of Christ worketh something in us Thirdly it is convenient for the giving of due honour to every person to consider of the worke appropriated to every one all come from the Father all are exactly performed by the Son in our nature for the Redemption of those that the Father hath given Him The Gathering out of the world of that blessed society which we call the Church into an holy Communion and the Sanctifying of it and Sealing unto it all the priviledges believed as Forgivenesse of sinnes Resurrection of the body and Life everlasting c. proceed from the Holy Ghost Fourthly it hath pleased the great God to enter into a Treaty and covenant of agreement with us his poore creatures the articles of which agreement are here comprized God for his part undertakes to convey all that concernes our happinesse upon our receiving of them by beleeving on him Every one in particular that recites these articles from a spirit of faith makes good this condition and this is that answer of a good conscience which Peter speakes of whereby being demanded what our faith is every one in particular answeres to every Article I beleeve I not onely understand and conceive it but assent unto it in my judgement as true and consent to it in my will as good and build my comfort upon it as good too me this act of Beleefe carries the whole soule with it Fifthly though it is wee that answer yet the power by which wee answer is no lesse than that whereby God created the world and raised Christ from the dead The answer is ours but the power and strength is Gods whereby wee answere who performes both his part and ours too in the covenant It is a higher matter to beleeve than the common sort thinke it For this answer of Faith to these truths as it is caused by the power of Gods Spirit so is it powerfull to answer all temptations of Satan all seducements of the world all terrours of conscience from the wrath of God and the curse of the Law it setteth the soule as upon a rocke above all Sixthly these Articles are a touchstone at hand to try all opinions by for crooked things are discernded by bringing them to the rule what directly or by immediate and neere consequence opposeth these is to bee rejected as contrary to the platforme of wholesome doctrine That one monster of opinions of the bread turned into the body of Christ by transubstantiation overthrowes at once foure Articles of the Creed The incarnation of Christ Ascension Sitting at the Right hand of God and comming to judgment for if Christs body be so often made of a peece of bread being in so many places at once here upon earth how can all these Articles be true Againe seventhly these grounds of Faith have likewise a speciall influence in direction and incouragement unto all Christian duties A holy life is but the infusion of holy truths Augustine saith well non bene vivitur ubi bene de Deo non creditur men of an ill beleefe cannot be of a good life wherupon the Apostles method is to build their exhortations to Christian duties upon the grounds of Christian Faith But we must remember that as faith yeelds a good life and conscience so a conscience is the vessell to preserve the Doctrine of Faith else a shipwracke of faith will follow If there bee a delighting in unrighteousnesse there will not be a love of the truth and if we love not the truth then there will be a preparednesse to beleeve any lye and that by Go● just judgement 2 Thes 2. 12. Eighthly as these fundamentall truths yeeld strength to the whole frame of a Christian life So they are so many springs and wels of consolation for Gods people to draw-from whereupon that good Prince George Anhalt whom Luthers time became a Preacher of the Gospell intending to comfort his brother Prince Iohn raiseth his comfort from the last three Articles Remission of sinnes Resurrection of the body and Life Everlasting which as they have their strength from the former Articles are able to raise any drooping spirit and therefore in the greatest agonies it is the readiest way to suck comfort from these benefits But I omit other things intending onely to say something by way of Preface And thus Good Reader I commend this worke unto thee and both it and thee to Gods blessing Thine in the Lord R. SIBBS AN EXPOSITION OF THE CREED SERMON I. ROM 3. 28. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by Faith without the deeds of the Law AS the Children of Israel having sojourned long enough in Horeb were by Gods speaking to Moses commanded to remove thence and goe further off Deut. 6. So in some sort I may say we having in our ordinarie course gone through divers necessary points of Religion as the Lords Praier Repentance c. must now go on further to speake of the Doctrine of Faith a large and great Field ful of knowledge and exceeding comfort wherefore I shall have so much the more need to be help● on by your prayers as my weaknesse and inhabilitie is unfit for so great
Esai 53. 11. of Christ hee shall see of the travell of his soule and shall bee satisfied and therefore if men bee brought to God if they live a holy life if they bee conscionable in their wa●●s and carefull to please God in their courses then this will satisfie Christ But if wee live in our sinnes in our prophanenesse in our lusts still then it shall grieve Him that ever he was borne into the world sweate in the garden died and shed his blood on the Crosse for us Thirdly wee are to consider of the manner of his death that it was in the greatest extremity that might be so Paul saith Philip 2. 8. Hee humbled himselfe and became obedient to that cursed death on the crosse and so in Esai 5 3. 12. it is said He hath powred out his soule unto death c. Now the greatest extremity that Christ suffered may make us consider of two things First the greatnesse of our sinnes And secondly the greatnesse of Gods mercie First wee may consider the greatnesse of our sinnes that when wee have sinned against God nothing will bring us into favour againe but it must cost blood and the blood of the Sonne of God therefore howsoever men make but a light matter of sinne yet when we have sinned all the powers of Heaven and earth cannot bring us into favour againe all the Angels in heaven cannot doe it nor all the blood of the Saints but it must bee the blood of the Sonne of God that must doe it if the king should make a law that if a man told a lye or sowre an oath or committed a sinne he should lose a droppe of his blood how afraid would he be of sinning Now when we sinne although it doth not cost us blood yet it cost the blood of the Sonne of God and therefore wee should bee afraid to sinne lest wee bee more wastfull of the blood of Christ than of our owne Secondly wee are to consider of the greatnesse of Gods mercie that when wee had sinned hee would send his owne Sonne to die for us as 1 Iohn 4. 10. Herein is Love not that wee loved God but that hee loved us and sent his Sonne to bee a reconciliation for our sinnes and so in Rom. 5. 8. But God setteth out his love towards us seeing that whiles we were yet sinners Christ dyed for us and therfore seeing God hath so loved us that he was content to part with his Sonne for us let us never sticke to part with our sinnes and lusts to serve him but we see it otherwise that God doth not sticke to part with his sonne to die for us and yet we sticke to part from our sinnes to serve him The second way that faith doth stirre up holy motions is because it doth combine and knit us unto Christ so it is by combination by being made one with Christ for as from the head doth flow into the rest of the members life even so Christ doth extend unto us his graces and vertues In the second of the Kings wee see that when the dead body of the Prophet did touch the dead body of the man life came into him much more if we went downe into the grave of Christ and touched him wee shall live being joyned with the living body of Christ who hath gloriously and triumphantly overcome death hell and the divell We see in experience that if a man would have water flow into his field he will make a trench and dig into the ground till he comes at the fountaine and then the fountaine will flow water into the field even so if men would have the graces of Christ to bee distilled into them let them never be at rest till they have joyned themselves to Iesus Christ and then hee will distill all his graces and vertues into them so faith never leaveth us till it brings us unto Christ Now the use of this point is that seeing we are sanctified in this world by faith as we find other uses thereof so we should labour to find this use and benefit of it and therfore whereas men thinke that some are too precise and too strict it is a sure thing that unlesse we be sanctified in this world we cannot be justified before God and yet do not looke to be sanctified before men And therefore search thy selfe oh man or woman I pray thee art thou brought to the hatred of sinne Or is it weakned in thee Doest thou labour to lead an holy life in the sight of men here Then thou art justified in the sight of God but if thou livest in sin and makest no conscience in thy waies but livest loosely never then looke to be justified in the sight of God It is a good observation that a learned man hath out of the eighth of the Romans of the golden chaine saith he There be foure Linkes of it two he hath in his owne hands and two he hath put out to us to lay hold on the two linkes that he hath in his hands are Predestination and Glorification the first and the last linkes and the two middle he hath left for us to lay hold on Vocation and Iustification and therefore doe thou oh man cast out thy hands and lay hold on these two linkes that thou mayst be called and justified that so thou maiest be glorified in the world to come This is comfortable that God hath left these two linkes for every man whereby hee may be drawne up to Heaven The third vse of faith is that which Paul speaketh of here Rom. 1. 17. The just man shall live by his faith so a man must not onely be justified by faith in the sight of God and sanctified in this world but he must live by his faith as Paul saith Thus I live yet not I now but Christ liveth in mee and in that I now live in the flesh I live by Faith in the Sonne of God who hath loved mee and gave Himselfe for mee A man may live the life of nature without faith hee may buy and sell and doe the workes of his calling hee may eate and drinke c. But he cannot live the life of grace without faith the greatest part of men care not to live in faith but they desire to die in faith They would die a comfortable death like Balaam that would desire to die the death of the righteous but care not to live so strict a life therefore if men doe not care to live in faith they cannot die in faith for this is the true use of faith to live by it so the prophet Habakuk saith the just shall live by his faith a man that hath lived by it hee shall die in faith also Heb. 11. 39. it is said all those dyed in Faith because as they had lived in faith so they died in faith too therefore if wee will die in faith wee must labour to live in faith and then
there is alwayes a seede and a roote of faith left though hee may feele the losse of the comfortable assurance yet there is the Sanctity and effects of faith still there is an hatred of sinne a love of goodnesse a desire of the presence of God and of his love and favour which may be his comfort We read Acts 20. 10. that Eutichus fell out of a window and was taken up dead but Paul went downe and fell upon him and imbracing him said Trouble not your selves for his life is in him so we may say of all the fals of Gods people There is life in them This may bee their comfort that in all their fals there is a seed of faith there is the sanctitie of faith still remaining in them this must be their stay and comfort in all their spirituall afflictions and desertions whatsoever The second is that although they lose the feeling of Gods favour yet it is not perpetuall but for a short time So it is said Psal 55. Hee will not suffer the righteous to fall for ever and Psal 94. 18. When I said my foote slippeth thy mercy O Lord held and stayed me up Trees in a great winde are shaken and beate this way and that way as if they would breake but if the windes goe downe and there bee a calme they come to their former estate againe so it is in faith in the time of temptation we may be shaken and carried this way and that way but when the temptation is at an end wee come unto our former estate againe and to as comfortable apprehension of the Love of God and of his favor as before so Zech. 10. 6. the Lord promised the same powerfull grace to his people after their fals as before for saith he And I will strengthen the house of Iudah and I will preserve the house of Ioseph and I will bring them againe for I pittie them and they shall be as though I had not cast them off for I am the Lord their God and will heare them And therefore seeing it is not perpetuall but for a little time this may comfort them and glad their hearts The third is The wise providence of God who disposeth all things to the good of his servants A man ye know when he plants a tree he casteth moulds about it puls and shakes it this way and that way and yet it is but to settle the tree so the Lord doth when he plants a man hee puls him this way and that way and all is but to settle him that he may be the better rooted and grounded as it is Rom. 8. 28. All things worke together for the good of those that love God Therefore let a man love God and then all things shall worke together for his good There be strange workes of God and some that seeme to bee against men and yet by a secret hand of God they are all carried and worke together for the good of them that love him As ye see in a Clocke there be some wheeles turne one way and some another way and yet all tend to one end to make the Clocke goe well so sometimes God sends a man adversity and sometimes prosperity sometimes he deales one way with us sometimes another and yet all is but to draw us neerer unto him in holinesse and obedience The fourth thing that may comfort them is that they cannot be at quiet or at rest till they have returned to the Lord againe still there is a thirsting of the heart after God and they cannot bee at rest till they bee returned againe so we see David Psal 119. ver ult saith I have gone astray like a sheepe that is lost oh seeke me for I have not forgotten thy Commandements as a lost sheepe cannot be at rest but he runnes here and there hee cries to the sheepheard and is not at rest and quiet till he be returned home unto the sheepfold so the people of God when they have gone astray cannot be at rest till they have runne here and there and cried to the sheepherd they can never be at quiet till they be returned home unto God therefore so long as a man cannot be at quiet in his fals and sinnes but that there is a thirsting of the heart after God and hee takes no rest till he be returned this may give him comfort We see in nature that if the shipmans needle be touched with the Loadstone it cannot be at rest nor at quiet till it looke upon the North Pole if it be hindred with any little thing it standeth trembling and shaking as if it were discontented so if a mans heart be touched and set a fire with faith in Christ it doth alwayes gather to Christ and if it be hindred by any meanes it is not at rest but it is discontented untill it come home to him When a man is in danger of drowning hee will fling out his armes and catch hold of every straw to save himselfe so we should doe when wee perceive our selves to be in danger of hell we should fling out our armes abroad and catch hold of Christ and so save our selves Now if any man should aske how he should recover againe when he is in this estate I answer first he must repent him of his sinnes and turne to God Secondly he must cry to God for his former falling so we see David did Psal 51. saith he Restore me to the joy of thy Salvation and Psal 4. Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us Thirdly strive against the infidelitie of thy owne heart as David did Psal 42. saith he Why art thou cast downe O my soule and why art thou thus disquieted within me waite still on God Fourthly to strengthen our faith from the former mercies and kindnesse of God as Rom. 11. 29. The graces and gifts of God are without Repentance And in another place Those whom the Lord loveth hee loveth unto the end and therefore if ever thou canst approve to thine own heart that God hath loved thee he will love thee still unto the end The third step and degree of faith is The full assurance of faith when a man is at this top and degree he is as it were at the top of the hill for as you know that a man being at the top of an hill hee may see the whole countrey round about him the latitude and length of it both by sea and land euen so when a man comes at this step and degree of faith he shal see the latitude and length of Gods love in Christ heaven open and Christ ready to receive him the holy Apostles ready to carry his soule into heaven as Lazarus was and all the Saints and Martyrs ready to entertaine him Now this Metaphor is taken from a ship at sea that hath sea roome enough being past rockes and sands and so out of danger saileth safely unto
a learned man saith there be two crucifiers There bee invisible and visible crucifiers the visible crucifiers are the Iewes the invisible are the people of all ages Wherefore seeing our sinnes have brought Christ to his death we should the more hate and detest them Augustine saith If a man should kill father or mother would we let him lie in our bosomes set him at our table let him be in our houses No we would hate abhorre and never abide him why man saith he thy sinnes have not killed thy father and thy mother only but thy Lord and Master one that hath done more for thee than all the world besides wherefore then wilt thou let sinne lye in thy bosome wilt thou nourish it and entertaine it still nay rather hate detest and spit at it Fourthly The end why Christ suffered was either generall to bring us home to God or particular to reconcile us to him and to abolish sinne The Generall end was to bring us to God that we might have communion and fellowship with him for all our happinesse consists in this bringing us to God and all our misery in this that we be strangers from him for by the reason of our sinnes we have no communion with him as Adam was cast out of Paradise so we be all cast from the presence of God and as he ranne away from Gods presence hid himselfe and could not abide it so we are all runne away from God we cannot abide his presence nor stand before God nor speake unto him but Christ hath suffered to this end to bring us unto him and hath appeased his anger so that now he doth looke after us and we may be bold to goe to him and speake to him in prayer Here we may observe three things First that we be strangers from God and dare not come into his presence but are abashed to stand before him or speake unto him before Christ hath carried and presented us to him As in Gen. 47. 2. when Iacob was come into Aegypt to see Ioseph he presented five of his brethren with his father Iacob to King Pharaoh because he was a stranger so seeing we be strangers from God who did not know us the true Ioseph doth present us unto him I but doth not God know us Doth he not know the creatures that he hath made This is a heavie thing that God should not know us To this I answer that sinne hath put upon us such a fearfull ugly face and so deformed that God doth not acknowledge us to be the creatures he made at first therefore the true Ioseph doth bring us to God and present us in his bloud saying O Father accept of them these be they for whose sake I was nine moneths in the dark wombe of the Virgin borne in a stable laid in a manger these be they for whose sakes I died that same cursed death on the crosse Father for my sake accept them and let my paines be their ease my shame their glory my death their life and my condemnation their absolution so that it is Christ that bringeth us home unto God which is the generall end of his sufferings In Ephes 2. 12. it is said Remember that at that time yee were without Christ being aliens from the common-wealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world but now in Christ Iesus yee who sometimes were afarre off are made nigh to him by the blood of Christ so it is the great price that Christ hath paid for us that brings us into favour with God even his most precious blood Secondly herein we may see the marvellous love of Christ that hee would bring us home to God and into favour againe and that not with a word speaking but by dying and suffering for us it had beene a great love of Christ if he had but spoke for us although he had done no more but what a great love was this to suffer such great things that it cost him his life and blood hee was not at rest till he had wrought our redemption as Luk. 12. 15. saith he But I have a Baptisme to be baptized with and how am I straightned till it be accomplished And hee did it not by speaking for us but he did it by dying and suffering for us Exod 32. 32. saith Moses pleading for the people Yet now if thou wilt forgive their sinne thy mercy shall appeare But if not blot me I pray thee out of thy booke which thou hast written So saith Christ Father spare thy people or else wipe me out of the land of the liuing let my life goe for theirs spare them and take me Psal 40. 6 7. wee see that it is not the blood of calves and of goates and beasts that can redeeme us but Christ knew it must bee a more precious blood that must doe it and therefore doth hee offer his owne blood and saith take my life and my blood and let my people goe free Hence wee may see the marvelous love of Christ that hee did not redeeme us by speaking but by suffering and dying for us therefore seeing he loved us we should be content to love againe and to doe any thing that he requires of us Saint Andrew when he was charged of the Gentiles that he did not love their gods he made this answer Let me see if your gods can make mee such a heaven and earth and doe so much for me as my God hath done then I will love your gods but if they cannot then they are not to bee respected nor regarded so wee may say to our vile lusts and to our sinnes if ye can doe so much for me as Christ hath done then I will bestow my love upon you but if you cannot then you are not to be regarded nor respected He shall have my heart that hath done these great things for me Thirdly seeing Christ hath suffered to bring us to God wee must take heede we doe not defeate him of his labour which we doe if we hang still in our sinnes Deut. 24. 15. The Lord accounts the retaining and keeping of the labourers hire a great and grievous sinne even a crying sinne let us consider this that Christ hath laboured for us not for our meate nor money but to bring us to God to repentance and to heaven but if we hang still in our sinnes and doe not repent us of them nor bee brought home to God we defeate him and will not let him have for his labour what hee hath travelled for as it is said Esai 5. 31. Hee shall see of the travell of his soule and shall bee satisfied Christ hath travelled but to what end to bring us to God to Repentance to faith in Christ to make us conscionable in our courses this will satisfie him but if men be not brought home unto God if they doe not repent walke conscionably in
of this that this Iesus whom they have despised and condemned shall bee their Iudge at last Now I thought to have passed over the condemnation of Christ and to have spoken little of it but we must doe as the Goldsmith who will not lose the least fine of his gold but he will gather it up so we should not lose the least thing or circumstance touching Christ but should gather all up as in the Law wee read the Lord commanded that the ashes and cinders of the burnt offerings should be gathered up and laid in a cleane place in like manner wee should doe gather up the very ashes and cinders of the sufferings of Christ wherefore our hearts must bee the cleane place to lay them up in that so wee may thinke of the great love of Christ to us and be provoked to love him againe who hath loved us and washed away our sinnes Now Christ was condemned in two courts in the Ecclesiasticall before Annas and Caiphas and in the Temporall before Pilate the one whereof was a forerunner of the other and the reason is because the gouernment was not in the hands of the Iewes who could not put any to death but in the hands of the Romans under whom Pilate was the chiefe governour therefore wee will onely speake of the condemnation of Christ under Pilate where we will observe these foure things 1. How many times Pilate sought to deliver Christ. 2. What was the meanes he used 3. What made him stand so stiffe for Christ. 4. What drew him on to condemne Christ contrary to the light of his judgement First how many times Pilate laboured to cleere Christ before hee condemned him and that appeares to bee foure severall times first when they accused him saying they had found this man perverting the people and forbidding to pay tribute to Caesar saying that he is Christ our king Pilate asked him saying Art thou the king of the Iewes unto which he answered and said Thou saiest it then said Pilate to the high Priests and to the people I finde no fault in him indeed it is true that he is a king but his kingdome hee saith is not of this world therefore Caesar neede not to bee afraid of him I see no cause of death in him you say hee is a king what though it is of no worldly kingdome as Caesars is but it is a kingdome of another world therefore Pilate laboured to free Christ at this time Now in the answer of Christ to Pilate we observe two things First that hee doth professe hee is a king this is that same good confession Paul speaketh of 1 Tim. 6. 12. who under Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession therefore seeing Christ is a king wee must so accept of and receive him as to bee ordered by him in our life and conversation and governed by his Lawes because hee is the King of the Church and of all the world it is the sinne of the time that men can be contented to have Christ to bee their Saviour and redeemer to save them by his bloud but they cannot abide to have him to be their King as Luke 19. they say Wee will not have this man to rule over us so men now adayes can be contented to have Christ to teach and to preach to them but they cannot abide to have him to be their King to rule or raigne over them in their life and conversation but for this cause was he borne and for this cause did he die therefore if thou wilt ever raigne with him in the kingdome of glory thou must be ruled by him in the kingdome of Grace Secondly he saith his kingdome is not of this world it doth not consist in the pompe and glory of this world for Christs kingdome is of another world in heaven a kingdome above the clouds of glory and happinesse Which must teach us that seeing Christs kingdome is not of this world they that be subjects of Christ must not looke for especially worldly matters or preferments therefore in sicknesse paines troubles and afflictions we must say my kingdome is not of this world but above the clouds it is an heavenly kingdome a kingdome of glory and happinesse my comfort is laid up there when sicknesse and troubles are come upon a man hee must carry up his thoughts and say though I am sicke poore in distresse and disgrace yet it shall not alwayes be so with me for my kingdome is not of this world If the heire of a great King should be in a strange place and hardly used there he would gather up his thoughts and think with himselfe I am but a stranger here and therfore they use me hardly but when I come home againe into mine owne kingdome then it shall be otherwise with me so when wee bee hardly used here we must consider that wee are strangers and therefore they doe hardly use us but when we come at our Fathers house we shall have more comfort than this world can afford us Againe seeing our kingdome is not of this world but a heavenly kingdome the glory whereof farre exceeds all the transitory things of this life therefore wert thou a subject of the best kingdome of the world know it is nothing unlesse thou be a subject of Christs kingdome it is nothing to bee a citizen of the best citie in the world unlesse thou be a citizen of the kingdome of Christ Therefore labour to be a subject in the kingdome of grace to live by faith to be obedient to Gods Commandements to be patient in troubles and then thou shalt be a subject in the kingdome of glory The Queene of the South came from the uttermost parts of the earth to heare the wisdome of Salomon which when shee came and heard she thought it a great preferment to be one of his subjects saith shee Happie are thy men happie are these thy servants which stand continually before thee c. Now if it were a happie thing to be a subject in that kingdome much more is it a happie thing to be a subject in the kingdome of Christ therefore let us labour to bee subjects to Christ in the kingdome of grace that wee may be subjects in the kingdome of glroy The second time that Pilate laboured to free Christ and to set him at libertie was after he had sent him to Herod it is said That he called together the high Priests and the rulers of the people and said unto them yee have brought this man unto me as one that perverteth the people and behold I having examined him before you have found no fault in this man concerning those things whereof ye accuse him no nor yet Herod for I sent you to him and loe nothing worthy of death is done unto him This ye see is the second time that Pilate sought to deliver Christ Which may teach us to be constant in a good course although things doe not succeed
passed that heaven and earth could not reverse it therefore either we must die in our own persons or Christ must die for us he took our nature upon him died for us and so gave satisfaction to the justice of God In the Law we see when lots were cast for the Goats he that the lot fell on was killed and the other escaped so there were lots cast whether we should die or he it pleased God that the lot fell on Christ hee was killed and we escaped wherein we may see the infinite love of Christ that died to satisfie the justice of God that we might not die we reade 2 Sam. 10. 33. David cried out O my sonne Absalom my sonne my sonne Absalom would God I had died for thee O Absalom my sonne my sonne wherein he shewed the true affection of a father Now that which David desired for his sonne Christ hath performed for us and therefore when wee thinke of the death of Christ we may thinke of the infinite love of God to us If one should commit such a fault against the King that he should lose his head or his eye or some part of him how farre should a man goe to finde such a friend to take his punishment upon him and so free him But Christ doth more for us than this he hath not only lost an eye or an hand for us but hee died for us therefore as often as wee thinke of the death of Christ so often wee should thinke of the love of God The Centurion Luke 7. sent the Elders of the Iewes to Christ to tell him of one that loved their nation and builded them a Synagogue but Christ hath done more for us than to build a Synagogue for he hath loved us and wished away our sinnes in his bloud as Saint Iohn saith Revel 1. 5. And therefore as often as we thinke of the death of Christ so often let us thinke of the infinite love of Christ that he would die for us to satisfie the justice of God for sinne Secondly it was needfull that Christ should die that our sinnes might die in his death for he tooke all our sinnes upon him as Saint Peter saith Who in his owne body bare our sinnes upon the Crosse when he went to die on the crosse all our sinnes were bound unto him who carried them up with him unto the crosse that they might be crucified with him and die in his death this was another thing that made a necessity of the death of Christ therefore if we live in sinne what doe we but pull downe our sinnes from the crosse of Christ bring them to the fire rub and chafe them as it were put Aqua-vitae into the mouth of them that they may live againe Iosua 7. we read that Achan stole away a wedge of gold and a Babylonish garment of the spoile when Iericho was destroyed and that proved his owne destruction in the end so if wee steale our sinnes from the crosse of Christ notwithstanding Christ died that sin might die with him then these same stolne sinnes will be our destruction Thirdly it was needfull that Christ shold die to seale unto true beleevers the promises that God hath made in the Gospell God hath bequeathed life everlasting and Christ heaven and happinesse to those that repent and beleeve In the law there is nothing but death and destruction promised to those that did transgresse and breake it but in the new testament God hath promised to them that repent and beleeve life and salvation heaven and happinesse Therefore that these promises might be sealed and confirmed Christ must die for as long as the testator liveth the testament is of no force As it is Heb. 9. 16. For saith he the testament is confirmed when men be dead because it is of no force as long as he that made it is alive therefore that the promises of God might stand good unto us it pleased the sonne of God to die for us and to seale it with his blood all which is to sustaine and comfort us for although wee have nothing here but misery and trouble yet one day we shall bee put in possession of heaven and happinesse as a man that hath a patent or a sealed deed that hee shall have such lands and livings one day though hee have not any thing to help himselfe yet he wil comfort himselfe with that which is to come so though we be put in possession on these promises presently yet let us comfort our selves that one day they shall be verified unto us and although wee endure troubles and afflictions in this world yet we may bodly stand up and say Lord I thanke thee I have a sealed deed to shew that one day I shall enjoy the promises that thou hast made in the Gospell here we see for the comfort of a Christian it was needfull for Christ to die and to seale with his blood the promises that are made in the Gospell Secondly the time when he died when he had finished the worke of mans redemption and done the worke hee came for a long time did he hang on the crosse in paines and torments yet he dyed not till hee had done the worke hee came for which must teach us that wee should bee willing to die when we have done our worke when wee have repented of our sinnes and made Christ sure to us then we should be willing to die and never till then so it is said of David Act. 13. 36. After he had served his generation by the counsell of God he fell on sleepe and was laid unto his fathers and saw corruption so the Lord said to Moses Numb 31. 2. Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites and afterwards shalt thou be gathered unto thy people in like manner we must doe the will of God and fulfill the worke he sent us to doe and then we shall be willing to dye and never till then If a master should send his servant beyond sea to deale for him in his businesse if hee come home and doe the halfe onely and leave the other halfe undone hee must looke for a cold welcome home so God hath sent us into this world to doe his businesse whereof if we doe but the halfe leaving the rest undone we may looke for a cold welcome when wee come to dye 1 King 19. 4. we read that Elias laid him downe under a Iuniper tree and desired that he might die saying it is enough O Lord take away my life for I am no better than my fathers at which time an Angell came unto him and said Vp Elias eate and drinke for thy journey is too great for thee so many times a Christian may have a desire to dye when troubles and griefes are upon him but the Spirit of God comes unto him and bids him arise for God hath another service for him to doe We see Christ was not willing to dye
David saith Psal 59. that their throates are an open sepulcher even like an open grave a stinking place a place of rottennesse and Matth. 23. 27. our Saviour saith that the Pharisees were like painted graves that looke gloriously without but within were lothsome and filthy therefore because the grave is the lothsommest and filthiest place in it selfe Christ was buried that hee might perfume and sweeten our graves so wee see that Christ hath altered the nature of the grave for that whereas it was a place of rottennesse now he hath made it a sweet resting place to his servants Chrysostome saith well that which was a prison house of a severe Iudge he hath made a storehouse to lay up his treasure in for the grave was a prison house wherein men lay bound under the chaines of death untill the day of judgement now hee hath made it a storehouse to treasure up his servants till the time of Resurrection as Esay 57. 2. saith the Prophet Hee shall enter into peace they shall rest in their beds every one that walketh before me so the grave is as the bed for his servants to rest in till Christ bring them to glory and happinesse If a man were to passe into another countrey and must goe through dennes graves and hollow places in the earth if one could espy the footsteps of one of our deare friends that had passed that way this would give a man comfort to follow after so wee are to passe into another countrey to heaven and wee must goe through the dennes caves and hollow places of the earth if wee can see by the eye of faith that Christ hath gone the same way there bee footsteps and markes that he hath left behinde him this will give a man courage and comfort therefore howsoever death may be terrible and dreadfull to the eye of sense and to be trodden and trampled under feet of death is a fearefull thing yet by the eye of faith wee may see that Christ hath perfumed the grave and made it a sweete resting place to his servants and therefore this may comfort us Fourthly that wee might have power and strength to bury sinne for wee must not onely have power to kill sinne and worke the death of it which is much but there must also bee as it were a buriall of sinne there must be a consuming of it by little and little till it be utterly wasted as a dead man when hee is laid into the grave and buried consumes by little and little so wee must bury sinne till it bee consumed and wasted for as it is with man so it is with sinne in a man there be two things the life and the body of man take away the life from the body and that is nothing but a lumpe of earth if it remaine unburied it will poyson the ayre so there is in every man the life of sinne and the body of sinne the life of sinne is the raigning of it and the body of sinne is the lumpe of lust and corruption therefore when the life or rather raigning of sin is taken away still there remaines the body sinne this wee must bury or else it will infect us so the Apostle Paul faith Rom. 6. that we doe not onely dye to sinne in the death of Christ but we are also buried with him therefore let us carry this same body of sinne unto the grave of Christ and bury it in his grave And you that have beene at the buriall of your friends turne againe to bury your sinnes every one must addresse himselfe to this buriall that so it may be wasted and consumed wee read Ezek. 39. 14. of a strange speech that there were scearchers appointed to goe through the land who if they found any dead mens bones they were to set up a sticke till the buriers did come and bury them so a Christian must doe his conscience must bee the scearcher it must finde out our sinnes which be as dead mens bones and when wee have found them wee must set stickes up by them for markes and never be at rest till they bee buried and may rot and consume to nothing therefore seeing Christ was buried that wee might have power and strength to bury sinne we must take heed that we doe not roote them out of the grave againe and uncover the moulds to this end let every man pray for grace that he may suffer his sinnes to be buryed If a man should rake a man out of the grave that had lyen there foure dayes as Lazarus did hee would poyson the ayre and infect the countrey so our sinnes if we should root them out that have beene buried these hundred yeeres they would bee ready to infect all the country therefore wee must pray to God that our sinnes may be buried and kept downe by the power of Christs buriall that so they may never rise againe The second thing observed was the parties that buried Christ Ioseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus now these were great rich men Senatours honorable men and Counsellors who buried Christ with their owne hands they did it not by a servant Ioseph he begs the body of Christ and tooke it downe in all likelihood with his owne hands and Nicodemus brought an hundreth pound of sweete odours of Myrrh and Aloes to imbalme the body of Christ It is a strange thing that these honorable persons would stoope to so meane a service as this but it was the love that they bare to Christ that made them and it may teach us that if wee truely love Christ wee will stoope to any meane duty and service for Christ or his members as Gen. 18. when the Angels came to Abrahams house he made them a feast and he waited on them as if hee had beene a servant because of the love he did beare to them so in Exod. 2. 11. wee read Moses was the adopted sonne of Pharoahs daughter and yet he did not scorne to goe out and looke on the burthens of his brethren and when there was injury offered unto them he did labour to right it so also Zacheus hee was a rich man who when hee did heare that Christ came by gets himselfe into a fig-tree to see Christ now one should have thought that such a man would have scorned such a thing to climbe up into a tree amongst boyes and girles and yet love to Christ made him doe it in like manner our Saviour Christ Iohn 13. did rise from the Table and tooke a towell and girding it about him washed his Disciples feet and after he had done he said ye call me Lord and Master as I am indeede if I then your Lord and Master have washed your feete yee ought much more to wash one anothers feete if there be any love in us to Christ we will stoope to any meane duty or service for Christ or his members one would have thought that such an honorable person as Ioseph
about his grave and this was the cause why Christ appeared to her and may teach us that although we be not Kings and Queenes noble men and women nor yet the holiest and most sanctified men and women although we be sinners yet if we be repentant sinners and shew speciall love to Christ upon our conversion hee will appeare to us and we shall see his glory therefore wouldst thou O man or woman have Christ appeare to thee and shew thee his glory then be a repentant sinner and shew speciall love to Christ upon thy conversion and feare not but Christ will appeare to thee and thou shalt see his glory So Christ saith Ioh. 14. 21. He that loveth me shall be beloved of my Father and I will love him and shew mine owne selfe unto him and dwell with him so likewise Gen. 18. we read that God appeared unto Abraham in such a familiar manner as he never did to any no not to Adam in the state of his innocency nor to Henoch in the state of excellency and why did he appeare so to Abraham because he had shewed specially love to Christ as wee may see in the Chapter foregoing that he obeyed God to the cutting off his flesh and the effusion of his blood even so if wee would have God come in a familiar manner to us to be at our tables at our labours and to be in our houses then we must shew speciall love to God in obeying his commandements if we repent us of our sinnes convert and turne to God and shew speciall love to Christ we are the men that shall enjoy Christ by the eye of faith now there bee six particular notes of Maries love First she continued seeking when others gave over Peter and Iohn sought him but when they came and saw nothing but the linnen clothes they gave over but Mary she continued still wherein shee shewed speciall love to Christ now in these two are figured two sorts of Christians the cold Christians are figured out in Peter and Iohn and the feruent Christians in Mary the cold Christian could be contented to have Christ but if he be gone he cannot helpe it he seekes but coldly to finde him O but the fervent Christian if he cannot finde him the first or the second day hee will never give over till hee have found him this is a speciall argument of true love so the Church doth Cant. 3. she never gives over seeking till she have found him Secondly that shee sought him with teares and weepes for the losse of him so when we can weepe for the losse of Christ and of Gods favour this is a note of true love wee see how Mary Magdalen could weepe for the losse of Christ the Angell asked her what she ailed saith she Doe you aske me what I aile they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him hee in whom I have laid up all my hope and all my comfort and joy so wee may say by our sinnes if any aske us why wee weepe we may reply our sinnes have taken away the comfortable feeling of Gods favour they have taken away Christ from me he in whom I have laid up all my joy and all my comfort and hope and have I not cause to weepe therefore it is a pitifull thing that a man can weepe for the losse of a wife or a childe or a sonne or some worldly wealth or because he is sicke and wants health but will never weepe for the losse of Christ and for the want of Gods favour it is said of a learned Father that there bee no teares so acceptable with God as the teares that be shed for sinne for all other teares that be shed for worldly losses fall to the ground but these teares are kept in a Bottle Thirdly she shewed her love to Christ in her diligence in seeking of him It is said she bowed her selfe downe at the grave to looke in there and yet Peter and Iohn had told her there was nothing but the linnen clothes yet she loo●ed this way and that way to see if by any meanes she could have espyed Christ or have any hope of finding him shee was loth to leave the place where she thought she might finde him this was an infallible signe of true love Mary sought for Christ in the grave but wee must seeke for Christ in the face of the Gospell there hee is to bee found now or no where else therefore when men seeke for Christ in the use of good meanes and in the preaching of the word although they do not presently finde him yet if they be loth to give over seeking of Christ because that is the place where they may have hope of finding of him they may expect good successe as Ioh. 5. wee see when the waters had beene troubled by the Angell the man that lay at the poole side of Beth●●● a long time to be healed stil one or other stepped in before him and was healed yet he lay still till at last Christ healed him so wee should come to the preaching of the word to seeke Christ to repent of our sinnes and to turne to God where although wee see others to catch away the blessing from us yet let us continue still and we shall speed therefore as the shepheards Luk. 2. exhort one another saying Come let us goe to Bethlehem to see the thing the Angels tell us of so we should exhort one another and say Come let us goe to the preaching of the word where we shall see Christ not lying in a cradle but crucified for our sinnes and gloriously sitting at the right hand of God in his throne It is reported of the Elephant that although he cannot swimme as other beasts can yet he will bee wading about the water so though wee cannot doe as other Christians doe yet let us keepe about the waters let us keepe about good meanes and at last we shall finde Christ to our comfort SERMON XXXII IOHN 20. 11 12 13 c. But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping and as she wept shee stooped downe and looked into the sepulchre And seeth two Angels in white sitting the one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had layen And they say unto her Woman why weepest thou Shee saith unto them Because they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him c. I Declared the last day that Christs first appearing was to Mary Magdalen out of whom was cast seven devils who had beene infamous and a very great sinner but was become a convert and a repentant sinner and had shewed speciall love to Christ upon her conversion and repentance in attending about the grave and therefore although she was none of the great gallants of the world nor yet the holiest and most sanctified woman yet because she was a repentant sinner and shewed great love to Christ
in the comparison I shewed you a little before though a man turne his backe upon the Sunne and goe away from it yet the Sunne followes him with his heat light and beames so when we are going away from Christ he followes us with his kindnesse and followes us with his goodnesse and mercie so Christ did manifest himselfe to these two Disciples when they were going from him therefore let us thinke of the kindnesse and goodnesse of Christ Esay 55. saith the Lord I was found of them that sought me not It is a great mercy of God that he will be found of them that seeke him but a greater mercy that when men goe away from him and have not a thought of him then he to seeke after them The second circumstance is that although they were going from Christ and from Ierusalem yet they were talking of him by the way there was some sparkes and seeds of goodnesse left Now this Towne they went to was not a Towne of Religion though a Countrie Towne and it is very like that they went about country businesse yet as they went by the way they talked of Christ 〈◊〉 must teach us what manner of talke a Christian must have though 〈…〉 worldly businesse going to a Faire or to a Market or any other journey We read 2 Kings 2. 11. when Elias and Elisha went together they went walking and talking till a firie Chariot came and parted them tooke away Elias and left Elisha on his calling And what were they talking of not of money matters but of immortalitie and of Heavenly things so in the Acts when the Eunuch was on his way riding in his Chariot and had no body to talke with hee puls out his Bible and would have God to talke with him and to this end Deuter. 6. 7. wee have a Commandement from God to speake of his Word When wee rise when we lie downe when we goe by the way and when we be at our meate Thus Psal 37. 30. David saith The mouth of the righteous will speake of wisedome and his talke will be of judgement and he gives a reason of it because the Law of God is in his heart so a righteous mans mouth will speake of good things hee will be talking of Religion If a man have a Spring in his ground hee can hardly hold it but it breakes foorth into other grounds in like manner if there be a spring of grace and of goodnesse in a mans heart he cannot hold it but it will breake foorth and flow out to others therefore when men goe up and downe and never speake of the Word it shewes there is not a Spring of grace in them It is a good thing for a Christian to talke of Christ and of the worke of Redemption and of the great things that God hath prepared for them even when they are about their worldly businesse and labors and if it be a good thing to speake of Christ and of the Word when we be about our labors and businesse then it is much better to talke of the Word when we come from a Sermon and from hearing the Word preached on the Sabbath day or at other times Nehem. 8. 1● It is said The people rejoyced that they had heard the law read unto them and that they did understand the sense of it so when wee heare the Word of God preached we should goe away rejoycing that we have heard it and understood the sense of it Luk. 2. 44. When they returned from Ierusalem from the feast they went in Troopes and a great company together the reason was because they might speake of the good things that they had heard so it is a Christians dutie to goe in companies together to conferre of the good things they have heard We see when men come from the Sea they will speake of the Sea or from the Warre they will speake of the Warre or from the Market they will talke of the Market and if men have beene at their worke they will talke of their worke but many times wee goe to a Sermon and speake not a word of that the Marriner may speake of the Sea the Souldier of his Warre the Husbandman of his Markets but it is a pittifull thing that Christians will not speake of the good things they have heard out of the Word of God There be three causes why men doe not speake of it The first a prophane contempt of God and goodnesse because they desire to have as little to doe with him as may be as the divels Matth. 8. 29. cryed out and said What have wee to doe with thee Iesus thou Sonne of God so they say What have we to doe with God and goodnesse and as in Iob 21. 15. the wicked said who is the Almightie that we should serve him and what profit should we have if we should pray to him The second is want of caution that 〈…〉 watchfull over their wayes but suffer a great deale of idle speech to come from them as the waste water of a conduit for many men doe not consider that they shall answere for every idle word not onely for the bad words but for the idle also that tend to no good end Wee see in a conduit there is not onely a pipe to let out the water but a cocke also to hold it in so we must have a cocke as it were to keepe in our speeches therefore as David praieth Psal 141. 3. Lord set a watch before the doore of my lips so we must goe to God and pray him to set a watch before the doore of our lips The third is want of love to our brethren because wee doe not love them therefore wee doe not speake of good things to them for if wee did love them then wee would be ready to impart the good things that God hath made knowne to us The second generall point is how he did manifest himselfe unto them and that was first when they were talking of Christ by the way then hee came and did joyne himselfe unto them Here wee see the blessing of God upon good talke let men talke of Christ when they be going on their way and when they be at their labours when they be journeying and they shall finde the blessing of God upon their speeches therefore wouldest thou have Christ present at thy table and at thy labors and as thou goest by the way then speake of him for there is such a drawing power in good speech as it will draw Christ to thee and let us speake of him and of Religion and then we shall finde the blessing of God upon us but as long as there is filthy speech and cursing amongst us Christ will not come to us but that will drive him away from us Secondly in the manner we may observe that Christ did manifest himselfe and they did not know of it their eyes were
discharge from his master though hee long for the time of his freedome and looke to the shore of the Sea to see when the Ship would come to carry him away and thinke every day seven and every yeere seven till the time come yet he goes not before his master calls so it should be with a Christian though hee be willing to goe to God and to leave all yet Hee must not take downe the Tent himselfe but hee must tarry till the Lord give him a discharge and then thinke every day seven daies and every yeere seven yeeres till the time come and when it is come he must willingly goe to Christ It is an infinite wonder notwithstanding all the happinesse men shall enjoy by ascending with Christ that they cannot by any perswasions be induced to forsake and leave off this hanging on the world I doe not meane onely when God would have them to live but even when men lie on their sicke beds and are readye to depart this World Thirdly seeing Christ is ascended wee must labour to feele the vertue and Power of Christs ascension there bee many that can talke and tell long stories of it but this is nothing unlesse they can find the vertue and power of it Phil. 3. 9 10. saith Paul I desire that I may be found in him and that I may know him and the vertue of his resurrection c. So wee must desire that we may feele the Power of Christs ascension as Psal 68. 18. It is said that when Christ ascended up on high he led captivity captive that is as yee heard before that when hee ascended hee did triumph overall our spirituall enemies and they were bound and tyed to the triumphant Chariot of Christ in fetters and chaines like slaves Now everyman must feele this triumph and conquest in himselfe therefore dost thou feele the Divell to be bound and Hell to bee stopped Death to be weakned and the power of thy lusts and sinnes abated then thou dost truely feele the vertue and the power of Christs ascension but if thou doe not feele the Divell to bee bound Hell stopped Death to bee weakned and thy lusts and corruptions to be abated then hast thou no vertue by Christs ascension Saint Bernard saith well If thou doest not feele the vertue and power of Christs ascension hee is not ascended for thee thou shalt have no good nor bee a penny the better for it therefore let every man labour to finde the vertue and the power of Christs ascension in himselfe as Hell to be stopped Death to be weakned and Sinne to bee abated and then hee may have comfort by Christs ascension Now there is another vertue we must finde by Christs ascension spoken of Psal 68. 18. at his ascension Hee gave gifts to man and what gifts were they of two sorts First Royall gifts and Secondly Personall gifts Personall gifts bee such as Teachers and Preachers have Royall gifts be such as be in a Christian as Knowledge Spirituall wisedome Vnderstanding Faith Repentance Love Zeale and the gift of Prayer Therefore hast thou knowledge spirituall wisedome understanding faith and repentance hast thou love and zeale and hast thou a gift in Prayer Then thou dost feele of the vertue and power of Christs ascension but if thou bee an ignorant and a blockish man and hast no knowledge or understanding no faith or repentance no gift in prayer then thou art not one pennie the better by Christs ascension neither canst thou have any comfort in it Fourthly seeing Christ is ascended what must we doe till he come againe to us the Papists tell us wee must have an Image or a picture of him and must keepe it to put us in minde of him till hee come againe but this is against the second Commandement And 2 Corinth 5. 16. the Apostle Paul tels us that wee should no more know Christ after the flesh saith hee yea though we had knowne Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth we know him no more so that this is not the way the Papists tell us to have an image or a crucifixe of Christ But there is another way for the Lord hath left us the glasse of the Gospell as 1 Corinth 13. 12. But now we see through a glasse darkly but then face to face Therefore we must looke well into this glasse for there wee shall see Christ borne in a Stable and laid in a Manger praying on the Mount bleeding in the Garden hanging on the Crosse laid into the Grave and rising from Death and gloriously ascending into Heaven Therefore wee must not doe as the Papists tell us but we must keepe us to this glasse hold us to it and looke into it and at last Iesus will come and joyne himselfe to us nay he will stand by us and transport our bodies and make them like to his glorious body Now the next uses are uses of Comfort First that seeing Christ is ascended into Heaven this may give us comfort that one day we shall rise and ascend also for He is our pawne and pledge and hath taken possession of heaven for us which is a great comfort to a Christian that where Christ is there hee shall bee also as Christ saith Ioh. 14. 3. I go to prepare a place for you and I will come againe unto you and take you unto my selfe that where I am there you may be also therefore seeing Christ is in heaven he wil draw all his members after him so Ioh. 17. in that sweete prayer that Christ makes he saith Father I will that they which thou hast given me may be with me even where I am that they may behold my glory Tertullian saith well Christ the Mediator of God and man hath taken the pawne of our flesh and hath carried it into heaven and hath left us the pawne of his Spirit therefore now flesh and blood be secure in Christ and Athanasius saith God hath repealed this heavy sentence Earth thou art and to earth thou shalt returne againe dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt returne againe for Christ hath carried thy flesh into heaven and hath taken possession of it and holds it till thou art ready therefore let not a Christian be afraid of the troubles and afflictions that hee meets with in this world for as Christ is ascended so one day he shall ascend when the time comes this is a sweet comfort to a poore Christian when he lyes on his sicke bed when he meets with many troubles and afflictions in this world unto whom I may say as Christ said to the Church of Smyrna Revel 2. 10. Feare none of these things that thou shalt suffer even so I may say feare none of these things that thou shalt suffer feare not trouble affliction sicknesse death nor any thing Art thou a poore man and dost thou want a house to dwell in why Heaven is thy house dost thou want friends God is thy
kingdome Secondly All our good workes shall bee remembred and rewarded at the day of judgement and Christ will make rehearsall of them there is never a good deed we have done but it shall be remembred and rewarded so that our labour shall not bee in vaine as Saint Paul saith 1 Cor. 15. ult so Revel 20. 12. it is said And I saw the dead both great and small stand before God and the bookes were opened and another booke was opened which is the booke of Life and the dead were judged of those things which were written in the bookes according to their workes So the Lord hath all the good deeds of his servants written in a booke which shall bee remembred reported and rewarded therefore what a comfort is this to a poor Christian that in the hearing of all the world all his good deeds shall be reported how many painefull Iourneyes they have taken to heare the Word how many houres they have spent in prayer how many teares they have wept for sinne that they have entertained the Saints that they have fed the hungry cloathed the naked visited the sicke what a great inticement this is to doe good to thinke what honor it is that all their good deeds shall be remembred and rewarded Matth. 26. 15. Christ saith of the woman when she had powred the ointment on him that this which shee had done should bee spoken of her wheresoever this Gospell shall bee preached for a memoriall of her But what is the speech of men to the speech of Christ the praise of men to the praise of Christ when hee shall stand out and make a report of all our good deeds wee have done therefore what a comfort will this be I but have not the people of God sinne I answer they have their sinnes and their great sinnes too even the best men that be but here is the comfort when the day of judgment commeth they shall not bee remembred but pardoned and carried on the shoulders and necke of Christ and our good deeds onely shall be remembred As Esay 33. ult it is said The people that dwell therein shall have their iniquity forgiven So Ieremie 31. 33 34. saith the Lord I will make a new Covenant with them and I will write my lawes in their hearts and I will bee their God and they shall be my People and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying Know the Lord for they shall all know mee from the greatest to the least saith the Lord and I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sinnes no more Here is the comfort of Christians that all their sinnes shall be forgotten onely their vertues shall be remembred Exodus 34. Moses put a veile on his face that the children of Israel should not see the glory of it but Christ hath hanged a veile over our sinnes that they should not be seene even his holinesse and sanctifie that the world should not see nor behold them for they are all pardoned remitted and covered with the Robe of his righteousnesse Thirdly the judgement which shall passe upon us shall bee according to the workes of mercie and not only workes of mercie but all other good workes shall have a reward as Malach. 3. 16. it is said Then spake they that feared God every one to his neighbour and the Lord hearkened and heard it and a booke of remembrance was written before him for them that feared God and thought upon his Name So there was a booke written of all the good deeds of them that did feare God and so Matth. 5. 11 12. saith our Saviour Blessed are ye when men revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evill against you for my Names sake falsly Rejoyce and bee glad for great is your reward in Heaven as also Matth. 10. 32. Whosoever shall confesse me before men him will I also confesse before my Father which is in Heaven So then wee see all our good workes shall be rewarded But why doth Christ mention onely workes of mercie I answere there be two reasons of it First because the Lord doth not accept of any worke we doe of hearing of the Word of praying nor of any other good dutie we doe if wee doe not shew mercie and compassion to our brethren As 1 Cor. 13. 3. And though I feede the poore with all my goods and though I give my body that it bee burnt and have not love it profiteth me nothing and Esay 1. 14. saith God My soule hateth your new Moones and your appointed Feasts they are a burthen to me I am wearie of bearing them and the reason was because they did not shew compassion to their brethren as may be gathered out of the 15. verse In like manner the Prophet bringeth in the people expostulating with God and he answering them Esay 58. 3. Wherefore have we fasted and thou seeft not wherefore have we punished our selves and thou regardest is not c Is not this the fasting that I have chosen to loose the bands of wickednesse to take off the heavie burthens is let the oppressed goe free and that ye breake every yoke verse 6 7. Is it not to breake thy bread to the hungrie and that thou bring the poore that wander unto thy house and when thou seest the naked that thou cover him and hide not thy selfe from thine owne flesh and therefore wee may assure our selves the Lord will accept of none of our workes without we be mercifull to our brethren Secondly because as it is Hos 6. 6. The Lord desires mercy and not sacrifice when both may stand together then God will have both But if they cannot he will have mercy shewed hee had rather lose his owne part than a poore man should lose his So the command is Heb. 13. 16. But to doe good and to distribute forget not for with such sacrifices God is well pleased Such is the tendernesse of God that hee is contented to abate of his owne service rather than man should want of his comfort As Matth. 5. 23. If thou bring thy gift to the Altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leave there thine offering before the Altar and goe thy way first bee reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Hence we see though it be a great dutie that we owe to God yet for mans good hee will bee contented to stay for his owne service Philosophers say that the fire which is farthest remooved is the hottest and most vehement so it is in love that love which is furthest remooved from God is the hottest and the most vehement love of all other It is an easie matter to love God in himselfe O but for a man to love God in his poore distressed members to love him in his poore Saints and People this is the hottest
know he hath the Spirit The first worke is That hee would not grieve God for a world hee hates sinne he cannot abide it hee would not sweare nor lie nor prophane the Sabboth nor commit any sinne willingly in this case he may assure himselfe he hath the Spirit of God in him Secondly that although hee falls into some sinne yet hee holds his care and love to all other holy duties as David did in that foule sinne of adultery when he had fallen into it yet hee came to the Temple did hold himselfe to performe holy duties still Thirdly to hold our love to God and to Gods people when he loves a Christian as a Christian saith S. Iohn hereby we know that we are translated from death to life because wee love the brethren First the Vse of this is that seeing in the falls of the Godly there is alwayes a roote left therefore wee should labour to nourish and to hold this roote that is to nourish these good desires the love of goodnesse and the hatred of sinne If a man hath a good plant in his Garden if bad fellowes come and cut downe the boughes and branches what will he doe he will goe and digge about the roote dung it and labor to preserve and nourish it so when there is a plant of goodnesse in a Christian if the Divell come and cut downe the boughes and branches neverthelesse we must labour to nourish the roote by the Use of good meanes Secondly seeing there is a roote left in all the falls of the godly therefore wee must bee thankefull to God when wee have a desire to please him in all our courses Thirdly seeing there is a roote of grace left in all the falls of the godly Therefore if we cannot finde these workings of the Spirit nor the desires in us but perceive our selves to be dead hearted it is a shrewd signe that there is no roote of grace yet I say not but that God may in time and in the use of meanes worke grace in such a heart but for the present I can give such a disposition no incouragement of that estate till God worke more in them SERMON LVII IOHN 14. 26. But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my Name hee shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you HAving spoken of the meanes whereby a man may know by infallible arguments that the holy Ghost is in him in the next place we are to speake what good and benefit wee have by the Holy Ghost for when we know the great good that comes by the Holy Ghost it will make us to prise it when wee have it and to seeke for it when we want it Therefore it shall not be amisse to see what this great good and benefit is that we have by the holy Ghost The Prophet David Psal 51. 11. prayes Lord take not thy Holy Spirit from me though thou take away my peace my Children my crowne and kingdome and other blessings yet Lord take not thy Spirit from me David knew the Spirit of God was a greater blessing than Peace Children Crowne Kingdome than all other blessings and benefits whatsoever It is true indeede that the benefits of the Holy Ghost are unspeakeable that no man can see them in the full latitude and extention because God is infinite yet wee may see some of them A man who comes to the Sea stands and lookes on it hee joyes to see it though hee cannot see the length nor the breadth of it so although a man cannot comprife the number of them yet it is a comfort to see some of them Now there are sixe speciall benefits that we have by the Holy Ghost The first worke is to shew us our wretched and miserable estate that wee stand in till we be brought home to Christ for no sooner are wee beginning to enter into an estate of grace but presently there is kept a marvellous stirre which troubles and disquiets us as long as the strong man holds possession Luk. 1. 21. Because the Spirit of God once come into us shewes us our sinnes and the wrath of God against them and that Hell is ready for us and then our thoughts cannot chuse but bee exceedingly troubled and we are so amazed as wee know not how to turne us Thus we see Paul was Act. 9. three dayes together he eate no meate but prayed in heavinesse and sorrow as Ezechiel 37. before life came into the dead bones there was a noyse a ratling shaking and trembling amongst them so before the Lord puts spirituall life into us there is as it were a noyse and a trembling and a shaking for sinne This is the worst wee shall feele from the Holy Ghost which is harsh to the flesh but comfortable to the Spirit because it is as an holy vomit that the Lord gives us to purge out our sins and corruptions which though bitter in taste at first is comfortable and giving ease at the latter end So Matth. 5. Christ saith Blessed are ye that mourne for ye shall be comforted and Psal 126. They which sow in teares shall reape in joy So that there is no teares more blessed and happy than those that are shed out for sinne Therefore in the harshest worke of the Spirit there is comfort as Matth. 1. Ioseph was sore perplexed about Mary and he thought to put her away secretly till the Angell came to him and said Feare not Ioseph to take Mary to be thy Wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost So when a christian is perplexed and troubled with his sinnes let him not be afraid for it is from the Holy Ghost So Gen. 25. 21. when Rebecca had conceived the Children dashed in her wombe that is they strove together Why am I thus saith shee and thereupon asked the Lord who said unto her Two Nations are in thy Wombe of whom the one shall be mightier than the other and the elder shall serve the yonger So when a Christian shall feele a striving in him let him be of good comfort there are two within him the spirit and the flesh the elder shall serve the younger the flesh shall bee but a slave to the spirit So then in the harshest worke of the spirit there is comfort and if there bee comfort in the troublesomest worke what comfort is there in the rest of the benefits The second benefit is Illumination to teach us the whole will of God as shall bee needfull for our salvation and so Christ saith in this place But the comforter which is the holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance which I have told you and Iohn 6. 45. saith he they shall all be taught of God so also 1 Ioh. 2.
as occasion shall be offered to doe them good it is the Holy Ghost that doth put it in us as Paul saith Galath 4. 6. he hath sent the Spirit of his Sonne into our hearts whereby wee cry Abba Father Hence wee see it is the Spirit of God that stirres us up to the duties of prayer and holinesse The fourth benefit is To give us power and ability to performe Christian duties and services for the Spirit of God doth not onely open our hearts to understand the Scripture excite and stirre us up to good duties but doth also enable us to doe them to repent of our sinnes to pray to God to love our brethren to rest and relye on God in the time of trouble In the story of Sampson we see that he did shake himselfe and did thinke to have done great maters yet for his life he could not because his strength was gone in like manner when wee see other men can pray repent of their sins when thou canst not doe so know it is the Holy Ghost that doth inable thee for there be a number of Christian duties that we are no more able in the estate of nature to doe than a dead man can remove a mountaine as when a man is truely humbled for sinne and cast downe that a naturall man should looke up to God by the eyes of faith to rest and to rely on him for the saving of his soule this hee is no more able to doe than a dead man to remove a mountaine so likewise for a man to resist a temptation agreeable to his nature he is no more able to doe it than a dead man to remoove a mountaine againe when a man is in want and in need then to rest and rely on God for the feeding of his body that as he hath trusted God with the saving of his soule so hee will rely on God for things needfull a naturall man is no more able to doe this than a dead man to remove a mountaine but the Spirit of God inables a man to doe that for that which is impossible to nature is made possible by the Spirit of God The fift benefit is to comfort in distresse although a Man wants house or land and a number of outward comforts yet if hee have the Holy Ghost to comfort and assist him hee neede not care for any thing else Therefore Christ saith to his Disciples I will send you a Comforter in the World ye shall have trouble but he shall mitigate and asswage all your troubles So Acts 9. 31. it is said Then had the Churches rest throughout all Iudea Galile and Samaria and were edified walking in the feare of God and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost were multiplyed Therefore whatsoever our trouble is yet it is a great stay that we shall have comfort in the Holy Ghost and not be driven to take up the complaint which David doth in the Person of Christ I looked for some to have pittie on mee but there was none and for comfort but I found none for though it be true of Christians that in their trouble they looke for some to pitty and comfort them but they finde none yet neverthelesse in their extremity the Holy Ghost doth comfort them therefore if men want comfort in the time of trouble what shall they doe send for fidlers and merry company to comfort them as Saul did and fall into relapses no but wee must labour to get the Holy Ghost to comfort us for the comfort of the Holy Ghost goes beyond all worldly comforts First because all worldly comforts may be taken from us let it bee in our goods or friends or whatsoever else these comforts may faile us because the ground of them is not good wee may be taken from them and they from us but the comfort of the Holy Ghost can never be taken from us because it is grounded on Gods Love and favour and hope of Heaven therefore the Divell and all the World shall never be able to take away this comfort Secondly because all the comforts in this life be not pure and intire comforts but have alwayes some sorrowes in them as wee see Hest 5. when Haman had all the glory that Ahashuerosh could afford him yet he was not at quiet because Mordecai sate at the kings gate the cup of our comfort here in this world is a mixed cup like to Christs cup mingled with wine and Myrrh much bitternesse so all our worldly comfort is mixed with gall But the comfort that we have by the Holy Ghost is pure and intire it comforts us in all the distresses that befall us It made Paul and Silas sing in Prison Acts 16. It made the Apostles goe away rejoycing that they had suffered rebuke for the Name of Christ Thirdly because all worldly comfort failes and leaves us at the day of death when the more comfort we have had by it the more griefe it will bee to part from it Therefore Christ saith Luk. 12. to the rich man Thou foole this night shall thy soule be pulled away from thee but the comfort of the Holy Ghost is most beneficiall and refreshing at the day of death because then we draw neere to the accomplishment of Gods promises as Paul saith 2 Tim. 4. 7. I have fought a good fight and have finished my course I have kept the faith from henceforth is laid up for mee the Crowne of righteousnesse which the righteous Iudge shall give at that day hence we conclude all worldly comfort is not comparale to it And here I thinke there is none but will assent with me to pray to God to give us the Holy Ghost as David prayes Psal 4. That God would lift up the light of his countenance upon him howsoever others desire other things let us pray to God though wee want many outward comforts yet that wee may have the holy Ghost to comfort us Now there are three speciall times that the Holy Ghost doth comfort in 1. In trouble and affliction 2. In the distresse of Conscience 3. In the day of death The Holy Ghost doth comfort us in trouble and affliction three wayes First by perswading us that God is our Father and that he will not leave us but will stand by us in the time of our trouble as Psal 23. 4. David saith Yea though I should walke through the valley of the shadow of death yet I will feare no evill for thou art with me So Psal 27. The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I feare The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I bee afraid this is one meanes whereby the Holy Ghost doth comfort therefore if a man have the holy Ghost he neede not care because that will comfort and uphold him in all the trouble that doth befall him Secondly by turning all things to our good as Rom. 8.
the Saints is the mutuall bearing one with another in their weaknesses and infirmities seeing all the People of God are subject to weaknesse and infirmitie being partly flesh and partly spirit the flesh many times having the better of the spirit As wine and water being put into a glasse the water taketh away the good taste of the wine so the flesh taketh away the good taste of the spirit insomuch that many times the best men have many frailties and weaknesses therefore there must be a mutuall bearing one with another which is that which holds together Christian communion as Rom. 15. 1. Saint Paul saith We which are strong ought to beare with the infirmities of the weake and in this place beare ye one anothers burthen and so fulfill the Law of Christ againe saith he Forbearing one another and forgiving one another even as God for Christs sake forgave you so then there must be a mutuall forbearing one of another as we would have others to beare with our weaknesse and infirmities so wee should beare one with another for if wee doe not we cannot hold communion one with another which is out of want of true love We see a mother will beare with the frowardnesse of her childe though it crie and be disquiet all the night yet she sings and dances it and in the morning smiles on it and is as good friends with it as she was before the reason whereof is because she loveth her childe so if there were true love amongst us the husband would beare with the weakenesse of the wife and the wife with the weakenesse of the husband the Parents with the Children and the Children with the Parents and one good neighbour and friend with another for because men want true love therefore they cannot digest the least matter that is Now this mutuall bearing one with another consists in three things First they be ready to hide and conceale the faults one of another they will not blaze them abroad and make table-talke of them but they will hide them and if there bee but one grace or vertue in them that they will take notice of but their infirmities they conceale contrariwise is the practise of the world if they see a great many graces and vertues and but one infirmitie and weakenesse in one they will conceale all his vertues and take notice of that weaknesse and infirmitie being like to the flie that passeth over all the whole parts of a man and lights on the sore place chiefly Secondly if they cannot hide and cover them they will be ready to excuse them as Acts 3. 17. Peter told the Iewes that they had killed the Lord of Life And now brethren saith he ye did it of ignorance as did your fathers so Ioseph Gen. 45. 5. saith he I am Ioseph your brother whom you sold into Egypt now therefore be not sad and grieved in your selves that yee sold mee thither for God did send me before for your preservation Thirdly when the fault is so great that they cannot excuse it and so open and manifest as that they cannot hide it yet still they can indure them wish well to them and pray for them As 1 King 12. 23. when the people had sinned against God in asking a king and had cast off Samuel and rejected him saith he God forbid that I should sinne against God and cease praying for you but I will shew you the good and right way I will not faile in dutie to you though you faile to me This is a rare example that when wee cannot excuse the matter nor hide it that yet we can pray for the party The use is seeing the communion and societie of the Saints is such a great helpe to further us to Heaven and to comfort us here in this world let it bee our wisedome to nourish this holy communion one with another and to strengthen one another in our faith repentance and holy graces as also to nourish holy meetings for the further instructing one of another But these Christian communions are now much decayed wee have seene what meetings in many townes there hath beene in former time to confer and pray one with another and to speak of good things doe Christians thinke there is no neede of helpe this way can they goe to Heaven without the helpe one of another The strength of Sampson lay in his haire which when Dalilah had cut hee became as another man so a great part of the strength of a Christian lieth in Christian communion and in the use of good meanes from which if the world can intice thee and cut off these good helps and meanes thy strength will decay and thou shalt become as another man therefore it must bee our wisedome to nourish this holy communion There is another communion now adayes that hath eaten out and overrun this to wit the communion of good fellowes that meete together to swill swagger drinke carouse mispend their time abuse the good creatures and dishonor God but there is as great difference betweene these two communions as betweene light and darknesse and therefore it is a pittifull thing that on this day in which men should get knowledge faith and repentance and bee the better for it all the weeke after they come to swill swagger and mispend their pretious time which I trust all good men that hope to enjoy the communion of Saints will shun detest and abhominate Now the Papists do further inlarge this point and say that the Saints may communicate their merits one to another for they say that the Saints can merit enough for themselves and give the overplus to their friends this is a monstrous opinion and yet the doctrine of that Church which by three reasons I will disproove First because no man can merit for himselfe so if hee cannot merit for himselfe he cannot merit for another and no man can merit for himselfe because merit is a worke that is not due seeing all that we can doe to God is but our duty Now all the service that we doe to God is but our dutie for it is said Deut. 6. 5. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soule and with all thy might so then when we have done all we can we doe but our duty so also Christ saith Luk. 17. 10. when ye have done all you can say We are but unprofitable servants therefore if no man can merit for himselfe then much lesse can hee merit for another Secondly No man can merit for another but he must he his Saviour but no man can be a Saviour but Christ onely according as the Angell told Mary Matth. 1. 21. And then shalt bring forth a Sonne and shalt call his name Iesus for he shall save his people from their sinnes Now there is no man can be a Saviour unlesse he can give grace but
the Name Iesus is implied Christ to be our Savior No other Iesus but he He is our Iesus and will save us 72. Sinnes of ignorance lesse than sinnes of knowledge 228. * Commission of sinne after illumination dangerous 193. ¶ Impenitence worse than wormewood or ●all to Christ 250. * Importunitie prevailes with wicked men to any thing that is bad 210. * Impossibilities in nature are possibilities in the power of God 109. ¶ Our Heavenly Inheritance comes from God our Father 57. Our title to Heaven is by inheritance 452. Foure testimonies of Christs Innocencie 195. We ought to beware of wronging the Innocent 206. ¶ Iosephs grave in his garden why 279. How Christ makes intercession for us 457. It is finished Christs song of gratulation 250. ¶ Of Iudas's betraying Christ 181. Christ onely the Iudge at last day 394. ¶ Comforts from Christ being our Iudge 394. ¶ Two things required in a Iudge sufficient Knowledge to know all things Power to punish all offendors 391. Of Christs comming to Iudgement 385. The glory of Christs comming to Iudgement consists in His traine Brightnesse of his Body Eminencie of his soveraigne Power 422 There shall be a Iudgement day 386. The day of Iudgement not far off 400. ¶ The Earth the generall place where the last Iudgement shall be 395. * The Time Certaintie Signes of the last Iudgement 399. c. Two signes yet to come of the last Iudgement 403. Reasons of the delay of the day of Iudgement are Gods 1. Patience in waiting for mans redemption 2. Goodnesse to his creatures 3. Care of the Elect. 404. The persons that shall be Iudged 405. The manner of the last Iudgement 409. The sentence of the last Iudgement 443. The last Iudgement shall bee according to good workes 458. ¶ Difference in Iudgement may happen to the Saints but not in affection as in Physitians about a sicke Patient 585. ¶ Gods Children must bee affected with his Iudgements 168. ¶ All that desire to see Christ and to depart in peace must be Iust men 139. † Iustice and Religion must goe together 139. ¶ K NO doores or iron gates can keepe out Christ 339. * Christ hath two keyes 1. To lock the wicked into hel 2. To open heavē to the godly 423 Christ a King to Gather Governe Doe good to Defend his Church and People 86. c. The Kingdome of Heaven prepared onely for the Elect. 451. Three properties of the Kingdome of Heaven 448. Gods attributes set aworke to furnish the Kingdome of Heaven 448. ¶ Foure excellencies of the Kingdome of Heaven 449. Gods goodnesse to his people to bring them out of the divels kingdome into Christs 87. † Christs Kingdome not of this world 115. † 198. † Some kisse religion at Church as Iudas did Christ and betray it at home 184. † That we shall know one another at the Resurrection 630. Two defects in knowledge or illumination 496. Christ must bee made knowne abroad no● conceald in private 127. † Wee must make conscience of knowne truthes 284. * L NO labour too great to come to Christ 129. ¶ If we continue in sinne unrepentant Christ hath lost his labour 151. ¶ A Christian a shining lampe 589. * The Canon Law makes it unlawfull to sell Spirituall things What belongs to another 182. ¶ God sometimes leaves us to see how we love him 332. A man loses the Spirit as leaves fall off a tree 521. † An evill member of the Church compared to a wodden legge 537. * Why Christs legges were broken 266. No lets should binder Christians from comming to Christ 126. † Christs Letter to his Father 74. How a man may be busied for provision for this life 648. † Mans life compared to Weavers warpe 45. ¶ Life twofold of Nature Grace 171. * The time of this life the time of mercie and grace 444. This life compared to a drawbridge ibid. Of life everlasting 648. God promiseth to his People life Naturall in this world Spirituall in the world to come 649. ¶ Two degrees of spirituall life of Grace Glorie 650. † The continuance of life everlasting 669. Life everlasting no blessing but torment to the wicked 648. ¶ Christ by his life aswell as death wrought out our salvation 254. † As the Soule is the life of the body so God is the life of the soule 649. Sinners deserve not to have the light of the Sunne or Moone to shine on them 167. ¶ Christ Lord of the world in regard of Soveraigntie Service 95. Christ as Lord will dispose all to the good of his Church 96. † Christ our Lord by right of Creation Redemption Donation Voluntarie service 97. The abatements of the graces of the Spirit in a man whereby hee thinkes them lost 518. † Love beares with a number of faults as a mother with her childe 595. The marvellous love of Christ to die and suffer for us 151. * True love to Christ Endures no holding backe Followes Christ in bonds 190. True love to Christ stoopes to the meanest service for his members 276. † Christ loves his enemies much more his friends 226. ¶ Every man like the Iewes preferre their lusts before Christ 203. M IF Christ restored an Eare to Malchus his enemy much more will he be mercifull to his friends 638. ¶ God had rather abate of his Service tha● Man w●nt his comfort 459. Gods fitting a Man to his Kingdome compared to a Carpenters hewing of timber 500. ¶ The meanenesse of Mans beginning 67. God made Man last of all creatures to Honour him Teach him Further him in the best things 70. † Christ was made Man in regard of Necessitie Equitie Fitnesse 103. The Manhood of Christ darkned by the Godhead as a candle by the Sunne 477. * The manner of the manifestation of Christs birth 123. Three reasons why Christ was manifested first to the poorer sort 120. ¶ The Virgin Mary more blessed for bearing Christ in her heart than in her wombe 112. † Notes of Mary Magdalens love to Christ are her seeking him Continually when others gave over With teares for losse of him With diligence With complaint for not finding him With publishing her sorrow With proffer of any paines to enjoy him 306. c. Why Mary could not see Christ 310. Why Christ appeares first to Mary 313. ¶ Constant using the meanes a sure way to finde Christ 307. The meanes are to the Spirit as would to the nourishing of a tree 520. † The conscionable use of the meanes gives us comfortable hope of a blessing 538. * The office of a Mediator ceases when Christ renders up his Kingdome 476. † The Mediatorship compared to silke before sore eyes 476. ¶ All men are sinners 610. See Sinne and Sinners Mercie in the midst of wrath 58. Three reasons that no man can merit for another 596. Man can merit nothing 252. ¶ Watchfulnesse requisite to the members of the Church militant 531. ¶ GOD the Author of all Ministery 342. ¶ Christs