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A02296 The dial of princes, compiled by the reuerend father in God, Don Antony of Gueuara, Byshop of Guadix, preacher, and chronicler to Charles the fifte, late of that name Emperour. Englished out of the Frenche by T. North, sonne of Sir Edvvard North knight, L. North of Kyrtheling; Relox de príncipes. English Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545?; North, Thomas, Sir, 1535-1601?; Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545? Aviso de privados. English.; Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180. 1568 (1568) STC 12428; ESTC S120709 960,446 762

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declareth that he was more valiaunte in feates of warre then comely of personage For though he was lame of one foote bleamished of one eye lackyng one eare and of bodye not muche bygger than a dwarfe yet for all thys he was a iuste manne verye constant stoute mercyfull couragious and aboue all he was a great enemy to the ignoraunt and a specyall frende to the sage Of thys Kynge Cresus Seneca speaketh in hys booke of clemencie and sayeth that the sages were so entierly beloued of hym that the greekes whyche hadde the fountaine of eloquence dyd not call hym a louer but entitled hym the loue of sages For neuer no louer dyd so muche to attayne to the loue of hys ladye as he dyd to drawe to hym and to hys countreye sage menne Thys kynge Cresus therefore beyng lorde of many Barbarous nations the whiche loued better to drinke the bloude of the innocent then to learne the science of the wise lyke an excellent Prince determined for the comfort of his person and remedye of his common wealth to searche out the greaetst sages that were in Grece At that tyme flourished the famous and renowmed philosopher Anacharsis who though he was borne brought vp amonges the Scithies yet he was alwaies resident notwithstāding in Athens For the vniuersitie of Athens dyd not despise those that were Barbarians but those that were vitious The king Cresus sent an embassatour in great auctoritie with riches to the Phylosopher Anacharsis to perswade and desire him and with those giftes and presentes to present him to the end it myght please him to come and see his person and to sette an order in his common wealth Cresus not contented to send him giftes which the imbassatour caried but for to let him vnderstande why he dyd so wrote hym a letter with hys owne hand as hereafter foloweth The letter of kyng Cresus to Ancharsis the Philosopher CResus kyng of Lydes wysheth to the Anacharsis great Philosopher which remainest in Athens health to thy person and encrease of vertue Thou shalte see howe well I loue the in that I neuer saw the nor knew the to write vnto the a letter For the thinges whiche with the eyes haue neuer bene sene seldome times with the hart are truly beloued Thou doest esteme litle as truth is these my small giftes and presentes which I send the yet I praye the greatly esteme the will and hart wherwith I doe visite the. For noble hartes receyue more thankefully that whych a man desireth to gyue them then that which they doe giue them in dede I desire to correcte thys my Realme and to see amendement in the common wealth I desire some good order for my person and to take order touchyng the gouernement of my palace I desire to communicate with a sage som thinges of my lyfe and none of these thinges can be done without thy presence For there was neuer any good thyng made but by the meane of wisdom I am lame I am crooked I am balde I am a counterfeyte I am black and also I am broken finally amongest all other men I am a monster But all these imperfections are nothyng to those that remayne that is to wete I am so infortunate that I haue not a Philosopher with me For in the world ther is no greater shame than not to haue a wyse man about him to be conuersaunt withall I count my selfe to be dead though to the symple fooles I seme to be alyue And the cause of my death is because I haue not with me some wyse person For truly he is only aliue amongest the lyuyng who is accompanied wyth the sages I desire the greatly to come and by the immortall gods I coniure the that thou make no excuse and if thou wilt not at my desire do it for that thou art bound For many men oftentimes condescend to do that whych they would not more for vertues sake then to satisfye the demaunde of any other Thou shalt take that which my embassatour shal giue the and beleue that which he shall tell in my behalfe and by this my letter I do promise the that when thou shalt ariue here I wil make the treasourer of my coffers only coūsailour of mine affaires secretary of my coūsail father of my childrē refourmer of my realm maister of my person gouernour of my cōmō wealth finally Anacharsis shal be Cresus because Cresus may be Anacharsis I saye no more but the gods haue the in their custodie to whome I praye that they may hasten thy commynge The imbassatour departed to goe to Athens bearyng with him this letter and many iewels and bagges of gold and by chaunce Anacharsis was reading in thuniuersity at the arriual of the imbassatoure to Athens Who openly said and dyd his message to Anacharsis presenting vnto hym the giftes and the letter Of whiche thinge all those of the vniuersitie marueiled for the barbarous princes were not accustomed to seke philosophers to gouerne their cōmon wealth but to put them to death and take from them their liues After the great philosopher Anacharsis had hard the embassage sene the giftes and receiued the letter without alteryng his countenaunce or elacion of his person impedimente in his tong or desire of the riches immediately before all the philosophers said these wordes which heare after are writen The letter of the Philosopher Anacharsis to the king Cresus ANacharsis the least of the philosophers wisheth to the Cresus most mightye and puissaunt king of Lides the health whiche thou wisshest hym and the increase of vertue which thou sendest him They haue told vs many thinges here in these parties aswel of thy realme as of thy person and there in those parties they say many thinges as wel of our vniuersity as of my selfe For the harte taketh greate pleasour to knowe the condicions and liues of all those in the world It is wel done to desier and procure to know all the liues of the euill to amend our owne It is wel done to procure and knowe the liues of the good for to follow them but what shall we do since now a dayes the euill doe not desire to knowe the liues of the euil but for to couer them and kepe them secrete and do not desier to know the liues of the good for to followe them I let the know king Cresus that the philophers of Greece felte not so muche payne to be vertuous as they felte in defendyng thē from the vicious For if a man once behold vertue immediatly she suffreth to be taken but the euil for any good that a man can doe vnto them neuer suffereth them selues to be vanquished I beleue well that the tirannye of the Realme is not so great as they talke of here neyther oughtest thou lykewyse to beleue that I am so vertuous as they reporte me to be there For in mine opinion those whiche declare newes of straunge countries are as the poore which were their garmentes al to
neuer had any one thought of their dead fathers Hee which of pure couetousnes and misery suffreth him self to dye for hunger and cold I think hee hath small deuotiō to geeue almes and much lesse to doo any man good If the couetous man say vnto vs that that which hee keepeth is for no other cause but to buyld a sumptuous chappell and to leaue of them some memory to this I aunswer That if such one doth it with his own proper swet and maketh restitucion of all the euill that hee hath doon it shal bee sanctified of all good men commended but if the couetous will that many liue in great pouerty only to make a rich tomb god doth not commaund that neither doth the church admit it for sacrifice done to god with the cryes and swet of others is not acceptable If the couetous tell vs that though they heap treasures it is not but at their death to distribute it to the poore and to bee brought honestly to the ground I say that I commend this purpose so his intent bee accordingly performed but I am sory the couetouse man shoold think hereby to merit and that hee shoold thus discharge the wickednes of his lyfe for the distribution of a lytle mony after his death I woold think it more sure that princes and great lords shoold spend their goods to mary poore maydens beeing orphans in their lyfe then to commaund money to bee dealt after their death For oft tymes the heirs or their executors the body interred doo little performe the will of the testator and much lesse obserue the legacyes beequethed though it bee to the vtter vndooing of the poore orphans O what guerdon and commendacion deserueth hee that iustly and truely dischargeth the legacies of the dead and of the surplus if any bee or with their own releeue the orphans and mary the poore maydens keeping them from the vyces of this world Suppose that a couetous man chaunceth to traffique at Medine in Spaine at Lions in Fraunce at Lisbone in Portingal at London in England at Andwarp in Flaunders at Millain in Lombardy at Florence in Italy at Palermo in Scicil at Prage in Boeme and at Buda in Hungary finally with his eies hee hath seene all Europe and by trafique hee hath knowledge of all Asia Admit now that in euery place hee hath gotten goods and that which hee hath gotten was not with whole cōscience but according to the companies so hath the offences been dyuers In this case if at the hour of death when the couetous man deuydeth hys money beetweene the children hee might also deuyd his offences so that hee dispossessing him self of the goods might therby bee free from the offences then it were well But alas it is not so for the wicked children lyue tryumphing on the earth with the goods and the miserable father goeth weepyng to hell wyth his sinnes ¶ Of a letter which the Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrot to his frend Cincinatus who beeing a Romayn knight became a marchaunt of Capua wherin hee toucheth those gentlemen whych take vpon them the trade of marchandise against their vocation It is deuyded into .iii. Chapters Cap. xxv MArck the Emperor with his brother Annius Verus fellow in the Empire wisheth to thee Cincinatus of Capua health to thy person and grace against thy euill fortune From the feast of our mother Berecinthe I haue seene neither seruaunt of thy house nor read any letter of thy hand which thing maketh mee suspect greatly that thy health is in daunger or that thou mistrustest our frendship for earnest frendship requireth dayly communication or visitation I pray thee bee not so careles from henceforth and doo not forget vs in such wise I mean that thou wilt come and see vs or at the least that thou wilt write vnto vs often for the letters of faithful frends though vtterly they doo not take from vs the desire of the presence yet at the least they make vs hope for a meeting I know that thou maist answer mee that in the common wealth of Capua thou art so busyed that it is impossible thou shooldst write vnto mee heereto I answer thee That in no affaires thou canst bee so occupied that it bee a lawful let not to communicat or write vnto thy frend For wee may wel call the tyme which wee liue to bee wel employed which is spent in the seruice of god and in the conuersation of our frends All the residue that wee wast in talking traueling sleeping eating and resting wee ought not to write it in the booke of lyfe but in the register of death For al bee it that in such semblable woorks the body is refreshed yet therwith the heart cannot bee comforted I swere vnto thee therfore my frend that it is impossible the man take any contentation of any worldly thing where the hart is not at rest for our comfort is not in the sinnues or in the bones of the body but in the liuely power of the soul It is long sithens that you and I haue knowen togethers it is long time likewise that I loued thee and thou mee and sith wee are so true old frends it is but reason that with good woorks wee doo renew our frendship For falsly they vsurp the name of frendship which are not cōuersant one wyth the other no more then if they were strāgers The man which speaketh not to mee which wryteth not to mee which seeth mee not which visiteth mee not which geeueth mee not to whom I geeue not I woold not hee were my enemy but it litle auaileth mee that hee call mee frend for perticuler frendship consisteth not in aboundance but that frends doo open their harts and talk with their persons Peraduēture thou wilt say that the great distaunce which is from Rome to that countrey hath beene occasion to deminish our frendship for the noble harts are on fier with the presence of that they loue and haue great paine with the absence of that they desire I aunswer that the farder the delicious wines are sent from the place where they grow the greater strength they haue I mean that heerein true frends are knowen whē their persons are furthest seuered for then are their willes most conioined Tell mee I pray thee Cincinnatus sithens always thou hast found mee a diligent frend in thy seruice why doost thou mistrust my faithfull good will The greene leaues outwardly doo shew that the tree inwardly is not dry I mean that the good woorks outwardly do declare the feruentnes of the hart inwardly If thou Cincinnatus presumest to bee a true frend of thy frend I will thou know this rule of frendship which is Where perfect loue is not there wāteth alway faithful seruice for the contrary hee the perfectly loueth assuredly shal bee serued I haue been am wil bee thyne therfore thou shalt doo mee great iniury if thou art not myne ¶ The Emperor proceedeth in his letter and declareth what
then that of thy merits Thou hast taken on thee an office wherwith that which thy cōpaignions in many days haue robbed thou in one hour by disceit doost get afterwards the time shal come when all the goods which thou hast gotten both by trueth falshod shal be lost not only in an hour which is long but in a momēt which is but short Whether wee geeue much wee haue much wee may doo much or wee liue much yet in the end the gods are so iust that all the euill wee doo cōmit shal bee punished for all the good wee woork wee shal bee rewarded so that the gods oftentimes permit that one alone shall scourge many and afterward the long time punisheth all ¶ The Emperor concludeth his letter and perswadeth his frend Cincinnatus to despise the vanities of the world and sheweth though a man bee neuer so wyse yet hee shall haue need of an other mans counsell Cap. xxvii IF I knew thy wisdom esteemed the world vanities therof so much as the world doth possesse thee and thy days as by thy white hears most manyfestly doth appeere I neede not take the payns to perswade thee nor thou shooldst bee annoied in hearing mee Notwithstanding thou beeing at the gate of great care reason woold that some shoold take the clapper to knock therat with some good counsell for though the raser bee sharp it needeth sometimes to bee whet I mean though mans vnderstanding bee neuer so cleere yet from time to time it needeth counsel Vertuous men oft times do erre not because they woold fail but for that the thīgs are so euil of digestiō that the vertu they haue suffiseth not to tell them what thing is necessary for their profit For the which cause it is necessary that his will bee brydled his wit fyned his oppinion changed his memory sharpned aboue all now and then that hee forsake his own aduise and cleaue vnto the counsell of an other Men which couet to make high sumptuous fair and large buildings haue grete care that the foundacion therof be surely layd for where the foundacions are not sure there the whole buyldings are in great daunger The maners and conditions of this world that is to weete the prosperous estates whervpon the children of vanity are set are founded of quick sand in that sort that bee they neuer so valyaunt prosperous and mighty a litle blast of wynd dooth stirre them a little heat of prosperity doth open them a showre of aduersity doth wet them and vnwares death striketh them all flatt to the ground Men seeing they cannot bee perpetuall doo procure to continue thē selues in raising vp proud buyldings and leauing to their children great estates wherin I count them fooles no lesse then in things superfluous For admit the pillers bee of gold the beams of siluer and that those which ioyn them bee kings and those which buyld them are noble and in that mining they consume a thousand yeres beefore they can haue it out of the ground or that they can come to the bottoms I swere vnto them that they shall fynd no stedy rock nor lyuely mountain wher they may buyld their house sure nor to cause their memory to bee perpetuall The immortall gods haue participated all things to the mortall men immortality only reserued and therfore they are called immortall for so much as they neuer dye and wee others are called mortall bycause dayly wee vanish away O my frend Cincinnatus men haue an end and thou thinkest that gods neuer ought to end Now greene now rype now rotten fruit is seuered from this lyfe from the tree of the miserable flesh esteem this as nothing forsomuch as death is naturall But oft times in the leaf or flower of youth the frost of some disease or the peril of some mishap dooth take vs away so that whē wee think to bee aliue in the morning wee are dead in the night It is a tedious long woork to weue a cloth yet when in many days it is wouen in one moment it is cut I mean that it is much folly to see a man with what toil hee enricheth him self into what perill hee putteth him self to win a state of honor afterwards whē wee think litle wee see him perish in his estate leauing of him no memory O my frend Cincinnatus for the loue that is between vs I desire thee by the immortal gods I coniure thee that thou geeue no credit to the world which hath this condiciō to hide much copper vnder little gold vnder the colour of one truth hee telleth vs a thousand lyes with one short pleasure hee mingleth ten thousand displesures Hee beegyleth those to whom hee pretendeth most loue and procureth great domages to them to whom hee geeueth most goods hee recompenseth them greatly which serue him in iest and to those which truely loue him hee geeueth mocks for goods Finally I say that when wee sleepe most sure hee waketh vs with greatest perill Eyther thou knowst the world with his deceyt or not if thou knowest him not why doost thou serue him if thou doost know him why doost thou follow him Tell mee I pray thee wooldst not the take that theef for a foole which woold buy the rope wherwith hee shoold bee hanged the murtherer that woold make the swoord wherwith hee shoold bee beheaded the robber by the high way that woold shew the well wherin hee shoold bee cast the traitor that shoold offer him self in place for to bee quartered the rebel that shoold disclose him self to bee stoned Then I swere vnto thee that thou art much more a foole which knowest the world will folow it serue it One thing I wil tel thee which is such that thou oughtest neuer to forget it that is to weete that wee haue greater need of faith not to beliue the vanities which wee see then to beeleue the great malices which with our ears wee here I retorn to aduise thee to read cōsider this woord which I haue spoken for it is a sentence of profound mistery Doost thou think Cincinnatus that rych men haue litle care to get great riches I let thee weet that the goods of thys world are of such condicion that beefore the poore man dooth lock vp in hys chests a .100 crowns hee feeleth a thousād greefes cares in his heart Our predecessors haue seen it wee see it presently our successors shal see it that the money which wee haue gotten is in a certein nomber but the cares trauails which it bringeth are infinit Wee haue few paynted houses few noble estats in Rome the wtin a litle time haue not great cares ī their harts cruel enmities with their neighbors much euil wil of their heirs disordinat importunities of their frends perilous malices of their enemies aboue al in the Senate they haue innumerable proces oft times to lock a litle good in their chests
shoold bee lesse euil for vs to haue him our enemy then to account of him as of our deere frend Him whom wee wil choose for our faithfull frend amongst other maners and condicions hee must chiefely and beefore all bee indued with these that hee bee curteous of nature faier spoken hard and stout to indure payn pacient in troubles sober in dyet moderate in his woords graue and rype in his counsels and aboue all stedfast in frendship and faithfull in secrets And whom wee shall fynd with these laudable vertues and conditions adorned him may wee safely take and accept for our frend But if wee see any of these parts wanting in him wee ought to shon him as from the plague knowing for certeinty that the frendship of a fayned and fantasticall frend is much woorse and perilous then the enmity of a knowen and open enemy For to the hands of one wee commit our hart and faith and from the deceipts and treasons of the other wee defendour selues with our whole force power Seneca wryting to his deere faithful frend Lucillus sayth vnto hym I pray thee O Lucillus that thou order determyne thine affaiers by thaduise counsel of thy frend but also I doo remember thee that first thou see well what maner of frend thou hast chosen thee for there is no marchandise in the world this day that men are so soone beegyled in as they are in the choise of frends Therefore the graue sentence of Seneca wysely wayed wee shoold assent with him in oppinion that sith no man byeth a horse but hee first causeth him to bee ridden nor bread but first hee seeth and handleth it nor wyne but hee tasteth it nor flesh but first hee wayeth it nor corne but hee seeth a sample nor house but that hee dooth first value it nor Instrument but first hee playeth on it and iudgeth of his sound yt is but reason hee shoold bee so much the more circumspect beefore he choose his frend to examin his lyfe and condicion since all the other things wee haue spoken of may bee put in dyuers houses and corners but our frend wee lodge and keepe deerely in our proper bowels Those that write of the emperor Augustus say that hee was very straunge and scrupulous in accepting frends but after hee had once receyued thē into his frendship hee was very constant and circūspect to keepe them For hee neuer had any frend but first hee had some proofe and tryall of him neither woold hee euer after forsake him for any displeasure doon to him Therefore yt shoold always bee so that true frends shoold bere one to an other such loue and affection that the one beeing in prosperity should not haue occasion to complayn of him self in that hee did not reliue his frends necessity beeing in aduersity nor the other beeing poore and needy shoold grudge or lament for that his frend beeing rich and welthy woold not succor him with all that hee might haue doone for him For to say the truth where perfect frendshyp is there ought no excuse to bee made to doo what possible is the one for the other The frendship of young men cometh commonly or for the most parte at the least by beeing companyons in vyce and folly and such of right ought rather to bee called vacabonds then once to deserue the name of true frends For that cannot bee called true frendship that is continued to the preiudyce or derogation of vertue Seneca wryting agayn to Lucillus sayth these woords I woold not haue thee think nor once mistrust O my Lucillus that in all the Romayn empire I haue any greater frend then thou but with all assure thy self that our frendship is not so streight beetwene vs that I woold take vppon mee at any tyme to doo for thee otherwyse then honesty shoold lead mee For though the loue I bere thee hath made thee lord of my lyberty yet reason also hath left mee vertue free ¶ The aucthor proceedeth on Applyeng that wee haue spoken to that wee will now declare I say I wil not acknowledge my self your seruant for so shoold I bee compelled to feare you more then loue you much lesse will I vaunt my self to bee your kinsman for so I shoold importune and displease you and I will not brag that heeretofore wee haue been of familier acquaintance for that I woold not make any demonstration I made so lyttle account of you and lesse then I am bound to doo neither will I bost my self that I am at this present your famyliar and welbeeloued for in deede I shoold then shew my self to bee to bold and arrogant but that that I will confesse shal bee that I loue you as a frend and you mee as a kinsman al bee it this frendship hath succeeded dyuersly tyll now For you beeing noble as you are haue bountifully shewed your frendship to mee in large and ample gyfts but I poore and of base estate haue only made you sure of myne in woords Plutarche in his Polytikes sayd That it were farre better to sell to our frends our woorks and good deeds whether they were in prosperity aduersity or necessity then to feede them with vayn flattering woords for nothing Yet is it not so general a rule but that sometymes it happeneth that the high woords on the one syde are so profitable and the woorks so few and feeble on the other syde that one shal bee better pleased and delighted with hearing the sweete and curteous woords of th one then hee shal bee to bee serued with the cold seruyce and woorks of the other of small profyt and value Plutarch also in his booke De animalibus telleth vs that Denis the tyrant beeing one day at the table reasoning of dyuers and sundry matters with Chrisippꝰ the philosopher it chaunced that as hee was at diner one brought him a present of certen suger cakes wherefore Chrisippus cesing his former discours fell to perswade Denys to fall to his cakes To whom Denys aunswered on with your matter Chrisippus and leaue not of so For my hart is better contented wyth thy sweet and sugred woords then my tong is pleased with the delycate tast of these mountayn cakes For as thou knowest these cakes are heauy of digestion and doo greatly annoy the stomake but good woords doo maruelously reioyce and comfort the hart For this cause Alexander the great had the poet Homer in greater veneration beeing dead then all the other that were alyue in hys tyme not for that Homer euer did him seruyce or that hee knew him but only beecause of his lerned bookes hee wrote and compyled and for the graue sentences hee found therein And therefore hee bare about him in the day tyme the booke of the famous deedes of Troy called the Illiades hanged at his neck within hys bosom in the night hee layd it vnder his bolster at hys beddes head where hee slept In recompence therefore syr of the many
neuer toke care for thy absence I alwaies iudged thy persō safe Thē tel me Marke what dost thou now in thy age I thinke thou carieste thy lance not to serue thy tourne in thy warre but to leane on whē the gout taketh the Thy head pece I iudge thou hast not to defend the from stroks of swords but to drinke withal in tauernes I neuer sawe the strike any man with thy sword but I haue sene the kil a thousand womē with thy tongue O malicious Marke if thou wert as valiaunte as thou art spiteful thou shouldest be no lesse feared among the barbarous nacions then thou art abhorred with good reason amongest the Romaines Tel me what thou list but thou canst not deny but both thou hast bene arte a slacke louer a cowardly knight an vnknowen frend auaricious infamed an ennemy to all men frend to none Moreouer we that knew the a lyght yong mā condemne the now for an old doting foole Thou saiest that taking my letter into thy handes forthwith thy hart receiued the hearbe of malyce I beleue the wel vnsworne for any thing touching malyce doth streight find harber in thy brest The beasts corrupted do take poison which the sound of good complection refuseth Of one thing I am sure thou shalt not die of poison For seldom times one poison hurteth another but it driueth out the other O malicious Marke if al they in Rome knew the as wel as the vnhappie Boemia dothe they should se how much the words that thou speakest differ from the intencion of thy hart And as by the bookes thou makest thou meritest the name of a philosopher euen so for the ilnes thou inuentest thou dost deserue the name of a tiraunt Thou saist thou sawest neuer constancy in a womans loue nor end in her hate I ioy not a litle that other ladies in Rome as wel as I doo know thy smal wisedom Behold Marke I wil not mocke the For thou art such a one as neuer deserued that one shold begin to loue nor end to hate Wilt thou haue stabilite in loue and thou vnthankeful of thy seruyce wilte thou serue in mockerie and be beloued faithfully wilt thou enioy the parson without spending any of the goods wilt thou haue no complaints on the thou ceasest not thy malice Thou knowest the il of womē I wil thou know that we be not so folishe as ye wene vs nor thou so wise as thou praisest thy selfe to be Hitherto we haue sene mo men folow the desire of women then women haue liked to folow men I haue sene a thousand times yea thou thy selfe that one man hath not so mighty a hart as to ouercome three wise womē one woman holdeth her selfe strong inough to subdue .iii. C. lighte persons Thou saist thou art ashamed of my lightnes to se me forsake Rome come to the into the warres Great is the loue of the countrey and many leaue much goodes which they haue in straunge landes to lyue poorely in their owne but greater is thy loue sith I would leaue Rome with the delites therin come to seke the in straung lands amonge the rude souldiours O malicious Marke O straunge frend If I leaue Rome it were to goe seke my harte whiche is with thee in the warres And certainly oftentimes when I thinke of thy absence I fall into a swoune as one that hadde no harte but I neuer fynde remedy I thinke oure loue is not like to these beastes whiche haue their myndes only vpon sensual pleasures without the cōioyning of the louing hartes I sweare to the by the goddesse Vestal the mother Berecinthia that thou owest more to me for the loue I haue borne to thee in one day then for the seruice I haue done to thee in .xxii. yeres Behold vnhappy Marke howe much and dearly I loued thee In thy presence I alwayes behelde thee and absent I alwayes thought of thee sleping I dreamed on thee I haue wepte for thy sorowes and laught at thy pleasures and finally al my wealth I wished thee and al thy misfortunes I toke as mine I ensure thee of one thing that I fele not so much the persecution thou hast done to me as I doe the wayling forgetfulnes thou shewest to me It is a great griefe to a couetous man to lose his goodes but without comparison it is a greater torment for the louer to see his loue euill bestowed It is a hurt that is alwayes sore and a payne alwayes paynefull a sorowe always sorowfull and it is a death that neuer endeth O if men knewe howe dearly and faithfully women doe loue when they are bent to loue and with what malicious harte they hate being set to hate I sweare to you ye would neuer company with them in loue or if ye did loue them ye would neuer leaue for feare of their hate And as there is neuer great hate but where there was first much loue euen so thou shalt neuer be greatly hated for that thou wert neuer truly beloued of the ladies The sorowful Boeme hath loued thee xxii yeares of her life and nowe she onely hateth thee till after her deathe Thou sayst I may be eaten for veriuyce and yet would be solde for wyne I knowe I haue erred as one both young and light and when I founde me to straye out of the waye I was to farre gone and my mishappe coulde no other way nor remedy It is a great losse of all losses when there is no remedy I haue offended as a weake and frayle woman but thou as a man strong I erred by simple ignoraunce but thou of a purposed and wilful malice I sinned not knowyng that I did amisse but thou knewest what thou diddest I did credite thy wordes as a faithfull knighte and thou betraidest me with a .1000 lyes as a common lier Tell me diddest not thou seke occasion to come into my mothers house Getulia to entise me her doughter Boemia to thy mynde diddest not thou promise my father to teache me to reade in one yeare and readest me Ouide of the act of loue didest not thou sweare to mary me and after withdrewe thy hande as a false adulterer doest thou not knowe that thou neuer foundest in my persone any vyllany nor in thy mouthe any truthe At the least thou canst not deny but thou hast offended the gods thou art defamed amongest mē odious to the Romains a sclaunderer of the good folkes an example to the ill and finally a traitour to my father a breaker of thy faith to my mother and to me the vnhappy Boemia an vnkynde louer O malicious Marke hast thou not cut me in leaues offering to my father to kepe his vines safe Euell may the chicken truste the Kyte or the Lambes the Wolfe or the Doues the Faucon but thou arte worse to bring vp the doughters of good men O cursed Marke a hurtfull keaper of vines hath the Matrone of Rome founde thee in
all perill and daunger The Romaines being aduertised of their gentlenes by the messengers which were come safe aliue did so muche reioyce that they ordeined in Rome that the nobles of Liparie shuld be made Senatours of Rome all the others shoulde be confederate of aliaunce vnto thē And they caused further that two priestes of Lipari should always remain in the temple of Iupiter whiche priuilege was neuer graunted to any other straungers but to them only For the Romaines had so great zeale loue to their gods that in the seruices of the temples they trusted none but those which were natiue auncient of Rome and also were both wyse and vertuous When Quintus Fabius Publius Decius were in the warres against the Samnites Toscanes and likewyse against the Vmbres many marueilous terrible signes were sene in Rome which thinges did not onely feare those that sawe them but also those which heard of thē Vpon which occasion the Romaines and the Romaine matrones both night and daye offered great sacrifices to the gods For they saide if we can once pacifie the wrath of the gods in Rome we shall neuer neade to feare our enemies in the fielde The thing was this that as the Romaine matrones went visiting the temples to appease the ire of the gods many Senatours wyues came to the temple of chastitie to offer sacrifice For in the time of the puissant power of the Romaines the women did sacrifice in the temples of the gods At that tyme came Virginea the daughter of Aureus Virgineus the Consul Plebeian the which was forbiddē to do sacrifice for that she was none of the Senatours wiues but a Plebeian as much to saie as a craftes womā no gentilmans daughter borne For the noble women were had in so great veneration so highly estemed that al the other semed in respect of thē but handmaides sclaues The noble Romaine Virginea seing her to be so repulsed disdained of the other matrons made of her own propre house a sēple to the goddesse of chastitie and with much deuotion reuerence honoured her The whiche thing being published abroade throughout Rome many other women came thither to doe sacrifice likewise For fortune is so variable that oftentimes those which of pryde haue forbidden vs their houses come after by humilitie to serue vs at ours For this cause this Virginea the foundresse was so greatly praysed that the Romaines in her life made her patrice that is a noble Romaine and after her death caused her image and statue to be made and set vp in the high Capitoll and aboue this image were grauen certaine Greeke letters the effecte whereof was this Patrice the great this Image doth present That in her life did giue with mynde deuout The Gods her house and therfore to them went When liuely breth by death was chased out Of all these hystories aboue named Titus Liuius maketh mencion in his first decade the seconde fift and ninth booke though he declareth thē more at large yet this shal suffice for my purpose I haue sought among the gentils these few exāples to reproue christiā princes to th end they might se how studious feruent our fathers were in the seruice of their Idols cōtrariwise how cold negligēt we are to honour serue our true liuing god It is a shame to tell how the auncient Romains with all their hartes did serue the gods without any vnderstanding how those which are christiās for the most part serue the true God not in truthe but with hypocrisie and dissimulation Fo the children of this worlde will take no paynes but for to prouoke the pleasures of the body Many wondred for what occasion God did so muche for them and they did nothing for God To this may be aunswered that if they had knowen one true God all the sacrifices they hadde done to their other gods they would haue done to him only and as God is iust so he rewarded them in their temporall prosperities not for that they did well but for that they desired to doe well For in our deuine lawe God doth not regard what we are but what we desire to be Christian princes maruayle muche what the occasion should be that they are not so fortunate as the Gentils were To this may be answered that either they be good or euill If they be good truly God should do them wrong if for the paiment of their faithful seruices he should recompence thē with those worldly vanities For without doubt one onely louing countenaunce of god in the worlde to come is more worth then all the temporall goods of this world present But if these suche great lordes be euil in their personnes ambitious in gouerning their dominions not pitifull to wydowes and fatherlesse not fearfull of god nor of his threatninges and moreouer neuer to haue mynde to serue him but only when they see them selues in some great ieopardie in suche case God will not heare them and muche lesse fauour them For without doubt the seruice is more acceptable whiche of free wyll proceadeth than that whiche of necessitie is offred ¶ For fiue causes princes ought to be better Christians then their subiectes Cap. xx IN myne opinion Princes ought and are bounde to be vertuous for fiue causes I saye vertuous in that they should loue and feare God For he onely may be called vertuous which in the catholique faith of the church and in the feare of God hath alwayes remayned constant First princes should feare loue serue and loue one onely god whom they worshippe for that thei acknowledge him onely and none other to be the head both of heauen and earth For in the ende there is nothing so puissaunt but is subiecte to the diuine power And truly the prince is is great perill of damnation of his soule if in his gouernemēt he hath not alwayes before his eies the feare and loue of the supreme prince to whom we must render of all our doynges an accōpt For the prince hath great occasion to be vicious thinking that for the vice he shall not be chastised I haue redde in diuerse sundry writinges and I neuer founde one auncient prince to be contented with one only god but that they had serued many gods Iulius Caesar caried fiue gods painted in a table and Scipio the great caried seuen portered in mettall And furthermore they were not contented to haue many but yet in sacrifices and seruices they offred vnto them all The Christian princes whiche kepe and haue but one very true and omnipotent god are so vnthankefull that they thinke it muche to serue and giue acceptable seruice vnto him And though peraduenture some saie that it is more painefull to serue one true god then all these false gods to this I aunswere That to serue them it is both trauaile paine but to serue our god it is both ioye and felicitie For in seruing those it
Alexander though thou callest thy selfe lorde of all yet thou hast but onely the name thereof and others thy seruauntes subiectes haue all the profites for the gredy and couetous hartes do trauaile and toyle to get and in wasting that whiche they haue gotten they pyne awaye And finally Alexander thou wilt not denie me that all that whiche thou hast in the longe conquest gotten is litle and that whiche of thy wysedome and quietnes thou hast lost is much For the Realmes whiche thou hast gotten are innumerable but the cares sighes and thoughtes whiche thou hast heaped vpon thy harte are infinite I let the knowe one thing that you princes are poorer then the poore subiectes for he is not ryche that hath more then he deserueth but he that desireth to haue lesse then that he possesseth And therfore princes you haue nothing for though you abound in great treasures yet you are poore of good desires Nowe Alexander let vs come to the pointe and caste accompte and let vs see to what ende thy conquest wil come Eyther thou arte a man or thou arte a God And if thou be any of the gods commaunde or cause that we be immortall and if thou canst doe any suche thing then take vs and our goods withall For perpetuitie of the lyfe by no riches can be boughte O Alexander I let thee vnderstande that therefore we seke not to make warre with thee for we see that bothe from thee and also from vs death will shortly take away the life For he is a very simple man that thinketh alway to remayne in an other mans house as in his owne If thou Alexander couldest geue vs as god euerlastinge life eche man would trauayle to defende his owne house but sithe we knowe we shal die shortly we care litle whether to thee or any other our goods riches remaine For if it be folly to dwell in an other mans house as in his owne it is a greater folly to him that loseth his life in taking thought and lamenting for his goodes Presuppose that thou art not god but a man I coniure the then by the immortal gods and do require the that thou lyue as a man behaue thy selfe as a man and couet no more then an other man neither desyre more nor lesse then a man for in the end thou shalt die as a mā and shal be buried as a man and throwen into the graue then there shal be no more memorie of thee I tolde thee before that it greued me to see thee so hardy couragious so apte and so younge and nowe it greueth me to see thee so deceiued with the world and that which I perceiue of thee is that then thou shalt knowe thy folly when thou shalt not be able to finde any remedy For if the proude younge man before he feleth the wound hath all redy the oyntment You whiche are Grecians call vs Barbarous because we enhabite the mountaines But as touching this I say that we reioyce to be Barbarous in our speache and Greekes in our doinges and not as you which haue the Grecians tongue and doe Barbarous workes For he that doth well speaketh rudely is no barbarous man but he which hath the tongue good and the life euill Sithe I haue begonne to that ende nothing remaynd vnspoken I will aduertise thee of our lawes and life and marueile not to here it but desire to obserue and kepe it for infinite are they whiche extolle vertuous workes but fewe are they whiche obserue the same I let thee wete Alexander that we haue short life we are fewe people we haue litle landes we haue litle goodes we haue no couetousnes wee haue fewe lawes we haue fewe houses wee haue fewe frendes and aboue all we haue no enemies For a wyse man ought to be frende to one and enemy to none Besides all this we haue amongest vs great frendshippes good peace great loue much reste and aboue all we holde our selues contented For it is better to enioy the quietnes of the graue then to liue a discontented life Our lawes are fewe but in our opinions they are good and are in seuen wordes onely included as here foloweth We ordaine that our children make no more lawes then we their fathers doe leaue vnto them for newe lawes maketh them forget good and olde customes We ordayne that our successours shall haue no mo Gods then twoo of the whiche the one god shal be for the life and the other for the death for one God well serued is more worth then many not rewarded We ordaine that all be appareled with one cloth and hosed of one sorte and that the one haue no more apparell then the other for the diuersitie of garmentes edgendreth folly among the people We ordeine that whan any woman which is maried hath had thre childrē that then she be separated from her husband for the aboundaunce of children causeth men to haue couetous hartes And if any woman hath broughte forth any mo children then they should be sacrificed vnto the gods before her eies We ordeine that all men and women speake the truthe in all thinges and if any be taken in a lie committing no other fault that immediatly he be put to death for the same For one lyer is able to vndo a whole multitude We ordeine that no woman liue aboue .xl. yeres and that the man lyue vntill fiftie and if they die not before that time that then they be sacrifised to the gods for it is a great occasion for men to be vicious to thinke that they shal lyue many yeares ¶ That princes ought to consider for what cause they were made princes and what Thales the philosopher was of the .xii. questions asked him and of his aunswere he made vnto them Cap xxxv IT is a commen and an old saiyng whiche many times by Aristotle the noble prince hath bene repeted that in the ende all thinges are done to some purpose for there is no worke neither good nor euill but he that doth it meaneth it to some end If thou demaundest the gardener to what ende he watereth so oft his plantes he wil aunswere thee it is to get some money for his herbes If thou demaundest why the ryuer runneth so swift a man wil aunswere thee that his ende is to the sea from whence it came If thou demaundest why the trees budde in the spring time they will aunswere to the ende they may beare frute in haruest If we see a trauayler passe the mountaines in the snow the ryuers with perill the woodes in feare to walke in extreme heate in sommer to wander in the night time in the colde wynter if by chaunce a man doth aske one of them saiyng frend whether goest thou wherfore takest thou such paines and he aunswereth truly syr I know no more then you to what ende neither can I tell why I take so much paines I aske thee now what would a wyse man aunswere to
merite The contrary ought and may be saied of those whych are euill maried whom we wil not cal a compaigny of sayntes but rather a house of deuylles For the wife that hath an euil husbande may say she hath a deuyl in her house and the husband that hath an euil wife let him make accompt that he hath hel it selfe in his house For the euyl wyues are worse then the infernal furyes Because in hel ther are none tormented but the euil only but the euil woman tormēteth both the good and the euyl Concluding therfore this matter I say also and affirme that betwixt the busband and the wife which are wel maryed is the true and very loue and they only and no others may be called perfite and perpetuall frendes The other parentes and frendes if they do loue and praise vs in our presence they hate vs and dispise vs in our absence Yf they giue vs faire wordes they beare vs euill hartes finally they loue vs in our prosperitye and forsake vs in our aduersity but it is not so amongest the noble and vertuous maried personnes For they loue both within and without the house in prosperity and in aduersitie in pouertie and in riches in absence and in presence seing them selues mery and perceiuing them selues sad and if they do it not trulye they ought to doo it for when the husband is troubled in his foote the wyfe ought to be greued at her hart The fourth commodity of mariage is that the men and women maryed haue more aucthority and grauity then the others The lawes whych were made in old time in the fauour of mariage were many and diuerse For Chapharoneus in the lawes that he gaue to the Egiptians commaunded and ordeyned vpon greuous paynes that the man that was not maried should not haue any office of gouernment in the common wealth And he sayd furder that he that hath not learned to gouerne his house can euil gouerne a commō wealth Accordyng to the lawes that he gaue to the Athenians he perswaded al those of the comon wealth to marie themselues voluntarily but to the heddes and captaines which gouerne the affaires of warre he commaunded to marye of necessity sayeng that to men which are lecherous God seldome giueth victories Licurgus the renowmed gouernour and geuer of the lawes of the Lacedemonians commaunded that al captaines of the armyes and the priestes of the Temples should be maried sayeng that the sacrifyces of maried men were more acceptable to the gods then those of any other As Plynie sayth in an epistle that he sent to Falconius his frende rebuking him for that he was not maried where he declareth that the Romaynes in old time had a law that the dictatoure and the Pretor the Censour and the Questor and al the knightes should of necessity be maried for the man that hath not a wife and children legittymate in his house cannot haue nor hold greate aucthority in the common wealth Plutarche in the booke that he made of the prayse of mariage sayth that the priestes of the Romaynes dyd not agre to them that were vnmaried to come and sytte downe in the Temples so that the yong maydens prayed without at the church dore and the yonge men prayed on their knees in the temple only the maried men were permitted to sitte or stande Plynie in an epistle that he wrote to Fabatus hys father in law sayth that the Emperour Augustus had a custome that he neuer suffered any yonge man in his presence to sitte nor permitted any man maried to tel his tale on foote Plutarche in the booke that he made in the prayse of women sayth that since the realme of Corinthe was peopled more with Bachelours then with maried men they ordeyned amongest theym that the man or woman that had not bene maried and also that had not kept chyldren and house if they lyued after a certaine age after their death shoulde not be buried ¶ The aucthoure folowing his purpose declareth that by meanes of maryage many mortal enemyes haue bene made good and parfite frendes Cap. iii. BY the sundry examples that we haue declared and by al that whych remayneth to declare a man may know wel enoughe of what excellency matrimony is not only for the charge of conscience but also for the thinges touching honour for to say the truth the men that in the common wealth are maried giue smal occasion to be sclaundered haue more cause to be honored We cannot denay but that matrimony is troublesome chargeable to them that be maried for two causes The one is in bringing vp their children and the other in suffering the importunityes of their mothers Yet in fi●e we cānot deny but that the good vertuous wife is she that setteth a stay in the house and kepeth her husband in estimacion in the common wealth for in the publike affaires they giue more faith and credit vnto those that are charged with children then vnto others that are loden with yeres The fifth commodity that ensueth matrimony is the peace and reconciliacions that are made betwene the enemyes by meanes of mariage Mē in this age are so couetous so importune and malicious that there are very few but haue enemyes wherby groweth contencion and debate for by our weaknes we fall dayly into a thousande occasions of enimities and scarcely we can find one to bring vs againe into frendship Cōsidering what men desire what thinges they procure and wherunto they aspire I meruaile not that they haue so few frendes but I much muse that they haue no moe enemyes For in thinges of weight they marke not who haue bene their frendes they consider not they are their neighbours neyther they regard that they are christians but their conscience layd a part and honesty set a side euery man seketh for himselfe and his owne affaires though it be to the preiudice of all his neighbours What frendship can ther be amongest proud men since the one wil go before and the other disdayneth to come behind What frendship can ther be amongest enuyous men ▪ since the one purchasseth and the other possesseth what loue can there be betwene two couetous men since the one dare not spend and the other is neuer satisfyed to hourd and heape vp For al that we can reade se go and trauaile and for al that we may do we shall neuer se nor here tell of men that haue lacked enemyes for eyther they be vycious or vertuous Yf they be euil and vycious they are alwayes hated of the good and if they be good and vertuous they are continually persecuted of the euill Many of the auncient philosophers spent a great part of their time lost much of their goodes to serche for remedies and meanes to reconcile them that were at debate contencion to make them by gentlenes good frends and louers Some said that it was good and profitable to forget the enimities for a time for many things
were Sinatus Sinoris whiche were by bloud cosins in familiaritie frendes and for the loue of a Grekes doughter being very noble beautifull and exceading gratious they both striued to haue her in mariage and for to attain to their desires they both serued her they both folowed her they both loued her and for her both of them desired to die For the dart of loue is as a stroke with a clod of earth the which being throwen amongest a company dothe hurte the one and blinde the others And as the fatal destinees had ordeined it Sinatus serued this lady called Camma in suche sorte that in the ende he obteined her in mariage for his lawfull wife whiche thing when Sinoris perceiued he was ashamed of his doinges was also wounded in his harte For he lost not only that which of so long time he had sought loued and serued but also the hope to attaine to that which chiefly in his life he desired Sinatus therfore seing that his wife Camma was noble meke gratious faire and louing and that in all thinges she was comely and well taught decreed to offer her to the goddesse Diana to the end that she would preserue her from peril and keape her from infamie Truly we cannot reproue the knight Sinatus for that he did nor we ought to note him for rashe in his counsel for he sawe that his wife was very faire and therfore much desired For with great difficultie that is kepte whiche of many is desired Though Camma was nowe married and that she was in the protectiō of the goddesse Diana yet notwithstanding her olde frend Sinoris died for her sake and by all meanes possible he serued her continually he importuned her daily he folowed her howerly he required her And all this he did vppon certayne hope he had that suche diligent seruice should suffice to make her chaunge her sacred mynde and as she had chosen Sinatus for her husbande openly so he thought she shoulde take him for her frend secretly For many women are as men without tast through sickenes the which eate more of that that is hurtful and forbidden then of that whiche is healthsome and commaunded Not without a cause Camma was greatly renowmed throughout all Galatia for her beautie and much more among the vertuous esteamed for her honestie The which euidently in this was sene that after she was maried Sinoris could neuer cause her to receiue any iewell or other gifte nor that she would heare him speake any worde nor that she would shew her selfe in the wyndowe either to him or to any other to the ende to be sene in the face For it is not sufficient for Ladies to be pure good but also to geue no occasion for men to iudge that if they durste they would be euill As it is true in dede that the harte which is intangled with loue dare boldely aduenture him selfe in many kynde of daungers to accomplishe that whiche he desired so Sinoris seing that with faire wordes he could not flatter her nor with any giftes wynne her determined to kyll Sinatus her husbande vpon hope that when she should be wydowe he might easely obteine her in matrimonie For he thought although Camma was not euyll it was not for that she wanted desier to do it but because she had no commodious place to accomplishe it And to be shorte Sinoris would neades execute and bryng to effect his deuellyshe and damnable intente so that sone after he vylie slewe his saide compaignion Sinatus After whose death the noble lady Camma was of Sinoris greatly desired and by his parentes muche importuned that she would condiscende to take and mary him and that she would forgyue him the death of her husband Sinatus whiche then was buried And as she was in all her doinges suche a princely woman she imagened with her selfe that vnder the pretence of mariage she might haue opportunitie to accomplishe her desiers wherfore she aunswered vnto his parentes that she did accepte their counsel and saide to Sinoris that she did choose him for her husbande speakyng these woordes more for to comforte him then with intente to pardon him And as amongest those of Galatia there was a custome that the newe maried folkes shoulde eate togethers in one dishe and drynke in one cuppe the daye that the mariage was celebrated Camma determined to prepare a cuppe with poyson and also a lute wherewith she began to playe and singe with her propre voyce before the goddesse Diana in this maner TO thée Dian whose endles reigne doth stretche Aboue the boundes of all the heauenly route And eke whose aide with royall hande to reche Chiefe of all gods is moste proclaimed oute I sweare and with vnspotted faith protest That though till nowe I haue reserud my breth For no entent it was but thus distrest With waylefull ende to wreke Senatus deth ¶ And if in mynde I had not thus decreed Wherto should I my pensife daies haue spent With longer dewle for that forepassed dede Whose ofte record newe sorowes still hath bent But oh synce him their kindled spite hath slaine With tender loue whom I haue waide so dere Synce he by fate is rest from fortunes rayne For whose decaye I dredelesse perishe here Synce him by whom my only lyfe I ledd Through wretched handes the gaping earth nowe haue Ought I by wyshe to lyue in eny stedd But closde with him togither in the graue O bright Dian synce senceles him I see And makeles I here to remaine alone Synce he is graude where greedy wormes nowe bee And I suruiue surmounted with my fone Synce he is prest with lumpes of wretched soyle And I thus chargd with flame of frosen care Thou knowest Dian howe harde with restles toyle Of hoote abhorring mynde my life I spare For howe can this vnquiet brest resarue The fainting breth that striues to drawe his last Synce that euen then my dieng harte did starue When my dead phere in swalowyng earth was cast The first black daye my husbande slept in graue By cruell sworde my lyfe I thought to spende And synce a thousande times I sought to haue A stretching corde my sorowes wrath to ende And if till nowe to wast my pining daies I haue deferde by slaughter of my hande It was but loe a fitter cause to raise Whereon his sharpe reuenge might iustly stande Now since I may in full suffising wyse Redeme his breath if waywarde will would let More depe offence by not reuenge might rise Then Sinoris erst by giltles bloud did get Thee therfore mightie Ioue I iustly craue And eke thy doughter chast in thankefull sorte That loe the offering whiche of my selfe ye haue Ye wil vouchesafe into your heauenly forte Synce Sinatus with soone enflamed eies Amongest the Achaian routes me chiefly ●ewed And eke amidst the prease of Grekes likewyse Chose for his phere when swetely he had sewed Synce at my will the froth of wasting welth With
gladsome mynde he trained was to spend Synce that his youth which slippeth loe by stelth To waite on me he freely did commend Since he such heapes of lingring harmes did wast Aye to contente my wanton youthly wil And that his breath to fade did passe so fast To glut their thrust that thus his bloud did spill Though great the dutie be which that I owe Vnto his graued ghost and ●indred moulde Yet loe me seames my duetie well I showe Perfourming that my feble power coulde For since for me vntwined was his threede Of giltles life that ought to purchase breath Can reasons doome conclude I ought to dreede For his decaye to clyme the steppes of death In wretched earth my father graued lyes My deere mother hath ronne her rase of life The pride of loue no more can dawnt mine eies My wasted goodes ar shronke by fortunes strife My honours sone eclipsed is by fate My yong delight is loe fordone by chaunce My broken life these passed happes so hate As can my graued hart no more aduaunce And nowe remaines to duetie with my phere No more but refuse loe my yrkesome life With willing mynde followed eke with drere Whiche I resigne as sitteth for a wife And thou Sinoris whiche Iunos yoke doest craue To presse my corps to feede thy liking lust The route of Homers gods the graunt to haue In steade of roiall feates a throne of dust In chaunge of costlie robes and riche araie A simple winding sheete they deigne the giue And eke in stede of honest wedlockes staie They singe thy dirge and not vouchsaue the liue In place of himens hie vnfiled bedde They laie thée vp in closure of thy graue In steed with precious meates for to be fedde They make the wormes for fitter praie thee haue In steed of songe and musikes tuned sowne They waite on thée with loude lamenting voice In chaunge of ioyfull life and hie renowne Thy cruell death may sprede with wretched noise For you great gods that stalled be on hie Should not be iust ne yet suche titles clame Vnles this wretche ye ruthles cause to die That liueth nowe to sclaunder of your name And thou Dian that haunted courtes doost shonne Knowst with what great delight this life I leaue And when the race of spending breath is donne Will perse the soile that did my phere receaue ¶ And if perchaunce the paled ghostes despise Suche fatall fine with grudge of thankeles minde Yet at the least the shamefast liuing eies Shall haue a glasse rare wysely giftes to finde Wherein I will that Lucres secte shall gase But none that lyue like Helens line in blase AND when the praier was ended that this faire and vertuous Camma made she dranke and gaue to drynke to Sinoris of this cuppe of poyson who thought to drynke no other but good wyne and water and the case was suche that he died at noone daies and she likewyse in the eueninge after And truly her death of all Grece with as great sorowe was lamented as her life of all men was desired Princesses and great Ladies may moste euidently perceiue by the examples herein conteyned howe honest and honourable it is for them to loue and endeuoure them selues to be beloued of their husbandes and that not onely in their lyfe but also after their deathe For the wyfe to serue her husbande in his life seameth oft tymes to proceade of feare but to loue and honour him in his graue proceadeth of loue Princesses and great Ladies ought not to doe that which many other women of the common people doe that is to wete to seke some drinkes and inuente some shamefull sorceries to be beloued of their husbandes for albeit it is a great burden of conscience and lacke of shame in lyke maner to vse such superstitions yet it should be a thing to vniust and very slaunderous that for to be beloued of their husbandes they should procure to bee hated of God Truly to loue to serue and contente God it is not hurtefull to the woman for that she should be the better beloued of her husbande but yet God hathe suffered and doth permitte oftetymes that the women beinge feble deformed poore and negligent should be better beloued of their husbandes then the diligent faire and ryche And this is not for the seruices they doe to their husbandes but for the good intention they haue to serue loue God whiche sheweth them this especiall fauour for otherwyse God doth not suffer that he being with her displeased she should lyue with her husbande contented If women would take this councell that I geue them in this case I wil teache them furthermore a notable enchauntement to obteine the loue of their husbandes whiche is that they be quiet meke pacient solitary and honest with which fiue herbes they may make a confection the which neither seene nor tasted of their husbands shal not onely cause them to be beloued but also honoured For women ought to knowe that for their beautie they are desyred but for their vertue onely they are beloued ¶ That Princesses and great Ladies ought to be obedient to their husbandes and that it is a great shame to the husbande that his wyfe should commaunde him Cap. vi MAny auncient historiographers trauailed greatly and consumed long tyme in wryting to declare what authoritie the man ought to haue ouer the woman and what seruitude the woman oweth to the man and some for to auaunce the dignitie of the man and others to excuse the frailtie of the woman alleged such vayne thinges that it had bene more honour for them not to haue written at all then in suche sorte as they did For it is not possible but the wryters should erre whiche wryte not as reason teacheth but rather as their fantasie leadeth Those that defende the frailtie of the women saied that the woman hath a body as a man she hath a soule as a man she hath reason as a man dieth as a man and was as necessarie for generation as man she liueth as a man and therefore they thought it not mete that she should be more subiect to man then man to her for it is not reason that that whiche nature hath made free should by any lawes of man be made bond They saide furthermore that God created not the creatours but to augmente the generation of mankinde and that in this case the woman was more necessary then the man for the man engendreth without payne or trauayle but the woman is deliuered with perill and daunger and with payne and trauayle norysheth vp the childe Wherfore it seameth great vnkindnes and crueltie that the women whiche are deliuered with peryll and daunger of their lyues and brynge vp their chyldren with laboure and toyle of their bodyes should be vsed of their husbandes as sclaues They sayed further that men are those that cursse that moue seditions that make warres that mayntayne enmytie that weare weapons that sheade mans bloude
and I besech the Gods that thou mayest vnderstande it whiche is If the beastly motions of the fleashe dyd not force men to wyll and also to desyre women I doubte whether there should be any woman in the worlde beloued or suffered For though nature geueth them giftes worthy to be beloued yet they through their small discretion cause them selues to be hated If the Gods had made this loue voluntarie as they made it natural so that we might haue loued as we would and lefte agayne at our pleasure that man ought worthely to haue ben punyshed whiche for the loue of any woman would putte his life in daunger The gods haue kept this great secret vnto them selues and the mysery that they gaue vnto men is very great since that vnto so weake fleshe he gaue so strong a harte the whiche doth procure that whiche doth vs harme and foloweth that whiche we ought to abhorre This is an other secrete that all men knowe when they offende but I see no man that seketh amendement for I heare all complaine of the fleshe and yet I see all like Bochers folowe the fleshe and when it can doe least good then it is moste gredy I enuye not the Gods liuing nor the men that be dead saue onely for twoo thinges whiche be these First I enuy the Gods because they liue without feare of the malicious Secondarely I enuie the dead for that they liue without nede of women For women are so corrupte that they corrupte all and they be suche mortall plagues that both fleshe and harte by them are brought to ende O Faustine the loue of the fleshe is so naturall to the fleshe that when from you the body flieth in sport we then leaue our hartes engaged to you in earnest And though reason as reason putteth desire to flight yet the flesh as fleshe yeldeth it selfe as prysoner ¶ The Emperour folowyng his matter admonisheth men of the great daungers whiche ensue vnto them by excessiue haunting the company of women And reciteth certaine rules for maried men which if they obserue maye cause them to liue in peace with their wyues Cap. xvi I Remember that in my youth as I was of fleshe I trembled for feare of the fleshe with mynde neuer to retourne agayne and I doe confesse that ofte tymes I reuolued in my harte many holy and chaste meditations but yet notwithstanding I gaue my body immediatly to sondrie filthy vices It is a naturall thing that when man hath committeth any vice forthwith he repenteth him of his dede and so againe after his newe repentaunce he turneth to his olde vyces For during the time that we liue in the house of this frayle fleshe Sensualitie beareth so great a rule that she will not suffer reason to enter in at the gate There is no man in Rome if a man doeth aske him but wil marueile to declare with his tongue the thoughtes that he hath had in his hart in especially to be chaste to be true to be pacient to be vertuous and peraduenture ye talke with those that somewhat communicate with them let a man inquire of his neighbours they shall finde that he is a deceiuer a lier and a blasphemour Finally they deceiue men by their faire wordes offended the gods by their euil workes It profiteth litle to blase vertues with wordes if the hand be negligent to worke them in dede for a man is not called iust only desiring to be good in name but for to labour to be vertuous in workes The trayterous worlde in no one thinge beguileth worldlings so much as by feading them with vaine hope saiyng that they shall haue time enough to be vertuous so that these blinde men when they are once depely rooted in vices whiles they hope for this light of amendement then sodainly assaulteth thē the dreadful dart of death Oh how many haue promised vnto men vowed vnto the gods determined with them selues that before so many daies they would beginne to be vertuous whom in short space after we haue sene to engage thē selues to the hūgry wormes of the earth The gods wil that we be vertuous for the cōtrary the world and the fleshe willeth that we be vitious Me thinketh that it is better to obey the gods then to doe that the world the fleshe desireth for the praise of vertue is honour the paine of vice is infamie If thou doest consider Faustine thou shalt see that the gods are on the one parte which procureth vs to vertues and on the other part is the world the flesh which inticeth vs vnto vices My opinion is we should saye vnto the gods that we desire to be vertuous that we should say to the world the flesh that from henceforth we wil geue our selues no more to be vitious We ought in suche case to satisfie the gods with workes to enterteine the world the flesh with words that we imploy so much time in leading a good life that we haue no time vacant to speake an idle worde I let the wete Faustine that al that I haue told thee I haue spoken it against my selfe for always from my youth I had a good minde yet for al that I haue ben ouerthrowen with vices Oh how many times in my youth I knew womē I accōpanied with womē I talked with women beleued women that which in the ende haue deceiued me misused me defamed me At the last I withdrew my self forsoke thē but I do confesse that if reason kept me frō their houses .x. daies sensualitie kept me with thē .x. wekes Oh cruel gods oh wicked world oh fraile flesh tel me what it meaneth that reason leadeth me voluntarely to vertues that sensualitie against my wil draweth me vnto vices Doest thou not thinke Faustine that I cōsider what a great good it is for to be good what an euill it is to be euill But what shall I doe wofull man since at this daye there is not so cruell a scourge of my honoure nor so great an enemy of my renowme as myne owne fleshe is the which against me doth make such cruell warres Wherfore I beseche the immortall gods sithe my beynge here is against my wyll that they doe defende me in this so cruell warre The frayle fleshe is somewhat to blame but muche more is the foolishe and lyght woman in faulte For if men were certaine that women were chast shamefaste and solitary they would not dispose their hartes their bodies nor bende their bowes to shoote at their buttes they would not consume their time to folowe them loose their goodes to serue them neither would they suffer so many shames to sclaunder them For where the harte hath no hope to obteine there he wil geue ouer his sute But what shal we doe now Faustine I praie thee tel me since thou knowest better then I that the shame of the Romaine women is nowe gone and the
that the doughters should inherit the goodes for to mary them selues with all Truly this law was very iust for the sonne that hath alwayes respect to the enheritaunce will not haue to his father any great confidence For he ought to be called a valiant Romaine knight that with his life hath wonne honour and by the sword hath gotten riches Since you are in straung realmes I praye you hartely that you be conuersaunt with the good as good brethren remēbring alwayes that you wer my children and that I gaue you both sucke of myne owne propre breastes And the daye that I shall here of your disagrement the same day shal be the end of my life For the discord in one citie of parentes doth more harme then a hole armie of enemys It is good for you my childrē to liue in loue concord togethers but it is more requisit to kepe you with the Romaine knightes The which with you you with thē if you do not loue together in the warres you shall neuer haue the vpper hand of your enemies For in great armies the discordes which rise emongest thē do more harme then the enemys do against whō they fight I think wel my children that you wold be very desirous to know of my estate that is to wete whether I am in health whether I am sick whether I am poore whether I am pleased or whether I am miscontented In this case I know not why you shold desire to know it since you ought to presuppose that accordyng to the troubles which I haue passed the miseries that with mine eyes I haue sene I am filled with this world for wise men after .50 yeres and vpwarde ought rather to apply their mindes how to receiue death thē to seke pleasurs to prolong life When mans flesh is weake it always desireth to be wel kept euen vnto the graue And as I am of flesh bone so I do feale the troubles of the world as al mortal men do But for al this do not think that to be pore or sick is the greatest misery neither thinke that to be hole riche is the chefest felicity for ther is none other felicity of the old fathers but for to se their childrē vertuous In my opiniō it is an honour to that countrey that the fathers haue such children which wil take profit with their counsell contrary wyse that the children haue such fathers which can giue it them For the child is happy that hath a wise father more happy is the father that hath not a folish sonne I do write oft times vnto you my children but there is a law that none be so hardy to write to men of war in the field except first they inrowle the letters in the senate Therfore since I write vnto you more letters then they would they do send lesse then I desire Thoughe this law be painefull to mothers which haue children yet we must confesse it is profitable for the weale publik For if a man should write to one in the warre that his family is not well he would forsake the warres to remedye it Yf a man wryte vnto him that it is prosperous he hath then a desire to enioye it Be not displeased my children thoughe all the letters I do sende vnto you come not to your handes For all that I do not cease to visite the temples for your owne health nor yet to offre sacrifices to the Gods for your honour For if we do please the gods we haue not cause to feare our enemies I say no more in this case my children but that I beseche the immortall Gods that if your lyues maye profyte the common wealth then they shorten my dayes and lēgthen your yeres but if your lyues should be to the domage of the common wealth then those immortall gods I desire that first I may vnderstand the end of your dayes before that the wormes should eate my flesh For rather then by your euill lyfe the glory of our predecessours should be bleamished it were much better both your liues wer ended The grace of the Gods the good renowme amongest men the good fortune of the Romains that wisedom of the greekes the blessing of Scippio of al other your predecessours be alwayes with you my children Of the education and doctrine of children whiles they are yong Wherein the auctour declareth many notable histories Chap. xxxii ALl mortall men which will trauell and see good fruite of their trauell ought to do as the chefe artificer did that painted the world For the man that maketh god the head of his workes it is vnpossible that he should erre in the same That whych we beleue and reade by wrytinge is that the eternall created the world in short space by his mighte but preserued it a lōg time by his wisedome Wherof a man may gather that the time to do a thing is short but the care and thought to preserue it is long We see daily that a valiaunt captaine assaulteth his enemies but in the end it is god that giueth the victorye but let vs aske the conquerour what trauell it hath bene vnto him or wherin he hath perceaued most daunger that is to wete either to obteine the victory of his enemies or els to preserue them selues amongest the enuious and malicious I sweare and affirme that such a knight wil swere that ther is no comparison betwene the one and the other for by the bloudy sweard in an houre the victorye is obteined but to kepe it with reputation the swete of al the life is required Laertius in the booke of the lyfe of the philophers declareth and Plato also hereof maketh mention in the bookes of hys common wealth that those of Thebes vnderstandyng that the Lacedemonians hadde good lawes for that whych they were of the godes fauoured and of menne greatly honoured determined to send by common assent and agreement a wise philosopher the beste esteamed amongest them whose name was Phetonius to whome they commaunded that he should aske the lawes of the Lacedemonians and that he shoulde be verye circumspecte and ware to see what their rules and customes were Those of Thebes were then very noble valliant and honest so that their principal end was to come to honour renowme to erect buildinges to make them selues of immortall memory for beyng vertuous For in buildyng they were very curious and for vertues they had good Philosophers The philosopher Phetonius was more thē a yeare in the realme of the Lacedemonians beholding at sondry times all thinges therin for simple men do not note thinges but onely to satisfye the eyes but the wise menne beholdeth them for to know and vnderstand their secrettes After that the philosopher had well plainely sene and behelde all the thinges of the Lacedemonians he determined to returne home to Thebes and beyng arriued all the people came to see him and here him For the vanitie of the common people is
Rhodian iesting wyth Eschines the philosopher sayd vnto hym By the immortall gods I swere to thee O Eschines that I pity thee to see thee so poore to whom he aunswered By the same immortall gods I swere to thee agayn I haue compassion on thee to see thee so rytch Syth ryches bring but payn and trouble to gett them great care to keepe them displeasure to spend them peryll to hoard them and occasion of great daungers and inconuenyences to defend them and that that greeueth mee most is that where thou keepest thy treasure fast lockt vp there also thy hart is buryed Surely Eschines woords seemed rather spoken of a christian then of a philosopher In saying that wher a mans treasure is there is also his hart For there is no couetous man but dayly hee thinks vpō his hid treasure but hee neuer calleth to mind his sinns hee hath cōmitted Cōparing therfore those things wee haue spokē with those things wee wil speak I say that yt becōmeth the fauored of princes to know that it is lesse seemly for thē to bee couetous then others For the gretnes of their fauor ought not to be shewed only in beīg rich but also in beīg noble worthy Plutark sheweth that Denis the Siracusan commyng one day into the chamber of the prince hys sonne and fyndyng gryat ryches of gold and siluer that hee had geeuen hym hee spake very angerly to hym and sayd thou hadst beene farre fytter for a marchaunt of Capua then to bee as thou art the kynges sonne of Scicilla syth thou hast a wyt to gather but not to spend Which is not fyt nor lawfull for thee if thou wylt succeede mee after my tyme in my kyngdome And therefore I doo remember thee that kyngdomes and hygh estates are not maynteyned with keepyng of ryches but onely wyth geeuing and honorably bestowyng them well And to this purpose also recyteth Plutarke that Ptholomeus Philadelphus was demaunded why hee was so slow and with so great difficulty receyued the seruices of others and was so liberall and noble in geeuing and grauntyng fauors hee aunswered I wil not get reputacion amongst the gods nor good renowne amongst men for beeyng rych but onely I will bee praysed and esteemed for makyng of others rych and hauyng vnder mee rich subiects These woords that Tholomee sayd to a frend of his those that Denis spake to his sonne mee thynks the beloued of the court should not onely bee contented to read them but to seeke to keepe them styll in mynd syth by them wee may manifestly see that ryches are euer more profytable for a man that oweth them and geeueth them bountifully then to haue them and with couetousnes to hoord lock them vp in their coffers And the fauored of prynces should not bee enuyed for the goods that they can get by their fauor and credit but onely for the good that thereby they may doo to their frends and kynsfolk For they are those that wyth others goods make the people slaues to thē What greater nobility can there bee in thys world then to make others noble what greater ryches then to make others rich and what more lyberty then to make others free The glory that the princes and those that they esteeme and haue in their sauor ought to haue should not consist in getting together much goods but in winnyng many seruaunts and frends Great are the priuileges that the noble and lyberall men haue for their chyldren are obedient to them their neyghbors loue them their frends doo accompaigne them their seruaunts serue them faythfully straungers vysyt them and the enemies they haue dare not speak against them for although they spight at their greatnes and fauor yet they dare not once presume to rebuke or reproue their lyberalyty Phalaris the Agrigentine Denis the Siracusan Catelyne the Romayn and Iugurth the Numidian These fower famous tyraunts dyd not mayntayn their states and roial kingdoms with the vertues they had by only but force ample gifts they gaue So that wee may well say that in the world there is no stone so phylosophicall nor hand so liberal as treasor riches syth that in geeuing it good men become great tyrāts therby are supported I would those that are princes familiars woold note wel this woord that is that great fauor ioined with much couetousnes is a thing vnpossible to continew long in any For if hee mean to keepe him self in fauor he must needes flye auarice and if hee wil needes stick to auarice hee must of necessitie lose his fauor There is no better means for hym that seekes the princes fauor to get into fauor then to serue him dilygently and to trouble him seldomly The kyngs officer that serueth him in his house must endeuor to make the kyng know that hee serueth him more for the loue hee beareth him then for any gayn or profyt he hopeth at his hands For in dooing so the king wil not only with his fauor benefits bestowed on him treat handle him as one hee loueth maketh account of but also loue hym as if hee were his own sonne It is most iust the beloued of the prince loue honor the prince with al his hart sence hee loueth him needeth not Those that are beloued made of fauored in princes courts should make great account of yt therefore they shayld serue willingly For the loue wee beare to princes cometh cōmonly rather of the necessity wee haue of them then of our own proper willes But the loue of princes to vs cōmeth of meere good will not of necessitie If any man doo company mee speak to mee serue mee yt ys onely in that respect that I euer geeue him for that hee hopeth I wil geeue him in tyme to come And to such a man I might truely say hee rather flaterith then loueth mee The esteemed of the court must note if it please thē that though the prince haue others about him whō hee fauoreth loueth as well as him self that hee bee not therefore offended nor displeased a whit For els all those hee seeth accepted into fauor with the prince hee woold make thē his enemies because they may auoid this incōueniēce they must take it in very good part For albeit the prince geeue his fauor to one alone yet hee imparteth his gifts to diuers Those that newly begun to rise in the court to doo much may not euen vpon a soden show them selues to bee rich but onely study dayly to increase in fauor For euery time that the courtier dooth assure mee hee dooth not diminish in fauor I will bee bound to him hee shal neuer bee poore The way they must obserue in the court to bee great to bee able to doo is this That is to visit oft to suffer to present to ꝑseuer to bee beloued to continew in the princes fauor Which I assure you is a great secret right alchimyne of court
and proud entreprise for a man to take vpon him with a penne to gouerne the cōmon wealth with a prince to reasō of his life For in dede men are not perswaded to liue wel by faire words but by vertuous dedes And therfore not with out cause I say that he is not wise but very arrogāt that dare presume vnasked to giue a prīce counsail For princes in many thinges haue their mindes occupied haughtely bent som of them also are affectioned where as we peraduenture thinke to haue them mercifull we finde thē more angry heauy against vs. For counsaile doth more harme than profite if the giuer therof be not very wise he also which receiueth it very pacient I haue not ben a prince to know the trauailes of princes nor am not as president to counsel princes yet I was so bolde to cōpile this booke it was not vppon presumption to counsaile a prince so much as by an humble sorte to giue mine aduise For to giue counsel I confesse I haue no credite but to giue theim aduise it suffiseth me to be a subiecte What the order is that I haue taken in this boke how profitable it is to all men how vnpleasaunt to no man how holsome profound doctrine in it is conteined how the histories be herin applied I wil not that my pen do write but they thē selues shal iudge which shal reade this worke We se it oft com to passe that diuers bokes do lose their estimation not for that they are not very good excellēt but because the auctour hath ben to presumptuous vainglorious For in my opinion for a man to praise his owne writinges much is nothing els but to giue men occasion to speake euil both of him of his worke Let no man thinke that I haue written thys which is written without great aduisement and examination I do confesse before the redemer of the whole world that I haue cōsumed so many yers to seke what I shold write that this .ii. yers one day hath scarsely escaped me wherin my pen hath not don his dutie to write or correct in this worke I confesse that I toke great paine in writing it for of trueth it hath ben written twise with mine owne hand and thrise with another mans hand I confesse I haue red searched in diuers sondrie partes many and good strange bokes to th end I might finde good and pleasant doctrine besydes that I trauailed much to set apply the histories to the purpose For it is an vnsemely thing to apply an history without a purpose I had great respecte in that I was not so briefe in my writinges that a man might note me to be obscure nor yet in anye thing so long that a man shold sclaunder me with to much talke For al the excellēcie of writing consisteth where many goodly sentences are declared in few apte wordes For oft times the long stile is lothsom tedious both to the hearers readers Nero that emperour was in loue with a lady in Rome named Pompeia that which in beauty to his fātasie exceded all other In the end partely with intreaty partely with money presētes he obteined of her the he desired For in this case of loue wher prayers importunities be paciētly hard resistance doth lacke The inordinate loue that Nero bare to Pompeia proceded of the yelow here 's she had which wer of the colour of amber in prayse of them he cōpiled diuers sondry songes in heroical meter with an instrument sang thē himself in her presence Nero was a sage prince wise excellētly well learned in the latin tong also a good musiciā yet Plutarche in his boke of the gests of noble womē to declare the vaniti lightnes of Nero reciteth this history describīg Pōpeia said the her body was smal her fingers lōg her mouth proper her eye lyds thin her nose sōwhat sharpe her téeth smal her lips red her neck white her forhead brod finally her eies great rowlin her brest large wel propocioned what thinke you wold Nero haue don if he had so affectionatly set his fātasy vpō al other her beautiful properties sins that for the loue alonly of her yelow locks he was depriued both of his wisdom also sences For vain light mē loue cōmēly not that which reasō cōmaūdeth but that which their appetite desireth The loue of the emperor encreased with foly so much that not only he coūted seuerally al that héere 's that his louer Pōpeia had on her head but also gaue to euery heere a proper name in praise of euery one of thē made a song in somuch that this effeminat prince spēt more time in bāketting plaieng with his louer Pōpeia thā he did to reforme amend the faultes of the cōmon welth Yea his foly so much surmoūted al reasō that he cōmaunded a cōbe of gold to be made therw t he himself cōmed her yelow locks And if it chaūsed that any one here in kemīg fel of he by by caused it to be set in gold offred it vp in the tēple to the goddes Iuno For it was an anciēt custome amōg the Romains that the things which they entierly loued whether it wer good or euil should be offred vp to their gods And whan it was once knowen that Nero was so in loue with these héere 's of Pompeia which wer of the colour of amber al the ladies endeuoured thē selues not only to make artificially their here of that colour but also to were their garmentes and other attyres of the same colour in somuche that bothe men and women did vse collers of amber brooches ringes set with amber al their other Iewels were of amber For alwayes it hath ben sene euer shall be that those things wherunto the prince is most addicted the people folow aboue al other couet the same Before this Emperour Nero plaied this light part in Rome the amber stone was had in little estimacion after that he set so muche by it there was no precious stone in Rome so much estemed Yea furthermore the marchant gained nothinge so much whether it were in gold or silke as he did in the amber stones nor brought any kind of marchaundise to Rome more precious or more vendible than that was I doe meruelle at this vanitie forasmuch as the children of the world do loue desire labor more to folow the straunge foly of an other than to furnish supply their own proper necessitie Therefore retourning againe to my purpose most excellent prince by this example you may coniecture what I would say that is that if this writing were accepted vnto princes I am assured it woulde be refused of no man And if any man would slaunderously talke of it he durst not remembring that your maiestie hath receiued it For those things which princes
the tiraunt which was in Cicilia asking him why he possessed the Realme so longe by tirannye Phalaris aunswered hym agayne in another Epystle in these fewe wordes Thou callest me tyraunt bicause I haue taken this realme kept it this .32 yeres I graunt the quod he that I was a tiraunte in vsurpyng it For no manne occupyeth another mannes ryght but by reason he is a tyraunte But yet I will not agree to be called a tyraunte sithe it is nowe .xxxii. yeares sins I haue possessed it And though I haue atcheued it by tyrannie yet I haue gouerned it by wisedome And I let thee to vnderstande that to take an other mans goods it is an easie thing to conquer but a hard thing to kepe an easy thing but to kepe them I ensure the it is very hard The Emperour Marcus Aurelius maried the doughter of Antonius Pius the 16. Emperour of Rome and she was named Faustina who as sole heire had the Empire so through mariage Marcus Aurelius came to be Emperour this Faustine was not so honest and chast as she was faire and beautifull She had by him two sonnes Commodus and Verissimus Marcus Aurelius triumphed twise once when he ouercame the Perthians and an other time when he conquered the Argonantes He was a man very wel learned and of a deepe vnderstanding He was as excellent both in the Greke and latin as he was in his mother tongue He was very temperate in eating and drinking he wrote many thinges ful of good learning swete sentences He dyed in conquering the realme of Pannonia whiche is now called Hongarie His death was asmuch bewayled as his lyfe was desired And he was loued so intierlye in the citye of Rome that euery Romane had a statue of him in his house to th ende the memorie of him among them should neuer decay The which was neuer red that they euer did for any other king or Emperoure of Rome no not for Augustus Cesar who was beste beloued of all other Emperours of Rome He gouerned the empire for the space of 18. yeres with vprighte iustice and dyed at the age of 63 yeres with much honour in the yere clymatericke which is in the 60. and 3. yeres wherein the lyfe of man ronneth in great peril For then are accomplyshed the nine seuens or the seuen nynes Aulus Gelius writeth a chapiter of this matter in the boke De noctibus Atticis Marcus Aurelius was a prince of lyfe most pure of doctrine most profound of fortune most happie of all other princes in the world saue only for Faustine his wife and Commodus his sonne And to the ende we maye see what Marcus Aurelius was from his infancie I haue put here an epistle of his which is this ¶ Of a letter whych Marcus Aurelius sent to his frend Pulio wherein hee declareth the order of hys whole lyfe and amongest other thinges he maketh mencion of a thyng that happened to a Romaine Censor with hys host of Campagna Cap. ii MArcus Aurelius only Emperour of Rome greteth the his old frend Pulio wisheth health to thy parson and peace to the commen wealth As I was in the temple of the vestall virgens a letter of thine was presented vnto me which was writen long before and greatly desired of me but the best therof is that thou wryting vnto me briefly desirest that I should writ vnto the at large Which is vndecent for the authoritie of him that is chiefe of the empire in especial if such one be couetous for to a prince there is no greater infamy then to be lauishe of words and scant of rewards Thou wrytest to me of thy griefe in thy legge and that thy wounde is great and truly the payne thereof troubleth me at my hart and I am righte sory that thou wantest that which is necessarie for thy health and that good that I do wishe the. For in the ende all the trauailes of the life may be endured so that the body with diseases be not troubled Thou lettest me vnderstande by thy letters that thou art arriued at Rhodes and requireste me to write vnto the howe I lyued in that place when I was younge what time I gaue my minde to studie likewise what the discourse of my life was vntil the time of my being Emperoure of Rome In this case trulye I meruell at the not a lytle that thou shouldest aske me such a question and so muche the more that thou diddest not consider that I cannot without great trouble and paine answere thy demaunde For the doinges of youthe in a younge man were neuer so vpright and honest but it were more honesty to amend them then to declare them Annius Verus my father shewing vnto me his fatherly loue not accomplishing yet fully 13 yeres drew me from the vices of Rome and sent me to Rhodes to learne science howbeit better acccompanyed with bookes then loden with money where I vsed suche dilygence and fortune so fauoured me that at the age of 26. yeres I red openly natutall and moral philosophy and also Rethoricke and ther was nothing gaue me such occasion to study and read bookes as the want of moneye for pouertie causeth good mens children to bee vertuous so that they attaine to that by vertue which others come vnto by riches Trulye frende Pulio I found great want of the pleasures of Rome specially at my first comminge into the I le but after I had redde philosophie 10 yeares at Rhodes I toke my selfe as one borne in the countrey And I thinke my couersacion among them caused it to seme no lesse For it is a rule that neuer faileth that vertue maketh a straunger grow natural in a straunge country and vyce maketh the natural a straūger in his owne country Thou knowest wel how my father Annius Verus was 15. yeres a captaine in the frontiers against the Barbarous by the commaundement of Adrian my lorde and maister and Antonius Pius my father in law both of theym prynces of famous memorie which recōmended me ther to his old frendes who with fatherly counsel exhorted me to forget the vyces of Rome and to accustome me to the vertues of Rhodes And trulye it was but nedeful for me for the naturall loue of the countrye oft tymes bringeth domage to him that is borne therein leadinge his desier stil to retourne home Thou shalt vnderstand that the Rhodians are men of much curtesy requyting beneuolence whych chaunseth in few Iles because that naturally they are personnes deceitful subtile vnthankeful and ful of suspiciō I speake this bycause my fathers frends alwaies succoured me wyth counsayle and money which two thinges were so necessarie that I could not tell which of them I had most nede of For the straunger maketh his profit with moneye to withstand disdainfull pouertie and profitteth him selfe with counsell to forget the swete loue of his country I desired then to reade philosophy in Rhodes so long as my father continued
the Catholicke Churche that they dyshonour not Gods mynisters and maintayne heresyes For as this accursed Emperoure Valente for his wicked doinges was condignely punished by the hands of the almighty God So let them be assured the selfe same god wil not pardon their offences For it is a rule infallible that the prince which is not a good christian shall fall into the hands of his cruell enemyes ¶ Of the Emperour Valentinian and Gracian hys sonne whych reigned in the time of saynte Ambrose whyche because they were good Christians were alwayes fortunate and that god gyueth victorye vnto Princes more throughe the teares of them that pray then through the weapons of those that fyght I Valentinian and Valent were brethrene and the eldest of them was Valentinian who succeded in the Empire after the death of his father to be pretor of the armies For amonges the Romaines there was a lawe in vre that if the father died in the fauour of the people of right the sonne without any other demaunde was heire This Valentinian was a lusty yong man of a sanguine complection and of his body well shaped and aboue al he was a good Christian and of all the people generallye welbeloued For nothynge adorneth the noble man more then to be counted ciuill and corteous of behauior At that time wher the Emperoure Iulian persecuted moste the chrisstians Valentinian was pretor of the armies and when Iulian was aduertised that Valentinian was a christian he sent vnto him and bad hym do sacrifice to the idols of the Romaine Emperour or els to forsake the office of his pretorship Iulian would gladly haue killed Valentinian but he durst not For it was a law inuiolable amonges the Romaynes that no citizen should be put to death without decre of the Senate Valentinian receyuing the message of this Emperour Iulian aduertised of his will which was to renownce his faith or to leaue his office he dyd not only resigne his office but therwithal forgaue the Emperour all the money he ought him for arreragies of his seruyce And because he woulde lyue with a more quyete conscience he wente from Rome into a cloyster where he bannyshed hym selfe for two yeares and a halfe and for this he was hyghlye estemed and commended For it is a good signe that man is a good Christian whyche of his owne free will renounceth worldlye goodes Shortlye after It happened that Iulian the Emperoure wente to conquer the Realme of Persia wherein a battaile he was very sore wounded and fell downe deade in the presente place For to the mishappes of fortune the Emperour with all his estate pleasours is asmuch subiect as is the poorest man that lyeth in the streates When the newes came to Rome that Iulian was dead by the consent of all Valentinian was created Emperoure so that he beinge bannyshed for Christes sake was called againe and crowned Prince of the Romaine empire Let no man care to lose al that he possesseth let no man way to see him selfe despised for Christes sake For in the end no men can in a thousand yeares so much abase vs as god in one houre can exalt vs. In the same yere which was from the foundation of Rome a thousand a hundred and .xix. in a citie called Atrobata it rained very fine wull so that all the citie became riche In the same yeare in the citie of Constantinople it hailed suche great stones that they killed many men left no herdes in the fieldes aliue At the same tyme there came an earthquake throughout Italy so likewyse in Scicille that many housen fell and slewe sundry persons and aboue all the sea rose in suche sorte that it drowned many cities nighe thereunto Paulus Diaconus in the .xi. booke De gestibus Romanorum saieth that the emperour Valentinian was of a subtile witte of graue coūtenaunce eloquēt in speache yet he spake litle stoute in his affaires and diligent in his busines in aduersities pacient and a great enemy of the vicious temperat in eating and drinking a frend of religious persons so that they saide he resembled the emperour Aurelius For after that the emperour Marcus Aurelius died with whom the felicitie of the Romaine empire ended they euer vsed thenceforth in Rome to compare and liken the young and newe come princes to the auncient emperours their antecessours That is to wete if the prince wer couragious they said he was like Iulius Caesar if he were vertuous they saide he was an other Octauian if he were fortunate that he was Tiberius if he were rashe they sayde he was Caligula if he were cruell they compared him to Nero if he were merciful thei sayde he was like to Traian or Antonius Pius if he were beawtifull they likened him to Titus if he were idle they compared him to Domitian if he were paciēt they called him Vespasius if he were tēperat they likened him to Adrian if he were deuoute to their gods then he semed Aurelianus finally he that was sage and vertuous they compared him to the good Marcus Aurelius This emperour Valentinian was a good Christian and in al his affaires touching the empyre very wyse and circumspecte and yet he was noted for one thynge very muche and that was that he trusted and fauoured his seruauntes so muche and was so led by his friendes that through their occasion they abusinge his loue and credite there arose manye dissentions emonges the people Seneca sayde once to the Emperoure Nero I wyll that thou vnderstande Lorde that there is no pacience can suffre that twoo or three absolutly commaunde all not for that they are moste vertuous but for that they are moste in fauour with thee O princes and great Lordes if you were as I am I knowe not what you would doe but if I were as you be I woulde behaue my selfe in suche sorte to them of my house that they should be seruauntes to serue and obeye me and not boste themselues to be in suche fauour to commaunde me For that prince is not sage that to content a fewe getteth the hatred of all The Emperour Valentinian died in the fiue and fifty yeare of his byrthe and eleuen yeare of his Empyre of so longe sickenesse that his vaynes were so dried vp that they could not drawe one droppe of bloude out of his body And at the daye of his funeralles where the dead corps was greatly bewayled Saint Ambrose made anexcellent sermon in commendation of him for in those dayes when any prince departed that fauoured muche the Churche all the holy Byshoppes mete at his buriall The two brethren being Emperours that is to wete Valentinian and Valent through the desire of the father in lawe of Gracian that was father to his wyfe and desirous to haue one of his doughters children chose Valentinian to bryng vp who had a sonne named Gracian whiche was created emperour so young that as yet he had no berde And truly the Senate would not haue suffered it
I wold not yester daye aunswere to that that the Senatour Fuluius spake vnto me because it was somewhat late and for that we were long in sacrifices I thought that neyther time nor place was conueniēt to aunswere therunto For it is a signe of a lytle wisedome of great folye for a man to aunswere sodainly to euerye question The libertie that vndiscret men haue to demaunde the selfe same priuiledge hath the sage for to aunswere For though the demaund procede of ignoraunce yet the aunswere oughte to procede of wysedome Trulye wise men were wel at ease if to euery demaund they shoulde aunswere the simple and malicious who for the most part demaund more to vexe other men then for to profyte themselues more for to proue than to know wherfore wise men ought to dissemble at such demaundes For the sages oughte to haue their eares open to heare and their tongue tyed because they should not speake I let you know auncyent fathers sacred senate that the lytle whyche I knowe I learned in the yle of Rhodes in Naples in Capua and in Tharente And al tutors told me that the Intencion and end of men to study was only to know to gouerne them selues amongest the malicious For scyence profiteth nothing els but to know how to kepe his lyfe wel ordered his tongue wel measured Therfore I protest to god that which I will say before your sacred presēce I wil not speake it of any malice or ill wil but only to aunswere vnto that which toucheth the auctoritie of my person For the thynges which touch the honour ought first by word to be aunswered afterwards by sword to be reuenged Therfore now beginning my matter addressing my words to the Fuluius and to that which thou spakest vnto me asking why I shew my selfe so to all men I aunswere the. It is because al men shold giue themselues to me Thou knowest wel Fuluius that I haue bene a Consul as thou art and thou hast not bene an Emperour as I am Therfore beleue me in thys case that the prince being dispised cānot be beloued of hys people The gods wil not nor the lawes do permyte neyther the common wealth wyllyngly should suffer that al princes should be lordes of many and that they should not communicate but with a few For princes which haue bene gentile in their lyues the auncients haue made them gods after their deathes The fisher to fish for many fishes in the riuer goeth not with one bote alone nor the Mariner to fish in the depe sea goeth with one net only I meane that the profounde willes which are deepely enclosed in the hartes oughte to be wonne some by giftes other by promises other by pleasaunt words and others by gentle enterteynement For princes should trauaile more to winne the hartes of their subiectes then to conquere the Realmes of straungers The gredy and couetous hartes care not thoughe the prince shutteth vp his hart so that he open his cofers but noble and valiaunt men litle esteme that which they locke vp in their cofers so that their hartes be open to their frendes For loue can neuer but with loue againe be requited Sith Princes are lords of many of necessitie they ought to be serued with many being serued with many they are bound to satisfie many and this is as generally as perticulerly they cannot dispence with their seruaunts For the prince is no lesse bound to pay the seruice of his seruaunte then the maister is to pay the wages of the hired laborer Therefore if thys thing be true as it is how shal poore princes do which kepe many Realmes in keping them they haue great expenses and for to pay such charges they haue lytle money For in this case let euery man do what he will and let them take what counsaile they like best I would counsaile all others as I my selfe haue experimented that is that the prince shold be of so good a conuersacion among those which are his and so affable and familiar with all that for his good conuersacion only they should thinke them selues wel paid For with rewardes princes recompence the trauaile of their seruantes but with gentle wordes they robbe the hartes of their subiectes We se by experience that diuers marchauntes had rather by dearer in one shoppe because the marchaunt is pleasaunte then to ●ye better chepe in an other wheras the marchaunt is churlishe I meane that there are many which had rather serue a prince to gaine nothing but loue only thā to serue an other prince for money For there is no seruice better imployed then to him which is honest good and gracious and to the contrary none worse bestowed then on hym which is vnthankfull and churlyshe In princes pallaces there shall neuer want euil and wicked men malicious deuelishe flatterers which wil seke meanes to put into their Lords heades howe they shall rayse their rentes leauye subsidies inuent tributes and borow money but there are none that wil tel them how they shal winne the hartes and good willes of their subiectes though they know it more profitable to be wel beloued then necessarie to be enriched He that heapeth treasure for his prince and seperateth him from the loue of his people ought not to be called a faithfull seruaunt but a mortall enemy Princes and Lordes ought greatly to endeuour themselues to be so conuersant among their subiects that they had rather serue for good wil then for the payment of money For if moneye wante their seruice will quaile and hereof procedeth a thousand inconueniences vnto princes which neuer happen vnto those that haue seruauntes whiche serue more of good wil then for moneye for he that loueth with al his harte is not proude in prosperitie desperate in aduersitie neither complayneth he of pouertie nor is discontented being fauourlesse nor yet abashed with persecution finallye loue and life are neuer seperated vntill they come vnto the graue We see by experience that the rablemēt of the poore labourers of Scicil is more worth then the money of the knightes of Rome For the labourer euery time he goeth to the fielde bringeth some profit from thence but euery time the knight sheweth him selfe in the market place he returneth without money By that comparison I meane that princes should be affable easie to talke with all pleasaunt mercifull benigne and stoute and aboue all that they be gracious and louing to the end that through these qualities and not by money they may learne to wynne the hartes of their subiectes Princes should greately labour to be loued specially if they will finde who shall succour them in aduersitie and kepe them from euill will and hatred whiche those princes can not haue that are hated but rather euery man reioyceth at their fall and miserie For eche man enioyeth his own trauaile and truly the furious and sorowfull hartes taketh some reste to see that others haue pitie and
compassiō vpon their griefes Princes also should endeuour them selues to be loued well willed because at their death they maye of all their seruauntes and frendes be lamented For princes ought to be suche that they may be prayed for in their life and lamented and remembred after their death Howe cursed is that prince and also howe vnhappy is that common wealth where the seruauntes wyll not serue their Lorde but for rewarde and that the Lorde doth not loue them but for ther seruices For there is neuer true loue where there is any particuler intereste With many stones a house is buylded and of many men and one prince whiche is the head of all the common wealth is made For he that gouerneth the common wealth may be called a prince and otherwyse not and the common wealth can not be called nor sayde a common wealth if it hath not a prince whiche is the head thereof If Geometrie doe not deceiue me the lyme whiche ioyneth one stone with an other suffereth well that it be myngled with sande but the corner stone that lyeth on the toppe ought to be medled with vnslekyd lyme And it soundeth vnto good reason For if the nether stones seperate the wall openeth but if the corner should slippe the buylding incontinently falleth I suppose fathers conscript you vnderstande very well to what ende I applie this comparison The loue of one neighbour with an other may suffer to be cold but the loue of a prince to his people should be true and pure I meane that the loue amongest frendes may well passe sometymes though it be colde but the loue betwene the kyng and his people at all tymes oughte to be perfect For where there is parfite loue there is no fained wordes nor vnfaithfull seruice I haue seene in Rome many debates among the people to haue bene pacified in one day and one onely which betwene the Lord and the common wealth aryseth can not be pacified vntyll death For it is a daungerous thing for one to stryue with many and for many to contende against one In this case where the one is proude and the other rebelles I wyll not excuse the prince nor let to condemne the people For in the end he that thinketh himself moste innocent deserueth greatest blame From whence thinke you cōmeth it that Lordes nowe a daies doe commaunde vniust thinges by fury that subiectes in iuste matters wyll not obey by reason I will tell you The Lorde doing of will and not of right would caste the willes of all in his owne braine and deriue from him selfe all counsayle For euen as princes are of greater power then all the reste so they thinke they knowe more then all the reste The contrary happeneth to subiectes who beinge prouoked I can not tel you with what frenesy despising the good vnderstanding of their Lord will not obey that that their princes willeth for the health of them all but that whiche euery man desireth for him selfe particularly For men nowe a dayes are so fonde that euery man thynketh the prince should loke on him alone Truely it is a straunge thing though it be muche vsed among men that one should desire that the garmentes of all other should be mete for him whiche is as impossible as one mans armour shoulde arme a multitude But what shall we be Fathers conscripte and sacred senate sith our fathers lefte vs this worlde with suche foly and that in these debates stryfes we their children are alwayes in dissention and controuersie and in this wilfulnes we shall also leaue our children and heires How many princes haue I seene and read of in my time of my predecessours whiche were vtterly vndone by to muche pryde and presumption But I neuer read nor heard of any whiche were destroyed for being courteous and louing to his subiectes I will declare by some examples whiche I haue read in bookes to the ende that the Lordes may see what they wynne by their good conuersation and what they loase by being to haulty The realme of the Sydonians was greater then that of the Caldeans in weapons and inferiour in antiquitie vnto that of the Assirians In this realme there was Debastia whiche was called a linage of kinges that endured two hundreth and .xxv. yeares because all those kinges were of a commendable conuersation And an other of Debastia endured no longer then fourty yeares And our auncientes tooke pleasure of peace whereof we are destitute and were ignoraunt of the warres whiche we nowe vse so muche Alwayes they desired to haue kinges whiche should be good for the common wealth in peace rather than valiaunt and couragious for the warre As Homere in his Iliade saieth the auncient Egiptians called their kinges Epiphanes and had a custome that Epiphanes alwaies should enter into the temples barefoote And because it chaūsed the Epiphane on a time to come into the churche hoased he was immediatly for his disobedience depriued and expulsed from the realme and in his steade an other created Homere declareth here that this king was proude euill conditioned wherefore the Egiptians depriued him and banished hym the realme taking occasion that he did not enter into the temple barefoote For truly when Lordes are euil willed and not beloued for a litle trifle and occasion the people will arise and rebell against them The saide Homere saide also that the Parthes called their kynges Assacides that the sixte of that name was depriued and expulsed the realme for that of presumption he had hym selfe to the mariage of a knight and being bidden and desired would not go to the mariage of a poore Plebeyan Cicero in his Tusculanes saith that in olde time the people perswaded their princes to communicate with the poore that they should abstaine and flye from the ryche For among the poore they may learne to be mercifull and with the ryche they shall learne nothing but to be proude Ye knowe right well Fathers conscript howe this our countrey was first called great Grece afterwarde it was called Latium and then Italie And when it was called Latium they called their kynges Marrani and truly though their borders were but narrowe yet at the leaste their stoutnes was great The Annales of those times say that after the thirde Siluius succeded a Marrane who was proude ambitious and euill cōdicioned in such sorte that for feare of the people alwaies he slept locked vp and therfore they depryued and banished him the Realme For the auncientes saide that the king should locke his dores at no houre of the nighte against his subiectes neither he should refuse in the daie to geue them audience Tarquine whiche was the last of the seuen kinges of Rome was very vnthankefull towards his father in lawe he was an infamie to his bloud a traytour to his countrey and cruell of his persone who also enforced the noble Lucretia and yet notwithstanding this they doe not call him vnthankefull infamous cruell traytour
that amongest the myshappes of fortune we dare saye that ther is no felycitie in the world And he only is happie from whom wisedom hath plucked enuious aduersitie and that afterwards is brought by wisedome to the highest felycitye And thoughe I would I cannot endure any lenger but that the immortall gods haue the in their custoditye and that they preserue vs from euyl fortune Sith thou art retired now vnto Bethinie I know well thou wouldest I should write the some newes from Rome and at this presente there are none but that the Carpentines and Lusitaines are in great strife and dissension in Spayne I receiued letters how that the barbarous were quyet though the host that was in Illiria were in good case yet notwistanding the army is somwhat fearefull and timerous For in all the coaste and borders ther hath bene a great plague Pardon me my frend Pulio for that I am so sickely that yet I am not come to my selfe For the feuer quartaine is so cruel a disease that he which hath it contenteth himselfe with nothinge neither taketh pleasure in any thing I send the .ii. of the best horses that can be found in al Spayne also I send the ii cuppes of gold of the richest that can be founde in Alexandria And by the lawe of a good man I swere vnto the that I desire to sende the ii or .iii. howers of those which trouble me in my feauer quartaine My wife Faustine saluteth the and of her part and mine also to Cassia thy olde mother and noble widowe we haue vs commended Marcus the Romaine Emperour with his owne hande writeth this and againe commendeth him vnto his dere frend Pulio ¶ That princes and great Lordes ought not to esteme them selues for being fayre and wel proportioned Cap. xli .. IN the time that Iosue triumphed amongest the Hebrues and that Dardanus passed from great Grece to Samotratia and when the sonnes of Agenor were seking their sister Europe and in the time that Siculus reigned in Scicil in great Asia in the Realme of Egipt was buylded a great cytie called Thebes the which king Busiris built of whom Diodorus Sicculus at large mencioneth Plynie in the .36 chapter of his naturall historie and Homere in the second of his Iliade and Statius in al the booke of his Thebiade do declare great meruelles of this citye of Thebes which thing ought greatly to be estemed for a man oughte not to thinke that fayned whiche so excellente auctours haue writen For a truth they say that Thebes was in circuite .40 myles and that the walles were .30 stades hye and in breadthe .6 They say also that the citie had a hundreth gates very sumptuous and strong and in euery gate .ii. hundreth horsemen watched Through the middest of Thebes passed a great riuer the which by mylles and fishe dyd greatly profite the citie When Thebes was in his prosperity they say that there were two hundreth thousand fiers and besydes all this al the kynges of Egipt were buried in that place As Strabo sayth De situ orbis when Thebes was destroyed with enemies they found therin lxxvii tombes of kings whych had bene buried there And here is to be noted that al those tombes were of vertuous kings For among the Egiptians it was a law inuiolable that the king which had bene wicked in his lyfe should not be buried after his death Before the noble and worthy Numantia was founded in Europe the riche Carthage in Affricke and the hardye Rome in Italy the goodly Capua in Campaigne and the great Argentine in Germanie and the holy Helia in Palestine Thebes onlye was the most renowmed of all the world For the Thebanes amongest al nacions were renowmed aswel for their riches as for their buyldings and also because in theyr lawes customes they had many notable seuere things al the men were seuere in their workes although they would not be knowen by their extreame doinges Homere sayth that the Thebanes had v. customes wherein they were more extreme then any other nacion 1. The first was that the children drawing to v. yeres of age were marked in the forehead with a hoote yron because in what places so euer they came they should be knowen for Thebanes by that marke 2. The second was that they should accustome their children to trauaile alwayes on foote And the occasion why they dyd this was because the Egiptians kept their beastes for their gods and therfore when so euer they trauayled they neuer rydde on horsebacke because they should not seme to sitte vpon their god 3. The third was that none of the citizens of Thebes shold mary with any of straunge nacions but rather they caused them to marrye parentes with parentes because that frendes maryeng with frendes they thoughte the frendshippe and loue should be more sure 4. The fourthe custome was that no Thebane should in any wise make a house for himselfe to dwel in but first he should make his graue wherin he should be buryed Me thinketh that in this point the Thebanes were not to extreme nor excessiue but that they did lyke sage and wise men yea and by the law of veryte I sweare that they were sager then we are For if at the least we dyd imploye our thought but two howers in the weke to make our graue it is vnpossible but that we should correcte euerye daye our life 5. The fift custome was that all the boies which were excedinge faire in their face shoulde be by theym strangled in the cradell and all the girles whiche were extreame foule were by them killed sacrifised to the godds Sayeng that the gods forgotte themselues when they made the men faire and the women foule For the man which is very faire is but an vnparfite woman and the woman which is extreme foule is but a sauage and wilde beast The greatest God of the Thebaines was Isis who was a red bull nourisshed in the riuer of Nile and they had a custome that all those which had red heere immediately should be sacrify●ed The contrarye they did to the beastes for sithe their God was a bul of tawnye couloure none durst be so bold to kyl any beasts of the same coloure In such fourme and maner that it was lawfull to kyll both men and women and not the brute beastes I do not say this was wel done of the Thebaines to sley their children nor yet I do say that it was wel done to sacrifice men women which had red or taunye heere nor I thinke it a thinge reasonable that they should do reuerence to the beastes of that coloure but I wonder why they should so much dispise foule women and faire men sith all the world is peopled bothe with faire and foule Then sith those barbarous lyuyng as they did vnder a false law did put him to death whom the Gods had adorned with any beautie we then which are Christians by reason ought much lesse to esteme
chaunseth but that one of the parties are deceiued ¶ Of the wysedome and sentences of Phalaris the tyraunt and howe he putte an Artisan to death for inuentinge newe tormentes Cap. xlvi IN the laste yeare of the Latines and in the firste yeare of the Romaynes Ezechias beinge kyng of the Iewes and Azarias great Bysshoppe of the holy temple Abacuck Prophet in Iewry and Merodach beyng kynge in Babilon and when the Lacedemonians buylte Bizaunce whiche nowe is Constantinople Phalaris the famous tyraunt was then lyuinge Of this Phalaris Ouide saieth that he was deformed in his face spoore blynde of his eyes and exceading couetous of riches and neuer obserued any thynge that he promysed He was vnthankefull to his frendes and cruell to his ennemies finally he was such a one that the tyrannies which seuerally were scattered in others in hym alone were altogethers assembled Amongest all the iniquities that he inuented and amongest all the tyrannies that he committed he hadde one vertue very great whiche was that euen as he was onely head of all tyrannies so was he chiefe louer and frende of al philosophers and sage men And in all those sixe and thirty yeares whiche he gouerned the realme by tyranny they neuer founde that any man touched his bearde nor that any man satte at the table with him spake vnto him or slepte in his bed nor that any man sawe in his countenaunce any mirthe vnlesse it were some philosopher or sage man with whome and to whom he liberally put his body in truste And they sayde that this Phalaris saide oftentimes The prince that absenteth him selfe from sage men and accompanieth with fooles I saye vnto him though he be a prince of his common wealth he is a cruell tyraunt of his person For it is a greater paine to lyue among fooles then to die amongest sages Pulio in the sixte booke De gestis Romanorum saieth that a worthy and excellent painter presented a table to Octauian the Emperour wherein were drawen all the vertuous princes and for their chefetaine Octauian the Emperoure was drawen at the foote of this table were all the tyranous Princes paynted of the whiche Phalaris was chiefe and captaine This table vewed by Octauian the Emperour he commended the worke but he disalowed the intention thereof saiyng me thinketh it not mete that I beinge aliue should be set chiefe and princicipall of all the vertuous menne that are deade For during the time of this wicked lyfe we are all subiecte to the vices of weake and feble fleshe Also it seameth vnto me an vniuste thing that they should put Phalaris for principall and captaine of all the tyrauntes since he was a scourge and enemy to fooles and ignoraunt men and so earnest a louer and frende of sages and wyse philosophers The fame of this cruell tyraunte Phalaris beinge knowen and his extreame cruelties he vsed spred through all Greece A neighbour and artificer of Athens called Perillus a man very excellent in metalles and a great worker in works of fountaines came to Phalaris the tyraunt saying that he would make suche a kinde of torment that his harte should remayne reuenged and the offender well punished The matter was that this workeman made a bull of brasse wherein there was a gate by the whiche they put the offender and in putting the fier vnder the bul it roared and cried in maner as it had bene aliue whiche thing was not onely a horrible and cruell tormente to the myserable creature that endured it but also it was terryble to hym or those that sawe it Let vs not marueile neyther at the one nor at the other for truely the pitefull harte whiche is not fleshed in crueltie hath as muche pitie to see an other man suffer as of the sorrowe and tormente whiche he hym selfe feeleth Phalaris therfore seing the inuention of this tormente whereof the inuentour hoped great rewarde prouided that the inuentoure of the same should be put within the bull and that the crueltie of the tormente shoulde be experimented in none saue onely on the inuentour Truly in this case Phalaris shewed him self not a cruel tyraūt but rather a mercifull Prince and a sage Philosopher for nothyng can be more iuste then that the inuention of the malice be executed on the frayle fleshe of the inuentoure Nowe because Phalaris was a great frende of sages the philosophers of Grece came oftentymes to see hym whiche were verye gently receiued of hym Though to saye the truthe they profited more with his goodes then he did with their phylosophie This tyraunte Phalaris was not onely a frende of sages but also he was very well learned and depelye seene in morall philosophie The whiche thing appeareth well in the epistles whiche he wrote with his owne hande I can not tell wherein he shewed hym selfe greater either in the sentences and doctrines whiche he wrote with his penne or in the slaughter and cruelties whiche he did with his sworde O howe many companions had Phalaris the tyraunt in this case in tymes passe and that as I woulde there were none also at this time present whiche in their pleasaunte wordes did not resemble the Emperoure Nero. I neuer reade other thynge of those that are gone neyther haue I seene otherwyse of those that are present but many they are that blase vertues and infinite whiche runne after vices For of truth we are very lighte of tongue and to feble of fleshe The Epistles whiche this Phalaris wrote are knowen to all men I meane of those which knowe Greke or laten and for those that knowe them not I was wylling to drawe these that are present and to put them in our vulgare tongue for twoo causes The one to the ende princes myght see howe good a thynge it is to be sage and howe tyrauntes were praysed for being Sages and geuing good counsayles The other to the ende the people mighte see howe easie it is to speake well and howe harde it is to woorke well For there is nothyng better cheape in the worlde then counsayle The sentences therefore of the Epistles of Phalaris are these whiche followe in such sorte as I could moste briefly gather them to reduce them in good and profitable stile to wryte them The particuler loue whiche princes shew to one more then an other breadeth oftentimes muche enuie in their Realmes For the one being loued and the other hated of this commeth hatred of hatred cōmeth euil thoughtes of euyll thoughtes proceadeth malice and of malice commeth euyl wordes the whiche breake out into worse deedes Finally when a prince sheweth not to equalles his fauoure indifferently he setteth fyre in his cōmon wealth Princes ought to forbidde and Sages ought not to consente that rebelles and quarellers should trouble those whiche are quiet and peace makers for when the people rise immediatly couetousnes is awaked When couetousnes groweth iustice falleth force and violence ruleth snatchynge reigneth lecherie is at lybertie the euyll haue power
and the good are oppressed finally all doe reioyce one to lyue to the preiudice of an other and euery man to seeke his owne priuate commoditie Many vayne men doe rayse dissentions and quarelles amongest people thinking that in troubled water they shoulde augmente their estates who in shorte space doe not onely loose the hope of that they sought but also are put out of that they possessed For it is not onely reasonable but also moste iuste that those by experience fele that whiche their blynde malyce wyll not suffer them to knowe It is muche good for the people that the gouernours be not vnfortunate ▪ but that of their nature they were happy For to lucky Prynces fortune geueth many thinges euen as they demaunde yea and geueth them better then they looke for The noble and valiaunt princes when they see them selues with other princes or that they are present in great actes oughte to shewe the freenes of their harte the greatnes of their realme the preheminence of their persone the loue of their common wealthe and aboue all the discipline of their courte and the grauitie of their counsayle and palace For the sage and curious men shoulde not beholde the prince in the apparayle whiche he weareth but the men whiche he hath to counsayle him The sage men and those that be not couetous if they do employe their forces to heape vp treasures ought to remember in their hartes how to employ themselues to spende their money well Sithe fortune is maistres in all thinges and that to her they doe impute both good and euil workes he alone may be called a princely man who for no contrarietie of fortune is ouercome For truly that man is of a stoute courage whose harte is not vanquished by the force of fortune Though we prayse one for valiaunt with the sworde we wyll not therefore prayse him for excellent with the penne Although he be excellent with his penne he is not therefore excellent with his tongue Though he haue a good tongue he is not therefore well learned And thoughe he be learned he hath not therefore good renowme And though he hath good renowme he is not therefore of a good lyfe For we are bounde to receyue the doctrines of many whiche wryte but we are not bounde to folowe the lyues whiche they doe leade There is no worse office amongest men then to take the charge to punyshe the vices of an other and therefore men ought to flye from it as from the pestylence for in correctinge vyces hatred is more sure to the correctour then amendement of lyfe is to the offender He hath and possesseth muche that hath good frendes For many ayde their frendes when they woulde haue holpen them more if they coulde For the true loue is not weried to loue nor ceaseth not to profite Though sage men haue loste muche they oughte not therefore to dispayre but that they shall come to it agayne in tyme. For in the ende tyme doth not cease to doe his accustomed alterations nor perfecte frendes cease not to doe that which they oughte The proude and disdainefull man for the moste parte alwayes falleth into some euill chaunce therefore it is a commendable medecine some tymes to be persecuted for aduersitie maketh a wyse man lyue more safely and to walke in lesse daunger For so muche as we doe excuse hym whiche committeth the faulte there is neither the offender nor the offence but deserueth payne For suche a one that committeth the faulte through sodayne anger dyd euyll and if he dyd committe it by deliberation he did muche worse To desyre to doe all thynges by reason is good and lykewyse to laye them all in order is good but it is very harde For temperate men haue suche respecte in compassing their doynges and by weyght so cast all the inconueniences that scarcely they euer determyne to goe about it To the man whiche hath gouernement twoo thynges are daungerous that is to wete to sone or to late But of those twoo the worste is to sone For if by determining late a man loseth that whiche he myght haue gotten by determining to sone that is loste whiche is nowe gayned and that whiche a man might haue gayned To men whiche are to hasty chaunce dayly many euilles and daungers as saieth the prouerbe The hastie man neuer wanteth woe For the man being vnpacient and hauing his vnderstanding high afterward come quarels and brawlynges displeasures varieties and also vanities whiche looseth their goodes and putteth their personnes in daunger Sithe all naturally desire to be happy he alone amongest all others may be called happy of whome they maye truely saye he gaue good doctrine to lyue and lefte good example to die These and many other sentences Phalaris the tyraunt wrote in his letters whereof Cicero profited muche in his workes and Seneca also in his epistles and many other wryters besydes For this tyraunt was very brief in wordes and compendious in sentences This Phalaris beyng in his citie of Agrigente a Philosopher of Grece wrote hym a tauntinge letter chargynge hym with tyranny to whiche he aunswered with this letter followyng ¶ The letter of Phalaris the tyraunt to Popharco the Philosopher PHalaris Agrigentine wyssheth vnto thee Popharco the Philosopher healthe and consolation through the comfortable Gods I receyued thy letter here in Agrigentine and though it sauoured somewhat Satirlike I was not agreued therewith for of philosophers and sages as thou art we shuld not be greaued with the sharpe wordes you tell vs but to consider the intētion whereupon you speake them Quarellers and malicious persons wyll haue the wordes by weight and measure but the vertuous and pacient mē doe not regarde but the intentions For if we should goe about to examine euery worde they speake vnto vs we should geue our selues to much paine and we should alwaies set in the common wealth debate I am a tyraunt as yet am in tyrannie but I sweare vnto the immortall gods whether the worde were good or bad I neuer altered it For if a good man tell it me I take it for my pastime Thou wrytest vnto me that all Grece is offended with me there but I let them vnderstande that all Agrigentine is all edified with thee here And thereof thou maiste praise me For if the tyrauntes were not so muche dispraised the philosophers should not be so well loued Thou art counted for good art good and I am counted for euill and am euyll But in mine opinion thou shouldest not be proud for the one neither I shuld dispeire for the other For the day of the life is long and therein fortune doth many thinges it may wel be that from a tyraunt I shal be a philosopher thou from a philosopher shalt be a tyraunt Se my frend that the long tyme maketh oftentimes the earth to be turned to siluer the siluer gold becommeth nothing worth I meane that there neuer was a tyraūt in any
whereby they may beare and suffre quietly suche great troubles For at this daye there is no husbande so louing nor so vertuous in whom the wife shall not finde some euill conditions First of al wiues ought to endeuour them selues to loue their husbandes vnfainedly if they desire their husbandes should loue them without dissimulation for as we see by experience mariage is seldome broken through pouertie nor yet continued with riches For the euill maried folkes through debate and strife be separated in on week where as by good and true loue they are preserued all the dayes of their life To eate drie and vnsauory meates they vse to take salte for to amende it I meane that the burdens of matrimonie are many and troublesome the whiche all with loue onely maye be endured For as Plato the deuine philosopher sayeth one thinge oughte not to be called more painefull then an other for the labour we thereunto employ but for the great or small loue that thereunto we haue Though some sondry thyngs be troublesome and tedious yet when with loue it is begonne it is easely folowed and ioyefully achieued for that trauayle is nothyng noysome where loue is the mediatour I knowe right well and doe confesse that the counsell whiche I geue to women is sharpe that is for an honest woman to loue a dissolute man for a sage wyfe to loue a foolishe husbande for a vertuous wyfe to loue a vitious husbande For as dayly experience sheweth there are some men of so foolish conditions other women of so noble conuersation that by reason apparant they ought to take them for mistresses rather then they should accepte them for husbandes Although this in some particuler cases is true I saye and affirme that generally all women are bounde to loue their husbandes since that willingly and not by compulsion they were not enforced to take them for in like manner if the mariage pleased not the woman she hath not so much cause to complaine of her husbande for asking her as she hath reason to complayne of her owne selfe that accepted hym For the misfortunes that by our folly doe chaunce though we haue cause to lamente them we ought also to haue reason to dissemble them Be the man neuer so wylde and euill brought vp it is impossible if the wife loue him but he must nedes loue her againe And though perchaunce he can not force his euill condition to loue her yet at the leaste he shall haue no occasion to hate her The whiche ought not to be litle estemed for there are many wyues not onely of the Plebeians but also of the noble dames that coulde be content to forgeue their husbandes all the pleasure they should doe them and also all the loue that they ought to shewe if they would refraine their tongues from speaking iniurious wordes and kepe their handes from dealinge lothsome stripes We haue many notable examples in histories of manye noble and stoute Ladies as well Grekes as Romaines whiche after they were maried had so great faithfulnes and bare suche loyaltie to their husbandes that they not onely folowed them in their trauailes but also deliuered them in their daungers Plutarche in the booke of noble women declareth that the Lacedemonians keping many nobles of the Athenians prisoners whiche at that tyme were their cruell and mortall enemies and beinge iudged to die their wyues concluded to goe to the pryson where they laye and in the ende they obtayned of the Gayler thereof that they myght goe in and talke with their husbandes for in dede the teares were many that before them were shed the giftes were not fewe whiche vnto them were offered The wiues therefore entring into the pryson did not onely chaunge their apparell with their husbandes but also the libertie of their personnes for they went out as women and the women in their steades remained there as men And when they brought out these innocent wyues from pryson to execute iustice supposing they were men the Lacedemonians vnderstandinge the faithfulnes of the women determined that they should not only be pardoned but also that they should be greatly rewarded and honoured for the good examples of other women to whom they were maried The auncient and great renowmed Panthea when newes was brought her that her husbande was dead in the battayle she her owne selfe determined to goe seke him out with hope that as yet he was not vtterly dead and fynding him dead with the bloud of him she washed all her body and likewyse her face stryking with a knife her selfe to the harte and imbracing her husbande she yelded vp the ghost so togethers they were caried to the graue Porcia the doughter of Marcus Porcia the great when she hearde that her husband Brutus was taken and slayn she felte for that newes so great sorowe that all her frendes seinge her take the matter so greuously hidde from her all Irone where with she might kill her selfe and did laboure to kepe and preserue her from daungers wherein she might fall and shorten her life For she was so excellent a Romaine and so necessary to the common wealth that if they had lamented the death of Brutus her husband with teares of their eies they ought to bewayle the losse of his wife Porcia with droppes of bloud in their hartes Porcia therefore feeling in her selfe a wofull and afflicted harte for the death of her entierly beloued husband to declare that that whiche she did was not fained nor for to please the people but to satisfie her great marueilous loue since she founde neither sworde nor knife to kill her selfe nor corde to hange her selfe neither welle to drowne her in she went to the fire and with as great pleasure did eate the hote firie coales as an other would haue eaten any delicate meates We may say that such kinde of death was very straunge and newe whiche the Romaine founde to encrease augmente and manifest her loue Yet we can not denie but that she wanne to the posteritie of her name a perpetuall memorie For as a noble dame she would quenche with coles of fire her burning harte that enflamed was with firie brondes of loue As Diodorus Siculus saith it was a lawe custome amongest the Lidians to mary them selues with many wiues and whan by chaunce their husbande 's died the wiues which they had met together and fought in some plaine place And the women which remained only aliue and of the conflict had the victory cast them selues into the graue of their husbande so that those women then fought for to die as men nowe fight for to liue ¶ Of the reuenge a woman of Grece toke of him that had killed her husband in hope to haue her in mariage Cap. v. PLutarche in the booke that he made of the noble and worthy women declareth a thing worthy of rehersall and to be had in memory In the citie of Galacia were two renowmed citezens whose names
to be simple so that it semeth not that they are mete to vysite the one the other but to loke accuse the one the other It is a straung thing for the sage woman to thinke that she shold take pleasure abroad since she hath her husband at home to whom she may talke hath her children to learne her doughters to teach her family to order and her goodes to gouerne she hath her house to kepe and her parentes whom she ought to please then synce she hath within her house such pastime why do they accept company of straunge men That maryed women should haue priuate frendes and loue to be vysited it foloweth oftentimes that god is offended the husband iniuried and the people slaundered the woman that is maried taketh lytle profite it hindereth the mariage of her that is to mary For in such a case thoughe some desire her for her riches yet mo wyl forsake her for her euyl fame ¶ That women great with child inspecially the Princesses great Ladyes ought to be very circumspect for the daunger of the creatures wherein is shewed many misfortunes happened to women with child in the old tyme for suffering them to haue their willes Cap. ix ONe of the most necessary things for him that taketh in hand any great iorney ouer any daūgerous countries is at that the beginnyng he ought to learne the way which he ought to go for it is a thing no lesse troublesome then perillous that when he should come to rest of necessity he shold be enforced to trauel No man can denay but that mans lyfe is a long and tedious iorney the which beginneth at our birth endeth at our death for in the end to haue a long or short life is none other but to come soner or later to the graue The chiefest folly of al in mine opinion is this that some in their owne opinions thinke they haue counsel enough for others and to all others it semeth that they want for them selues For of right he may be called a foole that condemneth all other as fooles and auaunceth himselfe to be wise Euery man ought to let his neighbour lyue in peace and though he do esteame himselfe to be wise yet he oughte not to thinke his neighbour a foole for ther is none so wyse but that he may occupie it all For we neuer saw any man so wise of himselfe but that he neaded the counsel of an other And if this want be in those that be very old truly it is much more in them that be yong whose fleshe is not dry but grene the bloud not cold but hote no deadly heate but very liuely the bestial mocions not mortifyed but quickned and hereof ensueth that yong men loue their owne aduyce and opynion and dyspise the counsaile of all other When the trees are tender they bynde theym togethers bycause they grow right they brydel the horse when as yet they are but coltes to the end they may be easy hereafter to the brydel They take the haukes in the neast to make them more famyliar when the beastes are litle they take them to teach them I meane that a man ought to instruct his children to the end they may know to liue wel here after I admonish and tel the mothers that haue doughters that ther is no remedy to reforme the euil inclinacion of our children but to teach them and to bring them vp wel in their youth for ther is no wound but is daungerous if in tyme the playster be not layd therunto Returnyng now to our purpose synce that in al thyngs ther is order and measure we wil declare presently how the male child ought to be taught first of al we wil treat how a man ought to prouide when the infant is begotten and when as yet it is alyue in the mothers wombe to the entente Princesses and great Ladyes should lyue very circumspectlye when they know they are conceyued with child I should be excused to speake of this matter since it is not my profession and that as yet I was neuer maried but by that I haue red of some and by that I haue hard of others I will and dare be so bold to say one word For the sage oft times geueth a better accompt of that he hath red then the simple doth of that he hath proued Thys thing seameth to be true betwene the phisicion and the pacient for wher the pacient suffereth the euyl he oft tymes demaundeth the physicion what his sicknes is wher it holdeth him and what it is called and what remedy ther is for his disease so the phisicion knoweth more by his scyence then the pacient by hys exsperience A man ought not to denay that the women and in especially great ladyes know not by experience how they are altered when they are quycke and the great paynes they suffer when they are deliuered we could not denay but that ther is great daunger in the one greate peril in the other but they shal not knowe from whence al commeth and from whence al procedeth and what remedy is necessary For there are many which complayneth of robberyes but they know not what the theaues are that haue robbed them First according to my iudgement and opinyon that which the woman quicke with childe ought to do is that they go softly quietly and that they eschue running eyther in commyng or goyng for though she lytel esteme the helth of her person yet she ought greatly to regard the lyfe of the creature The more precious the licour is and the more weaker the vessell is which conteyneth it so much the more they ought to feare the daunger least the licoure shed and the vessel breake I meane that the complection of women being with child is very delicate and that the soule of the creature is precious therfore it ought with great diligence to be preserued for al the treasure of the Indes is not equal in valewe to that which the woman beareth in her bowelles Whan a man plāteth a vineyard forthwith he maketh a ditch or some fence about it to the end that beastes shold not croppe it while it is yong nor that trauailers shold gather the grapes when they are ripe And if the labourer doth this thing for to get a litel wine only the which for the soule and body is not alwayes profitable how much more circumspection ought the woman to haue to preserue her chyld since she shall render an accompte to the creator of her creature vnto the church of a christyan and vnto her husband of a child In my opinyon wher the accompt at the houre of death is so streight it is requisite that in the time of her life she be circumspect for god knoweth euery thinge so well in oure lyfe that ther is none that can begile hym in rendering hys accompt at his death Ther is no wighte can suffer nor hart dyssemble to see
women of Italie are so dissolute that though men doe not regarde them yet they doe entyse them If men flie they call them If men goe backe they approche If men are sadde they make them mery If men are silente they force them to speake and finally men begynne the loue in sporte and they temper it in suche sorte that they tourne it all into earnest I let thee wete Faustine that the meanes whereby nature worketh in man is very straunge but the shame whiche the Gods put in women is more marueilous And if it be true as it is true in dede that the men doe loose the stynge of the fleshe and that the women doe not loose the shame of the visage I thynke it is impossible that there should be a chaste or vertuous woman in Rome For there is no common wealth more vndone then that where the women haue lost their shame O women what reason haue they whiche flie form you whiche are wery of you whiche forsake you whiche forget you whiche make them selues straungers and furthermore whiche are dead and buried For the hungrie wormes gnawe in the graue onely the frayle and slymie fleashe of the dead but you women destroy the goodes honoure and lyfe of the liuing Oh if the noble hartes knewe what euill doth folowe them for dallieng with women I sweare vnto them that they would not serue them continually as they doe serue them but also they would haue no luste nor desier to beholde them What wilt thou I saye any more to thee Faustine but that some scape out of your handes for effeminate and sclaundered others hurte by your tongues others persecuted with your workes other deceiued with your countenaunces others despysed through your hatred others desperate through your inconstancie others condempned by your light iudgementes others troubled through your vnkyndnes finally those that escape beste are of your hartes abhorred and through your folly destroyed Then since the man knoweth that he muste passe all those daungers I can not tel what foole he is that wyll either loue or serue you For the brute beaste that once hath felte the sharpe teethe of the dogge wil vnwillingly euer after come nere vnto the stake Oh vnto what perils doth he offer him selfe whiche continually doth haunte the company of women For as much as if he loue them not they despise him and take him for a foole If he doth loue them they accompt him for light If he forsake thē they esteme him for no body If he followe them he is accompted loste If he serue them they doe not regarde him If he doe not serue them they despyse hym If he wyll haue them they wyll not If he will not they persecute him If he doe aduaunce him selfe forth they call hym importunate If he flie they saye he is a cowarde If he speake they saye he is a bragger If he holde his peace they saye he is a dissarde If he laughe they saye he is a foole If he laughe not thei say he is solempne If he geueth them any thing they say it is litle worth he that geueth them nothing he is a pinchpurse Finally he that haunteth them is by them sclaundered and he that doth not frequent them is esteamed lesse then a man These thinges so sene so harde and so knowen what shall the poore and miserable man doe inespecially if he be a man of vnderstanding For though he would absent him selfe from women the flesh doth not geue him licence though he would folow womē wisedom wyl not condiscende Some men thinke in al their thoughts that by seruices and pleasures they may content women But I let them knowe if they know it not that the woman is neuer contented though mā doth what he can as maide that he do al that he ought to do as a husbād though he taketh paines for her sake aboue his force though with the swet of his browes he releaueth her neade though euery houre he putteth him self in daunger yee in the end she wil geue him no thankes but will say that he loueth an other that he doth but that to please and satisfie her It is a long time since I desired to tel thee this Faustine but I haue deferred it vntil this present houre hoping thou wouldest not geue occasion to tel it thee For among wise men those wordes ought chiefly to be esteamed which fittely to the purpose are declared I remember that it is sixe yeres since Anthonius Pius thy father chose me to be his sonne in law and that thou chosest me for thy husband I thee for my wife all the which thinges were done my wofull aduentures permitting it Adrian my lord commaunding it The good Anthonius Pius gaue his onely doughter in mariage vnto me and gaue me likewyse his noble Empire with great treasures he gaue me also the gardēs of Vulcanali to passe the time therin But I thinke that on both sides we were deceiued He in chosing me for his sonne in lawe I in taking thee for my wife O Faustine thy father and my father in law was called Anthonius Pius because to al he was merciful saue only to me to whom he was most cruel for with a litle flesh he gaue me many bones And I confesse the truthe vnto thee that nowe I haue no more teethe to byte nor heate in my stomake to digeaste and the worste of all is that many tymes I haue thought to rage on my selfe I wyll tell thee one worde though it doth displease thee whiche is that for thy bewtie thou art desyred of many and for thy euil conditions thou arte despysed of all For the fayre women are lyke vnto the golden pylles the whiche in sighte are very pleasaunte and in eatinge veray noysome Thou knowest well Faustine and I also that we sawe on a daye Drusio and Braxille his wife which were our neighbours and as they were brauling togethers I spake vnto Drusio suche wordes what meaneth this lorde Drusio that being nowe the feaste of Berecinthia and being as we are adioyninge to her house and presente before so honourable assemblie and furthermore thy wyfe beinge so faire as she is howe is it possible there shoulde bee any stryfe betweene you Men which are maried to deformed personnes to the end that they might kil them quicly should alwaies fal out with their wiues but those that are maried to fayer women they oughte alwayes to liue togethers in ioy and pleasure to the end they may liue long For when a fayre woman dyeth though she haue lyued a hundreth yeres yer she dyeth to sone and though a deformed woman lyueth a smal time yet not withstandyng she dieth to late Drusio as a man being vexed lifting vp his eyes into the heauens fetchinge a greuous sighe from the bottome of his hart sayed these wordes The mother Berecinthia pardon me and her holy house also and al the companye besides forgeue me for by
of kyng Arthebanus had nourished his sonne they coulde not haue robbed it in the cradell nor these twoo princes had not bene slayne in battayle nor the common wealth had not bene destroied nor Alexander had not entred into the lande of another nor had not come to conquere the contrey of Italy nor the dead corps had not wanted his graue for oftetimes it chaunceth for not quenching a litle coale of fier a whole forest house is burned The deuine Plato among the Grekes and Licurgus among the Lacedemonians commaunded and ordeined in all their lawes that al the Plebeical women those of meane estate should nourishe al their children and that those which were princesses and great ladies should at the least nourishe their eldest and first begotten Plutarche in the booke of the reigne of princes saieth that the sixt kyng of the Lacedemonians was Thomistes the whiche when he died lefte two children of which the second inherited the realme because the Quene her selfe had brought it vp and the first did not inherite because a straūge nource had geuen it sucke and brought it vp And hereof remained a custome in the moste parte of the realmes of Asia that the childe whiche was not nourysshed with the pappes of his mother shoulde inherite none of his mothers goodes There was neuer nor neuer shal be a mother that had suche a sonne as the mother of God which had Iesus Christe nor there was neuer nor neuer shal be a sonne which had suche a mother in the worlde But the infante would neuer sucke other milke because he would not be bounde to call any other mother nor the mother did geue him to nourish to any other mother because that no other woman should call him sonne I doe not marueile at al that princesses and great ladies doe geue their children forth to nourishe but that which moste I marueile at is that she whiche hath conceiued and brought forth a child is a shamed to geue it sucke and to nourishe it I suppose that the ladies doe thinke that they deserue to conceiue them in their wombes and that they sinne in nourishing them in their armes I can not tell how to wryte and much lesse howe to vtter that which I would say which is that women are now a daies come into such folly that they thinke and esteme it a state to haue in their armes some litle dogges they are ashamed to nourish geue the childrē sucke with their own breastes O cruel mothers I cannot thinke that your hartes can be so stony to endure to see and keape fantasticall birdes in the cages vnhappy Monkeis in the wyndowes fisting spaniels betwene your armes and so neglect and despise the swete babes casting them out of your houses where they were borne and to put them into a straunge place where they are vnknowen It is a thing which cannot be in nature neither that honestie can endure conscience permit nor yet consonant either to deuine or humaine lawes that those which God hath made mothers of children shoulde make them selues nourses of dogs Iunius Rusticus in the third booke of the sayings of the auncientes saith that Marcus Porcio whose life and doctrine was a lanterne and example to al the Romain people as a man much offended saied on a day to the senate O fathers conscripte O cursed Rome I can not tell what nowe I shoulde saye sithe I haue sene in Rome suche monsterous thinges that is to wete to see women cary Parrottes on their fistes and to see women to nourishe dogges geuing them mylke from their owne breastes They replied in the senate and sayde Tell vs Marcus Porcio what wouldest thou we should doe whiche lyue nowe to resemble our fathers whiche are dead Marcus Portio aunswered them The woman that presumeth to be a Romaine Matrone ought to be founde weauing in her house and out of that to be found in the temple praying to God and the noble and stoute Romane ought to be foūd in his house reding bookes and out of his house fighting in the playn fielde for the honour of his countrie And suer these were wordes worthy of suche a man Annius Minutius was a noble Romaine and captaine of great Pompeius who was a great friende to Iulius Caesar after the battaile of Farsaliae for he was an auncient and on that could geue good councell wherefore he neuer scaped but that he was chosen in Rome for Senatour Consul or Censor euery yeare for Iulius Caesar was so mercifull to them that he pardoned that those whiche had bene his moste enemies in the warres were of hym in peace best beloued This Annius Minutius then beinge chosen Censor within Rome which was an office hauing charge of iustice by chaunce as he went to visite the wyfe of an other frende of his the whiche laye in child bedde because she had great aboundaunce of mylke he founde that a litle pretie bitche did sucke her vpon the whiche occasion they saye he said these wordes to the Senate fathers conscripte a present mischiefe is nowe at hande according to the token I haue sene this daye that is to wete I haue seene a Romaine woman denie her owne chyldren her mylke and gaue to sucke to a filthy bitche And truly Annius had reason to esteme this case as a wonder for the true and swete loues are not but betwene the fathers and children and where the mother embraceth the brute beaste and forsaketh her naturall childe whiche she hath brought foorth it cannot be otherwyse but there either wysedome wanteth or folly aboundeth for the foole loueth that he ought to despise and despiseth that whiche he ought to loue Yet thoughe the mothers wyll not geue their children sucke they oughte to doe it for the daunger whiche may come to the helthe of their personnes for as the womē which bryng forth children do lyue more healthful then those which beare none so these which do nourish them haue more health then those which doe not nourishe them For although the brynging vp of children be troublesome to women it is profitable for their healthe I am ashamed to tell it but it is more shame for ladies to do it to see what plasters they put to their breastes to drie vp their milke and hereof commeth the iust iudgement of God that in that place ofte tymes where they seke to stoppe their mylke in the selfe same place they them selues procure their sodaine death I aske now if women doe not enioye their children being younge what pleasure hope they to haue of them when they are olde What a great comforte is it for the parentes to see the younge babe when he wyll laughe howe he twincleth his litle eies when he wyll weape how he wyll hange the prety lippe when he woulde speake howe he wyll make signes with his lytle fyngers when he wyll goe howe he casteth forwarde his feete and aboue all when he beginneth to bable howe he doubled in his
as he sayd that the tongue is moued by the mocions of the soule that he whiche had no tongue had no soule And he which hath no soule is but a brute beast and he that is a beast deserueth to serue in the fields among brute beasts It is a good thing not to be domme as bruyte beastes are and it is a greater thing to speake as the reasonable men do but it is muche more worthye to speake wel as the eloquent philosophers do For otherwise if he which speaketh doth not wey the sentences more then the wordes ofte tymes the popingayes shal content them more which are in the cage then the men which do read in scooles Iosephus in the booke De bello Iudaico saith that king Herode not onely with his personne and goodes but also with all his frendes and parentes folowed and gaue ayde to Marcus Anthonius and to his louer Cleopatra howbeit in the end Octauian had the vyctorie For the man which for the loue of a woman doth enterprise conquestes it is impossible that eyther he loose not his lyfe or els that he lyue not in infamy Herode seing that Marcus Anthonius was dead determyned to go towardes the Emperour Octauian at whose feete he layd his crowne and made a notable oration wherein he spake so pleasaunt wordes and so hyghe sentences that the Emperour Octauian did not only pardon him for that he was so cruell an enemye but also he confirmed him againe into his Realme and toke him for his deare and special frend For among the good men and noble hartes many euil workes are amended by a few good words If Blundus in the booke intituled Roma triumphante do not deceiue me Pirrus the great king of the Epirotes was stout and hardy valiaunt in armes liberal in benefites pacient in aduersityes and aboue al renowmed to be very swete in wordes and sage in his aunswers They sayd that this Pirrus was so eloquent that the man with whom once he had spoken remayned so much his that from that time foreward in his absence he toke his part and declared his life and state in presence The aboue named Blundus saied and Titus Liuius declareth the same that as the Romaynes were of al things prouided seing that king Pirrus was so eloquent they prouided in the senate that no Romaine Embassadour shold speake vnto him but by a third person for otherwise he would haue perswaded them through his sweate woordes that they shoulde haue retourned againe to Rome as his procurers Soliciters Albeit Marcus Tullius Cicero was Senatour in the Senate consul in the Empire rich amongest the rich and hardy amongest men of warre yet truly none of these qualyties caused him eternal memorie but only his excellent eloquēce This Tullius was so estemed in Rome for the eloquence of his tongue only that oft times they hard hym talke in the Senate iii. houres togethers without any man speakinge one word And let not this be lytle estemed nor lightly passed ouer for worldlye malyce is of such condicion that some man may more easely speake 4. howers then another man shal haue pacience to heare him one minute Anthonius Sabellicus declareth that in the time of Amilcares the Affricans a Philosopher named Afronio florished in great Carthage who being of the yeres of 81. dyed in the first yeare of the warres of Punica They demaunded this Phylosopher what it was that he knew he aunswered He knew nothing but to speake wel They demaunded him againe what he learned he aunswered He did learne nothinge but to speake wel Another time they demaunded him what he taught he aunswered He taught nothing but to speake wel Me thinketh that this good phylosopher in 80. yeres and one said that he learned nothing but to speake wel he knew nothing but to speake wel that he taught nothing but to speake wel And truly he had reasō for the thing which most adorneth mans life is the sweate pleasaunte tongue to speake wel What is it to see ii men in one councel the one talking to the other the one of them hath an euyll grace in propounding and thother excellent in speaking Of such there are some that in hearing theym talke .iii. houres we would neither be trobled nor weryed and of the contrarie part there are others so tedyous and rude in their speache that as sone as men perceiue they beginne to speake they auoyde the place And therfore in mine opinyon ther is no greater trouble thenne to herken one quarter of an houre a rude man to speake and to be contrarye ther is no greater pleasure thenne to heare a dyscreate man though it were a whole weke The deuyne Plato in the Booke of Lawes sayd that there is nothynge whereby a manne is knowen more thenne by the woordes he speaketh for of the woordes whyche we heare hym speake we iudge his intention eyther to be good or euil Laertius in the lyfe of the Phylosophers sayeth that a yong child borne at Athens was brought vnto Socrates the great phylosopher being in Athens to the end he shold receiue him into his company teach him in his scoole The yong chyld was straunge and shamefaste and durst not speake before his maister wherfore the philosopher Socrates said vnto him speake frend if thou wilt that I know the. This sentence of Socrates was very profound and I pray him that shal reade this wryting to pause a while therat For Socrates wil not that a man be knowen by the gesture he hath but by the good or euyl wordes which he speaketh Though eloquence and speaking wel to euery man is a cause of augmenting their honour and no dimynissher of their goodes yet withoute comparison it shineth muche more and is most necessarie in the pallaces of Prynces and great Lordes For men which haue common offices ought of necessity harken to his naturall contrymen also to speake with straungers Speking therfore more plainly I say that the Prince ought not to trauaile only to haue eloquence for the honour of his person but also it behoueth him for the comon wealth For as the prince is but one and is serued of all so it is vnpossible that he haue so much as wil satisfye and content them al. And therfore it is necessarie that he requyte some mith money that he content others with good wordes For the noble hart loueth better a gentle worde then a reward or gift with the tongue of a rude man Plato Liuius Herodotus Vulpicius Eutropius Diorus Plynie and many other innumerable auncient historyographers do not cease to prayse the eloquence of greeke princes and latynes in their workes O how blessed were those tymes when ther were sage princes and discrete lords truly they haue reason to exalt them For many haue obteyned and wonne the royal crounes and septures of the Empire not so much for the great battailes they haue conquered nor for the highe bloud and generacion from whence
honnye and she wrote two others the one of the vanities of youth and the other of the miseries of age This woman dyd read openly natural morall Phylosophye in the Scholes of Athens for the space of fiue twenty yeres she made forty bookes she had a hundred tenne philosophers to her Scholers she dyed being at the age of seuentie and seuen yeres the Athenians after her death engraued on her graue these words THe slised stones within their bowels keape Wise Aretha the great and only wight That forceth enuie gentle teares to weape For Grekes decay on whom the losse doth light The eye of fame the hart of vertues life The head of Grece lie here engraued lo more heauenly forme then had that heauenly wife Which vndermind the phrigies ioyes with woe Within the chest of her vnspotted minde Lay Thirmas troth and eke her honest faith Within her hande as by the gods assinde Stoode Aristippus penne that vertue wayeth Within the dongeon of her body eke Imprisonde was wise Socrates his soule That liude so well and did so wisely speke That follies brest he could to wisdome toule Within her head so ouer heapt with witt Lay Homers tongue to stayne the poetes arte Erst was the golden age not halfe so fitt For vertues Impes as when her life did parte As Marcus Varro sayeth the sectes of the philosophers were more then .lxx. but in the ende they were reduced into seuen and in the ende they were brought into thre sects chiefly That is to wete Stoicques Peripaeticques and Pithagoricques Of these pithagoricques Pithagoras was the prince Hyzearcus Annius Rusticus and Laertius with Eusebius and Boccace all affirme one thinge whereunto I did not greatly geue credite which is that this philosopher Pithagoras had a sister not onely learned but if it be lawfull to speake it excellently learned And they saye that not she of Pithagoras but Pithagoras of her learned philosophie And of truthe it is a matter whereof I was so greatly abashed that I can not tell who could be maister of such a woman since she had Pithagoras the great philosopher to her scholler The name of the woman was Theoclea to whom Pithagoras her brother wrote sent a letter when he red philosophie at Rhodes and she at Samothracia doinge the like The Pistle was thus as foloweth ¶ Of a letter whiche Pithagoras sent to his sister Theoclea he being in Rhodes she in Samothracia reading both philosophie Cap. xxix PIthagoras thy brother and disciple to thee Theoclea his sister health and increase of wisedome wysheth I haue red the booke whiche thou diddest sende me of fortune and misfortune from the beginning to the end and nowe I knowe that thou art no lesse graue in making then gracious in teaching The which doth not chaunce very oft to vs which are men and much lesse as we haue sene to you women For the philosopher Aristippus was rude in speaking profound in writing Amenides was briefe in wryting and eloquent in speaking Thou hast studied and written in such sorte that in the learning that thou shewest thou seamest to haue read all the philosophers and in the antiquities that thou doest declare it semeth that thou hast sene all the time past Wherein thou beinge a woman shewest thy selfe more then a woman because the nature of women is to caste their eies only in that that is present and commonly to forget that that is past They tell me that thou doest occupye thy selfe nowe in writing of our countrey And truly in this case I can not say but that you haue matter enough to wryte on For the warres and trauayles of our tymes haue bene suche and so great that I had rather reade them in bookes then see them with my eyes And if it be so as I suppose it is I beseche thee hartely and by the immortall Gods I coniure thee that in writing the affaires of thy coūtrey thou doest vse thy penne discreatly I meane that thou doe not in this case bleamyshe thy wryting by putting therein any flatterie or lesinge For oftetimes Historiographers in blasinge more then trouth the giftes of their countrey cause worthely to be suspected their wryting Thou knowest very well how that in the battayle paste the Rhodians were ouercome and that ours remained victorious Me thinketh thou shouldest not in this case greatly magnifie extolle or exalt ours because in the ende they fought to reuenge their iniury neither thou oughtest to blame the Rhodians for they did not fight but in the ayde of Rome I speake this my Syster because for to defende their own women shewe them selues Lyons and for to defende the thinges of an other man men shew them selues chickens For in the ende he onely maye be counted strong the whiche defendeth not his owne house but which dieth defending his and another mans I wyll not denie the naturall loue of my countrey nor I wyll not denie but that I loue them that wryte and speake well thereof but me thinketh it is not reason that they should disprayse the goodnesse and truthe of other countries nor that they should so highly comend the euill and vilenes of their owne For there is not in the world this daye so barren a Realme but maye be commended for some thing therein nor there is so perfite a nation but in some thinges maye be reproued Thou canst not deny me but that amongest thy brethren I am the eldest and thou canste not deny but that amongest all thy disciples I am the yongest and since that for being thy disciple I ought to obey thee thou like wyse for that I am thy eldest brother oughtest to beleue me By the fayeth of a people I doe councell thee my syster that thou doe trauayle muche to be profound in thy words vpright in thy life and honest of thy persone and besides al this true in thy writing For I let thee vnderstande that if the body of the man without the soule is litle regarded I sweare vnto thee that the mouthe of a man without truthe is muche lesse esteamed ¶ The authour foloweth his purpose perswading princesses and other ladies to endeuour them selues to be wyse as the women were in olde tyme. Cap. xxx THis therefore was the letter the whiche Pithagoras sente to his syster Theoclea whereby is shewed the great humilitie of him and the hyghe eloquence of her Hiarcus the Greke and Plutarche also in the booke of the gouernement of princes saye that Pithagoras had not onely a sister whiche was called Theoclea of whom he learned so muche philosophie but also he had a doughter the wisedome and knowledge of whome surmounted her aunte and was equall to her father I thinke it no lesse vncredible which is spoken of the doughter then that whiche is spoken of the aunte whiche is that those of Athenes did reioyce more to heare her speake in her house then for to heare Pithagoras reade in the schole And it ought to
my seconde sonne such an estate and duchye and to my doughter suche landes and to all I recommend iustice to the ende they doe obserue it and cause it to bee obserued euerye one in his owne countrey It is muche to note that the father dothe not saie that he leaueth vnto his sonne iustice but that he doth recommend it vnto hym so that the good princes ought to thinke that they haue not inherited iustyce of theire predecessoures in fourme of a patrimonie but that God gaue it vntoo them of truste Prynces of all thinges maye bee called lordes saue onelye of iustice wherof they are but onely ministers We dare boldly saye that the prince or gret lord which iudgeth causes not according to the diuine wil but accordīg to theire owne affection we will not call him a iuste iudge but a rouing theefe For the prince is muche worse whiche robbeth god of iustice then the theefe whiche stealeth the goods from menne Suetonius Tranquillus reciteth much wickednes of Domician and the greatest of all was the poore the Orphans and those whiche coulde doe little he alwaies punished the other that were riche and of aucthoritie he pardoned He compounded with some for money and with other he dissembled for fauour Lampridius saide of Alexander Seuerus the .25 Emperour of Rome that he neuer kepte in his courte anye euyll man or suffered any of his parentes to be vicious And when he was demanded on a time why he banished one of his cosyns since he was yong a child he aunswered them whiche entreated him for him and alleged That though he was yonge his cosin yet Charior est mihi respub as if more plainly he had said I haue none other nerer of kinne to me in my palace then the common wealth O high and muche more higher woordes worthy for a truthe to bee written in princes hartes whereby they ought to be aduertised that he said not I take for my kynne one parte of the common wealthe For the prince whiche feareth god and desired to be founde iust as he will indifferentlye bee obeyed of all so ought he equally to administer iustice to all If they wyll not credite me nor my penne let them credit Plato in the bookes of his common wealth who geueth libertie and lycence to all the Plebeyans to the end that euery one doe loue his wife his children and his parentes And this sorte of loue he will not that princes haue to whome he perswadeth that first aboue all thinges they loue theire common wealthe for if the Prince doe loue anye other thinge aboue his common wealth it is vnpossible but that one daye for the loue of that he wil writhe iustice When Plato gaue not lycēce to Princes not to enlarge their loue on diuers thinges peraduenture he woulde counsaile them that they shoulde doe some wronges It chaunseth ofte tymes that princes doe omitte iustice not for that they will not administer it but because they will not be enfourmed of thinges whyche they ought to remedye and looke vnto And thys is vnexcusable where he hurteth hys honour and burdeneth hys conscience For at the daye of iudgement thoughe he bee not accused for malyce yet he shal bee condemned for neglygence The prince which is carefull to see and enquire the dominages of his realmes we maye saye that if he doth not prouyde for them it is because he can doe no more but hee whiche is neglygent to see them and knowe them we cannot saye but if hee leaue to prouyde it is for that hee will not The prince or greate lorde whych dare take vppon him suche thynges what name or renowme maye we geue him I woulde not we shoulde call suche a one father of the common wealth but destroyer of hys countrey For there can be no tirannye greater nor more vnequall then for the Phisicion to aske his duetye for hys cure before he hath begone to minister the medicine That Princes and greate lordes desyre to knowe theire reuenewes I alowe them but in that they care not to knowe the dommages of theire common wealthes I doe discommende them For the people paye tribute to theire Princes to the ende they shoulde delyuer them from theire enemies and defende them from tyrauntes For the iudges whyche wil bee euill thoughe I saye muche it will profite lytle but to those whyche desyre to be good that whiche is spoken as I thinke suffyseth Notwithstandinge that whiche is spoken I say that iudges and gouernours ought to consider well with them selues and see if they wil be counted for iust ministers or cruell tirauntes For the office of a tyraunt is to robbe the common wealth and the office of the good Prince is to refourme the people Princes and greate lordes haue more busynes then they thinke they haue to see all those whiche will see them and to heare all those whiche will cōplain vnto them And the cause hereof is admitte that whiche the subiect demaundeth he presentlye cannot geue nor that whereof he complaineth he cannot remedye yet notwithstandynge they remaine after a sorte contented sayeng that they haue nowe shewed all theire complaintes and iniuries to their princes For the wounded hartes often tymes vtter their inward paines whiche they feele without any hope to receiue comfort of that which they desyre Plutarche in his Apothegmes sayeth that a poore and aged woman desired kyng Philipe of Macedonie whiche was the father of kinge Alexander the greate that he woulde heare her with iustice and sithe she was verye importunate vppon him kyng Philip saied on a daye vnto her I praye the woman be cōtented I swere by the gods I haue no leasure to heare thy complainte The olde woman aunswered the kinge Beholde king Phillyppe if thou hast not time to heare me with iustice resigne thy kingdome another shall gouerne thy common wealthe ¶ Of an oracion whiche a villayne dwellinge neere to the ryuer of Danuby made before the Senatours of Rome concerning the tyranies and oppressions which their officers vsed in his countrey And the oracion is deuyded into three Chapters Cap. iii. IN the .x. yeare of the reigne of the good emperour Marcus Aurelius there happened in Rome a generall pestilence the whiche being so outragious the good emperour went into Campaigne whiche at that tyme was verye healthfull and without diseases thoughe it was very drye and wanted much of that which was necessarie yet notwithstanding the good Emperour was there with all the principall Senatours of Rome For in tyme of pestilence men doe not seeke where they should reioice their parsonnes but where they maye saue theire lyues Marcus Aurelius being there in Campania was sore vexed with a feuer And as his condicion was alwaies to be amongest Sages so at that tyme hys sickenes required to be visited of phisicions The resorte that he had in hys pallace was verye greate as well of Philosophers for to teache as of phisitions for to dispute For this
honored you but that which most I maruel at is that you forget your selues For you neuer cōsider what you ought to bee vntil such time as you bee there where you would not bee and that without power to return back again Awake awake since you are drownd in your dreams open your eyes since you slepe so much accustom your selues to trauells sithens you are vacabonds learne that which beehoueth you sithens now you are so old I mean that in time conuenient you agree with death beefore he make execution of life .52 yers haue I known the things of the world yet I neuer saw a woman so aged through years nor old man with members so feble that for want of strength could not if they list doo good nor yet for the same occasion shoold leaue to bee euel if they list to bee euel It is a meruelous thing to see and woorthy to note that al the corporal members of man waxeth old but the inward hart and the outward tonge for the hart is always green to inuent euils the toung is alwais able to tel lies My opinion should bee that the pleasant somer being past you shoold prepare your selues for the vntemperat winter which is at hand And if you haue but few days to cōtinew you shoold make hast to take vp your lodging I mean that sith you haue passed the days of your life with trauel you shoold prepare your selues against the night of death to bee in the hauen of rest Let mockries passe as mockries and accept truth as truth that is to weete that it were a very iust thing and also for your honor necessary that al those which in times past haue seene you yōg foolish shoold now in your age se you graue and sage For there is nothing that so much forgetteth the lightnes and folly of the youth as dooth grauity and constancy in age When the knight ronneth his carire they blame him not for that the horse mayn is not finely commed but at the end of his race hee shoold see his horse amēded and looked to ▪ what greater confusion can bee to any parson or greater sclaūder to our mother Rome then to see that which now adays therin wee see that is to weete the old which can scarcely creap through the streats to beehold the plays and games as yong men which serch nought ells but pomp and vanity It greeueth mee to speak it but I am much more ashamed to see that the old Romayns do dayly cause the white hears to be plucked out of their heads bicause they would not seeme old to make their berd small to seme yong wearing their hosen very close theyr sherts open beefore the gown of the senatour imbrodred the Romayn signe richly enameled the coller of gold at the neck as those of Dace Fringes in their gowns as those of Saphire hoopes in their hatts as the Greekes and perles on their fingers as those of India What wilt thou I tell thee more then I haue told thee but that they weare their gowns long and large as those of Tharenthe and they wear theim of the colour as men of warr and euery weeke they haue chaunge as players and the woorst of all is that they show them selues as doting in loue now in their age as others haue doon hertofore in their youth That old men are ouercom by yong desires I do not meruel for that brutish lust is as natural as the daily foode but the old men being old men should be so dissolute heerewith men iustly ought to be offended For the old men couetous and of flesh vicious both offend the gods and sclaunder the cōmon wealth O how many I haue known in Rome who in their youth haue been highly praysed and esteamed and afterwards through geeuing thē self to very much lightnes in theyr age haue been of all abhorred And the woorst of al is that they haue lost al their credit their parents their fauor and their poore innocent children theyr profit For many times the gods permit that the fathers committing th offence the pain shoold fall vpō their owne childrē The renowmed Gaguino Cato who descēded from the high lignage of the sage Catoes was fiue years Flamen preest administrator to the vestal virgins three years pretor two years Censor one year dictator and fiue times Cōsull being .75 years old hee gaue him self to folow serue and to desire Rosana the doughter of Gneus Cursius a lady of trouth very yong and fair and of many desired and much made of time afterwards passing away and god Cupide dooing his office the loue was so kindled inwardly in the hart of this old man that he rann almost madde So that after he had consumed all his goods in seruing her dayly hee sighed and nightely he wept onely for to see her It chaunced that the sayd Rosana ●el sick of a burning ague wherwith she was so distēpered that shee could eat no meat but desired greatly to eat grapes and sithens there were none ripe at Rome Gaguino Cato sent to the riuer of Rheyn to fetch som beeing farre and many miles distant from thence And when the thing was spred through Rome that all the people knew it and the senat vnderstanding the folly of him the fathers commaunded that Rosana should bee locked vp with the vestal virgins the old man banished Rome for euer to the end that to thē it shoold bee a punishmēt to others an example Truly it greued mee sore to see it also I had great payns in writīg it For I saw the father die in īfamy his childrē liue in pouerty I beleue that al those which shal hear this exāple al those which shal reade this wryting shall find the fact of this amorous old man both vile and filthy and they will allow the sentēce of the senat which they gaue against him for good and iust I swere that if Gaguino Cato had had as many yong men in his banishment as hee left old men louers that followed his example in Rome ther shoold not be cast away so many men neyther so many women euyl maried It chaunceth oft tymes that when the old men specially beeyng noble and valyant are aduertysed of theyr seruants are rebuked of their parēts are prayed of their frends accused of their enemies to bee dishonest in such a place they aunswer that they are not in loue but in iest When I was very yong no lesse in wisdome thē in age one night in the Capitoll I met with a neighbour of mine the which was so old that hee might haue taken mee for his nephiew to whom I sayd these woords Lord Fabricus are you also in loue hee aunswered mee You see that my age suffereth mee not that I shoold bee a louer if I shoold bee it is but in sport Truly I marueiled to meete him at that hour and I was ashamed to haue such an answer In old men of
aduise ought wel to bee assured that in al or the most part hee shall erre O my lord Mark sith thou art sage liuely of spirit of great experience and auncient didst not thou think that as thou hadst buried many so like wise some should burie thee What imaginacions were thine to think that seeing the end of their days others should not see the end of thy yeares Since thou diest rych honourably accompanied old and aboue all seeing thou diest in the seruice of the common wealth why fearest thou to enter into thy graue Thou hast always beene a frend as much to know things past as those which were hid and kept secret Sins thou hast proued what honors and dishonors doo deserue ryches and pouerty prosperity and aduersity ioy and sorow loue and feare vices pleasures mee seemeth that nothing remayneth to know but that it is necessarye to know what death is And also I sweare vnto thee most noble lord that thow shalt learn more in one hour what death is then in a hundreth years what life meaneth Since thou art good and presumest to bee good and hast lyued as good is it not better that thow dye goe with so many good then that thow scape and liue amongst so many euill That thou feelest death I maruell nothing at all for thou art a man but I doo maruail that thou dissemblest it not since thou art discrete Many things doo the sage men feele which inwardly doo oppresse their hart but outwardly they dissemble them for the more honor If all the poyson which in the sorowfull hart is wrapped were in small peeces in the feeble flesh scattered then the walles woold not suffice to rubbe neither the nayles to scratch vs. What other thing is death but a trap or doore where with to shut the shop wherein all the miseries of this wofull lyfe are vendible What wrong or preiudice doo the gods vnto vs whē they cal vs beefore them but from an old decaied house to chaunge vs to a new builded pallace And what other thing is the graue but a strong fort wherein wee shut our selues from the assaults of lyfe broyles of fortune Truely wee ought to bee more desirous of that wee fynd in death then of that wee leaue in lyfe If Helia Fabricia thy wife doo greeue thee for that thou leauest her yong doo not care For shee presently hath litle care of the perill wherein thy lyfe dependeth And in the end when shee shall know of thy death shee will bee nothing greued Trouble not thy self for that shee is left widow For yong women as shee is which are maried with old men as thou when their husbands dye they haue their eies on that they can robbe and their harts on them whom they desire to mary And speaking with due respect when with their eies they outwardly seeme most for to beewaile then with their harts inwardly doo they most reioyce Deceyue not thy self in thinking that the empresse thy wife is yong and that shee shal fynd none other Emperor with whom agayn shee may mary For such and the like will chaunge the cloth of gold for gownes of skynnes I mean that they woold rather the yong shepeheard in the field then the old emperour in his royall pallace If thou takest sorow for the children whom thou leauest I know not why thou shooldst do so For truely yf it greeue thee now for that thou dyest they are more displeased for that thow lyuest The sonne that desireth not the death of his father may bee counted the onely Phenix of this world for if the father bee poore he wisheth him dead for that hee is not maintained if hee bee rich hee desireth his death to enherit the sooner Sins therefore it is true as in deede it is it seemeth not wisedome that they sing thou weepe If it greue thee to leaue these goodly pallaces these sūptuous buildings deceiue not thy self therein For by the god Iupiter I sweare vnto thee that since that death dooth finish thee at the end of .lxii. yeares tyme shal consume these sūptuous buildings in lesse then xl If it greeue thee to forsake the cōpany of thy frends neighbors for them also take as litle thought sins for thee they wil not take any at all For amongst the other compassions that they ought to haue of the dead this is true that scarcely they are buryed but of their frends neighbors they are forgotten If thou takest great thought for that thou wilt not dye as the other emperors of Rome are dead mee seemeth that thou oughtst allso to cast this sorow from thee For thou knowst ryght wel that Rome hath accustomed to bee so vnthankful to those which serue her that the great Scipio also woold not bee buryed therein If it greeue thee to dye to leaue so great a seignory as to leaue the empire I can not think that such vanity bee in thy head For temperat reposed men when they escape from semblable offices do not think that they lose honor but that they bee free of a troblesome charge Therefore if none of al these things moue thee to desire lyfe what should let thee that through thy gates enter not death it greeueth men to dye for one of these two things eyther for the loue of those they leaue beehynd them or for the feare of that they hope Sins therefore there is nothing in this lyfe worthy of loue nor any things in death why wee shoold feare why doo mē feare to dye According to the heauy sighs thou fetchest the bitter tears thou she dest according also to the great payn thou shewest for my part I think that the thing in thy thought most forgotten was that the gods shoold cōmaund thee to pay this debt For admit that al think that their life shal end yet no man thinketh that death wil come so soone For that men think neuer to dye they neuer beeginne their faults to amend so that both life fault haue end in the graue togethers Knowst not thou most noble prince that after the long night cōmeth the moist morning Doost thou not know that after the moyst morning there commeth that cleere sunne Knowst not thou that after the cleare sunne cōmeth the cloudy element Doost thou not know that after the dark myst there commeth extream heat And that after the heat cometh the horrible thunders after the thunders the sodeyn lightnings that after the perilous lightnings commeth the terrible hayle Fynally I say that after the tempesteous troublesome time commonly commeth cleare faire weather The order that time hath to make him self cruel gentill the self same ought men to haue to liue dye For after the infancy cōmeth chyldhod after chyldhod commeth youth after youth cōmeth age after age cōmeth the fearfull death Finally after the fearful death cōmeth the sure life Oftentimes I haue read of thee not seldome hard that
to take if ther by hee think hee may bee healed I pray thee I exhort thee I aduise thee my sōne that thy youth beeleue mine age thy ignorancy beeleue my knowledge thy sleepe beeleue my watch the dimnes of thy eyes beeleue the clearnes of my sight thy imaginaciō beeleue my vertue thy suspicion beeleue my experiēce For otherwise one day thou shalt see thy selfe in sōe distresse where smal time thou shalt haue to repent none to find remedy Thou maist say vnto mee my sonne that sins I haue beene yong I let thee to bee yong that when thou shall bee aged thou wilt amēd I answer thee that if thou wilt liue as yong yet at the least gouerne thy self as old In a prince which gouerneth his common wealth wel mani myseries are dissembled of his parson Euen as for mighty affaires ripe coūsayles are necessary so to endure the troubles of the empire the person needeth some recreacion For the bowe string which always is stretched either it lengthneth or it breaketh Whether princes bee yong or old there can bee nothing more iust then for the recreaciō of them selues to seeke some honest pastimes And not without a cause I say that they bee honest For sometimes they accompany with so dishonest persons and so vnthrifty that they spend their goods they loose their honor weary their persons more than if they were occupied in the affaires of the common wealth For thy youth I leaue thee children of great lords with whom thou maist past the tyme away And not without cause I haue prouided that with thee they haue beene brought vp from thy infancy For after thou camest to mannes estate enheriting my goods if perchaūce thou wooldst accompany thy selfe with yong men thou shouldst find them well learned For thy warres I leaue thee valiaunt captaines though indeede things of war are beegoon by wisdome yet in the end the issue faleth out by fortune For stuards of thy treasures I leaue thee faithful men And not wtout cause I say they are faythfull For oftentimes greater are the theeues which are receyuers tresorers then are they that doo robbe among the people I leaue thee my sonne expert aunciēt men of whome thou maist take coūsaile with whome the maist cōmunicat thy trobles For there can bee fourmed no honest thing in a prince vnlesse hee hath in his cōpany aunciēt men for such geeue grauity to his parsō auctority to his pallace To inuēt theaters to fish ponds to chase wild beasts in the forrests to renne in the fyelds to let thy haukes fly to exercise weapōs al these things wee can deny thee as to a yong mā the beeing yong mayst reioyce thy self in al these Thou oughtst also to haue respect that to ordeine armies inuēt warrs folow victories accept truces cōfirm peace raise brutes to make laws to promote the one put downe the others to punish the euill first to reward the good the counsaile of al these things ought to bee taken of cleare iudgements of persons of experience of white heads Thinkest thou not that it is possible to passe the time with the yong to counsail with the old The wise and discreete princes for all things haue time inough if they know well how to measure it Bee ware my sonne that they note thee not to vse great extremities For the end occasion why I speake it is beecause thou shouldst know if thou knowest not that it is as vndecent a thing for a prince vnder the colour of grauity to bee ruled gouerned wholy by old men as vnder semblaunce of pastime alwayes to accompany hym selfe with the yong It is no general rule that all yong men are light nor all old men sage And thou must according to my aduise in such case vse it thus if ani old man lose the grauity of his age expulse him from the if that find any yong men sage dispise not their counsaile For the bees doo draw more hony out of the tender flowers then of the hard leaues I doo not condemne the aged nor I doo commend the yong but it shal bee wel doone that alwayes thou choose of both the most vertuous For of troth there is no company in the world so euil ordered but that there is meane to liue with it without any suspicion so that if the yong are euil with folly the old are worse through couetousnes On s againe I retourne to aduertise thee my sonne that in no wise thou vse extremity For if thou beeleeue none but yong they will corrupt thy maners with lightnes if thou beeleeue none but the old they will depraue thy iustice through couetousnes What thing can bee more monstruous then that the prince which commaundeth all should suffer him to bee commaunded of one alone Beeleeue mee sonne in this case that the gouernments of many are seldome times gouerned wel by the head of one alone The prince which hath to rule gouerne many ought to take the aduise and counsaile of many It is a great inconuenience that thou beeing lord of many realmes shouldst haue but one gate wherin all doo enter into to doo their busines with thee For if perchaūce hee which shall bee thy familiar bee of his owne nature good and bee not mine enemy yet I would bee afraid of him beecause hee is a freend of mine enemies And though for hate they doo mee no euil yet I am afraid that for the loue of an other hee will cease to doo mee good I remember that in the annalles of Pompeius I found a litle booke of memoryes which the great Pompeiꝰ bare about him wherin were many things that hee had read other good counsayles which in diuers parts of the world hee had learned and among other words there were these The gouernour of the common wealth which committeth al the gouernment to old men deserueth very litle hee that trusteth al yong is light Hee that gouerneth it by him selfe alone is beeyonde him self hee which by him self others doo gouerne it is a wise prince I know not whither these sentences are of the same Pompeius or that hee gathered them out of soome booke or that any philosopher had told him them or some freend of his had geeuen him them I meane that I had them writtē with his hands and truely they deserued to bee written in letters of gold When thy affaires shal bee weighty see thou dispatche theym alwayes by counsayle For when the affaires bee determined by the counsaile of many the fault shal bee deuided among them all Thou shalt find it for a truth my sonne that if thou take counsaile of many the one wil tel the inconuenience the other the peril other the feare the other the domage the other the profit the other the remedy finally they will so debate thy affaires that playnly thou shalt know the good see the daunger therof I
aduertise thee my sonne that when thou takst counsayle thou beehold with thy eyes the inconuenience as wel as the remedyes which they shal offer vnto thee For the true coūsaile consisteth not to tel what they ought to doo but to declare what therof is like to succeede When that shalt enter prise my sonne great weighty affayres asmuch oughtst thou to regard the litle damages for to cut thē of in time as the great mishaps to remedy them For oftentymes it chaunceth that for the negligēce of taking vp a gutter the whole house falleth to the ground Notwithstanding I tell thee thou take counsayl I meane not that thou oughtst to bee so curious as for euery trifle to cal thy coūsayle For there are many things of such quality that they would bee immediatly put in execution they doo endomage thēselues attending for coūsayle That which by thine owne aucthority thou maist dispatch with out the domage of the common wealth referre it to no other person here in thou shalt bee iust shalt doo iustice confourmable For considering that thy seruice dependeth onely of them the reward which they ought to haue ought to depēd onely on thee I remember that when Marius the Cōsul came from the warres of Numidia hee deuided all the treasour hee brought amongst his souldyers not putting one iewell into the common treasour And when heere of hee was accused for that hee had not demaūded licence of the senat hee aunswered them It is not iust I take counsayle with others for to geeue recompēce to those which haue not taken the opinions of others to serue mee Thou shalt fynde my sonne a kinde of mē which are very hard of money and exceeding prodigall of counsaile There are also dyuers lenders which without demaūding them doo offer to giue it With such lyke men thou shalt haue this counsaile neuer looke thou for good coūsaile at that man whose counsaile tendeth to the preiudice of another For hee offreth woords to thy seruice trauaileth thy busines to his owne profyt As the gods gaue mee long life of these things haue I had great experience wherin I let thee know that for the space of .xv yeares I was consull Senator Censor Pretor Questor Edil Tribune after al this I haue been .18 yeares emperor of Rome wherin al those which haue spoken most against mee touched the profit or damage of another The chief intencion of those which folow the courts of Princes are to procure to augment their houses And if they cannot com to that they seeke to dimynish the of another not for that any profit should folow vnto them therof bee it neuer so litle but beecause mans malyce is of such condicion that it esteemeth the profit of another his own domage They ought to haue great compassion of the Prince for the most that follow him serue him not for that they loue him but for the gyfts rewards which they hope to haue of hym And this seemeth to bee true for the day that Princes shal cease to geeue thē the self same day beegyn they to hate hym So that such seruaunts wee cannot call frends of our persons but couetous of our goods That thou loue my sonne the one aboue the other thou mayst ryght well but I aduertyse thee that thou nor they doo make any semblaunce in such sort that al doo know it For if thou doost otherwyse they wil murmure at thee wyll all persecute thee Hee incurreth into no smal peryll nor hath no lytle trouble which is aboue al of the Prince beeloued of the people hated For then hee is hated persecuted of all And yet more domage ensueth vnto him of the enmyty of al then dooth of the loue of the prince alone For sometimes the gods permitting it and his beehauiour deseruing it the Prince dooth cease to loue him therewith his enemyes beegyn to persecute hym From the tyme I knew what meaned to gouerne a cōmon weale I haue always determined neuer to keepe man in my house one day after I know him to bee an enemy to the common wealth In the yeare of the foundacion of Rome 649. Lucius Lucullus the Senator going to the warres agaynst Mithridate by chaūce found a tablet of copper in the city called Triganie the which was at the gate of the kyng of that prouynce And on that same was engrauen certayne Caldean letters the which in effect sayed these wordes The prince is not sage who wyll put in hazard the state of his common wealth for the onely commoditye of one alone For the seruyce of one cannot auayle against the loue of al. The prince is not sage the for to enrich one alone seeketh to empouerish all For it is a thing vntollerable that the one doo labour the fyelds and the other doo gather the fruit The Prince is not iust which wil satisfy the couetousnes of one more then the seruice of all for there is meane to pay the seruices of the good and there is no ryches to satisfy the couetousnes of the euyl The Prince is a foole that despyseth the counsaile of all and trusteth in the opinyon of one For though there bee in a great shippe but one Pilot yet it needeth manye Marryners Bold is the Prince which to loue one onely wylbee hated of al for noble Princes ought to think it much profyt to bee beeloued and much more displeasure to bee hated These were the woords which were wrytten in that tablet worthy of eternal memory And I wil tel thee further in this case that Lucullus the Senator sent on the one part the tablet of copper where these woords were and on the other part the coffers where in hee had brought the ryches to the end the senat should choose one and leaue the other The senate despysing the riches and treasours choose the tablet of counsayles ¶ The Emperor foloweth his matter and exhorteth his sonne vnto certain particuler things woorthy to bee engraued in the harts of men Cap. lvi VNtil now I haue spoken as a father to his sonne that which toucheth thy profit Now I will tel thee what thou shalt doo after my death for my seruice And if thou wilt bee the true sonne of thy father the things which I haue loued in my life shal bee of thee esteemed after my death doo not resēble many children which after their fathers haue closed their eyes doo remember them no more For in such case though in deed the fathers bee dead buried yet they are alwayes liuing to cōplaine to the Gods of their children Though it seemeth not to bee sclaunderous yet it is more perilus to contend with the dead then to iniure the lyuing And the reason is for that the lyuing may reuenge are for to aunswere but the dead cannot make aunswer much lesse they can bee reuenged And in such case the Gods doo take their cause in protection some times they execute such
cruel punyshment of those that liue that rather thē they would endure it they wysh to bee dead Thou oughtst to think my sonne that I haue beegot thee I haue nouryshed thee I haue taught thee I haue trymmed thee I haue chastised thee and I haue exalted thee And for this consyderation though by death I am absent it is not reasō that thou euer forget mee For the true not vnthākfull chyld ought the same day to bury his father in his tender hart when others haue layd hym in the hard graue One of the visible chastisements which the gods geeue to men in this world is that the children obey not their fathers in their life For the self same fathers did not remēber their owne fathers after their death Let not yong Princes think after they haue inherited after they see theyr father dead after they are past correction of their masters that al things ought to bee doone as they thē selues wil it for it will not bee so For if thei want the fauour of the Gods haue maledyction of their fathers they liue in trouble and dye in daunger I require nought els of thee my sonne but that such a father as I haue been to thee in my life such a sonne thou bee to mee after my death I commend vnto thee my sonne the veneracion of the gods and this cheefely aboue al thing For the prince with maketh accompt of the gods neede not to feare any storme of fortune Loue the gods thou shalt bee beeloued Serue them thou shalt bee serued Feare them thou shalt bee feared Honor them thou shalt bee honored Doo their commaūdements they will geeue thee thy harts desire For the gods are so good that they doo not onely receiue in accompt that which wee doo but also that which wee desire to doo I commend vnto thee my sonne the reuerence of the Temples that is to weete that they bee not in discorde that they bee cleane renewed that they offer therin the sacrifices accustomed For wee doo not this honor to the substaūce wherwith the temples are made but to the Gods to whome they are consecrated I commend vnto thee the veneration of priestes I pray thee though they bee couetous auaricious dissolute vnpacient negligēt vicious yet that thei bee not dishonored For to vs others it apperteineth not to iudge of the life they leade as mē but wee must consider that they are mediators beetwene the gods vs. Beehold my sonne that to serue the gods honor the temples reuerence the priestes it is not a thing voluntary but very necessary for Princes For so long endured the glory of the Greekes as they were worshippers of their Gods carefull of theyr Temples The vnhappi realme of Catthage was nothing more cowardly nor lesse rych then that of the Romaynes but in the ende of the Romaynes thei were ouercome beecause they were great louers of their treasours and litle worshippers of their Temples I commend vnto thee my sonne Helia thy stepe mother remember though shee bee not thy mother yet shee hath been my wyfe That which to thy mother Faustine thou oughtst for bringing thee into the world the selfe same thou oughtst to Helia for the good entertainmēt which shee hath shewed thee And in deede often tymes I beeing offended with the shee mainteined thee caused mee to forget so that shee by her good woords did winne againe that which thou by thy euill woorks didst loose Thou shalt haue my curse yf thou vsest her euyll thou shalt fall into theire of the gods if that agreest that other doo not vse her wel For all the domage which shee shal feele shal not bee but for the inconuenience of my death iniury of thy persō For her dowrye I leaue her the tributes of Hostia the orchyardes of Vulcanus which I haue made to bee planted for her recreation Bee thou not so hardy to take them from her for in taking them from her thou shalt shewe thy wickednes in leauing them her thy obedyence in geeuing her more thy bounty liberalyty Remember my sonne that shee is a Romaine woman yong a wydow of the house of Traiane my lord that shee is thy mother adoptatiue my naturall wyfe aboue al for that I leaue her recommended vnto thee I commend vnto thee my sonne in laws whome I will thou vse as parents and frends And beeware that thou bee not of those which are brethern in woords cousins in woorks Bee thou assured that I haue willed somuch good to my doughters that the best which were in al the countries I haue chosen for their persons And they haue beene so good that if in geeuing them my doughters they were my sonne in laws in loue I loued them as chyldren I commend vnto thee my Systers doughters whome I leaue thee al maryed not with straūge kings but with natural senatours So that al dwel in Rome where they mai doo thee seruices and thou maist geue them rewards gifts Thy sisters haue greatly inheryted the beauty of thy mother Faustine haue taken lytle nature of their father Marke But I sweare vnto thee that I haue geeuen them such husbands and to their husbands such and so profitable counsailes that they would rather loose their lyfe then agree to any thing touching their dishonor Vse thy sisters in such sort that they bee not out of fauor for that their aged father is dead and that they beecome not proud for to see their brother Emperor Women are of a very tender condicion for of small occasion they doo complayne of lesse they wax proud Thou shalt keepe them preserue them after my death as I did in my lyfe For otherwise their conuersacion to the people shal bee very noisome to thee very importunate I comend vnto thee Lipula thy yongest Sister which is inclosed with in the virgine vestalles who was doughter of thy mother Faustine whome so derely I haue loued in life whose death I haue beewailed vntil my death Euery yeare I gaue to thy sister sixe thousand Sexterces for her necessyties in deede I had maryed her also if shee had not fallen into the fire burnt her face For though shee were my last I loued her with all my hart All haue esteemed her fal into the fire for euyll luck but I doo coūt the euil luck for good fortune For her face was not so burned with coles as her renowme suffred peryl among euill tongs I sweare vnto thee my sonne that for the seruice of the gods for the renowme of men shee is more sure in the Temple with the vestal Virgins then the art in the Senate with thy Senatours I suppose now that at the end of the iourney shee shal find her selfe better to bee enclosed then thou at liberty I leaue vnto her in the prouynce of Lucania euery yeare six
yron age alas there is no such kynd of amity as that wee haue spoken of More then this that there is no frend will part with any thing of his to releeue his frend much lesse that taketh care to fauor him in his trobles but if there bee any such that will help hys frend yt is euen then when tyme serueth rather to pity and lament him then to ayd or succor him It is a thing woorth the knowledge that to make a true and perpetuall frendship wee may not offer to many persons but according to Seneca his saying who saith My frend Lucillus I councell thee that thou bee a true frend to one alone and enemy to none for nombers of frends brings great incumbrance which seemeth somewhat to diminish frendship For who that considereth the liberty of the hart it is impossible that one shoold frame and agree wyth the condicions of many and much lesse that many shoold content them with the desiers and affections of one Tully and Salust were two famous orators amongst the Romayns and great enemies beetwene them selues and duryng thys emulation beetweene them Tully had purchased all the Senators frendship and Salust only had no other frend in all Rome but Mark Anthony alone And so these two great Orators beeing one day at woords togeethers Tully in great anger sayd to Salust what force or power art thou of or what canst thou doo or attempt against mee sith thou knowst that in all Rome thou hast but one only frend Mark Antony and I no enemy but one and that is hee To whom Salust answered Thou gloriest O Tully that thou hast no mo but one only enemy and afterwards iests at mee that I haue no more frends but only one but I hope in the immortall Gods that this only enemy thou hast shal bee able enough vtterly to vndoo thee and this my sole frend that I haue shal bee sufficient to protect and defend mee in al my causes And shortly after these woords passed beetween them Mark Antony shewed the frendship hee bare to the one and the enimity hee had to the other for hee caused Tully to bee put to death and raysed Salust to great honor A frend may well impart to the other all his own as bread wyne money tyme conuersation and such lyke but hee cannot notwithstandyng geeue him part of his hart for that suffereth it not to bee parted nor deuyded beecause it can bee geeuen but to one alone This graunted to bee true as needs it must doubtles that the hart can not bee deuyded but only geeuen to one then is it of necessity that hee that will seeke to haue many frends must needs repair to the shambels to prouyde him of many harts Many vaunt them selues and think it a glory to haue nombers of frends but let such well consider to what vse that legendary of frends do serue them they shall then easely fynd they stand them in no other steed but to eat to drink to walk to babble and to murmure togeethers and not one to help the other with their goods fauor and credit at their neede nor frendly to reprooue them of their faults and vyces whych doubtles ought not to bee so For where true and perfect frendship raygneth neither I wish my frend nor hee with mee shoold dissemble any fault or vyce Ouide sayth in his booke de arte amandi that the law of true vnfayned loue is so streight that no frendship but myne in thy hart shoold herber and in myne shoold lodge none others loue but thine for loue is none other thing but one hart lyuing in two bodies two bodies obeying one hart In this world there is no treasure cōparable to a true sure frend syth to a faith full frend a man may safely discouer the secrets of hys hart beewray vnto him hys gryping greeues trusting him with his honor comitting to his guyd custody all his goods hee shall succor him in his misery counsell him in peril reioyce at his prosperity and mourn at his aduersity and in fyne I conclude such a frend neuer werieth to serue him in his lyfe nor to lament him after his death I graunt that gold and siluer is good kynsfolks are good and money is good but true frends exceede them all without comparison For all these things cannot warrant vs from necessitie if synister fortune plunge vs into it but rather encrease our torment and extremitie Also they doo not reioyce vs but rather heap further greefes vppon vs neither doo they succor vs but rather ech hour geeue vs cause to complayn much lesse doo they remember and aduise vs of that that is good but still doo deceiue vs not dyrectyng vs the right way but still bringing vs out of our way and when they haue lead vs awry out of the high way they bring vs into desert woods and hygh and daungerous mountayns whereof necessity wee must fal down hedlong A true frend is no partaker of these conditions but rather hee ys sory for the lest trouble that happeneth to hys frend hee feareth not neither spareth hys goods nor the daunger of his person hee careth not to take vppon hym any painfull iorney quarels or sutes nor yet to put his lyfe in euery hasard of death And yet that that is most of all to bee esteemed is that lyke as the hart and bowels euer burn with pure and sincere loue so dooth hee wish and desire wyth gladsome mynd to bere the burthen of all hys frends mishaps yea more then yet spoken of Alexander the great offered great presents to the Philosopher Zenocrates who woold not vouchsafe to receiue them much lesse to beehold them And beeing demaunded of Alexander why hee woold not receyue them hauyng poore kinsfolks and parents to beestow them on hee aunswered him thus Truely I haue both brothers and sisters O Alexander yet I haue no kinsman but him that is my frend and one only frend I haue who hath no neede of any gyfts to bee geeuen him For the only cause why I choose him to bee my sole and only frend was for that I euer saw him despise these worldly things Truely the sentence of this good philosopher Zenocrates is of no small efficacy for him that will aduysedly consider of it sith that not seeldom but many times it happeneth that the great troubles the sundry daungers and the continuall necessities and miseries wee suffer in this vale of misery haue for the most part proceeded from our parents and afterwards by our frends haue been mediated and redressed Therefore since wee haue thought it good and necessary to choose a frend and that hee bee but one only ech man must bee wise lest in such choise hee bee deceiued For oft tymes it happeneth that those that take litle regard herein graunt their frendship to such one as is to couetous impacient a great babbler seditious and presumptuous and of such condicions that sometyme it
remouing of the court for some courtiers there are that bee so poore that for wāt they canne hardli follow the court and others also that are rych are compelled to beare many of their charges with whome they are in company with by the way and some of those are so rude ill brought vp that they had rather beare their charge al their iourny then once againe to haue them in their company But a godsname what shall wee say yet of the wretched courtier whose coffers and horse are arrested at his departing for his debts Truly I ly not for once I sawe a courtiers moyle sold for her prouinder shee had eaten that mony not sufficient to pay the host the courtier remaining yet detter of an ouerplus the poore man was stripped euen of his cappe and gloues for satisfaction of the rest Also there is an other sorte of needy courtiers so troblesome and importune that they neuer cease to troble their freends to borow money of their acquayntance soome to fynd themselues soome to apparell them selues others to pay their dets others to play and others to geeue presents so that at the remouing day when they haue nothing wherwith to pay nor content their crediters then are they sued in lawe and arrested in theyr lodging and the credyters many tymes are not satisfyed with theyr goods but take execution also of theyr bodyes laying them in fast prison till they bee payd and satisfied of their whole dett O what a folly may bee thought in those that cannot moderat theyr expences according to theyr ability For to say vprightly hee should cut his garments according to his cloth and measure his expences with his reuenues and not followyng his affection and desire For the gentleman or courtier in the end hath not the meane nor commodity to spend as the contry man hath that lyueth at home at ease in his contry spēdeth such commodityes as hee brings into his howse but the courtier consumeth in court not his owne alone but also that of others And therfore in courte or els where let euery wise man bee diligent to bring his affaires to end but yet let him so moderate and vse his expences as hee shall not neede nor bee driuen to morgage and gage that hee hath For hee that feasteth and rowteth with others purse of that that is lent hym cannot choose but in the end hee must breake and deceyue his crediters Therfore all woorthy men that loue their honor and feare reproche ought rather to suffer honger cold thirst care paine and sorow then to bee had in the check rowle of riotous and prodigall spenders trustles of their promise and suspected of their woords There is yet an other great troble in the court of princes and that is the exceding derth of vittels the vnresonable wāt of howses and the great price of horses for many times they spend more for straw and litter for their horse then they doo in other places for hey otes and bread And further if the courtier bee a poore gentillman and that hee would feast and bancket his frends or companions hee shall spend at one dinner or supper somuch that hee shal bee constrained to fast a hole weeke after Therfore if the courtier wil be wel vsed in folowing of the court hee must not only know and speake too but also loue and inuite at tymes the bouchers vittlers fruterers keepers and softers Fishmongers and poulterers and other purueiers of the same of whōe hee shall alwaies haue asmuch neede of his prouision as hee shall haue of the iudges to shew him Iustice when hee shal neede it For meate bread wyne wood hey otes straw are comōly very deare in court For fewe of al these things are to bee bought in court but of others infinit things to bee sold to profit and gaine the poore courtiers that els had no shyft to liue And yet is there a litle more trouble in court and that is that continually letters are sent to the courtier from his frends to obtaine of the prince or his counsel his dispatch in his priuate affaires or for his seruants or tenants or other his frends And manie times these sutes are so ill welcome to the courtier that hee had rather haue pleasured his frend with a peece of mony then they should haue layd vpon him so waighty a matter And beesides this there is yet an other troble that the bringet of the letter must needes ly at the courtiers house attending his dispatch so that the courtier delaiyng his frends busines augmenteth his greefe and keeping the messenger there increaseth his charge And if perchanse his busines bee not dispatched and the sute obteyned those that wrote to him will not think hee left it of for that bee would not doo it or take paines therin but for that hee wanted fauour and credit or at least were very negligent in following their cause And that that vexeth them thorowly yet is that their parents and frends weene which are in the contry farr from court that this courtier hath all the courtiers at his commaundement that hee may say and doo what hee wil there And therfore his frends when they haue occasion to imploie him in court and that they wryte to him touching their affaires and that hee hath now taken vpon him the charge and burden of the same seeing him selfe after vnable to discharge that hee hath enterprised and can not as hee would satisfie his frends expectacion then hee faleth to dispaire and wissheth hee had been dead when hee first tooke vpon him this matter and that hee made them beeleeue hee could go thorough with that they had cōmitted to him beeing vnpossible for him hauing small credit and estimation amongst the nobility and councellers Therefore I would neuer councell him that hath brethern frends or other neere kynsfolks in court to go seeke them out there albeeyt they had matters of great weight and importance on hope to bee dispatched the sooner by their credite fauour and sute and for this cause for that in court there is euer more priuy malice and Enuy then in other places wherefore they can not bee reuenged one of the other but must tary a tyme and then when they see oportunity they set in foote to ouerthrow and secretly to put back their enemyes sute Now lo these things and other infinite plagues doo light on these poore vnfortunate courtiers incredible happely to any but the old and experienced courtier Yf the old and wise courtier would count all the fauors and mischances the derth and aboundance the frendships and enmities the contentation and displeasures the honor infamy hee hath endured in the court I beeleeue assuredly wee should not bee a litle sory for that body that had suffryd somuch but much more for that hart that had abidden al those stormes and broyls Whan the courtier seeth that hee is not hard of the prince nor spoken to of the
wise heads and beeloued courtiers greatly esteemed and reputed of And this for their own good demerits and by meanes also of the others wicked abuse and disorder Suetonius tranquillus reciteth that Scilla the consull beeing mortall enemy of the Marians of which faction was also Iulius Cesar sayde that from Cesars infancy his wisdome made him more to bee feared and wondered at then euer his stoute and valiaunt corage hee showed Plutarke writing to Traian sayd I assure thee Soueraigne prince I doo more esteeme honor thy parson then I doo care for al thy empire beesyds For I haue seen thee doo a thousand good things to deserue yt but I neuer saw thee once desirous to haue yt And suer in my opinion I think there is no better alchemye in court to grow to sodeyne wealth and to acquire the princes fauor thē that the same of his good life should rather resound his prayse to the prince therby to make him knowen vnto him then the respect of his noble house or progenye That courtier also that craueth his princes grace must take heede in any wise hee bee not consorte or companion with rashe hasty persones whose vnstable heads mislike of euery state still deprauing all others vertues Such felow mates and compagnions the wise courtier must in any case refuse to bee conuersant with I must aduise him also hee beeware hee bee not rash of speche nor that hee speake ill of any man For it is a right kynd of tresō to detrect and backbyte our frends and much more the prince to whom wee wholly owe our duty and allegeance And therfor the wyse and vertuous courtier must fly from this company as farre as hee can that are possessed with such vaine humors and passions of mynde For such kynde of mē wil neuer councell vs to sarue well nor to beeware of liberal speaking but will rather infect vs and bring vs to their naughty vaine humor and make vs to bee demed as bad as them selues though wee bee not so only for keeping them company Like as in comon weales there are seditious heads which moue and stirre the poore comons to rebellion euen so in princes courtes there are the like factious heads that seeke to wynne good wil of courtiers so to stirr vp their mynds also to tumult sedition which beecause they haue no way to come vp and grow in fauor doo detract and speake ill of those that are in fauor and autority One of these abiects inferior sorte shall go to the howse of an other in like disgrace and discredit that him selfe is in and there these companions shall open theire throtes against the prince and his court saiyng the king careth not for his subiects talking of the high minds and countenances of the beeloued and fauored of court of the affections of the counsell of the parciality and enmyty of the court of the want of munition for warres and of the fall and decay of the comon wealth and thus with theys lewde and vncomly discorses they spend the long and dolefull nights of wynter season and ther withall also the long and whot sunny days of sommers tyme. Adrian the emperor beeing once informed that there met and assembled togethers daily at the house of one Lucius Turbon a nomber of the seditious and factious sort of Rome which were offended with him and conspired against him to preuent them of insurrection proclaymed presently through Rome and enacted yt for a law that all courtiers that assembled there should lose their heads and al the Romaines should bee banished All this wee haue spoken to banish vice from princes courts if yt may bee for now a dayes as there are many houses of ordinary tables and nombers of disyng houses for all maner of play so is there also in the court beesides the groome porters other chambers where they meete to murmure at ech mans dooings And as there are some that say gowe let vs go to such a mans house and there wee shall fynd play enowgh and good fellowshipp to passe the tyme away as wee will euen so these others say gow wee will go to such a chamber and there wee shall meete with our compaignions and good fellowes wheare wee may talke liberally and at our pleasure without check or controll of any Infamous bee that house wheare there is no other exercyse but play and ryot and accursed bee that wheare they can not occupy them selues but in defamyng and backbiting theyr breethern and neighbors For to conclude it were lesse euel to play and lose theyr mony then to robb and spoyle his neyghbor of his good name Now to get into the princes fauor it helpeth much to consider wherin the prince takethe cheefe delyght and wherto hee is best affected whether to musick hunting fliyng riding of horses or fishing running or leaping or any other actiuity what so euer it bee And his affect and desier once knowen and obserued hee must geeue him selfe wholy to loue that the prince loueth and to follow that that hee followeth And as princes comonly are geeuen to theyr willes to leeke soome pastymes better then others so doo they shew them selues more fauorable and gratious to soome of their seruants then others and rather to those whome only they see conforme and agreeable with their affections then to such as are alwey most dilygent and paynefull about them to doo them the best seruice they can The curious courtier may account him selfe happy if hee can frame him selfe to comend that the prince alloweth and lykewyse to dissalow of that the prince mislyketh and though perhappes hee were many tymes of the contrary opinyon hee may well thinke and beeleeue to him selfe what hee lyketh best but in no case to vtter that hee thinketh nor to make any countenance to the contrary The emperor Aurelius neuer dranke other then redd wyne and beecause hee was infourmed that Torquatus the Roman for his sake dyd not onely refrayne from drinkyng white wyne but did also plant all his vynes with red grapes hee made him censor of Rome and gaue him the warde of the gate Salaria in the sayd city In eating and drinking in hunting and tilting in peace and in warre in youthfull sportes and graue matters the wise courtier must alweyes follow the steppes and will of the prince and imitate him in the same the best hee can And if yt bee beneficiall for the courtier to haue the princes fauor and to bee esteemed of him let him in no wise enterprise to talke too much to him For by continuall frequenting the prince yt can not otherwise fall out but hee shall both troble him and bee thought a proud arrogant and an importunat foole of him And if the courtier hath no graue and weyghty matters to moue the prince in to what purpose dooth hee seeme to molest and importune the kyng Wee say in weighty matters to communicate with him For to talke with the prince and to
vpright a iusticer but in the end hee geeueth more trust credit to one then to an other And hereof proceedes most cōmonly that wee loue not those wee ought to loue but those whom wee fansy most Now therefore following our intent touching the visitacion of courtiers hee must lay watch consider wel to procure knowledge first if any such noble men or other his frends which hee hath deuotion to visyt bee occupied or withdrawen to their bed chābers for some priuate busynes of theirs for if it were so they woold rather think hee came to trouble them thē to visit them And therefore hee that is wise in visiting his frēds may not be too importune vpon them to prease into their bed chāber neither to bee too tedious vnpleasant in his woords There are some so solitary that woold neuer be vysyted others that desires to bee visited euery day others there bee that woold the visitacion shoold bee short others that take such pleasure to heare a long discours that hee woold his tale shoold neuer bee ended So that the courtier must looke into the natures of men so to frame his visitacions according to the condicions of their mynd and to remember his visitations to great graue men bee not so oft dayly that they bee troublesome to him nor so seldome that they may think them straūgers that they had forgotten him That only deserueth the name of a trew visitacion where the person visyted may not bee troubled with importunacy nor the visyter may dymynish any part of his credyt and estimacion and also that hee preiudice not his own commodyty in his affaires I speak it for some that are so troublesome in their visytacions so foolish and tedious in their woords not knowing how to make an end that wee may better call them troublesome enuious and impudent then honest vysiters and faithfull frends And therefore wee should leaue them so contented wee vysyt that they shoold rather bee angry to leaue our company then that they should complayn of our importunity geeuing them rather occasyon to meete vs with a pleasant countenaunce when wee enter into their house then to make them hyde them selues or fly from vs when they see vs to say they are not within And mee thinks in deede where wee haue not great and straight frendship or els some affaires of great importaunce that toucheth vs much it should bee sufficient to vysyt our frends and acquaintance once in a moneth and where they would see vs more oftner let vs carry till they complayn and fynd fault and send to vs to let vs vnderstand it and not that wee bee so ready to come to offer and present our selues vnto them onlesse the necessity of our cause doo vrge vs. There are some persons so vndiscreete in being vysited that when others come to see them eyther they make the gates to bee shutte vppon them or they cause their seruants to say they are not within or els they get them out at the backdore or they fayn that they are a lytle a●rafed onely to auoyd and flye from these troublesome and babling visyters ▪ So that they had rather see a seriant enter into his house to arrest them for debt then to bee cumbred wyth these lothsome and pratyng vysyters Also yt ys not fyt to goe see their frends at vnlawfull howers as about dynner or supper tyme for those that are vysyted wyll rather thynk they come to dyne or suppe wyth them then of curtesy and good wyll to see them It happeneth sometymes that many are braue and rytch in apparell that keepe but a poore and mean ordynary at their table sparyng from their mouth to lay yt vppon their backs and therefore they are very loth and offended that any of their frends or famylyars should take them at meales to iudge of them for they thynk yt lesse payn to fast from meat secretly then that their scarcety should openly bee discouered Also the laws of honesty and ciuylity doo not permit any man to enter into the house hall or chamber of an other wythout knockyng or callyng fyrst at the doore For that onely pryuyledge to come into the house sodeynly and speak neuer a woord beelongeth to the husband or masters of the house Also it is not good to goe see hys frend when hee is at play for yf hee bee a loser it can not bee but hee wyll chafe and bee in choler in hys mynd wyth his frend to come then to trouble hym and to let hym of his play And yf haply hee were a wynner beefore his frend came to see him and afterwards chaunce to bee a loser agayn hee will lay thoccasyon of his losse vppon his frend that came of good wyl to see hym and say that hee turned hys good luck away from him and that hee came but to trouble him takyng it rather for an offence and iniury doone him then for any good loue or duty shewed him If our frend in lyke manner whom wee goe to vysyt come out of his chamber to receyue vs not byddyng vs come into the camber nor to syt down but standing to talke wyth vs wythout any other curtesy or enterteynment wee may easely perceyue by this his maner of interteynment that hee geeueth vs good and honest leaue to depart when wee wyll The wyse and fyne courtyer will as easely fynd and vnderstand hym by his signes as hee wyll doo sometymes by his woords Also the courtier must take great heede that inseemyng to vse curtesy hee happen not to make some foolish countenance in pulling of his cap in makyng curtesy coming into the hall or taking a stoole to syt down lest he bee therfore marked mocked of the standers by or noted for proud or presūptuous for to stay or let at these triffles a man rather getteth the name of a glorious light and proud then of a graue sober man All things touching consciens ciuility honor the good courtier should always haue in memory beefore his eyes when hee shall discours with his lord or vysyt his frend And for the first beeginning of his discourse talk with him after they are set down togethers hee must ask him how his body dooth whether all his house bee meery and in good health for yt is the thyng that wee must first procure for our own priuate commodity and secondly desire yt for our frends Also in the courtyers vysitacions hee may not bee too curious or inquisytiue of news nether ouer beesy to tell news for after his frend were once aduertised of the troth it might bee lightly hee woold thank him for his cōming comend him for his curtesy and notwtstanding blame him for his news count him a lyer And yf it happen wee fynd the party whom wee visyt sad comfortles and in some necessity although hee were not our frend yet for that hee is a chrystyan wee ought to comfort him
what ill so euer hee heareth spokē of him I woold wish him not seeme to know it much lesse to be āgry with al nor once to geue a dishonest woord to the reporters therof For his choller ouer past the euel woords hee hath spoken to them in his anger may tourn hym to more displeasure then hee hath doone him hurt that caused him speak these woords And therefore surely to bridel the tongue is rather a diuine then humayn vertue and cheefely in that instant when the hart is mastered and subdued with cholorick passions For afterwards yt happeneth many times that beeing quyet agayn in our mynds wee are sory for that wee haue spoken in our anger yea agaynst them that haue angred vs. If the courtier should way euery woord that is spoken agaynst him and esteeme euery thing that is doon to him hee should purchace him self a continuall and sorowfull life yea and out of measure a troblesome and vnpleasant syth princes courts are euer full of serpent tongues and venomous harts and that it lyeth not in mans power to let that the harts of men hate vs not and that their tongues speak not ill of vs I would aduise the courtier to take all the ill that is spoken of him in sport and myrth and not in anger Seneca sayd and that wysely spoken that there is no greater reuenge to punish an iniurious woord then to seeme to laugh at yt For it is a thing more naturall and proper to weomen then men to desire to take reuenge of woords wyth the lyke woords agayn syth the noble hart that esteeme hys honor must not haue his hands in his tongue but his tongue in his hands O how many haue wee seen both out of court and in court the which for no other respect but to reuenge one onely seely woord that touched them not much would put thē selues their goods and fame in perill and yet in the end had not that reuenge neyther they desyred but rather redoubled it gaynst them selues in losyng their fond and vayn attempt Therefore to conclude those that wylbee great in fauor and estimacion in the prynces court and those also that are now in fauor and credit with the prynce and that desire to contynue and perseuer in his fauor still must not make account of any woords spoken to hym or offences doone hym for all that are in fauor haue neede to suffer and no occasion to reuenge Tyll this present day I neuer saw any that receyued any hurt or detriment by beeing pacient but beeyng impacient I haue seene numbers cast them selues away you must also know that in all places wheare troupe and company of people bee there is always euer discord and diuersities in oppynions and iudgements of men So that it happeneth many tymes in a common weale yea and yt meeteth sometimes in one house that all shall bee of one blood and kynred yet in pryuat willes and affections mortall enemies And therefore suer yt is a thing woorthy to bee noted and no lesse to be wondered at to see the father with the sonnes the vncles with the neuews the graundfathers with the children the sonne in lawes with their father in lawes and brothers with their brothers and systers the one to bee as farre different from the other as white and black and as much frends as the dogge and the catte And all this is caused onely for that they are rather wedded to a self wyll and oppinion they haue then they are addicted to loue and affect that that nature byndeth them to Wee see also many yong courtiers that though they bee vertuous and noble hauing inherited and succeeded in nobility of blood their auncestors by means whereof they are honored and reuerenced and possessyng also the greatnes and aboundaunce of their goods and ryches whych makes them wealthy and mayntayns them honorably enioying the noble parentage for whych they are regarded hauyng many frends and seruaunts that doo them great seruyce and pleasure And all in respect of their noble auncetors and yet notwithstanding all these great thyngs wee haue spoken they follow their own inuentions and imaginations which their auncetors knowing would haue fled and hate and myslyke that that they doubtles beeing alyue woold haue followed And therefore it is rather a token of lightnesse then of good wyll for one to leaue to help and releeue his own frends and kynsfolks to succour and doo good to straungers or others whom hee neuer knew nor can tell what they are For I assure you that one of the greatst losses and myshaps that can come to a noble house is to haue new frendshyp and partialyty with straungers and men vnknowen That gentelman that geeueth him self to follow such one as pleaseth hys fantasy best and that leaueth to lean to those whom hys auncestors heretofore both loued and lyked shall see those old frends not onely leaue and forsake hym but clean geeue hym ouer to hys wyll and shortly after shall fynd his substaunce and faculty consume and wast away beesydes the honor of hys house to bee brought to vtter decay and oblyuion And this wee haue spoken onely to aduise the prynces officers and such as haue credyt and aucthority that they doo not wyth fauor support and ayd any partiall sect namely that that concerneth the state and body of common weale For the esteemed of the prince more easly and with lesse occasion doo vndoe them selues and lose the credyt they haue woone by reason of their partialities and factions they mayntayn then they doo for the dayly benefyts and suyts they importune the prince in Wherefore the seruaunts and officers of the kyngs house although they bee in good fauor with the prince and that it please him to lyke well of them yet they may not so hardyly support any to doo hurt to others and so absolutly as if they were the lords and princes them selues For albeeyt yt pleaseth the kyng to call them to honor and to enrych them with goods and possessyons yet the kyng can not nor wyll not lyke that they shall bee suborners of factions and quarells amongst their subiects in the common wealth And yet neuerthelesse it happeneth many tymes that those that see them selues onely in fauor aboue others will presume to doo vyolence and wrong to others trustyng to their great credyt and fauor they are in that that shall suffice to cloke and hide any fault they shall commyt which they neuer ought to think nor yet for any respect in the world to doo For such vnhaply myght bee the cryme they commyt that although it bee in the prynces power to doo great thyngs for them yet hee could not at that tyme with his honor excuse their offence nor seeme to protect thē in their lewdnes wtout great murmur and discontentacion of his subiects I know very well that in court the mindes affections and oppynions of courtiers are so dyuers and va●iable that notwithstandyng the beloued of the
that those that will commaund many things in the court of princes shoold alwais doo their things so but they shoold sometime tread awry And admit their faults bee but light and of small moment yet they may bee assured there wil bee enow that will both open them to the comon weal and tell them also secretly to the prince alone For those that seeke to deuorce the fauored of the court from the prince doo not complayn or fynd fault for that they are more in fauor with the prince thā others but they will shew they take it in yll part they haue more aucthority and commaund more then others in the comonweal Saying that by mean of their place autority vnder colour of good zeal to minister Iustice they geeue comonly foul iniurious woords farre vnfitt for the aucthority of the person woorthynes of the place So that it cannot bee otherwise chosen but that continuing this disorder they must needes make the king suspect them besides that bring a great discord betwixt the king those that hee fauoreth make him meruelously offended with them For in th end princes woold alwais bee serued obeyed but not ruled commaunded And yt is a most true saying Ouer much familiarity bredeth contempt which although yt may bee borne betweene men of lyke degree equality yet is it not tollerable betweene the prince the beliked of the prince But rather euery day hower moment that the fauored courtier entreth into the princes palace or into his priuy chamber hee ought euer to doo it with as great curtesy reuerence humility honor in speaking to the king as if hee had neuer spokē with him nor seene him So that hee shoold let all men see that though it please the kings maiesty to make of him and to accept him into his fauor yet that hee leaue not to serue him doo him that duity that all other seruants doo are bound to doo The suerest and most certain way to maintain those that are sublimed exalted in the court of princes to raise bring those to auctority that are low of base condition is that the esteemed repute him self euer a seruaunt that the seruant neuer vaunt nor bost him self to bee fauored or esteemed The familiers of princes ought euer to be ware that there come no complaints of them to the princes ears For as a drop of water by tyme continuall fall cometh to perce the hardest stone so it myght happen that the nombers of complaints might bee occasion for the prince to wtdraw his fauor loue from the courtier again If his only seruyces were sufficient to induce the prince to fauor loue him so the nomber of his subiects cōplaints against him were occasion enough to make him mislike him put him out of fauor clean changing his loue fauor to hate discredit it For it a certeyn thing that when the prince dooth looke well into his own dooings hee had rather bee beloued of all then serued of one alone The honored of the court may not regard so much the honor credit hee is called to by his prince as the basenes pouerty hee was in when it pleased the king to lyke of him that hee came first acquainted with the king For if hee did otherwise it myght happen that like as fortune had brought him to that high estate hee had So pryde might ouerthrow him agayn bryng him as low as hee was before For I shoold haue said more truely a great deal saying that it woold haue made him fall down right beeing the right property of fortune to suffer the baser sort whom shee had called to honor only to returne them to their mean estate call they were of at the first neuer to leaue the fauored of the prince men of auctority nor neuer satisfied till shee haue throwen them down hedlong into extreme misery neuer to ryse againe Agathocles first the sonne of a Potter afterwards made king of Scicillia whilest hee liued hee euer vsed this maner that in his tresory or iewel house yea and also at his table amongst all his cupps and dishes of gold siluer hee had some also of earth amongst them and beeing asked the occasion why in so great a treasure and masse of gold siluer hee had so vyle a thing as earth aunswered thus I drink in golden cupps and eat in earthen dishes to geeue thanks to the gods which of a potters sonne that I was brought mee to this royall state of a mighty king And I doo it also to haue euermore cause to bee hūble to fly pryde For it is an easier thing and more lyker for a king to become a potter then for a potter to attayn to the greatnes and state of a king These woords of Agathocles were euer woorthy to bee noted had in memory since wee see plainly that to geeue a man a fall a little stone sufficeth to make vs stumble and fall to the ground but to raise vs vp again wee must needes help vs with power of hands and feete It may well bee that this braue courtier fauored of the court before hee came to this degree of honor was but of a mean house and basely borne and besydes that esteemed of few for his nobility of blood of an vnknowen contrey of poore parentage of small substance and no better nor otherwise fauored of fortune in his birth or lynage of all which things hee hath no cause to bee ashamed but rather to glory and praise god For hee shall euer bee more esteemed in the court well thought of to remember from whence hee came and to regard his first estate then hee shall if hee wax glorious and hygh mynded by reason of the fauor hee is in at this present vtterly forgetting his first rysing Titus Liuius reciteth that the renowmed Romayn Quintus Cincinatus before hee came to bee made captain of Rome hee was taken out of the feelds a laboring man plowing tilling the ground And this so noble person being occupied in great affairs of the common weal either in prouisions or munitiō or in expeditions of warre was woont to sygh before all the captains and say Alas who coold tell mee now any newes how my beefes doo in my graunge my sheepe in the mountains and whether my seruaunts haue prouided them of hay and pasture to keepe them the next yere Surely it is to bee thought that who so euer speaks these woords with his mouth must needes haue lytle pryde in his hart And vndoubtedly hee proued his woords true and shewed that hee spake as hee thought and in good earnest wtout intent of iest since afterwards hee returned home again to folow the plough to plant his vynes to see his own things gouerned leuīg behind him a perpetual testimony of his noble worthy dooings And his comon weal also gretly
nor by slyght of wytt procured to deceyue or begyle nether hee called his frends to help hym to withstand his enemies but only craued remedy against his vnhonest and vaine desires And vndoubtedly hee had reason For a man may easely absent hym selfe frō his enymys but to fly from hym selfe it is an impossible thing And therfor mee thinkes it is a thing more to bee lamented then writtē to see that a multitude of corporall enymes cannot vanquish and ouercome vs and yet notwithstanding when wee are alone and think nothing of it this only vice of the flesh doth not alone make vs stumble but fall downe ryte on the ground For nether to become religious a priest a fryer nor to dwell in churches nor to bee shut vp in cloysters to sequester our selues from the world nor to chaūge state and condition For all this I saye I see none of all these things helpe vs mortall mē to defend vs from this vyce and sinne But the further wee seeke to fly from yt the more danger wee find to fal in to it And albeit to auoide other vices and synnes it shall suffise vs to bee admonished yet against that alone of the flesh it behoueth vs to bee armed For ther is no synne in the world but that there are meanes for mē to auoid it this only excepted of the flesh where with all wee are ouercome and taken prysoners And to proue this true it is aparant thus Where rayneth pryde but amongst the potentates where enuy but amongst equalls anger but amongst the impatient glotony but amongst gourmans auarice but amongest the rych slothe but amongest the idle And yet for all these the synne of the flesh generally raigneth in al men And therfore for not resisting this abhominable vice wee haue seene Kings lose ther Kyngdoms noblemen ther landes and possessiōs the maried wiues their auowed fayth the religion nonnes their professed virginity so that wee may compare this synne to the nature and condicion of the venomus serpent which beeing aliue stings vs and after hee is dead offendeth vs with his noysome stink Examples by Dauid who for all his wisedom could not preuayl against that synne nor Salomon for al his great knowledge nor Absolon for al his diuine bewty nor Sampson with his mighty force which notwtstanding the great fame they had for their renowmed vertues yet thorough this onely defect they lost al accōpaniyng with harlots licencious weomen Into which shameful felowship fel also Holofernes Annibal Ptholomeus Pirrhus Iulius Cesar Augustus Marcus Antonius Seuerus and Theodotius many other great princes with these aboue recyted the most part of the which wee haue seene depriued of their crownes and afterwards them selues haue come to their vtter shame dishonor on their knees to yeeld them selues to the mercy of these their infamed louers crauing pardō forgeeuenes Many graue writers of the Gretians say that the imbassadors of Lidia comming one day into the chamber of Hercules vpon a sode in to speak with him they found him lying in his curtesans lap shee pulling his rings of on his fyngers hee dressed on hys head with her womenly attier shee in exchange on hers beedect with his royal crown They write also of Denis the Siracusan that albeeit of nature hee was more cruel then the wilde beast yet hee beecame in the end so tractable pleasant by the meanes of a curtisan his frend called Mirta that shee onely did confirme al the prouisions depeches of the affaires of the weale publike hee onely did but ordein and appoint them And if the histories written of the Gothes deceyue vs not wee fynd that Antenaricus the famous kyng of the Gothes after hee had triumphed of Italy that hee had made hymself lord of all Europe hee beecame so farre in loue with a louer of his called Pincia● that whilst shee combo his head hee made clean her slippers Also Themistocles the most famous captain of the Greekes was so enamored of a woman hee had taken in the warrs of Epirus that shee beeing afterwards very sick when shee purged her self hee woolde also bee purged with her if shee were let blood hee would also bee let blood yet that that is woorst to bee lyked is that hee washed his face with that blood that came out of her arme so that they might truly say though shee were his prisoner yet hee was also her slaue subiect When Kyng Demetrius had takē Rhodes there was brought to him a faire gentlewoman of the cyty which hee made his frend in loue this loue beetwixt them by tyme grew so great that shee shewing her selue vpō a time to bee angry with Demetrius refusing to sit nere him at the table also to ly with him Demetrius vtterly forgetting him self royal estate did not only on his knees pray her to pardō him but also imbrasing her cōueighed her in his armes īto his chamber Myronides the Gretian albeeit hee had made subiect to hym the Kingdome of Boetia yet was hee notwithstanding made subiect with the loue of Numidia his louer Hee enflamed thus with loue of her shee like wise striken with couetous desire of his goods in fine they agreed that hee should geeue her al the spoyle hee had wonne in the warres of Boetia that shee shoold let him lye with her in her house onely one night Annibal made warres seuenteen yeares with the romains in all that time hee was neuer vanquished till that hee was ouercome with the loue of a yong mayden in the City of Capua which prooued a most bitter loue to him sith thereby it happened that where as hee had so many yeares kept in subiection all Italy hee now was made a subiect at home in his own country Plutarke in his booke De republica writeth that Phalaris the tirant woold neuer graunt a man any thing hee desired nether euer denied any thing that a dissolute woman requested No smal but great disorder happened to the comon weale of Rome by the occasion of the Emperor Calligula who gaue but 6000. sexterces onely to repaire the wals of Rome gaue otherwise for surring one gown alone of his lemans a 10000 sexterces By al these exāples aboue resyted wee may easely vnderstād how daungerous a thing it is for the courtier to haue frendship acquaintance with weomen of so vyld a faculty For the woman is of like quality that a knot tyed of cords is which is easely tyed of sundry knots and very hardly afterwards to bee vndoon agayn Heretofore wee haue beesought courtiers the fauored of princes that they shoold not bee so liberall in cōmaunding now once agayn wee pray them to bee ware of fornication adultry for albeeit this sinne of the flesh bee not the greatest in faut yet is it the most daūgerous in fame There is no King prelat nor knight in this world so vicious and dishonest of life but
woold bee glad to haue honest vertuous wel condicioned seruants so that it is impossible therefore for the fauored courtier lyuing dishonestly to contynue any long time in fauor with his prince For wee haue seen many in prynces courts common weales also that haue lost their honor fauor ryches not for any pride they shewed in thē selues nor for Enui that they had nor for any treasure nor riches that they robbed nor for any euel woords that they shoold speak neither for any treason that they cōmitted but only thorough the euill fame that went of them for haūting the cōpany of naughty weomē For weomen bee of the right nature of hedgehogges which without seeing or knowing what they haue in their hart doo not wtstanding draw blood of vs with their pricks And let not any man deceaue him self hoping that if hee do cōmit a fault thorough the flesh that it shall bee kept from the princes ears or that it shall not bee blased abrode in the court For this sinne is of such a quality that though it may bee hidden within curteins yet it cānot bee kept silent with tongues How wise and slye so euer a woman bee yet at all times when shee geeueth eare vnto mens requests euen at that present shee resolueth to impart the whole with some frend of hers For these weomen doo glory more to bee the frend of a courtier then to bee a trew wife vnto their husbands I haue my self seen in princes courts many weomen very hūble courteous piteful pacient charitable wise deuout otherwise maruelous honest yet amongst al these I neuer found any one secret And therefore that a man will haue published to the world let him hardly tell it a woman in great secret I maruell how it shoold come to passe that wee see dayly weomen cary vpon their heads a forrest of heares a coyfe a hood gimmeus hanging at theire eares partless vpon their shoulders smocks on their bodies peticotes gownes kertels hose clokes bardingales hattes cheyns braslets ryngs plumes of fethers in their hands many other trinkets not named all which they cary lightly vpon thē think it no burden and yet they cānot abide in no case to keepe or cary one secret in their brest Alas what pity is it to see these affected courtiers what meanes they vse to winne a ladyes fauor what pleasant purposes discours they put foorth vnto them what bitter sighs they let fal what seruice they offer them what iewels they geeue thē what castels in the ayre they promise thē what sorows they fayn and what lyes they make them beleeue these seely weomen by nature proud foolish are which a few gifts ouercome and with a few flattering woords beguyled Now let this courtier his lady continew this mutual frendship between them one two three fower or fiue years though perhaps not fully these yeares complete neither many months also you shall see in the end vndoubtedly a maruelous breach hate beetwixt them For this amorus courtier that so dearely seemed to loue his lady wil now make court a fresh to others dislyke that heretofore hee loued and fly from her whom erst hee folowed abhorring that hee once delyted in mislyking the tast of those meates that once were sweete pleasant to him and cannot abide her face now whose Image before hee had ingraued in his mynd So if hee before had spent three years seruice in making her his mistris hee spēdeth now six other yeares in the forgetting of her And therfore these noble courtiers beloued of princes must beware they make not these yōg and dishonest loues comō in euery place For the sweete fragrant rose which they seeke to gather continueth scantly one hower but the pricks plagues of the persing thorn resteth hydden in their flesh their whole life time after A mā erreth in nothing more in this world then in taking to his charge a dishonest womā For if hee will bring her with him to the court shee shall shame him put him to an vnreasonable charge besides the burdē of his conscience And if afterwards hee woold put her away frō him shee wil not depart for any thing if hee woold cōpel her to it ere shee depart it wil bee al the court ouer so what thīgs haue past betwixt them two alone in secret shal afterwards bee knowen of euery man abroade And therfore wee haue not causeles told you that it must needes bee a maruelous expence to the courtier to bring his louer with him to the court For hee must always bee at the charges to keepe a page mayd or gentle woman to waight vpō her Hee must cōtent the hostice of his house to lodge her secretly please the marshal to seeme not to know of it the harbinger that hee prepare him a good lodging the page that hee bee diligēt at her hand her self also must haue to liue with al so that the expēce charge hee shal bee at with her must needes farre exceede all the benefits and commodity hee hath by court Beesids that hee may assure him self that this their lewd and fond loue cannot long ēdure neither can care also of her self bee kept secret For either his hostes that lodged her or the bawd that procureth their meeting or the page that bringeth commēdacions messenges beetwixt them or the neighbors that seeth him frequēt the house or the seruant that shal suspect him or the mother that sold her to hym in the end will beewray their secret practise frendship Wherof springeth afterwards disdain frō disdayn to defame eche other so that of extreme louers they were first thei afterwards beecome mortal enemies And therefor the wiuel is not so hurtful to the corne nor the locust to the otes nor the woormes to the vines nor maggots to the fruyt nor the moth to the garments as the woman is to a man that once was his frend now become his enemy For like as in time of her loue shee robbed spoiled him of al his goods so likewise in the time of her hatred she deuoureth al his good fame reputaciō But what shal wee say of that man that cōtenteth not him self with one frēd alone but like an vnsatiable leacher taketh vpō him to keepe an other Truely I cānot tel what to say of this man but that it had been better for hī hee had neuer been borne thē to haue kept cōpany with such vyle cōmon weomē For hee shal neuer appease the first neither with anger nor flattery nor hūble her with presēts nor cā expel her hate with ꝓmises neither please her with cherishing of her much lesse shal ouercōe her with threttes The Occean sea is not so daūgerous nor the sweord of the tyrāt so cruel neither lyghtnyng so sodein nor earthquakes so horrible fearful nor serpēts so venymus as a harlot whē shee dooth but suspect her frend loueth
forsake vs oftentimes some holsome fleshe corrupteth in an euill vessel and good wine sometime fauoreth of the foist I say though that the workes of our life be vertuous yet shal we fele the stench of the weake flesh I spake this Faustine sith that age cannot resist these hot appitites howe can the tender members of youth resist them vnlesse you that are the mother go the right way how should the doughter that foloweth you find it the Romaine matrons if they wil bringe vp their doughters wel oughte to kepe these rules when they se that they would wander abrode that they breake their legges and if they should be gasing then put out their eyes and if they wil lysten stoppe their eares if they wil geue or take cut of their hands if they dare speake sow vp their mouthes if they wyl pretende any lightnes burye them quycke death ought to be geuen to an euyl doughter in stede of her dowry for gyftes geue her wormes and for her house a graue Take hede Faustine if you wil haue much ioy of your doughter take from her the occasions wherby she shal be euyl To vnderset a house behoueth diuers proppes and if the principalles be taken away it wil fal downe I saye you women are so fraile that with kepers with great paine they can keape them selfe and for a smal occasion they wil lose altogether O how many euyl hath there bene not because they would be so but because they folowed such occasions the which they ought to haue eschewed It is at my pleasure to enter into this battaile but yet it is not in my power to attaine the vyctorie it is for me to enter into the sea yet it lyeth not in my handes to escape the peril it is in the hands of a woman to enter into the occasion and after that she is therin it is not in her power to escape from euill to delyuer her from tongues Peraduenture Faustine thou wilt say to me none can speake to your doughter Lucil vnlesse thou hearest it nor se her but thou seest him nor conuey her but thou knowest where nor make any appointment withoute thy consent and yet thou knowest that those whych wil her euyl seke wyth their tongues to dyshonour her and those that with their hartes loue her speake only in their harts We loue in yong bloud in the springing tyme and floryshing youth is a poyson that forthwith spreadeth into euery vaine it is a herbe that entreth into the entrayles a swowning that incontinently mortyfieth al the members and a pestilence that sleeth the harts and finallye it maketh an end of al vertues I know not what I saye but I fele that which I would say for I would neuer blase loue with my tongue except I were sore wounded therwith in my hart Ouide saith in his boke of the art of loue loue is I wot not what it commeth I know not from whence who sent it I wot not it engendreth I know not how it is satisfied I wot not wherwith it is felt I wot not how oft it sleeth I wot not wherfore and finally without breakyng the flesh outwardly loue taketh roote and molesteth the hart inwardly I know not what Ouide meaneth hereby but I trowe when he said these words he was as farre banyshed from him selfe as I am at this tyme from my selfe O Faustine they that loue together vtter the secretes of theyr harts by dyuers wayes and in sleaping they reason speake by sygnes they vnderstand ech other The many words outwardly declare smal loue inwardly and the feruent inward loue kepeth silence outward The entrayles within imbraced with loue cause the tongue outward to be mute he that passeth his lyfe in loue ought to kepe his mouth close And to thintent that ye shal not thinke that I speake fables I wil proue this by auncient histories we find aunciently that in the yere .cclxx. after the foundacion of Rome Etrasco a yong Romaine that was dombe and Verona a fayre Lady of the Latines which was dombe also these two saw ech other on the mount Cel●o at the feastes and ther fel in loue togethers and their hartes were as sore fixed in loue as their tongues were tyde from speach It was a maruailous thing to se then fearful to note now that this yonge lady came from Salon to Rome he went from Rome to Salon sundry times by the space of 30. yeres without the knowledge of any parson and neuer spake together It chaunced at the last that the husband of the lady Verona died the wife of Etrasco also and then they discouered their loue and treated a mariage betwene them And these two dombe parsons had issue a sonne of whom descended the noble linage of our Scipions which were more famous in the feates of armes then their father mother were troubled for want of words Then Faustine marke thys thing it had litle auailed to haue cut out the tongues of the two dombe persons to haue remedyed their loue and not to haue cut out their harts And I shal tel you of Masinissa a worthy knight of Numidie and Sophonissa a famous lady of Carthage al only by one sighte as they sawe eche other on a ladder he declareth his desyre vnto her and shee knowyng hys lust breakynge the oores of feare and lyftyng vp the ankers of shame incontinente raysed the sayles of their hartes and wythe the shippes of their persones they ioyned ech to other here may we see how the first sight of their eyes the knowledge of their parsons the consent of their harts the copulacion of their bodyes the decay of their estates and the losse of their names in one day in one houre in one moment and in one step of a ladder were lost what wil you that I say more to this purpose do you not knowe what Heleyne the Greke and Paris the Troyan of two straunge nacions and of farre countreis with one only sight in a temple their willes wer so knit together that he toke her as his captiue and she abode his prisoner In Paris appeared but smal force and in Heleyne but litle resistence so that in maner those two yong persons the one procuring to vanquyshe and the other suffring to be vanquished Paris was cause of his fathers death and they both of their owne deaths losse to their realmes scaunder to al the world Al this loue grew of one onely sight When great kinge Alexander woulde haue geuen battaile to the Amosones the quene captaine of theym no lesse faire then strong and vertuous came to a riuer side the space of an houre eche of theym behelde an other with their eyes withoute vtteringe of anye worde And when they retourned to their tentes their fiersnes was turned into swete wanton amorous wordes When Pirius the faithfull defender of the Tharrentines and renowmed king of Epirotes was in Italy he came into Naples and had not
is great perill to wise women to be neighbored with foles it is great peril to the shamefast to be with the shameles it is great peril to the chast to be with the adulterers great peril it is for the honorable to be with the defamed for ther is no slaundered woman but thinketh euery one defamed or at the least desireth to haue them so procureth to haue them slaundered or saith they be infamed And in the end to hide their infamy they slaunder al the good It is long sithe I knew you amorous ladies you me If ye speake I speake if you know I know If ye hold your peace I am stil if ye speake openly I wil not talke in secret Thou knowest well Auilma that diddest compasse that iest of me that Eumedes sold caulfes dearer in the butcherie then thou diddest innocent virgins in thy house And thou Toringa knowest wel that before me thou couldest not count all thy louers on thy fingers but didest desire to haue a bushel of peason Thou wottest wel Liuia Fuluia whē thou were thou wottest with whom at Bretus we made agrement with thy husband thou tokest him aside and said vnles I may lie out of my house one night in a weke thou ●hal not lye quietly in thy house thou knowest wel Rotoria that in thy youth thou were two yeres on the sea didest cōpound with the pirate that no woman shold serue the hundered souldiers but thou alone in a galy Thou knowest right wel Enna curtia that when the censor came to take the he found .v. mens apparel the which thou warest in the night season but one womās attire wherwith thou was clothed in the day time Thou knowest wel Pesilana Fabricia that Alluines Metelles thou being maried demaunded openly what thou haddest gotten in his house with thy frends in secret thou knowest wel Camilla not being content wythe thy owne countre folkes thou haddest such resorte and haunte of straungers to the that thou canst speake al languages I wil marke them that haue marked me hurt them that haue hurted me persecute them that haue persecuted me defame them that haue slaundered me al other my penne pardoneth for that they pardoned me in their play Because my letter begon with that ye did to my parson therfore I wil end it with that it knoweth of your good names And thus I conclude that a man maye scape from al daungers in shonning them but from women ther is no way but to fly from them Thus I end and besech the gods that I may se of you that which you would se of me and sith ye be louers I counsaile you as ye haue sent me the play in a mockerie euen so to receiue my aunswere Marke nowe the Rhodian to the amorous Ladyes of Rome ¶ Of a letter sent by Marcus Aurelius to his loue Boemia for that she desired to go with him to the warres Cap. xi MArcus the Romaine pretor being in the warres of Dacia sendeth health to his louing Boemia remainyng in the pleasours of Rome Escapinge from a cruel battaile thy few lynes I red and vnderstode thy large informacion I let the know thou hast astonyed me more then mine enemyes haue feared me and taking thy letter in my hands the herbe of malyce entered into my hart When I temper my body with the delights I thinke my hart fre fro the venyme of thy amours sith I of my wil and thou for want of power haue geuen vs to be fre of our pleasures I thinke as wel to make a deuorce of our sorowes But ye be such ye such I say as are the banishmentes of loue the treasour of grefes The loue of you al ought to be digested with pilles but the passion of one of you wil not be oppressed with all the rubarbe in Alexandria Ye shew your selues cruel to pardon an enemy and euer lyghtly you chaunge your frends I haue curiously made serche whylest delight gouerned my youth yet could I neuer se in a woman stedfastnes nor reasō in their loue nor end in their hate The present wantones quarelleth with my youth passed because thou seest not in me the auncient good wil toward the nor the present seruyce And certainly hearing thy accusacion not my iustificacion thou myghtest pay me as iustly with death as I pay the with forgetfulnes The whych forgetfulnes ought to be as straunge in him that serueth as vngratitude in the lady that is serued Thinkest thou that I haue forgotten the lawe of Venus when I commaunded that the curious louers should exercise their strength in chiualry and occupy their harts in loue more it willeth a man to weare his geare cleanly their feete right their bodies constant their voice soft humble demure modeste of there they ought to haue eyes open alwayes loking vp to the wyndowes their harts ready to fly into the ayer For a trouth my frend Boemia he is a grose louer that hath his wil in captiuity and his iudgment fre The iudgement is of no value where the wil is in thraldome This I say that thou maiest know though my age hath left the exercise yet my vnderstandyng hath not forget the art Thou complainest because I geue my selfe to much quiet and that I haue forgotten the I wil not deny the truth the day of my forgetting maketh the pryuy of my thoughtes And reason the ouerseer declareth that it is not requysite for my grauytie to permyt I should loue nor in thy age to suffer to be beloued The world doth dissemble many things in youth whych in age meriteth greuous corrections The wanton toyes of youth procede of ignoraunce but the vylanies done in age grow of malyce When I walked in nyghtes I ietted the streates I sange ballades I gased to the wyndowes I plaied on the gittornes I scaled the walles I wakened the youth Thinkest thou I wiste what I did in my youth but sith I se my selfe bereued of all my wonted wanton toyes and polished with so many whyte heares clad with so many sorowes either I thinke nowe I was not then or els I dreame nowe not knowing the way I straye in nor seing that stony way ready to stumble in Vnwittingly I haue fallen into the staires not foreseing the wherilpole guidles I entred in the rashenes of my youth I lost me for the which I aske pardon And now that I am out of the briers thou wouldest haue me further in then euer I was Now that I can not take the purgations thou offerest to me the siroppes I haue waked all night and now thou geuest me a fresh alarum By our auncient frendship I pray thee by the gods I coniure thee that sithens my harte is rebell to thy wyl that thy doubtfull wil doe suffer and let alone my wyll out of doubte And because thou shouldest not thinke any vngratitude in my white heere 's as I may in thy young wanton persone I will that we
keapyng their doughters I sweare that there was neyther grape nor cluster but it was either eaten or gathered by the. Thou diddest eate me grene for the which I promise the it hath set thy teeth on edge Thou sayest I was riped by power of heat and straw It greueth me not so much that thou saiest it as that thou geuest me occasion to say to the thy shame is so shamelesse and thy euil so malicious that I cannot make aunswere to thy purpose onlesse I rubbe the on the quycke I aske the when thou mariedst Faustine whether thou foundest them grene or ripe thou knowest wel and so do I also that other gaged the vessel and thou drankest the lyees other had the meate and thou the huskes other did eate them being grene and with the refuge set thy teath on edge O cursed Marke behold how great thy euels are and how the goddes haue iustly punished the that beinge yonge thou couldest not deserue to be beloued of thy louers nor yet now in thy age thy wife kepe her faith to the. For me to be reuenged of thy parson I nede no more but to se the maried to Faustine By the mother Berecinthia I promise the that if thy smal wisedome mighte attaine to know at the ful what they say of the and her in Rome thou wouldest wepe both day and night for the life of Faustine and not leaue the woful Boemia O Marke litle care is taken for the and how farre is our vnderstanding vncoupled from thy thoughtes For through thy great learninge thy house in the day tyme is a schole of philosophers and the wantonnes of thy wife Faustine in the night maketh it a receite of ruffians It is a iust iudgement of the goddes sith that thy malice onely sufficeth to poison many that be good the euilnes onely of one woman shal be enough to spoile and take away thy good renowm One difference ther is betwene the and me and thy Faustine which is that my facts are in suspect and yours done in deed mine be in secret but yours knowen openly I haue but stombled but you haue fallen For one onely fault I deserue punishment but you deserue pardon for none My dishonour dyed with my fact and is buried with my amendmēt but your infamy is borne with your desires nourished with your malices stil with your works Finally your infamy shal neuer dye for you liued neuer wel O Marke malicious with al that thou knowest dost not thou knowe that to dye wel doth couer an euil fame and to make an end of an euyl life doth begin a good fame Thou ceasest not to say euil onely of suspect which thy false iudgements geueth and yet wouldest thou we shold conceale that we se with our eyes Of one thing I am sure that neyther of the nor of Faustine ther are hath bene any false witnes For ther are so many true euilles that ther neadeth no lyes to be inuented Thou saiest it is an old custome with the amorous ladies in Rome though they take of many yet they are the porest of al because we want credite we are honored for siluer It is most certaine that of holly we loke for pricks of acorns huskes of nettels stinginge and of thy mouth malices I haue seriously noted I neuer heard the say wel of any nor I neuer knew any that would the good What greater punishmēt can I desire for thy wickednes nor more vengeaunce for my iniuries then to se al the amorous ladies of Rome discontented with thy life and ioy to thinke on thy death cursed is the man whose life many do bewaile and in whose death euery one doth reioyce It is the propertie of such vnthankeful wretches as thou art to forget the great good done to them to repent that litle they geue How muche the noble harts do reioyce in geuing to other so much they are ashamed to take seruice vnrewarded For in geuing they are lords in taking they become sclaues I aske what it is thou hast geuen me or what thou hast receiued of me I haue aduentured my good fame and geuen thee possession of my persone I haue made thee lord of me and mine I banished me from my countrey I haue put in perill my life In recompence of this thou dost detect me of misery Thou neuer gauest me ought with thy harte nor I toke it with good will nor it euer did me profite As all thinges recouer a name not for the worke we openly see but for the secrete intention with which we worke Euen so thou vnhappy man desirest me not to enioye my parsonne but rather to haue my money We ought not to call thee a cleare louer but rather a thefe a wily persone I had a litle ring of thine I minde to throwe it into the riuer a gowne thou gauest me which I haue burnt And if I thought my body were increased with the bread I did eate of thine I would cut my fleshe being whole let out my bloud without feare O malicious Marke thy obscured malice wyl not suffer thee to vnderstande my cleare letter For I sent not to thee to aske money to relieue my pouertie and solitarines but only to acknowledge satisfie my willing hart Such vayne couetous men as thou are cōtented with giftes but the hartes incarnate in loue are not satisfied with a litle money For loue is rewarded alway with loue The man that loueth not as a mā of reason but like a brute beast the woman that loueth not where she is beloued but onely for the gaine of her body such ought not to be credited in wordes nor their persones to be honored For the loue of her endes when goods faileth and his loue when her beautie decaieth If the beautie of my face did procure thy loue they riches only allured my good wyl it is right that we should not be called wyse louers but rather folishe persons O cursed Marke I neuer loued thee for thy goodes although thou likedst me for that I was faire Then I loued with my hart now I abhorre thee with all my hart Thou saiest the gods vsed great pitie on me to geue me fewe children them many fathers The greatest faulte in women is shameles the greatest villany in men is to be euill sayers Diuers thinges ought to be borne in the weakenes of women which in the wisedome of men are not permitted I say this for that I neuer saw in the tēperance to cloke thine own maliciousnes nor wisedome to shadow the debilitie of others Thou saiest my children haue many fathers but I sweare to thee that the children of Faustine shal not be fatherles although thou die And if the gods as thou saiest haue ben pitifull to my childrē no lesse art thou to straunge children For Faustine kepeth the but to excuse her faultes to be tutor to her children O cursed Marke thou nedest not take thought for
suffrest me to enioye the fruite and geue to whom thou wilt the leaues By the immortal gods I sweare that I marueile not a litle for I thought that in the temple of the virgin Vestalles no temptation could haue come to man But nowe by experience I finde that that woman is easelier ouercome whiche is moste watched then the other that hath honest libertie All bodily diseases be first had or they be knowen and knowen or they be sene and sene or they be felte and felte or they be tasted and so in all thinges except this darte of loue whom they firste feale the stroke thereof before they knowe the waye howe it commeth The lightning commeth not so sodaine but it is knowen before by the thonder The wal falleth not sodeinly but first some stones fall downe The colde commeth not so faste but some small shiuering is sene before onely loue is not felt vntil he hath had power in the entrailes Let them know that are ignoraunt thou lady Liuia if thou wilt know Loue sleapeth when we wake waketh when we slepe laugheth whē we weape wepeth whē we laugh It assureth in taking taketh in assuring it speaketh when we be still is stil when we speake And finally it hath such a cōdition that to geue vs our desire it causeth vs to liue in paine I sweare vnto the whē my wil became thy seruaunt thy beautie made the my mistres when I was at the tēple and there found thee neither thou in thy praier didst mynde me nor I vnhappy man did thinke on thee O vnhappy hart of mine that being whole thou art deuided being in health thou art hurt being aliue thou art killed being mine thou art stolen the worst of al is that thou not helping to my lyfe consentest that death shal assault me Considering many times lady Liuia with my selfe my thoughtes to be high my fortunes base I would haue seperated my selfe from thee but knowing my trauaile to be wel emploied in thy seruice I say though I might I would not be seperated from thee I wil not deny one thing that is the cursed loue taketh away the tast of al thinges in those things only it geueth vs pleasure which are greatly against our profite This is the profe of him that loueth hartely that one frowne of her that he loueth doth more greue him then al the delightes of the rest of his life cā please I deme lady Lyuia thou arte abashed to se me openly as a philopher to know me secretly as a louer I besech thee hartely discouer me not For if the gods graunt me long life I am now a young foole yet in age I will be wyse The gods know what I desire and the force whiche doth enforce me thereunto And as the fleshe is weake the hart tender the occasions many the vertues fewe the world deceitfull the people malicious so I passe this springe time with floures in hope that in haruest I shall haue some fruite Thinkest thou lady Liuia that philosophers be thei neuer so wise are not touched with the sharp dartes of loue and that vnder their course clothes there is not soft fleshe white Certainly amonges hard bones is nourished softe fleshe within the pricking huskes growe the chesse nut I saye that vnder simple attire is the faithful loue I doe not deny but our fraile nature doeth withstande our vertues Nor I deny not but that the wanton desires are repressed with vertuous mindes Nor I deny not but that the rashenes of youth are restrained with the reynes of reason I deny not but many times wisedome doth withstand that that the fleshe procureth yet I confesse that he that is not amorous is a foole And dost not thou know although we be wise we leaue not therfore to be men dost not thou know all that euer we learne in our life suffiseth not to gouerne the fleshe one houre doest not thou know that to wise men in this case hath fallen many errours dost not thou know that there hath bene are many maisters of vertues and much more there are hath bene folowers of vices then why doest thou make suche a wonder only of me I wil not saye it without a trouth that I neuer had my iudgement so good perfite as when Cupide blewe winde on me with his winges There was neuer man vntil my time accompted wise but first he was entangled with Cupides snares Gratian was in loue with Tamira Solon Salaminus the geuer of the lawes was enamored with one Gretian Pittacus Mitelenus left his owne wife was in loue with a bond woman that he brought from the warre Cleobulus when he was .lxxx. yere olde had red philosophy lxv yeres climming vp a ladder to scale his neighbours house fel and of the bruse died Periander prince of Achaia chefe philosopher of Grece at the instaunce of his louers slew his owne wife Anacharsis a Philosopher a Sithian by his father and a Greeke by the mother side loued so dearely a woman of Thebes that he taught her al that he knew in so much that he being sicke on his bed she red for him in the scholes Epimenides of Crete that slept .xv. yeares without waking Although he was agreat worshipper of the Gods yet was he bannished Athens .x. yeres for the louing of women Architus Tarentinus the maister of Plato scholer of Pithagoras occupied his mynd more to inuēt new kinds of loue then to employ his minde to vertues learning Gorgias Leontinus borne in Scycil had mo cōcubines in his house then bookes in his study Al these were wise men we knew them wise yet at th end they were ouercome with the flesh Therfore blame me not alone for as I haue told thee of these few so could I of a whole army For of trouth he ought to haue many thinges that wil be accōpted a curious louer He must haue his eyes displayed on her that he loueth his vnderstanding much altered in that he thinketh his tongue troubled in that he should speake so that in seing he be blind in thinking dismaid in speaking troubled O lady Liuia the louing in mockery passeth by mockery but wheras true loue is there is grefe no mockerie there loue spitteth his poison cruel Cupide fixeth his arrowes vp to the feathers The eies wepe the harte sigheth the fleshe trembleth the senewes doe shrinke the vnderstāding is grosse reason faileth so al falleth to the earth Finally the heauy louer abyding in himselfe holdeth nothing of himselfe Al this I saye because if I want knowledge to make me a louer yet am I sure that the workes faile not in me to worke thy seruice And though by mishap I sawe the yet by good chaunce I knew thee I aske nothing of thee but that thou loue me faithfully sith I loue the vnfainedly And if thou hearest that I am sicke from my hart I desire the to do me some good Sith it is only in the to help me it is reason thou only do seke for remedy I was greatly comforted whē Fulius Carlinus desired me in thy behalfe to doe a pleasure which I did incontinent al that thou desiredst to the intent that thou another day shouldest doe frankly that I desire thee And behold lady Liuia the woman that is serued with seruices it is reason within a whyle she be sued vnto by prayer And though my strength cannot open the gates of the purpose or not agreing to thy demaund yet al my labours slake not to vphold thy renowme I praye the discouer not the one nor beguile me with the other For thou seest in graunting is remedy and in hoping is comfort But promise is deceiuable delayeng is perylous and the entertaining byndeth I se wel that the harty demaund requyreth a long aunswere but I would not thou shouldest do so But as I loue the so loue me as I desire of the so graūt thou me I will say once againe I am all thine nothing mine owne And note lady Liuia that it is as muche honour to thee as profitable for me that thou chaunge these thy desires put in order thy disordered will For thou seest it is muche better to heale shortly then to late with failing thy purpose All women obserue one euill opinion that is ye neuer receiue councel although it be geuen you in neuer so waighty a case And if it be not so then because thou arte estemed beautiful be likewyse honoured for taking of good counsel In this sorte though my losse be much thy pacience litle yet shall they accompt me wise in geuing counsel the most happy to folowe it One thing I will say to thee pardon me therin Women be much defamed in that they wil take no councel such as do assure their renowme so much on the iudgement of others as they condemne wel doing before I thinke good if it so like thee would if thou wilt that thou should doe in all pointes as I haue counsayled thee I will say no more lady Liuia but that I doe present to thee all my vnfortunate troubles my sighes as a desperate man my seruice as thy seruaūt my troubled griefes my wordes of philosophy and my teares as a louer I sende thee here a girdle of golde on condition that thou alwayes fixe thy eies on that and thy harte on me I pray the gods geue me to thee thee to me Marke the open Philosopher wrote this in great secreate FINIS