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A81235 Correction, instruction or, a treatise of afflictions: first conceived by way of private meditations: afterward digested into certain sermons, preach'd at Aldermanbury. And now published for the help and comfort of humble suffering Christians. By Tho. Case, M.A. sometimes student of Ch. Ch. Oxon. now preacher of the Gospel in London. Case, Thomas, 1598-1682. 1652 (1652) Wing C824; Thomason E1329_1; ESTC R209098 113,561 301

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be none to deliver A fifth branch of Information may be to teach us thus much sc 5 Branch Informat They may be blessed whom the world judgeth miserable That they may be blessed whom the world accounts miserabl The World judgeth meerly by outward appearances and therefore may easily be mistaken They see the chastisement which is upon the flesh and thence conclude a man miserable but they cannot discover that divine teaching which is upon the spirit which truly rendereth him incomparably blessed The men of the world are incompetent judges of the estate and condition of Gods Children The godly mans happiness or misery is not to be judged by the worlds sense and feeling Nemo aliorum sensu mis●r est s●a suo Salv. de gub Dei lib. 1. but by his own it lieth inward save onely so far as by the fruits it is discernable and the worlds faculty of judging is onely outward made up of sense and reason therefore said the Apostle The spiritual man judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man that is he is able to judg of the condition of the men of the world but the men of the world are not able to judg of his condition because it is above their faculty the natural man thinks the spiritual man under affliction to be miserable but the spiritual man knows the natural man in the midst of his greatest abundance and bravery to be miserable indeed Therefore may the Saints in their troubles think it with Saint Paul 1 Cor. 4 3 a very small thing to be judged of mans judgment This is but * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of mans day mans day of judging so the word signifieth Gods day is coming when things and persons shall be valued by another census or rate Christ in his day shall judg not after the sight of the eyes i.e. not as things appear to sense and reason nor after the hearing of the ears i. e. according to the report of the world but with righteousness shall he judg i. e. He shall judg of things and persons as they are and not as they appear Interim this is also another comfort We have the mind of Christ 1 Cor. 2. last 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the judgment of Christ by vertue whereof we are enabled in our measure to judg of things and persons as Christ himself judgeth A sixth branch of Information 6 Branch Inso●m To shew the wisdom power and goodness of God Is Chastisement a blessing when accompanyed with Instruction See then and admire the Wisdom Power and Goodness of God who can make his people better by their sufferings Who knows how to ferch oyl out of the scorpion to extract gold out of clay to draw the ●ichest wine out of gall and wormwood that can turn the greatest evil of the body to the greatest good of the Soul the Curse it self into a Blessing that can make the withered rod of affliction to bad Isai 27.9 yea to bring forth the peaceable fruits of righteousness to them that are exercised thereby Behold I shew you a mystery Sin brought Affliction INTO the world and God makes * By this shal the iniquity of Iacob be purged and this is all the fruit to take away his sin Affliction to carry sin OUT of the world Persecution is but the pruning Christs Vine c. The Almond tree is made fruitful by driving nails into it Iust Martyr in Apol. letting out a noxious gum that hindereth the fruitfulness thereof God never intendeth more good to his children then when he seems to deal most severely with them Patrium habet Deus adversus bonos viros animum illos fortiter amat Sen. Our tonis viris mala accidant The very Heathen hath observed it to us God doth not love his children with a weak womanish affection but with a strong masculine love and had rather they suffer hardship then perish Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth God will rather fetch blood then lose a Soul break Ephraims bones then suffer him to go on in the frowardness of his heart Destroy the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus 1 Cor. 11 32 V●ribus res disposita est lugea mus itaque dum Ethnici gaudent ut cumlagere caeperint gaudeamus c. Terr l. de spectic c. 28 7 Branch Inform. Sufferings not dreadful as Nature apprehends We are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world His Discipline is made up of severity and love he doth chastise but he will teach also that so his children may inherit the blessing the discipline is sharp but the end is sweet Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless his holy Name Bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his benefits Seventhly It shews us That a suffering condition is not so formidable a thing as flesh and blood doth represent it It is ignorance and unbelief which slandereth the Dispensations of God and casteth reproach upon the Cross of Christ He that heard the words of God which saw the vision of the Almighty having his eyes opened could by way of holy triumph ask this qu●stion Why should I fear in the days of evil Psal 49.5 q. d. what is there in an afflicted estate so much to be dreaded let any man shew me a reason and I will give way to fear and despondency And that is more observable which follows When the iniquity of my heels shall compass me about This is an addition of the greatest weight and wonder imaginable the meaning is when my transgressions pursue me so close that they even tread upon my heels as it were when sin it self hath brought me into the snare when God is correcting me for my iniquities why truly Christians that 's the thing which a child of God doth most of all tremble at to consider that he hath sin'd himself into a suffering condition In sufferings purely Evangelical viz. persecution for righteousness sake a gracious heart can see many times more cause of rejoycing then of perplexity 1 Pet. 4.13 16 Phil. 1.29 and look upon them as a gift rather then an imposition but afflictions and miseries which sin brings upon a man seem to be judicial and penal and carry a face of wrath rather then of love I but observe it even in these the Psalm●st can see no just cause of fear Wherefore should I fear in the days of evil when the iniquity of my heels shall compass me about See when sin and sorrows besiege him on every side he is fearless and knows no reason to the contrary unless any one can tell him what it is How so surely upon the same account in my Text because David had a God that could teach as well as chastise and therefore though sin were as poyson in his cup of
can heal our malady Pray thus for all your friends who are or have been in the furnace of affliction pray that they may come forth as gold purified seven times in the fire that they may lose nothing there but their rust Pray Lord what they see not teach them and if they have done wickedly let them do so no more One great use which Christians should make of reading the Scripture is to learn from thence the language of prayer And oh that the professors of this age would in this particular learn what to pray and how to pray for their brethren in tribulation O that they would censure less and pray more and in stead of speaking one of another speak more one to another and one for another that was the good old way Mal. 3.16 THEN they that feared the Lord spake often one To another But oh the tender praying healing restoring SPIRIT is departed and if Christians stir not up themselves to call it back again it is a sad presage that God is departing too Hos 9.12 and wo unto us when God departeth from us We are like water spilt upon the ground that cannot be gathered up again We judg before we enquire and reject before we admonish Our Brethren upon vain surmises are to us as Heathens and Publicans before we have been to them as Christians and fellow-members And this we think becometh us and we take a kind of pride and contentment in it But oh to inform to convince Gal. 6.1 Mat. 18.15 16 17. to exhort to pray to put the bone if out in joynt again this were done like the Disciples of Christ Violentia Sancta obtabilis rapina to shew our selves Christians indeed Professors not of the letter but of the Spirit and would gain our Brethren in stead of blasting them Consider what I say and the Lord give you a right understanding in all things And thus much for such as are come out of affliction and find that it hath been through free grace a teaching affliction But now secondly Exhort to them that have been corrected but not instructed To such as cannot evidence to their own Souls that chastening hath been accompanied with divine teaching in any Gospel-proportion or at least are not deeply sensible of the want of it here is a word of Exhortation for them suffer it I beseech you Roul your selves in the dust before the Lord smite upon your thigh sigh with the breaking of your loyns and cry out with Ephraim Thou hast chastised me Reader excuse the frequent use of this Scripture Ier. 31.18 Nunquam satis dicitur quod nunquam satis discitur that cannot be too often spoken which cannot be sufficiently learned Sen. Epist Hosea 9.11 Psal 58.8 and I was chastised as a Bullock unaccustomed to the yoke I have felt the blows of God but that is all I have received no more instruction by all my correction then a brute beast or if I had I have quickly lost it it is fled like a bird from the birth and from the womb and from the conception It is like the untimely fruit of a woman that never saw the Sun Truly thou hast cause to sit down and even wish for thy affliction again God had put himself into thy hands as it were and thou hast let him go without THE Blessing the blessing of saving Instruction how mayst thou even wish I say O that I were in prison again in my sick bed again in banishment again et sic in caet However humble thy self greatly before the Lord and wrestle mightily for the AFTER TEACHINGS of God upon thy heart pray Turn me Lord and I shall be turned for thou art the Lord my God what affliction hath not done Lord do thou set Omnipotency on work and it shall be done turn me and I SHALL BE turned that so thy Soul may yet speak to the praise of free grace AFTER that I returned I repented Ier. 31.19 and AFTER that I was instructed I smote upon the thigh I was ashamed yea even confounded because I did bear the reproach of my youth Urge the Lord as Sampson did after his victory Judg. 15.18 Thou hast given this great deliverance into the hand of thy servant and shall I now dye for thirst and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised Say thou Lord thou hast given thy servant this great deliverance from danger and death and shall I now perish for want of teaching and go down to Hell among the uncircumcised TEACH me thy way Psal 86.11 O Lord I will walk in thy truth Vnite my heart to fear thy Name TEACH me to do thy will Psa 143 10 for thou art my God thy Spirit is good lead me into the Land of uprightness In a word desire the Lord that He would do all the work and then take all the glory Say Lord teach me as well as deliver me and I shall be blessed The four●h and last Branch of Exhortation is to Parents and Governors To exhort them in the Education of their Children to imitate God Exhortat to Parents and that in two things 1. In affording their children due correction 2. To Correction to add Instruction First 1. Exhort Withhold not due correction Prov. 19.18 Afford your Children due correction It is the counsel of the Holy Ghost CHASTEN thy son while there is hope and let not thy Soul spare for his crying Behold God counselleth you that are Parents or in stead of Parents to do with your children as He doth with his wisely to use the discipline of the rod before vicious dispositions grow into habits and folly be so deeply rooted Pro. 22 15 Mr Trapp in his Comment on Prov. in locum that the Rod of Correction will not drive it out Error and folly saith one very well be the knots of Satan wherewith he ties children to the stake to be burnt in Hell and these knots are easiliest cut betimes or if you should make the child bleed in cutting of them let it not cause you to withdraw your hand for so it followeth Chasten thy son c. and let not thy Soul spare for his crying It is not only foolish but cruel pity to forbear correction for a few childish tears to suffer the child to howl in Hell for sin father then to sh●d a few tears for the preventing of it Foolish fathers and mothers call this love but the Father of spirits calls it hatred He that spareth the rod Hateth his son Prov. 13.24 Surely there is nothing so ill spared as that whereby the child is spoiled such sparing is hatred and because you hate your children in not correcting of them they come afterward to hate you by not correcting of them But that is not all * Valde inutili●●er valdc perniciose sentiet filius patris lenitatem ut postea juste sentiat Dei severitatem Aug. in Psa 50. Ad interficiendum Pagn deriving the
have layd the foundation of their own forrows their childrens ruine and the desolation of the Nation in the looseness and delicacy of their education and yet are not sensible of it to this day We have not corrected our children and therefore God is correcting us in our children We * God makes our children our rods because we have withheld the rod from them We gave them too much rest and therefore they give us none Pro. 29 17 Levit. 26 have not cross'd them in their wills and therefore God doth cross us in our wills We have walked even in this point exceedingly contrary to God and to his Discipline and therefore God is walking contrary to us and is punishing us seven times more for this iniquity And therefore Oh that Parents would at length awaken themselves to follow both the pattern and precept of their heavenly Father who as he correcteth whom he loveth so he commands them to correct Melius est perire in virga patris quam in blandimentis perire praedonis if they love their children Withhold not correction from the child for if thou correct him with the Rod he shall not dye If the Rod draw blood should need be it is ad salutem it is as the Physician deals with them to prevent a feaver a feaver of boyling passions here and of boyling fire and brimstone hereafter it is to cure not to kill yea thou killest if thou dost not wound and therfore again I say withhold it not Give the rod unto thy childe and he will one day give thee thanks for it Yea it is worth observation that the same word in the original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is translated withhold signifieth also to forbid meeting with another distemper in Parents who as they will not correct their children themselves so also they forbid others to correct them under whose tuition they put them As if they were afraid their children would not have sin enough here nor hell enough hereafter they lay in Caveats against the means which God hath sanctified for their reclaiming What tears of blood are sufficient to bewail this folly You that are godly-wise and wisely-loving take heed of it and when you commit your children to others hands do not in the mean while hold their hands if thou judgest them not wise why dost thou chuse them if thou chuse them why dost thou not trust them Well then if the rod be in thine own hand withhold it not if in thy friends hand forbid it not Certainly there is great need of this duty which the Spirit of God doth frequently inculcate all along the Proverbs I will conclude this branch of the Exhortation with inverting the Counsel of our Saviour In this sence be ye not merciful that you may be the children of your heavenly Father Mat. 5.44 45 for whom he loveth he correcteth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth Go thou and do likewise and this shall be your mercy and love to your children He that spareth the rod hateth his son Pro. 13.24 but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes Secondly 2 Exhort Add Instruction to Correction You that are Parents or in stead of Parents If you would have your children happy Add Instruction to correction imitate God in this part of patternal Discipline also let Chastisement and Instruction go together It is that which the Holy Ghost urgeth upon you Bring them up in the NURTURE and ADMONITION of the Lord Eph. 6.4 There be two words relating to both these Parental duties 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in * Qua Pater erudit filium Bez. castigatione in the Chastisement or Correction and it is added of the Lord that is either in the Chastisement wherewith the Lord exerciseth his children or in the Chastisement which the Lord commandeth earthly Parents to exercise towards their children this is the first duty of which already And then there is another word which holdeth forth the end and design of Parental Correction and that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Monitis ex verbo Dei petitis sive sanctis Deo acceptis Bez. in the Admonition and Instruction of the Lord i. e. in Counsels and Instructions taken out of the Word of God or such as are approved of by God The sum is this That while we chasten the flesh Proprie fignificat admonitionem non simpliciter sed talem qualem in mentem pueri ponas ingerasquae sunt illi ad salutem necessaria Zanch. in loc we should labor to inform and form the minde and spirit by infusing right principles pressing and urging upon their tender hearts counsel reproof and instruction as the matter requireth This is the duty of Parents to imitate God to let Instruction expound Correction and with a rod in the hand and a word in the mouth to train up their children to life eternal A dumb rod is but a brutish Discipline and will leave the child as brutish as it found him Chastisement without teaching may sooner break the bones then the heart it may mortifie the flesh but not corruption extinguish nature but never beget grace But the Rod and REPROOF give wisdom Pro. 29.15 Instruction added to Correction as it makes excellent Christians so it makes good Children There be Parents that are severe and curst enough to their children they spare for no blows in stead of breaking them of their wills by a wise and moderate correction they are ready to break their bones and their necks too sometimes in their moods and passions But they never minde the other branch of Paternal Discipline sc Instruction and Admonition of such Parents I suppose the Apostle speaketh Heb. 12.9 10. We have had Fathers of our flesh who corrected and chastened us after THEIR OVVN PLEASURE He speaketh not of all Parents but his meaning is there be such men and women in the world who are most unlike to God and in smiting their children rather please themselves then profit their children He for our profit but they after their own pleasure to give vent to their passion and satisfie their vindictive rage and fury and when is that truly when the Rod and Reproof do not go together it is an argument there is more passion then judgment more lust then love in such chastisements Such Parents do rather betray their own folly then take a course to make their children wise Schola Crucis Schola Lucis The Rod and Reproof give wisdom neither alone will do it the Rod without Reproof will harden the heart and teach the children sooner to hate the Parent then to hate sin Absque afflictione nulli utilia discunt and Reproof without the Rod will leave no impression Reproofs of instruction are the way of life Pro 6.23 or Corrections of instruction a lesson set on with a whiping is best remembred It is divine truth that must be the instrument of working saving grace
whom it was pen'd Probably by David when himself and the rest of the Godly Party were under a ●ore and bitter persecution by * Non est dubium quin de oppressoribus domest●cis ●●quatur quorum iniqua dominatio non minus Sanctis infesto molista erat quam omnes Gentium injuriae Calv. in loc Presertim ad regnum Saulis sanguinolentum ac violentum referri potest Musc in loc Saul and others of that bloody and hypocritical faction that bare sway under him Briefly In the Psalm the Prophet doth these three things 1. He doth appeal to God for vengeance on the persecutors describing them by their pride v. 2. Prophaneness v. 3 4. their intemperate virulency of speech v. 4. Cruelty and bloody practises v. 5 6. and lastly by their Atheisticall security v. 7. 2. He diverteth to the Enemies endeavouring to convince them of the bruitishness and folly of their Atheism the Mother and Nurse of the other impieties charged on them v. 8. and that by a threefold Argument sc 1. The power and skill of God in creating the hearing and seeing Organ in Man v. 9. 2. The Soveraignty of God and the Righteousness of his Judgments which he executes in the world v. 10. the former part 3. His Wisdome and knowledge in enduing man with such an excellent intellectual faculty whereby even the creature it self is able to attain to admirable degrees of knowledge v. 10. latter part and 11. 3. He labours to comfort the godly against all the pressures and persecutions under which they did groan and languish The first Argument which the Psalmist useth to this purpose is in the Text. sc The sweet fruit which is to be gathered from the bitter root of affliction which being accompanyed with divine instruction is no longer to be esteemed a punishment but a blessing Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest O Lord and teachest him out of thy Law This being the subject I intend to insist upon I shall without any more ado contract it into this Doctrinal point of Observation sc That man is a blessed man Doct. whose Chastisements are joyn'd with Divine Teachings or It is a blessed thing when Correction and instruction go together The Rod and the Word make up a compleat blessing I shall take chastisements here in the utmost latitude for all kindes and degrees of sufferings whether from God or Man or Satan whether sufferings for Sin or sufferings for Righteousness sake And for the Doctrinal part of the Point I shall endeavor these four things 1. To shew you what those Lessons are which God doth teach his people by his chastisements 2. What the Nature and Properties of Divine Teachings are 3. In what tendency Correction lyeth in Order unto these teachings or what Use God doth make of Affliction for the carrying on of the Work of instruction in the hearts of his People 4. I shall lay down the Grounds and Demonstrations of the Point or Considerations to evince the happiness of that man whom God is pleased to teach by his Corrections I begin with the Lessons which God doth usually teach his people in a suffering condition Amongst many which may fall within the experience of the suffering Saints of God I shall observe unto you twenty severall Lessons Cant. 6.6 most whereof like the teeth of the Spouse you shall see will bear twins or if any of them should fail the rest will more then make up the account which when I have presented at large 20 Lessons which God teacheth by affliction I shall then contract into three summary and comprehensive Instructions which will contain the substance of all The first Lesson which God teacheth by Affliction is 1. Lesson-Compassion towards sufferers Compassion towards them which are in a suffering condition Truly we are very prone to be insensible of our Brethrens sufferings when we our selves are at ease in Zion Partly by reason of that sensuality which is in our natures reigning in carnal men and dwelling even in the regenerate themselves whereby we let out our hearts so inordinately to our own comforts as to quench the tenderness and sense which we ought to have of the miseries and hardships of other men Partly out of the delicacy of self-self-love which makes us unwilling to sowre the rellish of our own sweet fruitions with the bitter taste of strangers afflictions Partly through sluggishness and torpor of spirit which makes us unwilling to rise up from the bed of ease and pleasure to travel in the enquiry of the state of our Brethren either abroad or at home so that as the Apostle saith in another case we are willingly ignorant and are not only strangers but are content to be strangers to their miseries and calamities One way or other even Christians themselves and such as are truly so called are more or less guilty of the sin of the Gentiles Rom. 1.31 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without natural affection unmerciful without bowels without compassion Hence you may find that it was one of the errands upon which God sent Israel into Egypt that in the brick-kills there their hard hearts might be softened and melted into compassion towards strangers and captives Therefore when God had turn'd their Captivity that was one of the first lessons of which he puts them in mind Thou shalt not oppress a stranger there 's the duty which though negatively exprest yet according to the Rule of interpreting the Commandments doth include all the affirmative duties of mercy and compassion and the motive follows for you know the heart of a stranger How came they to know it seeing ye were strangers in the Land of Egypt As if God had said I sent you on purpose into Egypt that by the experience of your own sufferings and miseries you might learn as long as you live to lay to heart the anguish and agonies of strangers and captives that whensoever you see a stranger in your habitations you may say O here is a poor Sojourner an Exile I will surely have mercy upon him and shew him kindness for I my self have been a stranger and a bondslave in Egypt I know by experience what a fearful trembling bleeding heart he carrieth in his bosom c. And upon this very account God still brings variety of afflictions and sorrows upon his own children he suffereth them to be plundered banished imprisoned reduced to great extremities that by their own experience they may learn to draw out their bowels towards such objects of pity that they might say within themselves I know the heart of this afflicted Soul I know what it is to be plundered to be rich one day and the very next day to be stript naked of all ones comforts and accommodations I know what it is to hear poor hunger-starved children cry for bread and there is none to give them I know what it is to be banisht from dearest relations to be like arms
of the ungodly but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night Psa 1● 1 2 But what through distraction without and distemper within the children of God many times grow strangers to their Bibles they suffer diversions to interpose between the word and their hearts and as they pray arbitrarily so they read arbitrarily and suffer their Bibles to ly by the walls while they are taken up with other entertainments in the world and therefore God is forced to deal with them as we do with our children to whip them to their books by the rod of correction It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statutes When they are cast out by the world then they can run to the World Psal 119.23 Princes did sit and speak against me i. e. they sat in Councel to take away his life that they might condemn him as a traitor against Saul and what did he in the mean time it follows but thy servant did meditate in thy Statutes Ver. 161. And again Princes have persecuted me without a cause but my heart standeth in aw of thy word While the persecutors are consulting with the oracles of hell to sin against David David is consulting with the oracles of heaven that he might not sin against God My heart standeth in awe of thy Word while they sinned and feared not David fears and sins not 2. They learn by affliction to understand the Word more clearly As it was with the Disciples in reference to Christ his Resurrection the Resurrection of Christ was a lively Comment upon the Prophecies of Christ Ioh. 12.16 These things understood not his Disciples at the first but when Jesus was glorified then remembred they these things i. e. they remembred them understandingly they remembred them beleevingly they knew what they meant So it is with the people of God many times in reference to affliction the Rod expounds the Word Providence sometimes interprets the Promise The children of God had never understood some Scriptures had not God sent them into the School of affliction then they can remember how it is written c. they can bring Gods Word and Gods Works together 3. Affliction makes them relish the Word more sweetly In prosperity many times we suffer the luscious contentments of the world so to distemper our palates that we cannot relish the Word taste no more sweetness in it then in the white of an egg as Job speaks in another case but when God hath kept them for weeks months and years it may be fasting from the worlds dainties when they are throughly hunger-bitten in the creature then How sweet are thy words to my taste Psalm 119 103 sweeter then honey to my mouth They are the words which David spake in his affliction witness Vers 23. cum 24. Princes did sit and speak against me but thy servant did meditate in thy Statutes and what follows thy Testimonies are my delight And vers 161. with 162. Princes have persecuted me without a cause c. I rejoyce at thy Word as one that findeth great spoyl The Rod did sweeten the Word It is my delight my joy a nest of sweetnesses Prov. 27.7 The full Soul loatheth the Honey-comb When we are fill'd with Creature-comforts we nauseate many times the very Word it self which is sweeter then the honey or honey-comb but to the hungry Soul every bitter thing is sweet Let God famish the world round about us then how cordial is Scripture-consolation How precious are the Promises Oh said a gracious woman reduced to great straits I have made many a meals meat upon the Promises when I have wanted bread The Word is never so sweet as when the world is most bitter and therefore doth God lay mustard upon the teats of the world that we might go to the brests of the Word and there suck and be satisfied with the milk of consolation Isai 66 11 This is my comfort in my affliction Ps 119.50 for thy Word hath quickened me Blessed be God for that Correction which sweetens the Word unto us 8 Lesson The need of sound Evidence for Heaven Eightly God by bringing his people into troubles especially if lifethreatening dangers doth shew them the necessity of sound evidence for Heaven and Happiness Alass with what easie and slight evidences do we often content our selves in the time of our prosperity when the Candle of the Almighty doth shine in our Tabernacles when all is peace and quiet round about us The heart being taken up with other fruitions we want either time or will to pursue the tryal of our own estates People minde onely what will serve their turn for the present and quiet their hearts that they may follow their pleasures and profits with the less regret and therefore to save themselves a labor they take that for evidence which the sluggish carnal heart wisheth were so But now in the hour of temptation fig-leaves will cover nakedness no longer nothing will serve the turn but what will be able to stand before God and endure the tryal of fire in the day of Christ Oh then one clear and unquestionable evidence of interest in Christ and the of love of God wil be worth ten thousand worlds Shadows and appearances of grace will vanish before the Searcher of hearts It must be perfect love that will cast out fear 1. Iohn 4 17 Truth and soundness of grace onely can give boldness in the day of Judgment Ah what idle and deceitful hearts have we in the midst of us that can take up with loose conjectures go to the Word and Sacrament with these evidences upon which we dare not venture to dye And yet good and upright is the Lord that will teach sinners his way Psal 25 8 that by the thunder-claps of his righteous judgments will awaken the vain creature out of these foolish dreams in which if they should dye they were undone for ever Well let us be still urging and pressing this question upon our own Souls Will this faith save me when I come to stand before the Throne of the Lamb Will this Love give me boldness in the Day of Judgment Will this Evidence serve my turn when I come to dye Oh Christians let us be afraid to lie down with that Evidence in our beds wherewith we dare not lie down in our graves 9 Lesson What an evil thing it is to grieve the Spirit A ninth is this In the time of our trouble God causeth us to see what an evil and a bitter thing it is to grieve the good Spirit of God When we are in the bitterness of our spirits and want the Comforter then we begin to call to minde how oft we have grieved the Spirit which would have been a Comforter to us and have sealed us up to the day of Redemption and say within our selves in reference to
later the convinced soul sees sin a greater evil then affliction whatever it be and now as it were forgetting the affliction begins to mourn only for sin Iob. 7.20 crying out with holy Job in the dust I have sinned what shall I do unto thee O thou preserver of men he saith not my substance is spoiled my Children destroyed my body is become a Spittle of loathsom Diseases and my self a terror to my self and standers by what wilt thou do unto me O thou preserver of men but I have sinned what shall I do unto thee c. Affliction led him to sin Correction was made conviction and sin now lyeth heavier upon him then all his sufferings This is the first comprehensive Lesson The second followeth sc 2. Comprehensive Lesson The emptiness of the Creature In our prosperity we stick in the Creature The emptiness of the world and dote upon the Creature the things and persons in this present world as if there our happiness and comfort were bound up but in the day of adversity God convinceth us of our mistakes by causing us to see the emptiness and vanity of all sublunary contentments we begin to find the world to be but guilded emptiness a meer nothing Then ask the soul what it thinks of the World and all the elements thereof the lusts of the flesh the lusts of the eyes and the pride of life as the Apostle sorts them which formerly did so glitter in its eyes Isa 40.6 and the answer will be with the Prophet all flesh is grass and all the goodliness thereof as the flower of the field vanity of vanities all is vanity The afflicteth soul saith of all Creature-excellency It is not it looks upon them as so many non-entities Prov. 23 5 so many Nots Not that which it seems Not that which is promiseth Not that which we expect and flatter our selves with Riches profit not in the day of wrath Prov. 11 4 Whatsoever it is that a man makes his riches whether friend or wealth or parts or Creature-interest whatsoever they profit not i. e. they cannot deliver out of the hands either of death or judgment And besides the soul finds by experience the unsutableness and dissatisfaction that is in all these seen things that there is no proportion between an invisible soul and visible comforts Fulgentins triumphos Romanos cum spectarit appellavit vanitem Author vitae apud Sur. procop l. 2. de bello Vand. between an immortal soul and perishing contentments between a spiritual being and an earthly portion that the winde which a man takes in by gaping will as soon fill an hungry belly as Creature-comforts will satisfie the Spirit In the hour of temptation the soul says miserable comforters are ye all Physicians of no value upon which a man may bestow all that he hath in expectation of a cure and find himself no whit better but rather worse surely the world in all its bravery is to the afflicted soul no better then the Cities which Solomon gave to Hiram which he called Cabul that is to say displeasing or dirty 1 King 9.13 the day of affliction is one of those days wherein men cast away their Idols of silver and their Idols of Gold Isa 2.20 which they made each one for himself to worship Abite hinc Abite Ion ge Phil Morn to the Moles and to the Bats and saith unto them with indignation Get ye hence 3. 3 Summary Lesson Fulness of Christ And lastly in the day of affliction God discovers to the soul the fulness of Jesus Christ There is an infinite fulness in Jesus Christ It pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell Colos 1.19 The Covenant of grace is suted to all the exigencies and indigencies of a poor undone convinced sinner 2 Sam. 23.5 it is ordered in all things In opposition to the power of corruption in the heart I will put saith God my Law in their inward parts Ier. 31 33 34. c. In opposition to error and ignorance in the understanding they shall all know me c. In opposition to Guilt I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more And the Offices of Jesus Christ are suted to all the branches of the Covenant In order to the first branch I will write my Law in their hearts c. Behold Jesus Christ is a King In order to the second they shall all know me c. behold Jesus Christ is a Prophet and in order to the third I will forgive their iniquities behold Jesus Christ is a Priest The Offices of Christ fill and execute the Covenant of grace and the fulnes of God fills acts the Offices of Jesus Christ the Power of God and the fulness of Power his Kingly Office The wisdom of God and the fulness of wisdom his prophetical Office The Righteousness of God and the fulness of Righteousness Psal 45.7 his priestly Office this is that which the Psalmist celebrateth in that Song of Loves God hath anointed thee with the Oyl of gladnes ABOVE TH● FELLOWS never King was anointed with such power never Prophet with such wisdom never Priest with such Grace and Righteousness they had their stinted proportions but God gave not the spirit by measure unto HIM Ioh. 3 34. Colos 2 9 In him dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily It is not less then an infinite fulness which fills Jesus Christ as Mediator that we of his fulness might receive grace for grace But we are not always in a capacity either to receive or to see that fulness And the reason is because in our prosperity we fill our selves so with the World Intus eaistens prohibet ●lienum covenda sunt isla●b lectamenta tanquam laquei et plagae c. Lactan. divin Inst l. 6. c. 21. Isa 53 2. with the pleasures and profits of the World that it fares with Christ now as it did when he was born there is no room for him in the Inn while the World glitters in our eyes with her painted gaudery he hath no form nor COMLINES and when we see him there is no beauty that we should desire him we are very prone to love the World for the World terminate our affections in the Creature and do not use terrene comforts in that way Minus te amat Domine qui at liquid amat quod non preter te amat In licitis perimus engies and to that end that we might thereby be the more fitted to walk with God and when our desires are such the more they are the lefs are our delights in Jesus Christ this is our sin and folly that we do not fear the unlawful use of unlawful things nor see where the snare lieth to inveagle those affections to the Creature which are only due to God himself and a great reproach it is to Jesus Christ But now when God spreads
hath no power to live the truths he knows Covenant-teachings convey strength as well as light and do what they teach Isa 8.11.12 The Lord spake to me with a strong hand and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people saying say ye not a confederacy to them who say a confederacy neither fear ye their fear nor be afraid sanctifie the Lord of Hosts himself c. It is a most sweet and comfortable Scripture and that in two respects 1. In respect of what it implieth 2. In respect of what it expresseth First it implieth thus much sc that even the Holy Prophet himself had no small combate and conflict within himself what to do in such a juncture of time as that was when it was told the house of David Chap 7.8 saying Syria is confederate with Ephraim that is that both those Kingdoms had made a League together and were now upon their march with their combined forces to make War against the House of David it was sad news and the Text saith The heart of Ahaz and the heart of the people was moved as the Trees of the Wood are moved with the Wind i. e. They were terribly afraid even ready to die for fear and in that fear abundance of the people fell off to the enemy and engaged with them as it is intimated Chap. 86. They refuse the waters of Shiloh that go softly i. e. they lookt upon the forces of Jerusalem as poor and inconsiderable C●m su●n pa●citatem tenuitatem i●tu●bantar trepidaba●t c. putabant se tutis●im●s sore si tam poten● ipsis R●x contigiss●t quam Isralitis e Calv. in loc no ways able to oppose and engage so potent an adversary as came against them and so deserted their own party and rejoyced in Rezin and Remaliah's Son they rejoyced in them i.e. to cover their defection from their true Soveraign they cryed up the invaders as their best friends who cam to rescue them from the tyranny oppression of Ahaz And it seems the Prophet Isaiah himself was surprized with fear too for a time and began to dispute the matter within himself whither it were not best for him to strike in with the stronger side and to engage in the confederacy with those two Princes as the multitude did there wanting not probably fair and specious pretences to justifie that defection It seems I say that the Prophet had a sore temptation upon his spirit about this matter and was even ready to determine the question on the affirmative till God came in and instructed him c. And that is the second thing the comfort exprest in these words while the Prophet was thus conflicting and fluctuating in his own thoughts God came in and by strength of hand rebuked his Fears silenc'd his Objections quieted his spirit determined the dispute and instructed him what course to take which was not to comply but to beleeve to study duty and leave safety with God fear not their fear nor be afraid sanctifie the Lord of Hosts himself c. Power went forth with instruction taught him what to do and enabled him to do what it taught Blessed be God who hath an Hand to teach his people with as well as a mouth an Hand of power as well as a mouth of instruction had it not been for this the Prophet himself had been certainly carried down the torrent of that apostacy as well as others And there is caution in this instance as well as comfort in reference to our selves and our Brethren and that is in case of surprise by some suddain gusts of fear and temptation not rashly to judg our selves or our Brethren but wisely and calmly to consider 1 Cor. 10.13 it is no other temptation then what is common to man yea to the best of men Iob and David and Ieremiah and Habbakkuk and Peter and here Isaiah were all nonplust and staggerd for a time and recovered only by a powerful word from Heaven and therefore in such cases it becoms Christians to pity rather then to insult and to study to heal rather then to reject Gal. 6.1 considering themselves lest they also be tempted This is the priviledg of the Children of promise strength goeth out from the Covenant with instruction the Lord who commandeth light to shine out of darkness hath shined into our hearts q. d. God hath taught us by such a word as that whereby he made the World a creating word a word that giveth strength as well as Councel And this teaching it is which the Prophet David so frequently importuneth in his prayers Psal 119.33 cum 35. Teach me O Lord the way of thy Statutes make me to Go in the paths of thy Commandments Psal 143.10 Teach me to do thy will mark that not only teach me the way but teach me to go not only teach me thy will but teach me to do thy will Common teaching may teach an Hypocrite the way but saving teaching only teacheth the soul to go in that way an unregenerate man may know the Will of God Nehem. 8 10. but he knoweth not how to do that Will. The joy of the Lord is our strength This is the fifth property A fifth property 5 Property Sweet The Teachings of God are sweet and pleasant teachings Psal 119.102 Psal 119 102 Thou hast taught me what followeth How sweet are thy words unto my taste sweeter then hony unto my mouth He rolled the Word and Promises as Sugar under his tongue and sucked from thence more sweetness then Samson did from his hony-comb Luther said Cum verbo etiam in inferno facile est vivere Luth. Tom. 4. oper lat he would not live in Paradise if he must live without the Word but with the Word saith he I could live in Hell it self When Christ puts in his teaching-hand by the hole of the door to teach the heart Cant. 5.5 his fingers drop sweet smelling myrrhe upon the handles of the Lock The Teachings of Christ leave a sweet remembrance of himself behinde them Cant. 1.4 We will remember thy Love more then wine As people when they are drunk with wine wherein is excess are apt to sing and hollow so those that are filled with the Spirit cannot but insult and triumph in the wonderful things which they taste and see in the Word There cannot be but much spiritual joy in divine Teaching because the Spirit doth accompany the Truths and so irradiate them with his own beauty and glory the light of the knowledg of the glory of God in the face of Christ that they do not onely affect but ravish the heart Psal 119 140 Sunt Scripturae tuae Deliciae meae Aug. Thy Word is pure therefore thy servant loveth it The Prophet saw a beam of divine excellency sitting upon the Word and that did ensnare his Soul Truth is burdensom to unsound spirits because convincing and they labor
affliction yet divine teaching could antidote that poyson and turn it into a cup of blessing unto him Thy rod and thy staff comfort me Psa 23 4. O that the children of God in affliction or entering upon sufferings would sit down and dwell upon this Consideration The fruit and advantage which God knoweth how to bring out of all their sorrows even the peaceable fruits of righteousness This would keep them from uncomely despondencies and dejections of spirit For this cause we faint not saith the Apostle for what cause 2 Cor. 4.16.18 while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen that is to say not at the visible sufferings but at the invisible fruit and advantage of our sufferings This holds up head and keeps up heart and maketh the Soul not onely to be patient but to glory in tribulation Knowing that tribulation worketh patience Rom. 5 3 4 5 Pericula non respicit Mar. yr coronas respicit Basil ad 40 Martyr and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us This is the way to counterpoise the temptation and in the conflict between the flesh and the spirit to come in to the succor of the better part Eightly 8 Branch Inform. Why we stay so long under affliction It shews us the reason why God doth keep some of his people so long under the Discipline of the Rod. Truly God doth not onely bring his children into the School of affliction but many times keeps them long there Psa 125.3 The rod of the wicked indeed shall not ALWAYS rest on the back of the righteous I but it may lie long for months for years for many years together seventy years were the Jews in the house of Correction at Babylon four hundred years in the brick-kils of Egypt Story and experience will serve in instances without number Hence you have the people of God so often at their How-longs in Scripture Psal 6.3 But thou O Lord HOVV LONG Psal 13.1 2. HOVV LONG wilt thou forget me O Lord for ever HOVV LONG wilt thou hide thy face from me HOVV LONG shall I take counsel in my Soul HOVV LONG shall mine Enemy be exalted over me In this Psalm where my Text is HOVV LONG shall the wicked HOVV LONG shall the wicked triumph twice How long before he can vent his complaint and yet again the third time HOVV LONG shall they utter and speak hard things HOVV LONG cries Jeremiah Ier. 4.21 shall I see the standard and hear the sound of the trumpet and Zechariah Zech. 1.12 O Lord of Hoasts HOVV LONG wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the Cities of Judah The Souls under the Altar Revel 6.10 cry with a loud voyce i. e. in much anguish and agony HOVV LONG O Lord holy and true dost thou not avenge our blood on them that dwell on the Earth Verily God doth keep his people sometimes so long under their pressures that they begin at length even to give themselves up to despair and to conclude they shal never see deliverance Thus you finde not onely the common multitude of the Jews in the Babylonian captivity concluding desperately Our bones are dryed Lam. 3.53 our hope is lost we are cut off for our parts dry bones may as well live as our captitivity have an end but even the Prophet Jeremiah himself whether in his own person or in the name of the whole Church I know not possibly both They have cut off my life in the dungeon and cast a stone upon me He seems to himself to be in the condition of a man that is dead and buried and the grave-stone rould to the mouth of the Sepulchre a Metaphor expressing an hopeless and desperate condition yea hence it is that when deliverance is nigh they cannot believe it though a Prophet of God or an Angel from Heaven should report it Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion for the time to favor her yea the set-time is come sings the Prophet Daniel or some other that lived neer the expiration of the seventy years captivity and yet in the mean time the Jews reply as before Our bones are dryed our hope is lost we are cut off for our parts q. d. tell not us of Gods arising c. we shall never see Sion again we are but dead men Observe it by the way They that would not believe the captivity while it was in the threatening Hab. 1.5 would not believe deliverance when it was in the promise A just judgment upon them that that they that would not beleeve God threatening should not beleeve God promising But that 's not all Deliverance was so incredible after so long a captivity that they could not bleeve it when they saw it When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion Psa 126.1 we were like them that dream They knew not as it fared with Peter half awake and half asleep Acts 12.9 whether it was true or whether they saw a vision onely Is this a real deliverance or are we in a dream onely Our Saviour tells us that when the Son of man shall come Luk. 18.8 i. e. with particular deliverances to his Church he shall not find faith on the earth there will not be faith enough in the people of God to beleeve it by reason of the long pressures and persecutions that have been upon them Now I say what is the reason that God suffers affliction to lie so long upon the backs of his children Truly one Reason is because they have lived long in sin they have been long a sinning and therefore God is long a correcting God puts them to THEIR How-longs because they have put God to HIS How-longs Exod. 6.28 HOVV LONG refuse ye to keep my Commandments and my Laws HOVV LONG will this people provoke me and HOVV LONG will it be ere they believe Jerem. 4.14 HOVV LONG shall thy vain thoughts lodg within thee Hosea 8.5 HOVV LONG will it be ere they attain to innocency c. And truly if they have made God complain of THEIR How-longs no wonder if God make them complain of HIS How-longs But then again another and the main reason is because the work is not yet done they do not receive Instruction by their Correction else affliction would quickly cease God giveth not a blow he draws not a drop of blood more then needs For a season 1 Pet. 1.6 if NEED be ye are in heaviness if there be heaviness there is need of it and if heaviness continue long there is need of it It is not to gratifie their Enemies that God keeps them so long under their lash but to teach them not that God afflicts willingly Lam. 3.33 c. but that he may do them good in their latter end that by the rod
rod and who hath appointed it It is the great mistake and folly of men that they make more haste to get their afflictions removed then sanctified The captive exile hasteneth that he may be loosed and that he should not dye in the pit c. q. d. men would fain break prison or leap 〈…〉 the window before God open 〈…〉 But this their way is their folly so the following words imply But I am the Lord thy God that divided the Sea whose waves roared Verse 15. the Lord of Hosts is his Name q. d. Men would fain be delivered but they take not the right course Deliverance belongs unto me I am the Lord thy God that divided the Sea and made it a way for my ransomed to pass over and that when it was most tempestuous when the waves thereof roared When I will deliver no obstruction can stand in the way and yet Israel now in captivity will not look to me I am the Lord of Hosts that have all the Armies in Heaven and Earth at command and yet when they are besieged with troubles and dangers I cannot hear from them they run to the creature and neglect God or if they cry to me in their distresses it is for deliverance only but not for teaching though I have put my words in thy mouth vers 16. that is I have given them my Laws and Statutes wherein I have made known my design in affliction why I send them into captivity namely that there I might TEACH THEM that I might humble them and prove them and make them know what is in their heart This is the shortest way to deliverance and in this path if they had trod I would have planted the Heavens and layd the foundations of the Earth vers 16. even the NEVV HEAVENS and the NEVV EARTH of Ierusalems Restoration and say to Sion Thou art my people in the same verse This is Cods method wherein he will own his people and wherein if they meet him they shall not stay long for their deliverance And therefore be wise O thou afflicted tossed with tempest and not comforted Isai 54.11 be instructed lest Gods Soul depart from thee make more haste to be taught then to be delivered and chuse rather to have thy affliction sanctified then removed Consider 1. That this is Gods design 1. If we cross Gods project God will cross ours that he might teach thee by his chastisements and if thou crossest Gods design God will cross thy design if thou wilt not let God have his end in instruction he will not let thee have thy end in enlargement The only way to retard deliverance is to make too much haste to be delivered and he that beleeveth will not make haste 2. Consider 2. Deliverance is not the Blessing That bare deliverance is not the Blessing I told you before that deliverance alone is but the fruit of common bounty I le tell you more now Deliverance alone may be the fruit of the Curse a man may be delivered in wrath and not in love Deliverance from one affliction may but make way for another for a greater Affliction may return like the unclean spirit with seven more worse then it self So God threatens an unteachable people If by these things ye will not be reformed but will walk contrary to me cross my design in my chastisements then will I walk contrary to you Levit. 26.23 24. I will cross your design and in stead of deliverance I will punish you yet seven times more for your sins The blessing of correction is instruction O let not God go till he bless thee It is a sad thing to have affliction but not the blessing of affliction to feel the wood of the Cross but not the good of the Cross to taste the bitter root but not the sweet fruit of a suffering condition the Curse but not the Cordial Truly in such a case one affliction may not only make way for another for more for greater but affliction here may make way for damnation hereafter and as one saith wittily by all the fire of affliction in this world a man may be but perboild for Hell And therefore mind instruction study the Lessons of a suffering condition ut sup and be importunate for nothing so much as to be taught of God and to be taught not with a common teaching but that special Covenant saving teaching which changeth the Soul into the nature of the Truth and makes it holy as it is holy and pure as it is pure and heavenly as it is heavenly He for our profit Heb. 12.10 that we might be partakers of his holiness Third Branch of Exhortation 3 Branch of Exhort to such as are come forth of affliction To them that are come out of affliction and fiery tryals Sit down Christian and reflect upon thy self turn in upon thine own heart examine thy self Have teachings accompanied chastisements hath the rod budded cast up thy accounts What hast thou learn'd in the School of Affliction Not to go over the larger Catechism of those twenty Lessons again view the abbreviate Hath God discovered to thee the sinfulness of sin the emptiness of the creature the fulness of Christ Is no evil like to the evil of sin * Fornicatur anima quae avertitur abs te quaerit extra te ea quae pura liquida non invenit nisi cum redit ad te Aug. Confess l. 2. c. 5. no good like to Iesus Christ Is the world become an empty vanity a mockery a nothing in thine eyes Canst thou say it is good I have been afflicted and canst thou point out that good and say This I had this I have got by my sufferings I know divine Truth more inwardly more clearly more experimentally more powerfully more sweetly then ever it hath a more abiding impression upon my heart I would speak a word 1. To them that can evidence these teachings to their own Souls 2. To them that cannot First To those who through grace do find the fruit of affliction in the savory and saving teachings of God upon their hearts let me by way of Exhortation commend a threefold duty to you 1. Three duties Study to be thankful 2. Labor to preserve the teachings of God upon thy spirit 3. 1 Duty Thankfulness The priviledges of being taught as well as corrected Learn to pray for them that are afflicted and what to pray First Study to be thankful Hath God taught thee as well as chastised thee O say with David What shall I render to the Lord For consider how great things God hath done for thy Soul 1. 1. It is more better then deliverance God hath done more for thee then if he had never brought thee into affliction and trouble or then if he had brought thee out the same day on which he sent thee in if he had delivered thee upon the first prayer that ever thou madest in thine affliction
dictate of their own lusts then of Gods Laws till at length God grew as weary if I may so say of counselling as they were of being counselled and gave them up to their own hearts lusts Psa 81.12 to walk in their own counsels That they that would not live by Gods counsels should perish by their own And therefore you that are come out of the house of bondage remember the sorrows of a suffering condition set not your heart so much upon the pleasure of your present enlargement as upon the bitterness of your former captivity The Church found great advantage in it when returned from Babylon Remembering mine affliction and my misery the wormwood and the gall Lam. 3.19 my Soul hath them CONTINUALLY in remembrance and what was the fruit of it it follows And is humbled in me The meaning is this The people of God among the Jews that desired to keep close to God after their great deliverance experienc'd a serious and constant remembrance of those seventy years sufferings to be an excellent preservative to that humble and gracious frame of heart which God wrought them into in their captivity And yet that is not all As remembrance of affliction preserved Humility so Humility strengthened Faith This I recall to minde therefore have I HOPE Tribulation wrought patience and patience experience Rom. 5.3 and experience HOPE c. By the kindly operation of the remembrance of former Dispensations she began to conceive good HOPE through grace that God had not chastened Her in wrath but in love and that all her Tribulations were the fruit of the Promise not of the Threatening a Blessing not a Curse Go you and do likewise Thirdly 3 Help Remember all your uncomely carriage in affliction Call often to minde the sad discourses and reasonings the fears and tremblings which you have had in your bosoms in the times of trouble and distress Thus the Church Lam. 3.17 I forgat prosperity She had been so long in a suffering condition that now she can scarce remember that ever she saw a good day in all her life and at length she sits down and giveth her self up to despair And I SAID my strength and my hope is perished from the Lord She remembreth what unbelieving conclusions she made in her affliction I SAID c. And so the Prophet Jeremiah Vers 54. Waters flowed over mine head then I SAID I am cut off when he began to sink in the mire he remembreth how his heart began to sink with fear he calleth to minde what faithless language his heart spake I SAID I am cut off Thus David I SAID in my passion c. Psal 31.22 and 116.11 and Jonah 2.4 THEN I SAID I am cast out of thy sight Hezekiah makes a large narrative of what discourses he had in his own Soul what time he had received the sentence of death and leaveth it in writing to all posterity Isai 38.9 THE WRITING of Hezekiah King of Judah Isai 38.9 10 when he had been sick I SAID in the cutting off of my days what did he say truly he uttered very strange complaints for such an eminent Saint as he was I shall go to the gates of the grave I am deprived of the residue of my years I shall behold man no more with the inhabitants of the world mine age is departed and a great deal to that purpose The sum whereof is this I shall dye I shall dye I must take my leave of this world and worms must eat my flesh in the grave c. Such uncomely words he uttered but he remembereth them afterward and is contented to shame himself for them to all the world he puts his fleshly complaints in print that he may humble himself and caution yea and comfort others And thus Christians should we do we should call to minde our SAIDS i. e. we should sit down and recount the impatiencies and short-spiritednesses the murmur and unbelief the love of a present world the fear of death the hard thoughts of God all the irregularities and distempers of our own spirits in the time of Tribulation I said I said c. Doubtless it would be of singular use as to humble our Souls and to check corruption so to endear and proserve the Teachings of God upon your Souls while you might tune Davids Thanksgiving conceived upon some such like occasion Psal 25.8 Good and upright is the Lord therefore will he TEACH SINNERS in the way q. d. I sinned against the Lord in my affliction by my impatience unbelief unhumbledness c. yet He was pleased not altogether to leave me without the Teachings of his Spirit not because I was good but because He was good not because I pleased HIM but because Mercy pleased HIM not because I was upright before Him but because He was UPRIGHT true and faithful to his own Promise hath he done it Good and upright is the Lord and therefore HE hath TAUGHT me though I was a sinner in the way Fourthly Remember your Vows 4 Means Remember your Vows When God by the fire of affliction shew'd you your folly discovered to you the hidden corruption of your hearts and brought your ways and doings to remembrance which were not good you were ashamed yea even confounded and said as it is in Job Lord wherein I have done wickedly I will do so no more But take heed it be not so with you as it was with backsliding Israel of whom God thus complaineth Of old time I have broken thy yoke Ier. 2.20 and burst thy bands and thou saidst I WILL NOT TRANSGRESS q. d. I brought thee hundreds of years since out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage and then thou madest me fair promises I remember the kindness of thy youth the love of thine espousals vers 2. Thou saidst I will do so no more Lord I 'l be covetous no more and idolatrous no more adulterous no more I will murmur no more I will no more depart from thee Thou art the Guide of my youth Good words had she been as good as her word but Oh read what followeth and tremble when upon every high hill and under every green tree thou wandrest playing the harlot i. e. no sooner her old heart and her old temptations met but presently they fell into mutual embraces And this is the temper of out hearts for all the world * Nuper me cujusdam amici lanquor a●monuit ●p●imos esse nos dum infirmi sumus Plin. ep 26. l. 7 ad Max. we are very good while we are in affliction and promise fair but no sooner the tryal over but we forget Gods Teachings and our own Vows and return into the same course and fashion of conversation as before Now therefore if you would preserve the Teachings of God upon your spirits sit down remember your vows and spreading them before the Lord say with David Psal 66 13 14 I will pay thee