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A77762 The great doctrines of the gospel of Christ owned, believed and asserted in several declarations or sermons preached in London, by sundry servants of Christ of the society of Christian Quakers. Budd, Thomas, 1648-1699. 1694 (1694) Wing B5358A; ESTC R227790 110,751 214

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Sin of Justification of Peace with God and of eternal Life and Happiness as Christ was held forth in the Promise we lay hold on Christ as his Doctrine is preached As we lay hold on a Man by taking hold of his Cloaths or a Lap or Skirt of his Garment so we lay hold on Christ by the precious things testified of him So that there is a great difference between common Illumination given to all Mankind and that special Illumination which is proper to Believers and whatsoever other Differences there are may be reduced to these three But though the common and special Illumination be differing yet they both come from one Fountain and Root God Christ and the Spirit according to 1 Cor. 12.4 5 6. And the common Illumination is of a saving tendency by way of introduction and preparation to the other But some may put the Question and say Of what Use is this common Illumination if it belong not to the new Covenant then of what use is it to us I answer it is of great use it is of the same use with the Law it is as a School-master to bring us unto Christ to point us unto Christ This common Illumination is like John the Baptist his Ministry and Baptism he was sent before to prepare the Way of the Lord. This common Illumination prepares Men and Women for Christ it will make them sensible that they are miserable Sinners miserable Offenders and Transgressors and that God is angry with them and that they deserve to die and that the Wages of Sin is Death they having sinned Death is their Wages I say this is of great Service to People to be thus far convinced that they are Sinners and that they need an Advocate and Mediator to come between God and them because they have offended him If we had offended a great Man we would be glad for some who had Interest in him and great favour and friendship to speak for us If we had offended the King and committed Treason would not we be glad of some Person that hath a great Interest in the King's favour to intercede for us If the King had a Son would not we be glad that he should mediate for us and interpose between us and the Wrath of the King and turn away his Indignation and make Reconciliation for us Would not we be glad that the King's Son should obtain a Pardon for us and restor● us to the King's favour We have offended the King of Kings and the supream Lord of Heaven and Earth so that we need a great Mediator we need one to make our Peace and purchase Pardon and Salvation for us God hath laid help upon one that is mighty he hath given his dear Son Christ Jesus to be the great Mediator between God and Man to be the great Peace-maker and Reconciler and the Saviour of Sinners But it should not be thought that Christ hath greater tenderness and love for us than God the Father Who so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life And now in the next place there is another thing that is weighty upon my Spirit and it is of great concernment and that is to answer this Question Question How doth God do this great Work of putting his Law in our inward Parts and writing his Law in our Hearts Doth he do it without all outward Means Helps and Instruments I answer In God's ordinary way he doth this great VVork by outward Means Helps and Instruments tho' he can do it without them It may suffice us that God hath vouchsafed to us these outward Means and Helps of Instruction in the Preaching of the Gospel and in our Reading of the holy Scriptures It pleaseth the Lord by the mighty working of his 〈…〉 it to go along with the outward Ministry of the VVord and to make impression upon us and to write his Law in our Hearts this Law of the New Covenant This I testify from mine own Experience and I doubt not but divers here can witness the like to have been their Experience that God hath by the mighty power and operation of his holy Spirit accompanying the outward means and helps of Instruction made impression upon them and written his Law upon their Hearts This Law of the New Covenant here expressed in the singular Number is sometimes stiled Laws in the plural Number When it is stiled Law in the singular Number it signifies a Body of divine Laws consisting of many parts I will put my Law in their inward Parts and write it in their Hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my People Now the Laws and Precepts of God which he gave to his People the twelve Tribes of Israel some have computed their number to be above six hundred Laws many of which were typical and ceremonial How do these typical and ceremonial Laws which were given to them bind us that live under the Gospel Do they oblige us now I answer they do not bind us as to the typical and ceremonial part but they bind us as to the spiritual part as they have a spiritual and moral signification as the Law of the Sabbaths and Sacrifices and New Moons c. they bind us not as to the ceremonial part but as they have a spiritual and moral signification in them I shall now proceed to some few things that remain In the new Covenant God hath promised to his People To blot out their Iniquities and to remember their Sins no more The Law of the first Covenant doth not admit of Pardon of Sin The Soul that sinneth shall die but the new Covenant hath Pardon of Sin through the Mediator Christ Jesus upon the account of shedding his Blood for us This is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of Sins Mat. 26.28 Why doth not he say for Remission of the sins of all He died for all and shed his Blood for all but it is only effectual to those that believe in him Pray observe with me this weighty Matter of Doctrin which is this None hath his Sins blotted out but as he comes to God's Teachings the Father's Teachings but as he comes to be taught of God over and above all Mens Teaching whatsoever every one that is taught of God doth know more of God more of his Love more of his divine Grace more of his Power more of divine Enjoyment those that are taught of God know more of a divine Sweetness and Enjoyment and of Comfort than can be had by the Teachings of Man or in the Bible it self according to that Expression of the Apostle 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither have entred into the Heart of Man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him The full fruition of these things is reserved to the World to come but the deep things of God are
among us that came in the likeness of sinful Flesh and for Sin condemned Sin in the Flesh We must believe in him as the true Light that lighteth every Man which cometh into the World There is a Sufficiency in this Light which is the Light of Life and the Arm of God's Salvation But the Righteousness which is of Faith speaketh on this wise say not in thy Heart Who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring down Christ from above or who shall descend into the Deep that is to bring up Christ again from the Dead But what saith it The Word is nigh thee even in thy Mouth and in thy Heart saith the Apostle That is the Word of Faith which we preach that we might hear it and obey it And if thou shalt confess with thy Mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine Heart that God hath raised him from the Dead thou shalt be saved Here is the Means of Salvation the powerful Working of Faith in thy Heart and that is the Light within the Spirit within It is the Power and Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ that worketh this Living Faith in thy Heart This Faith in Christ Crucified when thou shalt be assured of Eternal Life in him of Eternal Salvation by him This Work of Faith with Power is wrought by Christ in all that believe on his Name He is the Dispenser of it This is the Word of Faith which we preach if thou shalt confess Christ with thy Mouth and believe in thy Heart that God raised Christ from the Dead who died for our Sjns and rose again for our Justification and ascended into Heaven and sitteth at th● Right-Hand of God and liveth for ever to make Intercession for us By this Living Faith in the Lord Jesus which worketh by Love which constraineth thee to live to him that died for thee thou shalt escape the Wrath to come and obtain Eternal Salvation by means of this Living Justifying Faith thou maist receive the Spirit of Adoption and call God Father Christ Jesus is become now thy High Priest and Elder Brother and thou maist walk by Faith in the narrow way that leads to Eternal Life And if thou hast received Christ Jesus the Lord then walk in him and follow his Example who was Holy Harmless and Undefiled and separate from Sinners and made higher than the Heavens by Faith in Christ thou shalt overcome the world and obtain Victory over thy Sins and Lusts And if we be once united to Christ by a Living Faith he will be a Light and a Leader to us and as a Pillar of a Cloud by Day and a Pillar of Fire by Night as he was to the Israelites when he conducted them out of the Land of Egypt through the Red Sea and the Wilderness and brought them safe into the Land of of Canaan a Land flowing with Milk and Hony O the Showers of Mercy that come from this Heavenly Cloud and fall down upon the believing Soul Who can declare the Showers of heavenly Joy and Consolation that are poured down upon those that are Childre● of Light that walk in the Light and have the Light of God's Countenance lifted up upon them O thou poor distressed sorrowful Soul that art clouded and at a distance from the Lord that art cast down and disquieted having all thy Sins set in order before thee thou art greatly afflicted and almost overwhelmed with Grief when thou remembrest how thou hast transgressed the righteous Law of God and sinned against the tender Love and Compassion of thy Heavenly Father that waiteth to be gracious rely upon his Grace and Mercy and pardoning Love and he will subdue thy Lusts and Corruptions and speak Peace unto thy disconsolate Soul If he appear unto thee as unto his Servant Moses in a Flame of Fire out of the midst of a Bush when the Bush burned with Fire and was not consumed If God appear terrible to thee as a Flame of Fire it is not to consume thee but to burn up and destroy thy Sins and Lusts which would destroy thy Soul When he appears as a consuming Fire he will purifie and refine thee from thy Dross and only burn up the combustible Matter in thee And when he appears as a Cloud to thee thou shalt feel Divine Showers of Joy and Refreshment to thy Soul which will make thee as a watered Garden to be green and flourishing Here is the Baptism of the Cloud of which the Apostle speaks 1 Cor. 10.1 Moreover Brethen I would not that ye should be ignorant how that all our Fathers were under the Cloud and all passed through the Sea ●nd were all baptized unto Moses in the Cloud and in the Sea When the Lord shall suddenly come into his Temple saith the Prophet Malachy even the Messenger of the Covenant who may abide the Day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeareth for he is like a Refiners Fire and like Fullers Soap and he shall sit as a Refiner and Purifier of Silver Here is a Refiner and Purifier indeed When he hath refined thee with Fire he will then water thee and cleanse thee and make the Cloud thou art under drop down divine Dews of Refreshing upon thy disconsolate Soul and he will lead thee in the way as he did Israel of old by the Pillar of Fire and of a Cloud both by Day and by Night so he will shine into thy Mind by the Light of his Dear Son When the Children of Israel were marching out of Egypt they were in a great strait Pharoah and his Host pursued after them to destroy them they saw no way to escape they must unavoidably go into the Sea or fall into their Enemies H●nds Then the Lord appeared to deliver them by a mighty Arm of Power when the Egyptians pursued after them all the Horses and Chariots of Pharaoh and his Horsmen and his Army and overtook them encamping by the Sea And when Pharaoh drew nigh the Children of Israel lift up their Eyes and behold the Egyptians marched after them and they were sore afrai● and cryed out unto the Lord and they said unto Moses Because there were no Graves in Egypt hast thou taken us away to die in the Wilderness wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us to carry us out of Egypt And Moses said unto the People fear ye not stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord which he will shew to you this Day for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to Day ye shall see them again no more for ever So when thy Soul is brought into great Straits then stand still in a pure Resignation to the will of God and he will deliver thy Soul wait upon him and be resigned up to him and he will work Deliverance for thee from Time to Time when thou art in great Straits and Troubles and afflicted and distressed and seest nothing but a Sea of Trouble before thee that thou must pass through thy Faith
from a State of Purity and Holiness which once they were possessors of and are come to be like the Prodigal Son who received his Portion from his Father and took his Journy into a far Country and there wasted his substance with riotous living O how glad should my Soul be that some of these Prodigals might be awakened that they might remember from whence they are fallen and call to mind how it was with them when they were in their Father's House when they were fed at their Fathers Table O my Soul is grieved with a Sense of their woful condition in a sense of that Famin of the Word of the Lord that is come over them in a Sense of that darkness and deadness and barrenness that is come over their immortal Souls O! that they might be awakened by the Power and Spirit of the Lord that they might come to themselves as the prodigal Son did when he had spent all and when there arose a mighty Famine in that Land and he began to be in want and went and joyned himself to a Citizen of that Country who sent him into the Fields to feed Swine and he would fain have filled his Belly with the Husks that the Swine did Eat and no man gave unto him It is not Husks that will satisfy thy hungry Soul when once thou art convinced and awakened to consider thy miserable condition it is not an empty talk of Religion which is but as Husks and cannot satisfy thy Hungry Soul If thou art awakened and come to thy self thou wilt repent and mourn for thy Sin and lament and grieve and mourn over him whom thou hast pierced by thy transgressions then thou wilt take up a Resolution with the Prodigal who when he came to himself he said How many hired Servants of my Fathers have Bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger I will arise saith he and go to my Father and will say unto him Father I have sinned against Heaven and before thee and am no more worthy to be called thy Son make me as one of thy hired Servants Say to thy heavenly Father in thy humble Confession of Sin Lord I have been a Prodigal I have wasted thy heavenly Treasure I have spent and trifled away my precious Time in a strange land and have fed among Swinish Sinners I cannot fill my belly with these Husks Now I remember the plenty of my Fathers House where I had Bread enough and to spare I will return and humble my self before my Father I will confess my sin and Folly unto my compassionate Father it may be he will be kind and merciful and gracious to me When good Desires were raised in the Heart of the returning Prodigal when he arose and came to his Father when he was yet a great way off his Father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his Neck and kissed him then he humbled himself before his Father and said Father I have sinned against Heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy Son I have spent that portion thou gavest me among Harlots in riotous living If thou returnest as the Prodigal did and if thou addressest thy self to thy heavenly Father as a true Mourner with a sincere repentance never to be repented of if thou settest thy self in good earnest to seek the Lord early and late thou shalt find him to thy Souls satisfaction For so the Prodigal returning to his Father and making these acknowledgments to his Father it moved his compassion and fatherly Bowels His father did not chide him and upbraid him but fell on his neck and kissed him And he said unto his Servants Bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a Ring on his Hand and Shooes on his Feet and bring hither the fatted Calf and Kill it and let us eat and be merry for this my Son was dead and is alive again and he was lost and is found This was the joyful Entertainment that the returning Prodigal found with his indulgent Father so when we return to God our Heavenly Father by true repentance he will receive us into favour for the sake of his well-beloved Son in whom he is well pleased We shall be stript of our filthy Garments and be cloathed with the Garment of Salvation rhe Robe of Christs Righteousness and be found in him not having our own Righteousness and we shall be feasted with the fatted Calf we shall by faith feed upon the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God that was slain and Sacrificed for us His Flesh is Meat indeed and his Blood is Drink indeed Whosoever eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood saith our Lord Jesus Christ hath Eternal Life John 6.51 There is a feast of Fat things and of Wine upon the Lees well refined Thus true Penitent and returning Prodigals shall be entertained and welcomed to their Father's House he will take them into his Banqueting-House and his Banner on them shall be Love and he will speak kindly and comfortably to them Eat O Friends drink yea drink abundantly O beloved thus he will speak to us that our Joy may remain in us and that our Joy may be full that we may rejoyce in Christ Jesus and be eternally satisfied in the love of God in whose presence is fulness of Joy Joy unspeakable and full of glory A SERMON Preached by Thomas Budd At Harp-Lane November 4. 1694. John 14.1.2 Let not your Heart be oroubled ye believo in God believe also in me THe Disciples were greatly afflicted when our Saviour told them He must go away and that he must suffer at Jerusalem They being cast down and very sad and sorrowful at the thoughts of his Departure he speaks comfortably to them and bids them Believe in him ye believe in God believe also in me They had a Faith in God they believed in God they believed in the Light which came from God with which they were enlightened yet nevertheless the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ his Resurrection from the Dead and his Ascension into Heaven was not then so clearly and fully discovered unto them as afterward it was made known And it appears That it was not enough for them only to believe in God but he bids them believe in him also And he told them that he did go to prepare a place for them And if I go saith he to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto my self that where I am there ye may be also In my Fathers House are many Mansions where I am there ye shall be also O glorious promise indeed who can declare the large extent of it and the greatness of his Love That he should love them so intirely as to die for the Love of them as to die for their sakes and lay down his Life for them and as their High-Priest become a Sacrifice The High-Priests under the Law offered the Bodies of
This Faith comes from this Living Fountain this Living Root and Foundation Christ within the Hope of Glory This would make Christendom as the Garden of Eden and the Paradice of God but Christendom is now become a barren Wilderness there is little true Faith found among them The Lord hath some even a remnant that love and fear him and that are near and dear to him that have a True and Living Faith in the Lord Jesus but they are as a Cluster of Grapes in a barren Wilderness but the rest are as a Thorn-Hedge My Friends Is Christ ascended into Heaven Let us by Faith ascend and dwell with Christ in Heaven let our Faith ascend to Christ in Heaven and let our Meditation ascend to Christ in Heaven and let our Hearts and our Affections ascend to Christ in Heaven while we are in the Body and in the Wilderness of this World yet in our Minds and Affections let us be with Christ in Heaven and let us witness with the Apostle That our Conversation is in Heaven from whence we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile Body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious Body according to the Working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself They looked for the last Appearance of his glorified Body and they looked for his daily coming into their Hearts I will not leave you comfortless I will come unto you How will he come unto them By daily renewed Incomes of his Spiritual Life and Light and Divine Power He knew they would have but little Meetings at first yet he encourageth these little Meetings Where two or three are gathered together in my Name I will be in the midst of them It is not limited to a great number the Promise is to Two or three as well as to an hundred or many hundreds If a Man be in his House alone or if he be on the Top of a Mountain or by the Side of a River in Prayer if he be a true Disciple of Christ and takes up his Cross and follows him he shall find the Holy Spirit present with him If a Man love me saith Christ he will keep my Words John 14.23 and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our Abode with him So that here is a daily coming From whence From Heaven Here is a daily Coming from Heaven of Christ's Descending from Heaven The Father Son and Holy Spirit will come from Heaven to a true Believer and make their abode with him We must not understand this coming so grosly as if the Father Son and Holy Spirit should leave Heaven and come and dwell with the Sons of Men. What is this coming then It is the Heavenly Influences the Heavenly Powers and Heavenly Vertues like Heavenly Rains the Heavenly Gifts and Manifestations of the Lord Jesus by his Blessed Spirit in our Hearts So then Friends I beseech you observe these following Words which are of the like Import and concern to every one of us The Word is nigh thee this is the Command saith Moses which I command thee this Day this Word is not hidden from thee neither is far off it is not in Heaven that thou shouldst say Who shall go up for us to Heaven and bring it to us that we may hear it and do it How may we be sure it is God's Command as well as the most known and revealed Truth It was a Command to them I say to them to believe that Christ was to come in the Flesh they were to obey that Commandment the Word of Christ in their Hearts the word of Faith the word of Righteousness the word of Reconciliation to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was to die for Sinners In the Time of the Law and before the Time of the Law they were to believe that Christ was to come and die for them and shed his Blood for them Heb. 11.1 Faith is the Substance of Things hoped for and the Evidence of things not seen Now from the beginning of the World all that long Trace of Time between Adam and Moses for about Four thousand Years they lived by that Faith they hoped for Christ's Coming and had got an infallible Assurance that God would forgive them their Sins and receive them graciously into his Hands when they should come to die and go out of this earthly Tabernacle of the Body and give them an abundant Entrance into his Everlasting Kingdom the Paradise above But why is this Word called the Commandment in the singular Number I will tell you because one Word not many is comprehensive of all God's Commandments be acquainted with this word in thy Heart and it will learn thee all God's Commandments It will teach you all that can be preached from the Holy Scriptures This Word of God that is in your Hearts is comprehensive of all Then you will object and say What need I have any outward Preaching I will sit at home and only mind the Light within the Word that is nigh and in my Heart No that is a great Mistake to say there is no need of outward Preaching many things are greatly profitable that are not of absolute necessity I do not say the Bible is of such absolute nece●sity that if Men should take the Bible from us we must perish for want of it God forbid If we should be banished into Turky and they should be so cruel as to take our Bibles from us as they do other Goods and think to bring us over to their Religion this word of Faith in our Hearts will bring to our Remembrance what is written in the Holy Scriptures so that the Bible is a necessary and profitable outward Help but not of such absolute Necessity that we must be undone for ever and perish without it This word of Life that is in thy Heart will preserve thee from perishing eternally O be acquainted with it If a Time should come that there should be no Meetings no outwatd Preaching or Hearing or that we should be shut up in Prison and see the Face of Man no more yet this word of God in our Hearts will teach us and witness the love of God to us in our dying Moments and we shall feel our departing Souls in the Hands of the Lord and may say with our Redeemer Father into thy Hands I commend my Spirit O what Joy will this be to us in a dying Hour Now what is it that gives this Knowledge Understanding and Assurance to us The word of Faith in the Heart It may well be called the word of Faith An hypocritical Faith is a Faith without Charity Love and Obedience All Faith is false that is not grounded upon this Word of God it is needful to be preached this inward Word this Word of God within how doth it reconcile us to God It reconcileth us to God by opening of the Mys●ery of Christ Jesus and discovering to us
us to do it we should be at a great loss and disadvantage But God is so full of Grace and Bounty blessed be his Name that he giveth us both Wisdom to know his Will and Power to fulfil it Therefore the Spirit of God which was promised to rest upon Christ the Root and Stem of Jesse God promised that the Spirit should rest upon him and that a measure of it should be given to all the Members of that Body whereof he is the Noble and Holy Head he giveth it in one measure to one in another measure to another and in a suitable measure to all according to every ones Capacity to some more and some less as in the ●istribution of Talents he giveth to every ●ne according to their ability The state and ●ondition of Men with respect to Spiritual ●nd Divine gifts they are like the Capacity ●f Vessels some of a lesser and some of a greater quantity There are Cups and Flaggons and Barrels and other Vessels that contain greater and lesser quantities So for Vessels of the Sanctuary Vessels of the Lords House there are Cups and Flaggons and other Vessels A Cup is not capable of holding so much as a Flaggon nor will a Flaggon contain so much as a Barrel or Firkin herein appears the Wisdom of God in that he gives to every one according to their Capacity so that none have reason to repine and murmure and say Lord thou hast not given enough to me Grudge not at the gifts of God to others but consider that though God hath given thee but a little he hath given thee what is fit for thee to receive if he had given thee more there might have been more danger to thy Soul if thy Cup run over there is more than it is capable to receive and therefore God gives that measure to thee that is fittest for thee God gives to every Man and Woman a measure of his Grace which was purchased for them by the Son of his Love the Lord Jesus Christ by what he hath done and suffered even by his Obedience to the Death The Spirit of God which rests upon his dear Son Christ Jesus is said to be the Spirit of Might Isa 11.1 2. And there shall come forth a ro● out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots And the Spirit of the Lor● shall rest upon him the Spirit of wisdom an● understanding the Spirit of councel and might the Spirit of knowledg and of the seat of the Lord Here is a Spirit of might as well as a Spirit of VVisdom and Understanding here is I say a Spirit of might and of the fear of the Lord. The Holy Scripture saith perfect love casteth out fear what fear is it that it casteth out Slavish fear but Filial fear Evangelical fear perfect Love casteth not out for this Love and fear are Twins they are Inseparable they are of one kind of one nature our Lord Jesus Christ himself was filled with this Holy Spirit of fear it is said Hebr. 5.7 Who in the Days of his Flesh when he had offered up Prayers and Supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from Death and was heard in that he feared Isa 11.3 The Spirit of the Lord saith the Prophet shall rest upon him c. The Spirit of knowledg and of the fear of the Lord. And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord and he shall not judge after the sight of his Eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his Ears but with righteousness shall he judge the Poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the Earth If we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ sincerely and truly by this belief we shall receive VVisdom and Power sufficiency of it plenty of it one measure and degree after another we shall have the Spirit of God to teach ●s and counsel us what we ought to do what ●s our Duty to God to our Neighbour and ●o our selves and all that is required of us in order to our Eternal Happiness and Salvation which is given by Christ Jesus and also Power to do what we ought to do and also Power to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ There are some have made such an Objection as this and I have sometimes made it my self in my own Thoughts O! say some we want a Power to believe we find it very difficult to believe It is good to be thus sensible of thy own Inability and it is good to be perswaded that it is not so easie a thing to believe as many hold it to be The generality of Christians here in Christendom they think it to be an easie thing to believe It is impossible for any Man or Woman rightly and truly and sincerely to believe in God or in Christ with the least Measure of true saving Faith unless the mighty Power of God work this Faith in us And this Faith begins in a very small beginning it is first sown in the Heart of Man or Woman as a grain of Mustard-seed he that soweth it will make it to grow he is not like an unskilful Husbandman that begins to plant or build and is not able to go through with it the Lord is wise and Powerful he will go through with his Work if thou dost not by the Obstinacy Subbornness and Carelesness of thine own Heart hinder it the Lord will carry on this Work of Faith by his mighty Power And if you have Faith but as Grain of Mustard-Seed you shall say to th● Mountain Be removed and it shall be removed This Faith is witnessed by a Blessed Remnant that know the removing of Mountains not earthly Mountains but all those inward Letts Impediments and Hindrances that th● poor Soul feels within it self even Mountain● of Sin and of the Powers of Darkness tha● stand between God and their Souls which intercept the Light of his Countenance from shining on them they would get near to the Lord they follow hard after him The Lord lifts up the Light of his Countenance in some lesser degree upon them which is like a little Beam of Light coming through a Cranny they have not that full and satisfactory Enjoyment of the Lord that they desire Act Faith upon the Lord 's Almighty Power that hath given thee a little Grain of Faith a small measure of it and in due Time thy Faith shall be strengthned and be able to remove all those Mountains of Sin and of the Powers of Darkness that are in thy Heart I say it hath often been an Objection to me O! I would fain believe I want Power to believe and I bless the Lord that let me see that I was not able of my self to believe that I had no might or Ability of my self to act Faith the Lord was pleased by the shining of his blessed Light into my Heart to enable me to act Faith and to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
in Christendom is not the true Faith Why Because they have not these Fruits Love is a Fruit of the Spirit where is Love amongst them Where Love is there will not be Backbiting Heartburnings Jealousies Surmises and uncharitable judging one another No where Love is these things will not be but Love Joy and Peace Peace with God and Peace with one another and nothing but Peace and good will even towards all Then our Swords will be beaten into Plowshears and our Spears into Pruning-hooks and Men will learn War no more That there is so much strife and contention in Christendom it is because true Lov● is wanting among Men and true Faith is also wanting But there are a Remnant that have tru● Faith that worketh by Love but this noble Faith and Love and the rest of the Fruits o● the Spirit are greatly wanting amongst the generality of the Professors of Christianity I● is by Faith that we come to be ingrafted into Christ the true Vine and abide in him and bring forth much Fruit. It is by unbelief that Men are severed from Christ and not abiding in him they are cast forth as Branches that are withered and then cast into the Fire and burned O great is the hurt of unbelief and great is the benefit of true Faith He that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit Eph. 4.10 11. saith the Apostle Christ when he Ascended upon high he led Captivity Captive and gave Gifts unto Men. He that first descended into the lower parts of the Earth is the same that ascended up far above all Heavens that he might fill all things And he gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastours and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the Body of Christ till we all come into the unity of the Faith and the knowledg of the Son of God unto a perfect Man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ that we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro and carryed about with every Wind of Doctrine by the sleight of Men and cunning craftyness whereby they lie 〈◊〉 wait to deceiave Hence observe the manner of the Speech and Phrase used by the Holy Ghost all these are for edifying the Body of Christ till we come unto the unity of the Faith and knowledg of the Son of God to a perfect Man All Believers make up one perfect Man where Christ is the Head and Believers are the Members Let thy progress be never so great thou canst not come to equality with Christ he hath the fulness of the God-head dwelling in him Bodily we can come only to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ unto every one of us is given Grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ now the greatest and higest measure is but a measure Consider what is Written Rom. 11.24 The Jews that were natural branches were cut off from Christ the good Olive Tree through unbelief What was their unbelief They did not believe in Christ Jesus the Son of Man they did not believe in him that was born of a Virgin to be the Prophet that God promised to his People they did not believe the Man Christ Jesus to be the true Messiah that God had promised to send to put an end to the Types and Figures and shadows of the Law and to their new Moons and solemn Feasts and to Circumcision and to the Passover and to put an end to the offering up of outward Sacrifices and the shedding of the Blood of the Sacrifices that so their Sins might be forgiven them for without shedding of Blood there is no Remission It was not the Blood of Beasts that wer● offered in Sacrifice could take away Sin Why Because these were only Representations and Symbols to help the People's weakness and to present Christ to their Eyes and suited to their weak State which is compared to the state of a Child This was the Reason they received not Christ outwardly and the Unbelief of the Jews was great in that because they did not receive Christ into their Hearts in his Spiritual Appearance but they received him neither inwardly nor outwardly Whosoever reject Christ outwardly they reject him inwardly and whosoever receive Christ inwardly and sincerely they also receive him outwardly to be the great Sacrifice for their Sins they own his priestly Office for the Remission of Sins through the Blood of the Covenant they do admire the wonderful Design and Contrivance of the Wisdom of God in the great Work of Man's Redemption they adore and admire the Mercy and Love of God his Power and Justice Holiness Wisdom Goodness Faithfulness and Truth in that glorious Contrivance that he should send his Dear Son to die for the Sins of Men and take our Nature and Sin upon him and be made a Curse for us and take the Curse from us and to be made Sin for us who knew no Sin that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him He was wounded for our Transgressions bruised for our Iniquities the Chastisement of our Peace was upon him and with his Stripes we are healed Isa 53.5 Who his own self bare our Sins in his own Body on the Tree that we being dead to Sin should live unto Righteousness He was made Sin for us saith the Apostle 2 Cor. 5. How was Christ made Sin for us Sin that is a Sin-offering He became an Offering for Sin They that are Branches in the true Vine and grafted into Christ receive heavenly Sap and Moisture from him We must believe that Christ died for our Sins we must believe that he was made a Curse for us and that he shed his Blood for the Remission of our Sins We must believe this weighty Testimony This is a faithful Saying and worthy of all Acceptation That Christ Jesus came into the World to save Sinners of whom I am chief saith the Apostle 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithful Saying and worthy of all Acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the World to die for Sinners and to shed his Blood for Sinners as well as inwardly to appear in the Hearts of Sinners A Work that was a most necessary Work for the Redeeming Renewing Sanctifying and Cleansing of us from all Sins So my Friends true Faith in Christ receives him with all his Benefits receives him both in his outward and bodily Appearance as manifest in the Flesh and also in his Spiritual Appearance and coming into our Hearts and by true Faith in him we come to be ingrafted into him and receive Sap and Moisture and heavenly Influence from him who is the true generous and Noble Vine Our blessed Lord here holds forth a wonderful Mystery in these few Words I am th● true Vine and my Father is the Husbandman every Branch in me that beareth not Fruit he taketh away and every Branch that beareth Fruit he purgeth
the Son the Father gives Life to the Son and the Son giveth Life unto Believers the Son is continually receiving from the Father and we are continually receiving from the Son through the Exercise of our Faith Would you know and feel an heavenly Vertue and Sap and vital Influence flowing ●●om Christ into your Souls And would you now nothing of dryness barrenness nor un●●uitfulness then live by the Faith of the Son ●f God and exercise your Faith upon Christ ●ontinually It is not enough to have Faith ●e by you as a Man hath an Instrument lying ●y and he doth not use it But know the Use and Exercise of Faith you must know ●he daily Operation of Faith els● you cannot ●eceive continual Sap flowing 〈◊〉 you from Christ the heavenly Vine G●● 2.20 I am ●rucified with Christ saith the Apostle never●heless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me ●nd the Life which I now live in the Flesh I ●ive by the Faith of the Son of God who loved ●ne and gave himself for me There is no ●iving but by the Faith of the Son of God Rom. 1.16.17 I am not ashamed of the Gospel ●f Christ for it is the Power of God unto Salvation to every one that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek For therein is the Righteousness of God revealed from Faith to Faith as it is written Hab. 2.4 the Just shall live by his Faith Every Man and Woman are to live by their own Faith It is not the Faith and Holiness of another will serve our turn every one must have Faith of his own which is the Gift of God I once more warn you against that Faith that is only literal traditional and historical for that is not the Faith that will justifie and save you that is not the Faith which I preach I am much abused wronged and traduced by some that say I preach an unprofitable Faith and that the Fai●● which I preach all England hath it and a● Christendom hath it If they had it w● should see the Fruits of it Love Joy Peace Longsuffering Gentleness Goodness Meekness and Temperance these are the Fruit of the Spirit and Concomitants of true Faith The Faith which I preach is indispensibly necessary to every one that expects Salvation and to live with God and Christ in Heave● for ever It is a Faith that is wrought by th● mighty Power of God the powerful word o● God in the Heart Heb. 4.12 The Word o● God is quick and powerful sharper than an● two-edged Sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and of the Joynt● and Marrow and is a discerner of the Thought● and Intents of the Heart This Faith come● from an inward Root this Root is the Ligh● within the Power of God the Spirit of God within O how many thousands in Christendom have risen up against this Testimony Blessed be God that gave me a share in this Testimony there is a living Testimony that remains in my Mouth and Heart to this Day that the Lord Jesus Christ died for us performed the Office of an High Priest for us and upon the account of his precious Blood we receive Remission of Sins All this is by Faith in Christ we witness to his prophetical Office he is the great Prophet and Teacher of his Church and People and we witness to his Kingly Office he rules and governs in our Hearts by his Holy Spirit This Faith is not universally preached and known in all Christendom in the Root of it which is Christ within the Light within that Christ in his prepared Body did the Will of God and suffered Death for us This Faith whereby I believe Christ died for me and makes Intercession for me the Root of it is the Light within and Christ within Is this the Doctrine that is believed and professed all over Christendom No by no means This Faith I can prove out of our Friends Writings in Print that it respects Christ whole and entire Every true Exercise of Faith doth respect Christ as he is both God and Man It respects him as he came in the Flesh died and suffered for us in the Flesh and as he rose again from the Dead and ascended into Heaven and now appears in the Presence of God for us and as he will come again to judge the world as he is ●he Son of Man God hath appointed a Day wherein he will judge the World by the Man Christ Jesus whereof he hath given Assurance ●o all Men in that he hath raised him from ●he Dead Some will be ready to say Shall not the Light within judge all Men Shall not the words which Christ hath spoken judge us at ●he last Day Yes Christ shall judge all Men at the last Day both by his Light in their Hearts and ●s he is the Man Christ now if any think ●●at the Light within is the Man Christ Jesus and nothing else and exclude the Person o● Christ the same Person that was crucified an● died for us and was buried This would b● a great Error and a contradiction to th● fundamental Principles of the Christian Faith I say that blessed Body which God prepare● for his dear Son to tabernacle in to be h●● Temple that Body remains in Being and wi●● remain a glorious Body to all Eternity Th● Apostle tells us Phil. 3.20 That our mea● and vile Bodies shall be made like unto Christ● glorious Body For our Conversation is in Heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change ou● vile Body that it may be fashioned like unto h● glorious Body according to the working where●● he is able to subdue all things unto himself It will be the Happiness of the Saints th● they shall be made like unto Christ both i● Soul and Body We shall be made more lik● to Christ in our Souls and Spirits then an● we must be cleansed from Sin and made li●● him now for we expect no Purgatory aft●● this Life therefore defer it not He that ha● this Hope saith the Apostle purifyeth himse●● even as he is pure My Friends I expect no cleansing after th● Life I expect all my cleansing here to 〈◊〉 cleansed from all filthiness both of Flesh a● Spirit perfecting Holiness in the fear of G●● that so when I come to die I may be receiv● into the Bosom of Christ that I may have measure of that holy Confidence to pray 〈◊〉 Stephen Lord Jesus receive my Spirit This ●lessed Martyr Stephen being full of the Holy Ghost he looked up stedfastly into Heaven and ●aw the Glory of God and Jesus standing on the ●ight Hand of God and when they were ston●ng him to Death he kneeled down and cried with a loud Voice Lord lay not this Sin to ●heir Charge and when he had said this he ●ell asleep Friends you that have a Life of Faith and ●eel Christ dwelling in your Hearts by Faith
of the Apostle Peter Pet. 1.1 8. Whom having not seen ye Love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoyce with Joy unspeaka●le and full of Glory These words Import ●hat though now ye see not the Man Christ ●esus yet the time will come when you shall see him that is when he shall appear in his Glory at the great Day of Judgment when ●he Nations shall stand before him then they shall certainly see him though now they see him not and then Believers shall rejoyce with ●oy unspeakable and full of Glory I say Faith is a very great mystery in that it joyns the Souls of them that truly believe in him to Christ now in heaven Believers do not rejoyce Imaginarily but really True Faith is incomparably a more excellent thing than Imagination is Faith joyneth us to Christ it knitteth us to him and giveth us access unto God by him Remember what our Lord said to Thomas after he arose from the Dead when he appeared to his Disciples the Doors being shut the eleven had seen Christ before when Thomas was not present he would not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ had appeared to them John 20. When the other Disciples told him we have seen the Lord. He said unto them except I shall see in his Hands the Print of the Nails and put my Finger into the Print of the Nails and thrust my Hand into his Side I will not believe And after eight Days again his Disciples were within and Thomas with them then came Jesus the Doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you then saith he to Thomas reach hither thy Finger and behold my Hands and reach hither thy Hand and thrust it into my Side and be Faithless but believing And Thomas answe●ed and said unto him my Lord and my G●● Jesus saith unto him Thomas because thou h● seen me thou hast believed Blessed are they th● have not seen and yet have believed O my Friends these VVords are preciou● my Heart is touched and tendered with the● Blessed are they that have not seen yet ha● believed we have not seen him risen from th● Dead he appeared not to us as to them and 〈◊〉 he appeared to Paul outwardly this is o● case you are blessed if ye believe in him who● ye have not seen in the Lord Jesus Christ 〈◊〉 the Man Christ Jesus and if they are Blesse● that have not seen yet have believed then follows by the Rule of contraries that the● were not blessed who did not believe in hi● though they saw him and heard him Preach I cannot say it is a Sin in them not to b●lieve in the Lord Jesus Christ who have n● heard him Preached to them outwardly nor Inwardly who have not heard of his Death Burial Resurrection and Ascension and sittin● at the Right-Hand of God I cannot say 〈◊〉 is a Sin in them not to believe who nev●● heard of those things but those that have ha● this Doctrine preached and also read in th● Holy Scriptures and yet do not believe Chris● risen from the Dead that do not believe Chris● died for their Sins nor believe that he is gon● to Heaven and liveth for ever to make intercession for us It is so great a Sin not to believe Christs Incarnation Death and Resurrection when it is preached that they bring a Curse upon themselves that believe not this Doctrin after it is plainly preached to them I do say it and am ready to prove what I say They that have an opportunity to hear this Doctrin preached and read it they have an obligation lying upon them to believe it not because of the outward Testimony barely for where-ever the Scriptures come and are read and preached there is an inward Witness and Testimony goes along with the outward Testimony and it cannot be supposed that the inward Testimony of God's holy Spirit will be wanting to them that enjoy the preaching of the Gospel of Christ to enable them to believe It is Unbelief that brings Men under the Curse and makes them guilty before God Our Saviour told the Jews Except you believe that I am he ye shall die in your Sins O this is most dreadful and whither I go ye cannot come It is not a bare literal traditional or historical Faith or Belief in Christ that I preach to the People which is a Faith of no Value or Worth for Hypocrites have this Faith but that Faith which I preach it is a living Faith wrought by the mighty Power of the Spirit of Christ accompanying the outward Teaching It is a living Faith a fruitful Faith and where-ever this Faith is Love is it is never without Love for Faith Hope and Love always go together and all the Fruits of the Spirit all evangelical Vertues Humility Meekness Temperance and Patience so that they that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ they have a Faith that worketh by Love Love to God and Man That Faith that they have in them is a pious devout religious consciencious Faith and this Faith is accompanied with a Desire that every one might partake of the like precious Faith Every one tha● hath it they feel an earnest Travel and concern upon their Spirits that all might be partakers of it they are zealous for the Faith of Christ's Doctrine for by the Faith of Christ's Doctrine we have the Faith of Christ himself So that I do not understand for my part how people can have the Faith of Christ that have not the Faith of his Doctrine A Man or Woman may have a measure of the true Faith of Christ and be short in some matter of Doctrine that is not fundamental they may be wanting in some measure but it were better that there was nothing wanting if possible I long to see you saith the Apostle Rom. 1.11 compared with 1 Thess 3.10 that I may perfect what is lacking in your Faith He did suppose those that were partakers of the Faith of Christ might have something lacking in their Faith that might be supplied to them Christ's Doctrine as it is powerfully preached hath this Service in it to help a Man to lay hold on Christ by Faith as you know we can more easily lay hold upon a Man that is cloathed than upon one that is naked we can more easily lay hold upon Christ by laying hold upon his Doctrine and upon his precious Promises the Promise of Remission of Sin and of his Holy Spirit John 7.38 He that believeth on me as the Scripture hath said out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of living Water These are exceeding great and precious Promises by which we may be made partakers of the Divine Nature I can tell you something of mine own Experience I was enabled to lay hold on Christ by laying hold on the Promise of Christ Christ comes cloathed with the precious Promises to believe the Promise of Salvation through Christ Jesus the Promise of Remission of
revealed by the Spirit of God and the first Fruits and Earnest are given to the People of God here in this World the full enjoyment whereof is reserved for the next Life Now the first Fruits and Earnest are of the same nature and kind with the full Harvest in Glory If thou be a true Believer thou enjoyest a measure of the same Delight and Pleasure in Communion with God on Earth that the glorified Saints do enjoy in Heaven to all Eternity O the inward sweetness delight and satisfaction that the Soul of every true Believer enjoys in God in this Life it is of the same nature and kind that the Saints shall enjoy in Heaven to all Eternity this first Fruits and Earnest is but little in comparison of the full Harvest that is to come Those that are the People of God that have experienced God's Teaching know that which is beyond all the Teachings of the best of Men as the taste of Hony is beyond all Reports of it the Joys and Comforts of God's holy Spirit are beyond all that can be declared and expressed by Man concerning these things Whatsoever God's Servants have declared and reported concerning the great things that God hath promised to them that love him the Knowledge and Taste and Experience of God's People goes beyond it Yet this makes not void the outward Testimony and Teaching of holy Men for so far as any holy Man has greater Experience than I and a greater experimental Knowledge of God he is sit to teach me further than I at present know for the Children of God are gradually taught under the new Covenant None have Forgiveness of Sin vouchsafed to them but those that come under God's Teaching they believe not because of Man's Testimony only because Paul taught so and Peter taught so and James and John taught so but as they said to the Samaritan-woman John 4.42 Now we believe not because of thy Saying for we have heard him our selves and know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of the World Those that are thus taught of God know the Truth and love the Truth as it is in Jesus they have heard himself preach he is not bodily present but he is present by his Spirit the Voice of the Spirit of Christ is the Voice of Christ and the Voice of God the Father you that hear the Voice of the Spirit in your Hearts you hear the Voice of the Father and the Son they that are taught of God they hear the Voice of God the Father Son and holy Ghost There is one thing further upon my Heart which I shall deliver as the Lord shall be pleased to enable me in a few Words concerning the new Covenant I hope you all know thus much that the nature of a Covenant is mutual it binds and obligeth both Parties so doth God's Covenant who ever comes under God's Covenant As God obligeth himself to be their Father and their God an● their Husband thy Maker is thy Husband So God's People that come under this Covenant are engaged unto God and God expects and requires that they should be faithful unto him And certainly God expect● and requires of every one in order to their coming into Covenant that they give up their Hearts and Souls to him and to take the Lord for their God We must dedicate our selves to his glory and service and say Lord thou shalt be my God I will have no other God but thee no other Lord or Master but thee Other Lords have had dominion over us but now we will make mention of thy Name only Isa 44.5 One shall say I am the Lords and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord and surname himself by the name of Israel Is this only an outward Book an outward Writing and Subscription No that is but little to be accounted of thou must write with thy Soul thou must write with thy Heart There is a Bond between the Lord and thee and thou bindest thy self to him and it is written in thy Heart The Lord shall be my God Thus David engaged himself to the Lord Psal 119.94 Lord I am thine save me and he takes the Lord for his Portion Thou art my Portion O Lord I have said that I would keep thy Word How can you say That the Lord is your God unless you are his by Covenant God's Covenant hath a mutual stipulation or obligation there is a mutual engaging and promising The Lord promiseth to be our God and Father and Husband and our Preserver to be all in all to us and we promise to be his People to love him and serve him and obey him So my Friends I now commend you to the Lord and commend those things to you that I have declared at this present time I commit them to the Witness of God in all your Consciences I commit you to God and the Word of his Grace to open your Understandings that you may be inlightned to know him who is the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent which is Life eternal and that you may feel his mighty power to make impression upon your Hearts by those things that I have been testifying and declaring among you the Lord alone can teach you to Profit and make those great and precious Promises that have now sounded in your Ears to have a due impression upon your Hearts and to become effectual through the mighty Power of his blessed Spirit for the Salvation of your immortal Souls A SERMON Preached by George Keith At Harp-Lane London Septemb. 30th 1694. Cor xiii 5. Examine your selves whether ye be in the Faith prove your own selves Know ye not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates Or as it may be better translated Vnless ye be unapproved disapproved or without a proof THis is a seasonable Exhortation of the Apostle Examine your selves whether ye be in the Faith c. know ye not your own selves c. how that Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates saith our Translation ' It were sad indeed if all they were Reprobates that know not Christ within them God forbid for there are thousands that know not that Christ is in them they have not that Knowledge Understanding Proof and Experience yet they are not Reprobate But who then are Reprobates may some say They are Reprobates of whom we may truly say God hath wholly left them utterly left them and ceaseth to be a Reprover to them and their Day of Mercy is expired the Day of God's Visitation and the striving of his Spirit is at an End towards them These are properly said to be Reprobates yet those that are not yet in Christ and know not that Chtist is in them so long as they are capable of Repentance and Conversion and of being turned to God and the Day of his Visitation being not yet expired it cannot
us exceeding great and prec●ous Promises that by these we might be Partakers of the divine Nature according to his divine Power whereby he hath given unto us all things partaining to Life and Godliness through the knowledge of him that hath called us to Glory and Vertue You see the Promises are of great use to us in order to our being made Partakers of the divine Nature and to witness Regeneration and the new Birth It is not enough to read them outwardly unless a divine Work be upon us to enable us to see the Promises and our Right and Interest in them otherwise they will not be effectual upon us The next thing that I would speak to is the Subject of Faith that is the Seat of it as it is placed in a Man or Woman whether it is only in the Understanding as an assent to the Truth or placed in the Will and Affections so as to have an influence on all the Powers and Faculties of the Soul I answer True and saving Faith is seated in the Understanding and in the Will and so hath an influence upon the Affections and so the Affections come to be renewed and sancti●ied through the Power of Faith As Faith is ●n the Understanding it respects Christ as he ●s faithful and true but as Faith is placed in ●he Will of Man he i● the Beloved of the Soul ●nd the great desire of the Soul and Faith re●pects Christ and God in Christ as he is good ●nd gracious not only as he is holy and ●●ist faithful and true but as good merciful and gracious tender and compassionate 〈◊〉 Faith in God and in Christ Jesus as it is seated in the Understanding and Will it esteem him as the supream Truth and chief Good submits to his Scepter and depends upon hi● Sacrifice and Satisfaction resigns and surrenders up to his Government to comman● the whole Man the Affections Memory an● bodily Members that Christ may be All in All. And now to come to a Conclusion and to end as I begun it is the Duty of every one that professeth himself to be a true Christian to examine himself whether he hath the true Faith of Christ or be in the true Faith Now I have opened the nature of true Faith it is the more easy for you to come unto an Examination of your selves examine your selve● by all the Marks and Tokens that can 〈◊〉 given you whether you are in the Faith an● the true Faith be in you if you have th● Spirit of God ye may know the things freel● given you of God It is by the Spirit of Go● that we may know whether we have Faith and Love and Meekness and Humility an● other Evangelical Graces There are divers Helps and such things as may be called Marks and Evidences whereby we may be helped to know whether we have true Faith o● no. But some may say if we may know whether we have true Faith by Marks and Signs what need we the Spirit And if we ma● know it by the Spirit then what need w● Marks and Signs and other Evidences It is the work of the Spirit to intimate to us whether we have these Marks God hath given us the Book of the holy Scriptures that tells us If we have Faith it works by Love it is such a Faith as hath Works accompanying of it such as love to God and love to one another If thou lovest not thy Brother whom thou hast seen how canst thou be said to love God whom thou hast not seen If we love God above all and love our Brother and love our Enemies these are good Marks and Evidences that we are in the Faith The holy Scripture giveth Marks and Signs of a Man's being a true Believer but the Scripture doth not tell us that we have those Marks But you will say If a Man do examine himself he may be mistaken though he attend ●o what Conscience shall speak You are not to rely upon the Testimony of Conscience alone a Man 's own Conscience may err and his Heart deceive him when it tells him That he hath Faith and Love and other Evangelical Graces But if the Spirit of God witnesseth with our Spirits that we have these Marks and that we are indeed the Children of God then be sure we cannot be deceived when the Spirit of Truth doth give us this infallible Testimony A SERMON Preached by John Raunce AT Harp-Lane near Towerstreet August 19th 1694. 1 Thess v. 21. Prove all things hold fast that which is good IT is a Saying of the Apostle Paul to the Church of the Thessalonians Prove all things hold fast that which is good The Thessalonians were a People too like to many in ou● Days they wanted to be truly settled in tha● which is good and that made the Apostle speak in Commendation of the Men of Berea● Acts 17.11 These were more noble than thos● in Thessalonica in that they received the Wor● with all readiness of Mind and searched th● Scriptures daily whether those things were so that were preached among them And truly Friends I have this to say among you That every one who is come through the Exercises they have met with to a tryal of things that offer themselves to their Consideration they may be said to be a happy People if they have so proved all things as to hold fast that which is good This is the Day wherein we live wherein things offer themselves to a seeking Peopl● after such a various manner that truly all who desire Salvation to their immortal Souls ought to be very mindful of the Exhortation I now mentioned Prove all things and hold fast that which is good Some may ask me What is here meant by All Things that the Apostle bids them Prove I answer They were such things as are of a Religious Concern He did not bid them prove all things of one kind or another that offered themselves to them but these all Things relate only to religious Matters We are among a People that are religiously concerned about many things that offer themselves unto them There are many Ways many Perswasions and Professions and many things that offer themselves to our Consideration It ought to be our Care and Concern like the noble Bereans to try all things and prove all things It greatly commends those Men and Women that will try and examine Matters and not receive things upon Trust as too many do in our Days There are a great many as the common Proverb is that are ready to pin their Faith upon another Man's Sleeve to be of his Opinion and Perswasion without any good Ground or serious Consideration That which I have to mention among you at this Time is the Apostle's Exhortation Prove all things hold fast that which is good In Matters of a Religious Concern Matters of Faith wherein your Eternal Salvation is concerned go not by hear-say because other Men say so but let us all come to practise
hath laid upon him the Iniquity of us all He bare ou● sins in his own Body upon the Tree that w● being dead to Sin should live unto Righteousness by whose Stripes we are healed Grea● hath been the love of God to us he hat● given his Son to die for us and his Spirit t● live in us and he calls us in the Day of Visitation How may we know when he calls wil● some say When by his good Spirit he stirs in th● Heart and strives in thy Soul checks thee an● reproves thee for Sin as often as thou findes● anything in thy Conscience that reproves the● for what is evil this is the Voice of the So● of God John 5.25 Verily verily I say un● you the hour is coming and now is when th● Dead shall hear the Voice of the Son of God an● they that hear shall live Even those that ar● dead in Sins and Trespasses shall be quickene● by the Voice of the Son of God For as th● Father hath life in himself he hath given unt● ●he Son to have Life in himself And hath ●iven him Authority to execute Judgment al●o because he is the Son of Man Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all that are in their Graves shall hear his Voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the Resurrection of Life and they that ●ave done Evil unto the Resurrection of Damnation Blessed be the Lord who hath made known ●s Mind and Will unto us we have the Spi●it of Truth within us and the holy Scriptures without us It is a great Mercy that ●hey are vouchsafed to all Nations and that ●hoy have been wonderfully preserved in all Ages and Generations from the Primitive ●imes to this day and have come to us safe through so many different Hands and all the Copies of Holy Writ agreeing in Words and Sense without any cousiderable difference Let us bless God for this singular Blessing and Mercy vouchsafed to us Tho' I would not Idolize the Scriptures ●et I do highly esteem and honour them We ●ead Luke 16.27 That in the Parable of the ●ich Man he speaks to Abraham after this manner I pray thee Father that thou wouldst send Lazarus to my Father's House for I have five Brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come to this place of Torment Abraham saith unto ●im They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them And he said Nay Father Abraham but if one went unto ●hem from the Dead they will repent And he said vnto him If they hear not Moses and the Prophets neither will they be persuaded tho' one rose from the Dead therefore to the Law and the Testimony the Testimony is in our Consciences and the Law is written outwardly but effectually and inwardly upon the Hearts there is no disjoining what God hath joined Therefore if any one should bring any other Doctrin that is contrary to the Holy Scripture or if an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gospel we are not to receive it It hath been the Spirit of Antichrist in all Ages and the Man of Sin that hath endeavoured to undervalue the holy Scriptures who as the Apostle saith opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God This Spirit of Antichrist where-ever it is it secretly undermines the holy Scriptures therefore it concerns you to keep close to the Law and the Testimony Let me in true love to your immortal Souls desire every one of you to mind the work of your Salvation and to work it out with fear and trembling and God will work in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure Examine your selves and prove your selves whether you are in the Faith take heed that you be not led by a Spirit of Error to the Law and to the Testimony If any Man think that he is wise in many things let him not presume to be wise above that which is written lest he need to come and learn again what he doth not know and hath been taught Great is the Mystery of Godliness and great also is the Mystery of Iniquity therefore you are concerned to examine your selves and to prove all things and hold fast that which is good You are a seeking and enquiring People else you would not have been here at this time And what can inform you better than the gift God hath been pleased to give unto you together with the holy Scriptures examine your selves whether when you have proved all things you hold fast that which is good Make it appear that you are good Christians by your righteous and heavenly Conversations and by your holy Walk make it appear that you are true Disciples of Christ that you are Followers of the Lord Jesus and endued with his Spirit by being holy in all manner of Conversation Take heed of indulging thy self in any sin take that Counsel which is given by our Lord Jesus to all his Followers Matth. 5.30 If thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy Members should perish and not that thy whole Body should be cast into Hell Live so as to be always ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus that you may be found among the wise Virgins The Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto ten Virgins which took their Lamps and went forth to meet the Bridegroom and five of them were wise and five of them were foolish Here are abundance of Professors in this City that would be taken for Virgins and Followers of Christ but they are too like those five foolish Virgins that took their Lamps and took no Oil with them whereas the Wise took Oil in their Vessels with their Lamps while the Bridegroom carried they all slumbered and slept and at Midnight there was a Cry made behold the Bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him then all those Virgins went and trimmed their Lamps and the foolish said unto the wise give us of your Oil for our Lamps are gone out but the wise answered not so lest there be not enough for us and you go you rather to them that sell and buy for your selves And while they went to buy the Bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him to the Marriage and the Door was shut afterwards also came the other Virgins saying Lord Lord open to us but he answered and said Verily I say unto you I know you not O take heed that this be not your woful and deplorable Case at the coming of Christ to Judgment but prepare and be in readiness that you may have an abundant entrance into his everlasting Kingdom Take my words into consideration and lay aside every weight and the sin that doth easily beset you and run with Patience your heavenly Race that you may so
run as to obtain the Crown Let it plainly appear that you are Followers of Christ then you must deny your selves and take up his Cross and follow him Let it be our care not to love any thing not to love our selves more than we love the Lord Jesus Christ We live in a Day wherein there is so much Vanity and Pride Oppression Unholiness and Contempt of true Religion and the power of Godliness and other crying Sins that it seems to me as if the end of all things were at hand as our Saviour hath foretold that near the end of the World Iniquity should abound and the love of many wax cold If your love to Christ my Friends is sincere you will love one another If you love me saith Christ then keep my Commandments by this shall all Men know that you are my Disciples if you have love one to another John 13.35 If we have a sincere love to Christ we shall love one another and we shall find that love will cover a multitude of Sins When we see any Man falls short of what he ought to do we shall be concerned for him and pity him if he be wanting in his Duty towards God or towards Man we shall not be severe in censuring him but when we reprove him or admonish him it shall be in love and with a spirit of Meekness and as the Apostle speaks Rom. 12.10 We shall be kindly affectioned one to another with Brotherly love preferring one another This was the practice of the Primitive Christians who were inflamed with a holy zeal for God and love to one another shew●ng forth the Vertues of Christ in a Conversation becoming the Gospel let us follow them who were Followers of Christ who through Faith and Patience do inherit the Promises and then we shall say with the Apostle For us to live is Christ and to die is gain If I live in the Flesh saith Paul this is the fruit of my labour yet what I shall chuse I wot not for I am in a strait betwixt two having a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better 1 Tim. 4.6 I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing Thus if we fight the good Fight with the Apostle and follow the Captain of our Salvation we shall be more than Conquerors through him that loved us Jesus Christ the Righteous who is the blessed and only Potentate the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who only hath Immortality dwelling in the Light which no Man can approach unto whom no Man hath seen nor can see to whom be Honour and Power everlasting Amen A SERMON Preached by Charles Harris At Harp-Lane November 4th 1694. There is nothing so comfortable in this lower world as to be satisfyed by the spirit of God that we are saved by the Lord Jesus from the wrath to come and therefore all who are waiting to dwell in the sense of this comfort they should work out their own salvation with fear and trembling knowing that it is God which worketh in them both to will and to do of his good pleasure There are many People desire to be saved from the wrath to come but they would be saved in their own wayes not considering rightly that There is no Name given under Heaven whereby men can be saved but the Name of Jesus This then have I found to be the great lesson which I and others ought to learn how we are saved by Jesus and delivered from the wrath to come the Angel that was sent from Heaven unto Joseph speaking concerning Mary the Mother of our Lord Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy Wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost And she shall bring forth a Son and thou shalt call his Name Jesus for he shall save his People from their Sins Now observe what the lesson is that we have in these words he shall save his People from their Sins it is a saying worthy to be observed and possibly may the inquirer say who is it that belongs to Christ Because the word saith he shall save his People from their Sins our Saviour is very intent upon this matter No man cometh unto me saith he except my Father which hath sent me draw him Here is one of the marks and tokens that thou belongst unto Christ that is one that the Angel spake of He shall save his People from their Sins Again saith our Saviour concerning his Church and People in his Prayer to his Father John 17.6 Thine they were and thou gavest them me How shall we understand this saying Thine they were that is they were under thy preparation they were under the stirrings of thy power and under thy awakenings before they came to believe in me Observe again Thine they were and thou gavest them me How doth God the Father give Believers unto Christ he gave them unto Christ to receive the promise of the Father made in Christ For in him are all the promises yea and Amen Then again here is your comfort what our Saviour further expresseth in his Heavenly Prayer Those that thou gavest me I have kept ●nd none of them is lost but the Son of Perdition that the Scripture might be fullfilled Are you under or have you known the drawings of the Father to bring you unto Christ that is are you made sensible of the want of Christ The spouse was under the drawings of the Father before she found Christ I will rise now and go about the City saith the Spouse I will seek him whom my Soul loveth I sought him but I found him not The Watchmen found me to whom I said Saw ye him whom my Soul loveth I charge ye O ye Daughters of Jerusalem if ye find my Beloved that ye tell him that I am sick of Love What is thy Beloved more than another Beloved O thou fairest among Women what is thy Beloved more than another Beloved that thou dost so charge us My Beloved is White and Ruddy the chiefest of Ten Thousand Thus she was prepared for Christ who had inflamed her with his love and drawn her desires after him It is said concerning John the Baptist He Preached the Baptism of Repentance for the Remission of Sins making ready a People for the Lord. This is he that was spoken of by the Prophet Esaias the Voice of one Crying in the Wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord make his Paths straight There was a stirring from Heaven among the People when the Baptist came Preaching Repent for the Kingdom of He●ven is at hand they were prepared to recei● his ministration so when People come to 〈◊〉
with Joy and the Wicked shall see him with Horror and they would be glad that the Mountains would fall upon them and hide them from his Presence but the Saints shall see their Saviour with comfort and rejoice to hear him pronounce that blessed Sentence that sweet and loving Invitation which will transport them into an Extacy of joyful Admiration Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the World Therefore Friends I beseech you unless you would rush upon that Rock that will be too strong for the stoutest of you embrace the necessary Doctrin of Christ crucified by whom alone you can obtain Salvation and escape that Wrath that is to come that will certainly fall upon those that make light of Christ and what he hath done and suffered for them Do not discourage me in my Labours a necessity is laid upon me to preach Christ and him crucified and a right Faith in him if any shall put this Question of the Jailor What shall I do to be saved My Answer is that of the Apostle Paul and Silas Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Say not in thine Heart who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring down Christ from above or who shall descend into the Deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead the Word is nigh thee even in thy Mouth and in thy Heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thy Mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine Heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the Heart Man believeth unto Righteousness and with the Mouth Confession is made unto Salvation But that is not all there must be Obedience and we must express our love to Christ by keeping his Commandments for He is the Author of Eternal Salvation to all them that obey him If any shall reject this Doctrin and Faith in Christ crucified and say It will do me no good I can tell them from mine own Experience That the Lord hath wrought it in my Heart blessed be his Name and I find the purifying Nature of it Let it not be said That all Christendom or all England have this Faith which I preach for the generality of Men and Women have only a literal an historical and traditional Faith they believe only because they have it sounded in their Ears or read it in the Bible that Christ died for Sinners to reconcile us to God and purchase Salvation for us And tho' as I have oft declared I have that Charity that God has a Remnant in all Professions in Christendom that have some measure of the true Faith If it be a right saving justifying Faith it must be wrought in us by the mighty power of God Your Faith stands not in any Man's Words tho' never so good but in the Power of God Your Faith mu●● not be grounded upon any Man's Testimony He that believeth saith the Apostle hath th● Witness in himself and the Spirit of God beareth witness with our Spirits that we are th● Children of God and witnesseth the great lov● of God that gave his only begotten Son to die for us and the love of Christ that gave himself for us and took our Nature and Sins upon him and became a Curse for us Gal. 3.13 Christ hath redeemed us saith the Apostle from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us for it is written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a Tree he hath also once suffered for Sins the Just for the Vnjust that he might bring us to God being put to Death in the Flesh but quickened by the Spirit If all England had a right Belief a right Faith and Persuasion of the Love of God that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all and of the love of his Son Jesus Christ who gave himself for u● this would melt their Hearts and draw ●hem effectually to the love of God and Christ and constrain them not only to love the Lord Jesus but to live to him that died for them This Faith in a crucified Jesus is a Faith that worketh by Love and Love is the fulfilling of the Law and will make you have respect to all God's Commandments and if this divine Love reign and rule in our Hearts it will be the most delightful Exercise of our Lives to do the Will of God If all Christendom had a right Belief of the Love of God that gave his Son to die for us and did live in a sense of the love of Christ that was crucified and gave himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling Savour this Love would captivate and overcome them and melt their Hearts before the Lord. My Friends the power and efficacy of this Faith and Love is that blessed be the Lord which I know from Experience and from a deep sense of this Love of God shed abroad upon my Heart by the Holy Ghost which is given to me and hath opened to me the Mystery of that infinite love and grace of God in the VVork of Man's Redemption by Jesus Christ wherein the Power Mercy Wisdom Justice Truth and Holiness of God are wonderfully displayed to our unspeakable Joy and his everlasting Glory A SERMON Preached by George Keith At Devonshire-house August 26. 1694. John 15.1 2 5. I am the true Vine and my Father is the Husbandman IN these VVords there is a great nearness and unity held forth by the Lord Jesus Christ between himself and his People that do believe in him In the 5th Verse he saith I am the Vine ye are the Branches VVhat Ye is this All Men and VVomen upon the Face of the Earth No who then Only them that believe in him These are Branches ingrafted into this Vine abiding in this Vine and bringing forth Fruit from the Sap and Moisture that this Vine affords they only that believe in him derive vital influence from him By Faith we are ingrafted into Christ the ●rue Vine and united to him true Faith is of ●n uniting Nature No sooner are true Be●ievers united to Christ by a true Faith but instantly and immediately they find a divine Sap and Vertue flowing from Christ into their Souls which will make them fruitful I am the true Vine and my Father is the Husbandman every Branch in me that beareth not Fruit he taketh away And every Branch that beareth Fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more Fruit. True and sound Believers that are really united to Christ will become fruitful in every good Word and Work and abound in all the Fruits of the Spirit mentioned by the Apostle Gal. 5.2 But the Fruit of the Spirit is Love Joy Peace Long-suffering Gentleness Goodness Faith Meekness Temperance against such there is no Law Now from this it evidently appears that that Faith which generally abounds