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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15396 A catholicon, that is, A generall preservative or remedie against the pseudocatholike religion gathered out of the catholike epistle of S. Jude, briefly expounded, and aptly, according to the time, applied to more then halfe an hundreth of popish errours, and as many corruptions of manners. With a preface seruing as a preparatiue to the catholicon, and a dyet prescribed after.; A catholicon. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1602 (1602) STC 25673; ESTC S114006 113,250 270

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seruant to Christ. Reasons 1. In regard of our Masters high protection Heb. 13. 5. He will neuer leaue nor forsake vs. 2. In regard of his prouision Luk. 15. 17. They haue bread enough that is God prouideth all necessarie things for his 3. In regard of the great reward of Gods seruice Mat. 19. 28. Use 1. We lay open the hypocrisie of the pope who calleth himselfe a seruant Error 1. of seruants yet taketh vpon him to be a king of kings who professing himselfe a seruant doth his own will and not his masters like vnto that euill seruant which smiteth his fellowes Mat. 24. 48. Secōdly we are taught that euery man in his place should seeke to doe some acceptable seruice vnto Christ in setting foorth his truth that no man be an vnprofitable mēber as they are which spend their time in ryot and wantonnesse Called and sanctified Here are set down three parts of our iustification and incorporation Doctrin 2. into Iesus Christ vocation by God the father sanctification by the holy Ghost preseruation by Christ so that it is in vaine to be called first vnlesse we be sanctified and to be sanctified vnlesse we be kept and preserued not to loose our sanctification Doctrine that it is in vaine to be called that is stirred and mooued to receiue the faith vnlesse we be sanctified Probat Math 20. 16. Many are called but few are chosen that is truely sanctified Iam. 1. 14. it auaileth not to be so called to the faith Demonst Mark 6. 20. Herod seemed to be called and somwhat in wardly touched but he was not sanctified he would not forsake his sweete sin of incest in keeping his brothers wife Simon Magus was baptized and so called Act. 8. but he was not sanctified to leaue his gaineful sin of couetousnesse Exornat Like as the Israelites were called out of Egypt into the wildernesse but there they murmured against God did not sanctifie him in his workes Confirmat I am 1. 22. Deceiuing your own selues that is they think it enough to heare the word onely another cause is forgetfulnesse v. 24. The loue of the world their owne pleasure putteth from them the desire of sanctification Vse 1. The papists slander vs that say we preaching faith destroy good workes Error 2. whereas we affirme with the Apostle that our calling is fruitlesse without sanctification 2. Let no man content himselfe to come to heare the word but labour to amēd your liues your drūkennes extortiō Reserued or preserued by or to Christ that is that he should keepe and continue them in their holy profession Doctrine That they which are giuē vnto Doctrin 3. Christ and truely called shall be preserued Faith neuer lost to the end Phil. 1. 6. Testim 1. Pet. 1. 5. which are kept by the power of God through faith Exampl 2. Tim. 4. 18. God will deliuer me from euery euill worke preserue me to his kingdome Like as Zachar. 4. 9. Zerubbabel did both lay the foundation of the temple and finish the worke so God will establish and make perfect the worke begun in vs Psal. 68. 28. Reason The cause of this continuance and perseuerance is not in our selues because we are subiect to mutabilitie and are readie to fal like water as Reuben that lost his birthright Gen. 49. 5. but the cause is in Christ that holdeth vs Ioh. 6. 39. Use 1. Against the papists that say faith Error 3. faith may be lost and that a man may fall away from his election for Christ looseth nothing that is his and Gods word decree is immutable Heb. 6. 2. That seeing many doe fall away as Demas did 2. Tim. 4. that we pray continually that Iesus Christ may hold vs. Vers. 2. Mercie peace loue be multiplied Mercie frō God the father in forgiuenesse Doctr 4. of sin peace in Christ in feeling our conscience setled loue in the holy Ghost in beeing more and more assured of Gods loue towards vs. Multiplied doctrine that we endeauour Assurance of saluation to increase in the graces of Gods spirit in inward feeling and assurance Probat Phil. 1. 9. Coloss. 1. 10. The Apostle wisheth that they may increase and abound in all graces Demonst. 2. Cor. 1. 5. Saint Paul sheweth concerning himselfe that as his sufferings increased so his consolation much more in Christ such an one was Marke at the first weake and fearefull Act. 13. 39. but afterward strong and profitable 2. Tim. 4. 11. In this respect Iudg. 5. last verse the righteous are compared to the sunne that still from his rising encreaseth Reason The cause of this increasing 1. Cor. 15. 10. The grace of God in vs is not in vaine but maketh vs abound Vse 1. The papists are confuted who thinke a man can not grow vp to an assurance Error 4. of saluation seeing that the children of God may increase till they come to a perfect growth in Christ Ephes. 4. 11. 2. They are reproued that either loose their first loue or increase not but continue in one state The second lecture v. 3. Here beginneth the second part of this epistle wherein is propounded the whole argument matter namely to exhort them to striue and contend for the faith wherein we haue these foure things to consider 1. The cause which mooued him to write not onely his owne desires but the present necessitie 2. Whereof he writeth of the common saluation 3. To what ende to exhort them to striue for the faith 4. A reason of this ende the faith which was once giuen once for all that they are not to expect a new faith but it was giuen once to continue for euer When I gaue all diligence c it was needfull These two ioyne togither as the generall and speciall causes of his writing the generall cause is his diligent desire to profit the sepciall this necessarie occasion because of seducers and false brethren Doctrine That all which are called to Doctrine 1. be dispensers of the word should vse all diligence in preaching of the same Probat 2. Tim. 4. 2. Preach the word be instant in season out of season 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is let him take all occasion fit or vnfit either in respect of the time or of the opinion of the people Demonst. Act. 20. 7. S. Paul continued the preaching till midnight he taught thorough euery house v. 20. at all seasons v. 18. S. Peter 2. Pet. 2. 15. I will endeauour alwaies c. Exornat 1. Cor. 4. 2. As stewards and disposers of their masters goods should be faithfull so also Ministers which are disposers of the secrets of God and as shepheards are diligent to know the state of the flocke Prou. 27. 23. Confirmat 1. Cor. 9. 16. Necessitie is laid vpon me and woe is me if I preach not the gospel Ezech. 33. 6. God will require his blood that perisheth at the watchmans hand if he doe not warne
prooue a dead and withered braunch and so is that faith that doeth not gather daily more strength We ought therefore to growe increase that we may appeare to be liuing braunches graft into the stocke which is Christ. First this doctrine which teacheth increase Error 49. of faith meeteth with an erroneous opinion of the papists who doe require of their people onely a weake and imperfect faith to beleeue as the Church beleeueth and say it is sufficient though they themselues be not able to giue any reason A generall confused saith not sufficient nor render any account of faith for where is nowe this edifying of our selues in faith this spirituall groweth increase of faith they grow not at all which content themselues with a rude weake imperfect general faith S. Peter otherwise teacheth that we should be readie to giue an answer to euery man that asketh a reason of the hope that is in vs. 1. Pet. 3. 15. And thus Origen expoundeth those wordes of the Apostle to our Sauiour Christ Lord increase A d●●ge nobis fidem i habentes eam fidem quae non est secundum scientiam habeamus eam quae est secundum scientiam in c 10. ad Rom. our faith Luke 17. 5. That is hauing that faith which is not according to knowledge let vs haue that also which is according to knowledge Secondly we see what they may thinke of themselues that continue in one stay their faith hope charitie knowledge zeale is the same which it was many yeres since surely such may worthily suspect themselues that their faith is dying in thē for it is most true qui non proficit deficit he that increaseth not decreaseth Wherefore euery man ought to giue all diligence to adde grace to grace vertue to vertue as the Apostle saith Ioyne vertue with your faith with vertue knoweledge with knoweledge temperance c. so shall they not be idle and vnfruitfull 2. Pet. 1. 5 6 8. And as Hierome saith Isti sunt veluti scalae gradus quam vidit Iacob these are as the staires of Fabiolae tom 4. the ladder which Iaacob sawe whereby we must scale the heauens Praying in the holy Ghost The Apostle here sheweth that the meanes whereby Doctrin 2. we are enabled to edifie our selues and to goe forward in faith is by praier he likewise teacheth what manner of praier it ought to be in the holy Ghost that is we must pray effectually zealously as the spirit shall make vs to pray Saint Iames testifieth as much saying If any of you lacke wisedome let him aske of god who giueth to all men liberally c. but let him aske in faith Iam. 1. 5. The prophet Dauid is a notable president to vs in both these points that praier is a meane to obtaine such graces as we want Psal. 109. 4. But I betake my selfe vnto praier and that it ought to be with the heart Psal. 108. 1. Mine heart is prepared mine heart is prepared O God I will sing and giue praise Exor For like as Moses with his rodde wrought wonders Elisha with his staff in such stead is praier vnto Christians but like as the Arke was couered with gold both within without Exod. 25. 11. so our praier must not consist in glorious goodly words but proceede from the golden meditations of the heart Aitiol For as God is so ought our praier to be He is a spirit and we must worship him and pray vnto him in spirit and because Ioh. 4. 24. Christ saith Come vnto me all that are wearie and I will ease you Math. 11. 28. and to him we haue accesse by praier therfore we ought to haue recourse to praier as vnto the hauen and rest of our soules If then our praiers ought to be spirituall whereunto we are stirred by the H. ghost which as the Apostle saith maketh requests for vs with sight that can not be expressed Rom. 8. 26. then first of all all lip-labour Error 50. in praier is condemned such as are all popish Popish liplabour in praiers vain● latine praiers made by simple people without any knowledge or vnderstanding of that which is praied which is contrarie to the Apostles rule I will pray with the spirit I will pray with the vnderstanding also I will sing with the spirit I will sing with the vnderstanding also 1. Cor. 14. 15. For if publike prayer ought to be made to the vnderstanding of others whereof the Apostle here chiefly speaketh much more to the vnderstanding of those themselues that pray Origen saith well vpon these words of our Sauiour If two agree vpon ●arth whatsoever they desire it shall be giuen them Math. 18. 19. that is There must be a consent of the heart in beleeuing and a ●●it consensus cordis crodendo linguae cōsitendo tract 6. Matth. consent of the tongue in confessing And secondly seeing praier is so necessarie an instrument of the soule they are grieuous offendours that so seldome vse it Daniel would not forbeare praier 30. daies vnto God though it cost him his life but vsed to pray thrice euery day Dan. 6. 10. Men now are not onely terrified from praier but comforted and encouraged to pray yet I am afraid that many passe daies weekes moneths yeares and neuer humble themselues in their priuate praier vnto God Great is the efficacie of feruent praier Iam. 5. 16. And Hierome well saith Vim facicbat precum tuarum fidelis ambitio The faithfull ambition ad C●la●ti●● as it were of your prayers was violent and forceable vers 22. Keepe your selues in the loue of God He meaneth brotherly charitie which is wrought in vs by God The loue of God is taken either for that loue whereby God loueth vs 1. Ioh. 4. 9. In this appeared the loue of God toward vs c. or whereby we loue God v. 19. We loue him because he loued vs first or for that loue whereby we loue one an other which is said to be the loue of God because it commeth of God 1. Ioh. 4. 7. Beloued let vs loue one an other for loue commeth of God and so is it taken here The Apostle then in these words exhorteth Doct. ● to perseuerance and continuance in loue that we should take heede of all offences and occasions whereby our charitie might be interrupted or broken off so that it is as great a vertue to cherish and nourish Christian loue as once to haue begunne it Testim Therefore the Apostle saith Endeauouring to keepe the vnitie of the spirit in the bond of peace Eph. 4. 3. And againe Be angrie and sinne not v. 26. that is so moderate your affections as thereby ye sinne not against charitie Examp. Thus was Abraham desirous to keepe charitie he beeing both far greater then Lot as elder in yeares his vncle by kinred and heire of Gods promises yet thus offereth himselfe vnto him seeking peace Let there be no