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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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is in heauen Math. 10. Go saith Christ and preache the kingdome of heauen is at hand heale the sicke clense lepers raise the dead cast out diuels that which I tell you in darkenesse speake in the light and that ye heare in the eare that preach on the house tops Math. 28 Preach the ghospell to all creatures and babtisme them in the name of the Father and of the Sunne and of the holie ghost Mark 16 Goe into all the world and preach the Ghospell to all creatures he that beleeueth is baptized shal be saued he that beléeueth not shal be damned Io. 4. He the God hath sēt speaketh the words of god A true precher Acts. 6. They ought to giue themselues continually vnto prayer to the ministation of the worde to be obedient vnto the faith Acts. 20. Take héede saith the Apostle vnto your selues and to all the flockes among whom the holie ghost hath made you ouerséers to rule the congregation of God which Christ hath bought with his blood 1. Peter 5. Feede Christs flocke asmuch as lyeth in you taking the ouersight of them not as cōpelled therto but of a good will not for desire of filthie lucre but of a good minde Father Are all the ministers in the Church of God of like calling Sonne Some are Appostles some Prophets 1. Cor. 12 some teachers some workers of miracles vnto some is giuen the gifts of healing helpers gouernours Father I héere thée make no mencion of Bishopes or ministers Sonne Father there be Bishops Tim. 3. ministers and Deacons Father Let me héere their seuerall duties with the manner of their conuersations Sonne A Bishop must be blameles A Bishops A●●ie 1. Ti● ● the husband of one wife diligent sober discret a keper of hospitality apt to teach not giuen to ouermuch wine no fighter not gréedy of filthie lucre but gentle abhoring fighting abhoring coueteousnesse one that ruleth well his owne house one that hath Children in subiection with reuerence Titus ● no young scholler least they swel fall into the iudgement of the euill speaker also haue a good report of them that are without A minister must be honest A Ministers dutie not double tounged not giuen to much wine neither gredy of filthie lucre but holding the mistery of faith with a good concience Proued then chosen let him first be proued saith saint Paull and then let him minister so that no man be able to reproue him Deacons Let the Deacons be the husbands of one wife and such as rule their Children well and their owne housholds 1. Tim 4 The dutie of all Ministers Let no man saith Paull to Timothe dispyse thy youth but be vnto them that béeléeue an example in word in conuersation in loue in spirit in faith in purenesse giue attendance to reading to exhortacion to doctrine despise not the gift that is giuen vnto thee through proficie with the laying on the hands by the authoritie of priesthode 2. Tim. 4 Preach the way of God be feruent in season and out of season improue rebuke exhorte with all suffering and doctrine Father False teachers Sonne but I haue heard that ther be false teachers and seducers of the people therefore let me haue some marke wherby they may be knowen Sonne Acts. 5. The true preachers daily in the temple and in euery house cease not to preach Iesus Christ True teachers When they are called straight way Acts. 9 Acts. 10 they preach Iesus Christ in the Synagoges how that he is the Sonne of God and very Christ they kéepe nothing backe that is profitable but openlie in euery house both to the Iewes and Gréekes they witnesse the repentaunce that is towardes God and faith towards Iesus Christ They neither choppe nor change with the word of God 2. Cor 2. but euen out of purensse by the powre of God in the fight of God to speake in Christ They doe not preach themselues but Iesus Christ to be the Lorde 2. Cor. 4. themselues the peoples seruants for Iesus Christ sake and further you may perceiue who are true teachers by the word going before Father Let me heare some doctrine of the false teachers and seducers of the people False teachers Sonne The false teachers you shall know by their fruits Math. 7. they goe in long garmēts and loue salutacions in markets c. Ezech. 34. Woo be to the shepherds of Israell they féede themselues they eate vp the fat and cloth themselues with the wooll the best haue they slaine C●uetous and doing not good but the flocke haue they not nourished the weake haue they not holden vp the sicke haue they not healed the outcasts haue they not brought againe the lost haue they not sought but churlish and cruelly haue they ruled them but I will require my shéepe at their hands saith the Lorde Ieremy 2. They teach their owne wayes and dare saie they are without sinne Iustifiers and guiltles I haue not offended and therfore the Lord sayth I condemne thée in iudgement Ieremi 14 They preach vnto you false vysions Charmes vanyties and deceitfulnesse of their owne harte Mark 12 They go saith Christ in long garments and loue salutacions in the market place False teachers deceiue widowes with praying for their dead husbands and chiefe seates in feasts and in the congregacion and deuoure widowes houses vnder pretence of long prayers but their damnation shall be great Father I perceiue well what the false teachers are and that their ende is damnacion but let vs come againe to the true teachers tell me wherefore the Lorde hath placed Appostles Prophets Euengelists shéepherds and teachers in his Church Sonne Saint Paull saith Ephe. 4 euen to the edifying of the saints to the worke and ministratiō euen to the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come to the vnytie of faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the full perfect age of Christ Father If preachers and ministers be sent for this purpose then surelie we ought to maintaine them with our goods and reuerence them as the chosen messengers of God tell mée wherevppon they shall liue Sonne The Tythes of the people hath the Lorde giuen them to bée thire inheretaunce Numer 18 Tythes They shall haue saith the Lord the tythe Deut. 14 of all the increase of the field that springeth yéere by yéere Deu. 8. The first fruit of corne wine and oyle the first of the wooll of thy shéepe shalt thou giue to the priest 1. Cor. 9. If we sowe vnto you saith Saint Paull speciall things is it a great thing if wée reape your bodylie thinges doe you not knowe that they which minister aboute holy thinges liue of the sacrifice euen so did the Lord ordaine that they which
to your olde state ●et in their ●ormer ●ate and shew you more kindnesse then euer you had before I will giue my spirit amonge you Luke 15 The prodigall childe returning by repentance to his father was forgiuen and his father saide to his seruauntes bring forth the best garment and put it on him and put a ring on his hands and shooes on his féece and reioyce and be merrie for this our sonne was dead and is now aliue againe he was lost but is now founde Rom. 13 Let vs walke honestlie as it were in the day time putting on the Lord Iesus Christ ●phe 4. We must laye away the olde manne which is corrupt and put on the new man which after God is shapen in true holinesse and righteousnesse ●euel 3 He that ouercommeth shall be cloathed with white aray ●od Buy of mée saith Christ I counsell thée gold that is tried in the fier that then thou may be ritch and white rayment that thou mayest be cloathed and that thy filthie nakednesse doe not appeare and anoynt thine eyes with eye salue that thou maiest sée Long white garments were giuen to euerie one of them Reuel 16 Let vs be glad and reioyce Reuel 19 and giue honour to him for the marriage of the lābe is come and his wife made her selfe ready and to her was graunted that she should be cloathed with pure and goodlie raines And concluding this with the words of the Euangelist Iohn Reuel 7. who behelde a great multitude in heauen which no man could number of all nations people and tongues that stoode before the seat and the Lambe clothed with long white garments and Palmes in their hands Father If we shal be clothed with the merrits and righteousnesse of Christ Iesus good work then it is not needefull for vs to doe anie good workes Sonne Yes Father Ephe. 2. Created t● good work● for we are the workemāship of God created in Christ Iesu vnto good works that we should walke in him I haue made thée that thou mightest serue me saith God Esay 44. Ephe. 1. Elected to good works The Lord hath chosen vs in him before the foundations of the worlde were laide that we should be holy and without blame before him ●o 15. I haue chosen you saith Christ to goe and bring foorth fruite and that your fruit should remayne Luke 1 R●demed to good works Christ hath redéemed his people that they should serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of their life Father I perceaue that all men are elected created redéemed sanctified and ordeyned of God to doe good and to liue holelie Name vnto mée some of those good works commaunded by God that we shoulde walke in them Sonne The chiefe worke is faith The first and principall worke of all other and the spring or fountayne out of which all other works flow and the foundation next vnto Christ wherevpon all are buylded sheweth our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ Io. 6. Faith the ●hief work by his Euangelist Saint Iohn This is the worke of God that ye beléeue on him whome he hath sent Father Thou touchedst that worke of faith at large before the Lorde Iesus increace our faith but now procéede to the other Sonne Charitie father Charity springeth and groweth out of this roote faith Father What is Charitie Sonne It is the loue of God for his owne worthinesse and the loue of our neighbour Charitie defined for the loue we beare to our God Father First tell me of the loue of our God and how he is to be loued Sonne Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart with all thy soule Math. 22. Luke 10. with all thy minde and with all thy strength c. Of this loue of our God I haue spoken before Father What sayst thou of the loue of our neighbour Sonne Christ sayth Luke 10 thou shalt loue thine neighbour as thy selfe aboue all thinges haue feruent loue amongst your selues 1. Peter 4 for loue shall couer the multitude of sinnes Rom. 13. Dilectio proximi malum non operatur loue doth hurt none 1. Io. 3 We must loue saith saint Iohn not in tongue nor worde onelie but in déede and veritie 1. Io. 3 This is the commaundement of God that we beléeue on the name of the sonne of GOD Iesus Christ and loue one an other Eather Math. 5 It should séeme that euen brute beasts will loue those of whom they are fedde the wicked man will after a manner loue them that loue him what saist thou ought we not to loue our enimies Sonne Math. 5 Christ saith loue your enimies blesse them that curse you doe good to them that hate you pray for them that persecute you that you may be the children of my father which is in heauen Loue our enimies Father Is it enough to loue them is no more required at our hands Sonne We can no more but loue them Math. 18 how be it there is much contained in this word loue for we must forgiue them If thy brother offend against thée thou must not onelie forgiue him seauen times but seauentie times seauen times If thy brother trespasse Luke 17 Forgiue your enimies rebuke him and if hée repent forgiue him and though he sinne against thée seauen times in one day and seauen times in one day turne vnto thée saying it repenteth me thou shalt forgiue him Father Is there yet any more contained in this word loue but to forgiue Sonne Yea we must pray for them Pray for your enimies for Christ saith pray for them that hurte you and persecute you Saint Stephen knéeled downe and cried with a loude voice Acts. 7. and prayed thus for his persecutors lord lay not this sinne to their charge and when he had thus spoken he fell a sléepe And concluding with Christes owne wordes Luke 23 he praied thus for those that crucified him father forgiue them they wot● not what they doe Father Is there any more that we must doe to our enimies Sonne Math. 5. Rom. 12 Yea we must loue them so that we do for them what soeuer good wée are able for Christ teacheth thus doe good to them that hate you if thine enimie hunger féede him if he ●hirst giue him drinke Father I perciue that all vertues and good workes procede of this loue being a fruite of a liuelie faith Sonne Rom. 13 Yea father the whole lawe is fulfilled in this word loue for whatsoeuer ye would that men should doe vnto you euen so doe yée to them for this is the lawe and prophets Io. 14 He that hath my commandements and kéepeth them the same is he that loueth mée and he that loueth mée shal be loued of my father and I will loue him and my father and I will dwell with him Io. 4. God is
Saint Paull sayth 1. Cor. 12 yée are the bodie of Christ and members one of an other The Church saith the Prophet Ose Oscas 2. is married vnto the Lorde in righteousnesse in equitie in louing kindnesse in mercie and also in faith There is neyther Iewe nor Gentile Gal. 3. bonde nor frée man nor woman but all one in Christ Iesu As the body sayth Saint Paull is one and hath many members 1. Cor. 12 and all the members of one body though they bée many yet are but one bodie euen so is Christ for by one Spirite wee are all Baptised to make one body whether wée bée Iewes or Gentiles whether wée bée bonde or frée and haue all drunke of one spirit Rom. 12. For as we haue many members in one body and all members haue not one office so we being manie are one bodie in Christ and euerie man among our selues one an others members Ephe. 1. Christ the head we his members Christ saith Saint Paull is made aboue all thinges the heade of the congregation which is his body and the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all Ephe. 2. Ye are not strangers and forrenners but Citizens with the saintes and of the housholde of God and buylt vppon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets The true Church Iesus Christ himselfe being the head corner stone In whom what building so euer is coupled together it groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lorde in whome ye are also buylt together to be an habitation of God through the holy Ghost Ephe. 4. Let vs follow the truth in loue and in all things that grow in him which is the heade euen Christ Head 2. Thes 2 They that are chosen to saluation sanctified by his spirit through beliefe of the truth What is the Church 1. Tim. 3 whervnto they are called by the Gospell and so obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ The house of God the congregation of the liuing God 2. Tim. 3. the Pyller and ground of the truth Christ hath rule ouer the house whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence the reioycing of that hope vnto the ende Saint Peter sayth that the Church of God is a chosen generatiō 1. Peter 2. a royall priesthoode an holy nation a people which are wonne that should shewe the vertues of him that called them out of darkenesse They that heare the voyce of God indéede and kéepe his appointment Exod. 19. are chosen aboue all nations to bée the Lordes owne people a kingdome of priestes Deut. 7. and an holy people The true Church Whereby father you may sée that the faithfull which heare the voice of God and kéepe the Lords appointment are members of the misticall bodye of Christ and Christ Iesus their heade whereby they are made an holy Temple Father Is there my sonne some that are not of this true Church of God Christ being the head Sonne Yea Father for true is that saying The diuels Chaplen where God hath a Church Sathan hath commonly a Chappell Father Tell mée in few wordes who are of the Diuels Church Sonne Exod. 19. 2. Thess 2 They that refuse to heare the voyce of God in déede and deny to kéepe his appointment that beleeue not the trueth wherevnto they are called by the Gospell that buyld not vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ being the head corner stone The malignant Church for any other foundation can no man lay then that which is layde which is Iesus Christ Father My Sonne I perceaue that there bée many that are Recusantes and refuse to heare Gods voyce deny his holy lawes beléeue not the truth which is Christ and that buylde not vpon this rocke but vpon the constitutions of men and traditions of Elders flatly denying as I think their owne saluation whome the Lorde in his good time call home out of Sathans holde that there may be one foulde and one shepheard But procéede Sonne to shewe mée who is the head of the Church of God next and immediatly vnder Christ the chiefe head Sonne Euery Emperor King or prince King supreme head within their seuerall Empyres or kingdomes Father What sayest thou then to those that chalenge Supremacy ouer Kings as they say by the succession of Saint Peter Sonne Let Saint Peter aunswere that hymselfe 1. Peter 2 who being inspyred with Gods holy spirite did foresée that many woulde séeke honour ambition and promotion and desire to bée called Rabbi contrarie to Christs words preuented them in these words Submitte your selues vnto al māner of ordinaunces of man for the Lords sake whether it bée to the King King chief head as vnto the chiefe head eyther vnto Rulers as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euill doers but for the loue of them that doe well Nay 1. Peter 2 in an other place he concluding vpon the dutie of all the true seruaunts of God sayth honour all men Honor Kings Titus 3 loue brotherly felowship Feare God honour the King Saint Paul willeth Titus and all ministers and Preachers to warne all subiectes that they submitte themselues to their King and Prince and that they also obey all the officers ordayned by them Father Kings are the ordinance of God Well doth the Apostle S. Peter shewe who is the heade of Christes members which as he sayth is the king therefore tell me by whome are kinges ordayned Sonne Rom. 13. Saint Paul saith that there is no power but of God the powers that be are ordayned of God Wisd 6. Heare O ye kinges and vnderstand O learne ye that be iudges of the earth giue eare ye that rule the multitude and delight in much people for power is giuen you of the Lord and the strength from the highest 1. Kings 9 The Lord told the prophet Samuell in his eare And saide to morrow this time will I send a man out of the lande of Byniamin him shalt thou anoynt to be king ouer my people of Israell that he may saue my people out of the handes of the Philistines 1. King 10 Samuell tooke a vessell of oyle and powred it vpon the heade of Saull and kissed him and said the Lord hath anoynted thée to bée king ouer his inheritance Dauid saide to his wife Michell the Lord hath chosen me commaunded me 2. King 6 to bée a ruler ouer all the people of the Lorde euen ouer Israell Thus saith the Lord of hostes vnto Dauid 1. Cro. 17. I tooke thée out of the pastures when thou wentest after shéepe that thou shouldest bée king ouer my people Israel Salomon the third king of Israell said to the Lord 2. Cro. 1. thou hast made me a king ouer a people which is like the dust of the earth in multitude Salomon said ● Kin. 3. O Lord my God it is
thou that hast made thy seruant king in steade of Dauid my father Wisedome and strength are the Lords Dan. 2. he putteth downe kinges and setteth vp kinges The Lord hath set a ruler ouer euerie people so that the ruler Eccle. 17. Conclusiō that the Prince is the head Prince or king set ouer euery people by the Lord being so ordayned of God is chiefe head ouer those people where the Lord hath placed and set him Father Thou proouest verie well and directly my Sonne if Kinges and Princes are ordayned of God But now procéede and tell me for what cause Sonne 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 13. The Apostle aunswereth thus for the punishment of euill dooers but for the loue of them that doe well Rulers are not fearefull to them that doe well but to them that doe euill for he is the minister of God for thy welth But and if thou doest euill then feare for hée beareth not the swoord for naught for hee is the minister of God to take vengeance of him that doth euill Exod. 18. Moyses saide iudge betwéene euerye man and his neighbour and shewe them the ordinaunce of God and his lawes Gen. 26. Abymelech the king commaunded that none of his people should touch Abraham or his wife and whosoeuer hurt eyther of them should die the death VVho are to be chosē kings Deut. 17. No stranger to be thy king Deut. 17. Thou shalt make him king ouer thée which the Lord thy God shalt choose euen one from among thy brethren shalt thou make king ouer thée thou mayst not make a stranger king ouer thee which is not of thy brethren The king ought to reade in the lawe of his God all the dayes of his lyfe and not turne there from neyther to the right hand nor to the left Dauid raigned ouer Israell and executed iust and right ouer all his people 2. kings 8 The King shall giue sentence betwéene parties 2. king 25 and iustifie the righteous and condemne the vngodly The King is like an Angell of God to heare good and bad 2. king 14 The King ought to defend the fatherlesse and poore Psalm 82. to sée that such as bée in néede and necessity haue right A wise King destroyeth the vngodlie Pro. 20. and bringeth the whéele ouer them Father Sonne 1. Pet. 2. I vnderstand the Kinges dutie and that the God of heauen hath chosen him for the punishment of the wicked and for the praise of the good doer but tell me if he haue this power and aucthoritie from God ouer all his subiects spiritual and temporall Sonne Yea Father ouer all people within his seuerall iurisdiction whether exclesiasticall or cyuell Iosua commaunded the Prists to take Iosua 3. vp the Arke of the Lord and to goe before the people and they so dyd Iosua 4 The Lord saide to Iosua commaund the Priests that beare the Arke of witnes to come vp out of Iourden and the people to followe 3. Cron. 8. Salomon set the sorts of the Priestes to their offices and the Priestes in their watches to minister to the Lord and the Priests the Leuites omitted not the commandement of the King concerning anie maner of thing Father Well but what further hath a Prince to doe in the Church of God Sonne 4. king 18 You may perceiue Father by these examples following Hezechia dyd that which was right in the sight of the Lorde as Dauid had done he put downe the hyll Alters and brake the Images cut downe the groues and all to brake the brasen Serpent which Moyses made for vnto that time the people did burne sacryfice to it called it Nehustan Dan. 6. Daryus the King wrote a commaundement that all menne spirituall and temporall within his domynion should feare and stand in awe of Daniels God for he is the liuing God that abydeth euer and his kingdome shall not fayll it is he that delyuereth and saueth The Kinge ought to ouerthrowe all Alters breake downe their Pyllers Deu. 7. cut downe their groues and burne the grauen Images with fire Whereby you may plainely sée that the King or Prince in the Church of God hath aucthorytie to roote out all supersticion and Idolitrie And to commaund that the liuing God be feared and worshiped Father What punishment may the Kinge or Prince appoint for Idolaters and for those that pollute the Temple of the Lord and will not feare the God of Israell Sonne Euen what punishmēt as the Prince shall thinke good for the Lord sayeth Iosua 2. The kings displeasure is a messenger of death whosoeuer doth disobay his mouth will not harken vnto his woords in al that he commandeth him let him dye Salomon sayd if thou be a Childe of 3. Kings 1 vertue there shall not one haire of thine head fall to the earth but if thou be wicked thou shalt dye Deu. 13 If there arise saith the Lord among you a Prophet a dreamer of dreames and giue a signe or wonder and that signe or wonder come to passe and shall then say come let vs worship strange Gods thou shalt haue no pittie nor compassion vppon him but cause him to be slayne thou shalt stone him with stones that he dye Exod. 22 He that offereth to any Gods but to the Lord onely let him be rooted out Exod. 21 He that smyteth a man that he dye shall dye for it He that curseth his father or mother shall dye for it Eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand c. By these examples you may well note Father that Princes may punish with imprisonment fyne or death offenders whether Priests or seculer persons Father Séeing that Princes are ordayned of God for these causes and haue power to punish with death or otherwise according to the offence must not all persons then néeds obey them Sonne Yes Father all subiects must honour them and obay them with their bodies goods and prayers Ouer all which the Prince hath power Let euery soule saith Saint Paull Rom. 13. submit himselfe to the aucthorytie of the hyer powers Ye must néeds obay Eod. not onely for feare of vengance but also because of cōscience Warne them that they submit themselues to rule and power Titus 3 that they obay the officers Submitte your selues vnto all manner of ordinances for the Lords sake 1. Peter 2 whether it be to the King as to the chiefe head eyther vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euill doers but for the prayse of them the do well All our Cyties possessions Iudeth 3 al moūtaines and Hills all Fields great and small Cattell Shéepe and Goates Horses Camels all our goods housholds are in the power of the King and vnder his subiection we our selues and our Children are his owne Christ Iesus sayth Math. 22 giue to Caesar the things that belong to Caeser and
wiues according to knowledge giueing honour to the wife as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindred Ye husbands saith Saint Paull loue your wiues and be not bitter vnto them Collo 3 Ye husbands loue your wiues Ephe. 5. euen as Christ loued the congregation and gaue himselfe for it to sanctifie it so ought men to loue their owne wiues as their owne bodies he the loueth his wife loueth himselfe for this cause shall a man leaue father mother shal be ioyned vnto his wife Gen. 2. and of two shal be made one flesh Father Shew me what wiues should doe to their husbands because many now adaies grow stubbourne and wilful Sonne Ye wiues saith Saint Paull VViues duties submitte your selues vnto your owne husbands as vnto the Lorde for the husbande is the wiues heade euen as Christ is the heade of the congregation therefore euen as the congregation is in subiection vnto Christ likewise let the wiues be in subiection vnto their husbands in all thinges Gen. 3. Sub potestate viri eris thou shalt sayd God be subiect to thy husbande Col. 3. Ye wiues submit your selues vnto your owne husbands as it is conuenient in the Lorde 1. Peter 3 Ye wiues saith Saint Peter be in subiection to your husbands that euen they that obey not the word may be without the woord wonne by the conuersation of the wyues while they beholde their chast conuersation coupled with feare VViues apparell whose apparell shall not be outwarde with broyded hayre and hanging on of Golde eyther in putting on of gorgious apparell but let the hyd manne which is in the hart be without all corruption so that the spirit be myld which is before God a thing much set by for after this manner in the olde time did the holye women which trusted in God tyre themselues and were diligent to their owne husbands euen as Saray obeyed Abraham and called him Lord whose daughters ye are as longe as ye doe well and are not dismaide with any terror All women should hold their husbands in honour both among great and small ●ester 1 Father What may not man and woman be diuorsed after they be married together Sonne At the beginning God made man and woman and saide Gene. 2 Diuorce for this cause shall a man leaue father and mother Math. 19. and cleaue to his wife and they twaine shal be one flesh wherefore they are not twaine but one flesh let no man therfore put a sunder that which God hath coupled together Father Moyses gaue the people a testimoniall of diuourcement that they might put them away Sonne Yea father Moyses Fornicatiō Math. 19. because of the hardnesse of their harts suffred them to put away their wiues but whosoeuer saith Iesus Christ putteth away his wife except it be for fornication marrieth an other breaketh wedlocke and whosoeuer marrieth her that is deuorsed committeth adulterie Father Parents The dutie of parents would I learne for many bring vp their children wantonlie tel me therefore plainely and truelie although thou be but a Childe in yéeres yet I praise God thou art almost a man in wisdome and knowledge Sonne Gen. 13 The Lord said I know that Abraham will command his Children and his housholde after him that they kéepe the waye of the Lorde and doe after right and concience Eccle. 26 If thy daughter be not shamefast hold her in straitely least she abuse her selfe through to much libertie Eccle. 7. If thou haue sonnes bring them vp in nourture learning Daughters married to wisemen and hold them in awe from their youth vp If you haue a daughter kéepe her body and shew not thy face cherefull towards her marry thy daughter giue her to a man of vnderstanding If thy daughter bée wanton kéepe her in straitly Eccle. 42 least shée cause thine enimies to laugh thée to scorne You shall saith God Deu. 4. teach all my lawes and ordinances vnto your Children Ye fathers moue not your children vnto anger and wrathe Ephe. 6. but bring them vp in the doctrine and informacion of the Lorde Ye fathers prouoke not your Children to anger least they be of a desperate minde Collo 3 He that spareth the rood hateth his sonne Pro. 13. but who so loueth him chasteneth him betimes Who so loueth his childe holdeth him still vnder correction Eccle. 30 that he may haue ioy of him afterward and that he grope not after his neighbours dores he that teacheth his sonne shall haue ioye of him and néede not to be a shamed of him among his acquaintance Giue him no libertie in his youth Eccle. 30 Libertie hurteth children and excuse not his follie teach thy Child and be diligent therein least it be to thy shame Father What saith the scripture of Children to their parents Sonne Children Ephe. 6 Thus saith S. Paull children obey your fathers and mothers in the Lorde for that is right honour the father and mother that thou maist prosper and liue longe on the earth Col. 3. Ye Children obey your fathers and mothers in all things for that is well pleasing vnto the Lorde Leuitic 19 Ye shall saith the Lorde of hosts feare euery man his father and mother and kepe my sabaoths Pro. 23. Giue eare to the father that begat thée and despyse not thy mother when she is olde Pro. 28. Robbers of parents Tobias 4. He that robbeth his father and his mother saie it is no sinne he is a destroyer Hold thy mother saith Toby as in honour all the daies of the life for thou oughtest to remember how great perills shée suffered for thée in her wombe Tobias 5. All that the parents command them that they ought to doe dyligentlie honour thy father in word and déed Ecclesi 3 in paciens that thou maist haue Gods blessing and his blessing shall abyde with the at the last He that defyeth his father shall come to shame Fathers blessing and he that forsaketh his mother is cursed of God The blessing of the Father buildeth vp the houses of the Children Eccle. 3 but the mothers curse rooteth out the foundacions He that forsaketh his Father shall come to shame and he that defieth his mother is accursed of God Father Now would I know Sonne how elders both men and women ought to liue for the example of the younger sorte Elders Sonne The elder men must be sober sage Titus 2 discret sound in the faith in loue in pacience The elder women likewise Elder women must be in such rayment as becommeth holynesse not being false accusers not giuen to much wine but that they teach honest thinges let them shew themselues in all thinges an example in good workes with honistie and grauitie Father How must the younger sorte behaue themselues
Sonne The young men must be sober minded Titus 2 Yoūg men young women The young women must be sober minded also and loue their husbands and children they must be discréet chast huswifly good obedient vnto their husbands that none haue any euill to say of them Father What sayst thou to souldiers toll-gatherers and Baylifes Sonne Luke 3. Souldiers The souldyers demanded of Iohn Babtist what they should doe And he said hurt no-man neither trouble any man wrongfully and be contented with your wages Luke 11 Lawiers As for the lawiers the Lord cursed them and sayd wo vnto you ye Lawiers for ye loden men with burthens which they are not able to beare and ye your selues touch not the packes with one of your fingers Father But thou tellest me not what they should doe I sée a great sort euill enough Sonne Math. 23 They ought to execute Iudgement mercie and faithe Father What off bayllifs and common tol-gatherers and such like Sonne They ought to require no more then that is apponted vnto them Luke 3 Father Thou hast spoken of all perticulerlie Euery mās dutie But now let me heare in generall words of the dutyes of all states and degrées of people young and olde learned and vnlearned rich and poore man and woman Sonne The grace of God saith saint Paull Titus 2. hath appeared that bringeth saluation vnto all men and teacheth that all men should denye vngodlinesse and worldlie lusts and that they should liue soberly righteously and Godly in this present worlde They ought to feare God Reuel 14 and giue honour vnto him and worshippe him that made heauen and earth and the sea and the fountaines of water They ought to follow righteousnesse 1. Tim. 6 Godlinesse faith loue pacience méekenesse to fight the good fight of faith to lay hād on eternall life wherevnto they are called and haue professed the same before manie witnesses They ought to recompence to no man euil for euil to warne thē that are vnruly 1. Thes 5 to comforte the féeble minde to lift vp the weake and to be patient towards all men Phillip 2 They must be like minded hauing one loue being of one accord and of one minde that nothing be done through strife or of vaine glorie but in méekenesse of minde let euerie man estéeme an other better then himselfe Luke 12 They ought to séeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof Luke 3. He that hath two coats must part with him that hath none and he that hath meat must doe likewise 1. Cor. 11 Euerie one must be a chast virgin vnto God 1. Peter 2 They ought all to loue as the seruants of God to honour all men to haue brotherly felloship to feare God to honour the Kinge Ecclesi 8 They must kéepe the kinges commandement and the oathe that is made vnto God Eccle. 12. This is the conclusion of all thinges that they feare God and kéepe his commandements for that toucheth all men Father Election Beginne to shewe me the goodnesse of God vnto his people I haue heard that we are elected of God euen of his méere loue Sonne Yea Deu. 4. whatsoeuer the Lord God doth vnto vs that it is of his mercy and loue and for our election the Lord saith because I loued thy fathers I chose their séede after them and brought them out of Egypt The Lord hath chosen thée to be a seuerall people and nation to himselfe Deut. 7. aboue all nations of the earth The Lorde chooseth vnto himselfe the man that is godlie Psal 4. I prepared thée or euer thou knewest me Esay 45. The Lord saith Ieremi 1. before euer I fashioned thée in thy Mothers wombe I did knowe thée and or euer thou wast borne I sanctified thée and ordayned thée to be a Prophet vnto the people The Lord choseth those that put their whoredome out of his sight Oscas 2. and their adnoutry from their breasts He whom the Lord chooseth shal be holy Nume 16 Was not Esau Iacobs brother Malachi saith the Lord yet haue I hated Esau and loued Iacob Io. 6. No man saith Christ can come vnto me except my Father draw him Io. 15. Chosen to good works I haue chosen you and ordayned you to goe and bring foorth fruit and that your fruit should remayne Ephe. 1. And concluding with Saint Paules words the Lord hath chosen vs in hym before the foundations of the world were laide that we shoulde be holye without blame before him through Iesus Christ to bée heyres vnto himselfe Father Creation What saiest thou touching our creation Sonne Gen. 1. In the beginning God made heauen and earth and all other things and sawe that they were excéeding good Psalm 33 By the word of the Lorde were the heauens made and all the hostes of them by the breath of his mouth Esay 41. He that called the generations from the beginning euen the Lord which is the first and the last made and created all thinges ●eremi 27 I am saith the Lord he that made the earth the men and Cattell that are vpon the grounde with my power and out-stretched arme and I haue giuen it to whome it pleaseth mée The Lorde is the worke-master of all things which teacheth wisedome Wisd 7 All things were made by the worde of God Io. 1. and without it was made nothing that was made And concluding with Saint Paull Collo 1. who saith That all things were created by him that are in heauen and that are in earth visible and inuisible whether they be Maiestraies or Lordship either rule or power Father But how was man created Sonne Euen after the image of God Mans creation Gen. 1. God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him Male and Female created he them The Lorde shaped man euen of dust of the moulde Gen. 2. and breathed into his nostherells the breath of life and so Adam was made a liuing soule The Lord saith Iob Iob. 10. made mée of the mould and shall bring me into dust againe he hath turned me as it were milk and turned me into cruds like chéese hée hath couered me with skinne and flesh and ioyned me togther with bones and sinewes ●ob 33. The spirit of God hath made me and the breath of the almightie hath giuen mée life Eccle. 7. This I haue founde that God made man iust but he hath many inuentions ●ust ●eremy 2 Faithfull I placed thée saith God a noble vine and a good roote whose seede is faithfull but thou art turned into a bytter vnfruitfull and straunge Grape Wisd 2. God made man to be vndestroyed yea after the Image of his owne likenesse made he him neuerthelesse through the mallice of the Diuell came death into the world ●phe 4 Ye are shapen after
loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him Io. 16. By this shall ye be knowne to be my disciples if ye loue one an other If we examine our selues we shall finde whether we be in the faith or not 1. Cor. 15. for the Appostle saith proue your owne selues know you not that Iesus Christ dwelleth in you except ye be reprobates and he in whom Christ dwelleth 2. Cor. 5 hath crucified the flesh with affections and lustes and is a new creature in Iesus Christ So that if we be the Children of God Rom. 8. and loue one an other Gods holie spirit will certifie vs thereof Father Any man may perceiue then Religion who is a man of God and sincere religion Sonne Yea Io. 4. he that worshippeth one true God in spirit and truth and loueth all men friend and foe and hath crucified the olde man and put vppon him the newe and is become a new creature in Iesus Christ Pure religion and vndefiled before God the father is this Iames. 1 to visit the fatherlesse and widowes in their aduersitie and to kéepe himselfe vnspotted of the world Father Almes Is it a signe of men that be of perfect religion to helpe the fatherles widows and poore let mée héere how we ought to helpe them Sonne Deu. 15. If any of your brethren among you be poore saith God within any of your gates in the land which I giue you thou shalt not harden thy hearte nor shut thine hand from thy poore brother Giue and lend but open thine hand and lend him sufficient for his néede Daniel 4 Oh King saide Daniell be content with my counsell that thou maist redéeme thy sinnes with almes and thine offences with mercie to poore people for this shall be an healing of thine error Tobi. 4. Giue almes of thy goods and turne neuer thy face from any poore man then the face of the Lorde shall not be turned away from thée Be mercifull after thy power if thou hast much giue plentiouslie If thou hast little doe thy deligence to giue of that little for so gatherest thou thy selfe a good reward in the day of necessitie for almes deliuereth from sinne and death Almes rewarded and suffereth not the soule to come in darkenesse The mercie that a man sheweth is as it were a purse with him Eccle. 17 the grace that is giuen to man preserueth him as the apple of an eye The bread of the néedy is the life of the poore he that defraudeth him of it Eccle. 34 is the child of death When thou giuest thine almes Math. 6. let not thy left hand know what the right hande doth that thine almes may be in secret And the Lord which séeth in secret Rewarded shal rewarde the openlie Whosoeuer hath this worldes good 1. Io. 3 and séeth his brother haue néede and shutteth vp his compassiō from him how dwelleth the loue of God in him Father What sayest thou to those that are vnmercifull vnto the poore and will not suffer them somuch as to gather the eares of corne and to gleane in their fields Sonne I say they are wicked people Leuit. 19. not yet receiued to be of Christs church nor members thereof for the Lord commanded thus When ye reape downe your corn fields Gleaning you shall not gather that which is behind in the haruest but thou shalt leaue it for the stranger and poore I am the Lord. Leuiti 23. When you gather in your corne field thou shalt not make anie after gathering of thy haruest neither shalt thou make cleane riddance of the field but shalt leaue it to the poore and stranger Father Company Tell me what company wée ought to vse if we be new creatures what companie eschue Sonne Exod. 23 The Lorde saith thou shalt not let the wicked dwell in the land lest they make thée sinne against mée 2. kings 22 With the Godlie thou shalt be Godlie with the pure thou shalt be pure with the froward thou shalt learne frowardnesse Iob. 31. He that ioyneth himselfe to wicked cōpany shall not destruction come vppon him Ecclesi 13. Who so toucheth pitch shal be filed with all he that is familyer with the proude shall cloth himselfe with pride Beare not the yoake with the vnbeléeuers 2. Cor. 6. what fellowshippe hath light with darkenesse what concorde hath Christ witst Beliall wherefore come out from among them and touch no vncleane thing We require you brethren 2 Thess ● in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ that ye withdrawe your selues from euerie brother that behaueth himselfe inordinatelie and not after the institution that ye haue receaued of vs. Father Whose companie then must we vse Sonne I am a companion saith Dauid Psal 119 of them that feare the Lorde and kéepe his commaundements I will goe among the wise Pro. 13 and learne wisedome With the holie thou shalt be holie Psalm 18 with a perfect man thou shalt be perfect and with the cleane thou shalt be cleane Thou maiest not dwell with vayne persons Psalm 2● neither haue fellowshippe with the deceitfull I haue hated the congregation of the wicked and will not sit among the vngodlie Father Mariage Let me heare something of marriage because thou hast omitted that point Sonne Gen. 1 God the father did institute marriage in Paradise and ioyned Adam and Eua● in mariage together and saide growe and increase and replenish the earth ●o 2. Christ himselfe his mother and his disciples were presents at a marriage in Cana a Cittie of Gallelie where he turned the water into wine for confirmation thereof Tobias 6. Take her in the feare of God and more for children then for lust that in the séede of Abraham Mariage ●er procre●tion of ●hildren thou mayest possesse the blessing of Abraham Father There be almost none that denie marriage but that it is lawfull for seculer people lay men to marrie but not priestes and ministers what saith the scripture therefore to them Sonne ● Cor. 7. Mariage ●or auoi●ing of ●inne Thus saith Saint Paull to auoide fornication let euerie man haue his owne wife and euerie wife her owne husband If they cannot abstayne let them marrie it is better to marrie then to burne Haue we not power to leade about a-woman a sister aswell as other Apostles 1. Cor. 9 and as the brethren of the Lord The Apostles maried and Cephas eyther I and Barnabas onelie haue not power this to doe Honorabile est inter omnes coniugium Heb. 13 et thorus immaculatus Marriage is honorable among all men and a bed vndefiled but as for whoremongers and adulterers God will iudge Father Thou speakest generally of all men that all may marrie but tell me by expresse words perticularlie of Bishops or Ministers marriage Sonne A
that time Sonne Wisd 3. The Lord forbid the righteous were in the handes of God so that no torments did touch them And besides Saint Iohn saith Reuel 13 that Christ was a slayne Lambe from the beginning of the world for the beastes fell downe before him and worshipped him and saide Reuel 5 thou wast killed from the beginning and hast redéemed vs by thy bloud and hast made vs vnto our God kinges and priestes and we shall raigne euer Oh thincke vpon thy congregation Psal 74. Conclusiō whome thou hast redéemed and purchased of olde By which father you may well perceaue that euen those holy faithfull and vertuous men that were before Christ came in the fleshe were saued by his death for the Diuell was conquered by Christ before the foundations of the world his promise also to Adam was yea and Amen but reuealed to vs in the time that the Lord had appointed 1. Cor. 10 All which holie fathers drunk of that spirituall rocke Christ which we drunke off and saued as we are For Saint Paull saith our fathers passed all through the sea and were Baptised all vnder Moses in the cloude and in the Sea and did all eate of one spirituall meate and they all dranke of one spirituall Rocke that followed them which Rocke was Christ Father Goe on Sonne to the other enemies the worlde and flesh Sonne Math. 4 These are instruments whereby the Diuell and Sathanas worketh to bring man to perdition for the Diuell tempting Christ shewed all the world in the twinckeling of an eye and sayde vnto him Hec omnia dabo tibi All these will I giue thée if thou wilt fall downe and worship mée 1. Tim. 6 They that desire to be ritche saith Saint Paull fall into many temptations and snares of the Diuell and into manye foolish lustes which drowne into perdition and destruction for couetousnesse of monie is the roote of all euil which while they lusted after they erred from the faith and entangleth themselues with many sorrowes In exhor●ation to ●ee the ●orld but thou man of God flée such thinges followe righteousnesse godlinesse fayth peace loue pacience méekenesse ●say 48. Egrediamini de Babulone vt saluet vnusquisque anima sua Come from the world and saue thy soule Flée from the world saith Christ for in the worlde ye shall haue tribulation Io. 17 but in mée peace Beholde all the worlde is set on wickednesse 1. Io. 5 Euerie one that séeth the world Nah. 3. should goe from it The worlde and all the concupisences thereof shall passe away Io. 2. The ritch man of all the worlde Iob. 25. when he dieth carrieth nothing away with him The Diuell deceaued the ritch man that Christ speaketh off Luke 12. and perswaded him that he should liue long and he therfore willed his owne soule to eate drinke and take his ease and pleasure for manie yéeres in the worlde with his worldelie ritches but Christ tolde him that the Diuell that night should haue his soule therfore beware good Father of these practises of Sathan for the worlde will deceaue such as trust therevnto Father What meanes are there for men to resist this eneime Sonne Exod. 20. A remembrance of the commaundements of God which hath taught that we shoulde not so much as desire any thing pertaining to our brethren Tim. 6. that we should not carefullie séeke ritches for thereby men fall into snares of the Diuell and that the worlde passeth away and yet the sinner remayneth and that the worldelings fall downe and worship Sathan math 4 therefore we ought to séeke an other place then this worlde for non habemus hic ciuitatem manentem sed futuram inquerimus we haue héere no byding place but looke for an other that is an heauenly Heb. 13 Our conuersation must be without couetousnesse and loue of this world and bée content with that which we haue alreadie 1. Io. 2. So that as Saint Iohn saith if anie man loue the worlde the loue of God the father is not in him for the worlde passeth away and all the lustes thereof Father What sayest thou of the flesh Sonne Al that is in the world saith saint Iohn 1. Io. 2 is the lusts of the flesh the lusts of the eyes and pride of life these are not of the father but of the world but the world passeth away the lusts thereof but he that fulfilleth the will of God abydeth euer These déedes of the flesh are these Gall. 5 adultery fornicatiō vncleannesse wantonnesse worshipping of Images witchcraft hatred variance strife wrath enmity sects drunckennesse gluttony and such like but they which commit such things shall not be inheritours of the kingdome of Christ and God vnto these doth Sathan tempt man Father How are the fleshlie acts and diuelish temptacions to be refused Sonne They are te be resisted and withstand by heartie and deuoute prayers Math. 17 For whereas there was a certaine man that came vnto Christ for his sonne that was lunitick he tauld him how that he had brought him to his disciples that they might heale him and they could not and after when he had healed him his disciples demaunded secretlie how that they could not cast out that diuell Fleshly diuel cast out by fasting praier and he said because of your vnbelefe how be it this kinde goeth not out but by fasting and prayer Tobias 6. The Angell saide to yoūg Tobyas I will tell thée of whome the diuell hath power namelie of such as receiue meaning that they shut GOD from them and from their hearts and giue themselues to lust like horse and Mule that haue no vnderstanding Math. 26 Christ warned his disciples that they should watch and pray least they should fall into temptation for the spirit is wiling but the flesh is wéeke 1. Cor. 9 I tame my bodie and being it into subiection saith Saint Paull least by anie meanes it come to passe that when I haue preached to others I my selfe should be a castaway Gall. 6. So father we must cast away the works of the flesh and receiue the fruites of the spirit which are these loue ioye peace long suffering gētlenesse goodnesse faithfulnesse meakenesse temperance for trulie they that are Christs haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts Father Let mée héere who are soldiers vnder this great dragon the diuell Sathan souldiers what cognizaunt or badge they beare that they may be knowne and what destruction cōmeth vppon them Sonne Euerie one that confesseth not Iesus Christ to be come in the flesh The diuels souldiers 1 Io. 4 is a souldyer of Sathan He that committeth sinne Io. 3. is of the diuell for the diull sinneth from the begining whosoeuer doth not righteousnesse is not of God neither he that hateth his brother Hée hath power ouer all people and kindreds and tongues and nations
Law-giuer the Lord is our King and he himselfe is our Sauiour the lame menne runne after the pray there lyeth no man that sayeth I am sicke but all euill is taken away from the people that dwell there ●say 35 They shall florish pleasauntly and bée ioyfull and euer be giuing of thanks more and more ●hanks ●ueing euerlasting ioye shal they haue pleasure and gladnesse shall be among them and as for all sorrow and heauines shall vanish away ●say 60. The Lord himselfe shall be their euerlasting light and their God shall be their glorie ●zech 37 Their children and their childers children shall dwell in that lande for euermore ●hrist and my seruant Dauid shall be their euerlasting prince and I will be among them for euermore ●uke 5 Reioyce and be glad for great shall your reward be in heauen They shal be equall saith Iesus Christ with the Angells Luke 20. and are the sonnes of God for asmuch as they are the children of the resurrection for all men liue vnto him They shall eate and drinke with Iesu Christ in his kingdome Eod. 23 and sit on seats iudgeing the twelue Tribes of Israell They shall giue prayse glorie Rom. 2 and immortalitie to God They shall alwaies be with the Lord saith Saint Paull 1. Thess 4 They shall be Kinges and Priestes of Christ Reuel 20 and shall raigne with him a thousande yeares And concluding that which hath no ende with the words of Saint Paull 1. Cor. 2. the eye hath not ●●●e the eare hath not heard neyther hath it entred into the heart of man the ioye that God hath prepared for them that loue him Father Thou hast brought euerie thing to perfection which I desired to knowe let vs ende therefore with makyng ou● humble hartie prayers vnto God thanking his Maiestie for all his gracious and mercifull benefites therfore beginne thou and I will pray with thée Sonne A Prayer O Lorde Iesus Christ the Sonne of the euerliuing God by whom all things were made are ruled and gouerned as of thy loue for our redemption thou diddest not disdayne to be our mediatour and to take vpon thée our nature in the wombe of a most blessed Virgin purelie and without sinne by the operation of the holy spirit that both ●hou mightest in thine owne person wo●derfully beautifie and exalt our nature and worke the same in vs also for abolishing the guiltinesse of sinne by redemption then sinne it selfe by death and last of al death by raising again these our bodies that they may be like to thine owne glorious and immortall bodie according to the power wherewith thou art able to subiect all thinges vnto thée And as of thy loue for our redemption thou becamest manne and that most poore and afflicted vppon earth by the space of thrée and thirtie yéeres in most humilitie payest the price of our rāsome by thy most bitter death passion for the which I giue most heartlie thanckes vnto thée so of the same thy loue towards vs in thy good time thou wilt come againe in the cloudes of heauen with power and great glorie with flaming fire with thousandes of Saints with Angels of power with a mightie crye shout of an Archangell and blast of a Trumpe sodenlie as a lightning that shineth from the East when men thincke least euen as a thefe in the night when men be a sléepe Thou wilt so come ●●us sodenlie in the twinckling of an eye all men that euer haue béene be or shal●● with women and Children appearing before thy tribunall seate to render an accompt of all thinges which they haue thought spoken or done against thy Lawe openly and before all Angels Saints and Diuells and so to receiue the iust rewarde of thy vengance if they haue not repented and obeyed thy Ghospell and so depart from thée to the Diuell and his Angells into hell fire which is vnquenchable and of paines intollerable easeles endles hopels euen from the face of thy glorious and mightie power But if they haue repented and beléeued thy Ghospell if they bée found watching with their lampes and oyle in their handes if they be found redie appareled with the wedding garment of innocencie if they haue not hardened their hearts and hourded vp the treasure of thy vengance in the daye of wrath to be reueled but haue vsed the time of grace the acceptable time the time of saluation that is the time of this life in the which thou stretchest out thine hand and spreadest thine armes calling and crying vnto vs to come vnto thée which art méeke in heart and lowlie for thou wilt ease all that labour and bée heauie laden If they haue visited the sicke and prisoners comforted the comfortlesse féed the hungrie clothed the naked lodged the harborles If they haue not lodened their hearts with gluttonie and surfeting and carelesnesse of this life If they haue not digged and hid their Tallent in the ground doing no good therwith but haue béene faithfull to occupye thye guiftes to thy glorie and haue washed their garments in thy blood by harty repentance Then shall thy Angels gather them to gether not as the wicked which shall bée collected as fagots and cast into the fire but as the good wheate that is gathered into thy barne Then shall they be caught vp to méete the in the Cloudes then shall their corruptable bodie put on incorruption then shall they bée endued with immortalitie and glorie th●● shall they bée with thée and goe wheyth●r thou goest then shall they hreae come ●lessed of my Father possesse the kingdome of heauen prepared for you from the beginning and then shall they bée sette on seates of Maiestie iudgeing the whole worlde then shall they reigne with thée for euer then shall God bée all in all with them to them then shall they enter and inherite heauenlie Ierusalem and the glorious restfull land of Canaan wher it shal alwaies be day and neuer night where is no manner of wéeping teares infirmities hunger cold sicknesse enuie mallice nor sinne but alwaies ioye without sorrow mirth without measure pleasure without paine heauenlie harmony most pleasant melody saying and singing holie holy holie Lord God of hosts finally the eye hath not séene the eare hath not heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man that they shall then inherite and most surelie enioye although héere they be tormented prisoned solicited of Sathan tempted of the flesh and entāgled with the world where through they are enforced to crye come Lord Iesu oh gracious GOD let vs finde such mercie with thée that we may repent beléeue hope and looke for these thinges with full fruition of those heauenlie ioyes which thou hast prepared for al them the feare thée And so rest with thee for euermore graunt this oh Lord and sauiour Iesu Christ for thine owne name sake Amen Father I Thought it my dutie sonne to bring thée vp in vertue and knowledge and in the feare of God whereof I haue apposed thée and I thanck GOD thou hast profited well God graunt that thou increase from vertue to vertue vntill thou be a perfect member of Iesus Christ so that through thée God our heauenly father may be glorified his kingdome increased Sathan abolished superstition and Idolatary rooted out the cōmon welth beautified thy brethren and neighbours releaued and I comforted and graunt that all people kindreds and tongues may in the fearefull day of the Lorde be found stable and vnblameable in holinesse and so reigne with thée God our heauenlie father in his eternall kingdome through the blood of the la●be Iesus Christ who liueth and ●igneth one true eternall immortall and euerliing GOD world without ende Amen Sonne Graunt this O Lorde and heauenlie father for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Father Well sonne depart apply thy studye the God of my fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob blesse the and prosper thy labour in the Lorde Amen FINIS Aucthor Elizabetha diu valeat vigeatque regendo O Lord of Hosts defend with hand The gracious princesse of this land Keepe her from all her foes bloody I the beseech most hartelie And graunt her strength power might Vertue and grace to hau● a sight Of the O king of glory good That for vs all shed or thy blood And thus I stay my hand and penne Beseeching all to say Amen EINIS quod Lister Printed at London by Thomas East 1588.