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A69147 A postill or collection of moste godly doctrine vpon every gospell through the yeare aswell for holye dayes as Sondayes, dygested in suche order, as they bee appoynted and set forthe in the booke of Common Prayer. Uery profitable for all curates, parentes, maysters of housholdes, and other gouerners of youth.; Postilla Anthonii Corvini Corvinus, Antonius, 1501-1553. 1550 (1550) STC 5806; ESTC S109261 359,302 596

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and not vnto the worlde Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him If a man loue me he wyll keepe my saiynges and my father wyll loue hym and we wyll come vnto hym and dwell with him He that loueth me not keepeth not my sayinges And the worde which ye heare is not myne but the fathers which sente me These thinges haue I spoken vnto you beeynge yet present wythe you But the comforter whyche is the hollye ghoste Ioh. 15. and .16 Act. 2. whome my father wyll sende in my name hee shall teache you all thynges and bringe all things to your remembraunce whatsoeuer I haue sayde vnto you Peace I leaue with you my peace I geue vnto you Not as the world geueth geue I vnto you Let not your hartes be greued neyther feare Ye haue hearde howe I sayde vnto you I go and come againe vnto you Yf ye loued me ye wolde verely reioyse bicause I sayde I go vnto the father For the father is greater then I Ioh. 13 and 16. And nowe haue I shewed you before it come that when it is come to passe ye might beleue Hereafter wyll I not talke many wordes vnto you For the prince of this worlde cometh and Ioh. 12. and .16 hath nought in me But that the worlde maye knowe that I loue the father And as the father gaue me commaundemente euen so do I. THE EXPOSITION THe apostels were euer of that mynd The ignoraūce of the flesh before the holy ghost was confirmed in them that the kingedome of Christe shulde haue ben temporall and wordly wherin he shuld haue mightely raigned as in times paste did Dauid and Salomon Truly when Iudas not the Iscariot according to this saiyng did aske Christ in his laste supper Lorde what is the cause then that thou wilt shew thy selfe vnto vs not vnto the world Christ did lead him with the other disciples away from this hope and trusting of a temporall kingedome to those thinges that were more necessary which was the fulfillyng of his word And therfore he doth teache in this gospell Fyrste of all hee teachethe heere what the frute of oure loue towarde god is whiche muste needes flowe oute of the harte and cannot stande without faith For how can I loue him Loue towards God of whome I hope and loke for no goodnes For in that I loke for goodnes of Christe that I hope and truste in him and set al my consolacion and comforte in him that faith I say ōly bringeth to passe which receiueth the worde and thereby knoweth that the father wyll be knowen and glorified in this Christe alone Ioh. 1. And that is the meaninge of this sentence Who so euer beleueth not that he receiueth of his fulnes that by Christe he hathe a mercifull father in heauen and remission of sinnes righteousnes and saluaciō moreouer that it is God through Christ that keepeth vs and defendeth vs frome the ieopardyes and periles of this worlde hee loueth not Christe but rather his owne propre workes righteousnes and wisedome Moreouer where Christ is neither loued nor knowen there of a suertye is his worde neither obserued nor kepte And contrarye wise Where the same mercifull father with all his benefites done vnto vs is knowen and all oure hope caste in hym by Christ yt is not possible but that there shal be trewe loue towardes Christ Trewe loue wylleth that god willeth lyueth accordinge to his godlye wyll hath greate delyte and pleasure to heare what god desireth of vs and when he heareth it he fulfilleth it in worke And suche faith and loue dyd Moyses require of the people of Israell Deut. 6. saying Heare o Israell the lord our God is one lord onely and thou shalt loue the lord thy god with al thy hart with al thy soule c. Faythe Chieffely here note that Moyses as a lawe gyuer requireth faith and hope of the harte towarde the onlye god that he is the same that kepeth and preserueth the people and wil be to vs a mercifull father And after that he requireth loue towardes god though he cannot giue it by the lawe that we shuld loue god with all our hart with all our soule with all our might And on this wise Moyses draweth vs from all creature and directeth vs to god only Moreouer he desireth such maner of loue Loue towardes God that not constrained but frely and volutarily shal serue god and keepe his commaundementes and fulfyll his wil as the nature of loue is Which more plainly we find in the gospel Mat. 13 that the seed that fell in a good groūd gaue frute c. Here thou hearest that the word of god taken with the hart through preaching bringeth forth frute By the worde we receiue faith from faith cometh loue toward god our neighboure of loue cometh the fulfilling of godꝭ cōmaundemēts Finally Faith loue bring a godly a christian cōuersacion lyfe Wherefore Christ in the gospell of this day constraineth no mā by the law but exhorteth them to faith and loue as they that willyngly wolde kepe his word and fulfyll his comaundment accordinge to sainte Paules saiyng 1. Tim. 1 howe that the lawe is no● g●uen vnto the righteous but vnto the vngodly disobedient and sinners Secondaryly this gospell teacheth The kīgdome of god ioin the harts of the faithfull wher Christ will haue his kingedome and dominiō namely in the harts of the faithfull Likewise he promiseth vs here not onli that if we shew this loue outwardly with the word that the father shal loue vs but also more greater and more excellent thinges that is to saue ▪ that he with the father and the vertue of the holy ghost wyll come vnto vs. O comforte O grace It was out dewty to 〈◊〉 vnto him seing that our nature is so corrupte and wanteth so muche amēdemente But behold God wil come vnto vs. so mercifull is our god that he preuenteth vs and promiseth to come vnto vs by Christ And what will he do with vs He wyll make hym a dwellinge place with vs. If wee considre the disposition of oure nature and firste natiuity we shall fynde that our harte is the dwellyng place of the diuell Which alas is to trewe in so much that S. Paul saith Ephe. 2. that naturally we were the childrē of wrath euen as well as other And for this originall sinne that is grafte in vs god by right might condempne vs wretched creatures But yet considre how mercifully goodly he handleth vs which not all only forgiueth vs our originall and actuall sinne as they call it so mercifully through Christ but also he geueth vnto vs Christ himselfe And so he giueth him vnto vs that he with him voutchsafeth to dwell in vs whereby Satan is expulsed and driuen away 1 Cor. 6. and our hartes made the dwelling place and temple of the holy ghoste He now that here in this worlde
suche subtyl obiections Here out it cōmeth that whiche Dauid the Prophet complayneth of these wicked persons Psal 20 saiyng Lo they haue bent their bowes made ready their arrowes in the quiuer that they may priuily shote at thē which are true in heart So likewyse do these Phariseys here they go to counsel howe they might take Iesus in his saiynges euen the same that they cōcluded they cōmaund their disciples instructyng thē how what they should say vnto him namely this Mayster we know that thou art true teachest the way of God truly carest for no man For thou regardest not the outwarde apparance of men c. Howe goodly are these wolues drest with shepes garmēt They cal Christ a maister al for to constrain him with suche flatteryng wordes to make answer vnto them yet be not they of suche disposicion to become his disciples although ther had been taught neuer so much goodnes vnto thē Furthermore thei adde that he is true teacheth the worde of God truely This is not euil spoken of Christe Iho. 14 For he teacheth not only Gods worde truly but also he is the truth himselfe And this is required of al preachers that they so endeuor them selfes that these wordes may be truly spoken of thē For it is our office to be true to teache Gods word truly Furthermore that thei say Thou carest for no mā nor regardest the outward apparance of men partaineth vnto vs also For the truth is not to be hidden for no mans pleasure but faythfully to bee preached teached yea although his distructiō shuld folow should be put to death as S. Ihon Baptist was And although Christ is excellently described vnto vs by these wordes yet they that were sent did speake it with a false fainyng dissemblyng heart Wherout we may learne the disposiciō of those hypocrites which persecute the word of god Thei omit the head the principal of the thing and bryng in vnprofitable questions They speake nothing with the heart But whatsoeuer thei speake is for that purpose that they may take and tryp the innocētes and good men in their communicacion Secondarily after that the Phariseys had put furth their subtill deuised question Christ knowyng that thei did it to tempt him so he did answer them that it was not spoken in vayne of the wyse man Pro. 21. saiyng There is no wysedome there is no vnderstādyng there is no counsail against the Lord. Therfore he calleth them hypocrites And that thei might wel vnderstand that he knewe their malicious thoughtes he added Why do ye tempte me Whiche wordes by right should haue reuoked the Phariseys and the ministers from their maliciousnes and deceit and caused them to haue amended their liues But they were blynde remayned styll blynd Yet notwtstādyng Christ bad them to shewe him their tribute money and sayd Whose is this ymage superscripcion They sayd vnto him The Emperours Then sayd he vnto them Geue therfore vnto the Emperour that whiche is the Emperours and geue vnto God that whiche is Gods As though he would saye Forasmuche as you are come therto that for your synne you are brought vnder the yoke of the Emperour of Rome you must nedes geue as vnto your head highest lorde here vpon yearth vnder God that whiche belōgeth vnto him Here is to be noted the difference that Christ maketh betwene the kyngdome of God and this worlde For he doth not onely approue and allowe this high power and polliticke life The kīgdome of Christ but also confermeth it For the kyngdome of God or of Christ is spiritual whiche consisteth in the spirite fayth and truth wherfore it commeth not with outwarde doynges but it must be inwardly in vs. Now because that it is a spiritual kyngdome God requireth and wyll be worshypped in spirite Luc. 17 Ihon. 4 and in the trueth as Christ sayth in the fourth chapiter of sainct Ihon. The true worshippers shall worship the father in spirite and in truthe But to worship God in spirite and truth is to loue him with all thy heart Deut. 6. with all thy power and to truste in him For suche fayth and loue geueth God his honor and kepeth his cōmaundementes as Christ sayeth in an other place He that loueth me shall keepe my woorde Ioh. 14 Wherefore when I put my whole truste in god the father through Christe and loue him aboue all creatures then doo I gyue god that pertaineth to god and pull from him none of his honour And herevnto pertaineth the fruteful admonicion of the prophete Dauid saying Psal 28. Adscribe vnto the Lorde O yee mighty ascribe vnto the Lord worshyp strength And contrary wise Cesars kingedō the kyngdome of the Emperour is worldly it is visible in the which the Emperour him selfe gouerneth and beareth rule mightely with hys lordes and prynces as the scripture witnesseth in an other place sayinge Luc. 22. The Kynges of the worlde haue dominion ouer the people and they that beare rule ouer them are called gracious lordes Neuertheles that kingdome is of god Rom. 13 and stablished by goddes ordinaunce in suche wise that he that resisteth this ordinaunce resisteth god him selfe Thinkest thou that princes and greate lordes in the scripture are called goddes in vaine and withoute a cause For if they bee goddes Psa 8● and are made by god partakers of his magnificence then muste they needes be in goddes steed whose roome they beare Therfore seyng they rule in gods steed it is both meete and conuenient to giue theim that wee are bounde to giue theim But what are those thinges S. Paule setteth them furthe and sayth Geue vnto euery man his dutie Ro 13. Tribute to whom tribute belōgeth Custome to whō custome is due Feare to whom feare belongeth honour to whom honour pertayneth Here thou hearest what thou art bound to geue vnto highe powers But paraduenture thou wilt say Shall I geue obedience vnto a tyrant an vngracious prince or Lord Yea truly thou art bound both to geue obey him For what hast thou to do with his tyranny If the magistrate doth naught contrary to equitie he hath a iudge whom he must answere in that appointed day Iudgement is not here graunted vnto thee except he constrayneth thee to do any thyng against God Then thou mayst say with the Apostles Act. 5. We ought more to obay God then men But if he cōstrayneth the do nothyng against God then hast thou here the sentence of Christe Geue to Cesar that belongeth vnto him and to God that is Gods Whiche answere is so good and godly that they that were sent of the Phariseys meruailed at it And for because they could say nothyng against it They wēt their wayes God graunt vs his grace The gospel on the .xxiiii. sonday after Trinitee sonday Math. 9. WHyles he thus spake vnto them Mat. 5. Luc. 8.
in one heape gathered together the merites of all sainctes that euer were since the beginnyng of the worlde For in this matter that pertayneth to remission of synne iustificacion and eternal health it is not required to worke The Euagelist allege the scripture but to beleue Obserue also and note diligently that the Euangelistes describyng the passion of Christ howe the Iewes entreated him thei many tymes haue respect vnto the scripture which shewed before the selfe same thinges the which scripture thei also alege as in this place where thei shewe howe he was crucified betwene ii theues Also howee the souldiers cast lotte for his garmentes c. Neither do they this for any other purpose but to admonishe vs to direct our eyes vnto the scriptures and euer more in matter appertainyng vnto saluacion to waygh them direct oure iudgement accordyng to the same Fourthly Christ hangyng vpon the crosse doth excedyngly set furth that his moste heartie loue toward vs in this Christ is careful for his elect that he cōmendeth his most derely beloued mother to the Apostle Ihon againe Ihō vnto his mother that he might be to her as a defender and comfortable patrone in that her extreme necessite and trouble For as he nowe is careful for his mother prouideth for her euen so is he careful and prouideth for al that loue his name receiue his gospel and through faith repose it in their heartes and so furthermore shewe it furth of theyr heartes doyng the workes of it through loue And that we might ascertainly chalenge to our selues suche clemency and goodnes in Christ therefore he sayth in another place Who is my mother Luc. 8. or who are my brethren Truely whosoeuer dothe the wylle of my father that is in heauē he is my brother and syster and mother Christes mother By these woordes thou mayest well perceyue that Christ wyll take thee for his brother syster yea and for his mother also wyl euen so acknowlege thee if thou beleue in him and not onely will he defende and surely kepe thee in this life but also he wyll conserue the into eternal life Only let this be thy heartie study to do the will of his father that is in heauen But what calleth he the wyll of his father This is the will of him that hath sēt me Ihon. 6 euen the fathers that euery man that seeth the sōne and beleueth in him should haue life eternal and I wyl againe rayse him in the last day In this place he playnly euidently sayth We must be armed with the scripture against temptacion that he that beleueth in him doth the wyll of his father And truely it is very necessary for vs earnestly to considre those examples that sheweth what mynde Christe beareth vnto vs. For the tyme wyll come yea it is all ready at hand that these places of scripture shall do vs excedyng muche good and singularly comforte vs in all oure necessitee and troubles But if persecucion fynde me here vnarmed sure it is that I shal not cōtinue constant but sodenly forgette God and seeke helpe and cōforte at creatures And what shal then chaunce to me Truly this that for mine vnthākefulnes God wyll forsake me and because I am not armed with his worde therfore wyll he withdrawe his hand from me and forsake me so that I shal fal into destruction and for euer perishe bothe in body and soule Fyftly we see that Christe when he nowe knewe that al thynges were finished and he had tasted the vyneger and had sayd It is ended He bowed his head gaue vp the spirit That he cryed I thrust and by and by vyneger is geuen him to drynke Psa 69 it was done for this cause that we should beleue seyng that all thynges done in this passion agree so wel with the scriture that this mā without doubt is the same Christe whom the holy fathers haue so long tyme before wayted for And that before he dyed he cryed It is ended This is so excellent a worde and so precious All our saluaciō in Christ onely that not onely it is be grauē in oure heartes by fayth but also bee in all places written euen with letters of golde before our eyes Wyll you knowe why Herken We were by nature the children of wrath condempnacion so burthened in synne vnfaythfulnes that wee should perpetually haue perished if wee had not been succoured and helped Therfore onely this Iesus Christe our Lorde assisted vs with his helpe and comforte And bicause afore the heauēly father we could find no fauour or grace without oblation and sacrifice therfore Christ offered him selfe vpon the crosse for vs reconciled his father with his owne blud and obtained of him for vs fauour forgiuenes righteousnes and eternall life Heb. 11. as the epistle to the Hebrues saith With one offering hath he made perfect for euer those that are sanctified I besech you what could we more desier or what greater benefites may be done vnto vs Sin is conquered death is conquered the diuel hel are conquered so that we may now freely sai 1 Co. 15. Death is swalowed into victory Death wher is thy sting Hel wher is thy victory But thankes to god that hath gyuen vs the victory by our lord Iesus Christ Christs glorye must be giuen hym ōly This now is our dueti that we remembre to giue to Christ only this his glory honor to knowledg him for our high Byshop which offered him self for vs and so by his passion and death finished and brought to perfecte ende all our saluacion For if we nowe giue to hym this his honor as our duty is and stedfastly beleue that al this that was done was done altogither for vs and for our saluacion douteles we shall so haue it that this his merite shall not be taken as vaine or frustrate but of most greatest strength efficacy for vs. On the other party if we wyl not giue vnto him this his glorye but rather wyll ascribe to our owne deseruinge merites and workes that thing which cost him that so great and inestimable price that is the effusion and sheding of his moste precious and holy bloud then truly we make our selues vnworthy to haue this passiō and inerite of Christ gyuen vnto vs neither are we lyke except we repent to haue ony other fauoure at Christes iudgement then the Iewes that crucified him The whiche thing the almighty god kepe farre from vs for his greate mercy and goodnes thorow the merites of Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen The syxte sermon on the Passion Ioh. xix THe Iewes therefore bycause it was the preparyng day of the Sabboth that the bodyes shoulde not remaine on the crosse on the Sabboth daye for the Sabboth day was an hyghe day besought Pylate that their legges might ve broken that they myght be taken doune Then came the souldiers and brake the legges
nor the thinge that is holy Mat. 7 may not be cast before him but only must it be communicate to those that despair of their owne workes and strengthes that knowledg that they need the help and comfort of Christ We beleue rem ssion of sins Therfore also we confesse in our Crede that ther is forgiuenes of sins which we must needs beleue Now if we obtain remission of sinnes by the sheding of the blud of Christ as the blud flowing from hys syde testifyeth where is then the bragging of our workes wher ar our merites They are shut out excluded by the deathe passion of Christ Note how workes are cōcluded not that good works ought not to be doone but that they may not be ioyned with iustification which onli cometh by faith We muste in this behalfe giue Christe his own honor wholy perfectly apprehend his merite by faith so shall it come to passe that neyther synne nor death nor dyuel nor hel shal hurte the. And those good workes the fayth doth as in deed it ought to do good woorkes take them as frutes of fayth wherby the faith and sure trust of our hearts toward god is declared In like maner the water The water that flowed frō Christs syde declareth that Christe after his resurreccion would send his holy spirit that water of life wher with it is nedeful that the heartes of all the elect be purifyed And of this water dyd all the Prophetes prophecye especially Esaias when he sayd Esa 44 I wyll power water vpō the thyrsty streames vpō the dry ground I will power my spirit vpō thy seede my blessyng vpon thy braunche and they shall spryng burgenyng among the herbes as the salowes that grewe by the syde of the ryuer Accordyng to this Christ also crieth in the gospel of S. Ihon Who so thursteth let him come to me drynke Ioh. 7. He that beleueth on me as the scripture sayth stremes of water of life shall flowe out frō his belly And the Euāgelist himself expoūdeth this shewyng that it is ment of the holy gost for he sayth This spake Iesus of the spirit which those that beleue in him should receiue Christ loueth vs. He then that hath by theffusion of his most precious bloud obtayned for vs remission of all our synnes deliuered vs frō eternal death reconciled vs into the fauor of god his father that wtout any of our merites or deseruinges also hath promised to sēd his holy ghost whiche maye leede our heartes into the knowledge fayth of God thynke you he dothe not very heartely loue vs would our welfare Nowe seyng that he thus heartely wylleth oure welfare why should we not beleue in him why should we not acknowledge this so great loue Yet are there mē foūd the more pitie it is that ascribe more to their own merites then to Christ and therfore they cannot be thākeful whō doubtles at that day Christ shal therfore punishe according to their owne deseruynges Thirdly we haue here described who they were that buried Christ with what reuerence his dead body was brought vnto the earth Some man perchance would meruaile that Ioseph Nicodemus nowe dare aske of Pylate the deade bodye of Iesu whiche yet when Iesus lyued they durst not come at him The death of Christe begynning to conquer scant by night But nowe the frutes and vtility of Christes passion somwhat openeth it self she winge what shulde ensue the passion and deathe of Christ when a litle and a litle it comech to mennes knowledg both what manner a man Christ is and also how innocently and vndeseruedly he was persecuted by the Iewes condemned vnto the crosse And these two doubtles came after the true knowledge of god and his sonne Iesu Christ which now so manifestly do this humanitie vnto Christ contemned and crucified hauinge no respect that hee was so hated of the Iewes For that they here do it cometh of an imperfecte faith for they were yet far from the perfection that Paul speaketh of Rom. 1 saying I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of god vnto saluacion to euery man that beleueth But that they exhibited to Christ such reuerence honor that thei take him doune from the crosse and enbalmed hym with Myrre and Aloe with such spice they winde vp his body laye it gloriously in the sepulture it is an humane and gentle affection done according to the custome of the Iewes The estimation of the worlde of Christes deth sepulchre Deu. 21 And here note howe the deathe and sepulture of Christe is esteemed afore the worlde bothe his death and buriall are ignominious and shamefull For it is written in the lawe He is accursed that hāgeth vpon a tree Besydes this the blynde Iewes had none other opinion of Christ neither by his life nor in his death as it is euident vnto this day But before God this death buryall is honest and precious as also it is estemed amōg al that beleue whiche know assuredly that by that dispised death the beleuers are delyuered from synne death deuil and hel Doth not S. Paule say often tyme 1. Cor. 2 I haue knowen no man but Christ and euen the same that was crucifyed And this is an vndoubted trueth Note this earnestly gentle reader take awaye this contemptible death and buryal of Christ and you shal perceyue that all men must be compelled to dispayre and to fall into the daunger of the deuil On the other part set before your eyes the passion death and buryal of Christ apprehendyng them by true fayth as most precious iewels deuine treasures done for thee and thou shalt fynd thy cōscience able to resyst against all the assaultes of Sathan and also of synne And as Ioseph and Nycodemus by fayth shewed this humanitee vnto Christ so endeuor thy selfe by fayth that vnto sinne thou may bee dead buryed with Christ Rom. 6. and after agayne ryse through fayth with him For surely this pleaseth Christ and is necessary and very profytable vnto thy saluacion Fourthly we see howe contemtuously Pylate delyuereth Christ to be buryed forsyng not for him nothyng regardyng that he should ryse agayne the thyrd day The sentence of Infidels In this mynde are al the enemyes of the gospel and truth of God When they haue slayne the ministers of the worde then they thynke all thyng very well safe and all whyst as they would haue it Exo. 1.2.3 Euen so did Pharao with intollerable burthens oppresse the chyldren of Israel thynkyng by that meanes to stoppe the ordynaunce of God that the Israelites should not so much growe and increase but the more they were oppressed so muche more they grewe and multiplyed and at the laste by his owne crueltee he was his owne destruccion Euen so chaunsed it to Pylate and
world hath euer bene ful of mischiefe gylty of sinne neither is no man in it but nedeth the merites of Christe yet doo not all men vnderstande this nor acknowledge thys And especyallye the indurate and hard hearted Pharaos Pharao and after them the hipocrites acknoweledge it not For the indurate synners leade furth their lyues euen lyke beastes not greatly forsyng whether there bee any other lyfe after this or no or whether there bee any Christ to bryng them to that life or no. But the hypocrites Hypocrittes that leane to their own righteousnes in dede they can talke of the wrath to come yet notwithstandyng they leaue Christ take thus muche vpon theim selues that they trust in their owne good workes to obtaine that lyfe and saluacion I praye you what good can Christe do to suche Yea what shuld he do with suche This fyrst sort of people are stubburne necked hard hearted and thynketh they haue no neede of Christe The other sorte of iusticiaryers forsaketh the meryte of Christ True synners lyke as they would deserue heauen by theyr owne workes Christ seyng and consideryng this leaueth these two sortes ioyneth himselfe to suche as acknowlege them selues sinners and desire and seke for tomforte and helpe And they also with all their heart with true loue and gladnes receiue him and beleue his preachyng Mich 7 they doubte not his promise but they say with the Prophet Mycheas He shal be turned and he wyll haue mercy vpō vs and he wyll caste all oure synnes into the deapth of the seas Euen so must we do Let vs adioyne our selues to Christ as synners shewe to him our synnes and with teares require his mercye If wee do this with a faythfull heart surely in this gospel he hath declared in dede that he is ready to help suche sinners And furthermore with this his deede agreeth also his woordes that here he speaketh vnto the Phariseys saiyng The whole nedeth not the Physician but the sicke Agayne I am not comme to call the righteous but synners to repentaunce Fourthly the Euangelist discrybeth howe the Phariseys murmured against Christ wherein they open and shewe plainly that notable pryde of theyr heartes But wherefore murmure they Because Christ eateth and drynketh with synners O great holynes of these Phariseys Tell me I praye ye O holy hypocrites where is it wrytten that suche as knowlege themselues synners do repent it ought to bee fledde and their company to be eschewed Is not this thinke you a good vertuous dede to seke out agayne the lost stray shepe and to bryng him agayne into the right waye But I see you do the cleane contrary for ye iudge it both wicked and vngodly Surely Christ sayd well of you in the gospel of Mathew Blynd guydes coulyng out the gnat and swolowe the Camel Ma. 27 Ye obserue mennes tradicions would men should esteme you vertuous and godly yet can ye very well awaye with it that your neighbour should continue in synne and be cōdempned Nowe if ye were vertuous in deede ye would surely neuer do so For true righteousnes because it cōmeth of fayth and therfore also loueth his neighbor with all the heart it wisheth that all men might be vertuous righteous blessed Wherfore wyl ye knowe what ye want Ye haue no fayth and therfore can ye not loue your neighbour for in very deede that is the fruite of fayth Nowe because ye lacke fayth and loue ye haue not only no cōpassion vpō them that be loden with synne and would with al their heartes be deliuered from their synnes but also euen as the nature of hypocrites and iusticiariers is ye dispise them and caste them frome you But this your dispising can do you no good in this behalf Ye must neds take an other trade of liuing yf ye wyll be taken for righteous Wyll ye knowe how so Learn what this meaneth that the prophet Oseas said Osee 6. I will mercye and not sacrifice For all these outewarde woorkes all these outewarde sacrifices profyte nothynge at all excepte there bee presente in the hearte a true faythe in God and true loue to your neyghboure Behold thus haue wee here paynted vnto vs the arrogancy and pride of hypocrisy and furthermore howe Christe stoppeth vppe the Phariseys mouthes and confuteth theym by the holye scriptures God graunte that the aduersaryes of the truthe in thys oure presente tyme maye acknowledge hys holye woorde and beecome wyth the chylderen of god partakers of hys heauenly kyngdome through CHRIST our Lorde Amen The gospell vpon S. Mychael the Archangell daye Math. 18. AT the same tyme came the disciples vnto Iesus sayinge Mar 9. Luc. 9. Who is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen Iesus called a chylde to hym set hym in the middest of them and said Verely I say vnto you Mar. 10 Except ye turn and become as Luc. 18. Actu 2. children ye shall not enter into the kyngdome of heauen Whosoeuer therfore humbleth himself as this chyld the same is the greatest in the kīgdome of heauen And who so receaueth suche a chyld in my name receiueth me But who so doth offende one of these lytleones Actu 9 Luc. 17 whiche beleue in me it were better for him that a mylstone were hāged about his necke that he were doruned in the depth of the sea Wo vnto the worlde because of offences 1. Co. 11 Necessarye it is that offences come But wo vnto the man by whom the offence commeth Wherfore Mat. 5 if thy hand or thy foote hynder the cutte him of cast it from thee It is better for thee to entre into life halte or maymed rather then thou shouldest hauyng two handes or two feete be cast into euerlastyng fyre And it thyne eye offende thee plucke it out and cast it from thee It is better for thee to entre into life with one eye rather then hauyng two eyes to be cast in to hel fyre Take hede that ye despise not one of these lytleones For I say vnto you that in heauen their Angels do alwayes be holde the face of my father whiche is in heauen THE EXPOSITION of this present gospel WE haue againe here in this gospel an example of the Apostles infirmitee ignorance wherin we see howe paciētly Christ beareth their infirmitee And as the goodnes of Christe appeareth in this Gospell euen so the affection of the Apostles sheweth it selfe to bee exceadyng grosse and rude and full of ignoraunce For consider what they do They came to Christ sayd Who is greattest in the kyngdome of heauē What meane they by these woordes Thynke they that Christe shoulde haue a corporall knogdome in this worlde promote his disciples vnto greate lordships as it is done in worldly princes courtes Heard they euer Christ so teachīg Did not he shew them afore Mat. 5. Ye ar blessed whan men shall rayle vpō you
and shoteth beside the marke brustyng his head against this stony rocke of saint Paules wordes Rom. 11 Gala. 3. where he sayth If then righteousnes be of the woorkes of the lawe Christ is dead in vayne Of this fayth I say spryngeth loue Loue. which in this gospel Christ so earnestly cōmaundeth vnto vs. 1. Co. 13 But what doth this loue She forbeareth lōg she is gentle she enuyeth not she is not froward she is not proude she is not ambicious she seeketh not her owne she is not angry she imagyneth not euil she reioyseth not vpō iniquitee she ioyeth wholly in the truth c. 1 Tim. 1 Therfore sayth sainct Paule in an other place also The ende summe of the cōmaundement is loue that commeth of a pure heart and a good conscience and an vnfayned fayth Further forasmuch as Christ knoweth that there cōsisteth a great wayghty matter in true loue that spryngeth of fayth therfore in this his last sermon he taught not many preceptes of good workes but only commaundeth this that they should loue one another As he would say If ye haue fayth and loue ye shal also right easely performe all other thynges what soeuer I haue commaunded you to do Secondarily The crosse from whence it commeth forasmuche as Christe had before shewed his disciples that the crosse shuld come vpō theim and had before tolde theim that they should suffre muche aduersitee in this worlde nowe here Christ repeteth the same and also sheweth the cause wherfore If the worlde sayd he hate you knowe you that it hated me fyrst The worlde Christe here calleth all them the worlde that haue not receyued his worde haue not obayed the gospel nor knowen the father in him nor him in the father And breifely whosoeuer they be that want fayth acknowlege not the righteousnes of fayth seme thei neuer so vertuous righteous holy wyse in their owne eyes Christ calleth them all by this one name The worlde declareth them to be his enemyes After this sort doth sainct Ihon vse this worde saiyng Iohn 1 He was in the worlde and the worlde is made by him and the worlde knewe him not Then when Christ sayth If the worlde hate you knowe you that it fyrst hated me Wherwith he semeth to say Wondre not if the wyse and righteous in the worldes estimacion and also the mightie menne in this worlde do resyst you and persecute you for suerly there is no litle cause why they so will do The worlde holdeth and defendeth with to the and nayle the righteousnes of workes but your doctrine shall be cleane repugnant contrary for if ye will purely and sincerely preach my worde ye shall maintayne and defende the righteousnes of faith And if ye wyll do so earnestly as it shall be your duety nedes must ye cast of all that is in the worlde that is all carnall wisedome vertu righteousnes strength freewill as ye knowe that I haue doone How shall ye in so doyng be at vnity with them Ioh. 12. Now is the iudgement of this worlde And furthermore the holye ghoste shal be sente for the same purpose to rebuke the worlde as I haue done Now if for this gentle rebukinge the worlde shall hate you and take all thynges to the worste and imagyne all manner of myschiefe against you knowe you that euen so did the worlde by me If I had approued and alowed their workes as I dyd reproue disalow them I had hadde the high Priestes myne especiall good friendes with the Phariseis and all the Iewes but when I would needes do myne office truly and fully accomplyshe my duty needes must I lose all their frendeshippes and also for that cause suffre so many of their false accusacyons checkes and rebukes Nowe woulde you speede better than I There is also and other cause why the worlde can not loue you For you are not of this worlde If you were of this world the world woulde loue that whiche is his owne but bicause you are not of the world but I haue chosen you out of the worlde therfore the worlde hateth you You heare in this place that if the world hate you it ys an euident argument that you ar not of the world And euen so saith S Paule Gala. 1. Yf I shuld please men I shuld not be Christes seruant And a lyke testimony doth Christ giue his apostels that thei ar not of this world Why so For thei shal rebuke the world reproue and damn the carnal iustice of the world earnestly affirm preach the righteousnes of faith for they ar not of this world that is thei seek not a carnall iustice as the world dothe their confidence is not in their good workes as the worlds is but thei earnestly preach the merits of Christ as the only cause of our righteousnes saluacion Now bycause the world can not bere this ther is mortall warre and contynuall hatred betwene theym and the worlde euen as Christe saithe here agayne in this gospell But all these thinges shall they doo to you for my names sake bicause they knowe not him that hath sente me Fynallye Bycause the worlde knoweth not the father therfore knoweth it not the son And because it knoweth not the son neither knoweth it them whom the sonne hath sent Wherfore seing that the world neither knoweth the father nor the son nor yet the apostels whom the sonne hath sent needes must it then persecute hate and condemn both the truth and also those that preach it Thirdly Christ in this persecutiō Our cōforte in aduersity is in the worde of God which surely is euer annexed to the gospel in this world cōmandeth vs to take sure holde of his woorde as that only comfort whereby Christians in all tribulacions solace them selues Remembre saithe hee my woorde which I haue saide vnto you This text teacheth vs as it semeth that there shal be no nother comfort vpon yearth especially in persecucions except only that worde and doubtlesse it is euen so in dede For what consolacion may bee in that mannes heart which hath refused and put frō his sight the worde of God Cōtrarily what I pray you shal hynder or hurt him that taketh holde vpō the worde and by fayth printeth it in his heart For he doubtles knoweth very well that he must nedes suffre pesecutions and tribulacions that is a very true tale but yet he knoweth also this that persecucion shall shortely haue an ende and at the tyme ordayned of God it shall be chaunged into perpetual ioy Rom. 8. as sainct Paule sayth Surely I thynke that the passions of this tyme are not worthy to bee iudged equal to the glory that shal be reueled among vs. Iho. 16 And of this speaketh Christ saiyng A woman when she trauaileth hath sorowe for her houre is come But when she hath brought furthe her manchylde she nowe remembreth not the pangues for ioy that
abide in the word Thē by by with great violence we run into the snares gynnes of the deuell And if we stedfastly beleue in the worde of god Then neither false prophet nother the deuell himselfe shal deceiue vs. And thē wtout dout he is greater that is in vs then he that is in the world 1. Io. 4 Secondarylye Christe speaketh of the seede that fell vpon the stone which although it sprange vp yet bicause it lacked moysture it withered awaye And so he declareth that the seed that fel on the stone be thei that when they hear the word of God they receiue it with ioy To fall from the worde in tyme of persecution but thei haue no rotes bicause thei beleue but for a while in tyme of temptacion and tribulacion they fall cleane away Wherin Christe sheweth that his gospell shall neuer bee preached withoute aduersaries that shall striue againste it And lykewise that the perfect and trew faith cannot be knowen but by tribulacion and temptacious so proued and tried as gold and siluer is by fier Yf thou wylt then search know what faith I haue and whether it be a trew or a fayned faith mark wel behold my lyfe when I chaunce to fal into temptacion tribulacion And yf then it be a pure and righte fayth and by the worde of god in my harte made liuelye and effectuall then muste I needes saye with sainct Paule Rom. 8. I am sure that nother death nor lyfe nor aungell nor rule or power nother things present or thinges to come nother high nor low nor any māner of creature shal seperate me from the loue of god that is in Iesu Christ Yea and I will frely confesse commend preach the word of god though I shuld dye an hundreth tymes Mat. 10 or forsake all that euer I haue had in this world For it must needes be in such case that other I forsake all and bere the crosse of Christ or else cease to be his disciple any lenger And in contrary wise when my fayth is not pure but fayned trewly thē wyl I not so hate my selfe that for the gospels sake I shuld ronne into daunger of my bodye and lyfe But then wyll I sette moste by and loue my body be it neuer so rotten and full of wormes Wherfore I am constrayned to heare Christ in an other place Mat. 16 saying He that findeth his lyfe shall lose it Cares riches voluptuousnesse be lette hīderāce vnto fayth Thyrdely Christ speaketh of other seed that fel amongest thornes and so sprong vp was choked amongest the thornes And that he expoundeth on this wise The seed that fell amongest the thornes be they that haue herd the worde of god and then thorowgh the cares ryches and voluptuosnes of this worlde be so ouer growne and choked that they can not bryng fourth frute Thow herist here repeted that suche heare the word of god yf then thei heare the word and yet be reiected of Christ I praye the what is the cause or what lettyth whye they be not saued verely euen that be cause they receyued not the worde of god ernestly and in they re hartes and for that they be founde neglegente in fayth loue and honest conuersations and fal from god the creatour vnto creatures Marke here how finely Chryst hath paynted and set oute the mindes and harts of riche men First of all he geueth vnto them cares for we commonly se that the more they haue the more the couet as it is said in the 5. cha Ecclesiastes The couetous man is neuer satisfied of money c. And he geueth also vnto thē the loue and affection of riches and desyre of this worldly lyfe As though he shulde saye To haue greate riches doth not damne a man for there hath beene sins the beginning of the world many deuout and holy men that hath had greate riches and yet neuerthelesse haue obtayned euerlasting lyfe But to sette harte and minde in riches and through them to seeke the pleasures of this lyfe not to knowe that we be but seruauntes and stewardes of suche riches to th entent that the poore and nedye maye be holpen thereby that is the very thing that condemneth a man Wherfore seing it is so with riche men for the more parte that they with all theire diligence seeke and folow the pleasures of this lyfe and do not mortefye the fleshe by the spirite but passe ouer their lyfe in all securitie and wealthe of this world Mat. 19 Christ sayeth also in an other place Soner may a camell runne thorow the eye of a nedle then a riche man entre into heauē And to be briefe Such rich men What condemneth the rich mē and men that abuse their riches in this world haue but smal prayse in scripture and in many places we hear of their condemnacion not bicause they haue much riches or that they be men of great power and might but for that they do abuse their such giftes and take their lusts and pleasure in it and do not make frends to them of their wicked mammon Fourthly Christ speaketh of the seede that fell in the good grounde and sprang vp and brought forth fruict an hundreth fold And that he declared on this wise That that fell in the good ground be thei which with good hert mind Good grounde do hear the worde of god and kepe the same and bring forth fruict in pacience And there be two thinges to be noted in that Fewe christian men First that there be merueilous few christian mē in this earth But of them that in body soule go to the deuel ther is a great nomber how highly soeuer they pretend the name of christians or boaste of the gospell as Christ doth witnes in the 7 chapt of Mathew saiyng The gate is larg and the way is broad that leadeth to perdition and many there be that entreth into the same But the way that leadeth to lyfe is straite the gate very narrow and fewe haue found the same And the other thinge that Christ sheweth vs is this that although the more parte of menne be euell and so abyde yet the word of god shal not be preached in vaine In some corner there shal be found good ground The worde of God is not preached in vayne Esa 55. wherin the good seede of the word of god is sowen shal spring vp and bring forth frute plenteously whereof god speaketh by his prophete Esaias in this wise Lyke as the shoures of rayne and snow descendeth frō heauen and retourneth not thither againe but sinketh into the earth and norisheth the same and maketh it bring forth seede vnto the sower bread to the eater so shal the word that cometh out of my mouth it shal not retourne vnto me empti but shal do all that I wil shall prosper whersoeuer I shal send it And although it seme
bely withe promises and miracles credulitye and conceyue trewe faith in god is gyuen vnto vs of God so many promises confirmed with many noble miracles that needes must he be blinded and geuen into a wrong opiniō that is not by them sterid to faith can set a parte the carke of the belly And moreouer he suffereth that such promises be shewed to the people in sermones whereby through the remembraunce of them wee maye bee allured to the faithe that is in Iesu Christe Who is so hard or dul harted that cā not be moued to faithe yf he wyll remembre what greate care Christ toke for this multitude And how he pitied them when there was no mencion made of meat nor drynke Wherein he sheweth that he knoweth what we haue need of before we aske any thing of him And in that he lift vp his eyes as the Euangelist saith and beheld the multitude is signifyed that Christ hath in hys mind compassiō on vs and that his help shal always be ready at hand for vs. And so must we vnderstād whē scripture saith that god doth loke vpon vs with his eies that he mercifully wil defēd vs against al peryls of body soul Psal 10 His eyes loketh vppon the poore And in an othee place Looke vppon me Lorde and haue mercy on me Wherfore seeyng that Christ sheweth in this miracle his such great goodnes clemencye and carefulnesse for vs that mercifully he wyll prouyde for vs both in body and soule It were very vnmete that we our selues shuld take lyke carke not wholy to trust to hym that is able to perform that he hath promysed Nor is this to be vnderstand as thoughe we shuld not care for our helth but rather that before all thinges we considre howe to please God thorow Christ that wee maye be made pertakers of euerlastyng health which Christ in the gospel requireth of vs Mat. 6 and sayth Fyrst seeke the kingdom of god and his righteousnes and al these thinges shal be geuen vnto you As he myghte say It is necessary that ye beleue for and yf ye do not beleue yt is necessary that ye alwayes lack although al the world with al his riches were yours Psa 33 as Dauid saith Rich men haue lacked and haue hūgred Here a man myght withstand and say If the matter be so and that God wyll fede and norish me then wyl I be ydle and wyl no lenger laboure Not so my deare frende ye shall not so do for labour is not forbidde vnto the but the care and carckefulnes therevppon is forbidden Thou shalte eate thy breade in the sweate of thy face but yet shalt thou not put thy trust in thy labour but in God allonly If thou do this thou shalte not neede to care for thy lyuyng Labour diligently and by thy faythe accordinge to thy callynge leaue the care to God and he wyll norishe the throughe Christ Secondaryly we haue here a godlye exaumple of the loue of god in Christe toward vs. Fyrste in that he dyd not only feede the good and iust The example of the loue of God but also the euel men which were not the lesse part amongst this fiue M. And in that also that he so mekely suffered the weaknesse of Philip and thother Apostels hee dothe teache vs that euerye Christiane man shuld shew forth his faith by workes of loue and thereby to prouoke other to doo the same And suche loue muste alwayes bee perfecte Imperfecte loue doth neuer good but to his frendes Gal. 5. whiche the Publicanes and sinners do also for they loue thē of whō they be loued agayn as Christ saith in the 6. chapt of S. Luke our loue muste be perfecte Perfect loue doth not only good to his frends but to his enemys also Wherin we may se the example of Christ and of the heuenly father Mac. 5. which suffereth his sunne to shyne vpon the good and bad and sendeth raine to the iust and vniust Of this perfection of loue Christe speaketh in an other place saiyng Ye shal be perfect as your father in heauen is perfecte In that place Christe commēdeth the loue of his father towardes vs as a moste perfecte loue Wherfore Bycause he hath receyued vs into his fauour and grace Rom. 5. which were yet his enemys and sayth that we also must be perfect in brotherly loue which cometh frō faith Therfore yf thou be a christian man and wilt with good works manifest thy selfe to haue a Christian mans harte go to then and instructe them that be weak and leaue them not vntil thow haue brought them to the knowledge of the fayth And moreouer dooe good to all men withoute any respecte aswell to thyne enemyes as to thy frendes to the bad as to the good And then thou hast testified with works of loue that thou art a good tree in that thou bringest forth good frute Thirdely this gospell sheweth Geuing o● thākꝭ to the bene●… 〈◊〉 Chri●… how Christ dyd not distribute and geue this breade and fisshes to the multitude before that he had giuen thankes in his hart to his heauenly father of whose liberality and plenteousnes all creatures be susteined and norished vp Wherin he teacheth vs that we lykewise shuld gyue hartely thankes for the great henefites both bodely and ghostly that we dailye receaue of God the father through his welbeloued sonne Iesu Christ And yf thow wylt knowe the very trewe thankes geuing What is thākꝭ giuinge This it is To knowledg that al that euer we haue cometh of God through Christ of his mere grace and goodnes and not of our selues This is the trew wayes to gyue thanks And for the more parte continuall praise and commendacion foloweth such knowledg By what means can I geue prayse honoure and thankes to God except I knowledge his benefites Nowe yf I haue this faith and knowledge that God throughe Christe hathe destroyed the kyngdome of the diuel made me inheritoure of his heauenly kyngdome doughteles I do also gyue thankes with all Goddes electe for so greate a benefyte as the nature of suche that beleue is sette forthe at large in the 25. chapiter of Esaias the Prophete and in Daniel the seconde chapiter Neither shall I do it once but al dayes of my lyfe withoute ende I shall saye withe Dauyd Psa 145 My sowle prayse the Lorde I shall prayse the Lorde in my lyfe tyme and shall synge vnto the Lorde as long as I shall lyue Psal 33 And I wyll geue prayse to the Lorde at all tymes his praise shall alwayes be in my mouth Lykewise when I knowledge that God in outeward and worldely thinges wyll of his mercyfulnes norish me but so that I must needes labore to then muste I well remembre that it is not to be adsc●ibed to my laboure but muste gyue harty thankes to God throughe Christe Howe often tymes doth that iuste man Dauyd confesse that
his dede his doctrine of christian pacience in those thynges that pertayned to his person Loue is the maister of al the lawes Wherfore Christ after his accustomed maner though the Phariseis neuer so muche wayted him healed this dropsy man vpon the sabboth daye shewyng with the same miracle that aswell Gods lawes as mannes lawes ought to serue and geue place vnto charitee And though the sabbot was cōmaunded vnto the Iewes most straightly to be kept yet that commaundement did not extende to the hynderaunce of charite wherof Christ in another place sheweth the reason why saiyng The sabbot was made for mans sake Mar. 2. and not man for the sabbothes sake 1. Ti. 1. And S. Paule sayth The chiefe somme of the commaundement is loue from a pure heart and of a good conscience and of fayth vnfayned Wherfore when I see my neighbour in necessitee I am bounde to shewe him charitee and loue if it were xx tymes holy day because loue is the rule and maistres of all lawes Nowe consider well with thy selfe whether Christe did not right in healyng of this manne that had the dropsye howe frowardly soeuer the Phariseis toke it If an Oxe or an asse had fallen into a hole on the sabboth day thynkest thou that they would haue taryed tyll the sabboth day had been past No surely Why then should not Christe shewe vnto a manne that they shewed vnto a beast Christiā libertie Ro. 14. And so let vs likewise vse the libertie that we haue in Christ Iesu our Lorde Let vs receiue those that be weake into the faith beware to trouble not their conscience And as for these obdurate and stubburne iustifiers of theim selfe whiche haue heard oure doctrine of christian libertie and yet dispiseth it against theim let vs vse the same libertie For whatsoeuer we do or leaue for their pleasure and weakenesse sake it wyll healpe nothyng at all but styll they wyll obstinately remayne in their blyndnes For so are the Phariseis against Christ and Christ against the Phariseis yet is there so great power strēgth in the trueth that the Phariseis are constrayned to holde their peace Secondarily Christ gentely handled this sick man we see in this gospel howe familiarly and gentely Christ handeleth this man sicke of the dropsy he handeled healeth him letteth him go Fyrst he was in hand with these Pharisies whō he would haue gladly instructed howe all lawes in tyme of neede are bounde to geue place vnto loue and charitee but they would neither heare not yet receyue his doctrine their heartes were stricken with so great blyndes Yea they would not onely refuse to heare Christe but sought alwayes meanes to distroy him whiche thyng happened chiefly vpon the Sabboth daye Deu 18. Mar. 3. when in the synagoge he made whole the mans hand that was drye and wythered Neuerthelesse Christ is frendly to this man that had the dropsy he healeth him byddeth him go his waies Howbeit it is to be thought that this man that had the dropsye had a good hope trust in Christ insomuch that he folowed Christ into the Phariseis house And without doubt he had not been healed if he had not had suche an hope in Christe And as the blyndnes of these Phariseis ought to abashe and feare vs because that thei had eyen and sawe not eares and heard not an heart beleued not so the goodnes benignite of Christe shewed vnto this man that had the dropsy ought to moue vs to lift vp our heartes and to put al our trust and confidence in Christ Therfore this miracle and suche like Rom. 25 are written vnto vs that therout we may learne what maner a man Christ is why the father hath sent him into this worlde and what from him is to be hoped for of a christen mā He did good vnto this man that had the dropsye because he hoped well in him Wherfore then should he deny vs any good thyng if we beleue in him Is his hand shortened Esai 59 that it can not helpe No truely His mercy endureth for euer The faute is in vs not in his helpyng hand that forbecause we wyll neither acknowlege our infirmite nor yet beleue But if we wyl acknowlege our imbecilite weakenes specially in those thinges that partayne to our soule and aske grace of Christ in a true fayth it is not possible but it shall be graunted vs. Furthermore it is requisite that we once obtaynyng this his grace and mercy endeuour our selues to shewe lyke loue and charity to our neighbour as Christe shewed here vnto this man that had the dropsye Thirdely The Pharises styl remaining in their blyndnes and so that they could neither throughe Christes wordes nor yet through his myracles be moued to beeleue Christe payed them home and forasmuch as he perceaued in them a desirous appety of vaine glory and euer chosing themselues the vppermost seates at feastes and sayd Christ reprehended the ambitiousnes of the pharises When thou art bidde to dinner to a mariage thou shalt not set thy selfe in the highgest place lest peraduenture one that is more honourable then thou be also bidden And then he that bad bothe the and him come and saye vnto the Giue this man place But when thou art called set the doune in the lowest place that he may say Friend syt vp higher With these wordes Christ would haue corrected the ambitiō of the phariseis For they sought the glory of thys world and were in their hartes al giuen to pomp and pride Mat. 23 As he saith in an other place That all the workes they did were done for the intent that thei might be seen of men Mat. 6. And in the syxt chap. of Math. wher Christ taught vs truly to pray to fast giue almes Ther likewise hee warned vs to take heede of suche phariseis and not to do good works in that intent like as thei did ther he addeth sayīg Thei haue receaued their reward He hath teached vs here mystically that if any man be called to the mariage of the godly grace he must not bee pufte vp nor yet thinke of him selfe more then becometh him but rather he ought to take heed that he beareth hīselfe vpright and be euer in feare lest he leese the goodnes and gifts that he hath receiued For thus it stondeth in the kingdome of Christe that he that exalteth him selfe shall come low he that meketh him selfe shall he exalted And in an other place He that will bee greatest amongest you Mar. 20 let him becom your seruant The same thing aloweth Christ Mat. 19 whē he toke a child and set him in the middest of his disciples and said Except ye tourn and become as childrē ye shall not entre into the kingedome of god Luc. 28. Likewise What happened vnto the pharisey in preferring himselfe before the publican Very this The
publican was iustified the pharisey counted vniust not righteous Therefore whosoeuer with this sinner choseth him the lowest place knowledgeth his sinne and asketh grace Christ shal set him in the highest place geue hym euerlastinge life Whiche god throughe Christ our sauiour graunt to vs all Amen The gospell of the eightene sonday after trinity sondaye Math. 22. BVt when the Pharisees had hearde that he had put the Saduces to silence they came togither and one of them which was a doctour of lawe asked him a question temptinge him and saying Maister which is the greatest commaundement in the law Iesus sayde vnto him Thou shalte Deut. 6. loue thy god with all thy harte and with all thy soule and with all thy mynd This is the first and greatest commaundement And the second is lyke vnto it Leui. 19 Rom. 13 Galat. 5 Iacob 2 Thou shalte loue thy neighboure as thy selfe In these two commaundements hang al the law the prophetes While the Pharisees were gathered togither Iesus asked theim saying What thynk ye of Christ Whose sonne is he They say vnto hym the sonne of Dauyd He said vnto them Mat. 1● Psa 11 howe then doth Dauid in spirite call him lorde sayinge The lord sayd vnto my lord Mat. 1● Psa 11 syt thou on my ryght hand tyl I make thine enemyes thy footstoole If Dauyd then call hym lord how is he then his sonne And no man was able to answere hym any thinge nether durste anye man frome that daye forth aske hym any mo questions THE EXPOSITION FIrst we haue in this gospell of this daye a question of the lawe wherin is to be considered what they be that moue this question and what their intent was The Phariseis were the chieffest and counted the holyest amongest the Iewes people whiche euer boasted of workes and disputed of the same A certaine doctoure of the lawe whome the pharisees had appointed moued this question here bycause they feared lest yt shuld chaunce vnto theim as it did vnto the Saduces Neither was it meruaile thoughe those iustifiers of them selues reasoned of the greatest and chiefest commaundement of the lawe for all their boasting was in woorkes all theyr laboure and dylygence was to bee iustified and blessed and all throughe works Which false opiniō was so growē imprinted in their hartes that the prophetes Christ also the Apostelles endeuoured theym selues greatly to reforme it but it was for the moste parte all in vayne Wherefore the pharisees do here according to the comon saying which also was vsed of Christe in an other place saying Mat. 12 Out of the aboundance of the hart the mouth speaketh They vnderstode the vertue of faith Wherfore they must needes fal into hypocrisie which euer is repugnāt vnto faith And hereout it chaunced that thei so stifly with stoode Christe was the true doctoure of faith and truthe They reason with Christe but not of a good zeale as wee maye lightly perceiue in this gospell The text is thus One of them a scribe tempted him c. There is a difference when a mā of ignorance doth question of a thing out of a good intent and for his erudition whan he goth about to tempte a man For he that of a good zeale To tēpt asketh any question he doth it to learne bicause he is ignorant therin And he that tempteth a man he doth it for that intent purpose to trippe him in his saying Wherefore in that the phariseis questioned not with Christ of no good intent Malyce wickednes of our nature but for to tempt him wee maye learne therout the maliciousnes of our nature For that is so rooted and grafte in vs that by no meanes wee can knowledge the truthe or beleue Christe excepte we be transformed into a new creature through the worde the holy ghoste Iohn 3. For yf we wil not perpetually remaine indurate and blind we must be pulled therfrom and learned by the holy ghoste Secondarily considre now this question well also the answer of Christ And although those phariseis did not put forth this question of a good intent yet for all that the doctour of the law was not so styffe necked nor yet so stubborne Surely Chrystes answere and solution did like him so well in so muche that Christe himselfe saide that he was not farre wide from the kingedome of God as sayncte Marke therein testifieth Mar. 12 The question was this Mayster which is the chiefest commaundement in the law Whervnto Christ answered Thou shalte loue the lord thy god with al thy hart with all thy soule and with all thy mynd And addeth This is the fyrst and greatest commaundement And the second is lyke vnto it Deut. 6. Thou shalte loue thy neighboure as thy selfe In these two commaundements hang all the law the prophetes O what an excellent answer if the Pharises could haue vnderstand it For Christ reherseth not here only two commandementes but also teacheth that in them hange the whole lawe and the prophetes Which muste be vnderstande in this wise The lawe as witnesseth S. Paule is spirituall that is Rom. 7 The law is fulfilled with the spirite the lawe cannot be fulfilled with outward works but requireth the affection of the hart Thē if the affectiō of the hart ought to be wholy directed to the loue of god so that wee shuld neither cleaue to workes nor yet to any creature then muste I needes haue faithe This faithe the holy ghost worketh in me throughe the worde And when I haue this true faithe then doo I all thynge wyllyngelye that the lawe asketh of me and not constrained out of loue and not for feare Faythe And I do not onlie that the first table of Moyses requireth of me but also I do that the second commaundeth me For I doo beleue and trust that the lorde my god is he that will saue me throughe Christ of his great mercy and grace without any deseruyng of my partye Furthermore I loue my neighboure as my selfe for I count his pouertye tribulation and misery to be mine and all that he suffreth as thoughe I suffered my selfe Hereout cometh that whā I do what so euer is acceptable vnto mi neighboure and leue the thinge that is preiudyciall and hurtefull vnto him then the fulfillyng of the lawe is adscribed vnto loue And that mayest thou perceaue finde in the epistle to the Romaines where S. Paule writeth Rom. 13 that hee that loueth his neighbour hath fulfilled the lawe For thou shalt not be an aduouterer thou shalt not kyll thou shalte not steale thou shalt beare no false witnes thou shalte not desier and yf there be anye other commaundement it is comprehended in this saying Loue thy neighboure as thy selfe And thoughe the lawe bothe requireth faythe and loue yet styll it remaineth a worde of wrath and angre whyle she geueth me not the spirite to doo that shee
into heauen with the approue confirmacion of the same For thus sayth the texte And the Lorde after that he had spoken vnto them he was taken vppe into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God c. Hetherto Christ had preached and taught after that he was crucifyed and rysen agayn the thyrd daye from the dead and truely after his resurrection he had muche a do with the incredulitee of his Apostles to whom also at the last he shewed what he would theim to do And after he had all this doone Mar 16 he ascended into heauen and sytteth on the right hand of God that is he taketh to himselfe a newe kyngdome that he perpetually with his father beyng Lord on heauen and yearth may and shal reigne in equal power with God his father What it is to syt on the right hand of God for to conserue gouerne maintayn and defend all that are his from all euils For this to do is to syt on the right hand of God Furthermore lest his assencion into heauen should be without an euident vtilitee and profyte he would sende from heauen his holy ghost which might confirme his in the fayth make them strong in all their troubles and persecucions and defende comfort them against their threttes that hated the word euen as the Prophet did testifi Ps 67. saiyng Hee ascended into the highth and hath ledde captiuitee capteiue and hath geuen gyftes to men Oh deare brethren is not this a mightie Lord that hath cōquered and deliuered vs from the captiuitee of Sathan hath geuen frely to vs his worde and spirit and lastly by this meanes hath made vs the sonnes of God Surely he that wyll not beleue and put his confidence in this god and suche a Lorde doubtlesse his vnbelif shal turne brīg him vnto perpetual dampnacion and losse bothe of body and soule The whiche God vouchesafe to turne frō vs for his great infinite grace through Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen The gospel on the Monday after Witsondaye Ioh. 3. FOr God so loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in him shoulde not perishe but haue euerlasting life Luce. 19 For God sent not his sonne into the world to condemn the worlde but that the worlde through hym myght be saued Hee that beleueth on hym is not condemned But hee that beleueth not is condemned already bycause he hath not beleued in the name of the onlye begotten son of god And thys is the cōdemnaciō Iohn 1 and. 12. the lyght is come into the world and men loued darkenes more then lyght bycause their deedes were euel For ♣ Eph. 5 euery one that euell dooeth hateth the lyght neither commeth to the lyght least hys dedes shuld be reproued But he that doth truthe commeth to the lyghte that hys deedes maye bee knowen howe they are wrought in God After these thynges came Iesus and hys disciples into the land of Iewrye and there he taryed with them Ioh. 4. Mat. 3. Mar. 1. Luc. 3. Mar. 4 and baptized And Iohn also baptized in Ennō besyds Salim bicause ther was muche water there and they came and were baptized For Ihon was not yet put in pryson THE EXPOSITION IN this gospell CHRIST setteth out highly The loue of God toward vs that excedinge loue and charitye of oure heauenly father that he euer hath borne vnto man k●nde And this loue doth Christe so highly extoll and magnifye that he affirmeth that loue to haue beene the chiefe principall and onlye cause wherfore hee wolde giue his onlye begotten sonne into this worlde Lette vs therefore with most herty attentiō cōsider this praise wherwith Christ setteth out the loue of his heauēly father For in it we shal plainely perceiue what moued god to redeme vs and by whome he would worke our redemtion And what moued the heauenly father to doo thys Dyd men obtaine it with their good works Or deserued they it by theyr honest conuersacion Truly if that time that Christ came into to the worlde he wold haue iudged men accordinge to their merites and workes it was to be feared least as it happein the tyme of Noe he shulde haue drowned all the worlde with water for doubteles at that tyme ther were not very many good in al the world For euen the Iewes which receiued the law prophets and therfore ought to haue been more holier and better then the other nacions these I say were a fewe except more wretched and abhominable then anye other Then needes must ther be a far other cause of our redemtiō Out of loue and grace ar we saued then the merites of man What is it then Christe answereth God so loued the worlde Do not you heare now that our redemtion dependeth and consisteth vpon mere loue grace compassion and mercy And this loue ought well to styrre vs vp and to bringe vs to faithe For if we wel consider and weye this loue in our hearts it wil sufficiently teach vs how high ye vnspeakable it is For suerly we had deserued by vnbeliefe and our sinnes perpetual damnaciō god mought most rightfully haue shed vpon vs his terrible wrath furor and indignacion and haue condemnd vs vnto ꝑpetual dānacion but what dyd he So mighty nowe was not his wrathe but his loue that not only he saued vs frō destruction but also made vs free safe frō synne death dyuel and hell But howe did he this or by what meane or mediator Wold he do this by his angels or by any other mediator or mean Nay verily But to do this he sent gaue freely his only begotten son Here againe that excedyng loue is glorified which was the cause the god would redeme vs. For truely all that euer god giueth that giueth he of grace no merites goyng before With this agreeth the saying of S Paul If when we wer enemies we were recōciled to god by the death of his son much more now that we be reconcyled we shal be saued by his life Here also in this saying the apostell cōfesseth that god receiued vs of grace ye when we were yet his enemies Finally God hath deliuered vs from our sins from hel hath giuen to vs eternall life by free grace loue that hath he done by his beloued and only begottē sonne Iesus Christe Secondarily althogh our saluacion be gotten made perfect by Christ only yet this must we learn to knowe how men maye obtaine it And thys also doth Christe manifestly shew in this gospell That euery man saith he the beleueth in him shuld not perishe but shoulde haue lyfe eaternall You heare in these wordes whether saluacion gotten by Christe may be receiued by works or apprehended by faith Without doubte our workes do nothinge in this matter But here muste needes be a true faith and an assured confidence and beliefe in god But whē is that beliefe and faithe trewe Fayth When
not their wordes to conuince theim that they may be cast awaye and dampned for euer In summe Christ promiseth his Apostles those that haue folowed him despisyng the pouertie of the worlde and the contempte hatered of the Phariseys do obay him that thei shal haue his kyngdome perpetual saluacion euerlastyng ioy whiche promise is not to the Apostles only but to all that beleue in him and cōtinue vnto the ende in his fayth Whiche God graūt vs through his only sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Amen The gospel on sainct Mathewes day the Apostle and Euangelistes day Math. 9. ANd as Iesus passed furth from thence he sawe a mā named Mathewe sittyng at the receyte of custome and he saith vnto him folowe me And he rose folowed him And it came to passe as Iesus satte at meate in his house beholde many Publicanes also synners that came sat doune with Iesus and his disciples And when the Phariseys sawe it thei said vnto his disciples Why eateth your mayster with Publicans synners But when Iesus heart that he sayd vnto them They that be strong nede not the Phisicion but they that are sicke Go ye rather and learne what that meaneth Osee 6. Mat. 11 I wyll haue mercy and not sacrifice For I am not come to call the righteous but synners to repentaunce THE EXPOSITION WE haue here fyrst in this Gospel the callyng of the holy Apostle S. Mathewe vnto his office to preache the Gospell And it is very necessarye to consider and looke well vppon this and suche lyke callynges For we see howe great euil they are authors of and what great hurt thei do that forsake wife and children and vncalled take vpon them the office of preachyng The callyng is tow maner o● wayes Exo 3. Verely the lawfull callyng is wrought of God either immediatly or mediatly By God immediatly were called in the olde testament Moses the prophetes and in the newe testament S. Paule And these certainly approued their vocacion with good doctrine myracles that it was of God Act. 9. And mediatly from God were called the other Apostles which also after the resurrection of Christ chose certaine other ordayned appointed them to be preachers Nowe this meane organe is Christ whiche chose in the name of his father certayne disciples appointed theim to preache the gospel Of this vocacion whiche is by certain meanes S. Paule speaketh manyfestly For this cause I left that in Candy or Creta to amēd suche thynges as want and to sette in euery toune byshoppes c. But nowe some man wyll say Howe shal I know whether this vocaciō done by meanes betwene God vs be true and godly seyng that the Papistes and Anabaptistes call and appoint suche as be of their sectes to preachyng I answere This may be knowen by the doctrine of him that is called For if it be agreale to the word of God then is that vacaciō tru lawful And suche a preacher is to be heard receiued had in good honour estimaciō That he ought to be heard Christ sayth Who that heareth you heareth me Who casteth furth you he casteth furth me That he ought to be had in good estimacion S. Paule sayth Priestes that gouerne well are worthy double honour especially suche as labour in the woorde and doctryne But if he boast his sendyng ministery callyng neuer so muche yet his doctryne be against the worde of God take it for an vnfallyble truth he is sēt of Sathan And suche in very dede are the Papistes and Annabaptystes whose doctryne almoste in euerye article is playne contrary against the worde of God Nowe in this vocacion of Mathewe note these 11. thinges Fyrst that Christ called a symple vnlearned plain man to the office of preachyng This sheweth plainly that God choseth those thynges that are folishe afore the worlde to shame those that the worlde hath in high estimacion Another to note is that he called vnto the office of Apostleship a synner a Publican And by this he sheweth that he is not a respector of personages and also that he came into the worlde to saue synners The obedience of Mathewe Secondarily this Gospell prayseth and setteth furth the obedience of Mathewe For by and by as he had heard the voyce cōmaundement of Christ he obayed and folowed him Yea he folowed Christ both spiritually also corporally The woorde that Christ sayd to him Folowe me not only sounded in the eares of his body but it also entred into his very heart and made him prompt and glad to forsake all thynges and to folowe Christ For if the spirite of God had not made that worde liuely and able to worke in his heart he had not doubtles so sone forsaken his office ryches For surely we know right well the nature of richemen The nature of richmen Mat 19 euen by the wordes that Christ himselfe spake saiyng It is easyer for a Camel to go through the eye of a nedle then for a riche man to entre into the kyngdome of heauen And here note the power of the worde when it is spoken for it is not so light a thyng or of so lytle price as some vngodly esteme it And Christ sayth also in another place of the same woorde You are not those that speake but the spirite of your father that speaketh within you You heare that Christe wyll not separate his spirite and his woorde So wee see in this gospel that this word of Christ Folow me did illuminat with the holy spirit the heart of Mathew and wrought in him so great faith desire loue toward Christ that by by nothing considering his acompt which yet he had not mad to the magistrates he forsooke al togither and folowed Christ As S. Paul saith Al that is written is writen for our learning therfore ought wee to set before our eyes this obedience of Mathew and learne by it to obei in al things that god cōmaundeth and requireth of vs. As for exāple If thou be called vnto matrimony and haue not the gift of continency folow god which saith of this thing Gen. 2. Therfore shal mā forsake father and mother and kepe himself vnto his wyfe and thei shal be two in one flesh If thou be called to any office in the common welth and ciuyle adminystracion be ready faithful obedient For this vocacion that is done by the superior Magistrates is as S Peter saith of god himselfe 2. Pet. 5 If thou be called to the office of preaching and art apte to that office be obediente do thy callynge For in this case Christ saith Folowe me Thirdely we se in this gospel Christe came for sinners that Christ eateth drinketh with publicans sinners so that in this dede he sheweth testifieth that he came into thys worlde for sinners Note that I say for siners For though al the
come by these and many mo sectes Furthermore this slaunder is against loue as when I wyll not obey the Magistrate I will not do and paye as other men doo and paye neither beare the common charges as other beare but I wyll be cleane without lawe and haue a singuler prerogatiue afore al other Of this slaunder Christe hym selfe saithe to Peter Mat. ●7 Leaste we shoulde bee a slaunder vnto them go to the sea and cast thy hooke and that fyshe which firste commeth take him vppe open his mouthe and thou shalte fynde a grote take it oute and giue it them for the and me Nowe withoute doubt these slanders shall continue in the worlde vnto the end And especiall the slaunderers of doctrine shall bee both greuous and vehemente But what remedye againste this slaunder Spiritually are the handes and feete cut of I muste cut of that whiche woulde offende me be it either foot hande or eyes that is I must continue in the worde nothing consyderyng what shall chaunce euen thoughe father or mother brother or syster wyfe or children kinne or affinytye monye or ryches woulde plucke me frome it yet muste I sette more by the woorde then by all these For better yt is that I forsake all thynges be they neuer so deere and precious in thys worlde and to bee saued afore god then to haue all menne my friendes and be separated from god And seeynge that god wyll so extremelye punyshe theym that rayse suche slaunders what thynke yee shall come to suche as for those slaunders leaue and forsake the trueth Doubtlesse hee shall punishe theym both alyke Fourthly here is a general admonicion vnto al men that they dispyse none of these lytleones that are dead to the worlde poore in spirit and knyt together one in Christ Yea there is also assygned a cause why they shuld beware of hurtyng them The lytle ones wherfore they are not to be offended Psal 19 For their Angels sayth Christ in heauen alway see the face of my father whiche is in heauen Surely without doubt if God be so mercyful to his seruauntes that he hath appointed Angels vnto this ministery to kepe and defende them doubtles then this wyll please him but a lytle if they be dispised persecuted troubled troden vnder foote For surely the Lord is as careful for them as if these thinges were done vnto himselfe And furthermore he must nedes be discōtented to se them euil entreated for whose sake he came into this worlde and shedde his precious bloud I pray you who can thynke otherwyse in this behalfe Shall it not prouoke his anger that wee dispyse those whō he hath redemed with his death and precious bloud shed For if that lost shepe be so deare to him and he so entyrely loued it that he left nyntye and nyne in the wyldernes and ceassed not seekyng tyll he had founde it why should wee then either persecute or trouble that sheepe Surely he may suffre it but without doubt he wyl not leaue it vnpunished Furthermore he sayth It is not his fathers wyll that one of these lytleones should peryshe Are not these strong reasons that might well refrayne vs from persecutyng of our christian brethren Theyr angels sayth Christe whiche must serue them euer see the face of my father Trueth it is that I wyll be their sauior and my fathers wyll is that they should not perishe Nowe if these wordes wyll not moue vs surely I knowe not what should moue vs to learne to loue christian men and not to despyse theim But commonly it so chaunseth that these poore lytle ones of Christ haue euermore persecucion then fauour in this worlde Wherfore I beseche God graunt vs grace to perseuer in his fayth and paciently for his names sake to suffre persecucion vnto th ende through Christ our Lord. Amen The gospel on sainct Lukes day the Euāgelist ye shall fynde after Alhalowen day The gospel on sainct Symon and Iudes day Ihon. 15. Greater loue hath no mā then this that a man bestow his life for his frendes Ye are my frendes if ye do whatsoeuer I cōmaunde you Hencefurth call I you not seruauntes for the seruaunt knoweth not what his lorde doth But you haue I called frendes For all thynges that I haue heard of my father haue I opened to you Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you and ordayned you to go and bryng furth fruite and that your fruite should remayne that whatsoeuer ye aske of the father in my name he may geue it you THE EXPOSITION CHrist gaue his disciples this cōmaundemēt of brotherly loue after that last supper when he now knewe the tyme of his passion at hand that immediatly he shuld be taken away frō them Surely this is an vndoubted truth that there is besydes fayth no woorke in the worlde nor none can be that shal be acceptable vnto God saue onely charitee and loue of my neighbour of the whiche Christ speaketh in this Gospel Or els why should Christ with so great seueritee and earnest admonicion in that his last sermon that euer he made Christes cōmaundement of charitee haue geuen and inculcate this precepte of charitee And here note two thynges Fyrst that Christ gaue this precept and not Moses For if it were Moses precept it shuld be a precept as the other preceptes were in the lawe whiche in dede taught cōmaunded what should be done and what should bee lefte vndone but thei gaue not the spirit wherby it might be done with free heart and courage But Christ doth not here so but as he sheweth what is necessary to be done euen so he also geueth the spirit that we may be able to do those thinges that he hath cōmaunded And this is the onely cause why he him selfe sayth of his preceptes My yoke is swete my burthen light And sainct Ihon in his Epistle Canonical saith His cōmaundementes are not heauy Wherefore these woorkes of loue are not hypocrites workes like as the workes of the lawe were whiche the Iewes did without spirit but whatsoeuer a Christian doth in this behalfe he doth it with an whole heart 1 Co. 14 euen as sainct Paule sayth Charitee seketh not the thyng that is her owne For why A christian knoweth that Christe requireth not onely true fayth that worshippeth the father in spirit and truth but also he requireth an vnfayned loue Further note that this loue spryngeth not of her selfe but it spryngeth furth of fayth so that whersoeuer there is no fayth there can neuer bee any true loue Fayth Loue. Fayth heareth the woorde of God taketh holde vpon those thynges that the same worde promyseth in the merytes of Christe and so obtayneth without any merites of workes only of mere grace and mercy remission of synnes righteousnes eternal life Nowe if any mā wyl in this cause of iustifycacion admyxt the myre of his owne workes he goth cleane out of the way
A Postill or COLLECTION OF MOSTE GODLY DOCTRINE VPON EVERY gospell through the yeare aswell for Holye dayes as Sondayes dygested in suche order as they bee appoynted and set forthe in the booke of Common Prayer Verye profytable for all Curates Parentes maysters of housholdes and other gouerners of youth CHRISTE The haruest is great but the labourers are fewe pray ye therefore the Lorde of the haruest to sende forthe labourers into the haruest LVC. X. LONDINI ANNO DOMINI M.D.L. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum A PREFACE TO THE GODLY READER FOR AS MVCH DEERELY beloued in oure sauiour Iesu as faith which is the gift of god without the which we canne not please god cometh by hearing of the worde of god it is expedient Ephe. 2. Heb. 11. Rom. 12 and more then necessary that we earnestly embrace the same woorde of god least the Lorde be wrathe with vs Psal 1. and wee perishe from the righte waye We may not at our pleasure as the world doth trifle with it neglecte it and contemne it which is the lyuely foode of the sowle as Christe himselfe by the same beareth winesse saynge Mat. 4 A man shall not lyue by breade only but by euery worde that procedeth out of the mouthe of God What manne neglecteth the foode and norishmente of his bodye whiche is mortall vyle earth and wormes meate Nay howe do all men diligently awayte the tyme season and oportunitye to prepare the foode and noryshmente for the body The husband man ploweth soweth barroweth weedeth reapeth moweth dryeth his corne and gathereth it into his barne in season The marchaunte marketh the oportunitye and taketh the winde that serueth for his vyage in due tyme. The Passinger leeseth not the tyde but taketh it whē it is offered The lawyer obserueth the term Euerye man in his science occupacion and crafte applyeth the tyme and season when it serueth them beste for their purpose but Lorde how dulle negligente and carelesse be we of this tyme that goddes woorde speaketh of 2. Co. 6 sayinge Beholde nowe is the accepted tyme beholde now is the daye of saluacion Ful truely therefore is this saying of Christ verified vppon vs. Luc. 16 The chyldren of this worlde are in their nacion wiser than the children of lyfe Almyghtye god hath nowe vysyted vs with his holye woorde but yet wee prouoke him to lamente oure miserable state no lesse then the Iewes did vppon whome he saithe by his prophete Esai Esay 1. I haue nourished and brought vppe children but they haue doone wyckedly against me The oxe hath knowen his owner and the asse his maisters cribbe but Israel hath receiued no knowledge my people hath no vnderstandinge Alas for thys synfull nacion a people of greate iniquitye a frowarde generation vnnaturall chyldren Nowe least any manne flattering him selfe wold apply this lamentable prophecy only vnto the Iewes let him note this sentence which toucheth the cause of our blyndenesse to be twise rehersed namely Israel hath receiued no knowledg my people hath no vnderstandinge If it had beene spoken only of the Iewes yt had beene ynough to haue saide Israell hathe receiued no knowledge But bicause it shulde be truely applyed vnto vs also god saith My people hath no vnderstanding Luc. 10 Whye Verely CHRIST him selfe sheweth the cause sayinge The haruest is great but the labourers are fewe Wherfore christē reader it hath been thought good to commend this small volume of godlye and sincere doctrine into our mother and English tong that it mighte be a spurre vnto the dull shepherds and helpe vnto the simple and godlye mynded curates and comforte to the fathers of the houshold parents and gouernoures of youth Truly it must needes be a spurre vnto the ydle dul and negligent curates bicause the doctrine hereof is so brief simple and plaine that a cyllye woman or poore prentyse occupyinge theim selues the whole weeke in their vocacion onlye with the studyinge and learnynge of this booke vpon the sondaye and hollye daye shall within one yeare be better able to teach hereafter their own housholdes then many curats do now instructe their congregacion committed to their cure and charg At whose hand without fayl Ezec. 3. and .33 the Lorde wyll requyre the bloude of euerye one of their flock that perisheth for lack of godly teching Also the profite that the godlye mynded curates although they be but meanly learned shall hereby obtaine their flocke and congregacion in shorte tyme by the grace of God shall better declare in their lyfe by good frutes than here can be expressed with woordes Finally the honest housholders for whose sake principally this booke is putte forth whiche wyll take paines to practise the doctrine herof vpon the sondayes and holy dayes in teachinge their familyes and lookinge to them so on the working daies with discipline that they exercyse the same in their lyfe shall fynde more faithfulnes quietenesse and obedience in their families then their policie and worldely wysedome otherwyse is able to bryng to passe with all that they can do Let not parentes and maysters hereafter fynde faulte with the pryde stubburnesse slouthe and falshed of their youthes seruauntes if they theim selues be styffe necked and slowe to learne the word of the Lord and negligent in teachyng their families to serue God But let them knowe that the vntowardnesse of their youth seruauntes is the iust plague of god vnto them because they teache them not to knowe feare and serue God What meane they that murmure would they haue their children and seruantes obedient faythfull and diligente to serue theim Yea verely it is mete they should so be Then lette they them selues begynne fyrst to be diligent in learnyng the worde of God faythful in teachyng it and obediēt in doyng it Tit. 2. For S. Paul sayth Speake the thinges that become wholsome learnyng that the elder men bee sober sage discrete sound in the fayth in loue and in pacience When they haue learned this than let them be diligent to shewe the same by example and to teache their cure that whiche foloweth Fyrst that their wyues be in suche apparel as becommeth holynes not geuen to muche wyne sobre minded discrete chast howsewyfly good obedyent to their own husbandes dilygent in teaching their chyldren that the worde of God be not euel spoken of Secondarily that yonge men be sobre mynded Thyrdly that seruantes be obedient vnto their own maisters and please them in all thinges not answeringe againe neither pickers but they must shew al faithfulnes that they may do worship to the doctrine of God our sauiour in all thinges Thus dyd Adam after hee was called to repentaunce teache his children fyrste to knowe theyr sauiour and to serue god in true faith as witnesseth the oblation of his obedient sonne Abell Gene. 4 Also Seth and Enos did the same and therfore it is written of them that they began to make inuocacion in the name
of the Lord. Gene. 5 Lykewise Henoch of whom it is written that hee walked with God Noe thereby was not onely saued frō drownyng Gen. 7. but also hath obtained this godly title euen to bee called The preacher of righteousnes 2. Pe. 2. A notable tytle What neede I to speake of Abraham Loth Isaac Iacob Ioseph c. which in steed of preachers retained the true faith suerly grounded vpon goddes woorde and by good exāple and doctrine haue taughte the same to their families and posterytie A noble example to all gouernoures parentes and maysters is set forth in Tobie Tob. 1. which as it is written taught his sonne from his youthe vp to feare god and to refraine from euell And to the end that no manne should wante the godly lessons that hee taught lo here they folow Tobi. 4. Haue god in thy thought all the dayes of thy lyfe and beware at any tyme thow cōsent not vnto synne and lest thou lette slyppe the commaundementes of the Lord our God Gyue almes of thy goodes and turne neuer thy face from the poore and so shal it come to passe that the face of the Lorde shall not be turned away from the. Be mercifull after thy power Yf thow haue muche gyue plenteousely Yf thou haue lytle do thy diligence gladly to geue of that lytle For so gatherest thou thy selfe a good rewarde in the day of necessitee Laste of all hee departed this lyfe in peace but yet before he should depart he called vnto him his sonne his sonnes vii children saiyng My children Tob. 14 heare your father Serue the Lord in truth seeke after his wyll and doo the thynge that pleseth him Commaunde your children that they do right gyue almes be mindeful of God and euer to be thankefull vnto him in truthe and with all their power Prynt this godly example in your hartes and for want of a curate let this booke be your teacher if you can not reade lette your childe seruaunt or prentyse reade And hear you and learn to entre in at this straight gate and to walke in the narrow way that leadeth vnto life whiche these godly fathers entred and walked in So doyng you shal be suer as Toby departed in peace to haue a quiet houshold obedient children and faythfull seruauntes yea and that which is great deale better the quietnes peace of conscience through our Lord Iesus Christ to whom with God the father and the holy gost be al thanke prayse and glory Amen Pray ye the Lord of the haruest to send furth labourers into his haruest So be it The Gospell on the fyrste sonday in Aduent Mat. 21. AND when they Mat. 11 Luc. 19. drew nigh vnto Ierusalem and wer come to Bethphage vnto mounte Olyuete then sente Iesus two disciples sayinge vnto them Go into the towne that lyeth oueragaynst you and anone ye shall fynde an asse bounde a colte with her lose them and brynge them vnto me And yf anye man saye ought vnto you say ye the Lorde hath neede of them and straight waye he will let them go All this was done that it myght be fulfylled which was spoken by the prophet saying Es 62. d Zac. 9. b Io. 12. c Tel ye the doughter of Sion beholde the kynge commeth vnto the meek syttyng vpon an asse and a colte the fole of the asse vsed so the yoke The disciples went and dyd as Iesus commaunded them and brought the asse and the colte and put on them theyr clothes and set hym thereon And many of the people spred their garmentes in the way other cut downe braunches from the trees and strawed them in the waye Moreouer the people that went before and they that came after cried saying Hosanna to the sonne of Dauyd Lu. 19. f Io. 12. b Ps 118. Mat. 11 Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde Lu. 19. t Io. 12 b Ps 118. Mat. 12 Hosanna in the hyghest THE EXPOSITION SEyng that nowe from the beginnynge of the worlde amonge all Godes elect hath beene hitherto obserued and in this latter dais throughe the synguler grace of God indespite of the deuell by noble victory hath beene recouered and wonne Gen. 15 Abac. ● Ioh. 3. that only fayth by Christ maketh a man ryghteous good and blessed It shal be therfore very expedient that we whome God hath called to thoffice of preachynge the Gospell faithfully and with all seueritye and treuth do often handle earnestly and beate into the heddes of men the doctrine of faith with repentaunce For suerly the deuel the very enemy of this doctryne slepeth not nor can by any means leaue of his peruerse malice and deceitfulnes For it is trewly alwayes his propertye to sowe cocle that is to say false doctryne amonge wheate Mat. 13 and when he hath done harme amongest the god wheate priuely to wipe hym selfe awaye Therefore when we shall preach or speake any thing of faith to the people we muste wiselye playnly and circumspectly declare what maner of faith it is that scripture so greatly commendeth Whence it commeth what it worketh in vs what her fruictes be and what things be contrary to the same or els our aduersaries shall alwayes be readye to slander and misreport vs saying that thorowe such learninge wee geue occasion to synne and forbidde good workes to be done Therefore that I may briefly sette forth vnto you an exaumple of this thinge ye shall vnderstande that faithe is a trewe trust Fayth and perfect hope in God That God by Christe forgeueth synnes iustyfieth vs and will graunt eternall lyfe of his only grace and mercy without any our merites or workes And such faith haue we not of our selues Rom. 12 but receiue it by the word of God the holy ghost And whē it is so by the word of God and the holy ghoste made liuely and effectuall in vs Righteousnesse of faith Gal. 5. then thorough Christe it maketh vs good iuste and blessed as the prophet Abacuc witnesseth saying The iust mā lyueth by fayth And suche a faythe can not stande without hope loue it must needes break out and by good conuersacion and godlye workes be made apparaunt not after the nature and custome of hypocrisy whiche is contrary to faith but of a voluntary wyl and an vnfayned harte Lo Mat. 7. this is the faithe that wee here speake of which is commended by the testimonye of scripture Eph. 4. And in likewise ye muste instructe of the repentaunce Repentaunce of a christen man That penance is nothing else but with all thy harte to be sory for thy synne to leaue synne and by fayth to cleaue to rigteousnes But of these things we shal speak mor at large an other tyme let vs nowe see what is to be noted in this Gospell ☞ Fyrste of all let vs considre what may alure and prouok vs to the same faith here mentioned of
that surfete and ouer greate couetousnes of riches with greate violence shall invade The car of the belli In the whiche place againe Christ taketh care for vs and saieth Beware c. Thirdly the Gospell shal be preached euery where as we do nowe euidently se so that wee muste needes confesse and knowledge that these manye yeares hitherto the Gospell hathe not beene so purelye preached as we se in these latter daies Item the son moone and the sterres shal be destitute of their naturall lighte The course of the law And hereto shall folowe the sorowfulnes of the people for the feare and lookinge for those thinges whiche shall chaunce to all the worlde The rombling and noise of the sea and floudes the mouinge of the celestiall powers and diuerse other signes whereof Christe maketh mention Now thou perceiuest what shall signes necessarily happen and moreouer thou hast harde that to those that abide in Christe Rom. 5. th●y shall bringe no feare at all Forthermore see in this case that thou take hold of Christe by faithe as suche a Lorde and mayster 1 Pet. 5. that hath taken charge ouer the yea and shall abide with the to the end of the worlde Mat. 28 so shall there bee nothing that shall hurte or feare the. The second aduente of Christe Also Christ in this gospell sheweth the maiestye of his laste comminge for none other cause but to comforte his people and to the wicked he bringeth an horrible fear when he saieth And then thei shal se the sonne of man come in a cloud with a great power and clerenesse as thoughe he shuld say Thou my dispised company hast suffered griefe and paine in this worlde thou haste beene made the ofscouringe of al for my worde in the desence therof thou hast suffered many ieopardies of goodes honoure lyfe 1 Cor. 4 and so forthe Therefore now beholde him in whome thou hast laied or sette all thy trust or hope What thinkest thou nowe by my power where bee they that haue persecuted the Ps 72 whreunto is their power come where is nowe seene the pompe and magnificēce of thi enemies Al thei by cōfusiō shame ar destroyed Rom. 8. being damned both body soule for euer And lyke as thy misery shal now haue an end so shall their perpetuall infelicitye and condemnacion nowe begyn and last for euermore Feare thou not this my power whiche thou nowe seeste it shall make more for the then against the Likewise lette not my maiestye be it neuer so greate trouble the The greater it is the more socoure shalt thou haue at my hande And nowe suffre a while and let vs se what the enemyes of the word of God can do Lo Psa 43 thus it is manifest that the maiestie of Godds iudgement to vs that beleue his worde and for the same alwaies be counted and taken as shepe apoynted to the slaunghter bringeth not feare but rather a comforte To vs I say that beleue in him for wee shall hear that ioyfull voice Mat. 15 Come hither the blessed children of my father And nowe may we plainlye se what it is that saynt Paule saith 2 Tim. 1 I knowe in whome I haue beleuid and am sure that he is able to kepe that I haue committed to his kepyng vnto that day In contrary wise Ioh. 19 the enemies of the word of God shal se whom they haue persecuted and whether Christ shall winke at all those ylles that hathe chaunsed to the electe people of God There shal be wepinge and gnashing of teath there shal be hell euerlasting death Thirdly we haue in this gospell a perfecte admonicion that we shal abiecte and cast away al fleshly truste and securitie Carefulnes hurteth and to geue dilygence to haue perfect knowledge of our selues and to be alwayes readye against the glorious adnēt or comming of our lord Iesu Christ For bycause he hath moued and kindeled our hartꝭ with these wordes Looke vp and lyfte up your heades hath putte awaye all feare He wil also that we be warned to prepare our selues againste these times and this he doth by a rude and homely similitude saying Ye se the figge tree and all other trees when they bring forth their fruicte and thē you say somer draweth nigh So when ye shal see al these thinges done know you for certain that the kingdome of heauen is at hande And note wel nowe that he wolde vs to vnderstand perceiue that when al these thinges shal be brought to passe that then Christ shall make an end of the world But the wicked shal boldly dispise and saye God seeth not vs Ezec. 9. he hath forsaken the earth c. yet shall christian men geue hede loke for these times Luc. 11. as a faithful seruaūt doth loke his mayster when he shall retourne from the mariages And that thou mayest knowe that hee greatlye desireth that we shuld be mindefull of this day he maketh an ende of his sermon with this worde Watche ye How must we watch Verely it is nedeful that we haue a liuely feruente faith Mat 25 which by loue shulde bee effectuall like vnto the fyue wyse virgines For trewly to watch is to be diligente in faithe To watche To slepe and the workes of God as in the contrary wise to slepe is nothing els but to dispise the worde of God to abide in infidelitie and playnly to doo no good at all Now how many is there emongest vs al that doth loke for that helthful and glorious comming or aduent or watcheth therefore Verelye all the worlde slepeth and routeth 1 Tes 5. Night and darkenes hath ouer compassed all that euer ys Wherfore thou that art the minister of the word of God folowe Christ sette it forth with all instancye and feruentnes Call to repentaunce Correcte the euell Comforte the good and beware leste God require the bloode of the synner at thy hand Ezec. 5. For trewly it is not all in vayne that God hath so purposed and decreede in his minde He hath spoken it and therefore it muste needes bee Heauen and earthe shall passe awaye but his worde shall euer abide If thou do thy dewtye and ceasest not with all thy minde to admonishe and warne althoughe it were so that the more parte wolde not beleue or obey but lyke the Sodomytes encrese synne vpon synne yet wold there be found some good grounde that wold receiue the seede of Godes worde bring forth frute Thy diligence and labour can not lack his reward Mat. 25 as scripture witnesseth saiēg Wel good seruaunt and faithfull bycause thou haste beene faithfull ouer a little I shall set the ouer muche Enter into the kingdome of thy Lorde The thirde sondaye in Aduent Mat. 11. WHen Iohn beyng in prison herd the workes of Christ he sente two of his disciples Esa 35. and sayde vnto him Art thou he that
And the aungell sayde vnto them Be not afraide For beholde I bringe you tidinges of great ioye that shall come to all people for vnto you is borne this day in the citye of Dauid a sauioure which is Christe the Lorde And take this for a signe ye shall fynd the chylde wrapped in swadlynge clothes layed in a maunger And stra ght way there was with the aungel a multitude of heauenly souldiers praisinge God and saying Glorye to God on hye and peace on earth and vnto men a good will THE EXPOSITION IN this gospell first of all is treated the helthfull byrth of oure Lord Iesu Christ The natiuitie of Edriste which is the wel hedde of our saluacion and of eternal lyfe Wherefore it is necessary that euen as the euangelist hath described the same natiuitie or birthe so likewise that euerye manne doo receaue it into the inwarde partes of his harte and often tymes to reuolue it in himselfe whereby he may by the meditacion of such thinges be kendeled lyghtened and made ioyful and that they maye take and kepe in theyr hertes the chylde newelye borne by the worde of faith For the lower and poorer that this byrthe appeareth to the worlde Esa 9. so muche the holsomer and more profitable it is to them that receau it by faith And that it was so small of estymacion with the worlde it may be gathered of that that Ioseph and the virgyne Mary ascended from the city of Nazareth vnto the citie that is called Bethlehem in the lande of Iudea none other wise but as the other subiectes dyd to geue obedience to they re superioures and to yeld tribute as the other did Who wold I pray you beleue that Mary shuld be the mother of God whiche went vnto the professiō no otherwise then the other plebeial one dispised sort of women dyd And likewise the euangelist sayeth that in the towne of Bethlehem she was had in no respecte or regarde of any person in so much that she was fayn that scripture mygt be fulfilled to wrappe her welbeloued sonne Christ whiche she there brought forth in cloutꝭ and lay him in an oxe stal What singuler or particular kind touch herest thou here to be shewed towardes Marye and her sonne Christ The pouerty o● Mary Nothing here is els but bare pouerty Mary is dispised Ioseph is dispised the chyld is dispised Nor thou canst here hear of any man that toke ony care or thought for them But thou maiest well heare that there was no place for thē in the inne And nowe marke wel how glorious how greatlye magnified was the same birth in heauē althoghe it was not so estemed on earth The Angel of God stādeth by is presente with the shepehardes that watched the nighte watch ouer their flock and sheweth vnto them greate ioy that shuld befal to all people The shewyng of Chrystis natiuitie that Christe our Lord and souiour was born in the citie of Dauid c. Now thou seest who was messaūger of the same glorious natiuitie and howe noble a message he broughte and yet doest thou but slenderlye esteeme that thou must cal this child Christ Lorde and sauiour How cold Christ haue ben more noblier described or the summe of the gospell more brieflyer comprehended Forthermore The sum of the gospell how could this matter haue bene better or godlyer handeled then it was handeled of the aungeles yea when when those poore and simple shepeherdes were in so greate feare how cold they haue bene better comforted then of the aungel And he saieth vnto them Feare ye not O ioyfull and swete message that for al the great waight of syn brought into this world with vs we shulde not feare why so Bycause ther is to day borne vnto vs suche a sauioure that shall take awaye the sinne of the world and through his passion and deathe shall obtaine for all them that beleue in him euerlastinge lyfe Wherefore it is bery meete that this natiuitie of the which we receyue so great profite ioy shuld be glorious in oure syght Our byrthe is vncleane subdued to syn Our natiuitie is vncleane and cursed But Christes is pure without syn and holye Therfore now yf the condēnation of our natiuitie muste be taken awaye and chaunged it muste nedes be by the pure and vndefiled natiuitie of our lorde Iesu Christe What and can it be corporally communicate to al men No. But spiritually we must attaine to it by the word What word is that The same worde when the aungell saithe To you to you this day is born a sauiour By this word is comunicate vnto vs the natiuitie of Christ And yf thou wylt hear the same also of the prophet Esa 9. he saith on this wise A child is borne to vs a son is gyuen to vs. In the childe is signified the humaninity of Christ And in the son is signified his Godhed Such a child is born that is in nature both god mā To whome is he borne To vs to vs the prophete saith Here we shuld now open the eyes of faith for many ther be that although they beleue that Christ was borne yet beleue they not that he was borne for their sake And therefore set thei their mindes so much vppō their owne workes with the which they truste to obtatne both righteousnes and saluacion euen as thoughe with our owne merites we might stonde in the iudgement of God Therefore good syr deceiu not your selfe for the matter standeth not in that case but as Dauid saith Goodlord Psa 24 enter not into iudgmēt with thy seruaūt for al lyuers shall not be iustified in thy syght The frut of faithe Here be no workes required able to cōtreuaile but grace mercy is to be loked for And therefore he that beleueth the Christe is borne geuen that he was incarnate died rose again is ascendid into heauē for our iustification he is clean frō sinne righreous blessed the brother of Christ the son of God And that faith doughtles lyk a good mā herafter he shal declare with good workes that is with the loue of his neighboure with honest conuersacion Secondarelye it is to be noted in this gospell what persons they were that this holsome birth of Christ was shewed vnto Poore men receiue the Gospell Vereli poore and dispised shepeherdes But why was it not shewed to the rich men mē of great power the holy mē of Ierusalē Bicause that God hath chosen such as to the world appear folish 1. Cor. 1. to the intent to shame the wordly wise men Rich mē gentlemē mē of great power of this world haue no respecte or regarde to this child Iesus but haue their peculier and priuate God in whom they put the whole and some of theire trust that is in pride in theire great strenth and power in riches and in their mightie god
thoughe any Iewe had done it But he that beleueth that by the onlye meryte of Chryst he ys iustyfyed he shall haue euerlastyng lyfe Ioh. 3. Secondarelye wee learne out of this gospell that Chryste came into thys worlde not onlye for the Iewes but also for the Gentyles And so yt ys declared by these wysemen that seeke Christ that the preachynge of the gospel shulde be taken from the Iewes geuen to the Gentyles The callynge of the Heithē And that for thys cause that althogh they hard the gospel fyrst of Chryst afterward of hys dyscyples yet did thei dispyse persecute yt wyth slaunderous wordes reiected it frō them For I pray you which of all the Iewes ranne to seke this childe although it was openly said that their kyng was thē at hand and present with thē The heythen which neuer had god came from the Est seking and enquiring so long for this chyld vntil they had founde him And that the Iewes through their misbilefe be now abiected it is by the iust iudgement of God and it maye bee well of euery man said Ps 118. Lord thou art iust and thi iudgemēt is ryghteouse And in contrary wise The cause that we miserable hethen be taken and called to the gospell is the very grace and mercy of God And if therefore we did our dutyes we shulde neuer cease from geuinge thankes for the greate clemencye of God that he hath had towarde vs all And that we the wretched sinful gentiles through grace are called to the knowledg of the gospel it apeareth by the wordes of Esai sayeng I am sought of thē that neuer asked for me Esa 65. am found of thē that neuer sought me And I haue saide Lo I lo I am found of a nation that neuer called on my name Thou herist that they shall fynde hym that neuer sought hym ys not thys playnly spoken of vs the gentiles Therfore of thys place we may learne and knowe that euerlastyng ioy commeth not by the merytes of oure owne workes but throughe grace and accordyng to the saiyng of saynct Paule Ephe. 2 wee are saued by grace throughe fayth leste we shulde glorye A carnal man Thirdelye we perceyue by thys gospell what a myserable and wretched thyng the carnall man is in whome the same olde Adam through the spyrite and faith is not yet mortified The Kynges come from the east to Ierusalem inquiring for the king of Iewes newly borne and shewe that they sawe his star in the East and that they came to worship him that is to geue to him reuerence and honour Worship Here it had bene meete that the whole citye of Ierusalem shulde with all reuerence and ioye haue sought out this kyng and haue receaued him seīg that they had loked for his coming so many years before They knew by the prophecy of Iacob Gē 49 that at the same tyme he should suerly come But what do they Not only Herod was so sore moued therw t when he hadde herde thereof but also all Ierusalem with him that is the more part of the citizins especiallye such as with good Simeon Anna dyd long for the redemptiō of Israel Wherto now were all the pomises how well do they now remember the prophecy of Iacob And what doth it profit them to be vnder the law of Moyses Herod thinketh he had good and iust cause to be moued therewith although yt was but in vayn not necessary But what cause doth the Iewes pretēd to whome by this kyng sure redemtion was promised The frute of the fleshe Here thou mayst perceyue the nature and custome of the flesh such is oure strength and power The fleshe canne dooe none otherwise yt is subdued to synne and bryngeth forth none other frute then synne whether it bee outwardlye as manifeste offences and crymes or inwardlye as be suche workes that seeme good wherein the fleshe deliteth and flattereth himselfe And alwayes suche thinges as it shulde loue it hateth and those thinges that be to be hated yt loueth And in thinges concernyng Gods honour and our saluaciō it alwaies foloweth the cōtrary And therfore it is necessary that the flesh and nature be renewed in vs through the holy ghost brought to the feare of god and loue of his neighboure or els the fleshe wyll alwayes be fleshe that is hardened and blynded Rom. 8. Fourthly this gospell teacheth vs in that that the wisemē were by the aungel admonished to tourn into their coūtrey by an other way that God our father in heauē wil mercifully cōserue kepe defēd not only frō inward spiritual ieoperdies but also frō the outward bodely periles al such as knoledg honour worship his welbeloued son Iesu Christ setting all their hope and truste in hym afterward by loue thākes geuīg good cōuersacion shew forth declare their faith as these wisemē did The aungels seru to the electe of God by their giftes Is not the loue of God towarde vs a great thīg ye so great that the aūgels must descēd frō heauē minister to the elect of God in theyr necessities And not onli the angels but other creatures also ar necessary meanes to mā to the obtainīg of saluaciō First of al the sterre is compelled to serue the wisemē thē the priests seniors of the people were cōstrayned to serue thē likewise when they shewed to them wher Christ shuld be born And at last also the aungel waiteth vpon them wil not suffre thē to reuisite the wicked Herod which not onlye bare an enuious hart toward the child newly borne but also was of a cursed stomack toward the same wise men Hereto may that be applied that is spoken of the aungels in the fyrst epist H●b 1. to the Hebrewes Are they not al ministring spirites sent to minister for theire sakes which shal be the heires of saluacion And in the 33. psal The aungel of God shall come downe in the middest of thē that feare hym shal deliuer thē Gē 19. Gē 14. And likewise the aungel delyuered Loth frō the fyer of Sodom And did not the aungel of god also leade forth the children of Israell oute of Egypte Act. 14. And lykewise delyuered Peter out of hys bondes Wherfore yf we wold diligentli geue hede and with those wisemē know Christ worship him honour him and offre the sacrifyce of oure lippes to hym as Oseas the prophete sayth Ose 14. Trewly we shuld find also before God the same comfort helpe socoure which not only those wisemē but also all gods electe from the beginning of the world hath obtayned in so much that god himselfe wold serue vs by his aungels To whō be geuē all honour c. The fyrst sonday after Epiphany ●ay Luc. 2. ANd when he was twelue yeares old they went vp to Ierusalem after the custom of the feaste daye And when they
saiynge of sainct Paule 1 Cor. 6. that hoore hunters shall haue none inheritaunce in the kingedome of heauen lette hym marrye And yf then he canne not lyue a quiet and easye lyfe yet this maye comforte him that he leadeth that state of lyfe that was ordained by God and highelye magnified and confyrmed by Christe And yf the gyfte of chastitie be geuen vnto the thinke not by and by that thou muste runne to some cloyster but tarry vnder the obedience of thy parentes and magistrate keping that greate gyft with thanks geuing For to lyue chast is good 1. Cor. 7 and so lykewise to lyue in wedlock is good mai veri wel be called also a chast lyfe as it appeareth in the epistle to the Hebrews Heb. 13. Iob. 31. the 31. of Iob. But to wythdraw your selfe from the obediēce of your parents and magistrate is not good Secondarly we se here in this gospel how great care God taketh for them which accordyng to his cōmaundement take this kind of life vppon them and submitte thē selfe through faith to God God is carefull for vs. which wil not let them bee ouerthrowne in anye necessitie or temptacion howe greate so euer it be nor shal be lefte without comforte But her is required faith which yf it be trew and perfect in vs then will not Christe forget his promise that he hath shewed vs in this liuelye and effectuall exaumple What is here done There lacketh wine And lyke as there lacketh wine here so is ther in wedlock mani thīgꝭ that want and be desyred and coueted for Carefulnes in matrimony Now we lacke this thing and nowe that thinge And sometime we haue not money redy at hande and afterwarde we lacke clothes and nowe is meate scarse and then an other tyme there is no plenty of drink And many such other thinges But Christe loketh vppon oure indigencye and neede And lyke as in this maryage he maketh of water wine and in so doyng declareth his carke and care towarde vs so wil he also take care of vs that lyue in that state of lyfe yf we do with hartye faith cleue vnto hym And he wil not onlye remedy oure pouerty whatsoeuer shall chaunce but of his greate goodnes wyl also norishe the wife children and all the hole housholde For trewly he hath promised as in the 6. cha appereth and lykewise with many exaumples confirmeth his promise so that we may not be wauerīg but needes beleue the promise of God in al things Who I pray you holy Iacob whē he passed ouer the flod of Iordan went to Mesopotamia Gen. 32 Gen. 35 And who was ayde to Ioseph in Egipte or to the Israelites in the wildernes Verely thou shouldest not absteine from wedlocke for hunger or for pouerty as many one doth now adayes but be bold and geue you vnto it in the feare and loue of God and laboure diligently according to thy vocation and calling as it is by God commaunded the and thorough the benefyte of Christe put all thy truste in god and then verely shalte thou see by experience that god will haue no lesse care for the then he had for the same his welbeloued patriark and all other his electe from the begynnyng of the worlde Thirdly we be taught by this gospell that for asmuch as Marye did with a good zeale of minde shewe vnto her sonne that they had no wine and neuerthelesse had but a sharpe auswere again Ther is no res pecte of persones with God that there is no respecte of personnes with god that he taketh not in regard any carnall affinitie or cōsanguinitie withoute faith and loue What profit toke some of the Iewes bycause that they were of the lynage of Christ And what woon they by that that they boasted them selues to be the children of Abraham Ioh. 8. Trewly god as touching fayth and our saluacion wyll not considre whens I came nor of whome I was borne but he wyl search whether I haue a trewe and perfecte trust in hym as the prophete Ieremy saith in the 5. chapter Iere 5. Lorde thyne eyes will haue respecte to fayth And se what was done in the eleuenth chap. of S. Luke Luc. 11. A certayne woman amongest the people with a loude voyce saide Blessed be the wombe that bare the and the brestes the norished the. And what answered Christe agayne Yea but rather blessed be they that heare the word of God and kepe the same As though he shuld say Iwys my mother shal not be for that blessed bycause she brought me into this world but for that that she hath beleued as also Elizabeth by inspiration of the holy ghoste witnesseth saiynge to Mary Luke 1. Thou art blessed which haste beleued Yf thou now lykewise couetest to be blessed as my mother is then go to her my word with a stedfast fayth kepe it c. In this manner also spake Christ to his mother in the temple as it appeareth in the second chap. of S. Luke And in lyke manner when it was tolde vnto Christe that his mother and brethren were without the dores and sought him he aunswered Mar. 3. Who is my mother who be my brethren He that doth the wil of god is my brother my sister and my mother Here it appeareth that none hath preogatyue aboue other before god For and yf I beleue in Christ then shal I haue euerlasting lyfe And if I beleue not Faythe maketh vs the brethren of Christe I shal be damned although I were Christes mother or brother Forthly we haue here a godly exaumple in Mary what fayth shuld do in prayer namely yf at any time thou calest vpon god the father in thy necessitie and he by and by doth not hear the yea and yf the very thing it selfe so appeare that there is no hope or help to be loked for In oure prayer shall not discōfort yet shalt thou not dispaire therin for in such silence that we thinke oure selues forsakē or destitute is sure comforte And vnder this negatiue No No ys hid the trew affirmatiue Yea Yea. This propertye hath god amongst al other things that so long wil he differ his help vntyl it seme that al ys lost and vndonne Nor ther shal apeare any hope at al where through his help shuld be manifest knowen to the world He might haue forbidden and stopped Sennacherib Esai 10. and the Assirians that came to destroy the citie of Ierusasalem before they had beseged and set their defēce and power to the citye but he suffered the Iewes not onlye to bee beseged in the citie but also to be driuen to al extremities so long that they thought all vndon destroyed lo merueilously of god by the angel thei are delyuered Exo 15. The Isralites also wer not delyuered from Pharao vntil thei were chased with a greate numbre of horsemen and inclosed with in the
of wordly and transitorye thinges that they sette by nothinge els nor bee mortyfied to the worlde and their concupiscence do in no wise appertain to the kyngedome of Christe but to the kingdome of the diuel For what so euer it be that I put my hole truste in besides god or do prefer and loue it more then god verely of the same I make to me an ydol And yf my harte be fully fixed vnto yt What is the worshippe of the diuel and is giuen to honour voluptuousnes riches power of the world or any such other like thing then be those thinges my ydoll and in them I worship the deuell Yea to be more plaine with you yf I outwardly shuld be good and honest and wolde accompte the same outewarde goodnes for righteousnesse before god then trewly shulde the same be myne Idoll as Esaias witnesseth sayinge Esai 2. They haue woshipped the workes of their owne handes And saynte Augustine saieth My God is my loue I praye you what is it els to loue creatures aboue god then to worship the deuell But herken here now greately this ydolatry and blasphemy displeaseth god Get the hence saieth he thou Sathan these thy suggestions can not be borne or suffered of any good hart for it is written Deut. ● Thou shalte worship thy lord god and him onlye shalte thou serue Lo in this wyse is the deuell no we thryse ouercome and driuen awaye of Christe onlye by the worde of god Nowe as it is necessary for vs throughe Christe to ouercome all temptacions the worlde synne death and the deuell so muste we also be wel instructed strēgthned with the word of god wherein is promised to vs both comforte and helpe in our Lord Iesu Christe And if we bee not with this swearde of spirite which is the word of god wel armered then doughteles wil he bring vs out of the right way and lead vs about so lōg vntil he bring vs into his snares and so entangle vs that we may scarsely get out agayne from the which I besech god the father of his greate goodnes and mercy to kepe and preserue vs throughe his sonne our Lorde Iesu Christ Amen The seconde sonday in Lent Math. 15. ANd Iesus went thence and departed into the coastes of Tyrie and Sydon and behold a woman of Canaan which came out of the same coastes cryed vnto hym saiyng Haue mercy on me O lorde thou sonne of Dauid My doughter is piteously vexed wyth a deuel But he answered her nothyng at all And hys disciples came and besought hym saying Send her away for she crieth after vs. But he answered and sayde I am not sente Luc. 19. but vnto the loste sheepe of the house of Israell Then came she and worshipped hym saying Lord helpe me He answered and sayd It is not meere to take the chyldrens breade and to caste it to dogges She answered and sayd Truth lorde forthe dogges eate of the crummes which fall from theyr maysters table Then Iesus answered and sayde vnto her O woman great is thy fayth be it vnto the euen as thou wylte And her doughter was made whole euen at that same tyme. THE EXPOSITION An exaūple of ●aithe the callīg of the heithē FYrste of all this gospell layeth before vs an example of faith in the womā of Chanane and sheweth vs also that the Gentils and Heithen shal be called to the knoweledg of faith Rom. 1. A trew and perfite faith is nothyng else but to know that Christe is the lorde and the son of Dauid For yf I knowledg him as lorde then do I also beleue that he is naturally the very sonne of God yea and god himselfe Moreouer God the father of heauē wyl not be knowen in any other but in this Christe as S. Iohn witnesseth in the 14. chapter sayinge He that seeth me seeth my father And also in this wise to call Christe the lorde is not so small a trifle as yt semeth to the worlde but trewly it is the worke of the holy ghost as S. Paule saith 1. Co. 1● No man canne say that Iesus is the lorde but through the holye ghoste And when I knowledg Christ to be the son of Dauyd then muste I beleue that he came into this worlde for my sake And that he was gyuen to me with all his goodnes merites passion death that by hym delyuered from sinne I may be made the sonne and heyre of al the goodnes of god Gen. 22 Psa 131 as do clearely declare the promises made to Abraham Dauyd Suche a fayth had this woman of Cananee although she had it not of her selfe but bicause she herde of Christ and of her suche hearinge she receaued faith Fyrste she knowledged Christ to be the lorde whych had power seyng he was god to delyuer his doughter from the vexacion of the deuell And therefore she put all her truste in him as one that coulde and wold help Or else I pray you why wolde she folowe him and make exclamacion yf she had not beleued that Yt must needes be that this woman had a trew and perfect fayth in Christ and loked for all manner of goodnesse of hym The property of saythe Secondarely it foloweth now what the nature and property of faith is namely in all temptacion and affliction to seeke remedy and help none other wher but at God through Christ For the faith that we haue spoken of before dyd prouoke the woman to drawe neare to Christ to open her necessitye and griefe and to call for his grace and helpe But what doth Christe here The faithe of the woman dothe not dysplease hym although shee was no woman of Israel Ioh. 10 but a Gentile for he wolde also bringe them into his flocke Yet bycause the womans faythe shoulde bee proued and made more cleare Chryste kepte scilence and gaue none aunswere to her fyrste peticion And what thinke ye that the woman thoughte in her mynde then Do ye not beleue that shee was heauye and sadde But yet she remembreth the great humanitye of Christ that she had harde so much commended And she dyd not forgette the benefites that he had gyuen to men of his great goodnes vnmocicioned or desyred And therfore she departed not at the first check nor did dispair of hir doughters helpe but stiffely sticketh to him and craueth for a gentel and meeke aunswere And in the meane tyme thappostels come and intreate for her sayinge Lorde sende her awaye for shee excedingelye cr●eth after vs. But what doth Christ nowe Doth he graunte to the woman her desyre No but semeth to continewe still in his firste mynde that all men woulde iudge that he woulde not helpe her at all But why do wee not briefelye shewe what was hys aunswere I am not sente sayeth he but to the loste sheepe of the house of Israel By these words he seemeth in a manner to conclude as though it were not
conuenient for him to help this woman of Canane seyng that he was not sent but to the loste shepe of the house of Israell And this answere in a manner is more bitter and harder then was hys fyrste sylence Yet the woman doth not so dispayr we oughte not to apoynte tyme place to Christe but as she alwayes dydde truste in the goodnesse of Christ and woulde not in anye wyse be ryd from him so likewyse she wold not prescribe or appoint the tyme and place or any thinge else wherein shee wold that Christ shuld help her hauīg a perfit trust hope that yet at the last he wold help her how difficulte hard so euer he did shewe himselfe vnto her And yet she leueth not of but cometh again and falleth downe to his feete saith Lord helpe me And what then Christ doth not only persist in his firste sentēce but now he calleth her a dog as though she were vnworthy to be numbered amongest his The constancy of the womā And this is a vehemēt wōderful great temptaciō and yt is necessary for them that ar lyke tempted to haue a great faith strongly to persist in the same yf they wil not be ouerthrown or brought into desperacion But what saith the womā now to this She freely playnly graūteth the Christ in calling her a dog sīner said right Nor she doth desire that the bread shuld be takē from the children geuen to her but only that she may haue the crūmes leauyngs that the dogges take which fall vnder theyr maisters table As thoughe she shulde say My most beloued Lorde yf thou wylt consydre and haue respect to my person my dedes my merits and to my sinnes then do I perfectely knowe that I shall get no helpe at thy hand And moreouer I know very wel that I can not be of the numbre of the chyldren yet neuertheles I desyre and couet thy goodnes grace and mercy beseching and praying the that of thy great and abundaunt pity thou wylt loke vpon me a wretch comfort me in this affliction delyuer my doughter from the deuell And bicause I cannot obteyne yt with any of myne owne merytes I desire the for the glory of thy name that thou wylt shew thy mercye vnto me Lo now is the harte of Christ wonne and canne no lenger forbeare Now muste he needs open and shew hys mynd to the woman for he saith on this wyse O woman thy faith is great be it to the as thou wylt And in lyke manner dyd Ioseph in Egypte Ge. 45 after he had long shewed himselfe very harde and cruell towardes hys brethren yet at the la●te withe greate teares wepynge he sayde I am your welbeloued brother Ioseph be not afraid c. And this we learne that God in euery temptacion and necessitye will helpe although sometimes he wil defer for a tyme his ayd socoure God helpeth in euery necessitye This alwais consideryng that after the nature custom of fayth we shuld only seeke help and comfort at hym and not to leaue of vntil we shal be harde Exaumple of loue Thirdely is shewed vnto vs in this gospell an example of loue which seketh not her owne but rather the cōmodity profyt of her neighboure And that chiefly doth the mother of this mayden when in great wepyng and praying she shewith vnto Christ the necessity of hyr doughter And doth as faruently as● help for hyr as though she hyr selfe were vexed of the diuell And so she fulfilleth the commaundement of S. Paule where he saith Ephe. 5. Ye fathers mothers loue wel your childrē And we se also the same example of loue in the Apostels whiche so diligently did make intercession for this woman that it had beene also great pleasure vnto them yf she had beene hearde of Christ at the first And marke diligently that heere in this place the lyuyng prayeth for the lyuinge that thou mayest learne that the inuocacion of the holy men that be deade is not grounded vpon this place Trewlye yt can not be denied but that the Apostles prayed for this woman but that was doone in theire lyfe tyme not after their death The ●●tercessiō of the liueli saints Who dyd euer forbid the to praye for thy neighhour or that in thy mind thou shuldest not beare his necessitye Do wee not alwayes instantly require these workes and saye that such workes onlye be good and christian workes Yea faithe and loue is the whole contente of this gospel that we teache And moreouer wee knowe very well that he lyed not that saide In these two commaundementes Mat. 22 all the lawe and the prophetes do depende Wherfore euerye good christian manne shall knowe that faythe withoute loue and without workes that shuld folowe faith and shuld be done to my neighbour can not stand Or yf such workes folow not Ioh. 2● that then it ys as S. Iames saith a deade fayth The thyrde sonday in Lente Luc. 11. ANd he was castyng out a diuell and the same was domme and when he had caste oute the dyuell the domine pake and the people wondered But some of theym sayde Mat. 9. Mat. 7 Mat. 6. Mar. 3. He casteth out dyuels through B●lzebub the chiefe of the dyuels And other tempted hym and required of hym a signe come heauen But hee knowynge theyr thougtes sayd vnto them Euery kyngdome deuided agaynste it selfe is desolate and one house doth fall vppon another Yf Sathan also be deuided agaynst himselfe howe shal hys kyngdome endure Bycause ye say that I caste out diuels thorow Belzebub If I by the helpe of Belzebub cast out diuels by whose healpe do your hyldren caste our them Therfore shall they be your iudges But if I wyth the finger of God caste out dyuels no done the kyngdome of God is come vppon you Mat. 12 When a stronge man armed watcheth his house the thynges that he possesseth are in peace But when a stronger then he commeth vppon hym and ouercometh hym he taketh from hym al his harnes wherin he trusted and deuydeth his goodes He that is not with me is agaynste me And he that gathereth not with me scarereth abroade Mat. 12 When the vncleane spit t is gon out of a man he walketh thorow drye places seekynge reste And when he findeth none he sayeth I wyl returne againe vnto my house whence I came out And when he commeth he findeth it swepte and garnished Then goeth he and taketh to hym seuen other spirites worse then himselfe and they entre in and dwell there And the ende of this man is worse then the begynnyng And it fortuned that as he spake these thynges a certayne woman of the company lyfte vp her voyce and sayd vnto hym ●appye is the wombe that bare the and the pappes that gaue the sucke But he sayd Yea happy are they that hear the word of God and keepe it THE
sondaye after triuitye sondaye Luc. 14. Mat 22 Apo. 16 A Certayne man ordayned a greate supper and bad manye and sente hys seruaunte at supper tyme to saye to them that were bydden come for all thynges are nowe readye And they all at once began to make excuse The fyrst said vnto hym I haue bought afarme and I must go and see it I pray the haue me excused And an other sayd I haue bought fiue yoke of oxen and I go to proue them I praye the haue me excused And an other sayd I haue maried a wyfe and therfore I can not come And the seruante retourned and brought hys mayster worde agayne therof Then was the goodman of the house displeased and sayd to his seruante Go out quickely into the stretes and quarters of the city and bringe in hyther the poore and the feeble and the halt and the blinde And the seruaunt sayde Lord it is done as thou hast commaunded and yet there is roome And the lorde sayd to the seruaūt Go out vnto the hye ways and hedges and Gen. 19 compell them to come in that my house may be filled For I saye vnto you that none of those menne whyche were bydden shall taste of my supper THE EXPOSITION IN this similitude The grace of God fyrste of all is praysed the great godnes grace mercy of god whiche he hath so mightely shewed vs by his sonne Iesus Christe without any deseruing of our workes in that that he compareth it here to a supper For all suppers are moste chiefely prepared and ordained for myrth and not for heuines that a man shulde eate drinke and be merye Lykewise as a supper here vpon earth is ordayned and prepared to make men merye and lighte harted euen so this greate supper of the grace of god and the gospell hath god prepared for our greate consolacion and comfort wherin we shuld reioyse be mery glad For what other thing is the gospell by the which the great goodnes and mercye of god is shewed vs so gentely and sweetly through Christ then a good and mery tidinges The gospell It could be no lye that the aungell shewed vnto the shephardes when Christ was borne saying Beholde Luce. 2. I bringe you tidinges of greate ioye whiche shall happen vnto all people Neither doth the prophete Dauid monish vs with out cause to reioyse in these dayes of grace saying This is the day which the lord hath made Ps 117 let vs reioyse and be gladde in it Nowe seing that god our mercifull father hath so louingely prepared for vs this supper Supper through Christ without any deseruing of our part Without dout it is a tokē of his great loue toward vs specially if we considre that not allonly the Iewes but also al the heithē publicans siners ar called hervnto And therfore Christ might wel say Ioh. 3. The loue of god That god so loued the world that he gaue his only son Here thou hearest that allōly loue moued god by Christe to prepare this supper of the grace of the gospel Then if loue moued him to prepare this supper so it is a greater token of loue that he hath called vs therunto For what shulde it auayle me that this greate supper is highely praysed cōmended yf I were fayne to sit without the dore were not called nor letten in And that we shuld pe●ceaue that Christ hath not allonly prepared this supper but hath bidde al men thervnto the euāgeliste saieth here that the lord of the supper sent his seruaūt to them that were bidden to tell them that it was supper tyme and to byd them come for all was readye This seruante signifieth thapostels whiche Christe firste of all sent to preach to the Iewes and after when they hadde despised the preaching of the gospel and made them vnworthy thereof they were sent to the Gentyls Thappostels calleth vs to this supper And what did they preach They said Al things are redy now come Christ hath shewed vs the will of the father Christe hath suffered death for our sinnes is risen for our rightousnes ascēded vp into heauē hath gottē vs the holy ghost wherfore al thingꝭ pertaining to our saluacion are ready This did the holy apostels so diligētly prech so that Esaias did not speake in vain of them when he said Esai 52 O how bewtiful are the feet of thembassadour that brīgeth good tidings precheth helth What cā we desire any more Helth is obtained vs of meer grace Bi grace we be called vnto saluaciō This allōly is now required of vs that we come Therfore let vs not dispise this supper but rather let vs hast vs to Christe that we may get righteousnes saluacion Secondarily Firste the gospell was preched vnto the Iewes Mat. 15 we se in this similitude the calling of the Iewes to the grace of the gospell and in what wyse they be reiected for ther incredulite For they were the first that shulde be called as Christe hymselfe witnesseth saiyng I am not sent but vnto the loste sheepe of the house of Israell And Paule withe Barnabas in the actes of thapostles sayde Act. 13. It behoued first the word of god to be spoken vnto you c. But how did the Iewes heare the callyng They begon all to excuse thē contrary to the counsel of the prophet Dauid saiyng Ps 49. To day yf you wil heare his voyce harden not you hartes They wyll not folowe this faithfull counsaile but they excuse themselues wil not come The first saithe The Iewes in obedience and incredulitye I haue bought a farme and muste nedes go forth to looke vpon it I praye the holde me excused The other said I haue boughte a yoke of oxen and muste go forthe to proue them I praye the holde me excused The third sayd I haue maried a wyfe and I cānot come as though he could not be a maried mā and a christian but this it is From the beginning hath the Iews euer bē stubborn disobediēt wretches How oftē times I pray you did thei murmur agaīst god ī the wildernes How oftē did thei prouoke god vnto angre Act. 7. doth not s Steuē bear witnes that the Iews wer both the betrayers and murtherers of Christ sayīg Yee stiffe necked ye haue alwayes resisted the holye ghost Now yf he that bought the farme set more by the farme than he didde by the supper for bying of the farme he shulde haue bene damned For he that hath much riches is not damned but he whose hart is set vppon riches ● Co. 6. For as Paule saith we shulde be as hauing nothing yet possessing all thyngs Abrahā bought a pece of land of the childrē of Heth for hys sepulchre and other vses Ge. 24 was he damned for so doinge No For to bye lande and oxen or other cattel pertayneth not to the kīgdom of Christ but
eye Eyther howe canste thou say to thy brother mat 7. Brother let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye when thou seest not the beame that is in thine owne eie Thou hypocrite caste out the beame out of thine owne eye firste and then shalte thou se perfectly to pull oute the moat that is in thy brothers eye THE EXPOSITION Faithe maketh vs acceptable vnto God HItherto throughe many instructions examples we haue sufficiently proued how that we attaine and gette remission of sinnes rightuosnesse and saluacion only throughe faithe And moreouer that no worke how holy or precious so euer it mai be can make a man acceptable before god excepte only faith which we haue declared and taught you out of the holye srripture For this faith so comprehendeth the goodnes and the loue of god through Christe that vtterlye he canne truste to none other thing then to the merites of Christ through whom also he hopeth to obteine saluacion Heb. 11. By faith saith the apostle wee haue an entraunce vnto god And lykewise as a true and lyuing faith which knoweth that he hath a mercifull father through Christ hanleth himselfe towarde his god and father so muste yt likewise breake forth toward his neighboure to helpe him in all neede and necessity that he may be knowen therby vnto the world to haue a right and a good faith and not fained The workes of charity be contrary to hipocriticall and fained workes for it is the nature and disposition of hipocrisy euer to seke his owne aduauntage and not the profite and vtilitye of his neighboure in so much that Christe himselfe for this cause saide vnto the pharise is for that that they condemned for a lyghte matter his disciples Ose 6 Goe your waye saith he and learn what it is I wyll haue mercy and no sacrifice Therfore likewise as Christ sometyme reacheth faith and adscribeth righteousnes allonlye there vnto yea and commendeth it as a fountaine whereout all goodnes floweth Iohn 6 so other whiles he teacheth the frutes of the faith not that we are iustified by them but that they be suer tokens and testimonialles of that faithe whiche wee oughte to haue in oure harte as saincte Peter sayeth 1 Pet. 1. Brethren giue the more dilygence to make youre callynge and election sure Neuerthelesse sometyme Christe teachethe these workes of charitye with longe processe some tyme with shorte and fewe wordes Hee declareth yt shortelye when he sayeth Thou shalte loue the lorde thy God Mat. 22 Luc. 10. Mat. 6. with all thy harte with all thy strengthe And in an other place What so euer you wolde that menne shulde dooe vnto you the same dooe vnto theym lykewise But in the gospell of this daye hee teacheth the workes of charitye in manye wordes and plentyfullye For hee thoughte it not sufficiente to speake yt generallye Be mercyfull but hee declareth the same mercifulnesse here by partes namelye Iudge not sayth he c. To bee mercyfull To bee merciful in this place signi ieth to helpe oure neighboure of oure goodnes and charitye of what so euer neede hee is oppressed withall Luc. 10. as wee see in the Samaritane whiche did so greate mercye on hym that fell amongest the theues Oute of which wordes yt foloweth that they bee good workes wherewith we helpe oure neighbour in all neede and necessity Which deedes of charitye wee wyll by ordre recyte one after an other To iuge To condemne Fyrste of all Christe saith Iudge not and ye shal not be iudged Cōdemne not and ye shal not be condemned With the whiche wordes Christe teacheth euery christian man to looke vpon his owne workes and not vpon the workes of his neighbour thoughe his neighbour sin erre he shall not therfore sodainly or rashly dispise hī For it may chaūce that he that standeth to day maye fall to morowe 1 Cor. 10 he that falleth to daye may rise to morow Furthermore it is not a point of mercy that thou shuldest iudg or cōdēne thy neighbour as sone as he of infirmity sinneth For the hipocrites and those that glory in workes were wont to do so which for the most part damne that that of it selfe is nothīg dānable Therfore we shall not folow the ypocrites but that that our father in heauen teacheth vs which although lawfully may iudge cōdēne vs for our sins yet neuertheles rather wold shew vs his mercy in through his welbeloued son our lord Iesu Christ so that we are nowe become the children of god by adoption if we do beleue in the name of his son Iesus Christe Ioh. 1. Wherfore if god when I was an enemy vnto him receaued me into his grace Rom. 6 why shulde not I lykewise shew charity mercy vnto my neighbour with teachinge him enforminge him exhortynge him and prayinge him For he doth not saye Iudge and condemne a sinner but helpe him dooe good vnto him Here is now a differēce to be had A diffe betwene the office the persō betwen a man hauyng an office and a pryuate person For it is for bidden a priuate persone to iudge or condemne but the magistrate the iudges by the vertue of their office ought to iudge punish the euel doers yea with extreame punishmente Likewise a preacher as cōcernīg his own persō shal not iudge but by reason of his office the word of God shall do yt For Christ saith The word that I haue spoken Ioh. 12. shall iudge him at the laste daye Here of knoweth nothinge the Pharise but with a proude hart iudgeth and condemneth al men ye in those thingꝭ also that hee himselfe is culpable in Rom. 2. Wherefore Christe calleth him here a leader of the blinde that leadeth himselfe into the diche Also a disciple that wil be aboue his maister And one that seeth a mote in his brothers eye and considereth not the beame that is in his owne eye And so accordinge to hys owne iudgemente he shal be condemned To forgyue Secondarily Christ teacheth vs here to forgiue and we shal be forgiuen with which wordes he teacheth vs an excellente worke of mercy so that wee muste needes looke againe vpon oure celestiall father but how so Bicause that he hath pardoned forgiuen vs all oure offences and trespasses of hys mere grace without any deseruing that through his only sonne Iesus Christe so that we now being clensed from our sinnes are become heyres of his kyngedome Nowe for as muche as accordinge to this exaumple oure heauenly father requireth the same thing of vs that is that we hartely shuld for giue them that trespasse vs why be we then in this behalfe so negligent why do we hate and enuy one an other Yt is to no purpose and if thou shuldest complain The enuious mā harh no excusacion and say This man hath done me greate iniurye he hath hurte me
folke shall entre into the kingedome of heauen Those saith Christ that fulfil the will of my father that is in heauen But what is the wil of the father in heauen That we shulde beleue in him Ioh. 17 whome he hathe sente Here thou doest heare that the kingdome of god is promised not to fained workes but to those that haue fayth in Christ We do not speak here of an historical faith as the call it but of that fayth that commeth by hearynge of the gospell the whiche also the holye ghoste worketh in vs. This fayth lyke as it obtayneth the grace and mercye of god in Christe and setteth all his truste in him and finallye seeketh his rigteousnesse allonly in the merites of Christe so likewise it worketh doth good workes throughe loue and causeth vs to mortefye the olde Adame in vs and dye vnto all creatures he prayeth prayseth and comendeth god withe giuinge thankes in what so euer state and degree he is in Finallye he lyueth accordinge to the wyll of god and throughe Christe shall hee obtayne euerlastinge lyfe Whiche god graunte vs all Amen The gospell on the nynthe sondaye after trinitye sondaye Luc. 16. ANd he sayd also vnto hys disciples Ther was a certayne ryche man which hadde a stewarde and the same was accused vnto hym that hee hadde wasted hys goodes And he called him and sayde vnto hym Howe is it that I heare thus of the Gyue accompte of thy stewardeshyppe for thou mayest be no lenger stewarde The stewarde sayde within hym selfe What shall I do For my mayster taketh awaye frome me the stewarshyppe I can not digge and to begge I am ashamed I wote what to dooe that when I am putte pute of the stewarde shyppe they maye receaue me into theyr houses So when he hadde called all hys maysters detters togither hee sayd vnto the fyrste Howe much owest thou vnto my maister And he sayde an hundreth tunnes of oyle And he sayd vnto hym Take thy bylle and sytte downe quickely and wryte fyftye Then sayd he to an other Howe muche owest thou And he sayde an hundreth quarters of wheate He sayde vnto hym Take thy byll and write ●oure score And the lorde commended the vniuste stewarde bicause he hadde done wysely For the chyldren of this world are in their nation wiser then the chyldren of the lyghte And I saye vnto you Make you friendes of the vnrighteous Mammon that when ye shall haue ●eede they maye ●●ceaue you into euerlastinge habitacions THE EXPOSITION THere be three thinges in this gospell to bee noted Fyrste Worldlye wisdome we rynde in the similitude of this gospel how the wicked steward is praised not for his iniquitie and deceitfulnes but as a wordely childe which handlethe himselfe wiselye For the children of thys world in al that they go about seeke their owne profite and ease and not the vtilyty and profyte of their neighbour They geue great diligence that they thē selues may be ful and haue sufficient care not how they get it other by right or by wrong so that they haue it and maye be suer that they do not lacke not cōsidering the need pouerty of his neighboure This word Māmon signifieth here goodes riches and ar called wicked not the of thē selues they be euel but forbicause the thorow great abuses they be both kept spent and not distributed to the profit vse of the poore needy And therfore Christ fetteth before our eyes the wisedome craftines of this world not that he praiseth or commēdeth the disceitfulnes where through the goodes of this world be gathered togyther gottē but that we therby ar admonyshed the which lyke study dilligēce we do indeuor our selues to obtain get celestyal heuēly ryches whē we ꝑceaue marke that the chyldrē of this worlde seke with so greate studye that which is transitory and earthlye And if they dispise and scorne oure eternall and celestiall goodes that wee seeke here wel let them seeke their treasure here on earth and lette vs gather our treasure in heauen And then hereafter it shal be tried which haue kept the better treasure Moreouer this admonicion that we with all diligence shulde seeke eternall ryches is uery necessary for we be very flowe and negligent and shulde very lightely forsake the faith and feare of god yf we were not with suche godlye exhortacions well instructed and armed Slothefulnes is pernicious For what greater ieoperdy can be vnto a christian man then to be negligent and slacke in the worde of god We muste euer wake and stande in awe and feare with continuall prayer that oure faith may be increased and daylye waxe more and more And in any wise lette vs beware and take hede that we be not carelesse Ma. 24 and to saye with the wicked Pax securitas there is no ieoperdy Let them that dispise goddes worde do so whiche saye in their hartes that there is no god And do thou accordinge to the doctrine of the prophete Dauid 1 Tes 5 Psal 2. saiynge Serue the lorde with feare and reioyce before him with reuerence which if thou doest thou shalt not leese the greate benefite that thou hast gotten through the gospel Surely thou shalte go and abide in the right way and thou shalte auoyde all daunger to fall into the broade waye Mat. 7 that leadeth to damnacion according to the saying of the wise man Who so feareth god walketh in the right pathe Pro. 14 and he that regardeth not hym goeth out of his wayes Then yf those go the ryghte waye that feare god then take earnestlye to harte this exhortacion of Christe and all security or rechelenes layd a parte with all diligence do that that is commaunded the of Christe leaste the children of this world be found in their kynde more dilligent then the children of lyght Secondarely we see in this gospell that our study and diligence to get euerlastinge treasure lieth herein that we do make vs frendes of the wicked Mammon To make friendes of the wicked māmon But how doth this agree with our doctrine For we haue taughte hitherto that allonly throughe faythe we be iustified and saued shall the workes do it nowe No not so The wordes sounde as thoughe it shulde seeme so but well expounded and vnderstande they pull nothing frome faythe Christe speaketh here of good frutes and wyll not that the tree that beareth those good frutes shulde be reproued and caste awaye For how wolde you haue good frutes yf there were not fyrste a good tree And howe wolde you haue frute yf the tree didde not beare it and bring it forth Therfore it is necessarye that the tree be good before it bringeth forth good frute What good workes do pleese God And so likewise we speake of good workes No worke how precious or excellēt so euer yt bee can be acceptable or pleasaūt before god except the person which doth
the priestes whose office and duetie was to iudge and discerne Lepre What do nowe these Lepres They do euen as Abraham did Gen. 12 whan God commaunded him to go out of his countrey and from his kynred and from his fathers house he asked not where hee should become but obayed vnto God and in his so goyng conceiued a sure cōfidence that God would not lede him amysse And in likewyse do these ten Leepres They beleued that this woorde of Christ Go your wayes was not spoken in vayne but vndoubtedly would bring them their health as it did For thus sayth the text As they went it came to passe that they were clensed Who would not nowe hope I trust in the goodnes of Christ whiche healpeth so willyngly so louyngly so gladly so that for his benignitee familiaritee and mercy sake all the whole worlde is bound to hast vnto him to aske mercy But we alas The worlde is indurated are so vngratious indurate that no beneuolence or gratiousnes although it be neuer so great can moue vs to seeke Christ Wherfore it is sayd in a certaine place If you had fayth like a grayne of Mustardsede Luc. 17 Mat. 17 and should say vnto this Mulbery tree Plucke thy selfe vp by the rootes and plant thy self in the sea it should obey you As though he would say In you shal be the fault and not in me If you can beleue my helpe shal alwayes be at hande But let euery Christian manne learne hereout howe he should behaue himselfe towarde Christe oure Lorde and so he nedeth not to care Thyrdly we see in this gospel the geuyng of thākes of this Samaritane which when he perceiued himselfe to be cleane he returned againe and with a loude voyce magnifyed God geuyng him thankes for the great benefite done vnto him And againe wee see here the ingratitude and vnthankefulnes of the other nyne whiche fell from their fayth and gaue no thankes to Christ for the great benefite done vnto them Wherout we learne Mat. 20 that there be many called to the fayth but fewe which perseuer therin vnto the ende It is a meruailous thynge and wonderfull to say that these ten menne had fayth and therby obtayned helth and yet was there but one of them that perseuered therein and was saued Who would not nowe feare him selfe and stande in dreade to see these nyne Iewes that first beleued Mat. 10 and. 14. and so shamefully fell againe from it This is a true saiyng where Christ sayth Whoseeuer perseuereth vnto th ende shal be saued There are many of vs which heare the worde of God and receiue it with ioye and shewe theim selues as though they would deuour the whole Gospell and yet for all that in the ende they do not alonely forsake their fayth but also against their owne conscience Gala. 5. they do persecute the manyfest trueth Vnto whom might very well bee spoken Ye ranne well who was a let vnto you that you should not obaye the truth Mat. 10 Briefely Christ is true in that he hath spoken saiyng There be many called but there be but fewe chosen Wherfore by right the ingratitude and vnthankefulnes of these nyne Iewes ought to feare vs and not only to feare vs but also to constraine vs dayly and hourely to pray vnto God that we may obtayne through Christ this constancie and perseuerance Also the thankefulnes of the Samaritane may prouoke vs to laude praise God for his goodnes that we receiue of him Forasmuche as our mercyfull God meruaylously deliteth in rendryng and geuyng suche thankes as he speaketh through the Prophete Dauid Psa 49 Who so offereth vnto me thankes and praise he honoureth me Why I pray you doth Christ aske after these nyne that were cleane and doth not returne again vnto him to geue him thankes Truely therfore that their ingratitude and vnthankefulnes highly displeased him And wherfore thynke you doth the Euangelist so diligently discribe that this Samaritane whiche criyng out did fall doune vpon his face at Iesus feete and magnifyed God and gaue him thankes doubteles that hee therwith woulde commend publishe and shewe vs the constancy of his faith and how highely the sacrifice of giuinge thankes and praise pleaseth god Nowe forasmuch as the kingdome of god is taken from the vnthankful Iewes and giuen vnto vs Gentiles we knowledging this benefite let vs daily giue thankes vnto God throughe Christe that hee will vouchsafe to make vs constant in faith and bring vs to euerlasting saluacion through Christe our lord Amen The gospell on the fyftenth sonday after trinitie sonday Math. 6. NO man can serue two maisters Luc. 16. For eyther hee shall hate the one and loue the other or els leane to the one and dispise the other Ye can not serue God and Mammon Therfore I say vnto you Luc. 12. Psal 55 1 Pet. 5. Be not carefull for your lyfe what yee shall eate or drynke nor yet for youre bodye what rayment ye shall put on Is not the lyfe more worth than meate and the bodye more of valewe than rayment Beholde the foules of the ayer for they sowe not neyther do they reape nor carye into their barnes and youre heauenly father feedeth them Are ye not muche better then they Luc. 12. Which of you by takyng carefull thought canne adde one cubyte vnto hys stature And why care ye for ray●ente Considre the lylyes of the fielde howe they growe They laboure not neither dooe they spynne And yet I saye vnto you that euen Salomon in all his royaltee was not arayedlyke vnto one of these Wherefore yf god so clothe the grasse of the fielde whiche though it stande to day is to morowe caste into the fornace shall he not much more do the same for you O ye of lyttle fayth Therefore take no thought saying What shall wee eate or what shall we drynke or wherwith shall we be clothed After all these thinges doo the Gentyles seeke For your heauenly father knoweth that you haue neede of all these thinges But rather seeke ye fyrst the kingdome of god and the righteousnes therof and all these thinges shal be ministred vnto you THE EXPOSITION The true seruice of god is repugnāt with the false seruice CHrist teacheth vs first in this gospel how that he can not suffre the false seruice of god wherwith in the steed of god the creatures ar worshipped to stand with the true seruice of god concluding it on this wise that it is needefull for vs other to be in al things christian men or els whole heithen infidels For if I will be a christen mā I must with al my hart set my trust confidēce in Christ And if it be not done with al the whole hart but partly that is if I think I must trust put my confidēce in creatures I haue here the sentence giuen vpon me that I am no christen man but rather
biddeth vs Seeke fyrste the kingedome of god To seeke the kingdome of god is no other thinge then to pray that hee wyll brynge vs vnto faithe and throughe his holye ghoste comforte and holde vs in the same faithe vnto our end as the Prophete Dauid did of whome wee reade in the 50. psal and in the 118. Whiche if we diligently doo our faith for the which we pray shall not bee allonly encresed and augmented according to Christes promise Mat. 7. saying Aske you shal haue but also it shal happen that likewise temporal things being promised vs shal be giuen ministred vnto vs. This word Ioh. 16 It shal be ministred vnto you declareth our labour prouision to be nothing yf god should not giue the increase Therfore let vs wel considre and comprehend this promise in our harte that we may learn both in our spirituall and worldly matters to hope trust and put our confidence only in god through Christ that we may not through such ethnicall carefulnes for bodely thinges be separated frome Christe and the true seruing of god To whom with the son holy ghost be al honour Amē The gospell on the syxtenth sonday after trinitye sondaye Luce. 7. ANd it fortuned after this that he betwente into a citie whiche is called Naim and manye of hys disciples went with hym and muche people When he came nighe to the gate of the citye beholde there was a deade man caried out which was the only sonne of hys mother and she was a widow and much people of the citye was with her And when the lorde sawe her he hadde compassion on her and said vnto her Weep not And he came nighe and touched the coffyn and they that bare hym stoode styll And he said Yong man I say vnto the arise And he that was deade sat vp and began to speake 4 Re. 17 4 Re. 4. Accu 9. and 20. Ioh. 4. and. 6. And hee deliuered him to his mother And there came a feare on them all and they gaue the glory vnto god saying 4 Re. 17 4 Re. 4. Accu 9. and 20. Ioh. 4. and. 6. A greate prophete is risen vp among vs and god hath visited his people THE EXPOSION FOrasmuche as in this gospell we find what great benefite and charity was shewed vnto this widow therfore let vs search out afore al things with what sorowe misfortune shee was oppressed with al. This wel diligently considered and taken to hart shal the better cōmend vnto vs declare set forth this benefite done by Christ First the euangelyst describeth the state of this woman and saith that shee was a wydowe A woman euen of her nature is a weake vessell as witnesseth S. Peter 1 Pet. 3. Yf now that incommoditie also chaunce vnto her to leese her husband than vttterly shee hathe no comfort in this world Herof it cometh that ther is no man welnigh that more moueth a good hart and allureth him to pitye and compassion then the name of a wydowe and a fatherlesse childe yea god him selfe bycause that this kind of people liue without comfort and consolation vtterly are dispised of the world helpeth them and careth for them ye with this example he cōmēdeth them vnto vs that we herein shuld folow him For it is written in the fift boke of Moises Deu. 18. The lord your god is god of al goddes and lord ouer all lordes a great mighty terrible god which regardeth no parsō taketh no gift He doth right vnto the fatherlesse widow He loueth the stranger giueth him food and raymēt Therfore loue you also the strangers c. Two thinges are here to be noted The one is That God wil not forsake the widowes and fatherles children but that he wil kepe and mercifully saue them Another is that we shal loue and helpe poore miserable and forsaken people To the first the prophetes and in espetiall Dauyd hath much respecte and regard cōmending and praisinge god to be the father of wydowes of orphanes Psa 67 saying Oh synge vnto god sing praises vnto his name Magnifie him that rydeth aboue the heauēs whose name is the lord Reioyse before him He is a father of the fatherles he is a defēder of widows Psal 9. And in an other place he saith The lord is a defēce for the poore Of the last writeth S. Iames saiyng Pure deuocion and vndefiled before God the father is this to visite the frendles wydowes in their aduersitee and to kepe him selfe vnspotted of the worlde Nowe forasmuche as this womā had lost her husband and was become a wydowe vndoubtedly she was in a miserable state Neuerthelesse she had some comforte solace left in her only sonne in whom was her delite But he in like maner died also so that nowe all her ioy comforte in this worlde was spent and gone He that knoweth with what great affections the mother loueth and embraceth her children after the death of the father may lightly perceiue and vnderstand in what trouble and misery this womā was in But what should I make many wordes vndoubtedly I thinke there could skant chaunce more trouble vnto this woman then to lese both her husband her childe and to be so vtterly comfortles Wherfore let a man first consider her misery as it is written of the Euangelist Secondarily we see perceiue in this gospel the goodnes and loue of Christ with the whiche he pityeth this woman And this is to be noted that though the loue of Christ is highly commēded and praised in al the histories of the gospel yet chifly we may perceiue it here in this place more plainer and excellent for here was no fayth that should expresse the sorowe of this woman and seke for grace All that is done here of Christ is done of mercy loue and of great pitie and compassion of the heart that was had towarde this woman And it is here fulfylled that was spoken of Esaias saiyng Esa 65 Before they cry vnto me I shall heare them Seyng that all is done here of mere grace who would presumptuously glory in woorkes though he had wrought neuer so muche And againe who would dispayre for synne and would not rather hast him to Christ This benefite done to this wydowe is and may be to vs a lyuely doctrine that we shall hope for all goodnes of Christ if that vngratious infidelite did not hynder vs and leade vs awaye from the confidence in Christ The holy scripture doth teache cōmendeth fayth Suche examples of the great loue and charite of Christ do leade instruct vs to true fayth so that we may perceiue that we be not onely restored vnto health by grace but also thereby are iustified and saued This fayth requireth of vs the whole scripture with al thapostolical Epistles But reason and maisters subtiltie wyll not vnderstande it but thynketh to obtayne all
then if Christ taketh away synne through his owne merites and deseruyng how can our workes do it then Further more thapostles teacheth vs so likewse iin the Actes Act. 4. where they treate of this article say There is no other name geuē to mē wherin we must be saued c. And here on this parable we haue howe the kyng of great mercy and compassion forgaue this debt Thirdly this seruant should haue been myndful of the great benefite whiche was shewed vpon him and by right should haue had pacience with him that was in his debte forasmuche as fayth whiche comprehēdeth remission of synnes in Christ is euer wont accustomably to come vnto light and breake furth through charitee But as an vnthankefull forgetfull man of suche great goodnes done vnto him he would haue no pacience with his companiō whiche ought him an hundreth pence Doth this mā seme vnto the a christiā mā although his synne afore was dimitted him No surely For a christian mā knoweth that of mere grace through Christ his synnes bee forgeuen him and knoweth also that in like maner he should handle his neighbor Therfore in that I apprehende forgeuenes of synne by fayth in Christ and for Christes sake serue and forgeue my neighbour in so doyng and cōtinuyng in the same I am a christian man Whiche if I do not I am no christian man Mat. 22 For the scripture witnesseth that all the lawe and the Prophetes hang and consist in the loue of God and my neighbour as in two of the principal cōmaundemētes Luc. 6. Wherfore Christ in another place saith Forgeue and you shal be forgeuen Whiche thou mayst not vnderstande as though thou couldest deserue remission of synnes throug thy forgeuyng The fyrst part of this knowlege is the preachyng of repentaunce declaryng vnto the what thou oughtest to do with thy neighbour namely to forgeue him And the second parte is a promise that thy synnes shal be forgeuen the in Christ by grace and mercy And hereto pertayneth our dayly prayer wherin we say Remitte nobis debita nostra c. Forgeue vs oure dettes as we forgeue oure detters Wherfore if thou haue pleasure to do good workes to testifie by charitie that thy fayth is a right a true fayth in Christe serue thy neighbor as God by his sonne hath serued the. For by this shall euery man knowe that ye are the disciples of Christ if you haue loue one to another as Christ sayth in the xiiii chapiter of Ihon. Iho. 14. Fourthly we see in the fourth part of this parable howe God shall punishe those that leaue departe from the fayth forget the charitee and loue The punishmēt of those that do fall from fayth that they owe to their neighbor For assone as the kyng had heard howe extremely the seruaunt to whom he had forgeuen his debt had handled his companion he was very wrothe Wherfore he called him before him and rigorously rebuked him and deliuered him to the iaylours vntyll he payed all that he ought This worde Vntyl signfieth here tyme without ende As though the kyng would saye Of my great mercye and grace I forgaue thee all thy synnes that thou beyng myndefull of this great benefite shouldest haue likewise hādled thy debter But forsomuche as thou arte so vnthankefull and hast vtterly forgotten charitee thou shalt be dampned euerlastyngly Out of all these thynges consider howe euery thyng ought to bee done in the kyngdome of Christ Fyrst we ought to knowlege our selfe to be synners and that we cannot be iustified in the sight of God by workes And that is the fyrst parte of this parable Secondarily we must knowe that oure synnes bee forgeuen vs of grace through Christ and that teacheth the second parte of this parable And thyrdly wee are here taught that when we haue receiued remission of synne by fayth it is needefull that we by charitee testifie to haue this fayth Fourthly wee bee here taught that if wee do not these foresayd thynges wee shall be dampned without mercy that is the last parte of this parable Geue thankes vnto God The Gospel on the xxiii sonday after Trinitee sonday Mathewe 22. THen went the Phariseys Mat. 12 and toke counsell howe they might tangle him in his wordes And they sēt out vnto him their disciples with Herodes seruauntes saiyng Luc. 20. Mayster we knowe that thou art true and teachest the way of God truely neither carest thou for any man for thou regardest not the outwarde apparaunce of men Tell vs therfore Howe thynkest thou Is it lawfull that tribute be geuen vnto Cesar or not But Iesus perceiuyng their wickednes sayd Why tempte ye me ye hypocrites Shewe me the tribute money And they toke him a peny And he sayd vnto theim Whose is this ymage and superscripcion They say vnto him Cesars Then sayd he vnto thē Ma. 17 Ro. 13. Geue therfore vnto Cesar the thynges that are Cesars and vnto God those thynges that are Gods THE EXPOSITION WE haue in this Gospell a very subtill and crafty inuented question of the Phariseys wherwith they went about to take Christ in some tryp in his wordes wherby they might haue brought him in some slaunder Whiche question diligently considered we shall fynde that the children of this worlde in their kynde to bee no fooles but neuerthelesse their wysedome craft subtiltie euer beyng clothed and myxt with great maliciousnes and blyndnes Therfore fyrst of all the Phariseys tooke counsayl But at what thyng Certainly of an euil matter For when they could fynd no occasion nor meanes wherby to hurt Christ they toke counsayl and with one consent did al agree determyne to take trippe Christ craftely in his speakyng Whereout we may consider the Phariseis to be of that sort of whom the Prophete Dauid had before spoken saiyng Psal 2. The kynges of the yearth stande vp and the rulers are come together against the Lorde and against his annoynted But whereof do they treate in their counsail and what do they conclude They conclude to sende their ministers with thofficers of kyng Herode to aske and demaunde of Christ whether it were mete to pay tribute to the Emperour or not For herein he was cōstrained either to say yea or nay If he had sayd no it was not lawful to paye tribute vnto themperour straight were the officers ready to accuse him before Herode as a sedicious person And if he had sayd and affirmed that they should haue payed tribute then should he haue lost the fauoure of the people because he spake against the liberty of the Iewes so beyng out of fauour in great displeasure thought by that meanes he might be deliuered into their handes This was a subtill deceiptful deuilishe pollice And without a christian mā had not the wisedome of Serpētes The wisdom of the serpētes Mat. 10 whiche was cōmaunded also to the Apostles to haue who could withstand
beholde there came a certaine ruler worshipped him saiyng My doughter is euen nowe disceased but come and lay thy hand vpō her and she shall liue And Iesus arose folowed him and so did his disciples Mar 5. Luc. 8. Leu● 15 and behold a womā which was diseased with an issue of bloud xii yeres came behynd him and touched the hemme of his vesture For she sayd within her selfe If I may touche but euen his vesture only I shal be safe But Iesus turned him about when he sawe her he sayd Daughter be of good comforte thy fayth hath made the safe and the woman was made whole euen that same tyme. THE EXPOSITION WE haue two examples of fayth in this Gospel One in the Ruler that came to Christ to get helpe for his doughter whiche Ruler sainct Marke calleth Iayrus And another in the woman that was diseased with a bluddy fluxe and healed by Christe In this woman was a perfecte sayth but the rulers fayth as yet was not perfect but weake Fyrst it was a point of fayth in this ruler because he beleued that Christ could rayse his daughter to life though she were dead wherewith he confesseth Christ to be God and a Lorde ouer life and death Then if Christe bee a Lorde ouer death he must nedes bee a Lorde ouer synne forasmuche as Adam through his synne brought death into the worlde and suche a Lorde dothe of death and of synne is he that both death and synne by his death he hath ouercome abrogated and taken away But howe and to what purpose That they should haue no power to cōdempne vs that beleue in Christ For vndoubtedly we can not liue without synne whyle wee bee in this mortal life as it is written Pro. 24 A iust man falleth vii tymes in a day ryseth vp againe But the synne so that we beleue shal haue no power ouer vs nor condempne vs. Lykewise Rom. 6. although this naturall death is not cleane taken awaye yet is it so ouerthrowne that it is no more dampnable vnto vs but is the beginnyng of the true principal life Iho. 11 as Christ saith He that beleueth in me shal not dye euerlastyngly This must wee surely holde fast if we will be christian menne That is we must beleue that by the death and bloud of Christ wee are deliuered from synne death deuil and hell so that we perseuer in a true fayth we shall haue euerlastyng life through Christ And this beleueth Iayrus partly But in asmuche that he beleueth not that Christe by the might power of his worde could make whole his doughter except he had been personally present we must nedes confesse that his fayth was imperfect But what shall we say of the fayth of this woman She surely had so great confidence in Christ that she cōcluded by her selfe that she should bee whole if she might touche only the hemme of his vesture Not that the vesture dyd make her whole for as S. Marke sayth he felte great vertue go from him and speaketh nothyng of the vesture but only the great fayth that she had in Christ Wherfore Christ highly prayseth and cōmendeth the fayth of this woman saiyng Doughter be of good comforte thy fayth hath made the safe Lo there thou hast an example both of perfect and vnperfect fayth Secondarily we see in this gospel howe frendly and familiarly Christe suffered the weakenes and imbecilitie of this Ruler and with the miracle done vnto the woman augmentyng and bryngyng him to more parfect fayth For he sheweth himselfe willyng at the desire of Iayrus foloweth him straight wayes home declaryng with his dede that whiche he had taught before saiyng Mat. 11 Come to me al ye that labour and are laden I wyll ease you But what happened in the way Beholde a woman that had been diseased xii yere with an issue of bloudde holdyng her peace by fayth gat and obtayned health She had determined also by her selfe that in holdyng her peace and in silence would haue gone home againe Mat. 5. But as a citie buylded vpon an high hyll can not be hyd so likewyse it was neither mete nor yet conuenient that suche great high and excellent fayth should be hyd And dothe not Christe say in the Gospell Mat. 10 There is nothyng hyd that shal not bee openly shewed and nothyng secrete that shall not be knowen So likewyse he wyl that the fayth of this woman should be manyfest brought to light And enquireth and sayth Who hath touched me The Apostles ignoraunt of this miracle answered him and sayd The people thruste thee But the woman feared and trembled for she knewe what was done in her came and fell doune before him and tolde him the whole truth Wherin Christ commendeth her fayth before al the people not only that this should bee an example for the people to folowe but also to strength Iayrus fayth that he should not doubte but that suche benignitee and mercy as was shewed vnto this womā should likewyse bee shewed vnto his daughter Could Christe behaue him selfe more gentely or bee indued with greatter loue mekenes pitie and mercy He declareth with the very deede that he can helpe and succour vs in all trouble necessitee yea in the point of death and is ready and willyng therto But we of our nature are so indurate deaffe and blind that we wil neither with holsome doctrin and teachyng nor yet with miracle be moued vnto fayth Truely it is to be feared lest we take and receiue like ende with the styffe necked and blynde Iewes For wee can not excuse oure selues but the same that was spoken vnto the Iewes might likewyse be spoken vnto vs Ioh. 15. where Christe sayd If I my selfe had not come and spoken vnto theim then should they haue had no sinne Is not Christ come through his gospel and hath shewed the same Do we not heare his worde dayly but when do we heare the same for any amēdement of our life I pray the take it once to heart and remembre the goodnes frendlynes myldenes of Christe howe louyngly through his worde and miracles he intyseth allureth vs vnto fayth Howe familiarly he taketh and suffereth our imbecilitee and weakenes and howe feruently he desireth vs to be iust and blessed Let these thynges so moue vs that by the meditacion hereof we may not only encrease in fayth but perseuer in the same and therby get euerlastyng saluacion Thyrdly wee see in this miracle howe the woorkes of Christe are counted and adiudged in the world for foolishenes yea and are skorned and dispised For Christ saiyng The mayd is not dead but sleapeth what did they but laught him to skorne Doest thou not thinke it a miserable thynge that the creature shuld scorne his maker creatour of all thinges That vngracious and blynde fleshe stondeth well in his owne conceite and thinkinge him selfe to haue done a highe feate when it
whole worlde And they whiche afore tyme wolde not heare Christe and his Apostels in the name of god afterward were constrained to heare the Romaines in the dyuels name I praye god the father The ingratitud and vnthākfulnes of thē that haue the worde of god that wee be not ones constrained to learne what a thynge it is so manyfestly to dispise forbidde and driue awaye by forse goddes worde and in no wise to giue place to the truthe The word of god shineth so clere amongst vs the yt cā not be denied but be confessed to be the very trew worde And on the other syde our ingratitude and maliciousnes is so great that it is not vnknowen Wherfore I thynke that suche punishment as pleaseth God shall folowe yet I knowe not what God purposeth to do but I knowe what I am bound to feare and to be afrayde of Neuerthelesse lette vs aske for grace and he of his goodnes shall turne his wrath from vs. Amen The Gospel on sainct Ihon his day the and Apostle Euangelist Ihon. 21. IESVS sayd vnto Peter Folowe me Peter turned him aboute and sawe the disciple Iohn 13 19. 20. whom Iesus loued folowyng whiche also leaned on his brest at supper and sayd Lorde which is he that betrayeth thee When Peter therfore sawe him he sayth to Iesus Lorde what shall he here do Iesus sayeth vnto him If I wyll haue him to tarye tyll I come what is that to thee folowe thou me Then went this saiyng abrode among the brethren that the disciple should not dye yet Iesus sayd not to him he shall not dye but if I wyll that he tary tyll I come what is that to thee The same disciple is he whiche testifyed of these thynges and wrote these thynges And we knowe that his testimony true THE EXPOSITION IN the last chapiter of the Gospel of sainct Ihon Christ demaūdeth thre tymes of Peter if that he loued him At the whiche demaunde Peter answered thre tymes and sayd that he loued him And because that Peter should not lacke an occasion to declare his loue to proue it in dede Christ goeth to and declareth vnto him wherwith he might gratifie and serue him namely if he loued him he shuld feade his shepe To feade is to teache Psal 22. To feade is as muche to say as to teache and preache And so taketh it Dauid when he sayth The Lorde is my shepeherd I can want nothyng He feadeth me in a grene pasture ledeth me to a freshe water He calleth the shepe Shepe Iho. 10 his electe christians as he sayeth in the .x. chapiter of Ihon My shepe heareth my voyce And in the Gospell of Mathew Christe sayeth Mat. 10 Beholde I send you as shepe in the myddes of Wolfes As though Christ would say vnto Peter My Peter I haue bought my shepe that is my christians dearly with an vnestimable price wherfore I would not see any of them neither neglected nor yet lost Therfore if thou louest me as thou hast spoken thou shalt vnderstād that there can be nothing more acceptable vnto me then that my sheepe haue good feadyng That is that they be diligently taught instructed in the worde of God Howe Peter should folowe Christ And if thou wilt know whō thou shouldest folowe in this office of preachyng herken to this saiyng Folow me For thou knowest and hast sene in what wyse I haue behaued my selfe herein c. Nowe that in this place Peter is commaunded to folowe Christ I thynke that the same commaundement and precept partayneth not onely vnto Peter but generally vnto all christian menne For synce we be named christians take our name of Christ whō should we folowe but Christ who sayth here Folowe me But there hath been in the world and is yet vnto this hour diuers sondry ways prescribed vs to folow For this foloweth S. Francys the other S. Benedict the third S. Dominick the fowerth foloweth S. Bruno as a moste suer rule of his lyuing And as touching this thing there hath been amongst christen men so variable sondry opinions ways to folow that who so euer wil note thē wel it can not be but he must needs be sore greued in his hart at them in so muche that they be all fained made repugnaunt to the manifest word of Christ For who of the fathers can be found that dare avow say of thē selues He that foloweth me in my rule walketh not in darknes Though in need yt is not euel if we folow our fathers In what wise wee shulde to lowe the Fathers 1 Cor. 4 but it is needefull thē that we do it in such form as S. Paul describeth it sayīg Be ye my folowers wher he doth adde as I folow Christ Wherfore yt is needful that this cōmaūdemēt of Christ shuld moue stere vs not to thīk that it was geuē only to Peter but also vnto al christen mē nameli vnto those that glorify thēselues of Christ therfore shuld thei lykewise folow hī of whō thei bear the name For it is Christ ōly that dare auowe and sai Iohn 8 He that foloweth me walketh not in darknes Secōdarily forasmuch as we haue heard learned that ther is no suerer thīg in this life thē to folow Christ therfore it is necessary that we learne how in what maner of wise it is needful that we folow him that is that euery mā must folow Christ in his callīg For this presēt gospell teacheth vs that in Peter that whē he heard Christ say Folow me he tourned him selfe aboute and sawe the disciple whome Christe loued and sayd vnto Iesus Lorde but what shall he do Peter had a commaundement of Christ to folowe him and that in his callyng whiche was before declared vnto him Euery manne folowe Christ in his callyng namely in feadyng Christ his shepe And forbecause he had so sone forgotte it lookyng to another he is here reproued of Christe with these woordes what is that to the And agayne he heareth Folowe thou me But this was not only done for Peter but for vs also that wee should not charge our selues with other cares busynes but with good aduisement counsail beyng diligent in our owne busynesses should endeuor our selfe to do faithfully with a christiā mynde that thing whervnto wee are called For truely if euery man in his degre would diligently endeuor them selfes to do that thyng whervnto they are ordained called of God and not to set so litle by it as they do wtout doubt or should fynd him selfe so charged that he should sone forget to remembre what other men had to do And take an example The office of prechīg If I am called to the office of preachyng to be a minister of the worde of God so is it very necessarye that I do the same with all diligence in preachyng readyng rebukyng comfortyng and prouidyng for the poore
we dispaire of all our workes merites and vertues and esteme them as thinges that can not helpe vs and therefore the Prophete Esai sayeth Esai 63 that all oure iustyce or righteousnes are as a defyled clothe And thus dispairyng of our selues to seke our righteousnes in the merytes passion and death of oure Lord Iesu Christ onely of whom Ihon the Baptist gaue this true testimonye that he is the Lambe of God Ihon. 1. that taketh away the synnes of the worlde This fayth I say dothe apprehende by Christe remission of synnes iustyce and eternal life Neither may we in this matter admyt any worke of man except we would plucke away steale take frō Christ his glory Esai 42 whiche he wyl not geue to any other and so stealyng Christes honor burthen our soules vnto the perpetual death damnacion of our selues Surely it is an vndoubted trueth that a christian man must do good workes and haue an honest conuersacion and with good workes confyrme allow his fayth For who would deny this But to sette a fayth and confidence in those workes and to admit our merytes in the cause of our iustifycacion is in no wyse to bee permytted For by that meanes grace were no grace and that whiche before was atributed by verye right vnto the onely loue of God that should we then ascrybe vnto our workes merites Therfore Christ sayth in this gospell He that beleueth in the sonne of man shal not be iudged But he that beleueth not is already iudged because he beleueth not in the name of the only begotten sōne of God Fayth onely abideth in battayle of cōsciēce See ye that in the conflicte and battayle of the conscience fayth standeth sure and is not condempned nor iudged Contrarily that vnbeliefe is already cōdempned the sentēce of eternal damnacion is pronoūced against it For Christ wyl in this gospel as he doth in many other places of the scripture ascribe quietnesse of conscience and saluacion vnto faithe and the disquietnes of conscience perpetuall damnacion to vnbeliefe Thirdely Condemnacion bicause Christe spake of iudgemente and condemnaciō he now procedeth and declareth what is condemnaciō and saith And this is the condemnacion that the light is come into the world men haue loued rather darkenes then lighte And why For bycause their workes were euell Christe him self with his doctrine gospel is this light The lyghte Ioh. 8. as in another place he calleth himselfe saying I am the light of the world Whosoeuer foloweth me he walketh not in darknes The darknes Darkenes is our flesh nature mannes reason and vnbeliefe yea all the wisdome prudencie of man which doth not spring out of faith but spring frō our reasō without faith And now I beseche you to marke with me well at what point our reason our wisdome and prudence is wont to stumble at if it folow not the very word of god as his capitaine and leader Surely when Christ came into this world he was more redyer to saue help then to condemn nowithstanding that the father had giuen into his hand all iudgmente And truely the Iewes had wel eschaped this iudgement or eternall damnacion had by faith obtayned health saluation if they wold haue receiued Christ which is the light of the world and beleued his worde But what doo they They sette more by darknes then by lyght Iohn 1. And as Iohn saithe in the fyrst chap. of his gospel The light shined in darkenes the darknes comprehended it not Ther was no faulte in the lyght but a greate defaulte in the darkenes that receiued it not But what foloweth nowe out of this darkenes Forsoth this Those that neither knowlege nor learne their darkenes nor wyll not geue Christ his due honor they iudge and condempne themselues euen as Christe sayth Whoso beleueth not he is already condempned And truely it chaūseth so by most rihgteous iudgement to him that is vnfaythfull Incredulitee is iudged by his own self that is through vnbeleif For inasmuche as he doth euil and yet can not abide the light or to be reprehended it is right that his owne vnbeleife should iudge or condempne him But so is it not with the faythful man for he can abyde that his workes that are done in the truth shuld come to the light be tryed wayed by the worde of God and iudged by the rule squire of the woorde of God For how should he feare the light seyng that all his workes are done in God Cōsider it well For thus in euery place of the scripture life is ascribed vnto fayth and iudgement and condempnacion to incredulitee and vnbeleife God geue vs grace to receiue retayne with vs his light to the comfort of our soules Amen The gospel on the tewysday in the Whytson weke Ihon. 10. VErely verely I saye vnto you He that entreth not in by the doore into the shepe fold but clymeth vppe some other waye the same is a thefe and a murtherer But he that entreth in by the dore is that shepeherde of the shepe to him the porter openeth and the shepe heare hys voyce and Pro. 10. hee calleth hys owne sheepe by name leadeth them out And when he hath sent forth hys owne sheep he goeth before them the sheepe folowe hym for they knowe his voyce A straunger wyll they not folowe but wyll flee from hym for they knowe not the voyce of straungers This prouerbe spake Iesus vnto them but they vnderstode not what thinges they were whiche he spake vnto them Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne Verely verely I say vnto you Iho. 14 I am the dore of the sheepe All euen as many as came before me are theues murtherers but the sheep did not heare them I am the dore by me yf any man enter in he shall be safe and shall go in and out and fynde pasture A thefe commeth not but for to steale kyll and destroye I am come that they myght haue lyfe and that they might haue it more aboundantlye THE EXPOSITION FOrasmuche as Christ our Lord sheweth in this gospell or similitude by conferryng theim together both what the euil shepeherd teacher is also howe he may bee knowen and on the other parte what the good shepeherde and teacher is and by what sygnes also menne may knowe him I thynke it mete fyrst to treate of the good shepeherde especiall for this cause that it is a thinge very profitable and necessary and also a matter of great waight importance For Christ describeth here the good shepheard so A preachers callynge doctrine shal be vpright and law full that he must nedes entre in at the dore into the shepefold that is it is necessary that the preacher be called by some lawefull and godly meanes it is necessary also that his doctrine bee trewe and godly And howe can they teache the trewth that are
he sayd to the woman Mat. 5. Thy fayth hath saued thee Go in peace THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospell deare Christians is fyrst descrybed a poore synner whiche not onely was come to the knowledge of her synnes but also by fayth obtained remissiō of thē Wherfore it is a verye necessarye thyng that this worde A synfull woman A sinner be well cōsidered and wayed in our heartes that by it we may put a true difference betwene an indurate blynde synner as was the Pharisey a synner that acknowlegeth his myserye synnes For there are synners whiche are doubtlesse blynded and deliuered into a reprouable sence as was Pharao of whom the scripture sayth that his heart was hardened Exo. 14 There are also some that are synners only afore God and not afore the worlde as the hypocrites of whō the scrip sayth sayth Luc. 16. You are those that iustifye your selues afore men Notwithstandyng God knoweth your heartes Also there are synners both before God and the world And forasmuche as their synnes displease them and thei acknowlege their synnes therfore especially is the gospell occupyed aboute these afore any other And suche a synner also was this woman that is spoken of in this gospel For she felt her synnes acknowleged that she had broken the lawe and further that she had nede of helpe counsel And therfore maketh she so great hast and deferreth it not when she had heard that Iesus was in the Phariseys house sekyng grace of him that had power and authoritee to remyt sinne Furthermore with weapyng teares annoyntyng washyng and wypyng his feet she testifyeth what strong fayth and loue she bare vnto Christ Faith is an excellēt thing And nowe ponder it well howe excellent a thyng fayth is that fyrste acknowlegeth her sinnes and after that fleeth vnto Christ This woman beyng a publike open synner knewe right well that she should haue but a syngle welcome into the Phariseys house neither should she escape the rebukes and tauntes of theim yet so great is her loue and fayth toward Christ that neglectyng and contemnynge al their rebukes checkes other contumelyes without feare she hasteth vnto Christe of whom she might obtayne remission of her synnes Wherfore nowe note diligētly and cōsider the processe also the successe of this womā for doubtles she shal teach both the me how they must be disposed that wyll obtain remission of their syns of god the father through Christ Thus sayth the Euangelist She began to weete his feete with teares Teares are a mooste certayne sygne of a penitent mynde that the synnes displease from the heart But what were suche repentaunce without fayth But this woman hath fayth also Repentāce and ●ayth muste be ioyned together Truely it is a great token of fayth in this woman that settyng light the threttes and checkes of the Phariseys she hasteth vnto Christe and that Christe him selfe testifyed saiyng Thy fayth hath made the safe Nowe doubtles this fayth was not idle in this woman but is shed furth it selfe through loue Are not these manyfest sygnes of loue that accordyng to the custome of the region she enbalmeth Christes head with moste precious oyntment weeteth his feete with teares kysseth them and wypeth theim with the heares of her heade Euen so it is expedient that wee bee lyke this woman if at the least wee wyll obtayne eternall health True penaunce Needes muste wee haue a perpetuall penaunce that is to say the knowlege of synne the forsakyng of synne and the hatyng of synne Furthermore wee muste haue fayth whereby wee may take holde vpon the promyse of the Gospell Last of all it is necessarye that wee declare oure fayth with woorkes of loue euen as we here se ensāple set surth in this woman Secondarily in this Gospel is Christ descrybed as a good gentle and mercyfull Lorde The goodnes of Christ For he receyueth this woman with so great humanitee and gentlenes nothyng consideryng the murmuryng of the Phariseys so that this receyuyng should well moue and styrre vppe all synners to true fayth Lette vs marke all thynges orderly as they stand and we shal fynde Christ in all thynges merciful gentle and ful of compassion lyke as hee is set forth vnto vs in the scriptures Fyrst Christ suffereth the sinful woman to annoynt him he suffereth her to washe his feete and to wype them he suffereth her to kysse him whiche no Pharisey would haue suffered to bee done especially of suche a woman Furthermore when the Pharisey murmured that he receiued so great a sinner Christ defēdeth this his facte by a similitude of a creditor that had two debters the one ought fiue hundreth pence the other fyfty Now seyng neither of both wer able to pay he forgaue them both And then he asked Symō Tel me whether of these twayne shal loue him most Wherfore Christ came in to the worlde Surely with this similitude Christ sheweth wherfore he came into this worlde namely for synners For without doubt we all are his debters And who is it that is not a debter or that wyll deny this debte If we wyll say sayth sainct Ihon that we haue not synne we deceiue our selues the truth is not in vs. Rom. 3. And S. Paule sayeth All haue synned and want the glorye of God What shall I say of the similitude whiche is written in the gospel of sainct Luke To make short wee all are debters of this Lord which way soeuer we turne our selues Luc. 12. And would to God he would geue vs this grace to knowlege our debt to beleue in Christ whiche for geueth it also furthermore that we might find grace as this woman did Doubtles she knowleged her synnes sought grace and found it And inasmuche as fiue hundred pence were forgeuē her all her iniquite remitted pardoned therfore also she shewed her selfe thankefull and heartely loued him of whō she was thus receiued into grace Loue folowed fayth Wherfore if thou also wylte haue remission of thy synnes set thy selfe among these debters that owe fyue hundred pence know thy selfe to be the greatest synner liuyng vpō the yearth say with the Publicane I am not worthy to looke vp into the heauen and then aske grace at Christ beleue the woordes of his Gospel If thou thus do doubtles thou shalt obtayne thy request For that swete worde spoken vnto the woman pertayneth also aswell vnto that as vnto her The worde is this Thy synnes are forgeuen thee And this worde ought euer to sounde in a christians eare as oft as our sinnes oppresse vs and we would gladly be deliuered from them as wee say in the confession of our fayth I beleue that in this life there is perpetually forgeuenes of synnes The Churche hath euer synners as the scripture testifyeth The righteous falleth vii tymes in the day ryseth agayne Therfore seyng that we are so weake that we synne
continually therfore is it nedeful that we may haue contynually remission of synnes in the Churche of Christ and the christian ought to knowe that these wordes Thy synnes are forgeuen thee are wordes for all tymes that neuer shal be disanulled but contynue for euer Thyrdly Hypocrites alwayes murmur against God this gospel cōtaineth the grudgynges of the Phariseys against Christ whiche ryse vpon this occasion that Christ receyued the synful womā and forgaue her all her synnes The cheife of theim was Symon whiche sayd wtin himselfe If he were a Prophete surely he should knowe who and what woman it is that toucheth him for she is a synner Of these cogitacions a man may perceyue what is the nature of hypocrisy Nowe this is the nature of hypocrisy Nowe this is the nature of hypocrites to esteme them selues highly to boast crake theyr owne merytes to set vp their owne righteousnes to contempne all other as we may see in many examples of the holy gospell And doubtles this hypocrisy is a thyng borne within all menne yea so soore rooted that it can not bee plucked out tyll the holy ghost come newe create that olde Adam makyng him a newe creature ● 9. as Esaias sayth For all they are wicked and hypocrites and all their mouthes haue spokē foly But Christ in this place could not ouerpasse it but he telleth Symon his hypocrisye Thou sayeth he gauest me not water for my feete as the custome is of this countrey when I came into thy house thou gauest me no kysse thou enbalmedst not my head with oyle But this synner hath done al this yea that with suche diligence that I can not cast her from me for it is done of fayth and loue Thou lothest her as a synner but I for the faythe 's sake that she hath in me do receyue her as a doughter and inheritour of God And thoughe before tymes her sinnes were great Fayth makes vs children of God yet nowe is the loue greater that she hath to me By like maner Christ stopped the mouthes of the other Phariseys that sat at meate with him so that they sayd within theim selfes What is this he that also forgeueth sinnes For Christ by by addeth to this Thy fayth hath made the safe go thy way in peace As who sayth You wonder are offended that I am not offended toward this poore woman but knowe you that I not onely wyll receyue her but also wyll make her more righteous then you are For why she beleueth in me and setteth her whole fayth vpō me Therfore wyll I forgeue her all her synnes obtayne her peace in conscience afore God that she shall nomore be accused for her synnes How thynke you sounded these wordes in the Iewes eares Yet were they made neuer the better by these wordes They were hypocrites hypocrytes they continued euen as we all shuld do if the holy spirit of God bryng vs not frō our hypocrisy vnto his truth God through Christ graunt that we may attaine vnto it Amen The gospel on sainct Iames day the Apostle Mathew 20. THen came to him the mother of zebedes children with her sōnes Mar. 10 worshippyng him desiryng a certaine thyng of him And he sayth vnto her What wylt thou She sayd vnto him Graunt that these my two sonnes may sytte the one on thy right hand and the other on the lefte in thy kyndome But Iesus answered sayd Ye wote not what ye aske Are ye able to drynke of the cuppe that I shal drinke of and to be baptised with the baptisme that I am baptised with They say vnto him we are He sayd vnto them Ye shal drinke in dede of my cuppe and be baptised with the baptisme that I am baptised with But to syt on my right hand and on my left is not myne to geue But it shall chaunce vnto them that it is Mat. 25 prepared for of my father THE EXPOSITION FYrst we see here in this gospel the ignorance of the Apostles Iames Ihon whiche had often heard of Christ although thei did not receiue it nor printed it in their memory that Christes kingdome shuld be a spiritual kyngdom euen within them Yea they were yet so ignoraunt that they thought they should without any crosse at all been wholly promoted and made great Lordes and so reigne with Christe accordyng to the pompe and glorye of this worlde But these so fond imaginacions dare they them selues not vtter vnto Christe althoughe they set not a litle by these but moued their mother to go to Christ to proue whether she might obtayn that they desired But what was their request Forsoth that in the kyngdome of Christe whiche they thought a worldely kyngdome one might haue his seate vpō the right hand another vpon the lefte hand and so to enioy the honor of this worlde Here it had been the mothers duetye to bryng her sonnes from this purpose mynde to haue enstructed them muche better But in these matters that appertayne to the kyndome of Christ the mother is as blynde ignorant as her sonnes She would gladly haue had her sonnes promoted and made great men euen as customably many mothers boast the pompe ryches with their children But the kyngdome of Christ is not so ordered to haue in it muche pōpe boasting but as it is a spirituall kyngdome euen so it hath onely a spiritual scepter namely the worde and the holy gospel And nowe this worde is suche a worde that it bringeth with it not a pleasant lyfe but contradiction persecucion 1. Cor. 1 insomuche that S. Paule calleth it the worde of the crosse saiyng The worde of the crosse is to them that perishe folye but to vs that obtayne health it is the power of God If then it be the worde of the crosse how can we haue in the kyngdome of Christe other pleasure pompe or honours of this worlde It is not to be loked for but nedes must wee here suffre by many tribulacions we must entre into the kyngdome of God as sainct Luke testifyeth of Christ also Luc. 24 Esa 53. that he must needes suffre and ryse agayne from the dead so to entre into his glorye But as yet Iames and Ihon vnderstoode not this therefore they iudged it should bee in the kyngdome of Christe as it was in other ciuyl kyngdomes And surely as these Apostles were then ignoraunt of the kyngdome of Christ so doubtles are wee excepte wee bee lightened by the holy ghost Secondarily The presūpcion of man wee haue here also an example of the presumpcion of manne For besydes theyr peticion whiche was against God they dare also saye that they were able to drynke the cuppe whiche the Lorde should drynke and to bee baptised with the baptisme whiche the Lorde should be baptised in What iudge you of this presumpcion Euen so sayd Peter to Christe that he would go with him into
persecute you for my names sake Now how agre these two to be persecuted to bear temporal dominion power Truthe it is that the Apostels shuld raign with Christ But wher In this world Nay verely The kīgdome of Christ is spirituall For the kingdome of Christ is a far other thing thē a temporal worldly kingdome as the apostles wel proued learned after that they had receued the holi ghost But here as yet thei vnderstād not this and therfore they desire to know who is greatest in the kingdome of heauen But what dothe or saith Christ Suerly as he is wonte to do and saye For as he often bare their infirmity cast them not of for their rude and gosse affectiōs euen so doth he now at this time He taketh a child and setteth him in the middest of them and saith Except ye be tourned and become as chyldren ye shall not entre into the kingdome of heauen Here in this place Christe teacheth his disciple both by word and exāple For he setteth a child in the middest of them and by and by sheweth a cause why he so dothe that is that it was necessary for them to become as children How then do childrē They lyue as nature teacheth thē with out ani craft or malice thei know no pomp no pride or any other vices of the world only flye thei to the milke that they sucke out of their mothers brestes Euen so must a christian mā be minded After what manner we shuld become children For it is necessary that he be whole dead as concernyng to the pompe malyce guyle pride both spirituall and carnal and that he only depende vpon Christe and his worde and neither attempt nor presume none other thyng then the worde commaundement of Christ prescrybeth to him For whersoeuer they do thus there is no pryde no confidence in merytes of workes no guyle no malice but mere pouertie of spirit and innocency Nowe where as is pouertie of spirit and innocency there is fulfylled the saiyng of Christ Whoso meaketh himselfe as this chylde he is the greatest in the kyngdome of heauens And of this chyldehod speaketh S. Paule seiyng 1 Co. 14 Brethren be not chyldrē in wyttes but in malyce be chyldrē 1 Pe. 2. And S. Peter sayth Desyre you that reasonable mylke wtout guyle as chyldren newe borne that in it ye may growe vp for you haue tasted how swete the Lord is Secondarily Christ sheweth with what seueritie and constancy he wyll defend suche as come to this pouertee of spirit that is he wyll take the cure of them whatsoeuer chaunce to them be it good or euil If any good thyng be done to theim he wyll accepte it as done to himselfe as he wytnesseth saiyng Mat. 25 Whatsoeuer you dyd to one of these lytleones that beleueth in me you did it to me Zacha. 2 And in the Prophet Zachary is written Whoso toucheth you toucheth the ball of myne eye Also if any euil be done to them he wyl accompt it as done to himself For he sayth thus He that receyueth suche a childe in my name he receyueth me And he that offēdeth one of these lytleones that beleue in me it were expedient for him that an asse mylle stone were hanged at his necke and he drouned in the depth of the sea Doth not God now defend the beleuers is not he careful for that litle despised flocke that cleaueth vnto Christ I pray you who shal cōtempne the doctrin of suche a Lord that thus careth defēdeth his seruantes Whō would not this so great care moue to beleue in Christ And to vs that are already receiued vnto faith what can be more cōfort or what can we more desire Nowe loke howe comfortable this text is to the beleuers when Christ saith He that receiueth you receiuech me Euen so feareful terrible is it to those that vexe persecute this poore despised people of Christe whiche doth beleue in the worde And forasmuche as Christ shal impute the pesecucion as done to himselfe wtout doubt it shal come to passe when the tyme appointed of God is fulfylled that Christ wyl brydle the furor voluptuous mynde of the vngodly But yet notwtstādyng the vngodly wyll not nowe beleue this tyl as the cōmon prouerbe sayth they haue both their handes ful and the sentence of perpetual dampnacion be declared against them euen as you perceiue it chaunsed vnto Pharao Thyrdly Christ sheweth his disciples before that there shuld come slāder which shuld cōtinue vnto the ende of the worlde also instructeth them how to behaue themselues among suche slanders Wo to the worlde saith he for slanders Nedes must slanders come but yet wo to that man by whō slanders come Christ sheweth plainly that slanders shuld cōtinue in the world vnto the end of this world euen as Paul saith There must bee sectes among you 1. Co. 11 Why so Paule That they whiche are perfect among you might be knowē But wherof shal this offēce or slander arise or wherin cōsisteth it Two maner of slander Fyrst it shal come of false doctrine whiche did arise by by after the resurrection of Christ while the Apostels were yet aliue was by conterfaict apostels and false brethrē taught vnto the people yea and that diligently To omyt the other did it not euē so chance to S. Paul amongst and with the Galathiās He had preached the gospell of Christ to them and had fully and sufficiently instructed them in the matters of faith yea and they had receaued him with suche harty loue and so feruent a desire with such reuerēce Gal. 1. that he confesseth that thei wold haue plucked out their eies gyuen them to him if it had bene possible Yet for all this after his departure ther came false brethren which set forth and taught to the Galathiās other maner of doctrine thē Paul had taught them What slanders thinke ye arose of this Euen in lyke manner chanced it in our daies God hath giuen to vs very plenteously richely his worde and gospel that suerly we ought with whole heartes to thank him laud him for that so great noble a treasure But what chanced now When the word now did florishe and thorow the wonderful goodnes gracious fauour of god it brought forth right bewtiful frutes amōg many one euen did ther burst forth with their slanders the Byshop of Rome with all his Papisticall rablement of Monkes Friers which with the residue of their sectes and doctors dyd with all their power inuade resist so muche as laye in them the plain and true word of god to the great hinderance of the gospel By by vpon this folowed that pestiferous sect doctrin of the Anabaptists which made mē excedīg wood for a time which also hath don no lyttle hurte to the furtheraunce of Christes holye worde What slaunders thynke yee haue
suche angre as hathe adioyned enuy with it But I praye you where are thei that so can moderate themselues Ephe 4 Therefore S. Paule saith Let not the sonne go down vpon your wrath A father is angry with his sonne but yet commonly the fatherly loue continueth in his harte A master is angrye with his seruaunte and scholer but it commeth of a good affection Euen so maye one christian man be angry wyth an other and rebuke correct and shewe him his faulte but with this angre muste charity be admyxed Bryefely CHRIST requyreth this meekenes of his disciples sayinge Learne of me for I am meeke and lowely in heart Mat. 11 And here he promyseth to the meeke saluacion and possession of the lande Who wyll not nowe with all dilygence laboure for faythe whereoute springeth this vertue The possession of the land what it is Manye interprete spirituallye the possession of the lande as when the Prophete Dauyd saythe I beeleue to see the Lorde in the lande of the lyuynge Other vnderstande it corporallye sygnyfiynge that the gentle and meeke menne keepeth better his goodes and possessiones then hee that wyll lawe for euerye trifle and wyll not loose so muche as the parynge of hys nayle Truthe it is that Moyses beynge a moste lowelye and gentle person Nu. 22. accomplished excellent affaires yea thoughe hee were the meekest man that dwelleth vpon earth And also either of these vnderstandinges is good and profitable Spiritual hūger thirst Fourthly Christ pronounceth them blessed that hungre and thirste for righteousnes addyng thys promise That they shall be satisfied Nowe standeth thys hungre and thyrst in thys pointe that I dyspayre of my selfe and all my strengthes shall knoweledge my corrupte nature myne inabilitee syckenes synne and infirmitie and allonly desyre that righteousnes that is of valewe before god Surely this acknowledgyng of our selues dothe highly please god yea for to bringe vs vnto this knowledg hath he giuen the lawe and willeth that the preaching of penance shuld procede go before the preaching of forgiuenes of sinnes as it is plain in the gospel of S. Luc. that we might so much the soner attaine vnto this hunger thirste of righteousnes Luc. 24 And doubtles needes must we be thus hungry and thyrsty for righteousnes or els we shall euer want it that is we shall neuer be made righteousnes But to be briefe When thorow preachinge of penaunce we are vtterly ouerthrowen so that al togither wee dyspayre of oure selues and begynne to seeke our righteousnes in CHRIST thys promise standeth stedfast that wee shall bee satysfyed Contraryly yf we haue not thys hungre thyrst knowlege desire behold the vyrgin Mary saith thus He hath sent away the ryche emptye To be merciful Fiftely Christe also in the gospell pronounceth that the mercifull men are blessed To bee merciful is asmuch as to be ready to forgiue remit as often as our neighbour doth vs iniurye or angreth vs or prouoketh vs vnto displeasure And thys mercifulnes is so necessary for a christen man that he cā not obtain forgiuenes of his sins except he also first forgiue his neighbour such trespasses as he hath cōmitted against him yet not by this mercy merite of the same do we obtaine get or deserue forgiuenes of of our sins for that haue we by only fayth but God wolde that I shulde by this forgiuenes testify my faith Now whē I declare my faith by so forgiuīg my neighbour what wil Christ do toward me I shall also haue mercy as Christ saith in this gospel And as he saith in another place Luc. 5. Forgiue it shal be forgiuen you But now whē I wil not for giue no more shal I obtain mercy therfore vtterly fall out of all the fauour of god the father Sixtly the clean pure in heart are blessed Cleannes and pure of hearte Psal 13 Mar. 10 But who is cleane in hert seyng that the scripture saith There is none that doth good no there is none at al Also none is good that is clean but alone god Doutles it is truth that by nature we are sinners neither can we do any thyng that is good ye and also after that we haue receaued the holy ghost yet remained in vs concupiscens or vnlawful lust Rom. 7 with whō wee muste euer wrestle and fighte against it Yet thys comforte haue we when wee ones come to the knowledge of Christe and haue by faith set hande vppon hys promyse by partakinge with hym wee be very christians and also pure in hearte Actu 15 For as Sainct Peter saithe By faith are purified our hearts Furthermore although the hart by faith be purified yet there remaineth in vs the remnant of synne and concupiscens which daylye sore trouble vs but for faith they are not imputed vnto vs. As S. Paule testifieth Rom. 8. saying Then now there is no condemnacion to suche as are in Christ Iesu Therfore we are fully assured if we haue faith that wee shall se god in this worlde by faith in his word and in the world to come face vnto face Seuenthly Christe calleth those blessed that ar the makers of peace Rom. 5. Those are makers of peace that euer counsayl peace that reconcyle men that be fallen out and set them againe at one and studiouslye take heede to kepe and conserue peace Suche are called peacemakers And suche men do especially please god chiefly bycause this vertu cometh of faithe and hathe his roote and springinge out of faith and therfore bycause that in this thing they folowe the example of his beloued sonne oure lorde Iesu Christe What did he When wee were yet enemyes saith S. Paul he reconcyled vs vnto his father opened to vs the heauens and by the effusion of his bloude of mere and free grace hee washed away all our sinnes that we apprehending this by faithe myght obtaine righteousnes and so euer more folowe the same example in our deedes Nowe when do we this When with al harty study we endeuour our selues to conserue peace and that amonge all men brotherly loue may be continued But what shall be the rewarde of this vertu what gyfte shall bee gyuen for it Wee shall be called the sonnes of god and wee shall possesse eternall lyfe Eightly Christ also calleth those blessed that suffre persecution and are despised for his sake which in deede oughte to giue greate comfort to christian men putte vnder the crosse and tribulation Thorow muche trouble we entre into the kīgdom of God Whye are we so vexed and full of sorowe in temporall afflyctions seynge that Christe wyll by theim bring vs into heauen where wee shal perpetually raigne with hym Trulye this temporall crosse canne in no meanes bee compared vnto the euerlastinge ioye Marke wel that he saith For my names sake Also When men speake all euell against you belyinge you For he that is an euell dooer
Which thing surly the peacible cōming of our lorde Iesu Christe to Ierusalem The cōming of Christe to Ierusalem doth goodly performe and bringe to passe For what kind of goodnes or mekenes ys not serued therein Other princes and Lordes as often as they newlye enter into ther kingdomes and Dominions lord what a pōpe and greate companye goeth before them as it is written in the 19. psal Psal 19 Some in charettes some in horses They than put c. But Christ although he was constituted lord of heauen and earth as it apeareth in the laste chap. of Math. yet he porely rode vpon an asse back accompanied with a simple and despised companye Which thinge not onlye of the world had no comendacion but also gaue to euery body occasion of laughyng and iesting What manner a man Christ is Neuertheles if all this were printed in our hartes yt wolde teache vs what a māner of man Christe was and what became euery christian man to loke of hī He is verily such a one that escheweth shunneth chaseth away no man from hym but alureth calleth euery man to hym For certaynly to that intēt he cam into this world that through his onlye desertes and merites he might redeme all And therfore he sheweth him selfe vnto vs with so great humanitie not only in words and learnyng but also in works and miracles And here I think that the prophet Esa in spirite saw this great clemency goodnes of Christ whē he cried so depely in his hert sayinge Esa 64 Break the heauens and come down Ye the euangelist also did diligently brīg in the testimony of Zachary to set before our eyes the mekenes of Christ with the which he goeth about to help euery mā saying Zach. 9 Ecce rex tuus uenit tibi mansuetus c. that is Lo here thy kinge commeth vnto the c. all these wordes be spokē with a great vehemency For whē he saieth notablye this worde loe it can not be but that he goeth about to shew a thīg of great waight And here in syght was nothinge els done but that Christe in his lowly entryng into Ierusalem wold commēd toward vs his most bounteful wil great benefite as thoughe he shuld say thus Act. 15. Thou my dispised company hast hitherto lyen oppressed vnder the heauye yoke of the lawe which seyng thou coldest by no meanes fulfil was nother help to the nor to none other Moreouer before my aduēt or coming thou haddest nothīg els but promise But nowe be of good comfort I wil make an ende of al thy miserie and wretchednes I wil take away the curse of the lawe and wyll forgeue the thy sinnes and shall obteyne for the euerlasting lyfe Verely al this can I do Christe Kyng Mat. 11 seing I am kynge lorde ouer synne death the deuel and hell And this not only I can do but will do cum sim mitis c. On this wise doth the aforesaid prophet Zachary shewe forthe vnto vs this worke of Christe Now he that of this place so learneth to knowe Christe that with all his herte he may say with the people Blessed be he that cometh in the name of God And so beleueth that here Christe with all his goodnes of his only grace is geuen to hym he beynge delyuered from sinne is made iuste and good accordīg to this scripture He the beleueth in him shal not be left comforteles but shall haue euerlasting lyfe ¶ Secondarely Good workes this gospell teacheth vs the veri trew good workes of a christen man by the which the same faith is made clear and apparaunt in that that this place settethe forthe vnto vs the compassion and teres of Christe at his entrynge vnto Ierusalē Wold god that al the world knew what scripture calleth good workes And trewly it is very expedient that the ministers of the word of god shulde earnestly and diligently but yet wisely exhort the people to good workes seeyng that al the worlde is now geuen holy to naught and myschife For as admonitions wherwith the people are stirred to do good be necessary so affiaunce in the deseruinge of workes and in our owne iustice is noysome and perniciouse As cōcernyng good workes these be they as often as by very loue thou doeste considre the necessitie pouertye infirmitie miserye and aduersitie of thy neighboure as thine owne And in all thinges in thy mynde thou art ready to helpe him As we se in saynt Paule where he speaketh to the Gala. in the 6. chap Gal. 6. Lette vs alwayes do good towarde euery man and cheiflye towarde them that be ioyned in the felowship of faith with vs. And in the 6. chapter of the first epistle to Tim. he saith 1. Tī 6. Cōmaund them that be rich in this world that they be not highe mynded and that thei putte not their hope and truste in their vncertayn riches but in the liuing God And that they do good and be rich in good workes and liberall in geuing and dealing theyr goods Here wee maye se that saynt Paule doth not onlye moue vs to good works but also sheweth namely vnto vs whiche be good workes that is to say to do well to euery manne and willingly to geue and to be liberall And here well may be alledgyd the saiyng of Esaie the prophete in the 58. chap. Thou shalt not despise thine oune kynde and fleshe Esa 58. Yf thou wilte dilligentlye marke this place and herken vnto suche thynges as the prophete speaketh of in the same doughtles thou shalt soone perceiue what he calleth good workes yea and all the prophets do so instauntlye stir vs vnto these workes that they dare say plainly that no kind of worshipping god doth preuaile wherin the loue of thy neighboure is not founde And Osee in the 6. chap. saieth Ose 6. Complacitum est mihi in misericordia non in sacrificio That is I am well pleased with mercy shewing and not in sacrifice doyng In this place to be mercifull signifieth to do good to my neighbour as it appeareth in the 6. of Luke Luc. 6 Nowe therfore like as Christ became seruaunt vnto vs in learnyng in lyfe in miracles doyng in his deathe in his resurrection and to bee short in euerye pointe of humantie so he wolde that we shuld become seruauntes one to an other What is to be mercifull in body power strenght in all our riches Neuertheles in suche wise not that we shuld put our cōfidence in these workes and withstand the wrath of God therewith but to testifye and shewe forthe our faithe in light For saynct Paule by such workes declared his faith and lette passe diuerse other of his good workes what thinke you of that wher he dyd socoure and helpe that poore and miserable Onesmus For willing to reconcile he wold reconcile him to Philemō he calleth hī his own hart ys not this a
greate parte of loue Vnto Philem. And afterwarde he excuseth Onesimus of his fleyng and ronnyng away as verye necessarye to this purpose that after his suche lapse and falle he might be not onlye a minister or seruaunt but as a brother vnto Philemon Forthermore the same good saint Paule took on hym selfe the harme whiche the same fugitiue seruaunt had done his mayster and wolde all the losse whatsoeuer it were to be layde on his necke Be not these good workes But by it that other workes do appeare greate and good yet may thei not well be called good workes whan they which haue neede of them be not releuyd by them Good workes must alway serue thy neyghboure hym that hath need Christ in the middest of his oy lamēted wepte And that Christ teacheth vs in this story when in the middest of the peoples ioy which reioysed and wished all thinges prosperous vnto him as to the son of Dauyd to their power gaue hym the moste honoure they could he wepte very sore and bitterly What shuld stir or moue him so to wepe thinke you Verely as he him selfe witnesseth the misery and wretchednes of the people entred into his hert for seing that by al the time that he was so conuersaunte amongest them they wolde not vnderstand nor receiue knowledge it was necessarye that thei in body soule honour and all their goods shuld perishe All this knewe Christ and therefore wepte so sore And besides this he faithfully gaue monicion vnto them before whereby they mighte learne to auoyd such inconuenience but all was in vayne Now lyke as Christ doth not disemble but by all meanes goeth aboute to preuente the losse of his people so shulde we when we are come to the knowledg of God take vpon vs the care and necessitie of our neighbour whether it be bodely or gostlye great or small to procure not only that there ryse or growe no hurt vnto them or theires but also that they feele our help at need As sainct Paule to the Galat. in the 9. chap. Galat. 9 saith Alter alterius one ra portate sic perficietis legem Christi That is One of you ease and help an other and so ye shall fulfill the lawe of Christ Let it be by vs at all time fulfilled that God the father by oure workes withoute seasing end may bee glorifyed Amen The seconde sonday in Aduent Luc. 21. AND there shal be signes in the sonne and in the moone and in the starres and in the yearth Mat. 24 Mat. 13 Ioel. 2. Ezec. 38 the people shal be at theire wittes ende thorowe dispaire The sea and the water shall roare and mens hartes shal faile them for fear and for lokyng after those thynges whiche shall come on the yeerth For the powers of heauē shal moue And then shall they see the sonne of man come in a cloud with power and greate glory When these thinges begin to come to passe then looke vp and lift vp your heades tor youre redemption draweth nye Mat. 24 Mar. 13 And he shewed them a similitude Be hold the figge tree and al the trees when theye shoote forth their buddes ye se and knowe of youre owne selues that sommer is then nye at hande So likewise ye also when ye se these thinges come to passe be sure that the kingdome of God is nye Verely I saye to you this generacion shal not passe in all be fulfilled Heauen and earth shall passe but my wordes shal not passe THE EXPOSITION IN this gospell first of all is declared vnto vs Christe careth for vs. the greate carke and care that Christ taketh for vs. And although he speake here of many and horrible signes and tokens that shal be before his cōming yet he wolde not that his electe shuld be destitute of comfort But very gentely taught them how they shulde behaue them selues when the tribulacion of this time shall come vpon them Neither wolde he kepe close from them what shulde folowe after this tribulacions verely the ende of the cursed and wicked world Mat 24 And althoughe these signes at the firste shal be terrible and bring muche sorowe and tremblinge with them yet shall they not all hurte the elect bycause thei shal haue knowledg of these thinges long before The ioy o● the electe And thei shal looke about and lift vp their heads as they which know by those signes the day of their redemtion from al euel to be at hād And that Christ then shall take from the tirannes 1 Cor. 15 Princes Lordes Kinges and Emperoures theyr power and yelde it vp to his heuenly father Further seing that thei know according to saint Pauls saiyng that all thinges worke for the best to gods elect Rom. 8. They do verelye also perceyue that all these signes muste be referred therevnto Likewise it is no small comforte that we haue of Christes saying in an other place Mat. 10 All the heares of your heade bee numbered In contrary wise the dispisers of gods word shall with a greate boldenesse set at naughte these signes and shall often haue in theire mothes Peace and quietnes 1 Tes 5. Also this prouerbe What heauen fall But at the laste they shall runne into greate fear for bycause they be drouned in that volupteousnes of this world Thei haue no hope in Christ and therfore thei cā not lift vp their heds vnto this sauiour redemer Wherfore it shall not here need so long explicaciō of the signes to kēs as shall need diligēt admonitiō to faith through which we abide in Christ Christ in vs. For wher this thinge is so brought to passe ther is nother signes trēblingꝭ nor feares No nother sin the deuell hell nother death cā hurt vs. Wilt thou briefly know who abydeth in Christ Ioh. 15 in whom Christ abideth S. Iohn speketh that plainli saieng He that kepeth his cōmaundemētꝭ abideth in Christ Christ in hī What is that commaundement 1. Ioh. 3 That we shuld beleue in the name of his son Iesu Christ one to loue an other Neuertheles brieflye to speak of those signes that S. Luke maketh menciō of wherby al mē may vnderstād how much thei are now done already how much they shal be done herafter Firste of all he saieth that there shall come mani fals prophets False prophets which shal deceue many Oh what an horrible thing is that that they shal come in the name of Christe But here considre the care that Christ taketh for the and execute his commaūdementes then shal there be no ieoperdie at al. Beleue them not saieth Christ nor geue no faith to them Antichrist here may wel be noted Antechrist w●th his false doctrine and his outwarde worshipping of God of the which S. Paule speaketh in the seconde chapter of the seconde epistle to the Thessalonians Secondarely the words of the Euangelist doth shewe
meate and drynke wherewith he feedeth theim that come thereto as they ought do is his owne very fleshe and bloud They that come thereto muste occupye their myndes in consideryng howe his bodye was broken for them and his bloud shed for their redempcion and so ought they to approche to this heauenly table with all humblenes of heart and godlynes of mynde as to the table wherein Christ himselfe is geuen And they that come otherwyse to this holy table they come vnworthely and do not eat drynke Christes fleshe and bloud but eate drynke their owne damnacion because they do not duely consider Christes very fleshe bloud whiche be offered there spiritually to bee eaten dronken but dispisyng Christes most holy supper do come therto as it were to other meates drynkes without regarde of the Lordes body whiche is the spiritual meate of that table Therfore let a mā as sainct Paule sayth examine himselfe and so eate of the bread and drynke of the cuppe for he that eateth and drynketh vnworthely eateth and drinketh his owne damnacion not desernyng the Lordes body Euil persons do not ea●e the body of Christ Thyrdly we can not deny but that both the good and bad do eate and drynke the sacramental bread and wine but besides the sacramentes the good eateth euerlastyng life the euil and wicked membres of the deuil euerlastyng death For they do not eate and drynke the body blud of Christ but as sainct Paule sayth they are gyltie of the body bloud of the Lord and eate drynke their owne damnacion Fourthly it is necessary that we knowe wherevnto this sacrament profiteth and what vtilitee cōmeth to vs by it and what is the power of it And this can no mā learne better any where then of the very wordes wherewith this sacrament was instituted whiche say This is my body geuen for you vnto the remission of synnes Christe ordayned this sacrament of his body and bloud in bread and wine to preache vnto vs that as our bodies be fed norished and preserued with meate drynke so are our hungry soules fed norished and preserued by the body bloud of Christ This same spiritual eatyng and drinkyng of the sayd body and bloud of Christ is not receiued in the mouthe digested in the stomacke but it is receyued with a pure heart a syncere fayth beleuyng that Christe gaue his body to death shed his bloud vpon the crosse for vs that he doth so ioyne and incorporate himself to vs that he is our heade and we his membres hauyng him dwellyng in vs wee in him What thyng can bee more comfortable to vs than to eat this meate and drynke this drynke For he sayth himselfe Iohn 6 He that eateth me shal liue by me Wherfore in this sacramēt receiued with a true fayth we are assured that our synnes be forgeuen whiche thing when we fele in our heates at the receiuyng of the Lordes supper what thyng can be more ioyfull more pleasaunt or more comfortable vnto vs Remission of sinnes is the highest treasure that can be in the worlde Who is it that would not apply his whole study cast in his mynde day night yea go though it were neuer so long a iourney so that he might attaine this treasure Suppose you there bee any ryches in this worlde lyke vnto this Naye verely Why so For the goodes of this worlde be they neuer so excellent neuer so precious great in value neuer so pleasant beautifull yet they ebbe flowe they fall as leaues and thei passe away although in this life onely they comfort man much yea and rather vexe trouble him But this treasure of forgeuenes of synnes when by fayth it is obtained found and set hande vpon it bringeth with it no incertaine deceiuable nor transitory life but a continuall euerlasting and perpetual lyfe also it causeth peace ioye in the holy ghost which shall last for euer Wherefore yt is very necessarye that we with al diligence and studiouse mind serch for this treasure There ar some that are so minded that they thinke that when they haue the worde it is not verye necessary nor maketh no great matter whether they come vnto the sacrament or no and that it is in their liberty whether they wyll take part of the lords table or no. All men ar boūd to receiue the Sacrament But I deny that liberty lai that al mē are so sore bound to remembre this benefite receiued of God through Christ as the apostels wer and often to reuolue it in heart and to giue thanks for it For though I neither can nor will bynd mē vnto a certaine prescript or peculier time to receiue this sacrament yet it is necessarye that wee consider the commaundement of Christe and that oftentymes we accomplishe and in deede fulfyll it Furthermore it is a trewth and can not bee denied but that by the woorde there is offered vnto vs the remission of sinnes And in the same worde is this sacrament commaunded and comprehended so that the one can not bee in onye wise deuided frome the other Fiftely considre nowe who these be that vse this sacrament accordyngly The vse of the lordes supper Douteles that are such as beleue Ther is a promise in the lordes supper that Christ wold giue his owne body vnto death for vs that he wold shed his blud to wash away our sinnes And in this promise there is no douting But what profiteth this promise vnto me excepte I receiue take hold vpon it by faith But yet if I wil be partaker of these thinges it is necessary that I come in faith For euery promise of God is receiued by faith So likewise teacheth the sentēces in the gospell of Iohn Ioh. 6. He that eateth this bread shal liue eternally Item The breade which I wil giue it ys my flesh for the lyfe of the world Item He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud continueth in me and I in him c. Al these sentences ar spoken of faith Now who so cometh vnto the communion of the lordes supper not hauing this faithe then not only hee eateth it not vnto his health and eternall life but muche rather he taketh part of this sacramēt vnto eternal cōdemnaciō as S. Paul in the epistle to the Cor. sufficiently sheweth and teacheth 1 Co. 11. Therfore if thou feele thy sinnes knowest them woldest right gladly be delyuered from them desirest to growe increase and waxe strong in faith well make hast come to this supꝑ For in it thou shalt find not only forgiuenes of sinnes that bi the word but also thou shalt feed thy soul with the body blud of Iesu Christ a great cōforting to thi faith Furthermore this sacrament shuld moue stir vs to friendship to liue quietly in peace vnitie concord to put away all hatred variance
discord to testifie a brotherly vnfained loue betwene vs. For whē we be made al partakers of this one table what ought we to thinke but that we be al mēbres of one spiritual body that we be ioyned togither in one Christe as a greate numbre of graines of corne bee ioyned togither in one lofe Wherefore they that can not bee persuaded to bee good to their christian brethren for whome Christ suffered death when in this sacrament they be put in remembraunce that the sonne of god bestowed his lyfe for his enemyes We see dayly that eating and drinking togither maketh friendes and continueth friendship Muche more then oughte the table of Christ to moue vs so to do whereby we confesse vs to be all membres of one body and acknowledge Christ to be giuen vs of God his father To whome with the sonne and holye ghoste be all honoure and glorye for euer and euer Amen The gospell on the second sermon vppon the passion of our lorde Iohn 18. WHen Iesus had spoken these woordes Mat. 19 Mar 14 Luce. 22 he went forth with his disciples ouer the brooke Cedron wher was a garden into whyche he entred and hys disciples Iudas also whiche betrayed him knew the place for Iesus ofte tymes resorted thyther with his disciples Iudas then after he had receiued a bonde of men ministers of the highe priestes and pharisees came thither with lanternes and fier brandes and weapons And Iesus knowyng all things that shulde come on him went forth and sayde vnto them Whom seeke ye They answered him Iesus of Nazareth Iesus sayth vnto them I am he Iudas also which betrayed hym stode with them As sone then as he had sayde vnto them I am he they went backeward and fell to the grounde Then asked he them againe Whom seek ye They sayde Iesus of Nazareth Iesus answered I haue tolde you that I am he If ye seeke me therfore let these go theyr way that the sayinges might be fulfilled whiche he spake Ioh. 17 Of them which thou gauest me haue I not loste one Then Simon Peter hauynge a sworde drewe it and smote the high priestes seruaunt and cutte of his right eare The seruantes name was Maichus Therfore sayth Iesus vnto Peter Mat. 2● Gene. 9 putte vp thy sworde into the sheath Shall I not drynke of the cuppe whiche my father hath geuen me THE EXPOSITION FOrasmuche dearely beloued as wee haue vndertake to declare vnto you and to set out the deare death and most bytter passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ I haue thought it conuenient and nede also requireth the same that wee should first shew briefly what is the vse of the same passion and what vtilitee and fruit may come by it vnto vs. For there is no greatter folye nor more worthye laughter than to make only suche preachynges as should moue mennes myndes to fret at the Iewes because they dyd suche an horrible cryme against Christ by such wordes take an occasion to curse rebuke the traitour Iudas and to condempne him For surely here are to bee considered thynges farre greatter and higher then those And what thynges are they that we ought here to consider Fyrst wee ought to ponder what were the principal causes of that so great passion whiche the most innocent lābe of God suffered For if this be depely wayed and cōsidered in the heart it shall worke as muche in oure heartes as dothe the preachyng of the lawe whose office is commonly to set before oure eyes the huge greatnes of our synnes to feare vs and to driue vs vnto dispayre But nowe who were they that were the cause of that so paynful death and passion vnto Christ The cause of the doth of Christ Esai 53 that cōmytted that horrible cryme to sley the sōne of God No mā can shewe this more truely nor better then the prophet whiche sayth Because of the transgression of my people I haue slayn him Kepe this sentence diligently in thy mynde And if thou wylt so doo thou shalt haue as great cause to fret at thy selfe as euer thou couldest fynde to bee displeased with the Iewes and that wretched poore felowe Iudas And if that the Lord our God gaue his dearely beloued sōne vnto this passion for the trāsgression and synnes of his people surely we also do put to our workyng helpyng hādes vnto this passion ar also aswel as other authors of his death Haue not we synned also with other Or are we except out of this sentēce Al men haue synned are destitute of the glory of God Rom. 3 Doubtles no mā can here excuse himselfe neither is any mā free frō sinne so that he may lay al the blame vpō the Iewes for Christes death 1 Iho. 2 For as S. Ihō sayth He is the propiciacion obtayner of grace for our synnes not for our synnes onely but also for the synnes of all the worlde Therfore when thou hearest that this innocent Christ was bound scourged spyt vpō and skorned and besydes that beaten vpō the face crouned with thorne crucifyed thou shuldest then call to mynd and remembre Our sinnes crucifyed Christ that thou thy selfe hast done this that thy synnes were the moost iust cause and very occasion of all these thynges Neither must thou remembre thynges lightly but so meditate them in thy mynde that thou mayst knowe thy selfe a most greuous synner and confesse thy selfe suche a one as by thy synnes prouoked so great wrathe and indignacion of God Nor thynke not that thy synnes were light for the whiche it was necessary that the sonne of God shuld come doune frō heauen and suffre the most vyllayn death of the crosse Cōsider also in thy mynd that this passion What profite we haue by the death passion of Christ shedyng of that precious blud was done for thy welth profite that thy synnes and all thy trāsgressions should by effusion of this blud be washed away so thou deliuered frō al thy synnes mightest be made the sonne heyre of God Nowe if thou by fayth takest hold vpō this with all the whole fayth of thy heart trustest wholly vpō it it shal make the fre frō al sinnes recōcile the vnto the heauenly father and bryng perpetual ioy eternal felicitie vnto the. Euen as S. Paule sayth Christ Rom 5. when we were yet weake accordyng vnto the tyme died for the vngodly And scarce wyl any mā dye for the righteous Yet peraduenture some mā dare dye for a good man But in this hath God set out his loue towarde vs that when we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs. Muche more now that we be iustifyed in his bloud we shal be saued frō the wrath by him c. After this maner the woundes of Christ may be vnto the a preachyng of the lawe when thou callest to mynde that he suffered them for thy synnes And agayne when thou remēbrest