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A68802 Iaphets first publique perswasion into Sems tents, or, Peters sermon which was the first generall calling of the gentiles preached before Cornelius / expounded in Cambridge by Thomas Taylor, and now published for the further use of the Church of God. Taylor, Thomas. 1576-1632. 1612 (1612) STC 23830.5; ESTC S118155 214,432 413

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persons Answ. That Abraham and the Israelites were chosen the Ismalites and heathen reiected was no accepting of persons the Lord himselfe declareth that there was no cause at all in the people which furthered his choise of them iust cause there was in them why he should haue passed by them as well as the rest for as they were the fewest of all people Deut. 7.7 so they were the worst and most stiffenecked of all Yea consider Abraham himselfe their father and the father of all the faithfull what cause was in him that God should set his loue vpon himselfe or his posteritie or call him out of Vr of the Chaldeans where he liued in as heathenish Idolatrie as any of the rest in so much as God by his Prophet puts them in minde of the pit whence they were hewne and telleth them their father was an Amorite their mother an Hittite If it be stil asked what cause then was there why this people should aboue all other be chosen to partake in the couenant of life the Lord himselfe directly answereth that there was no cause without himselfe that mooued him hereunto it was onely his free loue and meere good will The Lord loued you because he loued you Deut. 7.8 Obiect But when God electeth one to saluation and reiecteth another he seemeth to accept of persons for all lie alike in the same condition Answ. The obiection answeareth it selfe for in that all lie alike in the same masse and all are corrupted it is plaine that election and reprobation depend not vpon any thing outward for seeing matter inough to condemne all all beeing sold vnder sinne and no more matter of loue in those whome he choseth then in those whome he refuseth we must neeeds conclude with the Apostle that he chooseth freely whom he will and whom he will he iustly reprobateth and refuseth If it be here alleadged that it seemeth hard that those that are all equal in Adam should be so vnequally dealt with I answer may not the Lord doe with his owne what he will who art thou that darest dispute with God or prescribe lawes to thy Creator who is it that bindeth him or spoyleth him of his soueraigntie ouer his creatures that he may not deale with one thus and with an other another way Obiect But when God iudgeth men according to their workes doth he not accept of men by ●utward things and did not the Lord accept persons when he respected Abel and his sacrifice but to Caine and his sacrifice had no respect Answer God iudgeth men according to workes but not as they are outward actions but as they are fruits of faith purifying the heart and working by loue thus onely he lookes on them with acceptance whereas be they neuer so many and glorious without faith he reiecteth them so as still he iudgeth by that which is within and not by things without further then they testifie of the former As for Abel his face and person was no more respected then Caines it was the faith of his heart the feare of God and working of righteousnesse that was accepted and which is witnessed Heb. 11.4 By faith Abel offred a greater sacrifice then Cain by the which he obtained witnes that he was righteous So as notwithstanding all that can be said to the contrarie it remaineth an vndeniable conclusion That God is no accepter of persons Vse 1. If God accept not nor reiect men for outward respects no more must those who would be like vnto him And hence sundrie sorts of men are to be instructed in their dutie As 1. Magistrates who are Gods vicegerents and called gods yea called by God to execute his iudgements must beware of respecting persons in iudgement Deut. 1.17 Moses appointing Iudges ouer the people sendeth them away with this charge Yea shall haue no respect of persons in iudgement but shall heare the small aswell as the great yee shall not feare the face of man for the iudgement is Gods This corruption yeelded vnto makes a man say to the wicked thou art righteous and layeth him open not only to the curse of God but euen to the curse of the people Nay more he maketh God so farre as lyeth in him a patron of iniquitie a iustifier of the wicked a taker of the vngodly by the hand a condemner and punisher of the innocent for he pronounceth sentence from God and fastneth that vpon the Lord which the Lord abhorres 2. Ministers who are the mouth and messengers of God must take heed of this base sinne of accepting the face ●or persons of men so as for feare or flatterie they hide or betraie any part of the truth of God The Herodians could say that Christ taught the way of God truly because he respected not the face of man Mark 12.14 What a strait charge giueth the Apostle Paul to Timothie that he should preferre no man in his ministry and doe nothing with partialitie It was a worthy commendation of Levi that the law of truth was in his mouth iniquitie was not found in his lips hee walked with God in peace and equitie and so turned many from iniquitie Whereas on the contrary what a wicked thing it is to preach for hire reward fauour and yet leane vpon the Lord See in Micah 3.11 3. Ordinarie professors may not accept persons 1. not in ciuill things For when elections offices and cōmon benefits are passed and bestowed partially for frendship money kinred fauour or entreatie this is the ruine of all societies and a bringer in of all corruption especially when men haue taken oathes to a corporation to the contrarie the sinne is like an infolded disease more incurable and dangerous 2. In matters of religion much lesse notwithstanding this sinne be many waies committed As 1. to haue the faith of God in respect of persons which the Apostle Iames noteth in this instance when a man with a gold ring or goodly apparel be he neuer so wicked is magnified and aduanced aboue another who is not so outwardly gawdie but inwardly arraied with the white garments of Christs righteousnesse and adorned with the Iewells of faith loue holynes and sinceritie which the world taketh little knowledge of 2. To accept the word because he is a man of pompe that bringeth it a rich man or a freind the Corinthes were iustly blamed for partiall hearing and holding some to Paul some to Apollos some to Cephas Who is Paul who is Apollos who is Cephas are not they all Ministers by whome yee beleeue Ahab will not heare Micah because he hateth his person but he shall iustly fall for it at Ramoth Gilead 3. To reiect the profession of religion because it wanteth countenance and credit at most hands and a few poore ones only receiue it Many Protestants can heare vs iustly confute the Popish doctrine and practise in that they embrace their religion in respect of persons that is of the outward
the spirit vpon good and badde as the former illumination and assent is but a speciall fauour and extraordinarie grace proper to the elect as wee haue heard and the stranger entreth not into this their ioy The second point to be considered is the benefit or excellent fruite of this grace 1. It is the first stone to be laid in the building of a Christian and therefore called a substance and foundation and the Colossians are said to be rooted and built and stablished in the faith this is that rocky foundation which shal beare vp the house against all winds and weathers It is the first worke of change in the heart and the first difference betweene man and man when God by faith purifieth the heart It is the foundation of all obedience for whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne It is the roote of all Gods worship for till we beleeue in God we can neither trust nor hope nor loue nor pray nor performe any other part of his seruice truely or acceptably It is the mother of all good workes the word is the seede of them which faith conceiueth and digesteth and so bringeth forth commanded and commended actions Generall faith knoweth the worke to be good in the kind of it and speciall iustifying faith beginneth it and maketh it good in the person and endeuour of the doer and layeth hold vpon Christ to couer the defects of it Hence is it that often in the Scriptures we reade it to bee the first commandement giuen by Christ and his Apostles to such as were desirous to know the way of life and how they might please God The Iewes come to our Sauiour and aske him what they might doe to worke the workes of God and Christ beginning here telleth them that this is the worke of God that they beleeue in him whome hee hath sent And 1. Ioh. 3.23 This is his commandement that we beleeue in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another for we cannot performe any worke of loue before we beleeue In one word faith is the verie soule of all obedience without which the most sightly and glorious actions be it of almes prayer preaching hearing worship or miracles themselues all are but verie corpses and carkases of good workes dead and liueles Secondly faith exalteth it selfe aboue all other graces not onely in the excellent obiect of it which is Christ and saluation but also in the excellent worke of it aboue them all notwithstanding they all haue their speciall excellencies it espouseth vs vnto Iesus Christ and in these espousalls and contract for the present it assureth vs of our mariage with him hereafter And beeing the condition of the new couenant of life it tieth God himselfe vnto vs who is not further bound to any man then he is a beleeuer True it is that loue placeth it selfe vpon Christ but it is after faith for hee must be apprehended before he be loued Hope waiteth for saluation but faith first beleeueth it Trust leaneth vpon the promises but faith first laieth hold on Christ the author and accomplisher of them And though the Apostle say that of faith hope and loue loue is the cheifest himselfe interpreteth it to be in respect of durance and continuance but not in respect of our iustification or acceptation with God Loue indeed suruiueth and lasteth longest for our sight of God as hee is shall vanish faith but yet faith is before it and the mother of it Thirdly sauing faith is a liuing thing and maketh a man to liue by it It purgeth his owne dwelling by purifying the heart conscience it reneweth the spirit and mind it quickneth to all good duties for it beeing an instrument to vnite vnto Christ by it as by a bond of vnion wee receiue from him our head life and power to mooue and stirre in Christian duties yea it so gouerneth the whole life that we henceforth liue not but Christ liueth in vs. In our busines and labour it maketh men diligent in the worke but leaue the successe to God In temporall wants it saith with Abraham God will prouide at least in the mountaine it careth not so much for bread as the staffe of it if it haue meanes it blesseth God and vseth them but trusteth not in them if it haue them not it resteth on God but vseth no vnlawfull courses for them In afflictions it stablisheth the heart with assurāce of a good issue and still waiteth the Lords leasure without making hast In temptations it goeth against sence and feeling and resteth vpon the naked promise yea when it can scarse apprehend any thing but wrath it will vphold the heart and reare it euen when God seemeth to kill him to trust in his mercie In the vse of things spirituall as the word Sacraments prayer and other holy means onely faith draweth vertue from Christ and all of them are vnprofitable further then they are mingled with faith In the vse of temporall it is faith that weaneth the heart and keepeth it that earthly cares choake it not earthly pleasures possesse it not and earthly comforts oppresse it not but it holdeth the mind heauenly in the midst of earthly busines suffreth it not to loue pleasures more then God nor to enioy any comfort of the creature aboue or against the comforts of God and his word whom they acknowledge the verie life of their liues and the soule of their soules and bodies here and for euer Thus is faith euerie where diffused if wee walke we walke by faith if we liue we liue by faith in the Sonne of God if we stand we stand by faith if we die wee must die in faith as the Patriarks did Hebr. 11.13 4. This excellent grace only fenceth against temptation quieteth the distressed soule and keepeth it from sinking as once it did Peter Matth. 14.29 This is the only sheild which quencheth all the firie darts of the Deuill Eph. 6.16 and 1. Pet. 5.9 Your adversarie the Deuil goeth about like a roaring lyon whome resist stedfast in the faith This is the victorie also that ouercommeth the world euen our faith 1. Ioh. 5.4 This the conquest ouer the lusts of our owne flesh 1. Thess. 5.8 be sober and put on the brestplate of faith Againe as it moundeth and fenseth so it stilleth the heart disquieted and distressed when it seeth it selfe beset with spirituall wickednesses and lusts and euen almost drowned in the gulfs of sinnefull and earthly courses Therefore the poore Iaylor that could not tell what to doe with himselfe that of an vnhappie man now readie to kill himselfe he might become happie and an heire of saluation was sent no where else by the Apostle but to the doctrine and practise of this grace of faith This only resolueth fully the question Oh what shall I doe to be saued Beleeue in the Lord Iesus and thou shalt be saued hee getteth no other answer of Paul because hee well knew
the naturalnesse and soundnesse of it may be discerned of such as are willing to try the same The third marke or note of true iustifying faith is by the attendants and companions of it for this beeing as Queene among the vertues goeth not alone but with all the traine of vertues as hand maids attending vpon her The cheife of them are these fowre 1. A true knowledge of the word of God acknowledging it in part and in whole to be the truth of God and that himselfe is straitly bound to beleeue and embrace the same and that he hath a speciall part in the promise of grace and life by Christ in which grace he resteth himselfe daily growing vp in the certaintie and assurance of his salvation 2. A sound ioy of the heart which the Apostle Peter calleth vnspeakeable and glorious breaking out into thankefull praises in that the Lord hath begunne his happinesse by making Christ his wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption The poore blind and lame persons of whom wee reade in the Gospel neuer leaped more ioyfully when they had met with Christ and had their eyes opened and their limbs restored by him thē he that hath met with him receiued him into his heart to enlighten him to quicken him and to heale him of all his infirmities How gladly did Zacheus receiue Christ with what ioy of heart findeth any man the hidden pearle how did the Enuch converted goe away reioycing And all this is because they can valew such a commoditie as this is which they see God hath made their owne for if they either knew it not or not to bee theirs they could not thus ioy in it 3. Christian hope is another handmaid of faith for so the Apo●stle teacheth Rom. 5.2 beeing iustified by faith wee haue peace c. we reioyce vnder the hope of the glorie of God For this is the speciall worke of hope to wait for and reioyce in the expectation of the glorious appearing of the Lord Iesus And hence is it that whereas vnbeleeuers are glewed to the earth and cannot thinke of heauen but either with sorrowe or a formall and false ioy and what meruaile is it that those who haue no better should set their hearts vpon the worse beleeuers haue preserued in them a willingnes to leaue this world and to be with Christ which is best of all yea so sweete is their present tast of Christ through faith and hope that they are vnquiet till they bee filled with the fruition of his fullnesse being often in his absence sicke of loue and pine away till they bee with him whom their soule loueth 4. An assured trust relying vpon God beleeuing his word of promise to raise and feede the heart of threatning to shake it and cast it downe and submitting it selfe to the counsell and good pleasure of God because his faith hath let him see the truth the wisedome the equitie and righteousnesse of all these Such a mans heart setteth nothing aboue God in prosperitie it distrusteth not but hath God for his God in aduersitie it endeauoureth in all things to walke with God it is a sweete vsher and disposer of the whole life so as it is most obedient to the word and most full of comfort and sweetnes to it selfe The fourth marke or note of true faith is taken from the infallible fruits and effects of it which are many I will onely note fowre of the principall First it frameth and fitteth the owne habitation it purifieth the heart it suffereth not vncleane thoughts vnlawfull lusts or wandring motions to harbour there it guideth the affections of loue hatred ioy sorrowe and the rest that a man loue nothing more or so much as God and his image he hateth not mens persons but their sinnes no mans sinne so much as his owne he reioyceth in nothing so much as in doing the will of God this is as his meat and drinke he sorroweh for nothing in the world so much as for offending so good and patient a God This pure heart also guideth the words with wisedome and maketh it his chiefe studie how to preserue with faith good conscience in euery thing Secondly faith worketh by loue Gal. 5.6 both towards God and towards man towards him that begate and him that is begotten yea and him that is yet not begotten This loue of God expresseth it selfe 1. in much thankefulnesse vnto him who hath loued vs first who hath giuen so much euen his Sonne and all things with him pertaining to life and godlinesse who hath forgiuen vs so much and to whom many sinnes are forgiuen they must loue much who hath done so great things for vs by becomming our portion our treasure and our cheife good 2. In shame for our vnkindnesse vnto him both before and euen since we knewe this his loue in Christ and haue beene acquainted with his wayes taking vp with shame in our faces sorrowe into our hearts for the sinnes of our youth and of our age against the lawe the rule of righteousnesse but especially against the glorious Gospel which of all other are least obserued 3. In desire of that blessed fellowship of his when and where we may neuer sinne against him any more accounting one day within his holy of holies better then a thousand besides and much more to be euer with the Lord and to enioy the pleasures at his right hand for euermore to be at home with him and sit downe with Abraham Isaac and Iacob yea with Iesus Christ himselfe should make vs grone in our soules and say with Dauid Oh when shall I appeare in this thy presence The Spirit saith come and the Spouse saith come Euen so come Lord Iesus come quickly The loue of men by which faith worketh discouereth it selfe not only in iust dealing with them as we would be dealt by which many ciuill men endued only with ciuill righteousnesse haue excelled in nor only in mercifull distribution of outward comforts for the releeuing of the bodies of our brethren yea and of our enemies which hardlier goeth downe with the vnconuerted then the former but also in shewing most loue vnto their soules in helping forward their conversion and saluation For so soone as any man is conuerted hee will strengthen the brethren Faith wheresoeuer it liueth it loueth and loue beeing an hand giuing out mooueth men conuerted to counsell exhort rebuke admonish comfort pray and waite when God will giue vnto others the grace of repentance As soone as Andrew was called hee bringeth his brother Simon to Christ. No sooner had Christ found Phillip but Phillip finding Nathaniel hee bringeth him to Christ. The woman at the well no sooner heareth that Christ was the Messiah but shee bringeth all the citie In finding this treasure the Christian cannot hide his ioy neither can any mans ioy be so full vnlesse hee with others reioyce together For it is not here as in earthly things which the more
faith as any but neuer prise such a pearle as it is can a man haue such a commoditie but he shall valew it according to the worth but these thinke themselues neuer the richer for it they haue more sense and ioy in the smallest and most trifling earthly profit then that Christ is become their gaine which although they professe yet this vndervaluing of him in their hearts giueth their tongues the lie Besides if they did esteeme of faith indeede they would professe it boldly and confesse it to all the world whereas they are ashamed of Christ before men and cast themselues into the night with Nicodemus as fearing least if they should come to Christ by day men would see them whose praise they loue aboue the praise of God and whose reproach they feare aboue the rebuke of the Almightie But how vnlike is this to the faith of the Saints whereby they could esteeme the rebukes of Christ aboue the treasures of Egypt And further were it so they made reckoning of their faith they would much more care for the end of it for ●ound faith carrieth the heart euen in the constant wayting and wishing for Christs appearance but these rather feare it then hope it Now what a faith is that which neuer careth to come to the ende of it that faine would still be pitching vpon earth saying with Peter when he wist not what he said It is good beeing here Is this faith an euidence of things not seene or doth it looke at things within the vaile 5. Another sort would be loath to be otherwise accounted but true beleeuers and yet their faith worketh no chāge in thē how their hearts are purified witnes the vncleannes enuy drunkennes oathes iniustice couetousnesse contempt of the ministerie profanations of the sabbaths of God in themselues and theirs these and the like proceede from within and by the wares in the shop any man may know how the warehouse is stored And as this faith purgeth not the nastie corners of the heart no more doth it the mouth but that venteth according to the abundant foulenesse of the heart and is filled with vnlceane vnsauourie or vnfruitfull speaches Further as they were at first enemies to God and goodnes so they abide still and are no changelings Here is no faith working by loue neither to God for they will doe nothing for him will be at no costs or paines for him and as little will they suffer for his sake not a reproachfull word much lesse will they reioyce in suffring neither to Gods children these can they pinch and disgrace whereas loued they him that begat they would loue those that are begotten of him As for helping others to heauen they are so farre from it as that if any will cast an eye that way they can tell what he is presently and they would be loath to be such an hypocrite or precise foole as hee is To conclude although true faith is most industrious in the meanes of preseruing and increasing it selfe these men hold their wont enemies to the word were they and so are they still they neglect the meanes and absent themselues from the Ministrie and can no more beleeue then Thomas who was absent when Christ came and shewed himselfe to the rest of the Disciples and that which they do heare they mingle not with faith and so it becommeth vnprofitable The Lyon roareth they feare not in their hearts because they apply not the threats of the law against their own sinnes The Gospel propoundeth promises of life and saluation but they trust God no further then they see him they reioyse no more in them then they can in another mans mony or evidences they pray not to be taught of God nor heare to be increased in faith nor meditate nor conferre of the things they heare further to edifie themselues and others in their most holy faith Now will these fruits stand with faith or if they will not is faith so common as men pretend but I hope I haue a little helped many a man to see by this application how that his gold is turned into copper and his faith but into a dreame and fancie Vse 2. This doctrine teacheth euery man to labour for the truth of this grace as earnestly as for saluation it selfe for this is the scope of all the Prophets to bring men not so much to faith as to the end of faith through the Messiah which is saluation And hence is it that faith is said to saue beleeue and thou shalt be saued and in many places and phrases besides the Lord ascribeth that to the instrument which belongeth to himselfe the principall efficient 1. Both to shew the excellencie of the grace in it selfe in that it comprehendeth such an excellent obiect as Christ heauen and happinesse which are infinite and holdeth such great things beeing absent as present in the hand of it 2. As also the necessitie of it to the partie that looketh for saluation for hee that beleeueth not must needs be damned yea is damned alreadie For 1. hee hath not set his seale that God is true but so far as hee can hath made him a lyer 2. hee hath defiled all his actions and lost all his labour 3. hee hath disabled God from doing him good who cannot saue him that lieth in the state of infidelitie 4. hee hath shut heauen against himselfe for without shall be vnbeleeuers and if infirmitie of faith in Moses the seruant of God shut him out of Canaan what shal the want of it in the wicked doe but shut them out of the heauenly Canaan which is a rest prepared only for the people of God 3. To teach in what an high reckoning it is with God who is the author of it the finisher of it the accepter and approouer of it yea of a graine of it and not of it only but of our persons and imperfect works because of it and consequently that euery beleeuer should make as high account of it as of saluation it selfe it leading to the very gate of heauen nay beeing the threshold ouer which euery one must steppe that meaneth to enter into the holy citie 3. Vse This teacheth vs that seeing the Ministrie of the Prophets Apostles Pastors and teachers was instituted to this purpose to beget and confirme men in the faith all such as frequent the Ministerie must be carefull to grow vp in the strength of faith For otherwise they frustrate to themselues this holy ordinance for the summe of our commission is this Goe teach all nations he that beleeueth shall be saued Mark 16.16 And what is Paul Apollos or any other ordinarie Minister but the Ministers of your faith both for the begetting and confirming of the same So as whosoeuer vnder the Ministrie wanteth either the worke of faith or the working of it to further strength and degrees that Ministrie is by him peruerted to his owne danger and damnation without repentance And
former This Righteousnesse is a grace of God whereby the beleeuer is inclined vnto honest actions according to the prescript of Gods law When I say a grace of God I vnderstand that righteousnesse whereof a man in the state of grace is by grace made partaker and exclude all that originall righteousnesse which was set in the nature of man by his creation whereby he was wholly conformable to the image and righteousnesse of God further saying that the beleeuer is hereby inclined to honest actions three things are implied 1. That this righteousnesse is not that imputed righteousnesse of Christ which is a most exact conformitie of the humane nature of Christ with all his actions and suffrings performed of him in our stead with the whole law of God whereby we are wholly couered as with a garment in the sight of God but rather a fruit of that namely that infused and inherent righteousnesse wrought in the heart of euery beleeuer by the singer of the spirit whereby the image of God is daily renewed and repaired in him and so himselfe inclined to workes of righteousnesse to which he is now created 2. That subiect of this righteousnesse is the Beleeuer for all the workes of vnbeleeuers whose mind and conscience are defiled Tit. 1.15 inward or outward cannot be other then sinne and vnrighteousnesse 3. That the next efficient cause of it is liuely faith beeing the instrument of the holy Ghost by which he begetteth this righteousnesse wheresoeuer it is now faith produceth this righteousnesse in vs not as it is an excellent gift of God nor as an excellent qualetie in vs but only as it is an hand or instrument apprehending and laying hold vpon Christ who iustifying vs by his owne righteousnesse imputed and by his spirit regenerating and sanctifying our natures is the verie proper cause of this infused and inherent righteousnesse The last words in the description according to the prescript of Gods law shew that then a worke is righteous when it is framed according to the right rule of the law of God it being the onely perfect rule of all righteousnesse Mens laws are rules also but imperfect and no further yet so farre bind as they are agreable vnto Gods The second point is the working of righteousnesse wherein 1. the order 2. the manner The order is in the words first to feare God and then to work righteousnesse all the duties of loue must be founded in faith and the feare of God for whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne and the feare of God is the very seede and life of all true obedience which the wise man implyeth when he calleth it the head and beginning of wisedome that looke as all sence sloweth from the head so all heauenly sence and motion from the feare of the Lord. Which sheweth that many men beginne at the wrong ende in the matter of their obedience some thinke they doe God high seruice if they come to Church say some prayers heare a sermon things not to be dissalowed but know not how f●rre they are from pleasing God herein because they bring not hearts renewed with faith and repent●nce nor soules possessed with hope loue and the true knowledge of God without which the Lord accounteth their sacrifices but maimed and professeth his hatred against them others place all their holinesse and obedience in the workes and duties of the second table If they be liberall to the poore iust in their dealing sober and ciuill in their conuersation though they liue in grosse ignorance of God and his word vtterly carelesse of the wayes and worship of God yet conceiue themselues in as good case as any other man which is all one as to account that man a liuing man who hath no head the feare of God being to true religion euen as the head to the bodie of a man besides that they thrust the second table into the place of the first inverting the order of God yea they pull and breake a sunder the two tables which the Lord hath so nerely conioyned Now for the right manner of working righteousnesse it appeareth in these rules 1. It setteth all the rule before it and endeuoureth in all if it were possible to fulfill all righteousnesse for seeing all the commandements of God are truth and righteousnesse they are all without exception to be obserued And this although it be necessarily implied in the text yet is it else-where expressed Deut. 5.29 Oh that there were in them such an heart as to feare me and keepe all my commandements A second thing required is diligence which must needes attend feare How diligent a vertue feare is appeareth in Iacob who beeing to meete his brother whom he feared could not sleepe all night and in Abraham who hauing a most difficult commandement to slay his sonne yet rose early and went three dayes iourney without reasoning the matter But what mooued him hereto surely the Lord himselfe sheweth the true cause Gen. 22.12 Now I know that thou fearest God seeing thou hast not spared thine only sonne 3. Delight in the workes of righteousnesse which also attendeth the feare of the Lord Psal. 112.1 Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord he delighteth greatly in his commandements both to thinke of them to speake of them and to doe them Whereas the worldlings heart speach and affection is taken vp with his gaine commoditie rents and income For as the feare of God it selfe is not a seruile and slauish feare for punishment no more is that obedience which proceedeth from it forced or wrung out but as it is such a feare as delighteth greatly in Gods commandements so the obedience is such as is offred from a willing people like a free will offring which they must only offer whose heart encourageth them and whose spirit maketh them willing 4. Continuance in working for this is another propertie of the true feare of God that it respecteth not only all the commandements but alwaies and seeing Gods feare is to keepe the heart continually and that man is blessed that feareth alwaies this inseperable fruite of it working of righteousnesse must neuer wither or faile in the godly who are exhorted to passe the whole time of their dwelling here in feare to walke with God as Henoch did and to haue their conuersation in heauen that is their whole practise and course and not a part of it only Hence therefore is affoarded an other ground of exhortation namely that howsoeuer this is not such a righteousnesse as wherein we can stand before Gods iudgement seat not beeing euerie way answerable to the lawes perfection yet we want not good reason to take vp the practise of it in the manner prescribed Seeing 1. it is commanded by God Psal. 4.6 offer to God the sacrifice of righteousnesse 2. It pleaseth him and makes vs also pleasing vnto him for the former Psal. 11.7 The righteous Lord loueth righteousnesse the
latter is the latter words of the verse in hand 3. It maketh vs like him 1. Ioh. 3.7 little children he that doth righteousnesse is righteous as he is righteous 4. it is a marke of our regeneration and a fruit of faith easier discerned then it selfe 1. Ioh. 3.10 In this are the children of God knowne and the children of the deuill he that doth not righteousnesse is not of God 5. much blessing is vpon the head of the righteous saith Salomon The blessing of God comes downe vpon him and discends to his posteritie God hath blessed him and hee shall be blessed in his person in his estate in his name in his goods in this life and in the life to come The blessing of men also comes vpon him the loines of the poore blesse him the Church of God blesseth him yea turne him what way he will the blessing of goodnesse meeteth him euerie way God giueth him according to the worke of his hands often euen here in this life and if that should faile he being marked for a member of the Church militant he shall be in due time remooued into the holy mountaine of heauen where he shall dwell who worketh righteousnesse Psal. 15.2 Thus much of the description of a religious person now of his priuiledge Secondly the priuiledge of a religious man is that a beleeuer of any nation vnder heauen of any calling sex or condition of life is accepted of God Where it may be asked whether God whose grace is most free be bound by any thing which any man can do to accept of him I answer a man is to be considered two wayes 1. as in the state of his corrupt nature before his calling and conuersion and thus he hath nothing worthie loue and nothing which prouoketh not further hatred here are no works which are not wicked and stained such a filthy puddle cannot send out one droppe of sweete water not any cleane thing can be brought out of such filthinesse all this while can be no acceptance of the person or of the work no sight of any present obiect in such a partie nor any foresight of any future faith or worke whereby the Lord can be mooued to accept him for then the freedome of his grace should be hindered 2. As he is conuerted and now reconciled vnto God called by the word regenerated by the spirit and hauing his heart purified by faith Now the Lord looking vpon him sees him not as he was before all naked and lying in his blood and filthinesse but beholding him in the face of his Christ he espieth his owne image vpon him yea and his owne workmanship vpon him and thus commeth the person to be first accepted And then in the second place the worke of such a person cannot but be also pleasing vnto God not for any worthines or perfection in it selfe for euen the best worke of the best man from imperfect faith and imperfect knowledge is so farre from meriting as that it needeth pardon but 1. because it commeth from an accepted person 2. is a fruit of faith 3. a testimonie of obedience vnto Gods commandement 4. the imperfection and staine of it is couered and wiped awaie with Christs most absolute obedience And thus both the person fearing God and his working of righteousnesse is accepted of God Vse 1. To comfort the godly poore who find but strange entertainment in the world where they are strangers who hence learne that as the world loueth her owne so God loueth and accepteth his owne in what countrie or condition soeuer they be the which comfort if they had not to sustaine their hearts withall they could not but thinke themselues the most miserable of all men so many sinnes they see which God may see in them so many temptations with which they are daily toyled so many discouragements without them to cast them downe or backe at the least against all which this one consideration shall be able to beare them vp that the eies of the Lord are vpon them that feare him and by these eyes he seeth their wants to supply them their iniuries to relieue them their sorowes to mitigate them their hearts to approoue them and their workes to accept them 2. Those that feare God must also be accepted and respected of vs as they be of God and it cannot be that those who loue God should not loue his image in his children Dauids delight was wholly in the Saints and such as excelled in vertue so must we frame our iudgement and practise to the Saints of God before vs who haue made but small account of great men if wicked and preferred very meane ones fearing God before them Thus that worthy Prophet Elisha who contemned not the poore Shunamite fearing God told wicked Iehoram king of Israel that if he had not regarded the presence of good Iehosaphat he would not so much as haue looked toward him or seen him Nay euen the Lord himselfe hath gone before vs herein for example who for most part respecteth poore and meane ones to cal them to partake of his grace passing by the great noble and euerie way more likely of respect if we should iudge according to the outward appearance Dauid the least of his brethren was chosen king Gideon the least in all his fathers house appointed by God the deliuerer of his people and indeede the meanest Christian beeing discended of the blood of Christ and so nobly borne deserueth most respectiue entertainement in the best roome of our hearts 3. This doctrine teacheth all sorts of men to turne their course from such earnest seeking after honours profits preferments and such things which make men accepted amongst men and as eagerly to pursue the things which would bring them to be accepted of God such as are faith feare of God loue of righteousnesse good conscience and the like which things bring not onely into fauour with God but often get the approbation of men at least so farre as God seeth good for his children Rom. 14.17 18. The kingdome of God is not meate and drinke that is hath not such neede of such indifferent things as these are but righteousnesse peace and ioy in the holy Ghost those are the essentiall things to be respected of all such as are the subiects of that kingdome of grace And to vrge the godly hereunto marke the Apostles reason in the next verse for whosoeuer in these things serueth Christ is ACCEPTABLE vnto God and approoued of men such a mans wayes please the Lord and then he maketh his enemies become his freinds Vers. 36. The which word he declared or sent to the children of Israel preaching peace by Iesus Christ which is Lord of all Of all other readings I follow this not onely as the plainest but because it most aptly knitteth this verse with the former as a cleare proofe of it For hauing said that now he knewe that whosoeuer whether Iew or Gentile did now purely worship
necessarie obedience so to do 4. doubting is forbidden and therefore no vertue but a vice Math. 14. O thou of little faith why doubtest thou Obiect But experience teacheth that euery man is full of doubting and therefore no faithfull man can beleeue it Answ. The consequent is false seeing this doubting exerciseth but destroyeth not faith and that they goe together not only the speach of our Sauiour formerly alledged but the prayer of the father of the child prooueth Lord I beleeue helpe my vnbeleefe as also the two natures of which euerie Christian consisteth flesh and spirit which are in continuall combate Obiect But no man can knowe Gods minde and so cannot be assured Answ. By his minde is there meant his secret will but his minde revealed wee may and must a part of which is that whosouer beleeueth in his name shall receiue remission of sinnes which generall promise while we specially apply to our selues the spirit begetteth this assurance Obiect But we are commanded stil to feare Blessed is he that feareth alwayes Ans. We must not feare the mercie of God concerning saluation but carrie a reuerent feare in regard of Gods iudgements 2. we are to feare in regard of our selues and sinnes by which we deserue the iudgements of God as well as others but this is not contrarie to the assurance of forgiuenesse of sinnes for mercie is with thee that thou maist be feared which the holy Prophet would neuer haue said if feare could not stand with assurance of mercie 3. such a feare is commanded as may shake our securitie but not to driue away the boldnesse of faith a feare of falling into sinne not of falling away from grace a feare least we offend a mercifull God but not least he take away his mercie from vs. A second let is the want of iudgement to discerne aright of the best things and of resolution to purchase or practise that which a truely enformed iudgement concludeth to bee the best This was the sinne taxed in Martha who sawe not the greatest good neere her as Mary did And the world is full of Marthaes who willingly hurried with many earthly distractions vtterly neglect the one thing necessarie namely their reconciliation with God and the things which serue to vphold and maintaine the Christian life whereby Christ should liue in them and they in him What else is it that maketh men runne ouer sea and land to prouide for the bodie and bodily life and in the meane time cast off all the care and meanes of the knowledge of God and conscience of their waies but that they see no profit in seruing God they tast a little sweetnesse of the creature but not of the creator himselfe a small peice of earth hath more sauour to them then the God of heauen This is it that causeth men to walke painfully all the weeke in their personall and particular calling but all the weeke and sabbath too neglect the generall calling of a Christian whereas had they any iudgement in the things of God reason would teach them that the particular must yeelde to the generall as the inferiour giue place to the superiour Yea this is it which strongly forceth men to choose the profits and pleasures of this life which altogether crosse and hinder this cheife principall care of gaining the fauour of God because they doe not follow the rules of wisedome which esteemeth of things according to their degree and measure of goodnesse and not aboue Which if men would giue themselues to bee ruled by they would with the Saints of God in this comparison account but meanely of the things in the highest account with earthly minded men The Apostle Paul comparing his gaine of Christ with the gaine of the world he esteemed this as losse yea as dung which indeede is the right estimate of it in this comparison Holy Dauid would rather be a door-keeper where Gods face may shine vpon him then enioy the honours and pleasures of the world in the pallaces of Princes without it Salomon himselfe the wisest and welthiest of all men after good triall pronounced of all earthly indowments abstracted from the feare and fauour of God that they were vanitie and vexation of spirit and determineth this to be the summe of all to feare God and keepe his commandements Thus are the wise mans eyes in his head and his heart is at his right hand both for deliberating executing of things most necessarie to be done whereas the heart of the foole is at his left hand he doth all as it were with a left hand for want of this iudgement A third and maine lette are friuolous and fleshly conceits which dead and quench any such motions as otherwise might prouoke men to this care of remission of sinnes As 1. what neede I be so foolish and precise I haue liued well hitherto without all this adoe if God loued me not he would neuer haue blessed mee as hee hath done Ans. But looke to thy selfe who thus reasonest It is not inough to say God loueth mee but to haue sure euidence of it yea surer euidences then any thou yet speakest of I meane common and outward blessings which like the sunne or the raine are generally disposed to the good and bad and by which no man can know loue or hatred Againe Gods loue goeth with election iustification sanctification effectuall calling faith loue hope patience repentance mortification Examine thy selfe by these notes for if God loue thee as his child thou louest him and keepest his commandements thou louest not sinne but hatest it euen thy dearest sinnes and preseruest a care to please him in all things Ioh. 14.23 If any man loue mee hee will keepe my word and my Father will loue him and we will come vnto him 2. Whereas they say that others which nourish this care are as much crossed as any other and therefore they see no reason that they should make their life so vncomfortable to no purpose let them know that all the crosses Gods children whose care is to make vp their peace with God are exercised with 1. proceed from the loue of God and not from hatred 2. they are trialls of graces not punishments of sinnes 3. their end is not reiection from God but through their purging and amendment to draw them nearer vnto God 4. By this reason Christ and his Apostles might haue beene refused and all the Saints of God who through many afflictions are passed into heauen 5. The way to auoid crosses and punishments is to intend this one care of getting sinne remitted And 6. if the way to heauen be so strawed with crosses what is the way to hell If the righteous scarcely be saued where shall the wicked and sinner appeare 3. Whereas they obiect further against this care that men of good note and perhappes Preachers too account it but fantasticall and more then needs and only a few and those despised ones in the
common to all times one common saluation preached by the same Christ who is the same yesterday to day and for euer who is the Lambe slaine from the beginning not actually but by the efficacie of his sacrifice the vertue of which to come they laid hold one to saluation as we doe vpon it past and accomplished alreadie Thus Abel beleeued and receiued testimonie that he was iust before God Heb. 11.4 Thus Noe was made heyre of the righteousnesse which is by faith Euery religion will not saue the professours there is but one way and that a strait one that leadeth to life We come into this world one way we depart many waies so there is but one way to find life euerlasting but many waies to loose it only Christ is the way by his doctrine by his merit by his example euen the newe and liuing way his blood is euer fresh euer trickling down and euer liuing it quickneth them that walke in it and refresheth them with new strength neuer any rent the vaile but he neuer any but he made a high way into the holy of holies in the highest heauen neuer any came to the Father but by him neither was peace euer preached in any other name but his who is Lord ouer all blessed for euer Which is Lord of all Christ may be said to be Lord of all two waies 1. More generally he is with the Father and holy Ghost Lord of all things vnto whom all creatures by right of creation euen the very deuills are subiect Thus he ruleth in the very midst of his enemies disposing of the wicked and their mallice to his owne glorie In this respect he is both owner and possessor of all things and a susteyner and maintainer of all things and that by his word Heb. 1.3 2. More specially he is Lord of all men whether Iewes or Gentiles beleeuing in his name euen a Lord of his Church and in this latter sence Christ is called Lord of all in this place Now Christ is Lord of his Church consisting of Iew and Gentile 1. Because God hath giuen the Church vnto him for his inheritance Psal. 2.8 I will giue thee the Heathen for thine inheritance which beeing a prophecie of the calling of the Gentiles implieth that the kingdome of grace whereof Christ is appointed King in Sion consisteth of all countries and peoples and is not bounded or bordred but with the ends of the earth and sheweth further that all these his subiects are giuen him of God to become his seruants Ioh. 17.2 As thou hast giuen him power ouer all flesh that hee should giue eternall life to all whom thou hast giuen him 2. They are so giuen vnto him as he must win them before he can enioy them Hee winneth partly by conquest partly by ransome hee both conquereth and casteth out the strong man that held them captiue spoyleth him of his armour and weakneth his arme for euer as also he payeth a precious ransome for them to God his Father so as beeing now redeemed and bought with a price they are no longer their owne but the Lords that bought them 3. Because when he hath thus dearly purchased his Church he contracteth himselfe in spirituall marriage with her and so becommeth her Lord Hos. 2.18 I will marrie thee for euer vnto my selfe yea I will marrie thee vnto mee in righteousnesse in iudgement in mercie and in compassion Ephes. 5.23 As the husband is the wiues head so is Christ of the Church So as if a man be a Lord of that which is giuen him of that which he hath redeemed and ransomed of her whom he hath married into his bosome in all these regards by as good right is Iesus Christ the Lord of his Church and euery member of it Obiect But how can Christ be a Lord and a seruant too Isa. 42.1 Behold my seruant I will leane vpon him and he tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant Answ. Christ considered as Mediator is after a speciall manner both his Fathers seruant and yet the Lord of his Church In all the worke of mans redemption he serued and obeyed his Father beeing sent of his Father for this end he was subiect to the death he praied vnto him gaue him thankes learned obedience by the things he suffered not as God equall to his Father but as our Mediator and suretie and yet by all these things he became our Lord and the King of his Church And herein the Apostles trauell as in their maine scope to prooue that Iesus Christ whom the Iewes put to death hath shewed himselfe the Lord of glorie and the true Messias Act. 2.34 Let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that Iesus which they crucified Lord and Christ. Obiect But how can Christ be the Lord of all seeing many yea the most wil not obey him Ans. Doth a king cease to be the Lord of all his country because some which were his subiects are gone out in rebellion against him besides howsoeuer it standeth with his glorie and grace to suffer with patience the vessels of wrath yet at length he shewes his power against them in bringing forth his whole displeasure vpon them Vse Hence in that Christ is in generall Lord of all we learne that all creatures are his and therefore we must neuer vse any of them without leaue from him or without returne of praise and thanks vnto him none of them are sanctified to our vse without the word and prayer And if we haue leaue from him we ought in sobrietie to vse them 1. Cor 10.26 eate whatsoeuer is sold in the shambles making no question for conscience sake Hēce followeth it also that he hauing an absolute power ouer all he may doe with his owne what he will who shal hinder a potter to frame one vessel to honour another to dishonour which I speak because many cannot endure to heare of a decree of reprobation who must frame their iudgement to his will who cannot but be iust and good and leaue off to reason with God Hence also he may make one rich another poore at his pleasure The rich and poore meete this Lord maketh them both Secondly in that Christ is in speciall Lord of his Church sundrie things are to be noted as first That none can haue Christ to be a Iesus that is a Sauiour who haue him not for their soueraigne and Lord whosoeuer thou art that challengest him for thy Sauiour see thou acknowledge him thy Lord. Quest. How may a man haue Christ to be his Lord Answ. By the practise of fower duties 1. by preseruing in the heart a feare and reuerence towards his person Malac. 1.5 If I be a Lord where is my feare Lordship requires subiection Psal. 45.12 he is thy Lord and reuerence thou or bow vnto him Now this feare must proceed from loue for if any man loue not the Lord Iesus let him be accursed and
of God as for gold and treasures he accounteth of the graces of faith loue hope humilitie and the feare of the Lord aboue all pearles and precious things he prouideth for himselfe and his the food that perisheth not and thinketh himselfe warmely and comely arraied when he hath put on the Lord Iesus Christ as knowing that onely the garment of this righteousnesse can fence him from all the iniurie of wind and weather The naturall man doth not more seriously listen after great purchases of land and fields as he doth cast with himselfe to purchase the pearle hid in the field for which he will sell himselfe as we say into his shirt nay and further his owne selfe libertie life and if he had any thing dearer then that As for the things of this life if he haue them not he wanteth not his portion If he haue them his care is that they haue not him or become his portion If riches increase hee setteth not his heart vpon them If they decrease his heart faileth not with them In abundance hee carrieth himselfe warily and weanedly In want cheerefully and contentedly The things he hath hee vseth as not vsing them the things he hath not he knoweth he hath no good vse of them or else hee should haue them And thus as the naturall man bestirreth himselfe and all his motion tendeth to the bettring of his outward estate at home so contrarily doth an heauenly minded man accounting himselfe from home while hee is heare in the bodie bend his cheife care to settle his estate at home in heauen and all his trading and conuerse in this straunge country tendeth to the enriching of him in his owne country Further if we looke to the naturall mans course in the matter of his religion we shall see as great difference betweene them For it is cleare that whereas matters of religion are a burthen to the one they are the ioy of the other The one as heauie to pray to heare to read and meditate on the word and of his owne estate as a beare to the stake if law or shame or some such by-respect mooued him not it were all one to him to be on his horse backe as in the Church the other would account his life tedious were it not for these meetings of God and his people in the assemblies and those sweet refreshments they bring backe from thence The one if hee pray sometimes in publicke he maketh little conscience of priuate prayer in his family and so of other priuate duties to which God and a good conscience would bind him as strait as to the former The other walketh wisely and religiously in the midst of his house and preserueth the worship of God at home and maketh his house a little Church and house of God The one maketh little or no conscience of such sinnes as either in comparison of other or in his owne corrupt conceit are smaller sinnes such as are inferior oathes idlenesse gaming sinnes of omission idle words or hurtfull vncleane or wandring thoughts words hee thinketh to be but wind if he meane no hurt and if he meane hurt but doe none thoughts are free As for the sinnes of the time hee will not be so vndiscreete as to swimme against the streame he is here violently carried without resistance into a gulfe of knowne euills and all is well he doth but as others doe and it were worse for him if he did not the other maketh conscience of all sinne lesser sinnes and secret sinnes hee can hate all euen those which hee cannot auoid he hateth the euill that himselfe doth and willingly will not displease God though all men be therefore offended with him To conclude this point the one seeketh to approoue himselfe vnto man the other to approoue his heart to God because hee knoweth hee made it and knoweth what is in it And this shal serue for a tast of the opposite disposition betweene naturall and spirituall life The second note to discerne this heauenly life by is the similitude or agreement which it hath with the life of the Saints in heauen For the life of the Saints in heauen must be a counterpaine of the beleeuers vpon earth to which they must be daily framed in sundry regards 1. In respect of the things they are called from 2. In respect of the things they are called vnto 1. The Saints in heauen are called from three things 1. the world it selfe 2. the corruptions that are in the world through lust 3. The companie of the wicked of the world Euen so must beleeuers in the world in their degree and measure carrie themselues as those that are chosen out of the world and such as are bought from the earth medling no more with earthly things then needs must enioying them so as they ioy no more in them then in things which are not their owne but borrowed only for a time vsing them so as they abuse them not because they are to be counteable for them abiding in their earthly businesse and callings so as they be neuer earthly minded in one word so desiring pursuing hauing holding and parting from the profits of this life as those to whom God hath shewed better things then any below yea and esteeming of their present life it selfe so indifferently as that they can account the day of their death better then the day wherein they were borne 2. As the Saints in heauen beeing deliuered out of the prison of the bodie haue all the bolts and chaines of their corruption struck off so the godly who haue their parts in the first resurrection haue after a sort changed their liues and put on a diuine nature they haue bid farewell to the follies of their former times yea renounce and as farre as frailty will permit loath their sinnes saying vnto them as Ephraim to his reiected Idols get you hence what haue I to doe with you they that were of the Synagogue of Satan are now in the Temple with true beleeuers Thus is it said of the 144000. that were bought from the earth that they were not defiled with women but were virgins that is sanctified in part and washed from their filthinesse and will haue no more fellowship in the vnfruitfull workes of darknesse wherein sometimes they were cheife actors 3. The Saints in heauen neuer ioyne with the wicked of the world any more that beeing verefied which Moses spake to the Isralites concerning the Egyptians The enemies whom your eyes haue seene this day you shall neuer see more euen so the faithfull hate the companie of the wicked with whom they can neither doe good nor take any whereas before their calling they were mixt with them and ran with them to the same riot of excesse Now their fellowship is dissolued they are no more companions with them the light of the one admitteth no communion with the others darknes and that they are often forced to dwell in Mesech with them it
darts of Satans temptations For Satan vrgeth the poore sinner sundrie wayes as 1. by the multitude and vilenesse of his sinnes with which his conscience telleth him he is couered and thence inferreth that because the wages of euerie sinne is death and because he hath deserued eternal death he must needs perish he can expect no other But now can the beleeuer stoppe his mouth say I graunt Satan al thy premisses no sinner is worthy of or can expect saluation in or by himselfe or so long as he continueth in sinne but my sins are remitted by meanes of Christs satisfaction and though in my selfe I am worthie to perish yet in Christ I haue a worthinesse to bring me to saluation I continue not in my sinnefull estate but am drawne out of the guiltinesse the filthinesse the seruice the loue and liking of my sinnes through the grace wherein I stand and therefore thy consequent is false I feare it not beeing so forcelesse 2. From the iustice of God who cannot but reiect whatsoeuer and whosoeuer is not fully conformable to his righteousnesse but here the beleeuing heart is quieted in that through remissiō of sinnes the iustice of God is fully satisfied though not by the person offending yet in his pledge and surety Iesus Christ who beeing iust died for the vniust that we might bee the righteousnesse of God in him And hence the iustice of God is a matter of most comfort to the poore sinner in that this righteousnesse cannot suffer him to demand satisfaction twise for one and the same sinne for this directly fighteth with iustice and equitie And if Satan be still instant and say But what shall an others righteousnesse availe thee if thy selfe be not a keeper of the lawe for the soule that sinneth that soule shall die the beleeuing heart will readily answer That although the lawe require proper and personall obedience yet the Gospel translateth it to the person of our suretie who beeing God and man not onely paid the whole debt but performed all righteousnesse absolutely fulfilling the whole lawe whence it is that his obedience is called the fulfilling of the lawe for righteousnesse to euerie one that beleeueth and himselfe was made vnder the law that he might redeeme from it those that were vnder it Gal. 4.4 And whereas the tempter will alleadge But for all thy righteousnes thou hast innumerable sinnes originall and actuall which the Lord hateth and euery day addeth to the huge heape of them The heart which holdeth this article of remission of sinnes abideth vndaunted for though it feele a bodie of sinne dwelling with it yet is it not raigning sinne it is not sinne at quiet but daily battaile is maintained against it it is sinne weakened and in daily consumption and therefore shall neuer be laid to the charge of him that is in Iesus Christ Rom. 8.1 There is no condemnation to them that are in Iesus Christ for the lawe of the spirit of life which was in Iesus Christ hath freed mee though not from all molestation and presence yet from the lawe that is the seruice and slauerie of sinne and of death vers 2. But numbers will hee say who make account to partake in the death and righteousnesse of Christ are damned and haue no benefit by it and numbers haue reuoulted and fallen away and why maist not thou to which the beleeuer will readily answer that those that were thus plucked vp were neuer of the Fathers planting onely infidels and vnbeleeuers haue fallen away and withered for want of rooting and moisture but I beleeue the remission of sinnes not by any vngrounded perswasion but with a sound lasting and vnfayling faith resting it selfe wholly vpon Christ so as I am perswaded neither death nor life can seperate me from his loue the worke of whose spirit maketh me bold to call vpon God as my tender father produceth the fruits of true faith and conversion into my whole life whereby I know as infallibly the truth of my faith as I know the presence of the sunne by his light or of fire by his heate Finally he that hath begun to make me good wil make me also perseuere in goodnes 3. This assurance of remission of sinnes yeeldeth most assured comfort in life and in death the goodnesse of Pauls conscience was his comfort when he stood at the barre Act. 23.1 and 2. Cor. 1.12 This is our reioycing euen the testimonie of our conscience and in the agonie of death this is the Christians comfort that his sinne being remitted the sting of death is gone the locks of this strong Sampson wherein his great strength lay are clipped off and he is disarmed of his weapons which are our owne sinnes So as a Christian may challenge him into the field and say O death where is thy sting which because hee is bereaued of when he intendeth to kill he cureth when he doth his worst which is to separate soule and bodie he can seuer neither from Christ nay rather hee sendeth the member of Christ and setteth him nearer to his head which is best of all The third point propounded is to consider of the lettes which hinder men from seeking the assurance of the remission of their sinnes which is indeede their true happines if they could so esteeme of it some of which I will set downe 1. An erroneous iudgement that no man can attaine certainely to beleeue the pardon of his sinnes for the common Protestant is a verie Papist in this opinion who hold that to doubt of this point is a vertue and to beleeue it is presumption because no man can certainely know it without a speciall reuelation so aske ordinarie Christians doe yee beleeue the pardon of your sinnes they will say yea for God is mercifull and they be not so many or great but they may bee pardoned Hereby wee haue brought the partie to confesse that his sinnes bee pardonable but vrge him are you sure they are pardoned and here he is set vp he stammers out a carelesse answer he cannot surely tell but hee hopeth well and this is all you can wring out of him he knowes not whether Christ be in him or no whether he be in the faith or no he beleeues hee knoweth not what But to let men see their error herein 1. doth not our text say that men must receiue the remission of sinnes and can any man receiue so pretious a gift from God and not know when and how he came by it 2. what is the meaning of that article in our creed which we professe I beleeue the remission of sinnes what beleeue wee more then the deuills if we beleeue no more then that God forgiueth the sinnes of the elect and not our owne and then how is this one of the priuiledges of the Church 3. to beleeue in the name of Iesus Christ in particular for remission of sinnes is his commandement and therefore no presumption but a
world doe thus disquiet themselues who make their liues more vncomfortable then they need I answer this is indeed one of Satans greatest bolds but such a snare as God leadeth his children out of in safetie whome he teacheth that it is their happinesse to goe to heauen though alone rather then to hell with companie Marie will sit her downe though alone at Christs feete if shee cannot get her sisters companie shee knoweth it is the good part that shall neuer be taken from her And for those especially if they be Ministers who should most aduance this care but disgrace it as a needlesse vexation of the spirit let them know that the Lord Iesus was of another mind who pronounced blessednesse on those that mourne now and promised that they should be comforted and farre are they from the guidance of that spirit who hath taught vs that of all sacrifices none is comparable to that of a broken spirit and contrite heart which the Lord neuer despiseth IV. Now follow the helpes to the obtaining of remission of sins As 1. thou must become a member of the Church Isa. 33.24 The people that dwell there shall haue their sinnes forgiuen And Chap. 62.12 They shall call them the holy people the redeemed of the Lord. Now to know a mans selfe a true member of the Church the Prophet Dauid giueth two infallible notes Psal. 15.2 The former in regard of God to walke vprightly and sincerely as in Gods presence and vnder his eye and the latter in regard of men to exercise righteousnesse both in word and deed 2. Consider seriously of the nature of sinne how odious it is in it selfe how vile it maketh thy selfe in the sight of God how it keepeth away all good things how it procureth al euill how proa●e thy selfe art vnto it yea euen after grace receiued this will bring thee to the iudging and accusing of thy selfe to the confession and forsaking of thy sinne which is the high-way to find mercie Prov. 28.13 for the former Psal. 32. I said I will confesse my sinne and thou forgauest mee the iniquitie of my sinne And for the latter it is plainely implied in Christs reason Ioh. 5.14 Goe thy waies now thou art whole but sinne no more least a worse thing follow The fellon that hath beene in prison endured the miserie of his yrons hath beene condemned and with the rope about his necke in feare of present death if he haue escaped hee will take heed of comming into the like miserie againe and he that hath found this grace in truth cannot by turning againe to his sinne turne it vnto wantonnesse 3. Carefully vse the meanes which the wisedome of God hath left to beleeuers for the attaining and assuring of this grace of remission As namely 1. the Ministerie of the word which in the right vse of it is the ministrie of reconciliation in which the Lord offreth conditions of peace remission of sinnes and life euerlasting 2. As also of the holy Sacraments which are the seales of remission of sinnes to all beleeuers worthily receiuing the same Matth. 26.28 and 3. another speciall meanes is feruent prayer for pardon of sinne aboue all things in the world Drowsie Protestants esteemeth slightly of pardon of sinne euen as they doe of sinne it selfe which they thinke easily blowne off with a Lord haue mercie But the tender and distressed conscience that seeth and combateth with the danger sueth for pardon as one that would speed A poore fellon on the gallows readie to be turned off would thinke a pardon the welcomest thing in all the world but the hardnesse and drowsinesse of mens hearts euery where argue that they be a verie few that find this rare grace vnlesse we will say that the greatest blessednesse that liuing man is capable of can be giuen to him that sleepeth on both sides that neuer thinketh of it and neuer maketh means after it V. The companions of remission of sinnes whereby it may easily be discerned are fiue 1. The daily exercise of true repentance in all the parts of it as First in iudging ones selfe for sinne past and present and this was apparent in Paul himselfe who looking backe to his former estate reckoned himselfe a captaine sinner and the chiefe of all sinners he saw in himselfe many sinnes and great sinnes which needed great mercie and much forgiuenesse the which one consideration kept him vnder continually and fostered in him the grace of humilitie when as otherwise through his aboundance of gifts and revelations he might haue exalted himselfe out of measure Secondly in watchfulnes and feare of sinne in time to come according to our Sauiours holy counsell Thou art now made whole goe thy way and sinne no more Thirdly in daily purging and clensing from knowne and secret corruptions many are the places wherein the pardoning and purging of sinnes are ioyned as inseparable Ier. 33.8 I will cleanse all their iniquitie yea I will pardon all their iniquities whereby they haue sinned against mee 1. Ioh. 1.9 If we confesse our sinnes faithfull is he to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all our vnrighteousnesse This was the summe of the baptisme that is the doctrine which Iohn preached euen amendement of life for the remission of sinnes neuer hope of remission vnlesse thou hungrest after this grace of repentance for the Lord will not be mercifull to that man that blesseth himselfe in his sinnes but if the wicked returne from his sinnes he shall liue and not die Ezech. 18.21 2. The second companion is gladnesse and cheerefulnesse of heart yea an vnspeakeable ioy that the Lord hath done so great things for his soule and made him so happie as to bring him from such extremitie of miserie to partake in the wisedome righteousnesse holinesse and redemption of Christ for can a man haue a gift bestowed vpon him of more price and vse then all the kingdomes of the world and neuer find his heart made glad in it or is it possible that he that findeth the pearle can goe away without ioy The Eunuch beeing conuerted went away reioycing and if euery beleeuer must reioyce in another mans conversion much more must he in his owne The third is loue and thankfulnesse to God which are enforced by this excellent grace Luk. 7.47 The poore woman that stood weeping behind Christ loued much because much was forgiuen her Psal. 116.1 I loue the Lord because hee hath heard my voice and wherein the Lord had thus gratiously dealt with him the whole Psalme teacheth especially vers 8. Because thou hast deliuered my soule from death mine eyes from teares my feete from falling Now if Dauid for a temporall deliuerance from Saul in the wildernesse did thus prouoke his heart to the loue of God how should the consideration of our spirituall deliuerance from sinne death and all hellish powers blow vp these heauenly sparkles in vs And what can so liberall a loue beget in a
Examination of heauenly life 192 F FAith what it is 296 Faith is not of all reas 297 Faith neuer lost reas 4. 298 Faith commendeth euery thing 305 Faith of most not rightly qualified 317 Faith seateth it selfe in an humbled soule 307 Faith in the resurrection an hard point 228 Faithfull are seasonably remembred of God at least on the third day 205 Fame of Christ begunne in Galily Why. 61 And why after Iohns preaching 64 Feare of God what and wherein it consisteth 20 Fearers of God must be accepted of vs. ●3 Few men see the necessitie of preaching Why. 243 Fiue deadly enemies foyled by Christ 1. sinne 2. death 3. hell 4. the deuill 5. the world 169 Fiue excellent fruits of sauing faith 300 Fiue sorts of men all boast of faith and yet all of them want it 318 Freedome by Christ. 57 Fruits of faith foure 311 Fruits of Christs death reduced to two heads 146 Force of consent in doctrine wherein it standeth 293 G GAlily of the Gentiles why so called 62 Glorie of the last iudgement described 261 Glorie of God in his children turned into shame 364 God no accepter of persons why 10 Gods prouidence ouerruleth euery special euent with the speciall circumstances 68 God was with Christ how and how with his seruants 112 Gods wisedome and power most seene in chusing the most weake things 223 God only properly forgiueth sinnes why 326 God forgiueth sinnes not only properly but perfectly that is both the guilt and punishment 329 Godly must enquire of the truth of doctrine deliuered by the Scriptures 220 Godly enter not into the iudgement how 258 Godly must lift vp their heads in expectation of the day of their redēption 276 Godly who here haue all hard sentences passe against them shall haue iustice at the last day 265 Godly must addresse themselues to the iudgement day two waies 277 Godly life must not be shunned for the crosses that attend it 350 Graces in the soule of Christ after his resurrection were incomprehensible by all creatures but in respect of God finite as the soule it selfe is 168 Guilt of sinne is wholly abolished in beleeuers although not the whole corruption of it 171 H HAppinesse how it standeth in remission of sinnes 361 Hearers how to know they haue heard aright 249 Heauenly life discerned by the notes of it 183 Helpes to attaine the grace of remission of sinnes 351 Hope is faiths handmaid 310 How the Lord of life could be subdued of death 126 How God can be iust in punishing Christ an innocent and letting the guiltie goe free 128 How an infinite iustice could be satisfied by so short a death ibid How the Iewes are said to put Christ to death seeing they had no power to doe it 129 How Christs crucifying crucifieth the lusts of Christians 147 How Christ can be said to rise againe seeing neither his deitie nor the soule of his humanitie did 152 How Christ is said to rise seeing God the Father and the holy Ghost are said also to raise him 156 How Christ hath slain our sin which yet is so stirring in the best 170 How beleeuers may know they are risen with Christ. 183 How the Apostles were furnished to their witnesse 216 How Christ could eate and drinke after he rose againe seeing he rose not to naturall life 226 How preaching could be Christs ordinance beeing so long before his incarnation 232 How Christ is ordained iudge seeing the Father and the holy Ghost iudge as well as hee 252 How Christ shall deliuer vp the kingdome to his father 254 Humiliation of Christ must humble Christians and how 144 I IEsus of Nazaret why so called 67 In Gods iudgement we must stand naked 19 In all spirituall captiuitie hasten to Christ. 116 In cases of sorcerie what to doe 117 In all diuine things we must leane on a sure ground 218 In reading the Prophets we must still be led to Christ. 295 Ingratitude of the Iewes most extreame 133 Ioshua in many things a singular type of Christ. 168 Iudging of our selues standeth in 4. things 281 L LAw of perfect righteousnesse is the charter of heauen 190 Life of faith wherein 302 Lets which hinder men from seeking the remission of their sinnes 345 Loue of God expressed in three things 312 Loue of men wherein cheifly discerned 313 Loue and thankefulnesse to God attendeth the remission of sins 355 Lowest degrees of murther condemned as murther 130 M MAgistra●s must not accept of persons 14 Mallice of the wicked against the godly neuer wanteth matter to worke vpon 1●4 Many men bodily possessed by the deuill in Christs time aboue all other times before or since why 100 Manner of Christs resurrection in 3. things 165 Mappe of humane frailty in Peter 7 Meanes by which quicke and dead shall be presented before the last iudgement 257 Meanes to encrease the stocke of faith 316 Men endure not their lusts to be pricked in the ministerie and much lesse crucified 149 Minister must be careful to remooue what may hinder his doctrine 9 Ministers must expect Gods calling as Christ did 71 Ministers must vrge themselues to diligent preaching why 241 Miracles of Christ had a threefold vse 86 Motion of sinne in the regenerate is in letting the life of it goe 172 Motiues to the practise of Righteousnesse 30 NEcessitie of preaching euinced by sundry reasons ●36 Necessitie of remission of sinnes in 3 points 337 Neither the person nor any of the offices of Christ could suffer him long to abide vnder the power of death 160 New miracles not needfull to confirme old doctrine 94 No lesse sinne to sinne by others as by our selues 131 No neede of a dumbe or blind ministerie 242 No man can avoide the last iudgement vnlesse his power be aboue Christs 260 No man can bee too precise seeing the iudgement shall bee so precise and strict 275 None capable of Christs office because none is so annointed as hee 75 No peace by Moses 39 O OBiections against preaching answered 244 Obiections against speciall faith answered 340 One way onely to salvation 49 Opening the mouth what it meaneth ● Open the eyes to see the happinesse of the saints 363 Offences are of sundrie sorts 326 Ordinarie ministers must be beleeued as Apostles while they teach things heard and seene by the Apostles 220 Ordinarie Pastors now called by Christ though he be nowe in heauen 234 Outward things cannot bring into Gods acceptance 18 P PAtterne of speciall grace in Peter 8 Peace what by it vsually meant 36 Peace by Christ with God man creatures how 37 Peace wanting how to obtaine it 42 Peace of conscience floweth from remission of sinne 339 Person what it meaneth 10 Phrase of quicke and dead what it meaneth 257 Plaine preaching of Christ wherein it standeth 249 Poperie a noueltie 48 Poperie turneth the doctrin of Christ crucified into crucifixes 150 Popish doctrine teacheth not true faith to this day 299 Popish doctrine assenteth not to the article of
of God casting out the strong man not onely out of his but of our possessions that he might take vs vp for his owne vse spoyling him of his kingdome and weapons for vs yea and in vs. And hence as out of a well of consolation we shall drawe this comfort to our selues that looke as the gates of hel could not preuaile against him our head no more shall they euer bee able to preuaile against vs his members although they neuer so fiercely and forcibly assayle vs. And if spirituall enmities shall not be able to cut vs short of our saluation much lesse shall temporall dangers for by vertue of this resurrection also euen in the most troublesome deepes when the waues of sorrowes ouertake one another and goe ouer our soules when with Ionas we are readie to say we are cast from the face of the Lord euen then wee haue hope to rise out of such euills and because our head is aboue in short time comfortably to swimme out Adde hereunto that death it selfe nor the graue shall stand betweene vs and home for this rising of Christ is both the cause and confirmation that we shall rise againe If the head be risen so shal also the members if Christ the first fruits of them that sleepe be raised so shall also the whole bulke and bodie of beleeuers if we beleeue that Christ is risen from the dead euen so them which sleepe in Iesus will God bring with him and if the same spirit which raised Iesus from the dead dwell in vs then he that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken our mortal bodies for Christ hath not redeemed the soule alone from death but the body also els had this second Adam bin inferiour to the first if not able to saue by his rising al that which was lost by the fall of the former Oh how would this meditation well digested sweeten the remembrance of death and the graue when a Christian shall consider that looke how it was with Christ when his soule and bodie were separated yet both of them were vnited to the dietie which brought them together againe euen so I am taught by the Scriptures that when my soule and bodie shall be separated yet shall neither of them be sundred from Christ my head but he will reunite them like louing friends that they may participate in his own glory How would this meditation bring the soule not only to be content but to desire to be dissolued be with Christ accounting that the best of all The third benefit befalling vs by the resurrection of Christ is that because Christ is risen we know it shall not only goe well with vs but with all the Church of God the prosperitie of which so many as would prosper must reioyce in for hence it is that Christ calleth a church out of the world which after a sort riseth euen out of his owne graue hence is it that beeing ascended on high hee gaue gifts to men for the gathering and preseruing of his Church hence is it that the church shall alwaies haue the light of the Gospel Pastors Teachers and the Ministrie till we all meete to a perfect man hence is it that this Church shall be defended from Wolues and Tyrants seeing none is stronger then hee nor able to plucke any of his sheepe out of his hands Let the Church be pressed it shall neuer be oppressed Let the Kings of the earth band themselues and forces against it the Lord hath set his Sonne vpon his holy mountaine and hee shall crush them like a potters vessel Let Heretikes and Antechrist send armies of Locusts Iesuites and seducing vagrants to wast the Church and bereaue it of the truth and light leading to life they shall only seduce such as whose names are not written in the booke of life and of the Lamb for seeing Christ is risen so long as ●e who can die no more liueth hee will preserue his darling hee will send out the starres that are in his right hand for her releefe who like Dauids worthies shall break through the hosts of the enemie and bring the pure waters of the well of life as we are for euer thankfully to acknowledge in those worthy restorers of our religion Lastly let floods of persecution rise and swell so as this doue of Christ cannot find rest for the sole of her foot one meanes or other Christ will vse for her helpe for hee will either send her into the wildernesse or the earth shall helpe the woman and drinke in the waters that they shall not hurt her or hee will prouide for her one of the chambers of his prouidence as hee did for Ioash against the rage of Athaliah wherein shee shall be safe till the storme be blowne ouer These are the principall benefits procured vs by Christs resurrection which belong not vnto all but only to such as are risen with him Quest. How shall wee know that we are risen with Christ that they may assuredly belong vnto vs Answ. The Apostle setteth himselfe to resolue this question Coloss. 3.1 where he maketh the seeking of things aboue where Christ is an infallible marke of our rising with him for as when Christ was risen he minded not things below any more but all his course was a preparation to his ascention to which all things tended so now if thou be risen with him heauen will be in thine eye and thine affections are ascended thither where Christ is if Christ were on earth thou mightest fix thy soule and senses here on earth and yet be a Christian but seeing he who is thy head is in heauen thou that art a member of him must be there also And as Christ while he continued vpon earth after his resurrection liued a kind of supernaturall and heauenly life so if thou be risen with him thou liuest not the life of nature but hast begunne the life of grace and an heauenly conuersation Quest. But how shall I know whether I liue by this heauenly life or no Answ. There be two speciall notes to discerne this truth by the former is the dissimilitude and opposition which it hath with the life of sinnefull naturall men vpon earth the latter is the similitude and agreement it hath with the life of Saints and glorified men in heauen Concerning the former the naturall man will follow and pursue things which tend to a sensuall and naturall life he will beate his braines for gold and siluer meate and cloath goods and lands for himselfe and his as for heauen he will haue nothing to doe there till he be dead and for the way thither he careth not to know it till he be dying at the soonest But the spirituall man he coueteth after spirituall things the power of Christs spirit where it is present will lift vp his heart be it neuer so heauie to seeke the kingdome and the righteousnesse of it and he seeketh after the wisedome