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A59992 Six new playes ... the five first were acted at the private house in Black Fryers with great applause, the last was never acted / all written by James Shirley.; Plays. Selections Shirley, James, 1596-1666.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650. 1653 (1653) Wing S3486; ESTC R20878 80,770 488

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are not price enough To buy him from my thoughts could you invest My name with their possession Ma. Doth she love him I have destroy'd my own hope then alass Poor Clara I must pitty thee and for that Love that hath been between us I 'll apply To cure thy wound for mine is not so desperate Though I bleed inwards I confess since he Whom I esteem best suffers for Maria Cla. Suffer for you pray Madam clear this mystery Ma. It is poor Manuel's fortune to affect Me with a passion great as mine and love That like a rebell forrageth our soul And can obey no law but what it likes Impatient that Antonio lov'd me too Made him forget the Prince and gave the affront For which he suffers in the Kings displeasure Cla. No repetition of this story Madam Lest you destroy all my belief in virtue It cannot be you may as soon perswade That snow the innocent fleece of heaven that 's born Upon the fleet wings of some sportive wind Is Ethiop's wooll as call this truth Ma. This will be rudeness Clara if you do not Convince and with more reason and with temper And 't is no little wonder that when I Have fairly thus disclos'd my thoughts of Manuel You should retain a murmuring thought and dare Pretend rivality with me Cla. The law You gave to love that stoopes to no prerogative Of birth or name mine only a degree Beneath your own will answer your disdain And justifie my passion and if reason And temper which in vain you think are lost In me be assign'd judges I dare more Than say I love I can deserve him Ma. Better Fate bring it to a tryall Cla. So just are my affections I dare make A Saint my judge Ma. That Judge you make is not A friend to so much pride Cla. You are but my accuser Madam Ma. This affront I must Remember Clara and find time to teach You know me better Cla. Madam as you are The Princess I can fall thus low to kiss Your hand and pay all duties that become me Or your command but if you think by being Great I must own no passion but in what Degree you are pleas'd to fix it nor compare My soul born with its freedome to affection With yours because one shaft hath wounded both I rise my own defender Ma. Thy own ruine For this presumption Cla. I 'll not bribe your mercy When you can love as I doe we may both Deserve him equally Oh Manuell Ex. Maria Though I defend thy honour to the Princess Yet he hath scatter'd seeds of jealousie About my heart if this ground fertile prove I wo'not curse his faith but my own love Exit Manuell in Prison Man Why should we murmur to be circumscrib'd As if it were a new thing to wear fetters When the whole World was meant but to confine us Wherein who walks from one Clime to another Hath but a greater freedome of the Prison Our Soul was the first Captive born to inherit But her own Chains nor can it be discharg'd Till Nature tire with its own weight and then We are but more undone to be at liberty Enter Carlo The Prince he brings a storm I see it rising As Seamen doe the wind far off Car. Don Manuell Man You have nam'd a suffering man but one that holds His life and death at such an even rate No matter which is first employ'd with honour I dare submit me to your justice Sir Car. Your Cause would droop to trust to that my love Willing to justifie the choyce it made In thee hath pleaded better and prevail'd With me to bring thee counsell to redeem Thy self becomingly Ma. Your goodness flows still 'T was not the Prince that frown'd Ca. Submit your self to Prince Antonio Man Submit my self Ca. Ask him forgiveness Man I must be guilty first of an offence Ere my tongue be so base and ask a pardon Ca. Then I must chide you Manuell deny This triviall satisfaction your crime Will upon second thoughts be much enlarg'd Nor will the Prince be ever thought to merit His birth and name unless he kill thee for 't 'T is an affront of so supreme a nature Man Hath it no name Sir Car. Dost not shake to ask it Are you Sir a fit Rivall for the Prince Abstract that she 's my Sister which consider'd Carries so vast a guilt against the Kings Mine and Maria's honour all thy bloud Mixt with repentance cannot purge you are Instructed Sir Man Not yet to know my self Conscious of any action should contract The Prince's brow or yours much less deserve The horrid name of guilt against the Kings Yours and Maria's honour Car. Did not you Sir court my Sister Man Never Sir Car. Doe not you love her Man Heaven in that word includes all that we owe His precept 'T is my justice Sir to love her But with a greater distance than she is From me remov'd by birth and if her smile Meant the reward of my attendance Sir At any time have met with false observers Their tongues and no audacious thought of mine Or application are in fault I have Beside the lesson of my birth been taught A piety from your favours Sir to know My self their creature and with humble thoughts To shew my gratitude not proudly assume Could she descend a Courtship to Maria Who by the King every good mans vote Is meant a sacred pledge to Portugal To chain two kingdoms Car. If this Manuel Be truth Man Without condition of my liberty Or dread of what Antonio shall attempt In his revenge my soul dare wth i th an oath Confirm it at the Altar Car. This doth please me Possess thy first place in my friendship Manuel Antonio shall embrace thee too his ear And mine have been abus'd Man There was A providence upon our Swords that meant Less fatall than his passion shew'd when we Last met against whose weapon threatning me first The safety of my fame more than my life Call'd up my just defence Car. I do beleeve thee To what a loss of virtue and of blood Credulity engageth this shall be No more thy dwelling Prince Antonio Shall for thy honor make it his own act Who yet believes thy interest in Maria Hath made his Courtship vain and will I fear Not presently admit thy innocence Into his quiet faith but I 'll convince him Man If he but knew my heart he should not need Much argument no man can love with honour And let his thoughts divide upon two Mistrisses I have contracted love Car. With whom may Time When this World fails and Nature grows decrepit Present it to Eternity Man This prayer opens my heart and all the wealth within it Commands me draw the Curtain from her name That you may read my Clara And I shall beseech your Graces smile Car. Your Clara what The Duke Mendoza's Daughter Man You have nam'd her Car. No I am i' th' dark still speak agen Or
believe thee thou hast done things as well as the best on 'em but I know not where nor I care not tel me of Iulius Caesar I am a Gentleman and have seen fighting afore now here 's a Cavalier knows it I scorn to be baffel'd by any Transilvanian Turk-killer in Christendom I thar' t a Volt. Well said and a Sandiack Bert. And a Sandiack I defie the grand Cham and Muftie all his Tartars y' are a stinking obstreperous fellow to tell me of a Turd and a Fart and I honor you with all my heart Hort He call'd you Muftie Pand. What 's that Ho. And a Sandiack that is son of whor in 2 languages Pand. How in two languages then my honor is Concern'd have I in 30 battells gainst the Turk Stood the dire shock when the Granadoes flew Like Atomes in the Sun Have I kil'd 20 Bashawes and a Musselman And took the Sultans Turbant Prisoner And shall I be affronted by a thing Less than a Lancepresado Bert. Will no body hold me Flor. Gentlemen this heat must needs be dangerous Pand. Let me but speak with him Volt. No danger o' my life let 'em go together And let us mind our business Pand. Signior I am your friend and pitty you Should lose so much your honor be advis'd I 'l show a way how to repair your fame Pand. Bert. talk privately And without danger Hort. To Volterinos Mistris Flor. I receive it I shall have my share I now Repent my curiosity to see Their humors and to hear what they would say Of me Hort. Let 'em alone to Volterinos Mistris Volt. Come to my Whore Flor. Your Whore Signior Volt. Does that offend you Flor. Not me I ha done you right I am well enough rewarded they beat me Ber. I knovv not hovv to deserve this curtesie being a stranger But if you vvant a Wife noble sir and will accept of my Mother you shall have her before any man in Italy Pand. I thank you sir But be sure you hit me full o' th' head Bert. T is too much a cut o' th' leg and please you Pand. No let it be o' th' head Bert. You wo'not strike agen Pand. Mine's but a foil Hort. They measure and give back Pand. Oh I am slain a Surgeon Bertoldi strikes Pand Flor. I 'l take my leave Hort. By this hand I 'l drink his Mothers health first There 's no danger he were dead a health to the Lady Florelia I drink it for his sake Volt. Away and get a Surgeon Bert. Come to my Lady Mother A man is not born to be a coward all his life Flor. I can no more sir Hort. You should ha' told me sir at first There is no remedy t is to an honorable Lady Flor. You must excuse me sir Bert. Throw 't in his eyes Hort. At your request Hor. throwes the Wine Flor. Y' are most uncivill Hort. Y' are a mushrump strikes Flor. Flor. So sir y' are a multitude and in a Tavern I did believe you sir a Gentleman If you be give me satisfaction nobly Hort. With all my heart Flor. Then thus Enter Servant Serv. Signior Bertoldi flye his wound is dangerous We fear he wil bleed to death before the Surgeon come Volt. Out by the Postern Bert. Pox a conspiracie I shall kill but one I see that Would I were a Mite in a Holland Cheese now Exit Hort. I wo'not fail you sir Serv. He desires to speak with you before he dye Hort. Is Bertoldi gone Volt. Hortensio I guess you may be ingag'd Leave me to these things There may be danger Hort. I know the private way Exeunt Enter Honorio Hon. Virtue and honor I allow you names You may give matter for dispute and noise But you have lost your Essence and that truth We fondly have believ'd in human soules Is ceas'd to be we are grown fantastick bodies Figures and empty titles and make hast To our first nothing he that will be honest Must quite throw off his cold decrepit nature And have a new creation my poor Sister Enter Fioretta She has heard the Dukes resolve Fior. Oh let me dye upon thy bosom Brother I have liv'd Too long they say the Duke resolves to marry With Iuliana so they call her now Whose sorcery hath won upon his soul I have walk'd too long in dark Clouds and accuse Too late my silence I am quite undon There was some hope while he did love my name But that and all is banish'd is 't not in The power of fancy to imagin this A dream that hath perplext us all this while If it be reall I will be reveng'd T is but forgetting what I am and then I am not concern'd Honor. Rather forget the Duke And live to triumph in a love more happy He is not worth a tear Enter Donabella Dona. How 's this my heart Honor. Come I wil kiss these sorrows from thy cheek This Garden wants no watering preserve This rain it is a wealth should ransom Queens As thou dost love me chide thy saucie grief That will undo the spring here and inforce My heart to weep within me equall drops Of blood for these Dona. Oh my abus'd confidence Lauriana now I find hath but betraid me Instruct me rage and jealousie Fior. I am resolv'd Exit Donab. Honor. Well said take courage Fioretta Appear with thy own name and sufferings Thy sight will strike the proud Impostors from Their Pyramids of glory Fior. It were more revenge to dye Honor. Not so deer Fioretta somthing glides Like cheerfulness o' th' sudden through my blood Despair not to be happy Let 's consult And form the aptest way for all our honor Exeunt Enter Flaviano Flav. There 's but one cloud in all our sky were that Remov'd we were above the rage of storms That Claudio knows too much I look upon His life like a prodigions blazing Comet He palls my blood if I but meet him hansomly I 'l make him fixt as the North-star I hear No whisper of him yet were but he dead Iuliana and her friend might revell here The Duke should have the name but we would steer The Helm of State and govern all I have Gain'd much upon Leonato's easie faith Who thinks me innocent and that only duty Mislead my nature and my tongue to obey The Duke of Mantua and the Prince upon Whose heads I have translated all my guilt Enter Leonato Claudio And fram'd their jealousie at home my cause Of flight for refuge hither Ha my eyes Take in confusion The Duke and Claudio 'T is doomsday in my soul Leon. Can this be justified Claud. I dare confirm this truth with my last blood Flav. I dare not hear it That I now could fling My self upon the winds Exit Claud. And should be happy Were Flaviano's life put into ballance Against my own to make it clear by his Confession To my shame I must acknowledge was the agent 'twixt 'em he was pleas'd To choose me his smock
My hope for I despair ever to meet His clear affection whom I honor Dona. Would This Court containd whom you would make so precious I should with as much cherefullness assist Thy wishes as desire thy aid to mine I do believe you have much credit with His thoughts and virtue to deserve it Madam Fior. If you trust me The favor I have with his Highness shall not Create your prejudice be confident Your birth your beauty and those numerous graces That wait upon you must command his heart Dona. Madam you force a blush for my much want Of what y' are pleas'd to impute my ornaments You are acquainted with your self and shew What I should be if I were rich like you But my disparity of worth allow'd Would you would call me Sister and impose Somthing on me my act of confidence And free discovery of my soul may Deserve faith from you that I shall never Injure his name you love Fior. There is no hope In my desires and therefore I beseech Dear Madam your excuse yet thus much I Dare borrow of my grief to say he lives Now in the Court for whose sake I thus wither Dona. Alas I fear agen is he compos'd Of gentle blood and can to thee he cruell Fior. No he is very kind for he did promise To be my Husband we ha' been contracted Don. Disperse these mists clear my wonder Madam Fior. When time and sorrow shall by death prepare My sad release of love you may know all Were the condition of my fate like others It were no grief to name him Dona. This doth more inlarge my Jealousie Fior. But let us leave this subject till time fit To ope the maze of my unhappy fortune Enter Bertoldi Bert. I heard that she was come into the Park They cannot far be they are in view And no man with 'em I 'l now be valiant Enter Florelia and Honorio Flor. It was her Highness charge I should direct you I know her walk Bert. The blustring Prince agen Who sent him hither I think he conjures Now dare I with as much confidence undertake To cure a Lyon rampant o' the' Tooth-ach As but go forward and my valiant Mother Honor. Your Son I must excuse my self then to him Ber. Now shall I be fit for a Carbonado Honor. I hope you 'l pardon sir if I appear'd Less smooth when I last saw you Bert. My good Lord your Grace is too much humble I 'm your blow-ball your breath dissolves my being But to shew how free my wishes are to serve you If you have any mind or meaning to my Mother Honor. How do you mean Bert. In what way your Grace pleases She shall be yours your Highness may do worse Although I say 't she has those things may give A Prince content Honor. Your Son is very curteous Flor. I should prepare you sir to look with mercy Upon his folly But the Princess Bert. Mother Flor. VVill you be still a fool VVhat said you sir to th' Prince Bert. VVill you be wise and use him tenderly Flor. Stain to thy Fathers blood I was comming Madam Exeunt manet Bert. Bert. Vmh he is my rivall would my hilts VVere in his belly they are out of sight It is no rutting time no trick Enter Flaviano and Claudio disguis'd Flav. Signior Bertoldi Bert. I do not know you friends but how soever There is a purse of mony Flav. Sir I want not Bert. That Gentleman perhaps can drink I like not Their goggle eyes t was well I gave 'em mony VVhat d' ee want else you are Souldiers I love a Souldier Flor. I am a Gentleman of Mantua sir That owe my life to your command as one That had an interest in the preservation Your army brought when the Enemy besieg'd us Bert. Your mercy Signior and how do all Our limber friends it h Nunnery I was one O' th' Cavaliers went with the Generall Into the Orchard of Hesperides To fetch the golden Dragon Flav. Golden Apple You mean the Princess Fioretta Signior Is she married sir Bert. No no the Duke will neither dye nor live To any purpose but they will be shortly Have you a mind to kiss her hand Flav. I shall be proud Bert. You shall be as proud as you please sir Flav. You can resolve me is Honorio Our Duke of Mantuas Son here Bert. Yes he is here Heaven were a fitter place for him Flav. Ha! look to him For he is come with bloody thoughts to murder Your Prince Leonato caution him to walk VVith a strong guard and arm himself with all That can be proof against his Sword or Pistoll He cannot be too safe against the treason And horrid purpose of Honorio Bert. His mouth is Musket bore but are you sure He did resolve to kill our Prince Fla. Most certain Bert. I am very glad to hear 't Fla. Glad sir Bert. Yes I cannot wish him better then a Traitor Now I shall be reveng'd Flav. Has he been guilty of any affront to you Bert. He is my Rivall Flav. Why do not you kill him then Bert. Pox on him I cannot indure him Flav. He is then reserv'd to fall by me Bert. T is too good to be true are you maryed Signior Flav. VVhat then Bert. If you be not do this you shall have My mother a Lady that has Gold enough to pave The Streets with double Ducats here 's my hand Kill but this huffing Prince my Mothers yours Enter Honorio And all her moveables t is he alone too There 's convenient bottom sir hard by Exit Hon. The finest place to cut his throat I 'l not Be seen Flav. I am resolv'd charge home thy litle Murderers And follow Cland. I warrant you my Lord Exit after Hono. Enter Volterino and Hortensio Volt. But tell me hast thou any hopes of Madam Florelia Hort. I had a lusty promise Volt. From her Hort. Ye Coxcomb her sweet Son Volt. Why so had I he did contract her to me A flat bargain and sale of all she had So I would say he was valiant Hort. That was the price he made to me but I Had hope last visit from her self Volt. Be plain I 'l tell thee she gave me strong expectation And came on like a Cheverell Hort. I hear She has given out she will have one of us Enter Florelia Volt. She cannot love us both Hort. Would she had one then the toy were over I could make shift to love her Volt. And to lye with her estate one helps the tother well Florel. I finde a change within my self I hope I sha'not prove in love now after all My jeasting and so many coy repulses To men of birth and honor Volt. T is she Florel. Why do I think upon him then I fear This man of War has don 't Horten. I have it wee 'l finde whether she affect Or Juggle with us presently Florel. Those postures Would shew some difference here I can observe Volt. Your Mistris
Horten. Mine if she be pleas'd what interest Can all your merit challenge above me Volt. You will repent this insolence I must Forget to wear a sword and hear thee name Florelia with that confident relation To her fair thoughts and not correct your pride I 'l search your heart and let out those proud hopes That thus exalt you Hort. You are cosend Signior I do not fear your probe she le ts us fight Fight If we had no more wit we might foin in earnest Florel. Ha ha ha are you at that ward Gentlemen Volt. She laughes to see us fence o' this fashion Le ts come a little closer Fight Flor. Hold hold Gentlemen For your own honors is this valour well Employ'd what cause can urge effusion Thus of that noble blood was given you To serve your Country are you mad Hort. We are but little better to be both in love Flor. What Woman Considered in her best is worth this difference She is cruell cannot finde a better way To reconcile you than by letting blood Do you both love one Volt. It does appear so Madam Flor. I would I knew the Lady makes you both Unhappy I would counsell her some way To set your hearts at peace Volt. T is in your power Hort. Without more circumstance do but look upon Your self and end our civill Wars we ha' both Opinion of your virtue and both hope An interest in your love if you will please To point which of us two is most concern'd In your affection you conclude our danger And oblige one your everlasting Servant Volt. This Madam is a charitable way To know your own and save two lives for we Shall fix upon your sentence and obey The fate you give us Flor. Do you fight for me And will it save Incision and preserve Your noble veins to know whom I prefer In my best thoughts of love this is but reasonable And t will be hard to set a period To this contention for I love you both So equally observe me Cavaliers T is most impossible to distinguish which Is first in my neglect for I love neither Fight or be friends you have your choice and I My liberty I had forgot to thank you For your infusion of that fierce courage Into my Son there is great hope if he Live till next year he may be a Constable He has an excellent art to keep the peace Farewell Volt. Madam for all this I believe you love Hort. I believe now shee 's old and has no teeth Else she would bite at one of us Reverend Madam That word has fetch'd her we ha' no other cordiall At this dead pang for your disdain but drink now If you will have your Son made a fine Gentleman Be sure you send him to the Tavern to us He knows the rendezvous though you despair We may wind him up yet with spirit of Wine How ever wee 'l be merry and perhaps For all this drink your health Volt. Buoy Madam Hort. If you love your Baby send him Exeunt Flor. I am to blame but I must help it some way Exit Enter Honorio Flaviano Claudio with Pistols Hono. Two Engins of so small extent to do Such mighty execution may I see These instruments you say you have invented And so commend for service Flav. Yes my Lord Shew 'em to th' Prince do they not fright already Your Grace may take full view and quickly be The proof what force they have Honor. I am betrai'd Who hath conspir'd my death Flav. To vex you see him Honor. Flaviano what mak'st thou here Flav. To put of these commodities you are A princely Marchant and affect this kind Of traffick that you may not dy i' th' dark I 'l tell you a brief story which you may Report i' th' other world I did affect Ambitiously thy Sister Fioretta Abus'd thy Father with a false opinion Of Leonato for my end remov'd His Mistris from the Cloister and perswaded A witty Nunne to take her name and cheat The Prince whom he suspects not yet Honor. Dam'd rascall Flav. For pure love to your Sister I did this Hono. Why having been so impious does thy malice Persue me ignorant of all thy treasons Flav. Would you know that because I am undone In my chief hope the Princess whom I thought Thus plac'd secure and apt for my own visit Is gone is vanish'd and as soon I may Find the impression of a Ship at Sea And by the hollow tract in waves oretake The winged Bark distinguish where the Birds At Chace i th' air do print their active flight As find in what part of the envious World Fioretta is bestow'd this sad intelligence Surpriz'd me like a storm nor was it safe To look upon the Duke who must too late Repent his trust and punish it In this conflict Of desperate thoughts I thus resolv'd to see Ferrara and the Lady I preferr'd But find things cannot prosper if you live Whose angry breath will throw down what my policy Wrought high and strike my head beneath the ruines Are you now satisfi'd why you must not live Honor. Hear me shee 's still in silence and believ'd My Sister by the Prince Flav. When you are dead then You VVill be sure to tell no tales now shoot Claud. In my opinion if all this be truth The mischief you ha' done may be sufficient And he may live Flav. Villain vvilt thou betray me Claud. You have betraid your self and after this Confession as I take it I may be Your Ghostly Father and prescribe you a Penance Flav. Hold Claud. I will but Physick you your soul has caught A vehement cold and I have tvvo hot pills Will vvarm you at heart Hono. Shall my revenge be idle Claud. Good Prince you are too forvvard you be So hasty I 'm o' this side did you think I vvould be false yet lest my aim be unlucky Trust your ovvn hand to guide 'em Flav. Thou art honest Thus I salute thy heart Honorio ha no charge Claud. T is time sir to be honest I could serve you In some Court sins that are but flesh-colour A wickedness of the first dye whose brightness Will fade and tincture change your murder is Crimson in grain I have no fancy too 't Sir you are safe Hono. I see thou hast preserv'd me Flav. I 'm lost for ever Hono. T is but a minute Since you were found you must be pleas'd to walk Into the Court the Vestall you preferr'd No doubt will bid you welcome Fate I thank thee Flav. False starres I dare you now Clau. I shall wait on you Exeunt Enter Iuliana Iuli. I have collected all my brain and cannot In any counsell of my thoughts find safety Honorio's death wo'not secure my strength Or prop my languishing greatness t is but like A cordiall when the pangs of death hang on us Nay to my present state no other than Some liberall portion of a quivering stream Drunk to abate the scorching of my Feaver
Hath made his courtship perfect with thy Sister Who saw the Duke Mendoza send for him He doth too much absent himself Exe. Manet Carlo Car. By Proxy The Duke Mendoza's counsell is too busie To advance that and Clara is grown cold Or seems so in her cunning to provoke My flame but I must teach her how to meet it My father may be wrought to a consent When things are done forgive me Isabella My first thoughts cannot on thy beauty wait I am not master of my love or fate Exit Enter Pedro Pe. Things are not now so desperate whilst my Lord Piracquo keeps possession but if I were Worthy to advise his Lordship he should not lose Much time to settle things secrets do burn Enter Mendoza His grace now for a fit of jealousie I 'll be here Men. He 's troublesome in my eye and yet I cannot Endure him from my sight Pe. That 's I Me. Methinks he hath every day a more discovering look There 's Scaffolds in his face I shall prevent him And send him far enough with the next Fleet He goes the Sea may roar and crack the Cabbins Or he may meet the Calenture I have heard Of Hericanoes that have torn up Mountains One boysterous enough would strike his Ship Clean through a' tother side to the Antipodes And that would cure me all my Art must be To win him to the Voyage and not stir His jealousie the Knave is apprehensive Pe. Are you good at that Exit Me. I doe not like his business with Piracquo 'T is for no good I 'll break their correspondence Piracquo has been honourable yet I doe not much confide in him he 's here Enter Pedro Come hither Pedro Re. Your Graces Pleasure Me. What consult Have you with Don Piracquo Pe. Please your Grace He hath been fishing some or other have Infus'd a scruple I 'll engage my life But though he be my Kinsman and a Lord I honour and from whom I have receiv'd The promise of a Fortune and a great one Yet I have said little Me. Hast said any thing Pe. How could I choose Sir he did squeez me subtly But I was wise and faithfull to your trust He knows no more than I or you Me. Ha Pe. Wou'd wish him Sir let me alone to be cautious Me. Th' art honest Pedro and I have been studying How to encourage and reward thy service And I have thought of a preferment for thee Pe. Your Grace was ever bountifull Me. A place Of honour and command Pe. That will do well Sir And shal I come in as your Churchmen do No first-fruits to be paid twice in a year No buying of a Jewell at the rate Of fifteen hundred times the value Sir Me. Remove that care Pe. That care is well remov'd Me. I have consider'd that to live at home My Servant is to dark thy abilities That will abroad shine and doe services Worth Spain's acknowledgement Pe. Abroad why must I travell Me. By any means Pe. Whither an 't please your Grace Me. But to the Indies Pe. No farther Columbus did it in 7 years And less Me. In the next Fleet thou shalt have an imployment Shall speak my care of thee and interest With his Catholick Majestie he shall deny Me hard but I 'll prevail to make thee of His Councill there and the State Secretary Pe. This is a mighty honour Me. We may hold Correspondence still by Letters thou art wise The King shall knight thee too of Calatrava How will it joy my heart to write to thee Al Signor illustrissimo Don Pedro Enter Gentleman Gent. Sir the King hath sent for you Me. For me Pe. Yes Sir I could have told your Grace His Majesty commanded your attendance Me. For what Pe. I know not that but I suspect There hath been some intelligence however Go Sir it may do worse and argue guilt To be commanded twice Me. Intelligence It will be worth my safety to confess Pe. By no means Sir that simplicity Would rather become me Me Why wo't thou confess Pe. Not unless you begin go Sir an 't be But to prepare his Majesty for me To wear the order of the Calatrava You have put me Sir into the gang of going This Indian voyage Me. Well I must to the King Pe. Shall I attend you Me. Yes no do what thou wilt yet now I think on 't 'T will be as well to go yet do not neither Pe. Be chearfull Sir why doth your head shake so Me. My head Pe. It trembles like the Needle of a Sun-dial d' ee not feel it Me. Ha yes 't is here but do not breath upon me I feel the very wind of thy words blow it To and agen like a Weather-cock but I must go Pe. I will prepare my self for this voyage Forget not the Calatrava Me. I would thou wert shipt Pe. And sunk It shall go hard but I 'll requite your Lordship Exe. Enter Clara and Servant Cla. A prisoner saist Ser. 'T is a confirm'd report Cla. I fear Prince Carlo's jealousie is cause Of this poor Manuel it will not be Safe or seem honorable for me to visit him But since I cannot suffer with him he Ex. Ser. Shall hear I dare confine my self to sorrow Enter Servant Ser. Madam the Princess Maria is coming up the stairs Cla. I must dissemble now my grief and meet her yet I may intreat her Graces mediation To the King for his enlarge Enter Maria Ma. Let us be private If e'r thou lov'dst me Clara now express it Cla. I have an humble sute to your Highness which In hope to prosper will direct my faith And services to what you can prescribe me Speak your commands Ma. Don Manuel stands committed by the King And I would have thy counsell how I should Best work his liberty Cla. That Madam is All my petition to your Grace Ma. I know my least desire let fall to th' Prince Antonio were enough to engage and make him The Orator to effect it but in honor I would not contrive him the means and instrument To advance his Rival's liberty Cla. Rivall Madam Ma. For I must tell thee Clara and with it Give up the secret of my soul I love Don Manuel I fear better than my self Cla. You do not mock me I hope Madam Ma. No By all that Ladies once in love do pray for By him thou lov'st who e'r he be and this Kiss that I rather wish on Manuel's lip Would modesty and honor give it privilege And durst entrust thy faith to carry it to him In my experience of thy virtue Clara I speak no fable Cla. It becomes my truth To answer yours though not so cheerfully I should not much repent to carry Madam Your kiss to Manuel but I fear I should Forget who sent it If you have a plot To raise mirth from my weakness when you know How much my heart is his I yeeld my self Your triumph Madam but the glories of Your blood and title
I can sit down despis'd Car. Thou art my best friend now Antonio Me-thinks we are not pleasant if she should Be a little obstinate it would become And speak the bravery of thy soul and service To use some language for me wo't thou Manuel Thou dost not know the sufferings of my soul For Clara Man But I pitty 'em Car. 'T is new balsom Into my wounds where is the health Piracquo I feel new spirits dancing in my blood The health begun to Clara languisheth Why should I want it Gentlemen An. It was nam'd By Manuel to my Sister Isabella Prince Carlo you forget Car. To Isabella Your Graces pardon I confess my error I forgot her indeed but could your wishes Translate that Princess hither she should be A witness of my honourable thoughts Enter Isabella with Ladies Musick What Magick 's this do any know that face Pi. 'T is very like the Princess Isabella Ca. I would she were a Ghost Antonio Ha you got enchantments Is. You may stay Sir Ca. I love not to converse with spirits Ma. Sir This is no shadow Car. It is to me Sir Meet me at Clara's or be lost to honour Exit Is. It was your Counsell brother that reserv'd me For this first entertainment My good Lord Piracquo and Don Manuel you seem not So much affrighted as the Prince Pi. A devill In such a shape could never fright me Madam But persons of your quality shift not so Much air without a noise the motion Of Princes has much rumor to attend it Is. I chose to come so private I arriv'd The City but last evening Ma. You have much Honour'd Madrid Is. Why how now brother are You frighted too An. Yes and do sweat at soul To see our selves neglected Is. Some are not fortified against a sudden accident In my desert and innocence I can Interpret nothing yet in my dishonour Since joyes have extasies sometimes and with Their rapture may transport our senses from us As soon as any other passion Besides I heard him wish me here a witness Of honourable thoughts he has but now Remov'd his person to acquaint the King With greater preparation to receive A Guest so unexpected Pi. But I like not the Prince's humor you Had whisperings Manuel I observ'd Man I shall Keep nothing Sir in Clouds from you An. Thou sha't direct me Isabella wee 'l to Court My Lord Piracquo Manuel Is. How ere I put a valiant brow on his neglect And seem to make a gloss in his defence My soul is sick with fear An. Come Isabella Pi. We both attend your grace Exit Enter Roderigo Ro. My engins want success Piracquo is Restor'd to his full being and his Son At large and reconcil'd by Carlo's act My Nephew had been better to have wak'd A sleeping Dragon than have crost my aims He has rescu'd them but drawn upon his bosome As many wounds as policy and my Revenge can make I was too tame to strike At useless Shrubs that hinder not my prospect My thoughts should have no study but a Kingdome It is my Heaven and this young Cedar spread Betwixt my eyes and it I have allready Betray'd his love to Clara and the King That hath made up an Idoll to himself Of honour is inflam'd to my own wishes I know the Prince will be impatient To hear his Mistris tost by the Kings anger And he may leap into some disobedience That may be worth my second charge to sink him And then Piracquo Manuel and the Kingdome Shall stoop to my devotion yet I carry A smiling brow to all and please the King To think I am reconcil'd Enter Carlo My Nephew Car. Where is the King Ro. Where I left him displeas'd and was now coming To Prince Antonio's Lodgings to acquaint you Car. With what Ro. Have you contracted love with Duke Mendoza's Daughter the Lady Clara Car. What officious Tongue hath been bold to mention her Ro. He has Had some intelligence and is almost grown Wild with the strange resentment I not knowing What to object against his passion thus Surpriz'd you may believe apply'd what lenitives My understanding could collect o' th' sudden With confidence when you came to give account The accusation would fall off and he Appear too credulous against your honour Ca. It were no treason to Castile my Lord If I confest this mighty fact Ro. 'T is justice If you doe love her honourably to avow it Ca. Isabella is no Angell Ro. Nor is Clara Of an extraction to digrace a Prince Ca. Though he be my Father he did not Beget my Soul who 's with him Ro. I left the Duke Mendoza Ca. Has he made Complaint o' me 't is well let me preserve Good Uncle still your loving thoughts it is in vain to move my Father now Ro. There is I way if you could but dissemble Sir To set your wishes right and Letters may be so contriv'd to Portugall Ca. The Princess Is here allready Uncle Ro. Isabella Ca. Now with Antonio and I am lost Ro. Would thou wert never to be found agen Ca. I must doe something Ro. The Princess thus Affronted may be worth my own ambition Calm thoughts attend you Sir Exit Enter Mendoza Me. I 'm glad I came so well off from the King His anger made me tremble I was jealous Of more discovery when he nam'd the Prince This Treason is a kind of a quotidian It leaves a man no intervall I durst Not mention Pedro at all for fear The King had skill in Cabala I 'm afraid There 's something in the very name that may With a small key be open'd to my danger Ca. You are well met my Lord doe you know me Me. Know you Sir yes I know you for Car. For what Me. The Prince I hope now I 'm betray'd for certain Yet if he know it he will not be so furious Car. Are you so much an enemy to your self To tell the King Me. I tell the King alass I dare not tell it to my Ghostly Father I have more regard to you and my own life My Family 's undone by it Car. By what Sir Me. Nay if you know not I know not neither Sir What doe you mean Car. Am not I worthy in your opinion Your Daughter Clara's love Me. Oh is that all Car. But you must dote and tell the King on 't Me. I I disclaim it by my life and honour Car. I thought you had lov'd me Sir Me. He is a Traitour That dares accuse me now I may speak boldly My Bloud and Fortune have a little name I' th' World to which make an addition of My Life my Daughter Clara too were these In ballance against you they would be light And their whole loss repaird to see you happy If this be false a Whirlwind snatch me Sir And let me hang in some prodigious Cloud 'Twixt Earth and Heaven Car. This is a bold expression Me. But I must tell you Sir for your own sake I would not have
hast a thought to wish him live Here I disclame thee if thou wert a son I would pronounce thee bastard if thou didst not Kill himself thy self but as it is I sha'not Be satisfied since my own hands are bound If thou attempt not something in his danger Cl. Good Sir you speak as you were to expect No killing sentence from the offended Law Me. I 'll study some revenge my self Exit Cl. He 's lost And in this storm like a distracted passenger Whose bark has struck upon some sand I look from the forsaken deck upon the seas I find my own despair which every wave Swels high and bids me die for fear of drowning Enter Castellano May I not see Don Manuel your prisoner Ca. Yes Madam if you expect untill Princess Maria who is come to visit him Cl. My affairs concern 'em both Direct me with more hast Ca. Then this way Madam Exe Enter Manuel and Maria a Taper on the Table Ma. Madam I ow to your charity this light And yet this little Taper may be useless I fear the King will lose part of his sentence When you go hence for such a full light waits About you when you take away your person It will be some day still as I foresee As you appear'd some dawning of the morning Ma. I would I could bring comfort to thee Manuel Man What comfort can you wish me Ma. Life and liberty With these my self if fate and thy consent Were to allow the gift Man It is not well Unless you doubted Madam my repentance To afflict me with these mockeries When will you rather perfect what your own Revenge must prompt you to my death for Carlo Your Princely Brother Madam I confess This hand rob'd him of life Ma. Yet in my heart I dare pronounce thy pardon Manuel Man It is not possible Enter Clara Is not that Clara That 's come to take her leave before I print My everlasting farewell on her lip Which I shall hardly find if this rain last To drown these lovely meadows thou shalt be A Judge between the Princess and poor Manuel To enable thee for sentence take upon thee Her person Clara Be the Princess wo't And hear me plead against my sel fand her Till she repent her love and leave me to A quiet death I know not how to think Maria you can mean this love to me Or that your voice when it does chime the sweetest Is more than preface to my dirge say that You have a heart less penetrable than The scale of Dragons and as many stings When they make war and I 'll give faith to you For such an enemie as I must not Be look'd on but with all your wrath upon me Me-thinks I hear your brother call you Madam And hovering as he scorn'd to touch the earth Sustains his Murderer is pointing to The wounds I made whose fountains are still weeping I feel a purple dew descend upon me And I am all a bloody rock allready Are not you stiff with wonder yet if once You had when I appear'd a man fair thoughts Of me it is too much to love me now You must convert them into curses Madam And I will call it justice Cla. I came not To hear this Comment on my brother's story Whom you have kill'd Man Observe her act your person And speak now as if the sorrow were her own And she had lost a brother Cl. Indeed I have wept before and came not now to learn A grief for him that was so near my blood But I 've consider'd too the ties of nature Should have no force against the rules of Justice Allthough it be a sorrow to remember He took his great misfortune from your sword You did not murder him nay you did not kill him You fought in his revenge and while he came Hid in the name and person of a Traytor It was your virtue made him bleed and yet He was my brother Sir Man Your brother more He was your Prince too Madam think o'th at The full blown expectation of the Kingdom One that redeem'd my life from banishment And yet I kill'd him can you forgive me You cannot must not Madam Cla. Yes and dare Say I still love you Man She will punish me For giving up my interest to Carlo If she encourage thus Maria Madam Do you consider how few sands are left In my poor glass of time I cannot promise Three minutes here Law and the Kings decree Have turn'd two parts of me to dust allready I feel the third unsettle and make fit To be dissolv'd but could fate give my life The period to be wished remember whom I speak to Clara and I need no more Accuse my self my heart was long since given Away and you as soon may reconcile Time and Eternity to one growth and age As hope my love and yours should ever meet Cla. Then it is time to dye Man Madam she faints Oh help she has forgot her part this was Not meant to Clara Mar. Madam Madam Man Clara so so she returns I should have quickly followed else Mar. I see Your loves are sacred and 't is sin to attempt Your separation though I lov'd thee Manuel I can resign to Clara whom I hop'd Her Brothers death might have provok'd to leave thee Man Her Brothers let me hear Clara speak her Brothers death Having so little time to stay with thee Alive why didst thou make such hast Cla. Did not You Sir pronounce it was impossible That our two loves should meet Man Thou didst not Represent Clara then thou wert the Princess Cla. I know not but your last profession That our two hearts should never grow together Followed so close my Brother's death I thought The meaning look'd on me Mar. Thy Brothers death Mar. You have not slain the Prince my Brother Manuel But Clara's this may yet appear a mystery Cla. 'T is too true Man But stay and can my Clara then forgive me No man despair to find Mercy in Heaven There is so great a Charity upon Earth But doe not leave me lost i' th' wonder Madam Allthough it would be happiness to know The Prince not dead I cannot hear without A wound next his that I ha' kil'd thy Brother It cannot be allthough thou wouldst forgive me I cannot be so miserable Mar. How Their Souls agree 't were tyranny to part 'em Clara I envyed now allow thy happiness And will have no more thoughts upon your loves But what shall be employ'd in hearty wishes That Manuel may live still to reward it Thou hast deserv'd him better than I have Antonio Cla. If my death may speak Addition to the love I owe thee 't is In my resolution at that minute Thy Soul takes leave my own shall wait upon it And take a journey through the Clouds together Who knows but they may fill one Star Farewell Till we begin that progress Man Doe not make Death horrid to me Clara for to think When this unworthy