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A30730 Sabbatikh ʻhmepa ʻhmepa ʻimepa, Septima dies, dies desiderabilis, sabbatum Jehovae the seventh-day-sabbath the desirable day, the closing completing day of that first created week, which was, is, and will be, the just measure of all succeeding weeks in their successive courses, both for working in the six foregoing days, and for rest in the seventh, which is the last day, by an unchangeable law of well-established order, both in the revealed word and in created nature. The second part / by Francis Bampfield. Bampfield, Francis, 1615 or 16-1683. 1677 (1677) Wing B628; ESTC R13923 284,270 156

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old corrupt Principles the old crooked Rules the old selfish ends the old bad Frames the old uutoward Actings the erroneous mistakes the formality in Worship the old unscriptural Traditions the old Sins the old man's Conversion and such like These do pass away and all things contrary to these are become new A whole new man The Apostle speaks of what is peculiar to the New Creature in Christ as such For as for the old ceremonious Rites and their passing away even those that were not new Creatures but were carnal Professors of Christianity yet had these things passing away and they were put under a new Administation the new dispensation of Grace had Ordinances now in a more spiritual heavenly way and manner The passing away of old things here is of old things so far as they stand in opposition to the new Creature and unto that new life in and to Christ which now the converted person should live That as Christ so loved his people as to dye and rise again for them so should those in Christ thus evidence their Love to Christ by living no longer to themselves but unto him crucifying the old man mortifying the sins and lusts of that old man and vivifying or quickning the new man which was true in the Types and Figures before Christ was come born of the Virgin Mary and which is still true now after that Christ is come and ascended up into Glory But all this doth make nothing as to the passing away of the Law of the ten Words in all of them or in any one the least of them This is a distinct fort of Laws from the Typical Figuring Shadowy Institutions The Law of the ten Words as it always has been so is it now and still will be the Rule of the new Creature in Christ Jesus For what in one place is called the new Creatures Rule in another speaking to the same case is the keeping of the Commandments of God In Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing nor Uncircumcision but a new Creature And as many as walk according to this Rule Peace be on them and Mercy and on the Israel of God The Israel of old had no saving benefit barely by the outward sign of Circumcision whereas God's Israel then who had the sign and the thing signified too they had the Mercy and Peace who were new Creatures united to the Messiah by Faith working by Love who had their hearts circumcised to love Jehovah their God who had sin subdued and lust mortified And the uncircumcision under the new Dispensation was not of any good avail without the new Birth without conjunction to and communion with it and if the Regenerate the new Born the new Created would evidence and approve themselves to be such and to be in Christ they must obey him and keep his Commandments But what is all this to any change of the weekly Sabbath from the Seventh to the First Day of the Week To pass from one sort of Laws into another sort of Laws from the Law of figuring Types to the Law of the ten Words and to infer the passing away of any one of the Laws of the ten Words from the passing of Types into the Antitypes and of signifying Figures into their signified things is a transition from one kind to another a way of sophistical arguing of fallacious disputing captiously to over-reach the ignorant too credudulous vulgar and to defraud them of their right to the Truth As for that part of the Objection which doth speak of new Heavens and of new Earth pretended to be completed and finished on the Day of Christ's Resurrection from whence to conclude the passing away of the Seventh-day Sabbath to make room for a First-Day-weekly Sabbath it is so scriptureless so natureless so reasonless an inference that it should have been more preconsidered by this Arguer whether it do conclude and prove any thing but this that the Adversaries would fain have something or other that might carry a little colour and some shew with it if they know what For let it be pondered upon search and examination that all those places of Scripture which do speak of the new Heavens and the new Earth do relate to a further time for their full accomplishment than precisely to the Day of Christ's Resurrection That Prophesie in Isaiah hath an eye to the more large and spreading conversions of the two and ten Tribes in the latter days yet to come How was this then fulfilled on Christ's Resurrection-Day who of them was then converted what eminent new Creatorship was there then brought forth which might put any such signal remark upon the First Day of the Week as from thence to become the new weekly Sabbath When the most of the Disciples themselves did scarce believe him to be raised till after that Day was over And two Disciples with whom he had walked some Miles that Day had little belief of his Resurrection and little knowledge of him till he disappeared from them How few in comparison were brought in unto Christ and made new Creatures in all Christ's life time at his Death and Resurrection and forty Days after that till after his Ascension and after the pourings out of the Holy Spirit That forementioned Prophesie doth foretel that Nations shall be brought under the Jews Dominions when those new Heavens and new Earth shall appear This was not at the time of Christ's Resurrection-day nor ever since and they were then and have been since for sixteen hundred years or more so far Ruling over the Nations that they have been a scattered despised broken people without so much as any Political Kingly Government amongst themselves It foretels that those of Judah and of Israel should be gathered out of all Quarters East West North and South This also is behind yet unfulfilled That Euphrates would be dry Was this on Christ's Resurrection Day Or has it been since Is not this also yet to come upon their return to their own Land in the latter Days Will not their grand Enemy the Turk be then overthrown who has so long wrongfully possessed their Inheritance which when it is will be so great a work for the inhabited Earth to take notice of where the ear-report shall come or the eye-witnessing be that it will obscure the memory of former Acts. Another Prophesie by Isaiah doth fortel that at that time of the new Heavens and the new Earth the ten Tribes of Israel as well as the other two of Judah and of Benjamin shall according as to an express promise return home to their own Country and Land For Sharon was in Gilead which belonged to Manasseh The Valley of Achor was a parcel of the Tract of Jericho in the Tribe of Judah There will then be a new face of things in their glorious and blessed Renovation when there will be divers things accomplished which are not as yet fulfilled As
World made known in every Nation to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews all Mankind being concerned therein as to their Eternal Estate so that if as Adversaries have confessed it were the Gentiles Duty to observe the Law of the ten Words as soon as these were made known unto them which have so much of self-evidence in them commending themselves to every man's conscience at first view we take then their own concession and would improve what they grant for their own conviction that seeing besides what was made manifest to Gentile Nations of these Laws before Moses's time there were many present at the very time of Promulgation of the Decalogue of Mount Sinai and who knows how many more might hear the sound of Christ's Voice at that time and there was one and the same Law to Israelite and to Gentile and seeing in the after-dispersions of the Israelites and Jews unto the several Nations into all Nations these Laws were published abroad among the Gentiles that therefore the Gentiles also who had or at least might have had the knowledge of these Laws were under the obligatory power of them Come we now to the New Testament This doth not run in the stile nor carry the form of enacting new Laws which were never before but as to the Matter in hand it doth confirm and established the Old Law of the ten Word This was the constant Doctrine of Christ when he spake to this subject This Decalogical Doctrine and Rule of Life was not at all disanulled or any way dissolved by this Lawgiver but he made it to stand firmly in his place and to preach the good old Gospel of Reconciliation through his Name he being that very Messiah who was foretold of should come in the flesh born of a Virgin and to declare the sound old Doctrine of Faith for the comfort of such converted Souls as turned from sin to a Saviour and so obtained Justification and Salvation by Faith in Christ which was the same in all ages of the Church under the several dispensations of Grace unto all and upon all that believe which Truth hath Testimony from the Law and from the Prophets This Law of the ten Words the Apostles by Commission from the LORD Jesus Christ commend and command to all rational Creature as a Rule of Life in their Preaching and Uniting to the Gentile Nations not as by way of new constituting and re-enacting of Laws as if they had been no Laws to them before but reviving and re-inforcing of these old Laws upon their Conscience and this they often bring in especially Paul sometimes to prove a Doctrine othertimes convincingly to reprove for a sin or reformingly to correct some Error or Vice or chastizingly to instruct some Duty of Holiness and Righteousness according as the particular occasions for these were taking it for granted that they were a Directory for the Gentiles as well as for the Jews The Apostles when they preached to Jew or Gentile before the New Testament was written were it a Doctrine or a Duty or what else which they pressed upon the hearers still they proved what they taught out of the Scriptures of the Old Testament as that which did and doth bind I speak of the Law of the ten Words both Jew and Gentile this was a part of that word-foundation on which all the Jewish and Gentile Churches were built Examine we some passages in the Epistles to this end There were Gentiles in the Church at Rome and Paul in his writing to them doth evidently declare That they were under the Obligation of those Commandments which were delivered from God by Moses giving particular instances in several of the Laws of the ten Words as the Marginal references will inform And commending of this Law in the general at large There were Gentiles in the Church at Corinth and Paul in his first Epistle to them doth convince them both of sin and duty from what was written in the Law of Moses There were Gentiles in the Church of Galatia yet Paul doth convince them of their guilt and cursedness whilst they were in their sinful state from those things which were written in the Book of the Law and sheweth them the necessity of Faith as to Justification which he proveth out of the writings of an Old Testament Prophet and as for Love he declares unto them that all the Law is fulfilled in one Word Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self which was the same Doctrine with that of Moses and of Christ There were Gentiles in the Church at Ephesus yet was that Church built upon the foundation of the Prophets of the Old Testament whose writings were much of them a Commentary upon the Law of the ten Words as well as under the Apostles of the New he urgeth upon them obedience to the Decalogical Law and particularly doth single one out of the Ten about honouring of the Father and the Mother which was the first Commandment of the second Table with promise An industrious Reader and a diligent observer may quickly carry this through the New Testament and spare me the further labour by his own unprejudiced ingenuity The Gentiles as well as the Jews are in their natural corrupt state in Sin and under the Curse which sin is a Transgression of this Law The Light of Nature in the Gentiles especially when rightly and throughly informed by the Word of God approves of every one of the Laws of the ten Words There is but one only Lawgiver who has mere and direct Empire over the consciences of all Mankind even Jehovah Aelohim who is able to save and to destroy according as men obey him or not And there is one only perfect Rule of Life to which all thoughts words and actions should be conformed and by which we shall be judged at that last Great Day even the Word of God the ten Words summarily this is the chief the principle the supreme Directory Whatsoever is written in the heart of the Pagans so far as it is right is concordant unto this Law The Will of the LORD concerning what is or is not to be done which way soever he has revealed it to all or to any of Mankind is still the same with this holy righteous Law when ever he has signified to man what his requirements from man in these matters are Unto his Will must the will of all Mankind be conformed all Mankind is always bound to will that which God would have them to will all Mankind who have the use and the exercise of right Reason cannot but acknowledge that the two great comprehensive Summaries of the ten Words do bind them all which are To love the LORD our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind and to love our neighbour as our selves all are reduced to this bipartite Universal Law Though the LORD variously reveal his Will and his Word for
generation observed the Sabbath on the seventh day by that Generation he speaketh of the whole time from the beginning of the world full home to Christ which is a Testimony that the seventh day was not changed in Moses's time from what it was before Moses one of the Authors cited in the Margin doth acknowledge that the Pagan gentils observed the seventh day every where this custom prevailed to observe the same seventh day which the Jews used to keep holy so common was it grown Pleaders for the Dominical day do lay the foundation of their observing of it upon Christs Resurrection which they assert to be on the first day of the week on this day saith one of them speaking of the Dominical day the world received its beginning The first day of the week because of Christs resurrection saith another is the birth-day of the whole humane nature Why did the Heathen the Pagans scoff at the Jews for observing the seventh day as Sabbath if they both kept one and the same day before Moses and a different day after Moses and after Christ which the Pagans called the seventh day why do they name the seventh day which was kept festival in Palestine if another day were the seventh and why do they call the Jews seventh days by the name of Sabbaths if they did not judge them so to be and why do they give unto the Jews the name of Sabbatarians several of the Pagans do deride all Sabbaths one of them says that the Sabbaths of the Jews were dedicated to sloth or idleness Another calleth the observation of the Sabbath an evil solemnity and Foolishness and says that to observe the Sabbath was ridiculous because that in so doing they lose the seventh part of their life one of the First day-men writeth that the Gentiles and all the Heathen did not keep the seventh day which the Patriarchs did according to Institution they did altogether hate the only true holy day and would not observe it themselves but they erected other days to an holy and Religious use the Romans he saith further anciently instituted every ninth day and the Graecians every eighth day and neither of them the seventh the Romans dedicated their ninth day to Jupiter the Graecians consecrated the eighth unto Neptune but neither of them consecrated the seventh unto the LORD and these two were the chief of the Heathen Philosophers we saith he speaking of Christians that are for the First-day keep not the same day which was from the beginning So that the Reader may by this discern how much men will be at a loss who resolve this case into humane Authorities and Histories which are many of them so quite cross and contrary to Scripture-truth and which do so contradict one another satisfaction and settlement such as is sound and demonstrative can never come in that way Another Advocate for the first-day doth declare that Cyprian Tertullian and Hilary do call the Dominical-day the eighth from the Creation the Enemies derided the Christian-sabbath saith Ruffinus Athanasius saith that he observed the Sabbath day not as it was in the first age in the beginning of the world Philo the Apostles contemporary asserteth the seventh day-sabbath's observation to be according to the Law of nature constituted by God at the Creation of Nature Athanasius acknowledgeth that the seventh-day-sabbath was observed from the Creation till Christ The seventh day of every week in order from the Creation was Sacred not only to the Hebrews but Gentiles thus the Author cited in the Margin with much more if it were needful which might be added to discover the invalidity of the objectors arguing who doth bring many humane Authorities against himself and his own assertion and against whose way of arguing many contradicting humane authorities are and may further be brought so widely will men wander whilst they go astray from the word-way of the LORD's Precepts One of the learnedest in this Century doth affirm the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the express Letter of it as it is written and read in its obvious meaning of the fourth Commandment pointeth at the Sabbath as it was in the first Institution the Seventh day from the Creation The very Gentiles both Civil and Barbarous both ancient and of later days as it were by an universal kind of Tradition retained the distinction of the Seven Days of the VVeek notwithstanding that great variety of differences which is betwixt them in the ordering of their Years and Months Every where they attributed some Holiness to the Seventh-day they were not ignorant that the VVorks of the Creation were finished on the Seventh But whither have these Objectors diverted me I now return O what a many peculiar honours hath the LORD put upon this Law in his Word The Ark in which was nothing else put but only these ten Words had many Dignities conferred upon it It was made of durable Wood not so subject to putrefaction this Wood was overlaid within and without with pure Gold It had a Crown of Gold round about The Pot of Manna was before it by which Jehovah Aelohim confirmed the Seventh-day Sabbath Out of this Ark Jehovah spake by Oracle This was an assurance of Aelohims gracious presence amongst his people and that he did dwell there There must they worship before him with a proomise of acceptance The Propitiatory covered it There between the Cherubims the LORD himself sat I could fill up much more paper upon this one Argument The Lawgiver himself was the Writer of this Law The Law is one of Christ's Names The Name of Aelohim was given to the Ark of the Covenant It being an illustrious Symbol of his presence All the prefiguring prophetical Scriptures in the Old Testament relating to this Law have a New Testament significancy and sense What a multitude of Scriptures might here be heaped together in commendation of this Law It has an invincible firmness There Precepts are true and certain The Church is governed by this Law as its Rule Christ himself submits his Doctrine to be examined by it There is Perspicuity in this Law It is perfect in its Nature and Doctrine When the Spirit of the LORD doth bring it on with living Efficacy and with saving Power O how wonderful are its effects It begets Faith its Regenerates it nourisheth it makes to be growing it inlightens it gives heavenly saving Wisdom it restores and strengthens the Soul it exciteth a lively firm Consolation it joyeth and refresheth the Heart it kindle●h a love to God in the Heart it furnisheth with Armour aginst temptations and assaults It doth guard against captious Sophistry and Treachery It leadeth to Life and to eternal Salvation Nothing may be added to it or taken from it Moses leads to Christ and Christ sends to Moses They appeared together at the Mount of Transfiguration The characteristical Notes and the distinguishing Marks that do difference an Evangelical Reformed Christian Church and
Disciple from an Antichristian Synagogue and a Worshipper of the Beast are the keeping of the Commandments of God and the having the Testimony of Jesus Christ Much peace to them that love Jehovah's Law and to them no stumbling block This will be the everlasting Rule of the Holiness and Righteousness of glorified Ones in Heaven If some one will do he shall know of this Doctrine whether it be of God or not O the happy straight goings on of that man who fearing Jehovah who delighting greatly in his Commandments Christ is the Author of Eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him and the Father gives his Spirit unto such How freely and delightfully could I here inlarge in the commendation of this excellent perfect Law How good how holy how just is this Law for the matter intrinsecally externally good and holy and just consonant to the eternal Justice and Holiness and Goodness which is in the LORD himself whose Authority is stamped upon this and as such is given forth from him unto us to be a Rule How can this be abrogated or changed which is so full and comprehensive of that Righteousness and Holiness which is the perfect Image of the pure unchangeable Jehovah Aelohim were we more throughly conformed to it in our natures and actions we should be tied to it and to the Commander of it with an everlasting love love beyond expression How can the obligation of its mandatory power be other than eternal and immutable O how good is it in its kindly effects inlightning converting restoring quickning comforting and many other ways operating upon the heart when the holy Spirit doth put life and power into mens hearts for these productions This way of obedience to the ten Words is the way of lasting of hidden age and of everlastingness that way which alone of all ways will continue and hold out to the utmost duration when all the ways of Anomous of lawless ones shall perish Christ's Disciples should evidence and manifest their love to him by their friendliness to his Law The Doctrines and the Precepts of this Rule the promises and the threatning of it do some way or other lead to Christ and have him for their scope and this under the old as well as new Administration were not the believing Israelites to look unto the covenanted Messiah and to act Faith upon him Were they not by all the Types and Figures and Shadows of him to make application of him to themselves and of themselves to him and and to confirm their expectation of his coming Was not this that which made all their prayers and other services acceptable their spiritual relation which they had unto him How could mercy be done unto thousands as the Letter of this Law doth include if we exclude this Messiah or Christ out of his own Laws as if he were not intended there The Administration of this Law was Evangelical in its great design and main intention Can a believer but highly prize Christ and esteem him precious when he doth so look into the glass of this Law as to view and loath the spots on the face of his nature and life the least of which this Law doth discover and will not hide any of his deformities nor cover his wrinckles nor paint his ugliness In this case how great are the benefits by Christ to the Believer who is made of God to the Believer Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption The more that a Beliver doth honour Christ the more will he be carried out in a Spirit of Love to delight in the Commands of Christ When Adam was most holy he was most obedient and when he was most obedient he was most acted by a principle of Love Thus the holy blessed Angels do all in obedience and love to Christ for they also are under this Law and at command Even the LORD Jesus Christ himself kept these Commandments of his Father and did abide in his Love his ready chearful obedience to his Father must have an eye to a commanding Law The Law of the ten Words though it include a perfect holiness in its requirements yet doth it not exclude an Advocating Mediator in its intendments O how will mens faces be covered with shame at the last when they shall be judged by that Law which now they so much contend against When the LORD had given forth the Law of the ten Words it is said Not hath he added He added no more commands of this Nature This was almost forty years after the promulgation of the Decalogue at Mount Sinai He hath not added he doth not add he will not add will still be a true saying relating to this no more commands of this kind and sort for they are but ten Words a perfect Law to which nothing is to be added and from which nothing is to be substracted In this Book of Deuteronomy Moses repeated the ten Words or Commandments and presseth to the observation of this Law confirming the whole of it with promises to the believing and obedient and with threatnings against the unperswadeable and transgressing And Christ himself a little before his death foretold of the continuance of the Seventh-day Sabbath calling it by the name of Sabbath well towards forty years after his death though for the advancement of Sabbath-learning I propound to the Vertuoso and the Ingenuoso of the times to consider Q. Whether that expression Mat. 24. 20. Pray ye that your flight be not in the Sabbath do not relate to all and every of those great periods of time the destruction of Jerusalem the down-fall of Antichrist and the Tribulation of that time which shall make way for the later-day-Glory this Seventh-day Sabbath will last as long as this world lasteth to the utmost end of it Thus Reader have I through Mercy and Grace somewhat traded according to my Talent received for the Honour of my LORD and of his Works Words and Law and for the promoting of Scripture-sciences and Arts. It is with him what entertainment he will give it in thy heart and what blessing he will there put upon it O the Excellency of this Word Knowledge The Wise of heart will receive Commands They will treasure up Knowledge to draw it out in season Wisdom is found in their lips To the mouth of their Vnderstanding shall they be praised The Well-advised will hearken unto Counsel and those that fear the Command shall prosper Whereas the proud will be always wrangling and contending Contemners of the Word will quickly be corrupted The Law the Doctrine the Institution of a wise man is a clear Vein and Fountain of Lifes and a good Understanding will give Grace A Scorner seeks Wisdom and finds it not but Knowledge is easie unto him that understands it It is facile it is obvious it freely presents it self it is soon learnt it is easily gettable quickly attained A Fool has
this place together at least as to the full possession of that Rest If it should be pleaded by the Objectors from one of the Verses compared with other Scriptures that sound Believers do actually injoy some beginning of it here this we are perswaded of and experienced Believers are supposed in Scripture to have already somewhat of it as well as to hope for more of it here and to believe and expect their full everlasting possession of it in the heavenly Glory at the last when they have here finished that Work which the LORD sent them into the World to do and this is their every days happiness more or less as they more or less act as Believers O how often may the Spirit of a Believer be in the Heavenly Rest in one Day He may get thither into this Rest in one Holy Thought and how many of such thoughts may his thoughts be who thus doth act Faith Hope and Love aright upon this Object A sound Believer should check himself under his divertisements from this Felicity Return O my Soul to thy-my-Rests My Rests are thy Rests thy Rests are my Rests Be friendly to me and to thy self Sit down and silently Rest in Jehovah Aelohim There is an abundant entrance subministred to thee to me so to do This Epistle in one passage of this cited place do prove that Jesus or Joshuah For Joshuah or Jehoshuang in the Syriack Language and also by the Greeks denoteth a Saviour had not then given them that Rest spoken of in that Psalm referred to because then the Psalmist would not afterward have spoken of another Day and therefore that Rest which Joshuah or Jesus or Jesus by Joshuah set them in was not this Rest it self but a Type of this heavenly rest to believers for many entred into Canaan who never entred into Heaven Joshua had not given them that rest which is here spoken of So that this cannot be understood of the rest of the first day of the week as the weekly Sabbath-day seeing the Objectors do affirm though groundlesly and but pretendedly that the Captain Jesus of whom Joshuah was someways a Type gave his Disciples this first day rest Heaven is in other Scriptures set out by the Name of God's Rest This was Typified by the Ark and by the Temple and by Canaan and is plain enough spoken of in this passage to the Hebrews God's rest is in the highest Heavens there is the dwelling place of his Rest There doth Christ sit in Glory at the right hand of his Father in full perfect happy Rest where sound Believers also shall rest in and with Him For a little after this passage we are told Christ's Rest is in the Heavens in the highest Heavens the Holy of Holies So elsewhere in the same Epistle We saith he have a great High Priest who is gone thorow into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God and therefore let us hold fast our Christian profession For Christ is not entred into the Sanctuary that is made with hands which is an Antitype of the true that is of the Heavenly Sanctuary which was Figured by the other but into Heaven it self now to appear before the face of God for us with full satisfaction made to the Justice of his Father by the Sacrifice of himself offered up to his Father and with prevailing Intercession for those whom the Father gave unto him So that as his rest is divers times mentioned in this Epistle so also is Heaven often expresly mentioned besides other words that do set it out and there is likewise the phrase of thus entring in several times spoken of All these in the same Epistle which was of old under the former ministration typified by the High Priests entring into the Holiest once every year For the High Priest also was in this a Type of Christ who is called the Apostle and the High Priest of their Profession who are partakers of the Heavenly calling So that all these expressions thus put together which we do meet withal in the same Epistle do best reconcile this sense to the whole of the Epistle besides and to other Scriptures which do treat of the same Subject-matter that the entring in the Ingress into this rest is the entring into the Heavenly rest above Some beginnings of which Heavenly rest Believers do enter into here in that holy Heavenly Fellowship which they have with Jehohah Aelohim in Father Son and Holy Spirit and with the living Members of Christ's mystical Body Jesus the fore-runner being already entred into the innermost of the veil for them the Believers hope has a way of entring in there after him We have Ordinances now dispensed with more clearness Spirituality and Heavenliness then Believers under the former Administration had though they also enjoyed the same for sum and for substance yet under Types Shadows and Figures And therefore they are called Heavenly things which the pattern of Old did more darkly resemble These are not forced sences and interpretations of my own but such as are Natural and Familiar Plain and Obvious and in the express Language and literal words of the same Epistle Before I quite dismiss this about the rest I am to write somewhat about the significancy of the word Sabbatism The Greek Noun is derived from a Verb which doth signific I Sabbatize or I rest The seventy two Greek Interpreters do use the Verb in one Scripture where it doth set out the rest of the Land every seventh year they use it also in another place where it is applyed to the Seventh-day-Sabbath that being the weekly Sabbatizing-day or resting-day The Greek Noun in the proper significancy of the Word is an actual or active resting or Cessation from work or labour or from motion about such work and labour as is rested from a Requietion or Requiescence from this This being used in the Greek of the New Testament but once the means to come to a right apprehension of the true signification and the proper meaning of it in this place will be to examine what the Original of this Greek Word is in that Language from whence it is borrowed in the Old Testament Hebrew and what that word in the Hebrew Original doth contain and express in it How that word is used in the Scriptures from whence this Greek Noun hath its Origination as also what there is in the Context of this place in this part of the Epistle to the Hebrews about this matter enquired after What there is in that Psalm referred to here in this Epistle that may bring some light to this matter And what there is in the Word of Christ about this Phrase of Sabbath-keeping or keeping a Sabbath as the Objector doth render it It is not here unworthy of our noting That the Greek Tongue in a multitude of Words has its Origination from the Hebrew Language Its Alphabet and Letters hath its
so a rule unto us under the New And then let me be discharged from this Scholastick War Let this be one premise which is several times in short expressions here and there in this Treatise That it is a choice priviledge and a special liberty which Believers do enjoy under the New Testament Administration of Grace Christ profiteth them nothing by his coming in the Flesh born of the Virgin Mary to accomplish and to perfect the Types of old which did so set out his thus coming who keep themselves still under the former dispensation of Types Shadows and Figures We thankfully acknowledge to the Honour of our LORD that gracious administration especially now towards the latter-day glory of it that we are brought under which if compared with the former under the Old Testament as to the different manner of dispensing For otherwise we are to discover in it's place that the Christian Religion is one and the same for Doctrines Duties Gifts Graces Priviledges under both has excelling advantages such as these for the measures and for the degrees of them It has more lively efficaciousness more quick sensible Fellowship It has more clear convincing Light and more abounding spreading knowledge And blessed be Jehovah who is in this providential day clearing up and reviving some too long neglected Truths and Duties amongst some others this about the weekly Seventh day Sabbath It has more manifested Grace It has a more spiritual way of Worship It has a more excelling Holiness refined purity and shining Glory having through the Spirit who is the LORD more power to transform into this those who with unveiled Face do look into this Glass It has more enlarged liberty of heart in the way and service of the LORD It has more of self evidencingly revealed mysteries It has more Royal privileges set out therefore by a Kingdom of God and of Heaven And the things of it are called Heavenly things This is meant of a Church State here on Earth For above in the Heavenly glory there are no unfruitful ones no Tares no Scandals no Doers of Iniquity no bad Fish no foolish ones This New Testament Church State has the name of a Kingdom of Heaven as it doth much resemble that glorious Kingdom which is above in Heaven in its way of Government In its order of subjection in its sights of Faith in its enjoyments of Communion in its service of Delight and in its conformity of Holiness Here these are in growingness of measure There they are in fulness of Perfection This new Church State has much brought down from Heaven to it Such as are gracious visits from Jehovah-Aelohim in Father Son and Holy Spirit Angelical Ministry like-affectionedness of the perfectly sanctified spirits of just Men and Heavenly Messengers with the Everlasting Gospel This new Church State is drawn up to be much in the Spirit in Heaven above by joynt unions By mutual Fellowships and it doth believe and expect a new Heaven and a new Earth and a new City where they shall be all the Saints and Believers both of Old and New Testament together with one another and with the elect Angels and with their LORD to hidden Age ever as yet Thus it grows up into a Spiritual Kingdom How large and delightful a Field is here for Heavenly Meditation The manner of administring is not now by obscure Types and by darkish shadows as of old but without a veil and open faced yet Christ is the substance of both the Old and the New Testament the same promises and rewards of Life everlasting were in this Christ and purchased by him and there was one way and the same mean of receiving of this under both which was Faith in the Messiah The difference that is between the Old and the New doth discover it self in the Form of dispensation which had a diversity for the manner of it in the Old from the New But this made no real specifick difference or change in the essentials of the Christian Religion Under the Old Believers had an eye towards a Messiah who was then to come in the Flesh to be born of a Virgin and so they eyed the Pattern and Propheties and Promises looking for the coming Christ What were all the Figures and Types the Rites and Shadows but confirmers of their Faith in and encouragers of their hope of Christ's coming In the New we have it revealed that Christ is now actually already come to accomplish those Types and to perfect Salvation by his personal Sacrifice The Reader may therefore be well satisfied in this that our pleading of the cause of the weekly Seventh-day Sabbath as it hath no tendency in it self so no design in me To cast any back or to hold any under the Old Testament Administration as to the Types Shadows and Figures of it much less to draw off or to thrust back any from coming into and enjoying of New Testament priviledges I shall not say that it was the Objectors intended aim but it is evidently consequential from his manner of discourse that his Lines about this would secretly insinuate into the Reader of them as if the Assertors and Observers of the weekly Seventh day Sabbath did Apostatize into Judaic ceremonies I have here another opportunity to wipe off a slanderous charge which some have brought in against us as if we stood guilty according to those two Scriptures in the Margin of catching at the shadow and letting go the body Let it be granted that the Elements Rudiments or first beginnings mentioned in that place of the Epistle to the Galatians are the Mosaical Rites ceremonial Laws and shadows of a Christ who under that dispensation was then to come to be born of a Virgin but is now already come so born This then doth shew that the Apostle condemneth their superstitions observing or their keeping besides Right and Equity as that word which they tranflate ye observe doth signifie when taken in an ill sense Especially when it was with an opinion of acceptance and justification in the sight of God thereby such either un-Scriptural days as were never instituted by Jehovah Christ or Scriptural days in an un-Scriptural manner This were a foul matter of sinful Fact sharply to be reprehended As when either the right object a God in Christ is not worshipped or when for the matter of observing it is not New Testament Worship Or when for the Form of observing of Times and of Worship there was not an orderly address unto Jehovah Aelohim To the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit in a word way not in a spiritual manner not from inward principles of new Nature of Faith of Love and of Obedience or when the ends of observing of Days and Times were not right ends when the Gospel designs of humbling emptying and abasing of Man and of exalting and glorifying of a God in Christ were not promoted thereby when there was a
good is it to be here But I must come down to this Mount and do further work yet for my LORD and Master I am now to evidence from the Scriptures of Truth that there was a Covenant of Grace under the Old Testament Administration This Doctrine of Grace is that which must lay the foundation for an after assertion of mine about a Law of faith under the Old Testament For Grace and Faith are companions Rich Grace abounding Mercy free Love from the Father in and through his Son Christ revealed to and in his people doth by his Spirit in his Word Inwork the Grace of Faith in them and calls forth acts of Faith from them that Christ may be made to them Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption that no flesh might glory in his Presence but that those who glory mighty glory in the LORD and saving justifying Faith doth bottom upon the Power and Truth of God manifesting his unchangeable free Grace to Believers giving them this Grace of Faith whereby they apply Christ and his Righteousness unto themselves for their justification in the fight of God making them to acknowledge that they are justified accepted and saved not of Works neither of themselves but by Grace through and for Christ In Order to the Augmentation of this Holy Science I would propound these Questions to further Disquisition Q. Whether where ever in the Old Testament he that appeared as a Man or as an Angel and withal is called Jehovah be not always Christ manifesting himself under that Dispensation of Grace Q. Whether if all the Hebrew Words which in the Old Testament do set out Grace Mercy Sweet Savour Acceptance free Favour Covenanting Atonement Reconciliation Propitiation Pardon and such like withal Synonyms and Phrases relating thercunto If all these were put together it would not bring great Light to this Doctrine of a Covenant of Grace Q. Whether there be clear Scripture-Evidences that ever there were any Covenant made between God and Man of Salvation by Works only without Free Grace in a Mediator on God's part and without Faith in a Messiah on Man's part So that Man's Justification and Eternal Life was solely and merely upon this one only condition of mans perfect perpetual absolute personal obedience to the whole Law of God to all and every of his Commands Before I pass more thorowly into the Proof of a Covenant of Grace under the old Dispensation it may be of some use to open that expression of a New or a Renewed Covenant in the Prophesie of Jeremiah and in the Epistle to the Hebrews The Hebrew word for New is several times rendred Renewed by the English Translators themselves as the Reader may see in the Scriptures cited in the Margin the Hebrew often signifying not New for the Kind but another of the same thing for Kind The same word which is in Jeremiah A Covenant Renewed as New Days and New Mercies are Renewed Days and Renewed Mercies Thus a new Commandment of Love is a Renewed Commandment of the good old duty of Love Thus also in the Greek Language in that forementioned Instance it was an old Command renewed and revived So it is also in the Verb. Hence the Renewing of our Mind and the Renewnig of the Holy Spirit That it has this sense in the eighth Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews will yet more clearly appear when I shall discover that all and every of the particulars expressed in that Covenant are such as have been as were in their nature real Existence and actual Being under the Old Testament dispensation In this as in other great Undertakings in this Treatise my Calls are more vocal than others from the LORD to commit my soul by well doing unto this Faithful Creator and loving Redeemer Jehovah Christ Considering the much opposition I have met with heretofore about this and other such Enquiries and may yet further be exercised with But he who made all things is also the Head of the Body of his Body the Church that in all he might hold the Chief For so it pleased the Father who in and through and by his Son has in all Ages of the world manifested and dispensed much of the freeness of this Love and of the Riches of his Grace which that it might be made firm unto his people he hath put into a Promise made sure with his Oath That Covenant which Aelobim in Christ made with his people was a Covenant of Grace one and the same both in the Old and New Testament differing only in the manner of dispensing As also is the whole of the Christian Religion one and the same in both for Doctrines and Duties for Graces and Privileges and such like parts of this Religion which doth vary only in the several ways of Administration By a Covenant of Grace I mean the LORD' 's free promising of Life of Wisdome of Righteousness of Sanctification of Redemption of all good things to his people believing in Christ who are thus specally favoured by him The Instances which I shall particularize in will be those after Adam's Fall Such a Gracious Covenant the LORD made with his people who were under the Old Testament-dispensation How much of Grace was there put into that one comprehensive Promise The Seed of the Woman shall bruise the Serpent's head I shall gather a little out of that full store of this which is to be found and put it together Noah was one that found grace in the eyes of Jehovah a just man perfect in his Generations he walked with Aelohim It is one of Jehovah's Names that he is gracious And it is the special privilege of his people that he has a peculiar favour for them This Grace doth Paul in what he wrote to the Church of Rome oppose unto Works and unto Debt It was the free meroy of God in Christ Noah did not deserve it And it was by faith that Noah pleased God and served him with acceptance With this Noah did Aelohim establish his Covenant that Noah should enter into the Ark he and his Sons and his Wife and his Sons wives with him where they should be saved from the common drawning Noah in faith and in abedience prepares the Ark to the saving of his houshold through the which be condemned the World and was heir of the righteousness which is by faith as is mentioned in the Epistle to the Hebrews Peter calleth him A Preacher of Righteousness That this was typical and had some further spiritual meaning in it the same Peter doth declare by shewing that Baptism under the New Testament was an Anti-type to this an answerable Figure saving of Believers by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ This Doctrine of the Free Covenant of Mercy of Righteousness and of Salvatiou by Faith in Christ did Noah commend to his hearers and it was sealed up towards the Faithful in that wonderful deliverance in the Ark which
Confirmer of the Covenant He who ever was is and will be the foundation the ground-work the substance the comprehensive of the whole Covenant of Grace He in whom all the Promises of God as many as there be are Yea and Amen Truth and firmness it self faithful and unchangeable as he himself is This Law it self had much of a Gospel Design in it In the preparation that was made for the giving and receiving of it there were precious Promises made to that people who were then about to be taken into Covenant with Jehovah Aelohim A God in Christ ingaged that if hearkning they would hearken to his Voice and keep his Covenant they should be a peculiar treasure unto him above all peoples He would take them for his own proper Goods The same thing is mentioned in the New Testament Christ purchased to himself a peculiar people So Paul kept close to this Expression and that of Peter is much the same in his first Epistle though expressed by another A people for peculiar possession these are they whom Christ Buys and Redeems to himself for his own special use and service they are singularly dear unto him So is that Prophesie and Promise in Malachi How rich how free is this Grace that Jehovah chose his people for his portion as Moses thankfully confesseth in the words of one of his last Songs They were that part which he had marvellously separated unto himself his Heritage as by Li●● allotted to him whom none other can challenge as their Propriety This People he chose above all Peoples that are upon the faces of the earth Not for their Multitude above all Peoples did Jehovah set his love upon them and chuse them for they were the fewest of all peoples but because Jehovah loved them and because he would keep the Oath which he had sworn unto their Fathers did Jehovah bring them out with a strong hand and redeemed them The Election was of his Grace not of any worthiness in them This Jewel was dear unto him and he promised a further honour that he would put upon them They should be unto him a Kingdom of Priests and an holy Nation Is not this the self-same thing which is mentioned as the Covenant-privilege of God's chosen ones under the New Testament-dispensation of Grace For to this phrase doth Peter keep and so also does John in the Revelation who doth give glory unto the LORD Christ that he hath made his people such now unto God his Father How full are the treasures of this Grace O what an honour did Jehovah put upon that People whom he so brought unto himself How signal a favour was this to his Israel If we look into the Ten words themselves do they not begin with a gracious Covenant I Jehovah Thy God This he made over to his People in a special manner there being no higher no greater Good than himself none so high none so great as he He is all Good in one whatever Good there is it is in and from him They are the Blessed ones who have this Jehovah for their God O the Blessedness of such thus sweetly sung the Psalmist This is the choice part of their happiness who enjoy this privilege by his Gracious Covenant and peculiar favour Under every Dispensation of Grace this is mentioned as the summ of all good for this is all the Salvation and all the desire of Believers To be For or To a God unto that People is the substance of that Covenant of Grace which God hath made with his People in Christ So it has been to this day and so it is revealed that it will be renewed and revived in the purest and best days When he gives himself to any he gives an Inheritance of all things to such As this doth bring in the first great Word or Command so also is it expresly put into the Second into the Third and into the Fourth into every Word of Command of the First Table In the Second Table also we may find it in the Fifth Word And those that will diligently observe and duly apply it in their reading of the Holy Scriptures may discern it to be a rich Portion going along with every one of the Ten Words in particular as well as made over to all of them in general especially with respect to the Fourth Word It is remarkable in Moses's repeating of this Law that in his going over of the Law for the Seventh-Day-Sabbath this Covenant of Grace I am Jehovah Thy God is four times expresly mentioned besides the Type of Spiritual Redemption by Christ which is also about thirty nine years after Christ's first proclaiming of this Law at Mount Sinai superadded and expresly put into this Fourth Word as a forcible Reason to engage Obedience to this holy Precept The Figure of which Salvation by Christ and of his delivering of his people from their Spiritual bondage and misery under Sin and Satan is a choice part of the Covenant of Grace This is that which doth lead in the Ten Words By this manifested Grace doth he invite his people to Faith and Obedience His Israel of Old had Redeeming mercy put into the beginning of this Holy Just and Good Law who were redeemed not only from outward Slavery but also from the Idolatry of Egypt as the Prophet Ezekiel hath declared and from the false Gods there so hath Samuel discovered in his Second Book And they had a Promise of other mercy in the Second Word which Jehovah would do unto those who loving him and keeping his Commandments They should receive Mercies Benefits Loving kindnesses Bounties from him It is further note-worthy that most of the Ten Words even Eight of them as they are in the two Tables are exprest in that manner that they are Precepts and Promises too such is the significancy of that Future-tense in which they run and the other two that is to say the fourth and fifth are put into the same promising as well as commanding way in the same Book of Moses in another place and the particular Duties and Graces required in those ten Words are somewhere or other covenanted by Jehovah Aelohim to be given to his people in other Scriptures as to love him to fear him to delight in him and such like he will inwork in them what he doth require of them O what abundance of riches of Grace is here If you meditate upon what did accompany the ten Words and what was annexed to them what were all the Shadows and Figures and Types but a significant Commentary upon the Covenant of Grace What was the true spiritual meaning of all these superadded Patterns but to set out Christ and all those special benefits which Believers have and do injoy in him of which the followers of Christ under that Dispensation of Grace had a free participation as the Disciples of Christ have now they fed on Christ in their Manna
a Virgin was a Law under the Old Administration And to believe actually in that particular person this Christ when come in the Flesh as so born of the Virgin Mary is a Law of the New Testament yet so as that this Quateneity as so born of the Virgin Mary is one part of the New Testament Ministration properly as such and so in that respect doth belong to another matter And thus in some places Faith doth set out the New Dispensation of Grace The short and plain is this Faith in the Messiah or in Christ was a Law under the Old Testament-dispensation or it was then a commanded Duty to believe in Christ which was to be done in obedience to a Law of Jehovah Aelohim For the Advancement of this sort of profitable Learning I propound these following Inquiries which if well cleared up from Scripture might bring in some considerable Augment to this Holy Science Q. Whether there be not convincing evidence in the Word of Truth that fallen Adam and Eve did actually repent and believe in the Messiah for Justification Acceptation and Salvation Q. What Names are there in the Old Testament given to Christ which do set him out as Mediator as Saviour as the Justifier of his people and as being their Righteousness Q. What Types and Figures and Shadows were there of this Doctrine of Faith in the Messiah under old Testament Dispensation Q. Whether if all the Hebrew expressions were put together that in the Old Testament are expressive * descriptions of Faith Trust Hope Expectation in the New with all the Synonyma's and Phrases referring to this subject matter it would not discover much of lively Faith in the Saints under that former Dispensation That Faith was a Law under the Old Testament Dispensation I thus demonstrate both in the general significancy of the word grounded on the Almightness and Faithfulness of Jehovah Aelohim and also in the special acceptaon it for closing with applying of relying on Jehovah the Messiah and his Righteousness for justification in the sight of God In its general significancy it has a firm Foundation a rockie bottom even the Power and Truth of the omnipotent unchangeable Jehovah a God of ability to perform and of veracity to fulfil what he has spoken and promised Every Word and Truth of God revealed is the general and common object of Faith A lively working belief of this though seemingly but in the general yet has great influence upon the special actings of justifying Faith for the Scriptures do give us instances of too much and too often questioning the Power and Fidelity of Aelohim in his Word and Promises in some particular trying Cases as long hiding of his Faces great withdrawing delay of fulfilling of Propheties and Promises not answering of Prayer carrying himself as one angry at the very Prayers of his people much conflicting with and yet frequent foyling by some particular bewailed confessed corruption under violent temptations the LORD 's seeming forsaking of his Churches and people his shining upon and prospering of the Enemies of the LORD and of his people his seeming to act contrary in his works from what he covenanteth in his Word with more of this kind But I suppose that it is the notion of Faith in its special acceptation that is intended by this pretended new Law of Faith in this Objection That this Faith in Christ is now in more clearness spiritualness evidence growingness heavenlyness for the manner and degrees of it we thankfully and admiringly acknowledge to the praise of God of rich Grace and of free Love who has brought us under this new and more glorious Administration But there was the same Grace of Faith in Truth and in reality for its Nature and Essence in the savingness and justifyingness of it for the kind and specifickness of it under the Old This we also affirm was it not this saving and justifying Faith which the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews do speak of when he said The just by faith shall live Those who are justified counted just by Faith in Christ applying him and his Righteousness shall live that life of Grace and of Comfort of support and stay of waiting and of dependance here which shall pass into an eternal life of Glory of full Vision Injoyment and Happiness And was not this Testimony brought out of the Old Testament which is used once and again and a third time in the new And in every one of the places in the new it is applyed with respect to Justification by Faith in Christ So in the Epistle to the Romans the Righteousness of God of Christ who was God as well as Man for the complete satisfactory righteousness of such an one did we stand in need of is revealed in the same Gospel of Christ from Faith to Faith as it is written But the just by faith shall live That Righteousness by which a Believer doth stand justified before the Judgement Seat of God and can be no other Righteousness but only the Righteousness of Christ this is a free gift from the Father and is through the inworking of the holy Spirit by Faith imputed to Believers The like sense it has in that passage of the Epistle to the Galatians that no man by the Law is justified before God is mentioned for the just by faith shall live referring again to that place in Habakkuk whereby to prove justification by Faith in Christ only as the Context doth evidently declare And thus in the formentioned passage to the Hebrews having in the last verse but one of the tenth Chapter cited that Scripture in the Old Testament the Author proceeds in the first verse of the eleventh Chapter to describe the true spiritual Nature of saving justifying Faith and he gives particular Instances and Examples of the Saints of old who acted this Faith Was it not by this Faith in the promised Seed of the Woman in Christ that Abels person and Sacrifice was acceptable to God and by which he obtained witness that he was Righteous and so justified in the sight of God Was it not by this Faith that Enoch pleased God who gave him this Testimony and was therefore honoured with the priviledge of walking with God here and then of Gods taking him away to himself Was it not by this Faith that Noah prepared the Ark as a Type of Christ by which he became an heir of the Righteousness which is according to Faith Of which Righteousness of Justification by Faith in the Messiah Noab was Preacher to others Was it not by this Faith that Abraham was justified Did not he believe God Jebovah the Messiah who appeared to him And was it not accounted to him for Righteousness And is not this brought in by Paul in his Epistles to the Romans and to the Galatians to prove the Doctrine of Justification by Faith in Christ by his Righteousness imputed to the Believer Did not Abraham receive