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A30675 A help to holy walking, or, A guide to glory containing directions how to worship God, and to walk with him in the whole course of our lives / by Edward Bury. Bury, Edward, 1616-1700. 1675 (1675) Wing B6206; ESTC R23864 205,598 379

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it at first If it be why dost leave it If thou now leave off all thy Labour and all the pains that ever thou hast taken will be utterly lost in reference to Salvation If the Righteous forsake his ways all his Righteousness shall not be remembred to him in his sin he shall dye Ezek. 18.24 It may be thou hast gone many a Mile to hear Sermons spent many an Hour in Prayer and Humiliation many a Day in Fasting and Humbling thy Soul and wilt thou lose all thy Labour at the last Nay wilt thou now dishonour that God which time was thou seemedst to Honour And wilt thou strengthen the hand of Wicked Men in their wickedness And weaken the hands of poor doubting Dhristians And sadden the Hearts of the godly Wilt thou bring the Blood of Souls upon thy own head If not hold on in a course of Holy Duty Whatever opposition thou meet with in the way Heaven will make amends for all the sweat and blood thou losest and Hell will be sower sauce to thy sweet Meat What madness is it to leave thy work a little before thou shouldest receive thy Wages 4. Direct Let all the Duties thou performest either to God or Man proceed from a right Principle from a Heart sanctified by Grace and purified by Faith and seasoned with Love Make the Tree good and his Fruit will be good but a Corrupt Tree bringeth forth evil Fruit. An evil Tree cannot bring forth good Fruit nor a good Tree evil Fruit. 'T is impossible that a Corrupt Fountain should send forth sweet Water or a filthy Vessel sweet Liquor Let the Love of God be the strongest Motive to thy Obedience and let this engage thy heart to every Duty Though thou shouldest do the duty required if thou do it not in obedience to that Command God will not own it Whatever thou dost do all to his Glory and in Obedience to his Command or thou wilt lose thy Reward let thy heart say in sincerity Propter te propter te Domine it is for thy sake and in Obedience to thy Command that I do it and for no sinister respect whatsoever Hypocrites may do the thing which God Commands but from another ground and for another end they savour of the Cask and smell of self-Interest they reach no higher than themselves as water ascends no higher than the Fountain Head Jehu did what God Commanded in destroying Idolatry and rooting out Ahab's Posterity but all this while he hath a Kingdom in his Eye But the Love of God Oyls the Chariot-Wheels of a Christians endeavours it carryeth him above beyond and out of himself God tells him what he would have done a Christian never examines the Command by any Carnal Interest whether he may reap gain or loss Honour or Disgrace by it come what come will he resolves to do it if God command it whatever stands in his way though he meet Death it self in the Face he will go on God calls him and with Samuel he cryeth out Speak Lord for thy Servant heareth he knows he that sets him on work can bear him out Now all Service that ariseth not from this ground is slavish and mercinary and merits nothing at Gods hands but blows he that doth the thing Commanded and knoweth not of the Command doth not Obey God in the work and if he know that it is Commanded and doth it yet not because it was Commanded but upon other account God will not Reward this as Obedience The Pharisees knew that Prayer Fasting and Alms-deeds were Commanded duties yea they performed those duties but not because God Commanded them but that they might be applauded by Men therefore Christ sends them to men for a Reward Mat. 6.1,2,3 c. The performance of a duty will do us little good if we cannot say with the Apostle The Love of Christ constraineth us Many are constant attenders upon the Ordinances not out of Love to God or Obedience to his Will or any delight they have in the duty but for fear of punishment or hope of reward either from God or Man or for popular Applause or one thing or other of that Nature and these Men perhaps in the mean time have their handS upon the works and their Hearts busied in the Devils Service and they look upon Gods Service as a Slavery and glad when they are Released But a sincere Christian is like the Servant mentioned Exod. 21.15 that saith I Love my Master I will not go Free though there were neither Reward in Heaven for my Obedience nor punishment in Hell for my disobedience I will do it because 't is my Masters will and I delight in the work it self this Love of God in the Soul is as weights to the Clock or as Oyl to the Jack it sets it on work for God love makes labour light they do it for Conscience sake Rom. 13.5 when others do it for gains sake Saul obeys for a Kingdom and Jehu for a Crown and when this was obtained their Obedience was over they are like to Dogs they follow their Master till they meet with Carrion examine now thy heart what is the ground of thy obedience if it be lower than thy love to God and desire to obey him 't is not right 5. Direction Let all thy duties whether to God or Man be performed in the manner which God requires now Christ himself tells thee God is a Spirit and he that worships him must worship him in Spirit John 4.24 and the Apostle tells us that bodily exercise profiteth little but godliness is profitable unto all things 1 Tim. 4.8 'T is not the Motions of the Body nor the moveing of the Lips 't is not Bowings Couchings Cringings that he is affected with if the Heart and Affections go not along this is one main difference between a sincere Christian and an Hypocrite both may do the same Duty both may joyn in the same Prayer and both may hear the same Sermon yet one may be accepted and the other not nay for the Bulk and Materiallity of the Duty the Hypocrite may exceed the other the Pharisees they fasted they gave almes they made long Prayer they tythed Mint and Anice and yet all this while lay under the Curse and were Enemies to God and persecutors of Christ their heart was absent from their duty and it was not right to God they lost all their labour in Heavens way because they had little trading with and little knowledg of God or their own hearts Hypocrites feed upon the husks of duty nnd never meet with Christ in the duty when a sincere heart hath trading with God and sweet communion with Christ himself if ever therefore thou wouldst perform pleasing Sacrifice to God be sure to wind up thy heart and affections unto God and never content thy self with any duty till thou meet with Christ in the duty duties are appointed to be done not for their own sakes but to help the Soul to mount
We should not sell our Labour upon that day but do it for common Charity otherwise a just Cause may to us prove sinful Works of Necessity also are Lawful so they be truly so and not feigned when an House is on Fire we may leave the Ordinance to seek to Quench it though with Bodily Labour The Marriner in his Journey must attend his work but his Heart in the mean time should be in Heaven The Souldier if set upon should defend himself we find Joshua compassing Jericho seven days together Josh 6.15 and one of them must needs be the Sabbath Though the Jews at first did scruple Fighting upon that day and many of them were Murdered by the Enemy yet at last they resolved to Fight in their own Defence 2 Mac. 4.1 A Husband-man in Harvest time I suppose for fear of an Inundation or the apparent loss of Grain or Hey may Labour to prevent it but take heed a Necessity be not feigned Many are necessitated for want of fore-cast and some fore-cast that there may be a Necessity neglecting it all the week and then say must not Cattle be looked Or such a thing be done But know what may be done before or let alone till after ought not to be done 't is not thy wilful neglect can procure a dispensation to break God's Law but most men strain their Christian Liberty to the utmost Link but take heed of going beyond be not deceived God will not be mocked 5. Direct To the sanctifying of the Sabbath thou must not only observe an Holy Rest unto the Lord all the day and forbear thy own thoughts words and works as formerly I have shewed but there are also many Duties of Religion to be performed as part of that Worship to be given to God upon that day that the whole time as nigh as may be may be spent in the Religious Exercises of the day Now the Duties required are either Publick or Private the Publick are in the Congregation of the Saints when the Church meets together to Worship God The Private are in the Family or in the Closet He that only rests from his Labour on the Sabbath keeps it no better yea much worse than a Beast Idleness is a sin at all times especially then this is the Market day to lay in Provision for the week following the Harvest to provide in for winter and shall we Trifle now All Time is precious much more this we should leave any work undone before we should leave God's work undone or carelessly do it The Publick Duties required at our hands are according to the Relations we stand in more is required of Publick Persons than of Private The Ministers are God's Stewards to dispence his Mysteries to Divide the word of God aright and to give every one his Portion and therefore he must look to his Charge and make preparation before-hand for his work He is the Mouth of the People unto God and God's Mouth to them and therefore he had need to set a watch over his Lips that he Offend not with his Tongue Parents and Masters they should not only come to the Ordinance themselves but bring their Children and Servants there to be Taught Prayer is an Ordinance of God and should be performed in the Publick where Minister and People should joyn together to make their Requests known to God in the Name of Christ and beg such things as are necessary for themselves or others for this Life or that to come It should be performed with Faith and Fervency with Humility and Reverence with Wisdom and Discretion both by Minister and People 〈◊〉 Complements with God are unsavoury and unseemly The Word also should be Read and Preached by the Minister and the whole Counsel of God made known Acts 20.20.27 and that without mixture of Humane Invention without Ostentation Plainly Faithfully Powerfully Truly Zealously And the People they should hear with Attention Diligence Watchfulness Understanding and Care they should Examine that which is delivered by the Minister whether it be agreeable to the Truth like those Noble Bereans Acts 17.11 They should Treasure it up in good Hearts and bring forth good Fruit in their Lives and Conversations for without Practice knowledge is little worth The Administration of Baptism also is a Sabbath days work Vpon the Sabbath says Christ they Circumcise a Man this is given the Minister in Commission Mat. 28.19,20 which is to be done according to Precept and Scripture Examples without External Additions and the People ought to be present at it and joyn with the Minister in Prayer for a Blessing and not turn their backs upon it through carelessness or contempt The Sacrament of the Supper also should be as frequently Administred as Convenience will permit Acts 2.42 And 't is the Ministers Duty to Teach and Instruct the Ignorant to convince the gain-sayers reclaim the scandalous if they can and if they will not be Reformed to keep them back from the Sacrament yea to take Christ's way And if they be obstinate cast them out and not suffer the Ordinance to be polluted or contemned God complains of the contrary Ezek. 22.26 Her Priests have violated my Law and have prophaned my Holy things they have put no difference between the Holy and Prophane c. And 't is Christ's command not to give Holy things to Dogs Mat. 7.8 The People they should partake of it and come with prepared Hearts to this Holy Banquet and be careful that they have on the Wedding Garment or they will be no welcom Guests to his Marriage Supper They should there Exercise their Graces of Knowledge Faith Love and Obedience c. knowing that the neglect or unworthy receiving is a dangerous sin Acts 20.6 1 Cor. 11.17 Singing of Psalms also is a publick Duty and should be performed by the whole Church and in so doing they should lift up their Hearts as well as their Voices and Sing with the Spirit and with the Understanding also Visiting the Sick relieving the Poor Gathering and Collecting for them is this days Duty 1 Cor. 16.2 Catechizing especially the Younger sort is the Ministers Duty and 't is the Peoples Duty to send them And all this must be done to God's Glory and the Edification of our selves and others 6. Direct Though the publick Worship and Service of God be chiefly to be minded and intended upon the Lord's day yet it is not only that which is required Many private Duties also are to be performed and in thy Publick and Private Duty is all the whole time to be spent What those Publick Duties are I have already shewed you and shall now speak of those that are Private I mean such as Private Persons especially Masters and Parents and Governours of Families ought to do Let the Inferiors also here Read their Duties Some of those are to be done before the Publick by way of Preparation and some after by way of Digestion Concerning Preparation I have spoken already and yet
the Soul bleed to Eternal death without remedy or regard they may curse the time that they were Born of such unnatural Parents They are Naturally Ignorant and they must be taught they are Corrupt and must be amended or they will be undone Oh consider what will become of thy Children an Hundred Thousand Years hence they will be either in Heaven or Hell in endless Torments or Eternal Joys and 't is much to be feared they will miscarry Were they but in Slavery thou wouldest seek their Liberty and wilt thou do nothing to help them out of Spiritual Thraldome what comfort maist thou have of them if thou prevail and be Instrumental of their Conversion how wilt thou Ingage them for ever to love thee and obey thee but what discomfort are they like to be if they serve the Devil and Sin what ground of hope is there they should be true to thee that prove false to God and if they perish through thy neglect the Blood of their Souls will be charged upon thee and without Repentance perish they will Oh! how necessary then is knowledge in parents for where the Blind leads the Blind both falls into the Ditch and what thoughts will you have at your meeting in Hell Set therefore upon this Duty betimes before it be too late Train them up when they are young in the way they should walk that when they are old they may not decline it Delays are dangerous Life is short the time of Death is uncertain the Heart grows harder and Sin grows stronger the Devil gets better hold and surer possession every Day makes them more unfit than other for Repentance A Twig when young is easily bent but when old it will break before it bend follow them again and again with Exhortations to an Holy Life deal seriously with them take the fittest Seasons for the Work let them see the danger of Sin and the Beauty of Holiness and Treat them with so much Compassion that they may see thy love to their Souls use also so much Zeal and Fervency that they may see it is not Trifles thou pressest them to take the fittest Time and Place never in Passion seldome in Publick shew them God's Word for it turn them to the Chapter and Verse this if any thing will silence them If thou find an Inclination in them follow it home encourage the good and discourage the bad let them find thou makest a difference between the one and the other this Course will bring Glory to God Peace to thy self and Benefit to thy Relations 7. Direct For a Conclusion of the whole be sure in the performance of all those forementioned Duties both Publick and Private to keep a clear Conscience void of Offence towards God and towards Man and let the Ground of all thy performances be the Command of God and thy strongest Motive be thy love to God and thy dear Redeemer and let no sinister End or by Respect whatsoever prevail with thee let God's Glory be thy End and Aim and the main Design thou drivest on let thy endeavour be to set the Crown upon God's Head and not upon thine own Consult not thy self till thou canst truly say in all thy Duties Propter te Propter te Dimine this I have done for God and not for my self But if vain Glory or a desire of Popular Applause or Merit or any such-like sinister Respects Fly-blow thy Duties they will stink in God's Nostrils and all thy Duties will be lost and thy labour will be in vain he that propounds a wrong End to himself will lose all the pains he takes as he that Shoots at a wrong Mark will hardly hit the right But if thy Duty proceed from a right Principle a heart Purified by Faith and if 〈…〉 Fountain a Purified and Sincere Heart and from a Principle of Love to God and are directed to a right End his Glory continues with thy own happiness then are they like to be a pleasing Sacrifice unto God for where the Fountain is clear the Streams will be good but till the Heart be right their proceedings will be defiled Though Man Judge the Heart by the Actions God Judgeth the Actions by the Heart he is Hoker lebh Scrutator cordes the searcher of the Heart and the tryer of the Reins and gives every Man according to his ways Jer. 17.9,10 The Heart is the Fountan of all the Thoughts Words and Actions now if the Fountain be filthy so are the Streams Sweet Water and bitter cannot proceed out of the same hole if an Apple be rotten at the Coare it will not be long before the outside rot also If the Heart be rotten it sooner or later breaks forth and rots the Life and Conversation also as it did in Saul Simon Magus and many others An inbred Distemper will appear outwardly and a Soar not sound at the bottom will Fester and break out at length Sincerity is like a skilful Alchymist it turns all into Gold weak performances defective Duties shall be accepted a Sigh a Groan a Desire shall be understood and answered But Hypocrisie on the contrary turns Gold into Dross and Duties into Sin and the most Glorious performance into abomination take heed therefore of this and labour for the other Faith also is requisite in all thy Duties leave not that behind thee in any Duty if thou meanest to speed if Faith be absent God will not be present without Faith ' is impossible to please him No Prayer can pierce Heaven thar is not pointed by Faith Heb. 6.11 he that comes to God must believe that God is and that he is a rewarder of those that dilligently seek him The Word Preached will not prove it if it be not mixed with Faith in those that hear it nay without Faith there can be no Salvation Mark 16.16 he that believeth and is Baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned Joh. 3. last Self-denyal also is requisite when thou hast done all say thou art an unprofitable Servant God gives Grace to the Humble but looks upon the Proud afar off yea the Apostle saith he resisteth the Proud or sets himself in Battel aray against him bring not a proud heart along with thee if thou wouldest speak with God in a Duty submit to his Will though thou see not a reason for his Command there is yet reason enough why thou shouldest obey as Abraham did content thy self to be at Gods dispose do thy Duty and he will do his Work but Limit him not to Time Place Manner Measure or other Circumstances depend upon him as Hannah did when she had prayed she looked no more sad Take heed when thou hast done thy Work of Heart-rising Thoughts or proud vain Glory lest it make thee lose thy Reward this will spoil thy Duty and make thee lose thy Reward deny thy Self and he will not deny thy Reward the lower thou thinkest of thy Duties the better God thinks of them and will
practice it as they ought we might bring you examples from the beginning of the World to this day of the godly in all Ages that have thus worshipped thus served God though many in all Ages the more is the pity have given that to the Divel which is due to God alone many have sacrificed to Devils and worshiped and served the Creature more than the Creator blessed for ever Rom. 1.25 To prove that 't is so now I need not instance in the Indians that know no better nor in the Papists that worship stocks and stones and the works of their own hands which iS forbidden Exod. 20.5.6 Isa 2.8 And swear by God and our Lady as the Israelites did by God and Malchon and some other Mediators with Christ but how many may we find serve the Devil the World and the Flesh though they covenanted to fight against them in their Baptism if the Devil bid them sweaty they will swear if he bid them be drunk they will be drunk or if he bid them lye or steal or decieve they will obey let God say what he will to the contrary Yea though he set them upon the hardest difficultest dangerous work they will do it though they venture life and limb in his service but let them at the end brag of their wages that so love the work but as with Paul Acts 24.14 In the way which men call Heresie so worship the God of your Fathers 2. Motive Thou shouldest serve God for he is the best Masters yea there is no other that deserves thy best service but him The tongue of Men nor Angels cannot express the excellency that is in God our Cockle shells cannot comprehend this Ocean what qualifications canst thou desire in a Master that are not to be found in God as the abstract for all the excellency that is to be found among the Creatures is but as a drop of this Ocean a ray of this Sun and a spark of this fire Wouldst thou have one that is able to defend thee and see that thou art not wronged Here is Omnipotency it self if he set thee on work he can bear thee out The Devil may shake his chain and wicked Men may gnash their teeth at thee hurt thee they cannot all the powers of darkness can do thee no wrong The Devil could not touch one of Jobs cattel without Commission sealed in Heaven and if thou faithfully serve him he will never grant any Commission but what shall be for thy good Rom. 8.28 He is El Shaddai a God able to destroy or remove all rubs out of his way But no other Master can defend thee against him Or wouldst thou have a merciful loving or tender hearted Master the World cannot afford thee such another never was there indulgent Father or tender hearted Mother more careful over their only child than God is over all his servants Isa 49.15 Can a Woman forget her sucking child that she shall not have compassion on the Son of her Womb yea they may forget yet will I not forget thee saith the Lord. Behold I have engraven thee upon the palms of my hand thy walls are continually before me Never was Goldsmith more careful of his gold that it shall not be in the Furnace longer than need is than God is of his People they shall be no longer in the Furnace of affliction then necessity requires till their dross is consumed and they refined Or wouldst thou serve a wise Master One able to direct thee and instruct thee in thy work One able to counsel thee what to do and what to forbear Here is one that is Wisdom it self yea the Fountain of Wisdom The foolishness of God saith the Apostle is wiser than the wisdom of Man 1 Cor. 1.25 That is that which in the eyes of the World is foolishness he can over wit and over work all his Enemies and thou canst not be in such a strait but he can help thee nor in so much danger but he can deliver thee as he did Israel at the Red Sea Daniel in the Lions Den the three Children out of the fiery Furnace Jonah out of the Whales belly and Peter out of Prison Or wouldst thou serve a Master that is faithful and just that will make good his word and fulfil his promise God is such a one he is more faithful than the Sun and Moon in their courses Hath he said it and shall he not do it hath he spoken it and shall he not bring it to pass Heaven and Earth shall fail before one tittle of his word shall fail till all be fulfilled The experience of five Thousand years cannot produce one example when God hath falsified his word Or wouldst thou serve some honorable Person God hath the highest titles of honor he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and the Ruler of Princes he is the Lord of Heaven and Earth the Castles of a thousand hills are his yea all the Beasts of the Forrests all Nations to him are but as a drop of a Bucket or the small dust of the Ballance Never fear then he is able to pay thee thy wages David delighted more in being his servant than in being King of Israel never any lost by his service wouldst thou serve one that is loving and kind why he is love it self see one act of his love John 3.16 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him should not dye but have everlasting life See the love of the Father in giving and the love of the Son in dying and wouldst thou serve a patient Master He is infinite in Patie●ce if thy heart be right he will bear with much Now what Master in the World wilt thou compare to him if none why wilt not serve him and yet alas most men serve the Devil his sworn Enemy one of these two thou must thou dost serve for these are the two grand Commanders and the one or the other all Men obey The Devil is thy sworn Enemy and seeks thy Soul to destroy it 1 Pet. 5.8 He offers much indeed but cannot pay thee he hath nothing of his own but his vitious qualities what he shews thee is but what he baits his hook with or with the Fowler his snares not to feed thee but to entrap thee he hunts for thy Soul like a blood hound and nothing will serve him but thy dishonor The World also will deceive thee and promise pleasure and pay pain it will never pay thee thy wages and wilt forsake such a Master as God is and commit thy self to such known cheats Heaven and Earth may stand amazed at thy folly well remember thy wages they will give thee 3. Motive As he is the best Master so he sets his servants about the best work when the Devil sets his about the basest drugery A wise servant before he is hired would know his work that he may demand answerable wages Now the work which God sets
his servants upon is reasonable and easie and pleasant and delightful 't is the works of Piety and Charity that he requires to love God above all and our Neighbours as our selves These are the two great commands and upon these hang all the Law and the Prophets Mat. 22.37 c. Love is the fulfilling of the Law Rom 13.10 And is not this a pleasant and delightful duty and is it not reasonable that we should love God our great Benefactor in whom we live and move and have our being and our Brethren that are of the same flesh and blood To believe in him also is our duty and is it not reasonable when we can never prove that ever he deceived any To praise him also is our work this is an Angelical work fit for Heaven and Heaven-born Souls and will be the work of Eternity where Saints and Angels shall make up one quire to Trumpet out the prayses of God To hold communion with him this is a Christians happiness here and to converse with him in Glory is Heaven it self 'T is no wonder then that the Service of God is called perfect Freedom and his Servants are called his Free-men 1 Cor. 7.21 'T is no wonder that Christ tells us his Yoak is easie and his Burthen is light Mat. 11.30 for all those that feel it find it so through Divine Assistance I know to a Carnal Heart and unsanctified Soul it appears otherwise but 't is the Galls Sores and Putrified Corruption of Nature that makes it so the easiest Yoak upon a galled Neck seems uneasie Learn but this one Lesson get but this one Qualification to love God above all and all the rest will prove easie Love makes Labour light the Love of Christ constrained the Apostle Paul and made him willing not only to be bound but to dye for Christ then Prayer would be no difficult Duty for who would not willingly go to him he Loves and pour out his requests into his Bosom when he knows he shall have a supply and hath such promises as those ask and you shall have seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened to you Psal 50.15 Praise also then will be a delightful Duty how apt are we to Commend those we Love and speak well of them Hence it is that the Saints and Angels in Heaven are not weary of this work even to Eternity Communion with God is no toylful but delightful Duty for Union and Communion with God is the Souls Happiness nay 't is here a Heaven upon Earth and will be their Heaven for ever which is sweet here though much interrupted what will it be then when we enjoy him Face to Face and see him as he is here it fills the Heart full of such Joy as no Stranger shall ever meddle with Prov. 14.10 I know the world brags of their pleasures in the Devils Service and are afraid to be Christians for fear of losing them but this is but one of the Devils Lime-twigs in which he fetters them and one of the deceits of the Father of Lyes a true Christian finds by Experience more true Joy more ravishing delight in one days Communion with Christ than ever he did in the Service of sin for in the midst of laughter the sinners heart is sorrowful and the end of that mirth is Heaviness But a Believer may eat his Meat with Joy and drink his Wine with a merry Heart for God accepteth his Work Eccl. 9.7 And with joy they can draw waters out of these Wells of Salvation Isa 12.3 Yea shout for joy if he be of an upright Heart Psal 32.11 There is none in the world that has more true Cause of Joy than they have here they are under the Divine Protection of God and are sure to want nothing that is good and when this Earthly Tabernacle shall be dissolved they have a Kingdom prepared for them But what is the Devils work which he imploys his Servants about 'T is the basest drudgery the most servile Slavery the most sordid unreasonable Dangerous work in the world he sets them to hate God who is the chiefest good to hold up weapons of defiance against him from whom they have their Life and Breath and Being to Blaspheme his Name abuse his Creatures break his Commandments Persecute his Children both by Hand and Tongue pluck the Stars out of his Right Hand the Signet of his Finger the Apple of his Eye his Jewels those whom his Soul Loveth yea to de-throne him and set up the Devil in his place yea he makes them so mad upon it that they will venture Life and Limb in the Prosecution yea Liberty and Estate and Ruine their own Souls and as many more as they are able and will not be perswaded by Ministers Parents or their Godly Friends from such Courses when the Devil enters into these Swine they run headlong till they Ruine themselves 4. Motive Thou shouldst serve the Lord because he best deserves thy Service he hath done more for thee than all the World besides and that which all the World cannot do It was he that Created thee and gave thee a Being when thou wast nothing It was not long since there was nothing heard of thee and God had no need of thee he was Infinite in his Perfection and Glory before thou wast and thou hast added nothing to his Happiness and wilt not own him for thy Creator Yea he hath made thee a Rational Creature when he might have made thee a bruit Beast he made thee capable of Communion with himself yea in his own Image when he might have made thee a Dog or Toad or Serpent or the most despicable Worm that crawls under thy Feet what Excellent Faculties hath he bestowed upon thee As Undestranding Will Affections Memory Conscience and such like Yea he hath made thee Little lower than the Angels Psal 8.4,5 Thou wast the Clay and he was the Potter he might have made thee a Vessel of dishonour and shall the thing formed say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus Not only so but he hath given thee thy Limbs and thy Senses when thou mightest have been Blind or Lame or Deaf or Dumb and is not this a Mercy thou hast the use of Reason when others run raging in the street Mad Frantick or Lunatick Yea 't is he that maintains thee at his own Cost and Charges 't is his Corn and his Wine that feeds thee his Wool and his Flax that Cloaths thee 't is his Silver and his Gold that inriches thee all is his and all is his free-gift thou deservest not the Crumbs that fall under thy Table and is all this nothing Hos 2.5 c. Yea hadst thou these things of thy own they could do thee no good without his Blessing Food could not nourish nor Cloaths keep thee warm he gives thee Peace when thou mightest have been in bloody War Health when thou mighest have been on thy sick Bed and
up to Heaven upon their wings which is the place of its rest in them the Soul is trading with God for Christ and if we make not this use of them they will do us no good God regards not so much the external part of duty though this is not to be disregarded as he doth the internal he looks especially at the carriage of the heart in the duty my Son saith he give me thy heart if this be present many infirmities shall be past over if this be absent though the duty be never so gloriously acted in the eye of of the World it is hateful in the eye of God Cain and Abel both offered Sacrifice and in the matter of their Sacrifice we know not the one exceeded the other yet one was accepted and the other rejected why what was the matter because the one was accompanyed with Sincerity the other with Hypocrisie and as God so all good Men make it their business to look to the heart in duty they carry it along with them to God and offer it at his feet they know the more of the heart is in the duty the better God loves it and the more of the heart is in the sin the worse it is they look more and grieve more at the miscarriage of the Heart in a duty when it lyes dead or dull than at a mis expression or external failing when thou comest therefore unto God in duty gather in thy scattered thoughts and affections and let them meet here as lines do in a Center or as the Sun-beams in a burning glass this will make thy Prayers Hot and Fervent which otherwise would be Cold and Remiss when our Spirits are raised by the Spirit of God and the Flesh kept under in the duty then we are like to prevail 't is not the Multitude of loose or lone and cold expressions will serve turn the Pharisees out-did many Christians in long Prayers but 't is the Spiritual performance that God requires cold Petitions do but put denyals into Christs mouth we must perform every duty as if it were for Life and Death for Eternity yea as if it were our last duty that ever we should perform such performances as these are acceptable to God and beneficial to Man 6. Direction Thou must perform all thy duties as in a right Manner so to a right End for the End either Makes or Marrs the Action now the Ends are such as God himself hath appointed in his word Now God never ordained duties or good works to be trusted in for Salvation thou canst never merit Heaven by thy Prayers or other Duties they were not commanded for this end indeed they are a causa sine qua non of Salvation for though they cannot save us yet we shall not be saved in the neglect of them they are the way to the Kingdom though not causa regnandi Christ hath purchased to himself a peculiar People zealous of good works they are of special use for us in the way that God hath appointed us to walk in God hath appointed us to do them and threatened us and will punish us if we neglect them as I shall more fully prove when I treat of them particularly and that it is Gods will and command is enough to satisfy an honest heart though there were neither reward nor punishment for the doers or neglecters of them this is the way to glorify God John 15.8 Hereby is our Heavenly Father glorified when we bring forth much fruit Mat. 5.18 Let your Light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in Heaven By this means also we may be instrumental of others Conversion Wives are commanded to carry themselves so holily and wisely that thereby unbelieving Husbands may be won to the Faith 1 Pet. 3.1 and as they may do good to others so they may bring comfort to themselves these breathings out of Grace will be an Evidence to the Soul of the love of God when we find the Spirit helping our infirmities teaching us how and for what to pray these products of Grace will yield the Soul no little satisfaction yea by this means we obtain many blessings from God what sweet returns of Prayer have the Saints had how often hath God answered them in the very Petitions they have asked Christ bids them ask and they shall have seek and they shall find knock and it shall be opened to them and how many can experience this truth though God promise the mercy yet he will be sought to for it and what sweet and ravishing incomes of the Spirit of God have Christians oftentimes in the Hearing Reading Meditating and conferring of the word of God receiving of the Sacrament and other Religious duties and what Satisfaction and Comfort 'T is true we must not trust to them for comfort as the Cause but as the Instrument Hezekiah found Comfort upon his sick Bed from the Faithful performance of God's Will But this is not all one special end why God appointed them is to bring the Soul nearer unto Christ by them and to this end we must use them they are as Ladders to help us up to Heaven to lift us above our selves to lay hold upon Christ we must make use of them as a Traveller doth of a Boat or Bridge to help us over unto Christ or as he doth of a Staff or Stile to help him in his Journey though they in themselves have no Excellency yet they help us over where true Treasure is though they be empty in themselves and vain to those that trust in them yet are they enriching to the Saints that trust not to them but use them for the ends appointed but many like Foolish Lovers wooe the Maid when they should Court the Mistress or like Foolish Travellers play with the Stile or fall in Love with the Boat and neglect their way they trust to their duties but these were never appointed to save us or to make up Christ's Merits Satisfactory for this is sufficient but that it may help us to lay hold upon Christ's Satisfaction Use them therefore for that end 7. Direct When thou hast done all this and all that thou canst say thou art an unprofitable Servant and hast done no more nay not so much as was thy duty Luke 17.10 And take heed of resting in or trusting to any thing but Christ for Justification or Salvation trust not to thy duties for they will deceive thee and prove like Egyptian Reeds not only break but run into thy hand they were never appointed for this end to trust to them let the Papists brag never so much of their Works of Supererogation or of their Merits let the Ignorant Person brag of his good meaning his good heart and his good serving God let the Civil Man brag of his paying every Man his own and upright dealing and the almost Christian of his Repenting Returning and Reforming alas all this will deceive them
Many especially of the Younger sort they come to see and to be seen to shew their New Cloaths or observe the Fashion that other wear and being Examined this is most they can remember Many come that they may be accounted forward Prosessors and are tickled with popular Applause but when 't is more in Credit to Persecute than profess these perhaps follow that Profession Some come with the Butterflie to paint her Wings and these are all for gaudy Notions and store their Heads and not their Hearts with what they Learn some weary of their own Houses come to drive away the time perhaps to get a nap of sleep some come for fear of the Law lest that take hold upon them and some to stop the mouth of Conscience which otherwise will give them no rest some come to speak with a Friend which otherwise they knew not how to meet with so conveniently and as they came by chance 't is a great Chance if they receive any good by their coming Some come to enquire out some good bargain others to appoint some merry Meeting or some drunken match or Game at Cards or Dice or Bowls and perhaps some come on purpose to entrap the Minister in his Words or wrest them to a wrong Sentence these Mens memories are much like to Sives they keep the refuse all the best runs through Christ himself had such Hearers if these or like to these be thy ends thy heart is rotten thy Duties stink in God's Nostrils and they will never do thee good thou mayst expect a Curse from God and not a Blessing But a true Christian aims at higher ends viz. that he may know his Masters will and knowing may obey it and may glorifie him by obeying and by this means he may get nearer unto Christ and have and maintain more Communion with him that he may know more of the Excellency that is in Christ that he may be more enamoured on him that he may see more of his own heart and the deceitfulness of it and more of the vileness of sin to hate it more that we may have clearer Evidences of God's Love to his Soul and of his Interest in Christ these and such like are a Believers ends in hearing the Word If now thy ends be lower 't is a bad sign of an Hypocritical or Prophane heart 3. Direct If thou wouldst profit by the Word preach'd come unto it with thy heart rightly qualified and rightly disposed with thy affections rightly ordered One reason amongst others why so many come to and return from the Word empty is because the heart is not fitted for the Duty get thy heart in Love with God this is the way to thrive by his Word how greedily do we read a Letter from a Friend especially if we expect some promise in it of some great Courtesie the Word is Gods Epistle sent from Heaven stuff'd thick with gracious promises if we entertain hard thoughts of God we seldom profit by his word get a love also to his Word as David O how love I thy law it is my Meditation continually we remember that which we love What is the reason that many can remember an idle story or love song or stage play that cannot remember one passage or sentance in a whole Sermon why because they love it better exercise love also to the Minister or thou wilt hardly profit by his preaching prejudice is a great hindrance to the Soul See this in Ahab he had a prejudice against Micaiah and hated him and therefore his wholesom counsel was rejected 1 Kings 22.8 c. The Pharisees also having a prejudice against Christ carp't and cavilled with him but few or none believed in him which of the Scribes and Pharisees have believed on him all his gratious words would not win upon them and when a People have a prejudice against their Pastour ten to one they profit little by him Come also with a believing heart the word which they heard profited them not because it was not mixt with faith in them that heard it Heb. 4.2 If the Devil can but bring us to this distrust in God and to call in question the truth of his word he hath what he would have for who will leave a certain Inheritance for an uncertain Hope and take much pains when they doubt of a recompence or leave beloved Sins or perform self denying duties upon such uncertainties they should bring also humble hearts to the duty for 't is the humble that God will teach when he looks upon the proud afar off James 4.5 1 Pet. 5.5 A proud Spirit is like Laodicea and thinks himself rich and wants nothing when he is poor and blind and miserable and naked Rev. 3.16,17 If there be any in the Congregation that set themselves against God and his Word 't is commonly the Proud and self conceited Persons it were them that set themselves against Jeremy Jer. 42.3 It were the Proud men that said he spake falsly in the Name of the Lord. He that comes with absence of his own wants is most like to have a supply he that comes with a conceit of his own righteousness is likely to go away empty he fills the hungry with good things but the rich he sends empty away Luk. 1.53 He that thinks he knows any thing knows nothing that he ought to know 1 Cor. 8.2 Come therefore to the Ordinance with an Hungring Longing Thirsting Panting desire after this Bread of Life and Sincere Milk of the Word for then thou art most like to prevail for somthing to fill thy Soul A full Soul loatheth the Hony-comb but to an hungry Soul every bitter thing is sweet many Promises are made to the hungry those that hunger and thirst after righteousness are blessed Mat. 5.6 these thirsting Souls shall have Wine and Milk Christ and his Graces without Money or Moneys worth Isa 5.51 Come not with a slight apprehension of or a slight desire after it lest it be denyed thee set not light by it as those that were bidden to the Wedding Mat. 22.2 c. David had high prizing thoughts of it it was sweeter to him than honey and the honey-comb yea better than thousands of Gold and Silver Psalm 19.10 and to Job better than his appointed food this made David meditate in it day and night and by this means he came to have more understanding than his Teachers bring also a mind free from Worldly cares and fears and desires these are the Thorns that choak the Word Mat. 13.22 Bring not the Love of any sin along with thee for this will make the Word unprofitable he that saith I will not be made clean God may say thou shalt never be made clean resolve to obey the Word in the strictest passages of it 4. Direct Wouldest thou profit by the Word Preached 'T is necessary then that thou make some preparation for the receiving of it The Heart of Man is compared to the Ground the Minister to the
last to Judgment and here thou hast matter enough to spend thy days about Consider also the Commands of God and the Duties he requires at thy hands and the promises he makes to the Obedient and the threatnings to the Disobedient Consider also the four last things Death and Judgment Heaven and Hell and by this thou seest there is work enough in Natures Garden Also there are a thousand things well worthy thy consideration there is not a Weed in the Field a Tree in thy Orchard an Herb in thy Garden a Beast in thy Pasture a Fowl in the Air or a Fish in the Sea or River but will Teach thee something and 't is a barren Heart indeed that cannot draw a Meditation from the least Gnat or most despicable Worm that crawls under his Feet 4. Direct Having thus prepared matter and pitcht upon some suitable Subject to Exercise thy thoughts and Meditations upon proceed then to drive on thy intended design to a head and to the end thou didst propose Now this end should be the enlightning of the Understanding and the clearing it from Error or Ignorance and the quickning the Affections and raising them to a higher pitch and the bringing of the Will to a Resolution In Meditation if rightly managed the Soul Exercises two sorts of Acts the one direct the other reflect the first upon the Subject Meditated upon the other upon the Soul it self By the first we find out the Rule by the second we apply our own Hearts to the Rule and observe our deviation and obliquity the first enlightens the Understanding and the other quickens the Affections by the first we come to know what is true what is false what is good what is bad what is sin what is duty and consequently what is to be chosen and what refused By the other we apply our Actions to this Rule and try whether we have walked according to it wherein we have gone astray and which way to return Now as there are two sorts of Acts so there is a different way for the Souls Acting for the attaining of those several ends For the first of these some have pitcht upon this course which though all men are not able to follow yet I shall set down for the use of those that can And that is to have recourse to those places that Natural and Artificial Reason affords us which may help the Invention and ready the Memory and much facilitate the Work I mean those Logical places following As first to consider the thing about which we Meditate what it is and therefore as ability doth serve consider it in the definition or the description of it but stand not over-long or over-nicely upon this or any of those that follow lest what you get one way may be lost another what you get in the Understanding be lost in the Affections And when thou hast found out the Nature of the thing consider it also in the distribution of it if it be a Subject capable of the sorts kinds and parts of it this will give room to thy thoughts and thy proceeding will be more distinct Consider it also in the causes the Efficient Material Formal and Final Cause The Efficient Cause is that by whose Virtue Force or Efficacy a thing is The Material Cause is ex qua res est of what matter a thing is made the Form is whereby a thing is that which it is and the end is the Cause for whose sake or for what purpose a thing is Consider also if the Subject will admit the Fruits and Effects for these are useful and helpful in the work and are also pertinent to our business Consider also the Subject wherein it is and about which 't is occupied as also of it's Properties and Qualities either adhering to it or inhering in it together with the opposite and contrary this also is useful also the comparats and desperats what it is like and what it 's unlike fit similitudes much Illustrate and give great light to the Understanding Testimony also is to be regarded but Noble Command assent like those of Scripture Holy mens Testimony is of good use but Divine Authority is all in all Or if you think this way too intricate you may take such a Method as is most Familiar to explain the Subject you treat of raise thy Observations clear the Doctrine from difficulties and doubts prove it both by Scripture and Reason and then make use of it according to the Nature of the Subject let it inform thee in the useful consectaries and conclusions that may thence follow let it Instruct thee in the duties it reaches forth let it be for Examination how thou hast carried thy self or whether thou hast the required qualifications for reproof if thou hast gone astray for incouragement if thou hast done thy duty for caution for the time to come and press all home upon thy heart Such a course is like to furnish thee with sutable matter for thy Souls good 5. Direct When thou hast thus far proceeded and by Meditation hast informed thy self of what is necessary in the present point and hast found out by the use of Reason and Scripture-Light what is Truth and what is Error what is sin and what is Duty what thou oughtest to do and what to avoid Thy next work is to press this upon thine own Head and compare thy Head and Actions with the Rule and try wherein thou hast gone right and wherein thou hast gone astray for if thou do not thus reflect back upon thy own Heart and Life the duty will do thee little good If thou only study to find out Truth from Error or what is sin and what is duty without Regulating thy Life and Actions accordingly and endeavour to fill thy Head with Notional knowledge it will but aggravate thy sin and thou wilt sin with a Candle in thy hand But when by this Impartial Tryal thou findest out wherein thou hast sinned and come short of thy duty which the Law of God requires at thy hand or wantest those required qualifications necessary to Salvation Press those things home upon thy heart till they make some Impressions there yea till they stir up the Affections and work upon the Will to a through Resolution of Reformation for the time to come This is the Life of Meditation and without this 't is little worth When thou findest wherein thou hast come short to come to a Resolution to make more hast and where thou hast sinned gone astray to return and where thou hast sinned to Reform Press on thy Meditation till thou findest some Life in it according to the Nature of the thing if it be good till thou find a sweetness in it if bad till it appear odious If it appear to be good by Scripture-light and rectified Reason then the affection of Love must needs be stirring for good is it's object and evil as evil cannot be loved When it appears to be bad the affection
Perform this Duty now to right Ends and doubt not of a Blessing 7. Direct If thou wouldst have a Blessing of God accompanying this Ordinance or if thou wouldst Sing Psalms profitably then do it in God's way as well as to a right End 't is not the bare performance of the Duty will serve the turn Many content themselves with the Husk without the Kirnel and think a little Lip-labour sufficient and come with no more Reverence nor so much into God's Presence than they would come into a great Mans Presence to Sing a Prophane Song If such Service would please God would have many Servants But 't is the Heart that God requires or he will have none of their Service Trust not therefore with the Papist Opere Operato in the Work done for God must have it done in his own way or he will not accept it A good Duty may be spoyled by the ill doing it as well as a good Tool by ill handling The Duty we Treat of is not so easie as many think it is Many carelesly performing it and finding little benefit by it have mistrusted the Duty rather than themselves like the Maid in Pliny that being suddenly struck Blind in the Night blames the Sun the next Morning for not Rising Men are apt to accuse any thing yea God himself rather than themselves Because they themselves feed upon the Husks they think there is none that taste the Kirnel and so lay it aside and plead against it But upon the same grounds many of them plead themselves above Ordinances and rest not till they plead perfection and look upon Ordinances as beggarly rudiments but to leave these to their self-delusion When thou approachest to God in this Ordinance being part of his Instituted Worship be sure to bring thy Heart along with thee and ingage it in the Duty God saith of the Heart as sometimes Joseph did of his Brother Benjamin you shall not see my Face if your Brother Benjamin be not with you You shall not see his Face if the Heart be absent Heart and Voyce must joyn together or it will make no pleasing Melody in the Ears of God He is a Spirit and must be Worshipped in Spirit and in Truth For as Fervent Prayer may prevail where cold Petitions are denyed So hearty Praises are acceptable when others are esteemed but as a mocking of God We must sing with the Affection and with the Understanding also The whole bent of the Soul must be set upon the work the Blind and the Lame and the Heartless Sacrifice is abominable unto God My Son saith he Give me thy Heart Whatever thou offerest without the Heart he will have none of it The more of the Heart is in the Duty the better he loves it Thou must sing with the Spirit 1 Cor. 14.15 Thus David when he began to sing lift up not only his Voyce but his Soul to God Psal 25.1 and calls upon all that is within him to bless the Lord Psal 103.1 And we have Exhortations to this Duty Col. 3.18 Eph. 5.19 The Lowing of an Ox the Grunting of a Hog make as Melodious an Harmony in God's Ears as a Heartless Prayer or Praise God is a Spirit and must be Worshipped in Spirit and in Truth Nay it must not be only with the Heart but with the Heart rightly Qualified An ungracious Heart cannot but savour strong in the Nostrils of God worse than a stinking Carrion doth in ours we must sing with Grace in our Hearts as the former Scriptures plainly testifie Sincerity is necessary approach not near him without the Wedding-Garment Hypocrisie spoyls all thy best Actions we may as well expect sweet Water in a dirty Channel or stinking puddle as a good Duty from a rotten Heart The Graces of the Spirit must adorn that Soul that must be welcom into God's presence Neither is it sufficient that they be there in the Habit but they must be drawn forth into the Act for as we must Pray and Sing with the Understanding and Affection so we must Pray and Sing with Faith believing those Promises made by God and those Petitions put up that they shall be in Time Answered Bring Hope along also to wait for the Accomplishment and Love to God and Delight in his Service and desire of his Glory and other suitable Graces And thus doing expect a Blessing upon the Ordinance and benefit by it CHAP. VIII Directions in Observing the Sabbath Day THE next Duty I shall Treat of is the Observation of the Sabbath Day for this also is a Commanded Duty this is that stated time for the Worship of God and necessary for his Service For if we must Worship God in some place so some time is also required for this Worship and God himself hath appointed out what he thinks most suitable Exod. 20.8 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy c. Yea he hath enjoyned it to be observed upon pain of Death Exod. 35.2 Whosoever doth work therein shall be put to Death And we read of the Man that gathering sticks upon that Day was by God's special Command to be put to Death Numb 15.32 c. But there are many that easily grant it was a Duty obliging the Jews but not the Gentiles and is of no force at present to Christians but Ceremonious and so abolished with the Ceremonial Law but for Satisfaction know something in the Command was Ceremonial and that ceaseth something Moral and that remaineth Nature it self teacheth us that there is a God and the same Nature teacheth that this God is to be Worshipped and Reason tells us some time must be alotted for this Worship God appoints one day of seven for this Work and that is Moral but what seventh day whether from the Creation or no is left to God to determine Many that know not the true God yet alot some time for the Worship of their Imagined Deities but that it must be this or that day Nature teaches not but is alterable at God's dispose but not at Mans and that it was observed in Remembrance of their deliverance from Egypt was Ceremonial Deut. 5.15 And Typified out a deliverance by Christ a Rest in him and his Resting in the Grave As also the rigid Observation of it enjoyned to the Jews when they must not go out of their places kindle a Fire dress any Meat bear any burthen c. upon it Christian Liberty hath freed us from this but for the Observation of one day in seven for God's Service is Commanded by God approved by Christ and practised by the Apostles and all succeeding Generations 1 Cor. 16.2 and what power on Earth then can make it void It was a Law given to Adam in Paradice before there was any Ceremony used or enjoyned or any Saviour needed or promised I say for the Substance of it though it was afterwards prest more strictly and some Ceremonies added to the Jews and therefore it belongeth to all his Posterity though
it may be it is a Metaphor taken from a Goldsmith that try their Gold whether it be pure and the dross purged out and consumed or from those that try their Coin not superficially but by the weight by the sight by the sound by the touch stone that so they may not be deceived with what is bad and counterfeit and so must we in this case Especially considering the Devil hath much counterfeit coin goes abroad for currant and most Men are deceived and 't is easie to be deceived especially when our own Hearts are the greatest Cheats Try thy Evidences for Heaven whether thou art Regenerated or not otherwise thou art not for Heaven John 3.3.5 Whether thou art an Adopted Child of God For none else ought to eat at his Table Christ will not be Food to nourish any other he will not have the Devils Brats Dine at his Table none ought to sit there but those that shall sit with him in the Kingdom of Heaven Hast thou those Graces that always accompany conversion For these are necessary in this work as Sanctified and Sanctifying knowledge without which thou canst not discern the Lord's Body or know God or thy self or the Tenure of the Covenant of Grace the Nature of the Sacrament or the state of thy own Soul c. Faith also is necessary to lay hold upon Christ in this Ordinance and feed upon him c. Repentance for sin past and new Obedience for the time to come Love also to God to his Word and to his Children with a longing desire after Christ in the Ordinance for what shall we do at a Feast without a stomack The Trial of these Graces I shall now wave having in another Treatise partly handled it 't is called The Souls Looking-Glass or a Spiritual Touch-stone to which I refer you because I will not Actum agere do a thing that is done before 2. Direct Though Habitual preparation and a gracious disposition of which we have Treated before be absolutely necessary without which a Man cannot be a welcom Guest to this Marriage Feast as we see in the Foolish Virgins Mat. 25.1,2 c. who notwithstanding they had Lamps in their Hands yet for want of this Oyl of Grace in their Hearts were not admitted but the door was shut against them I say though this be necessary yet it is not sufficient 't is not enough to have a Marriage Garment but we must have it on and made clean and handsom if we would Honour the Wedding 'T is not enough to have Faith and Knowledge and Love and Obedience c. in the Habit but we must have them in the Exercise what good will they do us if we use them not 'T is not enough to have Lamps in our Hands yea and Oyl in our Vessels though most go without but we must have our Lamps always burning we must rise and trim our Lamps When we go to meet the Bride-groom Christ in such a Duty we must snuff our Candles that they may burn bright 'T is not enough for a Musician to have an Instrument but he must have it in Tune or it will yield bad Musick nay he must have skill to use it or it will not do nay he must be in a capacity to make use of his skill which is not if his hands be cold or numb'd or otherwise out of Order The Souls Musick is quickly spoyled if it be out of Tune 'T is not enough for a Carpenter or Joyner to have Tools and Matter to work upon but he must often by grinding or whetting put an edge upon them or they are not fit for his purpose 'T is not enough to have Houshold stuff in abundance but it must be set in Order not on a confused heap yea and scoured and made bright if we would use them to adorn the House And in like manner 't is not enough for a Christian to have the fore-mentioned Habits and Qualifications but he must reduce them into Art and Exercise he must scour them up against such a good Time as this and rub off the rust and make them fit for use yea make use of them for to this End they were given And a Christian notwitstanding the Habits may and will be an unworthy Receiver if they be not in Exercise 'T is necessary that some Vital Operations co-operate to the Receiving Digesting and Concocting our Meat or it will not nourish and so that this Spiritual Food may prove Refreshing to the Soul 'T is necessary that there be a principle of Spiritual Life and the Actings of Grace concur with the Receiving and Digesting of it A Godly Man may sometimes be in an Appoplexy and have a stupifyed Soul and a benumbed Conscience he may have his swooning Fits when Life is scarce discerned to appear It may seem David sometimes was in this Condition or some other great Distemper Now you know though there be Life yet in such case 't is not safe to give Food stir up therefore thy Graces and get them in Exercise 't is the best way to procure heat and digestion Consider seriously what thou art about and with whom thou hast to do and what is the danger of unworty Receiving and the benefit of the contrary Consider thou hast a price put into thy Hand O let not an Heart be wanting to get wisdom In this Ordinance all thy wants may be supplyed here thy Graces may be strengthened and thy Communion with God renewed Thy Covenant with God is here ratified and Christ and all his Benefits made over to thy Soul Here thou mayst have the pardon of thy sins and whatever else is requisite for thy Soul if thou come preparedly and Act Faith upon the Promise and improve thy Interest in the Covenant come therefore with a Thirsting desire of Christ in the Ordinances this is a Qualification required Isa 55.12 John 7.37 Rev. 22.15 Long after this Bread of Life for this Longing shall be satisfied Come with Confidence to have thy needs and wants supplyed and to this End Exercise Faith on the Promise this Grace is all in all in the Duty 't is both the Hand and the Mouth Exercise Repentance for sin past and resolve to Obey for the time to come But if thou come unprepared thou eatest and drinkest thy own Damnation and becomest guilty of the Body and Blood of Christ let such such Considerations as these move thee 3. Direct If thou wouldst worthily partake of this Sacrament propound right Ends to thy self in so doing the End as I have said as in other Duties so in this either makes or marrs the Action Now the End though last in the Execution is first in the Intention 't is the first mover What is it that a man will do but is for some End this like the weights on a Clock or the Spring in a Watch sets all the Wheels on work and is the cause of the Entrance and continuance of the Motion Who is it that Builds an
sins Lev. 16.21 Christ is our Scape-Goat let him bear all our Iniquities To name thy sin without sorrow is but an aggravation of it mourn for it therefore but let the Love of God and not the fear of punishment be the strongest Motive to Repentance When thou seest Christ Crucified afresh before thine Eyes in the Ordinance consider and say to thy self Oh what a wretch was I to pluck him out of the Arms of his Father and cause him to suffer such Hellish Torments for my sake it was my sin that were the Nails that pierced his Hands and his Feet the Spear that wounded his Side the Thorns that pricked his Head the Traytor that betrayed him the Judge that Condemned him and the Executioner that put him to Death It was not the Devil nor his Instruments the Jews nor Gentiles nor all the wicked Men in the World could have done it had it not been for the sins of his Elect Me-thinks the consideration of this should work upon an Ingenious Heart and when thou hast confest thy sin resolve to forsake it God makes no promise of Pardon to any other And look stedfastly upon Christ offered to thee in the Sacrament for Pardon of sin and power against it he is a propitiation for sin Rom. 3.25 The Lamb of God that takes away the Sins of the World John 1.29 Having now found out thy defects of Grace for 't is weakness of Grace that makes us run into sin Go to God for a supply Christ is ready with supplies if thou be but sensible of thy wants come to the Ordinance in God's way and where thou art weak Christ will strengthen thee and where Corruptions are strong he will weaken them Be not ashamed to shew to him thy nakedness unlap thy Sores that thou mayst have a Plaister and Christ will be thy Chyrurgeon and Physitian In thy decays of Grace though there be great cause of shame and sorrow yet none of despair there are Recovering Plaisters as well as Healing be but sensible of thy want and go boldly for a supply Come with an empty Soul to Christ and he will fill it 't is the full that are sent empty way 5. Direct When thou comest to this Ordinance be sure to set thy Grace on work quicken them up unto the Duty let them not flag nor faint for then thy work will be to little purpose what good will Tools do if not used and how can they be used if not in Order A Workman that would Live by his Works sees that his Tools be sharp and fit for the work without them we can do nothing nay if they be dull or blunt the work will not go forward and therefore let us stir up our Graces as Deborah did her Soul when she was to sing forth the praises of the Lord Judg. 5.12 Awake awake Deborah awake awake utter a Song c. Or as David did his Soul Psal 42.5 Why art thou so sad O my Soul And why art thou so disquieted within me c. Psal 103.12 Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me praise his Holy Name c. Stir up thy Self and lay hold upon him Isa 64.7 This is the time for thee to renew quicken and strengthen thy Grace it was given thee for such a time and for such a Use as this is let not this Opportunity be let slip that may be done now which cannot be done at another time renew thy Repentance and quicken it This may be done by the consideration of the Number Nature and Effects of thy sins and among the rest this is one it brought the Lord Jesus Christ to this shameful Death Here thou mayst see him Crucified before thy Face his Body broken and his Blood poured out and mayst look upon him whom thou hast pierced and mourn for him as for an only Son Zach. 12.10 Quicken thy Love to God also and this thou mayst do by the consideration of his Love to thee and what he hath done for thee especially in the work of thy Redemption held out in this Ordinance of the Sacrament Hadst thou had a Temporal deliverance from Turkish Slavery thou wouldst have been thankful to thy Deliverer and have Loved him for it much more then is due to him that Redeemed thee from the guilt of sin and from the filth of sin and from the punishment due to sin from the Curse of the Law the wrath of God the Slavery of Satan and from Everlasting Damnation Renew thy fear of him also consider the Fervency of his wrath against Sin and Sinners when thou seest it was so hot against his own Son when he stood in the room of Sinners and let this make thee fear to Offend This also may quicken thy Love to thy Brethren yea to thine Enemies when thou considerest how dearly God Loves thy Brethren in Christ and what he suffered for them and to thine Enemies when thou considerest the Torments which Christ indured for thy sake when thou wast his Enemy and Commands thee to imitate him in Loving those that hate thee But especially quicken and Exercise thy Faith for this is all and in all in this Duty and much conduceth to the well performing of it 'T is true Christ hath all fulness in himself to fill empty Souls he is the Bread and Water of Life to feed and Refresh the Hungry and Thirsty of his Fulness we receive Grace for Grace John 1.14.16 In him all Fulness dwells Col. 1.19 There is in him both fulness of Merit and fulness of Spirit Mortifying Sanctifying Quickning Virtue Here Soul-wants may be supplyed But the way of obtaining this at God's Hands the way of emptying of Christ into the Soul is by the way of Ordinances the Word and Sacraments are the Breasts of Consolation from whence we must suck and be satisfied These are the Pipes through which the Water of Life run from the Fountain into the Cistern from Christ to our Hearts Christ is the Olive and these the Golden Pipes that convey the Oyl into the Candlestick Zach. 4.12 'T is true he could convey it immediately and empty himself into the Soul without any Instrument at all but this is not usual where the Word and Ordinances are to be had But that we may get benefit by the Ordinances Faith is necessary the Well is deep and Faith is the Bucket to draw up this water of Life and though the Conduit be full of water and we empty Vessels yet if we bring them not thither they will still remain empty nay though we bring them and place them under the Cock if we turn not the Cock they are empty still The Child that plays with the Breast is not satisfied till it suck Thou must suck Honey and Oyl out of this flinty Rock Deut. 32.13 Faith is the Souls Eye which must be fixed upon Christ the Souls Hand to lay hold upon Christ the Souls Mouth to feed upon him Christ and all his Benefits are offered in
the Sacrament but without Faith they cannot be laid hold upon 6. Direct Having shewed you what Preparation is necessary and also what Qualifications and how thou shouldst stand affected when thou comest to this Ordinance I shall next shew thee how to demean thy self in the very Act of Receiving For thy External behaviour or outward demeanour it should be such as is suitable to the Ordinance and to the presence of the Great God Reverent Grave Seemly and such as bespeaks Humility and self-abasing not Light and wanton and gazish but such as becomes a Guest at such a Table yet beware of such Voluntary or Superstitious Humility such as the Papists and some others use which hath no Footing in the vvord of God the surest way is to take the Scripture for our Guide But for thy Inward Carriage which is most to be regarded be sure thy Heart be not wanting for God cannot endure Heartless Service if this Instrument be not in Tune the Musitioner is bad here if any where God calls Son give me thy Heart and nothing else will serve turn but the Heart and the Heart broken and bleeding Come with the Heart humbled God cannot endure a proud Person especially in an Ordinance that hold forth that which may humble thee here is Christ Crucified and his Blood shed for thy sin thou wast the Traytor that betrayed him the Judge that Condemned him and the Executioner that put him Death and will not this work upon thee Is it nothing to have Blood lying upon thee the Blood of the Innocent the Blood of a Friend the Blood of a King yea the Blood of the Son of God What ingenious Spirit but would melt at such a Consideration Every Sacramental Action of the Minister may further thy Meditation and help thee up to Heaven in thy Contemplation When thou beholdest the Minister who stands in the place of God setting apart and Consecrating the Bread and Wine by the Word and Prayer will not this bring to thy Mind the Love of God to thy Soul Who from Eternity set apart his only Son Jesus Christ to be thy Mediator and Advocate thy Surety and thy Saviour well may it be said God so Loved the World c. May not the thoughts of this furnish thee with Heart-raising Heart-warming Meditations And when thou seest thee Bread broken and the Wine poured out doth not this Lively represent the bitter Death and bloody Passion of the Son of God Jesus Christ thy sweet Saviour and Redeemer his Body was broken his precious blood was shed for the Remission of thy sins which otherwise could not have been forgiven Ah! what a wicked thing then is sin when nothing would satisfie Divine Justice but the death of the only begotten Son of God When the Bread and Wine thus separated thus set apart from common use are held forth to thee apprehend God himself giving Christ yea Christ offering himself with all his Treasures to be thy Husband thy Surety thy Mediator and thy Saviour Ah! what Soul-refreshing thoughts may this produce Well mayst thou say with David Lord what is Man that thou art mindful of him Or rather Lord what am I that thou regardest me and hast provided such a Feast of Fat things for me with Wine on the Lees When thousands are laid aside as good as I by Nature And when thou receivest the Elements at the Ministers hand let thy Faith lay fast hold and clasp fast about the Lord Jesus Christ and take him as given by God to be thy Husband and Resolve that the Devil and all his Instruments shall never draw off thy Affections from him but thou wilt all others being forsaken prove his faithful Spouse And when thou Eatest and Drinkest the Bread and Wine let thy Faith feed upon those Spiritual dainties hereby represented upon this Nectar and Ambrosia this Bread and this Water of Life Receive him and all the Benefits of the New Covenant by Faith and in the whole Action let thy Heart Close with God Father Son and Holy Ghost and let the whole bent of thy Soul be set upon him and by such Meditations stir up thy Heart to bless God and praise him for his Mercy and to Love him above all and to vow Obedience to him and as thou lookest upon thy sin with one Eye to hate and abominate it so look upon Christ with the other to keep thee from despair as he is offered up in the Sacrament a Sacrifice to satisfie Divine Justice and beg of God humbly yet believingly that he will accept of this Sacrifice as satisfactory for thy sin and pardon what is past and give thee power against Sin for the time to come Consider also the giving and receiving of this Sacrament is a further ratification of the Covenant as I said before wherein God offers Christ and all his Benefits and promises to be thy God and the God of thy Seed And thou promisest that thou and thine will Serve the Lord. Let this strengthen thy Faith in his Promises for he will never break his word and let it strengthen thy Resolution that thou wilt never break with him then this will be to thee an Happy Ordinance 7. Direct If thou wouldst receive Benefit by the Sacrament behave thy self well after thou hast received it All thy work is not done nay most is to be done when thou hast turned thy back upon the Congregation 't is not the making a Vow but the making it good the fulfilling of it that is the most of the work 't is not the preparing for the Duty or carrying thy self well in the Act of Receiving though this be necessary that is sufficient God expects some after-work A Servant that is refresht with wholsom meat and drink ought not to be Idle nor to spend his time vainly there is a greater tye lyes upon him to diligence and pains taking So he that comes from such a Feast and is refreshed with such Dainties should be more Active Lively Quick and Disposed to Spiritual Exercises plung not thy self too suddenly into worldly business distract not thy thoughts about things here below for as in sweats 't is dangerous to cool over-suddenly So 't is here when the Affections are raised to Heaven let them not suddenly grovel upon the ground when they are heated let not the cold wind of the World suddenly benumb them And when thou dost set about Worldly business remember there is a business of greater concernment lyes upon thy Hands and therefore do all in Subordination to God Redeem some time for Divine Meditation to consider what thou hast been about and with whom thou hast had to deal Thou hast been renewing that Covenant between God and thy Soul which was made in Baptism and therefore look to it that thou make it good It is better not to Vow than to Vow and not perform Consider whether God makes good his Promise Sealed by this Sacrament if not doubtless the fault is thine own God