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A17299 The Christians bulvvarke, against Satans battery. Or, The doctrine of iustification so plainely and pithily layd out in the severall maine branches of it as the fruits thereof may be to the faithfull, as so many preservatives against the poysonous heresies and prevailing iniquities of these last times. By H.B. pastor of S. Mathevvs Friday-street.; Truth's triumph over Trent Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1632 (1632) STC 4140; ESTC S119545 312,003 390

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that it is as it ought to be but the contrary rather so neither can he be certaine of any grace receiued by the Sacrament But as the good King Ezechias prayed for the commers to the Sacrament of the Passeouer saying The Lord God pardon euery one that prepareth his heart to seeke God the Lord God of his Fathers though hee be not cleansed according to the purification of the Sanctuary that is so exactly as hee ought And the Lord hearkened vnto Hezechias and healed the people So though we come short as the best doe in the performance of holy duties according to that perfection which the Lord requireth yet there is place alwayes left for humble prayer both to procure Gods pardon for our faylings and his speciall grace and blessing in our reuerent vse of his holy Ordinances But this in briefe by the way to confute Vega's folly Secondly he answereth That though there bee no errour nor inuincible ignorance remaining in a man that is to receiue the Sacraments yet saith Vega I do not see it euery way certaine that those things are sufficient which are accounted requisite to iustification with the Sacrament of Baptisme or Penance For it is not certainly receiued of all that these Sacraments doe conferre the first grace As the Master of the Sentences Alexander Hales and Gabriel Biel are of the contrary opinion And sith these opinions saith hee are not condemned expresly by the Church although the opposite opinions be much more probable therefore there is place left for all kinde of doubtings and hesitations about our iustification as well after the receiuing of the Sacraments as before So that there is no more ground whereof to gather the certainty of grace because of the Sacraments receiued than by reason of our owne disposition But his third answer is the maine one he stands vpon for he saith Vtque radicitus totum hoc argumentum subruamus eneruemus dico tandem c. And that wee may ouerthrow this whole argument by the rootes and vtterly disable it I say thirdly c. Here we cannot chuse but erect our expectation vnto some prodigious exployt to be performed by this Champion What will he doc He comes Sampson-like and makes no more reckoning to pull downe the pillars whereon the whole frame of Christian faith standeth than Sampson did to pull downe the house vpon the Philistims heads But let Vega beware hee pull not an old house vpon his owne head Well Dico tandem c. I say once for all that although it may be certaine by faith that any kinde of repentance for sinnes with a purpose of keeping the Commandemets and a desire to receiue Baptisme be together with Baptisme and Penance sufficient to obtaine grace yet it doth not follow that our grace may by faith be certaine vnto vs. For although it may appeare euidently to euery one whether he hath these things or no yet none can be certaine by faith or euidently that he is truely baptized or absolued because there is necessarily required vnto the accomplishing of these and all other Sacraments an intention in the Priest to doe that which the Priest doth as is decreed in the seuenth Session of this our Councell Can. 11. But of that intention in the Priest no man without diuine reuelation can by faith or euidence be certaine And so forth to this purpose Thus doth Vega at one blow stagger the certainty of faith confirmed by the Sacraments nay not onely stagger it but strike it dead if certainty as the Pontificians in their Councell haue decreed must depend vpon the intention of the Priest in the time of consecrating the Sacraments and without the Priests intention the whole Sacrament is voyde and vaine and whether the Priests intention were going a wool-gathering or no no man knoweth Into such a miserable exigent of vncertainty haue the Pontificians implunged themselues as into the very Gulfe of Hell where doubt and despaire dwels Now for those diuine helpes to the natiue certainty of sauing Faith we may summe them vp and reduce them to this gradation As first Gods Word Dictum Iehouae secondly Gods promise thirdly his oath fourthly his hand-writing fifthly his scale sixthly his carnest or pledge 2. Cor. 5. 5. So that God as it were by so many steppes and degrees leades our Faith to the very top of the impregnable Rocke of all infallible and vnmoueable certainty Another accessory testimony confirming the certainty of faith is a good conscience which is not onely conscientia rectè factorum but faciendorum not onely a good conscience in regard of our life past wherein we haue endeauoured to liue vprightly and heartily repented vs of whatsoeuer we haue mis-done eyther by omission or commission but also in regard of the time to come while we resolue in a sincere purpose of heart and endeauour with all our power to serue God in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life Of the good conscience of the life past the Apostle speaketh whereby the certainty of his faith is sealed vp vnto him 2. Tim. 4. 6. 7. I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith Whereupon hee concludes in the certainty of Faith Henceforth is laide vp for mee a Crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue mee at that day And of his good conscience for the time to come he speakes Phil 3. 13. Brethren I count not my selfe to haue apprehended but this one thing I doe forgetting those things which are behind reaching forth vnto those things which are before I presse towards the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus Also Heb. 13. 18. Pray for vs for we trust we haue a good conscience in all things willing to liue honestly Now the conscience of a man is weighty and magn● in vtramque partem as the Orator said It is a powerfull testimony eyther to accuse or to acquite a man As Rom. 2. 15. The Apostles good conscience was a comfortable testimony vnto him Acts 23. 1. So 2. Cor. 1. 12. Our reioyciug is this the testimony of our conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity not with fleshly wisedome but by the grace of God we haue had our conuersation in the world Now a good conscience hath many branches eyther as it reflects vpon Faith so it is priuie to the remission of sinnes and reconciliation of the soule with God or as it respecteth our loue both of God and of the godly in especiall Loue is another seale of Faith as 1. Iohn 3. 18 My little children let vs not loue in words neither in tongue but in deed and in truth And hereby wee know that wee are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him And vers 14. We know that we haue passed
Christ by which they are at least in part regenerate sanctified and cleansed Obiect But is there no preparation vnto the receiuing of grace and iustification Is not at the least the hearing of the Word a worke of preparation to grace Answ. True it is that faith sauing and iustifying faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God Rom. 10. 17. So that the hearing of the Word of God is the ordinarie meanes to beget sauing Faith and Grace in vs. Obiect But hearing of the Word is in our owne power and hearing of the Word is a preparation vnto Grace therefore it is in our owne power to prepare our selues vnto grace Answ. To heare is in our owne power but hearing of the Word is not simply a preparatiue vnto grace but rather an externall meanes thereunto For vnlesse God do giue aspeciall blessing to the outward meanes of hearing the Word in opening our hearts as he did the heart of Lydia wee heare the word but as a sound or as a strange historie or parable and as a deepe mysterie hidden from vs. The Iewes did heare Christs Oracles and see his Miracles yet for all that were they no better than deafe and blinde men God must open the heart to vnderstand and to apprehend by Faith the mysterie of Christ preached else Paul may plant and Apollos water in vaine Obiect To what purpose then is it for any to come to heare the Word of God if thereby he be not the better fitted and disposed to receiue grace Answ. Although God be the only author and actor of working grace in vs yet for as much as he doth this by the Ministerie of his Word which he hath appointed as the ordinarie meanes to beget faith and all other sauing graces in vs therefore it is our part and duty to attend vpon and vse the means waiting for Gods blessing vpon it So that all the worke of preparation to grace on our part is without vs not within vs namely the hearing of the Word preached and Gods speciall blessing vpon it Obiect But it is in our free will and choyce to heare the Word of God or not to heare it and therefore something is to be ascribed to free-will in setting vs at least in the way to iustification Answ. It is no otherwise in our free will and choyce before our conuersion to heare Gods Word than to heare any humane historie propounded vnto vs. For before our vnderstanding bee by faith illuminated to apprehend and apply Christ vnto our selues and to know him to be our Sauiour in particular we haue no will to heare the Word as the Word of God which is able to saue our soules but rather as the word of man Obiect But doth not a man vnderstand the Word preached vnlesse first his vnderstanding be illuminated by Faith Answ. A naturall man may by hearing come to haue a generall vnderstanding of the Word of God as a true historie but before he bee indued with sauing faith from God his vnderstanding is not illuminated to know God in Christ to bee his Father and Christ to bee his Redeemer which is the summe of the Gospell and the seale which wee set vpon the truth of God therein Iohn 3 33. Obiect But Iohn Baptist was sent to prepare the way of the Lord. Answ. The Ministerie of Iohn was to teach men to beleeue in Christ pointing at him that was to come So that by his Ministerie men beleeuing and beeing baptized into Christ they might thereby be said to bee prepared to a more plentifull measure of receiuing Christ and his Spirit as afterwards they did hauing the first seeds of Faith already sowne in their hearts Obiect But another obiects before true conuersion a man must renounce the first couenant become humble confesse his vnworthinesse his hardnesse of heart his naturall disabilitie towards his owne saluation hee must feare God loue God and the like or else a man is incapable of and indisposed to receiue the grace of conuersion Answ. Indeed a fellow-minister of the Gospell was very earnest on a time in defending of this He desired me to resolue him in it by writing as being a matter of maine consequence and a maine ground wherewith many other opinions on foote in these daies would stand or fall Now I could haue wished to haue heard his reasons of that his obiection but time at least permitted not Therefore my answer shall be short as also in respect of all that before said First then for a man to renounce the first couenant to become humble c. I say no man can doe it till he be in Christ. My reason is because till a man be in Christ he is dead blinde proud hard-hearted without the feare of God without the loue of God Euery man is actually either the child of wrath in the state of sinne and death or the childe of God in the state of grace and life There is no terme betweene these two There is no terme or medium betweene a man liuing and dead but the very instant of his soules departing from the bodie which is in the twinckling of an eye No more terme or medium is there betweene a man dead in sinne and liuing by grace but the very instant of his conuersion For euery man I say is eyther a dead man in the state of sinne or a liuing man in the state of grace a third terme cannot come betweene Now while a man is in the state of sinne he is dead If dead he vnderstands nothing that sauours of grace nor hath hee any disposition or affection in him thereunto While he is vnder the dominion of sinne hee is nothing but meere enmitie and rebellion against God and his Grace as the Apostle saith Rom. 8. The wisedome of the flesh or To be carnally minded is enmity against God This is the state of a man vnregenerate vnconuerted Beeing thus hee is proud senslesse of his hardnesse of heart senslesse of any naturall disabilitie towards his owne saluation without loue without feare of God as Rom. 3. He is not subiect to the Law of God neither indeede can bee Rom. 8. Hee is so farre from renouncing the first couenant of works that before his conuersion the more morall vertues which Saint Augustine cals but splendida peccata either the frame of his naturall and corporall constitution or of his more liberall education hath adorned him with the more is hee apt to relye vpon the first couenant trusting to bee saued by his good workes But I say againe that when I see in a man these things that he renounceth the first couenant that he is humble that he confesseth his vnworthinesse that hee complaineth of the hardnesse of his heart that he renounceth himselfe and his owne abilities towards his owne saluation and the like these are the signes and fruits of a true Conuert say I. No say you The matter now standing betweene your No and my Yea who shall be the vmpire
appeale to the originall as Vega doth here For indeede the Latine vulgar addeth in the foresaid place of the Apostle Rom. 3. 22. In eum saying Iustitia antem Dei per fidem Iesu Christi in omnes super omnes qui credunt in eum The righteousnesse of God by Faith in Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleeue in him But note the spirit of the Trent Councell cannot endure to say or heare Credere in Christum to beleeue in Christ. Vega here disclaimes it as not found in the Greeke though the Apostle doth vse this Phrase in the very same Epistle to the Romanes at the least fiue times 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to beleeue in him And in the one Gospell of S. Iohn this phrase to beleeue in eum in him is vsed aboue thirty times yet the Councell of Trent in her whole sixt session of iustification doth not so much as once name credere in eum to beleeue in him which may make a man suspect there is something in this phrase which will not agree with the Councels stomacke But for as much as we touched a little before how that Vega attributeth our vnion with Christ to Faith vnformed and that the Councell saith that not faith alone without hope and charity doth eyther perfectly vnite to Christ or make one a liuing member of his bodie to reconcile these two we may easily see how that neyther the Councell doth altogether exclude Faith alone from vniting with Christ sauing that alone it doth not perfectly vnite nor make a liuing member but yet a dead member of Christ as they say nor Vega so admit of faith vnformed to incorporate vs into Christ saue that it doth it imperfectly and makes men only not liuing members So that in this worke of vnion Vega makes this difference betweene Faith formed and vnformed that the vnformed procureth the holy Ghost and righteousnesse and causeth Christ to dwell in vs and faith formed with charity causeth both Christ and the holy Ghost to dwell in our hearts and the Kingdome of heauen to bee within vs. But extricating our selues out of these Romane perplexities and serpentine windings wee may easily see how the Scriptures ascribe our vnion with Christ vnto faith euen by that vsuall phrase of Scripture 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Credere in eum to beleeue in him or rather as the phrase importeth to beleeue into him A phrase which the Pontificians doe so much abhorre but such as Augustine doth set forth our vnion with Christ by as we see in that very place alledged out of him by Vega Credere in Christum est credendo in eum ire eiu4 membris incorporari to beleeue in Christ is by beleeuing to go into him to be incorporated into his members And again Hoc est credere in Deum credendo ei adhaerere This is to beleeue in God by beleeuing to adhere or cleaue vnto him As that reuolting generation of Ephraim credidit Deo sed non credidit in Deum non ex fide adhaesit Deo Ephraim beleeued God but did not beleeue in God did not by faith cleaue vnto God And De verbis Domini he saith Qui in Christum credit credendo in Christum veniet in eum Christus quoquo modo vnitur in eum membrum in corpore eius efficitur Hee that beleeueth in Christ by beleeuing in Christ Christ will come into him and he is altogether vnited vnto him or rather in eum into him and is made a member in his body But note here a maine difference betweene St. Augustines sincerity and the Councell of Trents double dealing equiuocation For Augustine in the same place before mentioned saith that this faith which vniteth vs to Christ and Christ to vs hath euer hope and loue inseparably ioyned with it else it is not that faith Quae credit in Christum which beleeueth in Christ or into Christ His words are I lle credit in Christum qui sperat in Christum diligit Christum Nam si fidem habet sine spe a● sine dilectione Christum esse credit non in Christum credit Hee beleeueth in Christ who also hopeth in Christ and loueth Christ For if bee haue faith without hope and without loue hee beleeueth that Christ is but beleeueth not in Christ. Yet we see that this holy man ascribeth our vnion with Christ to the act of beleeuing which is the prime property of faith and not to the acts of hoping and louing which are the secondary qualities of it Euen as the act of burning is attributed to the heate of the fire the prime quality of it and not to the light nor to the drinesse of it which are secondary qualities of the fire So that as the fire hath heate hath light hath drieth all of them ioynt qualities in the fire yet it vniteth the combustible matter vnto it selfe or incorporateth it selfe into it not by reason either of the light or of the drieth of it but onely by the heate the prime property of the fire So faith hath beleeuing hath hope hath loue all of them inseparably ioyned vnto faith yet faith vnites the obiect Christ vnto it or vnto the soule not by the vertue of hope and loue but by its most proper act of beleeuing As the same Augustine saith Medicina animae omnium vulnerum vna propitiatio pro delictis hominum est in Christum credere Nec omnino quisquam mundari potest siue ab originali peccato siue ab actuali nisi per fidem coad●nentur compaginentur corpori eius qui sine vlla illaecebra carnali conceptus est peccatum non fecit nec inuentus est dolus in ore eius c. The medicine of all the wounds of the soule and the only propitiation for mens sinnes is to beleeue in Christ. Neither can any man be cleansed either from originall or from actuall sinne vnlesse they be by faith vnited and ioynted into the body of him who without any carnall lust was conceiued and did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth But the Trent Councell with her Pontificians will haue hope and loue so ioyned with faith in working our vnion with Christ as indeede they attribute a greater part of this worke to hope and loue than to faith which is all one as to say the fire doth more burne by vertue of his light and drieth than of his heate which is most absurd Further the Apostle sheweth this vnion by faith Ephes. 3. 17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith Now this dwelling is reciprocall and mutuall for as Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith so wee dwell in him by faith and so by faith are made one with Christ. Againe Rom. 11. 19. 20. Thou wilt say then the branches were broken off that I might bee graffed in Well because of their vnbeleefe they were broken off and thou standest by faith And againe ver 23. If the
illustrate the former point concerning the subiect of Faith and the manner of inherency which it hath in a beleeuer and to cleare the truth of it by Scriptures and by ancient Fathers of the Church The Romane-Catholicke doctrine is no lesse absurd and erroneous in the obiect of sauing Faith than in the subiect of it They run from one extreame to another as the Poet saith Dum vitant stulti vitiae in contraria currunt Fooles from one extremity of folly runne into the contrary But as the true Catholicke doctrine although it exclude no part of Gods Word as the obiect of Faith in generall but yet restraineth the speciall obiect of sauing Faith to Christ and the promises of God in him so though it deny not Faith to haue a place of inherency in the vnderstanding yet it intitleth it not onely to the vnderstanding but to the will to the memory to the affections and all the faculties of the soule as so many Manfions to intertain this noble Queene Faith where she may keepe her Court of residence for her selfe and all her train of Graces that attend her Or wee may compare the seuerall faculties of the soule to so many roomes or chambers in the soule wherein as in a magnificent Palace Faith resideth whose presence as a Prince puts life into euery part whose prerogatiue it is to prescribe to each of her virgin hand-maide Graces their proper taskes her selfe putting her owne hand to euery work acting directing assisting adorning the office of each Grace whereby it is made both acceptable to God and profitable to men The Catholicke Doctrine then concerning the subiect of Faith is That Faith inhereth or resideth not onely in the vnderstanding but also in the will in the memory in the affections and in euery faculty of the soule This is the Doctrine of the holy Scriptures and therefore Catholicke The Scripture saith Corde creditur ad iustitiam With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse And againe it saith Ephes. 3. 17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith And againe Acts 8. 37. Philip said to the Eunuch If thou beleeuest with all thy heart And againe Acts 15. 9. Purifying their hearts by faith By these and such like places of Scriptures it is euident that the proper subiect of Faith is the heart of man Now by the heart is meant euery power and faculty of the soule and not onely the vnderstanding as Aquinas vnderstandeth the forenamed place of Acts 15. 9. that by purifying of the heart is meant the illuminating of the vnderstanding but also the will the memory the affections and euery faculty of the soule of man First the Sriptures oftentimes by naming the heart meaneth the vnderstanding As Ephesians 1. 18. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the vulgar Latine rendreth it word for word Illuminatos oculis cordis vestri The eyes of your heart being illuminated but our English translation hath it The eyes of your vnderstanding being enlightened thereby giuing the true meaning of the place that by the heart there is meant the vnderstanding So the Lord faith Matth. 13. 15. Ne corde intelligant Lest they vnderstand with their heart In 1. Kings 3. 9. Salomon askes an vnderstanding heart In 2. Cor. 3. 15. the vaile ouer the Iewes heart was a note of their blindnesse and ignorance in the mysterie of Christ. Secondly heart in Scripture is often taken for the will As Acts 7. 39. The Israelites in their hearts turned back into Egypt that is their will was so if they had had power So Acts 11. 23. Barnabas exhorts that with purpose of heart they would cleaue vnto the Lord that is with a ready will and constant resolution So 1. Cor. 7. 37. He that stands firme in his heart hauing power ouer his owne will and hath decreed in his heart Thirdly the heart is taken for the memory Luke 1. 66. All that heard laid vp those things in their hearts that is in their memory So Deut. 4. 9. Take heede to thy selfe lest thou forget the things which thine eyes haue seene and lest they depart from thy heart that is from thy memory And Deut. 11. 18. Ye shall lay vp these my words in your heart c. that is ye shall remember them continually as signes bound vpon your hands and as front-lets betweene your eyes Hence it is that the Latines vse Recordari for to remember or to record implying that remembrance is an act springing from the heart Hence also doth our Sauiour call the heart the treasury Matth. 12. 35. which agreeth with the memory called Thesaurus rerum the Treasury of things Fourthly heart in Scripture is also taken for the affections and passions of the soule Matth. 6. 21. Where your treasure is there will your heart be also that is your affection So Rom. 1. 24. God gaue them vp to their owne hearts lusts And Psal 62. 10. If riches increase set not your heart vpon them Thus all the motions and inclinations and cogitations in man are referred to the heart as the prime fountaine whence they all originally flow So all the vertues intellectuall and morall are said to be in the heart we say A wise heart a good heart a valiant heart an humble heart an honest heart c. And the contrary as wee say A foolish heart a wicked heart a faint heart a proud heart a deceitfull heart c. Of a valiant man we say He hath a Lyons heart and of a coward He hath the heart of a Hare and of a meeke man He hath a Lambes heart As Nabuchadnezzar for his pride had a Beasts heart giuen him that is a bruitish disposition to liue like a Beast as hee did Now the issue of all this is that faith is that same radicall grace wherein the whole life of the Saints of God all holy graces haue their being and existence of holinesse and from whence they grow and flow euen as all the branches from the roote and the streames from the fountaine For as the heart is the fountaine of all the faculties of the soule of the vnderstanding of the will of the memory of the affections motions cogitations c. all which are signified by the heart in Scripture so Faith beeing in the heart as in the proper seate and subiect and being said to purifie the heart it giues vs to know the excellent nature of Faith which is to diffuse its vertue to the purifying and possessing of euery part and faculty of the soule For possessing the heart it possesseth and filleth the whole soule It illuminates and informes the vnderstanding it reformes and conformes the will it confirmes it with hope it inflames it with loue it prompts the memory with holy meditations and remembrances of Gods loue and goodnesse it moderates and tempers all the affections and passions it directs the motions and cogitations of the soule to their right end and scope and in a word the office of this faith is to
sperare eum diligere To beleeue in God is to hope in him and to loue him And againe Vera plena fides vniuer sa praecepta complectitur A true and complete Faith comprehendeth all the Commandements Hieronymus Osorius in his first Booke de Iustitia hath these words Fides continet omnem religionem atque pietatem omnes enim virtutes ex fide aptè nexeque sunt cum illa sanctissimo vinculo colligatae atque implicitae sunt That is Faith containeth all religion and pietie for all vertues are by Faith consorted and connexed together and with it are bound and intwined in a most holy knot But yet I dare not warrant the Reader that he shal finde these words in Osorius from henceforth seeing in the Index at Madrid these very words are commanded to passe the flames of their Index expurgatorius And in the second booke hee saith Ergo cum Fides totum animum regat in Verbi diuini studium rapiat consequens necessariò est vt non cernatur solum in credendo sed etiam in obediendo Therefore seeing Faith doth gouerne the whole soule and drawe it to the study and loue of Gods Word it followeth necessarily that it is seene not onely in beleeuing but also in obeying But these words also vndergoe the same doome with the former Yea why should Pontificians make it so strange that Faith should haue all other graces inseparably coupled with it seeing that euen their Doctors Aristotle and Cicero doe teach that all morall vertues are conioyned and combined in one and he that hath one hath all and that Iustitia est omnis virtus Iustice is euery vertue It is a maruaile that they haue escaped Purgatory seeing that not euen Gratian himselfe hath had the grace to be fauoured of them his Glosse but bordering vpon Tullies Offices for where he saith Sed quomodo possum habere talem Fidem that is to remoue mountaines non charitatem cum qui habeat vnam virtutem habeat omnes Nonpossem quidem nisi miraculosè that is But how can I haue such a Faith to remoue mountaines and not charity sith hee that hath one vertue hath all I could not haue it but miraculously All these words must out as yee may see in Collat. censurae in Gloss. iuris canon num 84. His excellent Maiesty also in his peerlesse Paraphrase of the Reuelation Chapt. 20. saith That God by Faith onely iustifieth man which not withstanding is done according to his workes because they as the fruits of Faith cannot be separated from it and bear witnesse of the same to men in the earth S. Augustine saith Quid est ergo credere in eum credendo amare credendo diligere credendo in eum●re eius membris incorporari What is it then to beleeue in him by beleeuing to loue him by beleeuing to affect him by beleeuing to goe into him and to be incorporated into his members Paulus Fidem quae per dilectionem operatur approbat atque commendat quae vtique sine spe esse non potest proinde nec amor sine spe est nec sine amore spes neque vtrumque sine Fide Paul approueth and commendeth that Faith which worketh by loue which cannot bee without hope therefore neyther is loue without hope nor hope without loue nor both without Faith And vpon the 139. Psalme hee saith Fides sic est in anima vt radix bona quae pluviam in fructum ducit Faith is in the soule as a good roote which bringeth the raine into the fruit And St. Chrysostome saith Fides est Religionis sanctissimae fundamentum charitatis vinculum amoris subsidium Haec sanctitatem firmat caestitatem roberat gubernat sexus gradus prouehit officia cuncta custodit Fides mandaeta tenet praecepta seruat promissae consummat Faith is the foundation of the most holy Religion the bond of charity the supply of loue It confirmes sanctity it strengthens chastity it gouernes all sexes it promotes all degrees it obserueth all offices Faith keepeth the commandements practiseth the precepts accomplisheth the promises And much more to this purpose according to his golden elegancy Ambrose also saith there are in Faith great prerogatiues and dignities What bee they Piety Iustice Sobriety Charity Discipline or good Gouernment And in a word St. Augustine saith In ipsa Fide sunt omnia opera quae diligit Deus in Faith it selfe are all those works which God loueth Thus Faith being in the heart as in the proper subiect of inherency and so consequently in the whole soule and euery faculty thereof as the life and soule of the soule animating euery power and property of it it followeth that as morall iustice is euery morall vertue as the Philosopher speaketh so iustifying Faith which is reckoned for righteousnesse is euery grace and holy vertue as being the liuing roote and holy seede sustaining quickening supplying sanctifying all other graces which are as so many fruits growing vpon this Tree of life as Reuel 22. 2. holy Faith being the foundation whereon all graces are built the ground whereon they grow Hence they haue all their rise motion yea their formall and essentiall goodnesse For whatsoeuer is not of Faith is sinne If we hope not from Faith if we loue not from Faith if we be not patient because wee beleeue and so in the rest Hope Loue Patience and the rest are so many sins For as Faith is the ground or foundation of things hoped for so of things loued of things suffered and the rest And why may not so many habits of grace grow vpon the same roote and stemme of Faith as so many distinct fruits vpon the same Tree of life Yea the Apostle elsewhere also tels vs that from Faith doe spring not onely peace of conscience towards God but accesse vnto all grace reioycing vnder hope of the glory of God Patience Hope Loue c. Thus it is euident by the authority of the holy Scriptures and by the testimonies of ancient Fathers that sauing and iustifying Faith is not a Faith common with Deuils and Reprobates as being in nature and kinde a dead Faith but it is proper and peculiar onely to the Saints and Elect as being a holy and liuing Faith which receiueth not life from any infusion of charity into it but is a liuing roote from whence doe spring and wherein do liue all holy graces as Charity Hope Patience Meeknesse c. That this is called also the Catholicke Faith not because it is common to good and bad or because it hath for the generall obiect of it the Word of God as it is a true History containing things done and to be done whether they be acts precepts threatnings or promises one with another but because it is the Catholicke Faith of the Elect from in and to all ages past present and to come whose generall obiect though it be the whole Word of God
from death vnto life because we loue the brethren Yea this is such a badge as all men may know vs to belong to Christ Iohn 13. 35. By this shall all men know that yee are my Disciples if yee haue loue one to another Another seale of the certainty of Faith is affliction for Christs cause Hereupon the Apostle saith 2. Cor. 1. 5. As the sufferings of Christ abound in vs so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. And hereupon hee groundeth the certainty of his hope not onely touching himselfe but also the Corinthians themselues vers 7. And our hope of you is stedfast knowing that as you are partakers of the sufferings so shall you be also of the consolation Yea the afflictions which Gods children suffer for Christ are occasions and meanes to fasten our faith the more surely vpon God as vers 9. We had the sentence of death in our selues that we should not trust in our selues but in God which raysed the dead The Apologue of the Traueller may be a Morall vnto vs in this matter The Sun and the Winde plaid each their part by turnes to see which could first cause the wayfaring man to cast his cloake off The Winde blowing and blustring vpon him caused him to buckle it closer to him but the Sun working vpon him with his warme rayes at length made him weary of his weede and to cast it aside So preualent are the blasts of afflictions to cause the Christian Pilgrim to buckle his mantle of Faith closer vnto him when as the flattering gleames of outward prosperity doe cause oftentimes a feeble fainting in the soule To this purpose the Apostle saith excellently 2. Cor. 4. 8. We are troubled on euery side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despaire persecuted but not for saken cast downe but not destroyed Alwayes bearing about in the bodie the dying of the Lord Iosus The Apostle keepes his Cloake close about him for all the storme that the life also of Iesus might be made manifest in our mortall flesh And vers 16. For which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day For our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for vs a farre more exceeding and eternall weight of glorie For our suffering with and for Christ is a sure token of our reigning with him Rom. 8. 17. If so be that we suffer with him we shall also bee glorified together with him Hereupon the Apostle reioyceth yea and glorisieth in this behalfe 2. Thes. 1. 4. We our selues glory in you in the Churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye indure which is a manifest token of the righteous iudgement of God that yee may bee counted worthy of the Kingdome of God for which ye also suffer seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you who are troubled rest with vs when the Lord Iesus shall be reuealed from Heauen with his mighty Angels c. And Rom. 5. 1. c. Therefore being iustified by Faith wee haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom also we haue accesse by Faith into this grace wherein we stand and reioyce in hope of the glory of God And not onely so but we glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost which is giuen vnto vs. So that by these places of holy Scripture wee may note what a strong euidence and assurance of saluation a faithfull man receiueth from the vse of afflictions such as he suffereth especially for Christs cause They are infallible tokens vnto vs of Gods righteous iudgement to come yea they are the very Characters of Christ. As the same Apostle saith Gal. 6. 17. From henceforth let no man trouble me for I beare in my body the markes of the Lord Iesus As if the Apostle had said Let no man go about to disturbe my Faith or to trouble and blunder the clear chrystall fountaine of that Euangelicall Doctrine which I haue both preached and practised with the mixtures of legall Ceremonies and carnall Rites for I am ready to seale vp with my dearest bloud this my Faith and Doctrine bearing already about in my body the ignominious markes as the world accounts them of the Lord Iesus as the most certaine seales and testimonies of my reioycing in Christ Iesus by which reioycing I dye daily In a word the afflictions of Christ are the Christians high-way to Heauen Acts 14. 22. Paul confirmed the soules of the Disciples by exhorting them to continue in the Faith concluding that we must through much tribulation enter into the Kingdome of God So that a Christian asking the way by which he must trauell to the Kingdome of Heauen his Country and being told that the way through which he must passe is a very narrow and strait passage incumbred with many difficulties and dangers strowed with thornes and bryars beset with band-dogs and wilde beasts crawling with serpents and snakes and lying through a barren and desolate desert where hee must looke to finde but hard entertainment suffer much hunger and thirst cold and nakednesse c. will not this Christian Traueller meeting with such signes and tokens of his way chawked out vnto him aforehand perswade himselfe that he is now in the right way to his Countrey Whereas if hee meete with pleasant pathes through fertile fields and bespangled meadowes and pleasant groues and chrystall riuelets to refresh and delight him and in stead of saluage wilde beasts and serpents finde courteous entertainment and kinde vsage of the Natiues and Patriots of the Country may he not iustly suspect he is out of his way For as one saith Non est ad astra mollis è terris via The passage from earth to Heauen is not strowed with Roses Afflictions then being the way to Gods Kingdome the Christian mans Country it is a strong euidence that he is one of Gods Sons and Children whom the Father thus chasteneth as the Apostle saith Another meanes to strengthen our Faith in the certainty of it concerning saluation is our manifold infirmities a thing not more strange than true For as the Apostle saith 2. Cor. 12. 10. When I am weake then am I strong Therefore saith he I take pleasure in infirmities most gladly therefore will I reioyce in mine infirmities that the power of Christ may rest vpon me Now the reason why our infirmities and weaknesses doe tend to our further strengthning in Grace and Faith is not out of the nature and property of infirmities but because they driue vs from reposing confidence in our selues to rest the more strongly vpon Christ. This is like that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Philosopher speakes of As
miracles but of their owne saluation which they had common with others For that very cause would hee haue his Disciples reioyce for which thou also reioycest Omnium fidelium qui diligunt Christum qui ambulant viam eius humiliter quam ipse docuit humilis nomina scripta sunt in Coelo Cuiusuis contemptibilis in Ecclesia qui credit in Christum diligit Christum amat pacem Christi nomen scriptum est in Coelo cuius●ibet quem contemnis c. The names of all the faithfull which loue Christ which humbly walke in his way which his humble selfe prescribed are written in Heauen The name of euery contemptible one in the Church which beleeueth in Christ and loueth Christ and loueth the peace of Christ is written in Heauen euen of euery one whom thou contemnest And what comparison between such a one and the Apostles who did so great miracles And yet the Apostles are checked because they reioyced in a priuate good and are charged to reioyce of that whereof euen that contemptible one reioyceth So Saint Augustine So that the Apostles reioycing that their names were written in Heauen was not peculiar to them but common to euery true beleeuer the most contemptible whereof is no lesse commanded to reioyce that his name is written in Heauen than the Apostles themselues were If therefore all the faithfull must reioyce that their names are written in Heauen then they must needes certainly know not coniecturally suppose or vainely presume that they are of the number of Gods Elect. For else to reioyce of that where of they haue no certaine knowledge were but the flash of a false ioy But Christ bids vs reioyce truely and really All therefore whose names are written in Heauen know it to bee so sith they are bid to reioyce of it And if this knowledge come not but by reuelation yet it is no speciall reuelation to some few beleeuers onely but it is giuen to all true beleeuers in common Yea all the elect euen euery true beleeuer knoweth this by his Faith and the fruits of it as Hope and Loue c. This the Apostle sheweth 2. Cor. 13. 5. Examine your selues whether yee be in the Faith prooue your owne selues Know yee not your owne selues how that Iesus Christ is in you except yee be Reprobates A most emphaticall speech Examine What your selues Wherein Whether yee be in the Faith yea Prooue your owne selues herein And let this be the proofe of your Faith to know your selues to be in Christ and Christ to be in you For this is proper to the elect of God yea to all the elect in Christ to know themselues to be of that number euen by the proofe and testimonie of their Faith Which knowledge hee who neuer hath is a Reprobate by the Apostles Sentence For if Christ be in you then are you of the number of Gods elect and Christ dwelleth in vs by Faith and by Faith wee know that Christ dwelleth in vs by which wee know that wee are not Reprobates And if wee know wee are no Reprobates then wee know certainely that wee are of Gods elect Hereupon Saint Augustine sayth Fides quae per dilectionem operatur si est in vobis iam pertinetis ad praedestinatos vocatos iustificatos ergo crescat in vobis Faith which worketh by loue if it be in you you doe now belong to the number of the Predestinate of the Called of the Iustified therefore let Faith grow in you Saint Iohn also sheweth this excellently saying Hee that beleeueth in the Sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe So that our Faith in Christ is our infallible witnesse that wee are Christs and Christ is ours and so consequently that wee are predestinate and elect in Christ. For if any man doubt of this Record of Faith what it is and wherein it consisteth the same Apostle makes it yet more euident Verse 11. saying And this is the Record that God hath giuen to vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne And can wee haue this Witnesse this Record of Faith in ourselues and not thereby certainely know that wee are of the number of Gods elect when wee thus finde the infallible proofe and effect of it in vs Eternall life is the infallible effect of our election But by Faith wee know that wee haue eternall life For this is the Record euen our Faith Yea this infallible knowledge is that which the Apostle doth purposely write to informe vs of For Verse 13. he sayth These things haue I written vnto you that beleeue in the Name of the Sonne of God To what end That yee may know What That yee may know not that yee may haue some probable coniecture but that yee may know What that yee haue eternall life Not onely that yee shall haue it but that yee alreadie haue it than which nothing is more sure and certaine and that yee may beleeue on the Name of the Sonne of God And this is the confidence that wee haue in him c. Now hath euery true Beleeuer eternall Life And doth hee know this by Faith And doth hee not then know that hee is of the number of Gods elect Let all Pontifician Sophistry heere stoppe the Mouth of Contradiction Let it submit to the inuincible and cleare Truth of God Thus hauing declared the infallible certaintie of Saluation sealed vnto vs by a liuely iustifying Faith which makes a man so perswaded of his Election and Predestination as that it makes him to reioyce that his name is written in Heauen it followeth now in the next place to shew the certaintie of Faith as touching our perseuerance vnto the end Now our perseuerance in Grace is a necessarie consequent effect of our Election and Predestination in Christ vnto Glory So that being sure wee are of the number of Gods Elect wee are also sure that wee shall also continue and perseuere in Grace vnto the end whereunto wee are elected As Augustine sayth Quis in aeternam vitam potuit ordinari nisi perseuerantiae dono Who could be ordained to eternall Life without the gift of Perseuerance So that for a man to know hee is written in the Booke of Life of Gods Election is consequently to know that hee shall perseuere vnto the end Doe wee know that God loues vs in Christ Then doe we also know that vnto the end hee loueth vs. Wee know that he that hath begun the good worke of Grace in vs will also performe it vnto the end Wee know with the Apostle that nothing shall separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. The Pontificians would faine restraine the Apostles perswasion and extend it no farther than to himselfe as a speciall reuelation of the certaintie of his owne saluation But hee sayth expressely Nothing shall separate V● hee sayth not Mee alone but Vs. As hee plainely expresseth elsewhere saying Wee know that if our Earthly House
promises made Hee saith not and to seeds as of many but as of one And to thy seed which is Christ. And this was that promise of God which Abraham beleeuing his faith was counted to him for righteousnesse as it is there in the sixt verse euen as Abraham beleeued God and it was accounted to him for righteousnesse Therefore Vega's diuinitie hath very much failed him in propounding these two examples of Noah and Abraham to proue the iustification of his generall Faith whereas we plainely see both these Patriarches faith had speciall and principall reference and respect to Christ Iesus And therefore their faith was reckoned to them for righteousnesse For the other examples which Vega there addeth in generall out of the eleuenth to the Hebrewes they are all of the same nature and all confirme this infallible and vndeniable truth That the promises of God in Christ and Christ alone with all his righteousnesse is the obiect of that Faith which is reckoned to Abraham to Noah and to euery beleeuer for righteousnesse Here then comes in the true formall cause of our iustification namely Christ himselfe with all his righteousnesse which being apprehended by faith it is imputed vnto vs for righteousnesse This is it that giues a true being to iustification Iustification therefore consists in the imputation of Christ and his righteousnesse comprehending also all the promises of God in him apprehended by faith Now concerning this Catholicke doctrine of imputation of Christs righteousnesse by faith the Scriptures are very pregnant in the proofe of it This Gospell hath testimonie before the Law in the Law and in the Prophets and is confirmed by Christ and his Apostles Before the Law to omit other examples wee haue two famous ones that of Noah and Abraham of whom wee spake euen now who are layd downe for exemplary patterns yea and liuely types to all beleeuers Noah before the floud and Abraham after the floud and before the Law which St. Paul doth especially note to put a difference betweene faith and the workes of the Law in the point of iustification In the Law also we haue two principall types liuely shadowing this doctrine of imputation The first we finde in Leuiticus 1. 4. And hee shall put his hand vpon the head of his burnt-offering and it shall bee accepted for him to make attonement for him The burnt offering was a figure of Christ sacrificed for vs vpon the crosse the man that brings this burnt-offering is a type of euery true beleeuer and the hand which hee putteth on the head of the sacrifice is faith laying hold on Christ and as it were owning him for our proper sacrifice which God accepteth to bee an attonement for vs a sacrifice of a sweet sauour vnto the Lord. The Apostle applies this sacrifice with the fruits of it to Christ Rom. 5. 11. Wee reioyce in God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom we haue receiued the attonement Also Ephes. 5. 2. Walke in loue as Christ also hath loued vs and giuen himselfe for vs an offering and a sacrifice to God of a sweete smelling sauour Christ is then this burnt-offering our attonement with God and an offering of a sweete sauour vnto the Lord. Now the instrument or hand whereby Christ is apprehended and applyed to euery true Beleeuer is Faith It was the hand of Faith which the diseased woman in the Gospell touched Christ her Sauiour with and fetched vertue out of him To whom the Lord said Daughter be of good comfort thy faith hath made thee whole goe in peace This the Apostle doth also liuely set out Rom. 3. 25. Whom God hath set forth to wit Iesus Christ to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnesse for the Remission of sinnes that are past through the forbearance of God to declare at this time his righteousnesse that hee might be iust and a iustifier of him that beleeueth in Iesus How fully doth the Apostle parallel and compare this truth with that type A second type of our righteousnesse or iustification by imputation of Christ vnto the beleeuer in the time of the Law is set downe Num. 21. 8. 9. The Lord said vnto Moses make thee a fiery serpent and set it vpon a pole and it shall come to passe that euery one that is bitten when he looketh vpon it shall liue and Moses did so and the serpent-bitten-man looked and liued The brazen Serpent was a type of Christ the serpent-bitten-man is euery sinner whom that old serpent hath already stung with sinne as he did our first Parents The looking on the brazen serpent so lifted vp vpon a pole is the faith of the beleeuer beholding Christ lifted vp vpon his Crosse. This Christ Iesus himselfe applyeth Ioh. 3. 14. 15. As Moses lifted vp the Serpent in the wildernesse euen so must the sonne of man be lifted vp that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life A most sweet collation of the truth with the type shewing that as faith is the hand of the soule laying hold vpon the bloudy sacrifice of Christ for our atonement with God so faith is also the eye of the soule so to looke vpon Christ crucified as to bee thereby cured of all the deadly wounds of sin and so to liue eternally The Prophets also are full of testimonies to confirme this doctrine of iustification by imputation Esa 53. 4. Surely hee hath borne our griefes and carried our sorrowes yet we did esteeme him stricken smitten of God and afflicted as if hee had beene a malefactor But he was wounded for our transgressions hee was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes are wee healed All wee like sheepe haue gone astray we haue turned euery one to his owne way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of vs all And vers 8. he was cut off out of the land of the liuing for the transgression of my people was he stricken Though he had done no violence neither was any deceipt in his mouth yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to griefe when thou shalt make his soule an offering for sinnes he shall see his seede c. Here wee see most liuely set downe a mutuall imputation of our iniquities vnto Christ and of his merits vnto vs. And then the Prophet vers 11. sheweth by what meane or instrument this righteousnesse of Christs obedience is imputed to vs By his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many for hee shall beare their iniquities By his knowledge or by the knowledge of himselfe that is by faith in him knowing and acknowledging seeing and beholding him with the eye of faith to bee that Lambe of God before the shearer taking away our sinnes for hee hath borne our iniquities The Prophet Ieremy also doth set this downe most sweetly by a reciprocall or mutuall relation betweene Christ and his Church calling Christ
we to the Chrystall fountaines of Christs truth CHAP. VII The Catholike Faith of the Doctrine of Faith as the sole immediate Instrument to apprehend and apply the righteousnesse of Christ imputed to vs to our Iustification as beeing the effectuall meane of our vnion with him HAuing seene what credit Faith carryeth among the Pontificians in the work of Iustification which at the best is allowed no more but eyther to dispose and make a man the more apt that also with the helpe of other disposing graces to receiue Iustification which notwithstanding for all his Faith he may faile and come short of or else to come in for a share but must be content with the least share or none at all among other graces as Charity Penance Martyrdome and such like all which take place of Faith in Iustification Let vs now come to take an estimate of Faith according to the standard of Catholike Doctrine weighing it in the most vnpartiall ballance of the Sanctuary Nor doe we purpose in this place to speake particularly and punctually of the propertie and kinde of Faith whereby a man is said to be iustified as referring that to the more proper place but wee will content our selues so to speake of faith here in generall as the only immediate instrumentall cause in vs whereby we come to bee made righteous in the sight of God For as our Iustification is by the Imputation of Christ and his righteousnesse vnto vs so the only instrumentall meane comming betweene to apply and effectually to worke this imputation of Christ to vs is the act of beleeuing which is the property of Faith As Augustine saith Fidelis est à fide fides à credendo A beleeuer hath his name of Faith and Faith of beleeuing As the Apostle saith With the heart man beleeueth to righteousnesse Faith is the hand of the soule which applyes the sacrifice of Christ for sinne It is the hand that puts on the Robe of the righteousnesse of Christ our elder brother vpon vs by the sweete smell whereof God being well pleased bestoweth the blessing of heauen and earth vpon vs of grace and glorie and all Yea faith hath another singular propertie that it is as it were the ligament or sinew which fasteneth and vniteth euery faithfull member to the head Christ Iesus from the influence of whose fulnesse we receiue and grace for grace And the Councell of Trent seemeth to professe as much though with limitation and restriction to her owne reserued sense saying Nam ●ides nisi adeam spes accedat charitas neque vnit perfectè eum Christo neque corporis eius vi●um membrum efficit For Faith say they vnlesse hope and charitie bee added vnto it doth neither perfectly vnite with Christ nor make a liuing member of his body The Councell neede not here equiuocate for the matter as if she did admit of our spirituall vnion with Christ by Faith indeed but such a Faith as hath hope and charitie ioyned with it whereas in truth her meaning is that not Faith so much as Hope and Charitie doe vnite vs to Christ sith Hope and Charitie make the vnion perfect which faith doth not Yea Charity and Penance as her intimous Vega saith doe more closely vnite vs to Christ than Faith doth But we shall discusse and discouer this myst●rie more cleerely when we come to speak of the kinde of Faith required in Iustification In the mean time suffice it vs that we haue the Councels confession That Faith at least with the helpe of Hope and Charitie doth vnite vs to Christ. And though Vega preferre Charitie and Penance before Faith in this worke of vniting with Christ yet thereby hee doth not altogether exclude Faith Faith therefore according to the Pontificians con●ession hath at least a share though the least according to their allowance in working our vnion with Christ. But the Catholicke beliefe ascribeth this worke of vnion with Christ primarily yea and solely to Faith namely as the immediate and onely instrument of Gods spirit in vs. Now our iustification by the imputation of Christs righteousnesse stands in our vnion with Christ. This is confe●led of all That whatsoeuer we receiue from Christ it is by vertue of our mysticall vnion with him And saith it is that worketh this vnion not Faith as Pontificians teach before it bee formed by Charity To which Faith only Vega ascribeth a certaine vnion with Christ Comparamus enim nobis Spiritum sanctum iustitiam facimusque vt Christus inhabitet in nobis per Eidem informem aut saltem per ●idem vt prius est natura quàm formetur For saith he wee get vnto our selues the holy Ghost and righteousnesse and doe cause Christ to dwell in vs by Faith vnformed or at least by Faith as it is by nature before it bee formed So that by this doctrine a dead Faith or that which differeth not from the Faith of Diuels doth cause our vnion with Christ or Christ to dwell in vs. But let vs see how Vega cleereth this doctrine from this imputation A little after in his second question of faith and workes taking vpon him as he is very venterous to answer an argument brought to proue that Paul excludes no beleeuer from saluation where he saith The righteousnesse of God by the Faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleeue To this place saith Vega many commonly say that Paul said not Vnto all and vpon all that beleeue him but in him which is onely proper to those that haue charitie and by loue tend vnto him Aliud enim inquiunt est credere Deo quod est ei ●idem adhibere aliud credere Deum quod est credere Deum esse aliud credere in Deum quod est credendo amare credendo diligere credendo in eum ire eius membris incorporari For it is one thing say they to beleeue God that is to giue credit vnto him another thing to beleeue God that is to beleeue that God is and another to beleeue in God that is by beleeuing to loue him by beleeuing to affect him by beleeuing to goe into him and to bee incorporate into his members They are the words of St. Augustine vsed by him very frequently throughout his workes and by name in his nine and twentieth Tract vpon Iohn which Vega quoteth Well how doth Vega auoyde this Argument concerning Faith in Christ bringing saluation vpon all that beleeue Nihil valet hoc refugium commune Non enim habetur graece ●i neque in eum sed absolute dicitur In omnes super omnes qui credunt This common refuge saith hee is nothing worth For it is said absolutely Vnto all and vpon all thatbeleeue the Greeke hath not him or in him Note here good Reader that these Pontificians howsoeuer they would magnifie and preferre their vulgar Latine translation before the originall Hebrew and Greeke yet where it makes not for them they can
as vnto euery faithfull receiuer wheresoeuer the visible signe is administred the inuisible grace signified is together exhibited by vertue of the Sacramentall vnion hauing dependance on Christs promise and reference to the condition of faith in the Communicant So such is the vnion betweene Christ and the beleeuer that wheresoeuer faith is there also is Christ with all his graces present to the beleeuer for hee dwels in our hearts by faith Ephes. 3. 17. Fourthly this vnion betweene Christ and the beleeuer is not naturall or natiue as Bernard cals it as that betweene the soule and the body in man because the one of them may be separated from the other by death but Christ and the beleeuer are neuer separated no not in death for to me to liue is Christ and to dye is gaine Phil. 1. 21. For who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ Rom. 8. 35. vers 38. I am perswaded that neither death nor life c. shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. But herein they agree as the body hath no life but from the soule so the soule of euery faithfull man hath no life but in and from Christ as the Apostle saith Gal. 2. 20. I am crucified with Christ Neuerthelesse I liue yet not I but Christ liueth in mee and the life which I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith of the Sonne of God who loued mee and gaue himselfe for me And as the soule and the body make one naturall man so Christ and the beleeuer make one spirituall and mysticall Christ and all beleeuers both of Iewes and Gentiles are made one new man not naturall but supernaturall in him Ephes. 2. 15. Fiftly this vnion between Christ and the beleeuer is not ●n artificiall vnion as that betweene the hand and the instrument of the Artificer for the instrument is subiect to wearing to breaking and at length to casting away when there is no more vse of it but we are so in the hand of Christ as we are preserued for euer as Ioh. 10. 28. I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any man plucke them out of my hand yet herein it agreeth that as the instrument can do nothing of it selfe not moue not work without the hand of the Artificer so we can do no good thing without the hand of Christ mouing and directing vs as himselfe saith Without mee ye can doe nothing for hee worketh in vs both to will and to worke of his good pleasure That as the Hatchet may not exalt it selfe against him that heweth with it but yeelds the praise of the worke to his workeman so saith euery faithfull soule as Esa. 26. 12. Lord thou wilt ordaine peace for vs for thou also hast wrought all our workes in vs or for vs. Sixtly this vnion betwixt Christ and euery beleeuer is not an accidentall vnion as betweene a man and learning whereby he becomes a learned man for an accident may be both present and absent without the destruction of the subiect as a man may be learned or vnlearned he may get learning and lose it againe and be a man still but the learning of the holy Ghost wherewith all the faithfull are inspired cannot be missing without destruction to the soule He is no faithfull man that wanteth the knowledge of God in Christ whom to know is eternall life and not to know is eternall death for all the faithfull are taught of God as Ier. 31. 33. 34. verses Yet herein doth our vnion with Christ resemble the accidentall vnion because as no man is borne learned or borne a Philosopher but is made so by education and instruction so no man is borne by nature the childe of God the scholar of Christ but in time becomes a Christian Philosopher by the instruction of the Word of God and the inspiration of the Spirit of God whereby hee is made a faithfull man and a Disciple of Christ. Seuenthly this vnion betweene Christ and the beleeuer is not a morall vnion such as is between friends which though it be founded at the best vpon vertue yet it is no lesse mortall than it is morall for if the friendship dye not before the friend dye yet death makes a separation as Dauid lamented the death of his louing friend Ionathan the memory of whom lasted for a while in Dauids kinde vsage of Mephibosheth Ionathans sonne but it soone cooled vpon a small occasion of Mephibosheths false seruant Ziba who by belying his master to Dauid got halfe his masters inheritance from him when himselfe deserued rather to haue beene punished for wronging his master than so rewarded for his dissembling officiousnesse in bringing a present to Dauid of his masters store So friendship is very mortall it dyes often in a mans life time or seldome suruiues death And therefore the Poet said well Foelices ter amplius Quos irrupta tenet copula Nec malis d●●ulsus querimonijs Suprema citiùs soluet amor die O happy and thrice happy they Whom loues knot holds inuiolate Nor loosened till lifes last day By back-complaints begetting hate But the vnion betweene Christ and his faithfull ones though it be somewhat like that betweene morall friends but mortall men as being betweene Christ and his friends as he calleth his faithfull Ioh. 15. 15. I haue called you friends c. yet this friendship between Christ and his excelleth all other friendship The Philosophers could say Amicus est alter idem A friend is another selfe And Animus est non vbi animat sed vbi amat The soule is not where it liueth but where it loueth And Amicorum omnia sunt communia Betweene friends all things are common Now these in comparison as they are in practice amongst men are but in a manner meere sayings nominals rather than realls For as Salomon saith Most men will proclaime euery one his own goodnes but a faithfull man who can find Salomon found one among a thousand which I thinke was the Prophet that told him freely of his folly Such friends few can finde especially such as Salomon was But now whatsoeuer can be spoken in praise of friendship is really true betweene Christ and the beleeuer his faithfull man for they are so mutually each of them alter idem another selfe as that they are indeed oneselfe Their soules and spirits are so interchangeably in each other as the spirit of Christ doth really liue in vs and our soules doe liue in him Wee are in the Spirit and the Spirit of Christ in vs Rom. 8. 9. And Now I liue saith the Apostle yet not I but Christ liueth in mee and the life which I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith of the Sonne of God who loued mee and gaue himselfe for mee Here is true loue indeede where the soule is not where it liueth but where
many fruits of faith many good workes of charity piety mercy hospitality obedience humility and the like yet none of these come within the account of his iustification in the sight of God For to him that worketh not but beleeueth on him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse Therefore though the Pontificians would neuer so faine foist and croud in by head and shoulders their workes comming after faith whereby they may be iustified yet they are all thrust out by the Apostle as those workers were shut out of Heauen by Christ Mat. 7. 22. 23. except they could either bring the Text within the compasse of their Index expurgatorius as they haue done the glosse and sentences of Fathers in the like kind or proue Abraham an vnregenerate person or force the Apostle to say that though Abraham were not iustified by workes but by faith yet Abraham was iustified first by faith and then by workes Yea but say they although Paul make no mention of Abrahams iustification by workes yet Iames another Apostle saith plainly Was not Abraham our father iustified by works when he had offered Isaac his sonne vpon the Altar Therefore Abraham was iustified not onely by faith but by works also Therefore to loose this Gordian knot wherein the Pontificians so much triumph wee will vse no other sword not Alexanders but the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God to cut it asunder At the first sight Paul and Iames seeme to be at great oddes the one ascribing iustification to faith without workes the other to faith and workes In both the Pontificians vnderstand one and the same iustification in kinde but to differ only in degree or order as Pauls iustification to be the first and that of Iames the second but both iustifying in the sight of God But we shall finde it far otherwise namely that these two Apostles doe speak of two different iustifications differing not in degree or order but in kinde and quality So that Paul speakes of that iustification whereby a man stands iust in the presence of God which is attributed to faith and not to workes at all and Iames of another iustification namely of a testification of a mans saith declaring a man to be a true beleeuer by good workes which are the proper fruits and effects of sauing and iustifying faith For if Iames should vnderstand by being iustified by faith and workes together such a iustification as makes a man iust in the sight of God then he should directly crosse his fellow-Apostle who shuts out all workes from hauing any thing to doe in our iustification in Gods sight For Paul saith Rom 4. 2. If Abraham were iustified by workes he hath whereof to glory but not before God But Iames saith Abraham was iustified by workes therefore this iustification of Abraham by workes was not that iustification which makes a man to reioyce before God to wit the iustification by faith which Paul directly opposeth to iustification by workes Rom. 4. Now that Iames speaketh of iustification by ●orkes and not by faith onely as vnderstanding a testification and demonstration of sound and sauing faith is euident by the whole passage of his second Chapter where the Apostle exhorting to workes of mercy and charity and meeting with false professors that turned the grace of God into wantonnesse professing they had faith but made no conscience of a Christian conuersation to testifie the truth and life of their faith by good workes hereupon he inferreth ver 14. What doth it profit my brethren though a man say hee hath faith and haue no workes can the faith saue him No that faith which is without workes is dead and cannot saue a man Yea such a faith is no better than that of Diuels Well yet thou saist thou hast faith But there is as well a dead faith as a liuing faith a faith common with Diuels as a faith proper to beleeuers a sauing faith as a deceiuing faith Shew mee therefore whether thou hast that liuing sauing faith of true beleeuers or no. It is not enough to say thou hast this faith vnlesse thou canst proue it It is one thing to say it another to haue it Now the proofe of it is by the fruits of it to wit good workes as the tree is knowne by the fruits For the liuing sauing Faith is not an idle but an operatiue working Faith it is a Faith euer working by loue Therefore as the man saith to his Neighbour vers 18. Thou hast Faith and I haue workes shew me thy Faith without thy workes and I will shew thee my faith by my workes In which words the Apostle puts a plaine difference betweene a dead and a liuing faith which yet we are not able to iudge of or to discerne one from another but by good workes and so speakes here of no other iustification by workes but only such as is declaratiue or demonstratiue in the sight of men as it is said here Shew me thy Faith by thy workes So that wee see here how it is the Apostles drift to discouer the true sauing liuing Faith from a false counterfeit and dead faith which notwithstanding vaine professors so much glory of Hereupon the Apostle instanceth the Faith of Abraham and Rahab which was proued to bee a liuing and sauing Faith by the fruits and effects of it Note the Apostles Context seriously and with iudgement In the 20. vers Wilt thou know O vaine man that Faith without workes is dead Was not Abraham our father iustified by workes when hee had offered Isaac his sonne vpon the Altar Seest thou how Faith wrought with his workes and by workes was Faith made perfect And the Scripture was fulfilled which saith Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse and he was called the friend of God Ye see then how that by workes a man is iustified and not by Faith onely First Faith without workes is dead But Abraham was iustified by Faith But by what Faith Was it a liuing and sauing Faith that Abraham had Yes How doth that appeare By his workes euen by the workes of Faith which gaue testimony to his Faith that it was a liuing sauing and iustifying Faith for by workes his Faith was made perfect not that his workes added any being of perfection to his Faith but by way of demonstration and testimony onely As we haue the like phrase in Matth. 21. 16. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfited praise not that Gods praise and glory receiued any addition of perfection by the mouth of those babes but onely in respect of the promulgation and declaration of his praise So here As also the Apostle inferreth in the next words vers 23. Thus the Scripture was fulfilled which saith Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse Note here how Iames varieth not one iot from the truth of the Scripture which ascribeth iustification
but beleeueth c. Secondly in respect of their opposite conditions The condition of the Law is Doe this and liue but the law of Faith is Beleeue and liue as the Apostle declares at large Rom. 10. 4. c. Now all this opposition between the Law and Faith is mainely in the point of Iustification There is a Iustification by the Law a Iustification by Faith but so opposite and incompatible as they can in no wise bee reconciled together the one doth necessarily exclude the other Oyle and vineger cannot bee mingled together but the one will euer floate aboue the other and admit of no mixture so the oyle of grace and of faith can abide no mixture with the sharpe vineger of that killing letter the Law in the worke of iustification in Gods sight vnlesse where the Law is entirely and exactly kept in all points But otherwise the Law and Faith the Law and the Gospell doe sweetly conspire together For as for the Ceremonies of the Law in as much as they were types all answering to the patterne of heauenly things shewed to Moses in the Mount which patterne was Christ as the Apostle to the Hebrewes most diuinely sheweth those Ceremonies those Types are now all swallowed vp and for euer fulfilled in the substance and truth which is Christ And as for the morall Law it is made subordinate to the Faith of the Gospell so that in euery beleeuer it is the rule of Christian obedience and holy conuersation And therefore when the Law was giuen in Mount Sinai Iesus Christ stands at the top saying I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me c. Now what deliuerance was this A temporall deliuerance only No it was a liuely type of our spirituall freedome from the Egyptian seruitude of sinne and Sathan witnesse the Pascall Lambe which slaine the blood sprinkled saued the Israelites which was a type of the Lambe of God that taketh away the sins of the world And the Sea diuided a type of Baptisme sauing the soule and drowning sinne together with the power of darkenesse Pharaoh and his Hoast So that howsoeuer the giuing of the Law was with much terrour in regard of the manner yet in regard of the matter being well vnderstood it must needes bee most comfortable to all the faithfull who beleeue in Iesus Christ the Deliuerer from Egypt who hath freed vs from the curse of the Law and will worke in vs both to will and to doe the duties of the Law as fruits of faith euen of his good pleasure Indeed that notable and excellent Preface to the Morall law I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt c. to the common carnall and vnbeleeuing Iewes was a Riddle but to the Eagle-ey'd Beleeuer Iew or Gentile it is a most cleere Gospell setting forth what Iesus Christ hath done for vs and consequently what wee should doe for him that as wee beleeue in him who hath saued and redeemed vs out of the house of bondage and from the seruitude of the spirituall Pharaoh so wee should testifie this our faith in louing fearing seruing and obeying him in keeping those commandements of Loue written not with pen and inke but with the finger of Gods spirit not in tables of stone but in the fleshie tables of our hearts As it is in the Song of Zachary That wee being deliuered from the hands of our enemies should serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life Therefore seruants were called à seruando as being saued by those to whom therefore they did owe their seruice In this respect the Law and Faith the Law and the Gospell are not opposite but sweetely subordinate the one vnto the other that as Christ hath saued vs from the curse of the Law so he propounds himselfe to be serued of vs by conformity to the Law in a Christian conuersation So that the Tree of life sweetning these waters of Marah Iesus Christ sweetning and sanctifying the Law vnto vs wee drinke thereof with comfort to strengthen vs in our way to Canaan through this wearisome Wildernesse As Dauid saith I will runne the way of thy Commandements when thou hast enlarged my heart So that Faith and the Law to wit the obedience of Gods will are sweete yea inseparable companions and goe hand in hand together throughout the whole Pilgrimage of this life but in the worke of our Iustification in the sight of God they are meere strangers one vnto the other yea sworne opposites that can neuer be reconciled though the Pontificians would neuer so faine ioyne together Faith Gods Arke and their owne worke Dagon in their Temple to stand as copartners in their iustification But Dagon fals downe where the Arke standeth yea hee loseth his head all deuices to pleade for himselfe and his hands too that hee cannot doe one good deede towards his Iustification but remaines a meere trunck and senslesse blocke And as the Philistims while they boasted they had gotten the Arke of God to their Dagon were not free but the more followed with diuine vengeance So the Pontificians while they bragge of faith and good workes as concurring in iustification they are so farre from being saued from Gods wrath as that they doe the more incense him against themselues Nor shall they euer bee free from feeling and fearing Gods plagues till with the Philistims they send home the Lords Arke with a sinne-offring that is vntil they repent of this their profanation of the Faith of Christ which is that onely wherein Israel must be saued renouncing their own workes as hauing no more hands than Dagon left them for to worke their iustification in the sight of God CHAP. X. A plausible obiection of the Pontificians for the confirmation of their Iustification by inherent righteousnesse answered and diuers reasons added to shew the absurdities of Iustification by inherencie BVt the Pontificians in the behalfe of their iustification by inherent righteousnesse obiect What difference is there say they betweene Gods pardoning our debts and giuing vs money to pay them A pretty deuice indeede For so long as they can colour and varnish ouer their hypocrisie by seeming to ascribe the glory of their inherent iustification to God they thinke all is well enough and if probability might stand for proofe our penny of inherent righteousnesse might proue as good siluer to satisfie for our debts to God as the price of Christs bloud payde for vs and imputed to vs. But let Baal pleade for himselfe seeing he is a God And for the deciding of this doubt we haue a leading case in the Gospell that will easily stint the strife The case is betweene the Pharisee and the Publican both went vp to the Temple to pray The Pharisee prayed thus Lord I thanke thee I am not as other
himselfe and the whole Church of the Iewes hee renounceth all inherent righteousnesse as filthy rags in no sort to bee patched and pieced to that garment of saluation to that robe of righteousnesse namely Christs righteousnesse imputed and put vpon vs by the hand of faith wherein Esay and all the faithfull reioyce as hee saith Esa. 61. 10. I will greatly reioyce in the Lord my soule shall be ioyfull in my God for he hath clothed me with the garments of saluation he hath couered me with the robe of righteousnesse as a Bridegroome decketh himselfe with ornaments and as a Bride adorneth her selfe with her Iewels And in the 43. of Esay vers 25. 26. there is a flat opposition betweene Gods mercy and our workes in iustification I euen I am hee that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine owne sake and will not remember thy sins But may not our workes come in as sharers with Gods mercies What workes The Prophet addeth in Gods person Put me in remembrance let vs pleade together declare thou that thou mayst be iustified If God pleade with vs in iudgement we haue no euidence of any workes in vs whereby to be iustified in his sight But our workes and obedience to Gods lawes are called our righteousnesse As Matth. 5. 20. Except your righteousnesse exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees yee cannot enter into the Kingdome of God I answer this place may well be vnderstood of Euangelicall righteousnesse opposite to that legall righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees and so Christ points vs to the righteousnesse of faith in him But admit our workes be called our righteousnesse what then doth it follow that this is our righteousnesse to iustifie vs in the sight of God Nothing lesse For Moses saith speaking of obedience to Gods commandements Deut. 9. Speake not thou in thy heart after that thou art come to possesse that good Land saying For my righteousnesse the Lord hath brought me in to possesse this Land No faith Moses vnderstand that the Lord thy God giueth thee not this good Land to possesse it for thy righteousnesse Now the Land of Canaan was a type of Gods Kingdome which wee cannot come to possesse by our own inherent righteousnesse Whereupon St Ambrose in his enarration vpon the 43. Psalme but according to our accompt 44. v. 3. They got not the Land in possession by their owne sword c. saith Patres nostri vtpote proximi haeredes Patriarcharum plantati in terra repromissionis non suis hoc meritis vindicabant Our fathers to wit the next successours and heires of the Patriarches beeing planted in the Land of promise did not claime this as due to their merits Ideo nec Moses cos induxit ne Legis hoc existimetur esse sed gratiae Lex enim merita examinat gratia fidem spectat Therefore saith he neither did Moses bring them in thither that it might not be reckoned as the worke of the Law but of Grace for the Law examineth workes or merits but Grace respecteth faith Therefore as not Moses but Iosua or Iesus forso was his Name was appointed to bring the children of Israel into the possession of Canaan the Land of promise which importeth also the Land of mercy or of grace So not the Law giuen by Moses but Iesus Christ by whom came grace and truth hee our true Ioshua bringeth his people into the possession of grace and glory Ergo qui non in brachio suo hoc est in sua operatione praesumit sed in Dei gratia credens quòd non facta sua vnumquemque iustificant sed fides prompta dicit Domino Tues ipse Rex meus Deus meus qui mandas salutes Iacob Therefore saith holy Ambrose he that presumeth not in his owne arme that is in his workes but in the grace of God beleeuing that not a mans workes but his prompt and cleare faith doth iustifie him this man saith vnto the Lord Thou art my King and my God that commandest saluation for Iacob True it is that the same Father in another place saith Sola fides non sufficit operari per dilectionem c. Sole faith is not sufficient it is necessary that faith worke by loue and conuerse worthy of God And a little after Festinemus c. Let vs hasten to enter into that rest because faith is not sufficient but a life beseeming faith must be added and great care vsed that faith bee not idle For it is necessary for euery one that would possesse Heauen to adorne his faith with good workes So he True a most pious and Christian speech but in all this he saith not that faith alone is not sufficient to iustifie vs in the sight of God and so to bring vs to the possession of Heauen for then hee should contradict himselfe elsewhere where hee saith Sublatis omnibus operibus legis sola fides posita est ad salutem All the workes of the law being remoued onely faith takes place in our saluation Marke he saith Sola fides onely faith And againe the same Father saith elsewhere Non operibus iustificamur sed fide quon●am carnalis infirmitas operibus impedimento est sed fidei claritas factorum obumbrat errorem quae meretur veniam delictorum We are not iustified saith he by workes but by faith because the infirmity of the flesh is an impediment to workes but the glory of faith doth couer the errour of our workes which faith obtaineth remission of sinnes And againe Infirmitas excludit à venia fides excusat à culpa Our infirmity excludeth vs from pardon and faith excuseth vs from blame And setting downe his peremptory iudgement grounded vpon Scripture he saith Arbitramur secundum Apostolum iustificari hominem per fidem sine operibus legis Iustificetur ergo ex fide Dauid qui per legem peccatum agnouit sed peccati veniam ex fide credidit Wee definitiuely conclude saith hee according to the Apostle that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the law Therefore let Dauid be iustified by faith who by the law acknowledged his sinne and by faith beleeued the pardon of his sinne And againe elsewhere Deus clementia bonitatis suae semper homini procurans vt quod sine lege peccatum erat in lege posset deleri hoc decreuit vt solam fidem poneret per quam omnium peccata abolerentur That is God by the clemency of his goodnesse alwayes prouiding for man that both sinne committed without law and in the law might be blotted out hath made this decree to appoint sole faith whereby all mens sinnes might be abolished Now compare these iudicious sayings of this holy man with that hee said formerly that sole faith is not sufficient but a good life must be added and it will plainly appeare that he speakes of faith alone as sufficient to iustifie vs in the sight of God and to
procure vs the possession of heauen yet hee meanes not a solitary and dead faith but such a faith as is a liuing and sauing faith working by loue which hath as well a worke of sanctification in a holy life amongst men as of iustification by a holy beliefe in the sight of God For there is frequent mention of a twofold righteousnesse in the workes of ancient Fathers The one of iustification before God which is the righteousnesse of faith the other of iustification before men which is the righteousnesse of workes This second is via regni the way to the kingdome that other of faith is caus●●egnandi the cause of our reigning in this kingdome Saint Paul also disclaimeth all his former Ph●risaicall life which as touching the Law was vnreprouable calling and accounting it but drosse and dung Nay now after his conuersion hauing walked holily and faithfully in his Apostolicall vocation and Ministery so that he knew nothing by himselfe yet what saith he Although I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not therby iustified but he that iudgeth me is the Lord. And renouncing all his inherent righteousnesse all his desire was to bee found in Christ not hauing his owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousnesse which is of God by faith To omit the multitude of testimonies of holy men of God the fathers of the Church from time to time who in their writings doe renounce their own inherent righteousnesse as iustifying them in the sight of God Let vs for conclusion of this point adde a few memorable sayings vttered by dying men such as were of a holy life conuersation now agoing to appear before the dreadfull Tribunall of Gods most strict and vnpartiall iudgment now sealing vp their faith with their last breath Possidonius in his 27. Chapter of the life of Augustine tels a memorable story Augustine saith he told vs that hee heard a most wise and pious answer of Ambrose of blessed memory drawing neare his end which he much praised and commended for when that venerable Father lay vpon his death-bed and was desired of the faithfull standing about his bed with teares that hee would aske of the Lord a longer time of his Pilgrimage here he answered them I haue not so liued as that I am ashamed to continue amongst you nor yet am I affraid to dye because we haue a good Master And herein saith Possidonius our Augustine now aged did admire and praise his words as refined in the fire and weighed in the ballance For therefore is hee to be vnderstood to say Nor doe I feare to dye because wee haue a good Master lest he might be thought to trust and presume too much vpon his most sanctified life But I haue not so liued that I am ashamed to liue among you this he said in regard of that which one man might know of another for knowing the tryall of diuine iustice he said he relyed more vpon the goodnesse of his Lord than vpon his owne merits to whom also he prayed daily in the Lords Prayer Forgiue vs our debts c. Bernard when hee seemed to drawe his last breath being in a trance he thought he was presented before the Tribunall of his Lord And Sathan also stood opposite against him charging him with many wicked accusations And when hee had prosecuted all to the full then the man of God was to pleade for himselfe And being no whit terrified or troubled he said I confesse I am vnworthy nor can I obtaine the Kingdome of Heauen by mine owne merits But my Lord obtaining it by a double right to wit by the inheritance of his Father and by the merit of his passion contenting himselfe with the one hee bestoweth the other vpon mee by whose gift claiming it as mine owne right I am not confounded At this word the enemy went away confounded There is extant an exhortation of Anselme to a dying brother set downe in most sweet words When any brother seemeth to be extremely oppressed it stands both with piety and prudence that he be exercised by a Prelate or some other Priest with these questions and exhortations vnder written And first let him be demanded Brother doest thou reioyce that thou shalt dye in the faith and let him answer I do Confesse that thou hast not liued so wel as thou shouldest I confesse it Doest thou repent of it I doe repent Hast thou a will and purpose to amend if thou shouldst haue time to liue longer Yes Doest thou beleeue that the Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of God dyed for thee I beleeue it Doest thou beleeue thou canst not bee saued but by his death Yea. Doest thou from thy heart thank him for this I doe Giue therefore while there is life in thee alwayes thankes vnto him and put thy whole trust in this his onely death Commit thy selfe wholly to his death Couer thy whole selfe with this death and wrap thy selfe wholly in it And if the Lord goe about to iudge thee say Lord I put the death of our Lord Iesus Christ betweene me and thy iudgment otherwise I will not contend with thee If he shall say that thou hast deserued damnation say thou I set the death of our Lord Iesus Christ betweene mee and my illdeseruings and assigne me the merit of his most precious passion for my merit which I my selfe should haue had but alas haue not Let him say againe I put the death of our Lord Iesus Christ betweene mee and thy wrath Let him also say three times O Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit And let those that stand about him answer Into thy hands O Lord we commend his spirit And he shall dye secure and shall neuer see death The same Anselme in his meditations as it were setting himselfe before the Tribunall of Gods iudgement whereby he declareth that neither the life of the regenerate nor good workes can stand against diuine iustice but onely Christ the Mediator saith My life doth terrifie mee for my whole life being exactly discussed and sifted doth appeare to me either to be sinne or meere barrennesse And if any fruit appeare therein it is either so counterfeit or imperfect or one way or other corrupt as it cannot but displease God for all of it is either sinnefull and damnable or vnfruitfull and contemptible But why doe I separate or distinguish vnfruitfull from damnable For if it be vnfruitfull it is damnable For euery tree which bringeth not forth good fruit shall be cast into the fire O therefore drie and vnprofitable tree worthy of eternall fire what wilt thou answer in that day when it shall be required of thee euen to a moment how thou hast spent all that time limitted and bestowed on thee to spend thy life in O extremity On the one side sinnes accusing on the other iustice affrighting vnderneath Hels horrible Chaos gaping aboue the
beginne And herein he saith perhaps too true But the Pontificians treading this endlesse maze may thank their owne Shoolemen who first drew this Labyrinth filling it full with the many meanders of their manifold distinctions whereby they haue so intoxicated euen their strongest brains with often turnings as it is no maruaile if subtile Soto himselfe and others of his society doe so much busie themselues in vaine to finde the right doore of faith as the blinde Sodomites were puzled in seeking the doore of the righteous Lot which they could not finde out So that for a man to go about to tread this Pontifician Maze may seeme an endlesse labour But if wee repaire to the Councell of Trent therein wee shall finde the whole spawne of the errours of faith compact in one lumpe together The Councell of Trent or the Church of Rome which you will acknowledgeth and admitteth only one kinde of faith namely an Historicall faith which say they is common to all men good and bad yea common to the very Diuels themselues The summe whereof is set down in the fifteenth Chapter of the sixt Session and in the twenty eight Canon Their words are these Aduersus etiam hominum quorundam callida ingenia qui per dulces sermones benedictiones seducunt corda innocentium asserendum est non modè infidelitate per quam ipsa fides amittitur sed etiam quocunque alio mortali peccato quamuis non amittatur fides acceptam iustificationis gratiam amitti diuinae legis doctrinam defendendo quae à regno Dei non solum infideles excludit sed fideles quoque fornicarios adulteros molles masculorum concubitores fures auaros ebriosos maledicos rapaces ●aeterosque omnes qui laetalia committunt peccata à quibus cum diuinae gratiae adiumento abstinere possunt pro quibus à Christi gratia separantur That is Also against the cunning wits of certaine men which by sweet words and benedictions seduce the hearts of the innocent wee are to affirme that not onely by infidelity whereby euen faith it selfe is lost but also by any mortall sinne whatsoeuer although faith bee not lost yet the grace of iustification being receiued is lost maintaining the doctrine of Gods law which excludeth from the Kingdome of God not onely vnbeleeuers but also beleeuing or faithfull fornicators adulterers effeminate abusers of themselues with mankinde theeues couetous drunkards raylers extortioners and all other that commit deadly sinnes from which they might haue abstained by the helpe of Gods grace and for which they are separated from the grace of Christ. In which words we may obserue two remarkeable things concerning the Popish faith first that it hath no coherence with the grace of iustification seeing as they teach the grace of iustification may be lost and yet faith remaine stil in a man the second is that this faith of theirs is cōmon to whoor-mongers to adulterers and all kind of lewd persons whom they cal beleeuing or faithfull though shut out from the kingdom of God To this they adde also the twenty eight Canon Si quis dixerit amissa per peccatum gratia simul fidem semper amitti aut fidem quae remanet non esse veram fidem licet non sit viua aut eum qui fidem sine charitate habet non esse Christianum anathema sit If any man shall say that grace being lost by sinne faith together with it is alwaies lost or that which remaineth is not true faith though not a liuing faith or that he who hath faith without charitie is not a Christian let him be accursed So that according to Romes doctrine a man may haue faith and want grace and a dead faith with them is a true faith and faith without charity may serue to make a Christian. According to which doctrine the Diuell should haue a true faith and consequently not to bee denyed to bee a Christian Euen as the Turkes call their circumcised Mussel-men that is true Beleeuers such true Beleeuers may the Pontificians be allowed to be Vega giues the reason of this Quod sancta Synodus fidem peccatorum fidem veram appellauit c. That the holy Synod of Trent called the faith of sinners true faith surely she did it being compelled of you O ye Lutherans being desirous by a fit terme to make plaine to all men the Catholicke doctrine of the identity of faith vnformed and formed And lest any hereby should bee deceiued therefore shee hath put this qualification licet non sit viua although it be not a liuing faith And yet the same Vega saith there Quod si Lutherus c. If Luther had only said that which he writ in his Commencary vpon the Galathians Si vera fides est c. If faith be true and if a man be truly a Sonne charitie shall not be wanting we had neuer opposed him Yea Vega but take Luthers meaning withall That wheresoeuer true faith is there is charity and then you will retract your words and hold on your opposition not against Luther but against the truth Soto also puts the matter out of doubt saying That fides mortua propriè est fides the dead faith is the proper faith And chapt 8. ibid. That this faith doth not only fictè fainedly or falsly as Lutherans say saith hee sed propriè legitimè verè but properly legitimately and truly make a man a Christian and the member of Christ according to the Text. But thus we come to discouer the Councels reasons why she cals a dead faith a true faith as also her meaning where she saith That the instrumental cause of iustification is the sacrament of Baptisme which is the sacrament of faith sine qua without which faith no man euer came to be iustified This might giue some colour to iustification by faith sauing that they say They may haue faith without iustification And againe in the same Chapter whereas they equiuocate egregiously saying That faith vnlesse hope and loue be added to it doth not perfectly vnite vs vnto Christ alledging that of Iames Faith without workes is dead and fruitlesse and that of Paul That in Christ Iesus neyther circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue yet they meane no other faith but that which is by nature voyde of loue and hope seeing it can subsist without them And so consequently the faith that they hold and maintaine is no liuing but a dead faith which may bee in the damned yea which is in the very Diuels And for the further opening and confirming of the Councels minde in this maine point let vs heare further what her two Champions and Expositors Vega and Soto in their learned Commentaries vpon this Session of the Councell haue said concerning their iustifying Faith These as all other Pontificians at this day taking the Councell of Trent for their guide and rule as Bellarmine and others with one
as at length it comes to iust nothing Not vnlike to Cyrus King of Persia who in his expedition towards and against Babylon being to passe ouer the riuer Gyndes which afforded him no Ford to passe but by shipping one of his holy white steeds proudly assaying to swimme ouer and so being drowned hee thereupon in reuenge of his holy horse vpon that goodly riuer threatned he would so diminish and diuide this riuer as women should easily wade ouer it and not vp to their knees So hee set his numerous Army aworke for a whole yeare to diuide the riuer into three hundred and threescore branches and so being as good as his word passed on the next summer to conquer Babylon So deale the Pontificians with sauing Faith which being as a goodly riuer able to carry the fairest ships of richest fraight bound for the holy Land onely because it will not suffer their proud inherent holinesse by the vertue of its owne strength to passe ouer they doe so cut and mince it as they make it common such is their common Faith for all passengers tagge and ragge to passe through vpon their owne legs Now let vs see which of these branches of Faith Vega in the name of the Councell of Trent and Church of Rome layes speciall hand on whether on the actuall or habituall acquired or infused formed or vnformed Vega shuts out all other Faith from the meaning of the Apostle in all those places where he attributes iustification vnto Faith but onely the actuall Faith All habituall Faith whether acquired or infused he peremptorily excludeth maugre all those that say the contrary of what authority soeuer Now what this actuall Faith is we haue heard by Vega himselfe that it is a credulity or perswasion firme and certaine but vneuident Note here how this Babylonish builder contradicts and confounds himselfe in one breath If this Faith of his be a firme and certain perswasion how is it vneuident and if vneuident how is it a firme or certaine perswasion Indeed this Vneuident help●s ad It is like the picture of Venus drawne by Apelles who being not able to delineate and beautifie her face to the life drawes an artificiall shadow of a vaile or curtaine ouer it But what might bee the meaning of this word Ineuident Surely I finde not Vega very free to explaine himselfe in this point Onely in one place he seemeth to vnderstand by it such an assent or faith as we giue meerly for the authority of him that speaketh And so it may very well be said to be ineuident not onely in regard of any particular perswasion of good towards a mans selfe from him that speaketh but also of the particular truth to be beleeued This ineuident Faith is not vnlike the Iesuiticall blinde obedience when only the authority of the commander is respected not the equitie of what is commanded But the most commodious property of Vega's ineuidence is to leaue it as we finde it ineuident For the maine drift of the Pontificians is to fould vp Faith in a cloud that no man should know it And therefore Vega to dazell our eyes would haue vs beleeue that the Apostle Paul where hee speakes of iustifying Faith meanes not eyther Faith vnformed or Faith formed in particular but Faith in generall O miserable selfe-blinding Cardinall would you also cast a myst before the Apostles eyes that hee should not see what he said was euer impudencie and folly so yoaked together But what 's the reason that Vega will not pitch vpon one certaine and distinct Faith specially meant by the Apostle The reason is not hard to giue For if Vega should say that the Apostle meant Faith vnformed then the expresse words of the Apostle would euidently confute him where he commendeth Faith working by loue And againe if Vega should confesse that the Apostle elsewhere meant that Faith which worketh by loue then it must needes follow that Faith doth truly iustifie and not barely dispose a man to iustification as Vega would haue it But Vega hath another pretty euasion for this For he saith Aliudest c. It is one thing to say that those places of Scripture wherein our iustification is attributed to faith are to be vnderstood of Faith formed and another that they are to be vnderstood of Faith which worketh by loue For although saith he others take these two for one kinde of Faith yet we thinke these two to be most distinct and by no meanes to be confounded together Prius enim est c. For Faith working by loue goes before Faith formed by charity because saith he for this end it workes by loue that it may obtaine the holy Ghost and by it charity wherewith it may be formed O admirable subtilty surpassing all Philosophy all Diuinitie How doth Faith worke by loue before it haue charity Or what is that loue the Apostle speaketh of but charity Or is the Apostles Faith working by loue a Faith vnformed O Vega let me say that to thee truly which Agrippa falsly applyed to Paul Vega thou art besides thy selfe too much learning maketh thee madde For I am sure Vega cannot answer for himselfe as Paul did I am not madde but speake the words of truth and sobriety For Vega's wordes are meere contradictions senslesse and corrupt vnsauory salt Such is his sophisticate Sophistry and frothy wit that it may bee said to him as the Prophet saith to Babylon Thy wisedome and thy knowledge it hath peruerted thee or as the Vulgar hath it Hath deceiuea thee I know their shift is to say There is a loue in man vpon the first grace disposing him to iustification wherby he beginnes to loue God aboue all things And is not this loue the highest degree of charity that can bee If this loue be not charity it is meere vanitie But to sum vp the totall of that which Rome teacheth concerning faith in Iustification as we find it either expressed or implyed in the Councell of Trent illustrated by her most pregnant Interpreters First they allow or acknowledge but one kinde of Faith in the Scriptures common to good and bad Secondly that this is the Catholicke Faith of the Church the obiect whereof is the whole word of God written and vnwritten Thirdly that this Faith is a meere Historicall Faith which may be in the very Diuels and damned Fourthly that this Faith is formed by charity which while it hath it is a liuing faith but losing it it is dead and vnfruitfull Fiftly that this Faith euen without charity dead and fruitlesse as it is yet is sufficient to make a man a Christian and a Beleeuer Sixtly though they admit of no other Faith to Iustification yet that this Faith doth not iustifie by their owne confession but may be in a man that is not iustified Seuenthly that a man hauing this Faith whereby he is made a Christian and a beleeuer yet for all that hee may goe to Hell Lastly notwithstanding all
Sancti qui Saluatoris nostri tempora praecesserunt per hanc fidem iustificati expectantes vniuersalom credentium redemptionem in semine Abrahae All the Saints who liued before the times of our Sauiour are iustified by this faith expecting the vniuersall redemption of beleeuers in the seed of Abraham And in his fourth Sermon vpon the Epiphany Hoc est quod iustificat impios hoc est quod ex peccatoribus facit Sanctos si in vno eodemque Domino nostro Iesu Christo vera Deitas vera credatur humanitas This is that which iustifieth the vngodly that is of sinners maketh Saints if in one and the same our Lord Iesus Christ both the true Deity and the true humanity be beleeued Hee putteth this particle of beleeuing the truth of Christs two natures in one person as pointing at the Heresies of Nestorius and Eutyches which in his time were very hot and tended to ouerthrow the truth of his two distinct natures in the vnity of his person This I note by the way left the Pontificians should say that this good Leo meant onely a generall faith concerning Christ. But we see the Catholicke doctrine of those purer and more virgin times of the Church was that there was but one iustifying faith and this not common to good and euill elect and reprobate promiscuously but such as did truely iustifie the wicked and of sinners make Saints So that whosoeuer had this faith were effectually iustified and without the helpe of the Popes Calendar made reall not titular Saints Augustine also saith Vna fides est quae omnes saluos facit qui ex carnali generatione in spiritalem renascendo saluantur terminata in eo qui venit pro nobis iudicart mori It is one faith that saueth all which of carnall generation being spiritually regenerate are saued their faith being bounded in him that came to bee iudged and to dye for vs the Iudge of quicke and dead And againe Ea fides iustos sanauit antiquos quae sanat nos id est Mediatoris Dei hominum c. That faith healed the righteous of old which healeth also vs to wit the faith of the Mediator of God and men c. So that there is but one sauing and saluing faith of all the regenerate And this is according to the expresse doctrine of the holy Scriptures which put an vnreconcilable opposition betweene a dead Faith and a liuing Faith betweene that Faith which is common with the Deuils and Reprobates and that which is proper and peculiar to the elect Saints Hence it is that the Scripture cals that Faith whereby we are iustified a holy Faith yea a most holy Faith Iude 20. Also the Faith giuen to the Saints Iude 3. It is called also Fides electorum the Faith of the elect Tit. 1. 1. St. Peter cals it a precious Faith Therefore sauing and iustifying Faith being that most holy Faith which is proper to the Saints and to the Elect it cannot possibly bee the same with that Faith which is in the Reprobate and Deuils but differeth from it both specie numero in kinde and number as the Logicians speake This doctrine of iustifying and sauing Faith peculiar and proper to Gods elect Saints and not common with any other whatsoeuer is further confirmed by the Catholicke Doctors of former ages Gregory sirnamed also the Great Bishop of Rome about the yeare 590. in his Morals speaking of Faith saith Electi omnes eum quem fide cognouerunt videre quoque per speciem anhelant cuius amore flagrantes aestuant quia eius dulcedinis suauitatem iam in ipsa suae fidei certitudine degustant All the elect saith hee doe striue to see him by face whom they know by faith with whose loue being inflamed they boyle because they now in the very assurance of their faith taste of the delicacy of his sweetnesse This Bishop of Rome doth denominate and appropriate the Faith whereby we now know God and hereafter shall certainely see God face to face to the Elect onely and to all the Elect. And in his Homilies vpon Ezechiel he saith Omnes Electi siue qui in Iudaea esse potuerunt siue qui nunc in Ecclesia existunt in Mediatorem Dei hominum crediderunt credunt qui praeeunt qui sequuntur Osanna clamant Osanna autem latina lingua Saluae nos dicitur ab ipso enim salutem priores quaesierunt praesentes quaerunt benedictum qui venit in nomine Domini confitentur quoniam vna spes vna fides est praecedentium atque sequentium populornm All the Elect saith hee whether those that were in Iudea or which now are in the Church haue beleeued and do beleeue in the Mediator of God and men which goe before and which follow after crying Osanna Now Osanna in the Latine tongue is interpreted Saue vs for of him both they that went before haue sought and those that liue now doe seeke saluation and confesse him to be blessed that commeth in the Name of the Lord because there is one hope one faith of the People past present and to come St Augustine speaketh to the same purpose Antiqui omnes iusti ex fide qua nos viuimus vna eademque vixerunt Incarnationem Passionem Resurrectionemque Christi credentes futuram quam nos credimus factam All the ancient iust men liued by that one and the same faith by which we liue beleeuing the Incarnation Passion and Resurrection of Christ which was to come which we beleeue already fulfilled What clearer testimony can be desired to set forth the vnity of that sauing faith which is common and proper to all the Elect people of God in all ages in the communion and propriety of which faith none but the Elect alone haue a part But the same Gregory saith elsewhere in the title of one of his Dialogues Quod sine fide neque infidelis viuat That euen the infidel doth not liue without Faith But what Faith himselfe answereth Habent etiam infideles fidem sed vtinam in Deum quam si vtique baberent infideles non essent Infidels haue faith saith he but I would to God it were faith in God which faith if they had they should not be infidels Let me here adde one authority of Fulgentius an African Bishop who liued betweene the times of these two Bishops of Rome Virtus est fides non qualis in Daemonibus inuenitur sed qualem Deus Sanctis suis donat quos ex impietate iustificat Faith is a vertue not such a faith as is found to be in the Diuels but such as God giueth to his Saints whom hee iustifieth from sinne Therefore faith being a vertue giuen to Gods Saints whereby they are iustified how can this Faith bee in the Diuels or Damned And St. Augustine to the same purpose speaking of Peters Faith proper to the Elect saith Dic
quae fides Quae per dilectionem operatur Hanc daemones non habent fidem quae per dilectionem operatur sed soli serui Dei soli Sancti Dei soli fide filij Abrahae soli filij dilectionis filij promissionis ideo est charitas dicta Tell me what faith had Peter That which worketh by loue This faith which worketh by loue the Deuils haue not but only Gods seruants only Gods saints onely the sonnes of Abraham by faith onely the sonnes of loue the sonnes of the promise therefore it is called also charity Note here how St. Augustine puts a distinct difference between that kinde of Faith of Gods saints which is neuer separated from charity but alwayes working by loue and that in the Deuils and damned which is not capable of charity no more than the Salamander of heat Discernenda est ergo fides Daemonum à fide Sanctorum Plane discernenda vigilanter diligenter Therfore saith he the faith of the Diuels is to be discerned from the faith of the Saints Yea it is to be heedfully and carefully discerned Yea the whole current of ancient Fathers tunne mainly to proue that sauing and iustifying Faith is a Faith proper to the Elect and Saints of God and meerely distinct in kind and nature from that faith which is common with reprobates and deuils Hence it is that they giue sauing and iustifying Faith such Epithets and Attributes as doe distinguish it from the faith which is in the reprobate and damned As they call it Sancta integra vera viua non reproba fides c. A holy intire true liuing not a reprobate faith Origen saith Certum est quod remissionem peccatorum nullus accipiat nisi detulerit integram probam sanctam fidem per quam mercari possit Arietam cuius natura haec est vt peccata credentis abstergat It is certaine that none can receiue remission of sins vnlesse he bring an entire godly and holy faith where with he may buy the Ramme the nature whereof is this to take away the sins of the beleeuer And againe Si fidem obtuleris tanquam precium hoc est Siclum sanctum Christo velut Ariete immaculato in hostiam dato remissionem accipies peccatorum If thou shalt offer thy faith as a price that is the holy Sicle hauing Christ as an immaculate Ramme offered vp in sacrifice thou shalt receiue remission of sinnes This ancient Doctor of the Church cals faith a price as Peter cals it a precious faith Chrysostome vpon the third Chapter to the Romanes saith What is the Law of Faith To be saued by grace Hee declareth the power of God that not only he saueth but also iustifieth and glorifieth without the helpe of any workes but requiring only faith If therefore God do saue and iustifie and glorifie vs by faith without the helpe of any workes concurring in our iustification then surely wicked and godlesse men so remaining whatsoeuer other faith they may haue they haue nothing to doe with this iustifying Faith by which most properly we are called Fideles Theophylact saith Qui credit in Filium non iudicatur Nunquid si immundam egerit vitam non iudicatur Maximè quidem Non enim verè fideles sunt eiusmodi Hee that beleeueth in the Son is not condemned But if a man leade an impure life is he not condemned Yes doubtlesse For such men are no true beleeuers St. Basil saith What is the property of a Christian Faith working by loue The Faith then of a Christian is not separate from loue for it is alwayes operans working by loue And the same Father addeth What is the property of Faith A ful perswasion without reasoning c. where the same Father sheweth other common properties of faith as it apprehends the truth of Gods Oracles and is true it selfe without adding or detracting Our Sauiours words in the third of Iohn v. 16. are very powerfull God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Whence issueth this conclusion Whosoeuer beleeueth in Iesus Christ shall neuer perish But wicked men by the confession of Pontificians although they beleeue do perish Therefore that faith or beleefe which wicked men haue is not that faith or beleefe in Christ which will not suffer any man to perish St. Augustine to this purpose vpon these words Credo in Deum c. saith Non dicit Credo Deum vel credo Deo quamuis haec necessaria saluti sint Aliud est enim credere illi aliud credere illum aliud credere in illum Credere illi est credere vera esse quae loquitur credere illum credere quia ipse est Deus credere in illum diligere illum Credere vera esse quae loquitur multi malipossunt credere autem ipsum esse Deum Daemones possunt credere vero in Deum soli nouerunt qui diligunt illum qui non solum nomine Christiani sunt sed factis vita quia sine dilectione fides inanis est cum dilectione fides Christiani sine dilectione fides Daemonis I beleeue in God c. He saith not I beleeue that God is or I beleeue God although also these are necessarie to saluation For it is one thing to beleeu him another to beleeue that he is and another to beleeue in him To beleeue him is to beleeue those things are true which he speaketh to beleeue that he is is to beleeue that he is God or that God is to be beleeue in him or into him as the Scottish Dialect or Phrase doth more liuely expresse it is to loue him To beleeue those things to bee true which he speaketh euen many wicked men may doe it and to beleeue that God is euen the Diuels can also doe it but to beleeue in God they only can skill which doe loue him which are Christians not onely in name but also in their deeds and life because faith without loue is vaine with loue the faith of a Christian without loue the faith of Diuels So this holy Father As elsewhere throughout his workes he teacheth this as the Catholike doctrin constantly maintained in the Church of Christ That sauing and iustifying faith is a faith meerely distinct and different in kinde and nature from that faith which is in wicked men and in Diuels cleane contrary to the Romane Catholicke doctrine as the like place we alledged before in the sixt Chapter out of his 29. Tract vpon St. Iohn And it is also vsed by the Glosse vpon Rom. 4. Vega citeth the place by way of obiection but leaues it vnanswered as we haue formerly shewed For indeede it is vnanswerable And therefore but only in that one place and that by way of obiection Vega in all that voluminous Booke of Iustification neuer meddleth with Credere in Christum keeping him close to his Text to wit the Councell of
as an indiuiduall companion The first sort of beleeuing or that Historicall faith if you take it alone is without forme and as yet in a manner dead The second whereby we onely beleeue God and are not yet affected towards him with a religious piety is lame But the third whereby we beleeue in God and are carried by a pious affection towards him this is that liuely and intire faith Thus the Councell of Colen How different from the Councell of Trent yea the two first kindes of faith the same Synod vpon the Apostles Creed puts into one as common with Deuils and wicked men which beleeue and tremble Sciunt enim Daemones Illum mentiri non posse For euen the Deuils doe know that God cannot lye So that by the confession of Colen the Pontifician faith by their owne confession being no other of it selfe but an Historicall faith is no other faith but that which in the very Deuils and Damned And whereas the Synod of Colen acknowledgeth a third kind of faith peculiar to the godly which alwayes hath hope and charity inseparably with it this crosseth the doctrine of Trent which alloweth no speciall or peculiar faith to the godly but such a faith as is common to the wicked and which is and may be altogether voide of hope and charity And whereas Colen calleth this peculiar faith of the godly fiducia or an affiance and confidence in the grace and mercy of God in especiall manner to euery beleeuer the Pontifician Councell of Trent vtterly disclaimeth this fiducia or strong affiance in Gods fauour and mercy allowing Gods gracious promises but the least part in the generall obiect of their faith which faith of theirs they make to be onely an assent to the truth of God and no affiance in the promises of God for as much as the Pontificians place their faith in the vnderstanding and not in the will Although otherwhiles as lyars vse to doe forgetting themselues when they would aduance the blindnesse of their implicite faith they deny it a place in the vnderstanding and seate it rather in the will though not for any good will For Bellarmine would haue faith to be defined rather from ignorance than from knowledge yet because of the two they had rather exclude confidence from faith than science or knowledge they consent in generall to make choice rather of the vnderstanding than of the will wherein to seate their faith Now the occasion as I said of mentioning the Councell of Colen was chiefly to shew their iudgement concerning the subiect of Faith to wit in what part of the soule it is inherent as in the proper subiect whether in the vnderstanding or the will c. The Synod of Colen vndertaking to decide this point saith Noc hoc omittendum est fidem secundum duas priores credendi rationes in intellectu consistere secundum tertiam verò etiam in voluntate quòd actio fidei sic acceptae quod est credere fidere adhaerere Deo non solo intellectu quem fides illuminat sed voluntate quam accedente charitate inflammat perficiatur Nor is this to be omitted that faith according to the two first sorts of beleeuing doth consist in the vnderstanding but according to the third sort also in the will because the action of faith in this acception which is to beleeue confide and adhere vnto God is accomplished not in the vnderstanding onely which faith illuminateth but also in the will which by the accesse of charity it inflameth So by the iudgement of this prouinciall Synod this sola efficax syncera integra salutifera fides as the Synod cals it ibidem this onely effectuall sincere intire and sauing faith is resident not only in the vnderstanding which faith informeth but also in the will which faith by loue inflameth And whereas the Pontificians would vtterly exclude faith from hauing any place in the will because say they faith may bee separated from charity the same Synod ibidem saith Hoc constat eam fidem qua in Deum credimus quae sola efficax syncera integra salutifera est nec infundi nec accipi sine spe charitate This is euident that that faith whereby we beleeue in God which onely is the effectuall sincere intire and sauing faith can neyther be infused nor receiued without hope and charity For as the same Synod addeth out of the Apostle 1. Cor. 13. a place which the Pontificians vrge to proue that their Romane-Catholicke faith may bee voyde of charity Nam quod alibi Apostolus ait Si habuero omnem fidem c. For that which the Apostle saith If I had all faith so that I could remoue mountaines and had not charity I am nothing is not so to be vnderstood saith the Synod of Colen as if the intire and sincere faith could bee receiued without charity but rather it seemes to be spoken Hyperbolically by way of exaggeration and aggrauation as Chrysostome and Theophilact take it the more to enforce the practice of charity consisting of so many excellent dueties and perfections Thus haue we cited this Synod of Colen not that we hold it any standard rule for the Doctrine of Faith although Vega blame it for speaking too broad of iustification and especially of imputation but to shew how in this point of Faith this Synod a little more ancient than the Councell of Trent doth differ from the Doctrine of that Councell in many things wherein this Synod is not farre from the true way to the Kingdome of God sauing that now whatsoeuer is in this Synod or any other contained must submit it selfe to the censure examination interpretation and approbation of the Councell of Trent whose definitiue sentence hath irrefragably passed vpon all Catholicke Doctrine binding it to good behauiour that it should not carry the least weapon that might indanger the throat of Romane-Catholicke Religion To this Synod also we may adde the authority of the learned honest Cardinall Contarenus who liued at the same time and a little before the Councell of Trent wrote of Iustification in which Treatise he faith Notus Fidei incipit à voluntate quaeobediens Deo Fidei efficit vt intellectus assentiatur absque haesitatione traditis à Deo ideo promissionibus diuinis confidat concipiat ex illis firmam fiduciam quae pertinet ad voluntatem quasi circulo quodam iucipiat à voluntate haec Fides desinat in voluntate The first act or motion of Faith begins at the will which obeying God and Faith causeth the vnderstanding to assent to the things deliuered of God without doubting and so to trust in Gods promises and of them to conceiue a firme affiance which pertaines to the will and that this Faith as it were in a circle begins at the will and ends in the will So that we see this good Cardinall held the will to be the prime subiect of sauing Faith But now a little to
be the immediate instrument of Gods holy spirit to sanctifie the whole soule and body as the Scripture ascribes the worke of sanctification to faith as the immediate Instrument Acts 26. 18. Sanctified by Faith in me said Christ to his new conuert Apostle The Councell of Trent it selfe confesseth that faith is the roote of other graces Faith say they is the roote of all Iustification placing their iustification in hope and loue c. How then is Faith the roote If it be the roote the roote is not a bare disposition to a tree as they would haue Faith to bee to their iustification A dead roote cannot beare a liuing tree but like roote like tree But a roote naturally produceth and shooteth forth the tree for the life and substance of the tree is originally in the roote and comes from the roote Take away the roote and the tree witherereth for it liues in the roote And the roote giueth life to the tree not the tree to the roote As the Apostle said to the ingraffed Gentile once the Wilde Oliffe Thou bearest not the roote but the roote thee With what reason then can the Pontificians say That charity which is the branch not the roote giues life to the root which is Faith Herein how far themselues differ from senslesse stockes or come short of the vegetable trees I define not Now as the whole tree drawes hislife and nourishment from the roote so all the fruits of holinesse haue their life and nourishment from faith for faith is the roote of them all And as the Apostle saith If the roote be holy so are the branches But Faith the roote of other graces is holy yea most holy as Iude speaketh therfore hope loue and all other graces growing in and from Faith are sanctified by and from Faith for as much as Faith is rooted in Christ from whom it receiues the life as of iustification so of sanctification Hence it is that deuout Bernard saith excellently to this purpose Primum syncera radix sancta fidei in terra humani cordis plantatur cumque fides plenè adulta fuerit velut quaedam magna est Arbor diuersa in se habens poma exquibus reficitur anima plena Deo First the sincere roote of holy Faith is planted in the ground of mans heart and when faith is fully growne vp it becomes as a great Tree hauing in it sundry sorts of Apples wherewith the soule being full of God is refreshed Without Faith saith the Apostle it is impossible to please God But whatsoeuer action proceedeth from Faith therein it pleaseth God By Faith was Abels sacrifice made acceptable to God By Faith Enoch walking with God pleased God And are not all those actions of the Patriarches and Saints of God related in that eleuenth Chapter to the Hebrewes all referred to Faith as the roote from whence they sprang and receiued their life and louelinesse It is Faith that graceth euery action of the iust man for the iust man shall liue by his Faith Whatsoeuer fruite growes not from this roote it is sinne Whatsoeuer is not of Faith is sinne is as true in generall of sauing Faith as it is in particular of the Conscience called Faith by the Apostle Rom 14 23. Now the reason of all this that Faith giues life and beeing to euery grace for as much as euery grace is radically in faith is because where faith is Christ is Now Faith is in the heart and consequently Christ dwelleth in the heart by Faith And if in the heart then in euery part and faculty of the soule and body So that as the soule quickneth euery part of the body so Faith quickneth and sanctifieth euery faculty of the soule As St Augustine saith Fides quae credit in Deum vita animae existit per hanc iustus viuit Faith which beleeueth in God is the life of the soule and by this faith the iust man liueth And elsewhere he saith Vnde mors in anima quia non est fides Vnde in corpore quia non est ibi anima Ergo animae tuae anima fides est Whence is death in the soule because faith is not there Whence in the body because the soule is not there Therefore the soule of thy soule is Faith And as the soule is in the body Tota in toto tota in qualibet parte The whole soule is in the whole body and whole in euery part So Fides tota est in toto tota in qualibet parte Whole faith is in the whole heart and whole in euery faculty of the soule Hence the Apostle making himselfe the instance of the life of faith saith I am crucified with Christ. Neuerthelesse I liue yet not I but Christ liueth in me and the life which I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith of the Son of God who loued me and gaue himselfe for me Christ therefore is not to be found in that part or faculty of the soule where faith is not If Faith bee not in the will Christ is not there and so in the rest And where Christ is not there is no life no sanctification Our wils therefore our memories our affections our motions and cogitations are dead prophane all out of order if Christ be not and liue not in euery one of them And Christ is not in any of them if Faith be not there Hence it is that Faith is all because as the roote it containes all graces In the vnderstanding it knoweth God in the will it hopeth and loueth God in the memory it thinketh of God with thankefulnesse for his mercies in the affections it feareth God it sorroweth for sinne it patiently suffereth it reioyceth in God in all it serueth God How so From Faith it is that the vnderstanding knoweth God in his Sonne Iesus Christ the knowledge of whom is eternall life And therefore Diuines by knowledge in that place vnderstand Faith And St. Augustine saith Intellectus merces est fidei Ergo noli quaerere intelligere vt credas sed crede vt intelligas Vnderstanding is the reward of Faith Doe not therefore seeke to know that thou mayst beleeue but beleeue that thou mayst vnderstand From Faith it is that the will hopes in God loues God and cleaueth vnto him and so in the rest And therefore St. Augustine placeth Faith in the will saying A Domino praeparatur voluntas hominis vt sit fidei receptaculum The will is prepared of the Lord to be the receptacle of faith And againe Omne quod non est ex fide peccatum est Ac per hoc bona voluntas quae se abstrabit à peccato fidelis est quia iustus ex fide viuit Whatsoeuer is not of Faith is sinne And therefore the good will which withdrawes it selfe from sinne is faithfull because the iust man liueth by Faith Hence it is that Bernard saith Credere in Deum est in eum
yet the speciall obiect of it is Christ Iesus the word incarnate and the speciall promises of life made vnto vs of God in him Now by this which hath beene already said we may easily see the sequell and issue of all the rest of those priuiledges and markes that the Pontificians put vpon their Catholick Faith For seeing they admit of no other Faith in kinde than the Historicall we will easily yeeld vnto them that this their Faith may be and is in the very Deuils and Damned We will yeeld them also that their Faith being dead of it selfe and without forme or being and receiuing life forme and being from Charity may also vpon the losse of Charity become as well dead and vnformed againe as before it receiued life from Charity But whereas they say that this Faith dead as it is and being fruitlesse and without Charity yet is sufficient to make a man a Christian and a Beleeuer wee allow them this also thus farre that it may make them such Christians and Beleeuers as to send them to hell amongst the Deuils and Damned their fellow-Beleeuers as their fideles fornicarios adulteros molles musculorum concubitores fures c. their faithfull fornicators adulterers effeminate Sodomites and Catamites theeues and other such their Christian beleeuers whom by Trents owne confession their Faith excludes from the Kingdome of Heauen But this Faith of theirs being no other in kinde but that which is common with the damned to wit of it selfe dead and fruitlesse let them deuise neuer such precious wares to stuffe it withall as Charity Hope and the like to put life into it it will proue no more a liuing Faith than Michals Image with the pillow stuffed with Goates haire laide vnder the head of it proued a liuing man And so consequently it can neuer make a man such a Christian and Beleeuer as to bring him to the possession of Gods Kingdome But are they to be accounted Christians and Beleeuers that goe to Hell Yes surely as good as Romane-Catholickes for such onely they account their Christians and Beleeuers Well let them enioy their priuiledge In the meane time they must know that God hath another kinde of beleeuing Christians For as the Apostle saith As he is not a Iew that is one outwardly nor that Circumcision which is outward in the flesh but hee is a Iew that is one within and Circumcision that of the heart in the spirit not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God So he is not a Christian that is one outwardly neither is that Baptisme which is outward on the flesh but hee is a Christian that is one inwardly and Baptisme that of the heart in the spirit not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God But the Romane-Catholicke Christian beleeuers are they that haue receiued their outward forme of Baptisme and professe themselues members of the Romane-Catholicke Church be they otherwise neuer so damnable in their liues What saith Bernard in his Sermon ad Pastores Neminem vestrum credo esse haereticum omnes creditis c. I beleeue none of you is a hereticke you all beleeue one God in Trinity that Christ suffered and was buried that hee descended and ascended But doth this faith make a man a Catholicke By this faith the very Deuils should bee Catholickes for as St. Iames saith they beleeue and tremble But not that faith which is common with Deuils and men maketh a true Catholick but that only which is common to men with Angelicall spirits What faith is that That which worketh by loue So he Therefore by Bernards doctrine faith voyde of charity which is common with Deuils howsoeuer it may make a Romane-Catholicke and so saith Bernard it may the Deuill as well but a true Catholicke it cannot make St. Augustine also puts a maine difference saying Cum dilectione fides Christiani sine dilectione fides Daemonum the faith of a Christian is ioyned with loue the faith of Deuils is without loue Hee is therefore a Christian that hath such a faith as hath loue ioyned with it and consequently they are no Christians but rather of the number of Deuils as being members of the Deuill whose faith is without loue And the same Austine elsewhere plainly declareth who are the faithfull saying Corpus Christi est Ecclesia non ista aut illa sed toto orbe diffusa Tota autem Ecclesia constans ex omnibus fidelibus quia fideles omnes membra sunt Christi habet illud caput positum in coelestibus quod gubernat corpus suum etsi separatum est à visione sed annectitur charitate Totus Christus caput est corpus eius The body of Christ is the Church not this or that Church but diffused ouer the whole world And the whole Church consisting of all the faithfull in as much as all the faithfull are members of Christ hath that head now set in the heauenly places which gouerneth his body and although it bee separated from vision or sight yet it is knit vnto him by loue For whole Christ is the head and his body So we see St. Augustine confesseth none to bee faithfull but such as are the members of Christ nor any his members but the members of his body the Church nor Christs Church to be any one particular Church as the Romane-Catholicke Church but indeed the Catholicke Church spread ouer the whole world Now if none bee faithfull but such as are the members of Christ of his Church of his body Christ is the Sauiour of his body and not one of his members can perish yea not a haire of their heads shall perish how then are they members of Christ sith Christians sith faithfull that haue no part in that saluation whereof the whole body is partaker But such are members of Christ though not perfectly vnited as Trent saith Chapt. 7. and Vega commends it But St. Augustine knew no such members of Christ. Although by a common appellation or account all Christians as being baptized are called Faithfull in as much as they haue receiued the character of Faith which is Baptisme as Augustine saith yet properly and in a strict sense none are true beleeuers but such as are indued with a true liuing holy iustifying Faith in Christ whereby they are perpetually and inseparably vnited vnto him as liuing members of the same body to reigne with him for euermore So Saint Paul doth exemplifie this in describing a true Iew Hee is not a Iew that is one outward neither is that Circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a Iew that is one within and the Circumcision of the heart in the spirit not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God St. Chrysostome saith Whence art thou made holy Whence art thou called faithfull Is it not therefore because thou art sanctified by the death of Christ Is it not therefore because
thou beleeuest in Christ And againe Fidelis propterea vocaris quoniam credis Deo ab eo creditam ipse iustitiam habes sanctitatem munditiam animae in filium adoptionem regnum coelorum Thou art therefore called faithfull because both thou beleeuest God and hast from him granted vnto thee righteousnesse sanctity purity of soule adoption of a sonne and the kingdome of heauen Seeing therefore by the Doctrine of Scriptures and Fathers faith and saluation cannot bee separated mee thinkes the Councell of Trent had done more politickly if with the losse of charity they had suffered faith quite to be lost too rather than retaining it to be damned with it Further for as much as the Pontificians admit of no other faith to Iustification but an historicall faith wee easily grant that which they so much desire That their faith doth not iustifie them at all but may be in them though they go to hell for it as themselues do teach Whereas the faith of beleeuers which beleeue in Christ hath the property to saue not suffer any to perish For Christ saith if we may beleeue Christ rather than the Popes infallibility in the Councel of Trent Whosoeuer beleeueth on the Sonne of man or the Sonne of God shall not perish but hath eternall life And v. 18 He that beleeueth on him is not condemned Yes saith the Councell of Trent he that is a beleeuer may bee condemned though still hee continue a Beleeuer Lastly sith for all this that their Faith cannot iustifie nor saue them yet notwithstanding they wil haue this to be a true Faith though a dead faith I et vs yeelde them this also that the Romane faith is a true dead Faith or a true Faith of the Diuels and damned Else what true Faith is it Gregory once Bishop of Rome saith Vera fides est quae in hoc quod verbis dicit moribus non contradicit That is true faith which in that it professeth in words it contradicteth not in maners And a little after Fidei nostrae veritatem in vitae nostrae consideratione debemus agnoscere t●nc enim veraciter fideles sumus si quod verbis promittimus operibus complemus We ought to acknowledge the truth of our Faith in the consideration of our life for then are we truly faithful if that which we promise in words we performe in deeds And St. Ambrose saith Nunquam fides vera turbatur True faith is neuer troubled How is then the Pontifician faith a true faith albeit a dead faith seeing according to Gregory what it professeth in words it contradicteth in deeds and according to Ambrose it is not free from trouble being ouer-whelmed with horrour of Conscience yea St. Hierome saith Cum dilectio pro●ul abfuerit fides pariter abscedit When charity is away there faith also is gone with it To summe vp all in a word that hath beene said of this point the Notes of difference betweene the true Catholick sauing Faith and the Romane-Catholicke faith are these and such like 1. The true Catholicke iustifying Faith bringeth euery one that hath it vnto saluation and such shall neuer perish Iohn 3. 16. 18. and 1. Pet. 1. 9. The end of sauing Faith is the saluation of our soule But the Romish faith doth not by their owne confession bring euery one of them that hath it vnto saluation Therefore the Romane Catholicke faith is not the true Catholicke iustifying Faith Secondly the true Catholicke sauing Faith is a free gift of Gods grace giuen for Christs sake as Phil 1. 29 Ephes. 2 8. But the Romish faith is no free gift of Gods grace as being in the very Diuels which faith also the Councell of Trent separateth from grace Concil Trid. Sess. 6. cap. 15. saying that grace may bee lost though not faith Therefore the Romish faith is not the true Catholicke sauing faith Whereupon Bellarmine as the mouth of all Pontificians saith Fides infusa non perit gratia recedente vt Catholici omnes fatentur Infused faith perisheth not when grace is gone as all Catholickes confesse So that Pontifician faith is no grace with them and no maruaile then if iustifying faith be in no grace with them also But how is their faith infused This may seeme to make faith a gift of God Let Bellarmine himself resolue it he saith That all men may beleeue if they will when the Euangell is preached and so the Pontifician faith is of them disclaimed to be a speciall gift of Gods sauing grace Thirdly The true Catholicke sauing faith is a confidence in the promises of God in Christ it being the foundation of things hoped for in Christ the speciall obiect of it Heb. 11. 1. But the Romish faith beeing no other in its owne nature but that which is common with the very Diuels by their owne confession is altogether without hope hauing no respect to things hoped for no more than the Diuels for all their faith haue Therefore the Romish faith is none of the true sauing iustifying faith There bee many other differences which follow in this Treatise In stead of adding more to this place it shall suffice to conclude this Chapter with the definition of sauing and iustifying faith which may fitly bee thus defined Iustifying faith is a speciall free gift of God his grace whereby a sinner beleeuing in or into Christ being thus vnited vnto him is made partaker of all Christs merits and righteousnesse and is by the same faith certainly and infallibly perswaded that all his sins are remitted and himselfe in Christ perfectly iustified in Gods sight this faith also as a liuing roote containing in it all other graces as hope loue patience humility c. For the proofe of each part of this definition we neede not here stand vpon as referring both to the foregoing and ensuing Chapters where they are amply proued Now that I call iustifying Faith a gift of God I note the efficient cause of it to be God whereby it is also distinguished from the faith of Diuels which cannot bee called the gift of God Secondly that I call it a free gift of Gods grace as Phil. 1. 29. this excludes all precedent workes in man as merits of congruity or of any preuious repentance making a man acceptable to receiue Faith in Christ which jumps with the merit of congruity Thirdly that I call it a speciall gift I exclude all reprobates from hauing any communion with this Faith it is specially and peculiarly and solely giuen to the Saints Iude 3. speciall also in regard of the nature of it being a gift of grace flowing from Gods special loue in Christ vnto his elect Saints Fourthly whereby a sinner c. I note that whoso hath this Faith is empty of all inherent righteousnesse of his own he must be a sinner the generall subiect wherein Faith dwelleth Fiftly by beleeuing in or into Christ I note the proper act of iustifying Faith differencing
it be called faith but when a man hath certainty concerning those things which are not seene more than concerning those things which are seene For because those things which are yet in hope are reputed as yet without substance or subsistence and faith giueth vnto them their substance not that it addes any thing vnto them but it selfe is the substance or subsistence of them For the purpose the resurrection is not yet fulfilled not yet present or subsistent but faith makes it to subsist in our soule this is it which the Apostle calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or substance So Chrysostome Yea this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it importeth a subsisting signifieth also animum praesentem a confidence or full assurance of the mind And it is sometimes vsed in authors for a fastening or a close ioyning together as a ioynt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a fast iuncture And such is faith which ioyneth the obiect the subiect together making the things hoped for to be as it were in our present possession It is also the euidence of things not seene presenting them visibly and sensibly before vs like a most cleare perspectiue glasse which presents and attracts as it were the most remote obiect nearer to the eye for the clearer view of it Thus Abraham and those other Saints of the Old Testament saw these inuisible things afarre off with the eye of Faith Heb. 11. 13. and were perswaded of them and imbraced them as the Apostle excellently declareth Thus if sauing and iustifying Faith bee the substance the subsistence the assurance the confidence the coherence of things hoped for if the euidence the argument and demonstration of things not seene prepared for such as loue God reuealed to vs by the Spirit how then is not this Faith most sure certain of iustification eternall saluation This is further confirmed by sundry other authorities of holy Scripture as Ephes. 3. 12. In quo habemus fiduciam accessum in confidentia per fidem ipsius as the vulgar Latine renders it well that is In whom to wit Christ we haue boldnesse and accesse with confidence through the faith of him Now what boldnesse or confidence can a man haue without assurance and certainty And Heb. 3. 6. Christus tanquam Filius in domo sua quae domus sumus nos si fiduciam gloriam spei vsque ad finem firmam retineamus Christ as a Sonne ouer his owne house which house are we if we hold fast the confidence and the reioycing of the hope firme vnto the end Now the strength of a house doth mainly stand vpon the firmenesse of the foundation And the Apostle as wee haue heard cals Faith the foundation of things hoped for And Heb. 4. 16. Adeamus ergo cum fiducia ad Thronum gratiae vt misericordiam c. Let vs therefore come with boldnesse vnto the Throne of grace that we may obtaine mercy and finde grace to help in time of neede And Heb. 10. 19. Habentes itaque fratres fiduciam c. Hauing therefore brethren boldnesse to enter into the Holiest by the bloud of Iesus c. accedamus cum vero corde in plenitudine fidei c. let vs draw neare with a true heart In full assurance of Faith hauing our hearts sprinkled from an euill conscience and our bodies washed with pure water let vs hold fast the professioe of our Faith without wauering for he is faithfull that promised c. And 1. Ioh. 5. 13. 14. Haec scribo vobis c. These things I write vnto you that beleeue on the Name of the Sonne of God That yee may know that ye haue eternall life c. Et haec est fiducia quam habemus ad eum And this is the confidence that wee haue in him c. Thus we see what glorious Elogies or Prayses the holy Ghost giueth to sauing Faith the proper effects whereof are assurance truth confidence boldnesse which the vulgar Latine so often translateth Fiducia a word much enuied by the Councell of Trent and extreamely inueighed against yea and shamelessly iniured by Vega who taking vpon him to interpret the meaning and to measure out the latitude of Fiducia doth pitifully mangle and mince it saying that it hath some certaine agreement with Faith but so as it is distinct from certainty and that it is a kinde of motion of the appetite and that it may be in deadly sinners trusting that they are iustified when they are not and that it is a probable perswasion of obtaining our desire and that this probable perswasion of obtaining the mercy of God is a most fit meanes to the obtaining of Faith So that in the conclusion this Fiducia is by Vega preferred to be set in the ranke of preparatory graces sauing that I doe not see how Fiducia can be a meanes to beget Faith seeing he puts Faith also among his preparatiues and also in another place saith That Theologicall Faith is the beginning of Iustification which Faith may be in those that sleepe and want the vse of reason and Fiducia is onely an act or a consequent passion issuing from it O miserable perplexities How doe these Pontificians torment their wits in making infinite doublings to make men lose the right path like the Lapwing which wearieth her selfe partly with her owne plaining voice and partly with her deuious and extrauagant fluttering about farre enough from the marke yet so as if shee were still about it and all to deceiue and diuert the Fowler from comming neare her nest But the Doctrine of the certainty of sauing Faith is further confirmed by the holy Ghost As Ioh. 3. 33. The Lord saith Hee that hath receiued his testimony hath set to his seale that God is true What seale is this but the seale of Faith So the Lord applies it vers 36. Hee that beleeueth on the Sonne hath euerlasting life And St. Iohn ioynes them both together setting the seale of Faith to the testimony 1. Iohn 5. 9 10. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This is the testimony of God which he hath testified of his Sonne Hee that beleeueth on the Sonne of God hath the testimony in himselfe Faith then is the seale of Gods testimony and what greater certainty or assurance can be than in a seale Also Matth. 9. 2. Confide fili c. Sonne be of good comfort or be confident as the originall word signifieth thy sinnes be forgiuen thee So vers 22. Confide filia c. Daughter bee confident thy Faith hath saued thee So that the confidence of sauing Faith in the remission of sinnes is not onely in the masculine sexe Sonne be confident but euen in the female and weaker sexe Daughter be confident thy Faith hath saued thee goe in peace This certainty of Faith is also confirmed by a comparison taken from building Christ Iesus is the Rocke whereon euery beleeuer as a house is built This building is so strong as no flouds of
ex eis The number of them that are predestinate vnto the Kingdome of God is so certaine that neyther any can bee added vnto them nor diminished of them This is according to the truth of God 2. Tim. 2. 19. The foundation of God stands sure hauing this seale The Lord knoweth who are his If the Lord know who are his hee knoweth how many are his and if how many there is a certaine number of them else the Lords knowledge were vncertaine Christ saith also I know mine and am knowne of mine yea he calleth his owne sheepe by name Christ knoweth the certaine number of sheepe that belong vnto his fold And their names are inrolled in Heauen Heb. 12. 23. And Christ saith few are chosen in comparison of the residue And Pauperis est numerare pecus Christ the Shepheard can easily number his little flocke Yea hee that numbereth our haires doth he not number the persons of his elect Therefore the seruants of God are sealed in their fore-heads and the number of them is set downe of all the Tribes of Israel Reuel 7. Indeed in the 9. Verse a great multitude did Iohn see which no Man could number But they are certaine with God So the number of Gods elect is certaine as certaine to God as the number of the Starres of Heauen which God calleth all by their names So great is the Lord so great his power and his vnderstanding infinite Obiect But it may be obiected that election appertaineth to all indifferently as being left to euery ones choice For the Scripture saith that God would haue all men to be saued as 1. Tim. 2 4 and Rom 11. 33. God hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe that hee might haue mercy vpon all But these places proue not that Gods election belongeth to all for then the Scripture should bee opposite to it selfe which saith elsewhere That few are chosen But as St. Augustine well noteth this All is simply meant of all the Elect. As he saith Omnes homines vult saluos fieri vt intelligantur omnes praedestinati quia omne genus hominum in eis est sicut dictum est Pharisaeis Decimatis omne olus Luc. 11 42. vbi non intelligendum est nisi omne quod habebant that is God would haue all men to bee saued meaning all the predestinate because in them is all sorts of men as it was said to the Pharisees Yee tithe all kinde of herbes where we are not to vnderstand but all that they had As also St. Ambrose saith Quamuis magna pers hominum Saluantis gratiam repellat aut negligat in electis tamen prescitis atque ab Omnium generalitate discretis specialis quaedam censetur vniuersitas Pro parte mundi totus mundus pro parte hominum omnes homines nominantur Although a great part of men reiect or neglect the grace of the Sauiour yet a certaine speciall vniuersality is accounted in those that are elect and fore-knowne and separated from the generality of All. For a part of the world the whole world and for a part of men all men are named Next this certaine number is elected out of the corrupt masse of mankinde all corrupt in Adams loynes after his fall Therefore the elect are called vessels of mercy and mercy implyes misery Hence the Apostle very aptly compares the corrupt masse of mankinde to a lumpe of Potters clay and clay is nothing but dirt Also an example of Gods election we haue in Iacob and Esau in the same place Rom. 9 which two are set out as types of all mankinde Iacob of the Elect and Esau of the Reprobate Now to what time or condition had Gods act or purpose of separating these two one from the other speciall reference Namely while they were yet vnborne and before they had done good or euill that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of workes but of him that calleth it was said vnto her The elder shall serue the younger Iacob haue I loued but Esau haue I hated So that God did in his eternall purpose elect Iacob and reiect Esau in their Mothers wombe before they had actually done good or euill but not before they had both of them alike contracted the corruption of originall sinne in their Mothers wombe Hence it is that presently after mans fall Gen. 3. the Lord God first reuealeth the mysterie of his will in his eternall purpose towards mankinde in putting an enmity betweene the Serpents seed and the Womans seed both Angels and Men. The Serpents seede are the Reprobate a generation of Vipers of their Father the Deuill The Womans seede there are the Elect first Christ and in him all the Elect who are blessed in him and who with Christ are at continuall enmity with the Serpent and his seede Michael and his Angels fighting against the Dragon and his Angels the bond-womans sonne persecuting the free-womans sonne in an allegory Gal. 4. Thus Gods election had a speciall reference to the corrupt masse out of which he chose vs to saluation So Ezech. 16. Abraham the Father of the faithfull for his natiuity and birth was an idolatrous Amorite Ierusalem the type of Gods Elect was chosen in her bloud ver 5. as the Lord saith None eye pitied thee but thou wast cast out in the open field to the loathing of thy person in the day that thou wast borne and when I passed by thee and saw thee polluted in thine owne bloud I said vnto thee when thou wast in thy bloud Liue yea I said vnto thee when thou wast in thy bloud Liue. Now this election of God in choosing out of the corrupt masse and lumpe of mankinde such as shall be saued doth necessarily imply that this election is of his free grace as is expressed in the definition which is a point worthy our speciall consideration although indeed this free grace of God is the very life-bloud as it were which runneth through the whole body and filleth euery veine of the definition It is called an election of grace Rom. 11. 5. To this grace it is that the Apostle rauished with the admiration of Gods incomprehensible loue breaking forth into a gratefull acclamation and benediction of God for it as if now hee had but newly come forth or were still in his rapture in the third Heauen referreth and ascribeth the whole worke of our saluation To the praise of the glory of his grace saith he wherein he hath made vs accepted in the Beloued Ephes. 1. 6. And in the seuenth Verse In whom we haue redemption through his bloud the forgiuenesse of sinnes according to the riches of his grace And Chapt. 2. 4. c. God who is rich in mercy for his great loue wherewith hee loued vs euen when we were dead in sinnes hath quickned vs together with Christ by grace ye are saued and hath raised vs vp together c. That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding
riches of his grace in his kindnesse towards vs through Christ Iesus What greater loue what greater grace what richer mercy than for God to cast his eye of fauour vpon vs euen when we were dead in sinnes As the Apostle saith also Rom. 5. 8. God commendeth his loue towards vs in that while we were yet sinners when we were enemies Christ dyed for vs. And in the vulgar Latine set forth by the Diuines of Louain printed at Antwerpe 1584. in the fourth to the Romanes Verse 5. wee finde these words in the Text Ei verò qui non operatur credenti autem in eum qui iustificat impium reputatur fides eius ad iustitiam secundum propositum gratiae Dei Now to him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is reckoned for righteousness according to the purpose of the grace of God Now these last words are not in our vulgar translations nor in most Greeke Copies but the Louain Doctors haue noted in the margent that they are found in some Manuscripts and Greeke Copies And it were to be wished that they had added no worse than this into that their translation for it is but that which is the generall Doctrine of the Gospell of Christ. For the preaching of the Gospel what is it but a beame of this grace of God shining vpon sinners as Tit. 2. 11. The grace of God that bringeth saluation hath appeared vnto all men And the Gospel is the Gospel of the grace of God Act. 20. 24. And the Word of God is the word of his grace vers 32. And Acts 14. 3. Yea we finde the very same words in the Apostle 2. Tim. 1. 9. Who hath saued vs and called vs with an holy calling not according to our workes but marke according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen vs in Christ Iesus before the world began but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Sauiour Iesus Christ c. So that the ground of our saluation by Iesus Christ is the meere grace of God by this grace we are saued by this grace we come to inherit eternall life for eternall life is of the grace of God it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the free gift of his grace And wee are heires of the grace of life 1. Pet. 3. 7. The Apostle Paul was so in loue with this grace that all his Epistles are perfumed throughout as it were with this precious oyntment Hee nameth it not so little as a hundreth times The salutation of each Epistle hath grace in it yea the Apostle sets it as his marke at the end of euery Epistle and would haue all his Epistles knowne by that marke to bee his As hee saith 2. Thes. 3. 17. 18. The salutation of Paul with mine owne hand which is the token in euery Epistle so I write The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ bee with you all So that besides other probable arguments I finding this marke at the end of the Epistle to the Hebrewes I conclude it to bee Pauls Epistle No one Apostle ends his Epistle with the prayer and wishing of grace but onely Paul Indeede the Reuelation endeth so The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all Amen Thus Gods gracious eternall purpose in electing to saluation such as in his speciall fauour hee was pleased to foreknow being the prime and originall cause whereon depends the whole frame of our effectuall saluation it teacheth vs a maine difference between the first Couenant and the second The first Couenant was made with the first Adam in Paradise which indeed did meerly depend vpon mans will to keep it or to break it Doe this and thou shalt liue This was that first Couenant which Man failing to keep so forfeiting his estate God now makes a second Couenant in the second Adam which he will not as he did in the first hazzard vpon mans will or ability in the keeping of it Gods wisdome well weighing that if Adam in his perfection so easily and quickly brake the first Couenant though hee had both will and power to keepe it how much more man now corrupt and weake would neuer bee able to keepe the second Couenant And therefore to make sure worke God takes a contrary course in the second Couenant which that it may for euer stand firme and immutable hee hath established it vpon the sure foundation of his owne good pleasure and will wherein is no shadow of change Well the conclusion is Gods free grace and fauour is the ground of our election it is the foundation whereon depends our whole saluation wee are elected wee are saued all by grace according to his purpose and grace This grace of God the Pontifician Church cannot away withall as being an enemy to all their Doctrine And therfore the Councell of Trent hath excluded yea and condemned the grace of God as the sole efficient cause of saluation for Ses. 6. Can. 11. the words be Si quis dixerit c. gratiam qua iustificamur esse tantum fauorem Dei anathema sit that is If any shall say that the grace whereby we are iustified is onely the fauour of God let him be Anathema or accursed If Romes Curse were of force then wofull were the case of St. Paul that doth so often mightily magnifie the grace of God in our iustification yea the only grace and fauour of God excluding workes as not hauing the least share with Gods grace therein Nay the whole Word of God which is the Word of his grace and the Gospell of his grace must fall vnder Romes Curse Howsoeuer the equiuocating Romanists would foyst and shuffle in their workes by the name of grace by which indeed they destroy and ouerthrow the grace of God Obiect But say some It is sufficient that wee grant that Gods grace doth manifest it selfe in prouiding for vs and offering vnto vs meanes whereby we may be saued without which meanes because we cannot be saued therefore we are said to be saued by the grace of God Answ. Is that sufficient O enemies of the grace of God and of your owne saluation Will you so limit Gods grace Will ye so eclipse the glory of his grace as to confine it within such narrow bounds Indeede great and infinitely great was Gods loue in so louing the world that he gaue his only begotten Sonne that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting But did his gift depend vpon mans acceptance that it might be effectuall if man would otherwise not Then as Esay saith Who hath beleeued our report Had not then this great loue of God beene vtterly lost Had not this gift beene such as no man would receiue it For what saith the Scripture All haue sinned and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 come short of the glory of God The naturall man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 perceiueth not receiueth not this gift it is farre aboue out of his
away were once in the true faith and therefore a man may fall away from true faith and consequently from grace finally and totally But Saint Augustine cleareth this in many places of his Bookes shewing that a man cannot fall away from the faith of the elect As Fides Christi fides gratiae Christianae id est ea fides quae per dilectionem operatur posita in fundamento neminem per●● permittit The faith of Christ the faith of Christian grace to wit that faith which worketh by loue being built vpon the foundation permitteth none to perish And therefore where hee speakes of such as were once in the faith and fall from it hee meaneth not the proper faith of the Elect but the common faith of Christians As he also saith Appellamus nos electos Christi Discipulos Dei Filios quia si● appellandi sunt quos regeneratos p●è viuere cernimus We doe call men euen the elect Disciples of Christ and the Sonnes of God because they are so to bee called whom we see to be regenerate and to liue godly but if they haue not perseuerance they are not truely called sith they are called that which they are not And therefore Quia non habuerunt perseuerantiam sicut non verè Discipuli Christi ita nec verè Filij Dei fuerunt etiam quando esse videbantur ita vocabantur Because they had not perseuerance as they were not truely Christs Disciples so neyther were they truely the Sons of God euen when they seemed to be so and were called so Of this sort and sense is another place of St. Augustine to bee taken which the Author of the new Gagge for the old Goose for haste as Charity may deeme rather than eyther of malice or ignorance not easily incident to a man of such rare and extraordinary learning hath perhaps casually in such a swift flowing current of discourse dropped from his Goose-quill His allegation out of St. Augustine is in these words Credendum est quosdam de filijs perditionis non accepto dono perseuerantiae vsque in finem in fide quae per dilectionem operatur incipere viuere aliquandiu fideliter iustè viuere postea cadere neque de ha● vita priusquam hoc eis contingat auferri The author of the Gagge seemeth to alledge this place to proue that a man may totally fall away from grace sith from faith working by loue And the words as he alledgeth them seeme to fauour that opinion as if it were Augustines definitiue conclusion for all peremptorily to beleeue it Credendum est But as a guelt man though he haue all the other signes of a man hath lost his virility the chiefe difference of his Sexe so this sentence being but a little guelt how much is it made to degenerate from the Masculine stile of St. Augustine For Augustine speaking there of the gift of perseuerance inferreth this sentance thus Propter huius vtilitatem secreti credendum est quosdam c. For the benefit of this secret to wit of perseuerance credendum est where wee are to note that these first words left out by the Author are a speciall qualification and limitation of our faith herein namely how farre forth and in what respect Augustine would haue vs thinke so that men may fall from that faith which worketh by loue to the end that thereby they should bee more carefull to keepe their standing therefore he saith Propter huius vtilitatem secreti A clause in no case to bee neglected for little though it bee it leaueneth and seasoneth the whole lumpe As the same Augustine elsewhere saith Deus melius esse iudicauit miscere quosdam non perseueraturos certo numero Sanctorum suorum vt quibus non expedit in huius vitae tentatione securitas non possint esse securi God iudged it better to mingle some that should not perseuere with the certaine number of his Saints that they for whom security in the tentation of this life is not expedient might learne not to be secure Now that Augustine by that faith working by loue mentioned in the former allegation from whence he would haue vs beleeue for our owne profit and proficiency in perseuering that the reprobate fall did not meane that true reall faith of the Saints and Elect which worketh by loue but onely such a faith in appearance and common account besides many other places and those also which we haue forecited that one may conuince it where he saith vpon 2. Tim. 2. 19. Horum fides quae per dilectionem operatur profecto aut omnino non deficit aut si qui sunt quorum deficit reparatur antequam vita ista finiatur deleta quae intercurrerat iniquitate vsque in finem perseuerantia deputatur The faith of those which worketh by loue eyther doth not faile at all or if there be any whose faith doth faile it is repaired before this life be ended and the inquity which came betweene being blotted out perseuerance is deputed euen vnto the end Yea he saith definitiuely Fides eius qui aedificatur super Petram pro qua etiam or auit Christus ne deficiat non deficit His faith that is built vpon the Rocke for the which also Christ prayed that it should not faile faileth not And Christ saith expresly That the house built vpon the Rocke faileth not but standeth firme against all windes and waues of tentations The Rocke is Christ and the house vpon this Rocke is euery true beleeuer But say that former allegation out of Augustine had beene altogether set downe by him eyther in those termes or in that sense as the Author citeth it what if one such speech tending that way should haue fallen from that excellent holy man shall that one preponderate the whole tenure of St Augustines workes Nay rather let it bee interpreted by his other sayings than they be ouerthrowne and euacuate by this And let the learned Author of that booke of the Gagge so maintaine the truth of Christ in the maine current of his other writings as they may not only extenuate but wholly expiate and expunge to omit other things at least this blot dropping from his penne Augustine though a most excellent light in Gods Church yet wherein he saw his errours such was his rare humility and dextrous ingenuity hee writ a Booke of Retractations But for his Doctrine in the point of the Saints perseuerance in the state of grace vnto the end it is so cleare and consonant to the Scriptures that it needes no retractation and as vneasie it is almost by any wit to bee peruerted as subuerted Onely let not a misalledged place or a mis-conceiued allegation out of Augustine stand as the Rest whereon the state of the Doctrine of the Church of England must lye at hazzard Nor euer let it be said that the Doctrine of the faith of the Church of England is any other
adult ad iustif cap. 19 Ignorantia prauae dispositionis cap. 18. ibid. in fine 1. Pet. 1. 19. Orig. in Leuit. Maimony in tract de sacrif offerend cap. 3. Ephes. 2. 12. Acts 8. 37. Origen super ●euit Iob 19. 27. Iohn 3. Aug. in Ioan. tract 12. c. 3. Abac. 2. 4. Iohn 20. 28. 29 * The most ancient and authenticke Creeds require explicit faith in Christ and the promises of God in him Histor. Concil Trid. lib. 2. Concil Trid. Sess. 6. cap. 9. * No rest or peace to the wicked * Certainty of faith a great aduersary to Romane-Catholickes a The Pontifician Opus operatum yoaked with Gods mercy and Christs merit b Faith of fearfull Diuels approued and commended Concil Trid. Sess. 6. Can. 12. Can. 14. Chemnitij Examen de fide Iustisic Ier. 2. 24. Soto de nat grat lib. 3. c. 10. Luther in Gen. cap. 4● Liu. lib. 1. Do● 1. Soto de nat grat lib. 3. c. 10. Iudges 8. 21. Vega lib. 6. de incertitud grat cap. 2. Certainety of the true Catholicke faith opposite to Romish vncertainety Non poena sed causa facit Martyrium Euangelium facit Martyrium Cypri A troubled vnsettled conscience like the troubled sea Iude 13. Vega de incertitud grat c. 25. Concil Trid. Sess. 6. can 15. * The reason is naught if he meane that the knowledge of predestination must precede the knowledge of our iustification For we do not therefore beleeue our iustification because we must first know our predestination but we come to know our predestination by the fruit of it iustification Histor. Concil Trid. lib. 2. * Note the iudgement of some Pontificians themselues concerning their Schoole-men * As we noted before out of Vega reiecting the vulgar latine when it makes not for his turne * In this Councell of Trent if the most learned and iudicious of them had not beene ouerswayed by humane affection no doubt but the truth had preuailed in a great measure Vega lib. 9. de incertitud grat Iob 13. 15. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * Concil Trid. Sess. 6. c. 12. quoted in the Margent Rom. 〈…〉 Pro. 28. 1. Vega l. 9. de incert grat c. 11. * So Pagnin himselfe rendreth it by Vega's own confession ibid. Note here how impertinent this place is for Vega sith hee would proue by it vncertainty of faith of a mans own saluation whereas the place speakes of Daniels vncertainty of anothers saluation Multa videntur non sunt Eccle 5. 5. Aug. in Psal. 50 or 51. vers 8. * As Aug. de vera falsa poe●itentia c. 19 expresseth himselfe saying Poenitere est poenam tenere vt semper puniat in se vlciscendo quod commisit peccando ille poenam tenet qui semper punit quod commisisse dolet tom ● V●e sa●huum̄ Cho●mah Thod●igneni Psal. 91. 11. Matth. 4. 6. * Though the Text be Yet 40. dayes * Deuils Iames 2. * Bulla Pii Quarti super forma iuramenti professionis fidei Affixed to their Councell of Trent a Bulla Pii Quarti P. R. super confirmatione Consilii Triden Sexti de officio delegati lib. 1. Papa est Lex anima●a in terris The Pope is aliuing Law vpon earth And hee is said to haue all Lawes in the cabinet of his brest as their extrauagants say Ephes. 2. 20. Reuel 8. 10. 11. Aug. Epist. lib. Epist. 130. Cirtensibus Aug. de vnitate Eccles. c. 16 Aug. de Baptismo contra Donat lib. 2. c. 3. * He excepts none no not the Bishop of Rome * Not a word of the Bishop of Romes authority ouer general Councels Those former ages were ignorant of it Aug. contra faustum Manichaeum lib. 32. cap. 19. Aug. contra Epist. Manich. quam vocant sundamenti lib. cap. 5. tom 6. Iohn 4. 42. Aug Paulinae Epist. 112. August contra Maxim Arrian Epist. lib. 3. c. 14. August Tertul. aduersu● Hermog lib. Chrys. in Mat. 24. hom 49. ab incerto autore Rom. 2. 29. Chrys. in Mat. 23. homil 24. Acts 19. 35. Aug. contra literas Pe●illiani Dona●istae lib. 3. cap. 6. * Marc. 9. 24. * Rom. 4. 18. Tremel pascere fide Esay 7. 9. * Heb. Lachasoth Mat. 23. 37. Heb. 11. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrys. in Heb. 11. 1. homil 21. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Theophrast 〈◊〉 5. de causis plantarum * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vega lib. 14. de peccato mortali ven●●li Esay 28. 16. Pro. 28. 1. Psal. 112. 7. Matth. 9. * Psal. 19. Iosh. 10. Heb. 11. 35. a Bern. Epist. 190. b He meaneth the old Martyrs of the Church that suffered for the true religion not the new Martyrs of Rome that iustly suffer for rebellion and treason Concil Trid. Sess. 6. Can. 12 13. 14. Acts 27. Acts 28. 1. Psal. 1. Chrysost. in Heb. 10. bom 19 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Chrys in Rom. c. 4. serm 8. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Basil. Ethica in fine definitionis 80. Basil. in Psal. 115. Basil. in asce●ica Tertul. lib. de Baptismo * Vega de incertitud grat cap. 32. 33. 34. c. Where hee takes vpon him to interpret the authorities of the Fathers making against Pontifician vncertainty Bern. e●ist 19● * To wit by Christ. Iohn 5. 39. Aug. in Psal. 144. 〈…〉 Ambros. de ●a●n ●●●● lib. 2. ca● 7. Ambr. in ●pist ad Rom. ●a● 1. Theoph. in Lu● 16. Vega lib. 9. de incertitud gra● cap. 41. 2. Chron. 30. 18. 19. 20. vers Ad Triarios res redijt The Priests intention a Supercedeas to all certainty of faith The testimonie of a good conscience ●●ero Godly loue a seale badge of the certaintie of saluation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Seneca Heb. 12. 6. 2. Cor. 12. * Concil Trid Scs. 6. cap. 13. Phil. 2. 12. 13. Aug. de nat grat contra Pelag. cap. 33. tom 7. Aug. in Psal. 130. concio 4. Esay ●● Aug. in Psal. 147. in prooemio Psal. 107. Concil Trid. ses 6. Can. 12. 13 Plato in Ph●done Vega. * To wit the Trent-Fathers so vsually termed by equiuocation * By some good chance doubtlesse Vega lib. 12. de incertitud praed stinat perseuerantiae c. 2 Saul one of Vega's Elect. Aug. lib. 2. ●●●implic qu. 1. Greg. lib. 4. ca. 3. in 1. Reg. 9. Salomon one of Vega's Reprobates though once Elect. Salomon fell not away totally Salomons fall as not totall so not finall Eccles. 2. 3. Aug confes lib. 6. cap. 7. Numb 20. 12. Example of Iudas Matth. 10. ● Iudas had not sauing grace Aug. quaest super Genes lib. 1. qu. 117. tom 4. Aug. in Psal. 55. Aug. de haeresibus ad Quod-vult-deum lib. 6. 18. Cainites Rom. 3. 22. 23. * We are too well acquainted with your Pontifician promises ● Pet. 2. Pro. 28. 14. Bern. in Septuages serm 1. Eccles. 9. 1. Psal. 137. Aug. de bono perseuer lib. 2. cap. 16. Greg. moral 6. Predestination defined * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
it loueth And between these friends all things are most freely common He partakes of our flesh we of his spirit Hee of our nature we of his grace He of our infirmities we of his perfections He of our pouerty we of his riches yea Hee of our sinnes which hee bare vpon the Tree wee of his righteousnesse the best Robe He is called the sonne of man we the Sonnes of God He the Lord our righteousnesse and we the Lord our righteousnesse yea He and we one Christ. O incomparable communion O incomprehensible vnion Neuer such an immediate intercourse and community betweene friends And this not for a day or a yeare or for terme of life but for life without terme For as Christs loue to his is from euerlasting so it is to euerlasting it is without beginning and therefore without ending Ioh. 13. 1. So that of this loue betweene Christ and his faithfull friends and brethren we may sing the Psalme of Dauid the burthen whereof is principally the loue between Christ and his brethren Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in vnity It is like the precious oyntment vpon the head that ran downe vpon the beard euen Aarons beard and went downe to the skirts of his garments As the deaw of Hermon and as the deaw that descended vpon the mountaines of Sion for there the Lord commanded the blessing euen life for euermore This Psalme is a mirrour and cleare type of that vnion and communion of grace betweene Christ and the faithfull Behold therefore it is Christ that maketh his faithfull ones to dwell together in vnitie to bee of one minde in the house of God Psalme 68. 6. He it is that perswades Iaphet to dwell in the Tents of Sem the Gentiles to become one Family with the Iew vnder Christ that one head whose type was Aaron From him our head our high Priest flowes downe the oyle of grace vpon vs vnto the skirts of his clothing euen vpon vs whose nakednesse hee hath couered with the skirts of the robes of his righteousnesse of whose fulnesse wee haue all receiued and grace for grace His head is full of the dew of grace distilling vpon the barren Mountaines of his Sion his Church and chosen to poure a blessing vpon it and there to giue life for euermore Such is the vnion betweene Christ his faithfull ones farre passing the loue betweene dearest friends euen that betweene Ionathan and Dauid passing the loue of women Eightly nor is this vnion betweene Christ and the beleeuer a ciuill vnion such as is betweene the King and the Subiect for alas to what dis-vnion and diuision is this subiect too especially where the Pope is Lord Paramount whenas eyther his roaring Buls of excommunication and deposition of Kings or the poysoned steellettoes or pistols of his all-daring brats doe euen teare the head from the body as too lamentable experience hath proued True it is that Christ is our King and we his seruants hee commands vs wee obey him he is our Princely head we his members but his commandements are not grieuous his yoke is easie and his burden light He hath lightened the burden and sweetened the yoke vnto vs by both hauing borne the grieuousnesse and bitternes of it himselfe alone and for the remnant hee both beares it with vs and giues vs strength to beare it yea he hath so loued vs and so shed his loue abroad in our hearts by his holy Spirit giuen vnto vs that as hee can neuer deny vs the grace and protection of a louing Prince so hee hath giuen vs grace neuer to deny him our most humble homage and louing obedience So that neuer was there such a strait bond betweene Prince and People as betweene Christ and the Beleeuer Ninthly this vnion betweene Christ and the Beleeuer is not a coniugall vnion such as is betweene a man and his wife although this be a mysticall resemblance whereby Christ setteth forth his vnion with vs. For this Coniugall vnion suffereth dissolution and death giues the Suruiuer libertie to marry a new mate Not so with Christ and his Spouse This is a band indissoluble The marriage band is but during this life it holds not in heauen for there they neither marry nor are giuen in marriage but this with Christ suffereth no diuorse but death is a degree to the full consummation of it Also the man and the wife are but one flesh but Christ and the beleeuer one spirit In a word this vnion betweene Christ and the Beleeuer is not the vnion of dependency as between the Creature the Creator for this is common to all the Creatures who haue their being life and sustentation in a dependency from the Creator his raine showreth and his sunne shineth vpon the good and euill vpon the iust and the vniust indifferently All depend and waite vpon thee saith Dauid and thou giuest them their meate in due season when thou openest thine hand they are filled with good when thou withdrawest their breath they returne to their dust But the vnion betweene Christ and his although it be an vnion of dependency wherein the Beleeuers eternall well-beeing hath a necessary dependance on Christ yet this dependance is proper and peculiar to the faithfull and not common with any other Creature vnlesse with the elect Angels who depend vpon Christ for the perpetuation of their happinesse So that the faithfull haue their dependance on Christ not onely as their Creator being the eternall Word common with other Creatures but chiefly as their Redeemer and Sauiour proper to them only and that not only for the supply of things temporall but much more of graces spirituall and glory eternall Thus by shewing what kinde of vnion this between Christ and the Beleeuer is not wee come to see the more cleerely what it is The Scripture also setteth forth this vnion by sundry similitudes especially foure as betweene a house and the foundation betweene the vine and the branches or the oliue roote and the tree betweene the man and the wife betweene the head and the members What more neare the foundation and building make one house the vine and branches one tree the man and wife one flesh the head and members one body So Christ and the beleeuer are one spirit Being vnited to Iesus our head hee becomes the Sauiour of vs his body Ephes. 5. 23. Beeing vnited to Christ wee are annoynted with all his titles and graces we are made Kings and Priests to God his Father Beeing vnited to this foundation we become liuing stones growing vp to an holy Temple in the Lord. Being vnited to this Vine this Oliue we partake of the sweetnesse of the one and of the fatnesse of the other Being vnited to this Spouse wee are endowed with all his goods Being vnited to this head wee receiue the rich influence of spirituall life and motion quickning euery member Yea that which is