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A17219 Questions of religion cast abroad in Helvetia by the aduersaries of the same: and aunswered by M. H. Bullinger of Zurick: reduced into .17. common places. Translated into Englishe by Iohn Coxe. 1572 Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Coxe, John. 1572 (1572) STC 4074; ESTC S113230 103,005 301

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the name of sectes and these woords sectes and sectaries are vsually receyued in common spéeche But bycause they are deriued from the Latine tong many simple people doe not perfectly vnderstande them These woords sectes and sectaries are deriued from the woorde which signifieth to cut as when an whole péece of wood is hewen or cut into diuers partes or when those which were first of one minde doe nowe disagrée and are deuided into sundry opinions so as almost euery one hath a seuerall opinion with him selfe and so these partes being thus separated are called sectes euen as amongste the Philosophers were sundry sectes as of the Epicures Stoickes and Peripatetickes amongst whome eche secte had his peculiar or proper opinion Yet notwithstāding the fathers doe make some difference betwéene these words heresie and schisme of which difference there is no néede héer to speake sauing only to note that euery schisme is not heresie For when the Apostles begā first to preach and builde the churche that is to say to bring a peculiare people bothe of the Jewes and Gentiles vnto Christe and that they might seeke al things in him their Doctrine was called heresie as plainly appeareth Acts. 24. And bicause the Doctrine of the Apostles did differ much frō the doctrine which héeretofore had bene taught amongste the Jewes they called it heresie supposing it to be a defection or separation from that which they iudged to be the true faith Wherfore whersoeuer any discord schisme or heresie is begonne it muste néedes followe that there was first an vnitie which is nowe deuided by the Heretickes wherupon wée must perfectly know what that vnitie is which the Heretickes so deuyde by meanes whereof they take thys theyr name true church of Christ which putteth hir trust only in god the father through our lord Jesus Christ his son by the power of the holy ghost Yea also the sacramēts of ▪ Christ Baptisme the Supper of the Lord serue to this purpose by which the godly binde them selues to God mutually knit thē selues together in loue And this therfore is that whole summe or vnitie which being separated maketh heretickes And we haue exāples héereof in the auncient people of God to whō God gaue in cōmaundement that they should loue him with al their hart with all their soule with all their strength and therfore he included them into one churche gaue them one lawe made one couenaunt with them instituted amongste them one Tabernacle or Temple one arke of couenaunt one altare Sacrifice and Priesthoode Yea their sacramentes that is to say Circūcision and the Passeouer serue also to this vnitie teaching them that they were all one people vnder one God in one faithe And therefore he forbad them to worship or serue strāge gods that is to say to haue in steade of God or of a sauior any thing whatsoeuer besides him selfe who is the true and liuing god He also forbad them to hearken after strange religions or to worship him or offer Sacrifices vnto him in any other place but in that only yea and after that sort which himself had ordained But Jeroboam king of Israel did first manifestly cōtrary to the ordinances of god For first he separated the vnitie of the church into diuers parts and brought x. tribes frō the only temple altars priesthoode sacrifice brue them frō the appoynted written seruice of God built two tēples after his owne minde in which he placed idols built altars chose priests after his own wil wherof we mai read in the first of Kings in chap. 12. 13. And this was the chefest heretike or deuider of gods church ▪ for the which oftētimes he was moste sharpely reproued by the word of god Then after this mā came King Achab who besides this added héerunto the worshipping of Baal and so ledde the people yet further from the true right way wherfore God rooted out bothe them and all their posteritie Againe after that the blessed Apostles had preached Christe and all saluation of man to be contained in him and on this foundation haue builded the churche in this worlde lefte their wrytings and the bookes of the Prophetes wherin is contained the fulnesse of all good doctrine vnto the same they foreshewed in their wrytings that there should come suche which would deuide or tear their doctrine faith and church And in shorte space after suche entred into the churche and haue daily encreased Of whome some denyed the Trinitie some the deuine and some the humane nature of Christe Other some of them did extenuate or take away the corruption of manne or as some call it Originall sinne and some did attribute righteousnesse and saluation of man to mannes owne power and frée wil to the workes of the lawe and merites of men and that cleane contrary to the frée grace of god And eache of these most lamentably haue torne and rent the holy scriptures and the church to the ende they might establishe some peculiar opinions and by those crooked sleightes to seduce the foolish and leade them from the onely way and Apostolike churche to their vtter destruction which sleightes and péeuishe opinions they either haue deuised of their owne braynes or else receiued them frō other traditions without the warrant of the holy Scriptures and hauing thus receiued them they moste obstinately defende and teach them And therfore the auncient fathers haue righte worthely counted and estéemed them for Schismatikes and Heretikes Wherfore if any nowe in these our dayes doo rayse vppe or renue any of the aforenamed Heresies of sedicious opinions or deuise any thing of them selues contrary to the Scriptures or doo otherwyse rent and deuide asunder the scriptures and the holy christian Church and attribute that vnto them selues whereof they haue spoyled Chryst and béeyng neuerthelesse better instructed oute of the worde of God wil not reuoke their foresayde errours but preache vnto them selues an other God an other Gospell an other Chryst renting the hearts of the faythfull teaching them not to loue one god with al their harts but other Gods also not to pray vnto God onely but to other creatures to serue them worship them pray vnto them Agayn they teach not al saluatiō and health to be in Chryst alone but to be in other creatures also that christ is not in the holy scriptures so called a pastor head chéefe bishop aduocate and intercessor sacrifice for sinnes the righteousnesse redemption of the faithful as thoughe these were so proper vnto him that to this end none other things might be ioyned to him Furthermore if they vse the Sacraments for any other purpose than for the conseruation and increase of the vnitie of the Church If I say either euen wée our selues or any other doo the things wherof I haue spoken they are vndoubtedly to be suspected of Heresie as the authors of sectes and discordes in faythe and the true Churche of Chryste
inuocation prayers holy dayes fasting dayes gyftes sacrifices almes dedicating of Churches lyghting of Candles and such lyke then saye wée that God alone is to bée worshipped inuocated and honoured and not the Sainctes Yea the Sainctes wyll not bée worshipped and serued in this sort But if this worshippe signifie to reuerence and honestly and reuerently to thynke of them and acknowledge them prayse and commende them as the deare frendes of God and to imbrace them as the singular Ministers and members of Chryste then doo wée gladly beléeue and truely confesse that all the godly the blessed virgin Mary the Angels Apostles Martyres and all other Sainctes oughte by good right to bée worshipped Furthermore wée condemne all those which contemptuously thinke any thing of the Sainctes whiche lyue in heauen And chiefly we confesse that the blessed virgin Mary is woorthy all prayse and that shée is a pure vndefyled virgin bothe before in and after the birthe of Chryste and that shée is blessed aboue all other women and that of hir wombe was borne the sonne of God and therefore may very well be called the mother of god Yea wée also acknowledge and confesse that shée was the dearely beloued handemayden of God who for hir●faythe loue puritie lowlinesse holynesse pacience hope and suche lyke vertues can neuer bée sufficiently praysed and that shée was aboue all others beautified with moste singular gifts of grace and therfore we ought to thinke mo●e reuerently of hir And as touching the Apostles of our Lorde Jesus Chryst we acknowledge them to bée the chosen and singular frends and seruaunts of God indued with most excellent giftes by whom it was his pleasure that the gospel should bée preached vnto vs that thereby the worlde mighte receyue lighte and wée bée delyuered from the mouthe of Sathan and adopted in Chryste into the number of the children of god Yea wée defende the doctrine faythe loue vertues and example of lyfe bothe of the Apostles Martyres and all other the godly agaynst all the enimies of GOD and of the Sainctes yea wée prayse God in them and loue them as the very members of the selfe same body with vs vnder our onely heade Chryste wée studie to followe the example of their lyues and faythe that wée may togither with them after this lyfe haue the fruition of eternall ioyes with god Furthermore whatsoeuer the holy Scripture teacheth or God commaundeth to bée done vnto them we muste readily and willingly yéelde it vnto them But nowe why wée doo not attribute and giue vnto them those honors which the Papists require that is to aske séeke helpe of them in time of trouble as from our intercessors sauiors I wil héere bréefly render the reasons and further also shew why we so earnestly teache and affirme that god alone ought to be worshipped called vppon and serued our lord Jesus Chryst to be acknowledged the onely euerlasting mediator and intercessor before god the father in heauē First we haue a manyfest commandement that in all necessities God only is to be prayed vnto and called vppon and that he alone is sufficient for vs and that he bothe can and will giue vnto vs all things necessarie bothe for our bodies and soules for he him selfe calleth vs vnto him and promiseth vs all good things and is displeased so often as wee seeke vnto others and not vnto him and therfore when we come vnto him we greatly delight him and thereby worshippe him Secondely by the examples of all Sainctes and in the Psalmes also wée are taughte that God alone in all cases is to be called vpon and to be thanked for those benefites whiche we receiue what so euer they be Thirdely that common and holy prayer called the Lordes prayer can onely be sayde and offered to God the father and to no maner of creature Wherefore if we had no other thing but this prayer of our Lorde yet might wée thereby sufficiently knowe that none other is to be called vppon but God only Last of all S. Paule saith he ought to be called vppon on whome we doe beléeue but we doe beléeue in God only and therfore we ought to call vpon him only as he who alone knoweth is able and will helpe vs And yet we do not reiecte the intercession of Christ neither say we that we haue néede of no intercessor with god But like as God alone is to be called vpon so ought we to vse none other intercession nor any other aduocate or intercessor before God than Christe Jesus onely bicause the father hath appoynted him alone to this function therefore in him he heareth and receiueth oure prayers as I haue héeretofore sufficiently preued Wherfore if we would doe obedient seruice to the Sainctes then should we content oureselues with God and Christ our sauioure only For vnto this marke haue the Sainctes alwayes sent all menne and would not suffer themselues to be worshipped or called vpon Wherfore if they suppose that the saincts did not send men to Christe alone but to others also then let them shewe vs who they were to whom they sent thē For we haue our opinion confirmed by the manifest scriptures For when S. John twice as appeareth in the Reuelation 19. 22. fel downe before the Angell to worship him the Angell answered Take heede thou do it not for I am thy fellovve seruaunte and of thy brethren the Prophets worship thou God. Againe at the mariage in Cana a citie of Galelei when there lacked wine the mother of Jesu saide vnto him They haue no vvine Iesus ansvvered vnto hir and sayde vvoman vvhat haue I to doe vvith thee mine houre is not yet come His mother said to the seruaunts vvhat so euer he sayth vnto you doe it And this is the only will of the virgine Mary that what so euer hir sonne commaundeth we should do it And bicause he commaundeth vs to come vnto him to cal on him to pray in his name doutlesse the blessed virgin wold haue vs so to do to serue him and not hir which thing we do when we call vpō hir son not vppon hir In the Actes also it is written of Peter and John that when they hadde healed the lame at the gate of the Temple the whole multitude being amazed ranne vnto them but the Apostles sent the people from them selues vnto Christe saying vvhy meruell you at this Or vvhy looke you so on vs as thoughe by our povver or vertue vve had caused this man to vvalke God hathe in this sorte glorified hys sonne c. Likewise Paule and Bar●abas when they had healed the man that was as is wrytten in the foure twentienth of the Acts of the Apostles and that the menne of Lystra woulde haue done Sacrifice vnto them Paule refused it as a thyng horyble in the sighte of GOD and so renting hys garmentes diligently taughte them that God onely was to be woorshipped and not the Apostles
holy spirite whereas notwithstanding he accuseth them of gréeuous erroures and vices and exhorteth them to repentaunce and amendment of theyr liues Whereby it is euident that euen these most excellent churches of the Apostles haue erred But there is an other Obiection brought againste vs oute of the ballades of Salomon and out of the fifth Chapiter of S. Paules Epistle to the Ephesians where it is sayde that the church is beautiful and without spot or wrinkle which place S. Augustine interpreteth saying that this puritie and holinesse is begon in this life but in the life to come vvhen through deathe vve shall putte of this fleshe it shall be fully perfited so as vve shal haue neither spot nor blemishe but be moste perfectly pure Héereunto we adde the woordes of Christe who moste plainly expoundeth this matter in the Gospell saying He that is vvashed needeth not saue to vvash his fete but is cleane euery vvhit And againe he sayeth Euery braunche vvhich bringeth forth frute my father purgeth that it may bring forthe more frute Novve are you cleane throughe the vvorde vvhich I haue spoken vnto you He doeth not onely say that the Churche is pure but altogither pure yea that it may bring foorthe frute and yet neuerthelesse he speaketh of the washing of the féete and of the purging which his father shall doe Wherby we may easily gather and perceiue that the churche is cleane throughe the grace of God in Christ Iesu and yet by hir owne nature and through the manifold infirmities of the flesh which shée retaineth euen vntill this temporall deathe shée hathe néede to be washed and purged Wherfore shée daily prayeth Forgeue vs oure trespasses as vvee forgiue them that trespasse againste vs. And S. Iohn the Apostle sayth If vvee say vvee haue no sinne vvee deceiue oure selues and there is no truthe in vs ● Iohn ● wherefore being deliuered from this miserable fleshe we are made perfectly pure in the life to come and frée from al blemishe But so long as the Sainctes liue heere on this earthe clothed with theyr flesh they are subiecte to many infirmities And therfore héereby it appeareth that by this reason the Churche bothe may and dothe erre although it cannot be moued bicause shée is grounded vpon the true rocke and so long as shée heareth and foloweth the voice of her true pastor shée erreth not The fifth Question By what markes or tokens may the church of Christ be knowen The Answere CHefely the Churche of God may be known by the pure worde of God perfect faith charity innocēcy newnesse of life the cōtinual calling vpō god in al her necessities For Christe plainly sayeth He that is of God heareth gods vvord And againe My shepe heare my voice but the voice of a straunger vvill they not heare but vvill flee from it And againe In this shall all men knovve that you bee my Disciples if you loue one an other And S. Paule The sure foūdation of God abideth hauing thys token God knovveth vvho are his and lette euery one vvhiche calleth on the name of Christe departe from euyll And againe Euery one vvhich calleth on the name of the Lorde shal be saued And to this ende also appertayne the blessed Sacramentes whome Christe hathe ordeyned as outwarde signes of his churche and therfore oughte moste reuerently to be receiued of vs as they haue bene by the Sainctes before in true faithe as may appeare Matth. 28. Mar. 16. Luk. 24. Act. 2. 8. 10. c. 1. Cor. 10. 11. But bicause many godly men which are the true and liuely members of Christ do oftētimes want the sacraments not throughe contempte but by reason of necessitie being yet neuerthelesse knitte vnto Christe and his members by true faithe spirite loue and newnesse of life exercising themselues in all Godly studies I haue placed the firste order of signes as moste chéefe and necessarye whereby the Churche may be knowen yet not omitting these godly signes or Sacraments But nowe the Prelates of Rome thynke and say that the true and lawefull signe of Christes Churche is the orderly succession of Bishoppes in the Churche wyth theyr spirituall gouernement And bicause the Churche of Rome hathe suche succession therefore they say that it is the true and primitiue Churche and that they haue the true gouernemente of the same so that who soeuer is oute of that gouernment is out of the true Churche They call succession a contynued order wherein one Byshoppe hathe succéeded in the place of an other and hathe gouerned the Church euen from Sainct Peter the Apostles time vnto this Pope called Paule the fourthe But they greatly erre whiche thynke that any thing may be proued by succession whylest they leaue oute tha● ▪ which is of moste force therein That is that if like as they haue succéeded in the place of Peter and the other Godly Bishoppes which thyng we graunte them they haue also succéeded them in the spirite of Christe in Doctrine in faithe grauitie godlinesse humilitie and pacience Wherefore sithe they wante thys poynte being the chéefest as all menne knowe and finde by experyence so as it neadeth no further proofe theyr vaunte of succession is nothing els but an idle sounde to bleare the eyes of those which are simpie Saincte Paule the Apostle sayeth thus Bee yee folovvers of mee euen as I folovve Christe Whereby appeareth that Succession taketh his force and effecte onely in Christe wythoute whome it neyther proueth or aua●●eth any thing Wherefore euen in theyr owne Canons it is thus wrytten Dist●n 40. It is not an easie matter to stande in the place of Peter and Paule and to occupie the seate of those vvhiche raigne vvith Christe Bicause it is sayde they are not the children of holy menne vvhiche occupie the place of holy men but they vvhiche exercise the vvoorkes of them VVee therefore vvhich gouerne oughte to be knovvne not by the Noblenesse of birthe or of the place but by the excellencie of oure manners not by the famousnesse of Cities but by the puritie of Faithe The seat maketh not a priest but a priest maketh the seate the place sanctifieth not a man but the man the place Euery priest is not holy but euery one vvhich is holy is a prieste Hee that occupieth the seate vvell receiueth honoure of the same But he that vseth it euil dothe vvrong vnto the seate By these woordes it is manifestly taughte that the chaire or seate wherin holy Bishoppes haue sette or succession is nothing woorthe excepte he be also holy which succéedeth in the place of holy menne imitating the steppes of those which were before him but if he be wicked he then receyueth no honoure of the seate but dishonoureth the same Wherefore these Prelates may nowe consider what honoure they receiue by their succession whiche dayly to the ende they may bring vs into contempte they obiecte agaynste vs The highe Priests and Prelates who in the time of Christe
place he saithe what hast thou that thou hast not receiued wherfore if thou haue receiued it why bostest thou as thoughe thou hadste not receyued it And agayne he sayth It is giuen to you in the things appertayning to Chryst that not onely you shoulde beleeue in him but also suffer affliction for hys names sake Likewise he sayth For it is God that woorketh in you bothe the will and the deede euen of hys owne good will. And although the faythfull doo all that they doo with a frée spirite and willing minde yet neuerthelesse this their fréedome and willingnesse is let and hindered very much through the defectes and infirmities of the flesh whiche alwayes remayneth with vs euen vnto deathe Wherefore Paule greatly complayneth saying The flesh rebelleth agaynst the spirit and the spirite agaynst the flesh so that the things which I would not do that do I. Touching this matter read more Roma 7. And yet in this case doo we not attribute vnto man any more frée will than that which the frée mercy of God worketh by whose holy spirite he is fréely gouerned preserued But as touching the infirmity which dwelleth in vs the operation and working of the spirite is hindred and let thereby so that mans free will can doo nothing that is good and so that good which it is willing to doo and dothe is of the frée grace and holy spirite of god And therfore Paule attributeth not his good workes to hys owne free wil but to the grace of God saying By the grace of God I am that I am and hys grace was not in me in vayne but I labored more than they all and yet not I but the grace of God that was with me 1. Corinth 15. Marke well that he sayth yet not I but the grace of God which was with me But touching euill lyke as wée haue sayde already wée doo it not by compulsion or agaynst our will but willingly and that by reason of the corruption which is grafted in our nature And yet when wee runne headlong to the Deuill God can lette and stoppe vs and giue vs an other manner of mynde whereby wée may bée stirred and dr●uen as it were to the things wherein before we had no delight The fithe Common place Of Fayth and good Woorkes The. xviij Question What they thinke of fayth hope and charitie The Answere TOuching these thrée being in déede the cheefe poynts of our Christian religion I thinke very wel and truely of them euen as the word of god hathe taughte Fayth is the sure confidence of a man that is lyghtened of God whereby he trusteth in God and in his onely son our Lord Jesus Chryst and his vndoubted worde and that to the remission of sinnes and eternall lyfe Hope is a stedfaste pacient and comfortable looking for of those things whiche we beléeue cheefly if the receiuing of them be deferred and appeare otherwise thā they were beléeued to be charitie is poured into our hearts encreased and preserued and is due both to God man so that we should loue God aboue all things and our neighbour as our selfe euen as Chryste also hath loued vs The places of Scripture from whence these descriptions are taken I haue therfore willingly left out least this Booke shoulde grow and encrease vnto an huge volume The. xix Question Whether these three vertues faith hope charity are but one thing or else distinct vertues in the holy Scripture and chiefly whether the one may not be taken for the other The Answere TOuching these thrée singuler giftes of God S. Paule speaketh distinctly giuing to ech of them their peculyar properties 1. Thes. 1. VVe giue thanks vnto God almightie for you all making mention of you in our praiers remembring alwayes your effectuall fayth diligēt or working loue and stedfast hope in our Lord Iesus Chryst. c. And forasmuche as he giueth thankes and prayers vnto God he teacheth that these vertues are fréely giuen frō him vnto men and that therefore they ought to pray and render thankes vnto him And vnto faythe he attributeth a certayne effectuall working bicause that from hir all good works yea hope and charitie do spring And he calleth charity diligētor working bicause true charitie or loue laboreth and exerciseth hir selfe to please bothe God and man And to hope he attributeth stedfastnesse and pacience bicause Paul in the eight to the Romanes sayth That wee are made safe throughe hope But hope if it be seene is no hope For how can a man hope for that which he seeth But if we hope for the thing whiche we see not by pacience wée looke for them Therefore fayth hope and charitie are distincted vertues and haue eche their proper operations And therefore are they seuerally reckened by S. Paule 1. Corin 1. in which place he sayth that these thrée are Agayne these vertues are so coupled togither and depende so one of an other that they can not in any wise be hadde seuerally For who so rightly beléeueth in God and his word the same also hopeth to receiue the things he looketh for Lyke as Paule teacheth out of the Prophet Abacuc in the Epistle to the Hebrues cap. 10. Againe who so rightly beléeueth in God loueth him as his chefe and euerlasting good and loueth man bicause he is the image of God redéemed by him as S. John teacheth in his Epistle And therfore Paule to the Hebrues Cap. 11. interpreteth fayth by hope saying Fayth is the substance or grounde of thynges which are hoped for And in hys firste Epistle to Timothe he sheweth that charitie springeth from faythe saying Furthermore the end of the commaundementis loue from a pure hart a good conscience and fayth vnfayned Therefore like as there is but one sunne and yet he is not alone so is there but one fayth and yet is she not alone But as from the sunne procéedeth two seuerall things so that thereby three things are in the sunne that is the globe or body of the sunne from whiche procéedeth brightnesse and heate and these thrée are so ioyned in one sunne that by no meanes they can be separated and yet are they three distincted things hauing eche their seuerall properties So lykewise these three vertues faythe hope and charitie are so knytte togither that by no meanes they may bée separated and yet are they seuerally distincted Wherefore euen as from the Globe or substaunce of the sunne as from one spring lighte and heate doo flowe so from faythe also bothe charitie and hope doo spring And as the body of the sunne is not the lyghte or the heate so Fayth is neyther Hope nor Charitie Yet neuerthelesse the bodye of the Sunne is not wythoute Heate and Lyght and Fayth is not without Hope and Charitie And as the sunne shineth by his brightnesse and not by his heate so faythe inasmuche as shée receiueth Chryste iustifieth vs before God and not through charitie Therfore
of the righteous and punishment of the vngodly which rewarde is not referred to the deseruing of oure woorkes but to the free mercie of God and therefore when the faithful doe any thing for the which God giueth them a rewarde they receiue not the same as of duetie but as giuen them fréely by grace And thys same dothe the Scripture manyfestly teache for Paule saythe The revvarde of sinne is deathe but eternall life is the gifte of God throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Wherefore it is manifest that oure sinne deserueth deathe but oure righteousnesse deserueth not eternall life For it is the frée gift of God which Christe hathe deserued for vs and is therefore freely giuen vnto vs Wherefore the Apostle sayth For I counte not the afflictiōs of this present time vvorthy of that glory vvhich shall be shevved on vs in the life to come Yet neuerlesse these men go about to persuade with all men that we deserue so great things by our owne woorkes and so wilfully sette them selues againste the faithfull Doctrine of our Lorde who saythe So you likevvise vvhen you haue done all that you can yet say that you are vnprofitable seruauntes vvee haue done that vve oughte to haue done And againste this saying of Augustine God revvardeth his ovvne giftes and not thy merites Againe If thou vvilt be an abiecte from grace then bragge of thy merites The. xxiii Question Whether that Marie Magdalenes sinnes were not forgiuen for the earnest loues sake which she bare vnto Christe The Answere IF that sinnefull Maries sinnes were forgiuē hir for the loue which shée bore to Christ then shée recompenced thys hir forgiuenesse and therefore it was not the frée gift of God neither wer hir sinnes remitted by grace But the Gospell teacheth that shée had remission of hir sinnes without any desert For the Lorde sayth There vvas a certaine man vvhich had tvvo detters and vvhen they vvere not able to paie him he forgaue bothe of them the dets Wherfore if hir det were forgiuen and pardoned then did shée not purchase or deserue it by hir loue Furthermore the wordes of the gospel plainly teache that Maries loue sprang from the forgiuenesse of hir sinnes and not the forgiuenesse of hir sinnes from hir loue for so is it written Of these tvvo therefore that is to say of the two detters which were pardoned tell me vvhiche vvill loue him most Simon answered saying I thinke him to vvhome moste vvas forgiuen And he said to him thou hast iudged right And therefore he afterwarde telleth with what great loue Marie embraced him and that bicause he had forgiuen hir many sinnes Yet notwithstāding these men dare manifestly affirme the contrary to wit that ●ure Lord forgaue hir hir sinnes that for hir loues sake But yet they obiect that Christ sayd Many sinnes are forgiuen hir for shee loued much To that I answere that it is all one as if he should haue sayd many sinnes are forgiuē hir ▪ and therfore shée loueth much And that this is the true meaning of our Lordes words the things which go before and the things which folow after do manifestly teache For euen immediatly after these words he saith To vvhome a little is remitted he loueth a little Then knitteth he vp his words thus Thy fins are forgiuen thee Thy faith hath saued thee go in peace Sée therfore what saued hir first the free grace of our Lord by which hir sinnes were forgiuen secondly faith by the which shee receyued the mercy or grace of god and committed hir selfe wholely to him And héere hence it came that shée obtained quietnesse and faithfully loued him The. xxiiij Question Whether Christe did not reiect those which beleued in him and cast out deuils in his name and did not good workes and whether he will not call all those to eternall life which haue done good works whether he will not condemne al those at the last day which are workers of iniquitie The Answere IT hath bin euer known that the faith to woorke miracles is distincted from the faith in christ Wherfore it followeth not that bicause the faithe to woorke miracles saueth not those which doe them therfore true faithe in Christe saueth not Like as it foloweth not as we haue said before The deuil beléeueth and yet is not saued therfore faith saueth not For there is one faithe of the deuels an other of the faithfull wherby they trust in the grace and promisse of god Furthermore Christ shal iudge in the laste day after the manner of men for they iudge of things manifest and known and so also shall Christ do But bicause faith is the gift of God spirituall and inuisible yet notwithstanding sheweth it selfe by workes so that therby is made manifest who are faithful and who not therfore the Lord iudgeth according to works But let vs heare the sentence of the iudge Come saith he you blessed of my father possesse the inheritance or kingdome prepared for you before the foundation of the world And in whom are we blessed but only in christ Gal. 3. Wherfore if the kingdome come by inheritance thē is it of grace Furthermore if it be prepared before the foundations of the worlde then was it prepared before we were borne or could doe good woorks Of this matter Paule speaketh more Ephesi 1. Thus much haue we spoken of faith and good woorkes which we do not condemne or despise as our aduersaries do falsly accuse vs but this is it we onely séeke that we wold not haue that to be attributed to good woorks which only is due vnto christ For otherwise we exhort all mē to the doing of good woorks and that not such as we faine or deuise of oure selues but suche as God hathe commaunded to be done throughe true faithe and not to make marchandise of them Yea we testifie vnto all those churches which we teach that they are greatly reproued and cōdemned if they brag of faithe and declare not the sam● by good woorkes The sixth Common place Of Intercession Inuocation and woorshippyng of Sainctes which now liue in heauen The. xxv Question Whether they doe not beleeue that Christe and his members that is to say the Angelles and Sainctes which liue in heauen doe pray vnto God for the vniuersal church of Christ The Answere IT is bothe faithfully manifestly taughte in the gospell the wrytings of the Apostles that Christ doth pray for his vniuersall churche and for all faithfull and is their only intercessor aduocate and mediator to God his heauenly father For Christe himselfe in the Gospell saythe Verely verely I say vnto you vvhat so euer you shall aske of my father in my name he vvill giue it you Hitherto you haue not asked any thing in my name novve aske and you shall receiue it And again Come vnto me all you that doe laboure and are heauy loden and I vvill refreshe you These woordes therfore of Christe
séeke a newe Sacrifice to be offered And therfore it followeth that the holy church euen to the ende of the worlde doth acknowledge none other sacrifice propitiatorie for sinnes but the deathe and passion of Christe alone And that which of this only sacrifice of Christe I haue hither vnto spoken is most truely and manifestly confirmed by the euidēt testimony of holy scripture as Leui. 16. Zach. 3. Hebr. 5. 7. 8. 9. and 10. chapters But to returne to the Lords supper it is not in that respecte that we do minister it a propitiatorie Sacrifice that by the doing and celebrating of it we should be deliuered from sinne For the deathe and sacrifice of Christe vpon the crosse if we haue faithe hathe deliuered and purged vs from oure sinnes Neyther is Christe in his supper crucified againe or his body offered in the same againe for why no Priest is able to offer it but there is onely celebrated a remembraunce of his Sacrifice once perfected and that not by the Priest alone but by the whole churche For so our sauioure Christ commaunded saying Doc this in the remembraunce of me wherefore S. Augustine very agreeable with the holy scripture wryteth againste the Manachees saying That before the comming of Christe the Sacrifice of his body and bloud vvas promised by the figured sacrifices of the olde Testamente but by his comming and passion it is finished and that after his ascention the remembrance thereof is celebrated Wherefore the opinion of those which say that the body and bloud of Christe is offered in the Masse for the quicke and the deade vnto the ende of the worlde can in no wise be confirmed by any testimonies of holy Scripture And to passe ouer that the deade haue already receiued their iudgement as it is already saide in the thirtie foure and thirtie fiue Questions they besides can not any more be made partakers of the Lords supper for the Lord saith Take and eate which thing the deade can not doe But in that they say the priest eateth for the deade they doe it contrary to the commaundemente of Christe To conclude the supper of the Lorde is onely the remembrance of the sacrifice of Christ once finished and not the sacrifice it selfe and that done only by those which héere doe liue The sacrifice of praise and thanks giuing comprehendeth first the praise and thankes which they offer to God by a pure faith for all his benefites bestowed on them And bicause in the Lordes Supper we chéefely make a remembrance of Christes death and our redemption therfore praise God and geue thankes vnto him the fathers haue called the same supper a sacrifice and we also doe willingly acknowledge that this sacramēt in this sorte is an acceptable Sacrifice vnto God and yet not bicause the priest offereth the body and bloud or prayers for to merite or gaine thereby but bicause the whole congregation in theyr prayers offer vnto God praise thanks geuing for the benefite of Christes sacrifice which once offered vp him selfe vppon the crosse Many things in déede are spoken of this Sacrifice in the holy scriptures as in the Psalmes the Prophets the Epistles of Paul and chéefely in the thirtienth chapter to the Hebrewes Yea also of the Fathers as Ireneus and Tertullian vppon the woordes of Malachie in his firste Chapter c. Furthermore the studie to obey the commaundemente of God to the encrease of oure faithe and the prouoking of others vnto good the forgeuing of offences and mutuall loue yea the studie of righteousnesse and holinesse the offering of oure bodies and soules is an acceptable sacrifice vnto god Like as the Psalmes Prophetes Euangelists and Apostles doe eche where exhort● vs and chéefely in the twelfthe chapter to the Romaines And we thincke it more necessary and profitable that men be wel instructed touching this Sacrifice and that these things shoulde be taughte them than to force them to beléeue the sacrifice of the Masse by the marchaundise whereof those which call them selues spirituall doe rather encrease enlarge their owne riches than the glorye of Christ and the saluation of the faithful Therefore lette euery good man well consider with him self the doctrine concerning the sacrifices of the Christians whereof we haue hither vnto spoken and leaning neither the one way nor the other let them due●y cōsider which is best for their saluation The. xiij Common place Of repentaunce and Confession The. xlix Question Whether they beleue that ther be three partes of repentaunce to witte contrition confession and satisfaction The Answere THere are many things wrytten in the Holye scripture of repentance and the amendemente of life bothe in the New and Old testament For the doctrine of repentaunce is very necessarie and profitable for all Chrystians And this worde Repentaunce séemeth to come of this worde repayring as when torne broken or things rente are renued and repaired The Hebrues call repentaunce returning or conuerting to god But he which is returned to God ought first necessarily to know and vnderstande how he fell from him and to knowe what God is howe wée fall from him and howe wée oughte to turne to him agayne So that he which must repente ought to know his owne naughtinesse and wickednesse and also by what meanes the same may bée amended whiche is broken or spoyled And these things can in no wyse be don of any wretched sinner onlesse they be drawen herevnto and therin instructed by the spirite and worde of God which they must also most stedfastly beléeue For these things are so necessarily required that onlesse GOD by grace through his spirite open and drawe the heart of the sinner and by his worde shewe vs the perfect way gouerne and kéepe vs in the same giue vs true faith wherby to quicken and iustifie vs that onlesse I say he giue vs these al repentaunce howe harde or gréenous soeuer it séeme is no true repentaunce Let Judas bée an example héereof who repenting for hys sinnes confessed the same to the Priestes in the Temple saying I haue betrayed the innocente bloud Yea and he in this part made satisfactiō that he threw the vnrighteous price of bloud into the tēple But what did this repētance profite him although it had in it contrition confession and satisfaction they holpe him nothing at all and bicause he lacked true fayth he dispaired and hong him selfe On the other side the Lorde looking backe vpon Peter and the Cocke crowing he remembred the words of the Lord and beléeuing them departed from the wicked company wept for his sinnes and amended his faults and this his repentance was a true and perfecte repentaunce And Jeremie the Prophet confirmeth this doctrine who in his 31. chapter prayeth to the Lorde saying Conuert mee O Lorde and I shall bee conuerted for thou arte the Lorde my God and after thou haste conuerted me I shall repent and after thou haste shewed thy selfe vnto me I wyll strike my selfe