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A16831 Gods treasurie displayed: or, the promises, and threatnings of Scripture, &c. Methodically composed, for the helpe of weake memories: and contrived into question, and answere, for the comfort of Sions mourners, and for the awakening of the Laodicean-like secure. Bridges, Francis, fl. 1630.; Bunny, Francis, 1543-1617. 1630 (1630) STC 3733; ESTC S106572 191,335 607

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to see Gods Children walking in the truth Ioh. 3. Epist 4. And are aliue if they stand fast in the Lord 1. Thes 3 8. Phil. 2.7 2. Chron. 29 36. 6 By loue towards Gods Ministers For Paul doth beare record vnto the Galathians that they would haue plucked out their owne eyes and given them to him Gal. 4 15. Priscilla also and Aquila haue for his life laid down their owne necks Rom. 16 3.4 2. Tim. 1.16 1. King 18 4. 7 Loue to Gods people I could wish saith Paul that my selfe were accursed from CHRIST for my Brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh Rom. 9 3. And if saith Moses to GOD thou wilt not forgiue their sins blot me I pray thee out of thy booke which thou hast written Exod. 32 32. 2. Cor. 9 1 2 8 1 2. 2 Zeale of disliking affections For Lot that righteous man dwelling among them of the old world in seeing and hearing vexed his righteous Soule from day to day with their vnlawfull deeds 2. Pet. 2.8 And doe not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am I not grieved with them that rise vp against thee I hate them with a perfect hatred I count them mine enemies Psal 139 21. The zeale of thine house hath eaten mee vp and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen vpon mee Psal 69 9. Psal 119 53. Psal 119 136 139 158. vers Act. 17 16. Ier. 9 2. Exod. 32 19. Nehem. 13.21 25.1 4. Isa 30.22 Num. 25 8. Rom. 15 3 9. 2 Phil. 3 18. Ezra 9 3. Dan. 10 2. 1 Sam. 4 18 21 22. Q. What may wee learne from all this A. Not to be sloathfull to doe service but to be fervent in Spirit serving the Lord Rom. 12 11. And to be valiant for the Truth vpon the Earth Ier. 9 3. Knowing that if you loose your first loue God will remoue your Candlesticke out of his place Revel 2 4. And if you shall bee luke-warme hee will spew you out of his mouth Revel 3 16. CHAP. XXIII Of Charity Iustice and Content Q. BVt with our loue to GOD shall wee also haue charitable hearts vnto men A. You are taught of God to loue one another 1. Thes 4 9. whereby the Charity of every one of you all one towards another aboundeth 2. Thes 1 3. Q. Wherein shall our Charity towards our Brethren bee exercised and expr●ssed A. 1 Towards their Soules 1 As STEPHEN who prayed for his persecuters crying with a loude voyce Lord lay not this sinne to their charge Act. 7.60 And as DAVID who when his Enemies were sicke his cloathing was Sack-cloath hee humbled himselfe with fasting Psal 35 13. And as ABRAHAM for ABIMILECH Gen. 20 17. MOSES for PHARAOH Exod. 8 12. for Israel Exod. 17 11. and for MIRIAM Num. 12 13. 1. Sam. 12 18. 1. King 13 6. Dan. 9 20. Zach. 1 12 13. Acts 12 5. 2 As DAVID Psal 32 8. and SALOMON Prov. 1 2. and IOB who instructed many and strengthened the weake hands Iob 4 3 So to bee a guide of the blind a light to them which are in darknesse an instructer of the foolish a teacher of Babes Rom. 2 19. In meeknesse instructing those also that oppose themselues if God per aduenture will giue them Repentance 2. Tim. 2 25. 2 Towards their Bodies and therein first Let them be as thine owne bowels in the Lord Phil. 20. That so thy bowels may sound like a Harpe as for Moab and thy inward parts as for Kirharesh Isa 16 11. Saying looke away from me I will weepe bitterly labour not to comfort me because of the spoyling of the Daughter of my people Isa 22 4. For how can I indure to see the destruction of my kindred Esther 8 6. Iob 30 25. Ier. 9 1 48 31. Psal 35.13.14 2 Sam. 1 11 c. 2 In keeping Hospitalitie as did the old man of mount Ephraim who comming from his worke and lifting vp his eyes hee saw a way faring man in the street of the Citie hee brought him into his house and gaue provander to the Asses and they washed their feet and they did eate and drinke Iudg. 19 16 21 ver And as the Brethren of Ierusalem who gladly receiued PAVL with other Disciples of Samaria and of his company Acts 21.16 And as OBADIA● who tooke an hundred Prophets and hid them by fiftie in a Caue and fed them with Bread and water 1 King 18 4. 2 Sam. 6.19 Acts 16.34 3 In giuing Almes For TABITHA was full of good Workes and Almes-deeds which she did Act. 9.36 CORNELIVS also gaue much Almes to the people Acts 10.2 And the Disciples every man according to his abilitie sent reliefe vnto the Brethren which dwelt in Iudea and sent it to the Elders by the hands of BARNABAS and SAVL Act. 11.29 We doe you also to ●it Brethren of the grace of God bestowed ●n the Churches of Macedonia how that 〈◊〉 great tryall of affliction c. their deepe poverty abounded vnto the riches of their liberalitie For to their power I bare record yea and beyond their power they were willing of themselues 2 Cor. 8.1 2 Cor. 9.1 2 Tim. 1.16 Acts 20.34 Rom. 16.1 2. Act. 4.32 Psal 37.21 2 Chro. 28.15 Thus the righteous considereth the cause of the Poore but the wicked regardeth not to know it Pro. 29.7 For they will send the Widowes away empty and the armes of the Fatherlesse will they breake Iob 22.9 Iob 24 6. Amos 2.7 2 Sam 23.7 Prou. 12.10 Iudg. 5.23 2 Chro. 19.2 Isa 32 6. Q. What therefore must wee doe A. Seeing yee haue purified your soules in obeying the truth through the Spirit vnto an vnfained loue of the Brethren see that yee loue one another with a pure heart fervently 1 Pet. 1 22. And bee yee followers of God as deare children and walke in Loue as CHRIST also hath loued vs Ephes 5 1. That as you abound in every thing in faith in vtterance and knowledge so that yee abound in this Grace also For yee know the Grace of our Lord IESVS CHRIST that though hee was rich yet for your sakes he became poore that yee through his poverty might bee made rich 2. Cor. 8 7 Remembring also his words how that hee saith It is a blessed thing to giue rather then to receiue Act. 20 35. 1. Tim. 6 18. Pro. 17 17 14 21 14 31. Luk. 14 12. 1. Pet. 4 8. 1. Cor. 16 1 2.2 8 13. 1 Thes 4.9 10. Zach. 7 9 Iudg. 1 7. 1 Sam. 15 33 Leu. 19 33 25 35. 1 Ioh. 4 20. Nehem. 8 10. Deut. 15 7. M●th 5.42 Ioh. 15 12. Of Iustice Ob. I haue obserued some men who haue beene very open handed in releeuing the poore who yet haue made no Conscience to defraud the rich A. Surely Righteousnesse and Mercy shall meete together Psal 85 10. For I will also make thy officers peace and thine exactors righteousnesse Isa 60 17. Yea thy people shall bee all Righteous Isa 60 21. And
Christ being come in the flesh A. 1. Herein behold your happinesse aboue many who doe see and heare of these things for verily I say vnto you that many Prophets and righteous men haue desired to see those things which you see and haue not seene them and to heare those things which yee heare and haue not heard them Mat. 13.16.17 2 According to the voyce of one crying in the wildernesse Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straigth Mark 1.3 in the desert an high way for our God Isa 40.3 3 Reioyce greatly O daughter of Zion shoute O daughter of Ierusalem behold thy King commeth vnto thee Zech. 9.9 and cry saying Hosanna to the son of Dauid Blessed is hee that commeth in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest heauens Mat. 21.9 And Blessed bee the Lord God of Israel for hee hath visited and redeemed his people and he hath raised vp a horne of saluation for vs in the house of his seruant Dauid as he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which haue beene since the world beganne Luke 1.68 c. Luke 1.54 55 46 47. Mat. 23.39 Mar. 11.10 4 Oh Zion that bringest good tidings get thee vp into the high mountaines of Ierusalem that bringest good tidings lift vp thy voyce be not afraide say vnto the Cities of Iudah behold your God Isa 52.7 and to the daughters of Zion behold thy saluation is come behold his reward is with him and his worke before him Isa 62.11 5 Then if any man shall say vnto you Lo heere is Christ or lo there beleeue it not For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signes and wonders insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceiue the very Elect. Behold I haue told you before wherefore if they shall say vnto you Behold he is in the desert goe not forth behold hee is in the secret chambers beleeue it not c. Mat. 24.23 c. Ob. If these tydings be so good why is Christ said to be a stumbling-blocke and a rocke of offence to both the houses of Israel Isa 8.14 A. Vnto you which beleeue hee is precious onely vnto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner And i● stone of stumbling and a rocke of offence euen to them that stumble at the Word being disobedient whereunto also they wer● appoynted 1 Pet 2.7.8 Isa 59.20 CHAP. IIII. Vnion with CHRIST Q. VVHat interest haue belieuers in Christ thus promised and exhibited A. Christ is wholly ours for he● came vnto his owne Ioh. 1.11 And vnt● vs a Sonne is borne and vnto vs a child●●●●iuen Isa 9.6 Q. By what meanes came Christ to bee ours A. By being vnited vnto him for we are in him that is true euen in the Sonne of God Iesus Christ 1 Ioh. 5.20 For saith hee Father I will that they may be one as thou O Father art in mee and I in thee that they may be one in vs I in them and thou in mee that they may bee made perfect in one Ioh. 17.21 23. He therefore that is ioyned to the Lord is one spirit 1 Cor. 6.17 for in the dispensation of the fulnes of times he doth gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in heauen and which are in earth euen in him Ephes 1.10 Ioh. Q. By what similitudes doth the Scripture set out this our vnion with Christ A. They are many 1 Of a building For thus saith the Lord Behold I lay in Zion a stone a tryed stone a precious corner stone a sure foundation Isa 28.16 And other foundation can no man laie then that which is laid which is Iesus Christ 1 Cor. 3.11 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth vnto an holy Temple in the Lord Ephes 2.21 2 Of house and inhabitants Christ as a sonne is ouer his own house whose house are we Heb. 3.7 In whom you also are builded together for an habitation of God through the spirit Eph. 2.22 who dwelleth in you 1 Cor. 3.16 and maketh his aboade with you Iohn 1 Cor. 6.19 3 Of consanguinity For both he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified being all one hee is not ashamed to call them brethren Heb. 2.11 But doth professe that whosoeuer doth the will of God is his brother sister and mother Mark 3.35 4 Of husband and wife vnto whom we are betrothed and espowsed Hos 2.19 20 2 Cor. 11.2 euen as the bride-grome to the bride Ioh. 3.29 whereby our maker is become our husband Isa 54.5 And is the head of his Church as the husband is the head of his wife Eph. 5.23 5 Of head and members Hee is the head of the body the Church Col. 1.18 and we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones Eph. 5.30 for as the body is one hath many members all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ 1 Cor. 12.12 Know ye not therefore that your bodies are the members of Christ 1 Cor. 6.15 Ephes 1.22 23. Collos 1.24 Rom. 12.4 5. 6 Of the vine and branches Whereof Christ is the vine and we are the branches Iohn 15.5 Q. What may this our Vnion with Christ teach A. To examine and to prooue your owne selues Kow yee not your owne selues how that Iesus Christ is in you except yee be reprobates 2 Cor. 13.5 Q. Lay me down some marks wherby our vnion with Christ may be known A. 1 Because Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith Ephes 3.17 Therefore examine your selues whether you bee in the faith 2 Cor. 13.5 2 Heereby we know that hee abideth in vs by the Spirit which he hath giuen vs. 1 Iohn 3.24 But if any man haue not the spirit of Christ the same is not his Rom. 8.9 1 Ioh. 4.13 3. Whosoeuer shall confesse that Iesus is the Sonne of God dwelleth in him and he in God 1 Ioh. 4.15 4. By this shall all men know that you are his Disciples if yee haue loue one to another Ioh. 13. ●5 God is loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God God in him 1 Ioh. 12 5. Whosoeuer abideth in him sinneth not whosoeuer sinneth hath not seene him nor knowne him 1 Ioh. 3.6 But he that keepeth the commandements dwelleth in him and he in him 1 Ioh. 3.24 Ioh. 15.5.6 13.18 Gal. 5.24 Q. What if vpon due examination I doe find my selfe to be out of Christ A. For this cause bow your knees vnto the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory c. that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that you beeing rooted and grounded in loue may be able to comprehend with al Saints what is the bredth length and depth and height to know the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge that
Abrahams seede and heyres according to promise Gal. 3.29 Neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called that is they which are the children of the flesh they are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seede Rom. 9.7 Now wee brethren as Isaac was are the children of promise Gal. 1 Pet. Luk. 19.9 Mat. 3.9 Ioh. 8.39.47 Hos Isa 65.1 Ob. This priuiledge may concerne some great personages of the Gentiles but not such abiect and dispised persons as I am A. Hearken my beloued brethren hath not God chosen the poore of this world rich in faith and heires of the Kingdome which he hath promised to them that loue him Iames 2.5 For you see your calling how that not many wise men after the flesh nor many mighty nor many noble are called but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weake things of the world confound the things that are mighty a● base things of the world and things wh● are despised hath God chosen yea thi● which are not to bring to nought thi● that are that no flesh should glory in presence 1 Cor. 1.26 Isa 66.2 Ob. If I could doe some thing wo●thy of such a reward there were th● some hope A. God hath called vs not according workes but according to his own purpose a● grace whieh was giuen vs in Christ Ies●● before the world began 2 Tim. 1.9 For 〈◊〉 promise made to Abraham that he sho● be the heyre of the world was not to ●braham and his seed through the Law 〈◊〉 through the righteousnesse of faith For they which are of the Law be heires faith made voyd the promise made of none ●fect Ro. Luk. 17.7 Tit. 3.3 Ob. Notwithstanding it will not o● of my minde but that it is my well d●ing if at all that must enter mee in this estate A. This perswasion commeth not of him that calleth you Gal. 5.8 For God sent foorth his Sonne made of a woman made vnder the Law to redeeme them that are vnder the Law that we might receiue the adoption of Sonnes Gal. 4.4.5 And therefore tell me you that desire to be vnder the Law doe you not heare the Law For it is written Cast out the bondwoman and her sonne for the sonne of the bondwoman shall not be heyre with the sonne of the freewoman Gal. 4.21 Gen. 21.10 Q. How comes it then to passe that wee miserable creatures should be so highly exalted A. We haue not chosen him but he hath chosen vs Ioh. 15.16 And hath predestinated vs vnto the adoption of children by Iesus Christ to himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will Ephes 1.5.11 For behold the heauen and the heauen of heauen is the Lords the earth also with all things that therein is Only the Lord hath a delight in vs hath chosen vs aboue al people as it is this day Deu. 10.14 Isa 60.21 Rom. 11.5 Ob. Can it bee imagined that me● instamped with the diuels image should become the children of God A No For there are also giuen vnto vs great and precious promises that 〈◊〉 these ye might be partakers of the diuine n●ture hauing escaped the corruption that 〈◊〉 in the world through lust 2 Pet. 1.4 Wherby we haue put off the old man wit● his deeds and haue put on the new ma● which is renewed in knowledge after th● image of him that created vs Col. 3.9 An● are changed into the same image from glory to glory 2 Cor. 3.18 Q. What are the causes by which this Image of God is wrought in vs A. 1 Principall efficient the Spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3 18. For we are borne not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Ioh. 1.13 That which is borne of the flesh is flesh and that which is borne of the Spirit is Spirit Ioh. 3.6.8 Tit. 3.5 2 Instrumentall the word For of his owne will begat hee vs with the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures Iames 1.18 Being borne againe not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liueth and abideth for euer 1 Pet. 1.23 3 Ministring the Preachers who do beget vs by the Gospell 1 Corinth 4.15 And doe trauell in birth vntill Christ bee formed in vs Gal. 4.19 Isa 66.8 1 Cor. 9.1.2 Q. How may we know our selues to haue this image and so to be the children of God A. By these markes wee know that we are of God when yet the whole world lyeth in wickednesse 1 Ioh. 5.19 1 God himselfe hath sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our hearts 2 Cor. 1.22 which spirit beareth witnesse with our spirits that wee are the children of God Rom. 8.16 2 Hee that beleeueth on the Sonne hath the witnesse in himselfe that hee is borne of God 1 Ioh. 3 He that is of God heareth Gods word Iohn 8.47 And as new borne babes do● desire that sincere milke of the Word tha● he may grow thereby 1 Peter 2.2 4 If you know that hee is righteous you know euery one that doth righteousnesse i● borne of him 1 Iohn 2.29 And being new borne hee doth not commit sinne because his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sinne because hee is borne of God In thi● therefore are the children of God knowne and the children of the diuell whosoeuer doth not righteously is not of God 1 Ioh. 3.9.3 Epist 11 Rom. 8.14 5 Loue is of God and euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God 1 Iohn 4.7 6 Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called the children of God Mat. 5.9 But if you haue bitter enuying and strife in your hearts glory not and lye not against the truth Iames 3.14 For your spot is not the spot of his children they that are such are a crooked and peruerse generation Deut. 32.5 Hosea 1.9 Deut. 32.32 33. Iohn 8.44 Isa 57.3 Q. What may this priuiledge of being the children if God teach vs A. 1 To pray that the eyes of your vnderstanding being inlightned ye may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance is in the Saints and what is the exceding greatnesse of his power to vsward who beleeue according to the working of his mighty power Ephes 1.18 2 To call no man your father on earth for one is your father in heauen Math. 23.9 But be yee followers of God as deare children For yee were once darknesse now are yee light in the Lord walke as children of the light Ephes 5.1.8 And let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen Math. 5.16 Mal. 1.6 1 Pet. 1.17 Ephes 4.30 3 To
shadow of death light is sprung vp Mat 4 16. And we know that the Sonne of GOD is come and hath giuen vs an vnderstanding that we may know him that is true 1. Ioh. 5.20 Which in other ages was not made knowne vnto the Sonnes of men as it is now reuealed vnto his holy Apostles and Prophets by the spirit Eph. 3 5. Ioh. 1 18 Pro. 2 6 Iob. 32 8. Pro. 18 15 14 6. Thus the Romanes were filled with all knowledge able also to admonish one another Rom. 15 14. 1 Cor. 1 5. Psal 119 98 99 100. ver Ioh. 15 15 Ioh 17 25 17 6. On the contrary a Scorner seeketh wisedome and findeth it not Pro. 14 6 he is ever learning and neuer able to come to the Knowledge of the truth 2. Tim. 3 7. His way is as darkenesse hee knowes not at what he stumbleth Prou. 4 19. Hee shall dye without instruction and in the greatnesse of his folly he shall goe astray Pro. 5.23 Prou. Iob 17.4 Pro. 14.8 15.14 Hos 4.6 Q. What may this teaeh vs A. 1. Not to be as the Horse and Mule which haue no vnderstanding Psal 32.9 No nor yet to bee as children but in vnderstanding to be men 1. Cor. 14 20. Suffering the Word of CHRIST to dwell in you richly in all wisedome Col. 3.16 2. Pray that GODS wayes may bee knowne vpon earth and his sauing health among all Nations Psal 67.2 And for your selues that you may vnderstand the wayes of ●his Commandements Psal 119.27 and behold the wonderfull things of his Law Psal 119.18 Psal 119.7 33 34 73 125 169.171 ver 2. Tim. 2 7. Of Faith Q. Which is the second sanctifying Grace A. GOD will fulfill in you all the good pleasure of his goodnesse and the worke of Faith with power 2. Thes 1 11. Wherby euery one that hath heard and learned of the Father commeth vnto CHRIST Ioh. 6 45. For STEPHEN was a man full of Faith Acts. 6 5. And the Faith of the Romanes was spoken of throughout the whole world Rom. 1 8. Acts 24 14 27.25 Ioh. 10 42. Q. What may hence be learned A. Because all men haue not Faith 2. Thes 3 2. Therefore build vp your selves in your most holy Faith praying in the holy Ghost Iud. 20. and saying Lord increase our Faith Luk. 17 5. Lord wee beleeue helpe our vnbeliefe Mark 9 24. Of Trust Q. It beeing long betwixt the promise and the accomplishment of it how may wee in the meane while bee vpheld A. Thou shalt stay vpon the holy one of Israel in truth Isa 10 20. Vnder his Wings shalt thou trust Psal 91.4 For he is the confidence of all the ends of the earth and of them that are a farre off vpon the Sea Psal 65 5. Whereby they that know his name will put their trust in him Psal 9 10. Math. 12 21. Isa 51 5 Psal 40 4 84 12. Thus Dauid trusted in the Lord Psal 31 6. And the people rested themselues vpon the words of Hezekiah King of Iudah 2. Chro 32 8. Psal 20 7 11 1 18 2 52 8.144 1 2 56 3 4. Iob. 13 15. Q. What would you hence inferre A. Commit thy wayes vnto the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to passe Psal 37 5. thy thoughts shall be established Pro. 16 3. And happy shalt thou be Pro. 16 20. For it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in Princes Psal 118 8. Surely men of low degree are vanitie and men of high degree are a lie to be laid in the ballance they are altogether lighter than vanitie Psal 62 9 115 9 146 3 4 34 22. Isa 2 22 26 4 31 1 36 6 Pro. 3 5. Of Hope Ob. GOD may not onely delay his promise but also by some euill occurrent vnsettle my confidence A. The wicked indeed is driven away in his wickednesse but the righteous hath hope in his death Pro. 14 32 For Abraham against hope beleeued in hope Rom. 4 18. so Christ is in you the hope of glory Col. 1 27. Thou hadst saith Iou●● cast me into the deepe in the midst of the Sea and the Flouds compassed me about all thy billowes and thy waues passed ouer me Then I said I am cast out of thy sight yet I will looke againe towards thy holy temple Ion. 2 3.4 And now Lord what waite I for my hope is in thee Psal 39 7 46 2 33 22 119 81 Psal 119 166. Lam. 3 24. Isa 8 17. Micha 7 7. Tit. 2 13 Acts 26 6. Iob 5 16. Q. What vse is to be made hereof A. Therefore looke you also for the mercy of our LORD IESVS CHRIST vnto eternall life Iud. 21. And waite on thy GOD continually Hos 12 6. For happy is he that hath the GOD of IACOB for his helpe whose hope is in the LORD his GOD which made Heauen and Earth Psal 146 5 33 22 Lam. 3 25 26. Hos 12 6. Ob. Then is euery one happy for who will not say that his Hope is in GOD A. The hope of the Righteous shall be gladnesse but the expectation of the wicked shall perish Pro. 10 28. The eyes of the wicked shall faile and they shall not escape and their hope shall bee as the giving vp of the Ghost Iob. 11 20 8 13. c. Iob. 27 8 9 10. CHAP. XXI Of Loue Feare Sorrow Humility and Repentance Q. WHat other Sanctifying Grace will GOD bestow vpon us A. He will circumcise thine heart and the heart of thy seed to loue the LORD thy GOD with all thine heart and with all thy Soule that thou maist liue Deut. 30 6. Pro. 8 17. Cant. 1 4 3 10. Psal 26 8. Psal 116 1. 1. King 3 3. Thus MARY MAGDALEN shee loved much Luk. 7 47. I also loue the LORD Psal 18 1. Yea LORD thou knowest all things thou knowest that I loue thee Ioh. 21 17. And if any man loue not the LORD IESVS CHRIST let him be Anathema Maranatha 1. Cor. 16 22. Q. What may this teach vs A. To pray that the Lord would direct your hearts into the Loue of GOD 2 Thes 3 5. And that your loue may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all Iudgement Phil. 1 9.1 Thes 3 12. 2 Labour to keepe your selues in the loue of GOD Iud. 21. Of Feare Q. But that our loue be not exorbitant wherewith shall it be swaved A. He will giue you one heart and one way that you may feare him for euer for your good and the good of your Children after you Ier. 32 39. And you shall feare the LORD and his goodnesse in the latter dayes Hos 3 5. Psal 34 11. Deu● 4 10. Isa 2● 22 23. Hos 3.5 For thus the Midwiues feared God Exod. 1 17 And OBADIAH feared the LORD from his youth 1. King 18 3 12. So did CORNELIVS with all his houshold Acts 10 ●
looke diligently that there be no prophaine person as was Esau who for a morsel of meate sould his birth-right for you know how that afterwards when he would haue inherited the blessing he was reiected For hee found no place of repentance though hee sought it carefully with teares Hebr. 12.15.16 Gen. 25.32 Hosea 3.3 CHAP. VIII Gods disposition to his children Q. WHy what is the disposition o● this our Father toward vs A. 1 When he passed by thee and looked vpon thee behold thy time was the time of loue Ezeck 16.8 For the Father himselfe loueth you Ioh. 16.27 Which loue of his was heerein manifested because hee sent his onely begotten Sonne into the World that you might liue through him 1 Ioh. 4.9 Thus the Lord loueth the righteous Psalm 146.8 But the wicked and him that loueth violence his soule hateth Psal 11.5 Prou. Iohn 14.21 1 Cor. 8.3 Rom. 5.8 1 Ioh. 3 16.15.9 Ioh. 11.36 Dan. 10.11 Ioh. 17.26 Hos 14.4 2 He esteemeth of vs For the Lords portion is his people Iacob the lot of his inheritance Deut. 32.9 Ierem. 10.16 Psal 132.13 135.4 Euen a chosen generation a royall Priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people 1 Peter 2 9 Reu. 1.6 5 10. A crowne of glory in the hand of the Lord a Royall diadem in the hand of their God Isa 62.3 whereby as one in a certaine place saith so say I Lord what is man that thou art so mindfull of him or the sonne of man that thou makest account of him Heb. 2.6 Psal 144.3 Iob 7.17 Exo. 19.5 Deut. 14.2 1 Pet. 3.4 Psalm 33.12 Isa 49.16 Pro. 20.15 3 The Lord taketh pleasure in his people Psal 149.4 He will reioyce ouer them with ioy hee will rest in his loue hee will ioy ouer them with singing Zeph. 3.17 For saith Christ to his Church thou art beautifull my loue as Tirza comely as Ierusalem terrible as an Army with banners Turne away thine eyes from mee for they haue ouercome mee Cant. 6.4 Behold thou art faire my beloued yea pleasant also our bed is greene Cant. 1.16 Thou hast rauished my heart my sister my spouse thou hast rauished my heart with one of thine eyes with one chaine of thy necke How faire is thy loue my sister my spouse how much better is thy loue than wine and the smell of thine oyntments than all spices Thy lips O my spouse drop as the hony combe hony and milke are vnder thy tongue and the smell of thy garment is like the smell of Lebanon Cant. 4.9 16 Psal 45.11 Ier. 31.20 Thus as the bridgrome reioyceth ouer the bride so shall thy God reioyce ouer thee Isa 62.5 Isa Hosea 9.10 Psalme 147.11 Pro. 15.26 Contrarily the thoughts of the wicked are abomination to the Lord Pro. 15.26 For hee is not a God that taketh pleasure in wickednesse neither shall euill dwell with him Psalm 5.4 Prou. 26.11 15.8 Psalm 106.39 Amos 6.8 Psalm 78.59 Leuit. 26.30 4 He hath a tender care ouer them For he shall feed his flocke like a sheepheard he shall gather his lambs with his arme and carry them in his bosome and shall gently lead those that are with young Isa 40.11 As an eagle stirreth vp her nest fluttereth ouer her young spreadeth abroad her wings taketh them beareth them on her wings so the Lord alone leadeth his people and there is no strange God with him Deu. 32.11 And the land also which they possesse is a land which the Lord their God careth for the eyes of the Lord their God is alwaies vpon it from the beginning of the yeere euen vnto the end of the yeere Deut. 11.11 12 1 Peter 5.7 Hesea 11.3 Cant. 2.6 Moreouer as a father pittieh his children so the Lord pittieth them that feare him For hee knoweth their frame hee remembreth that they are but dust Psal 103.13 2 Kings 13.4 27. Acts 26.14 15. Zech. 2.8 Math. 6.25.34 Q. May not this loue of God and of Christ be through temptation extinguished A. Many waters cannot quench loue neither can the floods drowne it If a man would giue all the substance of his house for loue it would vtterly be contemned Cant. 8.7 Who then shall separate vs from the loue of Christ Rom. 8.35 He is our God for euer and euer Psal 48.14 Q What should this loue of Christ teach vs A. A mutuall desire after Christ and delight in him saying Lord lift vp the light of thy countenance Psal 4.6 and cause thy face to shine vpon vs Psalm 67.1 Set vs as a seale vpon thine heart as a seale vpon thine arme Cant. 8.6 Let him kisse mee with the kisses of his mouth for thy loue is better than wine Draw mee wee will runne after thee wee will be glad and reioyce in thee wee will remember thy loue more than wine Cant. 1.2.4 And our soule shall follow hard after thee Psal Cant. 8.1 Psalm 37.4 For all thy garments smell of mirrh and aloes and cassia out of the yuory pallaces whereby they haue made thee glad Psal 45.8 while the king sitteth at his table my spiknard sendeth foorth the smell thereof A bunddle of mirrh is my welbeloued vnto mee hee shall lie all night betwixt my breasts my beloued is vnto mee as a cluster of Camphire in the vineyards of Engedie Cant. 1.12 And as the aple tree among the trees of the wood so is my beloued among the sonnes Cant. 2.3 Thou art fairer than the children of men grace is powred into thy lips Psal 45.2 Thy mouth is most sweete yea thou art altogether louely Cant. 5.16 Therefore my beloued is mine and I am his Cant. 2.16 I sate downe vnder his shadow with great delight and his fruite was sweete to my taste Hee brought mee to the banquetting house and his banner ouer mee was loue Stay me with flagons comfort mee with aples for I am sicke of loue Cant. 2.3 Awake O North-winde and come thou South blow vpon my garden that the spices thereof may flow out Let my beloued come into his garden and eate his pleasant fruite Cant. 4.16 Ioh. 3.29 1 Cor. 16.22 2 Thou must for him forsake thine own people and thy fathers house Psal 45.10 Euen as Leuy who said vnto his Father and to his Mother I haue not seene him neither did hee acknowledge his brethren nor know his own children Deu. 33.9 Mar. 10.29 Luk. 14.26.33 17.32 Heb. 10.34 Q. But where is Christ this our beloued to bee found Can. 1 7. A. Where two or three are gathered together in his name there is hee in the midst of them Math. 18.20 Therefore if thou knowst not O thou fairest among women goe thy way foorth by the footesteps of the flocke and feede thy kiddes besides the sheepheards tents Cant. 1.8 Acts 10.6 CHAP. IX Of Gods hearing Prayers Q. WHat are the fruits of Gods Fatherly dispotion towards vs his people A. One is that thou shalt make thy prayer vnto him and hee shall heare
righteous Or is it gaine to him that thou makest thy wayes perfect Iob. 22 2. Looke vnto the Heavens and see and behold the clouds which are higher than thou If thou sinnest what doest thou against him Or if thy transgressions bee multiplyed what doest thou vnto him If thou bee righteous what givest thou him Or what receiveth hee of thine hand Iob 35 5. Psal 16 2. Which of you having a Servant Plowing or feeding Cattell will say vnto him by and by when he is come from the field Goe and sit downe to meate And will not rather say vnto him make ready wherewith I may sup and gird thy selfe and serue mee till I haue eaten and drunken and afterward thou shalt eate and drinke Doth hee thanke that servant because hee did these things that were commanded him I trow not So likewise yee when yee shall haue done all these things which are commanded you say Wee are vnprofitable servants wee haue done but that which is our duty to doe Luk. 17 7. Q. What was it then which moued the LORD thus liberally to deale with vs A. Because the Lord loved you and because hee would keepe the Oath which he sware vnto your fathers Deut. 7 8 9 6. Herein is loue not that wee loved GOD but that hee loved vs 1 Ioh. 4 10. And wee loue him because he loved vs first 1 Ioh. 4 19. For was not ESAV IACOBS brother saith the LORD Yet I haue loved IACOB M●l 1 2. For the Children being not yet borne neither having done good or evill that the purpose of GOD according to the Election might stand not of Workes but of him that calleth it was said vnto her The elder shall serue the younger as it is written Rom. 9.11 So then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy Rom. 9 15. And so Mercy and Truth are met together Psal 85 10. Exod. 33 19. Ier. 31 3. Rom. 11 32. Iam. 5 15. Ps●● 25.11 Ob. But why doth he yet find fault For who hath resisted his will Rom. 9.19 A. Nay but O man who art thou that replyest against God Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus Hath not the Potter power over the clay of the same lumpe to make one vessell vnto honour and another to dishonour Rom. 9 20. Woe vnto him that ●hu● striveth with his Maker let the Potsherd striue with the Potsherds of the earth c. Woe be vnto him that saith to his Father what begettest thou Or to the woman what hast thou brought forth Isa 45 9 And is it not then lawfull for mee to doe as I will with mine owne Math. 20 15. Ob. ●he branches were broken off that I might be graffed in Rom. 11 19. A. Well because of vnbeliefe they were broken off and thou standest by faith be not high minded but feare For if God spared not the naturall branches take heed least hee also spare not thee Behold therefore the goodnesse and severity of GOD on them that fell severity but towards thee goodnesse if thou continue in his goodnesse otherwise thou also shalt be cut off And they also if they abide not still in vnbeliefe shall be graffed in for God is able to graffe them in againe Rom. 11.20 Boast not therefore against the branches but if thou boast thou bearest not the root but the roote thee Rom. 11 18. Q. Why what is the reason of this free and vndeserved mercy of GOD A. 1 That no flesh should glory in his presence but according as it is written let him that glorieth glory in the Lord 1 Cor. 1 ●9 ●1 2 That yee might learne not to thinke of men abo●e that which is written that none of you be puffed vp for one against another 1 Cor. 4 6. Q. What may this free mercy of God teach vs A. To say O the depth of the Riches both of the wisedome and knowledge of GOD How vnsearchable are his iudgments and his wayes past finding out For who hath knowne the mind of the LORD Or who hath beene his Counseller Or who hath first g●ven to him and it shall bee recompenced vnto him againe Rom 11 33. 2 To say not vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy Name bee given the glory Psalm 115 1. F●r as for mee I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies and of all the truth which hee hath shewed vnto his Servant Gen. 32 10. For off him and through him and for him are all things to him therefore be glory for ever and ever Amen Rom. 11 36 1. Cor. 4 7. 3 I beseech you Brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living Sacrifice Holy and acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable Service Rom. 12 1. And sow to your selues in Righteousnes and reape in mercy H ● 10 12. 4 Pray saying Remember me O my GOD concerning my good deeds and spare me according to the greatnesse of thy mercy Neh. 13 14 22. Crying Grace Grace vnto it Zach. 4 7. Q. Are these blessings common vnto all degrees of men A. Will hee regard your persons saith the LORD of Hosts Mal. 1 9. Hee will blesse them that feare the LORD both small and great Psal 115 13. Neither is there respect of persons with him Eph. 6 9. For he that is called in the LORD being a Servant is the LORDS free man 1 Cor. 7 22. 1 Tim. 2 4. Q. Are not these b●●ssings peculiar vnto the nation of the Iewes A. In thy seed saith GOD to ABRAHAM shall all the Nations of the earth bee blessed Gen. 26 4. Is he the GOD of the Iewes onely and not of the Gentiles also Reu. 3 29. There is no difference betwixt the Iew and the Greeke for the same Lord over all is rich vnto all that call vpon him R●m 10 12. Iohn 11 51. Z●ch 6 15 8 23. Isay 60.4.5 9.10 verses 60 22.11 10.42 6 45 23 49 6. Gen. 12 3. Acts 10 21.14 27. Mat. 12 21. Ioh. 10.16.12 32. Ob. But doth not PAVL say that vnto the Israelites pertaineth the promises A. True and therefore it was necessarie that the word of God should first bee spoken vnto them but they put it from them and thereby judi●●●● themselues vnworthy thereof wee turned to the Gentiles For so hath the Lord commanded vs saying I haue made thee a light of the Gentiles that thou shouldest be fo● Salvation vnto the ends of the earth Act ●3 46. And God which knoweth the hearts beare witnesse to the Gentiles giving them the Holy Ghost even as hee did vnto the Iewes putting no difference betweene vs and them after that by faith hee had purified their hearts Acts 15.8 That the Gentiles should be fellow Heires and of the same body and partakers of his promise in CHRIST by the Gospell Eph. 3 6. There is therefore neither Iew nor Greeke there is neither bond nor free