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A16616 A plaine and pithy exposition of the second Epistle to the Thessalonians. By that learned & judicious diuine Mr William Bradshaw, sometime fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. Published since his deceasse by Thomas Gataker B. of D. and paster of Rotherhith Bradshaw, William, 1571-1618.; Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. 1620 (1620) STC 3523; ESTC S106386 110,550 220

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increaseth in the aforesaid duties towards God and his Neighbour The words whereby the Apostle noteth this growth signifie to ouer-increase and super-abound not that their Faith and Loue did swell and flow ouer those banks which God in the Law and Gospell prescribed vnto them for that neither was possible nor praise-worthy as we shall haue more occasion to speake afterward but his meaning was that it exceeded the expectation of man and they went further then man could require at their hands though they came short of that which God requireth From the Persons thus praised and the matter of their praise considered togither we are to learne 1. That the praise and glory of a Church or Christian doth not lie onely in this in being alwaies the same but in growing and proceeding from grace to grace Those sciences are not commendable that grow not in the stocke wherein they are graffed but stand at a stay The Graces of God are not dead but liuing plants if they take roote in thy heart they will grow and increase if thy faith and loue doe not grow and increase in thee they are dead they neuer tooke any root in thee though for a time thou maist haue some respect in Gods Church for the same yet the end will be shame and dishonor and thou discouered to be an hypocrite when thy Faith and Loue appeare to be more and more withered as it will if it doe not more and more grow and flourish I would to God beloued we had our portion in this praise I would to God your Minister could thanke the Lord for you in this respect but the Lord knowes and all our Consciences tell vs we are far from this praise It were well in comparison with vs if we did retaine our first Faith and Loue but it is to be feared that with the Ephesians we haue lost that so far are we from growing from faith to faith and from loue to loue with these Thessalonians 2. This is the singular praise of this and all other Churches that their Loue one towards another groweth with their Faith the more fai●h in God the more loue towards our Neighbour Shew me the growth of thy faith by the growth of thy loue It is as possible for a fire to increase without the increase of heat as for faith to increase without the increase of loue The faith and profession of those men therefore is but Pharesaisme and hypocrisie which manifests it selfe in the disdaine and contempt of their brethren There are therefore no greater enimies in the world to loue and vnitie amongst brethren then those that are enimies to the growth of Faith and Religion and all the powerfull and effectuall meanes thereof For such as a mans Faith and Religion is such is his Loue for quantitie for qualitie no true faith no true loue an vnsound faith an vnsound loue a ceremoniall faith a ceremoniall loue a sincere faith a sincere loue much faith much loue an hypocriticall faith a dissembling loue 3. In faith and loue we should not thinke it inough to stint and moderate them according to that measure and rule onely that man may expect and exact at our hands but we must striue to exceed that and according to the patterne of this Church labour therein to go beyond the expectation and imagination of men But where are such Churches and Christians now to be found It were well for vs in comparison of that we are that we were but answerable to the expectations of men or that we were proceeded but so farre in faith and loue as man might iustly require and exact at our hands but the Lord knowes we are far wanting euen of that From the Persons praising we may learne To giue God the praise and thanks not onely for Faith and Loue but also for the growth and increase of them whether in our selues or others It s he that deserues the thanks for it more then any else Though God tie vs to be thankfull to men when we reap the fruits of their faith loue yet in comparison it s no thanks to them it is Gods worke in them Otherwise the most religious and louing men that euer were if God should leaue them to their owne natures would quickly shew themselues monsters of impietie and malice and the Wolues and Beares of the Forrest would as soone merit thanks at our hands as they in such cases therefore to be thankfull to men for the fruits that we reape of their faith and loue and to forget God is to make them the authors of their owne grace and so to giue that honour to them which is due to God an Idolatry too vsuall in these times And yet we are not to whisper this thanks in Gods eare onely but we are to professe and acknowledge it as much as conueniently we may euen to them that it concernes to the end we might the more hearten and incourage them therein And this no doubt is one cause why so many faint and languish in faith and loue especially in time of persecution for that there is so litle incouragement of this kinde amongst Christians we passe by the Graces of our brethren as though they were not worthy to be regarded or any notice to be taken of them And if it be our dutie to ●cknowledge our thankfulnes to God for the Graces of our brethren the immediate fruits whereof doe not so directly concerne vs as others for Paul speaks not of their loue to him but one towards another how much more is it our dutie to doe it when we our selues in our owne persons shall immediately reap the fruits of our brothers faith and loue when his loue shall directly and manifestly in a speciall manner grow and increase towards vs. VERS 4. So that we our selues glory of you in the Churches of God HE amplifies their former praise That such was the growth and increase of their Faith and Loue that he moreouer boasted and gloried of them in the Churches of God How could this but wonderfully incourage them to be constant to the end to consider that their praises were not onely talked of but gloried in and that in no base and profane Conventicles but in the holy Churches and Assemblies of God not by any ordinarie or common Persons in Gods Church but by Paul Silvanus and Timothie themselues the great and most famous trumpets of Iesus Christ. Who would make the boastings of such Persons in vaine Who would not by all possible meanes vphold and maintaine such an honour Who would not in the midst of any troubles and miseries whatsoeuer reioyce and glory in such a fame sounded vpon such siluer Trumpets in such famous Assemblies Let vs then Beloued learne to emulate the glory of this Church let vs striue after such a profession of Faith and practise of Loue that the worthiest in the Churches of Christ may be prouoked to boast and glory of vs in all the Assemblies of the faithfull
there what need we care They must pull out the Lords owne bowels that pull vs out thence The Apostle amplifieth this loue of God towards them by the effect thereof as if he had said My Brethren you are so beloued of the Lord that I Syluanus and Timothie thinke we can neuer sufficiently giue God thanks for you in that regard Wonderfull great must that loue of God needs be towards this Church that bindeth the Apostle and these Euangelists in so great a bond of thankfulnes vnto God for them 1. The Apostle did not though he might say You ought but We ought whereby he sheweth that Gods loue towards this Church did binde these worthy Ministers in an euerlasting bond vnto God So that the more loue and grace God sheweth vnto a people the more bound vnto God are the Pastors and Ministers of that people Doth God manifest by any signes that our people are beloued of him As though therein we were beloued of the Lord we are bound to be thankfull vnto God yea not Pastors and Ministers onely but euery brother is bound in a bond vnto God for the loue and grace that God sheweth vnto a brother For Paul speaketh this as a Brother and not as a spirituall Father and Minister Else he would not haue called them brethren but children rather if Gods loue towards this Church had wrought this effect in them as they were Ministers onely It is the dutie then of euery Christian to be so affected with the grace loue and fauour that God shewes vnto any man as if himselfe therein were specially bound vnto God and he had therein himself receiued a speciall grace and fauour from God Let vs learne to esteeme our Brothers holinesse his redemption his ioy his glory his eternall happinesse and all other signes and tokens of Gods loue in Christ towards him as so many parts and parcels of and additions vnto our owne Far be from vs that malignant spirit of Cain vs especially that are Ministers the more to hate and to despise and to disdaine and murmur and grudge and repine at and persecute our brethren the more signes and tokens of Gods loue and grace we see in them Further would any of vs know how to binde our true Christian neighbours and brethren in the strongest bonds vnto vs Let vs vse all the meanes that we may shew our selues beloued of God This is sufficient to binde them for euer to be thankfull vnto God for vs. We cannot better deserue one of an other then by striuing one to goe before an other in grace and fauour with God 2. This band of thanksgiuing though it be for them yet it is not to them It s no thanke to any Christian that he is beloued of God but all the thanke is due to God himselfe The cause that we are beloued of God is not in our selues but in God onely and therefore is all the thanke due to him 3. It is an euerlasting thanks that is due to God it is a debt that can neuer be paid either in this life or in the life to come but that which must euer be paying euen in heauen and more in heauen then on earth because there it shall appeare indeed how beloued we are It shall there be so many heauens vnto vs to behold the heau'ns one of an other So that to be admitted as spectators of that glory and ioy that is in others will be vnspeakable joy and glory to vs tho we had no other cause of either Such comfort vnspeakable shall we haue in the ioy and glory and happinesse one of an other streaming from the loue of God that I shall neuer cease magnifying God for thee nor thou for me Such mutuall beames and rayes of glory will reflect frō one vpon an other that we shall not be able to tell whether we haue more cause to thanke God for our selues or for one an other the ioy shall be so vnspeakable that the one shall reape by the other 4. Note here a speciall meanes sanctified of God to support our brethren against the assaults of Antichrist Let them see that we take notice of the graces of God that are in them and that we are so affected with them that we vnfainedly acknowledge our selues bound to be thankfull vnto God for them Litle knowest thou what power there is in this meanes to support a weake brother when he shall see that the eyes of Gods seruants are fixed vpon him that they esteeme his standing as a blessing of God vpon them The generall neglect of this dutie hath no doubt bin the occasion that Antichrist hath preuailed against many a one that haue fallen from the sinceritie of religion because professors make so litle one of an other the Minister of his people and people of their Minister and one of an other that God hath from the beginning chosen you vnto saluation through the sanctification of the Spirit and faith in the truth Here followeth the speciall matter or Argument of their Comfort to wit the certaintie of their Saluation wherein specially consisteth Gods loue towards them and from whence doth arise that euerlasting bond of thanksgiuing aforesaid As if he should say This prophecie concerning the dangerous times to come vnder Antichrist neede not dismay you For your saluation lyeth vpon a solide and firme foundation against which all the gates of Hell shall neuer be able to preuaile So that though Antichrist should come with the greatest efficacie of Satan and with all the strength of Hell against you yet he should not be able to preuaile against you to your condemnation and destruction Let vs consider then what that firme and solide foundation is in regard whereof he comforteth them thus It is expressed in certaine degrees of Gods speciall loue towards them enwrapped togither in these words The first degree is this that God himselfe had chosen and elected them vnto saluation i. had voluntarily and freely of his owne meere loue and good pleasure singled and seuered them out of the number of them which shall be condemned and had written their names in the Booke of Life amongst the number of them that were to be saued and therefore they should not need to feare the power of Antichrist Quest. How knew Paul this Ans. Either by the euidence and demonstration of that very Spirit which stirred him vp to write this Epistle or by some euident effects that he saw thereof in them But I incline more to the former or rather hold both Hence we learne 1. That though the world be neuer so ouerwhelmed with Antichristian confusion though by his tyrannie and poysoned inchantments he neuer so much preuaile ouer the Christian world though by his power he should mingle heauen and earth togither and all the powers of hell were in his power yet the Elect of the Lord shall notwithstanding be preserued The Lord will haue such an eye vpon them that he shall neuer doe any mortall hurt
vnto them But in the middest of all his furie they shall be safe and hold on their way to heauen though they be oft foyled and ouerthrowne in the way 2. The certainty and assurance of our election is a mighty and powerfull preseruatiue against Antichrists Apostasie It is that that makes the Apostle vrge the certainty thereof vpon this occasion And this is no doubt the maine cause that makes Antichrist and all his wicked limmes such enemies thereunto There is none that comes once to be perswaded of this that he can haue any hope to seduce And mens carelesnes herein to make their election sure is a great cause that many become such Apostataes Let vs therefore labour by all meanes to come to the assurance thereof and then though Antichrist should bring with him Bishopricks Arch-bishopricks Cardinalships Popedomes with him to allure vs from Christ prisons racks gibbets and fires to terrifie and affright vs yet shall he neuer be able to withdraw vs from him The second degree is that God had done this from the beginning This may be taken either for from all eternitie or for from the fall of Adam In the one sense it is taken for the decree it selfe of Election which is eternall in the other for the first act in the execution thereof out of the corrupt masse of all mankinde in Adam It is needles to contend whether sense is truer or more fitteth this place seeing either sufficiently argueth the vnremoueable loue of God towards them and the one cannot bee vnderstood without the other Now the consideration of this also serueth notably to strengthen this Church against the feare of Apostasie For this election of God was not sudden or since their profession of the Faith but it was a matter decreed of God from all eternitie and began to be executed while they were in the loynes of Adam before they had any personall being So that the loue that God beares to his elect and chosen ones is not a sudden and a rash loue like fire in straw and dry thornes that makes vpon the sudden a great crackling and blazeth but is as soone almost out as in But it is an ancient loue an old affection yea a loue and affection as old as himselfe As soone as euer he was and he euer hath bin he loued them And therefore there is no cause to feare that he will suffer Satan or Antichrist so far to preuaile against them that are so aunciently beloued of him Seeing there can be no cause in them or vs now to make the Lord to cease to loue vs but what hath bin present before the Lord when he began to set his loue on vs and would as well haue moued him then to refuse vs as now to reject vs. Note withall by the way 1. That this may serue as a speciall signe of one elect from eternitie that Antichrist is not able to preuaile against him to withdraw him from the sinceritie of his Christian profession 2. That so long as Antichrist preuaileth against any so long litle hope thereof can be had The third degree followeth which consisteth in the meanes that God hath ordained for the attaining of that saluation which from the beginning he hath elected them vnto The Meanes are Inward Outward The first inward meanes of Saluation is Sanctification which is the puritie of the soule from such filth and pollution as it is capable of or a conformitie of our wills vnto Gods reuealed will whereby the image of God is renued againe in vs. He is an holy and sanctified man that is afraid to do any thing that God would not haue him to do yea that he doth but suspect that God will not approue and whose whole studie is how in all things he may please God Whence we may learne 1. That these two Sanctification and Saluation are not seuered in Gods Election but go togither Those whom God in his Election hath decreed to saue he hath also decreed to sanctifie and his Election is not grounded vpon our holinesse but our holinesse vpon his election So that this Sanctification is the very first act and entrance into our Saluation So long as we are in sinne and vnsanctified so long are we in the gates of Hell yea in Hell though in Heauen But when once we begin to be sanctified then are we within heauen-gate we haue one foote as it were ouer the threshold yea though we were locally amongst the damned and amidst all the Diuels in Hell In regard whereof one once said well in my minde though a Papist that he had rather be in hell without sinne then with sinne euen in heauen Now this Sanctification is described by the Author thereof the Spirit of God By the power of that Spirit whereby they were elected to saluation they are also sanctified And this Sanctification is a worke of God as well as Election and not an act of humane power or will Otherwise there were small comfort in this if we were elected to saluation through such a sanctification as were of mans owne will onely For what hope could we then haue to stand forth against all the temptations and assaults of Satan and Antichrist This sanctification therefore is of Gods owne Spirit He is the first mouer in the same Which argueth that there is in this sanctification a diuine efficacie and power indeed such as against which all the gates of Hell are not able to preuaile For it is not a dead or senseles qualitie of the soule but a qualitie that hath a Spirit in it that turnes and moues about all the motions that are in a mans soule And where Gods owne Spirit turnes the wheele one way it passeth the strength of all the Spirits in Hell to turne it an other way So that whosoeuer feeles these motions in him for they are not dead and senseles motions may thereby assure himselfe that he is one of Gods elect and one that though Antichrist should mingle heauen and earth togither yet shall he not be able to preuaile against him to his ruine and confusion Note withall that it being the sanctification of the Spirit man cannot merit thereby For what can man merit with God by that which he hath from the Spirit of God and for which therefore he standeth bound and endebted vnto God The second inward meanes is Faith in the Truth Whether this be first or second in nature I will not stand here to discusse according to the diuers acceptions or degrees of sanctification it may be in nature before or after but in time they are togither There can be no true sanctification of the heart till faith be in the heart nor can there be faith in the heart before there be sanctification there Now this is then when the sanctifying Spirit of God doth in that manner reueale vnto the elect childe of God so much of Gods will as is needfull for him to know and practise for his owne saluation that he assenteth
those things which from the Lord I haue giuen you in charge euen as now also you do Which petition of his hath some dependance vpon the former consolation For vpon that condition might they hope that God would stablish them and defend them from that euill one if they were carefull to do those things that the Apostles enioyned them Now what was it that the Apostle and his fellow labourers Syluanus and Timothy enioyned them but to obey the Gospell which contayneth precepts of Faith and Repentance from dead works 1. Therefore it is the dutie of Christian men if they will be sure of Gods protection assistance against Satan to do those things and to do them constantly that are taught them by the Apostles Euangelists in the Gospell yea that are taught them by their owne Ministers out of Gods word God as he is faithfull in himselfe so he stablisheth those that be such No other can hope for protection from him but are exposed vnarmed to the power of Satan To do the things enioyned by the Apostles of Christ is the onely meanes wherby we may blesse our selues from the power of the Deuill other courses are but mockeries of the Diuels owne deuising 2. It is the office of Ministers to hope the best of the piety and perseuerance of their people where they discerne any good thing in them That which also it is fit for them to make knowne to their flocke For by this meanes will the soules of the godly be the more incouraged to goe on in that good course that they are entred into And on the other side the peoples faith oft groweth faint when they perceiue that their Pastors hope waxeth faint of them 3. The confidence which they vse and ought to haue of the perseuerance in well-doing of others though neuer so godly hath not its ground in themselues but in God For it is of God not of our selues and our owne meere will that we do that that is acceptable vnto God The Apostle therefore trusteth in the Lord of them he trusteth not in them themselues Those then that the Lord hath decreed to stablish and defend from Satan those doth he enable by the power of his grace and the instinct of his Spirit to perseuere in such good works as by his Ministers they are enjoyned 4. Out of this certaine faith and assurance that God will thus stablish and defend them the godly ought not to grow retchles but to be the more diligent and carefull to yeeld obedience to the Ministerie of the Gospell Vers. 5. And the Lord guide your hearts to the loue of God and the waiting for of Christ. NOw that through Gods helpe they may constantly perseuer in the practise and performance of those things that by the Apostles were enjoyned them the Apostle wisheth vnto them the principall meanes whereby they may perseuer in Euangelicall obedience to the Ministerie to wit that their hearts may be directed by God to the loue of God and the patient expectation of Christ. By the LORD here seemeth to be vnderstood the Holy Ghost as by GOD God the Father And so haue we the three persons here distinctly set downe The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth by a right line to direct one to somewhat Now the Lord is said to direct the heart when he turneth it to some thing causing it to affect it and delight in it which before it was estranged from and abhorred The patient expectation of Christ is such an expectation of him as whereby expecting all benefit by him we are incouraged patiently to endure any thing for him Hence we gather 1. That these two things are principally necessarie vnto godly perseuerance such as was spoken of before the loue of God and the patient expectation of Christ. For the loue of some good thing past or present and the expectation of some future good are wont to make vs more cheerefull in the doing of our duties Vnlesse therefore a mans heart be inflamed with the loue of God whom in the Gospell he yeeldeth obedience vnto as also vnlesse he be possessed with an earnest expectation of Christ and a longing for him that so he may worke with much patience in hope of reward our Euangelicall obedience will soone wax faint But a heart inspired with these graces will stir vp the whole man to do euery thing commanded in the Gospell with all constancie And contrariwise where this constancie of obedience is not it is a signe that this loue of God and this expectation of Christ is wholy wanting in the hearts of such 2. That euen the hearts of the faithfull are in their owne nature estranged from the loue of God and the expectation of Christ insomuch that they would wholy swerue and wander from either were they caried by their owne proper motion which would rather cary them to an hatred of God and a despaire of Christ. 3. The heart is directed disposed and moued by God alone who directeth it as by a streight line to the loue of himselfe and to the expectation of Christ i. of eternall saluation in and by Christ. Would a Pastor therefore haue his people perseuere in well-doing according to the precepts of the Gospell Let him by earnest prayer intreat of God that he will be pleased to direct their hearts to the loue of himselfe and the expectation of his Christ. Vers. 6. We charge you brethren in the name of the Lord Iesus Christ. HEre beginneth the sixt part of this Epistle which containeth a Christian reprehension laid downe in forme of a denunciation And it is Generall vers 6 -11 Speciall vers 11 -16 In the generall denunciation come to bee considered 1. The manner 2. The matter In the manner he sheweth 1. With what affection 2. With what authoritie he vseth this denunciation 1. His affection appeares in the title of brethren which he oft repeateth in this short Epistle thereby teaching how necessarie it is for the edification of others that our brotherly loue towards them do oft appeare to them Neither can we hope that either our exhortations or admonitions much lesse our reprehensions should preuaile ought with others vnlesse they be heated with brotherly loue and appeare euidently to streame from a heart fraught with it Euill therfore performe they these offices whose admonitions and reprehensions are dipped in gall and vineger And yet alas such are the reproofes of most Christians nothing for the most part but purgations of their owne rancor and choler 2. His authoritie followeth He chargeth them in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ that is by that authoritie which he had from Christ. He giueth no charge in his owne name but in the name of Christ his and their Soueraigne Lord. Wherein we are taught that our denunciations and reprehensions if they be truly Christian ones must be grounded vpon the authoritie of Christ And Ministers ought to take heede that they presume not to reproue ought but what
himselfe except he by the mouth of his Spirit speake peace vnto their Soules they will still feare that they are out of grace and fauour with God Any fancie or conceit is sufficient to perswade wicked men that they are in grace and at peace with God yea those ordinarily are most conceited of it that are furthest from it But the Apostles wish here is the wish of euery true Christian that they may haue it from God the Father and from Iesus Christ as it were vnder their hand and seale But when may a Christian be said to receiue grace and peace from God c When the Spirit of God in the due vse of Gods holy ordinances doth seale and confirme the same to the soule and conscience of an humbled sinner that groneth vnder the burthen of his sinnes Then doth the Grace and Peace of God come vnto thee from God when the Spirit of God testifies vnto thy spirit in the word in the Sacraments in the Church in the Ministerie c that thou art in grace and fauour with him VERS 3. We ought to thanke God alwaies for you brethren as it is meet THe third part of this Epistle beginning here reaching to the end of the Chapter is spent in Consolation wherein the Apostle labours to hearten and incourage them against the troubles and persecutions which they suffered for their profession thereby the more to strengthen and confirme them in the faith of Iesus Christ. This method is vsually obserued in all letters when men write to them that are in any trouble or affliction after they haue saluted them and before they write of other matters vnto them to comfort them By the way before we come to particulars we may obserue one speciall reason why he wisheth vnto this Church Grace and Peace from God the Father and from Iesus Christ because for God the Father and for Iesus Christs sake they had lost all grace and fauour and peace with men so that the more disgrace and the lesse peace that Christians haue with men for the profession of Iesus Christ the more grace and peace they may expect from God For that which vpon this ground the Spirit of God doth wish vnto a man it will effect The more then that men for Gods cause doe disgrace vs and warre with vs the more God shewes his grace and fauour vnto vs. The first meanes he vseth to comfort them by is by praising and commending them for those graces which in these their trouhles and persecutions they did manifest to be in them vers 3 4. wherein in his owne name and in the name of Timothie and Silvanus he first vnfainedly acknowledgeth that for their sakes they were bound to giue thanks vnto God as long as they liue What a glory was this vnto this Church that these three Worthies should professe and acknowledge thus much vnto them Our lessons hence are these 1. That if we behaue our selues in the house and Church of God as we ought to doe we shall binde all Christians yea the Prophets and Apostles and all the Saints of heauen vnto vs. They shall be indebted vnto God for vs and shall esteeme themselues bound for euer to praise and magnifie his name for vs. And let vs neuer thinke we haue demeaned our selues as we ought to doe in Gods Church vntill we haue giuen iust cause to all the godly that knowes vs especially to our Pastors and Ministers to praise and blesse God for vs and to esteeme themselues eternally indebted vnto God for our sakes But alas most of vs doe so behaue our selues in Gods Church that we giue our Ministers and all religious people cause rather to mourne before the Lord and to complaine vnto him of vs. 2. Let vs from Pauls example of how great note and worth so euer we be in Gods Church learne to esteeme Gods graces in others as blessings vpon our selues and to haue such interest in the fruit of them as to thinke our selues bound and indebted vnto God in all thankfulnes for them as if we our selues had a title to and an interest in them There was not the poorest Christian in Thessalonica but Paul himselfe did thinke himselfe the better for that Grace that was in him We are all members of one mysticall bodie the grace of one member is the honor of another and it is a signe that that man doth not esteeme his brother a fellow-member of the same bodie with him that counts his brothers Graces disgraces vnto him as though his owne graces were eclipsed and lost their lustre through the brightnes of anothers We know that the comelinesse of the hand or foote doth not eclipse but rather adde beauty to the beauty of the face If therefore we iudge our brethren members of the same mysticall bodie of Christ with vs we cannot but esteeme their graces a grace vnto vs and that our selues how bright soeuer do shine so much the more by the beames of their graces and therefore we are bound in a bond of debt vnto God for them as Paul here acknowledgeth But we are most of vs so far from this that we hardly thinke our selues bound to giue God thanks for those gifts and graces that are in our selues we so seldome so coldly so slightly and negligently performe this dutie And as for the graces of others we are the Lord be mercifull vnto vs for the same of this disposition rather to murmure grudge and repine against God for them as though the more he bestowed his graces vpon them the more he did wrong and disgrace vs. Because that your faith groweth exceedingly and the loue of euery one of you one towards another aboundeth This is the reason why Paul Silvanus c acknowledge themselues bound to be thankfull vnto God as is aforesaid wherein is expressed the speciall matter and argument of their praise Their exceeding growth and increase in faith and loue whereby he meanes all religious duties to God and man required either in the Law or Gospell They shewed euery day more and more zeale to Gods glory in making more and more conscience of the Ordinances of God they shewed greater and greater delight in the word the Sacraments the Sabboth the Ministerie Prayer they daily more and more grew in knowledge and manifested more and more the signes and tokens of Repentance and ouer and besides this they were euery day more and more kinde louing and free-hearted one to another one striuing to goe before another not in the duties of Pietie and Religion only but also in louing kindnesse humilitie liberalitie fidelitie curtesie iustice c from such fruits as these doth the Apostle gather the increase and growth of their Faith and Loue. For as Faith and Loue are seene vnto men onely by the works that proceed therefrom so the growth and increase of them is seene by the growth and increase of works Neuer tell me that any groweth in Faith and Loue but he that groweth and
let vs esteeme this the greatest honour that may be that Paul should glory in vs and the Churches of God should ring of our praises we neede not then care though all the men in the Earth and all the Deuils in Hell doe barke and baule against vs far be it from vs to forgo any part of this honour to stop the mouthes of any hell-hounds whatsoeuer much more for the purchasing of honour in their mouthes to giue any cause that the Churches of God should speake or heare dishonourably of vs. And though there be now no Pauls in Gods Church to giue vs such incouragements yet let not this euer-the-lesse discourage vs to tread in the steps of this Church for if we be like them God can and will by some meanes or other make our names as glorious in the Churches of God as if Paul himself were liuing and went from Church to Church to glory and reioyce in vs. But alas beloued when we shall compare our selues with this Church can we thinke that Paul if he were aliue would boast of vs in all the Churches where he should come Would he not rather considering the coldnes of some of vs and the contempt of Religion in other some in the midst of many meanes speake of vs in the Churches of God with shame and sorrow of heart Doe not most of vs so behaue our selues in Gods Church that we rather deserue to be boasted and gloried of in Ale-houses and Tauernes and in profane Stages and Theatres then in the holy Churches of God Doe we not most of vs so liue as if we affected that Minstrills Stage-players Ale-house-knights and the rest of the rascalitie should glory and boast of vs rather then the Apostles Euangelists and Ministers of Iesus Christ rather then Paul Silvanus and Timothie Let vs in the second place learne of Paul how to comfort and incourage those Churches and Christians whom we see to grow and increase in Grace let vs not onely acknowledge and professe our selues bound to thanke God for them alwaies but let vs honour their names in all holy meetings and assemblies that they may see they are respected and honoured for their Faith and other graces of God and be we in neuer so high place in Gods Church let vs account the faith and loue of others our owne crowne and glory let vs boast of it and glory in it in all the holy meetings and assemblies of Gods Saints and striue that the eyes of all Gods Churches may be fixed vpon them and their tongues speake of their praises This is a powerfull and most effectuall meanes to strengthen and confirme them in the graces of God against all temptations and discouragements whatsoeuer The neglect of this dutie hath bin no doubt a speciall meanes that so many in time of tryall haue shrunke and fallen from the Faith It is indeed a weaknes in Christians to stand in neede of such incouragements they ought to be so grounded in that Faith which they do professe that though all the world should disgrace and dishonour them for it yea though they which haue taught and instructed them therein should discourage them from it yet they ought constantly to cleaue vnto the same But seeing that the humane frailtie of Christians needs such props as these especially in time of persecution we shall be guilty of one anothers fall if we doe not by such meanes labor to support one another But far are such from this Apostles Spirit who are so far from boasting and glorying either in those Churches or Persons that grow and increase in the graces of God that of all other they most despight and disgrace them in all the assemblies and meetings where they open their mouthes Because of your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations which you suffer This is the speciall matter of Pauls glorying and reioycing The faith and patience which they manifested in all their persecutions and tribulations By which it appeares that this Church was at this time very much afflicted and persecuted and that the scope of the Apostles praise in this and the former verse is to comfort them in the same and thereby to strengthen them that they may perseuere as I haue said before in the grace receiued He testifieth therefore that he doth not onely esteeme himselfe bound to be alwayes thankfull vnto God for them in regard of their exceeding growth and increase in faith and loue but also that in the same regard he glorieth and boasteth of them in the Churches of God especially for this that in the midst of so many persecutions and troubles that they sustained they shewed so much patience and faith Faith then and Patience in persecution and tribulation is the greatest glory of a Christian. They that in the midst of many iniuries and wrongs disgraces losse of goods libertie hazard of life c for Christs sake can still notwithstanding by faith apprehend Gods goodnesse and loue towards them conceiuing neuer the lesse hope in God bearing neuer the lesse affection but rather the more to that Faith and Religion for which they suffer neuer shewing the least repentance for their profession how much soeuer they suffer for the same neither murmuring nor repining against God therefore nor breaking forth through impatience into any breach of dutie towards God or man They which haue growne to such an height of Grace shall be honorable in the Churches of God in a high degree for their profession But dishonorable is that profession and not worthy to be named with any respect or honour in Gods Churches that in peace and prosperitie maketh some shew and flourish but when persecution commeth shrinks in the wetting The Apostle ioyneth Patience and Faith togither neither can they be sundred in time of persecution but the one sheweth it selfe in the other where there is impatiencie in suffring there appeares no faith but infidelitie Faith makes Patience Patience manifests Faith Neuer say thou beleeuest in Christ if thou canst not shew thy beleefe in patient suffering for Christ at least neuer looke that thou shouldst be praised and gloried of in the Churches of God for thy Faith vntill it shine and shew forth it selfe in thy Patience The glory of a Christians faith doth not consist so much in beating downe and resisting the enemies of Christ as in a meeke and willing suffering of wrong and euill If thou suffer neuer so much for Christs sake and the Gospell though thou shouldst giue thy bodie to be burned for the same yet if thou do it not patiently but perforce thou maist be pittied but neuer looke to be praised for it in the Churches of God Those sufferings only are celebrated there wherein a man may liuely behold the very face and liuing countenance of Faith in Patience VERS 5. Which is a token of the righteous iudgement of God that yee may be counted worthy of the kingdome of God for which yee also suffer HItherto of the
knowne of Men or Angels See to this end 1 King 8.27 Iob 11.7 Exod. 33.20 Ioh. 1.18 5.37 6.46 yet he hath in some degree manifested and made knowne himselfe in his workes wherein men if they were not more brutish then horse or mule might clearely behold and see That God is an infinite maiestie almighty all-sufficient the Creator and supreme Gouernour of the whole world him in and through whom they liue and breath and haue their being the author and fountaine of all goodnesse most worthy of all honor obedience and loue That he is a God that loueth Religion truth honestie humilitie iustice mercy charitie loyaltie chastitie sobrietie and such like other vertues in men and will blesse men for the same That he hateth and detesteth in men all profanesse falshood dishonestie pride iniustice crueltie oppression disloyaltie vncleanesse drunkenesse and such like vices and will curse all them that are giuen vnto them And that he hath prouided Heauen a place of euerlasting happinesse for those that shall doe his will and Hell a place of euerlasting torment for them which shall offend him To omit many other matters concerning God which are clearely reuealed in his workes euen to the senses of men that haue the vse of reason and do not wilfully shut their eyes against the light what sauage and brute creatures are all those that in the midst of these meanes haue no knowledge of God at all That this God should be as a stranger vnto them yea as one that they had neuer heard of that they should haue no sense or apprehension of his Maiestie Power and goodnesse when all their senses are daily and hourely filled with the same that they should liue and delight in those sinnes which the very light of their Consciences tell them are displeasing to God and yet be no more afraid of God therefore then of a painted Beare or Lyon Were not that a strange childe that being brought vp from a tender one in the house of his Parents being fed and clothed by them and euer receiuing from them all the kindnesses that Parents can yeeld vnto a Childe and yet this Childe should not so much as know them or looke vpon them but demeane himselfe vnto them as vnto meere strangers such as he had neuer seene nor heard of passing by them without so much as looking towards them respecting the seruants and dogges in the house more then them delighting most in that which he knoweth will vex and anger them hating their presence and no more affected with any good receiued from them then with a straw or rush what a monster of children would euery one iudge this to be Wert thou the Father or Mother of such a Childe what wouldst thou do Verily such children are most of vs vnto our God We liue in this world which is the house of our God yea in his Church which is his Presence-chamber no earthly Father can possibly shew more kindnesse to his Childe then our heauenly Father doth vnto vs nor can so much by his kindnes manifest himselfe to be a Father as God doth vnto vs and vnto all mankind and yet for all this we liue as though we knew him not we neuer looke after him nor regard him we are no more delighted with his presence affected with his kindnesse nor more studious to please him no more fearefull to displease him then if he were no bodie or worse then the worst of all creatures as if he were one that we neuer receiued nor expected the least good at his hands or one that we would not be any wayes beholden vnto though we might the more he offers vs meanes to know his Maiestie Power Goodnes the more we shut our eyes against them pleasing and delighting our selues in our ignorance as a matter of great aduantage vnto vs. This is the condition and estate of the greater part of the world if you looke into their liues and conuersations they are as it were without God in the world as men that had not the least sense or apprehension of a God or had neuer heard of him or that all that they had heard of him were but fables Is it any maruell then if the Lord hauing shewed himselfe so kinde and louing a Father vnto all mankind shall be seuerely auenged of such as in the midst of so many meanes will not know him Oh let the consideration of this moue euery one of vs to bewaile our ignorance and to seeke after the knowledge of God aboue all things For if we will not know him in his goodnesse in this life we shall feele him in his wrath in another life Ignorance of God in this day of Doome will be no plea for vs for it shall be one of the Articles of condemnation against vs that we know not God The second sort of Persons that Christ will come in flaming fire to be auenged of are such as obey not his Gospell i. such as will not accept of those conditions of Saluation that are offred in the Gospell In the Gospell euerlasting Saluation is offred to all sinners that will beleeue in Christ forsake their sinnes and yeeld obedience to the Ordinances of Iesus Christ set downe in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles when therefore God shall out of his word conuince our consciences that we are sinners and haue offended his Maiestie by our sinnes and when God shall offer to be reconciled vnto vs to pardon and forgiue our sinnes to saue our soules from Hell yea to bestow euerlasting happinesse in Heauen vpon vs if so be we will forsake our sins acknowledge Christ Iesus for our Lord and Redeemer and be subiect to his discipline when God shall send to this end his Ministers Messengers and Embassadors to offer vnto vs these conditions yea to intreat and beseech the acceptance of this Grace and yet we will not accept of them we will not haue Christ Iesus to raigne and rule ouer vs we will not whatsoeuer follow vpon it forsake such and such sinnes but whether God will saue or not saue vs we are resolued vpon our owne courses and if we may not be saued without any such conditions we will not be beholding to God for our Saluation but will put it to the aduenture either to haue it vpon what conditions we our selues please or go without it this is to disobey the Gospell and to trample the blood of the new Testament vnder our feet this is directly to sin against Christ Iesus and therefore such of vs can expect no other Doome from Christ at that day but fearfull vengeance For vpon whom should he auenge himselfe if not vpon them which cannot content themselues to haue sinned against God and so to haue prouoked him but despise the meanes of his grace and fauour when they are offred purposing still to continue in their sinnes whatsoeuer come of it This is the fearfull sin of many that liue in the Church of God
of their owne saluation Truth here is the Gospell so called 1. In regard of the certaintie and infallibilitie of it in comparison whereof all other doctrines religions are error and all other humane truths vanitie and deceite The Gospell will neuer deceiue vs whatsoeuer it promiseth shall certainly come to passe whatsoeuer it affirmeth shall neuer be proued false 2. In regard of the vse of it it is the rule of all sauing truth Whatsoeuer is not ruled and squared thereby in matter of Saluation and Religion is error 3. In regard of the effect and efficacie of it for 1. It is powerfull to discouer and beate downe all error and heresie and vntruth whatsoeuer 2. It is a great and powerfull instrument of God to worke truth and synceritie in the heart And where this truth is not there is nothing but hypocrisie and falshood This Gospell then is Truth it selfe and yet is nothing ordinarily accounted more false witnesse the very liues of Christians and such as professe it To entertaine the loue of this Truth is to entertaine it with loue as 1. To hunger and thirst after it 2. To seek and search after the knowledge of it 3. To giue credit unto it 4. To loue and affect all the meanes whereby it is attained 5. To bestowe cost vpon it 6. To reioyce in it and all those that loue it 7. To cleaue and sticke close to it 8. To defend and maintaine it 9. To growe and increase in it 10. To expect and looke for all happines and saluation in and through it When men therefore 1. Desire it not 2. Neuer seeke after it 3. Giue no credit to it 4. Care not for the meanes 5. Think all cost too much they are at with it 6. Take no pleasure in it 7. Flie from it and forsake it 8. Oppose themselues against it 9. Stand at a stay in it 10. Looke not for saluation by it they are said not to entertaine it Where note by the way 1. That it is not enough to receiue the truth and giue some kinde of entertainment to it but we must giue it louing entertainment if we looke to haue good of it if we desire to be eternally saued by it 2. That not to entertaine the loue of the Gospell and not to accept of the conditions of saluation therein offred is a fearefull signe of one that shall perish More principally we are here to note 1. What is the cause why the Lord will suffer Antichrist so far to preuaile ouer the Christian world to wit for their vnkinde vsage and contempt of the Gospell All despisers therefore of the Gospell that entertaine not the loue of it are in danger to be deceiued by Antichrist and lye open to his sleights and subtleties 2. That the best counterpoyson against Antichrists seducements is to entertaine the truth as was aforesaid The loue vnto the truth shall be more able to preserue vs and arme vs against all the efficacie of his power though he haue the helpe of all the Diuels in Hell then if a man had the greatest learning and knowledge that euer any man had Vers. 11. And therefore shall God send them strong delusion that they should beleeue lies 12. That they might all be damned that beleeued not the truth but delighted in vnrighteousnes IN these words is declared the ground and equitie of the former iudgement wherein consider we two points 1. The iudgement of God vpon such as entertaine not the loue of the truth 2. The cause thereof The iudgement is this God shall send them strong delusions or the efficacie of coosenage as it may be translated that is God will giue them ouer to Satan and Antichrist and will giue them libertie to deceiue and cozen their soules so that there were neuer any so cozened and deluded and abused as they shall be He further amplifieth this iudgement by the effect and the end of it The effect they shall beleeue lies they shall in that manner be cozened that they shall receiue and entertaine as the eternall truth of God most grosse and notorious lies and figments absurd and most palpable vntruths and fables and so beleeue them as no euidence or demonstration of truth shall be able to draw them from the same The end why the Lord doth this that they might be damned being by that meanes drawne with the Deuill and Antichrist into euerlasting perdition The cause of this fearefull Iudgement is twofold 1. Because they beleeued not the truth i. would giue no credit to the word of God and the promises thereof but esteemed them as so many toyes and fables worthy no beleefe or credit 2. Because they tooke pleasure in vnrighteousnes i. tooke such delight and felicitie in those sinnes which by nature they were giuen vnto that rather then they would forsake and forgo them they chose rather to trample all the hope that the Gospell gaue them vnder their feet So affected and well-pleased were they with their naturall corruptions that nothing could bring them out of conceit with them Whence we may learne 1. That Antichrist shall deceiue and delude none further then God giueth speciall commission God hath a speciall guidance and gouernment and direction in the seducements of Antichrist God deludes not but yet sends delusions and if hee send them not they cannot come Hee leaueth the seducer and the seduced togither ordering both of them to the glory of his iustice 2. That the Kingdome of Antichrist consisteth of a companie of cozened and deluded people Therefore the more that men hate to be deceiued and coozened the more let them take heede of that sinne that layeth them open therevnto 3. It is a fearefull signe that God intendeth to damne those whom he suffereth to be so powerfully deluded by Antichrist For whom he meaneth to damne he is wont to giue vp to a reprobate sense that which they are like soone to come to that are so powerfully deluded And thus of the prophecie of Antichrist and of the Apostasie that by his meanes was to be effected before the latter day the branches whereof togither with some particular vses we haue laid open before Now followeth the maine Vse which is this to take heede of this Apostasie and of that Man of Sinne which in the same shall be reuealed Now this that we may the better doe we must learne so far as this Prophecie will helpe vs to finde out 1. Where this Apostasie is 2. Where we may finde this Man of Sinne. First for the finding out of this Apostasie we must consider what properties and notes to discouer the same are laid downe in this prophecie and then see whether they agree to any state or condition of people that either hath bin or yet is in the world For there neede be no question but vnto what state or condition of people so euer these rules shall agree that there this Apostasie is 1. This Apostasie must be a reuolt of Christians from Christ