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A12516 Dauids repentance, or, A plaine and familiar exposition of the 51 psalme first preached and now published for the benefite of Gods church : wherein euery faithfull Christian may see before his eyes the patterne of vnfeigned repentance, whereby we may take heed of the falling into sinne againe. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1614 (1614) STC 22841.7; ESTC S3155 194,670 580

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a vertue of faith to doubt of GODS loue Rom. 8.38 Iob 13.15 19 25. Psal 125.1 but how did Paul doubt when he saith I am fully perswaded c. Alas how dares a vile sinner not iustified nor assured of GODS loue and the pardon of his sinnes how dares he come to call on God and make his prayer vnto him dares a traitour come to his King speake vnto him not hauing his pardon Well this Doctrine of doubting it is a racke for wounded consciences and torments afflicted soules when they can not tell whether God loueth or hateth them nor know not that their sinnes be pardoned Vse 2 And therefore that religion which teacheth doubtings and pronounceth them accursed who ●old that a man may be ass●red of saluation we accurse it as a Doctrine enemie to faith and saluation And indeed it is strange to see that whereas they teach a man is able to fulfil the whole law of GOD and by his workes to merit eternall life yet they accurse him if hee say hee is sure to be saued so directly doth one point of their false Doctrine impugne another Indeede it is no maru●ll though their religion can yeelde no comfort for certainety of saluation seeing they draw men from off the foundation Christ Iesus in whom only it is promised that we shall find rest for our soules Seeing Dauid prayes for this assurance of Gods loue to bee assured of the pardon of his sinnes by his spirit and that vpon his true repentance This shewes that the confidence that most men haue is a fond presumption and securitie They would not doubt of GODS loue for all the world they beleeued euer since they were borne and thus they brag of their strong faith but they deceiue themselues for till a man do repent turne to GOD beleeue in Christ be a new creature hee can haue no assurance of Gods loue or pardon of his sinnes Let all true Christians examine themselues whether they feele and finde this blessed assurance and perswasion of Gods loue and the pardon of their sinnes if thou hast it make much of it loose it not If thou want it vse all meanes giue all diligence to get it repent turne to God begge mercy and pardon for thy sinnes embrace Iesus Christ beleeue in him that thou mayest bee assured and neuer be at rest till thou canst say I am perswaded of Gods loue in Christ Iesus I know my Redeemer liueth I am perswaded I am the childe of God else a man can haue no ioy peace nor comfort Doctr. 2 Though Nathan had told him his sins were forgiuen Mans testimony of the remission of sins is nothing without the testimonie of Gods spirit yet Dauid could not be assured till he felt the inward assurance and certificate of Gods spirit to perswade and witnes the loue of GOD vnto him for the pardon of his sinnes Hence we learne that it is not the testimony of all men Angels that can assure vs in our soules of Gods loue and pardon of our sins without the inward speciall certificate and perswasion of Gods Spirit who is called the Spirit of Adoption Ro. 8.15.16 because he doth reueale yea perswade and assure our soules that we be adopted If Peter Paul Nathan yea al the world nay if an Angell from heauen should tell me I am the childe of God Note yet vnlesse God doe farther certifie my conscience inwardly by his Spirit I should not be assured but doubt stil euen as Dauid did in this place although Nathan had said Thy sinnes are for giuen yet Dauid could not bee assured vntill he had the inward and comfortable perswasion of Gods holy Spirit Men cannot know the secret councell of God they may deceiue and be deceiued but the Spirit of Gods knowes all things and the Apostle saith 1. Cor. 1.10 Ro. 8.15 16 Ye haue not receiued the Spirit of bondage to feare againe But ye haue receiued the Spirit of Adoption whereby yee crie Abba Father The same Spirit beareth witnesse to our spirit that we are the children of God Galat. 4.6 2. Cor. 1.22 And because ye are sonnes therefore GOD hath sent foorth the Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts whereby we cry Abba Father Againe God the Father hath sealed vs and put into our hearts the earnest of his Spirit So that you see it is the proper worke of the Spirit to assure our harts and consciences of Gods loue and the pardon of our sinnes and without this inward certificate and assurance of the Spirit all the testimonies of men and Angells can not assure our consciences Vse Well then seeing that there can be no assurance in a mans conscience of the pardon of sinne and life eternall but by the inward certificate and testimony of Gods Spirit let vs pray for this labour to find and feele our hearts perswaded and assured inwardly by the holy Ghost of the pardon of our sins and the loue of GOD in Christ 2. Cor. 13.5 Proue your selues whether yee be in the faith And because men are deceiued generally with a fond presumption and foolish opinion that they be the children of God and shal be saued and this carnall presumption is more common then true sauing faith Markes of Gods Spirit I will shew how we may know this testimony and certificate of Gods Spirit when it is in our consciences First the Spirit of God assures no man of the pardon of his sinnes That Man repents of his sinnes but such as be humbled for them repent of them leaue and forsake them become new creatures and walke in newnesse of life and therfore if thou liue in sinne be not humbled for them nor bewaile them hast a purpose to liue still in thy sinnes ignorance lying swearing couetousnes vncleanenes c. Thou canst haue no assurance of Gods loue and this perswasion of thine if thou hast any it is meere presumption for where men doe not repent and turne vnto God and amend their liues there is no faith neither is the Spirit of God in them and therefore they can not bee assured of GODS loue and mercie Secondly Is perswaded of the Spirit the spirit of Adoption doth not onely tell a man that hee is the child of God but doth by sundry arguments and reasons perswade the childe of God that hee is elect that God loues him and that his sinnes be pardoned but wicked men haue no such perswasion in their hearts onely they haue a fond opinion and conceit which is no good ground neither did the Spirit of GOD euer perswade their hearts thereunto We shall know the testimony of Gods Spirit The effects will appeare that it is sure and sound by the fruits and effects of it for if the Spirit of God do truly testifie the loue of God for the pardon of our sinnes and life eternall then it will follow that we shall hate our sins loathe abhorre them because they grieue
or a Citty when the walles be battered 3 Wee must with Dauid pray often and earnest vnto God to renew a right spirit in vs. VERSE 11. 11. Cast me not from thy presence O Lord and take not thy holy Spirit from me IN the former Verse Dauid hath put vp sundry requests and petitions vnto God for grace and mercie for the pardon of his sinnes The meaning of the words Now this eleuenth Verse containeth in it an earnest Deprecation wherein the Prophet intreateth the Lord to turne from him two fearefull iudgements and grieuous punishments which hee had deserued for his sins for first what greater misery can befall the child of God then to be cast out of Gods presence loue and fauour Secondly what greater plague to a distressed soule then to be depriued of Gods blessed spirit whereby alone we we are guided comforted and without whom we can haue no comfort nor euer doe any good thing but shall be carryed of our owne lusts head-long into all sinne and wickednesse Dauid alludeth to the iudgement of God vpon Saul Now against both these Dauid prayeth vnto the Lord in this verse and herein he alludeth to the iudgement of God vpon Saul who was his next predecessour and King ouer Israel whom the Lord cast off and did vtterly reiect from being King ouer his people 1. Sam. 15.26 because hee did reiect the Lord and cast off the commandement of GOD and would not obey his voyce and therefore the Lord tooke his Spirit from Saul and gaue him an euill spirit to vexe and torment him and both these Dauid heere prayeth against that God would shew him mercy and not deale with him as hee did with Saul though hee had sinned grieuiously yet that he would rather humble him by some other meanes and not in his iust iudgement to cast him off and reiect him nor take his holy Spirit from him Cast mee not away AS if hee should haue said ô Lord howsoeuer I haue sinned grieuously yet I pray thee deale not with mee as thou didst deale with Saul that wicked man to cast me off and reiect mee from being King and Ruler of thy people Nor take thy holy Spirit from mee whereby I am enabled to do thy will By the presence or face of God is meant the loue and fauour of God and therefore Dauid intreateth the Lord that he would not thrust him cleane out of fauour and depriue him of his loue Doctr. 1 Hence we learne that it is a wonderfull and fearefull Iudgement for a man or woman to bee cast out of Gods fauour from his presence The pleasures of sinne are deere bought so as hee shall shewe no fauour to vs but his disfauour and heauy countenance it is a very heauy and dolefull case It is said of Cain that God cast him out of his presence and that was the height of Caines misery Gen. 4. so the Lord cast off Saul from being King ouer Israel As the fauour of God is life so his disfauour is present death and as in the presence of God is fulnesse of ioy and pleasure for euermore so in the want of his presence is there nothing but woe and misery yea it is a steppe to eternall death Neither is there any misery which the childe of God doth feare more then this to bee forsaken of the Lord and to bee cast out of his fauour Vse 1 Seeing it is so great and fearefull a Iudgement to bee cast out of Gods fauour and gracious presence Their madnesse discouered that make light of Gods fauour Oh what mad men bee they that make so light of Gods loue and fauour that will for the gaining of a peny or the inioying of an houres pleasure loose the loue and the fauour of God Mat. 16.26 for euer depriue themselues of his glorious presence and plunge themselues into euerlasting woe and vengeance with the deuill and his Angels Vse 2 Seeing the inioying of Gods presence is so sweete and comfortable and to bee depriued of it is so grieuous and terrible how should wee vse all meanes to get into his fauor if wee want it to keepe it if wee haue it In thy presence is fulnesse of ioy and in thy light wee shall see light And because sinne thrusts men out of Gods fauour and separates betweene God and men aboue all things take heed of sin auoid it and shun it as the bane and poyson of our soules For the better opening and vnderstanding of this verse wee must discusse two great ●nd weighty questions which being well considered will make much for the clearing of this text Two obiections The former is this when Dauid intreates the Lord not to cast him out of his presence that is his loue and fauour whether a man elected and in the fauour of GOD as Dauid iustified and sanctified may loose the loue of GOD and fall away to become a reprobate and cast-away and so finally to perish The other question is seeing Dauid praies the Lord not to take his holy Spirit from him whether the sanctified gifts and graces of Gods holy Spirit may finally and totally bee lost and taken away These questions both be defended and affirmed by the Papists and their followers who hold that a man truely elected called iustified and sanctified and in the fauour of GOD may fall away and perish Wee hold the contrary that a man once in the fauour of God elect called iustified and sanctified cannot finally perish not cleane bee bereft of the sauing graces of the holy Spirit Now because these two questions be points of great moment and on which all our happinesse and comfort doth hang and depend therefore I will stand a little to proue them by testimonies of Scripture with reasons and arguments drawne from the written word of GOD and remoue some obiections of the Papists against the certainety of our perseuerance in faith to the end First that place of Ieremy where the Lord comforts his Elect and chosen people is most pregnant for this purpose Ier. 31.3 Yea saith the Lord with an euerlasting loue haue I loued thee and therefore in mercy haue I drawne thee So that it is manifest hence whom God loues once in Christ hee loues for euer and there is not time when he can be said not to loue them For as much as hee loued his owne Ioh. 13.1 that were in the world vnto the end hee loued them Where our Sauiour CHRIST to comfort his Disciples tels them that God the father loues them that bee members of IESVS CHRIST euen vnto the end and his loue shall neuer faile them The gifts and calling of God are without repentance Rom. 11. Now then vnlesse a man will say that GOD doth repent of his calling and electing men to eternall life it must needs follow that they cannot perish whom God cals and meanes to saue and our Sauiour CHRIST saith plainely that it is impossible
worke of grace a renued heart faith repentance obedience and a sanctified life was euer wanting they were but hypocrites They went out from vs but they were not of vs Mat. 7.21 22. for if they had beene of vs they would haue continued with vs. And therefore it behoueth vs all to take heed that we content not our selues with the common giftes and graces of the holy Ghost which a reprobate may haue for it is certaine most excellent gifts will not auaile a man to saluation vnlesse there be the true worke of grace sauing faith sound repentance and heartie obedience VERSE 12.13 12. Restore me to the ioy of thy saluation and stablish mee with thy free Spirit 13. Then shall I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked and the sinners shal be conuerted vnto thee Partes of the verses THese words contain in themselues and earnest prayer of Dauid vnto GOD for the renuing Of GODS mercy and feeling of his loue againe in the 12. verse In the 13. verse he vses a reason to moue the Lord thereunto namely that if the Lord shall receiue him into fauor againe and testifie his loue vnto him in the pardon of his sins then he wil not be vnmindful of Gods dealing with him but become a Preacher and proclaimer of Gods mercy vnto others to draw them to GOD in shewing what GOD hath done for his soule and so that by the example of Gods mercy to him others should be wonne In the 12. verse he makes a twofold petition vnto God First for the former feeling and assurance of Gods loue and mercy for the pardon of his sinnes Secondly that God would vphold him with his free spirit so as now being deliuered out of the cursed thraldome and slauery of sinne hee might frankely and freely serue the Lord and runne the way of his Commandements Restore me to the ioy of thy saluation No ioy can comfort mans soule but the ioy of Gods saluation AS if he should haue said O Lord my GOD I acknowledge and confesse that all the while I serued thee and liued in thy feare ledde a holy and godly life and kept an vpright heart that I found wonderfull and exceeding ioy in the assurance of thy loue and mercy in Christ for my saluation but since I rebelled against thee and wilfully brake thy holy Commandements I haue depriued my soule of that heauenlie comfort and consolation and felt errours and griefe feares and cares and exceeding vexation Now mercifull GOD I humbly intreate thee to restore me againe to that ioy and comfort to assure me of thy loue and fauour that thou art graciously reconciled vnto me that I may receiue my former comfort And not onelie that but because I see how weake I am haue no power to stand without thy help and grace I humbly intreat thee to stay and strengthen me to stablish thy grace in me and so to vphold me in thy obedience that I may freely and heartily obey thee all my dayes Doctr. 1 The childe of God truely called iustified Fruit of sinne described Note and sanctified by GOD spirit if he once fall against GOD and prouoke him to anger by wilfull disobedience doth feele exceeding griefe and sorrow of heart great griefe and trouble of minde feares and cares lest the Lord should reiect him so that there is an hell in his poore soule and wounded conscience till hee be againe reconciled to GOD by faith and true repentance So long as Dauid walked with God in vprightnesse of his heart hee had exceeding ioy and comfort in the Lord his GOD was assured of his loue for pardon of his sinnes and eternall saluation but when he fell to adultery and murder and so rebelled against God it is wonderfull to see into what a gulfe of misery he plunged himselfe what feares and cares what doubts and troubles did vex his soule and wounded conscience Euen so it is with all the godly while they liue in the feare of God serue and please him and keep an vpright heart before the Lord leade a godly and christian life they feele find in themselues exceeding ioy and wonderfull comfort with assurance of Gods loue in Christ for their saluation but if as any time they breake out to sinne and rebell against God by wilfull disobedience then they shall finde an hell in their consciences troubles feares and cares for the time Who can tell what feares and cares Peter felt Luke 23. in what griefe and sorrow of heart hee was in when cowardly he denied his Lord and Master It cost him many a bitter teare The reason of this doctrine is because all peace and comfort to a poore soule springs from the sence and comfortable feeling of Gods loue in CHRIST IESVS for the pardon of sinne and eternall saluation and therefore when that is lost alas what peace or comfort can they haue Secondly they do by such wilfull sin and disobedience grieue the spirit and make the holy-Ghost sad within them and so doe what they can to expell the Spirit of God in them Now where the Spirit of God is made sad and grieued how can there be any true ioy Vse Seeing there is such sweete comfort in a godlie and Christian life while we walke with GOD and serue and please him in spirit and truth and when men sinne and rebell against God they pull downe vpon their heads such wofull misery troubles and cares how should this make euery man exceeding carefull of sinne which brings such woefull miseries and iudgements vnto our own soules such torments feares and cares To the ioy of thy saluation AS if hee should haue said ô Lord my God when thou diddest assure mee of thy loue and fauour for the pardon of my sinnes and eternall saluation I had exceeding ioy therein Now I doe humbly intreate thee to restore it to mee againe Doctr. 2 Fauour of God is a Christians chiefest ioy Hence marke what is the thing the childe of God doth most desire and craue at Gods hands and wherein they do most reioyce namely in the fauour of GOD and assurance of Gods loue in Christ Iesus that they know that God is graciously reconciled vnto them that they be in his fauour and shall neuer perish but shall euerlastingly bee saued Dauid was a King and wanted no temporall commodity comfort or delight whatsoeuer wherein worldly men reioyce but Dauid now conceiued no kinde of ioy at all in these things to bee out of Gods fauour And therefore prayes vnto God for the feeling of the true ioy and that is of His Saluation and that will minister vnto him matter of true reioycing indeed But alas most men being carnall desire riches honour pleasure Psal 4.6.7 But Lord let me see thy louing countenance thy fauour and grace and that shall do me more good and comfort then all the things in the world The poore Publican begges for this Lord be mercifull to me a sinner So
soule So as hence wee learne that there is no true ioy in any other thing in the world but onely in the mercy of God and the saluation of our soules Phil. 3.8 Luk. 10.20 And indeed what other ioy can there bee for though the Lord should giue vs all things which hee hath made aboundance of the things of this life yea though with Dauid wee might command a kingdome yet vnlesse with all wee haue this comfort that wee are at peace with God and haue our sinnes pardoned alas they would all proue vnto vs as Iobs friends Miserable Comforters But poore soules many know no other ioy but such as arises from temporall things gold siluer c. wherein they differ not from beasts which haue their delight as well as they in those things which are agreeable to their nature Vse 1 Seeing Dauid places all his ioy and spirituall reioycing in the saluation of God that is in the pardon of his sinnes in feeling of GODS loue and in the saluation of his soule therefore it shewes that there is no other cause of sound ioy but in this alone so that if we haue this wee haue cause to reioyce and bee glad but if this be wanting either wee had neuer the feeling of GODS loue nor assurance of saluation or else haue lost it and therefore should vse all blessed meanes to attaine vnto it againe for we cannot haue one dramme of sauing comfort and true ioy but onely in the fauour of God and the assurance of his loue for our saluation Vse 2 This shewes that all the ioy of wicked men in their sports and pastimes is no true and solid ioy but a carnall ioy a swinish ioy for how can the heart of that man or woman reioyce which knowes not whether God loues them or hates them whether they shall be saued or damned what ioy can they haue it is madnesse rather then ioy and mirth Dauid saith that wicked men ioy in their Corne Wine and Oile Psal 4.7 outward and worldly things but hee desires the louing countenance of the Lord his fauour and grace which shall make him to ioy more then all they in their vanities and then hee will lye downe in rest and peace and safety whereas the ioy of wicked men it is gone in a moment vtterly lost and past recouery for euer And stablish mee with thy free Spirit THis second part of the verse containes a praiervnto the Lord for a new mercy Part of the varse namely the blessed grace of corroboration to bee strengthened in grace and obedience and kept from sin by the grace and spirit of God in time to come As if he should haue said O Lord my God I doe not onely the pardon of my sinnes past which are many and great but I doe humbly intreate thy Maiesty to giue mee power and to strengthen mee against the like euils in time to come for I know my weakenesse and the wickednesse of my heart to bee prone to all sinne by nature Note and if thou shouldest pardon my sinnes past and not keepe mee from sinne in time to come I should easily marre all and runne head-long into all sinne and therefore I beseech thy Maiesty stablish and strengthen mee with grace from thy spirit that I may serue and please thee all my daies with a willing and ready heart Stablish mee THe word signifies properly to vnderprop and shore vp something that is weake declining and ready to fall Doctrine Hence learne that euen the best of Gods children that haue the greatest graces Man weak being left to himselfe and be strengthened in faith yet if they bee left vnto themselues alas they be as weake as water they be not able to stand against the least assault and temptation of the deuill This Dauid felt and found in himselfe Ex. 15 24. Ier. 13.23 Psal 78.40 Exod. 9.27 Iudg. 3.12 Mat. 12.45 Heb. 6. and confesseth his weakenesse and desires the Lord to establish and vphold him to shore him vp by the grace of his holy Spirit Peter who seemed to bee a valiant champion and defied his enemies and vowed he would rather die then deny his Lord and Maister CHRIST IESVS yet being left to himselfe how fouly did he fall and cowardly deny him three times in one houre at the voice of a little girle so all the fals and infirmities of Gods children though neuer so wise as Salomon strong as Sampson righteous as Lot holy as Dauid doth proue this to bee true And Paul though hee was a blessed vessell of mercy greatly enlightned and sanctified cryes out O wretched man that I am Rom. 7.24 and feares the great corruptions of his heart The childe of GOD may bee compared to a staffe in a mans hand so long as thou dost stay it and hold it it will stand vpright but pull away your hand and downe it will of it selfe Euen so do wee stand while the Lord do stay vs and vphold vs but if hee take away his hand and leaue vs downe we go wee bee like a little infant that is in the nurses hand so long as she holds it it will go and moue and stand but if shee pull away her hand it fals and takes a knocke As GOD alone is the Author of all grace and first Fountaine of all mercy he alone can turne the heart worke faith repentance and obedience for it is GOD alone that must giue the second grace namely corroboration continuance in grace or grace to continue in faith and obedience Vse 1 This confutes the doctrine of the Papists which hold that a man hauing grace from God to beleeue and repent can merite at GODS hands grace to continue that God should ex condigno giue him grace to continue and that a man being once iust can make himselfe more iust but Dauid doth heare confesse that all is of GOD. Vse 2 This serues to reproue them who trust too much to their owne power and goodnesse relye vpon their owne wisedome knowledge vertue and strength when once they get a little knowledge and taste in the word oh they think themselues sure and well they feare no danger they defie the deuill so long as they say their prayers and serue God well they hope God will keepe them and so are secure and carelesse Psal 30.6 but of all men these be in greatest danger that least feare danger 1. Cor. 10.12 looke on Peter he was neuer more weake then when he thought himselfe most strong I said I shall neuer bee moued But thou turned●t away thy f●ce and I was sore troubled Pride goes before the fall Vse 3 How should this make euery man to feare himselfe to suspect his owne weakenes Blessed is the man that feares alwayes but he that burdeneth his heart shall fall into destruction or euill where Salomon sheweth that that man that doth feare himselfe and his owne weakenesse is happy but hee that is secure and
with selfe-loue that they see nothing or feele nothing to humble them or to bruise their stonie hearts but are like the Church of Ephesus for this is euer a fellow of hardnesse of heart Reu. 3 14● Eph 4.18 and cause of all ignorance of our misery Men are like those that be sicke of the lethargie it is a deadly disease and incurable this hardnesse of heart it is the common iudgement of God vpon our people it raignes euery where Vse 1 Seeing that this broken heart is so rare and hard to be found and the hard heart is so common and so dangerous a fore-runner to hell O let vs looke to our selues how wee finde our hearts broken and bruised with the sense of sinne mourne for them and bewaile them Alas it is wonderfull to see poore soules how men lie in sin see nothing and feare nothing nor complaine of nothing men can complaine of the stone in the reines and cry out for griefe but no man complaines of the stone in the heart they feele no such griefe though it be deadly and dangerous and if thou findest thy hart hardned so as thou art not touched and troubled with the sight of sinne of Gods vengeance of hell and damnation that thou canst not mourn for them that thou fearest not GODS iudgements and art not affected with his mercies to mourne for thy sinnes O! know that thy state is fearefull and miserable thou art in extreame danger to perish and to be damned for euer Vse 2 Seeing a hard heart is so fearfull a iudgement of God and a fore-runner of hell let vs vse all good means for the bruising of the heart and to this end wee must labour to know the Law of God how wee breake it daily in thought word and deed we must know the curse of God due to sinne That the wages of sin is death Rom. 6. psal 40.12 And because the preaching of the word is the most excellent meanes to worke this and is the Lords hammer to crush in peeces our stonie hearts let vs attend that And lastly let vs thinke much of Gods mercie in Christ that so his mercy patience long-sufferance c. may be a speciall meanes to bruise our hearts that we haue si●ned against him Vse 3 Let vs take heed of pride of heart to thinke too well of our selues for this is certaine where men and women thinke too well of themselues there is hardnesse of hart and where hardnes of heart is there is pride of heart for these two go not asunder and the more prowd the more hard-hearted and the more hard-hearted the more prowd and therfore if thy heart be humbled indeed brused for sinne there will follow a very lowe and base estimation of our selues 1. Tim. 1.15 to thinke more basely and meanely of our selues then any man can do The second point is the praise and commendations of this Sacrifice namely that the Prophet doth not onely call it the Sacrifice of GOD that is most excellent and such as God loues and likes but also he calls it broken Sacrifices in the plurall number The Sacrifices of God For it is not in vaine that he speakes in the plurall number and the meaning is this to shew that a heart broken and bruised for sinne is in stead of all other Sacrifices whatsoeuer and let men offer what Sacrifice they will neuer so many costly or excellent yet if this be wanting it is but in vaine GOD esteemes not of it one broken heart is more worth then a thousand Sacrifices of great price Instruct. THis may admonish euerie one to take heed that wee doe not present the Lord with any other Sacrifice but this which is in stead of all and more worth then a thousand offered by hard-hearted sinners for if a man offer many Sacrifices pray much preach much heare much receiue the Sacrament often yet if the heart be not broken humbled and bruised alas all is in vaine GOD esteemes of them as dogges bloud wee can not please him without the broken and contrite spirite Secondly wouldest thou offer vnto God a most precious Sacrifice that might be in stead of all the rest and make all the rest acceptable O! then present him with this broken hart the poore woman that cast into the Treasurie but two mites cast in more then all the rest because it came from a heart truely humbled and so if thou wouldst haue thy praiing Preaching Hearing c. please GOD then present the Lord with a broken heart which is in steed of all other sacrifices and makes them all acceptable and without this all is abhominable to the Lord. Thou wilt not despise Doctr. 2 THat is thou dost loue and like and art well pleased with it God doth highly esteeme of a broken heart with a broken heart and contrite spirit Hence we learne that God doth highly esteeme of and loue that man or woman which is of a broken heart as Iosias whose heart melted 2. Reg. 22.19 when as the heart is broken with the sight of sin and sence of Gods anger Luke 19. Esay 66.2 Esay 57.15 and withall doth imbrace IESVS CHRIST for pardon Vse 1 Heere is matter of endlesse comfort to poore distressed soules whose hearts are wounded and bruised for sin melt and mourne for them feel● the burthen of them and bewaile them thou art deere vnto God hee loues thee and likes thee and hath respect vnto thee and hee will comfort thee and deliuer thee looke on Ios●as that godly King on the Publican and on euery child of God how the Lord hath refreshed them Vse 2 Seeing the Lord doth not despise a broken and contrite spirit a distressed soule and wounded conscience he will not breake the bruised reede nor quench the smoaking flaxe then let no man or woman of a contrite spirit be out of heart as though the Lord hated them and regarded them not no no let them rather know that the Lordloues them and likes them that they are deere vnto him it is a wonderfull comfort to Gods poore children oh they finde and feele the heauy weight of sinne and groane vnder it so as they thinke the Lord loues them not but rather hates them but it is not so the Lord loues them and they are most deere vnto him VERSE 18.19 18 Bee fauourable vnto Zyon for thy good pleasure Build vp the wals of Ierusalem 19 Then shalt thou accept the sacrifice of righteousnesse euen the burnt-offering and oblation then shall they offer calues vpon thine Altar The secōd part of the Psalm cōtaining a prayer for the Church HITHERTO wee haue heard of the first part of this worthy Psalme wherein Dauid hath put vp sundry Petitions and requests to God for the pardon of his sinnes and turning away of GODS fearefull iudgements Now in these two last verses Dauid is mindefull of the Church and people of GOD and because he had by his sinnes not onely indangered his
himselfe telleth vs Esay 43 25. I euen I am hee saith the Lord that putteth way thine iniquities Now that they may be blotted out and this Booke may be cancelled we must How to haue the Bookes cancelled First truely repent of them all bewaile them be grieued for them that by them we haue grieued God Secondly we must beg hard euen as for life and death for pardon of them as Dauid did here againe and againe aske mercy If a man should runne into debt a thousand pounds and know not how to pay his creditor his best way were to seeke and make friends vnto him to forgiue it We are debters vnto God thousand Thousands sinnes pay wee can not then let vs confesse the debt intreate him to blot his booke and take that hand-writing and band of obligation on against vs and naile it to Christs Crosse And this is an excellent propertie of the childe of God that hee desireth after a sort to come out of Gods debt A true childe of GOD cannot abide to haue any thing standing on Gods score for he knowes Hebr. 10.31 That it is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing GOD so long to deferre till God warne to his Barre Oh he seekes betimes and giues the Lord no rest till the debt be pardoned Thirdly that our sinnes may bee cleane blotted out wee must haue faith in Christ Iesus for nothing can blot out sinne but his bloud alone nothing in heauen and earth can satisfie Gods anger wash away sinne blot out our offences but onely the bloud of Iesus Christ and therefore let vs labour continually to be assured of it by faith to sprinckle our sinfull hearts with the bloud of Iesus Christ 1. Iohn 1.7 Reuel 1.6 Vse 3 Seeing the Prophet Dauid doth acknowledge that this Debt was more then he was able to pay and therefore disclayming his owne sufficiencie appeales onely to GODS mercy in Christ for the pardon of the same We learne that that Doctrine of Merites yea and Supererogation now taught in the Church of Rome is most false and erronious teaching poore people to leane vnto mans satisfactions which they must make vnto God either heere or in Purgatory whereas the Iustice of God is infinite And when we haue done all that we can heere in this life wee are vnprofitable seruants nay there is not that man in the whole world that if God should lay aside his mercie and deale in iustice were able to satisfie the Iustice of GOD for the least Debt that hee doth owe vnto GOD. And vnlesse the Lord take pittie on vs and forgiue the Debt there remaineth nothing for vs but to lie in prison and that for euer Matth. 28.27 But of this before VERSE 2. 2. Wash mee throughly from my wickednesse and cleanse me from my sinnes IN this Verse the Prophet Dauid proceedes with his former petition vnto GOD for grace and fauour for pardon of his sinnes yet so as hee doth it more effectual and more earnestly because his foule was now exceeding grieued seeing his woefull misery that he was in how foule and filthily he was stained with sin most hainously And though some put a difference betweene these two speeches and vnderstand the former of the washing of Iustification and pardon of his sinnes not imputing them vnto his charge And the second of the washing of Sanctification and the couering of our sins yea by little and little washing and purging them away and more and more renewing newing of vs in soule and bodie by the worke of Sanctification yet me thinks the words do both imply one thing namely to be throughly purged from the filth and staine of sinne and to be receiued againe into the fauor of God by the means of Christ It may seeme strange what should moue Dauid to confesse his sin and to intreate for pardon in this maner There was no Court of Inquisition concerning his fact There was no Magistrate to examine him nor Iudge to condemne him he being King Nay no doubt the diuel might set some on work which might back him and seeme to lessenhis fault what then should cause Dauid without any regard of his credit to come forth in this manner and thus publiquely to confesse his pollution and to be so earnest vnto GOD with his Haue mercie Blot out Wash me c. Surely it was his owne conscience and that extorted and wroong from him this Confession and made him so earnest vnto God in prayer Doctr. 1 From this prayer of Dauid A woūded consciēce can finde no rest but onely in Christ repeating his request to GOD so often Haue mercie Blot out Wash me c. we learn that a wounded conscience that is truely touched for sinne can finde no rest or comfort but only in the feeling of Gods mercy in Christ for the pardon of sinne and therfore Dauid to shew how hee was truely humbled and wounded for sinne hee neuer can content himselfe to pray and beg for mercy and pardon for after a man sees his sins and the filthinesse of them and beholdes the wrath of God against sinne his conscience still accuses him neither can hee finde any rest till hee do feele the mercy of God in Christ for the pardon of them Being iustified by faith we haue peace with God Rom. 5.1 Againe the Kingdome of GOD stands not in meate and drinke Rom. 14.17 but in righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost that is in pardon of sinnes and feeling of Gods loue for sinne once knowne will neuer cease to accuse vntil it be pardoned And this is confirmed vnto vs by the example of Caine Genes 4. who hauing slaine his owne brother and shead innocent bloud which cried in the eares of the Lord for vengeance how did the Lord strike him with an accusing conscience that he feared the sight of euery creature when he had once attained the sight of his sinne and whereas he thought to build him a Cittie to yeelde him comfort and safetie euen there did the Iustice of God ouertake him and he was driuen from that enterprise The like wee may see in Belieshazzer Dan. 5.56 when there appeared fingers of a mans hand vpon the wall his thoughts were troubled and his knees smote one against the other According tothat punishment the Lord foretolde Leuit. 26. I will send euen a faintnesse into their hearts And the sound of a leafe shaken shall chasten them And they shall flie as from a sword though none pursue them So that if it were possible to escape all apprehension and accusation in the world yet a mans owne conscience would arrest him and hale him vnto Iudgement Vse 1 Seeing this is the nature of sinne that being knowne it wil neuer cease to accuse and vex the conscience of a poore sinner till it be pardoned it should prouoke vs all that feele the smart of sinne neuer to giue the Lord any rest vntill we haue pardon
the best insight into the Lawe of GOD hath the greatest sight of his sinne and of his misery and is most humbled and most stirred vp to seeke to God for mercy And they which haue least knowledge of the Lawe know least of their sinnes and miserie and are most prowd and least humbled neither can they truely repent For as a sicke man is then most dangerously sicke when hee hath no feeling of his sickenesse so a sinner is then in greatest misery when hee thinketh himselfe to bee no sinner Such a one is farre off from mourning and sorrowing for sinne from turning from them and returning to God Seeing he taketh himselfe to be in good case and to stand in need of no repentance And such were the Pharises in the dayes of CHRIST whom he reprooued Matth. 9.12 The whole neede not the Physition but those that are sicke I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And done this euill in thy sight SInne may well be called an euill because it is the cause of all euill both in soule and body for al iudgement plague and punishmnnts be but the fruits that come of sinne sicknesse pouerty plague pestilence shame warre all iudgements be the fruits of sinne Secondly because sin doth displease God and offendeth his Maiestie therefore it is called an Euill of all euills Thirdly because this euill of sin infects heauen and earth and brings euill to all the creatures of God vnder heauen Vse Well seeing sin is an euil it displeaseth God it brings all euill and all manner of plagues and punishment yea eternall death in the world to come and seeing it infects heauen and earth with the poyson of it how should we hate abhorre sin quake at it be afraid to commit that which is the cause of all other euilles But alas though sin be a fearefull euill yea the cause of all euill yet we see men are not affaid of sin they quake not at it they shun it not yea they which doe feare fire and water the plague and pestilence yet dare bee doing and tampering with sin as if there were no euill nor danger in it but if we be wise let vs flie sin aboue all other euils whatsoeuer and in so doing if we flie this euill of sin we shal preuent many other iudgements and euills which are the fruits of sin In thy sight or before thine eyes As if Dauid should haue saide O Lord my God though I did commit adultery neuer so closely and caused Vrias secretly to be slaine yet alas I see all I did was manifest before thine eies and could not be hidden from thy sight Doctrine Men sinne before God Howsoeuer men and women sin neuer so closely secretly yet they sin before the face of the Lord euen in his eyes and vnder his nose the Lord standing by and looking on them neither distance of place nor secret corner neither darkenesse of the night nor any deuice and shift of man whatsoeuer is able to couer our sins from Gods eies Psal 139. Hebr. 4.13 there is no creature which is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open before his eyes with whom wee haue to do It is true indeed it is an casie matter to bleare the eyes of man to sin so closely and cunningly that no man shall know it in some secret corner in some darke night to steale lie commit adultery but although all men and Angels be ignorant yet our most secret euilles and sinnes are all naked vnto the Lords eies Vse 1 Oh that all men could be perswaded of this doctrine that we euer sin in the Lords sight when wee lie steale commit adultery then doth the Lord sees vs his fiery eies behold vs and the Lord euen then stands at our elbowes and lookes vpon vs How would this be a blessed meanes to bridle men and to restraine them from many secret and hidden sinnes What man durst be so bold and desperate to cut a purse when hee sees the Iudges eye set on him and beholdeth him And what man is so desperate that durst steale lie commit adultery if he knew that the all-seeing and piercing eyes of Almightie GOD did beholde him and looke on him This doth the Lord GOD tell the seuen Churches of Asia in euery Epistle Philip. 4. Reuel 3. I know thy workes O then let the remembrance of this make vs watchfull and wary to looke vnto all our wayes to liue as euer in Gods presence Vse 2 Here is matter of comfort and incouragement vnto the children of GOD for as the Lord sees and beholdeth all the euills and sins of men and women to iudge and to punish them al is naked to his piercing and all-seeing eyes so likewise all our good deeds and vertues are knowne and seene of God I know thy workes all thou dost both good and bad I know all Now then if the Lord do take knowledge of all our workes and sees them yea there is nothing we doe but it is manifest in his eies we know he is a bountifull God and plentifully rewards all that loue and feare him yea he will not leaue a cup of colde water without a reward O then let vs proceede and abound in good workes in knowledge faith repentance patience obedience humilitie zeale loue c. for the Lord knowes and sees all and will not let any one good work go vnrewarded Now followes the second part of the Verse containing a reason why the Prophet Dauid did thus acknowledge and confesse his sins and humbled himselfe for them namely that by this meanes hee might cleare the Lord of all iniustice and hard dealing in word or deede as if hee should haue said O Lord I confesse that seeing I haue so grieuously sinned against thee and so fowly committed euill in thy sight there is no cause why I should so much as accuse thee of the least cruelty iniustice or hard dealing with me either in thy terrible threatnings by thy seruant Nathan or thy righteous iudgement in taking away the childe conceiued in adultery for I acknowledge that I haue deserued farre more grieuous plagues and punishments for this my vile and grieuous sin And therefore by this my confession I doe cleere thee O Lord of all iniustice and cruell dealing condemne my selfe to be worthy of farre more grieuous iudgements and punishments for my sins so as all the world may see and know that thou art most iust in al thy threatnings denounced against sin and most pure and righteous in al thy iudgemēts fatherly chasticements That thou maiest be iust That is that thou maist be known iust in thy workes and all the world may see and know that there is great and iust cause of thy threatnings against sin and sinners Now what these speeches were and the iudgements threatned against Dauid looke in the second of Samuel chapter 12. verse 10. First that the Sword should neuer depart
1. Reg. 22.8 because he neuer prophesieth good vnto him but euer tolde him of Gods iudgements and therefore hee could not away with ●im but let vs know that it is a bad property and a signe of a most lewd and gracelesse heart Psal 50 Thou hatest to be reformed The vilest Atheist in the world may be content to heare the gospel but let vs know that we must be content to heare of Gods iudgements Herod could be content to heare Iohn Baptist gladly Esay 58.1 Mar. 6.20 Psal 141.5 vntill hee came to touch his beloued sinne which was a signe hee had a naughtie heart But Dauid could wish the righteous might smite him friendly and reprooue him for such smiting should be good for him Psalme 141. verse 5. Vse 2 Let vs learne by Dauids example quietly and patiently to heare of our sinnes and to heare GODS iudgements denounced against them Faithfull Ministers token of Gods loue and let vs deeme it a singular fauour of God if the Lord send some godlie Nathan to tell vs of our sinnes and to thunder out GODS iudgements against them it is a signe the Lord loueth vs and would not haue vs to perish And therefore let vs bee so farre from murmuring or disliking the Lords Ministers for telling vs of our sins that we should rather loue them and like them yea Dauid loued Nathan aboue all other men because that hoe was a meanes to reclaime him and bring him home againe by true repentance And so it is with all Gods children that those faithfull Ministers of the Word which haue beene the meanes to humble them and cast them downe for their sins Psal 141.5 of all other they loue them and make much of them Vse 3 Seeing when Nathan reprooued Dauid hee acknowledgeth it to bee the Lords rebuking of him it must admonish all men to listen vnto the word of God in the mouth of his ministers Ghd'speaketh by his Ministera as though the Lord himselfe should speake vnto them for they stand in his steade and whatsoeuer they speake in the name of the Lord it is as much as if the Lord should speake from heauen and therefore CHRIST saith Luk. 10.16 He that heareth you heareth mee And hee that despiseth you despiseth me and hee that despiseth mee despiseth him that sent me And therefore let vs take to heart the judgements of GOD threatened by his Ministers let vs make a good vse of them and let vs assure our selues that vnlesse we do repent they will seize vpon vs and therefore let all vngodly men take heede how they reuile Gods ministers when they deale soundly and roundly sincerely and sharpely for sinne for thou striuest not with man but with God And pure when thou iudgest THAT is that thou mayest be knowne to be pure free from all cruelty and iniustice in thy iudgements when thou dost chasten man for sinne wee must needes acknowledge that thou art iust and dost neuer deale so hardly with vs as we deserue For himselfe hee confesseth that GOD is most iust That howsoeuer the Lord might bring vpon him all those Iudgements which hee had threatned by his Prophet against hin viz. That euill should be raised against him out of his owne house That the Sword should bee sent against it That his wiues should be openly defiled That the childe borne in adultery should die yet though all those things should come vpon him and his house the Lord should still free from cruelty and iniustice Doctrine By this example of Dauid wee learne to free the Lord from all cruell God is euer iust in his iudgements hard and vniust dealing that although the Lord bring vpon vs many and grieuous judgements sickenes pouerty imprisonment plague famine sword pestilence c. yet let vs take it so to heart that euer we do acknowledge GOD is free from all cruell and vniust dealing Dan. 9 5 6 7. a most liuely example of this we haue in the people of the Iewes whom the Lord had grieuously afflicted for the contempt of his word and despising his Prophets sent them into great captiuitie now being there they doe not complaine of any vniust dealing of God towards them but confesse rather Lam. 3.22 That it was his endlesse mercie that we were not consumed Because his compassions faile not the like example we haue in Iob Iob 1.22 who neuer charged God of any vniust dealing And to the same purpose speaks the Church Micah 7.9 I will beare the wrath of the Lord because I haue sinned against him Vse 1 Hence wee are taught whatsoeuer crosse or iudgement the Lord shall lay vpon vs to vndergoe the same without murmuring or repining against GOD for in all these things God is most righteous and laieth nothing on vs which we haue not deserued Let vs therfore learne with Dauid to be dombe and silent vnder the hand of God whatsoeuer we suffer because God hath done it and wee haue deserued it But alas how far is this from those men who when they are crossed are readie to breake into cursing and swearing c. or at the least fret and repine against God as if he had done them wrong in punishing them Vse 2 This condemns that great impatiencie of many a one that when the lord doth exercise them by sickenes by pouertie by crosses in wife or children c. are ready to murmure and complaine that the Lord dealeth hardly with them so that they dare reason and dispute with GOD this was Iobs case in his extreamitie hee forgate himselfe and spake soolishly nay rather let vs with Dauid confesse and acknowledge that it is the iust hand of GOD and that he doth vs no wrong although hee send many and long afflictions vpon vs let vs confesse it is his mercy that hee sends no more yea let vs acknowledge that wee are worthy ten thousand times to perish for our sinnes and to be damned eternally And if the Lord should for euer condemne vs Iob 13.15 Dan. 9. yet he should be iust Vse 2 This condemnes all those prowd spirites who dare charge the Lord of great cruelty and hardnesse if hee should reiect the greatest part of mankind and damne them for their sinnes they thinke it stands not with Gods mercy so to do but as the Apostle Paul in the eleuenth chapter to the Romanes saith What arte thou O man that darest dispute with God Yea it is therefore most iust because GOD willeth it for his will is the rule of iustice And therefore anie thing is iust because he willes it and therfore let vs not only in our owne Note Particular crosses and calamities acknowledge God to be iust but also in the matter of Reprobation and Reiection let vs acknowledge Almightie GOD to be most iust and righteous let God be true and euery man a liar Vse 3 Seeing the Lord is so pure and iust free from all cruell and hard
our most gracions God louing father yea wee shall desire in all things to honour God to doe his will to please and serue him so that if wee finde and feele these things a true hatred and dislike of sinne because it dishonours our God a desire to liue in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all our dayes it is a certaine signe that the Spirit of God doth assure vs of our reconciliation with God But if men find not this no hatred of sinne no loue to obey his will and keepe his commandements but ignorance rebellion prophanenesse and the like let them bragge what they will of their strong faith feeling of Gods loue and I know not what yet it is certaine they haue not the testimony of Gods spirit which Dauid praieth for here but a sond and foolish opinion proceeding of selfe-loue carnall securitie and diuellish presumption which in the end will deceiue them Doctr. 3 Make me to heare of ioy and gladnes God conuaies confort vnto vs by the ministerie of his holie word In these words note a third point of doctrine namely whence and where Dauid looked for comfort namely from the word of God and hearing the same opened and preached vnto him So that in his example wee learne that all true comfort and spirituall consolation is to bee learned and fetched out of the word of God that is the store-house of heauenly comfort And therefore our Sauior Christ bids vs search there for comfort Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them yee thinke to haue eternall life Againe it is called Spirit and Life Iohn 6.63 because God vses the preaching and ministerie of the Gospel to beget spirituall life It is called The word of truth euen the Gospel of our saluation Ephesians 1.13 The Lord might haue illuminated the minde of the Eunuch Actes 8. by the mediate working of his owne Spirit and haue made him vnderstand that scripture which he was reading without any Interpreter but it pleased the Lord to doe it by the Ministerie of Philip hee might haue likewise communicated his Spirit to Cornelius Actes 10. But the Lord would not do it but by the ministerie of Peter According to that of the Apostle 1. Corin. 1.21 It hath pleased the Lord by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue so many as beleeue and so many shall beleeue as are ordained to eternall life If then thou be desirous with Dauid to heare of ioy and gladnesse and to haue assurance of the pardon of thy sinnes then reuerence the ministery of the word by which the Lord communicateth his Spirit to such as hee will saue And surely this must needes be an exceeding comfort to all the children of GOD that GOD doth not onelie freely forgiue them their sinnes but also telleth them of the forgiuenesse of the same sealing vp in their hearts the testimonie thereof by his holy Spirit Vse 1 Seeing God hath appointed the ministerie of the Word to bee the meanes to worke all true and spirituall comfort Oh then in all our needes wants and distresses let vs search the word of God ther is comfort to be found many heauenly and sweete promises of the gospell to quicken reuiue our poore distressed soules Psa 119.50 Psa 84.1 2 Psalme 43 Psalme 4. Reu. 22.2 and this the Prophet Dauid knew by good experience that there is more found comfort in the feeling of Gods loue then in all the world besides It may well be compared to the tree Saint Iohn speaketh of which beareth twelue manner of fruit and the leaues of the tree serue to cure and help diseased and wounded soules and the fruit of this tree of the word of God is most sweete and pleasant and therefore let vs if wee desire to desire true comfort indeed seeke it in the meanes namely in the word and ministery of the holy gospel Vse 2 This sheweth that all those be enemies to their owne soules tha● despise the ministery of the Word and preaching of the Gospel If euer thou finde one iote of true comfort thou must haue it in the meanes that God hath ordained namely in the ministerie of the Word let men seeke it else-where and they shall find none Men may seeke delight and ioy in their golde and siluer in merry companie in this or that as men vse to doe but alas they can not finde it there yea experience sheweth that distressed soules full of woe and miserie could neuer finde true comfort in anie thing else saue in the ministerie of the Word of GOD and there they haue found endlesse comfort by the hearing of the blessed and sauing promises of the Gospel and therefore it men shall neglect or despise the word preached how can they euer find ioy or gladness or anie dram of sauing comfort Doctr. 4 Whereas Dauid craues of GOD that he would cause him to heare of ioy and gladnes that is that his sins were all pardoned and be reconciled to God in CHRIST that so he might haue some good matter of ioy and gladness Wee learne hence that there is no sound ioy nor comfort to any man or woman Where sin is not pardond ther can be no true ioy but onely in the pardon of sinne and feeling of Gods loue in CHRIST and all other ioy which men do frame and deuise vnto themselues alas it is but from the teeth outward it is not sound nor durable it is but carnall and earthly and will easily be lost Thus saith the Lord Iere. 9.23 let not the wise-man reioyce in his wisdome nor the strong man in his strength nor the rich man in his riches But let him that glorieth glory in this that he knoweth me to be she Lord And without this there can be no sound ioy as we see in Dauid and so in all distressed sinners till they feele the assurance of Gods loue for the pardon of their sinne Vse 1 This shews that the common ioy of most men and women is but a carnall ioy earthly vaine it is not spirituall it is not true ioy for al the while they eate drinke make themselues merry laugh and sing they liue in sinne in danger of Gods anger and condemnation no feeling of Gods loue no assurance of saluation and then how can they haue any true ioy for this proceedes from the assurance of Gods loue and the pardon of sinne The kingdome of God stands not in meate and drinke Ro. 14.17 but in righteousnesse peace and ioy in the Holy Ghost Esa 57.21 but vnto the wicked there is no peace Obiect Obiect But doe wee not see that wicked men that liue in sin that be notorious sinners swearers blasphemers drunkards c. that these liue in mirth and iollity in eating drinking in ease and idlenesse and the children of GOD haue much forrow and heauinesse griefe and wrong Answ Answ Yes it is true that wicked men that liue in sin passe their dayes in eating drinking
shun sinne and the occasions of sinne for seldome shall a man fall into that sinne which he doth truely feare to commit Vse 4 As wee are to feare our owne weakenes so wee must intreate the Lord that he would neuer leaue vs to our selues but that hee would giue vs his stable and constant spirit or as Paul praies for That God would strengthen vs by his spirit in the inner man that wee might not onelie beginne well but continue by constant perseuerance in obedience all our dayes for if the Lord leaue vs alas we shal easily fall flat to the ground euen as a staffe in a mans hand so long as it is stayed it stands but if it be left alone it falls to the ground so it is with vs and therefore let vs not presume of our owne strength or power but suspect it and pray to God to renue his constant and stable spirit in vs. Vse 5 Heere is matter of great comfort to the children of GOD that fall of weaknes and infirmitie into the same sinnne after repentance and such is the deapth of Sathans temptations that hee tells them that the children of God fall not into the same sinne againe after their repentance if they do he then telleth them that there is no place for a second repentance but this is false for the promises of God are without limitation of times or consideration of sinnes or respect of persons hee will receiue to mercie all repentant sinners whether their sinnes be committed before or after repentance whether once or often so that they renue their repentance according as they haue sinned anew This pardon Christ himselfe publisheth Matthew chap. 11. Come vnto me all yee that are wearie and are heauie laden and I will refresh you Yea the Lord enjoyneth vs sinnefull men Luke 17. To forgiue our brother seuentie times seuen times if he turne againe and say it repenteth me So that wee see this is a maruellous comfort to all such as groane vnder the burden of sinne that haue fallen through infirmity into one sin often let not such be discouraged but assure themselues That albeit with Peter they fall often yet if with him they repent truely and weepe bitterly for their sinnes the Lord ●s mercifull to forgiue them their sins Not that wee should liue prowdly presumptously stubbornely and obstinately against him but if we fall through frailtie for Psalme 103. The Lord knoweth whereof wee be made hee remembreth that wee are but dust Doctr. 3 When Dauid prayeth to be renued and to recouer his former feeling and comfort Childe of God not alwaies at one stay Hence we learne that the childe of GOD is not alwayes at one stay but there is an entercourse in the estate of a Christian man or woman sometimes full of comfort ioy and peace of conscience and sometimes againe heauy and sad yea full of sorrow and perplexity euen as a man in an ague sometimes sicke and somtimes wel as it is with trees somtimes winter and sometimes summer this is the state of all Gods children as Dauid Ioseph Hezekias Iob c. and continuall experience prooues this that the estate of GODS children ebbes and flowes hath their change when as they walke directly and vprightly with God then they haue peace and comfort but when they start aside and commit some sinne then they finde torments of conscience and griefe of mind Vse 1 This shewes vs what is the estate and condition of the childe of God in this life Hee is not heere so sanctified as that hee feeles no corruption of sinne to hang about him but rather such a one as feels the burden of his corruptions hindering him in this his course of Christianity vnder which he sighes and groanes labouring by all good meanes to bee disburdened Indeed it is matter of great comfort to feele the graces of Gods Spirit as faith loue c. but no childe of God can alwayes feele the comfort of grace but as fire that is raked vp in the Ashes it is hidde from his feeling for a time but at length it will breake out againe to his great ioy and comfort Vse 2 Wel seeing this is the state of Gods children heere that sometimes they find great peace and comfort sometimes great griefe and sorrow let vs not be too much discouraged but rather whenas by our falls and slips wee haue weakened our comfort let vs intreate the Lord to renue our comfort againe let vs doe as a poore traueller if hee misse his way and goe out of it hee will hasten into it againe and trudge and plucke vp his heels to recouer that he hath lost so let vs when we haue sinned and gone out of the way make haste to returne and as a man that hath beene long sicke and growne feeble and weake will vse all meanes to gather vp his crummes and to recouer his former strength againe so let vs when wee haue lost some part of our comfort and heauenly strength let vs I say vse all blessed means to recouer our former health and comfort againe let vs pray much reade much heare much and meditate much let vs bewayle our former slouth and make more vpright steps in time to come to GODS Kingdome Doctr. 4 Note hence that it is a speciall fruit and marke of a sanctified heart A purpose not to sin the marke of a sanctified hart and of the minde renewed to haue a right Spirit that is a purpose not to sin but in all things to please GOD and to doe his will to walke with GOD in all his commaundements whereas of the contrary when a man hath a purpose to liue in any knowne sinne Psa 50.17 Marke 6.2 it is a fearefull and manifest signe of a naughty and wicked heart for when the heart is truly sanctified then will be wrought this right spirit not to sinne in any thing I doe not say that the man sanctified and regenerate doth not sinne at all but he hath not purpose to sinne no delight in sinne but beareth a constant purpose in all things to please God when he can say with Dauid I haue refrained my feet from euery euill way Gen. 17.1 Psa 18.23 1. Ioh. 3.9 Gen. 39.9 Againe Hee that is borne of God sinneth not that is with full purpose of heart with delight in sinne and as they purpose so they indeuour it they are afraide and suspect themselues shunne the occasions of sin striue against their corruptions and Sathans temptations Vse 1 This doctrine doth euidently conuince the greatest number to be such as neuer had the true worke of Sanctification wrought in them their hearts be not sanctified their minds be not renewed Why namely because they want this marke and fruit of a sanctified hart For though they heare of their sinnes be told of them and the fearefull iudgement of God denounced against them yet they will not leaue them nor forsake them but will continue in them yea
Mat. 24 24 that any man elected should perish False Christs should deceiue the very elect Math. 18. Rom. 8.30 if it were possible but that is impossible And the gates of hell that is all the power and malice of the deuill shall not preuaile against the least of GODS children to hinder their euerlasting saluation Againe this is proued Math. 16.16 Where Christ promiseth Peter and in him the whole Church That the gates of hell should neuer preuaile against him where Christ sheweth that indeed the deuill through his temptations might shew very much strength but they should comfort themselues in this that they should neuer preuaile or finally get the victory Againe Mat. 24. They shall deceiue if it were possible euen the very Elect Out of which words of our Sauiour wee may gather that the Elect of God should not be seduced and so fall away finally Againe Iohn 10.28 Christ saith his sheepe shall neuer perish adding this withall No man shall take them out of my hands And againe Rom. 8.30 Whom God Predestinateth hee Calleth Iustifieth Sanctifieth and Glorifieth Therefore not fall away finally for he that falleth away finally shall neuer be glorified But admit as the Papists would haue it that a man might fall away fily then hee must bee cleane cut off from Christ for hee must be cleane cut off from Christ and haue no coniunction with him before hee fall away finally then at his second reuniting he must bee Baptised for Baptisme is the Sacrament of Incysion or ingrafting into Christ But that is absurd that Baptisme should be any more then once adminstred therefore fore a man is but once vnited or once ingrafted and cannot bee revnited and neuer fall And therefore friuolous is that distinction of veniall and mortall sinnes with the Papists for if any sinne of the Elect should bee mortall Then there must needs bee a second renuing in the Elect vnto Christ which is most absurd to thinke Men must puta difference betwixt that they feele and that they haue for the Lord worketh this but once And Dauid though at this time hee lay languishing vnder the heate of the Lords wrath for those horrible sinnes of his adultery and murther yet in this verse he praies not to haue it taken from him which doth argue that hee had it euen at this time of his greatest extremity though hee felt it not with the same measure of comfort hee had done many times before Secondly besides these plaine testimonies of Scripture let vs consider a word or two to proue that in regard of God the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost that the elect cannot perish and fin ally fall away First if a man elected of God to eternall life called iustified and sanctified may fall away and finally perish then it is either because God wants loue or power to saue him but to say that God is vnwilling or vnable is meere blasphemy therfore all those whom he elects must needs be saued seeing God doth both will it and shew that hee is able to effect it First if God be willing and would haue them saued Rom. 11. Rom. 8. who hath resisted his wil If God be with vs who can be against vs but that he is most willing able to saue the elect it is manifest For his will Ioh. 3.16 his will God so loued them that he sent his Sonne to dye for them Now this is a great triall and proofe of his loue willingnesse that hee had rather see his only begottē son that was neere and deere vnto him to bee hanged on the tree to dye the cursed death on the crosse to shed his pretious bloud and to beare the curse of God and hellish torments then to see any one of his elect to perish Ioh. 6.39.40 And this is the Fathers wil that hath sent me that of all which he hath giuen me I should loose nothing but raise it vp at the last day Secondly for his power that he is able to saue all those whom hee will saue Esay 63.1 it is manifest God is omnipotent most righteous mighty to saue the Lord doth what hee will None can take them out of my Fathers hands which is greater then all Ioh. 10.27.28 And therefore seeing God is willing and desires that all the elect should be saued not onely decreed it but sent his Son to saue them Secondly those for whom Christ dyed and prayed that their faith might not faile they must needs bee saued and their faith cannot faile but he hath prayed for all true beleeuers Father keepe them that thou hast giuen me that they may bee one mee Luk. 22.23 Ioh. 17. as thou art one in mee Now then if Christs prayer bee of force and can preuaile and doe any thing with the Father as hee confesseth that the Father hath doth and will heare him in all things then certainely no true beleeuer can perish and finally fall away Thirdly no true member of Christ can perish for then Christs body should be imperfect but euery true beleeuer is a liuing Member of Christs body and therefore cannot perish yea it is as possible that Christ himselfe should perish as any true beleeuer that is truely ingrafted into his body by faith and the spirit Fourthly in regard of God the Holy Ghost who is the pledge and pawne of our adoption and saluation Rom. 8.16 the seale of our election and doth testifie Gods loue in Christ for our saluation Now then vnlesse we will say that the Spirit of God who is the spirit of Wisedome being of the very Councell of God and the spirit of truth that cannot lye that he testifies vntruths that the beleeuer that repents beleeues in Christ shall bee saued and yet hee shall not which is blasphemy wee must needs confesse it is impossible 1. Ioh. 3.9 Hee that is borne of God cannot sinne with full consent to death because the seed of the Spirit remaineth in him And therefore I conclude that the childe of God elected called iustified and sanctified cannot perish and for euer fall away cannot become a Reprobate and limbe of the Deuill but shall continue to the end and God will finish the good worke of grace in them Papists doctrine against the nature of faith till the comming of Christ Iesus Vse 1 This confutes that damnable doctrine of the Papists wbo hold all in vncertainty yea they teach and hold that a man truely elected may become a reprobate though to day a child of God and highly in his fauour yet to morrow by thy sinnes thou maist become a limbe of the deuill out of Gods fauour in his displeasure damned for euer though to day a member of Christ Iesus called iustified and sanctified yet to morrow loose all and bee damned for euer which indeed is the breake-necke of all comfort if a man know not whether he shall be saued or not Vse
2 A meruailous comfort to Gods children if thou didst euer finde the true worke of grace in thy heart Comfort to Gods children that grace cannot be lost true faith repentance and newnesse of life assure thy selfe it cannot euer be lost God will finish that hee beginnes yea the estate of Gods children now is better then the estate of Adam in Paradice before his fall for then Adam stood by his own power therefore might fall and did fall 1. Pet. 1.5 But wee bee kept by the power of God vnto eternall life secondly the estate of Gal. 2.20 Adam was mut●ble by reason he had freedome of will to stand or fall but the state of Gods elect is certaine and sure in regard of Gods eternall decree in Christ his death and passion and the bond of the spirit which cannot bee broken Three Obiections But there bee three obiections against this doctrine that faith can neuer bee lost or an Elect child of God become a Reprobate First that God is said to be angry with his children and shew them his disfauour Secondly that they by their sinnes may cut themselues off from Gods fauour and so loose eternall life and be damned And thirdly other testimonies of Scripture which may seeme to proue the same For the former Esay 64.5 Behold thou art angry for we haue sinned against thee so that it seemes that a man in the fauor of GOD to day may fall out of it loose it and procure his disfauour anger and displeasure Re●p First that God is not angry to speak properly with his children but seemes so to be by correcting and punishing them by iudgements and afflictions so as a childe thinkes his father is angry because he corrects him so do GODS children and inded such affections do not agree to Gods nature to bee like an earthly man Secondly I answere that this anger of God is not an effect of his displeasure or dis-fauour but rather of his loue and he corrects his children not to destroy them but to correct them that he might saue them as a father his sonne whom he loues deerely Obiect 2. Where it is said that Gods children may by their sinnes breake off GODS loue yea thrust themselues out of fauour Rom. 8.1 and be for euer damned Answere It is false for they be kept from damnable sinnes and God lets their sinnes turne to their good for God doth euer giue them hearts to repent the sinnes of the godly i● themselues deserue the euerlasting curse of God and eternall death If so that Iesus Christ had not by his death and bloud-shedding satisfyed his Fathers anger for them Obiect 3. Psal 69.18 Dauid praies that God would blot them out of the book of life therfore it seemes a man elected may perish and bee damned for that booke is meant Gods Councell I answere that Dauid doth not reade that euer the wicked had their names written indeed in the booke of life or were elected indeed but onely because they liued in the Church were taken for Christians and esteemed as written in the book of life and therefore hee praies the Lord to blot them out that is to make it knowne that they were neuer written in it Well then certaine it is that no one elect childe of God can perish or be damned but shall come to life eternall and bee saued because the Councell of God standeth sure and cannot be altered Instruct Seeing this is so that none that is the elect child of God can perish what a sweet comfort is this to all the children of GOD for if euer thou didst repent and feltst the loue of God truly in thy soule and art iustified sanctified thou needst not feare for surely thou shalt be saued and this must bee a sure stay to vphold our poore soules in all danger and temptation Wee are as strangeTrauellers ouer the sea there be great storms and tempests great rockes and dangers the Sea is the world the ship is the Church heauē the hauen the Diuell raises vp many boisterous storms and temptations to sincke our poore soules in desperation Now then by faith wee cast Anchor vppon the foundation of GODS election which cannot bee mooued But in this place by Fauour Face and Countenance of God is meant that fauour and mercy of God whereby GOD gaue Dauid the Kingdome in the stead of Saul aduancing him to be king of Israel and Gods Lieutenant on earth that God would defend him and keepe him to gouerne his people Israel Doctr. 2 Whereas Dauid obserued Gods dealing with Saul a wicked king The godly feare when the remembe God his iudgemēt● on others and how God plagued and punished Saul for his disobedience against the word of God and thereby is warned to take heed of the same judgement oi God left they fall on him we learne that it is the duty of euery man and woman to obserue and marke GODS dealings with others and his iust iudgement vpon vngodly sinners that therby we may learne to feare the like iudgements on our selues and it is a great point of wisedome to learne to be wise by other mens harmes and for this end the Lord doth plague wicked and vngodly men that his children might learne to feare euen as wee see notorious malefactors are hanged on a gibbet that others seeing their shamefull ends might beware The Lord hauing punished sundry Nations about his people saith Hee thought they would haue learned to feare God by their example Vse Wel seeing this is that God looks for at our hands and which he aimes at in punishing wicked men namely that we should be warned by it and take heed of their sinnes let vs bee wise and obserue Gods iudgements vpon wicked men and when wee see a wicked man punished a murderer a contemner a blasphemer a whore-maister or the like then let vs feare lest if we liue in the same sinnes wee plucke not downe the same iudgement vpon vs And as Dauid heere calls to mind Saul how he for his rebellion and disobedience was cast off of God so let vs call to mind the spectacle of GODS iudgements on wicked men and take heede of their sinnes lest we taste of their plagues and punishment Doctr. 3 We learne Sin takes away the feeling of Gods fauour for a time that for sinne the Lord doth depriue his children of his fauour and as it were cast them out of his presence for the time thus wee shall see GOD hath spoyled men of great riches and honour for their sinnes and brought them to extreme shame and miserie looke on Ely and his two sons looke on Saul that wicked king 1. Sam. 3. 1. Sam. 15. Dan. 4.26 Ester 3. Vse looke on that persecuting tyrant Nebuchadnezzar Haman Achitophel c. This should admonish all men to take heede of sinne and rebellion against God for certainely the Lord wil abase all such as be proud against the Lord
hee will cast them out of his presence make their names to rotte and stinke in the sight of men those that honour me I will honour 1. Sam. 2.3 But those that dishonour me I will dishonour them and therefore if you would not be dishonoured in the world prouoke the Lord to cast you out of his presence and fauour O then beware how you sin and rebell against God! for if thou be as deare to God as Ely which was Gods high Priest yet hee will bring shame vpon thy head Vse 2 This shews the madnesse of those man and women Folly of worldlings described who desiring to inioy their honours riches and dignities profits and preferrements they take a most preposterous and verie wrong course for how do men seek for preferment honor and promotion lands and liuings namely by oppression bribery vsury extortion the like now alas wee see that is a vaine course the next way to strip a man naked of all these things and to bring him to shame and reproch misery and pouerty for sin brings all these things vpon them But if you would come to honor and dignity riches preferment then seek to keep the fauor of God serue him worship him honour him and he will honor them that do so and if thou seekest these things by wicked and vnlawfull meanes certainely the Lord will cast dung in thy face Secondly when Dauid praies that God would not take his holy Spirit from him he meanes not the essence of the three Persons but his gifts and graces the vertues of GODS Spirit sanctifying his heart and renuing of him so then wee vnderstand these words we must consider this obiection Quest Whether that the giftes graces of the holy Spirit wrought in the heart of Gods children can be totally and finally lost as Dauids words seeme to imply Graces of God double For the cleare answer of this question wee must know that the gifts of GODS Spirit bee first temporarie for this life or else spirituall for the life to come now of the former there is no question but the temporary gifts of the Spirit may bee lost vtterly Againe the spirituall giftes and vertues of the spirit be of two sorts some common to the elect and reprobate some proper and peculiar to Gods Elect and chosen children now concerning the common giftes of Gods Spirit which be common to the wicked aswell as the godly to heare the word to preach the word and to do such like things they may be lost Thirdly the gifts of GODS spirit are such as eyther are essentiall to faith and without which faith cannot be or else the effects and fruits of faith which are not of the essence of faith such gifts of the Spirit as be not of the essence of faith nor absolute necessary to eternall life the Lord doth somtimes take away for a time as namely the purity of a good conscience that that inward peace which doth company it the sense feeling of Gods loue in Christ and his especiall fauour cheerefulnes of spirit in prayer hearing and such holy dueties ioy in the holy-Ghost patience the gift of prayer and such like because the loue of GOD and the saluation of the faithfull may stand without these for a time But to speake of the sauing graces of Gods sanctified spirit as faith in Gods promises hope of eternall life affiance in Gods mercie in Iesus Christ loue of G OD his word and children these graces can neuer be lost wholely true it is they may bee weakned and lessened and somtime● seeme to bee lost for the time but yet certaine it is they can not bee wholy and finally lost they may be as the Sun vnder a cloud and as fire raked vp in the ashes or as the trees in winter but they can not be extinguished lost and taken cleane away but as the Sunne shines cleare the cloudes being scattered and the fire giues light and heate being stirred so faith hope affiance ioy comfort peace of conscience and feeling of GODS loue are renued and shew themselues cleare againe Vse 1 Seeing that the sauing graces of Gods holy and sanctified Spirit cannot totally and finally be lost Comfort to the godly that grace can not be lost this is matter of endlesse comfort to euerie true child of God in the time of tēptation and grieuous triall for if euer thou foundest and feltest in thy hart true faith in IESVS CHRIST sound repentance hope of eternall life loue of God howsoeuer these may bee much weakened and for a time in thy sence and feeling seeme be lost yet they can neuer be taken away yea if thou dost carefully attend the meanes as namely the sincere preaching of the word administration of the Sacraments continuall humble and earnest prayer the Lord will reuiue them and renue them againe Vse 2 This must serue to direct vs how to iudge of them who fall somtimes into pangs of dispaire vttering words of desperation that they are damned persons and reprobates and cry out of themselues truely if euer we saw in them the sound worke of grace and true repentance delight in the word care to leade a godly life loue to Gods children c. Wee are in charitie to hope the best of them to thinke that they belong to God and that they speake they know not what of themselues for they speake according to their present sence and feeling whenas indeede in time of temptation trouble of minde they be like a man that is sicke of an ague he can rellish no meate euery thing seemes bitter vnto him because his mouth is out of temper but when he comes to health hee iudgeth otherwise euen so these poore distressed soules in their trouble and affliction they speake they know not what not as their estate is in truth but as they thinke it to be according to their present sence and feeling Vse 3 Hence we see what to answer to that obiection that many men who haue made a faire profession of the truth had excellent giftes and yet haue fallen cleane away so Hebr. 6. A man may be inlightned tasted of the heauenly gift were partakers of the holy Ghost tasted of the word of God and of the powers of the world to come such men notwithstanding may fal away and that finally I answere that there is nothing spoken there of the true worke of grace and sanctification of sauing faith sound repentance hearty obedience and a new life but onely of such common giftes as may befall a reprobate and therefore Saint Iohn shewes the cause why they fall away namely they were neuer true and liuely members of the Church or of Iesus Christ neuer truly engraffed into his mysticall body Ioh. 2.19 they had knowledge and were inlightned tasted of the heauenly gifts and graces of Gods Spirit and had some glimmering of the ioys of the life to come which the childe of GOD inioyes but the sound