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A11818 The Christians daily walke in holy securitie and peace Being an answer to these questions, 1. How a man may doe each present dayes worke, with Christian chearefulnesse? 2. How to beare each present dayes crosse with Christian patience? Containing familiar directions; shewing 1. How to walke with God in the whole course of a mans life. 2. How to be upright in the said walking. 3. How to liue without taking care or thought any thing. 4. How to get and keepe true peace with God; wherein are manifold helpes to prevent and remove damnable presumption: also to quiet and to ease distressed consciences. First intended for private use; now (through importunity) published for the common good. By Henry Scudder, preacher of the word. Scudder, Henry, d. 1659?; Davenport, John, 1597-1670. 1631 (1631) STC 22117; ESTC S106698 278,031 844

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God which is Invocation and earnest prayer to God in the Name of Christ through the holy Ghost in particular large harty confessions and complaints against your selfe for your sinnes asking forgivenes making known your holy resolutiōs asking grace and giuing thankes for that he is at one with you having givē Christ for you and to you and for that he hath given you a minde to know him and the power of his resurrection with other the first fruits of the Spirit which is the earnest of your inheritance Let this solemn and more then ordinary seeking of GOD by prayer alone by your selfe be twise at least in the day of your Fast besides your ordinary prayers in the Morning Evening having thus made your peace with God you may nay ought to pray for the good or against the evill which was the occasion of the Fast But in praying you must in ferrency of spirit cry mightily striving and wrastling in prayer The extraordinary burnt offerings sinne offerings meate and drinke offerings besides the fin●ffering of the Attonement and the continuall burnt offering meate and drinke offering to be offered the solemne day of the Fast under the Law which in the substance of it is the standard of religious Fasts doth shew that a Fast must be kept in manner as hath beene said For hereby we prepare sanctifie our selves and seeke to God in Christ hereby we by faith lay hold on Christ the onely true sacrifice for sin hereby we doe by him draw nigh to God and in token of thankfulnes doe giue our selves to be an whole and living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is our reasonable serving of God For your greater and more thorough humbling of your self and further exercise of your faith in God and love to your brethren and Church of God something yet is to be added You must represent to your thoughts also the sinnes and evils that are already upon or hanging over the head of your familie and neerest friends and of your towne Country or Kingdome where you live together with their severall aggravations lay them to heart considering that they by sinning doe also dishonour God your Father and doe bring evill of soule and body upon those whom you should love as well as your selfe And it is a thousand to one but that you are involved in their sinnes and become accessary if not by comand example counsell permission conniving not punishing familiarity with sinners or concealement yet in not grieving for them in not hating them and in not confessing and disclaiming them before God These also bring common Iudgements upon Church and State which you should prefer before your own particular wherin you may look to have your part You must therfore affect your heart with these thoughts and mourne not onely for your owne first but then for the abhominations of your family town country and Kingdome For the sins of Princes and Nobles for the sins of Ministers and People And not onely for the present sinnes of the Land but for the sinnes long since committed whereof it hath not yet repented Rivers of waters should runne downe from your eyes at least sighs and grones should rise from your heart because others as well as your selfe have forgotten Gods Law and have exposed themselves to his destroying Iudgements Doe all this so that you may poure out your heartlike water to the Lord in their behalfe This is to stand in the Breach the prayer of a righteous man availeth much if it be servent though he have infirmities If it should not take good effect for others yet your teares and sighs shall doe good to your selfe it causeth you to have Gods seal in yourforehead you are marked for mercy God will take you from the evill to come or will make a way for you-to escape or will pturne the hearts of your enemies to you as it was with Ieremie or if you should be carried captive he will be a little Sanctuarie to you in the land of your captivitie or if you smart under the commo● judgement it shall be sanctified to you and if you perish bodily yet when others that cannot live and are afraid to die are a● their wits end you shall be able in the conscience of your mourning and of disclaiming your own others sins to welcome death as a messenger of good tidings and as a ●ortall to everlasting happines If it be a publike Fast all these things before mentioned are to ●e done alone both before and after the publike exercises which amongst the Iewes tooke up two ●ourth parts of the artificiall day ●t which time you must joine in publike hearing the Word read and preached and in praier with more than ordinary intention and fervency If you fast with your Family or with some few let convenient times bee spent in reading the Word or some good Booke or Sermons which may be fit to direct and quicken you for the present worke also in feruent prayer The other time alone let it be spent as I have shewed before If some publike or necessary occasion such as you could not well foresee or prevent when you made choice of your day of private fast happē to interrupt you I doe judge that you may attend those occasions not withstanding your Fast but doe it thus if they may be dispatched with little adoe then dispatch them and after continue your fast but if you cannot I thinke that you had better be humbled that you were hindred breake off your fast and set some other day apart in stead thereof even as when a man is necessarily hindred in his vow The Benefit that will accrew to you by religious Fasting will be motive enough to an often use of it as there shall be cause It was never read or heard of that a fast was kept in truth according to the former directions from the Word but either obtained the particular thing for which it was kept or a better to him at least that tasted And besides that it will if any thing will obtaine the thing intended thus fasting will put the soule into such good plight and tune into such an habit of spiritualnesse that like as when against some speciall entertainment a day hath been spent in searching every sluts corner in a house and in rubbing and washing it it will be kept cleane with ordinary sweeping a quarter of a yeare or long time after I doe acknowledge that some have fasted and God hath not regardedit yea hee telleth some before-hand that if they fast he will not heare their cry But these were such who fasted not to God they onely sought themselves they would not hearken to his Word there was no putting away of sinne as loosing the bands of wickednesse c. No mortification of sinne no renewing
brotherly 1 When you love them out of a pure heart fervently which ●s when you love them because they are brethren partakers of the same Faith and Spirit of Adoption having the same Father and being of the same houshold of faith with you 2 When you love them not onely with a love of humanity as they are men for so you love all men even your enemies nor yet onely with a common love of Christianity wherewith you love all professing true Religion though actually they shew little fruit and power thereof but with a specialty of love for kinde spirituall and for degree more abundant Therefore it is called brotherly kindnesse and a servent love distinct from charitie or a common love 2 Pet. 1. 7. Where this love is it will knit hearts together like ●onathans and Davids making you to be of one heart and soule It will make you enjoy each others societie with spirituall delight It will make you to beare one with another and to beare each others burthens It will make you to communicate in all things communicable with gladnesse and singlenesse of heart as you are able and that by a specialtie beyond that which you shew to them which are not alike excellent Yea it is so entire and so ardent that you will not hold your life to be too deare to lay downe for the common good of the brethren When therefore you meete with those that feare God make improvement of the Communion of Saints not onely by communicating in naturall and temporall good things as you are able and as there is neede but especially in the communion of things spirituall edifying your selves in your most holy faith by holy speech and conference and in due time and place in reading the holy Scriptures good Bookes and by prayer and singing of Psalms together That your singing may please God and edifie your selfe and others observe these Sing as in Gods sight and in matter of prayer praise speake ●o God in singing The matter of your Song must be spiritual either indited by the Spirit or composed of matter agreeing thereunto You must sing with understanding You must sing with judgement being able in private to make choise of Psalmes befitting the present times and occasions And both in private and publike to apply the Psalme sung to your owne particular ●s when how ●o pray and praise in the words of the Psalme taking heede that you do not apply the imprecations made against the enemies of Christ and his Church in generall to your enemies in partilar also know how to confirme your faith and incline your will and affections when you sing the prophesies of Christ promises threats commands mercies judgements c. You must make melody to the Lord in your heart which is done 1 by preparing and setting the heart in tune it must be an honest heart 2 the heart must be lift up 2 the minde intentive 4 the affections fresh and new the heart beleeving and in matter of prayse and thanks joyous Lastly the voyce must be distinct and tuneable Lose not your short and precious time with idle complemēts worldly discourses or talke of other mens matters and faults nor yet Athenian-like in a barren and fruitlesse hearing and telling of newes out of affectation of strangenesse and novelty But ●et the matter of your talke be ●ither of God or of his Word and ●ayes wherein you should walk ●r of his works of Creation Preservation Redemption Sanctifica●ion and Salvation of his Iudgements which he executeth in the world and of his mercies shewed towards his people or matter of Christian advice either of the things of this life or of that which is to come Impart also each to other the experiments and proofes you have had of Gods grace and power in this your Christian warfare And as there shall be cause Exhort admonish and comfort one another To doe all these well it will require a specialty of godly wisdome humility and love If these three be in you and abound your societie will bee profitable The strong will not despise the weak neither will the weake iudge the strong You will be farre from putting a stumbling-blocke or an occasion to fall in your brothers way but you will follow after the things which make for peace and things wherewith you may edifie one another You will then beare with each others infirmities and not seeke to please your selfe but your neighbour for his good to edification You must first be wise to make choise not onely of such matter of speech as is good and lawfull but such as is fit considering the condition and neede of those before whom you speake In propounding questions you must not onely take heed that they be not vaine ●colish and needlesse such as ingender strife and doe minister and multiply questions rather than godly edifying but you must be carefull that they be apt and pertinent both in respect of the person to whom they are propounded in respect of the person or persons before whom they must bee answered Some men have speciall gifts for one purpose some for another Some for interpreting Scripture some for deciding of controversies some for discovering Satans methods and enterprises some are excellent for comforting and curing afflicted and wounded consciences some are better skilled more exercised in one thing than in another And some also of Gods deare children as they are not able to ●eare all exercises of Religion so neither are they capable of hearing and profiting by all kinde of discourses of Religion If this were wisely observed Christian con●rence would bee much more ●uitfull than usually it is Secondly you must be lowly●●ded and of an humble spirit or presuming above your gifts ●nd calling When you speake ●f the things of God be reve●end serious and sober keeping your selfe within your sine both of your calling and the measure of the knowledge and grace which God hath given you speaking positively and confidently only of those things which you clearly understand and whereof you have experience or sure proofe Thinke not your selfe too good to learne of any neither harden your necke against the admonitions and reproofes of any If you have an humble heart you will doe as David did when he was admonished and advised by a woman He saw God in it and blessed him for it he received the good counsell and blessed it he tooke it well at Abigails hands and blessed her Now blessed bee God which hath sent thee to meet me this day saith he and blessed be thy advice and blessed bee thou which hast kept mee this day from comming to shed bloud c. Thirdly there will be need of the exercise of much servent love and charitie even amongst the best For sith that Satan doth
worldly griefe must be avoided in all sorts of crosses For by it you repine against GOD fret against men and doe make your selfe unfit for naturall civill and spiritual duties and if it be continued it worketh death The best remedy against worldly sorrow for any crosse is to turn it into godly sorrow for sin which is the cause of the crosse This will cause repentance to salvation never to be repented of and will drive you to Christ in whom if you beleeve you shall have joy and comfort even such ioy unspeakeable which will dispell and drie up both this and all other griefes whatsoever For godly sorrow doth alwaies in due time end in spirituall joy SECTION 2. Of bearing all crosses patiently IN the third place I told you that you must beare all your afflictions and crosses patiently By Patience I doe not meane a Stoicall sensclesnesse or blockish stupiditie like that of Isachar Nor yet a counterseit patience like Esau's and Absaloms Nor a meere civill and morall patience which wise Heathen to free themselves from vexation and for-vaine-glorie and other ends attained unto Nor yet a prophane patience of men insensible of GODS hishonour Nor a patience-perforce when the sufferer is meerely passive But a Christ an holy patience wherein you must be sensible of Gods hand and when you cannot but feele an unwillingnesse in nature to beare it yet for conscience to Gods Commandement you doe submit to his will and that voluntarily with an active patience causing your selfe to be willing to beare it so long as God shall please like the patience of Christ Not my will but thine be done The excellencie of Christs suffering was not in that he suffered but in that he was obedient in his suffering He was obedient to the death So likewise no mans suffering is acceptable if he be not active and obedient in suffering This Patience is a grace of the Spirit of God wrought in the heart and will of man through beleeving and applying the Commandement and promises of God to himselfe whereby for conscience sake towards God he doth submit his will to Gods will willing quietly to beare without bitternesse and vexation all the labours changes and evill occurrents which shall be fall him in the whole course of his life whether from God immediately or from man as also to wait quietly for all such good things which God hath promised but yet are delayed and unfulfilled To induce you to get and to shew forth this holy Patience know that you have need of it and that in these respects 1. You are but halfe a Christian you are imperfect in your parts you want a principall part if you want patience thus S. Iames argueth implying that hee that will be entire and want nothing to make him a Christian man he must have patience This passive obedience is greater than active it is more rare and more difficult to obey in suffering than to obey in doing 2. You have not a sure possession of your soule without patience In your patience possesse yee your soules saith our Saviour A man without patience is not his own man hee hath not power nor rule over his owne spirit nor yet of his own body The tongue hand and feet of an impatient man will not bee held in by reason But he that is patient enjoyeth himselfe and hath rule over his spirit no crosse can put him out of possession of himselfe Thirdly There are so many oppositions and lets in your race and growth of Christianity that without patience to suffer and to wait you cannot possibly bring forth good fruit to God nor hold out your profession of Christianitie to the end but shall give off before you have enjoyed the promise Therefore you are bid to runne with patience the race which is set before you And the good ground is said to bring forth fruie with patience And the faithfull are said through Faith and Patience to inherite the Promises Fourthly Patience worketh experience without which no man can be an expert Christian this experiēce being of the greatest use to confirme a Christian soule in greatest difficulties This be said of the necessitie together with the benefit of patience that you may love it and may desire to have and shew it By what meanes you may attaine it followeth First you must be after a sort impatient and must spend your passion on your lusts which war in your members fall out with them mortifie them for nothing maketh a man impatient so much as his lusts doe both because they wil never be satisfied it is death to a man to be crossed in them and because the fulfilling of lusts doth cause a guilty conscience whence followeth impatience troublesome vexation upon every occasion like unto the raging Sea which with every wind doth●ome and rage and cast up nothing but filth and dirt And as Saint Iames saith Whence are warres and brawlings So I say of all other fruits of impatiencie But from your lusts that warre in your members Take away the causes of impatiency then you have made a good way for patience Secondly Lay a good soundation of patience you must be humble and low in your owne eyes through an appre●ēsion that you are lesse then the least of GODS mercies and that your greatest punishments are lesse than your iniquities have deserved As any man hath abounded in humility so hath ●ee abounded in patience witnesse the examples of Abraham Moses Iob David and others Thirdly Store your heart with faith hope and love all these and either of these do calm ●he heart and keepe it ●eadie For besides that they quiet the heart in the maine giving assurance of Gods love in Christ For being ius●●fied by faith we have peace with God rei●yce in hope whence joy and patience in tribulation And who can be impatient with him whom hee loveth with all his heart and strength These graces also doe furnish a man with an ability of spiritual reasoning and disputing with a disquieted soule whereby it may be quieted in any particular disquietment Wherefore the fourth meane of patience is to doe as Dav● did whensoever you finde your heart begin to boyle and to be impatient you must before passion hath got the bit in the teeth and carried you out of your selfe into height of impatience aske your soule what is the matter and why it is so disquieted within you This do seriously and your heart will quickly represent to your thoughts such and such crosse or crosses stretched out upon the tenters of manifold aggravations All which you must answer by the spirituall reasoning of your faith grounded on the word of God whereby you may quiet your heart and put it to si●ence Whatsoever the affliction be that may trouble you you may ●e furnished with reasons why you
spirit of spirituall ioy Where it doth testifie that you are Gods children there it will give you new harts causing you to desire and endevour to live like Gods children in reverent feare and love leading you in the right way checking you and calling you backe out of the way of sinne stirring you up to prayer with sighes desires and inward groanes at least making you to cōfesse your sinnes and to aske and hope for pardon in the name of CHRIST And will still be putting you on to live like obedient children giving you no quietif you doe not Thus much of the first and principall meanes of getting true peace and comfort Secondly If you would have the invaluable Iewell of p●ace then abstaine as much as is possible from the act of all grosse and from all presumptuous sins and from the allowance of any sinne For the more sin the more guilt and the lesse sin the lesse guilt Now the lesse guilt lyeth upon the Conscience the more peace of Conscience the more guilt the lesse peace Thirdly When you fall into sinne for who liveth and sinneth not then with all speed affect your heart with godly sorrow for it cause it to be a burden and a load and wearinesse to the Conscience but withall affect your heart wi●h hope of mercy forgivenes and grace through Christ. Then with all humble submission you must seeke unto GOD the God of peace but come to him by Christ Iesus the Prince of peace upon whom lay the chastisement of your peace Aske mercy and forgivenesse Aske repentance grace and new obedience Beleeve in Christ If you doe all this then you come unto Christ and unto God by Christ according to his Commandement and you have his sure promise that you shall have rest to your soules This doe for in Christ onely can you have peace This true application of CHRISTS bloud and satisfaction will so sprinkle the Conscience from the guilt of sinne that there shall remaine no more Conscience for sinne that is no more guilt which shall draw upon you the wrath of God and eternall punishment for sinne whence must needs follow peace of Conscience because the Conscience hath nothing to accuse you of guiltinesse being washed off by Christs bloud As soone as David after his foule sinnes could come thus to God his heart had ease But when you have thus gotten a good and cleare Conscience take heede of defiling it againe or giving it any matter of unrest Be as tender in keeping your Conscience unspotted and unwounded as you are of the apple of your eye Sin not against knowledge and Conscience and in any case smother not the good checks and watchwards of your Conscience For if being washed you doe againe defile it this will cause new trouble of heart and you must againe apply your selves to this last prescribed remedy In the fourth place CHRIST having taken upon him the burden of your sinnes which was intollerable you must take upon you and submit unto the yoke of Christs service which is light and easie You must indevour to doe whatsoever hee hath commanded in his Word and Gospell following his steppes in all his imitable actions in all humility and meekenesse in all spirituall and heavenly mindednesse When you can thus subject your selves to Christ in holinesse you shall have peace For the holy Ghost saith the worke of righteousnesse is peace and againe saith To be spiritually minded is peace that is bringeth with it peace I comprehend CHRISTS yoke of the Gospell in these three Faith Hope and Love As these three be in you and abound in the same degrees shall peace be in you and shall abound Having Faith in Christ saith the Apostle we have peace with God It is God that justifieth who shall lay any thing to your charge For justifying Faith is the ground and spring from which onely sound and true comfort doth flow Hope will make you wait and expect with patience for the accomplishment of GODS sure promises whereby it will hold you as steady and as sure from wracke of soule as any Anchor can hold a ship God doth therefore give hope that it may be as an Anchor sure and stedfast Though while you are in the Sea of this world it doth not keepe you so quiet but that you may bee in part tossed and disquieted with the waves and billowes of feare and doubt to try the goodnesse of your vessell and strength of your Anchor and tacklings Yet you shall be sure not to make shipwracke of Faith and a good Conscience if you shall lay hold upon this hope set before you And as for Love They that love the Lord shall have peace you must therefore love God love his ordinances and his people Love God with all your heart Love your neighbours as your selves love Gods Commandements For great peace shall they have saith the Prophet that love Gods Law and nothing shall offend them Whosoever doe thus take up Christs yoke and follow him shall find rest to their soules and peace shall be upon them as upon the Israel of God Fiftly If you would have peace use all good meanes whereby you may bee oft put in remembrance of the exhortations and consolations of God They in the Hebrewes were therefore out of quiet and readie to faint in their minds both because they forgat the exhortation which said My sonne despise not the chastening of the Lord c. And because they forgat the consolation which saith Whom the LORD loveth he chasteneth The principall meanes of being put in minde of GODS consolations are these following 1. You must be much Conversant in Scriptures by reading hearing and meditating thereon For they were all written to that end that through patience and comfort of the Scriptures you might have hope The Scriptures of God they are the very Wells and Breasts of consolation and Salvation The Law discovers sinne and by its threats against you and by relating judgements executed upon others doth drive you to Christ The promises of the Gospell made to you and the signification of the accomplishment thereof to others doe settle and confirme you in Christ whereby your heart is filled with joy and consolations The Gospell is called the Gospell of peace and the Ministers of the Gospell are said to bring glad tydings of this peace ●t is the bright shining light in the Gospel which will guide your feet in the way of peace 2. Be much in good Company especially in theirs who are full of ioy and peace in beleeving whose example and counsell will mind you of joy and comfort and will be of excellent use unto you to establish you in peace Sixtly and lastly Acquaint your selfe with God touching the course he useth to take with his children in bringing them to glory Acquaint your selfe with God
things and according to the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh A man must have the heart of the wise before the tongue can be taught to speake wisely Secondly You must resolve before-hand as David did to take heed to your wayes that you sinne not with your tongue And that you will keepe your mouth as with a bridle And before your speech and actions be well advised weigh and ponder in the ballance of discretion all your actions and words before you vent them Thirdly Let no passion of joy griefe feare anger c. get the head and exceed their limits For wise and good men as well as bad when they have beene in any of these passions have spoken unadvisedly with their lips And experience will teach you that your tongue doth never runne before your wit so soone as when you are over-feared over-grieved over-angry or over-ioyed Fourthly You must be much in prayer unto God before you come into company that you may be able to order your conversation aright Let your heart also be lifted up oft to God when your are in company that he would set a watch before your mouth and keepe the doore of your lips and that your heart may not incline to any evill thing to practise wicked workes with men that worke iniquity and that he would open your lippes that your mouth may shew forth his prayse and that you may speake as you ought to speake knowing how to answer every man for the tongue is such an unruly evill that no man onely God can tame and governe it SECTION 2. Of ordering a mans selfe well in ill Company VVHen Company is sinfull and naught if you may choose come not into it at all For keeping evill company wil 1 blemish your Name 2 It wil expose you oft-times to many hazards of your life state And 3 you are alwayes in danger to be corrupted by the contagious infection of it By bad company I doe not onely understand seducers and such as are openly prophane or riotous but also such civill men who yet remaine meere worldlings and all luke-warme professours who are neither hot nor cold For although the sinnes of these latter doe not carrie such a manifest appearance of grosse impietie and dishonestie as doe the sinnes of open Blasphemers Drunkards whore-Masters and the like yet they are not lesse dangerous your hart wil quickly rise against these manifest enormous evils but the other by reason of their unsuspected danger through that tolerable good opinion which in comparison is had of them though in truth they be as dangerous and as hatefull will sooner insnare infect you by an insensible chilling of your spirits by taking off the edge of your zeale which you had to the power of godlinesse And so by little and little draw you to a remissenesse and indifferencie in Religion and to a love of the world If you shall thinke that by keeping evill company you may convert them and draw them to goodnesse be not deceived It is presumption so to think Hath not God expresly forbidden you such company If you be not necessarily called to be in sinfull company you may justly feare that you shall be sooner perverted and made naught by their wickednes than that they should be converted and made good by your holinesse Secondly when by reason of common occasions in respect of the affaires of your calling generall or particular in Church Common-wealth and Familie you cannot shunne ill company Looke 1 that in speciall sort your conversation be honest unblameable harmelesse even with a Dove-like innocency that by your good example they may without the Word be brought to the Word and to a love of the power and sinceritie of that true Religion which you professe Howsoever give no advantage to the adversary to speake evill either of you or of your Religion but by a holy life stop the mouths of ignorant and foolish men or if they will notwithstanding speake against you this your holy life shall shame all that blame your good conversation in Christ Iesus 2 Be wise as serpents Walke warily lest they bring you into trouble and doe harme you but especially lest they infect you with their sinne for a little leaven will quickly sowre the whole lumpe That you may not be infected by that ill company which you cannot avoid use these preservatives 1 Be not high minded but feare lest you doe commit the same or the like sinne for you are of the same nature and are subject to the same and like temptations He that seeth his neighbour slip and fall before him had need to ta●● heed l●st he himselfe fall 2 Your soule like the riotous soule of Lot must be vixed daily with seeing and hearing their unlawfull deeds 3 Raise your heart to a sensible loathing of their sinne yet have compassion on the sinner and so farre as you have calling admonish him as a brother 4 When you see or heare any wickednes lift up your heart to GOD and before him confesse it and disclaime all liking of it pray unto God to keepe you from it and that he would forgive your companion his sinne and give unto him grace to repent of it Lastly though you may converse with sinnefull companie when your calling is to be with them in a common and ●older kinde of fellowship by a common love whereby you do wish well to all and would doe good to all yet you must not converse with them with such speciall and intimate Christian familiaritie and delight as you doe with the Saints that are excellent Thus doe and the Lord can and will keepe you in the midst of Aegypt and Babel as hee did Ioseph and Daniel if hee call you ●o it Thirdly As soone as possibly you can depart out of their company when you finde not in them the ●…ppes of knowledge or when they ●…ny way declare that they have onely a forme but deny the power of godlinesse From such turne away ●aith the Apostle And so use the preservatives prescribed or any other whereof you have proofe that you depart not more evill or lesse good then when you ●ame together SECTION 3. How a man should carry himselfe towards good company NOw touching good company First highly esteeme of it and much desire it For you should love the brotherhood howsoever the world scoffe at it and forsake not the fellowship or consorting with the godly as the manner of some is But with David as much as may be be a companion with them that feare God Secondly when you are in good company you must expresse all brotherly love improving your time together for your mutuall good chiefly in the increase of each others faith and holinesse provoking one another to love and to good workes Then you love
for joy before ever they have made a legge and shewn any signe of thankfulnes you will easily be overtaken in this kinde and neglect God that gave it The furtherances of thankfulnesse are most of them directly contrary to the former hindrances of many take these First Get sound knowledge of God and of his infinite excellencies and absolutenesse every way of his independency on man or any other creature whence it is that he needeth not any thing that man hath or can doe neither can he be beholding to man But know that you stand in need of God and must be beholding to him for al things Know also that whatsoever God doth by whatsoever meanes it be hee doth it from himselfe induced by nothing out of himselfe being free in all that he doth Know likewise that whatsoever was the instrument of your good God was the Author both of the good and of the instrument Next Fill your selfe with a due knowledge of the full worth and excellent use of Gods gifts both common and speciall Wealth honour libertie health life senses limmes wit and reason c. considered in themselves and in their use wil be held to be great benefits but if you cōsider them in their absence when you are sensible of poverty sicknesse and the rest or if you be so blessed that you know not the want of them then if you shall advisedly and humbly looke vpon the poore base imprisoned captives sicke deafe blind dumbe distracted c. Putting your selfe in their case you will ●ay that you are unspeakeably beholding to God for these corporal and temporall blessings But chiefely learne to know a●d consider well the worth of spirituall blessings One of them the peace of God passeth all understanding To enjoy the Gospell upon any tearmes to have ●●●vation such a salvation offered by Christ to have faith hope love and other the manifold saving graces of the Spirit though but in the least measure in the very first seed of the Spirit though no bigger then a grain of Mustard-seed with never so much outward affliction is of such value and consequent that it is more then eye hath seene eare hath heard or ever entred into the heart of man For besides that the least grace is invaluable in it selfe it doth give proof of better gifts namely that God hath given his Spirit hath given Christ and in him hath given himselfe a propitious and gracious God hath given all things also When you know God aright his gifts aright knowing all things in God and God in all things then you will be full of praises and thankes Secondly Be low and base in your owne eyes Let all things be base in your eyes in comparison of God account them worthlesse and helpelesse things without him Iudge your selfe to be as indeed you are lesse then the least of Gods mercies For what are you of your selfe but a compound of dust and sinne unworthy any good worthy of all misery You stand in need of God ●he not of you It is his mercy that you are not consumed When you can be thus sensible of your owne neede and that helpe can come onely from God and that you are worthy of no good thing then you will be glad and thankefull at heart to God for any thing An humble man will be more thankfull for a peny then a proud man will for a pound Thirdly Call all the forementioned knowledge of God and of his gifts into fresh memory Commune with your soule and cause it to represēt lively to your thoughts what God is in himselfe what to his Church and to you how precious his thoughts are to you-ward Tell your selfe oft what God hath done and what he will doe for your soule Call to minde with what varietie of good gifts he doth store his Church blesse you you will find that they will passe all account and number When withal you call to minde that God is free in all his gifts to you who are unworthy the least of them If you would cause your selfe to dwell upon these and the like thoughts they would worke in you an holy rapture and admiration out of which you shall with David break out into these or the like prayses Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth I thanke thee I praise thee I devote my selfe as my best sacrifice to thee I will blesse thy Name for ever and ever Fourthly Be perswaded of Gods love to you in these good things which he giveth unto you First he loveth you as his creature and if onely in that regard he doth preserve you and doe you good you are bound to thanke him Secondly you cannot know but that he loveth you with a speciall love to Salvation Gods revealed will professeth as much you must not meddle with that which is secret I am sure he maketh proffer of his love and you daily receive tokens of his love both in means of this life and that which is to come Did not he love you when out of his free and everlasting good will towards you He gave his Sonne to die for you that you beleeving in him should not dye but have everlasting life What though yet you be in your sinnes Doth hee not bid you turne and hath hee not said ●hee will love you freely What though you cannot turn to him nor love him as you would yet endevour these in the use of all good meanes to be and doe as God will have you then doubt no● but that GOD doth love you and you must wait till you see it in the performance of his gracious promises unto you But if you would consider things aright you may know certainly that the good things you have received of God are bestowed in love to you I will onely aske these Questions Hath Gods mercie made you to bethinke your selfe of your dutie and obedience to God have you had a will to be thankefull upon the thoughts thereof or if you finde a defect and barrennesse herein hath not this unfruitfull and unthankefull receiving of good things from God beene a great burden and griefe of heart to you If yea this is an evident signe that God gave those good things to you in love because this holy and good effect is wrought in you by them Againe D●● you love God would you love God and his wayes and Ordinances yet more This provet● that God loveth you for 〈…〉 man can love God till God have first loved him Likewise doe you love the children of God The● certainly you are Gods childe and are loved of God By these you have proofe of your calling and election how that you are now translated from death to life after which time though God may give you many things in anger as a father giveth correction yet he never giveth any thing
fruit and from love and feare of God and from conscience of the Commandement to doe the will of GOD. Not onely feare of wrath and hope of reward causeth him to abstaine from evill and doe good but chiefly love of God and conscience of duty Now if you would know when you obey out of conscience of the Commandement and from love of Christ consider 1. whether your heart and minde stand ready prest to obey every of Gods Cōmandements which you know as well as any and that because the same God which hath given one hath given all If yea then you obey out of Conscience 2. Consider what you doe or would doe when Christ and his true Religion and his Commandements goe alone and are severed from all outward credit pleasure and profit Doe you or will you then cleave to Christ and to the Commandement Then love of Christ feare of God and conscience of the commandement was and is the true cause of your wel-doing especially if you will and indev our all this when that all these are by the world cloathed with perill contempt 3. Consider whether you can goe on in the strict course of godlinesse alone and whether you resolve todoe it though you shall have no company but all or most goe in the way of sinne and withall perswade thereunto When you wil walke with God alone without ether company this sheweth that your walking with God is for his sake So walked Noah and Eliah as he thought But the cause of an hypocrites well-doing is onely goodnesse of nature or good education or meere civility or some common gifts of the spirit also selfe-love slavish feare onely or the like See this in Ahabs repentance in Iehu his zeale and Ioash his goodnesse Ahabs humiliation was only from a slavish feare of punishment The zeale of Iehu was only from earthly ioy and carnall policy for had it beene in zeale for God he would as well have put downe the Calves at Dan and Bethel as to stay the Priests of Baal And the goodnes of Ioash it was chiefly for Iehoiada's sake whom he reverenced and to whom he held himselfe beholding for his kingdome and not for Gods sake For the Scripture saith that after Iehoiadans death his Princes sollicited him and hee yeelded and fell to Idolatry and added this also he commanded Zechariah the High Priest Iehoiada's sonne to be slaine because hee in the name of the Lord reproved him for his sinne Secondly the upright mans actions as they come from a good beginning so they are directed to a good end he propoundeth the pleasing of God and the glory of his Name as the direct chiefe and utmost end not as if a man might not have respect to himselfe and to his neighbour also propounding to himselfe his owne and his neighbours good as one end of his actions somtimes but these must not bee propounded either onely or chiefly or as the farthest and utmost marke but onely as they are subordinate to these chiefe ends and doe lye directly in the way to procure Gods glory For so farre forth as a mans health and well-fare both of body and soule lyeth directly in the way to glorifie God hee may in that respect ayme at them in his actions Our Saviour Christ in an inferiour and secondary respect aymed at his owne glory and at the salvation of man in the worke of mans redemption When he said Glorifie thy Son and prayed that his Church might be glorified here he had respect unto himselfe and unto man But when he said that thy Sonne may glorifie thee here he made Gods glory his utmost end and the only marke which for it selfe hee aymed at The upright mans ayme at his owne and at his neighbours goods is not for themselves as if his desire ended there but in reference to GOD the chiefe Good and the highest end of all things Indeed such is GODS wisedome and goodnes that he hath set before man evill and good Evill that followeth upon displeasing and dishonouring him by sinne that man might feare and avoyd sinne Good and recompēce of reward that followeth upon faith and indevour to obey that he might hope and be better induced to beleeve and obey This GOD did knowing that man hath need of all reasonable helps to affright him from evill and to allure him to good Now God having set these before man man may and ought for these good purposes to set them before himselfe Yet the upright man standeth so straight and onely to God that so farre as he knoweth his owne heart he thus resolved that if there were no feare of punishment nor hope of reward if there were neither Heaven or Hell he would indevour to please and glorifie GOD even out of that duty hee oweth to him and out of that high and awful estimation which he hath of Gods Soveraigntie and from that entire love which hee beareth unto him He that ordinarily in doing of common and earthly businesse though they concerne his owne good hath a will to doe them with an heavenly mind and to an heavenly end principally certainly hee standeth well and uprightly resolved albeit intemptations and feares he doth not alwayes feele the said resolution But the hypocrite not so hee onely or chiefly aymeth at himselfe and in his aime serveth himselfe in all that he doth If he looke to GODS will and glory as sometimes he wil pretend he maketh that but the by and not the main he seeketh Gods will and glory not for it selfe but for himselfe not for Gods sake but for his owne Thus did Iehu Sixthly An upright man may know hee is upright by the effects that follow upon his well-doing First his chiefe inquiry is and hee doth observe what good commeth by it and what glory God hath had or may have rather then what earthly credit and benefit hee hath gotten to himselfe Or if this latter thrust in it selfe before the other as it will oft-times in the best he is greatly displeased with himselfe for it The hypocrit not so all that he harkeneth after is pleased with after hee hath done a good deed is what applause it hath amongst men c. Secondly when an upright man hath done a prayse-worthy action he is not puft up with pride and high conceit of his owne worth glorying in himselfe but hee is humbly thankefull unto God Thankefull that God hath enabled him to doe any thing with which he will be wel-pleased and accept as well done Humble and low in his eyes because of the manifold failings in that good worke and because he hath done it no better and because whatsoever good hee did it was by the grace and power of God not by any power of his own Thus David shewed his uprightnesse in that solemne thanksgiving when hee said But who am I and what is my people that wee should bee able to offer
The Vpright man hath an Holy boldnesse with God When Abimelech could say In the integritie of my heart and innocencie of my hands I have done this he had boldnesse to expostulate and reason his case with God An uprigh man in his sicknesse or in any other calamity yea at all times when he needeth GODS helpe can bee bold to come before GOD notwithstanding his sinne that hangeth so fast on his originall sinne and his many great actuall transgressions So did Hezekiah upon his death-bed as he thought saying Remember O Lord I beseech thee how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done good in thy sight So did Nehemiah saying Remember mee O my GOD concerning this and spare mee according to the greatnesse of thy mercy This Vprightnesse giveth boldnesse with God but without all Presumption of merit as you see in good Nehemiah 9 Lastly Whatsoever the upright mans beginning was and whatsoever his changes have bin in the times that have gone over him both in the outward and inward man in his progresse of Christianity mark this his end shall be peace The last and everlasting part which he shall act indeed and to the life is everlasting happinesse And to contract all these motives into a short but ful summe The Lord is a Sunne and Shield The Lord will give grace and glory No good thing will hee withhold from them that walke uprightly SECTION 4. Touching meanes to subdue Hypocrisie and to nourish uprightnesse IT remaineth now that you should know by what meanes you may abate and subdue hypocrisie and may get keepe and increase this grace of uprightnesse First you must by a due and serious consideration of the disswasives from hypocrisie and motives to uprightnesse worke your heart to a loathing and detestation of the one and to an admiration love and hungring desire of the other And withall by this means you must worke your heart to a resolution by the grace of God to be upright This must first be wrought for untill a man stand thus affected resolved against hypocrisie and for uprightnesse he will take no paines to be rid of the one nor yet to get the other Secondly you must be sensible of that Hypocrisie which yet is in you and of the want of uprightnesse though not altogether yet in great part For no man will boat cost and paines to remoove that disease wherof he thinketh he is sufficiently cured though indeed he did judge it to be never so dangerous nor yet for to obtain that good of which he thinketh that hee hath enough already though hee esteeme it never so excellent Hitherto both in the motives and meanes I have indevoured to gaine the will to will and resolve to bee upright and to be willing to use all good meanes to be upright Now those meanes that will effect it follow Thirdly doe your best to root out those vices that beget and nourish Hypocrisie Then plant in their r●ome those graces which will breed and feed uprightnesse The chiefe vices are Ignorance and unbeleefe selfe-love pride and an irresolved unsetled heart unstable and not firmely resolved what to chuse whereby it wavers and is divided between two objects dividing the heart between God and something else whether it be false gods a mans selfe or the world whence it is that the Scriptures call an hypocrite a man that hath an heart and an heart one that is double minded The graces which breed and nourish uprightnesse are a right knowledge of GOD and of his will and faith in him Selfe-deny all Humility and lowly mindednesse Stability and ●nenesse of heart and that to God-ward For the more cleare light you can get into your minde the more truth you shall have in your will And when you can so deny your selfe that you can ●uite goe out of your selfe and first give your selfe to Christ and unto God then there will follow readinesse of minde and heartinesse of will to doe whatsoever may please God Also the more humilitie you have in your minde the more uprightnesse you shall have in your heart For while the soule is lifted up that mans heart is not upright in him saith the Spirit Lastly when your eye is single and your heart one and undivided you wil not allow your selfe to be in part for God and in part for Mammon in part for GOD and in part for your lusts whether of the flesh or of the world or of pride of life you will not give your name and lips to God and reserve your heart for the world the flesh or the Divell But by your will God shall be all in all unto you Fourthly if you would be in earnest and in truth against sin and for goodnesse you must represent sinne to your thought as the most hurtfull hatefull and most loathsome thing in the world and must represent the obeying and doing of Gods will unto your mind as the best and most profitable most amiable most sweet and most excellent thing in the world Hereby you may affect your heart with a through vexation and loathing of sinne and with an hearty love and delight in Gods Commandements If you doe thus you cannot choose but shunne sin and follow after that which is good not in seeming onely but indeed and in truth with all your heart For a man is alwaies hearty against what he deadly hateth and for what he dearely loveth Fiftly if you would be sincere and doe all your actions for Gods glory and for his sake you must by the light of Gods Word and Workes fully informe and perswade your selfe of GODS Soveraignty and absolutenesse and that because he is the first absolute and chiefe good he must needs be the last the absolute and chiefe end of all ends For he that is Alpha must needs be the Omega of all things Sith all things are of God and sith hee made all things for himselfe therefore you should in all things you doe be upright intending GODS glory as your principall and utmost end in all things Sixthly Consider oft and seriously that how close and secret soever hypocrisie may lurke yet it cannot be hid from the 〈…〉 of God with whom you ha●… and before whom you w●… who will bring every secret 〈…〉 to Iudgement Wherefore take continuall notice that you are in the eye of God that made your heart who requireth truth of heart who perfectly knoweth the guil●or truth of your heart This will much further your uprightnesse for who can dare to double and dissemble in the presence of his Lord and Iudge who knoweth his hollownesse and dissimulation better than himselfe Seventhly Vnite your selfe more and more strongly unto your head Christ Iesus by all good meanes Goe so out of your selfe that you may every day be more and more in him Wherefore grow dayly in faith
goodnesse and shal continue in your sinne thereby provoking the eyes of his glory is a terrible and revengefull God who if you still erre in heart and will not walke in his waies hath sworne in his wrath that you shall not enter into his Rest who in his wrath is a consuming fire and is ready and able to destroy body and soule in the eternall vengeance of Hell fire Fistly Consider sinne in the evill effects of it namely it brought a curse upon the whole Creation for mans sake whereby the ●…reatures are become defective ●nd unserviceable nay hurtfull 〈…〉 you from your sinnes come 〈…〉 manner of diseases and crosses ●●at ever befell you This your ●…ne untill it be repented and ●…rdoned maketh you hatefull 〈…〉 God separateth between you ●…d God causing him to with●●ld good things from you and 〈…〉 inflict evill upon you even in ●is life It defileth the whole ●…an and every renewed act of ●…ne doth strengthen the body 〈…〉 sinne and worketh a decay of ●…ace in you though you be re●●nerate And if it be grosse if it 〈…〉 not benumme and feare your ●●nscience yet it will wound it ●●d break the peace thereof if it ●…ender vexing it as motes do ●…ur eye or thornes your feet ●…sing terrors and doubtings of ●…vation God withdrawing his ●our and loving countenance ●…m you And if you be nor in Christ it will in the end bring upon you everlasting damnation Sixtly Consider the ransome 〈…〉 sinne who paid it and what wa● paid consider Christ Iesus who he was and what he did and suffered to take away your sinne He the onely sonne of God very God did lay downe and veile 〈…〉 glory for ●rime yea came dow● and left heaven to dwell in the Tabernacle of humane flesh taking upon him the estate of servant was poore despised 〈…〉 men persecuted from the crat● to the crosse made to shed tea● abundantly yea so tormente● with the sense of Gods wrath fo● your sinne that for very angui● he did sweat as it were drop● bloud He was accused condemned spit upon mockt buffette● and scourged by wicked me● made to beare his owne crosse till oh oppressed and afflicted soule for very faintnes he could bea● it no longer Then he was hanged amongst theeves dying the most accursed death And which to him was more then all the rest hee in his humane apprehension was forsaken of God crying out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Now you may be assured that if the iustice of God could have beene satisfied and your sinne expiated and done away by a lesser price Iesus Christ his onely Son should never have beene caused ●o poure out his soule a sacrifice for your sinne This looking by the eyes of your faith upon Christ whom you have pierced will at once shew you the greatnes and hatefulnes of your sin which required such ●n infinite ransome and the infinite love of God and Christ to you-ward euen when you were his enemie in providing for you a sure remedie which will free you from both guilt and power of this sinne The thoughts hereof will if any thing will even melt the heart into godly sorrow for sinne and withall give hope in the use of the means of mercy and forgiuenesse That the former Aggravations may bee more pressing observe these directions You must consider sinne in the particulars one after another for generalls leave no impressions Therefore David cryeth out of his bloudy sinne in particular You must iudge the least sinne to be damnable untill it bee pardoned and repented in particular if knowne unto you at least in generall if not knowne The greater any sinne is the greater you must judge the guilt and punishment to be Sinnes committed long since unrepented and the punishments deserved but deferred are to bee judged to bee as neare lying at the doore dogging you at the heeles as if committed at the present so that you may looke for Gods hand to be upon you this present moment they like the bloud of Abell or sinnes of Sodom cry as loud to God for vengeance now as the first day they were committed nay louder because they are aggravated by * impenitencie and by the abuse of Gods long suffering Your humiliation must in your endevour proportion your guilt of sinne the greater guilt the greater humiliation Know therefore that sinnes against God of the first Table considered in equal comparison are greater than those of the second The more grace hath beene offered by the Gospell and the more meanes any have had to know God and his will the greater is their sinne if they be ignorant and disobedient The number of sinnes according as they are multiplied doe increase the guilt and punishment The more bonds are broken in sinning as committing it against the Law of God of Nature and Nations against Conscience promises and vowes the greater the sinne and punishment All these things knowne and considered now iudge your selfe passe a condemnatorie sentence against your selfe whence will through the grace of God follow affliction of soule Now you will see that you are base and vile and that you may justly feare Gods iudgements Now you will see cause to be grieved ashamed yea even confounded in your selfe and to conceive an holy indignation against your selfe You will now thinke thus Ah that I should be so foolish so brutish so mad to cōmit this to commit these sinnes think of particulars to breake so holy a Law to offend grieve and provoke so good and so great a Maiestie so ill to requite him so little to feare him vile wretch that I am that I should commit not onely sinnes of common frailty but grosse sinnes many and oft against knowledge conscience c. but still minde particulars Iesus Christ my Sauiour shed his precious bloud for me to redeeme mee from my vaine conversation and doe I yet againe and againe transgresse oh miserable man that I am What am I in my selfe at best but a lumpe of sinne and durt not worthy to be loved worthy to be destroyed one that may justly look to have mine heart hardned or my cōscience terrified and that if God be not infinitely merciful he should powre upon me all his plagues Wherfore remembring my doings that they are not good but abhominably evill I doe loath my selfe for mine abhominations and doe abhorre my selfe and repent as in sackcloth and ashes Now set upon the worke of Reformation and of Reconciliation Generall if you finde there be neede Particular as you finde there is neede It is not enough to search out and consider your wayes nor yet to lament them if withall you doe not turne againe unto the Lord and turne your feet unto his Testimonies and withall seeke grace and forgivenesse The Gospell openeth a
way and affoordeth meanes to attain both through the commands and promises thereof in the doctrine of faith and repentance Now therefore bring your self to the Gospell Try your selfe thereby first whether your first faith and repentance were sound then set upon reforming getting pardon of particular and later offences But learne to put a difference betweene the Commandements of the Gospell and of the Law the Law exacteth absolute obedience The gracious Gospell doth through CHRIST accept of the truth of Faith and Repentance so that there be an endevour after their perfection It would be too long to shew you at large the signes of unfained Faith and Repentance I will for the present onely say this Have you been humbled heretofore and through the promises and commandement of the Gospell which biddeth you beleeue have you conceived hope of mercy relying on Christ for it and thereupon have had a ●●ue change in your whole man so that you make God your utmost end and out of hatred o●… and love unto Christ and ●is wayes have had a will in all things to live honestly and to ●…devour in all things to keepe alwayes a good conscience to wards God and man desiring the sincere milke of the Word to grow by it loving the brethren desiring and delighting in communion with them then be you confident that your first faith repentance and new obedience was sound If upon tryall you finde that they were not sound then you must begin now to repent and beleeve it is not yet too late Touching reformation and obtaining of pardon and power of your particular sinnes doe thus Consider the Commandement which biddeth you to repent and amend Consider the Commandements which bid you to come unto Christ when you are weary and beavie laden with your sin beleeving that through him they shall be pardoned and subdued to this end Consider that Christ hath fully satisfied for such and such a sinne yea for all sinne and that you have many promises of grace and forgivenesse yea a promise that God will give you grace to beleeve in him that you may have your sinnes forgiven Consider that there is vertue and power in Christs death and resurrection appliable by faith through his holy Spirit for the mortifying the old man of sinne and quickning the new man in grace as well as merit to take away the guilt and punishment of your sinne Improve this power of Christ in you unto an actuall breaking off your sinnes and living according to the wil of Christ which is done by mortifying the old man of sinne and by strengthning the new and inner man of grace In mortifying your sinne doe thus Take all your sinnes especially your bosome sins those to which the disposition of your nature and condition of your place doth most incline you your strongest and Captaine sinnes and with them the body of corruption in you the originall and mother-sinne smite at them strike at the very roote arraigne them condemne them in your selfe dragge them all to the Crosse of Christ and nayle them thereunto that is by Faith see them all nayled with Christ to the Crosse whereon he was crucified and beleeve that not onelyin respect of their guilt but also of their raigning power they are al crucified with him dead and buried as is signified to you lively in your Baptisme When you see that your old man is crucified with Christ that the body of sinne should be destroyed you will take courage against sinne and will refuse to serve it sith by Christ you are freed from the dominion of it When you thus by faith put on the Lord Iesus Christ you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh Grieve heartily for your sinnes conceive deadly hatred against them displeasure against your selfe for them These like a corrasiue will eate out the core and heart of sinne Make no provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts of it but be sober in the use of all earthly things this by little and little will starve sinne Avoid all obiects and occasions of sinne yea abstaine from the appearance of it this wil disarme sinne When you feele any motion unto sinne whether it rose from within or came from without resist it speedily and earnestly by the Sword of the Spirit the Word of God as your Saviour did and as Ioseph did for which cause it must dwell plentifully in you Thus you shall kill sinne That you may strengthen the inner man by the Spirit whereby you may not onely mortifie the deeds of the flesh but bring forth the fruits of the Spirit doe thus First Apply Christ risen from the dead for you particularly beleeving that God by the same power quickneth you and raiseth you together with Christ to walke in newnes of life reckoning your selfe now to be alive unto God being dead unto sinne become the servant of righteousnesse This beleeving in Christ embracing and relying upon the precious promises of the Gospell doth draw downe Christ into your heart and doth more and more incorporate you into him by it he by his Spirit dwelleth in you wherby of his life grace you receive life and grace and so as the Apostle saith are made partaker of the divine nature flying the corruption which is in the world through lust Affect your heart with ioy unspeakeable and with peace in beleeving considering that you are iustified through our Lord Iesus Christ this Ioy of the Lord as a cordiall will exceedingly strengthen grace in the inner man Take heed of quenching or grieving the Spirit but nourish it by the frequent use of holy meditation prayer hearing and reading of the Word receiving the Sacraments by a Christian Communion with such as feare God and by following the motions of the Spirit of God which you shall know to be from it when the thing wherunto it mooveth is both for matter circumstance according to the Scripture the Word of the Spirit This is to be led of the Spirit and this will be to walke in the Spirit and then you shal not fulfil the lusts of the flesh Vpon your fasting day you shal doe well to renew your Covenant with God and in some cases so that it be done advisedly to enter into a particular vow to leave some grosse sinne with the occasions of it and to doe some necessary neglected dutie and to embrace all furtherances thereof This also will much strengthen your resolution against sinne and for holinesse There remaineth yet one principall work wherein a chiefe busines of the day of your fast lyeth for which all formerly spoken to maketh way and by which with the former meanes you may attaine to true reformation of your selfe reconciliation with your
he What is that all no but he proceedeth to this last act of meditation and saith I will have respect unto thy wayes Gods holy nature attributes Word workes also what is dutie what is a fault what you should be and doe what you are and what you have done what be the miseries of the wicked what is the happinesse and what are the privileges of the godly are fit matter of meditating by the direct act of the understanding That which must settle your judgement and be the rule to direct your judgement what to hold for true and good must be the Canon of Gods Word rightly understood and not your owne reason or opinion nor yet the opinions or conceits of men for these are false and crooked Rules In seeking to know the secrets and mysteries of God and godlinesse you must not pry into them farther than God hath revealed for if you wade therein farther than you have sure footing in the Word you will presently lose your selfe and be swallowed up in a maze and whirlepoole of errors heresies These deepe things of god must bee understood with sobrietie according to that measure of cleare light which God hath given you by his Word When Sinne happeneth to bee the matter of your meditation take heed lest while your thoughts dwell upon it though your intention be to bring your selfe out of love with it it steale into your affections and worke in you some tickling motions to it and so circumvent you For the cunning devices of sinne are undiscoverable and you know that your heart is deceitfull above all things Wherefore to prevent this mischiefe 1 As Sinne is not to bee named but when there is just cause so is it not to be thought upon but upon speciall cause namely when it sheweth it selfe in its motions and evill effects and when it concernes you to try and finde out the wickednes of your heart and life 2 When there is cause to thinke of sinne represent it to your mind as an evill the greatest evill most lothsome most abominable to GOD and as a thing most hatefull and hurtfull to you Whereupon you must worke your heart to a detestation of it and resolution against it 3 Never stand reasoning or disputing with it as Eve did with Satan but without any plodding thereupon you must doe present execution upon it by sheathing the Word the Sword of the Spirit into the heart of it and by the deeds of the Spirit kill it And if you would insist long in meditating upon any subject make choise of matter more pleasant and lesse infectious It is needfull that you be skilfull in this first part of meditation for hereby you finde out and lay downe propositions Whence you may conclude who is to be adored who not what is to be done what not what you should be what not But the life of meditation lyeth in the reflect acts of the soule whereby that knowledge which was gotten by the former act of meditation doth reflect returne upon the heart causing you to assume and apply to your selfe what was propounded whence also you are induced to endevour to worke your heart unto that which you have learned it ought to be This though it be most profitable yet because it is tedious to the flesh is most neglected Wherefore it concerneth you which are well instructed in the points of faith and holinesse to be most conversant in this when you are alone whether of set purpose or in your journyings or otherwise You should therefore be well read in the booke of your conscience as well as in the Bible Commune oft with it and it wil fully acquaint you with your selfe and with your estate It will tell you what you were and what you now are what you most delighted in in former times what now It will tell you what streights and feares you have beene in and how graciously God delivered you what temptations you have had and how it came to passe that sometimes you were overcome by them how and by what meanes sometimes you overcame them It will shew what conflicts you have had betwixt flesh spirit what side you tooke what was the issue of the conflict whether you were grieved and humbled when sinne got the better whether you rejoyced were thankfull in any sort when Gods grace in you held his owne or got the better Your conscience being set aworke will call to remembrance your over-sight and advantages which you gave to Satan and to the lusts of your flesh that you may not doe the like another time It will remember you by what helpes and meanes through Gods grace you prevailed got a good conquest over some sinne that you may flye to the like another time If you shal thus take observation of the passages and conflicts in this your Christian race and warfare your knowledge will be an experimentall knowledge which because it is a knowledge arising from the often proofe of that whereof you were taught in the Word it becommeth a more grounded a more perfect and a more fruitfull knowledge than that of meere contemplation It is onely this experimentall knowledge that will make you expert in the trade and warfare of Christianitie Take me a man that hath onely read much of Husbandry Physicke Merchandise Policie and martiall affaires who hath gotten into his head the notions of all these and maketh himselfe beleeve that he hath great skill in them yet one that hath not read halfe so much but hath beene of long practice and of great experience in these goeth as farre beyond him in Husbandry in giving Physick in Trading in Policie in true feats of Armes as he goeth beyond one that is a meere novice in them Such difference there is betweene one that hath onely notions brain-knowledge of Christianitie and in may be some practice withal but severed from experimentall observation and him that taketh notice of his owne experiences and is oft looking into the Records of his owne Conscience throughly to peruse them The experiments which by this meanes you shall take of Gods love truth and power of your enemies falshood wiles and methods of your owne weaknesse without God of your strength by God to withstand the greatest lusts and strongest Divell yea of an abilitie to doe all things through him that strengthneth you will beget in you faith and confidence in God and love to him watchfulnesse and circumspection lest you be overtaken with sinne yea such humilitie wisedome and Christian courage that no opposition shall daunt you neither shall any drive you from the hold you have in Christ Iesus Where reade you of two such Champions as David and Paul and where doe you reade of two that recorded and made use of their experiences like these Wherefore next to Gods booke which giveth light and rule to your Conscience reade oft the
report good of you to your face represse those speeches as soone and as wisely as you can giving the prayse of all things to God knowing that this is but a temptation and a snare and a meanes to breed and feed selfe-love pride and vaine-glory in you If this good report be true blesse God that he hath enabled you to give cause thereof and studie by vertuous living to continue it If this good report be false endevour to make it good by being hereafter answerable to the report If men report evill of you to your face Be not so much inquisitive who raised it or thought-some how to bring him to his answer or how to cleare your reputation amongst men as to make a good use of it to your owne heart before God For you must know this evill report doth not rise without Gods providence If the report be true then see Gods good providence it is that you may see your error and fault that you may repent If the report be false in respect of such or such a fact yet consider have you not runne into the appearance and occasions of those evils then say Though this report be false yetit commeth justly upon mee because I did not shunne the occasions and appearances This should humble you and cause you to bee more circumspect in your wayes But if neither the thing reported be true neither yet have y● runne into the occasions thereof yet see GODS wise and good providence not onely in discovering the folly of foolish and the malice of evill men who raise and take up an evill report against you without cause but in giving you warning to looke to your selfe iest you deserve thus to be spoken ●● And what doe you ●now ●at that you sho●●d have ●allen into the same or the ●●ke ev●ll if by these reports you had not beene for●warned Make use of the railings and reviling of an enemy for though he be a bad Iudge yet he may bee a good Remembrancer for you shall heare from him those things of which flatterers will not and friends being blinded or over-indulgent through love doe never admonish you Fourthly your conversation amongst all must be loving you should be kinde and courteous towards all men Doe good to all according as you have ability and opportunity Give offence wittingly to none Doe wrong to no man either in his name life chastitie or estate or in any thing that is his but be ready to forgive wrongs done to you and to take wrong rather then to revenge or unchristianly to seek to be righted As you shall have calling and opportunitie doe all good to the soule of your neighbours exhort and incourage unto well-doing If they shew not themselves to be dogs and swine that is obstinat scorners of good m●n con●emners of the pearle of good counsell you must so far as God giveth you any interest in them admonish and informe them with the spirit of meeknes and wisdome With this cloak● of love you should cover and cure a multitude of your companions infirmities and offences In all your demeanour towards him seeke not so much to please your selfe as your Companion in that which is good to his edification Speake evill of no man nor yet speak the evill you know of any man exceptin these or like cases 1 When you are thereunto lawfully called by Authoritie 2 When it is to those whom it concerneth to reforme and reclaim him of whom you speake and that you doe it to that end 3 When it is to prevent certaine dammage to the soule or state of your neighbour which would ensue if it were not by you thus discovered 4 When the concealment of his evil may make you guiltie and accessary 5 When some particular remarkeable judgement of God is upon a notorious sinner for his sinne then to the end that GOD may be acknowledged in his just judgments and that others may be warned or brought to repent of the same or like sinne you may speake of the evils of other But this is not to speake evill so long as you doe it not in envy and malice to his person nor with aggravation of the fault more then is cause nor yet to the judging of him as concerning his finall estate When you shall heare any in your company speake evill of your neighbor by slandering or whispering tale-bearing whereby hee detracts from his good name you must not onely stop your eares at such reports but must set your speech and countenance against him like a North-wind against raine When you heare another well reported of let it not be grievous to you as if it detracted from your credit but rejoyce at it in so much that God hath enabled him to be good and to doe good all which maketh for the advancement of the common cause wherein you are interessed Envie him not his due prayse Detract not from any mans credit either by open backbiting or by secret whispering or by any cunning meanes of casting evil aspersions whether by way of pittying him or otherwise As He is good or doth well in such and such things But c. This but marreth all And to heape up all in a word In all your speeches to men and cōmunication with them your speech must bee gracious that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace not vice to the hearers It must not be prophane nor any way corrupt filled out with oathes curses or prophane jests it must not be flattering nor yet detracting Not bitter not railing not girding either by close sq●is or salt iests against any man It m●…t not be wanton ribaldry lasci●ious and filthy It must not be false no nor yet foolish idle and fruitlesse For all evi● communication d●th corrupt good manners And Wee must answer for every idle word which wee speake Besides a man may easily be discerned of what Country he is whether of Heaven or of the earth by his language his speech will bewray him There is no wisdome or power here below can teach and enable you to doe all or any the forementioned duties This wisdome and power must bee had from above Wherefore if you would in all companies carrie your selfe worthy the Gospell of Christ First be sure that the Law of God and the power of grace bee in your heart else the Law of grace and kindnesse cannot bee in your life and speech You must be indued therefore with a spirit of holinesse humilitie love gentlenesse appeaseablenesse long-suffering meekenesse and wisedome else you can never converse with all men as you ought to doe For such as the heart is such the conversation will bee Out of the evill heart come evill thoughts and actions but A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good
in hatred and in wrath as hee doth to his enemies All things works together for good to them that love God therfore whatsoever he giveth to such is in love Fifthly Preferre the honour and glory of God before and above all things that may be beneficiall to your selfe preferre likewise the kindnesse and love of God in the gift farre above the gift it selfe then you will never bee so taken up with the enjoyment of the gift as to forget to give prayse and thankes to the Giver Sixthly unto the former helps ●dde this take upon you with ●n holy imperiousnesse over your soule charge your selfe to be thankefull and sith you have good reason for it take no nay Say with David Blesse the Lord O my soule and all that is within me blesse his holy Name c. Lastly to all other meanes ioyne earnest prayer to God to give you a thankefull heart It is not all the reasons you can alleage for it nor at the morall perswasions you can propound to your soule can worke it though these bee good meanes yea Gods means if you goe about to worke your heart to it in the power of your owne might all will be in vaine For as you cannot pray but by Gods Spirit so neither can you give thankes but by the Spirit Therefore say as David did Renew O Lord a right spirit in me and open my lippes that my mouth may shew forth thy prayse SECTION 2. Touching proofes of Thanks IT is not enough to professe and utter prayse and thankes to God you must give proofe of it First by devoting and giving your selfe to God to be at the will of him who is your Soveraigne Lord who giveth you all that you have who is alwaies giving unto you and alwaies doing you good Pay your vowes to him that performes his promises to you Let it appeare that you acknowledge him to be such a one as you say in your prayses and that you stand bound and beholding to him indeed as you say in your thankes in that you carrie your selfe in your life towards him as to him who only is Excellent who onely is God who is your God the God of your life and salvation and that in all holy service and in all holy living For Thankes-doing is the proofe and life of Thanks-giving and it is a divine saying The good life of the Thankefull is the life of Thankefulnesse Wherfore every new mercy should quicken your resolution to persevere and increase in well-doing serving God the rather with gladnes of heart because of the abundance of all things Secondly Doe good with those blessings which God giveth you For every good gift is given to a man to profit withall not onely himselfe but every member of that body whereof he is part Whatsoever good gift God hath given you whether corporall or spirituall it must be imployed to Gods glory and to your neighbors good as well as to your owne as God shall minister opportunitie If riches and the same must be understood of health strength wisdome skill c. be given to you you must honour God therewith and as God doth prosper you in any thing you must communicate to them that need as to the poore sicke weake simple and ignorant If God give knowledge faith spirituall wisdome abilitie to pray or any other of his rich graces you must not hoard them up and keep them reserved for your owne private benefit but you must communicate them to others and improve them for the good of others for the procuring their spirituall good and edifying them in faith hope and love By communicating your goods and common gifts of God in this sort you make your selfe friends with them against a day of need and when you honour GOD and doe good with any the talents which GOD putteth into your hand to trade with then you make the best improvemēt of them Hee who thus maketh God his friend in his prosperitte shall certainely finde him to be his sure friend in adversity in this life and when he shall be put out of his Stewardship at death then he shall be received into the everlasting habitations When the more you prosper the better you desire and endevour to be and to doe more good this is an infallible proofe of true thankfulnes and is an evident signe that you walk with God in prosperity as he would have you Give all diligence therefore to learne this lesson how to be full and how to abound But know it can be learned no where but in Christs Schoole and can never be practised but by Christs strength This is it which the Apostle had learned and said he was able to doe it through Christ that strengthened him It is a most needfull and high point of learning to be instructed and to know every where and in every thing how to be full and to abound of the two it is more rare and more difficult then to know how to bee abased and to suffer want which shall be the subject of the next Chapter CHAP. XI How to walke as in Gods sight under crosses in all adversity SECTION 1. EVery day wil bring forth his evill and crosse whether lighter ordinary or more heavy and rare The first sort riseth partly from the common frailties of the perverse natures of thē with whom you shall converse and partly from your owne as from tetchinesse and aptnesse to take things in ill part Such are discourtesies from those of whom you looked for kindnesse Imperiousnesse and too much domineering of Superiours sullennesse negligence and disregard from inferiours an awkewardnesse and crossenesse in the persons and things with which you have to deale Touching these the Rule is Lay not these to heart too neare you Make them not greater than they be through your impatiency as many doe who upon every light occasion of dislike cast themselves into such an Hell of vexation and discontent that all the blessings they receive that day are scarce observed or can make their lives comfortable Whereas Wisdome should prevent and Love and Wisedome should cover and passe by most of these seeing as if you saw not or if you will give way to any passion at these let it be with hatred of their and your sin which is the cause of these and all other crosses These should occasion you to pitty and pray for them that give you this offence and for your selfe who many times without cause take offence You may if need require shew your dislike and admonish the offender if so bee you doe it with meekenesse of wisedome but learne hereby to warne your selfe that you give not the like offence But whether your crosses and afflictions be seeming onely and in conceit or indeed whether from God immediately or from man whether light or heavie follow these directions 1. Be not transported with passion and choler
like proud Lamech and froward Ionas 2. Be not overwhelmed or eaten up with griefe like covetous Ahab and foolesh Nabal But 3. Beare them patiently 4. Beare them chearefully and thankefully 5. Beare them fruitfully Now to helpe you that passion and heat of anger kindle not or at least breake not out or last not First Convince your judgement thorowly that passion and rash anger is forbidden and hated of GOD. It is a fruit of the flesh A worke of the Devill Bred and nourished by pride folly and selfe-love Also that it surpriseth all the powers of right reason putting a man besides himselfe causing him to abuse his tongue hands and the whole man making him like a foole to let flye and cast firebrands at every thing which crosseth him and that not onely against his neighbour and dearest friends but against God himselfe Consider likewise that it maketh a man out of case to pray heare the Word or to performe any worship to God and unfit to speak or heare reason or to give or receive good counsell God barreth such as are froward the company of good men and saith That such a one doth abound in transgression that there is more hope of a foole than of him Wherfore he must needs be exposed to all the just iudgements of God temporall and eternall By these and such like thoughts worke your selfe to an ill opinion of this vice and to such a loathing of it that you may beware and shun it Secondly Observe watchfully when anger beginneth to kindle and stirre in you and before it flame break forth into tongue or hand set your reason aworke let it step before it to hold it in and bridle it Nay set Faith aworke having in readinesse and calling to minde such pregnant Scriptures as these Be angrie but sinne not And Anger resteth in the bosome of fooles And say thus Shall I sinne against God Shall I play the foole Then you sinne and play the soole in your anger first when it is without cause as when neither GOD is dishonoured nor your neighbour or your selfe indeede injuried when it is for trifles and onely because you are crossed in your will and desire and the like but chiefly when you are angry with any for wel-doing Secondly though you have cause yet if it be severed from love to the person of him with whom you are angry so as you neglect the common and needful offices thereof Thirdly when it exceedeth due measure as when it is over-much and over-long Fourthly it is sinfull when it bringeth forth evill and unseemly effects such as neglect or ill performance of dutie to GOD or man also when it breaketh out into lowd clamorous reviling or s●appish peeches or into stamping sta●ing flinging churlish sullen or dogged behaviour or when it breaketh out into any injurious act Thirdly If you cannot keepe anger from rising and boyling within you yet be sure that you binde your tongue and hand to the good behaviour Make a Covenant with them charge them not to shew it nor partake with it any farther then considerate reason and good conscience shall advise you Set a Law to your selfe that you will not chide nor strike while you are in your scalding heate of anger If there be cause of either deferre it untill you be your selfe If you say that if you doe them not in your heate you shall doe neither I answer that in saying so you discover a great deale of impotencie folly corruption I am sure you never doe them well in passion And conscience of dutie should lead you to chiding and correcting when there is cause not passion for in it you serve and revenge your selfe upon the partie but not God Fourthly Both before and when you are in a chafe See GOD by the eye of your Faith comming in hearing you and looking upon you This will make you whist and quiet causing you not onely to hold your hands and tongue as you finde by experience you use to doe when some reverend friend cōmeth in but this will coole and abate your very inward heate and passion Fif●ly if you feele your corruption and weakenesse to be such and the provocation to anger to be so great that you feare you cannot hold then if it be possible avoid all occasions of anger remove your selfe but in a peaceable and quiet manner from the person object or occasion thereof And at all times shunne the company of an angry man as much as your calling will give you leave lest you learne his wayes Sixthly Howsoever it may happen that anger doe kindle in you and breake out Be sure that you●u●d●e it before it grow into hatred of him with whom you are angry For this cause Let not the Sunne goe downe upon your wrath you know not what hatred it may hatch before morning And the best means which I know to subdue it is If you finde your heart to boyle against any pray heartily to God for him in particular for his good this you are commanded And be so farre from seeking revenge that you force your selfe to be loving and kinde shewing all good offices of love with wisedome as you shal have occasion overcome evill with good Pray also to God for your selfe that he would please to subdue this passion for you This act of love to him performed before God before whom you dare not dissemble will excellently quench wrath and prevent hatred aganist him with whom you were angry and will give proofe betweene God and your Conscience that you love him If pleading for your selfe you shall say It is my naturall constitution to be cholericke and flesh and bloud will have their course Know this is to nourish your passion Knowalso it is a wicked and hateful constitution of body which came in with the fall And flesh and bloud shall not inherite the kingdome of God Say not I am so crossed and provoked never any the like For Christ was more injured and more provoked yet was never in a chafe And you provoke God daily a thousand times more every day yet he is patient with you Say not It is such an head-strong passion that it is impossible to one who is of a cholericke nature thus to bridle and subdue it For I can assure you that by using the former meanes if a man also do oft and much shame and abase himselfe before God for his passion and folly and daily repent thereof and be watchfull over himselfe he may of a most cholericke man become most meeke before hee dye I have seene it in old men whose age in it selfe giveth advantage to tutchines and frowardnes who were exceeding passionat intheir youth yet through the grace of God by constant cōflict against this vice have attained to an admirable degree of meeknesse Next as carnal anger so
should bee patient taken 1 from GOD that sent it 2 from your selfe on whom it ●eth 3 from the nature and ●●e of the affliction it selfe 4 by considering the evils of impatience 5 by comparing the blessings you have and are assured that you shall have with the crosses you have especially if patiently endured You shall from all these considerations see reason why your heart should be quiet under the greatest afflictions First consider well that whatsoever the trouble and crosse be and whatsoever bee the instrument of it either in the sense of evill or in the want of good promised God your Father 1 who doth all things according to the wisedome and counsell of his will 2 who doth afflict with most tender affection 3 who correcteth and afflicteth in measure 4 who hath alwayes holy purposes and ends in all afflictions and that for your good hath sent it First consider that it was God that did it There is no evil 〈…〉 of punishment in a City whic● the Lord hath not done saith Amos It is the Lord let him doe what seemeth him good saith El. I opened not my mouth saith David because thou Lord didst it The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken away blessed bee the Name of the Lord saith Iob. 2. All this GOD doth to his children with a fatherly affection in much love and pitty He hath your soule still in remembrance while you are in adversitie Yea he beareth some part of the burden with you for speaking after the manner of man hee saith that in all the afflictions of his children he is afflicted He delighteth not in afflicting the children of men much lesse his owne children If you aske Why then doth hee afflict or why doth he not ease you speedily I aske you Why a tender-harted father being a Chirurgion who is grieved and troubled at the paine and anguish which he himselfe caused his childe to feele with corrosives or hot irons would notwithstanding apply the burning irons and suffer those plaisters to vexe him for a long time You will say Sure the wound or malady of the childe required it and that else it could not be cured This is the case betwixt God and you Gods heart is tender and yerneth towards you when his hand is upon you therefore beare it patiently 3. God afflicteth you in measure fitting your affliction for kinde time and weight according to your need and according to the strength of grace which he hath already given you or which certainely he will give you He doth never lay more upon you then what you shall be able to beare and will alwayes with the crosse and temptation make a way to escape The husbandman will not alwayes bee plowing and harrowing of his ground but onely giveth it so many earths and so many tynes to some more to some lesse as the ground hath need and as it can beare them So likewise he thresheth his divers sorts of graine with divers Instruments according as the graine can endure them the fitches are not threshed with a threshing instrument neither is the cart wheele turned about upon the cummin bread-corne is bruised because hee will not ever be threshing it nor breake it with the wheele of his cart nor bruise it with his horsemen If the husbandman doe all this by the discretion wherewith God hath instructed him can you think that God who is wonderfull in counsell and excellent in working will plow and harrow any of his ground or thresh any of his corne above that which is fit and more than his ground and corne can beare Should not you his ground and corne bee patient at such tillage and at such threshing 4. Gods end in afflicting is alwayes his owne glory in your good as to humble you and to bring you to a sight of your sinne to breake up the fallow ground of your heart that you may sow in righteousnesse and reape in mercy to harrow you that the seed of grace may take root in you All Gods afflictions are either to remove impediments of grace By this saith Esay shall the inequity of Iacob bee purged and this is all the fruit to take away his sin All the plowing is but to kill weeds and to fit the ground for seed all the threshing and winnowing is but to sever the chaffe from the corne and all the grinding and boulting by afflictions is but to sever the bran from the flowre that Gods people may be a pure meate-offering acceptable to him Or else he afflicts that his children might have experience of his love power in preserving and delivering them or that they might have the exercise proofe and increase of faith hope love and other principall graces scil to worke patience and experience by them which serve for the beautifying perfecting of a Christian God doth iudge his children here that they may repent and be reformed that they may not bee condemned with the world Gods end in chastising you shall be found to be alwayes for your good that you shall be able to say It was good for mee to be afflicted For it is that you may be partaker of his holinesse and accordingly of his glory and happinesse Beare therefore all afflictions patiently for they are for your good If this be your crosse and trouble that you want many of the graces and good gifts of GOD which he hath promised Know also that this deferring to give graces and comforts is of God not out of neglect or forget fulnesse of you but of set wise and good purpose even to you-ward As to inkindle your desires more and more after them and it may be that you should seek them in a better manner It is likewise to try your faith and hope whether you will doe him that honour as to wait and rest upon his bare word When you are fit for them you shall have them You must therefore worke your heart yet to wait patiently for them considering the faithfulnesse power of God that promised and how that all the promises of God are Yea and Amen in Christ He is wise true and able to fulfill them in the due time and in the best manner for faithfull is he that hath promised and will fulfill it and yet a little while and hee that shall come will come and will not tarry Secondly when the Soule beginneth to be disquieted consider your selfe how unworthy you are of any blessing how worthy you are of all Gods curses yea of eternall damnation in Hell and that justly because of the sin of your nature and wicked actions of your life When you shall doe thus your heart will be quiet and content you wil say with the Church whatsoever your trouble be I will beare the indignation of the Lord for I have sinned against him He that doth acknowledge that he hath deserved to be hanged
a kind of Spirituall swoone and in such like cases But a man must not judge himselfe to be dead because whē he is asleepe or in a swoone he hath no feeling or sense of life Whether is it necessary that a man should finde all these marks of uprightnesse in him if hee be upright No. Albeit if he were in case to judge himselfe and try himselfe thorowly he might finde them all in him yet if hee finde most or but some of these he should stay himselfe upon those untill he finde the rest Take heed that you doe not as many hearers and many readers doe when they heare and see many signes given of this or any other needfull grace If they cannot approove themselves by all they will make a question whether they have the grace or no. One may give you twenty signes of naturall life as Seeing Hearing Talking Breathing c. What though you cannot prove your life by all yet if you know you feele or breath or moove you know you are alive by any one of these What is to be done when you cannot now finde that you are upright wheras heretofore somtimes you did hope that you were Doe not presently conclude you are an hypocrite but looke backe unto former proofes of uprightnesse And though you have for the present lost your evidence and assurance of Heaven yet give not over your possession of what you have nor your hope A man that hath once had possessiō of house and lands if his state be questioned will seeke out his evidence and suppose that he hath laid aside or lost his evidence thereof yet hee is not such a foole as to give over his possession or his right but will seek till he finde his evidences or if he cannot find them will search the Records and get them forth thence So must you in this case you must seeke for your evidence againe And intreat your Lord that he will please to give you a new Copie out of his Court-rou●● in Heaven wherein both your name uprightnesse is written Howsoever cleave fast to God and to his promises Resolve not to dare to sinne wittingly nor yet to give over your indevour to walke in his wayes and you shall not be long before you shall know that you be upright or if you attain not to this yet be sure the LORD will know you to be his though you doe not so certainely know that hee is yours But of this more when I shall speake of peace of Conscience But in trying my uprightnesse I finde many of the signes of hypocrisie in me I doe not finde my selfe to be so universall in my respect to all Gods Commandements as I should I doe not hate all sinnes alike I finde my selfe inclined to somesinne more than other and I am readier to neglect some dutie than other I cannot so throughly seeke GODS Kingdome as I should I am readier to finde fault with others than to amend my owne c. I finde that I am not so constant as I ought to be in good duties and I have too much respect to my selfe in all that I doe and too little to Gods glory In reading all the notes of hypocrisie except the last I finde hypocrisie nay much hypocrisie to be in mee Must I not therefore judge my selfe to be an hypocrite No. For truth of uprightnesse may bee in the same person in whom there is sense of much hypocrisie Nay this to feele hypocrisie with dislike argueth truth of uprightnesse Indeede if you felt not thus much you might feare you were not upright All that you have said if it be true onely proveth that you have hypocrisie remaining in you and that you feele it You must remember that I told you that not the having but the raigning of hypocrisie maketh an hypocrite Besides a man may have an universall respect to all Gods Commandements and yet not an equall respect to all If you see and bewaile your sinne and fight against your hypocrisie when you feele it assure your selfe you are no hypocrite What if a man finde indeed by these notes of hypocrisie that it doth raigne in him He must know that he is for the present hated of God and in a damnable estate yet his state is not desperate If the hypocrite forsake his hypocrisie become upright he shall not dye for his hypocrisie if this be true of a sinners for saking of all sinne then it is true of this in particular of forsaking his hypocrisie but in the uprightnesse wherein he liveth he shall live What Christ said to Hypocriticall Luke-warme Laodicea that I say to all such they must be zealous they must amend and be upright hypocrifie is as pardonable as any other sinne to him that is penitent and that beleeveth in Christ Iesus Isaiah 1. 11. 16 18. By this which I have written you may plainly see 1 That you ought to be upright 2 What it is to be upright 3 Whether you be upright or no. It concerns you therfore to hate and avoyd hypocrisie and to love and imbrace sinceritie Which that you may doe make use of these motives and means which follow in the next Sections SECTION 3 ●ouching disswasives from Hypocrisie and motives to Vprightnesse IF you would abandon hypocrisie consider the disswasives ●…ken from the evills and mis●…efes that accompany it where ●…raigneth And how trouble●…e and noysome it is where it is ●…ough it raigne not First Hypocrisie taketh away the goodnesse of the best actions ●…ey are good onely in name 〈…〉 in deed The repentance and ●…dience of an hypocrite is none because it is fained his faith is no faith because it is not unfained his love no love because it is not from a pure heart without dissimulation Conceive the like of all other the graces and good actions of an hypocrite Secondly All the goodnesse and actions of an hypocrite are together with himselfe wholly lost Such as Preaching Hearing Praying Alms-giving Building of Hospitalls Colledges Bridges c. Thirdly hypocrisie in whom it raignes doth not onely take away all goodnesse from the best gifts and actions and cause the losse of all reward from GOD but it p●ysoneth and turneth the best actions into most loath som● and abominable sinnes Insomuch that in those good works wherin the hypocrite seemeth to mak● haste to Heaven he doth run pos● to Hell For such allowed hypocriticall holinesse is worse tha● professed wickednesse it is so odious in GODS eyes and nostrels that for it he will plague those in whom it ruleth with his severest judgements For the hypocrisie of men professing the truth doth bring the name religion and best services of God into disgrace and contempt and causeth the best actions and best men to be suspected For such as have not spiritual wisdome to judge rightly doe stumble hereat and forbeare the said good actions and
the matter of their soules or bodies of the things of this life or of that which is to come God freeth them from all carefulnesse and would that they should free themselves there-from God would have you use all good meanes for this life but without taking thought for to morrow about what you shall ca●e what you shall drinke what you shall put on or what shall become of you and yours another day He would not have you to be so distrustfull of him as to take the care of afterward the care of successe from him upon your selfe eating out your heart with doubt and feare till you find it But his wil is that when you have done what you can with a chearefull and ready mind that you should leave the whole matter of good or ill successe to his care In like manner GOD would have you to use meanes to save your soule but when you have so done and continue so to doe he would have you care no further He would not have you to doubt and feare that all shal be in vaine and to no purpose or that you shall not be saved not withstanding He would not that you should discourage and enfeeble your heart by taking thought about the issue of any trialls and temptations that may befall you before they doe come for that is vaine nor yet when they doe come for that is needlesse In such cases you need onely to serve GODS providence in the use of the present meanes of Salvation gaining as much grace and strength as you can against such times improving that grace and strength which you have in such times of tryal but touching successe either how much grace and comfort you shall have or when you shall have it and whether you shall hold out in tryall in the evil day or be saved in the end you must not trouble your selfe through doubtfull and distrustfull feares You must trust God with these things also For our ●aviour prohibiteth his Disciples all trouble that might arise through feare of ill successe in the profession of Christianity And S. Paul easeth himselfe of this trouble and feare committing his soule and the issue of all his tryals unto GOD saying I know whom I have trusted and I am assured that he is able to keepe that which I have committed to him against that day He is confident in God for good successe in his whole Christian warfare so should you Now to disswade you from all carefulnesse and to perswade you to rest secure in God touching the particular events of all actions and touching the finall and happy event and good successe of your Christian profession Consider these reasons 1 shewing why you should not care eagerly and inordinately for earthly things 2 Why you should not take thought about any thing whether earthly or heavenly First informe your self throughly that all earthly things are of little worth very fading and transitory likened when they are at best to the flower of grasse Wherefore they cannot be worthy of your carefull toyle or carking about them It is extreame folly for man being indued with reason to set his minde upon that which is little or nothing worth in comparison nay whieh as Salomon calleth riches is not which is but of short cōtinuance and onely for bodily use while he hath it which also is cast by God unto the wicked even to his enemies rather than upon the godly Secondly Inordinate and immoderate care of earthly things is exceeding hurtfull For besides that it breedeth many foolish and hurtfull lusts which drowne men in perdition it doth hinder the care of things spirituall and heavenly It causeth that either a man shall not come at all to the means of Salvation or if he come to the Word Prayer Sacraments good company and good conference it causeth him to depart without spirituall profit It will cause a man to erre from the saith and to be altogether unfit for death and unprepared for his latter end For when any one part draweth more nourishment to it selfe then it ought some other parts must needs be hindred in their growth And when the strength of the ground is spent in nourishing weeds tares or corn of little worth the good wheate is pulled down choaked or starved He whose cares are too much about the earth his care will be too little for heaven Next Consider the reasons Why you must not care at all about successe of your lawfull indevours any more then by Prayer to commend them to God First because it is to usurpe upon Gods peculiar right to trench farre into Gods prerogative divine taking his sole and proper work out of his hands For care of successe and of what shall be hereafter is proper to God Secondly It is a vaine and bootlesse thing when you have diligently used lawfull meanes for any thing to take thought for successe For who can by taking thought adde any thing to his stature or make one haire white or blacke Vnderstand the like of all other things Thirdly every day bringeth its full imployment with it together with its crosses and griefes so that you shall have full work enough for your care to endevour to doe the present dayes worke holily and to beare each present dayes affliction fruitfully and patiently you have little reason therefore to eat out your heart with taking thought of future events and of what shall be tomorrow Fourthly It is altogether needlesse to take thought about the successe of your actions for successe is cared for already by God One whose care is of more use and better consequent than yours can be You are cared for by one who loveth you better than you can love your selfe who is wisdome and knoweth what is better for you and what you most need better than your selfe who is alwaies present with you who is both able and ready to doe exceeding abundantly for you above all that you can aske or thinke even God who careth for meaner creatures than you are who also is your GOD your heavenly Father of whose care you have had happy experience who in times past cared for you when you could not carefor your selfe who hath kept you in and from your mothers belly who before you were ordained you to Salvation Who in due time gave his onely begotten Sonne for you and to you as appeareth in that now he hath given you faith hope in him love to him It is your God and Father who hath commanded that for the present and for for hereafter you should cast your care and burthen on him having withal made many gracious promises that he will care for you that he will sustaine you and that hee wil bring your waies to passe What wise man will clogge himselfe with needlesse cares Fiftly Carefulnesse and taking thought of successe
of GOD is twofold or one and the same in different degrees The first is an actuall entring into and mutuall imbracing of Peace betweene GOD and man The second is the Manifestation and Expression of this Peace The first is when God and man are made friends which is when GOD is pacified towards MAN and when man is reconciled unto God so that now God standeth well affected towards man and man hath put off Enmitie against God which mutuall* Attonement and Friendship Christ Iesus the onely Mediator betwixt God and man hath by his satisfaction and intercession wrought for man and by his Spirit applieth unto and worketh in man For untill this Attonement be made and applied God in his just Iudgement and Hatred is an Enemie unto man for sin and man in his evill minde and unjust Hatred is an Enemy unto GOD and unto all goodnesse through sinne This first Peace is Peace of God with man inherent in God working the like disposition of Peace in man towards God and is the fountaine from which the second 〈…〉 The second kinde or rather further degree of Peace of God is the operation and manifestation of the former Peace which is a peace of God in man wrought by the Spirit of God through the apprehension that God is at peace with him This Peace is partly and most sensibly in the Conscience which is called Peace of Conscience and may also be called peace of Iustification according to that Being iustified by faith wee have peace with God c. And it is partly in the whole reasonable man whereby the will and affections of the soule agree within themselves and are subiect to the inlightned minde conspiring all of them against the commonadversary the flesh which yet remaineth in everypart this may be called peace of Sanctification according to that of the Apostle Being made free from sinne and become servants of God you have your fruit in holinesse This is the agreement of all the members to become servants to righteousnesse unto Holinesse Not but there will be warring alwayes in our members but it is not the warring so much of one Member against another as the warring of the Flesh in every member against the Spirit which also warreth against the flesh in every member Which lusting and fighting of flesh against the spirit beginneth in man as soone as the Spirit hath wrought the former peace of Holines in setting each member into dueframe and order Moreover this peace of Sanctification consisteth in this that albeit a Sanctified man must never be nor ever is at peace with sin so that it doth not assault and molest him or that hee should subject himselfe to it or have it absolutely subject to him in this life yet hee hath a peace and quiet after a sort and in comparison from sinne is so much that he is freed from the dominion and power of sinne to hurt him or to reduce him to his former bondage unto sinne Now so farre as a man getteth a conquest over his lusts that they are kept under and forbeare to assault and molest him so farre he may be said to have this peace of Sanctification The Conscience when it is awake and stirring and in the Act of enquirie and of Inditing accusing condemning man for sinne doth withall Pricke Lash Gripe Sting and Wound the heart with unutterable unconceiveable griefes feares and terrours through the apprehension of Gods infinite eternall and iust Wrath for sinne Now when GOD by his Spirit giveth any true hope and assurance unto a man that his lustice is satisfied concerning him through Christ and that now all Enmitie and Wrath is done away on Gods part and that hee loveth him in Christ with a Free Full and Everlasting love hereby he speaketh peace to the Conscience having done away all the guilt of sinne which before molested it through sense of Gods anger and feare of punishment Hence ariseth peace and comfort in the Conscience which therefore is called Peace of Conscience Thus the mind ceaseth to be perplexed and by faith in Christs death through the Spirit becommeth quiet with an Heavenly tranquility resting on the Word of promise and according to the measure of cleare apprehension of Gods love in Christ in the same measure the minde is at sweet agreement within it selfe without feare or trouble and in the same measure hee hath peace of Conscience flowing from the assurance of Iustification As soone also as a man beginneth Actually to be at Peace with God his lusts doe beginne to be at Warre with him rebelling against the law of his minde which yet may by little and little be subdued and conquered though not all lusts at any time nor yet any one fully in this life yet by vertue of the peace now made with God if he wil improve it by seeking helpe of God if withall he take to him the Compleate armour and doe fight manfully under Christs bāner he may so prevaile against them that he shall be assaulted with fewer Temptations from his owne concupiscence than hee was wont in so much that they do not so oft nor so strongly assault him as in former times Now so farre forth as the powers and faculties of man agree in their fight against sinne and doe so subdue it that it doth not assault and molest him hee may be said to have the peace of sanctification The first peace whereby God is pacified and is become propitious and gracious to man is absolutely necessary to the very being of a Christian The second which riseth from the manifestation of this Peace unto a man and the sensible feeling of the operatiō of this Peace in man is not necessary to the being of a Christian at least in a sensible degree of it but to the well-being of a Christian it is necessarie For a man may be in the favour of God and yet be without the sense of this Peace in himselfe Because this peace of Conscience doth not flow necessarily from the being in GODS favour but from knowledge and assurance of being in his favour Now a man in many cases may loose for a time his sense of Gods favor his faith being over-clouded with feares and unbeliefe as it was with David after his adultery with Bathshebath and murther of Vriah who yet was upheld secretly by his right hand as the Prophet was in another case by vertue of that first peace of GOD yet untill GOD did give him the sense and feeling of His loving Countenance hee was without the second Peace the peace of Conscience Yea though God by Nathan in the outward Ministery of his Word had given him assurance of Gods loving kindnesse saying The LORD hath put away thy sinne thou shalt not dye That first peace is absolute and admitteth of no degrees The second which floweth thence both in respect of peace of Conscience and in respect of good
●ffer of grace as it is for the Blackmoore to change his skin or ●he Leopard his spots It cannot be denyed but that God is free and if he please may open a doore of hope and gate of mercy unto the most obstinate sinner who hath deferred his repentance to his old age wherefore if such a one finde his heart ●o bee broken with remorse for his other sinnes and is troubled inconscience for this his sinne if not accepting of Gods grace when it was offered I wish him to humble himselfe before God and conceive hope For God hath promised pardon to the penitent whensoever they repent And though no man can repent when he wil yet such a one may hope that God is now giving him repentance in that he hath touched his heart and made it to be burdened with sinne Yet for all this hope which I give to such a man know that it is rare and very seldome to be found that those that continued to despise grace untill their age did ever repent but God left them justly to perish in their impenitency because they despised the means of grace the season in which he did call them to repentance and did offer them his grace whereby they might repent GOD dealeth with all sinners ordinarily as hee said he would doe and as he did to Iudah Because I would have purged thee saith he that is I tooke the onely course to purge thee and bring thee to repentance and thou wast not purged therefore thou shalt not be purged from thy filthinesse any more till I have caused my fury torest on thee Thus I have endevoured to discover and remove the false grounds and misapplication of true grounds whereby the Conscience is deluded and brought into a dangerous quiet and false peace In the third place he that would not be gulled with a false peace in stead of a true must beware of obstinacie delight and senslesnesse of sinne For this seares the Conscience as with an hot iron Now a seared conscience is quiet with a false peace not because there is no danger but because it doth not feele it Great care must be had therefore lest the Conscience be seared being made thicke skinned brawny and senslesse for then it doth altogether or for the most part forbeare to checke or accuse for sinne be it never so haino●s This searednesse is caused by a witting and customary living in any sinne but especially by living in any grosse sinne or in the allowance and delight in any knowne sinne also by allowed hypocrisie and dissimulation in any thing and by doing any thing contrary to the cleare light of nature planted in a mans own brest and head or contrary to the cleare light of grace shining in the motions of the Spirit in the checks of conscience and in the instructions of the Word Keepe therefore the conscience tender by all meanes 1 By hearkning readily to the voyce of the Word 2 By a carefull survay of your wayes dayly 3 By keeping the conscience soft with godly sorrow for sinne 4 By harkening to the voyce of conscience admonishing checking for sinne Either of these three kinds of conscience viz. the blind presumptuous and seared conscience will admit of a kinde of peace or truce rather for a while while it sleepeth but what God said of Cains sinne must bee conceived of all sinne If thou doest not well sinne lyeth at the doore And upon what termes soever it bee that it lie stil and trouble not the Conscience for a time yet it will awake in its time and then by as much as it did admit of some peace and quiet it will grow more turbulent mad and furious and if God give not repentance this false peace endeth for the most part either in reprobate minde or a desperate end even in this life besides the hellish horrors in that which is to come Now to the end that no man should quiet his hart in this false and dangerous peace whether it proceed from the aforementioned causes or from any other ● would advise him to try his Peace whether it bee not false by these infallible markes First is any man at peace with Gods enemies allowing himselfe ●n the love of those things or persons which hate God and which are hated of God such as are the world and the things of the world whereby he denyeth the power of godlinesse living wittingly and delighting in any evil company or in any grosse sin as vaine or false swearing open prophanation of the Sabbath Malice Adultery Theft Lying or in any of those mentioned 2 Tim. 3 2 3. or in any knowne sinne ●ith allowance The holy Ghost saith of such that the love of God is not in them therefore the peace of God is not in them and whosoever maketh himselfe a friend to his lusts and to the world maketh himselfe an enemy of Gods As any man is at peace with the flesh the world and the Devill h● is not at true peace with God no● God with him If any such expec● peace and should aske is it peace answer may be made like to tha● which Iehu made both to th● servants and king of Israel Wha● have you to doe with peace Wha● peace so long as your notorious sinne and rebellions wherein you delight are so many For he that careth not to keepe a good conscience towards GOD and towards men cannot have true peace of conscience For there is no true peace but in a good conscience Secondly Is any man not at peace but at warre rather with GODS friends and with the things which God loveth being out of love with spiritual and conscionable prayer hearing the Word good company of Gods people and the like if any man despise the things God commandeth and loveth certainly God and he are two and whatsoever his forme of godlinesse be GOD holdeth him to be yet in state of perdition For whosoever saith he knoweth GOD but yet loveth not and keepeth not his Commandements he is a lyar And if any man love not his brother whatsoever shew of peace and friendship is betwixt God him I am sure God saith hee that doth no● righteousnesse is not of God neither hee that loveth not his brother he is a childe of the Devill and therfore hath no true peace with God Thirdly He whose quiet of heart and Conscience is from false peace is willing to take it for granted that his peace is sound and good and cannot abide to looke and to enquire into his peace to try whether it be true and whether it be well grounded or no being as it seemeth afraid lest stirring the mud and filth that lyeth in the bottom of his heart he should disquiet it And for this cause it is that such a one cannot endure a searching Ministry nor wil like that Minister which will dive and rake into the
strength and meanes be fully imployed in some lawfull businesse 5. Out of the fit the party thus affected must not oppresse his heart with feare of falling into it againe any more then to quicken him to prayer and to cause him to cast himselfe upon God 6. Out of the fits and in them also if the partie distempered be capable spirituall counsell is to be given out of GODS Word wisely according as the partie is fit for it whether to humble him if he hath not beene sufficiently humbled or to build him up and comf●●● him if he be already humbled 7. Lastly remember alwayes that when the troubled person is himselfe that he be moved to prayer and that others then pray much with him and at all times pray much for him When these troubles are mixt comming partly from naturall distemper and partly from spirituall temptation then the remedie must be mixt of helpes naturall and spirituall What the natural helps are hath bin shewne also what the spirituall in generall and shall be shewed more particularly in removing false feares rising from spirituall temptations The feares which rise for the most part from distemper of body may be knowne from those which for the most part or onely rise from the spirituall temptation thus When the first fort are clearely resolved of their doubts and brought unto some good degree of chearefulnesse and cōfort they will yet it may be within a day or two sometimes within an houre or two upon every slight occasion and discouragement returne to their old complaints and will need the same meanes to recover them againe But those whose trouble is meerly out of spirituall temptation and trouble of conscience although for the time it is very grievous and hardly removed and sometimes long before they receive a satisfying answer to their doubts yet whē once they receive satisfaction and comfort it doth hold and last untill there fall out some new temptation and new matter of feare This is because their Phantasies and memories are not disturbed in such sort as the others were The seeming grounds of feares that a man is not in state of grace when yet he is are for varietie almost infinite I have reduced them into this order and unto these heads First they who are taken with false feares will say their sinnes be greater than can be pardoned Secondly when they are driven from that they say then that they feare GOD will not pardon When they are driven from this by causing them to take notice of the signes of Gods actual love to them which give proofe that he will save them Then Thirdly they will question the truth of Gods love and favour But being put upon the ttyall whether God hath not already justified them and given them faith in Christ which are sufficient proofes of his love then Fourthly they will seeme to have grounds to doubt whether they have faith from which they are driven by putting them to the tryall of their Sanctification then Fifthly they doubt and will obiect strongly that they are not sanctified which being undeniably proved then Sixthly and lastly they feare they shall fall away and not persevere to the end Which feare being taken away also and all is come to this good issue they shall have no cause of disquiet feare This is the easiest most familiar and the most naturall method so farre as I can conceive both in propounding and in removing false feares SECTION 2. Removing false feare rising from thoughts of the greatnesse of punishment and sinne FIrst some in their fits of despaire speake almost in Cains words saying that their punishment which they partly feele and which they most of all feare is greater than they can beare or than can be forgiven I answer such If sense and feare of wrath and punishment be your trouble I would have you not to busie your thoughts about the punishment but divert them and pitch them upon your sinnes which are the onely cause of punishment for get your sinnes off and in one the same worke you get off and free your selfe from the punishment Labour therefore that your heart may bleed with godly sorrow for sin cry out as David did against his sinne so doe you against yours confesse them to GOD strike at the root of sinne at the sinne of your nature wherein you were conceived aggravate your actuall sinnes hide none spare none finde out arraigne accuse condemne your sinnes and your selfe for them grow first into utter detestation of your sinnes which have brought present punishment and a sense and feare of the eternall vengeance of hell fire then likewise grow into a dislike with your selfe for sinne loath your selfe in your owne sight for your iniquities and for your abominations Now when you are as a prisonerat the barre who hath received sentence of condemnation when you are in your owne apprehension a damned wretch fearing every day to be executed Oh then it concerneth you and it is your part and duty to runne to GOD the King of Kings whose name and nature is to forgive iniquity transgression and sinnes and that you may be accepted goe to him by Iesus Christ whose Office is to take away your sinnes and to present you without sinne to his father whose Office is also to procure and sue out your pardon Wherefore in Christs name pray and aske pardon of God for his Sonne Iesus Christs sake and withall bee as earnest in asking grace and power against your sinne that you may serve him in all well-pleasing Doe this as for your life with all truth and earnestnesse then you may nay must beleeve that God for Christs sake hath pardoned your sinne and hath done away the punishment of your sinne For this is according to the Word of Truth even as true as God is who hath Commanded you to doe thus and to beleeve in him But some will Reply this putting me unto a consideration of my sinnes breedes all my woe and feare for I finde them greater and more than can be pardoned Oh Say not so for you can hardly commit a greater sinne than indeed to thinke and to say so It is blasphemy against GOD yet this sinne if you will follow GODS Counsell and all other may and shall be pardoned I intend not to extenuate and lessen your sinne but you must give me leave to magnifie Gods truth and mercy and to extoll Christs love and merit Howsoever it is true that because sinne is a transgression of a law of infinite holinesse and equity in respect of the evil disposition of the heart is of infinite intention would perpetuate it selfe infinitely if it had time and meanes and because God the object and Person against whom sinne is committed is infinite therefore sinne must needes contract an infinite guilt and deserve infinite punishment which the very least sinne doth yet because the subiect of sinne the man that sinneth is
kinde of the sinne if you wel observe it it being a wilfull and malicious refusing of pardon upon such tearmes as the Gospell doth offer it scorning to be beholding unto God for it You may perceive what it is by this description The sinne against the holy Ghost is an utter wilfull and spitefull reiecting of the Gospell of Salvation by Christ together with an advised and absolute falling away from the profession of it so farre that against former knowledge and conscience a man doth maliciously oppose and blaspheme the Spirit of Christ in the Word and Ordinances of the Gospel and motions of the Spirit in them having resisted reiected and utterly quenched all those common and more inward gifts and motions wrought upon their hearts and affections which sometimes were intertained by them in so much that out of hatred of the Spirit of life in Christ they crucifie to themselves a-fresh the Sonne of God and doe put him both in his Ordinances of Religion and in his members to open shame ●reading underfoot the Sonne of God counting the bloud of the Covenant wherewith they were sanctified an unholy thing doing despight to the spirit of grace If you shall heedfu'ly looke into these places of the Scripture which speake of this sinne and withall doe observe the opposition which the Apostle maketh betweene sinning against the Law and sinning against the Gospell you shall clearely finde out the nature of this sinne But to resolve you of this doubt if you be not overcome with Melancholy for then you will answer you know not what which is to be pittied rather than regarded I would aske you that thinke you have committed the sinne against the holy Ghost these Questions Doth it grieve you that you have committed it Could you wish that you had not committed it If it were to be committed would you not forbeare if you could choose Would you take your selfe beholding to God if hee would make you partakers of the bloud and Spirit of his Sonne thereby to pardon and purge your sinne and to give you grace to repent Nay are you troubled that you cannot bring your heart unto a sense of desire of pardon and grace If you can say yea then albeit the sinne or sinnes which trouble you may be some fearefull sinne of which you must be exhorted speedily to repent yet certainly it is not the sinne against the holy Ghost It is not that unpardonable sinne it is not that sinne unto death For he that committeth this sinne cannot relent neither will he be beholding to GOD for pardon and grace by Christs bloud and spirit he cannot desire to repent But he is given over in Gods just judgement unto such a reprobacy of minde pollution and deadnesse of conscience perversnesse and rebellion of will and to such an height of hatred and malice that he is so blasphemously despit●fully bent against the Spirit of holinesse that ●t much pleaseth him rather than any way troubles him that hee hath so maliciously and blasphemously rejected or fallen from persecuted and spoken blasphemously against the good way of Salvation by Christ and against ●he gracious operations of the Spirit and against the members ●f Christ although he was once convinced clearly that this is the ●nely way of Salvation and that those graces and gifts were from God that they were the deare children of God whom he doth ●●w despight Others if not the same object ●●us God will certainely con●●mne them because S. Iohn ●●th said if their hearts condemne ●em God is greater than their ●arts hence they in ferre God will condemn them much more For they say their hearts doe condemne them There is a double judgement by the heart and conscience It ●●●g●●h a mans state or person ●●●the●●e be in state of grace ●●●●●●o Also it judgeth a mans ●…lar actions whether they be good o● no. I take it that th●i place of Iohn is not to be understood of judging or condemning the person For God in his finall judgement doth not judge according to what a mans wea● and erroneous conscience judgeth for so it cannot choose bu● be more or lesse in this life making it the square of his judgement to condemne or absolve any For many a man in his presumption iustifieth himselfe i● this life when yet God will condemne him in the world to com● and many a distressed soule li●● the Prodigall and humble Pu●● li●an cōdemneth himselfe whe● yet God will absolve him For a man may have peace with God yet God for reasons best known to his wisedome doth not presently speake peace to his conscience as it was with David in which case man doth judge otherwise of his estate than God doth This place is to be understood of iudging of particular actions namely whether a man love his brother not in word and tongue onely but in deed and truth according to the exhortation ver 18. Which if his Conscience could testifie for him then it might assure his heart before God and give it boldnesse to pray unto him in confidence to receive whatsoever hee did aske according to his will But if his owne conscience could condemne him of not loving his brother in deed and truth then God who is greater thā his hart but wherein greater greater in knowing mans heart and the truth of his love knowing all things must needs condemn him therein much more Even as Peter in the question whether hee loveth Christ or no he appeales to Christs omniscience whereby he proveth his love towards him saying Thou knowest all things thou knowest that I love thee This is the full scope of the place Yet this I must needs say that the holy Ghost hath instanced in such an act namely of hearty loving the brethren which is an infallible signe of being in state of grace whereby except in case of extreame melancholy or phrensie and in the brunt of a violent temptation a man may judge whether at that present he be translated from death to life yea or ●o If any shall think the place to be understood of judging the person he must distinguish between that judgement which the heart doth give rightly and de iure and that which it giveth erroneously But suppose that you trying your selves by this your hearts doe condemne you of not loving the brethren can you conclude hence that you shall be finally damned God forbid All that you can inferre is this you cannot have boldnesse to pray unto him untill you love them nor can you assure your selves that you shal have your petitiōs granted And the worst you can conclude is that now for the present you are not in state of grace or at the least you want proofe of being in state of grace You must then use all Gods meanes of being ingrafted into Christ and must love the children of GOD that you may have proofe thereof Did Paul love
and strive to be obedient to his will as well as to beleeve his promises to hope for happinesse this i● to strive Now never any did thus strive in seeking to enter though it were but the last day of their life that was put backe and not received Wherefore say not it is to late But say the more time I have lost the more cause there is why now I should presently set to Religion in earnest not loose time in questioning whether I shal be accepted or no. And whereas you said you are afraid to use the meanes of Salvation for the reasons before objected hereby you may see that all this is but the malice and craft of the Divell by keeping you from the meanes to keepe you from Salvation For it is most false to say that to pray heare the Word c. is to increase your sin because you cannot performe these as you should and as you would I am sure it is a greate● sinne in you to for beare these necessary duties out of despaire that they shall ever profit you or that you shall be accepted o● God You should thinke thus if ●● doe not use the meanes of salvation I shal certainly perish everlastingly but if I do pray heare c. I may be saved therefore in obedience to God I will doe as well as I can But little doth a man know how well hee may doe if he would indevour neither can a man conceive how acceptable a little indevour shall be if he doe but desire to be true in his indevour For as GODS power is seene in mans weakenesse so is Gods grace seene in man●insufficiencie When wee are weake then God in us can be strong And when wee in humilty like our services worst then through Christ God may be best pleased with them But whatsoever you doe Doe not neglect nor absent your selves from exercises of Religion for weakest observances where is truth are farre more acceptable than whole emissions Wherefore if as you say you would not increase your sinne and thereby your damnation be willing to use and to joyne with others in the use of all good meanes of Salvation then if you be not saved yet you shall have the lesse punishment But you may be assured that if in obedience to Gods Commandement you shall pray heare the Word receive the Sacrament and have communion and conversation with those that feare God you shall be saved in the end What if you doe not yet feele benefit and comfort when you use these meanes of salvation according to your desire yet you must waile the good houre both of grace and comfort even as the impotent folke did who lay waiting for the Angels comming to move the waters that they might be healed of their diseases at the ●oole of Bethesda For if when God hideth his face you will waite and looke for him then God will waite his time to be gracious and blessed shall you be that waite for him It may be it commeth justly upon you that God should make you waite his leasure and cause you to buy wisdome wise deare experience because you did once account it an easier matter to beleeve and repent and therefore you did not take the first offers but made God wait If it were thus yet despaire not of grace onely be humbled For God doth not deale with us after our sinnes nor reward us after our iniquities but according to his rich mercie and promise made to us in Christ Iesus SECTION 4. A removall of feares rising from doubts of Gods love THere are very many who have true proofes that they are the Elect of God and have reason to thinke that God not onely can but will doe them good yet because they will deny that to bee bestowed upon them and to be in them which indeed is therefore they feare and are causelesly disquieted I would have such to consider first whether they have not in them already evident proofes and sigues of GODS effectuall love towards them in Christ These will acknowledge that it is most true that if they were sure that GOD did love them they should not feare but this is all their doubt that GOD doth not love them Some give this reason of their doubt God hath afflicted them and still doth Plague them yea albeit they have professed the name of Christ they are in some thing or other chastened daily in so much that they seeme to bee in the condition of those whom GOD hath threatned to curse in every thing they put their handes unto Therefore say they GOD doth not love them Such weake and inconsiderate reasonings are incident to those whom GOD truely loveth Did not the holy men of GOD reason and conclude thus But when doe Gods Children thus It is in their haste before they be well advised what they think or say And whence is it Is it not from their ignorance and brutishnesse being carried away by sense So foolish was I and ignorant saith the Prophet c. But when they come to themselves and doe come to learne what is truth by the Word then they learn that it is not outward prosperitie will make wicked men happie neither is it outward affliction that can make a good man miserable Then they will neither applaud nor envie the prosperity of the wicked nor yet misconstrue nor repine at their own afflictions For they learne that no man can know Gods love or hatred by any outward thing that doth befall the sonnes of men in this life They learne that God doth oft smile on his enemies and that he doth oft frowne upon is angry with and doth correct those whom he dearely loveth even as a Father doth his Children They learne by the Word likewise that GOD hath excellent ends in all this even in respect of them and all for their good namely for tryall of their graces for prevention of sinne for to remove sinne bringing them to repenrance and that they might be made partakers of his Holinesse Besides herein he doth much glorifie himselfe shewing that he is wonderfull in Counsell excellent in Working causing the affliction to worke for his glory in his peoples good Yea you may learne by the Word and by your owne experience that although the childe of God in his infirmitie and passion when he is under the rod may let goe his hold of God yet that God in his love and compassion towards his childe will hold him fast by his right hand and will not leave him but will guide him with his Counsell that he may afterward receive him unto Glorie This is the way of GOD with his Children wherefore none from hence hath cause to question GODS love but to conclude it rather But I have brought afflictions upon my selfe by mine owne sin and folly I am impatient under them and am little or no whit better for
them but rather worse If it be so it is your sinne and it behoveth you presently to repent but doe not say these things cannot befall those who are in state of grace and beloved of God For did not David by his adultery and murder bring upon himselfe much affliction And had not penitent Iob divers fits of impatience And was not the Prophet at first rather worse than better by his afflictions when thereby he had almost judged the state of the wicked because they prospered to be better than his because he was continually chastened and plagued thinking that all his Religion had beene in vaine and to no purpose It was their faults and so it is yours if it bee true which you say yet it cannot be denyed but that God loved them and so he may you notwithstanding You may know that afflictions many times doe worke like Physicke which at first stirreth humors and which discovereth and seemeth to increase the disease before that it cure it and this God doth many times that his children may more fully see their corruptions to their through humbling before he cure them There are others and it may be the same when the tide of affliction is turned because they Prosper and are not in trouble as other men doe conceive that God doth not love them For it is said as many as hee loveth he doth rebuke and chasten and hee doth chasten every Sonne whom he receiveth See a fearefull and doubtfull heart will draw matter to feede its feares and doubts out of any thing But know God is a wise and good Father hee knoweth whento strike and when to hold his hands In these cases God doth not usually afflict his children with his heavie rod. First when they bee Infants babes in Christ or if they bee growne to yeares when they be spiritually weake or sicke and cannot beare correction then though they be way ward and froward and deserve strokes God doth forbeare and is inclined to pitty rather Secondly when they be good Children that is shew that they would please him indevouring to do what they are able though it be with much imperfection then GOD will not strike but spareth them as a Father spareth his onely sonne that serveth him Thirdly when forbearance of punishment and when fruits and tokens of kindnesse will reclaime his children from evill and doe prove incitements unto good God in this case also like a wise and loving Father had rather draw them by the cords of love then drive them with the lashes of his displeasure Thus you see God may love his Children and not bee alwayes afflicting of them The Husbandman doth not alwayes plow and harrow his land nor yet is hee alwayes threshing of his corne Well doe you prosper Then take notice of Gods goodnesse towards you with thanksgiving studie and indevor therefore tobe the more obedient If you cannot yet grieve because you cannot be more thankfull and more obedient Then because prosperity hath made you better or at least to will to be better hence you may assure your selves that your prosperity is not given you in wrath but in love But take heed quarrell not with God because hee forbeareth to afflict you either make this use that you be good and amend without blowes or else be sure the more is behinde and then when it commeth it will bee the more grievous because for his good will you did foolishly call his love into question As the forementioned did question Gods love from considerations taken from their outward conditions so there are very many besides what they conclude from outward crosses gather also from their inward horrors and distresses of Conscience and from their intolerable perplexities of soule that God doth not love them they think that their distresse is other or greater than the affliction of any of GODS Children therefore they want peace fearing that God doth not love them Those to whom GOD doth beare speciall love may bee so far perplexed with inward and strange terrors and discomforts that they may think themselves to be forsaken of God Thus the Psalmist complaineth will the Lord cast off for ever And will he be favourable no more Yea not onely hee but Christ Iesus himselfe and his Church did in their sense feeling take themselves to be forsaken of God yet none that are wise will say that these were out of Gods love or were ever quite forsaken though never so much perplexed and cast downe though in their owne feelings and sense they in the agony of their spirits did thus thinke or speake God hath most holy and blessed ends why that many times hee doth leade and leave his Children in such straits that they are altogether without sense of his love First it may be a just correction of them for their not shewing love to God and because they doe in part forsake him by their sinnes This is therefore to humble them and to make them know themselves and to bring them to repentance God may be pacified towards them in the maine yet for a time shew them no countenance as DAVID though his anger was appeased towards Absolon yet for a time he wold not let him see his love for hee would not let him come in his sight that Absolon might be more humbled and might the more detest his sinne Secondly God exerciseth his beloved ones with many feares horrors and doubts to prevent that spirituall pride which else would be in them and that selfe-sufficiency which else they would conceive to be in themselves If they should alwayes have sense of inward spiritual comforts and should not sometimes have prickes in the flesh and buffetings of Satan they would be exalted above measure and would bee some thing in thēselves in their owne opinion But when there is such difficulty in getting and in holding of grace and comfort and when they shall finde what neede they have of both and how neither can bee had but from God in and by Christ it will make them empty themselves of all things in themselves that they may bee something in Christ And then when they have grace and comfort they will acknowledge themselues to be beholding to GOD for the same Thirdly GOD doth withhold from his Children the sense of his favour to try the sinceritie and truth of their sole dependace on him trying whether because GOD seemeth to forsake them they will forsake him whethsr like King Ioram they will say why shall they wait upon God any longer And whether they will with Saul betake them to unlawfull meanes of helpe Or whether on the other side they will say with Iob and David though GOD kill us or forget us yet wee will trust in him hope in him and praise him who they are perswaded is and will shew himselfe to be the health of their countenance and their GOD. God useth to
leave his Children as in another case he left Hezekiah to try them and to know what is in their hearts Fourthly God withdraweth himselfe for a time that they may learne to esteeme more highly of his favor and to desire it more when by the want of it they find by experience what an Hell it is to be without it And that they may bee more thankefull for it and be more carefull by studying to please God for to keepe it when they have it This holy use David and the Church made of Gods forsaking them as they thought for a time It made them seeke more diligently after God promising that if hee would turne to them they would not goe backe from him resolving by his grace to sticke more close unto him But know this to your comfort when God doth most withdraw himselfe and forsake you it is but in part and in seeming and but for a time He may for the causes before rendred turne away his face and forbeare to shew his loving countenance but he will not take his loving kindnesse utterly from you nor suffer his faithfulnesse to faile What God said to his afflicted Church that hee saith to every afflicted member thereof For a small moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee In a little wrath have I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindnesse will I have mercy on thee saith the LORD thy Redeemer Hence it is that in your greatest extremities your faith and hope shall secretly though you feele not their working preserve you from utter despaire As it was with David and with our Blessed Saviour who albeit these words of theirs to God Why hast thou forsaken mee argued feare and want of sense of Gods love yet these words My God my God doe argue a secret affiance and hope And whereas you say that no mans griefe or troubles are like yours partly by reason of outward afflictions and partly by inward temptations and distresses give mee leave to deale plainely with you It is a foolish and a most false speech Talke with a thousand thus troubled they will all say thus No mans case was ever as mine is Nor so bad will any that have but common sense thinke this to be true Most of these must needs be deceived You feele your owne distresse but you cannot fully know what another feeleth If you would rightly looke into the distresses of others who were better than your selves according as they are recorded in the Scripture you would not thus thinke As for outward afflictions upon whom did God ever lay his hand more heavie then on his servant Iob Had not S Paul also his trouble without of all sorts and terrours within c. And if you consider sorrowes feares and distresses of all sorts were yours such as Davids were or more than his I pray what meane these and many moe the like speeches My bones are vexed my soule is vexed but thou O Lord how long I am weary with my groaning mine eye is consumed with griefe it waxeth old Why standest thou a farre off Why hidest thou thy selfe in time of trouble How long wilt thou forget mee Lord for ever How long wilt thou hide thy face from me I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of ioynt My heart is like waxe it is melted in the midst of my bowels My strength is dryed up like a potsheard my tongue cleaveth to my iawes and thou hast brought me to the dust of death My bones waxe old through roaring all the day For day and night thy hand was heavie upon me There is no soundnesse in my flesh because of thine anger neither is their any rest in my bones because of my sinne Mine iniquities that is the punishment of mine iniquities are gone over my head they are too heavie for me Thus and much more doth he complaine I am weary of my crying my throat is dry Mine eyes faile while I wait for my God So Asaph My sore ran and ceased not my soule refused to be comforted What thinke you now Were not Iob Paul and David in Gods love and favour notwithstanding all this It may be you will reply howsoever the matter of their trouble might be greater than yours yet they could remember God they could pray to him they had faith and confidence in God in their distresses al which you want therefore herein your case is worse than theirs Consider your selves well I speake onely to you that are wounded at the very heart for sinne and it is to be hoped that in some measure you shall find the like grace faith and confidence in you which was in thē If you see it not bee grieved for the want thereof Indevour to doe as you say they did in their distresses onely be not discouraged and all shall bee well But take notice I pray you that sometimes David neither did nor could pray as he conceived of his owne prayer any otherwise than in roaring and complaining at which time he saith hee kept silence But when hee could confesse his sins and pray then hee had some apprehension that God had forgiven him his sinne And for all Asaphs remembring of God yet even then he was troubled and his spirit was over-whelmed and hee saith his soule refused comfort and David saith unto God when wilt thou comfort mee I grant it was his fault yet it was such a fault as was incident to one beloved of God Moreover I deny not but that Iob and David had faith and hope in God but these graces in them were of times over-clouded with unbelife and distrust as doth appeare in their many passionate distempers at which times yet their faith appeared to others in their good speeches and actions intermingled rather then to themselves And the Prophet confesseth that those his faithlesse complaints were in his haste and from his infirmities How say you now Is it not thus with you Are you not like others of Gods children Off and on up and downe you would pray and cannot you would beleeve but as you thinke cannot you would have comfort but cannot feele it Onely you feele a secret support now and then and now and then you doe see and feele a glimpse of GODS light and comfort for which you must be thankefull which you must cherish by all meanes with which you must rest contented waiting untill God give you more You should know and consider that this is an old cunning device of Satan to make you beleeve that your case is worse or at least much different from the case of any others because hee knoweth that while he holdeth you thus conceited no common remedy which did cure and comfort others can cure and comfort you For you will still aske Was ever any as I am And if Gods
Ministers cannot say yea and that such an instruction and such a promise in the Word did helpe him then you conclude that you are incurable But last of all let it be supposed that your case is worse than any bodies else Is there not a soveraigne Balme in Gods Word a Catholicon that will heale all spirituall diseases Gods Word is like himselfe to a beleever an Omnipotent Word Is any thing too hard for the LORD Neither is there any spiritual disease too hard for his Word When Christ healed the people with his Word did it not heale even such the like whereof were never knowne to be cured before They made no question whether he cured the like before Indeede Martha failed in this for she said of her brother Lazarus being dead LORD he stinketh for he hath beene dead foure dayes she conceived her brothers case to be desperate and that none in his case could be raised But Christ did blame her for want of faith and by his Word hee did as easily raise Lazarus from being dead so long as hee did cure Peters wiues mother sicke but of an ague It is not greatnesse of any mans distres whatsoever that can hinder from helpe and comfort but onely as then in curing mens bodies so now in curing and comforting mens soules nothing hinders the cure but the greatnesse of the unbeliefe of the party to be cured for all things are possible to him that beleeveth You will yet Reply indeed here lyeth the difficultie in the unbelife Well be it so If unbeliefe be your disease and trouble doe you thinke that God cannot cure you of unbeliefe as well as of any other sinne But know that if with him in the Gospell you feele your unbeliefe and complaine of it and confesse it unto GOD saying Lord I have cause to beleeve Lord I doe I would beleeve helpe thou my unbeliefe if withall you will waite untill GOD give you power to beleeve and to enjoy comfort in beleeving for faith maketh no haste this same is both to beleeve in truth and is a certaine meanes to increase in beleeving Wherefore let not Sathan nor yet a fearefull heart make you to judge your case to be desperate and remedilesse either in respect of Gods power or will though you yet be in distresse and doe feele in you much feare and unbeliefe Seeke to God and with patience waite the good time of deliverance and comfort and in due time you shall have helpe and comfort as well as any other There are yet some that feare God doth not love them because they have prayed oft and much but God rejected their prayers and hath not heard them There are many just causes why God may reject or at least not grant your prayers and yet may love your persons For first It may be you aske amisse either asking things unlawfull or asking things inconvenient for the present or in asking to have good things temporall or spirituall in that quantity degree which GOD doth not hold fit for you as yet or you aske good things to an ill end as to satisfie some lust as pride voluptuousnesse covetousnesse or some other or it may bee you might aske onely with a naturall desire or if with spirituall yet you did it but faintly without fervor or lastly though you failed in neither of the former yet you failed in this you were doubtfull you did not aske in faith you did not beleeve you should have the things so asked Whosoever doe thus faile in asking let them not thinke ever to receive any thing in favour from the LORD And it is a fruit of Gods love when he doth not answer prayers so made For it will cause you to seeke him and to pray to him in a better manner that you may be heard Secondly God doth many times in love and mercy heare his childrens praiers when they thinke he doth not God heareth prayers many wayes you must observe this else you will judge that he doth not heare your praiers when yet indeed he doth Sometimes yea alwaies when it is good for you he giveth the v●r● thing which you pray for Some●●●●s hee giveth not that thing which you aske but some thing●s good nay much better As when you aske corporall and temporall good things he denyeth to grant them but in stead therof doth give you things spirituall and eternall likewise when you aske grace in some special degree such as joy or comfort in God or the like it may please him not to let it appeare that hee giveth the same unto you but in stead thereof he doth enlarge your desires and he giveth humility and patience to wait his leisure which will doe you more good than that which you prayed for So likewise when you pray that GOD would rid and ease you of such or such a temptation God doth not alwayes rid and ease you of it but he in stead thereof giveth you strength to withstand it and keepeth you that you are not overcome by it thus Christ was heard in that which he feared so he said to the Apostle My grace is sufficient for thee Which is better than to have your particular request For now GODS power is seene in your weakenesse and God hath the glory of it and you hereby have experience of GODS power which experienceis of excellent use Likewise you may desire to have such or such a crosse removed yet God may suffer the crosse to remaine for a time but he giveth you st●ength and patience to beare it wisedome and grace to be lesse earthly and more heavenly minded by reason of it There was never any that with an holy and humble heart made lawfull requests according to the wil of Christ beleeving he should be heard but though he were a man of many failings in himselfe and did discover many weaknesses in his prayer was heard in that hee prayed either in what he did ask or in what he should rather have asked either in that very thing or in a better I would have you leave objecting and questioning whether God love you Consider this Hath hee not loved you that hath given his onely be gotten Sonne for you and to you who hath washed you with his bloud having given him to dye for your sinnes and to rise againe for your iustification and hath hereby translated you into the kingdome of his deare Sonne having also given unto you to beleeve in his Name hereby making you his children inheritours with the Saints in light What greater signe can there be of greater love of God towards you And what better evidence can you have of Gods love in justifying of you then the evidence of your faith whereby you are iustified SECTION 5. A removall of false feares rising from doubtings whether they have faith and are Iustified ALL men will grant that if they were sure that they
had faith they should not doubt of their iustification nor of Gods love to them in Christ But many doubt that they have no faith or if they have any it is so little that it cannot be sufficient to carry them through all oppositions to the end unto salvation First if you have any faith though no more then as a graine of Mustard-seed you should not feare your finall estate nor yet doubt of Gods love for it is not the great quantitie and measure of faith that saveth but the excellent property and use of faith if it be true though never so small For a man is not saved by the worth of his faith by which he beleeveth but by the worth of Christ the person on whom hee beleeveth Now the least true faith doth apprehend whole Christ as a little hand may hold a Iewel of infinite worth as well though not so strongly as a bigger The least infant is as truly a man as soone as ever it is endued with a reasonable soule as afterward when it is able to shew forth the operations of it though not so strong a man even so it is in the state of Regeneration Now you should consider that God hath Babes in Christ as well as ●ld men feeble minded as well as strong sicke children as well as whole in his familie And those that have least strength and are weakest of whom the holy Ghost saith they have a little strength in comparison yet they have so much as through God will enable them in the time of greatest trials to keepe Gods Word and that they shall not deny Christs Name Also know God like a tender father doth not cast off such as are little feeble and weake but hath given speciall charge concerning the cherishing supporting and comforting of these rather than others And Christ Iesus hee will blow up and not quench the least sparke of faith This which I have said in commendation of little faith is onely to keepe him that hath no more from despaire Let none herby please or content himselfe with his little faith not striving to grow and be strong in faith If he do it is to be feared that he hath none at all or if he have yet he must know that hee will have much to doe to live when he hath no more than can keepe life and soule together and his life will be very unprofitable and uncomfortable in comparison of him that hath a strong faith But you will say you are 1 so full of feares and doubtings 2 you are so fearefull to dye and to heare of our comming to iudgement and 3 you cannot feele that you have faith you cannot feele joy and comfort in beleeving wherefore you feare you have no faith First if you having so sure a word and promise doe yet doubt and feare so much as you say it is your great sinne and I must blame you now in our Saviours name as he did his Disciples then saying Why are you fearefull why are yee doubtfull O yee of little faith But to your reformation and comfort observe it he doth not argue them to be of no faith but onely of little faith saying O yee of little faith Thus you see that some feares and doubtings doe not argue no faith Secondly Touching feare of death and judgement some feare doth not exclude all faith Many out of their naturall constitution are more fearefull of death than others Yea pure nature will startle and shrink to think of the separation of two so neare and so ancient and such deare friends as the soule and body have been Good men such as David and Hezekiah have shewed their unwillingnesse to die And many upon a mistaking conceiving the pangs and paines of death in the parting of the soule out of the body to be most torterous and unsufferable are afraid to dye Whereas unto many the neerer they are to their end the lesse is their extremitie of paine and very many goe away in a quiet swoone without paine And as for being moved with some feare at the thought of the day of Iudgement who can thinke of that great appearance before so glorious a Maiesty such as Christ shall appeare in to answer for all the things he hath done in his body without trembling The Apostle calleth the thoughts thereof the terror of the Lord. Indeede to bee perplexed with the thoughts of the one or other argueth imperfection of faith and hope but not an utter absence of either You have other and better things to doe in this case than to make such dangerous conclusions viz. that you have no faith c. upon such weake grounds You should rather when you feele this over-fearefulnesse to die and come to Iudgement labour to finde out the ground of your error and study and indevour to reforme it Vnwillingnesse to dye may come from these causes First From too high an estimation and from too great a love to earthly things of some kinde or other which maketh you afraid and too loath to part with them Secondly You may bee unwilling to die because of ignorance of the super abundant and inconceivable excellencies of the happinesse of Saints departed which if you knew you would bee willing Thirdly Feare of death and comming to Iudgement doth for the most part rise from a conscience guilty of the sentence of condemnation being without assurance that when you dye you shall goe to heaven Wherefore if you would be free from troublesome feare of death and Iudgement Learne 1 to thinke meanely and basely of the world in comparison of those better things provided for them that love God and use all things of the world accordingly without setting your heart upon them as if you used them not 2 While you live here on earth take your selves aside oft times in your thoughts and enter into heaven and contemplate deeply the ioyes thereof 3 Give all diligence to make your calling and election and right unto heaven sure unto your selves But let me give you this needfull Item that you be willing and ready to judge it to be sure when it is sure and when you have cause so to judge Let your care bee onely to live well joyning unto faith vertue c. and you cannot but dye well Death at first appearance like a Serpent seemeth terrible but by faith you may see this Serpents sting taken out which when you consider you may for your refreshing receive it into your bosome The sting of death is sinne the strength of sinne is the Law but the Law of the spirit of life in Christ hath freed you from the law of sinne and of death I confesse that when you see this pale horse death approaching it may cause nature to shrinke but when you consider that his errant is to carry you with speede unto your desired home unto a state of glory how can you
but desire he should carry you away out of this vale of misery that mortality might be swallowed up of life If you would doe all this in earnest you would be so farre from feare of death that you would if you were put to your choice with the Apostle choose to hee dissolved and to bee with Christ which is best of all and so farre from fearing the day of Iudgement that you would love and long for Christs appearing waiting with patience and chearfulnesse when your change shall be Indevour to follow these directions then suppose that you cannot keepe downe these fears and conquer them as you would yet be not discouraged for fears and doubts in this kinde doe flow many times from strength of temptation rather than from weakenesse of Faith Moreover what if you cannot attaine to so high a pitch in your Faith as S. Paul had are you so ambitious that no other degrees of Faith shall satisfie you Orare you so foolish as thence to conclude that you have no Faith Thirdly Whereas you say you are without feeling therefore you feare you have no faith I acknowledge that want of feeling and want of sense of Gods favour is that which doth more trouble GODS tender-hearted Children and make them more doubt of Gods love and of their iustification than any thing else whereas I know nothing that giveth them losse cause For first What meane you by feeling If you meane the enioyment of the things promised and hoped for by inward sense This is to overthrow the nature and to put an end to the use of faith and hope For Faith is the ground of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seene And the Apostle faith Hope that is seene is not hope Indeede faith giveth a present being of the thing promised to the beleever but it is a being not in sense but in hope and assured expectation of the thing promised Wherefore the Apostle speaking of our spirituall conversation on earth saith We walke by faith not by sight These two faith and feeling are opposite one to the other in this sense For when wee shall live by sight and feeling then we shall cease to live by faith Secondly If by feeling you meane a ioyous and comfortable assurance that you are in Gods savour and that you shall be saved and therefore because you want this joyous assurance you think you have no Faith you must know this conclusion will not follow For Faith whereby you are saved and set into state of grace and this comfortable assurance that you are in state of grace and shall be saved doe differ and are not the same It is true Assurance is an effect of faith in al that have this assurance yet it is not such a proper and necessary effect which is inseparable from the very being of faith in man at all times For you may have saving Faith yet at sometime be without the comfortable assurance of Salvation To beleeve in Christ to Salvation is one thing and to know assuredly that you shall be saved is another For Faith is a direct act of the reasonable soule receiving Christ and Salvation offered by God with him Assurance riseth from a reflect act of the soule namely when the soule by discourse returneth upon it selfe and can witnesse that it hath the afore-mentioned grace of faith whereby a man can say I know that I beleeve that Christ Iesus is mine and I know that I beleeve that the promises of the Gospell belong unto mee The holy Scriptures are written for both these ends that first Faith and then assurance of faith and hope should be wrought in men These things are written saith S. Iohn in his Gospell that you may beleeve that Iesus is the Christ the Sonne of God and that beleeving you might have life through his name Againe these things have I written saith the same Apostle in his Epistles to you that beleeve on the name of the Sonne of GOD that yee may know that you have eternall life and that you may beleeve that is continue to beleeve and increase in beleeving on the name of the Sonne of God A man is saved by faith but hath comfort in hope of Salvation by Assurance So that the being of spirituall life in respect of us doth subsist in Faith not in Assurance Feeling And that is the strongest and most approved faith which cleaveth to Christ and to his promises and which holdeth his owne without the helpe of feeling For albeit Assurance giveth unto us a more evident certainety of our good estate yet faith even without this will hold us certaine in this good estate whether we be assured or not Wherefore some Divines have well conceived of a double certaintie of things apprehended by mans judgment The first is Certaintie of Adherence and cleaving fast to the thing it beleeveth causing a man from the bare assent and consent to the truth and goodnesse of the promise and from the Commandement of God in his Word which bids him beleeve and rest on his promise for to cleave to the promise and to relie on it and to obey that Commandement which commādeth him to beleeve in Christ Iesus yea though this truth bee not otherwise so evident and cleare to the understanding as to satisfie mans natural reason For though Faith in its minority cannot alwayes comprehend to the full how and by what meanes or why in reason the thing promised should be fulfilled yet because it conceiveth thus much that the things of God are not fully comprehended by humane reason and that the truths of God are infallible whether it comprehend them or not will first beleeve and rest on the promise and then afterward consider how it may be so farre as is fit to be understood by reason Hence it is that albeit reason as it is now corrupt will still be obiecting and will be satisfied with nothing but what it may know by sense and by demonstration from Artificiall Arguments yet Faith even above and against sense and all naturall reasoning will give credit unto and rest upon the bare naked divine witnesse of the Word of truth for his sake that doth speake it Secondly there is a certaintie of Evidence namely when the thing beleeved is not onely said to be true and good but a man doth finde it so to be by sense and experience and is so evident to mans reason convincing it by force of Argument taken from the Causes Effects Properties Signes Contraries and the like that it hath nothing to object against the thing propounded to be beleeved The certaintie of Adherence is the certaintie of Faith The certaintie of Evidence is the certaintie of Assurance The certainty of Assurance and evidence is of excellent use for it maketh a man fruitfull in good workes and doth fill him ful of joy and comfort therefore it must by all meanes be gotten yet it
this which followeth Wheras man being fallen into state of condemnation by reason of sinne thereby breaking the Covenant of workes it pleased God to ordaine a new Covenant the Covenant of Grace establishing it in his onely Sonne Christ Iesus made man expressing the full tenour of this his Covenant in the Gospell wherein hee maketh a gracious and free offer of Christ in whom this Covenant is established with him the Covenant it selfe unto man now when a man burdened with his sinne understanding this offer giveth credit unto it and assenteth thereunto because it is true and approveth it and consenteth to it both because it is good for him to embraceit and because it is the will and Commandement of God and is one condition in the Covenant that hee should consent for his part and trust to it when therefore a man receiveth Christ thus offered together with the whole Covenant in every branch of it so farre as hee doth understand it resolving to rest on that part of the Cavenant made and promised on Gods part and to stand to every branch of the Covenant to be performed on his part Thus to embrace the Covenant of grace and to receive Christ in whom it is confirmed is to beleeve This offer of Christ and the receiving him by faith may clearly bee expressed by an offer of peace and favour made by a King unto a woman that is a rebellious subiect by making offer of a marriage betweene her and his onely sonne the heire apparant to the Crowne who to make way to this match undertakes by his Fathers appointmēt to make full satisfaction to his Fathers iustice in her behalfe and to make her every way fit to be daughter to a King And for effecting this match betweene them the Son with the consent and appointment of his Father sendeth his chiefe servants a wooing to this unworthy woman making offer of marriage in their Masters behalfe with the clearest proofs of their Masters good wi● to her and with the greatest earnestnes intreaties to obtaine her good will that may be This woman at first being a Ward or bond-woman unto this Kings sonnes mortall enemy and being in love with base slaves like her selfe companions in her rebellion may happily set light by this offer or if she consider well of it shee may doubt of the truth of this offer the match being so unequall and so unlikely on her part shee being so base and so unworthy she may thinke the motion to bee too good to bee true yet if upon more advised thoughts she doth take notice of the peril she is in while she standeth out against so puissāt a King in her rebellion and doth also see and beleeve that there is such a one as the Kings Sonne and beleeveth that he is in earnest in his offer to reconcile her to his Father and that hee would indeed match with her wherupon she considereth also that it shall bee good for her to forsake all others and take him and that especially because his person is so lovely every way worthy of her love Now when shee can bring her selfe to beleeve this and resolve thus though shee commeth to it with some difficulty and when with all she giveth a true and hearty consent to have him and to forsake all other and to take him as he is to obey him as her Lord and to take part with him in all conditions better or worse though she come to this resolution with much adoe then the match is as good as made betweene them for hereupon followeth the mutuall plighting of their troaths each to other The application is easie throughout I will onely apply so much as is for my purpose to shew the nature of justifying Faith God offers his onely begotten Sonne Iesus Christ yea Christ Iesus by his Ministers offers himselfe in the Gospell unto rebellious man to match with him onely on this condition that forsaking his kindred and fathers house forsaking all that he is in himselfe hee will receive him as his head husband Lord and Saviour Now when any man understandeth this motion so farre as to assent and consent to it and to receive Christ and cleave to him then hee beleeveth to Salvation then the match is made between Christ and that man then they are hand-fasted and betrothed nay married and are no longer two but are become one spirit By all this you may see that in saving faith there are these two acts First An assent to the truth of the Gospell and that not onely beleeving in generall that there is a Christ beleeving also what manner of person he is and upon what condition hee offereth himselfe to man to save him but also beleeving that this Christ graciously offereth his love and himselfe to a mans selfe in particular The second act is an approbation and liking well of this offer of Christ with consenting and heartie saying I will to the said offer resolving to take him wholly and fully as hee is accepting of him according to the full tenour of the marriage covenant not onely as a mans Saviour for to defend and shelter him from evill and to save him and bring him to glory but as his head to be ruled by him and as his Lord and King to worship and obey him beleeving in him not onely as his Priest to satisfie and to make intercession for him but also as his Prophet to teach and as his King to governe him cleaving to him in all estates taking part with him in gall the evils that accompany the profession of Christs Name as well as in the good The first act is not enough to save any The second act cannot be without the former where both these are there is a right receiving of the Gospell there is true faith The principall matter lyeth in the consent and determination of the w●ll in receiving of Christ Which that it may be without exception know with what manner of will you must consent and receive Christ First it must be with an advised and considerate will it must not be rash and on a sudden in your ignorance before you well know what you doe You must be well advised and consider well of the person to whom you give your consent that you know him and that you know the nature of this spirituall marriage and what you are bound unto by vertue of it and what it will cost you if you give your selfe to Christ Secondly Your consent must be with a determinate and compleat will touching present receiving him even with all the heart It must not be a faint consent in an indifferency whether you consent or no it must not be in a purpose that you will receive him hereafter but you must give your hand and heart to him for the present else yet it is no match Thirdly Your consent must be with a free and ready will it must not be as
to be at his owne disposing not at ours It should be your care onely to be present at GODS Ordinances and when you reade or heare the Word or will of God to indevour to beleeve and obey it As when hee saith Thou shalt love the Lord thy GOD with all thy heart Thou shalt beleeve in the name of the Lord thy God and trust in his Name Thou shalt obey the voyce of the Lord thy God and serve him and such like Attend to the Word heedfully and because this Word is infallibly true and excellently good bring your thoughts and heart to beleeve and to approve it and say within your selves these are true these are good this I ought to doe this I would beleeve and doe Lord helpe mee and I will doe it O that my wayes were directed to keepe thy statutes In such like agitations and reasonings of the reasonable soule it pleaseth GOD to give his grace both to will and to doe his Commandements But secondly doe not say that you have not faith and the feare of God and love to him all which God of his free grace promised as you heard to you absolutely which graces are indeed the conditions fore-going the reward promised when as in truth you have them For what kinde of duties be these thinke you Are they Legall which require perfect exact and full degrees of faith feare and love Or are they not Evangelicall Such as doe require truth in all these and doe not exact ful perfection in degrees If you have desire if you can desire to feare him which is the scantling of the feare of Gods people as Nehemiah calleth it so if you desire to beleeve and will to obey in the inmost longing of your soul according to the measure and strength of grace in you this according to the Tenour of the blessed Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ is true and acceptable through Christ for whose sake GOD doth accept the will for the deede in all such cases wherein there is truth of will and endevour but not power to doe Furthermore if you thinke that it is your well doing that must make you acceptable to God you are in a proud and dangerous errour Indeede God will not accept of you if you doe not indevour to doe his will but you must propound to your selfe another end than to be accepted for your well-doing You must doe your dutie to shew your obedience to God and to shew your thankfulnes that God hath pleased and doth please to accept you in his Sonne Christ and that it is your desire to be accepted through him But I would have you which are pressed with the load of your sinnes looke neerely judiciously and impartially into your selfe it may be you have more faith feare of God and obedience then you are aware of or then you will be knowne of Can you grieve and doth it trouble you that you have so little faith so little feare of GOD and that you doe shew so little obedience and is it your desire and indevor to have more and to doe as well as you can though you cannot doe so well as you should then you have much faith feare and ●bedience For to grieve for little ●aith feare and obedience is an ●videntsigne of much faith feare ●nd obedience For whence is ●his trouble and griefe but from Gods saving graces And to ●rieve for little sheweth that you ●ong for and would have much Let this suffice to be a full answer to the principall doubts whereof fearefull hearts will ●ake no answer Never yeeld to your feares waite on God still ●or resolution of your doubts in ●is best time For it is not man that can but it is God that both ●an and will speake peace to his people not onely outward but inward peace In the meane time though you can have no feeling comfort in any of GODS promises yet consider God in the Lord and that Christ is Lord of all you are his creature you owe to him all obedience wherefore you will as much as you can keepe your selfe from iniquity and you will strive to doe his will let him do with you as hee pleaseth yea though he kill you or though he give you no comfort till death you will trust in him and will obey him and it is your desire to rest and hope in him as in your Redeemer then whether you know that God is yours or no I am sure he knoweth you to be his this is an argument of strong faith And you are upon a sure ground The foundation of God remaineth sure The Lord knoweth his and who be they Even all that professing his name depart from iniquitie And whosoever in his heart would he in truth doth depart from iniquity Something remaineth yet to be answered Many say that doe what they can they are assaulted still so thicke with temptations that they cannot have one houres quiet What of that Doth this hinder your peace with God that the Devill the World and your lusts Gods sworne enemies are not at peace with you So long as you have peace of Sanctification in this degree that the faculties of soule and body doe not mutinie one against the other but hold a good correspondencie in joyning together against their fleshly lusts which fight against the soule you are in good case I meane when the Vnderstanding Conscience Will and Affections are all willing to doe their part against sinne their common enemy Not but that you shall find a sensible warring opposition in all these while you live here even when you have most peace in this kinde but how The unsanctified part of the understanding is against the sanctified part of the understanding and unsanctified will against the sanctified will and so in all other faculties of the soule flesh in every part lusteth against spirit in every part spirit in every part lusteth against flesh in every part For as every sanctified part hath the spirit so it hath likewise the remaines of the flesh fighting one against the other Now if that your faculties and powers be ruled all by one spirit you have a good agreement and good peace within you notwithstāding that the flesh doth so violently warre against this spirit For this warring of sinne in your members against the spirit the warring of the spirit against sinne argueth clearely that you have peace with God and this warre continued will in time beget perfect peace But let no man ever looke to have peace of sanctification perfect in this life For the best are sanctified but in part Wherefore let no man professing Chris● think that he shal be freed from temptations and assaults risin● from within or comming from without so long as he liveth in this world Are not Christians called to be Souldiers Wherefore wee must arme our selves that we may stand by the power of Gods might and quit our selves like
also in praying much for peace unto him who is the God of peace the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation then shall you have peace and much good shall be unto you For it is GOD that speaketh peace to his people wherefore assuredly his answer to him that asketh peace will be an answer of peace even this peace which passeth all understanding GOD shall give you peace and with it glory even a glorious peace Thus having directed my Pen not onely to you in particular in this tract of peace but sith it is judged fit to be publike both in this and the other directions to a daily walke unto all other that need and desire it you may see the excellency of peace together with the impediments furtherances and meanes of peace Sh●nne the Impediments improve the furtherances and I dare assure you that albeit in this life you may still feele a conflict betweene faith and doubting betweene hope and feare and betweene peace and trouble of minde yet in the end you shall have perfect peace and in the meane time though I cannot promise you to have alwaies that peace which will afford you sense of ioy yet God hath promised that you shal have that which shall keepe your hearts and mindes in Christ And what would you have more Thus I have endevoured to satisfie your godly desire I have of purpose written much in as few words as the points in hand would well beare I did it the rather not onely because writing is tedious to mee but because I know that you are established already in these truths wherefore these may be sufficient to helpe you unto distinct notions of the most necessarie things that belong to a Christian life and to put you in remembrance I have omitted many allegations of Scriptures and have forborne to write out most that are alleaged It was partly for haste partly for mine owne ease and partly because it would have made this Booke to be too big for a vade mecum to carry about with you but I considered that you are much conversant and well read in the Scriptures and you may turne to the places both in the line and in the mar●ent for you will finde that for the most part the life of each point in hand lyeth hid in the Text of the Scripture alledged I thanke God I have reaped much benefit to my self in studying and Penning these directions I pray God that ●ou may reap much good in reading of them Now the God of hope fill you with all ioy and peace in beleeving And the God of peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus that great Shepheard of the Sheepe by the bloud of the everlasting Covenant make you perfect in every good worke to doe his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Iesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen A Table of the chiefe things observable in this BOOKE A DOubts of Gods love because of grievous Afflictions removed 554 In what cases God usually doth not Afflict his children 559 The ends why God doth grievously Afflict his children 563 A Caution in becomming All things to all men 215 How to walke with God Alone 184 Fit meditations when we Apparell our selves 21 Rules how to Apparell our selves 22 Cautious to the directions about Arising and apparelling 27 How to Awake with God 19 Fit meditations when wee Awake and arise 21 22 B Fit meditations at going to Bed before sleepe 180 When a man loveth Brotherly 234 Benefits of Brotherly love 233 How Brotherly love is expressed 235 Meanes to live and love Brotherly 239 Motives to Brotherly love and communion of Saints 242 C How a man should carry himselfe as before God in his particular Calling 55 Difference betweene Care and Carefulnesse 384 Adescription of lawfull Care ib. A description of Carefulnesse ib. True properties of provident care whereby it is differenced from Carefulnesse 387 c. When Cares of this life are inordinate 393 Gods children should not take thought or be carefull about any thing 396 Disswasives from carefulnesse 399 Why no man should be Carefull about earthly things ibid Why no man must care about successe in any thing 401 The evill effects of Caring about successe in any thing 405 Meanes to be free from Carefulnesse 409 The condition of a true Christian even when he hath sinned differeth from that of a formal Christian when he sinneth 688 How a man should be have himselfe in all Company 213 How a man should make good use to himselfe by all Company 218 Meanes of good speech and carriage in all Company 225 Rules wherby a man may well order himselfe in evil Company 228 How to be kept from infection of sin by bad Company 231 How to demeane a mans selfe in good Company 234 What is to be done after a man hath beene in Company 244 Motives to Brotherly love and Communion of Saints 242 How a man may know that he hath beene sufficiently humbled and prepared for Conversion 630 None can know that the time of his Conversion is past 542 None must bee troubled though they know not when nor by whom they were Converted 631 What grace God giveth in the first Conversion 686 What Conversion and true repentance is 474 Men over-gone with trouble of Conscience are most unfit to iudge of their owne estate 767 An excellent helpe to peace of Conscience in the former c●se 765 c. When the Conscience is troubled it is good to lay it open to some faithfull and skilfull Christian ibid Rules touching opening a mans state to others when the Conscience is troubled ibid How to keepe the Conscience tender 480. 679 How to walke as in Gods sight under Crosses in all adversity 273 Rules how to passe by or beare lighter Crosses 274 Rules how to beare all Crosses 275 Of bearing Crosses thankefully 313 Of bearing Crosses fruitfully ib D How to begin the Day well 28 29 How to walke in the sequell of the Day after it is well begun 53 How to end the Day well 179 Reasons why naturally all are unwilling to Dye 585 Reasons why some are more fearefull to Die than others ibid Causes why Christians are too unwilling to Dye 587 Helpes against feare of Death 588 Difference betweene the sinning of the regenerate and unregenerate 688 E Rules for Eating and drinking 64 In what order a man should ascend to the knowledge of his Election 518 Whence it is that the Elect may backeslide aud how farre 685 The Elect never fall from the first infused grace 688 Some thinke they Endevour to doe well yet doe not 324 What Endevour is in generall ibid Some thinke they Endevour not when yet they doe 326 What is true Endevour ibid A mans Endevour in some case● may be as true when yet he cannot performe it as in some other cases when he can performe it to the full 327 The
excellency of Christian Experience 126 127. F An answer to them that question their Faith because they want feeling 590 Many doe not feele they have Faith because they feele not for it 603 How a man may know that he hath Faith 621 Reasons why many without cause thinke they have no Faith 584 Many presume they have Faith but have none 614 Reason for which many thinke they have Faith but have not 463 Who may Fall from grace and how 683 A regenerate man may Fall farre backe but not quite away 685 Grounds of difference betweene the Fals of men truly sanctified and others 688 Whence it is that a true Convert cannot Fall quite away from grace 695 Of Religious Fasting 68 A generall Reason of Fasting 72 Reasons why the body must be afflicted in Fasting 73 Reasons why the soule must be afflicted in Fasting 74 Who are to keepe a publike Fast 76 Who may keepe a private Fast 77 How oft we must Fast 78 How long we must Fast 80 Preparation to a Fast 82 How to keepe a Religious Fast 84 c. What to doe when a man is interrupted in his private Fast 142 Motives to oft Fasting 143 Directions what is to be done after a Fast 145 Cautions touching Fasting 146 Needful fear before cōversion 485 Holy Feare after conversion 486 Causlesse Feare 488 The kindes of causlesse Feares ibid Strange effects of Feares rising from naturall distempers 489 There is some difference between the regenerate in those Feares which arise frō melācholy others 490 Difference betweene those Feares which arise chiefly from melancholy and those which arise from trouble of conscience ibid Grounds of false Feares 495 Feare of punishment must be turned into trouble for sinne 498 Feares of sinning against the holy Ghost removed 527 Feare that because the heart condemneth God will condemne much more removed 529 Feare of being reprobates removed 531 Feare that God will not have mercie because they have let passe the time of their Conversion removed 540 Feares arising from doubts of Gods love removed 576 c. Feares through conceit of being in worse case than any other removed 561 Feares that God loveth them not because they thinke their prayers are reiected removed 576 Feares from doubting of faith removed 581 Feares of not being sanctified because they thinke they were never sufficiently humbled nor have repented removed 626 Reasons why some feele more sense of Feare and horror in their first conversion than others 627 Feares that a man is not sanctified because he is pestered with worse thoughts than ever removed 637 Feares of not being sanctified because of falling into grosse sinnes removed 656 Feares that they are not sanctified because of sense of dulnesse and deadnessein spirituall duties removed 665 Feares of not being sanctified because of sudden dulnesse after fresh feeling comforts removed 670 Feares of not being sanctified because out-gone by others removed 671 Feares of not being sanctified because of hardnesse of heart removed 677 Feares of falling away from grace removed 681 c. Feares taken from thinking the heart is deceitfull removed 727 Feares from present fainting removed ibid Feares because we doe not our part removed 729 Feare from want of such graces where of God hath absolutely promised removed 676 Feares through want of peace of Sanctification removed 744 G Convincing reasons to prove that there is a God 647 God doth never wholly forsake his children 566 Once and ever in state of Grace 685 Reasons why man being once in state of grace can never fall quite from it 701 Reasons why many thinke they have lesse grace now than in their first conversion but mistake 714 H What is the cause of Hypocrites well-doing 341 Disswasives from hypocrisie 361 365 Meanes against hypocrisie 373 Grounds of false hope discovered and removed 444 I Meanes to strengthen the Inner man 133 Rules to direct Inferiours 62 Causes of error in Iudging of a mans state 754 Of Iudging and condemning of a mans selfe 126 L ATable of Duties commanded and of Vices forbidden in the Morall Law 90 c. No man must abuse Christs lenity 620 Signes to know when God giveth good things in love 265 Directions for sanctisying the Lords day 147 M What Meditation is 195 The distinct acts and parts of Meditation 198 Rules for meditation 202 Cautions about the matter of meditation 203 Motives perswading to meditation 211 Meanes of Mortification 131 O When it is that a man obeyeth out of conscience and love to Christ 340 Weakest performance of duties is lesse dangerous than whole omissions 551 P A description of Christian Patience 286 Inducements to patience 286 287 Meanes of Christian patience 288 Vpon what grounds arguments may be taken to worke the heart to patience 291 292 What peace is in generall 414 The peace of GOD explained and magnified by the opening of Philip. 4. 6. 7. 415 The different sorts of peace of God 421 Reasons proving the excellency of the peace of God 432 The impediments of peace 437 Whence presumption and false peace doth arise 441 Signes of false hope and false peace 476 An excellent helpe to peace of conscience 765 Meanes to get and keep true peace ibid How to know in time of peace to hold out in time of persecution 725 How to be kept from dastardly feare in time of persecution 723 Reasons of due preparation of the heart to prayer 32 How to bee disposeà in the act of prayer 35 God heareth prayer many wayes 578 Cautions to be observed in preparation and in prayer 37 Signes of distempered thoughts thorough worldly businesse to prayer 42 Remedies against distempered thoughts in preparation and in prayer 43 How to know when thoughts of worldly businesse are distractfull in preparation in prayer 45 Remedies against the said distractions in preparation and in prayer 47 Pride is a manifest hinderance of Christi●● Comfort 764 765 Grounds of presumption discovered and removed 437. unto 481 Rules of holy carriage in prosperity and when men have good successe 245 246 Good effects of prosperity 247 Doubts of Gods love because men prosper removed 559 Presumption of Gods love because they prosper removed 448 Presumption ariseth either from false grounds of hope or from true grounds misapplyed 442 Presumption that God will save a man because he made him removed 444 Presumption of escaping Hell because men thinke they have it in this life removed 445 Presumption they shall ever be wel because hither to they have escaped evill removed 446 Presumption they shall be saved because as great sinners as they have bin saved removed 450 Presumption of Salvation by Popes Pardons pennance and merit of workes removed 452 Presumption of salvation because God is mercifull removed 454 Presumption from universall Redemption removed 456 Presumption of Salvation because as men thinke their faith and repentance is good when it is not removed 462 Presumption of repenting hereafter removed 475 R How to read the Word profitably 187 Who must
Heb. 6. 4 5 6. k Heb. 10. 26 27 28 29. How to be sure that a man hath not committed this sin against the holy Ghost Heb. 10. 29 Feare that God will not pardō because their harts condemne them removed g 1 Iohn 3 20 Answ h Hos 12. 8 Luk. 18. 11 i Luk. 15. 18 19. k Luk. 18. 13 14. 1 Ioh. 3. 20 1 Ioh. 3. 18 19 20 21 22. l Ioh. 21. 17 m Acts 26 10 11 Acts 8. 3. n 2 Cor. 12 15. Feare of being Reprobates because they cannot tell that Christ is in them removed o 2 Cor. 13 5. Answ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Cor. 13. 3 * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 13. 7 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Reply Answ p 2 Cor. 3. 18. Feare that God will not pardon because they seeke too late removed q Pro. 1. 24 28 Answ r Ioh. 12. 36 ſ Ioh. 9. 4. t Heb. 3. 13 15 u Luk. 19. 42 43 It is not possible for any to know that the time of his conversion is past x 2 Chr. 6. 37. 39. Heb. 3. 15 a 2 Cor. 5. 20 b 2 Cor. 6. 2 c Chro. 33 10 12 13 d Mal. 3. 7 Pro. 1. 28 e Hos 7. 14 Ezek. 18. f 2 Chro. 6. from 36. to 40. g 2 Chron. 7. 12. Reply h Heb. ●2 17 i Mat. 25. 11 12. k Lu. 13. 24 Answ l Num. 23. 10. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hos 6. 3. Psal 73. 13 m 2 Cor. 12. 10. 2 Chron. 30. 19. The weakest performance of duties lesse dangerous tha whole omissions n Ioh 5. 3 o Isa 8. 17. * Isa 30. 18 p Psal 103 10 Doubts of Gods love because of their grie vous afflictions removed a Deut. 28. 20. Answ b Ps 31. 22 b Psal 116 11. c Psal 73. 13 14 22. d Eccl. 9. 1 e Pro. 3. 12 e Rev. 3. 19 f Rom. 8. 28 g Heb. 12. 10 h Isa 28. 29 i Psal 73. 23 24. Reply Answ a 2 Sam 12 9 10 11 1● b Iob 3. 3 Iob 6. 9. c Psal 73. 3 to ver 15 Doubts of Gods love because they prosper removed k Rev. 3. 19 l Heb 12. 6 Answ In what cases God usually doth not afflict his children m Mal. 3. 17 n Hos 11. 4 Fears that God doth not love men because they think their state to be wo●se th●● any others removed Answ o Psal 77. 7 8 9. p Mat. 27. 46. Cant. 5. 6. Isa 49. 14 r 2. Cor. 4. 8 9. The ends why God doth g●…vously 〈…〉 stres●… children ſ 2 Sam. 14 24. t 2 Cor. 12 7 u 2 King 6 33 1 Sam. 28. 7 a Iob 13. 15 b Psal 42 9. 11 c 2 Chr. 32. 3● a Psal 80. 18 19. Can. 3. 2. 5 Can. 5. 1. 8. Can. 2. 7. Can. 8. 4. God doth never wholly or for ever forsake his Children b Psal 89. 32 33 34. c Isa 54 7. 8 d Psal 22. 1. Mat. 27. 46 e Iob 1. f 2 Cor. 11. 23 to 33 b Psal 6. 2 3 6 7 c Psal 10. 1 d Psal 13. 1 e Psal 22. 14 15 f Ps 32. 3 4 g Ps 38. 3 4 h Psa 69. 3 i Psa 77. 2. Reply Answ l Psa 32. 3. m Psa 32. 5 o Ps 77. 2. 3 p Ps 119. 82 q Ps 31. 2● r Ps 77. 10 An old device of Sathan to make a mā thinke his case to be worse than any others Ier. 8. 22. s Mar. 9 23 t Gen 18. 14. u Ioh. 11. 39 40. z Mar. 1. 31 a Mar. 6. 5 6 b Mar. 9. 23 Reply Answ c Mar. 9. 24 d Isa 28. 16 Doubts that God doth not love them because their praiers are reiected removed a I am 4. 3. b I am 1. 6 7 God heareth prayers many wayes Heb. 5. 7. d 2 Cor. 12 9 e Ioh. 3. 16. f Rev. 1. 5. g Rom. 4. 25. h Phi. 1 29 i Ioh. 1. 12 k Heb. 11. 1 l Rom. 3. 28 Answ n Luk 17. 6 l 1 Ioh. 2. 12 m 1 Thes 5 14 Rom. 14. 1 Rom. 15. 1 n Rev. 3. 8. o 1 Thes 5. 14 p Mat. 12. 2 Caution Reasons why many think they have no faith but without cause q Mat. 8. 26 r Mat. 14. 31. Reasons why some are more feareful to die than others and why al naturally are unwilling to dye s Mat. 16. 27 t 2 Cor. 5. 10 11 Causes why Christians are too unwilling to die Helpes against fear of death a Psa 62. 10 b 1 Cor. 7. 29 30 31. c 2 Pet. 1. 10 11. 2 Pet. 1. 5. 1 Cor. 15. 55 56. Rom. 8. 2. 2 Cor. 5. 4 d Phil. 1. 23 n 2 Tim 4. 8 o Iob 14. 14 An answer to those which question their faith for want of feeling p Heb. 11. 1 q Rom. 8 24 r 2 Cor. 5 7 ſ Ioh. 20. 31. t 1 Ioh. 5. 15. Ioh. 3. 4. a Rom 4. 19 20. Heb 11 8. 11 b 2 Pet. 1. 8 10 Rom. 4. 18. Heb. 11. 11 c Heb 11. 17 18 19. d Rom. 4. 18 19 20 21. e Rom 4. 20 f Iob. 13. 14. 24. g Iob 13. 15. h Psa 42. 9. i Ps 42. 11 k Ps 73. 28. Many doe not feele that they have faith because they doe not feele for it What it is to beleeve a 2 Cor. 1●● b Ps 45 〈…〉 c Rom. 7 4 d Ioh. 1. 12. e 1 Cor. 6. 17. Two speciall acts in saving Faith f Ps 45. 1● § Luk. 9. 2● With what manner of will and consent a man receiveth Christ by faith Luk. 14. 28 31 h Luk. 14. 28. i Act. 8. 37 Many presume that they have faith which have none * Mat. 25. 12 Reply Answ m Rom. 7. 23 n Isa 1. 19. o Gen. 30. 34 Rom. 7. 19 Caution that none abuse Christs lenity * Heb. 3. 12 Faith known by the effects thereof p Mar. 9. 34 q Ioh. 6 68 r 1 Pet. 2. 2 ſ 1 Ioh. 3. 14 t Iam 2. 22 26. Fe●res of 〈…〉 b●ing sanctified because a● its thoght they were not sufficiently ●o●id●d in their first Conversion ●emoved a Act. 2. 37. b Act. ● 6. c Act. 16. 29 d Gen. 4. 13 e Mat. 27. 3 4. Answ Reasons why some feele more grieve and feare in their first Conversion then others How to know that a man had sufficient griefe and te●r●ur in his first Conversion 2 Cor. 7. 10 The difference between the terrors that prepare to cōversion and those which are the beginning of helli●h torment a Act. 2. 13 b Act. 2 37. c Act. 9. 6. d Act. 16. 24 30. 33. e Gen. 4. 17 c. f 1 Sam. 16 17. g Act. 2. 37. h Isa 50 4. e 2 Sam. 12 13 f Ps 51. 10 g 2 Pet. 2. 22. Fears that they are not sanctified because they are pestred now with worse thoughts then ever removed Answ k 1 Chr. 21 1. l Iob 2. 9. m Mat. 15. 19. How Satans suggestions may bee knowne from mans owne thoughts n Mat 4. 6. 9
course of their lives only observe this that in judging ●…our actions you must not judge ●●em so much by the muchnesse ●ad greatnesse of the quantitie as ●…y the soundnesse ripenesse and goodnesse of the quality If it bee good in truth according to the measure of grace received God accepteth it in Christ She hath done what shee could faith our Saviour A little sound and true fruit though weake in comparison is farre better than many blades and blossomes yea then plenty of grapes if they be wild and sowre SECTION 2. Of the markes of uprightnesse THat you may cōceive more distinctly may better remember the signes of uprightnesse I reduce them to these heads They are taken 1. from universalitie of respect to all Gods will 2. From specialtie and prioritis of respect to such things as God requireth specially 3. From a will and desire to please God in one place as well as another in secret as well as open 4. From a constancie of will to please GOD at one time as well as another 5. From the true causes efficient and finall 6. From the effects that follow well-doing 7. From the effects that follow evil-doing 8. From the conflict which shall be found betweene uprightnesse and hypocrisie First the upright man is universall in his respect to the whole will of God For first he unfainedly desireth and indevoureth to know what manner of man hee ought to be what he ought to do He would know beleeve any one part of Gods will so farre as it may concerne himselfe as well as another Threats as well as promises Commandements as well as either and that not some but all the threats all the promises and all the Commandement Comming to the light readily that his deeds may be made manifest He is willing to know and beleeve what he should doe as well as what he should have and hope for But the hypocrite not so hee winketh with his eyes and is willingly ignorant of that sinne which he would not leave and of that dutie which hee would not doe and of that judgement which he would not feele He is willing to know the promises of the Gospell but willingly ignorant of the precepts of the Gospell and of the condition● annexed to the promises 2. Secondly His universall respect to Gods wil is not onely to know but todoe and to submit unto it in all things willing to leave and shun everie sin willing to doe everie thing which he knoweth to be his dutie willing to beare patiently thankfully fruitfully everie correction wherwith the Lord doth exercise him He disliketh sinne in all Hee loveth grace and goodnesse in all Hee would keepe a good conscience in all acts of Religion towards God and in all acts of righteousnesse and sobrietie towards and amongst men Hee would forbeare not onely those sinnes to which his nature is not so much inclined or to which his condition of life affoordeth not so manie temptations but those to which his nature and condition of life doth most carrie him he will cross● himselfe in his dearest iust namely his darling and beloved sinnes his * owne sinne as David calleth it Neither doth he indevour to abstaine from those vices which may bring losse and are out of credit which some men punish all men cry shame on but such as through the iniquitie of the times are in countenance with the greatest and practised by most the forbearance whereof may threaten and procure danger and discredit the doing whereof may promise and performe much worldly gaine and honour Moreover the upright man doth not only strive to doe those holy and vertuous actions which are in credit and for his advantage in the world but those also which may expose him to disgrace and losse even of his life and livelihood He would abstaine as well from lesse evils even from appearance of evils as from grosse sinnes And would so doe the greater things of the Law as not to leave the other undone But the hypocrite not so there is some sin he wil not leave some dutie he will not doe c. Follow the opposition 2. Secondly an upright man is knowne by this Where GOD hath laid a speciall charge there he will have a first and speciall respect to it As to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse that one thing necessary and to shew a specialty of love to the houshold of saith To be first and most at home reforming himselfe and his pulling out the beame out of his owne eye To be most zealous for matter of substance in religion and lesse in matter of ceremony and circumstance Lastly his chiefe care will bee to apply himselfe to a ● conscionable discharge of the duties ●f his particular calling knowing ●hat a man hath no more conscience nor goodnesse in truth then ●e hath will and desire to shew ●● in the workes of his particular ●…ace and calling The hypocrite ●● contrary in all these Thirdly the upright man inde●oureth to approve himselfe to God ● well in secret as openly as well ●● the inward man as in the outward as well in thought as in ●ord and deed But it is quite ●therwise with the hypocrite if ●● may seeme good to men it is ●● he careth for Fourthly the upright man is constant his will is that he might alwayes please God He doth as well bethinke himselfe how to doe well in prosperity as in adversity and even then studieth how to be able to hold out before God if his state should alter I do not meane such a constancy as admitteth of no intermissions or stoppages in the open course of his life A constant running spring may betweene two hils be stayed in his course for a time by damming it up yet the spring will approve it selfe to run constantly for it wil be stil thrusting to get thorow or get under or if it can doe none of these it will raise it selfe in time according to its strength and get over all lets and will beare down all before it and will run with a more full streame afterwards by as much as it was before interrupted so it is with an upright ma● But the hypocrite is but by fi●● and starts as he calleth not on Go● at all times so it is with all other his goodnes it is but as the corne in stony ground and amongst thornes and as a morning dew it endureth but for a season Fifthly An upright man is known by the causes from which all his good actions spring and to which they tend for these two the efficient and the end denominate the action 1. That which causeth the upright man to endevour to keepe a good conscience alway is an inward principle and power of grace causing him through faith in Christ in and from whom as from the roote of all grace he bringeth forth