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A11443 The rocke of the Churche wherein the primacy of S. Peter and of his successours the Bishops of Rome is proued out of Gods worde. By Nicholas Sander D. of diuinity. Sander, Nicholas, 1530?-1581. 1567 (1567) STC 21692; ESTC S102389 211,885 679

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ouer euery man and euery thing without conforming them selues to any superiour authority Yea what shall we say if the Protestants will not only be supreame iudges ouer the meaning of Gods woorde but also ouer the bookes themselues and ouer the reading thereof For beside that they reiect the bookes of Tobie of Wisedō and of the Machabees with certaine other parts of holy scripture from the Canon of Gods woorde thei also reiect the epistle of S. Iames and that was done not onely by Martin Luther who called it stramineā of no more force then a straw is An. Dom. 1●66 Confessio edita Tiguri but euen this last yere of our Lord there came forth a Confession of the faith printed at Zurich whereunto all the Sacramentaries of Zuicherland yea also the preachers of Geneua gaue their assent and consent as the title of the booke doth witnesse In which booke it is saied that S. Iames is to be reiected if he be cōtrarie to S. Paule The which heathenish saying doth presuppose that S. Iames may be contrary to S. Paule and in that case he is to be reiected say they Their wordes are Iacobus ille dixit opera iustificare non contradicens Apostolo renciēdus alioqui Cap. ● that fellow Iames said that works doe iustifie not speaking against S. Paule otherwise he were to be reiected No man could say this much of S. Iames but he who thought it possible for S. Iames epistle to be no holy scripture Euseb li. 1. cap. 23. For if it be clerely admitted as it hath ben alwaies amōg true Catholiks for holy scripture then if it could be contrary to S. Paule it were no more true that S. Iames should be deceaued then S. Saule For of that which is confessed to be the woord of God there is noe difference at all But one Holie ghost speaketh with like authority in al his instruments Psal 44. whatsoeuer they be Therefore this pestilent opinion is priuily fostered among the Protestantes that S. Iames epistle is not the vndoubted word of God and thereof can they geue none other reason but because he is contrary to their deuilish doctrine of only faith A false opinion For whereas they say that S. Iames meaneth that workes declare our iustification before men and doe not in deede iustifie before God it is stark false which thei say For he saith What good shal it do Iacob 2. if a man say himself to haue faith and haue not woorkes shall his faith saue him Behold he speaketh of works necessary to that iustification whereby we are saued before God and not to that onlie whereby we are declared iust before men For saluation dependeth of God only and not of men at all The which thing may be proued out of S. Iames by diuers other arguments For he speaking of Abraham whom no man saw offering vp his sonne beside God alone saith Iacob 2 that faith was made perfit of woorkes and concludeth generallie a man is iustified of woorkes and not of faith onlie And againe faith without works is dead Therefore if the Protestāts wil haue faith without works to iustifie they wil haue a dead faith to iustifie Whensoeuer S. Paul said that faith did iustifie he meant of faith Rom. 3. S. Paules meaning Galath 5. which worketh by loue as himself hath declared And when he saith that faith iustifieth without works he meaneth without works which goe before iustification and not without charity or loue of God Rom. 5. which is spread in our harts by the holy ghost at the tyme when God louing vs first 1. Ioan. 4. maketh vs beleue and also to loue him and so doth iustifie ād rectifie vs which were his ennemies before The which loue being infused to vs with a right faith doth cause vs to bring foorth such good works Ephes 2. as God hath prepared for vs to walk in and by those works our former iustification is increased and fortified according as we read Apoc. 22. qui iustus est iustificetur adhuc he that is iust let him be iustified as yet Thus doe all the Catholike Fathers expound the one Apostle both by himself and by the other In lib. de 〈◊〉 operi c. 14. in so much that S. Augustine confesseth an olde errour to haue sprung vppon S. Paules words to the Romans not well vnderstanded for which cause he testifieth that S. Iames S. Peter S. Iohn and S. Iude wrote their epistles all in commendation of charity and of such good woorkes as be ioyned with faith And S. Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians doth also wel declare what faith he would haue to iustifie for asmuch as he saith all faith to doe no good 1. Cor. 13. yf a man haue not charity Now when the Protestants perceaued that of all other S. Iames was most plaine against their onely faith they first did cast a smoke before mens eyes as though his woordes might be defended And yet when they considered that solution woulde not serue they gaue an other that S. Iames is to be reiected if he be contrary to S. Paule Neither onely doe the Protestants make themselues iudges ouer whole bookes and epistles of the Apostles but also ouer the very letter of Christes Gospell For beside their wicked interpretations thereof they finde fault with the construction of the Euangelists and bring the text it self in dout For whereas S. Luke witnesseth Luc. 22. that Christ said in his last supper this cup is the new testamēt in my blood which that is to say which cuppe is shed for you whereas the participle shed is manifestly referred in the Greeke text of S. Luke vnto the cup and not vnto the name blood yet Beza translating the Greeke woordes into Latin In his notes vpō that place of s. Luke readeth thus Hoc poculū est nouum illud testamentum per sanguinem meum qui pro vobis effunditur He shoud haue said quod and not qui. This cup is that new testament by mie blood which that is to say which blood is shed for you S. Luke then readeth which cuppe but Beza readeth Os impudens which blood is shed for you Was there euer any like impudency heard of as to correct the verie text of the holy Gospel But perhaps Beza did finde it so in some copies No surely For he himself confesseth in his annotations printed at Geneua vppon that place in this wise Omnes tamen vetusti nostri codices ita scriptum habebant Yet all our old bookes had it so writen that is to say so as the Greeke copies euery where extant doe read In al which the participle shed can not be referred to the blood but vnto the cup. What is then the matter why Beza would nedes translate it otherwise forsooth S. Luke in this kind of reading is directly against his sacrementary heresie For S. Luke geueth vs the words of Christ in this
aboue al others is cōfessed of al sides to haue ben the first ād chief in al assembles and meetings to whome by M. Iewels confession the prerogatiue of the first place did belong to directe and order Bisshops in their doings In his Replie 241. 242. Secondly because he onely sitteth in Saint Peters chaier and is his lawful successour Thirdly because the consent of the world hath taken it so ād so hath practised in deed for euer but euen by our Aduersaries confession frō the tyme of Pope Zosimus and Leo and so aboue a thousand yeares And although if I had no farther proufe this alone were neuer able to be auoided yet I haue so many other proufes that I am more troubled what to leaue vnsayed then I am to seeke what may be said I haue chosen to speak of that point speciallie whiche is of all other the moste hard For there is no greater obiection against Saint Peters Supremacie then to saye The obiection that all the Apostles vvere the same thinge which he vvas The same Rocke the same Pastour the same Confirmour of their brethern Whereby he may seeme to haue had no more then they had and consequentlie that all Bisshoppes are as good as the successour of S. Peter To which obiection if I should only answere The ansvvere by demaunding of the Protestantes in what Gospel or holy scripture it were writen that euery other Apostle was the same rock which S. Mathew testifieth S. Peter to haue bene seeing they haue bound themselues to beleue nothing which is not expreslie writen in the holy Scriptures Matth. 10 16. they were not able so to replie that their owne conscience might iustlie be quiet For if they brought me foorth S. Cyprian De vnit Eccles or S. Hierom it were sufficient for me to say that they were no Euangelists I shew it writen thou shalt be called Cephas and thou art Peter that is to say a rocke or of the qualitie of a rocke For as S. Hierom witnesseth Lib. 1. ad Gal. c. 2. that which the Greeks and Latins cal Petra the Hebrewes and Syrians cal Cephan Let them shew it writen where S. Mathew or S. Iohn is called such a Rock or is said to be of such a condition and qualitie that the Church shal be built vpon him How vnhappy are men now a daies that whereas they haue moste plaine scriptures in al pointes for the Catholike faith and none at al againste the same yet they pretend by the very scriptures to ouercomme the Catholikes And by the bare naming of Gods worde whiche they neither vnderstand nor loue they haue among pedlers won the spurs and amonge the ignorant haue gottē the opinion of knouledge But seing there is an infinit treasure in Gods word to proue those things whereby the Catholike faith is fortified I wil take vpon me this one point for this time to shew by what meanes S. Peter exelled the other Apostles wherein I wil procede in this order It is certaine that S. Peter excelled the Apostles in some kind of honor and dignitie The Apostles had two kinds of dignitie The one proper to their Apostleship the other cōmon with al Bishops How far S. Peter was aboue or equal with them in the Apostolike functiō That S. Peters great prerogatiue aboue the Apostles is most manifestlie knowen by his supremacie in the bishoplie power of gouerning the Churche of Christ That S. Peters bishoplie authoritie was an ordinarie power That it must continue in some one bisshop That it is the Bishop of Rome in whom S. Peters ordinarie power and supremacie resteth That S. Peter passeth far the other Apostles in some kinde of Ecclesiasticall dignitie The IX Chap. IF what soeuer authoritie any Apostle had concerning the gouernment of the Church S. Peter had the same and yet if besides he had verie manie things of greatest importance promised and geuen to him alone which no man els had it is out of all controuersie that S. Peter passed a great way the other Apostles in some kind of Ecclesiasticall dignitie Otherwise if he had no more authoritie then they or if his priuileges had bene only personal as the loue was which our Sauiour bore toward S. Iohn who laie vpon his brest at his last supper certeinlie S. Peter should either haue had nothing at all committed to him aboue and beside the reast of the Apostles Ioan. 13. or it should haue ben onlie some temporall priuilege and not any such function as had apperteined to the perpetual stablishment of Christes Church But now Matth. 10 for so much as he is not onelie first among the twelue but also he had the promise to be called Cephas or a Rocke Ioan 1. before the twelue were chosen and was really named Peter at the tyme of the choise Marc. 3. And for so much as although both S. Iohn Baptist had confessed Christes godhead before Ioan. 1. and Nathanael had said thou art the Son of God thou art the Kīg of Israel yet only Peters confessiō being made long after was so highlie rewarded that Christ said to him alone thou art Peter Matth 16. and vpon this Rocke I will build my Church For so much as the keyes of the Kingdom of heauen are namely promised to Peter alone Matth. 16 And whereas the tribute of didrachma was due for the first begotten of euery familie Num. 3. Iosephus antiquit li. 13. c. 12 Chrysost in Matth. Hom. 59. Matth. 17 Yet Christ paid both for himself and for S. Peter also as being the vnderhead and first begottē of his familie the Church And for so much as Christ although an other bote also were at hand yet he taught the people out of S. Peters bote to shew that in Peters chaire his doctrine shuld alwaies be stedily professed Luc. 5. Ambro. in 5. ca. Luc. And wheras al the Apostles were sure to be sifted of Sathan Lucae 22. yet the faith of Peter alone is praied for Leo serm 2. de ●at Petri Pauli that he being once conuerted might strenhgten his brethern And when word of Christes resurrectiō was sent to al the disciples for so much as Peter both entred first into the Sepulchre Luc. 24. and was not comprehended with the rest but was seuerallie named by himself Marci 16. whiles the Angel said tel his disciples and Peter In 24. ca. Lucae that he wil goe before you into Galilee and as S. Ambrose thincketh of men he was the first who saw Christ after his resurrection abeit some wemen had sene him before And whereas the other Apostles sailed in the sea within the cumpasse of a bote Ioan. 21. Bernard de consid lib. 2. yet S. Peter alone walked vpon the whole Sea without any particular bote betokenning that the whole world which is meant by the Sea was ordinarilie subiect vnto his iurisdictiō Farthermore for so much as some
man in himselfe so hath euery Bishop for his part the whole nature of a bisshop in hīself This equalitie of bishoply order and office notwithstanding the Apostles were in their bishoply prelateshippe and Iurisdiction a great way behīd S. Peter because he had a higher and larger power of gouerning geuen to him ouer Christes shepe then any of the other had in that behalfe Touching then the superiority of S. Peters iurisdiction for asmuch as all the power he had was either Apostolike or bishoply seing he could not easily haue more cōmitted to hī ouer the rest of the shepe by his Apostolike office Math. 2● then the other Apostles had for ech of thē had charge ouer the whole Church and the gouerment of their owne persons excepted what greater power could S. Peter haue if this notwithstandig I proue euidētly that Christ committed to S. Peter more Ecclesiastical power euē ouer his shepe then to anie other it must needes be rather meant of more bishoply then of more Apostolike power And so albeit the power and iurisdictiō of the Apostles ouer the rest of the shepe be equal yet the power of bishops euen ouer the same shepe is not equal How proue I thē that S. Peter had more cōmitted to his charge thē the other Apostles Verily because Christ in the presence of S. Iohn S. Iames ād S. Thomas the Apostles ād of other three disciples said to Peter Simō Ioānis diligis me plꝰ his Ioan. 21. Simon the son of Iohn doest thou loue me more then these And surely seing S. Iohn was among them who was so tenderly beloued of Christ that he was knowen by the name of the Disciple whom Iesus loued Ibidem when Peter is asked whether he loue more thē they he is in effect asked whether he loue more then any other Apostle or Disciple Neither doth our Lord demaunde this question as a thing whereof he doubted but to instruct vs that Peter loued him more then the other Wherevpon S. Augustine concludeth In Ioan. Tract 24. Sciebat igitur Dominus nō solū quôd diligeret verumetiam quôd plus illis diligeret eum Petrus Therefore our Lord did know that Peter did not onely loue him but also that he loued him more then they And yet seing Peter could not loue Christ more then the other did except Christ had first loued Peter more then he loued the other for Peters excellēt loue towards Christ must nedes come of the former exceding loue of Christ toward Peter as the scripture it selfe doth teache vs it is out of all controuersie that Christ first loued S. Peter 1. Ioan. 4. Prior dilexit nos more then he loued any other man in the whole world What The question more then he loued S. Iohn Or more then he loued his own Mother I answere An exāple that there are diuerse cōsiderations of loue Alexander the great had two frindes who loued him for diuerse respects The one called Craterus loued him as king and loked to his honour in matters belonging therevnto The other called Hephestion loued his ꝑson and diligently ꝓcured his health ād priuate wel doing Whereupō King Alexander was wont to saie that Craterus loued the King but Hephestion loued Alexander Euē so Christ loued his Morther aboue all creatures in the respect of that loue which it pleased him as her Sonne to owe vnto his Mother by the Law of nature Exod. 20. And therein he loued her almost incōparablie aboue S. Peter Likewise he loued personally S. Iohn the Euangelist August in Ioan. Tractat 124. and S. Iohn loued him more then other in that he was a virgin by Christes gift as who had dedicated his bodie and soule to Christ alone But in respect of Christes flock which was to be fed ād gouerned in the earth in that respect Christ loued S. Peter and S. Peter him more thē others The which distinction being kept we maie well say that our Lady loued Christ as the Sonne of God taking flesh of her own bodie more then any other and that S. Iohn loued Christ as the cause of his virginitie and the Athour of his chast loue more then any other and that S. Peter loued Christ as the prince of pastours more then anie other 1. Pet. 5. of which last kind of loue Christ now speaketh as it may wel appeare by his owne words For whē S. Peter had answered yea Lord thou knowest that I loue thee Iesus said to hī fede my lābs As who should saie for asmuch as thou in respect of my pastoral power louest me more then these take more power then they to feede my lambs For now sith Peters loue is the cause why Christ geueth him power to feede his lambs according to the measure of the loue the measure of the feeding must be vnderstanded De temp serm 149. Dominus Iesus saith S. Augustine respondenti amorē commendat agnos suos dicit pasce oues meas tanquam diceret quid retribues quia diliges me dilectionem ostende in omnibus To Peter answering that he loueth our Lord Iesus commendeth his lambs and saith Feede my shepe as if he should say what wilt thou render to me because thou louest me Shew thy loue toward the shepe The same verie sense S. Chrysostom geueth In Ioan. Hom. 87. Si amas me fratrū curā susci pias If thou louest me or seing thou louest me take the care of thy brethern Yf then the authority of feeding be the reward of Peters loue for asmuch as accordīg to S. Augustines iudgemēt groūded vpō the expresse word of God Peter loued more thē the other Peter is now bid to shew more loue in taking cure of his brethern then any other Which thing because he can not doe except he receiue more power and authoritie to feed his brethern Iacob 1. then other haue for Peter can doe no more in that behalfe then is from heauē committed to him it doth inuinciblie follow that Christ at this time geueth to Peter alone more povver and authority to feede his sheepe then any other had or can haue For the literal meaning of Christes whole discourse is none other thing then to say for as muche as thou louest me more then these feede my sheepe In the cumpasse or meaning of which wordes it is not possible for any other Apostle to be comprehended aequallie with S. Peter Note this reason For if any other may feed aequallie with him by the force of this commission the same cause of feeding must be in him which is named in this commission That is to say More thē these he must loue more then these But if any other doe so then hath Peter no commission to feed Christes sheepe because he then doth not loue more then they seing they must loue more then he or els no cōmissiō of feeding is geuē thē Who so euer hath this commission to feed
power I beseche the discreete Reader neither to vse cauils himself nor to geue care to them who loue to wrāgle Here would M. Iewel straight way shew that Christ gaue manie pastours and teachers to his Church Ephes 4. 1. Pet. 5. and that euery Apostle did feede of which things I deny no one But I say there was beside the Apostleship a kind of feeding so peculiar to Peter that no Apostle toke so specially as S. Peter did either the name thereof or the thing meant by the name Which thing the holy scripture doth insinuate when it sheweth Peter to haue loued more then other and consequentlie according to the measure of his loue to haue taken the measure of feeding In which sense Saint Chrysostom S. Augustine Leo and Arnobius doe euidētly agree We must therfore confesse a supereminent power of the pastoral office in Peter that preeminence say I consisted in the ordinarie power of being the chief shepherd He that denieth my interpretation must bring a better which I marueile how he shall come by But lette vs also consyder the mind of S. Ambrose in this behalf Ambros in 24. ca. Lucae Who hauing said by S. Peter that he was vbique aut solus aut primus euery where either alone or chiefe at the last he cometh to speake of these woordes of Christ spoken to Peter amas me doest thou loue me Dominus interrogabat non vt disceret sed vt doceret quem eleuandus in coelum amoris sui nobis velut Vicarium relinquebat Sic enim habes Simon Ioannis diligis me vtique tu scis Domine quia amo te Dicit ei Iesus pasce agnos meos bene conscius sui nō ad tempus assumptum sed iamdudum Deo cognitum Petrus testificatur affectum Quis est enim alius qui de se hoc facilè profiteri possit Et ideo quia solus profitetur ex omnibus oībus antefertur Our Lord asked not to lerne but to teache him whō he being to be assumpted into heauen The Vicar of Christes loue did leaue to vs as the Vicar of his loue For so thou readest Simon the Son of Ion doest thou loue me Yea Lord thou knowest that I loue thee Iesus said to him feede mie lambs Peter being priuy of a good conscience doth testifie his own affection not taken for the time but already wel knowen to God For who els were able to professe this thing of himself And because he alone among all professeth he is preferred before all First note well that S. Ambrose compareth the loue with the feeding For he reasoneth alwaies from the one to the other Secondlie he saieth that Christ in consideration that he shoulde ascend into heauen Vicare taught him whome he left the Vicar of his loue Behold if Peter be the Vicar of Christ it is no wonder that the Pope sitting in Peters chaire is called also the Vicar of Christ. Yea but say you he is the Vicare of his loue and not of his pastoral office Yeas Syr of both For now S. Ambrose speaketh of that loue which consisted in hauing authority to fede the flock For it foloweth in S. Ambrose Sic enim habes for thus thou readest And immediatly he commeth to the power of feeding which Christ gaue vnto Peter in the highest degree of any mortall pastour because Peter loued more then other Christ left to vs a Vicar of his loue who was that Peter when was he leaft a Vicar When Christ said feede mie lambs The loue then left to vs was the power of feeding which Peter had ouer vs and the Vicar of Christes loue was the Vicare of Christes power which he had to feede vs. Although Christ our euerlasting meate fede vs alwayes by his mightie power Ioan. 6. yet when he should goe corporallie into heauen he leaft vs a Vicar of his corporall kinde of feeding His woordes doe not nowe sound in our eares as they did whiles he liued in preaching in teaching in administring the Sacraments in gouerning the Churche and in sending other to preache Christ hath a Vicar whome to that effect he loueth aboue all other and who loueth him aboue all other to that effect I saye of feeding his flocke Moreouer S. Ambrose noteth that Peter omnibus antefertur is preferred before al why so Quia solus profitetur ex omnibus Because he alone of them al doth professe But why saith S. Ambrose that he alone doth professe Might any other man professe when Peter alone was asked No verilie And so dooth S. Ambrose meane that Peter alone professeth his loue because he alone is asked whether he loued more thē these otherwise if S. Iohn who stoode by had ben asked I thinke he was not giltie of any lack of louing Christ But Christ intended to geue vnto Peter more loue then the other had euen for this purpose that he might receiue a higher power to feed then other had Last of al S. Ambrose noteth as it were three degrees in the commissiō of Peters autority of feeding and that accordīg to the power of feeding thrise repeated Agnus Iā non agnos vt primo quodam lacte vescendos Cuicula Ouis. nec ouiculas vt secundo sed oues pascere iubetur perfectiores vt perfectior gubernaret At the third time wherein our Lord said to Peter pasce feed he was not now bid to feede as it were with milke the lambes as at the first time nor the smaller sheep as at the second time but the sheep to th' end he being more perfit might gouern the more perfit It is now also to be noted that S. Ambrose putteth the worde gubernare to gouerne in steed of pascere to feed For in deed the shepheard hath authoritie to rule and gouerne his sheepe Peter then hath autority not only ouer the lambes which are as it were the childern and the vnlearned Christiās nor only ouer the smaller sheep which yet are elder then the lambes as the Christian lawyers the learned physicions the Iudges and Princes of Christendom but also he hath power to gouern euen the sheep which are of most perfit age Verely the ewes Oues the weathers yea the rams themselues which in diuers places are capitaines of diuers flocks So that parissh Priests Bisshops Archebisshoppes and Patriarches are committed to the gouernement of Peter alone He is the vicar of Christe in loue and power of feeding therefore as none was without the cumpasse of Christes folde no more may he be without the cumpasse of Peters fold who wil be reckened in Christes fold De consid ad Eugen. lib. 2. S. Bernard writing to Eugenius the Pope of Rome whose bookes he that readeth may wel perceue he spake it for no flatterie hath these wordes Alij Pastores habent sibi assignatos greges singuli singulos tibi vniuersi crediti vni vnus Nec modò ouium sed Pastorum tu vnus omnium pastor Ex