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A09443 A godly and learned exposition or commentarie vpon the three first chapters of the Reuelation. Preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and judicious diuine, maister William Perkins, Ann. Dom. 1595. First published for the benefit of Gods Church, by Robert Hill, Bachelor of Diuinitie; Lectures upon the three first chapters of the Revelation Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1606 (1606) STC 19732; ESTC S114701 362,972 238

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shew mercie exercise iudgement keepe courts assises begin end and continue warre according to his commaundements And so in euery thing the direction of Christ should be their guide as it was to Dauid Thy lawes O Lord haue beene my counsellours Psal. 119.24 Fourthly if Christ bee soueraigne king then all earthly princes are bound to plant and establish in their kingdomes the religion of Christ else how can they shew themselues his loyall subiects Many imagine That earthly princes may admit vnto their subiects any religion for the peace of the ciuile state but this is against the equitie of Gods word in this place for wherein can earthly princes doe homage vnto Christ if they maintaine not his religion And their dutie in this behalfe is signified plainely in the parable of the mariage For when they that were bidden did not come the king sent forth his seruants which may be vnderstood of Christian magistrats to compell men to come to the mariage for that is the magistrates dutie in respect of the outward profession of true religion Fiftly seeing Christ alone is prince of the kings of the earth hence we learne that kings on earth in their dominions are soueraigne gouernours ouer all persons and in all causes next vnder Christ he is king of kings absolutely and they are vnder him alone and haue no other head but him Whereby wee see the presumption and arrogancie of the Pope and Sea of Rome in claiming supremacie aboue all kings and princes in the whole church vpō earth This is a deuice of the diuell and high treason against Christ for hereby hee is robbed of this royall prerogatiue to be the only prince of the kings of the earth Lastly seeing Christ is king of all kings we must not be discouraged when we be called to suffer any affliction for his truth let the tyrants of the earth rage and bend their force to hurt vs yet wee haue a king aboue them al for whom we suffer he is their king hee can stay and bridle them and if hee please confound and bruise them in peeces They cannot do any thing but that which he permits for hee rules in the middest of all his enemies Psal. 110.2 he can breake them in pieces like a potters vessell Thus much of the offices of Christ. The second part of Christs description is by the execution of his offices which consists in foure works The first contained in these words Vnto him which loued vs the second in these Which washed vs in his bloud the other two in the two verses which follow viz. 6 and 7. For the first which loued vs that is Iohn and the churches of Asia by proportion all other churches being parts of the true church The loue of Christ hath three degrees the first is a generall loue wherby he loues all his creatures approuing the same to be good as they be his by creation The second is the loue of mankind in that he was content to become a redeemer for mankind after their fall and not ●or any other creature no not for the Angels which fell as well as man who therefore remaine without all hope of saluation The third and principall is that wherby he loues his elect and chosen children which is that speciall sauour whereby he accepts of them to life euerlasting This third degree hath two parts First it is taken for his purpose to loue as when he saith I haue loued Iacob and hated Esau Rom. 9.13 Secondly for the act of louing which is the declaration of his purpose by spirituall benefits 1. Iohn 3.1 Behold what singular loue God hath shewed vnto vs that wee should be called the sonnes of God noting the declaration of his loue in the gift of adoption So in this verse by the loue of Christ vnto his church is meant the actuall declaration of his speciall fauour in accepting them for his children and bestowing many singular blessings vpon them Whereas S. Iohn placeth this in the first place of all the benefites of Christ That he loued vs hee would teach vs That this speciall loue is the very ground of mans redemption which excludeth all foreseene faith and workes from being motiues of mans election in Gods eternall councell and so proportionally all foreseene sinnes from being motiues in God of mans reprobation It may be obiected The loue of God as also of man respects a thing as it is good First the thing must be good and then it is loued and so in mans redemption God first foresees their goodnesse and therefore chuseth them Ans. There is great difference betweene the loue of the creature and of the creator The loue of the creature followes the goodnesse of a thing because he seeth it is good therefore he loues it But God the creator first loues the creature before it bee good and hence it comes that it is good because he loues it Secondly whereas Saint Iohn and all the churches of Asia as other true churches do beleeue and are assured that Christ loues them for that Saint Iohn taketh for granted this should moue all men to haue this care to labour aboue all things to be rooted and grounded in the loue of God seeing hee placeth that in the first place This is the principall thing wherein the Apostle would haue the Ephesians rooted and grounded and therefore prayeth That with all Saints they may be able to comprehend what is the breadth and length deapth and height th●●of Ephes. 2. vers 17 18 19. This we doe when we are assured in heart and conscience by the working of Gods spirit that he loues vs in Christ. So that he which denies vnto vs the assurance of Gods loue in Christ takes away the very ground of our saluation Now that we may haue this assurance of Gods loue wee must in all good duties to God and man draw neere to God with our hearts keeping a good conscience in all things and then will God draw neere to vs. If any man loue me saith Christ he will keepe my word and then my father will loue him and we will come in vnto him and dwell with him Iohn 14.23 meaning by the holy ghost which shall shed this loue into our hearts Rom. 5. vers 5. causing vs to increase in the feeling thereof as wee grow in faith and obedience towards him And hath washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud Here is the second benefit and action of Christ to his church Where first of all the very phrase hath washed vs doth import that the sinnes of men are as filthie spots in their soules and that himselfe and this church of God were touched with a serious consideration of their vilenesse by reason of their sinnes for washing presupposeth former filthinesse and pollution Thus did Dauid most sensibly feele his owne filthinesse and see his miserable estate when he desired the Lord to wash him throughly confessing thereby that his soule and body were so foulely stained and
of the Preface of this booke containing the title and inscription thereof Now from this ninth verse to the end of the third chapter is contained one of those seuen visions which were shewed vnto Iohn and are set downe in this booke In this first vision two things are to bee noted first the circumstances secondly the parts thereof The circumstances in the ninth and tenth verses the parts from thence to the end of the third chapter The circumstances of this vision are foure first the person to whom this vision was shewed namely Iohn The second the place where at Pa●mos The third the manner how it is propounded It was deliuered to him being 〈…〉 the spirit The fourth the time when on the Lords day For the first Iohn is the person to whom this vision befell who doth therfore name himselfe to shew that it was giuen him of the Lord for as the Lord hath his visions and re●elations as hath beene sayd so the diuell hath his but they may bee distinguished by the persons to whom they be giuen God giueth his visions not to all men but vnto those which are most ●it for them such as bee most holy men for life endued with exceeding gifts of God a●knowledge wisdome constancie zeale pietie and religion So in the old testament hee deliuered not them to all 〈…〉 his seruants the Prophets men of singular gifts and graces and of exceeding holinesse pietie Indeed the Lord reuealed some particular things by wicked men as by Balaam and Caypha● but they neuer knew what those things meant which were shewed vnto them It is a propertie belonging to the seruants of God to receiue a vision and to know the same to their comfort And for both these was Iohn throughly qualified he was a man of exceeding holinesse of life for Christ loued him and of singular and rare gifts full of zeale loue and pietie and also had the knowledge of this vision made knowne vnto him But the diuel maketh no such choise his visions befall men which are Heretickes wicked notorious sinners who haue no such rare and speciall gifts as the other haue so that wee must esteeme of this as a singular gift of God to his owne Apostle S. Iohn Now Iohn hauing named himselfe to bee the receiuer of this vision for the greater credit hereof he describes himselfe by two modest tearmes First A brother secondly A companion First hee cals himselfe their brother that is of them who by faith were all members of the mysticall bodie of Christ. For the Church of God is a familie whereof God the father is head and house-holder Iesus Christ is the ●lder brother and all beleeuers are fellow brethren in and by Christ being by faith the adopted sonnes of God members of that familie and brethren 〈◊〉 to other By this title your brother first hee setteth out his humility and great modesty For hee was a man at that time aboue all men which liue● in reg●rd of his gifts and holinesse of life hee was the last Apostle and had Apostolicall authoritie b●ing a most ze●lous and constant professour yet hee calleth himselfe a brother to 〈…〉 himselfe but equall with them though they were farre inferior to him And so should we esteeme better of our brethren than of our selues and make our selues inferiour to them Secondly by this title we see he had his heart full of brotherly loue to all the members of the church of Christ he loued them as brethren So we are bound to loue all men euen our enemies as they be of the same flesh with vs but those that bee of the same faith and religion with vs to these especially should wee shew our loue and affection So Paule sayth to the christian Romans He affectioned to loue one another with brotherly loue Rom. 12.10 And great reason for beleeuers are linked each to other with the neerest bond they haue the same father which is God the same redeemer the same faith hope baptisme and the same benefit by Iesus Christ his death and obedience But this dutie is not practised there be that call themselues brethren who as Isay saith hate them that tremble at the word and mocke them euen for the profession of the same religion whereby they thinke to be saued If any seeme to make more conscience of their wayes than others they are reuiled and hated for the name of Christ which ought not to bee for among all true Christians should bee brotherly loue The second title Companion or copartner in three things in tribulations in the kingdome and in the patience of Christ. He cals himselfe Copartner with 〈◊〉 in tribulations for two causus First because at that time when hee wrote this vision the whole church was in persecution and tribulation vnder that cruell tyrant Dom●●ian about fourescore or an hundred years after Christ● who banished him into 〈◊〉 where he was not vnmindful of the afflictions of the church whereof he was a member and therefore cals himselfe a partner with them in affliction By which he shews what is that state of Gods church in this world namely to be vnder the crosse and the members thereof must not bee companions of peace and ease but copartners in affliction and tribulation And therefore Christ teacheth those which will bee his Disciples these lessons First to deny themselues to take vp his crosse daily and to follow him And because of this estate the church in this world is called The Militant Church being in continuall fight against the diuell and his instruments The consideration whereof is of speciall vse For we in this land haue had peace and quietnes for many yeares without persecution which wee must acknowledge for a speciall blessing vouchsafed to vs for this end that now in the time of peace wee might prepare our selues against the day of triall For seeing the estate of the church is to bee vnder afflictions wee are all in duty bound to waite continually when God will call vs out to suffer for his sake No man can define the time or the manner of our triall but yet that it will come we must resolue because of the vsuall estate of the church God hath for a long time sent foorth labourers into his haruest whereby no doubt many sheaues are gathered into the Lords barne Now after this long gathering there will come a day of ●●●●ing The Lord will take into his hand the 〈◊〉 of affliction and put it into his corne and thereby try the chaffe from the wheat It stands vs therfore in hand to prepare our selues in this time of peac● that wee may bee found good corne in the Lords sieue and not chaffe which must be cast into vnquenchable fire Secondly he cals himselfe their copartner in afflictions because his pitifull heart was moued with the bowels of compassion towards all his fellow members when he remembred their persecution and affliction vnder the cruell tyrant Domitian And the same affection should
Here see the proper ●nd of all reprofes and corrections namely the reformation and amendement of mens faults misdemeanors whatsoeuer that so they may bee more carefull of their wayes and more zealous in good duties then euer they were Whensoeuer therefore wee are reprooued by the word of God or when the Lord shall visite vs in body minde or goods by any kind of crosse wee must remember to take occasion thereby to repent and amend knowing that by all these as by so many Sermons the Lorde calles vs to amendement Nowe come to the remedie of their Luke-warmnesse Be zealous That wee may vnderstand this Commandement we are to handle some points touching Zeale First what is zeale Zeale is a burning affection in regard of Christian Religion and the true worship of God This Zeale is compounded of two affections of loue and anger or indignation so that in this Commandement are two duties enioyned vnto this Church First that they should loue Christ and his Religion aboue all things Secondly that they should be greiued especially for this that Christ was dishonoured his worship prophaned and his doctrine not embraced but insteed thereof false worship and false doctrine entertayned when both these concurre then zeale is in the heart A most notable Example hereof wee haue in Christ Psalm 69.9 where the Prophet Dauid in his person saith The zeale of Gods house had eaten him vp Whereby thus much is signified that the heat of his loue for the maintaining of his Fathers glorie had euen consumed him and that his indignation was so great because his Fathers Name was dishonoured and his worship prophaned that it did euen care him vp This wee shall see to bee true in Christ if wee read the Hystorie of his life Iohn 2.17 Yea hee professeth of himselfe that it was meate and drinke vnto him to doe his Fathers will Ioh. 4.34 That thing he preferred before his owne life or safetie nay for the accomplishment thereof hee was content to suffer the pangs of hell The like zeale was in Elias when all Israel was fallen to Idolatrie his heart was zealous for the Lord of Hosts 1. King 19.14 II. point The kinds of zeale Zeale is either good or bad In good zeale are these things required I. True faith as the roote thereof 1. Tim. 1. vers 5. The end of the commandement is loue 〈◊〉 of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith vnfained Now one apart of zeale is loue and therefore 〈…〉 proceed● from true faith so must true zeale 〈◊〉 and that which is not grounded on faith is rather rashnesse and fiercenesse of nature than true zeale II. Repentance 2. Cor. 7.11 There are seuen 〈◊〉 of repentance recyted whereof zeale is one that is good zeale Euen a burning loue of true Religion and a godly indignation when false religion is embraced There may bee zeale in a man that hath no repentance as was in Iehu 2. King 10.16 Come with mee sayth hee and see the zeale that I haue for the Lord. Yet he wanted repentance for Vers. 29.31 It is said Iehu regarded not to walke in the Law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart for hee departed not from the sinnes of Ieroboam which made Israel to sinne and therefore he had not in him the true zeale that is heere commanded III. Zeale must come from knowledge for without knowledge it is but rashnesse and bold-hardinesse such as the Iewes had Rom. 10.2 whose Zeale was without knowledge And such as Paul had before his conuersion Phil. 3. vers 6. In Zeale hee persecuted Gods Church Knowledge therefore in Gods word must bee the guide and conductor of our zeale III. point The fruites of zeale must be considered for the better discerning of true zeale First true zeale constraineth a man in euery thing to seeke to please God Whether we be out of 〈◊〉 wits we are it vnto God or whether we bee in our right mind we are it vnto you For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs. So wheresoeuer this true zeale is in any measure it offereth violence to the heart so as a man cannot but endeuour to doe his dutie for the loue he beareth vnto Christ. Elihu sayd The grace of God was in his heart as new wine in a vessell which must needs vent out Iob. 32.18.19 Secondly true zeale makes a man indeuour to serue and please God with all his heart power and strength So good king Iosiah hearing the words of the Law read hee turned not slackely or negligently but with all his heart and all his soule and with all his might according to all the Law of Moses so as like him was no King before neither after him arose there any like him Psal. 51 Dauid humbling himselfe for his sinnes prayes for the pardon of them with such maruellous zeale as no tongue can vtter desiring God to remember him according to the multitude of his mercies often repeating the same thing in diuers tearmes that in some sort hee might expresse the earnest desire of his heart And in giuing God thankes for his benefits he putteth all the strength of his heart thereto crying out My soule prayse thou the Lord and all that is within mee Psa. 103.1 And thus we see what a thing it is to be zealous whence true zeale ariseth and what it worketh in mans heart Seeing wee as hath beene shewed are tainted with this sinne of Lukewarmnesse and coldnesse in religion let vs here learne how to redresse this vice Wee must become zealous hauing in our heart a feruent loue of true religion and a vehement indignation when the same is disgraced and false worship takes place Let Religion therefore take place in our hearts and let vs bee feruent and shew that same in our liues by zealous obedience Away with all slacknesse and lukewarmnesse it were better to bee Iewes and Turkes and to hold no Religion then to be luke-warme in the true profession And thus much for zeale The second part of this remedie is to Repent or amend This they are also enioyned because zeale without repentāce is nothing but rashnes Iehues zeale was no true zeale because hee wanted repentance euen then when hee was zealous But wherefore was this Church inioyned to repent Namely for Lukewarmnes not for that she had committed any horrible sinne but because she was slacke in good duties Here then we haue a good Lesson for the ignorant sort that challenge Gods mercie vnto themselues because they are no notorious malefactors as murtherers adulterers they hate no man but do good vnto all but heere they are taught to reforme this their blindnesse and ignorance For repentance must be for want of good duties yea for slacknesse therein therefore let no man sooth himselfe in his ignorance with a false perswasion that all is wel if he liue not in grosse sinnes This is the enchantment of the deuill whereby he rocks many asleepe in
ver 22.23 IV. Euery priuat man must professe and defend the true religion of Christ against all the enemies thereof 1. Pet. 3.15 Be readie alwayes to giue an answer to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you And this confession must be not onely in word but in deed For by a blamelesse and holy conuersation euerie christian holdeth foorth the word of life Phil. 2 15 16. Seeing the maintenance of true religion is so excellent a worke wee must be admonished euery one in our place to take paines in all the duties that belong vnto vs that by vs Christ● religion may be furthered For Gods church is not called the piller of truth onely because the minister thereof maintaineth Gods truth but also because euery member of the church is as a piller in his place to maintaine and professe the true doctrine of Christ for his glory Besides this is a duty of the first table and therefore we must haue more speciall care for the performance thereof And thus wee see the two meanes whereby the church of Ephesus opposed her selfe against false teachers And hast not fainted Here Christ setteth downe in what manner this church laboured to maintaine his true religion and thereby his honor and glory namely by constancie and perseuerance in labour This is an excellent vertue and a notable example for vs to follow for we through Gods goodnesse haue the true religion of Christ among vs and for many yeares sundrie among vs haue maintained the same against all enemies though not without some trouble and danger Now this which hath beene done is nothing vnlesse we hold on our good course constantly and labour vnto death in the maintenance thereof This exhortation is the more necessary because we know not how long we shal enioy the gospel with peace for vsually after long peace God trieth his by persecution neither know we by what meanes of triall God will exercise vs. Therefore as we now professe the Gospell so let vs continue constant therein and not turne with time or state for then wee loose our cōmendation at Christs hands And thus much of the commendation of this church for her vertues Verse 4. Neuerthelesse I haue somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first loue These words containe the second part of the proposition of this Epistle to wit a sharpe and seuere reproofe of this church for decay in grace as will appeare in the opening of the words Neuerthelesse I haue somewhat against thee Here Christ speaketh as a Iudge vnto this church and to the minister thereof and layeth this action vnto their charge that they had left their first loue that is that loue which they bare to God and his religion and to their brethren at that time whē they were first called vnto the profession of the gospell This loue they are sayd to haue left not as though they had quite lost it but onely because they suffered it to decay and to waxe cold in good workes But some will say they are before commended for their zeale and labour for Gods glory and for their seueritie against false teachers how then had they left their first loue Answ. At this time when Christ doth thus reproue them their loue was commendable but yet it was nothing in regard of that which they had at their first conuersion If Christ haue something against this church for leauing her first loue then no doubt he hath something against the church of England and against vs at this day howsoeuer wee may persuade our selues that we be high in his fauour yet we are in the like or a worse estate than this church now was for a great part of the body of our church hath left off their first loue and the greatest part hath no loue at all That many haue left their first loue is too too euident For such as in Queene Maries time were content to suffer much for the Gospell as the histories of our church do shew after they inioyed a little quietnesse became meere worldlings as their liues haue testified afterward And in such congregations where the word hath long bin preached this is too apparant that men who for the space of twentie of ten or seuen yeares haue shewed feruent loue to Christ and his Gospell and to their brethren do now fall away and shew none at all He that hath but halfe an eye may see many for a yeare or two very forward and zealous in religion who soone after suffer pleasures profits or preferments to drawe them quite away some I confesse through the mercie of God are free from this decay But there is yet a more grieuous fault among vs for the greatest part of our people haue no loue at all These are the dayes whereof Christ sayd loue should waxe cold And whereof Paul sayd Men should be louers of themselues for take the most congregations where the Gospell hath bene long preached yet you shall find that the hearers are neither bettered for knowledge nor for obedience but remaine still as ignorant and profane as euer they were This argueth that they haue no loue of God in their hearts though they haue a formall profession of his name in their mouth For where the loue of God is there most needs bee increase in knowledge in grace and in obedience Againe see how men generally walke in their callings and therin behold a meere defect of loue All the paines they take is for their priuat gaine and pleasure no regard is had of Gods glory of the maintenance of true religiō and of the good of their brethren herein their owne consciences shall be the witnesses So that generally this may be said We haue no loue at all What an action then shall we thinke hath Christ against vs It must needs bee grieuous and so our case fearefull and dangerous If an earthly prince and potentat had an action against vs and his case were good it would make vs looke about vs yea to tremble and quake and to be at our wits end Behold not a worldly prince but the king of heauen and earth hath a matter against vs iust and grieuo●●● oh how should this moue vs to search our selues to trie our estate and to humble our selues vpon the knees of our heart before his maiestie We may not imagine that this charge of Christ doth not concerne vs the conclusion of this Epistle shewes it belongs to all that haue eares to heare And therefore we should labour to preuent Gods iudgement by iudging our selues for our decay and want of loue Againe this rebuke of Christ for decay of loue should teach vs to labour for increase in loue to God and to our brethren adding grace to grace in our harts as we adde day vnto day in our liues that so our loue may obound read 1. Thes. 4.1.9 10 where Paule vrgeth this dutie at large he confesseth they did loue one
more though God summon men to repent by his dayly iudgements yet few or none by true humilitie prepare to meete God and to preuent his iudgements Securitie spreads it selfe ouer the whole bodie of our people And this being our case and state it must needes bee that God hath beene long since in comming to vs by his iudgements and a● this day he is still comming because we still decay in loue and other graces and more and more goe on in sinne So that if we thus continue the truth is hee will come shortly vnto vs and that by most fearefull iudgements For this was written to the church of Ephesus to be a direction not onely vnto them but to all churches to the end of the world that be in the like or worser case What shall wee then doe Our dutie is taught vs in these words If not that is if thou repent not Wee must preuent the Lords comming in iudgement by vnfained repentance euery man and euery familie apart must repent priuately and the whole Church openly and publickely no way else wee haue to stay the Lords comming against vs by his fearefull iudgements The second part of this reason is a more particular threatening than the former And will remooue thy candlesticke out of his place Where hee sheweth with what particular iudgement hee will punish this church namely by remoouing away the candlesticke The meaning whereof may bee gathered out of the former chapter where particular churches were called candlestickes therefore here hee threateneth to remooue his church from the citie of Ephesus to take away the Ministerie of his Gospell and the profession thereof and in his iust iudgement to send among them Ignorance Apostacie and Heresie in steed of the knowledge of his truth This particular iudgement must be referred to the first words If not that is if thou repent not this will I doe I will make thee to be no Church and take my Gospell from thee In this particular threatening three points are to bee obserued one concerning the Minister the second concerning the whole body of the church the third concerning euery priuat man Touching the Minister note this If he shall decay in loue to God to his word or to his brethren or if hee lye in any one sinne knowne to himselfe it is a meanes to depriue him either of his calling or of Gods gifts bestowed on him for this threatening is here directed especially vnto the Angell of this Church of Ephesus When Ieremie had beene wanting in deliuering the Lord● will vnto the people partly for feare partly through impatience then the Lord becomes a Prophet vnto him saying If thou returne I will bring thee againe and thou shalt stand before me Whereby hee would giue him to vnderstand That if hee returned not he should cease to be a Prophet vnto him The same thing is true of all Gods Ministers if they decay in loue faile in their dutie or lye in any sinne they must speedily renew themselues by repentance or els God will depriue them either of their calling or of the gifts thereof True repentance and the renewing thereof is needfull vnto all Christians but especially to Gods Ministers if they would continue in his fauour and stand before him becomming his mouth vnto the people The second point concerneth the whole bodie of a Church to wit if a Church or people decay in loue to God to religion and to their brethren or doe lye in any common sinne they procure hereby the remoouing of the gospell from them and the abolishing of true religion The Prophet is a 〈◊〉 sayth the Lord and the man of the spirit i● mad This was a great and fearefull iudgement but mark● the cause All is 〈◊〉 thine iniquitie that is for the sinne of the whole church doth God send foolish Ministers If this bee so then wee haue iust cause in our Church to feare the remoouing of the gospell from vs for there is a generall decay of loue in many and in the most no loue at all Many scorne and contemn true religion and hate the professours thereof In regard whereof wee may wonder at the great patience of God that yet continueth his gospell among vs For God giueth men vp to strong delusion to beleeue lyes because they loue not his truth Wherefore being in this danger our dutie is to vse all good meanes to preuent this iudgement of God which can no other way bee done than by true and vnfained repentance by the whole Church in generall and by euery man apart and euery familie apart For when God shall speake suddenly against a nation or kingdome to root it vp and to destroy it if that people repent of their wickednesse the Lord will repent of the plague and iudgement which hee thought to bring vpon them Ierem. 18. vers 7 8. The third point concerneth euery priuate man and it is this If any man decay in loue or want loue to God and to his brethren or lye in any sin knowne to himselfe This is a meanes to remooue the candlesticke from him to depriue him of his knowledge and other graces of God The affection of loue in the heart is like the watch of the clocke if the watch stand the wheeles stand as the watch goeth fast or softly so goe the wheeles answerably And so it is in man if his loue to God and to his gospell doe encrease then doth his knowledge and other graces of God encrease in his heart but if his loue decay then other graces decay and if loue be gone then farewell all pietie and true religion If we would know the cause of such palpable ignorance as is in many that haue long heard the gospell preached it is nothing but want of loue Heb. 3.12 13. The Holy ghost sheweth by what degrees men come to fall away from God First sinne deceiues them by drawing them to commit it then their hearts are hardened by custome of sinning Thence followes vnbeleefe in maine points of Religion and so they make Apostacie from God and set themselues against his truth Take heed therefore of lying in any sinne for that is the high way to finall Apostacie rather striue to encrease in loue vnto God and vnto his word and so shall all his good graces encrease in thine heart Out of this particular threatening some gather That a man may bee cut off frō Christ fall away finally from true faith and repentance For say they if a whole Church may bee cut off from Christ and become no Church then may any one member of the Church be cut off and become no member But a whole church may bee cut off as here we see and therefore may any one man Answ. This reason is not good there is great difference betweene the state of a whole Church and of one man that is a true member of Christ. For a particular Church is a mixt companie of true professors and dissemblers like
as he appeared to Iohn in vision We haue shewed before what is signified by these fierie eyes namely Christs infinite wisedome in himselfe and vigilant zeale ouer his church The end wherefore hee so describeth himselfe to this church is to giue them to vnderstand that hee can see and discerne their very secret sinnes for sundry among them were giuen to priuate offences as to fornication and idolatrie as we shall see afterward Here then wee haue an excellent remedie against secret sinnes shame and feare of punishment will restraine some men from open sinnes but yet the same men when they are in secret doe without fear commit priuie sinnes against the first and second table But these men must remember that being withdrawne from the presence of men they are yet in the presence of Christ for hee hath fierie eyes wherewith he seeth their most secret sinnes which they hide from the world For though we may make faire weather with men yet wee can neuer bleare the eyes of Christ. If fornicators wantons vsurers and blasphemers would remember this by Gods grace it would bee a notable meanes at least to restraine them from their secret sinnes if not to mooue them vnto the practise of true repentance Thirdly Christ is sayd to haue feete like fine brasse Whereby is signified as hath beene shewed his infinit power and strength whereby he doth subdue sinne Sathan and al his enemies first vnto himselfe and then vnto his members And Christ is thus described vnto this church to terrifie certaine wicked men among them that gaue themselues to fornication idolatrie and other sinnes as also to affright this whole church who by their wicked companie were almost drawne away to the same sinnes Here wee haue a notable remedie against loosenesse of life namely to consider that Christ whom we call our Sauiour walketh continually in his church with feet of brasse to tread Sathan and all his enemies vnder his feet and such are all that will not submit themselues to the regiment of his word Luk. 19.27 If the blasphemer could consider this it would stop his mouth and when the adulterer the theefe or any sinner goeth about his wicked deuices this by Gods grace would be a notable means to make him breake off his wicked purpose When Benhadad heard that the king of Israel would come against him in battell He sent his men with ropes about their necks to craue peace and in them humbled himselfe Shall men be thus afraid at the furie of man and shall not wee tremble and feare at the fury of Christ who hath these feet of brasse to trample in pieces all his enemies The want of this consideration is one maine cause why sinne doth abound Verse 19. I know thy workes and thy loue and seruice and faith and thy patience and thy deeds which are moe at the last than at the first Here begins the second part of this Epistle to wit the Proposition which containeth the substance matter thereof and it hath two parts a commendation of this church and a rebuke thereof The commendation in the 19 verse the rebuke or dispraise in the 20 verse and those that follow almost to the end of the chapter The commendation is twofold generall in these words I know thy workes This hath beene handled before vers 2. The particular commendation standeth in fiue notable workes to wit Loue Seruice Faith Patience and Encrease in godlinesse For the first by Loue wee must vnderstand Loue to men for afterward they are cōmended for duties to God in faith and patience but loue and seruice are duties of man to man Touching Loue note three points What this loue is What is the propertie of this loue and how it is to be practised First Loue to man is a gift of the spirit of God whereby a man is well affected to his neighbour for Gods sake That loue is a gift of the Spirit is plaine Galat. 5. verse 22. where it is reckoned among the gifts of the spirit Next I adde That hereby a man is well affected to his neighbour To bee well affected to another is to reioyce at his good and to desire and seeke the same and withall to bee grieued at his miserie and to ●eare the bowels of compassion towards him being readie to releeue and helpe him to our vttermost By Neighbour wee must not vnderstand only those that are neere vnto vs in habitation but euen all those that are of the same nature with vs euen any of mankind Hee is thy neighbour that is a man as thou art and so bearing the image of God as thou doest bee hee friend or foe neere or stranger vnto thee and to him must thou be well affected Lastly I say For Gods sake for God is first and principally to bee loued for himselfe and man in God and for God because hee is the creature of God and beareth his image The loue we beare to man is a fruit of our loue vnto God for this commaundement wee haue of him That he that loueth God should loue his brother also 1. Iohn 4.21 II. point The propertie of this loue is To be feruent and that for two causes First if need require euery man is bound within his calling to testifie his loue by giuing his life for his neighbour though he be our enemie or a stranger which wee shall neuer doe vnlesse our loue be feruent Secondly there is much ingratitude hatred emulation and many iniuries in the world Now the persons from whom these come must be loued the vnworthinesse of the partie must not quench our loue but it must burne when the waters of mens iniuries and malice would quench the same III. point The practise of our loue must be squared by this rule The loue of our selues as wee wish our owne good heartely so we must wish our neighbours good This is the law of Nature To doe as a man would be done vnto And it is the law of God Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Example A man of some trade is to make a bargaine and if hee will lye or vse false weights and measures he may aduantage himselfe This the deuill and his owne corruption will suggest vnto him while hee is about the bargaine he therefore must call to mind this rule of loue and examine his owne heart whether hee would haue another man to deceiue him by lying by false weights c. The same thing must men doe when they are tempted to oppression or crueltie let them thinke whether they would haue others to wrong or oppresse them and so shew forth loue by this rule doing as they would bee done vnto It were to bee wished that our Church might haue the deserued prayse of this vertue of loue But Christ foretold of these our dayes That loue should waxe cold Matth. 24.12 And that men should be louers of themselues And so it is for euery man now is for himselfe no man
are vnfaithfull vnto God in regard of their vow in baptisme For as they account gaine godlinesse so gold is their god and they say to the wedge of gold Thou art my confidence Seeing then all these be vnfaithfull vnto God we must hereby be admonished to remember what wee haue promised in our baptisme And withall haue care to performe the same as wee tender the saluation of our soules For if we be vnfaithfull as Paule said of the yonger widdows damnation belongs vnto vs. The fourth vertue for which this church is commended is patience Of this I haue spoken before verse 2. Here onely note that it is ioyned with loue to men with fidelitie to God and with seruice both to God and men in the duties of loue Whereby Christ would signifie that no good thing can be done by any man without patience Loue is no loue without patience neither is faith any faith without patiēce for when a man loueth another for his loue hee shall sometime receiue hatred Now vnlesse hee haue patience to beare that hatred his loue will surcease And so if a man haue care to bee faithfull vnto God in the world he shall be sure to haue much contempt so that vnlesse he haue patience to beare the same his faithfulnesse will faile Patience bringeth forth experience and experience hope Rom. 5.4 Rom. 15.4 No comfort of the Scriptures nor hope without patience And therefore in the parable of the sower The good ground bringeth forth fruit with patience though a man haue neuer so good gifts yet without patience he cannot put them in practise This therefore we must ioyne with all the good graces wee haue as Peter counselleth vs 2. Peter 1.6 When a man is in temptation and apprehendeth the wrath of God which is the sorest thing that can be without patience he will dispaire Without patience a man will bee wearie of well-doing both in duties to God and man and to his owne soule Hence the Apostle saith yee haue need of patience Heb. 10.36 And thy workes Here Christ repeateth his generall cōmendation of this church which we must not thinke to be done in vaine but herby he would let vs see how exceeding well hee did approue of their workes The cause why he liked them so well was their increase in well-doing whereof we shall intreat afterward Christ repeateth his approbation of their workes after foure worthy vertues to shew vnto vs what things are required in the doing of any worke that shall bee acceptable to God Namely these foure things faith loue seruice and patience Faith is necessarie because in well doing a man must testifie his fidelity to God which hee shall best doe if first hee learne out of the word whether God haue commanded that worke to be done or not that so hee may bee sure to do or not do that which God will haue him for it is not sufficient to haue a good intent in the doing of our workes as is cōmonly thought though falsly but our workes must be done in faith that is in a sure persuasiō out of Gods word that the things we do are approued of God for whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Secondly loue is necessarie in euery good worke we go about For faith worketh by loue Gal. 5.6 Hence the Apostle saith 1. Cor. 13.3 If a man should giue his body to bee burned and bestow all his goods in almes vpon the poore yet if he did not these in loue it would not please God Thirdly seruice to man is required in our good workes This must be carefully marked for the end of mans life is in his calling to serue man and by that to serue God Col. 3.24 Seruants must obey their maisters and in their persons doe seruice vnto Christ. And that which is there spoken of seruants must bee referred to the works of euery man in his calling they must be done for the good of men so as God may bee serued in them This ouerthrowes the foolish conceit of the Papistes which thinke that the most excellent workes of all are fasting pilgramage wearing of rough attire and whipping of their bodies For good workes must bee done in faith and loue to benefit men either in soule or bodie but these works of theirs are not done in faith neither do they profit the doers nor any others Fasting hath it place yet it is no good worke but a thing indifferent in it selfe Lastly patience is necessarie in euery good worke that men faint not in doing that which is good for they that do any good thing shall be sure of many crosses partly from men and partly from Sathan as also by Gods prouidēce Now when these befal a man in well doing without patiēce they wil stay his proceeding And therfore it is truly said That be good ground bringeth forth fruit with patiēce These being the vertues that make a worke acceptable to God we must labour in euery action of our lawfull calling whatsoeuer it bee to practise the same in faith loue seruice and patience We must not tie good workes to church matters onely as hearing the word and giuing almes but the practise of any worke of a mans lawfull calling be it neuer so base with these vertues is a good worke and approued of God in it kind as well as the best worke that is not for the worke it selfe but because therein doth appeare faith loue seruice and patience and because this church so performed their workes therefore doth God double his approbation The last vertue for which this church is commended is increase in godlinesse in these words And that they are moe at the last than at the first The church of Ephesus was before reprooued for decay and losse of the graces of God but this church did grow and increase in graces and therfore are her works more approued than the works of any other church It were to be wished that our congregations might bee commended for their increase in godlinesse in faith obedience and other good workes but that cannot iustly bee done for the number of our people is increased but their growth in grace doth not appeare Many liue in ignorance and though they heare much yet they profit little so as it may be sayd of them as the Author to the Hebrews saith Whereas concerning the time ye ought to be teachers you haue need againe that we teach you the first principles of the word of God And as Paul saith of certaine women They are alwayes learning and neuer come to the knowledge of the truth Others also though they know something yet they practise lesse than they which know nothing And which is worst of all many that heretofore haue ●ad good beginning in them by their bad conuersation and the greedie cares of this world haue lost the same againe and go backward in knowledge in obedience in faith and loue Rare it is to find those that are like to
Thirdly men will professe that they are rich in loue both towards God and their neighbours when as they loue the world and the pleasures thereof more than Christ and so haue no true loue of God in their harts Fourthly to make more plain that this spirituall pride raignes in mens harts mark this let any bodily calamity be made knowne to a man that is newly befallen him oh how is hee presently perplexed but let Gods Minister out of his word make knowne vnto him his inward fearfull estate that by reason of sinne hee is in danger of Gods iudgements and a firebrand of Hell hee is not affraide Worldly newes doth affright men much when as the threatnings of the word mooue them nothing What argueth this but that their hearts are fore-stalled with this false conceit I am rich The drunkard in his drunkennesse the filthie person in his vncleannesse and euerie man in his sinne sootheth himselfe with this God is mercifull I am rich and in his fauour hee will not condemne me Well it being thus manifest that spirituall pride is our common sin We must labour to see it in our selues and vse all good meanes that it may be remooued The means follow afterwards And increased with goods or am made rich so the words are these words are added onely for amplification to shew that this church had not any smal portion but an exceeding measure of spirituall pride The doubling of the words sheweth the strength of this conceit What 's the cause that this Church was growne to such an height of pride Answ. It may be it was knowledge wherewith no doubt the Angell of this Church and many therin did abound now the holy Ghost saith That knowledge pusseth vp This is true in all places great knowledg without speciall grace great pride This is the sinne of the Schooles of learning Where knowledge abounds there pride of heart abounds and men are puffed vp according to the measure of their gifts vnlesse by his grace and the sight of their sins God doe humble them And haue need of nothing This is a further signe of their great pride that they thought they needed not the helpe of any thinge or any person beside themselues And all such as thinke they haue no need of the blood of Christ for the washing away of their sinnes doe surfet and abound with this spirituall pride of heart This serues further to conuince our congregations of this damnable spirituall pride If any one be sicke in bodie hee streight sendeth to the Phisitian but not one of a thousand seeketh to the Minister till the pange of death draw neere The soules disease by sin is not felt there is no complaint for want of the blood of Christ. But if wee would be emptied of this pride wee must labour to see that wee stand in neede of Christ and euerie droppe of his blood till such time as wee feele that in vs there is no goodnesse in our hearts VVee are but the proude Laodiceans and our case is wretched and damnable And knowest not how thou art wretched and miserable and poore and blinde and naked Christ intending to strike this sin of pride to the verie heart doth here set downe the true cause thereof to wit Ignorance as if hee should say Thou knowest not thine owne naturall estate as thou art borne of Adam out of Christ and therefore thou art proude and thy pride maketh thee luke-warme Then he sheweth whereof they were ignorant namely of their naturall estate For the first Christ making Ignorance the cause of their Pride teacheth vs that Pride is not the first sin that euer was in the world as many both Papists and others haue thought True it is Pride is a great and mother sinne and the cause of many fowle iniquities but yet Ignorance is a mother sin wherof Pride springeth The cause why any person swelles with pride in himselfe is Ignorance of his owne naturall estate By this then wee are taught to learne to knowe our owne estate what wee are by nature in our selues without Christ for that is the way to pull downe our hearts For this cause the Prophets of God vsed to call men To a searching of themselues Zeph. 2.1 when they would bring the people to humilitie and grace that men seeing their estate by reason of their sinnes to bee damnable might bee humbled and caused to forsake themselues and come vnto Christ. And surely till such time as men bee humbled for their sinnes they will neuer get sound grace but be as the proud Pharisie hypocrits and dissemblers though they haue much knowledg But when a man hath searched his naturall estate then besides knowledg of himselfe come other most excellent graces as humilitie the feare of God and true obedience with good conscience And therefore first of all let vs labour to be acquainted with our own estate in our selues with our personall sins with Gods iudgmēts due vnto vs for them For this is the ground of true grace The spots and blemishes of our bodies we can soone espy and wipe away and why should wee bee lesse carefull of our soules which be farre better That Christ might fully make knowne vnto them their ignorance of thēselues it pleaseth him to desrcibe to thē their naturall estate so proportionally the naturall condition of all Churches of all people which is the state of mans miserie This he propoundeth two waies first generally in these wordes and knowest not how thou art wretched and miserable then by the parts thereof which be three Pouertie Blindnesse and Nakednesse For the first The word translated Wretched signifieth one subiect to calamities griefes and in a word to all miseries And that we may know who is thus wretched I will enter into a description of mans miserie whereof that we may conceiue aright two things are to bee considered First the roote and fountaine thereof for therein wee shall best see what miserie meaneth This root is originall sinne and it hath two braunches First that particular transgression whereby Adam sinned which was not only the sinne of his person but also of the whole nature of man spreading it self to all his posterity Christ excepted Secondly the defacing of Gods Image and the corrupting of mans heart which by reason of the fall of our first parents hath in it a pronesse vnto all sin both in will affection and in all the faculties of the soule In these two stands originall sin and in them and with them must wee conceiue of mans misery as in the root thereof Secondly we must conceiue of mans misery vnder the forme of punishmēt hauing relation to the first sin of Adam to the corruption of ech mans nature therby receiued The punishent of sin must be considered sundry waies according to the diuers kind of mans being either in this world or after For it is either in this life or at the end of this life or after this life
Christ in the ministrie of his word knockes both by threatnings by promises and good counsell therefore we must all of vs listen vnto the words of Christ open the dores of our hearts and receiue him into the same But alas the practise of the world is far otherwise men are churlish Nabals vnto Christ who though he come friendly yet they repell him making no account of such against Nay we are Bethlemites which haue no roome for Christ in the Innes of our harts if Christ will needs lodge with vs hee must lye among the beasts in the filthy stable Nay many send him out of their gates with the Iews and crucifie him with their sinnes But let vs abandon this greeuous sinne for it is the right way to plunge our soules into the pit of destruction Quest. How must a man open his hart to receiue Christ Answ. By doing two things First hee must labour to see his owne vilenesse that hee is vnworthy to receiue so blessed a Guest then hee must humble himselfe and acknowledge this his vnworthinesse Euen as the ruler did when he sayd vnto Christ Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe Mat. 8.8 This humiliation is the beginning of grace This done hee must by true faith lay hold on Christ that is beleeue that Christs death and passion is for the pardon of his sinnes and for the saluation of his soule For as Christ dwels in mens hearts by faith so by faith he must be receiued into their harts Here some will say if this be to receiue Christ then all is well But take heede thou deceiue not thy selfe with a vaine imagination of thine owne braine in stead of faith Looke therefore that thy faith be true sound If it be true faith it will work by loue euen a true loue of Christ and his members which will appeare by keeping his Commaundements Ioh. 14.23 I will come in vnto him and suppe with him and he with me Here is the thing promised to wit mutuall communion and fellowship with Christ. This is the principall token of Christs loue being indeed the verie ground of all true happinesse ioy and comfort and therefore it is added to mooue them to open vnto Christ. This societie is here propounded in two parts First the sinner being conuerted makes a feast vnto Christ I will come in vnto him and suppe with him Secondly Christ makes a feast vnto him And hee shall sup with me And in these two consists the sum of Salomons song of songs where Christ entertaineth the Church and the Church againe feasts Christ. For the first some may aske how can a poore sinner make a feast for Christ Answ. Cantic 4.16 The Church or euerie Christians soule calleth Christ vnto a feast in his Garden to eate his pleasant thinges This Feast consisteth of these things First of the fruits of true repentance Psal. 51 17 A broken and contrite heart is a daintie di●● acceptable vnto God Secondly of an hart beleeuing the word and promises to God for without faith it is impossible to please God Heb. 11.6 Thirdly the penitent sinner must giue vp himselfe in soule and bodie a holy and acceptable sacrifice vnto God by seruing God faithfully not only in the duties of piety but also in the faithfull perfourmance of the duties of his particular calling these be the delightfull dishes wherwith Christ is fed The second feast is made by Christ and hee shall sup with me Christ comes not to bee entertained onely but to entertaine And the feast which he makes is his own bodie and blood For his flesh is meat indeede and his blood is drinke indeede The vessels whereon these meates are caried are the Word and Sacraments And all that bee his welcome guests are true penitent sinners which haue hungring and thirsting hearts after his bodie and blood Luk. 1.58 And from this feast arise these blessings Righteousnesse peace of conscience and ioy in the holy Ghost Seeing this fellowship with Christ is here promised to those that open receiue him into their hearts First hereby we are taught to renounce all earthly and carnall pleasures and not to addict our selues to drinking and quaffing or sumptuous fare for heere is a better feast sette before vs whereupon we must set our hearts turning our eyes from all worldly pleasures We know by experience how friends entertaine each other but wee must labor to know how to entertaine Christ and to feast him with his owne graces that hee may suppe with vs and we with him and so haue true fellowship with him Againe by this we may see a notable abuse of many that come to the Lordes table for heere wee see is required an interchange of feasting betweene Christ and a Christian but many there bee that will come to the Lords table and feast with Christ that will neuer feast Christ againe And yet we ougt to be as carefull to feast him as to feast with him It is a shame to suppe often with Christ and yet like vngrateful Nabals neuer to haue one good dish of grace and holy obedience to set before him wherewith indeede we should feast him dayly Others will seem to giue him good entertainment for that day whereon they feast with Christ but soone after they giue him gall to eate and vineger to drinke by their dayly sinnes Vers. 21. To him that ouercommeth will I make to sit with me in my throne euen as I ouercame and sit with my father in his throne Vers. 22. Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirit sayth vnto the Churches Here is the conclusion of this Epistle and it hath two parts A Promise vers 21 and a Commaundement vers 22. In the Promise note two things First to whome it is made To him that ouercommeth Hereof we haue spoken Secondly the thing promised that is fellowship with Christ in glorie I will make to sit c. whereby is not meant equalitie of glorie and honor for that is not possible for any creature to receiue But a participation onely of some part of his glorie so much as shall suffice for his perfect happinesse And because it might bee thought no great matter therefore it is illustrated by a comparison as I ouercame and sit with my father in his throne As if hee should say I will aduance them that ouercome their spirituall enemies into the participation of my glorie euen as my Father when I had ouercome aduanced me into the fellowship of his glorie Now Christ as hee is Mediator is inferiour to his father and in that regard is not aduanced to equall glorie with his Father though he sit with him So the members of Christ being inferiour vnto him may sitte with him in his throne though their glorie be vnequall These things for substance haue beene handled Chap. 2. vers 26.28 The second part of this conclusion Let him that hath an eare heare c. hath also
giueth entrance to grace accesse to God in prayer made the Elders well reported of and each Christian to stand to the profession of Christ. It is that hand by which wee must apprehend Christ that shield by which wee resist all the fierie darts of the diuell and that meanes by which we do good to others By faith we receiue the spirit are members of Christ we are risen with him he dwelleth in our hearts we feed on him continually resist Sathan are the children of God and the word which we heare becommeth profitable And what shall I say faith is of such a qualitie that it vniteth vs to Christ maketh vs certaine of our saluation bold in our profession ministreth true ioy giueth temporall blessings sanctifieth our gifts and maketh vs refuse the pleasures of this present world In a word no sinne can condemne him who hath this true faith and no vertue can saue him who wanteth it To come to the second which is Christ the obiect of faith The most comely garment that euer we can weare it is to be couered with the robes of Christs righteousnesse Iacob was blessed by Esaus garments and we are blessed by Christs garments What wee see through a greene glasse seemeth all to be greene and what God seeth through Christ it is all amiable We must put on this apparell not as the Church in the Canticles I haue put off my clothes how shall I put them on againe or as a gowne that wee cast off when we come to our home but we must so put him on that we neuer put him off againe Wee must put him on by imputation imitation infusion and profession by imputation of his righteousnesse imitation of his vertues infusion of his spirit and profession of his name Thus we must labour to get Christ for what though a man could command the earth with Alexander the sea with Moses the fire with Eliah and the Sunne with Iosuah What though he were as rich as Salomon as wise as Achitophel as strong as Sampson as swift as Ahimaaz as beautifull as Absolon as fortunate as Metellus and descended as Paul was of the bloud royall of Princes yet hauing not Christ hee hath nothing Yea say a man had the abstinence of Aristydes the innocencie of Phocion the holinesse of Socrates the almes deedes of Cimon the moderation of Camillus the honestie iustice and faithfulnesse of both Catoes all these out of Christ were but splendida peccata and to be esteemed as dung in regard of Christ. For haue him and haue all things want him and want all things he is in at and after death aduantage I come to the last it is profitable to repent for if we turne to the Lord he will turne to vs and that wee may turne consider his mercies in forgiuing his benefits in giuing his patience in forbearing and his iudgements in punishing The word preached sinnes committed and that few shall be saued the shortnesse of life the vncertaintie of life and the certaintie of death the ioyes of heauen the torments of hell the comfort of the elect and that else wee can haue no comfort in death pray wee cannot vnlesse wee repent and perish wee shall vnlesse we repent but blessed shall we be if we do repent But manum de tabula Magister adest this discourse following will teach vs these things and it am I bold to present to your worships Iohn sent his Reuelation to manie Churches and I present his Epistles to manie worthie personages and to whom may I better present them then to you Iohn was a Disciple full of loue and you are brethren full of loue The Preacher of these Lectures was well knowne to manie but to none better than to many of you especially to those who were in my time worthie members of that most worthie Colledge with him And the rather I do it that times to come may reioyce in the Lord that from one honourable roote haue issued so manie profitable branches to the Church You are six brethren as pillars of your house there were three sisters as fruitfull vines of the same one is not but is with the Lord and her I knew a Ladie of admirable vertues the other two are and long may they be so You are all brethren by nature of one venter nation of one country grace of one spirit affection of one heart fortune in great fauor and of one hope by your holy behauiour And concerning brotherly loue I need not to write vnto you for you are taught of God to loue one another Your Scilurus at his death need not to teach you concord by giuing to each of you a sheafe of arrowes which cannot well bee broken whilst they are conioyned for you by your amitie make your selues inuincible If Chilo the Lacedemonian died for ioy to see one sonne crowned at Olympus and Diagoras Rhodius did the like when his three children got the garland at a wrestling and Iacob so reioyced to heare of his sonne Ioseph to bee aduanced greatly in the kingdome of Aegypt how might that happie father of yours reioyce to see at one time one son sitting as high Sheriffe of the shire another preaching before the Iudges of Assize and the third pleading as Councellor at the barre and all the rest of great expectation in the kingdome Thus wise sons are a ioy to their parents and all may behold how good and comely a thing it is for brethren to dwel together in vnitie Aristotle could say that parents were not blessed vnlesse they were after their death blessed in their children And surely it is no small part of a fathers blessednesse to see his children like to flourish when he is gone Nay of all monuments that parents can leaue behind them there is none as one saith like to a vertuous son But all parents are not to be blessed Adams two sonnes could not agree in one field Abrahams in one house Isaaks in one wombe Dauids in one pallace nor two brethren in the diuision of an inheritance And though concord amongst brethren especially such as deuide the inheritance be very rare yet do you euen in this most comfortably agree You are not as Simeon Leui Romulus and Remus Eteocles and Polynices Atreus Thyestes Aeta and Perseus but as Castor and Pollux Dauid and Ionathan Ioseph and Beniamin and as a true friend is described to be one soule in two bodies It seemeth that as Agrippa the brother of Augustus was beholding to Salust for that one sentence Small things increase by concord but perish through discord so you haue all learned the same lesson as being
of God in the good of others Hereto I aime in this second edition of this booke For my calling to this worke when mine accusers stand forth the executors of the dead shall answer for my discharge And for mine indeuour to doe good the small gaine of this reuised worke was truly returned to the right owners thereof If thou therefore returne glorie to God for good receiued to thy soule in this behalfe I haue my desire Here onely rests the doubt how this second edition should not be preiudiciall to his good estimation that published the former I answer well inough For I hope he intended the glorie of God in the good of his Church and the credit of the reuerend Author of this worke Now if any addition be brought hereunto his intent is furthered and wherein then can he be greeued If one man should helpe poore Orphanes to some lands or liuing he would not thinke himselfe wronged by another that should enlarge their iust claimes or settle their possession in a better tenure so I trust it fareth in this worke where thou shalt find vppon thy diligent view in some doubtfull things the Authors meaning truly cleared his method rectified many repetitions omitted and the matter specially towards the latter end somewhat enlarged If any thing be dissonant to the Authors iudgement in his liue-works which I hope thou shalt not perceiue rather charge the fault on me through ignorance or misunderstanding than entertaine in thy heart the least conceit of wauering leuitie in so godly learned and iudicious a Diuine who hath so well deserued of thy loue if thou loue the truth Thus crauing thy fauourable acceptance of my helping hand to do thee good I end with him That is the beginning and the end Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirit saith vnto the Churches Thine in him who is Lord of all T.P. ❧ A GENERALL ANALYSIS OF the Vision shewed to John The three first Chapters consist of a Preface containing the Title of the booke viz. Apocalypse or Reuelation described by seuen Arguments vers 1 2 3. Inscription of the vision wherein is Iohns Dedication To the seuen Churches Vers 4. Salutation including the Blessings wished for Grace Vers 4. Peace Vers 4. Authors of them viz. 1. The Father Vers 4. 2. The Holy ghost Vers 4. 3. The Son who Is described by His offices Propheticall Vers. 5. Priestly Vers. 5. Kingly Vers. 5. The execution of his offices in four works 1. Louing vs. Vers. 5. 2. VVashing away our sinnes Vers. 5. 3. Making vs kings priests Vers. 6. 4. comming to ●●dgement Vers. 7. doth confirme the former description Vers. 8. A Vision containing Circumstances foure Person to whom John Vers. 9. Place where Isle Pathm●● Vers. 9. Manner how In a Traunce Vers. 10. Time when On the Lords day Vers. 10. Parts The entrance into it containing The means of Iohns preparation viz. a voyce set out by The place whence it came Vers. 10. The greatnesse of it Vers. 10. The matter of it Vers. 11. Parts of his preparation Hearing noted in the meanes Vers. 10. Turning himselfe Vers. 12. Matter viz. a representation of Christ in maiestie set out by The place where John saw him Vers. 13. His forme or figure in His attire Vers. 13. The parts of his bodie Vers. 14.15 The properties thereof Vers. 16. His actions 1. A confirmation of John being sore afraid Vers. 17 18. 2. A commaundement to write Vers. 19. 3. The interpretation of the Vision Vers. 20. 4. Seuen seuerall commaundements to write seuen Epistles to the seuen Churches Chap. 2. 3. A GODLY AND LEARNED Exposition of the three first Chapters of the Reuelation REVEL 1.1 The Reuelation of Iesus Christ which God gaue vnto 〈…〉 his seruants things which must shortly be done which he sent and showed by his Angell vnto his seruant Iohn BEfore wee come to the words wher in is contained singuler mater fit for the time age this question must be handled Whether this booke of the Reuelation be canonical Scripture for some haue heretofore as also in our time called the authority of it in question But we are without all doubt to resolue our selues that it is canonical Scripture of equal authority with the rest of Gods book Our reasons be these first the doctrine contained in this booke is Apostolicall as any shall perceiue which seriously reads the same Secondly the stile of this booke is Apostolicall that is plaine simple and easie if we consider that the matter thereof is Propheticall Thirdly this booke hath bene approued and receiued for Canonicall by the common consent of Gods Church in all ages since the dayes of Iohn and was neuer refused of any whole Church but onely of some priuate men Fourthly the things foretold in this booke came to passe as they were foretold as among the rest in one for all may appeare by the prophesie of the two beasts whereof one came out of the sea the other out of the earth Chap. 13. the one prefigured the Romane Empire the other the Hereticall Apostaticall Church of Rome both which in all things are come to passe in these latter ages answerable to the Prophesie The contrary reasons brought to improue the authoritie of this booke are of no moment 1. Reason Iohn nameth himselfe sundry times in this booke whereas in penning the Gospell he did not once mention his own name though he had iust occasion so to do therefore it was not penned by Iohn but by some other and published afterward in Iohns name Answ. The reason is not good for there is great difference betweene an historie and a Prophesie The Gospell of Iohn is an historie of Christ now there is no necessarie reason why one man penning the history of another should name himselfe But this booke of the Reuelation is a Prophesie in penning whereof it is more requisite the prophet should put to his owne name so did the former prophets Ieremy mentioneth his name in his booke at least an hundred times so doth Isay and Daniell almost in euerie chapter Then seeing they do it so often it is no maruell if S. Iohn repeat his name fiue sundrie times in this whole booke 2. They obiect that his stile in this booke is not the same with that he vsed in the penning of the Gospell Ans. The difference of the stile ariseth from the difference of the matter seeing there he writes an historie here he pens a Prophesie Againe he writes not his owne words but those which hee receiued from Christ by particular reuelation 3. They say this booke hath bene reiected in diuerse ages as not Canonicall Ans. It cannot be proued that it was euer refused of any whole Church but of some particular men Now the disallowing of any priuat man cannot make a whole booke to be reiected for then the Epistles to the Hebrewes of Iames and of Iohn should not be Canonicall which yet be receiued of all
polluted with sinne that once washing was not ynough but sayth hee Wash mee againe and againe rince bathe and swill me in the bloud of Christ till I be purged and cleansed from all my sinnes And this same affection should be in euery one of vs wee should labour that our hearts may bee touched with a liuely sence of our vile estate by reason of our sinnes which make both bodie and soule most vgly and filthie in Gods sight and that the staine hereof is so deepely set in our soules that we can neuer be cleansed but by the washing of Christ his own hand and that in his owne hearts bloud yea that one washing will not serue but wee must be rinced and bathed therein For till such time as this consideration doe in some measure take place in our hearts it is not possible that we should loath sinne as we ought or come to this comfortable assurance of Gods loue that he hath washed away our sinnes in his bloud for this humilitie in our soules by reason of our sins is the beginning of all true grace and comfort Now this worke of Christ in washing vs from our sinnes doth comprehend a double benefit First the remission of our sinnes whereby the guilt and punishment due to them is taken away Secondly the mortification of sinne whereby the corruption of sinne is remooued and abolished And we must obserue that S. Iohn propounds this benefit generally without limitation saying Which washed vs from our sinnes That is from all our sinnes to giue vs to vnderstand that if any beleeue truly in Christ hee hath pardon of all his sinnes without any restraint or limitation either of number or qualitie bee they neuer so many or neuer so great By his bloud How can bloud wash away filthinesse nay it rather defiles a man Answ. This washing stands not in the substance of Christs bloud but in the merit thereof for that substance of bloud which was shed is lost and wee know not what is become of it whatsoeuer the Papists say but the merit therof remaineth still And Christs bloud deserues to purge away sinne rather than any other mans bloud as of Peter Iohn c. because his bloud was the bloud of God not of the godhead but of him who was both God and man For the manhood of Christ was receiued into the vnion of the second person And so it may be called the bloud of God as Paule sayth God redeemed his Church by his bloud that is Christ God incarnate And so it being the bloud of him that is God is more meritorious than the bloud of any creature whatsoeuer Besides Christ was appointed by God to be a publicke person in the worke of redemption and in his death and passion he stood in the roome and stead of all his elect so as when his bloud was shed their bloud was sh●● because it was shed for them But the bloud of other priuate men cannot answer for any besides themselues because it is shed onely for themselues Then dam●●ble is the doctrine of the Papists who hold the bloud of Martyrs can merit for others being applied vnto them for seeing they be but priuate men and suffered in their owne persons onely they cannot profit any other thereby By bloud we must vnderstand the passion of Christ a part for the whole and with all his fulfilling of the law vpon the crosse for in his suffering hee fulfilled the law and in fulfilling the law he suffered These two cannot be seuered saue onely in thought And so this word containes the whole obedience of Christ whereby he procured the remission and mortification of our sinnes Here then wee see two notable benefites of Christ vnto his church his loue the washing away of sinnes which S. Iohn sets downe to moue the churches with reuerence diligence to reade and delight in this booke All of vs will say wee are sure God loues vs and hath pardoned our sinnes in Christ why then doe wee not shew our loue againe to him by hearing and reading his word set downe in this or any other booke of Scripture and by yeelding answerable obedience thereto Why then do we not offer vp ourselues soules and bodies to serue him as the Apostle requires Rom. 1● 1 by way of recompence for his mercies and loue shed out vnto vs But alas that is more common which is most shamefull to turne Gods grace into wantonnesse for when men say God loues them and hath washed away their sinnes yet they rebell against him when as these two benefites are here recorded to bee in●ucements of continuall loue and obedience to his holy word Verse 6. And made vs kings and 〈◊〉 to God euen his father to him be glory and dominion for 〈◊〉 Amen In these words is set downe the third worke and benefit of Christ bestowed on his church and on euery true member thereof For the better vnderstanding whereof we must consider in them foure points First the dignitie and excellencie of all true beleeuers and member● of Christ They are kings and priests Secondly when they be made kings and priests in this life noted by the phrase of speech hath ma●● Wherein 〈◊〉 speaketh of the church on earth and vseth a word that signifieth the time past Thirdly the maner how they become kings and priests they are not so borne but Christ hath made them such Fourthly to whom they be made such to God euen the father For the first The dignitie of all true beleeuers hath two heads first They bee kings secondly Priests They are called kings not in regard of an earthly kingdome for vsually the condition of most beleeuers on earth is base and contemptible but in regard of a spirituall kingdome the kingdome of heauen whereto the Lord giues them right title and interest in and by Iesus Christ. So our Sauiour Christ speaketh to his disciples Feare not little flocke it is your fathers will to giue you the kingdome And againe Behold I giue vnto you a kingdome Now the faithfull are kings in these respects first because by Christ they bee lords and conquerours of all these enemies sinne Sathan the world death hell and their owne flesh Secondly because in and by Christ they are partakers of the glorie of Christs kingdome and saluation for they receiue of Christ grace for grace and so answereably glory for glory and felicitie for felicitie Thirdly because they be made lords of all things in heauen and earth except good Angels and the church All things are yours whether it be Paule or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether things present or to come euen all are yours and yee Christs Quest. But if Christ bee king and all his members kings how do they differ Answ. In two points First Christ is the sonne of God by nature and so a king by nature hauing the right of the kingdome of heauen by inheritance but the members of Christ
He would haue come to them but Sathan did binder him He seeketh the trouble and sorrow of the minister not onely by stirring vp persecution but by keepinh his people from profiting by his ministerie and therefore euerie minister had need to take paines with patience in his calling And as Christ ioyneth together labour and patience in the worke of the ministerie so should euery christian after this direction ioyne patience with his paines in the duties of his particular calling whether it be in church common-wealth or familie For looke what is the estate of the minister in his place such shall be the estate of euerie child of God in his This therefore they must doe first seeke to know the duties of their particular calling and therein labour and take paines with all good conscience Then considering the crosse doth accompany godly diligence they must labour to ioyne patience with their diligence for their continuance in weldoing euen vnder the crosse And for attaining of this patience they must set before them the promises of Gods blessing and protection while they so continue not suffering themselues to be dismayed by any affliction And if we shal thus walke in the duties of our particular places painefully and with patience wee shall haue our commendation of Christ Iesus and his blessed reward which farre surpasseth the praise of men and their rewards But on contrarie if we walke in our callings negligently or else forsake them because of afflictions or be impatient in our labour we shall loose our reward and vndergo the rebuke of Christ which is worse than all outward euils that can befall vs. The third speciall worke for which Christ commendeth this church is seueritie shewed against wicked men in these words And how thou canst not beare them which are euill By euill men Hee meaneth such as liued offensiuely and maintained manifest errors and heresies These she could not beare but iudged them as burdens and therefore sought to disburden her selfe of them Hence we may gather that it is a necessary thing for euery church to be purged of euill men The church of God in all ages hath put in practise this worke So soone as Cain had slaine his brother Abel God cast him out from his face as appeareth by his owne complaint to wit from that particular place where Adam and his familie worshipped God When false prophets and Idolaters did arise among the Israelits the Lord commandeth That they should be killed and taken from among them And therefore hee saith to Ieremie If thou turne and repent I wil bring thee againe and if thou take away the pretious from the vile thou shalt be according to my word 1. Cor. 5.4 5 Paul commandeth in the name of Christ that the incestuous mā be deliuered vnto Sathan the church purged of that old leauen and that wicked man put from among them verse 13. Besides the euidence of these testimonies some reasons may be added to prooue the necessitie of this separation First God will be worshipped in an holy manner and they that worship God must be purged and sanctified but euill men defile Gods worship and therefore they ought to be seuered from the church Secondly lest the whole church be infected with the contagion of their doctrine or the infection of their life for as leau●n sowreth the whole lumpe so will euill men defile the whole church Thirdly they are burdens to the church and therefore must be cast out For the church should be eased of euery burden This doctrine is the truth of God ought to be practised of Gods church Whereby we may see a common fault in the most cōgregations among vs wherin all that will are admitted not onely to the hearing of the word but also vnto the Lords table hand ouer head without restraint as though euerie man were a good sound christian Whereas experience sheweth that many be ignorant many contemners of the Gospell many Saboath breakers drunkards and blasphemers all which ought to bee barred from the sacraments and in that respect seuered from the church as burdens Secondly hence we may gather that Christ hath giuen to his church a power iudiciall to suspend euill men from the sacraments and to excommunicate them from the outward fellowship of the church for els he would not haue commended this minister with his church for the execution of this power The reasons alledged to the contrarie are of no force I. Say they the parable Matth. 13.30 alloweth the growing together of tares and wheate till haruest and therefore euill men must bee suffered in the church without seperation Answ. In that parable Christ speaketh not of any particular purging of the church by Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction but of the vniuersall purging of his whole church by his holy Angels in the end of the world for there the field doth not signifie any particular church but the whole world and the seruants are not m●n but Angels that must gather together all both good and bad in the end of the world to the last iudgement Againe they alledge Luk 14.23 Compell them in the high wayes to come into the supper Here say they all must bee brought in but none must bee excluded the society of the church Ans. Christ speaketh not of compelling men vnto the sacraments but vnto the ministerie of the word wherto men must be caused to subiect themselues which hindereth nothing why the vngodly should not be debarred from the sacraments which are the seale of Gods mercy in Christ ordained onely for such as repent and beleeue Qu. Seeing this separation must be made how farre forth may wee conuerse with those that are openly euill offensiue either for life or doctrine Ans. Euill men must be considered diuers waies first as they be members of some commonwealth of some citie or incorporation secondly as they are members of some particular church by tolleration In the first regard it is lawfull for vs to conuerse with thē I. for outward dealings and ciuile affairs as bargaining buying and selling c. II. we may maintaine outward ciuile peace with them So Paule commandeth the Romans to haue peace with al men so much as in them lay that is so far as it would stand with faith good conscience III. In this ciuile conuersing with the wicked we must perform all duties of outward courtesie and loue vnto them so far forth as it doth not dishonor God or hinder the good of the church And therefore Paule commaundeth vs to be soft and courteous shewing all meekenesse vnto all men euen to euill men as the reason following sheweth For wee our selues were in time past vnwise disobedient deceiued c. and then were we euill Secondly consider them as dwellers in the church and members by permission and so we may liue with them in it for we may not make a separation from the church because wicked men are permitted therein Christ liued among the
his loue into their hearts whereby they are enabled to suffer any thing for his name euen with ioy And hast patience This is the first means whereby this church opposed her selfe against the false Apostles they troubled her two wayes by persecution and by false doctrine Now by patience this church opposeth her selfe against their persecutions And indeed that is the most excellent meanes for any man or any church to oppose thēselues against their enemies and to vanquish them for hereby they shall stop their mouths and if it bee possible win them to their faith and religion In this their practise wee haue an example for our direction how to oppose our selues against wicked men with whom we liue or any enemie that shall trouble vs either by oppression or hereticall doctrines We must not render taunt for taunt and abuse for abuse but labour for patience not in bearing with their sinnes that may not bee but in a meeke enduring of their iniuries and wrongs whereby they trouble vs. Thus shall we stoppe their mouths and soonest ouercome them And for my names sake hast laboured Here Christ setteth downe the second meanes whereby this church opposeth her selfe against the spreading of false doctrine by these false Apostles which was the second way wherby they became a burden vnto her The meaning of the words is this that they had taken much paines to maintaine the glory of God and the true doctrine of Christ Iesus labouring therein as much as the false Apostles did to broach their damnable heresies Here wee are taught a second duty how we are to oppose our selues against all hereticall and scismaticall teachers namely as they labour to publish their false doctrine so must wee endeuor to maintaine the glorie of God and his true religion Hereunto a twofold labour is required partly of the minister and partly of the people The labour of the minister stands in these things principally I. He must endeuour by reading and studie to furnish himselfe with the true knowledge of the foundation and substance of the Gospel true religion that hee may be able soundly and plainly to teach the same For this cause S. Iohn is commanded to eat the little booke Re. 10.9 10 which was as it were by studie and meditation to haue the same digested and setled in his heart Hence Malachie saith The priests lippes should preserue wisedome and thither should the people come for instruction And euerie scribe taught of God must haue store in the treasury of his har● like a good housholder Matth. 〈…〉 he must deliuer the whole will and counsell of God concerning saluation truly and distinctly vnto his people as it is propounded in the booke● of the Prophets and Apostles This Paul commendeth by his owne example Act. 20.27 testifying vnto this Church that He had taught them all the will of God and kept back● nothing which he was commanded to deliuer vnto them III. Hee must labour to discerne and bee able to discouer false teachers vnto the people that hee may not onely know them himselfe but also cause the church to take notice of them Tit. 19. Paul requireth that the teacher in the church Be able to conuince the gainsaiers to his truth In this discouerie he must do two things First detect their hereticall doctrins Secondly their wicked maners Thus dealt our Sauiour Christ in his owne person liuing in the church of the Iewes with the Scribes and Pharises he did detect vnto the people their false interpretations of the law Mat. 5.21 to the end And also their wicked liues and damn●ble hypocrisie Mat. 23.3 4. c. to the end And Saint Paul in all his Epistles laboureth to discouer the wicked liues and to confute the hereticall opinions of the false Apostles IV. Hee must endeuour that the doctrine of the gospell thus published may edifie This is the end of all teaching as Paule sheweth 1. Cor. 14. throughout the whole chapter Now it doth edifie when it is so applied to the hearers that thereby they are wonne to Christ suffering themselues to be reformed by it in heart and life so made fit for the kingdome of God V. He must be careful in his own person to become a patterne of the doctrine of the Gospell which hee teacheth that so the people may haue a double light to follow This is a notable meanes in the minister to make men loue the Gospell and the neglect hereof causeth many to contemne and despise the same VI. Lastly he must bee diligent in praying for his owne and other particular churches of God that they may know beleeue and obey the same doctrine which is taught them out of Gods word Thus did Paul as wee may see in his particular Epistles pray for euery church that by the blessing of the spirit they might embrace and obey the Gospell of Christ Phil. 1.4.9 10. Col. 1.9 10 11. The people also for the name of Christ and his religion must vndergo a threefold labour I. Euery one must see that himselfe know and beleeue the true and sincere doctrine of the Gospell This Christ inioyneth to all in this commandement Repent and beleeue which none can do vnlesse they first know and vnderstand the doctrine thereof and therfore euery one must do as Mary did for which Christ so commends her namely lay aside matters of lesser moment giue our selues to heare and learne the doctrine of Christ Luke 10.39.42 II. Euery one must vse all good meanes that knowledge of religion which himselfe hath receiued bee conueyed to others And indeed if we truly beleeue we cannot containe our selues but must needs teach others For as Christ saith He that drinketh of the water of life out of his belly shall flow riuers of water of life streaming out for the good of others Que. How should priuat men conuey their knowledge vnto others Answ. I. All maisters and gouernours of families are bound in conscience to teach those that are vnder them the maine points and grounds of true religion his place requireth gifts and God lookes for increase For euery christian family should be a little church as it is sayd of the house of Aquila and Priscilla 1. Corinth 16.19 II Euerie man in his place must labour to conuey that knowledge he hath vnto his neighbour yea to his enemies The Iewes would compasse sea and land to make a man a pros●lite And Idolaters at this day will trauell farre and neere to make a man of their profession Much more therefore must all true christians labour to conuey their knowledge to others so to winne them vnto Christ. III. Euerie man is to edifie those that bee members of the same church in these three things faith hope and loue as Iude notably exhorteth in the end of his Epistle Edifie one another in your most holie faith verse 20. Haue compassion of some in putting difference and others saue with feare in pulling them out of the fire
another and yet beseecheth them to increase therein Phil. 3.13.4 in Pauls person we haue a worthie president which we must follow if wee thinke to come whither he is gone before though hee had gone farre in the loue of God yet he laboured to perfection and therefore considered not that which was past as resting in it but rather how farre hee was too short that so he might vse meanes to increase in loue and in all other good graces till hee come to perfection A christian mans life is a way that leadeth to heauen wherein we once setting foot must ●uer go forward and not stand still or turne backe lest we neuer come there The state of a christian is like vnto a child which still groweth till it come to a perfect strength and so must euerie child of God labour to grow in the graces of God till they bee perfect men in Christ For if they stand still Christ hath something against them The Rhemists in their annotations abuse this place to proue that a man may quite fall away from grace Therefore to cleare this text and to confirme our hearts in the truth of Gods word thi● question must be scanned Whether a man may quite fall away from grace Answ. Grace in Scripture is taken two wayes First for that fauour of God whereby hee accepteth of some for his children in Christ. This is the first grace and the fountaine of all other and taking grace in this sense I say that the signes of grace and the sense thereof in the heart may be lost But the f●●our of God it selfe cannot bee lost of them that truly beleeue When an earthly father is displeased with his child for some notorious crime hee will turne the signes of his fauour into signes of displeasure and shew the same partly by words and partly by stripes and yet he still continueth his father and holdeth him for his sonne without any purpose to disinherit him Euen so God dealeth with his children for their sins and corruptions he will turne away his louing countenance from them and change the signes of his fauour into anger and displeasure when as yet the good purpose of their adoption is not altered but remaineth firme for euer and God is still their father though an angrie father through the prouocation of their sinnes Secondly grace in Scripture is taken for the gifts of grace which are bestowed on them that beleeue in Christ. These gifts of grace be of two sorts some more principall of absolute necessitie vnto saluation without which none can bee saued as faith and also hope and loue which proceed from faith There be others also lesse principall which be very profitable and requisit yet not absolutly needfull vnto saluation As the feeling of Gods fauor alacritie in prayer sense of ioy and comfort in the holy Ghost These lesse principal graces may quite be lost The principall graces also may be decayed lessened and couered in regard of operation euen in Gods children but quite extinguished they cannot be for God vpholdeth them by perseuerance where faith hope loue are once truly wrought by Gods spirit they are neuer wholly or finally taken away but onely in part and in sense and feeling for a time This answer is agreeable to this text for the church of Ephesus is here blamed not for quite loosing her loue● but because she had left her first loue suffering it to decay and waxelesse than it was at their first conuersion And because this doctrine is oppugned earnestly not onely by the church of Rome but also by some churches and schooles of the Protestants I will first shew the truth hereof out of Gods word and then scan the cheefe reasons that are brought against it That grace cannot bee wholly and finally lost these reasons proue I. Matth. 16.18 The promise is made to Peter and in him to all the faithfull That vpon that faith which he professed Christ would build his temple and the gates of hell should not preuaile against it Which last words must be marked for they intimate that the diuell with his adherents would shew much force and violence against the faith of the elect but yet they should neuer get the victory or ouercome it wholly II. Matth. 24.24 Christ foretelling that false Prophets should come sayth They should seduce if it were possible the very elect Where he taketh this for graunted that the elect albeit they may bee assaulted greeuously yet they can neuer be wholly or finally drawne away from their faith III. Iohn 10.27 28 My sheepe heare my voyce sayth Christ and I know them and they follow me and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish To this they answer It is true they shall neuer perish so long as they remaine the sheepe of Christ. But that cauill is cut off in the next wordes Neither shall any plucke them out of my hands my father which gaue them me is greater than all and none is able to plucke them out of my fathers hands And therefore neither the deuill nor the world nor the flesh can by any temptation draw the sheep of Christ from their faith and make them to be no sheepe IV. Reason Iohn 3.36 Hee that beleeueth in Christ hath eternall life They say hee hath it in hope and no otherwise I answere if they haue it in hope they shall neuer perish For hope maketh not ashamed V. Reason Rom. 8.30 Whom hee predestinat them also he called and whom hee called them also be iustified and whom hee iustified them also be glorified Those which are elected called and iustified by faith must needs be glorified and therefore cannot fall away finally for such shall neuer be glorified And in the end of the chapter vers 38. hee addeth That neither death nor life Angels principalities nor powers nor any thing els can separate vs viz. the faithfull from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. But if the faithfull might fall away finally then they might be seuered from the loue of God VI. Reason Rom. 11.29 The gifts of Gods calling that is the peculiar gifts that pertaine to saluation are without repentance They say it is true God indeed neuer repenteth him of his gifts but yet a man may perish and fall away because he may refuse and reiect Gods grace giuen vnto him This answere is friuolous maintaining this absurditie that the powerfull will of God should be broght vnder the silly will of the creature if man could repell Gods grace giuen vnto him then should mans will take place and Gods will bee made frustrate and void VII Reason 1. Iohn 3.9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not because his seede remaineth in him neither can bee sinne because he is borne of God How is that true for chap. 1.10 Hee that sayth he hath not sinned maketh God a lyar and his word is not in him Answ. The place must bee vnderstood thus He that is borne
of God sinneth not that is with full consent and with all his hart Sinne doth not raigne in him for the regenerate man consisteth of two parts flesh and spirit he sinneth not as hee is spirit that is regenerate but as hee is flesh and sinfull His will sinneth not as it is spirituall but as it is carnall The papists say Indeed he sinneth not so long as he continueth to be borne of God But this shift is cut off by the wordes of the text Neither can be sinne because the seede of grace euen the word of God abideth in him This place plainely proueth euen in the iudgement of the Papists that the child of God cannot wholly or finally fall from grace They say it is a hard place and indeed they cannot answere to it VIII Reason If a man may finally fall from grace then may hee bee wholly cut off from Christ for grace is neuer wholly lost till a man bee quite cut off from Christ. But it cannot bee that a member of Christ can be quite cut off for then it should follow that one and the same man must bee often ioyned to Christ namely so often as hee falleth by sinne if he would be saued Whereupon this would also follow that one and the same man must be often baptized for Baptisme is the Sacrament of incision the meanes of admission into the church and the seale of our vnion with Christ. But Rebaptization may not bee admitted The church of God denieth it vpon this ground because a man is onely once borne of God IX Reason Christ teacheth vs to pray thus Leade vs not into temptation that is suffer not Sathan and sinne wholly to preuaile against vs and finally to vanquish vs. This petition being taught by Christ must needes be lawfull and according to Gods will and therefore hereunto as to euery lawfull petition belong these two things First Gods commaund to make it Secondly his promise to assure vs it shall bee graunted Whereby this is euident That there is in Gods word a promise assuring euery child of God that hee shall neuer wholly be conquered of the deuill and therefore he can neuer wholly or finally fall from grace for if hee might then were he wholly ouercome in temptation The contrarie arguments be of three sorts places of scripture Examples and Reasons for the first Exod. 32 32. When the Israelits had sinned that great sinne of Idolatrie Moses prayeth God to forgiue them If not sayth he blot mee out of thy booke Hence they gather that a child of God may bee blotted out of Gods booke of life and so finally perish Answ. That place must be vnderstood with this condition If is be possible as in the like prayer it is expressed by Christ Father if it be possible let this cup passe from me This condition must needs be added for els wee must say that Moses prayed for that which he knew was impossible namely that one priuate man should suffer eternall punishments for the sinnes of others though in temporall punishments such a thing may be yet in eternall it is impossible Againe Moses in this prayer doth principally shew his exceeding affection and zeale for Gods glorie and for the safetie of his brethren both which hee preferred before his owne life as if hee should say Lord pardon them and rather than thy name should loose glorie blot me out of thy booke The like affection was in Paule when hee sayd He could wish himselfe to be separate from Christ for the loue of his brethren the Iewes They further vrge the Lords answere to Moyses vers 33. Whosoeuer hath sinned against mee I will put him out of my booke But as the Lord therein answereth to Moses prayer so must it bee vnderstood with the like exception II. Obiect Ezek. 18.24 If the righteous man turne away from his righteousnesse and commit iniquitie and doe according to all the abhominations that the wicked man doth shall hee liue All his righteousnesse that hee hath done shall not be mentioned but hee shall die in his sinne Here say they it is plaine that a man may fall from grace Answ. Righteousnesse is twofold of the outward action and of the person So Paule distinguisheth when he desireth to be sound not in his owne righteousnesse which is of the law that is such as was in him while hee was a Pharisee but in the righteousnesse of Christ. The righteousnesse of the action is when a man for outward actions keeps the law of God The righteousnesse of the person is that whereby a man is accepted righteous before God And answerable hereunto there be two kinds of righteous men one that is outwardly righteous before men thogh not indeed The other that is truly righteous before God Now of the former of these two must that place be vnderstood for the Lord there pleadeth with such as did esteeme and auow themselues to be righteous saying Their fathers had eaten soure grapes that is had sinned and they were punished for their fathers offences though they were righteous And the Holy ghost speaking according to their own conceit and opinion of themselues calleth them righteous and of such it is true they may turn from their righteousnesse III. Obiect Luk. 8.13 Some beleeue for a time and in time of temptation goe away Answ. There be three kinds of faith Historicall Temporarie and sauing faith In Histo●icall faith is knowledge of the word of God with assent vnto it In temporary faith are three things knowledge of the Word Assent and Approbation also with some ioy In sauing faith there are foure things Knowledge Assent Approbation and Apprehension that is an applying of the promises of God vnto a mans selfe whence proceedeth some ioy And answerably there are three kinds of beleeuers I. such as know the word of God but yet haue no loue thereof II. such as know it assent vnto it and reioyce in it also for a time The third are such as apprehend the promises and apply them to themselues Now the two first kinds of faith may bee left and the two first kinds of beleeuers may fall away whereof Saint Luke speaketh But hence it followeth not that sauing faith may be lost for he that is endued therewith can neuer fall away But faith say they is onely one Ephes. 4.5 There is but one faith one God one hope and one Baptisme Answ. By one faith is there meant one religion and doctrine of saluation as elsewhere is vsuall by the name of faith 1. Tim. 1.19 Their second kind of arguments are Examples which are chiefely two one of Adam the other of Dauid For Adam they say he was created righteous and yet hee fell wholly from grace and therefore any beleeuer now may much more fall away who haue farre lesse grace than he had Answ. This Argument is not good for though Adam had a greater measure of grace than we now haue yet our grace hath a greater priuiledge than his
that thence we may offer vp acceptable sacrifices of praise and thanksgiuing vnto the Lord. Secondly we must stir vp the gifts of grace that are in vs as Paule sayth to Timothie 2. Tim. 1.6 vsing a comparison from the fire which burneth more bright and cleare when it is stirred vp Lastly wee must exercise our selues in the duties of pietie as faith repentance loue and such like so shall they not decay And thus much for the sinne of this church Verse 5. Remember therefore whence thou art fallen and repent and doe thy first workes or els I will come against thee shortly and will remooue thy candlesticke out of his place except thou amend Our Sauiour Christ the faithfull physition of our soules hauing sharpely rebuked this church doth here prescribe vnto them a soueraigne remedie against their sinne of decay in loue Frō whence we may learne that the law whereby sin is reproued is to be taught but yet with this qualification that withall the doctrine of the Gospell be ioyned thereunto that the sinnes which are ripped vp by the law may be cured by the Gospel This is Christs manner of preaching in this place whose practise is a most worthie platforme for all his ministers for we haue no warrant at this day to preach the law barely which onely maketh the wound without the Gospell which alone sheweth the remedie This remedie here prescribed is of speciall vse and worthie our consideration generally by it we haue direction to answer to two necessarie questions of practise which often fall out in the life of man First a man is effectually called to professe the gospell and yet after his conuersion either through the corruption of his nature or by the temptation of the diuell and the world falleth into sinne againe what must this man do for his recouerie Ans. He must remember whence he is fallen and repent of those his sinnes and do his first workes The second question is this A man that hath all his life long liued in ignorance and sin is now touched in conscience for his loose life how shall this man escape the wrath of God become reconciled vnto him Ans. He must first remember whence hee is fallen by Adams sinne and by his owne transgressions Secondly hee must repent of his sinnes Thirdly endeuor to do the first workes whereto he is bound by the law of creation so shal he escape the wrath of God and be receiued into his loue and fauour In particular this remedie hath three parts The first Remember whence thou art fallen The second And repent The third And do thy first workes The words following Or else I will come against thee c. Are a reason of this remedie to persuade them to do the duties prescribed For the first Remember whence thou art fallen The words beare this sence Examine thy selfe throughly see in thy selfe the decay of thy former loue and then ponder the same in thy heart seriously and throughly Here Christ inioyneth to this church two duties I. Examination whereby shee must descend into her owne heart and search out her owne wants especially the want of her loue to God to his word and to her brethren II. Consideration whereby she must often thinke of these her wants and lay the same to her heart vnfainedly This course which Christ taketh with this church teacheth vs first that it is a dangerous thing for any person in Gods church not to bee acquainted throughly with his owne estate that so hee may search out his owne wants and deeply consider of the same For this very thing Ieremie blamed the people in his time that no man sayd with himselfe what haue I done And Christ layeth this sinne to the charge of the people of the old world that they were ignorant of their estate They knew nothing till the floud came and ●●oke them all away And this is the common sin of this age no man almost doth examine himselfe consider in his hart his owne estate by reason of his sinnes and wants Nay men are growne to this that they count it a meanes to breed melancholie and therefore do ●lie the practise of this dutie and so nuzzell themselues in their fearefull securitie Secondly here wee learne that it is a speciall dutie for them that liue in Gods church to be throughly acquainted with their owne estate to examine and search out their owne sinnes and often to consider seriously of their particular wants Zephanie preaching the doctrine of repentance vnto the people beginneth thus Search ye search your selues oh nation not worthie to be beloued Where the word translated search signifieth such a search as a man would make for some small thing in a great heape of chaffe This is the Lords counsell Hag. 1.7 Consider your owne wayes in your hearts and it must be our practise if we would be saued This duty is the beginning and ground of true repentance and therefore Christ here giueth it the first place for no man can truly repent before hee bee acquainted with his owne infirmities and with his owne fearefull and damnable estate by reason of his sinnes And therefore Dauid saith I first considered my wayes and then I turned my feete into thy testimonies The cause why so few in the world doe truly repent is want of consideration from whence they are fallen and what bee their sinnes and the dreadful iudgements thereby deserued For till the mind doe truly conceiue her owne miserie the hart can neuer rightly hunger after mercie Sinne must bee our greatest woe before Christ become our chiefest ioy The second part of this remedie is Repentance i● selfe for after a man is well acquainted with his wants and hath throughly considered of his owne misery then he commeth to repent In the handling hereof fiue points are to be obserued I. What repentanceis II. How it is to be practised III. Who commandeth it IV. To whom it is commaunded V. For what they must repent For the first Repentance properly is in the mind as the word in this place doth import for it signifieth thus much After some follie or ouerslip to be better aduised Repentance then in the mind is a change from euil to good or a turning from sinne vnto God Act. 26.20 Repent and turne to God Which latter words expound the former plainly shew what repentance is And this change in the mind standeth in this resolution whereby a man by Gods grace purposeth to leaue all his former sinnes and to cleaue vnto God in holy obedience vnto all his commandements And when this resolution is in the mind therwithall followeth a turning of the whole man in will in affections and in all the actions of his life This appeareth by that description of the practise of repentance which Paul reduceth to seuen heads viz. Care clearing of themselues indignation feare great desire zeale and reuenge 2. Cor. 7.11 wherof some are renewed affections
by the name of counsell First ●ere note that Christ commendeth this church and giueth her counsell but doth not at all rebuke her for her faults as he did the church of Ephesus Hence the Papists gather that Gods church and so the members thereof may liue without sinne and ful●ill the law But they are deceiued Christ therfore abstaineth from reproofe of this church not for that he had not any thing against them but for these two causes especially First because this church of Smyrna did truely repent and beleeue and did not decay in grace as the church of Ephesus did and therefore had the pardon of her sinnes and was in Gods loue and fauour Secondly this church did indeuour to obey Christ and to testifie her faith and loue thereby Now God accepteth the desire and will of obedience in his children as obedience it selfe and therefore did not repro●ue them for any fault that was among them Seeing this church being in affliction is so farre forth accepted that Christ reproueth nothing in her wee are taught it is profitable for Gods church and people sometime to bee in affliction for thereby are the gifts and graces of God preserued as Faith and Repentance and many greeuous sinnes preuented which otherwise Gods children might fall into The counsell it selfe containeth three parts A precept A prophesie And a precept againe The first precept is in these words Feare none of those things which thou shalt suffer This precept may seeme to be against other places of Scripture as Phil. 2.12 Worke out your saluation in feare and trembling And Rom. 11.20 ●e not high minded but feare Answ. There bee three kinds of feare I. naturall feare II. feare proceeding from grace III. a distrustfull fearefull proceeding from vnbeleefe I. The naturall feare is a declining and eschewing of death and those things that tend thereto this feare is in all men in as much as euerie thing desireth to preserue it selfe this was in Christ who in his agonie feared death as it was a separation of soule and bodie asunder yet this was no sinne in him but onely an infirmitie without sinne The second kind of feare is that which commeth from grace Mal. 1.6 If I be a maister where is mine ●onor If I be a father where is my feare This feare is a reuerent awe towards God in regard of his mercie and iudgements and this is a vertue and no sinne The third is distrustfull feare when men for affliction forsake religion and obedience to God standing more in feare of men than of God and this is that feare which Christ in this place forbiddeth being a sin that draweth men from God vnto perdition In this commaundement Christ doth two things First he giueth them and vs to vnderstand what is the sinne in which euerie man is conceiued and the seed whereof remaineth stil in the children of God namely distrustfull vnbeleefe whereby men feare the authoritie of the creature more than the glorious maiesty of the eternall God which proceedeth from this that men consider not of God as he extendeth his prouidence ouer all things and as he is a mightie iudge taking reuenge vpon all sin and wickednesse Secondly here Christ describeth the meanes wherby Gods people may arme themselues against all perils and troubles whatsoeuer to wit Christian fortitude which is a gift of God proceeding frō true faith inabling a man to lay aside all feare and with courage to vndergo al dangers whatsoeuer that he may in life and death maintaine faith and a good conscience This vertue God prescribed to the Prophets when they were to enter into their calling and our Sauiour Christ to his Apostles and to this church of Smyrna And it were to be wished that all the ministers of the gospell might speake vnto their people as Christ speaketh vnto this church Feare not But the truth is if they deale faithfully they must change their note and say with Ioell Waile and houle ye priests and people lying in sackcloth and ashes because the day of the Lords vengeance is at hand For it is lamentable to see the state of the whole body of our people of whom wee may generally say with the Prophet There is no knowledge of God in the land And where knowledge is there is litle conscience to liue therafter Consider also how the most are carnall minded dead in sin they sauour not th● things that pertaine to Gods kingdome but their hearts are wholly possessed with earthly desires delights and spirituall things affect them not Yea in all places wee shall see that as naturall sleepe wrappeth vp the senses of the body so a spiritual slumber benummeth their minds and hearts For though God preach daily vnto vs by his iudgements yet like the old world wee know nothing of the euill day we neuer cal to mind the iudgement to come And if herunto we ioyne the common crying sinnes of this land as swearing cursing oppression Saboath breaking drunkennesse whordome and all vncleannesse yea Atheisme it selfe the ground of all How can we say with Christ Feare not yea rather wee must call men to repentance in sackcloth and ashes For God is iealous of his glorie neither will hee alway be chiding nor winke at our iniquities he hath whet his sword and bent his bow and vnlesse wee repent the day of hauocke will come shortly wherein hee will take vengeance vpon all our iniquities And although this be the common state of our land yet Christ hath his remnant among vs who mourne for the sinnes and abhominations of the times and doe endeuour to keepe faith and a good conscience in all things and to these it may be sayd Feare not but take to your selues christian courage arme your selues therewith lay aside all distrustfull feare and glorifie God in your hearts striue to keepe the faith in a pure conscience vnto the end and so shall Christ appeare to your ioy when the wicked shall be ashamed And to moue Gods children to this christian fortitude First let them consider what a iudgement of God is due vnto them that are distrustfully fearfull when they should suffer any thing for the name of Christ Reuel 21.8 They must haue their reward in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone among the damned Secondly let them obserue the Lords presence and his gracious promise of protection in distresse He will cause his Angels to pitch their tents about them that no perill shall hurt them 2. King 6. When a mightie armie came against Elisha his seruant was fore afraid but marke how he comforteth him Feare not saith he for they that be with vs are more than they that be with them And so it is with Gods children Thirdly let them consider that it is a most honourable estate to suffer any thing for the name of Christ. And therefore the Apostles reioyced exceedingly when they had bene beaten That they were counted worthie to suffer any
thing for Christs sake Gal. 5.14 The crosse of Christ i● 〈◊〉 whole reioycing And if hee would ●ost of any thing it should bee herein 2. Cor. 1● 9 10. Thus were Gods seruants affected and therefore they that repent and beleeue need not to feare what flesh can do vnto them The second part of Christs counsell is his prophesie which is a prediction of that particular afflictions which this church of Smirna should suffer and first he prefixeth this note of attention behold then he setteth downe the prophesie it selfe The diuell shall cast some of you into prison Behold hereby he would teach vs an excellent lesson that wee must often consider before ●and of the day of our visitation wherein God will try v● lest we perish therin our Sauior Christ comming towards Ierusalem wept ouer it and when he came to it hee foretold the finall destruction of that citie which therefore came vpon them because they considered not the day of their visitation neither the things therein foretold that did concerne their peace And the like destruction wil come vpon vs in this land if we consider not the dayes of our visitation let vs therefore now in the dayes of peace forecast what is to come and prepare our selues against the day of the Lords triall and so shall wee escape the fearefull and finall destruction that shall come vpon the wicked It shall come to passe that the diuell shall cast some of you into prison that ye may bee tried and yee shall haue tribulation ten dayes These words containe Christs prophesie wherin he sheweth himselfe to be true God for as Isay in many places sheweth it is a propertie of God alone to foretell a particular affliction that is contingent But some wil say others can foretel certaine things to come as the Physition the sicke mans death and the Astronomer the time of the eclips how then is this proper to God Answ. The Physition foretelleth the sicke mans death onely by vertue of causes present in which the future death is to him apparant And the Astronomers foretelleth the eclips by the consideration of the naturall and ordinarie course of the heauens in present and by that can come to foretell it in time to come So that simply none can foretell a thing contingent except he see it present in the causes but Christ foretelleth things to come simply of himself though no cause be present as appeareth in this place In this prophesie Christ describeth this affliction by sundry arguments First by the cause thereof which is the diuell Secondly by the parties that were to be afflicted Some of you of the Church of Smyrna Thirdly by the kind of punishment Imprisonment Fourthly by the end thereof their triall And fiftly by the time of it continuance for ten dayes I. Argument The cause of their affliction is the diuell Quest. How can that be for being a spirit he cannot offer violence to mens bodies to cast them into prison Answ. True but he is the God of the world that ruleth in the hearts of the wicked he inclineth their wils to hate Gods children hee stirreth them vp to persecute and maketh them hi● instruments to cast God● seruants into prison In this that the diuell causeth the affliction of Gods church we learne sundry points I. What manner of men those be that persecute the church of God namely wicked men such as ar● inspired by Sathan and wholly guided in mind will and in affection by him this made Paule say He was the head of all sinners because in persecuting the church of God he was guided by the diuell and made his minister which must teach vs to take heed how we persecute the church of God or any membe● thereof either in word or deed for he that doth so is the vassall of Sathan in that action and while he holdeth that course he sheweth himselfe to be no better than one that is wholly guided by the diuell for the diuell is the principal agent in persecutions and wicked men be his instruments II. Hereby wee are taught to take pittie vpon all persecutors be they kings or monarks or whatsoeuer Yea wee must pray for them though they be our enemies because they are possessed and guided by the diuell and in their persecutions do his will and become his seruants and vassals III. Hence wee learne with what weapons we are to defend our selues in time of persecution namely with spirituall weapons of prayers inuocation wherin we must shew our faith in Christ our repentance true obedience for our principall aduersary is a spirit and hereby we shall best defend our selues against him and get the chiefest victorie Elia● for his prayer is called The chariot and horsemen of Israell Nothing doth so much preuaile in troubles and persecutions as prayer frō a penitent beleeuing heart And if God should send a forrain nation against vs howsoeuer the weapons of the souldier must bee vsed yet our principall weapons must bee prayer and fasting for thereby we shall soonest foyle our principal aduersary Sathan who ●easeth not the speare nor sword and yet will flie before these spirituall weapons II. Argument The parties that must be afflicted were some of the church of Smyrna not all III. Argument The kind of their affliction was imprisonment IV. Argument The end of their affliction was the triall of their faith hope loue and patience with other graces of God and the manifestation of the same first to their owne conscience and then vnto the world In these three arguments note first a speciall point touching Gods prouidence to wit that it is the first cause of all aboue all causes ruling and disposing them all God in gouerning the world by his prouidence vseth instruments of two sorts good or euill The good instruments are good Angels and regenerat men by whome commeth no disorder for God worketh both in them and by them Wicked instruments are the diuell and wicked men and though God vse them well yet from them is much disorder and sinne for he worketh not in them but onely by them permitting their sinnes and disorders that therby he may shew forth his iustice mercie and power which herein doe notably appeare in vsing these instrumēts which be euill in themselues that notwithstanding their malice he causeth wonderfull order for first by his prouidence hee restraineth their furie and rage so as they cannot shew it to the full as they desire See this in the diuels persecution against this church he cannot kill the members hereof but onely cast them into prison hee cannot imprison them all but some onely neither can he keepe them in prison alwaies but for a short time Secondly by his prouidence hee turneth all that they doe to the good of the church the diuell afflicteth the church for the destruction and damnation of their soules but God turneth it to their good to make their faith manifest and to preuent many
notable meanes to draw men to loue and embrace faith and true religion 1. Pet. 3.1 III. That God may shew on the godly tokens of his speciall loue and fauour which he doth when hee sendeth iudgements vpon the wicked and spareth his children Hence it was that when the Lord would bring a common iudgement vpon the Iewes he causeth those that mourned for their owne sinnes and for the abhominations of the people To bee marked in the forehead that they might bespared So that if any godly person dwell among such as hate religion and bee profane he must content himselfe knowing it is Gods will his church should be vexed and troubled by the societies of the wicked and vngodly Sixtly hence it appeareth that Gods people may lawfully dwell among wicked and vngodly men alwayes remembring that they communicate not with them in their sins and rebellions against God For so L●t dwelt in Sodome and this church of Pergamus where the diuell had his throne 1. Cor. 7.2 This question is answered a maister is a heathen man and his seruant is conuerted to the faith whereupon hee thinketh that he is free from seruing his maister but Paule telleth him he must doe externall seruice still so farre forth as he keepe good conscience and bee not constrained to renounce true religion Lastly hence wee haue direction to aunswere a question much vrged against vs by the Papists to wit Where our church was fourescore yeares ago when Luther first beganne to preach they intend hereby to proue our church to be but of fourscore yeares continuance and so our religion to be new We aunswere by the like Where was the church of Pergamus when the diuels throne was in that citie Surely it was there where the diuell had his throne And so when Antichrist that man of sin had spread poperie ouer all Europe at that verie same time was Gods church in Europe where poperie was professed mingled with the Papists which to bee true appeareth by this that in all ages there haue bene some who openly haue oppugned poperie more or lesse partly by writing and partly by speaking as the records of all ages do testifie make manifest so that though iniquitie had the vpper hand yet our church had his being in the middest of poperie And thou keepest my name That is though thou dwell in a place where the diuell hath his throne yet thou holdest fast my name so as neither force nor fraud of the aduersarie can take my name from thee so much the words import By Christs name we must vnderstand the doctrine of the gospell so Paul is sayd to bee A chosen vessell to carrie Christs name among the Gentiles That is to publish among them the doctrine of the Gospell Here this church of Pergamus is particularly commended for her constancie in holding fast true religion against all aduersary power whatsoeuer Hence wee learne that it is not sufficient to teach or know and beleeue the doctrine of the gospell in time of peace but we must be constant in holding it fast against all gainsayers and not be turned about with euery wind of doctrine but in life and death keepe sure the truth that neither fraud nor forc● of any aduersary power draw it from vs or vs from it Mat. 13. The kingdome of heauen 〈◊〉 compared to a treasure hid in the field which when a man s●●deth bee goeth and selleth all hee hath to buy the field The scope of that par●ble is this If any man should come into any of our fields by searching find a gold mine he would not make it knowne to any but couer it close and go his way and sell all that he had to buy that field that thereby he might enrich himselfe euen so hauing found this that the gospell reuealeth the way to life euerlasting though we must not conceale the same from others yet we must be like this man herein that we could be content to part with all that we haue that so we might make the gospell ours 1. Tim. 3.9 Deacons must haue this propertie To haue the ministerie of faith in a pure conscience There a good conscience is compared to a sure treasure house which cannot bee robbed by any aduersaries power and faith that is true religion is the treasure that is there safely layd vp such a store-house must wee get for the preseruation of the faith Any thing else we may leese but if we part with true religion saluation is gone and all is lost And therefore in life and death we must keepe fast the faith Further Christ amplifieth the praise of their conscience by two arguments First that they held Christs name without deniall Secondly that they kept the faith in the time of bloudie persecution For the first in these words And hast not denied my faith This is an excellent commendation for many will hold the doctrine of the gospell for a time and yet after deny the same by apostacie but this Church held fast true religion without any reuolt at all Their practise must we follow and so hold fast true religion that therein we neuer make reuolt for if wee shall once deny religion wee know not whether God will giue vs the grace of repentance that w●e may professe it againe which if he do not we perish eternally Consider Esau● example who sold his birth right for a messe of red broth and after lost the blessing which when he wold haue recouered he was reiected And found no place to repentance though be sought it with teares Therfore to preuent the fearefull danger of not repenting after reuoult we must still hold fast true religion without deniall Here in this place the faith of Christ is all one with Christs name that is with the true doctrine of the gospel And it is called Christs faith first because Christ with the father and the spirit is the author thereof Secondly because Christ reuealeth the same from the bosome of his father for God reuealeth his Gospell vnto men by his sonne Christ Iesus Thirdly because Christ is the substance and matter of the gospell for indeed Christ Iesus is the principal subiect of the whole Bible being the end of the law the substance of the gospell The second argument of their praise for conscience is taken from the circumstance of time they hold fast true religion in the time of bloudy persecution Euen in those dayes saith Christ when Antipas my faithful martyr was slaine among you where Sathan dwelleth Who this Antipas was is not knowne neither certainely recorded in any historie it is thought hee was the minister of this church vnto opposed himselfe against idolatrie and gentilisme in this citie of Pergamus In this argument note two points I. That Christ commends Antipas calling him his faithfull martyr Whereby wee see that in Gods church it is lawfull to honor saints and martyrs For that which Christ doth his church may doe This their honour must stand
charitie to bee persuaded that godly professors are the sons and daughters of God But the man himselfe that hath receiued this new name and new estate hee knowes it otherwise and therefore certainely and infallibly Secondly if no man know this name but hee that receiueth it then can none beside God and the conscience know from within the man his particular faith and adoption And hereby we are to bee admonished to beware of charging the euill and hard censure of hypocrisie vpon any that liue in the church in so doing we ouershoot our selues this iudgement belongs to God not to man saue onely to the man himselfe for wee cannot discerne the good within the man properly but by effects Quest. How farre forth may a man iudge of another mans election Answ. There be two degrees of iudgement iudgement of certentie and iudgement of charitie Iudgement of certentie is when a man can set downe certainely such a man shall be saued This is peremptorie iudgement belonging vnto God and to some men onely so farre forth as the Lord reuealeth it vnto them as he did the estate of some men to Dauid and to some Prophets Whereupon Dauid sometimes prayes for the finall destruction of his enemies but this is not giuen ordinarily no not to Gods ministers The iudgement of charity is that which bind● a man to iudge the best of another and herein bee two degrees First touching the vnregenerate charitie binds vs not to despaire of such as yet liue profanely but to hope that God will in good time call them And touching the regenerate who haue giuē good testimonies of their vocation charitie binds vs to be persuaded without doubt that they be the children of God And this we may doe without repugnance to this place for though wee cannot from within the man know his estate yet by the fruits we may which is the highest degree of iudgement that charitie can exercise Thirdly here wee see the church of Rome is deceiued who make Visibilitie the marke of Gods church for Gods church is a companie of men which beleeue the ground of the church is Gods election and adoption and mans faith which none other can see but the parties that haue them The signes thereof may be seene but properly the church cannot bee seene It comes to bee visible by the fruits of election and by the outward works of loue which proceed from faith We therefore hold farre better that wee beleeue there is a church and not that we see the church Lastly if others know not the name of Gods children then what maruell is it if the wicked miscall them 1. Iohn 3.2 The world knowes vs not Gods children therefore must not be daunted at the reproches of the wicked but pray with Christ Father forgiue them they know not what they doe Luk. 23.34 Verse 18. And vnto the Angell which is at Thyatira write These things sayth the sonne of God which hath his eyes like to a flame of fire and his feete like fine brasse Here followeth the fourth particular commaundement of Christ vnto Iohn as also the fourth particular Epistle The commaundement in these words To the Angell which is at Thyatira write of the substance of this commaundement I haue spoken before onely remember the end thereof which is to certifie this church of Thyatira that Iohn had a calling and commaundement from God to write this Epistle vnto them and further to certifie the whole Church of God to the end of the world of his calling to write this booke of the Reuelation The Epistle it selfe containeth three parts a Preface a Proposition and a Conclusion The Preface in these words These things sayth the sonne of God which hath his eyes like vnto a flame of fire and his feete like fine brasse all which things almost haue beene handled in the beginning of this chapter and in the former from whence they are borrowed In the Preface first is set downe in whose name the Epistle is written to wit in Christs name the causes thereof we haue shewed before Then Christ is described by three arguments First To be the sonne of God Secondly To haue eyes like a flame of fire Thirdly To haue feete like fine brasse For the first In the former chapter he was called The sonne of man but here he is called The sonne of God where by God wee must not absolutely vnderstand the godhead of the whole Trinitie but the person of the father who being opposed either to the sonne or to the holy ghost is vsually called God not that he is God more than the sonne or than the holy ghost but because he is the first in order and because hee is that person from whom the godhead is communicated to the sonne and to the holy ghost So that here Christ is called the sonne of the father which mysterie wee cannot fully vnderstand for the word hath not reuealed the same neither can wee find it elsewhere out of the word But yet for the better conceiuing thereof remember these two rules I. That Christ is the son of the father not in respect of his godhead but in respect of his person For the godhead of the sonne is the same with the godhead of the father The godhead of the father doth not beget neither is the godhead of the sonne begotten II. Rule Christ is the sonne of the father not by creation as the Angels and Adam were nor by adoption as euery beleeuer is but by nature in that hee is begotten of the substance of his father before all worlds for the father communicates from himselfe the whole godhead that is in himselfe vnto his sonne Christ is here called the sonne of God to stirre vp reuerence attention and care in this church in marking and obeying the things that follow in this particular Epistle And in their example Christ also teacheth vs that when we heare the word of God preached or read vnto vs wee should receiue it with fear and trembling and reuerence because he that speaketh vnto vs out of his word is the sonne of God When Pilate was about to condemne our Sauiour Christ he heard it said that Christ was the sonne of God And thereupon hee trembled and was the more afraid Ioh. 19. verse 8. shall a ●illie heathen man that knowes not Christ tremble towards him when hee heares his name and yet wee that professe our selues to beleeue in him bee nothing mooued with reuerence towards him when hee speakes vnto vs in his word At his presence the hils melt and at his voyce the rockes cleaue in sunder and therefore if our hearts shall not melt and cleaue asunder with a reuerent feare when he shall speake vnto vs wee are worser than these sencelesse creatures Secondly Christ is sayd To haue eyes like a flame of fire which we must not conceiue literally The words are borrowed from the former chapter vers 14. where Christ is described not as hee is in truth but
signe or rule whereto hee will conforme and square the last iudgement Secondly whereas euery man must bee iudged that is saued or condemned according to his workes hence wee may gather that good workes are necessarie to saluation yet not as causes thereof either efficient or helping any way but onely as a way or meanes to come vnto saluation For faith is necessarie and good workes are the tokens and fruits of faith and so are necessarie Thirdly here we must bee admonished to bee carefull to abound in good workes not to win heauen by them but to get assurance of saluation in our selues And these good workes are the doing of the duties of pietie vnto God and of charitie vnto our brethren euen the duties of the Morall law or more plainely the doing of the generall duties of a Christian and the particular duties of a mans calling for if these bee done in obedience to God and to his glory proceeding from faith and loue vnto our brethren though the calling bee neuer so base they are good workes And on the contrarie this must admonish vs to make conscience of euery euill way for sinnes be the markes of condemnation and so many wicked workes as we commit so many markes and brands doe wee set vpon our selues of our iust and deserued condemnation vnlesse wee repent Lastly hence wee may gather that there bee degrees of ioy in heauen and of torments in hell For iudgements and rewards goe according to mens workes And therefore they that testifie their faith by great and many good workes shall haue great reward they that testifie their faith by lesser and fewer workes shall haue lesser reward and so for sinnes the more heynous they bee the deeper condemnation they doe procure Vers. 24. And to you I say the rest of them of Thyatira as many as haue not this learning neither haue knowne the deepenesse of Sathan as they speake I will put vpon you none other burden 25. But that which you haue already hold fast till I come Here Christ commeth to a second part of his counsell which concernes the Angell and the better part of this Church of Thyatira and first hee beginneth with the Preface of this counsell wherein wee may obserue two points First who speaketh Secondly to whom hee speaketh For the first hee that speaketh is Christ. I say hereby Christ challengeth vnto himselfe the absolute and all sufficient authoritie of the supreme Doctor of his Church in that hee speaketh in his owne name Whereby hee putteth a plaine difference betweene himselfe and all other his Ministers either Prophets Apostles or ordinarie teachers for they must not propound any thing vnto Gods people in their owne names but in the name of Christ. But Christ teacheth in his owne name being the fountaine of all diuine knowledge and vnderstanding that i● reuealed in the word of God And thus Christ himselfe speaketh in his owne name to strike the hearts of the Angell of this Church and the better part thereof with reuerence and to mooue them to receiue and obey the counsell following considering it comes immediately from Christ the Doctor of the Church II. point The parties to whom he speaketh To you that is the Angell and the better part of this Church for so Christ expounds it in the words following though first hee say in generall To you that is The rest of them of Thyatira When as Christ will behaue himselfe as the doctor and chiefe Angell of this Church note that he maketh a distinction of the persons in the Church and also deuideth his counsell giuing one doctrine and one iudgement to one part and a diuers doctrine and iudgement to another This giueth vs good direction for sundry actions for some may aske how must doctrine bee deliuered in a mixt congregation where some are Papists some Protestants some are hardened others despaire Answ. The persons must bee distinguished after the example of Christ and sutable doctrines deuided for them that euery one may haue his due Impenitent sinners must be terrified and threatenings deliuered against them with exception of them that repent Comforts must be propounded and applied to them that despaire with restraint from all impenitent persons that goe on in sinne If any demaund more particularly who these bee whom Christ calleth The rest of them of Thyatyra Christ answeres directly as the words import to as many as haue not this learning neither haue knowne the deepenesse of Sathan Where Christ giueth two notes whereby to discerne who bee the rest of them of Thyatira The first is the not receiuing or maintaining of the false doctrine of Iezabell whereof entreatie hath beene formerly made The second note is ignorance in the deepenesse of Sathan neither haue knowne the deepenesse of Sathan that is neither haue acknowledged nor approoued the doctrine of Iezabell which is the deepe and profound learning as themselues doe iudge In this obserue a most wicked practise of Iezabell and her followers they esteemed highly of their owne opinions calling them profound and deepe learning but for the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles in the Old and New Testaments in it there was no such matter This in all ages hath beene the practise of wicked persons highly to esteeme their owne conceits and basely to neglect the word of God The teachers of the Iewes doe hold to this day That the Lord gaue to Moses a most plain and easie law which he deliuered to his people but the most secret and profound doctrine was vnwritten shewed to Moses by reuelation and by him deliuered to the Priests and Leuites which they keepe still in their Cabbala And of the like iudgement touching Scripture are the Popish Churches The Word written is but an inkie word a dead letter or a nose of waxe but the most perfect Scripture is vnwritten which is the consent of faith and of doctrine in the hearts of all Catholickes And by such great tearmes the Anabaptists Libertines and Arrians maintaine their doctrine and abuse Scripture calling the written Word milke for euery nouice but the consent of heart among themselues with reuelations that is the strong meates Yea this opinion hath crept in among vs in part men thinke basely of Scripture and preferre other mens writings before it For let a man preach plainely the bare word of God and deliuer doctrines and exhortations out of the same this is but plaine preaching But let another come and vtter his mind partly in Latine and partly in Greeke and other languages alleadging withall the testimonies of Fathers Counsels and other Writers that is the learned preaching And thus doe most men abase Scripture and exalt the writings of men aboue it But seeing this is the practise of Iezabell and wicked men let vs on the contrary learne to reuerence the written word and giue place thereto aboue all the testimonies and sayings of men whatsoeuer The deepenesse of Sathan As if he should say They count it deepe learning but
yet they will not take paines to reade the same at least in such a constant course as they ought to doe Thirdly the Lords Sabbath is broken for though most men at set times will come into the congregation yet there is not that priuate sanctifying of the Sabbath after the congregations are dissolued which Gods word requireth but men betake themselues to their own affaires and to outward delights to omit those that haue no care at all of sanctifying the Sabbath in any sort Now these persons must needs want both knowledge obedience and all sound grace that will not set apart some time wherein they should employ themselues in Gods word and by these signes it is euident that there is a greeuous disease of negligence in the duties of Religion that infects our congregations Now where this negligence is though coldnesse be not there cannot be zeale and so luke-warmnesse must needs abound II. Signe of luke-warmenesse The Religion of most men is this In the generall calling of a Christian they shew Religion but in the affaires of their particular callings where is religion In the Church they are good Christians but in practise of the duties of their particular callings who sheweth his religion for when as men should practise their callings according to Gods word and true godlynesse they follow the desires of their owne hearts Little conscience is made of lying and oppression that loue and plaine dealing which ought to be between man and man is wanting which prooueth them plainely to bee luke-warme Gospellers III. Signe There bee many that professe themselues to bee luke-warme neither hot nor cold For though all generally come to the hearing of the word and the receiuing of the sacraments yet many when they see some make conscience to become answerable in some measure to the word which they heare and the Sacraments which they receiue doe take vp in their mouthes this slaunder of precizenesse against them mocking them for doing that which in the word sacraments thēselus profes shuld be don These men will not be enemies to the Religion of Christ and they professe themselues not to bee zealous by reproaching zeale in others Therefore they doe more than these Laodiceans did euen professe themselues to bee luke-warme For hee that reproacheth another for zeale in Religion brandeth himselfe with this sinne of Luke-warmenesse And who knowes not how many of this ●ort are euerie where I dare with good conscience say our congregations generally consist of such Now marke what followeth hereupon First that our common professors of religion are in worser case than heathen men Iewes and Turkes that knowe not Christ. This Christ teacheth in preferring cold persons before the luke-warm as if hee should say I had rather thou werest a Pagan than a Professor without zeale And Saint Peter to this purpose speaking of such saith It had beene better they had neuer knowne the way of truth than after they haue known it not to obey the commaundements of God So that vnlesse there be further matter in vs than knowledge and bare profession our case is worse than the case of Iewes and Turkes Religion knowne will not make thee better than them but it is zeale and obedience that must preferre thee before them Secondly from the consideration of our estate I gather that wee are in danger to be spewed out of the mouth of Christ as luke-warme water out of the stomacke This is the punishment heere threatned which was written for our instruction that we might know where luke-warmenesse takes place there this punishment will follow Wee may flatter our selues as the men in the old world did thinke all is well neuer regarding till the iudgement come but the truth is that in regard of this sinne we are in danger to bee cut off from the Church and from true societie with Christ God can doe this sundrie wayes either by bereauing vs of his Gospell and making vs as the heathen or by sending the enemie among vs to destroy and root vs out of this land and euen in our neighbor-countreys and townes hee sets spectacles before vs that by them wee may see how hee can spew vs ou● cut vs off from being a people And thus much of the first fault namely luke-warmenesse Vers. 17. For thou sayst I am rich and made rich and haue need of nothing and knowest not how thou art wretched and miserable and poore blinde and naked Here is the second sin of this Church namely spirituall pride The wordes depend vpon the former as a reason thereof before he charged thē with deadnes in religion and here he painteth out the cause thereof namely spirituall pride of hart As if hee should say thou thinkest thus within thy selfe I am rich for it is the manner of the scripture to expresse the thoughts of men by their speeches because the thoughts of men are as euident to Christ as any mans speeches can bee to another In that Christ doth expresse mens secret thoughts and propound the same in this Booke wee may hence gather that it is a part of Canonicall scripture for it is a priuiledge of the scriptures to set down the thoughts of Countreys of Churches of particular men euen as they cōceiue them This can no man doe in any booke of his owne deuising And hence wee may gather an argumēt against Athiests That scriptures are the word of God because they reueale mens secret thoughts Nowe followeth the thought it selfe of the Angell and people of this Church I am rich that is I haue many excellent gifts and graces of Gods spirite by this effect he expresseth their spirituall pride in ouerweening their estate before God This is a common sinne in the world and euer hath been Christ sayd He came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance by righteous meaning such as think themselues righteous And the proud Pharisie in his prayer which hee conceiued in his heart thought himselfe farre better than the poore Publican or other men And Paul bringeth in the Corinthians thinking proudly of themselues saying We are full and made rich c. This sinne takes place in the Papists at this day who perswade themselus that they can satisfie Gods iustice by temporall works and fulfill the law of God and merite for themselues and for others To come to our selues this same proud thought hath place among vs. First wee think we are rich in regard of knowledg both yong and old scorne to be catechized because they would not seeme to be ignorant some sticke not to professe this pride by bragging thus that they know as much for substance as any man can teach them when as indeed they know nothing but that wich nature wil teach a man Secondly men plead that they haue a most firme saith so as they neuer doubted of Gods mercie which is nothing but the presumption of a proude heart for true faith is troubled with doubting
counsell vnto his Church The principale counseller is Christ so he saith in the person of Wisedom Pro. 8.14 Counsell is mine And Isay saith To vs a Childe is borne and he shall call his name wonderfull COVNSELLER the mightie God the euerlasting Father the Prince of peace yea he is both King Counseller to his Church This office Christ challengeth to himselfe for these causes first because he aduiseth his Church touching the way whereby they must escape euerlasting death and come to eternall life Secondly because he teacheth them how they may practise euery busines so as it may please God Thirdly because hee teacheth them how they may in grieuous dangers and distresses find a good issue or else bee able with patience to beare them These things he worketh dayly in his Church not by extraordinary means but ordinarily by his word and spirit and therefore may iustly challenge this honour to bee called the Counseller of his Church From this office of Christ wee learne two things First to doe all the honour and reuerence we can vnto his Maiestie for he is our professed Counseller who imployes himselfe for the good of his Church Counsellers of the State and of the Law are highly honoured and respected of all sorts euen for their counsell in worldly matters though often it fayle how much more ought wee to honour Christ our heauenly Counseller whose counsell leadeth vnto glorie and is stable and sure for euer Looke how much his counsell excelleth theirs so much ought he to be honoured aboue them all Secondly in all distresses and grieuous temptations and dangers either of soule or body wee must take counsell and aduise from Christ Iesus for to this end doth hee reueale himselfe to bee a counseller that men in distresse comming to him by his aduise might bee comforted and eased When Moab Ammon and Mount Seir banded themselues against Iuda the people were in great distresse and danger but marke what good king Iehosophat did he betooke himselfe to the Lord his counseller saying Lord we know not what to doe but our eyes are towards thee 2. Chron. 20.12 that is direct thou vs in this danger for of our selues we know not how to escape This pratise ought to bee followed of all men especially in time of any danger such as these dayes are by reason of sinne The counsell of Wizards Sorcerers and Astrologians ought not to bee sought after but by prayer wee ought to humble our selues and call only and continually on this our onely true counseller II. Point The remedie it selfe which hath relation to the former Verse for there hee set downe the Miserie of this Church in three parts which were all great Miseries And heere hee so propoundeth his remedie that it is answerable to their Miserie in the seuerall parts thereof For first heere is gold to make them rich answerable to their pouertie Secondly raiment to hide their nakednesse Thirdly oyntment to take away their blindnesse For the first by gold according to the Analogie of the Scripture we are to vnderstand the graces of Gods spirit as true faith repentance the feare of God loue of God and the true loue of man 1. Pet. 1.7 Faith is compared to gold in the tryall thereof and so may all other gifts of the spirit be hereby vnderstood Secondly by gold wee are to vnderstand Christs merits yea Christ himselfe as the fountaine of all grace This gold is further said to be tryed by the fire that is most pure and precious gold purged from all drosse as fine as can be made by the art of man This is added to expresse the propertie of Gods graces and gifts namely that they are more precious vnto God then gold Yea than gold tryed by the fire as Peter saith By this euery person is taught how to beautifie themselues both in soule body It is the common blind opinion of the world that forraigne attyre and rich Iewels do adorne the body and indeede in some cases the body may bee adorned with pearles and Iewels but the right way to adorne any person indeed is to furnish the soule with these graces of the spirit which vnto God be more precious than fine gold Our bodyes and soules ought to be the dwelling places of the Holy Ghost therefore we must adorne them and make them fit for so worthy a Guest which must be done by the good graces of the spirit and not by strange and forraigne attyre which no good man could euer abide Secondly these graces haue a further effect than to beautifie and that is to make rich Heere then see the common folly yea the spirituall madnesse of men in the world who spend all their time wit and strength to furnish their houses with treasure to enrich their bodies and in the meane time leaue their soules vngarnished What a madnesse is this that men should neglect the true riches and follow after that which is nothing els but counterfeit copper Seeing therefore Gods graces bee the true treasure which fadeth not let vs seeke after them as Wisedome counselleth Pro. 8.10 11 receiue mine instruction and not siluer and knowledge rather than fine gold For wisedome is better then precious stones The second part of this remedie is a white garment that is Christ himselfe and his righteousnesse imputed So Paul saith All that are baptized into Christ haue put on Christ There Christ is made a garment whom euery one that beleeueth in him doth put on Againe the fruites of the spirit are a garment therefore we are commanded to put on tender mercie kindnesse humblenesse of minde meekenesse and long suffering Further Christ sheweth the end of this garment namely to couer the nakednesse of our soules lest the filthynesse thereof which we by our sins haue brought vpon vs doe appeare The third part of this remedie is anoynting with eye-salue where by eye-salue wee must vnderstand the spirit of Illumination and knowledge wrought in the mind by the Holy Ghost whereby men know themselues and their estate for as eye-salue sharpens the eyes and cleeres the sight where it was by some occasion dimned so doth Christ by the illumination of the spirit make a man know God in Christ and to discerne betweene good and euill and betweene things temporall and blessings eternall Thus wee haue the meaning of the words whereby wee may see that by all these three wee can vnderstand nothing else but Christ himselfe and his merits Now one and the same thing in Christ is signified by diuers tearmes to shew that there is in Christ the fulnesse of all grace and plentifull redemption yea store of supplyes for all our wants The Laodiceans were poore but Christ was their riches they were naked Christ was their garment and lastly they were blinde but Christ was their eye-salue So that what wants soeuer be in vs there is store of supply thereof in Christ. This must the more diligently be marked
is the cheapest and the chiefest marchandize that euer was sett to sale which we may buy without monie and yet it will make vs rich for euer Many labour in tafficke and take great paines and yet often loose thereby but make this bargaine once and then thou shalt neuer loose it nor any thing thereby but continue for euer rich in God Verse 19. As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and amend Because our Sauiour Christ had so sharply rebuked this Church they might thereby take occasion to distrust and despaire of his fauour and mercie heere therefore it pleaseth him to take away all occasion of doubting after this sort If I vse to rebuke chasten all those whom I loue then you are not to despaire of my mercie by reason of my sharpe reproofe whereby I haue threatned to spew you out of my mouth for your sinne of luke-warmnesse But thus I vse to deale with all those whom I loue and therefore in this regard you need not to doubt of my loue and fauour The meaning As many as I loue Christ loues the creatures two wayes as hee is Creator and as he is Redeemer As he is the Creator hee loueth all his creatures with a common generall loue whether they be liuing or dead reasonable or vnreasonable As he is Redeemer he loues his creatures with a speciall and a peculiar loue which is not common to all but proper to that part of man-kinde which is chosen to saluation before the world was And of this peculiar loue hee speaketh here I rebuke The word in the originall which is translated Rebuke is more significant than can fitly bee expressed in any one English worde thus much is meant thereby as if Christ had said First I will conuince them of their sins and after reprooue admonish and check them for the same And chasten This must bee vnderstood of a kinde of correction which a father vseth on his child called nurturing which is correction to breake the childe of his fault and bad manners and to teach him his dutie This then is the meaning All those whom I beare speciall fauour vnto doe I conuince of their particular faults and then checke and reprooue them and nurture them as a father doth his Child to make them leaue their particular vices and to walke in obediēce And to assure vs that this is the true meaning read Pro. 3.12 whence the words are taken Heb. 12.5 where they are more fully explained Heere then Christ sets downe his ordinary dealing with them whom he taketh and chooseth to bee his disciples and members namely hee conuinceth them of their faults he reproueth and chasteneth them for this very end to breake them of their sins and to bring them to reformation And this dealing of Christ belongeth to euery seruant and member of Christ without exception yea Christ layeth rebukes and chastisments on all his children that in diuers measure according to the nature of their sinnes and the disposition of the parties Such as are hardly broken of their sins hee layeth on them more heauie iudgementes and chastisments that they may bee brought 〈…〉 humiliation and so 〈◊〉 true 〈◊〉 And therefore euery one that would bee a Discipl● and member of Christ must looke to goe vnder his correction and his sharpe and seuere rebuke according as they are in heart disposed vnto sinnes either more or lesse Hee must passe vnder the rodde that would come into the bond of the Couenant Ezech. 20.37 The vse of this doctrine is two-fold set downe Prov. 3.12 The first thus My 〈◊〉 despise no● the correction of the Lord for the Lord correcteth whom hee loueth his chastycements are tokens of his loue That is whensoeuer the Lord either in the ministerie of his word reproueth thy sins or by any affliction chasteneth thee despise it not neither set light by it but make good vse thereof vnto thine owne soule The second vse is Faint not when thou art corrected that is let not the greatnesse of it daunt thee but arme thy selfe with patience because he vseth to correct all those whom hee loueth making his chastisments tokens of his loue Secondly Christ heere setteth before all gouernours an example to followe especially to fathers and masters his example is this On euery child that hee loueth hee layeth corrections for this ●nd to breake them of their sinnes 〈◊〉 answerably Gouernours must shew tokens of loue towards those that are vnder them by due reproofe and correction that ●o they may be broken of their misdemeanor and brought vnto obedience to God It were to bee wished that both Parents and Masters would followe Christ in this example and so seeke the reformation of those that are vnder them but more lamentable is the 〈◊〉 Parents and Masters doe thinke it sufficient for them if they prouide for their children and seruante● food and rayment and necessaries for the bodie and so altogether neglect the good of their soules which is the cause of many sinnes and so of many iudgements both which ought to mooue them to put in practise this dutie Thirdly the very order of Christs worde doth minister vnto vs a necessary instruction ●●●ching his manner of correcting his seruants For first hee propounds a direct end of all his corrections vpon them to wit their nurturing and reformation then that hee may attaine thereto hee proceedeth thus First hee doth conuince their conscience of their sinnes then by reproofes he rebukes and checks them and lastly correcteth them by laying chastisments on them A most excellent and blessed order in vsing correction for the good of the partie chastised which ought to bee followed of all Gouernours parents and masters especially First they must propound a good end of their correction euen the amendement and saluation of the partie and that they may then proceed 〈◊〉 they must first conuince their conscience of the 〈◊〉 then reprooue checke and admonish them and if that take not place they must proceed vnto meete and conuenient bodily correction all which must bee done not for reuenge but to bring thē to amendement and to make them obedient to the will of God Whereby wee see how farre many Parents and Gouernours ouer shoote themselues when as they make their corrections matters of reuenge and choller wherein they s●eldome intend the reformation of the offender which is a fault flat against the word of God and therefore to be considered of euery good christian Be zealous therefore and repent In the former Verse hee propounded a remedie against their Spirituall pride In 〈◊〉 wordes hee doth directly propound a remedie against their Luke-warmnesse But first obserue the coherence of these words with the former Christ hath said Whom I loue I rebuke and correct according as their fault is therefore sayth hee to this Church because I haue rebuked and corrected thee by seuere threatnings for thy Luke-warmnesse therefore now become zealous and amend
their sinnes till hee carry their soules to hell A good meaning will not serue the turne God requires true zeale in well-doing Vers. 20. Behold I stand at the doore and knocke If any man heare my voyce and open the doore I will come in vnto him and will suppe with him and hee with me Heere Christ to keepe his Church from despaire ministers vnto them the signes and tokens of his loue and fauour and before the same sets downe this note of attention Beholde hereby intending to make them more attentiuely to marke the tokens of his loue that plainly seeing the same they might not doubt thereof Heereby in generall wee are taught that if wee would arme our selues against desperation and distrust in any distresse wee must both often and seriously consider and marke the tokens of Gods loue vnto vs and that will fortifie our faith Read Psal. 23 In euery Verse saue the last hee sets downe tokens of Gods loue and fauour towards him and then in the last concludeth thus Without doubt kindesse mercie shall follow mee all the dayes of my life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Our hearts are naturally filled with doubting which will bewray it selfe in any distresse But to preuent and cut off all hurt that may come therby let vs marke the good dealing of our God towards vs and obserue the tokens of his loue and mercie in his ordinarie prouidence and these will notably strengthen vs against distrust And surely no person is so full of despaire but if hee could looke backe into the mercies of God from the beginning of his dayes and lay them to his heart they would minister comfort vnto him in regard of his loue and fauour at that instant More particularly Christ ministring comfort vnto this Church doth expresse his meaning by a borrowed speach comparing euery man vnto an house his heart vnto a doore whereby entrance is made and himselfe vnto a guest or stranger desiring to come and enter in not so much to find courtesie as to shew fauour and kindnesse In the words of this verse there bee two signes of his loue set downe First a heartie desire of their conuersion which hee earnestly seeketh Secondly a promise of mutuall fellowship after their conuersion The first in these wordes Behold I stand at the doore and knock In this desire Christ expresseth two things First that this Church if wee regard the greatest part thereof had no true fellowship with Christ nor Christ with them for hee stands at the doore of their hearts which were closed vp against him This may seeme strange but the case is euident for though they had in them many good things as knowledge of Gods will and did professe the Gospel and were partakers of the signes and seales of the Couenant of grace yet they were tainted with this notorious sinne of Luke-warmnesse which closed vp the doore of their heart against Christ and barred him out Here then we are carefully to obserue that a man may haue in him many good things and yet by liuing in one sin we be quite cut off from all true fellowship with Christ. Iudas had many excellent gifts he forsooke all and folowed Christ he preached the Gospel and administred the Sacraments and yet by couetousnes the doore of his heart was quite barred against Christ. So Herode reuerenced Iohn and heard him gladly and did many things at his instruction Mark 6.20 yet by the sinne of Incest his heart was so closed that he had no fellowship with Christ. And so it is with vs It is good that wee know the will of God and approue the same and professe the Gospel and also receiue the Seales of the Couenant But yet for all these our case may be such as wee shall haue no true fellowshippe with Christ. For if wee nourish though but one sinne and liue therein that will make a separation betweene Christ and vs bee the sinne what it will as couetousnesse adulterie prophanenesse or such like Heereby then all that desire to haue true fellowshippe with Christ are to be warned to purge their liues from all sinne so as their hearts bee not taynted with nourishing any one sinne for euen one sinne w●●●●soeuer it bee is a strong barre 〈◊〉 will keepe Christ from comming into vs. Secondly whereas hee saith I haue stood at the doore for so the wordes are Heere hee speaketh to this Church as hee vsed to speake by his old Prophets As by Ieremie I haue sent vnto you all my Prophets rysing early euery day and sending them And by Esay I haue spread out my handes all the day vnto a rebellious people which walked in a way that was not good euen after their owne imaginations So heere I haue stood at the doore That is long euen till night as the word supping importeth Hereby Christ would signifie his great pacience in waiting for the conuersion of this people of Loadicea In iustice hee might long agone haue cast them to the pit of destruction for their sinnes and yet in mercie he waiteth for their conuersion and complaines that he hath waited long Here then we haue iust occasion to take a view of Gods patience in wayting for the conuersion of a sinner And that which hee saith to this Church hee may as iustly say vnto vs for hee hath stood very long at our doores euen 36. yeares and vpward and yet still continueth knocking so as he may iustly complaine of his long waiting Let vs then here learne to know the day of our visitation which is then to any people when Christ stands at their doores and knockes and vnto vs this day is present Wee haue the ministerie of the Gospell and therefore we must be perswaded that this is the time of our visitation and hereupon learne the dutie which Christ teacheth the Iewes namely Acknowledg the day of our visitation which if we doe not wee must looke for like vengeance which fell vpon the Iewes because they regarded not when God sent his owne Sonne from his bosome to knocke at the dore of their hearts And knocke Heere is a further signification of his desire of their conuersion Wherein we may behold his great vnspeakable mercie towards this Church and in them towards all other his Children This Church had bard out Christ by their sinnes and yet he pursues them he knockes hee vseth meanes to enter for 〈◊〉 good and vouchsafes them mercy 〈◊〉 then when they refuse it Thus when Adam had sinned and fled and hid himselfe did the Lord seek him in the garden make with him the couenant of grace And therefore it is truely sayd in Isay The Lord is found of them that neuer sought him Luk. 15.4.5 Christ fetcheth the lost sheepe that was gone astray All which shew and set out vnto vs the vnspeakable greatnesse of Gods mercie in Christ vnto miserable man who then shewes mercie vnto him when he
is Christ. 125.2 b. 149.2 m. How to iudge of Doctrine 117.2 m. The doctrine of Christ must only be receiued 60.2 c E Election two-fold 102.2 b. How a man may fall from Election ibid. The number of the Elect certen 174.2 m. Election knowne by sanctification 175.1 b. England a true Church 103.1 b. Enemies of the Church God restraines their rage turnes it good 39.2 m. Estate ech one should cōsider know his owne estate 87.1 m. 96.1 c. 206.1 c Examinatiō of false teachers 77.1 2. They that ●●●ell in temporall giftes should bee answerable in spirituall 7● 2 b. Excommunica●ion 75.1 b. and 180.2 b. To expound scripture Christs royaltie 4.1 b. A dutie of the Church frō Christ● 69.2 m. F Fall away whether a true beleeuer may quite fall away b 141.2 m. 186.1 m. 192.2 c. 168.1 b. Faith put for the doctri●e of the Gospel 114.1 c. For fidelitie 198.1 b. Faith d●stinguished 84.2 b. Faithfull to God 107.2 c. 108. Families irreligious Sathans thrones 111.2 m. and holdes 115.1 b. Fauour of God the ground of all blessings 14.1 b. Feare three-fold 104.1 b. Groundes of Gods feare 21.2 m. 68.1 m. 11.1 1. b. Signes of it 21.2 c. Remedie against feare 64.2 m. Fellowship with Christ m Fidelitie to God 135.2 c. Rare 136.1 b Fight against sinne 109.2 c. 193.2 c. Flight in presecution 115.1 m. To fore-tell a propertie of God alone 105.2 b. 191.2 m. Forgiue sinnes 67.2 c. Fornication 121 122 145.2 c. Free-will by nature conf●ted 143.2 m. 144.1 c. 186 1. b. 199.2 b. Free wil by grace 216.1 c. Of flexible free-will 216.1 c. G God put for excellencie or greatnesse 98.1 c. Gods nature described 15.1 m. When God imports the first person 3.1 b. Godly dwell with the wicked 113.1 Gospell preached hath deuine power 112.2 c. It is most hated 41.1 b. The summe of the Gospell 41.1 b. Remoued for decay in grace●●1 2 c Grace distinguishe●● 82.2 m. 13.1 c. Difference betweene the grace of Adam and of beleeuers 84.2 e Grace well vsed doth increase 189.1 m. Grace like purified Gold 208.1 b. By a small measure of grace a man may please God 185.1 b. Great townes most assaulted by Sathan 112.1 b. H Hatred How to temperate 94.1 b. Head coue●ed noted subiectiō 70.1 b. Hearing Gods word 169 2. c. 127 1. m. The art of hearing 10.1 2. Christs hearing 95 2. c. Preparation to hearing 46.2 b Attention 46.2 c. Reuerence 133.1 b. ●26 2 m. Hearers distinguished 95.1 b. Hell place and torments 67.2 ● Heretiques pretend the spirit 140.1 c. They may bee in the best churches 78.1 c. how they must be withstood 78.2 m. 79.1 m. Holy Ghost is God 16.1 ● Person subsisting 16.1 b. Called seuen spirits 15.2 c. speakes in scripture 96.2 m. Holines grounded on Christ 176.2 b. Hold fast pure doctrine 151.2 m. Meanes to humble a man● 62.2 m. Hunger after Christ 129.1 m. Hyphocrisie in religiō auoyded 148.1 c. two degrees of it 166.1 c. I Idolatrie of Papists 122.1 b. Idolothits 122.2 m. Hate honour giuen to Idoles 121. ● c. Iesabels properties 139.2 m. Ignorance the ground of prid 203.2 b The fearefull state of the ignorant 59.2 b. 155.2 b. Their dutie 50.2 c. Images of Christ of the trinity 35.1 b Impenitencie 144.1 the danger therof ibid. 125 1. c. 170.1 c. 58.2 c. 59.2 m. Imprecations 94.1 b. Increase in godlines 137.1 c. 167.1 c. Ioy chiefly in Christ. 67.2 m. Iudgement day ce●ten 30.2 b. 33.2 m The ●anner of it 31.1.32 ● The vses of it 30.1 b 31.1 c. 192.2 b 33.2 c. Iudgements particular to the impenitent 124.1 b. Iudging ●ashly of othe●s 131.2 c. K Key of Dauid 177.1 c. Of hell death 67.2 Giuing of a key notes in●●sting into an office 177.2 b. Power of the keyes handled 179. ● m. 180. 1. Abuses of that power 181.1 c. Kings soueraigne gouer●ours next Christ 22.2 b. Their dutie for Religion 22.1 m. c. Christs kingdome spirituall 126.2 c. Knocke. How Christ knockes at our harts 215.1 c. Knowledge without grace puffes vp 203.1 m. knowledge for approbation 99.2 c. Knowledge of a mans owne saluation 130.2 b. L Law must be preached yet with the Gospell 86.2 b. Whether any man fulfill the Law 103.2 m. Laye-people ought not to be debarred from the Scripture 4.2 b. 9.1 m. Lights Each Christian a light 49.2 m. reasons thereof 50.1.2 Logicke Art lawfull 69.1 m. Loose Liuers admonished 133.2 m. They want remission of sins 164.1 b. Loue Christs loue with the degre●● thereof 22.2 c. 199.1 c 210. 2. m. Gods speciall loue the ground of mans redemption 23.1 m. First loue lost among vs 81.1 m. Signes thereof danger ib. 2. We must labour to increase in ●oue 81.1 c. me●nes 86.1 c. Loue to men handled 134.1 b. What it is the propertie and practise of it ib. 2. Luke●warme persons who 200.1 m. 〈◊〉 kinds of Luke-warme Christians ibid. c. 2. Signes of Luke-warmnesse three 201.1 m. 〈◊〉 of Luke-warme Christians ibid. 2. ● Life kinds thereof 65.1 m. Howe Christ liueth 65.1 m. c. 66.1 m. and why 66.2 b. Life eternall here 〈◊〉 67.2 m. 196.1 m. Wherein 〈…〉 98.1 b. See it largely desc●●bed and the reasons thereof 195. 1. c. Libertie hereto the preuiledge of God● Church 184.1 c. Life-time on earth a space of repentance 142.1 m. why God giues it 143.2 c. M Madnesse of me● shewed 110.1 m. 129.2 m. Magistrates may giue out seuere speeches against offenders 77.2 m. Mannah what it is and what it did ●epresent 128.2 m. Martyrs Whether they can merit 108.2 b. Means needfull to perseuerance 85.2 m Mediatio● Christ a Mediator euer ready 53.2 m. 169.1 b. Mēbers of Christ distinguished 85.1 c. Ministery a painfull worke 73.1 c. The end thereof to the wicked 125.2 c Ministery of the Church wholy gouerned by Christ. 57.2 c. the vses thereof 58.1 It brings heauen among ●en 197.1 b. Ministers belong to Chr●st 164.1 m. Ministers should be faithfull w●tnesses 19.1 m. and shew it foure wa●es 19.1 2 5● 1 c. Ministers should forecast for troubles 4.2 c. How to oppose the●selues against Heretiques 79.1 m. 2 Ministers called Starres and why 57.2 m. Angels or messengers 70.1 b m. Christs mouth to his people 126.2 b. Ministers bring much good or much hurt to the people 71.1 c. Ministers loose their gifts through decay in Loue. 91.2 b They ought to haue good warrant for euery doctrine they teach 98.2 c 126.2 b. Wherein their wisedom and fidelitie consists 125.2 b. Ministers of meane gifts doe often much profit the Church 18● 1 b. Miserie of man d●scribed 204. by the fountaine of it originall sinne 20● 1 m. and vnder the forme of punishment ib. c. Munkish life disalowed 4.1 m N Na●mans fact 121.1 b. N●bals to Christ many ●16 2 c. The name of one person collectiuely betokens a multitude 71.1 m. Naturall men are
countrey to countrey In most schooles of learning for many hundred yeares the diuell had his thrones For therein was nothing taught but errors heresies and most abhominable idolatries In these our dayes the diuell hath his thrones among vs where any wizard dwelleth or cūning person as they are called for thither whole countries do flocke for helpe and for counsell and so yeeld homage to Sathan All dicing all brothel houses wherein abhominable wickednesse is freely committed are Sathans thrones Yea all those families are the diuels thrones where men liue without loue or practise of religion in blindnesse and ignorance in blasphemie drunkennesse whoredome iniustice or any such impieties And in reason it must needs bee thus for the diuell being a prince of this world will haue his throne in some parts thereof Hereby we see it is most needfull in euerie Christian kingdom there should be thrones of iustice in ciuill courts for the maintenance of equity the reward of vertue and for the repressing of iniustice and iniquitie And also thrones of Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction for the reprehending and punishing of all those sinnes which the ciuill court reacheth not vnto And it is necessarie that in these thrones iustice should bee administred without partialitie that Gods throne may bee erected which is opposit to the throne of Sathan Againe the diuels cunning appeares notably in the choise of the place where he setteth vp his throne it was no petty towne or village but a chiefe and famous citie which had beene the seate of many kings This hath bene his practise in all ages to chuse the chiefest places for the seat of his throne Great Babylon in Scripture is called A citie of iniquitie that is a throne of the diuell And Rome that was once a famous church is now and hath beene long that spirituall Babylon the throne of the diuell Yea in Ierusalem the city of the great king had the diuell got vp his throne when Christ called the temple a den of theeues And in our dayes the people of great towns and cities are generally more backward in embracing the gospell than in little villages The cause hereof is the malice of the diuell who will haue his throne in chiefest places for the greater hinderance of religion there he much preuaileth by choaking the word with pride profit and pleasures causing them to content themselues with a forme of godlinesse when as they want the power thereof And thus he dealeth in greater townes that thence impietie may be deriued to the countrie round about as tradesmen do their wares from place to place And therefore the people of great townes especially must labour not onely to know the gospell but to beleeue and obey the same Euery man must reforme himselfe and euerie familie themselues that Gods throne may be established the diuels throne battered down among them Secondly whereas this church dwelleth where the diuels throne is wee may obserue whence the church of God is gathered namely out of Sathans kingdome Gods church is a company of men ordained to saluation taken from vnder the power of the diuell though after their calling they be Gods peculiar flocke yet they are by nature the children of wrath Thus Paul speaketh of all the Gentiles Act. 26.18 And particularly of the church of Colossa Colos. 1.13 that God deliuered them from the power of darknesse and translated them into the kingdome of his deare sonne Hence we learn I. That no man is to stand vpon his his gentilitie or glory in his parentage for nobilitie and great bloud but onely reioyce in this that hee is drawne out of the kingdome of darknesse and from vnder the power of Sathan and placed by Christ Iesus in the kingdom of grace For what will it profit a man to weare about his necke a chaine of gold if so be his heart will affections bee chained to the diuels seruice and what auaileth it princes to sit vpon their stately thrones if they themselues be in subiection vnto Sathan and do homage vnto his throne yea what will all the treasures honors and pleasures of the world auaile to him that is debarred from the riches of Gods loue in Christ and destitute of the treasures of his grace and so led captiue by Sathan at his will and pleasure Secondly some do thinke that a man may be saued by any religion the Iew by his religion the Turke by his and the Papist by his c. Yea it is the common receiued opinion of our ignorant people that euerie one shall bee saued by his good meaning But all these are meere dotages of mens braine for a man may hold his good meaning and yet serue the diuell at his throne It is not sufficient to hold this or that religion or to practise ciuill vertues as iustice temperance c. vnlesse a man be one of Gods church seuered frō the company of thē that serue Sathan Thirdly here all Gods seruants haue a notable meanes of stay and comfort in afflictions If they be persecuted and cast into most darke dung●ons for the name of Christ they must call to mind that they are taken out of the diuels prison in the kingdome of darknes and placed in the glorious kingdome of Iesus Christ and made members of his church and shall be inheritors of his glory Fourthly hence wee learne that the preaching of the gospell hath in it a diuine power no creatures except the good Angels haue power comparable to the diuels and yet the preaching of the gospell is stronger than al the power of Sathan for it gathereth a church where the diuell hath his throne it deliuers men from vnder the power of Sathan and placeth them in the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God although therefore it be preached by sinfull man yet it must be reuerenced as the power of God and his owne arme to saue his elect Fiftly hence wee gather that God will haue his people to dwell with wicked and vngodly men for the church of Pergamus dwelleth where Sathans throne is This hee doth with wicked and vngodly men for good causes I. That their faith obedience and repentance might be exercised and they preserued from many sins which otherwayes they should fall into Moses telleth the Israelits that the Cananits must not be all cast out at their first entrance but dwell among them lest wild beasts did grow vp which would deuour them so the wicked must dwell among the godly to exercise Gods graces in them lest they fall into sinne and securitie II. That they might shine foorth as lights vnto the wicked by their godly conuersation Phil. 2.15 That ye may be blameles●e and pure the sonnes of God without rebuke in the middes of a naughtie and crooked nation and among whom ye shine as lights in the world holding foorth word of life And thus the godly must do that by their vnblameable life others might bee wonne to the faith for godly example is a