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A03087 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. [et] c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian cou[n]sayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the natio[n] of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost; Einfaltigs Bedencken, warauff ein christliche in dem Wort Gottes gegrünte Reformation an Lehr, Brauch der heyligen Sacramenten un Ceremonien, Seelsorg und anderem Kirchendienst, biss auff eines freyen, christlichen, gemeinen oder nationals Concilii, oder dess Reichs Teutscher Nation Stende, im Heyligen Geyst versamelt, Verbesserung, bei denen so unserer Seelsorge befohlen, anzurichten seye, English Wied, Hermann von.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. 1547 (1547) STC 13213; ESTC S103980 258,817 620

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baptisme Item to the Ro. xi he sayeth that we be brainches of the wylde olyue and be grafted into the naturall olyue that is to saye into the people of God thorowe Christ and that the roote beareth vs and not we the roote In an other place he sayeth that we haue receyued the same spirite of fayth with the fathers ij Corhin iiij Item Petre in the actes xv We truste that we shall be saued not by the lawe but by Christ onely as our fathers dyd also which were vnder the law For thys cause not only the Apostles but also the prophetes condempned al them as bastardes and straungers from the Testament and breakers of Goddes couenaunt whiche wythout fayth and the spirite of adoption would be called Israelites by reason of the lawe that they had receyued and for the onely keepyng of the ceremonies outwardly For the law and the couenaunte of God requireth chiefelye fayth towardes God and loue from the whole hert and whole soule and al strēghthes and commaundeth vs so to loue oure neighbour as we loue our selfe where vpō In al ceremonies Christe was shadowed and fayeth in hym was required as Christe wytnesseth the whole lawe and the prophetes depende Thus also Christe was shadowed and after a certaine wise exhibited in all ceremonies and fayeth in hym was required Finally all promises eyther of spirituall or corporall thynges were therfore made to the fathers as Christ him selfe promiseth vnto vs all good thynges if we seeke the kyngdome of God and the ryghtuousnes thereof that being deliuered from all euyls and daungers and enryched with all good gyftes we maye loue God more feruently and studie the more to obeye his cōmaundementes and magnifie his name Wherefore it perteyneth to preachers to applie handsomely vnto vs the promises and threates propouned to the people of Israel sundrie wayes aswel in open sermons of the lawe as in exemples and therof they must euer diligently warne the people that God wyl bountuously exhibite his healpe and gyue them all good thynges beleuyng in hym and obeyinge his commaundementes And cōtrarie wyse that he wyl vndoubtedly rendre punishemenent aswell presently as in the lyfe to come to the vnfaythfull and despicers of his worde These thynges shal cause the people to be returned and furthered in the feare and zeale of God As for the difference of the olde Testament The differēce of the olde and new Testament made with the fathers and the newe instituted by Christ the apostles it is thre folde First because the olde Testamēt was made wyth Abraham onely and his seede namely the people of Israel after the fleshe and wyth them whiche outwardelye also embraced the same religion But the newe Testamente was made wyth all men and nations thorowe the whole worlde as manie as beleue the Golspell and become his chyldren thorowe fayeth Secondly because in the olde Testament beside fayth obedience of the law circumcision other outward rytes of ceremonies were required But in the new Testament nothyng is required but fayth loue wyth the fruites of those vertues and a fewe ceremonies which Christ him selfe did ordaine Thyrdely for that that God had not yet opened so clearly to the olde people the grace of the Mediatoure Christe and because he helde them in great feare and bondage But the whole misterie of Christe is more fully reueiled to the newe people and a greater libertie of outwarde thynges is graūted For in the new Testamēt there is no differēce of personnes places or ciuilitie cōmaūded but Christe bad that his gospel should be preached to euery creature that al men of all nations shoulde be called to his kingdom affirming that al should be saued that shoulde beleue and be baptised Wherfore Paule also wrate that those heathē that were cōuerted were not now straūgers but the citizens of the saintes and housholde of God This in the steede of circumcision and other ceremonies with which thei were innumerably laden in the olde Testament Christe hath lefte sacramentes wyth hys church as S. Augustine sayth verie few in nombre moste certaine in obseruation and moste reuerende in signification that is to saye baptisme and the celebration of his bodye and bloude Finally he hath nowe opened the mysteries of hys grace much more clearely than in tymes paste to the fathers and he hath powred vpon vs more abundantly the spirite of ad optiō and hath mad vs fre frō Mosaical rites al rudimētes of the world And he so gouerneth our hertes with his spirite that of our owne accorde we submitte oure selfe to euerie ordinaunce of man for the profit of our neighbours appliynge oure selfe to euery mannes health and edificacion towardes saluation and seruinge plainly with a free and wyllinge spirite not constrained Furthermore they must obserue that there is other maner of speakynge of the olde testament whiche Paule and the prophetes than vse whan they reproue the vaine confidence of the Iewes in the Testament and lawe of God whiche they obserued onely outwardly with out fayth in Christe For in this place they shewe what the olde Testament After what sorte sacrifices were commaunded in olde tyme. is and what it aualeth wyth out grace and fayth in Christe Of whiche Ieremie speaketh cha vii Thys sayeth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel put your brunt offeryngs to your sacrifices and eate felsh for I spake not to your fathers and I gaue them no cōmaundement in the daye whan I brought them out of the laude of Aegipte cōcerninge brunte offringes and sacrifices but I cōmaūded them this thinge saiynge heare my voyce and I wil be your God and you shal be my people and walke in all the wayes that I haue commaunded you that you maye be in good case Lo the Lorde witnesseth that he gaue not the lawe of brunte offringes and sacrifices that he commaunded hys people notinge concerning this matter which thinge the prophete spake not absolutely of the lawe but as it was corruptly obserued of the vngodly Iewes whiche though they stil apeace prouoked God with al maner of wickid deedes yet they laboured in vaine to appease God with sacrifices done with out repentaunce and fayth That the prophete than myght more strougly throwe doune thys false confidence in them vsinge an hyperbolical or exedynge speache he sayeth that God commaunded nothynge concernynge sacrifices For God ordeyned sacrifices for thys purpose that in them faith towardes God and Messias myghte be exercised not that a libertie of sinning and careles lyuing should be established In lyke maner S. Paule speaketh of the olde Testament to the Gala. iiij Where he maynteyneth the doctrine of the Gospell agaynste false apostles whiche taughte that fayeth in Christe sufficed not vnto saluation but that men had neede of circumcision and other Mosaicall ceremonies whereby it came to passe that while they despiced the grace of Christ they retayned nothynge of the lawe and the olde Testamente but the letter and a
the fauour of God nor heyres of eternall lyfe but cast from God and that they haue a wyl turned frō God horrible darkenes concernynge God corrupte and vicious motions and inclinations in all theyr strenghthes agaynste the commaundementes of God A certayne image whereof is sette for●h in hym whom the Lorde by a parable declared to be wounded of theues in the waye towarde Ierico and lefte halfe dead For thys thiefe Satan hath drowned the miserable nature of man in so great nuseries that it is not onely despoiled of spirituall and moost excellent gyfres but also is miserably wounded in all hyr powers Wherof it foloweth that mannes nature wythout the healpe of the holie goste cā not turne hir selfe vnto God wyth true feare Naturall strength before regeneration ture soue and fayth and that thys thynge muste needes be done through the worde of God and the holye goste by whom the mynde beinge allumined may beleue God in Christe the lorde out of the gospell and knowe hym thorough fayth and the wyll beynge stirred vp wyth the reuerence of God and enflamed with his loue may applye hyr selfe to the commaundementes of god and turne the whole mā to the preaise and worshippinge of God But mannes wil euen before regeneration by the common healpe of God maye Of free wyll or outwarde discipline so performe and exercise outward discipline that is to saye the outwarde workes of the lawe Whiche discipline God requireth seuerelye and punisheth the contempte thereof both wyth corporal peines in thys lyfe and with euerlastinge after this lyfe i. Timo i. The lawe was made for the vuryghteous Itē to the Hebr. xiii God shal iudge fornicatours auouterers Itē honour thy father and mother that thou maiste belong liued vpon the earth Also Gene. ix he that shall shedde mannes blond vpon the earth hys bloude shal also be shedde For man is made after the image of God Wyth these and lyke sentences all men muste be admonished and steared to perfourme the outwarde workes of the lawe Furthermore Paule sayeth that the lawe is a guyde vnto Christe whereby we vnderstande that he that continueth in synnes agaynst his conscience and commeth not to a better mynde casteth awaye the worde of his owne accorde and despiceth the holye goste and hyndreth his owne health that he be not broughte to Christe In the meane whyle thys thynge also muste be taught that thys outwarde discipline deserueth not remission of synnes is not that ryghtuousnes for which we be pronounced ryghtuouse or acceptable before God For thys honoure is due onely to the sonne of God Christ the mediatoure which alone hath deserued vnto vs remission of synnes and euerlastynge lyfe whiche we obtaine with fayeth alone or truste in hym as we wyl declare more largely hereafter ¶ Of the olde testament AFter declaration of the benifittes of God whych he hath perfourmed and doth perfourme towardes al men and nations in the creation cōseruation and gouernaunce of thinges the preachers shal propoune to the people What thynges so euer God commaunded promised or threatened to the people of the olde Testament the same pertain vnto vs also also those vnmeasurable benifits which he bestowed vpon the holye fathers and the whole people of Israel Item they shal declare the iudgemētes which he executed vpon the same whan they beleued him not nether obeyed his commaundementes For the thinges that the scripture reherseth of them be writen for our doctrine as Paule sayeth those thinges happened vnto them that they myght be figures and exemples vnto vs and they were wrytten for our enstructiō vpon whō the endes of the worlde be come Wherefore as in the articles before toutchinge the creation conseruation and goueruaunce of al thynges the power and glorie of god is knowne in al his creatures and workes and in all nations so in thys place out of the benifittes and punishmētes which he laied vpon our fathers in the olde testament we shal learne the power mercye and ryghteousnes of God which he vsed towardes his peculyare people whome he chose out of all other nations of the earth and bound vnto hym selfe wyth the leige of grace that he myght not onely be vnto them a creatoure and Lorde but also a God that is to saye an euerlastynge sauiour of body and soule Al which thinges pertayne vnto vs whiche beleue in Christe For we are nowe the peculiar people and heritage of God the true chyldren of Abraham the true Israelites as manie of vs as beleue in Christ and put hym on thorowe Baptisme as Paule teacheth playnly to the Roma ix to the Gala. iii. Yea Christ hym selfe sayeth of them that truely beleue amonge the heathen Manie shal come frō the Est and the West and shall sit downe wyth Abrahā Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen but the childrē of the kingdome shal be caste into outwarde darkenes Wherfore it perteyneth to the ministers of the worde to teache the people diligently that al the promises and benifittes exibited to the fathers yea vniuersally to Israell Item the threates punishmentes and preceptes saueing those that perteyne to the outwarde discipline and ciuilitie of that people which ought to stande in effecte onely tyl the tyme of Christ belonge vnto vs also The same thinges are commaunded vs the same thynges are forbydden to vs and therfore we also muste loke for the same benefittes from the godnes of God thorowe Christ whyle we continue in the fayth and loue of God and we muste feare the same punishmentes if we cast from vs the fayth and loue of God Wherfore the Apostle in the place alledged before setteth the olde people before vs for an ensample saiynge Many of them God allowed not For they were throwen downe in the wildernes But these thynges happened for a figure and exemple vnto vs that we luste not after euyll thynges as they lusted neither be made Idolaters as some of them were In the same place he addeth exemples of fornication tentation and murmuration against God and the punishmentes that God therfore toke of them and agayne he testifieth that all these thinges happened vnto thē that they might be exemplars and figures vnto vs wherin we myght know how God abhorreth these abominable mischeuous actes and that we also should learne to abhorre fle the same But before al other thinges the preachers must set forth and beate into the people the promises the leige and couenaunt of Gods beniuolence made wyth Abraham and his sede in which he promiseth him that he wil be his God that is to saye an euerlastynge sauiour and greate rewarde Item thorowe his onely free beniuolence he embraced him Howe the patriarches were enstructed in the sayth and brought hym from the laude of his natiuite further that he was iustified by fayth only and manie nations yea of al beleuing personnes a citizin of the heauenlie citie hauing a sure fundation whose artificer and maker God is Item thoughe
Al the threatnynges of Moyses pertayne vnto vs. Goddes wrathe and eternall damnation where vnto all men be subiecte be conteyned in all the threatenynges of Moyses if Iesus Christe deliuer them not gyuynge them repentance and remission of synnes thorowe fayth in hym selfe Thus also in all the exemples of healpe and saluation whiche chaunced to the olde Howe the exemples of the scripture must be handled people thorowe princes and kynges they shall declare that euerlastynge healpe and redemption in Christ was shadowed and exhibited Agayne in the Satanicall furie and crueltie of tyrannes and wicked men agaynst the good they shall admonishe that we muste considre the power woodnes and tyrannie of the deuyl and of antichrist Out of the lyues and dedes of cōmune sayntes they shall put the people in remembraunce of the merueilous gouernaunce and preseruynge of the churche of fayeth of repentaunce and of the true fruites of fayth and repentaunce and finally of the true blisfulnes that euer foloweth these thynges In the exēples of them that haue despiced God and his lawe they shall declare the wrathe of God the reprobate sense the vngodlynes obstinate minde and damnation which suche pull vpon them selues wyllyngly beinge them selues the cause of theyr owne destruction Thus they shall teache that in all the cōmaundementes of God fayth out of a true Howe the cōmaundementes of Moyses muste be declared herte and loue is required For the whole lawe though it prescribe bodily offices is spirituall and requireth the true and spiritual rightuousnes of the herte which Christ our Lorde who onely satisfied the lawe begynneth and worketh in vs. Wherefore the preachers in declarynge euerie one of the commaundementes shall pearce vnto the hert it selfe and shal require the obedience of the herte and shall so declare and set before theyr eyes theyr natural stubburnes and rebellion agaynste God that they shall dryue them to distruste them selues and to seeke and call for the healpe of Christe of whom as of the onely sauiour and phisition they may require a newe hert and the holy goste Thys muste be done in declarynge of euerie precepte of God and thus all the cōmaundementes of the whole lawe muste From what lawes of Moyses christen men be free be opened to the people of God whiche neuertheles must not be laded wyth any thinges from whiche Christe hath deliuered them as those be that properly pertayne to the policie and discipline of Moyses in whiche the people of the lawe were kepte enclosed in the feare and fayth of God vnto Christe whiche be not necessarie vnto saluation I meane circumcision and the other ceremonies and rytes of the tabernacle and temple the ministeries of priestes sacrifices washynges and other bodilie purgynges holie dayes difference of meates politike obseruations of iudgementes and other facions of ciuile gouernaunce But as God What preceptes of religion pertayne vnto vs. in euery precepte of religion taught and required thys thynge chiefelye that the people shoulde come togyther in his name to heare his worde wyth a fayethfull herte to praye to call for healpe to sacrifice vnto hym and in sacrifices to enioye the Sacramentes of his grace and redemption in Christe and required all these thynges for thys purpose that the people therby should exercise and stablishe fayeth in his mercye and in the onelye Mediatoure Christe whose death and oure reconciliation and holesome communion obtayned by the same those sacrifices dyd shadowe and exibite So we Christen men also muste learne out of suche preceptes wyth howe greate religion wyth howe true sanctification and faythfull preparation of bodye and soule we muste come togyther into the cōmon companye before the Lorde to heare the worde of God to praye and to gyue thankes to gyue oblations vnto Christe the Lorde hongriynge and thurstynge in his members to receyue the Sacramentes and in them the communion of oure Lorde Iesu Christe and of all his merites and grace And so we must know also thys thynge out of the same kynde of preceptes howe greuous a synne we committe and howe horrible paynes we deserue if at anye tyme we so lytle esteame the worde of God the vse of the Sacramentes so Godlye gyftes of God and the common prayers of the congregation that neither we oure selfe studye to nourishe and strengthen oure fayeth thorowe these thynges nor serue other in mayntaynynge and commendinge these exercises and aydes of religion cheifely on the sondayes and holy dayes whā the whole cogregation is wont to come together Thus seinge that it is knowen that God thorogh those sondrye washinges Howe the preceptes of washynges and purginges of the olde Testament must be declared and bodilye purgynges whiche he prescribed to the olde people woulde stirre vp and moue the same that before all thinges they shoulde remēber that they ought to seeke the cleanes of herte and that they shoulde diligently beware and auoyde in theyr whole lyfe and conuersacion al those thinges that maye be abominable lothsome or in anye wyse vnacceptable and vnpleasaunte to God and theyr nighboure we oughte also in such preceptes to stirrevp and exhorte bothe our selues and also those that be committed to oure charge to thys poynte where vnto S. Paule also exhorteth ii Co. vii saiynge For asmuch as than we haue these promisses derely beloued let vs clense oure selfe from al spottes of the flesche and of the spirite workinge holines with the feare of God After the same sorte the preceptes deliuered Howe the political preceptes of Israell must be declared to Israel concerninge the forme and religion of iudgemētes and administration of that whole politie muste be confidered and hādled For in al these thinges obedience towarde the officers is commaunded whiche must be shewed from the hert and readely and further there is required in them an honeste and ciuile conuersation with al sortes of men what so euer they be and finally a good and godlye administration of the commen weale wherein euerie man maye haue his ryght and al the people maye be instituted and gouerned to liue godly and honestly and be kepte pure from al mischeuous and abominable actes For though we haue the Romaine lawes or other and verditis be gyuen accordynge there vnto and though God bounde vs not to the lawes of Moyses his politie neuertheles we must knowe the wil of God out of the selfe same lawes whiche wolde haue all greuous offences to be rigorously punisched and that men be enstructed and putte forth with good lawes and with the obseruation and punishmente of the same to al godlines and honestie Item that innocent and good men be constantly defended and malefactours restrayned and caste out of the comē weale or vtterly putte to death that they hurte not the good Finally thys thinge must be taught also out of these preceptes that euerie gouernaunce of a commen weale is Goddes and that the officers occupy the roume office of God to iudge the iudgementes of the
Moyses when the chyldren of Israell coulde not directe theyr eyes vnto his face signified thys vngodlie persuasion For suche men haue theyr wyttes blynded as the Apostle sayth For as then the Isralites onely behelde the vayle layed vpon Moyses his face and not the face it selfe So these hypocrites se not the true meanynge of Goddes lawe but styckynge in the letter they folowe a carnall vnderstandynge whiche they falsely laye vpon the clearnes of the lawe as a certayne couer Thys vayle remayneth vnto thys daye in readynge of the olde Testament in all them from whom Christ taketh it not awaye whiche onely with his spirite openeth the true vnderstāding of the lawe Wherefore the Apostle sayeth but when they shall be turned to God the vayle shall be taken awaye The other vnderstandyng of the lawe is true and spiritual whē we vnderstand that not onely outwarde naughtie workes are prohibited but also inwarde that is to say euyl cōc●piscēce euyl affections al thoughtes wordes dedes wyll inclination and what so euer thynges either in our body or soule be moued in anie wyse agaynste the lawe of God Then we acknowledge that not onely outward discipline is required of vs and vertues whiche wythout grace we maye perfourme of our owne strength but suche workes as the holie gooste hym selfe worketh in vs as a true and perfecte truste of grace and Gods healpe thorow Christe Iesus true inuocation in al perilles feruent loue of God and oure neighboure perfecte obedience from the whole herte and al oure strengthes to be pure and fre frō al naughtie motions and to be inclined and caryed onely hereunto that thou serue God onely that thou prayse and magnifie hym onely with the true loue of hym and of thy neighbour with al kindes of good workes wherby thou mayest further the health of men and therein sette forth the glorie of God Thys true and holesome vnderstandynge of the lawe is necessarie for all men wherewyth as all men be reproued of synne so also they be called backe vnto repentaūce and a waye vnto theyr hertes is prepared for the Lorde Thus also oure Lorde Iesus Christe interpreted certayne commaundementes of the lawe Math. v. wyllynge vndoubtedly that the rest shoulde be so vnderstanded and declared After the same sorte Paule lykewyse declareth the strength of the lawe Roma viij saying the lawe is spiritual but I am fleshly solde vnder synne Seinge then that the lawe is spiritual it requireth spiritual workes But man beinge fleshly doeth onely the workes of the fleshe For an euyll tree bryngeth not forth good fruites He then that wyll satisfie the lawe muste be made a pirituall man and he muste do spirituall workes as those be that the holy spirite worketh in vs as the true faith of Goddes worde and burnynge loue and feare of God and the fruites of these vertues We keepe no precept of our owne strēgth Whereof it appeareth that we can not do the leste cōmaundementes of the lawe thorowe oure owne strengthes wythout the healpe of the holie goste The brightnes that shone in Moyses his face whiche the eyes of the Israelites coulde not abide signified the vnderstandynge of the lawe For as the Israelites could not suffre with there eyes this bryghtnesse but beinge afrayed fledde away So carnal reason can not attaine this vnderstandinge of the lawe but rather abhorreth it and iudgeth it veri mad For if it were so thincketh she al men must needes be damned eneriechon and she weneth that God doeth vniustly wyth vs if he commaunde those thynges that we can not perfurme of our owne strength This reasō casteth away the true vnderstandinge of the lawe and casteth a vaile before hyr eyes and conforteth hir selfe with this false opinion that we haue free wil and if we do asmuch as lyeth in vs that God can not but take it in good worth and that he requireth nomore of vs at al. But we that beleue in Christe and be taught of the holye goste knowe that thys is the true sentence of the lawe whiche we haue proposed For we see the face of Moyses vncouered and haue obtained that that Paule spaketh of ii Cor. iii But whan they shal be conuerted vnto the Lorde the vayle shal be takē awaye For after that we haue knowne and do beholde Christ thorough fayth a new glorie of god shyneth in vs and we are transformed to the same image of Christe goynge forth dailye from the clearnes of thys new lyfe be gon in vs to the clearnes of Christes lyfe and that thorough the spirite of the Lorde Seinge that Christ thā thorough the know ledge of hym selfe gyueth vs thys spiritual lyght and clearnes of newe lyfe it is certaine that it is required of vs in the lawe and that it is necessarie for vs vnto saluation For Christ came for thys purpose rose agayne and entred in to his heauenly kingdome that he myght restore and finishe the same in vs where vnto we were first made and are called agayne by the lawe of God Wherefore the face of Moyses is now vncouered and the true vnderstandinge of the lawe is disclosed vnto vs which be conuerted to Christe the Lorde and be holde hym thorough fayth and in hym partly knowe enioye and liue the lyfe that God alloweth Thirdly whan that it is declared what muste be vnderstanded by the name of the lawe of God what is the true meaninge and interpretation of the lawe we must considre and teach diligētly for what vse and ende the lawe was gyuē to vs of God For thought we haue in few wordes some what toutched it that is to wit that the lawe was gyuen for this purpose that thorough the knowledge of synnes whiche it causeth it myght worke repentaunce neuer theles we must declare this thing some what more plētifully And for asmuch as S. Paul taught the strenghth and nature of the lawe wyth singuler diligence and plaines as a man that perceyued that the strength of the lawe beinge not wel declared and knowen men wil be iustified rather with the keepinge of outward discipline and coūterfaite workes of the lawe than with fayth in Christe we thinke good to consider three sentences of Paule where wyth he moste clearely and playnly expouned the strength and nature and vse of the lawe that thus asmuch as is possible we maye take awaye that festred errour of mē wherby they go about to satisfie the law with theyr owne strēgth and being cōtēted with anoutward vaine shewe of rightuousnes they neglecte Christe and haue no care at al of the true ryghtuousnes of the herte these be the sayinges of Paule Thorow the lawe is the knowledge of syn Ro. iii. the lawe worketh wrath Ro. iiii The lawe is our scholemaister to Christ Ga. iii. Out of the first saiynge whiche is thys thorough the lawe cometh knowledge of synne we muste learne and teach that thorough the falle of Adam there is so greate darkenes broughte in to mannes reasō that of
mortifie the remnauntes of thys euil thorowe the holye goste and keepe vs in true fayth and calling vpon Goddes grace and gyue vs encrease therein dayly more and more that in Christ by the healpe of the holy goste we maye attayne so farre at length that we shall seeke and desire al good thynges and deliueraūce from al euyls of God only and not of anie creature nor any other wyse then he hath appoynted briefely that we shall beholde acknowledge and glorifie his goodnesse onely in all the creatures of God made for our vse and not the creatures them selues and thys we shall do accordyng to his worde and that waye that he hath ordained either after the general workyng of nature gouernaunce and administration of the worlde or after some peculiar constitution of religion and gouernaūce of the chosē vnto the kingdom of his sonne As God made the sunne moone and other sterres the ayre the cloudes and other heauenlie creatures for this entent that they shoulde shyne discerne the tymes make the earth fruitefull and serue men for other cōmodities and also for such punishmētes as God wyl laye vpon his despicers They now that require of the sterres or loke for other effectes as good fortune and successe in thynges an oportunitie of taking matters in hande not simply hanging vpon God and his worde as in tyme paste the heathen Iewes and false christians did prouoke God moste greuously agaynste them these men I saye gyue that to sterres that perteineth to God the maker of sterres and they abuse them to thynges wherunto they were not ordayned for vs of God They wrappe them selues in the same vngodlynesse that burne hallowed herbes against tempestes and visions of the deuyll whiche vse herbes or other thinges to cause health of the bodye or to procure successe of theyr busines to whiche God hath gyuen no vertue for that purpose whiche madnes raygneth muche now a dayes in the comon people For thorowe the vngodlines that is naturally engendred in euery one of vs and thorowe our turnynge from the true God and true worshipping of the same it cometh to passe that al thei that be not borne againe in Christe neuer seeke Goddes healpe simply from God him selfe nor by those instrumentes that he hath sette before vs nor after that sorte that he hath appoynted But they deuise alwayes newe Goddes newe instrumentes and newe wayes to obtayne Goddes healpe And mē admitte this vngodlie frowardnes not onely in naturall thynges but also in ciuile For the officer is ordained of God The Idolatrie that is cōmitted in ciulle power to maynteyne ciuile ordre and to further his people to godlinesse and to an honeste lyfe thorowe lawes iudgemētes and procuring of thynges wherewyth thys present lyfe is susteyned and thorow propulsation of those thynges that hurt thys lyfe They thē that require these benifittes of God first of god him selfe and afterwarde of the gouerners but as the ministers and stewardes of god and require them by a lawfull meanes that is to say by such as agreeth wyth the fayth in God and loue of oure neighboure and is receiued by the comon lawes and customes they do well and godly and vse the instrumentes of Godes bountiousnes arighte But they that receyue of them the lawes of religion and gouerne their whole lyfe after theyr wyll not after the worde of God and thynke them selues happie if they be theyr friendes and miserable if the matter be otherwise though they runne into the displeasure of God these men preferrynge the power and empery of men before the power empyre of the maker do vngodly peruersly pernitiously abuse these instrumentes of Gods prouidēce offēdyng in thys commaūdemēt which forbideth to haue straūg Gods After the same sort God hath cōstituted religion in certayne bondes and prescribed The Idolatrie that ryseth out of religion and ceremonies limites For he hath deliuered vs propre instrumentes and a certayne waye wherby he wyll haue vs to aske of hym and to enioye the benifittes of regeneration and heauenlie lyfe that is to say his worde his sacramentes and ecclesiasticall ordre If then we vse these thynges as Christe hym selfe hath propouned them vnto vs conceyne encrease and worke fayeth in Christe we do Godly and religiously a new and a blessed lyfe is framed encreased and finished in vs and we present to God a true and acceptable seruice But if we vse these ordinaunces and ceremonies whiche God gaue vs with the outwarde worke onely without true repentaunce of synnes and liuely fayth of the redemption of Christ or if we deuyse newe ceremonies and sacramentes whiche were neither taughte of God nor leade to Christ wherewyth we purpose to purge synnes to procure the benifittes of God and to worshippe God for whiche entent the common people abuse images and relikes of sayntes candelles holie water salte and other coniured and consecrated thynges we do vngodly and vnreligiously and procure distructiō to our selues in the steade of health and we worshyp not God acceptably but we present vnto hym a thynge that he abhorreth and counteth abhominable and we do hym great despite Wherefore the people muste be diligently True fayth asketh all good thynges and help from God onely and continually taught that true religion and right worshipping of God cōsisteth herein that we require and loke for al good thinges and the auoidaunce of al euyls frō God alone thorowe the onely Mediatour Christe and by those instrumentes either of nature policie or religion whiche God him selfe hath made and commended wyth his worde for euerie thinge and that we vse the same after suche sorte as Christe hath appoynted that is to saye that the same maye serue effectuously to repentaunce of synnes and fayth in Christ Thus we cleaue plainly to the one and true God and we exhibite worshyppe pleasaunt vnto hym and wholesome for our selues syngynge to him wyth the Psalme wryter who is there in heauen besyde the or whom woulde I haue Psal lxxij in earth wyth the. My fleshe and my herte is wasted the strength of my herte and my portion God is for euer etc To al these thinges the law is our scholemaister thorowe thys cōmaundemēt wherin God forbiddeth vs to worshyp straunge Gods and also forbiddeth al straunge worshippyng of himselfe But thys cōmaundemēt must be declared set forth with al diligēce in Christ the lorde that mē may be alwais steared vp driuē with this scholing to Christe and to the true worshippynge of God in him After the same sort the thirde precept also shal be declared Thou shalt not take the name of the lorde thy god in vaine And firste the people muste be taughte that God forbideth with this commaundement what so euer is so spoken or kept in silence that it diminisheth the glory of god and the magnifying of his name For they that loke for al good thinges frō the fre beniuolēce of god in Christ put their hope of
raysed him vp vnto supreme highnes and gaue hym a name aboue al names that in the name of Iesus all knees shoulde bowe etc. After that Christ hath thus handled our matter before the father and pleased his anger afterwarde he executeth the office of a faithful intercessour and patrone he turneth him self to vs he entreateth vs that he may heale oure synnes and weaknes For thys cause he sayed to his disciples All power in heauen and in earth is gyuen vnto me go therfore and teache al nations and receyue them into my discipline preache the Gospel to euerie creature baptising thē in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie goste he that beleueth and is baptised shal be saued and he that beleueth not shal be damned And teache them to keepe all those thinges that I haue cōmaunded you Thus thorowe thys shorte and simple preachinge of the Gospell he executeth the busines of oure iustification after a merueylous sorte Therfore as the strēgth and vse of the law muste be declared to the people so the vse and vertue of the Gospell muste be propouned and beaten in wyth singuler diligence For it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleueth Ro. i. First then the preachers shall teache that the Gospell bringeth to vs remission of synnes if we beleue it truely and vnfaynedly and determine thorow this fayth that God for his sonnes sake wyll be mercifull vnto vs and accepte vs and compt vs for sonnes not for the dignitie of our workes and they shall teache that therfore it bryngeth peace to our consciences which by reason of synne were fearefull and brused of whiche peace the angelles sange in the tyme of the natiuitie of Christe Glorie in the highest to God and in the earth peace to men And Esaie the discipline of peace is vpon hym Itē Paule Roma v. Iustified of fayth we haue peace towardes God thorowe oure Lorde Christe Iesus Ephe. ij he is our peace etc. Esaie lij Ro. x. howe beautiful are the feete of them that preach peace etc. For where the voice of the Gospel soundeth not oure consciences can haue no peace as Dauid wytnesseth Psal xxxvij There is no whole part in my bodie by reason of thy wrath neither is there peace in my bones bycause of my synne etc. Secondly the Gospell bryngeth to vs the ryghtuousnes of Christe in whiche we maye trust as done for vs and gyuen vnto vs aswell as if we had perfourmed it oure selues For so Paule sayeth i. Cor. i. Christe Iesus is made vnto vs of God wysedome ryghtuousnes sanctification and redemption and Philip. iij. That I may be founde in hym not hauynge my ryghtuousnes of the lawe but that that is thorowe the fayth of Iesus Christ etc. For thys is a perfect true and euerlastyng rightuousnes For our vertues be farre from that ryghtuousnes and perfection of lyfe whiche the lawe of God requireth And besydes that verie manie synnes abyde euer in vs and wonderfull weaknes as Esaie sayeth lxiij all we are as one defiled and all oure ryghtuousnes as a garmēt of beggerlie patches And the Psal O Lorde entre not into iudgemente wyth me etc. which sentence teacheth merueilous playnelye that we can not sette oure worthines agaynste the iudgement of God Wherfore if our saluation shall be certayne vnto vs it must leaue vpō some other rightuousnes and that a perfecte rightuousnes namely vpon the ryghtuousnes of Christe as Paule wytnesseth Ro. viij God hath not spared his owne sonne etc. Therefore oure Iustification and oure rightuousnes before God which S. Paule and all the other Apostles teache consisteth in two thinges in forgiuenes of synnes and gyuynge of the rightuousnes of Christ thorowe fayeth And thys onely is a sure certayne and perpetuall ryghtuousnes which Christ hath caryed vp into heauē with him selfe to the ryght hande of God where no man can oppresse it or ouerthrowe it as innumerable daungers fal vpon our ryghtuousnes dayly Therefore our lyfe is sayed to be hidden wyth Christe in God Col. iij. And seing that we glorie of thys our Lorde and sauiour and his rightuousnes our lyfe is in the heauens Philip. iij. For where our treasure is there is our herte Wherfore the ryghtuousnes of God gyuen to vs in Christe must be diligently and continually beaten into the people by the preachers and they muste take verie good hede that the knowledge and truste thereof be not corrupted and that men slyde not backe agayne to the confidence of mannes ryghtuousnes For though that true fayth in Christ be neuer wythout good workes and loue yet workes deserue not remission of synnes neither is a man acceptable to God for workes but for Christes sake whyle he embraceth and holdeth by fayth his rightuousnes and redemption gyuen vnto hym Thirdly when a mynde affrayed wyth the feelyng of Goddes wrath susteyneth it selfe wyth the voice of the Gospel and thorowe the knowledge of the sauiour Christ and promises of God whiche Christe fulfilleth vnto vs the holie spirite is present and worketh in our hertes a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence and adoption of euerlastyng lyfe For in hearinge of the Gospel the holie spirite is gyuen as Paule wytnesseth Gala. iij. Thys one thinge I desire to learne of you receiued ye the spirite thorow the dedes of the lawe or thorowe the preaching of fayth Item iiij Bicause ye be children God hath sent forth the spirite of his sonne etc. And Iohn vij he that beleueth in me as the scripture sayeth fluddes of lyuely water shall flowe out of his bealy thys thynge sayeth Iohn he spake of the spirite whom they shoulde receyue that beleued in hym And thorowe thys receyuynge of the holie gooste a newe generation is caused whereof Iohn speaketh i. Chap. As many as receyued him he gaue them power to be the sonnes of God them I say that had beleued in his name whiche were not borne of bloud nor of the wyll of man but of God Item Ro. vij who so euer be ledde wyth the spirite of God they be the children of God And. ii Cor. iii. we representing the glorie of the Lorde in a glasse wyth a ryght face are transfigured to the same Image from glory to glorie as of the spirite of the Lorde that is to saye when we receyue thorow fayeth the exedinge mercie of God promised and exhibited in Christe the holy goste worketh in vs a newe lyfe and a newe knowledge of God vnknowen to mannes reason Moreouer thys fayth thys knowledge of God in Christ and assenting to his promises thorowe the worke of the same holie spirite the spirite of adoption kendleth susteyneth cōserueth and encreaseth such loue of God suche desire to gratifie and to serue God and to approue our selues to hym in all thynges to glorifie hym that wyth verie great diligence and carefulnes we keepe our selues from al synne and moste earnestly applie oure selues to all good workes The holy scriptures describe
question What good workes must be taught and done ¶ The answer Those that God hath cōmaunded in the ten cōmaūdemātes those that be cōteyned in the same after the interpretatiō of Christ and his Apostles For we must take ryght good hede that we deuyse not worshyppinges of God and good workes wythout the worde Therfore Christe also sayeth They worshippe me in vayne wyth the cōmaūdemētes of men For God wil that not onely fayth but also al our good workes be limited with his worde as with a sure rule leste after the maner of the heathen we deuyse to our selues vayne imaginations and workes of our owne as it hath chaunsed in callynge vpon sayntes in voued pilgrimages to the bones of sayntes in forbiddynge of mariage and suche lyke ¶ The seconde question Howe maye good workes be done ¶ Answer Mānes diligēce perfourmeth outwarde discipline metely so so But the commaundementes of God require also the inwarde workes of the herte as the feare of God fayth loue towardes the cōmaundementes of God true inuocatiō patience in troubles chastitie cet And it is well knowen that mannes weakenes can in nowise perfourme such workes without Godds healpe Ther fore God poureth his spirite into the hertes of the Godlye which helpeth them whiche gyueth them newe lyght and strength and this is a true exercise wherin God wil haue vs to call vpon Christe and to flee to hym that he maye gyue vs the holie goste and guyde vs therwyth that we fall not For it was an harde thynge for Dauid not to fal into desperation when he was dryuen out of his realme and appeared to be cast away of God Therfore he fled to praier as to an onely holde that was lefte and he required to be stayed and strengthned wyth the holy goste that he myghte call vpon God and loke for the ende of the matter in patience Wherfore Christe sayeth I wyll not leaue you fatherles Item the Lorde sayth in Zacharie Cha. xij I wyl poure vpon the house of Dauid the spirite of grace and prayer that is to saye he gyueth vs the holie goste that we maye beleue vnfaynedly that we are in the fauour of God by whiche fayth our mynde is steared vp to inuocation For whē we knowledge that the mercie of God is present wyth vs we loke for healpe and comfort from him and we submitte our selues to his wyll etc. Therfore God dyd not onely commaunde vs what we shoulde do but also he promiseth and offereth vs healp to do the same The cause why few men vnderstande thys thing and considre it a right is the dissolute and vnreligious lyfe and great securitie that reigneth in the common people For they fyght not agaynst synnes but vtterly folow all maner of lust and fall into greate blyndnes of mynde so that they know neither God nor his workes in men But they that lyue in the feare of God and call earnestly for thys healpe and ayde of the holie goste haue true experience howe present and effectuous his healpe is in affictions Wherfore it is ryghte expedient fo● fearfull and weake myndes whiche haue some begynnyng and desire of godlines to considre diligently the sayinge of S. Paule Philip. ij It is God that worketh in you both to wyll and to brynge to passe accordynge to the good purpose of his mynde that is to saye though thou feele thy selfe to be weake neuertheles when thou goest aboute any good thynge in thy lyfe accordyng vnto thy vocation vnto the glorie of God be of good comforte and knowledge that God wyll healpe the in thys endeuour and gyue the his holie spirite and good successe to thy worke ¶ The thirde question Howe do good workes please God seinge that there remaineth euer in thys fleshe so great weaknes in thys lyfe For we all haue experience dayly that there sticketh in vs as yet muche doubtyng cōceruyng God and his worde distrust of his presence and healpe inordinate motions and carefulnesse of thys lyfe Whiche woundes of mannes weaknes the sayntes feele to be so much the greuouser as they more studie to remedie them Whiche thinge Paule bewayleth of him selfe Roma vij It is profitable that the people be often and playnely admonished of thys question For a great parte of men be encombred in two errours Some be in perpetual doubte being vncertaine whether their lyfe or workes please God and lyuynge in an heathnishe vngodlines For they can not call vpō God but they flee his syghte There is a verie great multitude of thys sorte amonge men Wherfore thys heathnishe blyndnesse of men muste be diligently reproued An other arrogancie and trust of our owne rightuousnes and workes as was the errour of that pharisie whiche in the temple gloried of the keepyng of the lawe not perceyuyng his owne vncleanes and synnes Therefore that thys double errour and thys blyndnes maye be ouoyded we muste knowe that three thinges are required herevnto that good workes please God Fyrste that the mā him selfe be acceptable to God and be iustified freely for Christes sake Secondly that it is requisite that a newe lyfe folowe and obedience towardes God though it be vnperfecte and though muche weakenes and manie vices remayne in vs. Wherfore we muste remēbre that it is euer needfull to aske forgyuenes of synnes As Christe taught vs all to praye to the father Forgyue vs our dettes For no man vnderstandeth sufficiently howe greate the anger of God is agaynste synne oure reconciler Christ dyd onely fully perceyue it when he sayed If they do thys in the grene wood what wyl they do in the drye we muste not then extenuate and diminishe synne Thirdly though thys obediēce be weake yet we must determine that it pleaseth God in the reconciled for his sonne sake as saynt Petre exhorteth to offre spirituall sacrifices acceptable vnto God thorow Iesus Christ as if he woulde say not for their owne worthines but for the Mediatours sake Christ our only high bishoppe euer makyng intercession for vs. Thys is it that is wonte to be sayed at other tymes that good workes oughte to be done out of fayth that is that a man should not wauer doubtynge whether his lyfe or workes please God but certayne determine that he is acceptable to God for Christes sake as we haue often sayed and therefore that his workes being commaunded by the worde of God be acceptable vnto God for the same Christes sake thoughe they be weake and vnperfecte Therfore faith must be exercised in good workes two wayes Firste that we beleue they please God Secondly that we praye to God that for Christes sake he wil healp vs both to lyue godlie and also to do those workes that shall profitte the common lyfe of mē that he wyll giue thē good successe Nowe let euerie man considre wyth him selfe howe greate thys mercie of God is and howe sweete thys doctrine is It semeth a small worke when the mother bryngeth vp hyr childrē gyueth sucke
hope and loke for corporall goodes from him neither exercise fayeth in askynge and lokynge for those thinges from him suche a mynde shal feele muche lesse of desire and hope of spiritual and euerlastynge goodes Such causes then of good workes must be driuen into men diligently that they may be steared vp to worke well and to auoyed euyll workes Neither haue we neede of a small fyght in thys case that we beware of euyll workes and trauayle constantly in good workes For the weaknes of nature doeth not onely prouoke vs to euyl workes but the deuyll layeth in awayte for vs to dryue vs thereunto wyth merueylous enginnes as S. Petre sayeth that the deuyll goeth about roarynge lyke a Lion and seekyng whom ue maye deuoure And though these thynges seame folishe to thē that lacke the feare of God which folowe theyr lustes without care yet we haue experiēce by dayly exemples that verie manie men are miserably driuen of the deuyl into horrible mischeuous actes and so into temporall and euerlastyng punishmentes For howe many doeth he sende headlyng into Idolatrie and moste pernitious errours concernynge religion How manie driueth he to vniust murthers Howe manie leadeth he to abhominable and incestuous lecherie Whiche euyll thys thinge also is wonte to folowe whiche is moste horrible of all that synnes are punished wyth synnes whereby greater mischiues and abhominations sprynge forth For howe greate and howe horrible synnes folowed of the adulterie of Dauid No sinne is alone there cleaue alwayes to one verie manie other Wherfore the healpe of God muste be called for continually and wyth moste feruent wishes and we our selues muste lyue in feare and continuall care whiche thynge the Apostle cammaundeth Philippi ij worke your owne health wyth feare and tremblyng ¶ The fyfte question what difference is there of synnes Thys question muste be handled bycause as we haue sayd that sinne remaymeth euer in sayntes whyle they lyue here There is a question thē what maner of syn that should be that is euer founde in sayntes For thys thynge muste be wel declared and we must make a difference betwene the sinnes which the sayntes auoyd not in this lyfe and those that stāde not with faith Therfore we must knowe that there is a synne agaynst conscience that is to saye whiche a man committeth wyllyngly and knowyngly Thys in saintes hath no place And if they committe anie suche synne they caste awaye the grace of God and fayth and dryue the holy goste from them and be no longer saintes and acceptable to god Those sayinges of the holy goste testifie thys thynge clearely i. Cor. vi and Gala. v. They that do suche thynges shal not possesse the kingdome of God And i. Iohn iij. My litle chyldren let no man deceyue you he that doeth ryghtuousnes is ryghtuous but he that doeth synne is of the deuyll Wherefore Paule sayeth also i. Timo i. The summe of the commaundement is loue out of a pure herte a good consciēce and fayth not fayned Itē afterwarde keepe fayth and a good conscience Wherefore he that synneth agaynste his conscience he falleth from grace and ryghtuousnes To this kynde of synne wylfull ignoraunce pertayneth also as the ignoraunce of the heathen and pharisies was whiche reiected the Gospel preached of Christe and of the Apostle and woulde be ignoraunt And in all tymes there be many suche men whiche wyll neither heare of Christe the sauiour nor knowe hym and do playnely contemne the voice of God soundyng from heauen Thys is my deare sonne heare hym Suche in oure tyme are the Iewes and the Mahometistes and manie other amonge the aduersaries of the Gospel which fayne that they vnderstande not the Gospell whereas notwithstanding they wyl neither heare it nor admitte it into theyr hertes Hitherto we haue spoken of their synnes that continue not in the grace of God but in committing suche synnes make them selnes subiecte agayne to the wrath of God Neuerthelesse greate corruption of nature weakenes and euyll concupiscence whereof manie naughtie affections sprynge continually remaine in thē that are in fauoure and be reconciled But whyle the sayntes resiste those corrupte motions and beseche the heauenlie father to forgyue them the same for Christes sake beleuyng that thys weaknes and naughtie affections be pardoned to thē for the same Christes sake they keepe styll fayth grace and the holie goste they continue ryghtuous acceptable to God sayntes and heyres of euerlastyng lyfe as S. Paule teacheth excellently Ro. vij viij Testifiyng that no damnation remayneth vnto them that be in Christe Iesu whiche walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite The godlie muste be exercised wyth thys fyght and so they shall wel vnderstande the grace and victorie of Christe agaynste synne and Satan and they shall go forwarde in godlines and in the gyftes of God For the holie goste is not gyuen to the reconciled to maynteyne Idle slouthfulnes but that they shoulde fyghte wyth a perpetuall battayle agaynst synne and Satan and that in such a confflicte they myghte feele the healpe of the spirite Wherefore Paule sayeth i. Cor. vi We exhort you that ye take not the grace of God in vayne Of the true and Germane significatiof thys worde fayth BYcause we haue heretofore spoken muche of fayth in Christe out of S. Paule whereby as the Lorde hym selfe and the whole scripture witnesseth we obtayne remission of sinnes enheritaunce amonge the sayntes and euerlasting life the ministers must remembre and teach the people diligently that thys iustifiynge fayeth is the worke of the holie goste in the chosen of God whereby theyr myndes are so illumined and taught that they certaynly assent to the Gospell of Christ and therfore to the whole scripture and euerie word of God that a man out of the Gospel maye knowe and determine certaynly that God gyueth hym remission of synnes and euerlastyng lyfe for the onely Mediatours sake Christe that he is and wyl be his God and father and accompte hym for his sonne and that he shal be enheriter of eternal lyfe Out of thys fayeth there spryngeth necessarely a true confidence in Christe a loue of God and a desire to lyue after his commaundementes All whiche thynges the holie goste worketh in them that beleue thorowe whō we are borne agayne and be become a new creature of God made in Christe Iesu vnto good workes whiche God prepared that we shulde walke in them Therfore the ministers as we haue sayd must diligently teache the people whē they entreate of iustifiynge and sauynge fayth that thys lyuely and workyng fayth is vnderstanded whiche we defined a litle before and not suche a fayth as maye be wythout the loue of God and wythout good workes For suche one is not true fayth but as it were a dreamyng or rather a dead fayth neither that we vnderstande a maimed faith as is in Satā as was in Iudas and is in al them that despeyre of the mercie of God For this fayth beleueth not the
holie Gospell but onely parte of the Gospel I meane that part wherin God pronoūceth the euerlasting punishment of the euyl and not that part wherein he offereth his grace to them that beleue For they that haue thys fayth beleue that there is a God that made and ruleth all thynges that punisheth the euyll but they beleue not that God wyll be merciful vnto them forgiue them theyr sinnes freely for his sonnes sake Finally that we muste not vnderstande a temperarie fayeth wherewyth men beleue the whole Gospell in dede but it is but for a tyme. For they receyue the worde of God with ioye but whē afliction and persecution chaunceth for the Gospell they fall agayne and theyr fayeth vanishinge out of theyr myndes the sede of Goddes worde though it be spronge vp is kylled and dryeth awaye wyth the heate of persecution Wherefore the preachers muste teache men diligently that when they heare that we whiche beleue in Christe haue euerlastynge life that we be borne agayne thorowe fayth that the chyldren of God be instified and saued thorowe fayth they muste vnderstande and considre that these thinges be spoken of true and lyuely fayeth whiche steareth vp in them that beleue a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence and of adoption vnto euerlastyng life And hereby breadeth in them and enflameth an earnest and feruent loue of God and worketh also a perpetuall and effectuous studie of all holines and sincere seruiceable loue towardes our neighbours Finally bryngeth to passe that they that beleue giue them selues altogyther to the fulfilling of the lawe ¶ Of the crosse and aflictions VVHē this faith is sincerely taught and learned and preuaileth in the lyfe of the sayntes it can not be God so orderinge and finishinge the renuinge of his but the crosse and aflictih● wyl folow sincere doctrine and a godlie life For God willing thorow his secrete purpose to trie the faith of his and to dryue them to call for his healpe permitteth Satan to exercise them with sundrie tētations whiche is an enemie of pure doctrine and christian Wherfore while this is permitted vnto him he resisteth and wrastleth against good doctrine and godlie life with all the crafte and might that he can and moueth against the same what so euer he hath in his power And he hath the whole world in his power Wherefore Christe calleth him the prince of the worlde Iohn xij If he be then the prince of the worlde what other thynge shall we loke for then that he wil be against vs with al the worlde and wil fight against pure doctrine and pure life Of doctrine Christes worde testifieth Iohn xv If they haue harde me they will heare you also If they haue persecuted me they wil persecute you also etc. And that they wyll persecute a godly life S. Paul teacheth ij Tim. iij. As manie as wyll lyue godlie in Christe shall suffre persecution It is then ryghte necessarie that the ministers of the worde teache comforte and strengthen the people wyth all faythfulnes and diligence to beare the crosse to learne to ouercome aduersities wyth patience For we maye heare euerie where the vngodlie and blasphemous wordes of men that be in aflictions For whē they are warned to arme theyr mynde with patience bycause that aflictiōs are sent of God agaynst that they crie streyght waye that they are not sent of God but of Satan and if thou wylte saye styll that God chastiseth them whom he loueth they saye they wishe that he woulde not loue them so muche When anie incommoditie or aduersitie chaunceth to them vnloked for the cause whereof they can not attayne wyth theyr folishe reason forthwyth they ascribe it to arte magike Whiche errour and superstition is chiefely in vplandishe men and other rude felowes Thorowe whiche errour it cometh to passe that when they fall into anie calamitie they runne streyght waies to wisardes and witches they aske counsell of them and beleue their lyes and for the moste parte burthen them wyth iniuste suspicions and falsely sclaunder them that be innocent Further also they embrace their enchauntmētes and magike remedies vsing the ayde of deuyls which is an horrible defectiō from the true God and a deniyng of him whiche surely be great and heynous synnes for reuengeaunce wherof the wrath of God and manifest punishmentes are wonte to come vpon the vnfaythfull as the Apostle witnesseth Therfore that we maye resist so great wickednes and abhomination and that men maye be broughte to haue true patience in the crosse the preachers muste teache some what after thys sorte of the crosse First though the deuyll wyth his garde burne wyth an incredible hatred agaynste the godlie and desireth excedingly to hurte them by all meanes and in what thynge so euer he can in bodie soule goodes fame as Petre testifieth sayinge the deuill walketh about etc. Neuertheles this is certaine that he can not once moue an heare of our heade excepte God suffre hym so to do as Christe sayth Math. x. Are not two sparowes solde for a farthynge and one of them falleth not vpō the earth wythout your father And the verie heares of your heade are al numbred The storie of Iob witnesseth the same whō Satan coulde not hurte but by the permission of God neither in goodes nor bodie For we are enuironned wyth manie thousandes of Angels which haue charge of vs as the prophete Eliseus sayeth to his ladde iiij of kynges vi When the kynge of Siria commaunded the prophete to be taken Dauid in the Psalm xxxiij wytnesseth that the same is gyuen not onely to Eliseus but also to all the godlie sayinge They that feare the Lorde he compasseth them aboute as it were with pauilions and the watching Angell keepeth them safe But where tentes be pitched there the holiest muste needes be present So Christe hym selfe sayeth also of the yonge children Their angels se alwaies the face of my father whiche is in heauen We maye dayly se and feele thys defence garde and custodie of the Angels if we wilturne oure myndes to the workes of God and considre them wyth the eyes of fayth For how many new enginnes deuiseth Satan daily What mischiues inuēteth he thorowe wicked men wherewyth he yet profiteth nothyng so that we must needes graūt that God disapoynteth those deuises of Satan and not anie wisedome of man Wherfore men muste be taughte diligently that what so euer good or euyll chaunce to them synne onely excepted they beleue it chaunceth to them from God and his prouidence though it be done by the ministerie of Satan and of the vngodly Secondly forasmuche as it is well knowen that aduersitie cometh not by chaunce but by the permission and determined purpose of God we oughte not to doubte but that it chaunceth to vs for good and that suche thynges be as signes of Goddes beniuolence and not of his wrath as the Epistle to the Hebrues teacheth xij My sonne neglecte not the correction of God nor faint thou
when thou arte rebuked of hym for whō the Lorde loueth him he correcteth etc. S. Paule sayeth the same thynge i. Cor. xi When we are chastised we are corrected of the Lorde that we be not condemned wyth thys worlde Item Ro. viij We knowe that to them that loue God all thynges worke for good to them I saye whiche be called according to his determined will Thirdly they muste be taughte that the crosse and aflictions be a schole wherein we are wel nourtured and enstructed of the wil of God For Christe sayeth Luke xiiij He that beareth not his crosse and foloweth me can not be my disciple For we ought not to acknowledge an other maister vpon earth If then we can not be his disciples excepte we take our crosse vpō vs we can not learne of hym the thynges that pertayne to oure saluation wythout the crosse and afliction Wherefore S. Paule exhorteth vs also Ro. xij to gyue our bodies a lyuely sacrifice to be killed with the crosse and that we should trie what the good wyl of God is etc. For we learne manie thynges vnder the crosse and aflictions which it skylleth vs to know vnto our saluation Of al whiche neuertheles the summe and ende is to acknowledge the good and fatherly wil of God towarde vs. But we wyll reherse some of these thinges Some vndre the crosse acknowledge their weaknes and sinnes which otherwise they would not haue founde in them selues as Iob. For when he had a while keept and shewed patience vnto God at the last being broken and ouercome wyth the moste greuous calamities wherewith the Lorde exercised hym he curssed the daye of his natiuitie and murmured agaynste God whiche faute he would neuer haue thought to haue bene in hym wythout the crosse In the crosse then we feele how much euil hangeth yet in vs the secrete vices of oure herte and naughtie concupiscence of our nature is brought forth and disclosed vnto vs. Wherfore they whiche are impatient in tribulations whiche be discouraged or moued wyth some kynde of reuengynge or flee to euyll craftes and remedies of deuyls or about the confession of the name of Christe shoulde backe and abiure the Gospel or do some thynge vngodlie and vnworthie of christian profession suche men maye learne thorowe theyr fall that they do not yet truly beleue God For such falles are vndoubted fruites of infidelitie and thei proue those men whiche so fall to distruste God and to despeyre of his gooddes healpe and that they truste in them selues and in other creatures yea in witchcraftes and moreouer in the deuyl hym selfe They then whiche beinge tried wyth the crosse fynde that there hangeth in them greate wickednes whiche they knewe not before and that they were counterfaites and emptie of true fayeth ought to be agast and to quake at this their ●ngodlines and to be moued wyth earneste repentaunce and to flee wyth all their herte vnto Christe whiche maye deliuer them of thys infidelitie gyue them stronge fayth etc. For God sendeth such miseries and tribulations for thys purpose that in them mē myghte beholde trie and acknowledge thē selues in a glasse For whyle they be in prosperitie they lyue carelesly they runne not to God they neglecte to heare his worde they call not vpon God they thynke that they knowe him and haue all thynges that they neede Some vndre the crosse call their synnes passed to remembraunce and weygh them worthely at length and lamente them and truly repent of them For whyle they haue all thynges at pleasure for the moste parte they neglecte their sinnes they despice the wrath of God and thynke it not to be so muche as they heare it to be preached But when the crosse and afliction cometh vpon thē their mynde is aflight it cōsidereth not that the thynges whiche it suffereth be the scourges of Goddes wrath it feareth leste God wyll shewe him selfe hereafter a rigorous iudge and reuenger of wicked actes and not a gentle father The man considereth in thys chastising of God al his sinnes whereby he desirued the punishmentes a greate whyle before whiche he nowe suffereth he weigheth them worthely at the last and condemneth him selfe and sayeth wyth him selfe in thys and that synne I well deserued thys correction of God If then true repentaunce come into his mynde and if he flee to the mercie of God in Christ he is healped also with grace For God therfore sendeth vs aflictions that we shoulde acknowledge oure sinnes that we shoulde condemne our selues and turne to the Lorde as Paul monisheth i. Cor. xi sayinge for this cause that is to saye bicause ye celebrate the supper of the Lorde vnworthely and not religiously there be many weake and feeble amonge you and manie sleepe and he addeth if we had iudged our selues that is to say if we had repented our sinnes and amended our life we should not be iudged that is we should not be subiected to so manie euyls But when we iudge not oure selues God iudgeth and chastiseth vs not wyth an enemous but wyth a beniuolent and fatherlie mynde that he maye putte vs in remembraunce of our synnes and call vs againe to repentaunce and this it is that he sayeth afterwarde But when we be iudged of God we be corrected that we be not cōdemned wyth the worlde Such then learne in the crosse the boūtuous and fatherly will of God in that that they knowe that God wyll not the death of a synner but rather that he be conuerted and lyue as Ezechiell testifieth xviij Whereunto he driueth euen wyth his scourges Other in the crosse acknowledge not their synnes onely or not chiefely as men hauing obteyned remission therof and which sinnes be couered by the mercie of God but they gette muche more knowledge of the mercie and excedynge goodnes of God as he that was borne blyude Iohn ix Of whom whē the disciples had moued a questiō whether he or his Parentes had synned that he shoulde be borne blynde Iesus answered neither hath thys man synned nor his Parentes but that the workes of God maye be made manifest in him etc. Of thys sorte be the aflictions of them whiche haue somwhat profited in christian religion For God is muche redier to giue and to healpe then we be to aske it whiche thynge appeareth euidently by thys that he steareth vs vp wyth so manie his preceptes and promises to pray to him selfe promising also that he wyl gyue vs what so euer we aske in the name of Christe his sonne Therefore that we maye acknowledge this his so bountuous and verie fatherly loue towardes vs he layeth a crosse vpon vs wherein he constrayneth vs to call vpon hym that hearing vs and deliuering from euyls and heaping benifittes vpon vs he may declare his good wyll towarde vs and moue vs to loue hym agayne and to magnifie hym accordyng to the sentence of the Psal Call vpon me in the daye of trouble and I wyll deliuer the and thou shalte
glorifie me This way the crosse is easely suffered and becometh pleasaunt For who woulde not be blynde for a whyle if he knewe that his syght shoulde be restored to him sone after by the hādes of Christ hym selfe and also inwarde syght wyth the outwarde Who woulde not wishe exie and persecution with Dauid if he knewe that he shoulde be merueylously deliuered of God and that he shoulde be extolled to sanctifie his name and dilate his knyngdome Who woulde not chose to be troubled and despiced wyth Iob if he knewe that at length he shoulde be pronounced ryghtuous by the iudgement of the diuine maiestie it selfe and that he shoulde recouer his former dignitie yea and more to both in temporal and euerlasting goodes But we must be as certaine of the healpe of God and deliueraunce as Dauid Iob and other were whose exemples the scripture setteth before vs so that we call vpon God wyth true fayth Wherfore the people muste be often warned hereof bi the ministers that by this meane faith and the inuocation of God beinge nowe welnigh quenched may be raised vp againe and florishe There be some also whiche whyle they are aflicted learne the peculiar loue of god towardes them and gette glorie euen in the crosse as the Apostles Act. v. When they were beaten wyth roddes for the name of Christe and confession of the Gospel went from the councell reioysinge that they were compted worthie to be spitefully handled for his names sake Therefore it muste be ascribed to the peculiar goodnes of god whē he iudgeth vs worthy to be troubled for his names sake for if we suffre wyth hym we shall also be glorified wyth him as Paule witnesseth Ro. viij Surely it was a greate benifitte and greate glorie to the Apostles that they had so great fayth and loue to promote the kingdō of God that they thought they oughte to reioyse and to glorie in the trouble and despite whiche they suffered for the name of Christe whereof vndoubtedly they toke great consolation Therefore christian men muste euer labour to gette suche perfection whiche reade that manie Martyres shewed men women chyldren yonge and olde learned and vnlearned so that we maye once saye wyth Paule Be it farre from me that I glorie sauynge in the crosse of oure Lorde Iesu Christe etc. In this place it shal pertayne to the preachers to arme the people agaynste the errours of the Anabaptistes whiche contende that no crosse auayleth to health sauynge that that is layed vpon vs for faythes sake and for the confession of Christe neither wil they acknowledge anie to be a christian mā which hath not this crosse that he suffre persecution for the cōfession of Christe Whose errour is lyke the erroure of the donatistes whiche as S. Augustine witnesseth draue men euen agaynste theyr wylles to kylle them selues Therfore the preachers muste teache the people three kyndes of aflictions and of the crosse First when we suffre persecution for the confession of Christe and for rightuousnes whiche afliction crosse is moste holesome and most to be wished for accordynge to the saying of Christe Math. v. Blessed be they that suffre persecutions for ryghtuousnes sake etc. The seconde kinde of tribulatiō is wherby God correcteth vs for synne and calleth vs agayne vnto repentaunce as be diseases pouertie hūgre pestilence etc. In these if we shewe patience to God and obey his wyll and seeke his grace in Christe being so pricked wyth true repentaunce of synnes and earnest fayth thys shal be a pleasaunt sacrifice vnto God whiche thynge is toutched in the parable Luke xiij Of the great banekette to whiche the bidden gestes refused to come and the pore lame blynde etc. were brought and compelled to come The thirde kynde of the crosse is when malefactours are punished for their wicked actes as he murtherers adulterers theues robbers Thys kynde of tribulation becometh not christian men Wherfore we must take diligent hede that we be not troubled thys waye as wicked and euylles doers i. Petri. iiij Lette none of you be aflicted as a murtherer as these etc. But if anie man be troubled as a christian let hym not be ashamed but glorifie God in thys behalfe But if anie suche thing chaunce and if some heynous act be committed the person must not despeare therfore but he must acknowledge that he is punished for his deseruing Wher fore he muste haue patience and praye for forgyuenes and so thys crosse though it be brought vpon vs thorowe our wicked actes becometh holie acceptable to God as we may se in the thiefe whiche on the crosse acknowledged and called vpon Christe Here the preachers shall also warne diligently that it is not in our choyse to lay the crosse vpon vs as we liste but that euerie man muste beare that crosse whiche God layeth vpon hym accordynge to the sayinge of Christ he that wyl be my disciple let him take vp his owne crosse not Christes crosse or Petres or Paules but his owne Th●refore lette euerie man be contented wyth h●s owne crosse onely lette him ●●w are that he pull not a crosse vpon hym selfe wyth his owne wicked dedes The onely exemple of Iohn the Euangeliste proueth sufficiently that it is not necessarie that euerie man be exercised wyth the crosse for the confession of fayth For thys mā hough he were right deare vnto Christe yet he dyed a naturall death and in extreme age and was not put to death for the confession of fayeth as the moste parte of the other Apostles were Furthermore thys thynge also must be taught about thys place that it is not onely profitable but also necessarie that we be troubled in thys lyfe and exercised with sūdrie aduersities by reason of our naughtie fleshe and olde Adam to whiche it is needefull to be repressed tamed wyth the crosse as meate and drynke be needeful for the bodie For oure olde man in prosperitie for the moste parte wareth riotous and insolent forgetteth God and looseth the brydle to allustes and mischiues as Moyses testifieth Deut. xxxij The beloued was batted and kycked he was batted and made fatte and lefte God his maker and departed from God his health Wherfore Solomon prayeth Pro. xxx Neither pouertie nor rytches gyue me leste I beinge fylled denie the and saye who is the Lorde etc. To auoyed these so great euyls the crosse is surely necessarie so that if God lay vpō vs no peculiar crosse we must humble and chastise our fleshe our selues as Paule wrate of hym selfe i. Cor. ix I chastise my bodie and brynge it into bondage etc. For the olde man must needes be mortified and perishe if the newe shal be renued And thys the holie goste worketh in vs chiefely by the law and aflictiōs wherewith we are moued and nurtured to vnderstande the lawe Wherefore in baptisme we submitte oure selues to the crosse and to death accordynge to the sayinge of Paule Ro. vi As manie of vs as be baptised into Christe are baptised
men wyth all theyr hertes for the Lorde Christes sake that they serue al maner of men and do them good in all thynges that perteyne to the neede of the bodie or to ciuile societie Therefore in thys ciuile lyfe societie they exercise theyr fayth and shewe exemples of loue towardes their neighbours wyth whom they lyue in all theyr necessities all maner of wayes What soeuer gētle behauiour there is in the world what so euer perteyneth or healpeth to faythfull and honest ciuilitie and participation of present thynges and to the maynteinyng and adurnyng of the common weale that christē mē only do rightly vnderstand labour to perfourme most prōptly In like maner the pastours must often substantially declare and excusse those doctrines also that perteyne to a spirituall lyfe for whiche the Anabaptistes make muche busines as of originall synne of the baptisme of infātes of the rightuousnes of fayth and these thinges they shall teache out of the holie scriptures as of original synne what an horrible euyll it is bycause mannes reason doeth no● se those thynges to be damned whiche remayne in the nature of man I meane the ignoraunce of God want of the feare of God and distrusting of God Item that God alloweth the baptisme of our infantes receyueth our infantes into his chyldren thorowe baptisme and maketh them heyres of his grace and euerlastyng lyfe That remission of synnes the communion of Christe the felowshoppe of a newe and blessed lyfe is only in the congregation of Christ and not amonge the Iewes or Turbes or other men amonge whom the Gospell is not preached the sacramentes of Christe are not administered but rather the name and doctrine of Christ is blasphemed The matter standing thus and seinge that it is euident that God wyl be the God of our seede also that is to saye a sauiour and authour of a newe and blessed lyfe to vs which thorowe Christ be made the sonnes of Abraham and heyres of the promyse and couenaunte whiche God Gene. xvij Gala iii. made wyth hym the father of all them that beleue the matter beinge thus I saye surely we maye conclude and it is playne that our infantes borne of vs synners and loste through synnes muste be offered to Christ be incorporated to him thorowe baptisme that by hym they maye be washed in the churche from synnes and haue his ryghtuousenes gyuē thē put vpon them For seing that the kingdome of Christ is reueiled amounge vs and the mistery of redemptiō and saluation wrought by Christe is more clearely and abundaūtly exhibited and preached then before for manye Kynges and prophetes desired to heare and see the thinges that we heare and se and it was not giuen to them it muste needes be that they playnlie knowe not the Gospell of Christe and cōmunion of sayntes amonge them selues that were sayntes in dede and acceptable to God or els that they inuade Christe and his churche with a wicked furie whosoeuer they be that wyl not haue our infantes to be purged from synnes wyth the Sacramente of regeneration and to be planted in the churche of God seinge that it behoued infantes of the olde people to be sanctified and planted into the bodie of Christ whiche is the churche wyth that Sacramente that God then gaue them for thys purpose For why shoulde oure infantes perteyne lesse to the kyngdome of God then theirs seinge that thorow Christ we be grafted in the holy roote of that people and made partakers of the blessed fatnes of thys Olyue Ro. x● Furthermore we haue giuē vnto vs a mig●tier spirite Romo viij But we be gotten i● synnes aswel as the Iewes and haue neede to be deliuered from synnes thorowe Christ and to be brought vnto the life of God and that in Christes church For there is not saluation wythout the churche where neither the worde nor Sacrament is Infantes then muste be planted into the church we must gyue them the signe that wytnesseth that the promise perteyneth vnto thē And forasmuche as in this time the Gospel the grace of God and redemption of Christe be more clearely and effectuously exhibited and preached in the churche both wyth wordes and sacramentes then amonge the olde people euerie man surely beinge rightly warned hereof excepte he be a verie vngodlie person shall acknowledge that oure infantes also muste be washed from synnes by baptisme whiche is the Sacrament of regeneration and that they muste be planted into Christe our Lorde and his churche in whiche church Christe worketh thorowe his worde and sacramentes as Ephes● v. Paule sayeth that Christ loued the cōgregation and gaue him selfe for it to sanctifie it and cleanse it wyth the lauer of water etc. He describeth not the congregation wythout signes and without the worde Wherefore he sayeth also in an other place one bodie one spirite one Lorde one fayth one baptisme Whiche thynges surely do testifie that they whiche perteyne to the cōgregation be planted into the same wyth some outwarde signe also If mē shall be warned hereof often and substantially they shal reuerentlie vse holie baptisme they shal come to it and stande by it more religiously and they shal more feruently pray for the grace of God to them selues and to the infātes and wyth purer myndes and greater sanctification of them selues they shal labour to offre to Christe the Lorde both their owne chyldren and also the chyldren of the whole church according to the Lordes wordes suffre the litelones to come vnto me for the kingdome of heauen perteyneth to such Whiche moste sweete sayinge of the Lorde oure sauioure they shall also embrace wyth more certeyne fayth and wyth greater deuotion gyue God thankes for his so greate benifitte Men shall moreouer be moued and enflamed to procure theyr chyldren beinge grafted in Christe to be brought vp to hym and to his churche wyth greater diligence and they shall cause them to be nosseled in the knowledge of him that they may profite the church and whē they be growen vp they shall dedicate them betymes as the membres of Christe vnto his churche being the sonnes and heyres of God and ioynte heyres wyth Christ In lyke maner the rightuousnes of fayth must be declared and sette forth by comparyng of the Anabaptisticall imaginations For that comparison shall brynge greater lyght to thys ministerie I saye when it shal be playnely shewed howe greate difference there is betwene the true ryghtuousnes of Christ and the hypocrisie of these heretikes For that rightuousnes that the Gospel teacheth is to take handfast of Christ the lorde with sure faith so that the mynde trust therin constantly and call vpon God the father thorowe Christe wyth the cōfidence of chyldren and studie to glorifie the same wyth good workes wherewyth our neighbours may be holpen by al possible meanes accordynge to all the power of the holie goste that it hath receyued But the rightuousnes whiche the Anabaptistes teache and wherin they boste themselues is al
shall be present in theyr exammation and conuersion But if anie refusyng godlie admonition and doctrine shall obstinately continue in theyr impietie the officer of that place muste brynge theyr cause before an higher magistrate He shall punishe suche accordynge to the state of the personne and erroure wyth banishmente or other sore paynes after the law of the empire and the tēporal cōstitutiō decreed set forth cōceruyng these matters For we wyll that thys be knowen to all men that none in our dominions or places subiecte to our rule shal be suffered that dareth alowe one or more of the Anabaptisticall errours We wyl haue the same maner vsed with all them whiche steare vp spreade abrode or allowe anie false doctrine that fighteth with the receyued articles of our fayth ¶ Of the administration of religion that is to saye of the handlynge and dispensation of the doctrine Sacramentes and discipline of Christ in the churche And fyrste of the maner and ordre of holy sermons ON the sondaies and holie daies the preachers shal reherse and declare to the people the wonted lesson of the Gospell betwene the administration of the Sacramente as the custome is and out of that lesson they shal teache the people admonishe and argue those thinges which they shall perceyue to be moste necessarie and profitable for christian lyfe And forasmuch as al the lessons of the holy scripture preache vnto vs of God to be acknowledged in Christe of his almightines and mercie of repentaunce and forgyuenes of synnes in the name of Christe a wyse and faithful preacher shal easely chose that thing chiefely out of euerie lesson that shall make to the health and edification of the present congregation Wherfore the pastours must haue great care of the people and trye at certeyne tymes howe muche euerie one hath profited in religion in what partenerie one staggereth and is readie to fal whether it be in the doctrine of fayth or concernynge the trust of Gods mercie or in the feare of the iudgement of God or in patience loue or orderynge of maners that timelie and holesome remedies maye euer be brought out of the worde of God as out of a plentifull apothe caries shop and layed to the greuous diseases and vices of the people The lessons of the scripture beinge recited in the begynnynge of sermons muste be diligently declared to the people and that whole togither For the worde of God must be propouned to the people that they maye learne it and be enstructed to godlines therby Wherfore so muche shal be declared as was reade to the people that they maye receyue some fruite of godlines thereby But the preachers and ministers of the cōgregations shall labour diligently herein that the doctrine and exhortation whiche they wyll vse before the lessons euer be referred to those thynges wherein the people is weakeste and they shall instantly beate in the thynges whiche they shall perceyue to further the amendemēt of the people and holesome institution whiche thynge we se that the holy fathers dyd also which fyrst declared in ordre the lesson that was recited and afterwarde taryed in those places chiefely in teachyng exhortyng and reprouyng that semed moste to further the institution admonition and correction of the people But bycause all doctrine and exhortation is then ryghtly perceyued and lette to sinke deeper into the mynde if it be deriued out of certaine principles knowen before as fundacion and cōcluded in the same the preachers muste referre all doctrine and exortation in theyr sermones to some place of a Catachisme or institution as to the ten commaundementes to the articles of our faithe the Lordes praier the Sacramentes and suche lyke principall poyntes of our religion And bycause that the whole christiane doctrine and what so euer perteyneth to godlines consisteth in these sūmaries and be meetelie well knowē to the people it bringeth great light to the doctrine and it moueth the people the more if the sermons shal be referred to these poyntes as to a certeyne marke and they shall shewe the people to what parte of the catechisme that that they teache perteyneth Thys thynge shall healpe muche to thys purpose that the people maye dayly growe more and more in all godlines fayeth in Christe and loue towarde theyr neighbour The pastoure muste also teache the people the common offices and dueties of thys lyfe accordynge to euerie mannes vocation as the office of maried folke one towardes an other the office of the parentes towarde theyr chyldrē and cōtrary wise What maisters owe to their seruaūtes and seruauntes to theyr maisters Howe the officers oughte to be estemed and all other gouernours howe greate reuerence we owe them howe we oughte to lyue wyth oure superiours equalles and inferiours These thynges must be often propouned and repeted in sermons chiefely on the holie dayes when a greate cōpany of people resorteth togyther And the prayses of ciuile lyfe muste be diligētly beaten into mē and chiefely the youth muste be accustomed wyth great diligence and arte to learne to haue a reuerent opinion of the officers of the lawes and of al politike thinges This reuerence is profitable to the common weale and is the nurse of great vertues On the sundayes and holie dayes at the euenyng prayers some exhortation muste be made which shal be chosen out of the epistle of the sundaye or holie day whiche the preachers when it is reade to the people shal interprete diligently They may if they wyll declare to the people the actes of the Apostles or one of the euangelistes or some epistle of Paule or the Psa●ter in ordre But let none of the preachers take in hāde to declare the bokes of Moyses the histories of the olde Testamente the prophetes but they to whom the Deanes shal committe that matter We wyll also that vpon the sundayes and holie dayes aswel in the mornynges as eueninges holie assembles be vsed holie lessons be propouned and prayers be made if there be ministers inowe and if muche people come thereunto For so seruauntes and other of the common people shall be better prouided for which can not euer come to the principall assembles of the churche In the mornyng let the catechisme be declared if it maye be if not let it be declared at euentide when the people resorte togyther For a certeyne houre on the holie dayes muste be appoynted for the ruder sorte and the youth to haue the Catechisme declared And that houre for the Catechisme shal be appoynted that is moste conuenient for the people And A Catechisme is an introductiō institution and instruction of the vnlearned in the wicke dayes two dayes or one at the leste muste be appoynted for the Catechisme from Marche to Nouember From that tyme vnto the spryngtyde the Catechisme maye be omitted on the workynge dayes by reason of youge chyldren whiche can not be present for the great colde In euerie congregation suche ministers must be chosen to the handling of
thy brest that the power of Christe crucified may be euer thy succour and sure protection in all thynge ❧ Then let hym saye to the people The Lorde be wyth you ❧ Let the the people answere And wyth thy spirite ❧ The pastour Let vs praye Almightie and euerlastyng God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe I call the vpon thys N. thy seruaunte for whom the churche requireth the Sacramente of baptisme and therein thy grace and spirituall regeneration and thou saydeste aske and ye shal receyue etc. so gyue thy grace and mercie to thys chylde as thy church prayeth the that he maye obteine the redemption of thy sonne and inheritaunce of euerlastynge and blessed lyfe whiche thy cōgregation seeketh for hym thorowe baptisme Open to hym the dore of thy kyngdome at whiche thy churche knocketh for hym thorowe Christe our Lorde Amen ❧ Let vs praye Further almightie God whiche in olde tyme dyddeste destroye the wycked worlde wyth the floude accordynge to thy terrible iudgement and dyddeste preserue onely the familie of godly Noe eighte soules of thy vnspeakable mercie and which also dyddest droune in the redde sea obstinate Pharao the Kynge of the Egiptians wyth all his armie and warlike power and causedist thy people of Israel to passe ouer with dry feete and wouldest shadowe in them holy baptistisme the lauer of regeneration furthermore whiche dyddeste consecrate Iordane wyth the Baptisme of thy sonne Christe Iesu and other waters to holie deepynge and washynge of synnes we praye the for thy exceadynge mercie loke fauourably vpon thys Infante gyue hym true fayeth and thy holie spirite that what so euer fylth he hath taken of Adam it maye be drouned and be put awaye by thys holie floude that being seperated from the numbre of the vngodlie he maye be kepte safe in the holie arke of the churche and maye confesse and sanctifie thy name wyth a lustie and feruent spirite and serue thy kyngdome wyth constant truste and sure hope that at length he maye atteyne to the promises of eternal lyfe wyth all the godlie Amen ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ❧ The people And wyth thy spirite Heare the Gospell of oure Lorde Iesus Christe Marke x. In that tyme they broughte chyldren to Iesus that he might toutch them But the disciples rebuked them that broughte them When Iesus sawe that he toke indigna ion and sayed vnto them sulfure the litleoues to come vnto me etc. Beleue these wordes and thys deede of our Lorde Iesu Christe vpō them and doubt not but that he wyll so receyue your chyldren also and embrace them wyth the armes of his mercie and gyue them the blessynge of eternall lyfe and the euerlasting communion of the kyngdome of God The same Lorde and our Sauiour Iesus Christe confirme and encrease thys your fayth Amen ❧ After thys the pastoure shall laye his handes vpon the chyldes heade and the godfathers touching the child shall praye wyth hym Oure father whiche arte etc. Then they shall also rehearse the crede I beleue in God the father etc. ¶ Let vs praye After thys the churche shall synge the Psal Cxiiij Item Cxv. and. Cxxxvi. When Israell went forth etc. Not to vs Lorde etc. Item prayse the name of the Lorde etc. Ye seruauntes prayse the Lorde ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ¶ The people And wyth thy spirite ❧ Let vs praye Almightie and euerlastynge God heauenlie father we gyue the eternall thankes that thou haste vouchsafed to cal vs to thys knowledge of thy grace fayth towardes the. Encrease and confirme this fayth in vs euermore Gyue thy holie spirite to thys infant that he maye be borne agayne and be made heyre of euerlastyng saluation which of thy groce and mercie thou hast promised to thy holie churche to olde men and to children thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ which liueth and reigneth wyth the nowe and for euer Amen ❧ Thus gyuynge his blessynge let hym dimisse the congregation ❧ Of administration of Baptisme The daye folowinge let the infantes beinge exorcised the daye before be broughte agayne to the cōgregation a litle before the supper of the Lorde whō there the pastour after that the Gospel is reade and declared and the crede songe shal bid to be broughte to the foūtstone and shal exhort the parētes the godfathers and kinsfolke after the maner folowinge Beloued in Christ yesterday by the grace of God we hearde how exceading and vnspeakable mercie is exhibited in Baptisme Ye haue renounced Satā and the worlde ye haue cōfessed the fayth of Christe ye haue promised obedience to Christ and the cōgregation and ye haue required of God the father that for his sōnes sake our Lorde Iesus Christ he will deliuer these infātes from the kingdome of darkenes and settle thē in the kingdome of his beloued sōne You must remēbre these thinges and doubt nothing but that we shal receyue all these thynges that we require if we beleue Therefore liftynge vp your mindes vnto the Lorde appeare ye here with all religion as in the sighte of almightie God the father the sōne and the holie gost and receiue ye sure fayth and thankesgiuing the benifitte of regeneration and adoptiō into euerlastyng life of the one god him selfe the father the sonne and the holie goste And bicause the Lorde hym selfe commaunded vs to baptise in the name of the father the sōne and the holie gost vndoubtedly god him selfe baptiseth our infātes cleanseth thē frō sinnes deliuereth thē frō euerlasting death putteth vpō thē his owne rightuousnes and gyueth them life eternal We must acknowledge with true faith and euer magnifie these exceading benifittes of God Wherfore that we may steare vp our fayth and mindes Let vs heare the wordes of S. Paule folowing concernynge thys matter ❧ To Tite Chapter iij. But after that the goodnes and loue of oure sauiour God towardes mē appeared not of the workes of ryghtuousnes whiche we dyd but after his mercie he saued vs by the lauer of regeneration and renuing of the holie goste etc. ❧ The pastour The Lorde be wyth you ❧ The people And wyth thy spirite ¶ Out of the Gospell of Mathewe the laste Chapter The Lorde Iesus said vnto his disciples All power in heauen and in earth is gyuen vnto me Go ye therfore into al the worlde and preache the Gospell to al creatures and teach al the heathē baptising thē in the name of the father the sonne the holie gost etc ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ❧ The people And wyth thy spiritie ❧ Let vs praye Almightie and mercifull God and father thou diddest promise to Abraham oure father and the father of all that beleue and in him thou dyddeste promise to vs also his chyldren that thou wouldeste be a God to vs and to oure seede Wherefore as thou diddest receyue the infantes of the olde people into grace and into thyne owne people by circumcisiō And thy sonne Christe Iesus our Lorde and
they them selues shoulde professe they re fayth in the congregacion and they them selues shoulde bynde them selues to the obedience of God and of the cōgregacion At whyche confession of fayth and profession of obedience in the cōgregacion they were wonte to bee solemly confirmed of the congregacion in religion thoroughe praier and some token of Goddes confirmacion which vnder Moses consisted in sacrifices and oblations and in the tyme of the Gospell in layinge on of handes and participation of the supper of the Lord. For this is the nature of true and liuelye fayth that eueri man desireth to sette forth and magnifye the benifites that god hath shewed him and for his parte to offer and cōsecrate himselfe to the glorifiynge of his name with all offices of godlines Wherfor the Psal xxii singeth of the is my prayse in the great congregacion Psal xxxv I wyl giue thankes vnto the in a greate assemble et ce ❧ Forthermore we are so grafted in Christ thorough Baptisme and so made the members of his bodye that is to saye of the congregacion and so ioyned in Christ to other members of Christ that we must serue al them with whom we haue anye aquaintaunce any perticipacion of kindnes cheifely for the furtheraunce of godlines religion and afterwarde also in thynges necessarye for this present life I meane that one of vs acknoledge another and embrace one another in Christe with sincere loue And fyrst that we teach one another warne correct cōforte and exhorte in those thynges that pertaine to a new lyfe in Christ Secōdly that we also helpe one another in thynges necessarye for this present lyfe with coūcel worke and seruise Therfore the comunion of both liues in Christe the Lord and the recompensation of good turnes one to another requireth that euerie man openly offere and giue himselfe to this felowshyppe of the outwarde and inward man and to this change an recompensacion of benefites Seynge than that this confession of fayth and geuyng of our selues to the obedience of Christe and commendacion of his church which the very nature of fayth and necessite of this cōmunicacion of Christe requireth canne not be done in baptisme whan infantes be baptised it must nedes be done of them that were baptised in their infantie whan they be meetely wel enstructed of relegion and whan they some what vnderstande those greate benifites that we giue in baptisme But whan they solemly professe their fayth and obedience before the cōgregacion the verie nature of fayth requireth agayne that the cōgregacion praie for them solemli and desire for them the encrease of the holye gost that he wyll confirme and preserue thē in the fayth of Christe and obedience of the congregacion and that he will euer leade hym into all truethe And for asmuche as such praier made in the name of Christ and truste of his promises can not bee but effectuous it pertanieth to the mynisterie of the congregacion to strengthen theym with the confirmacion of the hollye Gost for whom the churche hath prayed Therefore oure elders folowinge the exemple of Christ and the Apostle did vse laiyng on of handes as a signe at this confirmacion This ceremonie thā obserued in the fayth of Christ because it is vndoutedly the office of faith and christian loue agreable all maner of wayes to the wordes and institutions of the Lord and edifiyng the religion of Christ we wyl that it be restored in the congregacion to a godlie and holesome vse all abuses remoued that haue crepte into the place of this ceremonie whiche howe shameful and noysome they were to oure religion euerie Christian manne maye easelye iudge Heretofore this ministerie of confirmacion was a peculier worcke of a suffragayne But forasmuche as al thinges in the church must be referred ordained and done for the commune profite of Christen menne wee wil that hereafter this ministerye of confirmacion if it can not be done commodiously by a suffragayne or not as it ought to be done shal be done by visitours twyse a yere in principall solemnities For where as at the begynninge the office of confirmacion was only committed to bishoppes bishoprikes were not so large as they be nowe nether wer theyr dioces greater than that the bishops might visit once a yere euery parish and here him selfe and confirme the childrē beinge catechised or instructed But nowe the world is other wyse and bishoprikes be after another fashion so that it is impossible that one byshoppe or sustragaine maye wyth conueniēt leasure administre this confirmaciō in hys diocese For euerie yere ther growe vp some in euerye churche whome it shal be come to professe their fayth and to be solemli cōfirmed Wherefore forasmuch as euerie congregation hath neade of yerely lookinge to and visitation and solemne profession of fayth and confirmacion of them which in age and knoledge of Christ be growen so fare the necessarie procuracion of the Lordes flocke committed vnto vs constrayneth vs that wee prouide that the congregacion wante not a mete minister for thys purpose For the health of the shepe of christ muste not serue the personnes of the mynisters but the persones of the ministers must serue to their health that al thinges maye be done according to this sayinge al are yours whether it be Paule or Apollo or Cephas i. Cor. iij. And as S. Hierome witnesseth this confirmacion was not therefore the proper office of bishoppes in olde time bicause it was not lawful for other to administre the same seing that euē commen ministers yea euerie Christen man if ordinare ministres wāted might minister Baptisme a muche more excellent sacramēt but it was cōmitted to byshops peculiarly for this cause that the byshops of euerie cōgregacion mighte attaine more certaine knoledge might haue more holesome care and charge while they them selues enquired euerie yere with what faith fulnes and diligence the pastours hade instructed bothe the rest and cheifly the yong children of Christ It holpe also togreater consent of religiō and reuerence and obedience towardes the holie ministerie when eureie one professed hys fayth and obedience of Christe to one bishoppe But forasmuch as to many congregacions be cōmitted to the charge of one bishop that euerie one can not be visited by one bishoppe or suffragane we must neades procure that this office of examinacion and confirmacion which cannot bee deferred more than a yere without the great incommoditie of the congregacions and peril of religion bee executed by more personnes seinge that it cannot be doone by one howbeit the parish preistes in euery cōgregacion with their companions certaine dayes before the comming of the visiters shal diligently prepare the children whome they purpose to offre to confirmacion to make theyr confessyon of fayth and profession of Christen communion and obediēce decētly and semely whiche must be done of theym after this sorte The demande Dost thou professe thy selfe to be a christian ▪ Answer I professe Demaunde What is it to be
ought vnterly to humble and caste vs doune before the Lorde and to cutte our hertes wyth suche repentaunce of synnes that we shoulde be pricked forth and enflamed to seeke receyue with sure fayth and greatly desire the grace of God offered to vs in the worde and sacramentes and the restitution and renuinge of our selues thorowe the cōmunion of Christe and holsome participation of his fleshe and bloude Furthermore let vs diligently considre that the eternal worde of God the sonne of God al. mightie to deliuer vs out of thys meserie was made flesh was made our brother that there myght be some holie fleshe and holie bloude that is to saye a verie heauenlie and diuine man by whom the fleshe and bloude of all vs mighte be restored and sanctified whiche thinge is then brought to passe whē we truly eate his flesh and drinke his bloud Iohn vi Here it is meete that we be moued the more to wondre at and to embrace with certeyner fayth and gredier wil in this onely begotten sonne of God our sauiour the exceadynge and vnspeakable loue of God towardes vs whiche gaue his sonne vnto vs that beleuyng in him we should not perishe as we were borne and as we deserued but haue euerlastynge lyfe whiche he deserued and gyueth vnto vs. Thirdly let vs acknowledge and firmely beleue that the Lorde Iesus truely offereth vnto vs this his sanctifiyng fleshe and bloude in his holie supper wyth visible signes of breade and wyne by the ministerie of the congregation and exibiteth the same vnto the remission of synnes to be meate of euerlastyng lyfe to confirme the couenaunt of Gods adoption and of euerlastyng lyfe for so be his wordes Wherefore they cā not deceyue and they shall remayne when heauen and earth passe awaye and they truely exhibite and gyue vnto vs the thinges that they preache so that we applie true fayeth vnto them Take sayeth he eate thys is my bodie that is gyuen for you Item drinke of thys all thys is my bloud of the newe testament whiche is shedde forth for you and for many vnto the remission of synnes we must receyue these wordes wyth true fayth and doubte nothynge but that the Lorde when we celebrate the holie supper after his institution is in the middeste of vs and offereth hym selfe vnto vs by the ministerie of the congregation whiche he instituted for the same purpose and deliuereth his bodie and bloude and all his merites and satisfaction for oure synnes whiche he perfourmed his bodie and his bloude beynge offered on the crosse remission of synnes and the grace of the father and the ryghte of the Testament of the euerlastynge couenaunte of adoption and communion vnto the lyfe of God so that the breade that we breake in the holie supper is truely euen to vs the communion of his bodie and the cuppe at whiche we blesse the communion of his bloude Therefore lette vs euer religiously considre why the Lorde doeth often exhibite vnto vs thys holie and holesome communion of himselfe in the sacrament namely for this purpose that he maye brynge vs daily in to the knowlege of our sinnes and more ernest repentaunce that we maye desire more feruently remission of the same by him and receyue it with perfecter fayth gredier mindes and so be more confirmed and sette for warde in a new lyfe thorough the true communion of him that so we maye daily more and more abide and lyue in hym and he in vs and be more fully his dodie and mēbers and he our heade whiche thinge we professe whan we all receiue the communion of him in his sacrament so beinge parttakers of his bodye and bloude as we in cōmen be parttakes of one brade and cuppe Finally we must praye and labour also to receyue these heauenlye giftes wyth true fayth and greate reuerence and that we celebrate the holesome remēbraūce of the Lord wyth godly ioye and pleasaunt thankfullnes and that we gyue vp our selues and all ours to him and testifie the same with collacions and almes for the vse of the poore lyberally and accordinge to euerie mans power finally that we euer prayse and magnifie Christe in al oure wordes and worckes for these so greate benifites for his incarnacion whereby he was made oure heade and brother for hys most bitter death whereby he satisfied for our sinnes for his resurrection and ascenciō in to heauen heauēly kingdō which he administreth at the ryght hand of the father maketh vs perfect and absolute in his lyfe beinge quickened with his spirite and sette in heauenlye thinges whiche lyfe he hath gyuen in the lyfe of God and it is an euerlastinge lyfe for this holesome communion of hys bodie and bloude whereby we are confirmed in this same lyfe of God and are sette forwarde and euer finyshed vp For al which thynges we must chiefely geue thanckes in the cōmunion of this supper And forasmuch as our God is such one as alloweth not wickednes nether canne all thei stande before him which worcke iniquitie it is necessarie that we knowe that those men muste not be admitted to the supper of the Lorde that is to saye to his communion whiche lyue without true faith and loue by whome the glorie of God is manifestly blemisched and hys congregacion is offended I meane all vnbeleuers and manyfest Idolaters whiche calle vppon and worshippe saints departed Angels or other creatures whiche honour paynted or grauen stockes Item all enchaunters and sothsaiers which wil preserue catel and other thinges against perils with their consecrations yea and I meane those to which beleue shuch enchaumentes and the manifest despicers and blasphemers of God the mockers of goddes worde and sacramētes Item al those which at appointed tymes wildely continue in neglectinge sermons and other open exercises of the congregacion which obeye not accordinge to goddes commaundement theyr parentes ordinarye officers and maisters but speake euil of thē and rayle vpon thē do thē spight and resiste them seditiously and stubburnly whiche bringe not vp their children familie shuch as they haue charge of nor enstructe them to godlynes honestie and iustice Furthermore I meane murtherers and all those whych willingely continue in hatred of their bretherne in braulinges and shedinge of their neygboures bloude Item al whoremongers aduo●●erers and Dronkerdes al theues vserers raueners disers vnlaufull gainers exercisers of faulse marchandises al those lykewise which lyue idely without a lawful excuse and burthen other al ilspeakers liers periuers backbyters and whych confesse not the truth and rightuousnes and confirme not the same wyth theyr testimonies where they are bounde to do it by reasone of their vocacion All these felowes as longe as thei liue and continue in such sinnes nether haue a true purpose to amende their liues maye in no wise be admitted to the holye supper of the Lorde seinge that they be restrayned and excluded from thens by God by his owne worde Another exhortacion Forasmuch as deareli beloued in
Gospel wyth true fayth that dying dayly more and more to our selues we may wholy giue ouer our selues to thy deare sonne our onely sauiour which onely thorowe his stripes and moste bitter death hath redemed vs frō sinnes and eternal damnation hath restored vs into thy fauour thorow his resurrection and heauenly kyngdome hath called vs vnto him selfe into his congregation and hath planted vs into hym selfe vnto euerlystyng lyfe and made vs his owne membres that we shoulde lyue more and more in hym and he in vs that thy holie name maye be more largely sanctified by vs in all oure lyfe and all our doinges that thy kyngdome may be amplified by vs and in other that at lēgth all thynges maye be done amonge vs vpon earth wyth suche prompnes and cherefulnes as they be done in heauen And for thys purpose that we maye wholy liue and serue vnto the gyue vs also our dayly bread etc. as in the prayer before After thys solemne prayer lette the whole congregation synge the Crede For thys confession of our fayth when the Gospell is hearde and declared oughte to be done of ryght by all men communely as al equally heard the Gospel and the declaration therof And bicause no man can heare the Gospell wyth fayth and knowe and cōsidre out of the same howe greate loue and gentlenes God hath shewed towardes vs in that that he gaue vs his sonne and all thynges wyth hym which shal not out of this fayth wholy gyue ouer and bynde hym selfe to oure Lorde Iesus Christe thys thynge foloweth also out of the nature of true fayth that the faythfull studie to declare thys byndyng of them selues to the obedience of Christe and thankefulnes of theyr myndes for so greate godnes of God towardes thē selues which at that tyme they more earnestly remembre wyth holie oblations for Christe being needie in his litleons Therefore whyle the Crede is in syngynge lette the faythfull offre theyr free oblations euerie mā according to the blessyng whiche he hath receyued of the liberall and bountuous hande of God To whiche office of fayth and godlines the pastours and teachers shall diligētly exhort the people teachyng them that these oblations ought to folowe the confession of fayth and prayer euen by the verie nature of true religion neither cā be absent from the same when we wante not wherewyth to declare thys liberalitie And that thys worke of religion maye be cōueniently done and rightly commended to the faythfull we wyl that there be some notable place appoynted in euerie temple not farre frō the altare which euerie man maye comely go to and where the faythful may offre theyr oblations opēly before the whole congregation Whiche after that the sacramēt is ended the officers of the holie treasure shall gather together and shal lay the same vp in the treasurie the congregation lokyng vpon them It was the maner of the olde church and that taken out of Goddes worde that after the preachyng of the Gospell before the ministration of the Sacramēt should beginne not onely those shoulde be commaunded to go out of the tēple whiche were not admitted into the cōgregation nor perteined there vnto but they also whiche were yet in repētaunce and not reconciled to the congregation wyth open absolution of sinnes Therfore bycause thys discipline was taughte of the Lorde hym selfe and oughte of ryghte to be called agayne into the congregation the pastours shall diligently and often exhorte those whiche lyue in suche synnes as be against theyr conscience that they leaue them and turne them selues wyth all theyr hertes vnto the Lorde And after that they be restored into the fauour of God and begynne agayne to be the true disciples of the Lorde then lette them be present at the Lordes supper and communicate But if anie will not suffre them selues to be brought thereunto and wyll continue in theyr synnes wyth so great cōtempt of God and his Christe let the preachers declare to suche that they maye not be present at the Lordes holie supper and if they take vpon them to be present that they do despite vnto Christe and prouoke vpon them selues the muste greuous iudgement of God As for other whiche lyue not wyth an euyll conscience and yet receyue not the sacramet wyth other or seldome receiue it the pastour must often warne them that it perteyneth to the dutie of a christen man to be often partaker of the Lordes bourde and so to feede and strēgthen his fayth and to witnes the same vnto the congregation to the edification of many seinge that God hath instituted thys moste holie exercise of religion for his that they myght therby be established and enflamed in fayth and study of godlines Wherfore we see that they whiche neglect so great a benifite of God become dayly colder in al godlines and religion For they greuously offende God thorowe cōtempt of his bountuousnes and they hurt the cōgregation verie sore wyth that euyll exemple and moreouer they make thē selues giltie of the Lordes bodie and bloude abhorryng this meate and drynke of euerlastynge lyfe so irreligiously and so vnthankefully But forasmuch as both the knowledge of thys misterie and moreouer al the discipline of the congregation is so much gone out of vse and therof cometh so great weakenes of the verie faythful the pastours must restore to the people the knowledge existimation of so greate misteries wyth conuenient and tymelie admonition and not trouble anie man wyth vntimely rigorousnes as we admonished before For firste the sheepe of Christe so miserably scatered and diseased muste be fully broughte to Christe and be healed before that any rigorous discipline be restored and exercised amonge them But howe so euer the rest be handled in the congregation at thys tyme they neuertheles that shall be admitted to the communion as sone as they haue made theyr oblation must go together to that place that shall be appoynted vnto them nigh to the altare For in euerie temple there muste some place be appoynted nigh the altare for them whiche shal communicate accordyng to the oportunitie and fitnes of euerie temple They then whiche shal be admitted to the cōmunion of the Lordes bourde shal stande in that place the men in theyr propre place and the womē in theyr place and there they shall gyue thākes and pray religiously wyth the pastour The gyuynge of thankes shall be handled after the accustomed maner but in douche that the people vniuersally may gyue thankes as both the exemple and the commaundement of the Lorde requireth and also the olde churche obserued ❧ The priest The Lorde be with you ¶ The people And wyth thy spirite ❧ The priest Lyfte vp your hertes The people We haue vnto the Lorde The priest Lette vs gyue thankes vnto the Lorde oure God ❧ The people It is meete and right ¶ The priest It is verely a thing worthy right meete and holsome that we gyue thankes vnto the alwayes and euerie where that we
prayse and magnifie the Lorde holie father almightie euerlastyng God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde by whom thou madest vs of nothinge vnto thy image and haste appoynted al other creatures to our vses and where as we thorowe the synne of Adam slidynge frō the were made thyne enemies and therefore subiecte to death and eternall damnation thou of thy infinite mercie and vnspeakable loue dyddest sende the same thy sonne the eternall worde into thys worlde who thorowe the crosse and death deliuered vs from synnes and the power of the Deuyll and brought vs agayne into thy fauoure by his holie spirite whom he sent to vs from the and gaue his bodie and bloude to be the fode of a newe and eternall lyfe that being more confirmed thorowe the truste of thy mercie and loue we should euer go forward to all that that is thy pleasure by renuinge and sanctifiynge of our selues and that we should glorifie and exalte the here and euermore in all our wordes and dedes and singe vnto the without ende with al thy holie Angels and beloued chyldren After these thinges Sanctus shall be songe where clerkes be in latine but of the people in douche one syde answerynge the other thryse of bothe partes As for that that is wont to be added The Lorde God of hostes and Benedictus it shal be songe cōmunely of the whole congregation and therefore in douche Streyght waye after thys let the priest synge the wordes of the Lordes supper in douche Our Lorde the nighte in whiche he was deliuered etc. But these wordes muste be songe of the priest wyth great reuerence and playnely that they maye be wel vnderstanded of all men And the people shal saye to these wordes Amen Whiche all the olde church obserued and the Grekes do yet obserue the same For the whole substance of this Sacrament is conteyned in these wordes And it consisteth altogether in the true vnderstandyng and fayth of these wordes that the Sacrament be holesomely administred and receyued ❧ Whē the people then haue answered Amen The priest shall adde lette vs praye Oure father whiche arte in heauen etc. To whiche prayer of the Lorde the people shal say agayne Amen ¶ The priest The Lordes peace be euer wyth you ¶ The people And with thy spirite After thys they which be admitted to the cōmunion and do loke for the same in their place shal come to the Lordes bourde religiously Firste men and then women and the whole Sacrament shal be gyuen to them al that they may be partakers of the body and bloud of the Lorde receiuing not only bread but also the Cuppe euen as he instituted it ¶ At the exhibition of the bodi let the the pastour saye Take and eate to thy health the body of the Lorde whiche was deliuered for thy synnes ¶ At the exhibition of the cuppe Take and drinke to thy health the bloud of the Lorde whiche was shedde for thy synnes ¶ After the communion lette Agnus dei be songe both in douche and in latine one syde answeryng the other where clerkes be And then lette thys douch songe be songe Gotte sey gelobette Item Iesus Christus Vnser Heylant If the communion shall gyue so muche tyme and leasure ¶ When the communion is ended let the priest synge turnyng to the people The Lorde be wyth ynn ❧ The people And with thy spirite ¶ The priest Let vs praye Almightie euerlastynge God we gyue thankes to thy exceadynge godnes bicause thou haste fedde vs wyth the bodie of thy only begottē sonne and gyuen vs his bloud to drynke We humbly beseche the worke in vs wyth thy spirite that as we haue receyued thys diuine Sacrament wyth oure mouthes so we maye also receyue and euer holde fast with true fayth thy grace remission of synnes and communion with Christ thy sonne Al whiche thinges thou haste exhibited vnto vs in these sacramentes thorow our Lorde Iesus Christe thy sonne whiche lyueth and reygneth wyth the in vnitie of the holie gost verie God and verie man foreuer Amen ❧ An other thankesgyuyng We gyue the thankes father almightie God whiche haste refreshed vs wyth the singuler gyfte of thy bodie and bloude we beseche thy goodnesse that the same maye healpe to confirme our fayth in the and to kendle mutual loue amonge vs by the same our Lorde Iesus Christ etc. ¶ Laste of all lette the pastoure blesse the people wyth these wordes The Lorde blesse the and keepe the the Lorde lighten his coūtenaunce vpon the and haue mercie on the. The Lorde lyfte vp his face vpon the and settle the in peace ❧ Or thus God haue mercie on vs and blesse vs lyghten his countenaunce vpō vs and gyue vs his peace Amen ❧ Or thus God the father the sonne and the holie goste blesse and keepe vs. Amen ❧ Or thus The blessyng of god the father the sonne and the holie gooste be wyth vs remaine wyth vs for euer Amen But where clerkes be not as in villages there lette all be reade and songe in douche But lette the songes be so moderated as in euerie congregation shall make to the edification of godlines But forasmuche as our Lorde instituted thys his sacrament onely for thys purpose that we shoulde eate it and drynke it for the remēbraunce of him and not that we should set it forth or carie it about to be loked vpon forasmuch as sundrie abuses be brought in the true vse of this sacramēt being ouer passed so this sacrament hath bene drawen to horrible superstition and vngodlines for the takyng awaye both of this superstition and vngodlines and also sundrie scruples of the worke and irreligious questions aboute these misteries the pastours and they that administre the Sacramente shall endeuoure them selues that as often as the supper shal be ministred whether it be in the cōgregatiō or in priuate houses for sicke folke they compte the numbre of them certeynely whiche shall communicate that accordynge to the same thei may receiue pieces of bread and measure of wyne As for the remnauntes after that the communion is ended lette the pastours them selues receyue them forthwith and lette them not keepe the same nor lay them vp in any place nor eary them away or set them forth to be beholded For the worde of God whiche saueth vs if we beleue and obey it and damneth perpetually if we do not beleue nor obey it hath thus prescribed cōcerning his sacramētes Take and eate this is my bodie Take and drinke this is my bloude Therfore we must stand in thys institution of Christe and not institute a newe vsage wythout Goddes worde about thys moste holy Sacrament And bicause also that here the Lordes death muste be preached and the communion of hym cōfirmed in vs that thorowe hym we maye be daily more crucified to the world al worldly pompe muste lykewyse be taken frō thys ministration and all tynges muste be so ordeined and moderated that thei may healpe forth and adurne the
gyftes of God Wherfore it is merueylous necessarie that the preachers do euer wyth singuler reuerence propoune declare and beate into the people thys article of the creation and preseruation of thynges that is to wit that God made all thynges of nothynge and preserueth the same thorowe his owne onely power bringeth forth and gyueth vs al thynge thorowe his bountiousnes to the entent that they may serue to our vse health and felicite and that he maye require to be knowen and worshypped in these his workes and creatures For whiche cause those places of scripture which testifie set forth thys article shall be often alledged in their sermons faythfully declared and printed in the myndes of the people Of the gouernaunce and administration of all thynges IT is lyke necessary diligently to teache and admonishe the people of the gouernaunce and administration of thynges that they may know that they must aske and loke for healpe from God and learne therwyth that sinne and other horrible mischeifes in the world were not made by god but sprange from an other begynnynge as we wil shewe herafter Wherfore that that the scripture teacheth of the creation of thinges must be so taken as that that is taught Genes i. and. ii Psal xxxij Esai xliij and in manie other places by the prophetes and apostles and as that churche euer beleued that is to saye that God hath not lefte his worke once made as the carpenter leaueth the shippe that he hath made and cōmitteth it vnto the shyppeman beinge litle or nothynge carefull for it afterwarde But we must thinke thus that he is present with his worke and perpetually susteineth and gouerneth the same that he knoweth and beholdeth the doinges of all creatures that he seeth also the thoughtes of angelles men and diuelles and that there is nothing done wythout hym that it is he whiche wyth perpetual mouing gouerneth the heauenlie bodies maketh the grounde fruiteful gyueth life both to man and beast adding fode and other necessarie thynges as we reade actes xvij In hym we lyue are moued and haue oure beinge Hebr. i. he susteyneth al thinges wyth the worde of his power Coloss i. All thynges consist thorowe hym i. Tiuint iiii We trust in the liuinge god which is the sauiour of al mē chiefly of the faythful Here Paule testifieth that God gyueth lyfe not only to the faythful but also to the reste howe beit that is done in vnlike maner not with standinge he teacheth vs that God susteineth preserueth gouerneth the lyfe of al. As he defended Dauid against Goliath Saull Absalō and other his enemies and gaue hym manye other temporal gyftes and lykewyse encreased hym with spiritual benifittes and other gyftes with grace and the holye goste But amonge the heaten he healpeth manye with corporal giftes only as with victorye peace and ritches that politye maye be mainteined and that mankinde maye endure in erth so longe tyl he haue gathered together his whole congregation as Paul witnesseth i. Tim. vi God which quyckneth Item gyue precepte vnto the riche that they truste in God which gyueth vs al thinges abundantly to our commoditie Math. x. Two sparowes are sold for a farthinge and one of them falleth not vpon the groūde wyth out the wil of your father And the heares of your heades be al nombred Psal Ciii All thynges looke vpon the that thou wylte gyue them theyr foode in due ceason whan thou gyueste them they shal gather Whan thou openest thy hand all shal be filled wyth bountuousnes But when thou turneste awaye thy face they shal be trobled Thoue shalte take awaye theyr breath and they shall fayle and returne to theyr dust Thou shalt sende forth thy spirite and they shal be created thou shal renue the face of the erth Psal xxxiii God looke from heauen he seeth all the children of men he frameth theyr hertes euerye one and vndrestandeth al theyr workes Psal xxxvi Men and beastes shalte thou saue Lorde Psal Cxlvii Whiche couereth the heauē with cloudes and prepareth raine to the erth whiche bringeth forth grasse in the mountaynes whyche gyueth foode to theyr catail and to the yong crowes that cal vpon hym Psal Cxlv. The eyes of al loke vpon the Lorde and thou gyueste them foode in due ceason Thou openest thy hande and filleste euery creature wyth thy goodnes Io. v. my father vnto thys tyme worketh I worke By these places of the scripture we are taughte that God is present euerie where knoweth althinges conserueth and susteineth all thynges and gyueth lyfe and mouinge Wherefore this article muste be dyligently thaughte the peoqle and lerned of the same For though the heathē graūt that the world was made by god yet thei doute whether therebe anye prouidence whether God hath anye care of mennes matters and iudgeth them whether he heareth men that calle vpon hym whether he ministre fode peace helth and other benifittes to men but they thinke that these thinges begotten and mainteined by mans industrie As euer such heatheuish persuasions hange in the myndes of men whiche thinge many wordes and sentences of the vngodlye doe wel proue against which Ieremie in his lamētatiōs Cha. iii. crieth myghtely Who is this that sayeth out of the mouth of the highest nether good thynges nor badde come forth what murmureth man againste God and thincketh not howe greuously he offendeth God That the myndes of men than maye be deliuered from those heathnishe opinions the alleged testimonies of the scripture and suche lyke cōcerning the preuidence of God and goueruance of thinges must be deligētly cōsidered we must hold fast in memory that God looketh vpon the hertes of men and wyl iudge the doinges of euerye one that he with out doubte heareth them that cal ryghtly vpon him as it shal be shewed here after Item that he gyueth benifittes to men and frutefulnes of the erth defendeth them and theyr ofspringe from enemies preserueth commen weales et cet As we are cōmanded to aske these thinges and to looke for them from God whan we praye gyue vs this daye oure dayly breade and psal iv Cast thy care vpon the Lorde and he shal nonrishe the vp But howe can a man desire helpe from God if he dreame that God neglecteth creatures that he worketh not in al but that the creatures are caried at al auentures and that men doe al thinges as they list and of theyr owne strength This darcknes of mannes mynde must be ernestly reproued and we must laye euidēt testimonies of the scripture agaynst it For mannes mynde is far gone from God and is ful of doubtinge and horrible darckenes concerning God whiche that God mighte dreue out of oure myndes from the beginninge he hath opened him selfe wyth great miracles He sente also his sonne into the worlde openly which rose from death and raised many other from the dead Al which thinges oughte to strengthen oure faythe that we maye certifie our selfe that God is not ydle
but worcketh euer bestoweth benifittes and doeth al thinges for the felicite of men whereby we myght iustly acknowledge his exeding loue towardes vs. Moreouer thys article muste be taughte the people and be commended to them with singuler diligence for thys cause also that the vn Godlye custome of callinge vpon sayntes departed and desiringe of them good helth temperatines of the ayer peace and such benifittes maye be taken awaye feinge that these thinges be not the worckes of holye men nor of anye creature but be the workes and benifittes of God onely Of the cause of sinne and death VVhan mention is made of the creatiō the preachers must together Agaynste the vngodlie doctrine concerning saintes teache playnly and distinctly that synne that is to saye concupiscence corruption of iudgement and wyll and further more al noughtye motions or il doinges be not created of God but springe from the libertye of the apostata spirite and of man as it is written Iohan. viii whā the diuel speaketh a lye he speaketh of hys owne for he is a lyer and the father of lyes that is to saye the cause and the autour Psal v. Thou art not the God that willeth iniquitye Zacharye viii Lette not euerye one of you deuise euil agaynste hys frende and loue not a falfe oth for all these be the thinges that I hate sayth the Lorde Roma v. Thorowe one man synne entred into the worlde and death thorowe synne i. Iohn ij the lust of the fleshe and the lust of the eyes and pryde of lyfe is not frō the father but from the worlde By these and manie other testimonies it is euident that God wyl not synne neyther Euerie synne that man cōmitteth is cōmitted thorow his own wyll created nor worketh the same But after that the deuyll and man slydde from God suche slydynge and turnynge awaye came frome theyr owne wyll And thoughe after the fall of Adam all men conceyued by mannes seede are borne in originall synne neuertheles actuall synne is the propre and free worke of mānes wil and not necessary that is to saye al be it that the deuyl pricked forth Cain to the slaughter of his brother and though he were enflamed wyth anger neuertheles he myghte yet haue holden his handes and he cōmitted that mischiefe not thorowe a constrayned wyll but thorowe a readie wyl and agreable He shoulde haue resisted his anger and lust and haue prayed God for remission of the euyll sprongen vp in him haue asked the healpe of god to resist that mischiefe So vndoutedly he should haue felte strength to resiste Satan and the tentations of his proper fleshe Now punishmentes iustly accompanye sinful Synne is the cause of death and all miseries Roma v. and wycked actes Wherefore Paule sayth wel thorough sinne death entred into the worlde And agayne we maye plainly see that whole mankinde is subiecte both to perpetual sinnes and also punyshmētes and oppressed with so manye and so greate calamities that mannes mynde can not cōprehende them in thoughte but he must needes be agaste whyle he cōsidereth so greate a sea of mischeiues here we must diligently discerne betwene the creature of God and our sinne God made mā ryght and blessed hym but man gaue hym selfe amiserable wounde This wounde remaineth perpetually in the creatures thorough propagation Originall synne and generation and other infinite sinnes and punishmētes folowe this wounde And this is our faute not Gods as Oseas testifieth cha xiii Thy destruction cometh from thy selfe Israel but thy helpe is in me only Item Psal xxxix For iniquitie thou rebukest man and al his beautie wasteth awaye lyke agarment gnawen of mothes Euerye man is a certaine vaine thinge Wherfore whē we see those horrible punishmētes death sicknes war and sūdrie lyke miseries lette vs knowe that they be the punishmētes of sinne and that thei happen not to mankinde by chaunce but by the wyll and permission of God by reason of God sendeth greuouser afliction to the sayntes that he may make them vnderstande the horriblenes of synne sin And though the saintes be acceptable to God and please hym for Christes sake yet thorough the meruailous purpose of God in this lyfe they be subiecte vnto the crosse For God wyll that the churche do ernestly acknowledge hys wrath agaynst sinne and therefore be exercised wyth sorer discipline For this is the ende of tribulatiōs Wherefore S. Petre sayth also indgement beginneth at the house of God As for the cōforte that the Godlye oughte to haue in afflictions we wyll speake of it in the place of the crosse Here it is sufficient to haue admonisched that those afflictions chaunce not to the congregation with out Goddes prouidence and that God wyl not for sake hys vndre the crosse but that he wil helpe them callinge vpon him yea and he commaūdeth that we praye and looke for deliueraunce from hym As Esai xlix sayeth Can the woman forgette her childe that she wil not haue pitie on the child of hir wōbe Though she forget it yet I wil not forgette the. Beholde I haue written the in my handes etc. This shal suffice concerninge the conseruation and gouernaunce of thinges Hereafter we wyll declare what we oughte to thynke of the cause of synne and of the corruption of mannes nature and agayne what consolation we haue in so greate miseries ¶ Of originall synne and mannes weaknes before regeration GOd the euerlastyng father gaue in creation to oure fyrste parentes Adam and Eue not onely a free but also an vpryght wyll Further he dyd put into theyr myndes an exceadynge greate lyght that before the fal they might truely knowe God worshyp and loue him The other powers obeyed willynglye to thys lyght As Paule sayeth that man was made after the image of God that is to say in the knowledge of God and in right wil that he myghte perfectly obeye and satisfie the law and be as it were the tēple of God wherin God woulde haue dwelled presently and woulde haue exercised his power When man was now settled and constituted in so great blisfulnes and glorie Satā to deface the worke of God borded Eue wyth gyle and at length draue hyr so farre that togither wyth Adam she became vnobedient to the commaundement of God as Moyses deseribeth the fall of mā Gene. iii. Thorowe this inobedience oure first parentes lost those godlie gyftes of innocencie and originall rightuousnes with al theyr posteritie whiche commeth from them so that all men conceyued and borne thorow mans seede be subiecte to originall synne as Dauid testifieth Psal li. and Paule Roma v Wherfore the preachers muste teache of original synne after suche sort as the worde of God prescribeth vnto vs and which the sincerer and ryghte beleuing fathers folowed chiefly Augustine and Anselme namely that it is the wante of originall ryghtuousnes What originall synne is wherwyth we ought to excell that is to saye that men before regeneration be not in