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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02503 [The courte of vertue.] Hall, John, b. 1529 or 30. 1565 (1565) STC 12632; ESTC S105963 112,237 362

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sayeth Paule that tribulacion Doth bryng forth pacience that goodly grace And pacience doth render forth anon Experience the whiche doth hope purchace Whiche blessed hope who so that may imbrace She neuer wyll confound them with no shame But bryngeth forth a lyfe free from all blame This pure and perfect hope that we declare The gift is of the Lorde and at his wyll Whiche none can get by worldly wytte nor care But with this hope god his electe doth fyll With whome she doth continue euer styll Not by mans wyll but by gods mercy pure This blessed hope with good men doth indure The God of hope therfore replenysh vs With peace and ioye and with a lyvly fayth And make vs ryche in hope of Christ Iesus And tholy ghoste whose powre all mistruste stayth Whiche is our comfort as the scripture sayth This Trimtie be praysed now therfore As hath been is and shal be euermore ¶ The prayse of Godly loue or charitie out of 1. Cor. 13. Iohn 4. OF Charitie or godly loue To make a perfect prayse This godly loue to prayse I saye In order good and due I tooke to me gods word and wrote What the holy gooste sayes In diuine Iohn and holy Paule whose wordes are very true Attende therfore ye Christians dere And louers of the Lorde Harke and geue eare vnto the truthe And blessed worde of lyfe And pray to god for perfect loue Your lyues therto accorde That ye may lyue in christen peace Free from all seruyle strife By office of a lyvly fayth What euer we receyue Or by the office of our hope What so we doe retayne By charitie or godly loue To gods truthe if we cleaue The frute therof we must applie To render well agayne As faith the firste preferment hath our soules to iustifie For by the same we only doe Receyue our sauyng health So loue of vertues is the chiefe Wherby we edefie By it we worke the wyll of god And seke our neyghbours wealth Though I coulde speake sayth Paule with tongues Of men orangels bryghte And had no loue then were I lyke Vnto the soundyng bras Or lyke the ●ynklyng simbales sounde A short and vayne delyght Whiche beyng gon men streight forget What maner noyse it was Ye though that I could prophesie And secretes vnderstande All knowledge or suche mighty fayth As could mountayns remoue And set them in the oc●an seas Or in some other lande For all these yet I were nothyng If that I had not loue If I dyd all my goodes bestowe To fede therwith the poore Or geue my body to the fyre Therin consumde to be And finally all that I can Tyll I could doe no more If I be destitute of loue It doth not profite me Loue suffreth longe is courteous And neuer doth enuye Loue neuer dealeth frowardly Nor venemously swell Loue seketh not hyr owne therby To deale dishonestly Loue vnto wrath prouoketh not But alwayes thynketh well In euels loue doth not reioyce Nor Ioye in wyckednes But alwaye doth reioyce in truthe And suffreth all thynges well Beleueth all and hopeth all And doth indure no les Thus loue in goodnes doth excede All that our tongues can tell Though prophesiyng doe faile serue No vse in any case And tongues to speake knoledge to As once they shall I saye After this lyfe these haue no vse Yet loue shall then in place Remayne with gods elect in ioyes And neuer fall awaye Our knowledge is but vnperfecte So is oure prophesiyng When perfectnes doth come in place Vnperfectnes must flee For when I was a chylde my talke Was then chyldysh talkynge Myne vnderstandyng in lyke case All then was chyldyshly And as a chylde also that tyme I dyd imagin playn But then so sone as manhod came My chyldishnes was gone Now see we but as in a glasse By speache moste darke and vayne But then shall we see face to face When let there shall be none My knowledge now vnperfect is Then shall it not be so Then shall I knowe as I am knowne By rule of ryght b●liefe Faith hope and loue doe nowe abyde Away they will not goe And of all those after this lyfe Loue shall abyde as chiefe Saynt Iohn diuinly counsels vs One an other to loue For euery one that loues sayeth he Of God is truly borne For loue doth euer suerly come From God the lorde aboue Suche as loue not doe not knowe god But rather doe hym scorne In this the loue of god to vs Doth perfectly apere He but not we dyd truly loue And payne for vs did take For he into thys worlde did sende His only sonne so dere That for our sinnes he myght therby A full agrement make Wherfore my louyng brethern dere If god so loued vs That we should one another loue W● certeynly are bounde If we loue one an other then Our loue doth playne discusse That god in vs doth dwell and reygne And hath a perfect grounde For god is loue and who so doth In loue abide or dwell Dwelle●h in god and god in him Thus loue in vs is sure That in the day of iudgement iuste We should in hope excell For in this worlde we are lyke hym By loue perfect and pure By this we knowe the godly loue That there in is no feare It casteth out all feare and doubte Wherin is paynfulnes Wher ●●●or i● the perfect loue In nowyse can be there For loue doth alwayes fixe hyr selfe On peace and gentylnes If we loue god he loude vs fyrst Then wherof can we boste But who so sayeth he loueth God And doth his brother hate He is a lyer verely And none of Christes hoste And therby doth prouoke the plage To lyght vpon his pa●e For how can he that loueth not His brother in this lyfe Whom he may with his eyes beholde At all tymes when he wyll Howe can he with the lyuyng god Be other then at stryfe Or loue him whiche he can not se● By nature or by skyll Therfore hath Christ cōmaunded v● ▪ That he whiche loueth god By perfect loue as he forbeares All that god doth abhorre That he also his brother loue All hate is hym forbod All honour prayse and laude to god For this nowe euer more Amen ¶ The prayse of Godly wysdome out of the booke of wysdome called Sapientia cap. vi THe worthy wyse kyng Salomon inwysdoms exercyse The godly wysdome doth commende And praise hir on this wise wisdomis a much better thing Then strengthe orforce to fyght a wyse man is more worth also Then strong men of much might This wysdome O ye myghtie kynges Se that ye conne and learne To you sith iudgement on this earth Is geuen to decerne Geue ●are to hyr I saye all you That rule the multytude Whiche in much people haue delight And all thynges should conclude The god that gaue you powre strēgth That lorde I saye most hye Shall serch out all that ye inuente And your
be Vpon vncerteyne staye Their workes as we may se Doe vanysh sone awaye And those contrary wyse That grounde their matter well Their worke shall well aryse And perfectly excell When mariage then is made For ryches or for gouide If goodes and ryches fade The loue doth lose his houlde If beautie eke so gaye The cause be of thy loue When beautie fades away Thy fantsye wyll remoue For if the cause doe quayle Where one the mynde is bent The effect then must fayle What so therin is ment Then vertue shall be best Who so wyll it retayne All other beyng cest She euer doth remayne For beauty beyng gone Whose dwellyng is not sure Dame vertue styll alone For euer wyll endure And when gould hath his ende The causer of muche strife Yet vertue shall extende And garnysh well the lyfe A good rewarde also To louers doth she gyue In kepyng them from wo A quiet lyfe to lyue If mariage then be wrought On vertue buylding loue No suche thing can be sought To stande without remoue Ye that wyll web therfore On vertue set your cure All contraries abhorre So shall your loue be pure For better were the tyme Of death and of the graue Then otherwyse to clyme A wedded loue to haue For goulde doth cause and gayne Contention and vnreste He that hath moste wyll fayne Hym selfe to be the beste And beautie ofte doth brede Mistruste and ielousy But vertue hath no sed● Of suche iniquitie Then happy is the loue On vertue whiche is knytte That styll without remoue Continue wyll and sytte Whiche in this lyfe cause is Of prayse and godly fame And also after this Of heauen for the same ❧ Nomen Authoris IN hope I doe endure Of that whiche I intende Hauing my fantsy sure No false thyng to pretende Hope styll dothe me allure At theyr handes whom I serue Lyke goodnes to procure Lo as I doo deserue A godly warnynge to put all men in remembrance of theyr myserable estate and that they are subiecte to death and corruption Syng this as It truthe maye take no trustye holde c. REmember well ye men mortall From whence ye came go ye shall Of earth god made thy shape form● And vnto earth thou shalt returne Remember well O man I say Thou art wormes mea●e and very clay Thou art none other thys is iust But earth and ashes dung and dust Remember well though thou be young Thou art nought but a sacke of donng Deferre no tyme tyll thou be old For of long lyfe thou hast no hold Remember well though now thou s●me As beautyfull as kyng or quene That when thou shalt departe and dyt Thou shalt rot stynke and putrefye Remember well thou dounghyll dyght With garments gay to please mens syght Remember earth thy first estate Thy lyons harte it wyll abate Remember well that thou shalt come At the last day vnto thy dome Wher if thou doe thy selfe exalt In extreme payne remayne thou shalt Remember well I saye aloude Thou earth and ashes be not proude Suche coste on earth why doste bestowe Leue of thy pryde be meke and lowe Remember and in fyne marke this Who so of hym selfe humble is The lorde wyll hym exalte on hye In heauen aboue the sterry skye The faithfull souldiour of Christe desireth assistance of God against his ghostly enemies HEreout O lorde the right request of him that faine would haue redrest the wronges that are so sore increst with in my soule so sore opprest O lord to thee with wofull crye I call for grace and for mercy And if thou helpe not then truly In deadly wo remayn must I. The world the diuell death and hell With great assaultes against me swell Lorde let thy grace in me excell Against their fury fierce and fell O lorde my God to the I praye Suffer me not to goe astraye And haue in mynde the pryce and day Wherwith thou didste my ransome pay Oh haue in mynde thine own great cost And let not this thy payne be lost In the O lorde my trust is most To dwell among thy holy host Thou knowst wherin my help doth stād Whereuer I be on sea or lande Good lorde put to thy helping hand Saue me from hell that fierce fyre brand ¶ An exhortacion to brotherly loue and vnitie BEholde it is a ioyfull thyng that brethern should continually together haue their good dwelling in concord and in vnitie This godly loue Dauid lykned Vnto that precious vnc●ion Which descended vpon the head And into the beard of Aron Whiche being powred on his crowne Was euer more styll descendyng And from his beard it dropped downe Into the skirtes of his clothing And as this precious oyntment swete Did smell all of one swete sauour For Christen brethern it is mete To be all of one behauour He that loues God aboue all thyng His neighbour as him selfe lyke wyfe Fulfyls the lawe in so doyng Whiche Christe would haue vs exercyse For where this godly loue doth byde There present is the lorde Iesus Whiche neuer from his flock wyll slyde It they in loue continue thus Loue not y ● world thus faith S. John Ne any thing conteynde therin For who so settes his loue theron The loue of God is not in hym And none can loue the lorde aboue Whom with our eyes we neuer see If we our brethern doe not loue That alway present with vs be Let loue therfore be among vs And from it let vs neuer swarue As we are lovde of Christ Iesus Muche more then euer we deserue The dewe that fell on Syon hyll The whiche descended plesantly Is nothyng lyke this loue vntill Belovde of god et●rnally For god from ●yme to tyme doth geue To this loue his holy blessyng For all that doe with loue beleue Shall reigne in ioye without ending He sayth the lorde that loueth me Doth kepe my lawe and holy lore And vnto him geuen shall be A crowne to reigne for euer more Lorde in this loue we thee beseke To set vs in a quiet staye That we beyng louyng and meke May reigne with thee in hlys for aye The iust and true mā complaineth that flattery and falshod is more regarded then truthe and reioyseth that he is hated for the truthe IF truth may take no trusty hold nor cleue so fast as flattring sence wel may thy harte poore man be colde for then is gone all sure defence The Nyghtyngale must change her note And of the Cucow learne to syng The modest mynde must learne to dote Or conne some other fayued thyng If meanyng well may take no place Nor dealyng iust haue no regarde Thou must deuyse an other space To fayne suche thyngs as may be heard Shall vertue dwell in such disdayne And honestie be had in hate Then must we learne to glose and fayne Orels remayne in vyle estate But yf there be none other way To purchase fauor and good wyll Better it were I dare well saye In vyle
The Prologue AMids the twynnes when 〈…〉 Fayre Cithera and Iout beingue Last ouer went by his course ryght That he with them had conioyning Commodiously mitigating ●ath Mars and Saturns malice grette Whiche in thè Crabbe but lately mette Lykewyse Lucina then hir decte With eche planet diligently Hir selfe to ioyne with lyke aspecte Begynnyng first with Mercury To Iupiter consequently With Soland Cithera in haste With Saturne then and Mars at laste Almightie God that all hath wroughte Thus through their course moste naturall Within three signes together brought These sterres that cr●atykes men call In these three were these planets all The Crab the Twyns the horned Bull Of wonders thus his workes are full At this tyme as for my solase To bany she pensyue heuynesse I went abrode the tyme to passe When thought my soule did sore oppresse Callyng my muses to to relese My soule whiche dyd in sorowe smarte Who aye were wonte to ease my harte The Muses nyne I meane whiche teache And Christen poets illuminate 〈…〉 with pen or mouth they preache 〈◊〉 ●ertuous and moste godly rate Of grace and knowledge they the gate Doe open in moste gentle wyse To all that goodnes exercise The fyrste of these is vertue fayre Whiche some men doe Arete call The seconde faith whiche doth repayre To sauing health as principall The third place lady hope haue shall The fourth is loue and wysdome fyue Whiche doe with grace ryght well reuyue Daine temperance the sixt muse is The seuenth is dame pacience The eight a lady full of blis To constancie in good pretence The nynthe of good experience Is mekenes or humilitie The purchasers of Gods mercie To these as I before haue sayde I made my playnte still as I went Desyring them of helpe and ayde Els am I all in peeces rent For ignorance moste pestilent With hir sonne error me assayle And would against my soule preuayle At lest quod I dere helpes alas Let come Arete and dame Spes Brynging with them dame Charitas That they my harte may bryng to ease And take from me my great disease This ougly griefe vyle ignorance And in hir stede knowledge aduance At last I sate downe on a grene Vnto a banke lenyng my backe But Phebus beames so whot did shyne That it constreined me to take The shade vnder the freshe grene brake Not farre from me then streight I spyde A groue whiche was there harde besyde Where as eche byrde with y ● swete noyse That nature gaue them to endure Began my harte for to reioyse Their notes my thought were so demure Whiche in short space did me procure My thoughtfull harte for to apalle That I into a sleape gan falle But in this slumber as I laye My spirit receyude no quiet rest Wherfore I wakte agayne streightwaye So sore encombred was my brest Whiche sought therof to be relest Thus on my muses gan I craue Take pitie on your simple slaue But then a freshe I herde agayne The byrdes that sang so swete a note To whom I sayde with glad harte fayne Now Christe his blessing on your throte And to my mynde it came I wote With laude and prayse for to aduance In them the Lordes hyghe ordinance O God quod I omnipotente We render the with hartes so pure All laude and prayse with good intente Thy handy workes doe me allure That my harte can ryght well indure For euer in this place to dwell And straight againe on sleape I fell But sure I had not rested long Yer that into a dreame I fell I sawe my thought the flowres among Fayre ladies three whiche dyd excell The prayse that any tongue can tell Aprochyng towardes me full faste For soth I was right sore agaste Me thought they compaste me about Standing as in a syrcle trayne The midlemoste without all doubte Dyd farre excelle the other twayne Them to beholde my harte was fayne Forsothe it was a semely syghte My harte therin dyd muche delyghte As I dyd earnestly beholde These ladyes three that weare so bryght From care my harte began vnfolde For I receiued per●ec●e syghte That madame hope so full of myght Was one of that same ladyes three That so about had compast me Of whom I had the knowledge founde By readyng of the worde of God As I behelde hyr in that stounde Hyr head at me she gan to nod Then from my harte the heauy lode Consumde away with all my thought For hope was come whom I had sought Then vp to hyr my handes I caste And kneled downe vpon the grounde Welcome quod I my hartes repaste That I haue sought now haue I founde The healer vp of this my wounde That iustice hath so fiersly made With thought that sharpe and cuttyng blade She tooke me then in hyr armes twayne And thus to me she sweetly sayde Be strong quod she stande vp agayne Oh man why shouldste thou be a●●ayde For God hath made me for thyne ayde To thee we are sent from aboue Both vertue hope and also loue To loue then dyd I turne my face And vnto hyr I bowde my knee And gently she did me embrace Be of good chere O man quod she For here is also come to thee According to thy prayer true Arete or lady vertue When I had heard howe they had sayde That lady vertue was in place My harte forfothe was sore dismayde And colour rose streyght in my face And downe I fell before hir grace Desyryng hir beneuolence To pardon my rude negligence That lady then did me beholde And stepte and caught me by the hande Be not dismayde quod she be bolde And vp vpryght before me stande For I doe the to vnderstande That I am come downe from aboue And brought with me both hope and loue To hope and loue then dyd she call And thus began her tale to tell Marke well sayd she for shewe I shal How men from them do me expell And against their lorde God rebell Estemyng me but of small pryce And wholy geue them selues to vyce The lorde did ordeyne me for man That I should richely hym endue Why doe they thus forsake me than And synne and vyce so muche ensue Forsoth because they be vntrue Regardyng their owne wyt and wyll And wyll not harke gods worde vntyll Gods worde no no alas therfore Ther is no thyng I dare w●ll saye That worldly men doe more abhorre He that hath wyt perceyue it may Their outwarde workes doe them bewraye For when gods worde byds them amende With reason they the●r vyc● defende And to be briefe nowe eche estate Doth seke all m●anes vyce to maynteyne And are with meat great debate So that I doe not ryghtly reigne At me the most part haue disd●yne All saue a fewe doe me resiste Whiche seweat the electe of Christe And thou O man marke what I saye To the I wyll my mynde declare That thou mayst nowe perceyue the waye Of worldly m●n and howe they fare That afterwarde thou mayest prepare Thy selfe
wrynge Neither can it be coumpted les In sorowe for to synge As when the Iewes in Babylon Where they were captiue all Commaunded were to playe and synge Of suche as made them thrall Which vaine request of their great foes These miserable Iewes Would not accomplyshe in no wyse But did the same refuse They hangde asyde their instrumentes And laide their songes awaye And knewe it was not tyme to synge But rather for to praye That god would them delyuer once From that their bondage vyle Wherin they had bene punyshed A long and wery whyle But after thre score and tenne yeres When God them home had broughte With holy psalmes to prayse his name They diligently sought And in remembrance of the wo And bondage where they were And ioye of their deliuerance They songe as ye shall here Super flumina Babilonis ONce as we by the ryuers sate That runne in Babylon With bytter teares waylyng our wo When we thought on Sion We layde a syde our thankfull tunes Of honour laude and prayse And hung our harpes on wylow trees That grew there in those dayes Therfore our foes whiche to that land As captiues did vs bryng The more our sorowes to augmente Required vs to sing Cōmaunding vs with spightful scorne And great derision Sing vs quod they some hebrue songs Of your blessed Sion As though it were conuenient Contrary to gods wyll Suche vayne preceptes of wycked men To felowe or fulfyll In suche a lande gods laude to singe With songes of his swete worde Where Images the honor haue That due is to the lorde If euer we Ierusalem So from our myndes consume We wysh our right handes might forget Our harpes to touche in tune And that our tongues within our mouth May cleue we are content When we should vtter any thyng That mynde may vs inuente Thy prayses oh Ierusalem If we preferre not styll Before the moste or greatest ioye That hap may vs vntyll These Edomytes our enemyes Oh lorde remember them Their wyckednes when they destroyde Thyne owne Ierusalem Among them selues thus gan they say Our citie to confounde Destroye and sacke it down with it And rase it to the grounde And thou O daughter Babylon Well worthy of no les Thy mirthe shall turne to misery And thy ioye to distres And he shall be a happy man That with suche lyke agayne Shall the rewarde as thou didst vs With great reprofe and payne Ye blessed shall he be in dede That shall rewarde the once In takyng of thy suckyng babes And dashe them to the stones ¶ An example of Gods prayse for his great care ouer his elect in disapointing their enemies delyueringe them out of the Cxl. Psalme VVHat can the mortall man Inuente deuyse or skan Against the wyll of god Or howe can we withstande Of god the heuy hande His myghty plague and rod What nede we then to care What wicked men prepare With crafte vs to destroye Sythe god the Lorde of all Can bryng vs out of thrall And turne our care to ioye The noble kyng Dauid The lyke thyng hath proued That who so feare the lorde There shall no wyght preuayle Though they doe vs assayle With workes of god abhorde For in his tyme of nede He prayed with all spede To god for helpe and ayde As it doth folowe here And ryght well doth appere What he therin hath sayde Eripe me domine DEliuer me O Lorde Accordyng to thy worde Lorde let me not be shent On me some pitie haue From subtyle wayghtes me saue Of enmies violent In heart they thynke myschiefe And seke to doe me griefe Their tongues they whet so sharpe As aders venym vyle That they may vs begnyle Full wycked wyles they warpe Kepe me O lorde therfore From enmies euer more Whiche wicked be and ill Thy helpe let me not wante For they would me supplante From doyng of thy wyll These proude men they haue sette For me a pryuy nette Where I should out and in Yea and in my pathwaye My soule for to betraye They laye bothe snare and gyn Lorde therfore haue I sayde Thou art myne only ayde Lorde here my depe desyre O Lorde thou art my welth O God my sauing health Graunt me that I require Let not these men vnpure On me take their pleasure Distroye their ill intente They are so proude and haulte That they them selues exalte Therfore let them be shente I meane suche men as be Of their great subtiltie At no tyme vnpreparde Lorde in their owne deceyte Wherwith they layde suche weyke 〈◊〉 their owne fete be snarde Let coles of fyre fall downe And cast them on their crowne And throwe them into hell From whence howe for to ryse There is no tongue so wyse That can them rede or tell Let nothyng prosper well On earth where suche men dwell Reproue their ryche renowne To mischiefe they be wunte With plages therfore them hunte And hedlong throw them downe I knowe the lorde will wounde And viterly confounde All men to pryde adicte And wyll auenge in dede The poore that stande in nede And are thus sore afflicte The ryghteous verely Shall prayse and magnifie Thy holy name therfore The heartes of pure pretence Shall dwell in thy presence Good lorde for euer more ¶ An example howe to prayse God for his almyghty powre and gentylnes Out of the Cxlv. Psalme AS he that would set forth to men The prayse of some good kyng To cause his subiec tes hym to loue And obey in all thynge Doth shew to them his great goodnes His powre and all his myghte That therby he may cause all folke In him to haue delyght And also that his enemies The more may stande in feare And where perhaps they would rebell To cause them to forbeare So Dauid doth gods glory shewe And powre omnipente To make harde hartes that feare not god To soften and relente That they myght come in vnitie Of God and of his lawe And leaueth no good meanes vnsought Them to intyse and drawe That vniformely mortall men Whiche in this worlde doe dwell Myght all agree praysinge the lorde And in vertue excell Whiche if ye staye or stande in doubte Howe to begynne this game Take here a Psalme which will instruct And leade you in the same Exaltabo te deus O God that arte myne only kyng I wyll thee magnify and so set forth thy laude praise To dure eternally From daye to daye euen euery daye Great thankes I wyll thee gyue And prayse thy name for euer more Whyle I haue tyme to lyue Great is the Lorde and meruaylous And worthy of all prayse There is no ende of his greatnes Or magnificent wayes From tyme to tyme for euer more Eche generation To others shall thy powre declare And thy workes evry one And as for me myne only talke Shall worshyp styll thy name Thy glory and thy wondrous workes And prayse the for the same Men of thy workes so meruaylous To speake shall haue
for all my helpe To the I must resorte Beholde those men that say to me In mockage and in scorne Where is the worde of God say they Let it come vs beforne Though not withstanding when I led Thy flocke in godly trayne Into thy wayes by violence I did them not constrayne Ne yet the death of any man I neuer dyd desier Thou knowste right wel that before thee My tongue was not a lyer Be not to me to terrible O lorde but me refrayne For thou ar●e he in whom I hope In perill and in payne Confound me not but confound thē That doe my lyfe pursue Nor feare me not but make thou them To feare and eke to rue And powre on thē their painful plague When thou shalt see the tyme And them destroye that haue thee done So detestable cryme Ieremie .xxxi. ¶ Syng this as On tabrets to the Lorde c. O Lorde thou hast corrected me For my sinfull lyuyng Though I did as a calf vntame Receyue thy chastening Conuert me from my sinne and so Shall I conuerted be Thou art my God and only Lorde And others none but thee So sone as thou hast turned me From sinne I shall returne Before whiche tyme I haue no powre My selfe for to reforme Which when thou madest me perceiue And vnderstande the same I smo●e my selfe vpon my thyghe In my great zeale and shame For shamful thinges sure haue I done Oh let my youth therfore Confounded be with his reproofe For nowe I them abhorre ¶ Out of the thirde chapiter of Ieremies lamentations I Am the man whom God in his wrath and fury hath with his rodde made right expert of eury mysery He droue and led me forth In darknes to endure But as for lyght I myght none see So weare my wayes obscure He only agaynst me Doth turne his hande and powre And laith the same vpon me styll At eury tyme and howre My flesh and skyn waxe olde My bones are brused all He buylded round and closde me in With trauell and with galle In darknes he me sette As dead for euer more He hedgd me in and fettered me With heauy linkes and sore With clamors pitiously Though I to hym did call My prayer and my painfull playnt He heareth not at all My wayes he stopped vp With stones of cubike forme My pathes are made so crokedly I not where me to torne As doth the cruell beare Lye wayting for his praye And as the lyon in his hole To take me in my waye He marred hath my wayes In peces he me brake He altogether layde me waste And brought me all to wrake And when he bente his bowe He made his marke of me The arrowes of his quiuer ●o Into my raynes shot he I laughed am to scorne Of people in the throng They make deridyng songes of me And mocke me all day long He fylde my hungry soule With bale and bitternes And wormwod was my drynke also In my great thyrstynes In peces weare my tethe In dust he did me roule All good thynges then I cleane forgot No reste had my poore soule Then in mynde I thought My selfe vndone to be For in the lorde I see quod I There is no helpe for me O yet remember then My misery and wo The wormwod and the bitter gall And my troubles also Yea some rememberance I truste and hope thou hast For why my soule within me lorde Doth melte away and waste Whyle I dyd these thynges thus Consyder in my harte I gat some houlde of hope agayne That was so long aparte How thy mercies oh lorde Are not gone clene awaye And howe thy louyng kyndnes doth Not cease from vs for aye My faythfulnes is great And euer doth renewe As after the most darkest nyght The mornyng doth ensue The lorde quod my soule tho He is my porcion Therfore my faythe and perfect hope Is fix●e on hym alone O howe good is the lorde To them that in hym truste And to the soule that seketh hym With feruent mynde and luste Lo then howe good it is Vpon the Lorde to staye And tary for his sauyng health With stilnes daye by daye Howe good is it for man His yoke on hym to take And from his youth vp weare the same Whiche wyll hym perfect make Suche one alone wyll syt And holde hym selfe ryght styll Who by hym selfe wyll euer dwell And quiet be from ill Hym sclfe he doth prostrate To harke for hope with loue And offreth styll his cheke to them That smyte or wyll reproue In hope thus wyll he reste And purely styll perseuer For god the lorde wyll not forsake His chosen flock for euer But though he seme somtyme To cease of for a space By multitude of mercies he Receaues agayne to grace He suffreth sonnes of men Not from his harte to fleete Nor all the prisners on the earth He treades not vnder feete He doth not iudgment geue By mans desertes in syght And to condemne man in his cause The lorde hath no delyght What kynde of man is he How mad is suche a one Without the lordes commaundment That sayth ought may be done Out of the holy mouth Of God the lorde moste hye Both ill and good doth not procede What man can this denye Why doth the lyuyng man Then grudge and murmur so At his owne sinne let him repyne And so commit no mo Behold we our owne wayes And eke bethynke vs well A●d turne agayne vn●o the lorde From whom we did rebell To heauen let vs lyfte Our heartes and handes on hye And to the Lorde that there in is On this wyse let vs crye Dissemblers haue we bene And did thee sore offende O lorde let vs intreat thee yet That thy wrath now may ende We hid are in thy wrath And persecutyng payne Without all fauor and regard O lorde thou hast vs slayne For in a cloude from vs Thy selfe thou hydest so That through the thicknes of the same Our prayers can not go For outcastes are we nowe The Heathen vs despyse Our enmies all on vs they gape And mocke in sondry wyse And subiectes are we made To feare and to the snare Destruction on vs is come And we despysed are Whole ryuers from myne eyes Of teares doe styll increase My peoples hurte doth cause myne eyes From wepyng not to cease For why there is no reste O lorde consider this O when wylt thou from heauen loke And mende that is amys Myne eyes haue causde my hearte Insonder for to ryue The daughters of my citie made My wo so to reuyne As foulers seke to haue The byrdes within their pawes Myne enmies sharply hunted me And that without a cause Into a pit moste depe My lyfe put downe they haue Because I should not ryse they layde A stone vpon my graue They powred water then Vpon my head also Nowe am I quyte and clene vndone To my selfe thoughte I tho Yet from this pit profounde I called to the lorde Whiche heard my playnt
recite What other hurtes your bewtie doth With your apparell proude and lyght Tempting the Irailtie of weake youth Therefore vse nowe meknes and truth This olde sayde sawe may warne you all That pryde wyll surely 〈◊〉 a fall ¶ An inuectiue against the most hatefull vyce enuy ¶ Syng this as Let nowe thy power he great O Lorde c. ALl they that will of enuy here Vnto my song let th●●● attend If you will ●erne then draw you nere Let enuious mē their mysse amēd Vnto my lippes haue good respect And marke what shall from them insue Enuy with blyndnes dothe infect And styll disprayseth dame vertue Within this worlde so full of sinne It is a scabbe sayth Tullius If that suche men as be therin To vertue shall be enuious Oh wicked worlde full of ●nuy Polluted with despight and hate Receiue agayne simplicitie Take loue and banysh all debate Salomon sayth in sap●ence I wyll none enuy nor disdeyne Banysh them cleane from my presence Wisdom wyll none suche enterteyne For hatefull enuie is mother Of wycked wordes fond ferce and fell Contrary wyse loue doth couer The wordes whiche are not spoken well Sythe loue then is the remedy Against enuy that wycked vyce Take loue to you continually It is a treasure of great pryce ¶ Agaynst slouthe Syng this as Of Ielousye who so wyll heare MArke and geue eare ye slouthful mē And to my song geue good respect Aryse out of your drousy dell To Idlenes that are subiect Ryght truly sayde kyng Salomon As smoke the tender eyes offende So slouthfull men are wrathe anon Wyth suche as moue them to amend Go to sayth he thou slouthfull beast Go to and slumber out thy fyll Wyth folded armes lye downe to rest Accordyng to thyne idle wyll As one that iourneyth all day long So pouertie shall on thee lyght And as a souldier fierce and strong Necessitie shall sh●w her myght But who so is industrious And wyll his labour well apply His increace shall be pl●ntious And he shall haue abundantly In slouthfull soules thus saith the Lord My wysedome it can ta●● no peace Oh be conuerted by Gods word Ye slouthfull men and call● for grace Who so to worke no payne wyll take Bu● liues in slou●h thus saith S. Paul His company we must forsake And g●ue to hym no meate at all Thus sayth the lord therfore awake Thou that dost slepe and stande vpright Stande vp from death for Christes sake And Christ the ●or● shall geue thee lyght ¶ A description of auarice SAint Bernard saith the chariot of auarice is borne on fower wheles of vic●s in through which the poore are torne The first is courag●●aynt and fonde The next vngentylnes The thirde contempt of God the fourth Of death forgetfulnes And horses two this chariot drawes That is as muche to saye As Raueny and Nygardshyp Whiche are in it alwaye The Carter whiche dooth dryue them bothe He is a greedye knaue And who so would hys name were knowen It is Desyre to haue That Carter dryueth with a whyp Whych whyp of cord●s hath twayne That is Great appetite to get And Lothe to yeld agayne Ryght many of the cart haue scorne And them that cartes doo dryue Yet moste men for to dryue thys cart Thys daye contende and stryue And they that take in most yll part Of carters to beare name Doo dryue thys car●e of co●etyse And muche delyght the same And suche as weare bothe sylke and golde That strange is for to see Doo sue to master Auarice His carters for to bee Where some were wont with spe●●● shield Theyr countrey to defend Haue layde asyde theyr armour quight And to this carte attend The Clergy whych should preache and teache If they dyd playe theyr parte Doo laye asyde the worde of God And dayly dryue thys carte The Merchant and the learned leche And eke the man of lawe Forsake theyr artes and dayly doo This carte bothe dryue and drawe And they that common carters be O● moste men called so Doo knowe least how to dryue this cart And farthest are therfro Our money as sayth Seneca Ought ay to be our drudge To serue for our necessitie And at our wyll to trudge But yf we as a lady d●re Make her our souerayne She wyll not mysse to bryng our soules Into eternall payne God of hys mercy therfore graun● This cartynge we may leaue To loue and lyberalytie That we may alway cleaue Free from the thefe and from the mo●he That we may horde our store Forsakyng gredy auarice And dryue hys carte no more ¶ A dittie of the pen inueiyng against vsury and false dealyng MY pen obey my wyll a whyle till I see good to ende this stile for if all men would sinne abhorre such songs we nede not to compile nor my pen should write so no more If all men of their worde were true Promis to kepe and paye their due What ●●de had pennes to worke therfore But sythe no whyght wyll truthe ensue Pennes were as good to wryte no more Pennes are abusde and that dayly About all craft and vsury We may well say alas therfore And yet least we make them angry It semes as good to wryte no more Yet let vs shewe the lordes intent Howe tha● for gaynes nought should be lent All fashod God wyll plage ryght sore And yet my penne least we be shent It semes as good to wryte no more For all in vayne we speake scripture To suche as wyll in synne endure For they amende neuer the more But hate all godly counsayle pure That warneth them to synne no more Yet if all men with suche pretence Should cease to shewe their conscience They should transgresse gods holy wre Yet sythe none wyll it reuerence It semes as good to wryte no more The scripture thus doth specifie In Dauids psalmee bl●ssed is he That lendeth freely ryche and poore Without all gayne of vsury Yet doe they vse it styll the more Though some for writing wyl vs blame These crafty men whome we not name These false got 〈…〉 they must 〈◊〉 To those of whom they got the same Or els be damnde for 〈…〉 For though some men haue bene ●● thys In vsury that dyd amys And haue bene warnde of it before That doo repent yet fewe there ys But rather vse it more and more But sure in hell theyr bed is 〈◊〉 And all that vse of crafte the trade Are lyke the same to rue ryght ●ore In crafte and guyle yet syth they w●de It were as good to wryce ●● more God graunt as in this song is me●● We may amende all and rep●nt Rootyng out vyce to the harde core To serue the lorde omnipotent In loue and truthe for euermore ¶ An exhortation to wrathfull men Syng this as I am the man whom God c. IF wrathe were paynted out In perfect lyuely hue As coulde Apelles in hys lyfe Wyth colours ●yne and true Or as Demosthenes Deserybe it coulde with ●en
frendes thou couldest none fynd But I whych on a crosse was rent Why art thou to thy frend vnkynd Thus I lovde thee but whom lovst thou I am thy frend why wylt thou fayn I gaue thee lyfe and thou me slew Who parted thus our loue in twayn Turne thee to me bethynke thee how Thou hast done yll come home agayne And thou shalt be as welcome now As he that free from synne dyd raigne Thynke howe dyd Mary Magdaleyn What sayd I to Thomas of Inde I grant the blysse why wylt thou payne And art thus to thy frend vnkynde Of frends I am the beste and chiefe Thou wylt me neyther dreade nor please Of thy true loue to se a prefe My loue to thee would much increase For thy mysdedes I suffred grefe And thou dydst me that same disease Hanged I was most lyke a thefe I suffred death thy payne to cease Yet to loue me thou dost not prease Nor bearest not my payn in mynde But seekst Idols in thy dysease To me why art thou so vnkynde Vnkynd for thou hast slayn thy Lord And euery day dost wound hym newe If thou be brought vnto accord Of couenant made thou art vntrue To thy old synne thou dost resorte Thou louest vyce hatyng vertue All false Idols that I abborde To honour thou wylt not eschue But to my lyuely Image true The poore the halt the lame and blynd To offer thou wyle not insue But rather art to them vnkynd Thryse dyd the fiend tempt me truly And thou doste tempt me day by day Wyth syane and vyce most wyckedly To stirre my wrath thou wylt assay Thou dost as who so would me buye As false Iudas dyd me betraye For at my workes thou hast enuye There is nothyng that would thee stay If thou on me myghtst as I may Full cruelly thou wouldest me bynd If I forgyue thee thou sayste nay Why art thou to thy frend vnkynd ¶ A Ditie warnyng all townes and liberties to chose theyr gouernours for vertue wysedom and lernyng and by all meanes laudable to kepe from rule the proude enuious and wylfull wycked men lest the prince be dishonored and they them selues abused and oppressed ¶ Syng this as If truth may take no trusty hold c. VVher pride doth hold the helme in hand The shyp to rule by wylfull wyll Oft tymes we see on rocke or sand Both shyp and goods do ioyntly spyll As Phaeton prowde most wylfully Hys father Phebus charyot Would prease to rule tyll foolyshly He nygh spylde all suche was hys lot Wherby as Ouide playne doth tell The wrathe of Ioue he did proueke In floud of Po hym downe to fell Wyth dreadfull dynt of thunder stroke The lyke thyng may be sene ●●he day In shyp of publike gouernance Where onely pryde and wyll beare sway Sekyng all discorde to aduance For reason there is ca●tiuate Re●ect and cast cut as a slaue Tyll theyr owne swynge doth bring the quade Whose end doth shew how much they r●ue Wherfore yf I myght counsell geue When as the matter lyes in choyce Blynde ignorance should not acheue To wyn to rule by common voyce For by theyr rude and ●onde abuse The prince they doo dishonor muche And subiectes poore they muche mysuse Of pryde and wyll the fruites are suche Then best it is for to reiect The blynde the ignorant and rude And vertues chiefly to respect And wysely so your choyce conclude If that ye knewe the difference Betwene the wyse and learned men And rude vnlearned negligence Muche more respect ye would haue then For loke howe farre a lusty wyght That can doo all actiuitie As go runne wrestle playe and fyght Dothe styll surmount in eche degree The infant yong that can not go But muste of force be led or borne So farre extendeth learnyng lo The rude and ignorant forlorne He that in all his lyfe and dayes His owne affections can not rule But beastly is in all his wayes As any saluage horse or mule Or he that hys house howe to guyde Or household yet coulde neuer tell Can such be mete at any tyde A towne of folke to gouerne well Haue this therfore before your eyes Whom hencefoorth ye doo chose or take Vertue imbrace and vyce despyse A ryght good choyce so shall ye make Esteme hym euer as moste yll Whiche by his froward mynde vniust Despysyng lawe wyll maynteyue wyll To lay good order in the dust If any man perceaue this case Or haue experience of this cry me Vertue hencefoorth let hym imbrace And take more hede an other tyme. ¶ A briefe description of wysedom and folly in gouernance VVHere wysedome beareth sayle In shyp of common wealth Lyke are they not to fayle Lawe loue good hope and health Iustyce shall there auayle All wrong to ouerthrowe Men dyng both hygh and lowe In lyke wyse and maner Of folly to defyne Ryght may no rule beare there Debate so doth enclyne And peace can there be none Ye may therof be sure Nothyng but payne and mone Euer doo fooles procure ¶ A briefe Description of truthe and falsehode TRuthe shall triumph and falshode fayle Hope in the Lord so hath vs taught Of falshode shall the cunnyng quayle Most when she hath her malice wrought As of the truth it is the guyse Suppresiyng wrong and then to ryse Why then doth falshode make her bost Of her dedes as they should endure Only a whyle they rule the rost Doubtles theyr buyldynges are not sure Myschief to doo they men allure And yet is all that they inuent Nothyng stable ne permanent ¶ An exhortation to truthe fayth and vertue EXamyn well thyne inward spryte Directe thy wayes with perfectnes Make streyght the thynges that are not right Vexe not thy frend with vnkyndnes No lye for gayne see that thou make Do nothyng yll for frendshyp sake Haue styll in mynde the truth which sayth All thynges are vayne that haue an ende Let all thy workes be done in fayth Lyke that whpch Christ doth most commend ¶ A de scription of mans lyfe both in his owne affections and vertues VVE may by profe behold and see In thys world what is mans delyghte Lewde is our lyfe naturally Lacke yf we doo gods holy sprite Iniurie hate wrath and despyghte All that to payne shall vs procute Most we frequent and put in vre In vertue y●t those that doo dwell Occasyons yll they wyll eschue Remembryng that suche as doo well Doubtles the Lorde wyll them endue All goodnes that they may ensue Yea and them kepe so safe and sound None ill shall them hurte or embrace Endeuoryng styll iust to be found A frendly aduertisement REioyce in him that did thee make In weith and we haue him in mynde Conceaue none ill all vyce forsake Helth in thy soule so shalt thou fynde And wh●re thou art a louyng frynde Reuoke it not but stay thee there Decaye no loue but hate forbere To proued frendes commit thy trust And ●lee from suche as fayne
All slouthfull sleape let vs refuse To vertuous workes let vs be beat Let vs commyt our selues to Christ Wyth thankes prayse him first to serue Whyche dothe out deadly foes resyst And from all dangers vs preserue And then thys type se that you mynde That lyke as you in nyght doo rest And in the mornyng your selues fynde Awake and redy to be brest So shall our bodyes slepe by death And after be to lyfe restorde When Christ shall come restore breth And Iudge vs all as sayth his worde Then mekely let vs hym desyre That it may be hys blessed wyll That we thys day may well aspire By grace his seruyce to fulfyll So that we may do hurt to none Nor of none other hurt receaue But styll be kept by Christe alone That Sathan neuer vs deceaue But styll in christen godlynes By grace we may our selues prepare Of all offence and wyckednes For to escape the nette or snate Thys graunt vs Lord omnipotent For Christ his sake our mercy seate That we may tast ioyes permanent Before thy throne of glory great Amen ¶ A ditie to be sung at nyght when men go to bed Syng this as In sommer time when flowres gan spryng c. NOwe that the day is wasted cleane And Phebus dothe hym self absent And Hesperus dothe downward leane And lurkyng nyght with darknes bent Her mantle darke abrode to spreade And hyde from vs the welkyn cleare The starres also are prepared With glystryng lyght nowe to appeare Therfore of force we must nedes yelde In bed to sleape and take our rest Forsakyng cleane both strete and field And other workes bothe most and least Wherfore to Christ now let vs call In thys our nede vs to assist From drede and feare and dangers all Defend our sely soules O Christ O Lord defend vs wyth thy grace In thys our nede when we do slepe Syth we are able at no space Ourselues from dangers small to keepe O Lord that styll hast wakyng eyes And knowst no sleape nor felest nyght Out humble sute do not despyse But vs defende now by thy myght Defende vs wyth thy grace and powre To helpe our selues syth we ne can Nor haue no strength at any howre The same to doo so weake is man O let thy powre out feblenes Wyth helpe of grace this nyght supply O way our myserablenes And comfort vs wyth thy mercy O let vs then with mynde contrit With prayse and prayer to Iesus Lye downe to rest and so commyt Our selues to hym that saueth vs. O Lord forgeue vs all our synne And plant true fayth wythin our brest And after cares that we are in Let vs ones tast eternall rest Amen ¶ A ditie to be sung at dyner tyme and meales Syng thys as If truth may take no trusty holde c. AS roote of tree dothe of the grounde Take moysture named radicall And causeth branches to abounde Wyth that he geues them ouer all And suffreth no small twyg to want But naturally doth dispose Suche as he hath plentie or scant Vnto the nutriment of those As Nature by thys industry Dothe cause thynges vegitall to grow In other sort shee dothe apply On animals good to bestowe Among the whych we men mortall That formed are to Gods Image Wyth meate and drynke nutrimentall We maintaynde are from age to age The myghty maker of all thynges Hys creatures leaues not destitute An that they haue is hys geuyng As well to man as beastes brute Leste therfore we appere vnkynde Vnto this God that all dothe sende To prayse his name with thankful mynd And gratfull harts now let vs bende Let vs not one morcell receyue Wyth forgetfull ingratitude Least to our owne lustes god vs leaue More wretched then brute beastes rude Ne yet let vs in any wyse Forget the nedy brethern poore The sycke and lame do not despyse Nor hym that goes from doore to doore For God hath made vs ministers That one an others nede should serue Wherfore we are but murderers If in our fault our neyghbours sterue And may be to that dogge comparde That lay vpon an heape of haye Spying the oxe come thitherward● Wyth barkyng draue the same away Whyche nedes must be churly she enuy Syth he hym selfe no haye could eate To stand at baye so frowerdly And kepe the poore oxe from hys meate Let vs therfore doo otherwyse And from our bellies somwhat spare In loue to shewe some exercyse To brethern poore that nedy are For who so to the poore dooth geue Dothe lend to God on vsury And shall receyue for hys releue Great gayne agayne abundantly To hym therfore most gratefully Geue honour glory thankes and prayse To hym as one in Trinitie All honour be nowe and all ways ¶ An other to the same purpose Syng thys as Heare out O Lord the ryght request c. VVHen ye take foode at any tyme Your bodyes to refreshe with ought Remember Gods infynite powre Which all hath made formde of nought Remember eke his prudent reygne His mercy and benignitie Who all his workes doth aye susteyne And gouerne styll continually And consequently call to mynde Hys clemency and great mekenes Whych all creatures dothe fede fynde Yea hys most foes in theyr dystresse Pander also the great meruayle How many great gyftes he ordeynes Sufficient foode and all victayle For all that this whole world conteines Haue mynde how fast we do declyn●e How apt we are styll to decay Whiche only he by powre diuine Preserues els were we gone away No mans wysedom nor angell bryght Were able this to take in hand In any wyse or thyng more lyght The way howe once to vnderstande Sythe of hys gyftes therfore we lyue Were it not cursed vnkyndnes That we due praise shold hym not geue Oh hatefull vile vnthankfulnes At thy table let sobernesse And wysedome be wyth talke most chast Myndyng styll his pure holynes Whose gyftes this time in hand thou hast Let bytter wordes and backbytyng From thy table secluded be Hys loue to thee rememberyng Whole kyndnes is great towardes thee This place therfore contaminate Not wyth dysprayse of any man Syth thou feciste here for thyne estate Gods fauour that no wyght want can Let therfore here no hate appere Where God so greatly shewes his loue But rather loue thy brother dere As gods great giftes here doo the moue Lorde graunt vs grace for euermore That we thy mercyes so muche mynde That hatred our heartes may abhore And neuer shewe our selues vnkynde Amen ¶ An other grace ALl folke that lyue in lyuely fayth Confesse wyth one accorde That all creatures are fed of God And prayse therfore the Lorde Lest then we shewe ingratitude And mere vnthankfulnesse By lawe of loue graft in our heartes Let vs our fayth expresse And prayse the Lord for thys our foode Here present to vs sent And for our helth whyche he to vs Mercyfully hath lent And for hys worde to fede our soules We also ought