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B22909 The continuation of Christ's alarm to drowsie saints by the reverend and faithfull minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. William Fenner ... Fenner, William, 1600-1640. 1657 (1657) Wing F683A 480,531 330

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That is the First thing 2. Secondly He that is legally dead made dead only by the law he is deaf to the Gospel but when a man is evangelically dead it boars his ears and makes him hear the voice of the Word and not only so but the voice of Christ in the Word Isa 55. 3. Incline your ears and come unto me hear and your soul shall live He calls those that were evangelically dead Hear and your soul shall live they are made able to hear Let their profits and old courses and old companions come and tempt them to walk as they have done they are deaf of that ear they cannot go that way to work no now their ears are open heaven-wards seek the Lord and you shall live Amos 5. 6. They are made to seek the Lord thus much life they have though they are more dead in regard of their own misery then one that is dead by the law yet thus much life they have put into them that they will go and seek unto God in the use of the means and follow him up and down and nothing will satisfy the heart but Christ they leave no stone unroled they seek up and down every where 3. Thirdly He that is legally dead it is a kind of death to love but he that is evangelically dead it is a death of love when the Church in the Canticles was but sensible of the countenance of Christ she was presently sick of love I charge you O ye daughters of Jerusalem if ye find my welbeloved tell him that I am sick of love Cant. 5. There is a great deal of difference between sicknesse and death death is a total privation of life sicknesse is but a partial privation now when the Gospel hath wrought upon a man that he hath some of Christ and is not deprived of all that privation makes him sick of love but when the Gospel makes a man see he is dead and altogether deprived of Christ now he is dead of love when a man is legally dead this is his death that he is damned and must go to hell this is his death that he hath no mercy not that he hath not grace and holiness and Christ but if a man be evangelically dead this is his death that he hath not Christ The Use is this If there be any that the law hath made dead rest not Vse there but labour that the Gospel may make you dead also when thou art humbled by the law thou mayest think that mercy is prepared for thee but thy lusts may recover again and that damned life that is in thee may recover again therefore labour to be more deaded by the Gospel that thou mayest have a total death begun in thee that thou mayest have thy deaths wound given thee deep not only to be in a swound but to be dead indeed Joh. 11. Christ staid four dayes after Lazarus was dead before he would raise him because he would have him irrecoverably dead before he would raise him Lord saith Martha he stinketh f●r he hath been dead four dayes vers 39. If he had raised him sooner his glory had not been so great so thou must labour to be dead in deed and to be buried and to be loathsome and abominable and then Christ will quicken thee It is certain that Gods Children have some of this death wrought in them before they are quickned at all for death is before quickning in order of nature there must be a corruption of one thing before there can be a generation of another there must be a privation of one form before there can be an introduction of another A child of God must be dead before he can be quickned Now then if he will have more life he must labour to be dead more and more now thou must labour to have this death truly begun to be wrought in thee thou must labour to have the love of this world and self-conceitednesse altogether dead in thee Hos 6. 2. After two dayes will he revive us and the third day will he raise us up and we shall live in his sight A man may be alive though he have been seemingly dead twenty four hours therefore it is a good custom among us to keep men near two dayes before we bury them that we may be sure they are throughly dead for there are many have been buried alive so after two dayes he will revive us and the third day he will raise us up when a man is dead indeed and hath his liveliness throughly killed in him then God will revive him if he should revive him before his glory would not be so great if he should revive him before he were quite dead when Ahab humbled himself and put on sackcloth and went softly a man would have thought he had been dead but in the next Chapter 1 King 2● we may see he is alive again So Ananias and Sapphira one would have thought their covetousnesse had been dead whether they were any Acts 5. of the three thousand that were pricked at Peters Sermon I dispute not but they were pricked and made sensible of their damned estate and pretended to lay down all at the Apostles feet one would have thought their covetousness had been dead but yet it was alive therefore labour that the Gospel may make thee throughly dead THE SPIRITUAL WATCH 2 Tim. 4. 5. Watch thou in all things IN the verses going before we have 1. The charge that the Apostle gives to Timothy ver 1. I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ that shall judge the quick and the dead There are many duties we are loath to come unto and are tempted from so that we have need of all strong cords to draw us to them 2. We have the thing he gives him this charge for and that is ver 2. Preach the Word in season and out of season c. which duty strongly lyeth upon the Ministers of the Gospel to hold forth the Word of God to edifie and convert mens souls 3. Here is the reason why he gives him this charge and that is in the third and fourth verses For the time will come when they will not endure sound Doctrine c. The more danger there is among people the more instant should Ministers be to preach the Word unto the conscience Now in the verse I have read unto you the Apostle perswades Tim●thy to watchfulnesse as who should say Though others be careless and negligent yet I would have thee to be watchful consider thou art a Watchman Every Christian is to watch over his own wayes and those that are committed to his charge but Ministers are watchmen over their people therefore here is a double reason to move him to watchfulness both in regard of his own soul and the people he was set over Mark 13. 37. our Saviour saith What I say to you I say to all Watch. And what Paul saith here to Timothy I may say to
they come to let in the world again this doth mightily dead and damp their hearts this doth wonderfully lay bolts and fetters upon their soul that it cannot go on as formerly as the Apostle shews 1 Tim. 6. 10. as soon as ever a man gives way to look after the world presently if he had any faith he erres from it if he had any quickning before he is now deaded this deaded Demas his heart for a time he was so full of life that he was able to hold company with St. Paul but when this came once to take possession of him Demas hath forsaken me he was gone he was able to hold 2 Tim. 4. company with Paul no longer worldliness will quickly take off all the affections and all the quickning that was in the soul it will presently fail and die and decay therefore you shall see when the Lord would set down how dull Ezekiels hearers were and how heartless he sets down this as a reason o● it their heart is gone after their covetousness Ezek. 33. no marvel then they went not after Ezekiels Sermons for their hearts could not go after both at once so long as their hearts were after the world and profits they must needs be dead and untoward to the word of God therefore the Apostle saith Eph. 5. 3. let not covetousness be named among you as becometh Saints as who should say it will utterly dead and kill all your Saint-qualities and dispositions that are in you if you suffer your hearts to grow earthly the dames of the earth as one saith doth not more quench a candle and put it out then the love of the world doth damp grace and put it out presently and this is the cause of that deadness that is grown among us we are grown worldly and the world carries us away we are all for the world so that all our words thoughts affections carriages they are all little else but worldly most people have many businesses abroad in the world riding abroad into the world but who takes that short journey into his own heart people can tend businesse with every body else but themselves they know what is done beyond sea and the countries round about and yet hardly any one marks how things go in his own soul whither he goes backward or forward whither he gets or loseth every body can ask how others do but no man looks how his own soul doth people are grown at great distance from themselves I speak not of drunkards or prophane persons such as are absolutely dead in sins and trespasses but I speak of Christians in whom we should look for life we are grown strangers to our selves we are out of our own reach we are grown to a mighty distance from looking to our own estates and conditions as we ought to do our minds are scattered up and down about other things therefore no marvel we are so heartlesse towards God Seventhly The next cause is idleness and spiritual sloth when men let their minds go as a boat without a guide the boat goeth uncertainly when it hath no body to guide and steer it so people let their thoughts and hearts and minds run at all adventures people do not take pains with their own hearts and hold them to that which is good we let our hearts be like the field of the sluggard any thing may grow in them for all us we do not look to our hearts that we may have good things grow in them and that we may fence our hearts from those things which may make us untoward in the wayes of God if we have any stirrings at any time we are like idle huswives when the liquor hath done working they forget to stop up the bunghole so when men have any stirrings then they are in motion and action but when they are gone they let their hearts get a vent and they are deaded again as if they had nothing at all as Solomon shews Prov. 19. 15. though a man hath enough for the present yet if he grow idle when that is spent he will samish and starve and die the idle soul shall suffer hunger may be he hath something now but if he be idle and sluggish that may be all spent and then for want of supply he may famish so it is with the soul though it hath something for the present yet if it be idle and sluggish and slothful and take not pains from day to day it must needs go to wrack when God gives us knowledge of sin we should improve that knowledge to root out sin when God gives us insight into graces we should employ it that we may get those graces if God give us his ordinances if he give us a Sermon at any time we should presently work with it As it is with a graft that a man cuts off to plant and set if he lets it lie till it be dead it will never grow but if he presently plant it it will take in the ground and prosper so if a man would presently take a good motion when it comes if he would presently take hold of a reproof or counsel given him out of the word of God while it hath life in it and works upon his heart the heart might receive much benefit but when people are blockish and dull they are not willing to take any pains no wonder though they go down as they do Eccles 10. 18. by much slothfulness the building decayeth c. it is so in the spiritual building if people be slothful all gracious things must needs vanish away and go out more and more and this is a most grievous thing it is generally among all people nay among the better sort for wicked men that live palpably in sin they are struck dead in ●●n and never had any colour of life but I speak of those that have had some kind of quickning yet notwithstanding suffer themselves to be deaded through idleness when we go to prayer we do not put forth our selves in prayer our prayers are dead when we go to the word we do not put forth our minds and therefore our hearing is dead our hearts are like to a sieve when it is in the water it is full but when it is once taken out again not a jot remains so it is while people are at a Sermon may be they seem to drink in something and their hearts are affected yet these people are rare too but when they are gone all is gone all leaks out again for want of stopping for want of observing the things they have heard this is the reason there is no more life among Christians because they are so idle and sluggish thou evil and slothful servant saith Christ when a man is a Matth. 25. slothful servant he must needs be an evil servant Christians will confer may be now and then of grace but with such loose thoughts that there is no edification or quickning nay their hearts grow dull and
how dead and fruitless were they whereunto shall I liken this generation c. Mat. 11. 16. c. the meaning is this John the Baptist he came mourning and in a doleful manner fasting and afflicting himself and crying out Repent he mourned but none would relent Christ he came piping he came in another manner he came eating and drinking and he preached gracious things the Kingdom of God and the acceptable year of our Lord now saith he you have not daunced all these things have not affected your hearts a jot you are as blockish as if you had no Ministry at all as Christ saith Mat. 8. 22. let the dead bury their dead what doth he mean by that he means those that are dead in their souls those that are dead in their spirits and souls they are fit for dead imployments and nothing else the coherence was this there was a man came to Christ and was willing it seems to be the Disciple of Christ but oh sai●h he first I pray thee let me go and bury my father bury thy father saith he any man may serve for that let the dead bury their dead those that are fit for nothing else may do that but if thy heart be alive thou art fit for me thou art fit for spiritual employments but when a man hath a dead heart he is sit for nothing as Christ he gave the bag to Judas he was the fittest man for that so let a man be in office if he be dead he hath no heart to punish sin no not so much as to use his faithful endeavour to root it out nay he will pull down the guilt of the sins of the parish upon his own soul rather then he will stickle a little for God Judg. 4. 8. how backward was Barak to go against the enemies of the Lord if you will go I will go saith he to Deborah otherwise he had no heart to go so Esther how dull was she to stand for the Church of God she would let the Church be ruinated rather then she would go and speak to the King in the behalf thereof but that Mordecai stirred her up soundly now is not this a sufficient motive to stir us up to labour for quickning how can we do the things God calls for from day today we should stand for him and call upon him and set up his worship in our families we should fear his name and set him before our eyes and fight against sin and labour to please him in all our wayes now without being quickned we are sit for none of these things now what a woful thing is it when we shall not be furnished to every good work as we should and fitted to do that which God requires of us therefore let us shake off this dulness and blockishness of spirit Thirdly Another motive is this we can have no true sign at all to our 3. Motive souls that we have any true grace at all as long as we are dead when Christ is said to give a man grace he is said to quicken a man Joh. 5. 21. conversion is called the life of the dead a mans repentance is no better then the repentance of a reprobate unless it be repentance from dead works and repentance unto life if a man hath faith it is not the faith of Gods elect if it doth not quicken him I live by faith saith Paul Gal. 2. 20. justification is communicated only to a man that is quickned God together with justification doth quicken a man he doth revive him and make him alive towards God nay we have no argument that we have our sins forgiven us unlesse God hath quickned us Col. 2. 13. he hath quickned them having forgiven them all trespasses when God forgives the trespasses of his people he doth quicken them h● takes away the dulness of their hearts and the blockishness of the●r minds and the senselesness of their consciences and their awkness and untowardness to that which is good he doth quicken them up ● every man hath life for we see how lively men are in seeking after their profits and pleasures people have life enough but it is upon things here below and they have affections enough love enough and hope enough and joy and delight enough in the world but they are set upon carnal things but if grace comes into the heart it is the vigour of the heart now as long as we are dead and dull what sign of grace can we have if we have grace ye● we cannot have any proof and comfort of it as long as we are drowzy and dull 't is true no man can have any grace but he hath some life but if he doth not quicken up himself he hinders himself of the peace and comfort that otherwise he might have hence it is that the conscience is troubled and people are unsetled and are so full of fears to dye hence i● is that people are so like to the sea the waves whereof cannot rest their minds are unquiet and unsetled it is for want of quickning if we were quickned we should have great peace come into our souls Fourthly We cannot grow in grace unless we are quickned as long as 4. Motive we are thus dull and heavy and lumpish to the things that are good we cannot grow in grace Hos 14. 7. they shall revive as the corn and grow as the vine first they shall revive and then grow first God quickens a man and then he makes him grow the Philippians love was dead to Paul afterwards it quickned again now saith he your love flourish●th Phil. 4. 10. now their hearts were quickned it began to grow but when a man hath a dead heart how can he grow as he said Joh. 15. 4. can the branch bear fruit without the vine so may I say can a mans heart grow in goodness without life it is only a living creature that can grow if a plant be once dead it withers away and cannot grow if a man have a dead heart though he should hear lectures and sermons every day he would never grow he would be never the more holy never the more godly if he should have family prayer closet prayer yet if he should be dead he should have never the more ability against his temptations though the ordinances of God be admirable helps to growing yet if a man be dead and dull they will never help him to grow in grace though grace be of a growing nature yet a dead heart starves all the graces that a man hath Fifthly Another motive is this as long as we are dead we shall be so 5. Motive far from growing that we shall be hardly able to keep our own Rev. 3. 2. strengthen the things that remain that are ready to dye as who should say thou art so far from growing that the good things that are in thee are even ready to dye thou wilt lose that very good that is in thee if thou dost
calls upon them at last to strengthen themselves 1 Cor. 16 5. Because we can have no comfortable argument to our souls that we are true 1. Reas Christians except we get strength every true Christian is a very able man as Paul saith Phil. 4. 13. I can doe all things through Christ that strengthneth me He was a strong man and able to doe great things what man of a thousand can be rich and not be proud and vain and let his heart follow after pleasures and the things of the world yet a true Christian can be rich and yet not be thus so what man almost can be poor and not be discontented and repine against God and take unlawfull courses yet a true Christian is able to be poor and yet not deny God nor distrust God nor fall a carking and caring so likewise a true Christian can have a peevish nature and yet not be peevish he can have as crabbed a disposition as any body else and yet not be crabbed he can have as vile a cursed nature as any man under heaven and yet have a good disposition he is able to doe all things as Job saith Job 9. 19. If you talk of strength God is strong So it is with a childe of God that hath the image of God in him if you talk of strength he is strong a man cannot have any true argument to his soul that he is a true Christian unless he be strengthened to doe the things of God unless he be lifted up of God to doe supernaturall things a true Christian is no weakling a man saith I cannot doe thus and thus it is my weakness then thou canst not say thou art a true Christian for a true Christian is an able man a mighty man nay all the graces of Gods spirit are strong that if a man hath any degree of them he may doe wonders with them 1 John 5. 4. This is our victory that overcometh the world even our faith He doth not say great faith but our faith a little faith though but as a grain of mustardseed is able to overcome the world a true Christian can overcome sin and the world and the Devil and whatsoever is contray to him a natural man may believe in some sense but he can nothing with his faith it is not of the right stamp but a true Christian he can doe wonders with his faith he can draw neer to God and cry Abba Father he is able to purifie his own heart all things are possible to him that believeth it is a powerful thing Jacob had power with God saith the Text he is able to fit Gen. 32. 28. himself against every lust and goe about every duty and please God in all his wayes in some measure a little faith is strong so love is a strong grace it is as strong as death Cant. 8. If a man hath but a little true love to God it will enable him to doe strange things it will make him suffer any thing doe any thing leave any thing for God Now natural people they say they love God but it is a weak love it cannot make them leave a lust for God it cannot make them doe any thing for God it cannot carry a man beyond nature but all the graces of Gods spirit are marvellous strong things therefore as ever we desire to have a sign and token that we are true Christians and have the grace of God in truth in any measure in us we should labour to strengthen all the good things that are in us for if we doe not strengthen them they are not of the right stamp Secondly We can never doe any act of new obedience unless we be strengthened 2. Reas as the Lord saith to Joshua Josh 17. Onely be then strong and doe my commandements c. He would have him strong that he might observe all the Law of God as who should say Joshua thou canst never be able to observe my Law there be mighty performances things that flesh and blood can never reach unto therefore unless thou hast strength and divine strength thou canst never be able to doe this therefore be strong strengthen thy s●lf labour to have all the courage and might that may be God bids us do nothing but he requires all the strength of the whole man Thou shalt love the Mar. 12. 30. Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy strength it must be thus if the water-man be to rowe with the tyde and the wind he puts forth no strength the stream will carry the vessel but if he be to rowe against wind and ●yde now he must put forth all his strength else the bo●t cannot ●o nay it will go the contrary way so if we would please God and work the works of God and attain to his heavenly Kingdom we must rowe against wind and tyde and without tugging and hailing and putting forth a great deal of strength we shall never do it as suppose a man be wronged and offered an injury he cannot be quiet an hour together but he is abused and misused and mocked and opposed now he cannot be patient unless he be strong and have great strength to deny himself as Col. 1. 11. Be strengthned with all might according to h 〈…〉 ●lorious power to all patience and long suffering with joyfulness As who should say if you would have patience you must be strengthned with all might specially if you would be patient with joy may be a man may be patient but then he is surly and lumpish and all amort● may be he bears but he is like a block or stock he cannot joy in trib●lation he had need have a great deal of strength to do this so if a man would pray can he pray without a great deal of strength it is not a little heave will lift up a mans heart to God I lift my heart to thee he gave a Psa 25. 1. great lift to his heart and Heb. 5. 7. it is said that Christ prayed with strong cries we cannot pray aright unlesse we come with strong cries and strong desires so if a man hear the word if it awaken him and quicken him he will lose all again and be as blockish as he was before unless he be strong 1 John 2. 14. we can do no good duty without strength and therefore we had need to labour for strength Thirdly We can never overcome temptations nor make our part good 3. Reas against temptations without strength nay we cannot resist them or combate with them or stand in the field against them but we shall be beaten out and be overwhelmed if we have not strength if we would go to heaven we shall be sure to meet with abundance of temptations and if temptations will put us out of the way we shall have enough of them if they can sway us and make us do this and that we shall not want temptations if a bowl hath bias
which is that he may not sin against God but that he is borne down with sin Psal 119. 112. I have inclined my heart to keep thy statutes alwayes even to the end He had a study and composure in his soule to keep Gods statutes and to keep them alwayes even to the end therefore whensoever David sinned it was not with his whole will for he sinned against the study and composure of his heart Thirdly A childe of God never sins but there is something or other that breaks the fulnesse of the voluntariness of it as for example if a childe of God sins sometimes it is out of ignorance he doth not know that he offends God if he did he would not doe it for a world Now ignorance doth lessen the voluntarinesse of a thing a man in ignorance may doe a thing which he would not have done if he had known it therefore when a childe of God sinnes in ignorance his will is not with it Again If he sin against knowldge at any time then it is through inconsideratenesse it is in his haste you know inconsideratenesse doth lessen the will mightily a man may in haste doe a thing which when he comes to think of he would rather have cut off his right arm then have done it therefore this is an argument that all his will was not in the committing of the sin because he did not consider of it he did not doe it deliberately Psal 116. 11. In my haste I said all men are lyars in my haste I said I am cut off from thy presence Again If he he doe it with more deliberation yet there is something still that doth lessen the will there be grievous and violent passions Now violent passions doe exceedingly take away the will a man in passion will doe things that his will is absolutely against a man will stab his dearest friend in f●r● and ●a●lion as when David murdered Vriah it was meerly out of passion th● p●●ion of shame lest his sin should come out to the dishonour of God and the shame of his Kingdome and Crown he was overwhelmed with shame and fear of the disgrace of his sins and in fear he did doe it So Peter was in fear when he denied his Master in fear that he should be put to death when at the same time I dare say many qualms came over his heart O that I were not here O that I were not put to this So when Jon●● ran away from God it was in a passion Again Suppose that passion be down yet something or other there will be still that will lessen the will as violent temptations and impulsions to sin when a man himself at the same time hath a great act of his will to resist these temptations and impulsions to sin when a man at the same time hath a great act of his will to resist these temptations but the temptations are greater and so he is born down but here is not all the will for he would not do it a wicked man may have reluctancy and resistance against sin in his conscience but a godly man his will is against it Fourthly A child of God can never be brought so low as to make a trade of sin He that committeth sin is of the Divel 1 Joh. 3. 8. that is he that committeth sin by way of trade now this cannot be in a child of God he is of the Divel that makes a trade of sin a child of God his course is to the contrary it is his trade to cleanse himself and purifie his heart by faith from day to day if he be impatient he cannot make a practice of it a child of God cannot sin for he is sanctified Psal 119. 1. 2. they do no wicked thing c. This is by way of trade and occupation a child of God doth never sin in that fashion therefore it is certain his full will is not to sin for if his whole will were after sin he would go on in it and live in it and make a practice of it but he dares not nor will not make a practice of it Fifthly A child of God doth never so sin but he hath an aptness in him to rise again a child of God hath a greater aptness to rise again and repent and love God again he hath a gracious heavenly aptness above all other men in the world let him sin never so much let his fall be never so great there will be this aptness left and it shall remain in him continually and this is an evident sign he never sinned with his whole will for if he did sin with his whole will he would be as unapt to repent as if he had never been converted as Solomon saith Prov. 9. 8. As who should say a wise man is apt to take a rebuke he is apt to take it in good part he will take it humbly and obediently if he be a wise man and this is a sign his will is not absolutely set upon folly but if you tell him you have played the fool and dealt unadvisedly why would you be overtaken with such a corruption you have provoked God c. he will love you for it he hath an aptness so to do and this aptness shall ever remain and this is another good thing remaining in the children of God that is a lusting against sinne Thirdly Another thing is for ever to have a tender disposition to look after God and to have an eye to God this shall never be taken away quit● and clean as you may see in Jonah though he had run away from God in that lamentable manner yet saith he I will look towards thy Temple his thoughts were there his mind was to have Gods love his goodness and countenance to shine upon him he must have an eye to that above all things in the world but you will say affliction made him do that he was now in the Whales belly but you may see he looked upon God before he was in the Whales belly for when the Mariners asked him what he was saith he I am an Hebrew that fears God and as a proof of this fear you may see how he submitted to God I have run away from God saith he he confessed his sin and took shame to himself and submitted himself to be flung into the Sea that God might have glory by his drowning if he would So that all was not drowned in him now that this disposition remaines appears by five things First Though a child of God should grow to never so sluggish a pace in Religion that all his vigour in prayer is gone he hath not the affection and heart in good duties that once he had he is lumpish and untoward yet in the midst of all these distempers he cannot lie down to this but he hath abundance of heaves to God to quicken him again as David saith Psalm 119. 25. My soule cleaveth unto the dust O quicken thou me according to thy word
thrusts himselfe forward to doe them he longed for Gods commandements he longed for the spirit of grace to assist him and quicken his heart Now a naughty heart is not good in all cases nay there are but a few cases wherein he is good at all Again Take an upright man in the lowest ebb he doth question his sincerity and he cannot quiet himselfe because he thinks he hath it not but this is certain a man that hath most sincerity doth most suspect the want of it that man is most eager and most questions himselfe as David was not he an upright man yet no man did suspect himselfe more Psalm 119. 80. as who should say Lord I am afraid I shall be ashamed in the end I am afraid my heart is not sound towards thee and directly sometimes I am horribly afraid I shall be confounded in the end Now good Lord let me be sound in thy statutes that I may not be confounded So it was with Christs Disciples when he said one of them should betray him though eleven of his Disciples were privy to themselves that they had not the least thought to betray him yet eleven of the Disciples did suspect themselves I may be the man that he means though they were privy to themselves for the present they had no such thought nay it was against the love and principles they had in them they did love him and fear him and believe in him to be the Saviour of the world and they durst not doe it yet they suspected themselves Master is it I As who should say I have a base corrupt heart and it may be I for all the goodnesse that is in ●e and the love I bear to thee they were all more unquiet then Judas that was the man indeed when all questioned it he would question it also for company Seventhly an upright man is universal in regard of relations Consider him with good people and the Saints of God O how he loves them he honours them that fear the Lord Psal 15. 4. Though they ●e never so poor and vile yet he honours them that fear the Lord as Elisha saith he would not have spoken but onely for Jehosaphat so an upright man he honours the Saints of God All my delight is in the Saints saith David Psal 16. Psal 119. 63. Nay an upright man is faithful with the Saints as it is said of good Judah she was faithful with the Saints Hos 11. 12. So an upright man is faithful with the Saints his heart closeth with them they are his bosome friends and the beloved of his soule But one that is not sound though he take himself to be a Christian and one of Gods servants ye● he cares not for the people of God may be he cares for those that seem to be religious but if a man he religious indeed he cares not for him he is too nice and precise for him and he is false to the Saints and will shew ●hem some slippery trick in the end Now again Consider an upright man with the wicked he carries himselfe uprightly towards them he will not be acquainted with them nor all one with them lest he should countenance their wicked wayes as the Psalmist speaks He despiseth them that are wicked Psal 15. 4. Let a vile man be never so brave and excellent and noble and high in preferment yet if he be a wicked man in the eyes of a godly man he is despised I doe not mean for his person he gives him the honour due to his place as he ought to doe a childe to his Father a servant to his Master c. as Paul Acts 22. 1. Though they persecuted him he gave them their due but he abhors their courses and practises as Solomon saith A wicked man is an abomination to the just Now an unsound heart though he joyn himselfe to the people of God yet he cannot close with the Saints of God but abhors them and counts them vile Again Consider an upright man with his friends he is true to them especially to their souls Consider him with his enemies he doth not yield them railing for railing he dares not hate them that hate him but blesseth them that curse him and prayes for them that despitefully use him Consider him in his Family he sets himselfe to walk uprightly in the midst of his house if he be a Master he labours to be a servant to Christ and if he be a servant he labours to be the Lords Freeman and to be a profitable servant to his Master if he hath Superiours he gives them the reverence due unto them and if he deal with inferiours he makes himselfe equall with those of low degree Thus an upright man is good in all relations Lastly An upright man is good in all the manners and circumstances of his actions he is careful to doe not onely for matter what God commands him but for the manner as God commands him though he doth what God commands yet if he dot●●ot find the love of God setting him a work he is not contented he must 〈◊〉 in a right manner constantly duely faithfully and to a right end to the glory of God he is not content to pray and hear but he must pray and hear in a right manner or else he is not content Now if thou hast these signs and tokens of an upright heart blessed be God thou mayst take all the comforts spoken of before concerning an upright heart and mayst take all the promises of God to thy self that are made to an upright heart may be men may call thee hypocrite and say all manner of evil of thee but either they are such as doe not know thee or if they doe they are some vile wretches they have not the fear of God before their eyes may be the Devil will accuse thee and cast in all accusations against thee before God but what of all that God himselfe said Job was an upright man and yet the Devil accused him for an hypocrite therefore care not for the Devils accusations may be thine own conscience may accuse thee but if thou labour to humble thy self for thy failings and stir up the gift of God that is in thee if thou unfeignedly desire and endeavour to please God and serve him no matter though thy conscience accuse thee 1 Cor. 4. 3. Paul saith I cannot be my own Judge but God shall judge me 'T is true conscience is a judge but it is subordinate and must be guided and ruled by the Word of God as the clock is the judge of the day but it must be ruled by the Sun Davids conscience was his judge I have cleansed my hands in vain but the clock lyed so thy conscience may lye and accuse thee falsly and speak things against thee that are not so but if thy conscience hath things against thee indeed and in truth that thou art guilty of such and such sins and failings yet it doth not follow but
should s●●rch us o●t is it good for us to leave all this w●●● to him to negl●●t 〈◊〉 soules to lay aside our lives and consciences and bos●m●s and never to ●ansick th●m from ●ay to day never to enquire into our owne bosomes that we may refor●● our selves but leave all to God to search us doe you think this ●ill doe will saith Job Then when afflictions and death and judgement shall come that then God should search you and lay before you your works therefore as you desire when God shall search you you may be found upright be careful to search your selves FINIS 2 TIM 1. 9. Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began IN this verse the Apostle declares what God hath done for him and for Timothy he hath saved us that is he hath redeemed us with the blood of his Son and freed us from sin and from Satan and from hell and hath given us title to eternal life he hath saved us 2. He hath called us that is he hath given us a pledge of this that we shall be saved that we shall The reasons of Gods mercies to Paul and Timothy certainly have salvation compleatly and fully for he hath called us Now he illustrates this two wayes first by shewing what kinde of calling it is which he here means and that is an holy calling he hath called us with an holy calling and then 2ly By shewing the reason why God would do these things for him and for Timothy these are great things what to save them and make them heirs of his Kingdome and to call them to the fellowship of Jesus Christ and give them interest in all Gods goodness and mercy what should be the reason that should move God to do so much for Paul and for Timothy he doth here expresse this three wayes First by removing all false causes not according to our works as who The removing of false causes should say it is not for any thing in us there was nothing in us that moved God to do this 2ly He layes down the true cause of it in the next words but according to The true cause of it his own purpose and grace that is he hath done it freely out of his own mercy and love and according to his own purpose Lastly He proves this and that by three arguments that this must be the Proved by three arguments cause and no other the first is this it was a gift that was given us therefore it must needs be free 2ly It was given in Jesus Christ as who should say he did not look at any thing in us there was nothing in us that was in his eyes no it was meerly for the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ Lastly Another argument is taken from the time when and that is from all eternity before the world began The point that I will handle out of these words is this that it is an excellent Doctrine thing for a man to be able to say that God hath effectually called him the Apostle here speaks it as a great comfort to his soul and the soul of Timothy and as a pledge of Gods everlasting love and salvation to them both that the Lord had called them and had been pleased to take them out of the world and to make them partakers of his Kingdome and glory Now for the opening of the point I will here first shew you what kinde of For the opening of the point calling it is that is here spoken of and it is not that calling whereby God doth call people to an office as of a Magistrate or a Minister but he speaks of a general calling of a calling out of the Kingdome of sinne and Satan into the Kingdome of his dear Son to be made partakers of eternal communion with himself 2ly It is not an outward call whereby wicked men that go on in their sins are called for so a reprobate may be called he may be called out of his own sinful courses and wretched estate and condition to the participation of Jesus Christ thus every man is called all men are called by Gods Ministers as Mat. 22. 9. the King sent out his servants to bid all that they found to the marriage Secondly A reprobate may be called inwardly by Gods Spirit I mean the How a reprobate may be called Spirit of God may go along with Gods Ministers to strive and wrestle with the soul and conscience of a man that remains in his sins Prov. 1. 24. because I called and ye refused therefore will I laugh at your destruction and m●●ke when your fear cometh Thirdly A wicked man may be called not only with an outward call of How a wicked man may be called the Minister and with an inward call of the Spirit but with some efficacy it may go a great way so far forth as to make a man come in some kind● as it was with the man Mat. 22. 12. He was called together with the r●s●●● come to the wedding and he came but he came without a wedding garment n●w one of these callings are meant here for in this sence many are called but 〈…〉 s●n Mat. 22. 14. But the calling here meant is a different calling from them and that in three things First It is a call according to Gods own purpose when God calls a man and hath a purpose to make a man come in deed and to come home this is A calling to Gods purposes the calling here spoken of Rom. 8. 28. We know that all things worke together for the best to Gods children that are called according to his purpose as God calls them so he doth purpose to make them come to himself and make them partakers of everlasting mercy God hath no such purpose when he calls the reprobate he hath a purpose indeed to do them good if it be not through their own default but yet notwithstanding he hath no such purpose and absolute intention to do them good he hath no such purpose to bring them to his Kingdome and carry them quite through in the business Secondly This is a secret in Gods own bosome and that is another difference How one calling differs from another wherein this calling differs from the other it is such a calling wherein God puts forth his power and the greatness of his power too God called the light and it came God called the Heavens and they came when as they were not God calling of them they were made to come so when God doth call a man by his Spirit he calls a man powerfully he doth powre in divine instincts of grace and faith and all other holy vertues whereby the soul is made able to come to God the Lord gives the heart a kinde of touch that being touched by his Spirit it must and
would come to Christ but thorough their daily distempers and untowardnesse and the temptations of Satan they are repelled they would come to God but know not how they have hardly any hope these things are spoken for such poor creatures Thirdly send often unto God call upon his Name as it is said of F●li● 3. Send often unto God by prayer when he hoped to receive money of Paul he sent often for him to commune with him Acts 24. 26. So send often to God and be often communing with God and calling upon his name above all duties under heaven there is no Ordinance helps a man more with communion with God then frequent prayer doth or that the heart is more against then that not pray out of formality or in a perfunctory manner but to pray indeed of all duties I commend unto thee that go to God and pray often if thou wouldest hope to receive mercy at his hands JOHN 6. 45. Every man therefore that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me WE come now to the second degree of effectual calling and that is a personal call of this or that man by a particular word when the Lord doth particularize his promises and tenders them to this or that man come unto me and here is free grace and mercy for thee come and believe and rest upon me for it when the Lord doth speak a particular word to the soul as you may see Esay 43. 1. I have called thee by name thou art mine when God effectually calls a man he calls him by name he calls him with a particular word come unto me here is pardon rely upon me and thou shalt have it here is peace of conscience rely upon me and thou shalt attain to it thou art an undone creature in thy self here is mercy for thee not only when there is a general word propounded to the soul but when the Lord joynes with the word and follows it to the soul and conscience come to me man when God calls a man by name so it is said of Matthew Christ saw him sitting at the receipt of custom and said unto him follow me he called him in particular and directed a particular word to his heart and bid him follow him and depend upon him for all good so it was with Zach●us when Christ looked up and saw him in the fig-tree he said Come down Zach●us he directed a particular word to him this is the thing now I do not meane the outward word onely in the Scripture either preached or read But secondly when it is inwardly spoken by God himself to the soule and set on when God bids a man believe and come unto him this is the thing and this we have heard in the Text Every man that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me for the coherence of these words you must know that in the former verses our Saviour Christ had told them that he was the bread that came down from heaven inviting them to come unto him ver 41 42. and you may see what effect this wrought in their hearts how they murmured at him they were so far from yeilding to his call that they sell a murmuring at him And secondly see how they alledge reasons for their murmuring v. 42. Is ●● this Jesus the Sonne of J●s●p● c. as who should say if he came from the earth how did he come from heaven therefore you may see what answer Christ makes v. 43. First he reproves them and said murmur not among your selves as who should say this is no murmuring matter it is a mourning and lamenting matter you should bewaile your condition and turne your murmuring into mourning Again he bids them not wonder at it v. 44. For no man cometh unto me except the Father draw●th him as who should say it is no news to me that you stumble at my words and will not hear what I say for non● can c●me to me exc●pt my Father draw him you care not for me but murmur against me and your hearts are sto●t against the Lord you cannot attain unto it for 〈…〉 Thirdly he shews that some would come to him for all this though some would not yet some would even all his Elect therefore he quotes this saying out of the Prophets Every one that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me the word shall not only come to the outward eare but they shall be taught of God and then they will come home to me and then concludes with the words of the Text Every man that hath heard c. as who should say though you will not yet I am sure every man that hath heard my Father speak to his heart that hath heard him preaching from heaven in his bosome that man will come to me so that God can call those things which are not as if they were though a man be never so rebellious and averse from Christ yet when he speaks a particular word to the soul it comes But you will say what is this particular word which the Lord speaks to the Quest What is that particular word which God speaks Ans It is contained in general soul is there any such particular word to be found in all the Scripture Th●mas or Richard do you come to me I answer there is a general word in the Scripture and this particular word is in the general so that though there be not a particular word expressively yet there is equivalently and this I will make appear in three or four particulars First what particular place of Scripture saith that Thomas or James or such a one is a childe of wrath by nature is here any Scripture saith so of him I answer yes this particular is in the general we are all the children of wrath by nature Eph. 2. 3. and cursed is every one that continues not i● all the things written in the Law to do them Gal. 3. 10. now though a mans name be not named William such a one is accursed by nature yet notwithstanding he findes his particular in the general that he is a cursed creature Again what place of Scripture saith that Robert or John must love God and is bound to love God is there any such place of Scripture no why will you say then that you are bound to love God and obey him if there be no such place of Scripture yes for this particular is in the general Thou shalt love the Lard thy God c. That Commandment is delivered to all men in the whole world So Thou shalt do no murther thou shalt not commit adultery c. this Commandment lies upon the whole world therefore if thou beest a man though thou canst not finde thy name set down that the Lord speaks to thee yet thy particular is in those generals so though it cannot be shewn in all the Scripture that such a particular man shall rise againe yet when the Scripture saith that all
to Prayer vve must vvatch in prayer vvhen you go about your Callings vvatch about them vvhen vve are alone vve should be vvatchful and vvhen vve are in Company vve should be vvatchful for the Divel and our ovvn souls plot a great deal of mischief against us vve must vvatch in all places in our houses and vvithout doors and in the fields vve are still in danger vvheresoever vve are Thirdly We should proportion our watch according as the duty is we take Proportioning it to what we are about in hand so our vvatching may bee there is one kind of vvatching for one kind of duty another for another If vve be to go about our callings then our vvatching must be against distrustfulnesse and covetousness and distracting cares that so vve may not be over head and ears in the vvorld If our duty be prayer vve must have an eye to the promises and take hold on the Lord Jesus Christ and come in his mediation and his onely So vvhatsoever duty it be if it be hearing of the Word of God there is a vvatchfulness to be proportionable to it A man should think the vvord vvill do me no good unlesse the Lord meet vvith my lusts I have an unmortified heart and unlesse the Lord vvork upon me I shall never lie dovvn under him Therefore vve should be vvatchful that vve may practice and be able to apply vvhatsoever is spoken to us vve are to keep a due vvatchfulness for that vvhich is due to one thing is not due to another that vvhich is sufficient for one is not for another Fourthly Take heed of all things that may hinder Watchfulnesse Avoiding hinderances Vaincompany And first Take heed of vain Company If vve will be watchful we must exercise our selves vvith those that are godly To be vvith secure Christians is the vvay to be secure this vvill hinder a man A man had better be alone then be in bad Company as the Prophet David saith Psal 102. 7. I watch and am alone as a Sparrow on the house top he was alone and yet he was watching A man when he is alone may be watching rather then when he is in such Company a man can never look to himself well unlesse he prize the Communion of Saints Secondly A man should be sober Take heed of Spiritual Drunkenness Spiritual drunkennesse Take heed of the cares of this life and that you be not immoderate in any lawful thing we should stand upon our guard and keep our hearts with all manner of keeping if our hearts grow drowzy and idle and if we neglect Sobriety then we are gone therefore in Scripture these are put together be ●●ber and wat●● 1 Thess 5. 6. 1 Pet. 5. 8. I do not mean Drunkennesse with Wine for there is a Drunkennesse and not with Wine as the Prophet speaks a man may be drunk with the love of the Creature if thou lovest thy ease too well or any thing in the world too well thou art drunk with it thy heart is giddy thou art no more able to Pray or do any thing that 's good then a drunken man is Fifthly If thou wilt Watch then set the Lord alwayes before thy eyes Set the watchman of Israel before thy face God is called a watcher Dan. Setting God before our eyes 4. 23. Now if thou wilt watch over thy self set God before thy face as David did Psal 16. 8. I have set God before mine eyes so alwayes set the Lord before thine eyes Now I come to the last thing which is an Vse of Exhortation To exhort Vse Exhorting to watchfulnesse us to be careful of this Duty and there is great need of it First We all desire to do well Now how can we do well at last unless we watch well all our life time VVhat is the reason that many are without Motives Because otherwise it will be in with us at last comfort not like the Servants of God full of horrour and fear and quaking It is because they do not watch as it was with the Five wise Virgins they were something wise not like the foolish but they slumbred too Now when the bridegroom came there was a cry they made an out-cry and a skrieking and an howling they were undone the bridegroom was come one would have thought they should have rejoyced that the bridegroom was come What godly Christians and Religious People when the bridegroom comes to fall a howling and a crying This was because they slumbred whereas if a man be watchful over his life and careful to keep an humble heart and to honour God and study how to die comfortably at last he may rejoyce at the coming of the bridegroom but because they were in a slumber there was a cry therefore as the Apostle Peter saith 1 Pet. 4. 7. The end of all things is at hand therefore be sober and watch unto prayer the Apostle brings this as an Argument so I may say the end of all things is at hand therefore be sober and watch as a Traveller when the day is almost spent and he hath a great way to go he puts spurs to his Horse and rides the faster so the end of all things is at hand therefore we had need to be the more diligent and watchful that we may have all things ready the end comes upon us We have had the Gospel a long time and God knows how soon we shall have an end thereof therefore how ought we to be careful as a man that is to write a Letter may be at first he is something carelesse and writes his lines something broad but when he comes near to the end and hath a great deal to write he writes his lines close and crowds them together So now when we are coming towards an end we cannot look that God should alvvayes strive with us we should now therefore labour to write close and to make our Duties thick and to be enquiring after Grace wheresoever we come we think the time is long but we may justly fear it is shorter then we imagine as when an hour-glass is almost out a man that sits below will think there is a great deal to run but the sand is hollow and is run out before a man is aware so the Lord so carries himself towards people that they may think there is a great deal of Patience more and a great deal of Mercy more to be extended towards them but when all comes to all they shall find it lyes hollow and will be out before they are aware Secondly Consider how sickly and diseased our Souls are how apt they are to fall into sin Sickly men are most careful Now our Souls are Because our souls are sickly sick of sin sick of Pride sick of Covetousnesse and Earthly-mindednesse easily carried away with the sins of the times they are sick of pronenesse to do evil and indisposednesse to that which is good therefore we had need to