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B10040 The perfection of justification maintained against the Pharise the purity of sanctification against the stainers of it: the unquestionablenesse of a future glorification aganst the Sadduce: in severall sermons. Together with an apologeticall answer to the ministers of the new province of London in vindication of the author against their aspersions. / by John Simpson, an unworthy publisher of gospel-truths in London. Simpson, John, 17th cent. 1648 (1648) Wing S3817A; ESTC R184177 253,105 558

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Fom whence I frame my argument thus That covenant which requireth works and not faith for justification is not a covenant of grace but the law requireth workes and not faith for justification And therefore the law is not a covenant of grace But that I may not be mistaken in what I have here spoken I shall lay downe such cautions which were laid downe when I handled the point more largely First Though I deny the law to be a rule as it was delivered in the letter upon Mount Sinai yet I doe not deny the matter substance of it in the spirit as it is delivered unto us by the mighty Counsellor and great Law-giver our Lord Jesus Isa 33.22 I doe subscribe unto that as a truth which is delivered by Zanchius That this difference of divine lawes is not so much from the various substance of the lawes or diversity of times as from the various reasons with which they were promulgated by God and exhibited to the Church Differentia haec legum divinarum non tam a variâ legum substantiâ temporumve diversitate quam a variis rationibus quibus illae fuerunt a Deo promulgatae atque exhibitae ecclesiae I doe acknowledge with Paul that in the minde I my selfe doe serve the law of God not only by believing in the grace of God through Christ for justification but by loving God and my brother by a sanctifying work of the spirit of grace in mee I confesse that the law is olde for the matter substance of it as it commandeth love to God and our neighbour and yet it is new in us and to us as it is delivered in the covenant of the Gospel According to that of John A new Commandement to wit of love I write unto you which is true in him and in you 1 John 2.8 2 ly I doe not deny but that this law written or preached may be called the externall rule of the Spirit as the law of the Spirit in us is the internall and powerfull rule And that I may not now be censured as I have formerly been by some when I have spoken unto them concerning the law of the Spirit I shal speak in the words of another whom you acknowledg to be sound in the faith not in my own The law of the Spirit in the substance of it is nothing else but the will of God but imprinted in vivified hearts by the Spirit of God by which wee doe not only truly know God and piety and equity but we are so moved to feare him to trust in him to love him to worship and adore him and to love and serve our neighbour and to mortifie our selves and to beare valiantly all persecutions for God and to lead a life in Christ that we willingly run to the doing of these things Ad substantiam autem quod attinet lex ista spiritus nihil aliud est quam voluntas Dei sed cordibus per spiritum sanctum vivifiatis impressa quâ non solum novimus vere Deum pietatemque aequitatem sed etiam ad eum timendum ei fidendum eum amandum colendum adorandum ad proximum item diligendum eique inserviendum denique ad nostri mortificationem ad mala omnia propter Deum fortiter perferenda et ad vitam tantum in Christo traducendam ita impellimur ut ultró accurramus Zanc. 3ly I doe grant that Moses did acquaint the people with Jesus Christ after he had delivered the law of workes unto them which is evident by that passage in Deut. 18. when the people being terrified at the giving of the Law desired that they might heare the voyce of the Lord no more God doth affirme in the 17. vers that they had spoken well and in the 18. verse doth give them a promise of Christ I will raise them up a Prophet from among their Brethren like unto thee and will put my words in his mouth and hee shall speak unto them all that I shall command him c. which is sufficient to wipe away the dirt and filth which is throwne upon mee by some scurrilous Pamphleters with whose names I wil not burthē the page who have asserted that I denyed that there was any Gospel or covenant of grace in the times of the old Testament and that men were then saved by the covenant of works Though I can in truth professe that by my best remembrance at the present I cannot remember that ever I was tempted to think any such thing since I received any spirituall light for the knowledge of the Gospel And thus much in answer to the second branch of this Article I shall not need to speake much to the third it being easie for any rationall man to gather my meaning of it from what hath been delivered in opening of my mind concerning the second branch The law in the new Covenant is that by which a Christian doth examine his life he liveth but under one Covenant for justification sanctification when he liveth as a spiritual man ought to live He hath not received the spirit of bondage again to feare but the spirit of adoption by which he cryeth Abba father Rom. 8.15 But if hee should examine his life by the law as delivered in Sinai he would fear again for that law worketh fear and horror in those who are under it Suppose a man should command his sonne and his slave the same thing for substance and withall should informe his son that if hee should not obey his command hee should displease a loving father but if the slave should not obey his command hee should lose his life by his disobedience would not any man affirm that these two did examine themselves by the same rule of their obedience Thus it is in the point in hand God commandeth love in the first Covenant with threatnings of death and condemnation for disobedience and in the second Covenant we are assured that wee are passed from death to life and shall not come into condemnation and that nothing shall separate us from the love of our Father in Christ Jesus Rom. 8. Yet this is made known unto us that though by sin we shall not totally fall from grace and fall under condemnation yet we may offend our Father and grieve his holy Spirit by which we are sealed unto the day of redemption Whether these two have the same rule given unto them for the examination of their lives I will leave it to those who have spirituall eyes in their heads to judge To whom it will be evident that Saints doe not fall from grace to the law when they examin themselves but they examin themselves how they keep the Commandements of the new Covenant which are summed up in few words by the Apostle John to wit to believe in the name of the Lord Jesus and to love one another as he gave us Commandement I shall now fall upon the fourth branch of this Article and shall desire my Reader to
in the Saints in glory is not sin but love shall remaine and endure after this life therefore it is not sin Object But some say if you looke on this place and take notice of this character and description of love you will scarce find any man in the world that hath such a love and by your argument no true faith For hee saith that love suffereth long it envieth not it vaunteth not it selfe it is not puffed up behaveth not it selfe unseemely seeketh not her owne is not easily provoked thinketh no evill rejoyceth not in iniquity but rejoyceth in the truth beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things Love never faileth Answ Every man that is borne of God hath such a love as farre as he is born of God I say not that he hath it in the flesh in the old man but in the new man Wee have a new man as we have an old man and as wee are sometimes acted by the new man so sometimes by the old man As wee are acted by the olde man we doe nothing but that which is contrary to this love but as far as we are acted in the Spirit by the new man by the power of God and the grace of Christ so far we have such a love as is here set downe Therefore if any man hath not such a love and hath beene perswaded that hee hath true faith I dare preach it in the name of Christ that that man never had true faith for true faith works by such love as the Apostle describes here And he positively saith that if a man have other gifts and such a faith by which hee can remove mountaines and hath not this love that he is nothing I would not trouble weak Christians by this I speak not of them in the flesh but in the spirit as farre as thou art spirituall and livest and walkest in the Spirit thou hast such a love And if upon examination thou shalt finde that thou hast not such a love I say thou art a stranger to God For hee that knoweth God walks in love He that saith he knoweth God and walkes not in love he knoweth not God God is love and he that dwelleth in God dwelleth in love 1 Ep. John If I should preach the Doctrine of Justification and write volumes of it yet if I find after all this that I am without this love I am nothing If I speake with the tongue of men and Angels If I could prophesie and had all faith to remove mountaines yet if I have not love I am but as sounding brasse and a tinckling Cymball Hee that loves God by apprehending Gods love he cannot but love God again and his neighbour yea enemy for Gods sake Therefore if a man say I have been a professor of the Gospel but finde not love to God Christ and my enemies for Christs sake It is as if hee should say Sir I have been a professor of grace many yeares and have been looked on as one that knowes Christ but I know him not for I have not true love that accompanies true faith Arg. 26. God speaking of faith love fear zeal the like as in us doth promise to be the worker of them in us and therefore if these should be sin the fault would be chargable upon him I would have this argument to be wel weighed because it answereth the ordinary objection to wit that these fruits are good and no way faulty as in the precept of God but not as wrought in us God is the Author of them by promise as they are wrought in us which will make him the Author of sinne if they be sin or sinfull If faith and love is sinne then he hath Covenanted to work sin in thee for hee hath covenanted to worke feare and love in thee But farre be it from us to have such a thought of our holy God If God work feare in our hearts that feare shall not be sin or sinfull We know the excellency of the Artificer or work-man by the aedifice or building and doe judge what worke-man God is by his glorious work in the spirits of the Saints and if God worke onely sinfull things in us what worke-man would we conclude him to be Paul saith by the grace of God I am what I am 2 Cor. 15. It is by grace that I love it is by grace that I feare with a filiall feare it is by grace that I am zealous for God If this love were sin if this feare were sin if this zeale were sinne wee might lay the fault upon the worke-man It is Gods work not ours but his Non mea sed tua sunt Aug. speaking of good workes saith They are not mine but thine Unlesse we will disparage and undervalue the grace of God wee may not looke on these things as sinne or sinfull but ought to looke on them with a spirituall eye and to see them as God doth to be spirituall and good Object Our workes as they are from God are good but as they are from us so are they sinfull and defiled As walking as it comes from the soule it is upright and free from lamenesse but as it is acted by a lame leg so it is lame and halting Answ This objection will appeare to be a lame objection if it be made evident unto us that the holy foote given unto us by God is not a lame foot Was it with a lame foot that David will runne the wayes of Gods Commandements Is it with a lame legge that God hath promised we shall runne and not be weary and walke and not faint Isa 40. last Vse 1. This may be sufficient for the confutation of those who doe not distinguish betweene the regenerated and unregenerated part in man as the Scripture doth distinguish laying the bastardly brats of the flesh at the doore of the Spirit confounding the workes of the flesh with the good and perfect gifts of the spirit Jam. 1.17 and not considering that though there is the flesh and the spirit in the same man that yet they are distinguished in their natures workings and operations The spirit and the things of the spirit like oyle swimming upon the surface of the waters doth not change it selfe into the nature of the flesh Their usuall similitude doth not prove what they would maintaine to wit that the worke of the spirit is like cleare water poured into a dung-hill which though it be clear and pure in the bason yet running through the dung-hill doth become as impure and filthy as the dung-hill it selfe For though these two are in the same man yet they doe not mingle themselves the one with the other that any of them should lose their own beings But because these men are furnished as well with arguments by which they desire to prove what they contend for as with objections by which they endeavour to weaken the strength of the arguments which have been laid downe for the
Masters then his owne so Christ being the Lord of the resurrection we shall be more his then our owne we shall be raised as those in whom Christ hath a propriety and Interest we shall be looked on as the inheritance of the Lord Jesus he shall be King and Lord over us all and rule over us His Scepter of glory shall be set up in every heart and his Throne shall be exalted in every spirit Thus My dead body they shall rise They shall rise as mine they are my dead men and they shall be my living men Here you see that Christ will owne them for his when they are in the dust There are some that shall speak to Christ at the resurrection as though they were familiarly acquainted with him whom he will not owne saving Depart from me I know you not yee workers of iniquitie But Christ will owne his Saints Mal. 3.17 They shall be mine saith the Lord of Hosts when I make up my Jewells or speciall treasure and I will spare them as a man spareth his owne sonne that serveth him As men will not part with their Jewells so Christ will not lose the bodies of his Saints they are part of his speciall treasure The fourth consideration is this the bodies of the Saints that shall be raised may be called the body of the Lord Jesus for this reason because Christ in the Spirit shall be the life soule and forme that shall give life and being to the bodies of the Saints at the resurrection As the body is called the body of the Spirit that dwells in it so Christ Jesus dwelling in the bodies of his Saints by his Spirit their bodies may be said to be his body And as a man may say this is my body it belongs to that humane spirit in me because his humane spirit moves lives in it and doth as a Divine power act in it so our bodies being raised may be said to be the bodies of Christ because he shall act as the Spirit forme and soule in them Christ shall be the soule which shall give life and being to all Saints which shall be raised by him The fifth consideration Death cannot dissolve the union which is between Christ and a believer The love of the Father is the urnein● which the ashes of dead Saints are preserved Rom. 8.38 39. I am perswaded saith Paul that neither death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Man doth consist of a naturall body and humane spirit And death cannot make a separation between Gods love and our bodies no more then it can make a separation between his love and our soules Among the things which God hath bestowed upon us in Christ the Apostle doth reckon up death 1 Cor. 3.22 which sheweth that it is not a curse but a blessing to Saints It would be a curse unto us did it bring an irrecoverable ruine and destruction to our bodies Rev. 14.13 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Deaths disability to cast our bodies out of Gods love and protection is that which doth convert death through Christ into a blessing unto us Paul calleth Saints in respect of their bodily death 1 Thess 4.14 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Those that sleep in Christ As leep doth not bereave men of life so death doth not take away from Saints their life which is in Christ As a Philosopher told a tyrant he might kill him but not hurt him so death may kill but cannot hurt a Saint because the union between God and him is in dissolvible Rom. 14.8 Whether we live or di● we are the Lords And therefore it may be truely said My dead body shall they arise Sixt consideration The bodies of Saint are sanctified by Christ and therefore he cannot but owne them Sanctification is the marke or seale of Christ As merchants do● set their seales and markes upon their good which they will owne so Christ will for ever owne that upon which he hath set the sea● and marke of his sanctifying Spirit The spirit of a Saint and Christ will never cease t● own his own house and the place which 〈◊〉 hath chosen for his habitation God doth n●● only honour our bodies by calling them h●● 19. Know yee not that your body is the Temple 〈◊〉 the holy Spirit It is not a paradoxe then in D●vinity that Christ at the resurrection should owne them as his owne Seventh consideration Christ should 〈◊〉 incompleat A man that wanteth a membe● is incompleat and imperfect so Christ should be imperfect and incompleat were he defective in any of his members at the resurrection And therefore all the bodies of the Saints must be raised as his body It is an Argument that some of the Schoole-men make use of to prove the necessity of a resurrection of bodies from the incompleatnesse of the soule when it is separated from its proper body which it did informe and with which in union it made one compositum So the bodies of Saints must be raised that Christ may be compleat in his mysticall body as he is in his owne person The Church is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the fulnesse of Christ Eph. 1. last because as a body is not full and compleat in his being that wants a member so Christ should not be compleat if any part of him were wanting And therefore the bodies of all Saints must be raised that Christ may appeare in his glory and compleatnesse at the resurrection And thus having opened this Doctrine and illustrated it by these considerations I shall draw some usefull conclusions from it Vse 1. Seeing Christians shall be one body at the resurrection this should teach us to be one here in the bond of love That one member should oppose and fight against another member is against nature And that one Christian should fight against another or take his fellow-member by the throat is against the principles of grace In the 13. of Gen. and the 8. ver Abram doth thus speake unto his brother Lot Let there be no strife I pray thee between mee and thee for we are Brethren Christians should not strive or contend one against another because they are fellow-members It is reported of John that in his old age being unable by weaknesse to speake long unto the Congregation he would stand up and in stead of a long Sermon ingeminate this Precept Diligite filioli diligite Litle Children love love one another There can be no stronger Argument to love then the consideration of our union Col. 3.15 Let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also yee are called in one body Warre among members is unnaturall that love and peace may reigne and rule in the hearts of Christians God doth make them all one body so the Apostle in
curse But for believers Christ was made a curse and hath freed them from the curse of the law Gal. 3.13 And therefore they are not lyable unto any punishment as it is a curse Arg. 9. Sin the cause of legall punishments being taken away the effects of it are taken away But Christ hath taken away finne which is the cause of legall punishments And therfore he hath taken away the effects which are legall punishments and therefore one speaking of the afflictions of Saints saith that they are medicines not punishments Medicinae non paena naturam obtinent The truth of this argument is built upon the known axiome The cause being taken away the effect is taken away Sublatâ causâ tollitur effectus Arg. 10. That being taken away which doth binde over a man to legall punishment the legall punishment is taken away But guilt which bindeth a man over to legall punishment is taken away And therefore the legall punishment is taken away Arg. 11. God doth as fully forgive us our trespasses as he would have us to forgive the trespasses of men against us But when we do forgive their trespasses we are not afterward to inflict any vindicative punishment upon them And therefore God doth so fully forgive us our trespasses that hee doth not afterward inflict any vindicative punishment This is the argument of a learned writer Deus debita nostra non minus gratuito et plene nobis dimittit quam docuit nos debitoribus nostris dimittere God saith he doth no lesse freely and sully forgive us our debts than he would have us to forgive our debters I might multiply sentences of Writers who with one consent do under-write to this truth Polanus saith That they who are temporally punished for sin here are to be punished to eternity Qui temporaliter puniuntur in aeternum puniendi sunt And that chastisement is not so much for the purging of sins past as to teach to avoid sin for the future Non adhibetur pro purgandis praeteritis peccatis sed pro futuris vitandis Pol. synt l. 6. c. 4. Willet hath many speeches to this purpose in his Synopsis Davenant writing on this point against the Papists saith what is it to remit the sin or the fault then not to punish a man any more for it Quid aliud est peccatum sive culpam remittere quam illud ad poenam hand amplius imputare But I study brevity knowing how distastfull long controversies are to the pallats of men of these times And therefore in few words to put a period to what I intend to speak concerning the first branch of this Article I conceive that man may be considered two manner of wayes First as hee is in the first Adam and so all afflictions are properly punishments and curses of the law unto him 2 dly In the second Adam and thus the nature of afflictions and chastisements for sinne are changed unto him The sting is taken out of death and every affliction Afflictions are benedictions to him Afflictiones benedictiones Bern. Not curses but blessings unto him And therefore 2 ly God will chasten his justified people in his fatherly love to them and displeasure against sinne that they may be partakers of his holinesse Heb. 12.10 by the spirit of sanctification as they are partakers of Christs righteousnesse in their Justification which maketh true Saints not only to beare afflictions patiently but to glory in tribulation Rom. 5.3 And though in a sence they are afflicted neither for sin that it is not to satisfie Gods justice which is already satisfied by Jesus Christ nor from sin as some speak for the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin Yet God doth afflict us that in the afflictions he may powre forth his Spirit upon us for the removing of sin out of our spirits which doth grieve his Spirit and out of our conversations which doth dishonour his name And for the preventing of sinne for the future the Prodigall will take heed how hee doth runne from his Fathers house when hee hath beene among the Swine And the soule beloved of Christ when she is forsaken of all lovers and in misery will resolve to returne unto her first love and say for then was it better with me than now Hos 2.7 And thus much briefly by way of answer to the first branch of this Article The second branch of this article is this That the Land is not punished for the sins of Gods people What hath been spoken concerning the precedent branch of this Article for the clearing of this As no legall punishment properly so called can be inflicted upon the person of a believer for his sinne so no punishment can be inflicted upon the Land in which he liveth for his sinnes Yet I doe not deny but that God who punisheth the unjustified persons of a land in his wrath for their rebellions and transgressions may chastise some of his people by a nationall calamity and affliction for their humiliation and reformation But though in a nationall visitation the same affliction if it be materially considered may be laid upon a believer which is laid upon unbelievers yet the affliction which is laid upon a Saint is formally distinguished from that which is inflicted upon unjustified persons the one flowing from the love of a Father the other from the wrath of an enemie The least of these is properly materially formally a legall punishment the other materially a judgment or punishment but formally a fatherly chastisement and a pledg of Gods love to a Saint Sect. 5. THere is yet one Article more which the Subscribers have taken out of Mr. Gataker page 16. That if a man by the Spirit know himselfe to be in the state of grace though hee be drunke or commit murther God sees no sinne in him If I should but name the man who brought in this Article against me it were enough to acquit me from the charge in the judgment of those who know him But I am resolved that the world shall see that I study not revenge but the clearing and vindication of truth in my answer When one in the Star-chamber demanded of me whether an Article something like unto this were my tenet and whether I had delivered it in such words I did reply that I might affime of it what Martiall did of his poem that it was his as made composed and delivered by him but it ceased to be his and became the repeaters when it was evilly repeated by another Sed male dum recitas incipit esse tuum So the truth contained in this Article to wit That God sees no sinne in his justified children in the sence in which I delivered it it is my tenet or rather Gods truth But while it is repeated with some words of the accuser to bring an odium upon the truth and that being not mentioned which was largely laid downe in my discourse to give light unto it I doe affirm that
from the naturall carnall or rationall principles of the first Adam but from the power of the Spirit of grace Secondly affirmatively he informeth us concerning the nature and originall of it it proceedeth from God and is bestowed upon the creature as a free gift It is not of our selves it is the gift of God Fourthly He shews that as it is by grace so it is not by works as it is by beleeving so it is not by working Not of works Fiftly He gives the reason why it is not by works Least any man should boast If a man could say that God hath justified and saved him for his endeavours labours paines or good workes then a man might boast When he meeteth with one that is without Christ he may say I have done this good worke and the other good worke for Christ I shall be saved and thou shalt be damned But the true childe of God if he meet with a reprobate he sees no cause to boast it is by the grace of God that he is saved when the other is damned Not by works least any man should boast It is the designe and intention of God in justifying a sinner by grace without works to keepe men from pride and boasting Man did fall from happinesse by pride there is no way to attaine happinesse but by humilitie and faith the true way to humilitie is by beleeving for beleeving empties the creature of all works and righteousnesse and shewes that he is nothing in himselfe and that all his treasure glory happinesse riches and perfection lies treasured and laid up in another Fides hominem vacuum Deo adducit ut Christi bonis impleatur Faith bringeth a man in a poore and beggerly condition to Christ that he may be enriched by Christ Lastly The Apostle declareth that though we are saved by faith without works yet wee shall not be unfruitfull in bringing forth good works Wee are the workmanship of God by a new creation And the end of our creation in Christ is this that being in him we may be active to love and good works First I shall endeavour to prove negatively that there is no justification by works And then shew how it is by grace and then how it is in a way of beleeving and so come to distinguish true faith which is given by the Spirit from the false faith of hypocrites and Libertines which floweth onely from a principle of humane wisdome and not from the powerfull operation of the Spirit of God At this present I shall observe this method First I will shew that we are not saved by works I meane by the works of the Law Then I shall shew that wee are not saved and justified by works which are the fruits of faith or done under the Covenant of grace Thirdly I shall shew that we are not saved by works in which wee yeeld obedience to any Gospel Ordinances though they be Ordinances appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ himselfe to be practised by the Saints I take in this because I have found in my own spirit and in many that I have dealt with a secret and subtle kinde of Poperie by which wee are apt to attribute something to the practise of Ordinances in reference to our justification And hence it is that people are so ready to run into every new way of worship which is brought to light thinking that unlesse they finde out the right discipline and government of Jesus Christ the right Baptisme and Ordinances they are not true Saints nor sufficiently justified Therefore I shall take in this too to shew that as wee are not justified by more inward and spirituall works so neither are wee justified by any outward observation of Ordinances or submitting to any command of the Lord Jesus Christ but onely by our obedience to the first and principall command of the Gospel by which we beleeve justification by grace through Christ without works For the first of these heads I shall briefly shew how it is not by works passing by many things that I have formerly spoken of and I shall onely lay down foure or five considerations for the confirming of this that wee are saved and justified before God and in the Court of our own conscience without any works whatsoever The first consideration may be this Wee cannot be justified by works or by the Law because there was never any man had a legall righteousnesse but the man Christ Jesus This is Pauls undeniable conclusion laid down in Rom. 3.23 All have sinned and come short of the glory of God The devout Jew as well as the prophane Gentile is brought in before the tribunall of God as a guiltie finner coming short of such a glorious righteousnesse which the Law doth require of him that he may be justified under it The Gentile never walked according to the written Law of nature which is written in his heart nor the Jew according to the Law of his Maker written in Tables of stone All the works of the Law may be reduced to two heads The first are those works that wee doe in obedience to God to shew our love to him Secondly The works that we doe to shew our love to our neighbour Now if we take works in either of these two respects I shall shew that all the men and women in the world come short of such a legall righteousnesse and perfection that the holy just and pure Law of God requires It will be cleare that no man ever loved God as he ought God doth command us that wee should love him with all our heart and with all our strength with the whole streame of our affections But what man did ever love God in that manner Suppose a wife should entertaine many thousand lovers besides her husband could any say that that wife loved her husband So many fins as wee have so many lovers we have so the Scripture cals them Jer. 3.1 Thou hastplayed the harlot with many lovers that is thou hast followed many sins and lusts base and vile corruptions Now it is thus with all the men in the world wee have all gone a whoring from our God so that though all men yea even Turks and Heathens pretend to love God the great God that made them yet there is no man that ever loved God as he ought That man that thinks that he ever loved God as he ought and as the Law requires he is very blind and not enlightned to this day to see the puritie and spiritualitie of the righteous Law of the just and high God Suppose a Subject should alway contrive rebellion and conspire against the person of his King as desirous to take away his life and to pull the Crowne from his head will any say that this Subject loves the King Thus it is with all men wee are all traytors and rebells against the King of Heaven if we had strength we would take the Crowne from the head of God and set it upon the head of the
purification He hath redeemed us from all iniquitie to purifie us to himselfe a peculiar people zealous of good works Faith which looketh upon the grace of him who is invisible is the mother-grace Radix bonorum operum fides Faith is the roote good works are the fruit there must be the roote before the fruit But some man may say may wee not see the fruit before wee see the roote as wee see some fruit upon trees while the root lies hid and from the beholding of the fruit may wee not very rationally conclude that there is a root so from the beholding of our good works the fruit of true faith may wee not conclude that there is faith though it be not in it selfe visible unto us To this I answer That this similitude proves not the thing for though it be a truth that good works may appeare first to men yet faith is first visible to us in our own spirits and it is impossible that I should see the truth of good works except I first see the truth of faith Evident sanctification doth evidence unto us the truth of our justification but sanctification is not evident our justification being not evidenced to us in the first place If it be manifested in our spirits to us that our works are good it will presently be manifested unto us that we have true faith But this is not manifested in our spirits that our works are truly good works and such which cannot be done by an hypocrite untill the truth of our faith be manifested unto us I will make this evident by this reason A man must see his good works as done either under the Law or under the Gospel and look upon them either in the glasse of the Law or the glasse of the Gospel if a man look upon them in the glasse of the Law and doe rightly and spiritually understand the Law he shall be so farre from drawing an assurance of his justification from them that he shall behold himself cursed and damned with all his good works For the Law curseth every man that cōtinueth not in the doing of all things which are commanded by God It is indeed a divine looking-glasse in which things to be done or avoyded are discovered Lex est divinum speculū in quo facienda fugienda refulgent Aug. but it will sentence us to death for the least spot or wrinkle which it doth discover so that it is impossible that a man should see himselfe justified in the glasse of the Law But thou wilt say he may look upon his love sinceritie and works in the glasse of the Gospel And to this I answer that if he look upon them in the glasse of the Gospel which is Jesus Christ then he must put himselfe under the Gospel and look upon himselfe as a man in Christ that so he may see his works good by Jesus Christ which he will never be able to see without the eye of faith which seeth things invisible Heb. 11. and by which wee look upon Christ 1 Joh. 2.1 dwell in Christ Ephes 3.17 Live in Christ Gal. 2.19 And doe living works acceptable to God by the life of Christ in us Heb. 11.4 By faith with open face wee behold as in a glasse the glory of the Lord and are changed into the same Image from glory to glory 2 Cor. 3.18 and see that our good works are the effects of Christs love discovered in himselfe and in his Gospel to our soules And therefore when John doth informe us that we shall know that wee know him if we keep his Commandement He doth propose beleeving as the first Commandement of God without which we cannot assure our selves that we are obedient to his other commands 1 Joh. 3.23 This is his commandement that we beleeve in him whom he hath sent Good works after a man hath faith are not the cause of justification but the consequent they follow a mans justification they doe not precede the act of justification they neither precede the act of Gods grace by which he justifieth a sinner neither doe they precede justification in the Court of Conscience But being justified by faith we have peace Rom. 5.1 in our Consciences This was the doctrine which was frequently preached by those heavenly Carpenters which did first strike at the hornes of the beast Vt dilectio oriatur necesse est praecedere fidem hoc est fiducia misericordiae It is necessary saith Melancthon that faith which is a confidence of Gods morcy doe precede love And in another place Non nititur fides nostra dilectione sed tantum misericordia promissa ut constat nec existere dilectio potest nisi sit apprehensa remissio Faith is not grounded upon our love but the promised mercy of God so that it is manifest that there cannot be true love unlesse remission of sinnes be first apprehended Another reason is from the imperfection of workes wrought by a man after he is justified If any man that is justified look on his works and doe not behold them in the glasse of the Gospel he shall reade his own condemnation for his works There is an imperfection in our works seeing wee doe not love God so perfectly as we should with all our heart all our minde and all our spirit but while the regenerate part through the power of the Spirit runs after God and loves God the fleshly part runneth after sinne and hates God Therefore seeing there is such imperfection in the works that we performe that the best of us are unprofitable servants and that the most holy amongst us doe that for which he may be damned every day if God should not deale with us in the Gospel but in the Law it will follow that a man cannot be justified by the works that he doth after he hath faith and is converted doth works which are wrought by the Spirit of grace It may here be objected that the good works of Saints are perfect For an answer to this I referre the Reader to what shall be delivered from those words That he which is borne of God sinneth not I come now to the next Consideration which is this That wee are not justified by the practise of any Gospel-Ordinances which are commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ There are some who it may be are convinced that they are not justified by works yet I know not what new kinde of Popery they have found out for they thinke to please God by submitting to Ordinances and finding out the true Discipline and government of Christs Church therefore you shall finde a kinde of spirit of bondage in them if they be not satisfied concerning the true discipline government Ordinances of the Lord Jesus Christ Wherefore I shall endeavour to demonstrate this and shew clearly that as we are not justified by works before or after conversion so we are not justified and saved by the submitting to any Ordinance of the Lord Jesus Christ Salvation is not in
of God Mat. 19.28 Our Saviour saith that such who have followed him in the regeneration shall sit upon Thrones The Saints are translated out of the Kingdome of the world into the kingdome of grace by spirituall regeneration and therefore they shall be translated from the Kingdome of grace into the Kingdome of glory By these considerations it is evident that true Saints are borne of God Vse Let us not try our Saint-ship by our large professions of Christ and subjection to such things which we apprehend to be his Ordinances for externall worship but by our new creation It concerneth every man to be thorowly assured of his heavenly birth who would make his claime good for heaven and glory and be assured that he shall escape the damnation of Hell As our Saviour said of Judas Mat. 26.24 That it had been good for him he had not been borne So it had been good for us that we had never been borne if wee shall live and dye professors of the knowledge of God in Christ and not dye possessors of God in Christ by the new creation Consider therefore 1. That every change or alteration which may be wrought in a man doth not make him a Sonne of God by spirituall regeneration Morall principles may make a great change in a man And Pharisaicall principles may make a man seeme to be very religious to himselfe and others But the Pharisees proselite is farre enough from a true Convert And except our righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees we cannot enter into the Kingdome of God We may walke farre in the way of the Law and performance of duties to make our selves new creatures and the Sonnes of God by our own righteousnesse and legall reformation and may at last stumble at Christ and never come to know what it is to be borne of God 2. A man may take a long walke in the path of the Gospell and may after a sort escape the pollutions of the world by Gospel-principles and may taste of the powers of the world to come in the conclusion may sit down short of a new creation here and glory hereafter 2 Pet. 2.20 Hebr. 6. Never truly knowing what it is to have the Spirit in him and himselfe in the Spirit God in him and himselfe in God Christ in him and himselfe in Christ Quer. But by what meanes is a man born of God may some one say seeing it concerneth us to know that we are born of God and it is so easie to be mistaken It is not by the law by that thou maist have a knowledge of sin Rom. 7. but canst never receive a new life The law bringeth forth servants not sons Ishmaelites not true Israelites Gal. 4. Secondly Those who are borne of God are children of the Gospell not by the workes of the law but by the hearing of faith wee are made new creatures In this Ministery God by his Spirit through faith in his Sonne maketh new creatures Nothing in nature can beethe cause of it selfe so nothing in the new creation can be the cause of it selfe There must be a Father before there can be a Sonne God therefore through faith in his Sonne is the cause of this new creation In this Ministery God doth not speak only by letters and syllables but by his eternall Word and Spirit Our soules are purified in the obedience of the truth of the Gospel unto unfeigned love of the Brethren 1 Pet. 1.22 23. And are borne againe not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth for ever In this Ministry of life and salvation we have an eye to see the olde man crucified in the suffering of Christ Rom. 6.6 That henceforth we should not serve sin In this Ministery wee see Christ as that new man which maketh all things new 2 Corin. 5. The olde Adam stood as a publique person to bring shame sinne and sorrow upon his posterity so Christ the second Adam publique person and new man by whom we are renewed doth bring holy boldnesse righteousnesse and joy Adam communicated his sinfull nature to us so Christ doth communicate his divine nature unto us with those fruits and effects of the spirit which are contrary to the nature of the old man Uniting us unto himselfe and becomming a principle of life to us and in us And as one saith of generation that it doth not consist in the production of a new form but in the union of the form to the matter Generatie non consistit in productione sed unitione formae cummateria So spiritual regeneration is not by the production of a new forme but by the union of the forme to the matter By uniting Christ who is as the forme to man who is the matter of the new creature And as wee say that the generation of one thing is the corruption or destruction of another thing so in spirituall regeneration the old man is destroyed Gal. 5.24 They that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts O how is the man placed in the uppermost roome of honour and highest seat of happinesse who is spiritually acquainted with this truth Hee overcommeth the world by believing that Jesus is the Sonne of God 1 John 5.1 He admireth the inexpressible love of God by which hee is become the Sonne of God 1 John 3.1 He is borne to possesse the unsearcheable riches of Gods grace He is born to inherit large possessions a golrious inheritance being joynt heir with Christ Ro. 8.17 Hee is higher by his birth then the Sons of Kings and Emperours Christ he are of one therfore he is not ashamed to cal him Brother Heb. 2.11 And now hee begins to resolve to live like himselfe to live answerable to his condition of glory and honour unto which God of his grace hath brought him He wil live as one who hath hopes full of immortality He wil put on Christ in his conversation as he hath put him on in his free justification A King will not stoope to the earth to take up farthings as a beggar will nor meddle with such mean businesses and employments in which men of meane condition doe exercise themselves So hee will not stoop in spirit to the love of the things of the world which are but as a farthing to the things of glory and eternity Hee will not follow worldly businesse as though hee had no other employment His conversation is in Heaven Phil. 3. He is one of the Chosen generation and royall Priesthood holy Nation and peculiar People and therefore is resolved to shew forth the praises of him who hath called him out of darknesse into his marvellous light 1 Pet. 2.9 from impurity to holinesse from a disgracefull and reproachfull condition to honour and favour from vassalage to a kingdome from feare of death to assurance of eternall life from hell to heaven from horror of conscience to joy in
a sacrifice for sinne above the temptations of Satan above the weaknesse of the flesh Death could not hold him as her prisoner and this may ascertaine us that wee his members shall be drawne up out of the water wee shall be above all things that we may call sinne in our selves above the reach of Satans fiery darts we shall be above Death that will be fulfilled which is spoken in the 1 Cor. 15. Death is swallowed up in victory Christ hath already fully conquered Death in his owne person and will conquer it in the person of all those that are his members enabling them to believe in him Christ doth infuse spirit and fortitude into all his souldiers by enabling them to looke on him their Generall Respice ad Ducem Look unto your Captaine was the old Roman word of Command to the common souldiers to stirre them up to imitate the valour and fortitude of their Commanders And Christian souldiers are made truly valiant by looking upon the fortitude and conquests of him who is the Captaine of their salvation Heb. 2.10 And knowing their union with him they see their head Captaine risen whose they are which maketh them Conquerours of death as his valiant souldiers by a strong perswasion from him and in him of a future resurrection In the next place you see that the bodies of Saints shal be raised for heaven as his body Therefore this may teach us to glorifie God in our bodies and spirits while wee are here below If the Lord Jesus Christ will raise our bodies as his owne bodie it is consonant to reason that we should use our bodies as the bodies of Christ This consideration if God goe along with it will be marvellous powerfull to teach us to be holy not only in our spirits but in our bodies considering that they are the bodies of the Lord Jesus Christ will raise thy body at the last day as his owne it is his body and not thine his spirit informes it he is owner and possessor of it thou art not thine owne thou art bought with a price 1 Cor. 6.20 Thererefore glorifie God in thy body and in thy Spirit which are Gods Seeing Christ will raise thy body as his body when it is dead therefore behave thy selfe towards thy body as the body of Christ while thou art alive This is that that the Apostle presseth from this consideration 1 Cor. 6.15 Shall I take the members of Christ and make them the members of a harlot a Christian would not misdemeane himselfe toward his body if he did consider what his body is it is the house and Palace of the Lord Jesus the Temple of God It was accounted a great fault for any man to misbehave himselfe in the Temple of Solomon which was a place then by Gods appointment more holy then other places Our bodies are spirituall Temples therefore defile not the Temple of the Lord. Bring not in the abomination of desolation into the holy place bring not the filth of sinne into it suffer not lust to lie in thy body suffer not pride in thy flesh sinne not against thy owne body in any kind take heed of riot and drunkennesse take heed of those sins that are sinnes against the body because by them thou sinnest against the Temple and house of God thou sinnest against that that is not thine owne but is the Lord Jesus Christs Our bodies should not be like the Egyptian Temples that were stately Edifices and buildings but in them there was nothing but some noysome and filthy beasts Thy body is a stately Edifice O set not up thy beastly lusts as Idols to be worshipped there Galen that great Physitian when he came to anatomize mans body he stood in admiration of the workmanship wondring at the skilfull hand and finger of him that was the maker of it Thou must not only looke on thy body as it is a naturall Edifice but as it is a building for the Lord Jesus as a Temple that Christ hath made choyse of a Temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in Therefore suffer not Crocodiles and noysome beasts to sit there stoup not to lusts fall not downe on thy knees before thy corruptions sacrifice not to uncleannesse Suffer not any sinne to reigne in thy mortall body Rom. 6. thy body is the body of the Lord it is under the power of Christ therefore ●et Christ onely reigne in it Sinne shall not have dominion over you because you are not under the Law but under grace Rom. 6.19 As yee have yeelded your members servants unto uncle annesse and to iniquity unto iniquity even so now yeeld your members servants to righteousnesse unto holinesse If men did but consider the glory of their persons the glory that God hath put upon their spirits in making them one spirit with his owne and the glory that God hath put upon their bodies in making them his houses Temples and places of glory 〈◊〉 dwell in through the goodnesse of God i● would restraine them from sinne That th● high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity should come and dwell in these humble and low cottages of ours That the God o● glory should come and dwell in houses o● clay in houses of mud in houses that presently must be pulled downe and lye in the dust O how should the serious and spirituall meditation of this put bounds and limits yea a period to our corruptions As Luther doth report of one that being tempted to any sinne by the Devill would answer that she was Christian Thy body is Christs by conquest he hath dispossessed the Devill of the strong hold which he had in thy body and therefore suffer not the Devill to rule there as he did when he was Lord of thee If the Devill come and tempt thee to commit any sinne which is a sinne that thou mayst act with thy body answer him thus Satan away my eares cannot be open to thy temptations I cannot listen to thee to commit this sinne my body is not mine owne but the body of the Lord Jesus Christ And when thou findest thy selfe in thy body at any time unwilling for the service of Christ consider with thy selfe my body is not mine owne it belongs to the Lord Christ he will have a care of it at the resurrection he will not lose my earth or ashes he will preserve my dust and keep it as a precious Diamond in the casket of his owne love Therefore be willing to serve Christ in thy body he ownes the bodies of Saints here and will owne them hereafter he hath a speciall care of the bones of his Saints and though the limbes of their bodies be carried from one end of the world to the other and scattered in severall places and climates yet by his power he will bring one limb to another therefore glorifie Christ in your bodies who hath promised to quicken your mortall bodies by his spirit which he hath given unto you Rom. 8.11 In the
in his person we see that wee are conquerours over the Devill in him yet we meet with the Devill his fierie temptations darts and arrowes which he shooteth into our spirits so that he oft-times causeth us to walke something sadly occasioning troubles which Jerome calleth tempestates mentis the tempests of the mind As Paul tells us that he was buffeted by the messenger of Satan But then this wicked Fiend shall be so chained up that he shall never be let loose upon us again Then he shall be so under our feet that hee shall never have any liberty given him to tempt us any more The accuser of the Brethren is cast out of heaven Revelation 12.10 His accusations and complaints against them cannot be heard by the eare of God to prejudice their Justification but he doth persecute the woman upon the earth Rev. 12.13 He afflicts the Church and brings much trouble oft-times to the Saints but at the generall resurrection we shall be freed wholly from the Devill from all temptations from all troubles all enemies that can be thought upon so that then things shall be fully accomplished and compleated for our good The Apostle though he telleth us that Christ for the present hath abolished death and sinne to us 2 Tim. 1.10 and destroyed him who hath the power of death who is the Devill Heb. 2.14 yet he informeth us that the promises of God made to us in Christ are not fully accomplished compleated and perfected till the resurrection as wee may see by that place 1 Cor. 15.54 then shall be fulfilled that saying speaking of the resurrection day Death is swallowed up in victory then if shall be said O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Then shall it be that is it shall be in the full accomplishment wee have now what is there promised in the promise of God by Faith then wee shall have what is in the promise in the actuall fruition of the thing promised So that in this respect there will be great joy because then every Saint shall ride in a Chariot of triumph as a Conquerour of all enemies in his own person And as Christ in his owne body and Spirit did ride to Heaven and triumph over the power of Hell Death sinne curse and condemnation and as the life that we live for the present is by beholding this victory of the Lord Jesus Christ with the eye of Faith so at the generall resurrection all the Saints shall imitate the Lord Jesus Christ and in their owne persons shall ride as Conquerours triumphing over all enemies and shall live the life of vision seeing the same thing done in their owne persons which now by Faith they see done for them in the person of Jesus So that all cause and occasion of trouble and sorrow being taken away there must needs be great joy at the resurrection of those who are raised by the Lord. In the next place as the occasions and causes of all sorrow shall be taken away so likewise all things all objects that may move spirituall joy shall be presented to the Saints to raise their spirits to a spirituall joy who shall be raised and made happy with the Lord Jesus whatsoever it be that can be thought upon that can make any one happy that the Saints shal enjoy they shal enjoy God in a full measure and the Lord Jesus Sweet streames of joy will flow into their spirits because God will make himselfe the Author and worker of their joy Sing O daughter os Sion saith the Prophet Zeph. 3.14 Be glad and rejoyce O daughter of Jerusalem But why must Zion sing and shout behold the reason in the 15. verse The Lord is in the midst of thee and in the 17. ver He will rejoyce over thee with singing There is the chiefe ground of their joy laid downe So the 12. of Neh. 43. it is said the people rejoyced for God made them rejoyce with great joy So at the resurrection God shall make them to rejoyce they shall be alway then at the Fountaine at the Well-head In thy presence is fulnesse of joy at thy right hand saith the Psalmist Psal 17.11 there are pleasures for evermore All the Saints shall then bee in the presence and at the right hand of God where there shall be pleasures for evermore they all shall be in the glory of the Lord Jesus God shall emptie himselfe and the rivers and streames of joy which are in himself into their hearts and spirits so that they shall be swallowed up into those streames and rivers of joy and pleasure which are in the enjoyment of a God Macarius speaketh of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the ebriety of the Spirit They then shall be inebriated with the fulnesse of a spirituall joy If there be such rejoycing here in the spirit of a Saint when he hath a light from God to see something of God in the face of Christ what spirituall joy shall there be when our joy shall be at the full If there be such joy in the ebbing of the Spirit here what joy will there be when we shall enjoy the high-tyde of the Spirit in the vision of Gods grace and glory hereafter when wee shall eat of the tree of life when wee shall drinke our fill of those rivers of pleasures which runne in the Paradise of God And if there be so much sweetnesse in spirituall joy here what tongue can expresse or heart conceive what there shall be in that joy that shall be hereafter Great glorious and high are the expressions by which Saints doe set forth the joyes that they feele here but no Saint can tell what the joyes shall be hereafter at the resurrection Psal 94.19 In the multitude of my thoughts within mee thy comforts delight my soule the delight is such here that David had rather have the light of Gods countenance in a Spirit of joy upon him then to enjoy all the glory and great things in the world Thou hast put greater joy into my heart then when the corne and wine of wicked men is increased Psal 4. and in Psal 84. One day in thy house is worth a thousand If there be such joy in the presence of God here in the beholding of his grace in the kisses of his mouth in the imbraces of his Sonne when he doth now sprinkle us with his grace O what joy shall there be when God shall poure out the Spirit of grace and sweetnesse into our soules when he shall open all the treasures of his Spirit and love when hee shall more freely and fully shew us the things that neither eye hath seene nor eare hath heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man to conceive what they are 1 Cor. 2. Wee have seene great things in the world Crownes Scepters riches worldly pomp and glory but what are all these things they doe not shadow forth the things that wee see here in the Spirit