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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07393 The doctrine of the Bible: or, Rules of Discipline. Briefelie gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by waie of questions and answers.. 1608 (1608) STC 3024; ESTC S91084 142,227 493

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therefore none can pleade ignorance chap. 10.18 Qu. Because we are Gentiles and accepted by our belief in the place of the vnbelieuing Iewes ought we to despise them in respect of our selues Ans No. Qu. Why An. Because wee are not so accepted but we may be reiected nor they so reiected but they may be receiued for if God grafted vs into the true vine which were but wilde branches much more may he grafft the Iewes which were the true branches into the true stock againe chap. 11.17 Qu. Why doth Saint Paul vrge this similitude An. To shut vp the contention betweene the Iewes and the Gentiles that neither should despise other because they were alike in beleefe and vnbeleefe Qu. After the deciding of this controuersie and certaine principall points of religion as faith and iustification declared wherein doth Paul shew we ought to striue one to excell another An. In vnity and vprightnesse of life Qu. How is that to be performed An. By offering vp our selues a liuely sacrifice vnto God Qu. What is a liuely sacrifice Ans To cut off the works of darknes and put on the armor of light Qu. How must we cast off the works of darknesse Ans By conforming our selues after the will of God and not after the fashion of the world chap. 12.2 Qu. What are the workes of darknesse An. To imbrace pride rather then humanity lust rather thē chastity hate rather then loue rebellion rather then obedience gluttony rather then abstinence c. Qu. VVhat is the armor of light Ans To dispose our minds after the contrary Qu. It seemes then by being commanded to sacrifice our bodies that euery christian is a Priest An. True we are Qu. How are we consecrated An. Not by the infusion of oyle but by the inspiration of the holy spirit Qu. VVhen An. At our Baptisme Qu. Do al Christians serue the office of Priesthood An. No. Qu. Why An. Because their sacrifice is not such as it should be Qu. How comes that to passe An. By reason they prefer not sorrow before ioy death before life rebuke before honor enemies before friends for the loue of Christ and as hee in his life did for our example Qu. To vvhome is it giuen to do those things An. To all but not after a like measure Qu. VVhat must they do that haue priuiledge of grace aboue others An. Not boast of it but help to furnish them that want chap. 11 3. Qu. By what example are wee taught so to doe An. By the example of the members of a mans bodie for as when the foote is offended the rest of the members as the eie hand tongue straite minister to it so ought it to bee in the members of Christ his body when one faints the rest must relieue it Quest Who is the head of the misticall body An. Christ Qu. Who are the eies An. His Preachers Qu. Who are the eares An. Hearers of his word Qu. Who are the hands An. The Magistrates Qu. Who are the feete An. The subiects Qu. What is the duety of a Preacher An. To reach with sincerity Qu. What is the duety of the hearer An. To attend with reuerence Qu. VVhat is the duetie of the Magistrate Ans To rule with Iustice Qu. What is the duety of the subiect An. To obey with loue Qu. What are the fine wes that binde these ioyntes of the misticall bodie together Ansvver Compassion and brotherlie loue Qu. What is compassion An. A suffering with our Christian brethren or a like feeling of the hearte that hee shewes to them as if it were happened to our selues Qu. What doth it produce An. A distributing to their necessitie as councell to them that erre comfort to all them that mourne and food to them that hunger clothing to them that are naked and harbour to them that are harbourlesse chap. 12. verse 15 17. Qu. Hovv are these vertues performed in vs An. By continuance in prayer Qu. What vices are contrary to compassion An. Hate reuenge arrogancy and selfe loue Qu. Why must we not hate An. Because God hath commanded loue chap. 12.14 Qu. Why must we not reuenge An. Because reuenge is the Lordes chap. 12 16. Qu. Why must we not bee arrogant and high minded Ans Because wee are all of one linage and no man hath anie thing of himselfe but what is giuen him of God Qu. What is self loue Ansvv To bee wise in our owne conceites Qu. Doth our duty onely extend to the body of our christian brothey An. No but to his mind also Qu. How is that Ans We must take heede that wee offend not his conscience by cating of meates or obseruation of dayes chapr 14 21. Qu. When are these precepts to bee put in execution An. Our of hand Qu. Why A. Because the time of our saluation draweth neere chap 13 11. Qu. When to be left off An. Not in death Qu. Why An. Because whether we liue or die we liue and die to the Lord chapter 14.8 Qu. How doth Saint Paul conclude this Epistle to the Romanes An. With two things Qu. What be they An. VVith exhortation and prayer Qu. What doth be exhort vs vnto An. The reading of the Scriptures thankesgiuing and to bevvare of false prophets Qu. Why doth he exhort them to reade the Scripture An. Because whatsoeuer is written is vvritten for their and our instruction chap 15.4 Qu. VVhy to thanksgiuing Ansvv Because of the mercie of God shevven vnto all Qu. Why to beware of false prophets An. Because they raised diuisions and opinions in the Church contrary to the doctrine of Christ chap. 16 17. Qu. What is his prayer An. That they mighte bee filled with all ioy and peace that come by fayth and with all aboundance of hope Qu. What is hope Ansvver An assured expectation of blessednesse to come to which Christ Iesus bring vs Amen Quest From whence did Paule write this Epistle An. From Corinth 1 Corinthians Question VVHere was Paule when he writte this Epistle to the Corinthians An. In Syria Qu. What was the cause that mooud him to write An. The sects and diuisions that in his absence tooke roote in the Church of Corinth Qu. What were they An. Some held of Paule some of Apollo and some of Cephas Qu. How doth he reprooue that An. By shewing them that Christ is one and his religion one and therefore ought not to bee diuided and howsoeuer Paul Apollo or Cephas plant it is nothing except God giue the increase chap. 3.6 Qu. Whence then proceedes the knovvledge of the Scripture An. From the spirite of God chap. 2.12 Qu. Who is the meanes An. The preacher chap. 3 9. Qu. How ought he to deliuer the words An. Not in the inticing speech of mans wisdome but in the plaine euidence of the spirite chap. 2 4. Qu. Why An. Because the wisdome of the world before God is foolishnesse and that which the world accounts foolishnes is wisdome before God chap. 3 19.
of such men An He bids them weepe and howle for the miseries that shall come vpon them their riches are corrupte their garments are month-eaten theyr golde and siluer is cankered and the rust therof shall be a vvitnesse against them cha 5 1 2 3. Qu. What is the best vse of riches An. To employ them in dooing of good as in relieuing the poore the fatherlesse and widdowes and that is called pure religion and vnderfiled before God chap. 1.27 Qu. Euery one therefore that heareth the word of God is not religious An. No but such onely as are dooers thereof chap. 1.22 The first Epistle enerall of Peter the Apostle Question VVHat is contained in this first Epistle of Peter An. Three things Qu. VVhich be they An. The calling of Christians their dignity and fruits of their calling Qu. Woo hath called them An. Christ Qu. How An. Through obedience and sprinkling of his bloud chap. 1.2 Qu. To what Ans To an inheritance immortall vndefiled that fadeth not away but is reserued in heauen for vs chap. 1.4 Qu. How must we apprehend it An. By faith chap. 1.5 Qu. What is the dignity of Christians An. They are sayde to bee a royall Priesthood a holy nation apeculiar people chap. 2. Qu. What is the fruit of their calling An. To shew the vertue of him that called them chap. 2.9 Qu. How is that An. Beeing holy as he is holy and since he hath called vs out of darknesse into light to walke as in the day time by laying aside all maliciousnesse all guile and dissimulation all enuie and euil speaking chap. 2.1 and 9. Qu. How shall we doe these things the world euery hower proucking vs to the contrary An. By setting before vs the example of Christ which gaue his life for his enemies and when he was reuiled reuiled not againe and when he suffered threatned not but committed it to him that iudgeth righteously chap. 2.21 22. Qu What brings vs to this obedience An. The loue we owe to Christ that hath begotten vs a newe to righteousnesse and the feare not to be partakers of his mercies because of the small number of them that shall be saued Qu. Who is the efficient cause of our saluation An. God the Father Qu. Who is the materiall cause An. The obedience of Christ to the death of the Crosse Qu. VVhat is the formall cause An. Our effectuall calling Qu. What is the finall cause An. Our sanctification Q. Wherein standeth our sanctification An. In two things Qu-Shew me which bee they An. In dying to sinne and liuing to God chap. 4 2. Qu. When do we liue to God An. VVhen wee mortifie the lusts of the flesh chap 4.2 Qu. Wherein consisteth this mortification An. In particular dueties Qu. VVhat be those An. The dueties of rules subiectes husbands wiues masters seruants and Pastors of the Church c. Qu. What doth he counsell as touching euery mans prinate selfe A. To be sober watching in prayer Qu. What is prayer An. A calling vpon the names of God in time of necessity Qu. What are the properties thereof An. It must be from the heart with true faith in the name of Christ and in few words Qu. What is the efficacie of prayer An. It ouercommeth God which ouercommeth all things Qu. What doth Peter counsell vs to doe as touching others An. One to suffer with another to loue our brethren to be pittiful not to render euill for euill but contrariwise to blesse chap. 3 8.9 Qu. Why must we loue An. Because God hath loued vs. Qu. Why must we suffer An. Because therein we are blessed chap. 4 14. Qu. How must we suffer An. Not as murderers the eues or euil doers but as louers of faith c. 4.15 Qu. Why are we bound to these vertuous actions An. Because thereby God is glorified chap. 2 12. 2. Epistle of Peter Question VVHat doth Peter exhort vs vnto in this second Epistle Ans That hauing once receiued the knowledge of the Gospell to confirme and establish it in vs by good works to stricke vnto it euen till the last gaspe chap. 1.10 Qu. Why An. Because as Saint Paul saith so run that ye may obtaine So Saint Peter sayth by making sure your election that is in not being idle or vnfruitful in your calling an entrance is made vnto you into the kingdom of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ chap. 1.11 Quest VVhat is the gate vntol that entrance An. Death Qu. What is death An. The laying downe of the Tabernacle of this flesh chap. 1.14 Qu. Vhy doth hee call this flesh of ours a Tabernacle Ans Because wee dwell therein as strangers not for euer but for a certain time Qu. How doth Peter confirme the doctrine of faith An. By shewing it is no deceiueable fable but the trueth it selfe descended from heauen chap. 1.17.18 Qu. Who are impugners of this trueth An. Hypocrites and Atheists Qu. What are Hypocrites Ans Welles without water such as pretend an outwarde holinesse but inwardly are corrupt and venemous ch 3.13.17 Qu. What are Atheists An. Mockers and deriders of the Scripture and such as thinke there will be no resurrection chap. 3.3.4 Qu. When shall these men appeare An. In the latter times chap. 3.3 Qu. How vvill they be disprooued An. The heauens shall melt and the earth bee consumed with fire and the Lord appearing in glory shal giue them the wages of vnrighteousnesse chap. 3.10 and chap. 2.13 Qu. Is there no hope of escaping An. No for hee that spared not the Angels when they sinned will not spare them chap. 2.4 The first Epistle generall of Iohn Question VVHat is here set downe Ansvv Two sorts of loue Quest Which be they Ans Loue of the world and loue called charity Qu. In what cōsists the loue of the world An. In three things Qu. Whichbe they An. Concupiscence of the flesh luste of the eies and pride of life chap. 2.16 Qu. What is concupiscence of the flesh An. An inclination of the hearte to enioy the pleasures of the body as wantonnesse chambering slouth drunkennesse and such like Qu. What is the lust of the eies Ans Acouetous immoderate desire of worldly wealth and all offences which do accompany it for the obtaining thereof as lying theft deceit rapine vsury cosonage and such like Qu. VVhat is pride of life Ans In all things as in meate drinke apparel houseroome and other things to beaze an arrogante contemptuous mind striuing to excell others Qu. What doth he then say touching such liuers A. That God is not in them nor they in him chap. 2.15 Qu. What is charity An. A motion of the heart whereby we do loue God and in him our neighbour Qu. What is the loue of God An. To keepe hiscommandements chap. 5.2 Qu. What is it to loue our neighbour An. To esteeme him as our selfe Qu. How many kinds of loue are there An. Two Qu. Which be they An. True and fained loue Qu. Which
couetous An. Insatiable vers 9. Qu. For vvhat is the night appointed An. For rest vnto all creatures Qu. Hovv rests the couetous man An Vnquietlie Qu. Hovv rests the poore labourer An. His sleep is sweet vnto him ver 11. Chapter 6. Question HOvv is the rich man miserable An. In that God hath giuen him much treasure wealth he wanteth the power to enioy it vers 2. Qu. How commeth that to passe An. Eyther by parsimony losse or sodayne death Chapter 7. Question WHy is the day of death better then the day of birth Ans Because our birth is the entrāce to sorrow and affliction and our death the gate to ioy and happinesse verse 3. Qu. Why is it better to goe to the house of mourning then to the house of laughter Ans Because in the house of mourning we shall behold the iudgement of God and thereby learne to amend our liues verse 4. Qu. Why is it beter to heare the rebuke of a wise man than the song of a foole Ans Because the one is instruction the other losse of time Qu. VVhat is the peruersenesse of the world Ans That the iust sometime perish and the wicked man continueth long in his malice verse 17. Qu. When wee are admonished to leaue vvickednesse what must vve do An. Come at the first call vers 19. Chapter 8. Question VVHom doth a tyrant hurt An. Himselfe as wel as others verse 9. Qu. Doth God punish sinners An. Yes Qu. VVherefore An. To their greater iudgement Qu. Doth God afflict the righteous Ans Yes Qu. Wherefore Ans For their trial and to their greater comfort verse 12.13.14 Chapter 9. Question DOe Prosperity and aduersity teache vs whom God loueth whom he hateth An. No. Qu. VVhy Ans Because they happen indifferently both to the righteous and vnrighteous verse 2. Qu. What is the difference then An. The righteous are assured of Gods fauour by faith so are not the other verse 4. Qu. What is the opinion of Epicures An. They had rather bee abiect and liue then honorable and die which is meant by the liue dog and dead Lyon verse 4. Qu. Why vvere they of that opinion Answer Because after this life they thought there was no other beeing Qu. How doth the world deceiue her favorites Ans By making them think they are blessed of God when they haue wealth and good successe in this life Qu. Are not those then the blessings of God An. Yes to them that vse them to his glory and the benefite of the poore otherwise not Chapter 10. Question HOw are the deedes of the wise An. Discrete Qu. Hovv are the deedes of the foole An. Rash and absurd verse 4. Qu. What vanity doth Salomon else note in this Chapter An. That the worthy are displaced the vnworthy a duanced vers 6.7 That the land is miserable whose Prince wanteth wisedome and whose Nobles are giuen to their owne lustes and pleasures verse 16. Qu. What treason doth God condemne in a subiect against his Prince An. Not only treason in act but treason in thought verse 20. Chapter 11. Question TO whom must the rich be liberall An. To the poore Qu. When An. In this life because after death there is no further power Qu. Hovv must they be liberall An. In dispersing their alms to many Qu. By what example are we taught to be charitable An. By the cloude that powreth raine By the Sea that casteth vppe her increase By the earth that yee Ideth variety of fruites by the Sunne that casteth out his beames from East to West all which are not thus seruiceable and gracious for themselues but for the benefit of others Qu. How shall the charitable man be rewarded An. With plenty on earth and treasure in heauen Qu. If vanity be forbidden why doth Salomon in the 9. vers of this chap. counsaile vs to follow the lusts of our owne harts Ans He doth it in derision as if hee should say goe to yee worldlings glut your selues with all manner of vanitie but remember that one day you shall come to iudgement for all verse 9. Chapter 12. Question TO whom must wee dedicate our youth An. To the Lord. Qu. VVhy An. Because in age we shall be more vnapt verse 1. Qu. How shall we be more vnapt An. By reason of the weakenesse of the body which is set downe in the 7. verses Qu. Whither returnes the body in death An. To him that gaue it verse 7. Finis Preachers The song of Salomon Chapter 1. Quetion VVHat is contained in the song of Salomon An. A liuely description of the mutuall loue between Christ and his Church vnder the names of Bride and Bridegroome Qu. What is vnderstood by the Church An. Euery faithfull soule Qu. To what doth the faithfull soule compare her Bride-groome Christ Iesus in this first chapter An. To the sauour of a sweere oyntment because of his gratious benefites toward her verse 2. To the Chariots of Pharaoh because of his power and strength vers 8. To a bundle of myrrh because of his holinesse verse 12. To the grapes of Engedie for his sauing health verse 13. Qu. Can the soule aproache neere vnto Christ vpon her owne accord An. No not except she be drawne that is incited by his holy spirit vers 3. Chapter 2. Question VVHere doeth the Church desire to rest An. Vnder the shadow of Christ comparing him to a tree verse 3. Qu. With what will she be fed An. With the fruite of his doctrine verse 3.5 Qu. To what doth Christ compare his Church An. To a Rose and Lillie amongst thornes Qu. Why An. First for her beauty and pleasure Secondly for her excellencie aboue all other things in that all other things in respect of her are but as thornes verse 2. Qu. How doth she figure the comming of Christ An. Vnder the name of a Roe or young hart looking through the grates of a window Qu. VVhat is vnderstood by that An. The diuinity of Christ shining through his humanity verse 9. Qu. Cannot he then be perfectly knowne in this lise An. No no more then one that stands behind a grate can be wholly or perfectly seene to our bodily eies Qu. What did Christ after he came An. Called to his beloued the Church verse 10. Qu. Did she appeare at his calling Ans No she hid her selfe in holes of the rocks verse 14. Qu. VVhy did she so An. Because of her sinnes Quest How did he comfort her An. By telling her the winter was past that is sinne was killed and the cheerefull spring appeared that is grace and saluation was come verse 11.12 Quest VVhat is the Church compared vnto An. A Doue Qu. VVhy An. Because of her meeknesse v. 14. Qu. VVhat are the enemies of the Church compared to A. To Foxes Qu. Why An. Beause of their malice and craft ver 15. Chapter 3. Question VVHat is the desire of the Church An To be ioyned inseparably with Christ verse 4.
Chap 51 23. The Lamentations of Ieremy Question OF whome may wee learne true and Criftian-like compassion An. Of the prophet Ieremie Qu. VVherein An. In lamenting for his countrymen the Ievves notwithstanding they had revyled him beaten him imprisoned him and sought his death and all for his loue and good will toward them Qu. Wherein consisted his loue An. In daylie admonishing them of theyr sinne that they might repent shewing them aforehand what plagues would follow if they repented not Qu. VVhat was it he did lament them for An. Their subuersion and ouerthrow Qu. By whome was their ouerthrow contriued Ans By the Babilonians theyr ctuell enemies Qu. In vvhat manner An. First they were besiedged then suffered famine in so much as they dyed in the streetes and the mothers deuoured their owne children Chapter 1 11. Chapte 2 12. Of Princes they became tributaries Chap 1.1 Theyr ioy was turned to teares Chap 1.2 Their gorgeous buildings to a deformed heape vers 6. Their friendes forsooke them verse 2. Their enemies laught at them verse 7. Their valiant men were troddē downe Their yong men slaine Their virgins deflowred vers 15. And which was the griefe of all griefes their GOD had forsaken them for when they stretched out theyr handes there was none to comfort them Chapter 1.16.17 Qu. What may the example serue for An. To admonish all Cities of the world be they neuer so famous neuer so ritche neuer so mightie to beware how they prouoke Gods wrath against them through theyr intollerable impietie Qu. What were theyr most intollerable sins An. Theyr despising the counsell of the Prophers their reuolting from the truth to imbrace falshood and vanitie and their abusing the long sufferance of the Lord. Qu. Did the Lord forewarne them of this desolation An. Yes many hundred yeares before it came euen from the time of Moyses and so from age to age vntill the very houre of their captiuitie as appeares Deut. 28.64.65 66. Qu. In this extremity what refuge doth the Prophet shew them Ans The holy Mount of the God of mercy Qu. Hovv must they reache vnto that mount Ans VVith the armes of repentance and patience with repentance in confessing their sinnes andbeeing sory for the same and with patience in humbly attending the houre of theyr deliuerance Qu. VVas this all the Prophet did for them An. No like a holie and vertuous Pastor he ioyned in seruente prayer with them that it woulde please the Lord to shorten their dayes of wretchednes chap 5. Ezechiel Chapter 1. to 10. Question BY whome vvas Ezechiel called to prophecie An. By God Qu. Where An. In Caldea Qu. At what time An. VVhen Ieheiakin king of Iuda his mother and many other liued in captiuity vnder Nabuchadnezer chapt 1 2 3. Qu. To what end An. To assure them though they had yeelded themselues prisoners to the King of Babilon and had liued in seruitude to him fiue yeares yet the Lorde would remember his promise bring them home againe Qu. Did they distrust in them An. Yes and began to murmure Qu. And the Lord inspired Ezechiel to speake vnto them for their comfort ch 22. An. True Qu. What gather wee from thence An. Gods great mercy and theire we aknesse of faith Qu. Did not Ezechiel prophecie before An. Yes and by the counsaile of him and Ieremy Iehoiakin did voluntarily submit to the King of Babel and therfore to excuse the prophet God giues him a nevv gift of Prophecie Qu. After what sort An. A hand appeares and deliuers him a booke Qu. VVhat was written in this booke An. Wo and lamentation chapter 2 10. Que. What was hee bid to doe with the booke An. Eate it that is imprint the wordes thereof in his heart Qu. Are none fit to be Gods messengers but such as receiue his worde into they re hearts An. No and meditate thereon which is called an eating Qu. How was the tast of it in Ezekiels mouth An. As sweet as honey Chapter 3.3 Qu. Did the people regard their message An. As they doe now adaies Gods Preachers very slightly Qu. VVas he discomforted thereby An. No God imboldned him and gaue him a forehead as hard as Adamant to outface their rebellion chapt ● 9. Qu. VVhat if he had been discouraged and giuen waie to theyr sin An. Then the people dying in theyr sinnes their bloud should haue bin required at his hands chap. 4.18 Quest Who may take heede by this lesson An. All dumbe idle and illiterate Ministers Qu. But hee teaching them and they not repenting how then An. Theyr bloud should bee vpon their owne heads chap. 3.18.19 Qu. How did Ezechiel prophecie the destruction of Ierusalem An. By the parable of his hair the one part wherof he should burne the other cut with a sword and scatter the third in the wind chap. 5.2 Qu What did this signifie An. That one part of the people should dye through famine the second be slaine and the third led into captiuity chap. 5.12 Qu. This all this while is threatning how doth the Prophet comfort them An. By shewing that a remnant should bee saued and they should bee displeased for their sinnes and finde mercie chap. 6.8 Qu. How did God deliuer that remnant in time of vengeance An. By setting a marke vpon them whereby they were knowne as he doth vpon all his elect chap. 9.6 Que. Rehearse the Prephets wordes of their deliuerance An. As sure as I liue saith the Lord I will bring you from the people and will gather you out of the countreyes wherein you are scattered with a mighty hand with a stretched-ourarme and in my wrath powred out Chapter 20 33.34 Chapter 10 to 20. Question AFter Iehoiakin and the rest were led into captiuity those that remained still in Iuden how did they liue Answ Like Murderers and idolaters chap. 11.6 Qu. Vvho misted them An. Iazaniah the sonne of Zur and Pelatiah the sonne of Benaiah Qu VVhat did they boast of An That God had vtterly forsaken those that were in captiuity and giuen the land vnto them in possession chap. 11.15 Qu. How was that reproach punished Ans Pelatiah one of their cheefe Princes was strucke with sodain death Chap. 11.13 Qu. What may we learne by that example A. That it is dangerous to mis-iudge of Gods secret iudgements Qu. What doth Ezekiel say againste false prophets An. That they should bee consumed in the middest of their vanities chapt 13 14. Qu How did the false prophets seduce the people An. By sowing pillowes vnder their elbows and couering their heads with vailes Qu. What is the meaningof that An. They flattered them with securitie and blinded theyr eies with false delusions chap. 13 18. Qu. VVby doth GOD send false Prophets and vnlearned Preachers amongst his people An. For their ingratitude because they doe not hearken to the true Prophets and Preachers when they haue them a faulte to bee much feared in England this time Qu. In the time of Gods
a physitian both of theyr bodies and soules whome they most cruelly put to death Qu. What did first make knowne the birth of Christ An. A starre Mat. 2.2 Qu. How did that starre differ from other starres An. In three respects first as touching the place being lower fixed then other starres Secondly as touching the motion moouing directly forward and not circularly and thirdly as touching the time it shone as well by day as by night Qu. To whom did the star appeare An. To the wise men of the East to conduct them where Christ was borne Qu. What is signified by that star An. The spirit of God which must illuminate our harts or we shall neuer find the way vnto Christ Qu. When the wise men found Christ what did they An. As all men must doe when they haue once got the knowledge of him Qu. VVhat is that An. Acknowledge our loue seruice to him by our externall oblations Qu. What was their oblations Ans Gold frankinsence and myrth gold as he was a King frankinsence as he was a Priest and myrrh as he was a Prophet Mat. 2.11 Qu. But in stead of these three things what do we Christians learn to offer vnto him Ans For gold purity of life for frankinsence praier and thanksgiuing and for myrrh patience in aduersity Qu. In the eleuenth chap. of this gospel Christ saith I thank thee Father that thou hast hidde the knowledge of thy will from the wise and prudent and hast shewed it vnto babes yet bere he saith the wise men came to worship him What difference is there betwixt the wise men he speaketh of there and those mentioned here Ans By the wisemen there he vnderstandeth such as arrogantly depend vpon their own knowledge and measure all things by humane reason By wisemen in this place he vnderstands such wise men as in things that belong to the honour of God and our iustification reiect the power and wisedome of man and cleaue onely to the grace of God through Christ and the sincerity of his word In which sence they are also called babes Matth. 11 verse 25. Qu. In professing of Christ what comfort haue we An. A threefould comfort first wee knowe he is our Lord and can and will defend vs from all our enemies Matth. 28 18.20 Secondly he is our teacher and wil instruct vs in all things necessary to saluation And thirdly our spirituall phisitian that calls vs vnto him to comfort and heale our afflicted consciences Math 11.28 Qu. Where is the end of the Old Testament and beginning of the new An. In the Baptisme of Christ for by that god doth as it were point vnto vs and shevv that hee is the true Messias and Sauiour of the world Qu. By what signe An. By the visible appearing of the holy ghost the voice that was heard This is my dearely beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased Matthew 3.17 Qu. How many things are required in Baptisme An. Three the visible element which is water the worde and a promise of grace Que. What was the difference between the baptisme of Iohn and the baptisme of Christ. An. Iohn did baptise with water to repentance but Christ did baptise with fire that is by his holie Spirite wor. king in our hearts to the remission of sins Qu. Why is Iohn saide to prepare the way of the Lord An. Because his doctrine was repentance no man can come vnto Christ except hee first confesse the damnable state he is in through sinne be hartily sorie for the same faithfully beleeuing onelie by the merits of Christ to be deliuered from thence Qu. Whom did Christ first call to his seruice An. Poore fishermen Qu. VVhat doe we learne by their calling An. Two things Qu. Whch be they An. First an example of charity in Christ that of his meer mercy grace chose such poore simple men to bee the chiefe Pastors and pillars of his Church Secondly and example of faith and obedience in them who no sooner were called but straightway left al they had and followed Christ Matthew 4.22 Qu. How did they follow him An. Not as many Christians nowe adaies doe in outward shew and seeming holines but with that resolutiō that they willingly vnderwent pouerty scorn slander and death itselfe to shew themselues worthy schollers of so worthy a maister Besides they were but once called vpon and they came but we are many times exclaimed vpon yet we come not Qu. How led Christ his desciples An. Two manner of waies bodily spiritually Qu. How did he lead them bodily An. By iniuring his body to trauell by sea by land in citie field mountaine valley for the publishing of the gospell and worke of their saluation Qu. How did helead them spiritually An. By manifesting vnto them great signes and arguments of humility patience loue fortitude and all other vertues of the minde so that what hee was such he would haue them al that insist vpon his holy name to bee Qu. Why did not Christ choose his disciples amongst the mighty learned rich men of the world An. Because the mighty stand vpon their reputation the learned are obstinate in their opinions and the rich enthrald with couetousnesse Qu. Was there none of this sorte came when Christ cald them An. Yes but they were very few as of rich men Zacheus Mathew of gentlemen the Centurion Ioseph of Arimathea and of the learned Nichodemus Gamaliel Saul Qu. Did these men leaue all and follow Christ. An. They did Qu. How then had Mathew a house to banquet Christ in after ward Mat. 9.10 An. To forsake all is vnderstoode not cleane to depart from all which they had but to make no reckoning of their goods otherwise then they might serue to the glory of God and the reliefe of his poore distressed members Qu. VVhy doth Christ call his Apostles and Ministers the salt of the earth Mat. 5.15 An. Because as the property of salte is to bite purge and preserue so their doctrin ought to testifie reprooue and instruct Qu Why are they called the light of the world An. Because in doctrine and conuersation they must be as shining and glorious guides to the darke minds of the ignorant Qu. What is the end thereof An. The glory of God Qu. Is it not then inough for them to preach the Gospel openly and with boldnes of heart Ans No they must likewise bring forth fruits of good life hy their deedes of charity Mat. 5.16 Qu. In how many things consisteth the testimony of a good life An. In three things Qu. Which be they An. In holinesse which belongeth to God in righteousnes which belongeth to our neighbour and in sobernes that belongeth to our selues Qu. For how many causes are we boūd to serue God An. For three causes Iure creationis because he created vs Iure redemptionis because he redeemed vs and iure amoris because he loued vs. Doctrine out of the
their purpose An. The Towne Clarke pacified the people and the men were let goe cha 19.35 Qu. Who was the Diuels instrument to persecute the Apostles An. Herod in Iudea and the vnbeleeuing Iewes in Iconium Thessalonica and other places Qu. Whom did Herod persecute An. He killed Iames and put Peter in prison chap. 12.2.5 Qu. Who was Gods instrument to deliuer Peter Ans An Angell Qu. How was Herod punished for his cruelty An. he was eaten to death with worms chap. 12.13 Qu. Whom did the vnbeleeuing Iewes persecute at Iconium An. Paul and Barnabas Qu. How were they deliuered An. God gaue them knowledge of their dangers Qu. Whither went they for refuge An. To Listra and Derbe Citties of Licaonia chap. 14.6 Qu. Who were persecuted in Thessalonica An. Paul and Sylas Qu. How escaped they An. Their friends sent them away by night to Baerea chap. 17.10 Qu. Who are the Diuels instruments to slander the Apostles A. The Iewes Qu. Where Ans At Ierusalem Qu. In what manner An. By saying when they spoke all manner of languages that they were drunk with new wine chap. 2 13. Qu. How did God make them repent their slaunder An. By touching them with remorse of conscience Qu. Who vvere the Diuels instrumēts to imprison the Apostles An. King Herede the Iewes and the Romane substitute Qu. Who vvas Gods instrument to deliuer them An. An angell and such men as hee raised to be their friends chap 5.19 Qu. How did God comfort the Apostles when they were beaten An. By speaking to them in visions chap 23.11 Qu. To which of them did he giue life in death An. To Paule Qu. In vvhat manner Qu. When Paul was stoned by the men of Listra and caryed out of the citie for deade God raised him vp again cuē in the middest of the desciples that stoode about him chap. 14. vers 19.20 Quest What learne we by the sequele of this discourse An. That God by simple men in spite of all tyranny replenished the whole world with the sound of his gospell Qu. But Paul as we reade in the eight chap. persecuted the church consented to the death of Steauē how came he then to be an Apostle An. The spirit of God in whose handes are the hartes of all men converted him frō a persecuter to a preacher so that amongst all the Apostles none was more zealous nor added more Soules to the Church then hee did Qu. How doth that appeare An. By his painefull trauell through many countries his stripes imprisonment stoning danger by land and Sea which he ioyfully suffered for the loue of Christ Iesus Questi Why did God suffer his chosen seruant to be so iniuriously handled of the world Ans For three reasons Qu. Which be they An. That he himselfe might bee the more glorified by their deliuerance their enemies more iustly condemned and his seruants more worthy of their reward in heauen Qu. As they were painfull to teache were the people as ready to followe their doctrine An. Many were of those whose harts were prepared for that calling but otherwise they that were not refused Qu. It appeareth then that faith is the only gift of God Ans It is and increaseth in vs by hearing of his word as appeareth by Lydia the woman of the Thyatirians whose heart the Lord opened that she attended to the doctrine of Paul chap. 16.14 Qu. What strange conuersions were there made by the Apostles An. The conuersion of the Aethiopian Eunuch of Cornelius of Eneas and Pauls Iaylor Qu. Why did the conuersion of these men seeme more strange then the rest An. Because in the eye of the world both for their Calling and quality they seemed more vnlikely to be conuerted then any other Qu. How An. The Eunuch was of the heathen that worshipped strange Gods ch 8.37 Cornelius a souldier whose stearne profession might seeme to harden his heart against the first impression of Christian faith chap. 10.5 Elymas a coniurer and one that practised with the diuell and the laylor a forward minister to execute the cruelty of such as persecuted Christ and his Church Qu. How did the conuerted shew themselues afterward to be Christians An. By their good works Qu. VVhat were they An. The Eunuch planted the Gospel in Ethiopia Cornelius vsed much praier and almes-deeds and the Iaylor drest the wounds of Paul and Sylas and refreshed them with meat Qu. It is not then inough for vs to be Christians in name but we must also be so in nature An. True for otherwise we shall be sure to vndergoe the wrath of God Qu. By what example An. By the example of Ananias and Saphyra and of Eutichus Qu. What were theyr faults An. Ananias and Saphira after they were receiued into the Church did not with their whole hart addict themselues to the seruice of God Qu. VVherein did they fayle An. In that whereas it was accustomed amongest them to imploy all their goods to the benefyt of theyr brethren they kept backe a parte to theyr owne priuate vse Qu. How were they punished Ansvv VVith sodaine death chap. 5 5 10. Qu. If God shewed such seuerity vppon them in that they distributed not they re whole substance to the maintenance of christian charity what ought they to feare that will bestow nothing not so much as the superfluity of thyer riches to the releeuing of theyr distressed brethren An. Not onelie death of body in this world but destruction of soule and body in the world to come vnlesse they amend Qu. Wherein did Eutichus offend A. Being of the congregation of the faithfull as he sate with others to heare Paule preache neglected his doctrine as at many Sermons with vs wee may see the like and fell into a sleep Qu. Hovv did God punish him An. He made him an example to the whole assembly by suffering him to fall from the third loft so that hee lay for dead till Paul reuiued him Qu. But our Christians sit low and in their Pewes and therefore need feare no such danger An. True they need not feare falling to the ground but they may fit in dread of a greater fall Qu. What is that An. From the top of heauen to the bottome of hell if when they shoulde heare the word of God they suffer sleep to stop their eares Saint Paules Epistle to the Romanes Question VVHat was the cause the Apostles writ Epistles An. The variety of nations whom they had converted with whom they could not alwaies in person be conuersant and therefore they sent their minds vnto them in writing Qu. To vvhat end Ansvv To cherish their yong faith which otherwise like a greene tree that hath not taken deep roote might bee shaken with contention and errour Quest VVas there any such thing in Rome at such time as he sent this Epistle thither An. Yes Qu. VVhat was it An. The Iewes began to despise the Gentiles and the Gentiles the Iewes Qu. Wherfore did the Iewes despise the Gentiles An.
Qu. What is their offence then that perswade themselues the Gospell is not vvell taught except it hee set foorth vvith eloquence of speech An. They make the Crosse of Christ of none effect attributing that vnto men which belonges to the power of God Chap. 1 17. Qu. What are the inconveniences which come by controuersie in religion An. Vice passeth avvay vnpunished and the congregation is scandalized Chap. 5 2 c. Qu. What be the vices Saint Paul notesh in the Corinthians An. Arrogancy incest going to law one with another and fornication Qu. How would he haue arrogancy reclaimed An. By humiltie if any man among you seeme to be wise in this world let him be a foole that he may hee wise chap. 3 18. Qu. How incest Ans By excommunicating the party chap. 5 5. Qu. How going to law Answ By choosing some one or other of theyr brethren to set concorde betweene them without expence of time and further charge chap. 6 5. Qu. How fornication Ans By matriage to auoyde fornication let euery man haue his wife chap 7 2. Quest Which doth hee most commend marriage or a single life An. Single life Qu. Why An. Because it is most apt for the seruice of God by reason it is freed from cares the other is intangled chapter 7 32 33. Qu. Doth he not likewise taxe them of Idolatry An. Yes and of thinking the minister a burden to the congregation Qu. How doth he reprooue the first An. By shewing that although they feare God in heart yet it is not lawfull for them to eate with idolaters Qu. VVhy An. Because in so doing they may wound the weak consciences of others chap. 8.11 12. Qu. Hovv doth be reprooue the second An. By shewing that he which feedeth the flocke is worthy to eate of the milke of the flock chap. 9.7 Qu. By whose example doth he teache them to auoide these enormities A. By the examle of the Iewes who were ambitious full of strifes despisers of Prophets and prophaners of holie things chap. 10. Qu. Why are they taught to auoyde these things Ans Because their bodyes are the Temples of God and therefore they ought not to make them the temples of the diuell by suffering themselues to be polluted with such vncleannes cha 3 1. Qu. When do they auoide them An When they doe all thinges in putitie of spirit and to edification ch 14.5 Qu. What is the best ground of Edification An. Loue. Qu. How do you proue that Ans Because hee that teacheth although he speake with the tongue of an Angel and haue not loue is like a tinkling cimbal ch 13 1. He that hath faith able to remoue mountaines and wants loue it is nothing verse 2. And he that giueth all he hath to the poore and is without loue profireth nothing verse 3. Qu. Loue then is necessarie in all the points of religion An. It is for hee that comes to the Lordes Table without loue is an vnwoorthy guest And hee that prayeth and is not in loue calleth for vengeāce on himselfe Qu. VVherin did the Corinthians abuse prayer An. In not obseruing the eustome of time Qu. VVhat was that An. To pray bareheaded chap. 11. verse 4. Qu. Wherein did they abuse the Lords supper Ans In that some came with a carnall desire to eate and some had filled themselues before chap 11 21. Q. VVhat was the presumption of they● vvomen Ansvver They tooke vpon them to teach which is not allowable chap. 14 34. Qu. What Principall thing was to bee obserued amongst the teachers Ans Not to teach or pray in a strāge tongue by which the people could not be edified nor whereunto they could not say Amen chap 14 2 16. Qu. What is thelast error that Paul confuted in them Ans Their doubting of the resurrection Qu. How doth hee confute it An. By shewing that Chtist is risen which is the first fruit of them that shal rise chap. 15. Qu. How doth he prooue that Christ is rifen An. By the testimony of the Apostles of others that saw him but least this might not be sufficient he cōfirms it also by reason Qu. How is that An. That vnlesse there be a resurrection faith and preaching are both in vaine chap 15. verse 14. Qu. How doth Paule conclude this Epistle An. With an exhortation for the reliefe of the poore 2. Corinthians Question FRom whence was this second Epistle to the Corinthians vvritten An. From Philppi a crtie in Macedonia Qu. What are the principal circumstances to be considered An. Three Qu. Which be they An. The cause why hee writte the persons whom hee toucheth and the matter whereof he treateth Qu. VVhat was the cause of his writing An. The inflexible nature of some that notwithstanding his former perswasions still despised his authority Qu. Who are the persons An. The false teachers himselfe and the Corinthians Qu. What is the matter An. A confutation of his detractors a confirmation of his owne doctrine Qu. How confutes he his detractors An. By proouing them teachers not for loue but to fill their owne bellies and that they were boasters of other mens labors chap. 10 15 and 11 20. Qu. How doth hee confirme his owne doctrine An. Three waies Qu. Which be they Ans First in respect of the grounde thereof which is Christ Iesus chap 4.5 Secondly in respect of the fruite which it had brought foorth in them which was faith patience and loue chap. 8.7 and 9.2 Thirdly in respect of his owne constancy whome the persecutions of the world had sealed the true minister of God Qu. Hovv An. In that neyther imprisonment stripes watching fasting stoning dāger by sea nor danger by land could terrifie him from proceeding in his calling ch 6 4 and 11 24 to 30 To the Galathians Question VVHat was the cause Paul writte to the Galathians An. Their declining from that which he had taught them Qu. What was that An. Faith in Christ Iesus Qu. How declined they from faith An. In thinking to be iustified by the workes of the Law Qu. How doth hee rebuke them An. By shewing that as many as are of the works of the Law are vnder the curse chap. 3 10. Qu. How were they deliuered from this turse An. Christ hath redeemed vs by being made a curse for vs. chap. 3 13. Qu. What doth he then counsell them to doe An. To forsake the beggarly traditions of the Lawe as circumcision and the obseruations of dayes and times chap. 4.9.10 Qu. What vvas the reason An. Because neyther circumcision not vncircumcision auayle any thing but a new creature chap. 6.15 Qu. What is vnderstood by a new creature An. One regenerated by faith as being dead to finne and risen againe through Christ to newnes of life chapt 2 19 20. Qu. Hovv are we knowne to beregenerate An. If we bring forth the fruits of the spirite Qu. VVhat are the fruites of the spirit An. All kindes of vertuous liuing ch 5 22. Qu.
armed thereunto An. With boldnesse as Gods Embassadour and by shewing himselfe an example of good works and integritie of life chap 2 7 15. Qu. To whome An. To all whome he taught Qu. Who vvere those An. Both yong and old Qu. How doth he teach the old Ans The men to bee sober honest discreete sound in faith loue patience chap 2 2. The women to be holie and not giuen to wine Qu. How doth he teach the young An. The men to bee sober minded women to be chast obedient to their husbands and no gadders abroade chap. 2.5 Paul to Philemon Question FRom whence was this Epistle written An. From Rome Qu. Vpon what occasion An. Onesimus a seruant to Philemon being fled from his Maister Paule winneth to Christ and sends him backe a gaine Qu. By what entreaty An. That Philemon wold receiue him Qu. How Ans As if Paul himselfe were present verse 17. Qu. For what reason An. Because he was now not onelie his seruant but his brother in the Lord. Qu. How An. In that he professed the gospell The Epistle to the Hebrewes Question VVHo writ this Epistle An. It is not knowne Qu. What is handled in it Ansvv The difference betweene the priesthood of Christ and the Leuiticall Priesthood Qu. How do they differ Ans In fiue points Qu. Which be they Ans As touching the office the temple the sacrifice the ceremonies and the effect su How do they differ as touching the office Ans The Priesthood of the Leuites was externall and after the order of Aaron the Priesthood of Christ is spirituall and after the order of Melchisedec Qu. What is it to be a Priest after the order of Melchisedec Ans To be a Priest a Prophet and a King not for a moneth a yeere or an age but for euer chap. 7.3 and 23. Qu. Why are all those three titles attributed Ans Because he sanctifies vs from sinne teacheth vs by his wisedome and gouerns vs by his power Qu. How do they differ as touching the Temple An. The Temple of the Leuites was built with handes and not to endure but a tiem The Temple of Christ is built by the holy ghost in eternity cha 8. Qu. How doe they differ as touching their sacrifices An. The Leuites did offer the bloud of Goates and Bulles But Christ his owne precious bloud Qu. How touching their ceremonies An. The ceremonies of the Leuites were corporall as the attyring of the body and other externall obseruations but the ceremonies in the Gospell are spirituall as the vertuous disposition of the soule Qu. How thouching their effects An. The sacrifices of the Leuites though many times offered did scarce sanctifie the bodie the sacrifice of Christ but once offered sanctifies both body and soule chap. 9.14 and 28. Qu. In whome An. In all that haue faith Qu What is faith An. The grounde of things which are hoped for and the euidence of things which are not seene chapt 11. verse 1. Qu. How do the temples of Moses and Christ agree Ans The Temple of Moses had three separations as the holiest of all whereinto the high Priest onelye entred and that but once euery yeere the Tabernacle of the Congregation where the Leuites remained and the open courte where the people had resort So in the temple of Christ there is the spirit the soule and the body Qu. What difference is between the spirit and the soule An. By spirite is vnderstod regeneration through faith in Christ and by soule is vnderstood man in his first corruption liuing according to the rule of reason without the knowledge of gods word or faith Qu. Being once grafted in faith what is it to fall from it Ansvv Sinne against the holy Ghost which is vnpardon able chap. 6.4 and chap. 10 26. Qu. Hovv may we fall from faith An. If when we haue once receiued the knowledge of Christ we afterward deny him Qu. VVhat therefore are the Hebrewe counselled to doe An. To keepe the profession of their hope without wauering chap. 10 23. Qu. How must that be An. Through patience Qu. Wherein An. In esteeming light the troubles of this life by setting before our eyes the ioy of the life to come Qu What haue we to encourage vs An. The words of our Sauiour Qu. What are they An. My sonne faint not when thou are rebuked for whom the Lord loueth hee chasteneth and scourgeth euery son that he receiueth chap 12 5 6. Qu. Is there nothing else required but patience An. Yes the sacrifice of a Christian Qu. VVhat is that An. To praise God alwaies and distribute to the poore chap. 13.15.16 The general Epistle of Iames. Question VVHy is this called the general Epistle of Iames An. Because it is not writ to any one man nor country but generally to all the Iewes dispersed through many countries Qu. What doth it containe An. The effects of our iustification as Paule to the Romanes declared the cause Qu. What is the cause of iustification An. Faith Qu. What are the effects An. Good workes chap 2 24. Qu How is faith diuided An. In to tvvo parts Qu. VVhich be they An. A liuely faith and a dead faith Qu. What is a liuely faith An. Faith made knowne by good workes Qu What is a dead fayth An. Faith without good workes and so the diuell is said to haue faith chap. 2.17.19 Qu. What be the good works S. Iames exhorteth vnto An. Patience prayer loue to beware of ambition swearing and contention to bridle the tongue and rule the affections not to speake euill one of another not to be friends of this worlde c. Qu. From vvhence proceed good woorks An. From God chap 1 17. Quest From whence euill An. From our owne concupiscence chap. 1 14. Qu. What saith S. Iames of patience An. Blessed is the man that endures temptation for when hee is tryed hee shall receiue the crowne of life chapt 1.12 Qu. What saith he of prayer An. Let him that asketh aske with faith wauer not ch 1 6 Qu. Of loue vvhat saieth he An. He that loueth his neighbour as himselfe fulfilleth the Law chap 2 8. Qu. Of ambition what An. God reiecteth the prowd giues graces to the humble chap 4 6. Qu. What of swearing An. Before all things my brethren sweare not ney ther by heauen earth nor any other oathe but let your yea be yea and your nay nay least ye fall into condemnation chap. 5 12. Qu What of contention Ans Where enuying and strife is there is all manner of euill works cha 3.16 Qu. What of the tongue An. That it is a fire and a worlde of wickednesse defiling the whole body if it be vngouerned chap. 3 6. Qu. What of euill speaking An. If a man speake euill of his brother he speaketh euill of the law chap. 4.11 Qu. VVho are the friends of the world An. Such as esteeme more of riches honors and such like then of the word of God Qu. What saith Iames
saith I will powre my spirite vpon all flesh and your sonnes and daughters shall prophecie Kings in that we shall raigne with him eternally and Priests for that true Christians do offer the spirituall sacrifice of prayer praise and asmes deedes Hebr. 13.15.16 Qu. Are then all Christian Priests alike An. They are as touching the sacrifice aboue saide but not as touching Church-gouernment for in this sense they are not called Priests but Elders or ministers Qu. How doth he describe Christ according as he law him in vision An. By certaine properties fit for the capacitie of men as that hee was in a long robe girt with a girdle of gold his hayre was white as snow his eyes as a flame of fire his feete like vnto fine brasse burning in a furnace his voyce to the sound of many waters in his right hand he had seauen starres out of his mouth went a sharpe two-edged sword and his face shone as the Sunne shineth in his strength Qu. What gather we by this description An. By his long robe girt vnto him wee gather the readinesse of Christ in his Kingly and Princely office to execute the worke of our saluation by his white hayre his fulnesse of knowledge wisedome by his fiery eies his deepe insight into the darkest corners of the earth deepest secrets of mens hearts by his feete of shining brasse the purity and brightnes of his wayes and the power which hee hath to tread downe his enemies and therefore are his feete rather compared to Brasse then vnto gold because gold is a softer mettal and not so sit to represent his inuincible strength By his voyce compared to the noyse of manie waters wee vnderstand the sounde of the Gospell humbling some to their saluation others to theyr confusion By the starres in his right hand his faithfull Ministers by whome hee worketh which as starres should giue light vnto men by their doctrine and conuersation By the two edged sword is vnderstood the powerfull word of God cutting and cleansing the hearts of his children and thrusting through the others to their destruction and by his face shining like the sunne at the highest the vnspeakeable brightnesse of his grace whereby the Church is comforted and lightened in all trueth and sincerity Qu. Why doth he resemble the Churches to golden candlesticks An. Because the Candlesticke doeth not giue the light but the light is put vpon it so the Church receiueth all her light put vpon her from Christ for the doctrine of the Church which is the light of the Church is from GOD and not of men Qu. Vnto how many points may vve draw the doctrine of this booke Ans Vnto foure Qu. VVhich be they An. Precepts prophecies promises and threatnings Qu. Wherein are the precepts seene An. In the instructions giuen to the seauen Churches Qu. Vpon how many generall points do these instructions consist An. Vpon three a commendation a reprehension and an exhortation Quest VVhat doth Christ commend in them An. Their vertues as patience labor zeale in the church of Ephesus ch 2 2. The workes of faith repentance charity together with constancie in affliction true humility in the Church of Smyrna chap 2.9 Fortitude and valiant perseuerāce in the church of Pergamus that notwithstanding the martyrdome of Antipas a man there put to death for Religion yet they were not terrified but held fast the faith of Iesus Christ neuer forsooke it chap. 2 13. Loue and seruice toward their brethren faith and assurance in the promises of God and increasing in pietie so that the end was better then the beginning in the church of Thyatira chap 2 19. A little increase of faith keeping of the word of God and a free confession of his name in the church of Philadelphia chap. 3.8 Quest What doth Christ reprehend in them An. Their vices as the lacke of loue in the Church of Ephesus cha 2 4. Hypocrisie in the Church of Smyrna of such as said they were Iewes but indeede were the Synagogue of Sathans that is they did professe themselues Christians in word but shewed it not in deed chap. 2.9 The bearing with false doctrine in the church of Pergamus for they suffered the Nicholaitans amongst thē that as Balaam didde taught the people of God to stumble in two things causing them to commit fornication both in body and soule in body by abandoning their wiues to common vse in soule by sacrificing to Idolles for superstitions sake chap. 1.14 The like vice is reprehended in the Church at Thyatira that suffered Iesahell a wicked womā to set abroach false and abhominable doctrine tending to fornication and idolatry amongst them chap. 2.20 At Sardis their workes were sayre in outward shew but inwardly nothing but filth and rottennesse chapter 3. verse 1. At Landicea they were time-seruers who halted betweene two opinions and were neither hote nor cold chapt 3.15 Qu. VVhat doth Christ exhorte them vnto An. Repentance and amendment of life Qu. To their repentance what is annexed An. A gracious promise to bee written in the booke of life Qu. To their wilfull perseuerance in their sins what is annexed An. A heauy threatning that hee will come sodainely vpon them as a theefe and they shall not know the houre cha 3.3 Qu. Hauing learned the state of things as they stood for the present when this Reuelation was giuen what next succeedeth Ans The prophecie of things to come which is eyther generall as touching such thinges as shoulde happen to the whole world or particular but yet of more moment then the former as touching such things as should happen to the Church Qu What is the end of the prophecie of the Church Ans That the faithfull admonished before hand of the assaultes bloudy attempts which the Diuell and world should make vpon the Church might be confirmed in faith and patience to stand resolute in despite of both til the day of the comming of Christ Iesus Qu. What is the end of the prophecie of the world An. To shew the iudgements that God would execute vpon the enemies of his Church and the sealing vppe of the elect before the execution of those iudgements that they might bee kept from euill as appeareth by the 7 8 9 chapt Qu. If the elect were kept from euill to what end was this Reuelation giuen to forewarne them that they should suffer troble and persecution An. To be kept from euill is vnderstood that notwithstanding all the violence persecution offered them yet they were not ouercome or driuen from faith or the hope they had of eternall happinesse but therein they did ioye and triumphe howsoeuer the world thought them plunged in despaire and sorrow Qu. VVhat is the second vision that Iohn had Ans The vision wherein was reuealed vnto him the Maiesty of GOD the Father to giue the greater authoritie vnto this booke wherein his excellencie is likewise set foorth vnto vs aswell as the Sonnes in a description fitte