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A94156 The Christian-man's calling: or, A treatise of making religion ones business. Wherein the nature and necessity of it is discovered. : As also the Christian directed how he may perform it in [brace] religious duties, natural actions, his particular vocation, his family directions, and his own recreations. / By George Swinnock ... Swinnock, George, 1627-1673. 1662 (1662) Wing S6266A; ESTC R184816 359,824 637

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would evidence his power he produceth with a word the whole creation out of the barren Womb of nothing He did but will it and the whole world presently started into a being By this he often proves his deity Isa 45.12 Isa 43.11 As shadows represent the figure of those bodies from whence they are derived so do the creatures manifest the power of their Maker When he would manifest his Justice he layeth the dark vault of Hell and layeth in and storeth it with fire and brimstone and chains and blackness of darkness and gnawing wormes and pure wrath and Devils and all the instruments of eternal death Rom. 9.22 When he would make known his wisdom he findeth out a fit Mediatour and thereby reconcileth those attributes which before were at ods his justice and his mercy When man was fallen justice pleaded for his deserved damnation according to the threatnings of the law mercy pleadeth for his gracious salvation he being deluded by the Devil Now it would have non-plust the heads of all the men and Angels in the World had they been united in a consultation to have found out a way to satisfie both the demands of justice and the intreaties of mercy but God did it he causeth mercy and justice to meet together pity and righteousness to kiss each other therefore the Mediatour is called the Wisdom of God 1 Cor. 1.14 and the finding out this way is called the manifold wisdom of God or the embroydered Wisdom of God Eph. 3.10 It s an allusion to a curious peice of Needle-work wherein there are various expressions of Art So in this way of mans recovery there are various and curious expressions of divine wisdom But when God would proclaim his love that attribute which like Oyl swimmeth at the top of them all which is most in favour which he delighteth so exceedingly in what will he do Why he layeth down his life greater love then this hath no man then that a man lay down his life for his friends Joh. 15.13 Jacob shewed his love to Rachel by enduring the heat of the day and the cold of the night for her But Jesus shewed his love to his beautiful Spouse by undergoing the cursed painful and shameful death of the Cross for her O what love was that It is storied of the Pelican that when her young ones are stung with some poisonous Serpent she beats her breast with her beak till the warm blood gusheth out which they suck and recover We were all stung mortally by the Old Serpent the Devil but behold the love of this heavenly Pelican he lets out his heart blood to recover us In his birth and life he manifested his love the midst of that Chariot in which he drew his Spouse before was paved with love but his death wrot his love in the greatest Print in the largest Character though all in red letters for his whole body was the book his precious blood was the ink the nails were the pens the contents of it from the beginning to the end are Love Love There is nothing else to be read but Love Love in this was manifest the Love of God saith the Apostle 1 John 4.9 His love before was glorious yet hid as the Sun under a cloud but at his death it did shine forth in its Meridian Splendor in its noon-day brightness with such hot beams and refreshing rays that every one must needs take notice of it The Jews say of Esdras that if the Lamp of Love were quite extinct it might be lighted again at his brain How true is this of Christ If Love were quite lost amongst all the Creatures all might be found in Jesus Christ His name is love his nature is love all his expressions were love all his actions were love he brought love he bought love he preached love his lips dropt love he practised love he lived in love he was sick of love nay he dyed for love 't was love that took upon him our natures 't was love that walked in our flesh 't was love that went up and down doing good 't was love that took our infirmities 't was love that gave sight to the blinde speech to the dumb ears to the deaf life to the dead 't was love that was hungry and thirsty and weary 't was love that was in a bloody agony 't was love that was sorrowful unto his own death and my life 't was love that was betrayed apprehended derided scourged condemned and crucified 't was love that had his head pierced with thorns his back with cords his hands and feet with nails and his side with a spear 't was love that cryed out Weep not for me weep for your selves Father forgive them they know not what they do Love left a glorious Crown and love climbed a shameful Cross O dearest Saviour whither did thy love carry thee Reader I could lose my self in this pleasant Maze of Christs love Methinks thy heart should be ravished with the sense of this love The truth is it is a bottomless love none can sound it the Apostle might well call it A known unknown love Ephes 3.19 It is well thou canst finde it but I am sure thou canst not fadom it One Disciple may shew his love to another by giving a cup of cold water but the Master shewed his love to his Disciples by broaching his heart to give them a cup of warm blood The Sacraments as Calvin observeth did flow out of the sides of Christ When the Souldier pierced his side there came out Water for Baptism and Blood for the Supper Reader when thou beholdest the broken bread and remembrest the bruised body of Christ do not forget his love which is the best sauce to thy meat I must tell thee though there be never so many dishes at the Table this love is the Banquet Consider his willingness to be wounded for thee because his heart was so deeply wounded with love to thee Thou hast heard of such indignities and injuries offered to him as the Sun himself was ashamed to behold and hid himself from them yet Christ was ready for them and willing to them The Lamb of God did not struggle when he was led to the slaughter but did bear his own Cross He was his own Priest as well as his own Sacrifice and Altar His death was violent in regard of others but voluntary in regard of himself He cryed to his Father Lo I come to do thy will O God Heb. 10.4 When his sinless nature had a reluctancy against it though when he was in a bloody sweat he soon corrects it with Not my will but thy will be done He went to the place which Judas knew John 18.2 He struck them that came to apprehend him down to shew that he could if he had pleased have struck them dead Rather then they shall want proof for his condemnation he will confess himself guilty of the charge He might if he had listed have commissionated twelve Legions of
flesh How far are such from obedience to Gods Law Let the Husband honor the Wife as the weaker vessel that is use her tenderly China dishes and Venice glasses must be tenderly handled because they are weak vessels The Husband must with the mantle of love cover many infirmities An Heathen could tell Sarah That Abraham was a covering of the eyes to her Gen. 20.16 The eye is the tenderest part of the body God hath provided a special cover to fence it When God would speak his infinite respect to and care of his people he saith They are as dear to him as the apple of his eye Truly Husbands ought to be as tender of their Wives as of the apple of their eyes But Reader see the reason of this Injunction of love to Husbands and Wives That your prayers be not hindred as if he had said Winde up those weights of meekness and love or Religion will stand still Take away those needful props and piety will fall to the ground O friend as thou hast any love to the honor of God honor thy Wife as the weaker vessel if God hath caled thee to that relation If thou art a Wife be of a meek and quiet spirit If there be not concord in affections there will be sad discord in petitions When there is War in a Kingdom how are Sabbaths prophaned Ordinances despised Prayer and Scripture neglected men are hurried away in haste to this and that place and leave duties behinde them So in a family which is a Kingdom in a little volume Divisions will put Religion behinde and force it to stand back Rubenius Celer would needs have it engraven on his Tomb that he had lived with his Wife Ennea forty three years and eight moneths and yet they never fell out It is happy where the Husband and Wife are like the two branches in the Prophet Ezekiels hand so closed together in one bark that both made but one piece or like Pilades and Orestes of whom it is said They both lived but one life and where the whole family like the multitude of Believers is of one accord of one heart and of one soul in the Lord Acts 4.32 with the encrease of God I have now dispatched what I intended to offer thee for the advancement of Godliness in thy Family If thou art a stranger to this honorable comfortable work of worshipping God in and with thy Family O that I could prevail with thee to put the counsel of God speedily into practice I must assure thee from the Living and Almighty God That thou art accountable to the Judge of quick and dead for all the souls in thy Family God hath the chief propriety in every person in thy dwelling As the flock which Jacob looked after was Labans so the family which thou hast the oversight of is Gods Thy sons and thy daughters which thou hast born to me Ezek. 16.20 God may say to thee more truly then Laban did to Jacob These sons are my sons Gen. 39.43 and these daughters are my daughters and these servants are my servants and all that thou seest is mine Indeed God doth in effect say to thee what Pharaohs Daughter did to Moses Mother Take this childe and nurse it for me and I will give thee thy wages Exod. 2.9 Take this Son this Daughter and nurse them for me in my nurture and admonition Take this man-servant this maid-servant and bring them up for me in my fear and service and I will give thee an eternal reward Friend thou wouldst be faithful in bringing up Children or Servants for thy Brother or Soveraign and wilt thou be unfaithful in bringing up Sons and Servants to thy God and Saviour Is it fit that Gods servants should do the Devils work Let Conscience judge Did God give thee them to be brought up in drinking or swearing or lying or Atheism or like so many Heathen or Beasts without any knowledge of his Word and Will Did he honor and intrust thee with their education to have thee poyson their souls by thy irreligious pattern and starve their souls by not giving them spiritual food Is this thy love to thy Maker and Redeemer Besides I must tell thee As Jacob was answerable to Laban for the whole flock if any were torn by beasts or stollen by day or night he bore the loss of all Gen. 31.39 Of his hands it was required So art thou answerable to God for every one in thy Family if any one be devoured and torn in pieces by the roaring Lyon the Devil through thy negligence God will require his soul at thy hands O Reader consider Death will shortly break up thine house when thy children and servants must go to everlasting fire if they dye without grace and the knowledge and fear of God If thou art now careless about the eternal good of thy children and servants that they perish for ever through thy falseness and unfaithfulness how dreadful will thy account be What wilt thou do when the blood of their souls shall be required of thee If Christ sentence men to Hell for not visiting sick and imprisoned bodies for not feeding hungry bodies what sentence will he pass on thee for not visiting those souls committed to thy charge which were imprisoned by the Devil and sick unto death and for not giving them the bread of life but suffering them to starve and dye If on him that brought a temporal death on Cain vengeance should be taken sevenfold what vengeance shall be taken on thee who tumblest others into eternal death Believe it Reader these are no jesting things If therefore thou hast any bowels towards the children of thine own body if thou hast any compassion towards thy poor servants whom Christ thought worth his own blood if thou hast any love to thy dearest Saviour or thine own everlasting salvation if thou would leave this withering World with comfort and look into the other World with courage exercise thy self to godliness in thy family obey the particulars for that end commanded thee by the infinite God do thine utmost that all of thy family may be of the family of Faith and all of thine houshold may belong to the houshold of God that so when the King of Terrors shall give a discharge from all relations thou mayest with thy family be translated from living together in one House to dwell for ever in one Heaven Reader Thou mayest perceive in the close of the tenth Chapter that much more is promised then I have in this Treatise performed the payment of which though I do at present defer yet through the strength of Christ I shall not deny If thou hast any interest at the Throne of Grace I do earnestly desire thy prayers that this part may finde acceptance with the Saints and be instrumental for the advantage of many souls and that in the other part I may receive much assistance from the blessed Saviour thereby I shall be the more enabled to be serviceable to
sinking into the boundless bottomless Ocean of destruction and misery through his falseness and treachery When lo on a sudden the Glorious God out of the superabundant riches of his mercy resolving that the Devil should never rob him of the honor of that manifold Wisdom unsearchable Goodness and Almighty Power which had been manifested in the work of Creation did provide and cast out the Covenant of Grace a plank sufficient for his poor shipwrackt Creature to swim safe to shore on As all the Rivers meet in the Sea and all the lines in the Centre so do all the comforts of Mankind meet in this Covenant The whole Scripture is sincere milk but this Covenant is the Cream of it All our mercies are contained in it all our hopes are sustained by it and our Heaven is at last attained through it The blessed God doth not onely enter into a Covenant of mercy but out of compassion to our infirmities hath been pleased to confirm it by his hand and seal By his hand in his word by his seals by the privy-seal of his Spirit and by the broad-seals of the Sacraments that by these immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lye we might have strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us Heb. 6.18 The Lords Supper is a sign and seal of the Righteousness of Faith or the Covenant of Grace Rom. 4.11 When the blessed Saviour was taking a doleful farwel of an ungrateful world as a lively resemblance of his sufferings for his and as an undeniable evidence of his love to his he instituted this Supper 1. As a lively resemblance of his passion for his people A crucified Christ is the sum of the Law and the substance of the Gospel the knowledge of him is no less worth then Eternal life Now as he was crucified by the Jews and Souldiers actually and by unbelieving Gentiles who live amongst us interpretatively so he is crucified in the Gospel declaratively and in the Sacrament representatively This Cup saith Christ is the new Testament in my blood 1 Corinth 11.25 The Old Testament was sprinkled with the blood of Beasts but the New Testament with the blood of Christ Hebr. 9.15 19. This precious blood which was the costly price of mans Redemption which is the onely path to Eternal Salvation which was promised to Adam believed by the Patriarchs shadowed in the Sacrifices foretold by the Prophets and witnessed in the Scriptures is drunk received signified and sealed in the Supper Christ instituted this ordinance also to be a standing evidence of his affection to his The same night that he was betrayed he took bread The dearest Jesus kept his best wine till the last He knew his Disciples would be full of sorrow for his departure he therefore provided his strongest cordial against their saddest fainting fits After the Passover he took bread and instituted the Sacrament After Supper then comes the Banquet the Sweet-meats At the Lords Table Christ kisseth his Spouse with the sweetest kisses of his lips and ravisheth her heart with his warmest love In other Ordinances he Wooeth her in this he Marrieth her In other Ordinances she hath from him the salutes of a loving friend but in this the embraces of an Husband Other duties are pleasant and wholsom food but this is the costly delightful feast In this Christ bringeth his beloved into his Banqueting house a store-house of all sweet delights of variety of delicacies and his Banner over her is love Cant. 2.4 A certain man made a great Supper Luk. 14.16 I may truely say so of the Sacrament This is a great Supper in regard of its Author The great God is Master of the feast He gave his own Son for the life of the World 2. In regard of the matter of it which is the flesh of Jesus Christ Men set bread and wine on the Table but Christ setteth his own body and blood there In this ordinance we eat not onely Panem Domini sed panem Dominum The bread of the Lord but the bread which is the Lord. The gods say they are come down in the likeness of man behold here God the Son cometh down in the likeness of bread and wine he himself is eat and drunk by faith Is not this a rare banquet 3. In regard of the great price of it Banquets are costly but O what did this feast cost Beasts are slain before they can be food for our bodies but Lo here the Lord of life was put to death that he might be food for our starving souls Cleopatra dissolved a pearl worth 50000. l. in Vinegar and drunk it up at a draught but as costly as her liquor was it was much worse then puddle water in comparison of the precious blood of Christ which the beleiver drinketh at this great Supper 4. In regard of its great effects It sealeth pardon peace and salvation to the Saint it conveyeth the Image and love of God nay God himself into the soul Through the golden pipe of this Ordinance is conveyed the golden Oyl of divine influence There is Manna indeed in this pot Well may it be called a great Supper The Elements are of small value but the Sacrament is of infinite worth A conveyance of land fairly written in Parchment with wax fastened to it is of little price but when it is signed sealed and delivered to the use of a person it may be worth much it may convey thousands A little bread and a spoonful or two of wine are in themselves of very small value but when received according to Christs institution and accompanied with his benediction they will be of unspeakable value they will convey thousands and millions to the beleiver The Lords Supper is indeed like an Elixar which is small in quantity but great in value and efficacy having in it the spirits and substance of many excellent things In prayer all the graces are exercised and so also at the Supper but not onely all the graces but most of the other Ordinances of God are invited to this feast The Word Prayer Singing do all meet at the Table and contribute their help to carry the Christian up to Heaven I premise these things Reader purposely to make thee more wary The corrupting of the best is worst of all Poison in Wine is much worse then in Water Kings expect that their Children should be respected though their officers be refused Surely saith God They will reverence my Son Mat. 21.37 The very work about which he comes will make him welcome Though they refuse my Servants yet they will reverence my Son The Casuists say Sacramentum articulus mortis aequiparantur A man must be looked upon at the Sacramental board as if he were on a bying bed Friend thou shouldst be as serious when thou art going to the Lords Supper as if thou wert going into the other World He that cometh carelesly gets nothing from Christ It
with all possible seriousness and diligence O let me never be so unworthy and impudent as to defile that holy Feast before the Authors face * The unworthy persons dreadful condition guilty of Christs death I wish that my heart may have an infinite respect for the blood of my Saviour the stream in which all my comforts both for this and a better World come swiming to me which hath landed thousands safely at the Haven of eternal happiness one drop of which I am sure is more worth then heaven and earth that as all murder is abominable being against the light of nature so Christ-murder may be most of all abhorr'd by me as being directly against the clearest light of Scripture and the choicest love which ever was discovered to the children of men Good Lord whatever I jest with let me never sport or dally with the death of thy Son Let me not give him cause to complain of me as once of Judas he that dippeth his hand with me in the dish is the same that betrayeth me Let me never buy a Sacrament as the Jews the Potters field with the price of blood Deliver me from blood-guiltiness O God thou God of my Salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy loving kindness I wish that true self-love may be so prevalent with me Of his own damnation that since I beleive the prophanation of the most precious things will be most pernicious to my soul as the whitest Ivory is turned by the fire into the deepest black and the sweetest wine becometh the sharpest vinegar I may tremble and fear before I receive lest I should poison my self with that potion which is intended for my health and cut the throat of my precious soul with that Knife wherewith I may cut bread feed on it Preparation which consisteth in Examination of the good in us and live for ever I wish that I may prepare my heart to meet the God of Israel at this holy Ordinance and to this end that I may be impartial in the search and examination of my soul whether I come short of the grace of God or no. Of the truth of grace Physitians judge sometimes of the inward parts by the tongue The Roman Emperor Tiberius when one pretended to the Crown of a Kingdom discovered him to be a counterfeit by feeling his hands and finding that they were not soft as of a person tenderly bread but hard as the hands of a Mechanicke I desire that both by my tongue and hand by my words and works I may know the state and condition of my heart In special my prayer is Of Faith that I may never fail to try my faith which is to the soul what the natural heat is to the body by vertue of which the nutritive faculty turneth the food into nourishment but may make sure of an interest in the Vine before I drink of the fruit thereof I wish that before I go for a discharge Examination of the evil in us I may look into the book of my conscience cast up my accounts and consider how insinitely I am indebted to my God that I may consider whence I am fallen Humiliation and Repent and like Tamar though I am ravished and defiled by force may yet rent my garments my heart I mean with godly sorrow and self-abhorrency O that my soul might be so searched to the bottom that none of my wounds may fester Reformation but all may be discovered and cured I pray that I may not dare to turn the Table of the Lord into the Table of Divels by receiving the Sacrament in the love of any known sin but may go to it with an hearty detestation of every false way and an holy resolution against every known wickedness Dependance on Christ I wish that after all my pains in preparing my self I may look up to Christ alone for assistance as knowing that I am not sufficient of my self so much as to think any thing but my sufficiency is of God Blessed Saviour be thou surety for thy Servant and bound for my good behaviour at thy last and loving Supper I wish that when I come to the Table At the Table Subjects to be considered Christs passion I may like the beloved Disciple behold the wounds of my Saviour and see that water and blood which did flow out of his side that as in the Gospel I read a narrative so in this ordinance I may have a prospective of his sufferings how he emptied himself to fill me and to raise my reputation with his Father laid down his own how he humbled himself though he had the favour of a Son to the form of a servant and though he were the Lord of life and glory to the most ignominious death even the death of the Cross I wish that in his special passion I may ever take notice of his affection Christs affection and esteem the laying down his life as the Hyperbole of his love the highest note that love could possibly reach Ah how neer did this High Priest carry my name to his heart when he willingly vnderwent the rage of Hell to purchase for me a passage to heaven I will remember thy love more then Wine Our own corruptions I desire that when I see Christ crucified before mine eyes in the breaking of the bread and pouring out of the wine I may not forget the cause my corruptions but may so think of them and my Saviours kindness in dying to make satisfaction for them that as fire expelleth fire so I may be enabled by the fire of love to expel and cast out the fire of lust I wish that however my body be attired Graces to be exercised Faith my soul may by faith put on the Lord Jesus Christ at this Heavenly feast that I may not onely look up to him as the Criple to Peter and John expecting an almes but may receive him by beleiving and so banquet on his blessed body and bathe my soul in his precious blood that my spirit may rejoyce in God my Saviour whilst I am assured that though the pain were his yet the profit is mine though the wounds were his yet the balm issuing thence is mine though the thorns were his yet the Crown is mine and though the price were his yet the purchase is mine O let him be mine in in possession and claim and then he will be mine in fruition and comfort Lord I beleive Love help mine unbeleif I wish since love is the greatest thing my Saviour can give me for God is love and the greatest thing which I can give my Saviour that his love to me may be reflected back to him again that my chiefest love may be as a fountain sealed up to all others and broched only for him who is altogether lovely that I may hate Father Mother Wife Child House and Land out of love to him that many waters of affliction
special treasure into the hands of the Children of men that they might obey his will and know the just one And Reader it is thy duty to search and study this book When Kings send out their Proclamations either concerning acts of grace or some Law which their Subjects ought to obey they expect that all should take notice of them and give them the reading and hearing What an affront dost thou offer to the King of the whole World if thou turnest thy back upon his word I must tell thee it is no less then crimen loesae Majestatis He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me Luke 10.16 Thou mayst think possibly that by neglecting to hear thou dost onely contemn the Preacher but beleive me it is a contempt of thy Maker Ministers are Gods Embassadors Now to deny an Embassador audience is one of the greatest disrespects which can possibly be offered him nay it is an affront to his Prince on whose errand he cometh and whose person he representeth and what is the conclusion usually of such bad premises but a bloody War Confider what thou dost when thou refusest him that speakest from heaven for if thou shuttest the windows of thine eyes from reading and the door of thine ears from hearing God may clap such a padlock of a judiciary curse upon them both that thou shalt never open thine eyes nor ears till thou comest as the rich Glutton to see Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and to hear and bear thy part in those dreadful screechings and howlings which are in Hell It is a mercy that the Tree of Knowledge the Word of God is not forbidden but commanded fruit nay that it groweth in the very path to the Tree of life O why shouldst thou then like the Pharisees reject the counsel of God against thy own soul If thou art a childe of Adam I am sure thou hast thy deaths wound now by neglecting the Word thou like a frantick Patient throwest away that plaister which onely can cure thee Do not say thou wast not warned of thy danger and duty I do here shew thee the hand and seal of the King of kings to that Warrant to which I require thy obedience The Scripture is the Word of Christ and God commandeth thee upon thine allegiance to hear him Colos 3.16 Matth. 3.17 The Word is the Cabinet in which thy Saviour that Pearl of infinite price is laid up and therefore thou art commanded to look into it for this Jewell Search the Scriptures for they are they which testifie of me John 5.39 The Word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and speaketh such a diligent search as covetous men make for silver they spare for no labour that they may attain their Deified Treasure What shouldst not thou do for durables Riches and Righteousness But Reader if thou art a childe of God I doubt not but thou delightest to look into thy Fathers will and weightest every Word in it as knowing that in his Testament there is a great charge committed and a great legacy bequeathed to thee It is thy daily Companion and Counsellour thou darest not go without thy cordial being liable every day to faint nor without thy weapons being called every hour to fight The Scriptures are the light by which thou walkest and the tools with which thou workest Let me perswade thee to persevere in this gracious practice Take the counsel of the Author of it who is fittest to give Laws for thy carriage towards it Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly Colos 3.16 The Word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and signifieth to keep house with you Do not leave thy Bible as some do at Church and hear nothing of it all the week long but bring it home to thy house let it dwell with thee Let not the Word be as a way-faring man to tarry with thee but for a night and so be gone but let it be an inhabitant one that accompanieth thee to bed and board and with whom thou conversest continually as thy familiar and intimate friend Make thine heart as Jerome saith of Nepotians by his assiduous reading and hearing the Scriptures Bibliothecam Christi The Library of Jesus Christ I cannot but think that thou hast found the Bible so bountiful a Guest to pay thee so liberally for its board that thou hast bid it heartily welcome and wouldst not part with it for the whole world Agesilaws is commended saith Xenophon because he never went to bed nor rose up before he had looked into Homer whom he called his Sweet-heart Advise thou with a Divine at least as often as he did with a prophane Author Kings have their Counsellors and great men their Remembrancers Let Gods testimonies be the men of thy council Psa 119.24 Let not others negligence abate the least of thy diligence but rather by an Antiperistasis let their extreme coldness double thine inward heat As the fire is hotest when the weather is coldest so Davids heart boiled with zeal after it when the waters of others affections to it were frozen They have made void thy Law therefore I love thy Commandments above gold yea above fine gold Therefore I esteem all thy Precepts concerning all things to be right Psal 119.126 127 128. O consider what love the Saints of God have ever had to his Law Luther said That he hated the Books he made and could wish them all burnt lest the time spent in reading them might hinder the reading of the Scriptures O how love I thy Law saith David The godly have meditated therein day and night they have esteemed it above the sweetest honey and the finest gold the Martyrs in England have given much of their Estates for a few leaves of it and they laid down their lives before they would lose the precious fruit in it The French Protestants saith their Historian burnt in zeal to the Word whilest the bloody Papists burnt them for the Word Scipio Africanus was applauded for having usually in his hands the books of Xenophons Institutions of Cyrus O let this Book of books be often before thee and always in thee let it be thy mediation all the day One would think that he who knoweth and believeth the contents of the Word should hardly ever let a Bible be out of his hand at least he will lay it up as the two Tables in the Ark in his heart Scriptura est cor ipsa anima Dei Greg. One of the Fathers calls it The heart and soul of God Indeed as a man by his word discovereth his minde and will so God by the Gospel which is his Word revealeth his eternal good will to men It is the Copy of his everlasting love of which his Decree is the Original containing all his pecious thoughts before the foundation of the World of redeeming miserable man with the blood of his Son and making him an heir
of the eternal weight of glory Those gracious and mysterious purposes of his which were hid in the night of many ages when the Sun of Righteousness once appeared in the Horizon of the Gospel were visible and legible to every eye He hath brought Life and Immortality to light by the Gospel 2 Tim. 1.10 The Apostle calls it The grace of God and The word of his grace Tit. 2.11 Acts 20.32 not onely because the rain of the Word goeth by coasts as a gift of grace Psal 147.19 20. He causeth it to shower down upon one City and not on another Amos 4.7 and not onely because like a seal it stampeth grace the image of God upon the soul Acts 2.37 but chiefly because on the stage of the Word the grace and favour of God to mankinde is fully displayed The Gospel presenteth us with the whole method of Gods grace and love to poor sinners This world is the Theatre in which Grace acteth its part the Triumph of Justice is reserved for the other World and the Gospel is the Throne on which Grace sits and from whence it holds out its golden Scepter The language of the Law is no less then a sentence of death but the Gospel alloweth a Psalm of mercy and in it Grace reigneth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 playeth the King commandeth in chief unto Justification of life Rom. 5.17 18 21. But the more precious this Water of Life is the more fearful thou shouldst be of spilling it Kings cannot endure that their Acts of Grace should be tampled under foot Abused favour turneth into greatest fury Men surfeit soonest of the greatest Dainties and further their Misesery by that which was given them as in Mercy Our Saviour therefore commandeth Take heed how ye hear Luke 8.18 There are two special Lessons which Christ commendeth to his Scholars The first concerneth the matter of their hearing Take heed what ye hear Mark 4.24 Ministers are Christs Ushers Christ himself is the head-Master now Christ forbiddeth the pinning our faith upon our Ushers sleeve The Bereans have an honorable crest put into their coat of Armes by God himself to distinguish them in nobility from others for bringing the coyn offered to them to the touchstone of the Scripture to try whether it were true gold or counterfeit And these were more noble then those of Thessalonica because they received the Word of God with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so Acts 17.11 Men must not like Children take down whatever their Nurses put into their mouthes whether meat or poison but know how to distinguish between good and evil Our faith must not stand in the wisdom of men but in the Power of God All weights and measures must be compared with and tryed by the Kings Standards The Copy is no farther authentique then it agreeth with the Original Deed. The second Lesson concerneth the manner of their hearing take heed how ye hear The richest Cordial may be lost as it may be taken It will be requisite therefore to give thee some prescription how thou mayst take this costly Physick to thy greatest profit In reference to which duty I shall speak 1. To thy preparation for it 2. To thy carriage at it 3. To thy behaviour after it 1. As to thy preparation for hearing the word I shall request thee from God to mind these ensuing particulars 1. Empty thine heart of evil frames and prejudice Evil frames The dish must not be sluttish into which we put these spiritual dainties If the stomach be cloged with filth and flegm it cannot digest and concoct our food The light of the Sun as pleasant and delightful as it is to sound is yet offensive and painful to sore eyes This part of preparation is injoyned us by the Spirit of God Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and all superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls Jam. 1.21 If the body be feaverish the sweetest Syrup will tast bitter If any ill humour or lust be predominant in thee like the full and foul stomach thou wilt loath even the hony comb The Table book of thine heart must be wiped clean before any new thing as the Law of God can be written in it Briars and Thorns must be stubbed up before the ground be capable of the grain As evil humours because of the Doctrine taught so prejudice against the person teaching must be removed Prejudice against the Preacher is the greatest prejudice to the Hearer A condemned person will esteem a begger when he brings a pardon How beautiful are not the lips onely and hands but the meanest parts the feet of them that bring the glad tydings of peace I confess it is a mercy to be related to a Pastor who hath both parts and piety gifts and grace and if thou art to chose a dwelling I would wish thee to bear with many outward inconveniences to sit down under such a Ministry But suppose thy teacher at least in thy thoughts is a man of mean parts wilt thou thence conclude his pains will yeild thee little profit Truely shouldst thou gratifie Satan so far it would be the speediest way to find a truth in what thou dost fancy Friend friend doth the efficacy of the ordinance depend on the parts of man or on the power of God May not a costly treasure be brought to thee in an earthen Vessel Consider thou maist light thy candle as well it may be better with a brimstone match as at a great fire Christ taught his Apostles by a little Child Mat. 18.2 A small damsel was instrumental for Naamans recovery both of his spiritual and corporal leprosie And who art thou that none must instruct thee but such a one as like Saul is higher then others by head and shoulders in gifts and abilities I wish it be not from the pride of thy spirit that none is worthy enough to teach thee thy Grammar Lesson but some head of the Vniversity A picking stomach I am sure argueth a diseased body and then a squemish heart and itching ear cannot argue a sound soul The industrious Bee Plut. sucks honey from the Thime an harsh and dry hearb The Meat is as good in a Pewter as in a Silver Dish It may be thou goest to Table onely for the sauce to Church for the stile and elegancy of the language if so I dare be bold to tell thee that thine heart is not right in the sight of God Dost thou not know that it is the naked sword which doth the Execution that a crucified Christ is the great conquerour not a pompous gaudy Messiah which the Jews dreamed of Paul is commanded to Preach not with Wisdome of words least the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect 1 Cor. ● 17 so 〈◊〉 verse 27 28. Truly if thou lustest after the Quails of some new dish it is a sign that thou louthest
Communion of the body of Christ As the bread is made of many grains and the cup of wine of many grapes united so is the body of Christ of many members united under one head Eating together was ever a sign of love and friendship Joseph hereby shewed his love to his brethren The Sons of Brutus Plutarch in vita Publico and the Vitellii when they conspired with Tarquins Ambassadours against the Consul drank the blood of a man together to confirm their amity Even Beasts have been brought to agree by feeding at the same Rack Now Reader what love-fire hast thou for this love-feast Dost thou love the brethren as brethren because they are related to God and because they have the Image of God Or dost thou love them onely for the natural qualities in them and their courtesie to thee this fire I must tell thee is Kitchin fire which must be fed with such course fuel the former onely is the fire which is taken from Gods Altar Dost thou love Christ in a Cottage as well as in a Court Dost thou love a poor as well as a rich Christian Dost thou love grace in rags as much as grace in robes Is it their honour or their holiness which thou dost admire As thy duty is to examine thy self concerning thy graces so also concerning thy corruptions Before a Sacrament there should be a through search for all thy sins The Jews before their passover searched all over their houses for leaven nay they searched every corner and Mouse-hole with a wax Candle as some write There is a threefold leaven First a leaven of Hypocrisie Beware of the leaven of the Pharises which is Hypocrisie Luk. 12.1 Secondly a leaven of Heresie a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump Gal. 5.9 Thirdly a leaven of Enormity or scandal purge out the old leaven 1 Cor. 5.7 Thy care must be to make a diligent enquiry for all this leaven The iniquities of wicked men will find them out but good men will finde out their iniquities I know mine iniquites saith David Psa 51. When evil humours lie hid in the body they hinder the strength it might get by food When sins lye undiscovered in the soul they will hinder its digesting spiritual meat and drink At a Sessions there are some indictments read and it may be some execution done but at an Assize there are many Malefactours arraigned and many executed the Goal is then cleared of those vermine A Christian should keep a petty Sessions in his heart every day do what he can for the conviction and condemnation of his sins but before a Sacrament he must keep an Assize there must be a general Goal delivery all his sins must be sought after indicted and executed the room of his heart must be cleared of those vipers Particularly examine thy self of thy sins since the last Sacrament how forgetful thou hast been of the Oath of the Lord which thou dist then enter into be not slight or formal in searching after thy sins like some officers that willingly over-look the Theeves they search for but be as diligent to find them out as thou wouldst be to find out the Murderers of thy father or best friend But be sure thou compare thy heart and life with the Law of God O how many spots will that glass discover When the woman hath swept her house and gathered the dust up altogether she thinks there is none left but when the Sun doth but shine in through some broken Pane of Glass she seeth the whole House swarm with innumerable Motes of dust floating too and fro in the Air. The light of Gods law will make innumerable sins visible to thee which without it will lie hid 2. There is requisite as a serious examination of thy self so also sincere humiliation for thy sins The cleanly Dame is careful always to keep her Peuter and Brass clean but against a good time she is very curious to have her Vessels not onely clean but bright and for this end she will not onely wash them but take much pains in scouring them Christian Now is the good time before which thou shouldst scour the vessel of thy heart that no dirt if possible may stick to it This true humiliation consisteth partly in mourning for sin partly in turning from sin 1. In mourning for sin The Pharisees would not eat their common bread with unwashed hands least they should transgress the traditions of their Elders Friend if thou shouldst eat this sacred bread with an unwashed heart thou wilt horribly transgress the Commandment of thy God The Jews did eat the Passover with bitter hearbs and truely we Gentiles must eat a broken body with broken bones The more bitter sin is to thee before the more sweet thy Saviour will be to thee at the Sacrament Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted Mat. 5.3 A wet seed time will bring a Sun-shiny and plentiful Harvest One of the Fathers observeth that David the greatest mourner in Israel was the sweetest singer in Israel Beanes thrive best if steept in water before they be sown and truely so will thy soul if steept in godly sorrow before thou goest to the Sacrament Give strong drink to him that is ready to perish and wine to these that are of heavy hearts Prov. 31.6 When thy heart is heavy under the sense of thine unholiness and thou art ready to perish under the weight of thy wickedness then Jesus Christ will give thee that wine that blood which will refresh and make thine heart glad Those Trees shoot highest in Summer that shoot lowest into the earth in Winter No Christian usually riseth so high in consolation as he that is cast down lowest in Evangelical humiliation There are two in the New Testament famous for their contrition and they are famous for Gods respect and affection to them Mary was a great mourner We seldom have a view of her in Scripture without dew on her face and tears in her eyes Luk. 7.38 39. Luk. 23.27 28. Joh. 19.25 and 20.11 15. But she had the special honour and favour of seeing the best sight which ever mortal eyes beheld before all others even the blessed Redeemer in the first step of his exaltation Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalen out of whom he had cast seven Devils Mark 16.9 Mary had sinned greatly and sorrowed greatly and was upon it greatly respected by God Peter wept bitterly A look from love broke his heart in peices but Christ took special care to bind up this broken heart to pour Oyl into his wounded conscience and therefore when a messenger is dispatched from Heaven to acquaint the World with the joyful news of the Saviours resurrection no name is particularly mentioned in his commission but Peters God gives him an express command that whosoever should remain ignorant of those happy tidings he should be sure that Peter have notice of it
puddle water Reflect on them thy self and compare them with the Law of God and thou wilt find cause to pray over thy prayers to weep over thy tears to be ashamed of thy shame and to abhor thy self for thy self abhorrency Do not think with thy self I have examined my heart faithfully and find that I do not come short of the grace of God I have acknowledged mine iniquities and been sorrowful for my sins and therefore I cannot miscarry at this Sacrament Such a trusting of thy self would be a tempting of thy Saviour and would certainly hinder the success of the Sacrament It would be to thee as the cutting off Sampsons locks was to him Judg 16.20 He thought to have gone forth as at other times and shake himself And he wist not that the Lord was departed from him Thou mayest think after such self-confidence to go to the Lords Supper as at other times but alas what wilt thou do for the Lord will depart from thee and then what sport will Satan and sin those uncircumcised ones make with thee Reader let me perswade thee when thou hast been diligent in the trial of thy spiritual estate and hast with many tears bewailed the pollution of thy nature and transgressions of thy life to cast thy self wholly upon Jesus Christ for assistance in the duty As Jehosaphat when he had 50000. men ready Armed for the battel cryed out O Lord our God we have no might against this great company 2 Chron. 20.6 neither know we what to do but our eyes are unto thee So after thou hast made the greatest preparation possible as beleiving the weight and worth of the supper the purity and Majesty of the Master of the Feast do thou look up to Christ and say Lord I have no ability no might for this great supper for a right performance of this great ordinance neither know I what to do but my eys are unto thee When Asa had an Army of two hundredand fourscore thousand men of valour to fight with the Ethiophians he prayeth and trusteth to God as if he had not one man Lord it is nothing for thee to help whether with many or with them that have no power Help us O Lord God for we rest on thee 2 Chron. 8 1. and in thy name we go against this great multitude So do thou say Lord I have no power for this holy Supper help me O Lord my God for I rest on thee and in thy name I go to this great and weighty Ordinance Truely couldst thou after all the provision thou hast made disclaim it wholly in regard of dependance and cast thy self on Christ for assistance I durst be the Prophet to foretel a good day The gaudy flower which standeth upon its own stalk doth quickly wither when the plain Ivy that depends upon the house and leans on it is fresh and green all the year He that trusteth to his own legs in this duty is as sure to fall as if he were down already the weak child walketh safest that all the way holdeth by and hangeth upon its parent If thou wert now going to receive be advised to write after Davids Copy He looked up to God both for assistance and acceptance I will go in the strength of the Lord I will make mention of thy righteousness yea of thine onely Psa 71.16 Let thy practice be sutable to his when thou goest out of thy house And let thy prayer be the same with the Spouses when thou art entring into Gods house O then look up to heaven and cry mightily Awake thou Northwind and come O South blow upon my Garden that the Spices thereof may flow out Let my beloved come into his Garden and eat his pleasant fruits Cant. 4. ult CHAP. XIX How a Christian may exercise himself to godliness at the Table I Come to the second particular about the Lords Supper Secondly and that is thy behaviour at the Table or in the time of receiving In reference to which I would advise thee 1. To mind the sutable subjects which are to be considered at it 2. To observe the special graces which are to be exercised in it There are three principal subjects of meditation when thou approachest the Table in order to the three graces which must then be acted The Subjects of meditation are Christs passion his affection and thy own corruptions The three graces are Faith Love and godly sorrow Christs death is sure footing for Faith Paul never desired better 1 Cor. 2.2 it is not onely an elect and precious but a tried stone and a sure foundation on which whosoever beleiveth shall never be confounded Isa 28.16 Faith picks excellent food from this heavenly carkass The love of Christ displayed in his death causeth and calleth forth the love of a Christian Faith bringeth the soul that is like a dead coal near to the live coals of Gods burning love in giving his onely Son and Christs burning love in giving himself and by these it is turned into fire all in a flame of love as the Eccho answereth the voice it returneth the love it receiveth Our own sins meditated on stit up the third grace which is godly sorrow Though indeed this liquor will run from any of the three Vessels if they be but peirced When Christ hung upon the Cross under the weight of Gods wrath water came out of his sides as well as blood Who can think of his sufferings without sorrow and of his blood without tears His love in its heat may well thaw the most frozen spirit but sin the cause of his sufferings will like a knife cut and prick to the heart indeed but First I begin with the subjects of meditation and among them in the first place with the passion of Christ First Meditate now on the suffering of thy Saviour the wound of Christ out of which came precious balsom to heal all thy sinful sores ought never to be forgotten but the remembrance of them is never so seasonable as at a Sacrament One end of the institution of this Ordinance was the commemoration of Christs death As oft as ye eat this brrad and drink this cup ye shew forth the Lords death till he come 1 Cor. 11.26 27. The Sacrament is a lively crucifix wherein Jesus Christ is evidently set forth crucified before thine eyes When thou seest the bread and wine consecrated and set apart consider how God the Father did from eternity set a part his onely Son for his bloody passion and thy blessed redemption Consider he was a Lamb slain before the foundation of the World When thou seest the bread and wine upon the Table consider that as the Corn was ground in the Mill to make that bread and the grapes squezed to make that wine so thy Saviour was beaten in the Mill and Wine-press of his Fathers wrath before he could be meat indeed and drink indeed to nourish thee unto life everlasting When thou seest the bread broken
Dignity to be crucified without the gate lest the City should be polluted with his blood Now Reader come along like the beloved Disciple and behold thy Saviour bearing his own Cross and going to the place of execution to dye the death of a Slave for no Freeman was ever crucified therefore Julian in derision called him The staked God He is no sooner come to the dismal place of dead mens skulls but they tear off his cloathes and some think skin and all glued to his back with their bloody scourgings Now they stretch his body as cloth with tenters and rack it so that his bones start out of his skin I may tell all my bones Psal 22.17 in nailing his two hands to the two horns and his feet those parts so full of nerves and sinews and so the most sensible of any parts of the body to the stump of the Cross They digged my hands and my feet and hang him up between two Thieves as the most notorious Malefactor of the three He was numbred among the Trangressors His bloody watching fasting scorched wracked body is oppressed with exquisite pain and his anguish so vehement that he cryeth out I thirst to quench which they give him vinegar and gall and spice it with a scoff to make it rellish the better Let us see whether Elias will come and save him But Oh! who can imagine what he suffered in his soul when he hung under the weight of mens revenge Devils rage the Laws curse and the Lords wrath Men revile him wagging their heads and saying Thou that destroyest the Temple and buildest it in three days save they self He saved others himself he cannot save To him that was afflicted pity should have been shewn but they added affliction to the afflicted and forsook the fear of the Almighty All the Devils in Hell were now putting forth their utmost power and policy for this was their hour and the power of darkness to encrease his sufferings that if possible they might provoke him to sin thereby to have separated his Humane nature from his Divine that it might have perished eternally and all mankinde with it but the sting of his death is yet behind The head of that arrow which pierced his heart indeed was the frown of his Father That his Kinsmen the Jews whom he came to sanctifie and redeem for he was the glory of his people Israel should deliver him up to be crucified was not a small aggravation of his misery That his Apostles that had been eye-witnesses of his miracles and ear-witnesses of his Oracles to whom he had spoken so pathetically Will ye also forsake me and who had told him so resolutely We will go with thee into prison and to death Luke 22.33 Mat. 26.35 should now in his greatest extremity turn their backs upon him added some more gall to his bitter cap That his Mother should stand by the Cross weeping and have her soul pierced through with the sword of his sufferings was far from being an allay to his sorrows but that his Father of whom he had often boasted It is my Father that honoreth me My Father loveth me I and my Father are one should now in his low estate in his day of adversity in his critical hour not onely not help him and leave him alone as an harmless Dove amongst so many ravenous Vultures to contest with all the fury of Earth and Hell but also pour out the Vials of his own Wrath upon him and though the Union was not dissolved yet suffer the beams the influences to be restrained that he might fully bear the curse of the Law and feel the weight of sin this was the hottest fire in which the Paschal Lamb was roasted this caused that Heart-breaking Soul-cutting Heaven-piercing expression My God My God why hast thou forsaken me O how how justly might he have cryed out with Joh. Have pity upon me my friend have pity upon me for the hand not onely of my Enemies and my friends of multitudes of men and of Legions of Divels but the hand of God hath touched me How truely might the Husband have taken up his Spouses lamentation Is it nothing to you all ye that pass by Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow which is done unto me wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger Ah who can write or read such a tragedy with dry eyes Friend when thou art at the Sacrament think of these sufferings and beleive it they will make work among thy sins When thou takest the cup of wine do not forget the cup of Worm-wood which thy Saviour drunk for thy sake he drank of the Brook in the way he drank the cup of his Fathers wrath infinitely imbittered with the curse of the law that thou mightest drink the cup of blessing At the Table obey his own command Do this in remembrance of me Secondly Meditate on the affection of Christ We will remember thy love more then wine saith the Spouse when thou seest the wine think of that love which is better then wine Belevie it if ever there were a love-feast this is it Men testifie their love in bestowing food on their hungry friends but ah what love was that which gave his blessed body and precious blood to feed his starving enemies He that considereth what Christ suffered and for whom may well think he was little else but a lump of love His compassion is infinitely visible in his passion What love was that which moved him to lay down his life for thee Friend if ever thou hadst hard thoughs of Christ take a view of him in the former subject of meditation and consider whether his heart be not set upon sinners when he shed his heart blood for their souls The redness of the fire discovers its heat O how did the redness of this Rose of Sharon the blood which issued from his head and back and hands and feet and heart and whole body speak his burning his fiery love Well might the Apostle John joyn and pair those Turtle-Doves Who hath loved us and washed us in his blood Rev. 1.5 In every drop of his blood there is an Ocean of love Well might the Apostle Paul p●oduce this as an undeniable testimony of the truth of his love Who loved me and gave himself for me Gal. 2.20 His bleeding passion was such a full demonstration of his dearest affection as the whole World never saw the like before nor ever shall again In it his love was dissected and ript up you may tell all its bones Judas gave him to the Jews out of love to money The Jews gave him to Pilate to becondemned out of love to envy Pilate gives him to the Souldiers to be Crucified out of love to self interest but Christ gave himself out of pure love to save souls The great and glorious God doth things that are singularly eminent for the manifestation of his attributes When he
sinners love their friends who love them and wilt thou be worse then Publicans and sinners Consider seriously Jesus Christ loved thee when thou wast in a loathsome estate Ezek. 16. when thou wast wallowing in thy blood when no eye pitied thee then was his time of love he passed by thee and said unto thee Live yea when thou wast in thy blood he said unto thee Live And wilt thou not love him Ponder the heat of his love possibly the greatness of that fire may warm thy heart and thou mayest reflect some heat back again for indeed love is a Diamond which must be written upon with its own dust He loveth thee as a servant surely this is a favour for he hath thousands of glorious Angels who count it their honor and happiness to serve him To be made one of his hired servants was the great priviledge desired by the Prodigal Ye call me Lord and Master and ye say well for so I am John 13.13 but though this may be somewhat it is not enough for him He loveth thee as a friend Ye are my friends John 15.15 I have not called you servants but friends Friends love entirely witness Jonathan and David Jonanathan loved David as his own soul Friendship is one soul in two bodies saith the Philosopher This is much but his love to thee is more then so he loveth thee as his Brother He is not ashamed to call them brethren I will declare thy name unto my brethren Heb. 2.11 Some Brethren are knit very close in the bond of love Camh. Brit. In Queen Elizabeths Reign in a fight between the Earl of Kildare and Earl of Ter Owen two of the Earl of Kildares Brethren were slain which he took so heavily that he dyed shortly Some write that there is no such love in the World as between Foster-Brethren in Ireland This love is great but his love is greater He loveth thee as his childe the stream of love descendeth most swiftly from Parents to their children He shall see his Seed Isa 53.10 How tender is the Mother of her childe Can the Mother forget her childe that sucketh her breast The Mothers bowels will yern towards her childe the Mothers breasts will put her to pain if not drawn and thereby minde her of her childe But though the Mother may prove a Monster and like the Ostrich leave her young to be destroyed yet will I not forget thee saith the Lord Thou art engraven upon the palms of my hands thy walls are ever before me Isa 49.13 14 15. Children have you any meat If not lo here is my body Thou mayst say of Christs love to thee as David of Jonathans Thy love to me is wonderful it far surpasses the love of women for he loveth thee as his Spouse Men do or at least should love their wives above all relations For this cause shall a man leave Father and Mother and cleave to his wife But who can conceive Christs love to his Spouse Thou art all fair my love thou hast ravished my heart my Sister my Spouse How fair is thy love my Sister my Spouse Cant. 4.8 9 10. The nearest affinity is Spouse and the nearest consanguinity is Sister to shew that his affection is like that of the nearest relations If this be not enough Reader he loveth thee as himself nay above himself he did as it were hate himself out of love to thee He denied himself displeased himself and gave himself to be buffeted scourged condemned wracked crucified and to be a sacrifice for thy sins Well is it possible for thee to read of this infinite love without love When wood hath been laid a sunning it takes fire presently Hast not thou been so fitted by the warm hot beams of this Sun that now upon the very thoughts of Christ thou art all in a flame Truly it would be as great a miracle for thee to be in such a furnace of love and not fired with love to him as for the three Worthies in Daniel to be in the midst of the fiery furnace and not burnt Christ loved thee so unspeakably as thou hast read as a servant as a friend as a brother as a childe as a wife as himself nay above himself all this when thon wast a sinner without strength yea his enemy which threefold gradation the holy Ghost taketh special notice of Rom. 5.6 8 10. and wilt thou ever give him cause to complain of thee as Paul of his Corinthians the more I love the less I am beloved Love him dearly love him entirely love him above all love him more then all say with the Spouse Stay me with flagons comfort me with apples for I am sick of love and with holy Brandford sprinckle thy trencher thy food with tears that thou canst love so loving and so lovely a Saviour no more 3. When thou art at the Table Exercise repentance what sorrow for and anger against thy sins should the sight of a crucified Saviour cause Some tell us that if the murderer be brought near and touch the body slain by him it bleeds afresh O when thou who art indeed the murderer of the Son of God dost touch and taste his body and blood shouldst not thou fall a bleeding a weeping a fresh Behold his broken bleeding body with an eye of faith and thine eye cannot but affect thine heart with grief I am confident thou canst not see it with dry eyes Was his soul exceeding sorrowful heavy even unto death for thy sake and is not thine friend for thy sins Did he drop so much blood and canst thou drop never a tear the very rocks were rent at his sufferings and is thy heart harder then those stones Is it possible for the head to be so pained and peirced and the members not be affected with it surely Deep calleth unto Deep Deep sufferings in Christ for deep sorrow in thee O Christian If his body were broken to let his blood out thy soul may well be broken to let it in They shall see him whom they have peirced and mourn for him as one that mourneth for his onely Son Zach. 10.12 His love may make as Davids kindness even a Saul to lift up his voice and weep It is so great and so hot a fire that one would think it would distil water out of thee wert thou never so dry an herb When Christ sat at Supper in the Pharisees house Mary washed his feet with her tears When Christ and thy soul are supping together thou mayst well weep in remembrance of thy unkindness and wickedness But the cheifest reason why I mention repentance now to be exercised is not so much for thy contrition or sorrow for sin though when the sweet sauce is a little sharp with Vinegar the meat will rellish the better for it as for thine indignation and anger against sin When thou considerest that thy dearest Saviour in a cold night lay groveling on the ground all over in a bloody sweat that
thy best friend in the World was so inhumanely used so barbarously but chered thou shouldst cry out as David in a holy passion As the Lord liveth the man the sin that hath done this thing shall surely be put to death When Antonius after Caesar was Murdered in the Senate house brought forth his Coat all bloody cut and mangled and laying it open to the view of the people said Look here is your Emperors Coat and as the bloody-minded Conspirators have dealt by it so have they dealt with Caesars body Upon this they were in an uprore and cryed out to slay the Murderers and took Brands and ran to the Houses of the Conspirators and burnt them down to the ground and as they apprehended the Murderers put them to death Reader thou seest at the Sacrament the wounds and blood of thy blessed Redeemer the dreadful painful death which thy Soveraign underwent O what canst thou do less then vow to be revenged on his Murderers thy corruptions and in an holy anger endeavour their speedy execution if thou wouldst have a full sight of sins filth and sinfulness go to Mount Calvary and behold thy Saviour hanging upon the Cross and good Lord what thoughts wilt thou have of thy lusts Physitians in unseemly convulsions advise their Patients to look into a glass that beholding their deformity they may strive the more against it The world never had such a glass as the sufferings of Jesus Christ for the discovery of sins loathsom ugly features and its horrid hideous hellish face now how should this light provoke thee to loath and hate sin O what Child would not abhor those weapons which murdered his dearest Father It was the glory of Alexander that as soon as ever he had opportunity he slew the Murderers of his Father upon his fathers Tomb. Truely Reader a Sacrament day is a special opportunity and thou wilt shew but little love to thine everlasting Father if thou dost not now put his Murderers to death upon those Monuments of his passion Now thou art at the Table think of thy unthankfulness ambition hypocrisie covetousness irreligion and infidelity and the rest how these crucified the Lord of glory and resolve through the strength of Christ that these Hamans shall be all hanged that these sins shall be condemned and crucified CHAP. XX. What a Christian ought to do after a Sacrament I Shall speak to thy duty after the Supper Thirdly Which consisteth mainly in these two things Thankefulness and Faithfulness 1. Thankefulness After such a Banquet as this is thou mayst well give thanks The Jews at their Passover did sing the hundred and thirteenth Psalm with the five following Psalmes which they called the Great Hallelujah A Christian should in every thing and at all times give thanks but at a Sacrament the great Hallelujah must be sung then God must have great thanks then we must with our souls bless the Lord and with all within us paise his holy name O Reader call upon thy self as Barak and Deborah did Awake awake Deborah Awake awake Barak utter a song and lead captivity captive thou son of Abinoam Judg. 5. Awake my love awake my joy utter a song a feast is made for laughter and wine rejoyceth the heart of man Friend is not this a rare feast where is thy chearful face Is not here good wine a cup of Nectar indeed the blood of the Son of God what mirth what musick hast thou to this Banquet of Wines Antiently it was the beginning and ending of Letters Gaudete in Domino Rejoyce in the Lord. It will be an excellent conclusion of this Ordinance to rejoyce in the Lord. O let thy soul magnisie the Lord and thy spirit rejoyce in God thy Saviour Luk. 1.46 47. The cup in the Sacrament is called the Eucharistical cup or the cup of blessing let it be so to thee Let thy heart and mouth say Blessed be the Lord God of Israel who hath visited and redeemed his people Luk. 2. Canst thou think of that infinite love which God manifested to thy soul without Davids return VVhat shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits His heart was so set upon thy salvation His Love was so great to thy soul that he delighted in the very death of his Son because it tended to thy good It pleased the Lord to bruise him Isa 53.10 Valde delectatus est Junius reads it He was exceedingly delighted in it Surely the mind of God was infinitely set upon the recovery of lost sinners in that whereas other Parents whose love to their children in comparison of his to Christ is but as a drop to the Ocean follow their children to their graves with many tears especially when they dye violent deaths he delighted exceedingly in the barbarous death of his onely Son in the bleeding of the head because it tended to the health and eternal welfare of the members Friend what manner of love hath the father loved thee with He gave his own Son to be apprehended that thou mightest escape his own Son to be condemned that thou mightest be acquitted his own Son to be whipped and wounded that thou mightest be cured and healed yea his own Son to dye a shameful cursed death that thou mightest live a glorious blessed life for ever Glory to God in the highest peace on earth and good will to men Alass how unworthy art thou of this inestimable mercy Thou art by nature a child of wrath as well as others and hadst been now wallowing in sin with the worst in the World if free grace had not renewed thee nay thou hadst been roaring in Hell at this hour if free grace had not repreived thee Thy conscience will tell thee that thou dost not deserve the bread which springeth out of the earth and yet thou are fed with the bread which came down from heaven with Angels food O infinite love Mayst not thou well say with Mephibosheth to David VVhat is thy servant that thou shouldst look upon such a dead dog as I am For all my fathers house were as dead men before my Lord yet didst thou set thy servant among them that did eat at thine own Table Lord I was a lost dead damned sinner before thee liable to the unquenchable fire and yet thou hast been pleased to set me among them that eat at thine own Table and feed on thine own Son O what is thy servant that thou shouldst take such notice of such a dead dog as I am Look abroad in the World and thou mayst see others refused when thou art chosen others past by when thou art called others polluted when thou art sanctified others put off with common gifts when thou hast special grace others fed with the scraps of ordinary bounty when thou hast the finest of the floor even the fruits of saving mercy As Elkanah gave to Peninnah and to all her sons and Daughters portions but to Hannah he gave a worthy portion because he loved her
Victory but not to improve a Victory Usually the Evenings are cold though the days are hot 19. As Oratours at the close of their speech use all their Art and Skill to move the affections of their Auditors so at the close of the Lords day put forth all thy grace and spiritual strength to prevail with God for a blessing Say of the Sabbath as Jacob to the Angel I will not let the go without a blessing 20. Labour to keep the influence of Lords day Ordinances warm upon thy spirit all the week after let not thy devotion pass away with the day Some Children when they put on new Shooes on a Sabbath are very careful to keep them clean are unwilling to set their feet to the ground for fear of dirt but in the week days will run up to the Ankles in Water or Mire O let not childrens play be thy earnest but endeavour that thy practices in secret and private in thy calling and in all companies on the Week days may be answerable to the great priviledges which thou didst enjoy and the grace which thou didst receive on the Lords day A good wish about the Lords day wherein the former heads are Epitomized THe first day of the Week being of divine institution The Introduction and Baptized by God himself with that Honorable name of the Lords day partly in regard of its Author This is the day which the Lords hath made partly in regard of the blessed Redeemer who rose that day and Triumphed over the Grave the Devil the Curse of the Law and Hell it being a day Sanctified for the glory of my Saviour of which I may say as of Jacob The Lord hath chosen it to himself for his peculiar Treasure Psa 135.4 and a day set apart for the spiritual and eternal good of my precious soul wherein I may enjoy communion with my God in all his Ordinances without interruption I wish in general that as the Spirit may be in me in the week days so that I may be in the Spirit on the Lords day filled therewith and enabled thereby to have my conversation all the day long in Heaven O that my care in fitting my soul for it my holy carriage at it and my sutable conversation after it may testifie that I had rather be a Door-keeper in the House of my God then to dwell in the Tents of Wickedness and that I esteem one day in his Courts better then a thousand else-where I wish in particular that I may prepare for it Preparation as for a Wedding day wherein Christ and my soul are to be espoused together and to that end before it cometh may be careful so to order my earthly affairs that they may not incroach upon this Holy ground and so open the door of my heart and adorn it with spiritual excellencies that the King of Glory may enter in and think himself a welcome Guest in my soul O that I might never give my God cause to complain of me as once of the Jews Your Sabbaths and solemn feasts I cannot away with for your hands are defiled As Nehemiah shut the Gates of the City that no burdens might be carried in on the Sabbath day so let me secure the Gate of my heart that no Worldly things may disturb me in Sabbath duties O let me not like Martha be careful and troubled about many things but on this day especially sit at Christs feet mind the one thing necessary and chuse the good part which shall never be taken from me I wish that I may long more for it then ever a Bride-groom did for his Bride that when it is come in I may bid it heartily Welcome and that as my Saviour rose early that morning to justifie me so I may rise early on this day to glorifie him I desire that this holy day may be an high day in my account both because the Lord of the Sabbath hath separated it to sacred uses and because it is the day of his resurrection whence so much good cometh to my soul Esteem the day as a priviledge By his passion he layd down the price of my redemption but by his rising again the Judge of Quick and dead sending his officer an Angel to roul away the stone open the prison door and let him out he manifesteth to the world that the debt is discharged and the law fully saatisfied O of what value should this day be to me My Redeemers humiliation indeed was like Josephs imprisonment but his delivery out of the grave like Josephs enlargement and preferment whereby he came into a capacity to advance and enrich all his relations I pray that I may look on this day as a special season to sow to the spirit in and improve it accordingly A price to get and increase grace I believe that my God will not hold him guiltless that takes his name or spends his day in vain O let me not like a foolish child play by that candle which is set up for me to work by lest I go to the bed of my grave in the dark of sin and sorrow Publique Ordiuances to be esteemed the chiefest work of the day I wish that I may not neglect either secret or family duties on this sacred day but yet that I may so perform them that they may be helps not hinderances to publique Ordinances that since God loveth the gates of Sion above all the the dwellings of Jacob I may set an high price upon and have an ardent love to the habitation of Gods house and the place where his honor dwelleth Delight in it that as a true child of my heavenly Father I may love most and like best that milk which is warm from the breasts of publick ordinances I wish that I may call the Lords day my delight it being a day wherein I enter into the suburbs of the holy City and begin that work of praysing pleasing and enjoying my God which I hope to be employed in to eternity that it may be my meat and drink to do the Will of my God O that I might so savour the things of the Spirit and so taste the Lord to be gracious that love may be the Loadston to draw me to my closet family and to Church and season every service I am called to upon the Sabbath Sanctifie the whole day Because every part of this day is of great price more worth then a whole World I desire that not the least moment of it may be squandred away but as the Disciples after the miracle of loaves I may gather up with care and conscience the smallest fragments that nothing be lost My God giveth me good measure heaped up pressed down shaken together and running over why should I be niggardly to him to my self indeed for it is my profit not his when he is so liberal so bountiful to me I wish in regard the blessed God is not onely the Master Communion
who cannot hear what is spoken by reason of the clacking and noise which is made there Christ calleth and the Spirit of God cryeth to them but their eares are stopt with earth that they hear not As we say of fire and water they are good Servants but bad Masters Keep them within their bounds and they are exceeding useful but when they go beyond their bounds how hurtful are they What mischief hath fire done in England what sad work hath water made in Holland The same is true of our particular callings they are faithful Servants but they are dreadful Masters Keep them within their limits and they are helpful to our selves our relations and our neighbours but suffer them once to transgress their bounds and they will make miserable work they will rob God wrong the soul nay often ruine it eternally When those that were born slaves and servants come once to be Kings and Commanders they are ever the worst Tyrants Now if thou wouldst not have thy particular calling to incroach upon thy general take heed that it steal not away thy heart nor thy time 1. Take heed that thy particular calling steal not away thy heart from thy general calling If the Mistris keep her distance and maintain her authority over her maidens she may find them obedient and serviceable but if she grow fond of them and familiar with them they will grow saucy and incroach upon her Reader keep thy inward distance and maintain that authority which God hath given thee over the things of this life and then all will be well butif once thou doatest on them and delightest in them expect to have them thine hinderances in all holy exercises The World may have thy hands but it must not have thy heart Thy actions may be about thy particular calling but thy affections must be above it Set your affections on things above and not on things below Collos 3.2 Thy occupation is as the first Adam of the earth carthly but thy conversation must be like the second Adam the Lord from Heaven heavenly A Christian should follow the things of this World with such a slightness and indifferency of Spirit as Wicked men do the things of a better World The holy Angels behold our earthly affairs but as strangers to them It is happy for him that can carry himself towards his own estate as if it were another mans An heathen could say I do not give but onely lend my self to my business Surely then a Saint should go through th World as one in a deep study Rebus non me trodo sedcousmodo Senec de benef his mind being the whilst intent upon a better object Brutish Horseflies fasten on Dunghils Swallows make their nests of earth They who have no Heaven hereafter may give their hearts to the earth but Christian if thou lovest thy soul though riches increase set not thine heart upon them Love not the World nor the things of the World Psa 62.10 This is a certain truth the hotter thy love is to the World the colder it is to the Lord. When the sap of Worldliness is in a man he will never flame well heavenward The Ship may sail in the water and be safe but when the water getteth into the Ship it sinketh it Thou mayst work about thy earthly affairs and all may be well but if thine affairs once work themselves into thee then thou art in danger Thy God alloweth thee to warm thy self at the Sun of creature comforts but not to turn Persian and worship it The Riviers lightly salute the earth as they pass along and make no stay but pass forward to the Ocean Thy affections should but slightly touch the earth weeping for worldly crosses as if thou wepst not and rejoycing for Worldly comforts as if thou rejoycedst not and so pass on to the Ocean of thy happiness It s said Germanicus reigned in the Romans hearts Tiberius onely in the Provinces Thy general must reign in the City in thy heart thy particular calling onely in the Suburbs of thy hands Reader if the World ever get into the throne of thine inward man fare wel all Religon I have read of a custom among the Germans to know whether their children be bastards or not to throw them in Fluvium Rhenum into the River Rhine If they floated above then they acknowledged them to be their own but if the waters carried them away then they esteemed them as Bastards Truely Reader if thou canst float above the waters of thy worldly imployments thou art a child of God but if that carry thee away by lying near thy affections look to thy self and fear thy condition It is not the greatness of mans estate or employment so much as the nearness of it to his heart which will hinder holiness A small hat held near our eyes will hinder our sight of the Sun which a great mountain a far off will not do A little near the affections will hinder our sight of Christ when thousands far from the heart may as imployed further it Besides the closer we lay the flowers of our earthly mercies to our breasts the sooner they wither A nosegay in the hand will continue fresh and sweet as is generally observed much longer then when it is stuck in the bosome 2. That thy particular calling may not incroach upon thy general be careful that it steal not away thy time Thy piety Reader and thy prudence is so to order thine affairs relating to heaven and earth to God and thy family that they may not interfere or cross each other A wise foreceast will much help thee in this particular As to the winding a skein of silk he that begins at the right end will make quick riddance of it so to the dispatching of Wordly imployments that they may not prove heavenly impediments he that hath discretion to forecast them well may do very much However thy duty is to give the affairs of thy soul and thy God precedency I know the Devil and thy corrupt heart will often justle and quarrel with thy Closet and Family duties by suggesting to thee that they must of necessity be omitted because otherwise such and such concernments of thy calling upon which the welfare of thy self Wife and Children doth depend will be neglected As when Moses spake of the Israelites sacrificing to God then Pharoah spake of work to put them off so when thou art thinking of entring upon the performance of duties whether in secret or private thy back friend the evil one will send thee a message either by thy Wife or friend or thine unregenerate part that some other affairs of weight call for thy company elsewhere and therefore a dispensation must be granted thee at present as to thy solemn devotion Friend if thou lovest Jesus Christ take heed of hearkening to such temptations let the flesh but once obtain such a conquest over thee and thou shalt hear of it again it will pursue its victory to
this Strabo Geog. The Metapontines after a plentiful Harvest which had much enriched them dedicated an Harvest cut in gold to Apollo their God Praise the Lord O Jerusalem praise thy God O Zion For he maketh peace in thy borders and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat Psal 147.12 13 14. When God sendeth thee in profit thy duty is to give him praise Do not bury Gods mercies as the barren earth the seed that when once it s thrown into the ground we hear no more of it God expecteth as the trees by their leaves in Autumn pay their tribute of thanks to the Earth the Mother of their fruitfulness so that we should honor him when he heapeth favours on us Some men are like Fishermens weels wide to receive in mercies but there is no passage out for the returning of praises Those places where the Rivers are shallowest make the greatest sound those where they are deepest are most silent Men while they are poor sound with prayers make a great noise for mercies but when God blesseth them with wealth they are silent in regard of thanks they are lifted up with pride but look not up to God with praise It is reported of Willigis a Wheelers son Calius lect Antiq lib. 13. c. 1. that being made Archbishop of Mentz and one of the Prince Electors in Germany he did constantly acknowledge Gods great providence in his great preferment and therefore gave in his coat of Arms three Wheels with this Motto written in his bed chamber in great letters Willigis Willigis Recole unde veneris Willigis Willigis remember from whence thou camest Thus holy Jacob in his prosperity remembred both his former poverty and his present plenty to its Authors praise O God of of my father Abraham I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies and all thy truth which thou hast shewed unto thy servant for with my staff I passed over this Jordan and now I am become two bands Gen. 32.9 10. So do thou Reader when God blesseth the work of thy hands ponder his goodness that thou mayest give him his praise and think of thy own unworthiness thereby thou mayst be preserved from pride It is reported of that noble Captain Iphicrates that being enriched he should cry out From how small to how great an estate am I raised Sixthly Labour for contentedness and an holy composedness in all conditions Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as ye have for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Heb. 13. Thy duty is to have the scales of thy minde equally poized in all providences not rising in prosperity through lightness nor sinking in adversity under the heaviness of the load As the tree bendeth this way and that way with the wind but still keepeth its place so thou mayest yield according to the gales of providence but still retain and keep thy standing thy piety If thine estate decrease let not thine heart despair if the World flow in let not thine heart flow out O it was an excellent Lesson which Paul had learned I know in what state soever I am to be content I know how to be abased and I know how to abound I know how to be full and how to be empty Phil. 4.11 Paul was not like a musical Instrument out of tune with every change of weather but like the Cypress tree which no storms Naturalists tell us can alter and like the Hill Olympus above all winds and weather Some men are like the leaves of a tree which every wind sets a shaking and trembling or like a bone out of joynt which a man cannot stir without pain if the World do but frown upon them you may see it in their faces they are quite dejected with sorrow O how heavy presently are their hearts as if they had lost their Heaven It is to be feared that bough is rotten which breaketh if but a little weight be hung upon it A godly man should be like a Rock immoveable though high winds and boisterous waves of Providence blow and beat upon him and like a Die however he be thrown always to fall upon a square The Traveller need not murmure though his Inn afford him but mean fare and an hard bed when he knoweth that he must be gone next morning The Ox is not happier which hath two or three mountains to graze on then the Bee which feedeth upon that dew which falleth daily from the store-house of Heaven If thou hast secur'd thine ever lasting estate the boundless God is thy portion and surely then thou mayst be like a spring full under the most scorching Providence It was a worthy speech of Mr. Bradford the Martyr to one who asked him whether he should petition the Queen for his life If the Queen will take away my life I will thank her if she will give me my life I will thank her if she will banish me I will thank her if she will burn me I will thank her let her deal with me how she pleaseth I will thank her So Reader thy heart will be in an excellent frame indeed if thou canst thank God when he enricheth thee and thank him when he impoverisheth thee if thou canst thank him when he smiles on thee with the light of his countenance and thank him also if he frown by some sad Providence if thou canst thank him when he is at Addition and thank him when he is at Substraction thank him giving to thee and thank him taking from thee O here is an heart worth gold indeed Truly the want of this calmness and composedness of minde is a great impediment to Christians Alas when their spirits are like some mens flesh no sooner razed with a pin but they rankle and fester no sooner touched with a light affliction but they faint and are dejected how unfit are they for Religious actions as men in extremity of pain they rather chatter then pour out a prayer Either men must use the World as if they used it not or they will serve the Lord as if they served him not He who knoweth that nothing can befal him whilest he is diligent in his calling but what is the fruit of bottomless love and the result of infinite wisdom may certainly be steady in the greatest storm Thrice happy is that soul who hath so much care of doing his work and such an eye to the recompence of reward that the allurements and affrightments of the World though they may assault the outworks can never surprize the Royal Fort of his heart The onely way Reader to finde thine own will is to lose it in Gods will Those that grumble at his doings and quarrel at his dealings do but like a Bull in the net and the silly Bird among the lime-twigs by strugling intangle themselves the more Unsubmissiveness to Gods will is the fountain of all mans wo the quiet resignation of our persons
and portions to Gods pleasure is the onely sleeping pill which can give rest to the soul Christian let me ask thee this question Didst thou give up thy self to Christ for Temporal or for Eternal comforts Didst thou enter upon Relien to save thine Estate or thy Soul O why then shouldst thou be so sad when thy Eternal happiness is so safe For shame live like a childe of God an heir of Heaven and let the World know that thy hopes and happiness are in a better World that though thou art denyed those Acorns which thy Father giveth to his Hogs yet thou hast the Childrens bread and expectest thine inheritance when thou comest to Age. Thus I have dispatched the fourth particular how a Christian may exercise himself to Godliness in his particular calling A good Wish about Particular Callings wherein the former heads are Epitomized MY particular calling being a peculiar and distinct station The Introductîon wherein I am bound to be serviceable to my country and family and wherein also I have this priviledge that I may further my general calling if I mind it out of conscience to the Lord and in obedience to his word I wish in general that I may never cross the wise providence of my God in the government of the World by neglecting it or thinking lightly of it but since I am listed under the Captain of my salvation may serve him faithfully not onely in general as a Souldier but also in that place or office to which he hath chosen and called me I wish in particular Our general callingsmust be followed with diligence that what my hand findeth to do I may do it with all my might that I may be of the number of them that spend themselves with labour and not of them who wast with rust and laziness my diligence herein is some help against the temptations of the Devil The sluggards heart is like his field overgrown with weeds Lord let me rather wear out with work then consume like a Garment laid by with moths for want of use Yet I wish that I may not by my industry make more hast to be rich then good speed With righteousness I mean that I may never increase my riches by dealing unrighteously in my calling knowing that unjust gain is a morsel which the strongest stomach in the World cannot possibly digest but may esteem a penny got by the blessing of God upon my honest labour at a far greater price then thousands of pounds by rapine and robbery and may weigh all my wares in the Scales of loving my neighbour as my self by the standard of that royal Law Whatsoever you would that men should do unto you do you even so unto them for this is the law and the Prophets O that I might not upon any pretence whatsoever either by taking advantage of the buyers ignorance or by putting unserviceable wares into his hands or by false weights and measures or by defrauding my neighbour any other way consult shame to my house Hab. 2.10 and sin against my own soul but when I am in my shop or warehouse or instructing my servant how to sell I may hear the sound of that dreadful threatning against unrighteous dealers in mine eares Job 20.15 He hath swallowed down riches he shall vomit them up again God shall cast them out of his belly He shall suck the poison of Asps the Vipers tongue shall slay him the increase of his house shall depart and his goods shall flow away in the day of his wrath They must not incroach upon our general calling I desire that I may watch my calling as they who make powder do their fire with my greatest care to keep it within its own bounds that I may so give to the World the things of the World as to give to my God the things of God In stealing away either out love To this end I wish that I may not like Demas embrace this present world but how deep soever I wade in earthly affairs may be sure to keep my head I would say my heart above water least I sink and perish in them eternally Lord though I possess outward things yet let outward things never possess me I am married to thy sacred Majesty though I converse with my calling as a friend yet let the bed of my heart never be defiled therewith but reserved onely for thy blessed self to lodge in Or time My prayer is that my earthly traffique may never be suffered to play the thief and to steal away that precious treasure of time which at least morning and evening my heavenly trade requireth in my Closet and family but though like the Eagle I stoop to the earth for my prey my outward provision I may not dwell there but mount up again to heaven O that I might be deaf to all the vain excuses which the World will plead for the total omission or shortning of Religious exercises and even when a real necessity not through any negligence of mine appeareth by some sudden providence I am denyed time to draw the long sword of solemn devotion I may be then so affected with my duty and danger as to draw the short Dagger of ejaculatory petitions to defend my self against my spiritual enemies My God never intended that my trade should be my trouble or my calling like the clouds to impede my sight of the true Sun therefore if so much business lye upon my hands that if that be attended my soul must be neglected let me rather as a wise Traveller ease my self of some part of my burthen then permit it to hinder me in my journey to heaven I desire that I may be so sensible that good things here below come from the most high God Prayer for a blessing and the success of my labours dependeth more on his providence then my diligence that I may never in a morning open my shop or lift up a tool as my trade is before I have opened my heart and lifted up my soul to my God for his blessing upon my endeavours All creatures in the hands of my God are as dead tools in the hands of a living workman by whose force and influence alone they act Lord let me never look upon second causes as more then the order in which and the means with which thou art pleased to work Thanks to God for success I wish that if God shall by my calling increase my wealth I may not sacrifice to my own nets nor burn incense to my own drags but may be so spiritual as to acknowledge my God the Author of temporals and receive them so thankefully from his hand of bounty that I may improve them faithfully as may be most for his glory The earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof He is the owner of all I enjoy I am but his Steward and must shortly give account of my Stewardship O let me make me friends of
Families page 523 Mind Religious duties in their Families page 529 Prayer must be in Families page 530 The Scriptures must be read in Families page 533 Psalmes must be sung in Families page 536 Governours of Families must give a good pattern page 538 All in a Family must be imployed page 549 The Governour of a Family must take care that his whole Family sanctifie the Lords day page 542 He must set up Discipline in his Family page 545 He must maintain love in his Family page 553 Godly Fear requisite in holy duties page 120 Fervency requisite in Prayer page 172 G THe things of God are the things of the greatest weight page 53 Godliness taken two ways page 8 9 Godliness Vide Religion Godly men meet with much opposition in the way to heaven page 65 Godliness must be our principal business page 94 95 In every part of our lives page 102 103 H A Good Harvest Gods gift page 485 486 It is our duty to Hear the word page 200 Evil Frames hinder us in Hearing page 205 Prejudice against the Preacher must be laid aside by them that would profit by Hearing page 206 to 211 The Heart must be affected with the weight efficacy and excellency of the word which we Hear page 212 Prayer requisite before hearing page 216 Right ends in Hearing to be minded page 221 False ends in hearing to be avoided page 220 Worldly thoughts hinder our Hearing page 221 222 We must hear as in Gods presence page 223 We must pray after we have Heard Vide the Word God looks much after our Hearts page 17 170 Heaven not to be obtained without diligence labour page 60 to 65 Humility required in prayer page 167 168 I IDolaters are zealous and prodigal page 418 419 Idleness the evils of it page 552 Intemperance a great sin page 417 The mischeifs of Intemperance page 418 419 Joy in God seasonable on a Lords day page 364 L LOrds day of divine institution page 337 338 God takes special notice how we keep the Lords day page 339 Preparation needful for a Lords day page 342 Wherein preparation to a Lords day consisteth page 343 to 346 Lords day a great priviledge page 348 Lords day a spicial season to get and increase grace in page 353 Publique Ordonances chiefly to be minded on the Lords day page 356 to 362 The whole Lords day to be sanctified page 372 Brief Directions for the Sanctification of the whole Lords day page 381 to 391 A good Wish about the sanctification of the Lords day page 391 A good Wish to the Lords day page 396 Lords day Vide Families and Meditation Love of Christ Vide Christs Love to Christians tried page 273 Love a help to Godliness page 553 M. MAn created for Religion Vide Epistles and page 39 Good Counsel about Marriage page 425 Meekness requisite in a Wife page 562 Meditation needful before prayer page 138 Meditation a duty on a Lords day page 377 Ministers must be godly page 6 and 498 A Minister must be industrious page 6 7. 502 People must pray for their Minister page 219 220 Ministers must act from right principles and for right ends page 499 500 Ministers must be able 501. Compassionate 504. Faithful 501 Full of courage 505. Ministers must Preach plainly purely prudently and powerfully page 507 to 510 Ministers must pray for their people page 510 Administer Sacraments 511. Chatechise 510. Visit people page 512 Ministers must be exceeding tende what example they give their people ib. Ministers must not be discouraged if their labours be not successful page 513 Ministers must give the glory of their success to God page 514 N HOw a Christian in Natural Actions may make Religion his business page 400 A good wish about Natural Actions page 441 O OBedience required page 322 341 Obedience must be in heart and life page 17 18 Obedience must be Canonical page 19 Ordinances their ends and use page 130 131 Ordinances Vide duties and Lords day P GOd hath an extrodinary respect for a Penitent soul page 277 278 Perseverance required page 35 Perseverance in prayer page 189 Pleasures Vide Recreations The excellency of Prayer page 137 138 The Prevalency of Prayer page 141 142 Prayer hath a twofold Preheminence above all other duties page 138 The Nature of Prayer page 140 The Antecedents to Prayer page 147 Meditation an help to Prayer page 148 Meditation of our sins wants and miseries needful before Prayer page 149 to 155 Meditation of God helpful to Prayer page 155 Quickening and stirring up of grace needful to Prayer page 157 Sin hindreth Prayer page 159 160 Anger hindreth Prayer page 161 Worldly Distractions hinder Prayer page 162 Gods Word must be the rule for the matter of our Prayers page 163 The Person Praying must be holy page 165 Prayer must be Vpright 170. Humble 167. Fervent 172 Constant page 178 What it is to Pray Continually page 180 A Caution about fervency in Prayer page 176 Its an ill sign to be Prayerless page 184 185 After Prayer wait for an Answer page 186 Means must be used for the obtaining our Prayers page 191 Preparation to Religious duties needful page 343 Preparation to Hearing Vide Hearing Preparation to the Lords day Vide Lords day R REcreations are lawful 446. they must not be our occupation 450 they must be used for good ends 454. In due season page 456 Recreations are unseasonable on a Lords day page 457 458 and in times of the Churches sufferings page 461 A good wish about Recreations page 462 Religion must be our business page 10 What Religion is page 13 14 The several derivations of the word Religion page 13 What it is to make it ones business 21. It implieth to give it precedency 22. To pursue it with industry 26. To persevere with constancy page 35 Why Religion must be made our business page 39 Religion is the end of mans creation page 40 Religion is a work of the greatest weight 45 to 49. It is Soul-work 49. It is God-work 52. It is Eternity-work page 57 The necessity of making Religion our business page 60 to 70 Religion much neglected page 72 The neglect of Religion bewailed page 73 79 Our greatest care must be about Religious duties page 108 Vide Godliness and Duties Repentance consisteth in mourning for sin and turning from sin page 276 280 S SAints called Lillies why page 268 Saints shamed by sinners page 88 89 92 93 Scripture a great mercy page 198 Vide Hearing and the Word Sacrament of the Lords Supper a seal of the Covenant page 251 The Sacrament a resemblance of Christs death 252. An evidence of his love 253. A great Supper in four respects page 253. The excellency of the Sacrament page 255 Much care about the Supper page 255 256 The danger of receiving the Supper unworthily page 256 to 262 Christ takes notice how men prepare for the Sacrament page 257 Preparation requisite before it 264 265. Wherein preparation for it consisteth page 266 to 279 Our dependance must be on Christ for assistance after our greatest preparation for the Sacrament page 282 Subjects to be meditated on at a Sacrament 285. Christs sufferings 286 to 293. Christs love 293 to 300. Our own sins ib. Graces to be exercised at the Sacrament 300. Faith in its threefold act 303 to 310. Love 312. Repentance page 315 What a Christian should do after a Sacrament page 319 320 Men to be very careful in the choice of Servants page 526 527 Sinners very zealous for sin page 87 88 89 Sobriety vide Temperance Sleep how to be ordered page 437. Its ends 440. Quantity page 437 Season page 439 Soul-work weighty page 49 The welfare of the body dependeth on the Soul page 51 The Souls excellency page 50 T. TEmperance commended page 416 Vide Natural Actions and Eating Thankfulness enjoyned 413 415. For the Word 236. For the Sacrament page 319 U. VNgodliness brancheth it self into Atheism and superstition page 1 2 Uprightness acceptable to God page 171 Unthankfulness page 408 W GOod Counsel about the Choice of a Wife page 525 526 Word why called the grace of God page 203 Gods power alone can make the Word effectual page 217 218 When the Word cometh with power then it profiteth page 229 Its woful to live under the Word and not to be changed by it page 231 We must bless God for his Word page 237 The Word must be obeyed page 240 241 242 Word Vide Hearing Worldlings eager for the World page 74 to 78 Our Worship of God must be inward and outward page 14 to 19 Man made for the Worship of God Vide Man God is very choice in his Worship page 109 110 Gods Worship must be according to his Word page 19 20 God alone the object of Worship page 16 Its ill to dally with Gods Worship page 112 Much Watchfulness required in the Worship of God page 113 Y YOuth Vide Family instruction FINIS