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A85241 [Staurodidache kai stauronike] The doctrine & dominion of the crosse : in an historical narration and spiritual application of the passion of Iesus. / Written first in Latin by John Ferus ... ; now turned into English for the good of this nation by Henry Pinnell. ; Together with a preface of the translator, containing the necessity of knowing and conforming unto the cross of Christ, short considerations of predestination, redemption, free will and original sin. Ferus, Johann, 1495-1554.; Pinnell, Henry. 1659 (1659) Wing F820C; ESTC R177022 400,270 516

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his death was a passing to the Father therefore so shall ours be also even as Christ himself said John 20. I ascend to my Father and to your Father Note 1. He doth not say that his time but his hour was come to teach us that there is a certain hour appointed to every man as it is said Job 14. The number of his moneths are with thee thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass Note 2. Secondly To shew that his suffering would not last long So he saith to the Jews Matth. 26. this is your hour q.d. I have but one hour to suffer and you but one to spend your rage Thus the Scripture calleth the whole time of this life but an hour If thou dost well know that thou hast but an hours time here that is but a very little while do not therefore begrudge thy labour And even thy effliction lasteth but an hour let it not then be tedious Psalm 37. So the prosperity of the wicked continueth but an hour Fret not thy self because of the evill doers for yet a little and he shall be no more But as the feast of the Passover was Christs hour when he would suffer and dye so forty years after at the same feast was his hour when he inflicted vengeance on the Jews For when they were assembled at the Passover the Romans besieged them and shortly after ransack'd their City We also have two hours one of Mercy another of Judgement as certainly as there is a time of mercy so certainly may we expect the hour of Judgement Briefly the Evangelist John calleth the death of Christ a going away 1. That he might shew his power and might For he could pass over all those things which yet hindred his approach to the Father Psal 107.16 as it is said of him He hath broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron in sunder Before his death there was no clear passage out of this world unto Heaven And this therefore is the fruit of his death he opened thereby and prepared for us a passage to the Father It is significantly said not to God but to the Father that we should not be afraid to draw nigh unto God who by Christ is now become our Father 2. Again This going away may thus be understood viz. that John would hereby give an account of the Passover it self which signifieth a passing over as if he had said This feast hath hitherto been celebrated in remembrance of those things that were done in the passing or going out of Aegypt Now there is another passing out at hand even out of the world unto the Father In the former going out Moses was Leader in this second Christ Jesus is the Captain As they followed Moses so let us follow Christ The Jewish Passover is to go out of Aegypt the Christian Passover is to go out of the world to the Father But what did Christ when he knew that the hour of his going away was at hand surely he did not forget his friends He did not leave loving them for whose sake he was going to suffer such a bitter death And why should he withdraw his love from them who are so hated and contemned by and in the world What then doth Christ do When he had loved his he loved them unto the end He did truly love them and he continued this his love to them indeed unto the end In the first clause Christ sheweth the reason why he was made man and came into the world It was not our worthiness that was any motive thereof Psal 143.2 for we were not worthy to receive so much as corporall blessings from him much less were we worthy of eternall Nor had we any merit to move him for we were altogether born in sin Neither was it our righteousness that availed any thing for who shall be justified in the sight of God But it was his boundless love his infinite charity wherewith he embraced us that allured and invited him thereto For as the Father out of his great and abundant love sent his Son so the Son out of his abundant charity undertook and performed that Embassie of the Father So saith John herein his love 1 John 4. not that we loved him but that he loved us first Most significantly doth John say having loved his own which were in the world All creatures were his by creation John 1. It is said of the wicked He came unto his own and his own received him not But by his own is here meant those whom he chose to be his from Eternity of whom it is said Thine they were John 17. and thou gavest them me He saith further which were in the world lest any should think he spake here of the Angels who also are Christs But he took not the Nature of Angels but the seed of Abraham Heb. 2. Phil. 2. He did not appear in the likeness of an Angell but was found in fashion as a man And it is said in generall having loved his own which were in the world lest any should think that he loved none but his Apostles How he loved his own may be seen by this one thing in that he came down from Heaven for their sake to say nothing of the great tokens of his love which he shewed to them when he was in earth But what meaneth that He loved them to the end It was to shew why Christ took the Cross in his way as he went back again to the Father when he might have returned without danger His love constrained him He saw that his coming down from Heaven was not sufficient unless also he made satisfaction for the sins of men So that he loved them to the end i. e. he persevered in his love 1. First in that he left not loving them even to the death the ungodliness of the Jews did not hinder him he was not disheartened when his own fled from him and denyed him leaving him all alone to suffer by himself 2. He continued his love to them in that death it self did not put an end to it Many waters could not quench it Cant 8. 3. His love to them lasted to the end that is he sheweth signs of it to them in the very last day 4. He loved them to the end that is with the highest and most perfect love than which none could be greater Greater love hath none than that a man lay down his life for his friends which Christ did do John 13. Or 5. He loved them to the end that is he gave not over till be had perfectly saved them sully overcome sin death and all the curses of the Law Now then John doth so singularly commend the love of Christ and set it forth in the beginning or entrance of his Passion and his last Supper 1. To shew that all things which followed after proceeded from nothing but the
c. ye shew the Lords death ill he come Thus ye see after what manner at what time and with what words Christ instituted the Sacrament all which are of such concernment that t is strange if they kindle not in us a desire of so great good inflame our love to God and encourage us to give praise and thanks unto him We commend and thank him that giveth us an estate at his death to make us rich Why should we not do so here But sometimes we may find ingrateful heirs in the world so alas for it doth Christ find by experience that we are too unthankfull unto him Now the sleighting what is set before us is no small cause of this our ingratitude And so that is too often fulfill'd in us which Elisha once said to the incredulous Noble man 2 King 7.2 Thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou shalt not eat thereof Are not these things fulfill'd in us We see and have these great things before our eyes and in our hands yet we perceive them not we taste them not What greater evil can befall a man than to have riches and not enjoy them Two things yet remain to be considered about this Sacrament viz. to what end it was ordained and how it ought to be received It was ordained 1. That our heart should more closely cleave to the words and Promises of God The Prophets promised that the time should come when God would dwell in us and that Christ by his death would take away our sins c. All which and the like Promises are confirmed by this Sacrament He instituted this Sacrament that we should not doubt of these things 2. It is a standing Monument of his Charity that so we might never doubt of his good will to us Whensoever then our consciences are ready to flag and fail which often happeneth specially at death they should be strengthened by this Sacrament 3. It is a perpetual Remembrance and Representation of that only sacrifice which was offered for us upon the Cross The benefit of this Sacrament may be taken out of the words of Paul when he saith 1. The bread which we break is it not the Communion of the body of Christ c. 1 Cor. 10. Whereby he sheweth that by this Sacrament we partake of all the good things of Christ 2. Another fruit of it is that we also are made one bread and one body even all that partake of one bread and of one cup that is This Sacrament doth put us in mind that we are made one meat and one drink and that we should wholly devote our selves to the good of our Neighbours that we should make the poverty of others our own and account the faults of others as our own c. Therefore in Greek it is called Synaxis that is a communication Whence we may easily gather what is requisite to the worthy receiving of it which is nowhere more clearly exprest than in the figure of the Paschal Lamb and the Manna The Paschal Lamb. Both which figures I shall briefly open Concerning the Lamb consider 1. The house must be sprinkled with the blood of the Lamb in three places Exod. 12.7 on the door and both the posts So he that will come to the Sacrament must first be sealed with the Seal of the holy Trinity which is done in Baptism Or thus he must be marked in three places that is he should have the three Sacraments Baptism Confirmation and Repentance Or the blood of the Lamb must be on his doors i. e. he should alwayes have the remembrance of Christs Passion before his eyes when he goeth out and when he cometh in according to that of Paul 1 Cor. 11. As oft as ye eat ye shall shew the Lords death c. Or he should have the Lambs blood on the doors i. e. he must not be ashamed of the Cross of Christ nor blush to keep the Commands of Christ but openly confess that he doth believe and keep them To that which the Author hath here observed The Translators Supplement Heb. 10.29 concerning this first circumstance the Translator further addeth viz. They were not to strike any of the Lambs blood on the threshold nor should we tread the blood of the Son of God under foot But they were to strike the blood on the lintel So should we alwayes have the blood of Christ over our heads above our own reason in higher estimation than the reach of our natural capacity or growth and stature of our earthly man our carnal mind It should be over our head to be seen only by Faith lifting our heads upward from earthy things thoughts desires affections confidence righteousness c. unto heavenly things looking on it as a Propitiation a Reconciliation a Mediation something between Heaven and earth between God and man as that which reconcileth us unto God Heb. 12.24 and giveth us boldness at his Throne of Grace speaking better things than that of Abel Again they were to strike both the side posts one as well as the other We should have the blood of Christ on either hand that we may see God on the lest hand where he worketh and on the right hand where he hideth himself Job 23.9 that we may be kept in prosperity and adversity knowing how to want and how to abound both in respect of the outward and inward man preserved from excess and all extreams swallowed up neither with presumption nor despair but fighting the good fight of Faith having the Armour of Righteousness on the right hand 2 Cor. 6.7 and on the left Now we proceed with the Author 2. They must eat the flesh roasted with fire that night The flesh of Christ must be eaten by night It must be by Faith alone and the eyes of Reason must be shut T is true our flesh would eat it in the day that is it coveteth to see all things but all in vain The flesh of Christ is eaten invisibly and in a Mysterie And the flesh of our Lamb may well be said to be roasted for it is roasted with the fire of Tribulation as also with the fire and operation of the Holy Spirit 3. It was to be eaten with unleavened bread The flesh of the Lamb must not be eaten alone that is we must not only consider what Christ did but what we also ought to do 1 Cor. 5. we must first of all cast out the leaven of malice and wickedness the Sacrament must be received with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth For this food is not provided for dogs but for Children only not for filthy persons but such as are clean They sin therefore who come to it not having first repented of their sins 4. With wild Lettice so the vulg Lat. bitter herbs or as it is in the Hebrew with or upon bitternesses i. e. with a bitter remembrance of our sins Thus the
Christ doth not simply require Love of those that are his but so as without it he will own none for his Disciple And if it be so or rather because it is so truly there are but few true Christians to be found in these dayes for Charity almost among all men waxeth cold and faith and mercifulness faileth every where and is withered instead of which hatred envy discord deceit treachery is sprung up 2. We see how much they are out of the way who would fain be taken for Christians by I know not what Tokens when Charity towards God and their Neighbour is nothing regarded 3. Here we find the difference between Faith and Charity Faith maketh a Disciple of Christ Charity maketh him known to be a Disciple It followeth Simon Peter said unto him Lord whither goest thou John 13.36 Jesus answered him whither I go thou canst not follow me now but thou shalt follow me afterwards Peter said unto him Lord why cannot I follow thee now verse 37. I will lay down my life for thy sake Jesus answered him wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake verse 38. Simon Simon Satan hath desired you Luke 22.31 that he may sift you as wheat But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not verse 32. and when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren And he said unto him Lord verse 33. I am ready to go with thee both into prison and to death And he said I tell thee Peter the Cock shall not crow this day verse 34. before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me It was a sign of great fervency in Peter that he only should interrupt Christ and ask his Lord whither he was going when all the rest held their peace sure he was astonished at the word which Christ spake whither I go ye cannot come and fearing that he should be separated from Christ he could hold no longer but must needs ask the question To whom Christ very sweetly answered Whither I go thou canst not follow me now but thou shalt follow me afterwards which may be understood two wayes 1. He could not follow Christ to Heaven who was now going thither but he should follow him afterwards when he was made a Citizen of the City above he with the rest of the Saints should raign with Christ 2. He was not yet indued with power from on high neither had he that strengthening Spirit to reform him and his Nature therefore he could not scorn the dangers of death nor wholly overcome the terrour thereof 1. The power to break the force of death was only in Christ Therefore thou canst not follow me now because that to go by the Cross is yet very hard and difficult Psal 77.19 As t is said Thy Wayes are in the sea and thy Path in the great waters and thy Foot-steps are not known 2. Again secondly Thou canst not follow me yet because of the imperfection of thy love Rom. 5. There had need be a great fire of Love which so many waters of afflictions cannot quench but hereafter when the Spirit shall shed forth more Love into thy heart then shalt thou follow me 3. Lastly Thou canst not follow me yet It is not in the power of thy carnal will to conquer Death this it the work of Gods Grace his Grace alone must do it I must first set upon it by my death and overcome it I will grapple with it in my Passion and conquer it by my Resurrection Till this be done thou canst not follow me thou canst not but tremble at death T is too strong for thee to conquer and contemn Inded our nature shrinks at death croucheth under it Our Saviours Passion was the first dissolution of Death 1. To this end the Son of God did take upon him the seed of Abraham Heb. 2. that by the death of his flesh he might make Death of none effect and might deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to bondage 2. Again the contempt of Death had its first original from the Resurrection of Christ 1 Cor. 15. From that very time we may say with Paul O Death where is thy sting O grave where is thy Victory Thanks be to God who hath given us the Victory by Jesus Christ our Lord. And that Peter might not think that he should for ever be separated from Christ he saith But thou shalt follow me afterwards alluding to Peters death and tels him in a Riddle what death he should die q.d. as I will go by the Cross to the Father so thou shalt follow me by the Cross Very truly did Christ say Thou canst not follow me now which thee vent of the matter shew'd not long after When poor feeble Peter could not follow his Lord but denied him the third time for fear he should be forced to follow him with the loss of his own life But afterwards he did follow him when he stretched forth his hands and was crucified like a worthy Disciple of his Master But Peter not well weighing what Christ said and too much trusting to his own strength doth reply again Why saith he can I not follow thee now q.d. Dost thou think that I will prove so ingratefull for all thy kindnesses as to desert thee Thou hast chosen me for one of thy Apostles I had a taste of the joyes of heaven upon Mount Tabor I have wrought miracles in thy name indeed what favour hast thou denied me how then can I forsake thee at the greatest pinch of death when my own life shall be never so much in danger Nay I will engage my self and this I promise I love thee so dearly that I will lay down my life for thee I esteem so much of thy love that I value not my own life Indeed Peter thou dost make large promises but thou dost not well understand what thou saist thou hast a good conceit of thy own abilities but art altogether ignorant of thy weakness thou hast not yet tryed nor tasted the force of death if thou hadst thou wouldst not have spoken as thou dost nor wondred why Christ said thou couldst not follow him now I know there are examples enough of such as hazarded their lives for their country or kindred but this proceeded from their carnal affection But if God may be Judge it is not a work of the flesh but of the Spirit to dye for a stranger or to lay down ones life for his enemies Yet such is the property of humane reason that it will not acknowledge its own weakness Peter should have believed what Christ said and not so boldly contradicted him Let it be granted that be did it out of his great affection yet he ought to have believed Christ before himself and have thought with himself thus Surely he knows all things and understands better then I what he saith but what doth Christ reply to this presumptuous confidence
honest men if they were but compared with this perfidious wretched Villain for what was all their Treasons to this 1. Now this Treachery of Judas was figured out in Joab who also betrayed and cut off two famous men 2 Sam. 3.20 Abner and Amasa with a kiss 2. To conclude this Treason of Judas did prefigure the crafty devises of Hereticks who indeed counterfeit themselves to be the friends of Truth but are the Betrayers of it For by flattery and fair speeches they beguil the hearts of the simple Jer. 6. They say as in the Prophet Peace Peace where there is no Peace They have Christ much in their mouth but most of all oppose the faith of him very like the Traytor Judas who are also appointed to the same condemnation Jesus therefore knowing all things that should come upon him John 18.4 went forth and said unto them Whom seek ye They answered him Jesus of Nazareth Jesus saith unto them I am he And Judas also which betrayed him stood with them Assoon then as he had said unto them I am he they went backward and fell on the ground Then asked he them again Whom seek ye And they said Jesus of Nazareth Jesus answered I have told ye that I am he if therefore ye seek me let these go their way That the saying might be fulfilled which he spake Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none All these things were thus done and written that by most manifest Arguments we might see that Christ came to the Cross willingly and of his own accord For if he had been compel'd to the Cross by humane force or fraud the world would have appeared to be more crafty and stronger than he and consequently that Christ had not been God For what kind of God is he against whom the world is able to prevail Again He had not manifested so much love if he had suffered death unwillingly and by constraint But it is most plain in that the Evangelists do every where shew that he could not be surprized by fraud or humane force till he himself pleased I say it is plain that he was both wiser and stronger than the world and so his love did thereby shine forth more clearly All which make much for our comfort For as he said before John 13.1 that knowing his hour was now come that he should now pass out of this world c. having loved his own c. So now also although he truly knew not only some things but all that should come upon him yea and knew them most perfectly too and that they were hard at hand yet did he not shrink or flee or hide himself but continued his love to us unto the end And therefore he went out to meet his enemies single by himself against many without any weapon against those that were armed that they might all see he did not fear death At other times we often read that he made an escape Joh. 8. 11. and hid himself but now he doth voluntarily meet his enemies The time which his Father had prefixed was now come In both he was our example For by his flight and hiding himself he taught us not to tempt God but by meeting his foes he instructed us readily to resign our selves to the Will of God and to obey him with all cheerfulness of mind Thus Paul sometimes fled without intreaty but at last he would not be perswaded when the Brethren earnestly intreated him with many tears to make his escape What mean you saith he to weep Acts 9. Acts 21.13 and to break my heart here he offered himself to the Will of God there he would not tempt God rashly Doing both in faith For we can do neither without the help of God We cannot avoid an imminent danger if the hand of God rescue us not neither can we resign our selves to the Will of God except the Spirit of God assist us It is also to be observed John 6. that Christ conveighed himself from them that would have made him a King and no marvel For he that exalteth himself shall be brought low Kingdoms and Empires for the most part are nothing but steep places for men to fall from and break their necks Contrariwise when they sought to crucifie him he came out to meet them For he knew that the Cross was the way to the Father Let us also learn in the hope of future happiness not to be affrighted at present and momentany evils and not so much regard what we suffer but consider that by our sufferings we are going toward our Father See how forward Christ was to suffer For he doth not only meet his Adversaries but first asks them whom they sought He might have rebuked them sharply and cast his former benefits with their ingratitude and impiety in their Teeth yea he might have destroyed them all at one beck However he doth not so but with fair words he asked them what they sought as if he knew nothing of their design This was not the time of his Judgement but of his shewing Mercy He would not be passionate but patient and overcome evil with good Therefore he speaks to them in a familiar manner Whom seek yee 1. By which word he did warn them that they should take heed what they did Saith he Whom seek ye even an innocent person and him whom ye know by his Signs and Miracles which he did Gen. 4. that he is more and greater than a man Consider well t is no small offence to seek the death of the innocent For the blood of the innocent reacheth unto Heaven But t is much more hainous to sin against God If one man sin against another the Judge shall judge him 1 Sam. 2.25 but if a man sin against God who shall entreat for him 2. By this word Whom seek ye Christ jeereth their needless preparations he mocketh at their fear Whom saith he do yee seek i. e. What need these arms Whom do you fear Is it me who have no Weapon about me or do ye seek for my Disciples who also are unarmed men He doth not tell them at first sight I am he whom ye look for though he knew their enterprize but first asketh them that he might take occasion from their answer to confute them and that all the world might see and know that such a huge multitude went out to take one single man as they themselves confess that they did seek but for one 3. He first askt his Adversaries whom they sought after before he let them lay hands on him because thereby he might yet extend and offer Grace unto them q.d. To this end was I sent that I might hold forth unto all men and bestow it too upon them And as many as have sought me with a good heart hitherto know it full well to be true Therefore if ye also seek for Grace lo here I am and ready to
swinge up the cross After all is done and when all are gone and stand aloof off him as not daring to come too nigh him hanging like an accursed fellow upon the cross then will I approach nearer and stand fast by the cross of my Jesus I will hug and clip and cling about the Tree with my arms I will embrace it dearly I will bedew it with tears I will kiss it with my lips and because I cannot die with him I will hang my eyes on my crucified Son I will tarry till he depart I will see how he goeth out of the world for I only know how he came into this world I will not leave him dying whom I could never forsake living Thou didst very well O Holy Mother to stand by him when every body else had forsaken him For so did he first vouchsafe to come to thee passing by all other creatures This is that invincible Unicorn which none could ever take or over-rule who was long since earnestly importuned and as it were rouzed up by the servent prayers and desires of the Holy Fathers and not able to contain himself any longer was at last taken in thy Virgin-lap And lo now thou dost according to thy power requite that his so great favour to thee He left all and bestowed himself upon thee and now all forsake him thou like a dear Mother dost stand it out with him thy standing by him at the Cross is but sad company to him whilst thou dost there invisibly suffer in thy heart whatsoever he did visibly endure in his body When the Evangelist would describe this ineffable and sad suffering he doth not call her by her proper Name but discovers her by a Name of pity and Piety Mother his Mother Nor could he more fully express or describe her grief then by saying thus His Mother stood by the Cross of Jesus Here she had full tryall of what Simeon told her before Luke 2. A Sword shall pierce through thine own soul the pains she escaped in child-bed she now meets with at the cross To other Women it is said In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children Gen. 3. But Mary felt not the pains of travel yet was she not therefore free from all pain Now if the Virgin mother was not without her cross who amongst us shall think to escape it Christ doth suffer and his Mother doth suffer with him and dost thou think of nothing but merriments The Virgin stood and yet they were not come to the place but she followed him as he went out with his cross and yet she stood not afar off but hard by the cross whereby she shewed the constancy of a Mother and the valour of her mind Consider O man consider what great grief this was to her None ever received greater Favour and never any endured greater pain and sorrow then the Virgin-Mother His Mother stood full of courage full of affection and full of devotion Shee stood rouling that unutterable flame of Love in her Bosom wherewith her Son was set on fire And she also was enflamed with a vehement heat of Love examining her self if it were she that had brought forth such a Son who could so willingly pardon and pass by such affronts yea and excuse them also who dealt so cruelly with him She stood considering and pondering the hard and most bitter extremities of her Son with which she by reason of her Motherly affection was most grievously Tortured but withall she did according to her wisdom and burning charity consider the benefit that would thence redound to Mankind and the glory of God that would arise from it She stood with the rest of the Women and Friends at the cross full of sorrow and misery slighting all the gibes and jeers that she had cast on her for her Sons-sake Christ Jesus But her Motherly Love conquered and overcame all these discouragements But although Christ was in infinite streights yet he doth not neglect his Mother in that hour And when he had no member free but his Eyes and Tongue he doth not disdain to serve his Mother with them both He directs them both to her looking upon her and speaking to her to shew how highly he did esteem her in his heart and to teach us practically and really that our Parents are to be honoured by us and that we should take care of them even to the death At other times Christ seems to speak more harshly to his Mother to wit when he was about Gods business as Matth. 12. Luke 12. John 2. For all humane affection and respect must cease and give place to Gods business But here on the Cross he doth faithfully and humanely acknowledge his Mother for what she had brought forth did now hang before her eyes When Jesus saith he saw his Mother O the astonishing Miracle of Vision indeed O the lamentable glances which might have been seen in the eyes of Jesus Those eyes at one and the same time did hasten towards death and turn aside to his Mother The power of death did close and weaken them and the force of love did open them again to behold his Mother O how deeply was the Ray of that last look fastened in thy heart O thou Holy Mother which the Lord of the world was pleased to glance upon thee when he was about to dye It was a Dart indeed which did not only wound thy heart but it was also a Sword that pierced the very inward parts of thy soul O how full of sobbs and sighs wast thou with what floods of grief wast thou overwhelmed when thou dost cast thy weeping eyes upward at once to see thy Son dying and at the same time wishfully looking upon thee Nor doth Christ serve his Mother with his eyes only beholding her therewith but he doth also comfort her with his Tongue Woman Woman saith he Behold thy Son He calleth her Woman 1. That he might not encrease her sorrow It was not a time now to complement or use smooth words and sugared expressions to her nor to call her Mother For if Christ had spoken more sweetly to her I believe it would have broken the Virgins heart 2. He doth call her Woman for if he had called Mother it might have given occasion to them that crucified him to use her more hardly 3. Although she is above measure to be extoli'd as a Virgin yet she is much more highly to be commended by the Name of Woman inasmuch as God was pleased to honour her Bowels with this sacred issue and by her to expound to the world that Covenant which God heretofore made to Abraham Hence it is that Christ here from the cross doth call her Woman Hence it is that the Angell pronounced her blessed among Women Hence it is that Paul saith Christ was made of a Woman Gal. 4. The meaning of the word is The meaning as if Christ had said Woman I know the perplexing cares of thy breast I know thy
love of Christ as the Institution of the Sacrament the washing of their feet his most loving instructions and the very Passion it self 2. On the other hand to stir us up to love Christ and be thankfull to him 3. For our Confolation that we should not think Gods love to us cometh to an end For he doth not love once only or only our Fathers but he loveth to the end for ever and ever He abideth faithfull he cannot deny himself 2 Tim. 2. Dearest friends let this love of Christ satisfie us It matters not whether the world doth love or hate us so long as we are sure that Christ loveth us that we are in his heart that he regardeth us much that he careth for us c. What hurt can the hatred of the world now do us If God be for us who can be against us Rom. 8. It followeth Mat. 26.20 Mark 14,18 Luke 22.15,16,17,18 Now when the even was come he came and sat down with the twelve Apostles and saith unto them With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer For I say unto you I will not any more eat thereof untill it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God And he took the cup and gave thanks and said Take this and divide it among your selves For I say unto you I will not drink of the fruit of the Vine Mat. 26.29 till the Kingdom of God shall come when I drink it new with you in my Fathers Kingdom Here beginneth the Supper Exod. 12. In the evening of the fourteenth day of the first moneth the paschal Lamb was to be slain and eaten Christ therefore doth well begin at the figure and proceed unto the Truth First He eateth the Legal Lamb then he instituteth his new Supper and offereth himself to be eaten by those that are his And whereas the Law required to eat the Paschal Lamb standing no doubt but Christ observed it and though it be said he sate that is meant after he had eaten the legall Lamb. First then he stood with his Disciples and did eat the paschall Lamb that he might wholly fulfill the Law and bring it to an honourable end for he came not to destroy but to fulfill it When he had so done he sate down and happily then began the true Supper He had finished the former already that old one but his own which he principally intended he had not yet begun To the other a roasted Lamb was required but to this nothing but bread and wine Therefore between both Suppers he doth interpose a few words whereby he gave them to understand that he meant to abolish the Old Testament and to make a new one He exprest the great affection of his heart to them at the beginning With desire have I desired c. as if he had said My dearest Babes ye know very well that I have observed the Passover every year but never with so great a desire as I do now For now the time is come that I will give you such meat and drink as ye never yet tasted at this Jewish Festivall And I am glad that the time is come for I desire nothing more To morrow I must suffer a most bitter death therefore I must dispatch the Supper this night This is the last time I shall sup with you I shall never more eat with you on earth as now we do Hence he presently addeth Hereafter I will no more eat of it c. And henceforth I will no more drink of the fruit of the Vine in which words he plainly sheweth that he was about to suffer And a dead man doth neither eat nor drink Now lest his Disciples should be too much grieved at this uncouth speech he saith further for their comfort untill it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God And till I drink it new with you in the Kingdom of my Father Both speeches have the same sense for they have respect to the joyfull Resurrection of Christ When Christ rose from the dead the Passover was fulfilled All was imperfect till then Every one of the former Feasts were defective For till that time there was but only the shadow and Figure of the Passover as also all other things under Moses When Christ rose the true Passover began for then all things were fulfilled which belonged to the Passover And this saith he Matth. 3. shall be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God For then the Kingdom of God shall come in all Respects of which it was said before that it drew nigh As if he had said till I am dead and risen again the kingdom of God is not come But then my heavenly and spiritual Kingdom shall mightily be begun in all the world when I shall die for the sins of men and rise again for their justification Rom. 4. then I say the whole world shall plainly see and know by the Word and Spirit that the Son of God is King and raigneth over the soul and conscience which Kingdom of his is now covered with the Cross What then did he promise should be after all things were fulfilled and the Kingdom of God made manifest He promised that he would eat the Passover again with them and drink wine but new wine and after another manner than before which may be understood two wayes 1. First Of his corporall eating when he did eat of a broiled fish and Honey comb with his Disciples after his Resurrection Then he did eat with them again corporally but not as formerly It was not for any bodily necessity for a glorious body needeth not meat but fully to prove and evidence the truth of his Resurrection Christ then promised that he would eat bodily again with them after his Resurrection though as I said after another manner of which Peter speaketh we did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead Acts 10.41 2. But the better sense of the words is of the spiritual eating and drinking For after the solemnity of this Jewish Feast Christ did never more eat of the paschal Lamb. But he eateth the new Passover or Lamb with us and drinketh the new wine with us in the Kingdom of God in the Church when we with him and he with us are incorporated by Faith and receiving the Sacrament which is not for once but ever as long as the kingdom of Christ lasteth in the Church Hereby then he intimateth that the corporall eating of the Lamb should cease and that we should spiritually eat of the true Lamb. The first Lamb was not therefore commanded to be offered and eaten because it should alwayes be so done Indeed Moses said Exod. 12. this should be kept as an Ordinance for ever but he saith also throughout your Generations viz as long as this generation continueth so long as this state of things this Testament this old Testament lasteth and as long as ye continue the people of God so long
if he had now essentially some glory which he had not before but because it was now cleared up by the Passion and Resurrection of Christ of which Son God was the Father 2. As also because by the Passion and Resurrection God got him Glory among men whom the world knew not before but now by Christ they knew that he was their Father and Helper c. And lest any should question how Christ came to know so clearly and certainly beforehand that God would glorifie him He answereth If God saith he be glorified by him God also shall glorifie him in himself He cannot doubt of Glory hereafter who glorifieth God now in this life 1 Sam. 2. For that word stands stedfast He that glorifieth me him I will glorifie but they that despise me shall be dishonourable Christ did glorifie God by his Doctrine setting him forth by most worthy and magnificent Titles For Believers now call God Father by Christ whom before they lookt on as a Judge under the Law which condemned sin By Christ he is called our Saviour who before was a condemning Judge On the other hand God also glorifieth Christ bestowing great Titles on him as a Conqueror triumphing over the Law Curse Cross Sin Death Hell and Satan This is that Name above every name Phil. 2. which God the Father hath given to Christ at which every knee should bow c. In the close of this clause Christ saith And shall straightway glorifie him for presently even at the Passion he began to glorifie him with Miracles when the Sun was darkened c. whereby the Centurion and many others knew that he was the Son of God So while he yet hung upon the Cross God heard his prayer for us which is the greatest Glory of Christ See now all along how wisely the Wisdom of God did speak Before he would speak of his suffering and death he premiseth his glorifying 1. lest the Disciples should be too much sadned 2. And lest they should think him utterly lost in his Passion 3. That they also in times of adversity might learn to look at the glory to come and not so much on the present misery Hitherto he spake of his future glory Now consequently he begins to speak of his death but very sweetly for the comfort of his Disciples whom he knew would be exceeding sorrowfull at his death For as a good son doth not so much delight himself in the succession of a great Inheritance as not to mourn for his Fathers death So although the Disciples were sure that the death of Christ would be of great advantage and give a large Inheritance yet they could not but be much grieved for his death Therefore he speaks of his death with as sweet words as possibly he could 1. And first he calls them Children to shew his Fatherly grace of Love toward them 2. And withall to shew the fruit of his Passion By his Passion and Death we have right to be called 1 John 3. and to be the sons of God Therefore we never read before that he called them children but now when he was about to suffer and die Nor doth he simply call them children but little children which is a sign of greater affection because of the tenderness of love and because as yet they were but weak and tender Babes They were children when they were grown strong and armed with the Holy Spirit But now because they were fearfull and not able to follow their Father they are called little Children or Babes Gal. 4. So Paul calleth the Galatians little children because they were weak in the Faith and had yet need of milk But what is it then that Christ would say to these his so much beloved little ones Yet a little saith he and I am with you And 't was but a little while indeed but till he who went forth but just now was gone to the Jews and came again with a band of Souldiers and the Priests servants He was then presently apprehended condemned to die and executed from which time he might say now I shall be no longer with you unless I come to see you again and stay an hour with you This he thus said 1. That they might more enjoy him whilst they had him 2. And that what he spake at his going away might take the deeper impression in their hearts But it must not be so understood that Christ went away for good and all and is now no more in the world when elswhere he saith expresly Lo Matth. 28. I am with you all the dayes even to the consummation of the Age. The meaning then is yet a little while I am with you in this visible and mortall body as hitherto I have been Henceforth indeed I shall be with you but not as formerly not visibly not mortal not as a stranger in this world but as a Prince and a Father of that which is to come And would ye know what shall become of you Ye shall seek me q.d. ye shall be sadly grieved for my departure and with great anguish and thought of heart ye shall earnestly desire my presence because both Jews and Gentiles will most furiously abuse you At that time ye shall seeke me and desire my assistance This he saith not to affright them but to prepare their minds for the trouble they should meet with As a cruel beast if he should suddenly rush upon a man would not only terrifie but tear him being unarmed and unprovided but if a man see him and be aware of his coming he will arm and fit himself so that he shall do him little or no hurt at all So when temptations and trials are foreshewn and foreseen they do less disturb and trouble us Hence saith David I made hast c. Psal 119.60 Paratus sum non sum turbatus saith the vulgar reading I was ready and not troubled By this we see that the whole life of a Believer in this world is nothing but sighings groanings and a longing desire after Christ The godly mourn like Doves in this world and say Cant. 5.6 My soul melted when my beloved spake I sought him and found him not c. And lest any should say if we shall speed no better why dost not take us along with thee It were better for us to go with thee than be left here behind all alone Whither I go saith he ye cannot yet come q.d. I am going to suffer and ye cannot follow me thither because of your infirmity You had need be first endowed with power from the High One. Again I go to the Father but as yet you cannot follow me thither for the door is shut I must first open it for you with the Key of my Death But what shall become of us the while how shall we bear or escape the present hatred and envy of the world and be able when the time doth come to follow thee
Cross In short it doth nothing that is good But contrariwise the spirit is confident and valiant it doth pray watch bear up in adversity make a free confession c. Whensoever the spirit is compared with flesh it signifieth the Holy Spirit and his workings in us But the flesh signifieth the humane nature even with its best motions but without the assistance of the Holy Spirit The spirit then is willing because it affecteth those things that are his own and cheerfully carrieth on to all that is good But the flesh is weak for it will not alway indure the yoak of the spirit as it is written The good that I would that do I not Rom. 7. Gal. 5. but the evil that I would not that do I. The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh that ye cannot do those things that ye would What need I multiply more If we have a spirit ready to do good yet the weakness of our flesh hindreth and overcometh it But if our spirit be backward to evil yet the flesh will stir and spur it forward Hence it is that Judas and the Jews slept not but were most vigilant because they made hast to evil But the Apostles sleep because they were exhorted to good To conclude when we are most confident of the forwardness of our mind let us suspect then the backwardness of our flesh When he had warned his Disciples for whose sake he brake off his Prayer he went away to pray again praying almost the same words which he did before Thereby giving an Example to Preachers First so go from Prayer to Preaching to instruct the people and from Preaching to return to Prayer First Let them pray that they may be fruitfull and profitable then let them pray that the fruit be not blasted But as Christ returned to Prayer so the Disciples went to sleep again so that all Admonition was to no purpose Their sleep now fore-shewed that their faith shortly would be benighted But the Evangelist saith further for some kind of excuse for this drowsiness that sorrow rather than sloth made them fall asleep for their eyes saith he were heavy a thing common to those that are in heaviness When the heart is sad the eye is sleepy so that men had rather go to bed than go to eat or drink And because the Disciples were sleepy and sorrowfull they could not tell what to answer And who indeed could excuse such drowsiness in so dangerous a case Hamans frailty did strongly put forth it self in the Apostles Truly if the Lord with draw we fall asleep quickly although he was with us but little before Mat. 28. Let us pray therefore that he would abide with us unto the end of the world We do not read that Christ said any thing to his Apostles when he came to them the second time but silently passed by their weakness to teach us that we should rather admonish our Brethren and bear with their Infirmities than severely punish or wholly condemn them This sleepiness did not a little add to Christs sadness For now he saw that he should not only be violently assaulted by his enemies but should also be forsaken of his dearest friends He saw that Judas did not sleep but watched to do him a mischief but his Disciples were very sluggish in that which was good Whereby these our dangerous times were prefigured which are full of deceit fraud and distracting cares Mat 24. when for the getting of this worlds goods Titles Honours c. Iniquity so much aboundeth But all love to Godliness is key cold Luke 16. The Children of this world are wiser and warier in wicked works than the Children of God are in the works of Godliness When Christ saw that there was little or no comfort or assistance to be expected from the Apostles he goeth back to prayer the third time and turns himself wholly to God to whom only the poor is committed Psal 10.14 2 Chron. 20. When we know not what to do yet this is our comfort that our eyes are toward Heaven Here we have an example not to pray once only in Temptation but thrice nay seven times that is very oft To pray but once is not to pray at all To pray often is to pray effectually Peter denyed thrice Christ prayed three times it becometh and behoveth us to imitate this but by all means to avoid the other Whereas Christ prayed so often it is most manifest that it is a hard matter for us to struggle with death Unexperienced men like Peter trust too much to their own strength But he that hath tryed these things betaketh himself to God for he seeth that the humane nature of it self is too weak Therefore he committeth all things to God saying Thy Will be done as if he had said so long as thy Will is done and I commit my self to thy Will I can now in thy strength break thorow that which I could not by my own Thou wilt not forsake those whom thou calledst to suffer while they stand in aw of thee and rely upon thee Thus Christ did all these things first for our Redemption then for our example how to behave our selves under the fear of death It follows in the Text And there appeared unto him an Angel from Heaven Luke 22.43 strengthning him And being in an Agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground There are three things most observable in these words 1. Is it not a strange and a new thing that an Angel that a servant should comfort Christ But here we see that truly fulfilled which David prophesied of in the Psalms Psalm 8. Thou hast made him a little lower then the Angels For as Christ was truly tempted and was sorrowfull c. so he would be comforted by an Angel like other men that he might be like his Brethren in all things Heb. 2. Mat. 4. In another place we read that the Angels ministred to Christ 2. Secondly We learn that God doth not forsake those that hope in him For although he doth not alwayes remove the evil yet he doth inwardly strengthen and give power to undergo it 3. Lastly We are here taught that the holy Angels stand by us when we pray strengthning us in our prayer and carefull of our wel-fare which should stir us up to pray more fervently lest our sluggishness should offend them and cause them to depart from us and so leave us under that sad complaint Psalm 88.8 Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me thou hast made me an abomination to them Again My kins-men stand afar off Psalm 38. they also that seek my life lay snares for me For certainly if the blessed spirits absent themselves from us we cannot bear the brunt of the evil spirits Now lest any should wonder why Christ would stand in need of an Angel
with the late miracle which he saw when Christ with a word hurl'd all his enemies to the ground and not thinking of Christs answer draws his sword and falls about him as if he would valiantly perform what he promised Who would not take Peter for a very stout and valiant man that durst signly incounter such a company of armed men If we consider him carnally then he did notably discharge his Engagement that he would die with Christ Did he not lay down his life for Christ when he hazarded it in charging an army of men But his Lord did not so construe it Peter did this more out of carnal confidence than of spiritual faith Now indeed he was bold so long as he saw a divine Power in Christ but presently after Christ hid his Power Peters courage quickly grew cold Whence 't is plain that this his valour proceeded not from faith if it had it would have held out in danger For Faith is most couragious in difficulties There was love and zeal in Peter but not according to knowledge Christians are forbid to fight Mat. 5. If we would overcome the world it must be with another kind of weapon we can do little or nothing with a corporal sword Peter saw that the sons of Zebedee were chid for saying Master Wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume these Samaritans as Elias did Luke 9.54 Know ye not saith he of what spirit ye are of The son of man came not to destroy but to save mens lives This Peter heard and yet now he layes about him as if he would kill them all if he could The flesh ever loves fighting it seeks to revenge it self Peter did not yet understand that Christ must suffer Nay he did not know that Martial Discipline was never taught in the school of Christ but that patient submission was alwayes learned there Whereas Peter did that servant no more hurt no thanks to Peters good will but to Christs goodness who useth to do good to unworthy and unthankfull men otherwise fire from Heaven might more justly have consumed this servant or the earth have swallowed him up alive But whereas Peter did in special cut off this servants ear it was not by chance but by the Providence of God and that not without a Mysterie too 1. For First It signified that the Jews should from henceforth lose the true and right hearing or obedience of the Law and Prophets and should interpret all things in a wrong and not in a right sense which also is come to pass 2. But secondly Whereas Christ healed that servant it shewed that in due time they should be inlightned again by Christ when the fulness of the Gentiles was come in Rom. 11. 3. Thirdly Whereas he whose ear was cut off was the servant of the high Preist it she weth that this sort of men viz. the Parasites of great persons have for the most part but one ear only and that the left one whence it is that they only hear and report to their Masters those things only which are false wicked worldly c. but they will neither hearken to nor tell their Lords the truth the Word of God the Righteousness and good service of others 4. But lastly Whosoever is an enemy to Christ hath but one ear for he understandeth all things in a wrong sense and never cometh to the light of Truth The name also of this servant is exprest because of the miracle that was wrought on him in curing his ear again But let us return again to Peter who was now fallen under the power of the sword because he had taken up the sword And no doubt but he had felt the force of other swords if Christ had not protected him by his divine Power What doth Christ therefore do He reproved Peter and forbids him to use any such force or violence and that with many Arguments for Peter by this fact was many wayes to be reproved 1. First because every private person is forbid to use the sword 2. Secondly Because having been so long in the school of Christ he should have learned that the weapons of our warfar are spiritual mighty through God 2 Cor. 10. 3. Thirdly He was an Apostle yea the chief of the Apostles whose duty is to save not to destroy 4. Lastly Peter was most blame worthy in that he gave the first blow before any hurt was done either to him or to Christ Therefore Christ doth justly blame him more than the rest He speaks but one word to the rest Suffer ye thus far saith he q.d. It is a great work of Charity to preserve the life of our Neighbour and to defend him from violence but there is another business now in hand My Father hath appointed me to suffer and to die Let me alone therefore that I may suffer and accomplish those things which the Father hath determined to do by me for the salvation of men Suffer ye yet that I may be apprehended and perfect the work of your Redemption this he said to the other Disciples But he saith more to Peter at first Put up thy sword into his place q.d. Knowest thou not that I did chide thee before and called thee Satan for this very thing Mat. 16. Do not hinder my death but rather study to conform to it Throw away this thy sword with which thou dost kill and slay men My sword which I gave thee doth destroy and cut down sin but preserveth men Put up therefore that outward sword into the sheath or as the other Evangelists say into its place Now the proper place of the material sword is the ordinary Power Therefore hide thy sword here Let that Power use it not thou If the body be sick the Physitian is to cure it not the Plow-man So if any thing be amiss in the Mystical or rather the Politick body it concerns the Power to deal with it not every private person 1. Christ then doth hereby forbid all revenge to private persons as it is written Vengeance is mine I will repay it Deut. 32. 2. Secondly He teacheth us to overcome evil with good according to that Mat. 5. Ye have heard that it hath been said An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth But I say unto you Do good to them that hate you Christians ought not to defend themselves with swords and staves but with Humility Patience Gentleness Courtesies Learn of me saith he for I am meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11. 3. Again Christ doth hereby condemn our wrath and impatience who cannot put up and pass by a hasty word nor be content to requite with the like loss but must revenge our selves double and trebble contrary to that of Paul Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good Rom. 12. 4. Fourthly We are here taught that the Gospel is not to be fought for with worldly weapons and
gates are open only to the rich and such as bring presents with them Hence Isaiah saith They judge not the fatherless neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them Isa 1. So chap. 59. Truth is fallen in the street and Equity cannot enter When Peter was shut out John makes way to bring him in but to his great loss It had been better for him he had never come in His Brother Andrew formerly gave him a much more happy entrance to Christ Iohn 1. For here he is in a sort led away from Christ In Caiaphas's house there was neither Truth nor Equity to be found But what Christ foretold must come to pass Thou shalt deny me thrice Now was fulfilled that which Christ shewed him long ago in a kind of Figure When the Disciples were all in danger together upon the Sea Mat. 14. Christ came to them walking on the water When Peter heard his voyce he offered of his own accord to go to him and he also walking on the Sea to go to Christ when he saw the wind was rough he was afraid and when he was almost drowned the Lord caught him by the hand In that Miracle was foreshewed what here came to pass For here the Lord did truly walk above the waters while his Disciples were toyling in the Sea because when his Apostles were offended he endured Tribulation quietly at his pleasure and suddenly rose up a Conquerer of Death So did Peter also walk upon the waters to go to Jesus for being yet mindfull of his former love he followed Christ in the confidence of that little Faith he had left although it was afar off But he saw a strong gust of wind coming against him and so was afraid for fear he denyed by denying he had been drowned if the Lord had not stretched out his hand to hold him Hear now who was that wind It is said when she that kept the door saw him If you consider the maid her self she was but a little cloud But if you look to that Council of those Malignants which Peter did so dread then you will find this maids word was crabbed it was indeed a very blustering wind Thus Satan that sifter of the Apostles layeth his plot so as to begin his crafty Temptations with a woman which sex did heretofore open the door of deceit to our first Parent in Paradise Gen. 3. But t is possible the maid might take pitty on Peter and speak to him to warn him that if he were one of Jesus his Disciples he should make haste and be gone out of sight And her words seem to imply as much For she did not accuse him nor speak positively Nor did she rail on Christ calling him a Deceiver but only a man Finally she did but ask Peter the question whether he were not one of that mans Disciples What doth Peter answer her Woman saith he I am not I know him not I do not know what thou sayst See how easily that strong Pillar was shaken with the blast of one breath Take notice what it was that Peter denyed and before whom He denyed that he belonged to Christ He that denies himself to be one of Christs must needs give up himself to the Devil Peter doth not deny before the Souldiers or the high Priest but before the Damosel What is now become of his former courage Is it not plain enough to be seen now that he took the Sword before for Christs Defence out of carnal affection and not out of a spiritual discerning If he were such a stout Champion in a just quarrel why doth he not now so much as with a word vindicate Christs innocency I say not fight for him with his Sword If he denyed before a maid the meanest of women what would he have done before Kings and Princes But we are all the same that Peter was Before the Lord comes to Judgement and while we are yet ignorant of our own weakness we are wont to be proud of our Power and as it were all on fire with zeal for God but in the Judgement of the Lord we are as wax before the fire and as the dust which the wind scattereth from the face of the earth so we melt and moulder away Psalm 1. Peter then is a Type of those who attempt to do any thing without the Grace of God it so falls out that they both accuse Christ of a lye and what they boast they will do they never perform They charge Christ with a lye for he saith Without me ye can do nothing John 15. And they are never as good as their word For Paul saith The good that I would that do I not but the evil that I would not that I do Rom. 7. Whence we may infer that the Evangelists did not so exactly set down this story of Peter out of any desire to inveigh against or aggravate the sins of other men but only for our instruction And it is most worthy of our observation For 1. We see here that not the least word of Christ was spoken in vain which is a great confirmation of our Faith For otherwise if but one word of Christ had failed we might have doubted all the rest 2. Here we see that there is as little as comes to nothing placed in mans power For as iron which of it self is hard yet will easily be blunted with stones unless it be hardened with liquors or something else so the mind of man although it boast that it can scorn all perils for the love of Truth yet will it be overcome with the sharp brunt of opposition if it be not strengthened by the Grace of the Holy Spirit If Peter a man of so great Faith and Love who lived so long with Christ and was so familiar with him that he gave him a taste of the Heavenly Joy in his Transfiguration did fall so fowly what may be expected of us There is no security any where so long as we are in this mortal body An Angel fell in Heaven Adam in Paradise Peter in the world Who then should not dread the incomprehensible height of Gods Judgements Well therefore doth Paul admonish Be not high minded but fear Rom. 11. Again Let him that standeth take heed lest he fall 1 Cor. 10. Thou art righteous in thy own conceit but thou canst not tell whether thou art so in the sight of God Nay thou knowest not what thou mayst be to morrow Look on holy Peter Who would have believed that either he or any man else should have fallen from so great confidence and love into such fickleness and impiety without mighty opposition On the other hand who would have thought that that Thief should have been saved A man can be in no safer condition than to continue with all carefulness in deep humility to hope in Gods Mercy not to boast himself in his own merits or foolishly to censure and judge others When thou seest any man sin be he never so bad
of all things with my Divinity and I can lay hold on man the workmanship of our hands with my Mortality So that I am neither coy nor strange to man that doth desire thy Grace nor unequal or inferiour to thee who art the giver of all Grace 2. Besides I am the fittest Priest the worthiest High Priest of any for I am holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners I am made higher then the Heavens Heb. 7. I pay that I never had I have no need to start or shrink back from reconciling my Brethren no man hath any thing against me none can lay ought to my charge no not thou Father nor yet these my Brethren which crucifie me I have wronged none I owe no man a farthing I possess no mans estate I am out of debt to all the world I have no need to make satisfaction or offer Sacrifice for my self Therefore I enter the Holy place bearing the Golden Censer and carrying much incense of prayers I lay down a price for many of my own blood I offer up my very self that unspotted Sacrifice and Priest for the people For certain I am never any whole burnt offering came up before thee more holy more acceptable more successfull then this Wherefore O Father I knowing thy mercies very well that they are over all thy works in the midst of these very Sacrifices I come forth to meet thee with strong crying and tears in Faith nothing doubting I humbly crave beseech intreat and beg this at thy hands pardon thy people spare thy people blot out the iniquity of thy people with this my blood Forgive Forgive them Father forgive them q.d. I confess Adam hath sinned Gen. 3. and all his posterity is become abominable Psalm 13. it is prone to evil from their youth Gen. 6 and wickedness is multiplyed upon the earth Charity is grown cold long since and will do more and more and iniquity will abound Our own people also whom we have chosen out of all Nations hath committed a great and grievous sin in tormenting me thy only Son with so many and so great Tortures they little regard whether I be thine or do belong to thee or no although I am about to give a clear Testimony make full proof of it to which one crime and horrid offence if all their other villanous acts and all the rest of their wicked deeds were compared they would seem as little as nothing How great is thy Majesty which is despised and my Dignity which is derided That people despiseth both and do heap up horrible iniquities to their Fathers Transgressions I acknowledge thy wrath hath hitherto justly raged by the offence of that one Adam Heaven was justly shut up the jaws of Hell opened and death entered into the world Thou hast justly armed the Heavens and all the Elements for vengeance against sinners justly hath fire from Heaven burnt up some alive justly hath the distemper of the ayr and the pestilence destroyed others justly hath the Sea over flown and drowned others with all the encrease of the fruit of their Land justly hath the earth with open mouth devoured others Righteous art thou and just are thy Judgements In Justice thou mightest have continued thy displeasure till thou hadst utterly destroyed and exacted the utmost farthing for full satisfaction And if all the men that ever yet lived to this very day had never so profusely and prodigally lavished out all their blood they could not have expiated or blotted out the least transgression Such and so great is the weight and hainousness of the unspeakable wickedness that no man could make satisfaction for it but God and none ought to have done it but man who had sinned Now I am he I am God and I am man In me only the whole salvation of man dependeth For that cause I became an exile in a strange Country I have been wearied and tired out with cold heat hunger thirst nakedness watchings weariness I have been tempted oppressed afflicted What pains what torments have I not endured in this poor slender thin body What sorrows what straits what disturbances and perplexity of mind have I not had experience of Was there ever any sorrow like to this of mine when there is no soundness from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head What remaineth therefore O Father but that thou lay aside thy anger appease thy diseleasure abate thy wrath forgive them take pitty on them pour out the abundance of thy Graces upon them seeing I have and do make such abundant satisfaction for them I invocate and pray unto thee as a Father not as a Judge I intreat thee not to punish but forgive them for my blood doth not cry for vengeance as Abels did Gen. 4. unless happily there shall be any that will not be saved by it I have forgiven them already who am now tortured for them do thou also pardon them whom that thou mighest pardon thou didst of purpose send me into the world Forgive Them those that are thine own Them whom thou didst promise to have mercy upon before the world began whom thou wilt also call and sanctifie in time Of which number are these that have crucified me and not only these Roman Souldiers and Jews and the rest of the Standers by but all men in the world besides Alam crucifieth me who sinned in Paradise David crucifieth me who offended in Jerusalem Every man crucifieth me for there is not a man but is a sinner I supplicate for all I suffer for all I sacrifice for all do thou pardon and forgive all that by my death it may appear that neither thou nor I do desire the death of sinners but rather that they should be converted and live Ezek. 18. But in a more special way of love I beseech thee for those my honest plain hearted Brethren for whose sakes thy pleasure was that I should be made a Gentile forgive them this grievous Crime The Fact I cannot excuse I confess they have sinned most exceedingly yet this I must plead for them that their mind was not so abominably mischievous They know not c. They know not what they do Wilt thou then destroy an ignorant Nation They are a blind and unthankfull people they do not yet see what they do but ere long they shall look on him whom they have peirced They cannot tell who I am they know not that I am thy Son The Devil yet by our permission and counsel hath hid from them those great Mysteries of my Divinity and Humanity Forgive them therefore for they know not what they do For had they known they would never have crucified the Lord of Glory 1 Cor. 2. Likewise forgive the rest too for they also know not what they do for all that work iniquity have been and are deceived In Adam they did proudly desire to know as much as we justly therefore are they become as ignorant as the bruit beasts
up the ghost He bowed his head First as taking his leave of the world Secondly he would thereby comfort us by letting us know that he is not cross or froward towards us First it is very significantly expressed in that it is not said that he died but that he gave up the ghost for he had power to lay down his life John 10. Secondly he is said to give up the ghost to let us know that when our souls are loosed from the flesh they should be commended to the Divine Goodness as into the hands of a most dear Father Thus innocent Abel is slain by his brother Thus is Isaac offered Gen. 4. 22. Thus Joseph escapes naked to his fathers protection being spoiled of his garment of flesh by the Adulteress Synagogue Thus our High-Priest hath finished his evening Sacrifice Thus the Life of the world died the Fountain of true Light was ecclipsed thus the Spring of all Life in whom all things live waxed dry that he might deliver them that were subject to death Thus that celestial Wedlock between the holiest soul and the purest flesh was dissolved and divorced by the sword of Death that we who were condemned might be recovered to the indissoluble Union of his Beatitude Thus the Organ of Divinity the Harp of the true David the most melodious Voyce of Jesus sunk into the silence of cruel Death Thus those Heavenly Lights of his most gracious Eyes were darkened by Death Thus that most sacred Breast of Eternal Wisdom and the Store-House of the Treasures of Grace is deprived of his life Thus he Redeemed us from our sins with so great a price a greater then which is not to be found among all the creatures in the world thus did he satisfie the Father for our disobedience with such obedience as was even unto death O how great was that grief when that most holy Soul which was Wedded and United to that most holy Body with an indissoluble bond of Love must be separated now and torn asunder by a violent death and that most holy Life die Never was there death more bitter because never was there man so sensibly sensible of it 1. Wo be to thee therefore O thou ungodly Synagogue who art more fierce and cruel then any wild beast thou hast devoured the life of Jesus who out of the Paternal Piety was sent unto thee to be thy Father and thy Husband 2. O how grievous will thy Accusation be for rending and tearing the body of Christ And wo be to thee thou ingratefull heart thou hard heart harder then any stone who dost not break and melt at the remembrance of so great a Sacrifice for the expiating thy hainous sins how strictly will that innocent blood be required at thy hands Here then O man O generation of Adam here knock thy bosom and beat thy breast consider well and think of this death The chiefest and choisest good doth here hang upon the Cross Here the Eternal Wisdom offereth it self to be seen naked Here the tree carried the Treasure and Price of the whole world O sinners here dieth the Son of God I say here the Son of the most High the King of Heaven and Lord of Earth dieth Nay he dies on the Cross like a Malefactor in the midst of Thieves in greatest misery and anguish and shame It was we O ye sons of men that brought this just One to this unjust and unworthy suffering Our sins were the cause of this his great Passion Here the word of the Sacrament is made good This is my body which is given for you This is my blood which is shed for you for the remission of sins Here now we understand what Christ meant by these sacred and holy words because all things are here seen with the eyes Here that Article of our most holy Faith hath its Foundation He suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried Think on this O man imprint these things in thy heart that thy very inward parts may be made sensible how that we men we sinners were guilty of this death We should have hung on the cross and died yea and have been eternally scorcht in Hell but that our most holy Lord stept in and said I will hang on the cross and die for all men Take me and smite me the Shepheard but let the sheep go free I will pay what I own not I will undertake other mens debt I will even all accounts I will make peace and bring all things to a good end and issue Think seriously on these things Believers Be pleased to accept this Ministry of Christ and highly prize it For this his death is your life For us thus to die is to live and escape death This weakness is our strength and fortitude These wounds and scars are our health and soundness This malediction is our benediction this cursing is our blessing This shame is our glory This cross is our celestial Court and Palace These Nayles are our Salvation Lift up your hearts O ye Faithfull lift up your hearts in consideration of these wonderfull things There was War between Christ and the Devil the field was pitched the battel set and Christ got the Victory Let us therefore give him thanks who was pleased through his infinite love with such hazard and hardship to Redeem us 1. In this expiation of Christ first we see that verified which he said before in John 10 I have power to lay down my life 2 Here we see that the works of God are against reason For who ever hearing that Christ was the son of God and seeing such great Miracles which he had done before could at all believe that God should so far wink at wicked men as to let them kill so great and so worthy a man Again who would believe that the true had then its beginning seeing him die so shamefull a death But this is the ancient and usual custom of God to promote and carry on his works by strange unlikely and contrary means It was indeed the pleasure of God to cause great and mighty boughs and limms to grow on this tree of Christ He intended to build up and quicken the Church This he did by a work disagreeable and repugnant to life and nothing of kin to it to wit the death of Christ by which he quickened and made the Church alive Hence is that of John 12. Except a grain of wheat die it bringeth forth no fruit but if it die it beareth much fruit The Edifice or building of the Church did not then indeed appear while Christ yet hanged on the cross for here you see nothing but his death and burial as at Seed-time there is no shew of Harvest But as in Summer the seed that was sown doth spring up so after the Resurrection the living Church sprouted out of the dead and dry body of Christ 3. From this Expiation of Christ we are diligently to confider what punishments we shall endure if we
of the power of it which is exercised either in with holding from good or drawing into evil of both which the Apostle speaketh Rom. 7.19,20 Secondly In respect of the filth of it Sin is a filthy thing an unclean corrupt rotten thing like the putrified matter of an Ulcer Sore Apostemation or running issue Lev. 15.2 Isa 1.6 Mat. 9.20 Thirdly In respect of the guilt of it Sin is alway accompanied with guilt it never goes without it either sensibly or insensibly How heavy did it lie on Cain Judas c. Fourthly In respect of the deformity of it Sin is an uncomly unseemly ugly thing it makes a man not look like himself it defaceth Gods Image in man so that he cannot he doth not or will not know him Verily I know ye not ye workers of iniquity Sin is a spot Deut. 32.5 which causeth a blot or blemish where it is It is no beauty spot and I could wish that the beauty-spots of our times did not arise from this filthy spot of sin Fifthly In respect of the enmity of it Sin stands in utter hatred and detestation to all good Purity and Holiness Gen. 3.15 Gal. 5.17 Sixthly In regard of the curse Sin hath a most dolefull and lamentable execration annext unto it In sorrow shalt thou conceive cursed is the ground for thy sake in the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat thy bread cursed art thou above all cattel and above every beast of the field Gen. 3. 9. Now there can be no deliverance from sin in any of these considerations without death The death of Christ is our original Copy acoording to which there is a necessity for us to write For as much then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh arm your selves likewise with the same mind for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin 1 Pet. 4.1 No freedom from sin till there be a conformity to Christs sufferings in the flesh It is with us as it was with Israel of old We are strangers and bondmen in a sinfull Aegypt in an Aegyptian nature of sin we groan and would gladly be gone out of it but cannot nor shall we till the Paschal Lamb be offered Exod. 12. And as that Lamb was to be offered in the same land out of which Israel was to be delivered so must we by the oblation of Christ offer up our selves in that state out of which we would be set at liberty Let us present our bodies a living sacrifice and lay all our living lusts upon the Altar of the Cross Let us die in the body and live in the spirit suffer in the flesh and cease from sin Christ hath been as it were plainly pictured forth before our eyes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 crucified in us in our nature Let us noe trample upon his blood Let us not turn this Grace of God into wantonness nor make Christ to become of none effect to us Thirdly 10. Without this knowledge of Christs death and conformity to it all our other parts and gifts let them seem never so great large spacious high strong excellent yea holy and spiritual they will all vanish and come to nothing if they be not confirmed to us in the blood of the Covenant 'T is the observation of a learned and (*) Mr. William Bridge pious man That an Hypocrite may pray away all his graces If our Gifts and Graces be not deeply rooted in the mortification they may easily evaporate in the hollow expressions of a verbal and empty prayer Knowledge will expire into pride and puff up the mind where it is true Humility will vanish into a voluntary shew of it Charity will be blasted with ostentation c. if it be not poised regulated limited and modified by a serious and unfeigned self-denial A man may borrow or steal he may filch flock and pilfer the Word of the Lord from his Neighbour Jer. 23.30 He may pick up a great many good sayings and sentences of grave and godly men and with them make a shift to patch and piece up a Prayer or Sermon and if the memory be good or the Notes fairly written a man may seem to be gayly adorned with the rich indowments of a large furnished mind 11. We read in 2 King 6. what the sons of the Prophets said to Elisha and what they did by his consent when they were straitned for room It is said they asked leave to fell timber at Jordan that they might inlarge their dwelling The Prophet grants their desire But one wiser then the rest among them bethought himself that it was wisdom to have the Prophets company and not to go about the business altogether upon their own head he asketh and the Prophet yieldeth away they go to Jordan every man with his Ax or Hatchet in his hand only one had none of his own but was fain to borrow his tool to work with down go the trees But this man lost his Hatchet before he could cut down his Beam the head flew from the helve and fell into Jordan yer he could finish his work he makes his moan to his Master complaining that it was borrowed the Prophet puts a stick of wood into the water and the Iron swimmeth the man recovers it again and makes an end of what he had began 12. All Scripture is spiritual for it was given by inspiration and therefore the spirituallest sense must needs come nearest the mind of the Spirit There is a spiritual use to be made of this spiritual part of Scripture which the holy Spirit of God hath directed to be written and taken care that it be kept upon Record The place where Elisha and the young Prophets were at first is supposed to be at Dothan which signifieth a Gift Satute or Law sometimes it is rendred a Defection or falling short of what it doth or should press unto And this latter sense will agree well enough with the former For the Law which was the gift of God from mount Sinai made nothing perfect Heb. 7.19 This place is mentioned but twice in all the Scriptures as first in Gen. 37,17 Hither Josephs brethren rambled without their fathers knowledge or consent even eight miles from Shechem where their business was like good husbands as they were and here they first conspire their brothers death Shechem signifieth a Lot Portion Shoulder or Tomb To teach us that when we gad and wander from the true Shechem the lot which God hath appointed us and the business which he hath set us to do when we omit our duty neglect our obedience when we withdraw our shoulder from the burden of Christ and pull our neck from his yoak it will be no advantage to run to Dothan all our Letter-learnedness and Scripture-knowledge will stand us in little stead yea it will incense and enrage us against the Mysterie of Christ and instigate us with an irregular zeal to conspire the death of our true Joseph it was by the learned
in the letter and in the Law the Scribes Pharisees and Lawyers who forsook the royal Law of Love and Obedience yet were literally zealous it was by these that Christ suffered and still doth suffer There are that are called Jews and yet are of the very Synagogue of Satan Thus the Law without the spirit of life is a dead and killing letter a Ministration of Condemnation If the spiritual Jacob be not with us at Dothan we shall plot and contrive our dearest brother Joseph's death 13. But here 2 Kin. 6. we have Elisha conversing in Dothan with the sons of the Prophets who being inflamed with his presence importune him for greater inlargement Doubtless there is a time when our true Elisha Christ Jesus walketh with his Children in low legal literal and fleshly Ministrations nurseth them up with milk like babes and alloweth them Tutors and Governors in their Non age Only let us beware that we do not with the Scribes and Pharises stick to the empty letter that we ramble not to Dothan when neither old Jacob our father nor Elisha our Prophet is there let us not run after the servant when he is cast out of doors nor hearken to Moses when Christ is come for then though we make our boast of the Law yet shall we dishonour God by breaking it Rom. 2. Now we shall know if Christ be yet with us under the Law if so our hearts will be inflamed and long for greater inlargement and complain of our present straitnings whereas a meer literal and formal Christian loves his ease is content to stand at a stay will not indure to hear of removing farther then he hath already attained cries out against all notions more spiritual then his own as Delusions Dreams Enthusiasms c. But the true sons of the spiritual Prophet are still groaning after the manifestation and glorious freedom of the sons of God Rom. 8. And therefore they are ever crying out My father my father O Christ O Lord Jesus thou everlasting father I am straitned inlarge my heart that I may run the ways of thy Commandments I am straitned where I now am make room give place that I may dwell in the everlasting habitations Isa 49.20 I am content to break thorow death to come to those Mansions I am weary of this Tabernacle remove my Tent uncloth me that I may be clothed and let mortality be swallowed up of life Go with me to Jordan baptize me in that river how am I straitned till it be accomplished Mortifie the sinfull lusts and affections of my flesh crucifie my old man day by day rend his vail of flesh that with open face I may behold thy glory be changed into the same image and come to the spirits of just men made perfect and to the Spirit of the Lord where is liberty and perfect freeedom 2 Cor 3.17,18 Heb. 12.23 14. This is the nature and property of them that are taught of God and have learned and obeyed the truth as it is in Jesus But then there are some even among these Children of the Prophets the true Professors of Godliness who go along for a while undiscerned like Cain Judas the man at the marriage-feast and this man here among the sons of the Prophets they make a great shew and bustle about Religion a great stir and noyse there is about Christ crucified and subduing of their lusts they hack and hew at the tree and talk much of mortification but before they can effect it the Axflies from the helve their gifts and parts fail them and the work is at a stand And why Surely their gifts were borrowed and did not flow from their obedience to Christ and experience of his Doctrine but they pickt a notion from one a sentence from another they laid a great many good words in the memory and these they made use of in the self-will and wisdom in the lust of the flesh the pride of life vain-glory and ostentation seeming to be wise but knowing nothing as they ought to know patching up a self-conceited Righteousness thereby deluding their own souls And then they will be made to acknowledge and say Alas Lord they were borrowed Now there is no remedy for such till these fall off from a mans self and fall into Jordan the river of Judgement and Condemnation till a man deny himself and sell or lose all that he hath then the true Elisha makes the Iron to swim that he may go and finish his work Thus he that loseth his life shall save it and he that parteth with House Land Goods Father Friends Gifts Parts Indowments c. shall receive them again in this life an hundred fold Happy are they whose loss is their gain But fourthly 15. There is no ascending to the highest injoyment except we first descend into the deepest abasement It is said of Christ that he humbled himself even to the death of the Cross and for that cause God hath highly exalted him and given him a name above every name Phil. 2,8,9 If we also would have a name better then that of sons and daughters if we would be called Hephtzi-bah and Beulah Isa 62.4 Ruth 3.7,9 let us do as Ruth did unto Boaz let us lie down at the feet of Christ and desire him to cast the skirt of his garment over us as one nigh of kin unto us Christ hath a two-fold garment the one of Glory and Majesty in which he walketh among the Angels and the spiritual Church He clotheth himself with Light as with a garment Psalm 104.2 His rayment is white as the Light Mat. 17.20 Rev. 1.13 His other garment is of shame and baseness With this he conversed among men upon earth He was found in fashion as a servant Phil. 2.8 In the likeness of sinfull flesh Rom. 8.3 He was made sin for us 2 Cor. 5.21 In this humane nature of ours was his Diety clothed and hid for a season The lowest state of this humanity the very border hem or skirt of which garment that toucheth the ground was the great humiliation of Christ humbling himself to the most ignominious and shamefull death of the Cross 16. If therefore we would have Christ do the office of a kinsman to us for he is our kins-man nigh unto us flesh of our flesh and bone of bone one that is not ashamed to call us brethren who hath right to redeem us if we would have him take away our reproach of barrenness and make us fruitfull in the knowledge of himself let us lie down at his feet humble our selves to walk as he walked desire him to spread his skirt over us to conform us to his death that we may be transformed into the likeness of his Resurrection If we would have our sinfull name our name of shame blotted out if we would have our bloody issue stopped let us do as the woman in the Gospel let us press through the press of all worldly and fleshly incumbrances and