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A81837 Of peace and contentment of minde. By Peter Du Moulin the sonne. D.D. Du Moulin, Peter, 1601-1684. 1657 (1657) Wing D2560; Thomason E1571_1; ESTC R209203 240,545 501

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countenance of Gods justice Their owne crimes take them by the throate and they seeme ready to say as Ahab to Eliah 1 Kings 21. hast thou found me mine enemy And God saith to their heart with anger I have found thee because thou hast sold thy selfe to worke evill in the sight of the Lord. There is no conscience so sunk in a deepe sleepe of sinne and worldlines but will now and then awake and cry out in a sudden fright So did Felix though a Pagan an extortionner and a man every way infamous for as St Paul reasoned of temperance and righteousnes and judgment to come Felix trembled and answered Goe thy way for this time Act. 24. Whosoever hath read bookes and men may have observed what unquietnes crimes will bring to the criminal That tyrants continually imagine a naked sword hanging over their head That the wicked flee when no man pursueth That murtherers and perfidious men have a broken sleepe and their mirth is interrupted with parentheses of frownes and grimme lookes That when they excuse themselves of a foule fact of which their conscience accuseth them their conscience many times gives the lye to their words and they are contradicted by the inconstancy of their lookes and the stammering of their tongue And conscience will double these terrours when their end draweth nigh Many know who he was that started up often in his mortal drouzines on his death bed commanding that his men should give over slaying But suppose that the wicked that have the world at will had as much rest within as without yet ●●dons saying to Craesus ought to be observed Never to pronounce any man happy before his death But the Christian ought to give to that sentence a longer terme if he hath bin with David in the Sanctuary of God and there hath understood the end of the wickd and found that God hath set them in slippery places to cast them into destruction CHAP. III. Of the reconciliation of man with God through Jesus Christ Such being the enmity betweene God and sinfull man which is followed with the discord of man with nature with his kind with himself How welcome how precious to him must the blessed newes be of Gods reconciliation with him Esa 5.27 How beautifull upon the mountaines are the feet of him that bringeth good tydings that publisheth peace that bringeth good tydings of good that publisheth salvation that saith unto Sion Thy God reigneth the chief ambassadour that anounceth that peace with God is he that made it It is the eternal sonne of God who by an infinite mercy towards man guilty and miserable was pleased to allye himself with him by a personal union of the divine nature with the humane He hath taken our nature and imparted his unto us He hath made himselfe Man to take upon himself the debt of man For seeing that man was indebted to Gods iustice it was requisite that a man should give satisfaction Which because mans nature was not able to find Christ joyning to the Nature and Obligation of man the Nature and Vertue of God and both in one Person hath fully satisfied the justice of his father which required a perfect obedience and death for punishment of disobedience He hath then presented to God a most accomplisht obedience of which the most eminent act was to have readily undergone a shameful bitter death at his Fathers command for the sins of mankinde of which he was the pledge and the representative An obedience of infinite merit more powerfull to obtaine pardon yea and reward at Gods hands then all the disobedience of the world to incense his just wrath to punishment 1. Pet. 2.24 His owne selfe bare our sins in his owne body on the tree Isa 53.5 The chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes wee are healed For it pleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell and having made peace through the bloud of his cross by him to reconcile all things unto himselfe Col. 1.19 All that have recourse to that infinite love of God and that ransome of inestimable value the merit of his sonne embracing it with a true faith which cannot act nor subsist without a true repentance find their peace made with God their iniquity is pardoned they have received of the Lords hands double for all their sinnes Isa 40.2 It is a double satisfaction both because it is twice greater then all the sins of the world and because it worketh a double effect the one to get pardon for sins the other to obtain a reward for imputed righteousness And that satisfaction represented to God in our faithful prayers makes them acceptable and of sweet favour as the incense put upon the sacrifices It is much to be lamented that these tydings of grace and glory are but coldly entertained by carnal eares as now growne stale and vulgar And that there is more joy for prevailing in a Law-suite and for a Peace that opens the markets and the freedome of commerce after a civil broyle then for our peace with God through Christ in whom wee have free accesse unto the throne of grace that wee may obtaine mercy and finde grace to help in time of need Heb. 4.16 But he that in the fright of his conscience hath seen hell open gaping for him and hath once lost his thoughts in that bottomelesse gulfe of misery and horrour to have his creatour his enemy if upon that he embrace by faith that great and heavenly message not onely that his sinnes are forgiven him by the merit of Christ but that by the same merit of an enemy and a child of wrath he is become the sonne of God and heire of his Kingdome his heart will melt with joy love and admiration and the sadder his sense was of his deplorable condition the greater will his thankfulnesse be for his gracious restoration O the depth of the riches both of the wisedome and the goodnesse of God who hath found a way to set forth together his justice and his mercy and to pardon sinne by punishing it O the infinite love of the Father who so loved the world that he gave his onely Sonne for them O the infinite love of that onely Sonne that so loved his enemyes that he delivered himselfe to a most bitter death to give them life and immortality yea and his own kingdome O the infinite love of the holy Ghost who so loved the world as to announce unto them this excellent piece of newes by his word and seale the promises of God in their hearts by faith in Jesus Christ that whosoever beleeveth on him should not perish but have life eternal Behold then the onely foundation of the peace of the soule and contentment of mind It is that peace made for us with God by his onely sonne who hath taken our sinnes upon himselfe and in consequence the punishment giving us in exchange his righteousnesse and consequently the reward of it since
wee beare to God is the love that he beares to us wee must before all things study to conceive as well as wee may of the great love of God to us-ward Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that wee should be called the sonnes of God 1 John 3.1 This is the principall point of his love where all other testimonies of his love doe beginne and where they end Without this none can say that he is beloved of God For to be the work of Gods hands and maintained by his providence is common to all creatures and to be made after Gods image and by his liberality to enjoy the plenty and service of nature is common to all men good and evill But because creatures without reason and men without goodnesse beare no love to God it cannot properly be said that God loveth them though he be their maker and preserver Love being the bond of perfectnesse Col. 3. Gods love would not be the bond of perfectnesse if he loved those things that never return him love For that love may be a bond the two ends must meet knit together now these two ends knit when a creature beloved of God beares a reciprocal love to him For thereby not onely the man that feareth God joyneth with him but the whole nature also and all the creatures are re-joyned with their principle and Origine And whereas some creatures cannot others will not love God the true child of God because he gets some utility out of them all yea of those that are Gods enemies loveth him and gives him thanks for and in the name of all and so by this meanes love proveth a true bond of perfectnesse which proceeding from God and knitting with God againe embraceth and holds fast together the whole creation and brings it back to its Creator A consideration which cannot but bring a singular content and a great peace to the soule Being perswaded of the love of God to us whereby we are called the sonnes of God we looke upon all creatures as the goods of our fathers house prepared for us And though others which are none of Gods children enjoy them also yet they are for us since the wicked are for the good either to exercise their vertue by tryals or even to serve and sustaine them For as the angry waves roaring and foaming about the ship where Christ was with his disciples yet were bearing the ship likewise the enemyes of God and his Church while they are beating and storming against it beare it up in spite of their hearts The agitations of the great sea of the world make Gods children more sensible of the great love which the Father hath bestowed upon them to have given them his beloved sonne to be in the ship with them to keep them safe in the storm and the dangers that overwhelme others are helps for good unto them that love God All the deliverances that God sends them all the blessings that God powreth upon them they take them as productions of the fatherly love of God who hath adopted them in his Sonne They taste that love in the enjoyment of present goods they breath that love in the enjoyment of future eternall goods they rest upon that love when they sleepe they leane upon that love when they walk they find that love in all the occurrences of their life with what face soever the various accidents of the world looke upon them they see through them the evident love of God being certaine that nothing happens to them but is directed by the good hand of their loving Father These pleasant rivers of the love of God conduct our meditation up the streame to the great Source that love which passeth knowledge that mysterious deepe love which the Angels desire to looke into whereby of his enemyes that wee were he hath made us his children giving for us even to death his owne precious Sonne entitling us by him to his eternal glory and giving us the earnest of it by his good Spirit crying in our hearts Abba Father O incomprehensible love which hath undergone overcome death to give us life and that he might have from us an immortal love That immortal love ought to be the effect of this meditation So that having conceived to our power how much God loves us wee may also to our power apply our heart to love him acknowledging that all our heart all our soule and all our understanding is yet too little to returne him love for his love It it true that this is a debt from which we can never be acquitted and wee owe it even after wee have payd it But as this debt must be payd continually the continual payment yeelds a continual satisfaction to him that payeth it oweth it still For whereas pecuniary debts make the heart sad this debt of love makes it glad when our duty meetes with our inclination and when wee most desire to dok that which wee are most obliged to doe Besides this debt is of that nature that when wee pay it wee make together an acquisition for although the love began by God he takes it upon him to repay us the love that we pay him Ps 91.14 Because he hath set his love upon me saith the Lord therefore will I deliver him I will set him on high because he hath knowne my name Pro. 8.17 I love them that love me and they that seeke me early shall finde me But love is due to God not onely for the love that he hath done us and for the good that wee hope from him but for the good that is in him and because he that is the soveraigne beauty and goodnes must be beloved in the chiefest highest manner All that is beautifull and good in Nature the glory of the celestial bodies the fertility of the earth the shady greene of trees the fragrancy of flowers the variety and utility of animals the rational inventive vivacity of intellectual natures the admirable order of the Universe both in disposition and conduct All these are so many productions of the great bottomlesse depth of beauty bounty power and excellency and who so wisely considereth them presently conceiveth that the Authour is possest of an infinite perfection onely worthy to be beloved for his owne sake and that all the good and beautifull things that he hath done must be beloved onely in relation to him and for his sake To which if you adde two other points of which Nature cannot sufficiently informe us and wherein the Word of God supplies the deficiency of Natures teaching which are the justice and the mercy of God towards sinners O who would not love that infinite love and excellency though he had no interest of his owne in it But how can we barely consider Gods excellency in it selfe with an abstraction of our interest Certainly the consideration of our concernment will go along though unsent for with the contemplation of Gods supreme
of this life He that spared not his own sonne but delivered him up for us all how shal he not with him freely give us all things He that saved our soules from death shall he not deliver our bodies from the dangers of this world Certainly he that hath prepared for us eternal delights at his right hand will not denie us our temporal daily bread This assurance in his love will sweeten our afflictions and lay downe our feares for being persuaded that God as he is infinitely good is also infinitely wise wee must in consequence beleeve that all the evills which he sends us are so many remedies to other evils that our most smarting dolours are corrosives applyed by that wise Physician to eate the proud flesh of our corrupt nature that he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men Lam. 3.33 especially when he chastiseth his children but is in a manner forced to that course by their necessity as when a man is pincht by his best friends to awake him out of a deep lethargy And since that eternal friend is every where present by his al-seeing knowledge and almighty power and hath promised besides his gracious presence to his friends saying I will not leave thee nor forsake thee what reason have we of joy confidence at all times in all places and in all the occurrences of this life having God with us allwayes observing us with his eye upholding us with his hand protecting us with his providence guiding us with his wisedome and comforting us with his love The last good office that Faith doeth unto us is in the approaches of death for then especially it doth represent the promises of God unto the faithfull soule and sealeth them afresh knitting that bond of perfectnes the mutual love between God and the conscience faster then ever By it God speakes peace unto the soule aspiring to heaven and makes it spread the wings of holy desires to passe with a swift flight from the combat below to the triumph above Faith bearing up the soule in that last flight changeth name and nature in the way and becomes love to embrace him for ever in glory in whom we have believed in infirmity CHAP. VII Of Christian Hope THe proper action of Faith is to embrace Christ and ground the soul upon him But it hath another action common to it with hope which is to embrace the benefits obtained to us by Christ Of these benefits the present grace is proper to faith which is justification otherwise the Reconciliation of God with the conscience the future glory by the contemplation of Gods face is more proper to Hope Both faith and hope bring a sweet peace and solid content to the soul that loveth God But it is peculiar to hope to adde to that peace a beam of glory much like those spies of Israel that entred into the Land of Promise before the rest of the people to whom they brought some of the fruit of the Land For it entreth into heaven beforehand and from thence brings us a taste of the promised inheritance Hope is the onely thing that puts some value upon the life of this world for all the good of this life consisteth in this that it is a way to a better and that the earth is the tyring-room of the godly soul where she makes herselfe ready for the wedding of the Lamb. But for that what were this life good for It would consist but in two things to do evill and to suffer evill The very goods of this life without that hope would be evill for none among the Pagans and all others that were not sustained by Christian hope was ever made happy The wisest of them have sought the soveraigne good out of the objects of the senses not finding any solid content in sensuall things or actions Solomon wiser then them all had found that all under the Sun was vanity and vexation of spirit and under all he comprehended intellectual as well as sensual things Neither could any give a more judicious verdict of all than he for he had tryed all things Where then shall we find any thing worth the paines of living but in Hope For if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable 1 Cor. 15.19 Hope not keeping within the limits of the poor goods of this life liveth already with the life to come for it looks for the Kingdom of Christ which is not of this world as himself teacheth us where although he reigne as a soveraigne he reigneth not as a redeemer and so here is not the reigne of his redeemed We find it by experience Who so then will enjoy the peace of the soul and contentment of mind must have his hope and his spirit in a better place for why should we expect of the world more then it hath Can one gather grapes of thornes or figs of thistles May one expect peace of a perpetual agitation or a durable content from things of short continuance For the soul of man being created for permanency is contented with nothing lesse then a permanent good which is the essential reason why no man could ever find satisfaction in the world there being such a disproportion between mans soul and the objects that the world presents to her for all worldly things are finite but the soul though finite in her substance is infinite in her desire which nothing lesse then infinity can satisfie Now it is by hope that the soul enjoyeth in this finite world an infinite good It is by hope that we rise from the dead before we dy being advanced to a degree of grace that hath already a streak of glory Of which St Paul giveth this high expression Col. 3.1 If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God When Christ who is our life shall appeare then shall we also appeare with him in glory Worldly hopes flatter us and then disappoint us But though they did performe all they promise the present possession of the best things of the world is nothing comparable to the hope onely of heavenly things even that lively hope unto which God hath begotten us again by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead To an inheritane incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for us 1 Pet. 1.3 O holy and glorious hope which already makes us partakers of Christs resurrection and followers of his ascention even to the right hand of God! already living with the life of Christ animated by his spirit Blessed hope by which we are preserved from the general corruption as with a soveraigne antidote and by which we subsist yea and triumph in afflictions Heb. 10.34 taking joyfully the spoiling of our goods knowing in our selves that we have in heaven a better and an enduring substance It is by hope that we look joyfully upon our bodies decaying
lovely persons you shall not admit them to competition with God for the possession of your heart Love aspireth to perfection He then must be beloved above all things who makes them perfect that love him It is more then Ladies can do though never so perfect But by loving God who is the soveraine perfection we become like him in our measure and are changed into the same image And since delight is the baite of love we must love him above all things that satisfyeth us with true delight Psal 16.12 God in whose presence is fulnesse of joy at whose right hand there are pleasures for evermore Carnall love makes the heart sick It is sullen fantasticall and tumultuous It conceives great hopes of content and comes short of them It gives for one pleasure a thousand sorrowes But the love of God is a continuall enjoyment a constant peace a solid joy and if sometimes one suffer for him he repayes for one sorrow a thousand pleasures Many lovers of beauties are not beloved of them But who so loveth God must be sure that God loves him Yea that God loved him before he loved God the love which he beares to God is an effect of the love which God beares to him And is it not a great encouragement to love when one is sure to be accepted and beloved againe That subject which onely deserves to be loved with all our heart is easy to be wonne to a mutual love Other objects of our love being infinitely under that prime subject are farre more difficult to winne Our love of God is not crost with absence as the carnall For him we fetch no unheard sighes and shead no unseen teares God is alwayes neare them that sigh for him and puts up their teares in his bottle Psal 56. The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him He travelleth with them abroad He keepes house with them yea in them He sweetens their griefes he answereth not only then words but their very thoughts Many times we love them that can do us no good though they love us many times also we are impoverished by the love wee beare them But our love to God makes us rich for it gets already possession of God who is the Author of all good gifts Psal 36.10 With him is the fountaine of life and in his light we see light To love him is to raise ourselves to soveraine honour and felicity Briefly if one will have favours gratious countenance sweet individuall company possession enjoyment fullnesse of joy for ever let him turne the point of his love heavenwards Divine love will make him good and happy in the highest degree These benefits are not to be expected of carnal love A sicknesse which is the same in the appetite as a fever is in the blood sometimes in a cold somtimes in a hot fit It is a perpetuall ebbe flow of feare and hope and it cannot but be continually shaking and wavering since it pinnes the felicity of a man upon another who hath not felicity enflaming his heart to a subject weaker many times and more necessitous then himselfe And if these inconveniences be found in the honestest love of the sexe how much more in the unlawfull and unchast love Of this sicknesse the most usuall but not the best remedy is to drive out one Mistresse with another but the way to get liberty is not to change service In stead of getting out of the storme into a harbour they are tossed from one rock to another He then that will expell one love by another love must betake himselfe to a love that may change his servitude into liberty which the love of God will afford and none else So the grand remedy of carnall love is to exercise ourselves in the love of God and gladly to consider what a sacrilegious part it is to erect a little idol of our sensuall appetite in our heart which is Gods Sanctuary and what a hainous rebellion it is to chuse another Master then God Thence without an extraordinary mercy of God one of these two evills will follow Either God jealous that we love another more then him to whom all our love is due crosseth our designes and makes us misse that which we sought after with so much eagernesse Or in a greater indignation he gives us that which we preferre before him and whence we expect our highest happinesse which afterwards turnes into bitternesse and ruine You shal see many impetuous corrivals suitors of an evill woman as fishes justling one another striving for a mortall bayte The strongest and most unfortunate driveth he other away and by taking is taken and destroyed Solomon who had but too much experience in this matter gives this account of it Eccles 5.26 I find more bitter then death the Woman whose heart is snares and nets and her hands as bands Who so pleaseth God shall escape from her but the sinner shall be taken by her Women might say little less of men There is no cheat no witchcraft comparable to that of carnall love neither is there any thing that workes sadder effects Of which the most ordinary is the loss of the tranquillity of the soul A losse not to be recompensed by all the love-pleasures that lust can suggest to the imagination No Passion sinnes more against that rule truly Christian and Philosophical to dwell at home and not to seek our content out of ourselves which is the same thing as to seeke it in God for in God is our true being and God is found within us if we have the grace to seeke him there as we ought But carnall love makes a man to seeke all contentment out of God and out of himselfe so that he is never at home alwayes abroad and alwayes under the power of others Neither doeth any other Passion so enormously transgresse in the two extreames both to over-value and undervalue the price of things For a lover will raise the price of the beloved object above Nature and possibility and together cast away his estate his honour his conscience and hazard his life as things of no account to get that idolized object It were a wonder if young people being all naturally enclined to that burning fever did not get it after so much paines taken to bring them to it For how many bookes are written for that very end How many amorous fables which to write and to reade is the busines of them that have none There young men are taught that vertue consisteth in being passionate beyond all extremity and that great feats of armes and high fortunes and atchievments are onely for lovers There maides learne to be desperately in love disembling proud and bloody and to beleeve that all is due to their supremacy seing in those bookes the world torne with warres by the jealousy of some Princes lovers and rivals and many thousands of mens lives sacrificed to the faire eyes of a Lady There also they learne to be crafty Mistresses
servants Now because the life of man is laborious and allwayes in action we learne out of Gods example to examine all our works severally and joyntly to see whether they be good and rejoyce when we find them so Thus God said Let the light be and the light was And God saw that the light was good The like after the workes of every day of the first week And in the end of the creation God made a review of all that he had done And behold all was very good to signifie that God seeing all his works good and compleate took great delight in them and did remunerate his own actions with the satisfaction which he he took in his owne wisdom and goodnesse That we may then imitate God let us do nothing but good and againe when we have done it let us see how good it is Though it cannot be but very defective yet if we find in it sincerity and an ingenuous desire to do good we may in our measure rejoyce as God did for doing good and shall enjoy a sweet peace within representing both in the good that we do and in the delight that we take in well doing the image of him that hath created and adopted us to expresse his likenesse Our confidence in God by the merit of his beloved Sonne is the ground of true peace and content But that confidence is fed by works By faith we beare testimony to our hearts that we are reconciled with God and by workes we beare testimony to our faith As by the respiration we know that a man is alive and by the same respiration the man is kept alive So the exercise of good workes is together the marke of faith and the way to maintaine that spiritual life As God hath wisely ordered that the actions necessary for the preservation of naturall life should be done with delight likewise the exercise of good workes whereby the life of faith is maintained gives a singular pleasure unto the faithfull soul Psalm 40.8 I delight to do thy will O my God said David And the Lord Jesus could say that his meat was to do the will of him that sent him John 4 32. Wherefore as healthful bodies eat their meat with appetite so godly soules apply themselves with a holy appetite to good workes In both it is an inward sence of necessity that provokes the appetite it being as impossible to live with the life of faith without good works as to keep the body alive without meat or drink And as these satisfy the stomack good actions give a sweet satisfaction to the soul But as one cannot live alwayes in the strength of one meale but must take new food every day else the body will pine away and die in a short time likewise the use of good workes must be daily too much intermission will abate the pulse of faith trouble will get into the conscience or a heavy numness which will end in the extinction of spiritual life unlesse the appetite of doing good worke 〈◊〉 awakened by repentance and faith get new strength by good exercises For this exercise the Lord Jesus gave us an example that wee should follow his steps Who did good in the whole course of his life and more in his death Who spent the night in prayer and the day in healing the sick and converting sinners Who for ill words returned saving instru●● 〈◊〉 Who overcame contempt with humility and adversities with patience Who did good to them that persecuted him to death healing the eare of Malchus that was come to take him and praying for them that crucifyed him Who to obey God his ather despised his owne life denyed the love of himselfe and made this free and miraculous submission to God in the terrours of death Father not my will but thy will be done The joy and glory which he got by that submission must encourage his Disciples to preferre the obedience to God and the duty of a good conscience before all interesses being sure that to forsake them for God is the way to preserve them and that by suffering for his glory wee get glory The content that accreweth to the soule by tending carefully Gods service and loving nothing like it cannot be exprest but by those that feel it How great was St Pauls satisfaction when he sayd 2 Cor. 1.12 Our rejoycing is this the testimony of our conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity not in fleshly wisedome but by the grace of God wee have had our conversation in the world And how sweet was his rapture of joy when he sayd being neere the end of his race 2 Tim. 4.7 I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith Henceforth there is layd up for me a crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me O what pleasure is comparable to the testimony of a good conscience The joy of a great conquerour who hath newly got an imperial crown is not comparable to St Pauls happines when he rejoyced to have fought the good fight of faith and stretched himselfe towards the crowne of righteousnes layd up for him Increase of worldly goods increaseth sorrow When they are above sufficiency instead of easing the minde they oppresse it Worldly pleasures are shortlived leaving behinde them an unpleasant fare-well and often a sting of crime Worldly honour is winde which either will blow a man downe or puff him up with an unsound tumour But godlines and good actions give a sincere joy a solid content a lasting peace a satisfaction penetrating to the inmost of the soule This is richly exprest by Isaiah in prophetical termes Isa 58.10 If thou draw out thy soule to the hungry and satisfye the afflicted soule then shall thy light rise in obscurity and thy darknes be as the noone day And the Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfye thy soule in drought and make fat thy bones and thou shalt be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters faile not Although Devotion and good conscience and the practise of good workes were sad things as the world imagineth them yet ought wee to undergoe that sadnes in this life of few dayes to make provision for the other life which is eternal since this life is a moment on which eternity depends And wee should sow in teares to reape in joy But seeing that a good conscience active in piety and good workes gets thereby even in the present a serene peace and a heavenly comfort not credible to any but those that feele it is it not a great incouragement to doe well That the way to make us happy is to make us saints It is none of the least arts of Satan for turning men away from the practice of godlines and vertuous actions to represent Devotion and vertue with an austere habit and a sowre face enough to make children afrayd and growne men also many of them having with a gray
become good or evill to us according to the disposition of our minds And of things within us there are but two in themselves evill Sinne and Paine Stoicians will not acknowledge paine to be evill because it sticks to the body onely which say they is mans lodging not man himselfe But what-man feels all the incommodities of that lodging The soul is tyed by personal Union with the senses and really suffers what they suffer So to maintaine that paine is not evil when one feels it commanding the outward countenance to unmoovednesse in the midst of the sharpe torments of the stone and the gout laughing when one hath more minde to cry is increasing paine with the addition of constraint and heaping folly upon misery But paine becomes a blessing to the wise and godly which learne by it to weane their hearts from the love of the world and themselves and to seeke in God that comfort which they finde not in this world and this life for all things helpe together for good unto them that love God Herein the senses may do good service to reason piety to find content in many things where others find the contrary Some will declame gainst the senses as ill Judges of the goodnesse and badnesse of things To whom we must say that the senses are never Judges but informers and that the ill information that our understanding receiveth of the quality of the objects ought not to be imputed to the senses for they plainly report what they perceive but to the prepossest Imagination which upon their simple information frameth false Ideas set off with colours of her owne which she presents to the Judgement and makes him Judge amisse through misinformation If we will then get good service from the senses for the right informing of our judgment we must obtaine of ourselves these two points The one not to receive their testimony but about their proper objects which are the outward qualities wherewith the senses are affected The other not to preoccupate them with Imagination Opinion and Passion So when they are confined to their owne province and become impartial witnesses it will be easy to perswade our reason rather to beleev our owne sense then the Opinion of another Thus when we desire to know whether we be unhappy because we are deprived of riches kept back from honours without reputation or ill reputed in the world we must not referre ourselves about that to the Opinion and talk of the world but to our owne sense Let us sincerely examine our senses what harme wee receive by it Are we more hungry or cold by these misfortunes Doth the Sunne shine lesse bright upon us Is our bed harder Is our meat lesse feeding If our senses thus examined have nothing to complaine of and yet we complaine that wee are come short of some hopes that others step before us that the world regards us not or speakes ill of us Let us ingenuously acknowledge upon the testimony of our senses that we are well if we can beleeve it and that it is not out of Sense but Opinion that we are afflicted This is the difference betweene fooles and wise men Fools consult Opinion and Custome Wisemen consult reason piety and nature Fooles regard what others think Wisemen consider what themselves finde and feele Fooles gape after things absent Wisemen possesse the present and themselves O how many men complaine that have no hurt but in their imagination which is indeed a great hurt and incurable many times When you see a man rich and healthful tearing his heart for some inconsiderable losse or for the rash words of an ill tongue desire him to aske his senses where the paine is And if he feele no paine by it why doth he put himselfe to paine Why is he ill when he may be well He is well if he can but heale his imagination Is it not a disgrace to a reasonable creature that whereas reason ought to rectify the sences the senses should need to rectify reason and that men who love themselves so much must be exhorted to do no harme to themselves when they feele no harme A rational godly man will examine what he feeles and will do no harme to himselfe when God doth him good And when his senses have reason to complaine he will quietly hearken to them and rather beleeve their report about the measure of the evill then the cryes of the by-standers that commiserate him He will not be easily perswaded that he is sicker then he is indeed and will not increase his paine with his imagination And whereas others make themselves sick out of imagination when they are well he will use his imagination to make himselfe well when he is ill Not that I would advise a man to blind himselfe for feare of seeing and dull his sense for feare of feeling evills For the better we know the nature of things the better we know how to deale with them that we may avoid or beare the evill that is in them But because imagination hath a real force to increase or diminish many evils it is the part of a wiseman alwayes to imploy the strength of his imagination to his advantage never to his hurt The evills where the indulgence of Opinion must be used to make them lighter are the evills of the body and fortune But as for the evils of the mind which are the vices of the understanding and the will there the flattery of Opinion is most dangerous for the principal sicknesse of the mind is that one thinkes not himselfe to be sick I have advised reason to take counsel of the senses when the imagination aggravateth the evil or makes it and yet the senses are free of paine But when the senses are offended in earnest then they must take counsel of reason and more yet of piety to finde some ease Let us meditate upon the nature of those evils of fortune and body so much feared in the world He that gives a right Judgement of the evill hath halfe found the remedy CHAP. IX Of Poverty THere be many degrees of civill poverty according to the diversity of conditions and businesses To a Soveraigne prince it is Poverty to have lesse then a hundred thousand pounds a yeare but to a husbandman it is riches to have twenty pounds a yeare rent free In all conditions those are truly poore that have not wherewith to maintaine that course of life which they have set up and all men that cannot satiate their cupidity Thus very few rich men will be found in the world since there are but few that aspire not to greater things then they can compasse and desire no more then they have All that finde want are poore whether their want be of things necessary or superfluous and among many degrees of poore men there is but one Poverty Yet those are the poorest that finde want of superfluous things because that kinde of poverty is made worse by the increase
getting our liberty That way plenty pleasure and joy are bought at an easy rate for very little will content a mind weaned of superfluous desires and he hath little or no matter left for sorrow feare anger hatred and envy the tormentors of the soul What is able to disquiet that man that thinkes nothing to be his but God and a good conscience and possesseth the things of the world as not possessing them But to quiet the murmure of love and desire which are querulous and unlimited passions we must do them such equall justice that while we stop them one way we open them another Being kept short for the things of the world let them have free scope towards heavenly things to love God and desire his spirituall and permanent goods without limit and measure The great injuries are those which a man doth to himselfe when to obey lust or anger or coveteousnesse one makes himselfe guilty and miserable when for the love of the world one loseth the love of God when out of miserablenesse the body is denyed his convenient allowance When for things of no worth a man prostitutes his health his life and his conscience When men will sinne for company cast themselves into ruinous courses out of compleasance and damne themselves out of gallantry Who so will seriously think what he oweth to himselfe and what account of himselfe he must give unto God will endeavour to keepe the precious health of his body and the golden serenity of his conscience he will enjoy with simplicity that portion which God giveth him of the contentments of life and above all things he will carefully keep his onely good which is God Justice being well administred within us will be practised abroad with facility and delight Rom. 13.7 Render to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due custome to whom custom feare to whom feare honour to whom honour Let the debtour be more hasty to pay then the creditour to receive All the Law-bookes are but comments upon this precept of Justice to render to every one his owne Yet they omit the most essentiall parts of it the duties of charity humanity and gratefulness Which being without the rules of civill lawes have the more need to be learned and observed by ingenuous and religious soules And we must beleeve contrary to the vulgar opinion that they are debts and that doing good to them that stand in need of our helpe is not giving but restoring Therefore the workes of mercy are represented in the CXII Psalm as works of Justice He hath dispersed he hath given to the poore his righteousnesse endureth for ever Let us then be perswaded that when we do all the good of which God giveth us the faculty and the occasion we do but justice Let us pay due assistance to him whose need claimes it counsell to him that is in perplexity kindness to them that have shewed us kindnesse pardon to them that have offended us good for evill to them that persecute us love to them that love us support to the weake patience to the impatient reverence to superiours affability to inferiours All these are debts Let us omit no duty to which we stand obliged by the lawes of civill society Yet that is too scant let us omit no duty to which we have the invitations of piety and generosity All the good workes that we may do are so many duties It is the large extent that St. Paul gives to our duty Phil. 4.8 Finally bretheren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any vertue and if there be any praise thinke on these things And the fruit of that study in the following words is that which we seeke in this Book the Peace of the Soul our union with God Do these things and the God of peace shall be with you Truly peace quietness and assurance are the proper effects of righteousness are as naturall to it as the light to the Sunne Isa 33.17 The worke of righteousness shall be peace saith Isaiah and the effect of righteousnesse quietnesse and assurance for ever Considering Justice as the solid stemme in which lyeth the substance of all vertues as her branches I will not follow every bough of that that tree Two Vertues onely I will stand upon as the preserving qualities of that universall Justice These are meekeness and magnanimity They are the necessary dispositions to frame a right vertue in the soul and peace with it Under meekeness I comprehend humility and docility which are but diverse aspects of the same face that meeke and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price 1 Pet. 3.4 As for great edifices there is need of deepe foundations likewise to edifie the soul and build vertue and peace in it there is need of a profound humility which being joyned with faith is the foundation of the structure and the perfecting also for we must be humble that we may be vertuous and the more we are vertuous the more we are humble With that meekeness the word of God must be receaved which is the doctrine of Vertue and salvation Jam. 1.20 Receive with meekenesse the engrafted word which is able to save your soules saith St. James Isa 61.9 God hath anointed his Sonne to preach good tidings unto the meeke Psal 25.9 The meeke will he guide in judgement and the meeke will he teach his way A mind well-disposed to Vertue and the peace of the Soul will distrust himselfe as a shaking unsound foundation to repose his trust wholly upon God He will labour to heale himselfe of all arrogant opinions and obstinate prejudices being alwayes ready to receive better information and submit himselfe unto reason It belongs to that meekeness to be free from the impetuosity of the appetite for that which St. James saith of the wrath of man that it worketh not the righteousnesse of God Jam. 1.21 may be said of all other Passions they are evill if they be vehement for in a spirit agitated with vehement passions justice cannot settle that very vehemency being an injustice and a violation of that sweete and equall oeconomy of the soul fit for justice and peace Passion goeth by skips and jolts but Reason keeps a smooth even pace and that pace is fit to go on Justice's errand To meekenesse magnanimity must be joyned Meekeness makes reason docile and pliant in goodnesse Magnanimity makes her constant in it Both are the framers and preservers of righteousnesse meekenesse because it humbleth us before God and subjecteth us under his good pleasure magnanimity because it raiseth our minds above unrighteous ends and wayes and makes us aspire to that great honour to have our will conformable unto Gods will and become partakers of his Nature which is Righteousness itselfe St. Paul makes use of magnanimity to sollicite us to holiness Col. 3.10 If ye be risen with Christ seeke those
things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God Set your affections on things above not on things on the earth As nothing makes the mind more magnanimous so nothing makes it more holy then that doctrine which teacheth Gods children that all the world is too little for them and that God alone who adopteth them and calls them to the inheritance of his Kingdome is worthy to possesse their whole heart For would any that is so highly dignifyed stoope so low as to subject his affection to the things of the earth or would he be so ungrateful as to returne him disobedience for so much love Rather his high condition will fill him with high thoughts and according to the Apostles exhortation he will endeavour to walke worthy of God who hath called him to his Kingdome and glory 1 Thes 2.12 O could we apprehend the excellency of this high calling by a serious faith with what contempt would we looke upon those things that captivate the passions of men How should we laugh at that which others desire or feare We should looke upon the actions of men as beholding the earth from heaven seeing the clouds of cares and sorrowes gathering farre under our feet and tumultuous desires busling and raising stormes where we should have no other share but compassion of those that are tossed by them Neither temptation nor persecution should be capable to trouble our heavenly serenity The false profit and pleasure of sin should not tempt our desire but provoke our scorne and indignation as unworthy of men and muchmore of Gods children coheires of Christ in his eternall Kingdome called to be Kings and Priests unto God and their Father The same magnanimity will breed in us agodly ambition to imitate God our Father keeping righteousness in all things because the righteous Lord loveth righteousness Psal 11.7 using charity and liberality giving and forgiving because the Lordis good and his tender mercies are over all his workes Psal 145.9 Doing good to our enemies because God fills with his goods the mouthes that blaspheme him And because God gives alwayes and receiveth nothing we must thinke it more happy and divine to give then to receive From magnanimity reflect againe to meekeness Let all that is done magnanimously be done meekely together with simplicity and reality without noyse and ostentation These vertues going hand in hand meekenesse and magnanimity are the two supporters of Justice and the teachers of all goodnesse A meeke and magnanimous spirit is the fruitfull soyle of all vertues To express them in other termes more familiar to the Church They are humility and faith which with the love of God the true essence of Justice make up the greatest perfection that a man is capable of upon earth whereby the minde is sanctifyed sweetened and raised and filled with goodnesse peace contentment and assurance CHAP. II. Of the exercise of Vertue in Prosperity IF I treat not methodically and severally of all Vertues the title of this worke may excuse me I seeke not here the definitions and divisions of Vertues but the use And of all the uses that which conduceth to the peace and contentment of mind Besides all that we have said before and all that we have to say is an exercise of vertue which careth not much by what name she is called justice fortitude temperance or what you will if she may have leave to do her effect which is to maintaine the spirit every where in a vertuous tranquillity Her principall worke is so to informe or rather forme the minde both for Prosperity and Adversity that it be neither corrupted by the one nor dejected with the other That worke is the result of our second and third Book Who so hath learned to have a right Opinion of the things that the world desireth or feareth and to rule his passion accordingly is fenced against all inconveniencies of both fortunes But because it is a worke of the highest difficulty and importance to make the right use of these two different conditions and go through both with a serene and equall spirit Let us consider them with more care and learne to behave ourselves vertuously in both Let us begin at Prosperity as that which requires more vertue Infants will greedily graspe the bright blade of a new knife and cut their fingers The like is done by growne men dazled by the gay shew of honour wealth pleasure they lay hold on them eagerly and hurt themselves for they take them the wrong way We need not say that Prosperity is good in itselfe He that would say the contrary should not be beleeved Yea none would beleeve that such a man beleeveth what he saith But by the evill disposition of those into whose bosome prosperity falls it becomes evill yea farre worse then adversity For one that is ruined and brought to despaire by adversity ten are spoyled and undone by prosperity because adversity makes a man to retire within himselfe and warnes him to arme his minde with prudence piety and resolution But prosperity relaxeth the mind and by it weak braines are made weaker imprudent arrogant and profane acknowledging no vertue and no God but Fortune Which they think to be so enamoured with their person and merit as not to have the power to disgrace them Such is the character that David gives of a man corrupted with prosperity Psal 10.5 His wayes are alwaies grievous thy judgements are farre above out of his sight As for his enemies he puffeth at them He hath said in his heart I shall not be moved for I shall never be in adversity It is an unhappy prosperity that makes men dissolute outragious puft up with pride blinded with selfe love sometimes heavy with a drowzy sloath sometimes transported with an insolent joy The most dangerous and most ordinary abuse of prosperity is the diverting of a mans thoughts and love from God and a better life to fixe them upon the world Wherefore David speaking of men inclosed in their owne fat calls them men of the world whose portion is in this life Psal 17.14 intimating that they have no portion in the other life Truly prosperity is a slippery place With most men it is a faire walk ending in a precipice And the least harme it doth is to enervate the mind and dull the edge of industry The abuses of prosperity are divers according to the different humours of men Some of a joviall and inconsiderate humour glut themselves with prosperity and become fierce and violent Others of a darke and timorous constitution are opprest with wealth and honour as with heavy weights dare not enjoy what they have and live in an anxious care to lose all Eccles 5.12 The abundance of the rich will not suffer them to sleep They ought to thank him that should ease them of that heavy burden their riches Of the sicknesses that attend prosperity I have sayd much and of their remedy It comes to this To consider
to our industry and keep us from mending the incommodities of our condition for God putting us in an uneasy condition doth not oblige us thereby not to seek to be better Those to whom God hath given no other stock but their industry have reason to think that God will have them to make the best of that excellent patrimony Piety and Philosophy are no counsellours of lazinesseand neglect of ourselves A poore man is content with his condition when he is pleased with that necessity which God layeth upon him to maintaine himselfe by his diligence and supply by his vertue the want of an inheritance A condition commonly more happy then that of great heires whose intellectuall parts are many times dulled or corrupted with plenty which puffeth them up with Pride and enflames them with lust He that is kept in humility and temperance by his short meanes must praise God for it and make the best of the benefits of poverty the chiefe whereof is that it helpes a man to weane his heart from the world and raise it unto God The rich and great having more cause to be contented with their condition have neverthelesse more need to be exhorted unto it because they are more subject to be discontented for ease breeds wantonness and makes a man to be incommôded with his owne commodities This is that sore evill which Solomon saw under the Sunne namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt Eccles 5.17 Many rich men eate their bread in darknesse all their dayes and with a covetous or envious sorrow make their plenty their crosse That ungratefull sorrow proceeds from an excessive love of ourselves and the world We love ourselves so much that we think nothing good enough for us And the world so much that we can never have enough of it Now al immoderate love is accompanied with great care and that care sowreth all the svveetnesse of our life These two loves then must be cut very short He that will love and esteem himselfe but little will be content with little And he that withdrawes his love from worldly things shall soon have as much of them as he needs To weane ourselves from the love of ourselves and the world we must study to get a strong perswasion of the wisedome and goodness of God and a firme confidence in his love Suppose that God should spread with his rich and liberall hand all the treasures of the world before us and give us our free choice to take what we would Could we do more wisely then to put the choise to him againe and beseech him to choose for us because he knowes what is fit for us better then we do and loves us better then we love ourselves Well this is our condition God hath chosen for us Let us stand to his choyce with humility and thankfullnesse and rest contented It is an appurtenance of the condition which God hath allotted us that we must continually labour to mend it though we should have no designe to raise it for our temporal is condition like our houses which must often be repaired else they would sinke downe All humane things are in a continuall decay But God hath given prudence to man to underprop his tottering fortune or to build it anew and make it more commodious So much we may do and yet be content with our condition gently submitting our minds to that generall law of the life of our vanity as Solomon calls it which binds us to toyle continually to maintaine ourselves In that toyle if the successe smile upon us and invite us to advance though we were content with our condition before we may better it If notwithstanding our industry our fortune go back our desire also must go back with our fortune and be content with lesse in both conditions looking up to the good hand of God whose actions are all mercy to them that love him and trust to him To that end we must aske of God a meek religious equall constant mind not seeking content in things that are about us but in things within us labouring to have God there for when all is sayd and tryed it is the onely way to be content in all conditions God being alwayes the same he that possesseth God is partaker of that divine attribute in his measure and in the ebbings and flowings of his temporall condition remaines alwayes the same because the possession that makes him happy is within him and in heaven together not subject to exteriour changes not tyed to things under the Sunne As he that hath a vigorous body and the noble parts sound wil eat browne bread grosse meat with good appetite but to a sick man pheasants are unsavoury So to him that hath a sound conscience and God abiding in it the meanest condition is pleasant but a man of an ill conscience that hath the burning fever of covetousness and ambition taketh delight in nothing though he had all things He that possesseth God hath this advantage above all other men that he he is content with much and with little and with nothing Therefore to speake exactly we should not say that he that possesseth God is content with but in his temporall condition for it is not from his condition that his contentment ariseth it is from God CHAP. II. Not to depend upon the Future THis Counsell is part of the precedent for that we may be contented with our condition it is necessary for us not to depend upon the future He that can bring his mind to that shall not live suspended with desires and expectations and shall not lose the enjoyment of the present to catch at that which is to come When the sufferings of the present makes us long for the future it is lesse strange and more pardonable But it is ordinary that covetousnesse curiosity wantonness produce the same impatience in some men as extremity of paine in others Many sick of too much ease will speak like Job in his torments Job 7.4 When I lay downe I say When shall I arise and the night be gone And I am full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day Is the day dawned they wish it were done This perpetual agitation is a most evident signe of a sick mind which makes his sicknes worse with that only thing whence he hopes for amendment which is change The future which afarre off seemed pleasant unto him displeaseth him when it is become present neither doth any thing please him but what he hath not and cannot have By this expectation of the future a man hath his head torne betweene feare and hope as a stagges head betweene two hounds so sore they bite and torment the minde There is no condition more miserable and no state of the soule more contrary to the nature of God whom his children ought to imitate Nothing sets a man further from God who expects no new thing from the future because all is present
OF PEACE AND CONTENTMENT OF MINDE By PETER DV MOVLIN THE SONNE D. D. LONDON Printed for Humphrey Moseley and are to be sold at his shop at the Prince's Armes in St. Paul's Church-yard 1657. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE RICHARD EARLE OF CORKE Vicount of Kinalmeaky and Dungarvan Baron of Yoghall and Bandon Peere of Ireland My Lord THese Contemplations belong to your Lordship by double right as fruits growne and ripened at the rayes of your favour and as characters of those vertues whereby you have wrestled out the difficulties of an age of Iron and Fire The roughnesse of those stormes makes your present tranquillity look smoother your Lordship takes the right course to have tranquillity at home in any weather consecrating your heart to be a Sanctuary of the God of peace where you entertaine him by faith love and good works not serving the world but making the world to serve you keeping a constant march through the various occurrences of both fortunes with a meeke resolute equanimity and a prudent sincerity To keep your minde in that golden frame if these endeavours of mine may be instrumental they shall but refund what they have received for to that tranquillity which I enjoy under your noble shelter I owe these meditations of tranquillity May they prove of the nature of those seeds which improve the soyle where they grow And may your good soul reape some fruit of these productions of your favour and my thankfulnesse I rest At your Mannour of Lismore July 30. 1655. MY LORD Your Honours most humble and dutifull servant PETER Du MOULIN PREFACE BEing cast by the publique storme upon a remote shore whence I behold the agitations of the world with a calmer judgement because former troubles have left me little occasion to be much concerned in the latter I find my selfe invited by this uncertaine interval of unexpected rest to meditate how I may find the rest of the soule and contentment of mind in all conditions And seeking it for my selfe I may be so happy as to procure it to others For that contemplation I made use of foure bookes this halfe-wilde countrey affording but few more The chiefe is the holy Scripture the meditation whereof brings that peace which passeth all understanding The next is the booke of Nature Then the booke of Gods providence in the conduct of the world both teaching me to say with David Psalm 92.5 Thou Lord hast made me glad through thy workes The fourth book is that which every one carrieth along with himselfe the spirit of man A booke where there is much to be put out and much put out which must be renewed before wee can reade in it any subject of peace and content for without the corrections of grace this natural booke is like that of Ezekiel Ezeck 2.10 written within and without with lamentations and mourning and woe It is the worke of wisedome and my endeavour in this treatise so to correct this fourth booke upon the three others that wee may study it with delight and find peace and contentment within us which may spare us the labour to seeke it abroad That wisedome which must worke in us that excellent effect is divine wisedome She is a tree of life to them that lay hold on her Prov. 3.18 happy is every one that retaines her And humane wisedome instructed by the divine seconds her and does her good service in that greate worke This philosophie swims against the streame of a great torrent So I call the numerous abettours of that eminent moral Philosopher Doctor Charron my countreyman who with great care separates divine wisedome from the humane and attributes to the humane alone that which onely belongs to the divine Preface to the three bookes of wisedome to make a man walke alwayes upright stedfast and content in himselfe I have more serene intentions in this booke which beares on the front the Peace and contentment of mind then to carpe at the learned and the dead And it grieveth me much to dissent from that brave man whom I truly admire acknowledging his booke of Wisedome to be of rare excellency and of singular use to such as know how to use it aright But it grieves me more that he hath persvaded so many seeming wisemen pretenders to the magistracy of wit Ibid. that integrity is not a dependance of Religion and that the vertue and integrity of Divines is altogether frowning chagreene austere servile sad timorous and vulgar One would think that he is drawing the picture of some old barefooted shee votary But Philosophical wisedome that is as he expounds it the human and civil he makes it free cheerefull lofty noble generous and rare It is likely that Charron describing Theological wisedome weeping austere base and poore spirited had before his eyes those rules of monastical discipline which he made once a shew to affect though very ill agreeing with his free masculine and lofty spirit as setting forth piety and wisedone in a servile and melancholy dresse Had he lived till now his solid rational wit had liked no better of the delicate and poetical piety that came since upon the stage of France some of it publisht in English to little purpose Where in stead of reason and authority to satisfie the judgement and comfort the conscience you shall find posies of light courtly conceits as if they presented the devotion of the people with beades of rosebuds shedding in their hands that turne them These two different wayes of piety are unsavoury to philosophical minds that would be payed with reason and good sense which if they find not in religion they will forsake it and seeke for wisedome in Philosophy I owe that duty to Theological wisedome to make it appeare to my power that she is the true Philosophy and that to her that magnificent character is proper and special Ibid. to make a mans spirit firme upright free cheerefull universal content every where which priviledges Charron reserveth to civil wisedome It is a high injury offered to piety to take vertve and moral Philosophy from her jurisdiction and transport to humane wisedome that which is proper to the divine Ibid. even the skill of living and dying well which is all Let us endeavour to shew by our example that Divinity doth not handle wisedome austerely and drily as he doth reprove her but sweetly and pleasantly Ibid. which hee saith to be proper to humane wisedome And that wee may restore that to Religion which Charron takes from her let us thinke it no shame to take place among those whom hee condemneth They take saith he Religion to bee a generality of all good Lib. 2. cap. 5. that all vertues are comprehended in it and are subordinate to it Wherefore they acknowledge no vertue or righteousnesse but such as moveth by motives of Religion I professe my selfe one of them that thinke so preferring to Charrons authority that of Saint Paul
and warre in the world and of the subsistence and revolution of Empires Who would beleeve that at the same time he tels the number of our hairs and that not so much as one sparrow falls to the ground without his speciall appointment but that we are told it by his own mouth and that our experience assureth us of his care of the least of our actions and accidents of our life Here wee must rest amazed but not silent for our very ignorance must help us to admire and extoll that depth of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God whose eye and hand is in all places whose strength sustaineth whose providence guideth all things and taketh as much care of each of his creatures as if he had nothing else to looke to If our minds be swallowed up in the depths of Gods wisdome this one depth calls in another deep which brings no lesse amazement but gives more comfort that is the fatherly love of God to us his children Eph. 3.18 O the bredth the length the depth the heighth of the love of Christ which passeth knowledge the bredth that embraceth Jewes and Gentiles having broken the partition wall to make a large room to his wide love that his way might be known upon earth his saving health among all Nations Psalm 67.2 The length which hath elected us before the foundation of the world and will make us live and reigne with himselfe for ever The depth which hath drawne us out of the lowest pit of sorrow death to effect that hath drawn him down to that low condition The height which hath raised us up to heaven with him and makes us sit together with him in heavenly places With what miracles of mercy hath he preserved his Church from the beginning of the world How many graces doth he poure upon the several members thereof nourishing our bodies comforting our souls reclaiming us from iniquity by the gift of repentance and faith keeping off the malice of men and evill Angels from us by the assistance of his good Angels delivering our life from death our eyes from teares and our feet from falling But before and after all other benefits we must remember that principal benefit never sufficiently remembred Col. 1.12 Giving thankes unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light who hath delivered us from the power of darknesse and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Sonne in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgivenesse of sins This is the highest top of our felicity the main ground of the peace of the soul and the incomparable subject of the contentment of our minds Yea if we have such a deep sence of that heavenly grace as to praise God continually for it with heart and mouth For as we praise God because he blesseth us he blesseth us because we praise him and by his praise which is the eternal excercise of his blessed Saints we become already partners of their imployment their peace and their joy CHAP. IX Of good Conscience ALl that we have said hitherto regardeth the Principal causes both the efficient and the instrumental of the peace with God There are other causes which of themselves have not that vertue to produce that great peace yet without which it cannot be preserved nor produced neither these are a good conscience and the excercise of good workes Not that the reconciliation made for us with God by the merit of his Son needs the help of our works but becaus the principal point of our reconciliation and redemption is that we are redeemed from iniquity which is done by the same vertue that redeemes us from Hell and by the same operation For it is a damnable self-flattery and self-deceipt for one to beleeve that he is reconciled with God if he feele in himselfe no conversion from that naturall enmity of the flesh against God neither can he enjoy a true peace in his soul In that reconciliation God makes use of our wil for in all agreements both parties must concur and act freely And to make us capable of that freedome God by his spirit looseth the bonds of our unregenerate will naturally enthralled to evill But it will be better to medle but little with the worke of God within us and looke to our owne learning the duties which wee are called unto as necessary if wee will enjoy that great reconciliation The first duty is to walke before God with a good conscience for in vaine should one hope to keepe it tranquil and not good Conscience is the natural sence of the duties of piety and righteousnes warning every man unlesse he be degenerated into a beast to depart from evil and doe good And a good conscience is that which obeyeth that sense and warning But the ordinary use which I will follow by a good conscience understands onely the first part which is to beware of evil This good conscience is so necessary for the enjoying of that peace of God applyed to us by faith that the A postle to the Hebrewes requires it that wee may stand before God with a full assurance of faith Heb. 10.22 Let us draw neere saith he with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washt with pure water And St Paul chargeth Timothy 1. Tim. 1.19 to hold faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwrack shewing that faith and a good conscience must goe hand in hand and that the losse of a good conscience ushereth the losse of faith which is consequently followed with the losse of inward peace Whereas a good conscience brings forth confidence as St John teacheth us 1. Joh. 3.21 Beloved if our heart condemne us not then have wee confidence before God By a conscience that condemnes us not wee must not understand a conscience without sinne for there is none such to be found Much lesse a conscience that condemneth not the sinner after he hath sinned for the best consciences are those that forgive nothing to themselves and passe a voluntary condemnation upon themselves before God by a free and penitent confession But the good conscience that condemnes us not according to St Johns sense is that which beares witnes to a man to have walked in sincerity and cannot accuse him to have shut up his eyes since his conversion against the evident lights of truth and righteousnes or to have hardned his heart against repentance after he hath offended God The godly man will remember that the peace betweene God and us was made by way of contract whereby God gives himselfe to us in his Sonne and we give our selves to him If then any refuse to give himselfe to God there is no contract God will not give himselfe to him and so no peace for every contract must be mutual When the one party
do him harme or hindred to do him good or deprived of the good he might do to the publique that worthy man must not altogether neglect to rectifye the misconceits taken against him which he may with lesse difficulty atchieve by a serene and constant course of integrity then by finding and proving confuting and keeping a great bustle to bring contrary witnesses face to face Innocency and the confidence that attends it must needs stand so high above the babling of the vulgar as to be no more moved with it then the Starres with the wind ●●owing in the lower Region The dishonour that hath some ground in the truth must be wiped off not by excuses but by amendment Is one blamed for being vicious He must be so no more And that out of hatred of vice not of dishonour which being but a shadow of it will vanish at the rayes of Vertue CHAP. XII Of the evills of the body Unhandsomnesse Weaknesse Sicknesse and Paine OUr judgement being satisfyed that the good of the body beauty strength health and pleasure are none of the great goods we ought also to bee perswaded that their contraries are none of the great evills And if our very bodies must not be accounted ours because we cannot dispose of them at our pleasure and because by the undermining of age they sinke and slip away continually from themselves the commodities and incommodities of these fraile tenements at will where our soules are harboured for a few daies as ought not to disquiet us matters of any importance To beginne at Unhandsomnesse if a woman be unhandsome for that sexe is especially sensible of that disgrace let her stay but a while age will bring all the beauties to her row within few yeares and death after That last day draweth neere which will make faire and foule alike strong and weake sick and sound them that are tormented with dolour and them that torment themselves with voluptuousnesse and curiosity Whosoever is much grieved with those incommodities never apprehended aright the frailty of the opposite commodities We must not be vexed for the want of things which by their nature decay and perish very houre There are few incommodities but have a mixture of commodities which a wise lover of his owne tranquillity will pick and convert to his advantage The unhandsome woman shall not be admired but in recompence she shall not be tempted nor importuned as a prey by lust and insolence She hath with her a perpetual exhorter to humility piety and all vertue and to recompence the want of beauty with goodnesse Seldome is unhandsomnesse reproached to women but to them that aggravate with malice envy their disgraces of nature Beauty cannot be acquired but goodnesse may Yet among them that want beauty some are so wise and so good that they become handsome They are commonly more happy in marriage then great beauties for they give lesse jealousy to their husbands and study more to content them Persons of weak constitution are lesse obnoxious to acute sicknesses which many times will kil strong bodyes in three or foure dayes They are lesse tainted with that stupid pride which commonly attends great strength of body Finding themselves inferiour to others in excercises of strength they apply themselves to exercises of wit to which commonly they are more apt As weezels have more mettle and nimblenesse then Oxen there is often more industry and quicknesse of wit in little weak men then in men of of large and brawny limbs for the predominancy of blood and phlegme which makes the body large is the duller temper for wit whereas choler and melancholy which by their contractive quality limit the stretching of growth to a lesser extent serve also the one to sharpen the wit the other to give solidity to the judgement Weakenesse reads to a man a continual Lecture of prudence and compliance for being not able to carry on his designes with a high hand dexterity onely will serve his turne Also that want of strength teacheth him to make God his strength sticking fast to him by faith and a good conscience That way the weakest become too strong for all the world When I am weake then I a● strong saith St. Paul 2 Cor. 12.10 Of this Gods children have a blessed experience in sicknesse whereby God makes their body weake to make their faith strong and their soules by the dolours and lingring decay of their bodies susceptible of many salutary lessons for which health and ease have no eares Sicknesse and paine are evill in their nature but they are good by accident when God is pleased to turne evills into remedies to bring a man to repentance and make him looke up to the hand that striketh They are punishments to sin and wayes to death but to the faithful soul they become instruments of grace and conveighances to glory Many of them that beleeved in the Lord Jesus while he conversed among men were brought to it by bodily sicknesses And he when he healed a sick person often would say Thy sins are forgiven thee To give an impartial judgement of their quality and measure one must rather beleeve what he feeles then the cryes and compassion of them that love him and have interest in his preservation They say that a man is very sick when he feeles not his sicknesse Yet he hath so much good time till he feele it If the paine be sharp it is short If it be little it is tolerable If the evill be curable be patient good Cure will heale it If the evill be incurable be patient death will heale it No evill is superlative when one is certaine to come out of it By life or by death there must be an end of thy sicknesse All the remedies that Pagan Philosophy giveth in extremities come to this that patience is a remedy to evills that have none But here Christian Philosophy openeth the treasure of divine comforts which to make the faithfull man patient in tribulation make him joyfull in hope shew him the crown ready for him at the end of the combat In the combat he is strengthened by faith and the comforter whom Christ promist to his disciples powerfully assisteth him in his last agony Or if his triall be prolonged he tels him as Paul buffeted by a messenger of Satan 2 Cor. 12.9 my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weaknesse By that grace sicknesse beates downe pride quencheth lust weaneth the heart from the love of the world makes the soule hungry and thirsty after righteousnesse Theodoricus Archbishop of Collen with great wisdome exhorted the Emperour Sigismond to have the will in health to live holily as he said when he was tormented with the gravel and gowte Sicknesses give to a godly man a sense of his frailty when wee feel these houes of mud our bodies drooping towards the ground their originall then doe we sigh for that building of God that house not made with hands
substance and intellectual faculties of our soul of immortal nature which cannot be so offuscated with the mists of the flesh but she is cleared of them when she is freed of the body The other is that supernatural wisedome when it pleaseth God to endow our minde with it even his knowledge his love conformity of our will unto his will and faith in his promises Of other ornaments of the soul we cannot certainly say what we shall keep and what we shall lose It will be therefore wifely and thriftily done to labour for that which wee may be sure to keep when we have got it and of which death that takes away all other possessions shall deliver us a full possession It is a great discouragment to them that stretch their braines upon Algebra and Logarithmes and arguments in Frisesmo as it were upon tenterhookes to think that all that learning so hard to get will bee lost in a moment Who would take the paines to load himselfe with it seeing that it gives nothing but vexation in this life and leaves in the soul neither benefit nor trace after death unlesse it be the guilt sticking to the soul to have mispent the strength of wit upon negotious vanities and neglected good studies Yet am I not so austere and peremptory as to despise all the spiritual endowments which we are not sure to keep after death For many of them are such that as we are not certaine to keep them after death so we are not certaine to lose them by death Many of those perishable ornaments are neverthelesse good gifts of God But our minde must be so disposed that in these several ornaments of the soul we seek a contentment proportionate to the assurance that we have of their abiding with us We are most certaine that the knowledge and love of God are permanent possessions and impart to their possessor their permanency there then let us apply our study and place our permanent content We are not certaine whether the other spiritual ornaments will continue with us after this life Then let us not bestow our principal study about those things which we are not sure to keepe nor place our chiefe content in them Let the Soul lose none of her advantages let her glory in her eternall goods and there fixe herselfe Let her rejoyce also in those goods which she hath for a time according to their just value which must be measured by their use Before we consider the several ornaments of the soul more particularly we must consider her substance and faculties The Soul is immateriall and Spirituall bearing in her substance the image of her creator and more yet in her faculties and naturall endowments which before her fall were in an eminent degree of perfection for to be made after the likeness of God includeth all perfection in so much that this high expression to be adequate unto man hath need to be contracted to the proportion of a created nature Of that primitive perfection the traces are evident still in that reasoning quicknesse and universal capacity that goeth through all things and compasseth all things that remembreth things past that provideth for things to come that inventeth judgeth ordereth and brings forth ingenious and admirable workes The principal is that the soul is capable to know God love him commune with him A priviledge special to Angels Souls of men above all creatures as likewise they are the only creatures capable of permanency which is a participation with Gods eternity such as finite natures may admit Humility would not give us leave to conceive high enough of the price of our soul but that the onely Sonne of God God himselfe blessed for evermore hath shewed the high account that he made of her So high that he thought it worth his taking the like nature in the forme of a servant and suffering death with the extremity of paine and ignominy that he might recover and save her when she had lost herselfe The soul being of such an excellent nature and after her decayes by sinne restored to her primitive excellency by grace is a rich possession to herselfe when God gives us the wisedome to obey that evangelical and truly Philosophical precept of Christ Luk. 21.19 In your patience possesse your soules not giving leave to the impatience of cupidity and feare to steal that possession from us But the soul never hath the right possession of herselfe till she have the possession of God To possesse God and to possesse our soul is all one for the spirit cannot be free nor happy nor his owne but by his union with his original Being whereby God and the soul have a mutual possession one of another A blessed union begun in earth by grace and perfected in heaven by glory The contrary state which is to be separated from God is the perdition of a man and the extremity of bondage want and misery Here to undertake an exact anatomy of the soul would be besides my theame and more yet beyond the possibility of right performance For as the eye cannot see it selfe the spirit of man cannot looke into his owne composure and in all the Philosophical discourses upon that subject I finde nothing but conjectural It is more profitable and easy to learne the right government then the natural structure of the soul It is part of the knowledge of the soul to know that she cannot be known and that her incomprehensiblenesse is a lineament of her Creatours image The spirit of man is more quick and stirring then clearsighted and many times is like a Faulcon that flyeth up with his hood on He hath a good wing but he is hood winkt How many wits take a high flight and know not where they be And where shall you finde one that understands thoroughly the matter that he speakes of The Authors that write of all animals and plants understand not the nature of a caterpiller or a lettice how then shall they understand the nature of intellectual substances Certainly all our Philosophy of the nature of things is but seeking and guessing Job 8.9 We are but of yesterday and know nothing because our dayes upon earth are as a shadow saith Bildad Our life is a shadow because it is transitory but more because it is dark The Earth where we live is inwrapt in clouds and our soul in ignorance as long as we live upon earth and yet we are as resolute and affirmative in our Opinions as if we had pitcht our Tabernacle in the Sunne We could not speak with more authority if we were possest as God is with the original Idea's and the very being of things A wise and moderate man will not be carryed away by that presumption neither of others nor his owne but with humility will acknowledge the blind and rash nature of the spirit of man that knoweth nothing and determines of all things that undertakes all and brings nothing to an end Pure truth and full wisedome
and compasseth the world about like the Sunne to bring us pearles to hang at the eares of our Mistresses and pepper to strow over our cucumbers For that end great companies of Merchants are associated and the fortunes of Princes and Commonwealthes are ventured in in great Sea-fights But out of that hazardous folly which certainly is a great disease of the mind a great bulke of new knowledge in naturall things accreweth to the publique stock of learning and thereby a great gate is open for the propagation of the Gospell So admirable is Gods providenee who by small weights setts great wheeles on going and makes use of the vanity and unsatiable greediness of men to bring neere the remotest parts of the world by the bond of commerce and advance his Kingdome Thus among the giddiness of publique commotions the iniquity of great actions and the vanity of their motives the wisedome and goodnesse of the first cause brings under his subjection the folly and the wickednesse of inferiour agents Rom. 3.17 Destruction and misery is in their wayes and the wayes of peace they have not knowne But they are in Gods hand who will bring all to a good end The reason why we complaine of the badness of the time is that we see but one peece of it But God that beholds with one aspect the whole course of time from its spring in the creation unto the mouth where that great river disgorgeth itselfe into the Sea of eternity seeth that all which seemeth evill by parcells is good when all parts are taken together And not onely he beholds it but he conducts it most wisely and to that wise conduct we must humbly leave the rectifying of all that seemes amiss to us in the course of the times It is a great comfort to our mind and a great help to our judgement in publique disorders and private crosses that we may be certaine that God is an agent above all agents in all things even in the worst which he makes instruments to some of his justice to others of his bounty to all of his wisedome Among so much evill yet there is some vertue in the world and where it is not obeyed yet it is respected If the torrent of the perversity of the time becomes so rapid that good men cannot row against it to any preferment it will never barre them from all havens of retreat and to force them to a retreat many times it is to compell them to their good and rest for as they are further from the favour of great men they are freer also from their factions During the tempest one may sleep at the noise of the waves There is no place so unsafe and full of trouble but the God of peace may bee found in it And they that trust in him repose themselves safe and quiet under his wing The world shall never be so wicked and so contrary to good men but that they may do good to the world against its will One thing must make us looke kindly upon this world that it is the Hall of Gods house where we waite expecting to be advanced to Gods presence and all things that happen to us in this life helpe to bring us to that Land of Promise All creatures not corrupted by sinne speak to us of God Yea every thing good and bad gives us matter to lift up our thoughts unto God Nature smiles upon them that love God Then his law directs us His promises comfort us He guides us by his Spirit He covers us by his providence He shewes us from above the prize kept for us at the end of the race By which meanes we are lesse weary of the world then they that ground their hopes upon it And after we have balanced with a calme judgement the good and evil that is in the world we finde that the world goeth better with the good then with the bad life cannot be very bad if it be a mans voyage to God OF PEACE AND CONTENTMENT OF MINDE THIRD BOOK Of the Peace of Man with himselfe by Governing his Passions CHAPTER I. That the right Government of Passions depends of right Opinion THe right employment of a Christian Philosopher that will have peace at home is to calme the tumult of Passions For the sensitive Appetite is in the soule as the common people in a State It is the dregs and the lowest part of the spirit that hath a neere affinity with the outward sense greedy rash tumultuous prone to discontent and munity Reason in a mans soul holds the place of a Soveraine which many times is ill obeyed She is like the coachman and the Passions like the horses fierce and hardmouthed pulling hard against the bridle which many times they pluck out of her hands Of this a cause is given which is natural and good That the first yeares of life before a man be capable of the use of reason are altogether under the empire of the Appetite which being used to rule doth not willingly become a subject to Reason when age and instruction awake that higher faculty and in many that rebellion holds till they be farre gone in their life or to the very end Wherefore it will be a wise part to tame the opiniatre appetite of children beginning at the first yeare of their life to teach their eager will to bee denyed He that was used to yeeld to his Nurse hath already taken a ply of obedience and will more readily bow to reason when age brings it That tender age breeds another cause of the disobedience of Passions to right reason That the childs judgement is dyed with false Opinions of the objects which his appetite imbraceth For in the age when the Appetite is sole regent in the soul the Fancy and the Memory are filled with images proportionate to the outward appearance making the child take all that is guilded for massy gold all glittering things for precious and feathers and sugar plums for the Soveraigne good Which first imaginations being somewhat cleared of their grossest fogge by age and experience yet leave these false notions in the minde that things are within such as they appeare without and that wealth gallantry and the pleasure of the taste are the best things of the world Opinions which presently prove seeds of covetuousnesse ambition and luxury which in short time as all ill woedes will grow strong and fill the soul with trouble and misery Then the first yea the onely course to free the Appetite of vicious Passions is to heale the understanding of erroneous Opinions The Appetite cannot but goe astray when the understanding is blind When the understanding is free of error the Appetite is free of Vice For although many times Passion runne into disorder contrary to the light of the understanding that never hapens but when the understanding hath consented for a while to some false opinion seduced by flattery of Passion that stroakes him and puts her hand before his eyes for
there were no Passion there would be no vertue If then the Passion be sick it must be healed not slaine and much lesse must it be slaine when it is in health lest it fall sick It may be sayd for the Philosophers that would cut off or rather root out Passion that it is an errour that doth little harme for man being naturally too passionate we must pull to the contrary extreme to bring him to a vertuous moderation for after we have rooted it out as much as may be there will remaine still too much of it Beasts have also their Passions and by them men are allyed with beasts But the Appetite of the beast is meerly sensual the appetite of man is partly sensual partly intellectual Passions may be marshalled into three orders according to the three principall faculties of the soul The inferiour order is of them that are onely in the sensitive Appetite and have their motions for the body onely as hunger and thirst Over these reason hath lesse power for she cannot perswade him that is hungry not to be so but she may retard the satisfaction of the appetite Other Passions are lodged in a higher storie and seeme to be seated in the Imagination as the Passion that one hath for curiosities and images of perfection increased by the desire These are more capable to be ruled by reason The third and highest order is of intellectual passions as the love of learning and contemplation These are more immediately in the power of reason It is the part of reason to forme and moderate those passions which are meerely under her jurisdiction and keepe a short bridle to those passions that are moved without her leave by nature chance or fancy As in a well governed kingdome all is done by the King the faculties of the soul must be kept in such order that within us all be done by Reason When that Soveraine is wise and well obeyed peace is in the inward State of man But when the Soveraine is made subject to his natural Subjects the sensual Passions then the soule is like a body with the heeles upward and the whole policy of the mind is turned upside downe Being to speake of the Passions as the winds that stirre and tosse that inward sea of the soule I must also speake of the Vertues that serve to represse them Not to treate of each severally and prolixely but to bring them to action and to minister to every Passion its proper remedy CHAP. III. Of Love LOve is the first of all Passions and the cause of most part of them It is the motion of the soule towards objects that promise rest and contenument By Love men are good or evill happy or unhappy as that Passion is applyed to good or evill objects In every soule there is a Master-love which beares rule over all the other Passions and subjecteth them to its principal object According to the quality of that object love is perfect or unperfect for as the objects of the sight change in some sort the apple of the eye into their colour and shape so by receiving the image of the beloved object into our soule our soule is transformed into it and wedded to its qualities He that loves a sordid thing becomes sordid Doth any love his hounds with that principal love his soule becomes of the same quality as his hounds He that loveth a high object becomes high by that love He that loveth God the soveraine good receiveth the soveraine good into his soule Many causes contribute to the contentment of minde but the chiefe cause of it is a worthy love And it may be truly sayd that neither in heaven nor in earth any thing is pleasant and contenting but Love God himselfe is love saith St Iohn 1. Ioh. 4.16 And I conceive as much as a finite mind dares conceive of the infinite God that in the substantial love embracing the three persons of the Godhead consisteth both their personal union and their felicity I have spoken before of the vertue of love which unites us with God and shewed that it is mans great duty and soverain felicity And hereafter I must speake of the Christian love due to our neighbours which is called charity and of the love of society which is friendship In all these relations love is a vertue either acquisite or infused But here wee consider it as a natural Passion which yet wee must endeavour to raise to a vertue and for that wee cannot but returne againe to the love of God The most natural love is the love of the sexe A Passion meerely sensual and common to men with beasts And yet it is that Passion which keepes the greatest stirre in mans heart and in the world That love softeneth magnanimous spirits and drawes downe the soule from the heaven of holy meditation to the dregs of the matter But for that Passion a man might come to a degree of Angelical purity in this world Wherefore there is great need to learne how to represse it To roote it out if one could find in his heart to doe it would be destroying nature and resisting the ordinance of God who gave that inclination to all animals for the propagation of their kind But because God gave also reason to men above other animals and his knowledge to Christians above other men the love of the Sexe hath need to be led by a better guide then Nature else it is brutish and that which is innocent in beasts is vicious in men By it men instead of the pleasure which they hunt after so hotly find sadnes remorse infamy destruction of body soule and estate It is a feareful sentence that no whoremonger nor uncleane person hath any inheritance in the kingdome of Christ and of God Ephes 5.5 It is a criminal deplorable folly to turne into a snare of damnation that volupty which the indulgence of the wise creatour hath given to all animals to invite them to the continuation of themselves in their posterity and to climb up at the window with perill to steale pleasure with crime whilest marriage opens the doore to it unto which God men honesty duty utility and facility invite us Love altogether carnal doth not affect the person but the pleasure unless by the person a mansselfe be understood Love of beauty is love of onesselfe not of the desired person since beauty is desired for pleasure When that love of the sexe is joyned with a true affection to the person and that affection grounded in vertue and encouraged with mutual love then love and friendship meete and increase one another And if marriage followeth it may prove the greatest of temporal contentments But as in unlawfull love there is need of continence to refraine it so in the lawful there is need of temperance to moderate it Temperance is the preserver of love of pleasure also Both are lost by excesse As the flame of a taper turned upside downe is quencht by
the substance that feeds it so love goeth out by too much plenty of aliment But though love and pleasure could maintaine themselves in the excesse neither body nor mind losing any thing of their vigour yet there would be more losse then gaine in it for fervent passion troubleth the serenitie of the soul and any thing that subjecteth the understanding to the appetite degradeth the soule of her excellency especially when the appetite is meerely sensual Because in conjugal life two loves meete the love of the sexe and the love of society It will be a wise course to tye the last with all the bonds of benevolence These bonds are piety sweet conversation tender care of the beloved person patience to beare with her infirmities and a little winking not to see all that might diminish love omitting nothing to make the best of a bargaine which cannot be undone That indissoluble knot which unto fooles makes marriage a heavy yoake is unto the wise a helpe to contentment for by that necessity they are taught to love what they must love to seeke their delight in their duty The greatest fervour of love is not in matrimony for there one hath alwayes at hand wherewith to coole his thirst nor in unlawfull lust where also one knowes how to allay his heat though with the detriment of his conscience but in woing in longing desires tending to mariage That heat is increased by the lawfulnes of the end and the suggestion of a bewitched reason unto the conscience that one that loveth honestly cannot love too much And if that heat meet with opposition it increaseth againe by difficulty and often there is more love where there is lesse hope Quó que minùs sperat hôc magis ille cupit Passion will frame in a mans fancy an advantageous image of the beloved object which stands continually before him appears to him in dreames breakes his sleepe interrupts his best thoughts and his most important businesses makes his spirit a sea in perpetual agitation and his most quiet intervalls are sadnes and a browne study The worst is that God is forgotten and the love of heaven is put out by the love of the world Many not onely of the vulgar sort but of the bravest mindes having split their ship upon this rock there is need of extraordinary care to avoyd it So much greater because our Christian Philosophers have taken lesse care to appropriate their remedies to this sicknesse for when they inveigh against carnal and vicious love those lovers who are persuaded that their love is all vertuous because they would not though they could unlawfully possesse the beloved person esteeme that these censures belong not to them And yet God knoweth that their love is too carnal though they were virgins in their very thoughts for even the immoderate love of a mother to her child is carnal and vicious They need then to be put in mind that their love cannot be pure in the quality as long as it exceeds in the quantity excesse of love for a worldly object being a most impure quality for that Master-love which rules in the soul and brings all other Passions under is due unto God alone who will be loved with all our heart with all our soul with all our strength and with all our understanding This the Lord Jesus calls the first and the great commandement The great because it is the chiefe duty of man which comprehends all other duties And the first because it is a comment upon the first precept of the law Thou shalt have none other Gods but me As then we must adore none but God alone we must love none but God alone with that Master-love which gives to another the soverainty over ourselves for that love is a true adoration whereby all the faculties of the soul bow and prostrate themselves before the beloved object When carnall love is the Master-love in a soul then the soul hath another God then the true God and that Passion makes a burnt-offering of the heart to a false God some weake sinfull creature Certainly those impetuous burning fits of carnal love are violent rapines of the proper rights of God for to him belongeth the heart and upon him those raptures and strong agitations of love should have beene bestowed him onely we ought to love with all our soul and with all our strength O how farre are these violences from those which must take the Kingdome of God by force And how many teares and plaints of smarting remorse must fond lovers powre to doe penance for so many teares and plaints of carnal love that opinatre imbecillity whereby a man pines and torments himselfe for the love of another Sometimes these two sorts of teares proceeding out of such different causes have met together in generous and religious soules who being transported with those violences of humane love were at the same time strongly moved with godly jealousy the conscience grieving and expostulating with the Appetite for yeelding unto any but God the seignory of the heart Then the love of God opprest in the heart under the weight of the world and the flesh powerfully bestirred himselfe and getting strength by opposition overcame that rivall love and became in the end Master of the place But alas one victory doth not end the combat For carnal love when we think that it is shut out will re-enter having the porters of the soul the senses on his side which open the gate to its objects without the leave of reason and help it to make strong impressions upon the fancy Whereas the immaterial beauty of God hath no help from the senses makes no impression upon the imagination but in recompense it doth immediately illuminate the understanding and work upon the affections and so sanctifyeth and strengtheneth them that after many combats carnall love is subdued And if it pleade nature for staying with us yet it is brought to such a subjection that it moveth no more but orderly and within the limits of piety and reason possessing but such a parcel of the affection as it pleaseth the love of God to allow nature to hold under him The limits and rules of reason about the choice of the subject of that love are possibility lawfullnesse and conveniency The measure of love must be according to the price of the subject But when it comes to wedlock another measure is requisite that of oblgiation and duty before wedlock love is prone to overvalue his subject Let lovers remember that the most perfect persons are humane creatures therefore a humane love is fit for them not a divine service for then we serve them as God alone must be served when we make them Mistrisses of our heart Take the best of them their beauty will fade their sweetnesse will sowre and their persons must dye this bates much of their price Faire Diamonds would not be so deare if they could grow pale and weare out Know once the most
The life of man being compounded of so many different pieces in which vertue and prudence have but little share why should our desire be so eagerly bent upon those thungs which are besides the reach of our industry Though you had attained once to that high point of human happines that you might contemplate freely and with leasure doe usefull and illustrious actions in society enjoy well-gotten wealth an honorable degree a cheereful heart in a sound body how long can ye maintaine that state how many rubs shall you meete with in the fairest way A law-suit will make you goe up and downe and lay-by your contemplation Envy and obloquy will crosse and blast your best actions A little sicknes will take from you the taste of all the pleasures of life I leave out great calamities The torments of the stone the gowte The sudden floods of warre The total ruines by false accusations things which may happen to all because they happen to some Accidere cuivis quod cuiquam potest The most desirable things of the world being thus casuall and no delight constant The wisest and happiest are they that seeke not their constant delight in the world but stay their desire upon the right object which gives a sincere and durable content not subject to the tossing of worldly fortunes Let us have no fervent desire but for those things that are truly ours when wee have them once and which wee cannot lose against our will for in them consisteth true pleasure Those things are the true knowledge of God his love and union with him as much as human nature is capable of in this life For that union with God will breed in us a resemblance of his vertues and a participation of his serenity tranquillity constancy facility and delectation in well doing These in which true delight lyeth are also the true objects of our desire And here we must let the raines loose to Passion Since to possesse God is the infinite good and soveraine delight the measure to desire it is to have no measure CHAP. VII Of Sadnesse Sadnes is the dolour of the soule and the beating downe of the spirit This seemes to be the most natural of all Passions as hereditary to man from his first parents For to our first mother God sayd Gen. 3.16 I will greatly multiplie thy sorows and thy conception in sorrow shall thou bring forth children And to our first father v. 17. In sorrow thou shal eate thy bread all the dayes of thy life No wonder then that sorrow is the inheritance of all their posterity That first couple dejected with the sense of their sinne and punishment left a calamitous progenie Job 14.1 Man that is borne of a woman is of few dayes and full of trouble But although this be a natural Passion yet it is an enemie to Nature for it makes the flowre and vigour of body and mind to wither and obscureth that goodly light of the understanding with a thicke mist of melancholy Some sadnes is necessary in its end as that which belongs to contrition and the zeale of Gods glory Some is necessary in its cause as that which proceeds out of a sharp bodily paine There is a constrained sadnes when one is sad out of good manners and for fashion sake Such is the mourning of heires whose teares in funerals are part of the ceremony Many times wee are sad in good earnest for being obliged to be sad in shew Then there is a wanton sadnes which soft spirits love to entertaine for weeping is also a point of curiosity and delicacy No doubt but they find delight in it for none ever doeth any thing of his owne accord but for his owne content Of Sadnes necessary in its end I have spoken in the chapter of Repentance and must againe in this after I have given some counsels for repressing the other sorts of Sadnes Those are lesse capable of counsel that are necessary in their cause as when the senses are pincht for then no reason can perswade them not to feele it or hinder the mind to have a fellow feeling of the paines of the body A Physician and a Surgeon will be fitter to abate that Sadnes then a Philosopher yet not then a Divine for Divinity makes use of the very paines of the body to raise up the soule of the patient to God In deed the counsels of piety do not take away the paine but they overcome it by the sweet persuasions of Gods love to us As for constrained and ceremonious Sadnes wee must avoyd the excesse of it and the defect also chusing rather gently to yeeld to custome then to be singular and contradict all that wee approve not keeping alwayes serenity within in the midst of these ceremonies more grievous many times then the griefe that occasions them Wanton and delicate Sadnes cannot be justified by the allegation of heavy losses and great wrongs For besides that most part of the evils that men grieve for are such onely in the imagination as a disdaine a reproach a slaunder the losse of some goods that did them nothing but harme suppose that all the evills that wee grieve for be evills indeed it followes not that wee must grieve for them according to their grievousnesse unlesse it appeare that they may be mended by grieving But never any dead man was raised from the dead by the teares that his widow shed upon his herse Never was a wrong repaired by the sadnes of the wronged party Adversity will cast downe poore spirited persons but raiseth the spirits of the generous and sets their industrie on worke The deepe sorrow that seizeth upon a weake woman at her husbands death makes her incapable to overcome the difficulties where he leaves her But a vertuous and wise widow hath no leasure to weepe sixe months close prisoner in a darke chamber rather she comforteth herselfe with following her businesses Also since time drieth up the most overflowing teares and a second wedding will take down the great mourning vaile it will be providently done to moderate sorrow betimes that the disproportion may not be too eminent betweene Sadnesse and Joy To attaine that moderation we must take away that false excuse of good nature and love to the deceased person from immoderate mourning for in effect it is no other love but the love of ourselves that afflicts us and not their losse but ours The true causes of immoderate sorrow for the things of this world are these two great errours against which I am so often necessitated to give warning to my readers as the springs of all the folly and misery that is in the world The one is the ignorance of the price of things for he that will value money honour and credit according to their just price and no more will not be much afflicted if he lose them or cannot get them The other is that we seeke out of ourselves that happinesse and rest which is no where
they have any godlinesse in them they will shew it in grounding those just hopes upon Gods mercy and promises The lesse invitation they have to flatter themselves with worldly hopes the more will they strengthen themselves with the hope of heavenly goods In both the fortunes a wise lover of his tranquillity will not feed or swell his hope but for one object which is The fullnesse of his union with God For any thing else he will clip the soaring wings of that aspiring passion and will not let her flye too high nor too farre In the appetite as there is a predominant love and a predominant desire so there is a predominant Hope When it is anchored upon the only good perfect and immutable object it keeps the soul firme and tranquill If it be moored upon quick-sand and such are all the things of the world in which there is no safe anchorage it will be carried away by every winde and tide and never keepe in a quiet station The vulgar thinkes it a wise and couragious part to be obstinate to hope well But a firme and unmooved hope ought not to be conceived or resolved upon but for firme and unmoved goods even those onely that are the subject of the promises of the Gospell But for things about which wee have no divine and especiall promise the more one is obstinate to hope well the more likely is he to speed ill because the obstinacy of Hope puts the judgement out of his office and leave t● no roome for Prudence And the ill successe is made more bitter by the preceding obstinate hope Whereas to him that stands prepared for the worst nothing comes against Hope And if good come he tasts it better for his successe hath exceeded his Hope The way to be little disappointed is to hope little and the way not to be disappointed at all is to confine our Hopes within us as much as we can and to the things above which the true Christian finds already within depending upon no future things but his perfect reunion with God Whosoever will proportion his hope to the nature of the objects shall never entertaine great hopes for worldly matters For there is a great imprudence in that disproportion to have great hopes for small things CHAP. XVI Of Feare FEare is a feeling beforehand of an evill to come yet uncertaine as least in the circumstance And when the evill is come Feare endeth and turneth to sorrow or despaire Feare is one of the most simple and naturall Passions It is found even in the most unperfect animals for God hath put it in all for their preservation The very Oysters will shrink for Feare when the knife doth but touch their shell As there are two evills to which men are obnoxious paine and sinne there are two feares answering these two evils the feare of suffering and the feare of sinning Of the first none is altogether exempt although the Spanish Scholler examined at Paris about his proficiency in Morall Philosophy and demanded what Feare was covered his ignorance with this bravado In nostra patria nescimus quid sit timor In our Country said he we know not what Feare is But without feare a man can have neither prudence nor valour for he that feares not the blow guards it not and is slaine without resistance The principall use of Feare is to prevent or avoyd evill But when the evill is unavoidable and now at hand then resolution must represse Feare Although even at that time feare doth good service for the feare of losing honour or life erecteth a mans courage Valour in combat is as often out of feare as out of magnanimity and it is often hard to discerne which of these contrary causes puts valour into a man The certainest marke of valour by feare is cruelty when he that hath disarmed his adversary in a duell kills him without mercy and after a field wonne puts all to the sword for he sheweth that he feareth his enemy even when he is out of combat But he that gives him his life sheweth that he seares him no more alive then dead The most valorous are not they that have no feare for it is naturall to all men but they that know how to moderate it A man cannot Feare too little for no evill can be avoyded by feare but may much better be avoyded by judgement To feare things which neither strength nor forecast can prevent is an anticipation of the evill It is a great folly to lose our present rest out of feare of future trouble as though it were not time enough to be afflicted when affliction comes But Feare doth more then to bring neere remote evills it creates evill where there is none And many evills which shall never come and are altogether impossible acquire by feare a possibility and a reall being We laugh at an hypocondriaque that thinks himselfe to be made of snow and is afraid to melt at the Sunne because he feares that which cannot happen to him But a rich man tormented with feare of falling into Poverty is much more ridiculous For which of the two is the greater fool he that feares that which cannot happen or he that makes it happen by fearing it The hypocondriack cannot melt at the Sun by the feare he hath of it but a covetous man by his feare of being poore is poore in good earnest so poore that he wanteth even that which he hath for he loseth the enjoyment of his wealth by his feare of losing it It may be truly said that there is no vaine Feare since all feares whether true or false are reall evils and Feare itselfe is one of the worst evils It makes a man more miserable then a beast which feeles no evill but the present and feares it not but when the senses give her warning of the neere approach of it But man by his feare preventeth and sends for the evill stretching it by imagination very farre beyond his extent many times also forging evill to himselfe where there is none and turning good into evill for it is ordinary with us to be afraid of that we should desire For remedy to that disease we must learne our Saviours Philosophy Matth. 6.34 To every day is sufficient the affliction thereof If the evill must come we must expect it not go fetch it Let us not make ourselves miserable before the time Let us take all the good time that God gives us Perhaps the evill will come but not yet Perhaps it will not come at all There is no Feare so certaine but it is more certaine yet that we are as often deceived in our fears as in our hopes And this good we reape out of the inconstancy of humane things against which we so much murmure that it turnes as soone towards good as towards evill Habet etiam mala fortuna inconstantiam or if it turne not to good it turnes to another evil The arrow shot against us with a small
maturely the worth of things that we may not love them above their worth or expect of them a satisfaction above their nature not to anchor our confidence upon their uncertainty not to love any or trust in any with all our heart but God the only perfect and permanent good To use the world as not using it and enjoy the things we love best in it as having the use of them not the possession aspiring continually to a better inheritance This is the way to get a sincere taste of all the good that worldly prosperity is capable to afford Now there is need of a singular prudence to pick that good among all the evill all the trash that worldly prosperity is made of not to mistake superfluity for necessity and that which is good in effect from that which is good in opinion only For that man whose curiosity hath turned superfluous things in to necessary and whom the tyranny of vice and custom suffers not to delight in any thing but unlawfull is made guilty and unfortunate by his prosperity Also to use prosperity wisely and get the true benefit of it a man hath need to weane himselfe from presumption and selfe love Whence comes it that so many spoyle their prosperity by lavishness and insolency others lose the taste of it by insatiable greedinesse of adding and increasing It is because they have such a high esteeme and love of themselves that they think all the goods of the world to be too little for them either to spend or to lay up Whereas he that hath an humble opinion of himselfe tasteth his prosperity with simplicity and thankfullnesse for he thinks that he hath much more then he deserveth He that cannot bring himself to that low conceit of his worth shall never be contented though God should poure all the treasures of the world into his lap and though he were mounted to the top of the wheel and had nailed it to the axeltree to keepe it from turning Who so will enjoy true prosperity must keepe fast to this Maxime that no true good can be got by doing ill So whereas vice and unrighteousness insinuate themselves under the baites of pleasure honour and profit there is great need to make provision of faith and good conscience as antidotes against the generall corruption As carefully as we walke armed and looke about us when we travell through forrests infested with robbers we should walke armed with the feare and love of God among the enticements of worldly profit honour and pleasure for Satan lyeth in ambush every where But whereas robbers will lurke in hideous and savage places to do their feates Satan doeth his in the most delicious places It was not among briers and thornes that he set upon man yet innocent he made use of a tree good for food pleasant to the eye and to be desired to make one wise Gen. 3.6 And he made use ever since of beauty daintyes and curiosity to destroy mankind Conversing among these is walking upon snares Job 18.8 There is great neede of wisedome and godliness to avoyd them and of a mercifull assistance of God to get out when our foot is ensnared in any of them To the pleasures honours and plenty of the world faith must oppose other sweeter pleasures more sublime honours and riches infinitely greater even the pleasures for evermore at Gods right hand the honour to be of his children and the plenty of his house These he hath promised and prepared to them that love him not to those that choose rather to fill themselves with unlawfull delight and unrighteous gaine than to walke before God unto all pleasing waiting for the fullfilling of his promises David expected to see Gods face in righteousnesse Psal 17.15 thereby supposing that without righteousnesse hee could not see Gods face St. Paul expected the Crowne of righteousness he must then be righteous before he have the Crowne and he must fight the good fight and keepe the faith before he be crowned Could the height of that felicity enter into our low understandings what it is to be filled with the contemplation of Gods face and receive at his hand the Crowne of righteousnesse hardly would we venture the missing of that glory for all the deceitfull delights and profits of iniquity Without looking so farre as the recompences and paines of the life to come even in this life a godly temperate and conscionable life is a thousand times more desirable and pleasant then a riotous dishonest life and advancement gotten by oppression Even those Pagans that lookt for no good after this life and laughed at infernall torments as old wives tales yet could say Nemo malus felix No wicked man is happy for unlawfull delight and gaine leave behind them a sting of remorse yea many times sin smothereth pleasure at its birth besides the disfavour of God and men which commonly followes We cast our reckonings amisse if we make account to possesse a happy and a wicked prosperity It cannot be happy if it be wicked for it is vertue it is innocence it is the love of God and faith in his promises it is justice and charity that give the pleasant relish and the very being of prosperity But suppose that the acquisition of the delights and advantages of the world be neither accompanyed with sin nor followed with remorse yet they are weake and transitory riches are burdens honours are fetters pleasures are feverish fame is a wind friendships are seeds of cares and sorrowes and yet in all these we seeke a solid and permanent content who can wonder that we find it not For I do not insist yet upon the principall thing that we should fix our desires upon God alone But I say now that to enjoy humane prosperity we must proportion our desire and expectation to the capacity and durablenesse of humane things and to the power we have to dispose of them and keepe them If we expect more we are disappointed and lose the true tast of our prosperity But there may be defect as well as excesse in the desire and enjoyment of worldly prosperity For there are some whose wild devotion kneaded with a timorous and savage humour is afraid of all temporall comforts be they never so simple naturall and innocent seeking vertue and merit by misusing of themselves and sowring all the prosperity that God giveth them with an unthankfull melancholy It is more then God requires at their hands but he will require an account at their hands how they have enjoyed their health and the fruits of his fatherly indulgence which he had given them to use with moderation comfort and thanksgiving Either there is pride and hypocrisy in that fantasticall marring of their prosperity or if they are in earnest their braines is crazed opprest by the black vapours of their splene Abstinence is laudable and necessary to be joyned sometimes with prayer to subject the body to the spirit But the spirit must
not deale with the body his subject as the worst of Tyrants do with their people whom they utterly ruine to keepe them in subjection That voluntary selfe depriving of the innocent conveniences of life is reproaching God as being too blame for making nature plentifull and delightfull and then placing man in the midst of his goods and giving him senses to relish them and reason to use them But the contrary fault is more dangerous and more ordinary to hunt after temporall goods with a rash eagernesse and when one hath them to lose the benefit of them by lavish intemperance or even to turne those goods into evills by getting them by ill meanes and using them to ill ends If Prosperity marre us it is but even with us for we had marred it before The true way to be content every where and purchase prosperity at an easy rate is to desire little and be contented with little Not he that hath most but he that desireth least is the richest The lesse a man desireth the lesse he wanteth and the more resemblance he hath with God who dedesireth nothing and wants nothing It is unjust for us to solicit the world to give us riches while we have meanes at hand to enrich ourselves without troubling the world which is To desire nothing Why should I aske of another that which I can give to myselfe But when all is said desire is naturall and will stretch itselfe upon something Now God alone is able to fill it He that hath fixed his love and desire upon God and is allready possest with him by faith may after that easily put that Philosophy to practise To desire nothing out of himselfe and to aske nothing of the world He may tell Fortune that he needs none of her gifts for having God he hath all But he that wants that possession which onely gives true satisfaction to the soul deceiveth the world and himselfe when he braveth Fortune and bids her to keepe her gifts to herselfe saying that he asketh contentment of none being able to give it to himselfe that he carryeth all his goods along with him that he is rich and free because he is master at home Truly if he that speakes so hath nothing but himselfe he is very weake and needy Yea unlesse he possesse God he cannot possesse himselfe and in that resolution to cut off his worldly desires wanting the satisfying object he is like him that makes a resolution not to come neere the fire though it freeze hard and himselfe be thin clad Whereas he that will cut his desires short being enricht with Gods grace is like him that will not come neere the fire because he is clad with warme furres To such a man rich in God it becomes well to say I will not beg wealth and comfort abroad since I may have it at home Finding tranquillity and sufficiency within my breast why should I make my selfe unquiet and needy by a greedy and worldly desire I will sweetly enjoy the temporall goods because they are Gods gifts and receive them at his good hand with thankfulness I will also indeavour to increase them by industry if I may without fraud to others and vexation of my selfe But I will importune no man to give me as long as I may obtaine of my selfe not to aske I will spare to others the paine to deny me and to my selfe the shame to be denyed having such a short way at hand to satisfie me which is To aske and desire nothing The less I court the world the less power shall I give it over me This Philosophy is easy to him that can say with David Psal 16.6 The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup thou maintainest my lot The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places yea I have a goodly heritage Moderation of desires makes prosperity sweet And that moderation is harder in prosperity for misfortunes rather breed feare then desire but good successes are bellowes that swell cupidity and cupidity making us depend of the future takes from us the enjoyment of the present For we enjoy not what we have when we complaine that we have not enough and reckon not what we have got but what we would get And because in Prosperity men will grow proud and forget what they are The higher that God raiseth our degree the more let us humble ourselves and keepe our mindes within the limits of modesty If advancements smile upon us let us thinke rather to tread surely then to make hast and to sit safe then to rise high As they say of Xanthus that being in drink he laid a wager that he would drink the whole Sea they that are drunk with prosperity are prone to undertake more then they are able to performe The Apostles precept hath need to be prest upon them Rom. 12.3 that no man think of himselfe more highly then he ought to thinke but think soberly When we stand on a high tower our stature is never the higher then when we walke on the ground but our braines is many times the weaker as being dizzy with the height So dignity and high prosperity doth not increase a mans capacity by raising his place but rather makes him wilde and giddy Whereas then prosperity makes men over-confident it ought to make them more cautious fearing least some of the windiness of the place where they stand get into their head Let them study to know themselves and the world that they may trust neither as things beyond the verge of their power and whose subsistence dependeth not of their will Let us looke upon the prosperities of this world as upon faire crystall glasses the clearer the frailer to day they shine to morrow they breake If you never trust them they will never deceive you Honours riches and temporal pleasures are but the outside and the barke of prosperity And it is a saplesse barke where a good conscience and reciprocal love betweene God and the soule is wanting But where that is either it brings outward prosperity or supplieth the want of it Psal 65.4 O God blessed is the man whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee We shall be satisfied with the goodnes of thy house even of thy holy temple CHAP. III. Of the exercise of Vertue in Adversity PRosperity and Adversity are neer neighbours for prosperity makes preparatives for Adversity by blinding mens minds with cupidity swelling them with pride and thrusting them forwards with rashnes whereby they cast themselves headlong into precipices and generally by making sinne to multiplie which drawes punishment from Gods justice Besides the inconstancy of humane things which in a moment turnes from faire to foule weather On the other side Adversity many times mends the harme done by prosperity for it represseth temerity opens the eyes blinded by Passion and brings the sinner to repentance Thereby making preparatives for prosperity which is never relisht till one hath bin schooled by affliction Then evill
fortune hath her inconstancy as well as the good and the calme will come after the storme The proper exercise of vertue in Adversity is to imitate God who fetcheth good out of it and makes it a discipline of godlines wisedome and tranquillity to his children It is not enough to hope that after the storme the calme will come wee must study to find tranquillity in the very tempest and make profit of our damage Having spoken of the particular Adversities in the second booke I will endeavour here to set downe general remedies for all sorts of Adversities saving one the Adversity which a delicat man createth to himselfe out of a conceited tendernes for to such wilfully afflicted persons the counsells of reason are uselesse till they be afflicted in earnest They have need of real afflictions to be healed of imaginary To them that are sick with too much ease a smarting Adversity is a wholesome plaister As to the hypocondriaque who had a false opinion of a wound in his left thigh the surgeon made an incision in the right to make him feele the difference betweene real wounds and imaginary Indeed the most part of persons afflicted are more so out of opinion then any true ground but the wanton melancholy of some that were all their time dandled in fortunes lap addeth to that epidemical disease Wee will let them alone till they have reason to complaine and desire them that groane under some apparent Adversities to examine seriously whether they be such as they appeare For there are some Adversities or called so which rather are prosperities if they that complaine of them can obtaine of themselves rather to beleeve their owne sense then the opinion of others and to have no artificial and studied sense but meerely the natural Thus he that is fallen into disfavour whereby he hath lost wealth and honours and hath kept liberty and bread enough to subsist retired remote and neglected is very much obliged first to the envy and after to the contempt of the contrary prevailing faction if God give him the understanding to enjoy the prosperity created by his adversity It is a happy misfortune for a little barke to be cast by the storme upon a smooth shore where the Sea ebbing leaveth it dry but safe while the rest of the fleet is torne by the tempest The wave is more favorable if it thrust the ship upon the haven Now the godly wiseman finds a haven any where because God is every where Sitting under the shelter of his love and providence he lookes with compassion upon the blinde rage of parties flesht in the blood of one another praising God that he was hurled downe from a stage where they are acting a bloody tragedy that he may be an actour no more but a beholder onely disinteressed from the publique contradiction His ruine cannot equal his gaine if by the losse of his estate he hath bought his peace and the uninterrupted contemplation of God himselfe and the world It would be a long taske to enumerate all the commodious adversities for which neverthelesse comfort is given and received with great ceremony Many accidents bitter to us for a time turne afterwards to our great conveniency Some should have missed a great fortune had they not bin repulsed in the pursuite of a lesser Many teares are shed upon the dead but more would be shed if some of them should rise againe God hath so enterlaced good and evill that either brings the other If wee had the patience to let God doe and the wisedome to make use of all wee might finde good in most part of our Adversities Many persons ingenious to their owne torment are like the boulter that lets out the flowre and keepes the bran they keepe disgraces and misfortunes in their thoughts and let Gods benefits goe out of their minde It had bin better for them to resemble the rying seeve that lets out ill seedes and keepes the good corne taking off their thoughts from that which is troublesome in every accident of their life unlesse it be to remedy it setting their mind upon that hath which may yeeld profit or comfort Thus he that received some offence in company by his indiscretion in stead of making that offense an occasion of quarrel must make it a corrective of his rashnes He that is confined within the limits of a house and garden instead of grieving that he hath not the liberty of the street must rejoyce that he hath the liberty of a walke And how many crosses come upon us which being wisely managed would bring great commodities if anger troubling our judgement did not make us forgoe the care of our conveniency to attend our appetite of revenge Could wee keepe every where equality and serenity of spirit wee might scape many Adversities or make them more tolerable or turne them to our advantage All afflictions are profitable to the wise and godly Even when all is lost for the temporal there wants never matter for the principall Advantage which is the spiritual There wee learne to know the perversity and inconstancy of the world and the vanity of life that wee may not repose our trust and bend our affection upon it Since a curse is pronounced to the man that trusteth in man and to him that trusteth in his riches the way to the kingdome of heaven is as impassable as the going of a cable through a niedles eye and we notwithstanding these divine warnings are so prone to trust and love the world God therefore in his wisedome and mercy suffers that unsound reed which wee leane upon to breake in our hand and our love of the world to be payd with its hatred that wee may learne to settle our confidence and love in a better place Hereby also a man comes to know his sin and Gods Justice Though we be prone to attribute the good and evill that comes to us unto second causes there is such an affinity betweene sin and punishment that even in the most obdurate hearts affliction brings sin to mind and gives remorse to the conscience But in godly soules that remorse is salutary David having sayd to God Psal 32.5 Day and night thy hand was heavy upon me my moisture is turned into the drought of summer addeth I acknowledged my sin unto thee mine iniquity have I not hid I said I will confesse my transgressions and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin And whereas the appetite will run wilde when prosperity opens the broad gate of licentiousnesse Adversity comming upon that holds a short hand upon the appetite and awakes piety and wisedome David speakes of this experimentally Psal 119.67 Before I was afflicted I went astray but now have I kept thy word ver 71. It is good for me that I have bin afflicted that I might learne thy statutes Prosperity is an evill counsellour and all her adresses are to the appetite but Adversity crossing the appetite calls upon the judgement
Repentance and Faith are seldome set on work by prosperity but Adversity raiseth our hearts to God and the feare of danger makes us flee to his Sanctuary A wise godly man will manage affliction for that end not contenting himselfe with the first pious motions suggested by feare and sorrow He will husband that accidentall heat of distresse to warme his zeale and having sought God out of necessity he will seeke him out of love The unkind entertainement he findes in the world will helpe him to take off his affection from it and transport his heart where his treasure is Acknowledging Adversity to be the wages of sin he will learne to walk before God in feare and from the feare of his judgements he will rise to the feare of his holiness esteeming that the greatest Adversity not to beare his heavy plagues but to transgress his holy will This filial feare of God is the way to prevent or avert many afflictions for they that humble themselves in prosperity need not to be humbled by Adversity Many times the repentance of the sinner hath wrested the destroying sword out of Gods hand Many times when good men have bin beset on all sides the feare of God hath opened them a gate to go out for he that feareth God shall come forth of all Ecces 7.18 Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all he keepeth all his bones not one of them is broken Psal 34.19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous because God formeth him to patience and perfecteth his faith by long exercise which endeth in comfort as he wrestled with Jacob a whole night and blest him in the morning He deales otherwise with the wicked for he lets them thrive a while but when he takes them in hand with his justice he destroyeth them utterly Psal 92.7 When the wicked spring as the grass and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish it is that they shal be destroyed for ever God exercised his people of Israel with diverse trials for forty yeares in the wilderness but he extermined the Cananites suddenly God forbid we should be of those to whom he gives but one blow Rather let him wrestle with us a long time with his fatherly hand which with the tryall brings strength to them that are tryed and gives them the crowne in the end of the combar Here is the patience and the faith of Saints Our very nature ought to acquaint us with adversity For suffering is the naturall condition of men Job 7.1 Is there not a warfarre appointed to man upon earth To be cast downe with sorrow for the adversities incident unto mans life sheweth ignorance of our condition The way not to be surprised with any thing is to be prepared for all and to think that the evill which happens to one man may happen to any other since all are men alike As at dice whosoever playeth is subject to all the casts of the dice he that is engaged in the game of life is subject to all the events incident to the living and must be prepared for them But because it is not fortune but providence that disposeth of the accidents of life the greater is our obligation to beare good evill accidents with a holy equanimity because all that happens to us is unavoidable as ordained by a fatal and eternal law Upon that wee must conceive as well as wee can that humane events and several personal interesses are so interwoven by that high providence that they have a mutual dependance among themselves and their meetings which in our regard are casual are twice necessary in regard of God both because they are decreed in his counsell and because they are requisite for the execution of many things To which if wee adde that God all-wise and all-good doeth nothing permitteth nothing but for a good end wee cannot reasonably complaine of any crosse befalling us though wee had not deserved it For wee must consider ourselves as pieces of the universe and engeenes which that great workman sets on going for the execution of his ends which being all good all meanes also tending to them are good in that regard Our crosses then being determined and directed to some good by the good hand of God which wee must firmely beleeve we must also beleeve them to be good because they serve for Gods end which is alwayes good So not onely wee must beare them with patience but receive them with content yea with thankes rejoycing as happy that even in suffering wee are instruments in the good hand of God to doe his work and advance his glory which many times we see not but he seeth it and that must silence and content us Being thus disposed this advantage we have above many of the wheeles and weights of that great machine of Providence that whereas some of them have no will some an ill will our will is acting with Gods will and our love to him boweth our self love to his pleasure so that for his glories sake into which all things end our afflictions appeare good unto us and so they are indeed since by them God is glorified Events being thus chained up and interlaced together it is a great injustice against God and the order by him settled in the universe to grudge at any thing that happens to us as though wee would have God to unweave in our behalfe the web of his providence create a new decree and make a new counsel-booke for us Let us goe willingly where Gods decree leads us for goe wee must howsoever Is it not better to goe streight forward where God will have us to goe then to be dragged backwards Indeed there is no need of a high reach of reason to perswade a man to bear with unavoydable accidents and to will that which it were to no purpose not to will But when wee consider besides that it is the will of God if wee be his true children we shall will cheerefully what he wills When we are in prosperity there is no praise to will what God willes for then God willes what wee will But that is pleasing to God to consent to his will when he smites us and to say after the Lord Jesus the patterne of all perfection Father not as I will but as thou wilt That resolution brings a great rest and a great perfection to the soul for by that meanes our will is changed into Gods will The way to have all our will is to will nothing but what God wils When God sends us affliction thereby He gives us a great matter to glorifie him and to draw a blessing upon ourselves For whereas unavoydable Adversities make us worse when we pull against them they worke in us a peaceable fruit of righteousnes when we not onely beare them patiently but receive them joyfully as comming from God I verily beleeve that God beholds nothing from heaven that pleaseth him more then a will so
subjected and united to His that in the midst of afflictions he finds Gods will good pleasant and perfect and saith Gods will bed one He is all good and all wise And since he is as absolute and irresistible in his power as he is good and wise in his will it would be as foolish a part for me to hope to overcome it as impious to offer to contradict it This is the principal counsel against all Adversity yea the onely for we should need no other if we were come so far as to have no will but Gods will But to that high counsel many inferiour counsels are subservient Such is this When God sends us adversity that we may not thinke it strange to be so used let us compare ourselves with so many others that are in a worse case If we be prisoners in ourowne Country let us remember so many Christians that are captives of the Turkes and Moores Have we suffered some losse in our estates we need not goe farre from home to see whole nations driven out of their antient possessions shut out of their Country and reduced to mendicity Are you lame of a legge Looke upon your neighbour that hath lost both his legges by a cannonshot Thus the evils of others will be lenitives to yours It is a wholesome counsell to be more carefull to keepe a reckoning of the goods that remaine with us then of those we have lost He that hath lost his land must thank God that he hath kept his health He that hath lost health and temporall goods must thank God that none can take from him the eternall goods And whosoever hath lesse then he desireth must acknowledge that he hath more then he deserveth It is the way to keepe ourselves in humility before God and men and in tranquillity at home and turne murmuring into thanksgiving And whereas the remembrance of dead friends and lost goods fill us with sorrow it ought to fill us with joy If the possession of them was pleasant why should the remembrance be sad Why should wee entertaine more sadness because we lost them then joy because we had them it is the ordinary unthankfulnes of the world to reckon all the goods of the time past for nothing At the least affliction a long course of precedent prosperity is lost and forgotten like a cleare streame falling into a sink and losing its pureness in ordure Let us thank God for all the good dayes of our life so may me make present ill dayes good by the remembrance of good dayes past and obtaine of God new matter of thanksgiving We must use the world as a feast using soberly and cheerefully the fare that is before us and when it is taken away We must rise and give thankes We may justly be taxed as greedy ghests unthankfull to the master of the feast that hath so liberally feasted us if we Grudge when he calls to take away instead of Thanking him for his good cheere As he is our magnificent Inviter he is our wise Physitian Sometimes he sets his good plenty before us sometimes he keepes us to short dyet Let us receive both with an equall and thankfull mind All his dealing with us is wisedome and bounty Here let us remember this Maxime which I layd before as a maine ground of our tranquillity that the things which we lose are none of ours else we could not have lost them We were borne naked all that was put about us since is none of ours Yea all that was borne with us is not ours Our health our limbs our body our life may be taken away from us by others We must not then reckon them as ours But our soul which cannot be taken away and the best riches of our mind are truly ours All losses and paines fall onely upon the least part of ourselves which is our body and the senses and passions that are most conjoyned unto it if we may call that a part of man without which a man is whole But the true man which is the soul is out of the worlds reach and with it all the Christian vertues For which reason our Saviour bids us not to feare them that can kill the body and cannot kill the soul To be much cast downe with temporall losses shewes emptiness of spirituall riches to be very impatient of the incommodities of the body shewes that one hath more commerce with the body then with themind else a man might find matter enough of joy in the soul to conterpoyse worldly losses and bodily paines As a body that hath the noble parts sound will easily inure it selfe to beare cold and heat and all the injuries of the aire Likewise he that hath a sound soul and is strong within in faith integrity divine love and right reason wherein the true health of the soul consisteth will easily beare with all Adversities and retiring within himselfe when he is assaulted without he will take care before all things that it may be well with his inside and that nothing there be put out of order by the disorders without That serene state of the soul is the fittest for the vertue of prudence and the exercise of it in Adversity For to get out of the difficulties of life wee must maintaine our judgement free and our conscience sound And if the Adversity be of such a nature that it be past the helpe of prudence such as are sharpe incurable paines yet there is none but may be eased by reason faith and the comforts of Gods love For what Life is short no evil is very great when it hath an end No bodily paine can last longer then our bodies and no Adversity of Gods children either of body or spirit can continue longer then life But the inward assurances of our peace with God and the sweet entertainment of his love to us and ours to him are earnests and beginnings of a felicity without end By them the soule shut up in this prison of flesh looks out with her head forth ready to flye away She riseth againe with Christ in this very world by a lively hope Col. 3.1 She seekes those things that are above where Christ is sitting in the glory of his father She is in heaven already and hath onely the body upon earth To this the afflictions of our body contribute much 2. Cor. 4.17 For our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a farre more exceeding and eternal weight of glory While wee looke not at the things which are seene but at the things which are not seene for the things which are seene are temporal but the things which are not seene are eternal for wee know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved wee have a building of God an house not made with hands ternal in the heavens This is a high point of resolution and joy in afflictions which pagan Philosophie could never reach to beare the afflictions of this life
neither play nor bet He will leave the zeale of State to them that hold themselves unworthy to be exempted from common distresses He will remember that he is a citizen of a better countrey then that where he was borne Who so takes a great interesse in publique affaires sheweth thereby that he hath a great love to the world and esteemes it more then it is worth for we may be sure that which party soever prevaile fooles will prevaile for such are all men and in the commotion of a State as of a muddy river the mire and foame will alwayes be the uppermost If it be past our power to part them let them fight it out and let our part be to looke with judgement and compassion how the vials of Gods wrath are powred first upon the minds of men to confound them with a fierce and blind impetuosity whereby they runne and prey one upon another next upon Empires states to turne them upside downe Of which an image is represented in the sixteenth Chapter of the Revelation where a viall is powred upon the Sunne whereby he is made hot and scorching beyond measure and presently another vial is powred upon the seat of the Beast wherewith his kingdome is filled with darknes and infested with sore and smarting plagues For a mans spirit is within him that which the Sunne is in the world When the spirits of a people are kindled with a malignant heate a darke confusion of the State and the miseries of the particular members of it will follow That man is blessed who in such an epidemical turbulent heat keepes the meekenes and serenity of his mind And although it be hardly possible for him not to be carried away by the streame of that party where his private interesses happen to be engaged yet he keeps his soul free heavenly peaceable charitable to his greatest enemies and praying for them that persecute him In all times and places a wise Christian will abhorre warre It is the very empire of the Devill and in nothing so much doth he shew himselfe the Prince of this world It is the discipline of robbery and murder It is the deep gulfe of all misery It is the sinck of all wickednesse and vilany Yet the best men are often engaged in it even out of conscience duty for every one oweth his life to the defence of his Country But for one to love the trade of Manbutcher and delight in the hunting of man his owne kind as others do in the hunting of the wolfe or wild boare is an unnaturall barbarousnesse not valour Who so will keep the integrity and serenity of his conscience and hopeth for the salvation of his soul must keep himselfe free from that inhumane inclination the true image of Satan who was a murtherer from the beginning Gods children are children of peace which they entertaine in their mind and advance by their prayers and counsels There is another warre in the midst of peace little better then that where the quarrell is decided by the sword the warre of lawsuites the discipline of cutting mens throats with a pen. There robbery is committed by the due forms of law there men are flayed alive for others to cloath themselves with their skin There the profession of giving to every man his owne is turned by the professours into an invention to make every mans goods their owne The contentions infinite in number and length and the devouring trade of law tricks is the great plague of these Westerne Provinces of Europe and the greate shame of Christendome while the Mahumetan Moores our neighbours dispatch suites in an hour without appeale or writ of errour He that knowes how to value that precious peace with God and himselfe and desires to keep it will endure great extremities before he try that remedy worse then most sicknesses following St. Pauls lesson 1 Cor. 6. There is utterly a fault among you because ye go to law one with another Why do you not rather take wrong Why do you not rather suffer your selves to be defrauded And if he be yet to chose his civill profession he shall do wisely not to betake himselfe to those professions that live by the contentiousnesse of others But if he find himselfe necessarily engaged in the practise of Law he must behave himself in it as a child of peace sewing up againe as much as in him lyeth what others have rent like good Princes which never draw their swords but to have peace Look upon that tumultuous clamorous mischievous bustle then account it no small happinesse to live far from an aire so contrary to the tranquillity of mind and the integrity and serenity of conscience There are other dissensions without law and many times without conscience which begin in envy suspicions credulity to reports in words ill intended or ill taken proceeding from words to blowes and many times ending in destruction The worst effect is within the breach of the inward peace with God in a mans selfe and the inbittering of the spirit both of the offendor and the offended unlesse he be of a very milde and godly and Philosophical temper To avoyd those troublesome encounters Solomons precept must be observed Prov. 22.24 Make no friendship with an angry man and with a furious man thou shalt not go But because those that must of necessity converse with many cannot pick their company and much lesse change the manners of those with whom they converse they must so govern and temper their owne by piety and judgement as never to give a just provocation to any Truly there is no fence against unreasonablenesse and proud anger will be offensive though unprovoked Our part must be to breake such mens choller with patience as woolsacks and gabions full of earth are set before the battery of cannons St Pauls precept to give place unto wrath Rom. 12.19 is as wise as it is holy for wrath groweth by opposition but spends it selfe when one gives it place If you be fiercely persued by a serpent do but step aside the serpent will rush straight on and misse you And if you be set upon by impetuous choler give it place by a gentle declination it will passe-by harmless Or if you receive reall injury from an angry man expect no satisfaction from him while he is so but appeale from him in hot blood to himselfe in cold blood Contentious insolent men being generally persons of small worth it is a sordid and unworthy imployment to contend with them For as friendship makes friends equal quarrells workes the like effect If we contend with a drunkard or a loggerhead we make him our fellow Prov. 26.4 Answere not a foole according to his folly least thou also be like unto him If you debate with a foole you must imitate him for the debate obligeth you to follow him in all his extravagancies That contention may not reach us we must stand far from the contentions of others
them must be supplyed with serenity of mind and an easinesse inventive to frame to ourselves divertisements and make a pastime even of our misfortune If we may be merry it matters not upon what ground so it be not evill A serene mind that trusteth in God and doth good needs not look abroad for mirth He fetcheth mirth out of his owne stock To get the true taste of the outward contentments of life we wust but taste them not stretch our stomack upon them expecting our onely true contentment from God and within ourselves We must make use of all things and stay upon God alone The sense of Gods love and our reciprocall love to him give to the soul that onely true content but they take not from us the taste of the outward lawfull contentments of life Rather they give us that tast for to him that loves God and rejoyceth in his love all things looke pleasantly The certainty of his principall good keeps him so cheerefull that he takes contentment in in the smallest things as he that hath newly received tidings of great joy is well pleased with a coorse entertainment and delights even in those things that displeased him before CHAP. VII Conclusion Returne to the great principle of the Peace and Contentment of Mind which is to stick to God FRom these smal contentments let us remount to the great and principall and their stay It consisteth in the peace of God and union with him by faith and love There we began there we must end We have considered the world sufficiently to conclude that it consisteth in three poynts Vanity Wickednesse and Misery What is best in it is perishable When we have it in our hands it slips between our fingers and when it stayes with us yet it is none of ours since it is out of ourselves Among all the objects of our senses none is capable to give us a perfect and durable content Being thus unsatisfyed of all things without us if we enter within ourselves what satisfaction do we find in our nature we find errour in our opinions tumult in our passions hardness or terrour in our conscience when God dwells not in it by his grace Pagan Philosophers teach us indeed that within us or no where comfort is to be found But alas poore men they sought nothing within themselves but themselves And what is more weake more inconstant and more calamitous then man Then to this Philosophy one point is wanting which is all and that is to seeke God within us inviting him by humility repentance to choose his abode in our soules and there entertaining him with love and faith This is the only safe harbour for peace and contentment of mind Out of it there is nothing but storme The best worldly state is vanity and perplexity Of this Solomon is an excellent witness who having seene all the evill and tryed all the good of this world pronounceth this verdict Eccles 1.14 I have seene all the workes that are done under the Sunne and behold all is vanity and vexation of spirit That great King having long enjoyed an unparallelled prosperity saith in the end that he hated life and hated all his labour Eccles 7.17 18. although his labour was to content himselfe being exalted to the highest Orb of power overflowing with plenty and swimming in delights What reason then have distressed men to hate their life and labour when they weare out their life in want in lawsuites in sicknesse and receiving no other salary of their vertue but envy and ungratefulness Wherefore that wise Prince having throughly considered all that is good and evill in this world and this life ends in this conclusion which he recommends to his Sonne Eccles 12.12 And further by these my Sonne be admonished Of making many bookes there is no end and much study is a weariness of the flesh Let us heare the conclusion of the whole matter Feare God and keep his commandements for this is the whole duty of man For God shall bring every worke into judgement with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evill So doth Solomon express that God is the center both of our duty and of our rest and happinesse and that the only safety and solid content consisteth in sticking fast to him There we finde refuge in our dangers confidence in our feares comfort in our sorrowes counsell in our perplexities light in darkenesse and life in death There we learne to make the right use of prosperity enjoying the gifts of God with cherefulnesse and simplicity not vexing ourselves with cares to keepe them or with covetousness to increase them There we get a gracious illumination to our understanding a rule to our will a bridle to our appetite a sincere joy in our conscience How great how unspeakable is that happinesse when our heart is turned into a Sanctuary where God himselfe is pleased to dwell and speak peace to our soul assuring us that he is reconciled towards us in his Beloved There he leads us into all truth helps up our weakeness instructs our ignorance raiseth us up when we fall and sets us againe in the right way when we are gone astray We are assaulted by many enemies but they that are for us are more then they that are against us since we haue alwayes the Lord at our right hand We are unwise but we have free accesse to the Soveraine wisedome to consult it at all times And many times that high wisedome preventing our consulting mends what we have marred by our folly Which present blessings are small being compared to our glorious hope That incomparable honour and wealth to be received into all the rights of Gods children that incorruptible crowne of life that fulnesse of joy in the enjoyment of Gods presence they are depthes not to be fathomed with mans thought But whereas for materiall things the extent of our sight is long the reach of our armes but short In things spirituall and eternal it is quite otherwise with us for the two armes of the soul which are love and faith reach much higher then the eye sight of reason can penetrate With these armes the godly soul layeth hold upon the celestiall goods which shee cannot see and with a lawfull hastinesse antedates in the present the possession of the glory to come That expectation makes the Christian to disgest any bitternesse and calmely passe by all the incommodities of life For he will say in his adversities This but a step of ill way to an eternall glory All these evils have an end and then begins a felicity without end Without looking so farre the present sense of the love of God to us breeding our reciprocall love to him and that mutuall embrace of God and the soule living yet in the flesh though as short of the perfect union with God as the highest mountaines come short of heaven yet brings to the soul a dignity and contentment beyond all expression It
by it wee appeare righteous before God This is the summary of the Gospell This is the onely comfort of the faithfull That being justifyed by faith wee have peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 5.1 Without that persuasion all the moral precepts and all the reasons of Philosophy cannot set the mind at rest much lesse the riches honours pleasures and pastimes of this world for who can have peace with himselfe while he is in dissention with God And who can have peace with God but by the mediation of his beloved sonne Jesus there being no other name under heaven by which wee must be saved The chiefe impediment of the tranquillity of minde being the remorse for sinne against God and the apprehension of this just and terrible threatning Cursed is he that continueth not in all the words of Gods law to doe them Whosoever embraceth the merit of Jesus Christ by faith is fenced against all the threatnings of the law and all the accusations of his conscience For to them he will answere As Gods threatnings are just so are his promises now he hath promist that if wee judge our selves wee shall not be judged of the Lord. 1. Cor. 11.31 That he that heareth the word of the sonne of God and beleeveth on him that sent him hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is past from death to life Joh. 5.24 That the blood of Jesus Christ the sonne of God clenseth us from all sin 1. Joh. 1.7 That he hath blotted out the hand writing of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his crosse Col. 2.14 Wherefore these threatnings that God will bring every work to judgement and that even for one idle word account must be given reach not to those evill workes of which beleivers have repented and embraced the remission by faith in Jesus Christ Those threatenings of judgement doe not reach me since I have already past judgemont upon myselfe by a serious contrition and have received my Absolution by the merit of him that was judged and condemed for me If account must be given for my sinnes Christ must give it who charged himselfe with them But that account is discharged My sins are put out of Gods score The curse of the law to a soule that beleeveth in Christ as I doe is a handwriting taken out of the way a Bond torne and nailed to the crosse of Christ God is too just to make use of a bond vacated to proceed against me the merit of his Sonne which he received in payment for me is of too great value to leave me in danger to be sued for the debts which he hath payd for himself was arrested by Death the Sergeant of Gods justice and put in that jayle whence there is no comming out till one hath payd the utmost farthing and being come out of that jayle by his resurrection he hath made it manifest that he hath payd the whole debt which he was bound for in our behalfe unto Gods justice What though my sins be great yet are they lesse then the merit of Jesus Christ No sinne is so great that it ought to take away the confidence in Gods promises No sinne is so great that it may damme a soule beaten downe with contrition but together raised by faith and washt in the blood of the sonne of God Indeed the remembrance of my sins must be bitter unto me yet that bitternes must be drowned in the joy of my salvation my repentance must be a step not a hinderance to my confidence So I will say to God every day with a contrite heart Forgive us our trespasses And at the same time I will remember that I make that prayer unto our Father which is in heaven who commands me to call him Father to assure me that he will spare me as a man spareth his owne sonne that serveth him Mal. 3.17 to stile him heavenly father to whom the kingdome and the power and the glory belongeth to lift up my hope to that celestial glory which he fully possesseth and which he will impart to his children in their measure I will walke before God with humility and feare thinking on my sins past and my present weakenes and sinfulnes but together I will goe in the strength of the Lord and make mention of his righteousnes The righteousnes of God that frighteth sinners comforteth me and his justice is all mercy to me For the infinite merit of his Sonne being mine he is now gracious unto me in his justice Hereby the peace and assurance which I enjoy through faith is advanced to a joy of heaven upon earth and to this song of triumph Isa 61.10 I will greatly rejoyce in the Lord my soule shall be joyfull in my God for he hath cloathed me with the garments of salvation he hath covered me with the robe of righteousnes as a bridegroome decks himselfe with ornaments and as a bride adornes herselfe with her jewells This is the peace and contentment of the faithful soule that feeleth and relisheth her blessed reconcilation made with God through Jesus Christ For he that hath peace with God hath peace also with himselfe And the love of God powerfully growing in his heart by the consideration of the bounty of God whose sweetnes wee may taste though not conceive his greatnes breeds there together the peace of God which passeth all understanding banisheth tumultuous and unlawfull affections and brings the lawfull under its obedience so that all the affections of the regenerate soule meete in one and make but one which is the love of God as many brookes that lose their names in a great River When the love of God brings not that great peace to the soule and the absolute empire over the passions it is because love is as yet imperfect and the cause of that imperfection is the deficiency of faith which doth not yet embrace aright the reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ and faith is deficient when it is not maintained by good workes her food without which it pines away and falls into a shaking palsie and when that foundation is shaking all that is built upon it cannot but be tottering This then must be our first and earnest taske to make our selves sure of our peace with God by a lively faith whereby our hearts may be purified from evill workes and made fertile to all fruits of holinesse For hereby we shall have peace with our selves and shall be masters at home Hereby also wee shall have peace with Gods creatures receiving temporall blessings as testimonies of Gods reconciliation with us and in every bit of bread wee shall taste his love Prosperity and adversity will prove equally good unto us being dispensed by his fatherly care If God multiply our afflictions it will be onely to multiply our deliverances He will never put us to the tryal but to refine our faith weane
our hearts from the world and make his heavenly comforts more welcome to us Truly the faithfull soule that knoweth how to make the right use of good and evil shall find experimentally the truth of St. Pauls sentence that all things are for our sakes 2 Cor. 4.25 Also this peace with God brings us peace with our neighbours For he that hath a comfortable seeling in his conscience that God is reconciled with him will easily be reconciled with his brethren holding it a point of equity generosity and gratefulnes after that his Master hath forgiven him ten thousand talents to forgive his fellow servant an hundred pence If all men had the peace of God in their hearts there would be no discord in the world But because most men want that good peace and they that have it have it but imperfectly therefore peace between men can hardly be well cemented When you see men professing piety and sound doctrine tearing and devouring one another with warres or lawfuites you may be sure that the peace of God rules not in their hearts surely not in the hearts of the authors and fomentors of discord though they should pretend the zeale of Gods glory who hath no need of mens turbulent passions to advance his kingdome which is all peace In heaven where the peace of God abideth in its fulness and filleth the hearts of every one of his Saints there is also of necessity a perfect peace between them for they must needs have all one love since they have all but one interest which is the glory of him that loveth them and for ever glorifieth them with himselfe CHAP. IV. Generall meanes to preserve that peace with God and first to serve God purely and diligently HAving spoken of the true and onely foundation of the peace of the soule and contentment of mind which is the confidence that God is appeased to us through Jesus Christ Let us now use the meanes to preserve that peace and stand firme upon that solid ground beginning by the more general The first is to serve God with purity and diligence for which this consideration is essential that our reconciliation with God was made by way of purchase and that when wee were lost and estranged from God he was pleased to redeeme us by his Sonne Wherefore as they that bought servants expected service from them God also hath bought us to be served by us That end of our redemptiō is thus set down by St. Paul Tit. 2.14 Christ gave himself for us that he might redeeme us from all iniquity and purifie unto himselfe a peculiar people zealous of good workes It was the custome over all the world in S. Pauls time to buy sell servants As then servants could not expect the favour of them that had bought them unlesse they did them good service we that are purchased by God with such a great price must not expect to enjoy his peace and gracious countenance if wee doe not serve him according to his will Wherein our utility meetes with our duty for of the service which wee yeeld unto God the whole benefit results unto us Before all things wee must looke well that our service to God be pure and such as he requireth for without that purity all our diligence to his service would be not onely unless but hurtfull One cannot goe to God turning his back to him The more we labour to serve him otherwise then he hath commanded the more wee offend him The pure way of Gods service is set down in his written word wherein although many places are too high for the understanding of the most wise and learned yet the things necessary for the duty and salvation of man are so clearely exprest that this commendation is justified by experience which David giveth unto Gods word The entrance of thy Words giveth light it giveth understanding unto the simple Thy word is a lamp unto my feete and a light unto my path It is one of the chief duties of Gods service to reade and carefully meditate that good Word lend a devout attention to them that announce it For by it God speaks to us as a father to his children and none but unnatural children refuse to hearken to the voyce of their Father This duty brings its recompence for the holy word of God is the glad tydings of the peace of God with men and the onely doctrine that frames that peace within us For which reason the Prophet would heare it Ps 85.5 I will heare what God the Lord will speake for he will speake peace unto his people and to his Saints To that holy word as to a sanctuary troubled consciences must have recourse to get the peace of God Yet the faithfull soule ought to be more studious to learne in it how to please God then how to get comfort Those Christians are yet upon the lower degrees of their regeneration that practise the duties of Gods service only to work their salvation Wee must read and hear Gods word for a higher end even to conforme our wills to the rule of his declared will and wee must think more of his glory then our felicity If faith in his promises make us say joyfully with David Ps 32 1. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered the zeale of his glory must make us say with more joy and affection as the same David Ps 119.1 Blessed are the undefiled in the way who walke in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keepe his testimonies and seek him with the whole heart v. 5. O that my waies were directed to keepe thy sttatutes v. 7. I will praise thee with uprightness of heart when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments And all along that great Psalme he uttereth the unspeakable joy that he took in meditating and doing Gods commandements one may see that he cannot say enough to expresse how heartily he was affected to it If wee love the holy word of God for its own sake and converse often with it with reverence and affection because it is the word of our heavenly father and the declaration of his nature and will wee shall finde our peace in it though wee seeke it not and get a satisfaction not to be parallelled by any joy for the things of this world To this duty of hearing God speaking to us in his word the next is to speak to him by prayer whether it be to implore his grace or to thank him for his benefits or to praise him for his infinite perfection By these two duties of hearing God and speaking to him we begin in this world that good intelligence and holy communication with God in which the heavenly peace and soveraine felicity of man consisteth By prayer wee seeke and meete that peace of God which is announced to us in his word and whoso seekes it well will be sure to meete it for to this seeking is the promise made Math. 7.8 Every man
peace and confidence is to make God our Confident It is also a great point of mutual friendship to yeeld to the interesses and desires one of another Herein God hath shewed the way to men having so farre condescended to the condition and necessity of men as to have put on their nature and taken their debt upon himselfe yea and to have discharged it He is dead like men and for men And being the soveraigne incomprehensible wisdome he descends to our capacity to declare himself to us and draw us to him He calls us indeed to denye ourselves that wee may give ourselves unto him but yet how much doeth he yeeld to our desires and feares And with what wisedome and sweetnes doeth he sort his tryals with our strength And where is the godly man that hath not found in his forest afflictions that kinde usage that St Paul speaks of 1. Cor. 10.13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man But God is faithfull who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to beare it Since then God who is so great doeth accommodate himselfe with us who are so little the law of reciprocall love requires that wee accommodate our selves with him who is so great that wee diligently informe our selves of his will to make it our will that wee observe the things which he loveth that wee may love them and the things which he hateth that wee may hate and avoyd them that all our interesses bow under his that the end of all our ends be his glory seeking not our owne things but the things of the kingdome of God Wee shall never be our owne till wee have wholly resigned our selves unto God Wee shall never have a true peace and content within till our affections be altogether subjected to his love and conformed to his will But then shall wee be peaceable contented and masters at home when God shall reigne within us and when wee shall know no more difference betweene his interest and ours Finally the highest point of love being an entire union and to have all things common it is also the purpose and in the end the efficiency of Gods love to us yea so farre that by his great and precious promises wee are made partakers of the divine nature 2. Pet. 14. and that Christ is in us and we in him Ioh. 17. What hath God reserved to himselfe that wee may not call ours Heaven and Earth are for us His providence is our purveyour His Angels are our keepers His kingdome our inheritance He gives us his good plenty his word his Sonne his Spirit his owne selfe Can any be persuaded of this beneficence of God and refuse to give him his body his soul his intentions and his affections Shall wee use reservations with God who keeps no good from us Would any poore man refuse to have community of goods with a rich man Now God who is the plenty and felicity it selfe will have community of goods with us Let us embrace the condition readily Let us give our selves to God and God shall be ours Or rather say wee God is ours let us render our selves to him for he prevents us in that Covenant since God is ours good reason wee should be his Blessed we that wee may say with the Spouse I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine for by that union of persons and community of goods with God the soul finds her selfe arrived to the soveraigne degree of riches peace glory and delectation CHAP. VI. Of Faith Faith is a Christian vertue whose most proper and natural office is to embrace that peace made for us with God by Iesus Christ And by it wee signe and seale for our part the Agreement made betweene God and man This expression is borrowed of John the Baptist speaking of the Lord Iesus He that hath received his testimony hath set to his Seale that God is true Joh. 3.33 All that we said before of our reconciliation with God by Christ how that reconciliation is applyed to our consciences is an explication of the duty and benefit of faith Yet we must speake of it againe as a consequence of Love For the principal most natural fruit of the love of God is to put our whole trust in Thus St Iohn having sayd much of the love of God to us and of the love that wee owe him for it addeth 1. Ioh. 4.18 There is no feare in love but perfect love asteth out feare because seare hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love Faith as the mother of all vertues brings forth the love of God but Love is soone eeven with faith and brings forth her owne mother For as wee love God because wee trust in him as certainly persuaded of his wisedome power and fidelity in his promises so wee trust in him because wee love him for in all our friendships our trust in the beloved person followes the measure of the love that wee beare to him He then that loveth God sincerely trusts in him And when calamity tempts him to unbeleeving fears he will observe Saint Peters exhortation 1. Pet. 4.14 Let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in welldoing as unto a faithfull creatour It is impossible to love well without a good opinion of the person wee love especially of his fidelity and righteousnes Seeing then that God hath promised to pardon sins to those that confesse them with a serious repentance if wee love him wee shall trust in his promise that if wee confesse our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnes 1 Joh. 1.9 grounding our trust in his mercy upon his fidelity and righteousnes for since he promist it certainly he will doe it he is too faithful to breake his word and too just to punish us for those sins of which Christ hath borne the punishment in our name This gracious declaration he hath made Luk. 12.32 Feare not little flock for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdome Shal wee have such an ill opinion of him as to think that he hath promist more then he was willing or able to performe or that since the promise made his will is altered or his power diminisht Let us be sure that he that loved us from all eternity will love us to all eternity Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that justifyeth who is he that condemneth It is Christ that dyed yea rather that is risen agnine who is even sitting at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us And if upon this safe ground we trust in God for the things of the life to come wee must upon the same ground trust his love for the things