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A75460 The comfort of the soul laid down by way of meditation upon some heads of Christian religion, very profitable for every true Christian. Composed and written by Iohn Anthony of London Doctor of Physick. Anthony, John, 1585-1655. 1654 (1654) Wing A3479; Thomason E739_1; ESTC R207006 271,347 376

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Prophet b Isa 59. 2. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have made him hide his face from you that he will not hear For God will not regard us untill the pardon of our sins be sealed to us by faith in the bloud of Christ and we can have no comfort in God nor hope of his grace and favour untill we have some assurance of the remission of our sins by true repentance and turning unto God For thus saith the Prophet c Isa 56. 3 4 5 7 Th●ugh we have been strangers to the people of God and as fruitlesse as a dry tree yet if we now k●●p his Sabbaths and choose the things that please him and take hold of his Covenant he will give us a place in his house and an everlasting name that shall not be cut off he will bring us to his holy mountain and make us joyfull in his house of Prayer and all our offerings shall be accepted Though Christ by his death and resurrection hath perfectly wrought our redemption from all our spirituall enemies yet we have not the full vertue and power of it in this life for we are often foiled with the temptations and suggestions of the devill our sins do prevail against us our sinfull lusts and unruly passions do often over-power us d Rom. 7. 19 20 23. and the corruptions of our unregenerate part do war against the Law of our minde and bringeth us captive to the Law of sin so that the good which we would we do not but the evill which we would not that we do it is then no more we that do it but sin that dwelleth in us Wherefore we can feel the power of our redemption but in part so long as we live in the flesh but it will be fully perfected when our corruptible shall put on incorruption and our mortall shall put on immortality and that cannot be untill the generall resurrection at the last day when all the enemies of our salvation shall be subdued For death will seize upon our bodies and will keep them in the prison of the grave untill Christ shall come with power and break open the prison doores by the power of his resurrection and raise them up to immortality and to eternall glory and then our Redemption will be made perfect to us and this e John 6. 54 Christ hath promised and he doth plainly manifest it to us for when he had shewed his disciples some signes and tokens of his second comming which were forerunners of the generall resurrection he said f Luke 21 ● 28. That when they see those things begin to come to passe then they should look up and lift up their heads for their Redemption draweth nigh whereof we are as fully perswaded by faith in this life as if we did already injoy it Wherefore let nothing weaken our faith in our Redemption for we may confidently rest upon it though we have it but in part in this life for Christ will perfect it to us at the last day when he will raise up our bodies out of the dust by his Almighty Power which is the last part of our Redemption Here is matter of great comfort if our hearts do piously ruminate upon the transcendent love of God to us in our Redemption g John 3. 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Redemption is freely offered to all yet none can have the assurance of it but such as believe in Christ and belong unto him through the election of Grace these and none but these shall have the benefit of it for they are within the New Covenant h Heb. 9. 15 which Christ hath procured for them by his death these onely shall receive the promise of an eternall inheritance and shall be advanced to an higher degree of felicity and blessednesse than they had in Adam before his fall Adam had but a dimme light of his Redemption yet it was sufficient to ground his faith upon it and the promise of grace was very mystically delivered to him but the Patriarks and Prophets had a clearer evidence of it God hath given us a full demonstration of our Redemption because Christ is come in the flesh and hath finished the whole work of our Salvation by treading down all principalities and powers under his feet and by subduing to us all the enemies of our salvation and because death is our last enemy which will undoubtedly seize upon our bodies we do assuredly believe that by the power of Christs Resurrection who is our head our bodies shall be raised up out of the dust at the last day for Christ hath redeemed our bodies from death as well as our souls from the devill that both in soul and in body we may live and reign with Christ for evermore Wherefore if God hath been so rich in goodnesse to us and if his grace and love hath been so free as to redeem our souls from hell and our bodies from the grave even when we were his enemies and when he saw nothing in us but misery then let us with the Prophet David say thus with our selves i Psal 116 12 13 14 What shall we r●nder unto the Lord for all his benefits towards us how shal we pay our vowes which we have made to him in our Baptism or at any other time we will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of the Lord we will be his servants and will offer to him the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving Thus let our thoughts and the Meditations of our hearts be alwayes upon the love of God to us and not upon the vanities of this world let them be set upon the joyes and happinesse of heaven and not upon earthly transitory pleasures and delights let us study how to live a sanctified life unto God and a blamelesse life to our neighbours and not how to fulfill our own sinfull desires and the evill concupiscence of our flesh otherwise we have received the grace of God in vain and we can have no good assurance of our Redemption by Christ for God bestoweth his grace upon us and hath given us the light of his Spirit that we should walk as in the light and not in darknesse that our conversation should be holy and pure and not corrupted and defiled with uncleannesse but that we should perform holy obedience unto God and serve him with pure affections Now let our hearts and souls devoutly Meditate upon the great Work of our Redemption for it was far greater than the Creation of the whole world God did but say the Word let such a thing be made and it was made he did not disrobe himself of any part of his glory in the creation of any creature but rather his glory wisdom and power was magnified in the making of the least of them
end shall be comfortable to thee according to this of David x Ps 37. 35 37 38. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace But though the wicked are in great power spreading themselves like a green bay tree yet they shall be destroyed together and their end shall be cut off If we have these benefits and comforts and much more by the operations of the holy Ghost we must then study how to be thankfull to him for his goodnesse and how to expresse it by our conformity to his will and by our ready obedience to his holy motions Also we must have recourse unto him by fervent prayer for what we want as it may stand with his good pleasure to grant But we must take heed with what heart and with what affections we make our addresses unto him for if there be any secret or darling sin lurking in us he will easily find it out he can search into the most secret corners of our hearts and nothing can be hidden from his all seeing eye If our hearts are more set upon carnall pleasures or worldly profits than to meditate on his gracious operations and how to enjoy him he will soon discover our hypocrisie and it will stop the current of his graces to our hearts but if he findeth truth and sincerity in our inward parts he will then plentifully bestow his heavenly gifts and graces upon us for he will give us more meeknesse of spirit more patience in our troubles more comfort in our sorrowes and more grace to cleanse and purge away the leprosie and filth of our sins Also he will put our hard and stony hearts into a gracious condition fit to receive the print of his own image to seal unto us the assurance of our salvation No duty then in the service of God can be hard to us if we are guided by this eternall Spirit and nothing that we suffer can be bitter to our souls if this heavenly comforter hath made his abode in our hearts In the last place we must consider that no saving and sanctifying grace can be wrought in us but by the holy Ghost and we can discern nothing of the deep things of God for our comfort if we have not a spirituall light from him he worketh faith in us to unite us to Christ and to make application to our selves of the merit of his sufferings for our redemption he works repentance to assure us of the pardon of our sins and to manifest the power of Christs death and resurrection in us by the mortifying and killing of the power of our sins and by the quickening of us up unto newnesse of life The holy Ghost worketh our filiall love to God our hope in his promises our Christian patience in bearing the crosse with a meek and a contented minde our Christian fortitude and courage in all our spirituall combates and tryalls and our constancy to hold out untill we have obtained victory He gives us the assurance of our justification the sanctification of our lives ability to pray unto God and to meditate on him as we ought and he worketh the renovation of the whole man in us These heavenly graces are as so many precious jewells to adorn our souls that we may be all glorious within y Psal 45. 13 like Solomons Queen to be espoused unto Christ for if we be decked with these ornaments of grace and cloathed with the righteousnesse of Christ to cover the shame and the deformity of our sins then God will accept of our persons and of our offerings and will hereafter wed us to his own Son Wherefore when we come into the presence of God to partake of his Divine Ordinances or to perform any holy service unto him we must humbly crave the assistance of the holy Ghost to give us understanding hearts and sanctified affections and to put an holy zeal into our prayers and Meditations that they may mount up above all earthly things and ascend up to the throne of grace where they shall be heard and graciously accepted z Acts 7. 30 32 33. When Moses perceived that God was in a flame of fire in a bush he trembled and durst not behold untill he had put off his shoes from his feet because the place where he stood was holy ground So likewise a Josh 5. 13 14. though Joshua was so valiant as to withstand a man of war that stood over against him with his sword drawn in his hand yet when he understood that he was the captain of the host of the Lord even God himself he fell on his face to the earth and did worship and losed his shoe from off his feet because the place whereon he stood was holy Thus we ought to appear before God with fear and trembling and to come with all due reverence into his Presence when we perform any holy duties unto him also to put off all our filthinesse and to put on the righteousnesse of Christ by faith because we come into an holy place where God himself is present who will not suffer any unclean thing to come near unto him If we can thus Meditate on the holy Ghost we shall find much sweetnesse and comfort in our Meditations Now let thy heart Meditate freely on this blessed Comforter with an holy devotion and pure affections when thou art in any sorrowfull or afflicted condition or when any anguish of spirit doth seize upon thee for true consolation is no where to be found but onely in him Let thy heart also ruminate upon those severall resemblances of the holy Ghost which will help thine understanding to discern how he worketh in thy heart to purge thee from thy corruptions to instruct thee in the wayes of godlinesse to confirm thee in the Truth to change thy sinfull disposition into a sanctified condition to seal the assurance of thy Redemption to thy soul to blow away all vain and sinfull cogitations out of thy minde and to give thee all spirituall abilities meet for a Christian warfare in this life that thou maist have a Crown of righteousnesse in the life to come How to Meditate upon the Works of God IF we consider and look well upon the works of God in the Creation of the Heavens and of the Earth how he hath beautified and adorned the Heavens with innumerable glorious bodies and replenished the Earth with all varietie of Plants and fruitfull trees and with all kindes of living Creatures both great and small also how he hath filled the bowels of the Earth with rich and precious mineralls and the seas with fishes of all kindes we cannot then but admire the Omnipotent Power the infinite Wisedome the transcendent glory and the wonderfull Goodnesse of God the great Creatour who hath made them all for our use and service and that he might be glorified by them This consideration will help our understandings in the knowledge of God and to raise up our hearts
hateful sin was in the sight of God also the devil knew that such was the rigour and strictnesse of the justice of God that he would not spare his own natural Son if he found him clothed with sinful and polluted garments But the devil was much deceived in Christ for though he had sinne up-him yet he had no sinne in him he had no sin of his own but our iniquities were laid upon him because he did stand between the justice of God and us to shelter us from the anger and wrath of God which was our due for all our transgressions and also to suffer whatsoever was due to us by the Law to free us from the curse of the Law but Christ was no longer under the severity of Gods displeasure than until his justice was satisfied our redemption perfectly finished and our atonement made with God Notwithstanding the devil out of meer malice to mankind doth labour to the uttermost of his power to hinder this great work of our salvation which Christ was now about to effect by seeking to destroy our blessed Saviour From hence we may learn to be afraid of sinne because the justice of God will spare none if the guilt of sinne be upon them and if they are not washed and made clean with the blood of Christ by faith but do sleep in their sinne without repentance Also we may observe the cunning and the malice of the devil against the children of God for he will then soonest assault them with his temptations when they are under Gods visitation or when he doth hide the light of his countenance from them because he thinks then to prevail and that they are then least able to resist him whereas God doth usually give his servants most grace when crosses or afflictins are upon them But this is our comfort that the devil can prevail no more against us than he did against our gracious Saviour for Christ will restrain his power in regard of our weakness and he will hide himself no longer from us than until we are truly humbled for our sinnes and that our hearts are clensed by faith and sound repentance Lastly though the devil did what he could against Christ to hinder us of our salvation yet he was not able to compass his wicked design for Christ did confound him and did fully finish his great work which he had undertaken although it were exceeding bitter to his humane nature thus will Christ confound all the enemies that seek the ruin of our souls Now did Christ feel the burden of our sins presse so hard upon him that his very soul was heavy even to the death now did God begin to pour out his wrath upon him and to let loose the principalities and powers of darkness to torment his innocent soul and now did God offer his beloved Son a cup of trembling and wrung out the very dregs which he did willingly drink because his Father gave it him for thus he said unto Peter a Joh. 81. 11. The cup which my Father hath given me shall I not drink it b Luk. 22. 44. His Agony in the garden was but a tast of this cup and yet it was so strong and so bitter to him that his sweat was like great drops of bloud trickling down to the ground so that an Angel was sent from heaven to strengthen him and to comfort him in the assurance of his Fathers love For the sorrow of his heart and the anguish of his soul was so great c Mat. 26. 39. that he prayed three several times to his heavenly Father if it were possible to let that cup passe from him which was that he might in himself expresse unto us a true Passion of humane weakness for our comfort and consolation when our weak flesh fainteth under the pressure of grief or calamity d Mat. 26. 41 for the spirit may be willing and ready to suffer though the flesh be weak There were many bitter ingredients in this cup of our Saviours passion which he was to drink for our sakes for every scorn and contumely that was put upon him every blasphemous word that was spoken against him every stripe of the whip every thorne that pierced his tender temples and every nail that fastned him to his Crosss were exceeding sharp and bitter to him because it was for sinne and they were all venomed with the malice of the devil and the wrath of God went along with him in all his Passion until he had suffered so much as the justice of God required but chiefly the fear of death did most perplex his humane nature by reason of the sting that was now in it wherby he did manifest the truth of his humanity which was not exempted from humane passions though it was alwayes free from the infection of sinne If Christ had not dyed for us we had reaped no benefit by his life for our justification the lothsome diseases of our souls had not been cured but e Eph. 2. 1. we had still remained dead in our trespasses and sinnes for nothing could kill the power of sinne in us but the death of the eternal Son of God and nothing could quicken us up in a spiritual life but his resurrection from the dead and nothing moved him to dye for us but his tender love and compassion to us When Christ was in the flesh he had a share in all our miseries even from his infancy and when he was to dye he suffered more than any heart is able to conceive whereby he hath sweetned the bitterness of our miseries and hath opened a ready way for us to find comfort in our sufferings if we can make our title good in him by a true faith God doth keep this cup in his own hand to give to whom he pleaseth f Ps 75. ● and if he giveth it to us that are his servants that we must drink of this bitter cup of affliction and sorrow though the wine be red and it be full of mixture yet we shall not wring out the dregs thereof and drink them for they are reserved for the wicked Christ our blessed Redeemer hath drunk the dregs of this cup for us and hath made it a cup of salvation and a cup of consolation healthful and profitable for us in the end though it be bitter and uncomfortable in the tast We need not then be dejected in our spirits when we are under the Cross if we consider that our sufferings come from the hand of the loving and tender Father g Ier. 10. 24 to correct us with judgement not in his anger to refine the dross and to purge away the corruption that is in us but not to consume and destroy us If we conceive through humane frailty or through the weaknesse of our faith that this cup is to strong for us and that we are not able to bear it we may pray and that earnestly and often to have it removed and to passe
THE COMFORT OF THE SOUL Laid down by way of Meditation upon some heads of Christian Religion very profitable for every true Christian Composed and writen by Iohn Anthony of London Doctor of Physick Psal 19. ver 14. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be alwayes acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer LONDON Printed for G. Dawson and are to be sold by John Mountague at the Sign of the White-Dragon in Duck-Lane 1654. I have perused these Divine Meditations Intituled the Comfort of the Soul and do find them to be so Orthodox and solide pious and profitable that I do approve them well worthy to be Printed and Published JOHN DOVVNAME To the Right Honourable Dame Elizabeth Dygby Baronesse of Geshal in the Kingdom of Ireland Grace Mercy and Peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ HAving nothing of mine own that is worthy your Acceptance to express my Cordiall respects and thankfulnesse for those many favours which I have received from you I have taken some spirituall Receipts out of Gods sacred Dispensatory which I am bold to present or Dedicate to your Honour because they are speciall Cordialls for the spirits and precious Antidotes against the evill of sad times Wherein also you will finde some Balm of Gilead for the cure of all spirituall diseases if it be applyed close to the part that is ill affected with the hand of Faith If these things do relish well with your spirituall Palate then I am confident you will take sometime to ruminate hereupon for I know it hath been your constant course to Meditate something dayly of Divine and heavenly things which did strongly induce me to present these unripe fruits of my labours to you which I gathered in mine old age for mine own use according to my first Intention Though I have thus laboured out of my Calling as I am a Physician yet I am not out of my profession as I am a Christian Now seing this Work is come to Publick view I do humbly desire your favourable construction of the frailties that are in it and that you will be pleased to vindicate it from carping spirits for I did not write it to please their curiosity but to refresh and comfort those that do any way stand in need of spirituall consolation If any thing herein can give you any reasonable satisfaction let God have the honour and glory of his own Work and I shall greatly rejoice therein and shall still remain your much obliged Servant JOHN ANTHONY To the READER COurteous Reader if thou dost live under the Crosse and art sensible of these sad times or if Gods visitation be upon thee which makes thee to sigh and groan under the burden and pressure of thy sorrowes so that thy soul desireth comfort and thy spirits want spirituall refreshing and heavenly consolation then I have written this Treatise for thee which I present to thy view wherein thou shalt finde the true way how to demean thy self under Gods visitation how to bear thy crosse with a contented patience how to make the burden of thy sorrowes more easie or how to be delivered out of them if God seeth it to be most for his glory and best for thy good also how to refresh thy spirits and comfort thy soul in what kinde soever it is afflicted Here also thou shalt finde that many of Gods dear servants have suffered as great afflictions as thou canst and yet God did send them comfort and deliverance but specially what Christ thy Saviour hath suffered for thee and what benefit and comfort thou maist have by it if thou canst draw it to thy self and make a particular application of it to thine own sorrowful condition without which it will yeeld thee but small consolation in thy miseries If thou dost meet with any thing here that will fit thy present condition either for edification or for comfort thou must ruminate well upon it to suck out the spirituall jui●e to imprint it in thy minde and to bring it close home to thy heart that it may comfort thy soul and cure thy wounded Spirit David found great comfort when he did Meditate on the Word of God My soul saith he shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatnesse and my mouth shall praise thee with joyfull Psal 63. 5 6 lips when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches And it must needs be so for this is a duty which God requireth and he takes speciall notice of those that do practice it to pour down his blessings upon them as he did upon Isaack who went out dayly into the field to Meditate Gen. 24. 63 64. upon the wonderfull Works of God and then at that very time God sent him a vertuous Wife If the Spirit of God goeth along with thee in thy holy Meditations they cannot but be comfortable to thy soul thou wilt then conceive aright of the secret and hidden things of God and thou wilt see the infinite wisdom ond power of God in all the Creatures his goodnesse and bounty to thee in them and a glympse of the Majesty and glory of the great Creator God Almighty His holy Spirit will also open thy heart to let in whatsoever spirituall good thou reapest by thy pious Meditations For if thou lookest upon the creature and doest not Meditate something of God in it thou dost look upon it in vain and if thou readest or hearest his Word Preached and dost not settle it upon thy affections by ruminating upon it thou canst not edifie thy heart nor comfort thy soul thereby So likewise if thou doest read any thing in this Treatise that is comfortable to poor dejected Spirits it will not comfort thee if it be not well digested in thy heart and applyed to thine own soul If thou art not acquainted with this holy Duty I have given thee some directions how to perform it and if thou doest first practise it upon thy self to meditate upon thine own condition what thou art by nature and what by grace and considerest seriously in thy thoughts what way thou walkest what steps thou treadest and to what end thy wayes do tend thou wilt not onely come to the knowledge of thy self but thou wilt also learn how to Meditate profitably and comfortably upon God thy Creator upon Jesus Christ thy Redeemer and upon the Holy Ghost thy Sanctifier and Comforter I conclude with this saying of an ancient Father Nothing is found more sweet in this life nothing is conceived more comfortable nothing doth so separate the affections from the love of this world nothing doth so fortifie the minde against temptations nothing doth so stir up man and further him to every good work and duty as the grace and benefit of Divine Meditation and heavenly contemplation Thine in the Lord Christ JOHN ANTHONY A Table of these severall Heads contained in this Book MEditation is a Duty
Adam and how rebelliously we have sinned against God in the whole course of our lives If this be our condition which is most true as we are in the Sta●● of nature what comfort can we then take in all worldly pomp and dignities what contentment is there in all earthly pleasures and delight they are all nothing else but vanity and vexation of spirit We may injoy more of this world than our hearts can desire and yet our soules may starve for want of spiritual food and comfort d Gen. 4. 12 Cain was heir apparent to the whole world and yet he was driven out from the presence of God and became a vagabond upon earth So we may injoy whatsoever the world can afford us and yet God will not look upon us with a gracious aspect and then our condition will be no better than that of Cain We may injoy health wealth peace liberty and all manner of prosperity and yet our souls may be sick they may languish with sadnesse of heart they may be much perplexed and shut up as it were in a dungeon because they are so restrained by the corruptions of our nature that they have no freedome to mount upwards towards heaven It is nothing so uncomfortable to live in perpetuall darknesse and never to see the light of the Sun as it is to have our understandings spiritually darkened and to live without the light of the e Mal. 4. 2 Sun of righteousnesse to have no appearance from him to open the eyes of our understandings to be a guide to our reason to season our hearts with grace and to shew us the way that will bring us to heavenly happinesse This is our condition by nature we are out of the favour of God our life is void of all true comfort and consolation we walk in darknesse f Isa 53. 6 we go astray like silly sheep and follow our own inventions and we have no ability in our selves to return again into the right way Wherefore let our hearts be throughly affected with this our sad condition let our Meditations hereupon draw us to a godly sorrow for our sins which may bring us to true repentance and newnesse of life let this be our chief care and the desire of our soules to regain the grace and favour of God and to be reconciled unto him Let our souls bewail our sins with hearty contrition and true compunction let our teares manifest the grief of our hearts and the truth of our repentance for our transgressions and let us cast our selves down at Gods footstool and humbly acknowledge our offences to him suing earnestly to God by prayer for the pardon and forgivenesse of them through Faith in Christ Also we ought to be humble petitioners to God for a supply of such graces as we want to strengthen ●s against the corruptions of our nature and against all the enemies of our salvation This should be our constant practise every night before we sleep to make our peace with God for the sins of the day past wherein we have failed of our duty and wherein we have dishonoured God that our souls may rest in peace as well as our bodies do rest in quiet So likewise every morning we should acknowledge our thankfulnesse to God for the comforts of the night past and to crave his blessing upon our labours the day following If we continually practise this duty it will keep us from grosse sins and great offences and it will make us take all occasions to renew our Repentance with God for our sins Every fit of pain or of sicknesse that we feel and every crosse or affliction that we suffer calls loud for repentance because it is a fruit of our sins also every blessing and every good thing that God is pleased to bestow upon us cryeth loud for our thankfulnesse because it is bestowed of his own free bounty and goodnesse and not for any merit or desert of ours Though we are miserable vile and wretched in our selves yet God is gracious and mercifull and doth dayly give us occasions to glorifie him and he doth use all means to bring us home again unto himself for he doth not delight in the death of a sinner but rather that he should repent and turn unto him neither doth he deal with us according to our sins nor reward us according to our deservings but hath paid a great prize for our redemption out of this miserable condition Concerning the Redemption of Man VVHen God saw man in this sad condition a lamentable spectacle of wofull misery then he took pity upon him a Ezek. 16. 8 and this time of his wretched estate was the time of Gods love to him for soon after his fall God made a gracious promise of Redemption to him b Gen. 3. 15 that the seed of the woman should break the serpents head This promise God did afterwards renew to the Patriarks which was concerning Christ the Lord that should come in his appointed time whom God did plainly reveal to some of the Prophets c Gal. 4 4 5 VVhen the fulnesse of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the Law to redeem them that are under the Law that we might receive the adoption of sons d 1 John 4 9 10 In this was manifested the love of God toward us because that God sent his onely begotten Son into the world that we might live through him Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the Propitiation for our sins e John ● 18 The onely begotten son of God who is in the bosome of his Father came down from heaven and assumed our nature and took upon himself the guilt of our sins to Redeem us from the curse of the Law from the dominion of sin and Satan and from the power of death f 1 Cor. 7. 23 Christ hath also paid an infinite price for our Redemption even his own most precious blood and the full vialls of Gods wrath were poured out upon him because he did undertake to satisfie the justice of God for our sins for thus saith the Prophet g Isa 53. 6. The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all h Acts 12. 7 8 Now let us gird up our loines with Peter and binde on our sandals i Eph. 6. 15 and let our feet be shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace to be fitted and prepared for our deliverance out of prison for the chains of our sins are taken off and the prison doores are opened to set us at liberty and to redeem our souls from destruction This Work of our Redemption is so great a mystery that the blessed Angels do adore it with much admiration but they cannot comprehend it it was decreed in heaven before the world was and all the three Persons in the holy Trinity had their severall operations
incline the will or else we cannot receive it All heavenly gifts and spiritual graces come from God which the Father is sometimes said to give according to this of James ſ Jam. 1. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights Sometimes also the Sonne is said to give them for thus saith the Apostle t Eph. 4. 8. when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men that is he gave not onely places of dignity and of authority to some in his Church but also he gave them all spiritual indowments of grace meet for their several places and functions But these heavenly graces are properly wrought in our hearts by the holy Ghost how and when he pleaseth We must therefore crave his help we must wait his time and attend upon the means until he shall be pleased to work grace in us and we must resolve without delaies or excuses u Heb. 3. 7. to accept of grace even that very day when God doth offer it and not to grieve his good Spirit by refusing the sweet tender of grace or by losing any opportunity wherein God may be glorified by this heavenly work of grace in us Wherefore Ps 8. 4 5. be not thou like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear which will not hearken to the voice of charmers charming never so wisely but when any means of grace is offered or when thou feelest a good motion in thy heart be ready to imbrace it for that is Gods call and then Christ knocketh at the door of thy heart x Rev. 3. 20. as he did at the door of the Laodiceans if thou dost presently open unto him he will come in to thee and will sup with thee and thou shalt sup with him but if thou deferrest it until the morrow thou knowest not whether he will knock again or not O what a bountiful and gratious guest dost thou lose if thou wilt not open thy heart when the Spirit of Christ knocks there either by the preaching of his Word by holy inspirations by his blessings by afflictions or by any other means whatsoever If thou belongest unto him thou wilt know his knock thou wilt know his voice thou wilt make hast and prepare the best rooms in thine affections to give him entertainment and thou wilt clear away all the filth of thy sins by faith and true repentance that he may come into a clean heart that nothing may displease or discontent him for he comes not to lodge with thee a night or two as a stranger or to sojourn with thee a moneth or a year and then to leave thee y Eph. 3. 17. but he will dwell in thy heart by faith z Joh. 14. 23 and will abide with thee for ever by his holy Spirit When he is come he will furnish his rooms with his own furniture he will perfume them with his own merits so that whatsoever issue from thence shall be a sweet savour well pleasing and acceptable to God he will also beautifie and adorn all the faculties of thy soul with spiritual and heavenly graces he wil heal and cure al thy spiritual diseases he will be a Prophet to thee to teach and instruct thee in the wayes of godliness he will be thy High-priest to make intercession for thee and to present thy prayers and oblations unto God his Father also he will be thy King to rule in thy heart with his scepter of righteousness and to subdue all the enemies of thy salvation Christ will feast thee at his own table with bread of life water of life and with heavenly Manna which are precious dainties and spiritual food for thy soul to feed upon and thy heart will rejoice and be glad in him Thou shalt also injoy a Gal. 5. 22 23. the fruits of his Spirit which are love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodnes faith meekness temperance and all that belong unto thee shall partake of the riches of his goodness and of his blessings b Ps 24. 7. Let thy gates therefore stand open that the King of glory may enter in and be thou as ready to receive him with all joy and gladness of heart c Luc. 19. 6. 9. as Zachaeus was to receive Christ when he was in the flesh who brought salvation to his House Be not thou like the spouse in the Canticles d Cant. 5. 2● who would not rise out of her bed of security to open the door of her heart to her beloved but suffered him to stand knocking and calling until his locks were wet with the drops of the night Now if thou hast any care of thy souls health study and meditate how to observe the times and means of grace and how to improve them to the glory of God and to thine own spiritual gain Canst thou observe the times and seasons of the year for the fruits of the earth and hast thou no care to take the opportunities that God gives thee for grace learn of the marriner who will hoyse up sail when the wind serves for him and when God offers thee grace do thou raise up thy heart and affections to receive it If thou refusest his gracious goodness to thee herein it is no wonder if thou art barren of true vertue and piety if thy soul be without spiritual comfort in thy sorrows and afflictions and it is no marvel if thou art fruitless in all good works If thou wilt make the true gain of thy time thou must diligently attend to the holy ordinances of God thou must thankfully receive his mercies and blessings thou must bear the Cross of Christ with patience and with meekness submitting thy self with all humbleness of spirit to the will and pleasure of God Also thou must repent of holy duties omitted as well as of sins committed and howsoever God shall deal with thee at that very time make an holy use of it for the glory of God and for the comfort of thy soul If the devil hath deluded thee with false pretences or hath lulled thee asleep in his bed of security so that thou hast slighted the means of grace and hast vainly spent thy precious time without any spiritual or heavenly gains thou must labour with all Christian diligence to recover it again which thou maist do by the gracious help and assistance of the holy Ghost herein for thou hast no ability in thy self to get out of these dangerous snares of the devil or to redeem the time that thou hast lost To conclude if thou dost desire to make the true gain of the time of grace thou must strive to remove out of thy heart whatsoever doth displease or dishonour God and whatsoever may hinder the operations of the holy Ghost and the current of grace to thy heart For if thy mind is carried after the love of the world after vain pleasures or sinful delights and if thou dost
to mortifie and kill the power of sin in us and the vertue of his resurrection will quicken us up to newnesse of life and his righteousnesse will restore us to an higher degree of purity and holinesse than we had in our first creation f Gal. 3. 27. for by faith we are baptized into Christ and have put on Christ g Eph. 5. 30. and we are now members of his body of his flesh and of his bones and we are confirmed in this blessed condition by his free Spirit so that we shall never depart from him If Christ had not been crucified and his bloud poured out upon the crosse and if he had not been made a curse for us by that kinde of death then Gods decree had not been fulfilled the work of our redemption had not been finished we had been still under the curse of the Law the guilt of sin had still rested upon our souls and all the Prophesies of him had not been fulfilled also we could not have had all those great benefits by his death and by the merit of his blood h Phil. 2. 8. But Christ did humble himself to the cursed death of the crosse and there his heart blood was poured out which made his sacrifice compleat and perfect This made the faith of the penitent thief so famous because he did imbrace Christ for his Saviour when he was upon the crosse i 1 Cor. 2 2 4. This made Paul to prefer the knowledge of Jesus Christ and him crucified before all humane wisedome because thereby the Spirit of God did make his preaching powerfull and effectuall k Gal. 6. 14 and this made him glory so much in the Crosse of Christ Wherefore we need not be ashamed of Christ because he was crucified and we need not refuse to bear his Crosse after him because it is the greatest honour of a true Christian and that which bringeth the greatest comfort to our souls to be made conformable to Christ in his sufferings Now we come to consider what admirable gentlenesse what great mercy and goodnesse Christ did shew to his persecutors and tormenters he did practise the same Doctrine which he taught his Disciples in the Mount l Mat. 5. 44. Love your enemies blesse them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you For he gave them not a bitter word but did patiently and meekly suffer all their barbarous usage and cruelty against him and when their hearts were inflamed with malice and their hands laboured to crucifie him and when the pangs of death were upon him his tender heart was moved with compassion toward them and the fountain of his mercy was opened that the sweet streams of his blessing might flow upon them for even then he did pray his heavenly Father to remit and and forgive their great sin m Luk. 23. 34. Father saith he forgive them for they know not what they do For they were spiritually blinde and could not see who he was and their hearts were hardened that they could not understand nor believe from whence he came and wherefore he suffered them to put him to such a shameful and cruel death If our dear Saviour was so mercifull to those that brewed their hands in his blood what heart can then conceive the riches of his mercy and love to his own servants that love serve and obey him in truth and with upright hearts For mercy and tender love are essentially and naturally inherent in him and there is no end of his goodnesse to all those that be long unto him his mercy to them goeth along in all his works for if he doth correct them it is in mercy for their good he will not let the rod go out of his own hand to some he doth but shake the rod others feel but few stripes and though some have many stripes n Jer. 10. 2. yet it shall be with judgment not in his anger he wil not deal with them according to their sins nor reward them according to their iniquities but his mercy will prevail though his justice be provoked Wherefore let no poor afflicted soul that is under his rod forbear coming unto Christ for he can take off his visitation when he pleaseth and he will pity him as a Father pitieth his childe Also let no poor sinner that is truly humbled for his sins be afraid to have recourse unto his Redeemer for he prayed for such to procure their pardon and to bring salvation to their souls All the riches honours and pleasures that the world affords can give a sinfull soul no true consolation if he be troubled and perplexed for his sins they are all miserable comforters when the guilt of sin lieth upon the conscience true comfort and fulnesse of joy is to be found onely in Christ and in him crucified for he will take away the guilt of his sins that they shall not molest or trouble his conscience he will help him bear his sorrowes with a contented patience he will stand by him and intercede for him that in his temptations and trials his faith may not fail him Rev. 7. 17 Isa 25. 8. and at last he will wipe away all teares from his eyes All this and much more Christ will do for us for he will also stand for us against all the accusations of the devil be they true or false if they be true he will present his own merits to his Father in satisfaction for us if they be false he will give the devil a shameful repulse and will curb him that he shall not hurt us p 1 John 2. 12. for Christ Jesus the righteous is our Advocate with the Father and the propitiation for our sins and for the sins of the whole world Consider in the next place that Christ did now put an end to the Ceremonial Law for the types and shadows did cease when he was slain because he was the substance of all those ceremonies and sacrifices This was the last ceremonie which was to be fulfilled q Heb. 13. 11 12. that the bodies of those beasts whose blood was to be brought into the Sanctuary by the High Priest for sin were burnt without the Camp This Ceremony Christ fulfilled when he shed his bloud without the gate that he might sanctifie the people with his own blood For both Jews and Gentiles were now gathered together at Mount Calvary where Christ died that the people of all Nations might be sanctified with his bloud if they come unto him by faith to be cleansed from the guilt of their sinnes and purified from their pollutions with his sanctifying grace Wherefore now though we are aliens and strangers to the house of Israel yet nothing hindereth but that we may go forth boldly unto him who finished our redemption by his death without the gate that thereby he might sanctifie the Gentiles with his blood as he did the
Cor. 1. 3. who is the God of all comfort for thus he saith by his Prophet h Isa 51. 11 12. The redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Zion and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads they shall obtain gladn●sse and joy and mourning shall flee away I even I am he that comforteth you What comfort can we then want if God be our Comforter Secondly if we delight in pleasures heaven will afford us more than our hearts can desire i Psal 36. 8 9. There we shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatnesse of Gods house and he will make us drink of the river of his pleasures for with him is the fountain of life in his light shall we see light Also the Psalmist saith thus k Psal 16. 11 God will shew us the path of life in his presence is fulnesse of joy at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore For heaven is the place of all peace and comfort of all joy and happinesse and of all glory and immortality Thirdly heaven is the place of all security as Abraham said to Dives l Lu. 16. 26 Between us and you there is a great gulf sixed so that they which would passe from hence to you cannot neither can they ●asse to us that would come from thence Also th●● saith Christ m Mat. 25. 10. When the Brid●groom cometh and they that are ready are gone in with him to the marriage the door will be shut and the● none can go in and none can come out n Mat. 6. 20 ●n heaven we may safely keep our spiritual ●reasure from the moth and rust and from that arch theif the devil If this precious jewel which is our ●ou● be laid up in heaven it will be safely kept there for nothing can corrupt it and no theif can steal it away Lastly that which makes up the fulnesse of our joy and happinesse in the Kingdom of heaven is the eternity of it for if we should injoy it but for a time it would greatly lessen the comfort of our felicity there shall be an end of time but there will be no end of our blessed condition in heaven For thus saith the Lord o Isa 65. 17 18. Behold I create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembered nor come into minde But be you glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and her people a joy And again he saith by the same Prophet p Isa 66 22 For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain b●fore me so shall your seed and your Name remain Thus saith John q Rev. 2 2. 5. The servants of the lambe shall be in this city of God and they shall reign for ever and ever Paul speaking of the resurrection saith thus r 1 Thes 4. 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Daniel also saith thus ſ Dan. 7. 18. And the Saints of the most high God shall take the Kingdome and possesse it for ever even for ever and ever Holy David saith t Psal 37. 18 that the inheritance of the upright shall be for ever Thus it is evident how great our gain shall be by Christ after death and that there shall be no end of our happinesse Consider now that whatsoever we suffer in this life is but for a short time and that the bitternesse of our sorrowes is sweetned with some comforts also that our joy and felicity in heaven is for eternity and that it is no way imbittered with any troubles or vexations that we may patiently and meekly bear whatsoever God shall lay upon us and earnestly desire to be uncloathed of this corruptible body that we may put on the glorious robes of immortality for ever Thus saith Paul u ● Cor. 4. 17 Our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternall weight of glory So likewise if we consider and believe that we have this Gain and advantage onely by Christ it will make us study and labour by all meanes to injoy him and when we have gotten some interest in him to stick close to him by Faith to love him with intire affections and to be obedient to his will and commands Wherefore now if thou hast any holy desire to be freed from all temptations from all sin and from all sorrow vexation and calamity then set the Meditations of thy heart upon the fruition of the Kingdom of Heaven where thou shalt be freed from all these evils though here upon earth they will rush in upon thee Also if thou desirest to injoy all the happinesse that heaven can afford thee and to injoy God himself for ever then look up unto Christ thy Saviour with the eye of faith who hath purchased heaven for thee with his own blood and hath made thee the Son of God by adoption that he might bestow all this upon thee whereof he hath given thee some taste in this life but thou canst not be made perfect in it untill this life is ended u 2 Pet. 1. 10. Give all diligence therefore as Peter saith to make thy calling and election sure by a lively faith in Christ and get the seal of the new Covenant which is the blood of Christ to be stamped upon thy heart that thou mayest carry it to thy grave and then death will give thy soul free passage into the mansions of heaven where this perfect freedome is to be obtained and where this gain of eternall blessednesse is to be gotten Wherefore walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit live not as a citizen of this world but live here as a free denizen of the heavenly Jerusalem having thy minde and the affections of thy heart set upon the holinesse and righteousnesse thereof that thy life and conversation may be pure and holy here upon earth and then thy soul shall live and eternally possesse it after it is dissolved from thy body How CHRIST is our Spirituall life MAn in his first creation had a spirituall life which was free from any spot or stain of sin but he soon lost it by his transgression and defaced this lively image of God that was stamped upon his soul and then in himself he had no ability to recover his lost happinesse This leprosie of sin hath infected all his posterity that proceed from him by naturall propagation which hath brought upon them a spiritual death and layeth them open to eternall death hereafter Though this be our condition by nature yet a Eph. 2. 4 5 6 7. God who is rich in mercy for his great love where with he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickned us together in
with Christ and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus that he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindnesse toward us through Christ Jesus b Eph. 4. 23 This renovation in the spirit of our minde is wrought in us by the holy Ghost through Christ for he was anointed with the holy Ghost for this end and purpose that by him we might be raised up from the death of sin to a spirituall life of grace according to the signification of his Name for as he is Christ he is Anointed of God and as he is Jesus he is the Saviour of the world to save us from our sins and to work salvation for us whereof we are not capable untill we have a spiritual life wrought in us Thus saith the Spouse of Christ c Cant. 1. 3. Thy Name is as oyntment po●red forth A precious Oyntment hath many excellent vertues d Psal 104. 15. for it maketh a chearful countenance it comforteth and strengtheneth all the parts of the body it healeth all diseases and it sendeth forth a sweet savour when it is poured out which refresheth and comforteth all the senses Thus is Christ to every true believers soul he is the Anointed of God as saith the Psalmist of him e Psal 45. 7. Thou lovest righteousnesse and hatest wickednesse therefore God thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl of gladnesse above thy fellowes f Act. 10. 38 for he was anointed with the holy Ghost and with power First by the power of his holy unction Christ doth put a spiritual light into our understanding by his Spirit that we may see how to walk in the paths of godlinesse and truth according to this of old Simeon g Lu. 2. 31 32. that God had prepared him to be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of his people Israel h Psal 97. 11 Light is sown for the righteous and the comfort and gladnesse of it for the upright in heart This Prophesie was fulfilled in Christ i Isa 2. 9. The people that walked in darknesse have seen a great light they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death upon them hath the light shined k Eph. 5. 14 Wherefore awake thou that sleepest in fin and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light If we want this heavenly light we must needs wander and go astray from God and we have no means to obtain such a light but by Christ It is sin that hath brought this darknesse and this spiritual death upon our souls and none but Christ can take it away This is the beginning of our spiritual life when we have some light to discern the spirituall things of God for the good of our souls Secondly Christ is the food and nourishment of our souls to preserve this spirituall life in us whose flesh we must spiritually eat and whose blood we must spiritually drink by faith in the hearing of his Word preached and Sacramentally when we come to his holy Table or else we have not this spirituall life in us l John 6. 48 53. I am that bread of life saith Christ which came down from heaven who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternall life and I will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed Wherefore if our souls do hunger and thirst after this heavenly food and do earnestly desire to be refreshed and fully satisfied therewith it is an evident sign that there is a spiritual life in us for Christ doth freely offer himself to every empty soul that can feed upon him by Faith in his Word or in his Sacraments But if our desires and the affections of our hearts are taken up with the love of this world and of earthly vanities it s no marvell if we have no hunger nor thirst after Christ and that we feel so little want and need of him Thirdly the blood of Christ is the true balm to heal and cure all the diseases and wounds that sin hath made in our souls it is like m Lu 10. 34 the good Samaritans wine and oyl for it hath a cleansing and an healing vertue There can be no wound so deep in the soul and no ulcer so festered but this precious Oyntment will cleanse and heal it if it be rightly applyed by faith and true repentance for repentance layeth open the wound by true confession and faith applyeth the remedy to it and then repentance giveth us an holy assurance that we shall be cured This is the way and the means of recovery when our souls are sick of any spirituall disease and also to preserve that spirituall life which is in us Lastly when the heavenly graces that flow from Christ are poured out upon our soules they will greatly refresh and comfort our spirits in all sadnesse of heart and they will so persume all our actions and services which we perform unto God that their sweet savour shall ascend up unto him that he may smell it and graciously accept of us and of our offerings n Gen. 8. 21. When Noah offered burnt offerings to the Lord after the floud the Lord smelled a sweet savour and accepted his sacrifice and blessed him exceedingly Wherefore if our souls are perfumed with grace they will so perfume all our holy oblations which we offer up to God that he will in mercie accept them for his Sonnes sake o I rev 5. 8. But the sacrifices of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord and they stink in his nostrils because they proceed from a corrupt and unclean heart which is not perfumed with grace how much ● Eccl. 10. 1 more when he bringeth them with a wicked mind ●o 21. 27 Sin is like dead flies in the ointment of the Apothecary which causeth it to stink for sin maketh us odious in the sight of God Wherefore take heed with what heart thou comest into the presence of God and that thou bringest no oblation to him with a wicked mind but first purifie thy heart from sinne by faith in the bloud of Christ and see that thy soul be perfumed with sanctifying grace and then come and offer thy gift and God will accept it But if there be any sin in thy bosome unrepented of or any iniquity in thy heart which thou seekest to hide from God then he cannot smell a sweet savour of thy prayers of thy praises and thanksgivings or of any duty which thou performest to him to make it accepted because thy heart is not upright before God Now we must examine our selves what spiritual life we have by Christ and we must know how he is our spiritual life if we will have any comfort thereby First q 1 Joh. 2. 20 If we have this holy unction from Christ which was poured upon him above measure that
t Acts 3. 8. If the creeple whom Peter and John cured leaped and praised God then we have much more cause to praise and glorifie God with joyfull hearts because Christ hath cured us of our spirituall lamenesse and of all other spiritual infirmities Also u Mat. 27. 54. if the Centurion when he saw the earth-quake and what was done at Christs death glorified God saying Truly this was the Son of God then ought we to glorifie God for our regeneration and for our Spirituall life and to say Truly this was the work of the Son of God We may dayly see the wonderfull works of God which he doth for his own glory to give us dayly occasions to honour and glorifie him and therefore this should be our continual practise to magnifie the Name of God according to this of Paul u Cor. 10. 31. Whether ye ear or drink or whatsoever ye do do all to the glory of God It is the continual work of the Saints and Angels in heaven to sing Hosanna to the highest and it should be our constant care here upon earth to glorifie God and to magnifie him for all his benefits mercies and goodnesse to us Thus we may come to have an holy assurance that we have a spiritual life in Christ if we do truly believe that he hath redeemed us by the merit of his blood from all our iniquities and from all the issues of sin also that he hath sanctified us and made us an holy people to himself not to serve the world the flesh or the divel but to serve the living God with a clean heart and pure affections So likewise if we finde a new principle of grace planted in our hearts whereby we are able in some measure to walk in the paths of godlinesse and so to steer all our actions that they may tend to the honour and glory of God the Peace of our consciences and the eternal comfort of our souls How to injoy true Happinesse ALL men desire to be happy but few seek it where it is to be found some seek it in morall vertues and natural endowments some in morall vertues and natural endowments some in worldly pleasures and profits others think to finde it in riches and honours but all come far short of the glory of true happinesse though they do obtain their desire in all earthly things for all that this world doth afford cannot make a man truly happy so much as in this life much lesse can it procure his happinesse in the life to come for there will still be something wanting or else something to imbitter their contentment in these things here below If we have honour or authority to day we may be in ignominy and disgrace to morrow if we have riches and plenty to day we may be exposed to want and penury to morrow sicknesse or pain will blast all our earthly contentments but when death comes it will bereave us of them all It is in vain therefore to seek our happinesse in these vain things or to put our confidence in them for our felicity doth not consist in uncertain riches or in transitory honours and pleasures which in themselves are nothing else but vanity and vexation of spirit But true happinesse is from above and it consisteth in the sweet fruition of God this happinesse we had in the state of innocency but we lost it by the fall of our first Parents and we have no means to recover it but onely by Christ Jesus our blessed Redeemer Wherefore a Rom. 8. 32. God took pity on our miserable condition and of his infinite mercy and love hath not spared his own Son but delivered him up for us all to work our redemption by his death and passion and to bring us again into the favour of God And as John saith b Joh. 3. 16. God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life so that we cannot have this true blessednesse but onely by Christ which is every where set forth in this Treatise Thus doth the boundlesse mercy and unlimited goodnesse of God appear in offering his dear Son to all that will come and imbrace him but some cannot come because they live not where the Gospel of Christ is preached which doth reveal him and must instruct them in the right way how to finde him some will not come but make excuses c Lu. 14. 1● 19. like those in the Gospel that were bidden to the great Supper for they are hindered by their worldly occasions others are wholly taken up with carnall delights and pleasures which keeps them from coming to Christ though they may injoy this true happinesse by him Consider now that riches honours and lawful pleasures are not in themselves simply evill for they are Gods good creatures and his blessings neither do they keep us from coming unto Christ but we may injoy Christ together with them if we do not immoderately covet them and use no unjust means to get them or put our trust and confidence in them to derogate from the honour of God If we injoy Christ with them he will sanctifie them to us for our comfort and will make them the first fruits of our happinesse whereby we may glorifie God and do much good to our neighbour otherwise they are but the shadow of happinesse and not the true substance of it which in the end will be bitternesse when we must give a strict account unto God how we have used them Many a poor man that injoyeth Christ is more happy in his poverty than they that abound in wealth and honour if they are without Christ for they injoy a contented minde peace of conscience and joy in the holy Ghost and they have an holy assurance that their joy and happinesse shall be made perfect in the life to come Wherefore he that hath Christ hath the Fountain of all true happiness and some streams thereof will flow to him even in this life But this is true which Christ saith d Joh. 6. 44 No man can come unto me except the Father which hath sent me draw him and we can have no part in Christ nor happinesse by him except we do truly believe in him This is the way that God himself hath taught us Whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life Also this is the same way which Christ taught his Disciples e Joh. 14. 1 Yee believe in God believe also in me Our faith must be as firm as strong and as well grounded upon Christ as he is our Redeemer God and Man as it is upon God alone or else we cannot injoy him and all that happinesse which floweth from him Though we dare not approach neer unto God in regard of his divine justice yet through the mediation of Christ our gracious Redeemer we may have free accesse unto our God and we shall find him sitting
upon his Throne of mercy ready to receive us If our faith doth reach no further than to the knowledge of Christ what he is in his divine nature and what he is by incarnation or to his glorious excellencies and dignities as he is the Mediatour of the new Covenant or to the work of mans redemption as he is the Redeemer of the world it is but the bare notion of faith which is not effectual enough to bring us to eternal happinesse Unregenerate men may know and believe thus much of Christ by the letter of the Gospel and yet never be brought into the state of grace by Christ because they have not the grace of faith in their hearts to apply these things to themselves The devils did know who Christ was they knew the purity of his nature and what power he had over them and yet they continued devils still Wherefore we must not rest in the bare notion of faith but if we will believe unto salvation we must then f John 13. 8 9. As Paul and Silas said to the Jaylor Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ we must rest upon him and put our whole confidence in him for our salvation also we must apply him and all his excellent dignities to our selves that we may be well perswaded of our redemption by him and that we are invested into the Covenant of grace by our union with him and that we shall hereafter injoy the perfection of true happinesse If our Faith can reach thus high and lay such hold upon Christ by their particular application of him then let our condition be what it will we shall be happy while we live more happy when we dye and most happy after death for no afflictions or sorrowes of life and no violence or extremity of sicknesse in death shall be able to take this happinesse from us and after death we shall be out of the reach of all our enemies for Christ by whom we have this happinesse will not suffer us to loose it but by the grace and power of faith we shall still draw all spiritual comfort from Christ to our souls to make us truly happy in this life and everlastingly happy in the life to come This is the grace and power of true faith to apply particularly to our selves whole Christ God and Man and as he is our Prophet our high Priest our King our Mediator and Redeemer and then how mean soever our condition be he will make us happy in it and will crown us with everlasting happinesse hereafter for where this Faith is wrought there the holy Ghost will abide for ever and that soul must needs be happy that intertaineth him g Eph. 1. 13. For after that we have believed in Christ we are sealed with that holy Spirit of Primise unto the day of Redemption this Spirit of promise is the earnest of our inheritance which Christ hast purchased for us Consider further that by this means we are neerly joyned unto Christ h Eph. 3. 17. For Christ dwelleth in our hearts by Faith This spirituall union with Christ is more firm and close than the union of the members of the natural body is with the head or the union of the branches is with the vine for nothing can separate us from Christ but he will keep us by his Almighty power unto salvation If we be in this blessed condition nothing can hurt the well-being of our souls but all things shall work together for our good What comfort and what happinesse can we want if we injoy Christ His grace will carry us on cheerfully through all the discomforts that we shall meet with in this life his blessings will be upon all that we injoy and he will give us the fulnesse of happinesse in the life to come Though we be in Christ yet we shall meet with many sorrowes troubles and vexations in this life which will cloud the sense of this our f●licity for we have here but the beginnings of that blessed and happy condition which in the life to come shall be perfected and confirmed to us for ever in Christ Wherefore we ought seriously to meditate and study how to injoy Christ who is the true happinesse of our souls and though we have but a taste of this heavenly consolation yet it will sweeten the bitternesse of all misery and as we dayly grow in grace so we shall dayly finde more comfort by our assurance of the fruition of our future felicity in heaven Also the more we grow in grace the more we shall grow out of love with this world because we shall the better see the vanities of it and the more we shall grow in love with vertue and true piety which will bring us to this happinesse and to injoy it to all eternity Concerning our Iustification THe true knowledge of this high Principle of Religion what it is to be justified in the sight of God and how it is wrought in us by the holy Ghost is of great concernment to every true Christian and it doth minister exceeding much comfort to him in the assurance of the pardon of his sins and in the hope of his salvation Now we are justified not for any inherent righteousnesse that is in us nor for any foreseen works we are able to do nor for any grace that is wrought in us but as God doth elect us of his own free grace and love so he doth also freely justifie us First a 2 Cor. 5. 19. by not imputing our sins and iniquities to us Secondly by not inflicting the condemnation of sin upon us Thirdly by imputing the righteousnesse of Christ to us by faith Fourthly by pronouncing and declaring us to be just in the Court of heaven and by witnessing the same to our consciences by his holy Spirit and lastly by his gracious acceptation of us This is our Justification and thus we may be perswaded of it for God hath set up his seat of Judgement in every mans conscience so that when we remember our sins if our conscience doth absolve us by our faith in the righteousnesse of Christ and in the merit of his blood it is a sure evidence of our justification in the sight of God but if it doth condemn us then it will binde us over to answer for our selves at the last and general judgement when it will bring bitter accusations against us and witnesse terrible things against our poor souls for conscience is the highest witnesse next under God The ground of our justification is Gods free grace to us by Faith in Christ who hath taken upon himself the guilt of our sins whereby they are imputed to him and his righteousnesse is imputed to us so that now God doth account us just and righteous because we have no guilt of sin and are cloathed with the righteousnesse of Christ and therefore he will absolve us from all our sins and from the punishment that is due to us for them and he will
whereas both his soul and his body ought to be kept clean and undefiled that the holy Ghost may delight to dwell therein and that his heart and affections may be alwayes fit for heavenly contemplations So likewise if his chiefest study and care be to adorn his Profession of godlinesse onely with a specious form and fair outside of purity and holinesse and doth not faithfully strive to shew the power of it in his life and conversation he deludeth his own soul and doth feed it with the meer shadow of consolation and not with the substance of sound comfort which is onely found in the power of godlinesse If these or the like be the meditations of our hearts and if our affections keep at so far a distance from God and from all true goodnesse that we have scarcely any thoughts tending that way it is then no marvell if we misse the comfort which our souls desire when we are in any anguish of Spirit or under the buffetings of Satan and it is no wonder if we are sad and cast down and go mourning all the day long when the times are dangerous and full of troubles and we can hear nothing but complaining in our streets for hereby we have no support for our Faith no Anchor for our hope and no sure rock to rest upon that our souls may be truly comforted in the day of visitation Well may our spirits droup when we are peached with pain or sicknesse with wants troubles or afflictions if we ●rust onely to earthly means and comforts for we can finde nothing in them but vanity and vexation of spirit which will sooner increase our sorrowes than comfort and support us under them Wherefore if we will refresh our soul with true comfott when they are pressed with any sadnesse or sorrow we must fetch our comfort from above our delight must be to Meditate on heavenly things our hearts and affections must be taken off from these things here below and raised up to contemplate those things which concern the Kingdom of Heaven Christ and him crucified must be the subject of our Meditations if we will have any spirituall consolation and the holy Ghost is the onely means to convey this comfort to our hearts from Christ for he doth work all sanctifying graces in us which are as so many pipes wherein this heavenly liquor doth swiftly run down from Christ to us and Faith doth fasten these golden pipes unto Christ who is the Fountain of all true consolation Our repentance can give us no assurance of the Pardon of our sins unlesse Faith doth fasten it unto Christ our hope can give us no comfort in the Promises of God if Faith doth not fasten it unto Christ our patience can give us no comfort in our afflictions and tribulations except Faith doth fasten it unto Christ who hath sanctified all our afflictions by his own sufferings Thus Faith doth make these and all other saving graces effectuall and comfortable to us because it doth bring them home unto Christ Wherefore if thou hast any care of thy soul to comfort it when it is sad and heavy to feed it when it is hungry to refresh it when it is thirsty ruminate well upon these things and if thou hast any holy desire to be weaned from the love of this world and to be familiarly acquainted with God and with his Son Jesus Christ and to injoy the Communion of the holy Ghost to direct thee in the way to eternall happinesse thou must then daily exercise and practise this holy and Religious duty of zealous and devout Meditation in heavenly and spirituall things FINIS