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A72693 The booke of the common prayer and administracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche: after the vse of the Churche of England.; Liturgies. Book of common prayer Church of England. 1549 (1549) STC 16270A; ESTC S122894 224,523 337

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is the sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in God And we haue knowen beleued the loue that God hath to vs. God is loue he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him Herein is the loue perfect in vs that we should haue truste in the day of iudgemēt For as he is euen so are we in this world There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare for feare hath painefulnes He that feareth is not perfect in loue We loue him for he loued vs first If a man saye I loue God yet hate his brother he is a lyar For howe canne he that loueth not hys brother whom he hath seen loue God whome he hath not seen And this commaundement haue we of him that he whiche loueth God should loue his brother also The Gospell THere was a certaine riche man whiche was clothed in purple and fyne white fared deliciously euery day And there was a certaine begger named Lazarus which lay at his gate full of sores desiring to bee refreshed with the crummes which fel from the ryche mannes borde and no man gaue vnto hym The dogges came also licked his sores And it fortuned that the begger dyed and was caried by the Angels into Abrahams bosome The riche man also dyed and was buried And being in hell in tormentes he lift vp his iyes sawe Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome and he cryed sayd father Abraham haue mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dippe the tippe of his finger in water and coole my tonge for I am tormented in this flame But Abraham sayed Sonne remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receiuedst thy pleasure contraryewise Lazarus receiued payne But nowe is he comforted and thou art punnished Beyond all this betwene vs and you there is a great space set so that they which would go frō hence to you cannot neither may come from thence to vs Then he sayd I pray thee therfore father sende hym to my fathers house for I haue fyue brethren for to warne them leste they also come into this place of tormēt Abrahā sayd vnto him they haue Moses and the Prophetes let them heare them And he sayd nay father Abraham but if one come vnto them from the dead they will repent He sayd vnto him If thei heare not Moses and the Prophetes neither will they beleue though one rose from death agayne ¶ The second Sonday WHerwithal shal a yong man clense his waye euen by ruling himselfe after thy worde With my whole heart haue I sought thee O let me not goe wrong out of thy commaundementes Thy wordes haue I hyd within my heart that I should not sinne against thee Blessed art thou O Lorde O teache me thy statutes With my lippes haue I been tellyng of all the iudgementes of thy mouthe I haue had as great delite in the way of thy testimonies as in all maner of ryches I will talke of thy commaundementes and haue respect vnto thy wayes My delite shal be in thy statutes and I will not forget thy worde Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. LOrde make vs to haue a perpetuall feare and loue of thy holy name for thou neuer failest to helpe and gouerne them whome thou doest bring vp in thy stedfast loue Graunt this c. The epistle MArueile not my brethren though the worlde hate you We knowe that we are translated from death vnto lyfe because we loue the brethren He that loueth not his brother abideth in deathe Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a mansiear And ye know that no manslear hathe eternall lyfe abydyng in him Hereby perceyue we loue because he gaue his lyfe for vs and we ought to geue our lyues for the brethren But whoso hathe this worldes good and seeth his brother haue nede and shutteth vp his compassion from him howe dwelleth the loue of God in him My babes let vs not loue in worde neither in tonge but in dede and in veritie Hereby we knowe that we are of the veritie and canne quiet oure heartes before hym For yf oure heart condemne vs God is greater then our heart and knoweth al thinges Derely beloued if our heart condemne vs not then haue we trust to Godwarde and whatsoeuer we aske we receyue of hym because we kepe his commaundementes and doe those thinges which are pleasaunte in his sight And this is his commaundement that we beleue on the name of his sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he gaue commaundement And he that kepeth hys commaundementes dwelleth in him and he in him and hereby we knowe that he abydeth in vs euen by the spirite whiche he hath geuen vs. The Gospell A Certaine man ordayned a great supper bade many and sent his seruaunt at supper time to saye to them that were bidden come for all thinges are now ready And they al at once began to make excuse The first sayd vnto him I haue bought a farme I must nedes go and see it I pray thee haue me excused And another sayed I haue bought v. yoke of Oxen and I go to proue them I pray thee haue me excused And an other sayd I haue maried a wyfe and therfore I cannot come And the seruaunte returned and brought his maister woorde agayne therof Then was the good manne of the house displeased and sayed to his seruaunt goe out quickely into the stretes and quarters of the citie and bring in hither the poore and the feble and the halte and the blinde And the seruaunte sayde Lorde it is doone as thou hast cōmaunded yet there is roume And the Lord sayd to the seruaunt goe out vnto the hye wayes and hedges and compell them to come in that my house may be filled For I saye vnto you that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper The third Sonday O Doe wel vnto thy seruaunt that I may liue and kepe thy woorde Open thou myne eyes that I may se the wunderous thinges of thy lawe I am a straunger vpon yearthe O hyde not thy commaundementes from me My soule breaketh out for the very feruent desyre that it hath alway vnto thy iudgementes Thou hast rebuked the proude and cursed are they that doe erre from thy commaundementes O turne from me shame and rebuke for I haue kept thy testimonies Princes also did sit and speake againste me but thy seruaunt is occupyed in thy statutes For thy testimonies are my delite and my counsaylours Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goste As it was in the beginnyng is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen The Collect. LOrde we beseche thee mercifully to heare vs and vnto whome thou hast geuen an heartie desyre to pray graūt that by thy mightie ayde we may be defended through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle
to come to the holy Cōmunion of the bodie bloud of our sauiour Christ must cōsidre what S. Paule writeth to the Corinthians how he exhorteth all persones diligently to trie and examine themselues before thei presume to eate of that breade and drynke of that cup for as the benefite is great yf with a truly penitent heart and lyuely fayth we receyue that holy Sacrament for then we spiritually eate the fleshe of Christe and drynke his bloude then we dwel in Christ and Christ in vs wee bee made one with Christ Christ with vs so is the daunger great yf we receyue the same vnworthely for then wee become gyltie of the body and bloud of Christ our sauiour we eate and drynke our owne damnacion not consideryng the Lordes bodie We kindle Gods wrathe ouer vs we prouoke hym to plague vs with diuerse diseases and sondery kyndes of death Therfore yf any here be a blasphemer aduouterer or bee in malice or enuie or in any other greuous cryme excepte he be truely sory therefore and earnestly mynded to leaue the same vices and do trust hym selfe to bee reconciled to almightie God and in Charitie with all the worlde lette hym bewayle his synnes and not come to that holy table lest after the takyng of that most blessed breade the deuill enter into hym as he dyd into Iudas to fyll hym full of all iniquitie and brynge hym to destruccion bothe of body and soule Iudge therfore your selfes brethren that ye bee not iudged of the lorde Let your mynde be without desire to synne repent you truely for your synnes past haue an earnest and lyuely faith in Christe our sauior be in perfect charitie with all men so shall ye bee mete partakers of those holy misteries And aboue all thynges ye must geue moste humble and heartie thankes to God the father the sonne and the holy ghoste for the redempcion of the worlde by the death and passion of our sauior Christe both God and man who did humble hymselfe euen to the death vpon the crosse for vs miserable synners whiche laye in darknes and shadowe of death that he myghte make vs the children of God and exalte vs to euerlastyng lyfe And to th end that wee shoulde alwaye remembre the excedyng loue of oure maister and onely sauior Iesu Christe thus dying for vs and the innumerable benefites whiche by his precious bloudshedyng he hath obteigned to vs he hath lefte in those holy Misteries as a pledge of his loue and a continuall all remembraunce of thesame his owne blessed body precious bloud for vs to fed vpon spiritually to our endles comfort and consolacion To him therfore with the father and the holy ghost let vs geue as we are most bounden cōtinual thankes submitting our selfes wholy to his holy wyll and pleasure and studying to serue hym in true holines and righteousnes all the dayes of our lyfe Amen ¶ In Cathedral churches or other places where there is dailie Communion it shall be sufficient to reade this exhortacion aboue written once in a moneth And in parish churches vpon the weke daies it may be lefte vnsayed ¶ And if vpon̄ the Sonday or holy daye the people be negligent to come to the Communion Then shall the Priest earnestly exhorte his parishoners to dispose themselfes to the receiuing of the holy cōmunion more diligētly saiyng these or like wordes vnto thē DEre frendes and you especially vpon whose soules I haue cure and charge on _____ next I do intende by Gods grace to offre to all suche as shal be godlye disposed the moste comfortable Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christe to be taken of them in the remembraunce of his moste fruitfull and glorious Passion by the whiche passion we haue obteigned remission of our sinnes and be made partakers of the kyngdom of heauen whereof we bee assured and asserteigned yf wee come to the sayde Sacrament with heartie repentaunce for our offences stedfast faithe in Goddes mercye and earnest minde to obeye Goddes wyll and to offende nomore Wherefore our duetie is to come to these holy misteries with moste heartie thankes to bee geuen to almightie GOD for his infinite mercie and benefites geuen and bestowed vpon vs his vnworthie seruauntes for whom he hath not onely geuen his body to death and shed his bloude but also doth vouchsaue in a Sacrament and Mistery to geue vs his sayed bodye and bloud to feede vpon spiritually The whiche Sacrament being so Diuine and holy a thing and so comfortable to them whiche receiue it worthilye and so daungerous to them that wyll presume to take thesame vnworthely My duetie is to exhorte you in the meane season to consider the greatnes of the thing and to serche and examine your owne consciences and that not lyghtly nor after the maner of dissimulers with GOD But as they whiche shoulde come to a moste Godly and heauenly Banket not to come but in the mariage garment required of God in scripture that you may so muche as lieth in you be founde worthie to come to suche a table The waies and meanes therto is First that you be truly repentaunt of your former euill lyfe and that you confesse with an vnfained hearte to almightie God youre synnes and vnkyndnes towardes his Maiestie committed eyther by wyll worde or dede infirmitie or ignoraunce and that with inward sorowe and teares you bewaile your offences and require of almightie god mercie and pardō promising to him from the botome of your heartes thamendment of your former lyfe And emonges all others I am commaunded of God especially to moue and exhorte you to reconcile your selfes to your neyghbours whom you haue offended or who hath offended you putting out of your heartes all hatred and malice against them and to be in loue and charitie with all the worlde and to forgeue other as you would that god should forgeue you And yf any man haue doen wrong to any other let hym make satisfaccion and due restitucion of all landes goodes wrongfully taken awaye or withholden before he come to Goddes borde or at the least be in full mynde and purpose so to do assone as he is able or els let hym not come to this holy table thinking to deceiue God who seeth all mennes heartes For neyther the absolucion of the priest can any thing auayle them nor the receyuyng of this holy sacrament doth any thyng but increase their damnacion And yf there bee any of you whose conscience is troubled and greued in any thing lackyng comforte or counsaill let hym come to me or to some other discrete and learned priest taught in the lawe of God and confesse and open his sinne and griefe secretly that he maie receiue suche ghostly counsail aduise and comfort that his conscience maye be releued and that of vs as of the Ministers of GOD and of the churche he may receyue comforte and absolucion to the satisfaccion of his minde and auoydyng of all scruple and doubtfulnes
shrynking children so he was theyr sauiour In theyr troubles he was also troubled with them and the Aungell that went furth from his presence deliuered them Of very loue and kyndenes that he had vnto them he redemed them He hath borne them and caried them vp euer sence the worlde began But after they prouoked him to wrath vexed his holy mynde he was their enemy fought against them himselfe Yet remēbred Israel the olde time of Moses his people saying where is he that broughte them from the water of the sea with them that fed hys shepe where is he that hath geuen his holy spirite among them he led them by the ryghthand of Moses with hys gloryous arme deuiding the water before them wherby he gate hym selfe an euerlastyng name he led them in the depe as an horse is led in the playn that they should not stomble as a tame beast goeth in the fielde and the breath geuen of God geueth hym reste Thus O God hast thou led thy people to make thy selfe a gloryous name withall Looke down then from heauen and beholde the dwellyng place of thy sanctuary thy glory How is it that thy gelousy thy strength the multitude of thy mercies and thy louing kindnes wil not be intreated of vs yet art thou our father For Abraham knoweth vs not neither is Israell acquaynted with vs But thou Lord art oure father and redemer and thy name is euerlastyng O Lorde wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy way wherfore hast thou hardened our heartes that we feare thee not Be at one with vs agayne for thy seruauntes sake and for the generacion of thyne herytage Thy people haue had but alitle of thy Sanctuary in possession for oure enemies haue troden downe the holy place And we were thyne from the begynning when thou wast not theyr Lorde for they haue not called vpon thy name The Gospell AFter two dayes was Easter and the dayes of swete bread And the hye priestes and the Scribes sought how they myght take hym by crafte and put him to death But they sayd not in the feast day lest any busines arise among the people And whē he was at Bethanie in the house of Simon the leper euen as he sate at meate there came a woman hauyng an Alabaster boxe of oyntmente called Narde that was pure and costlye and she brake the boxe and powred it on hys heade And there were some that were not contente within themselues and sayde what neded this waste of oyntmente for it myghte haue bene solde for more then .ccc. pence and haue bene geuen vnto the poore And they grudged against her And Iesus sayde let her alone why trouble ye her She hath done a good worke on me for ye haue poore with you alwaies whensoeuer ye wyll ye maye do them good but me haue ye not alwaies She hath done that she could she came afore hande to anointe my bodye to the burying Verely I saye vnto you whersoeuer thys Gospell shal be preached throughout the whole worlde thys also that she hath doone shal be rehearsed in remembraunce of her And Iudas Iscaryoth one of the .xii. wente awaye vnto the hye Priestes to betraye hym vnto them When they heard that they were glad promised that they would geue hym money And he sought how he might cōueniently betray him And the first day of swete bread when they offered Passeouer hys disciples sayd vnto hym where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayste eate the passeouer And he sente foorthe two of hys disciples and sayde vnto them goe ye vnto the citie and there shal mete you a man bearing a pitcher of water folowe hym And whithersoeuer he goeth in say ye vnto the goodmanne of the house the maister saith where is the geast chamber where I shall eate Passeouer with my disciples And he wil shewe you a great parlor paued prepared there make ready for vs. And his dysciples went furth and came into the citie found as he had sayde vnto them and they made ready the Passeouer And when it was nowe euentide he came with the xii And as they sate at borde and did eate Iesus saide verely I say vnto you one of you that eateth with me shall betray me And they began to be sory to saye to hym one by one is it I an other sayd is it I he aunswered sayd vnto them it is one of the .xii. euē he that dippeth with me in the platter The sonne of man truely goeth as it is written of hym but woe to that man by whome the sonne of man is betrayed Good were it for that man if he had neuer bene borne And as they did eate Iesus toke bread when he had geuen thankes he brake it and gaue to them and sayd Take eate thys is my body And he toke the cup and when he had geuen thankes he toke it to them and they all dranke of it And he said vnto thē This is my bloud of the newe testamente whyche is shed for many Verely I saye vnto you I wil drynke no more of the fruite of the vine vntyll that day that I drynke it newe in the kyngdome of God And when they had sayde grace they wente oute to mounte Olyuete And Iesus sayeth vnto them al ye shal be offended because of me thys nighte For it is written I will smite the shepeheard the shepe shal be scatered but after that I am risen again I wil go into Galile before you Peter said vnto him though al men be offēded yet wil not I. And Iesus saith vnto him verely I say vnto thee that this day euen in this night before y e cocke krow twise thou shalt deny me thre times But he spake more vehemētly no if I should die with thee I wyl not denye thee Likewise also said they all And they came into a place which was named Gethsemany and he sayde to hys discyples sit ye here whyle I goe asyde and praye And he taketh with hym Peter and Iames Iohn and began to waxe abashed and to be man agony and said vnto them My soule is heauy euen vnto the death tary ye here and watche And he went foorth a litle and fell down flat on the grounde and prayed that if it were possible the houre might passe from hym And he sayde Abba father al thinges are possible vnto thee take away this cup frō me neuerthelesse not that I wil but that thou wilte bee doone And he came and founde them sleping and sayth to Peter Simon slepest thou Couldest not thou watche one houre watche ye and pray lest ye enter into temptacion the spirite truely is ready but the fleshe is weake And agayn he went asyde and prayed and spake thesame wordes And he returned and founde them aslepe agayne for theyr eyes were heauie neither wiste they what to aunswere hym And he came the thirde tyme and sayd vnto them
aboundauntly ¶ Trinitie Sonday ¶ At Matyns The first lesson Gene. xviii vnto the ende The seonde lesson Math. iii. vnto the ende ¶ At the communion GOd be mercifull vnto vs and blesse vs and shewe vs the lyght of his countenaunce and be mercifull vnto vs. That thy way may be knowen vpon earth thy sauing health among all nacions Let the people prayse the O God yea let all the people prayse thee O let nacions reioyce be glad for thou shalt iudge the folke righteously and gouerne the nacions vpō earth Let the people prayse thee O God let all the people prayse thee Then shall the earth bryng forth her increase and God euen our owne God shall geue vs his blessyng God shall blesse vs and all the endes of the world shall feare hym Glory be to the father c. As it was in the begynning c. The Collect. ALmighty and euerlastyng god which haste geuen vnto vs thy seruauntes grace by the confession of a true fayth to acknowlege the glory of the eternal trinitie and in the power of the diuyne maiestie to wurship the vnitie we beseche thee that through the stedfastnes of this fayth we may euermore be defended from all aduersitie whiche liuest and reignest one God worlde with out ende The Epistle AFter this I looked and behold a doore was open in heauen the firste voice which I heard was as it were of a trōpet talking with me which sayd come vp hither and I wyll shewe thee thinges which must be fulfilled hereafter And immediatly I was in the spirite And behold a seate was sette in heauen and one sate on the seate And he that sate was to looke vpon lyke vnto a Iasper stone and a Sardyne stone And there was a rayne bowe about the seate in sight lyke vnto an Emeraulde And aboute the seate were .xxiiii. seates And vpon the seates .xxiiii. Elders sitting clothed in white rayment and had on their heades crownes of golde And out of the seate proceded lyghtnynges and thunderynges and voyces there were vii lampes of fyre burnyng before the seate whiche are the .vii. spirites of God And before the seate there was a sea of glasse lyke vnto Christall and in the myddes of the seate and rounde about the seate were .iiii. beastes full of iyes before and behynde And the fyrste beaste was lyke a Lyon and the second beast lyke a calfe and the third beast had a face as a man and the fourth beast was lyke a flying Egle. And the .iiii. beastes had eche one of them syxe wynges about him and they were ful of iyes within And they had no rest day neyther night saying Holy holy holy Lord God almighty which was and is and is to come And when those beastes gaue glorye and honour and thankes to hym that sate on the seate whiche lyueth for euer and euer the .xxiiii. elders fell downe before hym that sate on the throne and worshypped hym that lyueth for euer and cast their crounes before the throne saying thou art worthy O Lord our God to receiue glory and honor and power for thou haste created all thinges and for thy willes sake they are and were created The Gospell THere was a manne of the Phariseis named Nicodemus a ruler of the Iewes Thesame came to Iesus by nyght sayd vnto him Rabby we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no mā could doe suche miracles as thou doest excepte God were with him Iesus answered and sayd vnto him Verely verely I saye vnto thee except a man be borne from aboue he cannot see the kingdome of God Nicodemus sayed vnto him howe can a man be borne when he is olde can he enter into his mothers wombe and bee borne agayne Iesus answered verely verely I say vnto thee except a man be borne of water and of the spirite he cannot entre into the kyngdome of God That whiche is borne of the fleshe is fleshe and that whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Maruayle not thou that I sayed to thee ye must bee borne from aboue The wynde bloweth where it lusteth thou hearest the sounde therof but canst not tell whence it commeth and whither it goeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite Nicodemus answered and sayed vnto hym howe can these thinges be Iesus answered and sayd vnto him art thou a maister in Israel and knowest not these thinges Verely verely I say vnto thee we speake that we do knowe and testifie that we haue seen and ye receyue not our witnes If I haue told you yearthly thinges and ye beleue not howe shall ye beleue yf I tell you of heauenly thynges And no manne ascendeth vp to heauen but he that came downe from heauen euen the sonne of manne whiche is in heauen And as Moses lift vp the serpent in the wildernes euen so muste the Sonne of man be lift vp that whosoeuer beleueth in hym perishe not but haue euerlasting lyfe ¶ The first Sonday after Trinitie Sonday BLessed are those that be vndefiled in the way and walke in the lawe of the Lorde Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies and seke him with theyr whole heart For they which do no wickednes walke in his wayes Thou haste charged that we shall diligentlye kepe thy commaundementes O that my wayes were made so direct that I myght kepe thy statutes So shall I not be confounded while I haue respect vnto all thy commaundementes I will thanke thee with an vnfayned heart when I shall haue learned the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnes I will kepe thy ceremonies O forsake me not vtterly Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. GOd the strength of all them that truste in thee mercyfully accepte our prayers And because the weakenes of our mortall nature can do no good thing without thee graunte vs the helpe of thy grace that in kepyng of thy commaundementes we may please thee bothe in will and dede through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle DEarely beloued let vs loue one another for loue commeth of God And euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God He that loueth not knoweth not God for God is loue In this appeared the loue of God to vs ward because that God sent his onlye begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght lyue through him Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs sent his sonne to be the agremēt for our synnes Dearely beloued if God so loued vs we ought also to loue one another No mā hath seen God at any time If we loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfecte in vs. Hereby knowe we that we dwell in hym and he in vs because he hathe geuen vs of his spirite And we haue seen and do testifie that the father sent the sonne to be the sauiour of the worlde whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus
his Angels and preuayled not neither was theyr place found any more in heauen And the great Dragon that olde serpent called the deuill and Sathanas was cast out whiche deceiueth all the worlde And he was cast into the earth and his Angels were cast out also with him And I heard a loude voyce saying in heauē is nowe made saluacion and strength and the kyngdom of our God and the power of his Christ For the accuser of our brethren is cast downe whiche accused them before our God day and night And they ouercame hym by the bloud of the lambe and by the worde of their testimony and they loued not their liues vnto the death Therfore reioyce heauens and ye that dwell in them Woe vnto the inhabitours of the earth and of the sea for the deuill is come downe vnto you which hath great wrathe because he knoweth that he hathe but a shorte tyme. The Gospell AT thesame time came the disciples vnto Iesus saying who is the greatest in the kyngdome of heauen Iesus called a childe vnto hym and sette hym in the myddest of them and sayed Verely I saye vnto you excepte ye turne and become as children ye shall not entre into the kyngdome of heauen Whosoeuer therfore humbleth hymselfe as this childe thesame is the greatest in the kyngdome of heauen And whosoeuer receyueth suche a childe in my name receiueth me But whoso doth offende one of these lytleons whiche beleue in me it were better for hym that a milstone were hanged aboute his necke and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea Woe vnto the worlde because of offences necessary it is that offences come But woe vnto the manne by whom the offence cometh Wherfore yf thy hande or thy foote hynder thee cut him of and cast it from thee It is better for thee to entre into lyfe halt or maimed rather then thou shouldest hauing two hādes or two fete be cast into euerlasting fyre And yf thine iye offende thee plucke it out and cast it from thee It is better for thee to entre into life with one iye rather then hauing .ij. iyes to be cast into hell fyre Take hede that ye despise not one of these lytleons For I saye vnto you that in heauen theyr Angels doe alwayes beholde the face of my father whiche is in heauen ¶ Sainct Luke Euangelist BY the waters of Babylon we sate downe wept when we remembred thee O Sion As for our harpes we hanged them vp vpon the trees that are therin For they that led vs away captiue required of vs then a song and melodye in our heauines syng vs one of the songes of Sion Howe shall we syng the Lordes song in a straunge lande If I forget thee O Ierusalem let my ryght hande forget her cunning If I doe not remembre thee let my tong cleaue to the rose of my mouth yea yf I preferre not Ierusalem in my myrth Remembre the chyldren of Edom O Lorde in the day of Ierusalem howe they sayed downe with it downe with it euen to the grounde O daughter of Babylon wasted with miserie yea happye shal he be that rewardeth thee as thou hast serued vs. Blessed shall he be that taketh thy chyldren and throweth them against the stones Glorye be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. ALmightie God whiche calledst Luke the phisicion whose prayse is in the gospell to be a phisicion of the soule it may please thee by the holsome medicines of his doctrine to heale al the diseases of oure soules through thy sonne Iesus Christe oure Lorde The Epistle WAtche thou in all thinges suffre affliccions doe the worke throughly of an Euangelist fulfyll thyne office vnto the vtmoste be sobre For I am nowe ready to be offred and the tyme of my departing is at hād I haue fought a good fyght I haue fulfilled my course I haue kept the faith Frō hencefurth there is layed vp for me a crowne of righteousnes whiche the Lorde that is a righteous iudge shal geue me at that day not to me only but vnto all them also that loue his comming Doe thy diligence that thou mayst come shortly vnto me For Demas hath forsaken me and loueth this presente worlde and is departed vnto Thessalonica Crescens is gone to Galacia Titus vnto Dalmacia only Lucas is with me Take Marke and bring him with thee for he is profitable vnto me for the ministracion And Tychicus haue I sent to Ephesus The cloke that I left at Troada with Carpus when thou commest bring with thee and the bookes but specially the parchement Alexander the coppersmith did me muche euill the Lord rewarde hym accordyng to his dedes of whom be thou ware also For he hath greatly withstande our wordes The Gospell THe Lorde appointed other seuenty and two also and sente them two and two before hym into euery citie and place whither he hymselfe woulde come Therfore saied he vnto them the haruest is greate but the labourers are fewe Praye ye therfore the Lorde of the haruest to sende furthe labourers into his haruest Go your wayes beholde I sende you foorth as lambes among wolues Beare no wallet neyther scrip nor shoes and salute no man by the waye into whatsoeuer house ye entre fyrst saye peace be to this house And yf the sonne of peace be there your peace shal rest vpon him if not it shal returne to you agayne And in thesame house tary styll eating and drinkyng suche as they geue For the labourer is worthy of his reward ¶ Symon and Iude Apostles O Prayse God in his holynes prayse hym in the firmament of his power Prayse him in his noble actes prayse hym accordyng to his excellent greatnesse Prayse hym in the sounde of the trumpet prayse hym vpon the lute and harpe Prayse hym in the cymbales and daunse prayse hym vpon the stringes and pipe Prayse hym vpon the well tuned cymbales prayse hym vpon the loud cymbales Let euery thing that hath breth prayse the lord Glorye be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. ALmightie God whiche hast builded the congregacion vpon the foundacion of the Apostles and prophetes Iesu Christ hymselfe beyng the head corner stone graunte vs so to bee ioyned together in vnitie of spirite by theyr doctrine that we maye be made an holye temple acceptable to thee through Iesu Christe oure Lorde The Epistle IVdas the seruaunte of Iesu Christe the brother of Iames to them whiche are called and sanctified in God the father preserued in Iesu Christe Mercy vnto you and peace and loue be multiplied Beloued when I gaue all diligence to wryte vnto you of the common saluacion it was nedefull for me to write vnto you to exhort you that ye shoulde continuallye laboure in the faith whiche was once geuen
requiryng suche as shal be satisfied with a generall confession not to be offended with them that do vse to their further satisfying the auriculer and secrete confession to the Priest nor those also whiche thinke nedefull or conuenient for the quietnes of their owne consciences particulerly to open theyr sinnes to the Priest to be offended with them that are satisfyed with their humble confession to GOD and the generall confession to the churche But in all thinges to folowe and kepe the rule of charitie and euery man to be satisfyed with his owne conscience not iudging other mennes mindes or consciences where as he hath no warrant of Goddes word to thesame ¶ Then shall folowe for the Offertory one or mo of these Sentences of holy scripture to be song whiles the people dooe offer or els one of theim to bee saied by the minister immediatly afore the offeryng Let your light so shine before mē that they may see your good woorkes and glorify your father which is in heauen Laye not vp for your selues treasure vpon the yearth where the ruste and mothe dothe corrupte and where theues breake through and steale But laie vp for your selfes treasures in heauen where neyther ruste nor mothe dothe corrupt and where theues do not breake through nor steale Whatsoeuer you woulde that menne shoulde doe vnto you euen so do you vnto them for this is the lawe and the Prophetes Not euery one that sayeth vnto me lorde lorde shall entre into the kyngdome of heauen but he that dothe the will of my father whiche is in heauen Zache stode furthe and sayed vnto the Lorde beholde Lorde the halfe of my goodes I geue to the poore and yf I haue doen any wronge to any man I restore foure folde Who goeth a warfare at any tyme at his owne coste who planteth a vineiarde and eateth not of the fruite therof Or who fedethe a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke If we haue sowen vnto you spirituall thinges is it a great matter yf we shall reape your worldly thinges Dooe ye not knowe that they whiche minister aboute holy thinges lyue of the Sacrifice They whiche waite of the alter are partakers with the alter euen so hath the lorde also ordained that they whiche preache the Gospell shoulde liue of the Gospell He whiche soweth litle shall reape litle and he that soweth plēteously shall reape plenteously Let euery manne doe accordynge as he is disposed in his hearte not grudgyngly or of necessitie for God loueth a chereful geuer Let hym that is taughte in the woorde minister vnto hym that teacheth in all good thinges Be not deceyued GOD is not mocked For whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he reape While we haue tyme let vs doe good vnto all men and specially vnto them whiche are of the housholde of fayth Godlynes is greate riches yf a man be contented with that he hath For we broughte nothyng into the worlde neither maye we cary any thing out Charge them whiche are riche in this worlde that they be ready to geue and glad to distribute laying vp in stoare for themselues a good foundacion against the time to come that they maie attain eternall lyfe GOD is not vnrighteous that he will forgette youre woorkes and labor that procedeth of loue whiche loue ye haue shewed for his names sake whiche haue ministred vnto the sainctes and yet do minister To do good and to distribute forget not for with suche Sacrifices God is pleased Whoso hath this worldes good and seeth his brother haue nede and shutteth vp his compassion from hym how dwelleth the loue of God in him Geue almose of thy goodes and turne neuer thy face from any poore man and then the face of the lord shall not be turned awaye from thee Bee mercifull after thy power if thou haste muche geue plenteously yf thou hast litle do thy diligence gladly to geue of that litle for so gathereste thou thy selfe a good rewarde in the daie of necessitie He that hath pitie vpon the poore lendeth vnto the Lord loke what he laieth out it shal be paied him again Blessed be the man that prouideth for the sicke and nedy the lorde shall deliuer hym in the tyme of trouble Where there be Clearkes thei shall syng one or many of the sentences aboue written accordyng to the length and shortenesse of the tyme that the people be offeryng In the meane tyme whyles the Clearkes do syng the Offertory so many as are disposed shall offer to the poore mennes boxe euery one accordynge to his habilitie and charitable mynde And at the offeryng daies appoynted euery manne and woman shall paie to the Curate the due and accustomed offerynges Then so many as shal bee partakers of the holy Communion shall tarye still in the quire or in some conueniente place nigh the quire the men on the one side and the women on the other syde All other that mynde not to receiue the said holy Communion shall departe out of the quire except the ministers and Clearkes Than shall the minister take so muche Breade and Wine as shall suffice for the persons appoynted to receiue the holy Communion laiyng the breade vpon the corporas or els in the paten or in some other comely thyng prepared for that purpose And putting y e wine into the Chalice or els in some faire or conueniente cup prepared for that vse if the Chalice wil not serue puttyng therto a litle pure and cleane water And setting both the bread and wyne vpon the Alter Then the Prieste shall saye The Lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite Priest Lift vp your heartes Aunswere We lift them vp vnto the Lorde Priest Let vs geue thankes to our Lorde God Aunswere It is mete and right so to do The Priest IT is very mete righte and our bounden dutie that we shoulde at all tymes and in all places geue thankes to thee O Lorde holy father almightie euerlasting God ¶ Here shall folowe the propre preface accordyng to the tyme if there bee any specially appointed or els immediatly shall folowe Therfore with Aungels c. ❧ PROPRE ❧ Prefaces ¶ Vpon Christmas daye BEcause thou diddeste geue Iesus Christe thyne onely sonne to be borne as this daie for vs who by the operaciō of the holy ghoste was made very man of the substaunce of the Virgin Mary his mother that without spotte of sinne to make vs cleane from all sinne Therfore c. ¶ Vpon Easter daie BVt chiefly are we bounde to prayse thee for the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde for he is the very Pascall Lambe whiche was offered for vs and hath taken awaye the synne of the worlde who by his death hath destroyed death and by his risyng to lyfe againe hath restored to vs euerlastinge lyfe Therefore c. ¶ Vpon the Assencion daye
Lorde so commeth thynges to passe blessed be the name of the Lorde When they come at the graue whyles the Corps is made ready to be layed into the earth the priest shall saye orels the priest and clearkes shall syng MAnne that is borne of a woman hath but a shorte tyme to lyue and is full of misery he cummeth vp and is cut downe lyke a floure he flyeth as it were a shadowe and neuer continueth in one staye ¶ In the myddest of lyfe we be in death of whom may we seke for succour but of thee O Lorde which for our sinnes iustly art moued yet O Lorde God moste holy O Lorde moste mighty O holy and moste mercifull sauiour deliuer vs not into the bytter paynes of eternall death Thou knowest Lorde the secretes of our heartes shutte not vp thy mercyfull iyes to oure prayers But spare vs Lorde moste holy O God moste mighty O holy and mercifull sauiour thou moste worthy iudge eternal suffre vs not at our last houre for any paynes of death to fall from thee Then the priest castyng earth vpon the Corps shall saye I Commende thy soule to God the father almightie and thy body to the grounde earth to earth asshes to asshes dust to dust in sure and certaine hope of resurreccion to eternall lyfe through our Lorde Iesus Christe who shall chaunge oure vile body that it may be lyke to his gloryous body according to the mighty workyng wherby he is hable to subdue al thinges to himselfe Then shal be sayed or song I Heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto me Write blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord. Euen so sayeth the spirite that they rest from their labours Let vs pray WE commend into thy hādes of mercy most mercifull father the soule of this our brother departed N. And his body we commit to the earth beseching thine infinite goodnesse to geue vs grace to lyue in thy feare and loue and to dye in thy fauour that when the iudgemente shall come whiche thou haste committed to thy welbeloued sonne both this oure brother and we may be found acceptable in thy sight and receyue that blessing whiche thy welbeloued sonne shall then pronounce to all that loue and feare thee saying Come ye blessed children of my father Receyue the kyngdome prepared for you before the beginning of the worlde Graunt this mercifull father for the honour of Iesu Christe our onely sauior mediator and aduocate Amen This prayer shall also be added ALmightye God we geue thee hertie thankes for this thy seruaunt whom thou hast deliuered from the miseries of this wretched worlde from the bodye of death and all temptacion And as we trust haste brought his soule which he committed into thy holy handes into sure consolacion and rest Graunt we beseche thee that at the daye of iudgemente hys soule and all the soules of thy elect departed out of thys lyfe may with vs and we with them fullye receyue thy promisses and bee made perfite altogether thorowe the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde These psalmes with other suffrages folowing are to be sayde in the churche either before or after the buriall of the corps I Am well pleased that the lorde hath hearde the voyce of my prayer That he hath enclined his eare vnto me therfore will I call vpon him as long as I liue The snares of death compased me round about and the paynes of hel gatte hold vpon me I shal finde trouble and heauines and I shall call vpon the name of the Lorde O Lorde I beseche thee deliuer my soule Gracious is the lord and righteous yea our god is mercifull The lorde preserueth the simple I was in misery and he helped me Turne agayn then vnto thy rest O my soule for the lord hath rewarded thee And why thou hast deliuered my soule from death mine eyes from teares and my feete from falling I will walke before the lorde in the lande of the liuyng I beleued therefore will I speake but I was sore troubled I sayde in my haste all men are lyers What rewarde shall I geue vnto the lorde for all the benefites that he hath done vnto me I wil receiue the cup of saluacion and cal vpon the name of the Lorde I wil pay my vowes now in the presence of all his people right dere in the sight of y e lorde is the death of hys saintes Beholde O Lorde how that I am thy seruaunt I am thy seruaunt and the sonne of thy handemayde thou haste broken my bondes in sunder I will offer to thee the sacrifyce of thankes geuyng and will call vpon the name of the Lorde I will pay my vowes vnto the lorde in the syghte of all hys people in the courtes of the Lordes house euen in the middest of thee O Hierusalem Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. O Lorde thou hast searched me out and knowen me Thou knowest my downsitting and mine vprising thou vnderstandest my thoughtes long before Thou arte about my path and about my bed and spyeste out all my wayes For loe there is not a woorde in my tongue but thou O Lorde knowest it altogether Thou hast fashioned me behynde and before and layed thyne hande vpon me Such knowlage is to woonderfull and excellente for me I cannot attayne vnto it Whither shall I goe then from thy spirite or whither shall I goe then from thy presence If I clime vp into heauen thou art there If I goe down to hell thou art there also If I take the winges of the morning and remaine in the vttermost partes of the sea Euen there also shall thy hande leade me and thy ryght hande shall holde me If I say peraduenture the derkenes shal couer me then shall my night be turned to day Yea the darkenes is no darkenes with thee but the night is all cleare as the day the darkenes and lyght to thee are both a lyke For my reines are thyne thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe I wil geue thankes vnto thee for I am fearfully and wunderously made marueilous are thy woorkes and that my soule knoweth ryghte well My bones are not hyd from thee though I bee made secretly and fashioned beneath in the yearth Thyne eyes did see my substaunce yet beyng vnperfect and in thy booke were all my members written Whiche daye by daye were fashioned when as yet there was none of them How deare are thy counsels vnto me O God O howe great is the summe of them If I tell them they are moe in noumbre then the sande when I wake vp I am present with thee Wilt thou not sley the wicked O God departe from me ye bloud thristie men For they speake vnrighteously against thee and thine enemies take thy name in vaine Do not I hate them O Lorde that hate thee and am not I greued with those that ryse vp agaynst thee Yea I hate