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A56746 A practical discourse of repentance rectifying the mistakes about it, especially such as lead either to despair or presumption ... and demonstrating the invalidity of a death-bed repentance / by William Payne ... Payne, William, 1650-1696. 1693 (1693) Wing P907; ESTC R35391 226,756 585

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out the fierceness of his anger upon them and they drink of the cup of his fury and feel his wrath and indignation many a sinner has done this and cryed out in the Anguish of his Soul Thy wrath lyeth hard upon me Psal 88.7 Thy fierce wrath goeth over me thy terrors have cut me off ver 16. Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me and horror hath overwhelmed me Psal 55.5 Thine arrows stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore Psal 38.2 Who knoweth the power of thine anger even according to thy fear so is thy wrath Psal 90.11 For we are consumed by thine anger and by thy wrath are we troubled ver 7. God who is a Spirit as he can convey secret and unspeakable comfort into our Souls so he can impress intolerable and unspeakable horrors upon them and who is able to bear the weight of his Anger or endure the sense of his Wrath and Indignation In his Pleasure and Favour is Life and in his Anger is a double Death to the Soul The inward Sensation and Perception of Gods Love is the ohiefest joy and happyness to a Soul either in this World or the other and the Sense and Perception of his Anger is the greatest Misery God the fountain of all Happiness doth diffuse and communicate such a Peace Joy Comfort to good Souls such an inward Taste and Relish of Spiritual Pleasure and Delight as is unspeakable past understanding called joy in the holy Ghost and is no doubt the sweetest and most affecting pleasure a Soul is capable of this the Angels and blessed Spirits above enjoy and are transported with the most ravishing Sense and Rapturous Impressions of it and 't is what makes Heaven to them and a little foretaste of it when God lifts up the light of his countenance upon us when a pious Soul tasts and sees how good and gracious God is this puts more gladness in the heart than Corn and wine and oyl and all worldly enjoyments now on the contrary when God hides his face and withdraws his loving-kindness and imprints a strong sense of his Wrath and Anger upon the Mind this is the utmost and the deepest Misery this gives the bitterest sense of Evil fills it with the greatest horrors sinks it into the deepest gulph the bottomless Pit of Misery and is the very Punishment and Hell of the damned How happy is it then to be Reconciled to God by Repentance whom we had angred and provoked by our sins before we feel any of this and before his Wrath and Anger is poured out upon us it will certainly fall upon every Sinner some time or other unless he Repents for God though he defers his Anger for some time that his Goodness and long-suffering may lead us to Repentance yet his abused Love Patience and Mercy will turn to greater Wrath and Fury if we persist in our sins and in a course of impenitency As 't is a very terrible thing to have the great God our Enemy and he certainly is so whilst we are in a state of Sin so 't is the comfortablest thought in the World and what will alone make us happy to be Assured that he is our Friend and that we are in a State of Favour with him upon our Repentance THE CONCLVSION To Conclude As all general Christian Duties are meant by Repentance so all general Christian-Priviledges and Benefits belong to it and are the Rewards of it for as Repentance is the same thing in Scripture with Conversion Regeneration the New Birth the New Creature the New Man and the like those different words and figurative expressions denoting only the same duty importing the great Change and Alteration made upon the Mind and Life of a Sinner by the power of Grace and Religion So all the benefits and priviledges of Christianity such as Election Adoption Pardon Justification at present and Glorification afterwards which are free and gratuitous acts in God granting and bestowing those Favours upon us for Christs sake upon our being duely qualified and fitted to receive them These all belong to those who have truly Repented and become good Men and to none else For God hath only Chosen Adopted Pardoned Justified and will Glorifie such and no other and till we have Repented we have no good claim or title to any of those Our being in a good State towards God which is the thing meant by all those Phrases under some different considerations is on our side wholly owing to our true Repentance and Obedience and it is all lost and forfeited by our Impenitency and Disobedience which on the contrary make us the Children of Wrath the Children of the Devil and Heirs of Damnation put us into the worst Spiritual State of Reprobation Obduration and Excecation according to the degrees of our Sins and Impenitence and into that of Condemnation it self which is the word that directly answers to that of Justification All those Scriptural Phrases and Expressions of a good State belong to Repentance and to the true Christian Penitent and all those which signifie a bad one belong as truly to Wickedness and Impenitence for though without the Free-Grace and Mercy of God in and thorough Christ we could not be put into any such good State nor have a title to any such Priviledges meerly by vertue of our Repentance or any thing we could do yet to suppose that God will put us into those states without any regard to our own Actions or not upon the account of them is to destroy all Religion all Divine Government all Future Judgment and all Rewards and Punishments in another World I might clear and illustrate and enlarge upon these had not this Discourse already swelled upon my hands into too great a bulk and did they not run into something of Controversie which I would carefully avoid I shall therefore only give this last Advice to the Penitent who hath brought himself by the Grace of God into this Good and Happy State that when he is thus got out of the Paths of Death and of Sin into those of Life and Vertue that he would go on and proceed in the new and right way he is in and make a speedy and further progress in all Piety and Goodness that like St. Paul forgetting those things which are behind and reaching unto those which are before he may follow and apprehend them and so press forward towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus Phil. 3.13 14. that now he is become a Christian in good earnest he would more zealously promote that Religion which he opposed and was an enemy to before and show he is a true Convert by his zeal and earnestness against Vice and Irreligion that he would make all amends he can for his past miscarriages by doing the greatest good he is able by serving God and his Glory more heartily and thus loving much because much is forgiven him so that where sin abounded grace
and a speedy Repentance from all our Sins because upon our doing this we have the Blood of Christ and the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God to deliver us from all Sin That which the World was so anxiously so concernedly and yet so vainly seeking after before that is only to be had and only made known by the Gospel Revelation the full and perfect and certain Expiation of Guilt which is the greatest Argument and Encouragement to Repentance for without that 't is not all our Repentance will take away our past Guilt 't is not our greatest sorrow or most penitent tears will wash away the stains and guilt of our Sins unless they are mixt with and have all their vertue from the Blood of Christ and 't is not they indeed or any thing we can do that has any proper vertue or efficacy to do this but only the Sacrifice of Christ Repentance is a necessary disposition and qualification in us without which no Sacrifice can be available to us if it does not as the Scripture speaks Purge our Consciences and so purifie as well as atone which is a strong Consideration to enforce this Duty because without it we lose all the benefit of this Sacrifice but 't is not our Repentance that can either purchase or procure or pay for our Pardon or that can any way challenge or upon any account merit or pretend a right to it be it never so exact for by what rules of Justice does it discharge our past arrears of wickedness though we stop now and run no further on in the score What do we more by leaving our Sins and becoming good now than we ought always to have done and always were obliged to or how shall we make that which is past and done to be undone as it were and the old account to be blotted out and the past Guilt done away 'T is only the Meritorious Sacrifice of Christ can do this and whether God could do this without any Sacrifice I will not dispute because I know not the Measures of the Divine Government nor the Secrets of his Wisdom and Counsel but by a Sacrifice it is much better obtained and assured to us as being granted upon the account of something that was given in stead of it and that is worth it indeed in fair Justice for so was the Blood of the Son of God of equal value to the Souls of all Mankind tho' I acknowledge it depends upon the free pleasure of the Governour to accept or refuse such a satisfaction and compensation as was made by that or by any Sacrifice yet all this being transacted in such a Method being granted upon a valuable Consideration and being made over to us by a formal Covenant and standing Agreement ratified and sealed by the Blood of Christ as well as a bare Promise So that by all these immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lye we might have strong consolation Heb. 6.18 we have hereby the greatest comfort the highest satisfaction and assurance in the World given us of that which we can never be too much assured of and which is of the nearest and closest concern to us in the World the Pardon of our Sins and the Expiation of all our Guilt which is only to be had and only fully discovered by the Gospel and 't is indeed the greatest thing in which the Gospel consists as 't is different from Natural Religion 3. From hence namely from the Sacrifice and Death of Christ arise new Motives and fresh and most endearing Obligations to perfwade all Christians to repent and leave their Sins The very Nature of a Sacrifice carries these in it and was designed to offer the strongest Motives against Sin at the same time that it procures Pardon for it It is the wisest expedient that could ever be thought of to show Justice and Severity and yet Mercy and Clemency at the fame time to put a Governour into those two different Capacities both at once to forgive and yet to punish the same person and to show him to be neither too easie nor yet implacable but by an admirable temper and mixture of two Vertues and two Passions that seem contrary to one another it finds out a way to spare the Man and yet show the greatest displeasure to his Sin neither to suffer the Guilty to perish nor yet the Guilt to be unpunished so that hereby the greatness of the Guilt and the greatness of Gods Anger is as visible against the Sin in the sufferings of the Sacrifice as if the offender himself had suffered and we have Reasons to dread it the more even because it is forgiven us but we have stronger Reasons I think to do this out of gratitude to that dear Person who was pleased to become a Sacrifice for us and from the consideration of his Love and what he has done for us we have most particular and strong engagements to leave our Sins For 't is the highest ingratitude and the most disobliging thing to him that can be to continue in them who suffered for this very end that he might redeem us from all iniquity and cleanse us from all our sins 't is a spoiling all his great undertaking for us making void his Passion in effect and making his Blood to be but like common Water spilt upon the ground and yet 't is a renewing his Passion at the same time A crucifying to our selves the Son of God afresh and putting him to an open shame Heb. 6.6 'T is like running the Spear again into his Side making new Wounds in his Breast and pricking him to the very Heart 't is doing that which is more displeasing to him than his very Cross which he willingly underwent rather than we should live and dye in our Sins Look then O unworthy and impenitent Christian upon thy Saviour offering up himself a Sacrifice for thee and consider what a mighty Argument his Death is to perswade thee to Repent Do not thy Sins look terrible when thou seest them through the Blood of Christ and canst thou have any hopes that God who spared not his own Son will spare thee if thou continuest in them And how great are the Characters of his Love which are there written in his own Blood and will not so much Love prevail upon thee to leave thy Sins were there nothing else How does thy dying Saviour with his expanded Arms and his Head hanging down beseech and intreat thee and speak to thee as it were from every gaping Wound in his broken Body to forsake and renounce those Sins which crucified him and for which he dyed And if with the belief of a Christian thou hast but the Passions of a Man this cannot but strongly affect and move thee 4. Christianity and the Gospel set forth and shew us the true Nature and Evil of our Sins in a better light and by greater considerations than Mankind had before Sin was alwayes known to be a weakness and
an irresistible force and impulse which shall do all this in an instant and convert a Sinner in a moment No this must be done gradually and successively by the bringing in of other thoughts dispositions inclinations and practices by a kindly and gentle influence upon our Minds the Spirit descending like rain or shedding its Vertue like dew upon our Hearts and so bringing forth the fruits of Repentance in us not like a violent stream or a mighty torrent bearing down all immediately before it The Spirit of God which is compared in Scripture to the winds blowing where we see the effects though we discern not the cause does not by a sudden gust like a hurricane convert a Sinner and turn him from his Sins in such a manner as a tree is torn up by the roots with a violent tempest but by a fresh and gentle gale it carries the Sinner from Vice to Vertue by filling his Mind with new thoughts and strongly moving and determining him the right way and secretly inclining his Mind to choose and his Understanding to see and consider what is his true Interest and Happiness and by an inward energy and vertue as a principle of Life acts secretly and undiscernably upon all our Faculties changing our thoughts desires and affections and working upon our Minds though in a way agreeable to our Rational Faculties yet by a Power superiour and superadded to them And now let every Sinner consider what great Motives and Encouragements and so what Obligations he hath to Repent by the Gospel how powerfully and how endearingly by Motives both of Love and Fear Christ doth there call Sinners to Repentance It was his great work and for this purpose he came into the World to recover lost and undone Mankind and to rescue them from that state of Sin and Misery they were in and to restore them to a state of Vertue and Happiness This was a design worthy Christs coming into the World and all the mysterious dispensation of Christianity 7. And this is of such absolute necessity and importance to us that 't is impossible we can otherwise escape Misery and not perish inevitably God when he would show the greatest Mercy and Kindness to us in the World and demonstrate his Love to us in the highest manner as he hath done by the Gospel yet hath there told us that except we repent we shall all certainly perish Luke 13.5 This is the perpetual and indispensable condition upon which alone we must expect any benefit by Christ and the Gospel this is as low as God can go with us Perfect and uninterrupted Obedience all our lives is his due and when we have broken that and he compounds with us and accepts of Partial and Renewed Obedience instead of Entire i. e. of Repentance and returning to our Duty instead of keeping alwayes to it this is the utmost favour can be expected from him or that he can grant to us and Repentance is the only way by which it is possible for a Sinner to escape Wrath and Damnation This I shall a little clear and make out and then perswade to this Duty of Repentance from the absolute necessity of it 1. Then 't is this alone can consist with the Wisdom and Honour of God as he is Governour of the World God as he is a Being of Infinite Goodness and Compassion to his Creatures so he is a very Wise and Prudent Governour of the World and therefore though like a merciful Prince out of the Goodness of his Nature and the tender Inclinations he has for all his Subjects he is ready to shew all Mercy and Clemency to those that have offended him yet if he should do this too easily without any security of their good behaviour for the future or any care and provision for their better Obedience it would not a little reflect upon the Wisdom of his Government and represent him as too soft and easie a Being and render his Authority in time cheap and contemptible It would not only loosen the reins of Government but be a letting them go out of his hands and throwing them upon the necks of his insolent and rebellious Vassals if without any tyes or obligations for the future or letting them know upon what conditions they should be capable of his favour and continue in it he should take off all the Punishment their past Crimes had deserved this would be to encourage them to commit new ones and give them just grounds to hope for an absolute and perpetual impunity Should God have granted by the Gospel or any other way such an Unconditional Charter of Mercy and Pardon this would have certainly destroyed that very Power by which he granted it and such a Privilege or Concession as it would greatly have reflected upon his Honour so it would have quite undermined his Authority it would have been a resigning up his Throne and a laying his Crown at the feet of his own insolent Rebels For what would have remain'd to him of Power to Govern or to Punish if he had done this If he had set out a standing Act of Grace and Mercy to all Sinners without any Condition or Proviso that they turn from their Wickedness which they had committed that they should come in and lay down all their Hostile Weapons and be Faithful and Loyal hereafter or else be utterly uncapable of any benefit of it Without this it had been rather a Dispensation or Indulgence to be Wicked than a wise Proclamation of Mercy to serve the true Ends and Interest of Government God indeed has with great Wisdom and Goodness found out such a temper in his Government and contrived such an expedient as shews the most admirable Wisdom and the most wonderful Mercy both together and that is for the sake and by the mediation of a Sacrifice to pardon and yet to punish the Sinner by the same way to give an instance of his Mercy and a remonstrance of his Justice and the design of all that is to show that though he is the most inclined to Mercy and Clemency yet he will never show it but in such a way as is consistent with the Honour and Wisdom of his Government He is willing to abate of his extream Right over his Creatures and to take off the edge and severity of his Laws so far as Prudence and the Wise Ends of Government will give leave but not so far as shall give any manner of encouragement to Disobedience and Wickedness and that would be unavoidable if he should ever grant a Pardon to wicked Men upon any other condition than turning away from their Wickedness 2. As 't is this alone can consist with the Honour and Wisdom of God as he is a wise Governour so nothing but this can render us acceptable to him as he is a truly Righteous and Holy Being If we consider God as such as a Being essentially holy so that this is not only his Perfection but his very Nature then
here it would not be brought off from it that will ruine it and make it miserable for ever for if we love any one Sin more than Heaven we must be contented to lose and part with Heaven for it and if any Lust or Vitious Inclination be so dear to us that we are not willing to give it up for the sake of Happiness we give up our Happiness for the sake of that for they two are so inconsistent that we cannot keep both Let not therefore any Sin remain unmortified in thy Soul if thou wouldst put thy self into such a readiness and disposition as shall fit thee to enter upon a happy Future State And 2. Let all Vertuous Habits and Religious Dispositions of Mind be then excited and exercised and increased to the highest perfection 'T is these will fit our Souls for Heaven and be the true Wedding garment for the Marriage-feast and 't is these are meant by that expression in the Parable of having our Lamps burning in order to our waiting for the coming of the Bridegroom Let our Devotion therefore be then kindled into the highest flame and ardour and our Souls expire and ascend up in it to the Regions above Let us raise our Minds to the highest love of God and of our Blessed Saviour and let our Souls be ravished with the thoughts of their wonderful love and kindness to us Let us look up to Heaven and to those joyes which God has there prepared for us and let us desire as soon as God pleases to be translated to them Let us look down upon this World with mean and despicable thoughts and let us consider what a poor and a miserable place it is and be very willing to part with it and let us exercise all Faith and Hope and Trust and Confidence in our Faithful Creator and Merciful Redeemer and be willing to throw our selves wholly and chearfully upon them and to trust them with out Souls when they are going into an unknown place and to the invisible Hades When we believe our Lord is near and coming in a few minutes thus should we wait for him with our Loyns girded up and our Lamps burning as our Saviours expression is and our Minds put into such a Religious frame and disposition that we may be as like Heaven as we can and our Souls may be ready to go in with the Bridegroom and to be admitted to the Marriage-feast of the Lamb for evermore We must not think that these Habits and Religious Dispositions of Mind are to be got on a sudden but we must bring our Minds to them by previous Acts and long Preparations and frequent Exercises before-hand and habituate our selves to these Divine and Religious Duties and Exercises or else we shall find like the foolish Virgins that we want Oyl and have nothing in our Souls that should feed and nourish and kindle and maintain these Heavenly Habits and Dispositions which are the immediate readiness of our Minds But to give the plainest advice I can in so important a matter I shall propose two easie Directions which I would have every one observe that would make himself the most ready for Death and the coming of the Son of Man The 1st is To be doing all the good we can to promote the Honour of God and the Welfare of Men to be as the Parable represents it Mat. 24. at the latter end doing earnestly the business of our Lord and taking all the care we can of his Family and giving them their meat in due season and discharging all that trust faithfully and diligently which our Lord hath committed to us and not smiting our fellow servants or doing any the least injury to others or eating and drinking with the drunken and living carelesly and idly as the evil Servant is said to do Who put away the thoughts of his Lords coming ver 48. Those who do that are apt to be negligent and wicked but he that is alwayes watchful and alwayes waiting for the Lords coming as the Parable describes the good Servant will be faithful and diligent in performing every Duty and every Office that his Lord requires of him and will be contriving and designing to do all the good he can to please his Lord and purchase his Favour for he knows that an idle Servant shall be punished as well as a wicked one and that the omission of a necessary Duty commanded us by our Lord will be as much charged upon us as the commission of any thing that he has forbidden us He will therefore be careful and diligent to do all his Masters Commands to fulfil all his Will to help and relieve his fellow-servants and do all the good he can in his Masters Family encourage others to do their Duty exhort advise reprove and admonish them and prepare them as well as himself for his Lords coming and Blessed is that servant who when his Lord cometh he shall find thus doing and thus employed But 2. He that will be thus ready must never allow himself in any Sin or in the doing of any thing that he knows is unlawful and forbidden by his Lord for if his Lord cometh and findeth him in that He shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Mat. 24.51 There is no hopes for him if he be thus surprized in his Wickedness and Death overtake him in the midst of his Sin like the revenger of Blood before he can get into any City of Refuge He that ventures upon a wilful Sin ventures upon the very brinks of Hell and Damnation and if a sudden Death turn him over he falls in irrecoverably and at best he that suffers himself to live in a bad state i. e. in a course of Sin hangs over the bottomless Pit by no other hold but the weak and brittle thread of Life and if that break or be cut asunder he drops into that dreadful place of horrors No Man therefore who is master of his Wits and knows he is not master of his Life should dare to live one moment in so much peril exposed to such danger and hazard and venture his Soul and his last stake upon so ticklish a cast as this uncertain Life is But he should instantly whilst he has this thought offer'd to his Mind catch himself out of the Fire out of the Eternal Flames of Hell into which so far as he knows he may be just a falling for they surround him and are ready to lay hold upon him as long as he continues in his Sins and the gulph is open and ready to suck him in and swallow him up till he plunges out and rescues himself by a speedy Repentance Let no Man then make one hours one minutes delay who knows not how few hours or minutes he may have II. For in the next place to give some Reasons why we should be thus ready Who knows at what hour the Son of Man
nor no excuse to make for himself who has neglected and despised all the means of Grace that were offered to him and who would not be perswaded to any true Repentance before it was too late and therefore he must now Repent in vain for ever Who can express the bitter thoughts the fears the horrours the agonies of such a Soul at that time and who would ever feel them who has now power and opportunity to avoid them Death carries something of terrour in it to all Men as it is a punishment of Sin and a dark passage to the unknown Regions that are below and it may be either great presumption or great stupidity to have no Fear of it A good Man may not overcome all the Natural Fear of Death but the wicked has all reason to be scared and terrified with it when it comes near him or he thinks of it I shall therefore in the last place consider the Terrour of Death and how we are only freed from this by Repentance and Religion by the hopes and assurances of Christianity and our having sincerely Repented of all our Sins and so as I have shown fitted and prepared our selves thereby for Death SECT VII Of the Fear of Death and how we are delivered from it by Repentance and Religion THere is no Natural Evil so great as Death the King of Terrors and the chief of those dreadful things that Humane Nature is afraid of Skin for skin and all that a man hath will he give for his life Job 2.4 He is willing to part with every thing that he may compound with it nay what will not he not give to purchase a short reprieve from Death and the Grave that he may but set them back a while and gain a little more time to live How is the poor Man willing to endure any thing to linger out a miserable Life a little longer though in the midst of pains and aches and greater torments of Body perhaps then he would feel in Death it self How patiently will he submit to the most tedious penance and severest discipline that his Physician shall lay upon him and swallow down the most loathsome and bitter draughts that the more bitter cup of Death may pass from him How will he endure the utmost cruelties of Surgery and bear a living Martyrdom rather than dye have his Body burnt and scarified his Flesh cut and mangled to the Bone his Limbs cut off or sawn asunder that so he may dye by piece-meals and out-live some part of himself and escape out of the hands of Death though it be never so narrowly and run away from it though he leave a Leg or an Arm behind him This shows how Natural the love of Life is and how willing most Men are to preserve and purchase it at any rate and with what abhorrence they look at Death and how it frights and startles them when it comes near them when they behold its pale look and its terrible visage and see the ghastly monster laying hands on them and ready to lay them prostrate at its feet how does it then appalle and terrifie them and make their Blood chill and their Spirits cold and clammy and their Hearts dye within them when they think how their once brisk and sprightly bodies that have been long enjoying all the sweet Pleasures of Life and Sense shall in a moments time be deprived of all those and become only a heavy clod and a cold and senseless lump of Flesh laid out upon its once warm Bed and then lock'd up in its little Cabin and so laid in the proper place of Rottenness and Putrefaction where it is to molder into Dust and to be as clean forgotten in a little time as if it had never been This is a very mortifying and a very melancholly Consideration to most Men and when they consider that in a little time this must certainly be their own case and their own fatal condition this must keep them in perpetual fear and bondage if there were no provision against this Natural Fear of Death if Religion did not afford us some helps and assistances against it and there were not something to take off and abate its Natural Terrour and to support and strengthen and encourage the Mind of a good Man against it Death as it is the Punishment of Sin and was for that end ordained by God and brought into the World for by sin entered death as the Apostle sayes Rom. 1.12 carries some marks of his Anger and so must necessarily have some degree of Fear accompany it but Christ who was to deliver Mankind from the greatest Punishments which our first Parents drew upon themselves and their Posterity by their Transgressions and was to free us from the saddest effects of theirs and our own Sins he has tho' not quite taken away this Punishment no more than he has the other temporal ones occasioned by the Fall for we must still dye and still have some fear of Death yet the worst effects of Death and for which it was most to be dreaded those Christ has delivered us from and it was one great reason why he became a Man and why he took part of the same flesh and blood of which we are partakers and which makes us subject to Death That through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devil and deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage as the divine Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews assures us Heb. 2.15 Now the wayes by which Christ and Christianity do this are chiefly these two I. By assuring us of another Life II. By taking away the sting of Death which is Sin upon our true Repentance I shall 1. Show this Then 2. Enquire whether a true Penitent and good Man ought to have no Fear of Death 3. Give some Directions about thus overcoming the Fear of Death that so we may not be too much terrified with it when it approaches I. Christ and Christianity free us from the Fears of Death by assuring us of another Life and of a Glorious Immortality after Death Death would be very terrible indeed if it took away our Being and made an end of us when it came and put us into a state of Annihilation If the Grave were to swallow us up and we were to pass into the dark abyss of Non-Entity when we went out of the World If when we expired our last Breath our Souls were to pass with it into the soft Air and we were to be no more after we went off the stage of this World Nothing can be so close so desirable as our being which is the foundation of all Happiness and Enjoyment to us which some have thought so considerable that they have supposed it more eligible to be miserable than not to be at all though I can by no means be of their mind and think being only in order to be miserable to
like melancholly persons who read of such grievous diseases fancy immediately that they have them themselves and that such and such symptoms are already upon them If we cannot therefore assure all Persons of Pardon for all manner of Sins however great or however circumstantiated upon their true Repentance of them it will very much take off from the encouragements to this Duty and by taking off Mens hopes in many cases and shutting the door of Mercy against them hinder them from performing this Duty and make them if not act desperately and madly as Men without hopes generally do yet throw them into a comfortless and despairing condition and overwhelm them with remediless sorrow and trouble The general scope and design of the Gospel seems to be to remove all this To preach good tidings unto the meek to bind up the broken-hearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound to comfort them that mourn Isa 61.1 To call those to come to Christ who are weary and heavy laden by reason of their Sins with a promise that he will give them rest Matth. 11.28 To preach Repentance and remission of sins in his name among all nations Luke 24.47 without excluding any Persons or excepting any Sins whatsoever to proclaim a general Amnesty and Act of Pardon to all who Repent and come in to the Gospel Had there been an exception as to a more notorious Traytor to any one though a single Sin which Mankind had been like to fall into this would have abated both from the Goodness of God and the Comfort of Men when he should be represented as implacable in some cases and never to be appeased and the other should be left in such danger and hazard that if they fell into some Sins which it was very possible for them to do that then there should be no hopes nor no means of recovery for them God I doubt not is more merciful and Mankind not so miserable as to have any Sin whatever utterly unpardonable which is Repented of but as our Saviour sayes All manner of Sin and Blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men Matth. 12.31 And as Isaiah told the Jews of old and it is not less so under the Gospel Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wooll Isa 1.18 that is of however high a nature or degree they are they shall upon Repentance and Amendment be done away and forgiven No Sin is too great for the infinite Mercy of God to forgive and the infinite Merit of Christs Blood to atone nor is any excepted in the Covenant of Grace which God has made with Mankind wherein he promises universally to be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities he will remember no more Heb. 8.11 Jer. 31.34 without any bar or reserve to any Sin of what nature or aggravation soever I shall therefore Examine and Answer those places of Scripture which seem to give any countenance to the other severe and cruel Doctrine as to Sins of Apostacy after Baptism or upon Relapse and then largely consider the Nature of the Sin against the Holy Ghost and how or whether that is unpardonable so as to free all honest Minds from any trouble about it SECT I. Of Apostacy Sins after Baptism Vpon Relapse FIrst then as to those places of the Hebrews which are brought as the ground of the Novatian Doctrine for the irremissibleness of wilful Sins committed after Baptism they do not belong to any Sins of a Christian whilst he continues such but to one renouncing Christianity and wholly Apostatizing from it even after he has professed it and had miraculous evidence and conviction of it They who were enlightened or Baptized 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and have tasted of the Heavenly gift have been sensible of the Benefits of Baptism and the Priviledges of Christianity and been made partakers of the Holy Ghost have further had those miraculous and extraordinary Gifts of the Holy Ghost conferred upon them which new Baptized Persons then very often had and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come have had a sense of the excellency of the Gospel and the Christian Revelation and those powerful and great Miracles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which accompanied the dispensation thereof and the times of the Messiah or that have been duly affected with the powerful Considerations of Eternity and another World which are the great things their Religion sets before them if such as these shall like Julian afterwards or the Gnosticks then fall away from all this and apostatize from their Faith and Religion by the Fears of Persecution or the Love of this World it is impossible to renew them again to Repentance seeing this their revolt implyes no less than the crucifying to themselves the Son of God afresh and putting him to open shame i. e. the condemning of Christ as a Malefactor and Impostor and so joyning and consenting with the Jews in Crucifying him as such and bringing an open reproach and discredit upon him as if he were a false Prophet and that upon Tryal and Experience they found his Religion to be false and therefore forsook it This Apostacy and renouncing the whole Religion of Christ is meant also by Sinning wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth Heb. 10.26 It is sinning in the same word and sense as the Apostate Angels did when they revolted from Heaven 2 Pet. 2.4 for in the next Verses it is called Treading under foot the Son of God i. e. Contemning him as a vile miscreant and as if he were not Risen from the Grave but lay dead there and so were to be trod upon and counting the Blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing as if it were shed justly and so were the Blood of a common Malefactor and doing despite unto the Spirit of Grace reproaching all the evidence by which the Holy Ghost confirmed the Truth of Christ and his Doctrine both in him and his Apostles This can be no less than a malicious apostacy and defection from Christianity in general and not only a wilful breach of any of its particular Laws And something like unto these is that Sin unto death in St. John 1 Ep. 5.16 that which deserved the utmost and severest censures as he which under Moses Law sinned presumptuously and was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 did make void and throw off the Law was to dye without mercy Heb. 10.28 So under Christianity this presumptuous Sinner was to be Spiritually cut off from all the Benefits of Christian Communion and from the Prayers of the Faithful as we find they were by the Discipline of the Primitive Church This was so severe at first that they denyed all Peace and Absolution to such Apostates and Lapsi even in articulo Mortis at the point of Death and