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A55567 A sanctuary for the tempted: being a discourse on Christ's friendly admonition to Peter Wherein the fall and rising of Peter, is at large considered: the craft, potency, and malice of Satan (that arch-enemy of our salvation) discovered: his various wiles. stratagems and machinations invalidated: several choice and excellent Gospel-truths handled, and cleared (from the calumnies and objections of gainsayers.) ... Delivered in sundry sermons, at first; and now, published for the benefit of God's church in general. To which is added, four sermons, preach'd upon sacramental occasions. By Thomas Powel, preacher of the Gospel, and one, whom Satan hath winnowed. Powell, Thomas. 1679 (1679) Wing P3075; ESTC R30536 152,491 435

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shall pay dear for their great Grandieur Dignities and Offices How art thou fallen from Heaven O Lucifer Son of the Morning Isa. 14. 12. Temptation V. The Thief on the Cross saith Satan though a Sinner during his whole Life yet Repenting was saved So saith Satan if thou canst but Repent or Reform an Hour before thou Diest doubt not but God will have Mercy on thee Reply It is true the Thief Repenting and Believing in Christ was saved at the very Last But was not this Miraculous Did not Christ now upon a special Occasion to shew the Effect of his Blood the Power of his Passion and to demonstrate unto the World his Deity even now at his lowest Ebb of Humiliation shew his Power in the Conversion of the Thief Must this Extra-ordinary Example now be propounded as a President for ever that was but once Miraculous and Wrought upon special Occasion But further consider First It is not Impossible but that this was the First Time of the Call of this poor Thief that he never heard Christ's Sermon before or had any Outward Call before this time and so his Sins being of Ignorance might excuse in part as Paul speaketh of his The Lord shewed Mercy because I did them Ignorantly 1 Tim. 1. 13. But now thou canst not plead this Ignorance in-as-much as thou hast lived under the Gospel and hast had an Outward Call by the Preaching of the same Secondly This Example of the Penitent Thief as it was Extraordinary so we see it Singular the Scriptures not leaving us one Example more of the like Now Particular Examples are not to be urged for a General Practice especially in so weighty a Thing as the Salvation of the Soul is If therefore Satan doth suggest unto thee of Repenting at thy own Pleasure tell him from me That it is a Thousand-fold more probable that thou shalt Die as thou hast lived and so be Damned rather than to have such a Singular Grace given thee and Mercy shew'd at the last Hour Many more Temptations of Satan probably there are unto Security but I shall add no more SECT VI. The Third thing that Satan Tempts unto is The Love of the World Ah! saith Satan All these things the Kingdoms of the World and the Glory of them will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and Worship me Here are fine and brave things Grandeur and Gallantry Pleasures Pomp and Profit Here are the Lusts of the Eye the Flesh and Pride of Life And thus Satan doth in making poor Souls fall in Love with the World Now there are several Antidotes that might be prescribed to expel this Poison which Satan would fain invenom poor Souls with Consider the World in its Honour Pleasures and Profits and you shall find abundance of Deceit in all these 1. What is the Honour and Glory of this World but fading and dying Is it not a Gilded Misery a secret Poyson a hidden Plague the Engineer of Deceit Mollerus on Psal. 73. 20. tells the World Honours and Dignities are but as idle Dreams Splendid Braveries and Lucid Phantasies St. Matthew calls the World's Glory 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Opinion St. Luke calls ●…grippa's Pomp 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Phantasie or Vain Shew And St. Pa●… calls it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Mathematical Figure which is a meer Notion and nothing in Substance How many have been blown to Hell while they have failed with the Wind of Popular Applause Doth the Honour of this World make a Man really the Better Surely no but often the Worse Is it not Magnum Nihil a Great Nothing and a Glorious Phantasie What is become of Proud Haman and Pharaoh And what will become of thy Honour when thou art in the Grave when Death makes its Approach towards thee Will the Glory and Honour of this World stand thee instead at the Day of Iudgement Will not Heaven's Glory ●…en transcend it Wilt thou not ●…hen be mad with thy self to think ●…hat Heaven's Glory was once offered ●…nto thee but thou to chose the World's refusest Heaven 's Secondly Consider this World in the Pleasures of it And what are they Be they Satisfying No And are they not Killing Yea. Some of the Philosophers did place Men's Happiness in the Pleasures of this World which are but the sad Transformations of Men into Bruits sayes that Worthy Gentleman Mr. Polhil And yet how many are there that cannot refrain themselues from these ‖ Sensual Pleasures but whose Delight in them is Inordinate singing the Epicurean's Divinity Ede bibe lude post mortem nulla voluptas Let us Eat Drink and be Merry for to Morrow we shall Die Carnal Man is for the Things of the Flesh pleasing his Flesh and loving that which is Fleshly But consider O vain Man that pursues so hotly after the Pleasures of this World these three things Death Iudgement and ●…ternity Let the Remembrance of Him that was Crucifyed Crucify in thee all the Desire of Pleasures Let the Remembrance of Hell-fire quench in thee all the Fire of Lust. Compare the short Moment of Pleasure with Eternal Punishment Pleasures do but Captivate our Hearts that they cannot be free in the Love of God Thirdly Consider this World in that which they call the Profits of it and you may easily understand the Vanity of them This Life is the Way to our Eternal Country What then do much Riches profit They do rather burden the Traveller Christ the King of Heaven is the Riches of God's Servants The true Treasure must be within a Man and not without him That is the True Treasure which thou canst carry away with thee to the General Iudgement but all these outward Goods are taken from us in Death Riches do but take themselves Wings and fly away Nothing more uncertain than they Fading Dying and Perishing they are For their Transitoriness they may be compared unto a Shadow a Ship a Bird an Arrow a Post that passeth by Comforts here below are no Comforts though supposed and so eagerly pursued after by Faithless Men and Women Luther did solemnly protest God shouldnot put him off with these things here Below Things present may be Pleasing but then they are not Permanent SECT VII The Fourth thing that Satan Tempts unto is Hypocrisie Oh! saith Satan if thou art resolved to be Serious rather than so get a Shew of it Paint thy self and play the Hypocrite and so thou mayest go amongst Men for a Good Christian. Reply But hereunto the Soul may Answer in this Form First Thou may'st tell the Devil That it is true by having the Form of Godliness thou may'st seem Holy Pious and Religious among Men in the Sight of Men but not in the Sight of God Thou may'st indeed deceive Men but thou canst not deceive God He is privy to all thy Treachery though thou keeps it under Lock and Key Thy Heart he
Divine * The Affections be the Pedes Animae the Feet of the Soul † Conscience is God's Preacher in the Bosom A thousand Witnesses for or against a Man A Heaven or Hell on Earth A great Friend or a great Enemy ‖ Praecepta docent Exempla movent * Faith Iustifies our Works and our Works Testify our Faith Job 31. 16. 21. Mercy even to the Bruit Creatures shall prolong our Dayes much more then Mercy unto Men. ‖ Prov. 11. 25. The Liberal Soul shall be made Fat † 1 Kings 17. 16. Luk. 6. 36. * Da quod non potes retinere ut accipias quod non potes amittere † Dives denyed Lazarus a Crumb of Bread Dives was denyed a Drop of Water ‖ O that it might not be said of Christians now a-dayes as it was of an Emperor that had a Large Empire but a narrow scamy Heart Augustum imperium angustum animum ‖ There are Two sorts of Sacrifices Expiatory the Sacrifice of Christ's Blood and Gratulatory the Sacrifice of Alms. † Eleemosyna non est divitiarum dispendium sed ditescendi potius compendium quaestusque omnium uberrimus Giving Alms is not the way to Waste our Wealth but the Art of Thriving the most Compendious Course to come unto Riches * Terrena servando amittimus largiendo servamus Isidor Our Earthly Goods are lost by keeping and kept by giving away It is reported of Cyrus that he should say That by doing Good he hoarded up Riches for himself Blessed Mr. Bradford counted that Time lost wherein he did not some Good by his Tongue Pen or Purse ‖ Our Alms-Deeds shall be Rewarded with Permanent Blessings Quae stultitia est illic relinquere unde exiturus es illuc non praemittere quo iturus es Chrysost. in Matth. 6. † One of our Translations have Waters for Wet Faces signifying that Poor Men do oft-times Weep 1 Thess. 5. 14. * Chrstians should be like Christ and Mary the One alwayes Doing Good the Other was alwayes Receiving Good Mr. Hooks Saints Priviledges on Earth beyond those in Heaven Rom 1. 9. Ephes. 1. 16. 1 Thess. 1. 2 3. 2 Tim. 1. 3. Philem. v. 4. Hostis gratiae inimic●…salutis Bern. ‖ It was a Saying of Lycurgus Prodigiosa res esset beneficium non rependere Therefore among all the Laws he made he would not Establish against Ingratitude looking upon it as most Monstrous But this the Sinner is Guilty of † AElian * Ungrateful Sinners like Vultures draw Sickness from the Perfumes of God's Bounties † To be Unthankful where there is great reason to be Thankful is Folly in the Abstract ‖ The Word As notes Similitude not Equality Scriptural Examples Ecclesiastical Examples Act. and Mon. Clark's Examples * Shall we Love the Father not the Child Shall we Love the Head and not the Body Shall we Love the Mediator and not the Members ‖ Witness the Fire of London † God grants no Man a Patent for Riches Durante vita but Durante beneplacito as the Lawyers speak * Mr. Watson on the Beatitudes Pag. 217. † A Good Man once High but now Low told me That the Consideration of his doing Good to others when he was in Capacity was a great Comfort to him in his Poverty ‖ God sees what-ever we do for others What need we therefore care who else see us * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theod. † That Text which you have 〈◊〉 Heb. 6. 10. is an Excellent Text. The Words divided * As the Hinde or the Hart a Beast Thirsty by Nature and whose Thirst is Increased when she is Hunted The Hinde the Female is here meant as the Word annexed She Brayeth the Greek Article He Elaphos manifest And in Females the Passions are stronger than in Males Ainsworth in Loc. Deus est summum bonum Beatitudo formalis consistit in fruitione Beatitudinis objectivae Beatitudo autem objectiva est Deus quia est bonum perfectum satians appetitum † True Prayer is a Lifting up of the Mind and Soul to God Elevatio mentis ad Deum ‖ Constantine the Great when Hearing a Sermon would ever and anon start out of his Chair of State and Hearing that the Gracious Soul only desires Such an one comes not to Hear for the Sake of Man but for the Sake of God and of his Soul He knows 't is God that Speaks and not Man Such Persons cannot Sleep at a Sermon stand up for a while being Affected it may be Terrifyed with the Word in-so-much that his Courtiers were amazed because such a Posture did not become so High a Place Euseb. de Vit. Constant l. 3. c. 17. * To Feed upon an Ordinance without Christ is as Feeding upon the Dish instead of the Meat * Omnes Creaturae sine Deo non possunt esse sufficiens objectum Humanae beatitudinis Star de Beat Dis. Sect. 1. Solus Deus sine consortio ejus Creaturae est sufficiens objectum beatitudinis Lib. Sect. 2. The Soul that Princely Part of Man is only the Subject of such Noble Desires † Imbred in him as a Christian not Imbred in him as a Creature ‖ When a People do not prize the Word of God by the Worth of it they shall be brought then to prize the same by the Want of it * The Hart by Natural Instinct they say knoweth where the Serpent's Holes are He goeth to the Hole where he seeth and thinketh a Serpent is breatheth upon him until he is forced to come out of his Hole And then he setteth upon him and teareth him to pieces or els Eateth him up Franzius ‖ God can Look sowerly Chide bitterly and Strike heavily even when and where he Loves most ●…early † Heaven is a Place where the Bullets of Temptations shall no●… fly * Christ's Kingdom is not of this World therefore are they of his Kingdom hated because they are not of this VVorld Use of Ex●…mination Signs of our Spiritual Thirst. ‖ Paul was Empty when he said In me there dwells no Good † The Spiritual Infant is not Born without its Pangs ‖ Quamdiu is such a Soul's Motto * There must be Cogent Endeavors as well as Vehement Desires Our Endeavors do Demonstrate the Reality of our Desires † i. e. In Publick Ordinances Brightman in Loc. * Dying is the highest Decree of Love that can be ‖ The Property of the Creature is to Abhor nothing so much as Death and to Desire noth●…ng so much as Life † Life is Short yet Sweet Eurip * It has been the Lot of God's Children in all Ages to have Things Fathered on them that they have been Clear from Surius the Jesuite reported of Luther That he Learned his Divinity of the Devil and that he died Drunk But Melancthon who Wrote his Life tells us That he died Piously and made a very Good Prayer before his Death ‖ Naturalists observe of it Swine and other Creatures are unwilling to be Caught when they are about being Slain they will make such an Hideous Noise as can scarcely be endured † Sheep are often troubled with Weak Infirm Heads having nothing of Craft and Subtilty in them * Temerity is a Grace implanted in the Hearts of God's Children † Sheep commonly are together ‖ Believers are oft-times Wandring Sheep † The Sheep is not so Strong as the Lion so Subtil as the Fox or so Swift as the Deer as that it is the most Unarmed of all Creatures ‖ A Weak Christian and a Strong Christ says one can do Mighty Things * Observe how some Creatures are made to Labour as Horses and Camels some only for Food as Hogs some for both as Oxen some for Safety as Dogs † All Ungodly Men are Bears and Swine though not in Physicks yet in Morals ‖ Christ died Innocently * Christ died Freely Voluntarily † That Eternity should be Born That he who Rules the Stars should Suck the Breasts That he who Thundered in the Clouds should Cry in a Cradle ‖ Who can Draw out Christ's Love to the Life Qui habet Christum habet habentem omnia Oportet me multa pati tandem trucidari ut sanguine meo perfundar † 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quomodo coarctor a Metaphor taken from such Narrow Places where by meeting with an Enemy we are put to it by reason of the Enemy and by reason that we cannot find out any other Passage * Our Lives Condemn us but the Name of Jesus will Save us ‖ We are Christians because we have Union with Christ. † The Church is a Mystical Body the Head whereof is Christ. * The Soul is the Life of the Body Christ is the Life of the Soul ‖ Christ will Plead for Believers as the Advocate doth for his Clients † 1. Baptismus Fluminis 2. Flaminis 3. Sanguinis * Christ was Baptiz'd in Water but once yet he was Baptiz'd in Blood divers times Ephes. 2. vers 1. ‖ The Greatest Logician Rhetorician in the World the Greatest Oracle and Orator in the World the Greatest Cicero Demosthenes in the World cannot set out Christ's Love to the Life † If Christ Loved us with a Love stronger than Death we should then Love him with a Love stronger than Life * Sin the Tyrant is Conquered The Text Divided ‖ The Properties of the Wise Serpent † Memento Mortis tuae non peccabis Cypr. ‖ Totum corpus in orbem circum voluit ut caput occultet * Simplex est animal felle caret Bish. Lake † Husbandry Spiritualized ‖ Caryl in Loc.
Life that is Sealed and turn thee to thy Name or who shall bring thee a Certificate that it is Written there Behold it is nigh thee even in thine Heart The Work of Grace there the Law Written on the Tables of thine Heart by the Finger of the Spirit is the Exemplification and Counterpane of that Decree The safest Way the best Way the only Way to make sure of Election is first to make sure of thy Vocation SECT VI. Fourthly Satan Tempts to Despair by causing the Soul to pore too much upon its own Unworthiness You are Unworthy saith Satan of the least Crumb of Bread or of the least Drop of Water and how canst thou therefore think of expecting any Good from the Hands of God Remedy The only way to stop Satan's Mouth in this Respect is by Assenting thus far That I am Unworthy it is true and that I do not deserve a Crumb of Bread or Drop of Water it is alike true And yet I do not erre if I say I am Unworthy and yet Worthy I deserve Nothing and yet Merit what I Have Unworthy and yet Worthy like the Spouse in the Canticles Black and yet Comely Black in Her Self and yet Comely in Her Beloved SECT VII Fifthly Satan Tempts to Despair by suggesting to the Soul that no Man's Faith is so Weak as his Behold how Weak Imperfect Staggering and Trembling it is Remedy What of all that may the Soul Reply A little Faith is ‖ Faith as a Sparkle of Fire is Fire Faith though weak yet it will Entitle us unto Christ. A Child's Hand can receive a Pearl as well as the Hand of a Gyant Out of this little Grain of Mustard-Seed Heaven will grow In this Smoking Flax there 's a Divine Spark Though the Smoke of Doubts and Temptations muffle it up in Obscurity it will break out at last into Flames of Love and Ioy. Our Imperfect Faith will entitle us unto a Perfect Righteousness SECT VIII Sixthly Satan Tempts to Despair by making the Soul to infer Evil from Adversity Thou art Poor and Indigent Beggarly and Despicable saith Satan In Answer unto which I would refer the Reader unto Pag. 66 67. where this is Answered fully SECT IX Seventhly Satan Tempts to Despair by causing the Soul to think much on the Sharpness of Death Thou Gloriest now saith Satan but ere long thy Condition shall be changed Thou Rejoycest but yet know that still thou art a Dying Creature It is not thy Faith Love and Hope that can shroud thee from Death which is the King of Terrors That Universal Monarch which hath made even the Strongest and Stoutest to stoop unto him Remedy What though Death may the Believing Soul say is stiled The King of Terrors yet if I am a Child of God it can do me no hurt 'T is an Enemy I know to the Mortal Part but a Friend to the Spiritual The Bee by Stinging looseth its Sting so Death while it Stung Christ on the Cross hath quite lost its Sting to a Believer Death is the Gate of Life It puts off our Rags and gives us Change of Rayment All the Hurt it can do us is to put us into a better Condition The Devil therefore is a Liar in saying That it is not our Faith Love and Hope that will Exempt us from Death Whereas we know well enough that though we shall not be freed from Death yet by having Faith in Iesus Christ we shall be freed from that which renders Death so Formidable viz. its Sting Death's Pale Face looks Ruddy in the Blood of Sprinkling Death will free us from all Corporal and Spiritual Maladies It is our Best and Last Physician It will Cure the Aching Head and the Unbelieving Heart Sin was the Mid-wife that brought Death into the World and Death shall be the Grave to Bury Sin Why then should we be unwilling to Die seeing Death gives us a Receipt of Ease from Infirmities and Weaknesses from all Aches and Pains Griefs and Gripings Distempers and Diseases both of Body and Soul Here Sin will keep House whether we will or no Evil Thoughts are continually arising out of our Hearts as Sparks out of a Furnace When we would Pray the Heart is as a Viol out of Tune When we would like a Bird flie up to Heaven upon the Wing of Meditation our Corruption like a String tied to the Leg pulls us down again But after Death we shall be Proud no more grieve the Spirit no more Come hither therefore Oh ye Trembling Souls who through the Fears of Death have all your Life-time been subject to Bondage Set your Feet upon the Neck of this King of Terrors Assume that Triumphant Challenge of the Apostle Oh Death where is thy Sting Oh Grave where is thy Victory 1 Cor. 15. 25. The Glimmering Presence of God with a Believer here below may Conquer the Fear of Death But how much more methinks should the Consideration of the full Enjoyment of him after Death Faith gives us a Propriety in Heaven and Death gives us a Possession in Heaven Death is only a Dirty Lane saith one through which the Saint passeth to a Kingdom to a great Kingdom to a glorious Kingdom to a quiet Kingdom to an unshaken Kingdom to a durable Kingdom to a lasting Kingdom yea to an Everlasting Kingdom Death is a dark short Way through which the Saints pass to the Marriage-Supper of the Lamb. Ever with the Lord saith an Eminent Divine This puts Lillies and Roses into the Gastly Face of Death and makes the King of Terrors to out-shine Solomon in all his Glory A few Lines that Comforted me once in the same Case I will adventure here to Transcribe out of that Little Useful Treatise of Reverend Mr. Wadsworth my Spiritual Father viz. Oh! when Death draws near do not startle Cry not out as one undone as if when thou Diest thou must needs totally Perish But rather then lift up thy Head and Triumphantly proclaim to the Standers by Now doth the Day the Hour the Moment of thy Redemption draw nigh Now art thou drawing near thy Home Heaven is within Sight and its Melody almost within Hearing Thy Lord hath the Curtain in his Hand ready to draw it to shew thee all that Glory that hitherto he hath been but telling thee of and give thee a Possession of all that which hitherto thou hast enjoyed only in Hopes and Title What dost thou fear and shrug and tremble at my Soul Thou peevish froward Creature Shall thy Father tell thee thou must go Sleep and lay his Commands upon thee to lie down in Peace Shall thy dear Lord and Saviour stand by perswading thee so to do and by the Sweet and Glorious Promises of Eternal Life and Living with him in the Heavens allure thee quietly to obey thy Father and Himself to go to Rest Shall he sing thee a Lullaby of his own falling Asleep and
that Respect he Died Innocently Secondly Iesus Christ Died willingly Matth. 26. 39. Nevertheless not as I will but as Thou wilt Christ's Death was a Free and Voluntary Death not Constrained or Forced Austin saith That Christ Died quia voluit and quando voluit and quomodo voluit Because he would when he would and how he would There was no Law to Enjoyn him no Force to Compel him Nothing could have fastened Christ to the Cross but the Golden Link of Love Christ was big of Love Therefore he freely Opens all the Pores of his Body that his Blood may flow out from every Part as a Precious Balsom to Cure our Wounds The Bowels of Christ was so Big with Tender Compassions that they Travelled again till they did break forth into a Bloody Sweat But now it may be Objected from the Scripture a-fore quoted The former Part whereof are these Words Father if it be possible let this Cup pass from me Therefore say they Christ did not Die so Willingly as you think he did Answ. Read the whole Text and so you will find in it 1. Vox Natarae the Voice of Nature Let this Cup pass from me 2. Vox Officii the Voice of his Mediatory Office Nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt The First Voice Let this Cup pass is a great Argument of our Saviour's Humanity That he was Man as well as God in that he dreads a Dissolution Christ owed it to Himself as a Creature to desire the Conservation of his Being And on this Score he would have become Unnatural to Himself had he not Fear'd Death The Latter Voice Nevertheless not as I will but as Thou wilt Expresseth the Full and Free Consent of his Will Complying with the Will of his Father in that grand Everlasting Designe of bringing Man's Soul unto Glory Here he Died Freely and Willingly Thirdly Iesus Christ Died Patiently he never Resisted never Rebelled never Opposed He was Led as a Sheep to the Slaughter and as a Lamb Dumb before the Shearer he Opened not his Mouth Acts 8. 32. Isa. 53. 7. And when he was Reviled he Reviled not again when he Suffered he Threatned not Lastly We are to Apply this Doctrine And the Uses that it affords are these 1. Of Information 2. Of Reprehension 3. Of Examination 4. Of Exhortation The First is a Use of Information consisting of Branches Branch 1. First Are Believers Christ's Sheep Hence learn then That Christ is the Believers Shepherd If we are Christ's Sheep then Christ is our Shepherd and he Performs the Office of a Good Shepherd to us Nine Ways 1. He Marks us and that with the Marks of Election and Vocation 2. He goes before us and Shepherd-like Leads the way 1. In Doctrine 2. In Life 3. In Love 4. In Suffering 3. He Feeds us as Shepherds do their Sheep 1. In the Valleys of the Scriptures 2. In the Hills of Vertue 3. In the Pleasant Fields of his Grace 4. He bears us up with the Strong Water or Wine of Consolation 5. He Washes us his Sheep 1. In the Laver of his own Blood 2. In the Laver of Repentant Tears 6. He Heals us Psal. 103. vers 3. 7. He Seeks us as the Shepherds do his Sheep Psal. 119. 175. Luk. 15 c. 8. He Carries us upon his Shoulders Luc. 15. 5. 9. He brings us Home Ier. 17. 24. Branch 2. Secondly Is it so that Believers are Christ's Sheep Then hence we may learn that Unbelievers are not Christ's Sheep They are only the Cruel Beasts of the Forrest such as Bears Lions Wolves and Tigers So the Scripture calls them Branch 3. Thirdly Is it so that Christ Died also for Believers his Sheep Hence learn then the Condescension and Love of Christ. The Condescension of Christ that he should Die and how was he fain to Humble himself before he could become Capable of Dying He was forced to become Man And Oh great Condescension That he who was the Son of God Heir of Heaven Prince of Peace should be inclosed in a Womb and come into this World Oh Infinite Humility That a Saviour should become a Servant That the Lord of Glory should lay aside his Robe and become a Shepherd nay a Dying Shepherd too 'T is just as if a King should leave his Throne and wait at Table The Love of Christ in that he should Die for his Sheep lay down his Life What a Shepherd is this and What a kind of Love is this Love Here is a Pattern without a Parallel Oh the Hights Depths Breadths and Lengths of the Love of God in Christ That Christ should Die and that for Sheep Silly Sheep Lost as we all were before the Great Shepherd sought us Use 2. Of Reprehension Here is Reproof unto such that Persecute Believers because God will look upon them as so many Wolves that Pursue his precious Sheep And do you hear this Oh ye Ungodly of the World Those whom you so Violently Persecute are the Sheep of Christ And therefore you Incurr the Displeasure of Christ that is their Shepherd Use 3. Of Examination Let us Examine our selves Whether we are Believers and the Sheep of Christ Have we taken Christ for our Shepherd And do we Act Faith upon him under all our Exigencies and Indigencies Knowing that because he is our Shepherd therefore we shall want no Good thing If we are Christ's Sheep we are Innocent Meek Simple and very Profitable c. Use 4. Of Exhortation This Use of Exhortation has a double Aspect 1. It looks to Believers that are Christ's Sheep 2. It looks to Unbelievers that are not Christ's Sheep First It looks to Believers that are Christ's Sheep Is it so That Christ has Died for you his Sheep Then you his Sheep be willing to Die for Him your Shepherd Christ did not Fear Men for you don't you then Fear Men for Him He Endured the Cross and Despised the Shame he went through a Sea of Wrath and a Sea of Blood to Save you And what Will you do nothing for him He Loved you with a Love stronger than Death Love him therefore with a Love stronger than Life We know not how soon an Hour of Temptation may come This we may be assured of Christ's Love has been Tried for us Why then should not our Love be Ttied for Christ His Life was laid down for us his Blood was shed for us and we have no such Blood to shed for him as he had to shed for us Is our Love grown to such a High Stature that we could Lay down Ten Thousand Lives had we them for the Cause and Interest of Christ Secondly It looks to Unbelievers You that are not Christ's Sheep Do you this Day become Believers that ye may be the Sheep of Christ. Would you be Invested with Glorious Priviledges would you have your Souls Saved would you have an Interest in all the Benefits of Christ Come over to him then You must be
use of he knows that may happen then which may never again Unto every thing sait●… the Wise Man there is a Season Eccles. 3. 1. Christ can speak a Wor●… in Season and Satan saith one ca●… Tempt in Season And now there are five Advantageous Seasons that Satan makes use of in tempting Believers unto a sinful Licentiousness And the First is Before Believers come to be Believers And now this is the most Advantageous Time of all in that he hath an old sinful Nature to work upon without the least Opposition being held unto him Nature not Refined doth contribute much to Satan's Help it being as I may term it Matter fitted for all his Temptations to be workt upon Is not Man Corrupt all over even from Top to Toe But especially in the Five Faculties of the Soul All which do side with the Devil So that much Advantage the Devil gets before Elect Believers are effectually Called What is the Understanding but the first Door that the Devil knocks at Do not the Conceptions of Sin begin in the Understanding Do not the Seeds of Error and Heresie grow up naturally in it without any Teacher Is not the Memory dull and slippery Do we not forget all good things that we should remember and do we not with readiness remember that which we should not retaining Errours and Vanities as Tales and Playes much more than Godly Matters Is not the Will the Chair of Lust which should be the Throne of Grace What an Impotency is there in it to will any thing that is Good and How is it enslaved to Sin and Satan so that it only desireth and lusteth after that which is Evil And are not the Affections also Corrupted such as Love and Hatred Ioy and Sorrow Hope and Fear Anger and Desire c Are not all these subject to Excess and being setled on wrong Objects Lastly Is not the Conscience Corrupt also very much distemper'd and defil'd both in giving Directions in Things to be done and in giving Judgment upon Things done Doth it not often-times become a Blind Guide forbidding to do a thing which God alloweth and commanding to do things which God hateth 1 Cor. 8. 7. Col. 2. 21. Ioh. 16. 2 All which things well pensitated and considered it will be very obvious that the time of Elect Believers Unconverted Estate is an Advantageous Season for Satan to work in Secondly The time of a Believer's High Estate is another Advantageous Season that Satan makes use of in Tempting It often falls providentially out that when Elect Believers are called God exalts them not only above others in the Church but also above others in the State as that they are thereby rendred very Capable of doing extraordinary Service for God either way Then Satan thinks it high Time to be pulling them down either by putting them ●…ut of their Authority or driving ●…hem into some gross Enormity or ●…ther whereby their former Glory and Eminency in Holiness and true Sanctity may be stained and diminished This is evident in that of Ioseph who when he was just upon his Preferment and being Advanced Satan thence conjecturing what use ●…e would be in such a Place assaults him with his Mistriss Other like Instances we also have as David and Solomon Thirdly The time of Christian's Low Estate as well as his High Estate is a Season of Satan's Tempting for he doth as I told you before fore-cast for the Time of Man's greatest Weakness and thereto he reserves his strongest Assaults Now a Man is most Weak when he is under any Trouble either in Mind or Body and then is the time that Satan works in When a Deluge of Afflictions is let-in upon a Believer When Deep calleth unto Deep at the Noise of thy Water-Spouts all th●… Waves and thy Billows are gone ove●… me And is not this evidenced in ou●… Saviour who when he was in th●… Wilderness and began to be Hungry the Devil supposing him the●… to be Weak for want of Food tempts him Fourthly A Time of Licentiousness is another Advantageous Season that Satan makes use of to temp●… in He knows that then is the only Season to spread Snares of those kind abroad The Season in which Sin is most Tolerated Satan knows is the Time in which he must work When and where Sin is Tolerated then and there Satan knows he can best plead and argue it out with the Soul Now saith Satan Godliness is frown'd but Ungodliness is smil'd upon Be you therefore Ungodly that the World may look pleasant on you but not Godly because few or none countenance it Fifthly and Lastly The Time in which a Christian is most Negligent ●…s another Advantageous Season that ●…atan makes use of to Tempt in While the Men slept the Envious Man came and Sowed Tares Matth. ●…3 25. When all are secure then ●…he Thief breaks in and when Chri●…tians are off their Watch and le ts down their Care then Satan Tempts Sirs whil'st you are sleepy and prayerless stretching your selves on a Bed of Ease you even lay a Cushion for Satan to lie down by you Temp●…ations do thereby enter into you and ye into Temptations SECT III. Secondly Satan shews his exceeding great Subtilty in the Temptations themselves being mixt with Policy and Craft in the highest Degree Satan's Temptations are his Stratagems and his Stratagems are Stratagems indeed Now the Devil's Temptations are several chiefly these 1. To Atheism 2. Security 3. Love of the World 4. Hypocrisie 5. A False Faith SECT IV. I shall now shew some-what o●… Satan's Subtilty in Tempting to Atheism and what Article is there o●… our Faith but Satan many time●… makes poor Souls call into Question●… I might insist on every one of them and so shew you how it is that h●… Cavils at them but I shall only speak of the Chief viz. The Being of a God and so shew you what Satan hath against this Primordial Verity and also furnish you with Answers sufficient to stop the Mouth of this Roaring Lyon and prop up thy Faith in this Point The First pretended Ground of Atheism is this What Reason saith the Devil is there for thee to believe One whom thou or no Body did ever see Thou didst never see God neither know'st thou any that did see Him and yet notwithstanding this what a Talk is there of this supposed Deity We must Walk with Him we must not Offend Him but How can we Walk with one we see not and Offend one who is not Answ. What of all this may the Soul answer Because I see not the Wind is there no Wind and because 〈◊〉 see not my Soul have I not one What absurd Ratiocination is this More-over I see God saith the Soul which positively Denyes what yo●… have Asserted for do I not see him though not as he is in the Work●… of Creation and Providence Do no●… the Works of
Converted and Born again Doest thou Walk with God Doest thou Live with God Suppose an hour of Temptation should come How dost thou think thou couldst endure it Suppose that now thou wast to Burn at a Stake and the Fire was kindled before thee Would'st thou embrace it rather than Deny Christ Put I beseech thee such Practical Questions and Soul-searching Queries as these are to thy self and as thou findest thy Heart to Echo there-unto accordingly thou may'st judge how it would be with thee in a time of Tryal What am I now in my Graces and my Obedience Do I Love Christ Believe in Christ and Abide in Him Is my Obedience also Sincere Impartial Evangelical Universal and Perpetual By thy Active Obedience guess O Christian what thy Passive may be Enter therefore O my Soul into thy Closet and there Rip up thy Self Dissect and Anatomize thy Entrails It is good to Try thy Self now because as afore-said thou may'st guess a little thereby how thou wouldst endure an Hour of Temptation should it come Besides it may Prevent God's Trying of thee Would we but Try our selves in Secret God would forbear Trying of so much as he doth But know If thou wilt not Try thy Self alone by the Sun-Light of God's Word thou shalt be Tryed by the Candle-Light the Fire-Light of his Dreadful Works The Flail of Tribulation will discover the Chaff from the Wheat and the Fire of Affliction the Dross from the Gold How doest thou think to Welcome a Prison Kiss a Stake Smile at Torments Look a Violent Death in the Face with Colour in thy Cheeks and Courage in thy Heart How doe'st thou think to endure such a Fiery Tryal that never did'st Try thy Self aforehand SECT III. Secondly The only way to Stand in Tryal is to Expect them This is one Chief Expedient No Man what-so-ever how Good Just Pious Wise so-ever can by any Means expect to be exempt from one kind of Trouble or other at one Time or another in one Measure or another and therefore why dost thou promise to thy self Safety and Security If thou art a Christian thou must be Tryed Christ thy Captain was Tryed although there was not any Fuel at all in him to invite Satan's Temptations This Life is a Ring of Misery We only Change our Troubles not Finish them Man's Life and Misery are Twins We may as well separate Weight from Lead as Trouble from a Man's Life We came inthe World with a Cry and we go out with a Groan And who will not say but these are Tryals and Man is Born unto them even as the Sparks fly upward And therefore if here is not Grounds to expect them I know nothing at all Now he that expecteth Trials will doubtless prepare for them What Man that is subject to sudden Qualms but will have some Comfortable Waters to take when-so-ever they come again You are Wise and know how to Apply it SECT IV. Thirdly Trust not thy Self against such a Time This is Self-Confidence and you know that was the Undoing of Peter and others that I have already instanc'd Believe thy own Weakness The Vine being weak Twists about the Elm to support it A good Christian being Conscious of his own Imbecillity Twists by Faith about Christ. Alwayes when a Trial comes go out of Self to Christ or else thou Fallest SECT V. Fourthly Wean thy Self from the Love of the World and Converse with things Above Let thy Thoughts Hopes and Desires Ascend up to Heaven Many are Foil'd by Satan through setting too great an Estimate upon the World the greatest Engine that the Devil hath whereby to Enchant and Ensnare poor silly Souls Who more free from Temptation than such that set lightly by the Things of this Life But alwayes observe such that Love the World Inordinately and are plung'd in the Business thereof are seldom or never freed from a Temptation SECT VI. Fifthly Give thy self to Prayer Prayer sets God at Work And one of the greatest Preparatives for Tryals we have When Christ Prayed he met Iudas This is the Compleation of all that I have said before PRAY Lead me not into Temptation but Deliver me from Evil. And for this thing I besought the Lord Thrice Prayer is the Key that opens God's Store-House and fetches out from thence those Mercies that our various Wants and Necessities calls for CHAP. IX COntaining the Third Fourth Fifth Sixth and Seventh Deduction SECT I. If it be so That such who are Eminent may Relapse then let us not Censure all that have Relaps'd and been Guilty of Miscarriages Eminent Christians have been over-taken with a Fault and therefore be Tender in your Judging and not be as some who are Censorious and Rash mis-judging the Cases of such that have been over-come by a Temptation The Tempted are to be Succoured much less Censured Surely such have not Learnt Christ who have not learnt this So that there is great Cause of Lamentation when we consider what little Commiseration is shew'd unto the Tempted even by them that pretend very much unto Religion Ah! It grieves me exceedingly I can truly say because I see not that Sympathy in the Professors of this Age as there ought to be What Censures and Reproofs do we abound with to our Shame be it spoken We should consider our Selves as of the Body and such that may be Tempted Gal. 6. v. 1. Brethren although a man be over-taken in a Fault ye which are Spiritual restore such an one in the Spirit of Meekness considering your Selves c. I am verily perswaded that scarce any Age hath afforded less of Souls that understand the Doctrine of Temptation than this And therefore it is that a Loving Charitable Sympathizing and Gaining Carriage is no more manifested unto such that are attended with Temptations Thou that Censurest those that are Tempted may'st as well Censure our Saviour himself for he was Tempted Thou hast more Reason O Man to be Jealous of thy Self that hast not been Tempted than others that have been Tempted More-over none are able to Speak a Word in Season unto such that are Tempted than those who have been in like-manner Exercised A Man that hath Rid over a Place where are Boggs and Quick-Sands is the fittest to guide others through that dangerous Place Who can better Unmask and Discover Santan's Policies and Sugar'd Lies than those who have been long in the Fencing-School of Temptation SECT II. If it be so That the Confident Cedar may Fall such who are Eminent in Christianity may be subject to Lapses then let not Christians themselves as well as others think Evil of themselves because they may sometimes Halt and have a Fall How many Christians have I heard concluding Evil from their Temptations as if no such Promise as this was in the Bible viz. All things shall work together for Good for them that love God All Things that is the Best Things
Affections and Predominant they are nothing else but so many Fire-Brands of Confusion Land-Floods exceeding all Reason yea Deluges to bear down our Graces What Euripides spake of Sorrows is as true of all Inordinate Affections 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As in a sudden Fray many a Man is wounded so by Tumultuous Affections many a Sin is increased and the Devil like Thieves in Uproares is most diligent about us when our Affections are Distempered within us He can Master us most easily when we can most difficultly Master our selves But if the Affections be rightly set and composed they are then the sweetest Spring of Duty the gentlest Hand-Maids of Grace our best Sails for a Course of Piety the Activest Weapons against Iniquity our Flames in Prayer and Wings to Heaven Therefore Watch these Affections They are a Cole quickly Kindled but not so quickly Extinguished Your Safety lies much in this How they are Set and how they Work The same Strings may make Pleasant Musick or a Jarring Discord All is as they are Set and Fingred Your Affections may be either your Pleasant Garden or your Turbulent Ocean Therefore Watch them for Rectitude of Motion for Measure of Motion and for Order of Motion If your Love which is the General of the Affections should be set not on God but the World or Sin If your Hatred should be directed not against Sin but Good Men or which is worse against Goodness it self If your Zeal should not be pure Flames for Divine Glory but a burning Rage against his Truth If your Fear should not be a Flight from Evil but an Apostasie from Christ If your Anger should be a Displeasure at another's Eminencies and not at your own Exorbitances If your Hope should not be a well-ballanced Expectation of Happiness but a blind and venturous Presumption of Mercy And if your Grief should be Trouble that you cannot be and do more Evil Ah! how Vile how Irregular how Dangerous are Affections thus Routed and Dis-ordered But if Love and Hatred be lookt unto to Keep their Right Centers to Move towards their Proper Objects to Love nothing but Good to Hate nothing but Evil Now there is Rectitude and now there will be Peace and Comfort But stay not here Watch likewise your Aff●…ctions for their Order and Measure it is difficult to keep and observe these O! How much Holiness of Heart and how large an Influence of Spiritual Wisdom is required to Guide the Affections with an even and befitting Pulse to keep those Mettals in an Expedient Heat That I should utterly Hate and Abhor the Sin and yet Mercifully Pity and Love the Person Be at the same time throughly Zealous and yet abundantly Meek Contend earnestly for the Faith yet all this Contending to be carried without any Contentiousness Beat down Errors and yet not Revile Persons Patiently bear Afflictions and Injuries with Silence and yet not Slight any Suffering with Unsensibleness That when I do Behold much Mercy yet I should Fear And when I Feel much Sin yet I should Hope Not Presume nor yet Despair But temper Faith and Fear Grief and Hope together This is the Orderly Composure of our Affections and the Exercise of it is very Difficult though very Necessary And therefore Watch The last Bull-Wark or Fort which you must keep Watch on is Conscience Solomon calls it the Heart which must be kept with all Diligence There is much to be said why it is to be Watched that I will say but little Is it not God's Vicegerent in Man The Spy up on us Our Great Counsellour Our Best Friend or Worst Enemy Our Heaven of Peace or Hell of Torment Our Wall of Brass or Prison of Iron Know ye not the Vigorous Supports of its Excusing Testimony What Confidence it gave to the Martyrs at the Bar and what Rejoycing even in the Flames Have ye not heard the Terrible Affrightments and Amazements of its Condemning Power How when it hath been awaken'd and stir'd it hath so Imprinted on the Proud Sinner the Wrath of the Great God that he hath been driven to Great Consternation Well! be Advised in time Great Sins will make Great Wounds in Conscience yea and Little Sins Committed against the Light of Conscience will occasion great Stirs and Troubles Speak no more against Conscience Write no more against Conscience Flatter no more against Conscience Live not in any Sin do nothing against Conscience Remember what befel Francis Spira who adventured against the strong Dictates of his Conscience he could not Recover Peace to his Dying-Day Remember what besel Origen who consented to Sacrifice But Lord What Horrors what Confusions what Lamentations what Despairs what Extream Exigencies in Conscience did attend him for Sinning thus Remember Iudas also who Sold his Master to the High-Priest He Sold his Master indeed but Sold his Peace too Instantly is he Arrested and Charged by Conscience and the Guilt of his Sin Crucified Him before the Rage of the Souldiers could Crucify his Master No Rest no Hope He chose Death rather than Life and hastened to Hell it self for some Ease O therefore Watch to Conscience Get it Renewed and Purged from Dead Works Obey it when it brings Light from Heaven to Command Wound it not by Corrupt Errors and Practio●…s Keep it Undefiled and Resolute Farewel Peace farewel Comfort Hope God Heaven Happiness if you Sell your Consciences But if you would Live in Life Enjoy your Selves Live in Death Enjoy your Hopes Live after Death Enjoy God and Christ As you desire Comfort from God from the Creatures from your Selves Watch keep Conscience Right and Sound No not for all the World make Shipwrack of Conscience Thy Ark is Lost if Conscience be Split Secondly The Ports or Gates to be Watched and Guarded by which We Go out and an Enemy may Come in These Ports are our Outward Senses by which the Soul Goes out and Objects Come in I cannot so distinctly Prescribe for these as for the rest only this we know That Sensible Objects have great Force to actuate and excite Peculiar Corruptions and Vile Temptations usually slip in and Co-operate with Outward Representations Satan by the Goodly Fruit deceived the Eye of Eve and Corrupted her to Transgression David's wandring Eye occasioned two Horrid Sins one of Adultery the other of Murder Therefore set a Strict Watch upon this Port or Sense of Seeing Iob did so He made a Covenant with his Eyes And Solomon Advises the Iunker not to Look on the Wine when it gives its Colour in the Glass And also not to Come near the Doors or Presence of the Strumpet Epiphanius saith That in the Old Law when any Dead Body was carryed by any House they were enjoyned to shut their Doors and Windows And in a Moral Sense the same Counsel were good for us When any Objects are apt to come in at the Windows of our Eyes Entising Alluring us to Sin shut the Windows presently lest Death should Enter by
know their own Hearts till Troubles come They never thought they had so much Pride so much Impatience so much Unbelief They thought they could have submitted to the Hand of God that they could have born more than is now upon them with Patience and Meekness But now they find their Wretched Hearts murmur repine fret and vex Now they find Corruptions stir exceedingly When the Fire comes to Green Wood there comes out abundance of Watery Stuff that was not discerned before So Temptations and Afflictions do make that appear which before could not be discerned 1 Pet. 4. 12. Deut. 8. 2 3. Thirdly That we may be Reformed Isa. 27. 9. By this therefore shall the Iniquity of Jacob be Purged and this is all the Fruit to take away his Sin When Physicians Purge the Body they Purge out that which is Good as well as that which is Evil But God Purgeth out only the Evil. As Aloes kill the Worms so do fiery Tryals and sharp Temptations kill the Lusts that are in our Hearts What the Flayl is to the Corn it brings it from the Straw what the File is to the Iron it takes of the Rust and what the Fire is to Gold it purgeth it from Dross that is Temptation to the Graces of God's People Zach. 13. 9. I will Refine them as Silver and will Try them as Gold Fourthly That we might be instructed Instruction doth alwayes go along with God's Rod and his House of Correction is the School of Instruction Those that are Tempted do better understand Scripture sayes Luther but those who are secure in their Prosperity read them as a Verse in Ovid. Three Things we are instructed in by Temptations 1. The Malice of Satan 2. The Calamity of this Life 3. That Security must be avoyded First The Malice of Satan is discovered in our Temptations and by them we come to know it We clearly see Satan's Hand in every Bullet that he shoots Now it is of great Advantage to a Souldier that he knows what manner of Enemy it is that he is to Encounter with Finally None but the Tempted knows what the Tempter is such understand all his Wiles Stratagems and Devices They know that the Devil is a Malicious Spirit the Master of Envy and God's Childrens Capital Enemy They know that the Devil aimes their Ruin and designes their utter Subversion They know that he is a Tempter for his Suggestions a Lyon for his Devouring a Dragon for his Cruelty and a Serpent for his Subtilty As his Names are so is He. Secondly Temptations shew what a Miserable World this is Were we Above Temptations could not reach us but here Below Temptations attend us The Devil can shoot his Darts any where here even in those Places where we Worship God What then shall we say This World is but a Fluctuating Sea of Troubles and the Sweetest Comforts contain'd therein are but as Gall and Worm-wood Thirdly Temptations do inform us of the Evil of Security and that it must be avoided if we would be truly Secure Security is oft-times the Cause of Temptation and Temptation is oft-times the Remedy of Security Temptations are like the Prick at the Nightingale's Breast that awakens her and puts her upon her sweet and delightful Notes Yea the Rust of Security is Fil'd off by Temptations The Afflictions of the Godly sayes one are Bitter Arrows sent from the Sweet Hand of God to slay our Security Fifthly Another End that God hath in suffering us to be Tempted is That we might be quickened to Duty especially that of Prayer The more furiously Satan Tempts the more frequently and fervently the Soul doth Pray When the Messenger of Satan did buffet Paul his very next Work was to go to Prayer 2 Cor. 12. 8. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice When we are at Peace God seldom hears from us but when we are at Wars How fervently and frequently do we seek the Lord our God What Praying then without Intermission is there A Christian's Life then is all Prayer only Prayer and nothing but Prayer The Deer being shot with the Dart runs faster to the Water So the Soul whom Satan shoots with his Fiery Darts runs faster to the Throne of Grace Our Devotions are quickened and excited by the sensible Feeling of God's Fatherly Correction which all his Children are Partakers of Therefore quarrel not with God's Divine Providences in permitting your Souls sometimes to be Hurried with Satan Sixthly We are Tempted that it might appear that we are Sons and not Bastards Heb. 12. 8. And is it not a Blessed thing to know our selves to be the Children of God Why this is oft-times attained to by Chastisements For those whom God Loveth he Rebuketh Afflictions are Love-Tokens from God and they do demonstrate his Favour unto us God Afflicts with the same Love that he Adopts God is most Angry when he shews no Anger saith Bernhard God has as one excellently observes one Son without Sin but no Son without Stripes God has Thoughts of Love in all that he doth to his People The Grounds of his Dealing is Love the Manner of his Dealing is Love and the Ends of his Dealing is Love The Saints Troubles are not Penal but Medicinal They arise not from Vindictive Iustice but from a Fatherly Love Seventhly God permits us to be Tempted to shew his Detestation of Sin and to let the World know that he will not allow of Sin in the Best of his Children God's Dealing with his Children are sometimes Penal as well as Probational Herein God's Iustice appears For should he punish Others for Sin and spare his Own Wicked Men would say He were Partial But God by Afflicting his Own doth declare his unspotted Iustice and also terrify the VVicked who may Read their future Miseries in the Saints present Troubles For if Iudgement begins at the House of God VVhere then shall the VVicked and Ungodly appear If it go thus with the Green Trees How shall it go with the Dry If Troubles happen upon the Sheep of Christ What shall then happen on the VVolves If God deals thus with his Friends VVhat then shall become of his Enemies Eighthly God permits us to be Tempted that we might be Cautioned and VVarned Temptation the Lesser Hell makes God's Children to beware of the Greater Hell A Christian's Woes are his VVarnings Warnings to himself and Warnings to others And hence they are strict and precise Have they Committed such a Sin through Temptation They will for the Time to come beware So that if a Temptation of that kind like Ioseph's Mistress sollicites unto Evil they will flee from it Ninethly God permits us to be Tempted for the Exercise of our Graces It is one thing to have Grace and another thing to exercise Grace And Grace in its Exercise it is that Pleaseth and Delighteth God Now Afflictions and Temptations do stir up the Grace of God within
us and they do keep our Graces in Vigour For it is Grace in its Actings that Resemble God who is Himself a Pure Act alwayes in Action And every Thing the nearer it comes to God the more it hath its Perfection in Working When Spices are Beaten then they send forth their Fragrant Smell So when God's Servants are in the Furnace of Tryals then their Graces send forth their Sweetness Grace is alwayes the better for its wearing A Tool that is daily used is kept Bright and Shining And so Grace when it is most Exercised it is most Glorious and Beautiful God is highly displeas'd when Graces in our Souls lye Dormant God loves that his Children should be in Exercise For the Soul without Action is like the Instrument not Play'd upon or like a Ship alwayes in Haven Tenthly and Lastly We are Tempted that we may be Glorifyed The more Temptations we have now the more Glory we shall have hereafter Gerhard in his Meditations saith thus Christ Descended first into Hell and afterwards he Ascended up to Heaven and so it must be with all the Faithful They must first Descend into the Hell of Temptation before they can Ascend up to Heaven And therefore the more Temptations here the more Glory will be heaped up in Heaven Rom. 8. 17. If we Suffer with Him Christ we shall also Reign with Him And so 1 Pet. 1. 7. Nay further Our Temptations will also Sweeten as well as Augment Heavenly Glory The Philosopher Zeno said Pleasures were nothing worth if Torments sometimes were not Experienced Tertullian hath a very Pathetical Expression and very pregnant to the Matter in hand The Greater the Combates the Greater are the following Rewards Temptations do but add Pearles unto our Crown No Wearing of the Crown but by Bearing of the Cross. I shall conclude with an Excellent Speech of St. Austin That I may after this Languishing Life see Christ in Glory and be Partaker of so great a Good VVhat though Sickness weakens me Labours oppress me VVatchings spends me Cold be-nums me Heat inflames me nay though my whole Life be spent in Sighs and Sorrows VVhat is all to that Rest which shall ensue in the Life to come The Result of all from this Doctrine shall be this If Satan be a Chained Enemy let not Christians fear him over-much Look upon all Satan's Fiery Darts to be but as the VVaves tossing the Ark yet saving Noah Or as the Whale swallowing up yet preserving Ionah Or as the Dragon pursuing the Woman yet procuring her greater Preservation Or as the File grating the Iron yet making it Clearer and Brighter than before Or as the Mill grinding the Wheat yet making it Useful Or as the Coals heating Perfume yet making it thereby more Odoriferous CHAP. XIII I Have now done with the Second Point of Doctrine and therefore shall proceed to the Third the VVords do afford Viz. That Satan in all his Assaults strikes principally at Faith This is that which he makes as his Butt at which he shoots viz. our Faith This he would fain weaken and if he could shatter to Pieces But that this Point may be rightly improved this Method shall be us'd 1. What this Faith is 2. What that Faith is which the ●…il strikes at 3. Confirm the Point 4. Assigne some Reasons for the same 5. Make Application SECT I. First For the First What this Faith is Unto which I Answer The VVord Faith hath many Acceptions in Scriptures Sometimes it is taken Objectively and so it imports the Gospel or Object of Faith Thus St. Paul Preached the Faith Gal 1. 23. That is the Gospel which is the great Engine that lets down God's Faith to Men and catches up Men's Faith to God Sometimes it imports a Dogmatical or Historical Faith which is an Assent to the Word of God as True and Infallible Thus the very Devils believe a God and which is more than many Sinful Worms they Tremble Iam. 2. 19. Sometimes it imports a Temporary Faith which is but a Dogmatical Faith Budding and Blossoming with some Tasts and Joyes in the Things of God Thus the Stony Ground Received the VVord with Ioy Matth. 13. 20. Sometimes it imports Saving Faith called by the Apostle Precious Faith 2 Pet. 1. 1. This Faith Virtually includes all the rest and it is this which the Devil strikes at SECT II. Secondly What is that Faith which the Devil strikes at VVhy it is Saving Faith Because that Faith doth apprehend Christ and his Merits and fetches from thence Power against the Devil And therefore he strikes at it So that when-ever we talk of a Faith that the Devil strikes at we must still understand a Saving Faith SECT III. Thirdly This Point of Doctrine is to be Confirm'd viz. That Satan in all his Assaults strikes principally at Faith Now this appears in these Things First In that God's Childrens Faith hath very often Strong Conflicts and Combates in so much that they are forced to cry out and say Wo is me VVhat shall I do VVhat shall I do The Saints Faith and the Devil's Temptations do oft-times strive together like the Sun and the Cloud to me a fit Emblem thereof One would get the Mastery and the Other would get the Mastery Secondly In that God's Children's Faith is sometimes weakned and lost Gradually as to some Degrees of it though it shall Recover it self again by the Powerful Influences of the Holy Ghost All that I have said about this may be confirm'd in Abraham David Peter and Paul SECT IV. The Reasons of the Point may be these First The First Reason may be this Faith hath the Preheminence above all other Graces It is the Chiefest of Graces It is among Graces as the Sun is among the Planets or as Solomon's Vertuous Woman among the Daughters Prov. 31. 29. Though every Grace hath done Vertuously yet thou O Faith Excels them The Apostle indeed gives the Precedency to Love and sets Faith on the Lower Hand 1 Cor. 13. 13. Now abideth Faith Hope Charity these Three but the Greatest is Charity But you must observe That this Prelation of it before Faith hath a particular Respect to the Saints Blessed Estate in Heaven where Love remains and Faith ceaseth In which regard Love indeed is the Greater because it is the End of our Faith We apprehend by Faith that we may Enjoy by Love But if we consider the Christians present State while Militant on Earth in this respect Love must give place to Faith 'T is true Love is the Grace that shall Triumph in Heaven but it is Faith not Love which is the Conquering Grace on Earth 1 Ioh. 5. 4. This is the Victory that over-cometh the World even our Faith Love indeed hath its Place in the Battle and doth Excellent Service but it is under Faith its Leader Gal. 5. 6. Faith which worketh by Love Even as the Captain Fighteth by his Souldiers whom he Leads on