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A50325 Truth held forth and maintained according to the testimony of the holy prophets, Christ and his Apostles recorded in the Holy Scriptures with some account of the judgments of the Lord lately inflicted upon New-England by witchcraft : to which is added, Something concerning the fall of Adam, his state in the fall, and way of restoration to God again, with many other weighty things ... / written in true love to the souls of my neighbours and all men, which includeth that love to them and myself, by Thomas Maule. Mall, Thomas, b. 1629 or 30. 1695 (1695) Wing M1354; ESTC W491354 172,116 273

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evil one time and another time move them to do it for the Spirit of God by Jesus Christ moves his People in the way of holiness in which holy Way of Righteousness they have born their faithful Testimonies for Gods holy Truth against Fighting to defend their Faith by or with the carnal Sword or to take up any such like evil Practice again for Gods way of bringing his People nearer to him is by Jesus Christ whose Kingdom he will more and more exalt in the hearts of the saithful and not with the using of any carnal Weapon but by the Power of his own Spirit Ezek. 4.6 in which state they desire the wellfare of all men both Soul and Body and not as many do to kill the Body and say they desire the wellfare of their Souls whose Bodies they have destroyed for the Spirit of God meaneth not any such thing as to destroy mens Bodies with the carnal Sword and say they desire the wellfare of their souls for according to Christs Dostrine he that destroyes the Body of his Enemy cannot love the Soul of his Enemy for Christ came to save both Soul and Body and through the Power of God in him are many redeemed which by nature were Enemies ●nto him then what more can be said are not men by rature Enemies to one another then come to the Law and the ●rophets and do even as ye would be done unto for if you will be beloved of God in Christ you must love both Soul and Body of your Enemies even as Christ hath done unto them which have been Enemies unto him for Love covers a multitude of faults and Love leads them that are faithfull to God to keep the sayings of Christ who hath commanded to pray for Enemies and to do good unto all men by which they may be the Children of their Father which is in heaven in which state the Kingdom of this World may become the Kingdoms of Jesus Christ that the Prophets saying may be fulfilled that Nation shall not lift up Sword against Nation neither shall they learn War any more Isa 2.4 Mich 4.3 untill which time the saying of Christ is fulfilled upon them that take the Sword which must perish with the Sword then happy are they that are yet living in the Body and have known the end of all War Strife and Contention for unto their Number Will be the gathering of them that shall not lift up the Sword one against the other neither learn war any more of which Number are the despised of this day who strive to maintain Peace by denying all Wars and Fightings with the carnal Sword or of the like Nature CHAP. XXIII Concerning Conscience which justifies the Ways of the Righteous and condemneth the unrighteous Works of the Wicked MAny People talk of Conscience among vvhom some there are vvhose Hearts are so hardned that their Consciences are seared as vvith a hot Iron such are in the depth of Iniquity against God and his Christ and many are they that have so little regarded Conscience that they have sinned out the Day of Gods Grace and many more are travailing in the broad Way of Destruction and fevv there be that knovv vvhat Conscience is or the Nature of a good Conscience tovvards God and all men for the Righteousness of God is held in a pure Conscience by vvhich the fruits of their righteous Works are manifest in the sight of God and in the sight of men but the Righteousness of the World is Unrighteousness vvith God for their Righteousness is held in a corrupt Conscience of their own Unrighteousness vvhich is to themselves for Destruction but vvhere there is any thing of Life in heart mind and spirit as to the things of God vvhich concern the Wellfair of the Soul there is Conscience at vvork either excusing or accusing according as their vvords thoughts actions are before the Lord vvhich searcheth the heart and giveth to every man according to the Fruits of his ovvn Works vvhether of Faith and Obedience or of Unbelief and ●isobedience vvhich the Witness of God vvith every and ●isobedience vvhich either justifie or condemn for all men shall be tryed by their Deeds done in the Body and accordingly they shall receive from the Lord the righteous Judge of Heaven Earth vvho vvill call all to an Account in the great Day of his Coming to judge the Quick and the Dead then happy vvill it be vvith them vvho have made good Conscience in all things of this Life towards God and all men for the Day is coming in which Fear and Dread shall come upon all the Ungodly vvho have not made Conscience of Obedience to the Name of the Lord Jesus vvho is largely manifested and many have and do believe and confess and shevv their Deeds as many have already ●one vvho have brought out their Books of curious Arts ●nd burnt them in the presence of men the loss of which to ●hem vvas gain though the price thereof amounted to fifty thousand pieces of Silver Acts 19.17 18 19. and such vvere they that by believing made good Conscience before God in the sight of men vvhich if all vvould live up in obedience to the Witness of God they vvould come to the improvement of the like Conscience before God CHAP. XXIV Concerning the free Love of God in and by the Lord Jesus Christ THe Love of God by the gift of his Spirit of Light Life and Grace is free for all men by Jesus Christ for God so loved the World that he sent his only beloved Son the Lord Jesus to suffer Death for all men that abosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life John 3.15 16. Then they that believe in Christ are them that abide in the love of God which leads to keep all his Commandments which he hath by the Son of his Love the Lord of Life commanded all men to keep for the great Love of God was manifest that Jesus who was made a little lower then the Angels for the suffering of Death crowned with Glory and Honour that by the Grace of God should taste Death for every man Heb. 2.9 by which every man that heareth his Word and believeth on God hath Life and shall not come into Condemnation but is passed from Death unto Life John 5.24 For the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the Voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live Vers 25. which is according to the Apostles saying that when he was dead in T●espasses and Sins against God the Voice of the Son of God appeared unto him who became willing to give up in true love to serve the Lord with uprightness in heart and mind by which thorough the Love o● God in Christ he came through Faith and Obedience to receive that Crown of Righteousness which was not only in store for him but for all them that love the appearance of the Lord J●sus in their
own hearts 2 Tim. 4.8 which is that true be●eving on Christ by which the faithfull receive Life everlasting John 6.7 for he that loveth any thing more th●n the appearance of Gods Gift of divine Light of Life by J●ins Christ he is not in the true Love of God to receive Christ for he that will not come into obedience to the gift of Gods Spirit in his own heart he is free through Disobedience from the Love of God by Jesus Christ for it is the Willing and Obedient that are made partakers of Gods heavenly Riches by the Son of his Love and Lord of Life whose Life remains hid to them that are not willing in true love to forsake the love of all Visibles and visible Delights for his sake but they who in obedience to him are willing to forsake the love of Houses or Brethren or Sisters or Fathers or Mothers or Wife or Children or Lands for the Name of Christ they shall receive an hundred fold and shall inher●● everlasting Life Mat. 19.29 Luke 8.29 30. So that Life and Salvation is of no other way then by that love which is free for God to serve him in what he hath commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ who requires no less love from his People then to serve him in true love of Uprightness in heart and mind for he that was to come is come to redeem his People from spiritual Bondage and they are to serve no other lovers but the Truth of God made manifest by the Son of Gods love the Lord Jesus Christ whose Commands they are to keep all the dayes of their appointed time and not to love any thing more then to serve the Lord with a perfect heart and willing mind out of which state the Soul is free from that benefit which the faithfull receive through the love of God by Jesus Christ for no man can remain in love to serve two Masters he will either hate the one love the other or despise the one and hold with the other for no man can serve God and mammon Mat. 6.2 Luke 16.13 but many are they that profess love to God in words but their love is far from him in works for he that saith his love is to God and doth not keep the Commandments of God the same is a Lyer and the love of God abideth not in him for whosoever keepeth his word in him is the Love of God perfected and he is known by his walking even as he walked Joh. 2.1 ● 3 4 5 6. for Christ is the Righteousness of Gods Love to his People and every one that doth Righteousness is born of him 1 Ioh. 2 2● then People who are in a profession of Gods Truth and of loving one another and their Neighbours as themselves which except such Professors are come to witness the saving Love of God and of his redeeming Power through Faith and Obedience to the gift of his divine Light and quickening Word of his Spirit their Profession is for Condemnation because it remains dead as to the Love of God by Jesus Christ in which state it is not he that saith Lord Lord that shall enter but he that doth the will of God in love of obedience to what he hath required which is to serve him and keep his Commandments for in that day many shall say they have done wonderfull Works in his Name but having not done the will of God in perfect Love of Obedience to keep his Commandments they shall not be found worthy to enter the Lords Rest Mat. 7. to 23. Luke 13.27 So that Gods Love is not for the rest of mans Soul which remains only in the outward Profession of his Truth unto such the Lord will say Depart from me ye that work Iniquity I know you not so that the Love of God by Jesus Christ doth not reach to save the soul of any man only and barely by an outward Profession of his Truth but if any man love him and keep his Word the same is accepted of God Iohn 14. for the Promise of Gods Love is only to them that fear him and work Righteousness they shall receive Life everlasting for where the heart is there the Treasure is also if in the Love of Visibles then free from the love of God for all that is of the World the Lust of the Flesh and the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life all which is not of God but altogeather of the World and the World passeth away and the Lust thereof but he that doth the will of God abideth forever 1 Iohn 16.17 then as the World and Vanities thereof shall perish the Souls of them whose minds remain in the things of this World they shall perish also therefore let none be deceived for God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that also shall he reap for he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap Corruption but be that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life everlasting Gal. 6.7.8 which is sufficient encouragement for all to be faithfull in love to God by which they will come more and more to witness of his divine Love to the spiritual strength of their inward man through which every true Believer in him comes to witness their holy Life in all manner of good Conversation in which state the love of God in and through the Lord of Life leadeth in true love to do good unto all men especially to them of the Houshold of Faith Gal. 6. ● 10. who arê bound in true love to God that they do not dare to love that which God ha●t● neither to hate that which God loves neither indeed can they because the Love of God is to his own begetting and they that are begot of him through Faith and Obedience in Christ they can neither love nor hate but as ●●od loveth or hateth that which is for him or against him so that the Life of every true believer in Christ is of the nature of Christ and is led by his spirit to love that which Christ loveth and to hate that which he hateth in which Life of true love to God by his good Spirit of Grace are the faithful led to perform his will in all things of Love and Charity to the honour of his Name and the everlasting well-beeing of their own Immortal Souls so that good Works are in a band of true Love and Charity which man in his own Will and Time cannot perform according to what the Lord requires for the Lords Thoughts are not as mans Thoughts neither is the Lords Time as mans time whose Love is as unstable as the Mind which m●ves here and there having no constant abiding place even so is the Love and charity of unstable men which for want of true Love to God and obedience to his command they have no a biding in his Truth but love and hate even as the natural will stands affected one towards the other in which state
they run on in many words about Love and Charity even as they do in all other things of the like nature not knowing a bridle to the Tongue in true love to God and knowledge of his Wayes which lead the faithful in love to render unto every Man his due in which work they do justly love mercy and hate all iniquity in which life of true Obedience there is no room to love that which the Lord hates nor to hate that which the Lord loves but to render in true love to every man according to the mind of God in Christ who doth not allow his Children to give their holy things to Dogs nor to cast their Pearls before Swine but to live in the true love of God which is above the Wisdom of the Serpent whose Wisdom in unregenerated man is far from the innocent Dove-like nature in which li●e the faithful continue and remain in the Power of an endless Life in which they are redeemed from the pollutions of the World which the unfaithful remain in for as they are of the World the world loves its own but the Righteous whom God hath chosen out of the World such the world hates John 15.9 Then they which remain in the love of the world they cannot receive the love of God because they continue in Disobedience against the known will and mind of their maker therefore they have no true love to God nor his People John 15.18 but this the righteous know that all things of this world shall perish even so shall the love of them which are of this world perish also but unto them which are of the world to come the love of God is there received which shall endure forever but the love of this World remains in the works of Darkness in which the minds of them that are the Children of this World are roving out of one perishing thing into another of the like nature being unstable in all their wayes as to the Lord but the love of God which passeth knowledge is stable in the hearts of all that are faithful whose Works are without Dissimulation a●horing all that is evil cleaving only to that which is good and leads to be kindly affectionated in Brotherly Love and in the holy fear of God honouring and prefering one another in the work of his own calling who hath called his People out of all sloathfulness into f●rventness of Spirit seeking the Lord and rejo●cing in Hope patient in Tribulation and instant in prayer in which state love worketh no ill to his Nighbour but is the fulfilling of the righteous Law Rom. 12 9 to v. 13. and 13.10 So the works of the Righteous manifest them to be Christs Disciples Joh. 13.35 for they have not received the Spirit of Fear but of Power and Love and good Works 2 Tim. 1.7 Heb 10.2 4. which they that witness not these things they remain in Darkness as to the things of God from which the Righteous cannot be seperated neither by tryal in Affliction Tribulation Distress nor Persecution neither Famine Nakedness Peril nor Sword for as it is written the Righteous are all the day long killed for his sake and accounted as sheep for the Slaughter Rom. 8.35 36. which is the state of Gods Heritage who are justified by Faith and have peace with God in Jesus Christ by whom also they have access by Faith into his Grace wherein they stand and rejoyce in the hope of the Glory of God and not only so but they glory in Tribulation also knowing that Tribulation worketh Patience and Patience Experience and Experience Hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in their Hearts by the holy Ghost which is given unto them Rom. 5.2 3 4 5. so that hight nor depth nor any other Creature shall be able to seperate from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus Rom. 8. for their Souls are redeemed and become the first fruits of his Spirit in Truth and Righteousness and Holiness Love Joy Peace Long-sufferîng Gentleness Goodness Faith Meekness Temperance against such there is no Law Gal. ● 22 23. And this is the Love of God in Christ which passeth knowledge that they may be filled with all the fulness of God Ephes 3.19 in which state the Work of the Lord is done in them that are brought home to him through perfect Obedience to his holy Will in all things which of them he hath required by the gift of his Spirit of Grace in and through the Lord Jesus Christ ●y whom the Righteous are saved for they are grounded in the Love of God which is without blame forbearing in love speaking in love walking in love dwelling in love having no fear in love being knit together in Faith and love which is in Jesus Christ 1 Iohn 4.12 Ephes 1.4 Thes 3.17 and 4.2.15 and 5.2.16 Col. 2.2.2 Tim. 1.13 and many more Instances which the holy ●criptures afford to the same effect that the free love of God by Jesus Christ hath appeared unto all men but all men have not received the free tenders of his love through faith and obedience to his holy Will so that by Disobedience to the free gift of Gods Grace hardness of heart and unbelief hath got the Victory in all that perish and God is clear of the Blood of all men that perish because his free love hath been tendered through the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ who delights not in the death of them that perish but had rather all might turn and live CHAP. XXV Concerning the Church of Christ and Gospel Order in the Government of the Church of Christ IN the World among men of divers Perswasions each Society pretends to be the Church of Christ and each have their differing Forms to govern in their Church Now Christ is but one in God the ●ather and so are his Children but one in him who are begotten by the quickening Word of his Spirit which governs the Righ●●ous in Thought Word and Deed by which they know his government in his Church which are the true People of God in whom Christ is glorified John 17.9 10 11. for as God is but one in Christ and Christ is but one in God so are the People of God but one in Christ and Christ is but one in them for as their Body is the Temple of the living God he hath said That he will dwell in them and walk in them and will be their God and th●y shall be his People 2 Cor 6.16 Then Gods People begotten by him through their Fa●●h and Obedience to the gift of his Grace in and through Christ Jesus by whom through Grace his People are of an upright heart and willing mind to part with all that is not agreeable to his holy Will who will not take up his abode in men of corrupt hearts whose minds are not free to part with every delight to gain Christ and only to delight in the performing of
likewise are his People and Paradise and that the Beast spoken of in the Revelations which the whole World both great and small do at this day worship in their hearts as likewise the Tree of knowledge of good and Evil is within men for the whole exterior World or whatsoever either is or is done outwardly are but only an accident and figure signifying the Truth of the thing and the internal nature and therefore there is nothing true of whatsoever is seen with the Eyes of man for the figure and fashion of this World must pass away and perish as being nothing else but a certain imaginary World and the figure that is true right eternal and subsisting of it self consequently all things which in the Bible we●e done externally and signifyingly must again be done and again be brought to t● pass after their manner and all the History of the Bible and all Moses and the Prophets for the whole Scriptures to this day stand in force and are continually accomplished and fulfilled internally and spiritually for all things are by Christ translated into the Truth therefore it must needs be that all the Prophesies which God s●ake from the beginning of the World by the mouth of his holy Ones must still be called back reiterated or done over again therefore that shadow or that Tree was and is nothing else in the Truth but the ●ature will knowledge and life of Adam of this he should not have eaten this he should not have ascribed or arroga●ed to himself but should a been-free and freely subject to God and not to have known any thing but what God knew in him nor to have done any thing but what God did in him nor to have spoken any thing but what God spake in him c. And upon this account every man is as much forbidden this Tree as Adam was to the end that God without any impediment might have exercised his Almighty Kingdom Will Nature Power in him but himself should have been utterly void of all knowledge will or nature and not to have arrogated any of these as proper to himself this pleaseth God this was that which he commanded and what he would have had done to this interpretation agreeth true Divinity that this Tree in the substance thereof is nothing else but mans own Will Knowledge of which alone in all the earthly Paradise of this wide World of mens hearts they ought not to ea● but to account it forbidden except they will eat of Death and Distruction for as soon as Adam fell by eating of this Tree the Tree was immediately planted in his mind and afterwards derived into all the branches and fruit thereof so that as the same Word precept and forbidding was commanded to all so is the same Fall all men which are in Adam have novv eaten of Death and received from the Serpent this undigested P●yson so that it is easily perceived hovv man is his ovvn greatest Enemy and vvhat he ought to think of himself of his ovvn Will Understanding Wisdom and Knovvledge seeing it is the Counsel Seed Wisdom Knowledge and Head of the Serpent vvhich must by Christ be bruised in the Children of men for it must needs be that as in the old Testament was signified by Circumcision that in the new one by Baptism which is that of the Spirit through Regeneration and being new born of the incorruptible Seed of the Kingdom of God therefore he that will be made fit for the Kingdom of Heaven must part with and put off all things by nature and Inheritance by Adam even as he would do the Devil and Death it self viz. his own Will Prudence Wisdom and Righteousness where-with as fig-leaves their Adam doth vainly seek to 〈◊〉 himself for that is Sin and the 〈◊〉 of Death namely to eat of this True to 〈…〉 as 〈◊〉 his own Wisdom Prudence 〈…〉 but alas who know● this 〈…〉 who is it that is displeased with his own 〈◊〉 Understanding occ●●isdom when will men forsake them where are the men that do not delight themselves in their own will and recreate their minds svveetly and contentedly therein reposing upon their own knowledge understanding and the ●ike The Tree is fair to be looked upon and sweet to be tasted and therefore do the Sons of Men so greedily swallow and devour Death as Adam did land this is the misery that men know it not neither think they of it but judge it to be good and think assuredly that this is the Tree of Life even to follow their own Wills and their own Conceits and Opinion of good which indeed is false to know much to discern many sciences and so to grow great in their own Thoughts assume to become Gods and in the mean time they are not aware that this is Adams fall his biting of the Apple yea his bitter Death it self yet are continually speaking ●f the miserable● state of Man by Adams fall but not take notice the same is done in themselves and many are they that talk of his eating and pretend to detest it and him for it yet themselves eat of it even as he hath done which doth manifest the miserable state of men who prepare a Rod for themselves by giving sentence against their own life by condemning their first Father Adam and perceive not themselves fast in the same Trap. Here then consider diligently what mans Will Knowledge and Understanding is where with they think they may come into the presence of God whereas indeed it is nothing but the bitterness of Death and the fruit of the forbidden Tree how few is there among men that perceive this or will learn to put off deny fear mortifie or kill his own Will and Wisdom nay rather do they not hold it fast extol and value it as pure Gold whenas indeed it is eternal Death and truly in this Misery the whole World lieth sick and few is the number of them blessed Ones who are delivered from themselves and their own wills power and wisdom but are a small remnant and few in number as one of a City and two of a Tribe that find this strait gate and enter in at it CHAP. II. Concerning the Tree of Life what it is and why Adam was shut out forbiaden and with-holden from it and not suffered to eat thereof I Can also allow that there is the Tree of Life likewise in Paradise as we find recorded in the holy Scripture whose fruit might have been so seasoned and endued by God and how it had that nature that he who should eat of it should live forever and never dye and when Adam had eaten of the forbidden Tree and had fallen as God foretold into Death it might not now be that he should be permitted to eat of the Tree of Life otherwise he might have lived forever and the Word of God if thou eat thereof thou shalt dye the Death had been false Moreover God who is meer Love and cannot forever be angry
did will provide that Man in his misery and in enmity to God might not forever lead a wretched and calamitous Life for which cause he drove him out of Paradise from the Tree of Life into his House of Penance as if it were the World and shewed him a way whereby he might ag●in come out of Death into Paradise to the Tree of ●ternal Life but in the mean time he fenced the Tree of Life with a flying Cherub and glittering Sword lest Adam in his banishment would eat Life for it seemed better to God that Man should dye and so by Death put off this miserable Life and change it to be translated to a better for he knew that Life after this Death cold calam●y and banishment would be so much the more wellcome and he the more dear unto God after Victory therefore God who cannot hate the Sons of men ever deals mercifully with them howsoever he handleth them if they would take it in good part and not suspect him to be their Enemy for such indeed is the nature and suspicion of mans heart Now may it not thus be that for a greater Evidence or Testimony that the same thing did likewise happen in the Tree Paradise i. e. Adams heart as there is the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil which is the Seed Speech Council Knowledge Wisdom and Will of the Serpent so there is also the Tree of Life the Seed Speech and Counsel of God or of the Woman and as God and the Devil are even so are these two Seeds or two Trees so contrary the one to the other that one brings Life the other Death and therefore it is impossible that whoso eats of the one should at the same time eat of the other or come unto it as being seperated by a flying Chrub and a● glittering Sword Thus do I and also other faithful Writers interpret whinged Sin and obstinate Disobedience which is else-where called in Scripture a seperation or wa● of partition for whoso eats of the Tree of Knowledge o● good and evil that is he that greedily swallows down and devoureth humane and diabolical Wisdom he is already seperated from the Tree of Life that is from the Wisdom Speech and Knowledge of God and neither of these Wisdoms Speeches Wills or Knowledges can endure the other neither can the one come from the other so great is the Gulf between them being as far divided asunder as Heaven and Hell He that eats of the Tree of Life that is of the Word of God he is born of God and cannot dye nor sin for his Fruit doth eat the Eater and translate him into his own Nature that is into Life as elsewhere the Scripture speaketh of eating Christs fl●sh for indeed it is the same thing to eat Christ and to drink his Blood to live in his Word to believe to know God and the like as likewise it is all one to believe in Adam to live in Adam to dye to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil to obey the Seed and Word of the Serpent and to become Gods therefore he that eats of the deadly Tree and cleaves to the Word and Wisdom of the Serpent being born of Satan and afflicted he lives in flesh and blood and therefore cannot do well or please God as contrary wise the other cannot sin do evil or displease God Therefore he that will have the one must needs part with the other they must of necessity go out of the Wisdom of Adam and the Serpent and from the forbidden Tree that so the Wisdom of the Tree of Life may enter to abide in them Adam and the Wisdom of the flesh must dye in them that Christ may live in them and the Spirit may have the government the Life of the one is the Death of the other and the weakness of one is the strength of the other for no man can serve two Masters and in vain shall men strive to reconcile God and Adam or Christ and the Serpent Light and Darkness the Old Man and the New God and Beliel or the Temple of God and the Temple of Idols CHAP. III. Concerning the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil planted in the heart of Adam that is the Seed Speech and Spirit of the Serpent and that great Idol Anti christ Sin Death and the Devil and the Beast spoken of in Daniel and the Revelations which is the greatest and most ordinary worshipping of Angels WHat is it that men think is the Beast of which Daniel writeth that resisteth and blasphemeth the the most High and killeth the Saints is it not that old Serpent that overthrew Adam and Eve And what is the Tree of knowledge of good and evil what is the shameless King and Anti-Christ of which Daniel writ and Paul to the Thessalonians And what is that many headed Beast which the whole World adoreth which is spoken of in the Revelations And what is Sin what is Death what is the Devil himself but every mans own Will Wisdom Reason Religion Righteousness Skill Delight for which cause Paul calleth it Death itself Enmity against God and Folly before him and the Apostle James calls it Earthly humane Devilish Wisdom because these three are one and the same and that is devilish which is meerly humane and contrary wise Man the Devil Adam and the Serpent are the same and do agree for the Serpent did so instill this Wisdom and feinged goodness into the nature of Adam that the Serpents seed and word was in Adam made a corporal man so that now the same thing may be said of them both and as they are that are born of God and in whom the Word of God is made man or flesh are called Gods and one Spirit with God so all men being sprung of flesh and blood before they be planted into Christ and are born of the Spirit they are justly called Devils and the Devils Children and Off-spring of the Devil whose work they do therefore that which is only humane is evil and that which is devilish is humane And again what is the fall of Adam but the wisdom of the Flesh and the fruit of the forbidden Tree What is that old Dragon that came out of Hell and drew down from Heaven with his Tail a great part of the Stars of Heaven but only the Wisdom of this Tree which extolls it self against God and places his seat with the higest And what else are the Thoughts of the Flesh What is sin what is Arrogance but the Fruits and Wisdom of this Tree And what are the Decrees of Men and the bent of their Reason against God their devices and light Books but the cunning of the Devil from this Tree eaten What is all the Worship of Idols the false Religion of all the wicked Jews Turks Gentiles Mamalucks and all false Christians And what are all the Leagues Conventicles Ceremonies and Covenants but the Apples of this Tree eaten which counterfeiting the Tree
love of all things vvhich are his ovvn and vvholly cleave to the Tree of Life to live to Gods Word that the Life of it may grovv in him othervvise he vvill remain in that state vvhich fulfils vvhat is vvritten That he which is unjust unrighteous unholy and filthy let him be so still for the Lord will quickly come as a swift Witness and his Reward will be with him to give to every man according as his Works shall appear to be and a day of terror horror and misery vvill be to every vain proud covetous and unrighteous man and vvoman vvho have defiled the Temple of God through a life of obedience to the love of any one thing vvhatever more than to love the appearance of Gods holy Truth his divine Light and Word of his Spirit vvhich is the appearance of Christ the Tree of Life and seed of the Kingdom of Heaven which all unrighteous and covetous men have and do in this day burden oppress and keep under as a Cart loaden with Sheaves until with many the Spirit of God leaves striving and their house becomes desolate being left in hardness of heart with a seared Conscience having eyes and ears with which they can never more see the tenders of Gods free Love and the riches of his free Grace and large Mercy towards them that hunger and thirst after his Righteousness which only them that abide faithful are made to partake of for although the seed of the Tree of Life hath been lown in all sorts of ground yet for as much as through pride covetousness usury oppression and the like of other sins which fruit it hath brought forth to unrighteousness the seed or their own lust which hath refused to cleave to the Tree of Life and lived on the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil which hath caused their ground to be accursed and their 〈◊〉 with the fruit thereof to vvither vvaste and perish away for every branch which bringeth not forth fruit in the Tree of Life the sa●●e is taken off and cast into the fire of Gods Wrath which is burning against all the unrighteousness of men but as any repent they find mercy with God with whom all power in Heaven and Hell doth remain for as Love is a Heaven to them that live to him so likewise is his Wrath a flame of holy zeal and fire from Heaven which is Hell both in this World and also Hell in the World to come which will burn forever against every wicked Spirit of every wicked Man and Woman who have yeilded themselves Servants to serve their own lusts which hath brought forth all manner of evil fruit which is accursed in the sight of God who hath commanded all men against Pride and Covetousness which are the two great inlets or doors of Unrighteousness which mans Enemies the Devils his own lusts keep open through which the greatest of all sins enter namely Pride Blasphemy Covetousness Vsury Oppression Murders all manner of Prophaneness Lying Swearing Drunkenness Theft Whoredoms both spiritual and temporal Back-bitings Whisperings Witch-crafts Hatreds Strifs Emulations and what not of other sins is it that Pride and Covetousness make not way for them to take place for Pride and Covetousness are not willing to live and abide alone without the whole company of Enemies which find room enough to abide and live together as Brethren of one House or Family in the heart and mind of every covetous man and woman whose lust is natural to give way to any appearance of outward profit or gain in the things of this 〈◊〉 Lust is such a subtil Devil that it teaches and lead 〈◊〉 a covetous man and woman to cloath the outside with a form of Religion which is but a Child of their own lusts begetting whose Servants they are to whom they obey and a Child of their own Lusts whose work they do And thus is the Scripture fulfilled by men in a form of godliness without the power of God therein being outwardly cloathed with Scripture words which to them is such cloathing that causeth such men and women outwardly to appear as Sheep of the true Fold when indeed as the Scripture speaketh they are inwardly ravening Wolves for when they speak most fair there is seven abominations in their heart So that all men and women under what Name soever few are they that cleave to the Tree of Life to live to God in thought word and work as they ought to do because the love of some one thing or another blocks up the way of Truth that no part of the Cross can be taken up by them that love any thing more than the appearance of Gods holy Truth for which cause many are them that cannot enter the strait Gate which will not open to any but to them that keep in the path of the just which leadeth to the Tree of Life from which the faithful receive their daily nourishment who are made fit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven but of such their Number is small and in this life the tryal of their Faith is great but this is their strength through faith in the Promise of God that nothing shall befall them more than what he will enable them to bear for they have an assurance of his Grace that it is able to save from the nethermost pit of Hell and will keep and preserve all them that abide faithful to him who in the stillness of mind and retiredness of thoughts witness his saving power whose Salvation is to the ends of the Earth So that nothing more shall befall his chosen ones then vvhat hath happened to the Houshold of Faith in dayes past There is no nevv thing under the sun for as in all ages even so novv he that vvas a Jew in the outvvard vvas only a hearer of the Lavv and not a doer of vvhat vvas contained in the Lavv and so no true Heir of the Promise vvhich vvas to faithfull Abraham and to his seed not after the flesh but after the spirit for that which is born after the flesh lives to the things of the flesh which to the wisdom of the flesh are sweet and delightfull but the end thereof is the bitterness of Death for Death and Destruction is the portion and inheritance of every covetous man born after the flesh whose love to covet is that Enemy the Lust and Devil of his own houre that persecutes the Just Principle of Truth both in themselves and others which fulfilleth the scripture he that that is born after the flesh persecutes him that is born of the spirit which consequently follows that every man which is in disobedience to the spirit of God is a persecutor of the just and holy One but who is it that considers this or thinks of it nay rather do not men hide and cover themselves with this and the other form of Religion which if they do but barely come up to the outward form and in common honesty answer the extream
in learning the holy Scriptures in which they have the Doctrine Principles and Practice of the holy Men of God for their Example to follow them even as they have been Followers of Christ then they would come into that state in which they would witness the Power of God by Jesus Christ to crucifie every unruly Affection which doth lust after sin and evil and leads the Mind from serving God into the excess of spending the Creation to perform their hearts Lusts by which they dishonour the Name of the Lord and increase Trouble and Sorrow to the destroying of their Souls which is the end of them that remain in an unrighteous Life for whatsoever People may say in respect that their Tongues are their own an● that their Thoughts are free to think what they please and that there is a time to be Merry and to Sing and Dance and Recreate themselves with much more of the like Expressions yet for all these things there is a time wherein all men must appear before the Lord of Life to render a just Account of every Thought Intent and Action of all the Deeds done in the Body in which Day it shall go well with the Righteous but the Ungodly and Prophane shall be turned into Hell with him unto whom their Obedience hath been for all that have forgot to retain God in all their Thoughts so living and dying God will also forget Mercy towards them for his Regard is only to his own Seed and to Men as they are joyned to it which hath been sown in all sorts of Ground which is in the heart of every Man and Woman for them to yeild their whole Obedience thereunto for whatsoever ye do whether ye eat or whether ye drink let all be done to the Praise and Honour of God who gives Life Health and Strength for that end for whatsoever is in Peoples talk more than of Yea and Nay it is for Condemnation which is great matter of weight for People well to consider what will become of their Souls who live in the daily Practice of Words Actions wherein the Lord never savingly appears but as he doth permit their Souls Enemy to rule their Thoughts Intents Words and Actions so of his free Love in Mercy to their Souls the Lord doth manifest to them the evil of their way which is by the gift of his divine Light in their own hearts and by his Spirit in the Instruments of his Truth which have been sent and are yet sending to warn the Wicked to turn from their unrighteous Wayes which if they would but give up their minds to come under the Cross of Christ which is that Cross for them to bear which remains in Opposition to their corrupted Desires then they would become able by the Power of God in Christ to witness his Yoke to be easie and his Burden to be light for what he hath said unto one be hath a so said unto all that is Watch and Pray lest ye eater into Temptation for he that remains faithful in his Watch by the Light of the Lord perceiveth the Devil's Temptation in his first Allurement which by true Prayer in faithfulness to his Watch the Power of God in him doth appear to the resisting of his Souls Enemy and causeth him to slee so that in them in whom the Mind is stable in seeking after the Lord for the Knowledge of his Truth in Jesus Christ their Understanding will open more and more towards him by which the reading of the holy Scriptures will also be of great benefit to the Understanding which will also refresh the inward Man so that as all are diligently to mind the Gift of Gods Grace which they have received as a Seed of the Kingdom through which by Obedience it will grow and bring forth Fruit acceptable to God who requites his own with increase for the Honour of his Same and profit of Peoples Souls that by Obedience to his holy Seed they may remain in Covenant with God and be made Partakers of his Kingdom in and through the Son of his Love the Lord Jesus Christ Further concerning the Man Christ which was conceived by the holy Ghost born and brought forth of the Virgin Mary and suffered Death for the Redemption of all men and as many shall be saved as believe in his Name GOd so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life John 3.16 Which doth manifest that God sent his only Son born of a Woman to suffer Death in a Body of Flesh for the Redemption of Peoples Souls in which Body of Flesh did remain the Fullness of the Spirit towards the Salvation of all mens Souls yet they only shall be saved which believe in his Name for his Name is called Jesus because he was sent of God to save his People from their sins Mat. 1.21 Luke 1.31 which is according to the Prophet Isaiah cap. 7.14 15. A bruised Reed shall he not brea● nor smoking Flax shall he ●ot quench till he send forth Judgment unto Victory and in his Name shall the Gentiles trust Mat. 12.15 to v. 21. He came to his own and 〈…〉 received him not but as many as received him to them he ga●e Power to become the Sons of God which were born not of Blood nor of the will of Flesh nor of the will of Man but of God Joh. 1 11 12 13. Which doth manifest that where men only believe in the outward Righteousness of the Man Christ who as he was in the Body of Flesh was God and Man without the believing in the Gift of his Spirit which i● the inward Word of Life and leads the heart and mind of every sincere Christian into a sanctified state of true Obedience to the Gift of his divine Light and quickening Word of his Spirit of Grace without which they cannot come to live in that true Faith which justifies the Souls of the Righteous in the sight of God the Father in which state of true Obedience the evidence of his Spirit doth bear witness with their Spirit That the Declaration of his Truth recorded in the holy Scriptures hath proceeded from the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus who in that Body of Flesh was both God and Man according as it is written for Peoples learning That the Word was made Flesh and dwelt on Earth among the Sons and Daughters of Men and many that believed his Name believed his Glory as the Glory of the only begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth Joh. 1.14 They outwardly believed as Man with a visible Eye but as to his invisible Glory of Holiness they believed him the Lord of Life as he was God and Man with an invisible Eve which by the Gist of his Spirit enlightened them to know him to be the Lord of Life whom to know by true Faith is Life Eternal which was made known unto them by the gift of
that is a Member of his Body doth of his divine Nature partake by which it doth bud spring and bring forth Fruit abundantly to the Praise and Honour of Gods holy Name but every Branch that bringeth not forth Fruit unto God by true Faith in Christ the Father taketh away for it s by Disobedience the Lord cuts it off and appoints it its Portion in Hell which is the Portion of all them that let the Day of Gods Grace and Visitation of his Spirit to pass over but every Branch that beareth Fruit in Christ the true Vine the Father purgeth it of its first nature the old heaven of Degeneration and by the Power of his Word Grace and Spirit leavens the heart mind and spirit into the new lump and nature of his heavenly Kingdom in Christ Jesus the Author and Finisher of his own Work in them that truely believe which by Faith in Christ bring forth Fruits of Righteousness and Holiness which are the Works of true Faith without which Faith is even dead as the Body is without the Spirit for by the Gift of Gods good Spirit of Grace is the Faith of every true Believer wrought into a lively hope in which stands an assurance of that Crown of Righteousness which 〈…〉 store for all true Believers that fear the Lord and keep his Commandments such are they that live in the true fear of the Lord which is the beginning of Wisdom and leads the Mind out of visible delights and to follow Christ with an easie Yoke and light burden to do his Will which is that strait and even narrow Way which leadeth unto the Kingdom in which no unclean thing can enter neither is there any cleansing but what is here on Earth for as Death leaves so Ju●gment finds and there is no Repentance in the Grave Which things in the true Love of God to Peoples Souls I do exhort them to weigh and consider that they may turn in their minds from all vain Delights and obey the Voice of the Son of God in their own hearts that by the Gift of his Spirit they may come to be turned from Darkness to Light and from the Power of their Souls Enemy to serve the Lord in true Holyness of heart mind and spirit for there is no other Name given under Heaven for men to be saved but as they come to believe in Christ as he did outwardly suffer and also believe in the Gift o● his Spirit and inward Word of Life unto all them that are in true Obedience to the gift of his divine Light which hath been the Path of the Just in all Ages and yet appears in the heart of every man and Woman with whom the Day of Gods Grace is not over for his Love remains stedfast to all that which is of his own Nature which is of a contrary Nature to that permitted Power unto which too many yeild their obedience by which the desire of their Minds is drawn from obedience to the gift of Gods divine Light and quickening Word of his Spirit in which state they serve the the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life and as men void of all spiritual sense and reason as to the things of God their Thoughts Words and Actions are here and there in the love of those things which Work the Lords Soul abhors and such appear as Trees without Fruit as to God for their Fruit is of a strange Plant and unregenerate Vine for which cause the Spirit of the Lord in his Servants is the same as it was in his Servants of Old who are called of God to bear their faithful Testimony against all Unrighteousness of men who as evil corrupt Trees bring forth evil corrupt Fruit for which cause evil minded men are at Enmity with the Lord and his People whose Fruit is of his own Spirit which is Love Joy Peace Long-suffering Gen●leness Goodness Faith Meekness Temperance against such there is no Law for they live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit with Christ whom now as in days past the wise builders set at naught wherefore he hath said The things of the Kingdom are hid from the wise and prudent of this World and revealed unto Babes even so hath it pleased God for the wise and prudent of this World pretend to build upon him at whom they stumble and is become the Head of the Corner and will so remain to the breaking down all that which is contrary to his holy blessed Truth so that no building shall stand but that which is built by the Power of his own Spirit in them whom the Wisdom of this World doth despise even as the Wise did despise in that Day when they set their Learning in H●brew Greek and Latine over the Head of Jesus Joh. 19 20 even so is it with the Wise of this World in this Day whose Learning is set above the gift of God which came by Jesus Christ whose People begot by him in the true Faith and Oneness of Spirit do well know that there is No other Name under Heaven given among men whereby to be saved but by that Name Jesus of Nazareth that Christ by which is the Righteousness of his People for he unto them is made of God Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption and that in this World as well as in the World to come and not simply so accounted as some judge and then made unto us of God Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption hereafter in the World to come but realty made to us here and that perfectly too so far as he is perfectly hoped in 1 Pet. 1.13 for Salvation that is Salvation from God by Christ through the Faith of his outward Sufferings and by obedience to the gift of his Spirit in the heart which is the inward Word o● Life to them that hear and obey by which they may be turned from Darkness to Light and from the Fower of Satan to the Power of God by which they may witnes●●he Evidence of Gods spirit That they have the Pardon of sin and forgiveness of that which is past being washed with the Blood of Sprinkling which cleanseth the Heart and purg●th the Conscience from dead Works to serve the living God in uprightness of Soul Body and Mind and without witnessing of this VVork perfected through Faith in Jesus Christ the Soul can never be clean to enter his Rest with him in the Kingdom of Heaven which was prepared before the Foundation of the Earth was laid for a People that should serve the Lord in uprightness of Soul Mind and Spirit being throughly cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ whose Death Resurrection and Ascention will not avail any Man or VVoman whose Mind remains in the love of any one thing more than to love him and serve him with uprightness of Heart Mind for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is Life and Peace and whereby every
this end that through perfect Obedience thereunto they may work out their Salvation by true Faith in Jesus Christ who is Author and Finisher of his own Work in the hearts of them that in him believe for he is given a Light to the Gentiles and a Rule of Life for all to walk by So here is no occasion of stumbling as the heart and mind attends its Rule which Rule directs the heart and mind in to the true and living Way which leads to the Kingdom of Heaven where they that worship out of the Spirit and Truth can never come for though they may not profess to worship a false God as many do yet they profess a worship of the true God in a false way by which their worship is a false Worship which the ●ord will destroy for contrary to the mind and will of God they have set ●p a false Worship teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of Men Mat. 15.9 For the hour cometh and now is ●hen the true Worshipper shall worship the Father in Spirit ●●d in ruth for the Father seeketh such to worship him ●ob 4.23 By which its man●est That all words in De●arations Preaching and Praying with all whatsoever ●se that men pretend to the Worship of God being not ●ad thereunto by the Power of God it is no more before 〈◊〉 Lord than he that cuts off a Dogs Neck or ●fforeth S●ines ●lood Isa 66. ● For the ●ord is o● 〈◊〉 pure Eyes ●an to behold Iniquity or to regard Iniquity for be will not have regard to that Worship in which Obedience is not yeilded to the gift of his own Spirit of Truth which calls for Silence in the heart and mind of all such People whose Worship is not in the Spirit and in Truth for the fleshly part must be subdued and the natural Thoughts of the heart and the intents of the natural Mind must be subdued by the Power of God unto which Obedience is to be yeilded that every wandering Thought may be brought into subjection by the Power of God then the Lord will have regard unto the Soul of him that so worshippeth for such Worshippers are they of the Circumcision which worship in the Spirit and rejoyce in Christ Jesus having no Confidence in the Flesh Phil 3 3. Now this is the main Reason why People do not pront but in their Worship as themselves confess go round in their Duties even like a Horse in the Mill and a Door on the Hinges still remaining where they were because they offer to God with a false weight and measure which is of their own Imperfection in a belief that they shall never be free from Sin in this Life whereby their Debt is in larged and causeth them to fall short of a true Hope by Jesus Christ who will not accept that imperfect Offering which would not profit in the Time of the Law for this is the Day of Gods Grace by Jesus Christ in which if any man will hear let him not harden his heart through a false Belief begotten by the denyal that in this day of so large a Dispensation of Light by Jesus Christ that God will receive the imperfectness of Mans own Work which indeed is that which the ●ords Soul abhors for the Devil and Enemy of Mans Peace hath seated himself in the heart and mind of Man and exalted himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God fitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God Thes 2.4 and unto him the natural Mind inclineth to serve by which the Soul remaineth in Sin and Transgression against God whose Gift of divine Light is vailed from the Understanding which also becomes Dark in which state they walk in the light of their own wayes which leads in the Paths of Death which fulfills Christs saying If the Eye be evil the whole Body shall be full of Darkness then how great is that Darkness Mat. 6.23 which Darkness drowns the Understanding of the inward Man that it cannot come to perceive the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ Jesus which is the Power of God to Salvation in them that believe in the Light of it which if it be hid it is only to the Disobedient who yeild their Obedience to their hearts Lusts which lusteth after Sin and Evil being also desirous to know God without Obedience to the gift of his Spirit of Grace in which state the Devil hath the ruling part in the heart which lusteth after some outward Work in pretence of worshipping God only for the outward Name of Christian amongst Men such Worshippers the Lords Soul doth abhor for Mans natural Will is Enmity with God and in that state mans Time in Worship is not that Time which the Lord doth accept but the Lords Time in which he doth accept Mans Offering is when by the Power of his own Spirit the heart is moved to worship him the only true God in the only true way of his Worship which is in the Spirit and Truth So all are commanded to keep silence before the Lord and to hear him for the profit of their own Souls before they can speak or declare any one thing for the spiritual Edification of another for he that nameth the Name of the Lord is first to depart from Iniquity and to wait for the Teachings of Gods holy Spirit which hath commanded Silence to all Flesh before hîm Hab. 2.20 Ezek. 2.13 also Psal 3.25 28 Let all the Earth keep Silence before the Lord I patiently waited on the Lord Truely my Soul waiteth on God from him cometh my Salvation So that God requireth a free and willing Mind to be free from all Incumberments and love of visible things which are below the true Wisdom of God which unto the wise-learned in the things of this World is counted foolishness to see the Lords Children sit together in Silence waiting on God to hear the Voice of his inward Call by the gift of his Spirit of divine Grace Life and Light in which is the true Worship of God in Spirit and Truth So here is to be no giving way to any stragling Thought of the Heart nor Intent of the Mind for all that is of Self is by the Power of God to be brought into Subjection to his holy Will which is the true worshipping of God in Spirit and Truth for all Thoughts and Intents which proceed not from the Power of Gods Spirit they are Thieves and Robbers which keep lurking through the Devils Power to deceive the Soul of that benefit which if they were obedient to the command of the Lord they might receive for as the true Worshippers in all Ages have been sound in the silent waiting their strength hath been renewed for they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with Wings as Eagles they shall run and not be weary and th●y shall walk and not be faint Isa ●0 31 for they come
that here is no command either to Particular time or Place but as often as ye eat of this Bread and drink of this Cup ye do shew forth the Lord Death till he come which according to that spiritual Light of Understanding which God hath given me my Faith in Christ is to believe that the daily ●ood which every true Believer doth receive by Prayer and Thanks-giving that it is to be received in the remembrance of his Death till he come as well as when Believers eat together more solemnly remembring his Death with Prayer and Thanks-giving whose coming will be to reward the Wicked and Ungodly among whom are they that have a form of Godliness without the true saving Knowledge of God by the Body and Blood of Christ whose coming also will be to receive the Souls of them whom he hath promised to drink of the Vine new in the Kingdome of God and as to any command by Christ or example by his holy Apostles I find not for any hired Teachers to set up a form for People to eat Bre●d and drink Wine once a month or more or less even as they and their followers can agree about the same for the Apostles were never hired to set up any ●orm without the Power of God neither without the Power of God did they ever maintain any Form for they did continue with one accord breaking Bread from House to House and did eat their bread with gladness and singleness o● heart Acts 2.46 Which doth and will continue among sincere Christians and true Believers until the last coming of Christ which doth manifest the blind Zeal which People have of their own Righteousness who have not the true form of Godliness according to the practice of the holy Apostles for which end I may improve the Prophets saying Wherefore do ye spend your Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which satisfieth not Isa 55.2 Which indeed is so as doth appear by Peoples Lo here and Lo there in their differing Forms which are destitute of the Power of God who is the Bread of Life which is tendered by his free Grace in and through the Son of his Love the Lord Jesus Christ who standeth at the Door and knocketh if any man will hear his Voice and open the Door he will come in to him and will sup with him and he shall sup with the Lord of life R●v 8.10 which if any refuse this the Lords Supper he refuses his own Salvation by Jesus Christ the Bread of Life which if any man eat and drink of this cup he shall neither hunger nor thirst but shall live forever And as to the outward Dispensations which the Lord bestoweth upon the Children of men among whom they that do not render a due acknowledgment by the spirit of Prayer and Thanks-giving for the Lords Mercies in his gifts bestowed upon them for the Comfort of the Body it doth but furder add to their Condemnation for whether ye eat or whether ye drink let all be done to the Honour of God who hath not called man to live by Bread alone but by the Power of his Word Mat. 4.4 Luke 4.4 for the Power of his Word is in Jesus Christ the Bread of Life that a man may eat thereof and not dye for all outward Bread and Wine is of a perishing Nature but the Bread of Life and Wine of the Kingdom endureth forever for Christ hath said that he is the Bread of Life or Living Bread that cometh down from Heaven which if any man eat of this Bread he shall live forever that Bread that he giveth is his Flesh which he hath given for the Life of the World John 9.50 51. for in this is the Power of God made manifest unto the soul of every true Believer which have their whole Dependance on God by true Faith in the Son of his Love the Lord Jesus Christ who is become the Mediator of the New Covenant which speaketh better things then that of Abel Heb. 12 2● for Christ is come and spiritually he lives in his People whose hearts and minds he hath redeemed out of all dead Forms by which they witness him to be the Lord of Life unto whom they yeild the strength of their minds to serve him the living God with uprightness of Soul Mind and Spirit by which their inward Life doth not remain in ea●ing Bread and drinking Wine which is not of it self material for the Salvation of any man Soul that so do for it comes short of Gods Promise by Jesus Christ and supping with him at his Table which affords Bread without Money and Wine without Price which if People had true Faith to believe these things their dead Form would soon end for Christ is the Bread of Life and he that cometh to him shall never hunger and he that believeth in him shall never thirst which is large in a general way to all men which they that refuse are left out from having any lot part or share with the Guests of the Bride Chamber where the Lamb of God hath his abode and remains with them where they by true Faith feed on his spiritual Food which is that spiritual Bread and spiritual Wine which is without Money and Price and giveth Life unto the World of them which by true Faith receive him Joh. 6.32 33. in which state of true Faith every sincere Believer receiveth of his Dispensation which by Prayer and Thanks-giving is sanctified unto them so as every true Christian doth worthily in all his eating and drinking eat and drink in the holy Faith and Fear remembring the Lords Death with Prayer and Thanksgiving So is it to be acknowledged that the primitive Christians did eat and drink together solemnly assembled and were to wait one for another that they might eat and drink together when solemnly assembled remembring the Lords death with prayer and Thanks-giving in token of their being Members together of one Body whereof Christ is the Head to signifie their Love Vnity and Fellowship one with another and the which is worthily practised by sincere and faithfull Christians at this day and is to continue to the last coming of Christ when he shall come without us to Judge the quick and the dead as well as his more abundant inward coming in spirit to them who have not yet witnessed it and many as yet are not come into the true Faith of these things which according to my measure of Faith in God by Jesus Christ do I faithfully believe by which thorough Faith I do receive of Gods outward Dispensation for the preservation of outward Life and in measure of his heavenly divine Riches by Faith in Christ which unto me is the Bread and Water of Life for the preservation of my soul and not to me only but unto all them that by true Faith witness their feeding with the Lord of Life at his his heavenly Table where all the faithfull of God witness the
hundred accused of Witch craft but some of them called Witches with some of the afflicted Evidences as the say do give an account ●f seven hundred all being by them accused for Witch●s of which Number there is now this present year 1692. ●ne hundred and twenty which are apprehended for Witch-craft of which there are 20 put to Death and about twenty more condemned to dye but by reason that the Spertre or apparition hath accused some Priest and others accounted eminent the Rulers have aba●ed in their speedy work and as at first they with speed did condemn and put to death so now with as much speed they have cleared many ●rom their Prison though as giulty of Witch-craft by the accusation of the Spe●●er as they alredy put to Death all which left this life in denial of what was laid to their charge though they had before confessed yet when they come to dye before the multitude they said that their confession was by reason of divers fair pretences That if they did confess they should find marcy with God and Man and one the other side if not confess as they said divers did threaten what would b● done unto them So what with the Prie●ts on the one fi●e and Relations on the other side any indefferent man may judge of the work But as to the Work of the Devil to the afflicted Evidences it is sufficient in short to say that I never heard nor read of the like work from any Author and not to omit Lynn Priest who was one of the forwardest to have all that by the Specter were accused to be put to Death which in some shor● time was also by the Specter or Devil accused him self by which People may see and know their eminent Teachers they so term are no more freed from the Power of the Devil then others so accused to Geo. Burroughs in denial of all laid to his charge ●thoug● a learned Preacher of the Gospel as People called him and a Teacher for them called the Church of Chris● was one whom now is put to Death the other priest● do now render him as odious as may or can be b● let him be what he is for my part I know not to th● contrary but that in his Doctrine they do not him exeee● and as to their Principles and Practice let the faithful judge how far they fall shor● of bewitching People that they should not obey the Truth of God made manifest by Jesus Christ who came to destroy all the Devils Power which to me many Teachers in this Age seem to uphold through their imperfect Preaching That a Body of sin remains with all men to the end of this Life then where the Body of Sin remains it must needs follow that there remains the Devils Power which doth bewitch People to commit sin because all Unrighteousness is of the Devil and all sin is of Unrighteousness then they that commit sin are Servants to sin even as we daily see to the grief trouble of the upright in heart to see such a known Life of Disobedience among the Inhabitants of New England among whom the Devils Power rules in their body of sin and bewitches the Mind to obey him in which state People are instrumental through the Devils Power in bewitching one another either to believe pernicious false Doctrines or to swear lye and be drunk which is common with all other sins which attend them that by false Perswasions men are seduced from the true Faith so that in whomsever the Devils Power bears rule they are Instruments for his Service to bewitch others into the same manner of Life even as we daily see one Drunkard Swearer Lyar begets another into the same sin and of the like nature doth one evil minded Person beget another for as the Righteous are Instruments in the hand of the Lord to beget others into the Works of Righteousness so are the Wicked Instruments in the hand of the Devil to bewitch others into the Works of Unrighteousness and of this Nature is the bewitching of one another to serve the Devil in the Works of the Flesh with which Witch-craft is included Gal. 5.20 Then if they that despised Moses's Law were to be cut off without mercy under two or three Witnesses how much greater Punishment suppose ye are they found worthy of who live in Rebellion against the Lord of Life in this Gospel day are they not to be cut off without Mercy by the just hand of Gods Judgments under three Witnesses viz. the Father Son and Spirit Heb 10 28 29. which if otherways that the command in the Law remain of not suffering a Witch to live in this Gospel Day then the false Worshipper the Adulterer and the Adultress with the rebellious Son are also according to that Command to be cut off from the Land of the Living in which more than two thirds of the People are guilty of the one or the other but Christ hath said Love your Enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despightfully use you and persecute you that you may be the Children of your Father which is in Heaven for he m●keth the S●n to rise on the evil and on the good and on the just and on the unjust for if ye love them which love y●u what Reward have you do not even the Publicans the same And if ye salute your Brethren only what do you more than others do not the Publicans so Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect Mat 5.44 45 46 which if People through Obedience to the Command o● God would fulfil his Will according to his Command it would soon put an end to all mens various Apprehensions and these busling Noises about the Devil and Witches and indeed the very Name of a Devil and a Witch is to be abhorred among men also shall the Name of the Wicked perish which are no such manner of Witches as these are accused for though through Gods goodness I have no● Relation among them neither am I any Advocate for the Devil Witches nor Wicked Men but desire that Truth and Righteousness may take place in the Earth for it were better that one hundred Witches should live than that one person be put to death for a Witch which is not a ●itch but God Almighty best knows what the Priests and Rulers have done towards these People who have not lived unto God as they ought to have done for which cause these things are as a Judgment for ●in and Transgre●sion fallen upon them But with the Righteous it is not so because they abide in Obedience to the holy Commands of God through whose Power they witness a sure d●e●ing place having their settlement upon that sure R●ck of an everlasting Foundation against which there is ●o Inchantment nor Divination for the Gates of Hell against it shall never prevail for the Love of God
in Christ Jesus ●s to the faithful and through him are they kept in perfect peace out of which state the World remains unstable having the mind tossed to and fro in the bus●●gs and clamourous Noises about the Devil and Witch craft which ●●man need to fear as he keeps faithful upon his watch 〈◊〉 Obedrence to Gods holy Truth made manifest by Jesus Christ for while Israel kept faithful the Devil could not get entrance for it is said Surely there is no Inchantment against Jacob nor Divination against Israel N●mb 23.23 Which doth certainly prove that if there were not first a falling from Obedience to the Command of the Lord that ●e would not depart from them for God hath commanded all men to watch and pray that they may witness deliverance in the hour of Temptation and if this Command had been kept by the afflicted Evidences they could not have been possessed or bewitched by the Devil nor any of his Instruments for the cause of their being possessed or bewitched hath been through a Life of Disobedience to God who as a Judgment for not obeying his Truth hath suffered further affliction to come upon them which is also as a warning to all others that they may live as they ought to Gods Truth which the Devils Power cannot touch for though the Devils Power was permitted to touch the outward Man of Job for a tryal of his inward Faith but not to touch the inward Man for whatsoever the Lord may suffer the Devil for the outward tryal 〈◊〉 his Peoples inward Faith yet he never suffers the Devils Power to lauch in such a manner as in these bewitched or possessed Evidences which is almost beyond the credi● of man to receive what manner of strange actions they had which I do believe the true Prophets of God were never acted by any such Spirit which gives them as they say the true knowledge who are Witches and who are not th● divers of the Persons they never knew nor never heard of the● Names before the Spectre or Devil turned informer ma● their Names known to them and where they live and the● have presumed to affirm That P. F. a Merchant of Salem murthered J. R's Son of Salem by drowning him at th● Island of Barbadoes with many more things of th● like nature which are too tedious to relate of the afflicted Evidences and I desire of God to be preserve from such a Spirit of Sights And yet some who Names I shall not here mention have said That the afflicted bewitched or possessed Evidences are the true Marty of Jesus Christ and that they are killed all the Day long a● as his Sheep accounted for the Slaughter From which Bel● the Lord deliver me for the chosen of God which w● read of Psal 4● 22 Rom. 8.35 36 37 38 39. we not sighted by any such Spirit as these are sighted with 〈◊〉 they were Christs Sheep and knew his Voice who 〈◊〉 he true Shepherd of Israel which neither slumbereth 〈◊〉 sleepeth but watcheth over his Flock by day and by ●●ght and his Voice they know but the Voice of a ●●ranger they will not follow John 10.5 For they follow 〈◊〉 Lamb of God which taketh away the Sins of the World Joh. ● 29 for by his Blood are the Righteous made clean from 〈◊〉 corrupt part which is the cause in them who are affected and tormented even as we see these Evidences be ●hose whooping and hollowing with all their other ●●tick Actions is far from singing the new Song as they ●●d who were redeemed not by the power of Man but ●y the Power of God Rev. 5 9 10 11 12. for by the ●ower of God without the help of Man were they made ●●re than Conquerors through him that loved them Rom. 〈◊〉 37. So that the Love of God savingly is to them that ●ar and obey and not to the disobedient state through ●hich Unbelief and hardness of heart brings People ●●o trouble of Spirit and it may be that some of ●●ese People called Witches have been in trouble which ●ith other Circumstances may have occasioned them to ●●clare that against themselves which it may be they ●e not giulty of for to them that are in trouble of ●nd by reason of unfaithfull living to God the Devil ●ay be permitted to work the frame of their Spirits into ●●th Delusions that thereby the whole natural sences the understanding may be drawn to believe a thing ●hich is but only in shew and not in substance as for ●an to believe that the Devil hath avisible Book of natu 〈◊〉 Paper and with the natural Blood of mens natural Bo●● they subscribe to this natural Book and that the Devil taketh their natural Bodies of natural men and women and baptizeth them with natural Water and that he setteth them upon a natural pole and carrieth them for above the highest Trees to a natural House where the Priests and the Devil give them natural Bread and natural Wine which they say they eat and drink and he promises them to pull down the Kingdom of Christ and himself to sit upon the Throne of Christ with much more of the like nature which some of there called Witches have confessed but most of them that have so confessed I think are at liberty and those that have not confessed put to Death for what they have confessed of the like nature most of them 〈◊〉 not all have denyed again which as to their deny at I do believe would not have been of much benefit had not the Devil been so hasty to inform against such whom some may think impossible to be Witches but as to that God and their own Consciences know best but the faithful may Judge according to mens fruit even as the Apostle did when he said O foolish Galations who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the Truth before whose Eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth crucifi●● among you Gal. 3.1 So that Witch-craft is maintained through the Devils Power in divers manners which to be sure one part of Witch-craft properly belongeth to them that bewitch People that they should not obey the Truth of Gods holy commands by Jesus Christ for which cause of Disobedience as before related is it tha● some as a Judgment upon them are given up through unbelief to hardness of heart in which state some liv● in such horror of Conscience that their Lives are of suc● burden that they willfully murder themselves othe● in the same state are as willing to dye as the othe● but desiring to dye and not being permitted to destroy themselves because Death as an addition to Judgment slee●h away Rev. ● 6 then in that state of horror may they not accuse themselves of such sins which they have not commited for this very end to be destroyed by others for a wounded Spirit who can bare Prov. 14 1● and how common is it in Barbadoes for black People to destroy themselves meerly upon a false