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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50088 The counsell and admonition of Henry Massingberd, Esq., to his children Massingberd, Henry. 1656 (1656) Wing M1044; ESTC R7677 141,779 251

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for the blessed vineyard of our Creator ready to every good and perfect work with unspeakable joy and gladnesse I do also believe the immortality of the soul as certainly as the mortality of the body and that as soon as it parts with the body by death it doth participate in a great measure of misery or mercy of joy or sorrow according to what it hath done in the body whether the deeds were good or evill I believe there shall be a restauration of bodies at the resurrection and degrees of perfect joy to all those that in their earthly tabernacles truly desired to be righteous and perfect misery to wilfull negligent and contemptuous sinners in which both soul and body shall be for ever partakers I do believe afflictions and corrections to be so necessary for us in this life that I scarce think any can be saved without them and also that much affliction in this life is or at least if well used may be a great means sign and token of salvation for that afflictions are the cords and scourges of the Almighty to draw and drive us on in the way of salvation they are his sweet and blessed surveyors to purge our souls from our bodies pollutions and make us of a fit alloy for his heavenly Treasure they which wound the flesh and sad the countenance make the heart the better And from the very being engaged under an affliction for life may be reaped sweet and joyfull comfort both in life and death Therefore thus Some see the root yet on it take a fall Like those that see the door yet push the wall And having fallen upon the rock they saw Receive more good then though they 'd scap'd the blow The Farewell ADieu fond world of vain delight the messenger of Love To me hath shew'd an inward sight of joyes that be above And me hath summon'd to appear before the mercy-seate Of him whose justice is most clear most eminent most great Whose love is fully shew'd to mee in pardoning my sinne And passing by the vanity that I have lived in Whose love hath also conquered both death and hell for me And from my soul hath vanquished fear of death's tyranny Who of free grace hath given me a willing wish to right And doth accept this willingnesse as perfect in his sight Farewell all you that truly love the God of my Creation Do not ye mourn as those that have no hope of their salvation We know the generations that before us have been Have had their alterations which we in part have seen We also trust that joyes increase after this life to those That truly will'd from sinne to cease and evill did oppose Then moderate your tears among true joyes and smilings sweet In full assurance that ere long we shall together meet Comfort your selves with words as these and of a certain know That by this change true peace and ease God's mercy doth bestow On those that keep his testament his Laws and Statutes just From principles of true intent in him that put their trust Sigh for your selves sigh not for me death unto me is best My serious thoughts convinced be that therein is my rest From fancies that oppresse the minde from lusts of flesh and blood From sins assaults of every kinde most hard to be withstood From warr's effects from tyranny from sword-like tongues that smite From torments sicknesse maladies and sorrowes infinite From doing ill I would not doe from not doing the good Which surely I should will to doe if that I understood The judgment that to both is due by Heavens fixt decree And that I could at all times shew what good and evill be From Sathans rage and cruelty taking advantage great Finding my imbecillity and opposition weak This happy way doth safely guide to neignbours and allies Who while with me they did reside did joy my heart and eyes I do believe I now shall know how God in every Land His saving mercy doth bestow on the works of his hand And I believe to be resolv'd of doubts that here below Distract the wisdome of the world where least we do not know Is more then all we can attaine though art and age unite Such misteries for to explaine passeth mans judgment quite What reason is' t that I should will a moment to my dayes Except I could avoiding ill spend it in perfect praise Of my Creatour wherefore I do clearly finde it best To cast my soul eternally upon my Saviours rest And also from a perfect thought to pray thy Kingdome come And as our Saviour further taught pray Lord thy will be done And as for you that longer live and sojourn here below Imbrace true peace avoid all crime so Heaven will bestow Such passages of providence upon your hearts most pure As shall even in this life commence joyes that shall aye endure A CATECHISME QUESTION WHat is the duty of a man to know and believe in this life A. That almighty God is and that he is the rewarder of all them that diligently seek him Q Who is the Creator and Maker of all things A. This Almighty God Q. What is Almighty God A. He is the onely and perfect Good and the wise disposer of all things for the best for them that love him Q. What comfort may we learn from that A. To be well content in all the accidents and conditions of our lives knowing that they are from his providence and appointment and therein for the best for us Q. How doe we know that there is a Creator A. Because no creature can create it self and every mans soul speaks it to him Q. What is good in man A. To fear almighty God and work righteousnesse Q. What is our duty towards almighty God A. To love honour and obey him and heartily to seek after his will to do it Q. What is our duty to all men A. To endeavour their good both in soul and body and to do right unto them Q. What is righteousnesse A. The doing right unto the creature out of a principle of obedience to the Creator Q. What is our duty to the Creator A. Humbly to extoll laud praise and serve him with a perfect heart Q. What is the duty of man to the creatures that be subjected to him A. Thankfully to use them without the least abuse Q. How shall we look at the good of a man A. At the good both of soul and body Q. What is chiefly good to a man A. That which is good to the soul Q. What is chiefly evill to a man A. That which is evill to the soul Q. How shall we know good from evil A. Good is suitable to the Word of almighty God and agreeth to certain foot-steps or shadowes remaining of uncorrupted nature in us and it is contrary and displeasing to our corrupted natures and desires Q. How is evil known A. By being contrary to the Word of almighty God by being much unnaturall and by the suiting
or indeed the least sorrow Matth. 27.27 Then the souldiers of the Governours took Jesus into the Common-hall and gathered about him the whole band Ver. 28. And they stripped him and put upon him a scarlet robe Ver. 29. And platted a Crown of thorns and put it upon his head and a reed in his right-hand and bowed the knees before him and mocked him saying God save the King of the Jews Ver. 30. And spit upon him and took a reed and smote him on the head Ver. 31. Thus when they had mocked him they took the robe from him and put his own raiment on him and led him away to crucifie him Ver. 33. And when they were come unto the place called Golgotha that is to say the place of dead mens sculls Ver. 34. They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall and when he had tasted thereof he would not drink Ver. 35. And when they had crucified him they parted his garments and did cast lots that it might be fullfilled which was spoken by the Prophet Psal 22.18 They divided my garments amongst them and upon my vesture did cast lots Ver. 36. And they sate and watched him there Ver. 37. They set up also over his head his cause written This is Jesus the King of the Jews Ver. 38. And there were two thieves crucified with him one on the right hand and the other on the left Ver. 39. And they that passed by reviled him wagging their heads and Ver. 40. Saying Thou that destroyest the Temple and buildest it in three dayes save thy self if thou be the Sonne of God come down from the crosse Ver. 41. Likewise also the High-Prists mocking him with the Scribes and Pharisees and Elders said Ver. 42. He saved others but he cannot save himself if he be the King of Israell let him now come down from the crosse and we will beleeve him Ver. 43. He trusted in God let him deliver him now if he will have him for he said I am the Sonne of God Ver. 44. That same also the thieves that were crucified with him cast in his teeth Ver. 45. Now from the sixth hour was there darkness over all the land untill the ninth hour Ver. 46. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Ely Ely lamasabachthani that is My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Ver. 47. And some of them that stood there when they heard it said This man calleth Elias Ver. 48. And straight way one of them ranne and took a spunge and filled it with vinegar and put it on a reed and gave him to drink Ver. 49. Others said Let be let us see if Elias will come and save him Ver. 50. Then Jesus cried with a loud voice again and yeelded up the ghost Now then let us be glad and rejoyce to goe to him our Saviour our joy our peace what way soever he is pleased to call us through the most bitter torments of minde or body by weaknesses sicknesses and imperfections and let us be most assured that neither death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 2 Tim. 2.3 Let us therefore suffer afflictions as good souldiers of Jesus Christ For it is a true saying If we be dead with him we shall also live with him if we suffer with him we shall also raign with him if we deny him he also will deny us Yea 2 Tim. 3.12 All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions Here have we no continuing City but we seek one to come Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him in well doing as unto a faithfull Creatour knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in our brethren which are in the world As many as our Saviour loveth he rebuketh and chasteneth Be zealous therefore in the truth and amend and rejoice alwayes that the will of God in Christ Jesus thy Saviour is therein done which is the best for thee Amen X. A fift Comfort in Death Rejoyce Because it is our going from sorrow to joy Isa 17.1 The righteous perisheth and no man considereth it in heart and mercifull men are taken away and no man understandeth that the righteous is taken away from the evill to come 2 King 22.19 20. But because thy heart did melt and thou hast humbled thy self before the Lord when thou heardest what I spake against this place and against the inhabitants of the same to wit that it should be destroyed and accursed and hast rent thy clothes and wept before me I have also heard it saith the Lord behold therefore I will gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt be put into thy grave in peace and thy eyes shall not see all the evill which I will bring upon this place this was the great love of God to King Josiah See 2 Chron. 34.28 Luk. 16.22 Lazarus by a blessed dissolution is eased of all his pains sores diseases fears and troubles is called for out of the prison of the body and presently by the happy messenger of death is made fit and carried by the Angels into Abrahams bosome where all the elect are in joyes incomprehensible freed from sinne and sorrow forever Amen XI A sixth Comfort in Death Rejoyce Because it is our being gathered to our nearest alliance our kindred and our parents 2 King 22.19 20. Josiah was gathered to his fathers in great abundant mercy as I mentioned before See the most sweet and gracious call of the eternall mercy to Moses Deut 32.48 49 50. which I lately mentioned And the Lord spake to Moses the self same day saying Goe up into the mountain of Abarim unto the mount Nebo which is in the land of Moab over against Jericho and behold the land of Canaan which I give to the children of Israell for a possession and die in the mount which thou goest up unto and thou shalt be gathered unto thy people as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor and was gathered to his people Gen. 25.8 The Abraham yeelded up the spirit and died in a good age an old man and of great years and was gathered to his people Numb 20.26 Almighty God commanded Moses to take Aaron and Eleazer his sonne and to bring them up into the mount Hor and to cause Aaron to put off his garments and to put them upon Eleazer his sonne saying Aaron shall be gathered to his fathers and shall die there Numb 30.1 2. Almighty God doth bid Moses avenge the children of Israel of the Mideanites and in token of acceptance and reward faith afterwards thou shalt be gathered to thy people Gen. 15.17 And Ishmaell yeelded up the spirit and died and was gathered to his people Chap. 35. ver 29. And Isaak gave up the ghost and died and
unpreparednesse Parents must chiefly take care of their Childrens soule and principle them in good Love of and in the truth most necessary p. 3. The endowments of the minde excell the adornments of the body A heavenly Deity to be acknowledged Wherein true Religion consisteth p. 4. The benefit of true Religion How Almighty God must be served A pure and true Sacrifice p. 5. Outward Ceremonies not to be contemned nor abused Submission is our duty in prayer A ask nothing contrary to the revealed will of Almighty God p. 6. Use not the Name of God without serious premeditation His Name is holy All honour is due unto it p. 7. The good of necessity and of correction p. 8. Corrections work to good or hurt Labour to be a good Text-man p. 9. In what sense Gods servants want nothing that is good but have their hearts desire p. 10. Search not over curiously into the misteries of the Almighty Take heed of infecting thy judgment with false doctrine Be not weary of well-doing Vain-glory hath at best but a worldly reward p. 11. It shall onely be well with the righteous p. 12. The first Age. The three chief destinguished Ages of mans life Infancy like the Red sea p. 13. Let not time passe in vaine p. 14. Death holds all our years in possession therefore fasten on to day Losse of time considered a great grief He that hath lived long hath often lived little Life is onely time spent with prudence and circumspection p. 15. Death is alwayes very nigh at hand p. 16. The second Age. What the action of this Age is Of what materials foundations ought to be p. 17. Learn not what must be unlearned Observing others changes fits us for our own Fly offences Corrupted nature first offereth corruption p. 18. How Tutors and Fathers of Children ought to be disposed p. 19. The third Age. Temperance necessary Passing Jorden dangerous The chiefest place is vertue The society of vertues inseparable p. 20. Vertues cannot be taken from us Earthly vanities may Quench not the spirit p. 21. A recitall of certain Vertues p. 22. The fourth Age. Wisdome and right reason necessary Prudence and humility are especiall guides to the mine Anger an enemy to reason The designes of reason and anger different Wisdome distinguisheth us from the beasts The properties of Wisdome The company and advice of wise men profitable 24 25. From Almighty Gods forbearance learn patience An honest Calling very necessary It must not hinder devotion A Souldiers life and calling very dangerous p. 26. The fift Age. Marriage dangerous Means that may make an Eunuch p. 28. Some directions in marriage p. 29. Chastity in both Sexes like laudable The inconveniences of incontinency p. 30. 31. The sixth Age. Endeavour the common good Vertue to be desired p. 32. Wise men set not their hearts on earthly things Prosperity pusseth not them up nor adversity casts them down Engage not in a croud nor in Civil warre p. 33 34. The seaventh Age. Fortitude gravity and consideration is required Wisdome is the Candle of the Lord. A wise foresight necessary p. 35. Anger a high degree of madnesse Anger onely good against thy own oversights Complements commonly guilded untruths The heart and tongue are said never to wax old Lies are abominable p. 36 37. Fortitude or valeur What difference betwixt military valour and true fortitude p. 38 39. The eighth Age. A carefull watch over our selves at all times most necessary p. 40. Over what this watch is chiefly needfull Will the guide of the vulgar Reason of the prudent Ambition full of vanity and is onely just in its own punishment Humility the true embleme of Honour p. 41 42 43 43 44 45. The ninth Age. Sound judgement and justice what Justice not to be executed by the lump p. 46. Punishment and reward the hands of justice It must begin at home as well as Charity Live not by chance We may live both seriously and chearfully Defer not justice to thy self not buying till the market be past The happy life What the right use of the creature Sound judgement what Rashnesse and self-conceitednesse what p. 47 48 49. The tenth Age. True wisdome what The practicall part chiefly profits Wisdome three wayes discovered Wisdome doth peaceably attend all things even death As necessary for a man to study and know himself as it is naturall to him to think and be near himself Know thy self is a heavenly salutation Want hereof causeth much sinne One just act maketh not a just man p. 50 51 52 53. Wisdome subdueth passion Three traps that the most are taken with No limit in what is false No happinesse without subduing corrupted desires p. 54. The multitude unconstant They praise things past desire things to come and despise things present Severall things to beware of p. 55 50 57. Wisdome governs good and subdues evill How to carry our selves in company Three considerations Beware of flatterers Marks to know them from friends p. 58 59. Beware of suretyship Of all excesse Beware of chusing friends Of Suits and of revenge p. 60. A constant preparednesse for death most necessary p. 61. The too late repentance of the wicked after death p. 63. A generall Discourse of Religion p. 66. Reason The ten Ages The Metaphor p. 71. Humility p. 72. Why Sinne is forbidden and Righteousnesse commanded p. 73. The Life and Death of E.M. p. 74 75. A Speech to the Soul p. 75 76. Civil Warre p. 77. Demeanour Upon severall Accidents and Occasions p. 78. The Resolve p. 82. A Discourse shewing Honour dangerous Earthly things empty Order of Estate and Family Education of Children The Golden mean What tends to Eternall happinesse onely good A competency the best Great Estates have great troubles Our Saviour refused earthly treasures Disposall of Estate in life or death Respect the righteous Duty in using the Creatures They exceed in Sence we in Reason Some liberty from necessity p. 84. Severall comforts from Scripture both in life and death p. 87. Against Presumption and Despair at all times but especially upon the death-bed Satans suggestions and the Souls answer p. 107. True Love p. 110. A Prayer p. 112. A Confession and suit for pardon in Jesus p. 114. A Prayer p. 117. Pious Sentences JOB Chap. 24. in Meeter p. 121. My God Righteous Hope p. 122. Wise Sayings of the Ancients p. 126. For the mortification of the flesh p. 133. The sweetest Comfort p. 140. Of worldly rest On L.M.W. dying in Childe-bed p. 142. For L.M.W. in sicknesse p. 143. The least that tends to Eternall good unestimable p. 144. A Consult with the Soul p. 145. The Offring p. 155. The Belief p. 156. The Farewell p. 158. A Catechisme p. 160. A Discourse betwixt Adam and Eve p. 167. A Prayer p. 168. The Blessing p. 172. There are divers words mistaken misplaced mispelled added and omitted some of which I here mention the Readers care must reform the rest PAge 38. line 29. for vertue read valour p. 56. l. 13. for propriety r. piety and l. 36. for at r. all p. 67. l. 13. for sleiget r. sleight p. 71. l. 17. for health r. wealth p. 73. l. 22. for wreakes r. reckes and l. 28. for yet r. that p. 74. l. 13. for be r. tree p. 75. l. 11. for see r. so and l. 27. for maketh r. masketh p. 82. l. 4. for beauty will r. cen●ynill p. 84. l. 10. for their r. the. p. 109. l. 29. for if then I had not sinned r. if that I had not fallen p. 121. l. 37. for tombe or r. toom'ye p. 124. l. 18. for curaces r. cutaces p. 130. l. 8. for gapde r. garde r. garde and l. 22. for soy r. foy p. 138. l. 26 for enime r. enim p. 142. l. 32 for share r. steare p. 143. l. 1. for houre r. home l. 4. for then r. their l. 31. for shew r. chere p. 145. l. 40. for jarre r. ire p. 146. l. 12 and l. 13. should change places p. 150. l. 14. for both r. what p. 158. l. 9. for roote r. rocke p. 168. l. 41. for distruction r. distraction FINIS
Correction is the sweet beams of Gods love to soften us that so we may receive the marks of his saving mercy take great heed thou be not as the Spider upon the Flower that gathereth poison nor as clay to the Sunne which is hardened by it but be thou as wax softned and fitted for impression and as the Bee that gathereth honey from the Flower I advise you to labour much in the Scriptures especially be very perfect in the new Testament they are the medicine of life and in them rightly understood is salve for every sore and sound counsell in all occasions Labour to be a good text-man for Scripture interprets it self although in some places there seems literall contradiction yet the holy Spirit trieth all and findes all holy right and good tending to the all and only good our temporall and eternall peace which cannot be taken from us Psal 34.10 The Lyons shall want and suffer hunger but they that seek the Lord shall not want any thing that is good that is to say they shall have all good spirituall and temporall including in this word good all such temporall things as may be necessary to salvation for whatsoever is contrary thereto is neither good nor profitable but bad and pernitious and therefore God doth not give temporall felicity to all his servants but only to such of them as he knowes with the help of his grace will use it well to his honour and glory and to such it is a furtherance of salvation whereas to wicked men though it be also Gods gift yet it is not properly counted Gods gift to them but evill and punishment not a blessing but a curse not felicity but misery by reason that it makes them more insolent proud and licentious and by consequence increaseth their damnation this is the plain meaning of the Psalmist and accordingly will one Scripture interpret another Again Psal 37.4 Delight thy self in the Lord and he shall give thee the desire of thine heart What is that think you plenty credit vain honour ease full tables riches c. No no but that in the want or fullnesse of these things you shall rest in God and therein have your full desire that your will being united to the will of God you shall desire nothing but what is sutable to his will and pleasure and wholly rejoyce in your will that the will of God is done which is only good and the best for you Search not too curiously into Gods Majesty and mysteries lest thou be oppressed with the glory of them Take great heed of infecting thy judgment with false doctrine be alwaies most humble in the sight of God and offer unto him the chastity of an inward minde Never cease from good works during life but lay up the treasure of all thy love in heaven and be assured that for thy well doing thou shalt have thy reward of true joy and peace in minde and conscience in this life as a heavenly gift when earth perhaps denies thee any and perfect peace for thy eternity and further know that who doth a work never so good and laudable in it self if he doe it to gain the applause of the world more then out of duty and obedience to almighty God he shall have his reward that is perhaps the vain-glory he looked for a worldly reward but not my reward that is the most blessed and glorious reward of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ a heavenly reward which he hath laid up eternally for his blessed Saints and servants in heaven My wishes to you are that you will every one of you seriously observe my drift herein and that you will not only read and practise it in the best construction for your souls good but that you will teach others so to doe especially your Children if God shall give you any and to this joyn hearing reading prayer meditation blessed alms and charity and all other Christian duties in true love to almighty God for his own sake to your neighbours for his Commandements sake and both for obedience sake unto his sacred Majesty Consider that as one generation goeth so another cometh and it shall be only well to the righteous be righteous then and our good God will surely blesse you and in the best time of his providence will bring us all together to eternall peace in Christ Jesus Children I do not command you to study read or love this book above others by far more learned Authors because of any oratory wit or learning there is shewed in it but because in its right construction I trust it is pious true and honest and comes from a near related heart that truly desires and hopes in the sweet and saving mercy of our good God to live with you all in the eternall and perfect welfare of your souls and bodies when our short dangerous and various conditioned pilgrimages in this world are ended and that truly endeavours and desires the perfect welfare of your souls and bodies and the true conversion of both into the sincere love of our Creatour more then all the world besides therefore seriously consider this and the Lord give you perfect wisdom from heaven in all things Amen Your Father H. M. As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby Pet i. 2.2 Though infant vanityes doe vs accuse Yet humble innocence our God doth chuse Death watches time time parts with euery sand Death and our time are partners hand in hand And as the sands doe change theire glass Soe I in change my life must pass Advice or Admonition OF A FATHER There are three Ages principally distinguished in a Mans Life The first is Infancie Childhood Youth The second is Manhood The third is Old age The first to be spent in learning from others and therein our duty is to be diligent and love our Teachers For Youth well spent a true foundation is Of an immortall monument of blisse The second to be spent in more laborious learning both from our selves and others especially to know thy self for mans heart is deceitfull doe thou present thy strength unto the Lord For Thou canst not finde a better friend more fit To have thy strength then he that gave thee it The third to be spent both in teaching others and thy self for length of dayes increaseth wisdome and he that truly seeks in time may finde For When deaths pale face appears and wrinkled brow Thou knowst thy a●count is near not when nor how Infancy and Childhood Youth strength and hoary age if death prevent not make our pilgrimage Jer. 4.31 FOr I have heard a voice as of a woman in travell and the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first childe Jer. 49.25 Anguish and sorrow have taken her as a woman in travell Deut. 12.30 Take heed to thy self that thou be not snared Eccl. 9.12 So are the sonnes of men snared in an evill time when it falleth suddenly upon them
comfort in this That his mercy endures for ever therefore rejoyce alwayes and in all things give thanks for that is the love of God to thee in Christ Jesus Isa 43.25 Thus saith the Lord I even I am he that putteth away thy iniquities for mine own sake and will not remember thy sinnes Isa 53.4 Fear not for thou shalt not be ashamed neither shalt thou be confounded for thou shalt not be put to shame yea thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth Ver. 7. For a little while have I forsaken thee but with great compassion will I gather thee Ver 8. For a moment in my anger I hid my face from thee for a little season but with everlasting mercy have I had compassion on thee saith the Lord thy redeemer Ver. 9. For this is unto me as the waters of Noah for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more goe over the earth so have I sworn that I would not be angry with thee nor rebuke thee Ver. ●0 For the mountains shall remove and the hills shall fall down but my mercy shall not depart from thee neither shall the Covenant of my peace fall away saith the Lord that hath compassion on thee Ver. 13. And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and much peace shall be to thy children Ver. 17. But all the weapons that are made against thee shall not prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemne this is the heritage of the Lords servants and their righteousnesse is of me saith the Lord. Eph. 2.8 For by grace ye are saved through faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God Sing praises unto the Lord ye his Saints and give thanks before the remembrance of his holinesse for he endureth but a while in his anger but in his favour is life weeping may abide at evening but joy cometh in the morning 1 Chron. 16.34 Praise the Lrod for he is good for his mercy endures for ever Ver. 41. And they were appointed to praise the Lord because his mercy endures for ever 2 Chron. 5.13 And they praised the Lord saying for he is good because his mercy lasteth for ever Chap. 7. ver 3. And they bowing themselves worshipped saying for he is good because his mercy lasteth for ever Ver. 6. And the Priests waited to praise the Lord because his mercy lasteth for ever Chap. 10. ver 21. And they went before the men of Arms saying Praise ye the Lord for his mercy lasteth for ever Ezra 3.11 Thus they sang when they gave praise unto the Lord For he is good for his mercy endures for ever Psal 118.4 Let them that fear the Lord say that his mercy endures for ever Psal 106.1 Praise the Lord because he is good for his mercy endures for ever Read Psal 136. Psal 117.12 For his loving kindnesse is great towards us and the truth of the Lord endures for ever Psal 138.8 Praise ye the Lord the Lord will perform his work towards me Psal 28.21 O Lord thy mercy endures for ever forsake not thou the works of thy hands forsake me not O Lord be not thou farre from me my God Psal 71.9 Cast me not off in the time of age forsake me not when my strength faileth Amen VIII A third Comfort in Death Thou maist rejoyce because blessed are they which die in the Lord even so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labours and their works follow them Rev. 14.13 Say thou with Paul Phil. 1.21 Christ is to me both in life and death advantage Ver. 22. And whether to live in the flesh were more profitable for me and what to chuse I know not Ver. 23. For I am greatly in doubt on both sides desiring to be loosed and to be with Christ which is best of all Eccl. 4.12 So I turned and considered all the oppressions that are wrought under the Sunne and behold the tears of the oppressed and none comforteth them and loe the strength is of the hand of them that oppresse them and none comforteth them wherefore I praised the dead which now are dead above the living which are yet alive Numb 23.10 Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like unto his the death of the righteous is greatly to be desired Psal ●8 14 God is our God for ever an ever he shall be our guide unto death Psal 116.15 Pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints Prov. 14.32 The wicked shall be cast away for his malice but the righteous hath hope in his death Love the Lord thy God and therein thou shalt have comfort and great joy in all conditions whatsoever for love is stronger then death and our God will destroy death for ever Isa 25.8 Hear with great joy the word of the Lord to them that love him Hoseah 13.14 I will redeem them from the power of the grave I will deliver them from death O death I will be thy death O grave I will be thy destruction repentance is hid from my eyes Rom. 5.10 For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life Chap. 8. ver 2. For the Law of the spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus hath freed me from the Law of sinne and of death Psal 42.1 2. As the Hart brayeth for the rivers of waters so panteth my soul after thee O God My soul thirsteth for God even for the living God when shall I come and appear before the presence of God IX A fourth Comfort in Death Our Saviour Jesus died in pain farre greater then ours and also a most ignominious and shamefull death and all for our sinnes it were happy for us that we could imitate in some measure his sufferings for us because his purity in the least degree or part we cannot He suffered most freely for us contrary to the cry and call of our rebellions even at that time against him when he could have got as much honour in our condemnation and have been rescued from those sufferings by more then twelve legions of Angels He hath willingly suffered to parchace eternall life for us as we ought truly to beleeve Therefore this being his appointed Crosse for us let us take it up carry it and follow him therewith rejoycing that we through his mercy are accepted of him as worthy to obtain and doe his service much more may we rejoyce that we in his goodnesse should have promise to raign with him for ever Amen Besides our blessed Saviours incarnation in coming from his Throne of eternall God-head to take upon him the form of a servant his being laid in the manger not having whereon to rest his head his many weepings and sorrowings for the sinnes of the world Read with true sorrow and repentance that thy sinnes should cause him such a death
was gathered to his people And Chap. 49. ver 26. Jacob saith I am ready to be gathered to my people bury me with my fathers Observe There is no sign or shew of sorrow in him for he might well rejoyce to exchange earth for Heaven And Ver. 33. Then Jacob made an end of giving charge to his sonnes and plucked up his feet into the bed and gave up the ghost and was gathered to his people It is an infinite and an incomprehensible mercy of God that his love in Jesus is to call us in his good time from our disserving rather then serving of him here and that with thousands of fears cares and griefs to be gathered to his servants our fathers and nearest friends in peace XII A seventh Comfort in Death Rejoyce Because it is our entrance into the true communion of Saints By the Gospell we are joyned to the Angels and Patriarchs even in this life much more shall we be united to the true heavenly serving our eternall mercy with them when we shall cease from sinne Heb. 13.22 23. Ye are come to the mount Sion and to the City of the living God the celestiall Jerusalem and to the company of innumerable Angels and to the Congregation of the first-born which are written in Heaven And to God the Judg of all and to the spirits of just and perfect men Ver. 24. And to Jesus the mediator of the new Testament Col. 1.9 The Apostle saith For this cause we pray for you and do desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdome and spirituall understanding Ver. 10. That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitfull in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God Ver. 11. Stengthened with all might according to his glorious power unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfllunesse Ver. 12. Giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light Ver. 13. Who hath delivered us from the power of darknesse and hath translated us into the Kingdome of his dear Sonne Ver. 14. In whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgivenesse of sinnes Ver. 15. Who is the Image of the invisible God the first-born of every creature Ver. 16. For by him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all things were created by him and for him Ver. 17. For he is before all things and by him all things consist Ver. 18. And he is the head of the body the Church who is the beginning the first-born from the dead that in all things he might have the preheminence Ver. 19. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullnesse dwell Ver. 20. And having made peace through the blood of his crosse by him to reconcile all things unto himself by him I say whether they be things in earth or things in Heaven Ver. 21. And you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your minde by wicked works yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight 1 Thes 3.12 13. The Lord increase you and make you abound in love one towards another and towards all men to make your hearts stable and unblameable in holinesse before God even our Father at the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ with all his Saints Jude ver 14. Behold the Lord cometh with thousands of his Saints Rev. 7.9 I beheld saith the Apostle and behold a great multitude which no man could number of all Nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the Throne and before the Lambe clothed with long white robes and palmes in their hands Ver. 14. And an Elder said unto me These are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their long robes and have made their long robes white in the blood of the Lambe Ver. 15. Therefore are they in the presence of the throne of God and serve him day and night in his Temple and he that sitteth on the throne will dwell amongst them Ver. 16. They shall hunger no more neither thirst any more neither shall the Sunne light on them neither any heat Ver. 17. For the Lambe which is in the midst of the Throne shall govern them and shall lead them unto the lively fountains of waters and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes XIII An eighth Comfort in Death Rejoyce Because it is our ceasing from sinne and the entrance into our eternall rest and peace Heb. 4.9 10. There remains therefore a rest for the people of God For he that is entred into his rest hath also ceased from his own works as God did from his Chap. 6. ver 20. Let us study therefore to enter into that rest least any fall through disobedience Into which peace the fore-runner is for us entred even Jesus that is made a High-Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedec Job 3.13 For so should I now have lyen and been quiet I should have slept then and been at rest Ver. 14. With the Kings and Counsellors of the earth which have builded themselves desolate places Ver. 17. The wicked have there ceased from their tyranny and there they that laboured valiantly are at rest Ver. 18. The prisoners rest together and hear not the voice of the oppressors Ver. 19. There are small and great and the servant is free from his Master XIV A ninth Comfort in Death Rejoyce Because it is our going to doe the will of God our most loving and mercifull Father in Jesus Christ without sinning against his most blessed and sacred Majesty In dying we doe the will of God Heb 9.27 For it is appointed to all men once to die and after that comes the judgement Rom. 6.7 For he that is dead is freed from sinne Joh. 14.28 When our Saviour had acquainted his Disciples of his departure from them by his passion they were sorrowfull For which our Saviour seemed to reprove them and said If ye loved me ye would rather rejoyce because I said I goe unto the Father for my Father is greater then I. XV. A tenth Comfort in Death It is the love of our good God unto us to take us away from the evill to come therefore rejoyce at this his gracious call of infinite mercy to that heavenly mansion which our blessed Saviour hath prepared for us in his Fathers house Joh. 14.2 In my Fathers house are many mansions or dwelling places if it were not so I would have told you I goe to prepare a place for you 1 King 11.11 12. The Lord said to Solomon I will surely rend the Kingdom from thee and will give it to thy servant Notwithstanding in thy dayes I will not doe it because of David thy Father but I will rent it out of the
thou King of Saints Who shall not fear thee O Lord and glorifie thy Name for thou only art holy and all Nations shall come and worship before thee for thy judgments are made manifest Psal 112.6 The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance A fifteenth Comfort in Death We may well rejoyce at Gods gracious messenger of Death because it is the wiping of all tears from our eyes and the finall end of all our troubles and sorrows the world the flesh the devill shall no more oppresse distract and hurt us with their distractions delusions and deceits Eccl. 4.1 So I turned and considered all the oppressions that are wrought under the Sunne and behold the tears of the oppressed and none comforteth them Ver. 2. Wherefore I praise the dead which now are dead above the living which are yet alive Hos 13.14 Hear what comfort our loving God gives us I will redeem them from the power of the grave I will deliver them from death O death I will be thy destruction repentance is bid from mine eyes A sixteenth Comfort in Death Rejoyce Because it is the imitating of our Saviours passion as farre as we are able that we may see his glory Matth. 10.38 He that taketh not his crosse and followeth after me is not worthy of me And Chap. 16. ver 24. If any man will follow me let him forsake himself and take up his crosse and follow me And somewhat more Luk 9.23 If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his crosse daily and follow me And Chap. 14. ver 27. Whosoever beareth not his crosse and cometh after me cannot be my Disciple 2 Tim. 2.12 If we suffer we shall also raigne with him if we deny him he also will deny us Joh. 17.24 Father I will that they which thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world Matth. 10.24 The Disciple is not above his Master nor the servant above his Lord it is enough for the Disciple to be as his Master and the servant as his Lord. If they have called the Master of the house Belzebub how much more them of his houshold A seventeenth Comfort in Death It is our freedome from sinne death and hell and all our enemies The day of death saith Solomon is better then the day of birth therefore is that day a day of rejoycing to us St Paul desireth to be dissolved and to be with Christ and saith it is the best of all Rom. 6.7 He that is dead is freed from sinne Ver. 11. Likewise think ye also that ye are dead to sinne but are alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord. An eighteenth Comfort in Death It is our taking possession of the fullnesse of rest in the communion of Saints in the love of the eternall God the Father Sonne and holy Ghost and therein peace for ever therefore rejoyce Lazarus is said to be presently carried into Abrahams bosome where most sure he had immediate possession in a high degree of eternall peace Gerrards Meditat. p. 25. Death is the beginning of a holy life Isa 57.1 2. The righteous perisheth and no man considereth it in heart and mercifull men are taken away and no man understandeth that the righteous is taken away from the evill to come Peace shall come they shall rest in their beds every one that walketh before him Matth. 11.28 29. Hear our gracious Saviour Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will ease you Take my yoak on you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall finde rest unto your souls 2 Thes 1.7 And to you which are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall shew himself from Heaven with his mighty Angels And if then surely also from our severall changes till then Heb. 4.3 9. For we which have beleeved doe enter into rest There remains therefore a rest for the people of God for he that is entred into his rest hath also ceased from his own works as God did from his let us study to enter into that rest Job 3.12 13. Why did the knees prevent me and why did I such the breasts for so should I now have lyen and been quiet I should have slept then and have been at rest A nineteenth Comfort in Death Jesus Christ is in Death and Life to us gain and causeth death to be to us advantage the end of unexpressible evils the beginning of unexpressible and eternall joy Phil. 1.21 For Christ is to me both in life and death advantage All the miseries of Lazarus end in his death and his eternall joyes begin in Abrahams bosome Our Saviour Jesus entred by the gate of death into his glory and thereby hath prepared joyes 2 Cor. 2.9 such as eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor can it enter into the heart of man to conceive for them that love him Isa 35.10 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with praise and everlasting joyes shall be upon their heads they shall obtain joy and gladnesse and sorrow and mourning shall flee away A twentieth Comfort in Death Doubt not of the all-sufficient love of God to thee in his Sonne Jesus He that gave thee a body when thou hadst none can give thee a heavenly body so soon as thou art at liberty from this of earth and will most certainly dispose of thee in Jesus as of his servants which is the best for thee His power and his will is sufficient to give thee joyes beyond thy thoughts Have thou true faith and true belief that God is and that he is the rewarder of them that seek him Give him thy whole soul and spirit and humbly crave the assistance of the eternall God that he will for his Sonne Christ Jesus his sake fully and freely enable thee to give to the Sacred Trinity in Unity three Persons but one Almighty God Father Sonne and holy Ghost all honour glory and praise as his most obedient servant for ever And say with true faith and love O gracious Father Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven And in thy most free and gracious love to a poor sinner in Jesus Christ thy only Sonne my Saviour doe thou compell my unworthy and corrupted will to doe unto thy most Sacred Majesty true and perfect service Doe thou O blessed Father for thy free goodnesse sake convert me wholly into that service for thou art my only Lord God and I am thy servant so come Lord Jesus come quickly and receive my spirit Amen Amen Matth. 19.26 With God all things are possible Gen. 17.1 I am God all-sufficient walk before me and be thou perfect Chap. 15. ver 1. Fear not I am thy buckler and thy exceeding great reward Psal 50.7 Hear O my people and I will speake hear O Israell and I
though there were neither Hell of his justice nor Heaven of his mercy 2. True love will choose rather to serve our good God in Hell for ever if it could more fully and better do him perfect service in those flames then to be for ever in the highest joyes of Heaven these not to serve him as fully and as truly 3. To desire the eternall and whole conversion of thy soul and body for ever into the everlasting service of thy good Creatour in true love and to finde therein thy true peace is true love Love truly converted into the will of God is Heaven and those that are so converted may be said to be in Heaven upon earth for neither love nor Heaven can here be perfect but although they be still in their earthly tabernacles they have heavenly peace both of minde and conscience which cannot be quite taken from them although here must be no perfection whereby the whole will of almighty God without which either by appointment or permission nothing comes to passe is the true joy and content of their mindes wills and souls The love of our good Father is shown to us in his Sonne Jesus who as it were took satisfaction for our sinnes in his sufferings that his justice being satisfied in the sufferings death and passion of our Saviour Jesus we might have onely the mercy of our good Father to appear before which in his eternall love to us is sufficient for our Salvation when the justice of our good God could no other wayes be satisfied but by our damnation The great and unexpressible love prevailed with the sacred Deity for us when our Saviour Jesus could have been rescued from his sufferings for us with more then twelve legions of Angels and when he could have had as great honour if not greater in our condemnation then in our salvation Let our souls and bodies then with all their faculties be converted into the true love of our Saviour Jesus for ever For His 1. Coming down from his Fathers right-hand from his being God with his Father for ever 2. Poverty that thou mightest be rich 3. Not having whereon to lay his head 4. Wandrings and fastings and prayers for thee 5. Being betrayed 6. Being apprehended as a malefactor 7. Being fasly accused 8. Scarlet robe of derision 9. Crowne of Thornes 10. Being condemned 11. Nayling to the Crosse 12. Cruell thirst 13. Sweating bloud 14. Side stricken with a spear 15. Bleeding water and bloud at that wound 16. Sufferings from his cradle to his grave 17. Bitter passion causing him to cry My God my God why hast thou forsaken me 18. Lying in the grave 19. Resurrection 20. Now sitting at the right-hand of his Father and in him our Father in Heaven there asking the forgivenesse of all our sinnes of his Father who never denies him any thing Wherefore let us stand at the foot of the Crosse of this our Saviour weeping for sorrow that our sinnes caused his sufferings but for joy that through his infinite love shewed therein we are freed from sinne death and hell and have a place prepared in the power of his might where we shall see and partake of his blessed glory as his elected servants for ever Amen Thou needest not to fear death for thy Saviour hath destroyed the sting of death that is the Devill Read Heb. 2.14 15 16 17 18 verses there 's comfort enough in any condition the words are these Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him which had the power of death that is the Devill And deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage For verily he took not on him the nature of Angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham wherefore in all things it became him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and a faithfull High-Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted See an admirable expression of the infinite love of God which may preserve us from despair and may give us true joy from our humble desires to serve him though we cannot desire much more perfectly serve him as we ought Isa 40.1 2. Comfort ye comfort ye my people will your God say speak comfortably to Jerusalem and say unto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquities are pardoned From hence is sweet and solid comfort in all conditions An humble Prayer O Lord remember thy mercies draw me unto the Sonne of thy love Psal 139.23 24. and lead me in the way of thy precepts Try me O God and know my heart prove me and know my thoughts and consider if there be any way of wickednesse in me and lead me in the way for ever 5.8 Lead me O Lord in thy righteousnesse because of my enemies 27.11 make thy way plain before my face Teach me thy way O Lord and lead me in a right path because of my enemies by enemies understand inward and outward of the soul and of the body but especially those inward enemies which are the ruin and destruction of both 31.3 For thou art my rock and my fortresse therefore for thy Name sake 43.3 direct and guide me Send thy light and thy truth let them lead me let them bring me unto thy holy mountains and unto thy tabernacles 143.10 Teach me to doe thy will for thou art my God let thy good Spirit lead me unto the land of righteousnesse Draw me O God and I will runne after thee Cant. 1.4 Psal 28.3 Job 7.16 Draw me not away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity I shall not live alwaies O spare me then for my daies are but vanity I rejoice O Lord my God in thy love because thou art mercifull and wilt spare me as a man spareth his sonne that serveth him for thy mercy endures for ever Selah Thou art my good Father O my Creatour thou wilt not punish me nor impute to me my Originall sinnes which descended upon me from the wicked rebellion of my first parents even as my body is from them but the soul that sinneth and doth not look towards thee nor desire thy gracious gift of true repentance it shall die Yet art thou O my good Father wholly and only good and thy mercy endures for ever Selah Thou wilt not punish the presumptuous sinnes and vanities of my youth for thou art good and thy mercy endures for ever Selah Thou delightest not in the death of a sinner O God but wouldst that all should be converted from their evill waies and live Thou art my All-sufficient God of mercy whose will is all things both in Heaven and earth I trust in Jesus thy only Sonne my Saviour
With Saints and Angels for our Makers sake Now shew my soul thy joye is here begun In humble love say Lord thy will be done For the same L.M.W. in her sicknesse Our onely good great Governour of chance Maker of times and daies great Ancient Whose will is onely good whose providence No mortall can by force or fraude prevent Save this thy Servant by thy blest reprieve And from the jawes of death her soul relieve Let her most savingly behold thy power And let thy love possesse her soul so full Let her long life from this thy gracious houre With beames of duty shine most beautifull That so her soul like repened Corne may be Most perfect for her blest Eternity The least Mite tending to Eternity is for Riches and True Worth unestimable THe greatest gaine tending to temporality is onely as we may serve eternity with it considerable O sweetest Rose and Lilly of my Soul my joy my rest my everlasting peace my sweet Redeemer from my Captive Chaines that of thy meer love wouldest not suffer my rebellions against thee to have their deserts upon me but by thy blood hast purchased my peace and fittest me for to know and do thy will and then rewardest me as if it were my act and service to thee of my proper strength Therefore O my Redeemer thou art the Lord my God and I am thy servant for ever Amen My soul If thou looke for and expect salvation by the most gracious merit death and passion of our Saviour Jesus then which indeed there is no sweeter peace search hear and read his Word his will then wholly bend and frame thy soul and body to do thereafter Amen Meditate seriously and devoutly of three Things past three Things present three Things to come The three Things past are Good omitted Evill committed Time pretermitted The three Things present are The flesh provoking The world enticing The Devill ensnaring The three Things to come Death miserable Judgment terrible Hell intollerable Against these foes these three-fold three Thy Sheild's the three-fold Unity A Consult with the Soul TO mine own Ego to my selfe my soul I now would steere my wandering bark's advance Since long debate and labour doth controule Th' impetuous tide and stormes of ignorance And false conceit in apprehension Which soone overflow thy mounted hill And force thee head-long with thy false invention Before the furious waves of empty will So hard it is to finde out verity Whilst thou imprisoned art within thy clay Sinne is so frauded by hypocrisie That little of thy vastnesse see we may But wary reason is the onely eye That shadowes out some symptomes of thy might And seperates from blacke obscurity Some raies from thee or are thee or thy right Thy motives O my soul do worke more plaine And more efficatiously then those that be Of body onely whereby I obtaine Small sense of pleasure if thy watchfull eye Be else-where fixed whence it 's visible First that thou art and then that I am thee Thy sense my soul doth make me sensible The languages on earth acknowledge thee For if I say my body I meane thence By my my soul body soules mansion This is most true by old experience All tongues are herein at one Union And still more cleare thou shewst my self my soul That thou the sole command and power hast Over my senses else pain and icie cold Would on my body more impression take When thou seemst absent or in raptures high Freely enjoyst thy uncorrupted selfe Art fully fil'd with sight of Deity As of thy filthy Embryon bereft Much like as those that have their prison left It 's now high time I should my selfe retire From turbulent and slippery fields of warre Of eager strise of disputation-jarre And make account where none but we two are Freed from those tumults that possesse the earth Where what makes one to laugh makes others mourn What here makes plenty there it maketh dearth What raiseth one another down doth turne We 'le but expect that onely verity Which by thee shineth on my gloomy eye Which sacred is to all eternity Wherein all I can wish I do espie I have discovered plaine that thou my soul Wilt me survive and wilt survive me too As thou wilt outlive my mortality And all the changes that to me are due Which onely are to thee as accident When I thy prison am decaid and rent Meerly because in me thou habitest Thou 'st change thy time for thy immortall rest When accidents and motions of my sin Cannot approach thy uncorrupted will Nor move at all or force thee to begin To yeeld but constant thou the same art still Her 's nought of time change here is outed quite One even being now begirts thee round No troubled thought of end attempts thy quiet Nor doth succession of uncertaine ground Thus have I seene in height of fixed thought And serious muse of contemplating minde That thou my soul art farre more truly wrought And purely made and of more sacred kinde Then I thy earthly house and moultering tombe Which onely am whilest thou in me dost bide And quickly haste unto my Mothers wombe If thou forsake me or me cast aside A little space yet truely I professe Whilest me thou keepest great thy danger is Least thou ensnared with my vaine excesse Be quite debarr'd of thy eternall blisse But if thou rule and order me aright And force me subject to our Makers will So that my crooked waies convert to straight And doing good I do avoid the ill Then are we happy for I do beleeve That though we part till resurrection call Sorrow to one shall so the other grieve That both shall fare alike for eternall Thy paines may then begin when I in dust Shall silent lie till we united be And then most sure ah terrible I must Share in thy paines for our eternity If I delude thee but if thou me guide And so command that we but will to good But seeke and aske and knock the door is wide And open set by our blest Saviours blood Then shall our joyes alike eternall be Of which untill our meeting thou 'st be fill'd And so we blest in high felicity Shall to our maker true obedience yeeld But now to muse a while it may be good And to compare thy present state my soul As now it is immers't in flesh and blood Where sins presume and ill doth good controle With that which shall betide thee so soone when Thou melted art from thy corruption And art refin'd from company of men And with blest Saints joyn'd in communion What if our life here were a thousand yeares Longer then ere our aged Fathers knew And all that time we freed from cares and feares And uncontroul'd commanded all with view With twinkled eye or least beseeming shew That all the creatures humbly did prostrate Their best obedience holding it their due What ere us pleas'd to act or to relate And if that nature
eternity To incorruptible felicity And though our call doth nature oft prevent Yet when shee 's let alone she fairly deales And though she fixt to warmed life be sent To fit our death yet see how oft she steales To us her warnings as with dimmed sight And theumy eyes instead of bright and cleare To make us see our death for want of light And let us know there 's no long being here Again she warnes by some decay in Teeth Or by a haire that turnes to Lilly white Or by some shaking Palsie which all seeth Or feeble knees or paines by day or night Or hands benum'd or hearing almost lost Or smelling gone which should refresh the braine Or relishing in taste whose choicest gust Is to prepare her guests to entertaine Of all her warnings the true meaning is To let us know shee 'le shortly lead us home And leave us in our woe or in our blisse As we to her have good or evill done As earthly pilgrims while she did sojourne And form her self according to our will With us in houses underneath the Sunne Obediently performing good or ill Then cheer my soul and doe not fear to live Nor will to die but take unto thy guard Securest diligence which doth alwayes give Assurance of hope and due reward In power of the merit of our Jesus And love of God shew'd in his onely Sonne By which dear love he never failes to ease us When earthly joyes and earthly friends are gone Then are we freed to all Eternity From sinne and death and hell and surely then Into true love we shall converted be Unto our God which Heaven is Amen The Offring I Will offer to my onely Good an humble and a contrite heart and my joyfull submission unto his dispose and pleasure for ever I will offer unto his most blessed Majesty his own most gracious love to the works of his own hands I will also offer the blessed conception birth life passion and merit of his sacred Sonne my Saviour Jesus in whom I beleeve O my Eternall Good helpe my unbeliefe and for thy mercy sake give and rightly perfect in me true and saving knowledge and assurance in the infinite mercy of thee my onely Good shewed by thy gracious reconcilement unto me in and through Jesus Christ I will most humbly offer a most willing heart humbly begging of my Eternall Good the blessed guidance of his sacred Spirit to conform and leade my weake and timorous belief aright and to satisfie settle and confirm it in his truth I will also offer unto his gracious goodnesse my most humble and joyfull submissive obedience unto the direction and commands of his most gracious Spirit which I humbly crave may be so powerfull and strong in me that the influence and advantage which the world flesh and devill have against me by reason of my sinne and corruption may not in the least sort be able to move or draw me from yeelding and giving all willing and joyfull submission and obedience thereto but that I may perfectly as I am wholly the creature of my Creator be converted into his perfect will and service and therein rest in perfect joy and peace for ever and this for his onely mercy and goodnesse sake Amen Therefore thus Faine would I have a Royall Sacrifice Worth the presentment to my sacred Good Faine would I finde the Pearle of precious price That by my Saviour so was understood I trust it was with which I 'le here commence An humble soul fram'd of obedience For sure all earthly things are much too vaine Too much corrupted by the fall of man Too much rebellion doth this earth sustaine Too much oppression underneath the Sunne Too little worth they are my Good did make And give me these what need he then retake So is the will and deed to work aright His onely gift but in another sense For outward gifts are unto all alike But holy will and deed arise from hence From God's free love on souls by sacred Spirit As new-born babes prepared to inherit Wherefore my Sacrifice is onely this An humble heart a broken contrite soule Cause me to know it is my onely blisse My onely happinesse without controle To doe thy will make me fit instrument I 'me thine and not my own I 'me full content Belief I do believe that Almighty God is and that he is the rewarder of all them that diligently seeke him I do believe he hath incomprehensible mercy and justice towards all the works of his own hands I do believe that they shall come from all quarters of the world and sit down at his Eternall Table and receive of his infinite bounty I do believe that Almighty God is perfect goodnesse and mercy and justice it self and whoever feareth him and worketh righteousnesse shall be accepted of him I do believe he is the Creator and disposer of all things and this after a manner wholly incomprehensible to mortality I do believe his own beeing and proceeding is onely from himself and is to mortality likewise incomprehensible I do also believe the Apostles Creed concerning the sacred Trinity the Confession of Athanasius and the Confirmation thereof by the Reformed Church of England whereof the providence of my good Creator hath made me a member but in these I must espcially say Good Lord help my unbelief and guide and hold me by thy good and unresistible power in thy blessed service for ever Amen I do believe that with almighty God all things are possible and that his gracious mercy is above all his works And therefore Jesus Christ may be and I believe but Lord help and direct aright my unbelief that he is his onely begotten Sonne and yet conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary that he suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried and descended into hell and the third day rose again from the dead and ascended into Heaven and si●teth there on the right hand of God the Father almighty from whence he shall come to judge both the quick and the dead I do believe there is a selected number of Saints in this world which may be comprehended by the holy Catholick Church and that they shall have an eternall communion and fellowship together after this life and that they shall have all their sinnes freely forgiven them and also shall rise together in eternall life at the generall resurrection of which number I believe and trust my self with ot ers more to be for which free and incomprehensible grace I desire with all Saints to give everlasting praise and thanks and to doe everlasting most perfect service unto my good Creator forever Amen I doe also believe in the Holy Ghost and that this sacred Spirit is proceeding from the sacred Deity of the Father and the Sonne which being sent to command and take possession of our souls for the use as it were of the sacred God head we are thereby made fit workers and labourers
severall Mothers yet let your love and unity be one in faith and truth and the One eternall God will undoubtedly give you the incomprehensible blessing both of temporall and eternall peace and will strongly fortifie you against any dejection at the deprivement of any temporall blessings whilest you truly consider the uncertainty of them the difficulty in well using of them and the danger if abused and that nothing is worthy our serious thoughts but what accompanies us to our eternall habitation and goeth with us to that admirable perfect and happy estate we shall most certainly arrive unto if we wean our selves from these worldly impediments that here deface and clogge our souls and only endeavour and esteem that good which tends to the good of our eternity The inward endowments of the minde are by far more excellent than the outward adornments of the body therefore let the bottome and foundation of all thy endeavours be laid in pure and undefiled religion truly grounded upon the sacred Scriptures rightly understood Sint cast a deliciae meae scripturae tuae nec faller in eis O Deus meus nec fallam ex eis August Confess For except the Lord build the house the workmen labour but in vain We must all acknowledge and beleeve a most sacred heavenly Deity for whosoever come to almighty God aright fitting for his mercifull and saving acceptance must first know and beleeve that he is and that he is the rewarder of them that serve him True religion consisteth in the knowledge of God and of our selves for it is a relative action between both the office thereof is to extoll God to the utmost of our power and to beat down man as utterly lost and then to furnish him with means to rise again to make him feel his misery and his weaknesse to the end he may put his whole confidence in God alone Religion should knit and unite us to the author and principall cause of our good and re-unite us to our first cause and root where if we continue firm we are thereby preserved in our perfection and contray if we separate we instantly faint and languish True Religion doth make us give all honour to almighty God and receive all benefit to our selves Glory be to God on high and peace with men on earth Almighty God must be served with our hearts and spirits it is the service answerable to his nature he is a spirit then worship him in purity of spirit this he requireth and it pleaseth him the Father desireth such worshippers the most acceptable sacrifice unto his sacred Majesty is a pure free and humble heart this he will not despise A pure heart is a sacrifice to God an innocent soul an innocent life A holy man is a true sacrifice to God his body is his Temple his soul is his a Image his affections are his b offrings his solemne sacrifice is to imitate serve and implore him God is rich and therefore giveth unto us poor and therefore aske Although all true worship be from the inward spirit yet neverthelesse we must not contemn or disdain outward and publick service which must be an assistant to the inward truth by observing ceremonies orders and customs with moderation without vanity ambition hypocrisie or covetousnes as they may and doe tend to the advancement of true devotion in us alwaies remembring that God will be served in spirit and what is performed by us otherwise is rather for our selves then for God for humane respects and formall observances then divine verity which rather belongs to manners and customs then the thing it self Our vowes and prayers to almighty God should be alwaies with this submission Thy will be done O Lord and not mine Tua voluntas Domine mea sit mea voluntas tuam semper sequatur optimè ci concordet saith a pious and ancient Father Take great heed of asking any thing against the determination of his revealed will his will is that we ought to fit our selves to receive We must think speak and deal with almighty God as if all the world did behold us and live and converse with the world as if God did behold us We must take great care not upon any slight occasion or cursorily to use the most sacred Name of God but with premeditation obediently and reverently to speak and use it his Name is holy and all honour is for ever due unto it The divine providence being well learned by us doth administer sufficient upholding comfort in all the chances and changes of this life We are most thankfully to acknowledge and submit to this providence which disposeth all things to the best to them that truly and obediently acknowledge it without which a Sparrow falls not and with whom our hairs are numbred this is the staff of life the blessed stay of comfort on which we safely rest in all the passages of our pilgrimage this inward spirit works quite contrary to the outward man it makes us truly say Thy will be done O God and not mine and not only say so but heartily and thankfully rejoyce that so it is knowing that it is best and only good for us this clears thy soul of grief and trouble and fills thy heart with joy and gladnes knowing that is done which is only good for thee and that thy will is not done for had it been against divine providence it would have produced thy utter ruine and destruction therefore for ever blesse that most gracious providence that hath avoided it Be diligent to finde out the good of necessity it is a sweet herbe but growes not in every garden it is an especiall branch of true wisdome and teacheth to take every thing by the right end the righteous and the wicked the wise and the foolish the true contented and discontented doe all the same things but not after the same manner not with the same apprehension understanding and judgment neither intending or conducing to the same end and purpose and therefore the operation in them is not the same but quite contrary Nothing in this world is perfect therefore there is both good and evill a right and a wrong use of them the first tending to true joy and comfort the latter to sorrow and discontent Correction upon search discovereth sinne and moveth to repentance and prevention Not to rejoyce after serious thoughts at the chastisements of Gods providence is a very evill signe of a wicked heart we must be truly sorrowfull for sinne which is the only cause of correction not for the correction for the cause of the disease not for the cure Before I was corrected I went astray but now have I learned thy word O blessed and sweet correction that leads and holds us in the way to eternall happinesse if correction bring thee not comfort with resolution by the gracious assistance of almighty God and joy in amendment search narrowly thy wayes for it is greatly to be feared they lead thee to eternall death
them that goe down into the pit Cause me to hear thy loving kindenesse in the morning for in thee doe I trust cause me to know the way wherein I should walk for I lift up my soul unto thee Deliver me O Lord from my enemies viz. from my sinnes I fly unto thee to hide me teach me to doe thy will for thou art my God thy Spirit is good lead me into the land of uprightnesse Quicken me O Lord for thy Names sake for thy righteousnesse sake bring my soul out of trouble And of thy mercy cut off my enemies viz my sinnes and destroy all them that afflict my soul for I am thy servant I will rejoyce to work in thy vineyard O my creatour and in the strength of thy mercies will attend thy call to rest as thy most obedient servant Amen V. Comfort Take comfort in a constant thirsting to be dissolved and to be with Christ as his servants are who be already dissolved if almighty God in Christ Jesus were so pleased Read Gerrards Meditations Though death as to us is bitter yet in from pag. 268 unto pag. 302. our trust on almighty God in Christ it is sweet For who keep●th his word shall never see death Joh. 8.51 The misery of a Christian dieth but not the Christian man we lose not our friends at their death but they goe before us to the place of our enjoyment of them in Christ Jesus for ever as we may well beleeve Luk. 2.29 Simeon saith Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace And Phil. 1.23 The Apostle desires to be dissolved and to be with Christ which is best of all Rev. 7.9 The elect have robes in token of innocency and palms in their hands in token of victory therein are all tears wiped away from our eyes Ver. 17. And therein is no mourning nor grief nor any cry heard but rest from labour Chap. 21. v. 4. and 14.15 Our blessed Saviour shews the great benefit of being dissolved when his Disciples were sad at it he said Joh. 14.28 If ye loved me ye would rejoyce rather Phil. 1.21 Death is gain The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to his Sonne therefore rejoyce in thy true belief to goe to that judgement For Joh. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Sonne that who so beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Matth. 18.14 Neither is it the will of our Father that one of the little ones should perish Ver. 11. Our Saviour came to save that which was lost He takes away the sinnes of the world He died for the sinnes of the world He hath a gracious call for us as Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you He maketh intercession for us and hath blotted out the hand-writing which was against us Joh. 5.24 He that heareth his word and believeth on him that sent him hath life everlasting and shall not come into condemnation O my Saviour I beleeve yet help thou my unbelief and increase thou my faith Eph. 5.29 30. That I may truly and as I ought beleeve my self to be and be a member of thy body of thy flesh and of thy bones O my Saviour in the power of thy might and as thou diedst to save sinners make me holy is thou the Lord my God art holy The dayes of my pilgrimage are few and evill My conversation is in Heaven and I desire to see the goodnesse of the Lord in the land of the living When shall I appear before thy face O God As the Hart panteth after the fountain of water so doth my heart after thee O God At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore I shall be abundantly satisfied with the plentifullnesse of thy house and thou shalt give me to drink of the brook of thy pleasures for with thee is the fountain of life and in thy light shall we see light Thou O Lord art the portion of my inheritance and my exceeding great reward Thou shalt of thy free love to sinners shewed in Jesus Christ cover me with the garment of salvation and cloathe me with the white robe of righteousnesse where there is no hunger nor thirst nor scorching Sunne Of the fruit of the vine shall I drink in thy Kingdome for thy words are spirit and life therefore shall death be swallowed up in victory and thou O Saviour shalt for thy free merit in the blessed mercy of our eternall Father wipe away all tears from my eyes for ever for thou art my all-sufficient Lord God While we live we cannot hope to cease from sinne but when we die we hope to sinne no more which consideration doth administer great comfort in the remembrance and appearance of death to those that are truly weary of sinning against their God VI. The first Comfort in the pangs and passages of Death First Because the will of God is therein done in Jesus Christ which is certainly the best for us It is appointed to all men once to die and after that comes the judgment Heb. 9.27 2 Cor. 4.14 Knowing that he which hath raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise us up also by Jesus therefore we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed daily Ver. 17. For our light afflictions which are but for a moment causeth unto us a farre more excellent and an eternall weight of glory while we look not on the things that are seen but on the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporall but the things which are not seen are eternall Read Gerrards Meditations p. 109. praying for a blessed departure out of this life and a blessed resurrection unto life ever lasting And Read the fift Chapter of the 2d Cor. in which is admirable comfort in the passages of death that we may be present with the Lord. Jam. 1.12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptations for when he is tried he shall receive the Crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him Then present thy sould a true devotary unto our most gracious Father in Jesus Christ and say with David Psal 31.5 Into thy hands I commend my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of truth Ps 71.23 My lips will rejoyce when I sing unto thee and my soul which thou hast delivered And rejoyce with Paul Gal. 3.13 saying Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law when he was made a curse for us for it is written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree Then gathering thy spirit freeing thy soul of worldly thougths say in faith and true repentance in full assurance that our good God is all-sufficient and that his mercy endures for ever and that in Jesus thy Saviour he hath elected and adopted thee his sonne Come Lord Jesus my most dear Saviour come quickly Amen VII A second Comfort in the passages of Death Take