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A44490 The brazen serpent, or, God's grand design viz., Christ's exaltation for man's salvation, in believing on Him, or, The right way to regeneration ... / by J. Horn ... Horn, John, 1614-1676. 1673 (1673) Wing H2794; ESTC R5935 306,005 472

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fast and not turning therefrom be sure not to fail of it and we have their prayers for us that we may therefore hold fast and go on to the end with manifold provocations by word writings and examples to it Yea and many of our enemies too though they hate us for the the thing it self as practised by us yet they preach and approve what they hate in their doctrines and declarations even as the Jews approve and magnifie those Scriptures which hold forth what the Christians belie●● though they believe not what is in their own Scriptures Joh 5.45 46. and 10.34 Yea and we have all Gods providences therein working together for us all things working together for good to them that love God all the paths of the Lord mercy and truth to them that keep his Covenant and his Testimonies Psal 25.9 Rom. 8.28 Yea all things ours Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the World or life or death or things present or things to come all are ours if we be Christs as Christ is Gods 1 Cor. 3.21 22 Gal. 3.29 and therefore great encouragement have we to hold fast faith and go on believing in the Son of man the Son of God Encour 3. The great profit and benefit proposed to be received and injoyed in beleiving on him both the avoiding and escaping so great misery as perishing and the greatness of the good things contained in the eternal life to be injoyed a great recompence of reward Therefore cast we not away our confidence it 's life a Kingdom yea Eternal life and an everlasting Kingdom the Kingdom and Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ an eternal weight of glory Heb. 10.36 2 Thess 2.14 1 Pet. 5.10 2 Cor. 4.17 18. Yea and Encour 4. All the assurances given us of the certain fulfilling of what is said herein certifying us that we shall not perish but have Eternal life in such believing are strong Encouragements to us worthy to be minded by us As to say 1. We have Gods promise for it God that cannot lye hath promised Eternal life to the believer Tit. 1.2 1 Joh. 2.24 25. And faithfull is he that hath promised and he will perform it Heb. 10.23 And if we would trust an honest man upon his word or promise may we not much more trust God 2. We have the oath of God That by two immutable things in which it is not possible that God should lye namely his promise and his oath we might have strong consolation that flee for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before us seeing therein appears the immutability of his counsel Heb. 6. 17 18. By my self have I sworn saith the Lord to Abraham and in him to his seed them that are Christs Gal. 3.29 that in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thee Gen. 22.16 Heb. 6.13 And if we believe men upon their solemn oaths shall we not much more believe God when to confirm our faith he adds his oath to his promise ingaging himself thereby to the performance 3. We have manifold evidences of Gods truth and the truth of his Word in which these things are covenanted and promised all that evidences Gods truth and faithfulness in making good his words increases this assurance and that 's much as the casting off the Jews for their Idolatry and unbelief according to what or so far as Moses and the Prophets long since fore-signified Deut. 31.17 18. 32.21 22. 30.1 with Rom. 9 10 11.11 The calling and bringing in us Gentiles to be his people which was prophesied off long before while we were all worshippers of Idols and Devils Yet God hath made good this against all appearing probability even then when that one Nation that had the Oracles of God and boasted themselves to be his people and to have him for their God and he a greater God than all the gods of the Gentiles was for their sins rejected so as to have their City sackt and burnt their Land laid wast their people destroyed by famine pestilence sword and led captive into all lands and that by those who opposed the Lord his word and ways and were ready to attribute all their successes to the strength of their Gods or Idols and the ruine of their enemies to the weakness of their God Judg. 16.23 24. 2 King 18.33 and 19.22 Yet even then by the preaching of the Apostles a few despised persons he got himself the victory over them and brought in the Gentiles against all the malice of the Devils and thier worshippers to confesse him and his oracles the holy Scriptures Many other things might be noted to confirm the truth of the Scriptures as but I shall note it as another ground 4. The raising up Jesus and so sending us his own Son his only begotten according to the promises and prophecies that fore-went of him to be our Saviour the light to lighten us Gentiles and to be his salvation to the ends of the earth Act. 13.32 47. and 26.22 23. with Isai 42.1 6. 49.6 7 8. And he was discovered to be the Son of God by the testimony of the Scriptures of the Prophets by his own miracles and doctrine by the voyce of God and by the Spirit of holiness in the resurrection from the dead Joh. 5.36 37 39 and 20.31 Rom. 1.3 4. He as given of God for us and giving himself to be the ransome of our souls the propitiation for our sins the peace-maker and reconciler of us to God is an evident witness and assurance of the love and faithfulness of God to us and that in our believing on him he will be to us the Author of eternal salvation and everlasting life Isai 55.4 1 Tim. 2.6 Heb. 5.7.9 Having not spared his own Son but delivered him up to death for us all How shall not he with him freely give us all things Rom 8 32. 5. The holy Spirit given us as an earnest of the inheritance both as gifting the Apostles and believers at first with extraordinary and most usefull gifts inabling them to work miracles wonders and signs according to the fore-sayings of the holy Prophets Joel 2.28 29 in the name of Jesus witnessing therein to him and to the truth of his doctrine and also as inlighting the mind renewing the heart and assuring the conscience by his divine and heavenly operations in which we have included those three witnesses on earth mentioned in 1 Joh. 5.7 8. The Spirit inlightning and gifting the water washing and cleansing and the blood p●●ging and pacifying and so the spirit by all assuring the conscience give assurance of Gods truth and faithfulnesse in making good his promises for saving the believer from perishing and giving him Eternall life Having therefore such motives and incouragements to believe and such assurances of welfare therein How should we not be strengthned to believe on him and to follow on to believe yet more and more strongly against all temptations and oppositions using
said He that abideth in him sinneth not He that sinneth wandreth from the way hath neither seen him nor known him 1 Joh. 3.6 Thus the believing on him preserves from perishing from the way whereas they that believe not are apt to perish So 1. Either by running out of the Doctrine and way of truth into false Doctrines and Heresies of Damnation being with specious pretences and appearances presented to them as through want of stable rootedness in Christ and dependance on him the Galatians were in the way to have done and as God oft hath left them to do who believed not the truth but have had pleasure in unrighteousness 2 Thes 2.10 11 12. Either fear of men or desire of their favour or will to be rich or the appearing probability of falshood cause those that believe not in Christ to erre from the faith into by-ways of Judgment 1. Tim. 6.10 2. Or else by running into ways of worldiness uncleanness covetousness discontents and unrighteous practices as the Israelites into lusting after evil things Idolatries Fornication and as Demas that forsook Paul having loved this present World 2 Tim. 4 10. And of both these ways of perishing out of the way the Apostle John warnes the believers in 1 John 2.15 16 17 18 19 c. First of perishing from the way by loving the world or the things of the world the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh or the pride of life ver 15.16 And then of the Deceivers 〈◊〉 and Antichrists when he saith ver 18. Little Children it is the last times and as ye have heard that Antichrist should come even now there are many Antichrists c. Of whom also he warnes 2 Joh. 8. Look to your selves that we loose not the things that we have wrought And as a preservative against both prescribes the faith of Christ or the believing on him 1 Joh. 2.24 25 28. Let that therefore which ye have heard from the beginning abide in you if that which ye have heard from the beginning abide in you ye also shall continue in the Father and in the Son namely so as neither by the love of the world nor by the Antichrists to be drawn out from them and this is the promise which he hath promised eternal life And in 1 John 5.13 These things have I written to you that believe that ye may know that ye have everlasting life and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God 2. There is also a perishing in the end and that 's a sad perishing indeed its sad to perish from the way for that also leads to perishing in the end and will end in it unless rich and marvellous grace and mercy prevent but yet by mercy it may be prevented the lost may be found again as is implied and signified in the parables of the lost Sheep and the lost Groat and the lost child found Luk. 15. The last of which though he lay and perisht with hunger yet came to himself again and being made sensible of it and remembring his Fathers house arose and returned to it So as it 's said of him This my Son was dead but is alive again was lost but is found Namely he was perisht out of the way to happiness but is now brought back into it and found in it again But they that perish in the end are lost for ever as it is said of Amalek His latter end is that he shall perish forever Num. 24.20 There is indeed a perishing in the end in a sence which may be of less mischief yea for mercy Viz. When men perish in the end of their designs and undertakings for that may be in order to their being led to Repentance of such a perishing diverse passages may be understood in which the holy Ghost led his people to pray against their enemies as Let the wicked perish at the presence of God Psal 68.2 Let them be put to shame and perish Psal 83.17 And diverse the like which may possibly be taken in such a charitable as well as in some cases in a harsher sense but to perish in a proper sense as to mens persons in the end is horrible and inconceivably miserable Whether it be 1. At the end of their lives so as their hopes become as the giving up of the Ghost and when they part with their breath their hopes utterly fail them and they go from this life to the dreadful prison to be there reserved against the day of Wrath and then to be brought forth to a worser state of misery and destruction As it is said The Hypocrites hope shall perish whose hope shall be cut off and whose trust shall be as a Spiders web Job 8.13 14. As it was with the rich man who f●red deliciously every day but at his death was carried into Hell there to be tormented till Death and Hell give up their Dead to be judged at the great day as it is said Rev. 20.13 14. Luk. 16.21 26. Or whether it be at the end of the World at the great Judgment when Christ shall sit upon his Throne or Tribunal seat and pass that dreadful Sentence upon the unbelieving Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Whereupon they shall go into everlasting punishment and perish with an everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his Power Mat. 25.41 46. 2 Thes 1.7 8 9. To either of which those sentences of the Psalmes about the wickeds perishing may be also applied especially those perishings from their hopes and designes here not awakning them to timely Repentance Indeed it may seem that some that shall perish in that great end of the World the Day of the Lord may not be quite perished from all hope till then by that saying of our Saviour That many shall say at that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out Devils and done many wonderful works to whom he shall say Depart from me c. As if they should plead at that day with some hope of finding mercy but plain it is that they who believe not on Christ but live and dye in their unbelief shall dye in their sins John 8.24 Their sins unpardoned and fast bound upon them and they bound over to suffer the punishment of them and that in the final Judgment in Soul and Body reunited The fearful and unbelieving shall be cast into the Lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second Death An horrible end decreed to the workers of iniquity and such as cannot be expressed and therefore the Apostle Peter saith What shall their end be that obey not the Gospel As implying it to be unutterably miserable 1 Pet. 4.17 But in none of these senses shall the believer on the Son of Man perish Neither in that which is his hope and design as a believer which is the glorifying of God
all sins and trespasses through the virtue of his most precious Blood Acts 3.19 Mat. 25.35 36 46. And thus being preserved and saved by him they shall not perish from the way nor in the end but shall have Eternal Life of which we have nextly to consider CHAP XIV Of the second Branch of the fifth observation what Eternal Life is and how the believer on Christ shall have it Qu. 3 THe third Query to be considered under this Observation is what that Eternal Life is which the believer on the Son of man shall have To which I answer briefly that 1. It 's not this natural life for that with all its enjoyments must and will have an end and its good to mind that and the shortness and hiddenness of the time of it and the hiddenness and oft times suddenness of the coming of death that we may not trust to this life or rest in any of its enjoyments but be moved more diligently to seek after and lay hold of that which is indeed Eternal life concerning which I may add that 2. It 's more and hath more in it then can be now either fully expressed or conceived only some hints of it we have in the Scriptures and according to them we may understand something thereof and so we find that it is variously set forth and spoken of in the Scriptures as sometimes 1. By the causes of it or that from whence it springs and issues and so 1. Jesus Christ himself is called Eternal Life the life of the believer when Christ who is our life shall appear Col. 3.4 I am the Way the Truth and the life Joh. 14.6 The bread of life that he that eats shall live by and shall live for ever Joh. 6 51. The resurrection and the life Joh. 11.25 Yea expresly that Eternal life that was with the Father and was manifested to us 1 Joh. 1.2 And we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding heart to know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus christ this is the true God and Eternal life 1 Joh. 5.19 20. And its true to say That he that believeth on the Son of man shall have him as in Heb. 3.14 Now are we partakers of Christ if we hold fast the beginning of our Confidence stedfast to the end we have and shall have him here with us and for us I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine Cant. 2.16 6.3 And he saith I will be with thee I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Deut. 31.6 8. Josh 1.5 with Heb. 13.5 And we shall have him for ever with us and be ever with him in the new Heavens and new Earth and new Jerusalem in the world to come Rev. 21.3 4. with 1 Thes 4.16 17. 2. The favour of God in Christ is life In thy favour is life Psal 30.5 And this he shall have that believeth on Christ the Son of man He that finds him who is the wisdom of God finds life and shall obtain favour of the Lord. Prov. 8.34 And this is such a life as nothing can happen to the believer on him that can extinguish it or prevail against it I am perswaded neither Life nor Death nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor things to come nor heighth nor depth nor any other Creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus Rom. 8.38 39. That we believing on him should not be failed by him or deprived of his favour to us that 's without all peradventure included in it 3. The knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ is Eternal life This is life Eternal that they may know thee the only true God and him whom thou hast sent Jesus Christ Joh. 17.3 And this they who believe on the Son of man shall have for they shall receive the holy Spirit the Spirit of the Father and of the Son that shall teach them all things so as they shall not in the issue need to say one to another Know the Lord for they shall know him from the least to the greatest as is expresly promised in the Covenant or New Testament whereof Jesus Christ is the Mediator and which he hath undertaken to see performed to them that believe on him and depart not from him See Joh. 7.38 39 14.26 16.13 with Heb. 8.11 2. Sometime for the effect of Christ and of the knowledge and favour of God both as enjoyable here through faith and as enjoyable hereafter in the full fruition when those that see now darkly through a Glass stall see as they are seen and know as they are known 1 Cor. 13.12 And that effect is the living joyful happy state of the Soul and so of the whole man for ever as it is said He shall live for ever and he shall never die Joh. 6.51 58. and 11.25 26. Which is spoken of the Spiritual and Heavenly life or state of the Soul here and hereafter joyful and happy never to have end but especially of the state both of the body soul together hereafter and it includes and contains in it both 1. A continual living in a state of forgiveness and acceptance with God which is a truly joyful and happy state in which the Soul hath cause of real joy and gladness as it is said Blessed is the man whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin Psal 32.1 2. Blessed is the man who knows the joyful sound Psal 89.15 And happy is the man who hath the God of Jacob for his help c. Psal 146.5 6. A state in which the Soul is passed from death to life and shall not come into condemnation Joh. 5.24 2. A continual in dwelling of the the Spirit of Life as a Spring of Spiritual Life and motion toward God and for him even the Spirit of God which is the Spirit of life and the operation and efficacy of him in the Soul though not always sensibly felt here as it is said He that drinketh of the water that I shall give him it stall be in him a Spring of living waters springing up in him unto Etetnal life Joh 4.14 So as this Spring shall never fail him that believeth going on and continuing to believe on the Son of man 3. A continual state of safety from all evil so as to its being destructive or hurtful to the Soul or in due time affective and a state of Title to and Interest in yea and injoyment of all that is good in a first-fruits and by Spirit here and fully and actually and for ever hereafter there shall no evil happen to the just Prov. 12.21 All things are the believers 1 Cor 3.21 And all things shall work together for his good Rom. 8.28 Psal 25.10 The Lord God is a Son and a Shield and he will give grace and glory and
what He hath done for us and to us that He is the Son of God whom we neglect and trample under foot therein that He is the Lord that bought us whom we therein deny that it 's his precious blood the blood of the Covenant by which He procured a gracious Covenant of great and precious promises to be made for us and confirmed and ratified it and the blood wherewith we are sanctified and rendred meet to have liberty and access to and acceptance with God that is therein prophaned by us that its the spirit that discovers his grace and is of his great grace sent forth to call and cleanse us that is despited by us Heb. 10.29 2 Pet. 2.1 That they are his Members who is the Christ and his Temple who hath bought us with a great price for himself that are defiled by us 1 Cor. 6.18 19 20. Case 8. Would we see the emptiness of all our own righteousness that we do or could do for our selves for making our peace with God and obtaining his favour and acceptance Behold Christ crucified as set forth in the Gospel and that declares it and that it will not profit us Isa 57.12 for if righteousness be or could have been that way obtained then Christ died in vain but that may not be supposed therefore no other righteousness could avail us but He to be our righteousness through his Death and Sacrifice no Law could give life to us none but Christ crucified for us upon which account it was that the Apostle cryed out so of the folly and bewitchedness of the Galathians who having had Jesus Christ evidently set forth among them as crucified for them yet would turn to beggerly observations to seek to be justified by them Gal. 3.1 21. with 2.21 Case 9. Would we see our duties either to God or men what 's meet to be performed by us and how short we are in answering his engagements upon us Behold the Son of man and mind the teachings of his grace bringing salvation to us obtaining by his death and sufferings all the freedome from misery and curse and all the enjoyment of the good things vouchsafed to us and what is also for the future set in hope before us yea for ever and then we shall see our selves bound to live to him that dyed for us and rose again and to offer up to God our bodies a living Sacrifice holy and acceptable and that that 's a reasonable service to him that it behoves us to enquire and take notice of his will as our lawful Lord by vertue of his Death Resurrection and Reviving again for us and that we ought to glorify him both in body and spirit as being his purchase and so to use all freedomes mercies and enjoyments with all sobriety righteousness and godliness that we may in nothing dishonour or disserve him but glorify him in all things looking after and waiting for giving diligence that we may be found worthy of the blessed hope set before us and to be revealed at his appearance Tit. 2.11 12 13. 2 Cor. 5.14 15. Rom. 12.1 2. and 14.9 1 Cor. 6.18 19 20. and the looking upon and discerning the Lords body as crucified for us and given to be the Bread of Life to us is the best way to examine our selves and discern our defects and evils and to judge our selves accordingly for them that we may not be judged by Him 1 Cor. 11.28 29 30. Case 10. Would we be quickned up in our duties and way of seeking for and serving the Lord and not faint therein or be slothful or tired out through discouragements The way is to behold and look upon the Son of man lifted up for and before us that we may cast away every weight and the sin that so easily besets us and run with patience the race set before us look to Jesus the Author and Finisher of the Faith There we may see his Example and Pattern and also both Ingagement from his Love to us as the Author and hope of both success and of an infinite recompence of reward as the Finisher of the Faith set down on the Right-hand of Majesty that may make us gird up the loyns of our minds and run with Patience and Courage hoping perfectly for the Grace to be brought in at his appearance as obedient Children c. 1 Pet. 1.3 4 10 11 12 13 14. Heb. 12.1 2. Case 11. Would we be recovered from any Relapses and Decays to our former Strength and be helped to go forward in Christ Jesus Our way is to look upon the Son of man and therein to look to him for healing Virtue Thus the Apostles sets Christ Crucified and the Grace in him before the Galatians when he was in fear of them to recover them Gal. 3.13 14 16. and 4.4 5 6. and 5.1 And so Christ sets himself before the declining Angel of the Church of Ephesus wishing him to remember call to mind look back upon what he was fallen from Remember whence thou art fallen and repent Rev. 2.4 5. And so to the Angel of the Church of Sardis Dead while he had a Name to Live he presents himself as he that hath the seven Spirits of God and so Power to Revive him and as one that holds the seven Stars in his Right-hand signifying his love to and care of his Servants and yet power to do his pleasure with them and wishes him to remember or look back upon how he had received and heard and to hold fast Rev. 3.1 2 3. And to the Angel of the Church of Laodicea grown Luke-warm and in danger to be spewed out of his mouth he presents himself as the Amen the faithful and true Witness to quicken up his zeal in minding the firmness of his Promises and truth of his Reproofs and that he is the beginning of the Creation of God to mind him of his Power and Ability to stablish him or give being as he pleases to him and after declaration of his misery sets before him and directs his Eye to behold his Riches Fulness and Freeness and to buy of him what he wanted and his Love and Patience in Rebuking Correcting and standing with patience at the door knocking and waiting for admission and his readiness to come in and Feast with men upon their hearing and opening to him And to him as to all the rest he presents his Love Power and Faithfulness to Reward them that overcome and the greatness of the Rewards he will give them to Cure or Incourage them Rev. 3.14 18 19 20 21. Case 12. Would we be directed to and quickened up in the Love of God and of one another or Charity to the World of Mankind yea or to our Enemies Our way is to behold the Son of man as lifted up for and to us for there we may see his love to God his Father laying down his Life on the Cross in obedience to him as a perfect pattern for our imitation Phil. 2.8 9. John
have everlasting life we may well give up our selves unto him and say Truly we are thy Servants we are thy Servants the Sons of thy Handmaid thy perpetual Servants Thou hast loosed our bonds offering up our Bodies a living Sacrifice holy and acceptable to him which is our reasonable service of him Psal 116.16 Rom. 12.1 Yea how doth it become us to accept this his grace with all acceptation and for ever to laud and magnify Him To enter his Gates with thanksgiving his Courts with praises being thankful to him and blessing his Name Lauding and praising him that He hath passed such a Decree as this that as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness so must the Son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth on him might not perish but have everlasting life And as the Son himself our Lord the Son of man hath published and will publish the Decree saying I will proclaim the Decree The Lord hath said unto me thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee ask of me and I will give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance and the utmost ends of the Earth for thy possession thou shalt rule them with an Iron-Rod c. So let us make it our rejoycing and the business we mind to proclaim the same to all calling upon all to hear it and be glad of it to imbrace and submit to it for ever blessing him and calling upon all Creatures to bless him with us who hath so Decreed for us and is so Decreed of for us Let us lift up our voice and sing for the Majesty of the Lord and cry aloud from the Sea glorifying the Lord though in the fires of afflictions and sufferings even the Name of the Lord God of Israel the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of mercies and the God of all grace comfort and consolation from the Isls of the Sea Yea let us make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth serving the Lord with gladness and coming into his Presence with a Song Giving thanks unto him because he is good his mercy prepared for us and given to us in Christ Jesus everlasting and his truth enduring from generation to generation Calling upon all to take notice of his goodness herein unto all and to praise and laud and bless him with us Yea and upon all Creatures too as in Psal 148. especially the Saints and holy ones who believing on him have title to and interest in his promises of salvation and life everlasting Yea let us praise him every where and in all things chiefly in his Sanctuary or Holy Place and Holy Ordinances looking diligently unto Jesus that we fail not of the grace given us in him through any of the politick workings of Si● the World and Satan to that purpose against us but that we may be accounted worthy of it to life everlasting To whom ●e Glory and Dominion Honour and Praise now and in all Ages throughout all Places of his Dominions even for ever and ever Amen And Oh that my Soul may bless the Lord at all times and all that is within me may bless his holy Name and let every thing that hath life and breath praise Him till we all come to sing everlasting Hallelujahs in his glorious Kingdom Amen and Amen Laus Deo Christo su● in Etern●m c. FINIS THE CONTENTS Chap. 1. BRief Observations upon Nicodemus and our Saviours discourse with him p. 1. Chap. 2. The words of the Te●t considered its Parts four main Points then observed The first Point The Type of the Brazen Serpent lifted up spoken to in some brief Notes upon it p. 22. it should have been p. 14. Chap. 3. The Second Point in part considered viz. That the Son of man must be lifted up Who is the Son of man And three Reasons propounded why Christ is so called p. 23. alias 26. Chap. 4. Two other Reasons and they the principal ones of Christ calling himself the Son of man p. 48. alias 40. Chap. 5. A twofold Sense of the Phrase of lifting up viz. putting to Death and Glorifying or Advancing and what is implied in it in the latter Sense especially p. 65. alias 57. Chap. 6. A twofold way of Exalting the Son of man viz. either by Real Action upon his Person or by Demonstration of him and of his Worth and Excellency to others The former of these Enlarged upon p. 77. alias 69. Chap. 7. Of the second way of Lifting him up viz. By Demonstration of him and of his Glory unto men by whom that was and is to be performed and wherein p. 85. Chap. 8. The third point viz. That the Son of man must be lifted up as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness and therein several Analogies and Agreement between them considered p. 109. Chap. 9. The fourth and last Point The end of the Son of mans being so lifted up viz. That whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting Life Six Observations drawn from hence the first of which concerning mens danger of perishing opened p. 136. Chap. 10. The second Observation spoken to viz. That God hath no pleasure in mens death or perishing and some objections against it answered very briefly p. 147. Chap. 11. The third Observation briefly spoken to shewing Christ to be the only Medicine for our misery and Way to happiness appointed of God for us and what an inducement that consideration is to love God and accept of Christ p. 154. Chap. 12. The fourth Observation considered and therein the necessity and nature of believing on the Son of man unto Salvation with its desirableness and acceptableness to God p. 162 Chap. 13. The fifth Observation viz. That whosoever believeth on the Son of man shall not perish but have Eternal life having two Branches the former of them is here explicated What the perishing is from which the believer on the Son of man is preserved and how he is preserved from it p. 182. Chap. 14. Of the second Branch of the fifth Observation What Eternal life is and how the believer on Christ shall have it p. 202. Chap. 15. The Application of the two former viz. the 4th and 5th Observations in part in Exhortation to believe Reproof for not believing Incouragements to continue in believing on the Son of man and some Directions thereto p. 212. Chap. 16. Some further usefulness of the said Observations in Cautions and Instructions p. 225. Chap. 17. The sixth and last Observation viz. about the necessity of the Son of mans being lifted up spoken to in certain Conclusions the first of which in two Branches shews the necessity of Gods lifting up Christ in himself both as to mens believing on him and as to their being saved and living for ever by him p. 239. Chap. 18. Another Conclusion proving the necessity of his being lifted up by way of Demonstration to men both by God and men both unto mens
upbraid the weakness and timerousness of new beginners Let us learn to follow his good Example and entertain any that come to seek Christ with us though they come trembling at the first and shew some fearfulness to be known by others to do so well It s an evidence of an hearty love when men will venture after Christ notwithstanding they know they therein go cross to the worlds opinion and do that which they would turn upon them as a reproch though yet its a symptome of weakness to be afraid or ashamed it should be taken notice of Let us incourage what is good and bear with and overlook the weakness cleaving to men therein So did our Saviour here taking occasion meekly to instruct Nicodemus into that which concerned both him and us to know viz. the necessity of Regeneration without upbraiding his weakness in the time of his coming for Jesus answered and said unto him Verily verily I say unto thee Except a man be born again or from above he cannot see the kingdom of God There is an heavenly Kingdom or Kingdom of Heaven or of God spoken of by the holy Prophets chiefly by Daniel which was believed and looked for of the Iews though they mistook many things about it as to the spiritualness of it and the way to it Nicodemus therefore makes no question of that as to its being for indeed both the Baptist and our Saviour had preached its nighness and thereupon exhorted the people to repentance Mat. 3.2 and 4.17 yea the Pharisees afterward inquired of him of the time of its coming as taking it for granted that it would certainly come in its time Luk. 17.20 And the people thought it should shortly be manifested Luk. 19.11 And doubtless Nicodemus desired to see and enter it and therefore our Saviour here instructed and informed him what is requisite and necessary thereto affirming his Doctrine with a double asseveration Verily verily I say unto thee that except a man be born again 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or from above he cannot see the Kingdom of God That happy state in which God more immediately ruling and bearing sway fills those that are subject and obedient to his Government with Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost here and with Life and Glory Everlasting in Soul and Body for ever hereafter is not to be seen known or injoyed but by new Creatures those that are born from above This earthly and carnal birth is so much defiled and ushers in such pollution of sin and mortality because of sin that we are not fit without another higher birth for the priviledges of Gods Kingdom into which no unclean or unrighteous thing as we all are by nature may find admission In this natural birth we descend of the first Adam as fallen from God and begetting in his own sinful and mortal likeness but its necessary to our injoyment of Gods Kingdom that we be born of the second Adam who begets Children in his image and likeness holy and heavenly ones Birth of Abraham Isaac and Jacob might suffice to give admission into the outward form and court of the Church and unto the Land of Canaan but to Heaven and the joys and glory thereof nothing but a birth from Heaven Nicodemus stounding at this Doctrine and yet believing Christ to be a Teacher come from God doth not reject it as false but inquires further into it of him who taught him it and who he thought also was fittest to inform him further about it and therefore asked him how it could be How can a man be born saith he when he is old as probably he himself was can he enter into his Mothers Womb the second time and be born in which he shews the grosness of his understanding as not being yet acquainted with our Saviours manner of teaching He its likely-thought and not amiss that our Saviour meant it of some more unwonted thing then were the legal observations or any thing they could confer on men and whether it might be some strange birth over again in the Flesh and perhaps in the Resurrection according to some fancies of the Platonists of all things after some long periods of time to be acted over again as before he might not know nor could conceive how a man could be born again but by such a reduction to his first entrance into the world again But it s better to shew our grosness of understanding and inquire into truths proposed to us of those that teach us them though we speak like fools therein then by an over-bashfulness or a desire to be thought wiser then we are to conceal our doubts and to pretend that we do apprehend what we are ignorant off for by so doing we deprive our selves of the help and instruction which by propounding our doubts however gross and ignorant our proposing of them may make us appear might be received and sure as the Apostle Thomas his doubting and expressing his hardness to believe occasioned a more full demonstration of the reality and verity of Christs Resurrection to the great benefit and advantage not only of himself but also of the whole Church in the present and following ages So Nicodemus his proposing his doubt here tho therein shewing the grosness of his understanding occasioned and received such further instruction into the nature and necessity of Regeneration as tended not only to his but also to our greater helpfulness and advantage For in ver 5.6 Jesus answered verily verily I say unto thee Except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God That which is born of the Flesh is Flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit In which our Saviour shews that his words are not to be grosly taken as if he spake of a fleshly birth from the Mothers Womb but of a Spiritual and Divine birth the Principles whereof are Water and Spirit By Water signifying that knowledge of God that is often in the Scriptures compared to Water as Psal 1.2 3. Ezek. 47.3 4 5 c. Isa 11.9 Hab. 2.14 Or the free grace and love of God held forth and declared in the said knowledge word or doctrine The Water in the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 5.26 Grace being powred into the lips of Christ Psal 45.2 Or else also a submission to Christ in receiving him and his word and ordinances in being baptized into his name may also be implied and then the Spirit is that holy breath inspiration and working of the holy Spirit of God in and with the Doctrine of Christ which is afforded in his name working effectually upon the heart to the framing it unto the Faith and into the likeness of Christ and so effecting therein a new man a new mind judgment heart affection confidence and frame of Spirit Created after God in righteousness and holiness of truth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Could a man be born never so often of the Flesh
to no godly edifying Or leading men to walk in a road of Practices Observations and Performances of External duties without the Root the great mystery of godliness the right understanding perception and receit of the grace of God in Christ so as to the renewing them in the Spirit of their mind about which there is in many both Teachers and Professors of Religion exceeding great blindness and thence incertainty and confusion in their apprehensions The labour of the foolish wearying every one of them because they know not the way into the City Eccles 10.15 Much zeal there is and may be about the outward form and time of Baptisme the manner and way of Praying receit of the Supper or Communion Hearing Fasting the times and places of Worship with its Formes and Ceremonies yea and about walking in divers Religious practices when yet inwardly pride and arrogancy confidence in our selves our own frames or works with unbelief and rejection of the Grace and Truth of God Despising Hating and even Persecuting men because differing in their modes and apprehensions Envy Malice Covetousness Fraud and such like things lurk and bear sway underneath And yet men are apt to think all is well with them and incourage themselves and one another to expect Gods Kingdom Crying Peace peace where God speaks not peace and healing the hurts slightly that should be made sound like those in Jeremiahs days that thought their having Gods Temple and Worship among them should secure them from Judgment though their hearts were uncircumcised and their ways and doings naught and unmended But it s good to take heed to sound Doctrine the wholesome words of our Lord Jesus Christ and of his holy ones taught and instructed by him for they spake what they knew and testified what they see not stearing our course by the multitude for so we should be rejecters of the Truth For Christs Doctrine was not so crouded after as to be heartily imbraced by the most for then would he not have said We speak what we know and testifie what we have seen and no man receiveth our testimony wherein after signification of his own and his holy Servants fitness for teaching others and faithfulness in teaching he faults and complains of the too great want of credit to and receit of their faithful teachings by the generality of men which he yet signifyeth to be the more inexcusable because he spake but hitherto of things Earthly or done upon earth and therefore thence argues their greater unfitness and incapacity for Heavenly things more properly and in a fuller sense such If I have told you Earthly things and ye believe not how shall ye believe if I tell you of Heavenly v. 12. As implying also his fitness and ability for declaring the heavenly things the things done or to be done in Heaven also Yea and he further signifies his only fitness and sufficiency for declaring them in what he adds viz. when he saith ver 13. And no man hath ascended up into Heaven but he that came down from Heaven even the Son of Man who is in Heaven Signifying as his own descent from and yet being in Heaven so that none but He That Son of Man is fit or able to declare the things of Heaven because none else came down thence furnished with the Knowledge of them And whereas Nicodemus might still be more amazed at these intimations of his coming down from Heaven ascending up to Heaven and being in Heaven even while he see and heard him on the Earth speaking to him he adds the words of the Text. And as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness so must the Son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have eternal life Of which he gives the reason in the next verses For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life c. Whence we may note by the way that Christ did not for Regenerating Nicodemus Preach to him some particular love or special manifestation of it to him more than to others but generally love or grace even the love of God to the World As the Apostle Paul also tells us that that which saved him and others from their natural and sinful state was the appearance of the love and pity of God to mankind Tit. 3.3 4. He saith not it was some peculiar love to them more then to others that was made to appear as the object upon which their eyes and hearts were fastned but the love of God to man more indefinitely and generally And therefore they are not to be heard who rejecting the Testimony of Gods love and grace to mankind and to the World make it their first and main business to Preach special and particular love to some elect and chosen ones as the way to bring Souls in to God Let us follow the way our Saviour hath walked in before us Preach to men Gods good will and love as testifyed to all in general in the gift of Christ and leave it to God to bear testimony to the word of his grace and to work therewith opening their understandings and perswading their hearts to imbrace it and evidencing and bearing witness to them as he who knows their hearts sees good Act. 14.3 15.8 CHAP. II. The words of the Text considered its parts Four main points thence Observed The first point spoken to viz. The Type of the Brazen Serpent lifted up in some brief notes upon it LET us veiw the words themselves which I have chosen to treat on wherein we have 1. The main thing asserted viz. That the Son of Man must be lifted up 2. The manner of it proposed by way of similitude As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up 3. The end of it declared viz. That whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have Eternal Life We may note from the words also these several notes or points 1. That Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness that 's supposed and implied 2. That the Son of Man must be lifted up that 's mainly asserted 3. That this latter must answer to the former The lifting up the Son of Man must answer to the lifting up the Serpent by Moses in the Wilderness As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up 4. That the end of the Son of Mans being so lifted up is That whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have eternal life To the first Point which is the comparison or that by which the lifting up of the Son of Man is illustrated and set forth viz. Moses his lifting up the Serpent in the Wilderness I shall speak more briefly the other points being more principally intended And in speaking thereto I note 1. The thing set up A Serpent 2. The cause or reason of
this was one of his great businesses in the World to teach the People the knowledge of God and of his Kingdom and of the way thereto So we find him Preaching and Teaching the Word of God in the Synagogues and in the Temple and in the Houses and Ships and wheresoever the people resorted to him taking all occasions thereto Mat. 4.17 23. 5.1 2. 13.1 3 4. Mar. 1.14 15 21 38 39. 2.2 Mat. 26.58 Luk. 21.37 38. Joh. 18.20 And he spake and taught them as one having authority even the authority of God his Father and not as the Scribes Mat. 7.29 Job 7.16 17. Therein both declaring to men the love and goodness of God to the World Joh. 3.16 17. And his special love and goodness to them that believe on him Joh. 16.27 28. And his perfect hatred of evil Mar. 9 42 43 44 48. And in a Word both the name of the Father Joh. 17.6 And his Word Instructions or Commands ver 7.8 With Chap. 12.49 50. And so what was and is his will concerning us that we might be saved and live Joh. 5.24 6.29 c. And all things whatsoever we need to know believe and practice 2. By his walking works and doings exhibiting God and his Name and nature to the eyes of Men as it were as well as to their ears for he was God manifested in the Flesh 1 Tim. 3.16 So as God even the invisible God might be seen in him as in his proper and most perfect Image 2 Cor. 4.4 Col. 1.15 Thence it is said by our Saviour He that believeth on me believeth not on me but on him that sent me and he that seeth me seeth him that sent me Joh. 12.44.45 And when Philip said to him Lord shew us the Father and it sufficeth Jesus reproving and instructing him made this answer Hast thou been so long time with me Philip and hast thou not known me he that hath seen me hath seen the Father and how sayst thou shew us the Father Joh. 14.8 9. Signifying to us that the invisible God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ was so made manifest in him that in perceiving and beholding his power wisdom and goodness love holiness meekness patience wrath c. The same Attributes of God might be discerned and known and so it might in him be seen how able and wise and willing God is to help save and succour his poor Creatures to forgive their sins to heal their diseases to succour them in their needs instruct their ignorances comfort them in their diseases How loving and good he is to all and yet how he hates their sins and sinfulness And how especially good and loving to the truly virtuous such as are subject to and followers of him c. So that here God afforded to man a sight of himself and of his excellencies in the Son of Man and in his demeanours and carriages doings and sufferings that we might know him love him believe in him obey and follow him and be saved by him and satisfied in and with him How great a benefit was this to the World to have God so represented and made manifest to them and especially to such in it as closed with and followed him out of their false Principles and ways learning of and obeying him who saw his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father John 1.14 So as it might in him be verified what is said in Psal 68.25 They have seen thy goings O God the goings of my God my King That is Christ in holiness or in the holy Place or Sanctuary Again 3. By his walking as man towards God and Man He hath by his example not only shewed us what God is and how he walks toward and among men but also how men ought to walk and please God in their demeaners of themselves towards God and men for as he was man the Son of man walking in God he hath given us a perfect pattern and example of what God requires of and likes in us men As it is said He hath left us an example that we should follow his steps 1 Pet. 2.21 And as himself said I have given you an example or pattern that as I have done to you so ye should do John 13.15 And so he hath shewed us in himself how we should obey the call and command of God his Father to us How we should perfectly love and trust in God and commit our selves and our ways to him doing all things commanded by him without murmuring and without disputing How we should patiently and quietly submit our selves to him in all tryals temptations and sufferings that he orders to us perfectly casting our selves upon him therein and trusting to him for his support and seasonable deliverance And so therein he hath shewed us a perfect pattern of Humility and Patience And so for walking towards men he hath set us an example of perfect Charity seeking the good of all and doing hurt to or seeking or desiring the harm of none and yet how when we seek to do them good we should not have fellowship with them in their sins but in meekness reprove them and where need is use sharpness therein that is where men are guileful and Hypocritical proud and conceited and there-through set themselves against Gods glory and the good of others under pretence of Religion and Piety towards him And such were the Scribes Pharisees Lawyers and the like so smartly reproved by our Lord. Mat. 23. Luk. 11. 13.14 15. So Christ also hath set forth himself as an example of subjection to the Magistrates and of paying wrongfully and to our own damage what they demand of us rather then give offence by contending with them and striving against them therein Mat. 17.24 25 26 27. As also of patient putting up and suffering injuries from them or others 1 Pet. 2.21 22 23. And so of all Righteousness and goodness and of all tender care of and love to such as are good or desire so to be and to that purpose yeild themselves willing and ready to learn that they may know and obey the truth John 15.9 10. 10.15 13.34 c. And he that saith he abides in him ought even so to walk as he hath walked John 2.6 And surely this in every branch of it was a very great grace or gracious condescention of God to us men that he in the person of the Word should be made Flesh and therein give us an evidence of himself his name nature and will concerning us both by his vocal Doctrine and Ministry and by his own demeanour and walking in the Flesh both shewing us the way of Gods walking towards man and the way how man ought to walk towards both God and Men. But again 2. In his being the Son of Man that is very man he hath given us the greater ground of boldness and confidence in our dependance on him and approach to God by him as the Mediator of
know not hath ordered gifts to men for a distinct and plain preaching him in a way seeming to the world more foolish for their Salvation And in this foolishness even the plain ungarnished way of preaching He is I say to be so held up or set forth as men may have opportunity or advantage to see him as given in the flesh to the world to be their Saviour according to Gospel-revelation with perswasions also to men to mind and look to him as the great and onely one in whom there is certain healing for them and as one who being neglected by them or not looked to to the end they cannot be healed cannot be forgiven and saved from their sins and Gods wrath and judgements though he be the same in himself seen or not seen looked to or not looked to believed in or not believed in Yet he is not the same to us that is he gives not forth his virtues otherwise then as lifted up he is looked to and believed on by men as to persons that are in capacity as being of years or otherwise of discretion as such onely in a sense agreeable to Scripture speaking may more properly be said to be come into so as to be of the world nor can he be otherwise or further then as lifted up to them beheld by them Isa 45.22 Mark 16.15 16. Heb. 2.1 3. 3. As Moses lifted up the Serpent Not to the end that God might take occasion to punish them the more for their necessitated or wilful neglects of it or as a thing intended of God to that end but for this gracious end That when a Serpent had bitten any man however often or seldom deeply or sleightly he might look to the Brazen Serpent and live Though in case any man out of pride or scornfulness or other principles neglected it he might be worthily left to dye of his wounds and was without excuse if he then perished Even so the Son of Man is and must be of men lifted up not to the end that men might harm themselves by him and be left without excuse if either through defect on Gods part of effectual Grace to enable them they cannot as some erroneously hold or through wilfulness on their part in neglecting the grace and power given them they will not look to and believe in him and so perish But to those gracious ends that they might when through the deceits of Sin and the Devil they fall into sin and misery look up to him and be healed by him Not perish but have eternal life both believe and live Though if when he is lifted up to those gracious ends any man neglect to use the power and liberty given him of God to look to him and in the help of his grace in such looking to him met with to believe in him or having begun to believe withdraw again and so through unbelief perish he is the cause of his own destruction and is and will be without excuse in Gods presence when he comes to judge him Isa 5.3 4. Hosea 13.9 Matth. 22.12 Rom. 3.4 19. Now that Gods ends in ordering Christ to be lifted up and so in lifting him up are so gracious and not as some represent them to be a snare to them otherwise then in case they wilfully reject him when lifted up to those gracious ends that such a thing shall be the event as is implied Isa 8.14 1 Pet. 2.8 that they might perish I say that Gods gracious ends in it are directly that men might believe on him and that whosoever so do might not perish but have eternal life both the next words and the two following Verses shew The next words are That whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have eternal life And the next Verses confirm that saying For God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved Mark that Negative Not to condemn the world and then the Affirmative But that the world through him might be saved Such the gracious end of God being acted by love in it to the world though the event is like the event that might be to the people from the Serpent lifted up if any were so foolish for their bodies as many in the world are for their souls namely He that believes is not condemned he obtains the gracious end of God even as there it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man when he looked to the brazen Serpent he lived Numb 21.9 But he that believeth not is condemned now or already because he hath not believed on the Name of the onely begotten Son of God Not because it was Gods end in giving Christ that any man should refuse him and be condemned but because he neglected Gods gracious end which was that through him he might be saved John 3.16 17 18. as follows Verse 19. This is the condemnation the reason of the unbelievers being condemned that light is come into the world but men loved darkness rather then light But this I might add as 5. The last agreement viz. As to the event It came to pass there upon Moses lifting up that Serpent that if a Serpent had bitten any man when he beheld the Serpent of brass he lived As implying that not till then had it its effect to revive or cure and so not at all if never looked to or if before perfect recovery it was turned from that may possibly be implied too but if any looked to and beheld it he lived No matter from what part of the Camp whether East or West or whether he stood so near it as to behold its express form or at such a distance as he had but a confused sight of it whether his wounds were more or fewer deeper or sleightier c. when he looked he lived Even so here when any man seeth and believeth on Christ lifted up of God and in the Gospel not till then or otherwise but then he is justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the Law of Moses Whatever or wherever he is or whether his sight be more distinct or more dim and confused so be it his sight be hearty he lives with God or in his sight and living and believing he shall not dye for ever Acts 13.39 Gal. 3.7 9 26 29. John 1.12 13. Acts 10.34 43. John 11.25 26. But I onely mention this and proceed now to CHAP. IX The fourth and last Point The end of the Son of Mans being lifted up viz. That whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have eternal life Six Observations drawn from hence The first of which concerning mens danger of perishing opened Point 4 THe end why or whereto the Son of Man must be so lifted up as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness is
all that trust in him should be happy Psal 2. Yea all Nations are exhorted to gladness upon the account of his Victories and Reigning Psal 47. 97.1 2 c. 98.1 4 c. Yea they only point to one that should be the Seed of the Woman the seed of Abraham of Isaac of Jacob of David a root of Jesse c. Who should yet be the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace Gen. 3.15 22.18 26.4 28.14 Psal 89.3 4 19 20. Isa 9.6 11.1 10. 2. In the writings of the Apostles the accomplishment of those Prophecies is declared to be made in the raising up Jesus He being the Son of God sent forth by him made of a Woman and made under the Law Act. 13.32 33. Gal. 4.4 Made in the similitude of sinful flesh and an offering for sin to condemn sin in the flesh Rom. 8.3 Delivered up to Death for our offences and raised again for our Justification Rom. 4.25 That there is Salvation in no other nor any other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved Act 4.11 12. The Law being not able to help us being too weak and unprofitable Rom. 8.3 Heb. 7.14 19. 10.4 5. God therefore prepared a body for his own Son and made him therein the Son of man that he might be able to do that for us and to us that none other could that He in the nature of man might bear our sins and make satisfaction to Gods Justice therein and atonement for us and offering up himself to God as a spotless Sacrifice through the eternal spirit receive into himself the fulness of the grace and blessing of God his Father that as the head of us men he might derive it to us and we receive it from him both Light and Teaching for renewing our minds and directing us unto peace and happiness and Spirit to inliven quicken and strengthen us to walk in the way he directs us in unto them And for working all the works of God in us and giving protection and defence against all adversaries and adverse power and whatever grace and blessing may be necessary for us and advantagious to us which as the Great High Priest in the virtues of that his Sacrifice appearing in the presence of God for us he obtaines to be given us And who so fit to be mans Saviour as such a one as is also man and so as our kinsman had right to redeem us and having proved our infirmities and miseries can pity and Sympathize with us and will not terrifie or affright us And what man could be able to satisfie Gods Justice by any Sacrifice yea though of himself and obtain his grace and blessing for us or be able to receive the fulness of Gods grace and blessing for us and derive it to us besides him that is also God Gods only begotten Son such a one being our Prophet must needs be able to speak forth the mind and counsel of God to us being one with him and in his bosom and so acquainted fully and most certainly with all his secrets as we have before considered Heb. 1.2 3. And is most worthy to be hearkned and diligently attended to in all things by us Heb. 2.1 3. 3.1 7. 12.25 Such an High Priest must needs be great with God as well as pitiful to us who is both the Son of God passed into the Heavens and made higher then the Heavens and is holy harmless undefiled and seperated from sinners and yet hath had experience of our infirmities and temptations Heb. 4.14 15. 7.26 And such a King and Lord as is Gods only begotten Son is and must needs be able to Protect and save us from what may harm us and being one chosen out from the People will be ready to hear and save when we call upon him and to redeem us poor men from the deceits and violences of Sathan and his instruments and account of our lives as precious and come down like showers of blessing upon the humble and obedient Subjects Psal 2.6 89.19 20. 72.4 5 6 14. 20.9 And what need is there or can there be of any other Saviour when he is so every way fit powerful and all-sufficient for us therefore He and He alone is propounded to us and to Him alone God and his Spirit and his Servants direct and call us None else did God elect and chuse to this office and service but him who alone was crucified for us Isa 4● 1 1 Cor. 1.13 To none else hath he given nor will give his honour and glory Isa 42.8 None else hath received a name above every name into which we may be baptized for the forgiveness of our sins and the gift and blessings of the Holy Spirit to be given us Phil. 2.10 11. 1 Cor. 1.13 Yea seeing it hath pleased God that all fulness of grace and blessing and of the Godhead should dwell in him bodily what can all other things and persons of themselves be and as in competition with him or any other ways but as in subserviency to him and as made use of by him as instruments for conveying grace and vertue to us from him but meet emptinesses and vanities Col 1.19 2.9 Psal 4.2 Jo● 2.8 Surely as the Brazen Serpent was the onely Medicine prepared for the cure of the stung and wounded Israelites and the River Jordan the onely remedy for Naamans Leprosie So this Son of Man being such a one may well be the onely Salvation for us miserable sinners Vse 1. And this may be a sufficient testimony evidence to us both of the exceeding greatness of our misery needing such a remedy as was hinted in the first Observ And also that God loves us that he hath raised up such an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David Luke 1.69 Herein is the love of God manifested to us that ●e sent his onely begotten Son into the world and made him the Son of Man for us that we might live through him Herein is love no● that we loved God but God loved us and gave this his Son to be the Propitiation for our sins 1 John 4.9 10. This this was a far greater testimony of his good will to us and that he desired not our perishing but eternal happiness then if he should have sent down Angels to us in our particulars to tell us he loves us He did send divers of his Angels with gracious messages and his Law was given by the disposition of them But the best news that any of them ever brought was what they brought concerning this Son of man and his being appointed sent forth and impowred of God to save us Luke 2.10 11. That this Lord of men and Angels looked after us as the good Shepherd and came to deliver us from our destructions If God said to Abraham that he knew he feared him in that he withheld not Isaac his onely Son from
him Gen. 22.12 How may not we then much more perceive the love of God to us in not withholding but sending down his onely begotten Son from Heaven and making him the Son of Man that he might save us This is Love indeed passing all parallel yea all knowledge Surely we need not as the Pharisees seek after another or greater sign from Heaven that God desires not our ruine but our salvation and happiness but may well rest in this unspeakable gift of God as a sufficient demonstration thereof to us accepting it with all reverence love and thankfulness This is a faithful saying and worthy all acceptation that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners 1 Tim. 1.15 To save us from the curse of the Law from the wrath of God from the state of death and destruction from the power malice and rage of the Devil and in a word from all that might harm us And had that been all it had been very much but it was not all he sent him also to bring us back to him and so to eternal life glory and happiness 1 Pet. 3.18 John 3.16 Surely this may engage us also Secondly To think well of God to land and bless him perpetually as our great Benefactor our merciful Father our mighty yea almighty Helper as one that so desired our good so loved the world as to send us such a one to save us He may well expect from us and we give to him upon this account all possible love thanks dutifulness and ready obedience He is worthy to be honoured by us that had such a respect for us Well may we cry out with admiration Lord what is man that thou shouldst so magnifie him and that thou shouldst so set thine heart upon him as to send thine own and onely Son not by Adoption and Regeneration a Son onely but by eternal and divine Generation thine onely begotten Son to be the Son of Man and so in Relation and of Kindred to him to help and save him when none else could help him This was the Lords own doing and greatly worthy our admiration Psal 118.22 3. And well may we accept of and confide in such a one as this Son of Man Gods onely Son as a person fit and meet and All-sufficient to save us and to bring us to Heaven and Happiness Good encouragement may this consideration give us as well as it shews us a necessity there being Salvation and Life in none other for us to hearken to him and give up our selves wich full assurance of faith and expectation of good success to his direction and dispose We need not fear but God will be with him to help him in and carry him on with success in all his undertakings for us seeing God is in him and he is God When God sends any on any gracious message he uses to accompany them and give them good success So he was with Moses and Aaron when he sent them to Pharaoh and gave them a command to bring Israel out of Egypt and they effected it in his name notwithstanding the many threatning difficulties and discouragements they encountred with though they were but Gods servants neither of them his proper Son Indeed they led not the people into Canaan because they failed in their faith in and obedience to him not sanctifying him before them at the waters of strife He sent Joshua therefore to lead them in thither expelling and driving out the Gentiles to divide the Land to Israel for their Inheritance And God was with him therein and did not fail him nor forsake him or them that followed him and obeyed his commands but made them successfull by his assisting presence He was with Gideon also when he sent him against their enemies so as with a small handful by unlikely means he vanquished an innumerable number of enemies And what should I mention David Cyrus and divers others Now if God strengthned his servants always in their obedience to him in what he sent them to do how shall we question or doubt the Sufficiency and prevailing powerfulness of his onely Son with whom and in whom he was reconciling the world to himself and is still after a more wonderful way of presence and union of Being then with any of them Surely we may have high expectations of Life and Salvation by him He being sent of God to such purposes to and for us He being neither liable to sin as Moses Aaron and many others did nor hath death any place upon him much less dominion as it had over all them so as that he should fail there-through in his undertakings till he hath perfected what concerns us Indeed his undertakings or the things God sent him to do are and were of a far higher nature and heavier then ever he sent any others about As to take away sin by the Sacrifice of himself Destroy the power of Satan Abolish death through his own death And to save our souls But by how much his work was and is greater by so much is his person more excellent and glorious And why then should we not thankfully entertain and embrace him depend on and trust to him yielding up our selves to his guidance with greatest confidence and fullest assurance both of his sufficiency and faithfulness For in that he is Gods Son his onely Son he hath his power and virtue strength and all-sufficiency rendring him able to save us And in that he is his onely begotten he hath in him his perfect likeness and similitude and therefore God being Love or Charity full of goodness and faithfulness to us he is so also being the express character of his person the brightness of his Glory And being our Kinsman and our Brother and become so on purpose for our good what may we not expect of compassion and faithfulnes from him upon that account also Object But if the Son of God was in his love sent to be our Saviour and he so able and willing to do the work he was sent about how is it then that all are not in the issue saved from perishing nor have eternal life But so many and great multitudes as the Scriptures imply perish If he will save us who can hinder him therein seeing he being Gods onely Son and coming in his Name and Power is Almighty to do what he pleases for and to us Answ He was not sent or came to save us so as to bring us to eternal life absolutely by his omnipotent power otherwise then in a way of willing obedience to him performed by us being endued by him with capacities for such obedience He is able to save us to the utmost and he is willing but he expects that we should come and seek to him in the grace wherewith he prevents us that we may be saved by him and live with him and through him as is agreeable to what we observed in the next place viz. CHAP. XII The Fourth Observation considered and therein the necessity
hand yea or but tasted and spit out again it heals not the Distemper If it fail not to heal when ever duly applied it s an approved Medicine and may have a Probatum est written upon it The waters of Jordan were manifested to be an apt proper and sufficient remedy for Naamans Leprosie in that it healed him perfectly upon his seven times washing in it though had he either gone away in his rage and not washed at all or washed but four or five or six times in it and not seven times as he commanded his Leprosie had not been cleansed The like we might say of the Brazen Serpent that healed in being looked upon though its bare setting up or being felt on would not have done it Now that to such as give up and attend to the Gospel it s a means of begetting preserving and increasing Faith it may be thus evidenced 1. In that its the way that God hath appointed and it s to be certainly believed that what God orders is and must be proper and sufficient for the end whereto he orders it his work being perfect and all his Ways judgment Deut. 32.4 We may not so injure the infinite Wisdom and Goodness of the only wise God who is Love and Goodness it self as to think that he would direct his Creatures to improper or insufficient means for their attaining the most excellent and necessary end as if he either could mistake himself or would impose upon and delude us Now that this is the means of his appointing is evident in this that the Gospel was ordered by him to be Preached For the obedience of Faith in all Nations Rom. 1.5 and 16.26 And that it Pleased God by the foolishness of Preaching to save them that believe To whom also it is the Power of God for that purpose Rom. 1.16 1 Cor. 1.21 Even to save them from unbelief and disobedience Yea it s called the Word of Faith Rom. 10.8 both as its the Word that is to be believed and as it begets and nourishes Faith where entertained As also the Preaching of the Cross is said to be the Power and Wisdom of God to the called to such as obey the call both to lead and strengthen them to and direct and uphold them in believing on Christ and God by him 1 Cor. 1 22r 24. As also it is that Faith where-through the Believer is kept by the Power of God to the Salvation ready to be revealed in the last days 1 Pet. 1.5 2. In that in and by it all things are given us of God pertaining to Life and Godliness both to quicken to and in believing and preserve in it and lead out to the right worshipping of God in the exercise of it 2 Pet. 1.3 as to say 1. A discovery of all such things or Objects as may move the heart to imbrace Christ and preserve it with him taking it off from all other things For therein is declared as was also noted before 2. The excellency of his Person that there is none like him for us to believe on he being the Son the only begotten Son of God one with God yea God over all blessed for ever Amen John 1.1 2 14. and 3.16 Rom. 9.5 One by whom and for whom all things in Heaven and Earth were Created and made and are by the word of his Power upheld Col. 1.16 Heb. 1.2 3. One that was in the Form and hath the Riches and Fulness of God Phil. 2.6 7. 2 Cor. 8.9 And therefore one mighty in Power Wisdom and Fulness for performing his undertakings for us to save us Isa 9.6 2. The greatness of his Love and Grace toward us in coming forth from his Father in the fulness of time to seek and save us to that purpose emptying himself of all his Riches and Glory and taking on him the form of a Servant the fashion of Men yea bearing our Iniquities on his Body on the Tree becoming poor a man of Sorrows and acquainted with Griefs yea made sin and a Curse for us to redeem us from sin and Curse and to inrich bless and make us Righteous to that purpose Dying the accursed and shameful Death of the Cross for us Gal. 4.4 and 3.13 Phil. 2.7 8 9. 1 Pet. 2.24 2 Cor. 8.9 Isa 53.4 5 6. 2 Cor. 5.21 Which may perswade us of his willingness to save and bless us 3. That all this was done to him and suffered by him for the World the whole World for all and every one and not only for some few out of love to the world and Grace to every one God being not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance and so to the knowledg and acknowledgment of the Truth and to be saved John 3.16 17. and 12.47 Rom. 5.18 2 Cor. 5.14 15 19 20 21. 1 Tim. 2.4 5 6. Heb. 2.9 and 4.9 10 14. Ezek. 33.11 2 Pet. 3.9.15 And so reaches to and includes every of us 4. That all this he did by the Will and Appointment of God his Father in Obedience to and in Union of mind and will with him and therefore with his Likement and Acceptance who sent him gave him made him of a Woman and under the Law yea made him Sin and a Curse for us laid upon him the Iniquities of us all pleased to bruise him and put him to Griefs and made his Soul an offering for sin upheld him in all and was well-pleased with him and therefore also bare witness to him in both Life and Death but especially in Raising and Exalting him as was formerly shewed For He raised him from the Dead it being indeed impossible that he should be held of Death Acts 2.24 and gave him Glory that our Faith and Hope might be in God He delivered him for our Offences and raised him again for our Justification and did all things needful and abundant to him in Glorifying him that he might be our Saviour the Author of eternal Salvation to all that obey him John 3 16 17. Gal. 4.4 2 Cor. 5.19 21. Gal. 3.13 Isa 53.5 6 10 11. and 42.1 Rom. 4.25 1 Pet. 1.21 Heb. 5.9 For as 5. It is also declared in this Doctrine He being such a Person in himself who did and suffered such things and doing and suffering them for us all by the will and appointment of his Father and in Union of will with him his said Abasement Sufferings and Death were accepted and owned of God as and so are a sufficient Ransome or Price of Redemption for all Both for freeing all from perishing in and under that Death and Condemnation which came upon all in the first Adam and for his Transgression out of which therefore all shall at last be Raised up by him and also for Freeing Discharging and Delivering from Curse and Death eternal upon the account of their personal sinnings against the Law Goodness and Grace of God in and through him all or any that upon Convincement thereof in the day of
of doing their work aright and obtaining the reward and of walking worthy of their honour should keep them lowly and humble As also 2. That they have all that honour not of desert but of Grace and all their fitness for it help and success in it not of or from themselves but from him that calls and imploys them they have nothing but what they have received and received not as of Merit but of Grace and what they must also give an account of 1 Cor. 4.6 7. 2 Cor. 5.10 3. That in all their Service and for all success they need to lean upon another even Christ and be helpen by him they cannot flie up to Heaven by their own wings their Wit Learning Industry c. will not inform them of the mind of God it must be from God himself and they cannot lift up themselves into the sight and hearing of him so as to receive messages from him but only by the strength and length of the Ladder that is erected for their ascent if they neglecting to look to relie and lean upon that aspire to know and understand otherwise thinking by their own Wit Learning Philosophy c. to attain it they will perish from the way and fall in their attempts and be destroyed Isa 40.30 and when they have by Christ as the Ladder mounted up and ascended and received information they cannot profitably to themselves and others descend again but on the same Ladder on and by the strength support and assistance of the Son of Man John 1.52 Gen. 28.12 So that no cause to be high-minded but with humility and the fear of the Lord depend on Christ for all things both towards God and towards men see Prov. 22.4 And indeed 4. The very things they see and speak of may move them to be humble and not lift up themselves either in the sight of God or of men For do they not behold the glory of God in the view whereof how low are they so as they cannot utter what they see and hear how vile and short are they then in comparison of him with whom they have to do the sight of his Glory and Majesty his infinite Holiness and Purity how might it make them cry out with the Prophet Isoiah Chap. 6.5 Woe is me for I am a man of polluted Lips c. The greatness of his Goodness How can they see and not be abased to see how far they fall short of answering it And the greatness of his Terrour How should it not make them fear least they should fall under it 2 Cor. 5.9 10 11. Yea the greatness of his Humility Preached by them in the Grace he shewed to us men is such as may both instruct them to imitate him therein seeing that 's the Way by which he obtained his Glory and Honour and did so much Service to his Father and good to us men and is declared to be our way to Honour too Prov. 15.33 Mat. 23.12 And may cast shame upon us if after the so great Humility of so honourable a One we be proud and haughty who have nothing of our own that 's fit to be gloried in and are infinitely short of what he was in all the good we receive from him and do through him Yea and 5. It 's not the place of Ministry and the excellency of the Work and Office committed to a man not the Office of an Apostle or Prophet much less of an inferiour Minister of the Gospel nor the excellency of Gifts and Furniture for discharging it that is any mans Justification or the thing for which God accepts him but his being found in Christ believing on him and obeying him faithfully in what ever place God sets him or rather Christ himself as so believed in and obeyed by him It 's not either the Hearer or the Preacher of the Word that is thereby Justified but the doer of it Yea. and 6. For and by Pride and other Miscarriages many highly Honoured and excellently Gifted Persons have fallen from their highest Places to deepest Miseries The Angels who lest their first habitation were thrust down to Hell and are reserved in Chains of Darkness to the Judgment of the Great day 2 Pet. 2.4 And Judas who had a part in the Apostleship yet falling down headlong burst asunder and all his Bowels gushed out Acts 1.17 18. And Christ shall say to many that will plead They have Prophesied in his Name and in his Name cast out Devils depart from me I know you not ye workers of Iniquity Mat. 7.22 23. Such a consideration moved the Apostle Paul and may move us and others to the like Care and Practise To be at down his own Body and bring it into subjection lest having Preached to others he himself should be a Cast away 1 Cor. 9.27 As also on the like consideration of Gods dealing with the Jews he gives us this advice Thou standest by Faith be not high minded but fear for if God spared not the natural Branches take heed lest he also spare not thee Rom. 11.21 22. For which is Infer 4. Seeing the Gospel Doctrine is that in which the Son of man is Lifted up and therefore of such Excellency as is fore-shewed It follows too that they who withhold Abuse or hinder the Preaching of the glorious Gospel are in a sad way and expose themselves to great Condemnation I say 1. Such as being betrusted with it do withhold it whether they do as Onan because they know it is to raise up Seed to their Elder Brother spill it on the Earth Because not they but Christ shall have the glory are unfaithful with their Talent conceal the Words of the Holy One. Or like the slothful wicked Servant hide their Talent in the Earth and refuse or after they have begun turn aside from Preaching the Word and Doctrine of Christ We read what our Saviour saith shall be the Judgment of such Persons viz. Take away the Talent from him and bind the unprofitable Servant hand and foot and cast him into the outward Darkness where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Mat. 25.18 24 28 30. Thence the Apostle having a Dispensation of the Gospel committed to him cries Woe is me if I Preach not the Gospel 1 Cor. 9.16 If a man fitted for it for the love of this World embracing it like Demas and desirous to follow the Riches Honours Pleasures of it or to avoid the labour and work of Preaching Winning and Watching over Souls or to avoid the Crosses and Sufferings that attend it here keep silence or forbear and decline from Preaching it as God opens doors and gives him opportunities Surely such a man greatly displeases God as one injurious to and dishonouring him as if he were an hard and unjust Master and his Service disadvantagious and he wrongs the Souls of men from whom he withholds what is for their Profit and Benefit And therefore this high Calling is upon no such ground to be Omitted Neglected
or Turned away from but it is to be accepted willingly and discharged faithfully and diligently in Eye to and confidence in Gods Greatness and Goodness to uphold and bless in it and reward for it 2. But much more are they faulty who abuse the Gospel And so they do who 1. Corrupt or Pervert it as the Apostle speaks Gal. 1.7 Making it another thing then what it is in it self and from God like Wine mixed with Water Or Silver become dross Isa 1.22 Or Meat mixed with Poyson while the Name of God and the Son of man is neglected waved or laid by and Dreams and Fancies instead thereof Preached The Grace of God in its Freeness Fulness and Extent not held forth but a Mingle-mangle or Hotch-potch of Grace and Works Christ and Moses or some other Name or Doctrine in stead thereof declared such as puts men upon waiting for and expecting some Almighty and irresistable Operation and Force of Spirit to Convert and Assure them But in the mean time the Gospel of Christ which is the Power of God to Salvation to them that believe Waved and Rejected by them and Preached against even the Love of God to the World and so the Discovery of the Son of man and the Grace in him for sinners and for all men in which the Power and Spirit of God breaths and the Saving and Enlivening force is offered Men are taught to neglect that and the Power and Force working in it to look for another greater til by Stifling and Crucifying that they perish Like the Jews that rejected Jesus and the Grace discovered in and by him to look for another Messias of far more Pomp and Splendour then he Or as if some should have Taught the Wounded Israelites to have looked for some immediate Power beside the Serpent instead of looking to the Serpent through which God puts forth his Almighty Power for their Healing They who so do are to be avoided as poysoners of Souls in stead of good and skilful Physicians Or as the Corrupters of the Fountains and Springs of all true Piety and acceptable Devotion to God Tit. 3.3 4. Yea such as bring not this Doctrine of Christ we are not to receive to House or bid God-speed to for they are evil and deceitful Workers Messengers of Satan and Instruments or Authours rather of Perdition bringing in Heresies of Damnation Especially such as deny the Person and personal Works of Christ and turn them into Allegories their Doctrine is the Poyson of Dragons and the cruel Poyson of Asps quite contrary to the Doctrine of Christ Crucified the sincere Lifting up of the Son of man and therefore they that bid such God-speed or shew them any countenance and wish them success are therein partakers of their evil works Against these we may see what Woes are thundred in 2 Pet. 2. and Jude 4.19 And that For them and those after to be mentioned under this Head is reserved the blackness of Darkness for ever That is the saddest portion in Hell and Misery For these are like the evil fallen Angels especially if having known the Way of Truths they turn aside to be of these fallen from Heaven and become Seducers of men from the Way of Truth and Righteousness Causers and Provokers of others mens destructions the Instruments or Messengers of Satan to keep or delude men from Christ Jesus the Son of man that they by neglecting or putting away from them him his Salvation set forth in the Gospel and by looking to or for other false Medicines might die of their Wounds Yea by these Satan insinuates his strong delusions that men might believe Lies and be damned so that they are most Diametrically or Point-blanck opposite to Gods Grand design and mens great Good and Happiness And therefore as Christ and his Apostles were earnest and frequent in warning of such as these so there are none that the holy Prophets and Apostles speak more terribly against as shewing them to be men of swifter and greater destruction then others as may appear in Jer. 23.9 c. And in those Chapters of Peter and Jude above mentioned Oh what care therefore should be taken of falling into this number And of hearing and being perverted or subverted by them Take heed what ye hear Beware of false Prophets look to your selves for many Deceivers and Antichrists are gone out into the World that turn men from Christ and his Truth his true Church and People and lead them to destruction 2. Such as Preach the Truth but walk contrary to it in Pride Wantonness Fraud Uncleanness Covetousness Voluptuous Riotous Courses or the like causing men to stumble at the Gospel and speak evil of it These therefore are Enemies to the Cross of Christ too as the former are in their Doctrine and so much the greater as they are the more specious in theit Conversation as the Pharisees were to Christ so these also under pretence of Friendship betray it like Judas and expose it to its open Enemies to be Decried and Crucified Rejected and put away even those that Preaching it Phil. 3.18 19. yet have their Bellies their Gods and mind Earthly things whose end therefore is destruction too among the forementioned both occasionally to others and finally to themselves 3. They that do hinder the Gospel and Gospel-preachers forbidding them that would and are fitted for it and sent forth with it to speak it to others that they might be saved against such wrath hath come and will come to the utmost 1 Thes 2.14 15 16. For these men are herein such as please not God but are contrary to all men or at least to the good of those men from whom through their cause it is withheld filling up the measure of their sins Whether they be 1. Such false Teachers that like the Pharisees and Lawyers of old take away the Key of Knowledg the Vision of all the Preaching of the Grace of God that brings Salvation to all men the Preaching of the Cross of Christ as seen and testified to by all the Prophets of God and by all his holy Apostles and that gives Light to all other matters of Doctrine and Practice and concerns all men as laying a good Foundation for their Faith and Repentance and all right Obedience unto God neither entring the Kingdom themselves nor suffering those that would to enter it in so Receiving and Believing the Grace of God in Christ toward them as to be renewed into a Conformity to him and Submission to his Government by it Yea shut the Kingdom of God against men while they will not have that Preached to them that should let them see their way into it and perswade them to walk in it and enter by it Mat. 23.13 Luke 11.52 Or 2. Such as exercising some power amiss do by violent and compulsive courses hinder the Preaching and Preachers thereof whether that power misexercised be Ecclesiastical or Civil and so whether they that abuse their power to
such purpose be led by some blind Zeal for some false way and against the Truth it self opposing it as Errour and Falshood Like the Councel at Jerusalem who forbad the Apostles to Preach in the Name of Christ and the Resurrection of the Dead being Sadduces themselves that denied the Resurrection and therefore also the more zealous against Christ and the Doctrine of his Resurrection that Establisheth it Putting them into Prison and Scourging them for their so Preaching Acts 4.18 and 5.28.40 Though such doing it in Ignorance of unbelief and upon convincement thereof repenting they may obtain Mercy as St. Paul did 1 Tim. 1.13 14. But doing it maliciously and against Light and Knowledg their case is exceeding sad and dangerous Or whether it be out of Will and Zeal to some fond Ceremonies Will-worships or devised and imposed Observances that they forbid the Preaching of the Truth except they will fall down and Worship them in submitting thereto like that in Rev. 13.16 17. Where the Beast and false Prophet cause all that will Buy or Sell that is Trade in Religious exercises to receive a Mark in their Right-hand or in their Fore-head or else they shall be prohibited there-from if not also either Bodily or Civilly killed the fear of falling under the guilt of receiving which Marks caused some that I know rather chuse to be as civilly Dead then to keep their Places and Liberty of Preaching therein upon the terms of Conformity proposed Whether they did well or ill therein God will judg but surely all Hinderrers and Letters of the Preaching of the Gospel are so far as guilty of it fighters against God and his Grand design and therefore in a way to misery and destruction And therefore it concerns all to beware of so doing lest by any Humour Faction Ambition or false Principles whatsoever or undue-standing upon needless disputable matters they incur the guilt thereof Infer 5. They that under any pretence or for any cause reject and put away the Gospel and the Preaching of Christ from them must needs run upon their own misery and destruction in so doing because they put away or neglect their own Salvation even that in which God is offering and bringing Salvation Life and his Kingdom which is Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost to them Whether it be that they only disregard and neglect it through mindfulness of other matters as those who being Bidden to the Wedding-Dinner turned away some in their Farms others to their Merchandize Or those in the Supper who prayed to be excused because they had bought Oxen hired a Farm or Married a Wife Mat. 22.5.7 Luke 14.18 19 20 23. Or whether out of unbelief of the Message or zeal against it or for some other false way deride abuse and persecute the Messengers and Preachers of it Mat. 22.6 7. Or whether they pretend to entertain it but yet denie the power of it and will not suffer it to unstrip them of their own rotten Rags their Carnal confidences hopes and rejoycings in themselves their own wisdom Righteousness Fleshly priviledges and conceits of Righteousness gathered up some other way as from some Applications of promises to themselves or practice and performance of Religious Duties And not from beholding and eyeing the Grace of God in Christ Crucified as also their Wills Purposes and sinful conversations that they might be clothed by and with Christ and his Virtues the true Wedding Garment in which God will accept us Like the man that came to the Feast but took not on the Wedding Garment Mat. 22.11 12. who therefore was taken away bound hand and foot and cast into the outer darkness vers 13. Yea which way soever it be or upon what account soever whether love of the World or fear of sufferings from men that men reject the Gospel and so the Son of man as lifted up therein they inevitably run themselves upon their own mischief both as not receiving the only Medicine prepared for them for their escape from death and destruction For How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation Heb. 2.3 As the wounded Israelites must needs die that neglected the Brazen Serpent and its lifting up it being Gods only Medicine And also as provoking God further against them for slighting his Goodness despising his Wisdom and its Design and Device setting light by his Son the choice Object and Evidence of his Love For if they that despised Moses Law died without mercy under two or three Witnesses of how much forer punishment shall he be thought worthy who hath trampled under foot the Son of God and counted the Blood of the Covenant wherewith he was Sanctified an unholy or common thing and hath done despight to the spirit of grace for we know him that saith vengeance is mine and I will repay Heb. 10.28 29 30. Surely herein the reason and cause of mens destruction is evident and the greatness of it seen to be right and reasonable seeing they suffer not but by and for putting that away which would have made them safe and happy But of this more afterward Infer 6. Lastly Seeing the Gospel is such a glorious Doctrine and of such great good and advantage to men as its a great mercy to a Man or People when God sends it to them So it must needs be a heavy judgment and argue great displeasure against a People when God takes it away from them for is it not his taking away his grace and peace from them May not I-chab●d The Glory is departed be said in that case as when the Ark of God was taken from Israel for Salvation and Life and Gods Kingdome is gone then as our Saviour said to the Jews by way of threatning shewing the greatness of Gods wrath against them for their rejecting him and his servants and Gospel ministred by them Therefore I say unto you that the Kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a Nation that will bring forth the fruit of it Matth. 21.43 And is not the taking away Gods Kingdom a sad loss to a People seeing therein is contained all spiritual and eternal grace and blessing a sad and fearful judgment and that which above all here is to be deprecated and avoided as laying open to eternal destruction whether it be by sending strong delusions that men may believe a lye and they all be damned that received not the love of the truth that they might be saved 2 Thes 2.10 11 12. suffering those strong delusions to be so publickly imbraced and enjoyned as to justle and thrust out the Gospel as is most grosly and most grievously seen in the Mahumetan Countries and in the Papacy though God is not wholly leaving himself without witness to them or by suffering barbarous and wicked Enemies to over-run a Nation or Country or by taking away his Servants either to send them else-where as when the Apostles the Jews being left to their obstinacy were sent to the
of the living Creatures but Christ not only knoweth what is in them and in men also yea all men Joh. 2.24 25. but also he knows his own name and his Father and Fathers name which none else doth Joh. 7.29 Rev. 19.12 Matth. 11.27 Adam then had provision made for him that he might in standing live and been immortal a Garden planted furnished with all variety of Trees and Fruits pleasant to the sight and good for food and a River of Water running therein to water it and a Tree of Life in the midst of it And surely Christ as he had delight in God and fulness of glory and satisfaction in and with him before his Incarnation it being the same glory he had with him before the World was that now he hath Joh. 17.5 So now also he lives in God yea when in the flesh he lived by his Father as he that eats him lives by him Joh. 6.57 and it was and surely is his meat and drink to do his Fathers will Joh. 4.34 and He also hath planted a pleasant Garden and an Orchard of Pomegranates with pleasant Fruits Camphire Nard Spikenard Saffron and Calamus and Cinnamon and all the Trees of Frankincense Myrrh and Aloes with all the chief Spices and there is or rather he is the fountain of Gardens a Well of living waters and streams from Lebanon Cant. 4.15 And he exercises himself to dress this as the first Adam his and he eats of his pleasant fruits which it brings forth to him Gathers his Myrrh with his Spices eats his honey-comb with his honey The fruits brought forth by his spirit in his People are the joy of his heart and as his pleasant meat and he drinks his Wine with his milk even the love of his Spouse and of his Children to him which he hath begot in them by his spirit and the expressions of it Cant. 4.11 13 14. and 5.1 Joh. 15.11 And he is all this to us and for us Adam again had a Sabbath to rest in and surely Christ rested in the Father and in his love even before the foundations of the World and rests in his love to his People Zeph. 3.17 Yea and having offered one perfect Sacrifice now to God for us is set down and rests for ever from all his sufferings and toilsome work and service in his Priestly ministration at his Fathers right hand there expecting till all his foes be made his foot-stool Heb. 10.11 12 13. And is the Rest and Sabbath for us to rest in Heb. 4.3 4. Mat. 11.28 Adam was made in Gods Image and Christ is the Image of the invisible Majesty the brightness of his glory and express Character of his Person Col. 1.15 Heb. 1.3 Adam was Male and Female as Adam is the common name of both Gen. 5.1 and Christ takes on him both formes often He is the man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 Yet sometime he is represented in the Feminine forme as Wisdom hath built her house and hewed out her seven Pillars Prov. 9.1 2. And as he is the everlasting Father that begets Children to himself and to his Father So he brings them forth too through the travail of his Soul Isa 9.6 and 53.10 Yet as God see it good for Adam not to be alone and therefore he made him an help-meet for him out of his side while he was cast by him into a deep sleep and so formed the woman for him and brought her to him that leaving Father and Mother Man might cleave to his Wife even so Christ also hath a Spouse formed out of his side out of his flesh and out of his bone through his sleeping in death which he hath left Father and Mother to cleave unto and in her is his delight Eph. 5.30 Isa 62.4 5. Adam and Eve were naked and were not ashamed in their innocent state or as the words may be read they behaved themselves prudently and did not shame themselves Gen. 2.25 and did not see themselves naked till they had sinned for till then they were comely through the beauty and glory of God upon them and their integrity and innocency and Gods favour and protection was their defence and cover from any thing that might harm them but after they had sinned and Christ was interposed to be their Saviour God clothed them with Coats So Christ also and his Spouse are represented as naked sometimes one to the other and there is no shame therein So Christ is nakedly represented in Cant. 5.12 16. and so we find the Spouse his Church set forth as exceeding comely lovely and beautiful without any Ornaments or clothing mentioned save upon her feet to keep her clean and safe in her walking with him Cant. 7.1 7. Yet at other times we find Christ represented as clothed not as having any thing of shame to be hid and covered but as Adam before he see himself naked was covered with the glorious Ornaments of his own virtues and the glory of God upon him So it is said The Lord reigneth he is clothed with Majesty the Lord is clothed with strength he hath girded himself c. Psal 93.1 and in Dan. 10. we find him clothed with linen his own innocency and purity as the high Priest that was to offer the atoneing Sacrifice and girded with the fine gold of Vphaz that is with his truth more precious then the finest gold as in Isa 11.5 Righteousness the girdle of his loynes and faithfulness the girdle of his reines in Rev. 1.12 we find him clothed with a Garment down to his Feet The Robe of Righteousness wherewith he covereth his whole Body the Church even to his lowest and meanest Members and girt about the paps with a golden girdle his heart girt with love and charity or strengthned therewith the bond of all perfection as it s called Col. 3.14 He hath as Princes use to have changes of Raiment in which is much preciousness We may find him sometimes among his People in Garments of Salvation and Praise Isa 61.10 And sometimes clothed with Garments of Vengeance against his and their Enemies So in Rev. 10.1 We find him clothed with a Cloud as threatning tryal to his Church or vengeance to his Enemies and with a Rain-bow about his head as mindful of his Covenant with them that fear him in Isa 59.17 He is clad as a Man of War having righteousness on as a Brest-plate and the Helmet of Salvation on his Head which he hath for his Body the Church also Eph. 6.14 15 and he put on the Garments of vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal as a cloak And in Isa 63.1 2. He is represented red in his Aapparel and his Garments dyed and stained with blood because of the vengeance executed by him on his Enemies as also in Rev. 19.12 But when he is clad as a Bridegroom or Suitor to our Souls all his Garments smell of Myrrh Aloes and Cassia sweet healthful and purging Spices and Perfumes out of the Ivory
14.31 and the Love both of God and of Christ to us 1 John 3.16 17. and 4.9 10. able to move our hearts to love him again 1 John 4.19 Yea both his Love to his Disciples John 14. and 15.9 10. as an example and motive to us to love them that are his Disciples and our Brethren John 13.34 35. and 15.12 And his Love to those who were ignorant of him lost and perishing as an example to us to love such and a motive as we our selves were such to love such also with a love of compassion yea such as are strangers from us Eph. 2.11 12 13.19 2 Cor. 8.9 Rom. 5.6 1 Tim. 1.15 1 John 3.16 17. Gal. 6 10. Yea his Love to his Enemies is an Example and Motive to us to love to our capacities our enemies also Rom. 5.10 Mat. 5.44 45. Ephes 5.2 1 Pet. 2.21 Yea in this lifting up this Son of man by his Spirit is also the Presence and Efficacy of his Spirit as a Spirit of love to infuse love into us and frame us to love 2 Tim. 1.7 8. Yea Case 13. Would we be furnished with any Virtue and framed to and directed in any good way Look hither and behold Christ Crucified for us and lifted up there-through for and to us and here we may find Motive Inducement and Spirit to inable and frame the heart thereto Yea in most things if not in all Pattern and Example thereof as to say In Bowels of Mercy behold his mercifulness to us Luke 6.37 and 10.37 In kindness Tit. 3.4 In humbleness of mind Phil. 2.5 6 7. In meekness and lowliness Mat. 11.29 In gentleness 2 Cor. 10.1 In long-suffering 2 Pet. 3.9 and 1 Pet. 2.21 22. In forbearance and forgiveness Col. 3.13.14 In patient putting up of wrongs 1 Pet. 2 21 22 23. In love and obedience to God Phil. 2.8 John 14.31 In submission to Superiours in the World Mat. 17.25 27. Isa 49.7 In giving place to wrath Mat. 12.14 15 16 18 19. Isa 42.2 For mens loving their Wives Ephes 5.25 26 c. And to say no more Case 14. In case of loss of our Friends Brethren Relations Husbands Children c. as we have him for a Pattern of Submission to his Fathers Will in taking out of his hand and drinking the Cup he gave him to propose to our selves and imitate in looking upon him John 18.11 So also looking upon him as lifted up for and before us we shall see cause to be submissive to God therein For was it not more for God to give his Son for us and expose him to such Sufferings and Death then to take away a Son or a Daughter a Wife or a Husband or a Friend from us Seeing also by his Sons death he hath made a way through Death to better injoyments and greater happiness then they could have here in this life and hath given to his Son through his death the Keys of hell and death to bring or keep out from Death as he pleases Yea He is the Resurrection and the Life so as the Dead in him shall Live again Yea they do in their spirits live in his Presence and have a fuller Injoyment of him then we have while here Phil. 1.21.23 Rev. 1.18 19. John 11.25 26. And he is the Lawful and Sovereign Lord of all and so of us and ours a Just Righteous Holy Merciful and Good Lord whose Work is perfect and all his Ways judgment Deut. 32.4 Psal 145.8 9. and therefore doth us no wrong in any thing yea aims at our good and profit in all things Heb. 10.8 9 10. And if we believe that Jesus Christ Died and Rose again so we believe that them who sleep in Jesus God will bring With him for the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the Voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first and then we that are alive and remain shall be caught up together in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air and so we shall be for ever with the Lord These words minded and these things looked to will be for comfort to us 1 Thes 4.14.17 As also that in the mean time the Lord is nigh at hand to us to help us and this Son of man as a Child born to and for us and a Son given us is also an Everlasting Father the Wonderful the Counsellor the Mighty God the Prince of Peace And he will be a Counsellor a Comforter a Provider for and Protector of us and better to us then many Fathers or Mothers Sons or Daughters Friends or Relations Isa 9.6 Yea in a word 〈◊〉 The looking to him is the way to have our understandings inlightned into all Truth our minds renewed our hearts cleansed comforted healed filled with peace joy hope and every good fruit our Souls saved from all evil of sin both guilt filth snare and punishment and from the pollutions of the World and power of Satan and so from every evil thing and our whole Conversation rightly ordered In a word it s the way to be saved from perishing out of the way and much more from perishing in the end and to have and injoy Eternal life Oh therefore let us in all cases and at all times look to him and wistly behold and view him and to that purpose Oh let us with David make it the one thing desired by us That we may dwell in his house and be always beholding the fair Beauty of the Lord and inquiring in his holy Temple Psal 27.4 Seeing also Motive 3. There is nothing else that we can turn to or look upon that can or will do any of these things for and in us no Law or Doctrine if this be rejected and put away or that is beside or swarveth from this no work frame or device of our own or others no Plaister Medicine or Course we can take will heal us in any thing so as to better our conditions For sure if Moses Law will not do it which was given from God himself the exactest and best that ever was given beside then much less will any humane Laws or Injunctions Impositions Works Ceremonies Practices of our own or others but if we turn from this Object we must needs go after vain things and things that cannot profit us because they are vain And though we may kindle fires to our selves and compass our selves with sparks and walk in the light of our own fire yet we must perish and lie down in sorrow 1 Sam. 12.19 20 21. Isa 50.11 Yea though we set any Precepts or Ordinances of Christ before us to observe and practise yet if we observe and practise them without seeing and looking to him and so believing and depending on him for wisdom Strength and Blessing we shall deceive our selves and do like them that made the Word of the Lord to themselves Precept upon precept Precept upon precept Line upon line Line upon line here a little and
their hearts to Favour her she takes it out of his Hands with thankfulness She relies not upon the multitude of her Members the great and profound Learning of her Doctors the high Degrees Dignities and Eminencies of her Officers and Ministers in the World her great Revenues Possessions and Riches among men These are the things the Whore loves looks after and leans upon and hath her glorying and confidence in But the true Spouse of Christ leans upon his Shoulders Looks to Magnifie and Loves Lives to and Believes on him for all Peace inward and outward Protection Safety Blessing and Satisfaction she makes it not her business then to serve this World or the great men thereof to humour observe comply with and complement them and receive their Impositions in Faith and Worship though according to her Lords directions she Submits to every Ordinance of man for his sake whether to the King as Supreme or to the Governours as sent by him And meddles not with Seising on their Crowns and Kingdoms raises not up Wars and Commotions against them contests not nor strives with them for worldly Greatness Honour and Riches thence Murthering or Trampling upon them or stirring up Rebellions against them It 's the Whore and her Daughters and such as drink of her Cup that practice such things But she Prays for them and gives them all due Reverence Honour and Subjection as her Lord commands her It 's her great business to please her Lord receive and keep his Sayings conform her self to his Will and Orders seek his Favour Protection and Countenance for she depends on him for all things both for this life and for that which is to come and therefore matters not nor fears to displease the greatest Persons and expose themselves to their Frowns and Persecutions for his sake so She and her Members may please him her Head and Husband and keep in with him and keep him with them Such is the Way Heart and Carriage of them that believe not on men nor trust to themselves their own Power Policy Riches or Multitude but believe on the Son of man as knowing and believing that he though the Son of man is able and faithful to maintain them and make them happy And then for Her and their Priviledges they are such as they have in and by their believing in him and depending upon him That is they are and shall be saved and have Eternal life with him in his Kingdom and these Priviledges do very well content her and every Part and Member of her as led by his Spirit in her Though he do not keep them from being Tempted of Satan and his Instruments or from being Hated Opposed Oppressed and Persecuted of men yea Fought against and Murthered sometimes by the Beast the Whore or False prophet and their Members and Admirers the Limbs of Antichrist because he sees it may be profitable for them and he knows how to turn it to good to them and to his own praise in their Salvation and increase of Glory yet she is there-with well contented having the assured hope and certain promise and ingagement of her Husband to preserve her in his Grace and Favour and to keep her from perishing from the way to his Kingdom She is willing that Satan may be permitted to tempt her as her Head and Husband sees good so he do but step in between him and her and secure her from being defiled or injured by him She is willing to be Mocked Scoffed Buffetted Reproached put to Death in her Members with and for him so he may be the more Honoured there-through and she may but Live in and with him She is willing to take part with him in the Tossings and Troubles in the way for his sake having confidence that he will preserve her from fainting and perishing in the end and that he will see and set her safe at last in rest with himself in the Injoyments and Embracements of his Love in his Fathers Kingdom It is not this Worlds Wealth Riches Honours Ornaments Scarlet Gowns Lawn Sleeves Mitres Scepters Crowns Applause and such like Carnal and Perishing things not to have stately Palaces full and fat Livings and Benifices the Salutations and Complements of the Rich and Potent in their Meetings and uppermost Seats in Conventions and the like In a word it is not the Ease Safety Grandeur Favour of this World or the Wise and Great ones of it that she looks for her priviledges in No no they are the Whore and her Daughters and Members that look for such fine things and contend for such like Priviledges and Respects and by that they may in part be known not to be Christs true Spouse nor to have their dependance on him but other things His true Church are those that believe in him and look after and rejoyce in his Salvation that they may be upheld and kept in his Service that they perish not there-from and that they may be saved from every evil thing and obtain Eternal life the knowledg of the true God the Father and Himself and the everlasting Injoyment of their Fellowship and Favour in his everlasting Kingdom And these are priviledges which the Whore it may be sometime talks of but in heart seeks not nor rejoyces in But they are such as far exceed all the priviledges and greatest Advantages that can any other way then in believing on the Son of man be injoyed by men or then are injoyed by any other beside them Nor do they that are Members of this holy Church and this true Spouse envy the enjoyment of those priviledges by any nor strive to keep them by themselves or get them from one another as the Whore and her Daughters and Members do envy their Honours Places Ornaments Fame for Learning rich Livings and the like seeking to get or keep them from one another Nor call others to behold their Parts Gifts Excellencies as the Whore or whorish Members do But they desire all should have and injoy the Favour of the Lord in Union with them and partake of their Priviledges in joyning with them in Honouring and Serving him calling all to him and not to themselves but as in coming to him they become one in heart way and design of Glorifying him and injoying safety and life Eternal with them Thence the Spirit and the Bride say come they gather to the Lord and desire the Lords coming to and company with them which the Whore and her Bawds and Panders care not for thinking of they had rather have his Room then his Company to have his Place Honour Worship and Respect then to have his Spiritual or Glorious presence with them because they know themselves guilty of disloyalty towards him and love their present carnal Injoyments which they know his coming and company would part them from Whereas his true Spouse believing on him know his presence will be the compleat deliverance of them from all danger and possibility of perishing and the
perfect possessing them of himself and of that Eternal life that is in him Such the true Church its Manners and Priviledges Use 10. Lastly that at length we may come to a Conclusion By all that hath been said we may be and let us be provoked and stirred up to admire Love Laud and Magnifie the Lord even the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and his great Love and Grace that hath devised found out made set forth and discovered such an Object as this to be looked to by us and therein such a way of Salvation and Life Eternal for us That hath chosen out of the People the Son of man one of us as it were as to his Humanity and united that to and filled it with the Deity and its infinite Virtues and perfections that he hath magnified his blessed Son and that through so great Sufferings and Abasement to so high Dignity and Glory in the Nature of man for us and so lifted him up also in the discoveries of him by his Spirit in the Gospel to us even to us such sorry and miserable Creatures so fallen and rendred so unprofitable that we neither could or can be of any advantage or profit to him that so in his being lifted up before us and looked to by us we might be healed of all our spiritual Diseases and Maladies delivered from all the things of the old fiery Serpent the Devil and Satan the venome and poyson of it and the pain and destruction brought into and upon us by it the sin and guilt thence derived the infirmities death grave hell that it brought upon us Yea and from all the several stingings of the said Serpent and his Angels and Instruments whether by inward Temptations and their Prevalencies or outward sufferings and afflictions keeping us alive that we may not die of them Yea so expelling the venome and poyson of them and infusing Virtue and Vigour into us that we may be safe and found from them and live in a perfect life and walk in a perfect way and serve and honour him This Grace may be somewhat Illustrated by Gods dealings of old with Israel they were in a sore and heavy Bondage in Egypt God beheld it came down and with various Wonders wrought deliverance for them so as he brought them all out thence not one of them being left behind and then also he became their Perfect Alsufficient Merciful and Faithful Leader and Bringer in in their following after him into the Land of Canaan Even so God seeing us mankind all in great misery and destruction under the Power and Tyranny of the Devil and the first Death and Judgment which we fell into in and through Adam came down in the person of the Son and by more wonderful ways of bearing the Judgment and Curse of the Law for us tasting Death for every man and giving himself a Ransome for all men hath bought all men from under that misery the Free gift being to all men through his Righteousness to Justification of Life Rom. 5.18 So as to justifie them from that fault and condemnation so as they live now under the patience of God and merciful Lordship of Christ as Lord of all through his said Death and Sufferings who also offers to all men in the Gospel a free Justification of them from all their forepast sins in yielding themselves up to his Government so as they may live in his Sight Yea and now the same Christ that died for all and every one and hath so Ransomed us is become the Leader and Captain of our Salvation calling all men to look to and follow him Isa 55.4 Heb. 2.10 with Psal 50.1 Prov. 1.20 23. Isa 45.22 And he will save them in so doing and every way secure them from perishing and bring them into the possession of an Heavenly Canaan an everlasting and glorious Kingdom For which Guidance and Conduct of us thereto he is every perfected and most gloriously Accomplished with Power Authority Strength Wisdom Riches for Supply of all Wants and is infinitely Merciful and Gracious Compassionate and Faithful and will not fail or be discouraged but will bring every faithful Follower of him or Believer on him to the Injoyment of his Kingdom Indeed as there God having saved his People out of Egypt afterward destroyed those that believed not which also for our Admonition the Apostle Jude would have us to remember though we have once known it but that was not through any defect or want of Power Pity or Faithfulness in God toward them but through their unbelief not depending on him obeying and Following him but stubbornly rebelling against him and provoking him to anger with their Disobediences towards and withdrawings from him So also here though all men be Ransomed by Christ from perishing in the first Death and Condemnation that namely which passed upon all men in Adam before any man was Born to him yet there will many perish in the second Judgment that which shall be by Christ after all are Dead and Raised again In the second Death but that proceeds not neither from want of Power or Pity Fulness or Faithfulness in Christ but from the want of their Compliance with his Calls and Counsels to believe on and Obey him as the Scripture every where declares as was Noted before in Use 7. It 's most sure that every one that will hearken to his Voice and Believing on him Follow him shall have Eternal Life Yea and though many Sins and Failings may be found with us in our Hearing and Following him as well as many sticks and Hang-backs before our first yielding to him to be Followers of him as were also found in Israel Exod. 5. and 14. Yet as there were many Sacrifices and a Priesthood appointed to make atonement for their offences so as they were kept still in Gods favour and under his conduct to the Land of Promise not stubbornly and persistingly rebelling against him so here also we have a far better Priest and Sacrifice greater fuller and faithfuller and of an eternal vertue and continuance to keep the Followers after Him from perishing from Gods favour and for bringing them to the injoyment of eternal glory so that we may well say Herein is manifested the love of God to us in that He sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live through him Herein is love not that we loved God but He loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins 1 Joh. 4.9 10. Yea we may well cry out with admiration and thankfulness Lord what is man that thou art mindful of him and the Son of man that thou hast so visited him c. Heb. 2.6 7. Yea surely in the mindfulness and consideration of this his so rich and wonderful love and mercy which led him to this as the next verse saith God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him might not perish but