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A37179 Gondibert an heroick poem / written by Sir William D'Avenant. D'Avenant, William, Sir, 1606-1668.; Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. 1651 (1651) Wing D326; ESTC R15933 153,208 320

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Since love woo'd him and in the shape of Pow'r 78. But when he mark'd that he did from them move With sudden shyness he suppos'd it shame Of being seen in chase of Birtha's love As if above it grown since Orgo came 79. Goltho by nature was of Musick made Chearfull as Victors warm in their success He seem'd like Birds created to be glad And nought but love could make him taste distress 80. Hope which our cautious Age scarce entertains Or as a Flatt'rer gives her cold respect He runs to meet invites her and complains Of one hours absence as a years neglect 81. Hope the world 's welcome and his standing Guest Fed by the Rich but feasted by the Poor Hope that did come in triumph to his breast He thus presents in boast to Ulfinore 82. Well may I Friend auspicious Love adore Seeing my mighty Rival takes no pride To be with Birtha seen and he before Thou knowst enjoyn'd that I his love should hide 83. Nor do I break his trust when 't is reveal'd To thee since we are now so much the same That when from thee it is from me conceal'd For we admit no diff'rence but in name 84. But be it still from ev'ry other Ear Preserv'd and strictly by our mutual vow His Laws are still to my obedience dear Who was my Gen'ral though my Rival now 85. And well thou knowst how much mine Eyes did melt When our great Leader they did first perceive Love's Captive led whose sorrows then I felt Though now for greater of mine own I grieve 86. Nor do I now by love in duty erre For if I get what he would fain possess Then he a Monarch is and I preferre Him who undoes the world in being less 87. When Heav'n which hath preferr'd me to thy brest Where Friendship is inthron'd shall make it known That I am worth thy love which is exprest By making Heav'nly Birtha all mine own 88. Then at this quiet Eden thou wilt call And stay a while to mark if Love 's prais'd Plant Have after Spring a ripeness and a Fall Or never of the first abundance want 89. And I shall tell thee then if Poets are In using Beauty's Pencil false or blind For they have Birtha drawn but sweet and fair Stiles of her Face the Curtain of her Mind 90. And thou at parting shalt her picture wear For Nature's honour not to shew my pride Try if like her the teeming World does bear Then bring that Copy hither for thy Bride 91. And they shall love as quietly as we Their Beauty's pow'r no civil War will raise But flourish and like neighb'ring Flow'rs agree Unless they kindly quarrel in our praise 92. Then we for change will leave such luscious peace In Camps their Favours shall our Helms adorn For we can no way else our joys increase But by beholding theirs at our return 93. Thus cloath'd in Feathers he●on Steeples walks Not guessing yet that silent Ulfinore Had study'd her of whom he loosly talks And what he likes did solidly adore 94. But Ulfinore with cold discretion aw'd His passion and did grave with Love become Though youthfully he sent his Eyes abroad Yet kept with manly care his Tongue at home 95. These Rival's hopes he did with patience hear His count'nance not uneasie seem'd nor strange Yet meant his cares should more like Love appear If in the Duke Ambition bred a change 96. But as the Duke shun'd them for secrecy So now they from approaching Org● move Made by Discretion Love's strict Tutor shy Which is to Lovers painfull as their Love 97. But Orgo they did ill suspect whose Youth And nature yielded Lovers no offence Us'd by his Lord for kindness and for truth Both native in him as his innocence 98. And here pass'd by in haste to Court employ'd That Birtha may no more have cause to mourn Full was his little Breast and over-joy'd That much depended on his quick return 99. Many like Orgo in their Manhoods Morn As Pages did the Noble Duke attend The Sons of Chiess whom beauty did adorn And fairer Virtue did that beauty mend 100. These in his Heroe's Schools he bred which were In Peace his Palace and in War his Tent As if Time's self had read sage Lecture there How he would have his hours Life's Treasure spent 101. No action though to shorten dreaded war Nor needfull Counsels though to lengthen Peace Nor Love of which wise Nature takes such care Could from this usefull work his cares release 102. But with the early Sun he rose and taught These Youths by growing virtue to grow great Shew'd greatness is without it blindly sought A desp'rate charge which ends in base retreat 103. He taught them shame the sudden sence of ill Shame Nature's hasty Conscience which forbids Weak inclination ere it grow to will And stays rash will before it grow to deeds 104. He taught them Honour Virtue 's bashfulness A Fort so yieldless that it fears to treat Like Pow'r it grows to nothing growing less Honour the moral Conscience of the Great 105. He taught them kindness Souls civilitie In which nor Courts nor Cities have a part For theirs is fashion this from falshood free Where Love and pleasure know no Lust nor Art 106. And Love he taught the Soul 's stoln Visit made Though froward Age watch hard and Law forbid Her walks no Spie has trac'd nor mountain staid Her friendship's cause is as the Loadstone's hid 107. He taught them love of Toyl Toyl which does keep Obstructions from the Mind and quench the bloud Ease but belongs to us like sleep and sleep Like Opium is our Med'cine not our Food 108. To dangers us'd them which Death's Visards are More uglie than himself and often chace From Battel coward-Coward-life but when we dare His Vizard see we never fear his face CANTO the Third The ARGUMENT The Poet takes the Wise aside to prove Ev'n them concern'd in all he writes of Love The duteous ORGO from the Court returns With joys at which again fair BIRTHA mourns The Duke with open Arms does entertain Those Guests whom he receives with secret pain 1. THou whom some Ages hence these Roles dost read Kept as Records by Lovers of Love's pow'r Thou who dost live when I have long been dead And feed'st from Earth when Earth does me devour 2. Who liv'st perhaps amidst some Cities joys Where they would fall asleep with Lazie peace But that their triumphs make so great a noise And their loud Bells cannot for Nuptials cease 3. Thou who perhaps proudly thy bloomie Bride Lead'st to some Temple where I withered lie Proudly as if she Age's Frosts desy'd And that thy springing self could never die 4. Thou to whom then the chearfull Quire will sing Whilst hallow'd Lamps and Tapers brave the Sun As a Lay-Light and Bells in triumph ring As when from sallies the Besiegers run 5. Then when the Priest has ended if thine Eyes Can but a little space her Eyes
children weary of the controulment of their parents masters and other admonitours Secondly the dotage and childishness they ascribe to Age is never the effect of Time but sometimes of the excesses of youth and not a returning to but a continual stay with childhood For they that wanting the curiosity of furnishing their memories with the rarities of Nature in their youth and pass their time in making provision onely for their ease and sensual delight are children still at what years soever as they that coming into a populous Citie never going out of their Inn are strangers still how long soever they have been there Thirdly there is no reason for any man to think himself wiser to day than yesterday which does not equally convince he shall be wiser tomorrow than today Fourthly you will be forced to change your opinion hereafter when you are old and in the mean time you discredit all I have said before in your commendation because I am old already But no more of this I believe Sir you have seen a curious kind of perspective where he that looks through a short hollow pipe upon a picture containing divers figures sees none of those that are there painted but some one person made up of their parts conveyed to the eye by the artificial cutting of a glass I find in my imagination an effect not unlike it from your Poem The virtues you distribute there amongst so many noble persons represent in the reading the image but of one mans virtue to my fancy which is your own and that so deeply imprinted as to stay for ever there and govern all the rest of my thoughts and affections in the way of honouring and serving you to the utmost of my power that am Paris January 10. 1650. SIR Your most humble and obedient Servant THO. HOBS TO S r WILL. D'AVENANT Upon his two first Books of GONDIBERT Finish'd before his Voyage to AMERICA THus the wise Nightingale that leaves her home Her native Wood when Storms and Winter come Pursuing constantly the chearfull Spring To forreign Groves does her old Musick bring The drooping Hebrews banish'd Harps unstrung At Babylon upon the Willows hung Yours sounds aloud and tells us you excell No less in Courage than in Singing well Whilst unconcern'd you let your Countrey know They have impov'rished themselves not you Who with the Muses help can mock those Fates Which threaten Kingdoms and disorder States So Ovid when from Caesar's rage he fled The Roman Muse to Pontus with him led Where he so sung that We through Pitie's Glass See Nero milder than Augustus was Hereafter such in thy behalf shall be Th'indulgent censure of Posteritie To banish those who with such art can sing Is a rude crime which its own Curse does bring Ages to come shall ne'r know how they fought Nor how to Love their present Youth be taught This to thyself Now to thy matchless Book Wherein those few that can with Judgement look May find old Love in pure fresh Language told Like new stampt Coyn made out of Angel gold Such truth in Love as th'antique world did know In such a style as Courts may boast of now Which no bold tales of Gods or Monsters swell But humane Passions such as with us dwell Man is thy theam his Virtue or his Rage Drawn to the life in each elaborate Page Mars nor Bellona are not named here But such a Gondibert as both might fear Venus had here and Hebe been out-shin'd By thy bright Birtha and thy Rhodalind Such is thy happy skill and such the odds Betwixt thy Worthies and the Grecian Gods Whose Deities in vain had here come down Where Mortal Beautie wears the Sovereign Crown Such as of flesh compos'd by flesh and bloud Though not resisted may be understood ED. WALLER TO Sr WIL. D'AVENANT Upon his two first Books of GONDIBERT Finish'd before his Voyage to AMERICA ME thinks Heroick Poesie till now Like some fantastick Fairy-land did show Gods Devils Nymphs Witches and Giants race And all but Man in Mans best Work had place Thou like some worthy Knight with sacred Arms Dost drive the Monsters thence and end the Charms In stead of those dost Men and Manners plant The things which that rich Soyl did chiefly want But even thy Mortals do their Gods excell Taught by thy Muse to Fight and Love so well By fatal hands whilest present Empires fall Thine from the grave past Monarchies recal So much more thanks from humane kind does merit The Poets fury than the Zelots Spirit And from the grave thou mak'st this Empire rise Not like some dreadfull Ghost t' affright our Eyes But with more beauty and triumphant state Than when it crown'd at proud Verona sate So will our God re-build Mans perish'd frame And raise him up much better yet the same So God-like P●e●s do past things rehearse Not change but heighten Nature with their Verse With shame me thinks great Italie must see Her Conqu'rors call'd to life again by thee Call'd by such powerfull Arts that ancient Rome May blush ●o less to see her Wit orecome Some men their Fancies like their Faiths derive And count all ill but that which Rome does give The marks of Old and Catholick would find To the same Chair would Truth and Fiction bind Thou in these beaten paths disdain'st to tread And scorn'st to live by robbing of the Dead Since Time does all things change thou think'st not fit This latter Age should see all new but Wit Thy Fancie like a Flame her way does make And leaves bright tracks for following Pens to take Sure 't was this noble boldness of the Muse Did thy desire to seek new Worlds infuse And ne'r did Heaven so much a Voyage bless If thou canst Plant but there with like success AB COWLEY GONDIBERT The First Book CANTO the First The ARGUMENT Old ARIBERT'S great race and greater mind Is sung with the renown of RHODALIND Prince OSWALD is compar'd to GONDIBERT And justly each distinguish'd by desert Whose Armies are in Fame's fair Field drawn forth To shew by discipline their Leaders worth 1. OF all the Lombards by their Trophies known Who sought Fame soon and had her favour long King Aribert best seem'd to fill the Throne And bred most bus'ness for Heroick Song 2. From early Childhoods promising estate Up to performing Manhood till he grew To failing Age he Agent was to Fate And did to Nations Peace or War renew 3. War was his studi'd Art War which the bad Condemn because even then it does them aw When with their number lin'd and purple clad And to the good more needfull is than Law 4. To conquer Tumult Nature's suddain force War Arts delib'rate strength was first devis'd Cruel to those whose rage has no remorse Lest civil pow'r should be by Throngs surpris'd 5. The feeble Law rescues but doubtfully From the Oppressours single Arm our right Till to its pow'r the wise wars help apply Which soberly does Mans loose
And like stirr'd fire in sparkles upward flies Rage which the Duke thus practis'd to reclaim 30. Though you design'd your ruin by surprise Though much in usefull Arms you us exceed And in your number some advantage lies Yet you may find you such advantage need 31. If I am vallu'd as th' impediment Which hinders your adoption to the Crown Let your revenge onely on me be spent And hazard not my Party nor your own 32. Ambition else would up to Godhead grow When so profanely we our anger prise That to appease it we the bloud allow Of whole offenceless Herds for sacrifice 33. Oswald who Honour 's publick pattern was Till vain ambition led his heart aside More temp'rate grew in manage of his cause And thus to noble Gondibert reply'd 34. I wish it were not needfull to be great That Heavens unenvy'd pow'r might Men so aw As we should need no Armies for defeat Nor for protection be at charge of Law 35. But more than Heav'ns Men Mans authoritie Though envy'd use because more understood For but for that Life's Utensils would be In Markets as in Camps the price of blood 36. Since the Worlds safety we in greatness find And pow'r divided is from greatness gone Save we the World though to our selves unkind By both endang'ring to establish one 37. Nor these who kindle with my wrongs their rage Nor those bold Youth who warmly you attend Our distant Camps by action shall ingage But we our own great cause will singly end 38. Back to your noble Hunters strait retire And I to those who would those Hunters chace Let us perswade their fury to expire And give obediently our anger place 39. Like unconcern'd Spectatours let them stand And be by sacred vow to distance bound Whilst their lov'd Leaders by our strict command As patient witnesses approach this ground 40. Where with no more defensive Arms than was By Nature ment us who ordain'd Men Friends We will on foot determine our great cause On which the Lombards doubtfull peace depends 41. The Duke full low did bow and soon obay Confess'd his honour he transcendent finds Said he their persons might a meaner way With ods have aw'd but this subdues their Minds 42. Now wing'd with hope they to their Troops return Oswald his old grave Brescians makes retire Lest if too near though like slow Match they burn The Dukes rash Youth like Powder might take fire 43. First with their noble Chiefs they treat aside Plead it humanity to bleed alone And term it needless cruelty and pride With others Sacrifice to grace their own 44. Then to their Troops gave their resolv'd command Not to assist through anger nor remorse Who seem'd more willing patiently to stand Because each side presum'd their Champions force 45. Now near that ground ordain'd by them and Fate To be the last where one or both must tread Their chosen Judges they appoint to wait Who thither were like griev'd Spectatours led 46. These from the distant Troops far sever'd are And near their Chiefs divided Stations take Who strait uncloath and for such deeds prepare By which strip'd Souls their fleshy Robes forsake 47. But Hubert now advanc'd and cry'd aloud I will not trust uncertain Destinie Which may obscurely kill me in a Crowd That here have pow'r in publick view to die 48. Oswald my Brother is If any dare Think Gondibert's great name more Kingly sounds Let him alight and he shall leave the care Of chusing Monarchs to attend his wounds 49. This Hurgonil receiv'd with greedy Ear Told him his summons boldly did express That he had little judgement whom to fear And in the choice of Kings his skill was less 50. With equal haste they then alight and met Where both their Chiefs in preparation stood Whilst Paradine and furious Dargonet Cry'd out we are of Oswald's Princely blood 51. Are there not yet two more so fond of same So true to Gondibert or Love's commands As to esteem it an unpleasant shame With idle eyes to look on busie hands 52. Such haste makes Beauty when it Youth forsakes And day from Travellers when it does set As Arnold to proud Paradine now makes And little Hugo to tall Dargonet 53. The bloudy Borgio who with anguish stay'd And check'd his rage till these of Oswald's Race By wish'd example their brave Challenge made Now like his curb'd Steed foaming shifts his place 54. And thus with haste and choler hoarse he spake Who e're amongst you thinks we destin'd are To serve that King your Courtly Camp shall make Falsly he loves nor is his Lady fair 55. This scarce could urge the temp'rate Tybalts fire Who said When Fate shall Aribert remove As ill then wilt thou judge who should aspire As who is fair that art too rude to love 56. But scarce had this reply reach'd Borgio's Ear When Goltho louder cry'd what ere he be Dares think her foul who hath a Lover here Though Love I never knew shall now know me 57. Grave Tybalt who had laid an early'r claim To this defiance much distemper'd grows And Goltho's forward Youth would sharply blame But that old Vasco thus did interpose 58. That Boy who makes such haste to meet his fate And fears he may as if he knew it good Through others pride of danger come too late Shall read it strait ill written in his blood 59. Let Empire fall when we must Monarchs choose By what unpractis'd Childhood shall approve And in tame peace let us our Manhood loose When Boys yet wet with milk discourse of Love 60. As bashfull Maids blush as if justly blam'd When forc'd to suffer some indecent Tongue So Goltho blush'd whom Vasco made asham'd As if he could offend by being young 61. But instantly offended bashfulness Does to a brave and beauteous anger turn Which he in younger flames did so express That scarce old Vasco's Embers seem'd to burn 62. The Princes knew in this new kindled rage Opinion might which like unlucky wind Sate right to make it spread their Troops engage And therefore Oswald thus proclaim'd his-mind 63. Seem we already dead that to our words As to the last requests men dying make Your love but Mourners short respect affords And ere interr'd you our commands forsake 64. We chose you Judges of our needfull strife Such whom the world grown faithless might esteem As weighty witnesses of parting life But you are those we dying must condemn 65. Are we become such worthless sacrifice As cannot to the Lombards Heav'n atone Unless your added blood make up the price As if you thought it worthier than our own 66. Our fame which should survive before us die And let since in our presence disobay d Renown of pow'r like that of beauty flie From knowledge rather than be known decay'd 67. This when with rev'rence heard it would have made Old Armies melt to mark at what a rate They spent their Hearts and Eyes kindly afraid To be omitted in their Gen'rals fate
68. Hubert whose princely quality more frees Him than the rest from all command unless He find it such as with his will agrees Did nobly thus his firm resolve express 69. All greatness bred in blood be now abas'd Instinct the inward Image which is wrought And given with Life be like thaw'd wax defac'd Though that bred better honour than is taught 70. And may impressions of the common ill Which from street Parents the most low derives Blot all my minds fair book if I stand still Whilst Oswald singly for the Publick strives 71. A Brothers love all that obedience stays Which Oswald else might as my Leader claim Whom as my love my honour disobays And bids me serve our greater Leader Fame 72. With gentle looks Oswald to Hubert bows And said I then must yield that Hubert shall Since from the same bright Sun our lustre grows Rise with my Morns and with my Ev'nings fall 73. Bold Paradine and Dargonet reviv'd Their suit and cry'd We are Astolpho's sons Who from your highest spring his blood deriv'd Though now it down in lower Channels runs 74. Such lucky seasons to attain renown We must not lose who are to you ally'd Others usurp who would your dangers own And what our duty is in them is pride 75. Then as his last Decree thus Oswald spake You that vouchsafe to glory in my blood Shall share my doom which for your merits sake Fate were it bad would alter into good 76. If any others disobedient rage Shall with uncivil love intrude his aid And by degrees our distant Troops ingage Be it his Curss still to be disobey'd 77. Wars Orders may he by the slow convey To such as onely shall dispute them long An ill peace make when none will him obey And be for that when old judg'd by the young 78. This said he calmly bid the Duke provide Such of his bloud as with those chosen Three Whilst their adoption they on foot decide May in brave life or death fit Partners be 79. Though here reply'd the Duke I find not now Such as my bloud with their alliance grace Yet Three I see to whom your stock may bow If love may be esteem'd of heav'nly Race 80. And much to me these are by love ally'd Then Hugo Arnold and the Count drew near Count Hurgonil woo'd Orna for his Bride The other Two in Laura Rivals were 81. But Tybalt cry'd and swiftly as his voice Approch'd the Duke forgive me mightie Chief If justly I envie thy noble choice And disobey thee in wrong'd Love's relief 82. If rev'renc'd love be sacred Myst'rie deem'd And mysteries when hid to value grow Why am I less for hidden love esteem'd To unknown God-head wise Religions bow 83. A Maid of thy high linage much I love And hide her name till I can merit boast But shall I here where I may worth improve For prising her above my self be lost 84. The Duke 's firm bosome kindly seem'd to melt At Tybalt's grief that he omitted was Who lately had Love's secret conquest felt And hop'd for publick triumph in this cause 85. Then he decreed Hugo though chose before To share in this great work should equally With Tybalt be expos'd to Fortune's pow'r And by drawn Lots their wish'd election trie 86. Hugo his dreaded Lord with chearfull aw Us'd to obey and with implicit love But now he must for certain honour draw Uncertain Lots seems heavily to move 87. And here they trembling reach'd at honour so As if they gath'ring Flow'rs a Snake discern'd Yet fear'd Love onely whose rewards then grow To Lovers sweetest when with danger earn'd 88. From this brave fear lest they should danger scape Was little Hugo eas'd and when he drew The Champion's lot his joy inlarg'd his shape And with his lifted mind he taller grew 89. But Tybalt stoop'd beneath his sorrows waight Goltho and him kindly the Duke imbrac'd Then to their station sent and Oswald straight His so injoyn'd and with like kindness grac'd 90. When cruel Borgio does from Tybalt part Vasco from Goltho many a look they cast Backward in sullen message from the heart And through their eyes their threatning anger waste CANTO the Fourth The ARGUMENT The Duel where all rules of artfull strife To rescue or endanger Darling-life Are by reserves of strength and courage shown For killing was long since a Science grown Th' event by which the Troops engaged are As private rage too often turn to war 1. BY what bold passion am I rudely led Like Fame's too curious and officious Spie Where I these Rolls in her dark Closet read Where Worthies wrapt in Time's disguises lie 2. Why should we now their shady Curtains draw Who by a wise retirement hence are ●reed And gone to Lands exempt from Nature's Law Where love no more can mourn nor valour bleed 3. Why to this stormy world from their long rest Are these recall'd to be again displeas'd Where during Natures reign we are opprest Till we by Deaths high priviledge are eas'd 4. Is it to boast that Verse has Chymick pow'r And that its rage which is productive heat Can these revive as Chymists raise a Flower Whose scatter'd parts their Glass presents compleat 5. Though in these Worthies gone valour and love Did chastely as in sacred Temples meet Such reviv'd Patterns us no more improve Than Flowers so rais'd by Chymists make us sweet 6. Yet when the souls disease we desp'rate find Poets the old renown'd Physitians are Who for the sickly habits of the mind Examples as the ancient cure prepare 7. And bravely then Physitians hononr gain When to the world diseases cureless seem And they in Science valiant ne'r refrain Arts war with Nature till they life redeem 8. But Poets their accustom'd task have long Forborn who for Examples did disperse The Heroes virtues in Heroick Song And now think virtue sick past cure of verse 9. Yet to this desp'rate cure I will proceed Such patterns shew as shall not fail to move Shall teach the valiant patience when they bleed And hapless Lovers constancy in love 10. Now Honour's chance the Duke with Oswald takes The Count his great Stake Life to Hubert sets Whilst his to Paradin's Lord Arnold stakes And little Hugo throws at Dargonets 11. These Four on equal ground those Four oppose Who wants in strength supples it with his skill So valiant that they make no haste to close They not apace but handsomly would kill 12. And as they more each others courage found Each did their force more civilly express To make so manly and so fair a wound As loyal Ladies might be proud to dress 13. But vain though wondrous seems the short event Of what with pomp and Noise we long prepare One hour of battel oft that force hath spent Which Kings whole lives have gather'd for a war 14. As Rivers to their ruin hastie be So life still earnest loud and swift runs post To the vaste Gulf of death as they to
Sea And vainly travels to be quickly lost 15. And now the Fates who punctually take care We not escape their sentence at our birth Writ Arnold down where those inroled are Who must in Youth abruptly leave the Earth 16. Him Paradine into the Brow had pierc't From whence his bloud so overflow'd his Eyes He grew too blind to watch and guard his breast Where wounded twice to Deaths cold Court he hies 17. And Love by which Life's name does value find As Altars even subsist by ornament Is now as to the Owner quite resign'd And in a sigh to his dear Laura sent 18. Yet Fates so civil were in cruelty As not to yield that he who conquer'd all The Tuscan Vale should unartended die They therefore doom that Dargonet must fall 19. Whom little Hugo dext'rously did vex With many wounds in unexpected place Which yet not kill but killingly perplex Because he held their number a disgrace 20. For Dargonet in force did much exceed The most of Men in valour equall'd all And was asham'd thus diversly to bleed As if he stood where showrs of Arrows fall 21. At once he ventures his remaining strength To Hugo's nimble skill who did desire To draw this little war out into length By motions quick as Heav'ns fantastick fire 22. This fury now is grown too high at last In Dargonet who does disorder all The strengths of temp'rance by unruly haste Then down to Deaths low Calm does breathless fall 23. When with his own Storm sunk his Foe did spie Lord Arnold dead and Paradine prepare To help Prince Oswald to that victory Of which the Duke had yet an equal share 24. Vain Conquerour said Hugo then return In stead of Laurel which the Victor wears Go gather Cypress for thy Brothers Urn And learn of me to water it with Tears 25. Thy Brother lost his life attempting mine Which cannot for Lord Arnold's loss suffice I must revenge unlucky Paradine The blood his death will draw from Laura's Eyes 26. We Rivals were in Laura but though she My griefs derided his with sighs approv'd Yet I in Loves exact integritie Must take thy life for killing him She lov'd 27. These quick alike and artfully as fierce At one sad instant give and take that wound Which does through both their vital Closets pierce Where Life 's small Lord doth warmly sit enthron'd 28. And then they fell and now near upper Heaven Heav'ns better part of them is hov'ring still To watch what end is to their Princes given And to brave Hubert and to Hurgonil 29. In progress thus to their eternal home Some method is observ'd by Destinie Which at their Princes setting out did doom These as their leading Harbingers to die 30. And fatal Hubert we must next attend Whom Hurgonil had brought to such distress That though Life's stock he did not fully spend His glory that maintain'd it is grown less 31. Long had they strove who first should be destroy'd And wounds the Marks of Manhood gave and took Which though like honour'd Age we would avoid Yet make us when possess'd for rev'rence look 32. O Honour Frail as Life thy sellow Flower Cherish'd and watch'd and humr'ously esteem'd Then worn for short adornments of an hour And is when lost no more than life redeem'd 33. This fatal Hubert finds if honour be As much in Princes lost when it grows less As when it dies in men of next degree Princes are onely Princes by excess 34. For having twice with his firm Opposite Exchang'd a wound yet none that reach'd at life The adverse sword his Arms best sinew hit Which holds that strength which should uphold their strife 35. When thus his dear defence had left his Hand Thy life said Hurgonil rejoyce to wear As Orna's favour and at her command Who taught the mercy I will practise here 36. To which defenceless Hubert did reply My life a worthless Blank I so despise Since Fortune laid it in her Lotary That I 'm asham'd thou draw'st it as a Prize 37. His grief made noble Hurgonil to melt Who mourn'd in this a Warriours various fate For though a Victor now he timely felt That change which pains us most by coming late 38. But Orna ever present in his thought Prompts him to know with what success for fame And Empire Gondibert and Oswald fought Whilst Hubert seeks out death and shrinks from shame 39. Valour and all that practice torns to art Alike the Princes had and understood For Oswald now is cool as Gondibert Such temper he has got by losing blood 40. Calmly their temper did their art obay Their stretch'd Arms regular in motion prove And force with as unseen a stealth convay As noiseless hours by hands of Dials move 41. By this new temper Hurgonil believ'd That Oswald's elder virtues might prevail To think his own help needfull much he griev'd But yet prepar'd it le●t the Duke should fail 42. Small wounds they had where as in Casements ●ate Disorder'd Life who seem'd to look about And fain would be abroad but that a Gate She wants so wide at once to ●ally out 43. When Gondibert saw Hurgonil draw near And doubly arm'd at conquer'd Huberts cost He then who never fear'd began to fear Lest by his help his honour should be lost 44. Retire said he for if thou hop'st to win My Sisters love by aiding in this strife May Heav'n to make her think thy love a s●n Eclipse that beauty which did give it life 45. Count Hurgonil did doubtfully retire Fain would assist yet durst not disobay The Duke would rather instantly expire Than hazard Honour's death by death's delay 46. Alike did Oswald for dispatch prepare And cries Since Hubert knew not to subdue Glory farewel that art the Souldiers care More lov'd than Woman less than Woman true 47. And now they strive with all their sudden force To storm Life's Cit●adil each others Brest At which could Heav'ns chief Eye have felt remorse It would have wink'd or hast'ned to the West 48. But sure the Heav'nly Movers little care Whether our motion here be false or true For we proceed whilst they are regular As if we Dice for all our actions threw 49. We seem surrender'd to indiff'rent Chance Even Deaths grave work looks like fantastick play That Sword which oft did Oswald's fame advance In publick war fails in a private fray 50. For when because he ebbes of bloud did feel He levell'd all his strength at Gondibert It clash'd and broke against the adverse steel Which travell'd onward till it reach'd his heart 51. Now he that like a stedfast statue stood In many Battels registerd by Fames Does fall depriv'd of language as of blood Whilst high the Hunters send their Victors name 52. Some shout aloud and others wind the Horn They mix the Cities with the Field's applause Which Borgio soon interprets as their scorn And will revenge it ere he mourn the cause 53. This the cold Evening warm'd of Vasco's age He
There from sick mirth neglectful Feasters ●eel Who cares of want in wine's false L●the sleep There anxious empty Gamsters homeward steal And fear to wake ere they begin to sleep 20. Here stooping Lab'rers slowly moving are Beasts to the Rich whose strength grows rude with case And would usurp did not their Rulers care With toile and tax their furious strength appease 21. There th' Aged walk whose needless carefulness Infects them past the Mindes best med'cin sleep There some to Temples early vows address And for th'ore busie world most wisely weep 22. To this vast Inn where Tydes of strangers flow The Morn and Hurgonil together came The Morn whose Dewy wings appear'd but slow When Men the motion mark'd of swifter Fame 23. For Fame whose journeys are through waies unknown Tr●celess and swift and changing as the wind The Morn and Hurgonil had much out-gone Whilst temp'rate Truth mov'd patiently behind 24 For some the Combat to a Batail grown Did apprehend in such prodigious shape As if their living to the Dead were gone And onely Fame did by her Wings escape 25. Some said this Hunting falsely was design'd That by pretence both Factions might prepare Their Armies to contest for Rhodalind The Crown 's chief Jewel and Reward of War 26. And some report so far they range from Truth Who for intelligence must follow Fame That then from Bergamo th'encamped Youth With Gondibert to this dire Hunting came 27. And some that Oswald had enlarg'd his Train With the old Troops by his bold Father led And that of these the nobler half were slain The rest were to their Camp at Brescia fled 28. And as dire Thunder rowling ore Heav'ns vault By murmure threatens ere it kills aloud So was this fatal news in whisper brought Which menac'd ere it struck the list'ning Croud 29. But Rumour soon to high extreams does move For first it Oswald nam'd with dreadfull voice Then said that Death had widow'd Truth and Love By making Gondibert the second choice 30. And to all hearts so dear was Gondibert So much did Pitie Oswald's Valour prise That strait their early bus'ness they desert And fix on wounded Hurgonil their Eyes 31. Him when by perfect day they sadly knew Through hiddē wounds whose blood his beauty stain'd Even from the Temples Angels soon withdrew So sawcely th' afflicted there complain'd 32. The People straight united clamour gave Shriek'd loud like Sea-men split on a strange Coast As if those Pow'rs were deaf who should them save And Pray'rs no louder than the winds were lost 33. Now with impatience urg'd he does declare Whom he so mournfully in Fun'ral brought The publick losses of a private war Who living love and valour dying taught 34. For he does Hugo and Arnoldo name To these said he Ver●ra Cradles gave And since in forreign Fields they rais'd her Fame They challenge here though much too soon a Grave 35. Bring sprinklings Lamps and th'Altar's precious breath All Rites which Priests have prudently devis'd Who gratefully a rev'rence teach to death Because they most by dying men are pris'd 36. But though our loss we justly may complain Though even by Priests authority we grieve Yet Heav'n's first bounty Life let none disdain Since Gondibert our chief Delight does live 37. Th●●eard as Sea-men near a Shore unknown Who their North Guide lose in a Stormy night His absence with distracted silence moan And loudly welcome his return to sight 38. So when their great Conductor seem'd to be Retir'd to endless shades amongst the slain With silent grief they seem'd as dead as he But with new life welcom'd his life again 39. And now that cold remainder Valour left Of these whom Love had lost and Fate forsook The Two that were of all but Fame berefr From Hurgonil the weeping People took 40. Whilst of them both sad Hurgonil takes leave Till th' universal meeting Faith provides The Day when all shall publickly receave Those Bodies Death does not destroy but Hides 41. Then to his Palace he retires by stealth His wounds from his lov'd Mistress to conceal On whose dear joys so much depends his health The wounds her Tears should touch would never heal 42. To the chief Temple straight the People bear The valiant Rivals who for love were slain Whom all he peacefull Priests behold with fear And griev'd such Guests they durst not entertain 43. For soon the Prior of their Brotherhood Who long serv'd Heav'n with praise the world with pray'r Cry'd out this holy House is shut to blood To all that die in combat or despair 44. These by their bloody marks in Compar dy'd Through anger the disease of Beasts untam'd Whose wrath is hunger but in Men 't is pride Yet theirs is cruelty ours courage nam'd 45. Here the neglected Lord of peace does live Who taught the wrangling world the rules of love Should we his dwelling to the wrathfull give Our Sainted Dead would rise and he remove 46. Well by his precepts may we punish strife Whose pitie knew that Famine Plague and Time Are Enemies enough to humane life None need ore-charge Death's Quiver with a crime 47. To unfrequented Fields bear then your slain Where neither Dirge nor Requiem shall be giv'n To those who by usurp'd Revenge disdain To take from Men neglects they put on Heav'n 48. But now the People's passions run too far Their untaught love artless extreams does wed Of times they like the past and since they are Opprest still by the living love the Dead 49. And now resolve these Rivals shall not lose The Rites of Sprinkling Incense Lights and Song Then as the voice of all their Minds they chuse An Oratour of rude but ready Tongue 50. Who at the Temple Gate thus pleads aloud We know though Priests are Pensioners of Heav'n Your Flock which yields best rent is this dull Croud The learn'd examine why their Fleece is giv'n 51. Though by the Rich first shorn to you they bear A second tribute and by zeal support Temples which Kings for glory raise and where The Rich for fame the Learn'd as Spies resort 52. Temples are yours not God's lov'd Palaces Where Off'rings make not his but your own Feasts Where you most wisely live because at ease And entertain your Founders as your Guests 53. With ease you take what we provide with care And we who your Legation must maintain Find all your Tribe in the Commission are And none but Heav'n could send so large a Train 54. But being all Ambassadours from thence The growing charge will soon exceed our rent Unless you please to treat at his expence Who sent you not at ours where you are sent 55. The ancient Laws liv'd in the Peoples voice Rites you from Custom not from Canon draw They are but fashions of a graver choice Which yield to Laws and now our voice is Law 56. This Tybalt heard with sorrow and disdain Who here with Hurgonil a Mourner came And strait the peacefull Fathers strives to
each distrusts his art For Hope and Doubt came and return'd apace In chang'd Complexion from th' uncertain heart Like frighted Scowts for Tidings to the Face 57. His Eie seem'd most imploy'd on Rhodalind Whose love above her bashful caution sways For naming Gondibert he soon did find Her secret Soul shew'd pleasure at his praise 58. Yet when she found her comforts did not last And that as Oracles the future taught He hid Truth 's Face and darkned what was past Thus Truth through all her mourning Vails she sought 59. Why in these Ladies do you lengthen pain By giving them Grief 's common med'cin Doubt Ease those with death whose Lovers now are slain Life's fire a Feaver is when Love's is out 60. Yet think not that my cares peculiar are Perhaps I from religious pitie learn'd In Virtue 's publick loss to take some share For there all but the vicious are concern'd 61. Your Prudence Royal Maid he straight replies More than your birth may claim the Lombards Crown Who'ere in conquest of your favour dies For life's lost Inch shall find a long renown 62. Then happy Oswald who is sure to gain Even by Ambition that undoes the wise Great was th' attempt for which he 's nobly slain And gets him praise though he has mist the Prize 63. But happier Gondibert who does survive To beg your Mercy that he thus hath dar'd To own that cause for which the world might strive And conq'ring takes his wounds for his reward 64. Be Hurgonil long distant from his Grave Whose life was so important in this cause Who for each wound he took a wider gave And live●t ' enjoy the pleasure of applause 65. To say how Hugo and Lord Arnold strove For victory and mention their event Were to provide such fun'ral rites for Love As Death would be closs Mourner and repent 66. Now Laura's blood back to her liv●● fled True Beautie 's Mint For by her Heart L●ve's Throne Beautie 's call'd in like Coyn when Kings are dead As if not currant now her Lover's gone 67. And like her beauty she had darkned life But that with sprinkled water they restore By sudden cold with sudden heat a●strife Her spirits to those walks they us'd before 68. She Arnold calls then lost that ●●●e again Which Rhodalind and Orna's tears ●e●one Who busily would her spent strength sustain Though Hope has scarcely yet brought back their own 69. Now they her Temples chaf'd and straight prepare Hot Eastern Fumes to reach her Brains cool'd sence With Wine 's ●●erce spirits these extracted are Which warm but slowly though of swift expence 70. Yet now again she breath'd Lord Arnold's name Which her apt Tongue through custom best exprest Then to stay Life that so unwilling came With Cordial Epithems they bath'd her breast 71. Th' attendant Maids by Tyhalt's ready aid To stop her Mourners tears convey her now Where she may ease in her own Curtain 's shade Her weary heart and grief more Tongue allow 72. No sooner was this pity'd Laura gone But Oswald's sister Gartha the renown'd Enters as if the world were overthrown Or in the tears of the afflicted drown'd 73. Unconquer'd as her beauty was her mind Which wanted not a spark of Oswald's fire Ambition lov'd but ne'r to Love was kind Vex'd Thrones did more than quiet shades desire 74. Her Garments now in loose neglect she wore As sured to her wild dis-shevell'd hair Men in her shape might Nature's work adore Yet ask why Art 's nice dress was absent there 75. But soon they found what made this change appear For meeting Truth which slowly follows Fame Rage would not give her leasure for a Tear To quench ere he thus spake her passions flame 76. Blasted be all your beauties Rhodalind Till you a shame and terrour be to light Unwing'd be Love and slow as he is blind Who with your Looks poyson'd my Brothers sight 77. Low and neglected be your Father's Throne Which like your beauty Oswald did ore-rate Let luckless war take Lands from his light Crown Till those high cares he want that give it weight 78. Let Pow'rs consumption be his long disease Heav'ns vexing curb which makes wild Monarchs ●am And be he forc'd in froward age to please His Favour 's Monster who devours his Fame 79. May you soon feel though secret in your love As if your love were Sin the publick scorn May Gondibert who is your glory move Your pitie when none else but you shall mourn 80. To the dark Inn where weary Valour free From thankless dangers rests brave Oswald's gone But Hubert may though vanquish'd live to see Your Victor with his victory undone 81. This said she mounts with a tempestuous Brow The Chariot her Calabrian Coursers drew Lifted by Slaves who still about her bow As if with wings of swift Revenge she flew 82. To Brescia's Camp her course she had design'd And bids her Tuscan Cha●●ioter drive on As if his Steeds were dieted with wind Slow seems their speed whose thoughts before them 〈◊〉 83. The pav'd Streets kindle with her Chariot wheels The Omen of wars fire the Citie spies Which with those sparks struck by her Coursers heels Shine not so much as rage does in her Eyes 84. Those that observ'd her anger grief and haste With ancient Roman melancholy mourn She seem'd their Cities Genius as she pass'd Who by their Sins expell'd would ne'r return 85. The gentle Ladies she has left in tears Who no example need nor cause to melt For soon even grief's Alarms our foremost tears Kill those whose pain by Love's quick sence is felt 86. And Rhodalind her fatal love does blame Because she finds it now by Gartha spy'd And does lament Love's fire which bashfull shame Cannotreveal nor her discretion hide 87. She would not have it waste nor publick grow But last conceal'd like that in Tullia's Urn Or that which prosp'rous Chymists nicely show Which as it thrives must more in private burn 88. Yet straight grown valiant with her Victors fate She would have Hymen hold his Torches high And Love's fire priz'd as Vestals theirs did rate Which none durst quench though free to ev'ry eye 89. Resolves her love whilst this new valour lasts Shall undisguis'd her Father's sight endure And Orna now to her dear Lover hastes Whose outward wounds stay for her inward cure 90. But here a wonder may arrest our thought Why Tybalt of his usual pity void To such sost Ears these direfull sorrows brought Since to the King he onely was employ'd 91. But these are Ridles of mysterious Love Tybalt in private long for Laura pin'd And try'd how Arnold would her passion move In death who living ever fill'd her mind 92. And by this trial how she Arnold us'd He gravely meant to urge or stay his heart But much by Love the Cautions are abus'd Who his wild Ridles would reduce to Art CANTO the Third The ARGUMENT Dead OSWALD to his Camp by HUBERT brought The Camp
invites you to devour And a submission gives you ease to feed 41. To fighting Fields send all your honour back To Courts your dang'rous Tongue and civil shape That Country Maids may Men no more mistake Nor seek dark Death that they may Love escape 42. Now soon to Heav'n her Soul had found the way For there it o●t had been in pray'r and praise But that his vows did life with loudness stay And life's warm help did soon her Body raise 43. And now he gently leads her for no more He lets th'unhallow'd Ground a fal● Flow'● wear Sweeter than Nature's Bosom ever wore And now these vows sends kindly to her E●r 44. If Birtha I am false think none too blame For thinking Truth by which the Soul subsists No farther to be found than in the name Think humane kind betraid ev'n by their Priests 45. Think all my Sex so vile that you may chide Those Maids who to your Mothers Nuptials ran And praise your Mother who so early dy'd Remembring whom she marry'd was a Man 46. This great Court miracle you strait receive From Orgo and your faith the whole allows Why since you Orgo's words so soon believe Will you less civilly suspect my vows 47. My Vows which want the Temples seal will bind Though private kept surer than publick Laws For Laws but sorce the Body but my Mind Your Virtue Counsels whilst your beauty draws 48. Thus spake he but his mourning looks did more Attest his grief and fear does hers renew Now losing were he lost more than before For then she fear'd him false now thinks him true 49. As sick Physicians seldom their own Art Dare trust to cure their own disease so these Were to themselves quite useless when apart Yet by consult each can the other ease 50. But from themselves they now diverted stood For Orgo's News which need not borrow wings Since Orgo for his Lord believ'd it good To Astragon the joyfull Houshold brings 51. But Astragon with a judicious thought This days glad news took in the dire portent A day which mourning Nights to Birtha brought And with that fear in search of Birtha went 52. And here he finds her in her Lovers Eyes And him in hers both more afflicted grown At his approach for each his sorrow spies Who thus would counsel theirs and hide his own 53. Though much this fatal joy to anger moves Yet reason's aids shall anger's force subdue I will not chide you for your hasty Loves Nor ever doubt great Prince that yours is true 54. In chiding Love because he hasty was Or urging errours which his swiftness brings I find effects but dare not tax the cause For Poets were inspir'd who gave him wings 55. When low I dig where desart-Rivers run Dive deep in Seas through Forrests follow winds Or reach with Optick Tubes the ragged Moon My sight no cause of Love's swift motion finds 56. Love's fatal haste in yours I will not blame Because I know not why his wings were giv'n Nor doubt him true not knowing whence he came Nor Birtha chide who thought you came from Heav'n 57. If you lay snares we erre when we escape Since evil practise learns Men to suspect Where falshood is and in your noble shape We should by finding it our skill detect 58. Yet both your griefs I 'le chide as ignorance Call you unthankfull for your great griefs show That Heav'n has never us'd you to mischance Yet rudely you repine to feel it now 59. If your contextures be so weak and nice Weep that this windy world you ever knew You are not in those Calms of Paradice Where slender Flow'rs as safe as Cedars grew 60. This which your Youth calls grief was frowardness In flatter'd Infancy and as you bear Unkindly now amidst Youth's joys distress So then unless still rock'd you froward were 61. Griefs conflicts gave these Hairs their silver shine Torn Ensigns which victorious Age adorn Youth is a Dress too garish and too fine To be in foul tempestuous weather worn 62. Grief's want of use does dang'rous weakness make But we by use of Burdens are made strong And in our practis'd Age can calmly take Those sorrows which like Feavers vex the young 63. When you in Love's fair Books which Poets keep Read what they hide his Tragick History You will rejoyce that half your time is sleep And smile at Love when Nature bids you die 64. Learn then that Love's diseases common are Do not in sickness known though new to you Whilst vital hear does last of cure despair Love's vital heat does last whilst Love is true 65. Thus spake the kind and prudent Astragon And much their kind impatience he appeas'd For of his griefs which heavier than their own Were born by both their duteous fears are eas'd 66. She begs that he would pardon her distress Thought that even sin which did her sorrows move And then with all her Mothers lowliness His pardon craves for asking leave to love 67. The Duke who saw fair Truth so undisguis'd And love in all but love so unconcern'd Pity'd the studious world and all despis'd Who did not here unlearn what they had learn'd 68. I am reform'd said he not that before I wanted love or that my love was ill But I have learnt to perfect Nature more By giving innocence a little skill 69. For 't is some skill in innocence to bear With temper the distempers of our Stars Not doubting griefs already come by fear Of more for fears but hasten threat'ned Wars 70. But we will bravely suffer to inure Our strength to weights against the new are laid That when 't is known how much we can endure Our sufferings may make our Foes afraid 71. This Comet Glory shines but in portent Which from the Court does send her threatning Beams And looks as if it were by malice meant To hasten Oswald's Faction to extreams 72. Since Hurgonil who just fore-ran the Boy Could not instruct us we as much may know Of the first Light as of these fires of joy Which is that both did out of darkness grow 73. Yet this the King might hide in Kingly skill Wisely to make his bounty more his own Kings stoop for Counsel who impart their will His Acts like Heav'ns make not their Causes known 74. Yet with as plain a heart as love untaught In Birtha wears I here to Birtha make A vow that Rhodalind I never sought Nor now would with her love her greatness take 75. Love's bonds are for her greatness made too straight And me Ambition's pleasures cannot please Ev'n Priests who on the higher Altar wait Think a continu'd rev'rence loss of ease 76. Let us with secrecy our love protect Hiding such precious wealth from publick view The proffer'd glory I will first suspect As false and shun it when I find it true 77. They now retire because they Goltho saw Who hither came to watch with Ulfinore If much the Duke 's woo'd Mistress did him aw
Chace subdu'd And strait his Hunters are as hard pursu'd 1. SMALL are the seeds Fate does unheeded sow Of slight beginnings to important ends Whilst wonder which does best our rev'rence show To Heav'n all Reason's sight in gazing spends 2. For from a Days brief pleasure did proceed A day grown black in Lombard Histories Such lasting griefs as thou shalt weep to read Though even thine own sad love had drain'd thine eyes 3. In a fair Forrest near Verona's Plain Fresh as if Natures Youth chose there a shade The Duke with many Lovers in his Train Loyal and young a solemn hunting made 4. Much was his Train enlarg'd by their resort Who much his Grandsire lov'd and hither came To celebrate this Day with annual sport On which by battel here he earn'd his Fame 5. And many of these noble Hunters bore Command amongst the Youth at Bergamo Whose Fathers gather'd here the wreath they wore When in this Forrest they interr'd the Foe 6. Count Hurgonil a Youth of high descent Was listed here and in the Story great He follow'd Honour when tow'rd's Death it went Fierce in a charge but temp'rate in retreat 7. His wondrous beauty which the world approv'd He blushing hid and now no more would own Since he the Dukes unequal'd Sister lov'd Than an old wreath when newly overthrown 8. And she Orna the shy Did seem in life So bashfull too to have her beauty shown As I may doubt her shade with Fame at strife That in these vicious times would make it known 9. Not less in publick voice was Arnold here He that on Tuscan Tombs his Trophies rais'd And now loves pow'r so willingly did bear That even his arbitrary reign he prais'd 10. Laura the Duke 's fair Niece inthrall'd his heart Who was in Court the publick morning Glass Where those who would reduce Nature to art Practis'd by dress the conquests of the Face 11. And here was Hugo whom Duke Gondibert For stout and stedfast kindness did approve Of stature small but was all over heart And though unhappy all that heart was love 12. In gentle sonnets he for Laura pin'd Soft as the murmures of a weeping spring Which ruthless she did as those murmures mind So ere their death sick Swans unheeded sing 13. Yet whilst she Arnold favour'd he so griev'd As loyal Subjects quietly bemoan Their Yoke but raise no war to be reliev'd Nor through the envy'd Fav'rite wound the Throne 14. Young Goltho next these Rivals we may name Whose manhood dawn'd early as Summer light As sure and soon did his fair day proclaim And was no less the joy of publick sight 15. If Loves just pow'r he did not early see Some small excuse we may his errour give Since few though learn'd know yet blest Love to be That secret vital heat by which we live 16. But such it is and though we may be thought To have in Childhood life ere Love we know Yet life is useless till by reason taught And Love and Reason up together grow 17. Nor more the Old shew they out-live their Love If when their Love 's decay'd some signs they give Of life because we see them pain'd and move Then Snakes long cut by torment shew they live 18. If we call living Life when Love is gone We then to Souls Gods coyn vain rev'rence pay Since Reason which is Love and his best known And currant Image Age has worn away 19. And I that Love and Reason thus unite May if I old Philosophers controul Confirm the new by some new Poets light Who finding Love thinks he has found the Soul 20. From Goltho to whom Love yet tasteless seem'd We to ripe Tybalt are by order led Tybalt who Love and Valour both esteem'd And he alike from eithers wounds had bled 21. Publick his valour was but not his love One fill'd the world the other he contain'd Yet quietly alike in both did move Of that ne'r boasted nor of this complain'd 22. With these whose special names Verse shall preserve Many to this recorded hunting came Whose worth authentick mention did deserve But from Time's deluge few are sav'd by Fame 23. Now like a Giant Lover rose the Sun From th' Ocean Queen fine in his fires and great Seem'd all the Morn for shew for strength at Noon As if last Night she had not quench'd his heat 24. And the Sun's Servants who his rising wait His Pensioners for so all Lovers are And all maintain'd by him at a high rate With daily Fire now for the Chace prepare 25. All were like Hunters clad in chearfull green Young Natures Livery and each at strife Who most adorn'd in favours should be seen Wrought kindly by the Lady of his life 26. These Martial Favours on their Wasts they wear On which for now they Conquest celebrate In an imbroider'd History appear Like life the vanquish'd in their fears and fate 27. And on these Belts wrought with their Ladies care Hung Semy●ers of Akons trusty steel Goodly to see and he who durst compare Those Ladies Eyes might soon their temper feel 28. Cheerd as the woods where new wak'd Q●ires they meet Are all and now dispose their choice Relays Of Horse and Hounds each like each other fleet Which best when with themseves compar'd we praise 29. To them old Forrests Spies the Harbourers With haste approach wet as still weeping Night Or Deer that mourn their growth of head with tears When the defenceless weight does hinder flight 30. And Dogs such whose cold secrecy was ment By Nature for surprize on these attend Wise temp'rate Lime Hounds that proclaim no scent Nor harb'ring will their Mouths in boasting spend 31. Yet vainlier far than Traitours boast their prize On which their vehemence vast rates does lay Since in that worth their treasons credit lies These Harb'rers praise that which they now betray 32. Boast they have lodg'd a Stag that all the Race Out-runs of Cr●ton Horse or Regian Hounds A Stag made long since Royal in the Chace If Kings can honour give by giving wounds 33. For Aribert had pierc'd him at a Bay Yet scap'd he by the vigour of his Head And many a Summer since has won the day And often left his Regian Foll'wrs dead 34. His spacious Beam that even the Rights out-grew From Antlar to his Troch had all allow'd By which his age the aged Woodmen knew Who more than he were of that beauty proud 35. Now each Relay a sev'ral Station finds Ere the triumphant Train the Cops surrounds Relays of Horse long breath'd as winter winds And their deep Cannon Mouth'd experienc'd Hounds 36. The Hunts-men Busily concern'd in show As if the world were by this Beast undone And they against him hir'd as Natures Foe In haste uncouple and their Hounds out-run 37. Now wind they a Recheat the rows'd Deers knell And through the Forrest all the Beasts are aw'd Alarmd by Eccho Natures Sentinel Which shews that murdrous Man is come abroad 38. Tyrannick Man
Thither convey thy souls consid'rate thought How in this cause the Court and Camp 's inclin'd What Oswald's Faction with the King has wrought And how his loss prevails with Rhodalind 72. The Count and Tybalt take their lowly leaves Their slain they sadly with consuming hearts Bear tow'rds Verona whilst the Duke perceives Prince Hubert's grief and thus his tears diverts 73. Afflicted Prince in an unpleasant hour You and your living by blind valour led Are captives made to such an easie pow'r Shall you as little vex as Death your dead 74. The Dead can ne'r by living help return From that dark Land which life could ne'r diselese But these alive for whom the Victors mourn To thee I give thee to thine own dispose 75. Be not with honours guilded Baits beguild Nor think Ambition wife because 't is brave For though we like it as a forward Child 'T is so unsound her Cradle is her Grave 76. Study the mighty Oswald vainly gone Fierce Paradine and Dargonet the stout Whos 's Thirds by patient Parcae slowly spun Ambition's haste has rashly ravell'd out 77. But Hubert's grief no precept could reform For great grief counsell'd does to anger grow And he provided now a future Storm Which did with black revenge orecast his Brow 78. Borgio and he from this dire Region haste Shame makes them sightless to themselves and dumb Their thoughts flie swift as Time from what is past And would like him demolish all to come 79. Strait they interre th' inferiour of their slain Their nobler Tragick load their grief attends Tow'rds Brescia where the Camp they hope to gain Then force the Court by faction of their Friends 80. To Bergamo the gentle Duke does turn With his surviving Lovers who in kind Remembrance every step look back and mourn Their fellow Lovers Death has staid behind 81. Some lost their quiet Rivals some their dear Love's Brother who their hopes with help approv'd Some such joy'd Friends as even tomorrow were To take from Hymen those they dearest lov'd 82. But now to Gondibert they forward look Whose wounds ere he could waste three league of way So waste him that his speech him quite forsook And Nature calls for Art to make Life stay 83. His Friends in torment lest they should forsake Delightfull him for whom alone they live Urge Heav'n uncivilly for calling back So soon such worth it does so seldom give CANTO the Sixth The ARGUMENT The Victor is when with his wounds subdu'd By such deform'd and dismal Troops pursu'd That he thinks Death than which they uglier seem No ill expedient to escape from them But ULFIN guids him to sage ASTRAGON By the last Rays of the descending Sun 1. SCarce on their Duke their fears kind fit was spent When strait a thick arm'd Squadron clouds their sight Which cast so dark a shade as if it meant Without the Suns slow leave to bring in night 2. This threatning Squadron did consist of Horse And by old Ulfin they were gravely led Whose mind was sound nor wants his Body force Though many Winters Snow had coold his head 3. The sad remainder who with Hubert went Did miss his reach when they to Brescia turn'd And now as if his haste destruction meant He chac'd these who the Dukes spent valour mourn'd 4. Whose posture being loose their number few His Scouts grow scornfull as they forward come He makes his Squadron halt and near he drew Then asks aloud what are you and for whom 5. The noble Goltho whose great deeds to day Prevented Manhood in his early youth Believ'd him Oswald's Friend yet scorn'd the way To shelter life behind abandon'd Truth 6. For he to Ulfin boldly thus reply'd This second Ambush finds us here in vain We have no treasure left that we would hide Since Gondibert is reckon'd with the slain 7. Duke Gondibert we vouch to be our Lord To whose high virtues Sov'raignty we bow Oswald sunk low as death beneath his Sword Though him superiour Fate will vanquish now 8. Scarce empty Eagles stooping to their prey Could be more swift than Ulfin to alight And come where Gondibert expiring lay Now pleasing those whom he did newly fright 9. For scarce that rev'rence which a Monarch draws Who seldom will be seen though often sought Who spends his carefull age in making Laws To rule those lands for which in youth he fought 10. Nor that respect which People pay those Kings Whose peace makes rich whom civil war made wise Can equal this which aged Ulfin brings The gentle Duke to whom he prostrate lies 11. His Eyes not us'd to tears bathe ev'ry wound Which he salutes as things he chiefly lov'd And when expence of spirits he had found To gain him air his Mourners he remov'd 12. Make way said he and give Experience room The Confident of age though Youth 's scorn'd guide My wounds though past out number yours to come You can but hope the knowledge I have try'd 13. His Hilts round Pommel he did then unskrew And thence which he from ancient Precept wore In a small Chrystal he a Cordial drew That weary life could to her walks restore 14. This care amazing all it does delight His ruins which so reverend appear With wonder not so much surprise their sight As a strange object now his Troops draw near 15. In whom such death and want of limbs they find As each were lately call'd out of his Tomb And left some members hastily behind Or came when born abortive from the Womb. 16. Yet this defect of Legs or Arms or Hands Did wondring valour not disturb but please To see what divers weapons each commands With arts hard shifts till custom gave them ease 17. But the uncomely absence of an Eye And larger wants which ev'ry visage mourn'd Where black did over-vail or ill supply Was that which wonder into horrid turn'd 18. And Ulfin might be thought when the rude wind Lifting their Curtains left their ruins bare A formal Antiquary gravely kind To Statues which he now drew out to air 19. The Duke whose absent knowledge was call'd back By Cordials pow'r his wonder did increase So much that he agen did knowledge lack Till thus old Ulfin made his wonder cease 20. Auspicious Prince recorded be this day And sung by Priests of each ensuing Age On which thou may'st receive and I may pay Some debts of duty as thy Grandsires Page 21. That mighty Chief I serv'd in youth's first strength Who our short Scepter meant to stretch so far Till Eastern Kings might grieve theirs wanted length Whose Maps scarce teach where all their Subjects are 22. Full many stormy winters we have seen When kindled Valour 's heat was all our fire Else we in stupid Frosts had fetter'd been By which soft sinews are congeal'd to wire 23. And many scorching Summers we have felt Where Death relieves all whom the sword invades And kindly thence where we should toyling melt Leads us to rest beneath eternal shades 24. For
much the Lombards to his conduct ow And this preserv'd him for the very Crowd Felt Honour here and did to valour bow 7. Vain Wrath Deform'd unquiet Child of Pride Which in a few the People madness call But when by Number they grew dignify'd What 's rage in one is liberty in all 8. Through dangers of this lawless liberty He like authentick Pow'r does boldly pass And with a quiet and experienc'd Eye Through Death's foul Vizard does despise his face 9. At Hubert's Tent alights where Hubert now With Gartha of this Torrent does advise Which he believes does at the highest flow And must like Tides sink when it cannot rise 10. When Hermegild he saw he did disperse Those cares assembled in his looks and strove Though to his Master and the Court perverse To shew him all the civil signs of Love 11. For him in stormy war he glorious knew Nor in calm Counsels was he less renown'd And held him now to Oswald's Faction true As by his love the world's first Tenure bound 12. For he though wasted in the ebb of blood When Man's Meridian tow'rds his Evening turns Makes against Nature's Law Lov 's Charter good And as in raging Youth for Gartha burns 13. Who did his suit not onely disapprove Because the summer of his life was past And she fresh blown but that even highest love Grows tasteless to Ambition's higher taste 14. Yet now in such a great and single cause With nice Ambition nicer Loves complies And she since to revenge he usefull was Perswades his hope with Rhet'rick of her Eyes 15. A closs division of the Tent they straight By outward Guards secure from all resort Then Hermegild does thus the cause relate Which to the Camp dispatch'd him from the Court. 16. Important Prince who justly dost succeed To Oswald's hopes and all my loyal aid Virtue as much in all thy wounds does bleed As love in me since wounded by that Maid 17. Long have I sayl'd through Times vexatious sea And first set out with all that Youth is worth The Tropicks pass'd of bloods hot bravery With all the Sayls gay Flags and Streamers forth 18. But as in hotter voyages Ships most Decay their trim yet then they chiefly gain By inward stowage what is outward lost So Men decays of youth repair in brain 19. If I experience boast when youth decays Such vanity may Gartha's pitie move Since so I seek your service by self-praise Rather than seem unusefull where I love 20. And never will I though by Time supply'd With such discretion as does Man improve To shew discretion wiser Nature hide By seeming now asham'd to say I love 21. For Love his pow'r has in grey Senates shown Where he as to green Courts does freely come And though loud youth his visits makes more known With graver Age he 's poivately at home 22. Scarce Oreece or greater Rome a Victor shows Whom more victorious Love did not subdue Then blame not me who am so weak to those Whilst Gartha all exceeds that ere they knew 23. Hope Love's first food I ne'r till now did know Which Love as yet but temp'rately devours And claims not love for love since Gartha so For Autumn Leaves should barter Summer Flowers 24. I dare not vainly wish her to be kind Till for her love my Ar●s and Pow'r bestow The Crown on thee ●dor●'d with Rhodalind Which yet for Gartha is a price too low 25. This said he paws'd and now the hectick heat Of Oswald's blood doubled their Pul●es pace Which high as if they would be heard did beat And hot Ambition shin'd in eithers face 26. For Hermegild they knew could much out-doe His words and did possess great Aribert Not in the Courts cheap Glass of civil show But by a study'd Tenure of the heart 27. Whilst this try'd truth does make their wishes sure Hubert on Gartha looks with suing Eyes For Hermegild whose love she will endure And make Ambition yield what Youth denies 28. Yet in this bargain of her self she knows Not how to treat but all her chief desires Bids Hubert as the Twins of his dispose To glory and revenge and then retires 29. But with such blushes Hermegild she leaves As the unclouded Evening's Face adorn Nor much he for her parting glory grieves Since such an Evening bodes a happy Morn 30. Now Hermegild by vows does Hubert binde Vows by their fate in Lombard Story known He Gartha makes the price of Rhodalind And Aribert his Tenant to the Crown 31. He bids him now the Armies rage allay By rage said he onely they Masters are Of those they chuse when temp'rate to obay Against themselves th'impatient chiefly war 32. We are the Peoples Pilots they our winds To change by Nature prone but Art Laveers And rules them till they rise with Stormy Minds Then Art with danger against Nature Steers 33. Where calms have first amuz'd Storms most prevail Close first with calms the Courts suspicious Eyes That whilst with all their ●rim they sleeping sail A sudden Gust may wrack them by surprize 34. Your Army will though high in all esteem That ever rev'renc'd Age to action gave But a small Party to Verona seem Which yearly to such Numbers yields a Grave 35. Nor is our vast Metropolis like those Tame Towns which peace has soft'ned into fears But Death deform'd in all his Dangers knows Dangers which he like frightfull Vizards wears 36. From many Camps who forreign winters felt Verona has her conqu'ring Dwellers ta'ne In War's great Trade with richest Nations dealt And did their Gold and Fame with Iron gain 37. Yet to the mighty Aribert it bows A King out-doing all the Lombards Line Whose Court in Iron clad by courseness shows A growing pow'r which fades when Courts grow fine 38. Scorn not the Youthfull Camp at Bergamo For they are Victors though in years but young The war does them they it by action know And have obedient Minds in bodies strong 39. Be slow and stay for aids which haste forsakes For though Occasion still does Sloth out-go The rash who run from help she ne'r ore-takes Whose haste thinks Time the Post of Nature slow 40. This is a cause which our Ambition fills A cause in which our strength we should not waste Vainly like Giants who did heave at Hills 'T is too unwildy for the force of haste 41. A cause for graver Minds that learned are In mistick Man a cause which we must gain By surer methods than depend on war And respite Valour to employ the brain 42. In the King's Scale your merits are too light Who with the Duke weighs his own partial heart Make then the gift of Empire publick right And get in Rhodalind the Peoples part 43. But this rough side the meeting Multitude If we oppose we make our voyage long Yet when we with it row it is subdu'd And we are wise where Men in vain are strong 44. Then to the People sue but hide your force For they
busie without noise 10. Whilst her great Mistress Nature thus she tends The busie Houshold waits no less on her By secret law each to her beauty bends Though all her lowly Mind to that prefer 11. Gracious and free she breaks upon them all With Morning looks and they when she does rise Devoutly at her dawn in homage fall And droop like Flow'rs when Evening shuts her Eyes 12. The sooty Chymist who his sight does waste Attending lesser Fires she passing by Broke his lov'd Lymbick through enamour'd haste And let like common Dew th' Elixar flie 13. And here the grey Philosophers resort Who all to her like crafty Courtiers bow Hoping for secrets now in Nature's Court Which onely she her fav'rite Maid can know 14. These as the Lords of Science she respects And with famillar beams their age she chears Yet all those civil forms seem but neglec●s To what she shews when Astragon appears 15. For as she once from him her being took She hourly takes her Law● reads with swift sight His will even at the op'ning of his look And shews by haste obedience her delight 16. She makes when she at distance to him bows His int'rest in her Mother's beauty known For that 's th' Orig'nal whence her Copy ' grows And near Orig'nals Copies are not shown 17. And he with dear regard her gifts does wear Of Flow'rs which she in mystick order ties And with the sacrifice of many a tear Salutes her loyal Mother in her Eyes 18. The just Historians Birtha thus express And tell how by her Syres Example taught She serv'd the wounded Duke in Life's distress And his fled Spirits back by Cordials brought 19. Black melancholy Mists that fed despair Through wounds long rage with sprinkled Vervin cleer'd Strew'd Leaves of Willow to refresh the air And with rich Fumes his sullen sences cheer'd 20. He that had serv'd great Love with rev'rend heart In these old wounds worse wounds from him endures For Love makes Birtha shift with Death his Dart And she kills faster than her Father cures 21. Her heedless innocence as little knew The wounds she gave as those from Love she took And Love lifts high each secret Sha●t he drew Which at their Stars he first in triumph shook 22. Love he had lik'd yet never lo●g'd before But finds him now a bold unquier Guest Who climbs to windows when we shut the Door And enter●d never lets the Master rest 23. So strange disorder now he pines for health Makes him conceal this Revelle● with shame She not the Robber knows yet feels the stealth And never but in Songs had heard his name 24. Yet then it was when she did smile at Hearts Which Countrey Lovers wea● in bleeding Seals Ask'd where his pretty Godhead found such Da●●s As make those wounds that onely Hymen heals 25. And this her ancient Maid with sharp complaint● Heard and rebuk'd shook her experienc'd Head With tears ●osought her not to jest at Saints Nor mock those Martyrs Love had Captive led 26. Nor think the pions Poets ere would waste So many tears in Ink to make Maids mourn I● injur'd Lovers had in ages past The lucky Mirtle more than Willow worn 27. This grave rebuke Officious Memory Presents to Birtha's thought who now believ'd Such sighing Songs as tell why Lovers die And prais'd their faith who wept when Poets griev ' 28. She full of inward questions walks alone To take her heart aside in secret Shade But knocking at her breast it seem'd or gone Or by confed'racie was useless made 29. Or else some stranger did usurp its room One so remote and new in ev'ry thought As his behaviour shews him not at home Nor the Guide sober that him thither brought 30. Yet with this forreign Heart she does begin To treat of Love her most unstudy'd Theam And like young conscienc'd Casuists thinks that sin Which will by talk and practise lawfull seem 31. With open Ears and ever-waking Eyes And flying Feet Love's fire she from the sight Of all her Maids does carry as from Spies Jealous that what burns her might give them light 32. Beneath a Mirtle Covert now does spend In Maids weak wishes her whole stock of thought Fond Maids who Love with Minds fine stuff would mend Which Nature purposely of Bodies wrought 33. She fashions him she lov'd of Angels kind Such as in holy Story were employ'd To the first Fathers from th' Eternal Mind And in short vision onely are enjoy'd 34. As Eagles then when nearest Heav'n they flie Of wild impossibles soon weary grow Feeling their bodies find no rest so high And therefore pea●ch on Earthly things below 35. So now she yields him she an Angel deem'd Shall be a Man the Name which Virgins fear Yet the most harmless to a Maid he seem'd That ever yet that fatal name did beat 36. Soon her opinion of his hurtless heart Affection turns to faith and then Loves fire To Heav'n though bashfully she does impart And to her Mother in the Heav'nly Quire 37. If I do love said she that love O Heav'n Your own Disciple Nature bred in me Why should I hide the passion you have given Or blush to shew effects which you decree 38. And you my alter'd Mother grown above Great Nature which you read and rev'renc'd here Chide not such kindness as you once call'd Love When you as mortal as my Father were 39. This said her Soul into her breasts retires With Love's vain diligence of heart she dreams Her self into possession of desires And trusts unanchor'd Hope in fleeting Streams 40. Already thinks the Duke her own spous'd Lord Cur'd and again from bloody battel brought Where all false Lovers perish'd by his sword The true to her for his protection sought 41. She thinks how her imagin'd Spouse and she So much from Heav'n may by her virtues gain That they by Time shall ne'r oretaken be No more than Time himself is overta'ne 42. Or should he touch them as he by does pass Heav'ns favour may repay their Summers gone And he so mix their sand in a slow Glass That they shall live and not as Two but One. 43. She thinks of Eden-life and no rough wind In their pacifique Sea shall wrinkles make That still her lowliness shall keep him kind Her cares keep him asleep her voice awake 44. She thinks if ever anger in him sway The Youthfull Warriours most excus'd disease Such chance her Tears shall calm as showres allay The accidental rage of Winds and Seas 45. She thinks that Babes proceed from mingling Eyes Or Heav'n from Neighbourhood increase allows As Palm and the Mamora fructifies Or they are got by closs exchanging vows 46. But come they as she hears from Mothers pain Which by th' unlucky first-Maids longing proves A lasting curse yet that she will sustain So they be like this Heav'nly Man she loves 47. Thus to her self in day-dreams Birtha talks The Duke whose wounds of war are healthfull grown To cure
Let not the Mind thus freed from Errour 's Night Since you repriev'd my Body from the Grave Perish for being how in love with light But let your Virtue Virtue 's Lover save 86. Birtha I love and who loves wisely so Steps far tow'rds all which Virtue can attain But if we perish when tow'rds Heav'n we go Then have I learnt that Virtue is in vain 87. And now his Heart extracted through his Eyes In Love's Elixar Tears does soon subdue Old Astragon whose pitie though made wise With Love's false Essences likes these as true 88. The Duke he to a secret Bowr does lead Where he his Youths first Storie may attend To guesse ere he will let his love proceed By such a dawning how his day will end 89. For Virtue though a rarely planted Flow'r Was in the seed now by this Florist known Who could foretel even in springing hour What colours she shall wear when fully blown CANTO the Eighth The ARGUMENT BIRTHA her first unpractis'd Love bewails Whilst GONDIBERT on ASTRAGON prevails By shewing high Ambition is of use And Glory in the Good needs no excuse GOLTHO a grief to ULFINORE reveals Whilst he a greater of his own conceals 1. BIrtha her griefs to her Apartment brought Where all her Maids to Heav'n were us'd to ra●●● Their voices whilst their busie Fingers wrought To deck the Altar of the House of Praise 2. But now she finds their Musick turn'd to care Their looks allay'd like beautie over-worn Silent and sad as with ring Fav'rites are Who for their sick indulgent Monarch mourn 3. Thula the eldest of this silenc'd Quire When Birtha at this change astonish'd was With hastie whisper begg'd her to retire And on her knees thus tells their sorrows cause 4. Forgive me such experience as too soon Shew'd me unluckie Love by which I guess How Maids are by their innocence undone And trace those sorrows that them first oppress 5. Forgive such Passion as to Speech perswades And to my Tongue my observation brought And then forgive my Tongue which to your Maids Too rashly carry'd what Experience taught 6. For since I saw this wounded stranger here Your inward musick still untun'd has been You who could need no hope have learnt to feat And practis'd grief ere you did know to Sin 7. This being Love to Agatha I told Did on her Tongue as on still Death reli● But winged Love she was too young to hold And wanton-like let it to others flie 8. Love who in whisper scap'd did publick grow Which makes them now their time in silence waste Makes their neglected Beedles move so slow And through their Eyes their Hearts dissolve so fast 9. For oft dire tales of Love has fill'd their Heads And while they doubt you in that Tyrant's pow'r The Spring they think may visit Woods and Meads But scarce shall hear a Bird or see a Flow'r 10. Ah how said Birtha shall I dare confess My griefs to thee Love's rash impatient Spie Thou Thula who didst r●● to tell thy guess With secrets known wilt to confession flie 11. But if I love this Prince and have in Heav'n Made any Friends by vows you need not fear He will make good the feature Heav'n has given And be as harmless ●s his looks appear 12. Yet I have heard that Men whom Maids think kind Calm as forgiven Saints at their last Hour Oft prove like Seas inrag'd by ev'ry wind And all who to their Bosoms trust devour 26. Howere Heav'n knows the witness of the Mind My hear●bears Men nomalice nor esteems Young Princes of the common cruel kind Nor Love so foul as it in Story seems 27. Yet if this Prince brought Love what ere it be I must suspect though I accuse it not For since he came my med●'nal Huswiserie Confections and my Stils are all forgot 28. Blossoms in winds Berries in Frosts may fall And Flow'rs sink down in Rain For I no more Shall Maids to woods for early gath'rings call No● haste to Gardens to prevent a showre 29. This said retires and now a lovely shame That she reveal'd so much possess'd her Cheeks In a dark Lanthorn she would bear Love's flame To hide her self whilst she her Lover seeks 30. And to that Lover let our Song return Whose Tale so well was to her Father told As the Philosopher did seem to mourn That Youth had reach'd such worth and he so old 31. Yet Birtha was so precious in his Eyes Her vanish'd Mother still so near his mind That farther yet he thus his prudence tries Ere such a Pledge he to his trust resign'd 32. Whoere said he in thy first story looks Shall praise thy wise conversing with the Dead For with the Dead he lives who is with Books And in the Camp Death's moving Palace bred 20. Wise Youth in books and battels early finds What thoughtless lazy Men perceive too late Books shew the utmost conquests of our Minds Battels the best of our lov'd Bodies fate 21. Yet this great breeding joyn'd with Kings high blood Whose blood Ambition's feaver over-heats May spoil digestion which would else be good As stomachs are deprav'd with highest Meats 22. For though Books serve as Diet of the Mind If knowledge early got self-value breeds By false digestion it is turn'd to wind And what should nourish on the Eater feeds 23. Though Wars great shape best educates the sight And makes small soft'ning objects less our care Yet War when urg'd for glory more than right Shews Victors but authentick Murd'rers are 24. And I may fear that your last victories Where Glory's Toyls and you will ill abide Since with new Trophies still you fed your Eyes Those little objects which in Shades we hide 25. Could you in Fortunes smiles foretel her frowns Our old Foes slain you would not hunt for new But Victors after wreaths pretend at Crowns And such think Rhodalind their Valour 's due 26. To this the gentle Gondibert replies Think not Ambition can my duty sway look on Rhodalin'd with Subjects Eyes Whom he that conquers must in right obay 27. And though I humanely have heretofore All beauty lik'd I never lov'd till now Nor think a Crown can raise his value more To whom already Heav'n does Love allow 28. Though since I gave the Hunns their last defeat I have the Lombards Ensigns outward led Ambition kindled not this Victors heat But 't is a warmth my Fathers prudence bred 29. Who cast on more than Wolvish Man his Eye Man's necessary hunger judg'd and saw That caus'd not his devouring Maladie But like a wanton whelp he loves to gnaw 30. Man still is sick for pow'r yet that disease Nature whose Law is Temp'rance ne'r inspires But 't is a humour does his Manship please A luxury fruition onely tires 31. And as in persons so in publick States The lust of Pow'r provokes to cruel war For wisest Senates it intoxicates And makes them vain as single persons are 32. Men into Nations it did
first divide Whilst place scarce distant gives them diff'rent stiles Rivers whose breadth Inhabi●ants may stride Parts them as much as Continents and Isles 33. On equal smooth and undistinguish'd Ground The lust of pow'r does liberty impair And limits by a border and a bound What was before as passable as Air. 34. Whilst change of Languages oft breeds a war A change which Fashion does as oft obtrude As womens dress and oft Complexions are And diff'rent names no less a cause of fou● 35. Since Men so causelesly themselves devour And hast'ning still their else too hasty Fates Act but continu'd Massacres for pow'r My Father meant to chastise Kings and States 36. To overcome the world till but one Crown And universal Neighbourhood he saw Till all were rich by that alliance grown And want no more should be the cause of Law 37. One family the world was first design'd And though some fighting Kings so sever'd are That they must meet by help of Seas and wind Yet when they fight 't is but a civil war 38. Nor could Religions heat if one rul'd all To bloody war the unconcern'd allure And hasten us from Earth ere Age does call Who are alas of Heav'n so little sure 39. Religion ne'r till divers Monarchies Taught that almighty Heav'n needs Armies aid But with contentious Kings she now complies Who seem for their own cause of God's afraid 40. To joyn all sever'd Pow'rs which is to end The cause of War my Father onward fought By war the Lombard Scepter to extend Till peace were forc'd where it was slowly sought 41. He lost in this attempt his last dear blood And I whom no remoteness can deterre If what seems difficult be great and good Thought his Example could not make me erre 42. No place I merit in the Book of Fame Whose leaves are by the Greeks and Romans fill'd Yet I presume to boast she knows my name And she has heard to whom the Hunns did yield 43. But let not what so needfully was done Though still pursu'd make you ambition fear For could I force all Monarchies to one That Universal Crown I would not wear 44. He who does blindly ●oar at Rhodalind Mounts like feel'd Doves still higher from his ease And in the lust of Empire he may find High Hope does better than Fruition please 45. The Victor's solid recompence is rest And 't is unjust that Chiefs who pleasure shun Toyling in Youth should be in Age opprest With greater Toyls by ruling what they won 46. Here all reward of conquest I would find Leave shining Thrones for Birtha in a shade With Nature's quiet wonders fill my mind And praise her most because she Birtha made 47. Now Astragon with joy suffic'd perceiv'd How nobly Heav'n for Birtha did provide O●t had he for her vanish'd Mother griev'd ●ut ●an this joy less than that sorrow hide 48. With tears bids Gondibert to Heav'ns Eye make All good within as to the World he seems And in gain'd Birtha then from Hymen take All youth can wish and all his age esteems 49. Straight to his lov'd Philosophers he hies Who now at Nature's Counsel busie are To trace new Lights which some old Gazer spies Whilst the Duke seeks more busily his Star 50. But in her search he is by Goltho stay'd Who in a closs dark Covert folds his Arms His Eyes with thought grow darker than that shade Such thought as brow and breast with study warms 51. Fix'd to unheeded object is his Eye His sences he calls in as if t' improve By outward absence inward extasie Such as makes Prophets or is made by Love 52. Awake said Gondibert for now in vain Thou dream'st of sov'reignty and War's success Hope nought has left which Worth should wish to gain And all Ambition is but Hope's excess 53. Bid all our Worthies to unarm and rest For they have nought to conquer worth their care I have a Father's right in Birtha's breast And that 's the peace for which the wise make war 54. At this starts Goltho like some Armie 's Chief Whom unintrench'd a midnight Larum wakes By pawse then gave disorder'd sence relief And this reply with kindled passion makes 55. What means my Prince to learn so low a boast Whose merit may aspire to Rhodalind For who could Birtha miss if she were lost That shall by worth the others treasure find 56. When your high blood and conquests shall submit To such mean joys in this unminded shade Let Courts without Heav'ns Lamps in darkness sit And war become the lowly Shepheard's Trade 57. Birtha a harmless Cottage Ornament May be his Bride that 's born himself to serve But you must pay that blood your Anny spent And wed that Empire which our wounds deserve 58. This brought the Dukes swi●t anger to his Eyes Which his consid'rate Heart rebuk'd as fast He Goltho chid in that he nought replies Leaves him and Birtha seeks with Lovers haste 59. Now Goltho mourns yet not that Birtha's fair Or that the Duke shuns Empire for a Bride But that himself must joyn love to despair Himself who loves her and his love must hide 60. He curs'd that him the wounded hither brought From Oswald's field where though he wounds did scape In tempting Death and here no danger sought Yet here met worse than Death in Beauty's shape 61. He was unus'd to love as bred in wars And not till now for be●uty leasure had Yet bore Love's load as Youth bea●s other C●res Till now despair makes Love's old weight too ●ad 62. But Ulfinore does hither aptly come His second breast in whom his griefs excess He may ebb out when they ore-flow at home Such griefs as thus in Throngs for utt'rance press 63. Forgive me that so falsly am thy Friend No more our Hearts for kindness shall contest Since mine I hourly on another spend And now imbrace thee with an empty brest 64. Yet pard'ning me you cancel Nature's fault Who walks with her first force in Birtha's shape And when she spreads the Net to have us caught It were in youth presumption to escape 65. When Birtha's grief so comly did appear Whilst she beheld our wounded Duke's distress Then first my alter'd Heart began to fear Lest too much Love should friendship dispossess 66. But this whilst Ulfinore with sorrow hears Him Goltho's busier sorrow little heeds And though he could reply in sighs and tears Yet governs both and Goltho thus proceeds 67. To Love's new dangers I have gone unarm'd I lack'd experience why to be afraid Was too unlearn'd to read how Love had harm'd But have his will as Nature's law obay'd 68. Th'obedient and defenceless sure no law Afflicts for law is their defence and pow'r Yet me Loves sheep whom rigour needs not aw Wolf-Love because defenceless does devour 69. Gives me not time to perish by degrees But with despair does me at once destroy For none who Gondibert a Lover sees Thinks he would love but where he may enjoy
70. Birtha he loves and I from Birtha fear Death that in rougher Figure I despise This Ulfinore did with distemper hear Yet with dissembled temp'rance thus replies 71. Ah Goltho who Love's Feaver can asswage For though familiar seems that old disease Yet like Religion's fit when Peoples rage Few cure those evils which the Patient please 72. Natures Religion Love is still perverse And no commerce with cold discretion hath For if Discretion speak when Love is fierce 'T is wav'd by Love as Reason is by Faith 73. As Gondibert left Goltho when he heard His Saint profan'd as if some Plague were nigh So Goltho now leaves Ulfinore and fear'd To share such veng'ance if he did not flie 74. How each at home ore-rates his miserie And thinks that all are musical abroad Unfetter'd as the Winds whilst onely he Of all the glad and licenc'd world is aw'd 75. And as Cag'd Birds are by the Fowler set To call in more whilst those that taken be May think though they are Pris'ners in the Net Th'incag'd because they ne'r complain are free 76. So Goltho who by Ulfinore was brought Here where he first Love's dangers did perceive In Beautie 's Field thinks though himself was caught Th' inviter safe because not heard to grieve 77. But Ulfinore whom neighbourhood led here Impressions took before from Birtha's sight Ideas which in silence hidden were As Heav'n's designs before the birth of Light 78. This from his Father Ulfin he did hide Who strict to Youth would not permit the best Reward of worth the Bosom of a Bride Should be but after Virtuous toils possest 79. For Ulfinore in blooming honour yet Though he had learnt the count'nance of the Foe And though his courage could dull Armies whet The care ore Crouds nor Conduct could not know 80. Nor varie Battels shapes in the Foes view But now in forreign Fields means to improve His early Arts to what his Father knew That merit ●o might get him leave to love 81. Till then check'd passion shall not venture forth And now retires with a disorder'd Heart Griev'd lest his Rival should by early'r worth Get Love's reward ere he can gain desert 82. But stop we here like those who day-light lack Or as misguided Travellers that rove Oft find their way by going somewhat back So let 's return thou ill Conductour Love 83. Thy little Grecian Godhead as my Guide I have attended many a Winter night To seek whom Time for honour's sake would hide Since in mine age sought by a wasted light 84. But ere my remnant of Life's Lamp be spent Whilst I in Lab'rinths stray amongst the Dead I mean to recollect the paths I went And judge from thence the steps I am to tread 85. Thy walk though as a common Deitie The Croud does follow thee misterious grows For Rhodalind may now closs Mourner die Since Gondibert too late her sorrow knows 86. Young Hurgonil above dear light prefers Calm Orna who his highest Love out-loves Yet envious Clouds in Lombard Registers Orecast their Morn what ere their Evening proves 87. For fatal Laura trustie Tybalt pines For haughtie Gartha ●ubtle Hermegild Whilst she her beautie youth and birth declines And as to Fate does to Ambition yield 88. Great Gondibert to bashfull Birtha bends Whom she adores like Virtue in a Throne Whilst Ulfinore and Goltho late vow'd Friends By him are now his Rivals and their own 89. Through ways thus intricate to Lovers Urns Thou lead'st me Love to shew thy Trophies past Where time less cruel than thy Godhead mourns In ruins which thy pride would have to last 90. Where I on Lombard Monuments have read Old Lovers names and their fam'd Ashes spy'd But less can learn by knowing they are dead And such their Tombes than how they liv'd and dy'd 91. To Paphos flie and leave me sullen here This Lamp shall light me to Records which give To future Youth so just a cause of fear That it will Valour seem to dare to live The End of the Second Book GONDIBERT The Third Book Written by the Authour during his Imprisonment CANTO the First The ARGUMENT The People left by GARTHA leave to mourn And worship HERMEGILD for her return The wounded HURGONIL by ORNA cur'd Their loyal loves by marriage plight assur'd In LAURA'S hasty change Love's pow'r appears And TYBALT seeks the kindness which he fears 1. WHen sad Verona saw in Gartha's shape prais'd Departed Peace brought back the Court they And seem'd so joy'd as Cities which escape A Siege even by their own brave Sallys rais'd 2. And Hermegild to make her triumph long Through all the streets his Chariot slowly drove Whilst she endures the kindness of the Throng Though rude as was their rage is now their love 3. On Hermegild so longingly desir'd From Hubert's Camp with Childish Eyes they gaze They worship now what late they but admir'd And all his Arts to mightie Magick raise 4. On both they such a 〈…〉 t Bl●●●ings throw As if those num'rous Priests who here reside Loath to out-live this joy assembled now In haste to bless the ●ayti● e'r● they ●yd 5. Thus dignify'd and ●rown'd through all the Streets To Court they come where them wi●e Aribert Not weakly with a publick passion meets But in his open'd Face conceal'd his heart 6. With mod'rate joy he took this Pledge of Peace Because great joys infer to judging Eys The mind distress'd before and in distress Thrones which are jealous Forts think all are Spies 7. Yet by degrees a Soul delighted shows To Gartha whom he leads to Rhodalind And soon to Hermegild as artless grows As Maids and like succesfull Lovers kind 8. And Rhodalind though bred to daily sight Of Courts feign'd Faces and pretended hearts In which disguises Courts take no delight But little mischiefs shun by little Arts. 9. She when she Gartha●aw ●aw no kindness faign'd But faithfully her former rage excus'd For now she others sorrows entertain'd As if to love a Maid's first sorrow us'd 10. Yet did her first with cautious gladness meet Then soon from grave respect to fondness grew To kisses in their taste and odour sweet As Hybla Hony or Arabian Dew 11. And Gartha like an Eastern Monarch's Bride This publick love with bashfull homage took For she had learn'd from Hermegild to hide A rising Heart behind a falling Look 12. Thus mask'd with meekness she does much intreat A pardon for that Storm her sorrow rais'd Which Rhodalind more fues she would forget Unless to have so just a sorrow prais'd 13. Soon is this joy through all the Court dispers'd So high they vallue peace who daily are In Prides invasions private faction vers'd The small but fruitfull seed of publick war 14. Whilst thus sweet Peace had others joys assur'd Orna with hopes of sweeter Love was pleas'd For of war's wounds brave Hurgonil was cur'd And those of love which deeper reach'd were ●as'd 15. In both these cures her Sov'raign help appears
Since as her double Patient he receiv'd For War's wounds Balm dropp'd in her precious tears And Love's her more accepted vows reliev'd 16. She let no medc'nal Flow'r in quiet grow No Art lie hid nor Artist ease his thought No Fane be shut no Priest from Altars go Nor in Heav'n's Quire no Saint remain unsought 17. Nor more her Eys could ease of sleep esteem Than sleep can the world's Eye the Sun conceal Nor breath'd she but in vows to Heav'n or him Till Heav'n and she his diff'rent wounds did heal 18. But now she needs those ayds she did dispence For scarce her cures were on him perfect grown E're shame afflicts her for that diligence Which Love had in her fits of pity shown 19. When she though made of shunning bashfulness Whilst him in wounds a smarting Feaver burn'd Invok'd remotest aydes to his redress And with a loud ungovern'd kindness mourn'd 20. When o're him then whilst parting life She ru'd Her kisses saster though unknown before Then Blossoms fall on parting Spring she strew'd Than Blossoms sweeter and in number more 21. But now when from her busie Maid she knew How wildly Grief had led her Love abroad Unmask'd to all she her own Pris'ner grew By shame a Virgin 's Native Conscience aw'd 22. With undirected Eies which careless rove With thoughts too singly to her self confin'd She blushing starts at her remember'd love And grievs the world had Eyes when that was blind 23. Sad darkness which does other Virgins fright Now boldly and alone she entertain'd And shuns her Lover like the Traytor light Till he her curtains drew and thus complain'd 24. Why bashfull Maid will you your beauty hide Because your fairer Mind your Love is known So Jewellers conceal with artfull pride Their second wealth after the best is shown 25. In pity's passion you unvail'd your mind Let him not fall whom you did help to climb Nor seem by being bashfull so unkind As if you think your pity was a crime 26. O useless shame Officious bashfulness Virtues vain sign which onely there appears Where Virtue grows erroneous by excess And shapes more sins than frighted Conscience fears 27. Your blushes which to meer complexion grow You must as Nature not as Virtue own And for your open'd Love you but blush so As guiltless Roses blush that they are blown 28. As well the Morn whose essence Poets made And gave her bashfull Eyes we may believe Does blush for what she sees through Night's thin shade As that you can for love discover'd grieve 29. Arise and all the Flow'rs of ev'ry Mead Which weeping through your Stils my health restor'd ●ring to the Temple to adorn your Head And there where you did worship be ador'd 30. ●his with a low regard but voice rais'd high By joys of Love he spake and not less kind ●as now ent'ring with native harmony Like forward spring the blooming Rhodalind 31. ●●ke Summer goodly Gartha fully blown Laura like Autumn with as ripe a look ●●t shew'd by some chill griefs her Sun was gone Arnold from whom she Life 's short glory took 32. Like Winter Hermegild yet not so gray And cold but that his fashion seem'd to boast That even weak Winter is allow'd some day And the Air clear and healthfull in a Frost 33. All these and Tybalt too unless a Spie He be watching who th●ives in Laura's sight Came hither as in kind conspiracy To hasten Orna to her marriage plight 34. And now the Priests prepare for this high vow All Rites that to their Laws can adde a grace To which the sequent knot they not allow Till a spent Morn recovers all her Face 35. And now the streets like Summer Me●ds appear For with sweet strewings Maids left Gardens bare As Lovers wish their sweeter Bosoms were When hid unkindly by dis shevell'd Hair 36. And Orna now importun'd to possess Her long wish'd joys breaks through her blushes so As the fair Morn breaks through her rosyness And from a like guilt did their blushes grow 37. She thinks her Love 's high sickness now appears A fit so weak as does no med'cine need So soon societie can cure those fears On which the Coward Solitude does feed 38. They with united joy blest Hurgonil And Orna to the sacred Temple bring Whilst all the Court in triumph shew their Skill As if long bred by a triumphant King 39. Such days of joy before the marriage day The L●●bards long by custom had embrae't Custom which all rather than Law obay For Laws by force Customs by pleasure last 40. And wisely Ancients by this needfull snare Of guilded joys did hide such bitterness As most in marriage swallow with that care Which bashfully the wise will ne'r confess 41. 'T is Sates-mens musick who States Fowle●s be And singing Birds to catch the wilder set So bring in more to tame societie For wedlock to the wild is the States Net 42. And this loud joy before the marriage Rites Like Battels Musick which to fights prepare Many to strise and sad success invites For marriage is too oft but civil war 43. A truth too amply known to those who read Great Hymen's Roles though he from Lovers Eyes Hides his most Tragick stories of the Dead Lest all like Goths should 'gainst his Temples rise 44. And thou what ere thou art who dost perchance With a hot Reader 's haste this Song pursue May'st find too soon thou dost too far advance And wish it all unread or else untrue 45. For it is sung though by a mourning voice That in the Ides before these Lovers had With Hymens publick hand confirm'd their choice A cruel practise did their peace invade 46. For Hermegild too studiously foresaw The Counts alliànce with the Duke 's high blood Might from the Lombards such affection draw As could by Hubert never be withstood 47. And he in haste with Gartha does retire Where thus his breast he opens to preyent That Hymen's hallow'd Torch may not take fire When all these lesser lights of joy are spent 48. High Heav'n from whose best Lights your beauty grows Born high as highest Minds preserve you still From such who then appears resistless Foes When they allyance joyn to Arms and Skill 49. Most by conjunction Planets harmfull are So Rivers joyning overflow the Land And Forces joyn'd make that destructive war Which else our common conduct may withstand 50. Their Knees to Hurgonil the People bow And worship Orna in her Brothers right They must be sever'd or like Palms will grow Which planted near out-climb their native hight 51. As Winds whose violence out-does all art Act all unseen so we as secretly These branches of that Cedar Gondibert Must force till his deep Root in rising die 52. If we make noise whilst our deep workings last Such rumour through thick Towns unheeded flies As winds through woods and we our great work past Like winds will silence Tongues and scape from Eyes 53. Ere this dark lesson she
where still intrenched were Those Youth whom first his Father's Army bred Who ill the rumour of his wounds did bear Though he that gave them of his own be dead 4. And worse those haughtie threat'nings they abhor Which Fame from Brescia's ancient Fighters brought Vain Fame the Peoples trusted Orator Whose speech too fluent their mistakes has wrought 5. Oft Goltho with his temp'rate Counsels went To quench whom Fame to dang'rous furie warm'd Till temp'rately his dangers they resent And think him safest in their patience arm'd 6. And safe now is his love as love could be If all the World like old Arcadia were Honour the Monarch and all Lovers free From jealosie as safetie is from fear 7. And Birtha's heart does to his civil Breast As much for ease and peace as safetie come For there 't is serv'd and treated as a Guest But watch'd and taught and often chid at home 8. Like great and good Confed'rates whose design Invades not others but secures their own So they in just and virtuous hopes combine And are like new Confed'rates busie grown 9. With whisper earnest and now grave with thought They walk consulting standing they debate And then seek shades where they in vain are sought By servants who intrude and think they wait 10. In this great League their most important care Was to dispatch their Rites Yet so provide That all the Court might think them free as air When fast as faith they were by Hymen ty'd 11. For if the King said he our love surprise His stormie rage will it Rebellion call Who claims to chuse the Brides of his Allies And in that storm our joys in blossom fall 12. Our love your cautious Father onely knows On whose safe prudence Senates may depend And Golth● who to time few reck'nings ows Yet can discharge all duties of a Friend 13. Such was his mind and hers more busie shows That bonds of love does make her longer fast Than Hymen's knot as plain Religion does Longer than Rites Religion's fashions last 14. That her discretion somewhat does appear Since she can Love her minds chief beautie hide Which never farther went than Thula's Ear Who had alass but for that secret dy'd 15. That she alreadie had disguises fram'd And sought out Caves where she might closs reside As being nor unwilling nor asham'd To live his Captive so she die his Bride 16. Full of themselves delight them onward leads Where in the Front was to remoter view Exalted Hills and nearer prostrate Meads With Forrests flanck'd where shade to darkness grew 17. Beneath that shade Two Rivers slily steal Through narrow walks to wider Adice Who swallows both till she does proudly swel And hasts to shew her beautie to the Sea 18. And here whilst forth he sends his raging Eye Orgo he spies who plies the spur so fast As if with news of Vict'rie he would flie To leave swift Fame behind him by his haste 19. If said the Duke because the Boy is come I second gladness shew do not suppose I spread my Breast to give new Comforts room That were to welcome rain where Nilus flows 20. Though the unripe appearance of a Page For weightie trust may render him too weak Yet this is he who more than cautious Age Or like calm Death will bury what we speak 21. This Birtha is the Boy whose skilless face Is safe from jealousie of oldest spies In whom by whisper we from distant place May meet or wink our meaning to his Eyes 22. More had he said to gain him her esteem But Orgo enters speechless with his Speed And by his looks more full of haste did seem Than when his spurs provok'd his flying Steed 23. And with his first recover'd breath he cries Hail my lov'd Lord whom Fame does value so That when she swift with your successes ●●ies She fears to wrong the World in being flow 24. I bring you more than tasts of Fortune's love Yet am afraid I err in ha●ing dar'd To think her favours could your gladness move Who have more worth than Fortune can reward 25. The Duke with smiles forewarns his hastie Tongue As loth he should proceed in telling more Kindly afraid to do his kindness wrong By hearing what he thought he knew before 26. Thy diligence said he is high desert It does in Youth supply defects of skill And is of dutie the most usefull part Yet art thou now but slow to Hurgonil 27. Who hither by the Moons imperfect light Came and return'd without the help of day To tell me he has Orna's Virgin plight And that their Nuptials for my presence stay 28. Orgo reply'd though that a triumph be Where all false Lovers are like savage Kings Led Captive after Love's great Victorie It does but promise what your triumph brings 29. It was the Eve to this your Holy-day And now Verona Mishess does appear Of Lombardy and all the Flow'rs which May Ere wore does as the Countrie 's favours wear 30. The wearie Eccho from the Hills makes hastes Vex'd that the Bells still calls for her replies When they so many are and ring so fast Yet oft are ●ilenc'd by the Peoples cries 31. Who send to Heav'n the name of Rh●dalind And then Duke Gondibert as high they raise To both with all their publick passion kind If kindness shine in wishes and in praise 32. The King this day made your adoption known Proclaim'd you to the Empire next ally'd As heir to all his Conquests and his Crown For royal Rhodalind must be your Bride 33. Not all the dange●s valour finds in war Love meets in Courts or pride to Courts procures When sick with Peace the hot in Faction are Can make such fears as now the Duke endures 34. Nor all those fears which ev'ry Maid has found On whose first Guards Love by surprises steals Whose sightless Arrow makes a c●reless wound Are like to this which doubtfull Birtha feels 35. He from his looks wild wonder strives to chace Strives more to teach his Manhood to resist Death in her Eyes and then with all the grace Of seeming pleasure Orgo he dismist 36. And Orgo being gone low as her knees Could fall she fell and soon he bends as low With weight of heart griev'd that no Grave he sees To sink where love no more can sorrow know 37. Her sighs as show'rs lay winds are calm'd with tears And parting life seems stay'd awhile to take A civil leave whilst her pale visage wears A clearie Skie and thus she weeping spake 38. Since such a Prince has forfeited his pow'r Heav'n give me leave to make my dutie less Let me my vows as sudden oaths abhor Which did my passion not my truth express 39. Yet yours I would not think were counterfeit But rather ill and rashly understood For 't is impossible I can forget So soon that once you fatally were good 40. Though cruel now as Beasts where they have pow'r Chusing like them to make the weakest bleed For weakness soon
forbear To shew her where my Marble Co●●in lies Her Virgin Garlands she will offer there 6. Confess that reading me she learnt to Love That all the good behaviour of her heart Even tow'rds thy self my doctrine did improve Where Love by Nature is forewarn'd of Art 7. She will confess that to her Maiden state This Storie shew'd such Patterns of great Life As though she then could those but imitate They an Example make her now a Wife 8. And thy lif 's fire could she a while out-live Which were though lawfull neither kind nor good Then even her sorrows would examples give And shine to others through dark widowhood 9. And she will boast how spite of Cynick Age Of bus'ness which does Pow'r uncivil make Of ruder Cells where they Love's Fire asswage By studying Death and Fear for Virtue take 10. And spite of Courts where loving now is made An Art as dying is in Cells my Laws Did teach her how by Nature to perswade And hold by virtue whom her beautie draws 11. Thus when by knowing me thou know'st to whom Love ows his Eyes who has too long been blind Then in the Temple leave my Bodies Tomb To seek this Book the Mon'ment of my Mind 12. Where thou may'st read who with impatient Eyes For Orgo on the guilded Tarras stay Which high and golden shews and open lies As the Morn's Window when she lets out Day 13. Whose heighth Two rising Forrests over-looks And on Pine-tops the Eye-sight downward cast Where distant Rivers seem bestrided Brooks Churches but Anchor'd Ships their Steeples Masts 14. Hence by his little Regian Courser brought Orgo they spie with diligence indu'd As if he would oretake fore-running Thought And he by many swiftly seem'd pursu'd 15. But his light speed left those awhile behind Whilst with rais'd Dust their swiftness hide the way Yet Birtha will too soon by Orgo find What she by distance lost in this survay 16. Orgo a precious Casket did present To his dear Lord of Podian Saphyr wrought For which unknown to Birtha he was sent And a more precious Pledge was in it brought 17. Then thus proclaim'd his joy Long may I live Sent still with blessings from the Heav'nly Powers And may their bounties shew what they can give And full as fast as long expected Showers 18. Behold the King with such a shining Train As dazles sight yet can inform the Blind But there the Rich and Beauteous shine in vain Unless they d●stance keep from Rhodalind 19. M● thinks they through the Middle Region come Their Chariots hid in Clouds of Dust below And ore their Heads their Coursers scatter'd Fome Does seem to cover them like falling Snow 20. This Birtha heard and she on Orgo cast A pitious look for she no anger knew But griev d he knows not that he brings too fast Such joys as fain she faster would eschew 21. So Gondibert this Gust of glorie took As Men whose Sayls are full more weather take And she so gaz'd on him as Sea-men look On long sought shore when Tempests drive them back 22. But now these glories more apparent be And justly all their observation claim'd Great as in greatest Courts less Princes see When entertain'd to be eclips'd and sham'd 23. West from Verona's Road through pleasant Meads Their Chariots cross and to the Palace steer And Aribert this winged triumph leads Which like the Planets Progress did appear 24. So shin'd they and so noiseless seem'd their speed Like Spartans touching but the silken Reins Was all the conduct which their Coursers need And proudly to sit still was all their pains 25. With Aribert sat royal Rhodalind Calm Orna by the Count by Hermegild Silver'd with time the Golden Gartha shin'd And Tybalt's Eyes were full by Laura fill'd 26. The lesser Beauties numberless as Stars Shew'd ●ickly and far off to this Noon-day And lagg'd like Baggage Treasure in the Wars Or onely seem'd another Milkie-way 27. The Duke perceiv'd the King design'd to make This visit more familiar by surprise And with Court art he would no notice take Of that which Kings are willing to disguise 28. But as in heedless sleep the House shall seem New wak'd with this Alarm and Vlfin strait Whose ●ame was precious in the Courts esteem Must as with casual sight their entrance wait 29. To Astragon he doubles all his Vows To Birtha through his Eies his Heart reveal'd And by some civil jealousies he shows Her beauty from the Court must be conceal'd 30. Prays her from Envy's danger to retire The Palace war which there can never cease Till Beauty's force in age or death expire A War disguis'd in civil shapes of Peace 31. Still he the precious Pledge kept from her view Who guess'd not by the Casket his intent And was so willing not to fear him true That she did fear to question what it ment 32. Now hasts she to be hid and being gon Her Lover thinks the Planet of the day So leaves the mourning World to give the Moon Whose Train is mark'd but for their number way 33. And entring in her Closet which took light Full in the Palace Front she finds her Maids Gather'd to see this gay unusuall sight Which Commet-like their wondring Eyes invades 34. Where Thula would by climbing highest be Though ancient grown and was in Stature short Yet did protest she came not there to see But to be hid from dangers of the Court. 35. Their curious longing Birtha durst not blame Boldness which but to seeing did aspire Since she her self provok'd with Courts great Fame Would fain a little see what all admire 36. Then through the Casement ventur'd so much Face As Kings depos'd shew when through Grates they peep To see Deposers in their Crowding pass But strait shrink back and at the triumph weep 37. Soon so her Eyes did too much glory find For ev'n the first she saw was all for she No more would view since that was Rhodalind And so much beauty could none others be 38. Which with her Virtue weigh'd no less renown'd Afflicts her that such worth must fatal prove And be in tears of the Possessor drown'd Or she depose her Lover by her love 39. But Thula wildly earnest in the view Of such gay sights as she did ne'r behold Mark'd not when Birtha her sad Eyes withdrew But dreamt the world was turn'd again to Gold 40. Each Lady most till more appear'd ador'd Then with rude liking prais'd them all aloud Yet thought them foul and course to ev'ry Lord And civilly to ev'ry Page she bow'd 41. The objects past out-sigh'd ev'n those that woo And strait her Mistris at the Window mist Then finding her in grief out-sigh'd her too And her fair Hands with parting passion kist 42. Did with a Servants usual art profess That all she saw was to her beauty black Confess'd their Maids well bred and knew to dress But said those Courts are poor which painting lack 43. Thy praise said Birtha poyson'd
is with spite May blisters seiz on thy uncivil Tongue Which strives so wickedly to do me right By doing Rhodalind and Orna wrong 44. False Fame thy Mistris tutor'd thee amiss Who teaches School in streets where Crowds resort Fame false as that their beauty painted is The common Country slander on the Court. 45. With this rebuke T●ula takes gravely leave Pretends she 'll better judge ere they be gon At least see more though they her sight deceive Whilst Birtha finds wilde Fear feeds best alone 46. Ulfin receives and through Art's Palace guides The King who owns him with familiar grace Though Twice seven Years from first observance hides Those Marks of valour which adorn'd his Face 47. Then Astragon with hasty homage bows And says when thus his Beams he does dispence In lowly visits like the Sun he shows Kings made for universal influence 48. Him with renown the King for Science pays And Virtue which Gods likest pictures bee Drawn by the Soul whose onely hire is praise And from such Salary not Heav'n is free 49. Then kindly he inquires for Gondibert When and how far his wounds in danger were And does the cautious progress of his Art Alike with wonder and with pleasure hear 50. Now Gongibert advanc'd but with delay As fetter'd by his love for he would fain Dissembled weakness might procure his stay Here where his Soul does as in Heav'n remain 51. Him Creature like the King did boldly use With publick love to have it understood That Kings like God may chuse whom they will chuse And what they make judge with their own Eyes good 52. This grace the Duke at bashfull distance takes And Rhodalind so much concern'd is grown That his surprisal she her trouble makes Blushing as if his blushes were her own 53. Now the bright Train with Astragon ascend Whilst Hermegild with Gartha moves behind Whom much this gracious visit did offend But thus he practis'd to appease her mind 54. Judge not you strangely in this visit show As well in Courts think wise disembling new Nor think the kindness strange though to your Foe Till all in Courts where they are kind are true 55. Why should your closser mourning more be worn Poor Priests invented Blacks for lesser cost Kings for their Syres in Regal Purple mourn Which shews what they have got not what they lost 56. Though rough the way to Empire be and steep You look that I should level it so plain As Babes might walk it barefoot in their sleep But Pow'r is the reward of patient pain 57. This high Hill Pow'r whose Bowels are of Gold Shews near to greedy and unpractis'd sight But many grow in travel to it old And have mistook the distance by the height 58. If those old Travellers may thither be Your trusted Guides they will your haste reform And give you fears of Voyages by Sea Which are not often made without a storm 59. Yet short our Course shall prove our passage fair If in the Steerage you will quiet stand And not make storms of ev'ry sigh of Air But think the Helm safe in the Pilots hand 60. You like some fatal King who all Men hears Yet trusts entirely none your trust mistake As too much weight for one One Pillar bears Weight that would make a thousand shoulders ake 61. Your Brothers storm I to a calm have turn'd Who lets this guilded Sacrifice proceed To Hymen's Altar by the King adorn'd As Priests give Victims Garlands ere they bleed 62. Hubert to triumph would not move so fast Yet you though but a kind Spectator mean To give his triumph Laws and make more haste To see it pass than he does to be seen 63. With patience lay this Tempest of your heart For you ere long this Angels form shall turn To fatal Man's and for that shape of Art Some may as I for yours of Nature mourn 64. Thus by her Love-sick States-men she was taught And smil'd with joy of wearing Manly shape Then smil'd that such a smile his Heart had caught Whose Nets camps break not through nor Senates scape CANTO the Fourth The ARGUMENT The King to GONDIBERT is grown so kind That he prevents the bounteous RHODALIND In giving of her love and GONDIBERT Laments his Breast holds but a single heart Which BIRTHA grieves her beauty did subdue Since he undoes the world in being true 1. FUll grows the Presence now as when all know Some stranger Prince must be receiv'd with state When Courts shew those who come to see the Show And all gay Subjects like Domesticks wait 2. Nor Vlfinore nor Goltho absent were Whose hopes expect what lift'ning Birtha hid In the adjoyning Closet fears to hear And begs kind Heav'n in pitie would forbid 3. The King who never time nor pow'r mispent In Subjects bashfulness whiling great deeds Like Coward Councels who too late consent Thus to his secret Will aloud proceeds 4. If to thy same brave Youth I could adde wings Or make her Trumpet louder by my voice I would as an example drawn for Kings Proclaim the cause why thou art now my choice 5. But this were to suspect the world asleep Or all our Lombards with their envy blind Or that the Hunns so much for bondage weep As their drown'd Eyes cannot thy Trophies find 6. When this is heard none dare of what I give Presume their equal merit might have shar'd And to say more might make thy Foes believe Thy dang'rous worth is grown above reward 7. Reward even of a Crown and such a Crown As by Heav'n's Model ancient Victors wore When they as by their Coyn by Laws were known For Laws but made more currant Victors pow'r 8. A Crown soon taught by whom Pow'r first was given When Victors of Dominion cautious made By hearing of that old revolt in Heaven Kept Pow'r too high for Subjects to invade 9. A Crown which ends by Armies their debate Who question height of Pow'r who by the Law Till plain obedience they make intricate Would not the People but their Rulers aw 10. To Pow'r adoption makes thy Title good Preferring worth as birth gives Princes place And Virtue 's claim exceeds the right of blood As Souls extraction does the Bodies Race 11. Yet for thy Bloods long walk through Princes veins Thou maist with any Lombard measure time Though he his hidden house in Illium feigns And not step short when Hubert self would climb 12. And Hubert is of highest Victors Breed Whose worth I shall for distant Empire chuse If he will learn that you by Fate precede And what he never had he cannot lose 13. His Valour shall the Gothick Conquest keep And would to Heav'n that all your mighty Minds As soon were pleas'd as Infants are with sleep And you had Musick common as the winds 14. That all the Year your Seasons were like Spring All joy'd as Birds and all as Lovers kind That ev'ry famous Fighter were a King And each like you could have a Rhodalind
15. For she is yours as your adoption free And in that gift my remnant Life I give But 't is to you brave Youth Who now are she And she that Heav'n where secondly I live 16. And richer than that Crown which shall be thine When Life's long Progress I am gone with Fame Take all her love which scarce forbears to shine And own thee through her Virgin-Curtain Shame 17. Thus spake the King and Rhodalind appear'd Through publish'd Love with so much bashfulness As young Kings shew when by surprize ore-heard Moaning to Fav'rite Ears a deep distress 18. For Love is a distress and would be hid Like Monarchs grief by which they bashfull grow And in that shame beholders they forbid Since those blush most who must their blushes show 19. And Gondibert with dying Eyes did grieve At her vail'd love a wound he cannot heal As great Minds mourn who cannot then relieve The virtuous when through shame they want conceal 20. And now cold Birtha's rosie looks decay Who in Fear 's Frost had like her beauty dy'd But that Attendant Hope perswades her stay A while to hear her Duke who thus reply'd 21. Victorious King Abroad your Subjects are Like Legats safe at home like Altars free Ev'n by your fame they conquer as by war And by your Laws safe from each other be 22. A King you are ore Subjects so as wise And noble Husbands seem ore Loyal Wives Who claim not yet confess their liberties And brag to strangers of their happy lives 23. To Foes a winter storm whilst your Friends how Like Summer Trees beneath your bounty's load To me next him whom your great self with low And chearfull duty serves a giving God 24. Since this is you and Rhodalind the Light By which her Sex fled virtue find is yours Your Diamond which tests of jealous sight The stroke and fire and Oisel's juice endures 25. Since she so precious is I shall appear All counterfeit of Art's disguises made And never dare approach her Lustre near Who can scarce hold my value in the shade 26. Forgive me that I am not what I seem But falsly have dissembled an excess Of all such virtues as you most esteem And now grow good but as I ills confess 27. Far in Ambition's Feaver am I gone Like raging Flame aspiring is my Love Like flame destructive too and like the Sun Does round the world tow'rds change of Objects 28. Nor is this now through virtuous shame confess'd But Rhodalind does force my conjur'd fear As Men whom evil spirits have possess'd Tell all when saintly Votaries appear 29. When she will grace the Bridal dignitie It will be soon to all young Monarchs known Who then by posting through the World will trie Who first can at her Feet present his Crown 30. Then will Verona seem the Inn of Kings And Rhodalind shall at her Palace Gate Smile when great Love these royal Sutors brings Who for that smile would as for Empire wait 31. Amongst this ruling Race she choice may take For warmth of Valour coolness of the mind Eyes that in Empires drowsie Calms can wake In storms look out in darkness dangers find 32. A Prince who more inlarges pow'r than lands Whose greatness is not what his Map contains But thinks that his where he at full commands Not where his Coyn does pass but pow'r remains 33. Who knows that Pow'r can never be too high When by the Good possest fo● 't is in them The swelling Nyle from which though people flie They prosper most by rising of the stream 34. Thus Princess you should chuse and you will find Even he since Men are Wolves must civilize As light does ●ame some Beasts of savage kind Himself yet more by dwelling in your Eyes 35. Such was the Duk 's reply which did produce Thoughts of a divers shape through sev'ral Ears His jealous Rivals mourn at his excuse But Astragon it cures of all his fears 36. Birtha his praise of Rhodalind bewails And now her hope a weak Physician seems For Hope the common Comforter prevails Like common Med'cines slowly in extreams 37. The King secure in off'rd Empire takes This forc'd excuse as troubled bashfulness And a disguise which suddain passion makes To hide more joy than prudence should express 38. And Rhodalind who never lov'd before Nor could suspect his love was giv'n away Thought not the treasure of his Breast so poor But that it might his debts of honour pay 39. To hasten the rewards of his desert The King does to Verona him command And kindness so impos'd not all his Art Can now instruct his dutie to withstand 40. Yet whilst the King does now his time dispose In seeing wonders in this Palace shown He would a parting kindness pay to those Who of their wounds are yet not perfect grown 41. And by this fair pretence whilst on the King Lord Astragon through all the house attends Young Orgo does the Duke to Birtha bring Who thus her sorrows to his bosom sends 42. Why should my Storm your Life 's calm voyage vex Destroying wholly Virtues Race in one So by the first of my unluckie Sex All in a single ruin were undone 43. Make Heav'nly Rhodalind your Bride Whilst I Your once lov'd Maid excuse you since I know That virtuous Men forsake so willingly Long cherish'd life because to Heav'n they go 44. Let me her servant be A dignitie Which if your pitie in my fall procures I still shall value the advancement high Not as the Crown is hers but she is yours 45. Ere this high sorrow up to dying grew The Duke the Casket op'ned and from thence Form'd like a Heart a chearfull Emrauld drew Chearfull as if the lively stone had sence 46. The Thirti'th Charract it had doubled Twice Not taken from the At●ick silver Mine Nor from the Brass though such of nobler price Did on the Necks of Parthian Ladies shine 47. Nor yet of those which make the Ethiop proud Nor taken from those Rocks where Bactrians climb But from the Scithian and without a Cloud Not sick at fire nor languishing with time 48. Then thus he spake This Birtha from my Male Progenitours was to the loyal she On whose kind Heart they did in love prevail The Nuptial Pledge and this I give to thee 49. Seven Centuries have pass'd since it from Bride To Bride did first succeed and though 't is known From ancient lore that Gems much virtue hide And that the Emrauld is the Bridal Stone 50. Though much renown'd because it chastens loves And will when worn by the neglected wife Shew when her absent Lord disloyal proves By faintness and a pale decay of life 51. Though Emraulds serve as Spies to jealous Brides Yet each compar'd to this does counsel keep Like a false Stone the Husbands falshood hides Or seems born blind or feigns a dying sleep 52. With this take Orgo as a better Spy Who may in all your kinder fears be sent To watch at
cannot last 67. Her Favours not in lib'ral looks she gave But in a kind respectfull lowliness Them honour gives yet did her honour save Which gently thus she did to both express 68. High heav'n that did direct your Eyes the way To chuse so well when you your friendship made Still keep you joyn'd that daring Envie may Fear such united Virtue to invade 69. In your safe Breasts the noble Gondibert Does trust the secret Treasure of his love And I grown Conscious of my low desert Would not you should that wealth for me improve 70. I am a Flow'r that merit not the Spring And he the World 's warm Sun in passing by Should think when such as I leave flourishing His Beams to Cedars haste which else would die 71. This from his humble Maid you may declare To him on whom the good of humane kind Depends and as his greatning is your care So may your early love successes find 72. So may that beauteous She whom eithers Heart For virtue and delight of life shall chuse Quit in your siege the long defence of Art And Nature's freedom in a treatie lose 73. This gave cold Ulfinore in Love's long Night Some hope of Day as Sea-men that are run Far North-ward find long Winters to be light And in the Cynosure adore the Sun 74. It shew'd to Goltho not alone like Day But like a Wedding Noon who now grows strong Enough to speak but that her beauties stay His Eyes whose wonder soon arrests his Tongue 75. Yet something he at parting seem'd to say In prettie Flow'rs of Love's wild Rhetorick Which mov'd not her though Oratours thus ●way Assemblies which since wild wild Musick like CANTO the Sixth The ARGUMENT Here ULFIN reads the art to ULFINORE Of wisely getting and increasing Pow'r The Rivals to VERONA haste and there Young GOLTHO'S frailtie does too soon appear Black DALGA'S fatal beautie is reveal'd But her descent and Storie ●s conceal'd 1. OLd Ulfin parting now with Ulfinore His study'd thoughts and of a grave import Thus utter'd as well read in ancient Lore When prudence kept up greatness in the Court. 2. Heav'n guide thee Son through Honour's sl●pp'ry way The Hill which warie painfulness must climbe And often rest to take a full survay Of ev'ry path trod by Experienc'd Time 3. Rise glorious with thy Master 's hopefull Morn His favour calls thee to his secret Breast Great Gondibert to spatious Empire born Whose carefull Head will in thy Bosom rest 4. Be good and then in pitie soon be great For virtuous men should toil to compass pow'r Lest when the Bad possess Dominion's Seat We vainly weep for those whom they devour 5. Our virtue without pow'r but harmless is The Good who lazily are good at home And safely rest in doing not amiss Flie from the Bad for fear of Martyrdome 6. Be in thy greatness easie and thy Brow Still clear and comforting as breaking Light The Great with bus'ness troubled weakly bow Pow'r should with publick Burdens walk upright 7. We chearfulness as innocence commend The Great may with benign and civil Eyes The People wrong yet not the wrong'd offend Who feel most wrong from those who them despise 8. Since wrongs must be Complaints must shew the Grie And Favourites should walk still open Ear'd For of the suing Croud half are reliev'd With the innate delight of being heard 9. Thy greatness be in Arms who else are great Move but like Pageants in the People's view And in ●oul weather make a scorn'd retreat The Greeks their painted Gods in Armour drew 10. Yield not in storms of State to that dislike Which from the People does to Rulers grow Pow'r Fortun 's Sail should not for threatnings strike In Boats bestorm'd all check at those that row 11. Courts little Arts contemn dark Holes to save Retreated Pow'r when fear does Friendship feign Poor thieves retire to Woods Chiefs great and brave Draw out their Forces to the open Plain 12. Be by thy Virtue bold when that Sun shines All Art 's false lights are with disgrace put out Her streitness shews it self in crooked Lines And her plain Txet the Scepticks dare not doubt 13. Revenge weak Women's Valour and in Men The Ruffians Cowardise keep from thy Breast The factious Palace is that Serpent's Den Whom Cowards there with secret slaughter feast 14. Revenge is but a braver Name for Fear 'T is Indians furious fear when they are fed With valiant Foes whose Hearts their Teeth must tear Before they boldly dare believe them dead 15. When thou giv'st death thy Banners be display'd And move not till an open Foe appears Courts lurking war shews Justice is afraid And no broad Sword but a closs Ponyard wears 16. To kill shews Fear dares not more fears endure When wrong'd destroy not with thy Foes thy fame The Valiant by forgiving mischief cure And it is Hea●'n's great conquest to reclaim 17. Be by thy bountie known for since the needs Of life so rudely press the bold and wise The bounteous heart all but his God exceeds Whom bountie best makes known to Mortal Eyes 18. And to be bountefull be rich for those Fam'd Talkers who in Schools did wealth despise Taught doctrine which at whom would Empire lose If not believ'd first by their Enemies 19. And though in ruling Ministers of State The People wretched povertie adore Which Fools call innocence and wise Men hate As sloth yet they rebel for being poor 20. And to be rich be diligent Move on Like Heav'ns great Movers that inrich the Earth Whos 's Moments sloth would shew the world undone And make the Spring straight bury all her birth 21. Rich are the diligent who can command Time Natures stock and could his Hour glass fall Would as for seed of Stars stoop for the sand And by incessant Labour gather all 22. Be kind to Beautie that unluckie Shrine Where all Love's Thieves come bowing to their P●● And honour steal which Beautie makes divine Be thou still kind but never to betray 23. Heav'n studie more in Nature than in Schools Let Nature's Image never by thee pass Like unmark'd Time but those unthinking Fools Despise who spie not Godhead through her Glass 24. These precepts Ulfinore with duteous care In h●s Hearts Closet lock'd his faithfull Brest And now the Rival-friends for Court prepare And much their Youth is by their haste exprest 25. They yet ne'r saw Verona nor the Court And expectation lengthens much their way Since by that great Inviter urg'd Report And thither flie on Coursers of Relay 26. Ere to his Western Mines the Sun retir'd They his great Mint for all those Mines behold Verona which in Tow'rs to Heav'n aspir'd Guilt doubly for the Sun now guilt their gold 27. They make their Entry through the Western Gate A Gothick Arch Where on an Elephant Bold Clephes as the second Founder sate Made to mock life and onely life did want 28. Still strange and divers seem their Objects now