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A30579 Gospel-conversation: wherein is shewed, I. How the conversation of believers must be above what could be by the light of nature. II. Beyond those that lived under the law. III. And suitable to what truths the Gospel holds forth. By Jeremiah Burroughs, preacher of the Gospel to Stepney and Criplegate, London. Being the third book published by Thomas Goodwyn, William Greenhil, Sydrach Simpson, Philip Nye, William Bridge, John Yates, William Adderly. Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.; Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. 1650 (1650) Wing B6076A; ESTC R213106 221,498 277

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scope of the Gospel a principal scope I say God would in the Gospel make known to all the world his infinite willingness to be reconcil'd to such as have offended him Indeed without the Gospel we might apprehend this that the Lord is a God that is full of goodness that He is good and doth good that all good is in him but to apprehend God to be such a God of peace so infinitely set upon it as I may so say to be reconciled to such as are enemies could never have been known but by this Gospel of Christ herein we find that though there was an infinite difference between God and man between Heaven and Earth through our sinning sin yet the Lord was willing to be reconciled yea though the offence of man was exceeding great so that it cried for vengance yet he was pleased wonderfully to condescend to make a peace with him Yea though the Lord had man under his power and could do what He pleased with him He had His enemy under His feet and might have broken him all to pieces with His iron-rod as a Potters vessel which when it is broken can never be made whol again yet He was willing to be reconciled Thirdly Though God had no need at all of us He was infinitly blessed in himself who is perfection and blessedness it self Sometimes we are willing to be reconcil'd to our enemies either because we have them not under our power or because we have some need of them but God that had us under his hand and might easily have destroyed us and had no need at all of us yet was desirous to spare us as a father spareth his only son whom he loveth Fourthly The Gospel holds this out to us That the Lord He begins the work of reconciliation He first loving us the infinit God seeketh to us his creatures to come in to be reconciled therefore he sends his Ambassadors of peace to beseech us in Christs stead to come in to be reconciled to him to accept of His Propositions of Peace which make so much for our everlasting salvation Fiftly Though reconciliation must cost God very dear that God must be at a great deal of costs and charges to reconcile His creatures to himself it cost no less than the blood of his only begotten Son and yet he is willing to be reconcil'd saith God my heart is set upon this work and let it cost what it will if it were ten thousand worlds yet my heart i● so upon it that I will bring them in that they may be reconciled to me and made one with me Sixthly and lastly The Gospel reveals this That God is so set upon reconciliation and is so reconcil'd to such as do imbrace the Gospel as he will never be at enmity with them again Being once reconcil'd he wil never suffer such a breach to be made between Man-kind and Himself any more He wil be their Father in Christ and ye shall be his Sons and Daughters through Him to all eternity in Christ Jesus our Lord. Who shall separate us from the love of God Thus the Gospel holds forth not only reconciliation but such reconciliation as this is which men and Angels can never sufficiently admire and bless God for This is a Second beam as I may so say of the Gospel Then what manner of persons ought we to be our conversations must be as becomes this Gospel of Christ in this great thing that the Gospel holds forth unto us Surely then this cals to us al aloud to love peace O love peace Is God so set upon peace as he is and is he willing to be at so great cost for peace Oh let us love peace let us follow peace le ts pursue peace let 's seek peace let us do what we can possibly for peace If it be possible as much as lieth in you live peaceably with all men Let us account peace never bought too dear with any thing but sin The Lord Christ would not sin to purchase peace if it could possibly have been conceived that any sin should have bin committed Christ would never have purchased peace that way but if it be by any way of suffering by his being willing to leave the Heavens for a while to take upon him the form of a servant yea to have the sence of the influences of the love of his Father ecclipsed for a time he was willing to endure yea to be made a curse whatsoever he suffered in his Name he was willing to endure any thing to make peace between God and man to reconcile the World to Heaven Oh! let us love peace that 's becoming the Gospel of Christ for our hearts to be set upon peace And the exhortation that you have in the Ephesians before mentioned it is likewise built upon the consideration of Christs working so for our peace Ephes 2. 14. For He is our peace who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us having abolished in Hi● flesh the enmity And then in the 16. verse That He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the Cross having slain the enmity thereby So that this Scripture holds forth not only that Christ is our peace in respect of God and he died for that end to make peace between God and us but likewise that Jesus Christ did die to make peace between man and man it was one fruit of His death to break down the middle wall of partition between us and to slay the enmity he doth not say to kill our enemies but to kill the enmity it 's self the meaning is this that Christ died to take down the partition wall between Jew and Gentile there was an enmity between the Jew and Gentile that they might not one converse with the other now it was a fruit of the death of Christ to take down the partition wall and to slay the enmity between them that so there might be but one sheep fold that He might reconcile both unto God in one body Now was this the end of the death of Christ not only to reconcile us to God but one unto another in one body Jew and Gentile Certainly there cannot be such a distance between one Christian and another as there was between Jew and Gentile and Christ did so love unity and peace in the world especially among those that made any profession of his Name that he would die to that end He would lose His life that He might procure peace between Jews and Gentiles and bring them into one body And truly so it should be with us we should be willing and those whose hearts are right I say cannot but be so sensible of the breaches that are among us and the unpeaceableness of mens spirits as if they could by the laying down of their lives procure peace they should be willing to do it every Christian should make it appear that he is so set upon peace that if
Christians in the time of the Gospel that are eminent should live as Angels Angelical lives and the weakest of all should be as David Indeed considering what we have revealed in the Gospel we should be ashamed that our hearts and lives should come short in spiritualness and heavenliness of any that lived in the times of the Law see in the 119. Psalm how you find Davids heart taken and ravished with the Word of God Oh how sweet was the Law of God to him sweeter than the honey and the honey comb He doth not mean there the Law in opposition to the Gospel but the whol Word of God Now you should consider this what part of Gods Word had David there he had not many of the Prophesies he had but the Books of Moses and some other Books the Book of Job was then and some of the Chronicles some part of the Kings and the Book of Judges but most part of the Kings he could not have for he was the second King therefore what little part of the Word of God was written at that time and yet how sweet was the Word to him as sweet as the honey and the honey comb and how he did delight in it above Gold and Silver And then for the Ordinances of God O how was he taken with them though in comparison of ours they were but carnal In the 84. Psalm he did envy the very birds that were in the Temple of God How aimable are thy Courts O Lord saith he now do but compare those Scriptures he had with these that we have The five Books of Moses and Joshua and Judges and Job which were the chief Scriptures then extant and do but compare them with the History of the Gospel in particular the Sermons of Christ from the fifth Chapter of Matthew to the eighth So those remarkable places from the fourteenth to the eighteenth of John and so on O what heavenly things are there let down amongst us What Heavenly truths we have study and reade over Pauls Epistles which are several holy Letters sent from Christ to His Saints here on earth Oh what spiritual transcendant truths What great mysteries and depths of God are opened and revealed there beyond what there is in Genesis or Exodus or Leviticus or Numbers c. And yet the Word of God was dearer to him than al the world and he profest he did meditate in it day and night Now we have that word in two Testaments that doth reveal abundance more of God in Christ than ever he had and therefore our Conversations should rise higher in holiness than the Converstions of those that were under the Law we should endeavor to be more exemplary in holy walking than they were And thus much for the second head Now for the third which is the chief of all If you would have your Conversations to be such as becomes the Gospel it must be suitable to what the Gospel holds fo●●h unto you Now this is a gre●t point and it will serve for two ends First To hold forth unto you the principal things in the Gospel Secondly To shew you how you should sute your Conversation to those things that are in the Gospel And we shall abide upon this head somewhat long The first and principal thing in the Gospel It is the holding forth unto us the infinite love of God to man-kind this is the very end of the Gospel that God might declare what an infinite love he hath unto the children of men yea unto men rather than unto Angels you know that Scripture in John 3. ●6 So God loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life And indeed that one verse hath more of God in it than all Creatures in Heaven Earth the whol frame of Heaven and Earth hath not so much of God in them as that one verse hath So God loved the world that he sent forth his only begotten Son that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life It is as if God should say when he comes to reveal the Gospel I will have a way wherein it shall appear to men and Angels for ever what the greatness of my love is unto these poor creatures unto the children of men And to that end I send my Son the second Person in Trinity to take their natures upon him to come to be their Mediator there will I manifest what my love is that shall be the great fruit of love It is the similitude of a learned Divine saith he the love of God in all other things in comparision of the love of God in Christ reveal'd in the Gosspel it is a little spark of fire in comparison of the heat in a furnace when a furnace is heated red hot it may be a few sparks of fire fly out but what is one of those sparks of fire that fly out in comparison of al the heat that there is in the furnace so saith he all the fruits of the love of God to man-kind in all the works that ever God did do are but as that one spark only excepting this of Christ and the love of God unto mankind in Christ is as it were the heat of the furnace there 's burning love indeed the love of God in Christ this is the great scope of the Gospel the great aim of God the great design that God had in the Gospel to make known the infinitness of His love unto the children of men Now then if so be that God in the Gospel doth reveal what there was in His heart from all eternity to man-kind for so it is that 's the scope of the Gospel there was in the heart of God infinite love burning toward man-kind God from eternity saw man-kind before him and there was that strong inclination of his heart towards them in love as did even burn in his heart Now in time God reveals this in the Gospel in the Doctrine thereof He doth open His heart to the children of men when ever the Gospel comes to be preached in any place God doth look upon that place and hath these kind of workings in Himself Well that love of Mine that I have had burning in my Bosom from all eternity towards these poor creatures now it shal be opened now it shal be revealed just as it was with Joseph that had his heart so warm in love unto his Brethren that though he kept it in a while he could not keep it in long but at length it breaks out as fire his bowels yerned towards his Brethren and he weeps tears of love over their necks So in the Gospel of Christ look upon God towards poor creatures as Joseph towards his Brethren and God as it were keeping in his heart towards them for a long time but now when the Gospel comes among them God opens his very heart to them now therefore there must be a Conversation that
becomes the Gospel as becomes this great thing in the Gospel that is the chief thing indeed that the Gosspel holds forth in every line of it and discovers his eternal love towards them in particular in the Son of his love Christ Jesus in whom he is well pleased Quest You will say What is it that becomes this thing in the Gospel Ans Surely love answerable love that we should return love for love he that dwels in God dwels in love God Himself is love Reade but the first Epistle of that beloved Disciple John what abundance of love is there made known of God every letter thereof is a character of love and what commendations of love in heavenly expressions But you reade no such thing in the Scripture before the Gospel was revealed in that cleerness as it was then now nothing but Love love and how it called for love Then there must be this conversation Love to God as God to us And that must be real as Gods love in Christ was Quest How did God manifest his love Answ A Conversation becoming the Gospel must be a manifestation of our love in some proportionable way So God loved the world as He gave His only Son that is as if he should have said thus God so loved the world so dearly as that which was the dearest thing unto God he gave for a testimonie of his love to man-kind The dearest thing What 's that His Son If God should have said That I might testifie my love to mankind as I have made one world for them I will make ten thousand more yea I will make so many worlds as every one of the children of men shall have a world to possess you would think this were very much Oh this were nothing in comparison of that expression So God loved the world as He gave His Son the Son of God is infinitly dearer to God than ten thousand thousand millions of worlds are Now a conversation that becomes the revelatio of such love must needs be this Whatsoever then is dearest to our souls let that be given up to God As it was a testimony of the love of Abraham to God Hereby I know thou lovest me Why Because he gave up his Isaac to God he would not spare his only Son whom he loved so God shewed his love to us we may say Lord hereby we know thou lovest us that thou hast given thine Isaac thine only Son for us and hereby Lord shal men and Angels know that we love thee that whatsoever is dear to our souls thou shalt have it we will offer it up to thee in way of sacrifice this is a conversation that becomes the Gospel So that when God cals for anything never think it much Oh this is hard and costly and dear to me and how shall I part with this Is this becoming the Gospel to stand with God for any thing for thy love must be somewhat sutable to Gods His love was such as he gave the dearest to thee and thy love therefore if it runs paralel with his must give the dearest to him And then if we be acted by love for that 's the conversation that becomes the Gospel to be acted in all that we do with love to God to be in a flame of love continually as the Salamander they say doth alwaies live in the fire so should we do in the fire of love not in the fire of contention But now Love hath no need of any argument to do any thing but only this this thing will be pleasing unto him that I do tender it unto it will please my Father that 's argument enough for Love that if I do such a thing it will please my beloved therefore never stand arguing thus Such a thing is a duty but is it necessity Must I do it Cannot a man be saved unless he do it Be all damn'd that do not this These are arguments from base sordid spirits but here 's enough for love here 's a thing would please God if we did thus we should please God better than in not doing it Therefore that place that you had before in the first of the Colossians Walk worthy of the Lord to all pleasing let the heart presently spring upon this There 's such a thing propounded out of the Word at such a time and I heard it would be well pleasing to God if I did this If we put but this upon you you that do not set up the worship of God in your families Do not you think that it would please God better to set up his Worship in your families than not Is there no Conversation that your consciences tell you would please God better than that Conversation which you live in Would it not be more pleasing to God ask but your conscience now if your hearts were acted by love you would presently fall upon that which your consciences tel you would be more pleasing to God And then Love This is a maxim of Love Love never knows when it hath done enough it knows no such thing as too much for men to say What need we be so strict as to walk circumspectly what need we do so much why must we be so holy This is a base kind of reasoning Is this as becomes the Gospel If thou wert acted by Love then thou wouldst never think that thou hadst done enough for God Oh thou wouldst rather think had I ten thousand thousand times more strength than I have Lord thou art worthy of it all what soever I have whatsoever I am whatsoever I can do thou art worthy of it all never stand arguing thus what need so much is the thing a good thing love never knows any such thing as too much We know love It cannot bear with dishonor done unto those that we do love if any wrong any one that we love if our hearts be inflam'd with love we know not how to bear it such strike us in the apple of our eye Oh that 's a Conversation that becomes the Gospel that when we see the Name of God dishonored our hearts rise more against any thing that is done against God than it doth against any thing that is done against our selves we are inflam'd for God when we see any thing done that is a dishonour to the Name of God And love we know it will make us mourn and melt for any offence to those that are beloved of us So that 's a Conversation that becomes the Gospel when we manifest melting hearts and mourning spirits Love makes us delight in the presence of those that we do love so that 's a Conversation that becomes the Gospel when we manifest that there is nothing in the world that we delight in more than to be in the presence of our Beloved Oh to be alwaies with God in the arms of Christ it is our Heaven on Earth And then a Conversation that becomes this Gospel It is to be of a loving disposition towards
those that have any reference unto God Reade over the Epistles where so much of the Gospel is revealed for indeed there 's the chief of the Gospel though we call those four Evangelists the Gospel because they are the story of Christs coming into the world and his Actions yet there is more of the Doctrine of the Gospel in the Epistles for the time of the law was not fully expired till the destruction of the Temple which was after Christs death and therefore though the Gospel began to shine forth yet till after the time of the destruction of the Temple there was not so much of the Gospel and therefore reade I say the Epistle and you shall find there is no one particular duty that the Gospel so calls for from men besides faith in Jesus Christ as it doth love in Christians one towards another yea love to all if you reade the Epistles of Paul divers places in the Romans and in the Ephesians and Philippians and Colossians continually still they are beating upon love and especially in the Epistles of John that was the beloved Disciple and lay in the bosom of Christ nothing so much as love because this indeed is the Conversation that becomes the Gospel for the main thing in the Gospel it is the declaring of the love of God and therefore Christians that would live as becomes the Gospel they must live so as acted by love And so in the story of the Acts presently as soon as you reade of any that the Gospel did prevail withal they had one heart and one mind Oh how did they cleave one to another their hearts were one And so we find in the stories of the Primitive times I remember Tertullian saith that that was the way that the Heathens and persecutors did use to find out who were Christians for the Christians did meet at nights for fear of danger did as wisely as they could to keep themselves from their persecutors but they found this by experience that when they were converted to Christian Religion then there was another kind of spirit in them that did act them and especially a spirit of love one to another there was another kind of love of Christians one towards another then than of any other society of man kind the Heathens saw this and wondred at it and it was by this that they found out who were Christians if they saw any people beginning to have a spirit of love more than before they would think surely these have heard of this Christian Religion and they begin to be Christian this was the glory of Christian Religion in those times that there was such intire love and union of hearts amongst them The Apostle John would have such love as that Christians should be willing to die one for another and they did so in the primitive times Oh this were becoming the Gospel indeed But Oh how far how far are we from such a Conversation in such times as we live in now as if so be that the Gospel were gone from us we speak of the Gospel as if it were reveal'd more now than ever and much concerning free grace in the Gospel but look upon the Conversations of men they were never more unsutable to the Gospel and in this particular in respect of the sincere love in the hearts of Christians My brethren malitious dispositions are extreamly unbecoming the Gospel hateful and malitious dispositions What doth a beastly brutish savigeness do the fierceness of beasts do in the breast of a Christian Oh it is infinitely unbeseeming a Christian to have an unloving disposition a hateful disposition to be hating one another and to have a spirit of opposition and contradiction and frowardness one against another there is nothing more unbeseeming the Gospel of Jesus Christ than this I remember I have read even of one of the Heathen Emperors that being convinced somewhat about Christ and hearing much of him saw two that professed the name of Christians to fall out bitterly one with another which as soon as he perceived he cals them to him and gives a straight command that they should never afterward presume to call themselves by the name of Christians No saith he you do not do according to your Master that you profess your life is unsutable to your Master even one that was but a Heathen himself speak this Oh if we profess our selves Christians let our Conversations be as becomes the Gospel in point of love and make that to be the argument of love the love of God revealed in the Gospel there are a great many arguments of love from humane society from reason that men that live together they should love one another as men and that there comes a great deal of hurt from frowardness and bitterness and that it is against the rules of society and that men cannot live quietly except there be some way of sodering by love these arguments are somewhat and yet these would be among Heathens Oh but now those that profess the Gospel of Christ have one argument that is infinitely beyond all arguments that can be imagined and that is in John 3. 16. before named So God loved the world loved the world that he gave his only begotten We hear how the love of God that was in the heart of God from all eternity is brought forth and revealed in the Gospel Oh let this inflame our hearts with love Oh that there might be never a Christian that professes the Name of Christ but that it might appear in him that his heart is sweetened with love and that he doth live as it were in the very element of love and acted by love in all that he doth O this would beautifie your Christian profession more than all your talking of this and the other things Oh that it were come again that this becoming Conversation of Christians were come again into the world I remember I have heard a speech of Dr. Whittacre rebuking the Conversation of the Scholers in Cambridg he had this speech Surely saith he this that we preach is not the Gospel or otherwise we are no Gospelers because our Conversation is so different from the Gospel and so we may say of this one particular in respect of love either it is but a fansie that we hear so much of the love of God in Jesus Christ in the Gospel or otherwise we are no Gospelers we are no true Professors of the Gospel whatever profession we make of the Gospel yet except there doth appear divine love to act us in all that we do God will not own us for Gospelers for certainly it is a main scope that God hath in the revealing the Gospel to sweeten the hearts of men with love either deny the profession or walk more lovingly than thou hast done towards those that make the same profession yea thou shouldest walk lovingly towards thy enemies for the Gospel reveals much of Gods goodness even towards the whol world
in all their dealings in their dealing with God in their dealings between man and man To see one that professeth the Gospel sometimes accounts the feet of those beautiful that bring glad tydings of salvation yet unjust in his dealings so as do but follow him in his course between man and man there he makes no conscience of justice there he will rather break the rule of justice than it may be he will lose six pence or a shilling what if it were the losing of thirty or fourty pounds is it such a thing that the rule of justice must rather be broken than the loss of a little mony Is this as becomes the Gospel when as thou hearest the Gospel say that rather than the glory of justice shall be darkned the Blood of his Son must go for it and God expects that Christians should be so in love with justice that they should rather be content to be undone in their estates to beg their bread from door to door than be unjust in any of their actions Oh 't is an exceeding ecclipsing of the glory of the Word when Professors of it shall be false in their dealings Oh remember thou Christian who holdest up the Gospel with thy right hand that when thou hearest of the death of Christ there the love that God bears to justice is held forth and God is set upon the honor of justice and he wil have it thy justice in thy trading this must be made up one way or other either thou must pay eternally for it and so justice made up or else it must cost the Blood of Jesus Christ God is set upon justice in another manner than you think of Oh let your Conversations be as becometh this truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Fifthly That the Lord in the Gospel shews how he is set upon satisfying the Law and what a high price he puts upon the Law The excellency of the Law doth more cleerly appear in the Gospel than in the Doctrine of the Law its self as thus Christ came to fulfil all righteousness surely God set a high price of his Law that he would not save any soul living that had broken it but by his Son that must come to fulfil it first He must have all righteousness kept to the end that he might manifest his love unto his Law I say therefore it was that Christ must come and subject himself to the Law he must be under the Law It was from thence that Christ saith It becomes us to fulfil all righteousness So was God set upon his Law that when Christ did undertake for man-kind if Christ had not satisfied every part of the Law that was required if there had been one jot of the Law unfilfilled all man-kind must have perished in everlasting burnings God sets an high rate on his Royal Law therefore learn to prize the Law of God It 's true you cannot keep it for justification that was Christs task so to keep the Law that he might justifie sinners God by this teaches us to esteem highly of it and not to slight it and contemn it the Law of God it is a precious Cristal glass it is the very glass of the holiness and righteousness of God and you must prize it as you do prize your great glasses that your Marriners have from other parts you bring home your great Cristals of 20. or 40. or threescore pounds according to the largenesse of them Now would not you take it extream ill when you have bestowed so much upon it that a child or servant should come and break it al to pieces Now my brethren consider The Law of God here resembles the Cristal glasse and as in your glasses you may see your faces so in that Cristal glasse of the Law the holiness of God is transparent 't is such a glass that God prizes it more worth than all the world this is visible for the Lord stands much upon the observing of the Law and upon obedience unto it and therfore take heed of breaking it meerly to satisfie your lusts to accommodate and befriend your own base ends this is unbeseeming the Gospel of Christ There are many that make a great noise about Evangelical truths so that they cry up the Gospel of Christ the Gospel of Christ as they once did the Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord and they think that this doth wholly take away their obedience to the Law of God and that it must not be so much as a rule of life Certainly there 's nothing holde forth the excellency of the Law more than the knowledge of Jesus Christ the only Law-giver being subjected to the Law and his subjection it was to take away our guiltinesse to cancel the bond of the Law binding us to eternal death But we never reade that this subjection to the Law was to make void our obedience to it so that it should not be any rule of life unto us for indeed what is the Law of God but the pure Will of God and do you think that Christ came to take us away from obeying the Will of God which was Christs meat and drink to do I stand not so much upon that term Whether as given by Moses but upon those things that are therein contained therein revealed as part of the will of God God stands much upon that that we should make the revealing of these things in the Word to be the rule of our life and this is manifested by Christs ready and full subjection unto it And that is the first particular what it is that we come to know by the Gospel according to which we should sute our Conversations SERMON V. PHIL. 1. 27. Only let your Conversation be as becomes the Gospel of Christ IN the sixt place Would you know what Conversation becomes the Gospel Consider what it is that the Gospel holds out to you It holds forth Gods infinit hatred of sin more than any other thing whatsoever 1. A man may come to know the evil of sin partly by Reason he may understand that sin it is against a right rule yea by the light of reason he may conceive it is but reasonable for a rational creature to live by rule and to transgress against the rule of justice and equity is evil 2. A man may come to know the evil of sin by Gods Command the Law of God forbids sin and therefore it is evil certainly to transgress the Law of God to go against the Will of God must needs be a great transgression 3. A man may come to know the evil of sin by the Dreadful Threatnings that are added to the Law Cursed is he that abideth not in every thing that is written in the Book of the Law to do it This discovers a dreadful evil in sin when a soul comes to have a real sight of the dreadful threats that are in the Law it doth exceedingly terrifie conscience and raise up that sleepy Lyon
to any sin that I should think to cover it by another sin by adding one sin to another to think to shift for my credit or esteem by adding more sin to that already committed Oh no the Lord in his mercie hath made known unto me in the Gospel of Christ what sin means the evil of sin and therefore I have learned rather to endure any thing than to multiply iniquity Indeed before I came to understand Jesus Christ I thought sin was an evil thing and I abstain'd from gross sins by that dim light of Nature that is within me but since I came to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ the great mystery of godliness in his Son the dealings of the Father with his Son the Lord knows now I abhor a sin in secret though I were sure no body in the world should ever know it more than I do abhor Hell its self I such a Conversation as would manifest such a work of God upon the heart as this is would become the Gospel of Christ indeed Whereas otherwise brethren if any of you that do profess the Gospel of Christ shall make sin but as a slight thing and shall be ready to entertain sin in thy bosom know that by this means you do no other but trample under foot the Blood of Jesus Christ as a cōmon thing as a thing that had no worth at all in it This doth despight to the Gospel of Christ you do dishonor Jesus Christ and you do put him to open shame whose Name you have taken upon you by your profession I 'le give you a Scripture now for this in Heb. 6. 4. c. He speaks of some that were once enlightned and had tasted of the Heavenly gift and were made partakers of the holy Ghost and tasted of the good word of God that 's the Gospel and the powers of the world to come if they should fall away it were impossible to renew them to repentance Mark the reason Seeing they crucifie to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame Such as fall off after the profession of the Gospel into sinful waies they are said here to crucifie the Son of God afresh and to put him to open shame This is far from walking as becomes the Gospel And so you have another text in Heb. 10. 29. c. he speaks of those that had fallen off from their profession into sinful waies Of how much s●rer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy of who hath troden under foot the Son of God and hath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despight unto the Spirit of Grace See how the holy Ghost speaks of such as fall from their profession into sinful waies again And there 's a great deal of reason for it for 't is not so much for those that never made profession of the Gospel to fall to sin not such a horrid thing for them but for those that have made profession of the Gospel that they hold forth thus much this is the language of their actions though they dare not say so Lord I acknowledge that I have seen the fruit of thy hatred of sin in the death of thy Son that thou didst so hate sin that thou madest thy Son to be a curse for sin but yet for all this such is the strength of my lusts I must have my lusts though it be so vile in thine eyes as the blood of thy Son went for it yet I must have it rather than deny my lusts Oh what a dreadful thing is this how provoking must it needs be to the holy God Oh happy had it been for such men and women that they had never heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ But of the evil of walking unbeseeming the Gospel of Jesus Christ we shall speak to after when we come to the application That 's then the sixt particular of what the Gospel holds forth The infinite hatred of God against sin Now the seventh thing that is held forth in the Gospel that cals for a Conversation beseeming is this The great price of souls There 's nothing in the world that ever God did that doth discover the worth of mans immortal soul so as the Gospel of Jesus Christ doth there God manifests to all the world what a price he puts upon mans soul the Lord saw that men by sin had undone themselves and that those souls that he made were like to perish to all eternity yea were under the sentence of eternal death and must certainly perish eternally if so be that some way were not found out by an infinit wisdom for to ransome them now saith the Lord rather than I will have all souls perish it 's true the love that I have unto my Justice is such as for many souls I 'le let them go and they shall perish but yet that I might shew that I have an high esteem of the souls of the children of men for the ransoming of that number that I have appointed from all eternity to save I 'le send my Son and he shall die for the saving of souls that souls may not perish If the Lord should have said concerning any one soul I do so highly prize this soul and account the worth of it to be such as rather than it shall perish I 'le disolve heaven and earth heaven and earth shall perish rather than this soul shall perish you will say this had been a great testimony of Gods esteem of a soul But know that the Gospel holds forth a higher esteem of a soul than this comes to when God shal say Rather than this and the other soul shall perish I 'le send my Son to be made a Curse This the Gospel holds forth this is infinitly a higher price that God puts upon a soul You know therfore what the Apostle saith in 1 Pet. 1. 18 19. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed saith he with corruptible things as silver and gold Then in the 19. verse But with the precious blood of Christ as of a Lamb without blemish or without spot 'T is not silver and gold or any corruptible thing that can redeem you but the precious blood of Jesus Christ Oh that blood that 's more precious than the world even all the world must let the redemption of a soul alone for ever all the Angels in Heaven if they would have joyned together to have redeem'd a soul and would have ventured themselves to have been destroyed for ever that they might have redeem'd a soul it would not have been they must all let the redemption of a soul alone for ever the matter then of the redemption of a soul is more than we are aware of and we could never have come to have known this but by the Gospel of Jesus Christ The full price of a soul is writ down by the finger of Gods Spirit in the Gospel of Christ
enough here and there to have a leaf and a grape or two but full ripe clusters of grapes becomes those that grow upon such a fruitful Root And then you know Christ is the Head and we the Members Then do not dishonor your Head When there is a temptation comes to any sin but will not this be a dishonor to my Head do I receive such a spirit from the Head to act after such a sinful course Oh be not a crown of thorns to your Head Jesus Christ Yea and the Union is very great for it is not only that we are Members of Christ and so we are in Christ but Christ in us the Root is not in the Branch though the Branches be in the Root and the Head is not in the Members though the Head be joyned with the members But Christ is in us as we are in Him and so the union is very glorious and mysterious You complain of weakness But is there not strength in Christ are you not joyned to Christ thus and a member of Him and a branch in Him what ever infirmities you have which bows you down yet there is power enough in Jesus Christ to convay to any to enable them to walk in an holy Conversation before the Lord to renew their strength as the Eagle Manifest then the vertue of your Head from whence all the sinnews of every members strength doth arise And then you know the relation we have to Christ As He is the Husband we the Spouse Oh do not discredit your Husband Any wise vertuous Wife would make it a mighty argument against any evil way It will disgrace my Husband especially if her Husband be a publick man in place and authority Oh let this be an argument against every sin even the appearence of evil it will be dishonorable to the Lord Jesus who is my Husband How can I do this wickedness against my Lord and my God who hath betrothed me to Himself so that I am bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh That 's the second thing And then a Third thing that the Gospel holds forth to us that we should labor to sute our Conversations according is this The near Vnion that the Saints have one with another It 's not so revealed any where as in the Gospel Rom. 12. 5. we are said there to be members one of another as we are members of Christ I beseech you observe it so we are members one of another That Scripture may be in stead of all for this in Ephes 4. 4. the exhortation there to unity We must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace Why For there is one body and one spirit even as ye are called in one hope of your calling One Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all See here 's some seven ones to be an argument of unity One body and one spirit and called in the hope of one calling and one Lord and one Faith and one Baptism and one God Where have you such a unity demonstrated but in the Gospel of peace and love And I do not know in all the Book of God where any one duty is more pressed than unity Somewhat we hinted in speaking of the love of God which is a great design of the Gospel to hold forth and there we spake somewhat of Love But here of the unity of the Saints being so neer united into one thing the Saints should be one and certainly it 's the most unbeseeming thing in the world that can be for Saints to be divided in their affections upon some little differences in judgment Let me argue with you What was the Coat of Christ without any seam and shall the body of Christ be rent all to pieces Fy for shame the Gospel of Christ is in your hands which teacheth another lesson Next to our salvation the Gospel intends the union of Saints there 's nothing prest more strongly in every leaf of it and it 's here in my very text that makes me to speak to this for mark the very words that follow in this of my text Phil. 1. 27. Only let your Conversation be as becomes the Gospel of Christ Now if you should say Wherein should we walk so The Apostle doth answer then That ye stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel Mark striving together he would have the Saints to be strivers I but strivers for what Not for their own will and humors and opinions and fancies and customs and traditions which are out of date But strivers for the faith for the faith of the Gospel for the Doctrine of faith and they should labor to joyn all their strength together both shoulders and hearts There 's a great deal of striving now Professors of the Gospel they strive asunder but the holy Ghost would have us strive together and this is as becomes the Gospel saith the text The Apostle here doth instance in this particular above all others that to live as it becomes the Gospel it is to stand fast with one Spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel Oh how unbecoming the Gospel is the waies and lives of most Christians now Q. You will say From whence are these sad divisions and risings up of hearts amongst the Tribes so that one thinks that he hath the truth and another judgeth that he alone is in the right way A. I beseech you therefore because it 's so fully instanced in the very words of the Text that the Apostle instances in this particular give me leave to speak of it in a few words certainly his meaning is not when he saith that you shall be of one spirit and of one mind that men should give up their judgements and consciences to the opinions of other men that others according to their power may again lord it over us and so enslave our selves to draw in their yokes to grind in their mills and plow with their asses yea that were against other Scriptures No but the meaning is this That we should labor to find out what is truth search for it as for silver and go according to what light we have but yet so though we should differ to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace and joyn in al things that we can and walk so lovingly that it may appear that if there be difference it is meerly that which conscience makes because we dare not deny what we are perswaded in conscience is a truth We cannot put out the convincing light of the candle of the Lord which is set up within us yet we can live in unity and peace and be useful one to another communicating our gifts and graces comforts and experiences one to another as it becomes Christians And indeed it is a greater honor to the Gospel for men though
the joy of the holy Ghost means till it comes under the kingdom of Jesus Christ it 's the priviledge of the kingdom of Christ to bring spiritual peace which passeth all understanding and joy in the holy Ghost Ninthly This is a priviledg in the kingdom of Christ That all that are in His Kingdom have right to all the gifts and graces of all the Saints in the world Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephus or Life or Death all is yours for you are Christs and Christ is Gods They have I say right to all all the gifts of all the Ministers of the world and the graces of all the Saints they work for good unto them Tenthly and lastly They are all Heirs of Christ with an immortal Crown of glory that is laid upon Heaven for them Thus Christs Kingdom is not of this world the priviledges of it are beyond the worlds which can only be seen by the eye of faith for they are spiritual and glorious priviledges Quest If you ask me why it is that God the Father would not have His Son to have his kingdom in this world Certainly God might have given to Christ all the Government of this world might have made Him the great Emperor to have rul'd in an external way and all His Subjects to have been in pomp and glory here below but God would not have the kingdom of His Son here in this world for these reasons Ans First Because that hereby He would confound the wisdom of the world and shew the vanity of all the things of this present world and the folly of the hearts of men that are set upon the things of this world we look upon these things as great things but God hath shewed that he doth not look upon them as great matters but as things that have little value and excellency in them and therfore He would not have His Son to have His kingdom here of this world surely if there were such excellent things here as men dream of then undoubtedly Christ should have had His Kingdom of this world but that God might confound all the glory and non-plus the wisdom of this world therefore he would go another way to work God would so order things that He would fetch about the glory of his Name and those great things that he did intend from all eternity He would fetch them about in a way that should be hidden from the eyes of the world in a way that should appear contemptible in the eyes of the world and he would by this rebuke and shame all the pride folly and vanity of the world there is no greater rebuke of the pride folly and vanity of the world than in my Text here that saith The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is not of this world Secondly Because the Lord delights so much in the exercise of the graces of His Spirit the spiritual workings of the hearts of His Saints there 's nothing that is ab extra from God that is more delightful to Him than the exercises of the graces of His Spirit in the hearts of His Saints excepting what is in the Person of Christ himself nothing more pleasing in all the works that ever God made in which He takes more pleasure than in the exercise of faith and of humility and of patience and the like and the holiness of His Saints Now the less the Kingdom of Christ is of the world the more bright and glorious do the graces of the Saints appear the more do they come to be exercised had the Saints a worldly glory and pomp here their graces would not shine forth so eminent there would not be such a spiritual lustre and shine upon them but now that God may exercise especially the grace of faith and humility and patience and self-denial and brotherly love which are so precious to Him therefore God hath so ordered things that the Kingdom of His Son should not be of this world but it should be spiritual it may be you think it a sad affliction that you have not those comforts that you see others have in the world you have not such estates and bravery as others have brave dwellings costly furnitures and fine cloaths as others have and you cannot provide for your children as they do I but is there the exercise of faith in God in the want of these things the exercise of humility self-denial of patience know that these are more glorious things than if thou didst sit upon a Throne with a Crown of gold upon thy head and a Scepter in thy hand and al the people prostrating themselves before thee this were all but a childish vanity in comparison of the exercise of the graces of Gods Spirit thou hast that that is more excellent in the eyes of God and of His Son and in the eyes of the blessed Angels far more excel lent than these outward pompous glorious glittering vanities that are here when thou findest by experience that the Kingdom of Christ is not of this world Oh then think that surely God delights much in the exercise of the graces of His Spirit in His Saints And this is the reason why he would not have the kingdom of Christ to be of this world Thirdly and lastly Therefore He would not have it to be of this world that hereafter when the Lord shall come to fetch out all his glory from those things that seem to be the most contrary that his power and wisdom may be more glorious and appear more evidently that his glory may be more conspicuous as certainly it will hereafter at the great Day when the issue of all the great designs that God had in sending of Christ into the world when the issue of all shall come and be accomplisht then the Name of God will be so much the more honorable to all eternity because He hath wrought out such glorious things from that which did seem to the eye of flesh to be so mean and contemptible APPLICATION But by way of Application and that shall be built upon the consideration of the point more generally and upon the Reasons that are named why the Kingdom of Christ is not of this world From hence follow thus much in the first place That if the Kingdom of Christ be not of this world then there is a happiness beyond the things of this world to be had that we must certainly conclude and determin If we beleeve this point That Christ Kingdom is not of this world we must lay down this for a certain and infalible ground that we may build upon That there is a happiness to be attained unto that is beyond this world for surely there is a good in the of Christ there is somewhat beyond this world for the souls of the children of men to look after as their cheef good as their happiness that 's a confectory that follows from it The Kingdom of Christ whatsoever it be it 's a glorious Kingdom it is the Kingdom of
of this world John 8. 23. Are all the good things that the Father hath to cōmunicate of this world and not Christ Himself of this world Let me tell you Christ is the greatest gift that ever was given or possibly could be received and yet Christ is not of this world therefore there is somwhat else besides the things of this world that God hath for some of the children of men that He intends good unto Ninthly The Saints are said not to be of this world Joh. 15. 19. 17. 14. If they be not of this world then their happiness is not here God hath other happiness for them than that which is here Tenthly The Scripture makes it to be a sign of a child of wrath that he walks according to the course of this world in 2 Joh. 2. this is enough to describe a child of wrath Eleventhly It 's made a sign of one that is an enemy to God and that 's hateful before God that is a lover of this world Jam. 4. 4. And 1 Joh. 2. 15. He that loves the world the love of the Father is not in him and the friendship of the world is enmity to God saith the Holy Ghost in those two Scriptures If so be that in the world there were the special things that God hath to communicate to the Children of men certainly then God would have his people to love the world He would say Love these things for these are the fruits of my favor and love these are part of the riches that I have to communicate to those that I intend good to and therefore delight in these expatiate your heart in these Oh me saith the holy Ghost whosoever loves the world is an enemy to God And if the love of the world be in you the love of the Father is not in you surely then here are not the things that God intends for the children of men Twelfthly The world is that that shall be condemned 1 Cor. 11. 32. That ye may not be condemned with the world that notes that God intends to condemn this whol world all these things are under the sentence of death and all the men of the world are condemned before God and therefore these are not the things that men should so much look after to make them happy Thirteenthly Take all the world together the Scripture speaks by way of supposition That a man may gain the whol world and yet his soul be lost for ever If one man could get all the world in to his possession and thereby lose his soul it would be an ill bargain the world then hath no such excellency in it as we should place our happiness in it God hath something else for His people than these things that are at the best under Moon-vanities Fourteenthly If Christs Kingdom is not of this world then certainly those that are of the world are not of His Kingdom for these two cannot stand together that Christs Kingdom should not be of this world and yet that these that are of the world should be of his Kingdom if such as are of the world are none of his kingdom then certainly a worldly man or woman is not of the kingdom of Christ Christ owns them not as under His kingdom they are Vagabonds and Runnagates not under the protection of Jesus Christ not partakers of any priviledg of Jesus Christ Quest You will say to me How should one know when a man is a man of this world The Scripture makes a plain distinction of some that are of this world and some not the best of all you will say they have hearts worldly enough and they desire to have the comforts of this world as well as others well though there are some yet we had need look to our selves to examine whether we be of the world yea or no for there lies thus much upon it that if we be of the world we are not of the kingdom of Christ now I would give you but these three notes of a man of the world Answ The first is this One that is a man of the world is such an one as could be content if God would let him live here in this world and enjoy what he doth he would be content for to live here for ever and could be satisfied though he never enjoyed any thing from God but what he hath received here if he might alwaies bold it Here 's an evident Argument of a man of the world I mean such a man as hath health of body in this world he hath for outwards as much as the world can afford any man that for the properness of his body his comliness his health he hath as much as the world can give he hath convenient dwelling with all accommodations belonging thereunto and he hath the comings in of the world as much as his heart can desire he hath his wife and children about him in which he hath a great deal of delight and content now I would but put it to this man What sayest thou would not this satisfie thy heart if thou mightest alwaies be here alwaies have thy house and gardens and walks and these comings in that thou hast now that thou mightest fare deliciously every day and have the sweet and fat of the world would it not satisfie thy soul though God should never give thee any thing else but this I beseech you in your own thoughts answer even to God this question and seriously look into your hearts for you may know very much of your hearts upon the answer to this question you may come to know what is like to become of you for ever even from the answer that your consciences would give to this question That man or woman whose conscience tels them that this would satisfie then we may conclude that surely that man or woman is of this world because the things of this world would be enough for his portion But now take a man or woman that is chosen out of this world that is of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ unto whom the Lord hath made known the things of another world and the excellencies of Jesus Christ and such a one though it had ten thousand times more than it hath though it had what possibly can be imagined it would say Lord it 's true I am unworthy of the least crum of bread that I eat or of the least drop of water but yet it is not all the world nor ten thousand worlds can satisfie my soul for the portion of it It is nothing but thy self the unsearchable riches in Jesus Christ those blessed things that thou hast revealed in that glorious kingdom of thy Son it 's only that that can satisfie my soul for the portion of it and if thou shouldest say well thou shalt have all the things in this world for thy portion and enjoy them for ever I should account my self in a miserable condition for thou hast revealed better and higher things to my
certainly Apostatize if their hearts take deep root in the earth If you find your spirits so glewed to the things of the world that you know not how to part with them that you know not how to live in a place and not to have your neighbors love and respect and to honor you and to have the countenance of the times in which you live Do you find your hearts thus cleaving to the things of the world like the Serpent that dust you eat and upon your belly you go Know that thou hast a worldly heart thou art like to be an Apostate from the Truth of God ere long In the 2. of Titus 12. the Apostle saith That the grace of God that hath appeared to all men teaches them to deny all worldly lusts Oh my brethren let 's labor to walk worthy of our Calling into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ 1 Thess 2. 12. There the Apostle with a great deal of earnestness speaks to the Thessalonians exhorting them that they would Walk worthy of God who hath called them into his Kingdom and Glory Are you converted to Christ you are called into this Kingdom walk worthy of Him And mark his earnestness in the verse before As you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father doth his children We comforted you in shewing you the excellency of the Kingdom of God and the Priviledges of this Kingdom we exhorted you and we charged every one of you as a father doth his children And what did he exhort and charge them to it was this That they would walk worthy of God who had called them into his Kingdom and his glory Oh! 't is a great mercy that God hath revealed any thing of the Kingdom of his Son unto you walk worthy of it as it becomes those that are called to be the Subjects of such a glorious Kingdom as this is and above all things have a care and let me warn you of this worldliness in the hearts of the Saints Namely of a crafty cunning subtilness in the things of this life there is nothing more unbeseeming a Christian than a crafty cunning subtilness for the world many men bless themselves in this and they take abundance of content to think that by their craft and cunning sophistry they can fetch about things circumvent others so provide for themselves in this world I say there is nothing more unbeseeming a Christian than to be crafty and cunning in circumventing others and providing for themselves in the matters of this world In 1. Cor. 2. 12. saith the Apostle We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God it is that we have received There is many men you may plainly see that they have the spirit of the world that 's thus I have many times wondered at it some men come and speak to them about any matters of the Kingdom of Christ they speak so foolishly and childishly either they must hold their peace and say nothing or else if they do speak they discover so much ignorance and childishness that a man would wonder where the understandings of such men are that have liv'd so long a time in the world as they have done and heard so much of Religion and when one hears them speak so one would wonder how these men should have understanding to live in the world but now these in the businesses of the world they are as worldly politick no man can out go them there they can foresee all kind of dangers in any miscarriage and can judge of twenty things together in their thoughts and compare one thing with another see further into the world than other men so that a man would wonder sometimes I say when one hears them speaking of Religion whether these men have any wit or understanding but when one follows them in the things of the world you shall see them as witty as understanding as judicious and as cunning as any men almost can be they have received the spirit of the world and they are led by the spirit of the world the god of this world hath taken possession of them and it 's that that makes them so but they have not received the Spirit of Jesus Christ they may say quite contrary to the Apostle saith the Apostle we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit of Jesus Christ they may say we have not received the Spirit of Christ but of the world it 's true Christ would have us so long as we live in the world to be as wise as serpents yet innocent as doves the wisdom that is for the promotion of the Kingdom of Christ it is a wisdom that hath an upright plainess in it and is according to the simplicity of the Gospel indeed when they have to deal with wicked men they may exercise a natural wisdom to avoid the dangers of persecution or to avoid the circumventing of wicked men but when they have to deal with spiritual things there the wisdom is that that holds forth a simplicity of the Gospel that is carried on with plainess and simpleness of heart The Hebrews have the same word that signifies a naked man and a cunning subtil man You shall find where it 's said of Adam and Eve they were naked nakedness of spirit and subtilty may stand together they signifie the same thing to shew what kind of subtilty should be in those that are the People of God it should be that that may stand with a naked spirit so as if God would discover the secrets of all their hearts to all the children of men that they should not be ashamed to have all their secrets to be opened to them But now the cunningness that is the cunningness of the serpent is such a cunningness as men if they were but laid open would quickly be ashamed of And so much of the fourth use that it is unbeseeming those that are of the kingdom of Christ to have the spirit of the world because Christs kingdom is not of this world 5. Vse Hence we see the reason of the meanness of the outward condition of the people of God in this world why is it that Christ hath so ordered things that the people of God should be so outwardly poor in this world My Kingdom is not of this world saith Christ Therefore why should any that come under my kingdom look for great things in this world they must look to have their comfort and glory in things that concern my Kingdom and not in the things of this world in Psal 73. 12. Behold those that are ungodly prosper in this world saith the Scripture As for men that are godly and come under the Kingdom of Christ they must look for a prosperity that is beyond this world God gives the earth to the children of men and to the men of the world Let them prosper saith God here 's their portion here 's
dishonor upon him yet this Saul had mighty power over his Spirit he was very meek and a quiet man in the first of Samuel 10. 27. the text saith He held his peace when the Children of Belial said What have we to do with him 4. Though he were quiet in his own cause yet he shewed himself to have an excellent spirit of Government in him in a publick cause he was full of anger when it was for the good of the people that he was a Governor over though quiet in his own in the first of Samuel 11. 6. When he heard of a dishonor done to the people of Israel the Text saith that his anger did rise within him an excellent pattern for all Governors for all in publique places to be very silent and quiet self denying putting up wrongs in their own cause but to be full of zeal for the publick cause to reserve their spirits for a publick good Many there are in publick places that when they are anger'd in their private cause how full of Spirit they are and they spend their Spirit there so much that they have no spirit at all when it comes to a publick cause Saul went beyond them in this 5. Saul was one who was much troubled at the sin of the people against God not only had a spirit to vindicate a publick wrong but when he saw the people sin against God his heart was much troubled at their very sin and seemed to be grieved for it and mighty solicitous and careful about it to prevent sin in the people this you shall have in 1 Sam. 14. 33. they told Saul there That the people had sinned in eating with blood upon that Saul shews himself displeased Come saith he and do not sin against the Lord roul a stone to me hither and so he would see with his own eyes that they did slay the Cattel and they did powr forth the blood that they might not sin against God in eating blood this was his care 6. Saul he was very careful to enquire of God what he should do in businesses of great consequence in the 37. ver of that 14. chap. of the 1 of Samuel there he would not go out till he had first enquired of God Yea more than all this 7. He was a man that had a very reverend esteem of the Prophets of God when Samuel came to him in the 1 of Samuel 15. 13. O thou blessed of the Lord saith Saul to Samuel Yea yet further than this 8. When Samuel shewed unto him what his sin was in the 30. ver of that 15. chap. he comes and confesses it before the people and saith I have sinned I have sinned against the Lord meerly at the conviction of one Prophet Yea yet more than this 9. God seemed to be with Saul very much and to shew great respect unto him to make him an Instrument of much good to Israel He granted unto him as glorious a victory as ever man had in this world for so we may cal it and if there be any outward thing in the world might be gathered as an argument of Gods love then such a remarkable victory as he had over his enemies the victory you shall find in the 1 of Samuel 13. 5. and so reade on afterwards in that Chapter and the next you shall find there that the Philistims were risen up against him and Israel and there were thirty thousand Chariots of his Adversaries of the Philistims and six thousand horsmen and people as the sand of the Sea for multitude besides all this Wel here was a mighty Enemy What had Saul to oppose these You shall find in the 2. verse of that 14. chapter that there were but six hundred men with Saul here was of one side thirty thousand Chariots here was six thousand horsmen here was people as the sand of the Sea without number and Saul had but six hundred with him at this time yea and of those six hundred there was not any one of them that had a sword but only Saul and Jonathan for the Philistims were wise enough to disarm all the Malignants that they accounted so and would not let so much as a Smith be amongst them they would not only take away their Arms but they would look to them to see that they had no arms supplied unto them that was the wisdom of the Philistims yet we find if you reade afterwards in the Scripture that God was so far with Saul that he blessed him and gave him victory over all these Besides all this 10. God blessed Saul with a very gracious Child a godly son of a sweet nature Jonathan which indeed if any outward argument in the world might be an argument of Gods love that might be But now put all these things together and yet here is the man that hath his Portion in this world I now challenge the man especially one I challenge him that hath certain evidence of a mighty work of God upon him in Christ let him shew me greater arguments of Gods love to him than Saul might have done and yet it proved to be Sauls Portion that he should have only his portion in this world God herein shews that His mercy is His own and that He will let out His mercy as He pleaseth It is your Fathers pleasure to give you a Kingdom The Father doles out the Portion as He pleaseth unto His Children God will let the Line of His mercy to go thus far to one and there stop and so far to another and there stop and then come in a cross line again unto them God so disposes of his mercy that there are some that shall have Heaven and Earth to be their portion and their portion is blessed indeed There are some that shall have Earth but not Heaven and their portion is poor and mean and sad there are others that shall have Heaven but not earth and their portion is good And there are others that shall neither have Heaven nor Earth and their portion you 'l say is miserable indeed Gods mercy is His own to dispose of as He will We reade that Abraham in Gen. 21. 14. He cals for Ishmael and Hagar and he gives them a piece of bread a bottle of water and sends them away there 's an end of them So Jehoshaphat in the 2 of Chron. 21. 3. He gave his other son saith the text gifts but the Kingdom he gave to Jehoram So God hath people to whom he gives pieces of bread bottles of water yea some to whom he gives great gifts in this world but he keeps his inheritance for his Isaac He keeps the Kingdom for Jehoram Esau he had his portion in this world and such a portion as he thought to be a very good portion in Gen. 33. 9. Brother saith he I have enough Most rich men are complaining they go not so far as Esau they have their portion and yet complain of it Esau hath his portion and
venture them Indeed when God comes unto His choice Mercies in Christ there he looks to have glory from them and he doth never give them to any but first he prepares them that they may give him the glory of those mercies but it is otherwise with others As suppose you see a man gathering of Crabs although Swine be under the Tree he cares not much to drive them away they are but Crabs let them have them but if he were gathering any choice and precious fruit if any Swine should come under he drives them away As for outward things Crabs the Lord suffers the Swine of the world to come grunting and take them up but when he comes to his choice Mercies in his Christ there he makes a distinction Oh! that is precious fruit A Black-smith that is working upon Iron though a great many Cinders and little bits of Iron fly up and down he regards them not but a Goldsmith that is working upon Gold he preserves every ray and every dust of Gold and a Lapidarie that is working upon precious Stones every little bit he will be sure to preserve a Carpenter that is only hewing of Timber he regards it not much if Chips fly up and down but it is not so with a Lapidary So these outward things are but as the Chips and Cinders and such kind of thing as those are and therefore God even gives a Portion to wicked men out of them Sixthly God knows that He hath time enough to manifest His Justice upon them hereafter He hath an Eternity hereafter for the Declaration of His Justice and therefore saith God Let them have somewhat for a while As you know it is natural in all when they see a man going to execution that is not like to live above an hour or two every one is ready to pity him and to be any way officious to him Oh! saith every one the man shall not have comfort long we cannot do much for him he shall have pain enough ere long and misery enough ere long and so every one pities him It is observable let a man go to execution for wickedness and then he is pitied by all but if a man should suffer for godliiness then perhaps they will not be so full of pity towards him As I remember in the Book of Martyrs there is a story of Mr. In o Frith a learned godly Minister and Andrew Hewit that were Martyrs and were to suffer for their conscience and the Story tells us that one Dr. Cook a Parson in London he openly admonishes the people that they should pray for them no more than they would do for a Dog that Charity of theirs that they talked so much of is such towards them that suffer out of conscience and as amongst Papists so amongst ungodly men let a man suffer out of conscience they will rather rail at him and when he is in his sufferings they will rather give him gall and vinegar to drink as they once did Christ upon the Cross though in other sufferings they pity men Seventhly By this that God gives to the wicked the Lord shews what great things he hath reserved for his own Children what a portion there is for them Surely if the dogs have so much the Father keeps a good house if the hang-byes may have such doles certainly there is good provision for the Children within As by the afflictions of the Saints God doth declare to wicked men and would have them draw such an argument from it that there are fearful things that are like to befal them If judgment begin at the House of God where shall the wicked and ungodly appear So by the prosperity that wicked men have in this world God doth declare to his Children and he would have them argue from thence what then hath he reserved for his beloved Ones for his Saints for his Children that are so dear unto him Eighthly God fetches a great deal of Glory from hence He fetches about His own ends very much from the portion that wicked men have as sometimes He doth it that they might stumble and harden their hearts and break their necks at it and to ripen their sins hence He lets them go on a long time and have their wills in Isa 33. 1. Wo to thee who spoilest and wert not spoiled and dealest treacherously and wert not dealt treacherously withal when thou shalt cease to spoil thou shalt be spoiled I 'le let thee go on thou shalt spoil as much as thou wilt and when thou hast done spoiling thou shalt be spoiled And sometimes God doth it to fetch about this end Namely to chastise His own people with the prosperity of the wicked And as an Ancient writer hath this Story of one that he saith by an extraordinary way from being a Monk was advanced into an Episcopal Seat and being a lewd wicked man he began to be proud of this his Advancement and being proud he heard these words in the story Ab angelo audivit Cur superbus ô infaelix non es creatus Episcopus quia tu dignus sed quia Civitas haec digna fuit tali Episcopi it was a wicked place and this was the answer Why art thou so proud Oh unhappy man for thou art not advanced because thou art worthy of this advancement but because this City is so ill it is worthy of such a Prelate to be over it In way of judgment to that place God advanced such a man And so many are advanced that they may be heavy judgments unto others God gives them such a portion not out of His love to them though they are ready to gather the Argument but out of His displeasure unto others And then He gives a plentiful portion to many to teach us all to do good unto our enemies not only humanitati as they say but homini not only to human nature but to men to men that are wicked some good must be done unto them Ninthly The Lord would shew hereby that He would have no argument of love or hatred to be drawn from these outward things and also because He would not have them to expect any more It may be many men that are ungodly prospering in this world they gather this argument That therefore God loves them and intends mercy to them Cujus contrarium verum nay you may rather gather an argument quite th' other way because God intends no further good unto you hereafter therfore it is you have so much now We use to answer men that come for their dole who have had out a dole and they will come again Why do you come again you have had your dole already So God will answer to many men when they shall cry to him for mercy at that day Why come you to me for more you have had your dole already Have you not had already more than your work comes to more than you have done you have had your part and portion already indeed men speak much
2. may prove to be your portion it is spoken of Doeg This is the man saith the Psalmist that did not make God his trust but trusted in his great riches this is the man So you may be pointed out one day This is the man Doeg was a great Courtier and because he was an Officer of King Sauls and because he had his favour he trusted in the favour of the King and in his riches and what did he care for David Yea by the Text it appears he was one that made some shew of Religion too in the 1 of Sam. 21. 7. He was detained before the Lord Tremelius thinks either out of some Religious vow or to keep the Sabbath or somewhat concerning the Law he was detained before the Lord and yet he was a vile Malignant against David and all because he trusted in the great countenance he had at Court Now this is the man that made not God his trust but that trusted in his great riches the Lord forbid this Scripture should be made true of any of you I leave this Text with you that are rich men take heed you trust not in your great riches I leave this Text with you that are in places of dignity and honor take heed you have not your portion in this world I leave this Text to Voluptuous men given up to pleasures take heed you hear not one day this Son remember in thy life-time thou hadst thy pleasure I leave this with those that dare not trust God for a portion to come And above all I leave this with all Hypocrites let them take heed it be not said to them Here is your reward Consider what hath been said and the Lord give you understanding in all things FINIS THE ALPHABETICAL TABLE A ABuse see Body Adam First Adam what he was and what he should have been had he stood Page 43 The state of Adam compared with the state of the Saints 44 Admiration Admiration of Saints and Angels 90 Adrian Adrian the Pope his wofull death 339 Alexanders rebuke 349 Angels Angels are the Saints keepers 155 Angels see Love Honor Anger Anger must be avoided 38 Arbitrary Arbitrary Government and the differences of it 324 Antichrist Antichrists great design 49 Argument see Gospel B Beginning Beginings of sin to be feared 83 Beleevers Beleevers draw strength from Christ 45 Beleevers should manifest Christ in their actions Ibid Beleevers cannot fall away 46 Beleevers are not without mixture of evil ib. Beleevers under the Law were as children under age 100 Beleevers under the Gospel are children of full age ib Beleevers must not be of earthly hearts and why 270 Beleeve The manner how to beleeve 76 Bishops see Prelats Blood The Blood of Christ takes us off from vain conversations 98 Body The body of sin must be mortified 39 The body of sin is unknown to Nature 40 Abuse not your bodies and why 92 Boldness see Saints Boniface Boniface his answer 288 Bowels Bowels of mercy beseem the Gospel 71 Branch see Christ C Canaan The Land of Canaan a type of Heaven 47 Carelesness see Profession Christians Carnal Carnal worship opposeth the soul of godliness 49 Carnal see Weapons Heart Ceremonies Ceremonies condemned and why 97 Chastisement Chastisements for sin what they are 148 Children see Beleevers Christ Christs love known in the Gospel 69 Christ is the mercy of all mercies 70 Christs kept the Law and why 78 Christs self denial 93 Christ is the Root and we are the Branches 103 Christs is a great King 116 Christ God-man governs all things and why 136 Christs Rule 139 Christs Law ibid See Dependance Subjects and Peace Christians Christians must be carefull of their families 19 Christians should eye those whose Conversations are above them 29 Christians subject to grow careless by degrees 31 Church Church of God as a City 3 Circumvent We must not circumvent one another 275 Citizen A Citizen's wretch'd speech 320 Civil Civil mens worship of God 35 Companions see Tribulation Compulsion see Persecution Conscience Liberty of Conscience the way to procure it 22 Contentment Motives to contentment 349 Conversation The meaning of this word CONVERSATION 3 What Conversation becomes the Gospel 5 Our Conversation must be looked to after conversion 7 Conversation becoming the Gospel 57 How our Conversation should be manifested 350 What Conversation becomes the Gospel 115 See Image Wanton Cook Cook his opinion of the Martyrs 308 Covetousness Covetousness unbeseeming a Saint 270 Customs Old Customs an hindrance to spiritual worship 100 D Daies Difference between daies of fasting and thanksgiving and holy daies 99 See Observing Danger see Help Deceivers Self Deceivers how 13 Dependance No dependance between the Kingdom of Christ and this world 284 Design see Gospel Despair The reason of despair 75 Despise Despise not the meanest of men 92 Difference Difference which the Gospel makes 122 Difference betwen Saints and worldly men 312 Divisions Divisions whence they come 105 Duty see Time Dying Dying one for another becomes the Gospel 58 E Elevation Elevation of spirit upon what ground 91 Enmity How enmity against God is kept up 15 Epistle The Saints should be the Epistles of Christ 113 Eternal life Little mention of Eternal life in the Old Testament 110 Excellency The Excellency of a Saints portion wherein it consists 354 Eyes The eyes of all are upon Professors 23 What the eyes of a Christian should be set upon 354 F Faith Faith acts upon Christ as a King aswell as a Savior 135 Necessity of living by faith 285 Fleshly-lusts Fleshly lusts unsutable to the Gospel 102 G Gentils see Partition German The speech of a German Divine 137 God Gods willingnesse to be at peace with man 63 See Hatred Love Glory People Mercy God is full of goodness 64 How the utmost of Gods glory is manifested 90 Godly Why godly men are willing to live 2 Gospel What the Gospel is 3 Gospel-Conversation what it is 38 Gospel Obedience proceeds from love 40 Difference between the Law of Adam and the Gospel 41 Those that live under the Gospel must live in an higher way of holiness than those that lived under the Law 42 The great Design of the Gospel 54 The Gospel cals for love 58 Gospel-arguments are the strongest arguments 69 Difference between the Gospel the light of Nature 73 See Law Mallice Christ Conversation Dying Bowels Wanton Worship Beleevers Power Government see Arbitrary Great ones see Religion H Hard-hearted see Monster Hatred Gods hatred of sin how to know it 81 Heart Carnal hearts will not trust God 351 Help Helps against the danger of the times 24 Holy Ghost The Holy Ghost dwells in our bodies 90 Honor How the honor of Religion is kept up 15 More honor put upon Men than upon Angels 89 I Jewes The error of the Jews about Christs Kingdom 117 See Partition Image How man holds out the Image of God Injustice A remedy against Injustice 77 Institution Whereon institution of Worship depends
21 Institution is the rule of Worship 141 Justice Gods Justice is no loser by His Mercy 74 K King Wherein the Kings of the earth ar not like Christ 137 See Christ Subjects Kingdom Christs Kingdom is not of this world 116 Why Christs Kingdom is not of this world 157 When the Kingdoms of this world shall be submitted to Christ 150 See Dependance L Latimer Latimers story 339 Law The Law of God goes higher than the light of Nature and how 41 The Law considered under two Considerations 42 The Law given to Adam what it was 43 Difference between the Law of Adam and the Law given by Moses 47 Difference between the Law given by Moses and the Gospel ibid They under the Law had somthing of the Gospel ibid See Gospel Christ Worship and Beleevers Leturgie True Leturgie what it is 355 Liberty see Conscience Light of Nature see Nature Life see Spirit Looseness see profession Love The love of God is more to men than to Angels 53 The love of God should work an answerable love in us 54 See Testimony Christ Lusts see Flesh Luther Luthers opinion of the Turkish Empire 306 Luthers's Protestation 334 M Magistrates How Magistrates are helpful to the Church 140 Malice Malice is unbeseeming the Gospel 58 Man see World Mercy Mercy must be real not verbal 71 Gods infinit mercy 286 Gods Mercy undervalued by worldly men ibid See Transcendant Christ Bowels Ministers Ministers of the Gospel what they are 4 Ministers ought to rule over none but those they teach 30 Ministers should be eminent in their Conversations every way ibid Ministers Charge over soules 88 Mixture What mixture is in worldly portions 336 Monsters Hard-hearted Christians are monsters 71 Moses see Law N Nature Light of Nature its extent 33 Difference between the light of Nature before the fall and since 41 Light of Nature shews something of the mercie of God 69 Necessity see Faith O Obedience The Obedience of a Beleever is of an higher nature than Adams in his innocency 44 Observing Observing daies forbidden 98 Old see Customs Opinions What Opinions are not to be tollerated 327 Opposed World opposed to Saints 272 Overseeing see Visitation P Papists Papists reproved 287 Parliament The PARLIAMENT defended 324 Partition The partition wall between Jew and Gentile taken down 66 Peace We should love peace 65 Peace with our Brethren what it should be 68 Difference between the worlds peace and Christs 155 Why men should have peace upon any terms 323 See God and Seek People Why Gods People are mean in this world 277 Perfection Perfection comes by suffering 279 Persecution Persecution unlawful 283 Persecution opposed 326 Pope A mortal choice of Popes 328 Portion Why wicked men have a portion 304 The worlds portion described 329 Rules to know who hath his portion only in this life 341 See Excellency Power What the power of the Gospel is 123 Prelates Prelates reproved 287 Priviledges Priviledges of the Saints 152 Profession The reason why some mens profession vanisheth 14 Loosness of profession what mischief it doth 16 The miseries attending a loose profession 18 Why forward professors turn persecutors 19 See Eyes Promises Difference between the promises of the Gospel and Adams promises 45 R Reason We are not to live altogether according to reason 67 Reason discovers some sin 80 Reconciliation Reconciliation to God 65 Rebels How the Saints are Rebells 280 Redemption What the Redemption of a soul is 86 Religion Religion comes to nothing without consideration of the duties of relation 25 Why Religion is so little regarded by great ones 319 See Honor Weapons Repentance Repentance is a mighty work 87 Repentance is out of our power 85 Root see Christ S Saints The Saints shall condemn the world 12 The Saints may come to the Throne of grace with boldness 50 The Saints shall judge the world 272 See Rebels Difference Seek Seek for peace 66 Self-denial see Christ Selvishness Selvishness unbeseeming a Saint 94 Schism What Schism is 108 Services Gods services are choice services 356 Sin Sin harboured in thought produceth sinful actions 29 No sin is little 82 The wages of sin is death ib. See Hatred Beginings Socrates Socrates his rebuke 331 Soul Souls Immortallity proved 1 Souls pawn'd to the Devil 86 See Worth Redemption Strength Strength drawn from Christ 45 Strive We must strive together not asunder 105 Spirit The life of the Spirit what it is 102 Subjects Difference between Christs subjects and the subjects of other Kings 138 Suffering see Perfection T Temptations Particular temptations must be looked to 27 Tenure The tenure men hold the world by 335 Testimonies Testimonies of Gods love to us 55 Testimonies of our love to God 56 Time The time sanctifies the duty 99 Transcendent The mercies of God are transcendent 69 Tribulation We have Companions in Tribulation 278 Turkish Empire see Luther U Unity Unity of the Saints 105 Visitation Visitation of the wicked what it is 10 W Wanton Wanton Conversation becomes not the Gospel 71 Well-doing Well-doing stops the mouthes of wicked men 11 Well-doing converts men ibid Weapons Carnal weapons not to be used in defence of Religion 145 Wicked Wicked men do something for God 305 See Portion Wickedness Wickedness is unbeseeming Professors 128 The wickednesse of the world 281 Works Our good works should shine before men 8 Difference between doing of good works that may be seen and doing good works that they may be seen ibid Women Women-Preachers in what sense lawful 9 Worship We must set up the Worship of God in our families 56 The worship of the world is carnal 96 God will have as much worship under the Gospel as under the Law ibid What worship becomes the Gospel 100 See Institution Worth The worth of the soul 85 World How to know a man of this world 263 See Peace Opposed Saints People Portion Worldly Why worldly men are cunning 118 Worldly men see Difference Worldly portion see Mixture Wronged We must seek peace of those that have wronged us 67 FINIS March 2. 1645. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 March 15. 1645 March ●2 1645 April 12 1646. 1. Pet. 2. 13. Humanae creationae 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Preached on Easter Munday April 3. 1643. before Isaac Penington then Lord Major of London Mol. in Psal Doct. 1. Doct. 2.