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A22472 The neuu couenant, or, A treatise of the sacraments whereby the last testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, through the shedding of his pure and precious blood, is ratified and applyed vnto the conscience of euery true beleeuer : diuided into three bookes [brace] 1. Of the sacraments in generall, 2. Of baptisme, 3. Of the Lords Supper : verie necessarie and profitable for these times, wherein we may behold the [brace] truth it selfe plainly prooued, doctrine of the reformed churches clearely maintained, errors of the Church of Rome soundly conuinced, right maner of the receiuing of the[m] comfortably declared, and sundry doubts and difficult questions decided / by William Attersoll ... Attersoll, William, d. 1640. 1614 (1614) STC 889.5; STC 896_INCORRECT; ESTC S120393 495,931 616

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and the bookes were opened and another booke was opened which is the booke of life and the dead were iudged of those things written in those bookes according to their workes Wherefore when children shall come to yeares of discretion and vnderstanding they must heereby be pricked forward to an earnest care and indeuour to walke in the feare of God and to serue him in holines righteousnes all the dayes of their life by whom they were receiued for sonnes and adopted for his childrē by a solemne pledge of their adoption before they were able through their age to know and acknowledge him for their father This must serue as a strong confirmation of their faith both in life and death to assure them that God will neuer leaue them nor forsake them who so soone beginneth to giue them pledges of his loue and to shew himselfe to bee their God We see by common experience that a little child comming into the world is one of the miserablest and filliest creatures that can be deuised the very liuely picture of the greatest infirmity that can be imagined more weake in body and lesse able to helpe himselfe or shift for himselfe then any of the beasts of the field The other creatures which are also the worke of his hands by the secret instinct of nature so soone as they are come foorth seeke about for succour and sustenance It is not so with children they can neither seeke their owne good nor defend themselues from euill They are ready to fall into fire and water or any other danger they cannot take one bit of bread to feed themselues they cannot couer their owne nakednesse they must be caried in our armes swadled in clothes attired in apparell washed with water nourished with milke and afterward with meat and haue all things supplyed vnto them They would starue for cold sooner then come to the fire to warme themselues they can do nothing to saue or to serue themselues Thus man-kinde lifted vp into the highest seate of honour and made little inferior to the Angels is through sinne their reuolt from God fallen downe into the greatest misery and lowest degree of all wretchednesse Neuerthelesse in respect of the life to come God hath prouided much better for the sonnes of men then for others for they are no sooner come into the world but he taketh care for them he declareth himselfe a father vnto them he hath commanded them to be brought vnto him and to be baptized in his name to the end that so soone as they begin to breathe they might also begin to breathe liue anew or second life so soone as they begin to sucke the milke of their mothers breasts they might also sucke both the breasts of the Church and so finde the food of euerlasting life He giueth his Angels charge ouer them and receiueth them vnto mercy he reserueth them for his heauenly kingdome and in the meane season offereth vnto them many tokens and assurances of his good will toward them Let them therefore giue the g Prou. 3 9. Lam. 3 27 Psal 119 9. Eccle. 12 1. first fruites of their life to God let them learne to beare the yoke of obedience from their youth let them redresse and reforme their waies by taking heed to the word of truth and seeing God hath remembred them in their baptisme let them also remember their Creator in the dayes of their youth and begin to be wise betimes least death come suddenly and cut them off as the sluggard that fore-sloweth the seasons of plowing and reaping wisheth for them in vaine at another time of the yeare Thus we haue shewed the baptisme of children the certaine truth thereof hath beene euidently prooved the obiections against this truth alledged haue beene sufficiently answered and the vses of it to the great comfort of all faithfull parents and Children haue beene particularly remembred CHAP. VIII Of the first inward part of baptisme HItherto we haue handled al the outward parts of baptisme now wee are orderly to proceed to the inward parts The inward parts of baptisme are such as are represented by the outward Those are a Mat. 2● 19.20 Mark 16 16. foure in number first God the Father secondly the Spirit thirdly Christ fourthly the soule clensed as we see Mat. 28. Teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy-Ghost he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued Heere we see these foure inward parts b Foure inward parts of bapti●me are named and expressed This is also euidently proued c Mat 3 11. in the baptisme of Christ where the Trinity of persons was manifested These inward parts do directly and fitly answere to the outward The Father is represented by the Minister the Spirit worketh by the word Christ is sealed by the water the soule clensed is signified by the body that is washed Now d The agreement betweene the outward and inward parts there is a notable agreement a singular vnion and fit proportion betweene these parts where the Minister hath relation and reference to the Father the word to the Spirite the water to Christ and the body dipped to the faithfull clensed For euen as the Minister by the word of institution taketh and applyeth the water to the washing of the body so God the Father through the working of the Spirite offereth and applyeth the blood of Christ to the clensing of the faithfull Hauing seene the proportion of the parts betweene thēselues let vs consider of them particularly in order The e The first inward part of baptisme is God the Father first inward part is God the Father represented by the Minister The Minister calling vpon the name of God vseth the water to wash washeth the party baptized with the element of water which sealeth vp Gods incorporating ingrafting f Gal. 3 27. of the baptized into Christ and our spirituall regeneration Hence it is that when Iohn baptized the Father was present as president of the worke when loe his voice came from heauen saying This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased Now let vs come to the vses This serueth first of all to strengthen our faith in the remission Vse 1 of our sins in imputation of Christs righteousnes in mortification of sinne by the force of Christs death and in sanctification through Christs resurrection Wherefore although the Minister doth nothing touching or toward the cleansing of the soule yet in regard of Gods ordinance and our benefit the ministry of man is somewhat which whosoeuer despiseth doth despise GOD the the author of it For whensoeuer the eye of the body seeth the Minister powring on the water and washing the body we must behold by faith God the Father offering the blood of his owne Son to be water of life to our soules And let vs all make this vse of the Churches baptisme to the comfort of our
inuert the reason and make it serue to euert and ouerthrow the sacrifice of their Masse seeing it is certaine there were no Altars Lastly we must obserue that it is not barely called a table but the Table of the LORD to teach vs to drawe Vse 3 neare vnto it with all reuerence and regard If we measure and marke our affection in earthly things we see what care curiosity is often times vsed when men come to the table and presence of Noble men how much greater care and conscience should be vsed of euery one of vs when wee come to this table where the King of Kings and the Lord of heauen and earth is present When Dauid would reward and recompence the kindnes of Barzillai he charged Salomon his sonne that the sonnes of Barzillai should sit and eate bread at his table how great then is the honour that God vouchsafeth to vs permitting and appointing vs to sit at the Table of his owne Son of whom we say truely a greater then Salomon is there Wherefore to stirre vs vp to this duty deuotion let euery one consider and meditate thus with himselfe I am this day to be the Lords guest I am inuited to his Table I am to eate of his bread and to drink of his cup I haue not in this busines to do with man whose breath is in his Nostrils but to deale with God in whose presence I do abide who is both a beholder and Iudge of all my actions to whom I shall eyther stand or fall If I come in hypocrisie he will finde me out o Heb. 4 13. before whom all things are naked and open If I come fitted by faith and sanctified by repentance I shall receiue Christ and all his merits to my endlesse comfort Thus much sufficeth to be considered touching this title of the Lords Table The last title of this Sacrament remaineth to be handled being called the new Testament or will of Christ p The vses of calling this Sacrament the testament or will of Christ from whence we may gather diuers vses as good conclusions frō this doctrine For first it teacheth that there is a double Testament and couenant of God made to his people one of workes the other of grace one of the law the other of the Vse 1 Gospell as Iohn 1 17. The law was giuen by Moyses but grace and truth by Iesus Christ And Ier. 31 31 32. I will make a new couenant with the house of Israell and the house of Iudah not accord●ng to the couenant that I made with their Fathers when I tooke them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egipt the which my couenant they brake although I was an husband vnto them But this shall bee the couenant that I will make with the house of Israell after those dayes saith the Lord I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people The couenant of the law is a couenant wherein God hath promised to his people all blessings corporall and spiritual temporall and eternall q Leuit. 18 5. Mat. 19 17. Gal. 3 12. Deut. 27 20. vnder the condition of perfect obedience and hath threatned all curses and death 〈◊〉 to all that continue not in all parts and points of the 〈◊〉 do them The couenant of grace ratified by the death an● blood of Christ is a couenant wherein God promiseth his loue and fauor for euer to come vpon all that beleeue in his Sonne r Ioh. 3.16 assuring them of remission of sins and eternall life requiring of them onely faith in him as Iohn 3. God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that such as beleeue in him should not perish but liue for euer Againe if this Sacrament sealing vp the new couenant Vse 2 betweene God and man haue the name and nature of a will or testament then it serueth to condemne the Church of Rome that adde alter mingle and mangle this Sacrament at their owne pleasure For the Apostle teacheth Gal. 3. Though it be but a mans ſ Gal. 3 11. couenant yet when it is confirmed no man doth abrogate it or addeth any thing thereto And Heb. 9 14. He is the mediator of the new Testament that through his death they which are called might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance for where a testament is there must be the death of the testator for the testament is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it is aliue If then the testament of man may not be abrogated or altered much lesse the Testament of God confirmed by the death of the Mediator Notwithstanding such is the sacriledge and presumption of that Antichristian Church that the idolatrous Masse as a bottomlesse gulfe hath ouerturned and swallowed vp the Lords Supper turning the Sacrament into a sacrifice administring it in a strange tongue taking away the cuppe from the people of God making prayers for the dead bringing in their carnall presence imagininng a monstrous transubstantiation setting vp a new Priest-hood a new sacrifice a new Altar and lastly feigning vses and ends therof which Christ neuer appointed the Apostles neuer acknowledged the Churches succeeding neuer confessed or practised Now masses t Concil cabilon can 33. are mumbled in memory of the Saints they are held auaileable not only for the liuing but for the dead they are iudged profitable against stormes and tempests they are thought a soueraigne remedy against 〈◊〉 ●ore and sicknes of the body healthfull and helpefull ●●r such as are going to warre to couer their heads in the day of battell as a shield of brasse and to preserue them from the sword of the enemy good against enchantments and sorceries and fit to be applyed to make tryall proofe whether a man be guilty of the crime and accusation laid to his charge But what are all these strange vses but strange abuses yea strong fancies and delusions of the man of sin burying in perpetuall forgetfulnes the true ends for the which Christ Iesus ordained his last Supper All these being pestilent corruptions of the Sacrament of the Supper and fraudulent additions to the last will and testament of Christ do lay open to the full the wretched abhominations of the Church of Rome the mother of fornications Vse 3 Lastly the name of Christs last will and testament giuen to this Sacrament serueth for the great comfort of Gods children For heerein we shall finde all things belong●ng to a full and perfect testament For Christ Iesus is the testator all faithfull Christians u Rom. 8 17. 1 Pet. 1 12. and 5 1. are appointed heires the angels are as the ouerseers the Apostles are the witnesses the legacies bequeathed are not lands and possessions or great summes a Mat. 8 20 26. of mony for the sonne of man had not
our selues the promises of saluation Wee must not onely see them a farre off but feele them in our hearts Wee must beleeue not onely that Christ is a Sauiour but that he is our Sauiour and Redeemer Thus wee must euerie one of vs for his owne part make prop●r to himselfe all the riches and graces that are in Christ Iesu● because in giuing himselfe to vs hee giueth all his benefi●s in that he is God he maketh vs after a sort d 2 Peter 1 4● partakers of the diuine nature being heire of all things in heauen and earth e 1 Cor 3 22. and Lord of the world hee maketh all thinges ours whether life or death whether things present or thinges to com recouering in him the possession of those things which we lost ●n Adam being the beloued sonne of the father hee maketh vs acceptable and well-pleasing vnto him leading captiuity captiue and giuing giftes f Eph. 4 8. to men hauing Dominion ouer the diuell sinne hell the world the flesh and all our enemies he protecteth vs that they cannot ouerthrowe vs and hath g Reuelat. 1 6 made vs Kings and Priests to God euen his father in that he is happie and immortall he maketh vs partakers of his blessednesse and immortality When we shall seuerally and particularly apply all the actions and benefits of Christ our Lorde vnto our selues wee may boldly come to the Lords Table where we shall finde Christ and enioy him to our endlesse comfort knowing that we liue alwaies by faith but not alwaies by feeling Neither are we to abstaine and hang back from comming to the Supper nor to dispaire of our selues nor to bee too much cast downe when we feele sundry defectes and wants in our faith For h There are 2. degrees of true faith there is a weake and feeble saith which is yet a true faith as well as the strong faith There are two degrees of faith profitable to be knowne and comfortable to be considered The weake faith i what a weak Faith is is an earnest and vnsaigned desire to bee reconciled vnto God in Christ which willing desire in vs God accepteth as the deede it selfe he accounteth the desire of faith as faith it selfe the desire of reconciliation and forgiuenesse of sinnes by the death of Christ shall be auaileable to worke out our attonement and redemption The strong faith is a full perswasion assurance k What a strong faith is of the mercies of God when the faithfull can truly say with the Apostle Rom. 8 38 l Roma 8 38. 39. I am perswaded that neither life nor death nor things present nor things to come neither Angels nor principalities nor powers neither het●hth nor depth nor any other creature shall separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde To this assurance we labour to come and in this assurance we endeuour to grow and to go on from saith to faith and from strength to strength vntill we learne to stand fast as it were vpon the battlements of heauen and to set the world at defiance and to treade the earth vnder our feete saying with the Apostle Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect Or who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ This is the greatest measure and highest degree of faith this is the top strength and full ripenesse of faith heere vnto wee are to striue and endeuour and neuer to giue rest vnto our soules vntill we be resolued and setled in our consciences that all our sinnes are assurredly pardoned and we accepted to euerlasting life This greatnesse of faith was in Abraham m Rom. 4 20 who was not weake but strengthened in faith being fully perswaded Hee that had promised was able also to do it All that liue in the bosome of the Church doe not attaine to this full measure of a perfect faith but euen as it is in the estate of the body we are Babes before wee come to be men of ripe yeares first we be weake before we be strong n 1 cor 3 1 ● first we are fedde with milke before wee can digest strong meate We see o Mar. 4 2● Corne first in the grasse then in the blade before it come to the stalke and haue ripe corne in the eare There must bee in all things a beginning before there can be a proceeding to perfection The tree sendeth foorth his tender branches and putteth foorth his leaues before his fruite commeth So is it with euery Christian man and woman first they are babes in Christ and haue certaine seeds and beginnings of faith springing in them to eternall life afterward they grow from strength to strength from grace to grace from degree to degree p Roma 1 17. and from faith to fayth vntill they come to a full perswasion and assurance vvithout wauering q Psalme 23 6 which ariseth after many experiences of Gods manifolde mercies and fauours in the course of our liues as we see Psal 23. Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercie shall follow me all the daies of my life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Wherefore let vs not be dismayed discouraged when our faith is feeble for a feeble faith wil apply Christ as well as a strong faith it will drawe Christ home to dwell in our hearts r Ephes 3 17. through whom we shall not perish but haue euerlasting life He that had but a weak eie and a dim sight to behold the brazen Serpent in the wildernesse ſ Numb ● 1 ● was healed from the deadly stinging of the fiery serpents as well as he that saw clearly and perfectly afarre off He that hath but a leprous and sickly hand is able to holde that which is offered vnto it as well as a sound and strong hand So he that hath a little faith in the son of God shall neuer haue his saluation denied nor forgiuenesse of his sins kept from him if with an humble heart hee pray to God to haue them pardoned The Apostles beleeued that Christ was the Sauior of the world t Luke 24 ●5 yet they were ignorant of his death and resurrection which are the chiefe meanes of saluation and they are saide to be men of little faith So our Sauiour when the u Luke 17 5 6 Disciples had asked encrease of their faith declareth that if our faith be in quantity but as a graine of Mustard-seed it should be powerfull and effectuall seeing hee will not a Marke 2 23 quench the smoaking flaxe nor breake the bruised Reede but cherish the lost sparke and measure of grace giuen vnto vs from aboue This likewise was the faith of that Father whose childe was possessed with a dumbe and deafe spirit when Christ said to him b Math. 7 7 8 If thou canst beleeue all things are possible to him that beleeueth straight way he cried with tears
the forgiuenesse of sinnes and of our adoption in Christ Doth not the ſ Rom. 8 15 16. Holy Ghost testifie vnto vs particularly the adoption of children the remission of sinnes and saluation of our soules As Rom. 8. Wee haue not receiued the Spirite of bondage to feare but the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba father the Spirite beareth witnesse with our spirits that we are the children of God In these words Gods sanctifying Spirit our sanctified spirit are made the two witnesses of our adoption This we must certainely beleeue by faith And this made the Apostle t Rom. 8 38.39 most confident in the end of the same Chapter saying I am perswaded that neyther death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. If any obiect we may hope well for forgiuenes of sins but we cannot beleeue the same I answere Faith and hope cannot be separated they doe alwayes as louing friends accompany each other they are neuer sundered and diuided so that if we may be assured of our saluation by hope it followeth we may be certainely perswaded True hope followeth true faith as the effect doth the cause and no man can truely hope that is not truely assured Besides this is the property of hope u Rom. 5 4 5. it neuer maketh any ashamed they shall not be confounded and disappointed they shall attaine vnto the thing hoped for according to the doctrine of the Apostle Experience bringeth foorth hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is giuen vnto vs. Hitherto of the first end of a Sacrament CHAP. XIIII Of the second vse of a Sacrament THe second end of a Sacrament is this a The second vse of a Sacrament is to be a seale of the Couenant It serueth to bee a seale of the Couenant betweene God and vs that hee will bee our God and we will be his people as Gen. 17 I am God b Gē 17 1 11 all-sufficient walke before me and be vpright The Sacraments are assured testimonies and confirmations of the fauour and good will of God who is well pleased toward vs in Christ his Sonne By them as by certaine pledges giuen and receiued God of his great mercy doth as it were binde himselfe to vs wee binde our selues to him to remaine his people and to walke in obedience before him for they bee as strong chaines to compasse vs as sure cords to hold vs and as fast knots to keepe vs that we do not depart from him and cast off the feare of his name Circumcision was a seale of Gods promise to Abraham and a seale of Abrahams faith and obedience toward God But let vs see what c What the couenant is betweene God man this couenant is what are the Articles of agreement betweene God and vs and what things each part interchangeably couenanteth and contracteth each toward other The couenant of God in respect of himselfe hath three parts He promiseth d Rom 11 26 Ier. 33 8. Esay 43 25. first of all forgiuenesse of our sinnes for The deliuerer shall come out of Sion and shall turne away the vngodlinesse from Iacob and this is my couenant to them when I shall take away their sinnes Secondly the adoption e Ier. 31 31.32 33. 2 Cor. 6 16.18 Zach. 8 8. of sonnes and acceptation of vs to be his children ioyned with the promise of his cōtinuall fauour loue grace and protection as Iere. 31. Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that I will make a new couenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Iudah not according to the couenant that I made with their fathers when I tooke them by the hand to bring them out of the Land of Egypt the which my couenant they brake although I was an husband vnto them saith the Lord but this shall be the couenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those daies saith the Lord I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people Behold the indenture of couenants written by the finger of God wherein for better assurance he hath bound himselfe to forgiue our sins promised to be our mercifull God And to the end there might be a paire of these indentures interchangeably giuen each to other party the Lord by the hand of the Apostle writing to the Hebrewes hath drawn as it were the counterpane of the former word for word expressed as it is in the Prophet f Heb. 8 10 11 so that we haue a paire of indentures of couenants to shew the stablenes of his counsell The 3. part of the couenant in respect of God is g Reuel 21 4.7 the promise of the full possessiō of the heauenly inheritance and of eternall glory after this life as Reuel 21. God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither shall there be any more paine for the first things are passed he that ouercometh shal inherit all things Also cha 2. To him that ouercommeth will I giue to eate of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradice of God he shall not be hurt of the second death he shal haue power giuen him ouer the Nations and rule them with a rod of iron he shal be cloathed with white array and I wil not put his name out of the booke of life hee shall be a pillar in the Temple of God shal go no more out I will grant to him to fit with me in my throne euen as I ouercame fit with my Father in his throne Thus we see how God on his part by writings and euidences promiseth to giue to his people remission of sins adoption of sons possession of heauen he hath couenanted by word by oth to performe these things neither is he as man that he should lie nor as the son of man that he shold deceiue These are great grants of great blessings by our great God to the great good cōfort of his childrē For what greater blessings can there be then being miserable sinners to be graciously pardoned being vtter enemies to bee freely accepted as sonnes beeing bondslaues and prisoners of hell to be made heires of heauen and saluation Againe the couenant on our part requireth three conditions for when men intend to couenant and contract one with another they set downe articles as well on the one side as on the other First faith to God to beleeue his promises as Iohn 3.16 God so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him
should not perish but haue euerlasting life And Cha. 14. Let not your heart be troubled ye beleeue in God beleeue also in me And Rom. 10. With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation for the Scripture saith whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be ashamed Secondly God requireth of vs loue toward our brethren for seeing he hath shewed so great loue toward vs k 1 Iohn 4 7 9 10 11. he exacteth loue of vs againe as Iohn exhorteth Beloued let vs loue one another for loue commeth of God and euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God heerein was the loue of God made manifest among vs because God sent his onely begotten Son into this world that wee might liue through him beloued if God so loued vs wee ought also to loue one another Thirdly he requireth as a necessary couenant to be kept on our part holines true obedience throughout the whole course l Iosh 24 24.25 2 Kings 29 3. of our life and conuersation This is repeated and vrged in many places of the word of God as Iosh 24. when they said they would serue the Lord their God obey his voice Ioshua made a couenant with them the same day ioyning God the people together So also Iosiah stood by the pillar and made a couenant before the Lord that they should walke after the Lord and keepe his commandements and his testimonies and his statutes with al their hart and with al their soul Likewise to the same purpose we reade 2. Chro. 15. They made a couenant to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers and whosoeuer will not seeke the Lord God of Israel shall be slaine whether he be small or great man or woman Thus we see the conditions of the couenant both what he promiseth to doe and what he looketh for at our hands He requireth of vs faith loue and obedience to become his people if we will haue him to be our God All these three parts of the couenant m 1 Iohn 3 23 24. are mentioned and expressed 1. Iohn 3. This is his commandement that wee beleeue in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he gaue commandement for he that keepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he in him and heereby we know that hee abideth in vs euen by the Spirite that he hath giuen vs. The vses of the second end of a Sacrament are first to Vse 1 behold the exceeding loue of God toward his people vnworthy of his fauour Can there be a greater loue then this Certainly such as know the great rigor of the law the infinite iustice of God and the heauy burthen of sin and feele God to arraigne them the law to endite them their consciences to accuse them and their hearts to cōdemne them do finde nothing sweeter then to be eased of that burthen to be acquitted of that Iudge and to be freed from that condemnation For of all burdens sin is the heauiest of all wounds it is the deepest of all afflictions it is the greatest of all paines it is the sharpest and often presseth downe to the gates of hell Wherefore such as feele Gods mercy in their misery n Psal 32 1.2 may cry out with the Prophet in the reioycing of their spirite Blessed is he whose wickednesse is lightened and whose sin is couered Blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity This kindnesse is so great that the eternall God should make a couenant with dust and ashes that it ought neuer to be forgotten of vs vs nor depart out of our hearts Againe let euery one be carefull to keepe the former Vse 2 conditions of the Couenant which are to loue him againe and our brethren for his sake o Luke 1 74.75 and to walke in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our life Our Sauiour Christ directing our loue to our brethren and teaching that the streames thereof should flow vnto our enemies sheweth that if we loue thē that loue vs the o Mat. 5 44.46 47. Publicans do the same if we be friendly to our brethren only this is no singular thing Behold p 1 Iohn 3 1. what loue the Father hath giuen vnto vs that we should be called the Sons of God he loued vs graciously freely he loued vs whē we were enemies vnto him spared not his own Son but gaue him to death for vs al do not these things deserue loue againe are we not bound to shew duty for these mercies and loue to our brethren for this loue of our God yet many regard neyther these blessings of God neither walking in vprightnes of hart Vse 3 before him Thirdly is God mā entred into a solemne couenant are the Sacraments seals of it Thē the contempt of the Sacraments is the contempt of God himselfe of his couenant made with vs and therfore worthily to be condemned and iustly to bee censured of the Church If men wer throughly perswaded of this truth I am perswaded they wold not shew this carelesnes prophanenes in coming to these ordinances of God They are not bare and naked promises but couenants of mercy fauour Euery couenant is a promise but euery promise is not a couenant Abraham had receiued many promises from God of reconciliation of posterity of blessing protection that he would be his buckler his bulwarke and his great reward and giue vnto his seed the land of Canaan yet we reade not that God as yet made a couenant with him vntill by a solemne rite and ceremony he established it Ge. 15. where we see that Abraham took an heiffer a shee-goate and a ramme and diuided them in the midst and laid each piece one against another In the same day the Lord made a couenant with him This he confirmed afterward by the signe of circumcision as also hee confirmeth his couenant with vs by two Sacraments If any were asked the question whether they would haue God to be their God gracious and mercifull vnto them they would answere it is their whole desire howbeit if we would haue God magnifie his mercy toward vs we must magnify make much of his sacram whereby he hath sealed vp his loue toward vs. Could Abraham haue God to be his God and the God of his seede and yet reiect circumcision commanded vnto him which was a signe of the couenant Could the Israelites acknowledge God to be the author of their deliuerance out of Egypt and yet refuse the Passeouer that was instituted in remembrance of their deliuery and of his mercy O that we could consider these things and learne them aright to make vs wise to God and to our selues If wee giue to any man a piece of mony to binde a bargaine that hath passed betweene him and vs we would thinke ourselues much abused if hee should not count himselfe tyed by
meditation of the life to come where this corruptible shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortality o 1 Cor. 15 54 according to the exhortation of Christ and his Apostles in many places as Math. 6. Seeke ye first the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and all things shall be ministred vnto you And 1. Cor. 7. This I say brethren because the time is short hereafter that both they which haue Wiues be as though they had none and they which weepe as though they wept not and they that reioyce as though they reioyced not and they that buy as though they possessed not and they that vse this world as though they vsed it not for the fashion of this world goeth away And p Phil. 3 20.21 the same Apostle saith Our conuersation is in heauen from whence also wee looke for a Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things vnto himselfe So 2. Cor. 4. c. Therefore we faint not 2 Cor. 4 16.17 18. and 5.1.2 3. but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed daily For our light affliction which is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre more excellent and an eternall weight of glory while wee looke not on the things which are seene but on the things which are not seene for the things which are seene are temporall but the things which are not seene are eternall For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle be destroyed we haue a building giuen of God that is an house made not with hands but eternall in the heauens for therefore we sigh desiring to be cloathed with our house which is from heauen because if we be cloathed we shall not be found naked And the q Eccl. 1 ● 14 wiseman Eccle. 1. Vanitie of vanities saith the Preacher vanitie of vanities all ●s vanity I haue considered all the workes that are done vnder the Sunne and behold all i● vanity and vexat on of spirite So 1. Ioh. 2. Loue not this world r 1 Iohn 2 15.16 17. neither the things that are in this world If any man loue this world the loue of the Father is not in him for all that is in the world as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of this world and this world passeth away and the lust thereof but hee that fulfilleth the will of God Reuel 14 13. and 7 16 17. abideth for euer And the same Apostle in his Reuelations I heard a voice from heauen saying Write the dead which dye in the Lord are fully blessed euen so saith the Spirite for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them They shall hunger no more neyther thirst any more neyther shall the Sunne light on them neyther any heat for the Lambe which is in the midst of the throne shall gouerne them and shall leade them vnto the liuely fountaines of Waters and God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes Moreouer we put them in minde to examine themselues and their life 's passed how they haue offended God and their brethren and admonish them to make an humble hearty confession of their sinnes to God that they haue not liued as they ought to do to be sorry and grieued for the same and to promise amendment of life if they recouer Thus the faithfull ſ Psal 51 1.2.3 4 5. and 32.3 4. and 38.3 4. haue done as wee see in Dauid Psal 51. Haue mercy vpon me O God according to thy louing kindnesse according to the multitude of thy compassions put away mine iniquities I know mine iniquities and my sinne is euer before me against thee against thee haue I sinned and done euill in thy sight that thou maist bee iust when thou speakest and pure when thou iudgest Behold I was borne in iniquity and in sinne hath my mother conceiued mee And Psal 38. There is nothing sound in my flesh because of thine anger neither is there rest in my bones because of my sinne for mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head and as a weighty burden they are too heauy for me This practise we see also in Daniel t Dan 9.7 Ezra 9 ● N●he 9 16. 2 Chro. 33 12 13. in Nehemiah in Manasses and in many others Wee mooue them to labour to be at one with God to be reconciled to their brethren and to remember the poore Especially we stirre them vp to prayer in regard of their present necessities and of the mercifull promises of God resting themselues on the perfect and all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ Gracious u Psal 145 18 and 50 15. and precious are the promises that God hath made to all that come to the throne of his mercy as Psal 145. The Lord is neere to all that call vpon him yea to all that call vpon him in truth hee will fulfill the desire of them that feare him he will also heare their cry and will saue them and Psal 50. Call vpon me in the day of trouble so will I deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me And our Sauiour Math. 7. Mat. 7 7 8. Aske and it shall be giuen you seeke and ye shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you for whosoeuer asketh receiueth and hee that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened So the Apostle Iames The prayer of faith shall saue the sicke Iam. 5 15 16. and the Lord shall raise him vp and if he haue committed sins they shall bee forgiuen him Acknowledge your faults one to another that ye may be healed for the prayer of a righteous man auaileth much if it be feruent Now when they are sufficiently humbled for their sinnes wee moue them to hunger and thirst after the merites of Christ a 1 Cor. 1 30. who of God is made vnto vs wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Wee alleadge vnto them b Mat. 11 28.29 1 Tim. 1.15 1 Ioh. 1 7 and 2 1 2. these and such like comfortable places of Scripture Come vnto me all ye that are weary heauy laden and I will ease you This is a true saying and by all meanes worthy to be receiued that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners of whom I am chiefe These things write I vnto you that ye sinne not if any man sinne wee haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the iust whose blood cleanseth vs from all sinne he is the reconciliation of our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world He is euermore about those that are his he maketh their bed in all their sicknesse d Cant. 8 3. Rom. 14 7 8. his left hand is vnder their heads and with
his right hand he doth imbrace thē so that whether they liue they liue vnto the Lord or whether they dye they dye vnto the Lord whether they liue or dye they are the Lords This is true happinesse Furthermore we raise them vp with sweet comforts consolations of the worde of God against e 1 Cor. 15.54 55 56 57. Rom. 8 1 38.39 Phil 1 12. Ioh. 11 25. 2 Tim. 4 7 8. all terror and feare of death as 1 Cor. 15. Death is swallowed vp in victory ô death where is thy sting ô graue where is thy victory The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the law but thankes bee vnto God which hath giuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ. And Rom. 8. There is no condemnation to thē that are in Christ Iesus which walke not after the flesh but after the Spirite I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels principalities powers nor th●ngs present nor things to come neither any creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Christ is to vs aduantage whether in life or in death Such as beleeue in him yea though they were dead shall liue Death is to vs as a sleepe and the graue as a bed of rest A crowne of righteousnes is laid vp for vs which the righteous iudge shall giue vnto vs so that an euill death can neuer follow where a good life hath gone before forasmuch as hee cannot possible dye ill who hath liued well Death indeed is a Scorpion or serpent but his sting is pulled out hee may well hisse but he cannot hurt he may well threaten but he cannot destroy for Christ hath quelled and conquered him Now f How sicke persons may put away the tediousnes paines of sickenesse to put away the griefe and tediousnesse of sicknes wee will and wish them to meditate on the things they haue heard and learned by the ministry of the worde from time to time in their health to consider with themselues how God sometimes suffereth the wicked to prosper for a time and flourish like a greene g Psal 37 35.36 37 38. bay tree how he punisheth them in the end reseruing wrath and iudgement for them how he blesseth or correcteth his children in this life how he hath prepared eternal torments for the wicked and vnspeakable glory for the godly but aboue all the workes of God h 1 Cor. 2 7.8 9. Psal 85 10 11 we teach them deepely to thinke vpon the glorious and gracious worke of our redemption wherein the infinite mercy and iustice of God doe meete together and kisse each other taking delight and comfort therein with all thanksgiuing Wherfore we perswade thē to beare the paines and griefes of sicknes with patience constant perseuerance because all sicknesse is Gods hand who being the God of the spirits of all flesh i 1 Sam. 2 6 7. killeth and maketh aliue bringeth downe to the graue and raiseth vp againe Thereby we are indeed chastened for our sins but they are nothing in comparison of that anguish and agony which Christ suffered for vs neither are they worthy of the exceeding glory which shall be shewed vnto vs and it is their duty to blesse God with all their hearts that they suffer no more seeing their afflictions if they were greater are inferior to their sins and seeing the same Lord that hath in mercy laid this gentle correction vpon thē made them to drink of his fatherly cup for their good might iustly punish them in all the parts of their bodies and in al the powers of their soules and then cast them into hel to haue their portion for euer with the Diuell and his Angels But God hath predestinated vs k 2 Tim. 2 11 12. to be like the image of his son so that the deeper we sinke downe in sorrowes the more perfectly we resemble Christ it is the great mercy of God we are not vtterly consumed that his louing kindnes is not at an end toward vs. The sicknes of the body is phisick for the soule for the striking of the one is the healing of the other by the Crosse wee must enter the kingdome of heauen and learne to loath the pleasures profits of this present life If they fall to despaire and doubting l Remedies against doubting and despaire of Gods fauour loue toward them in Christ m Ezek. 34 4. Luke 19 10. we labor to strengthen the weake and binde vp the broken hearted we are ready to leaue ninety and nine in the wildernes and seeke that lost one We bring them to God that hath striken thē and made the wound considering that the sonne of man is come To seeke and to saue that which is lost God is mercifull and his mercy endureth for euer he desireth not the death of a sinner but that he turne vnto him His mercy is ouer all the workes of his hands it is like the Ocean-sea where no bottome can be found or sounded It is the expresse commandement of God n 1 Ioh. 3 20. that wee should beleeue in Christ who hath triumphed gloriously against sinne against Sathan against hell against death against damnation against desperation The promises of the Gospell exclude no man o Esay 55 1 2 Mat. 11 28. vnlesse we exclude our selues Infidelity doubtfulnesse and despaire are very greeuous sinnes and strike at the very heart of God Wee must vnder hope beleeue aboue hope with faithfull Abraham The mercies of God and the merites of Christs obedience are infinite p Esay 54 10. higher then the high Heauens deeper then the earth broader then the Sea stronger thē the law mightier then the Diuell and greater then all the sinnes of all the world combined and heaped together Besides God doth measure the obedience due to him q Rom. 7.20 rather by the affection then by the action rather by the desire to obey then by the outward performance of it Moreouer when one sinne is forgiuen all the rest are likewise forgiuen euen as repentance of one sinne bringeth with it repentance of all knowne sinnes r Rom. 11 29. For the g●fts and call ng of God are without repentance Last of all we admonish them to consider that grace and faith howsoeuer they may be smothered are neuer wholy taken away by sinnes of infirmity ſ Rom. 5 20. but thereby are manifested and magnified Touching their families we say vnto them call them before you exhort them to cleaue t How sicke persons are to behaue thēselues in respect of their families vnto God with full purpose of heart to loue him to walke before him in fear and reuerence and to serue him in righteousnesse all the dayes of their life giue them charge to learne beleeue and obey the true religion and doctrine of saluation set downe in the writings of the Prophets and
no life in you If Christ be present to vs life and all things accompanying saluation are present to vs. If Christ bee absent from vs death is present wrath lyeth at the doore life and saluation are absent so that wee are neuer partakers of his graces except wee be as neerely coupled to his humanity as meate and drinke are coupled with our body which of all other is a most neere vnion and inward coniunction Thus we see we are seuered from the world to haue fellowship with Christ and are set once in him for euer l 1 Ioh. 2 19. Rom 8 33 34 35 37 38 39. because he that commeth to Christ once he casteth him not away he shall neuer hunger he shall neuer thirst hee shall not be lost but liue for euer as the Apostle saith 1. Iohn 2. If they had beene of vs doubtles they had continued with vs. And Paul to this purpose saith Rom. 8. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifieth who shall condemne Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword In all these wee are more then Conquerours through him that loued vs for I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. If once we be ioyned to him in spirituall mariage notwithstanding the difference and disparagement betweene him and vs nothing shall be able to worke our diuorcement from him True it is God findeth vs wallowing m Ezek. 16 4.5 6. in our owne filthinesse polluted in our owne blood defiled by our owne vncleannes he hath made an eternall couenant with vs he hath spoken peace vnto our soules saying Thou shalt liue euen when we were sunke downe in sinne to death he said vnto vs Thou shalt liue so that he will neuer turne from vs to do vs good but we shall be his people and he will bee our God he will giue vs one heart and one way that wee may feare him for euer and that it may be well with vs and with our children This made the Apostle to write Eph. 5 30 32. We are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones this is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and concerning the church Where he seemeth to allude to the n Gen. 2 21. first creation of the woman made of one of the ribs of the man shaddowing and shewing our knitting and coniunction with Christ which we haue by faith not by nature by vertue of the Spirit not of the flesh Now as we haue shewed that this coniunction is made by Gods Spirit and by our faith which he hath giuen vs so the meanes and instruments to worke it are the word and Sacraments This is a dignity peculiar and proper to the elect to haue perpetuall fellowship with Christ and to grow vp into one body with him as he teacheth Ioh. 17 20 21. I pray for all them which shall beleeue in me through their word that they all may be one as thou O Father art in me and I in thee euen that they may be one with vs that the world may beleeue that thou hast sent me If then there be not an vnion betweene Christ and vs we haue no accesse to God the Father being quite cut off from all hope of life and saluation As then all the substance and nourishment of the tree commeth frō the roote and all the vitall powers of a true naturall body come from the head so it is betweene the Son of God and vs we haue not so much as one drop of the heauenly life in vs of our selues o Ioh. 14 6. Christ is the way the truth and the life no man commeth vnto the Father but by him To conclude this first vse seeing such as come to this sacrament p Mar. 16 16. must be Christians before it appeareth to bee a very corrupt custome of the people when they require baptisme of the Pastor for their children to say God hath giuen me a Pagan I desire you to make him a Christian For Baptisme cannot make a Christian but signifie the Sacraments cannot make that which is not but assure that which is already made as seales do not giue the right but confirm it Thus much of the first vse of Baptisme the second followeth CHAP. XIII Of the second vse of Baptisme BEing made one with Christ wee are partakerss of the benefits of his death to wit a The second vse of baptism is to assure forgiuenes of sinnes of forgiuenes of sinnes and of regeneration or new birth So then the second vse of Baptisme is to assure vs of the remission and pardon of our sins that we may bee vnblameable and acceptable to God This is signified by the outward ceremony of washing and sprinkling to wit the sprinkling of our soules with the blood of Christ for the forgiuenes of all sins b Acts 2 38 22 16. as appeareth Acts 2. Then Peter said vnto them Amend your liues and be baptized euery one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for remission of sins And Act. 22. Ananias said vnto Paul immediately after his conuersion Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins in calling on the name of the Lord. So the Euangelist witnesseth Marke 1 4. that Iohn did baptize in the wildernesse and preach the baptisme of amendment of life for the remission of sins And the apostle maketh this vse Col. 2 12. Ye are buried with him through baptisme in whom yee are also raised vp together through the faith of the operation of God which raised him vp frō the dead and you which are dead in sins and in the vncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him forgiuing you all your trespasses The meaning of these places is not that baptism c Baptisme doth not of it selfe conferre grace bestoweth or giueth forgiuenes but only signeth sealeth and assureth our pardon euen as remission of sins and the righteousnes of faith were not in the old Testamēt by circumcision conferred but confirmed vnto the faithful The grace of pardon and forgiuenes of sins is not attained but by faith in Christ so that the worke of baptisme will not effect it Moreouer we haue proued that it is not lawfull to baptize such as are in yeares vnlesse they make open profession of their faith in Christ and repentance from the works of the old man wherefore they obtaine them not by the outward washing with water in baptisme So then we are no lesse assuredly washed by the blood of Christ frō the spots of our soules then outwardly we are washed with water from the filth of the body For the force of his
iustification Secondly the Holy-Ghost who assureth vs of the truth of Gods promises This sheweth that he is true i Reuel 1 4. God equall with the Father and the Son proceeding from the Father and the Son This confuteth such as suppose no partaking of the body and blood of Christ except he bee giuen vs in a carnal and fleshy manner wheras the Spirit worketh faith in our hearts k Heb. 11.1 which is the ground of things which are hoped for and the euidence of things which are not seene The third inward part of the Lords Supper l Luk. 22 19 is the body blood of Christ deliuered for vs vnto death This conuinceth such of a spirit of error who make vnbeleeuers and reprobates partakers of Christs body and blood thus his body should be prophaned m Ioh 6 5 and his sauing graces separated from his person But euen as where Sathan dwelleth possesseth the heart there alwaies raigne the works of darknes and damnation so the gifts of Christ accompanying saluation are inseparably ioyned with the person of Christ This also condemneth the reall presence and carnall eating of Christ which forgeth many Christs and reuiueth the heresie of Eutiches it crosseth sundry Articles of the Christian faith and maketh faithfull men like the vnfaithfull Barbarians that deuoured mans flesh and drunke his blood True it is Christ is truely present in the Sacrament howbeit not carnally and corporally but spiritually and mystically He hath giuen himselfe to be the food of our soules let vs hunger and thirst after him and lay hold on him to our saluation for n ● Ioh. 5 12. he that hath the Sonne hath life he that hath not the Son of God hath not life The last inward part is the faithfull receiuer who stretcheth forth the hand of faith so layeth hold on Christ and al his sauing graces For no mā can communicate with his body but the same is made partaker of his benefits Let vs all prepare the true and liuely faith o Tit. 1.1 of Gods elect and assure our selues that hypocrites and vnbeleeuers cannot possibly be partakers of the body and blood of Christ These are the foure inward parts also of the Lords Supper The similitude and relation p The proportion betwixt the outward and inward parts of the Supper of the outward and inward parts one to another standeth in this manner euen as the Minister by the words of institution offereth and giueth bread and wine to the Communicants to feed thereupon bodily so the Father by the Spirit offereth and exhibiteth the body and blood of Christ Iesus to the soules of the faithful to feed vpon them spiritually Thus much of all the parts of the Lords Suppeer now follow the vses to be vnfolded The q The vses of the l●d supper are three vses and profit which we reape by the Lords Supper are specially three First to shew forth with praise and thanksgiuing the death and the sufferings of Christ who his owne selfe bare our sins in his body on the tree by whose stripes r 1 Pet. 2 24 we are healed so that we haue the chiefe cause in our selues which did crucifie Christ Secondly to teach our communion with Christ being made flesh ſ E●h 5 30. of his flesh and bone of his bones Hence we learne that al the godly and beleeuers are made partakers of Chrst and his graces This is matter of great comfort in our manifold trials and tentations that we are ioyned to Christ as members to the head t Rom. 8. ●3 and therefore neither life nor death nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things presēt nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to separate vs from the loue of GOD which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. But on the other side the vngodly and vnbeleeuers haue no part or portion in Christ and his graces they are as branches u Ioh. 15 6. cut off which wither and men gather them to cast them into the fire and to burne them Thirdly to declare and testifie our Communion fellowship and a 1 Cor. 10 17 agreement with our brethrē meeting together at the same Table and partaking together of the same Supper Wherefore seeing we haue not onely an vnion with Christ but a Communion among our selues we are the seruants of the Church to serue one another in all duties of loue to instruct them that are ignorant to raise them that are fallen and to binde vp the broken hearted to reconcile our selues one toward another and to keepe the vnity of the Spirit in the bond of peace Hitherto we haue handled the doctrine of the Lords Supper declaring what it is what are the parts and vses thereof the preparation to this worke followeth b 1 Cor. 11.28 consisting in the examination of our selues and trying our owne hearts by the touchstone of the law of God This duty is very necessary to be performed of vs c Ier. 17 9. for the heart of man is deceitful aboue al things and the secret corners of it past finding out We haue to deale with God in this businesse Great is the profit which we reape and receiue if we come rightly and reuerently prepared Great is the punishment procured by want of this tryall and examination And the d Hag. 2 14 Sacrament it selfe is defiled by vnworthy receiuing This preparation principally standeth in these foure points in the e Ioh. 17 3. knowledge of God and of ourseluess especially of the whole doctrine of the Sacraments in a f 2 Cor. 13 5 liuely faith in Christ seeing euery one receiueth so much as he beleeueth he receiueth in repentance g Psal 26 6. from dead workes and lastly in h Mat. 5 23. reconciliation toward our brethren hauing peace i Rom. 12.18 with all men and loue toward our enemies Thus I haue opened plainely yet truely the doctrine of the Sacraments deliuered in the Scriptures and taught in the reformed Churches I haue disclosed some part of the mystery of Iniquity and discouered and laid open the skirts of that great Idoll of the Masse the reproach of Christians the scorne of the Gentiles the offence of the weake and the occasion of ruine to many that stumble thereat to their own confusion The Lord God high possessor of heauen and earth and preseruer of his people that call vpon him put it into the hart of al Christian Princes and Rulers of the earth to pull downe this abhominable Idoll that hath aduanced it selfe against the kingdome of Christ and to deface this filthy monster that hath deceiued many who trusted in it The same Lord vouchsafe to reueale his truth to the ignorant to establish them that are weake and to confound all obstinate enemies to his truth to their Prince and to their Country for Iesus Christs sake Amen Amen FINIS A Table of the principall
compact which the eternall God hath in great mercy and compassion made with mortall and miserable men accepting them into grace and fauour promising to them remission of their sins and saluation of their soules The summe and effect of this Booke These things the iudicious Reader shall finde largely discussed in this Treatise which I haue therefore called The New Couenant because it layeth open the doctrine of the Sacraments which serue to confirme and strengthen vs in that Couenant and compact which the eternall God hath in great mercy and compassion made with mortall and miserable men accepting them into grace and fauour promising to them remission of their sins and saluation of their soules These my rude though renewed labours I willingly submit to the wise censure of my learned Brethren remembring that the spirits of the Prophets are subiect vnto the Prophets If I haue any where erred through humane infirmity 1 Cor. 14 32 or mistaken the matter any way which I go about to prooue or perswade I desire them heartily by some meanes to giue mee friendly notice thereof which I shall receiue as precious balme or as an excellent oyle that shall not breake my head Psal 141 5 The Lord God almighty from whom euery good giuing and euery perfect giuing proceedeth establish vs in the New Couenant and make vs carefull to keepe the conditions thereof to the increase of our knowledge to the growth of our faith to the furtherance of our obedience to the comfort of our soules and to the glory of his great name Amen Amen Thy Brother in Christ our Sauiour William Attersoll THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE Sacraments in generall Of the agreement and difference betweene the Word and Sacraments CHAP. 1. GOD euen from the beginning added vnto the preaching of the word a God alway gaue his sacraments to his Church his Sacramentes in the Church as the Scripture teacheth outwardly repesenting and visibly offering to our sight those things that inwardly hee performeth to vs as b Gen 2 9. the tree of life the tree of knowledge of good euil in the Garden After mans fall when a new necessity was added in regard of mans want and weakenesse he testified his loue and ratified his Coueant by sacrifices Ceremonies to our first Parents Hee gaue the c Gen. 6 14. Arke to Noah and his sonnes to confirme them in the promise which he made to them that they should not be drowned with the rest of the world Hee added to Abraham d Gen. 17 11. the signe of circumcision as a seale e Rom 4 11. of the righteousnesse of faith and to the Israelites hee gaue the Passeouer Manna oblations purifications the brazen Serpent the Rocke and such like spirituall tipes whereby he assured them of the promise that God for the onely sacrifice of Christ wrought vpon the Crosse would giue to all that beleeue forgiuenes of sinnes and euerlasting life Now the word of God may fitly bee resembled to writings and euidences and the f The agreemēt between the Word Sacraments Sacraments to seales which the Lord alone setteth to his owne letters They are as a visible Sermon preaching vnto vs most liuely the promises of God that as the worde wee heare doth edifie and instruct the minde by the outward eares so do the Sacraments by the eyes and other senses First then that wee may vnderstand the doctrine nature of the Sacraments wee are to consider what the word and Sacraments haue in common and how they agree one with another then what they haue peculiar and proper each to other and how they differ one from another The argument betweene them standeth in these points First both are of God and instruments which the Holye Ghost vseth to this ende to make vs more and more one with Christ and partakers of saluation not that God needeth them or that he is tyed vnto them for as he can nourish without meate and drinke so he can saue without word or Sacraments but because wee neede them hee vseth them when hee will and as often as it pleaseth him The same which is published and promised by the worde of God is signified and sealed by the Sacraments For they are not a deliuering of new promises and articles of faith but seale vp such as are offered in the word Secondly although God vse them as instruments of his grace yet the especiall working and forcible power of them is not in them but dependeth on God alone so that wee must not thinke that whosoeuer partaketh them is partaker of grace saluation forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting glory but the vertue of them floweth from him onely as from a fountaine A man may heare the word and receiue the Sacraments all the dayes of his life and be neuer the better except God change the minde open the heart enlighten the vnderstanding cleanse the conscience and sanctifie the affections to his glory Thirdly as the preaching of the word profiteth nothing vnlesse it be vnderstood applied and receiued but g Heb. 4 1. tendeth to iudgement so the Sacraments except wee bring the hand of faith with vs cannot giue vs faith nor grace but tend to our condemnation Yet as the Gospell is alwaies the sauour of life vnto life of it owne nature and the h Heb. 4 12. word liuely and of comfortable operation howsoeuer the vnfaithfull turne it to be the sauour of death vnto death So the Sacraments cease not in themselues to bee true Sacraments although they bee administred by vnworthy Ministers and receiued by vnfaithfull people For mans wickednesse cannot peruert much lesse euert the nature of Gods ordinance Lastly as the best seede springeth not vp and bringeth not fruit so soone as it is sowne but lyeth a time couered in the earth to take rooting so the fruite reaped by the word and benefit receiued by the Sacraments presently appeareth not but groweth and increaseth at the time appointed of God who will blesse them in his elect at what season himselfe hath ordained Thus wee see what the word and Sacraments haue in common both are instruments of the same grace both haue their benefit blessing and force depending on God both require faith to bee mingled with them without which they are vnprofitable and lastly they profite not by and by at the same moment they are published administred heard or receiued but God afterward worketh oftentimes by them in his children to their great comfort when all fruite to come by them seemed to be buried The Disciples at the first vnderstood no more of Christs resurrection then the vnbeleeuing Iewes did when hee saide i Iohn 2 19. Destroy this Temple and I w●ll builde it againe in three dayes But they lay it vp in their hearts and long afterward remember the words he spake vnto them So whē they saw Christ riding to Ierusalem the multitude spreading their garments in the way and cutting
we are whom wee serue to what house we belong is and to what people and Church we are thereby gathered into one religion and distinguished from other sects b August cont Faust lib. 19. cap. 11. we are gathered into one Church and knit together in one as Ephe. 2. Remember that ye that ye being in times past Gentiles in the flesh c Ephe. 2 11 12 13. and called vncircumcision of thom which are called circumcision in the flesh made with hands ye were at that time without Christ without God without hope but now in Christ Iesus ye which once were farre off are made neare by the blood of Christ The Iewes by circumcision were distinguished from other people d 1 Sam. 17 36. and the name of vncircumcised was reprochfull they were accounted vncleane and vnholy person for the vncircumcised males were to bee e Gen. 17.14 cut off from the number of the people of God So by baptisme we are separated from all other religions and are consecrated only to Christian religion and such as continue vnbaptised with contempt of that Sacrament we take them not for our brethren nor for the people of God nor for members of his Church because they refuse to take the Sacrament of baptisme as the badge cognizance by which they should be knowne such as are Atheists Infidels Sarazens Turkes Persians Moores Iewes and other nations that want this marke to be discerned to belong to the family of Christ Christ Iesus sending out his Apostles bad them teach and baptise the Gentiles f Mat. 28 19. Mar. 16 16. Acts 2 39 41.42 to whom he directed them therfore where the word and Sacraments are there is a Church and Congregation of the people of God And Mar. 16 16. He that beleeueth and is baptised shal be saued And heereunto commeth that saying Acts 2. When the Apostles had exhorted the people to amend their liues and to saue themselues from that froward generation Then they that gladly receiued the word were baptised and they continued in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayers and the same day there was added to the Church three thousand soules Thus we see that by the Sacraments as by certaine bands and chaines God knitteth and bindeth his people to himselfe and keepeth them in his couenant least they should part asunder and fall away to infidelity And the people are warned that by these outward signes they differ from the barbarous sauages and vnbeleeuing Gentiles and consequently should indeuour prouide that they likewise differ from them in those things that are signified by those signes This offereth to our considerations very good vses Vse 1 First hereby we are put in minde of our dignity excellency Such is our priuiledge prerogatiue that we doe beare the badges of Christ our Lord. How doe men in this world desire to weare the cloth and shroud themselues vnder the badges of great persons of countenance to protect them how much greater preferment is it to be the seruants of Christ to be gathered vnder his wings and to be his Disciples whose seruice is perfect g 1. Cor. 7.22 Iohn 8 6. freedome and protection from all euils and whose badges are instruments of his sauing graces If this be the glory of the faithfull let vs seeke to maintaine our dignity and freedome h Ioh. 3 1 2. Ioh. 1 12.13 according as Ioh teacheth Behold what loue the Father hath giuen to vs that wee should bee called the Sonnes of God for this cause the world knoweth you not because it knoweth not him And againe in his Gospell As many as receiued Christ to them hee gaue prerogatiue to bee Sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name which are borne not of bloud nor of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Whereas on the other side the estate and condition of vngodly men is base vile miserable and contemptible they liue to themselues and to sinne they dye to iudgement and condemnation What can bee more fearefull what can be more wretched Vse 2 Secondly if we weare the cloth and badge of Christ then we must be bold in the faith and holde out our profession notwithstanding dangers and feare of death For we serue one that is able to beare vs out We see how men belonging to those that are of high place are many times imboldened thereby in leud practises How much more ought we that haue learned Christ to be encouraged in the faith and not to shrinke backe for feare of offence This was the commendation of the Church of Pergamus Reuel 2 13. I know thy workes and where thou dwellest euen where Sathans throne is and thou keepest my name hast not denyed my faith euen in those dayes when Ant pas my faithfull Martyr was sla●ne among you where Sathan dwelleth So Christ our Sauiour taught his Disciples Math. 10.32.33 Whosoeuer shall confesse me before men him will I confesse also before my Father which is in heauen But whosoeuer shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in heauen Wherefore this condemneth those that say I will keepe my conscience to my selfe none shall know my religion but God and my selfe I will not be too forward for feare of after reckonings nor any way countenance such as be forward These men while they suppose to keepe their religion to themselues do indeede proclaime openly that they are of no religion For if they did truely beleeue in their hearts they would likewise confesse with their tongues according to the saying of the l Rom. 10 9 10. Apostle If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt beleeue in thine heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saued for with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation And m Iam. 2 18. the Apostle Iames teacheth vs to try faith by workes as gold by the touchstone and the tree by his fruites Chap. 2. Shew me thy faith by thy workes and I will shew thee my fa●th by my workes So then let vs not be ashamed of the n Rom. 1 16. Gospel of Christ Which is the power of God to saluation to euery one that beleeueth and not shrinke for trouble as false cloth in the wetting and a deceitfull bow in bending least our Maister be ashamed of vs before his Father and the holy Angels Thirdly if the Sacraments be as badges to shew forth Vse 3 our profession then it condemneth those that speake euill of men as too precise too nice too pure for their profession because they runne not into the same excesse of ryot with others These are not too precise but such as scoffe at all profession are too prophane It is good to be earnest in the matters of God prouided that our zeale be tempered with discretion and all Newters bee odious
and large possessions and make them for want of instruction and information in the waies of God the children of hell If we do no more but feed them and giue them meate and drinke what do we for them which we do not for the Oxe and Asse Or if our chiefest care be to cloth thē well and to apparell them warme what do we r 1 Tim. 5 8. which the Turks and Infidels do not as well as we Haue not they as great a portion in this as we but our obedience to the wil of God and duty to our children must exceed theirs if we will enter ſ Mat 5 20. into the kingdome of heauen Whereby we see that they are greatly deceiued who when they haue made honest prouisiō for the sustenance and sustentation of their children in this world will say they haue done their part although they haue not taught them to know God these haue the greatest and chiefest account to make for their soules Now if this be a greeuous sinne to neglect the teaching of our children the feare of God then they increase and double their iniquity who by their corrupt example do leade them into euill and so murther their soules For children in stead of godly and religious instruction do oftentimes heare their fathers sweare swagger lye taile blaspheme and slander see them deale deceitfully and vniustly and marke their walking in euery euill way making their houses as it were an image and representation of Hell it selfe by practise of all manner of abhominations leading thereunto Lastly this doctrine is very comfortable vnto children Vse 8 themselues For howsoeuer they canot know or remember then owne baptisme yet they are to consider that they liue in a Church and among a people where infants are ordinarily baptized and sealed with the signe of the couenant of God Besides it is and euer hath bin A laudable custom● of the Chur●h whom God-fath●rs and God mothers of ancient time a laudable custome in the Church to haue special witnesses men of credite and estimation of euery childes and infants baptisme whom commonly wee call God-fathers and God-mothers The steps of this truth may be traced out if we consider u 〈◊〉 ● 1. ● ● what the Prophet Esay saith Chap. 8. where he declareth that so soone as his wife had borne him a son he gaue him his name which was done at circumcision and tooke two Par●nts no 〈◊〉 witnesses of th●● own● ch●ldrens baptisme faithfull witnesses Vriah and Zechariah to testifie the circumcision of his sonne and the solemne giuing to him of that name in the presence of the congregation And howsoeuer Vriah walked not with a right foot but turned aside from the pure worshippe of God to set vp the Idolatrous Altar after the fashion of Damascus to feede the fancy of Ahaz yet he was a man of reputation whose testimony was sufficient to assure the naming of the Prophets Sonne because the times to come would bee troublesome and full of many calamities For their children were named when they were b Gen 21 ● Luk. 1 59. and 2 21. circumcised as now our children are named when they are baptized So likewise the Church oftentimes lyeth vnder the crosse and is subiect to persecution as c Reuel 11 6. the woman driuen into the Wildernesse Reuelations 12 6. and so the baptisme of many members might many times be doubted off and called into question forasmuch as no impression abideth in the flesh as there did in circumcision the Churches haue thought it sit and conuenient to require certaine men to be as speciall witnesses of infants their bringing to Christ and to the Church by baptisme and of their names giuen them in their baptisme True it is there is no expresse commandement in the Scripture neither is it a thing in it selfe necessary to haue chosen witnesses which they call God-fathers to vndertake for the child Neuerthelesse it is commendable and not rashly to be reiected and refused For first it is not contrary to the Scriptures and the doctrine contained therein Secondly it hath bin a very ancient custome in the Church which seemeth to haue sprung from the baptisme of those that were called Catechumeni being as it were nouices and newly taught in the principles of christian religion These being asked concerning their faith did not onely make answere themselues but gaue witnesses sureties of their faith in imitation of whom it is now extended generally to the baptisme of euery one euen of infants Thirdly it containeth and commandeth nothing vniust or vnhonest or vnlawfull or any way inconuenient Fourthly it proceedeth from charity both of the fathers which chuse such God-fathers to bee an helpe vnto them in bringing vp their children and of such also as promise for them and in their name Last of all it tendeth vnto the good of the childe and of the whole Church Of the Childe when beside the parents who may depart out of this life and leaue their children young there are others as guardians and assistants to haue an eye ouer them who should not cease to call vpon them to learne true religion and to cleaue vnto it to the end Of the Church because by this meanes they that belong vnto it are better prouided for touching their education and instruction in the feare of God and their young yeares are more easily seasoned with the best things betimes So then we see that this custome is good and lawdable in it selfe so that there bee no abuse of it nor superstition in it nor matter of necessity vrged vpon it Seeing therefore children are baptized and haue by this meanes an assurance giuen them of their baptisme they haue a maruailous benefit bestowed vpon them that they so soone obtaine the partaking of Christ and all his benefits God worketh in the Children of the faithfull belonging to his couenant by waies vnknowne to vs as d Luk. 1 15.41 Iohn Baptist is said to be filled with the Holy-Ghost frō his mothers wombe and they are called e 1 Cor. 7 14. holy by the Apostle insomuch that they cannot perish whom God calleth some sooner and some later all in his owne appointed time as seemeth good to his heauenly pleasure The remembrance whereof when children come to age greatly comforteth them in the loue and feare of God when they call to mind that they are so greatly esteemed and highly regarded of God from the first comming into the world before they had the vse of speech of reason and of vnderstanding Christ Iesus shed his blood for them hee dyed for all the Children of God f Ioh. 11 52. Reuel 20 12. he redeemed them whether they be old or young small or great as Ioh. 11. He must dye not for that nation onely but should gather together in one the children of God which are scattered And the same apostle Reuel 20. saith I saw the dead both great and small stand before God
our sins more throughly before him Surely we do herein much deceiue our selues while we go about to deceiue others and thinke to make them beleeue that we desire nothing more then to come throughly prepared to this Sacrament to which end let vs marke these few points following First we must know that he which will not be fit to day shall finde himselfe lesse fit to morrow his heart will more and more be hardned and custome will turne into another nature and continuance in any thing bringeth a resolution of the hart not to giue ouer Whosoeuer he be that beginneth not to remoue his corruptions speedily which keepe him frō being prepared shal see it much more difficult euery day then other wheras contrariwise he that receiueth often shall be the more fit to receiue For how vaine a thing is it for any to perswade thēselues that by delaying their repentance they shall repent the better or by delaying to take phisicke they shal be healed the better or by suffering a disease to grow dangerous vpon them they shall be recouered and restored to health the sooner Thus much for answere to this obiection Let vs proceed For albeit truth be one yet error is manifold and the by-paths of it haue no end The ninth obiection Some others obiect that the Iewes receiued the Passeouer but once a yeare Exodus 12 18. Leuiticus 22 5. In the foureteenth day of th● first month at euen is the Lords Passeouer Now the Passeouer of the Iewes and the Supper of the christians is in substance the same howsoeuer in outward rites they differ therefore seeing they killed the Paschall Lambe once onely in the yeare and then did eate it why should it not suffice vs to take the Supper of the Lord once in the yeare and eate of it I answere Answere we compare these two in this one particular point wherein they are not to be compared For this was the ordinance of God to his owne people that once in the yeare to wit in the first month a Lambe without blemish should be killed but touching his Supper it is his will it should be administred and receiued often-times in the yeare How then should we make them like in that point wherein God hath made them to be vnlike And if we will tye them to the same time then it ought also to be celebrated the 14. day of the first month for then was the Passeouer to be eaten This communicating once a yeare was hatched in popery when ignorance preuailed in the Church as darknes doth in the night season and is by no meanes to be followed of vs. And albeit the Lord hath not tyed vs to a certaine and setled time neither limited vs a certaine day or a certaine month yet it ought not once only but often to be receiued of vs Reasons why we ought oft-ten-times to communicate to the end the death of Christ and his passion should be oft-tentimes remembred that our faith should be strenghened that the name of God should be praised and that mutuall loue among vs might be professed Hence it is that the Apostle doth make mention of often eating this bread and often drinking of the cup of the Lord 1 Cor. 11 24.25 1 Cor. 11. This do yee as oft as ye drinke it in remembrance of me for as oft as ye eat this bread and drinke this cup ye do shew the Lords death till he come But these men would not care if the remembrance of the death of Christ were quite buried vtterly forgotten and would not haue the Sacramēt of his Supper to be ouer common in vse whereas doubtlesse they are all enemies to the sufferings of Christ that are enemies to the often remembring of his sufferings which is done in this Sacrament True it is they would be loth to be so censured and wil be ready to tell vs that their life consisteth in his death and their saluation in his passion but it skilleth not what they pretend forasmuch as they do deceiue themselues and bar themselues from all comfort to be receiued that way The tenth obiection And hereby appeareth the answere to another obiection which is iust of the same nature and stampe with the former For what need we say they such frequent and ordinary vse of the Supper seeing the Lord administred it once onely in al his life Now if there had bin such a necessity to haue it so common no doubt he would haue administred it oftentimes in the yeare and so haue commended it by his owne example and left it as a direction vnto vs. I answere Answere by this do these vngodly men bewray most notoriously the prophanes of their hearts And indeed whereunto tend all that they haue said but to leaue euery one to his owne discretion and disposition to abolish all good order out of the Church to bring in an horrible confusion of al Gods holy ordinances among vs. And whereunto do their allegations ayme pretending that often receiuing will bring a loathing that the Sacrament is as phisicke which is not good to vse too commonly that a mā by sildome receiuing shall come the better prepared that the Passeouer the same in substance with the Supper was solemnized but once in a yeare and now lastly that Christ the Lord of this Sacrament celebrated it but once in all his life whereunto I say do all these arguments and allegations tend but to depriue vs of the comfortable vse of the supper and to rob vs of that good which ought to be more deare vnto vs then our liues Thus doth all error and impiety howsoeuer it be couered leaue somewhat behind it as a foule and filthy sauor wherby it may be discouered For hereunto their talking of sildome receiuing driueth as to an issue that it should be receiued but once a yeare or once in our life time and this also they would make arbitrary and not of necessity These will seeme to be very good Christians and to looke for saluation by the death of Christ yet notwithstanding they cannot abide the oftē vse of that Sacrament which putteth vs in minde of his death But let vs know and beare this away with vs that the more we haue a feeling of the fruite and benefit of his death the more we will haue a desire to do this in remembrance of him 1 Cor. 11 25. and contrariwise the lesse we finde profit by the death of Christ and the more hard we finde our hearts to be the lesse we will desire to come to his Table The comfortable feeling of the great worke of our redemption wrought for vs will make vs so long to eate of this bread drinke of this cup as the hungry soule doth for meat to slake and satisfie his hunger And therfore the Apostle layeth before vs both the common and the continuall vse of it For as we must eate this bread and drinke of the cup of the Lord
vntil he come again to iudgement so likewise must we do it oftētimes because his death is oftentimes to be remembred and the mercy of God toward vs to be praised and commended And if we would consider the zeale and forwardnes of the former times and compare it with the dulnes and backwardnes and coldnes of these men that would be accounted Christians no lesse then they we shall finde as great a difference and contrariety betweene them as betweene heauen and earth For the first and ancient Christians neuer assembled together to heare the word but withall they did receiue the Supper as appeareth in the Acts of the Apostles and the writings of Iustine Martyr and Tertullian As for the example of Christ he administred it no oftner because he did not institute it before his death to the end we should know it came in place of the Passeouer that it might be the more regarded and the better remembred of vs being the last pledge of his loue left vnto the Church The 11. obiection Another obiection which some vse to iustifie their sildome resorting to the Sacrament is this that they haue very vrgent occasion and that it is not fit or decent they should come at al times when others do Christ our Sauiour hath appointed it to be common both to men women but you shall heare many men alledge for themselues as some haue done to me that their wiues are sicke or lye in and that they purpose to come hereafter with them Likewise ye shall meet with many women that wil pretend that their husbands are from home or not in health but at their returne or recouery they purpose to come with them Thus they post off the matter particularly and thinke they haue spoken wisely and defended thēselues very strongly Answere Howbeit all this is nothing worth For our receiuing of the Sacramēt must not depend vpon the receiuing of others albeit they be neuer so deare vnto vs. When it pleaseth God to lay sicknes vpon vs he requireth of vs another duty then to come to the Sacrament which is to looke to our health to the end we may come after he hath restored vs notwithstanding our sicknes is no discharging or freeing of any other by what band soeuer they are ioyned vnto vs. Besides many there are that abstaine from the Table of the Lord in regard of the sicknes or absence of their wiues or husbands who make no scrupple to go to the tables of their neighbours without them whē they are inuited they can go to a common supper abroad who will not go to the Lords Supper they make no matter at all of it to go alone to an ordinary feast who cannot be intreated to come to the rich feast that God hath prouided they stick not to be mens guests that scorne to be the Lords and run willingly to the houses of men that abstain altogether from the house of God Lastly if this would go for good payment to absent themselues vntill their husband or wife can be present with them then it should as well excuse vs from comming to prayer and the hearing of the word vntil they might come together with vs. But the husband is boūd to attend to Gods word without his wife and the wife likewise without her husband And we see the ordinary practise of this duty without tarrying one for another Therefore also when God calleth vs to his table let vs not delay the time but answere readily chearefully Lord I am ready to come at thy call The iust obiection The 12. obiection which I will touch is this that many ignorant soules say for themselues when they are told of their negligence and wretchfulnes They hope they do well they beare as good a soule to God as the best of them all they thanke God they loue their Church and say their prayers duely but indeed they were not wont to receiue their maker so often they come at Easter as their honest neighbours do and they thanke God they neuer missed These are they that euer stand at one stay Answere like those labourers or rather loyterers that stood idle all the day or like dull schollers that are alwayes in one lesson and neuer proceed forward or like to those silly women which are euer learning and are neuer able to come to the knowledge of the truth 2 Tim. 3 7. Where ye left them there ye shall finde them they will do that which they were wont to doe ye shall find them I warrant you euermore the same They were wont to bow downe to stockes and stones they were wont to go on pilgrimage to this and that Saint they were wont to worship a piece of bread will they therefore do so still wil they be as ignorant as they were before Let them not tell vs what they were wont to do but let them learne what they ought to do This obiection is the same in effect with the ninth pretending that the Paschall Lambe was offered once onely in the yeare so these would tye it only to the time of Easter sauing that they stand besides vpon their blinde custome that for-sooth they were euer wont to come at Easter and at no time besides yet they thanke God they haue sped as well as the best and neuer receiued hurt by it and that now they would be loth to change their custome But Christ Iesus from whom thou lookest for saluation saith I am the truth he neuer saith I am custome Iohn 14. Euill customes are better changed then obserued The light is now come into the world knowledge is discouered as the noone day let not vs shut our eyes that it should not shine vpon vs remembring the saying of the Apostle when he exhorteth the Idolatrous Athenians to forsake their Idolatry and to turne to the liuing God Act. 17. Act. 17.30 The times of this ●gnorance God wincked at but now commandeth all men euery where to repent Albeit then we haue liued and bin led blindly and ignorantly let it be sufficient that we haue spent the former course of our life in superstition and after the traditions of our fore-fathers without all vnderstanding and let vs walke as children of the light being ready to learne what is the good and acceptable will of God There are many that will say they hate the popish religion who notwithstanding cleane to popish customes and will by no meanes depart from them They thanke God they are no papists and yet they leane too much to their reliques and rags that they haue left behind them Let not vs make much of their rotten trash that is not worth taking vp but let vs know that we haue a sure word of the Prophets and Apostles whereunto we must attend and by which we must direct all our wayes This is the rule of our faith this is the line and leuell to square our actions if we preferre our owne bad and blinde customes
also our ioyning our selues with them who are of the same mysticall body be they neuer so many that receiue with vs this holy Supper in respect whereof this Sacrament hath beene called a communion Vse 1 Now let vs consider what vse may be made heereof to our selues Is this one end of the institution of Christs last Supper to lay before vs our communiō one with another then what gifts soeuer we haue receiued from Christ we must imploy them to the benefit good of others If God haue giuen vs knowledge we must vse it to instruct the ignorant if the gift of zeale we must apply it to kindle and stir vp others to remember from whence they are fallen if faith and sanctification we must bestow them to the gaining and winning of others if the outward things of this life this world● good we must communicate them to others according to their want and our wealth their pouerty and our plenty The Candle hath receiued light not for it selfe but for others The trees bring forth fruite the clouds drop downe raine the fountaines send downe water the Sun shineth the earth flourisheth the Bee gathereth the beast laboureth to profite others And wherfore haue we all receiued moysture from the roote light from the Sun fruit from the tree water from the fountaine euen life from Christ but to impart it to others as freely as wee receiued This is taught vs in many places c 1 Pet. 4 10. 1 Cor. 12.7 Let euery man as he hath receiued the gift minister the same one to another And in another place The manifestation of the Spirit to giuen to euery man to profite w thall God hath tempred the body together least there should be any diuision in the body that the members might haue the same care one of another So then the gifts that we haue receiued of vnderstanding wisedome zeale exhortation reprehension and whatsoeuer gifts externall internall or eternall let vs consider that we are stewards not maisters of them and therefore must render and giue an account vnto the author and giuer of them when he shal say Giue an account of thy stewardship d Luk. 16 12. for thou maist bee no longer Steward Againe is the Lords Supper the bond of charity And Vse 2 doth it put vs in minde of our communion with the Saints and fellowship which one hath with another then al such as receiue the same doctrine imbrace the same religion meete at the same table e Aug. tract 26 in Iohan. must be vnited in Christian loue gentlenesse meekenesse and patience one toward another supporting one another bearing the burthen one of another being alike affected and disposed guided by one spirit nourished by the milke of the same word acknowledging one Father professing one faith liuing in one body walking in one calling looking for one kingdome worshipping one LORD meeting at one Supper and washed with one Baptisme for our regeneration and sanctification f Eph. 4 1 2 ● Ruth 1 16 1● according to the saying of the Apostle Ephesians 4. Walke wo●thy of the vocation whereunto ye are called endeuoring to keepe the vnity of the Spir t in the bond of peace there is one body and one Spirit euen as ye are called in one hope of your vocation There is one Lord one faith one bapt●sme one God and Father of all which is aboue all and through all and in you all And in the same g Phil. 2.1 ● 3 Epis●le to the Philippians If there be any consolation in Christ i● any comf●rt of loue if any fellowshippe of the Spirit if any compassion and mercy fulfill my ioy that ye bee like minded hauing the same loue beein● of one accord and of one iudgement that nothing be done through contention And Luke Act. 4. describing the h Act. 4 3● notes of the Church of Christ saith The whole multitude of them that beleeued were of one heart and one soule neither any of them said that any thing of that which he possessed was his owne but they had all things common Let vs acknowledge our selues to be fellowes of one houshold and members of one body and euermore bring with vs this fruit of loue to the Lords Supper otherwise we shall neuer be the Lords guests If brethren that are the children of the same father malice and maligne one another will not the father be angry And if fellow-seruants brought vp in one family fall together by the eares wil not their Maister be displeased and offended Seeing thē God hath vouchsafed to call vs his children to admit vs into his house to nourish vs at his owne Table and to preserue and reserue vs to his heauenly kingdome he wil take from vs all these priuiledges and prerogatiues if we bee hatefull and hating one another and deale with vs not as with his owne children but as with his vttter enemies Vse 3 Lastly this end of the Supper serueth to reproue al such as professe their vnion with Christ the head but hold not the bond of peace among themselues who doe much deceiue themselues and faile in the duty which he requireth of them For whosoeuer is fast and firmely vnited vnto the head must needes bee more firmely vnited vnto the the body because all the life that is in the body proceedeth from the head We must not therefore thinke that loue is required onely in preparing our selues to this Sacrament but it standeth vs greatly vpon to come in loue to depart in loue and to continue in loue yea as we increase the times of receiuing 〈◊〉 4 10. drawing neere to the Table of the Lord again and againe so we should labour to increase in loue as it were to double our affection toward our brethren It is a vaine thing solemnely to professe before God and men and the holy Angels and al the world that we come in loue and are in charity with al persons if by and by we be ready vpon the least occasion to take vp hatred and contention and to fall out one with another For we shall need no ●●her witnes against vs to seale vp our condemnation then this Sacrament of the Supper except we shunne and shake off these vipers not from our hands but from our hearts All such as come with enuy hatred rancor malice and desire of mischiefe are as a generation of vipers seeking to eate out the bowels one of another because these are as it were the poyson or venome of the minde Let vs not make the seale of righteousnesse to be a signe vnto vs of certaine iudgement hanging ouer our heads 1 Cor. 11 18.30 as it fel out among the Corinthians who nourished diuisions among them therefore were iustly and sharply chastened of God many waies Do not the members of our naturall body loue one another Yes they seeke the good one of another the foote enuyeth not the hand nor the hand the eye nor
neede of nothing if wee flatter and deceiue our selues comparing our selues with our selues or with others and not with the rule of Gods word God will examine vs and sit in iudgement vpon vs. If he enter into m Psal 130 ● iudgement with vs no flesh shall be iustifyed in his sight for if thou O Lorde streightly markest iniquities O Lord who shall stand Hee will be reuenged of our sinnes and bring many plagues vpon vs he will send sundry diseases vppon our bodies and a troubled spirit vpon our soules he will add one punishment to another vntill we repent as he teacheth by manie examples in the scriptures The Apostle saith He that eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh n 1 Cor. 11 29 30 32. iudgement to himselfe For this cause many are weake and sicke among you and many sleepe for if wee would iudge our selues we should not be iudged But when we are iudged we are chastened of the Lord because we should not be condemned with the world So the Israelites being myraculously fedde by the Lords owne hand lusted and became vnthankfull and therefore while the meate was yet in their mouthes o Psa 78 30 32 The wrath of God fell downe vpon them and slew the strongest of thē and smote downe the chosen men of Israel Iudas chosen to be one of the twelue p Iohn 13 27. comming vnwoorthily to the Passeouer Satan entred further into him wroght in him his owne confusion and brought vpon him fwift dam nation The ghest in the Gospell q Mat. 22 22 13. that pressed vnto the supper without his wedding garment was taken speechelesse bound hand and foot and cast into vtter darkenesse where shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth Let no man therefore put off and deferre his repentance from day to day least he draw vpon himselfe finall destruction of soule and body and find his hart exceedingly hardened through continuance in sinne but while r 2 Cor. 6 2. the acceptable time is let vs both purpose and endeuour to forsake our euill waies our wicked workes and all knowne sins reuealed vnto vs by the sacred Oracle of the word of God And because we haue daily wants and do commit daily and new sins through infirmity of the flesh ſ Renewed faith and renewed repentance required of vs. we must haue renewed faith renewed repentance t Luk. 22 32 because euery new sinne requireth a new acte of repentance and appealing to Christ by faith Then we are aright disposed to the Lords table when we are liuely touched with a sense and feeling of our corrupt dispositions and daily fallings in our saith obedience For the repentance of euery faithfull man must be double first generall repenting of originall and actuall sinnes generally receiuing power of God to change our minds wils and affections u Mat. 3 1. whereof Iohn Baptist faith Repent for the kingdome of heauen is at hand This is giuen and granted vnto vs at that time when first we receiue to beleeue it maketh an alteration in vs slayeth the olde man quickeneth the life of the new man beginneth in weaknes continueth in greater strength and groweth more more vnto perfection Secondly speciall for speciall sinnes and continuall failings into which we fall which we must practise to the end of our dayes Now as we said in the former chapter that no man for the feeblenes of his faith is to absent himselfe from this Supper so must wee remember touching our repentance though it be in great weaknesse and frailety yet if it be a sound and sincere hatred of all sin not a forsaking of some sinnes onely as Saul Herod and Iudas did keeping other in themselues to their own confusion our imperfections shal be couered our wants shall be supplied our weaknesse shal be remitted by the death of Christ who was annointed sent to preach Luk. 4 18. the Gospell to the poore to heale the broken hearted to publish deliuerance to the Captiues recouering of sight to the blinde and to set at liberty them that are bruised And he pronounceth such b Mat. 5.3 blessed as are poore in spirit For theirs was the kingdome of heauen Wherefore if thou feele in thy selfe great defects of faith of repentance of sanctification pray to God earnestly that hee will vouchsafe to increase his gifts let vs confesse with Dauid c 2 Sam 12.13 we haue sinned let vs weepe with Peter d Luk. 22 62 and 7 38. and the sinfull woman let vs acknowledge our vnworthines and say with the Centuriō Lord e Mat. 8 8. We are not worthy that thou shouldst come vnder our roofe Let vs cry out with the Publican f Luk. 8 13 O God bee mercifull to me a sinner Let vs not be ashamed to speake it with Daniel that to vs belongeth open shame and confusion of faces This is the way to make vs worthy this is the means to fit vs to the Lords Table this is to be practised of such as will be his guests CHAP. XIX Of reconciliation to our brethren the last part of Examination HItherto in examination of our selues we haue shewed what we are to doe in respect of God the root whereof is knowledge the body is faith the fruite is repentance Now to conclude we are to handle the last part which is a Loue toward their brethren is required of al that come to the Lords Table loue toward men and reconciliation of our selues vnto our neighbours for iniuries wrongs and offences done vnto them which are as poyson to this banket For in vaine we shall pretend knowledge boast of faith glory of repentance if we faile in duties toward our brethren First we must looke to be at peace with God and to be reconciled to him For we shall neuer be at peace with our brethren except we be reconciled to God The greatest war is betweene God and our owne soules so that nothing can bring peace to vs vntill we be at one with him but when once we are at one with him we shall quickly be at one with all others For heere is the touchstone and tryall of all the rest euen our obedience to the second Table which concerneth the duties of loue toward our brethren Heereunto commeth b Mat. 5 23. the doctrine of Christ set downe in the Euāgelist Mat. 5. If thou bring thy guift to the Altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue there thy gift before the Altar and goe first be reconciled to thy brother then come and offer thy gift Where he teacheth that he so approueth this duty that he will haue his owne immediat seru ce cease and giue place for a time till i● be performed So in the Sermon which he made to his Apostles before he was betrayed to death he did diligently beat vpon this point saying c Ioh 13 35. By this shall all men know
that ye are my Disciples if ye loue one another This is my commandement that ye loue one another as I haue loued you greater loue then this hath no man that a man bestow his life for his friends ye are my friends if ye do whatsoeuer I command you This likewise the d Col 3 12. Apostle teacheth that we may know him to be the scholler of the same maister Col. 3. As the elect of God holy and beloued put on tender mercy k ndnesse humbleres of minde meeknes long-suffering forbearing one another and forgiuing one another if any man haue a quarrell vnto another euen as Christ forgaue you euē so do ye and aboue all these things put on loue which is the bond of perfectnesse As euery one hath a comfortable experience in his owne heart of Gods mercy toward him in the pardon of his sinnes which are many and great so let him shew mercy againe as he hath receiued mercy and deale vnto others kindly as God hath dealt gratiously toward him Our Sauiour Christ auoucheth this Math. 18. in the parable of the lender that had many debters he called them to e Mat. 18 23 take an account of them and forgiueth the debt hauing compassion on him that was not able to pay but when hee was departed and had found one of his fellow-seruants which ought him an hundred pence he laid hand on him thratled him and cast him in prison till he should pay the debt Thē the Lord called him and said O euill seruant I forgaue thee all that debt because thou prayedst me Oughtest thou not also to haue pitty on thy fellow-seruant euen as I had pitty on thee So his Lord was wroth and deliuered him to the tormenters till he should pay all that was due to him Then followeth the application of the whole So likewise shall mine heauenly Father do vnto you except ye forgiue from your hearts each one his brother their trespasses Now the Lords Supper was ordained of God for this end that it might be a band of loue and a chaine to vnite and ioyne vs together among our selues that if it were possible we should not breake from him as Paul teacheth 1. Cor. 10. We that are many f 1 Cor. 10 17 are one bread and one body because we all are partakers of one bread Wherefore this Supper may fitly be called a Sacrament of vnity and a seale of our agreement one with another Behold heere a chaine consisting of many linkes to knit vs together that we breake not from God and our brethren Do we not all come to one table Do we not all eate of the same bread Do we not all drinke of the same cup Is not the same loafe compact of many cornes Is not the same wine pressed out of many clusters Do we not all ioyne together in the same receiuing Were we not baptized into the same baptism What a shamefull thing is this full of infamy and reproach to see the branches of the same vine the sheepe of the same shepheard the children of the same Father the seruants of the same Maister the fellowes of the same houshold the heires of the same kingdome the guests of the same banket the obtainers of the same promise the partakers of the same hope the members of the same body and the professors of the same faith to contend and striue one against another to delight in brawling fighting quarrelling and to nourish hatred malice reuenge rancor spite enuy biting backbiting one of another If Ephraim be set against g E●●y 9 ●1 Manasses and Manasses against Ephra●m if brother bee diuided against brother if we bite one at another let vs take heed least we be consumed one of another The Sons of God are renewed into the Image of God to resemble their heauenly Father in true holines and do all weare the same cogni●ance liuery For the Sacraments are the marks of Christs sheepe whereby they are knowne and discerned so that al our dissentions diuisions raylings ●eu lings disgracings and defacings one of another tend to the reproach and dishonour of our common ●ather and do giue an heauy testimony against our soules with God and his elect Angels For how do we approach vnto God how do we come into his presence With what hearts do we pray before him vnto him Are we not taught h Math. 6 12. to aske forgiuenesse of our sinnes as we forgiue the trespasses done vnto vs If then we be malicious and enuious and cary the fresh remembrance of wrongs in our hearts to pursue them with reuenge do we not pray against our selues Do we not beseech God to poure vengeance vpon vs Do we not open our mouthes to our owne destruction For when wee vse our tongues to say i Luke 11 4. Lord forgiue vs for euen we forgiue is it not asmuch as if we should pray forgiue vs not Lord for we do not we wil not forgiue others Therefore after the forme of prayer giuen to the Disciples Christ addeth If yee do forgiue Men their trespasses your heauenly Father will also forgiue you but if ye do not forgiue men their trespasses no more will your Father forgiue you your trespasses And as he exhorteth that when they stand and appeare before the Altar k Mark 11 25 they must forgiue so when we appeare at the Lords Table we must forgiue if we haue any thing against any man that our father also which is in heauen may forgiue vs our trespasses Now if we would be direct●d to know whether this loue bee in vs or not we may try our owne hearts by these l 1 Cor. 13 4. holie properties and blessed effects described by the Apostle 1 Cor. 13. Loue saith he suffereth long it is bountifull loue enuieth not loue doth not boast it selfe it is not puffed vp it disdaineth not it seeketh not her owne thinges it is not prouoked to anger it thinketh not euill it reioyceth not in iniquity but reioyceth in the truth it suffereth all things it beleeueth all thinges it hopeth all things it endureth all things Heere we may see what manner of loue ought to bee in vs. Euery one of vs must endeuour that all the parts of this description may rightly agree to euerie one of vs and trulie be found in vs toward all men euen our enemies as we see Iesus Christ hath left vs an example of his loue m Luk. 23 35 when hee prayed for his enemies that crucified and cruelly entreated him father forgiue them for they know not what they do and this did Stephē to those that stoned him lord lay not this sin to their charge This is the truth let vs acknowledge it This is the way let vs walke in it this was their practise let vs follow it Thus we haue shewed the necessity of examination of our selues before we come to the Lords Supper and declared the parts wherein it standeth and the