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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19858 A treatise of the Church VVritten against them of the separation, commonly called Brownists. Wherein the true doctrine of a visible Church is taught, and the Church of England, proued to be a true Church. The Brownists false doctrine of the visible Church is conuinced; their shamefull peruerting of the holy Scriptures discouered, their arguments to proue the Church of England a false Church answered. Darrel, John, b. ca. 1562. 1617 (1617) STC 6286; ESTC S117495 230,202 407

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when he killed his brother rebelled against his father lay with his Concubines and vsurped the Kingdome of the Scribes and Pharisies traducing blaspheming mocking and putting to death the Lord Iesus and lastly of all the domesticall enemies of the Church who haue reuiled slandered imprisoned banished and murthered the Saints All these were of the visible Church and yet were none of these peaceably gouerned by Christs officers and lawes but were rebels against Christ transgressors of his lawes and despisers of his officers You speake therefore most vntruely when you say that the visible Church is a company fellowship peaceably quietly gouerned by Christ his officers laws Finally in requiring loue vnfained in all the members of the visible Church seeing this loue is an effect of faith vnfained as Paul sheweth 1. Tim. 1.5 Doe you not therein also require of them that be of this society that faith which worketh by loue 1. Pet. 1.9 euen the true and iustifying faith the end whereof is the saluation of mans soule Whereupon followeth that the visible Church is a company of faithfull indeed and consequently of such as shall be saued This that I inserre how false soeuer you feare not to teach saying They keepe the vnitie of faith in the bond of peace This loue vnfained they onely haue which loue the brethren not in word and tongue but in deed and truth as appeareth also by their quoting of Ioh. 13.34 But this loue whosoeuer haue are translated from death to life and thereof may assure themselues The whole company therefore of the visible Church hauing this loue as you teach are by this doctrine sure of life and saluation Doe you not blush to tell vs in effect that that loue is to be found in euery member of the visible Church which the holy Ghost doth giue vs for an infallible marke of the child of God and heire of saluation Another place of Scripture that in the margent is quoted for the proofe hereof is 1. Cor. 13. 4. Can that loue trow you the Apostle there speaketh of fal into the reprobate and be found in any but Gods elect cōsidering the heauēly effects it hath in whomsoeuer it is Among other things of this loue it is said that it thinketh not euill it reioyceth not in iniquity but reioceth in the truth and that it doth neuer fall away In which respect it doth excell faith and hope as is said in the last verse now abideth faith hope and loue but the chiefest of these is loue What meane you to require this loue which is proper to the elect in all the members of the visible Church of the which the most are reprobates Cain slew his brother Ismael persecuted Isaak of Esau it is said That he hated Iacob Cen. 27.41 because of the blessing wherewith his father had blessed him and therefore purposed to slay him How deadly Saul did hate Dauid and hunt after his life as one would hunt a Partridge the holy story maketh mention And as for the Scribes and Pharisies their extreame hatred against Christ and all that confessed him is manifest in the history of the Gospell their crucifying of Christ and persecuting of his members did shew the hatred that was in their hearts Hereunto we may adde the persecut●rs and murtherers of the Saints that haue beene in the Church almost in all ages many whereof were of the visible Church yet were they so farre from louing the brethren that they did hate them with a cruell hatred We see then men haue bin of the visible Church and therefore may be at this day who haue not this vnfained loue of the brethren nay are as far from it as hatred from loue and darknesse from light How then doe you truly describe the visible Church that it is a company of men who loue one another vnfainedly Thus in effect you teach that the visible Church consisteth of a company and fellowship of people who as they are at peace with God and among themselues so haue they vnf●ined loue one to another Wheras the most of the visible Church being reprobates wicked and vngodly men as they haue no peace with God according to that of the Prophet Isa 48.22 there is no peace saith the Lord to the wicked so neither are they nor can be at peace with men I meane the rest of the Church which are the elect Except you will haue peace betweene the Serpent and the woman and both their seeds The Scriptures tell vs there is and will be no peace nor loue Gen. 3.15 but perpetuall enmitie and warre betwixt these You tell vs in effect nay that these meeting together in the Church they are peaceable and kind louing vnfainedly one another you should adde as Ioab did Abner and Amasa 2. Sam. 3.27 and 20.10 whom vnder the pretence of brotherly loue he killed with the sword As Ioab kissed Amasa and Iudas Christ so vsually doe some members of the Church kisse some others Prou. 29.27 Salomon saith That the righteous are an abomination to the wicked and the wicked to the righteous but in the visible Church there are righteous and wicked men therefore in the visible Church there are some that abhorre and haue others in abomination You say nay they are all tyed together by the bond of peace and loue Iesus saith of himselfe That he came not to send peace into the earth Matth. 10.34 Luk. 12.49.51 but rather debate and a sword nay fire and what is his desire but that it be kindled Is not this sword and fire the seperation also and enmity that our Lord further speaketh of which commeth through the preaching of the Gospell to be found in the Church and betweene the members thereof But only betwixt them that are in the Church and those that are without If any be thus fondly conceited let him looke backe to the premisses and his error will be corrected As the aforesaid members of the visible Church Ismael Esau Saul the Scribes and Pharisies had not this loue vnfained so neither had they the other essentiall properties which you require in all them who be of a true visible Church They were not faithfull and holy indeed nor yet holy in the face and outward appearance which you require at least nor otherwise faithfull and holy then the most open wicked of our Land They had not Christ to be their King Matth. 1.21 Priest and Prophet They were rebels and none of Christs subiects or people all which he will saue The Diuell was their father and king and they his children and vassals doing the lusts of him their father in stead of the wil of God As he was a murtherer from the beginning so were they all murtherers in their times The like may bee said touching Christ his not being their Priest nor Prophet Worshippers of God they were indeed but hypocriticall not true and sincere worshippers of many of them Iesus said Yee worship
and are true onely of Gods elect vvho are the inuis Church And notwithstanding to tell vs That places setting forth the inuisible Church are not by you applyed to the vis Church And vvhere you say that the vis Church is Christs sister his loue and his spouse how can this possibly bee true seeing the greatest part of the vis Church and sometimes almost the whole vis Church is hatefull to God abhorred of him as before hath been made manifest And by what titles I pray you doth Iesus declare his loue to the inuisible Church if these be the titles of the visible Christ Iesus himselfe telleth vs that whosoeuer doth his fathers will which is in heauen the same is his sister But this doe onely they who are of the inuisible church They therefore onely are Christ his sister If the vis church and members thereof bee Christ his loue then none of them shall bee damned For it cannot bee that Iesus will condemne them whom he loueth It is the elect likewise and inuis church which being contracted here to Christ shall bee married to him the Kings sonne in the vvorld to come when they shall partake vvith him in glory And not the vis church whereof the greatest part shall be damned and but a few therof saued Lastly say you the vis Church is the body of Christ Wherevpon all those places in Pauls Epistles where mention is made of Christs body you expound of the visible when they are to be vnderstood of the inuisible church or the vvhole company of the faithfull which is a part thereof If the vis church be the body of Christ as you tell vs then euery one of the vis church is a member of Christ his body and hath therefore the same spirit abiding in him that is in Christ Iesus For the very same spirit that dwelleth in Christ the head is from thence deriued to his body and all the members thereof If any man haue not the spirit of Christ the same is not his But if the spirit of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you Rom. 8.9.11 Hereby wee know saith Iohn that we dwell in him and he in vs 1. Ioh. 4.13 because hee hath giuen vs of his spirit From hence wee learne that Iesus doth communicate his spirit to all his members so as whosoeuer hath not this spirit bringing forth the like or the same effects in him that it did in Christ the same is no member of Christ nor part of his body Christ dwelleth not in him nor hee in Christ As by loue all the members of this body are vnited together so by the spirit of God this body with all the members thereof are coupled and knit together to the head Christ whereby it receiueth grace and increase of grace growing vp into Christ Iohn 1.16 Ephes 4.15.16 for the furniture thereof according to the effectuall power of this spirit which is in the measure of euery part Ioh. 15.1 This spirit is as the iuice that from Christ the vine is conueyed into euery branch And it is as the soule of this body giuing spirituall life to all the members thereof euen as the soule of man doth animate the body with all the part or members thereof But euery one of the vis Church is not a member of Christ his body forasmuch as the spirit of Chr st dwelleth not in euery one of the vis church and therefore the vis church is not the body of Christ but some other company of men there is which make that body vvhereof Christ is the head and euery particular man of that societie a member thereof Neither can you deny that which I doe inferre herevpon and necessarily followeth vpon the former Namely if euery one of the vis church be a member of the body of Christ then euery one of the vis church hath the Spirit of Christ dwelling in him Counterp 128. Nay your selfe M. Ainsworth confesse and vrge this against vs saying That we cannot possibly be members of the body of Christ nor haue him for our head Being we are not partakers of his life and spirit It resteth therefore that either you yeeld to the conclusion That the vis church is not the body of Christ or else affirme That euery member of the visible church hath the Spirit of Christ dwelling in him Apology 44. That euery one of the vis church is not a member of Christs body hath already been sufficiently proued and is hereby likewise euident because then none of the vis Church could be damned For tell me I pray you can a member of Christ possibly bee condemned Euery member of Christ is as it were fl●sh of his flesh and a bone of his bones We are members of his body Ephes 5.30 of his f esh and of his bones Doth Christ hate his owne flesh or rather nourish and cherish it Will or can Christ the iudge condemne any who is thus neare and deare vnto him It is not possible Againe Christ is life it selfe I am that way Ioh. 14.6 that truth and that life saith he Whereby we learne that as without Christ no man can haue spirituall and eternall life so whosoeuer hath Christ and is a member of Christ the same hath this life deriued vnto him a member from Christ the head How then can such a one die seeing he hath already life it selfe and that life begun in him which is eternall and whereof their is no end Herevpon the Scripture saith Rom. 8.1 That to them which are in Christ Iesus members of his body there is no condemnation And that to such Christ is made wisedome righteousnesse 1. Cor. 1.30 sanctification and redemption Besides what creature is able to pluck away a member from this body and to break that bond whereby one of these members is tyed to the head Christ Iesus Who can s perate betweene Christ and his members Surely not principalities nor powers much lesse flesh and bloud None shall plucke these out of my hand saith Iesus Rom. 8.35 Ioh. 20.28 Verse 23. I doe not deny but that as the vis Church in a certaine respect may be called the body of Christ so Christ I●sus not in one but in diuers respects may fitly be called the head of the vis Church This lets not but th●t which I here affirme is true And hereof he rendreth a reason My Father which gaue them mee is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my fathers hand I and my Father are one But leauing this argument we will proceed to some others In the 5. to the Ephes Thus we reade The husband is the wiues head euen as Christ is the head of the Church and the same is the Sauiour of his body 25. Husbands loue your wiues euen as