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A19474 A hand of fellovvship, to helpe keepe out sinne and Antichrist In certaine sermons preached vpon seuerall occasions: by Robert Abbot ... Abbot, Robert, 1588?-1662? 1623 (1623) STC 59; ESTC S100379 198,722 312

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them to their right obiects and bringing them by degrees to this measure that they are spent vpon Christ without measure Thirdly our faith doth shew it selfe in our wils when the soule hauing many times a blessed experience of Gods loue is perswaded of it Thus Pauls faith shewed it selfe when he said I am perswaded that neither life nor death and so forth shall seperate vs that is Rom. 8.38 39. me and other Christians from Gods loue which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Which perswasion as I take it doth more naturally belong vnto the will it being more proper to the vnderstanding to be conuicted and to the will to be perswaded So that though the soule be many times tossed with temptations feares and terrours yet more or lesse it is much refreshed with this perswasion Thus we see how faith quickneth the whole soule of the godly man In which respect if wee be quickned from the death of our vnderstandings and not of our desires if we perceiue the inliuing of our desires and not of our wils and affections we haue iust cause to suspect that we haue no faith For faith is in no part of the soule in any measure where it is not in all parts of the soule in some measure For in this doth the life of the soule differ from the life of the bodie that the life of the bodie doth begin in the heart it being that which first liues and doth end there it being that which last dieth but the life of the soule which can neuer perish though it may seeme not to worke for some time like a member deaded with a blow as it is in our first regeneration like light in the aire shed abroad thorow the whole soule so it is alwaies to be found in all the powers of the soule though in some man it be more predominant in the vnderstanding in some in the desires and in some others in the will and affections Now therefore let vs from hence-forth enter into our owne soules to trie whether we haue faith yea or no. If we haue it is our life and if it be our life it quickneth both our vnderstandings to know Christ our iudgements to approue him as our only Sauiour and Redeemer our memories to treasure vp the promises our desires to haue an vnquenchable thirst after him our affections to be spent vpon him our wils in some measure to be perswaded of his loue to vs and our whole soules to droope and mourne in our Christian ioy because we cannot receiue him more fully in the whole to our endlesse comfort Vse 2 Secondly concerning others we learne from this life of faith who are the men that onely may be said to liue to wit the godly man because he only hath faith The great man liueth gallantly the voluptuous man liueth merrily the rich man wealthily the politicke man warily only the faithfull man liueth indeed because he liueth graciously This is true life and all other liues are deaths to this The wealthie mans life is full of care feare griefe but Faith triumpheth That neither life nor death principalitie nor power things present nor things to come shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God in Christ Iesus The poore mans life is full of discontent and penury but Faith can want and abound and in stead of other dainties doth euery day feed vpon Christ The Infants life is full of mourning and crying but Faith glads the heart in the midst of heauinesse and makes it many times reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and glorious The young mans life is full of passion wauering and fickle inconstancie but Faith doth so ballace our soules that we runne a setled course and sweare to keepe Gods righteous iudgements The old mans life is full of deafenesse dulnesse decayednesse but Faith seeth thorow the clouds life in death glory in shame yea it heareth the voice of God in euery sentence and though the outward man perish yet in the inner and hid man of the heart Faith reneweth vs daily Although therefore we must liue other liues both naturall and ciuill yet let vs make more account of this That Christ liueth in vs by faith than of all other liues whatsoeuer Thus haue I brought you along vnto the last thing which I shall obserue from hence that is the exercise and expressement of that power which Faith giueth vs by our communion with Christ in a vertuous and holy life For as hee hath said that wee haue fellowship in his death for our mortification that we are quickned by faith in him for our viuification so that we through that quickning power which wee doe receiue from Christ by faith are made liuely vnto all holy obedience Therefore is it that the Apostle saith It is not I but Christ that quickneth mee concerning the life that we now liue to liue graciously Whence we must marke That it is from the vertue and power of Christ that wee are quickned to all holy obedience Though we haue faith yet we must not pride our selues in it for it is not faith in it selfe that quickneth vs but as it is a diuine power whereby we doe receiue that life which is in Christ Iohn 5.21 Therefore is it said That the Sonne quickneth whom he will Yea and hence is it that the Scripture is so exact in setting downe our weaknesse For whereas there are seuen degrees to be considered for the effecting of a good thing the Scriptures shew that man is weake in all of them Psal Can man thinke good No The Lord knoweth the thoughts of men that they are but vaine and wee are not sufficient of our selues to thinke a good thought 2 Cor. 2.14 Can we vnderstand good 1 Cor. 2.14 Rom. 8.7 No The naturall man perceiueth not the things of the Spirit of God Yea the wisdome of flesh is enmitie against God Can we will and desire good No It is God that worketh in vs both the will and the deed Phil. 2.13 Can we speake good No Prov. 16.1 The wife man may purpose a thing in his heart but the answer of the tongue is of the Lord therefore Dauid prayeth to God that he would open his lips that his mouth might set forth his praise Psal 51.15 If he could not tune his tongue much lesse could he turne his heart Can wee begin to doe good No as Esay saith The children are come to the birth and there is no strength to bring forth so may we say of our inward good for it is God that beginneth this good worke in vs. Philip. 1.6 Can wee doe or worke any good No I know that the way of man is not in himselfe Ier. 10.23 for without Christ we can doe nothing Ioh. 15.5 Can we perfect any thing that good is No To will is present with vs as with Paul when we are sanctified but we haue no power to performe If God should bring
iudgements should sit at hand to giue aduice our affections should attend vpon them to maintaine and defend all honest resolutions and actions against all commers and lastly our desires should worke naturall instincts to practise them and the whole man should doe accordingly Or thus God hath placed the powers of the soule in excellent order for the gouernment of man Our mindes in a throne aboue to gouerne all the motions dispositions passions and affections of the heart our hearts are set in the midst to receiue information from the mindes to direct themselues and our desires and valorously to flie vpon them by feare loue ioy anger and the like if they shal● rebell our desires are set lowest to be corrected by the heart and gouerned by the head Now that God may haue an account how this worke within vs goeth forward and we may be furthered in our course to happinesse God hath appointed our consciences to keepe Assizes to try whether we haue beene faithfull yea or no. The second ground of our Assize is in respect of our selues that we may be the better prepared for the great Assize of the day of Iudgement whensoeuer it shall come Yee know that we beleeue that such a day shall come and that Christ shall keepe it in that nature which he assumed and wherein he suffered As therefore all our musterings before particular Captaines should not be for shew or fee but the better to fit vs to carry our selues in a martiall manner before our King or Generall if need require so these particular Assizes are but for the better fitting of vs for our great account before and vnto God And therefore when Dauid had arraigned himselfe at home he goeth to God and saith Try and examine me whether there be any way of wickednesse yea or no. Vse What shall I say now I will intreat you so farre to tender the glory of God and the good of your soules as diligently to attend to the businesse within Our soules doe so liue in our senses and wee are so inured to earthly things Facti sumus fugitivi a cordibus nostris that wee are made runnagates from our owne hearts But if euer we would haue a glorious triall before our God let vs see how our cause will stand or fall before the barre of our owne hearts I know that in the case of good we may be deceiued by the voice of conscience For the law of nature which should direct vs being in a great part dashed out and ignorance of the word being wilfully fauoured there are many fearefull euils which we doe not apprehend as euils as for example to sinne in thought is nothing for thoughts are free to sinne in word is but a word and what is that so we sinne not against our neighbour it is no matter though we make bold with God to sinne with the times to doe as others doe to walke in the waies of our fathers is good religion yea and besides such is the darknesse of our cogitations that in the midst of diligence that which we know is not the tenth tenth part of what we are ignorant of How therefore can it be other but that our owne hearts should deceiue vs in good yet in the case of euill we may assure our selues that it doth not make vs worse than we are in and of our selues Though in affliction o●●on●cience o● pan●●● o● the new birth ●t may make our estates worse th●n they are we being more sen●●ble of our ●st●tes from within than of that from without As therefore it is not safe for vs to rest in the voice of conscience when it makes vs good for Paul knew nothing by himselfe yet was he not thereby iustified so we must be carefull to heare what conscience saith when it layeth sinne to our charges that so Gods Assize there may goe on to Gods glory and our good What will it auaile vs to be crowned with a May-flower garland of the praises of this world if we walke not in the presence of our owne hearts Quest It may be you will say If God hath granted out a warrant for the keeping of this Assize why then is it not feelingly kept in euery man Answ I answer that wee may finde foure causes of this The first is ignorance For as the eye worketh not in a darke place where it cannot by a fitted conueiance receiue variety of obiects so the conscience worketh not where there is not the light of knowledge from the word of God to direct it by The second is hardnesse of heart for as a man that is dead or hath a deaded or astonished bodie for the present cannot feele any order or disorder any whip lash or gash so a seared crusted and senselesse conscience is not sensible of the cursed garboiles in the soule nor capable of any orderly proceeding against them The third is spirituall madnesse for as mad men cannot keepe any faire quarter with themselues much lesse can it be expected that he should wisely execute any deputation from others so spiritually mad men who are out of their wits with self-selfe-loue and loue of this world who runne vpon the pikes of hell-dangers who will not be perswaded by the praiers and teares of their best friends are neither fit nor able to receiue order from God for so high and so excellent imployment The last is pride For as in a countrey where there is no disorder if it were possible in these cursed daies of sinne for such an one to be there is no Assize because no need so when we are Pharisies in iustifying our selues priding our hearts in our ciuill righteousnesse and therefore setting our passions on worke vpon whomsoeuer shall discouer their hellish nakednesse there is no inward Assize because as they thinke there is no need Quest It may be you will say seeing these things doe hinder it how may I further the keeping of it Answ I answer As in generall we must striue to root out ignorance to rent our hearts to come vnto our selues as the prodigall and to be nothing yea hell in our owne eies so in particular I would commend three meanes to this end especially The first is our praiers to God to write the records of his truth in our mindes and hearts An Assize cannot be kept without law nor this without the law of God But if once we can get the law written in our mindes and in our hearts so as it doth not onely gild our vnderstandings but goare our hearts and leaue a new impression of holinesse to the Lord then we shall see a full Court presently and such wounding inditements for sinnes past with such crying out for the Psalme of mercy that we shall haue no rest till we haue rowled our selues vpon God in Christ and haue found our selues in some measure sealed with the spirit of promise against the day of redemption The second meanes is our not disturbing the Court but suffering
that we may be afraid to abuse our consciences for this we may be assured of that though our consciences be calmed for a time yet as Nycippus his sheepe brought forth a Lion which portended to tyrannie so our consciences which seeme to be as quiet as lambes will at the last bring forth roaring as a presagement of our eternall thraldome Soli Deo gloria THE HID MAN OF THE HEART VPON 2 CORINTH 5.17 By ROBERT ABBOT LONDON Printed by John Haviland for Nathaniel Butter 1623. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL SIR HENRY BAKER Knight and Baronet and to the Lady KATHERINE his religious and louing Wife Grace in this world and glory in the world to come through CHRIST our LORD RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL The rule is not more old than good Ingenuum est fat●r● per quem prof●●cris That it is an ingenuous thing to confesse by whom we reape profit Hauing therefore by good proofe found your hands not to be sealed vp to me though I beg no new fauours because through Gods mercy I haue learned to want and to abound and in all estates to be content yet I humbly beseech you to giue me leaue freely to acknowledge your loue vnto me It was not wi●hout your charge that I came first to settle in this Cou●●ry neither haue I here continued without the inlargement of my Librarie by your Bookes bestowed vpon me What therefore can I render vnto you besides my publike Ministerie but some such poore acknowledgment as this is A plaine Sermon I confesse it is yet such an interpreter of my heart that I hope you shall plainly see my honest desires to lay before you a picture of your together with the rest of Gods peoples gratious estates It was a vse in rich mens feasts Herodot lib. 3. amongst the Aegyptians of old to appoint one who should shew a wodden carkasse of a man liuelily cut out to euery guest and to say to this effect So eat drinke and delight thy selfe as withall thou cast thy eye vpon this which sheweth thee what thou shalt be when thou art dead It may be this spirituall anatomie which I offer vnto you may haue as good a vse to call backe our ouer-lauish loues from the delights of this world by shewing vs either what we are or what we should be What though it be rudely cut yet when I remember a worthy speech of your owne What care I for a young man who can talke of genus and species and other logicall and philosophicall subtleties giue me an experienced Preacher who can speake to the heart I cannot doubt of your louing entertainment of this my homely worke I know you neglect not any humane Arts prouided they doe prepare and not imprison our wits from more noble imployments Modo praepareat no● detinc●●t ingentum it hath beene your glory to be well seene in some of them yet when I doe consider what S. Augustine saith if my memory faile not Surg●●● 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ●●●or●● tr●●●●●● 〈…〉 The vnlearned arise and take heauen by violence whereas great Doctors are thrust into Hell and when I see that many thriue in grace who haue no learning but Scripture and no eloquence but what conscience doth dictate I cannot but humbly pray to God that you may alwaies be of that minde which you d●e d scouer in that gratious speech I know right well that they are to be found in the world who will lay other draughts of holinesse before you than you shall here finde They will tell you of Masses of haire-cloth of whippings of pilgrimages and other penances and were it not that God hath taught you already to discouer the hypocrisies of these and to see that to stop the mouth of conscience for a time they may be practised by the wickedest wretches they might haply preuaile with you being gilded ouer by the subtleties of Antichrist But blessed be God your soules are from amongst Lions and I hope you haue beene longer trained vp in Christs schoole than to be so gulled with such impostures My care and prayer to God for you shall rather be that yee may adorne the profession of the Gospell which yee haue vndertaken There are too many in the world who with Caius Curio are singularly eloquent Lin. vitae ex vell Pat●r● lib. 2. and wittily wicked but how much better is it to haue a flower tongue and a duller braine with more true godlinesse and honestie Goe on I humbly beseech you to be recluses from the world and from the wickednesse of it And because there are many who are like Copronimus of whom it is said Ne● Christianū nec Iudaeum nec Paganum fu●sse sed colluui●m quandam impietatis that though he would be called a Christian yet he was neither Christian nor Iew nor Pagan but a very sinke and puddle of sinne th●refore how will it honour such persons as yee are to redeeme the c●edit of the Gospell f●om obloquie and to honour God by sincere and constant practises of pietie They lay a kinde of disgrace vpon God as well as vpon the Gospell that would be accounted Christians and yet are not good If a King should send with instructions for the presenting of his person and will to another Prince such a messenger as could not execute it did it not lay this disgrace vpon him that he is not able to chuse a fit person to doe his businesse So is it disgracefull to God to send such an one into the world in his name and with the honourable title of his seruant yea Sonne who doth the errand of the world the flesh and the deuill rather than of him whose name he beareth That therefore the censure of the Cynick vpon the common people who did highly extoll those that contemned money and yet were very money-mongers themselues may not fall vpon you let it be your glory and your reioycing not onely to praise and countenance the vertuous but also as you haue begun to be of the same knot and blessed societie I know that this must be effected by a spirituall death vnto the world and sinne but if it were a comfort to be put to death with Phocion 〈…〉 because Phocion was innocent and well-deseruing of the Common-wealth then how much comfort may it be vnto vs to haue fellowship in the death of Christ to our death vnto sinne and in his resurrection to our rising vnto newnesse of life This Sermon shall through Gods blessing a little helpe you forward in this gracious worke in which respect my humble suit vnto you is that you would be pleased to vse it as your owne I was loth to let you passe amongst my publike acknowledgments of others loues though I cannot at thi● ti●e giue you what place you haue and I would be lot● that now I doe shew my selfe vnto you I should not giue you that content which I desire To end in a word SIR let me put you
naturall conuersation yee walke like men yet yee are neither bred nor fed like men but by immortall seed and with immortall food and so are odde persons form the common rout of the world as Pellicans in the wildernesse and Owles in the desert In which respect yee may not wonder if worldly men doe carie themselues like strangers vnto you Yet let this comfort you that for these things they shall come to iudgement Now the Apostle being come thus farre doth seeme to remoue two obiections to the end of my Text. The first is of carnall men who to flatter themselues in their owne vngodly courses might say If we be let alone till the day of iudgement we shall doe well enough for wee hope it will be no worse with vs than with those who are dead who walked without controule in the same courses Doe not say so saith Peter for though they are dead yet while they were aliue the Gospell was preached vnto them to this end that sinne might be killed and grace might be quickened For this is implied in that which Peter seemes to signifie by the condemning of those that are dead according to men in the flesh to wit Mortifi●atio veteris hominis in ipsis vt aboleretur corpus peccati v●v●rent se●undum Deum sp●ritu Hēming ex Turnim the mortification of the old man in them that the bodie of sin being abolished they might liue according to godlinesse The second Obiection seemes to be of fearefull yet secure Christians who might bee cast downe with this thought that they should endure these inconueniences too long To whom the Apostle answereth No because the end of all things is at hand be yee therefore sober and watch vnto prayer Scope Thus wee haue seene the context whence the scope doth easily appeare to be this to wit partly to giue comfort vnto crossed Christians because the time was not long and partly to keepe their spirits from deadnesse and dulnesse through the discouragements of wicked men that they may be found worthy through Iesus Christ in that day when the Iudge shall iudge both Now because euen wee also haue experience of the gaine-sayings of vnreasonable men and of our owne cursed dulnesse and backwardnesse through them therefore it is not vnfit for vs in these times of sinne thorowly also to consider these words As for their meaning Meaning there is no such difficultie in them as should cause our stay which wee shall not more fitly meet with in our further pursuit of them Onely for the present consider we two points in the words 1. A Doctrine in these words The end of all things is at hand 2. A Vse or inference vpon it wherein the Apostle doth presse to a double dutie 1. First Sobrietie in these words Be yee therefore sober 2. Secondly Prayer which is expressed both by the matter in this word prayer and also by the meanes furthering it in these words watch vnto it Or if yee will the Apostle doth rather presse to a threefold dutie 1. The first concerneth vs as we stand in relation to the world and that is Sobriety 2. The second concerneth vs as we haue respect to our owne wicked hearts and the other enemies of our good and that is watchfulnesse 3. The third concerneth vs as we haue reference to God and that is Prayer As if he should say Let your watchfulnesse which may giue you experience of your weake estates and make knowne the vigilancie of your enemies and your owne necessities driue you to God in Iesus Christ by Prayer Touching the Doctrine 1 The Doctr. I will obserue no other than that of the Apostle in the very words themselues to wit That the end of all things is at hand And if the Apostle might say so much more may we vpon whom the ends of the world are more come For the opening therefore of this point consider with me three things First what is meant by the end Secondly what is comprised vnder these words All things Thirdly how the Apostle could say that the end of all things is at hand As to the first point 1 End not to stand vpon that Schoole-distinction of a consummating and a consuming end the end of a thing is taken diuers waies First for that which first moueth the agent and for the which something is intended as Gods owne glory is the end of all things according to that of Salomon God made all things for himselfe Prov. and our comfort and instruction is the end of the Law according to that of Paul Rom. 15.4 That which is written before is written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope and the fulfilling and satisfying of the Law is the end of Christs comming according to that of Paul Christ is the end of the Law Secondly Rom. 10.4 it is taken for the perfection of a thing as when Paul saith The end of the commandement is loue 1 Tim. 1.5 that is the perfection of the Law 1 Cor. 10.11 So likewise when the Apostle saith These things are written to admonish vs vpon whom the ends of the world are come some interpret end by perfection because in Christ and the Apostles times the world was in its perfection Thirdly End is taken for the issue and vpshot of a thing whither at the length it comes so the end of faith is the saluation of our soules 1 Pet. 1.9 Rom. 6.22 the end of holinesse is euerlasting life that is the issue of faith and holinesse is glory with the Saints in heauen Lastly it is taken for the determination and finall conclusion of a thing in respect of its present state and condition so God saith to Noah An end of all flesh is come before me Gen. 6.13 as if he should say I will cast the world into a new mold and thus is it taken in this place For the end of all things is as much as if he should say It hath beene a long time disputed whether God the Father Sonne and Holy Ghost be alone to be rested in as our faithfull Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier yea or no or whether we may cleaue vnto sinne Now God is come vnto the conclusion to destroy and take away all outward confidence whatsoeuer and to resolue in the sight of men and Angels that we must only cleaue vnto God by casting the gaine-sayers into the pit of hell and receiuing the maintainers into euerlasting habitations where are pleasures at the right hand of God for euermore 2. All things But is the end of all things come I doe not meane to fall into those nice questions touching the abolishing of the creatures and what creatures shall be abolished and what restored as whether animate or inanimate seuerally or all ioyntly onely let vs striue to maintaine peace betwixt Gods word and it selfe For whereas it is said that the whole creation shall be
Diana for Ephesus So Rome hath Saint Iames for Spaine Saint Dennis for France Saint Peter and Paul for Rome Saint Ambrose for Millane Saint Marke for Venice the three Kings for Collen Saint Lewis for Pannonia and Saint Mary for Heluetia And as the Heathens had guardians for the Elements as Iupiter for the Heauen and Fire Iuno for the Aire Neptune for the Sea and Pluto for the Earth So Rome hath Saint Agatha for the Fire Saint Nicholas for the Sea and Saint Theodulus for Tempests And as the Heathens had guardians for the Fruits of the earth as Bacchus for Wine and Ceres for Fruit So Rome hath Saint Iodocus for Fruits and Saint Vrbanus for Wine And as the Heathens had guardians for their Cattell as Apollo and Pan So Rome hath Saint Wendaline for Sheepe Saint Eulogius for Horse Saint Pelagius for Oxen and Saint Anthony for Swine And as the Heathens had their protectors for Trades Arts and Sciences as Minerua for Learning Vulcan for Smiths Aesculapius for Physitians Mars for Warriours Diana for Hunters Castor and Pollux for Sea-faring-men and Flora Venus and Lupa for Harlots So Rome hath Saint Catherine and Gregorie for Schollars Saint Luke for Painters Saint Cosmas for Physitians Saint Maurice for Souldiers Saint Eulogius for Carpenters Saint Crispine for Shoo-makers Saint Gutmane for Taylors Saint Magdalen and Afra for Harlots And lastly as the Heathens had their guardians against Diseases as Apollo against the Plague Lucina against the paines of Womens trauailes and Hercules against the Falling-sicknesse So Rome hath Saint Sebastian against the Plague Saint Petronel against an Ague Saint Marke against sudden Death Saint Margaret against the paines of Womens labours S. Otilia against the diseases of the Eyes S. Apollonia against the Tooth-ache and the like The consideration of all these and many other obiects of Idolatrie none of which were of Gods making hath made me many times to search into the cause of Religion and to striue both with my selfe and others that all insinuating Idolatrie being laid aside and abhorred the truth may take place both in our heads and hearts I know that deepe decisions of controuersies are not so easily apprehended in our ordinary assemblies I haue sought therefore to bring the truth vnto the easiest triall in remouing such ordinary exceptions as it is subiect vnto by the wise men of the world Whatsoeuer it be I doe offer it vnto both your hands desiring God that it may confirme you in the truth of our true Religion It shall be my reioycing to see you and yours alwaies walking in the truth and so humbly resigning your selues to the diuine wisdome of Gods word both for the direction of your soules and bodies that God may neuer haue iust cause to giue you ouer to Schisme Heresie Vanitie or any other wickednesse whatsoeuer Euen so humbly prayeth he who hath some few yeeres had experience of your great loue and who desireth to continue Your faithfull Shepherd ROBERT ABBOT THE TRIAL OF True Religion IAMES 1.27 Pure Religion and vndefiled before God euen the Father is this to visit the fatherlesse and widowes in their aduersitie and to keepe himselfe vnspotted of the world IT is well obserued by Diuines that the Apostles in planting and watering the Churches of Christ laboured two things especially First the plaine and powerfull deliuerie of the mysteries of Faith both by word and writing tha● so both Iewes and Gentiles might be brought to embrace them Secondly the plaine and powerfull expressing and pressing of the obedience of Faith and such a life as becommeth the Gospell of Christ Iesus In both these kindes Paul was excellent but in the latter he was more briefe thorow all his Epistles The other Apostles were more briefe in the doctrine of Faith and in the duties of Christian profession more large and plentiful Saint Peter principally laboureth for pietie patience and constancie against false apostles Saint Iohn for the loue of God and of the Saints Saint Iude against false teachers and hypocrites And this our Apostle Iames laboureth for patience vnder the Crosse and a Christian life In the performance whereof as D●uines doe well agree wee meet with something which doth not occurre in the writings of the other Apostles None doth so clearely deliuer the cause of sinne the necessary issue of workes from iustifying faith the concatenation and vnion of the whole Law the imperfection of humane righteousnesse from the miscariage of the tongue our dependance vpon the prouidence of God euen in ciuill things and the carriage of sicke persons in those miraculous times In these points I say this Apostle carrieth away the bell from the rest The principall point in this Epistle doth seeme to be this That with the faith of Christ Christian workes are to be ioyned Wherein we must walke to the end of our Faith which is the saluation of our soules The principall reason whereby he vrgeth it is this because the faith of Christ which in securitanes is falsely so called without Christian life is but a dead carkasse or vaine shadow of faith and not a liuing faith or that Spirit of Faith which the Apostle speaketh of Hence therefore doth he take occasion to vrge to diuers parts of Christian life and good conuersation In this Chapter he treateth of three points First of the temptations of Christians both outward by afflictions and inward by lusts Secondly of the hearing and doing of the Word of God and thirdly in the two last verses of true and false religion In the first of which hee shewes what religion is in vaine in the second of which he shewes what religion will beare the touch and triall Wee haue to doe with the second at this time wherein religion is described First by the affections properties or adiuncts of it when it is said to be pure and vndefiled before God And secondly by the fruits and effects of it and those both towards others while it workes vs to visit the fatherlesse and widowes in aduersitie as also in our selues who haue it while it workes vs to keepe our selues vnspotted of the world To conceiue aright of these things for our further vse and benefit I must open vnto you First the thing spoken of and secondly that which is spoken of it The thing spoken of is Religion and is so called either from our reading againe the defaced or new written law in our hearts Relegendo of which writing Ieremy speaketh saying Ier. 31.33 I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts or from our knitting to God againe from whom wee had made a cursed defection Religando because in our regeneration wee are by faith vnited vnto him againe in Christ Iesus or else from our choosing of God againe to bee our God and master Reeligendo when we doe renounce the world the flesh and the deuill This religion signifieth here that worship and seruice which is