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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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before you though it be to come as euen now present lyke as you do and wyl your patientes to doe in purgations and other your ministrations to consyder the effecte that wil ensue where through the bitternes and lothesomnes of the purgatiō is so ouercome and the painfulnes in abydyng the workyng of that is mynistred is so eased that it maketh the patient willyngly ioyfully to receiue that is to be receiued although it be neuer so vnpleasaūt so I say set before you the ende of this straite way and thē doutles as Paule saith aeternū pōdus gloriae pariet whiles you loke not on the thyng sene for that is temporal but on the thing which is not sene which is eternall So dothe the husbandman in plowing and tilling set before him the haruest time so doth the fisher consider the draught of his nette rather thē the casting in so doth the merchaunt the returne of his merchaūdise and so shoulde we in these stormy daies set before vs not the losse of our goods liberty very lyfe but the reaping time the comming of our sauiour Christ to iudgement the fire that shall burne the wicked disobediēt to gods gospel the blast of the Trumpe the exceding glory prepared for vs in heauen eternally suche as the eie hathe not sene the eare hath not heard nor the harte of man can conceyue The more we lose here the greater ioye shall wee haue there The more we suffer the greater tryumphe For corruptible drosse we shall fynde incorruptible treasures for golde glorye for syluer solace without ende for ryches robes royall for earthely houses eternall Palaces myrthe wythout measure pleasure wythout payne felicitye endeles Summa we shall haue God the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste Oh happye place oh that thys daye woulde come Then shal the ende of the wicked be lamentable then shall they receiue the iust rewarde of thy vengeaunce then shall they crye woe woe that euer they dyd as they haue done Reade Sapien Reade Mathew 25. Reade 1. Corrinthians 15. 2. Corrinthians 5. and by fayth whiche GOD encrease in vs consyder the thinges there set forth And for your comforte reade Hebrewes 11. to see what faythe hath done alwayes consyderyng the way to heauen to be by many tribulations that all they which wyll lyue godlye in Christe Iesu must suffer persecution You know thys is oure Alphabet he that wyll bee my Disciple sayeth Christ must denye hymselfe and take vppe his crosse and followe me not thys Bishoppe nor that Doctour not thys Emperour nor that Kynge but me sayeth Christe for he that loueth father mother wyfe chyldren or verye lyfe better then me is not worthye of me Remember that the same Lorde sayeth Math. 8. he that wyll saue hys lyfe shall loose it Comforte your selfe wyth thys that as the Deuyls had no power ouer the Porkettes or ouer Iobes goodes wythout Gods leaue so shall they haue none ouer you Remember also that all the heares of your head are numbred wyth GOD. The Deuyll maye make one beeleue he wyll drowne hym as the Sea in hys surges threateneth to the lande but as the Lorde hathe appoynted boundes for the one ouer the whyche he cannot passe so hathe he done for the other On god therfore cast your care loue him serue him after hys worde feare him trust in him hope at his hande for all helpe and alwayes praye lookyng for the crosse and when soeuer it commeth bee assured the Lorde as he is faythfull so he will neuer tempte you further then he will make you able to beare but in the myddest of the tēptation wil make such an euasion as shal be most to his glorye and your eternall comfort God for his mercy in Christe with his holye spirite endue you comforte you vnder the winges of hys mercy shadow you and as his deare childe guide you for euermore To whose merciful tuition as I doe wyth my hartye prayer committe you so I doubte not but you praye for me also and so I beseche you to do stil My brother P. telleth me you would haue the last part of sainct Hieromes workes to haue the vse thereof for a fortenighte I cannot for these .iij. dais wel forbeare it but yet on thursday next I wil send it you if god let me not vse me that I haue as your owne The lorde for his mercy in Christe directe oure wayes to his glory Amen Out of pryson by yours to commaunde Iohn Bradford To Maystres M. H. a godly gentlewoman comfortyng her in that common heauines and godly sorrow which the feeling and sense of sinne worketh in gods children I Humblye and hartelye praye the euerlyuyng good god and father of mercye to blesse and kepe your harte and mynd in the knowledge and loue of his truth of his Christ through the inspiration and workyng of the holy spyryte Amen Although I haue no doubte but that you prosper and go forwardes daily in the way of godlines more and more drawyng towardes perfection and haue no neede of anyethyng that I can wryte yet because my desyre is that you myghte be more feruent and perseuer to the ende I coulde not but wryte somethyng vnto you besechyng you bothe often and diligently to call vnto your mynd as a meane to styrre you hereunto yea as a thyng which god most straitly requireth you to beleue that you are beloued of god that he is your dere father in through and for Christ and his deathes sake This loue tender kyndnes of god towards vs in Christ is aboundātly herein declared in that he hath to the godly worst of creation of this worlde made vs after his image redemed vs beyng lost called vs into his church sealed vs with his marke and signe manuel of Baptisme kept and conserued vs all the dais of our lyfe fed nourished defended and moste fatherlye chastised vs and nowe hath kindled in our hartes the sparcles of hys feare faith loue and knowlege of hys Christ and truth and therfore we lament because we lament no more our vnthankfulnes our frailenes our diffidence and waueryng in things wherin we should be moste certain Al these thyngs we shuld vse as meanes to cōfyrme our faith of this that god is our god and father and to assure vs that he loueth vs as our father in Christ to this end I say we should vse the thynges before touched especially in that of all thinges god requyreth this faith and persuasion of hys fatherly goodnes as hys chiefest seruyce For before he aske any thyng of vs he saieth I am the Lord thy god geuyng hymselfe and then all he hath to vs to be our own And this he doth in respect of hymself of hys owne mercye and truth and not in respect of vs for then were grace no grace In consideration wherof when he saieth Thou shalte haue none other gods but me thou shalt loue me with all thy hart
if you can hastely Prouide me Maister Philpots .ix. examinations for a frende of myne and I shal pay you therfore by the leaue of almighty GOD our heauenlye father who correcteth all hys deare chyldren in this world that they shoulde not be damned wyth the world and trieth the fayth of hys saintes through many tribulations that being found constant to the ende he may crowne his owne giftes in them and in heauen highly reward thē Whether I trust to go before loking for you to followe my faithful frend that we may sing perpetuall prayse to our louing Lord god for victory ouer Sathan sinne wonne for vs by Iesus christ God and man our only sufficient sauiour and aduocate Amen Farewel and pray in faith Yours Thomas Whittell Minister and now condemned to dye for the Gospels sake Anno 1555. Ianuary 21. ¶ To my deare frende and brother Thomas VVente and other hys prison fellowes in Lollardes Tower HE that preserued Ioseph prisoner in Egipt Act. 16 fed Daniel in the Lions denne deliuered Paule Peter and the other Apostels out of pryson vouchsafe of hys goodnes to kepe fede and deliuer you my good brother Wente wyth the other our fellow souldiours your prison fellowes as may be most to hys glorye to your consolation and the edification of hys church I cannot but prayse god most earnestly when I heare of your constancy in the fayth and ioy in the crosse of christ which you now beare and suffer together with many other good members of Christ 2. Thess ● which is a token that by Christe ye are counted worthy the kyngdome of God as Paule sayeth And though the world counteth the yoke and crosse of Christ as a most pernicious hurtful thyng yet we whiche haue tasted how frendly the Lord is cannot but reioyce in this persecution as touching our selues 1. pet 2 in as muche as the cause for the which we suffer is the lordes cause and not altogether oures at whose hand if we endure to the ende we shall receyue through hys liberall promise in Christ not only a greate rewarde in heauen but also the kingdom of heauen it self and also in the meane season be sure to be defended cared for so that we shall lacke no necessary thynges Math. 10 neyther a heare of our heades shall perysh wtout his knowledge O what is he that woulde mystrust or not gladlye serue so louyng a father O howe vnhappye are they that forsake hym and put their truste in man But howe blessed are they that for hys loue and for hys holy wordes sake in these troublesome dayes 1. pet 4 doe committe their soules and bodies into hys handes with wel doing counting it greater happines and ryches to suffer rebuke wyth Christ and hys church Heb. 11 then to enioy the pleasures of this life for a litle short seasō This crosse that we now beare hath ben cōmon to al the faithful frō Abel hetherto shal be to the end for because the deuil hauyng great wrath agaynst god hys Christ Apo. 12 cānot abide that he should for his manifold mercies be lauded and magnified and Christ to be taken and beleued vpon for our only and sufficient redemer Sauiour and aduocate And therfore because wyll not denye Christ nor dissemble wyth our faythe but openly proteste and professe the same before the world he seketh by all meanes to styrre vp his wicked members to persecute and kyl the bodies of the true christians Apo. 2. psal 115 as Iohn sayeth the deuil shall caste some of you into prison And Dauid sayeth I beleued and therefore haue I spoken but I was sore troubled This notwythstandyng go forward deare brethren as ye haue begonne to fight the lordes battell consideryng Christ the captaine of your war who wil both fyght for you geue you victory and also highly reward your paines Consider to your comfort the notable chiefe shepehards and souldiours of Christ which are gone before vs in these days I meane those learned godlo bishops doctours and other ministers of gods worde whose faith and examples we that be inferiors ought to folow Heb. 13 as Paule saith Remember them that haue declared vnto you the word of god the ende of whose conuersation see that ye loke vpon and follow their fayth The grace blessyng of God wyth the ministery of hys holye Aungels be wyth you for euer Amē All my pryson fellowes grete you From the Colebouse this this .4 of December By your poore brother Thomas Whittell an vnworthy minyster of Christ now hys prysoner for the gospels sake Amen ¶ To all the true professours and louers of Gods holy Gospell wythin the Citye of London Rom. 4. Luke 1. THe same fayth for the which Abrahā was counted rightuous and Mary blessed the Lord god encrease and make stable in your hartes my dere and faythfull bretherne and Sisters of London for euer and euer Amen Dearly beloued be not troubled in this heate which is now come amongs you to try you 1. Pet. 4. as though some straūge thīg had happened vnto you but reioice in as much as ye are pertakers of Christes passions that when his glory appeareth ye may be merye glad c. Out of these words of S. Peter I gather most specially these .4 notes First the persecutiō happeneth to Christs church for their triall that is for the probation prose of their faith Which faith like as it is knowē with god in the depth of our hartes so wil he haue it made manifest to the whole world thorow persecutiō that so it may euidently appeare that he hath such a church people vpon earth which so trusteth in hym feareth hys holy name that no kind of persecution paynes Rom. 8. Gene. 22. Iob. 1 nor death shal be able to seperate thē frō the loue of hym And thus was Abrahā tryed Iob tempted that their fayth which before lay hyd almost in their harts might be made knowen to the whole world to be so stedfast stronge that the deuil natural loue nor no other enemy could be able to bereue thē therof wherby also god was to be magnifyed who both trieth his people by many tribulatiōs and also standeth by thē in the middest of their troubles to deliuer thē by life or death as he seeth best like as he assisted Loth deliuered him out of his enemies hands Rom. 9. 2 Cor. 11. Aect. 16. Genesis 4. 2. Macb. 6. Aect. 7. Matth. 27. Iames. 4. Ioseph out of the hands of his brethren out of prisō Paule frō his enemies in Damasco the Apostles out of the stockes prison These with many mo he deliuered to life also he deliuered Abel Eleazar Steuē Iohn Baptist with other many by death and hath also by the trial of their faith made them good presidents exāples to vs al that come after to suffer affliction
sufferyng hys passion crucyfyed dead and buryed to the entent to bring vs again into fauour with god the father almighty to be a sacrifice host oblation Esa 48.43 Gen. 1.22 Esay 53. Act. 10. Math. 8. not only for original sinne but also for al actuall sinnes of the whole generatiō of mankind For al the works merites deseruings doings obediēce of mā towards god although they be done by the spirit of god in the grace of god yet being thus done be of no validitye worthynes nor merite before god except god for his mercy grace accompt thē worthy for the worthines merites of Christe Iesus The same Christe went downe to the hels and trulye rose agayn the thyrd day and ascended into the heauens that he mighte there stil reigne haue dominiō ouer al creatures frō thēce shall come c. I beleue in the holy ghost coequal with god the father the sōne proceding frō thē both by whose vertue strēgth operation the true catholike church which is the comuniō societie of Saints is guyded in al truth veritie kept frō al errours false doctrine the deuil all power of sinne Which church is sanctifyed hallowed with the precious blood spirite of our Lord Iesus Christ Iohn 10.8 Galat. 1. 1. Timo. 3. which hath also her signe and marke that she heareth foloweth the voyce of her only true pastour christ no straungers Thys church also is the house of god the cōgregatiō of the liuing god the pyller of truth the liuely body of Christ a church both in name in dede I beleue the remission of synnes by the only meanes merites of christs death passiō who was made vnto vs of god that only sacrifice oblation offered once for al for euer for al thē that be sanctifyed I beleue the resurrectiō of the body wherby in the last day al mē shal ryse again frō death the soules ioyned againe to the bodyes the good to euerlastinge lyfe the wycked to euerlastyng payne punyshment And nothyng may more certaynly stablysh confyrme our fayth that we shal ryse agayn immortal both in body soule thē the resurrectiō of Christ our Sauiour fyrst fruites of the dead Now that Christ our head is rysen we being his body mēbers must folow our head Death hell and synne can not sunder nor plucke vs from him For as the sonne can not be deuyded nor sundred frō the father nor the holy ghost from them both no more may we being the faythful mēbers of Christ be seperated frō christ And for a confyrmatiō of our resurrection christ wold be sene after his resurrectiō in his most gloryous bodye hys woūdes being handled felt speaking teaching eating drinking c. We looke sayth S. Paule Iohn 10 Iohn 1. Phil. 3. for Iesus Christ our Sauiour which shall transfygure our vile bodies conforme thē to his glorious body by the same power vertue wherwith he is able to subdue all things euen like as the grayn of wheate sowē in the groūd Iohn 12. is fyrst putrifyed brought as into a thīg of nought yet after that it sprīgeth vp freshly with a goodlyer colour forme beautye then it had before The bodye is sowen in corruption and ryseth in incorruptiō 1. Cor. 15 it is so●en in dishonour riseth in honour Thus I verely knowe and assuredly beleue the resurrection of our bodyes to haue lyfe eternal by Christ for Christes sake Verely verely I say vnto you sayeth Christe he that heareth my woorde and beleueth on hym that sent me Iohn 5. hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come into dampnation but is escaped from death to lyfe It is Christ that died once for our sinnes Roma 10 Ose 13. and is rysen agayne neuer more to dye it is he that swallowed vppe death and hath caste it vnder hys fete for euer What nowe can death doe vnto vs Verely nothyng ells but for a little tyme seperate our precious soules from oure wretched bodyes that diuyne substance from a Masse of synne that eternall lyfe from a bodye of death and so send our soules out of this miserable wretched sorrowfull lyfe cumbred wyth all calamities vnto that most blessed felicitie and ioyes eternall As concerning the holye and reuerente sacramentes of Christes Church whiche be in number .ii. the Sacramente of baptiseme and the Supper of the Lord I beleue them to be as Saint Paule calleth them confyrmations or seales of Gods promises whiche haue added to them a promyse of grace and therefore they are called inuisible signes of inuisible grace The Sacramente of baptisme is a marke of Christes Churche a seale and confirmation of oure acceptation into the grace and fauour of God for Christes sake For hys innocencye hys ryghteousnesse hys holynesse hys iustyce is ours geuen vs of God and our synnes and vnryghteousnesse by hys obedience and abasing of hymselfe to the death of the crosse are hys whereof baptisme is the signe seale and confirmation Baptisme is also a signe of repentaunce to testifye that we be borne to the waues of perilles and chaunges of lyfe to the entent that we shoulde dye continuallye as longe as we liue from sinne and ryse agayne like new men vnto ryghteousnesse Rom. 6. The other sacrament which is the Supper holy maundy of our Sauiour Christ wherby the church of Christ is knowen I beleue it is a remembraunce of Christes death passion a seale confirmation of his most precious body geuē vnto death euē to the vile death of the crosse wherwith we are redemed deliuered from synne death hel damnation It is a visible word because it worketh the same thing in the eyes which the word worketh in the eares For like as the woorde is a meane to the eares wherby the holy ghost moueth the hart to beleue Ro. 10 so thys Sacramente is a meane to the eyes whereby the holy ghoste moueth the harte to beleue it preacheth peace betwene God and man it exhorteth to mutuall loue and all godly life and teacheth to contemne the world for the lyfe to come when as Christe shal appeare which now is in heauē no where els as concernyng thys humaine body Act. 1.3 ▪ Yet doe I beleue assuredly that hys very body is present in his most holy supper at the contemplatiō of our spirituall eyes so verely eaten with the mouth of our fayth For as sone as I heare these most comfortable heauenly words spoken and pronounced by the mouth of the minister thys is my bodye which is geuen for you when I heare I say thys heauenly harmonye of gods vnfallible promises truth I loke not vpō neyther do I behold bread wyne for I take beleue the words simply and plainly euen as Christ spake them For hearing these words my senses be rapte vtterly
might be the better by them if he returne not agayne Euen so dearly beloued and ryght worshipfull my good frendes I hauing shortlye to passe vnto my heauenly inheritaunce whiche is hidden with Christ to our common countrey and eternal dwelling place which we shal haue ● god neuer to returne before the latter day in the whiche our soules shall come to iudgement and receaue their bodyes to be glorifyed according to their doings haue thought it my dutye to cōmunicate vnto you somthing with whō I haue foūd great humanitie of the fewe heauenly treasures with the whiche God among others hath endued me in Christe whereby he hath made me his childe and assuredly the enheritour of the kingdome of heauen wich all those which vnfaynedly loue him and constantly cleaue to his holy gospell and that is by the renouation of his Image whereunto man was first created lyke vnto god which is to be in the fauour of God to know God truly to liue iustely to delight feruently in the contēpplacion of God to bee continually happye to be immortall voyde of al corruption and sinne the which blessed Image through synne is deformed in vs and in maner loste sauing that it hath pleased GOD of his mercye who willeth not the death of a sinner to restore that Image by grace throughe knowledge and beliefe of the Gospell whiche otherwyse in our nature is cleane suppressed extinguished Therefore we knowing the greate and lamentable losse whiche we doe sustaine in Adam ought moste earnestly to seeke the recouerye thereof that we mighte eternallye liue like vnto God in immortalitie and felicitie the whiche we shall neuer recouer vnlesse we goe aboute to mortifye our outwarde man all the dayes of our life more and more and bee renewed in spirite according to the true knowledge of GOD the whiche if we bee then may we bee assured that we haue found that ioye felicitie and eternall life whiche Adam had in paradise yea and more then that tenne thousand folde for that it is suche as the eye hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither the hart cā cōceaue which christ hath prepared for vs. This image of god whosoeuer by faith doth fynd he hath found the most precious treasure that any man can finde for he is euen here a citizen of heauen and in possession of eternal life Therefore I cōmit vnto you principally a dailye care of the renouation of this image as the chiefest iewel you can desire in this world And hereof now I am the more moued to put you in remembraunce because I loue you entierly in the lord and desyre your fellowshyp which the iniquity of our tyme will not permit me to enioy here And for asmuche as we haue a better life to come then this present is an eternall societie with Christ whiche neyther the malice of tyme neither the distance of place can dissolue or separate I exhort you now as one that hath obtained mercy of god in the reparacion of hys image in me to embrace the care therof with earnest desyre to attayn the same wherby we shal al haue a perfect fruition of our loue frendship which alreadye we haue here begon with god in heauen shal bee wythout all doute made ioyfully perfect Let this be a perpetual remembrance of your poore afflicted frend which daily loketh through fire to enter into that eternal life where he trusteth assuredly to enioy your fellowship if the image of god be renued in you through the knowledge of Christ which you haue receyued do know Loke whose image the coyne beareth his it is Semblably if your conuersation be after the gospell verely you are the elect of Christ but if it be according to the world his seruants you are whom your lyfe doth expresse We haue all in Baptisme put on Christ whom if we endeuour to represēt we are in dede the sonnes of God and inheritours wyth Christ One good rule S. Paule to the Rom. in the xij chap. doth appoint for the restauration of this our image of God Fashion not your selues saith he vnto thys world but be ye chaūged in your shape by the renewyng of your mynde that ye maye proue what is the will of god which thing is good acceptable perfect God graūt that this rule may take place with you then doutles our companye shall be inseparable wyth all the saynts of God in eternall blesse Be you not deceyued by the vayne possessions and vncertayne pleasures of this worlde whiche serue to none other purpose then to blynde your eyes that they mighte not behold the things which be glorious and permanent for euer The thynges whiche we see are mortall but the thynges which we see not but certainly hope for be immortall For all flesh as the Prophete Esay saythe is but grasse and the glory therof as the flower of the fielde Oh that you whiche haue the possessions of thys world would so accompt thē not sel your eternal inheritance for a messe of porrige as Esau dyd God open your eyes that you may see the glory of Christ in the mount wyth Peter Iohn and Iames. Then I doubte not you would say with Peter Lord it is good for vs to abyde here let vs here make our dwelling places We haue in this world no fyrme mansion but we seke after that which is to come the which yf we seke nowe where it maye be found we shal surely finde it If we mortify the image of Adam which through synne raigneth in our flesh then shal the image of Christ reuiue in vs to our eternall glorye We are all baptised to die wyth Christe to the ende we shoulde walke in newnes of lyfe as persons dead to the world and liuyng to God And if we dye with hym by crucifieng our concupiscence and lustes we shall eternally lyue Infidelitie is the cause of all our misery which causeth vs to feare mā more then GOD and to esteme the thynges presence more then the thynges to come God illighten our eyes that we may vnderstand how precious an inheritaunce Christ hath prepared for suche as hunger and thurst therafter Then I doubte not we would say wyth Sayncte Paule I am surely persuaded that neyther deathe nor lyfe neyther Aungels nor rule neyther power neyther thynges present neyther thynges to come neyther anye other treasure or creature shall separate vs from the loue whych is in Christe Iesus The Lorde encrease our fayth and geue vs hys holy spirite to discerne wyth our selues howe muche we are growen in hys image and are lyke vnto hym for howe muche we are vnlyke to the worlde so muche more are we like vnto god and so much the more do we approche vnto hym The lord drawe you by hys holye spirite and fashion you vnto hys lykenes that we may eternally lyue together The meanes to come therevnto is diligent exercise in gods worde continuall and faithfull prayer a desyre and loue to
learned and wyse It is better to make answer before the pompe and pryde of wycked men then to stande naked in the syght of all heauen and earth before the iuste God at the latter daye I shal dye then by the handes of the cruell man he is blessed that looseth this life full of mortall miseries and fyndeth the lyfe full of eternal ioyes It is a griefe to depart from goods and frendes but yet not so much as to depart from grace and heauen it self Wherefore there is neither felicitye nor aduersitie of this world that can appeare to be greate if it be wayed with the ioyes or paynes in the worlde to come I can doe no more but praye for you doe the same for me for Gods sake For my parte I thanke the heauenly father I haue made myne accoūptes appointed my selfe vnto the wil of the heauenly father as he will so I will by his grace For gods sake as soone as ye can sende my poore wyfe and chyldren some letter from you and my letter also whiche I sente of late to Downton As it is tolde me she had neuer letter from me sith the comming of master S vnto her the more to blame the messengers for I haue written diuers times The lord comfort them and prouyde for them for I am able to do no thyng in worldly thinges She is a godly and wise womā if my meanynges had bene accomplished she should haue had necessary thinges but that I meant god can performe to whome I commend both her and you all I am a precious iewell now and deintely kepte neuer so deintely for neither mine own mā nor any of the seruaunts of the house may come at me but my keper alone a simple rude mā god knoweth But I am nothing careful thereof 21. Ianu. 1554. Yours bounden Iohn Hooper An other letter to certaine godly parsons wrytten to the same effecte THe grace of god be with you Amen I doe geue our heauenly father thankes that moueth you to remēber your afflicted brethern and I do as I am bound pray for you that wyth your remembraunce of me ye prouide helpe succour me with such goods as god doth endue you withall Doubtlesse yf euer wretch vyle synner was bounde vnto God I am most specially bound for these tenne monethes almost euer synce my imprisonmente I haue had no lyuyng nor goods to sustayne my self wythall yet such hath bene the fauoure of our heauenly father that I haue had sufficient to eate and drynke and the same payed for Seyng he is so mercifull and carefull for my synful body I doubt not but he hath more care of my wretched soule so that in bothe I may serue his maiesty and be a liuely and profitalbe mēber of hys poore afflicted church I do not care what extremity this world shal worke or deuise praying you in the bowels of hym that shedde his precious bloode for you to remember and folow the knowlege ye haue learned of his truthe Be not ashamed nor afrayde to follow hym beware of this sentence that it take no place in you Luke 9 no man sayeth Christ that putteth hys hand to the ploughe and looketh backewarde is meete for the kyngdome of God Remember that Chryste wylled hym that would builde a Tower to sytte downe fyrst and loke whether he were able to performe it leaste he should begin and leaue of in the myddest and so be mocked of hys neyghbors and lose therwythall asmuche as he bestowed Luke 14 Christe tolde suche as woulde builde in hym eternall lyfe what the price thereof was euen at the begynnyng of hys doctryne and sayde they shoulde be persecuted Math. 10. Also they shoulde sometyme paye and bestowe both goodes and landes before the Tower of saluation woulde be builded Seyng the pryce of truthe in religion hathe bene alwayes the displeasure and persecution of the worlde let vs beare it and Christ wil recompence the charges aboundantly Yt is no losse to lacke the loue of the worlde and to fynde the loue of God nor no harme to suffer the losse of worldly thinges and fynde eternall lyfe Yf man hate and god loue man kyll the body and god bryng both body and soule to eternall lyfe the exchange is good and profitable For the loue of God vse synglenes towardes hym beware of this folyshe and disceytfull collusion to thynke a man may serue god in spirite secretly to his conscience althoughe outwardly with his bodye and bodelye presence he cleaue for ciuyl order to such rytes and ceremonies as nowe be vsed contrarye to god and hys worde Be assured that whatsoeuer he be that geueth thys counsayle shal be before God hable to doe you no more profytte then the fygge leaues dyd vnto Adam 1. Cor. 6. Glorifye GOD bothe in your bodyes and in your spirites which are gods Take heede of that commaundement no man is able to dispense wyth it Such as be yet cleare and haue not bene presente at the wicked masse and idolatrous seruice let thē pray to god to stande fast such as for weakenes and feare haue bene at it repente and desyre god of forgeuenes and doubtles he wyll haue mercy vppon you It is a feareful thynge that many doe not a lonelye thus dissemble wyth God but also excuse and defende the dissimulation beware of that dere brethern for it is a sore matter to delite in euil things Prouer. 2 Let vs acknowledge and bewayle oure euyl then god shal sende grace to amend vs and strength better to beare his crosse I doubt not but ye wyll iudge of my wrytyng as I meane towardes you in my hearte which is doubtles your eternall saluation in Christe Iesus to whome I hartelye commende you 14. Iune 1554. To a merchaunte of London by whose meanes he had receyued much comfort in his greate necessity in the Fleete where how cruelly he was handled you shall see in the letter nexte followyng THe grace of god be with you Amen I thanke god and you for the great helpe and consolation I haue receiued in that tyme of aduersity by your charitable meanes but most reioice that you be not altered from truth although falshod truelly seketh to distayne her Iudge not my brother truth by outward appearance for truthe now worse appeareth more vily is reiected thē falshod Leaue the outward shew see by the word of god what truth is accept truth dislike her not though man call her falshode As it is now so hath it ben heretofore the truth reiected falshod receiued Suche as haue professed truthe for truthe haue smarted and the frendes of falsehode laughed them to scorne The tryall of both hath ben by contrary successe the one hauyng the cōmendation of truth by mā but the cōdemnatiō of falshode by god florishing for a time with endles destruction the other afflicted a litle season with immortal ioyes Wherfore dere brother aske demaūd of your
possesse your lyues in pacience sayeth he In the which words he geueth vs both commaundement what to do and also greate consolation and comforte in all troubles He sheweth also what is to be doone and what is to be hoped for in troubles and when troubles happen he biddeth vs be pacient and in no case violently nor seditiously to resist our persequutors because God hath such cure and charge of vs that he wil kepe in the myddes of all troubles the very heares of our heade so that one of thē shal not fall away without the wil pleasure of our heauenly father Math. 10. Whether the heare therfore tarye in the heade or fall from the heade it is the wil of the father And seing he hath such care for the heares of our head how much more doth he care for our life it self wherfore let gods aduersaryes do what they lust whether they take the life or take it not they can do vs no hurte for theyr crueltye hath no further power then god permitteth them and that whiche commeth vnto vs by the wyll of our heauenlye father can be no harme no losse neyther destruction vnto vs but rather gayne wealth and felicitye For all troubles and aduersity that chaunce to such as be of god Rom. 8. by the wil of the heauenly father can be none other but gayne aduauntage That the spirite of man may feele these consolations the geuer of them the heauenly father must be prayed vnto for the merites of Christes passion Iacob 1. 1. Cor. 1.8 for it is not the nature of man that can be contented vntill it be regenerated and possessed with gods spirite to beare pacientlye the troubles of the mind or of the body When the minde and hart of a man seeth of euery side sorrowe and heauines and the worldlye eye beholdeth nothinge but suche thinges as be troublous wholy bent to robbe the poore man of that he hath also to take from him his lyfe except the man waigh these brittle and vncertayne treasures that be taken from him wyth the riches of the life to come and this life of the bodye wyth the life in Christes precious blood and so for the loue and certeynty of the heauenly ioyes contemne al thinges presente doubtles he shall neuer be able to beare the losse of goods life or any other thynges of this world Therfore S. Paule geueth a verye godlye and necessarye lesson to all menne in thys short transitorye life and therein sheweth how a manne maye beste beare the iniquytye and troubles of thys world Col. 3. if ye be risen agayne wyth Christ sayth he seke the thynges whiche are aboue where Chryste sitteth at the ryght hand of God the father Wherfore the christian mans fayth must be alwaies vpon the resurrection of Christe whē he is in trouble and in that glorious resurrectiō he shal not onelye see continuall and perpetuall ioye and consolation but also the victorye and triumphe of all persequution trouble synne death hell the diuell and all other persequutors and tyrannes of Christe and of Christes people the teares and weepinges of the faythfull dryed vp they re woundes healed theyr bodies made immortall in ioy theyr soules for euer praysynge the Lord and coniunction and societye euer lasting with the blessed company of Gods electes in perpetual ioy But the wordes of S. Paule in that place if they be not marked shal do little profite to the reader or hearer and geue him no patience at al in this impaciēt and cruel world In the fyrst part Saynt Paule commaundeth vs to thinke or set our affections on things that are aboue When he biddeth vs seke the things that are aboue he requireth that our mindes neuer cease from prayer and study in Gods worde vntyll we see knowe and vnderstande the vanities of thys world the shortnes and mysery of this lyfe the treasures of the world to come the immortality therof and the ioyes of that life and so neuer cease seking vntill such time as we know certeynly and be perswaded what a blessed man he is that seeketh th one and findeth it and careth not for thother though he lose it and in seking to haue ryght iudgement betwene the life present and the life to come we shal find how little the paynes imprisonment slaunders lies and death it selfe is in this world in respect of the paynes euerlastinge the prison infernal and doungeon of hel the sentēce of gods iust iudgement and euerlasting death When a man hath by seeking the word of God found out what the thinges aboue be then must he as Saynte Paule saythe set his affections vpon them And this commaundement is more hard then thother For mans knowlege many times seeth the beste and knoweth that there is a lyfe to come better then this life present as you may se how dayly men and women can prayse and commend yea and wysh for heauen and to be at rest there yet they set not theyr affection vpon it they do more affect loue in dede a trifel of nothing in this worlde that pleaseth theyr affection then a treasure of all treasures in heauen whiche their owne iudgemente sayeth is better then all worldlye thinges Wherefore we must set our affections vpon the things that be aboue that is to say when any thyng worse then heauē vpon the earth offereth it selfe to be ours yf we wyll geue our good willes to it and loue it in our heartes then to see by the iudgemēt of gods word whether we may haue the world wtout offēce of god and such thynges as be for this worldly lyfe wythout his displeasure If we cannot S. Paules commaundement must take plate set your affection on thinges that are aboue If the riches of this worlde maye not be gotten nor kepte with gods law neyther our lyues be continued with out the denyall of hys honour we must set our affection vpon the riches and lyfe that is aboue and not vpon things that be on the earth Therfore this second commaundemēt of S. Paule requireth that as our myndes iudge heauenly thinges to be better then thinges vppon the earth and the lyfe to come better then the life present so we should choose them before other preferre thē and haue suche affection to the best that in no case we set the worst before it as the most part of the world doth and hathe done for they choose the best and approue it and yet follow the worst But these things my godly wife requyre rather cogitation meditation and prayer then wordes or talke They be easy to be spoken of but not so easy to be vsed and practised Wherfore seyng they bee gods giftes and none of ours to haue as our own when we would we must seke them at our heauenly fathers hande who seeth and is priuye howe poore and wretched we be and how naked how spoyled destitute of all his blessed giftes we bee by
vntill such tyme as the worlde had thought verely that both he and al hys had bene cleane destroyed and cast away Sap. 5. as the wise man saith of the wicked people we thought them to be fooles but they be in peace We may learne by thynges that nourishe and mainetayne vs both meat and drynke to what loths● menes and in maner abhorryng they come vnto before they woorke their perfection in vs. From lyfe they be broughte to the fyre and cleane altered from that they were whē they were alyue from the fyer to the trencher and knife and al to hacked from the trencher to the mouth and as small grounde as the teeth can grynde them and from the mouth into the stomacke and there so boyled and digested before they nourishe that whosoeuer sawe the same woulde lothe and abhorre hys owne nourishment before it come to his perfection Is it then any meruayle if such christians as god delighteth in be so māgled and defaced in this world which is the kitchyn and myll to boyle and grynde the fleshe of Godes people in tyll they acheaue their perfection in the world to come And as man looketh for the nutrimente of his meate when it is full digested and not before so must he looke for his saluation when he hathe passed this troublous world and not before Rawe fleshe is not meate wholesom for man and vnmortified men and women be no creatures mete for God Therfore Christ saith Math. 10. that his people muste be broken and all to torne in the myll of this world and so shall they be most fine meale vnto the heauenly father And it shall be a christian mans part and the duetye of a mynde replenished with the spirite of God to marke the order of god in all his thynges how he dealeth with them and how they suffer and be content to let god do hys wil vpon them As S. Paule sayth Rom. 8. they wepe vntil the number of the elects be fulfilled and neuer be at rest but loke for the tyme when gods people shall appeare in glory We must therfore patiently suffer and willingly attend vpon gods doings although they seme cleane contrary after our iudgement to our wealth and saluation as Abraham dyd when he was hyd to offer his sonne Isaac in whō god promysed the blessing multiplyeng of his sede Ioseph at the last came to that which god promysed hym although in the meane tyme after the iudgement of the world he was neuer lyke to be as god sayd he should be lord ouer his brethern When Christ would make the blynde man to see Iohn 9 he put clay vpon hys eyes which after the iudgement of man was meanes rather to make hym double blynd thē to geue hym hys syghte but he obeyed and knew that God coulde worke hys desyre what meanes so euer he vsed contrarye to mans reasons and as touchyng this worlde he vseth all hys after the same sorte If anye smarte 1. Pet. 4. hys people bee the firste if anye suffer shame they beginne if anye bee subiecte to sclaunder it is those that he loueth so that he sheweth no face or fauour nor loue almoste in this worlde outwardly to thē Col. 3. but layeth clay vpon theyr sore eyes that be sorowfull yet the patient man seeth as S. Paule sayth lyfe hyd vnder these miseries and aduersities and sight vnder foule clay and in the meane tyme he hathe the testimony of a good conscience and beleueth gods promises to bee hys consolation in the world to come which is more worth vnto hym then all the worlde is worth besides and blessed is that man in whome gods spirite beareth recorde that he is the sonne of God Rom. 8 whatsoeuer troubles he suffer in thys troublesome worlde And to iudge thynges indifferently my godlye wyfe the troubles be not yet generally as they were in our good fathers times soone after the death and resurrection of our sauiour Christ Iesu Math. 24. whereof he spake in S. Mathew Of the which place you I haue taken manye tymes great consolation and especially of the latter parte of the chapter wher in is contayned the last day and ende of all troubles I dout not both for you and me and for such as loue the comming of our sauiour Christ to iudgemēt Remember therfore that place and marke it agayn and ye shall in this time see great consolation and also learne much patience Was there euer such troubles as Christ threatned vppon Ierusalem Was there sithens the beginning of the world such afflictiō Who was then best at ease The Apostles that suffred in body persecution and gathered of it ease and quietnes in the promises of god And no meruayle for Christ sayeth lifte vp your heades for your redemption is at hand Luke 2 that is to saye your eternall reste approcheth and draweth nere The worlde is starke blynde and more folishe then folishnes it selfe and so be the people of the world For when god saith trouble shal come they will haue ease And when God sayeth be merye and reioyce in trouble we lamente and mourne as though we were castawais But this the flesh which is neuer mery with vertue nor sory with vice neuer laugheth with grace nor euer weepeth with sinne holdeth fast with the world letteth god slip But my dearely beloued wyfe you knowe how to perceaue and to beware of the vanitye and craftes of the diuel well inough in Christ And that ye may the better haue patience in the spirit of god read again the .24 chap of S. Mat. marke what difference is betwene the destruction of Ierusalē the destructiō of the whole worlde Math. 24. you shal see that then there were left aliue many offēdors to repēt but at the latter day there shal be absolute iudgement sentence neuer to be reuoked of eternal life eternal death vpon all men and yet towardes the ende of the worlde we haue no thyng so muche extremity as they had then but euen as we be able to beare So doth the mercifull father lay vpon vs now imprisonment and I suppose for my parte shortly death now spoyle of goods losse of frendes and the greatest losse of all the knowledge of Gods woorde Gods will be done I wyshe in Christe Iesu our onely mediatour and sauiour your constancie and consolation that you may liue for euer and euer whereof in Christe I doubte not to whom for his blessed and most paynefull passion I commit you Amen 13. Octob. 1553. Your brother in Christ Iohn Hoper ☞ A letter sente to the Christian congregation wherin he proueth that true faith cannot be kepte secrete in the heart without confession therof openly to the world when occasion serueth SAint Paule in the .10 chap. to the Rom. annexeth the faythe of Christ in the hart wyth the confession of the mouth so that the one it semeth by him can be no more
me vp to heauen where I shal loke continually for your cōming and others my faithful brethrē in the kinges Bench. And though I tel you that I am in hel in the iudgement of thys world yet assuredly I feele in the same the consolation of heauen prayse god And thys lothsome horrible prison is as pleasaūt to me as the walke in the gardē of the kings Bench. You know brother Careles that the way to heauē out of this life is very narrowe we must striue to enter in at a narrow gate If God do mitigate the ouglenes of mine imprisonment what wil he do in the rage of the fier wherunto I am appointed And thys hath happened vnto me that I might be hereafter an ensample of cōfort if the like happen vnto you or to any other of my deare brethrē with you in these cruel daies in the which the deuil so rageth at the faithful flocke of Christ but in vaine I trust againste any of vs who be persuaded that neyther lyfe neither death is hable to separate vs from the loue of Christes Gospell which is gods high treasure cōmitted to our brittle vessels to glorify vs by the same God of his mercye make vs faythful stewardes to the end geue vs grace to feare nothing whatsoeuer in his good pleasure we shall suffer for the same That I haue not written vnto you erste the cause is our straite keping the want of light by night for the day serueth vs but a while in our darke closet This is the first letter that I haue writen since I came to prison besides the report of mine examinatiōs I am faine to scrible it out in haste Comend me to al our faythful brethren byd them with a good courage loke for their redēption and frame thēselues to be harty souldiers in Christ They haue taken his prest money a great while now let thē shew thē selues readye to serue him faythfully not to flye out of the lords campe into the world as many do Let them remember that in the Apocalips the feareful bee excluded the kingdome Let vs bee of good cheare for our lord ouercame the world that we should do the like Blessed is the seruant whō when the Lord cōmeth he fyndeth watching O let vs watch and pray earnestly one for an other that we be not led into temptation Be ioyfull vnder the crosse prayse the Lord continually for this is the whole burnt sacrifice which the lord chiefly delyghteth in Cōmend me to my father Hunt desire him to loue continue in the vnitie of Christes true church which he hath begon then shall he make me more more to ioye vnder my crosse with him Tell my brother Clements that he hath comforted me muche by his louing token in significatiō of an vnfayned vnitie with vs let him encreace my ioye vnto the end perfectly The Lord of peace be with you all Salute all my louing frendes Maister Meryng Maister Crooth with the rest specially Maister Marshall and hys wyfe with great thankes for hys kyndnes shewed vnto me Fare well my deare Careles I haue dalied with the deuill a while but now I am ouer the shooes God send me well out Out of the Colehouse by your brother Iohn Philpot. An other letter written to Iohn Careles out of the Colehouse of darkenes whereby he geueth lighte and heauenlye comforte to hys heauy and troubled mynde THe God of all comfort and the father of oure Lord Iesus Christ send vnto thee my deare brother Careles the inwarde consolation of hys holy spirite in al the malicious assaultes and troublous temptations of our common aduersarye the Deuill Amen That god geueth you so contrite a harte for your sinnes I can not but reioyce to behold the liuely marke of the children of god whose propertye is to thinke more lowlye and vily of themselues then of any other and often tymes doe set their sinnes before them that they myghte the more bee styrred to bryng forth the fruites of repentaunce and learne to mourne in thys worlde that in an other they myghte bee glad and reioyce Such a broken heart is a pleasaunt sacryfyce vnto God O that I had the lyke contrite harte God mollifye my stonye harte which lamenteth not in such wise my former detestable iniquities Praised be god that he hath geuen you thys sorrowful hart in respect of righteousnes I praye you let me be pertaker of these Godly sorrowes for sinne which be the testimony of the presence of the holy ghoste Dyd not the sword of sorrow pearce the harte of the elect and blessed mother of our Lord Did not Peter wepe bitterly for hys sinnes which was so beloued of Christ Dyd not Mary Magdalene was the feete of oure Sauiour with her teares and receaued therwithall remission of her seuenfold sinnes Be of good comfort therfore mine own deare heart in thys thy sorrowe for it is the earnest peny of eternall consolatiō In thy sorrowe laughe for the spirite of God is with thee Blessed be they sayth Christ that mourne Math. 15. Psa 125. psal 51 Luke 7 for they shal bee comforted They went forth and wepte fayth the Prophet such shall come agayne hauing their gripes full of gladnes And althoughe a sorrowfull harte in consideration of hys sinne be an acceptable sacrifice before God whereby we are stirred vp to more thankefulnes vnto God knowing that much is forgeuen vs that we might loue the more yet the mā of god muste keepe a measure in the same leaste he bee swallowed vppe by to muche sorrowe Sainte Paule woulde not the Thessalonians to be sory as other men whiche haue no hope Such a sorow is not commendable 1. Thess 4. 2. Cor. 7. but worketh damnation and is farre from the children of God who are continually sorrowfull in god when they loke vppon theyr own vnworthynes with hope of forgeuenes For God to thys end by his spirite setteth the sinnes of hys electe still before them that where they perceaue sinne to abounde Rom. 5. there they myght be assured that grace shall superabounde bringeth them downe vnto hell that he myght lift thē vp with greater ioy vnto heauē Wherfore myne own bowels in Christ as long as you are not voyde altogether of hope be not dismayde throughe your pensiue harte for your sinnes howe huge so euer they haue beene for God is hable to forgeue more then you are able to sinne yea and he wil forgeue him which with hope is sory for hys sinnes But know brother that as oft as we do go aboute by the helpe of Gods spirite to do that is good the euil spirit Sathan layeth hard wayte to turne the good vnto euill goeth about to mixe the detestable darnell of desperation with the godly sorrow of a pure penitent heart You be not ignoraunt of hys malicious subtelty and how that continually he assaulteth that good which the grace of
take or pul vnto you trouble or that I wuld not haue you to vse such honest lauful meanes as ye may in the feare of god with good conscience to auoide the crosse and geue place to euil but that I wold haue you willing to put for t your hand to take it when god offreth it in such sort as with good conscience ye cānot escape Then take it kysse it thāke god for it for it is euē a very sacrament that god loueth you as he saith whom I loue thē do I chastice if ye be not pertakers of correctiō surely ye are no children but if he once chastice you if that ye kisse the rod verely he wil case the rod into the fyre colle you kisse you as the mother doth her child whē she perceiueth the child to take in good part the correction But why do I compare god your fathers loue to a mother in that it farre passeth it For saith he though it be possible that a natural mother should forget the child of her wōbe yet wil not I forget thee saith the lord our good god and father through Christ Though he seme angry towards euenyng yet in the morning we shal fynd him wel pleased if in Christe we come to him and cry Abba dere father helpe vs and as thou hast promised tempt vs not further then thou wylte make vs able to beare Therfore my dere hartes in the lord be of good comfort be of good comfort in the lord Confesse hym and hys truth and feare not prison losse of goodes or lyfe Feare rather that prison out of the which there is no deliuerance feare rather the losse of those goods which last for euer feare rather the losse of the life which is eternall wherunto ye are called the way by which god wyll bringe you to it in that ye certainly know not whether it wil be by prisō fyre halter c. whensoeuer these come as I said before let them not dismay you nor seme straunge to you For no smal number of gods chyldren are gone that way and we are a good cōpany here together which are ready to folow the same way through gods grace yf god so wyll I beseche you make you ready and goe with vs or rather be readye that when we come we may go wyth you The iorney is but short though it be vnpleasaunt to the fleshe Perchaunce yf we should die in our beddes on a corporal malady it would be much longer and also more painful at the least in gods syghte it cannot bee so precious and gayneful as I knowe thys kynde of death is whereto I exhorte you to prepare your selues myne owne deare hartes in the bowels and bloode of oure sauiour Iesus Christ to whose tuition grace gouernance and protection I hartely commend you all and besech you that ye woulde do the lyke vnto me in your harty prayers Out of the tower of London 1554. By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford An other letter wrytten to certayne godly persons to the same effecte GRatious god and most merciful father for Iesus Christes sake thy dearely beloued sonne graunt vs thy mercy grace wisedome and holy spirite to counsaile comforte and guide vs in all our cogitations words and workes to thy glory and our euerlastyng ioye and peace for euer Amen In my last letter ye myght perceyue my coniecturyng to be no lesse towardes you then now I haue partly learned But my derely beloued I haue learned none other thing then before I haue tolde you would come to passe if ye cast not away that whiche I am sure ye haue learned I doe appeale to bothe youre consciences whether herein I speake truth as wel of my tellyng though not so often as I might and shoulde god forgeue me as also of your learning Now God wil trye you to make others to learne by you that which ye haue learned by others The lady lasts her husbād were beheaded that day ▪ by them which suffred this day ye myght learne if already ye had not learned that lyfe and honour is not to be set by more then gods cōmaundement They in no poynte for all that euer their ghostly fathers could do hauing Doctor Death to take their part would consent of seme to consent to the popysh Masse and papistical God otherwise then in the daies of our late King they had receaued And this their faith they haue confessed with their deathes to their great glory and all our comfortes if we follow thē but to our confusion if we starte backe from the same Wherfore I besech you both to consider it aswel to prayse god for them as to go the same way with them if god so will Consider not the things of thys life which is a very prison to all gods childrē but the things of euerlasting life which is our very home But to the beholding of this geare ye must open the eyes of your minde of fayth I should haue sayd as Moses dyd whiche set more by trouble with Gods people then by the riches of Egipt Pharaos court Your house home and goods yea lyfe and al that euer ye haue god hath geuen you as loue tokens to admonishe you of his loue and to winne your loue to him agayne Now wil he try your loue whether ye set more by him then by his tokens or no. If ye for his tokens sake that is for your home house goods yea life wil go with the worlde least ye shoulde lose them then be assured your loue as he can not but espie it to be a strompettes loue so wil he caste it away with the world Remember that he which wil saue his life shal lose it if Christe bee true but he which aduentureth yea loseth his life for the gospels sake the same shall be sure to finde it eternally Do not ye both know that the waye to saluation is not the broade way which many runne in but the straite way which fewe now walke in Before persecution came men might partly haue stand in a dout by the outward state of the world with vs although by gods word it was plaine whether was the hygh waye for their was as many pretended the gospell as poperye but now the sonne is risen the wind bloweth so that the corne which hath not takē fast roote cānot nor wil not abide and therfore easlye ye may see the straite waye by the small number that passeth throught it Who will nowe aduenture their goods and lift for Christs sake which yet gaue his life for oursakes Math. 8. We now are Gergesites that would rather lose Christe then our porkets A faythfull wife is neuer tryed so to be but whē she reiecteth with standeth woers A faythful Christian is then found so to be whē his fayth is assaulted If we be not able I meane if we will not forsake thys world for gods glorye and
1. pet 5. whiche will not followe the trace of so many Fathers Patriarckes Kinges Priestes Prophettes Apostles Euaungelistes and Saintes of God yea euen of the very Sonne of God Howe manye nowe goe with you lustelye as I and all your brethren in bondes and exile for the Gospell Pray for vs for God willing we wyll not leaue you nowe we will goe before you Ye shall see in vs by Gods grace 1. Pet. 2 that we preached no lies nor tales of tubbes but euen the verye true woorde of God for the confyrmation whereof we by Gods grace and the helpe of your prayers will willinglye and ioyfully geue our bloode to be shedde as already we haue geuen our liuings goods frendes and naturall countrey for nowe bee we certayne that we be in the highe waye to heauens blysse as Saincte Paule sayeth Act. 14. by manye tribulations and persecutions we muste enter into Gods kingdome And because we woulde goe thether our selues and bring you thether also therefore the deuill stirreth vppe the coles And forasmuche as we all loytered in the way Math. 8. Math. 14. he hath therfore receaued power of god to ouercast the whether and to stirre vp stormes that we gods children might more spedely go on forwards make more hast as the counterfaites and hipocrites will tary linger tyl the stormes be paste and so when they come the market will be done and the doores sparde as it is to be feared Read Math. 25. Thys wynde wyll blowe gods children forwards and the deuils dearlinges backeward Therfore lyke Gods children let vs goe on forwarde apace the winde is on oure backes Thren 3 Heb. 6. hoyse vp the sayles lift vp your hartes and handes vnto god in prayer and kepe your anker of fayth to cast out in tyme of trouble on the rocke of Gods worde and mercye in Christ by the gable of gods veritye and I warrant you And thus much for you secondly to consider that affliction persecution and trouble is no straunge thing to Gods children and therfore it should not dismaye discourage or dyscomforte vs for it is none other thing then all Gods deare frendes haue tasted in their iourney to heauen wardes As I would in this troublesome time that ye woulde consider what ye be by the goodnesse of God in Christ euen Citizens of heauen though ye be presently in the fleshe euen in a straunge region on euery side ful of fierce enemyes and what wether and way the dearest frends of god haue found euen so would I haue you thyrdly to consider for your further comforte Phil. 3. that if ye shrinke not but goe on forwardes preassyng to the marke appointed al the power of your enemyes shal not ouercome you nor in any poynte hurt you But thys must not you cōsider according to the iudgement of reasō the sense of olde Adam but accordyng to the iudgement of gods word and the experience of fayth the newe man for els you marre all For to reason and to the experience of our sense or of the outward man we poore soules whiche flicke to Gods word to serue hym as he requyreth onely are counted to be vanquished and to be ouercome in that we are caste into prison lose oure liuynges frendes goodes countreye and lyfe also at the lengthe concernynge thys worlde But dearly beloued Gods woorde teacheth otherwyse and fayth feeleth accordingly Is it not written whoe shall seperate vs from the loue of God Rom. 8 Shall tribulation or anguishe or persecution eyther hunger eyther nakednesse eyther peryl either sworde As it is written Psal 44. for thy sake are we kylled all day long are counted as shepe appoynted to be slayne Neuerthelesse in al these thyngs we ouercome through hym that loued vs. For I am sure that neyther death neyther lyfe neyther aungels nor rule neyther power neither things present neither things to come neyther hygh nor lowe neyther any creature shall be hable to part vs from that loue wherwith god loueth vs in Christ Iesu our Lorde Thus spake one which was in afflictiō as I am for the Lordes gospelles sake hys holy name be praysed therfore and he graunt me grace with the same to continue in lyke suffering vnto the end Thys I say one spake which was in affliction for the gospel but yet so farre frō being ouercome that he reioyced rather of the victory whiche the gospel had For though he was boūd 2. Timo. 2. yet the gospel was not bound And therfore geueth he thankes vnto god which alway geueth the victory in Christ 2 Cor. 2 and openeth the sauour of his knowledge by vs such as suffer for his truth although they shut vs vp neuer so muche and driue vs neuer so farre out of our own naturall countrey in euery place The world for a time may deceaue it self thinking it hath the victory but yet the end wil try the contrary Gen. 4. Did not Caine think he had the victory whē Abel was slaine But how say you now is it not foūd otherwise Thought not the old world men thē liuing that they were wise wel and Noe a sole Gen. 7.8 which would crepe into an Arke leauing hys house landes possessions for I thinke he was in an honest state for the world but I pray you who was wise whē the floud came Abrahā I trowe was coūted a fole to leaue his own coūtrey and frends kyth kinne because of gods worde Gen. i2 but dearly beloued we know it proued otherwise I wil leaue al the Patriarkes come to Moses the children of Israel Tel me were not they thought to be ouercome and starke mad whē for feare of Pharao at gods word they ran into the red sea Exod. 14. Did not Pharao and the Egiptians thinke them selues sure of the victorye But I trowe it proued cleane contrarye Saule was thought wel and Dauid in an euyll case 1. Regū 16 17.18.19 and moste myserable because he hadde no hole to hyde hym in but yet at the length Saules myserye was seene and Dauids felicitye beganne to appeare The Prophette Mycheas being caste into prison for telling Achab the truth 3. Reg. 22. was thoughte to bee ouercome of Zedechias and the other false Prophettes but my god brethren and sisters the holye historye telleth otherwyse Who dyd not thinke the Prophettes vnhappye in their time Ieremy 20 Esay 8. 4. Regū 2. 1 Cor. 4 For they were slaine prysoned laughed to scorne and iested at of euery man And so were all the Apostles yea the dearelye beloued frende of God then whom among the children of women none arose greater I meane Iohn Baptiste who was beheaded and that in prison euen for a daunsing Damosells desyre As all these to the iudgemente of reason were then counted heretikes runagates vnlearned fooles fishers Publicanes c so nowe vnhappie and ouercome in dede if gods word and
reuerent obediēce vnto her in al godlines Be not vnkind nor vnthākful Praye for her preseruation cōtinuance amongest you Pray that she may be an ensample to you in al the waies of the Lord. And how ye may be haue your selues towards god your mother and al other estates and degrees let alwayes gods word be your rule Exercise your selues therin night and day ioyning alwaies praier therewith God send you a good guide good passage if it be his wil out of this idolatrous blody realm And as Christ cōmitted his mother to Iohn so I cōmit you in this world to the Angell of God Augustine Bernher Hys aduertisement if you wil folow I trust you shal not decline frō the feare of god Be thankful for him cease not to pray for hys preseruation And thus I cōmit al aswell seruaunts as wife children to the merciful tuition of our most mercifull god and father to his deare sonne our onely Sauiour Iesus Christ with the holy ghoste the comforter to hym be al prayse now and for euer Amen I hartely forgeue you al and doubt not but that you do the same to me Robert Glouer Be faythfull vnto the death and I will geue thee the crowne of lyfe Apoc. 2. ❧ Letters of Robert Smyth one of the Chappell at Wyndsor who as a true and constant witnes of Gods woorde which he most faythfullye had professed was cruellye Martyred at Vrbridge the .14 daye of Auguste In the yeare of oure Lorde 1555. To all them whiche loue God vnfaynedlye and entend to lead a Godly lyfe accordyng to hys gospell and to perseuer in his truth vnto the end grace and peace from God the father and from our Lorde Iesus Christ Amen BE not afraid most dearely beloued in our Sauiour Iesus Christ at these most perilous daies This letter is thought of some to be M. Hopers partely for that in one copie amonges diuers it is entitled vnto him and also by the phrase and manner of writing it may be well coniectured so to be wherein by the sufferaunce of God the prince of darkenes is brokē lose and rageth in hys members agaynst the elect of god with all crueltye to sette vp againe the kingdome of Antichrist agaynst whom see that ye be strong in fayth to resiste hys moste deuelyshe doctrine with the pure Gospell of God armynge your selues with pacience to abyde what soeuer shall bee layde to your charge for the truthes sake knowing that thereunto ye be called not onelye to beleue in him but also to suffer for him Oh howe happye are ye that in the syght of God are counted worthye to suffer for the testimonye of Christe Quyet therefore your selues Oh my louynge brethren and reioyce in hym for whome ye suffer for vnto you doe remayne the vnspeakeable ioyes which neyther the eye hath sene nor the eare hath heard neyther the harte of man is hable to comprehend in any wise Be not afrayd of the bodely death Apo. 17. for your names are wrytten in the booke of life And the Prophette doth recorde Psalm 115. that in the fighte of the Lorde precious is the death of hys Sainctes Watche therefore and praye that ye be not preuented in the day of temptation Nowe commeth the daye of your tryall wherein the waters rage Matth. 7. and the stormye windes blowe Nowe shall it appeare whether ye haue builded vppon the fleting sande Ephe. 2 or vpon the vnmoueble rocke Christe whiche is the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets whereon euery house that is builded groweth into an holy temple of the Lorde by the mightye woorking of the holye ghoste Nowe approcheth the daye of your battaile wherin it is required that ye shewe your selues the valiaunte souldiours of Iesus Christe 2. Tim 8 Ephe. 6 phil 2 Heb. 12. Col. ● wyth the armoure of God that ye maye be hable to stande faste againste all the craftye assaultes of the deuill Christe is your Captayne and ye be hys souldiours whose cognisance is the crosse to the which he willingly humbled hym selfe euen vnto the death and thereby spoyled his enemies and nowe triumpheth he ouer them in the glorye of his father making intercession for them that here doe remayne to suffer the afflictions that are to bee fulfilled in his misticall bodye Pet. 5. It behoueth therefore euery one that will be counted hys scholer to take vppe his owne crosse and followe hym as ye haue him for an ensample and I assure you that he being on your side nothing shall be hable to preuaile againste you And that he will be with you euen to the worldes ende ye haue his promise in the .28 of Mathewe He will goe forth with his hoste as a conquerer to make a conquest He is the man that sitteth on the whyte horse Apoc. 6 1. Cor. 1. crowned with immortalitie and ye brethren are hys felowshippe whereof he is the heade He hath your harte in hys hande as a bowe bente after his godlye will he shall direct the same according to the ryches of hys glory into al spirituall and heauenly cogitations He is faythfull 1 Cor i● and wil not suffer you to be further assaulted thē he wil geue you strēgth to ouercome and in the most daunger he will make a way that ye maye be hable to beare it Shrynke not therefore deare hartes when ye shall hee called to aunsweare for the hope that is in you i. Pet. 3. for we haue the comforter Luk. 13. Act. 2. psalme 52. euen the spirite of truth whiche was sente from the heauens to teach vs. He shall speake in vs he shall strengthen vs what is he then that shall be able to confoūd vs Nay what Tiranne is he that now boasteth hym selfe of hys strengthe to doe mischiefe whom the Lord shall not with the same spirite by the mouthe of hys seruauntes stryke downe to hell fyre Yea sodainly will the Lorde brynge downe the glorye of the proude Philistians by the handes of hys seruaunte Dauid Their strengthe is in speare and shielde ● Regū 17. psal 6. 2. Cor. 6 Heb. 8. Psalm 32. but oure helpe is in the name of the Lorde whiche made both heauen and earth He is our buckler and our wall a stronge tower of defence He is oure God and we are his people He shal bryng the counsels of the vngodlye to nought He shall take them in their owne nette He shal destroye them in their owne inuentions The ryghte hande of the Lorde shall woorke thys wonder Psalm 117. Psalm 52. psal 65. Hys power is knowen amonge the children of men ▪ Their fathers haue felt it and are confounded In lyke maner shall they knowe that there is no counsell agaynste the Lorde when their secretes are opened to the whole worlde and are founde to be agaynst the liuyng God Woorke they neuer so craftelye Gene. 12. builde they neuer so stronglye yet downe shall
yet loke for none other I exhort you as my frēdes but to be charged with them at gods hand This conscience and the loue that I beare vnto you biddeth me now say vnto you both in gods name feare god and loue not the world for god is able to cast both body and soule into hel fire Psa 2. When hys wrath shal sodenly be kindled blessed are al they that put their trust in him And the saieng of S. Iohn is true Iohn 2. al that is in the world as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eies and the pryde of life is not of the father but of the world the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doth the wyl of god abideth for euer If this gift of grace which vndoubtedly is necessarily required vnto eternall saluation were truely and vnfainedly graffed and firmely stablished in mens harts they would not be so light so sodainly to shrinke from the mainteynaunce and confession of the truth as is now alas sene so manifestly of so many in these days But here peraduēture you would know of me what is the truth Syr gods word is the truth as s Iohn saith Iohn 17. Eccl. 27 and that euen the same that was heretofore For albeit man doth vary and chaunge as the moone yet Gods word is stable abideth one for euermore and of Christ it is truly said Christ yesterday and to day the same is also for euer Heb. 13 When I was in office all that were estemed learned in gods word agreed this to be a truth in gods word written that the common praier of the Church should be had in the common tongue You know I haue conferred with manye I ensure you I neuer found man so far as I do remember neyther olde nor newe Gospeller nor Papist of what iudgement so euer he was in this thyng to be of a contrary opinion If then it were a truth of gods worde thinke you that the alteration of the world canne make it an vntruthe ▪ If it cannot why then doe so manye men shrinke from the confession and maintenaunce of thys truthe receyued once of vs all For what is it I pray you els to confesse or deny Christ in this world but to maintayne the truth taught in gods word or for any worldly respecte to shrynke from the same This one thyng haue I brought for an ensample other thynges be in like case which now particularly I nede not to rehearse For he that wil forsake wittingly either for feare or gayne of the world any one open truthe of gods word if he be constrained he wil assuredly forsake god and all his truth rather then he will endaunger himselfe to lose or to leaue that he loueth better in deede then he dothe God and the truth of his word I like very wel your playn speaking wherin you saye I must either agree or dye and I thynke that you meane of the bodily deathe whiche is commō both to good bad Syr I know I must dye whether I agree or no. But what folly were it then to make such an agreement by the which I could neuer escape thys deathe which is so common to al and also incurre the gilte of death and eternall damnation Lord graunt that I maye vtterly abhorre and detest this damnable agreement so long as I liue And bycause I dare say you wrote of frendship vnto me this shorte earnest aduertisement and I thinke verelye wishyng me to lyue and not to die therfore bearing you in my hearte no lesse loue in god than you do me in the world Apostata was he which fled from hys captaine to the enemy He was also so called that departed from the chrystyans to the Iewes Gentiles I say vnto you in the worde of the lorde and that I say to you I say to all my frendes and louers in god that yf you doe not confesse and maintayne to your power and knowledge that which is grounded vpon gods word but will either for feare or gayne of the world shrinke and play the Apostata in dede you shall dye the deathe you know what I meane And I beseche you al my true frendes and louers in God remember what I saye for this maye be the laste tyme peraduentute that euer I shall write vnto you From Bocardo in Oxford the 18. day of Aprill 1554. N.R. Chariss fratri venerabili in Christo compresbytero Ioanni Hopero gratiam pacem DIlecte frater venerabilis in Christo compresbyter cōdonet mihi precor tua dilectio quod hactenus a tua captiuitate tua simul mea tuam dilectionem meis literis non salutauerim quando ingenue fateor mihi abs te quae tua erat humanitas binae literae datae fuerūt diuersis quidem temporibus sed eis sēper profecto in quibus aut mihi per iniquitatem temporis rescribere bene non licuit aut si rescripsissem de literis ad te tuto perferendis multum dubitaui Iam vero charissime frater quum ex illis tuis lucuhrationibus quas mihi non nisi obiter videre contigit facile intelligo nos in ijs quae sunt nostrae religionis fundamenta bases omium aduersus quas mundus hodie tantopere insanit probe conuenire in vnū conspirare vtcūque in rebus minoribus religionis appēdicibus olim tua prudentia mea simplicitas in alîquibus fateor vterque suum sēsum habebat iam inquam cognoscat tua dilectio quod ex animo deus mihi testis est in viscerihus Christi te diligam frater in veritate propter veritatem quae permanet in nobis vt mihi per suasum habeo per gratiam dei per manebit nobiscum in aeternū Quoniam autem vti video frater mundus causam suam igere nō cessat cōtra Christum seruatorē quantū potest maximis munitionibus cōspirat 1. Corin. 10 sūmas conatur erigere altitudines a duersus cognitionē Dei iungamus frater dextras in Christo pro nostra viriliquantumque in nobis situm erit non armis carnalibus sed spiritualibus si non possumus demoliri saltem pulsemus illas altitudines simul nos iam Frater praeparemus ad diem dissolutionis nostrae per quam cum Christo post momentaneam carnis iftius nostrae afflictionem in aeternum gratia Domini Iesu Christi simul cum illo triumphabimns in gloria sempeterna Ohsecro frater saluta meo nomine venerandum illum tuum concaptiuum mihi vere venerahilem patrem D. Cromerum de quo mihi crede ex primo die quo de eius sanctissima grauiss constantia in confessione veritatis euangelicoe audiui semper maximā consolationem maximumque gaudium concepi in domino integritatem enim eius viri grauitatem innocentiā iāpridē vniuersa pene credo nouit Anglia Benedictus
an other He rekeneth all and so he may to be his who soeuer preuayle so that truth preuayle not Neuerthelesse good brother I suppose that the vniuersal plage is most daungerous which at this day is alas fostered and maisterfully holden vp by wytte worldly policy multitude of people power and al worldly meanes As for other the deuilles Galtroppes that he casteth in our wayes by some of hys busye headed yonkers I truste they shall neuer be able to do the multitude so greate harme For blessed be god these heresies before time when Satan by his seruants hath bene about to broch them haue by gods seruantes alredy bene so sharpely truly confounded that the multitude was neuer infected with them or els where they haue bene infected they are healed againe that now the perill is not so greate And where you say that if your request had bene heard things you thinke had bene in better case then they be know you the cōcerning the matter you meant I haue in latin drawne out the places of the scripures and vpon the same haue noted what I can for the time Syr in those matters I am so fearful that I dare not speak farther yea almost none otherwise then the very texte dothe as it wer lead me by that hād And where you exhort vs to help c He meane● here the matter of Gods election wherof he afterward Wrote a godly and comfortable treatise remaynyng yet in the hādes of so●●● and hereafter shal come to light if god so will O lord what is els in this world that we now shold list to do I blesse my lord god I neuer as me thinketh had more nor better leasure to be occupied with my pen in such things as I cā do to set forth when they may come to light gods glory And I blesse my lorde god through Iesus Christe my hart and my worke are therin occupied not so fully perfectly as I wold but yet so as I blesse god for the same Fare well deare brother the messenger tarieth I may not now be longer with you The lord I trust verely shall bring vs thether where we shall eche one with other in Christe oure sauiour reioyce and be mery euerlastingly Your brother in Christ N. R. ¶ To maister Bradford DEarely beloued brother Bradforde I hadde thought of late that I had written vnto you your last farewel vntill we should haue met in the kingdome of heauen by our deare brother Austine and I sente it to meete you in Lankeshyre whether it was said here you were appoincted to be sent to suffer But now sith they haue chaūged their purpose and prolonged your death I vnderstande it is no other thyng then that once happened to Peter and Paule The whiche although they were of the firste which were cast in prison and as litle shoned peryll as any other did yet god would not haue them put to death wyth the first because he had more seruice to be done by their ministery which his gratious pleasure was they should do so without doubte deare brother I am persuaded that the same is the cause of the delay of your Martyrdome Blessed be the holy Trinity the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste for you threefolde confession I haue redde all three wyth great comforte and ioye and thankesgeuyng vnto God for his manifolde giftes of grace wherewith it is manifesse to the godlye reader that GOD dyd assyste you mightilye And blessed be God agayne and agayne which gaue you so good a mynde and remembraunce of your othe once made against the bishop of Rome least you should be pertaker of the common periury which all men almost are nowe fallen into in bringyng in agayne that wicked vsurped power of hys Ieremy 4. Which othe was made accordyng to the Prophete in iudgement in ryghteousnes and in truth and therfore can not without perintye be reuoked let Satan roare and rage and practise all the cruelty he can Oh good lord that they are so busye with you about the church It is no new thing brother that is happened vnto you for that was alwayes the clamor of the wycked bishops and priestes against gods true prophets the tēple of the lord the tēple of the lord the tēple of the lord EZechi 7. they said the law shal not departe frō the prieste nor wisdom frō the Elder and yet in them whom they only estemed for theyr priests and sages there was neither gods law nor godly wisdome It is a maruelous thyng to heare what vayne communication is spreade abroad of you It is said here that you be pardoned your lyfe and when you were appointed to be banished and to go I can not tel whether you should say that you had rather here suffer then go where you could not lyue after your consciēce and that this pardon should be begged for you by Borne the Bishop of Bathe for that you saued his lyfe Agayne some say and amonges other myne hostes reported that you are hyghlye promoted and are a great man with my lorde Chauncelor This I could not beleue but did denye it as a false lye so surely was I alwayes perswaded of your constancye What god will do with vs he knoweth In the meane tyme wonderfull it is to behold how the wysedome of GOD hath in fatuated the policye of the worlde and scattered the crafty deuises of the worldlye wyse For when the state of religion was once altered and persecution beganne to waxe whote no man douted but Cranmer Latymer and Rydley shoulde haue beene the fyrste to haue beene called to the stake But the subtyle policye of the world settyng vs aparte fyrst assaulted them by whose infirmity they thought to haue more vauntage but god disapoynted their subtyll purpose For whom the world estemed weakest praised be god they haue found most strong sounde and valyaunte in Christes cause vnto the death to geue suche an onset as I dare say all the aungels in heauen do no lesse reioyce to behold in them then they dyd in the victorious constancy of Peter Iohn 15. Paule Esay Helyas or Hieremy For greater loue no man hathe than to bestowe hys lyfe c. Good brother haue me and vs all continuallye in your remembraunce to god in your prayers as God willyng we shal not be in our prayers forgetfull of you Your owne in Christ N. R. ¶ To maister Bradford BRother Bradford I wishe you in Christ our Sauiour grace mercy and peace and to al thē which are with you or any where els captiues in Christ and to heare that ye be al in good health and stand constātly in the confession of Christes gospell it dothe hartely reioyce vs. Knowe you lykewyse that we all here bee thankes be to god in good health and comforte watchyng wyth our lampes lyght I trust in god when it shall please our maister the brydegrome Math. 25. to call vs to wayte vpon hym vnto the mariage
setter forth of Christes Gospell and of Gods true word so I found the and blessed be god so I left thee in deed Wo is me for thee mine own deare Colledge if euer thou suffer thy selfe by anye meanes to be broughte from that trade In thy Orcharde the wals buttes trees if they could speak would beare me witnesse I learned with out booke almost all Paules Epistles yea and I weene all the Canonicall Epistles saue only the Apocalipse Of which study although in time a great part did depart from me yet the sweete smell thereof I truste I shall cary with me into heauen for the profite therof I thinke I haue felte in all my life time euer after and I wene of late whether they abide there now or no I can not tel there was that did the lyke The Lord graunt that this zeale and loue toward that part of gods word which is a kay and a true cōmentary to al holy scripture may euer abyde in that colledge so longe as the world shall endure From Cambridge I was called into Kent by the Archbyshop of Caunterbury Thomas Cranmer that most reuerend father and man of god and of him by and by sente to be Vicar of Herne in Easte kente Wherefore fare well Herue thou worshipful and wealthy parish the fyrst cure wherunto I was called to minister gods word Thou hast heard of my mouth ofttimes the word of god preached not after the popish trade but after the Christs gospel oh that the frute had aunswered to the seede And yet I muste knowledge me to be thy dettour for the doctryne of the Lords supper which at that time I acknowledge God had not reueled vnto me but I blesse God in all that godly vertue and zeale of Gods word which the Lord by preachinge of his worde did kindle manifestly both in the hart and in the life and workes of that godlye woman there my Ladye Phines the Lorde graunte that his worde tooke lyke effecte there in manye other moe Farewell thou Cathedrall churche of Caunterburye the Metropolitike sea whereof once I was a mēber To speake thinges pleasante vnto thee I dare not for daunger of conscience displeasure of my lord God and to say what lieth in my harte were now to muche and I feare were able to doe thee nowe but little good Neuerthelesse for the frendeship I haue founde in some there and for charitye sake I wishe thee to be washed cleane of al worldlinesse and vngodlines that thou mayste be founde of God after thy name Christes Church in dede and in truth Farewell Rochester sometime my Cathedrall Sea in whome to say the truth I did find much gentlenesse and obedience and I trust thou wilt not say the contrarye but I did vse it to Gods glorye and thine owne profite in God Oh that thou haddest and mightest haue continued and gone forewarde in the trade of Gods lawe wherein I did leaue thee Then thy charge and burden should not haue beene so terrible and daungerous as I suppose verely it is like to be alas on the latter daye To Westminster other aduertisement in God I haue not now to say then I haue sayd before to the Cathedral church of Caunterbury and so God geue thee of his grace that thou mayste learne in deede and in truth to please him after hys owne lawes And thus fare you wel Oh London London to whome nowe maye I speake in thee or whome shall I bid farewell Shall I speake to the Prebendaryes of Paules Alas al that loued Gods worde and were true setters forth therof are nowe as I heare say some burnt and slayne some exiled and banished and some holden in hard prison and appoynted daily to be put to most cruell death for Christs Gospel sake As for the rest of them I know they could neuer broke me well nor I could neuer delighte in them Shall I speake to the Sea thereof wherein of late I was placed almost and not fullye by the space of .iii. yeares But what maye I saye to it beynge as I heare saye I am deposed and expuised by iudgemente as an vniust vsurper of that roome O iudgemente iudgement Can this be iust iudgement to condemne the chiefe minister of Gods woorde the pastoure and byshoppe of the dioces and neuer bringe hym into iudgemente that he myght haue heard what crimes were layde to hys charge nor neuer suffer him to haue anye place or time to aunswere for hym selfe Thinkest thou that hereafter when true iustice shall haue place that this iudgemente canne euer be allowed eyther of God or of manne Well as for the cause and whole matter of my deposition and the spoyle of my goodes whiche thou possessest yet I referre it vnto God whiche is a iust iudge and I beseche God if it be his pleasure that that whiche is but my personall wronge be not layde to thy charge in the latter daye this only can I pray for O thou nowe wicked and bloudye Sea whye doest thou sette vppe againe manye alters of idolatrye whyche by the woorde of God were iustlye taken awaye VVhy haste thou ouerthrowne the Lordes Table Why doest thou daylye delude the people maskinge in thy masses in the steade of the Lordes holye Supper whiche oughte to bee commen aswel saythe Chrisostome yea the Lorde him selfe to the people as to the prieste Howe darest thou denye to the people of Christe contrarye to hys expresse commaundemente in the gospell his holye cuppe Why bablest thou to the people the commen prayer in a straunge tounge wherein Saynt Paule commaundeth in the lords name that no man should speake before the congregation excepte it shoulde be by and by declared in theyr commen tounge that all myghte be edified Naye harken thou whorishe baude of Babilon thou wicked lymme of Antichriste thou bloodye Wolfe whye slayest thou downe and makest hauoke of the Prophetes of God Whye murtherest thou so cruellye Christes poore seely sheepe whiche will not heare thy voyce because thou arte a straunger and will followe none other but they re owne pastoure Christe his voyce Thinckest thou to escape or that the Lord wil not require the bloode of hys Sayntes at thy handse Thy God whiche is the woorke of thy handes and whome thou sayest thou haste power to make that thy deafe dumme God I say wil not in deede nor cannot althoughe thou art not ashamed to call hym thy maker make thee to escape the reuenginge hande of the hyghe and almightye God But be thou assured that the lyuinge Lorde our sauiour and redemer which sitteth on the right hand of his father in glory he seeth all thy wicked wayes and cruelty done to his deare members and he will not forget his holy ones and hys hands O thou whorish drabbe shalt thou neuer escape In steade of my farewell to thee now I saye fye vpon thee fye vpon thee filthye drabbe and all thy false Prophetes Yet O thou Londō I may not leaue thee
true honoryng of God also that can shew you the descente of Christes church from the begynning of it vntyll thys daye that ye maye perceaue by the lyfe of your forefathers these two thynges the one that Chrystes woorde whych sayde that al hys must suffer persecutiō and trouble in the world be true the other that none of all hys before our time escaped trouble then shall ye perceiue that it is but a folly for one that professeth Christe trulye to looke for the loue of the worlde Thus shall ye learne to beare trouble and to exercise youre religion and feele in deede that Chrystes woordes be true in the worlde ye shall suffer persecution Iohn 16 And when ye feele your religion in deede saye yee be no better then youre forefathers but be gladde that ye maye be counted worthye souldioures for thys warre and praye to God when ye come together that he wyll vse and order you and youre doyinges to these thre endes whyche ye muste take heede of the fyrste that ye gloryfye God the nexte that ye edifye the churche and congregation the thyrde that ye profyte your owne soules In all youre doynges beware ye be not deceaued For although thys tyme be not yet bloodye and tyrannous as the time of oure forfathers that coulde not beare the name of Christe wythout daunger of lyfe and goodes yet is oure tyme more perellous both for bodye and soule Therefore of vs Chryst sayde Luke 18. thinke ye when the sonne of manne commeth he shall fynde anye fayth vpon earth He sayde not thynke ye he shal fynde anye man or woman chrystened and in name a christian but he spake of the faythe that saueth the christian man in Chryst and doubtles the scarsitye of faith is now more and wyll I feare increase then it was in the time of the greatest Tyrannes that euer were and no maruell whye Reade yee the syxte chapter of Saynte Iohns Reuelation and ye shall perceyue amonges other thynges that at the opening of the fourthe seale came out a pale horse and he that satte vppon hym was called deathe and hell followed hym Thys horse is the time wherein hypocrites and dissemblers entred into the Churche vnder the precente of true religion as monkers Friers Nonnes massynge priestes wyth suche other that haue killed moe soules wythe heresyes and superstystitiō thē al the Tyrānes that euer were killed bodies with fyre sword or banishement as it appereth by hys name that sitteth vpon the horse who is called death for all soules that leaue Christ and trust to these hipocrytes lyue to the diuil in euerlasting payne as is declared by him that followeth the pale horse which is hel These pretēsed and pale hypocrites haue stirred the earthquakes that is to witte the princes of the world agaynst Christes church and haue also darkned the sonne and made the moone bloody and haue caused the starres to fall from heauen that is to saye haue darkned wyth mistes and daylye doe darken as ye heare by they re sermons the cleare sonne of Gods moste pure woorde the moone whiche be Gods true preachers whiche fetche onelye lyghte at the sonne of Gods woorde are turned into blood prisons and chaines that theyr light can not shine vnto the world as they would Wherupō it cōmeth to passe that the stars that is to say Christian people fal frō heauen that is to witte from Gods moste true word to hypocrisye most deuelyshe superstition and idolatrye Let some learned man shew you al the articles of your belief and monuments of Christian fayth from the time of Christe hetherto and ye shall perceiue that there was neuer mention of such articles as these hypocrites teache God blesse you and praye for me as I do for you Out of the Flete by your brother in Christe Iohn Hoper To all my deare brethren my relieuers and helpers in the City of London THe grace of God bee with you Amen I haue receaued from you dearelye beloued in our sauioure Iesus Christe by the hands of my seruant william Downton your liberality for the which I do most hartly thank you and I prayse god hyghly in you and for you who hathe moued youre heartes to showe this kindnes towardes me prayinge hym to preserue you from all famyne scarcity and lacke of the truth of hys word which is the liuely foode of your soules as you preserue my body from hunger and other necessities which should happē vnto me were it not cared for by the beneuolence and charity of godly people Suche as haue taken all worldlye gooddes and landes from me and spoyled me of all that I had haue emprisoned my bodye and appoynted no one halfepeny to feede or to relieue me wythall But I doe forgeue them and praye for them daylye in my poore prayer vnto God and from my hearte I wyshe their saluation and quietlye and pacientlye beare theyr iniuries wyshyng no farther extremity to bee vsed towardes vs. Yet yf it seeme contrary beste vnto oure heauenlye father I haue made my reckenyng and fullye resolued my selfe to suffer the vttermost that they are able to do against me yea death it selfe by the ayde of Christ Iesu who dyed the moste vyle deathe of the crosse for vs wretches and myserable synners But of thys I am assured that the wycked world with all his force and power shall not touche one of the heares of our heades wythout leaue ad lycence of oure heauenly father whose wyll be done in al thynges If he wyll lyfe lyfe bee it if he wyll deathe deathe be it Onelye we praye that oure wylles maye bee subiecte vnto hys wyll and then althoughe bothe we and all the worlde see none other thynge but deathe yet yf he thynke lyfe best we shall not dye no althoughe the sword be drawen oute ouer oure heades as Abraham thoughte to kyll his sonne Isaac yet when god perceaued that Abraham had surrendred hys wyll to Gods wyll and was contente to kill hys sonne god then saued hys sonne Dearely beloued if we be contented to obeye gods wyll and for hys commaundementes sake to surrender oure goodes and our selues to be at his pleasure it maketh no mater whether we kepe goods and lyfe or loose them Nothing can hurte vs that is taken from vs for Gods cause nor nothyng can at length doe vs good that is preserued contrary vnto Gods commaundemente Lette vs wholye suffer God to vse vs and ours after hys holye wysedome and beware we neyther vse nor gouerne oure selues contrarye to hys wyll by oure owne wisedome for yf we doe oure wisdome wyll at lengthe proue folishnes It is kept to no good purpose that we kepe contrarye vnto his commaundementes It can by no meanes be takē from vs that he would should tary with vs. He is no good christian that ruleth hym selfe and his as worldlye meanes serueth for he that so doth shall haue as many chaunges as chaunceth in the world To daye wyth the
worlde he shall lyke and prayse the truthe of GOD to morowe as the worlde wyll so wyll he lyke and prayse the falshode of manne to daye wyth Chryste and to morowe wyth Antichriste Wherefore deare brethren as touchynge youre behauoure towardes God vse both youre inwarde spirytes and youre outewarde bodyes youre inwarde and youre outwarde man I saye not after the meanes of menne but after the infallible woorde of God Refrayne from euyll in bothe and glorify your heauenlye father in both For yf ye thynke ye can inwardly in the hart serue hym and yet outwardlye serue wyth the worlde in externall seruyce the thyng that is not GOD ye deceaue youre selues for bothe the bodye and the soule muste together concurre in the honoure of God as Saynte Paule playnlye teacheth 1. Cor 6. For if an honeste wife be bounde to geue both hart and body to fayth and seruice in mariage and if an honest wiues fayth in the hart cannot stande with an whorysh or defiled body outwardlye muche lesse can the true faythe of a christian in the seruice of christianitye stande with the bodely seruice of externall idolatry for the mystery of mariage is not so honorable betwene man and wyfe as it is betwene Chryste and euery Christian man as Saynte Paule sayeth Therfore deare brethren praye to the heauenlye father that as he spared not the soule nor the bodye of hys dearelye beloued sonne but applyed bothe of them with extreame payne to worke our saluation both of bodye and soule so he wyll gyue vs all grace to applye our bodies and soules to be seruantes vnto him for doubtles he requyreth aswell the one as the other and cannot be miscontented with one and well pleased with the other Eyther he hateth both or loueth both he deuideth not his loue to one and hys hatred to the other Let not vs therefore good brethren deuide our selues and saye oure soules serue hym whatsoeuer our bodies do to the contrarye for ciuile order and pollicie But alas I knowe by my self what troubleth you that is the great daunger of the world that wil reuenge ye thinke youre seruice to God wythe swoorde and fyre wythe losse of goodes and landes But deare bretherne waye of the other syde that your enemies and Gods enemies shal not do asmuch as they would but asmuch as God shal suffer them who can trappe them in their owne counsels and destroye them in the middes of theyr furies Remember ye bee the workmen of the Lord and called into his vineyard there to labour till euening tyde that ye may receyue youre peny Math. 20. which is more worth then all the kinges of the earth But he that calleth vs into hys vyneyard hath not tolde vs how sore or how feruently the sonne shall trouble vs in our labour but hath bidde vs laboure and committe the bytternesse therof vnto hym who can and will so moderate all afflictions that no man shall haue more layd vpon hym then in Christ he shal be able to beare vnto whose mercifull tuitiō and defence I commend both your soules and your bodeis 2. September 1554. Yours with my poore prayer Iohn Hooper An aunswere of a letter wherby he was aduertised of a godly company to the number of thirty taken at prayer in a house in Bowchurchyarde and caried to prison THe grace of God be with you Amen I perceaued by youre letter howe that vppon new yeares daye at nyghte there were taken a godlye companye of Christians whilest they were praying I do reioice in that men can be so well occupied in this perillous time and flye vnto God for remedy by prayer as wel for their own lackes and necessities as also charitably to pray for thē that persecute them So doth the worde of God commaunde all men to pray charitablye for those that hate them and not to reuile any maiestrate with words or to meane him euyll by force and violence They also maye reioyce that in well doynge they were taken to the prisō Wherfore I haue thought it good to send them this little wrytyng of cosolation prayng god to send them patience charity and constancye in the truth of hys most holy word Thus fare you wel and praye to God to send his true worde into this realme agayne amongst vs which the vngodly bishops haue now banished 4. Ianuary 1554. ¶ To the godly and faithfull company of prisoners in both the Counters which were taken together at prayer in a house in Bowchurchyard THe grace fauour consolation and ayde of the holy gost be with you now and euer so be it Dearely deloued in the Lord euer sythens your imprisonment I haue ben maruelously moued with great affections and passiōs as wel of mirth and gladnes as of heauines and sorow Of gladnes in this that I perceiued how ye be bent and geuen to prayer and inuocation of gods helpe in these darke and wicked procedings of men against gods glory I haue bene sory to perceiue the malice and wickednes of mē to be so cruell diuelish and tyrannical to persecute the people of god for seruyng of god for saying and hearyng of the holy psalmes and the word of eternall life These cruell doings do declare that the papists church is more bloody and tyrannical then euer was the sword of the Ethnickes gentiles When I heard of your takyng and what ye were doing wherfore and by whome ye were taken I remembred how the christians in the primitiue church were vsed by the cruelty of vnchristened heathens in the tyme of Traiane the emperour about 77 yeres after Christes ascension into heauen The christians were persecuted very sore as thoughe they had bene traitors mouers of sedition Wherupon the gentile emperour Traiane required to know the true cause of christian mens trouble A great learned man called Plinius secundus wrote vnto him and saide it was because the christians said certaine psalmes before daye vnto one called Christ whom they worshipped for god When Traiane the emperour vnderstode it was for nothyng but for conscince and religion he caused by his cōmaundements euery wher that no man should be persecuted for seruyng of god Lo a gentile and heathen man would not haue such as were of a contrary religion punished for seruing of god But the pope and his church haue cast you into prison beyng taken euen in doyng the worke of god and one of the moste excellente workes that is required of christian men that is to witte whiles ye were in prayer not in such wicked and superstitious prayer as the papistes vse but in the same prayer that Christ hath taught you to pray and in his name onely ye gaue god thankes for that ye haue receaued and for hys sake ye asked for such things as ye want O glad maye ye be that euer ye were born Math. 5 to be apprehēded whilest ye were so vertuously occupied Blessed be they that suffer for righteousnes sake For if god had
suffred them that toke your bodies then to haue takē your life also now had ye ben folowing the lābe in perpetual ioyes away from the cōpany assēble of wicked men But the lord woulde not haue you sodainly so to depart but reserueth you gloriously to speake maintain his truth to the world Be ye not careful what ye shal say for god wil go out in with you wil be presēt in your harts in your mouthes to speak his wisdō althogh it seme folishnes to the worlde He that hath begon this good work in you confirme strengthen continue you in the same vnto the end and pray vnto him that ye may fear him only that hath power to kil both body and soule to cast thē into hel fire Be of good comfort al the hears of your heads be numbred Math. 10. and there is not one of them canne perishe except youre heauenlye father suffer it to peryshe Nowe ye bee euē in the field and placed in the forefront of Christes battaile Doubtles it is a singuler fauour of God and a special loue of hym towardes you to geue you this foreward and preeminence and a signe that he trusteth you before others of hys people Wherfore deare brethrē and sisters continually fyght thys fyght of the Lorde Your cause is most iuste and godly ye stand for the true Christ who is after the flesh in heauen and for hys true religion and honour whiche is amplye fully sufficiently and aboundantly conteined in the holy Testament sealed wyth christs own blood How much be ye bound to god to put you in trust with so holy and iust a cause Remember what lokers vpon ye haue to see beholde you in your fight euen god and all hys holy aungels who be redy alway to take you vp into heuē if ye be slain in thys fight Also you haue standing at your backes al the multitude of the faithful who shall take courage strength desire to folow such noble and valiaunte christians as ye be Be not afeard of your aduersaries i. Iobn 4. for he that is in you is stronger then he that is them Shrynke not although it be payne to you Your paynes be not now so greate as hereafter your ioyes shall be Reade the comfortable chapiters to the Ro. 8.10.15 Heb. 11.12 And vppon your knees thanke god that euer ye were accoūpted worthy to suffer any thing for hys names sake Reade the second chapter of S. Lukes gospell and there ye shall see howe the shepheardes that watched vpon their shepe all night as soone as they heard that Christe was borne at Bethlem by and by they went to see hym They did not reason nor debate with themselues who should kepe the wolf from the shepe in the mean time but did as they were cōmaūded cōmitted their shepe vnto hym whose pleasure they obeyed So let vs do now whē we be called and commit all other thynges vnto hym that calleth vs. He wyll take heede that all thinges shal be wel he wyll helpe the husband he will comfort the wyfe he wil guide the seruaunts he wyll kepe the house he wil preserue the goods yea rather then it should be vndone i. Pet. 5 he wil wash the dishes and rocke the cradell Cast therfore all your care vpon god for he catech for you Besides thys ye may perceaue by your imprisōment that your aduersaries weapōs against you be nothing but flesh bloud and tyranny For if they were able they would maintaine their wycked religion by gods worde but for lacke of that they woulde violently compel such as they can not by the holy scripture perswade because the holy worde of God and all Christes doings be cleane contrary vnto them I pray you pray for me and I wyll praye for you And although we be a sunder after the world yet we are in Christe I truste for euer ioyning in the spirite and so shal meete in the palace of the heauēly ioyes after this short and trāsitory life is ended Gods peace be with you Amen .4 of Ianuary 1554. ¶ To certaine of hys beloued frendes in god exhortyng them to sticke constantlye to the professed truth of the gospell in those days of tryall and not to shrynke for any trouble THe grace of God be with you Amen I did write vnto you of late told you what extremitye the parliamente had concluded vppon concernyng religion suppressyng the true and settyng forthe the vntrue entendyng to cause all men by extremity to forsweare themselues and to take agayne for the head of the church him that is neyther heade nor member of it but a very enemy as the word of god and all auncient writers do record and for lacke of law and authority they wyll vse force and extremity which haue bene the arguments to defend the Pope and popery sith his wicked authority began fyrste in the worlde But nowe is the tyme of tryall to see whether we feare more God or man It was an easy thing to hold with Christ whiles the prince and world held with hym but now the worlde hateth hym is the true tryall who be hys Wherfore in the name and in the vertue strength and power of his holy spiryte prepare youre selues in any case to aduersitye and constancie Lette vs not runne away when it is most tyme to fyght Remember that none shal be crowned but such as fyghte manfully and he that endureth vnto the ende shal be saued Ye muste now turne all your cogitations from the peryll ye see and marke by fayth what foloweth the peryl either victorye in this worlde of your enemies or els a surrender of this life to inherite the euerlastyng kyngdome Beware of beholdyng to much the felicity or the myserye of this worlde for the consideration and earnest loue or feare of eyther of thē draweth from god Wherfore thynke wyth youre selues as touchyng the felicity of the worlde it is good but yet none otherwyse then it stādeth with the fauoure of god it is to be kept but yet so farre forthe as by kepyng of it we loose not god It is good to abyde and tary styll among our frendes here but yet so that we tary not therwithall in gods displeasure and hereafter to dwell in hell with the deuils in fyre euerlastyng There is nothyng vnder god by may be kept so that god beyng aboue all thynges we haue be not loste Of aduersity iudge the same Imprisonment is paynefull but yet liberty vpon euil conditions is more payneful The prisons stincke but yet not so much as swete houses where as the feare and true honor of god lacketh I must be alone and solitary it is better so to be and haue god with me thou to be in company with the wicked Losse of goods is great but losse of gods grace and fauour is greater I am a poore symple creature and cannot tell how to answer before such a greate sorte of noble
without the other then fire can bee without heate saying these wordes with the hart man beleueth vnto righteousnes with the mouth he confesseth vnto saluation Wherein he declareth that euen as the cause of our acceptation through Christ is the confidence and faithe of the hart in the promises of god so is the confession outwardlye of the same fayth by the mouthe the fruite that all christian faythfull hartes brynge forthe throughe the same gyfte of GOD. And where as thys effecte of confession of faythe is not there wanteth also the cause of confession whiche is true faythe for as the tree is knowen by her fruites so is faythe by her effectes And as the wante of fruite is a demonstration that the tree is vnprofitable so the wante of true confession of faythe is a token that the faith is dead The ende of the vnprofitable tree Math. x. 1. Pet. 3. is cuttyng down and castynge into the fyre the ende of the fruitles faythe is death and castyng to eternall dampnation Wherefore Saincte Peter requyreth vs to make aunswere to euerye man that demaūdeth of vs of such hope as is in vs with gentlenes reuerence which is a very testimony that we sanctify god in our hartes as it is before expressed in the same chapter For the greatest honour that man can geue to god is to confesse in the tyme of trouble truly and faithfully hys holy worde and fayth Wherfore it is the duty of euery christian to pray study to haue a through knowledge of his faith in Christ and as the glory of god shall requyre the cause of his religion to bee readye to make aunswere for the same howe soeuer the world feare displeasure frendship or other lettes shall moue vs to the contrary vppon payne saieth Christe in the x Math. x. of Mathew that I will deny hym before my father which is in heauen But how harde a thyng it is to confesse Christe in the dayes of trouble not onely the scripture but also daily experiēce in good men and women doth declare True confession is warded on euery side with many daungers on the righte hande and on the lefte hande now with fayre meanes then wyth foule threatnynges fearefull and daungerous as it is sayde by Christe our Sauioure they shall betray you to the iudges and of them ye shall be beaten and iudged to deathe Of the other syde shall pull vs backe the loue of wyfe childrē brother Syster kin frends and the loue vnto our selues But he that is ouercommen by any of these meanes hath his iudgemēt he is not meete for me sayth Christ These thynges be impossible vnto men yet to christian men in Christ possible and so necessary that christianity and true religion cannot bee in hym that is a fearde to confesse Christ and his gospell in the tyme of persecution The wisdome of the world doth say although I accomplishe the desyre of my frendes and to the sight of the worlde am present at the masse and with my body do as other men do or as I may do yet my hart is clean contrary to their belief I do detest such Idolatry beleue that the thing that I am present at is mere idolatry and abhominatiō Here be fayre words for an euill purpose and pretenced excuse for a iust condemnation before God For if it be true that ye know the thing which ye resort vnto to be the dishonor of god why doe ye honour it with your presence If ye know it to be euil why refrayne ye not from it If your conscience saye it is Idolatry why serueth your body such things as your fayth abhorreth If in your hart you know but one God why with your exterior presence serue ye the thing that ye knowe is not God If your fayth see idolatrye why doth your silence cōfesse and allow the same Two mē in one god loueth not If the inwarde man knowe the truth why doth the outward man confesse a falsehode If your spirite be perswaded that the masse is idolatry why do ye with your bodely presence vse it as a God and geue godly honoure to it Do ye not perceaue that it is written Esay 25. Math. 15. these people honor me with theyr mouth but their harts be farre frō me The cause why God was offended with these people was that outwardly they confessed him serued him but their hartes were farre frō him inwardly Wherfore ye may see what it is to beare two faces in one hoode outwardly to serue God and inwardly to serue the deuil Now marke of thys place if it be so horrible damnable a thing to be false in the hart which none knoweth but God and is worthy also of damnatiō what is to be iudged of the outward and manifest vse of idolatry which not only God but also euery good man knoweth and abhorreth There is no coulor nor cloked hipocrisie that God cā away with If the hart thinke not as the tong speaketh or els the tong speake otherwise thē the hart thinketh both be abhominable before God 2. Cor. 6. Read ye the .3 and the .6 Chapters of the fyrst Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinth where as S. Paule sayth know ye not that your bodie is the temple of the holy ghost If your body be the temple of the holy ghost what agrement hath it with idolatry Can one body at one time bee the temple of the holy ghost and be present at such idolatry as god abhorreth and detesteth Can a mā serue two masters If he do he loueth as Christ saith the one and hateth the other Math. 6. As god requireth of a faithful man a pure hart euen so requyreth he that his external profession in al thinges be according therunto for both body and soule be detters vnto god he redemed them both The woorde of God sayth vnto vs 1. Cor. 6. glorifye and beare God in your bodies If we be present at such idolatry as God forbiddeth and our own knowledge in conscience is assured to be euill do we glorifye God in our bodies No doutlesse we dishonour him and make our bodyes the seruauntes of idolatry not only to Gods dishonoure but also to the great daunger both of body and soule For this is a true saying of S. Augustine he that doth against his conscience buildeth to hell fyre It is not enough for a Christian man to say I know the masse is nought but to obey ciuill lawes and orders I wil do outwardly as other men do yet in my hart abhorre it neuer thinke it to be good Doutlesse these two mindes the spirite to thinke wel the body to do euil in this respect be both naught god wil spue that whole mā out of his mouth as he did the minister of the cōgregatiō of Laodicia Apo. 3. The 8. chap. the .10 of the fyrst to the Corinthians in thys matter in this time be places very
like to be no lesse thā your lyfe for I beleue as Paul sayth that god hath appoynted vs in these latter daies lyke shepe to the slaughter Rom. 8 Antichrist is come agayne and he must make a feast to Beelzebub his father of many Christiā bodyes for the restoring againe of his kingdome let vs watche and pray that the same daye maye not fynde vs vnredy The peace of god be with you and remaine with you for euer Your louing brother in Christ in spirit your familier frende captiue in the Kynges Benche Iohn Philpot. To my dearely beloued Sister in the Lord Maistres Heath THe lyght of the Gospel of Christ which hath illigthned you with the true vnderstanding of fayth be dayly encreased in you my dearly beloued sister vnto the perfyte day of the Lord through the mighty operation of hys spirite Amen Where as you haue required of me a token at your departyng that myghte be a remembraunce with you of my brotherly loue toward you I mused of diuerse things what I might cōmend vnto you best among al other I found none so certayne a token either of the loue of God toward vs or els of the loue of vs one to an other as to beare the crosse together with Christ To beare the crosse is to be partaker of the afflictions of Christ which now he suffreth in his members for the accomplishmente of his body the church which are we that beleue in him sincerely which is the surest token of Gods loue towards vs that we can haue in thys world for whom god loueth he chasteneth and as it is written Heb. 12 he chasteneth euery sonne whō he receaueth Wherfore aboue all things loue the crosse of Christ vnder the which al the church of Christ in England nowe is be content to haue your fayth tried euery daye by some crosse or other as it pleaseth God to put on you and if God putteth no greuous crosse vppon you let your brethrens crosse be your crosse whiche is a certayn token of true brotherly loue If the church in England had learned with the Gospel to haue borne the crosse of Christ as all that be professours of the Gospel be called thereunto they woulde not so lightly at the commaundement of man haue turned from the wayes of saluation to their old vomite againe contrary to their conscience and al to auoide the crosse the mercifull signe of Gods loue towards vs. If the crosse were not the faythfull could not be knowen If the crosse were not God should not so manifestly appeare to be our deliuerer and cōforter as he doth shewe himselfe in the middest therof vnto al thē that put their trust in him Therfore beleue them verely to be in most happie estate that be vnder the crosse such as doe vtterly abhorre the same are cowards not fytte souldiers for the lord We haue al receaued the credit of faith from god in Christ that we should beautifie the same or rather god in the same 1. Cor. 4. We haue this treasure in brittel vessels let vs take hede that the britelnes of the vessels shee de not out our precious treasure on the earth as it is lamentable to see at this day many haue most vnfaythfully done Are they worthy of the heauenly kingdome which here esteeme more earth then heauen O palpable infidelity Wil not god require the credit of fayth which he hath committed vnto vs Yea verely Is thys the vsury of fayth to loue the world more then the Gospel and to feare mā more then god If men which coūt themselues stronger worthyer vessels haue thus vnfaythfully dealt in the thinges of god let the weakenes of womē be more fyrme in their fayth to the glory of God whose might appeareth in weakenes There is no exceptiō of person before god both man and woman be on in god and that persō in al sortes of people is acceptable to him that striueth to do hys will Wherfore contend in these crosse dayes whiche be the loue dayes of god towardes vs to shew your self faythful to him that calleth you and to be redy to do his will according to true knowledge and that vnder the crosse God hath geuen you a faythful guide whom see you loue with al humilitie pacience and obedience as it becommeth a holy woman to be subiect to her faythful head in the Lord comfort him in our common crosse and bid him cherefully take vp the one end and you will beare the other a double string knit together As you in your godly matrimonye do represent the mysterye of Christ and his churche so continue you liuely members of fayth in the same and learne daily more and more to beare the crosse of Christ that other seing your strength may be comforted and be ashamed of their weakenes in their maisters cause The faythful seruaunt the Lord loueth which bringeth his talent to his table with encrease Now is the time to encrease to the lord and not to decrease to multiply our fayth vnder the crosse not to diminysh it Ose 6 Gene. 9. The waies of the iust do encrease as the dauning of the day Embrace therfore the crosse as the raynebow of gods merciful couenaunt pray that we may together end our course therin with ioy Take my token in good worth vntil we be made partakers of the glory of the crosse Out of my Lorde of Londons Colehouse The .xi. of Nouember Yours Iohn Philpot. To my brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the Kinges Benche THe grace of God the father through his deare sonne Christ our Sauiour with perseuerance in all godly verity be with thee my deare brother Careles and with al my prison fellowes Amen Ah my own loue in Christ These were certeyne free-wil mē arrogant frowerd and vnquiet spirites I am sory to heare of thy great trouble which these shismatiks do daily put thee to I wold I were with thee in part to releue thy greefe but since that it hath pleased God otherwise take my aduice in thys your conflict be pacient what soeuer your aduersaryes can saye or do against you Know that you are appoynted for the defence of the gospel for the which you god be praysed do suffer yet you must vnderstand that you are but a voyce in the wildernes a planter that it is god which must geue the encease And therefore if there come not suche fruite of your good labours as you would wyshe be content know that a stony groūd can not fructifye yet shal not god forget your labour but you shal reape as plētiously in the day of reward as though it had encreased after your expectatiō Haue patience therfore in your labour and let not care eate out your hart Committe the successe to God and cease not with charitye to be earnest in the defence of the truth agaynste these arrogant and self will blynded scatterers These sectes are necessary for the
was alowed therein Bee not deceyued good Syster wyth the perswasible wordes of man neyther be afrayd of his threates Followe the Gospell of Christe accordynge to true knowledge and feare to doe that whyche by the same is straightlye forbydden you Tempte not GOD anye longer by thys euyll doynge for you can doe nothynge more haynous in hys syghte Lette thys haltyng bee healed vppe and turne not from the ryghte wayes of the Lord. Be not ashamed of his gospel neither of the crosse which is the badge of the true and vnfayned professons therof whyche you see now hys faythefull praised be his name therfore are so wel content and wyllyng to beare but rather as you are called take vppe your crosse and be assured thereby to enter into Christes glorye for onlesse we suffer wyth hym we shall not raygne wyth hym and yf we dye not with Christ we shall not lyue wyth Christe The crosse nowe is the redye way to heauen therfore I wish you should choose to be afflitted with the people of god rather then to liue in the tabernacles of the wicked Do not any more that whych of all thynges ye haue now most cause to repent neyther lay daily the foundation of repentance but let this fal be a teaching vnto you of the wante of faythe whyche is in you and so become more feruente in prayer and godlye exercises that wyth thys newe yeare ye maye become a newe woman in a godlye and newe perfection the whyche GOD for hys mercies sake in Christ worke bothe in you and me to the ende Amen VVritten in hast by your brother in captiuity Iohn Philpot. ¶ To a faythful woman and late wyfe to one of the bishops which gaue theyr liues in the Lordes quarell REmember deare Syster that your lyfe in this world is a continual warfare to fight against the world the flesh and the deuil in the which you are apointed for the tryal of your faith loue to godt to fight manfully to ouercom for the spirit of god which is in you is strōger thē he which is in the world by this you may know that you are the child of god euen by the spirit which striueth in you against the flesh sinne wil not suffer sinne to raigne in you This spirit is obtained by often and daylye readynge and hearynge the woorde of GOD ioyned with faithful and hartye prayer for diligent readyng of Gods worde planteth the holy spyryte in you and earneste prayer encreaseth the same Reade therefore the worde studiouslye and praye hartelye that the same good gyfte of faythe whiche you haue learned of youre faythefull husbande and good bishop in the Lorde who hath gloriouslye yelded hys lyfe for the same maye be confyrmed in you euen vnto deathe that you may receyue the same crowne of glorye whiche he nowe hathe for precious is the deathe of the faythfull in the Lordes syghte therefore desire still to dye to the Lorde and be glad to be poore both in bodye and spirit and thus assure your selfe the kyngdō of heauen is yours Your owne in the Lord Iohn Philpot. ❧ Letters of Maister Iohn Bradforde a faythfull Minister and a synguler pyller of Christes churche by whose greate trauailes and diligence in preaching and plāting the syncerity of the gospel by whose most godly and innocent lyfe and by whose long and payneful imprisonments for the maintenance of the truth the kyngdom of god was not a litle aduaūced who also at last most valiātly cherefully gaue his blood for the same The .4 day of Iuly In the yere of our Lord. 1553. ¶ To all that professe the gospell and true doctryne of our Lorde and Sauioure Iesus Christe in the City of London Iohn Bradford a most vnworthy seruaunt of the Lorde now not only in prison but also excommunicated and condemned to be burned for the same true doctrine wysheth mercy grace and peace wyth encrease of all godly knowledge from God the father of mercy through the merites of oure alone and omnisufficient redemer Iesus Christ by the operation of his holy spirite for euer Amen MY dearely beloued brethren in our sauiour Christ althoughe the tyme I haue to lyue is very little for hourely I looke when I shoulde be had hence to bee conueyed into Lankeshyre there to bee burned and to render my lyfe by the prouidence of God where I fyrst receyued it by the same prouidence and althoughe the charge is great to kepe me from all thyngs wherby I might sygnify any thyng to the world of my state yet hauyng as now I haue pen ynke through gods workyng manger the head of Sathan and his souldiours I thought good to write a short cōfession of my faith and therto ioyne a little exhortation vnto you all to lyue according to your profession This my faith I would gladly particularly declare and expound to the confirmation and comfort of the simple but alas by startes and stelth I wryte in maner that that I write and therefore I shal desyre you al to take this breuitye in good part First for my faith I do confesse and praye all the whole congregatiō of Christ to bear witnes with me of the same that I do beleue constantly through the gift and goodnes of god for faith is gods only gift al the xij articles of the symbole or crede commenly attributed to the collection of the Apostles not bicause of the crede it selfe but bicause of the worde of god the which teacheth and confyrmeth euery article accordyngly This word of god writtē by the prophets and Apostles left and conteined in the canonical bookes of the holy Bible I do beleue to conteyne plētifully al things necessarye to saluation so that nothyng as necessary to saluation ought to be added therto and therfore the church of Christ nor none of hys congregation ought to be burdened with any other doctrine then which here out hath her foundation and grounde In testimony of which fayth I render and geue my life beyng condemned as wel for not acknowledging the Antichrist of Rome to be christs Vicar general and supreme head of hys catholike vniuersall church here and els where vpon earthe as for denying the horrible and idolatrous doctrine of transubstantiation and christes real corporall carnal presence in his supper vnder the formes and accidentes of bread and wyne To beleue Christ our sauiout to bee the heade of hys churche and kinges in their realmes to be the supreme powers to whome euerye soule oweth obedience and to beleue that in the supper of Christe which the sacrament of the aultar as the papistes cal it and vse it dothe vtterlye ouerthrowe is a true and a very presence of whole Christe god and man to the faythe of the receauer but not to the stander by and loker vpon as it is a true and a very presence of breade and wyne to the senses of men to beleue this I say wyl not serue and therfore
now fil vp the measure of their fathers which flew the prophets and Apostles that al righteous blood from Abell to Bradford shed vpō the earth may be required at their hands Of this therfore I thoughte good before my death as time liberty wold suffer me for the loue and duty I beare vnto thee to admonishe thee good mother and my sister the towne that ye woulde cal to minde from whence ye are fallen and study to do the first woorkes Ye knowe if you will these matters of the Romysh supremacye and the Antichristian transubstantiation wherby Christes Supper is ouerthrowen his priesthoode euacuate hys sacrifyce frustrate the ministery of his worde vnplaced repentaunce repelled fayth fainted godlines extinguished the masse maintayned Idolatrye supported and all impietye chearyshed you know I say if you will that these opinions are not only besides Gods word but euen directly againste it and therfore to take part with them is to take part against god agaynst whom you can not preuayle Therfore for the tender mercye of Christ in his bowells and blood I besech you to take Christes collyrium and eye salue to annoynte your eyes that ye maye see what ye doe and haue done in admittinge as I heare ye haue admitted yea alas authorised and by consent confirmed the romyshe rotten ragges whiche once ye vtterly expelled Oh be not canis reuersus ad vomitum be not sus lota reuersa ad volutabrū coeni Beware least old Sathā enter in with seuen other spirites and so the laste shall bee worse then the firste It had bene better ye had neuer knowē the truth then after knowledge to runne from it Ah woe to this world the thyngs therin which hath now so wrought with you Oh that euer this dirt of the deuill should daube vp the eye of the realme for thou O mother art as it were the eye of the realme If thou be light and geue shine al the body shalfare the better but if thou the lyght be darkenes alas how great will the darkenes be What is man whose breath is in hys nose-threls that thou shouldest thus be affrayd of hym Oh what is honour life here but plain bubbels What is glory in thys world but shame Why arte thou affrayde to carye Christes ccosse Wilt thou come into his kingdome and not drinke of his cup Dost thou not knowe Rome to be Babilon Doste thou not know that as the old Babilon had the children of Iuda in captiuitye so hath this true Iuda that is the confessours of Christ Dost thou not know that as destruction happened vnto it so shall it do vnto this And trowest thou that God wil not deliuer his people now when the tyme is come as he did then Hath not God commaunded hys people to come out from her and wilt thou geue ensample to the whole realme to runne into her Hast thou forgottē the woe that Christ threatneth to offence geuers Wilt thou not remember that it were beter a mylstone were hanged about thy necke and thou throwen into the sea then that thou shouldest offend the litle ones And alas how hast thou offended Yea how dost thou stil offend Wilt thou consider things according to the outward shew Was not the Sinagoge more seemely like to the true churche then the simple flocke of Christes Disciples Hath not the whore of Babilon more costly aray and riche apparel externally to set forth her self then the homely housewife of Christ Where is the beautye of the Kinges doughter the Church of Christ Withoute or within Doth not Dauid say within Oh remember that as they are happy which are not offended at Christ so are they happy which are not offended at his poore church Can the pope his prelates meane honestly which make so much of the wife and so litle of the husband The churche they magnifie but Christ they contemne If this church were an honest womā that is Christes wife except they woulde make much of her husband Christ and hys word she would not be made much of of thē Whē Christ and his Apostles wer vpon earth who was more like to be the true church They or the prelates bishops and Sinagoge If a man shoulde haue followed custome vnity antiquitie or the more parte should not Christ and his company haue bene cast out of the dores Therfore badde Christ search the scriptures And good Mother shal the seruaūt be aboue his maister shal we loke for other intertainemente at the handes of the worlde then Christ and his deare Disciples founde Who was taken in Noes time for the church Poore Noe and his family or others Who was taken for gods church in Sodome Lot or others And doth not Christ say as it went then so shall it go now towardes the comming of the sonne of man What meaneth Christ when he saith iniquitie shal haue the vpper hand doth he not tel that charitie shal waxe colde And who seeth not a wonderfull great lacke of charitie in those which would now be taken for Christes church All that feare god in this Realme truly can tel more of this then I can write Therfore dere Mother receaue some admonitiō of one of thy poore children now going to be burned for the testimony of Iesus Come agayne to Gods truth come out of Babilon confesse Christ and his true doctrine repent that whiche is past make amendes by declaring thy repentaunce by the fruites Remember the readinges and preachings of Gods Prophet and true preacher Martyne Bucer Call to mynde the threatninges of God nowe some thynge seene by thy children Leauer and others Let the exile of Leauer Pilkinton Gryndall Haddon Horne Scorye Pouet c some thing awake thee Let the imprisonmente of thy deare sonnes Cranmer Ridley and Latimer moue thee Consider the Martyrdome of thy Chickens Rogers Saunders Taylour And nowe cast not awaye the poore admonition of me going to be burned also to receaue the like crowne of glorye with my fellowes Take to harte Gods callyng by vs. Be not as Pharao was for then wil it happen vnto thee as it dyd vnto hym What is that Hardenesse of hart And what then Destruction eternally both of bodye and soule Ah therefore good Mother awake awake repente repent bustell thy self and make haste to turne to the Lord for elles it shal be more easye for Sodome and Gomorre in the day of iudgement then for thee Oh harden not your harts Oh stop not your eares to day in hearing gods voice though it be by me a most vnworthye messenger Oh feare the Lord for his anger is begonne to kindle Euen now the are is layde to the roote of the tree Ye know I prophecyed truely to you before the swet came what woulde come if ye repented not you carnall gospelling and now I tel you before I depart hence that the eares of mē wil tingle to heare of the vengeaunce of God that will fal vppon you all both towne and vniuersitie if
destroye the impenitent Now is the fyer gone out before the face of the Lorde and who is able to quench it Oh therefore repente you repente you It is enough to haue lyued as we haue done It is enough to haue played the wanton gospellers the proud protestantes hypocriticall false Christians as alas we haue done Now the lorde speaketh vnto vs in mercy and grace oh turne before he speake in wrath Yet is there mercy with the lorde and plenteous redemption yet hath he not forgotten to shew mercy to them that cal vpō hym oh then cal vpon him while he may be founde for he is rich in mercy and plentiful to al them that cal vpon him so that he that calleth vpon the name of the lord shal be saued If your sinnes be as red as skarlet the Lord saith he wil make them as white as snow He hath sworne and neuer will repente hym thereof that he wyll neuer remēber our iniquities but as he is god faithfull and true so will he be our God and we shal be his people Hys law wyll he wryte in oure hartes and engraft it in oure myndes and neuer wyll he haue in mynde oure vnryghteousnes Therfore my dere hartes in the Lord turne you turne you to the lorde your father to the lorde your Sauiour to the Lorde your comforter Oh why do you stop your eares and harden your hartes to day when you heare hys voyce by me your porest brother Oh forget not how that the lord hath shewed hym selfe true me hys true preacher by brynging to passe these plagues which at my mouth by my preaching ye oftē heard before they came specially whē I entreated of Noes flood and whē I preached of the 23. chap. of S. Math. gospel on S. Steuēs day the last that I was with you And now by me the same Lord sendeth you word dere cuntrey men that if ye will goe on forewardes in your impenitencie carnality hypocrisy idolatry couetuousnes swearing gluttony dronkennes whoredome c. wherewith alas alas our countrey floweth yf I saye ye wil not turne leaue of seyng me now burned emongs you to assure you on all sydes how god seketh you and is sory to do you hurt to plague you to destroy you to take vengeance vpon you oh your bloode wyll be vppon your owne heades Ye haue bene warned warned again by me in preaching by me in burnyng As I said therfore I say agayne my deare hartes and derlinges in the Lord turne you turne you repent you repent you cease from doyng euill study to do well awaye with idolatry flye the Romishe god seruice leaue of from swearing cut of carnality abandon auarice driue away drōkennes flye frō fornication flattery frō murther malice destroy disceitfulnes cast away al the workes of darknes put on piety godlines serue god after his word not after custome vse your tonges to glorify god by praier thankes geuing confessiō of his truth c. Be spiritual by the spirit mortify carnal affectiōs be sober holy true louing gentle merciful then shal the lords wrath cease not for this your doyngs sake but for hys mercies sake Go to therfore good cuntreymē take this coūsel of the lord by me now sent vnto you take it as the lords coūsel I say not as mine that in the day of iudgemēt I may reioyce with you and for you the which thing I hartely desyre and not to be a witnes against you My blood wil cry for vēgeance as against the papists gods enemies whom I besech god if it be his good wil hartelye to forgeue yea euen them which put me to death and are the causers therof for they know not what they doe so wyl my blood cry for vengeance against you my dearely beloued in the lord if ye repent not amend not and turne not vnto the Lorde Turne vnto the Lorde yet once more I hertely beseche thee thou Manchester thou Bolton Burye Wigyn Lierpole Ashton vnderlyne Mottrine Stepport Winsley Eccles Preste Middleton Radcliefe and thou Citye of Westchester where I haue truely taught and preached the worde of god Turne I say vnto you all and to al the inhabitauntes thereaboutes vnto the Lord our god and he wil turne vnto you He wyll say vnto his aungel it is enough put vp thy sword The which thyng that he wyl do I humbly besech his goodnes for the precious bloodes sake of his deare sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ Ah good brethrē take in good part these my laste wordes vnto euerye one of you Pardon me mine offences and negligence in behauiour amonges you The Lord of mercy pardon vs all our offēces for our sauiour Iesus Christes sake Amen ¶ Out of prison readye to come to you The .11 of Februarye Anno. 1555. Iohn Bradford ¶ To the faythfull and such as professe the true doctrine of our Sauiour Iesus Christe dwellyng at VValden and thereaboutes Iohn Bradford a most vnworthy seruant of the Lorde nowe in bandes and condemned for the same true doctryne wisheth grace mercye and peace wyth the encrease of all godlines in knowledge and lyuyng from God the father of all comforte through the desertes of our alone and full redemer Iesus Christe by the mightye workyng of the most holy spirite the comforter for euer Amen WHen I remember how that by the prouidēce and grace of god I haue bene a man by whō it hath pleased hym through my ministery to call you to repentaunce and amendement of lyfe somethyng effectually as it seemed to so we emōgs you his true doctrine religiō left that by my affliction and the stormes now rysen to trye the faythful and to conforme them like to the Image of the sonne of GOD into whose companye we are called ye myghte be faynte harted I coulde not but out of prison secretly for my kepers may not know that I haue penne and ynke to write vnto you a signification of the desyre I haue that you should not only be more confirmed in the doctrine I haue taught emonges you which I take on my death as I shall aunswer at the daye of dome I am perswaded to be gods assured infallible and playne truth but also should after your vocation auouch the same by confession profession and lyuyng I haue not taught you my dearely beloued in the lord fables tales or vntruth but I haue taught you the verity as now by my blood gladly praysed therefore be god I shal seale vp the same In dede to cōfesse the truth vnto you and to all the church of Christ I do not thinke of my selfe but that I haue moste iustlye deserued not onelye this kinde but also all kyndes of deathe and that eternallye for myne hypocrisye vayne glory vncleannes selfe loue couetousnes ydlenes vnthankefulnes and carnal professing of gods holy gospell lyuyng therein not so purely louynglye and painfully as I shoulde haue done the lord of mercy
for the blood of Christ pardon me as I hope yea I certainelye beleue he hath done for his holy names sake through christ But my dearely beloued ye and all the whole worlde maye see and easely perceiue that the prelates persecute in me another thing then mine iniquities euē christ himself christes verity and truthe bicause I can not dare not nor wyll not confesse transubstantiation and howe that wicked men yea myce and dogges eatyng the sacrament which they terme of the altare therby ouerthrowyng christes holy supper vtterly do eate christes naturall and reall bodye borne of the Virgine Mary To beleue and confesse as gods worde teacheth the primatiue churche beleued and al the catholyke good holy fathers taught for 500. yeres at the least after christ that in the supper of the Lorde which the masse ouerthroweth as it doth Christes priesthode sacrifyce death and passion the ministery of hys worde true fayth repentaunce and all godlines whole Christ god and man is present by grace to the fayth of the receyuers but not of the standers by and lokers on as bread wyne is to theyr senses wil not serue and therfore I am condempned and shal bee burned out of hand as an heretyke Wherfore I thanke my lord god hartely that wil doth vouch me worthy to be an instrument in whō he him self wold suffer For ye see my affliction and death is not simplye bicause I haue deserued no lesse but much more at his handes and iustice but rather because I confesse hys veritye and truth and am not affrayd through his gifte so to doe that ye also mighte bee confirmed in his truth Therfore my dearely beloued I hartely do praye you and so many as vnfaynedly loue me in god to geue with me and for me most hartye thankes to our heauenly father through our Sauiour Iesus Christ for this his exceding great mercy towards me you also that your fayth shold not wauer frō the doctrine I haue taught and ye haue receaued For what can ye desire more to assure your consciences of the veritye taughte by your Preachers then their owne liues Goe to therfore my deare harts in the lord wauer not in Christes religiō truely taught you set forth in King Edwards dayes Neuer shal the enemyes be able to burne it to prison it and kepe it in bonds Vs they may prison they maye bynde and burne as they do and wil do so long as shal please the lord but our cause religion and doctrine which we confesse they shall neuer be able to vanquishe and put away Their Idolatry and popyshe religion shal neuer be builte in the consciences of men that loue the truth As for those that loue not gods truth that haue no pleasure to walke in the wayes of the Lord in those I say the deuill shal preuayle for god wil geue them strong illusiō to beleue lies Therfore deare brethren and sisters in the Lord I humbly besech you and pray you in the bowells and blood of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ now going to the death for the testimony of Iesus as often times I haue done before thys presente out of the pulpit that ye would loue the Lordes truth loue it I say to liue it and frame your liues thereafter Alas ye knowe the cause of all these plagues fallen vpon vs and of the successe which Gods aduersaryes haue dayly is for our not liuing gods word● ye know how that we are Gospellers in lippes and not in life we are carnall full of concupiscene idle vnthankefull vncleane couetous a●●●gant dissemblers craftye subtile malicious false backebiters c. And euen glutted with gods word yea we lothed it as dyd the Israelites the Manna in the wildernes and therefore as to them the Lords wrath waxed whotte so doth it vnto vs so that there is no remedye but that for it is better late to turne then neuer to turne we confesse our faultes euen from the bottome of our harts and with hartie repentance which god worke in vs al for hys mercyes sake we runne vnto the Lord our God which is exorable merciful and sory for the euil poured out vpon vs and cry out vnto him with Daniell saying we haue sinned we haue sinned greuouslye Oh lord god against thy maiesty we haue heaped iniquitie vpō iniquitie the measure of our transgressiōs floweth ouer so that iust is thy wrath vēgeance fallē vpō vs for we are very miserable we haue cōtēpned thy long suffering we haue not harkened to thy voyce when thou haste called vs by thy preaches we hardened our hartes and therefore now deserue that thou sende thy curse hereupon to harden our hartes also that we should henceforth haue eyes and see not eares and heare not hartes and vnderstande not leste we should be conuerted and saued Oh be merciful vnto vs space vs good Lord and al thy people whō thou hast dearely bought Let not thine enemies triumphe altogether alwaies against thee for then wil they be puft vp Loke down and behold the pitifull complaintes of the poore let the sorrowfull sighinges of the simple come in thy sight and be not angry with vs for euer Turne vs Oh Lord god of hostes vnto thee and turne thee vnto vs that thou mayest be iustified in thy swete sētences and ouercome when thou art iudg●d as now thou art of our aduersaries for they saye where is their god Can God deliuer them now Can their gospell serue them Oh Lord how long For the glory of thy name and for thy honours sake in the bowels and blood of Iesus Christ we humbly besech thee come and helpe vs for we ar very miserable On this sort I say dearelye beloued let vs publikelye and priuately bewaile oure sinnes but so that hereto we ioyne ceasing from wilfulnes and sinne of purpose for ells the Lorde heareth not oure prayers as Dauid sayth And o● Saint Iohn it is written the impenitent synners god heareth not Now impenitent are they which purpose not to amend their liues as for example not only those which folow stil theyr pleasures in couetousnes vncleanes carnalitie but those also which for feare or fauour of man do against their conscience consent to the romish rags and resort to the rotten religion communicating in seruice and ceremonyes with the papistes thereby declaring themselues to loue more the worlde then God to feare more man then Christ to dread more the losse of temporall thinges then of eternal in whom it is euident the loue of God abideth not for he that loueth the worlde hath not Gods loue abidyng in him sayth the Euangelist Therfore my deare harts and deare agayne in the lord remember what ye haue professed Christes religiō name and the renouncing of the deuil sinne and the worlde Remember that before ye learned A. B. C. your lessō was Christs crosse Forget not that Christ wil haue no disciples but such as wil promise to denie them selues to take
c thoughe of duetye wee are bounde to accomplishe all that he requyreth and are culpable and gilty yf we do not the same yet he requyreth not these thyngs further of vs thē to make vs more in loue and more certayne of this his couenaunt that he is our lord and god In certaintie wherof as he hath geuen this whole world to serue to our nede and commoditie so hath he geued hys sonne Christe Iesus and in Christ hymselfe to be a pledge and gage wherof the holy Ghoste dothe nowe and then geue vs some taste and swete smell to our eternall ioye Therefore as I sayde because God is your father in Christe and requyreth of you straightly to beleue it geue your selfe to obedience although you do it not with such feelyng as you desyre First must fayth go before and then feelyng wyll folow Yf our imperfection frailtie and many euils should be occasions wherby Sathan woulde haue vs to doubte as much as we can let vs abhorre that suggestion as of all others most pernicious for so in dede it is For when we stande in a doubt whether God be our father we cannot bee thankefull to GOD we cannot hartelye praye or thynke any thyng we doe acceptable to God we cannot loue our neighboures and geue ouer our selues to care for them and do for them as we should do and therfore Sathā is most subtile hereaboutes knowyng full well that if we doubte of Gods fatherlye eternall mercies towardes vs through Christ we cannot please god or do any thynge as we should do to man Continually casteth he into our memories our imperfection frailtye falles and offences that we should doubt of gods mercye and fauour towardes vs. Therfore my good Syster we must not be sluggish herein but as Sathan laboureth to losen our fayth so muste we labour to fasten it by thynkyng on the promises and couenāt of God in Christes blood namely that god is our god wyth all that euer he hathe which couenaunt dependeth and hangeth vpon gods owne goodnes mercy and truth only and not on our obedience or worthines in any poynte for then should we neuer be certayne In dede God requyreth of vs obediēce worthines but not that therby we might be hys chyldren and he our father but because he is our father and we hys chyldren through hys own goodnes in Christ therfore requyreth he faythe and obedience Nowe if we wante this obedience and worthynes which he requyreth shoulde we doubt whether he be our father Nay that were to make our obedience and worthynes the cause and so to put christ out of place for whose sake god is our father But rather because he is our father and we feele our selues to wante such things as he requireth we should be styrred vp to a shamefastnes and blushyng because we are not as we shoulde be and therupon should we take occasion to goe to our father in prayer on thys manner Deare father thou of thyne own mercy in Christ hast chosen me to be thy childe and therfore thou wouldest I should be brought into thy church fayth full company of thy chyldren wherin thou hast kept me hetherto thy name therfore be praysed Now I see my selfe to wante fayth hope loue c. which thy children haue thou requirest of me where throughe the deuyll would haue me to doubte yea vtterlye to dispayre of thy fatherly goodnes fauour and mercy Therfore I come to thee as to my mercifull father through thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and pray thee to helpe me good Lord helpe me and geue me faythe hope loue c. and graunt that thy holy spirite may be with me for euer and more and more to assure me that thou arte my father that thys mercifull couenaunt thou madest with me in respecte of thy grace in Christ and for Christ and not in respecte of any my worthines is alwayes true to me c. On thys sorte I say you must praye and vse your cogitations when Sathan woulde haue you to doubte of saluation He doth all he can to preuaile herein Do you al you can to preuaile herein against him Though you feele not as you would yet doubt not but hope beyonde all hope as Abraham did Fayth always as I said goeth before feeling As certayne as god is almighty as certayn as god is mercifull as certayne as god is true as certayne as Christ was crucifyed is rysen and sytteth on the ryght hand of the father as certayne as this is gods commaundement I am the Lord thy god so certayne oughte you to be that God is your father As you are bound to haue none other gods but him so are you no lesse bounde to beleue that god is your God What profyte should it be to you to beleue thys to be true I am the Lord thy god to others yf you shoulde not beleue that this is true to your selfe The Deuil beleueth on this sorte And whatsoeuer it bee that woulde moue you to doubte of thys whether god be your god through Christ that same commeth vndoubtedlye of the Deuyll Wherfore dyd GOD make you but because he loued you Myghte not he haue made you blynde dumme deafe lame frantyke c Myghte not he haue made you a Iewe a Turke a Papiste c And whye hathe he not done so Verelye because he loued you And whye dydde he loue you What was there in you to moue hym to loue you Surelye nothing moued hym to loue you therfore to make you and so hetherto to kepe you but hys owne goodnes in Christ Now then in that his goodnes in Christ styll remayneth as much as it was Eccle. 2. that is euen as great as him selfe for it cannot be lessoned how should it be but that he is your god and father Beleue this beleue this my good Sister for god is no chaungeling them whome he loueth he he loueth to the ende Caste therefore youre selfe wholye vppon hym and thynke without al waueryng that you are gods child that you are a citizen of heauē that you are the daughter of god the temple of the holye Ghoste c. If hereof you bee assured as you ought to be then shall your conscience be quieted then shall you lament more and more that you wante many thynges whiche god loueth then shall you labour to bee holye in soule and bodye then shall you goe aboute that Gods glorye maye shyne in you in all youre wordes and workes then shal you not bee afraid what man can do vnto you then shall you haue such wisedome to aunswer your aduersaries as shal serue to their shame and your comfort then shall you be certayne that no man can touch one heare of your heade further then shall please your good father to your euerlastyng ioye then shall you be most certayne that god as your good father wyl be more carefull for your children and make better prouision for them yf all you haue were gone then
then they would lose worldlye thinges as experiēce teacheth certeinly it should be muche to our shame which in Baptisme haue vowed and solempnely sworn to forsake the world if we dare not ieoperd a iointe wyth man rather then we woulde lose a good conscience and spirituall treasures He that will not haue gods blessyng it shall be taken from him sayeth Dauyd Therfore my derely beloued beware you are now the temple of the holy ghost defile it not for the lordes sake but kepe it pure not only from all vncleannes of the spirit but also of the flesh 2. Cor. 7. as I trust you wil and crye vppon your father for his strength and ayde which I beseche him of his mercy alwais to geue vnto you my own good frend euen as I desyre to my selfe If in any thyng I could helpe you you may be as assured thereof as of your brother My prayer to god nyght and day you shall haue that for his holy names sake he would blesse you in al thinges kepe you with my good syster your wyfe vnto the verye ende as hys deare elect children Amen Amen From my lodging you knowe where thys v. of August By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ An other letter to Maister Humfrey Hales and his VVyfe THe euerliuing merciful god our deare father through Christ be with you both my most dearely and entierly beloued in the Lorde now and for euer I cannot forbeare but signify vnto you both that my hart is carefull and heauy for the crosse which is come vpon you by the heauy and feareful iudgement of god fallen vpon your father iustly for his denying of god for feare of men loue of these things which he hath left behind him vnto you others God graunt his fact be so imprinted in the hartes of al men especially of you both that his fall maye be vnto you I wil not say arising for yet I trust ye are not fallen but an establishing in the veritie of god whereof who so is ashamed shal at length feele such shame as I beseche God kepe vs all from Happy are they that marke the iudgemēts of god vpon other to come and encrease in repentance Luke 13. to feare gods wrath and iudgements which is alwayes lyke hymsefe if we follow the steppes of them on whom he taketh punishment I nede not to tell you the cause of thys that hath happened vnto your father if it be as I with sorrow haue heard For you know wel enough that tyl he forsoke god gaue eare to the Serpents coūsel began to mamber of the truth to frame hymselfe outwardly to doe that which his conscience reproued inwardly for that which he myngled with the loue of god I meane the loue of the world cannot be in any man without the expulsion of gods loue til then I say god did not departe and leaue him to himselfe to the example of you and me and al others that we should feare euen our selues and our owne handes more then man all the powers of the world yf we therfore should do any thing which should woūd our consciēce The consciēce I tel you is sone woūded yea soner thē we beware of The deuil vseth al kind of desceite to blynd vs from seyng that whiche might wound it but when the stripe is geuen then eyther shutteth he stil vp our eies with contempt to our hardning or els openeth thē to bring vs to vtter dispairing In your father as ye may see the later so in many worldlye gospellers you maye if you will see the other God might deale with al such as he hath done now with your father but because the time of his iudgement is not yet come his wisedome hath thought good to set your father forth as an exāple to al mē as he did in the first world Cain in the .2 worlde Cham in the .3 age Chore c. in christes tyme Iudas in the Apostels time Ananias c. althoughe none wil hartely cōsider it but such as be gods children in dede But heare in comparyng your father thus my derelye and vnfaynedlye beloued in the Lorde I muste praye you not to bee offended or thynke that I doe de●ermynatelye iudge to God I leaue all iudgement but because the fruite to vs declareth no lesse to the admonishment of vs all I trust ye wyll accordyngly consider my collation For your partes as I thynke godly of you both that in dede ye are bothe the the children of god so I pray you comforte yourselues as Dauyd dyd though hys sonne Absolon perished so desperately and thoughe hys father in lawe Achitophell ▪ father to Bethsabe as the Hebrewes wryte peryshed so miserablye Ye knowe Ionathas was not the worse because hys father slew hymselfe nor Bethsabe because of her father Achitophel they bothe were the children of god and so I am assured as man can bee that ye are As they vsed gods iudgements vppon their parentes so doe ye to feare god and loue god the more to flye frō those things which in your father ye dyd see displeased God Oh that I were with you but one halfe houre not only with you to lament but also as god should lend me hys grace to comforte you who by thys iudgement doth tempt your patiēce faith to the cōfort of you both as you shal find I am assured My dere hartes in the lord if I could by any meanes comforte you certainly if my lyfe lay on it I thynke you should forthwith perceiue it but because I can do no more then I can therefore as I can I do that is as to wryte so to send this messēger my good frend and brother with the same to learne certainly the truth herein and the conditiō of your estate My other letter was made before I knewe of thys matter I pray god thys whych by reporte I vnderstande be otherwyse but gods good wyll bee done who geue vs patience and comforte in hym To whome I commende you bothe euen as hartelye as anye frendes I haue in thys life of your estate From my lodging you knowe where thys eight of August Anno Domini 1554. By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ To certayne of hys faythfull frendes in God exhortyng them to bee ioyfull vnder the crosse as a token of gods synguler fauour towardes them GOd our deare and most merciful father through Christe be wyth you my good brother and Syster as wyth hys children for ēuer and in all thynges so guide you wyth hys holy spirite the leader of his people as may be to his glory and your owne euerlasting ioye and comfort in him Amen Because I haue often tymes receyued from eyther of you comfort corporally for the which I besech the Lord as to make me thankefull so to recompence you both now and eternally I cannot but go about lord helpe hereto for thy mercies sake
me Oh that GOD woulde hartelye touche youre husbandes harte so that he woulde gette hym beyonde the Seas althoughe by that meanes I shoulde neuer more corporallye see you as in deede I feare it I feare it but Gods good will bee done I haue wrytten to hym God for hys mercyes sake tourne it to youre and hys good Amen But to come agayne to that from whence I am digressed whereunto you occasion me also by youre letters complayning to me of the blyndnesse of youre mynde and of the trouble you feele throughe talke with some my dearlye beloued GOD make you thankefull for that whiche he hath geuen vnto you he open youre eyes to see what and howe greate benefytes you haue receaued that you maye be lesse couetous or rather impaciente for so I feare me it should bee called and more thankefull Haue not you receaued at his handes syghte to see youre blyndnesse and thereto a desirous and seekyng harte to see where he lyeth in the mydde day as hys deare spouse speaketh of her selfe in the Canticles Oh Ioyce my good Ioyce what a gifte is thys Manye haue some syghte but none thys sobbing and sighinge none thys seekynge whiche you haue I knowe but suche as he hath marryed vnto hym in hys mercyes You are not contente to kysse hys feete with the Magdalen but you woulde bee kissed euen with the kysse of hys mouth Canti 1. You woulde see hys face wyth Moses forgettyng howe he biddeth vs seeke hys face Psalme 27. yea and that for euer Psalme 105. Whiche sygnifyeth no suche syghte as you desire to bee in thys presente life whiche woulde see GOD nowe face to face where as he can not bee seene but couered vnder somethynge yea some tyme in that whiche is as you woulde saye cleane contrarye to God as to see hys mercye in hys anger in bringyng vs to hell fayth seeth hym bring vs to heauen in darkenesse it beholdeth bryghtnes in hydyng hys face from vs it beholdeth hys merye countenaunce Howe dyd Iob see God but as you woulde saye vnder Sathans cloke For who caste the fyre from heauen vppon hys goodes Who ouerthrewe hys house and styrred vppe men to take awaye hys cattell but Sathan And yet Iob pearced throughe all these and sawe Gods worke saying the Lorde hath geuen the Lorde hath taken awaye c. In reading of the psalmes howe often doe you see that Dauid in the shadowe of death sawe Gods sweete loue And so my dearelye beloued I see that you in your darkenesse and dymnesse by fayth doe see claritie and bryghtnesse by fayth I saye because fayth is of thynges absente of thynges hoped for of thynges whiche I appeale to your conscience whether you desire not And can you desire anye thyng whiche you knowe not And is there of heauenlye things any other true knowlegde then by fayth Therefore my deare harte be thankefull for before God I write it you haue greate cause Ah my Ioyce howe happye is the state wherein you are Verelye you are euen in the blessed state of Gods children for they mourne and do not you so and that not for worldly weale but for spiritual riches faythe hope charitie c. Math. 5 Do you not hunger and thirste for righteousnesse And I praye you saieth not Christ whoe can not lie that happye are such How shoulde GOD wipe awaye the teares from youre eyes in heauen if now on earth you shed no teares How could heauen be a place of reste if on earth you dyd finde it Howe coulde you desire to bee at home if in youre iourneye you founde no greffe Howe could you so often cal vpō god and talke with him as I knowe you doe if your enemye should sleepe all daye longe Howe shoulde you elswhere be made lyke vnto Christe I meane in ioye if in sorrowe you sobbed not with hym If you wil haue ioye and felicitie you muste firste needes feele sorrowe and miserye If you will goe to heauen you must sayle by hell If you will embrace Christe in hys robes you muste not thynke scorne of hym in hys ragges If you will sitte at Christes table in hys kingdome you muste fyrste abide with hym in hys temptations If you will drinke of hys cuppe of glorye forsake not hys cuppe of ignominye Can the head corner stone bee reiected and the other more base stones in Gods buildyng be in thys worlde set by You are one of hys liuely stones be contente therefore to be hewen and snagged at that you myghte be made the more meete to bee ioyned to youre fellowes which suffer with you Sathans snatches the worlds woundes contempte of conscience and frettes of the fleshe where throughe they are enforced to crye Oh wretches that we are Rom. 6 who shall deliuer vs You are of Gods corne feare not therfore the flayle the fanne mylstone nor ouen You are one of Christes Lambes looke therefore to bee fleeced hayled at and euen flayne If you were a market shepe you shoulde goe in more fatte and grasye pasture If you were for the Faire you shoulde bee staulfed and wante no weale but because you are for Gods owne occupying therefore you must pasture on the bare common abyding the stormes and tempestes that will fall Happye and twyse happye are you my deare syster that GOD nowe haileth you whether you woulde not Iohn 21. that you myghte come whether you woulde Suffer a little and bee still Let Sathan rage agaynste you let the worlde crye oute let youre conscience accuse you let the lawe loade you and presse you downe yet shall they not preuaile for Christe is Emanuell that is god with vs. If God be with vs who can be agaynst vs The Lord is with you your father cā not forget you your spouse loueth you Math. 8 If the waues and surges arise crye with Peter Lord I perishe and he wil put out his hand and helpe you Cast out your anker of hope and it wyll not cease for all the stormy surges till it take holde on the rocke of gods truthe and mercy Thinke not that he whiche hathe geuen you so many thynges corporallye as inductions of spirituall and heauenlye mercies and that wythout your desertes or desyre can deny you any spiritual comfort desiring it phi 2. For yf he geue to desire he will geue you to haue and enioye the thyng desired The desyre to haue and the goyng aboute to aske ought to certifye your conscience that they be his earnest of the thyng whiche you askyng he will geue you yea before you aske and whilest you are aboute to aske he wyll graunt the same as Esay sayth to his glory and your eternal consolation He that spared not his owne sonne for you Rom. 8 wyll not nor cannot thynke anye thynge to good for you my hartely beloued If he had not chosen you as most certainlye he hathe he would not haue so called you he would neuer haue iustified you he
losse of this life which in dede is neuer founde til it be so loste excepte the graine of wheate fal and be dead it remaineth fruitles You know how that he which was rapte into the third heauen did know what he wrote doth say that as the corne liueth not excepte it bee dead and cast into the earth so truly our bodyes And therefore the crosse should so litle feare vs that euen death it selfe shold altogether be desired of vs as the taylour which putteth of our ragges and arayeth vs with the royall robes of immortalitie incorruptiō and glory Great shame it should be for vs that al the whole creatures of God should desire yea grone in their kinde for our libertie Rom. 8. we our selues to loth it as doubtles we do if for the crosse yea for death it self we with ioye swallow not vp all sorrow that myght let vs from followyng the Lordes calling and obeying the lords prouidence wherby doubtles all crosses and death it selfe doth come and not by hap or chaūce In consideratiō wherof righte deare Mother in that this prouidence stretcheth it self so vnto vs and for vs that euen the heares of our heads are numbred with GOD not one of them to fall to oure hurt surely we declare our selues very faint in faith yf we receiue not such comfort that we can willinglye offer oure selues to the Lord and cast our whole care vpon his backe honouring him wyth this honour that he is euer wyll be carefull for vs and all we haue as for hys deare chyldren Be therfore of good chere euen in the myddest of these miseries be thankefull to the Lorde and prepare your selfe for a further trial which if god send you as I hope so do you beleue that god therin will helpe and comfort you and make you able to beare whatsoeuer shall happen And thus much hauyng this oportunitie I thoughte good to wryte praying god our father to recompence into your bosome all the good that euer you haue done to me especially and to many others bothe in this tyme of trouble and alwaies heretofore Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford To Maystres VVylkinson THe Lorde of mercye in Christe his sonne our Sauiour and only comforter be with you all now and for euer Amen Although presētly I haue litle tyme by reason of this bringers short departing lesse occasiō of necessary mater to write vnto you yet in that it hath pleased god to offer me more liberty to write thē before I had as this reader can report I thought good to signifye vnto you the same with the acknowledging of the receipt of your tokens for the which I neither can nor wil go about to flatter you with thankes in that I know you loke for none at myne hands god beyng the cause and his word the ende wherfore you dyd so to him I know you woulde haue me thankefull and I beseche you praye that I may so bee and not onelye thankefull for my selfe and his benefites towardes me but also thankefull for you to whome God hath geuen to feare his name and loue his truth The which giftes farre passe the riches of the world for they shal perish and be left we know not vnto whō but these gifts of god as they last for euer so they make happy the possessours of the same Go to therfore and pray god to encrease them of hys goodnes as of his mercy he hath begūne thē in you in dede so he wyll For to whome he geueth the earnest of wyllyng to the same he will geue the grace of continuyng yf we reiect not the same as we do when we bee double harred ●4 Reg. 17. and parte our feare and loue as dyd the Samaritanes which feared god and their Adramelech loued gods religion and their olde countrey customes c. If this doublenes come on vs that we feare more the worlde and couple it wyth the feare of God yf we loue the mucke of this molde and couple it wyth the loue of Gods religion then parte we stake then marre we the markette then the spiryte of GOD wyll departe Act. 5. then playe we as Ananias and Saphyra dydde and so sooner or later shall fall to perdition wyth them But as I sayde I thynke no suche thynge of you I thynke of you as of Gods deare chyldren whose hartes are whole wyth the Lorde And therefore I wryte not thys as thoughe you were suche but because it is Gods goodnes you bee not suche because Sathan woulde haue you suche and because manye that were as you nowe bee are suche Therefore to make you as thankeful so carefull to continue but yet so that youre care bee caste all on the Lorde is the onelye cause I write thys and woulde wryte more but that the brynger can not carye And therfore hastely and abruptlye I make an ende besechynge almyghty GOD in our redemer Iesus Christ to bee wyth you and wyth hys holye spiryte comforte you all and helpe my good Syster Maistres W. to bee an happye and a good mother of the chylde of whiche as yet I heare God hathe not deliuered her By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ To my deare Brother in the Lorde Mayster Rychard Hopkyns and hys wyfe dwellyng in Couentrye and other my faythfull bretherne and Systers professours of gods holye Gospel there and theraboutes THe peace whiche Christe lefte to hys churche and to euerye true member of the same Iohn 14. Rom. 8 the holye spirite the guide of Gods chyldren so engrafte in youre harte and in the harte of youre good wyfe and of all my good bretherne and systers aboute you that vnfaynedlye ye maye in respecte thereof contempne all worldlye peace whyche is contrarye to that peace that I speake of and dryueth it vtterlye oute of the hartes of all those whiche woulde patche them both together For we cannot serue two maisters Math. 6 no man can serue GOD and mammon Christes peace cannot bee kepte with this worldes peace God therfore of hys mercy doe I beseche to geue vnto you his peace whiche passeth all vnderstandyng and so kepe your hartes and mynds phil 4. that they may be pure habitacles and mansions for the holye spirite yea for the blessed trinitie Iohn 14 who hathe promised to come and dwell in all them that loue Chryste and keepe hys sayenges My dearely beloued the tyme is nowe come wherein tryall is made of men that haue professed to loue Chryste and woulde haue beene counted kepers of hys testimonyes But weale awaye the tenthe person perseuereth not the more parte doe parte stakes wythe the papistes and protestantes so that they are become maungye Mongrelles to the infectynge of all that company wyth them and to theyr no smale peryll For they pretend outwardly popery The Mongrels excuse goyng to Masse with the papistes tarying with them personallye at theyr Antichristian and
he prayeth for vs. now is not sene elsewhere or otherwise sene then by fayth there vntil he shal be sene as he is to the saluation of them that loke for hys comming which I trust be not farre of For if the day of the lord drew nere in the Apostles time Luke 21. which is now aboue xv C. yeres past it cannot be I trust long hence now I trust our redemers comming is at hande Apo. 6 Then these Masse sayers and seers shall shake and cry to the hylles hyde vs from the fearce wrathe of the Lambe if they repente not in tyme. Then wyll neither gold nor goodes frendeshippe nor fellowship lordeship nor authoritye power nor pleasure vnity nor antiquity custome nor counsel Iohn 12. Doctours decrees nor any mans deuise serue The woorde whyche the Lorde hathe spoken in that daye shall iudge The worde of god shal be our iudge 1. Cor. x. i. Cor. 6. the worde I say of god in that daye shall iudge And what sayeth it of Idolatrye and idolaters Sayeth it not flee from it And further that they shall bee dampned Oh terrible sentence to all Massemongers and worshippers of thynges made with the handes of Bakers Carpenters c. Heb. 7.9.10 Thys worde of God knoweth no moe oblations or sacrifices for synne but one onely whiche Christe hymselfe offered neuer more to bee reoffered but in remembraunce thereof hys supper to be eaten sacramentallye and spiritually accordyng to Christes institution whyche is so peruerted now that there is nothyng in it symply according to the iudge I meane the worde of God Math. 5. It were good for men to agree with their aduersary the worde of god nowe whyleste they bee in the waye wyth it leste yf they linger it wil deliuer them to the iudge Christe in all thynges harken to the worde of god as dyd the Thes Act. 17. who wyll commytte them to the Taylor and so they shall be cast into pryson and neuer come our thence til they haue payde the vttermost far thyng that is neuer My dearely beloued therfore marke the worde harken to the worde it alloweth no Massyng no suche sacrificyng nor worshyppyng of Christe wyth tapers candels copes canapies c. It allowed no Latyne seruice no images in the Temples no prayeng to Sainctes dead no pray iuge for the deade It alloweth no suche disssmulation as a greate many vse nowe outwardelye Hebr. 20. If anye wythdrawe hym selfe my soule sayeth the holye Ghoste shall haue no pleasure in hym It alloweth not the loue of thys worlde i. Iohn 2. whiche maketh ment to doe many tymes agaynst their consciences for in them that loue the world Math. 12 Apo. 3 3. Reg. 18. Rom. ● Math. 16. Mark 8. Luk. 9.14 phil 2. math 7.20 Rom. 16. Acts. 4.5 Ephesi 5. Iohn 10 the loue of God abydeth not It alloweth not gatherers elsewhere then wythe Chryste but sayeth they scatter abroade It alloweth no luke warme gentlemen but yf God be God then followe hym yf Baal and a peece of breade be GOD then followe it It alloweth not faythe in the harte that hath not confession in the mouthe It alloweth no Disciples that wyl not denye themselues that wyl not take vp theyr crosse and follow Chryst It alloweth not the seeking of our selues or of our owne ease and commodity It alloweth not the more parte but the better part It alloweth not vnity except it be in verity It alloweth no obedience to any which cannot be done without disobedience to GOD. It alloweth no churche that is not the spouse of Chryste and harkeneth not to hys voyce only It alloweth no doctor that speaketh against it It alloweth no generall counsayle that followeth not in all thynges Galat. 1 Summa it alloweth no aungel much more thā any such as should teach any other thing thē Moses the Prophets Christ Iesus and his Apostles haue taught and lefte vs to loke vpon in the writen worde of god the holy bookes of the Byble 1. Timot. 6 Math. 7 Ieremy 8. Rom. 16. but curseth al that teach not only contrary but also any other doctrine It sayth they are fooles vnwise proude that will not consent to the sounde worde and doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and byddeth commaundeth vs to flee from such Therfore obey this commaundement company not wyth thē specially in their church seruice but flee from thē for in what thyng consent they to Christs doctrine He biddeth vs praye in a tounge to edify 1. Cor. 14. Math. 6. ●oan 14.15 Math. 26. Luke 22 1. Cor. 12 they commaund contrary He biddeth vs cal vppon hys father in hys name when we pray they bidde vs runne to Mary Peter c. He byddeth vs use his supper in the remembraunce of hys death passion preachyng it out tyll it come whereby he dothe vs to witte that corporally he is not there in the forme of bread therefore sayeth Paule tyll he come He willeth vs to eate of the bread callyng it breade after consecration and drynke of that cup all makyng no exception so that we do it worthely that is take it as the sacrament of his body blood brokē shed for our sinnes not as the body it self bloode it selfe wythout bread wythout wyne but as the sacramente of hys bodye and blood The fruites that follow the worthye receiuyng of the Lordes supper whereby he dothe represent and vnto our faythe geue and obsigne vnto vs hymself wholy with all the merites and glory of hys body and bloode But they forbid vtterly the vse of the supper to all but to their shauelinges except it be once in the yeare and then also the cup they take from vs they neuer preach forth the lordes death but in mockes and moes Transubstantiation taketh away the Sacrament They take awaye all the Sacrament by their transubstantion for they take away the element and so the Sacrament To be short they most horribly abuse thys holy ordinaunce of the Lord by adoration reseruation Apoc. 22 Iohn 5. oblation ostentation c. In nothyng they are contented wyth the symplicity of gods word They adde to and take fro at their pleasure and therefore the plagues o● God wyll fall vpon them at the lengthe and vpon all that wyll take theyr parte They seke not Christ nor hys glory for you see they vtterly haue cast away his word Ieremy 8. Deut. 4 Apoc. 18. and therefore as the prophet saith there is no wisedome in thē They follow the strompet church and baudie spouse of Antichrist which they cal the catholike churche whose foundation and pillers is the deuil his daughter the masse with his childrē the pope his prelates Their lawes are craft crueltie their weapons are lying and murther their end studye is their own glory fame wealth rest possessiōs For if a mā speake nor do nothing against these thoughe he be a
of christ In this life your childrē shal finde gods plentiful blessyng vpon thē whē you are gone and all your goods taken away God is so good that he helpeth the young Rauens before they can flye and feedeth them when their dammes haue moste vnkindly lefte them and trowe ye that God which is the God of the wydowes and fatherlesse children Psa 68 2. Cor. 4. Iohn 21. 1. Pet. 5. Psa 55. math 6. Luke 12. will not speciallye haue a care for the babes of hys deare Sainctes whiche dye or lose any thyng for conscience to hym Oh my dearely beloued therfore looke vp with the eyes of fayth Consider not things presente but rather things to come Be cōtent nowe to goe whether God shal girde lead vs. Let vs now cast our selues wholy into his hands with our wiues children al that euer we haue Let vs be sure the heares of our heade are nūbred so that one heare shall not peryshe without the good will of our dere father Math. 10 Psal 91. who hath commaūded his Angels to pitche their tentes about vs in their hāds to take hold vs vp that we shal not hurt as much as our foote against a stone Let vs vse earnest prayer Ephesi 6. Luke 13. Deut. 6. 3. Cor. 7. 1. Thess 5. Math. 25. 1. Timo. 5. Rom. 12 Rom. 16. let vs hartely repent let vs harken diligently to gods word let vs kepe our selues pure frō all vncleanesse both of spirite and body let vs flee from al euil and al appearance of euill let vs be diligent in our vocation and in doing good to al men especially to them that be of the housholde of fayth let vs liue in peace with al men as muche as is in vs. And the Lorde of peace geue vs hys peace and that for euer more Amen I praye you remember me youre poore afflicted brother in your hartye prayers to god This .2 of September Iohn Brdford An other letter to Maister Richarde Hopkins then Shriefe of Couentrye and prysoner in the Fleete for the faythfull and constant confessing of gods holy Gospell DEarelye beloued in the Lorde I wyshe vnto you as vnto myne owne brother yea as to myne owne harte roote Gods mercye and the feeling of the same plentifullye in Christe our sweete Sauioure who gaue hym selfe a raunsome for oure synnes and price for oure redēption praysed therefore be hys holy name for euer and euer Amen I will not goe aboute to excuse my selfe for not sending vnto you hetherto sufferynge for the Lordes sake as you doe to the comforte of me and of all that loue you in the truth but rather accuse my selfe both before GOD and you desirynge you of forgeuenesse and with me to praye to GOD for pardon of thys my vnkynde forgettinge you and all other my synnes whiche I beseche the Lorde in his mercye to doe awaye for hys Christes sake Amen Nowe to make amends to your ward I would be glad if I could but bycause I cannot I shall hartely desire you to accepte the will and thys whiche I shall nowe wryte vnto you thereafter I meane after my will and not after the dede to accept and take it At this present my deare hart in the lord you are in a blessed state although it seme otherwise to you or rather vnto your olde Adam the which I dare now bee so bolde as to discerne frō you because you would haue him not only discerned but also vtterly destroyed For if god be true then is his word true Now his word pronounceth of your state that it is happie therfore it must nedes be so To proue this I thinke it nede not for you know that the holy ghost sayth that they are happie which suffer for righteousnesse sake that Gods glorye and spirite resteth on them which suffer for conscience to God Now this you can not but know that this your suffering is for righteousnes sake and for conscience to god wards for els you might be out of trouble euē out of hand I know in very dede that you haue and feele your vnthankefulnes to god and other sinnes to witnes to you that you haue deserued this prisonment and lacke of libertie betwixt god your self and I would you so would confesse vnto god in your prayers with peticion for pardon thankesgeuing for his correcting you here But you know that the Magistrates do not persecute in you youre sinnes your vnthankefulnes c. but they persecute in you Christ himselfe his righteousnes his veritie and therefore happie be you that haue founde such fauour with God your father as to accompt you worthy to suffer for his sake in the sight of man surely you shal reioyce therfore one daye with a ioy vnspeakeable in the sight of man also You may thinke your self borne in a blessed time that haue found this grace with God to be a vessel of honour to suffer with his Saints yea with his sonne My beloued god hath not done so with many The Apostle saith not many noble 1. Cor. 8 not many riche not many wise in the world hath the Lord god chosen Oh then what cause haue you to reioyce that amongest the not many he hath chosen you to be one For thys cause hath God placed you in your office that therefore you might the more see his special dignation loue towards you It had not been so greate a thing for Maister Hopkins to haue suffred as Maister Hopkins as it is for M. Hopkins also to suffer as Maister Shrefe Oh happie day that you were made Shrefe by the whiche as God in this worlde woulde promote you to a more honourable degree so by suffering in this roume he hath exalted you in heauen in the sighte of his church children to a much more excellent glory When was it redde that a Shrefe of a citie hath suffred for the Lords sake Where reade we of any shrefe that hath bene cast in prison for conscience to godwardes How could god haue delt more louingly with you then herein he hath done To the end of the world it shall be written for a memoriall to youre prayse that Richard Hopkins Shrefe of Couentry for conscience to do his office before god was cast in the Flete there kept prisoner a long time Happie twyse happy are you if herefore you may geue your life Neuer could you haue attayned to this promotiō on this sort out of that office How do you preach nowe not onely to all men but speciallye to Magestrates in this realme Who would euer haue thought that you should haue bene the first Magestrate that so Christes sake should haue lost any thing As I sayd before therefore I saye agayne that your state is happie Good brother before god I write the truth vnto you may conscience hearing me witnes that you are in a most happy state with the lord and before hys sight Be thankefull therfore reioyce
and for euer may be their whole glorye But this notwythstanding there is that haue gone aboute together yea to sette abroade enormities out of the doctryne of gods moste holye and comfortable election and predestination where the same doctrine hath moe commodities then all the whole worlde can bee hable to conceyue muche lesse to expresse For what destroyeth enormities so much as it doth It ouerthroweth the moste pestilent papisticall poyson of doutyng of gods fauour which is the very dungeon of dispaire and of the contempte of god It destroithe Ethnicke opinion of fortune It comforteth most comfortablye in the crosse and casteth downe all cogitations that would els couer vs wyth sorrowe and dolour in tellyng that all thynges shall turne to the best Rom. 8 It maketh vs modest and putteth away pride in prosperitie by pulling frō men merityng or deseruing It enforceth men to loue carefully to trauail for their brethrē vtterly impugning the cōtempt of any 1 Cor. 1. 1. Iohn 1 ● Cor. 6.3 It prouoketh to piety is the greatest enemy to vngodlines that can be by teachyng vs of what dignity we be of what pryce euen our bodies be tēples of the holy gost mēbers of Christ It engendreth a true desire of our home in heauē so to despise this world the things that this world hath in estimation It maketh man wholy continually to geue ouer himself to be careful not for himself but for others for those things that make to gods glory It helpeth very much to the true vnderstāding of the scriptures preserueth frō errours by knowyng what is to be attributed to the law to the gospel to the ministery to the vocal word to the old testamēt to the newe testament to the sacramentes to faythe to workes to prayer to penaūce to god to man c. For by the spirit of election we see know Christ Colloss 1 in whō dwelleth al the riches treasures of knowledge It setteth vppe Christes kingdome and vtterly ouerthroweth the wisdome power choyce and hahlenes of man that al glory may be geuen onely vnto god But what go I about to recken the cōmydities cōming out of the doctrine of gods election in that they be innumerable This is a sūme Tit. 2. that where a christiā mās life hath respect to god to man to himself to liue godly iustly and soberly al is groūded in predestinatiō in Christ For who liueth godly but he that beleueth Act. 13. And who beleueth but such as ar ordeined to eternal life who liueth iustly but such as loue their neighbors And whēce sprīgeth this loue but of gods electiō before the beginning of the world that we might be blameles by loue Who liueth soberly but such as be holy and who are those Ephesi 1 2 Cor. 1 but only thei that be endued with the spirit of sācrificatiō which is the seale of oure electiō which by electiō do beleue Wherfore my derely deloued in the lord I haue takē in hād at this present something to write to you for your sake in this mater which herewtal I haue sent vnto you aswel to be a help to you herein as also to be a pledge of my careful loue harty desire I haue for your continuāce in the truth wher in I trust you stand presētly whē I am dead burned as I loke for none other so sone as god shal geue leaue to hys enemies for my weale endles ioy in Christ to whō as to a most faithful pastour from the bottom of my hart I do cōmend bequeth you beseching him to watch ouer you night day as ouer one of his poore lābes to kepe you out of the clawes of the Lion mouth of the wolues to his glory and your eternall ioy and comfort in him Amen Al things must be estemed after gods wy● THere is neither vertue nor vice to be cōsidered according to any outward action nor according the wil wisdom of man but according to the wyll of god Whatsoeuer is conformable thereto the same is vertue and the action that spryngeth therof is laudable and good howsoeuer it apeare otherwise to the eies and reason of man as was the liftyng vp of Abrahams hand to haue slayne his sonne Gene. 22. Whatsoeuer is not conformable to the wil of god that same is vice and the action sprynginge thereof is to bee disalowed and taken for euil and that so much the more and greater euill by howe much it is not consonant and agreeyng to gods wil although it seme fayre otherwise to mans wisdome as was Peters wyshe of makyng three tabernacles Math. 17. Mark 9. and the request of some which would haue had fyer to come down from heauen vpon a zeale to god c. Gods will must be sought for in his worde Now the wyl of god is not so knowen as in his word therefore according to it must vice and vertue good and euil be iudged and not accordyng to the iudgemēt wisdom reason and collection of any man or of al the whole world if al the aungels in heauen should take their part Gods word is written in the Bible But thys word of God which is writen in the canonicall bokes of the Byble doth plainly sette forthe vnto vs that god hath of hys owne mercy and good will and to the prayse of hys grace and glory In the Bible is predestinatiō published in christ elected some and not all whome he hath predestinate vnto euerlastyng lyfe in the same Christ and in hys tyme calleth them iustifyeth them and glorifieth them so that they shal neuer perishe and erre to damnation finally Therfore to affyrme teach and preache thys doctryne hath in it no hurt No enormitye is therfore in it no vyce no euil much lesse then hath it any enormities as some doe affyrme to the eyes and spirite of them whyche are guided and will be by the word of god The proposition that sheweth what is ment by election and predestination Which he after proueth by the partes out of the text of S. Paule immediatly followyng That god the eternall father of mercies before the begynnyng of the world hath of hys owne mercye and good wil and to the prayse of hys grace glory elected in Christ some and not al of the posterity of Adam whom he hath predestinate vnto eternal lyfe and calleth them in his tyme iustifieth them and glorifyeth them so that they shall neuer perysh or erre to dampnation finally that this proposition is true and accordyng to gods playne and manifest worde by the helpe of his holy spiryte which in the name of Iesus Iesus Christ I hūbly besech him of his mercy plēteously to geue to me at this present and for euer to the sanctification of hys holy name by the helpe I say of hys holye spirite I trust so euidently to declare that no man of God
we be ashamed hereof for losse of life frendes or goodes he wil be ashamed of vs before his father and his holy Angels in heauen Therfore take hede for the Lords sake take hede take hede defile not your bodies or soules with this Romish Antichristiā religiō set vp amōgest vs again but come away come away as the Angell cryeth Apoca. 18. from amongest them in their Idolatrous seruice least you be partakers of their iniquitye Harkē to your preachers as the Thessaloniās did to Paul that is conferre their sayinges with the Scriptures and if they sound not therafter Esay 8. the morning light shal not shine vppon them Vse much and harty prayer for the spirit of wisedome knowledge humblenesse mekenesse sobrietye and repentaūce which we haue great nede of because our synnes haue thus prouoked the Lords anger agaynst vs but let vs beare his anger acknowledge our faultes with bitter teares and sorowful sighes doubtles he wil be merciful to vs after hys wonted mercy The which thing he vouchsafe to do for his holy names sake in Christ Iesu our Lord to whom with the father and the holy ghoste bee all honoure glorye prayse and euerlastynge thankes from thys tyme forth for euermore Amen Out of prison by yours in the Lorde to commaunde Iohn Bradford To my dearely beloued in the lord Mystres VV. and Mystres VV. ALmighty God our deare and most mercifull father be always with you both my entierly beloued mother and Syster in the Lorde and as hys babes he for euer kepe you vnto hys eternal kingdome throughe Christe our Sauiour Amen I purpose not to go about to render thankes to you for gods great goodnes towardes me by you because I can not Either of you hath so heaped vpon me benefits that it were hard for me to recken the tythes He for whose sake you haue done it and all the good you do one daye recompence you after your hartes desyre in hym In the meane season I beseche hym to reueale vnto you more and more the ryches of hys grace and loue in Christ by whom ye are beloued and were before the worlde was and shall be doutles worlde wythout ende Accordyng to the reuelation your sense or fayth herein so wyll you contend to all pietie and godlines as S. Iohn saith he that hath thys hope wyll purify hymselfe as Christ is pure 1. Iohn 3 For howe should it otherwyse bee but if we bee certainlye persuaded that heauen is ours and we citizens therof but I say we should desire the dissolution of our bodies and death to dispatche vs and to do hys office vpon vs If we dyd certainly beleue we were members of Christ and gods temples how should we but flie from all impuritie and corruption of the worlde whiche commeth by concupiscence If we dyd certainly beleue that god in dede of hys mercy in Christ is become our father in that hys good wyll is infinite and hys power accordyng therto how coulde we be afrayde of man or Deuil Howe coulde we doubte of saluation or any good thynge whiche myght make to Gods glorye and our owne weale Now that we shoulde be certayne and sure of thys that we are Gods children in Christ marke whether all thynges teache vs not Beholde the creation of thys worlde and the gubernation of the same doe not these teache vs that God loueth vs And is gods loue out of Christ the beloued If not his loue as he is vnchangeable Iohn 13. Doth not S. Iohn say that he loueth to the ende whom he loueth Therfore I say the very creatures of god concernyng both their creation conseruation tell vs that god loueth vs that is that we in Christ be his childrē and dearlinges although in our selues and of oure selues wee bee otherwyse namelye chyldren of wrathe Agayne loke vpon the law of god and tell me whether it do not requyre this certainty of you namely that you be gods dere childrē in Christ Doth not god plainly affirme say I am the Lord thy God Doth he not charge you to haue none other gods but hym How then can you perishe if god be your god psal 143 Doth not that make god no god Doth not Dauid say that those people be happy which haue the Lord for their God Besides this loke on your beliefe do you not professe that you beleue in God your father almighty whiche wanteth no power to helpe you as he wanted no good wyll in Christ to choose you Do you not say that you do beleue remission of synnes resurrection of the body life euerlasting felowship wyth the sainctes c. But how doe you saye you beleue thys geare and be not certayne therof Is not fayth a certaintie Is not doubtyng against fayth as S. Iames sayeth Pray in faythe and doubte not for he that doubteth obteyneth nothyng Math. 8 When Peter beganne to doubte he had lyke to haue bene drowned beware of it therfore Moreouer for to certifye youre consciences that you be gods childerne shal neuer finally perish through gods goodnes in Christe beholde your heade your Capitaine I meane Christe Iesus Wherefore came he into this world but to redeme you to marry you vnto hymselfe to destroye the workes of Sathan to saue and seeke that whiche was loste Wherfore suffered he so greate and bytter passions Dydde he it not to take awaye your synnes Wherefore dydde he ryse from deathe Dyd he it not to iustifye you Wherfore dyd he ascende into heauen Dyd he it not to take possession there for you to leade your captiuitye captiue to prepare and make ready all thynges for you to appeare before the father alwayes praying for you If these be true as they be most true why thē stand you in a doubt Do you not therby deny Christ Wherefore were you borne of Christian parentes and in gods churche but because you were Gods chylderne by Christ before you were borne For thys cause you were baptised and hetherto the Lorde hathe thus delte wyth you sparyng you correctyng you and blessyng you but why Verely because you be hys children and shal be for euer through Christ Tell me why hath God kepte you till thys tyme but that he wyll for hys sake haue you euen here made lyke vnto Christ th●t elsewhere you may so be Why hathe he opened youre eyes from Popery but because you be hys childerne in deede When you do praye doe you not call hym father Why doe you doubte of it then Why wyll you beleue the Deuil more thē God your father the Sonne and the holy ghoste more then the holye worde of GOD bothe in the lawe and in Gospell more then all the blessynges and castigations of God Do not all these preach to you and tell you that you are gods babes throughe Christ Therefore my derely beloued beleue it and geue not place to the Deuill but withstand hym strong in fayth Marke 9 Luk.
father for as for the fansie of fortune it is wicked Amos. 3 Thren 3 Math. 10 Esaye 45. as many places of the scripture do teach we must nedes to the cōmendation of gods iustice for in al his doings he is iuste ackdowledge in our selues that we haue deserued at the hands of our heauenly father this hys crosse or rodde fallen vpon vs. We haue deserued it if not by our vnthankfulnesse slouthfulnesse negligence intemperancie vncleannes and other sinnes cōmitted often by vs wherof our consciences can wil accuse vs if we cal thē to counsell with the examination of our former lyfe yet at least by our originall byrth sinne as by doubting of the greatnes of gods anger and mercy by self loue cōcupiscence Psal 51 Heb. 12 Gala. 5. and such like sinnes which as we brought with vs into this worlde so doe the same alwaye abyde in vs and euen as a spring doe alwayes bring somthyng forth in acte with vs notwithstanding the continual fighte of Gods spirite in vs agaynst it The fyrst commoditie therfore that the crosse bringeth is knowledge and that double of God and of our selues Psalm 51. Genesi 8. Ierem. 17. Ephesi 17. 1. Regū 8. Genes 42. Of God that he is iust pure hateth synne Of our selues that we are borne in synne are from toppe to toe defyled wyth concupiscence and corruptiō out of the which hath spronge all the euils that euer at any tyme we haue spokē done The greatest and most speciall wherof by the crosse we are occasioned to cal to minde as did the brethren of Ioseph theyr euill facte against him when the crosse once came vpon thē And so by it we come to the fyrst steppe to get health for our soules that is we are driuen to knowe our sinnes originall and actuall by Gods iustice declared in the crosse Secondly the ende wherfore God declareth hys iustice against our synne original and actual woulde by hys crosse haue vs to consider the same and to cal to minde our former euill deedes the end hereof I saye is thys that we myghte lament be sory sygh and pray for pardon that so doing we myghte obtayne the same by the meanes of fayth in the merites of Iesus Christ hys deare Sonne and further that we being humbled because of the euill that dwelleth in vs might become thankefull for Gods goodnes and loue in continual watchyng and warynes to suppresse the euill which lyeth in vs Iacob 1. that it bring not forth fruites to death at any time This second commoditie of the crosse therfore must we not count to be a simple knowledge onlye but a great gayne of Gods mercy with wonderful riche and precious vertues of fayth repentaunce remission of sinnes humilitie thankefulnesse mortification and diligence in doing good Not that properly the crosse worketh these thinges of it selfe but because the crosse is the meane and way by the which God worketh the knowledge and felyng of these thynges in his children as many both testimonyes and examples in Scriptures are easely found of them that diligentlye waye what therein they read To these too commodities of the crosse ioyne the thyrd of Gods singuler wisedome that it may be coupled with hys iustice and mercye On thys sorte therfore let vs conceaue when we see the Gospell of God and hys Churche persecuted and troubled as now with vs it is that because the greate learned and wise men of the worlde vse not their wisedome to loue and ferue God as to naturall wisedome and reason he openeth hym selfe manifestlye by hys visible creatures Rom. 1. therefore doth God iustlye infatuate and make them folysh geuyng them vppe to vnsensiblenes especially herein For on thys maner reason they concerning the affliction whiche commeth for the Gospell If saye they thys were Gods woorde if these people were Gods children surelye God woulde then blesse and prosper them their doctrine But nowe in that there is no doctrine so much hated no people so muche persecuted as they bee therefore it can not bee of GOD. Rather this is of God whiche our Queene olde Byshops haue professed For how hath God preserued thē and kept them what a notable victorye hath GOD geuen vnto her where it was impossible that thynges shoulde so haue come to passe as they haue done And dyd not the greate Captayne confesse hys faulte that he was oute of the way and not of the fayth which these gospellers professe How many are come agayne from that which they professed to be gods word The most part of thys realme notwithstanding the diligence of preachers to persuade them concerning this new learnyng which nowe is persecuted neuer consented to it in harte as experience teacheth And what plagues haue come vpon this realme sythen this gospel as they cal it came in amongest vs Afore we had plentye but now there is nothing like as it was Moreouer al the houses of the Parliamente haue ouerthrowne the lawes made for the stablishyng of thys gospell and religion and newe lawes are erected for the continuance of the contrary How miraculously dothe God confounde their doctrine and confyrme oures For how was wyat ouerthrowne How prosperously came in our Kyng Howe hathe God blessed our Quene wyth fruite of wombe How is the Popes holines restored agayne to hys ryght All these do teache plainelye that thys their doctrine is not gods word Thus reason the worldly wyse whiche see not gods wisdome For els yf they considered that there was wyth vs vnthankefulnes for the gospell no amendment of lyfe but all kynde of contempt of God all kynde of shameles sinnyng ensued the preachyng of the Gospel they must nedes see that God coulde not but chastice and correct and as he let Sathan loose Apoc. 20. after he had bounde hym a certaine time for vnthankefulnes of men so to let these Champions of Sathan runne abroade by them to plague vs for oure vnthankefulnes Greate was gods anger against Achab because he saued Benadad kyng of Siria after he had geuen hym into his handes 3. Reg. 20. and afterwarde it turned to hys owne destruction God would that double sorrow should haue bene repayde to them by cause of the sorowe they dyd to the sayntes of God Read the .18 of the reuelation As for the victory geuen to the Quenes hyghnes if men had any godly witte they myght see many thyngs in it First god hath done it to wynne her harte to the Gospel Agayne he hathe done it aswel because they that wente agaynst her put their trust in horses and power of men and not in God as because in their doyng they soughte not the propagation of gods gospell which thyng is now plainlye sene Therfore no maruayle why god fought against them would they were hypocrites and vnder the cloke of the Gospel would haue debarred the Quenes highnes of her right but god would not so cloke them Now for the relentyng
not kepe away the foules from picking it vp would he so bestow his sede in you as he hath if that he would not hedge in your hartes his field frō commō pathes frō breaking in of beastes to destroy it Wil he be more careles thē a good husbandmā to wede out the wedes which are in vs lest they should ouergrow the corne of hys word Wil not he bestow mucke marle vpon vs that we may bring forth more fruite Yf in a good husbandman this be not lacking alas how should we thinke then but that the lord god a good husbandman nothing but good only good how I say should it be but that he is moste careful to kepe his sede alredy sowē in your hartes by the ministery of vs other his preachers that to the bringing forth of iust and ful frutes He that hath begōne with you doute not my derely beloued but that he wil happely make an end with you He hath begon to sow his sede in you as I dare say ye feele it be sure thē that al this wil follow First he wil haue Skarecrowes in your hartes I meane such sparkcles of his feare wil he droppe yea already he hath dropped into you that the birdes of the aire vain euil cogitatiōs shal not be cherished of you but expelled by crieng to the lord for his help Secōdly he wil make such hedges as shal kepe you aswell from by pathes of al euil customes vsages as also preserue you frō the power of euil dominiō of sinne which would haue the vpper hād on you Thirdly he wil doutles poure such showres vpō you to supple you so ●ede you so mucke marle you by tēptation other exercises that the Sunshine of persecutiō shall make more to the ripenyng of hys seede in you then to the witheryng of it away These thynges my dearely beloued the Lord god which hath begonne them in you and for you wyll continue with you that in the ende you maye be broughte into hys barne there to reste wyth hym in eternall felicitie For Gods sake therfore wayte and looke for no lesse then I haue told you at hys handes a greater seruice can you not geue him Yf god kepe not the order I haue told you but perchaūce beginne to mucke and marle you to poure hys showers vpō you to nippe you with his weeding tonges c reioice be glad that God wyll doe that in you and wyth you at once which a long tyme he hath bene a workyng in for others Now vndoubtedly great showers are fallen to supple our hartes that gods word might enter therin and take roote Now the Lord goeth a weedyng to weede out of vs oure carnality securirye couetousnes selfe loue forgetfulnes of God loue of this world Now the lord doth mucke mar●e vs loading vs wyth heapes and burdens of crosses that our hartes myghte be made good grounde to bryng forthe fruite to gods glory by patience as well in suffryng inward temptations and griefes wherof we must complayn to the Lord for hys Skarecrowes to dryue them forth of vs ●s also in sufferyng outward assaultes for the which we must cry to our Maister for hys hedges and defence Which hathe ij partes the one concernyng vs to helpe and deliuer vs and the other concernyng our or rather hys obstinate aduersaries to take vengeaunce vpon them which he will do in hys tyme. Therfore let vs by patience possesse our soules knowing that they which perseuer to the ende shal be saued Let vs not be werye of well doyng for in our tyme we shall reape the fruites therof But rather whiles we haue tyme let vs redeme it in doyng well to al men but specially to the houshold of fayth which thyng hether to you haue done the lord therfore be praysed and in the day of hys comming he recōpence you and in the rest I hope well I meane that you haue declared no lesse in cōfessyng the truth planted in your hartes by your wordes and workes after your uocation to the glory of God I hope you haue godly behaued your selues not being as too many be now a daies euen mungrels geuing halfe to God halfe to the worlde halting on both knees going two waies I meane it of the Masse gospellers which are worse thē any papistes In this point I hope wel of you my dearly beloued that you haue not contaminated your selues that you haue both confessed the truth as ofte as nede hath requyred and also haue refrayned from comming to church now where is nothing but idolatrous seruice ● hope you haue glorifyed god both in soule and body I hope you haue gathered with Christ not scattered abroad I hope you haue drawen no yoke with vnbeleuers nor communicated with other mens synnes but haue abstayned from all appearaunce of euill confessing in harte confessing in tong confessing in dede acte the true knowledge of God which he hath of hys great mercye geuen vnto you not to bee as a candle vnder a bushell but vppon the candlesticke to geue light that men may see your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heauen All thys I hope of you my beloued and also of al puritie of life and godly conuersation not doubting but in this behalf also you haue declared gods veritye in your harte and for the Lordes sake do so still in all poyntes that is in your vocations be diligent and ryghteous towards your selues be sober and pure towards your neyghbours be charitable and iuste towardes god be faythfull and thankefull louing and obedient Vse earnest and often hartye prayer Meditate much vpon and often hearken to the word of god If you be called geue with modestye an accompt of the hope whiche is in you Be not ashamed of Gods true seruice allow not that with your presence which is contrary to Gods wil. Make not the mēbers of Christes Church that is your selues mēbers of Antichristes church Be not ashamed of the gospel or of such as be bound therfore but rather be partakers therof first inwardly by cōpassion prayer c then outwardlye by geuing according to that the Lord hath lent you to that ende and laste of all by suffering wyth vs if God so will and if it be nedeful for you For my dearly beloued be certayne that no mā can touch you or lay handes vpon you but by the will of God which is all good towards you euen as the wil of a most deare father which an not alwayes be angrye or otherwyse vse his rodde then only to chastice and correct not to destroy hys children Agayne be certayne that no crosse shall come vnto you before you nede it For God is oure Phisicion and when he seeth oure soules in perill he preuenteth the peryll by purgation and ministring Phisicke which is the crosse As therfore for the body we follow the aduice of the Phisicions for the health
professours and through the grace of GOD the constaunte confessoures of the same are as it were the out swepynges of the worlde yet I say the veritye it selfe is a thyng not vnworthye for your eares to heare for your eies to see and for your hands to handle helpe and succour accordyng to that the Lord hathe made you able and placed you where you are for the same purpose Your hyghnes and honours ought to know that there is no innocency in wordes or dedes where it is enoughe and suffiseth onely to accuse It behoueth kynges Quenes and all that be in authoritye to knowe that in the administration of their kyngdomes they are gods Ministers It behoueth them to know that they are no Kinges but playne tyrannes whiche raigne not to thys ende that they maye serue and set forth gods glorye after true knowledge And therefore it is required of thē that they woulde be wyse and suffer themselueh to be taught to submit them selues to the lordes discipline and to kisse their Soueraign lest they perishe as al those Potentates wyth theyr pryncipalities and dominions cannot long prosper but peryshe in dede yf they and their kyngdomes be not ruled wyth the scepter of God that is wyth hys worde which who so honoureth not honoureth not GOD and they that honour not the Lord the Lord wyll not honour them but brynge them into contempte and at the length take hys own cause whiche he hathe most chieflye committed vnto them to care for into hys owne hands and so ouerthrow them and set vp hys truth gloriously the people also perishing with the Prynces where the worde of prophecy is wantyng muche more is suppressed as it is nowe in thys Realme of Englande ouer whyche the eyes of the Lorde are set to destroye it your hyghnes and all your honours yf in tyme you loke not better to your office and duties herein and not suffer your selues to bee slaues and hangemen to Antichriste and hys prelates which haue brought your highnes honours alreadye to lette Barrabas lose and to hange vppe Christe As by the grace and helpe of God I shall make apparante yf first it would please your excellent maiestye and all your honoures to take to harte gods doctryne whiche rather through the malice of the Pharisees I meane the Bishops and prelates then your consciences is oppressed and not for oure contemptible and execrable state in the syghte of the worlde to passe the lesse of it For it the doctryne I meane is hygher and of more honour maiestye then al the whole worlde It standeth inuincible aboue all power beyng not our doctryne but the doctryne of the euerlyuynge GOD and of hys Christe whome the father hath ordeyned Kyng psal 72 to haue dominion from sea to sea and from the ryuer vnto the endes of the worlde And truely so dothe he and wyll the raigne that he wyll shake all the whole earth wyth hys yron brasen power wyth hys golden siluery brightnes only by the rodde of hys mouth to shyuers in such sorte as though they were pottes of clay accordyng to that whiche the Prophetes doe wryte of the magnificence of hys kyngdome And thus much for the thyng I meane the doctryne and your dueties to harkē to propagate defend the same But now wyll our aduersaries mainly cry out against vs bicause no man may be admitted once to whist agaynste them that we pretend falsely the doctryne and word of god calling vs the most wycked contemners of it and heretikes schysmatikes traytors c. Al which their sayings how malicious and false they are though I myght make reporte to that which is writē by those men whose workes they haue condemned and all that reteyne any of them publikelye by proclamation yet here wil I occasion your maiesty and honours by this my writyng to see that it is farre otherwyse thē they reporte of vs. God our father for his holy names sake directe my penne to be hys instrumēt to put into your eies eares and hartes that which most may make to hys glorye to the sauegard of your soules and bodies and preseruatiō of the whole realme Amen Iohn Bradford To a faythefull and deare frende of hys entreatyng of this place of S. Paule to the Romaynes The feruente desyre of the creature wayteth when the children of God shal be delyuered GRace and peace wyth encrease of all godlynes in Christe I wyshe vnto you my dearely beloued Because thys morning I had some knowledge more then before I had howe that my lyfe stoode in greate danger that euen thys weke so farre as men myght both by the doynges and sayinges of such as be in authoritie attempted and spoken concernyng me iudge and perceiue I thought good my ryght dearely beloued in the Lord to go about somthyng whyche might be on my behalf as it were Cygnea cantio That is which myght be a speciall comfort to hym beīg thē ready to be burnt as the Swannes soung is swetest a little before his death a Swānes song and towardes you both a monumente of the kynde of my loue and also a helpe or at the leaste an occasion for you to profyte in that whiche I beare you recorde you moste desire I meane euerlastyng life and the state therof And thys will I attempt vpon the laste talke we had betwixt vs when you were here with me I know you haue not forgotten that we talked together of the place of S. Paule to the Rom. cap. 8. concerning the groninges of the Creature and hys desyre of the reuelation of the childrē of god You demaūd whether thys word Creature was to be vnderstand of man or no and I tolde you that though some dyd take Creature there for man because there is no kinde of creature whiche may not be acknowledged in man yet sayde I the texte it self considered with that which the Apostle writeth of Christ Eph. 1. Col. 1. the restorer and reformer of all thynges that be both in heauen in earth and with the argument which S Paule presentlye hath in hand there doth enforce a Godlye mynde to take euery creature there as also S. Chrisostome and. S. Ambrose do for the whole worlde and euerye creature both heauenly and earthly All thyngs I told you were made for man according to mans state so are they When man was without sinne in gods fauour there was no malediction curse or corruption But when mā by synne was caste out of fauour then was the earth curse For the wickednes of the inhabitauntes fruitfull landes are tourned into salte grounde as for their pietie barreine countreyes are made fruitfull Psae 107. The Angels them selues doe reioyce ouer one sinner that repenteth thereby geuing vs notice that in their kinde they lament ouer the impenitent In readyng the Prophets you may see how that all thyngs do depende of man When they Prophecye any great blessing or plague to come to gods
corruption And let vs consider these thinges so that we wholy may bende our selues to put away all the oldenes of our flesh whence in dede corruption and death doth come and that we may prouoke our selues to the newnes of the spirite and the lyfe of Christe wherin is all incorruption and the true taste of the resurrection for to thys ende the holy ghost dyd wryte this by the Apostle That therfore this spirit might lead vs hereunto let vs pray then we shall vnderstand this place of Paule wyth profit If perchaunce it wyll moue you that the Apostle speaketh not of thys delyueraunce of the creature from corruption in anye other place but here neither anye other holye wryter I would you would thynke that the misery of the restauration of Israel also of Antichrist is not expounded but in the Apostels writyngs and that but in one place yea the manner of our resurrection is not written but in .ij. places We oughte to knowe that they are the wordes of the Lorde what soeuer the Apostle hathe lefte to vs written Again the simplicity of this place Rom. 8 is plaine And thus my dearely beloued I haue written to you so muche as I thynke is sufficient about thys mater and therfore nede not to tary herein any longer or to spende anye more tyme about the answeryng of that which is but curiositye God our father geue vs nowe hys holye spirite to leade vs into thys and all other necessary truth in such sort that we may haue a liuely feelyng of eternall lyfe begonne in vs that we may become first new and so loke for new heauen and earthe wherin ryghteousnes dwelleth which God impute to vs and begynne in vs for hys Christes sake Amen Amen Your owne for euer in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ❧ Certayne letters of mayster Thomas Whyttel a godlye and a faythefull Minyster and preacher of gods worde who after he had relented by the tyrannye and cruel dealyng of Bonner returned agayne wyth greate constancye and stoode to the defence of the truthe vnto the fyre The .12 of Ianuary In the yeare of our Lorde 1556. To my beloued frende and faythfull Brother in Christe Iohn Careles prysoner in the Kynges Benche THe peace of god in Christ be wyth you continually dearely beloued brother in Christe with the assistaunce of gods grace and holye spirite to the workyng and performyng of those thynges which may comforte and edifye hys churche as ye daily do to the glorye of hys name and the increase of your ioy and comforte of soule in thys lyfe and also your rewarde in heauen wyth Christ our captayn whose faythful souldiour you are in the lyfe to come Amen I haue greatly reioyced my deare hart with thankes to god for you synce I haue heard of your fayth and loue towards god and hys saintes wyth a most godly ardent zeale to the verity of Christes doctrine and religiō which I haue heard by the reporte of many but specially by the declaryng of that valiaunt captaine in Christes church that stout chāpion in gods cause that spectacle to the world I meane our good brother Philpot who now lyeth vnder the aultare swetely enioyeth the promysed rewarde And speciallye I my condemned fellowes geue thankes to God for your louyng and comfortable letter in the depenes of our trouble after the fleshe sente vnto vs to the consolation of vs al but most specially to me most sinfull myser on mine owne behalfe but happy I hope through godslouing kindnes in Christ shewed vnto me who suffred me to fainte and fayle through humayne infirmity by the workyng of the Archenemye in hys sworne souldiours the byshops and priestes In whome so liuely appeareth the verye visage and shape of Satan that a man if it wer not preiudice to gods word might wel affirme them to be Deuils incarnate as I by experiēce do speake Wherfore who so shal for consciēce matters come into their hands had nede of the wilines of the Serpent to saue hys head though it be with the woundyng of his body and to take diligent hede how he consenteth to theyr wycked writyngs or setteth hys hand to their couenaūtes Sore dyd they assault me and craftelye tempte me to theyr wycked wayes or at least to a denegation of my faythe and true opinions though it were but by colour and dissimulation and alas somethyng they dyd preuayle Not that I any thyng at all lyked their opinions and false papisticall religion or els doubted of the truth wherin I stand but only the infirmity of the flesh begyled me desiryng lyberty by an vnlawfull meanes God lay it not to my charge at that day so I desire you hartely to pray How be it vncertain I am whether more profite or disprofite came therby profit to me in that god suffred Satan to buffit me by his foresayd ministers of myschiefe shewyng me mine infirmitye that I should not boste nor reioyce in my selfe but only in the Lord. Who when he had led me to hel in my conscience through the respect of hys fearefull iudgementes agaynste me for my fearefulnes mistrust and crafty clokyng in suche spirituall and weighty matters in the whiche myne agony distresse I found thys old verse true Non patitur ludum fama fides oculus yet he left me not there but brought me from thence againe to the magnifieng of hys name suspectyng of fleshe and bloud and cōsolation of myne own soule also that I myght fele the disprofite in offending the congregatiō of god which peraduenture will rather adiudge my fal to come of doutfulnes in my doctrine religion thē of humain imbecillity Wel of the importune burdē of a troubled consciēce for denying or dissembling the knowē verity I by experience could saye very much more which perhaps I wil declare by writyng to the warnyng of other if god graunt time for now am I my fellowes redy to go hēce euen for Christes cause Gods name be praysed who hathe hetherto called vs. Pray I pray you that we may end our course wyth ioy and at your appointed tyme you shal come after But as the Lord hath kepte you so wyll he preserue your lyfe styll to the intent you should labour as you do to appease and conuince these vngodly contentions and controuersies which now do to muche raigne brauwlyng about termes to no edification GOD is dishonoured the church disquieted and occasion to speake euyll of the Gospel ministred to our aduersaries But such is the subtilty of Sathan that whom he cannot wynne with grosse idolatrye in open religion them he seketh to corrupt and deceyue in opinions in a priuate profession But here I wyl abrutply leaue least wyth my rudenes and symplicity I shuld be tedious to you desiring you my louyng brother if it shal not seme greuous vnto you to wryte vnto me and my fellowes yet once agayne if you may haue leasure and we tyme to the same and sende me worde
shew ourselues feareful souldiours as it is manifestly declared in the Reuelaciō of S. Iohn where it is written Apo. 2. that the fearefull shall haue their part wyth the vnbeleuing and abhominable in the lake that burneth wyth fire and brimstone which is the seconde death Apoc. 3 Againe it is written in the same booke for our warnyng because thou art betwixt both and neyther cold nor whote I wyll spewe the out of my mouth Now therfore good christians these true testimonies of gods liuely worde depely considered and wayed lette vs chiefly stand in awe of hys most terrible iudgementes Esay 8. Prouer. 3. and be not as they that presumptuously tempt hym Let him alway be our feare dread He now chasteneth he nowe nurtereth vs for our profite delightyng in vs euen as a louyng father in hys beloued childe Heb. 12 1. Cor. 11 2. Reg. 7. to make vs perfect and to haue vs to be pertakers of his holynes He now iudgeth vs not vtterly takyng away hys euerlastyng loue and mercy from vs as he dothe from the malignaunt and wycked that we should not be condemned wyth the wycked world but if we now refuse hys most louing chastising followe the world we must nedes haue our portiō wyth the world Wyde is the gate broad is the way which leadeth to destructiō Math. 7 and many there be which go in therat But straite is the gate narrow is the way that leadeth vnto life and few there be that fynde it Oh how much better is it to go thys narrow way wyth the people of god then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a tyme. In consideration whereof let vs wythout anye more slackyng and further delayes in thys great warnyng by gods louyng visitation submit our selues betime vnder hys myghty hand 1. pet 5 that he maye exalte vs when the tyme is come And thus I wholy committe you to hym and to the worde of his grace which is able to build further beseching you most hartely to pray for me that I may be strong through the power of hys might and stande perfect in all thynges beyng alwais prepared and redy lokyng for the mercye of our lord vnto eternal rest and I will pray for you as I am most bound So I trust he wil graciously heare vs for hys promise sake made vnto all faithfull in his dearely beloued sonne Christ our alone Sauiour whose grace be with your spirit most deare Christians for euer So be it By your Christian brother Iohn Hullyer a prisoner of the Lorde ¶ Iohn Hullyer beyng of longe tyme prysoner and now openly iudged to dye for the testimony of the lord Iesus wysheth hartely to the whole congregation of God the strength of hys holy spirite to theyr euerlasting health both of body and soule I Now most dere christians hauyng the swete comforte of gods sauing health and beyng confirmed wyth hys free spirit be he only praysed therefore am constrayned in my conscience thinkyng it my very duety to admonish you as ye tender the saluation of your soules by al maner of meanes to separate your selues from the companye of the Popes hirelinges consideryng what is said in the reuelation of S. Iohn Apo. 14. by the Aungel of god touching al men The words be these If any man worship the beast and hys image and receyue hys marke in his forehead or in hys hand the same shall drynke the wyne of the wrath of God which is poured into the cup of his wrath and he shall be punished with fyre and brimstone before the holy aungels and before the lambe and the smoke of theyr tormēt ascendeth vp euermore Marke well here good christians who is this beast and worshippers that shal be pertakers of that vnspeakable torment This beast is none other but the carnall and fleshly kingdome of Antichrist the Pope wyth hys rable of false Prophetes and ministers as it is most manifest the which to maintayn their high titles worldly promotions and dignities do with much crueltye daily more and more set forth and establish their owne traditions decrees and decretals contrary to gods holy ordinaunces statutes lawes and commaundements and wholy repugnant to hys syncere pure religion and true worshippyng Nowe what doe they elles but worshippe thys beast and hys image which after they had once already escaped from the fylthines of the world 2. peter 2. through the knowlege of the lord and Sauioure Iesus Christe are yet again tāgled therin and ouercome vsing dissimulation vnfaithfully for feare of their displeasure doing one thyng outwardlye and thinkyng inwardlye an other so hauing them in reuerence vnder a cloke and colour to whom they ought not so much as to say god spede Iohn 3. adioining themselues to the malignaūt congregatiō which they ought to abhorre as a dēne of theues murtherers Iohn 10 EZe 16 as the brothel house of most blasphemous fornicators whose voices being contrary to christes voice if they were of his flocke they would not know but wold fly frō thē as he himself being the good shepehard of our soules doth ful wel in his holy gospel testify Iohn 10. Agayn what do they els I pray you but receiue the beastes marke in their foreheades in their hands which do beare a faire face and coūtenance outwardly in supporting them as other do being ashamed openly to confesse christ and his holy gospel But this fainednes dissimulatiō Mar. 18. christ and hys gospel wil in no wise allow of whō it is said whosoeuer shal be ashamed of me my words in this adulterous and synful generation Luke 9. of him also shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he shal come in the glory of his father with his holy angels Therfore sayth almighty god by his prophet Malachy Mala. 1. Heb. 6 cursed be the dissēblers Ye wer once syghtned and tasted of the heauenly gift were become partakers of the holy ghost tasted of the word of god and of the power of the world to come Luk. 6. 2. Iohn 2. And our Sauiour Christ sayth no man that putteth his hand to the plough and loketh backe is apt for the kingdom of god Therfore S. Iohn the Apostle vseth this for a manifest token that the backesliding frō the true teachers of gods word declareth euidētly that they be not of the nūber of them For sayth he they went out frō vs but they were not of vs for if they had bene of vs no dout they would haue cōtinued wyth vs. Surely so long as we vse dissimulatiō to play on both handes we are not in the light For whatsoeuer is manifest Ephe. 4 the same is light as the elect vessel of god S. Paul witnesseth Wherfore good christiās for gods most dere loue deceiue not your selues through your own wisdō through the wisdō of the world which is folishnes before god but certify
boke the testamēt of Iesus Christ in these woful wretched dais what you shold thinke and what you should stay vpon for a certayne truth and whatsoeuer you heare taught trie it by your boke whether it be true or false The dayes be daungerous and ful of perill not only for the world and worldly thinges but for heauen and heauenly thinges It is a trouble to loose the treasures of this life but yet a verye paine if they be kepte with the offence of god Cry call praye and in Christ daily requyre helpe succour mercy wisdome grace and defence that the wickednes of this world preuaile not againste vs. We began well god preserue vs vntill the ende I woulde wryte more often vnto you but I do perceyue you be at so much charges with me that I feare you would thinke whē I write I craue Send me nothyng tyll I send to you for it and so tell the good men your partners and whē I nede I will be bold of you .3 Decem. 1554. Yours with my prayer I. Hoper A report of hys miserable imprisonment and most cruell handlyng by Babington that enemye of god and of hys truthe then Warden of the Fleete THe fyrst of Semptember 1553. I was committed vnto the Flete from Richmont to haue the liberty of the prison and within vi dais after I payed for my liberty fyue poundes sterling to the Warden for fees who immediatly vpon the paymente therof complained vnto Steven Gardiner bishop of Winchester and so was I committed to close pryson one quarter of a yeare in the Tower chāber of the Fleete vsed very extremely Then by the meanes of a good gentlewoman I had libertye to come downe to dinner and supper and not to speake wyth any of my frendes but as soone as dinner and supper was done to repayre to my chamber againe Notwithstanding whiles I came downe thus to dinner and supper the Warden and hys wyfe pyked quarels with me and complained vntruly of me to their great frend the bishop of winchester After one quarter of a yeare and somewhat more the Warden and hys wyfe fell out with me for the wicked masse and thereupon the warden resorted to the byshop of Winchester obteined to put me into the wardes where I haue continued a long time hauing nothing appoynted to me for my bedde but a little pad of straw a rotten couerynge with a tike and a few fethers therin the chamber beyng vile and stynckynge vntill by Gods meanes good people sente me bedding to lye in of the one side of which prison is the synke filth of all the house on the other syde the towne ditch so that the stinche of the house hath infected me wythe sundrye diseases During which tyme I haue bene sicke the dores barres haspes and chaynes beinge all closed and made faste vpon me I haue mourned called and cryed for helpe But the warden when he hath knowen me many tymes redy to dye and when the poore men of the wardes haue called to helpe me hath commaunded the doores to be kepte fast and charged that none of hys men should come at me sayenge lette hym alone it were a good riddaunce of hym And amonge manye other tymes he did thus the 18. of October 1553. as many can witnes I payd alwayes like a Baron to the sayd warden aswell in fees as for my boord whych was xx shyllinges a weke besides my mans table vntil I was wrongfullye depriued of my bishoprycke And sithens that time I haue payde hym as the beste gentleman doth in hys house yet hath he vsed me worse and more vylye then the veriest slaue that euer came to the hall commons The sayde warden hath also emprisoned my man Wylliam Downton and strypped him out of his clothes to search for letters and could finde none but onelye a little remembraunce of good people names that gaue me theyr almes to relieue me in prisonne And to vndoe them also the Warden deliuered the same bill vnto the sayd Steuen Gardiner Gods enemy and myne I haue suffred emprisonmente almost eighten monethes my goods lyuyng frendes and comfort taken from me the Quene owyng me by iuste accompte foure score poundes or more She hath putte me in pryson and geueth nothynge to fynde me neyther is there suffred any to come at me wherby I myght haue relief I am with a wicked man and woman so that I see no remedy sauyng Gods help but I shal be cast away in prison before I can come to iudgement But I commit my iuste cause to God whose will be doone whether it be by life or death Iohn Hoper ¶ A letter concerning the vayne and false reportes whiche were spreade abrode of him that he had recanted and abiured that doctrine whiche he before had preached THe grace and peace of God be wyth al them that vnfeinedly loke for the coming of our sauiour Christ Amē Deare brethren and sisters in our lord and my fellow prisoners for the cause of Gods gospell I do reioyce and geue thankes vnto God for your constancy and perseuerance in affliction wyshing and praying vnto him for your continuance therin to the end And as I do reioyce in your faythfull and constant affliction that be in prisō euen so do I mourne and lament to heare of our deare brethren abroade that yet haue not suffred nor felt such daūgers for Gods truth as we haue and do fele are like dayly to suffer more yea the very extreme death of the fier Yet suche is the reporte abroade as I am crediblye informed that I Iohn Hoper a condemned man for the cause of Christ now after sentence of death being in Newgate prisonner lokinge daylye for execution shoulde recante and abiure that heretofore I haue preached And thys talke riseth of this that the byshoppe of London and his chapleines resort vnto me Doubtles if our brethren were as godly as I could wish them to be thei would think that in case I did refuse to talke wyth them they might haue iust occasiō to say that I were vnlerned disdained to speak with them Therfore to auoyd iust suspition of both I haue and doe daylye speake wythe them when they come not doubtinge but they will reporte that I am neyther proude nor vnlearned And I would wysh all men to do as I doe in thys poynte for I feare not theyr argumentes neyther is death terrible vnto me wherfore I pray you to make true export of the same as occasiō shal serue also that I am more confyrmed in the truthe that heretofore I haue preached by theyr cōmunication and ye that may send to the weake bretherne abroad prayinge thē that they trouble me not with such reports of recātation as they do For I haue hetherto left all thinges of this world suffred great paynes long imprisonment I thanke God I am ready euen as gladly to suffer deathe for the truthe I haue preached as a
mortall man may be Oh Lord how slipper the loue of man yea man him self is It were better for them to pray for vs rather then to credite or reise rumours that bee vntrue vnlesse they were more certaine thereof then euer they shall be able to proue we haue enemies enough of such as knowe not God Truly this report of weake brethern is a double trouble and a triple crosse I do wyshe you eternall saluation in Chryste Iesu and also require your continuall prayer that he whyche hath begonne in vs may saue vs to the ende I haue taught this truth wyth my tounge and penne heretofore and hereafter shortly will confyrme by Gods grace the same wyth my bloode Pray for me gentle brethern haue no mistrust From New gate 2. February Your brother Iohn Hoper To maistres Wilkinson a woman harty in gods cause comfortable to his aflicted members THe grace of God and the comfort of hys holy spiryte be with you Amen I am very glad to heare of your health doe thank you for your louing tokēs But I am a great deale more glad to heare how christianly you auoyd idolatry prepare your selfe to suffer the extremity of the world rather thē to endaunger your selfe to God You do as you ought to do in this behalfe and in suffrynge of transitory paynes you shall auoyde permanent torments in the world to come Vse your life and keepe it with as much quietnes as you canne so that you offēd not God The ease that cōmeth with hys displeasure turneth at length to vnspeakable paynes the gaines of the world with the losse of his fauour is beggary wretchednes Reason is to be amēded in this cause of religiō for it wil choose follow an errour with the multitude if it may be allowed rather then turne to fayth and follow the truth wyth the people of God Moses found the same fault in himselfe did amend it choosyng rather to be afflicted with the people of God Heb. 11. then to vse the libertye of the kynges daughter that accounted hym as her sonne Praye for contentation and peace of the spryte and reioyce in such troubles as shall happē vnto you for the truthes sake for in that part Christ saith you be happy Math. 5. Pray also for me I pray you that I may do in al things the wil of our heauenly father to whose tuition and defence I commend you To my dearely beloued Syster in the Lord maistres A. W. THe grace of god be with you Amē I thank you for your louing token I pray you burden not your self to much it were mete for me rather to beare a payn then to be a hinderance to many I did reioice at the cōming of this bearer to vnderstād of your constācy how that you be fully resolued by gods grace rather to suffer extremity thē to go frō that truth in God whych you haue professed He that gaue you grace to begyn in so infallible a truth wil followe you in the same vnto the end But my louing Sister as you be traueling this perillous iourney take this lessō with you practised by wyse men whereof ye may reade in the seconde of Sayncte Mathewes gospel Such as traueled to fynde Chryst followed onely the starre and as long as they sawe it they were assured they were in the right way and had greate mirth in thery iourney But when they entred into Ierusalem wher as the starre led them not thether but vnto Bethelem and there asked the citizens the thinge that the starre shewed before as long as they taried in Hierusalem and would be instructed where Christ was borne they were not only ignoraunt of Bethelem but also lost the syghte of the starre that ledde them before Whereof we learne in any case whiles we be going in this life to seeke Christ that is aboue to beware we lose not the starre of Gods word that only is the marke that sheweth vs where Christe is and which waye we maye come vnto hym But as Ierusalem stode in the way was an impedimentte to these wise menne so doth the sinagoge of Antichryste that beareth the name of Ierusalem whiche by interpretacion is called the vision of peace and amonges the people now is called the catholike church standeth in the way that pilgrymes must go by through thys world to Bethelem the house of saturity and plentifulnes and is an impediment to al Christian trauellers yea and except the more grace of God be will kepe the pilgrimes stil in her that they shall not come wher Christ is at al. And to stay them in dede they take away the starre of light which is Gods word that it can not be sene as as ye maye see howe the celestiall starre was hyd frō the wyse men whē they asked of the Phareseis at Hierusalē wher Christ was borne Ye may see what great daungers happened vnto these wise men whyles they were a learning of liers where Christ was Fyrst they were oute of theyr way and next they lost their guide and conductour the heauenly starre Christ is mounted from vs into heauen and there we seke hym as we say let vs therfore go the the●ward by the starre of hys worde and beware we happen not to come into Hierusalem the church of men aske for him If we do we go out of the way lose also our conductor guide that only leadeth vs strayght thether The Poetes write in fables that Iason whē he fought with the dragō in the I le of Colchis was preserued by the medicines of Medea and so wan the golden fleese And they write also that Titan whom they fayne to be sonne and heyre of the highe God Iubiter woulde neades vpon a day haue the conducting of the Sun round about the world but as they fayne he missed of the accustomed course wherupon when he went to hygh he burned heauen whē he went to low he burned the earth the water These prophane histories do shame vs that he christiā men Iason agaynst the poison of the dragon vsed onlye the medicine of Medea What a shame is it for a Christian man agaynste the poyson of the deuyl heresye and synne to vse any other remedye then Christ and hys woorde Titan for lacke of knowledge was afearde of euerye signe of the Zodiake that the sonne passeth by wherfore he now went to low and now to high and at length fell down and drowned him selfe in the sea Christian men for lacke of knowlege and for feare of such daungers as Christiā men must nedes passe by goe cleane out of order at length fall into the pitte of hel Sister take heede you shall in your iourney towardes heauen mete with manye a mōstrous beast haue salue of gods word therfore ready Ye shall mete husband children louers frendes that shal if god be not with them as god be praysed he is I would it were with al other
GOD the feare of God the contempte of the worlde and a constant faythe in the knowledge of hys worde ioyned wyth the workes of righteousnes This is the Summe of all our christian religion which we doe professe which yf we followe happy are we that euer we were borne But if we be negligent in thys it had bene better for vs neuer to haue bene borne for cursed are they that declyne from the Lorde and hys holye commaundementes and haue their delyghtes in the vanities of thys worlde Cease not to followe the image of God and to expresse the same in your selues to the glory of god and then god wil glorify you for his image sake which he saith to liue in you We are all weake in transformyng the same in vs at the begynnyng for our fleshe is cleane contrary to it But we must not geue ouer by lawfullye striuyng tyl we maye say wyth Saint Paule now lyue I but not I but Chryste in me The Lorde graunt that Christ whiche by the gospell is planted in vs may be fashioned in our godly conuersation to the glorye of God and to the good example of oure brethren that our temporall lyfe maye be chaunged into eternall lyfe and oure frendeshyppe in God eternallye endure Amen This last farewel I send vnto you to be a tokē of my loue vntil we shal mete in the kingdom of Christ there to reioyce perfectlye of that godlye fellowshippe whiche here we haue had on the earthe God hasten that meetyng and delyuer you from the temptation whyche is nowe come vppon the Churche of England for the tryall of suche as bee faythfull in the Lordes Testamente to the crowne of theyr glorye yf they be founde faythefull to the ende Lette vs watche and praye one for another that these euyll dayes do not ouerwhelme vs in the whyche our aduersary the Deuyll goeth about lyke a roaryng Lyon sekyng whō he may deuoure The peace of GOD remayne wyth you for euer Wrytē in the kinges Bench by one of the poore captiue shepe of Christ apointed to the slaughter for the testimony of the truth where he doth ioye and wysheth you to ioy praisyng God wyth hym Amen Iohn Philpot. A letter of M. Bradforde to certayne men whiche mainteined the heresy of the Pelagians and papistes concernyng mans freewil whiche vpon occasions were then prisoners wyth hym in the Kinges Benche THe good spirite of god which is the spirite of truth and guide to gods children be with vs all and leade vs into all truth Amen Hetherto I haue oftentimes resorted vnto you my frendes as I thought and by all meanes sought to do you good euē to mine owne charges and hinderaunce But now I see it hapneth otherwise and therfore I am purposed tyll I maye knowe more then I do to absent my selfe frō you ▪ but not my help and by these letters to supply that which by mouth patiently you cannot abide to heare You report me to my face that I am a great slaunder to the church of God which maye be two wayes vnderstand that is by lyuyng doctryne But as for liuing you your selues I thanke god therfore gaue testimonye with me In doctrine therefore you meane it Now in that there be many partes of the doctrine of christ I trow you meane not generally but perticulerly for you in generalitie haue diuers tymes geuē your commendation on my behalfe both to my face and behynd my backe for the which I hūbly prayse my god through Christ In perticularitie therfore you meane that I am a slaunder which as farre as I know is onely in thys to you wardes that I beleue and affirme the saluation of gods children to be so certayne that they shall assuredly enioy the same You saye it hangeth partely vpon our perseueraunce to the ende and I say it hangeth onely and altogether vppon gods grace in Christ and not vpon our perseueraunce in any pointe for then were grace no grace Rom. 11. You will and doe in wordes denye our perseueraunce to be any cause but yet in dede you do otherwise For if perseueraunce be not a cause but onely gods grace in Christ the whole and only cause of saluation then the cause that is to say grace remaining the thing that is to say saluatiō cannot but remayne also Of which thing if wyth the scriptures you woulde make perseueraunce an effect or fruite then could you not be offended at the truth but say as it saithe that the saluation of gods chyldren is so certayne that they shall neuer finally perishe the lorde putting his hand vnder thē that if they fal yet they shal not lie stil For whom he loueth he leaueth not Iohn 13. but loueth thē vnto the ende so that perseueraunce is proper to them and dothe discerne them from hypocrites and such as seme to other to themselues also sometymes that they bee gods children Which if they once were in dede then as S. Iohn saith they shold not sinne the sinne to death 1. Iohn 3.5 1. Iohn 2. Heb. 3. neither shold they go out of gods church but as Paule sayth shoulde perseuer to the ende Now to be gods child is no lesse in al pointes aboue the power of man then to be mans child is aboue our own power but so much it passeth our habililie in all pointes to be gods child by how much thys dignity is greater Again once gods childe in deede and gods childe for euer that is finally shall not he that is so perish eternally if that god our father be both of good wyll infinite and also of power accordyngly and yf the sede of god which remaineth in hys chyldren 1. Iohn 3 Matth. 6. Rom. 6 can kepe them from synnyng I meane to deathe for otherwyse they sinne and therfore praye dailye forgeue vs our debtes c. Moreouer gods children be vnder grace and not vnder the lawe Rom. 4. and therfore sinne shall not dāpne them For where no law is there is no trāsgression transgression I say to fynall damnation for the new couenaunt of god is neuer to remember their synnes but to geue them such hartes mindes that as they naturally lust labour to do that is euil so theyr inwarde man renewed striueth to the contrary and at the length shall preuaile 1. Iohn 3 Rom. 8 Iohn 6.10 Math. 24. Heb. 13 Heb. 3. because he is stronger that is in thē then he that is in the world And S. Paule saith who shall laye any thyng to the charge of gods elect in that god absolueth them for Christes sake of whom they are kept so that it is not possible for them to perish in respect of theyr pastour who is faithfull ouer gods people This certainty and assuraunce who so feeleth in himself by the testimony of gods sprite in dede and of truth the same is happy for euer and cannot but as he hopeth he shall bee lyke to Christ in hys comming