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A19072 Politique discourses upon trueth and lying An instruction to princes to keepe their faith and promise: containing the summe of Christian and morall philosophie, and the duetie of a good man in sundrie politique discourses vpon the trueth and lying. First composed by Sir Martyn Cognet ... Newly translated out of French into English, by Sir Edward Hoby, Knight.; Instruction aux princes pour garder la foy promise. English Coignet, Matthieu, sieur de La Thuillerie, 1514-1586.; Hoby, Edward, Sir, 1560-1617. 1586 (1586) STC 5486; ESTC S108450 244,085 262

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and engendreth within vs an amendment of life readie obedience and loue towardes God and our neighbour giueth vnto vs the hope of eternal life and of obtaining what we ask at Gods hands rendreth our conscience peaceable maketh vs to perseuere in the good giueth vnto vs a boldnes to addresse our selues to the throne of grace bringeth with it selfe a constancie and pacience in all aduersities and comforteth vs cleane remouing away all feare anguish vexation of minde For this cause God is called by S. Paul in the beginning of his second Epistle to the Corinthians The God of mercie and consolation And in the sixth to the Ephesians he doth exhort vs to take vpon vs the shielde of faith wherewith we may quench all the fierie dartes of the wicked CHAP. 3. Properties of the truth and how much it is requisite in a Prince and Clergie SAint Paul recommendeth this trueth vnto vs as an especiall and principall part of the armour required to be worne by a Christian Knight and as a bulwarke against all assaults And most excelent is that saying in the 8. chapter of the prophesie of Zecharie where hee exhorteth Euerie man to speake the trueth vnto his neighbour and as the bodie bereft of the soule is nought else then stinking carrion so man depriued of this trueth is no better then a verie infection and filthie carkasse For this cause Plato in his commonwealth ordained for a lawe that aboue all thinges the truth might be preserued And Xenophon bringing in a good Prince vnder the person of K. Cyrus requireth especialy that he be founde true This was also the first lesson which Aristotle taught Alexander the great And Isayah setteth downe a King to reigne in Iustice and a Prince to rule in Iudgement being as an hiding place from the winde and as a refuge for the tempest And a byshop of Cologne declared to Fredoric the Emperour that the bare worde of a Prince ought to be of as great weight as other mens othes and that the trueth ought to bee his chiefest ornament The aunsweare which Charles the fift Emperour made vnto such as would haue perswaded him by no meanes to sende backe Luther being come vnto him vnder his safe conduit is greatly praised saying that though the performance of promises were cleane banished the face of the earth yet it should be kept by an Emperour Our Sauiour also in manie places of the Euangelistes commaundeth vs in any wise to keepe truth and nameth himselfe the sonne of Iustice and the essentiall truth On the other side the Diuell is called a lyer and the father thereof to the end that euerie one abyding in God who is the soueraigne good and hauing him for a father Lorde Sauiour and Protectour might be founde true and that we should not serue so wicked a murtherer and cruell deceauer as Sathan and that we shoulde abhor lying with which he onely serueth his turne to extinguish the light of the truth the onely life of the soule And Iob sayth that the wicked abhor the light they knowe not the wayes therof nor continue in the pathes thereof The Catholique Church is likewise called of S. Paul The pillar and grounde of trueth And Lactantius calleth it the fountaine of trueth house of faith and temple of God into which who so doth not enter is cleane shut vp from anie hope of eternall life For out of her is there no saluation to be found but euen as it fared with them that were without the Arke of Noah in the time of the flood And our religion hath beene founded vppon faith which dependeth of this truth which alone hath much more vertue than Cicero would attribute to Philosophie as in casting out of spirits remouing vaine solitarinesse deliuering vs from lusts and chasing away all feare For she teacheth vs the true seruice of God how to worshippe his mightinesse admire at his wisedome loue his bountie trust vnto his promises and rule our life according vnto his holie will She cleareth and giueth light vnto the course of reason thorough the knowledge of thinges and guideth our will vnto the true good and taketh away the clowdes of our vnderstanding as it is saide the North winde doth in the ayre And wee daylie see that the afflicted and wretched innocent taketh his greatest comfort in that the trueth is of his side And this truth causeth that parte of our vnderstanding wherein reason lyeth to rule and our will affections and like partes willingly obey thereto and suffer themselues to be gouerned therby And we may the rather be termed men in neare approching to God our patron For all the doctrine of the lawe tendeth to ioyne man through holinesse of life vnto his God as Moyses in Deutronomy sayth to make him leane vnto him For neither the worlde nor anie other creature can make man happie but he alone which made him man And thorough this truth are we deliuered from false opinions and ignorance and in al actions she is the light to guide vs frō stumbling and bringeth foorth all vertues And since that the end of Grammer is to speake aptly and agreeably and the end of speech societie of Rhethoricke to carrie all mens mindes to one opinion And of Logicke to finde out a truth amidst manie falshoodes all other artes doe likewise tende to this trueth And let vs make our senses to serue our vnderstanding and that vnderstanding of ours to serue him by whom it is and doth vnderstand And since this truth is a light her propertie is to chase away the darkenesse blindnesse and ignorance of our vnderstandings and to reioyce and comfort vs as the sunne rising doth to Pilgrims except they be such as our Sauiour spoke of who loue darkenesse more then the light which maketh vs to perceaue what hath beene hidden from vs. And men are more afraide to do amisse by day then by night and we are better able to guide our selues and can yeelde a better testimonie of what we haue seene as our Sauiour sayde in S. Iohn we speake that we knowe and testifie that we haue seene CHAP. 4. Extremities in the truth and how men may speake of themselues and of that which they vnderstande and that men ought not to publish anie writing but of their owne inuention and to some purpose nor to attribute to themselues the honour of a thing well done SInce that this trueth is approued to be a vertue she ought to hold a mediocritie to be set betweene two vitious extremities of either too little or too much as it is saide of the rest of the vertues which make them selues more apparaunt in gayning vnto themselues by those actions which consist in the middest of two contrarie vices as doeth the true tune among discords The excesse and ouerplus shal proceede of arrogancie pride vaunting disdain insolencie
other credible aucthors discouereth the falshood and reproche of these writers shewing it rather proceeded from the lightnes of other nations as in sundrie places in Cicero we may perceiue And Titus Liuius calleth them of Syria Asia and Greece verie light persons Tacitus attributeth as much to the Almanes Scythians What vnconstancie and lightnesse since two hundred yeres last past haue we I praye you seene among Romanes Neapolitanes Genowaies Milanois Florentînes and other Italians which they haue vsed towardes their princes gouernours And for the verie Almaines haue they not oft abandoned their Emperours endured and made meanes that strangers enriched themselues with the spoiles of thempire haue they not serued their turne with the sonne to ruine the father And haue they not afterward left the sonne as a pray vnto the enimie And vppon the like occasions Auentin Crans some other Almanes haue to small purpose and folishly blamed the French men of lightnes fantasticalnes named them by sundrie other iniurious epithetons so as they which see cleare may easily iudge by their verie writings by other authors better trained vp in matters of state seasons of time then they howe they haue written full of backbyting lying pride enuious malice Beatus Rhenanus calleth such historiographers ambitious praisers of their German nation blameth them for so robbing concealing the praises deserued by the French And the saide Italians vnable to excuse the greate faultes cruelties treacheries cowardnesse treasons and dissimulations of their nation goe about to disguyse these villanies with a name of Italian Prudence and to diminish the noble exploytes and enterprises of the Frenche they counterfait a letter of an Italian as it were descended out of the clowdes thereby to giue thereto greater honour And yet in those verie examples which they doe alledge they shewe howe they of their owne nation haue with al their great discourses beene as yll aduised irresolute vnconstant in all their affaires yea and more than any other nation And howsoeuer they enforce themselues to staine the French wee must needes confesse that there was neuer nation that euer enterprised wel guyded nor more happily executed braue loftie enterprises and matters worthie of memorie then the French nor that euer with greater manhood constancie perseuerance hath conquered defended recouered their owne countrie then they did euen at that instant wh●●●hese men so passionately wrote of them Ierosme Beuzo a●… ila●ois who wrote of the West Indies hauing remained there aboue fiften yeres with the Spanyards sheweth how far the Spanish Chroniclers haue spared the trueth do go about to couer the cruelties inconstancies and villanies of their nation of whome parte at their returne home were wel chastened by the French yea and in the verie place by them selues pilling and murthering one an other thorough the iust iudgement of God Moreouer euery one seeth that in that they blame the French to be too open prompt moueable light they might better conster it to a vertue and such reproches setteth them againe in so good away that they take away al occasion of speach as Philip King of Macedon was wont to saie of the rayling Athenians and causeth in them a habit to euerie vertue And to persons of colerique humor as Frenchmen are Galene attributeth prompnesse and prudencie in their actions And this worde of fantasticalnesse in respect of the Frenche may be taken in a signification as other authors vse for a courage and readinesse in all matters worthie praise And they are not to be blamed if they take their partie the best to helpe themselues occasioned by the incommoditie of their enemies nor if they shewe themselues carelesse in small matters the better to be able to atchieue things of greater importance nor if they keepe themselues from the treacheries deceites dissemblings and falshood of faith which their enemies haue euer beene accustomed to vse nor if they render like for like as they are able and occasion may serue And whereas K. Alphonsus and diuers other authors haue greatly blamed Frenchemen because they delighted so much in daunsing they might easily excuse themselues through an old auncient custome which hath bin receiued in sundrie prouinces and by reason of the exercise therin taken so as a man modestly behaue himselfe without counterfaiting a mad man It is to be wished for al that our pathes might bee as wel ruled as our wordes ought to be that daunsing were in lesse estimation then it is especially vpon holie daies by reason of the inconuenience disorder insolencie dissolutenes that ensueth thereon As in time past the Romanes Lacedemonians and other cōmen wealths wel ordered yea the verie king S. Lewys banished out of their townes al vaine plesures which serued for nought els then to effeminate yong men allure them to vice and aboue all they haue beene enimies to dansing which a man easily may gather in an Oration that Cicero made for Murena assuring that no man dansed except he were drunk or mad that such a vice proceeded from the dissolute banquet of drunkennes loue lecherie whereof no man was able to accuse the said Murena being a man giuen to all honest exercises And the same Oratour finding fault with an enimie of his called him a braue danser And in his offices he sheweth that for nothing in the world a vertuous wise mā ought to danse in publike albeit he had so promised And Frederick the Emperour was wont to say that he rather chose to haue an agew then to daunse And Plutarke in his communings at boarde saieth that the Persians neuer durst daunse in presence of their wiues And Domitian deposed one Ruffyn out of the Senate because he daunsed as though he had committed an act vnworthie of an honest man And it semeth they which so wel loue it haue more braine in their feet then hed think to plaie the fooles with reason as Terence saith And Aristotle in his Ethicks writeth of the Milesians that they were not fools but did the selfesame things that fooles are accustomed to do And herein they followe not the precept of the wise man to ponder the path of our feete to let al our waies be ordered aright For vanitie is so great in many men that they altogether studie to keep measure folow the tune in dansing in their actions countenance speach counsels they go hedlong obseruing neither measure wisedom nor reason It is the verie right occupation of iesters iuglers noted of infamie in good commen wealths And to cause laughture pastime they were wont in time past to counterfait persons adiudged to die whereto all great princes ought to take heede that their scepters serue not for a scoff to their subiects thēselues ther by run in contempt The pleasures of the court of Pharaoh are caled in the Epistle to the Hebrues the
vs hauing beene hitherto verie yl considered of the Spaniardes who for hauing exercised all their crueltie and inhumanitie which they were able to imagine against the poore Indians for the most part haue ended their liues most miserably as such as haue entreated of this historie more at large declare and that the same Spaniards counterfaiting as though they would instruct them in the trueth thorough their wicked life and excesse haue most estranged them from it and of a most populous countrie made a most horrible desert This trueth is called a vertue because they that vse to tel the trueth doe loue it and shee hath such a force that wheresoeuer shee is seene shee causeth her selfe to be the rather desired and loued Now since that our Creator of his pure grace performeth all the promises which he hath made vnto vs in the trueth whereof consisteth our assurance and saluation wee likewise ought to make good whatsoeuer in our christian professiō we haue promised to him seruing for nought els then our owne good quiet and happinesse And leauing all togither the Philosophers dalyings touching the true marke and knowledge of the trueth nor respecting their opinions who haue doubted of all things and helde for certaine that no man knew ought seeing how senselesse they were we wil wholie cleaue to common sense the onely meane betweene the senses and vnderstanding and will thinke that reasonable which we haue seene heard tasted and felt and so haue recourse to ech one in his science as Lawyers and others yeeld to Phisitions in their arte and runne to Astrologians when they woulde vnderstande by what meanes the Sunne is one hundred threescore sixe times greater than the earth and sixe thousande fiue hundred and fiue and fourtie times greater than the Moone albeit there be no appearance thereof at all And wil wholly followe the rules and maximes of Diuines who thorough the verie worde of God declare his will infallible trueth And herein it behoueth vs to shunne two faults which S. Augustine doeth thinke greatly hindereth the knowledge of the trueth to wit desperation presumption But most especially to haue a great desire to knowe it as a treasor and true science according to the exhortation of Salomon And humby beseeche at Gods handes that wee may learne and vnderstande it and let vs bende our selues thereto by readinge of good bookes and frequenting of Sermons and honest companie not imagininge wee see more then in deede wee doe see following the lesson of our Sauiour to the Scribes and Pharisees in the ninth of Saint Iohn and in the Chapter going before where he sayde to his disciples If you continue in my worde you verilie are my disciples and shall knowe the trueth So must wee heare the worde of God as beleeuing it and perseuering therein For thorough faith is our entrance thereto In this respect spake Saint Peter in the name of the whole in the sixth of Saint Iohn Master to whome shall wee goe thou hast the wordes of eternall life And wee beleeue and knowe that thou art the Christe the sonne of the liuinge God Saint Augustine likewise is of opinion that mans minde giuen to vice cannot be capable of the trueth Some haue writen that Saint Peter sayde that God did not couer nor hyde the trueth vnder a mountaine to the ende that none but such as toyled farre for her might finde her But as with the heauens he hath enuironed the earth and the hilles so hath he couered the trueth with the vayle of his charitie whereby whosoeuer will knocke at the heauenly dore might easily enter in Therefore it is a matter necessarie that who so will loue the trueth must first knowe her and louing her search her out and searching her must knocke at the gate of the heauenly loue our Sauiour hauing promised that Aske and it shalbee giuen you Seeke and you shall finde knocke and it shalbe opened vnto you And those of olde time haue set downe two principall partes to be especiall in man to wit his vnderstanding and his will which beeing once corrupted turne him cleane from the waye of trueth and leadeth him into an infinite number of discommodities and errours And all good things haue this nature and propertie that they be desirous not onely to bee knowen but likewise to bee beloued and coueted and the vnderstanding doth serue as a meanes to affection to shewe what it shoulde most of all pursue as hereafter wee will more at large declare CHAP. II. The definition of the trueth and faith CIcero writeth that the trueth causeth vs to speake assuredlie without chaunging of oughte which hath beene is or shall bee and that it is a vertue thorough which wee are enclined to speake no otherwise then as wee thinke The which definition Sainct Augustine followed in his Booke of true Religion addinge it further to bee a true signification of the voyce it is taken for the Gospel and the woorde of God the which as Dauid and Sainct Peter saieth is A lanterne to our feete and a light that shineth in a darke place And our Sauioure saieth that this trueth shall deliuer vs from the Worlde sinne and Diuell through faith which wee haue in him beeing giuen vs from God for righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption who came into the worlde to accomplishe the trueth of the promises of God who is as Sainct Paul saieth A light that none can attaine vnto to the which Christe Iesus doeth guide vs being the cleerenesse of the worlde and his reconciliation It is likewise taken for an inwarde integritie and a rule teachinge to liue well accordinge to the holye will of God And when Ezekias desired there might bee trueth in his dayes it is interpreted that thereby hee meant the continuaunce of a quiet and peaceable state And as the trueth conformeth wordes according to the meanyng of the hearte so doeth faith in the promises beeing a vertue which maketh our deedes aunswerable to our promises and a habite through which wee are enclined to perfourme whatsoeuer wee haue promised And our Sauiour in the Gospel of Sainct Matthewe saying that the weightie matters of the Lawe consisted in iudgement mercie and fidelitie by this word of fidelitie meant a trueth farre from anie disguising and treacherie And the Romanes in old time dedicated a temple to Faith the better to cause the people to keepe and reuerence it I leaue to the Diuines the definition of Faith which consisteth in the substance of that we hope for and in the knowledge of the good will of God towards vs of our reconciliatiō iustification founded vpon the promises freely giuen vnto vs in Christ Iesus which quickneth the soule and purifieth the heart maketh vs the children and sonnes of God causeth in vs a desire to walke holie and vnblamable taketh away the poyson abateth the sting of death